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Unlocking the Art of Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Natalia Bayeva

“If done well, a good speech has the potential to define the speaker’s relationship with the couple and leave a lasting imprint in their hearts. It should, not only mark the significance of the dinner, but make the guests laugh and bond them all in their love for the couple” , – Heidi Ellert-McDermott, Speechy’s director.


Embrace the joy, share the love, and craft the perfect speech for an unforgettable rehearsal dinner. Dive into the examples and tips below to ensure your words leave a lasting impact on this special occasion.

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Rehearsal Dinner Speech Examples

For those who might wonder how to write a rehearsal dinner speech, below are a few examples of different kinds of rehearsal dinner speeches for different attendees. Most speeches are short, straight from the heart, but sometimes the speaker might choose to add in some wedding quotes or even romantic quotes for good measure.

Father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples

Wedding rehearsal speeches are customarily given by the father of the groom. He will introduce himself, welcome everyone, and talk about his son, the bride, and the couple. He will also thank everyone who helped, gave advice, and toast to the couple.

[Groom,] as your father I am very proud to know you. I have had the rare pleasure of watching you grow from a little baby into a wonderful young man. You cannot possibly know how pride I am of you and how much I love you. Congratulations to you and your lovely wife on your wedding day.
Having a son has been my greatest blessing in life. In many ways, [groom] is like my mini-me and my twin. But over the years, he has grown and he has become his own person. While I have tried to teach him many things over the things, he has taught me caught a few important things as well. [Groom] is someone who really cares about people and he will always go the extra mile for the people in his life. I know that my son will make an amazing husband and God-willing, a spectacular father one day. Let us all raise a glass to [groom] and his lovely bride, [bride.]
Here are some hopes and dreams from a devoted father to his loving son on his wedding day. I hope that the two of you live a life together that is long. I hope that this shared of life of yours is full of joy, laughter, abundance, love, and many other good things. May you always have each other to lean on.

Father of the Bride rehearsal dinner speech ideas

The father of the bride speech comes after the groom’s father. In such speeches at wedding rehearsal dinners, he’ll thank the guests and daughter’s parents-in-law. He will also welcome the new son-in-law and make a toast to them.

[Bride] and [groom,] as I look at the two of you in your beautiful dress and your nice suit, I am reminded a bit of my own wedding day where there was plenty of excitement, love, and of course some nervousness as well. Take it from someone who has been married for many years. Being in a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person.
When you are a parent, you always want the best for your child. My daughter was no different. So it should come as no surprise now that I am thrilled that she has met the person of her dreams. Someone who is her equal, her better half, and a wonderful person. [Groom,] I welcome you into my family and I know the two of you will keep each other very happy.
I have always wanted the best for [bride.] From the best teachers and schools to friends that were a good influence on her, you can be sure that I always wanted my daughter to have the best things in life. But she found [groom] all on her own. You can call it fate or pure luck, but whatever the cause, I am glad that they have found each other.

The Best Man Dinner Speech Examples

rehearsal dinner speech table decor

goddessbynature via Instagram

It’s not customary for the best man to say a speech. But if he must, he will keep it between two to three minutes. He’ll thank everyone, say something sweet about the couple, throw some jokes and make a toast.

So the big day is tomorrow and I am a bundle of nerves. I can only imagine how [bride] and [groom] are feeling. But it is a happy occasion and it will be a day full of love and celebration. I know that I do not just speak for myself when I say that I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Hello everyone, can I have your attention for a moment? I would just like to thank [bride] and [groom] for putting their hearts and souls into this wedding, this special day that we have all been anticipating for a very long time. Thank you both for including us in this special day. Tonight’s rehearsal and dinner is just a taste of the celebration that is yet to come. Let us all raise a glass to the lovely couple and the upcoming wedding day.
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears has gone into planning this wedding. And tomorrow is the big day. So thank all of you for coming here to support [bride] and [groom], who both mean so much to me. I cannot wait to celebrate this wedding with all of you.

Maid of Honor rehearsal dinner speech quotes

The maid of honor is close to the bride. So she’ll use the opportunity to tell stories relating to her experience with the bride. She will give anecdotes about the couple and will finish with one or two wedding toast quotes and have the guests raise their glasses to the happy couple.

Hi everyone, I am a friend of the bride, and after getting to know him, I have become quite good friends with [groom] as well. Watching the love that has blossomed between these two has just been magical and I am so happy that my dear friend has found the perfect match for her.
As I look around this room, it warms my heart to see all of the love in here that people have for [bride] and [groom.] If you have been in a wedding before, you know that it takes a lot of hard work and planning. It truly is a group effort and this rehearsal is the last thing on the to-do list before the big day. I know [bride] and [groom] are so happy and grateful to have you all here and I am so lucky to get to meet and eat with all of you.
As I look at the face of close friends and family members that are here at this rehearsal dinner, I am happy to know that [bride] and [groom] have such a great community behind them. To have that type of support from the people that you love is truly invaluable. Believe me when I say that this wedding would not have been the same without all of you.

Bride and groom rehearsal dinner speech examples

rehearsal dinner speech toasts

Via Unsplash

The bride and groom are centers of attraction. They have a duty to thank everyone that helped prepare for their day until that point. They will also gush about each other and how they can’t wait to tie the knot.

While getting through a wedding rehearsal is certainly not the most fun thing that you can do on a Friday night, it will certainly help with the wedding tomorrow. I also want to thank you all for your enthusiasm, and for showering us with your love. Your support means the world to us. Now we get to relax and eat and I promise you that tomorrow is going to be a fun day that we will all remember.
I want to thank all of you for making it to tonight’s wedding rehearsal. It is a crucial part of making sure that the wedding tomorrow will go smoothly. I know that many of you could be doing something else really fun tonight, but instead, you are here helping us get ready for our big day, and for that, we are very thankful.
Hello, everyone. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to the rehearsal dinner. It means to world to us that all of you are here with us tonight to help us prepare for our wedding. Now eat, drink, enjoy yourselves, and get a good night’s sleep. We all have a huge day ahead tomorrow.

Mother of the groom wedding rehearsal dinner speech examples

She seldom gives a speech at the wedding, so here’s her time to shine. She’d state how proud she is, bless him and his wife-to-be, and thank everyone present. See the mother of the groom’s wedding rehearsal speech samples below.

I’m Lizette, the mother of the groom and I thank everyone for being here for my son and his wife. Bryan, you’ve always been a son after my heart, one I’m proud of. And I couldn’t be more proud of the man that you’ve become. Being your mom, my joy knows no bounds that you found the one, Alicia, who will love you forever. I am certain that you’ll cherish, respect, and love her till eternity. I’ve got a great son and I’m thankful for everyone who gave a hand in raising him.
I fell in love the first day I laid my eyes on you Bryan. From a charming baby to a bubbly toddler and a curious smart child. And then like a dream, the next thing I knew, Bryan is a man. The man you’ve become is one I’m proud of. Everything you’ve done has made your family proud. And as you set off into a journey of forever bliss, I couldn’t be happier. I wish you only the best marriage has to offer.

Mother of the bride’s wedding rehearsal dinner speech

The mother of the bride’s speech is an emotional one. An avenue to show your daughter just how much you love her. This is also a perfect time to remind everyone of the exceptional relationship she has with her dad.

Hi everyone, I’m Lisette, the bride’s mom. It’s common knowledge as parents that we love our kids with our hearts. And watching them grow up can be bittersweet. They make you so proud but you keep losing those little moments when they depended on you. Now my baby is a lady, and I’m delighted she found a groom deserving. May they both have a healthy, long, happy and fulfilled life together. The prayers for my daughter never cease, just like every good mom. This isn’t because she makes me unhappy, but because I’m naturally worried and want her to have the best. She’s honest, giving and empathic and I wanted her to experience only happiness. But you see, I didn’t know what I prayed for till I saw her groom. My ever happy daughter now has a permanent sparkle in her eyes, one I’ve never seen before. She’s complete with him and this is my biggest blessing.

Short Rehearsal Dinner Speech Examples

rehearsal dinner speech table guests

kreativwedding via Instagram

Craft a brief rehearsal dinner speech by expressing gratitude, sharing anecdotes, and keeping it personal. Short speeches maintain guests’ interest, convey sincerity, and create a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere.

Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us. Excited for tomorrow! Cheers to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness together.
Grateful for this wonderful gathering. Let’s raise a glass to love, family, and a lifetime of joy. Tomorrow, we officially become family. Cheers!
To family and friends, thank you. Tomorrow is the big day, but tonight is about us together. Here’s to love, laughter, and a lifetime of beautiful memories. Cheers!

Wedding Rehearsal Speeches Toasts

The rehearsal dinner is intimate and more casual, hence the wedding toasts could be longer and humorous. There’s no hard-fast rule about who gives the toast but it’s celebratory and ends the speech. See some samples below.

  • A people so rare, two hearts so pure, two spirits uniting to become one forever. Here’s to my best friends as we get ready to ball.
  • A toast to the wittiest, to the prettiest, and the truest of all who are true. Here’s to you who is all of them in one
  • A toast to my sweetheart, bottle, and forever friend. The first of them is beautiful, the second of them is full, and the last ever faithful.
  • I don’t need to regale you with the awesomeness that’s Juliet. But I can tell you for free that Bryan’s mom and I are quite excited to welcome our daughter-in-law. Here is to Bryan and Juliet!
  • Bryan and I have enjoyed a lifetime of friendship and something that stands out is that he’s a lucky man. I mean, look at Juliet tonight and you’ll agree with me. Please raise your glasses with me in a toast to them. May they remain lucky for the rest of their beautiful lives.

Rehearsal Dinner Toast Quotes

Rehearsal dinner toasts are a wonderful opportunity to share heartfelt words, funny anecdotes, or meaningful quotes in a more intimate setting before the big day. These quotes can set the tone for the evening, expressing love, gratitude, and well wishes for the couple. Whether you’re the bride, groom, family member, or friend, a well-chosen quote can add a special touch to your toast.

“May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever.”

A timeless sentiment that blends the wisdom of the past with hope for the future.

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”

A classic quote by Audrey Hepburn, perfect for celebrating the bond between the couple.

“Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after.”

A light-hearted and joyful toast that’s simple yet full of good wishes.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

A quote by Mignon McLaughlin, reminding the couple to keep rekindling their love.

A romantic quote that highlights the deep connection between the couple.

“May your joys be as deep as the ocean, your sorrows as light as its foam.”

A poetic wish for a life filled with happiness and minimal hardships.

“As you start this new journey together, may your love grow stronger with every passing day.”

A simple, heartfelt wish for a lifetime of growing love and partnership.

How To Write Rehearsal Dinner Speech


speeches for wedding rehearsal dinners

As a professional wedding speechwriter, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, Speechy’s director, is admittedly biased, but she firmly believes that speeches are what make the rehearsal dinner truly special. Below, she shares her tips on crafting the perfect speech for the occasion.

Unlike the speeches on the wedding day, rehearsal dinner speakers don’t need to be so formal, and they don’t introduce themselves if everyone already knows them! Speakers can also generally get away with a few more ‘in jokes’ as their audience is likely to be close friends and family who have plenty of background intel on the couple already.

And one bonus – in a more intimate setting, you might not need a mic, which makes using notes a lot easier.

A rehearsal dinner toast generally follows the same structure as a standard wedding speech:

  • Start with amusing & insightful anecdotes
  • Saying a heartfelt and emotional to the focus of your speech
  • Pay tribute to their partner
  • Wish them well in their future life together and raise a toast

The key is balancing the humor with the sentiment. You want a few laughs early on, and a few tears towards the latter third if possible!

Like wedding speakers, resist the urge to use googled gags or resort to marriage cliches, but instead, get specific about the people you love and pay tribute to their unique character. Make sure no line in your speech could be used in another mother of the bride’s speech or another father of the groom’s!

Finally, one rule for any wedding or rehearsal dinner toast, make sure you can deliver your speech in less than ten minutes (and keep it even shorter if there are more than three speakers planned!).

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech Tips

rehearsal dinner speech table setting

sposiamovi via Instgaram

  • Tip 1: Knowledge is power It might be a good idea to learn more. Who is going to be present, what is the venue, and who else is going to be speaking? These details are important.
  • Tip 2: Keep it nice and simple Sometimes less is more. Don’t let everyone fall asleep listening to your endless speech.
  • Tip 3: Don’t spoil the fun! If you are invited to make a speech you know some hilarious stories about the couple. Do keep the awkward ones for another event. Now it’s the couple’s time to shine.
  • Tip 4: Holy Matrimony Do mention the upcoming big event in your speech, even if you decided to go for funny rehearsal dinner speech examples.
  • Tip 5: Rehearse Take your time to read and record the speech. Watch the recording several times – it will help you feel more confident.

What do you say in a rehearsal dinner speech?

A good speech for a rehearsal dinner doesn’t have to be long or complex. Express gratitude to guests, thank the hosts, and share a brief anecdote about the couple. Keep it light, funny, and heartfelt. Toast to love, happiness, and the upcoming celebration.

Who gives speeches at rehearsal dinner?

Traditionally, the father of the groom, the best man, and the couple themselves may give speeches. Others, like close friends or family, may also speak if desired.

What do you say to your son at the rehearsal dinner?

Share your love and pride, and express confidence in his choice of a life partner. Offer a few words of advice or wisdom, and convey your best wishes for a joyful and successful marriage.

If you are searching for anything from mother-of-the-groom rehearsal dinner speech examples to examples of rehearsal dinner speeches for bridesmaids, the tips and samples above would be a great place to start.

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Speeches for the Rehearsal Dinner

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It's traditional for the host to give a rehearsal dinner speech, but this task comes easier to some people than others. If you're not sure about what to say, a few tips and rehearsal dinner speech examples can help you put together a wonderful speech that sets the right tone for all the festivities to come.

Examples of Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

The rehearsal dinner is usually hosted by the groom's parents , and the groom's father is expected to give a short speech at some point during the gathering. However, another family member or friend can host the dinner, so the content of the speech will vary a bit according to that person's relationship to the happy couple. The following examples can be modified with your own names and the circumstances tweaked to make them your own.

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Father of the Groom or Parent Speech

Good evening everyone. For those of you that don't already know me, I'm Ron Miller, this is my wife Gina, and we're the parents of the groom. We'd like to thank everyone for joining us on the eve of Jack and Carol's wedding.

As I look at these two beautiful people tonight, I think back to when Jack first introduced us to Carol two years ago. She was kind of quiet and shy, and I wasn't sure she'd last long with a rowdy family like ours. Once we got to know her, though, we could see why Jack fell in love with her and why they fit together so well. Now, it's hard to imagine our family without her, and after tomorrow, she'll officially become a Miller. Carol, we love you, and we couldn't be happier that you're marrying our son. Jack, your mother and I are very proud of you, and we love you.

I don't want to hold up the rest of the celebration, so let me wind this up with just a bit of advice for Jack and Carol. Every morning when you each wake up, make a promise to yourselves that today you will be the very best spouses you can be. Put each other's happiness before your own, and try to perform at least one act of kindness for each other everyday. If you can do that, everything else will fall into place. Congratulations to the two of you, and may your marriage be blessed.

Mother of the Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Thank you, everyone. As John's mother and Karen's soon-to-be second mother, I'd like to thank you for the support and love you've shown us all throughout the wedding planning process and tonight. I/We're so glad you were all able to join us for a shared meal before the craziness of the big day tomorrow.

Watching John grow up, I could only dream about who he would marry someday. When he was 10, he told me he would marry our family dog, Daisy, because no one would ever love him as much as she did! Well, I'm pleased to say that Karen is a far better choice! Karen, I/we are excited to welcome you into our crazy family filled with not only pets, but love and fun, too. Bill and Susan, you have raised a delightful daughter and I/we adore her.

Before the big day, I just want to reflect on how John and Karen have grown as a couple. They hit it off right away, and we knew she'd be the perfect fit when she agreed to go with us on our family trip the following summer. If she can put up with three dogs, two parents, John, and his two sisters, she is a keeper. John told us when he made the decision to propose, and we were all bursting with the secret. Now the secret's out and everyone will gather to share in the joy and love you have for one another.

Let's raise our glasses and toast not only John and Karen, but Bill and Susan, and everyone here who has made tomorrow possible. Cheers to many happy years and a wonderful wedding day!

Speech from the Groom

Hello everyone. On behalf of Carol and myself, I want to thank you all for attending the rehearsal earlier this evening, as well as this wonderful dinner we're all about to enjoy. I want to thank my parents, as well, not just for hosting the dinner, but for everything they've done to support Carol and I on this journey.

I also want to thank Carol's parents, Michael and Linda, who've been behind us all the way. When you see the beautiful wedding they helped us put together, you'll know what Carol and I already know; they are awesome.

To my beautiful fiancée, soon to be my lovely bride, I want to thank you in front of all the wonderful people gathered here tonight for agreeing to join your life with mine. I know we have a fantastic future ahead of us. The path may not always be smooth, but that's just part of life. I know that we can handle all the bumps along the way as long as we always have each other. I truly cannot wait to take our vows tomorrow.

So, thank you everyone. Eat, drink, and enjoy yourselves. Tomorrow we do it all again.

Speech from the Bride

Good evening everyone. As I stand here tonight looking around the room at all of you, I feel so blessed, and I know that Jack does too.

I'd like to thank Jack's mom and dad, Ron and Gina, for putting this lovely rehearsal dinner together for us. We truly appreciate it. And I want to thank you both for welcoming me into your family as well. I'm so happy to have another set of parents to love and rely on.

To my parents, Michael and Linda Warner, I want to take this opportunity before we all get caught up in the wedding festivities tomorrow to thank you for everything you've done for us. I hope you know how much we love you.

To everyone else, thank you all for being part of our celebration and for helping us make our dream wedding a reality.

Speech from a Close Friend

Hello everyone. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Doug Cameron. I have been friends with Jack for quite some time, and I'm happy to say that after getting to know her so well over these last two years, I call Carol a friend as well.

At first, it may not seem obvious how these two became a couple. After all, Jack's so outgoing, and Carol's more on the quiet side. But as it so often happens, opposites attract, and I think these two quickly realized how well they complete each other.

So here we are two years later sitting down to this lovely dinner provided by Jack's parents, and tomorrow we'll all be at the wedding that Carol's parents have so graciously helped put together. It warms my heart to see all the examples of love in this room, and I think we're all privileged to be a part of it. Let's wish Jack and Carol every happiness and a long life together.

Tips for Giving Your Speech

Giving a rehearsal dinner speech can be a bit nerve-wracking, but if you remember just why everyone is gathered to celebrate and you speak from your heart, you will be able to express your joy and love for the happy couple. Practice your speech ahead of time so it will roll naturally off your lips, and it's all right to have a written copy to keep you on track. When you're finished, you can offer it to the bride so she can add it to her wedding scrapbook.

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  • What Happens at a Rehearsal Dinner? How to Plan a Rehearsal Dinner Who to Invite to Your Event Tips for Creating a Seating Chart Advice on Wording Your Invitations How to Craft the Perfect Menu What to Know About a Rehearsal Dinner Toast Creative Ideas for a Memorable Party

How to Write a Rehearsal Dinner Toast

See examples, tips, and advice.

speeches for wedding rehearsal dinners

Photo by Katherine Marchand

In This Article

When done right, rehearsal dinner speeches are fun, breezy—and, sometimes, a little raucous—odes to a marrying couple. As the person tasked with giving said speech , though, coming up with the right words to say can feel difficult. “The problem is that we have many years of thoughts, memories, and feelings about a bride or groom banging around in our head, and it feels like chaos,” says professional wedding speechwriter and strategist Den Pope. “Other than feeling a great sense of love and pride, it’s hard to define the relationship because you’ve never really had to think about it.”

Meet the Expert

Chicago-based Den Pope of Nailyourspeech.com has been a professional wedding speechwriter for over 22 years. His work and advice have been spotlighted by Vox , NPR , and Daily Mail .

Still, it’s worth it to take the time and distill those thoughts, because rehearsal dinner toasts are a great opportunity for those closest to the couple to honor the soon-to-be newlyweds and help them create lasting memories on this special occasion.

If you’re up to the task, read on for everything you need to know about giving and writing a killer rehearsal dinner speech.

When Does the Rehearsal Dinner Toast Take Place?

Unsurprisingly, the rehearsal dinner toast is given during the rehearsal dinner, which generally takes place the night before the wedding. As for when throughout the course of the evening you should plan to speak, that's up the event's hosts . Discuss it with the engaged couple and whoever has planned the party to figure out when it makes sense. A good rule of thumb? While guests are enjoying their meals, as you'll have your most captive audience.

Who Gives a Rehearsal Dinner Toast?

The host of the rehearsal dinner (traditionally the father of the groom in a heterosexual couple) gives the first speech. This person is followed by members of the wedding party that won’t be speaking at the reception (typically anyone other than the maid of honor and the best man ). Last up: additional friends and family if an open mic situation is encouraged.

Rehearsal Dinner Toast Template

A great rehearsal dinner speech includes the same core elements as a wedding reception speech . Here’s a template to follow to get you started on the process.

If possible, get introduced by someone else.

“It’s always better if there’s a master of ceremonies or DJ to introduce the speaker,” says Pope. “Otherwise, there will be throat clearing and empty platitudes right at the open when you should be grabbing the audience’s attention.” If there’s no emcee, go with something short and sweet: Hi everyone, I’m Maura. Brittany and I met as Theta pledges our freshman year at Mizzou. Then dive straight into the speech.

Tell a story that gets at their core values or personality traits.

Per Pope, the main goal of any great rehearsal dinner speech is to “to give an inside look at the bride and/or groom—their defining values, characteristics, and personality traits—through the speaker’s eyes.” That’s best accomplished by a narrative that’s heavier on showing rather than telling.

Instead of stating that Brittany is spontaneous, for example, share an anecdote about the time she booked a flight overseas on one day’s notice, or when she jumped into a pool at a college house party.

Talk directly to the person you’re honoring.

After sharing your anecdote, take a quick moment to address that person directly. Brittany, that brings me to one of the things I’ve always loved most about you: your spontaneity.

Incorporate their spouse-to-be. 

The characteristics and anecdotes you choose to address should next segway into a moment of recognition for the other half of the couple. “Tease out what makes their relationship work,” says Pope. “Define them, then bring them together.” Maybe Brittany’s fiancé James is just as spontaneous, and they met while sky-diving. Or, maybe he likes to have every hour of his day planned, but they’re the penultimate example of opposites attracting. Either way, you’ll want to explain why the characteristics you mention in your speech make them a great couple .

End with a quick toast.

“Wrap it up quickly,” says Pope. “No poems , no 16th-century quotes.” A go-to approach: And now, everyone please join me in raising a glass to Brittany and James for a life filled with X, Y, and Z. Two of those three sentiments can be universal (love, joy, laughter, adventure, happiness), but the last should tie back to something referenced earlier in the speech.

Rehearsal Dinner Toast Tips

Here are Pope’s best tips for writing and delivering your rehearsal dinner speech.

Think about tone.

While the father of the groom /rehearsal dinner host’s speech should serve as an emotional counterweight to the speech the father of the bride will give at the reception the following night, it’s okay if the rest of the speeches are a little more insider-y and casual. The group at the rehearsal dinner is the ultimate “in crowd” of any wedding, so they’ll be the most invested in what you have to say about the couple, and the most likely to understand or appreciate any inside jokes.

Write it early, but rehearse later.

Some of Pope’s clients come to him a full year ahead of a wedding. While they may settle on content in advance, he doesn’t encourage revisiting the speech until about two months ahead of the big day. And even then, he advises against over-rehearsing. “You’ll sound robotic and unnatural,” he says.

Open with something interesting and unexpected.

“All the audience wants to hear is what you have to say about the bride and groom as an insider,” says Pope. If you can do that, then you’re guaranteed to capture the attention of the crowd.

Keep your role in mind when considering timing. 

The longest speech, which should be kept under 10 minutes, should be reserved for the host of the rehearsal dinner. Bridesmaids and groomsmen should be shorter—think: five to seven minutes, max—and anyone jumping on an open mic should wrap up in about three minutes or less.

Don’t mention old flames.

It should go without saying, but don't bring up either partner's ex. Other than that, less is off the table than what you might think. “Some might think that gambling is off-limits,” Pope gives as an example. “If the story exemplifies the person in a positive way, and everyone in the room knows that [the person] does it, then it can be fun in for your speech.”

Address the couples’ relationship through your eyes.

“It doesn’t matter if anyone in the room agrees with you or not,” says Pope. “This is your speech . It’s your time to say what you want. Don’t think you have to fluff the couple up dishonestly to please the crowd.”

Read from your phone if that’s what feels most natural.

The best speeches are relaxed and authentic. If reading off note cards will make you feel like you’re giving a stuffy class presentation, don’t do it. (But if you don’t want to squint and scroll, download a flashcard app like Flashcards Deluxe .) And, of course, make sure your phone is fully charged.

Don’t hold your glass during the speech.

It will serve as a distraction, especially if you’re also balancing a mic and your notes. Place it near you on a table or have someone hand it to you at the end.

Be sure to actually sip after you raise your glass.

That seals the deal of the toast . (And yes, it’s perfectly fine to toast with water!)

Get Brainstorming!

Not sure how to begin mining a lifetime of memories for your rehearsal dinner speech? Here are a few questions to help whittle things down.

  • What is your earliest or most vivid memory of the subject? What does that memory demonstrate about their personality or character? 
  • What’s an endearing quirk about the subject? 
  • When did the subject first mention their spouse-to-be to you? What did they say about them? 
  • What was meeting their spouse-to-be for the first time like? 
  • How or when did you realize their spouse-to-be was a good partner for the subject of your speech? 
  • How has their spouse-to-be changed the subject of your speech for the better?

Rehearsal Dinner Toast Example

Pope strongly advises against Googling for one-size-fits-all or fill-in-the-blank examples of rehearsal dinner speeches , as they can lead to hollow, canned, and impersonal toasts. Instead, he encourages his clients to think deeply about the most meaningful memories they associate with the subject of their toast, and to build their speech out from there. An example from Pope of how that process works to inspire a speech follows below: 

"I wrote a matron of honor speech where the bride was her maid of honor three years ago. I asked if she gave a speech, and what that speech was like. She said, 'You know, the day was a blur. The only thing I really remember was that she quoted Dr. Suess.'"

"So, we opened with that: 'Welcome. This brings back fond memories of my wedding day, where [Brittany] gave a speech. The day was a blur, but I remember one thing very clearly. She quoted Dr. Suess: “We are all a little weird, and life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness and call it love.” I didn’t get it at the time, but I’ve been waiting for your wedding day to say one thing: Brittany, you’re weird.'"

A Guide to Rehearsal Dinners

  • What Happens at a Rehearsal Dinner?
  • How to Plan a Rehearsal Dinner
  • Who to Invite to Your Event
  • Tips for Creating a Seating Chart
  • Advice on Wording Your Invitations
  • How to Craft the Perfect Menu
  • currently on What to Know About a Rehearsal Dinner Toast
  • Creative Ideas for a Memorable Party

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Amazing Tips & Themes For Your Magical Wedding

How to Write an Amazing Rehearsal Dinner Speech + Examples

The rehearsal dinner is an important tradition that happens just before the wedding day. This dinner is typically held the night before the wedding as a sort of calm before the storm!

It is a chance to sit down, share a meal, some drinks and memories together with your friends and family. 

The purpose of the rehearsal dinner is to celebrate together for the upcoming nuptials. It is also a chance for family and friends to come together and give speeches and pay tribute to the couple, especially if they aren’t able to on the big day.

There will be toasts, short speeches and funny anecdotes shared, but the speeches are not like the wedding day speeches, as they may be a little shorter, and more to the point, so that anyone that wants to speak can.

The thing is, most people get nervous around audiences, and speeches can make us really anxious and unsure what to say. So, if you’re unsure what to say in a rehearsal dinner speech, or how it should go, then follow this guide! We’ll go over what to do, what not to do, along with some examples that you can use. 

What To Do In A Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Let’s take a look at some of the things you should do in a rehearsal dinner speech, to make sure it goes as swimmingly as possible. 

Check With The Bride & Groom

They have likely planned the evening to every specific detail, so never just stand up and decide to do one there and then, as this could delay dinner being served or any other timings.

If they approve of your giving a speech at the rehearsal, then go ahead and start planning what you’ll say. 

Take a few days before the rehearsal speech to plan what you are going to say, and how you are going to say it. That way, there will be no awkward silences, and you won’t get sidetracked during the speech. 

You don’t have to read the speech from your notes word for word, but at least they will be there if you get distracted or lose what you were saying. 

Introduce Yourself To Everyone

People there may already know you, especially if it is your brother or sister getting married, but it’s nice to say hello to the group as a whole and make yourself known, along with what your relationship is to the couple. 

Talk About The Happy Couple

This is important. Your speech should not single out one side of the happy couple, even if you know them better or are related to the groom.

You need to talk about both halves of the couple in the speech, and tell a story about the two of them, rather than something you did with just the bride or just the groom. 

Keep It Clean

It’s all too easy to use a speech to talk about funny stories or inside jokes you have with the betrothed couple, but this can sometimes isolate the others present, who are not aware of your inside jokes and funny experiences.

It is best to relay a funny anecdote, as long as it is appropriate. 

You should also try to avoid inflammatory language, offensive jokes, anything about exes, vulgarity or curse words to keep it clean, fun and enjoyable for all.

A great tip is to not drink too much before the speeches take place so you don’t slip up and say something you shouldn’t. 

Speak From The Heart

One of the defining factors of a rehearsal speech is that it gives others a chance to learn more about the bride and groom through the eyes of the speaker. The speech can be revealing, with fun stories and memories shared with the audience about the soon to be wed couple. 

Family members and friends that are going to make the speeches may already know the bride/groom well, and can use this time to tell some stories about the couple’s personalities and defining characteristics. 

While telling a story is good, it can be more impactful to show how you feel than saying it. Don’t be afraid to get emotional, and speak straight from the heart. 

What Not To Do  

Don’t make it about you.

The purpose of a rehearsal speech is to wish the bride and groom or the betrothed well before the wedding day. You should be talking about them. It is not the chance to talk about yourself and your endeavors with the betrothed. 

While it’s great to introduce yourself to the crowd, and how you know the couple, your anecdotes should be about them, and not about yourself. You should be talking about why the couple are great together, and wishing them good luck for the future. 

Don’t Speak Too Quickly

So, try not to speak too fast or too quietly, as they will miss your speech entirely. Speak clearly and slowly, and don’t forget to pause for a moment in between what you are saying for laughs, toasts, or responses. 

Don’t Try To Be A Clown

You can easily get caught up trying to make your speech the funniest and most entertaining of them all, but if you try too hard to be funny, you’ll likely crash and burn. 

It is also not the time to roast the happy couple and make lots of jokes at their expense. It’s not funny for everyone, and it’s not classy.

Example Father Of The Groom Speech

Good evening all, I’m Jeff, father of ( groom). I’d like to thank you all for joining us tonight to celebrate the union of ( bride and groom). I’ve known ( groom) all his life! From when he was a young boy, he was always so determined to get what he wanted, and that’s not changed over the years. 

It’s been my absolute privilege being ( groom’s) dad, and I feel honored to now have another daughter to dote upon.  ( Bride and groom), we love you both very much, and can’t wait to see what your future holds. To the bride and groom, everyone! 

Example Maid Of Honor Speech

Hello everyone, my name is Julia, I’m the best friend of our wonderful bride to be, ( bride’s name ). I’ve known ( bride ) ever since I remember, having grown up next door to her. I first met her the day we moved into ( street name) and she helped me make friends starting in a brand new school, and we have been inseparable ever since. 

All I remember from this time is her humming love songs to herself, and going all gooey whenever she had a text from him, and I knew that was it. Our girly vacation was definitely off the cards! But seriously, ( groom) treated her how she deserved to be treated, and has always been there to celebrate her successes and victories.

I’ve watched the two of them build a beautiful relationship and life together, and I’m so excited to see where this next chapter takes them. I can only hope that one day we can all share a love as special as ( bride and groom) ’s. 

Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example Format

Introduce Yourself : Hello, my name is X, and I am (groom name)’s little brother. I’ve also known (the bride) for ten years now, having been in the same class in High School growing up. 

Insert Anecdote(s) About The Couple: example, first time you met your brother’s partner etc or a funny story about them together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should talk at a rehearsal dinner.

The rehearsal dinner is everything you think it is. It’s a chance to get together, and have a run through, or a sort of mini version of the event before the big day arrives.

As a result, there will be speeches and tributes paid to the bride and groom to be.

That being said, nowadays, traditions tend to go out of the window. The happy couples often choose how they want the rehearsal dinner to go, including who does the speeches and when. 

For some couples, there may not even be a groom, or some individuals do not have great relationships with their parents or fathers, so the rehearsal dinner may be organized by the couple themselves. In these cases, anyone the happy couple wants to give a speech is able to give a speech. 

They may also choose friends or family members to speak during the night. In many cases, the people who are unable to make a speech at the wedding are the ones who will get a chance to speak at the rehearsal dinner. 

How long should the speech be at a rehearsal dinner?

A rehearsal dinner speech should be short and sweet. No one wants to listen to anecdotal stories that go on for 20 minutes at a time.

Keeping the speeches short can also ensure other people can have a chance to give their speeches too. We recommend aiming for about 3 minutes in length when practicing, so if you stumble or lose track of time on the night, you still shouldn’t exceed 5 minutes by much.

All you need to do is offer your congratulations, reminisce on your relationship with the couple, and engage the rehearsal dinner guests, and that’s it!  

How many speeches should you have at a rehearsal dinner?

The host will first welcome all of the guests, before saying a few words of congratulations towards the bride and groom. 

The host may then share a short speech about the happy couple, before introducing the next speaker, and sitting back down. Then, the family members and friends who are planning on saying a few words can stand and take their turn. 

Do the bride and groom have to do a speech at a rehearsal dinner?  

Not traditionally, no. The bride and groom do not have to speak or give a speech at the rehearsal dinner, unless they really want to, but it is sometimes best to leave their speeches for the wedding. 

This is because everything is leading up to the special day, including the rehearsal dinner. Once it is all said and done, and the wedding has come to a close, then the bride and groom can give their speeches and thank everyone for attending. 

The general rule of thumb is that if you are giving a speech during the wedding reception, then you do not have to give one at the rehearsal dinner too.

That keeps it fair for everyone so no one has to do two speeches, and those who wish to say a few words but can’t at the wedding can say their peace at the rehearsal prior to the big day. 

Final Thoughts

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The Bridal Tip

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speeches – Expert Tips And Examples

Wedding rehearsal dinner speeches play a vital role in setting the tone for the wedding celebration. As family and friends gather to celebrate the upcoming nuptials, these speeches serve as a heartfelt expression of love, gratitude, and well wishes for the couple. In this article, we will provide expert tips and examples to help you craft and deliver an unforgettable rehearsal dinner speech.

Understanding the Purpose of Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

Rehearsal dinner speeches hold great significance for the couple and their families. It is an opportunity to express gratitude to those who have played a role in bringing the couple together and to set the atmosphere for the wedding day. These speeches create a warm and intimate moment where loved ones can share their feelings and connect with the couple on an emotional level.

Crafting a Memorable Rehearsal Dinner Speech

When crafting your rehearsal dinner speech, it’s important to gather information about the couple and their journey together. Share stories and anecdotes that highlight their love, growth, and special moments. Structure your speech with a captivating introduction, engaging body, and heartfelt conclusion to keep the audience engaged. Personalize your speech by incorporating shared experiences and memories that resonate with the couple and the audience.

Navigating the Do’s and Don’ts of Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

While rehearsing dinner speeches are meant to be personal and heartfelt, there are certain guidelines to keep in mind. Ensure your speech is appropriate in content and tone, avoiding offensive or embarrassing remarks. Keep your speech concise and focused, as long-winded speeches may lose the attention of the guests. Remember, this is a celebration, so infuse your speech with positivity and avoid dwelling on any negative aspects.

Delivering an Effective Rehearsal Dinner Speech

To deliver your rehearsal dinner speech with confidence, it’s important to prepare and practice beforehand. Familiarize yourself with the content and structure of your speech to ensure clarity. Engage the audience by maintaining eye contact, using appropriate body language, and varying your tone of voice. If you experience stage fright or nerves, take a deep breath, and remember that you are among family and friends who are there to support you.

Sample Rehearsal Dinner Speeches for Different Roles

If you’re unsure where to start, we’ve prepared sample rehearsal dinner speeches for different roles. Whether you’re the maid of honor, best man, father of the bride, or any other important role in the wedding party, these examples can serve as a starting point to help you customize your own speech. Use them as inspiration to add your own personal touch and make your speech truly unique.

Adding Personal Touches to Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

To make your rehearsal dinner speech even more memorable, consider adding personal touches. Incorporate humor, quotes, or cultural references that are relevant to the couple. Share moments and experiences that hold special meaning to both you and the couple. Tailor your speech to reflect their personalities, interests, and values, making it an authentic representation of their relationship.

Honoring the Bride and Groom in Rehearsal Dinner Toasts

Don’t forget the importance of toasting the bride and groom as part of the rehearsal dinner speeches. Propose a meaningful toast that captures the essence of their love and future together. Share heartfelt wishes for their happiness, health, and prosperity. Encourage guests to raise their glasses and join in the toast, creating a unified and joyous atmosphere.

Wedding rehearsal dinner speeches are a powerful way to express love, gratitude, and well wishes for the couple. By following the expert tips outlined in this article, you can craft a memorable and heartfelt speech that will leave a lasting impression on everyone present. Remember to add your personal touch, infuse the speech with positivity, and most importantly, enjoy the celebration of love.

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How to write the best maid-of-honor wedding rehearsal dinner toast.

Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Jan 30, 2018

A photo of a couple giving a toast.

Discover the seven parts of a wedding rehearsal dinner toast to give a memorable and touching speech that honors the bride and groom before the big day.

As the maid of honor, your wedding rehearsal dinner toast is a chance to share your love and support for the special couple in your life.

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Since it’s usually set in an intimate venue, you can forgo the pen and paper and speak from the heart.

“The best wedding rehearsal dinner toasts are the ones that make us laugh and cry,” says celebrity wedding planner JoAnn Gregoli of Elegant Occasions.

“These speeches are usually from the heart and are never mean spirited.”

Of course, sharing from the heart can be intimidating. What if you forget something important? What if you say something wrong or weird?

Here, the trusted wedding planning guru shares her secret ingredients to giving a memorable toast: the major dos and don’ts for wedding rehearsal dinner toasts to bring down the house.

Start with the seven essential parts of a toast, then fine-tune your speech with JoAnn’s expert tips:

The Seven Essential Parts of a Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Toast

Expert tips for giving memorable wedding rehearsal dinner toasts, three ways to prevent rehearsal dinner toast faux pas, common questions about wedding rehearsal dinner toasts.

What makes a good toast? Here, seven key ingredients along with rehearsal dinner speech examples that will inspire the master toaster in you.

  • Who are you? The wedding rehearsal dinner is a gathering of the couple’s closest friends and family members, but it doesn’t mean everyone knows who you are. Begin your toast by introducing yourself and tell everyone that you’re the maid of honor. Remember that there will be more than a few people giving toasts that night, including other bridesmaids.

Example: Hi everyone, my name is Lily. I’m Susan’s (the bride) maid of honor and best friend .

  • How you know the couple. Have you known the bride since kindergarten? Now that’s shareworthy! Did you meet her in college? Did you introduce her to the groom? History adds perspective and heart to a toast. Don’t forget to share how you know both the bride and the groom.

Example: I met Susan in fifth grade and we’ve been best friends ever since. I met John (the groom), five years ago when after months of begging Susan to see him, she finally introduced us.

  • Share “I love you’s.” Express your love and support for the couple. If you’re not comfortable with verbally expressing your love, just remember that it’s appropriate during a toast and will mean a lot to the bride and groom.

Example: Susan and John, you both mean the world to me. Susan, you know how much I love you and you couldn’t have picked a better man to be your partner in life. John, I admire and respect you and I am so happy that Susan finally found a wonderful, caring man like you .

  • Tell a story. A unique story can turn an ordinary toast into a special moment. Think of a time when you witnessed the bride or groom doing something that revealed a unique, funny, or heartwarming aspect of their character. A personal story is memorable and will also help the guests get to know the bride and groom a little better.

Example: I remember the way Susan glowed the first time she talked about John. I’d never seen her talk or smile that way, and I knew something was different about this guy. But a year later is when I knew he was the one for her. I had planned a New Year’s Eve party that she actually helped me plan and prepare for.

I remember the first time Susan told me about John. She was glowing from happiness. But apparently she got sick that day but didn’t want to disappoint me. So when John arrived at her place to pick her up, he noticed she had a fever. After much coaxing he convinced her to stay home, monitored her fever and even made her dinner. While they didn’t get to stay up until midnight, I got a text from Susan the next day, “I had the best New Year’s Eve ever.”

  • Point to the love it shows. As you tell a story about the bride and groom, remember to keep the focus on why that story matters. Chances are you’re sharing it because it is a part of their love story. Make that connection for everyone in the room by acknowledging the special love that they share.

Example: If you know Susan, you know that New Year’s is her favorite holiday. But discovering that John took the initiative, monitored her fever, and cooked dinner for her really touched me. It proved to me that he truly loves her and cares about her wellbeing. It also showed me how much she loves and trusts him.

  • Hope for happiness in the future. Wish the bride and groom a “happily ever after” future.

Example: Susan and John, I am so happy that you both found each other. I wish nothing but a peaceful and happy life happiness filled with love and commitment, until death do you part.

  • Make a toast! (Glasses raised, have a drink!) The best and only way to end a toast is to give a toast. Guests will know that it’s now time to raise their glasses and drink to the bride and groom.

Example: Join me in celebrating the happy couple today. Please raise your glasses. Susan and John, cheers! I love you both .

As you consider what you want to share for the parts mentioned above, keep JoAnn’s expert tips in mind:

An engagement photo shoot with the bride and groom.

Want your wedding rehearsal dinner toast to stand out? Celebrity wedding planner JoAnn Gregoli offers expert tips on how to give a memorable toast, including her advice to “add a skit or a song, if you can.”

Honor both the bride and the groom. While you might be the bride’s best friend, resist the temptation to only talk about your friendship. Instead, give equal time to both your best friend and her husband-to-be.

You can do this by addressing them as a couple or sharing a story about each of them. Either way, make sure to address both of them by name and make eye contact with both of them during the toast.

Honoring both the bride and groom avoids favoritism, creates a healthy atmosphere and sets a positive tone for the big day to come.

Make it funny, if you can. You don’t have to be a comedian to make everyone laugh; you simply have to share a funny story of the bride or groom.

As the maid of honor, you probably have many of these to choose from.

Pick one that won’t embarrass the couple or that doesn’t bring up anything taboo from the past. However, if humor is not your thing, you can still keep the tone pleasant and fun by remembering to smile.

Get creative. Add a skit or a song if you can. “My favorite toasts are those set to song,” says JoAnn. “My own daughters did an amazing toast to their sister set to ‘The Little Mermaid.’ It was awesome!”

Cry if you want to. “ There is a time for everything under the sun,” including a time to cry. Showing your emotions and even some tears while giving a toast isn’t a downer.

When authentic, it’s heartwarming and touching and will actually help others feel the intensity of the moment. So go ahead and cry if you want to!

Now that you know what you should say during a toast, here are a few things to avoid:

Don’t be mean. While sarcasm is a type of sense of humor, not everyone can appreciate it and some are even offended by it.

Contemporary colorful wedding rehearsal dinner invitation.

Take note of expert dos and don’ts for wedding rehearsal dinner toasts to make sure the couple is honored and everyone has a good time at this special evening.

To be safe, avoid sarcasm and don’t turn the “toast into a roast,” says JoAnn.

Don’t be dirty. Dirty jokes are simply not appropriate at wedding rehearsal dinners. The room is filled with people of all ages and backgrounds and it’s best to keep things clean. Clean jokes will ensure that everyone has a great time.

Don’t make it too long. A long toast does not equal the amount of love you have for the bride and groom. Instead, it takes the focus off the happy couple and puts it on you. Avoid being boring or even annoying to the guests by keeping your toast between three to five minutes.

Think Outside the Toast

Besides giving toasts at the rehearsal dinner, what are other ideas for how to connect and appreciate one another at the special event?

“Usually it is the time for a video montage of the couple’s relationship. It makes more sense at the rehearsal dinner than the reception,” says JoAnn.

Our expert JoAnn has experience planning wedding rehearsal dinners and answering the frequently asked questions that dinner hosts and honored guests might have along the way. Here are some of the questions she’s heard most and her answers.

Who gives a wedding rehearsal toast?

The host of the party is typically the first person to toast the bride and groom. The groom’s parents usually host the wedding rehearsal dinner, so either parent can give a speech to welcome the guests and honor the happy couple.

After the first toast, parents of the bride, maid of honor, and any other members of the bridal party can give toasts.

Finally, the bride and groom are also required to stand up and thank the people who gave toasts.

When should you give your wedding rehearsal toast?

Start the toasts during the main course of the dinner, says JoAnn. This timing will ensure that guests have had enough time to mingle, eat and drink.

If you’re having more than one toast, JoAnn suggests scheduling them between the courses to fill the void between meals.

How long is a wedding rehearsal toast?

Keep toasts between three to five minutes.

Although you’re not as pressed for time as you might be at the wedding, a short and sweet toast is always more pleasant than a long speech that might get boring or lose steam.

Personalized Wedding Invitations and Rehearsal Dinner Invitations

Wedding rehearsal dinners wouldn’t be as memorable without toasts, those heartfelt speeches that honor the special couple about to be married.

If you’re hosting the dinner party, you’ll want to browse our rehearsal dinner invitations to find stationery that reflects the special couple in your life.

wording and etiquette guide for wedding rehearsal dinner invitations to help you write and send off stylish invitations for the intimate evening before the big day. -->

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speeches for wedding rehearsal dinners

rehearsal dinner speech

by picnic makers | Jun 21, 2024 | inspiration

speeches for wedding rehearsal dinners

The rehearsal dinner is where the magic of the wedding weekend begins to sparkle. It’s an evening filled with anticipation, laughter, and the unmistakable warmth of gathering close friends and family.

Rehearsal dinner speeches aren’t just a tradition but a highlight, offering a chance to share heartfelt stories and express joy in an intimate setting.

Whether you’re a parent, a close friend, or the couple themselves, crafting a speech that resonates with humor and sincerity can elevate the occasion. Are you ready to create a moment that shines as brightly as the celebration?

Who gives speeches at the rehearsal dinner?

While the wedding day often follows a strict script, the rehearsal dinner offers a more relaxed stage for voices to be heard.

Traditionally, the hosts—usually the groom’s parents—kick off the speeches.

The couple’s parents often follow them, extending warm welcomes and sharing their joy. However, this is also a perfect opportunity for others close to the couple, like siblings or lifelong friends, to deliver their messages.

But why limit the floor to family alone? Anyone who has played a significant role in the couple’s journey or has poignant words to share is welcome to speak. This can include mentors, grandparents, or even colleagues with special bonds with the bride or groom.

By setting the expectation that the rehearsal dinner is a time for meaningful reflections, the evening becomes an open platform for all to express their sentiments, ensuring a rich tapestry of memories and well-wishes that set a heartfelt precedent for the wedding day.

When to give rehearsal dinner speeches

Rehearsal dinner speeches typically take place after the meal has been served but before any final festivities of the evening begin. This timing allows guests to relax and enjoy their dinner under the soft glow of string lights , setting a receptive mood for the speeches.

Bridal bingo

It’s common for the host to initiate the speeches, setting the stage for others to follow. Planning the order and timing can help ensure the evening flows smoothly and keeps everyone engaged.

Crafting your rehearsal dinner speech

Creating a rehearsal dinner speech that captures the essence of your feelings and the occasion’s significance can seem daunting. But with a thoughtful approach, you can compose a speech that resonates deeply with the couple and all the guests. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Start with gratitude : Begin your speech by expressing thanks. Acknowledge the hosts, the guests, and anyone who has helped make the wedding festivities possible. This sets a positive tone and connects you with the audience immediately.

Share a personal story : Choose a story highlighting their qualities or a memorable moment you’ve shared. This personal touch adds warmth and invites the audience into the intimacy of your relationship with the couple.

Consider decorating your tables with simple yet elegant bud vases to enhance the intimate and personal feel of your rehearsal dinner.

Connect to the bigger picture : Link your story to a broader theme, such as love, commitment, or growth. Discuss how these themes have manifested in the couple’s relationship and what they suggest about their future together.

Offer your blessings or advice : Towards the end, share some words of wisdom or heartfelt wishes. Whether it’s advice based on your experiences or a blessing for their journey ahead, this part of the speech should inspire and uplift.

Conclude with a toast : A well-chosen wedding rehearsal dinner toast can significantly enrich your speech. When selecting your toast, consider one that mirrors the warmth and humor you share with the couple, infusing it with a personal touch that highlights their unique qualities and shared experiences.

Crafting your rehearsal dinner speech

Elevate your message by weaving in a poignant quote that resonates with their journey together. This approach adds depth to your words and makes the moment memorable for everyone present.

Rehearsal dinner speech etiquette

Adhering to certain etiquette and practical tips when preparing a rehearsal dinner speech can ensure it resonates well and is remembered for all the right reasons.

First, consider the timing: keeping your speech between three and five minutes is ideal, as it holds the audience’s attention while allowing enough time to express heartfelt sentiments.

Humor is a cherished element in any speech, but it’s crucial to gauge the tone and content so it’s appropriate for all guests.

Personal stories or jokes should be inclusive and respectful, enhancing the speech without overshadowing the focus on honoring the couple.

Adorning your tables with flameless LED candles can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for heartfelt speeches.

In terms of content, balance is key. Sharing personal details adds authenticity and warmth, but it’s important to choose stories suitable for a diverse audience that positively reflect on the couple and their future together.

Remember, a great speech often involves what you say and what you choose to leave out wisely.

Practice and delivery tips

Practicing your speech is essential to delivering it confidently. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend to refine your delivery and adjust your pacing. The more familiar you are with your speech, the more naturally it will come across, allowing you to engage with your audience rather than just reading from a note. For those nervous about speaking in public, consider practicing in the venue or a similar setting to get comfortable with the space.

Enhance the ambiance of your rehearsal dinner with our expert tablescape services . Let our designs add elegance and personality to your special evening.

Avoid holding your glass while speaking , as it can become a distraction, especially if you manage a microphone and your notes. Instead, place it on a table nearby and have someone hand it to you when it’s time for the toast.

After raising your glass, make sure to take a sip. This gesture completes the toast and symbolizes your genuine wishes for the couple. Even if you’re toasting with water, it’s a fitting close to your speech.

Rehearsal dinner speeches can be emotional. If you think you might become teary or overwhelmed, plan pauses in your speech where you can take a moment to compose yourself. Keeping a small handkerchief or some tissues handy isn’t bad either.

Techniques such as pausing for emphasis, making eye contact, and using gestures can greatly enhance your delivery, making your speech more dynamic and engaging.

These small details can help convey your emotions and ensure your message resonates deeply with the couple and the guests, fitting perfectly within the dynamics of wedding rehearsal dinner speeches.

Memory lane

As you prepare your rehearsal dinner speech, remember the key elements that make it memorable. For additional guidance on every aspect of rehearsal dinner preparation, explore our comprehensive rehearsal dinner ideas & tips .

Rehearsal dinner speech examples

Speech by the parents of the couple

Good evening, everyone. Tonight fills me with immense pride and joy as a parent. Watching my child on the brink of this beautiful new chapter is a profoundly touching moment. The journey has been extraordinary, from the early days of bright-eyed dreams to the wonderful person standing before us today.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each of you here tonight. Your support and love have immeasurably enriched our lives and contributed to this day’s happiness. To my child and their wonderful partner, your love story is a testament to commitment and mutual respect, and it has been a privilege to witness your love flourish.

As you stand on the threshold of this new life together, remember that love is the cornerstone to sustain and nurture your union. May your path be filled with joy, laughter, and the deepest love. Let’s raise our glasses to a future replete with happiness and love!

Speech by a member of the wedding party

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a thrill to stand here today, celebrating the journey that has led to this moment. For as long as I have known [name of the bride/groom/partner], I’ve witnessed a love that exemplifies dedication and joy.

This evening, as we come together in joy and celebration, let’s reflect on the moments that have defined their relationship—a journey marked by laughter, support, and deep love. [Consider inserting a personal anecdote that highlights the couple’s relationship.]

Thank you, [couple’s names], for letting us share in your special day. Here’s to a future filled with adventure, happiness, and an ever-deepening love. Cheers to many wonderful years ahead!

Additional example speech for friends and family

Hello, everyone! It’s a joy to celebrate this significant day with all of you. Seeing [couple’s names] happy and in love together truly blesses our family.

speeches for friends and family

Tonight, we honor a union of two incredible people and the joining of families and hearts. [Feel free to include a memorable story about the couple here.] As we look forward to their future, let us toast to their happiness, the love that binds them, and a life filled with joy and laughter.

To [couple’s names], may your love continue to be your guiding light. Cheers to a beautiful beginning and a lifetime of happiness!

Final thoughts

As you prepare your rehearsal dinner speech, remember the key elements that make it memorable: heartfelt gratitude and well-chosen words.

Keep your speech concise, engage with humor wisely, and balance personal details with inclusivity. Most importantly, let your authenticity and genuine affection for the couple shine through.

Speaking from the heart isn’t just a tip—it’s the essence of a speech that will resonate with every guest and leave a lasting impression on a special evening.

What should I do if I accidentally say something embarrassing or make a mistake during my speech?

Simply acknowledge the slip with a smile and move on. A quick, light-hearted remark can help diffuse any awkwardness. Remember, the audience is generally supportive and forgiving.

How can I ensure my rehearsal dinner speech resonates with all generations present?

Use universal themes like love, family, friendship, and shared memories. Keep cultural references broad, and explain personal anecdotes clearly so everyone understands their significance.

What should I do if I get too emotional during my rehearsal dinner speech?

If emotions get the better of you during your speech, it’s perfectly okay to pause, breathe deeply, and then continue. Audience members typically appreciate the sincerity and are often touched by the emotion.

How can I practice my speech effectively if I’m short on time?

To make your practice more efficient, try practicing in different environments (like your car or while walking the dog). Record yourself to catch nuances you might miss while reading, and play it back to refine your delivery.

Is it appropriate to reference past difficulties or challenges the couple has overcome in the speech?

Yes, but handle it with care. Frame challenges in a positive light, focusing on growth, resilience, and the strength of the couple’s relationship. Always maintain respect for the couple’s privacy and sensitivity.

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The GroomClub

Speech Writing 101: Rehearsal Dinner

By  mac molli, updated on 01/24/24.

Speech Writing 101: Rehearsal Dinner

Part of the Groom Hacks


So, you were just asked to give a speech at a wedding rehearsal dinner. What are you supposed to do? Where do you start? What do you say? Don’t worry, we’ve got here.  

Here’s  everything you need to know about writing and giving the best rehearsal dinner speech.

A person giving his rehearsal dinner speech

  • What’s the difference between a rehearsal dinner and reception speech?

A rehearsal dinner is typically the night before the wedding and it takes place after the rehearsal. The rehearsal is all about making sure people know when and where they’re supposed to be during the actual wedding ceremony. The dinner is just a little mini celebration at the end to ring in the wedding festivities of the next day. 

A rehearsal dinner is way more intimate than the reception and usually only people who are in the wedding party or close family attend. Therefore, being asked to give a speech at the rehearsal dinner feels more special, emotional, and intimate. Brian Franklin, Founder of Vows and Speeches , says, “due to the intimate nature of the setting, the speech does not need to be formal . Your speech should pay tribute to the couple, do no harm (nothing inappropriate), and should be a highlight of the evening for all in attendance.” 

The dinner itself is traditionally hosted by the parents or guardians, who also usually give some kind of toast or speech during the dinner. 

Just like with everything else in weddings, there are traditions, but those traditions can change based on whose wedding it is. Traditionally, the people asked to give speeches during the rehearsal dinner are the fathers of the couple, the couple themselves, and the Best Person or Person of Honor in the wedding party.

Usually the father of the groom toasts at the rehearsal dinner and steps up to give a heartfelt speech during the special evening. The father of the groom’s rehearsal dinner speech is a touching moment where dad reminisces about his son’s journey through life, sharing stories and bits of wisdom. He often warmly welcomes the bride into the family, showering the couple with blessings and good wishes for their future. The father’s speech at the rehearsal dinner is an emotional tribute filled with pride, gratitude, and immense love for his son and the soon-to-be daughter-in-law. It sets the perfect tone for the upcoming wedding, reminding everyone of the joy and love that’s in the air.

The biggest difference between a rehearsal dinner speech and a reception speech is the tone of the speech. Like we said earlier, the rehearsal dinner is a way more intimate setting and the speech is for people who are the closest to the couple. 

Although this is a more intimate setting, it’s also more informal. There’s usually no set time when the speeches should take place and there’s no set order. So the couple can really decide whatever they want to do. During the wedding reception, there’s usually a more traditionally planned out order and time for speeches. 

The speeches themselves are also usually different lengths. Because the reception is more formal, the speeches are usually on the longer side. In comparison, rehearsal dinner speeches run on the shorter side. Generally, rehearsal dinner speeches last between 2-5 minutes. Short and sweet. 

Another huge difference between the rehearsal and reception is the amount of pressure. Don’t stress yourself out over a rehearsal dinner. You’ll be surrounded by the people closest to the couple and it’s meant to be a more relaxed time. There’s no pressure on your speech to be picture-perfect. Just keep it genuine and from the heart.

infographic on how to write a rehearsal dinner speech

  • Rehearsal dinner speech tips

Although rehearsal dinner speeches are less formal than a reception speech, you might still feel a bit nervous preparing and giving a speech in front of a group of people. Here are some tips to help you feel prepared and relaxed before writing and giving your rehearsal dinner speech.

Where to store your speech 

If you’re nervous to give your speech, it’s always a good idea to either write down an outline for your speech or have your speech written down word-for-word rather than adding pressure on yourself to memorize it as well. You can write and store your speech in the notes on your phone, on flashcards, or even just print it out on a sheet of paper. 

Think about who your audience will be 

Like we said before, usually the rehearsal dinner is for close friends and family. If the dinner is filled with more family than friends, maybe you should save those dirty jokes for a different time. Change your voice and style of speech to fit your audience. But, really, at the end of the day, your real audience is the couple. 

Use inside jokes

Sure, the whole audience may not understand an inside joke between you and the couple, but the main audience (the couple) will appreciate it. Funny rehearsal dinner speeches with Inside jokes are a great way to establish your relationship with the couple and if the couple laughs, everyone else will laugh too. Even if they don’t totally understand what they’re laughing about.

Keep it short and sweet 

Again, your speech should be under 5 minutes. No one wants to sit through a novel about how you met the couple. People want to eat. Tell your stories in a short and concise way, highlight positive things about the couple, and if you tell more than one story, all the stories should have a common theme.  

For example, choose one of your favorite traits about your friend (maybe how funny they are). Then, tell two stories about times when you two got into funny or embarrassing situations. Then you can tie in at the end, how that person will bring their humor into their marriage. 

Mention their partner 

Make sure you don’t just make the speech about you and your friend. At the end of the day, the speech is about your friend getting married. Make sure you talk about your relationship with their partner and how you’ve noticed your friend fall in love with them. 

You don’t have to write it alone 

Writing a speech for a wedding should not be daunting.Work with other members of the wedding party on writing this speech. Bounce ideas off of them, practice in front of them, or have them read it over before you give it. It’ll help you feel way more comfortable if you work with someone else on your ideas.

If you’re still nervous about the speech, the best thing you can do is practice, practice, practice. Read the speech out loud a few times before you have to give it or say it in front of someone else. Take a deep breath and know that even if your speech isn’t “perfect”, it’ll be perfect to the couple and your audience.

  • Rehearsal dinner speech outline

A person holding the speech outline

Now that you have a base on things you should think about when writing your speech, let’s actually write it. Here are all the parts you should include in your speech and what to include in each section: 


Even though you’re close to the couple, not everyone is going to know who you are. Start your speech by introducing yourself and let people know how you know the couple. If you’re the first speech of the night, also welcome all the guests. Keep this super short (1-3 sentences). 

We talked a little bit about stories earlier, but think about anecdotes to tell about your friend or the couple. This could be a memory about how you met, how the couple met each other, or something sentimental about your friendship. 

You can tell more than one story, but make sure all your stories have a common thread whether that be a feeling, a trait of your friend, or the couple themselves. 

In the story section of your speech, you can absolutely inject humor and tell funny stories, but it’s always a good idea to end with a sentimental story that’ll put everyone right in their feels.  

Need help thinking about stories to tell? Or wondering how to write a speech for a wedding? Here are some prompts to get you thinking: 

  • How did you meet your friend/couple? 
  • What’s your favorite thing about your friend’s personality? 
  • What’s your earliest memory with your friend? 
  • What’s an embarrassing story about your friend that their fiance might not know about? 
  • What’s a quirky thing about your friend that other people in the room might not know about? 
  • What was the first thing your friend told you about their fiance? When did you know that these two were in love and going to get married? 
  • How did you first meet your friend’s fiance? What was your first impression? 
  • How has your friend changed since meeting their fiance? 
  • What are you most excited about for the couple’s future together? 

After your stories, dedicate a sentence or two to sum up what threads these stories together. Summarize the whole theme of your speech. 

Finally, because you’re giving this speech at the rehearsal dinner, talk about how excited you are for these two to get married tomorrow!


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Rice Speechwriting

Mastering rehearsal dinner toasts: dos and don’ts, rehearsal dinner toasts: dos and don’ts to follow, what is the purpose of a rehearsal dinner toast.

The purpose of a rehearsal dinner toast is to express gratitude to the hosts, toasts the couple’s love and future happiness, and to thank everyone involved in the wedding for their support. It is also an opportunity to share stories, anecdotes, and well wishes for the couple on their special day.

Rehearsal dinners are a great way to start off the wedding celebrations and give family and friends a chance to get to know each other before the big day. One of the highlights of the rehearsal dinner is undoubtedly the speeches. But how do you craft a memorable toast that honors the couple, entertains guests, and doesn’t leave you tongue-tied? In this blog post, we will discuss everything from understanding what rehearsal dinner toasts entail, crafting your speech , personalizing it, and tips for giving a successful toast. We will also provide some inspiring examples from fathers of the bride/groom and best man/maid of honor speeches. Whether you’re giving your first toast or have done it before, we’ve got you covered with all the dos and don’ts to follow. So let’s raise a glass and make a memorable toast!

Understanding Rehearsal Dinner Toasts

Setting the tone for a wedding reception, rehearsal dinner toasts provide a unique opportunity to honor the happy couple with inside jokes and special memories. Understanding their purpose is crucial for a memorable event, as they offer a time to express gratitude and best wishes to the couple. These toasts play a significant role in wedding planning, ensuring that the venue and bridesmaids are also involved in the heartwarming celebration.

The Importance of Rehearsal Dinner Toasts

Honoring the impending wedding day, proper rehearsal dinner toasts convey the greatest blessing to the couple. This special occasion, shared with close friends and family, creates memorable celebrations. A well-delivered speech at the rehearsal dinner sets the stage for the wedding day, making it a crucial moment in the wedding planning process. The venue’s ambiance, the laughter of bridesmaids, and heartfelt sentiments contribute to the significance of rehearsal dinner toasts.

Typical Speakers at a Rehearsal Dinner

When it comes to the rehearsal dinner, typical speakers include the father of the bride, groom’s parents, and maid of honor. This event provides an opportunity for the parents of the bride and groom to toast the newlyweds, while close family and friends are often the primary contributors to the dinner toasts. It’s also good etiquette to involve the bridal party members in the toasts, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Additionally, the rehearsal dinner toast is a perfect time to reciprocate the toast to the event host.

Crafting Your Rehearsal Dinner Toast

Crafting a memorable rehearsal dinner toast involves going the extra mile to personalize the couple’s unique love story. Rehearsal dinner toasts require a bit of rehearsal for perfect delivery, as they are the only thing standing between you and the wedding toasts. It’s a great opportunity to show gratitude and set the stage for the wedding day. Incorporating personal stories and adding humor can make the toast even more special, ensuring it’s a memorable part of the wedding planning process.

Guidelines for Writing the Perfect Toast

Crafting the ideal rehearsal dinner toast necessitates weaving in a couple of unforgettable anecdotes. Using flashcards or a mic can help alleviate jitters while delivering the toast. Structuring the toast based on the father of the groom speech template aids in its coherence. Despite the pressure involved in composing the toast, a celebratory champagne toast awaits. Writing the toast also presents an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to the couple.

Dos and Don’ts to Remember

When giving a rehearsal dinner toast, it’s important to keep it brief and focused, reflecting the couple’s personality and the occasion. Avoid embarrassing stories and excessive jokes. Practice the speech to ease last-minute nerves. Incorporating these ‘dos and don’ts’ will ensure a respectful and memorable rehearsal dinner toast that adds to the wedding planning experience.

Structuring Your Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Starting the rehearsal dinner speech with a strong opening sets the perfect tone for the upcoming wedding ceremony. Delivering the speech requires some planning and preparation, and the rehearsal dinner speech template can help structure the toast from beginning to end. Opening the toast in front of a friend can ease the pressure, while structuring the speech effectively requires a good understanding of the couple’s love story.

Starting Strong: Opening Lines for Your Toast

Setting the stage for a great wedding day begins with the first toast at the rehearsal dinner. While it may seem daunting, expressing heartfelt congratulations to the happy couple is all that’s needed. Make the opening line memorable, as it sets the tone for the entire event. Acknowledging the couple’s gratitude right from the start will ensure a memorable and touching rehearsal dinner toast. Remember, the first line is what the audience will remember the most.

The Body of the Speech: Sharing Memories and Wishes

Crafting a memorable rehearsal dinner speech involves sharing personal anecdotes and best wishes, reflecting the close bond of the newlyweds. Main course toasts to the couple’s future happiness should be intertwined with inside jokes and happy memories for a heartfelt delivery. The couple’s love and future should be toasted in a memorable way, ensuring that it is the only thing the couple needs to hear.

Closing Remarks: Making a Memorable Toast

Sealing the love knot with a memorable toast to the newlyweds is a heartfelt conclusion to the rehearsal dinner speech. Expressing gratitude to close friends and family members while toasting the host of the event honors the couple and makes the occasion truly special. Additionally, offering a return toast to the parents of the bride and groom provides a perfect opportunity to honor them. Finally, concluding with a champagne toast to the happy couple ensures a memorable end to the rehearsal dinner speech.

Personalizing Your Rehearsal Dinner Toast

Crafting a personalized rehearsal dinner toast involves sharing memorable anecdotes to create a special occasion. Express gratitude to the happy couple for the great opportunity and make the toast personal by tailoring it to the couple’s inside jokes. Adding a heartfelt anecdote will make the toast memorable, and incorporating the newlyweds’ wedding vows into the toast will add an extra touch of significance. This personalized approach will undoubtedly resonate with the wedding party and guests, making the moment truly unforgettable.

How to Incorporate Personal Stories

Incorporating personal stories into rehearsal dinner toasts adds a heartfelt touch to the wedding planning process. Share a special anecdote of the first time the couple met, or include a memorable flashcard of the venue where they first laid eyes on each other. You can also incorporate a unique anecdote of the couple’s first meeting or share a special moment from their first toast. Including these personal stories will make the rehearsal dinner speech a cherished memory for the bride, groom, and bridesmaids.

Including Humor in Your Toast

To create a memorable toast, consider adding a touch of humor. Sharing a special anecdote can also elevate the speech, making it more engaging and heartfelt. Adding a return toast to the event can make the occasion even more special. Additionally, incorporating a good idea into the toast can leave a lasting impression on the audience, making the moment truly memorable.

Etiquette and Tips for Giving a Toast

Offering a toast at the rehearsal dinner is an ideal way to honor the wedding party and close family members. Raising a toast to the bride’s close friends and proposing a toast to the groom’s parents adds a special touch. It’s important to also include the close friends of the wedding party in the toasting, ensuring everyone feels included in the event. This gesture creates a warm and memorable atmosphere for all.

Proper Timing for the Toast

Timing is key when it comes to offering the first toast at the rehearsal dinner. It should be synchronized with the wedding rehearsal to honor the couple and the upcoming wedding day. The toast should be well-timed to honor the special occasion and the wedding party. Ensuring that the timing is set to honor the special occasion of the wedding rehearsal dinner is crucial.

Practice Makes Perfect: Tips for Rehearsing Your Toast

Honoring the upcoming wedding day with a well-rehearsed toast to the couple is crucial. Make the toast memorable by practicing to the wedding party and close family members. Ensure the toast to the bridal party is well-rehearsed, and rehearse the toast to the newlyweds honorably. Incorporating personal stories and humor into the toast can make it special. Proper timing is also essential to honor the special occasion of the wedding rehearsal dinner.

Examples of Successful Rehearsal Dinner Toasts

Toast examples from the father of the bride honor the wedding party, while inspiring examples from the mother of the groom honor the couple. Successful toasts from the parents of the bride mark the special occasion, and memorable examples to the groom’s parents honor the wedding party. Inspiring toast examples from the father of the groom further honor the wedding party with personalized anecdotes and well-wishes.

Inspiring Examples from Fathers of the Bride/Groom

Fathers of the bride and groom often deliver heartfelt toasts, honoring the wedding party with inspiring words. These unique examples express gratitude to close family members and the couple’s parents, creating memorable moments for everyone. Crafting a toast that includes personal stories and wishes can enhance the experience for all involved in the wedding planning process. The venue and bridesmaids can also be acknowledged in these thoughtful speeches, adding depth to the celebration.

Heartfelt Examples from Best Man/Maid of Honor

Honoring the wedding party with heartwarming toasts acknowledges the special occasion. Inspiring examples from close friends and the bridal party add a personal touch to the event. Unique toast examples for the maid of honor and best man are memorable gestures. Recognizing the members of the wedding party with heartfelt toasts fosters a sense of unity and joy. Incorporating such examples into your wedding planning can enhance the overall experience.

Overcoming Toast-Giving Jitters

Tips for overcoming the pressure of giving a toast to the wedding party can help alleviate anxiety. Framing the toast as a great opportunity to honor the wedding party members can shift the focus positively. Techniques and strategies to overcome the pressure of toasting the father of the groom and the bride can make the experience more manageable and meaningful. Finding ways to honor the special occasion can also help in managing toast-giving jitters effectively.

How Important is the Rehearsal Dinner Toast to the Wedding Party?

The rehearsal dinner toast holds great significance for the wedding party, setting a warm and celebratory tone for the upcoming nuptials. It’s an opportunity to express gratitude, share best wishes, and honor close friends and family. A memorable toast at the rehearsal dinner creates a special occasion for the newlyweds, making it an important part of the overall wedding experience.

In conclusion, giving a rehearsal dinner toast is a special opportunity to express your love, support, and well wishes for the couple. It’s important to understand the significance of this moment and the role you play in setting the tone for the wedding festivities. Craft your toast with care, following guidelines and considering the dos and don’ts to ensure it resonates with the audience. Structure your speech with a strong opening, sharing heartfelt memories and wishes in the body, and ending with a memorable closing. Personalize your toast by incorporating personal stories and adding humor when appropriate. Remember to follow proper etiquette and practice your toast beforehand to overcome any jitters. Lastly, draw inspiration from successful examples to make your toast truly remarkable.

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speeches for wedding rehearsal dinners

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The Plunge

Everything You Need To Know About The Rehearsal Dinner Toast

Everything You Need To Know About The Rehearsal Dinner Toast

The question has been popped and accepted, the wedding planning is complete, and the RSVP’s have been tallied. It is now time for the happy couple to say I do. But before the wedding ceremony takes place, there is a wedding rehearsal the day before followed with dinner.

You are expected to give a toast to the bride and groom at the wedding rehearsal dinner and you are not sure how to go about it? Don’t worry, this guide has you covered. It is considered an honor to speak at a wedding rehearsal dinner but at the same time, it can bring a lot of pressure.   What if I panic? What if no one likes my toast? Everything will be fine if you plan ahead and practice. The old saying is correct – “practice makes perfect.”

“We’ve all been there before, when the toasts and speeches seem like an endless ode to childhood memories, vacations long past, or inside jokes no one, other than a select few, are able to relate to, or for that matter really care about. There’s an art to speaking in front of a crowd and the best way to get comfortable and say what needs to be said succinctly is by practicing in front of a mirror until you’re ready to practice in front of a friend.” – Colin Cowie, wedding planner and lifestyle guru.

According to wedding experts, the toasts are often the most memorable part of a wedding rehearsal dinner.  However, don’t let this bit of information intimidate you or make you nervous. This guide will provide you with key information on the rehearsal dinner and how to write and deliver a toast that is right for you and one that all will remember.

First, let’s go over the overall rehearsal dinner and what to expect. The wedding rehearsal is typically held the night before the wedding ceremony followed by dinner at a designated restaurant or event space.

You will be happy to know that the rehearsal dinner attendance is smaller than the wedding reception as the dinner is usually limited to the bride and groom and their immediate family members, the bridal party, and close family and friends. Therefore, the rehearsal dinner tends to be a more casual and intimate setting vs. the formality of the wedding reception.

Length of Toast

Wedding rehearsal toasts are generally between three and five minutes. However, no one will be timing you. It is important to keep in mind when you are writing the toast that it is perfectly acceptable for rehearsal dinner toasts to run a little longer and include more humor than those at the wedding reception. But don’t take this as an invitation to take up too much time as you want to be courteous to others and give everyone who wants to make a toast the opportunity to do so.

“All wedding toasts should include a welcome, a thank-you, and a special heartfelt sentiment (in this order).” – David Tutera, celebrity wedding planner

Writing Tips

Be sure to include a sentence to introduce yourself and briefly describe your relationship with the bride and groom.  While most people present at the dinner may know you, not everyone will.

Be sensitive to your audience. Children will be in attendance at the rehearsal dinner and toasts should be appropriate for all wedding guests to hear.

Practice makes perfect.  Write and practice your speech ahead of time and save it to your smart phone for reference before and/or during the speech.

It doesn’t matter if your tone is funny or sentimental (or a little bit of both) speak from the heart and you can’t go wrong.

Toast Topics

Having a hard time thinking of what you want to say during your toast?  Simply stick with one or more of these basic topics and you will be fine:

Share a story or funny anecdote that reflects the relationship of the bride and groom. It could be how the couple first met or a funny story about them.

Share the couple’s engagement story.

Include inspirational love quotes in your toast.

Only tell stories that relate to everyone.

End your toast by asking everyone to raise their glass to toast the bride and groom and wish them every success in their marriage.

Top 5 Presentation Tips

When presenting your toast, speak slowly and clearly. Also, speak loudly so that everyone in the audience can understand the message that you’ve spent time preparing.

Speak to both the bride and groom. Even if you are a friend of the groom’s and don’t know the bride that well. Speak to and for them.

Deliver with confidence. Take a deep breath and remember to smile.

Be yourself and use your natural sense of humor.

Order of Toasts

Unlike the wedding reception, toasts at the rehearsal dinner tend to be more spontaneous.  The opening toast by the host begins during the main course and all other toasts are done between courses to fill the void between meals.

Whoever is hosting the rehearsal dinner typically makes the first toast during the main course.  Often times it is the groom’s parents that host the rehearsal dinner and then their toast would be met by a return toast from the father of the bride.

Best Man and Maid of Honor typically only give a toast at the wedding reception.  However, it is not unusual for them to want to toast at both the dinner and the reception.

Wedding party attendants and other guest are welcome to give a toast.  The universal sign for wanting to give a toast is to stand and raise your glass.  If that doesn’t get everyone’s attention – tap on your glass with a utensil.

The bride and/or groom typically do the final toast and thank the hosts, their parents, and attendees.

-Autumn Murray

If you follow this guide closely, you will give the perfect wedding rehearsal toast.  The most important thing to remember is – practice makes perfect.

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The Plunge

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples, wedding champagne toast

  • Father of the Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

So your son is getting married? Congratulations! But he’s asked you to give a speech at the rehearsal dinner and you have no clue what to say. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below we’re sharing exactly how to structure your speech plus providing you with some father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples.

Why give a rehearsal dinner speech? 

Well, the best reason to give a rehearsal dinner speech is probably because your son or daughter asked you to give one! But why do speeches at the rehearsal dinner happen at all?

A rehearsal dinner is a more intimate occasion – usually a nice dinner following the wedding ceremony rehearsal . It’s generally for the couple, their parents, the wedding party and maybe some out of town or close family and friends. The guest list is smaller than the wedding and the focus is on the new family and upcoming wedding day.

With a rehearsal dinner speech, you can welcome the two families coming together and set the stage for a beautiful wedding day. Note that while speeches may happen at the rehearsal dinner, there will likely be speeches at the wedding reception too. Check in with the almost-newlyweds about when they would like you to deliver your speech.

PS: Don’t miss our resource for bride and groom wedding speeches! 

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

What about the mother of the groom? Or the bride’s parents? Who should speak at the rehearsal dinner?

While this post is all about father of the groom wedding speeches, a lot of our advice and samples below will apply to all parents of the couple getting married. And, of course, not all weddings have brides or grooms (and not all couples have moms and dads), so a “father of the groom” may not even exist!

Traditionally, only the men of the family would speak at weddings. Speeches were done by the father of the bride, the groom and the best man. But these days, anyone who is special to the couple can be invited to say a few words! There’s no reason why only the men get to speak.

Typically, a rehearsal dinner speech is given by whoever is hosting the event (aka paying for it). Sometimes one side of the family will take on the responsibility and cost of hosting the rehearsal dinner, so it would be customary for someone from that side of the family to give a speech.

The wedding couple may also ask a few other people to speak at their rehearsal dinner, such as members of the wedding party or other family members. This is typically done so we’re not leaving all of the speeches for the reception. Couples will break up the speeches – some happening at the rehearsal dinner and some happening at the wedding reception – so everyone gets a chance to speak and no one event becomes hours and hours of speeches.

For more tips, check out our posts on a mother of the groom speech , mother of the bride speech and father of the bride speech .

wedding reception speech by parents of the bride and groom, father of the groom speech

How to structure your father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech

Check out our step-by-step instructions for writing your father of the groom speech, plus father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples below!

Step #1: Begin with a toast introduction and welcome

Start your father of the groom speech off by simply introducing yourself and your relation to the couple. If you are the first to speak, the host of the event, or the first to speak from your side of the family, this would also be a great opportunity to welcome everyone to the rehearsal dinner.

Note: If you are not the host of the event, it may not be appropriate to welcome everyone. That would be like attending a friend’s birthday and welcoming everyone to the party – not your place. Instead, share how happy you are to be there and thank the hosts for their hospitality.

Step #2: Talk about the groom

As the father of the groom, your speech should naturally start with a few sentences about your son. You can talk about how proud you are of them, what a joy it was to raise them, how much you’ve loved getting to know them as an adult, etc. You could also share a short story from their childhood that showcases your father-son bond.

father helping groom with his wedding outfit

Step #3: Talk about the groom’s partner

Next, you’ll want to bring in your son’s partner and soon-to-be spouse. You can talk about how you knew they were the one, the affect they’ve had on your son or what you admire most about them. Most importantly, be sure to welcome them into your family.

Step #4: Share a fun story about the couple

Now that you’ve talk about both the groom and his partner separately, it’s time to bring them together! You can share a short story about how the couple met, what brought them together or any favourite memories you have with them.

Step #5: (op) Share some marriage advice

If you’d like to add to your father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech, consider adding a bit of marriage advice. This should be something short and sweet that you want to pass onto the happy couple.

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

Step #6: Look forward to the wedding

As you begin to wrap up your speech, don’t forget to reference the wedding around the corner. Talk about how much you’re looking forward to it, share any advice you have for the newlyweds on the big day, and thank anyone who has been helping with the wedding planning.

Step #7: End with a toast conclusion

Lastly, you’ll end your speech with a toast to the couple of the hour. Cheers to the almost-newlyweds!

Hint: Don’t forget to remind everyone to raise their glasses! So often, speakers will just dive into their toasts and only half the guests will know what’s happening. Take our advice and start this section of your speech by saying, “Let’s all raise a glass…”

wedding toast, wedding speech, raise a glass, champagne toast, wedding reception

Father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples

Need some more inspiration for your speech? Check out our father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples below!

Father of the groom example speech #1

My name is Herb and I am the father of the groom. Together with his mother, we would like to thank you all for being here tonight as we celebrate Taylor and Cory.

Growing up, I always knew Taylor was going to go on great adventures. From finding him camping out in our backyard at four years old to wiring him money on his first backpacking trip in Germany, I knew Taylor was going to see and do everything he set his mind to. And that’s why I’m so glad he has found his perfect adventure companion in Cory.

Cory, it has been the pleasure of my life to watch how you and Taylor love, support and cherish one another. I couldn’t be prouder of the life you two have built and am thrilled to welcome you to the family. 

Ever since the moment you two met at a hostel in Thailand, I think we all knew this was it. Taylor had found his person. And we are all so excited to celebrate the two of you finding one another at your wedding this Saturday! 

So if everyone could please raise their glasses to Taylor and Cory, who are about to embark on the greatest adventure of their lives. Cheers! 

wedding reception speech and toast, wedding champagne toast

Father of the groom example speech #2

Hello, my name is Lin and I am the father of the groom. I’d like to start by thanking the Sheng family for hosting this beautiful rehearsal dinner and truly making us all feel so welcome tonight.

My husband and I could not be more proud to be standing here on the cusp of Taylor and Cory’s wedding day. Cory, having you as a son has been the greatest blessing. Being able to raise you and see the man you have become has meant so much to your dad and me. We could not be more proud of you!

The only thing any parent wants is for their child to be happy, to have purpose and to find love. Cory, I am thrilled that you have found all of that and more in Taylor. Taylor is the most kind and warm human and we are so excited to officially welcome them into our family. 

I still remember when you first introduced us to Taylor. Cory, you were so nervous! But right away, we could tell that Taylor was someone special. The way you two lit up around was another was so wonderful to see. We knew after that first dinner that we’d be seeing your wedding one day – and here we are! 

Taylor and Cory, as we look forward to your beautiful wedding day this weekend, I want you to remember one thing: Choose one another. Every day when you wake up, choose each other. Choose your relationship. Choose your life together. Do that and you’ll never spend a day wanting. 

And so, let’s all raise our glasses to Cory and Taylor, and a love that chooses us every single day! 

father of the groom and mother of the groom hug the newlyweds after their wedding reception speech

Father of the groom example speech #3

Hello everyone! My name is Jeff and I am the father of the groom. Together with Randy, we are thrilled to welcome you all here tonight to Taylor and Cory’s rehearsal dinner.

Cory, I am so proud to be your father. Raising you from a baby into the impressive young man you are today has been the best job I could ever ask for. You taught me so much about what it means to love, to care and to go the extra mile.

Taylor, when I first met you I thought, “Cory, don’t mess this up!” I knew you were so special and could already see how much you had changed my son for the better. We are all better people for having known you and I am so glad you are finally joining our family.

When Taylor and Cory got engaged, Cory called to share the news with Randy and me. But instead of saying “she said yes” or “I asked,” Cory said, “We did it! We’re engaged!” And right from that moment, I knew that everything Taylor and Cory would do, they would do together. There was no more “I” – there was only “we.”

And so, as we look forward to Cory and Taylor becoming an official “we” this weekend, let’s all raise our glasses to the best team ever. Taylor and Cory, congratulations on finding your perfect teammate!  

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples, wedding champagne toast

Father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech do’s & don’ts

DO check in with the couple and ensure they want you to give a speech. Don’t just rush the stage or grab the mic! Check in with the couple ahead of time or wait until they ask you to give a speech.

DON’T talk forever . Keep it short! A good speech is 2-3 minutes long and never more than 5 minutes. Again, check in with the couple. Odds are they will have the night scheduled out and a specific time they want you to aim for.

DO remember to mention your son’s partner . Even though you are the father of the groom, you shouldn’t just talk about the groom. Remember, this event is about two people. So include both members of the couple in your speech.

DON’T bring up anything embarrassing . There’s a fine line between funny and cringe-worthy. A story about your son wearing a cape to school? Funny! A story about your son’s ex-girlfriend or how he dealt with your divorce? Not funny.

father of the groom wedding speech

DO write your speech down . This isn’t one of those times were you should wing it. Take the time to plan what you’re going to say and write your speech in advance.

DON’T leave the other parent out . If you’re the one giving the speech, don’t forget to mention your co-parent or spouse and share sentiments from both of you.

DO practice . You don’t have to memorize your speech but you should be comfortable and familiar with it. Take time to practice at home in front of the mirror before the rehearsal dinner.


  • 4 Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Samples
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Mother of the Bride
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Father of the Bride
  • How to Write an Incredible Best Man Speech
  • 5 Maid of Honor Speech Examples
  • 12 Tips for Wedding Readers
  • The Ultimate Wedding Toast Guide
  • How to Write A Killer Bride or Groom Wedding Speech

There you have it! Everything you need for an amazing father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech! And speaking of important words at weddings, don’t forget to check out our wedding officiant packages and free vow writing guide ! 


Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Rehearsal dinner speech generator.

speeches for wedding rehearsal dinners

After months of preparation for the big day, your best friend makes a request you just can’t say no to. While giving a speech at any event, let alone a rehearsal dinner, was never your thing, it would be rude to turn down a beaming bride as she waits for your response. So to calm your nerves and give you that extra push, here are some things you need to know about a rehearsal speech and how you could compose one. You may also see presentation speech .

  • 24+ Speech Templates and Examples
  • 8 Steps in Speech Composition

Best Friend Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

Best Friend Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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Best Man Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Best Man Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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Formal Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Formal Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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The Difference between a Rehearsal Dinner Speech and a Reception Speech

Wedding ceremonies are beautiful celebrations filled with laughter, tears, and a whole lot of love that makes everything seem right even just for a day. But then comes one of the most sentimental parts of the celebration: the speech. You may also see launch speech .

Some wedding celebrations can last for more than a day. In some cultures, soon-to-be-married couples organize rehearsal dinners right before the big day as an “informally” formal party that a number of guests are invited to in order to prepare for the actual day. You may also see speech examples for students .

However, many people have wondered if rehearsal dinner speeches and reception speeches are one and the same. If so, wouldn’t it ruin the whole surprise of the wedding if somebody would have already delivered the same speech the day before?

The answer to this question is simple. A rehearsal dinner speech and a reception speech are quite different in a number of ways. To understand how they differ, let’s take a look into the following instances:

The Host(s)

Traditionally, rehearsal dinners are hosted by the groom’s parents, whereas the wedding is hosted by the bride’s folks. During the party, the parents of the groom are given the opportunity to say a few words. But since not many families continue to practice this tradition, it’s safe to say that the hosts (which is usually the bride and groom) may express their gratitude to one another and to everyone who has attended the event. Though you can’t really toast yourselves, a few words of thanks would certainly be appreciated by your audience. You may also see youth speech .

As for the wedding reception, the couple may also deliver a speech, or they could give the stage to one of their parents.

The great thing about rehearsal dinners is that they aren’t as formal as the actual reception, which means a few spontaneous and impromptu speeches are highly welcomed. But if you do have some people who are set to deliver a speech at the party, then you might want to give some guidelines to follow. Like a reception, most venues and caterers are only rented for a few hours. Exceeding the time allocated for the event could cause you some extra bucks, so if the speech-giving part of your ceremony lasts longer than expected, then you can expect some hefty charges on your wedding bill. You may also see leadership speech .

You must be wondering, where do the maid of honor and the best man fit in all of this?

For the most part, your right-hand man and woman are only meant to shine during your wedding day. This is why rehearsal dinner speeches are usually given by anyone other than your maid of honor and best man. Since these two spots are usually given to the closest sibling or to the best friend, having them speak on your wedding day can help set the mood just right. You may also see presentation speech .


It’s always good to have your grandparents deliver a short speech during your rehearsal dinner, especially if they were around all the time growing up. They don’t usually prepare their piece beforehand, so you can expect just about anything to come out from their mouths. Though you could always ask them to prepare a speech for your reception, chances are, your grandparents could be of a certain age where 8 p.m. would be their ideal bedtime. They might not have the energy to say much after a long day of prepping, crying, and eating, so you might want to consider having them around for a rehearsal dinner speech rather than a reception speech. You may also see special occasion speech .

Funny Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

Funny Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Toast Speech Example

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Toast Speech Example

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Types of Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

There are different types of speeches delivered during a rehearsal dinner, and they usually vary according to the speaker and their content. If you’re looking for a speech that’s a certified tearjerker, then you might want to jot down some notes on this one. You may also see retirement speech examples .

Father of the Groom or Parent Speech

Oftentimes, it’s the father of the groom who makes a toast to the couple. As the patriarch of the time, this is the time where the father extends his blessings to his future daughter-in-law and gives a few pointers to his son on how he could build a happy and healthy family. This is more of a father-to-son speech that should prepare the groom for married life, while being witnessed by an audience of twenty-something people. Since men aren’t exactly seen as the emotional one in a relationship, it’s heartwarming to see the groom hold back a few tears while his old man wishes him the best for what’s to come. You may also see wedding speech .

Speech from the Groom

A rehearsal dinner speech delivered by the groom is generally a welcome speech in disguise. Not a lot of guys like to be expressive with their words, so they usually keep it short and simple instead. But for grooms who have no problem in showing their hopeless romantic side, this is the part where they express their excitement for the future. Since they might want to save a few words for their wedding vows, you can see this as an opportunity to add some wit and humor to your speech. Rehearsal dinner attendees typically comprise of close friends and family members, so you wouldn’t need to worry about losing your job due to your lame (or otherwise dirty) jokes.

Speech from the Bride

In some instances, brides are also given the chance to give a speech during their rehearsal dinner. Though it may not be as common because of how tradition works, nobody’s going to stop you from doing what you want on your special day. Like the groom’s speech, the speech given by the bride expresses her gratitude for everyone’s presence at the event. The speech could also be a dedication to her spouse, so you can expect quite a few waterworks during this time. You may also see after dinner speech .

Speech from a Friend

If you’ve seen the movie  Bride Wars,  then you can probably recall the scene where Anne Hathaway’s character, Emma, started giving a rather controversial speech during her best friend’s rehearsal dinner. Though Emma and Kate Hudson’s character, Liv, were already rivals since the very beginning of their wedding planning journey, and because there’s a need to separate reality from fiction, you don’t have to worry about your best friend making a scene at your rehearsal dinner. You may also see appreciation speech .

In fact, a friend’s speech is usually the most memorable. These are the people who have been by your side through the ups and downs of your relationship together, so you can look forward to a meaningful speech filled with memories that’s sure to leave a smile on everyone’s face. You may also see inspirational speech .

And the best part is, if you’re a bride who’s also a self-proclaimed crybaby, then you don’t have to worry about your mascara running on official pictures since this is only the rehearsal dinner and not the wedding day itself!

Groomsmen Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

Groomsmen Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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Maid of Honor Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

Maid of Honor Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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Simple Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

Simple Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech Example

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How to Prep for a Rehearsal Dinner Speech

What’s great about a rehearsal dinner speech is the rawness of its structure. Unlike a presentation speech , as a speaker, you don’t need to worry about proper posture, wording, and delivery. People won’t judge you for what you do or do not say, as a rehearsal dinner speech, or any wedding speech in that matter, is meant to be more personal in nature. You can simply express yourself in ways that show your personality and emotions.

But if you’re still feeling a bit nervous about standing up in a crowded room with all eyes on you, then here a few tips on how you can ace that rehearsal dinner toast without a hitch:

1. Start with the basics. 

There might be a few people at the party who have never met you before. So you can begin by making a short introduction of who you are and how you know the couple. You can also add in a few words of welcome to break the ice. Remember to be courteous with your words, as not everyone would be too keen to hear foul language coming from somebody they’ve known for the past five seconds. Also, be enthusiastic with your speech. You need to make an exciting first impression before people decide to make bathroom breaks in the middle of your speech. You may also see introduction speech .

2. Tell an interesting story. 

Most people worry about not being funny or witty enough to entertain a crowd. But the key to a successful speech is to not worry about anything at all!

If you’re nervous, it will show in the way you stammer through every word. This is why confidence is extremely important when making a statement. To do so, focus on telling an interesting or romantic anecdote that has something to with the celebration. If you happen to know hilarious of how the couple first met, then by all means, make it the center of your speech. You can also keep the mood sentimental with a sweet story of the couple’s journey together. What matters most is how you are able to engage listeners, most especially the bride and groom, through the stories you share in your speech. You may also see informative speech .

3. Top it off with a sentimental ending.

The best speeches are those that will tug at your heartstrings and have people scrambling for tissues. No matter how funny you choose to make your speech, ending it with a heartfelt message for the bride and groom to cherish is something that’s worth more than you can imagine. But if you aren’t the “touchy-feely” type, you can always go for a heartwarming quote that best describes the essence of the celebration. A few well-wishes here and there would also add a nice end to your speech. You may also see farewell speech .

For all the time and effort that everyone has exerted to help put together a wedding, there’s nothing like expressing your gratitude toward everyone involved in the process. A rehearsal dinner speech is simply a dedication speech , a thank-you speech , and an appreciation speech in one. With proper writing and delivery, your speech is sure to build a sense of excitement for the wedding, and not to mention the “happily ever after” to come!


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Create a rehearsal dinner speech for my best friend's wedding

Help me write a rehearsal dinner speech that's heartfelt and funny


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  2. Wedding Etiquette : How to Plan a Toast for the Bride-to-Be at the Rehearsal Dinner


  1. Rehearsal Dinner Speech Writing Examples, Tips And Advice

    Learn how to write a rehearsal dinner speech for different attendees, such as the father of the groom, the father of the bride, the best man, and the maid of honor. Find examples of speeches, toasts, and quotes to inspire you and make the couple feel loved and appreciated.

  2. Rehearsal Dinner Speech: Everything You Need to Know

    Learn how to write and deliver a rehearsal dinner speech that unites the families and celebrates the couple. Find out who should speak, when to speak, how long to speak, and see examples of speeches by parents of the groom and bride.

  3. Speeches for the Rehearsal Dinner

    Learn how to write a speech for the rehearsal dinner, a traditional event hosted by the groom's parents or a close friend. Find examples of speeches for the father of the groom, the mother of the groom, the groom, the bride, and a friend.

  4. Rehearsal Dinner Toast Examples, Writing Tips, and Advice

    Learn from a professional wedding speechwriter how to craft a memorable and meaningful speech for the rehearsal dinner. Find tips, examples, and a template to follow for your toast.

  5. How to Write an Unforgettable Rehearsal Dinner Speech (Plus 2 Examples

    Learn the dos and don'ts of writing a memorable rehearsal dinner speech for the bride or groom. See two examples of speeches from a father of the groom and a friend of the bride.

  6. The Art of Toasting: A Guide to Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

    Learn how to deliver a perfect wedding rehearsal dinner toast that will honor the couple, entertain the guests, and set the tone for a joyous celebration. Find out what to say, how to structure your speech, and see some examples of funny and heartfelt toasts.

  7. How to Write an Amazing Rehearsal Dinner Speech + Examples

    Learn what to do and what not to do in a rehearsal dinner speech, and see some examples of speeches from different perspectives. A rehearsal dinner speech is a chance to celebrate the couple, share stories and memories, and wish them well before the wedding day.

  8. Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speeches

    Learn how to craft and deliver a memorable rehearsal dinner speech for the couple and their families. Find expert advice, sample speeches, and personal touches to make your speech unique and heartfelt.

  9. How to Write a Rehearsal Dinner Speech

    Learn how to give a heartfelt and memorable speech at the rehearsal dinner, the perfect opportunity to showcase your relationship with the couple. Find tips on brainstorming memories, introducing yourself, showing, not telling, and keeping it brief and funny.

  10. Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Examples

    Here, the trusted wedding planning guru shares her secret ingredients to giving a memorable toast: the major dos and don'ts for wedding rehearsal dinner toasts to bring down the house. Start with the seven essential parts of a toast, then fine-tune your speech with JoAnn's expert tips:

  11. Rehearsal Dinner Speech: Who Gives + Examples

    Learn how to craft a heartfelt and memorable speech for the rehearsal dinner, a special occasion for the couple and their loved ones. Find tips on timing, etiquette, structure, and examples from different speakers.

  12. Speech Writing 101: Rehearsal Dinner

    Learn how to write and give a speech at a wedding rehearsal dinner, a more intimate and informal event than the reception. Find out the difference between a rehearsal dinner and a reception speech, tips for writing and delivering your speech, and an outline to follow.

  13. How To Nail Your Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Toast

    Don't get stressed - get Let's Get Rehearsed's FREE rehearsal dinner guide packed full of everything you need to plan a welcome party, from saving money to celebrating the night before the big day!. Wrap Up With Well Wishes. It's called a toast for a reason. Yet it's common for people to fly through their speech, hand back the mic, and return to their seats.

  14. Mastering Rehearsal Dinner Toasts: Dos and Don'ts

    Mastering Rehearsal Dinner Toasts: Dos and Don'ts

  15. 5 Tips for How to Give a Speech at a Rehearsal Dinner

    Learn five tips and examples for writing a rehearsal dinner speech, whether you're the parents, the wedding party, or the couple. Find out how to start, tell stories, close, and collaborate with a professional speech writer.

  16. Everything You Need To Know About The Rehearsal Dinner Toast

    Learn the key tips and topics for giving a memorable toast at the wedding rehearsal dinner. Find out the length, order, and etiquette of toasts, and how to practice and speak with confidence.

  17. Father of the Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

    Learn how to structure your speech and find inspiration from our examples. A rehearsal dinner speech is a chance to welcome the couple and their families, share stories and advice, and toast to the wedding.

  18. Rehearsal Dinner Speech

    Learn how to write and deliver a rehearsal dinner speech for your best friend's wedding. Find out the difference between a rehearsal dinner speech and a reception speech, the types of speeches, and the best examples to follow.

  19. The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Etiquette

    This web page covers various aspects of rehearsal dinner planning and hosting, such as venue, guest list, invitation, speech and gift. It does not provide a direct answer for another word for rehearsal dinner, which is a common query for couples who want to avoid the term.

  20. Wedding Etiquette: Who Gives Speeches at a Rehearsal Dinner?

    Learn who should give speeches at a rehearsal dinner and why, and get tips on how to deliver a successful toast. Find out the purpose, format, and etiquette of this intimate event before the big day.

  21. Rehearsal Dinner Toasts: Who Gives 'Em & What to Expect

    Learn about the traditional and modern roles of speech-givers at the rehearsal dinner, from parents and wedding party to friends and out-of-town guests. Find out how to keep the toasts short, sweet and memorable.

  22. Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Or Toast Samples

    Learn how to write a memorable and heartfelt speech for your son's wedding rehearsal dinner with examples and tips from a public speaking expert. Watch videos of father of the groom toasts and get inspired by their stories and emotions.

  23. Exactly Who Gives Speeches at Weddings With a Printable Guide

    Exactly Who Gives Speeches at Weddings & When

  24. The Father of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

    Learn how to write a heartfelt and memorable speech for your son's wedding day, whether you give it at the rehearsal dinner or the reception. Find tips, examples, jokes and a template to help you express your feelings and welcome the new couple.

  25. 15 Rehearsal Dinner Prayers for a Prewedding Blessing

    Find rehearsal dinner prayer ideas for different occasions and styles, from short and sweet to simple and heartfelt. Learn who says the prayer, how to avoid awkward topics and what to include in your blessing.