Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane for Students

500+ words essay on technology for students.

In this essay on technology, we are going to discuss what technology is, what are its uses, and also what technology can do? First of all, technology refers to the use of technical and scientific knowledge to create, monitor, and design machinery. Also, technology helps in making other goods that aid mankind.

Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane?

Experts are debating on this topic for years. Also, the technology covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe rise in pollution . Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away many jobs from the workers class.

Essay on technology

Familiarity between Technology and Science

As they are completely different fields but they are interdependent on each other. Also, it is due to science contribution we can create new innovation and build new technological tools. Apart from that, the research conducted in laboratories contributes a lot to the development of technologies. On the other hand, technology extends the agenda of science.

Vital Part of our Life

Regularly evolving technology has become an important part of our lives. Also, newer technologies are taking the market by storm and the people are getting used to them in no time. Above all, technological advancement has led to the growth and development of nations.

Negative Aspect of Technology

Although technology is a good thing, everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad. Here are some negative aspects of technology that we are going to discuss.

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With new technology the industrialization increases which give birth to many pollutions like air, water, soil, and noise. Also, they cause many health-related issues in animals, birds, and human beings.

Exhaustion of Natural Resources

New technology requires new resources for which the balance is disturbed. Eventually, this will lead to over-exploitation of natural resources which ultimately disturbs the balance of nature.


A single machine can replace many workers. Also, machines can do work at a constant pace for several hours or days without stopping. Due to this, many workers lost their job which ultimately increases unemployment .

Types of Technology

Generally, we judge technology on the same scale but in reality, technology is divided into various types. This includes information technology, industrial technology , architectural technology, creative technology and many more. Let’s discuss these technologies in brief.

Industrial Technology

This technology organizes engineering and manufacturing technology for the manufacturing of machines. Also, this makes the production process easier and convenient.

Creative Technology

This process includes art, advertising, and product design which are made with the help of software. Also, it comprises of 3D printers , virtual reality, computer graphics, and other wearable technologies.

Information Technology

This technology involves the use of telecommunication and computer to send, receive and store information. Internet is the best example of Information technology.

essay on technology good or bad

FAQs on Essay on Technology

Q.1 What is Information technology?

A –  It is a form of technology that uses telecommunication and computer systems for study. Also, they send, retrieve, and store data.

Q.2 Is technology harmful to humans?

 A – No, technology is not harmful to human beings until it is used properly. But, misuses of technology can be harmful and deadly.

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What Makes Technology Good or Bad for Us?

Everyone’s worried about smartphones. Headlines like “ Have smartphones destroyed a generation? ” and “ Smartphone addiction could be changing your brain ” paint a bleak picture of our smartphone addiction and its long-term consequences. This isn’t a new lament—public opinion at the advent of the newspaper worried that people would forego the stimulating pleasures of early-morning conversation in favor of reading the daily .

Is the story of technology really that bad? Certainly there’s some reason to worry. Smartphone use has been linked to serious issues, such as dwindling attention spans , crippling depression , and even increased incidence of brain cancer . Ultimately, though, the same concern comes up again and again: Smartphones can’t be good for us, because they’re replacing the real human connection of the good old days.

Everyone’s heard how today’s teens just sit together in a room, texting, instead of actually talking to each other. But could those teenagers actually be getting something meaningful and real out of all that texting?

The science of connection

essay on technology good or bad

A quick glance at the research on technology-mediated interaction reveals an ambivalent literature. Some studies show that time spent socializing online can decrease loneliness , increase well-being , and help the socially anxious learn how to connect to others. Other studies suggest that time spent socializing online can cause loneliness , decrease well-being , and foster a crippling dependence on technology-mediated interaction to the point that users prefer it to face-to-face conversation.

It’s tempting to say that some of these studies must be right and others wrong, but the body of evidence on both sides is a little too robust to be swept under the rug. Instead, the impact of social technology is more complicated. Sometimes, superficially similar behaviors have fundamentally different consequences. Sometimes online socialization is good for you, sometimes it’s bad, and the devil is entirely in the details.

This isn’t a novel proposition; after all, conflicting results started appearing within the first few studies into the internet’s social implications, back in the 1990s. Many people have suggested that to understand the consequences of online socialization, we need to dig deeper into situational factors and circumstances. But what we still have to do is move beyond recognition of the problem to provide an answer: When, how, and why are some online interactions great, while others are dangerous?

The interpersonal connection behaviors framework

As a scientist of close relationships, I can’t help but see online interactions differently from thinkers in other fields. People build relationships by demonstrating their understanding of each other’s needs and perspectives, a cyclical process that brings them closer together. If I tell you my secrets, and you respond supportively, I’m much more likely to confide in you again—and you, in turn, are much more likely to confide in me.

This means that every time two people talk to each other, an opportunity for relationship growth is unfolding. Many times, that opportunity isn’t taken; we aren’t about to have an in-depth conversation with the barista who asks for our order. But connection is always theoretically possible, and that’s true whether we’re interacting online or face-to-face.

Close relationships are the bread and butter of happiness—and even health. Being socially isolated is a stronger predictor of mortality than is smoking multiple cigarettes a day . If we want to understand the role technology plays in our well-being, we need to start with the role it plays in our relationships.

And it turns out that the kind of technology-mediated interactions that lead to positive outcomes are exactly those that are likely to build stronger relationships. Spending your time online by scheduling interactions with people you see day in and day out seems to pay dividends in increased social integration . Using the internet to compensate for being lonely just makes you lonelier; using the internet to actively seek out connection has the opposite effect .

“The kind of technology-mediated interactions that lead to positive outcomes are exactly those that are likely to build stronger relationships”

On the other hand, technology-mediated interactions that don’t really address our close relationships don’t seem to do us any good—and might, in fact, do us harm. Passively scrolling through your Facebook feed without interacting with people has been linked to decreased well-being and increased depression post-Facebook use.

That kind of passive usage is a good example of “ social snacking .” Like eating junk food, social snacking can temporarily satisfy you, but it’s lacking in nutritional content. Looking at your friends’ posts without ever responding might make you feel more connected to them, but it doesn’t build intimacy.

Passive engagement has a second downside, as well: social comparison . When we compare our messy lived experiences to others’ curated self-presentations, we are likely to suffer from lowered self-esteem , happiness, and well-being. This effect is only exacerbated when we consume people’s digital lives without interacting with them, making it all too easy to miss the less photogenic moments of their lives.

Moving forward

The interpersonal connection behaviors framework doesn’t explain everything that might influence our well-being after spending time on social media. The internet poses plenty of other dangers—for two examples, the sense of wasting time or emotional contagion from negative news. However, a focus on meaningful social interaction can help explain decades of contradictory findings. And even if the framework itself is challenged by future work, its central concept is bound to be upheld: We have to study the details of how people are spending their time online if we want to understand its likely effects.

In the meantime, this framework has some practical implications for those worried about their own online time. If you make sure you’re using social media for genuinely social purposes, with conscious thought about how it can improve your life and your relationships, you’ll be far more likely to enjoy your digital existence.

This article was originally published on the Behavioral Scientist . Read the original article .

About the Author

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Jenna Clark

Jenna Clark, Ph.D. , is a senior behavioral researcher at Duke University's Center for Advanced Hindsight, where she works to help people make healthy decisions in spite of themselves. She's also interested in how technology contributes to our well-being through its effect on our close personal relationships.

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Technology pros and cons: is technology good or bad for society?

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Find out what are the main the pros and cons of technology. We discuss the history, importance and role of technology, as well as its impact on society. Is technological progress good or is it becoming a threat to us? Vote in our poll and debate (see below)

Is technology good for society? A brief history

The impact of technology on society is undeniable. Technology and science have played a central role in human history and help shape entire civilizations. Technological progress was key for the emergence and downfall of empires. The development of hunting and farming tools allowed our ancestors to dominate other hominid species. The invention of the wheel and writing, as well as the introduction of metal tools and weapons were other landmarks in the history of technology . Many successive civilizations have contributed to the world's advancement. Often the development of technology also helped these societies to dominate militarily , politically, and economically their neighbors, as well as increase the welfare of their citizens.

The Egyptians invented many farming, medical and construction technologies. The Mesopotamians are credited for introducing irrigation and drainage systems, as well as sophisticated mud-brick and stone architecture techniques. Greeks were responsible for many inventions, such as the watermill, and the improvement on many existing technologies. Still today Greek mathematicians, engeneers and philosophers are recognised as fundamental to the history of human thought and technology. The Romans brought technology to a new level, and their monumental amphitheatres, aqueducts, bridges, harbours, dams and public baths help them dominate the Western world for centuries. Ancient Indian civilizations are credited for developing good understanding of seafaring, sanitation and hydrological technologies.  Chinese discoveries include paper, matches, the cross-bow, seismological detectors, the wheelbarrow, the suspension bridge and the compass, among others. 

During the Middle Ages architecture, navigation, papermaking and military technologies were developed. The Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula helped to introduce Europe to many technological advances developed in the east. The Renaissance and the Age of Explorations also demonstrated how innovation shaped societies. Research and inventions were put into practice. The use of artillery, new cranes and medical techniques marked a beginning of a scientific revolution. The Portuguese and Spanish discoveries, were enabled by technological progress but also help connecting different civilization which accelerated the spread of innovation. The industrial revolution brought the steam engine and developments in mining, metalurgy, manufacturing and transport. Since the 19th century, science and technology have evolved even faster. The 20th century brought the expansion of electrification and communication technologies, mass industrial production, electronic computing, nuclear technology and space exploration among others. It also demonstrated the devastating power of some of the technologies developed by humans. The weapons developed during that century, including the weapons of mass destruction, caused the deaths of millions.

The 21st century seems to have accelerated even faster these processes and intensified the impact of technology on society. Technology colleges such as MIT and Stanford have help accelerate scientific discovery. Genetic engineering, nanotechnology, 3D printing, wireless powered devices, augmented reality, articifical intelligence, drones , quantum computers and superconductivity are among the many new technologies we are witnessing today. But what come next? Can technology continue to help our lives or is it becoming a real threat to us? Can we keep scientific progress under control or will technology control our lives? Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages or technology.

Pros and cons of technology

Pros of technological progress

  • Thanks to technological progress humans live longer and much more comfortable lives. The medical advancements have helped us develop vaccines and treatment for diseases which were previously lethal. Giving birth is not as dangerous as it used to be. Technological progress has allowed develop new techniques for diagnosis and mitigation of diseases and other conditions. Scientific research has improved our understanding of nutrition and contributed to healthier lifestyles. 
  • Technology has allowed humans to travel faster and trade goods all over the world. Crossing the Atlantic was historically an adventure that would take weeks. Now in just a few hours you can travel from New York to London or Paris . Thanks to technology we can have holidays in remote locations and capture these moments through pictures. We can now buy and consume goods produced far away. In the same supermarket you can find French cheeses, South African wines, Spanish olive oils, Brazilian coffees, and Japanese fish. 
  • Without technology we would still be nomads hunting and gathering fruits and vegetables.  Industrial societies heavily rely on technological progress. We can feed a fast growing world population thanks to the continuous innovation in production techniques. New inventions help foster the production, storage, treatment and transportation of goods. Societies which invest in research and development have a competitive edge and thrive. The people in technologically advanced societies live more comfortable lives. 
  • Genetically modified foods  (GMO) may help fight hunger and ensure that world population continues to be fed. Genetic modification techniques contribute to produce more food and to maintain agricultural production at affordable prices. 
  • The Internet, computers and mobile phones illustrate the role of technology in improving society. Efficiency has skyrocketed thanks to these inventions. Our work and social lives have been transformed. People can now work from home and collaborate with teams located in other towns, countries or even continents. We can keep a fluid communication and relationship with friends and family living abroad. News of events cross the globe in seconds. Social netwoks such as facebook and twitter are extremely useful. Thanks to technology grandparents get to see and chat with their grandchildren much more often. People today get to meet others sharing similar hobbies or interests.
  • Thanks to new technologies, alternative forms of entertainment and art have developed during the last century. Photography, radio, movies, television shows, music and video games occupy a central spot in people's lives. There are new forms of entertainment at our doorstep, such as virtual reality . Additionally, IT is facilitating the work of creators and help increase the quality of entertainment.
  • The importance of technology in the delopment of renewable energies  is evident. Without technological progress it would be difficult to envisage a green future in which the problem of climate change could be kept under control. Scientific advancements are making electric cars more affordable and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of solar and eolic energy, as well as that hydropower .

Cons and risks of technology

  • Technology is altering our lifestyle and will alter the cognitive and social development of current and future generations. There are many different ways in which the evolution of technology and society are connected. Technological innovation has changed our lives. Computers , smartphones and the internet have strongly affected how we interact with other people. Many claim that they are dehumanizing our lives and making us more solitary people. Technology may be also facilitating cultural colonialism and reducing diversity. Today, children play less with other children and spend much of their time watching videos in their tablets and playing video games. People are doing less physical exercise than their ancestors. We are becoming increasingly detached from nature and attached to technological gadgets. 
  • Human cloning technology is a reality and in addition to some obvious advantages, human cloning brings some risks. For instance it could create worrisome divides in society between those genetically divided to be smarter or physically more attractive and the rest. Human cloning will be difficult to regulate and will bring concerns regarding its interference with nature and religious beliefs. 
  • Weaponization of viruses . For instance, viruses such as Ebola or AIDS could be transformed into a virus that could be transmitted through the air. This could endanger or even cause the extinction of the the human race . Lifeforms can be created through genetic manipulation. With techonological progress the techniques to create or manipulate lifeforms will be increasingly accessible to us. Potentially even high school children will be able to create life in science experiments. Genomes of infectious diseases will be available to download from the internet. Terrorists, psychopaths and other criminals will have the capacity to use genetic manipulation to harm or threaten others. 
  • Similarly, scientific experimentation might create enormous dangers for society. Risky experiments may go wrong . Researchers are currently mutating microorganism in order to find cures to diseases. By accident these diseases could escape the laboratory and spread. Experiments with particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider , entail some serious risks. Some scientists even claimed that humans could create a black hole that could destroy Earth. 
  • Enrichment of uranium is becoming an increasingly cheaper process. Traditionally the infrastructure required to produce nuclear power  and build nuclear bombs was extremely expensive. Thanks to technological progress and the use of laser beams to separate U-235 and U-238, in the not so distant future, people might be able to enrich uranium home. Nuclear weapons in the hands of the wrong organizations or individuals could create enormous unrest in the world population and a serious security threat. 
  • Technological progress is to be blamed for the negative effects of global warming and climate change . The role of technology fostering economic progress is difficult to deny. However, at the same time the generation of enegy necessary to the increased production and transportation of goods, for instance through combustion engines and thermoelectric generators, has produced an increased in the emission and concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Technology can be also used as an undesirable tool of control . For instance, scientists are working to develop brain scanning machines which could allow read a person's thoughts. This would have great benefits as could allow people with disabilities or people having suffered brain damage to communicate. Moreover if through a magnetic resoncance we could enquire criminals and terrorist we could also prevent harm for society. Similarly, thanks to advanced IT, it is possible to analyse the communications of millions of people and identify potential crimes and wrongdoers. Unfortunately, there is a very real possibility that technology will end up used by some governments in a draconian way. A dystopian future where people are constantly inquisitorially surveilled by a Big Brother as in Orwell's science fiction classic 1984.

What do you think, is technology good or bad? Is technological progress out of control? Will the rest of the 21st century see the importance of technology reduced?

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Is technology good or bad for learning?

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, saro mohammed, ph.d. smp saro mohammed, ph.d. partner - the learning accelerator.

May 8, 2019

I’ll bet you’ve read something about technology and learning recently. You may have read that device use enhances learning outcomes . Or perhaps you’ve read that screen time is not good for kids . Maybe you’ve read that there’s no link between adolescents’ screen time and their well-being . Or that college students’ learning declines the more devices are present in their classrooms .

If ever there were a case to be made that more research can cloud rather than clarify an issue, technology use and learning seems to fit the bill. This piece covers what the research actually says, some outstanding questions, and how to approach the use of technology in learning environments to maximize opportunities for learning and minimize the risk of doing harm to students.

In my recent posts , I have frequently cited the mixed evidence about blended learning, which strategically integrates in-person learning with technology to enable real-time data use, personalized instruction, and mastery-based progression. One thing that this nascent evidence base does show is that technology can be linked to improved learning . When technology is integrated into lessons in ways that are aligned with good in-person teaching pedagogy, learning can be better than without technology.

A 2018 meta-analysis of dozens of rigorous studies of ed tech , along with the executive summary of a forthcoming update (126 rigorous experiments), indicated that when education technology is used to individualize students’ pace of learning, the results overall show “ enormous promise .” In other words, ed tech can improve learning when used to personalize instruction to each student’s pace.

Further, this same meta-analysis, along with other large but correlational studies (e.g., OECD 2015 ), also found that increased access to technology in school was associated with improved proficiency with, and increased use of, technology overall. This is important in light of the fact that access to technology outside of learning environments is still very unevenly distributed across ethnic, socio-economic, and geographic lines. Technology for learning, when deployed to all students, ensures that no student experiences a “21st-century skills and opportunity” gap.

More practically, technology has been shown to scale and sustain instructional practices that would be too resource-intensive to work in exclusively in-person learning environments, especially those with the highest needs. In multiple , large-scale studies where technology has been incorporated into the learning experiences of hundreds of students across multiple schools and school systems, they have been associated with better academic outcomes than comparable classrooms that did not include technology. Added to these larger bodies of research are dozens, if not hundreds, of smaller , more localized examples of technology being used successfully to improve students’ learning experiences. Further, meta-analyses and syntheses of the research show that blended learning can produce greater learning than exclusively in-person learning.

All of the above suggest that technology, used well, can drive equity in learning opportunities. We are seeing that students and families from privileged backgrounds are able to make choices about technology use that maximize its benefits and minimize its risks , while students and families from marginalized backgrounds do not have opportunities to make the same informed choices. Intentional, thoughtful inclusion of technology in public learning environments can ensure that all students, regardless of their ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language status, special education status, or other characteristics, have the opportunity to experience learning and develop skills that allow them to fully realize their potential.

On the other hand, the evidence is decidedly mixed on the neurological impact of technology use. In November 2016, the American Association of Pediatrics updated their screen time guidelines for parents, generally relaxing restrictions and increasing the recommended maximum amount of time that children in different age groups spend interacting with screens. These guidelines were revised not because of any new research, but for two far more practical reasons. First, the nuance of the existing evidence–especially the ways in which recommendations change as children get older–was not adequately captured in the previous guidelines. Second, the proliferation of technology in our lives had made the previous guidelines almost impossible to follow.

The truth is that infants, in particular, learn by interacting with our physical world and with other humans, and it is likely that very early (passive) interactions with devices–rather than humans–can disrupt or misinform neural development . As we grow older, time spent on devices often replaces time spent engaging in physical activity or socially with other people, and it can even become a substitute for emotional regulation, which is detrimental to physical, social, and emotional development.

In adolescence and young adulthood, the presence of technology in learning environments has also been associated with (but has not been shown to be the cause of) negative variables such as attention deficits or hyperactivity , feeling lonely , and lower grades . Multitasking is not something our brains can do while learning , and technology often represents not just one more “task” to have to attend to in a learning environment, but multiple additional tasks due to the variety of apps and programs installed on and producing notifications through a single device.

The pragmatic

The current takeaway from the research is that there are potential benefits and risks to deploying technology in learning environments. While we can’t wrap this topic up with a bow just yet–there are still more questions than answers–there is evidence that technology can amplify effective teaching and learning when in the hands of good teachers. The best we can do today is understand how technology can be a valuable tool for educators to do the complex, human work that is teaching by capitalizing on the benefits while remaining fully mindful of the risks as we currently understand them.

We must continue to build our understanding of both the risks and benefits as we proceed. With that in mind, here are some “Dos” and “Don’ts” for using technology in learning environments:

Do use technology: Don’t use technology:
● To enhance or extend social interactions

● To provide access to learning environments (like advanced courses, simulations, etc) that otherwise would not be available

● To facilitate and generate learning experiences that are meaningfully aligned with in-person learning experiences

● To personalize, individualize, and/or differentiate learning to each student’s pace, path, abilities, and interests

● To provide students with choice, agency, and ownership of their learning

● To ensure equitable access to technology and its supporting infrastructure itself, as well as the opportunity to develop skills associated with technology use

● For many or unlimited hours each day

● To remove students from learning experiences that their peers have access to

● To implement, scale, or sustain effective in-person instructional strategies

● To track or stream students into rigid or long-term, standardized learning groups

● To automate or make decisions about learning without input from teachers and students

● With the assumption that students intuitively know how to use it (or have access to it), especially for learning

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Essay about technology advantages and disadvantages – Analytical Essay


Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. Here I analyze the advantages and disadvantages of technology

Thesis statement

I believe that for every advantage that technology brings us, it also brings us a disadvantage at the same time.

Analysis of cars on our roads

Cars and other vehicles are now readily available and are technologically advanced enough to be safe for use every day and to work as a reliable tool for getting people and goods from one place to another in a relatively short space of time.

The advantages of cars are that they are safe and that people can get to very specific places as per their own timeline. People do not have to rely on trains or planes in order to get to where they want to go, and they can set off at their own time and arrive when they wish without having to work around a train or plane schedule.

The disadvantage is that all forms of vehicle on our roads are polluting the atmosphere and are slowly killing the earth by adding to greenhouse gasses that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape. Even electric cars are powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels. Car accidents are also a very big killer worldwide and many lives have been lost because of car accidents/incidents.

Analysis of Smartphones

They allow people to stay in touch, even over long distances, and they are relatively safe and reliable to use. There are devices that can communicate with plus at the other end of the planet and getting and keeping in touch with other people is very easy.

The disadvantages to this is that it means people no longer need to meet in person as much, and interpersonal relationships are suffering worldwide because people are communicating through a small handheld device. Lots of people have Smartphones and they use them almost semi-continuously, including in public settings when they could be making new friends, finding new lovers, and talking/interacting with their current friends. Analysis – Fast and efficient Internet access

The advantages are that people can communicate over vast distances and can gain access to information and answers to their questions very quickly. The disadvantage is that the Internet isn’t moderated in the way that people think and a lot of it is filled with misinformation and outright lies.

Even brand-named websites that have a lot of trust are not accountable for what appears on their own websites. Even respected and branded news sites have stories that have passed through many people’s hands and originally started as lies with zero accountability throughout the dissemination process. For example, that is why so many celebrities have been reported as dead on news sites when they were actually alive. Conclusion

My analysis proves that technology is a good thing, and that is has its advantages, but that with each technological element we gain disadvantages as well as advantages, and many times those disadvantages are overlooked by technology users.

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Impact of Technology on Society Essay (Critical Writing)

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Technology advances date back to the Stone Age. Through the centuries, technology has evolved in this era of civilization and modernization. This has had advantages as it has led to today’s civilization and development. The technology considered useful but has its own setbacks. Neil Postman is a technology critic.

Technology has many evident benefits and society has unquestioningly embraced it. Postman’s intellectual target which is to illustrate how technopoly redefines culture is illustrated in his book, “Technopoly: The surrender of Culture to Technology” Therefore, this essay presents a critical analysis on the impact of technology on society through Postman’s eye.

Postman argues that uncontrolled advances in technology destroy important sources of humanity. He states that this could lead to losing morality and changes in our ideologies. Technology takes superiority over humanity because of its efficiency. The rise of control systems that manage information such as statistics are based on the fallacy that information can be scientifically measured and stored. Technology cannot be blamed because humans are the ones to be blamed in case of a mishap due to technology. This puts pressure on humanity and gives superiority to technology (Postman, 1993). Postman feels that this puts humanity in a subordinate position to technology.

He addresses the issue of information invasion in his book. Traditionally, information was limited and therefore it was easy to manage it. Information was critically classified such that what was delivered was standard for the age and academic level of a person learning. This way, tradition ensured productive development in children.

On the other hand, technopoly gives children information without limitation. Subsequently, this indiscrimination corrupts and overloads young minds. For example, children have access to information that should be rated on the internet (Postman, 1993). Technopoly has given a solution to this issue by installing software that is able to deny access to specified sites. It is therefore now upon the parents to rate what they think is fit for their children.

Postman argues that technology gives and takes away. He states that the benefits and deficits of technology are not distributed equally. He further states that the hazards that accompany technology overshadow its advantages (Postman, 1993). This is a true observation, as it is clear that every aspect of change has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, with regard to computers, he argues that they have given some members of the community benefits and have resulted in deficits for other members.

He observes that computer put more focus on the technicalities but they have little to offer. Concerning television, he says those who have achieved high paying careers consider it a blessing. According to him, the television also ends schoolteacher’s career (Postman, 1993). Rather than work against the education system, computers are actually promoting academic. A wider range of individuals can now access quality education through online services. Educative programs on televisions also help students better understand their academics (Szoka, 2010).

He argues that some societies are tool-using, some are technocracies and others technopolies. This is a relevant taxonomy as presented in society. He gives strong definitions for what he means by these classes too. In traditional culture, the invention of tools was purposely done to give solutions to specific problems in the community.

The tools invented promoted the dignity and integrity of the specific communities. They were important aspects of the cultural processes as humans were defining their way of living. In contrast, tools work against culture in the technocracy world. Here, the tools govern humanity rather than humanity governing tools (Feist, 2010). This is a threat that Postman feels should be addressed.

Technopoly leads to the disappearance of thought -worlds by making it invisible and irrelevant. It changes the meaning of terms and standards of culture to suit its standards. This keeps away technology from its basis to serve humanity. It takes a higher position such that humans are subject to it. It is supposed to be the means through which humanity gets to the end it has defined in its culture. In contrast, technology has had an upper hand in restructuring culture and therefore humanity becomes a means to realize ends set by technology (Postman, 1993). The omnipotence assumed by technology blurs humanity’s major interests. Technology takes the lead and shapes human lives as humans blindly follow. He thus defines it as totalitarian technocracy (Ibid).

His arguments in his book, particularly in chapter two are true. Their disadvantages depend on one’s standpoint. A society that has the tool-using culture only is primitive and less developed while the society with the technopoly culture it is civilized and developed. Given time, the tool-using one will advance to the technopoly one naturally.

Change is a constant aspect of life and embracing it is a necessity. It is also true that technopoly has made life so much easier and comfortable than it was initially. It has shifted the focus from manual labor to technical labor. This has seen many people ending up jobless. It has also provided easy means of acquiring the technical skills required to fit into technology. Thus, striking a balance between these cultures is all it takes and this can be done at the individual level. Granted, striking a balance is not as easy as there is a lot of pressure from technology (Postman, 1993).

To support this, he further argues that in societies that are technocracies, technology and tradition co-exist in an uneasy tension. This is because the two oppose each other with the technological one being the stronger. The traditional one is still there though and cannot be ignored. Therefore, practices from both cultures are practiced but these may be in conflict with each other. This is the case in most aspects but some traditional cultures may not be in conflict with technology (Postman, 2010).

For example, technological ways of farming are in constant conflict with the traditional ways of farming. Farmers who use traditional farming methods suffer losses because of the availability of advanced farming methods. Therefore, to be safe farmers have to embrace the traditional methods at the expense of the traditional ones.

Technology has led to the disintegration of cultural beliefs paving the way to a new way of life. It makes society find fulfillment and authority in the implementation of technology (Ibid).

Technopoly is viewed as the means by which dilemmas may be solved. Those who believe in technopoly believe that information gives freedom, creativity, and peace of mind. Postman believes that information does the opposite (Postman, 1993).

This is a true observation. On the other hand, technology embraces social sites that help people break communication barriers. This allows people to communicate across continents, defying race, ethnicity and language differences. This is a means of getting exposed to other cultures and raising a culturally diversified generation. Information obtained online also enlightens on the different cultures helping people appreciate each other (Szoka, 2010).

He further says that information needs to be controlled. When there is too much information to sustain any theory, information becomes essentially meaningless. Technopoly increases the availability of information. Too much information is hard to be controlled due to the load put on the control measures. This call for more control machines but need more information as they are more technical.

The overflow of information stresses brains receiving them and threatens psychological peace and social purpose. The information glut leads to the breakdown of a coherent cultural narrative, he argues, for without a meaningful context, information is not only useless but also potentially dangerous. He cites the old saying that, to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and therefore, “to a man with a computer, everything looks like data” (Postman, 1993).

The importance given to information and technology’s control over information is the major reason why technopoly has thrived over traditional culture. Technology has weaved a distinct web for passing information. This is in the form of social media like phones, telegrams, and internet and satellite communication. This means that information has become a vital part of humanity.

Technopoly gives technology the power to control the dispersion of information and hence it is able to redefine culture. This has led to confusion of terms like knowledge and information, or reason and familiarity (Postman, 1993). The availability of information may be overwhelming, but it has led to the expansion of people’s way of thinking hence curbing ignorance. Thus, Postman is not justified in crucifying technology on this score.

Another major setback of technology is its effect on the education system. He also addresses the redefinition of information and knowledge. His arguments are well thought and they have strong support. It calls upon the reader to reflect and think critically. This is a habit he believes technology has made irrelevant. He thus calls upon the reader to reconsider the old ways and think of ways technology has helped make the world better.

He agrees with the many benefits of technology and helps expose its loopholes too (Feist, 2010). The education system has actually not suffered as the techno pessimists may want us to believe. Rather it has undergone a major redefinition to give opportunities to both young and old. Quality education is now readily available, thanks to technology (Szoka, 2010).

The defense given by techno-optimists lies in decentralizing, globalizing, harmonizing and empowering. Technopoly encourages the participation of both the experts and the non-experts for example in writing. It encourages diversity of thought and expression as information can be shared globally. It also allows self-actualization and empowerment by providing information.

Through the Internet, masses are able to be educated therefore increasing literacy. Information abundance creates new opportunities for learning. It offers real choices and genuine voices. Connection through social sites helps diversify culture due to globalization. It also promotes international integrity as peace initiatives can be run faster through technology. Granted, technology offers efficiency and quality and that within a short time (Szoka, 2010).

Postman is, therefore, a strong author who handles his writing expertly and conveys his arguments in a way that is understandable to the reader. The simple traditional methods offer peace and tranquility of mind. They offer freedom and strong morals and they were efficient enough. Modernization brings with it slavery of mind and loses morals. On the other hand, development owes its origin to technology. The simple cultural methods are the ones that have advanced this far. Technology advances cannot be regulated as they arise out of necessity. The benefits of technology far outdo its deficits, though, and as Szoka (2010) says, change is inevitable.

Feist, R. Beauvais, C. & Shukla, R. (2010). Technology and the Changing Face of Humanity. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Postman, N. (1993). Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York: Vintage Books Publishers.

Szoka, B. Marcus, A. (2010). The Next Digital Decade. New York: TechFreedom Publishers.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 7). Impact of Technology on Society.

"Impact of Technology on Society." IvyPanda , 7 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Impact of Technology on Society'. 7 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Impact of Technology on Society." May 7, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Impact of Technology on Society." May 7, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Impact of Technology on Society." May 7, 2020.

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For Better or Worse, Technology Is Taking Over the Health World

For many people over the past year and a half, the world has existed primarily through a screen. With social distancing measures in place to protect individuals from becoming infected with the coronavirus, technology has stepped in to fill the void of physical connections. It’s also become a space for navigating existing and new mental health conditions through virtual therapy sessions, meditation apps, mental health influencers, and beyond.

“Over the years, mental health and technology have started touching each other more and more, and the pandemic accelerated that in an unprecedented way,” says Naomi Torres-Mackie, PhD , the head of research at The Mental Health Coalition , a clinical psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. “This is especially the case because the pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health for everyone as we struggle to make sense of an overwhelming new world and can find mental health information and services online.” 

This shift is especially critical, with a tremendous spike occurring in mental health conditions. In the period between January and June 2019, 11% of US adults reported experiencing symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder. In January 2021, 10 months into the pandemic, in one survey that number increased to 41.1%. Research also points to a potential connection for some between having COVID-19 and developing a mental health condition—whether or not you previously had one.

The pandemic’s bridge between mental health and technology has helped to “meet the needs of many suffering from depression, anxiety, life transition, grief, family conflict, and addiction,” says Miyume McKinley, MSW, LCSW , a psychotherapist and founder of Epiphany Counseling, Consulting & Treatment Services.

Naomi Torres-Mackie, PhD

The risk of greater access is that the floodgates are open for anyone to say anything about mental health, and there’s no vetting process or way to truly check credibility.

This increased reliance on technology to facilitate mental health care and support appears to be a permanent one. Torres-Mackie has witnessed mental health clinicians drop their apprehension around virtual services throughout the pandemic and believes they will continue for good.

“Almost all therapists seem to be at least offering virtual sessions, and a good portion have transitioned their practices to be entirely virtual, giving up their traditional in-person offices,” adds Carrie Torn, MSW, LCSW , a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist in private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The general public is also more receptive to technology’s expanded role in mental health care. “The pandemic has created a lasting relationship between technology, and it has helped increase access to mental health services across the world,” says McKinley. “There are lots of people seeking help who would not have done so prior to the pandemic, either due to the discomfort or because they simply didn’t know it was possible to obtain such services via technology.”

Accessibility Is a Tremendous Benefit of Technology

Every expert interviewed agreed: Accessibility is an undeniable and indispensable benefit of mental health’s increasing presence online. Torn points out, “We can access information, including mental health information and treatment like never before, and it’s low cost.”

A 2018 study found that, at the time, 74% of Americans didn’t view mental health as accessible to everyone. Participants cited long wait times, a lack of affordable options, low awareness, and social stigma as barriers to mental health care. The evolution of mental health and technology has alleviated some of these issues—whether it be through influencers creating open discussions around mental health and normalizing it or low-cost therapy apps . In addition, wait times may reduce when people are no longer tied to seeing a therapist in their immediate area.

While some people may still be apprehensive about trying digital therapy, research has shown that it is an effective strategy for managing your mental health. A 2020 review of 17 studies published in EClinicalMedicine found that online cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions were at least as effective at reducing the severity of depression symptoms than in-person sessions. There wasn’t a significant difference in participant satisfaction between the two options.

There Are Limitations to Mental Health and Technology’s Increasing Closeness

One of the most prevalent limitations of technology-fueled mental health care and awareness is the possibility of misleading or inaccurate information.  

If you’re attending digital sessions with a therapist, it’s easy to check their qualifications and reviews. However, for most other online mental health resources, it can be more challenging but remains just as critical to verify their expertise and benefits. “The risk of greater access is that the floodgates are open for anyone to say anything about mental health, and there’s no vetting process or way to truly check credibility,” says Torres-Mackle.

To that point, James Giordano, PhD, MPhil , professor of neurology and ethics at Georgetown University Medical Center and author of the book “Neurotechnology: Premises, Potential, and Problems,” cautions that, while there are guiding institutions, the market still contains “unregulated products, resources, and services, many of which are available via the internet. Thus, it’s very important to engage due diligence when considering the use of any mental health technology .” 

 Verywell / Alison Czinkota 

McKinley raises another valuable point: A person’s home is not always a space they can securely explore their mental health. “For many individuals, home is not a safe place due to abuse, addiction, toxic family, or unhealthy living environments,” she says. “Despite technology offering a means of support, if the home is not a safe place, many people won’t seek the help or mental health treatment that they need. For some, the therapy office is the only safe place they have.” Due to the pandemic and a general limit on private places outside of the home to dive into your personal feelings, someone in this situation may struggle to find opportunities for help.

Miyume McKinley, MSW, LCSW

There are lots of people seeking help that would not have done so prior to the pandemic, either due to the discomfort or because they simply didn’t know it was possible to obtain such services via technology.

Torn explains that therapists who work for tech platforms can also suffer due to burnout and low pay. She claims that some of these platforms prioritize seeing new clients instead of providing time for existing clients to grow their relationship. “I’ve heard about clients having to jump from one therapist to the next, or therapists who can’t even leave stops open for their existing clients, and instead their schedule gets filled with new clients,” she says. “Therapists are burning out in general right now, and especially on these platforms, which leads to a lower quality of care for clients.”

Screen Time Can Also Have a Negative Impact

As mental health care continues to spread into online platforms, clinicians and individuals must contend with society’s growing addiction to tech and extended screen time’s negative aspects.

Social media, in particular, has been shown to impact an individual’s mental health negatively. A 2019 study looked at how social media affected feelings of social isolation in 1,178 students aged 18 to 30. While having a positive experience on social media didn’t improve it, each 10% increase in negative experiences elevated social isolation feelings by 13%.

Verywell / Alison Czinkota

While certain aspects like Zoom therapy and mental health influencers require looking at a screen, you can use other digital options such as meditation apps without constantly staring at your device.

What to Be Mindful of as You Explore Mental Health Within Technology

Nothing is all bad or all good and that stands true for mental health’s increased presence within technology. What’s critical is being aware that “technology is a tool, and just like any tool, its impact depends on how it's used,” says Torres-Mackie.

For example, technology can produce positive results if you use the digital space to access treatment that you may have struggled to otherwise, support your mental well-being, or gather helpful—and credible—information about mental health. In contrast, she explains that diving into social media or other avenues only to compare yourself with others and avoid your responsibilities can have negative repercussions on your mental health and relationships. 

Giordano expresses the importance of staying vigilant about your relationship with and reliance on tech and your power to control it. 

With that in mind, pay attention to how much time you spend online. “We are spending less time outside, and more time glued to our screens. People are constantly comparing their lives to someone else's on social media, making it harder to be present in the moment and actually live our lives,” says Torn. 

Between the increase in necessary services moving online and trying to connect with people through a screen, it’s critical to take time away from your devices. According to a 2018 study, changing your social media habits, in particular, can improve your overall well-being . Participants limited Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat use to 10 minutes a day per platform for three weeks. At the end of the study, they showed significant reductions in depression and loneliness compared to the control group. However, even the increased awareness of their social media use appeared to help the control group lower feelings of anxiety and fear of missing out.

“Remember, it’s okay to turn your phone off. It’s okay to turn notifications off for news, apps, and emails,” says McKinley. Take opportunities to step outside, spend time with loved ones, and explore screen-free self-care activities. She adds, “Most of the things in life that make life worthwhile cannot be found on our devices, apps, or through technology—it’s found within ourselves and each other.”

Kaiser Family Foundation. The implications of COVID-19 for mental health and substance use .

Taquet M, Luciano S, Geddes JR, Harrison PJ. Bidirectional associations between COVID-19 and psychiatric disorder: retrospective cohort studies of 62 354 COVID-19 cases in the USA . Lancet Psychiatry . 2021;8(2):130-140. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30462-4

Luo C, Sanger N, Singhal N, et al. A comparison of electronically-delivered and face to face cognitive behavioural therapies in depressive disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis . EClinicalMedicine . 2020;24:100442. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100442

Primack BA, Karim SA, Shensa A, Bowman N, Knight J, Sidani JE. Positive and negative experiences on social media and perceived social isolation . Am J Health Promot . 2019;33(6):859-868. doi:10.1177/0890117118824196

Hunt MG, Marx R, Lipson C, Young J. No more FOMO: Limiting social media decreases loneliness and depression . J Soc Clin Psychol . 2018;37(10):751-768. doi:10.1521/jscp.2018.37.10.751

  • Essay Editor

The Impact of Technology on Modern Society

1. introduction.

The role of technology in our society is important. In the past few decades, advancements in technology have pushed the boundaries of what is possible. It has altered the way humans interact and makes significant changes in the ways we communicate, work, and play, so as to change the way we live. The changes brought about to our society have been both positive and negative. Without doubt, the conversation must begin with the history of technology. From the dark ages to the age of pandemic, through eras of industrialization and now in the era of information and globalization, technology has reshaped our environment to meet the demands of the people in it. More importantly, people have embraced technology like never before. From the moment people wake to the time they sleep, they live surrounded by technology, embracing it willingly. The significance of this research will allow a further understanding of the value of technology to modern society. Additionally, there are many sides to the argument, and the research being conducted is not free from bias. Thus, it would be interesting to acknowledge both sides of the argument and to investigate how and if technology should integrate further into the societal institution. Most importantly, the valuable findings from this research can be translated into a practical perspective. Whether we wish to minimize the negative impact of technology or maximize the benefits from innovation, it is important to understand how the interaction between technology and society works and what determines technological progress.

2. Historical Evolution of Technology

The historical evolution of technology presents a very curious and complex picture. According to common knowledge, technology is giving us greater and greater control. It reveals itself to us today not primarily as a set of complicated tools or intricate chains of mechanical or electronic devices, but rather as a body of catholic abstract understanding, a way of perceiving and ordering. Yet the sheer list of inventions and discoveries shows up technology as something that grows in the manner of a chain letter, or some compound interest, money function. With its continued growth, technology begins not only to preserve but also to turn on its creator, man, and involve him and even threaten him. Among the most intelligent, it creates the concentrated stupidity of much that goes by the name of science. Primitive man was as dependent on tools as modern man is, though using different holdings. But the expanded functions and products of the modern world have added more complexity and coherence to technology and have led to the complexities and intensities of human involvement in technology that we now witness. The striking contrast between how things were once done and how they are done now has shaken whenever he has managed to emerge, the stable picture of man in the world which supported the abstracting and symboling individuality of animate civilization. And, evidently, on at least one occasion quite profound changes in the level of technology ended the group. On another occasion, the same profound changes seemingly separated forever one group of men from their neighbors.

3. Technological Advancements in Various Sectors

Technological advancements in various fields are the most transforming events in human civilization. Over time, technology has been responsible for creating amazing resources, which literally put the human right at our fingertips. Major technological inventions come in various fields which modernize different sectors up to a great extent and lead to the ultimate economic growth. Serious technological advancements truly began in the late 19th and the early 20th century which has improved our living standards many folds. Improvement in agriculture, infrastructure, industrialization are some of the initial steps in the transformation of traditional to modern society. Major Advancements Due to Technology The main advancements due to technology are listed in the following fields: Defense Technology: The defense technology that includes battle tanks, small arms, rockets, jet aircraft; the nuclear weaponry was made during the World War II to defend the other production sectors. Also, it is noted that about 70% of the technology commercialized by the civil sector has been also produced by the defense research centers or laboratories. As a consequence, technology is described as a system that allows enterprises to keep, trade, use complex information to create a system and solve problems from the use of available knowledge and resources. Thanks to these decades of technology, the defense technology has been so sophisticated in order to be classified as high tech which is often produced with or derived from the other technologies.

3.1. Healthcare

It is nearly impossible to talk about the impact of technology on modern society without acknowledging the wealth of knowledge and information gained through the lessons learned in the healthcare field, particularly in the last few decades. The advancements in medical technology through the years, for example, can largely be attributed not only to the resulting impact on research, diagnosis, and treatment protocols, but interdisciplinary knowledge from fields such as engineering and computing has also brought, and is continuously bringing, about an impressive change in lifestyle and consequently in human behavior. Society has been influenced in such a way by the overcoming of technological challenges. This influence, in turn, produces effects that affect the public, namely through health and education (for example, by training experts). It is also difficult to sum up the results in a few words. However, in testing questionnaires on the Brazilian public about the possibilities of using Computer-Assisted Education (CAI) and the use of computers in the evaluation of students, it could be observed, from the responses given to the questions and the debates conducted with the conclusions of these responses, that the expectations of the individuals about the results of the implementation of the two indicated medical domains are not only justified by the relevance that these issues present, but can be expected to have an incidence of effects corresponding to the healthcare reality of the modern man, and therefore well-received by everyone.

3.2. Education

When we consider the various elements of the current educational environment, often referred to as the 'information age', we immediately see that we have to do with a paradox in the eulogies addressed to education. In our society, education is described as a universal remedy and is highly praised by all, but in actual fact, there is something unpleasant about education which people continually want to evade. Education certainly is an extremely sensitive instrument and that, precisely, is the problem. The precisely directed, specific, focused functioning of education and information is suspect: it is confronted with the insuperable fact that it has incomplete choice between the uses to which its instruments are put. We have invented the concept of education without ever having asked what it really is and what it can really do. One of the most important functions of present-day schools, which is largely ignored, is that they have continuously to break the 'news' of technology and cultural productions to learners, presenting these as already existing information packages. This function is more important than the function of transmitting acquired cultural heritage, for this task has already been successfully carried out elsewhere and no longer falls exclusively to the school. The shaping of attitudes and the development of value systems adapt to the direction of the society which forms these attitudes. Not only do educators offer plans for action which may not be realized or used, but by doing so, they also indicate a way of feeling and valuing, governing the fundamental orientation of the modern world.

3.3. Communication

In the first communication revolution, many feared that the cinema, radio, and telephone would destroy real-life human communication, but they soon became incorporated into the communicative microworld of its users. The development of computer-assisted communication, from word processing to bulletin boards, teletex, videotex, and electronic mail, has taken place alongside the remote action and enaction capabilities of computers, from games and card cataloguing to industrial robots and tele-existence. Word processing, in particular, has transformed written text into an endlessly malleable and reproducible substance, and as a result, the computer may eventually displace printing, although pen or pencil still possesses advantages for original composition. Printing has transformed the growth, dissemination, and social importance of written text, and as a cultural medium, it is likely to survive the change from a mechanical to an electronic basis. Tele-existence uses sensory feedback to enable the user's body to function interactively in a remote environment. The operating surgeon, anthropologist, military telepresence user, or female telephone sex worker experiences seeing, hearing, and touching (the last through an artificial hand rather than the genitals) the sensate world of the remote environment.

4. Ethical and Social Implications of Technology

In what follows, I will take up the major objections to technology as mechanisms for establishing and maintaining power in a society. As the problems are subtle, so too will be the solutions, and indeed nary a solution will be offered. Instead, it will be a call for greater understanding of the implications of technology and a united effort on the part of industry, government, and society to recognize and adjust the same. Military applications of technology were published briefly. Philosophical problems related to those of technology have been discussed long ago by the early Greeks. These are not problems of technology, but problems related to technology, primarily as the result of science. Now a lot is known about these problems, and many who study the early Greeks believe that they might have been solved using the tools available to them. Their material views were primitive, at best, as is demonstrated by the breaking point of a soul. The mere perception of learning, or of knowledge, was viewed then with fear and superstition. For knowledge, to be animistic beliefs that animate the trivial fairy tales of those Greeks—Aristotle's missing cousin spoke out for art's own sake! Moreover, what may sound like subjective knowledge: how to recognize an apple, the way its surface feels to the touch, are distinctly not the characteristics of the apple; it is an object of an ontological class. Fascism only comes with an orchestrated effort to become something not persuasive, but overwhelming a society. Recently the etymology of fascism has undergone another instantaneous programmation. Schools are then doubly dangerous: they lure the ability of millions to make a better world. No further criticism shall be passed over in silence.

5. Future Trends and Innovations

While the development of technology has typically had significant benefits associated with it, such developments also come at a significant cost to the rest of human society. The three main areas where future trends are likely to have the greatest impact are information technology, measurement technology, including nondestructive testing, and alternative energy technology, including new energy-producing systems and new energy-saving devices. Other areas of future research could include medical and several technologies for the prediction of catastrophic natural events. The pace of change will speed up and multidisciplinary teams will increase. The objective of such teams should be to improve the quality of life and to provide environments that are beneficial to people both in their working and in their living activities. We have to face the fact that in the next 10 to 15 years, the human population of the planet will have surpassed the amount of resources that our technology can provide for a decent life to all people. People from advanced societies also have to recognize that they have passed through this crisis a long time ago and that the per capita resources that they take for granted cannot be extended to all people of the world. But the conflict between the wealthy and the poor is increasing. Shortsightedness only exacerbates that conflict. Small arms and money can hold for only so long; it is imperative that goodwill efforts change our human attitudes to each other.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, it is impossible to deny the effect of technology on today's society. Nevertheless, technology has its drawbacks. It is also true that many people are using technology to deal with family and interpersonal relationships as well as for accessing corporate affiliation. Taking all these contributions of technology to society, we should not overlook the adverse circumstances as well. The examples of the enslavement caused by technological development are abundant. Therefore, we should carefully develop technology keeping the full spectrum of human emotions in mind. We hope it will go without saying that humans are not puppets of technology. Technology should reflect our principles for the realization of society. Certainly, we often ignore any limitations and fear of technology. Some people describe technology in the following expressions: promising things ahead, a splendid but fickle toy, and a Pandora's box. If technology goes too far, where is the room for human beings, that is, who is to serve whom? Indeed, technology, especially electronics, is deeply connected with our lives these days. However, our attitudes towards it vary and give rise to a variety of challenges and issues. We have to notice limitations and fear of this technology. Otherwise, we humans will become totally dependent on technology. We have to take care that that does not happen.

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1. Introduction Impact of technology on modern society Like any society, modern society is a product of history. And this self-identity is not determined by its material culture or indeed by the artifacts it has produced, but by the attitude of its members to these artifacts. And the impact of these novel technological artifacts, it is contended, is sufficient to effect a modest social revolution. The thesis of this paper is that any concept of technology is loaded to some extent with at least ...


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4 Arguments Against Technology

  • Kevin Kelly

I believe we have a moral obligation to increase the power and presence of technology in the world, but not everyone believes that — to put it mildly. Many believe the opposite: that we have a moral obligation to reduce the power and presence of technology. I want to fully understand those arguments so I […]


I believe we have a moral obligation to increase the power and presence of technology in the world, but not everyone believes that — to put it mildly. Many believe the opposite: that we have a moral obligation to reduce the power and presence of technology. I want to fully understand those arguments so I am collecting them in order to confront them as well as I can. I am interested in valid reasons to diminish technology, but also in mythical reasons as well. Things people believe about the technium which may not be true, but motivate them. Here is my first cut. Please comment on alternative reasons I missed.

essay on technology good or bad

  • KK Kevin Kelly is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He authored the best-selling New Rules for the New Economy and the classic book on decentralized emergent systems, Out of Control .

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Is Technology Good or Bad

This essay will explore the debate on whether technology is beneficial or detrimental to society. It will examine the advantages of technology, including improved communication, access to information, and medical advancements. Conversely, it will discuss the potential downsides, such as privacy concerns, dependency, and the impact on social skills and employment. The piece will aim to provide a balanced view of technology’s role in modern life. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Communication.

How it works

In a world overwhelmed by technology, it tends to be hard for an individual to recognize the importance of ‘good technology’ and ‘awful technology’. The inquiry which makes this order so hard is, would could it be that makes technology positive or negative? Is it the actual technology that makes it positive or negative or is it us, the clients? Technology is a generally superb and great thing. It tends to be found in pretty much every part of our regular day to day existences.

Everything from a caution awakening us, to utilizing an oscillating brush or razor, or driving a vehicle uses technology here and there. Technology is surrounding us and will be for the remainder of time.

Technology, as most everything in this world, has its potential gain and its drawback. The potential gain can be viewed as the innovative great. Advances in the technology field permit us to get things done considerably more effectively than at any other time. The new arrival of the new IPhone is an incredible illustration of exactly the amount we are fit for achieving with technology. With this contraption that fits in your grasp, one is fit for settling on telephone decisions all throughout the planet as well as sending instant messages, messages, perusing the web, paying attention to music, and taking pictures among numerous different elements of the IPhone. Furthermore, with the applications that are accessible to be downloaded to the handheld gadget, a property holder would now be able to do such things as controlling the temperature in their home, or in any event, locking/opening the entryways when they are out of the house. The numerous elements of this device are basically stunning. As it were, when utilizing a cell phone gadget like the IPhone, one can finish pretty much all that they would do in their everyday life and everything’s readily available.

Right now PCs are exploited, and it’s anything but until an infection, or crash that individuals acknowledge the amount they have depended on their own Computer for work, or diversion. Nonetheless, others accept that the utilization of PCs stretches the development of our public activity and could make us apathetic, as composing, or messaging is simpler than composing and sending a letter. In the event that you look on your regular everyday practice, you will see that nearly all that you do depends on Computers. For instance, the drive to work.

Whenever that has been opened, there is no returning, as it will mercisley tear through each associated PC very quickly, and before you know it the Presidents own Top Secret documents from the 50’s have been obliterated. Obviously, a ton of cash has been spent on Preventing this, yet on normal two of these messages are gotten by EVERYBODY utilizing a mainstream Internet administration, for example Microsoft. In any case, on the opposite side of the Virtual Coin is the ‘fun’ side of the Internet. Message Boards, Chat Rooms and Interactive Forums are the absolute most well known things on the net. Truth be told, one Internet Messageboard,, has more than 10,000 enrolled individuals. However, what is stunning about that Message Board is that it is a Board dependent on a Computer Game. Only one! So if 10, 000 individuals need to discuss one Computer Game.

The classification between ‘great technology’ and ‘terrible technology’ at last relies upon what the technology is being utilized for and how it is being utilized. Sometimes, like the IPhone, when utilizing it a lot of can possibly make an individual lethargic, prompting diminished measures of active work, is simply the client. The IPhone could be classified as being acceptable in light of what it permits the client to do, yet in addition terrible since the client can become immersed by it. Notwithstanding on account of the technology in vehicles not working as expected constantly, this isn’t brought about by the client. It is simply the technology which makes it positive or negative and in a world becoming overwhelmed by technology, it will perpetually be a fight between whether it is the technology or the client which can make something that appears to be acceptable, be perilous.


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Is Technology Good or Bad. (2021, Jul 14). Retrieved from

"Is Technology Good or Bad." , 14 Jul 2021, (2021). Is Technology Good or Bad . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 27 Aug. 2024]

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"Is Technology Good or Bad," , 14-Jul-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27-Aug-2024] (2021). Is Technology Good or Bad . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 27-Aug-2024]

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  • Technology Essay


Essay on Technology

The word "technology" and its uses have immensely changed since the 20th century, and with time, it has continued to evolve ever since. We are living in a world driven by technology. The advancement of technology has played an important role in the development of human civilization, along with cultural changes. Technology provides innovative ways of doing work through various smart and innovative means. 

Electronic appliances, gadgets, faster modes of communication, and transport have added to the comfort factor in our lives. It has helped in improving the productivity of individuals and different business enterprises. Technology has brought a revolution in many operational fields. It has undoubtedly made a very important contribution to the progress that mankind has made over the years.

The Advancement of Technology:

Technology has reduced the effort and time and increased the efficiency of the production requirements in every field. It has made our lives easy, comfortable, healthy, and enjoyable. It has brought a revolution in transport and communication. The advancement of technology, along with science, has helped us to become self-reliant in all spheres of life. With the innovation of a particular technology, it becomes part of society and integral to human lives after a point in time.

Technology is Our Part of Life:

Technology has changed our day-to-day lives. Technology has brought the world closer and better connected. Those days have passed when only the rich could afford such luxuries. Because of the rise of globalisation and liberalisation, all luxuries are now within the reach of the average person. Today, an average middle-class family can afford a mobile phone, a television, a washing machine, a refrigerator, a computer, the Internet, etc. At the touch of a switch, a man can witness any event that is happening in far-off places.  

Benefits of Technology in All Fields: 

We cannot escape technology; it has improved the quality of life and brought about revolutions in various fields of modern-day society, be it communication, transportation, education, healthcare, and many more. Let us learn about it.

Technology in Communication:

With the advent of technology in communication, which includes telephones, fax machines, cellular phones, the Internet, multimedia, and email, communication has become much faster and easier. It has transformed and influenced relationships in many ways. We no longer need to rely on sending physical letters and waiting for several days for a response. Technology has made communication so simple that you can connect with anyone from anywhere by calling them via mobile phone or messaging them using different messaging apps that are easy to download.

Innovation in communication technology has had an immense influence on social life. Human socialising has become easier by using social networking sites, dating, and even matrimonial services available on mobile applications and websites.

Today, the Internet is used for shopping, paying utility bills, credit card bills, admission fees, e-commerce, and online banking. In the world of marketing, many companies are marketing and selling their products and creating brands over the internet. 

In the field of travel, cities, towns, states, and countries are using the web to post detailed tourist and event information. Travellers across the globe can easily find information on tourism, sightseeing, places to stay, weather, maps, timings for events, transportation schedules, and buy tickets to various tourist spots and destinations.

Technology in the Office or Workplace:

Technology has increased efficiency and flexibility in the workspace. Technology has made it easy to work remotely, which has increased the productivity of the employees. External and internal communication has become faster through emails and apps. Automation has saved time, and there is also a reduction in redundancy in tasks. Robots are now being used to manufacture products that consistently deliver the same product without defect until the robot itself fails. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology are innovations that are being deployed across industries to reap benefits.

Technology has wiped out the manual way of storing files. Now files are stored in the cloud, which can be accessed at any time and from anywhere. With technology, companies can make quick decisions, act faster towards solutions, and remain adaptable. Technology has optimised the usage of resources and connected businesses worldwide. For example, if the customer is based in America, he can have the services delivered from India. They can communicate with each other in an instant. Every company uses business technology like virtual meeting tools, corporate social networks, tablets, and smart customer relationship management applications that accelerate the fast movement of data and information.

Technology in Education:

Technology is making the education industry improve over time. With technology, students and parents have a variety of learning tools at their fingertips. Teachers can coordinate with classrooms across the world and share their ideas and resources online. Students can get immediate access to an abundance of good information on the Internet. Teachers and students can access plenty of resources available on the web and utilise them for their project work, research, etc. Online learning has changed our perception of education. 

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a paradigm shift using technology where school-going kids continued their studies from home and schools facilitated imparting education by their teachers online from home. Students have learned and used 21st-century skills and tools, like virtual classrooms, AR (Augmented Reality), robots, etc. All these have increased communication and collaboration significantly. 

Technology in Banking:

Technology and banking are now inseparable. Technology has boosted digital transformation in how the banking industry works and has vastly improved banking services for their customers across the globe.

Technology has made banking operations very sophisticated and has reduced errors to almost nil, which were somewhat prevalent with manual human activities. Banks are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) to increase their efficiency and profits. With the emergence of Internet banking, self-service tools have replaced the traditional methods of banking. 

You can now access your money, handle transactions like paying bills, money transfers, and online purchases from merchants, and monitor your bank statements anytime and from anywhere in the world. Technology has made banking more secure and safe. You do not need to carry cash in your pocket or wallet; the payments can be made digitally using e-wallets. Mobile banking, banking apps, and cybersecurity are changing the face of the banking industry.

Manufacturing and Production Industry Automation:

At present, manufacturing industries are using all the latest technologies, ranging from big data analytics to artificial intelligence. Big data, ARVR (Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality), and IoT (Internet of Things) are the biggest manufacturing industry players. Automation has increased the level of productivity in various fields. It has reduced labour costs, increased efficiency, and reduced the cost of production.

For example, 3D printing is used to design and develop prototypes in the automobile industry. Repetitive work is being done easily with the help of robots without any waste of time. This has also reduced the cost of the products. 

Technology in the Healthcare Industry:

Technological advancements in the healthcare industry have not only improved our personal quality of life and longevity; they have also improved the lives of many medical professionals and students who are training to become medical experts. It has allowed much faster access to the medical records of each patient. 

The Internet has drastically transformed patients' and doctors’ relationships. Everyone can stay up to date on the latest medical discoveries, share treatment information, and offer one another support when dealing with medical issues. Modern technology has allowed us to contact doctors from the comfort of our homes. There are many sites and apps through which we can contact doctors and get medical help. 

Breakthrough innovations in surgery, artificial organs, brain implants, and networked sensors are examples of transformative developments in the healthcare industry. Hospitals use different tools and applications to perform their administrative tasks, using digital marketing to promote their services.

Technology in Agriculture:

Today, farmers work very differently than they would have decades ago. Data analytics and robotics have built a productive food system. Digital innovations are being used for plant breeding and harvesting equipment. Software and mobile devices are helping farmers harvest better. With various data and information available to farmers, they can make better-informed decisions, for example, tracking the amount of carbon stored in soil and helping with climate change.

Disadvantages of Technology:

People have become dependent on various gadgets and machines, resulting in a lack of physical activity and tempting people to lead an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Even though technology has increased the productivity of individuals, organisations, and the nation, it has not increased the efficiency of machines. Machines cannot plan and think beyond the instructions that are fed into their system. Technology alone is not enough for progress and prosperity. Management is required, and management is a human act. Technology is largely dependent on human intervention. 

Computers and smartphones have led to an increase in social isolation. Young children are spending more time surfing the internet, playing games, and ignoring their real lives. Usage of technology is also resulting in job losses and distracting students from learning. Technology has been a reason for the production of weapons of destruction.

Dependency on technology is also increasing privacy concerns and cyber crimes, giving way to hackers.


FAQs on Technology Essay

1. What is technology?

Technology refers to innovative ways of doing work through various smart means. The advancement of technology has played an important role in the development of human civilization. It has helped in improving the productivity of individuals and businesses.

2. How has technology changed the face of banking?

Technology has made banking operations very sophisticated. With the emergence of Internet banking, self-service tools have replaced the traditional methods of banking. You can now access your money, handle transactions, and monitor your bank statements anytime and from anywhere in the world. Technology has made banking more secure and safe.

3. How has technology brought a revolution in the medical field?

Patients and doctors keep each other up to date on the most recent medical discoveries, share treatment information, and offer each other support when dealing with medical issues. It has allowed much faster access to the medical records of each patient. Modern technology has allowed us to contact doctors from the comfort of our homes. There are many websites and mobile apps through which we can contact doctors and get medical help.

4. Are we dependent on technology?

Yes, today, we are becoming increasingly dependent on technology. Computers, smartphones, and modern technology have helped humanity achieve success and progress. However, in hindsight, people need to continuously build a healthy lifestyle, sorting out personal problems that arise due to technological advancements in different aspects of human life.


Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

What is modern technology.

Modern technology is all the new tools and gadgets we use every day. Think of smartphones, computers, and the internet. They make life easier by helping us talk to friends, find information, and do our work.

Technology as a Boon

Technology is a gift because it saves time and makes hard jobs simple. For example, washing machines clean clothes quickly, and with the internet, learning new things is just a click away. Doctors use technology to treat sick people better.

Technology as a Bane

Sometimes technology can be a problem. People might use it too much and not talk to each other face to face. Kids might play video games all day instead of playing outside. It can also break and cost a lot of money to fix.

Technology is both good and bad. It depends on how we use it. If we use it to help us and be careful not to overuse it, technology can make our lives much better.

250 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Modern technology: good or bad, technology makes life easier.

First, let’s talk about the good side. Technology, like computers and smartphones, has made life much easier. We can talk to friends and family no matter how far they are. We can find answers to our questions instantly by searching on the internet. Also, doctors use new tools to help sick people get better. In schools, tablets and smart boards make learning fun for kids.

Problems with Technology

On the other side, technology can cause problems. Some people spend too much time on their phones or playing video games. This can make them less active and even lonely because they don’t talk to people face-to-face. Also, machines are doing jobs that people used to do, which means some people can’t find work.

Keeping a Balance

In the end, it’s all about balance. Technology can be a good thing if we use it to help us and not let it take over our lives. We must remember to spend time with others and not just with our gadgets. We should also learn new skills so we can work with technology and not be left behind.

To sum up, modern technology can be a good helper or a problem, depending on how we use it. It’s up to us to make sure we use technology to make our lives better and not let it cause new problems.

500 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Introduction to modern technology.

In today’s world, modern technology is a big part of our lives. We use it every day for work, learning, and fun. It includes things like computers, smartphones, the internet, and many machines that make jobs easier. People often wonder if technology is a good thing (a boon) or a bad thing (a bane). This essay will look at both sides to help us understand technology better.

Another good thing is how technology helps doctors. They use special machines to check what’s wrong inside our bodies without any cuts. This is much safer and less painful. Also, we can talk to friends and family who live far away because of apps on our phones. This helps us feel close even when we are not.

Technology in Education

Technology has also changed how we learn. Many schools use computers and tablets to teach lessons. This can make learning more interesting and fun. There are games and programs that help with math, science, and languages. Students can also take classes online if they cannot go to school.

Another problem is that not everyone has the same access to technology. Some people cannot afford computers or the internet. This can make it hard for them to learn or find jobs because so much now depends on technology.

Technology and Safety

We must also think about safety. When we use the internet, we can share too much personal information. This can be dangerous because there are people who might try to steal or use this information in bad ways. Parents and teachers need to help kids learn how to be safe online.

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Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology

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"Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology." StudyMoose, May 08, 2016. Accessed August 28, 2024.

"Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology," StudyMoose , 08-May-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 28-Aug-2024]

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Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology essay

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Is Technology Good Or Bad Argumentative Essay?

It’s an old debate that has raged ever since the invention of writing software – is technology good or bad for you? There are those who believe that technology advances will only benefit the average person, while others believe that it’s a curse and will destroy the middle class.

The latter argument would be a bit like arguing that the Internet is bad for you because there have been reports that millions of people have lost their jobs in recent years. While it’s true that many businesses have closed due to economic instability, it is also true that many of these businesses were very large. Smaller, more local businesses have not experienced the same financial struggles as their larger counterparts.

So, it’s hard to make a direct conclusion on whether or not technology is good or bad for the economy. There are just too many factors that can be argued. But one thing is clear: the benefits of technology far outweigh the costs. And technology is here to stay – it’s already being used by the largest corporations in the world.

Now, if you’re planning to write an argumentative essay about this subject, you’ll have a lot of ground to cover. There are plenty of sources to pull from. Newspapers, magazines, television programs, radio shows, and even newspapers themselves are all great resources. These are also some of the most influential sources. So, if you want to use a certain source, chances are you’ll find that your essay is heavily influenced by what you found there.

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is not to rely too heavily on these kinds of sources. Instead, you should try and gather as much information as you can. If you are in school, for example, you may be able to research some of these topics in order to better understand the topic at hand.

In addition to this, the internet offers countless opportunities for you to gather facts and data to back up your claim that technology is good or bad for the economy. There are many blogs that are dedicated solely to discussing these issues. You can check out these as well.

So, when you are preparing to write your argumentative essay, whether or not you use the Internet or the newspaper, you should always be sure to include the information that you’ve uncovered. and make sure that you include all of the relevant evidence to support your position.

Unfortunately, sometimes the information you gather is not enough to make your bad argumentative essay convincing. You need to also include the facts that are good, which is more difficult. It’s hard to write something that isn’t going to be convincing. If your essay is too vague, you won’t be able to get any points across.

So, in this case, you have to be as specific as possible about your strong point, and then be as vague as possible about your weak point. The trick is to try to make the strong point more convincing than the weaker point, but still be consistent about it.

You also have to be careful when making your stronger point. If you make an argument that technology causes jobs, you don’t want to come off like you’re saying that because technology is destroying all employment. Instead, you need to be as neutral as possible, and just say that technology has a positive impact on the economy.

It’s very easy to write a good argumentative essay if you know the right kind of words to use. And while it’s certainly not hard to do, it’s not easy to come up with an argument that is so persuasive that it makes you stand out among all of your competition.

So, when you are writing your argumentative essay, keep in mind the importance of including information. And remember that your strongest point, and the information that you have gathered, are the one that’s going to really make a difference in your overall conclusion.

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    Technology: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. By Brandon Swenson December 30, 2020. Getting the most out of our tech tools. Technology is a critical component of our world today. From communication and time management to manufacturing and healthcare, tech tools have an enormous impact on our lives. And for students at UA Grantham, it's also what ...

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    500 Words Essay on Computer Technology Good or Bad Introduction. Computer technology has become an integral part of our lives, profoundly influencing various sectors such as communication, education, healthcare, and business. However, as with any significant development, it comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages.

  16. Is Technology Good or Bad

    Essay Example: In a world overwhelmed by technology, it tends to be hard for an individual to recognize the importance of 'good technology' and 'awful technology'. The inquiry which makes this order so hard is, would could it be that makes technology positive or negative? ... Is Technology Good or Bad. (2021, Jul 14). Retrieved from https ...

  17. The Pros and Cons of Technology Essay

    687 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. People very often debate whether technology is good or bad. Many people believe that technology can only cause harm to their lives and society, while many others strongly defend the technologies which have made their lives much more leisurely and enriching than it could have been several hundred years ago.

  18. Technology Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Technology. The word "technology" and its uses have immensely changed since the 20th century, and with time, it has continued to evolve ever since. We are living in a world driven by technology. The advancement of technology has played an important role in the development of human civilization, along with cultural changes.

  19. PDF Is Technology Good Or Bad Argumentative Essay

    opportunities for progress and development. In conclusion, technology is neither good nor bad in itself. Its effects depend entirely on how it. is used and what purpose it serves. With a responsible attitude and careful consideration, technology can be a powerful tool for good that can help us to live better lives.

  20. Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane for Students

    250 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane Modern Technology: Good or Bad? Modern technology is like a coin with two sides. One side shows us how it makes things better, while the other side shows us the problems it can cause. It's important to look at both to decide if technology is a good thing or a bad thing. Technology Makes Life ...

  21. Good Technology Vs. Bad Technology Free Essay Example

    Essay Sample: In a world dominated by technology, it can be difficult for a person to distinguish between the meaning of 'good technology' and 'bad technology'. The Free essays. My List(0) About us; Our services. Essay topics and ideas; Custom essay writing; Flashcards and Quizzes ...

  22. Is Technology Good Or Bad Argumentative Essay?

    There are just too many factors that can be argued. But one thing is clear: the benefits of technology far outweigh the costs. And technology is here to stay - it's already being used by the largest corporations in the world. Now, if you're planning to write an argumentative essay about this subject, you'll have a lot of ground to cover.

  23. Essay on Technology: Good or Bad?

    In my opinion, the disadvantages of using technology in this way outweigh the advantages because this can lead to excessive control from authorities and to a significant reduction of people's privacy. Firstly, although technology has consistently reduced crime rates due to a major control from authorities, the use of technology has ...

  24. Technology Good Or Bad Essay

    Technology is a good or a bad for today's youth? .. Today is the world of technology and man being a social animal is nothing without this technology. Or in other words can be said that survival along with progression is not possible without the interference of technology in our lives in each and every matter.