Degree Not Included

Successful People Without a College Degree (Icons of Achievement)

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Successful People Without a College Degree

Achieving significant success in life often leads many to assume that a college degree is a prerequisite. Yet, in reality, numerous individuals have disproven this notion, crafting inspiring stories of accomplishment without the traditional academic path. Whether through entrepreneurship, the arts, or unique careers , these individuals have demonstrated that fervor, talent, and vision can indeed eclipse formal education.

While a college degree could be a stepping stone for many, it’s not a universal key to unlocking the doors of success. You will find that some of the most influential and wealthy individuals have reached the pinnacle of their fields without the benefit of a diploma. Their journeys highlight alternative educational experiences and underscore the fact that learning can take multiple forms outside a classroom setting.

Key Takeaways

  • Some individuals achieve great success without the traditional academic route.
  • A diploma is not the only path to success in various fields including business and the arts.
  • Personal qualities and hands-on experience can outweigh formal education in determining success.

Defying Traditional Education Paths

successful person without formal education essay

In a world where higher education is often equated with success, numerous individuals have blazed their own trails, proving that passion and hard work can sometimes outweigh formal academic credentials.

The Importance of Passion Over Formal Education

Your drive and dedication often play more critical roles in success than the diplomas you hold. History has shown that some of the most successful people prioritized their passion over formal education, channeling their energies into their interests and transforming them into careers.

Notables Who Valued Passion:

  • Abraham Lincoln: Largely self-educated , became one of the most influential presidents in American history.
  • Thomas Edison: With little formal schooling, he became a prolific inventor, holding 1,093 US patents.

Influential Innovators Without Degrees

Many influential figures have made monumental contributions to society without holding college degrees, demonstrating that innovation can stem from experience and personal study as much as from formal education.

Self-Made Success Stories

The self-made individual who rises from humble beginnings to achieve great success has become an archetype in its own right. By engaging in self-education and taking calculated risks, these individuals have built careers and legacies that endure.

Self-Made Examples:

  • Individuals turning a passion for real estate into a profitable career without a related degree.
  • Entrepreneurs starting businesses in their garages or at their kitchen tables, often with more tenacity than resources.

Education vs. Real-World Experience

While formal education can provide a foundational knowledge, real-world experiences are where you often gain the skills that propel you forward in your career. It’s not uncommon for individuals to drop out of college or skip higher education altogether in favor of immediate hands-on experience.

Real-World vs Education:

  • GED vs College Diploma: For some, obtaining a GED is a more suitable option that allows them to dive into the workforce and begin gaining practical experience.
  • Odd Jobs : Many successful professionals start out working odd jobs that teach them the value of hard work, business acumen, and networking—which can be as valuable as formal education.

Entrepreneurship and Business Success

successful person without formal education essay

Your journey into the world of entrepreneurship will show you that a college degree isn’t always a prerequisite for phenomenal success in business.

Tech Giants and Industry Leaders

Several titans of technology and business achieved monumental success without the traditional college pathway. Take, for instance, Bill Gates , founder of Microsoft . Gates, a Harvard dropout, turned his passion for technology into a global empire with a current net worth that often fluctuates into the tens of billions. Another college dropout, Steve Jobs , revolutionized multiple industries with Apple , profoundly changing how you interact with technology.

Business Magnates with Unconventional Backgrounds

In other business sectors, entrepreneurs like Richard Branson of the Virgin Group started with a record store and expanded into airlines, telecom, and even space travel. His adventurous spirit and business acumen have established him among the world’s most versatile businessmen, with a net worth in the billions. Similarly, John Mackey ‘s passion for healthy eating led to the creation of Whole Foods , further demonstrating that a powerful vision, rather than a degree, often charts the course to success.

Your understanding of these pattern-breaking careers may inspire you to venture beyond the conventional and embrace the full range of what entrepreneurial success can look like.

Success in Arts, Media, and Entertainment

successful person without formal education essay

Your potential for success isn’t always tied to a formal education. In arts, media, and entertainment, several individuals have risen to great heights and have become influential without the benefit of a college degree.

Celebrities and Media Personalities

Oprah Winfrey turned a challenging childhood into an inspiring success story. She became one of the most influential media personalities and a billionaire without completing college. Winfrey’s achievements include a multi-year reign over daytime TV with The Oprah Winfrey Show and forming her own network, OWN.

In contrast, Ellen DeGeneres forsook her college education after only one semester. DeGeneres crafted a career as an actress and comedian before launching her popular daytime talk show, which lasted for 19 seasons, illustrating that leaving college isn’t a barrier to becoming a celebrated media figure.

Kim Kardashian , originally known for her reality TV fame, has expanded her brand into fashion and beauty without a traditional college education. Her savvy use of media to market her businesses has set a new standard for influencers in the digital age.

Innovators in Media and Design

David Geffen , a business magnate in the music and film industry, never graduated from college. Geffen founded Asylum Records and Geffen Records, leaving lasting imprints on music. He co-founded DreamWorks SKG, shaping modern film and television production strategies.

Fashion icon Ralph Lauren dropped out of college where he had studied business and served in the army before becoming a sales assistant. Lauren then ventured into designing neckties , leading him to establish the multibillion-dollar Ralph Lauren Corporation, a testament to design’s potential without a degree.

Frank Lloyd Wright , often considered one of history’s most prominent architects, did not obtain a formal degree either. Wright’s innovative designs, such as the iconic Fallingwater, redefined architectural principles and continue to influence designers to this day.

Your exploration of these stories affirms that success in arts, media, and entertainment is attainable without a college diploma. These individuals have not only succeeded but also have empowered others to pursue their passions with or without formal education.

Unique Career Paths and Overcoming Adversity

successful person without formal education essay

Many people have achieved great success in their careers without a traditional college education. Through hard work, innovative thinking, and a strong connection to community needs, these individuals demonstrate that alternative educational paths can lead to remarkable outcomes.

Culinary Arts and Television Personalities

Rachael Ray serves as a prime example of success within the culinary arts while bypassing formal culinary education. Starting with a blend of determination and talent, she moved from odd jobs like dishwashing to hosting her own television show without attending a community college or university for cooking. Her journey is a testament to the power of hard work and charisma in the culinary industry .

Leaders Reimagining Traditional Industries

Fredrick Henry Royce left education at the age of 9 and began his career selling newspapers and delivering telegrams. Pioneering the automotive industry with his dedication to excellence and co-founding Rolls-Royce, he demonstrates how reimagining a traditional industry can be done without the prerequisite of a college degree.

Amadeo Peter Giannini began his career at a produce farm and later became one of the most influential figures in modern banking. His work led to the establishment of Bank of America, illustrating how hands-on experience and an understanding of real-world commerce can significantly impact a traditional industry such as finance.

Spirituality and Community Influence

Joel Osteen became a prominent figure in spirituality without a formal college degree in theology or divinity. He inherited the pulpit of Lakewood Church from his father and has since grown its community to tens of thousands, showing that a deep understanding of community needs can surpass formal educational accomplishments in religious leadership.

Your paths toward career success may not require a traditional academic path; these individuals illustrate the power of passion, hard work, and serving community needs in forging unique and successful careers.

Impact of Education on Net Worth

successful person without formal education essay

Your understanding of wealth creation might change when you consider the varying impact formal education has on net worth.

Analyzing the Role of Formal Education in Wealth Accumilation

In the landscape of wealth, education traditionally has been seen as a stepping stone—earning a bachelor’s degree or higher often correlates with higher income levels. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that median weekly earnings in 2020 for those with a bachelor’s were $1,305, compared to $781 for high school graduates.

Success Without a College Degree in the Forbes List

Despite this, a college degree is not a prerequisite for major success. For example, Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, and the late Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., both left university to pursue their entrepreneurial quests. Gates dropped out from Harvard University, while Jobs left Reed College. They became billionaires without obtaining a degree . The Forbes list often features prominent individuals who have achieved substantial net worths despite not having a traditional college education.

Notable College Dropouts on Forbes List:

Comparison of Self-Educated Individuals to College Graduates

An analysis of self-educated individuals reveals that many, empowered by a relentless pursuit of knowledge outside of academia, can hold their own against college graduates in creating significant net worth. Michael Dell, founder of Dell Technologies, left the University of Texas to build his company. His self-driven entrepreneurial spirit highlights that practical learning and hands-on experience can be just as valuable as formal education.

Examining Educational Landscape Changes

successful person without formal education essay

You’ll notice in recent trends a shift in the way education, especially college education, is perceived in society. This has led to significant changes in educational choices and career path s.

Shifts in Public Perception of College Education

Education has traditionally been seen as the straight path to success. In previous decades, a college degree was often considered a non-negotiable step for securing a well-paying job. However, perceptions are changing. Recent studies show a growing number of individuals opting out of traditional college experiences. For example, a farmer might choose to rely on hands-on experience and generations of knowledge rather than pursue a degree in agricultural science.

Table: Perception of College Education Necessity Over Time

Furthermore, the costs associated with higher education, like those at the University of Texas at Austin, have prompted a reevaluation among prospective students. Many are questioning whether the standard college education provides the best return on investment, considering alternatives that may be less financially burdensome.

Alternative Learning and Career Preparation

Your career path may not necessarily require a college degree. In fields such as accounting, self-education , online courses , and apprenticeships are gaining popularity as valid educational options. These alternatives often cost less and take less time than a traditional four-year degree.

List of Alternative Learning Methods:

  • Self-Education: Utilizing resources like libraries and free online materials.
  • Online Courses: Enrolling in specific courses offered by platforms such as Coursera or Udemy.
  • Apprenticeships: Gaining practical experience in trades or specific skills under the mentorship of a seasoned professional.
  • GED Programs: Completing general educational development tests to certify high school-level academic skills.

Leveraging these alternatives, individuals can tailor their education to their specific career goals, often leading to an equally successful outcome as those who pursue degrees. The landscape of education is clearly evolving, and you might find that the traditional college diploma is just one of many options on the table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Delving into the stories of successful individuals without college degrees can provide you with both inspiration and proof that formal education isn’t the sole path to achievement.

Who are some notable entrepreneurs who have become successful without a college degree?

You may have heard of Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, who left school at the age of 16. Similarly, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., dropped out of Reed College after just one semester before building one of the most influential tech companies in the world.

What historical figures achieved success in leadership roles despite not having formal degrees?

Abraham Lincoln, who served as the 16th president of the United States, had less than a year of formal schooling. Meanwhile, George Washington, the first president, never attended college but led the country with distinction.

Can you list a few millionaires or billionaires who became wealthy without obtaining a college education?

Among the wealthy individuals who skipped the academic route, you’ll find Amancio Ortega, founder of the fashion group Inditex, and Francois Pinault, founder of the luxury group Kering. Both lack a formal college degree yet have amassed significant fortunes through their business acumen.

How has the absence of a college degree impacted the careers of well-known intellectuals and creatives?

While many intellectuals and creatives are often thought to have formal degrees, some like Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway did not pursue higher education. Their literary successes demonstrate that natural talent and hard work can compensate for the lack of formal academic qualifications.

What are examples of individuals reaching success in business without the benefit of a higher education background?

You’ll be interested to know about John D. Rockefeller Sr., who founded Standard Oil and became the world’s first billionaire, and the legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, who attended college but attributes much of his success to self-education.

In what ways have successful people without formal education demonstrated their capabilities?

Persistence, innovation, and a strong work ethos often mark the careers of those without formal degrees. They have shown their capabilities by building businesses, leading nations, and changing industries through their talents and ambitions without the backing of a tertiary qualification.

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For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
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  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

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successful person without formal education essay

Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary Essay

Introduction, importance of formal education, technology and education, formal education: not synonymous with success, envisioning my career future.

Technological advancements and inventions have made education easy through e-learning, among other online activities. Technology has bolstered formal education, helped save reading time, and improved education quality. Formal education is a structured learning system running from primary school to university. Furthermore, the educational system involves specialized vocational, technical, and professional training programs. Although formal education is primal for career success, technology has intervened, making formal education unnecessary for career success. Tech companies’ leaders of the leading tech companies have demonstrated how formal education is unnecessary. Although education is significant for career development, a combination of formal and non-formal education is crucial for a successful career inside and outside law enforcement.

Formal education is a topic of much introspection and controversy. However, many people favor the education system due to its insurmountable advantages in life and career development. Through formal education, learners learn from credentialed experts who are masters in their craft (Purtilo-Nieminen et al., 2021). Consequently, the professors tell the learners what is vital, making the students emphasize essential topics. The lecturers evaluate students’ work and suggest critical improvement areas. Furthermore, the learners get credentialed degrees and certificates that make them ready for the job market. Although formal education is a panacea for unemployment, technology has intervened by creating more lucrative jobs than jobs requiring formal education.

Technological advancements have ruled out the necessity of formal education since learners can self-teach themselves and acquire better knowledge than in class. Complicated technical skills are available on online platforms where learners can access anytime at the comfort of their homes. For instance, coding, search engine optimization, Adobe Photoshop, and foreign language skills can be learned online without expert guidance. Unlike formal education, online learning platforms are unstructured and involve automated evaluations that help learners track their learning progress. Many people, including Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Steve Jobs, dropped out of the formal education system but became successful in the tech industry. Therefore, while many contend that formal education is primal for career development, technical industries require more than formal education.

People who believe in creating employment, being creative, and becoming entrepreneurs appreciate the freedom from formal education and make bad employees. It is widely accepted that persons with advanced education, up to Master’s degrees, attract lucrative employment. However, the perception of ‘getting employed’ is old since many people are venturing into new businesses and creating jobs through self-learning. For instance, Bill Gates attended Harvard University for two years before building Microsoft (Yoffie & Cusumano, 2021). The company employs thousands of people who have gone through formal education. Therefore, it is ironic that a person studies for about 25 years and becomes confined behind a desk making money for someone who broke out of the formal education cycle for 30 years. Formal education is not synonymous with success since it does not contribute to social development, growth in developing countries, and a stable lifestyle.

Social development involves any activity that improves the well-being of all individuals in society. Formal education is on the frontline of educating the students on effective social interactions in society. However, some individuals have helped solve societal problems without formal education. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have developed innovative ideas in the tech world that have helped solve communication problems in society. Furthermore, their inventions have created jobs for many people in the world. Meanwhile, human rights activists like Malcolm X have helped solve social injustices without formal education. Formal education has not absolutely engineered social development.

Formal education implies being granted potential employment with a stable income. However, employment does not necessarily come from formal education but individual talents and hard work. Although formal education assures employment for a stable lifestyle, many people have utilized their skills and talents to have a stable lifestyle. Microsoft one of the leading technology companies was formed by Bill Gates who lacked formal education. Furthermore, Dell Inc. was founded by Michael Dell who dropped out of college at 19 years. The companies provide the founders and their families with stable incomes that enable them to live a quality lifestyle. Celebrated artists like Dustin Yellin, Ai Weiwei, and Jasper Johns are among the richest artists who never went through the formal education system (Yellin, 2018). Employment may not be an assurance for a stable lifestyle since many people without formal education have stable lifestyles.

Although a law enforcement career requires formal education, unique skills and knowledge are vital for a successful career. A high school diploma is a minimum requirement for most police officers. However, I may need a bachelor’s degree for advanced law enforcement positions at the Federal level. Technical skills are crucial in law enforcement, especially in investigative activities. The technical skills can be gained outside formal education and added to my career. For instance, I can learn forensic skills on various online platforms. Furthermore, interacting with various criminals requires social skills that I can learn without formal education intervention. I anticipate being an effective law enforcement officer who can deal with matters inside and outside my career with informal and formal education. Therefore, formal education is necessary for a law enforcement career, but informal education can help me become a more effective officer.

Technology has enabled the acquisition of skills through formal and informal education settings. The formal education system allows learners to be taught by experts who access and evaluate their performance. Through formal education, the learners are enlightened about social and economic issues important to society. However, formal education is not always necessary for a successful career. For instance, social development, growth among developed countries, and stable lifestyles have been archived without formal education. Famous people like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Dustin Yellin have made it in life without formal education. While a law enforcement career requires formal education, technical skills can be gained without formal education. Therefore, I envisioned myself as a successful law enforcement officer with skills and knowledge gained through formal and informal education.

Purtilo-Nieminen, S., Vuojärvi, H., Rivinen, S., & Rasi, P. (2021). Student teachers’ narratives on learning: A case study of a course on older people’s media literacy education . Teaching and Teacher Education , 106 , 103432. Web.

Yellin, D. (2018). A constant state of migration. The Georgia Review , 72 (2), 441-452. Web.

Yoffie, D. B., & Cusumano, M. A. (2021). Strategy rules: five timeless lessons from Bill Gates, Andy Grove, and Steve Jobs .

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IvyPanda. (2023, February 18). Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary.

"Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary." IvyPanda , 18 Feb. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary'. 18 February.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary." February 18, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary." February 18, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary." February 18, 2023.

6 highly successful people who didn’t finish university

successful person without formal education essay

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successful person without formal education essay

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Work hard in school, go to a prestigious university, get a good job. The pathway to professional success and a rewarding career still leads through higher education, doesn’t it?

For many of us, yes. But not all. In fact, some of the world’s most successful people either failed to complete their undergraduate degree, or never enrolled in classes in the first place.

In a time when some are asking if higher education is still worth the investment  (due to rising fees, increasing student debt and shrinking financial and educational returns), these people show that, sometimes, taking the road less travelled really can pay off – for them and the rest of the world.

National Merit Scholar Bill Gates started programming personal computer software at the age of 13. He enrolled at Harvard in 1973, but dropped out before graduating and founded Microsoft.

He now invests much of his wealth into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , which works to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty in developing countries.

The late personal computer pioneer Steve Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, before dropping out and co-founding Apple Inc. Jobs would serve as chairman and chief executive officer of the company, which is considered to be one of the world’s most valuable brands .

In his legendary Stanford commencement speech, Jobs admitted he “couldn’t see the value” in going to college: “I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

Jessica Alba

She might be best know for her roles in award-winning films like  Sin City , but Jessica Alba is also a successful entrepreneur. In 2011, she co-founded The Honest Company, which specializes in eco-friendly and non-toxic baby and household cleaning products. According to the latest figures , the company is now worth well over $1 billion.

But while she might be a successful actress and entrepreneur, Alba got to where she was without a college degree. And it wasn’t easy. As she explained when speaking at a Forbes conference last summer , “People just saw me as a girl in a bikini in movies kicking butts. It took three-and-a-half years of lots of condescending nods.” Her perseverance clearly paid off: in 2015, she became one of the richest self-made women in the US .

Richard Branson

He might be a highschool dropout – he struggled throughout and left at the age of 16 – but Richard Branson is proof you don’t need a formal education to succeed. After dropping out, he set up his record label, Virgin. Signed artists like the Rolling Stones and the Sex Pistols would make it one of the top music labels in the world. Today, his Virgin business covers everything from leisure and financial services through to commercial spaceflights.

Speaking with a British politician in 2013, the self-made billionaire questioned whether hands-on experience wasn’t, for some people, more valuable than school: “University is definitely important if you’re learning science, if you’re learning technology, or if you want to be a mathematician … but the real question is can it teach people entrepreneurship? Or is it better that people actually get out into the real world and learn by throwing themselves in the jungle?” The title of his 2012 book might give you a clue as to where he stands on this: Secrets they won’t teach you at business school .

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg launched the social network in February 2004 as a Harvard-only site, but quickly expanded to several other US colleges. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to work exclusively on the project.


Leaving Harvard might have been a big risk, but it was one worth taking. Today, the site has almost 1.5 billion active monthly users and, after an initial public offering in February 2012, it became the fastest company in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to reach a market cap of $250 billion .

Oprah Winfrey

A college education was never something Oprah Winfrey considered an option: born in Mississippi, her early years were more about survival than anything else. Extreme poverty – she recalls having to wear potato sacks as overalls – sexual abuse and teenage pregnancies defined her childhood.


Against all odds, she won a full scholarship to Tennessee State University, where she started studying performing arts. While at college, she got a lucky break and was offered a job at a local radio station. As her career took off, she dropped out of college. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions she ever made: through hard work, grit and determination, she went on to be the most famous and successful talk show host in the world, and the fifth wealthiest self-made woman in the US .

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Authors: Stéphanie Thomson is an editor at the World Economic Forum

Image: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks during his keynote address at Facebook F8 in San Francisco, California March 25, 2015. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith

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12 Great Ways How to be Successful Without College

Updated: December 22, 2022

Published: June 18, 2019


You don’t always need a degree to get ahead. Wondering how to be successful without college? Thankfully, there are many ways to make it big. Here are some tips.

College can be an amazing experience and completing a degree can feel like the proudest moment of a person’s life. But the student experience isn’t for everyone. Some people don’t want to study full-time at a campus university, others don’t want to study at all. If you’re put off by the high fees that campus colleges ask for, or wondering how to have a good life without college, read on. The good news is that it’s still possible to be successful without a degree. Here are twelve great ways for how to be successful without college.

1. It’s never too early to start

Whether you’ve only just turned 18 and decided not to go to college, or you’ve hit 40 and realised it’s time for a change, it’s never too soon to start exploring new opportunities. For this, Google is your new best friend. Search for information on any new career you’re interested in — from learning a specific work-related skill, like coding, to reading up on how other non-graduates made it happen.

Even if you feel like you’re years away from being paid to do the thing you love — whether it’s being a business consultant or inventing a new app, you can benefit from starting now. Some businesses fly on their 23rd or 24th versions. You may not succeed the first time you take on a professional challenge. So start now and get the experience that will help you succeed when the time is right.

2. Consider careers that don’t need degrees

Wondering what the chances are of being successful without college? You will be happy to hear that many careers, like air-traffic controller, dental assistant, detective and even teacher offer the chance to train as you work, so you’re being paid to become an expert in the career you’ve chosen. Other professions don’t need degrees at all — think entrepreneur, start-up CEO, sports coach, stylist and many more.

Plus, even careers that were traditionally degree focused are now making themselves more accessible to other people: Publishing company Penguin Random House no longer requires a college degree for job applicants in the UK. The company hopes this will lead to a more diverse staff and, therefore, a more diverse book catalog.

“This is the starting point for our concerted action to make publishing far, far more inclusive than it has been to date,” Neil Morrison, the company’s human resources director, told the BBC . “We believe this is critical to our future — to publish the best books that appeal to readers everywhere, we need to have people from different backgrounds with different perspectives and a workforce that truly reflects today’s society.” Pursue one of these options and your decision not to go to college won’t be relevant anymore.

3. Learn how to sell and negotiate

Even at the highest level, many jobs in the commercial world revolve around a person’s ability to attract new business (selling) and negotiate better fees or payment for the products they are offering (negotiation). Even self-employed artists, musicians and entrepreneurs need to be brilliant at this game!

The good news is you don’t need a college degree to learn. You can start mastering these skills in the most simple ways — from listing unwanted clothes and old electronic goods on eBay, to setting up a pop-up shop at a vintage fair. And, if you need to re-sign a rental contract soon, whether it’s for your apartment, a car lease or an office space, use it as an opportunity to hone your negotiation skills by making an opening offer and seeing how the owner reacts.

Read up on the art of negotiation online and start putting your skills to the test soon. It’ll benefit you in every area of your career if you know how to negotiate a good deal in and out of the workplace.

4. Expand your network

Attend networking events in your city, join online webinars and hangouts, find key players on social media and follow them, but also interact with them. Become a well-known name on their social media feeds, use Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter to build your own reputation. Before you know it you may be invited to conferences and social events, which are great places for you to increase your chances of success without college.

5. Find a mentor

If you find someone you really admire, ask them to be your mentor. They might only have time to meet once every three months for a coffee, but simply knowing they are looking out for you can motivate you to organise your time so you have new things to tell them when you do finally meet up. How to get them on board?

Offer them feedback on their latest venture for free — whether it’s an app or new product they need testing, or market research they need doing amongst people of your age group. Offer a skill-swap and you might find influential people want to work with — and help you.

Many college courses require lots of reading. From textbooks to research papers to daily news from the professional world, you can do all this for free, without paying tuition fees or signing up to be part of a formal program. Get a library card and use your local municipal library to order the key books that you need to use, or search online.

A search of your specialist area of interest will throw up a reading list and there may even be second-hand books for sale in the bookstore on your local university campus, which you can visit without being a student.

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Photo: Unsplash

7. work hard.

There’s no limit what you can achieve when you work hard. If you’re already in a job and it’s not boosting your career, try to reconfigure your responsibilities so it allows for more growth. Speak to your manager, explain you want to both earn money and develop a career at the same time. They may re-work your job title to keep you motivated. And if they don’t, look for a new role that allows more flexibility or growth.

If you can’t find satisfaction in your current role, don’t panic: take 30 minutes, 5 times per week and dedicate this time to self-development, whether that’s learning a new employable skill like touch-typing, learning a language, learning to code, or reworking your resume to make yourself seem more employable. Soon, this extra effort and hard work will pay off.

8. Leverage the power of the internet

From being a freelance writer or virtual PA, to becoming a social media influencer, many people are now making large amounts of money from working online, without any unique skills and certainly without college degrees. And many employers will invite you to online and real-life group training days and incentivize your work, so you have regular chances to meet other online colleagues, and reap rewards.

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Source: Unsplash

9. get a certification.

An alternative to a degree program is a certificate program. Certificate programs are short-term training programs that often take less time than a degree – you can earn some certificates in as little time as a couple of months. They also tend to cost less money. Certificate programs can help you develop skills and experiences necessary for a particular job.

There are certificates for jobs in a variety of industries, including healthcare, administration, and IT, not to mention newer disciplines like social media management, SEO optimisation and copywriting, all of which are skills in demand in the modern, internet-based age.

10. On-the-job training

We all know someone that started from the bottom and worked their way up, like a hair stylist who started life washing hair for cash tips. The same applies in many business careers. Retail managers and consultants often began life on the shop floor; senior negotiators often started answering phones. Ask your current manager if there are any training courses you can sign up to, whilst still earning money from your current job. One or two evenings a week, or even one day per month, may be enough to help you learn new skills and gain new qualifications — both of which will push your salary up in time and give you a clearer sense of purpose.

11. Pursue your passion and become an expert in it

Do people listen to your restaurant and bar recommendations all the time? If so, think about starting a food blog to reach a wider audience. Are you obsessed with the Superbowl? Write about it daily on social media and become a respected voice in the conversation. Post a daily social media story on a topic linked to your passion and your follower count may increase; eventually you may be paid to run sponsored posts.

12. Try an online degree

If you have barriers to education, such as the time required to study, or the cost of a college degree, try an online degree program such as those offered by UoPeople , which allows you to study for a degree from home, tuition-free. Students learn in small online classes of approximately 25 students to make sure professors can focus on each student’s needs. Each UoPeople student is appointed a personal Program Advisor from the moment they begin their studies, who serves in that role until the student graduates.

The Program Advisor offers the student personalized support, answers any questions the student may have, discusses course selection, and encourages the student throughout their studies. This can all make the idea of studying for a degree more appealing, and more accessible — even if you never thought it would be possible for you.

It might feel risky not to get a college degree , but in 2019, there are many ways you can be very successful without college. And if ever you feel this isn’t enough, you can look into online degrees such as those offered by UoPeople, which may allow you to fill in your knowledge gap whilst still managing your own time and following your passions.

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Can You Succeed Without College? Yes, But It’s Complicated

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How far can you really get without a college degree?

Bill Gates started Microsoft when he was 19 and has since become one of the world’s wealthiest people. Mark Zuckerberg owns one of the most highly-valued tech companies in the U.S.. Steve Jobs founded Apple in his garage.

What do these three people have in common? None of them finished college; in fact, Bill Gates is considered “Harvard’s most successful dropout.” What’s more, there are countless others who have gone on to start successful businesses without first earning a bachelor’s degree. So, considering modern opportunities and technological advances, is a degree still necessary? Or is it possible to succeed without a college education?

The short answer is “yes.” It is possible to succeed without college. But the longer answer is that succeeding without college—especially to the level that Gates, Zuckerberg, and Jobs did—is the exception, not the rule. To have a truly successful career, earning a college degree gives you a clear advantage.

Succeeding Without College

People define success in different ways. For some, it means having enough money to buy the things they want. For others, it means being respected by your peers. For some, it simply means having a loving and supportive family.

Others define success as attaining a career that allows them to pursue their passions. If you’re in that category, it’s important to know what jobs don’t typically require degrees. There are several growing positions that don’t require college education and offer reasonable salaries in the following industries:

  • Construction and installation
  • Maintenance and repair
  • Transportation

Individuals in these positions can attain between $46,000 and $80,000, depending on their job title. Other positions that don’t require a degree include athletes, community health workers, and hearing aid specialists.

Why Is a Bachelor’s Degree Important?

Regardless of how you personally define success, the stats show that a bachelor’s degree can make having a successful career more achievable. Consider the following:

  • On average, employees with at least a bachelor’s degree earn a median salary approximately 80 percent higher than high school graduates.
  • People with a bachelor’s degree will add $1.2 million to their total lifetime earnings compared to high school graduates.
  • High school graduates experience an unemployment rate two times higher than college grads.

So, while there are some newsworthy exceptions to the rule, the numbers don’t lie. With higher-paying jobs such as cybersecurity analyst, healthcare professional, and business administrator going to those with 4-year-degrees, bachelor’s degree holders are generally able to more easily find work and earn more than those with less education.

Could You Be the Next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?

Hard work and determination certainly have their place in achieving success, and—if you have an entrepreneurial spirit, connections with angel investors, and a mind for tech trends—it’s possible to follow in the footsteps of Jobs or Gates. For the rest of us (those with interests outside of starting the next global tech phenomenon), the path to making it will be steadier and more traditional.

Also, not everyone has what it takes to risk it all—and if you look at those who made it big on a dream, they often face huge setbacks. Gates, for example, started a failing data company before Microsoft, causing him to start from scratch. Without a backup plan, an incredible support system, and unfailing work ethic, most of us can’t sustain these types of setbacks more than once in a lifetime.

The Importance of a College Degree to Success

In 2022, nine out of ten employers required a degree in order to apply for entry-level jobs. Even when a job does not require a bachelor’s degree, 91 percent of jobs go to people who have one. Considering that people with bachelor’s degrees are more likely to be employed and have a higher paying job, as a group they are more financially secure.

successful person without formal education essay

Of course, financial security is not everything—there’s more to a degree than earning potential. The people you meet in college will become part of an institutional support network that you can later call upon for work advancements, mentoring programs, and additional skill-building prospects. If you want to shift career paths or learn about new job opportunities in the future, leveraging your professional network is one of the best places to start.

For those who plan on starting a business, your future customers, vendors, and partners will often come from people you met through college. If your start-up ultimately fails, or you decide to switch gears later in life, you will have the skills and knowledge you gained while earning your degree to fall back on. You’re much more likely to succeed should your entrepreneurial endeavors miss the mark.

Not to mention, people with a bachelor’s degree are generally more satisfied in their careers and have improved self-esteem .

Being Well-Rounded Matters

If you don’t have grand career goals, it may seem that a degree is extra work for something you may never use. But many degree programs are designed to create a holistic educational experience. A bachelor’s program requires attention to detail, good study habits, communication skills, critical thinking, and the ability to form opinions.

All of these “soft skills” that you master in college are useful in your daily adult life, whether that’s running your own business or managing a family. While you may not have plans for a career that requires a college degree now, your plans may change. Getting your bachelor’s can prepare you for taking on new life challenges when the need arises.

So, Can You Make It Without A College Degree?

Why do so many people think that you have to go to college to be successful? It’s likely because they have experienced the benefits personally. Yes, it’s possible to succeed without a college degree. But with so many programs designed to take you from having no experience in a field to being highly-skilled and job-market ready, having a college degree offers a clear advantage.

Most of us aren’t Steve Jobs. And most of us don’t come with a vast network that we can fall back on when things get tough. A college environment provides the kind of support most adults need to not only get a degree, but start a life. Success, for many adults, starts the day they get that bachelor’s degree.

If you’re hoping to return to college and advance your career, Northeastern University offers several bachelor’s degree completion programs along with unique, personalized support to help you in your journey. Take a look to see if there’s one that meets your career goals, or get career advice from one of our admissions counselors today .

After School Africa

5 People Who Changed the World Without Formal Education

Danjuma Musa

April 21, 2020

Nearly everyone thinks that to be educated, one must attend a formal school, except for religious education, where students can learn from religious scholars at home. This belief has led to many being illiterate or semi-literate, as they have been programmed by society to accept that you need a diploma or other degree to be considered educated.

This article will to shatter this belief. In fact, I am going to drop a nuclear weapon on it. There is more than enough practical and historical proof to debunk people who secretly grade others according to educational qualifications “many” “many” times over. These people believe themselves to be better than one who hasn’t studied in the four walls of a classroom for a higher level degree.

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We’ll look at a brief description of people who rocked the world without going through any or a great deal of formal education. We’ll also know what it takes to obtain a formal education, if formal education is necessary at all, and if the current global education system actually improves or hampers knowledge acquisition.

So much about our education system. Let’s see how these five famous people broke societal norms to become some of the most accomplished scientists and inventors in World History.

  • Thomas Edison: this guy was expelled from school because his teachers thought he was too slow to learn. After his expulsion, Thomas studied at home from his mother. She taught him to read and write. He worked hard and experimented a lot, until he invented the light buld, motion picture camera, and stock sticker, which the world relies on today.
  • The Wright Brothers: this people invented a flying machine and flew the first aircraft. These great scientists never completed secondary school. They were expelled. Orville Wright once said, “there is little hope for advance if we believe that reality is fixed and only accepted truths are true”.
  • Bill Gate: you’ve probably heard of him. Several times richest man in the world. He dropped out of Harvard, only to later build one of the most successful multi-national corporations of our time.
  • Larry Ellison: he is the founder of Oracale, and once the 9 th richest man on earth. In a speech to Yale graduates, Ellison was reported to have said, “Diplomas are for losers”. He is one of the billionaire college dropouts of our time.
  • Michael Dell: yes, the founder of Dell Inc. he dropped out of college at age 19, but managed to build a mulit-national tech company. In fact, this article was written on a Dell laptop.

Others include: Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.

What Does it Take to Get a Formal Education?

This is a question many can answer in part or full, straight from instinct. You need to put in years of studies in school, from primary school, to PhD. which is about 21 years. Your education is divided into school terms or sessions of two or three. Generally, in Nigeria, there are three terms in the primary and secondary schools. Each term comprises a couple of months with differences of two to five weeks between respective terms. Students have holidays between all three terms.

Formal education usually refers to any planned, structured learning event (s). Common examples are the entirety of grade school, university, and even new hire  training  at your place of employment. Informal education is anything and everything else and usually where most learning really happens.

According to educationists there are three basic types of education. Formal, Non formal and Informal education.

Formal education:  This is the carefully structured education given in an institution. These institutions are schools, technical colleges, universities etc. with the growing complexities of the society special institutions were established to impart new knowledge, attitudes and skills. Syllabus, time table, a set of teachers are essential features of the formal educational system. Usually the formal school is characterized by three levels, namely primary level, secondary level and tertiary level. The formal system of education goes hand to hand with social, economic, political and cultural needs of a particular country.

Non-formal education : It is usually provided to out-of-school children and adolescents as well as young adults who, for some reason, did not have an opportunity to attend school. Others dropped out before a sustainable literacy level was achieved. It includes vocational education, adult literacy training, agriculture, family planning, aesthetic activities, lifelong learning etc. There is more flexibility as to the places and methods of learning. The places may be community centres, temples, school buildings after school hours or vacation etc.

Informal education:  This may be the oldest educational system. Informal education takes place outside schools and is mediated by resources people in the community. In the case of informal education there is no attempt at structuring it. Much of the learning that goes in are almost unintentional. Here the child learns from his family, friends, experience and environment.

Informal education is not associated with awards and certificates. But its effects tend to be more permanent, because informal education takes its own course, at its own pace by its own means throughout each person’s life. Informal education is a life-long process. The agents of informal education are home, neighbours, peer groups, societies and mass media. This form of education continues to add to a person’s knowledge, attitudes and skills throughout his entire life time – one would noticed that from the ancient times, the most forceful contributing factor for man’s achievement has been the informal education.

Is Formal Education Really Necessary?

No. Formal education is not necessary for technological, scientific or social development. We will prove it by studying the lives of some scientists who really changed the world with their inventions despite not graduating from any university. Some of those scientist never even completed secondary school. In fact, some did not even complete primary school.

That is not to say that formal institutions should be dismantled. They will be helpful, but if wrongly used (just like it is today), it will constrain rather than disseminate knowledge. Governments should find ways to facilitate home learning such that a child can learn from anywhere and anybody, provided they get the correct knowledge. The government can set up facilities for testing and verifying people’s expertise in any field should they the person need any government-approved certification as proof of their capability. This way, a lot of people will get primary education without having to leave their villages. And a lot of people will also get primary education even when they are adults, without having to sign up with any Adult Education institution. Many people are shy of joining such Adult Institutions, especially when they involve wearing uniforms.

The challenge could be setting up labs for teaching students since individual teachers cannot have well-established labs. This can be overcome, and be even better off than the labs we have in schools and universities. It is not the aim of this article to discuss how such labs and research institutions be set up, but it is a challenge we can overcome with a little determination.

Finally, some people believe their degree already gave them some kind of special status with which to snob others. But chances are, you cannot do anything with your degree unless the government or some company employs you. that only means you haven’t mastered your profession well enough to produce something that people are willing to pay for and make you rich. 90% of the blame lies in our education system, and the earlier we revolutionize the education system, the better for us and our future generations.

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successful person without formal education essay

Not so long ago, adults were able to live well and achieve economic, social and personal success without the rigor of a college education. So, what changed?

Since the turn of the millennia, students have been increasingly encouraged to attend college after high school. The genuine desire to learn aside, 72% of college graduates pinpoint career goals as their main motivation for pursuing a college education.

Just because more students are choosing to matriculate to post-secondary education, it doesn’t mean that this is the only – or best – way to live a good, happy, successful life.

We hear regularly about the successes of college dropouts like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and yes, even Oprah Winfrey, but are often also taught to view these cases as anomalies that are unattainable for the average person. While comparable levels of success are highly improbable for most people (college graduates or not), the shared characteristics of these individuals provide us with part of the framework to achieve success outside of the realm of convention.

Drive, self-reliance, patience, and passion are just a few of the top qualities of highly successful people , and it turns out we can acquire these traits both with and without a college education. College isn’t for everyone, so it’s important to open up the conversation with students about alternative routes to career and life success. Here are some ideas to consider.

Trade Schools and Vocational Training

Unlike traditional colleges, trade schools offer an education specific to a certain field. For example, a welder attends trade school to learn the craft of welding. These skills are directly and immediately applicable to a trade career, allowing people access to sustainable work and the benefit of forgoing the high cost and extensive time needed to pursue a traditional college degree. Based on this information, we think it’s time that vocational education makes a comeback in U.S. schools .


Starting a business requires initial capital and with climbing rates of student debt , this can be hard to come by after attending a four-year university. While entrepreneurship is still a risky endeavor, there are many access points to funding that make entrepreneurship a more viable route to success than it has ever been before, whether you have a college education or not.

Join the Military

Joining the military isn’t just for students who don’t classify themselves as “book smart.” It’s a highly regarded and valuable path to learning life and technical skills, as well as honorably serving our country. The military is an excellent route for students who want to be held accountable, and it opens up the door to incredible opportunities throughout the career lifecycle.

Go to Community College

If students are unsure about attending a traditional four-year college, community college is a useful way to gain experience and take time to figure out what’s right for them. Community colleges vary widely in terms of topics of study and are a cost-effective way to gain useful skills and job experience.

Seek an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are reliable access points to careers in the skilled trades (carpentry, plumbing, pipe fitting, etc.), agriculture, healthcare, and other career paths. The best part about apprenticeships? You get paid to learn. Although they can be highly selective, apprenticeships don’t typically require a college education and take less time to complete than most traditional degree programs.

Organizations like AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps, and other volunteer-based programs are legitimate ways to gain career and technical skills while serving various charitable organizations and endeavors. Service organizations seek out applicants with a wide variety of experience and backgrounds and provide their volunteers with an array of benefits, including pay, transportation, housing, food stipends, etc.

The types of alternative post-high school options are as unique as each person who chooses to forgo the conventional route. Even as the future of traditional college education continues to shift and evolve, it will never meet the needs of every person after high school. How are you discussing the diverse realm of possibilities with your students and children?

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7 Life Stories of People who Succeeded Without Relevant Education

Haiden Malecot

So, here is the list of 7 most successful people without higher education:

1. Roman Abramovich There is no need to introduce one of the richest men of Russia. Nevertheless, his data on higher education is contradictory. Some documents called the Ukhta Industrial Institute and the Moscow Institute of Gas and Oil of Gubkin, while none of them wasn’t finished. His current official biography contains Moscow State Law Academy that he finished in 2001. But this data wasn’t confirmed, as well.

2. Ruth Handler This woman gave birth to her two children and … one doll. Children brought her joy and this doll money. Today, Barbie’s “mom” is one of the richest and most famous women in the United States. Her company takes the first place in the world in the terms of a turnover of toys.

3. Henry Ford Most Americans believe that Henry Ford invented a car. Many are convinced that Henry Ford invented a conveyor as well. Although Ransom Olds used moving trucks in his production 6 years before Ford. As for conveyor belts, they have been already used on grain elevators and meat-packing plants in Chicago. Ford’s great merit was that he created mass production. He invented the automobile business. When the businesses become economically organized, the demand for a manager appeared. The XX century became the century of management. With only 8 years of education Henry Ford was recognized as the best businessman of XX century by Fortune magazine!

4. Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA) Ingvar started doing business in childhood, selling matches to his neighbors. He discovered that he could buy them cheaply in Stockholm by large quantities, and then sell at retail at low cost, and as a consequence to have a good profit. Subsequently, he was engaged in fish, Christmas tree decorations, seeds, pens and pencils selling. Ingvar has founded the company that later became IKEA. He has never studied in a University.

5. Steve Jobs Steve Jobs didn’t invent the first personal computer “Apple,” it was invented by his friend Steve Wozniak. However, Steve Jobs can be considered as its surrogate father as he brought the idea of PC performance. After six months of studying, Jobs left the Reed College considering higher education boring and formal. But this fact didn’t prevent him to be a genius Project Manager.

6. Bill Gates William Henry Gates III, better known as Bill Gates is an American businessman and social activist, philanthropist. One of the founders and the largest shareholder of the Microsoft Company. In the period from 1996 to 2007 and in 2009 he was recognized as the richest man in the world by the Forbes magazine. He had left his college and got his diploma after 30 years.

7. Mark Zuckerberg This man invented Facebook, one of the world’s most famous social networks. And he made that while being studying in Harvard. Facebook popularity has become so big that Mark completely abandoned high school and founded the company in Palo Alto.

The epilogue : )

In this article, we persude nobody to leave schools or universities. It is just an example of how many millionaires have succeeded without higher education and relevant majors. This fact did not prevent them to create their own companies and make millions or billions of dollars.

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If you ever heard from your parents about the importance of high education, your family belongs to that majority of formal education supporters. There is nothing wrong with it. However, we are lucky to have a wide range of options in the 21st century. Online courses, distant education, and internships – those are just the basic ways you can actually learn without visiting the boring classes. What is more, these alternatives have been working out for thousands of people including Beyonce, Tony Robbins, and Mary Kay Ash.

Successful People Without A Formal Education

“If You Can’t You Must, And If You Must You Can”

Today, when many people feel desperate about their place under the sun, such people as Anthony Robbins lighten up their way. He is known as a famous motivational speaker and an emotional intelligence coach. Due to his seminars, people get a smile on their faces and hope in their hearts. Do you think it would be possible if Tony spent hours searching for free essays online ? He shares about self-education being the most favorable option for him “I chose my disciplines and my schedule by myself, so there is no one to blame for my failures” Tony mentioned in one of his interviews.

“Okay, Ladies, Now Let’s Get in Formation”

Everyone has danced to the “Single Ladies” at least once. We actually wouldn’t if Beyoncé would have actually obtained her high school degree. Who would perform the iconic dance and promote the image of powerful women? Beyoncé decided to leave Aleiff Elsie High School (TX) after beginning her path as a destiny child. For sure, it affected her personal life and career: her big family and she seem to be pretty happy when receiving yearly piles of awards on the famous stages. Finally, what can be more successful than the former First Lady of the US Michelle Obama paying tribute to you and your #Formation movement?

 “I Created This Company For You”

One of the most popular brands of cosmetics “Mary Kay” was found by a woman with no high education. What is more, Mary Kay Ash started her pathway before being a female-entrepreneur was socially accepted by the patriarchal society. Her early marriage didn’t let her pursue a degree; however, the natural talent for sales and charisma she had opened new doors on her path. Since 1960, she was contributing to the business education of women despite male-dominated communities around. Today, “Mary Kay” employs thousands of consultants all around the world and provides decent cosmetics at affordable prices.

People above proved that genuine success doesn’t imply intense studying. At the same time, we can’t assure you that there is no need for college; still, it is certainly not for everyone. If you imagine your career path without the stage of formal education – be brave enough to skip it and save time for the actual practice. It is time to break the stereotypes about education and put it on a brand new level.

John Paul


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Can Students Achieve Success Without Any Formal Education?

Image source: pixabay, by jedda cain.

If education was the only key to success, then the scholars and academics would run the world, but we all know that is not the case. Hundreds of college dropouts are coming up every year with billion dollar ideas and making us wonder whether formal education is really essential for a successful career.

So the obvious answer would be “no.” The likes of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Elon Musk have made it quite clear that one does not require formal education to be successful in life. These aforementioned names, role-models to millions, never finished college. However, it would be a mistake to consider them uneducated.

The lesser known truth about successful people

Most people are aware of the fact that Bill Gates built his empire from scratch without having a college degree, and how Michael Dell created one of the world’s largest technology infrastructure companies from his dorm room without relying on his academic qualifications.

What many of us don’t realize is that even though these people did not complete their formal education, they never stopped learning. They improved their skills and knowledge through unconventional ways of learning. Technically, they are college dropouts, but they are some of the brightest minds in the business. These people are masters in their respective fields even without degrees.

However, you will never hear any of these successful people saying “education is useless.” If they never believed in the significance of education for success, they would not have sent their kids to the finest institutes in the world. It is easy to assume that one does not require formal education to achieve success, but those who have taken the path know how crucial education is. Even homeschoolers take some classes.

What would happen if there is no formal education?

For once, just imagine the formal education system is abolished. Nobody needs to attend school, college or university to gain textbook knowledge. What would happen?

  • We would not learn how to read or write (or type). Computers will go obsolete if no one knows how to read or type.
  • If there was no one to teach the kids, the next generation might have to rely heavily on their practical experiences. No math homework and no essay writing for them at all.
  • Education helps students to find their potential. Without any educational establishments, kids would find it hard to recognize their true potential.
  • Even if a youngster could start an apprenticeship, the first few months of the program would be very difficult for them, due to the lack of basic knowledge.
  • Also, if a person is not given proper education, he/she might not learn to manage his/her finances. This will create another obstacle.

All these are based on assumptions, of course. But if you are thinking of quitting school or college to become a successful entrepreneur, you had better give it a second thought. The college dropouts who have achieved great feats in their career are truly exceptional.

There are only a few of them out of millions – and of those, all of them have gone through numerous challenges in order to build their businesses. Not everyone has the ability, resources, or dedication to do that.

So, if you are wondering whether education is required for a successful career, for most people the answer is still “yes.”

Author Bio:  Jedda Cain, an essay writer , is working with  since one year as a senior academic counsellor. She has developed excellent research and writing skills in these years and become capable of writing top-quality essays on any complex topic within the given time. Many students in Australia prefer her to be their academic advisor.

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45 Wealthy Icons Who Bypassed Traditional Education: Success Without A Diploma

Posted: May 23, 2024 | Last updated: May 23, 2024

<p>Wealth and success are often associated with a formal education, but history is replete with examples of individuals who have achieved remarkable success without the traditional path of college education. These trailblazers, ranging from tech moguls to entertainment giants, have demonstrated that while education is invaluable, it is not the sole pathway to success.</p><p>Their journeys, characterized by relentless innovation, unwavering determination, and an ability to challenge conventional wisdom, have not only resulted in personal success but also transformed industries and, in many cases, the way we live our lives. Their stories serve as a testament to the fact that success can be achieved through various paths, including self-education, hands-on experience, and a bold, entrepreneurial spirit.</p>

Wealth and success are often associated with a formal education, but history is replete with examples of individuals who have achieved remarkable success without the traditional path of college education. These trailblazers, ranging from tech moguls to entertainment giants, have demonstrated that while education is invaluable, it is not the sole pathway to success.

Their journeys, characterized by relentless innovation, unwavering determination, and an ability to challenge conventional wisdom, have not only resulted in personal success but also transformed industries and, in many cases, the way we live our lives. Their stories serve as a testament to the fact that success can be achieved through various paths, including self-education, hands-on experience, and a bold, entrepreneurial spirit.

<p>Despite being labeled as “dumb” by his school teachers, Thomas Edison went on to become one of the world’s greatest inventors, founding General Electric. His perseverance is reflected in his belief that many of life’s failures stem from giving up right before success.</p>

Thomas Edison – $170 Million (Today’s Dollars)

Despite being labeled as “dumb” by his school teachers, Thomas Edison went on to become one of the world’s greatest inventors, founding General Electric. His perseverance is reflected in his belief that many of life’s failures stem from giving up right before success.

<p>Born in abject poverty, Henry Ford never attended school but went on to build Ford Motor Company, becoming one of the richest men in history. His quote about the difficulty of thinking underscores the value of persistence and strategic thinking.</p>

Henry Ford – $188.2 Billion (Today’s Dollars)

Born in abject poverty, Henry Ford never attended school but went on to build Ford Motor Company, becoming one of the richest men in history. His quote about the difficulty of thinking underscores the value of persistence and strategic thinking.

<p>Dropping out of school at 15, Li Ka Shing founded Hutchinson Whampoa, one of the largest conglomerates in Hong Kong. His early struggles and commitment to learning every aspect of running a business highlight the value of hands-on experience.</p>

Li Ka Shing – $35.7 Billion

Dropping out of school at 15, Li Ka Shing founded Hutchinson Whampoa, one of the largest conglomerates in Hong Kong. His early struggles and commitment to learning every aspect of running a business highlight the value of hands-on experience.

<p>Despite being told he would never amount to anything, Larry Ellison dropped out of college twice and went on to build Oracle, the world’s second-largest software company. His success is a testament to overcoming adversity and pursuing one’s vision.</p>

Lawrence J. Ellison – $133.2 Billion

Despite being told he would never amount to anything, Larry Ellison dropped out of college twice and went on to build Oracle, the world’s second-largest software company. His success is a testament to overcoming adversity and pursuing one’s vision.

<p>Co-founder of Apple Inc. and Pixar, Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College to embark on the journey that would lead to revolutionary technological advancements. His legacy is marked by innovation and a commitment to pursuing one’s passion.</p>

Steve Jobs – $10.2 Billion

Co-founder of Apple Inc. and Pixar, Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College to embark on the journey that would lead to revolutionary technological advancements. His legacy is marked by innovation and a commitment to pursuing one’s passion.

<p>Purchasing McDonald’s in 1961 for $2.7 million, Ray Kroc transformed it into a multi-billion dollar company, emphasizing the importance of persistence and determination. His quote underscores the idea that pressing on and overcoming obstacles are key to success.</p>

Ray Kroc – $1.4 Billion (Today’s Dollars)

Purchasing McDonald’s in 1961 for $2.7 million, Ray Kroc transformed it into a multi-billion dollar company, emphasizing the importance of persistence and determination. His quote underscores the idea that pressing on and overcoming obstacles are key to success.

<p>Starting Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chippery at 20 with no formal education, Debbi Fields became a successful cookie company owner, highlighting that belief in oneself is crucial for entrepreneurial success. Her journey also involves the transition to franchising and strategic business decisions.</p>

Debbi Fields – $200 Million

Starting Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chippery at 20 with no formal education, Debbi Fields became a successful cookie company owner, highlighting that belief in oneself is crucial for entrepreneurial success. Her journey also involves the transition to franchising and strategic business decisions.

<p>A Nigerian elementary school dropout, Cosmos Maduka founded the Coscharis Group, showcasing the potential for success through entrepreneurial ventures despite limited formal education.</p>

Cosmos Maduka – $800 Million

A Nigerian elementary school dropout, Cosmos Maduka founded the Coscharis Group, showcasing the potential for success through entrepreneurial ventures despite limited formal education.

<p>Dropped out of high school at 17, Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA, now the top home furniture retailer globally. His determination is reflected in his quote about not being afraid of turning 80, with a commitment to ongoing productivity.</p>

Ingvar Kamprad – $58.7 Billion

Dropped out of high school at 17, Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA, now the top home furniture retailer globally. His determination is reflected in his quote about not being afraid of turning 80, with a commitment to ongoing productivity.

<p>Dropping out of high school at 14 to deliver milk, Carl Lindner later became a billionaire investor and founder of United Dairy Farmers, demonstrating the value of hard work and entrepreneurial spirit.</p>

15. Carl Lindner – $1.7 Billion

Dropping out of high school at 14 to deliver milk, Carl Lindner later became a billionaire investor and founder of United Dairy Farmers, demonstrating the value of hard work and entrepreneurial spirit.

<p>Leaving school at 16, Simon Cowell started his own record label, Fanfare, at 23, showcasing the importance of pursuing one’s passion and striving for greatness in the entertainment industry.</p>

Simon Cowell – $600 Million

Leaving school at 16, Simon Cowell started his own record label, Fanfare, at 23, showcasing the importance of pursuing one’s passion and striving for greatness in the entertainment industry.

<p>Founder of Mary Kay Inc., Mary Kay Ash is recognized as one of the most outstanding businesswomen of the 20th century, despite never attending school. Her quotes emphasize overcoming obstacles and turning challenges into opportunities.</p>

Mary Kay Ash – $500 Million

Founder of Mary Kay Inc., Mary Kay Ash is recognized as one of the most outstanding businesswomen of the 20th century, despite never attending school. Her quotes emphasize overcoming obstacles and turning challenges into opportunities.

<p>The iconic fashion magnate, Coco Chanel, achieved remarkable success without formal education, leaving a lasting impact on the fashion industry with her timeless designs.</p>

Coco Chanel – $100 Million

The iconic fashion magnate, Coco Chanel, achieved remarkable success without formal education, leaving a lasting impact on the fashion industry with her timeless designs.

<p>Dropping out of college to join a garbage collection business, Wayne Huizenga became the only person to build three Fortune 1000 companies from scratch. His diverse ventures include Waste Management Inc, Blockbuster Entertainment, and AutoNation.</p>

Wayne Huizenga – $2.8 Billion

Dropping out of college to join a garbage collection business, Wayne Huizenga became the only person to build three Fortune 1000 companies from scratch. His diverse ventures include Waste Management Inc, Blockbuster Entertainment, and AutoNation.

<p>Dropping out of college to start Fox Broadcasting Company, Barry Diller became a billionaire media magnate, emphasizing the need to navigate the challenges of business with creativity and resilience.</p>

Barry Diller – $4.2 Billion

Dropping out of college to start Fox Broadcasting Company, Barry Diller became a billionaire media magnate, emphasizing the need to navigate the challenges of business with creativity and resilience.

<p>Despite being born in poverty and never attending school, Andrew Carnegie founded Carnegie Steel Company and became one of the richest men in history. His quotes reflect a balance between compromise and steadfastness in achieving greater purposes.</p>

Andrew Carnegie – $372 Billion (Today’s Dollars)

Despite being born in poverty and never attending school, Andrew Carnegie founded Carnegie Steel Company and became one of the richest men in history. His quotes reflect a balance between compromise and steadfastness in achieving greater purposes.

<p>The billionaire retail mogul and owner of the Arcadia brand, Sir Philip Green, dropped out of school at 16. His success story includes overcoming business failures to achieve his first million at the age of 33.</p>

Sir Philip Green – $1.1 Billion

The billionaire retail mogul and owner of the Arcadia brand, Sir Philip Green, dropped out of school at 16. His success story includes overcoming business failures to achieve his first million at the age of 33.

<p>Born into a family of ex-slaves and farmers, Madam C.J. Walker became the first American self-made female millionaire through her cosmetics business. Her quote emphasizes the importance of creating opportunities and not waiting for them to come.</p>

Madam C.J. Walker – $10 Million (Today’s Dollars)

Born into a family of ex-slaves and farmers, Madam C.J. Walker became the first American self-made female millionaire through her cosmetics business. Her quote emphasizes the importance of creating opportunities and not waiting for them to come.

<p>The youngest billionaire in the world, Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard to promote Facebook. His success at the age of 23 highlights the transformative power of innovative ideas and determination.</p>

Mark Zuckerberg – $118.6 Billion

The youngest billionaire in the world, Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard to promote Facebook. His success at the age of 23 highlights the transformative power of innovative ideas and determination.

<p>Dropping out of school, Ted Turner became a billionaire media mogul and founder of CNN. His pledge of a billion dollars to the United Nations reflects a commitment to philanthropy and global impact.</p>

Ted Turner – $2.5 Billion

Dropping out of school, Ted Turner became a billionaire media mogul and founder of CNN. His pledge of a billion dollars to the United Nations reflects a commitment to philanthropy and global impact.

<p>Dropping out of school at 11, Cornelius Vanderbilt began operating his own boat at 16 and became one of the richest men in history. His quotes highlight the value of focusing on practical learning and real-world experience.</p>

Cornelius Vanderbilt – $2.9 Billion (Today’s Dollars)

Dropping out of school at 11, Cornelius Vanderbilt began operating his own boat at 16 and became one of the richest men in history. His quotes highlight the value of focusing on practical learning and real-world experience.

<p>Born in a ghetto and starting as a money lender, Mayer Amschel Rothschild built the largest private fortune in history without formal education. His quote underscores the influence of controlling a nation’s money supply. The Rothschild family is now worth over $500 billion.</p>

Mayer Amschel Rothschild – Net Worth Unclear

Born in a ghetto and starting as a money lender, Mayer Amschel Rothschild built the largest private fortune in history without formal education. His quote underscores the influence of controlling a nation’s money supply. The Rothschild family is now worth over $500 billion.

<p>Billionaire real estate investor and owner of Ty, Inc., Ty Warner achieved immense success, particularly with Beanie Babies, without spending on advertising. His private yet strategic business approach led to substantial financial gains.</p>

Ty Warner – $6.1 Billion

Billionaire real estate investor and owner of Ty, Inc., Ty Warner achieved immense success, particularly with Beanie Babies, without spending on advertising. His private yet strategic business approach led to substantial financial gains.

<p>Dropping out of prestigious universities, Howard Hughes founded Hughes Aircraft and Co and became a billionaire. His determination to become the richest man in the world reflects an unwavering commitment to success.</p>

Howard Hughes – $55 Billion (Today’s Dollars)

Dropping out of prestigious universities, Howard Hughes founded Hughes Aircraft and Co and became a billionaire. His determination to become the richest man in the world reflects an unwavering commitment to success.

<p>Dropped out of medical school due to his aversion to blood, Giorgio Armani became a billionaire founder of the fashion brand Giorgio Armani S.P.A. His quote emphasizes remaining true to oneself and one’s philosophy.</p>

Giorgio Armani – $13.4 Billion

Dropped out of medical school due to his aversion to blood, Giorgio Armani became a billionaire founder of the fashion brand Giorgio Armani S.P.A. His quote emphasizes remaining true to oneself and one’s philosophy.

<p>Founder of Coca Cola, Asa Candler dropped out of school at the age of 10, showcasing that success can be achieved through determination and innovative ideas.</p>

Asa Candler – $25 Million

Founder of Coca Cola, Asa Candler dropped out of school at the age of 10, showcasing that success can be achieved through determination and innovative ideas.

<p>Without a college degree, Jenny Craig started her weight management company from scratch and grew it into one of the largest and most recognized in the industry. Her commitment to making and sticking to commitments is reflected in her quote.</p>

Jenny Craig – $300 Million

Without a college degree, Jenny Craig started her weight management company from scratch and grew it into one of the largest and most recognized in the industry. Her commitment to making and sticking to commitments is reflected in her quote.

<p>Despite no formal training in culinary arts, Rachael Ray made a name for herself in the food industry through numerous shows, a talk show, cookbooks, and magazines. Her high-energy approach and constant innovation contributed to her success.</p>

Rachael Ray – $100 Million

Despite no formal training in culinary arts, Rachael Ray made a name for herself in the food industry through numerous shows, a talk show, cookbooks, and magazines. Her high-energy approach and constant innovation contributed to her success.

<p>With only a fourth-grade education, Milton Hershey started his own chocolate company, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate, which became the first nationally marketed chocolate.</p>

Milton Hershey – $100 Million

With only a fourth-grade education, Milton Hershey started his own chocolate company, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate, which became the first nationally marketed chocolate.

<p>Despite not attending high school, Frank Lloyd Wright became the most influential architect of the twentieth century, designing over 1,100 projects. His legacy reflects the impact of determination and creative vision.</p>

Frank Lloyd Wright – $8 Million (Today’s Dollars)

Despite not attending high school, Frank Lloyd Wright became the most influential architect of the twentieth century, designing over 1,100 projects. His legacy reflects the impact of determination and creative vision.

<p>Billionaire founder of Geffen Records and co-founder of DreamWorks, David Geffen navigated the business world without attending business school, relying on practical experience and perseverance.</p>

David Geffen – $8.1 Billion

Billionaire founder of Geffen Records and co-founder of DreamWorks, David Geffen navigated the business world without attending business school, relying on practical experience and perseverance.

<p>Founder of Clear Channel media and a real estate investor, Billy Joe (Red) McCombs achieved success without formal education.</p>

Billy Joe (Red) McCombs – $1.7 Billion

Founder of Clear Channel media and a real estate investor, Billy Joe (Red) McCombs achieved success without formal education.

<p>The billionaire founder of McCaw Cellular, Craig McCaw’s achievements underscore the potential for success through entrepreneurship and innovation.</p>

Craig McCaw – $2 Billion

The billionaire founder of McCaw Cellular, Craig McCaw’s achievements underscore the potential for success through entrepreneurship and innovation.

<p>Billionaire founder of Wendy’s, Dave Thomas emphasizes the importance of personal drive and determination, stating that there’s no one to stop you but yourself.</p>

Dave Thomas – $4.2 Billion

Billionaire founder of Wendy’s, Dave Thomas emphasizes the importance of personal drive and determination, stating that there’s no one to stop you but yourself.

<p>Billionaire co-founder of Amway, Jay Van Andel’s success story highlights the possibilities of entrepreneurial ventures without a college degree.</p>

Jay Van Andel – $2.3 Billion

Billionaire co-founder of Amway, Jay Van Andel’s success story highlights the possibilities of entrepreneurial ventures without a college degree.

<p>The billionaire co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems and Patron Spirits tequila, John Paul DeJoria’s story showcases the impact of persistence and determination in the business world.</p>

John Paul DeJoria – $3 Billion

The billionaire co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems and Patron Spirits tequila, John Paul DeJoria’s story showcases the impact of persistence and determination in the business world.

<p>Billionaire founder of Hobby Lobby, David Green’s success story involves building a business empire without formal education.</p>

David Green – $14.2 Billion

Billionaire founder of Hobby Lobby, David Green’s success story involves building a business empire without formal education.

<p>The billionaire airline entrepreneur, Frederick “Freddy” Laker, achieved success despite not attending school. His notable contribution to the aviation industry was the creation of Laker Airways, a budget airline that played a significant role in shaping the landscape of commercial air travel.</p>

Frederick “Freddie” Laker – $1.6 Billion

The billionaire airline entrepreneur, Frederick “Freddy” Laker, achieved success despite not attending school. His notable contribution to the aviation industry was the creation of Laker Airways, a budget airline that played a significant role in shaping the landscape of commercial air travel.

<p>The billionaire investor, owner of Mandalay Bay and Mirage Resorts, and former owner of MGM movie studio, Kirk Kerkorian’s achievements reflect the possibilities of success without formal education.</p>

Kirk Kerkorian – $4.2 Billion

The billionaire investor, owner of Mandalay Bay and Mirage Resorts, and former owner of MGM movie studio, Kirk Kerkorian’s achievements reflect the possibilities of success without formal education.

<p>Despite dropping out of high school at 16, Walt Disney became the most influential animator and founded Walt Disney, a company with an annual revenue of about $30 billion. His belief that if you can dream it, you can do it reflects his creative and entrepreneurial mindset.</p>

Walt Disney – $1.1 Billion (Today’s Dollars)

Despite dropping out of high school at 16, Walt Disney became the most influential animator and founded Walt Disney, a company with an annual revenue of about $30 billion. His belief that if you can dream it, you can do it reflects his creative and entrepreneurial mindset.

<p>Michael Dell left college at 19 to start PC’s Limited, later renamed Dell Computers Inc., which became the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world. His story emphasizes the importance of taking a full leap into one’s goals and aspirations.</p>

Michael Dell – $67.6 Billion

Michael Dell left college at 19 to start PC’s Limited, later renamed Dell Computers Inc., which became the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world. His story emphasizes the importance of taking a full leap into one’s goals and aspirations.

<p>Known for his adventurous spirit, Richard Branson dropped out of school at 16 to start his first successful venture, Student Magazine. His journey as the founder of the Virgin brand and various companies, including Virgin Atlantic Airways, reflects the entrepreneurial spirit and determination needed to succeed.</p>

Richard Branson – $3 Billion

Known for his adventurous spirit, Richard Branson dropped out of school at 16 to start his first successful venture, Student Magazine. His journey as the founder of the Virgin brand and various companies, including Virgin Atlantic Airways, reflects the entrepreneurial spirit and determination needed to succeed.

<p>Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, dropped out of Harvard to pursue his passion for building software. Despite leaving formal education, he became the world’s richest man for thirteen consecutive years, emphasizing the importance of taking big risks for significant rewards.</p>

Bill Gates – $118.2 Billion

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, dropped out of Harvard to pursue his passion for building software. Despite leaving formal education, he became the world’s richest man for thirteen consecutive years, emphasizing the importance of taking big risks for significant rewards.

<p>Rusticated from college for participating in a student protest, Orji Uzor Kalu turned to trading palm oil, ultimately building a conglomerate known as the Slok Group. His success underscores the importance of seizing business opportunities and not letting setbacks define one’s path.</p>

Orji Uzor Kalu – $2.8 Billion

Rusticated from college for participating in a student protest, Orji Uzor Kalu turned to trading palm oil, ultimately building a conglomerate known as the Slok Group. His success underscores the importance of seizing business opportunities and not letting setbacks define one’s path.

<p>In the tapestry of achievement, the tales of billionaires and successful people who left the traditional halls of education echo with resilience and triumph. Their journeys underscore the invaluable lessons that success often demands audacity, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to one’s vision. As we reflect on these narratives, it becomes evident that the decision to forge an unconventional path can lead not only to personal wealth but also to the indelible legacy of shaping industries and changing the world.</p><p>  <h3><strong>What To Read Next</strong></h3>   <ul> <li><strong><a href="">This Genius Trick Every Online Shopper Should Know</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">Best High-Yield Savings Accounts This Month</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">Best Gold IRA This Year</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">Deals On Popular Cruises</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">The Best Internet Deals For Seniors</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="">Affordable Life Insurance Options for Seniors</a></strong></li> </ul>  </p><p><a href="">For the Latest Financial News, Headlines & Videos, head to Money + Investing</a></p>

the narratives of successful individuals who have prospered without a traditional college education underscore a fundamental truth: success is not exclusively tethered to formal academic pathways. These figures, through their innovative thinking, perseverance, and willingness to take risks, have shattered conventional norms, proving that success can be achieved through diverse routes. Their accomplishments highlight the importance of passion, resilience, and creativity in achieving one’s goals. These stories serve as a powerful reminder that while education is a valuable tool, it is but one of many paths leading to personal and professional fulfillment, inspiring future generations to carve their own unique paths to success.

What To Read Next

  • This Genius Trick Every Online Shopper Should Know
  • Best High-Yield Savings Accounts This Month
  • Best Gold IRA This Year
  • Deals On Popular Cruises
  • The Best Internet Deals For Seniors
  • Affordable Life Insurance Options for Seniors

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  5. Steve Jobs: Success without a Formal Education

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  18. Successful People Without A Formal Education

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  19. Successful People Without A Formal Education

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    In conclusion, all human beings should get a good education because without one chances are you won't be successful and won't live a successful happy life. An education leads a person to many open doors of successful opportunities. With an education a person can encounter a great job with a good paying income, a proud prideful feeling for ...

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    "The journey of success doesn't always follow the paved road of academia; sometimes, it's the uncharted paths"A formal education might furnish your mind, but it's the informal lessons of life that build the mansion of. Post a Question. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. ...

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