1. Writing an Essay on a Controversial Issue

    same sex marriage controversial essay

  2. Same Sex Marriage Essay

    same sex marriage controversial essay

  3. Same Sex Marriage Essay Example Free Essay Example

    same sex marriage controversial essay

  4. Debate on gay marriage essay

    same sex marriage controversial essay

  5. (PDF) 'But if you legalise same-sex marriage...': Arguments against

    same sex marriage controversial essay

  6. Same sex marriage

    same sex marriage controversial essay


  1. An Argument Against Same-Sex Marriage: An Interview with Rick ...

    Some people in favor of gay marriage have argued for a “go-slow” approach, acknowledging that we’re in largely unknown territory and that a majority of Americans are not yet comfortable with same-sex marriage.

  2. Should Gay Marriage Be Legal? 6 Pros and Cons

    Proponents of legal gay marriage contend that gay marriage bans are discriminatory and unconstitutional, and that same-sex couples should have access to all the benefits enjoyed by different-sex couples.

  3. A Contentious Debate: Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S.

    Most supporters of same-sex marriage contend that gay and lesbian couples should be treated no differently than their heterosexual counterparts and that they should be able to marry like anyone else.

  4. An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate - Pew Research Center

    The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ignited a nationwide debate in late 2003 when it ruled that the state must allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. Almost overnight, same-sex marriage became a major national issue, pitting religious and social conservatives against gay-rights advocates and their allies.

  5. The Argument for Same-Sex Marriage - University of Pennsylvania

    In The Argument for Same-Sex Marriage, Professors Tebbe and Widiss revisit the arguments they made in Equal Access and the Right to Marry and emphasize their belief that distinguishing between different-sex marriage and same-sex marriage is inappropriate.

  6. Same-sex marriage: What you need to know

    Being denied the right to marry reinforces the stigma associated with a minority sexual identity. Researchers have found that living in a state where same-sex marriage is outlawed can lead to chronic social stress and mental health problems.

  7. The Fundamental Argument for Same-Sex Marriage -

    Richard McDonough. The present paper takes its point of departure from “McDonough’s Logical Argument” (hereafter MLA) that “gays” have traditionally had the same marital rights as “straights”, namely to marry one eligible person of the opposite gender.

  8. Same-Sex Marriage and Beyond - Taylor & Francis Online

    Proponents of same-sex marriage claim that it would promote true equality for gays and lesbians by making it possible for same-sex couples to be full citizens through accessing the full range of benefits that marriage offers to heterosexual couples (more than 1,000 in the United States; United States General Accounting Office, 1996).

  9. 3 A Public Debate on Same-Sex Marriage - Oxford Academic

    Although marriage equality is on the verge of widespread legalization and acceptance, this chapter provides a survey of its volatile and visible politics between 1996 and 2006, in the aftermath of the Hawaii Supreme Court’s nod toward validating same-sex marriage.

  10. The Social Imagination of Homosexuality and the Rise of Same ...

    The rapid increase in support for same-sex marriage in the United States today must be interpreted in light of changes in the deep structures of American culture, which cause Americans to imagine homosexuality differently than they did three decades ago.