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Photosynthesis: Step by Step Guide (Experiments Included)

  • May 10, 2021
  • Science Facts

Have you ever wondered how plants eat or drink? How do they get energy? Well, just like we need food and water to live, plants do too. However, unlike humans, they make their food from sunlight and carbon dioxide! How? They do it by a process known as photosynthesis.

This article will explore photosynthesis and learn the difference between chemical compounds like carbon dioxide, sugar, and energy. We’ll look at how plants store energy as starch.

What is Photosynthesis?

Plants and a few other organisms “put together” organic matter from carbon dioxide and water, using the energy of sunlight to power the process.

It is derived from the Greek word, ‘photo’ meaning light, and ‘synthesis’ meaning putting together.

Plants are the basis for almost all life on Earth: animals (including humans) either eat plants or eat other animals that eat plants. Also, plants provide us with oxygen.

Ingredients for Photosynthesis

When you’re hungry, you may ask your mom for food. However, plants can’t do that. So, they use the nutrients and water present in the soil, light energy from the sun, and Carbon Dioxide from the air to form a compound called glucose.

Glucose is a sugar that plants need to survive on. It’s their form of food, like you eat rice or noodles, they consume glucose for energy!

Why is photosynthesis important for life?

All living organisms on Earth are dependent on photosynthesis. Plants would not survive without photosynthesis, and thus, neither would animals that depend on the plants for food. Autotrophs, like plants and algae, produce glucose through photosynthesis.

Animals cannot do this. Therefore, they eat plants and use this energy in the process of cellular respiration. Otherwise, they get their energy through organisms that feed off autotrophs.

Organisms, who cannot synthesize their own food independently, are known as heterotrophs. These include:

  • Herbivores such as cows and deer, who eat plants.
  • Carnivores such as lions and wolves, who eat other animals.
  • Omnivores such as humans and bears, who eat both plants and animals.

Food Chain Example

So, the plants are the start of all food chains and sustain all organisms. For example:

How Green Plants Make their Food

Green plants carry out photosynthesis by using a special green pigment called chlorophyll.

The chlorophyll inside the leaves captures the energy from sunlight, combines carbon dioxide with water, and makes sugar (glucose).

The plant transports this simple sugar to every part of its body. All in all, the steps involved in this process are:

●     Absorption of Light Energy

Have you seen the sunflower plant moving towards the sun when kept in the shade? This is because the trapping of light energy is key to the process of photosynthesis.

Without sunlight, there will be no energy to make food. So, the first and most crucial step is that the chlorophyll in green plants absorbs sunlight.

●     Conversion of Light Energy to Chemical Energy

Plants cannot directly utilize sunlight. So, they convert it into ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate), a form of chemical energy.

When sunlight is absorbed, the chlorophyll atoms become photochemically excited and lose an electron, thus undergoing a process known as oxidation.

This electron is then used to convert non-usable sources of energy such as ADP and NADP+ compounds to primary chemical energy sources such as ATP and NADPH.

Then, to replace the electron lost in by the photochemically excited chlorophyll, the water absorbed by the plants splits into its two components- Hydrogen and water.

Since, hydrogen has only one electron, it breaks into protons and electrons, and then it uses the electron to bring the chlorophyll back to its original state.

This completes the process of conversion to immediate chemical energy, which is used to form glucose.

●     Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Glucose

When the water splits into hydrogen and oxygen, it undergoes an oxidation reaction as it loses Hydrogen. Similarly, carbon dioxide undergoes a reduction reaction as it gains electrons. So, as a result, water is converted to oxygen gas, and carbon dioxide is converted to glucose.

This is known as a redox reaction. Observe the following diagram to understand it better. A is water converting to oxygen, and B is Carbon Dioxide converting to simple carbohydrates (glucose) in photosynthesis.

Redox Reaction

Photosynthesis Chemical Reaction in Words

Now that you understand how reactions occur and the resultant products are formed, it’s essential to know how to put them into words. One glance over this summarises everything explained above- that is what a chemical formula does!

Photosynthesis Chemical Reaction in Words

The above equation represents the following chain of processes:

  • Sunlight coming in contact with the chlorophyll in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast.
  • Chlorophyll molecules get excited, and water splits into hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Electrons from hydrogen (from the water) combine with Carbon Dioxide. This process is known as reduction, and glucose is formed.
  • Oxygen is a by-product. Since it is of no use, it is excreted or thrown out from the cell.

Chemical Reaction Formula for Photosynthesis

Physical chemistry can be tricky because there are so many terms and factors to keep track of. So, you must understand these simple equations before you are allowed to work with natural chemicals.

A chemical equation is simply a list of all the chemical reactants and products and their relative quantities at its heart.

Chemicals are complex systems that can exist in very different states. Nonetheless, they can easily be represented as simple lists of these elements and their numbers. So, one can describe photosynthesis as:

Photosynthesis - Chemical Reaction Formula

However, this isn’t a balanced equation. According to the Law of Conservation of Mass, mass can neither  be created nor destroyed. Count the number of Carbon atoms on the reactant side (the left side.)

Now, count the number of Carbons on the product side (the right side.) One carbon can’t magically turn into six carbons, right? So, to rectify it, form a balanced equation of the reaction.

6CO 2  +  6H 2 O  →  C 6 H 12 O 6  + 6O 2

Note that the number before the Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Oxygen represents the individual compound molecules.

Therefore, the number of Carbons on both sides of the equation is 6, oxygens are 18 (twelve from Carbon Dioxide and six from water), and hydrogens is 12.

Since the total number of atoms from each element are equal on the reactant and product side, this is now a balanced equation!

What does photosynthesis produce?

The release of chemical energy due to the formation of ATP and NADPH compounds, and the synthesis of oxygen, are light-dependent reactions.

However, a series of light-independent reactions- constituting the Calvin Cycle, actually form the food.

How is glucose formed? Does excess glucose undergo some changes? Read to find out.

The Calvin Cycle

This cycle consists of a series of light-independent reactions- which means they do not directly require sunlight to work. So, they can take place at night or day. They include:

  • Carbon Fixation

One of the most critical functions of carbon is that it can be converted from Inorganic compounds (carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) to organic compounds such as G3P and glucose. This process is known as Carbon fixation.

Before glucose is formed in plants, first, they synthesize an intermediate compound known as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. Here, the carbon from carbon dioxide is used to manufacture G3P- C 3 H 7 O 6 – a three-carbon molecule.

  • Formation of glucose and other carbohydrates

G3P is a raw material used in the formation of glucose. The Calvin Cycle involves 18 ATP and 12 NADPH molecules to synthesize one molecule of C 6 H 12 O 6 (glucose).

It’s also used to form starch, sucrose, and cellulose, depending on the plant’s needs.

Starch also plays a significant role in nutrition in animals. When animals eat plants, their digestive processes break down the starch present to form glucose again.

This glucose is then used as a source of energy for metabolic processes. So, the starch in animals sustains the plant, the herbivore, the carnivore, and the decomposer.

What happens to excess carbohydrates which are not utilized immediately?

When carbohydrates are not utilized immediately, they are stored in various parts of the plant’s body in the form of starch. It’s a polysaccharide- a compound formed by binding a chain of

glucose molecules together. It stores a significant amount of energy for cell metabolism.

The stored starch gives the cell energy to perform all the processes necessary for its survival. Any unused energy is stored as a fat deposit.

Factors that affect the Rate of Photosynthesis

Just as human beings need various nutrients to survive, plants need several environmental conditions for photosynthesis to happen appropriately.

Even if one of the optimum requirements is affected, so is the rate of photosynthesis in plants. So, photosynthesis is based upon several factors. They include:

1. Light Intensity

If the light energy provided to plants is too low, the plants cannot photosynthesize properly. At the optimum amount of sunlight, the plant makes the food faster.

However, the speed slows down again if the light energy given increases above the plant’s maximum tolerance level. In winter or colder areas, the rate decreases and falls to zero at night.

Therefore, light intensity plays a vital role in the rate of photosynthesis.

2. Carbon Dioxide Concentration

Up to the maximum tolerance of carbon dioxide in plants, increasing the amount of exposure to gas maximizes the rate of photosynthesis.

After that, increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the air will not affect the plants.

This is because the plants can only intake a certain amount of carbon dioxide to convert into glucose. So, one can represent the rate of photosynthesis as:

Photosynthesis vs Carbon Dioxide Concentration

3. Temperature

In photosynthesis, a lot of enzymes need to work to fulfill the requirement of energy. However, they can only work at the optimum temperature.

Raising the temperature increases kinetic energy. So the molecules start moving at a higher speed and collide faster, increasing the rate of photosynthesis.

Like in all the other cases, very high temperature is just as bad as very high temperature. In both cases, the enzymes will gradually be destroyed, and the photosynthesis will eventually stop.

Photosynthesis vs Temperature

Energy Result of Photosynthesis

As we have seen, there are two types of reactions in photosynthesis- the light reactions and the dark reactions.

The light-dependent processes synthesize energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.

The dark reaction uses already made energy to manufacture glucose and other carbohydrates, which are further used in metabolic processes required for the plant’s survival.

So, let’s look at these chemical processes from the perspective of energy used and released.

1. Light-Dependant Reactions

Sunlight gives plants the energy to photochemically excite the chlorophyll, which leads to the splitting of water. This allows the conversion of ADP and NADP+ molecules into ATP and NADPH, which can be used in other processes.

2H 2 O + 2 NADP+ + 3 ADP + 3 P i + Light Energy → 2 NADPH + 2 H + + 3 ATP + O 2

2. Dark Reactions

The energy synthesized in the light-dependant reactions is used to reduce carbon dioxide and form glucose. The carbon fixation process takes place here; that is, the carbon gets converted from an inorganic form to an organic compound.

3 CO 2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 6 H + → C 3 H 6 O 3 -phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 P i + 6 NADP+ + 3 H 2 O

Further, it takes 18 ATP and 12 NADPH compounds to convert the G3P molecule into glucose.

3. Respiration

When the glucose molecule is formed, the plant performs a process known as respiration. The glucose molecule is combined with oxygen and breaks down into carbon dioxide and water.

In this process, a considerable amount of energy is released.

This energy is used to help the plant perform all its metabolic functions needed to survive. It’s a constant cycle, which the following diagram can explain:

Energy Release Equation - Photosynthesis

How Do Plants Absorb Energy From the Sun?

As we’ve seen, photosynthesis cannot take place without energy from the Sun. So, the plants have a mechanism set in place to observe light energy.

This is done by the pigment chlorophyll, present in chloroplasts, present in the cells of green leaves of plants. Let’s look at the structure of the chloroplast to help you understand.

Chlorophyll Structure

Sunlight has a lot of components. All the parts have a certain amount of energy. The main components of sunlight used by the plants are blue, red, and green.

With the thylakoid’s help in the chloroplasts (observe the diagram), which contain chlorophyll, the light energy is absorbed—specifically, the blue and red components.

The green is reflected into the environment. Now, can you answer the question, ‘why do plants look green?’ It’s because of the reflected green light!

Look at the diagram again. Can you see that the thylakoids are present in stacks? These are known as grana, which is the site of converting light energy to chemical energy!

The aqueous fluid surrounding them is known as the stroma. The transformation is completed here.

Where Do Plants Get the Carbon Dioxide Needed?

Just like we breathe through our noses, plants have millions of tiny openings on the surface of their leaves. These are known as stomata.

These stomata pores are protected by a pair of guard cells, which regulate the opening and closing of these pores.

When they do open, the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide flows through the stomata, from where it’s sent to the chloroplast- the site of photosynthesis.

Stoma Opening & Stoma Closing

Various environmental stimuli control the guard cells. When all the optimum conditions (water and sunlight) are present, the guard cells swell and curve.

This movement is because it takes in water through a process known as osmosis, which triggers the opening of the guard cells and allows the carbon dioxide to enter.

At night, when there’s no light or the plant wants to conserve water, the stomatal pores lose water through osmosis.

This causes the stomata to become straight, and once again, they are closed. One can also show this process with a diagram:

Why Do Plants Produce Glucose?

Now that we know how plants produce glucose, it’s essential to understand why? Why are these six-carbon molecules so crucial for life? Let’s find out.

1.   Storage

Sun is essential for the release of energy. Therefore, during the winter or the night, when there is not enough sunlight, the plant uses the glucose stored in various parts of the plant.

The process of respiration takes place, and the energy for metabolic processes is released without the presence of the Sun.

Without the stored glucose, the plant would’ve died during the night or the long winters.

2.   Seed Formation and Flowering

Glucose is stored in the seed in the structures known as cotyledons. They allow the seedling to stay alive even deep inside the soil, without leaving to synthesize food.

Furthermore, they provide the energy required for germination and encourage leaf growth. Moreover, glucose stored in some plants also helps in the flowering of some unique plants.

Hyacinths, daffodils, and tulips are some plants that depend upon the glucose to flower. These beautiful flowers attract pollinating agents towards them, which helps the plant to reproduce.

3.   Formation of other nutrients

Several glucose molecules combine to form starch- a complex carbohydrate present in plants.

They also react with nitrates present in the soil to form amino acids, which eventually form proteins. Carbohydrates and proteins are major nutrients for both humans and plants.

Thus, glucose plays an essential role in nutrition.

4.   Circadian Rhythms

Plants need to maintain their body temperature and stay in tune with the day-and-night cycles. So, the formation of glucose in the day and respiration during the night helps the plant to maintain its daily clock and energy reserves.

How Do Plants Eat?

Now, since glucose has been synthesized, the next step is transportation and utilization. So, the sugar is transported through various parts of the plant, where it’s needed.

A vascular tissue known as phloem accomplishes this movement.

Then, similar to humans, cellular respiration takes place in plants as well. Plants convert glucose and other sugars, in the presence of oxygen, into energy.

Carbon Dioxide and water are by-products of this process. Just like you need the energy to breathe, walk, run, study, and survive- plants need it for:

  • Growth processes
  • Making more food
  • Other cellular maintenance functions

So, just like we eat our food, plants synthesize glucose and other carbohydrates and convert them to energy!

Since it doesn’t require light energy, it can take place during the day or the night. So, the plant doesn’t starve.

Role of Leaves in Photosynthesis

Leaves are sites of photosynthesis. So, they have a series of features that help them perform their function efficiently. Leaves have adapted to the environment in various ways, such as:

  • Large Surface Area

Broader leaves can absorb more light energy and thus, increase the surface area for photosynthesis.

  • Shorter Width

The leaves are thin so that the absorbed carbon dioxide has to travel a short distance to reach the chloroplasts (sites of photosynthesis).

Otherwise, a considerable amount of energy would have to be spent on CO 2 transport, which the plant couldn’t afford.

Observe the given diagram. Have you ever touched a vein? Is it harder or softer than the surface of the leaf?

Veins in the leaf provide support, and transport food, water, and minerals as well. They are extensions of the vascular bundles- Xylem (which transports water and minerals) and Phloem (which transports synthesized food.)

Role of Leaves in Photosynthesis

  • Chloroplasts

Of course, the main adaptation of leaves is the chloroplasts with the pigment chlorophyll inside of them.

These absorb light energy, then convert it into a usable form- chemical energy. Without these small components, photosynthesis wouldn’t take place, and life wouldn’t exist.

Role of Water in Photosynthesis

  • Converts NADP+ to NADPH

When photosynthesis takes place, water splits into its components- hydrogen and oxygen. The H + ions are then used to reduce the NADP molecules to NADPH molecules, which can be used to synthesize glucose. It also eventually leads to the formation of ATP- the energy currency of the cell.

  • Provides Oxygen

The oxygen, which is obtained from the splitting of water, is released into the atmosphere and used by animals and humans for respiration. Most living organisms on the face of this planet need this oxygen released by plants to survive.

  • Reduces chlorophyll

When the sunlight hits chlorophyll, it becomes photochemically excited, loses an electron, and undergoes oxidation. So, to return to its original state- water donates an electron and acts as a reducing agent.

Do All Plants Photosynthesize?

We sometimes look at photosynthesis as the defining characteristic in plants. However, there are some plants, which do not have chlorophyll and do not perform photosynthesis.

Instead, they choose to get their energy by stealing from their neighboring plants. These are known as holoparasites.

They are entirely dependent on their host and obtain nutrients required from living off of them. So, they do not need to perform photosynthesis, but the host eventually dies due to the continuous stealing of nutrients by the parasites.

Photosynthesis in Oceans

Have you ever wondered how marine plants perform photosynthesis in seas or oceans, where there is a limited amount of light and carbon dioxide?

So, most marine plants stay near the surface of the water to fulfil their requirements. Furthermore, chemical molecules known as phycobiliproteins are present in some tiny organisms known as cyanobacteria, which absorb the light available in the ocean and convert it into light energy that the chlorophyll can use.

Marine organisms release half the Earth’s oxygen, even though their biomass is less in magnitude than bulky terrestrial organisms. They reproduce faster, a new generation every day or two! More significant numbers help in the process of photosynthesis as well.

Science Experiments that Prove Photosynthesis in Plants

Experiments on photosynthesis in plants are fascinating. Children will soon find out that there is no need to fear biology because it’s been fun all along. The four experiments on photosynthesis in this article will create joy and excitement among children who love science.

Experiment #1

Aim: To prove that plants need sunlight to grow

Materials Required:  A potted plant, a boiling tube, 70% alcohol, iodine solution, bunsen burner, forceps, beaker, water, dropper, black paper, and a petri dish.

  • Place the potted plant in the dark for about 72 hours. This inhibits the process of photosynthesis, and all the leaves become free of starch.
  • After three days, take a strip of black paper and put it on a section of one of the potted plant leaves on both sides.
  • Put the plant in the sunlight for a few hours.
  • Detach the partially covered leaf from the plant and remove the black covering.
  • Boil this leaf in a 70% alcohol solution using a bunsen burner until it loses its green color. This is because we are removing chlorophyll.
  • Wash the leaf with water and add iodine solution with a dropper.

Observation: The whole leaf turns blue-black, except for the section covered with black paper. This is because iodine changes color in the presence of starch. However, since the covered portion did not come in contact with the sun, it didn’t photosynthesize, and thus, starch wasn’t present.

Conclusion: We realize that plants need sunlight to photosynthesize and manufacture food.

Experiment #2

Aim: To prove that Carbon Dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.

Materials Required: A healthy potted plant with long and narrow leaves, Potassium Hydroxide solution, 70% alcohol solution, a jar with a large mouth and cork, grease or vaseline, bunsen burner, petri dish.

  • Open the jar and pour in a couple of millimeters of potassium hydroxide. This absorbs the carbon dioxide gas present in the atmosphere.
  • After three days, choose a long and narrow leaf and put half of it in the jar.
  • Seal the jar and make sure it’s airtight. Put grease on the corners of the cork.
  • Detach the leaf from the plant and boil it in a 70% alcohol solution using a bunsen burner until it loses its green color.

Observation: The half of the leaf exposed to the air turns blue-black due to the presence of starch. The other half was deprived of CO 2, and therefore, it didn’t form starch.

Conclusion: Carbon Dioxide gas is necessary for the process of photosynthesis.

Experiment #3

Aim:  To prove that oxygen gas is released during photosynthesis.

Materials Required: A large beaker filled with water, a short transparent funnel, pondweed, or an aquatic plant such as Hydrilla, and a test tube.

  • Place a few twigs of the aquatic plant into the transparent funnel.
  • Immerse the funnel into the beaker full of water.
  • Now, fill the test tube until it’s almost overflowing with water. Cover the mouth of the tube with your thumb.
  • Invert the test tube and put it over the funnel, as shown in the diagram.
  • Place the setup in the sunlight.
  • Observe until the test tube is completely filled with gas.
  • Take out the test tube carefully without letting the gas out.
  • Bring a burning splinter in contact with the gas. Observe.

Observations: After a few hours in sunlight, there are bubbles in the water, proving the presence of a gas. The burning splint reignites with a pop sound when it’s brought in contact with the test tube- confirming the presence of oxygen.

Conclusion: Photosynthesis releases oxygen.

The Conclusion

Next time you see a tree, stop to hug it. It does a lot of work to make sure that we, humans can live by being one of our resources.

Knowing how photosynthesis works and how it nourishes all the animals in the world should help us realize that plants give us life.

Learning about photosynthesis also explains what makes plants unique. With the information and activities in the article, you now understand what photosynthesis is; and what it means to the environment.


One comment

Dear Angela, Great article on photosynthesis. I could comprehend it easily. It’s explanation method was superb.

Photosynthetic Floatation

Photosynthetic organisms capture energy from the sun and matter from the air to make the food we eat, while also producing the oxygen we breathe. In this Snack, oxygen produced during photosynthesis makes leaf bits float like bubbles in water.

  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Spoon or other implement (for mixing solution)
  • Soda straw or hole punch
  • Spinach leaves or ivy leaves
  • 10-mL syringe (without a needle)
  • Clear plastic cup (1-cup size) or 250-mL beaker
  • Incandescent or 100-watt equivalent lightbulb in fixture (preferably with a clamp)
  • Notepaper and pencil (or similar) to record results
  • Optional: ring stand, foil, thermometer, ice, hot water, colored gel filters

Assorted household items including a lightbulb, a USB cable, a leaf, cleaning products, and other objects on a white background.

  • Make a 0.1% bicarbonate solution by mixing 0.5 grams baking soda with 2 cups (500 mL) water. Add a few drops of liquid dish soap to this solution and mix gently, trying to avoid making suds in the solution.

photosynthesis experiment set up

  • Pour 150 mL of bicarbonate solution into the cup. Try to avoid making suds.

photosynthesis experiment set up

  • Hold the syringe with the tip up, and expel the air by gently pushing on the plunger.

photosynthesis experiment set up

  • Set up your light fixture so that it is suspended about 12 inches (30 cm) above the table. You may want to use a ring stand for this.

photosynthesis experiment set up

Turn on the light, start a timer, and watch the leaf disks at the bottom of the cup. Notice any tiny bubbles forming around the edges and bottoms of the disks. After several minutes, the disks should begin floating to the top of the solution. Record the number of floating disks every minute, until all the disks are floating.

How long does it take for the first disk to float? How long does it take for half the disks to float? All the disks?

When all the disks have floated, try putting the cup in a dark cabinet or room, or cover the cup with aluminum foil. Check the cup after about fifteen minutes. What happens to the disks?

Plants occupy a fundamental part of the food chain and the carbon cycle due to their ability to carry out photosynthesis, the biochemical process of capturing and storing energy from the sun and matter from the air. At any given point in this experiment, the number of floating leaf disks is an indirect measurement of the net rate of photosynthesis.

In photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun, water, and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the air to store carbon and energy in the form of glucose molecules. Oxygen gas (O 2 ) is a byproduct of this reaction. Oxygen production by photosynthetic organisms explains why earth has an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

The equation for photosynthesis can be written as follows:

$$\ce{6CO2 + 6H2O + \text{light energy} -> C6H12O6 + 6O2}$$

In the leaf-disk assay, all of the components necessary for photosynthesis are present. The light source provides light energy, the solution provides water, and sodium bicarbonate provides dissolved CO 2 .

Plant material will generally float in water. This is because leaves have air in the spaces between cells, which helps them collect CO 2 gas from their environment to use in photosynthesis. When you apply a gentle vacuum to the leaf disks in solution, this air is forced out and replaced with solution, causing the leaves to sink.

When you see tiny bubbles forming on the leaf disks during this experiment, you’re actually observing the net production of O 2 gas as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Accumulation of O 2 on the disks causes them to float. The rate of production of O 2 can be affected by the intensity of the light source, but there is a maximum rate after which more light energy will not increase photosynthesis.

To use the energy stored by photosynthesis, plants (like all other organisms with mitochondria) use the process of respiration, which is basically the reverse of photosynthesis. In respiration, glucose is broken down to produce energy that can be used by the cell, a reaction that uses O 2 and produces CO 2 as a byproduct. Because the leaf disks are living plant material that still require energy, they are simultaneously using O 2 gas during respiration and producing O 2 gas during photosynthesis. Therefore, the bubbles of O 2 that you see represent the net products of photosynthesis, minus the O 2 used by respiration.

When you put floating leaf disks in the dark, they will eventually sink. Without light energy, no photosynthesis will occur, so no more O 2 gas will be produced. However, respiration continues in the dark, so the disks will use the accumulated O 2 gas. They will also produce CO 2 gas during respiration, but CO 2 dissolves into the surrounding water much more easily than O 2 gas does and isn’t trapped in the interstitial spaces.

Try changing other factors that might affect photosynthesis and see what happens. How long does it take for the disks to float under different conditions? For example, you can compare the effects of different types of light sources—lower- or higher-wattage incandescent, fluorescent, or LED bulbs. You can change the temperature of the solution by placing the beaker in an ice bath or a larger container of hot water. You can increase or decrease the concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the solution, or eliminate it entirely. You can try to identify the range of wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis by wrapping and covering the beaker with colored gel filters that remove certain wavelengths.

This experiment is extremely amenable to manipulations, making it possible for students to design investigations that will quantify the effects of different variables on the rate of photosynthesis. It is helpful to have students familiar with the basic protocol prior to changing the experimental conditions.

Ask your students to think carefully about how to isolate one variable at a time. It is important to hold certain parts of the experimental setup constant—for example, the distance from the light source to the beaker, the type of light bulb used, the temperature of the solution, the height of the solution, and so on. Certain treatments may eliminate photosynthesis altogether—water with no bicarbonate, very low temperature, and total darkness.

A typical way to collect data in this assay is to record the number of disks floating at regular one-minute time intervals. This is easily graphed, with time on the x-axis and number of floaters on the y-axis.

To make comparisons between treatments, the number traditionally used is the time point at which half of the disks in the sample were floating, also known as the E50.

This experiment was originally described in Steucek, Guy L., Robert J. Hill, and Class/Summer 1982. 1985. “Photosynthesis I: An Assay Utilizing Leaf Disks.” The American Biology Teacher , 47(2): 96–99.

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  • Bubbling Plants Experiment to Quantify Photosynthesis

Hands-on Activity Bubbling Plants Experiment to Quantify Photosynthesis

Grade Level: 6 (5-7)

Time Required: 1 hour

Expendable Cost/Group: US $3.00

Group Size: 3

Activity Dependency: Do Plants Eat? All About Photosynthesis

Subject Areas: Biology, Life Science

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Engineers are creative problem solvers

Students perform data analysis and reverse engineering to understand how photosynthesis works. Both are important aspects of being an engineer.

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Explain that photosynthesis is a process that plants use to convert light energy into glucose, a source of stored chemical energy for the plant.
  • Describe photosynthesis as a set of chemical reactions in which the plant uses carbon dioxide and water to form glucose and oxygen.
  • Describe a simple experiment that provides indirect evidence that photosynthesis is occurring.
  • Describe the effects of varying light intensity on the amount of photosynthesis that occurs.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L (www.achievementstandards.org). In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

5-LS1-1. Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water. (Grade 5)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Support an argument with evidence, data, or a model.

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Plants acquire their material for growth chiefly from air and water.

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Matter is transported into, out of, and within systems.

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NGSS Performance Expectation

MS-LS1-6. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for the role of photosynthesis in the cycling of matter and flow of energy into and out of organisms. (Grades 6 - 8)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Construct a scientific explanation based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from sources (including the students' own experiments) and the assumption that theories and laws that describe the natural world operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

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Science knowledge is based upon logical connections between evidence and explanations.

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Plants, algae (including phytoplankton), and many microorganisms use the energy from light to make sugars (food) from carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water through the process of photosynthesis, which also releases oxygen. These sugars can be used immediately or stored for growth or later use.

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The chemical reaction by which plants produce complex food molecules (sugars) requires an energy input (i.e., from sunlight) to occur. In this reaction, carbon dioxide and water combine to form carbon-based organic molecules and release oxygen.

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Within a natural system, the transfer of energy drives the motion and/or cycling of matter.

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Common Core State Standards - Math

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State standards, north carolina - math, north carolina - science.

  • 5 liters (about 1¼ gallons) of aged tap water (tap water in an open container that has been allowed to sit for 36-48 hours to eliminate the chlorine used in municipal water supplies)
  • 15-20 total Elodea plants; these are hardy freshwater aquarium plants sold in bunches at pet stores and suppliers such as Carolina Biological Supply Company (www.carolina.com)
  • string, yarn or twist ties for tying Elodea plants into bunches
  • small rocks or similar objects to serve as weights to hold the Elodea plants underwater
  • 500-ml beakers, 1 per team
  • baking soda, a few tablespoons (sodium bicarbonate)
  • timers or watches with second hands, 1 per team
  • small adjustable desk lamps that can be set up so that their light bulbs are a few inches above the beakers and shine vertically down onto them; flashlights with strong beams that are mounted on ring stands also work; 1 light source per team

An understanding of photosynthesis, as presented in the associated lesson, Do Plants Eat?

(Get the class' attention and ask them to do as you say.) With one hand, pinch your nose closed. Raise your other hand high in the air. Now take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can. When you cannot hold your breath any longer, lower your raised hand and unpinch your nose. (Once all hands are down and no one is left holding their breath, move on.) Why did you need to start breathing again? (From their elementary school studies, expect students to be able to tell you that their bodies need air in order to survive.)

What, exactly, is in air? (Students may not know that air contains more than oxygen.) Most of the air we breathe—the atmosphere—consists of nitrogen gas (about 78%). Oxygen is the next largest component (about 21%) and a tiny part (1%) is made up of argon (an inert gas), water vapor and carbon dioxide.

So, specifically what component(s) of air do our bodies need? (Expect them to be able to answer that it is oxygen.) And what do our bodies do with oxygen? That's right, oygen from the air is picked up in the lungs by the blood and carried to all parts of the body, where it is used by muscles and the brain and all the other organs and tissues of the body. We cannot live without it.

From where did the oxygen in the atmosphere come? (They may know or be able to reason that it is the result of all the plants that have lived on the Earth and have been doing photosynthesis for many millions of years.) Today, you will work in teams to conduct an experiment to see if the amount of light plants receive can affect this production of oxygen.

Overall Experiment Plan

  • In a class discussion format, students establish a hypothesis to be tested by the class in the experiment.
  • Working in teams, students set up and conduct the experiment. Each team conducts two trials: one with the plants lit only by the ambient light available in the classroom when some or all of the room lights are turned off, and one with the plants receiving bright light from the desk lamps. The data collected are the number of bubbles of oxygen that are given off by the plants in a five-minute period, first at low-light levels, and then at high-light levels.
  • Then the groups come together to pool their data from each of the two trials. From these data, students individually determine the mean, median and modes for the numbers of bubbles produced during the two different light conditions.
  • Then students individually graph the data, using bar graphs that show the mean numbers of bubbles and the ranges for each test condition.

Part 1: Generating a Hypothesis

Explain to the class that before researchers start experiments, they first create a prediction about the expected outcome of the experiment. This prediction is known as a hypothesis. A hypothesis is not simply a guess, however. Instead, it is a prediction based on prior knowledge of or experience with the subject. For example, if a gardener wanted to find out if it was really necessary to fertilize zucchini plants, they might grow 12 zucchini plants, but fertilize only half of them. In this case, the hypothesis being tested might be: Fertilized zucchini plants produce more zucchinis than unfertilized zucchini plants. The data collected to support or refute the hypothesis would be the total number of zucchinis produced by the fertilized plants, compared to the total number produced by the unfertilized plants.

Point out that in the zucchini experiment, the gardener collected data that involved numbers. In science, this is usually the case, because numbers can easily be compared and are cumulative for many things that actually happen, as opposed to things that the experimenter thought might happen.

Then, explain briefly how the photosynthesis experiment will be set up and ask the class to determine a hypothesis to be tested. It shouldn't take them long to come up with a statement such as: The plants that receive more light produce more bubbles than the plants that receive less light.

Part 2: Setting up the Experiment

Perform the following steps with some or all of the classroom lights turned off. Ideally, the room should not be brightly lit, nor should it be dark; adequate light should be present for students to easily see.

  • Each team fills a beaker with about 500 ml of aged water for the Elodea. To this water, add a scant one-quarter teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to provide a source of carbon dioxide for the plants, since they cannot get it from the atmosphere like terrestrial plants do. Stir the water until the sodium bicarbonate is dissolved and the water looks clear.
  • Each team obtains enough sections of Elodea plants so that it has about 18-24 inches of total plant length. Arrange them so that all of the plants are at least 1½" under the water in the beaker. Use string or twist ties to hold them together, and then add a small rock to keep the plants from floating to the surface. Point out that the more area exposed to the light above the plant, the more photosynthesis can occur within the leaves. If students form clumps of Elodea, many of leaves will be shaded by those above, and thus may not be able to perform as much photosynthesis. It is best to form the plants into loops that cover the entire bottom of a beaker, instead of a single clump in the middle of the beaker.

Part 3: Running the Experiment

  • As soon as the plants are arranged in the beakers, have the team start timing for five minutes. Direct two team members to have their eyes glued to the beaker for those five minutes, watching for bubbles to rise to the water surface. Announce to the third team member the sighting of any bubbles that rise, so s/he can keep count (using tally marks is helpful) and monitor the time, indicating when the five minutes are up. The bubbles are fairly large, about 2 mm in diameter, and so are easily seen when they rise to the surface.
  • When all teams have counted bubbles for five minutes (it is quite possible that some teams see no bubbles at all), turn on the room lights and have students position the desk lamps directly above the beakers with the light bulbs only be a few inches above the beakers. Once the lights are in place, have the teams again begin timing and counting/recording bubbles for five minutes.

Part 4: Pooling and Analyzing the Data

  • Make a large chart on the classroom board in which teams can fill in the number of bubbles they counted during each of the two light conditions.
  • Once the chart is filled in, have students work individually to determine the mean, median, mode and range of each of the two data sets. Allow enough time so that all students arrive at the same answers.
  • Provide students with grid paper and direct them to make vertical bar graphs that compare the mean number of bubbles in the two light conditions. Be sure that students include titles, axes labels and legends if different colors are used for the two bars. Then show them how they can indicate the ranges of the data by adding a vertical line segment to the center top of each bar, with the lower end of the line segment situated at the lowest number of bubbles observed by a team, and the upper end of the line segment at the highest number of bubbles observed.

Part 5: Interpreting the Data

  • As a class, examine all the data and graphs and revisit the hypothesis. What do these numbers tell us about the amount of photosynthesis that occurred in each of the two light conditions. In other words, was the hypothesis the class tested supported or not?
  • Continue with a class discussion to analyse the data. How do you know that the bubbles you saw rise to the surface were bubbles of oxygen? Students may answer that they know photosynthesis produces oxygen, so the bubbles must have been oxygen. However, without a way to determine the chemical composition of the bubbles, it is only an assumption that the bubbles contain oxygen. They might just as well have been bubbles of nitrogen or carbon dioxide, or some other gas from some other process that was occurring in the plants instead of photosynthesis. Nevertheless, since the plants were exposed to light, the bubbles were most likely made of oxygen. Point out that it is important for researchers to make sure they recognize the difference between what they know about an experiment and what they assume about it.

mean: The sum of all the values in a set of data, divided by the number of values in the data set; also known as the average. For example, in a set of five temperature measurements consisting of 22 ºC, 25 ºC, 18 ºC, 22 ºC and 19 ºC, the mean temperature is 106 ºC divided by 5, or 21.2 ºC.

median: Tthe middle value in a set of data, obtained by organizing the data values in an ordered list from smallest to largest, and then finding the value that is at the half-way point in the list. For example, in a set of five temperature measurements consisting of 22º C, 25º C, 18º C, 22 º C, and 19º C, the ordered list of temperatures would be 18º C, 19º C, 22º C, 22º C, and 25º C. The middle value is the third value, 22º C. If the data set consists of an even number of values, the median is determined by averaging the two middle values. For example, in a set of six temperature measurements consisting of 20 ºC, 22 ºC, 25 ºC, 18 ºC, 24 ºC and 19 ºC, the middle values are 20 ºC and 22 ºC. Thus, the median value is the average of 20 ºC and 22 ºC, which is 21 ºC.

mode : The value in a set of data that occurs most frequently. For example, in a set of five temperature measurements consisting of 22 ºC, 25 ºC, 18 ºC, 22 ºC and 19 ºC, the measurement of 22 ºC occurs most frequently, so it is the mode. It is possible to have two or more modes in a set of data, if two or more values occur with equal frequency.

Questions : Evaluate students' comprehension by asking them questions such as:

  • What "things" are needed in order for photosynthesis to occur?
  • What are the products of photosynthesis?
  • Where in the plant does photosynthesis occur?
  • Why do plants need water in order to survive?

Graph Analylsis: Provide a graph of data from an experiment similar to the one students just performed, and ask them to draw conclusions from it. For example, the data could represent the heights of corn plants, half of which were grown in the shade of a forest and half of which were grown in an open field.

  • What do you think would happen if you left some plants in a completely dark closet for two or three weeks? Why do you think that?
  • Why is it important for crop plants to receive enough rainfall?
  • The Earth's atmosphere did not always contain as much oxygen as it does now. In fact, at one time it probably contained no oxygen at all. How do you think the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere got there? Why do you think that?

The light that comes from the sun consists of light waves of many different wavelengths. In the visible spectrum of light, these range from red with the longest wavelength, to violet with the shortest wavelength. Chlorophyll does not respond equally to all wavelengths, or colors of light. Have students use the same experimental setup to determine what color or colors of light result in the most photosynthetic activity. The only modification they need to make is to loosely cover the beaker with colored plastic wrap or cellophane during the five minutes of bubble counting. Since blue wavelengths are the best for most plants, be sure that this is one of the colors available. If possible, have red and one other color available as well.

photosynthesis experiment set up

Through a teacher-led discussion, students realize that the food energy plants obtain comes from sunlight via the plant process of photosynthesis. By counting the number of bubbles that rise to the surface in a five-minute period, students can compare the photosynthetic activity of Elodea in the pre...

preview of 'Do Plants Eat? All About Photosynthesis' Lesson

Students learn about photosynthesis and cellular respiration at the atomic level and study the basic principles of electromicrobiology—a new field of research that may enable engineers to harness energy at the molecular level.

preview of 'Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration at the Atomic Level' Lesson


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

This content was developed by the MUSIC (Math Understanding through Science Integrated with Curriculum) Program in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University under National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no. DGE 0338262. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the NSF, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: July 12, 2023


The Biology Corner

Biology Teaching Resources

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Photosynthesis Virtual Lab

photosynthesis experiment set up

This lab was created to replace the popular waterweed simulator which no longer functions because it is flash-based. In this virtual photosynthesis lab , students can manipulate the light intensity, light color, and distance from the light source.

A plant is shown in a beaker and test tube which bubbles to indicate the rate of photosynthesis. Students can measure the rate over time. There is an included data table for students to type into the simulator, but I prefer to give them their own handout ,

The handout is a paper version for students to write on as the work with the simulator. The document is made with google docs so that it can be shared with remote students.

There are several experiments that can be done in the lab that would complement this virtual experiment. For example, students can use elodea and measure the number of bubbles released when the plant is under a bright light. Algae beads can also be used to measure changes in pH as the plants consume carbon dioxide.

In experiment 2, students specifically look at light color to determine which wavelength of light increases the rate of photosynthesis. Students should discover that green light has a very slow rate. Their collected data is then compared to a graph of the absorption spectrum of light.


Shannan Muskopf

Explore the natural world through science and sustainability


How to Visualize Photosynthesis: A Simple Science Experiment

Looking for a science experiment that visualizes how photosynthesis works? Check out this simple outdoor science project that requires very few materials and can be done at home or school!

photosynthesis experiment set up

Introducing kids to the process of photosynthesis can be tricky, as this complex chemical process isn’t easily seen; it just kind of “happens” all around us, all the time. The idea that a living organism takes one type of gas from the atmosphere and, with the help of water and sunlight, makes an entirely new type of gas that is essential to our survival, along with food for itself seems almost magical. When looking for a way to help my kids understand how plants perform photosynthesis, I stumbled upon an easy and free experiment that allows them to see the oxygen gas created by green plants.

photosynthesis experiment set up

What is Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (sugar). It is a complex series of chemical reactions that take place in specialized organelles called chloroplasts, which contain the pigment chlorophyll.

During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the atmosphere and water (H 2 O) from the soil is combined with light energy to produce glucose and oxygen (O 2 ). This process is essential for life on Earth, as it provides the basis for the food chain and produces the oxygen we breathe.

What is the Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis?

The overall balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis is:

6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + light energy → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2

where CO 2 is carbon dioxide, H 2 O is water, C 6 H 12 O 6 is glucose, and O 2 is oxygen.

The coefficients in front of each chemical formula give us a bit more information about the “recipe” needed to produce food for the photosynthesizing organism. It takes 6 molecules of carbon dioxide combined with 6 molecules of water in the presence of sunlight to create 1 molecule of glucose and 6 molecules of oxygen.

photosynthesis experiment set up

How Does Photosynthesis Work?

As in most things in science, the process of photosynthesis can be described in even more detail than the general balanced equation shown above. Photosynthesis is a complex process that occurs in two main stages: light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions (also known as the Calvin cycle). Typically this level of detail wouldn’t be taught to students until high school level biology. Here’s a brief overview of how photosynthesis works in more detail:

Light-dependent reactions:

The first stage of photosynthesis occurs in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts, where light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll and other pigments. This light energy is used to create high-energy molecules such as ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), which are needed for the second stage of photosynthesis.

Light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle):

The second stage of photosynthesis occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts, where carbon dioxide is fixed into organic molecules such as glucose. This process is known as the Calvin cycle and requires the ATP and NADPH produced in the first stage. In the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide molecules are combined with molecules of the 5-carbon sugar ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) to form an unstable 6-carbon molecule. This molecule is then broken down into two molecules of a 3-carbon sugar, which can be used to create glucose and other organic molecules.

Overall, photosynthesis is a complex biochemical process that converts light energy into chemical energy, producing oxygen and organic molecules as byproducts.

photosynthesis experiment set up

What Types of Organisms Use Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is used by a wide range of organisms to produce food. The most well-known photosynthetic organisms are green plants, which use chlorophyll to convert light energy into glucose. However, many other types of organisms use photosynthesis as a source of food, including:

  • Algae: These are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that can be found in a wide range of environments, including freshwater, marine, and terrestrial habitats. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from single-celled organisms to large, multicellular seaweeds.
  • Cyanobacteria: These are a group of photosynthetic bacteria that are capable of fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere. They are often found in aquatic environments, but can also be found in soil, on rocks, and in other habitats.
  • Photosynthetic bacteria: In addition to cyanobacteria, other types of bacteria are capable of photosynthesis, including purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria.

For our purposes of creating a simple photosynthesis science experiment, we will be focusing on green plants.

photosynthesis experiment set up

Free Visualizing Photosynthesis Science Experiment Printable

To help make this science experiment more meaningful, I’ve created a free printable that you can use to guide your students’ learning. The printable includes:

  • Creation of a hypothesis
  • Visual observations before and after the experiment
  • Analysis and conclusion questions

To get your copy of this free printable, simply enter your name and email address below!

FREE Visualizing Photosynthesis Science Experiment

Materials needed for visualizing photosynthesis science experiment.

This simple science experiment requires very few materials and can be set up within minutes. Here are the supplies needed to conduct this visualizing photosynthesis science experiment.

  • 5-7 freshly picked green leaves
  • 5-7 small pebbles or other small objects to weigh down the leaves
  • shallow dish or tray with sides
  • direct sunlight
  • free printable “Visualizing Photosynthesis” student sheets

I have found that the results of this experiment are best when it is conducted outside with access to direct sunlight, as opposed to running the experiment inside in front of a window. However, if you have access to a greenhouse, or have old windows that are not double-paned, this experiment may do well indoors.

photosynthesis experiment set up

Instructions to Conduct the Visualizing Photosynthesis Science Experiment

The initial set-up of this science experiment is quite simple and, depending upon the time of year it is conducted, you may begin to see results within an hour.

  • On the free printable provided, make a hypothesis about what you think will happen to the surface of the leaves when left undisturbed in direct sunlight for an hour. 
  • Place 5-7 freshly picked leaves face up in a shallow dish or tray.
  • Position the dish in direct sunlight.
  • Sketch one or two of the leaves chosen for your experiment.
  • Place a small pebble on the center of each leaf. Be careful not to cover the entire leaf with your object, as sunlight needs to be able to reach the leaf.
  • Pour enough water into the dish to just cover all of the leaves. 
  • Allow the leaves to sit undisturbed for an hour in direct sunlight.
  • After an hour, observe the leaves.
  • Create a second sketch of the leaves you chose at the beginning of the experiment, noting any differences that have occurred. Make sure to take a close look at the surface and edges of the leaves.
  • If no changes have occurred, allow the leaves to sit undisturbed for another hour in direct sunlight, then reobserve.
  • Answer the questions that are found on the visualizing photosynthesis printable .

photosynthesis experiment set up

Typical Results of the Visualizing Photosynthesis Science Experiment

Once the leaves have sat undisturbed for one hour in direct sunlight, learners should see small bubbles form on the edges and tops of the leaves. These bubbles contain oxygen and are the direct result of photosynthesis. The purpose of the water in the experiment is to visualize the oxygen gas; without the water, the gas bubbles would not be trapped and would simply enter the air.

Be sure to have the students complete the questions on my free printable on their own or in small groups before discussing it as a class. It may be helpful to display the chemical equation for photosynthesis to remind students that the creation of oxygen gas is part of photosynthesis.

photosynthesis experiment set up

More Science Experiments About Plants

If you enjoyed this simple science experiment about plants, you may also like the following:

  • How to Propagate Plants in Water with Kids
  • How to Regrow Vegetables from Food Scraps
  • How to Grow Your Own Popcorn
  • Teaching Kids How to Grow Potatoes

How to Visualize Photosynthesis: A Science Experiment

How to Visualize Photosynthesis: A Science Experiment


To download the free printable for this science experiment, click here .

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Elementary Teaching Blog

Last updated by Linda Kamp on December 9, 2022 • 2 Comments

Breathing Leaves Photosynthesis Experiment for Kids

When we discuss the importance of plants in nature in second grade, it can be hard for students to fully grasp plants’ ability to create oxygen for us to breathe. This simple photosynthesis experiment is a great opportunity for hands-on learning in any Plants, Animals, & Life Cycles science unit.

How do plants create oxygen?

Plants release oxygen that all living things need. Plants also clean out air and absorb harmful pollutants through their leaves. This makes plants extremely important for other living things to survive on Earth.

As we breathe, the air we inhale is 21% oxygen. After we breathe in oxygen, we exhale carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is needed by plants for them to survive. Plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to help them make oxygen. Leaves convert sunlight into energy as part of a process called photosynthesis. As the leaf takes in sunlight to create that energy, it expels, or breathes out, oxygen. But how can we see oxygen? Can plants produce oxygen without sunlight?

article on how to do a photosynthesis science experiment to see a see a leaf produce oxygen

Think about when you are underwater holding your breath. If you release a little bit of air, you see bubbles. In this activity, students will observe a leaf using sunlight to create oxygen. Students will do a  demonstration using leaves in water to help them see the oxygen a leaf expels, or breathes out.

Pose this question to students to help introduce the lab: How can you see a plant creating oxygen?

The changes that take place in this lab activity occur over a 1-2 hour period, so make sure to plan for that ahead of time. I have found that it works for me to set up the lab in the morning and check it after lunch.

Easy photosynthesis experiment

lab sheet and leaf in water for a photosynthesis science experiment

  • clear plastic cup or bowl
  • fresh leaves
  • small rocks

Place students in groups and pass out two cups of water, two fresh leaves, 2 small rocks, a hand lens, and a lab sheet.

Students place a leaf in a clear cup of water. Then, they place the other leaf in the other cup of water. Put one of the cups in a sunny spot and one in a dark spot.

leaf submerged in water to observe it releasing oxygen

Place a small rock on the leaf to keep it completely submerged in water.

leaf submerged in water to observe it releasing oxygen

After about 20 minutes, you will see tiny bubbles begin to form on the edges of the leaf. Many float upwards and stick to the side of the cup.

close up of a leaf releasing oxygen and air bubbles

For a better look, students should use a hand lens to observe the bubbles. Explain to students that the small air bubbles are oxygen released by the leaf. The leaf remains active for a couple of hours. The process of photosynthesis will continue for a while if the cup is placed in the sun. During this process, the leaf expels oxygen into the water, which caused bubbles to form.

close up of a leaf releasing oxygen and air bubbles

Students should check the cups every 30 minutes and record changes to both cups on their lab sheets. Ask students: “Which leaf produced the most oxygen? How can you tell?” Students should notice that the leaf that produced more oxygen has more bubbles.

close up of a leaf releasing oxygen and air bubbles

Next, ask: “Why did one leaf produce more oxygen than the other leaf?” Guide students to notice that the leaf in the dark did not have sunlight, so it did not produce as much oxygen. A fresh leaf will remain “active” and still convert sunlight to energy and release oxygen for several hours.

lab sheet and leaf in water for a photosynthesis science experiment

Have students complete the questions on their lab sheets to consolidate their knowledge and make interpretations about the lab’s outcome.

Finally, discuss how this lab shows the importance of plants to animals. Besides food, what do plants provide for animals?

More Plants, Animals, & Life Cycles experiments and lesson plans

This photosynthesis experiment is perfect for helping students better understand the process of leaves producing oxygen. It’s an amazing way for students to really see the process of photosynthesis at work!

Basic needs of plants and 2nd grade animals science unit covers

This fun photosynthesis experiment is part of a complete  Plant and Animal Needs, & Life Cycles unit for 2 nd grade that is also available in a digital format with narrated lesson slides.

2nd grade science units cover

Click here to see the yearlong 2nd grade science series.

article on how to do a photosynthesis science experiment to see a see a leaf produce oxygen

Pin this photosynthesis experiment for later so you have it when you teach about plants!

Click on these these pictures for more hands-on science activities:

Plants science activity & experiment

Happy teaching!

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Start the year in grammar off right! Grab a full week of lesson plans, teaching slides, and printables to review and practice parts of speech!

Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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Reader Interactions

' src=

August 15 at 10:16 am

Hi , is this lab sheet available for purchase on its own?

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August 21 at 8:38 am

Hi Sarah, Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, I don’t have any of the labs available separately.

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I’m Linda Kamp, a 20 year primary grade teacher with a passion for creating educational materials that excite students and make learning fun! I'm so glad you're here!

Linda Kamp

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Photosynthesis Lab

Study photosynthesis in a variety of conditions. Oxygen production is used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and wavelength of light can all be varied. Determine which conditions are ideal for photosynthesis, and understand how limiting factors affect oxygen production.

Lesson Materials

Student Exploration Sheet

Exploration Sheet Answer Key

Assessment Questions

Teacher Guide

Vocabulary Sheet

Cell Energy Cycle

Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced.

Flower Pollination

Observe the steps of pollination and fertilization in flowering plants. Help with many parts of the process by dragging pollen grains to the stigma, dragging sperm to the ovules, and removing petals as the fruit begins to grow. Quiz yourself when you are done by dragging vocabulary words to the correct plant structure.

Growing Plants

Investigate the growth of three common garden plants: tomatoes, beans, and turnips. You can change the amount of light each plant gets, the amount of water added each day, and the type of soil the seed is planted in. Observe the effect of each variable on plant height, plant mass, leaf color and leaf size. Determine what conditions produce the tallest and healthiest plants. Height and mass data are displayed on tables and graphs.

Plants and Snails

Study the production and use of gases by plants and animals. Measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a test tube containing snails and elodea (a type of plant) in both light and dark conditions. Learn about the interdependence of plants and animals.

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Biology Discussion

Top 11 Experiments on Photosynthesis in Plants

photosynthesis experiment set up


The following points highlight the top eleven experiments on photosynthesis in plants. Some of the experiments are: 1. Simple Demonstration of Photosynthesis 2. To Study the ”Primary Photochemical Reaction” of Photo­synthesis 3. To Study the “Dark Reaction” of Photosynthesis 4. To Study the Essentiality of the Factors for the Photosynthetic Process and Others.

Experiment # 1

Simple demonstration of photosynthesis:.

(a) With the help of a beaker and a funnel:


A large beaker of capacity 500 ml is taken and are filled two-thirds with distilled water containing 0.1 % KHCO 3 which acts as a source of CO 2 . Some fresh and healthy aquatic plants like Hydrilla are taken in a beaker and the plants are cut obliquely at their bases under water.

Cut ends are tied together with the help of a thread and are kept towards the neck of an inverted funnel in such a way that the limb of the funnel almost covers the Hydrilla plants and the stem of the funnel remains about one centimeter under the water surface.

The whole set-up is now exposed to bright light and observed from time to time. Another set-up is similarly prepared and kept under a very low light intensity.


It is observed that evolution of bubbles from cut ends of the plants takes place in the set-up exposed to light. Little evolution of bubbles takes place in the set-up maintained in low light intensity.

In light, evolution of oxygen bubbles takes place due to photosynthesis. This is further proved by the fact that little evolution of bubbles takes place in the set-up placed in low light intensity.

(b) With the help of Wilmott’s bubbler:

The apparatus consists of a flask of capacity 500 ml fitted with a rubber cork having a central hole through which passes a glass tube. The lower end of the tube reaches the middle of the flask while its upper end forms a jet within a cylindrical cup. A graduated tube having a stopcock at one end remains inverted over the jet (Figure 27).

photosynthesis experiment set up

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  • Experiment to Prove Light is Essential for Photosynthesis (With Pictures )
  • Experiments on Photosynthesis in Plants | Botany
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photosynthesis experiment set up

Carbon Cycle Lab- Photosynthesis and Respiration

Carbon cycle lab: Observing photosynthesis and cellular respiration

In this lab, students will be testing whether or not aquatic plants do photosynthesis in the dark or light, and also testing if they do cellular respiration during the dark or light. The plant I usually use for this experiment is called elodea, which is available at any local pet store in the fish area. One nugget of information you will need to know- pet stores call it anacharis, not elodea. It is usually sold in bunches of 4-5 stems for a few bucks. Two big bunches should get you through the day. If they don’t have elodea, any other aquatic fish tank plant will work fine, but make sure it is a tall skinny plant that will fit down into your test tubes.

One reason this lab is great is because it can be used in multiple places in your curriculum: ~ Cells unit : When you are teaching cells, chances are you will be talking about chloroplasts and mitochondria. Along with these organelles you will be discussing photosynthesis and cellular respiration. This lab fits in great because it shows that plants not only do photosynthesis, but cellular respiration as well. ~ Ecology unit : During my ecology unit, we cover the 3 major biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, and nitrogen). What better way to talk about the carbon cycle than to demonstrate the relationship between plants, animals, and gas exchange?

Carbon cycle lab: Observing photosynthesis and cellular respiration

A great extension activity is to add aquatic animals to this experiment and see how the added respiration affects the color change. If you can get your hands on some small snails, they will fit great into the test tubes. I had trouble finding snails in Arizona, so I went to my local pet store and picked up two feeder goldfish. I filled up two large Erlenmeyer flasks with water and bromothymol blue, and turned one yellow. I added elodea and a goldfish to each flask. Next, I asked my students what will happen when we leave these in the light for 24 hours. The next day we came in and saw both flasks were a shade of bluish green (somewhere in the middle of where the two flasks began). If you don’t add a ton of bromothymol blue, and only leave the fish in for 24 hours the fish will not be harmed. Hopefully you are ready to start this experiment! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below!


  • Read more about: Cells , Experiments , Photosynthesis & Respiration

photosynthesis experiment set up

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Practical Biology

A collection of experiments that demonstrate biological concepts and processes.

photosynthesis experiment set up

Observing earthworm locomotion

photosynthesis experiment set up

Practical Work for Learning

photosynthesis experiment set up

Published experiments

Investigating the light dependent reaction in photosynthesis.

It is fairly easy to show that plants produce oxygen and starch in photosynthesis . At age 14–16 students may have collected the gas given off by pond weed (for example Elodea ) and tested leaves for starch.

It is not quite so easy to demonstrate the other reactions in photosynthesis. For the reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrate there must be a source of electrons . In the cell, NADP is the electron acceptor which is reduced in the light-dependent reactions, and which provides electrons and hydrogen for the light-independent reactions.

In this investigation, DCPIP (2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol), a blue dye, acts as an electron acceptor and becomes colourless when reduced, allowing any reducing agent produced by the chloroplasts to be detected.

Lesson organisation

This investigation depends on working quickly and keeping everything cool. Your students will need to understand all the instructions in advance to be sure that they know what they are doing.

Apparatus and Chemicals

Per student or group of students:.

Centrifuge – with RCF between 1500 and 1800g

Centrifuge tubes

Fresh green spinach, lettuce or cabbage, 3 leaves (discard the midribs)

Cold pestle and mortar (or blender or food mixer) which has been kept in a freezer compartment for 15–30 minutes (if left too long the extract will freeze)

Muslin or fine nylon mesh

Filter funnel

Ice-water-salt bath

Glass rod or Pasteur pipette

Measuring cylinder, 20 cm 3

Beaker, 100 cm 3

Pipettes, 5 cm 3 and 1 cm 3

Bench lamp with 100 W bulb

Test tubes, 5

Boiling tube

Pipette for 5 cm 3

Pipette for 0.5 cm 3

Pipette filler

Waterproof pen to label tubes

Colorimeter and tubes or light sensor and data logger

0.05 M phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0: Store in a refrigerator at 0–4 °C ( Note 1 ).

Isolation medium (sucrose and KCl in phosphate buffer): Store in a refrigerator at 0–4 °C ( Note 2 ).

Potassium chloride (Low Hazard) ( Note 3 ).

DCPIP solution (Low Hazard): (1 x 10 - 4 M approx.) ( Note 4 )

Health & Safety and Technical notes

Although DCPIP presents minimal hazard apart from staining, it is best to avoid skin contact in case prolonged contact with the dye causes sensitisation. Do not handle electric light bulbs with wet hands. All solutions used are low hazard – refer to relevant CLEAPSS Hazcards and Recipe cards for more information.

Read our standard health & safety guidance

1 0.05 M phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0. Na 2 HPO 4 .12H 2 O, 4.48 g (0.025 M) KH 2 PO 4 , 1.70 g (0.025 M). Make up to 500 cm 3 with distilled water and store in a refrigerator at 0–4 °C. Low hazard – refer to CLEAPSS Hazcard 72.

2 Isolation medium. Sucrose 34.23 g (0.4 M) KCl 0.19 g (0.01 M). Dissolve in phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0) at room temperature and make up to 250 cm 3 with the buffer solution. Store in a refrigerator at 0–4 °C. Low hazard – refer to CLEAPSS Hazcard 40C.

3 Potassium chloride 0.05 M. Dissolve 0.93 g in phosphate buffer solution at room temperature and make up to 250 cm 3 . Store in a refrigerator at 0–4 °C. Use at room temperature.(Note that Potassium chloride is a cofactor for the Hill reaction.) Refer to CLEAPSS Hazcard 47B and Recipe card 51.

4 DCPIP solution DCPIP 0.007–0.01 g, made up to 100 cm 3 with phosphate buffer. Refer to CLEAPSS Hazcard 32 and Recipe card 46.

Keep solutions and apparatus cold during the extraction procedure, steps 1–8, to preserve enzyme activity. Carry out the extraction as quickly as possible.


a Cut three small green spinach, lettuce or cabbage leaves into small pieces with scissors, but discard the tough midribs and leaf stalks. Place in a cold mortar or blender containing 20 cm 3 of cold isolation medium. (Scale up quantities for blender if necessary.)

b Grind vigorously and rapidly (or blend for about 10 seconds).

c Place four layers of muslin or nylon in a funnel and wet with cold isolation medium.

d Filter the mixture through the funnel into the beaker and pour the filtrate into pre-cooled centrifuge tubes supported in an ice-water-salt bath. Gather the edges of the muslin, wring thoroughly into the beaker, and add filtrate to the centrifuge tubes.

e Check that each centrifuge tube contains about the same volume of filtrate.

f Centrifuge the tubes for sufficient time to get a small pellet of chloroplasts. (10 minutes at high speed should be sufficient.)

g Pour off the liquid (supernatant) into a boiling tube being careful not to lose the pellet. Re-suspend the pellet with about 2 cm 3 of isolation medium, using a glass rod. Squirting in and out of a Pasteur pipette five or six times gives a uniform suspension.

h Store this leaf extract in an ice-water-salt bath and use as soon as possible.

Investigation using the chloroplasts

Read all the instructions before you start. Use the DCPIP solution at room temperature.

i Set up 5 labelled tubes as follows.


Leaf extract (cm )

Supernatant (cm )

Isolation medium (cm )

Distilled water (cm )

DCPIP solution (cm )
















j When the DCPIP is added to the extract, shake the tube and note the time. Place tubes 1, 2 and 4 about 12–15 cm from a bright light (100 W). Place tube 3 in darkness.

k Time how long it takes to decolourise the DCPIP in each tube. If the extract is so active that it decolourises within seconds of mixing, dilute it 1:5 with isolation medium and try again.

Teaching notes

Traditionally the production of oxygen and starch are used as evidence for photosynthesis. The light-dependent reactions produce a reducing agent. This normally reduces NADP, but in this experiment the electrons are accepted by the blue dye DCPIP. Reduced DCPIP is colourless. The loss of colour in the DCPIP is due to reducing agent produced by light-dependent reactions in the extracted chloroplasts.

Students must develop a clear understanding of the link between the light-dependent and light-independent reactions to be able to interpret the results. Robert Hill originally completed this investigation in 1938; he concluded that water had been split into hydrogen and oxygen. This is now known as the Hill reaction.

You can examine a drop of the sediment extract with a microscope under high power to see chloroplasts. There will be fewer chloroplasts in the supernatant – which decolourises the DCPIP more slowly, reinforcing the idea that the reduction is the result of chloroplast activity.

Sample results

Using a bench centrifuge

The experimental procedure was followed. A standard lab centrifuge was used to spin down the chloroplasts (Clifton NE 010GT/I) at 2650 RPM, 95 X g for 10 minutes.

The experiment was started within 5 minutes of preparing the chloroplasts. The reaction was followed using an EEL colorimeter with a red filter – readings taken every minute.


Absorption Tube 1

Absorption Tube 5


























































Tube 3 (incubated in the dark) gave a reading of 5.4 absorption units after 20 minutes. Tube 2 (DCPIP with no leaf extract) was 6.2 absorption units.

Using a micro-centrifuge

The experiment was repeated using a micro-centrifuge.


Absorption Tube 1

Absorption Tube 5































Tube 3 (incubated in the dark) gave a reading of 4.9 absorption units after 10 minutes.

Tube 2 (DCPIP with no leaf extract) was 6.4 absorption Units.

Investigating The Light Dependent Reaction In Photosynthesis 1

The relative activity of the pellet was higher than when the bench centrifuge was used. The micro-centrifuge tubes were only 1.5 cm 3 capacity – not ideal for this practical. A higher speed bench centrifuge would be better.

In order to check for loss of chloroplast activity, the experiment was repeated using the same chloroplast suspension 1 and 2 hours after preparation. Chloroplast suspension was kept in a salt-ice bath. There was no loss of activity when the extract was kept in ice for up to 2 hours.

Student questions

1 Describe and explain the changes observed in the five tubes. Compare the results and make some concluding comments about what they show.

2 The rate of photosynthesis in intact leaves can be limited by several factors including light, temperature and carbon dioxide. Which of these factors will have little effect on the reducing capacity of the leaf extract?

3 Describe how you might extend this practical to investigate the effect of light intensity on the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

1 Colour change and inferences that can made from the results: Tube 1 (leaf extract + DCPIP) colour changes until it is the same colour as tube 4 (leaf extract + distilled water). Tube 2 (isolation medium + DCPIP) no colour change. This shows that the DCPIP does not decolourise when exposed to light. Tube 3 (leaf extract + DCPIP in the dark) no colour change. It can therefore be inferred that the loss of colour in tube 1 is due to the effect of light on the extract. Tube 4 (leaf extract + distilled water) no colour change. This shows that the extract does not change colour in the light. It acts as a colour standard for the extract without DCPIP. Tube 5 (supernatant + DCPIP) no colour change if the supernatant is clear; if it is slightly green there may be some decolouring. The results should indicate that the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are restricted to the chloroplasts that have been extracted.

2 Carbon dioxide will have no effect, because it is not involved in the light-dependent reactions.

3 Students should describe a procedure in which light intensity is varied but temperature is controlled.

Health and safety checked, September 2008

Related experiment

Investigating photosynthesis using immobilised algae

  • Science is LIT

Explore How Light Affects Photosynthesis

Algae are aquatic, plant-like organisms that can be found in oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, and even in snow. But don’t worry, if you’re not near a waterway, it can easily be ordered from Amazon or Carolina Biological. Algae range from single-celled phytoplankton (microalgae) to large seaweeds (macroalgae). Phytoplanktons can be found drifting in water and are usually single-celled. They can also grow in colonies (group of single-cells) that are large enough to see with the naked eye. The specific types of algae that can be used in this experiment are  Scenedesmus, Chlamydomonas, or  Chlorella , all of which are phytoplanktons or microalgae. 

photosynthesis experiment set up

Experimental variables

  • Color filter paper
  • Table/desk lamp
  • Light bulbs (varying intensities and colors)

Laboratory Supplies

  • Transfer pipettes
  • Vials with caps
  • Freshwater Algae ( Scenedesmus , Chlorella , or Chlamydomonas )
  • Small beakers or cups

Laboratory Solutions

  • 2% Calcium Chloride
  • 2% Sodium alginate
  • Cresol red/thymol blue pH indicator solution

Solution Preparations

2% calcium chloride (cacl 2 ).

  • 20 g of CaCl 2
  • Fill to 1000 mL with water

2% CaCl 2 is stable at room temperature indefinitely.

2% Sodium alginate (prepared in advance)

  • 2 g sodium alginate
  • Fill to 100 mL with water

It takes a while for the alginate to go into solution. We recommend to dissolve by stirring using a magnetic stir bar overnight at room temperature. Store at 4 °C for up to 6 months or use immediately.

Cresol red/Thymol blue pH indicator solution (10x)

  • 0.1 g cresol red
  • 0.2 g thymol blue
  • 0.85 g sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 )
  • 20 mL ethanol
  • Fill to 1L with fresh boiled water

Measure indicators and mix with ethanol. Measure sodium bicarbonate and mix with warm/hot water. Mix the solutions together and fill with remaining freshly boiled water up to 1L final solution. The 10x stock solution is stable for at least a year.

In preparation for doing the experiment, prepare 1x indicator solution by diluting the 10x indicator solution with distilled water (e.g. 20 ml 10x into 200 mL final solution).

Experimental Bench Set-Up

  • ~10 mL of 2% CaCl 2 in a cup or beaker
  • ~3-5 mL of sodium alginate in cup or beaker
  • Cup with ~10 mL of water
  • Empty cup or beaker that holds a minimum of 30 mL

Preparing Algae for Experiment

  • Prepare a concentrated suspension of algae. Without centrifuge : leave ~50 mL of algae suspension to settle (preferably overnight), then carefully pour off the supernatant to leave ~3-5 mL of concentrated algae. With centrifuge : Centrifuge ~50 mL of algae suspension at low speed for 10 minutes and then carefully pour off the supernatant, leaving behind ~3-5 mL of concentrated algae.
  • In a small beaker, add equal volumes of sodium alginate and then add in the concentrated algae. Gently mix algae and sodium alginate together using a transfer pipette until its evenly distributed.
  • Using the transfer pipette, carefully add single drops of the algae/sodium alginate mixture into the CaCl 2 to make little “algae balls”
  • Once all of the “algae balls” are in the CaCl 2 solution, allow them to harden for 5 minutes
  • Place the strainer over the empty cup or beaker, and pour over the entire solution of “algae balls” and CaCl 2 into the strainer allowing the CaCl 2 to pass through, leaving just the algae in the strainer
  • Keeping the strainer over the container, pour the water over the “algae balls” to rinse the remain CaCl 2
  • Transfer your newly made “algae balls” to a new cup or beaker

Setting up Photosynthesis Experiment

  • Distance from light (using ruler) – group can set up vials different distances from one light source
  • Different color lights (using color filter paper or different color light bulbs) – group can set up by covering the vials with different colored films and arrange them the same distance away from the light source or set up 1 vial in front of a different colored lamp same distance away.
  • With or without light – group places 1 vial in front of an illuminated lamp and another has the vial or lamp covered with black paper the same distance away

photosynthesis experiment set up

  • When starting your experiment, be sure to take note of the time that you placed your vial in front of the light source. Vials should be left for ~1-2 hours.
What would happen if the algae photosynthesizes (increase O2) in a solution that started at pH8.2?

Analyzing photosynthesis results

  • After 1-2 hours, return to the experiment. Without disturbing the vials, analyze and take pictures of results. Have students write down the time that their experiment ended.
  • Using the color chart above, determine which pH matches your sample the closest.
  • Have students determine if they got what they expected and discuss amongst their group members.
Explain how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by their different variables.
What were your conclusions from this experiment? If you were to repeat the experiment, what would you change and why? What’s the relationship with O2 and CO2 during the process of photosynthesis? Is there a “best” source of light that allowed the algae to photosynthesize better?

Related resources

  • Everyday Emulsions

Beyond Dirt: The Ecosystem Beneath our Feet

Virus hunters, fermentation of food, the chemistry that holds us together, biochemical deconstruction of an egg sandwich, escape the cell, science saturday special: microscopes.

  • Fruit Fly Behavior
  • D4P: People and Medicine
  • D4P: Social Behavior
  • What is a Virus, Anyway?
  • Fermentation of Foodstuffs
  • Learn about the Styles of Scientific Reasoning
  • RockEDU Mentorship Handbook
  • Continued Learning for Mentors
  • Guide to LGBTQIA+ Allyship for Mentors
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Investigating the Rate of Photosynthesis ( AQA A Level Biology )

Revision note.


Biology & Environmental Systems and Societies

Apparatus & Techniques: Investigating the Rate of Photosynthesis

  • Investigations to determine the effects of light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis can be carried out using aquatic plants , such as Elodea or Cabomba (types of pondweed )
  • Light intensity – change the distance ( d ) of a light source from the plant (light intensity is proportional to 1/ d 2 )
  • Carbon dioxide concentration – add different quantities of sodium hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO 3 ) to the water surrounding the plant, this dissolves to produce CO 2
  • Temperature (of the solution surrounding the plant) – place the boiling tube containing the submerged plant in water baths of different temperatures
  • For example, when investigating the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis, a glass tank should be placed in between the lamp and the boiling tube containing the pondweed to absorb heat from the lamp – this prevents the solution surrounding the plant from changing temperature
  • Distilled water
  • Aquatic plant, algae or algal beads
  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
  • Thermometer
  • Test tube plug
  • This will ensure oxygen gas given off by the plant during the investigation form bubbles and do not dissolve in the water
  • This will ensure that the plant contains all the enzymes required for photosynthesis and that any changes of rate are due to the independent variable
  • Ensure the pondweed is submerged in sodium hydrogen carbonate solution (1%) – this ensures the pondweed has a controlled supply of carbon dioxide (a reactant in photosynthesis)
  • Cut the stem of the pondweed cleanly just before placing into the boiling tube
  • Measure the volume of gas collected in the gas-syringe in a set period of time (eg. 5 minutes)
  • Change the independent variable (ie. change the light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration or temperature depending on which limiting factor you are investigating) and repeat step 5
  • Record the results in a table and plot a graph of volume of oxygen produced per minute against the distance from the lamp (if investigating light intensity), carbon dioxide concentration, or temperature

Aquatic Plants_2, downloadable AS & A Level Biology revision notes

The effect of light intensity on an aquatic plant is measured by the volume of oxygen produced

Results - Light Intensity

  • The closer the lamp, the higher the light intensity (intensity ∝ 1/ d 2 )
  • Therefore, the volume of oxygen produced should increase as the light intensity is increased
  • This is when the light stops being the limiting factor and the temperature or concentration of carbon dioxide is limiting the rate of photosynthesis
  • The effect of these variables could then be measured by increasing the temperature of water (by using a water bath) or increasing the concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate respectively
  • Rate of photosynthesis = volume of oxygen produced ÷ time elapsed


  • Immobilised algae beads are beads of jelly with a known surface area and volume that contain algae, therefore it is easier to ensure a standard quantity
  • Immobilised algae beads are easy and cheap to grow, they are also easy to keep alive for several weeks and can be reused in different experiments
  • The method is the same for algae beads though it is important to ensure sufficient light coverage for all beads

Light intensity – the distance of the light source from the plant (intensity ∝ 1/ d 2 )

Temperature - changing the temperature of the water bath the test tube sits in

Carbon dioxide - the amount of NaHCO 3 dissolved in the water the pondweed is in

Also remember that the variables not being tested (the control variables) must be kept constant.

Required Practical: Affecting the Rate of Dehydrogenase Activity

  • The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place in the thylakoid membrane and involve the release of high-energy electrons from chlorophyll a molecules
  • These electrons are picked up by the electron acceptor NADP in a reaction catalysed by dehydrogenase
  • However, if a redox indicator (such as DCPIP or methylene blue ) is present, the indicator takes up the electrons instead of NADP
  • DCPIP: oxidised ( blue ) → accepts electrons → reduced ( colourless )
  • Methylene blue: oxidised ( blue ) → accepts electrons → reduced ( colourless )
  • The colour of the reduced solution may appear green because chlorophyll produces a green colour
  • When light is at a higher intensity, or at more preferable light wavelengths, the rate of photoactivation of electrons is faster, therefore the rate of reduction of the indicator is faster

Redox Indicators, downloadable AS & A Level Biology revision notes

Light activates electrons from chlorophyll molecules during the light-dependent reaction. Redox indicators accept the excited electrons from the photosystem, becoming reduced and therefore changing colour.

  • Isolation medium
  • Pestel and mortar
  • Aluminium Foil

Method - Measuring light as a limiting factor

  • This produces a concentrated leaf extract that contains a suspension of intact and functional chloroplasts
  • The medium must have the same water potential as the leaf cells so the chloroplasts don’t shrivel or burst and contain a buffer to keep the pH constant
  • The medium should also be ice-cold (to avoid damaging the chloroplasts and to maintain membrane structure)
  • The room should be at an adequate temperate for photosynthesis and maintained throughout, as should carbon dioxide concentration
  • If different intensities of light are used, they must all be of the same wavelength (same colour of light) - light intensity is altered by changing the distance between the lamp and the test tube
  • If different wavelengths of light are used, they must all be of the same light intensity - the lamp should be the same distance in all experiments
  • DCPIP of methylene blue indicator is added to each tube, as well as a small volume of the leaf extract
  • A control that is not exposed to light (wrapped in aluminium foil) should also be set up to ensure the affect on colour is due to the light
  • This is a measure of the rate of photosynthesis
  • A graph should be plotted of absorbance against time for each distance from the light
  • This is because the lowered light intensity will slow the rate of photoionisation of the chlorophyll pigment, so the overall rate of the light dependent reaction will be slower
  • This means that less electrons are released by the chlorophyll, hence the DCPIP accepts less electrons. This means that it will take longer to turn from blue to colourless
  • A higher rate of decrease, shown by a steep gradient on the graph, indicates that the dehydrogenase is highly active.
  • This experiment is not measuring the rate of dehydrogenase activity directly (through measuring the rate of substrate use or product made) but is instead predicting what the rate would be by measuring the rate of electron transfer from the photosystems
  • It is therefore important to control the amount of leaf used to produce the chloroplast sample and also how much time is spent crushing the leaf to release the chloroplast
  • It is also a good idea to measure a specific wavelength absorption by each sample on the colorimeter before and after the experiment so you can get a more accurate change in oxidised DCPIP concentration
  • Results should also be repeated and the mean value calculated
  • The time taken to go colourless is subjective to each person observing and therefore one person should be assigned the task of deciding when this is

In chemistry the acronym ‘OILRIG’ is used to remember if something is being oxidised or reduced. Oxidation Is Loss (of electrons) and Reduction Is Gain (of electrons). Therefore the oxidised state is when it hasn’t accepted electrons and the reduced state has accepted electrons.

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  • Homeostasis (A Level only)
  • Inheritance (A Level only)
  • Populations (A Level only)

Author: Alistair

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.

  • Cell Division
  • Chemistry of Life
  • Neuroscience
  • Respiration

Photosynthesis Lab: Set Up

Photo of Elodea plant by Kristian Peters (http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabelfroh/) 

Light Intensity

from The Biology Web (http://faculty.clintoncc.suny.edu/faculty/michael.gregory/)

Carbon Dioxide

Temperature, amazon affiliate.

Remember Me


Shop Experiment Photosynthesis Experiments​


Experiment #7 from Biology with Vernier

photosynthesis experiment set up


The process of photosynthesis involves the use of light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar, oxygen, and other organic compounds. This process is often summarized by the following reaction:

{\text{6 }}{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{O + 6 C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{ + light energy }} \to {\text{ }}{{\text{C}}_{\text{6}}}{{\text{H}}_{{\text{12}}}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{6}}}{\text{ + 6 }}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}

This process is an extremely complex one, occurring in two stages. The first stage, called the light reactions of photosynthesis , requires light energy. The products of the light reactions are then used to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water. Because the reactions in the second stage do not require the direct use of light energy, they are called the dark reactions of photosynthesis .

In the light reactions, electrons derived from water are “excited” (raised to higher energy levels) in several steps, called photosystems I and II. In both steps, chlorophyll absorbs light energy that is used to excite the electrons. Normally, these electrons are passed to a cytochrome-containing electron transport chain. In the first photosystem, these electrons are used to generate ATP. In the second photosystem, excited electrons are used to produce the reduced coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). Both ATP and NADPH are then used in the dark reactions to produce glucose.

In this experiment, a blue dye (2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol, or DPIP) will be used to replace NADPH in the light reactions. When the dye is oxidized, it is blue. When reduced, however, it turns colorless. Since DPIP replaces NADPH in the light reactions, it will turn from blue to colorless when reduced during photosynthesis.

In this experiment, you will

  • Use a Spectrometer or Colorimeter to measure color changes due to photosynthesis.
  • Study the effect of light on photosynthesis.
  • Study the effect that the boiling of plant cells has on photosynthesis.
  • Compare the rates of photosynthesis for plants in different light conditions.

Sensors and Equipment

This experiment features the following sensors and equipment. Additional equipment may be required.

photosynthesis experiment set up


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  • Written By Umesh_K
  • Last Modified 25-01-2023

Experiments Related to Photosynthesis: Definition & Demonstration

Experiments Related to Photosynthesis : Green plants exhibit an autotrophic mode of nutrition. We all know that leaves are the site of photosynthesis. Leaves possess chlorophyll that traps the sunlight to synthesise food (glucose) by utilising inorganic raw materials, i.e., carbon dioxide and water. Oxygen is released as a by-product of photosynthesis. The glucose units combine and form a complex carbohydrate called the starch that remains stored in the plant cells for further utilisation.

Different experiments related to photosynthesis can be performed to demonstrate the utilisation of carbon dioxide, involvement of chlorophyll, presence of starch, and release of oxygen by the plant leaf subjected to perform photosynthesis. Let’s read the article to study the detailed procedure of different experiments related to photosynthesis.

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What is Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which the chlorophyll-containing cells synthesise food (glucose) from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight. Photosynthesis is the process of conversion of solar energy into chemical energy.

What is Photosynthesis

Chloroplasts – The Site of Photosynthesis

The leaves are the parts of plants that participate in the process of photosynthesis. In herbaceous plants, green and flexible stems also perform photosynthesis. The mesophyll cells of leaves contain chloroplasts that possess a green coloured pigment called chlorophyll to trap the sunlight for photosynthesis. Thus, inside the mesophyll cells of leaves, chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis.

Events Occuring During Photosynthesis

The following events occur during the process of photosynthesis:

  • Absorption of water from the soil through root hairs.
  • Diffusion of Carbon dioxide through stomata.
  • Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.
  • Production of glucose.
  • Conversion of glucose into starch.
  • Release of oxygen

Conditions Necessary For Photosynthesis

The following conditions are necessary for photosynthesis:

  • Chlorophyll
  • Carbon dioxide

The effect of the presence and absence of these factors on the process of photosynthesis can be proved by performing certain experiments related to photosynthesis.

Experiments to Demonstrate the Requirement of Materials for Photosynthesis

1. theoretical demonstration for the requirement of chlorophyll during photosynthesis:.

I. Aim: Chlorophyll is a green coloured pigment that traps the sunlight to proceed with the synthesis of food by leaves by utilising carbon dioxide and water. To demonstrate the requirement of chlorophyll in photosynthesis, the following experiment is performed.

II. Materials required: Variegated leaf, water, alcohol, iodine solution.

III. Procedure: a). Take a plant with variegated leaves: The leaves of the Coleus, Croton plant can be taken. The leaves of these plants have yellow and green patches, and The green patches contain chlorophyll. b). Destarching the plant: The plant is placed in a dark room to prevent photosynthesis and thereby allows the plant to utilise the food that is stored in the form of starch. c). Removal of chlorophyll: The leaf is boiled in the water, followed by boiling of leaf in the alcohol (place the beaker containing alcohol and leaf in a water bath) till it becomes pale white, i.e., the chlorophyll is removed, and the alcohol turns green. The leaf is then washed with warm water so that it becomes soft. d). A few drops of iodine solution are poured over the leaf.

IV. Observation: The green coloured portion of the leaf that turns colourless in the alcohol now turns into blue-black patches after putting the iodine, while the yellow-coloured portion of the leaf does not show any colour change.

V. Conclusion: The results obtained from the iodine test prove that chlorophyll is necessary for the process of photosynthesis. The blue-black colour is due to the presence of starch. As in the yellow portion, no photosynthesis takes place, so there is no colour change due to the addition of iodine.

Experiment to demonstrate the necessity of chlorophyll for photosynthesis

Fig: Experiment to demonstrate the necessity of chlorophyll for photosynthesis

2. Theoretical Demonstration for the Requirement of Sunlight During Photosynthesis:

I. Aim: All living beings utilise energy for several life processes. Likewise, plants utilise light energy for the process of photosynthesis. The requirement of sunlight can be demonstrated by following the below-mentioned steps:

II. Materials required: Green plant, black paper or aluminium foil, water, alcohol, iodine solution.

III. Procedure: a). Destarching the plant The plant can be destarched naturally by placing it in the complete dark for about 2-4 days so that all the stored starch is utilised by plants to fulfil its food and energy requirement in the absence of photosynthesis. b). Covering one of the leaves with black paper The destarched plant is then placed in the sunlight for about 2-4 days by covering any of its leaves with black paper or aluminium foil. Since the black colour absorbs the maximum amount of sunlight and therefore obstructs the pathway of light to the leaf surface, therefore black paper is used to cover the leaf. c). Boiling of covered leaf in water The covered and uncovered leaves are immersed in the boiled water before testing for the starch because immersing the leaf in boiled water breaks down the cell membranes of the mesophyll cells and makes the leaf more permeable to the iodine solution. d). Removal of chlorophyll Since chlorophyll interferes in the test for starch due to its green colour, therefore it is necessary to remove the chlorophyll to get the appropriate findings of the experiment. Chlorophyll removal involves the boiling of leaf in water then into alcohol and further washed with hot water to soften it. e). Test for the starch The covered and processed leaf is further tested for the presence of starch by adding 2-3 drops of iodine on the leaf surface.

III. Observation: It will be observed that the leaf does not show any colour change. However, an uncovered leaf gives a positive result for the presence of starch by changing its colour to blue-black.

IV. Conclusion: This shows that the leaves that are exposed to sunlight could only perform photosynthesis, while the covered leaf could not perform photosynthesis due to the absence of sunlight.

Experiment demonstrating the necessity of sunlight

Fig: Experiment demonstrating the necessity of sunlight

3. Theoretical Demonstration for the Requirement of Carbon Dioxide During Photosynthesis

I. Aim: Carbon dioxide is the waste product of respiration that is utilised in the process of photosynthesis. To demonstrate the requirement of carbon dioxide the following steps are performed:

II. Material required: Two green potted plants, bell jar, alcohol, water, potassium hydroxide, iodine solution.

III. Procedure: a). Destarching of plant Plants can be destarched by keeping them in the dark for about 2 days. In this experiment, two destarched plants are taken. b). Designing the artificial boundaries for plant The two plants are individually placed on separate glass plates and are covered separately with a bell jar to restrict their boundaries within the surrounding area. c). Role of potassium hydroxide Potassium hydroxide is a carbon dioxide absorbent. It is placed with any of the potted and covered plants that absorb the carbon dioxide in its vicinity. The setup should be airtight to ensure to restrict the further entry of carbon dioxide in the jar. d). Removal of chlorophyll The chlorophyll interferes in the test for starch due to its green colour. Therefore it is necessary to remove the chlorophyll from the leaves of both plants to get the appropriate findings of the experiment. Chlorophyll removal involves the boiling of leaf in water then into alcohol and further washed with hot water to soften it. e). Test for the presence of starch Both the experimental setup are tested for the presence of starch by putting 2-3 drops of iodine solution on the leaf of both plants from which the chlorophyll has been removed.

III. Observation: It has been observed that the leaf of the plant that is placed in the bell jar along with potassium hydroxide will not show any colour change, while the other placed alone in the bell jar shows the presence of starch in its leaves by turning the colour into blue-black.

IV. Conclusion: Since the potassium hydroxide crystals absorb the available carbon dioxide present in one of its jars, therefore photosynthesis does not occur. This proves that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.

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Fig: Experiment demonstrating the necessity of carbon dioxide

Experiment to Demonstrate the Production of Substances in Photosynthesis

1. theoretical demonstration for the presence of starch.

I. Aim: Plants utilise inorganic raw materials, i.e., water and carbon dioxide, to synthesise organic materials called glucose. These glucose units combine to form a complex carbohydrate called starch that remains stored in the stroma of the chloroplast and in the cytoplasm of the leaves. The iodine test is prominently performed to test the presence of starch that is discussed as follows:

II. Material required: Green plant, iodine solution, dropper.

III. Procedure: a). The healthy plant is placed in the sunlight and left undisturbed for about one day before this experiment. b). Now, the chlorophyll is removed from the leaf by boiling the leaf in water then into alcohol and further washed with hot water to soften it. c). The leaf of the plant is then tested for the presence of starch by adding 2-3 drops of iodine solution with the help of a dropper to the leaf surface.

III. Observation: It will be observed that the colour of the leaf turns blue-black.

IV. Conclusion: The blue-black colour ensures the presence of starch and therefore ensures that photosynthesis takes place in the leaf.

2. Theoretical Demonstration for the release of oxygen during photosynthesis

I. Aim:  Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis that is utilised in the process of respiration. To ensure the release of oxygen, the following steps should be followed:

II. Material required: An aquatic plant, sodium bicarbonate, water, beaker, funnel.

III. Procedure: a). Design the experimental setup A beaker full of water is taken, and any aquatic plant such as Hydrilla is placed at the bottom of the beaker. The plant is further covered with the inverted funnel. An inverted test tube is placed over the funnel. b). Plant subjected to perform photosynthesis The experimental setup is then placed in the sunlight to facilitate the process of photosynthesis to occur in the plant. Sodium bicarbonate is added to the water to provide carbon dioxide that is needed for photosynthesis. c). Observation: A number of air bubbles can be observed at the top closed end of the test tube. Since there is no place for the oxygen to escape from the inverted test tube. IV. Conclusion: The presence of bubbles ensures that oxygen is released during photosynthesis. We can test for the presence of oxygen bubbles by taking a glowing splinter in contact with the air bubbles.

Experiment demonstrating the release of oxygen

Fig: Experiment demonstrating the release of oxygen

Photosynthesis is the process of synthesising food by utilising carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight. The leaves are the kitchen factories of the plant as they contain chlorophyll in their mesophyll cells to absorb the sunlight. The importance of chlorophyll can be tested by using variegated leaves that show only green patches of the leaves can absorb sunlight since they contain chlorophyll and perform photosynthesis. On the other hand, if a small portion of the entire green leaf is covered with black paper, it does not perform photosynthesis due to the absence of sunlight.

The presence of starch can be confirmed by performing an iodine test. The release of oxygen can be tested by taking an aquatic plant placed in a water-filled beaker along with the inverted funnel and test tube that are placed one after another over the plant and later tested for the release of oxygen. By studying these experiments, we came to know about the importance of carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water in a plant for photosynthesis. These experiments also ensure the type of food synthesised by plants and the release of life-supporting gas.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Experiments Related to Photosynthesis

Q.1. Why only Hydrilla is used in photosynthesis experiments? Ans: Hydrilla is a small, aquatic plant that is easy to handle and able to breathe in the water, therefore used in the demonstration of the release of oxygen during photosynthesis.

Q.2. How can we destarch the plant? Ans: We can destarch the plant by keeping the plant in the dark for about one to two days.

Q.3. How do you decolourise the leaf? Ans: We can decolourise then placing it into a beaker containing alcohol and boiling the leaf in a water bath.

Q.4. How do you test the presence of starch in a leaf? Ans: The presence of starch can be tested by putting 2-3 drops of iodine on the leaf. If the colour turns blue-black, it ensures the presence of starch in the leaf.

Q.5. Which experiment proves that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis? Ans: Moll’s half-leaf experiment proves that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis.

We hope this detailed article on experiments related to photosynthesis helped you in your studies. If you have any doubts, queries or suggestions regarding this article, feel to ask us in the comment section and we will be more than happy to assist you. Happy learning!

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