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25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze


Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great research paper or argumentative essay. The thesis statement is where you make a claim that will guide you through your entire paper. If you find yourself struggling to make sense of your paper or your topic, then it's likely due to a weak thesis statement.

Let's take a minute to first understand what makes a solid thesis statement, and what key components you need to write one of your own.

Perfecting Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement always goes at the beginning of the paper. It will typically be in the first couple of paragraphs of the paper so that it can introduce the body paragraphs, which are the supporting evidence for your thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should clearly identify an argument. You need to have a statement that is not only easy to understand, but one that is debatable. What that means is that you can't just put any statement of fact and have it be your thesis. For example, everyone knows that puppies are cute . An ineffective thesis statement would be, "Puppies are adorable and everyone knows it." This isn't really something that's a debatable topic.

Something that would be more debatable would be, "A puppy's cuteness is derived from its floppy ears, small body, and playfulness." These are three things that can be debated on. Some people might think that the cutest thing about puppies is the fact that they follow you around or that they're really soft and fuzzy.

All cuteness aside, you want to make sure that your thesis statement is not only debatable, but that it also actually thoroughly answers the research question that was posed. You always want to make sure that your evidence is supporting a claim that you made (and not the other way around). This is why it's crucial to read and research about a topic first and come to a conclusion later. If you try to get your research to fit your thesis statement, then it may not work out as neatly as you think. As you learn more, you discover more (and the outcome may not be what you originally thought).

Additionally, your thesis statement shouldn't be too big or too grand. It'll be hard to cover everything in a thesis statement like, "The federal government should act now on climate change." The topic is just too large to actually say something new and meaningful. Instead, a more effective thesis statement might be, "Local governments can combat climate change by providing citizens with larger recycling bins and offering local classes about composting and conservation." This is easier to work with because it's a smaller idea, but you can also discuss the overall topic that you might be interested in, which is climate change.

So, now that we know what makes a good, solid thesis statement, you can start to write your own. If you find that you're getting stuck or you are the type of person who needs to look at examples before you start something, then check out our list of thesis statement examples below.

Thesis statement examples

A quick note that these thesis statements have not been fully researched. These are merely examples to show you what a thesis statement might look like and how you can implement your own ideas into one that you think of independently. As such, you should not use these thesis statements for your own research paper purposes. They are meant to be used as examples only.

  • Vaccinations Because many children are unable to vaccinate due to illness, we must require that all healthy and able children be vaccinated in order to have herd immunity.
  • Educational Resources for Low-Income Students Schools should provide educational resources for low-income students during the summers so that they don't forget what they've learned throughout the school year.
  • School Uniforms School uniforms may be an upfront cost for families, but they eradicate the visual differences in income between students and provide a more egalitarian atmosphere at school.
  • Populism The rise in populism on the 2016 political stage was in reaction to increasing globalization, the decline of manufacturing jobs, and the Syrian refugee crisis.
  • Public Libraries Libraries are essential resources for communities and should be funded more heavily by local municipalities.
  • Cyber Bullying With more and more teens using smartphones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Cyber bullying puts a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Parents should limit the usage of smart phones, monitor their children's online activity, and report any cyber bullying to school officials in order to combat this problem.
  • Medical Marijuana for Veterans Studies have shown that the use of medicinal marijuana has been helpful to veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Medicinal marijuana prescriptions should be legal in all states and provided to these veterans. Additional medical or therapy services should also be researched and implemented in order to help them re-integrate back into civilian life.
  • Work-Life Balance Corporations should provide more work from home opportunities and six-hour workdays so that office workers have a better work-life balance and are more likely to be productive when they are in the office.
  • Teaching Youths about Consensual Sex Although sex education that includes a discussion of consensual sex would likely lead to less sexual assault, parents need to teach their children the meaning of consent from a young age with age appropriate lessons.
  • Whether or Not to Attend University A degree from a university provides invaluable lessons on life and a future career, but not every high school student should be encouraged to attend a university directly after graduation. Some students may benefit from a trade school or a "gap year" where they can think more intensely about what it is they want to do for a career and how they can accomplish this.
  • Studying Abroad Studying abroad is one of the most culturally valuable experiences you can have in college. It is the only way to get completely immersed in another language and learn how other cultures and countries are different from your own.
  • Women's Body Image Magazines have done a lot in the last five years to include a more diverse group of models, but there is still a long way to go to promote a healthy woman's body image collectively as a culture.
  • Cigarette Tax Heavily taxing and increasing the price of cigarettes is essentially a tax on the poorest Americans, and it doesn't deter them from purchasing. Instead, the state and federal governments should target those economically disenfranchised with early education about the dangers of smoking.
  • Veganism A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, indicates a position of privilege. It also limits you to other cultural food experiences if you travel around the world.
  • University Athletes Should be Compensated University athletes should be compensated for their service to the university, as it is difficult for these students to procure and hold a job with busy academic and athletic schedules. Many student athletes on scholarship also come from low-income neighborhoods and it is a struggle to make ends meet when they are participating in athletics.
  • Women in the Workforce Sheryl Sandberg makes a lot of interesting points in her best-selling book, Lean In , but she only addressed the very privileged working woman and failed to speak to those in lower-skilled, lower-wage jobs.
  • Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide should be legal and doctors should have the ability to make sure their patients have the end-of-life care that they want to receive.
  • Celebrity and Political Activism Although Taylor Swift's lyrics are indicative of a feminist perspective, she should be more politically active and vocal to use her position of power for the betterment of society.
  • The Civil War The insistence from many Southerners that the South seceded from the Union for states' rights versus the fact that they seceded for the purposes of continuing slavery is a harmful myth that still affects race relations today.
  • Blue Collar Workers Coal miners and other blue-collar workers whose jobs are slowly disappearing from the workforce should be re-trained in jobs in the technology sector or in renewable energy. A program to re-train these workers would not only improve local economies where jobs have been displaced, but would also lead to lower unemployment nationally.
  • Diversity in the Workforce Having a diverse group of people in an office setting leads to richer ideas, more cooperation, and more empathy between people with different skin colors or backgrounds.
  • Re-Imagining the Nuclear Family The nuclear family was traditionally defined as one mother, one father, and 2.5 children. This outdated depiction of family life doesn't quite fit with modern society. The definition of normal family life shouldn't be limited to two-parent households.
  • Digital Literacy Skills With more information readily available than ever before, it's crucial that students are prepared to examine the material they're reading and determine whether or not it's a good source or if it has misleading information. Teaching students digital literacy and helping them to understand the difference between opinion or propaganda from legitimate, real information is integral.
  • Beauty Pageants Beauty pageants are presented with the angle that they empower women. However, putting women in a swimsuit on a stage while simultaneously judging them on how well they answer an impossible question in a short period of time is cruel and purely for the amusement of men. Therefore, we should stop televising beauty pageants.
  • Supporting More Women to Run for a Political Position In order to get more women into political positions, more women must run for office. There must be a grassroots effort to educate women on how to run for office, who among them should run, and support for a future candidate for getting started on a political career.

Still stuck? Need some help with your thesis statement?

If you are still uncertain about how to write a thesis statement or what a good thesis statement is, be sure to consult with your teacher or professor to make sure you're on the right track. It's always a good idea to check in and make sure that your thesis statement is making a solid argument and that it can be supported by your research.

After you're done writing, it's important to have someone take a second look at your paper so that you can ensure there are no mistakes or errors. It's difficult to spot your own mistakes, which is why it's always recommended to have someone help you with the revision process, whether that's a teacher, the writing center at school, or a professional editor such as one from ServiceScape .

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50 Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement Examples

50 Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

Learn about our Editorial Process

argumentative essay thesis statement

A thesis statement in an argumentative essay needs to present a point of view . The biggest mistake you can make is to provide a thesis statement that doesn’t demonstrate what your argument will be. So, your thesis statement should set a clear argument, perspective, or position in relation to a debate. Check out the examples below.

Thesis Statements for Argumentative Essays

1. mandatory school uniforms.

school uniforms and dress codes, explained below

For: “School uniforms should be mandatory as they promote equality and reduce distractions, fostering a better learning environment.”

Against: “Mandatory school uniforms infringe on students’ freedom of expression and fail to address the root causes of bullying and social stratification.”

Read More: School Uniform Pros and Cons

2. School Should Start Later

moral panic definition examples

For: “Schools should start later in the morning to align with adolescents’ natural sleep cycles, resulting in improved mental health, increased academic performance, and better overall student well-being.”

Against: “Starting school later in the morning disrupts family routines, poses logistical challenges for after-school activities and transportation, and fails to prepare students for the traditional workday schedule.”

Read More: School Should Start Later Arguments | School Should Start Earlier Arguments

3. College Athletes Should be Paid

pros and cons of paying college athletes, explained below

For: “College athletes should be compensated for their contributions to the multi-billion dollar collegiate sports industry, as their commitment and efforts generate significant revenue and marketing value for their institutions.”

Against: “Paying college athletes undermines the spirit of amateurism in collegiate sports, complicates the primary focus on education, and poses significant financial and regulatory challenges for universities.”

Read More: Why College Athletes Should be Paid

4. Homework should be Banned

homework pros and cons

For: “Excessive homework can lead to student burnout, reduce family time, and is not always effective in enhancing learning.”

Against: “Homework is essential for reinforcing learning, fostering independent study skills, and preparing students for academic challenges.”

Read More: 21 Reasons Homework Should be Banned

5. Nature is More Important than Nurture

nature vs nurture examples and definition

For: “Genetic predispositions play a more critical role in shaping an individual than environmental factors, highlighting the importance of nature in personal development.”

Against: “Environmental factors and upbringing have a more significant impact on an individual’s development than genetic factors, emphasizing the role of nurture.”

Read More: Nature vs Nurture

6. The American Dream is Unattainable

American Dream Examples Definition

For: “The American Dream is an outdated and unachievable concept for many, masked by systemic inequalities and economic barriers.”

Against: “The American Dream is still a relevant and attainable goal, symbolizing hope, opportunity, and hard work in a land of limitless potential.”

Read More: Examples of the American Dream

7. Social Media is Good for Society

social media examples and definition

For: “Social media is a vital tool for modern communication, fostering global connectivity and democratizing information dissemination.”

Against: “Social media platforms contribute to mental health issues, spread misinformation, and erode quality face-to-face interactions.”

Read More: Social Media Pros and Cons

8. Globalization has been Bad for Society

types of globalization, explained below

For: “Globalization leads to the exploitation of developing countries, loss of cultural identity, and increased income inequality.”

Against: “Globalization is beneficial, driving economic growth, cultural exchange, and technological advancement on a global scale.”

Read More: Globalization Pros and Cons

9. Urbanization has been Good for Society

urbanization example and definition

For: “Urbanization is a positive force for economic development and cultural diversity, offering improved opportunities and lifestyles.”

Against: “Rapid urbanization leads to environmental degradation, overpopulation, and heightened social inequalities.”

Read More: Urbanization Examples

10. Immigration is Good for Society

immigration pros and cons, explained below

For: “Immigration enriches the social and economic fabric of the host country, bringing diversity and innovation.”

Against: “Uncontrolled immigration can strain public resources, disrupt local job markets, and lead to cultural clashes.”

Read More: Immigration Pros and Cons

11. Cultural Identity must be Preserved

cultural identity examples and definition, explained below

For: “Maintaining cultural identity is essential to preserve historical heritage and promote diversity in a globalized world.”

Against: “Excessive emphasis on cultural identity can lead to isolationism and hinder integration and mutual understanding in multicultural societies.”

Read More: Cultural Identity Examples

12. Technology is Essential for Social Progress

technology examples and definition explained below

For: “The advancement of technology is crucial for societal progress, improving efficiency, healthcare, and global communication.”

Against: “Over-dependence on technology leads to privacy concerns, job displacement, and a disconnection from the natural world.”

13. Capitalism is the Best Economic System

capitalism examples and definition

For: “Capitalism drives innovation, economic growth, and personal freedom, outperforming socialist systems in efficiency and prosperity.”

Against: “Capitalism creates vast inequalities and exploits workers and the environment, necessitating a shift towards socialist principles for a fairer society.”

14. Socialism is the Best Economic System

socialism definition examples pros cons, explained below

For: “Socialism promotes social welfare and equality, ensuring basic needs are met for all citizens, unlike the inequalities perpetuated by capitalism.”

Against: “Socialism stifles individual initiative and economic growth, often leading to governmental overreach and inefficiency.”

Read More: Socialism Pros and Cons

15. Pseudoscience has no Value to Society

pseudoscience examples and definition, explained below

For: “Pseudoscience is harmful as it misleads people, often resulting in health risks and the rejection of scientifically proven facts.”

Against: “Pseudoscience, while not scientifically validated, can offer alternative perspectives and comfort to individuals where mainstream science has limitations.”

Read More: Pseudoscience Examples

16. Free Will is Real

free will examples and definition, explained below

For: “Individuals possess free will, enabling them to make autonomous choices that shape their lives and moral character, independent of genetic or environmental determinism.”

Against: “The concept of free will is an illusion, with human behavior being the result of genetic and environmental influences beyond personal control.”

Read More: Free Will Examples

17. Gender Roles are Outdated

gender roles examples and definition, explained below

For: “Rigid gender roles are outdated and limit individual freedom, perpetuating inequality and stereotyping.”

Against: “Traditional gender roles provide structure and clarity to societal functions and personal relationships.”

Read More: Gender Roles Examples

18. Work-Life Ballance is Essential for a Good Life

work-life balance examples and definition, explained below

For: “Achieving a work-life balance is essential for mental health, productivity, and personal fulfillment.”

Against: “The pursuit of work-life balance can lead to decreased professional ambition and economic growth, particularly in highly competitive industries.”

Read More: Work-Life Balance Examples

19. Universal Healthcare

universal healthcare pros and cons

For: “Universal healthcare is a fundamental human right, ensuring equitable access to medical services for all individuals.”

Against: “Universal healthcare can be inefficient and costly, potentially leading to lower quality of care and longer wait times.”

Read More: Universal Healthcare Pros and Cons

20. Raising the Minimum Wage

raising minimum wage pros and cons

For: “Raising the minimum wage is necessary to provide a living wage, reduce poverty, and stimulate economic growth.”

Against: “Increasing the minimum wage can lead to higher unemployment and negatively impact small businesses.”

Read More: Raising the Minimum Wage Pros and Cons

21. Charter Schools are Better than Public Schools

charter schools vs public schools, explained below

For: “Charter schools provide valuable alternatives to traditional public schools, often offering innovative educational approaches and higher standards.”

Against: “Charter schools can drain resources from public schools and lack the same level of accountability and inclusivity.”

Read More: Charter Schools vs Public Schools

22. The Internet has had a Net Positive Effect

internet pros and cons

For: “The internet is a transformative tool for education, communication, and business, making information more accessible than ever before.”

Against: “The internet can be a platform for misinformation, privacy breaches, and unhealthy social comparison, negatively impacting society.”

Read Also: Pros and Cons of the Internet

23. Affirmative Action is Fair and Just

affirmative action example and definition, explained below

For: “Affirmative action is necessary to correct historical injustices and promote diversity in education and the workplace.”

Against: “Affirmative action can lead to reverse discrimination and undermine meritocracy, potentially harming those it aims to help.”

Read More: Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action

24. Soft Skills are the Most Important Workforce Skills

soft skills examples and definition, explained below

For: “Soft skills like communication and empathy are crucial in the modern workforce, contributing to a collaborative and adaptable work environment.”

Against: “Overemphasis on soft skills can neglect technical proficiency and practical skills that are essential in many professional fields.”

Read More: Examples of Soft Skills

25. Freedom of the Press has gone Too Far

freedom of the press example and definition, explained below

For: “Unregulated freedom of the press can lead to the spread of misinformation and biased reporting, influencing public opinion unfairly.”

Against: “Freedom of the press is essential for a democratic society, ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.”

Read More: Free Press Examples


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Thesis Statement Topics

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essay topics with thesis statement

Selecting the ideal topic for your thesis statement is like laying the cornerstone for a building; it’s foundational to the strength and clarity of your argument. The choice of topic not only determines the direction of your research but also influences the impact of your paper. With a sea of topics available, the challenge often lies in narrowing down the options. This guide will elucidate the nuances of picking thesis statement topics, offering a roadmap to ensure your selection resonates with purpose and precision.

What is a good thesis statement topic?

A good thesis statement topic is one that satisfies several key criteria:

  • Relevance : It should be pertinent to your field of study and align with current trends or gaps in the research. A topic that is timely and relevant can garner more interest.
  • Researchable : There should be enough information available for you to research and base your arguments on. Conversely, it shouldn’t be so over-researched that there’s nothing new to add.
  • Specificity : A good topic isn’t too broad; it’s specific enough to be manageable within the scope of your paper or project. For instance, “Climate Change” is too broad, but “The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Ecosystems in Florida” narrows the focus.
  • Arguable : A good thesis topic invites debate. It isn’t a statement of fact but presents a claim or perspective that can be supported or challenged with evidence.
  • Originality : While it’s challenging to find a completely untouched topic, your approach, perspective, or specific focus should bring some level of originality to the subject.
  • Personal Interest : While often overlooked, it’s crucial to choose a topic you’re passionate about. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing and make the research process more engaging.
  • Scope : The topic should be feasible in terms of the length of your paper or project. A Ph.D. dissertation will have a broader scope than a short essay, for instance.

For example, a topic like “The Influence of Social Media Algorithms on Political Polarization” is specific, researchable, arguable, and highly relevant in today’s digital age

What is an Example of Good Thesis Statement Topic?

Certainly! Let’s delve into a topic and derive a thesis statement from it.

Topic : The Influence of Social Media on Teen Mental Health

Thesis Statement : “The pervasive use of social media among teenagers has a significant correlation with increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation, as the platforms amplify peer comparison, perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, and increase the potential for cyberbullying.”

This Strong thesis statement satisfies the criteria for being good:

  • It is relevant given the widespread concern about teen mental health in the age of social media.
  • It is specific , focusing on the connection between social media use and particular mental health issues among teens.
  • It is arguable , as some might believe that social media has positive effects or that its impact is negligible.
  • It has a researchable basis , as many studies have explored this connection in recent years.
  • It invites the writer to present evidence on each of the aspects mentioned: peer comparison, beauty standards, and cyberbullying.

100 Thesis Statement Topics and Examples

Thesis Statement Topics and Examples

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  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health : Pervasive use of social media correlates with heightened feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness.
  • The Benefits of Renewable Energy : Renewable energy sources offer a sustainable solution to the global energy crisis.
  • The Historical Analysis of the Feminist Movement : The evolution of feminism has drastically challenged societal norms, advocating for equality.
  • Modern Architecture and Sustainability : Contemporary architectural practices are increasingly integrating sustainability, emphasizing eco-friendly designs.
  • The Economic Impact of E-commerce : E-commerce platforms have revolutionized consumer behavior and reshaped global economic dynamics.
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare : AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, from diagnostics to patient care.
  • The Cultural Influence of Renaissance Art : Renaissance art provided a foundation that has profoundly influenced Western aesthetics and cultural expressions.
  • The Consequences of Globalization on Local Cultures : While globalization has spurred economic growth, it also threatens the integrity of local cultures.
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Relationships : Early traumatic experiences can deeply affect adult relational patterns and attachments.
  • The Future of Space Exploration : Advancements in technology and space research may soon make interstellar travel a reality for humanity.
  • The Influences of Pop Culture on Youth : Pop culture significantly influences youth behaviors, beliefs, and aspirations.
  • Effects of Urbanization on Biodiversity : Rapid urban expansion can lead to habitat fragmentation and a decline in biodiversity.
  • The Historical Importance of Shakespeare’s Works : Shakespeare’s literary contributions have had a profound impact on English literature and drama.
  • Impacts of Vegan Diets on Health : Adopting a vegan diet can offer health benefits and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • The Ethical Implications of Cloning : Cloning, while scientifically possible, raises myriad ethical and moral concerns.
  • The Psychological Effects of Prolonged Screen Time : Excessive exposure to screens can lead to mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.
  • The Sustainability of Fast Fashion : The fast fashion industry faces scrutiny for its environmental impact and unsustainable practices.
  • The Role of Play in Early Childhood Development : Play is essential for cognitive, physical, and emotional development in early childhood.
  • Effects of Deforestation on Indigenous Communities : Deforestation not only harms the environment but also displaces and affects indigenous communities.
  • The Future of Cryptocurrencies : Cryptocurrencies may redefine traditional economic systems, offering more decentralized and transparent monetary operations.
  • The Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women : Microfinance initiatives have the potential to uplift women economically and socially in developing nations.
  • Impact of Fast Food on Public Health : Excessive consumption of fast food contributes significantly to global health issues like obesity and heart diseases.
  • Evolution of Digital Media and its Effects on Traditional Journalism : The rise of digital media challenges traditional journalistic practices while offering more democratized information dissemination.
  • The Historical Roots of Racism in Modern Society : Present-day racial biases and prejudices can be traced back to centuries-old practices and beliefs.
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Medical Research : Animal testing, while advancing medical science, poses significant ethical dilemmas.
  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency : The potential of blockchain extends beyond cryptocurrencies, offering solutions in sectors like healthcare, finance, and supply chain management.
  • Impact of Augmented Reality on Modern Education : Augmented reality can revolutionize education, offering interactive and immersive learning experiences.
  • The Societal Implications of Universal Basic Income : Implementing a Universal Basic Income could address inequality but poses significant economic challenges.
  • Gentrification and its Effects on Urban Communities : Gentrification, while revitalizing urban areas, often displaces long-standing communities and erodes local cultures.
  • Impact of Climate Change on Global Migration : Escalating climate change effects are becoming a key driver in global migration patterns.
  • Historical Analysis of The Olympic Games : The Olympics, beyond a sporting event, reflects global political, cultural, and societal shifts.
  • The Role of Genetics in Personality Development : Genetics, combined with environmental factors, play a crucial role in shaping individual personalities.
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Warfare : The integration of AI in military strategies raises concerns over accountability and ethics in warfare.
  • Impact of Nuclear Energy on Global Power Dynamics : Nuclear energy, as a power source and weapon, significantly influences global geopolitics.
  • The Transformation of Retail in the Age of E-commerce : The digital revolution is reshaping the traditional retail landscape, emphasizing the importance of online presence.
  • Cultural Interpretations of Dreams Across Civilizations : Dreams have been interpreted in various ways across cultures, reflecting societal beliefs and values.
  • The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Thought : Greek philosophers laid the foundational ideas and principles that have influenced Western academic and societal thought.
  • The Role of Gut Health in Overall Wellbeing : Emerging research suggests that gut health is pivotal to overall physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Modern Art : Modern art often mirrors psychoanalytic concepts, offering a window into the subconscious mind of society.
  • Effects of Parenting Styles on Child Development : Different parenting approaches can have varied outcomes on the emotional and psychological development of children
  • Urban Planning and its Impact on Community Well-being : Efficient urban planning is essential to ensure sustainable, healthy, and integrated communities.
  • The Influence of Classical Music on Cognitive Development : Exposure to classical music during early years can enhance cognitive abilities in children.
  • Economic Impacts of Tourism in Developing Countries : Tourism, while being a significant revenue source, can sometimes strain resources and alter local cultures in developing nations.
  • The Psychological Underpinnings of Procrastination : Procrastination, more than just laziness, often stems from deep-seated fears and anxieties.
  • Migration Patterns and their Effects on Global Economies : Contemporary migration patterns, driven by various factors, significantly influence both source and destination economies.
  • The Significance of Quantum Mechanics in Modern Technology : Quantum mechanics forms the backbone of many advanced technological innovations today.
  • The Cultural and Historical Roots of Meditation Practices : Meditation, now global, has diverse historical and cultural origins, offering varied practices and philosophies.
  • Ethical Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) : While GMOs promise improved yield and resilience, they raise concerns about biodiversity, health, and corporate control over food sources.
  • The Renaissance and its Impact on Modern Thought : The Renaissance era, marked by renewed interest in arts and sciences, has deeply influenced modern intellectual and cultural paradigms.
  • Post-colonial Literature and its Exploration of Identity and Nationhood : Post-colonial literature delves deep into themes of identity, nationhood, and the lingering impacts of colonization.
  • The Role of Coral Reefs in Marine Ecosystems : Coral reefs, while covering a minor fraction of the ocean floor, play a pivotal role in marine biodiversity and ecosystem health.
  • Impact of Biotechnology on Modern Medicine : Advanced biotechnological approaches have heralded a new era in diagnostics, treatment, and patient care.
  • The Philosophical Foundations of Democracy : Democracy, as a governance model, is rooted in ancient philosophical ideals about freedom, equality, and representation.
  • Technological Innovations and their Influence on Social Interactions : The digital age, while connecting the world, also alters the nature and depth of personal interactions.
  • The Evolution and Influence of Jazz in Global Music : Originating from African-American communities, jazz has evolved and permeated various music genres worldwide.
  • Historical Perspectives on Pandemics and their Societal Impact : Past pandemics, like the Black Death or Spanish Flu, have reshaped societies, economies, and cultures.
  • Neuroscientific Insights into Meditation and Mindfulness : Modern neuroscience reveals how meditation and mindfulness practices alter brain structures and enhance mental well-being.
  • The Ecological and Economic Significance of Wetlands : Wetlands, beyond their biodiversity, play a critical role in flood control, water purification, and carbon sequestration.
  • Effects of Pesticides on Bee Populations and Agriculture : Declining bee populations due to pesticides threaten not only biodiversity but also global food supply chains.
  • The Exploration of Space: Philosophical Implications and Possibilities : Venturing into space raises profound questions about human existence, destiny, and our place in the cosmos
  • The Dynamics of Workplace Culture in the Digital Age : Remote work and digital communication tools are reshaping traditional workplace norms and interactions.
  • Historical Analysis of Economic Crises and their Social Impacts : Economic downturns, from the Great Depression to recent recessions, profoundly impact societal structures and individual lives.
  • The Role of Forests in Climate Change Mitigation : Forests act as crucial carbon sinks, playing a vital role in global efforts to combat climate change.
  • Cognitive and Social Benefits of Bilingualism : Mastering two or more languages can enhance cognitive flexibility and foster cross-cultural understanding.
  • Modern Robotics and Ethical Considerations : As robots assume more roles in society, ethical concerns about autonomy, job displacement, and human-machine relationships intensify.
  • The Socio-cultural Influence of Latin American Literature : Latin American literature offers rich insights into regional histories, cultures, and identities, influencing global literary thought.
  • Evolution of Feminist Movements in the 21st Century : Contemporary feminist movements, like #MeToo, reflect evolving dialogues on gender equality and women’s rights in modern society.
  • The Importance of Mangroves in Coastal Ecosystems : Mangroves provide critical protection against coastal erosion, serve as breeding grounds for marine life, and aid in carbon sequestration.
  • The Interplay of Politics and Media in Modern Democracies : In the digital era, media plays an increasingly influential role in shaping political discourse and public opinion.
  • Exploring the Mysteries of Dark Matter and Dark Energy : These enigmatic components of the universe challenge our understanding of physics and the nature of reality.
  • Evolving Norms of Masculinity in Contemporary Culture : Modern discourses challenge traditional masculine norms, promoting more inclusive and diverse expressions of manhood.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets : AI’s predictive capabilities are revolutionizing trading strategies, risk management, and financial forecasting.
  • Cultural Perspectives on Death and Afterlife : Societies worldwide offer diverse and profound interpretations of death, reflecting their spiritual, philosophical, and cultural mores.
  • The Influence of African Music on Global Music Genres : From jazz to pop, African musical elements have enriched global music genres, fostering cross-cultural exchanges.
  • The Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelics : Emerging research suggests psychedelics like psilocybin could offer breakthrough treatments for mental health disorders.
  • The Changing Landscape of Book Publishing in the Digital Era : E-books, self-publishing, and digital platforms are redefining the traditional publishing industry’s contours.
  • The Role of Microorganisms in Human Health : Beyond pathogens, beneficial microorganisms play a pivotal role in digestion, immunity, and overall health.
  • Sustainability Practices in Modern Agriculture : Amid climate change and population growth, sustainable farming practices are crucial for food security and ecological balance.
  • The Impact of Colonialism on Contemporary Art in Africa : Colonial legacies influence themes, motifs, and narratives in modern African art.
  • Economic Implications of Aging Populations : As populations age, economies face challenges in pension systems, healthcare costs, and workforce dynamics
  • The Transformation of Cinema in the Age of Streaming Platforms : With platforms like Netflix and Disney+, the traditional movie-going experience and film distribution are undergoing dramatic shifts.
  • The Role of Play in Child Cognitive Development : Engaging in unstructured play is pivotal for fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence in children.
  • Cybersecurity in the Era of Internet of Things (IoT) : As devices become interconnected, there’s an escalating need for robust cybersecurity measures to prevent data breaches.
  • The Culinary Journey: How Food Connects Cultures : Global cuisines offer a sensory exploration into the histories, traditions, and narratives of diverse cultures.
  • Ecotourism’s Impact on Local Communities : While ecotourism promotes sustainable travel, its effects on local cultures and economies can be multifaceted.
  • Modern Architecture’s Dialogue with Nature : Contemporary architectural practices emphasize sustainability, eco-friendliness, and harmony with the natural environment.
  • The Psychological Dynamics of Social Media Addiction : The design of social platforms taps into psychological needs for validation and connection, leading to potential overuse and addiction.
  • Green Technologies in Urban Transportation : Embracing green tech, like electric buses and bikes, can transform urban mobility and reduce environmental footprints.
  • The Intersections of Religion and Politics in Modern Democracies : In many nations, religious beliefs and practices continue to shape political ideologies and policy-making.
  • Role of Quantum Computing in Future Technologies : Quantum computing promises to revolutionize sectors like cryptography, drug discovery, and artificial intelligence by offering unparalleled computational power.
  • Impact of Climate Change on Ancient Civilizations : Archaeological and paleoclimatic evidence suggests that past climate shifts influenced the rise and fall of ancient empires.
  • Modern Art Movements and their Social Commentaries : Art movements like surrealism or abstract expressionism offer insights into societal dynamics, aspirations, and anxieties of their times.
  • The Ethics and Implications of Human Cloning : While human cloning remains a controversial topic, it poses profound ethical, social, and scientific challenges and possibilities.
  • Migration and its Influence on Global Cuisine : Migrant communities introduce and blend culinary traditions, leading to the evolution of global foodscapes.
  • The Power Dynamics in Linguistic Colonization : Language imposition during colonial eras affected indigenous cultures, influencing identity, communication, and power structures.
  • Sustainable Fashion: Necessity in the Age of Consumerism : The fashion industry, a significant pollutant, is witnessing a shift towards sustainable practices in production and consumption.
  • E-sports: The Rise of Competitive Video Gaming : E-sports, once a niche hobby, has evolved into a global phenomenon with significant economic and cultural impacts.
  • The Role of Mythology in Shaping Cultural Identities : Myths, legends, and folklore play a crucial role in forming collective identities, moral codes, and worldviews.
  • Advances in Renewable Energy and their Global Impacts : As the world shifts away from fossil fuels, renewable energy technologies promise a cleaner, sustainable future.
  • Digital Privacy Rights in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism : With tech giants monetizing user data, there’s a pressing need to address digital privacy rights and data protection.

Thesis Statement Topics and Examples for College

College years are a crucial period where students delve into complex topics, exploring various issues and debates that shape academic and real-world discussions. Here, the focus is on subjects relevant to undergraduate learners, offering a blend of breadth and depth.

  • Influence of College Extracurriculars on Career Paths : Participation in college clubs and societies often aligns with and influences career trajectories, enhancing professional networks and skills.
  • Mental Health Concerns in College Students : Rising academic pressures and transitional life phases exacerbate mental health issues among college students.
  • Impact of Study Abroad Programs on Cultural Understanding : Immersing in foreign academic environments fosters cultural empathy and broadens worldviews.
  • The Role of College Advisors in Academic Success : Effective guidance from academic advisors can significantly impact students’ career decisions and academic achievements.
  • Online Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Experiences in College : As e-learning gains momentum, its efficacy compared to conventional classroom instruction becomes a pivotal discussion point.
  • College Athletes and Compensation Debates : The controversy surrounding financial compensation for college athletes given the revenue they generate is multi-faceted.
  • The Relevance of College Degrees in Modern Job Markets : As skill-based hiring gains traction, the actual value of a college degree in certain industries comes under scrutiny.
  • College Campuses and Sustainability Initiatives : Modern colleges play a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices, becoming epicenters for green initiatives.
  • Influence of Social Media on College Social Dynamics : Platforms like Instagram or Snapchat shape social hierarchies, interpersonal relationships, and perceptions of self among college students.
  • Debt Crisis and College Tuitions : The ballooning student loan debt in relation to rising college tuitions is a major socioeconomic concern.

3 Point Thesis Statement Topics & Examples

Three-point thesis statements provide a structured approach, presenting three primary arguments or points in support of the central claim.

  • Digitalization, Environment, and Job Markets : Digital transformation leads to environmental conservation through paperless operations but simultaneously poses threats to traditional job roles.
  • Diet, Exercise, and Mental Well-being : A balanced diet combined with regular exercise not only ensures physical health but also promotes mental well-being.
  • Literature, History, and Cultural Identity : Literary works capture historical contexts, reflecting and shaping the cultural identity of societies across eras.
  • Solar Energy: Efficiency, Economy, and Environment : Solar energy presents benefits in operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental preservation.
  • Youth, Technology, and Social Change : The youth, empowered by technological innovations, are the vanguards of social transformations and revolutions.

Controversial Topics & Examples of Thesis Statements

Tackling controversial subjects requires a deft hand, analyzing various facets of contentious issues.

  • Legalization of Recreational Marijuana : While proponents highlight medical benefits and potential tax revenues, critics point to potential health risks and societal concerns.
  • Euthanasia and Right to Die : The debate around euthanasia encompasses moral, legal, and individual autonomy aspects.
  • Genetic Engineering in Humans : The promise of eliminating genetic diseases is tempered by ethical concerns over “designer babies” and unforeseen genetic consequences.
  • State Surveillance vs. Individual Privacy : While state surveillance is justified as a security measure, it often clashes with individual rights to privacy.
  • Animal Testing in Medical Research : The pursuit of medical advancements often comes at the cost of animal welfare, sparking ethical debates.

Debatable Topics & Examples of Thesis Statements

Engaging in debates helps in sharpening analytical skills, and these topics invite discussions from multiple viewpoints.

  • Universal Basic Income as an Economic Equalizer : While UBI promises to address income inequality, questions arise regarding its feasibility and potential economic repercussions.
  • Space Exploration vs. Earth Conservation : As space exploration advances, debates ensue about prioritizing cosmic endeavors over pressing terrestrial environmental concerns.
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Employment : The rise of AI brings about concerns over job displacements and the future of human work.
  • Vegetarianism and its Environmental Impact : Shifting towards plant-based diets promises environmental benefits, but its global feasibility and nutritional implications remain topics of debate.
  • Single-gender Schools and Academic Performance : While some argue single-gender schools foster better academic environments, critics see them as perpetuating gender stereotypes.

Education Topics & Thesis Statement Examples

Education thesis statement is the cornerstone of societal progress, and these topics shed light on its various dimensions.

  • Early Childhood Education and Cognitive Development : Formative early education significantly influences cognitive growth, setting the stage for future academic success.
  • Standardized Testing and its Implications on Learning : Over-reliance on standardized tests can sometimes overshadow holistic learning, emphasizing rote memorization.
  • Digital Tools in Modern Classrooms : The integration of digital platforms and tools in classrooms offers interactive learning experiences but also presents challenges in maintaining engagement.
  • Inclusion of Life Skills in School Curriculums : Beyond traditional subjects, life skills education prepares students for real-world challenges, fostering emotional intelligence and practical acumen.
  • Teacher Training and Student Outcomes : Effective teacher training programs directly influence classroom dynamics and, consequently, student performance outcomes.

How do you write a topic thesis statement?

Writing a topic thesis statement involves condensing the primary idea or argument of your paper into a concise, clear statement. Here’s how to craft one:

  • Identify Your Topic : Begin by clearly defining what you’ll be discussing or analyzing.
  • Clarify Your Opinion or Position : What do you want to say about the topic? Your thesis should not merely state a fact, but it should announce your position on the topic.
  • Make it Specific : A broad or vague thesis statement will be hard to defend. Ensure your statement is detailed enough to give your readers a clear sense of your argument.
  • Ensure It’s Arguable : A thesis statement should be something people could reasonably have differing opinions on. If no one could possibly disagree with your thesis, you might not be presenting a strong enough argument.
  • Keep It Concise : Your thesis should be one or two sentences long. If it’s too long or complicated, you might lose your readers.
  • Revise As Necessary : As you write and research, your perspective might change. Revisit and revise your thesis statement as necessary.

How do you choose a Topic for Thesis Statement?

Choosing the right topic for your thesis statement is pivotal for crafting a compelling argument. Follow these steps:

  • Interest : Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. It makes the research and writing process more engaging.
  • Relevance : Ensure the topic is relevant to your assignment or the subject you’re studying.
  • Research Scope : Ensure there’s enough information available to support your thesis. Preliminary research can help gauge this.
  • Originality : Opt for a fresh perspective or a less explored aspect of a common topic.
  • Specificity : Rather than a broad topic, narrow it down to a specific issue or question. This helps in creating a focused argument.
  • Seek Feedback : Discuss potential topics with peers, instructors, or advisors to get their input.

What is a thesis statement with 3 topics?

A thesis statement with three topics, often called a three-point thesis statement, introduces three primary arguments or points in support of the central claim. It provides a structured approach, offering a roadmap for the reader about what to expect in the body of the paper.

Example : “A healthy lifestyle is characterized by balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.”

In this example, the three topics that will be explored further in the paper are balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.  You may also be interested to browse through our other  health thesis statement .

Tips for Selecting a Topic for Thesis Statement:

  • Stay Curious : Your enthusiasm for a topic will shine through in your writing. Choose something that you’re curious about.
  • Consider the Length : If it’s a longer paper, ensure the topic has enough depth to explore. Conversely, for a shorter paper, avoid topics that are too expansive.
  • Check Credibility : Ensure that the sources available for your topic are credible and varied.
  • Avoid Overly Polarizing Topics : While controversial topics can be intriguing, they can also be challenging. Ensure you’re comfortable navigating both sides of the argument.
  • Test Your Topic : Try writing a preliminary thesis statement or an introduction. If you struggle, the topic might be too broad or too narrow.
  • Stay Updated : If you’re choosing a current event or a recent development in your field, stay updated with the latest news or research related to it.
  • Brainstorm : Write down all potential topics and narrow them down based on interest, relevance, and feasibility.

Selecting the right topic and crafting a compelling speech thesis statement is foundational for any well-argued paper or essay. Give it the time and thought it deserves.


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Research Paper: A step-by-step guide: 3. Thesis Statement & Outline

  • 1. Getting Started
  • 2. Topic Ideas
  • 3. Thesis Statement & Outline
  • 4. Appropriate Sources
  • 5. Search Techniques
  • 6. Taking Notes & Documenting Sources
  • 7. Evaluating Sources
  • 8. Citations & Plagiarism
  • 9. Writing Your Research Paper


About Thesis Statements

Qualities of a thesis statement.

Thesis statements:

  • state the subject matter and main ideas of a paper.
  • appear in the first paragraph and announces what you will discuss in your paper.
  • define the scope and focus of your essay, and tells your reader what to expect.  
  • are not a simple factual statement.  It is an assertion that states your claims and that you can prove with evidence.
  • should be the product of research and your own critical thinking.
  • can be very helpful in constructing an outline for your essay; for each point you make, ask yourself whether it is relevant to the thesis.

Steps you can use to create a thesis statement

1. Start out with the main topic and focus of your essay.

youth gangs + prevention and intervention programs

2. Make a claim or argument in one sentence.  It can be helpful to start with a question which you then turn into an argument

Can prevention and intervention programs stop youth gang activities?  How?  ►►►  "Prevention and intervention programs can stop youth gang activities by giving teens something else to do."

3. Revise the sentence by using specific terms.

"Early prevention programs in schools are the most effective way to prevent youth gang involvement by giving teens good activities that offer a path to success."

4. Further revise the sentence to cover the scope of your essay and make a strong statement.

"Among various prevention and intervention efforts that have been made to deal with the rapid growth of youth gangs, early school-based prevention programs are the most effective way to prevent youth gang involvement, which they do by giving teens meaningful activities that offer pathways to achievement and success."

5. Keep your thesis statement flexible and revise it as needed. In the process of researching and writing, you may find new information or refine your understanding of the topic.

You can view this short video for more tips on how to write a clear thesis statement.

An outline is the skeleton of your essay, in which you list the arguments and subtopics in a logical order. A good outline is an important element in writing a good paper. An outline helps to target your research areas, keep you within the scope without going off-track, and it can also help to keep your argument in good order when writing the essay.  Once your outline is in good shape, it is much easier to write your paper; you've already done most of the thinking, so you just need to fill in the outline with a paragraph for each point.

To write an outline: The most common way to write an outline is the list format.  List all the major topics and subtopics with the key points that support them. Put similar topics and points together and arrange them in a logical order.    Include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. 

A list outline should arrange the main points or arguments in a hierarchical structure indicated by Roman numerals for main ideas (I, II, III...), capital letters for subtopics (A, B, C...), Arabic numerals for details (1,2,3...), and lower-case letters for fine details if needed (a,b,c...). This helps keep things organized.  

Here is a shortened example of an outline:

Introduction: background and thesis statement

I. First topic

1. Supporting evidence 2. Supporting evidence

II. Second Topic

III. Third Topic

I. Summarize the main points of your paper II. Restate your thesis in different words III. Make a strong final statement

You can see examples of a few different kinds of outlines and get more help at the Purdue OWL .

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  • Next: 4. Appropriate Sources >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 18, 2023 12:12 PM
  • URL: https://butte.libguides.com/ResearchPaper

essay topics with thesis statement

Free Thesis Statement Generator - Create Your Thesis Online

1. State your topic*

Your topic is the main idea of your paper. It is usually a phrase or a few words that summarize the subject of your paper.

2. State the main idea about this topic*

Explicitly state what the main point of your thesis will be early in your paper.

3. Add evidence that supports your main idea*

What evidence could you use to drive home your thesis’ point? What facts or reasons support your argument?

4. Give another evidence that supports your main point

5. Include a counterargument if possible

Every topic has alternative schools of thought. Think of someone who would disagree with your arguments and/or evidence. What would they say? The more you understand the counterargument, the better you can defend your thesis and its arguments with evidence.

Read the options and choose the one you like:

How to use thesis generator by papersowl.

  • Enter all the information we need in brief, do not use full sentences.
  • Everything you need is to insert your text and its title into the box.
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What should you have before using Thesis Generator?

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Thesis Statement Generator Review

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How Does Thesis Statement Generator Work?

  • The task is to formulate the key concept of your paper; in other words, this is your topic. A statement or a few phrases summarize your paper's main theme. Fill in the requested topic of your paper. First, you should enter all the relevant information. Use clear and concise phrases. You do not need to use complete sentences.
  • Explain your major point regarding this subject by inserting the title and the text into the box. Write what you need to say or prove about your subject. When expressing your viewpoint, explain one main thought, define the subject, and declare something particular about it. Avoid using capital characters, periods, or full stops.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Once you have filled them in, hit the generate thesis button. You will see the results below in a separate window. Key phrases will be highlighted in different colors. You can rephrase the thesis or click the button to get a new one. In addition to generating a thesis, you can request the design of examples. Several possible theses will be displayed in the same window.
  • The last step is optional. The program offers you sample essays. Click on the corresponding button to get acquainted with examples of related works. The search will return essays or excerpts as close as possible to your topic. You can read them for free or, if necessary, order the full version.
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Students may spend hours trying to come up with a relevant thesis statement they can defend in the course of the research. We offer a simple and time-saving algorithm for a great outcome.

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Thesis Statement Generator Online

The most difficult and main part of each writing work is to form a thesis statement. The assignments of different topics are not so easy to create it perfectly at the beginning of writing. But to solve this problem and to help people all around the world who have been puzzled for hours over this issue, an online thesis statement generator was developed and that’s why you can try now to make your ideal one with filling the gaps. Sounds too complicated?

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Main Types Of Thesis Statement

There are some kinds of essay papers that have ideas and purposes. Therefore, it is logical that for each particular type of essay you should use your own corresponding thesis creator. Each of them has specific skills to find an appropriate one analyzing all information you brought in and producing a well-directed idea in accordance with the essay type.  Also, each of them has its own system of calculation.

  • Informative speech statement  generator

The main idea is to form no argument or expressing but a general goal of your essay. Here it is very important since this expository thesis statement provides the reader with a clear and accessible view of your paper and keeps reading curious.

  • Compare and contrast the thesis statement generator.

This calculator works with comparison two or more things depending on your writing task. Instead of wasting lots of time to find an appropriate one to contrast it is very wise to work out the best statement. And having already all the points to work with it would be much easier to finish your work.

  • Argumentative thesis statement generator

The problem of this writing helper is to get your opinion and to find out perfect arguments towards it. This one is based on examining your counter position, suggesting different reasons for the subject. Also, get your short summarize on exploring the issue.

  • Cause and effect thesis statement generator

Using this one you will get a variety of reasons that refer to the text main idea, which is always hard to produce much. Moreover, you will receive effects that are related to just-ready causes. After that, it is no problem to get over with the rest of the analytical writing information to have your essay one of the best.

  • Expository thesis statement generator

Helping students with explaining the sense of an issue to the audience is how it works. What does it imply? Working out evidence evaluating and investigating the problem of the text you will get the very one you needed. The hardest difficulties of such kind of essay leave for its solving.

Choose the appropriate thesis statement maker to enjoy its results on research paper writing service.

The Structure Of Thesis Statement

Its structure is a strong argument you should prove through the whole text. To build it you need to a generalization in one or two sentences. It should include a comment on your position, central message, be something clear and useful for readers. Shape it to show the reader that all information and main you mean there is in your narrative work, nothing extra. Every sentence should be informative or has a reason to think about it.

Samples Of Thesis Statement Created By Our Users

People who visited our website tried to create their own samples and here is what they got:

  • After graduating high school, students need a gap year because this leads to socialization and students become aware of what do they want from life.

Considering high schools and people it is a fact as that is the true and the second part of the sentence is a reason because that could be the answer to the previous part of the sentence.

Sample Of Thesis Statement On Gender Roles.

Using a thesis statement creator makes it possible to receive such a sentence:

  • There are some expectations that we grow familiar as the times passes and they are regarded to be the gender roles. Basically, the gender role is what is convenient for a man or woman to do in society.
  • You get it when explaining that, for example, what I believe on this matter is that it affects children and teenagers negatively because it puts pressure on them and creates a superiority relation between the genders in our society.

Sample Of Statement On Advertising

How to make one? To express your opinion even on advertising it is available with thesis statement generator free. Just look at the problem from different sides. Here we have:

  • Advertising can be incredibly effective and powerful in promoting causes and beneficial products, while at the same time be negative for forcing ideas upon its audience. Advertising, despite its causes, is beneficial and necessary towards creating a stable and free-flowing society and economy.

Thus here we have a strong one and already positive and negative sides. They are significant in developing good text and picking up all the audience. By the way, if it is difficult to continue with the writing and thesis generator for the research paper didn’t give you a strong new one, because you can always choose buy a research paper at our website.

Sample Of Statement On Fake News

To form such kind of them also needs some efforts but if you are already little experience in this area it wouldn’t be quite difficult. Everything is about practice.

  • We present new evidence on the role of false stories circulated on social media prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Drawing on audience data, archives of fact-checking websites, and results from a new online survey, we find: social media was an important but not dominant source of news in the run-up to the election.

This is a phrase we should work with. Having studied that we can claim that:

Exploring many reliable sources it turned out that presidential elections weren’t clear and even social media were accused of it.

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essay topics with thesis statement

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement for Your English Essay

  • Essay Editor

Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples

Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples

An explanatory essay informs readers about a specific topic or idea. It gives clear information without trying to change anyone's mind. This article will help you create a good explanatory essay. We'll cover what it is, how to plan it, and how to write your ideas clearly.

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

An explanatory thesis is the main idea of this type of writing. It's a sentence that tells the reader what the essay is about. Explanatory essays need to present facts, not opinions. They use evidence and logic to explain things.

For example, if you're writing about climate change, your explanatory thesis might say: "Climate change is influenced by both natural events and human activities, and it affects the planet's ecosystems in many ways."

How to Start an Explanatory Essay: Important Steps

Knowing how to start an explanatory essay is important to get readers interested. Here's what to do:

  • Pick an interesting topic
  • Conduct thorough research
  • Develop a clear thesis statement
  • Create an outline

When choosing a topic, think about what your readers might like and what information you can find. For instance, if you're writing about clean energy, you could focus on new ways to use sunlight for power.

After you gather information, write your thesis statement. It should be specific and give a clear roadmap for your essay. For example: "Solar technology is changing how we produce and use energy around the world, offering both environmental and economic benefits."

Explanatory Essay Outline

A great outline helps you organize your thoughts and make your essay easy to follow. Here's a basic informational essay format:

1. Introduction

  • A catchy hook
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement (Main idea)

2. Body Paragraphs (usually 3-5 sentences)

  • Topic sentence
  • Facts that support your idea
  • Explanation
  • Transition to the next point

3. Conclusion

  • Restate main idea
  • Sum up the main points
  • Final thoughts

This structure helps keep your essay clear. Remember, each paragraph should focus on one main point that supports your main idea.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

Now that you know the structure, let's talk about how to write explanatory essay well.

  • Introduction: Start with something interesting—a surprising fact, a question, or a short story. Give some background on your topic and end with your main idea.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph should talk about one part of your topic. Use reliable sources to support your points, and explain how this information relates to your main idea. For example, when writing about solar energy, you might have paragraphs about how it helps the environment, how much it costs, and new ways to use it.
  • Conclusion: How to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay: Sum up your main points and say your main idea again in a different way. Share some final thoughts about why your topic matters.

Throughout your essay, use words that help connect your ideas. This keeps readers interested and shows how your points are related.

Remember, the goal of an explanatory essay is to inform, not to argue. Stick to the facts, present them clearly, and let the information speak for itself.

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

How to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay is important to make your readers remember what you wrote. Your conclusion should:

  • Restate your main idea but in a fresh way
  • Go over the main points you talked about in your essay
  • Give a final thought or suggest what to do next

For example, if you wrote about clean energy, you might end by stating the importance of continued research and investment in these technologies for a sustainable future.

Explanatory Essay Example

Here's a short example about artificial intelligence in healthcare:


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing significant changes to various fields, with healthcare being a notable beneficiary. From diagnosis to treatment planning, AI is enhancing the capabilities of medical professionals and improving patient care outcomes.

Body Paragraph (example): 

One significant application of AI in healthcare is in medical imaging analysis. AI algorithms can now detect abnormalities in X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with accuracy comparable to experienced radiologists. A 2020 study demonstrated that an AI system outperformed human experts in breast cancer detection, reducing false positives by 5.7% and false negatives by 9.4%. This technology not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also potentially reduces the workload on healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus on complex cases and patient care.


As AI technology advances, its integration into healthcare promises to enhance diagnostic accuracy, streamline treatment plans, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of AI in medicine underscore the importance of continued research and responsible implementation in this field.

Concluding Words

Writing a well-structured, informative, and explanatory essay requires careful planning and a clear understanding of the topic you are writing about. If you follow the tips in this guide and practice regularly, you'll get better at writing exceptional explanatory essays about any topic.

For writers looking to simplify their essay-writing process, Aithor can provide valuable assistance in organizing ideas, suggesting relevant information, and ensuring clear, coherent prose. While the core of your essay should always come from your own understanding and research, such tools can enhance your writing efficiency and effectiveness.

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Writing is changing a lot because of AI. But don't worry — AI won't take human writers' jobs. It's a tool that can make our work easier and help us write better. When we use AI along with our own skills, we can create good content faster and better. AI can help with many parts of writing, from coming up with ideas to fixing the final version. Let's look at the top 10 ways how to use AI for content creation and how it can make your writing better. What Is AI Content Writing? AI content writin ...

Can Plagiarism Be Detected on PDF?

Plagiarism has been a challenge for a long time in writing. It's easy to find information online, which might make some people use it without saying where it came from. But plagiarism isn't just taking someone else's words. Sometimes, we might do it by accident or even use our own old work without mentioning it. When people plagiarize, they can get into serious trouble. They might lose others' trust or even face legal problems. Luckily, we now have tools to detect plagiarism. But what about PDF ...

What is Citation and Why Should You Cite the Sources When Writing Content

When we write something for school, work, or just for fun, we often use ideas and facts from other places. This makes us ask: what is a citation in writing? Let's find out what this means and why it's really important when we write. What is Citation? Citation in research refers to the practice of telling your readers where you got your information, ideas, or exact words from. It's like showing them the path to the original information you used in your writing. When you cite something, you us ...

Plagiarism: 7 Types in Detail

Your professor says that it is necessary to avoid plagiarism when writing a research paper, essay, or any project based on the works of other people, so to say, any reference source. But what does plagiarism mean? What types of it exist? And how to formulate the material to get rid of potential bad consequences while rendering original texts? Today we try to answer these very questions. Plagiarism: Aspect in Brief Plagiarism is considered to be a serious breach, able to spoil your successful ...

What Is Self-Plagiarism & How To Avoid It

Have you ever thought about whether using your own work again could be seen as copying? It might seem strange, but self-plagiarism is a real issue in school and work writing. Let's look at what this means and learn how to avoid self-plagiarism so your work stays original and ethical. What is self-plagiarism? Self-plagiarism, also called auto-plagiarism or duplicate plagiarism, happens when a writer uses parts of their old work without saying where it came from. This isn't just about copying w ...

How To Write Essays Faster Using AI?

Creating various topical texts is an obligatory assignment during studies. For a majority of students, it seems like a real headache. It is quite difficult to write a smooth and complex work, meeting all the professors' requirements. However, thanks to modern technologies there appeared a good way of getting a decent project – using AI to write essays. We'd like to acquaint you with Aithor, an effective tool of this kind, able to perform fine and elaborated texts, and, of course, inspiration, i ...

How to Write a Dialogue in an Essay: Useful Tips

A correct usage of dialogues in essays may seem quite difficult at first sight. Still there are special issues, for instance, narrative or descriptive papers, where this literary technique will be a good helper in depicting anyone's character. How to add dialogues to the work? How to format them correctly? Let's discuss all relevant matters to master putting conversation episodes into academic essays. Essay Dialogue: Definition & Purpose A dialogue is a literary technique for presenting a con ...


  1. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

    essay topics with thesis statement

  2. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

    essay topics with thesis statement

  3. Mastering the Thesis Statement: Examples and Tips for Academic Success

    essay topics with thesis statement

  4. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  5. 25 Thesis Statement Examples (2024)

    essay topics with thesis statement

  6. 😱 How to write a three part thesis. 3 part thesis statement examples

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  1. Thesis Statement| English Essay by Dr Arif Javid

  2. How to write thesis statement in css essay

  3. Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement for CSS Essay Success

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  5. How to write thesis statement in english essay

  6. How to Write a Compelling Thesis Statement in CSS/PMS English Essay Writing?


  1. 25 Thesis Statement Examples (2024)

    Strong Thesis Statement Examples. 1. School Uniforms. "Mandatory school uniforms should be implemented in educational institutions as they promote a sense of equality, reduce distractions, and foster a focused and professional learning environment.". Best For: Argumentative Essay or Debate. Read More: School Uniforms Pros and Cons.

  2. 25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze

    Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great research paper or argumentative essay. The thesis statement is where you make a claim that will guide you through your entire paper. If you find yourself struggling to make sense of your paper or your topic, then it's likely due to a weak thesis statement. Let's take a minute to first understand what ...

  3. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    Thesis Statement Essay Examples for Different Types of Papers. Let's look at some thesis statement essay examples to understand how to craft one effectively. Example 1: Argumentative Paper. Topic: The impact of surveillance on society. Thesis statement: "Although surveillance is often viewed negatively, its positive effects on public safety ...

  4. How to Generate Strong Essay Topics, With 30 Topic Examples

    Here are a few examples of essay topics and accompanying thesis statements: Topic: Changing the legal voting age. Thesis statement: When nations lower the legal voting age to 16, youth civic participation increases. To combat low voter turnout among young adults, the United States should reduce the voting age to 16.

  5. 50 Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement Examples (2024)

    18. Work-Life Ballance is Essential for a Good Life. For: "Achieving a work-life balance is essential for mental health, productivity, and personal fulfillment.". Against: "The pursuit of work-life balance can lead to decreased professional ambition and economic growth, particularly in highly competitive industries.".

  6. 30 Persuasive Thesis Statement Examples to Persuade

    In this post, I've provided 30 persuasive essay topics and corresponding persuasive thesis statement examples. I've also included links to example essays to provide a bit of writing inspiration. (If you'd like to see the information in table format, click the link at the end of this list.)

  7. Thesis Statement Topics

    Education thesis statement is the cornerstone of societal progress, and these topics shed light on its various dimensions. Early Childhood Education and Cognitive Development: Formative early education significantly influences cognitive growth, setting the stage for future academic success.

  8. 3. Thesis Statement & Outline

    can be very helpful in constructing an outline for your essay; for each point you make, ask yourself whether it is relevant to the thesis. Steps you can use to create a thesis statement. 1. Start out with the main topic and focus of your essay. youth gangs + prevention and intervention programs. 2. Make a claim or argument in one sentence.

  9. Thesis Generator

    Notice that this sentence contains the first reason presented in the thesis statement. Remember that the thesis statement is a kind of "mapping tool" that helps you organize your ideas, and it helps your reader follow your argument. After the topic sentence, include any evidence in this body paragraph, such as a quotation, statistic, or data ...

  10. Thesis Statement Generator

    Your Thesis Online. 1. State your topic*. Your topic is the main idea of your paper. It is usually a phrase or a few words that summarize the subject of your paper. 2. State the main idea about this topic*. Explicitly state what the main point of your thesis will be early in your paper. 3.

  11. 100 Thesis Statement Examples

    It's to come up with a clear and specific thesis statement. The impression a reader will get heavily depends on how good you are able to formulate the statement. After reading your essay, no one should have questions about its main idea and the topic you discuss in it. That is why it is advisable to spend some time writing your thesis statement.

  12. Developing a Strong Thesis Statement for Your English Essay

    arguments and evidence that will follow. 3. Focuses your writing: A strong thesis statement helps you stay focused on your main argument and prevents you from straying off-topic. It serves as a reminder of the central point you are trying to make and ensures that your essay remains coherent and well-organized. Elements of a Strong Thesis Statement Now that we have a clear understanding of the ...

  13. Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples

    An explanatory essay informs readers about a specific topic or idea. It gives clear information without trying to change anyone's mind. This article will help you create a good explanatory essay. We'll cover what it is, how to plan it, and how to write your ideas clearly. What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition An explanatory thesis is the main idea of this type of writing. It's a sentence ...

  14. Thesis Statement

    Enter in the topic of your instructional unit, for content-aligned example thesis statements! 4. Click Customize now to personalize your lesson! ... Skill Builder, Thesis Statement, Writing Basics, Writing Starter, Writing Prompts, Essay Writing, Writing Starter, Writing Skills | A customizable lesson created by Curipod pedagogy experts.

  15. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    An effective thesis statement is the backbone of a well-structured essay. Thesis statement examples help illustrate the differences between strong and weak thesis statements. Here are the essential characteristics of a good thesis statement. סיכום תמציתי. The best thesis statements should be brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary ...

  16. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers

    IELTS WRITING TASK 2 TOPICS WITH ANSWERS The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a formal essay-writing task in the IELTS Exam where candidates are required to respond to a question or statement within 250 to 300 words. The task assesses the candidate's ability to present a clear argument, support their ideas with examples, and use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar accurately.

  17. Instruction 9: Write an essay outline with appropriate thesis statement

    Instruction 9: Write an essay outline with appropriate thesis statement for one of the following topics. Times two points (2points each) A. Livin'g in rural and urban areas C. My favorite sport Thesis Statement: Support paragraph 1 Topic B. The advantages of having your own business Sentence: Topic Sentence: Support paragraph 2 Topic Sentence ...

  18. argumentative essay thesis statement generator briggs

    The CardBoard; Board Rules and Information; Board Rules, Guidelines and Tech Help; argumentative essay thesis statement generator briggs

  19. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    An effective thesis statement is the backbone of a well-structured essay. Thesis statement examples help illustrate the differences between strong and weak thesis statements. Here are the essential characteristics of a good thesis statement. สรุปโดยสังเขป. The best thesis statements should be brief and to the point.

  20. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    An effective thesis statement is the backbone of a well-structured essay. Thesis statement examples help illustrate the differences between strong and weak thesis statements. Here are the essential characteristics of a good thesis statement. 간결한 요약. The best thesis statements should be brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary words.

  21. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    An effective thesis statement is the backbone of a well-structured essay. Thesis statement examples help illustrate the differences between strong and weak thesis statements. Here are the essential characteristics of a good thesis statement. Kısa Özet. The best thesis statements should be brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary words.

  22. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    An effective thesis statement is the backbone of a well-structured essay. Thesis statement examples help illustrate the differences between strong and weak thesis statements. Here are the essential characteristics of a good thesis statement. Tóm tắt ngắn gọn. The best thesis statements should be brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary ...

  23. Thesis Statement Essays Examples

    An effective thesis statement is the backbone of a well-structured essay. Thesis statement examples help illustrate the differences between strong and weak thesis statements. Here are the essential characteristics of a good thesis statement. Краткое резюме. The best thesis statements should be brief and to the point. Avoid ...