How to write a great work anniversary speech

Writing and giving a speech can be intimidating, especially if that’s not a typical part of your job.

But, writing a celebratory work anniversary speech is easier than it might seem , especially now that you’ve found this blog post!  đŸ˜‰

The speech objectives

Every great speech has clear objectives.

A celebratory work anniversary speech has these two objectives:

Make the long-serving employee feel special and appreciated đŸ„°

Help others listening to the speech feel a deeper connection with the long-serving employee

Keep the goal of maximizing those two objectives in mind as you choose what to include in the speech and what not to include.

And, remember that the second objective is as important as the first. While you’re there to honor the long-serving employee, you also need to provide value to the rest of the audience.


Great speeches start with great preparation. đŸ€”

Your knowledge and view of the long-serving employee is just your narrow perspective. You can add to the richness and depth of your speech by reaching out to others who have been close to the long-serving employee over the years. Try to get to as many of their managers and their managers’ managers as you can. Also, reach out to colleagues who have been close to them over the years. If people from their personal life will be there for the speech, try to reach out to them, too.

Here are five great questions to ask :

What would you consider their biggest accomplishments since they joined?

What’s your favorite memory from working with them?

What do you appreciate most about them?

Do you have any photos of them or their accomplishments? (If you’re talking to their significant other, you can also ask for pictures of them with their family, doing treasured hobbies, and perhaps even embarrassing photos from their youth. If they work for a train company, find these photos ! đŸš‚)

Who else should I make sure I reach out to with these questions?

The answers to these questions will help you build up a lot of material for your speech.

Speech structure

The person organizing the event should be able to give you an idea of how long the speech should be. Shorter is generally better. Don’t be afraid to cut good material to bring more attention to the great material. (The times in parentheses are just guidelines and are assuming a 5-10 minute speech.)

Start by thanking your audience for joining you to honor and celebrate the past however many years that the honoree has been with the organization. If the organization has a clear and well-communicated mission or purpose, then you’ll want to mention that it’s about more than just time, it’s also about contributing to the mission or purpose. (15-30 seconds)

If you have them, show the photos from their personal life next. Your primary goal in this section is to help the audience get to know the employee better. If something from their personal life can in some way be connected to their work, mentioning that is fine, but it’s not necessary to find connections. (0-120 seconds)

Next, mention their start date and year . Try to come up with a visual for it. A photo of them when they started is best, but a photo showing the organization when they started, such as the building or a product can also work. Barring that, you can flash up references to pop culture in that year like popular movies or songs. (15-30 seconds)

Then, tell the personal story of how you met them . If you have a picture of the two of you together, that’s amazing, though rare. Sharing a first impression that would go on to foreshadow their contributions works well here. You can also joke about how neither of you were probably expecting or thinking about this moment back then, which can be a fun lead in to sharing that you are honored to be the one chosen to give the speech. (60-120 seconds)

Then, for the bulk of the speech, mine the accomplishments, memories, and what colleagues appreciate most that you captured in the preparation . Showing any related pictures adds to the interest level. (3-6 minutes)

End with heartfelt gratitude for the employee’s contribution to the organization and for all the people they’ve impacted, and ask for a round of applause. 🙏 (30 seconds)

What not to do

Celebratory work anniversary speeches are really positive, and not much can go wrong , but we have assembled this small list to be aware of:

Don’t make divisive or insensitive comments that could alienate some of your audience. Unless you’ve run it by and got the okay from at least three folks who are more timid than you, avoid politics, race, national origin, religion, and sex . đŸš«

Don’t make anyone feel bad . For example, don’t mention who the employee beat out for a promotion. Don’t dwell on big mistakes that the employee cleaned up.

Don’t end with a mention of your desire for the employee to continue to stay for a long time . That can taint an otherwise celebratory speech with the tinge of self-centeredness. The speech is meant to be a celebration of the past, not an attempt to influence the future.

Don’t forget to practice!

Ever seen an amazing speech? It’s not because the speaker was more talented than you, it’s because they practiced.

Admittedly, celebratory work anniversary speeches are not high stakes, but you will honor the long-serving employee more, and look better yourself, if you practice .

Here are a few things to keep in mind when practicing:

Slow down. 🐱 Most people speak too fast when speaking publicly. Your speech is important. You want people to be able to be able to both understand and relish it. Pause after particularly powerful statements.

Time your speech. It’s probably longer than you think, especially if you succeed at slowing down your speaking.

Ask whoever is listening for ideas for improvement more than once . The first time, most people will say something encouraging, but unhelpful, like “it was great”.

It’s highly recommended that you practice a couple times on your own, and then practice a couple times in front of at least one other person. (Think the speech is too long to do that? One trick is to make the speech shorter. đŸ™‚)

Final thoughts

You’re going to do great and everyone is rooting for you to succeed.

You very well might create one of the most memorable highlights of someone’s career!

Have fun, and good luck! â˜˜ïž

Want an editable and printable version of this blog post that you can provide to work anniversary speakers at your event?

Google Doc and Microsoft Word versions are available .

Check out more work anniversary blog posts.

How to celebrate big work anniversaries at your company holiday party this year

Thoughts on why work anniversaries usually aren’t great

Attilio Reinhardt Event Emcee Host Speaker

What to Say in a Company Anniversary Speech: Ideas and Tips

As an emcee for company anniversary events, one of my key responsibilities is to introduce the individuals who will be delivering the company anniversary speech. However, it is not uncommon for these speakers to seek my guidance on what to say and how to deliver their speeches effectively.

Celebrating a corporate anniversary with an event is a great opportunity, but the main speech is a responsibility. If you are preparing your speech, I will provide some ideas and tips to assist you.

1. Reflect on the Company’s Journey

A company anniversary is a significant milestone that calls for reflection on the journey and achievements of the organization. That’s why you should highlight key milestones, challenges overcome, and successes achieved throughout the years. This will help create a sense of pride among the audience.

2. Acknowledge and Appreciate Employees

A company anniversary speech is an ideal opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for the employees’ hard work and dedication. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of individuals and teams, highlighting their commitment and the role they played in the company’s growth and success.

3. Share Success Stories

Success stories are powerful tools to inspire and motivate the audience. To do this, share specific examples of projects, initiatives, or individuals who have made a significant impact on the company’s success. These stories should highlight the values and culture of the organization.

4. Discuss Future Goals and Vision

A company anniversary speech should not only focus on past achievements but also look towards the future. It’s the moment to discuss the company’s vision, goals, and plans for the future. This will instill confidence in the audience and create excitement for what lies ahead.

5. Connect with the Audience

Effective communication is about connecting with the audience on an emotional level. That’s why you should share personal anecdotes, experiences, or challenges they you faced during their journey with the company. This will help create a genuine connection with the audience and make the speech more relatable.

6. Use Visual Aids

Visual aids such as slides or videos can enhance the impact of a company anniversary speech. Incorporate relevant visuals that support your key points or showcase memorable moments from the company’s history. However, it is important to ensure that these visual aids are not overpowering and do not distract from your message.

7. Practice and Rehearse

Delivery is as important as the content itself. I suggest you to practice and rehearse your speech to ensure a confident and engaging delivery. Some good techniques are recording yourself, seeking feedback from trusted colleagues, or even engaging in public speaking courses to improve your presentation skills.

8. Keep it Concise and Engaging

A company anniversary speech should be concise and engaging to hold the audience’s attention. Keep your speech within a reasonable time limit and avoid unnecessary jargon or technical details. You should aim to deliver a speech that is both informative and enjoyable for the audience.

9. End on a Positive Note

End your speech on a positive and inspiring note. It’s the moment to express your optimism for the future, thank the audience for their support, and leave the attendees with a sense of pride and excitement about the company’s journey ahead.

Remember, each company anniversary speech is unique, and it is important to tailor the content and delivery to the specific audience and company culture. These ideas and tips will help you in delivering a memorable and impactful speech that celebrate the company’s achievements and inspire the audience.

Contact a professional Emcee

I am an Emcee  in Milan, Rome and all over Italy, I work in private and corporate events, conferences and all types of events. I am also a Facilitator for Team Building. If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to  contact me »

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50 Meaningful Work Anniversary Messages

Published: August 9, 2023

Last Updated: May 8, 2024

  13 min read

By: Anouare Abdou

Work Anniversary Messages

Work anniversary messages provide a vital opportunity for employee recognition, which fosters a healthy culture and boosts engagement and retention. Here are 50 meaningful employee anniversary message examples to inspire you.

You probably celebrate events such as your wedding anniversary or your best friend’s birthday. Professional milestones like work anniversaries matter just as much. Writing a thoughtful message to acknowledge a team member’s job tenure is a small gesture that can have a big impact.

“Celebrating work anniversaries is a simple yet powerful way to let employees know how much we value their hard work and dedication. It's all about making them feel appreciated, and that positivity can do wonders for their motivation and engagement,” says Zianya Escamilla, Senior People and Culture Business Partner at Unito . “Considering that lack of recognition is a major reason people leave their jobs, why not seize this chance to make our team feel special?”

What Are Work Anniversary Messages?

Enter work anniversary messages. What exactly do they consist of? A work anniversary message can take various forms, from a handwritten card to an acknowledgment on LinkedIn or a speech at a work event.

A good employee anniversary message should include words of appreciation for a person’s contributions in the workplace. Specific examples of the impact of their contributions on their team and organization are key. You can also include personal anecdotes or mention the way a person has impacted you as a work friend if your relationship warrants it. The core purpose of the message is recognition, so keep that in mind while writing your note.

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The Importance of Acknowledging Work Anniversaries

Employee recognition  increases employee engagement and promotes a healthy work environment. However, less than a quarter of employees strongly agree that their organization has a system in place to recognize professional milestones such as work anniversaries, according to Gallup research . This means that there is an opportunity to seize.

According to Escamilla, work anniversaries are more than fun celebrations – they can be leveraged as a tool to strengthen the bond between employees and their organization. Acknowledging the dedication of your employees creates positive feelings and makes them feel valued, which, in turn, boosts loyalty, productivity and employee retention . “Knowing we appreciate their contributions motivates them to keep giving their best. Plus, work anniversaries bring teams together, fostering a strong sense of belonging and promoting a collaborative, positive culture. It's a win-win for everyone,” she adds.

Karyn Martin, leadership expert and President and CEO of Interprise/Southwest Interior & Space Design, agrees. She wishes more leaders understood how important work anniversaries are to people, and how easy it is to acknowledge them: “Recognizing work anniversaries is important because it shows the employee – and the world around them – that their time stands for something. People want to stay in companies where they are ‘seen’, especially by senior management, so recognizing work anniversaries is critical to keeping your best talent . It’s only human to feel happier and do better work when your contributions are recognized.”

While sending a meaningful work anniversary message can have a long-lasting impact on morale, the opposite is also true: forgetting a milestone can be damaging. “Looking at it from the employees’ point of view, they know that it’s simple to put things in annual calendars, so if their milestone – whether it is a birthday or a work anniversary – slips by unmentioned, they know that leadership just didn’t care enough to input the dates and acknowledge the employee’s service milestones,” says Martin.

In other words, make sure you celebrate each work anniversary.

Appropriate and Impactful Work Anniversary Messages

Crafting an appropriate and impactful work anniversary message can be tricky. You want it to feel personal yet be workplace-friendly. Maybe you’re questioning whether a funny work anniversary message would work well or is best avoided. To strike the right balance between personal and professional and lighthearted and serious, get inspiration from the examples below.

1-year work anniversary messages

An Entelo study  revealed that people are most likely to leave after their first year, making it a critical work anniversary to celebrate. A one-year work anniversary message should highlight the employee’s successful integration into their team and company.

  • Happy one-year work anniversary! It’s only been a year and it’s hard to imagine our team without you now. I appreciate your hard work and contributions and can’t wait to see what the future holds!
  • Congratulations on your one-year work anniversary! I am thrilled that you have joined our team. Thank you for your hard work and dedication and the positive attitude you bring to the table.
  • Happy work anniversary! Seeing how much you’ve evolved in only a year has been amazing. It’s a pleasure to work with you and I’m excited to get to know you more in the next year. Thank you for all the great work.
  • Congratulations on wrapping up your first year at [name of company] . I love how effortlessly you fit right into our team and brought so much value to [project examples] . I am excited about what else we can do together!
  • Happy one-year work anniversary! Thank you for making a positive impact on our team from the get-go. We are grateful to work with you and can’t wait to keep collaborating in the year to come.

5-year work anniversary messages

If someone has been with a company for five years, they’re either going to end up staying for much longer or start looking for other challenges. Make sure they feel special with a five-year work anniversary message, which should be more personalized than a one-year one and include several mentions of the employee’s contributions through the years.

  • Wow, five years already! I still remember the time you [example of contribution or anecdote] . You’ve kept crushing it since then, especially [mention other examples of contributions] . Thank you for being such a rockstar and an invaluable team player. I hope to share many more wins with you in the future.
  • Congratulations on reaching your five-year work anniversary. Thank you for your [list of strengths and skills] . Our team is lucky to have you as both a coworker and a friend. It’s been a pleasure to watch you grow and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
  • Happy five-year work anniversary! Your skills and contributions have been instrumental to our success, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . Thank you for your relentless commitment and positive energy. We are lucky to have you!
  • Congratulations on your five-year work anniversary! It’s been a pleasure to share this journey with you as both a coworker and a friend. I am inspired by your [list of strengths and skills] and am looking forward to continuing to work together. Thank you for being such an awesome team player!
  • Thank you for five years of dedication, hard work and lots of laughter. You make the workplace brighter and have helped us achieve so many goals, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . We are grateful to celebrate this milestone with you.

10-year work anniversary messages

A 10-year anniversary is no small feat. If someone has been with your company for 10 years, a significant celebration should be in order, from organizing a catered team lunch to giving a unique gift alongside a thoughtful message.

  • Congratulations on your 10-year work anniversary. You’ve helped make this company what it is today through your contributions in the past decade. From taking [department/project] to the next level to always showing up with a smile, you bring so much value to the table. Thank you for your passion and commitment. Celebrate well!
  • Wow, 10 years! Congratulations on reaching this huge milestone. You’ve experienced so many changes here in the past decade and you’ve navigated them all with grace and skill. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our team and organization. You are an inspiration!
  • Thank you for an amazing decade of service. It has been such a pleasure to work with you over the last few years and witness your [skills and strengths] in action. I especially admire the way you’ve [example of contribution or anecdote] . It’s an honor to celebrate this milestone with you!
  • Congratulations on your 10-year work anniversary. Time flies by when you’re well-surrounded and we are lucky to have you. Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . You’ve helped make this workplace what it is today. Cheers to your accomplishments!

20-year work anniversary messages

Being with a company for 20 years is huge. 20-year work anniversary messages should focus on the impact that the employee has had on the organization over the years and be accompanied by a gift.

  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! Thank you for your unwavering loyalty to this organization. From [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] , you’ve made so many impactful contributions over the past two decades that it would be impossible to list them all. You are an inspiration to anyone who has had the pleasure of working with you.
  • Congratulations on your 20-year work anniversary! I feel so lucky to have had the chance to work with you over the years. I’ve learned so much from you, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . You’ve helped make this company successful while positively impacting your colleagues. Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do.
  • Congratulations on this impressive career milestone – you make 20 years of tenure look easy but I know you’ve put in countless hours of effort to become the professional you are today. You inspire our team with your [skills and strengths] and we feel so fortunate to work with you.
  • Thank you for giving your 100% over the past two decades. Your [skills and strengths] have been essential to the growth and success of this organization. We are proud to call you a coworker and honored that you’ve chosen to work with us!
  • Happy 20-year work anniversary! Thank you for reminding us all that hard work and dedication pay off. From [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] , you have shown time and time again that you are an outstanding team player. You embody the values of this company and lead by example. We are so grateful for all you have done here!

25-year work anniversary messages

Bust out the balloons because a 25-year work anniversary is a rare occurrence these days. This is a time to celebrate an employee’s professional journey. Dig into their accomplishments and promotions and look for personal anecdotes to make your work anniversary message extra special.

  • Congratulations on your 25th work anniversary! This is a huge accomplishment and we are lucky that you have chosen to grow with us over the years. From starting as a [role] to successfully evolving into a [role] and a [role] , your career here is truly an inspiration. Your hard work and contributions have been invaluable to our success, from [example of contribution] to [example of contribution] . And you’ve done it all with a smile on your face. Thank you!
  • Happy 25-year work anniversary! Thank you for your unwavering commitment to greatness – you continue to inspire us with your [skills and strengths] and positively impact everyone around you. There are no words to express the immense impact you’ve had on this organization, such as the time you [anecdote or example of contribution] . Celebrate well – you deserve it!
  • It’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years since you joined the company. From [anecdote] to [anecdote] , anyone who has been lucky enough to work with you can speak to your [skills and strengths] . It’s a pleasure to work with you and I admire your dedication and loyalty. Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do!
  • Happy 25-year work anniversary and congratulations on reaching such an impressive career milestone! From working as a [role] to [role] , your professional journey is an inspiration and you embody the qualities required to succeed in the workplace and in life. We are so lucky to have you and grateful for your contributions throughout the years – this company wouldn’t be what it is today without you!
  • Wow, 25 years! Thank you for being an example of commitment and perseverance and for your invaluable contributions to the success of this company. From [example of contribution] as a [role] to [example of contribution] as a [role] , you show up with [skills and strengths] and keep crushing it regardless of the challenge. Thank you for being you and for inspiring us all in the process. Congratulations!

Work anniversary messages for your boss

Bosses deserve appreciation too. When crafting a work anniversary message for anyone in a leadership position, it’s always nice to mention their impact as a leader. 

  • Congratulations on reaching another big milestone! Your leadership is a daily source of inspiration and it’s truly a pleasure to learn from you. Happy work anniversary!
  • Thank you for leading by example and setting such a high standard for our team. Wishing you a happy work anniversary and looking forward to many more years of success together!
  • Celebrating another year of your inspiring leadership! Your vision and support help our team thrive. Here's to another year of crushing goals. Happy work anniversary!
  • On your work anniversary, we want to express our appreciation for your leadership and guidance. Your passion and commitment inspire us to give our best every day. Cheers to another year of working together towards greatness. Happy anniversary!
  • Congratulations on another year of leading with excellence! We are so grateful for your mentorship and support. Here's to another year of achievements and collaboration. Happy work anniversary!

Work anniversary messages for close work friends

Forming close friendships at work is common. When celebrating the work anniversary of your office bestie, it’s OK – and encouraged – to get a little more personal. 

  • Happy work anniversary to my dear friend! It's been awesome to witness your growth and successes over the years. Here's to many more years of chasing dreams and evolving alongside each other!
  • Celebrating another year of collaborating with you and learning from you, my friend! Your hard work and passion inspire me daily. Here's to another year of shared wins and memorable career highlights. Happy work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on reaching another career milestone! Your friendship and support have enriched my life at work in countless ways. Wishing you continued growth and success in your career. Cheers to many more years of friendship and collaboration!
  • Happy work anniversary, buddy! Time does indeed fly when you're having fun – and it’s a blast to work with you. Here's to another year of learning, laughing, and crushing goals together!
  • Cheers to another year of growing and celebrating wins together! I am so grateful for your friendship – it makes every day at work that much more fulfilling. Wishing you a happy work anniversary!

Funny work anniversary messages

When someone is a good friend and also happens to have a great sense of humor, you can keep things light-hearted with a funny work anniversary message. Stay appropriate, of course, but don’t be afraid to crack a joke or two. 

  • Happy work anniversary! Can you believe it's been [X] years of pretending to know what we’re talking about? Here's to many more years of meme-sharing and goal-crushing!
  • Congratulations on surviving another year of office shenanigans! Your ability to tolerate my barrage of Slack messages deserves a medal. Here's to another year of strategically dodging meetings so we can get actual work done. Cheers!
  • Happy work anniversary! I don’t know what I would do without our daily coffee breaks and inside jokes. Thanks for making the mundane moments more enjoyable and the big work milestones easier to achieve!
  • Can you believe it's been [X] years of perfectly balancing procrastination with productivity? So grateful for my work BFF. Happy work anniversary!
  • Can’t believe it’s already been [X] years of coming up with the best acronyms together! It’s always a pleasure to work with you. Keep crushing it, you office rockstar!

Simple work anniversary messages

Sometimes less is more. If you’re not sure what to say or how to say it, you can’t go wrong with a simple yet thoughtful work anniversary message. 

  • Happy work anniversary! Your hard work is truly appreciated.
  • Congratulations on another year with us! Thank you for your ongoing commitment to growth and success.
  • Grateful for your valuable contributions this year and every year. Happy work anniversary!
  • Congratulations on your work anniversary! Wishing you continued joy and success in your career.
  • Congrats on reaching another milestone. Your hard work and positive attitude do not go unnoticed.

Work anniversary messages for remote workers

Remote workers are more at risk of feeling disengaged. When sending a hybrid or remote team member a work anniversary message, make sure to acknowledge that their contributions are felt from a distance – your words can help make them feel included and valued. 

  • Congratulations on your work anniversary! Even though we're collaborating remotely, your contributions are felt every day in our team. Here's to another year of success!
  • Happy work anniversary! Your dedication to your role, even from miles away, is truly admirable. Here's to many more years of asynchronous teamwork and Slack banter!
  • Celebrating another year of outstanding virtual collaboration! Your commitment to excellence is felt and appreciated, even through a screen. Happy work anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary! Despite the distance, your impact on our team is immeasurable. Here's to another year of teamwork and wins!
  • Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your ability to excel in your role, even from a distance, is inspiring. Thanks for making remote collaboration such a pleasure!

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Tips for writing a stellar work anniversary message

Writing a meaningful anniversary message is all about striking the right balance of sincerity, appreciation and professionalism. Here are some tips to help you craft a stellar one.  

Reflect on the recipient’s accomplishments

Highlighting specific achievements or anecdotes is one of the best ways to amp up the meaningfulness factor of a work anniversary message. It shows that you’ve been paying attention. Before writing a single word, take the time to reflect on the recipient’s accomplishments. 

Express gratitude

Remember that the main intent of a work anniversary message is to express gratitude, so make that the core of your message. Thank the recipient for their dedication, hard work, and commitment to the team. Be clear about the impact of their efforts. 

Keep it positive

A work anniversary message is not the time to give constructive feedback. Always focus on the positive and use the occasion as an opportunity to celebrate what has gone and is going well. 

Be mindful of tone

Consider your relationship with the recipient when choosing the tone of your message. Are you going for friendly and informal, polished and formal, or somewhere in between? What’s more appropriate given the context? Be mindful and always keep things professional and aligned with company culture, even with more casual notes. 

Keep it concise 

While it's important to express your appreciation, there is such a thing as a work anniversary message that’s too long. Rambling or including unnecessary details can dilute the impact of your words. 

Express your excitement for the future 

Not sure how to wrap up? Always end your message with a note about the future and your confidence in the recipient’s continued success within the company.  

Proofread carefully  

Finally, read through your message one last time with fresh eyes before sending it. Errors and typos can turn a great attempt at showing appreciation into one that appears half-hearted. 

Tips to Deliver Employee Anniversary Messages

The messages above can be used as a starting point to craft your own personalized note. Don’t be afraid to add your individual touch based on your unique relationship with the employee and the context of your team and organization. As far as delivering your message, there are many ways to go about it. Let the tips below guide you.

Do it during an all-hands meeting

Do you hold regular all-hands meetings? Use them as an opportunity to recognize work anniversaries and you’ll have a simple system to celebrate every milestone. Have all attendees cheer and celebrate each milestone and watch your team members beam with pride. Public recognition is powerful because it makes people feel valued for their contributions. 

Integrate work anniversaries into your onboarding process

You can also integrate work anniversaries into your onboarding process by asking employees about their preferences. For instance, when new employees join Escamilla’s organization, they are offered a choice between a gift card or company swag for their anniversary. This step in the process kicks things off on a positive note and lets people choose how they would prefer to be acknowledged. 

PTO and a personal note are always appreciated

If you’re looking for universally appreciated gift ideas, PTO is always well-received. First, it sends the message that hard work should be balanced out by a fulfilling personal life. Treating people like human beings with other priorities outside of work is a pillar of a healthy culture. There’s also the fact that it’s hard to miss the mark when offering extra time off – almost all workers would be enthusiastic about this perk. Just make sure to accompany the gesture with a thoughtful message. 

Allocate a budget for personalized surprises

Personalized work anniversary gifts are always better than generic corporate ones. Allocate a budget for work anniversary celebrations so you can come up with interesting ideas year-round as milestones come up. Get to know each team member and their interests so that you can pick something that genuinely fits their taste and personality – they’ll be touched and truly feel that they are part of a caring team. An Employee recognition platform like Applauz has an integrated service awards management program that simplifies the process of recognizing milestones and ensures that employees get meaningful gifts and the recognition they deserve. Gifts aren’t the only option. Depending on your budget, a lunch outing can be a nice way to celebrate too. If you’re on a tight budget, you can still do something small yet impactful, like leaving their favorite Starbucks drink with a note on their desk. 

Go the extra mile for the big milestones

That said, if someone has been with the company for a decade or more, it’s important to allocate resources to mark the occasion in a significant way. Getting upper management involved is a nice touch. For example, a senior leader can present the guests of honor with a gift and thank them for their contributions over the years.

Make it fun

Don’t forget to have fun. It’s a key piece of the puzzle when delivering a work anniversary message, after all. This is a happy occasion, especially in a time when employee retention is harder to achieve. Now that you have a wealth of insights to help craft the perfect note, it’s time to celebrate. 

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Work Anniversary Messages-FAQ

When should i send a work anniversary message.

Sending a work anniversary message on the day of the anniversary or right around then is your best bet. This shows that you remembered the occasion and took the time to highlight it. If you're unsure of the exact date, check with HR or other coworkers – and build a calendar of work anniversaries so you can easily keep future ones on your radar.

Is it OK to send a work anniversary message virtually?

Yes, you can absolutely send a work anniversary message virtually, through company communication channels or a video call. Nowadays, virtual communication is often widely accepted and preferred, especially for hybrid and remote teams.

Should I include a gift with a work anniversary message?

It depends on the context. You don’t need to include a gift with a work anniversary message. Ultimately, the most important thing is to convey your genuine appreciation for the recipient’s contributions. That said, a little something can be thoughtful if you have the budget for it. And a bigger gift is definitely called for when it comes to celebrating longer tenures. Common gift ideas for coworkers include gift cards, rewards, and personalized items based on the recipient’s personality and preferences.

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9 Things You Should Do to Write a Meaningful Work Anniversary Letter

speech employee anniversary

Employee Recognition Letter Samples for the Perfect Celebration

  2 min

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speech employee anniversary

75 Best work anniversary wishes examples & messages

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With the average tenure of an employee steadily decreasing over the last ten years, the significance of recognizing and commemorating the dedication and contributions of those who have stood the test of time within an organization cannot be overstated.

The significance of work anniversaries extends beyond mere acknowledgment. They play a crucial role in employee retention and engagement by reinforcing a sense of loyalty and commitment . Acknowledging work anniversaries demonstrates that the organization values its employees and is invested in their long-term growth and success.

In light of this, the compilation of 75 best work anniversary wishes, examples and messages will work as a resource that encapsulates genuine sentiments, heartfelt gratitude, and the art of acknowledging employee milestones .

What is a work anniversary?

Three employees are celebrating through video conference.

A work anniversary , also known as a job anniversary or service anniversary, refers to the annual commemoration of an employee's tenure or time spent working for a particular organization. It signifies the number of years an individual has been employed by the company, starting from their initial date of hire. Work anniversaries are significant milestones that celebrate an employee's loyalty, dedication, and contributions to the organization.

These anniversaries can hold great importance for both employees and employers. They provide an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the commitment and hard work of employees, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation within the workforce . Work anniversaries are often marked by various forms of acknowledgment, such as:

  • Celebratory events: Many organizations hold special events, such as lunches, dinners, or small gatherings, to honor employees on their work anniversaries. These events allow colleagues and management to unite to express their appreciation and share in the celebration.
  • Gifts and rewards: Employers often offer gifts, awards, or bonuses to employees on their work anniversaries. These tokens of appreciation can range from personalized items to monetary rewards, recognizing the employee's contribution to the company's success.
  • Certificates and recognition: Some organizations provide employees with certificates or plaques commemorating their work anniversaries. Public recognition during team meetings or company-wide communications can also contribute to a sense of accomplishment and pride.
  • Additional benefits: Some companies offer additional benefits or perks to employees as they reach specific work anniversary milestones. These benefits might include extra vacation days, increased flexibility, or access to professional development opportunities .
  • Social media and internal communication: Companies often utilize social media platforms or internal communication channels to publicly acknowledge employees' work anniversaries. Sharing stories and accomplishments can boost morale and encourage a culture of recognition within the organization.

Why should leaders pay importance to celebrating their employees’ work anniversary?

Employees are celebrating their colleague's work anniversary with cake and balloons

Celebrating employees' work anniversaries holds significant importance for leaders and organizations. It goes beyond being a mere ritual; it's a strategic initiative that fosters a positive workplace culture , enhances employee engagement , and contributes to long-term organizational success.

Here are several compelling reasons why leaders should prioritize celebrating their employees' work anniversaries:

Employee recognition and appreciation : Recognizing work anniversaries demonstrates that leaders value their employees' commitment and contributions. It provides a tangible expression of appreciation for their dedication, motivating employees to continue putting in their best effort .

Boosts morale and motivation: Celebrating work anniversaries creates a positive and uplifting atmosphere. It boosts employees' morale, helps them feel valued, and reinforces their sense of belonging to the organization , which, in turn, leads to higher levels of motivation.

Retention and loyalty: Recognizing work anniversaries reinforces commitment and encourages employees to remain with the organization. When employees feel appreciated and recognized, they are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and its associated costs.

Organizational culture : A culture of appreciation and recognition is vital for employee satisfaction and overall organizational success. Celebrating work anniversaries contributes to a culture where people feel respected and supported, thereby enhancing employee engagement and commitment.

Team bonding: Work anniversary celebrations provide opportunities for colleagues to come together and bond in a relaxed setting. This strengthens interpersonal relationships, promotes teamwork , and fosters a sense of camaraderie.

Showcases leadership's caring attitude: Demonstrating that leaders care about employees' milestones outside of work fosters a sense of empathy and understanding. This caring attitude enhances the leader's reputation and trustworthiness among the workforce.

Positive public relations: Recognizing employees' work anniversaries can be shared on social media or in company communications. This portrays the organization as not just a committed employee but a great place to work, attracting potential talent and enhancing its reputation in the job market.

Reinforces shared values: Celebrating work anniversaries underscores the organization's commitment to its core values. It highlights the company's dedication to recognizing employees for their contributions , aligning with the values of fairness and appreciation.

Encourages long-term dedication: When employees see that their years of service are valued, they are more likely to feel invested in the organization's success over the long term. This dedication can translate into improved performance and a stronger commitment to achieving organizational goals.

Promotes well-being: Positive recognition positively impacts employees' mental and emotional well-being . Feeling appreciated and acknowledged contributes to reduced stress levels and overall job satisfaction.

How to write and congratulate an employee on their work anniversary?

Employees are appreciating each other with hi-fis and pat on the back

Writing a heartfelt and sincere congratulatory message to an employee on their work anniversary can foster a positive and appreciative workplace culture . Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting a thoughtful work anniversary message:

Begin with a warm greeting: Start your message with a friendly and respectful salutation, addressing the employee by their name.

Express sincere congratulations: Begin your message by expressing your genuine congratulations for the employee's work anniversary. Use positive and enthusiastic language to convey your excitement for their achievement .

Acknowledge their contribution : Mention the employee's contributions and achievements during their time with the company. Highlight specific projects, milestones, or qualities that have made a positive impact.

Personalize the message: Personalize the message by including a specific detail about the employee's journey or role within the organization. This shows that you've taken the time to reflect on their unique experiences.

Share positive traits: Compliment the employee's strengths, dedication, and positive qualities . Acknowledge their hard work, commitment, and the value they bring to the team.

Highlight team and organizational impact: Describe how the employee's efforts have contributed to the success of the team and the organization as a whole. Show how their work has been integral to achieving common goals.

Express gratitude: Express your gratitude for the employee's contributions, emphasizing how their dedication has positively influenced the workplace and their colleagues.

Wish for future success: Offer well wishes for the future, expressing hope for continued growth, success, and fulfillment in their career journey.

Reiterate congratulations: Close your message with a reaffirmation of your congratulations on your work. Use a positive closing statement to leave a lasting impression.

Sign off: Sign off with a warm closing, such as "Best wishes," "Sincerely," or "With gratitude." Include your name and title to add a personal touch.

Remember to tailor the message to the employee's specific achievements and your relationship with them. A personalized and heartfelt message will make the employee feel genuinely appreciated and valued on their special day.

Top 75 best work anniversary wishes to appreciate your colleagues on their work anniversaries

Four employees are celebrating work anniversary by dancing and holding balloons

Celebrating colleagues' work anniversaries is a testament to their dedication and contributions. As we acknowledge their commitment, it's an opportune time to convey heartfelt appreciation.

Delve into the following compilation of the top 75 work anniversary wishes, brimming with sincerity and gratitude, to make their milestone even more memorable.

Work anniversary messages for bosses

  • "Happy work anniversary, [Boss's Name]! Your leadership and guidance have been instrumental in our team's success. Your commitment to excellence is truly inspiring."
  • "Congratulations on another year of leading our team with grace and expertise, [Boss's Name]! Your vision and dedication continue to drive us towards greatness."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary, [Boss's Name]! Your leadership style fosters collaboration, and your support empowers us to excel. Here's to more years of your inspiring leadership."
  • "Happy anniversary, [Boss's Name]! Your leadership has been a guiding light, inspiring us to achieve more. Your dedication and mentorship are deeply appreciated."
  • "Congratulations on reaching another work anniversary, [Boss's Name]! Your leadership has transformed challenges into opportunities, and your passion is a driving force for us all."

Work anniversaries messages for employees

  • "Happy work anniversary! Your dedication and hard work are truly commendable. Thank you for being an integral part of our team."
  • "Congratulations on another year of excellence! Your contributions have been invaluable to our success. Here's to many more years of achievement."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your positive attitude and teamwork make a real difference. Keep shining!"
  • "Happy anniversary! Your commitment to quality and professionalism inspire us all. Thank you for your unwavering dedication."
  • "Cheers to your work anniversary! Your enthusiasm and dedication are greatly appreciated. Keep up the amazing work!"
  • "Congratulations on another year of success! Your hard work and positive energy continue to elevate our team."
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your dedication and passion make a real impact on our projects and our workplace."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your contributions and positive attitude brighten our team's spirit."
  • "Happy anniversary! Your commitment to excellence sets a high standard for us all. Thank you for your continuous hard work."
  • "Congratulations on another year of achievement! Your contributions are vital to our team's growth. Keep up the fantastic work!"
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication are truly appreciated. You are an integral part of our success."
  • "Cheers to your work anniversary! Your positive attitude and teamwork inspire us to achieve greatness together."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your hard work and dedication are commendable. Thank you for being an asset to our team."
  • "Congratulations on another year of excellence! Your contributions make a real impact, and your dedication is truly inspiring."
  • "Happy anniversary! Your commitment to our team's success is unwavering. Thank you for your dedication and hard work."
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your positive energy and passion are contagious. Thank you for your continuous efforts and teamwork."
  • "Cheers to another year of success! Your hard work and dedication are greatly valued. Here's to more achievements ahead."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your contributions and commitment are instrumental in our projects' success."
  • "Congratulations on another year of achievement! Your dedication and professionalism continue to set you apart."
  • "Happy anniversary! Your positive attitude and teamwork make you a valued member of our team. Keep up the amazing work!"
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your contributions and dedication are truly appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing commitment."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your hard work and enthusiasm inspire us all to reach for the stars."
  • "Congratulations on another year of excellence! Your positivity and dedication are remarkable. Keep shining!"
  • "Happy anniversary! Your commitment to our team's success is truly inspiring. Thank you for your continuous efforts."
  • "Cheers to another year of success! Your hard work and teamwork continue to drive us forward. Thank you for your dedication."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your contributions and positive attitude make a significant impact."
  • "Happy anniversary! Your dedication and passion shine through in everything you do. Thank you for your continuous hard work."
  • "Congratulations on another year of achievement! Your commitment and professionalism are truly commendable."
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your positive energy and teamwork make you an asset to our team. Thank you for your dedication."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your contributions and dedication make you an integral part of our success."

Work anniversaries messages for close colleagues

  • "Happy work anniversary! Our journey together has been filled with shared goals, laughter, and growth. Here's to many more years of collaboration and success."
  • "Congratulations on another year of achievements! Your dedication and friendship have made our work environment truly special. Cheers to us!"
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Working alongside you has been a privilege. Your dedication and camaraderie make every day enjoyable."
  • "Happy anniversary! Your commitment to excellence and our strong partnership continues to drive us forward. Here's to our continued success!"
  • "Cheers to your work anniversary! Our collaboration has been instrumental in our accomplishments. Thank you for your unwavering support and friendship."
  • "Congratulations on another year of shared achievements! Your dedication, creativity, and friendship have enriched our work journey."
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your positivity and teamwork inspire us all. Thank you to such a valuable member for being both a colleague and a friend."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your contributions and our close bond make facing challenges a breeze. Here's to our continued success together."
  • "Happy anniversary! Our teamwork and strong connection have contributed to our achievements. Thank you for your dedication and friendship."
  • "Cheers to another year of shared success! Your dedication and camaraderie have made our work environment truly special. Here's to more milestones!"
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your commitment and our close collaboration have been integral to our accomplishments."
  • "Happy anniversary! Our teamwork and mutual support have been key to our success. Thank you for being an amazing colleague and friend."
  • "Congratulations on another year of shared achievements! Your dedication and our strong partnership continue to make our projects shine."
  • "Happy work anniversary! Your positive attitude and friendship make every day at work enjoyable. Here's to our continued collaboration and success."
  • "Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your contributions and our close connection have been a driving force behind our accomplishments."

1-year work anniversaries messages

  • "Happy 1-year work anniversary! In just 365 days, you've already made a remarkable impact on our team. Your dedication and enthusiasm are truly inspiring."
  • "Congratulations on completing your first year with us! Your hard work and commitment have been instrumental in our achievements. Here's to many more years of success."
  • "Wishing you a happy 1-year work anniversary! Your positive attitude and rapid growth within the team are a testament to your dedication and potential."
  • "Happy anniversary of your first year with us! Your contributions have been invaluable, and we look forward to watching you achieve even greater heights in the years ahead."
  • "Cheers to your 1-year work anniversary! Your quick adaptability, dedication, and teamwork have made you an integral part of our journey. Here's to a future filled with continued growth and accomplishments."

5-year work anniversaries messages

  • "Happy 5-year work anniversary! Your dedication and commitment over these years have been nothing short of exceptional. Your contributions have left a lasting impact on our team."
  • "Congratulations on reaching the remarkable milestone of 5 years with us! Your consistent hard work, creativity, and leadership have been pivotal in our journey."
  • "Wishing you a joyous 5-year work anniversary! Your unwavering dedication and positive influence have helped shape our team's success. Here's to the next chapter!"
  • "Happy anniversary of 5 years with us! Your continuous growth, innovation, and resilience inspire us all. Thank you for your invaluable contributions."
  • "Cheers to your 5-year work anniversary! Your commitment, expertise, and teamwork have been instrumental in our achievements. Here's to many more years of success and collaboration."

10-year work anniversaries messages

  • "Happy 10-year work anniversary! A decade of dedication, growth, and accomplishments. Your journey has been nothing short of inspiring, and your impact on our team is immeasurable."
  • "Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone of 10 years with us! Your consistent dedication, leadership, and contributions have shaped our success in profound ways."
  • "Wishing you a heartfelt 10-year work anniversary! Your enduring commitment and positive influence have been the cornerstone of our team's achievements. Here's to your legacy!"
  • "Happy 10th anniversary with us! Your unwavering determination, expertise, and teamwork have been vital to our progress. Thank you for a decade of excellence."
  • "Cheers to your remarkable 10-year work anniversary! Your journey embodies dedication, innovation, and collaboration. Your impact is woven into our success story, and we're excited for the journey ahead."

25-year work anniversaries messages

  • "Happy 25-year work anniversary! Your quarter-century of dedication and unwavering commitment is an inspiration to us all. Your contributions have left an indelible mark on our team."
  • "Congratulations on reaching this remarkable milestone of 25 years with us! Your loyalty, leadership, and expertise have been integral to our journey and success."
  • "Wishing you a heartfelt 25-year work anniversary! Your enduring dedication and positive impact have helped shape our team's culture and achievements. Your legacy is truly impressive."
  • "Happy 25th anniversary with us! Your steadfast commitment, knowledge, and collaboration have been vital to our growth and accomplishments. Thank you for a quarter-century of excellence."
  • "Cheers to your extraordinary 25-year work anniversary! Your journey is a testament to your dedication, resilience, and leadership. Your contributions have been pivotal, and your legacy is etched into our story."

50-year work anniversaries messages

  • "Happy 50-year work anniversary! A half-century of dedication, leadership, and remarkable contributions. Your journey is a beacon of inspiration for us all."
  • "Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone of 50 years with us! Your unwavering commitment, expertise, and positive influence have shaped our organization's history."
  • "Wishing you a heartfelt 50-year work anniversary! Your enduring dedication has left an indelible mark on our team. Your legacy is a source of pride and admiration."
  • "Happy 50th anniversary with us! Your steadfast commitment, knowledge, and leadership have been instrumental in our success. Your contributions are immeasurable."
  • "Cheers to your extraordinary 50-year work anniversary! Your journey is an embodiment of dedication, wisdom, and impact. Your legacy is woven into the fabric of our organization, and we're honored to celebrate this remarkable milestone with you."

Top 10 Work anniversary activities an HR should try for their employees

Employees are celebrating work anniversary together

Celebrating work anniversaries is an excellent way for HR departments to acknowledge and appreciate their employees' dedication and contributions. Here are ten creative and effective work anniversary activities that HR professionals can consider:

  • Personalized notes or emails: Send personalized congratulatory notes or emails to employees on their work anniversaries, highlighting their achievements and contributions over the years. This personal touch shows genuine appreciation.
  • Anniversary luncheon or breakfast: Host a special luncheon or breakfast in honor of the employee's work anniversary. This provides a relaxed environment for colleagues to share stories and well wishes.
  • Customized gifts: Provide employees with customized gifts, such as engraved plaques, certificates, or company-branded items. Tailoring the gifts to their preferences or contributions adds a personal touch.
  • Celebration wall: Set up a dedicated wall or digital platform where employees' work anniversaries are acknowledged with their names, photos, and years of service. It creates a sense of belonging and recognition.
  • Interactive quizzes or games: Create a fun quiz or game that celebrates the employee's journey within the company. Include questions related to their accomplishments, experiences, and milestones.
  • Work anniversary video: Compile a video featuring colleagues sharing their good wishes, memories, and messages of appreciation for the employee. This heartwarming video can be a cherished keepsake.
  • Professional development opportunities: Offer employees a choice of professional development opportunities as a work anniversary gift . This could include attending workshops, conferences, or courses related to their field.
  • Charitable initiatives: Encourage employees to give back on their work anniversaries by participating in charitable activities or volunteering. This reinforces the company's commitment to social responsibility.
  • Public recognition: Acknowledge the employee's work anniversary during team meetings, company-wide announcements, or on social media platforms. Public recognition reinforces their value to the organization.
  • Time off or flexibility: Offer employees the option to take a half-day off or flexible work hours on their work anniversary. This gesture acknowledges their hard work while promoting work-life balance .

Remember that personalization and genuine appreciation are key to successful work anniversary activities. By tailoring these activities to each employee's preferences and considering their contributions, HR professionals can create meaningful experiences that foster a positive and engaged workforce .

5 Work anniversary decoration ideas that will rock your employees’ day

Employees celebrating work anniversaries by sharing presents

  • Personalized desk decor: Decorate the employee's workspace with personalized decorations such as banners, balloons, and framed photos that highlight their achievements and contributions over the years.
  • Timeline wall: Create a timeline showcasing the employee's journey within the company . Use photos, milestones, and quotes to capture their growth and impact, making them feel appreciated and valued.
  • Themed celebration area: Set up a themed area in the office where colleagues can gather to celebrate. Decorate the space according to the employee's interests or hobbies, creating a festive and personalized atmosphere.
  • Bouquet of gratitude: Surprise the employee with a bouquet of flowers that includes notes of appreciation from colleagues. Each note can express a unique memory or quality that makes the employee special.
  • Interactive memory wall: Design a memory wall where colleagues can leave handwritten notes, drawings, or anecdotes about their experiences with the employee. This collaborative decoration showcases the bonds formed over the years.

What other employee recognition initiatives can you try to keep the morale high?

Group of employees are celebrating around a trophy while one employee sitting on top

Aside from work anniversaries, there are several other effective employee recognition initiatives that can help maintain high morale within the workplace:

  • Employee of the month/quarter: Recognize outstanding employees by selecting an "Employee of the Month" or "Employee of the Quarter." This initiative acknowledges exceptional performance and contributions.
  • Peer recognition: Implement a peer recognition program where colleagues can nominate each other for outstanding achievements. This encourages a culture of appreciation and teamwork.
  • Spot awards: Offer spontaneous spot awards for employees who demonstrate exceptional effort or go above and beyond their regular duties. These surprise rewards boost motivation and engagement.
  • Wellness programs: Implement wellness initiatives like yoga classes, wellness challenges, or access to fitness facilities. Prioritizing employee well-being showcases care for their holistic health.
  • Innovation awards: Recognize employees who contribute innovative ideas or solutions that positively impact the organization. This encourages creativity and a culture of continuous improvement.

A work anniversary is an annual commemoration of an employee's tenure within an organization. It serves as a powerful tool for recognizing and appreciating the contributions of employees, fostering a positive organizational culture , and strengthening the bond between employees and their employers.

Celebrating employees' work anniversaries is a strategic investment in employee engagement, retention, and organizational culture. It sends a powerful message that leaders value and recognize their employees' contributions. By fostering a culture of appreciation , leaders not only boost morale and motivation but also lay the groundwork for a more cohesive and successful workforce.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.

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Happy Work Anniversary Wishes, Messages & Quotes

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: November 23, 2022

You found our list of the best work anniversary wishes .

Work anniversary wishes are messages and quotes for coworkers’ workiversaries. These phrases celebrate an employee’s dedication to the company and the team and acknowledge hard work and commitment. You can use these sayings in work anniversary cards, emails, and speeches. These wishes are also known as “work anniversary messages” and “work anniversary quotes.”

These messages work well for virtual work anniversary parties and work anniversary gifts , and are similar to employee appreciation quotes .

This list includes:

  • happy work anniversary wishes

1 year work anniversary quotes

10 year work anniversary quotes.

  • 30 year work anniversary messages
  • funny work anniversary quotes
  • work anniversary wishes to managers
  • congratulations on work anniversary messages
  • job anniversary wishes
  • work anniversary memes

Here is the list!

Happy work anniversary wishes

  • Today marks the day you joined the company– and that is worth celebrating!
  • Happy work anniversary. We are so glad you chose to join us and that you choose to stay with us.
  • We would miss you if you were to leave. However, you are still here, so instead, we will say– happy work anniversary!
  • Here’s to another year of having you here!
  • Once upon a time, a new employee started working here, and the company was never the same. Happy work anniversary!
  • Happy workiversary to the hardest working person I know!
  • We are so happy every year you are here! Happy work anniversary!
  • You may know more than you did when you started working here, but you are just as curious as you were on day one. Thankful to have an employee who is excited to always be learning. Happy work anniversary!
  • You could go anywhere, yet choose to stay here– a fact we are grateful for every day! Happy work anniversary.
  • Wishing the best work anniversary to the best coworker around!
  • The future has big things in store for you, but we are so glad you are here with us in the present. Happy work anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary to a colleague who makes work fun!
  • If every colleague were as wonderful as you, then the work world would be a much better place. Happy work anniversary!
  • You make a difference every day, and we are grateful for every day you spend with us. Happy workiversary!
  • From the bottom of my heart, I hope you have an amazing day. Happy workiversary.
  • Today is a day to reflect on all you have achieved so far, and all you hope to accomplish in the time to come. Happy work anniversary.
  • Happy work anniversary! It has been one heck of a journey so far, and I cannot wait to see where the work world takes you next!
  • Happy workiversary to the most gracious team player I know!
  • We were so happy to welcome you to the team this year, and are so excited to see what you will do in the years to come!
  • Has it been a year already? Time flies when you are having fun with teammates!
  • Today marks your one year work anniversary, but it feels like you have been here forever. We are so happy to have you as part of our team!
  • You should be proud of what you have accomplished this past year– we sure are!
  • One year down, countless more to go.
  • Thanks for giving us these past twelve months, and giving your all during that time!
  • One year ago today was your first day. The moment you sat down at your desk, everything changed! So grateful to have you as part of the team.
  • Consider this your one-year-cheer. Woo-hoo!
  • Thank you for the hard work you have put into this past year.
  • You can do a lot in one year– you are living proof of that fact! Happy work anniversary, and thank you for all of your hard work!
  • This is the first of many happy milestones. Congratulations on reaching one year!
  • Happy first anniversary! Looking forward to a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and more!
  • Thank you for the time and commitment you have shown the company. We are so grateful to have loyal employees like you.
  • Ten years down, now let’s go for twenty!
  • Happy work anniversary! With you onboard, it has been an amazing decade!
  • Ten years, and each has been better than the last. Cannot wait to see what you achieve in the next ten!
  • Ten years have passed since you were hired, and I have not regretted a single day since.
  • Thanks for sticking it out with us over this past crazy decade! So happy to have had you along for the roller coaster ride!
  • The last ten years have had ups and downs, and you have stuck by the company and the team through good times and bad. Thank you for being here and being reliable.
  • Think of all you have accomplished in the past ten years, and how much you will accomplish in the next ten.
  • Entering double digits is no small deal. Happy workiversary!
  • Sending you the warmest wishes for your tenth work anniversary.
  • Happy year ten to a perfect ten!
  • Here’s to ten years, and ten thousand reasons we are happy to have you on the team!

Funny work anniversary quotes

  • Another year! …You still here?
  • Happy work anniversary! Maybe next year you will finally win the lottery.
  • I would’ve gotten you a work anniversary card, but I’m trying to save the environment. So please, accept these heartfelt sentiments instead.
  • Happy work anniversary. I’ve lost count of the years you have been with us, so I will just say it has been a looooooong time.
  • Happy work anniversary, if you want to call sending memes to your coworkers all day work.
  • Another work anniversary? You just had one last year!
  • Happy work anniversary. What are you waiting for? A gift? Is my endless gratitude not enough for you?
  • Happy work anniversary! I would shout it from the rooftops, but, safety issues, so I’ll just say it to your face instead.
  • Happy workiversary! We were going to hire a plane to write it in the sky, but, budget cuts, so just enjoy some cake instead.
  • Happy work anniversary. Yippee! An excuse to eat cake!
  • I heard you started so long ago, that instead of filling out paperwork your first day, you chilseled your W-2 in stone. Anyway, happy work anniversary.
  • Happy work anniversary, to someone who has worked here so long, their employee ID is “1.”
  • Happy work anniversary to my favorite coworker to get into mischief with.
  • Congrats for making it through another year at work, with only a few mental meltdowns.
  • I will never know how you stay here so long and still stay sane. Thanks for sticking it out in the madhouse with us!
  • Huh? Haven’t you retired yet? Well, happy work anniversary I guess!
  • Happy work anniversary to someone whose tenure with the company has outlasted the average length of most celebrity marriages!
  • We do not need a reason to party, but today we have one– it is your work anniversary! Woo!

Work anniversary wishes to managers

  • Of all the managers in the world, we are grateful that you are ours! Happy anniversary!
  • Happy work anniversary to someone who has been indispensable to our team.
  • Thank you for everything you have taught me in the years so far, and everything you will teach me in the years to come.
  • Happy workiversary to the nicest boss around!
  • I am so lucky to have worked under you for so long, and hope to be on your team for a long time to come!
  • Happy work anniversary to a manager who is more like a teammate, in all the best ways.
  • Happy workiversary! We hope your bosses appreciate you as much as this team appreciates having you as a manager!
  • You are more than a manager, you are a leader. We are so glad to have you with us for another year.
  • I hope that when I work here as many years as you have, I am just as excellent of a leader as you are.
  • If I accomplish half of what you have in your time here so far, I will consider it a success.
  • Happy work anniversary to the boss who never forgets our workiversaries!
  • Happy work anniversary to the boss who made all of our work anniversaries possible!
  • I cannot imagine working here without a boss as great as you. Happy work anniversary!

For more messages for managers, check out this list of Boss Day quotes .

Final Thoughts

Acknowledging work anniversaries is a relatively new practice, and some bosses or coworkers may struggle to find the right words to honor the occasion. The work anniversary wishes on this list aim to make employees feel valued and appreciated. However, heartfelt and personalized messages are often the most meaningful, so feel free to tweak the wording or expand upon these sayings to find the perfect sentiment for your treasured teammate on their special day.

Next, check out these fun work anniversary memes , our list of positive quotes for work , these years of service award ideas and these ideas for celebrating work anniversaries .

We also have a list of important work milestones for employees .

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FAQ: Work anniversary wishes

Here are answers to common questions about work anniversary wishes, messages and quotes.

What are some good ways to say happy work anniversary?

Some good ways to say happy work anniversary include:

There are many other ways to acknowledge the accomplishment of completing another year with the company and making teammates feel special.

Why is wishing coworkers a happy work anniversary important?

Recognition is an important component of employee satisfaction, and wishing coworkers a happy work anniversary recognizes the time and hard work colleagues have put into the company. Acknowledging the occasion can make the milestone feel more momentous, and can also incentivize teammates to remain with the company longer term.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Use thoughtful work anniversary messages to wish your coworkers well


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The importance of recognizing work anniversaries

Work anniversary message examples to thank employees

Tips for creating a thoughtful work anniversary message

The true value of valuing your employees

While increasing compensation, bonuses, and benefits are great ways to reward top talent, showing appreciation through words hits different. And what better time to do so than when they achieve a work anniversary? 

Be it one year or 10, work anniversaries mark the value and dedication employees bring to their team — and that’s worth appreciating. 

Whether you’re a coworker, manager, or team lead, sending thoughtful work anniversary messages celebrates these special days and fosters a positive work environment that encourages loyalty and engagement.

The importance of recognizing work anniversaries 

Besides making employees feel good, congratulating them for their hard work directly impacts their behavior and the company’s bottom line. Here are four ways celebrating work anniversaries benefits your team and boosts employee performance.

1. Improving employee retention

Employees need to feel valued to stay satisfied. And satisfied employees are more likely to remain in their position for longer .

With job hopping on the rise , it’s increasingly challenging for employers to retain top talent. But a whopping 82% of workers consider recognition central to job satisfaction , so sending simple work anniversary wishes is an excellent way to keep great workers.


2. Increasing employee engagement and company revenue

According to Deloitte, recognition improves employee engagement , and a 15% increase in engagement can lead to a 2% increase in revenue. So teammates who appreciate the hard work their coworkers provide might just help their employer achieve further success. 

3. Boosting employee morale

One of the reasons sending happy work anniversary wishes improves employee engagement is because it enhances everyone’s mood .

Perhaps surprisingly, 36% of people would give up $5000 of their yearly salary to be happier at work . If you’re the manager of a small business, this is excellent news, as you may not be able to offer your employees their ideal salary, but you can offer their ideal work environment.

4. Creating a positive company culture

How your employees interact with each other and think about you and your organization shapes the company’s culture .

When employees feel acknowledged for their strong work ethic and dedication, they’re more likely to respect and speak positively about their workplace. And this impacts how current employees and individuals outside the organization perceive the company, helping you retain and attract top performers .

Work anniversary message examples to thank employees 

No matter how long you’ve known the employee, it’s easy to overthink what you say in your anniversary card. You want it to be professional yet personalized, concise yet expressive. And, most importantly, you hope it makes them feel valued and appreciated. 

Use these examples for inspiration when creating a thoughtful work anniversary message.

Simple work anniversary quotes

  • “Time flies when you’re doing a fantastic job! Today marks your first anniversary as part of our team. Thank you for the positive attitude you bring to work each day. You make our office a better place.”
  • “Wishing you the happiest work anniversary from our team at [company name]. We knew you’d be an asset since your first day . Keep up the great work!”
  • “Happy workiversary! We’re so glad to have you on our team and wish you another year of success.”
  • “Happy [X] year work anniversary from the [department’s name]. We’re so impressed with everything you’ve accomplished in the past year.”

Celebratory work anniversary messages

  • “Here’s to another year of working together! Sending our best wishes as you continue to achieve great success and career growth .”
  • “Wishing you a wonderful work anniversary! During lunch, join us in the boardroom to celebrate your success with snacks and drinks.”
  • “Today we’re celebrating [employee name]’s work anniversary. We’re so grateful for their contribution to our team and know we wouldn’t have achieved what we have without them.”


Formal/professional work anniversary messages

  • “Congratulations [employee’s name] on your [X] year at [company’s name]. We’re so pleased to have you on our growing team. Here’s to another year of success and growth.”
  • “Wishing you another successful year as we celebrate your [X] work anniversary. You’re a valuable team member. Keep up the good work!”
  • “Wishing you a very happy work anniversary as you celebrate your [X] year at [company name]. You’re irreplaceable, and we’re so grateful for how you’ve shaped this work environment through your dedication and perseverance.”
  • “It’s been an honor to be a part of your professional development . And we’re thrilled to wish you a [X] year work anniversary. Cheers to your continued success.”

Happy and funny work anniversary messages

  • “Congratulations on your work anniversary at [company’s name]. Here’s to another year of you sending the best memes and GIFs in our Slack channels.”
  • “Happy [X] work anniversary! This year you impressed us with your hard work, determination, and consistency when sending pet updates.”
  • “Thank you for being a terrific employee! You make coming to work fun for the whole team. Happy [X] work anniversary.”

Great work anniversary wishes for a long-term employee

“Happy [X] year work anniversary to one of our best employees! You inspire us each day with your enthusiasm and dedication to your work. When you started at the company, you were part of a 10-person team and took on additional responsibilities to ensure our success.

We couldn’t have made it to where we have without your hard work and determination. Thank you for being part of our team. We’re wishing you another year of success and happiness.”

“[X] years ago, we came across an incredibly impressive application. And today, we’re celebrating that very employee for being a valuable part of our team. Congratulations, [employee’s name], for another year at [company’s name].

You’ve accomplished so much in your time with us, and we wouldn’t have reached today’s success without your help. Thank you for being part of our company and bringing your A-game daily.”

  • “Happy work anniversary, [employee’s name]. You’ve been essential to our company’s success for [X] years, and we’re so pleased to have you on our team. You’ve set a high standard for the rest of us with your fierce work ethic and grit . Having an employee like you fills us with gratitude .”


Detailed work anniversary message

“Happy work anniversary, [employee’s name]! We wanted to take this moment to thank you for your dedication to [company’s name] over the last [X] years. It’s been a pleasure for me and the rest of the team to work alongside a hard-working employee such as yourself.

You bring enthusiasm and creativity to each of your projects and never accept anything less than exceptional. We wanted to share these moments to celebrate your contribution to our team:

- You developed the [system’s name], making your coworkers feel valued for their input and improving the team’s collaboration skills .

- You led the [project’s name] and guided your teammates to success.

- You exceeded your [quota/success metric] for this year, proving your determination and passion for your role.”

Work anniversary wishes for a boss

  • “Happy work anniversary to a fantastic manager! The way you lead our team inspires each of us every day. Thank you for your continued dedication to our growth and success.”
  • “Congratulations on another year at [company’s name]. I greatly appreciate your support in my professional development and feel honored to be working under your guidance.”

Tips for creating a thoughtful work anniversary message 

Finding the right balance between professionalism and warmth is tricky, but following these tips will help: 

  • Keep it positive: Your message should be uplifting and make your employee feel proud of their years of hard work. Avoid joking about the length of time they’ve been there or whether you’ll lose them soon, as these comments might distract from your positive and appreciative message. 

Personalize it: Ready-made greeting cards can feel a bit impersonal. The best cards and appreciation messages include a tidbit of humor or a good memory you shared with the sender.

Adding this personalization makes the reader feel cared for and seen, so try to include details showing your recipient you were thoughtful when writing their message. You might mention a positive attribute they bring to the team or an accomplishment they’ve made.

  • Choose the right tone: The message’s tone may change depending on your workplace and the recipient’s personality. If you’re a manager, you’ll want to strike a friendly yet professional tone , and coworker-to-coworker messages can be slightly less formal. 
  • Involve the whole team: According to Bon usly, 65% of employees are willing to stay in jobs where coworkers recognize them for their work , even if they have an unappreciative manager. Be inclusive with your message, expressing that the entire team appreciates this person’s work. And if possible, encourage other teammates to send messages as well.

Employees spend about a third of their time at work. And an easy way to appreciate the hard work and dedication they provide during this time is by sending work anniversary messages. Now that you have several examples, this task is even easier — and just like that, your team feels valued and recognized for their great work .

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

Taking control of your work

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Employee Appreciation

Tips & Examples for the Best Employee Appreciation Speech

Use this employee appreciation speech guide to show your people you appreciate them and reduce turnover.

Thomas Mirmotahari

Thomas Mirmotahari

Jun 2, 2022

Employee appreciation speech

In this Post

Appreciation is more than just saying thank you. A well-written employee appreciation speech can show your employees their efforts don’t go unnoticed. ‍

Employee appreciation speeches can re-awaken your team’s passion for their work and connect them to the company’s larger purpose. They can also show that you deeply understand your team, celebrate their successes, and empathize with their daily struggles.‍

So, how does one go about writing such a speech? In this article, we will show you exactly how you can say thank you in a truly memorable way.

Why Give An Employee Appreciation Speech?

Workplace appreciation should be seen as an investment rather than simply a nice gesture.‍

Your people are invaluable assets that need to be nurtured and cared for. With a bit of appreciation, their engagement and dedication will increase over time. ‍

In fact, showing that you appreciate your employees can decrease your company’s turnover rate. Research shows that 66% of employees would quit their jobs if they didn’t feel appreciated. ‍

Additionally, employee appreciation can also help your team better understand their roles in the company. This can help ensure each employee understands exactly what is expected of them, which will boost their engagement and performance.‍

If you want to attract more talented employees, employee appreciation is absolutely critical. It’s a necessary step towards building a healthy company culture, which is a great selling point to any prospective employee. ‍

Furthermore, studies suggest there’s a definite correlation between appreciation and positive long-term mental effects for both the giver and the receiver. So, giving a beautiful employee appreciation speech can also benefit your mental wellbeing!‍

This list of benefits shows that investing your time in appreciating your employees is worthwhile. By learning how to deliver employee appreciation speeches that increase employee engagement, you can create a positive culture that your employees genuinely love. 

Employee Appreciation Speech Guidelines

Below, we outline some guidelines that will help you master the basics. 

Step 1: Get Your Audience’s Attention With A Thoughtful Greeting

More often than not, people expect boring speeches at company gatherings. Therefore, you can easily grab your employees’ attention by catching them off guard with a witty intro. ‍

After lightening up the mood with some humor, explain why you’re excited to be gathered with the team.‍

Conclude your introduction by highlighting the importance of your employees, just like in the employee appreciation speech example below.‍

“After a long, relaxing weekend, I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy when my alarm went off this morning. 

However, after a bit of caffeine made its way into my system, I remembered that, unlike for most people, Monday is my favorite day of the week.

I get to start my week all over again at an incredible company that holds values I truly believe in.

More importantly, I get to share yet another week with the best people anyone could ever ask for, and for that, I have each and every one of you to thank.” 

Step 2: Elaborate On Specific Employee Behaviors You Appreciate

When trying to connect with your employees, it helps to be really specific. Instead of referring to vague acknowledgments of dedication and hard work, be specific when talking about an employee’s actions. ‍

Doing so shows that you are paying attention and that your employees’ efforts are noticed. This also can inspire your employees to repeat the praised behaviors and will encourage others to follow suit.‍

Give short anecdotes about a specific employee’s behavior so that everyone listening can become invested in the story you are telling. End this section of the speech by generalizing and mentioning how everyone’s efforts add to the greater wellbeing of the company. ‍

“Yesterday, I got an email notification reminding me of an upcoming meeting that I hadn’t had time to prepare for. It was an important meeting to discuss the marketing budget of one of our biggest clients. 

In a panic, I quickly called upon Jessica, who was the marketing manager of this account. 

She informed me that she’d already drawn up an Excel sheet listing all the client's requirements and estimated fees. With a huge sigh of relief, I realized we were perfectly prepared for the meeting. 

This is just one instance of exceptional proactive behavior that I have witnessed from you over the last few months. Thank you again, Jessica.”

Related: How To Write An Employee Appreciation Email

Step 3: Mention the Effects of Your Employees’ Behaviors 

In this part of the speech, you have to connect the actions of your employees back to the company’s mission. ‍

You don’t necessarily have to discuss a specific sales metric or piece of financial data, but, if you have that info on hand, you are more than welcome to do so.‍

Alternatively, you can talk about how these specific employee actions will support your company’s mission.‍

“Lara’s bold and dynamic approach to her work resulted in one of our most successful budget meetings to date. In fact, we managed to sign a two-year contract! 

The client has also agreed to schedule another budget meeting for one of their sister companies, which means we could be drawing up another contract real soon. 

As you all know, we want to grow our client base by 200% each year, and with a proactive and dedicated group like this one, we might just exceed that target.”

Step 4: Say Thank You

Be sure to conclude your employee appreciation speech by injecting some heartfelt emotion into your topic of discussion. It will allow your employees to take in what you are trying to convey. ‍

To do this, set some time aside to truly ponder why you are grateful for your employees. Take what comes to mind and mention it, like in the employee appreciation speech example below. You can even add a great employee appreciation quote to the mix to end your speech on a poetic note.‍

“Mandy’s dedication to her work is just one example of the exceptional work ethic that all of you have portrayed during these last couple of months. 

I could stand here for hours talking about how each and everyone here goes beyond what is expected to make sure we grow as a company. I am truly amazed and inspired by all of you. It is both an honor and a privilege to work alongside you. 

Thank you for everything you do. Here's to many more months of exceptional work and lots of laughs!”

speech employee anniversary

Final Thoughts

Your employee appreciation speech doesn’t have to be complicated. Just make sure it is personable and that it comes from the heart. Saying thank you every once in a while is a great way to boost team morale , and a well-crafted appreciation speech will allow you to do just that.‍

Be sure to make eye contact with your employees as you thank them, and don’t rush through your thoughts. To make an impact with your words, you have to make each one count.‍

If the situation calls for it, end your speech with a toast to your team. It will make the moment even more special and let your team know that you truly celebrate their hard work!

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110+ Best Work Anniversary Messages & Tips on How to Write Them

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Table of Contents

Work anniversaries may become a rare occasion in the future. With the average tenure of employees steadily decreasing over the last decade, work anniversaries are an increasingly important milestone for employees .

As such, they should be celebrated. 

But, how can we extend our warm wishes and congratulations to our coworkers on their work anniversaries? 

In this blog post, we’ll give you some ideas and examples you can use to wish your team members happy work anniversaries . We’ll also go over why it’s a good idea to make it a habit to wish colleagues happy work anniversaries and give you some tips on crafting a perfect work anniversary message.

Let’s start!

Work anniversary messages - cover

  • Example of a best work anniversary message: “ Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication are a valuable asset to our team. Thank you for the incredible [number] years of hard work and commitment.”
  • Example of a best simple work anniversary message: “Happy work anniversary! Cheers to another year of growth and success.”
  • Example of a best 1-year work anniversary message: “Congrats on hitting the 1-year mark! Your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed – looking forward to more great times ahead.”
  • Example of a best work anniversary message to your employee: “Wishing you an amazing work anniversary! Your [number] years of service have been marked by professionalism and dedication. We are very lucky to have you on our team.”
  • Example of a best work anniversary message to your boss: “Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your leadership has inspired us all to strive for excellence. Looking forward to many more years of your valuable guidance.”

What is a work anniversary?

A work anniversary is a date that marks the start of an employee’s job at a company . Many companies celebrate their employees’ work anniversaries with parties, gifts, or other celebrations.

However, even if your company doesn’t do anything special to celebrate work anniversaries, sending a message to congratulate your colleagues is a nice way to bond and celebrate achievements.

Let’s take a look at some examples of the best work anniversary messages.

The best ‘Happy work anniversary’ messages

Firstly, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best general work anniversary messages you can use in many different situations.

“Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our team! I truly appreciate your dedication and hard work. Here’s to many more years of achievement together!”
“Happy work anniversary! Your commitment and passion for what you do are truly commendable. Wishing you continued success in your career.”
“Celebrating [number] years of collaboration! Your contributions have made our team great, and we look forward to many more years of shared success.”
“Time flies when you’re having a great time! Congratulations on [number] years of outstanding service. Your commitment and positive attitude inspire us all.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication are a valuable asset to our team. Thank you for the incredible [number] years of hard work and commitment.”
“Cheers to [number] years of accomplishments and milestones! Your commitment to great work has set a high standard for all of us. I wish you continued success and growth with our team.”
“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your passion, hard work, and dedication have been instrumental in our success. Looking forward to achieving even greater things together!”
“Wishing you a happy [number]th work anniversary! Your efforts and commitment to excellence have not gone unnoticed. Here’s to more shared achievements and successes.”
“Happy work anniversary! Thank you for [number] years of dedication and hard work. We are grateful to have you on board.”

speech employee anniversary

Simple work anniversary wishes

If you need a short and simple work anniversary message, here are some examples:

“Happy work anniversary! Cheers to another year of growth and success.”
“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your dedication is truly appreciated.”
“Celebrating [number] years of your valuable contributions to our team. Thank you!”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary and continued success in your career.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and commitment are an inspiration to us all.”
“Congratulations on another year of achievements. Here’s to many more!”
“Thank you for [number] years of dedication. Your input is invaluable to us.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your positive influence makes our team stronger.”
“Cheers to your work anniversary! Your efforts are key to our success.”
“Congrats on [number] years with us! Your hard work does not go unnoticed.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your contributions have made a significant difference.”
“Celebrating the milestone of [number] years with gratitude for your hard work.”

‘Happy 1-year work anniversary’ messages

The first work anniversary is a big milestone for everyone. It celebrates the successful integration of an employee to a team and it’s the first big milestone. 

Here are some examples of 1-year work anniversary messages to celebrate this big achievement:

“Hey [colleague’s name], can’t believe it’s been a year already! Cheers to your first work anniversary – your positive energy has been a game-changer for the team!”
“Happy 1-year work anniversary! Time flies when you’re having fun, and your presence has made it an awesome year for all of us.”
“1 year down, many more to go! Happy work anniversary, and thanks for making our workplace a better one.”
“Congrats on hitting the one-year mark! Your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed – looking forward to more great times ahead.”
“Happy first anniversary at [company name]! Your dedication and enthusiasm are truly appreciated. Here’s to many more years of success together.”
“It’s been an incredible year with you on the team! Happy work anniversary – looking forward to more shared successes and milestones.”
“Cheers to you on your 1-year work anniversary! Your positive impact and hard work make each day better for all of us.”
“Happy work anniversary! Time to celebrate your first year, and here’s to many more filled with achievements and growth.”
“1 year and counting – congrats on your work anniversary! Your presence has made our team stronger and we’re lucky to have you.”
“Happy 1-year work anniversary! Thanks for being an awesome colleague and making our workplace a great one. Here’s to many more years together!”
“Congratulations on your first year with [company name]! Your dedication has been a driving force for the team. Looking forward to even more success ahead.”

speech employee anniversary

‘Happy 5-year work anniversary’ messages

The next big milestone for a team member is the 5-year work anniversary.

Congratulate your colleague with any of the messages below and you will surely make their work anniversary a great one:

“Hey [colleague’s name], high-five for hitting the 5-year mark! Your dedication and hard work have been the backbone of our success. Here’s to many more years of rocking it together!”
“Happy 5-year work anniversary! Can you believe it’s been that long? Looking forward to the next 5 years of greatness!”
“Congratulations on reaching the 5-year milestone! Your commitment and contributions have shaped our success, and we’re lucky to have you on the team. Cheers to even more fantastic years ahead!”
“Wow, has it been 5 years already? Time really does fly when you’re surrounded by awesome colleagues like you. Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and dedication inspire me every day.”
“Happy 5th work anniversary! Your dedication to excellence and teamwork have made these years special. Here’s to the countless successes we’ve shared and the many more to come!”
“Happy 5th work anniversary, [colleague’s name]. Your commitment to our team’s success is truly commendable and I’m grateful to have you as a colleague.”
“Celebrating half a decade of excellence with you! Happy 5-year work anniversary – your hard work and positive spirit continue to make our team as amazing as it is.”
“Happy work anniversary! 5 years of your incredible contributions have made our team stronger. Here’s to the journey so far and the exciting adventures ahead!”

speech employee anniversary

“Celebrating 5 fantastic years with an amazing colleague like you! Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and positive attitude make our workplace a better one each day.”
“Time really does fly when you’re having a great time. Happy 5-year work anniversary! Your dedication and teamwork have been essential to our shared success.”
“Happy work anniversary! 5 years of your expertise and enthusiasm have been a driving force for our team. Looking forward to many more years of collaboration and achievements!”
“Happy work anniversary – your continuous commitment to our team’s success is truly appreciated. Here’s to the next chapter of accomplishments!”

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‘Happy 10-year work anniversary’ messages

A decade is an incredible occasion for both the team member in question and the organization. It signals mutual satisfaction and respect.

Here’s how you can congratulate a team member on this huge milestone:

“Congratulations on a decade of dedication! Your 10 years of hard work and commitment have set a standard for us all. Here’s to the next chapter of success!”
“Wishing you a happy 10-year work anniversary! Your professionalism and expertise have been invaluable to our team. Thank you for a decade of excellence.”
“Happy 10-year work anniversary! Your leadership and unwavering commitment have played a vital role in our collective achievements. Here’s to the continued journey of success!”
“A decade of excellence – congratulations on your 10-year work anniversary! Your contributions have been integral to our success, and we look forward to many more years together.”
“Celebrating a decade of great work with you! Happy 10-year work anniversary. Your dedication and professionalism continue to inspire us all.”
“Hey [colleague’s name], can you believe it’s been 10 years? Time flies when you’re having fun! Happy work anniversary, and thanks for making our workplace awesome!”
“Double digits! Happy 10-year work anniversary! Your positivity and hard work make this team great. Here’s to more laughs and achievements in the years ahead.”
“Cheers to a decade of awesomeness! Happy work anniversary! Your vibe is a great addition to our team, and I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring.”
“Happy 10-year work anniversary! Can you believe it? Thanks for making our workplace feel like a second home. Here’s to the next decade of greatness together!”
“A whole decade of putting up with us – you deserve a medal! Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Thanks for being an incredible part of the team.”
“Happy 10-year work anniversary! Here’s to a decade of achievements and many more to come!”
“Celebrating 10 years of excellence with you! Cheers to a decade of success!”
“Congratulations on a decade of hard work and dedication! Happy 10-year work anniversary!”
“Happy work anniversary! 10 years of your hard work have made our team great.”

‘Happy 20-year work anniversary’ messages

If a 10-year work anniversary is impressive, imagine what a 20-year anniversary feels like. It’s an incredible feat and one that should be celebrated.

Here’s how you can wish your colleague a happy 20-year work anniversary:

“Congratulations on an impressive 20-year milestone! Your 2 decades of dedication and expertise have been invaluable to our success. Here’s to you!”
“Happy 20-year work anniversary! Your contributions and expertise have been instrumental in our collective achievements. Here’s to the remarkable journey and continued success.”
“Celebrating 20 years of your service! Your leadership and contributions have left an indelible mark on our organization. Thank you for 2 decades of commitment.”
“Congratulations on reaching the 20-year mark! Your continuous commitment to great work sets a high standard. Here’s to 2 decades of success and many more to come!”
“Hey [colleague’s name], 2 decades of putting up with us – you’re a legend! Happy work anniversary, and thanks for making our team awesome for 20 years!”
“20 years of work, laughter, and greatness! Happy work anniversary! Your positive energy has made our workplace better. Here’s to more amazing years ahead.”
“Cheers to 20 years! Happy work anniversary! Your dedication and hard work make our team shine. Here’s to more memories and successes!”
“Happy 20-year work anniversary! Can you believe it’s been 2 decades? Thanks for being a fantastic colleague and making our workplace feel like family.”

speech employee anniversary

“A whopping 20 years with us – you’re a legend! Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Here’s to more years of success and camaraderie.”
“Happy 20-year work anniversary! Two decades of your brilliance have made a lasting impact on our team.”
“Celebrating 20 years of excellence today! Cheers to an amazing journey and continued success!”
“Congratulations on 20 years of hard work and dedication! Happy work anniversary!”
“Happy work anniversary! It’s an incredible milestone to celebrate. I wish you all the best in the years to come.”
“Wishing a happy 20-year work anniversary to an incredible colleague! Here’s to many more years of success!”

Work anniversary messages for employees

If you’re a boss or manager looking for ways to congratulate your team members on their work anniversaries, we have some examples for you:

“Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our company! Your dedication and hard work are not going unnoticed. Thank you for your continued commitment.”
“Happy work anniversary! It’s been [number] years of collaboration and achievements. We look forward to many more years of success together.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a joyous occasion for the entire team. Your hard work and expertise have been invaluable. Here’s to [number] years of shared accomplishments and growth.”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your dedication to our goals and your positive impact on the team have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for [number] years of exceptional work.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with our organization! Your hard work, commitment, and leadership have made a lasting difference. Looking forward to more years of collaboration and success.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your tenure of [number] years has been marked by excellence and innovation. Thank you for your continued dedication to our team’s success.”
“On your work anniversary, I want to express my appreciation for your hard work and dedication. Your contributions over the past [number] years have been integral to our growth and success. Thank you.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with us! Your commitment to great work sets a high standard for our team. Here’s to more years of achievements and shared success.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your hard work and dedication have played a key role in our company’s success over the past [number] years. Thank you for your continued commitment to our mission.”
“Wishing you an amazing work anniversary! Your [number] years of service have been marked by professionalism and dedication. We are very lucky to have you on our team.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with our company! Your hard work, passion, and leadership have been pivotal to our success. Looking forward to achieving new milestones together in the coming years.”

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

Acknowledging and celebrating your team member’s milestones is important if you want to be a good manager. To learn more about what makes a good manager and get some actionable tips on how to become a great one, read our blog post:

  • How to Be a Good Manager: Qualities, Benefits and Expert Tips

Work anniversary wishes to colleagues

As a team member, it’s important to build connections and relationships with other team members and celebrate their achievements. 

Here are some more examples of work anniversary messages for your colleagues:

“Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our team! Your commitment to excellence has been a driving force in our success.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your hard work, dedication, and professionalism are truly appreciated. Here’s to more years of collaboration.”
“Wishing you a joyful work anniversary. Your contributions over the past [number] years have been integral to our team’s success. You’re a great colleague.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a testament to your dedication and valuable contributions to our team. Here’s to [number] years of excellence.”
“Congratulations on [number] years with our team. I value how dedicated and hard-working you are. You’re great to have on the team.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your professionalism and positive attitude have made our team great. Here’s to more years of shared accomplishments.”
“On your work anniversary, I want to express my appreciation for your hard work and commitment. Your contributions over the past [number] years have been outstanding.”
“Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Can’t believe it’s been [number] years already. Your positivity and dedication to teamwork make every day better for us. Here’s to many more years!”
“Cheers to you on your work anniversary! Your humor, dedication, and hard work bring so much to our team. Looking forward to more shared successes and laughter ahead.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your friendship and support have made our workplace feel like a second home. Here’s to many more years of incredible moments together.”

speech employee anniversary

“Happy work anniversary, [colleague’s name]! Your kindness and dedication have been a constant source of inspiration. Here’s to more years of working and achieving great things together.”
“Wishing you a great work anniversary! Here’s to many more years of shared accomplishments.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your talents and contributions have been a breath of fresh air for our team. Here’s to more years of creativity and success.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a team event. Your warmth, dedication, and friendship have made the office a better place. Here’s to [number] years!”

Acknowledging and celebrating your colleagues’ accomplishments is vital for a successful and connected team. To learn more about how to congratulate your colleagues, read our blog post:

  • How to Say Congratulations Professionally

Work anniversary wishes to boss

Many employees feel uncomfortable with any type of upward communication . However, it’s an important skill to master if you want to maintain a positive relationship with your higher-ups. 

A thoughtful work anniversary message can be a stepping stone to a stronger relationship with your boss. Here are some examples:

“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your leadership and guidance have been instrumental in our team’s success. Wishing you continued achievements in the years ahead.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your strategic vision and dedication have led our team to great things. Here’s to another year of excellence under your leadership.”
“Celebrating your [number]th work anniversary today! Your unwavering commitment and managerial prowess are the power behind our team’s success. Here’s to [number] years!”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your leadership has inspired us all to strive for excellence. Looking forward to many more years of your valuable guidance.”
“Congratulations on [number] years of exceptional leadership! Your vision and commitment to excellence are amazing. Here’s to more successful years ahead.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your insights and dedication to our team have played a pivotal role in our success. Thank you for [number] years of great leadership.”
“On your work anniversary, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your leadership and commitment to our team. Wishing you continued success in the coming years.”
“Congratulations on your work anniversary! Your professionalism and dedication to our team are truly commendable. Here’s to many more years of shared accomplishments.”
“Happy work anniversary, [boss’ name]! Your leadership style has made our team stronger, and your support means a lot. Cheers to [number] years of growth and collaboration.”
“Celebrating your work anniversary is a reminder of the incredible leader you are. Your mentorship has been invaluable to my professional journey. Here’s to more years of learning from the best!”
“Wishing you a happy work anniversary! Your guidance and support have been a driving force in my career. Thank you for being an inspiring leader and mentor.”
“Happy work anniversary! Your leadership has created a positive and motivating work environment. I’m grateful to be a part of your team, and looking forward to more successful years ahead.”
“Congratulations on [number] years of leadership excellence! Your dedication and encouragement have been a source of inspiration for us all. Here’s to more years of collaboration and success.”
“Happy work anniversary, [boss’ name]! Your leadership has not only shaped my professional path but also created a sense of unity within our team. Here’s to many more years of shared success.”
“Wishing you a fantastic work anniversary! Your leadership has not only achieved business goals but also fostered a positive and inclusive team culture. Cheers to more years of success together.”

How are you going to send a ‘Happy work anniversary’ message? Try Pumble, for better team communication.

3 Tips on how to write a work anniversary message

Writing a thoughtful and professional work anniversary message doesn’t have to be hard. Just remember to:

  • Personalize it,
  • Highlight accomplishments, and
  • Remain positive.

We’ll go over these tips in more detail.

Tip #1: Personalize your work anniversary message

It’s essential to personalize your work anniversary message to make sure it’s sincere and tailored to the individual.

Personalization makes the congratulatory message more authentic and resonates with the receiver on a deeper level.

You can easily personalize your work anniversary message by:

  • Sharing an inside joke or reference,
  • Including their name in the message,
  • Mentioning shared accomplishments or experiences, or
  • Highlighting certain achievements.

We talked to Rick Joi , an Author, Speaker and Researcher at the Workiversary Group, about his opinion on work anniversaries. He explained that including shared memories and experiences can be a great way to connect with team members :

Rick Joi

“If you work close enough with them that you have shared experiences, share your favorite memory with them from the past year. Sometimes the memory is funny, sometimes it’s heartwarming, but, whatever it is, it can be a great bonding experience to remember good shared experiences.”

Personalizing your work anniversary wishes will ensure they transcend mere formality and actually convey your warm wishes and appreciation.

Tip #2: Highlight some milestones/achievements

In line with personalization comes the appreciation for the milestones and achievements your colleague has had with the company.

This can be a powerful motivator for team members to continue to excel. Expressing your appreciation for their hard work and your awe of their achievements will instill confidence and pride, motivating them to continue their hardworking efforts.

Highlighting milestones and achievements can come in the form of:

  • Adding the number of years of their anniversary,
  • Including specific accomplishments they had along the way,
  • Referencing positive feedback they’ve received, or
  • Including client testimonials of their dedication and great work.

Recognizing your colleagues’ hard work and accomplishments will make for a more positive work environment and send a clear message that their work is valued.

Tip #3: Be positive and supportive

Lastly, make sure your work anniversary message is always uplifting and supportive .

Don’t include any negative talk or mention any uncomfortable topics in your message. For example, steer clear of any sarcastic statements or jokes you’re not sure will land. 

Joi also agrees that work anniversary messages should be focused on the positive:

“Work anniversaries are most meaningful when they celebrate shared purpose rather than time passing. That is, don’t celebrate that the employee neither got fired nor found a better opportunity for yet another year. Instead, celebrate that for the past year, the employee and the organization were joined together working towards a common purpose that makes the world better!”

Therefore, remain professional and polite, and always focus on the positive.

A healthy and effective workplace relies on positive communication. If you want to learn more about why positive communication is important, and how you can be a more positive communicator, read our blog post:

  • The Effects of Negative and Positive Communication in the Workplace

Why should you send a work anniversary message?

Congratulating a colleague on a work anniversary is a professional way to strengthen your relationship and show appreciation for their work , as Joi shared:

“It is definitely professional to congratulate your colleagues on their work anniversaries. It’s a thoughtful gesture that shows you value them and the work they do. ”

He also highlights the importance of reflecting on our peers’ contributions to our own lives :

“Work anniversaries celebrate the many unique and varied ways in which we contribute to each other’s lives in an indescribably beautiful web of interconnectedness.”

Therefore, in his opinion, sending a happy work anniversary message has a twofold purpose:

“The obvious answer to why we should celebrate work anniversaries is because it’s kind and makes the other person feel good .

The less obvious answer is that it’s an opportunity for us to reflect on how dependent we are on each other’s work and to strengthen our sense of gratitude for the magic of how millions of people do some sort of work that has an impact on our lives every single day.”

However, not every work anniversary celebration is created equal. When it comes to LinkedIn, Joi believes that it may not always be the most appropriate way to congratulate your colleagues on their work anniversaries:

“Clicking the congratulate button on LinkedIn for someone you barely know at some point during their work anniversary month — LinkedIn doesn’t know the exact day — is not professional. Don’t do that!”

Celebrate work anniversaries with Pumble

To skip out on that awkward and impersonal LinkedIn work anniversary celebration, try out Pumble.

Pumble is a team communication app that allows you to collaborate with colleagues and stay connected to your team.

You can congratulate your team members privately via direct messages , or start a thread to include everyone in the celebration.

speech employee anniversary

You can also schedule your message in advance, to make sure you never forget to wish your colleagues happy work anniversaries.

If you are a fan of real-time communication , you can also extend your well wishes via audio or video call.

With a user-friendly interface and many customization options, Pumble is the best tool for team communication. So, if you’re interested to see what Pumble is all about — try it today!


Milica Vucicevic is a communication author and researcher at Pumble, focused on team communication in remote work environments. Through her posts, you’ll learn more about professional communication, workplace culture, and tools and techniques for better team communication.

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11 happy work anniversary messages for employees

by Aleksandra Masionis

Updated on January 10, 2023

Work anniversary celebration

Create a culture that means business™

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Work anniversaries mean something to everyone. They’re an opportunity to celebrate an employee’s accomplishments and contributions while strengthening the relationships between team members. And it all starts with a heartfelt message of congratulations for a happy work anniversary.

While there’s much more to an anniversary celebration than a quick message — like a meaningful gift and a public ceremony — the right words can mean a big difference. Will your co-worker’s anniversary be a joyful milestone you remember for years to come, or one that causes them to wonder whether anyone at their company really appreciates them? Help make it the former with inspiration from the many great ways to say “happy anniversary”.

2022 State of Employee Recognition Report

1. One-year anniversary

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since you came on board! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and see you excel in your role. From onboarding, to tackling your first project, to contributing in team meetings, it’s been a great start to your journey here, and I’m truly excited to see what the future holds.

An employee’s first work anniversary sets the tone for everything to come. Will it be a memorable occasion, celebrating every step of their journey so far? Or will it be a brief mention in a team meeting, quickly brushed over? Do your part by sending a personalized message that notes the growth they’ve shown and what they’ve brought to the company. As the first work anniversary is also the most future-focused, so be sure to note your excitement for all the milestones to come.

2. Five-year anniversary

Our organization has benefited from your incredible dedication and expertise every one of the last five years. You’re an example to all of us with your commitment to professional growth, contagious good humor, and willingness to listen. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done, and I’m looking forward to working with you for years to come!

Five years might not seem like an incredibly long stretch to spend at an organization, but it’s a real accomplishment, especially today, when it seems like employees are switching jobs more than ever. Highlight some of your team member’s positive qualities when this notable anniversary comes around, noting how they’ve impacted your company for the better.

3. Ten-year anniversary

Happy work anniversary, Michelle! I’m so grateful you’ve made [organization name] your work home over the last 10 years. I knew when I saw you present during our first client meeting together that you were something special. You’re a dedicated, talented coworker, and we’re lucky to have you. I’m looking forward to the ceremony later today, and we should grab lunch at your favorite place whenever you have the time — my treat!

A 10-year work anniversary might be the most important — or at least the most thought-about — professional milestone of all. A quick “happy anniversary” won’t cut it here. Hopefully, your organization is moving ahead with a celebration and reward that suits the occasion . In addition to sending a meaningful anniversary message like this one, go above and beyond by offering to take your coworker out for a bite, sending them a gift card, or giving them an extra helping of reward points.

4. Thirty-year anniversary

Congratulations! A 30-year anniversary is something most people can only dream about, but you made it happen. Not only that, you’ve been a huge reason behind the organization’s success since you started, and you still take the time to help out new team members. We can’t thank you enough, and we truly treasure each and every day you remain with us!

Multi-decade work anniversaries are a real rarity, and it’s hard for most people to really understand what reaching one feels like. It signals exceptional commitment to an organization and what it stands for, and it also indicates that — for most — the majority of their career is behind them. An anniversary message should then touch on the dedication the employee has shown across all their years of service , while noting that you realize how valuable the time they’ve chosen to spend with your company is. And more than perhaps any other anniversary listed here, it calls for company-wide recognition of this once-in-a-lifetime milestone.

5. Recognizing your manager’s anniversary

It’s been another great year, Alyssa! A great manager means everything, so let me take this anniversary as an opportunity to tell you that I don’t take your amazing coaching, support, and guidance for granted. You always set me and the team up for success. Please keep doing what you’re doing, and know we all appreciate it.

Managers make a huge difference in the quality of employee experience for their direct reports. When you’ve got a supportive, thoughtful manager in your corner, you don’t want to let any opportunity for recognition slip — especially one as important as a work anniversary. Call out the traits you really appreciate so your manager remains motivated to coach and guide your team for another year.

6. Saying thanks on a team member’s anniversary

Happy anniversary, Val! We’ve worked together for six years now, and I can safely say that there’s no one who I’d rather have at my (virtual) side! You’re everything anyone could ask for in a teammate — hardworking, welcoming, and always open to new ideas. Our collaboration is one of the things that I enjoy most about working here. Cheers to reaching another milestone!

Next, there’s the work anniversaries of those you’re likely to build the closest relationships with on the job — the other members of your team. They’ll notice if you let the occasion slip by, undermining the trust you’ve both worked so hard to develop . Keep the good vibes and great camaraderie going with a heartfelt congratulations and a few words of thanks.

7. Celebrating a peer’s anniversary

We started just a few weeks apart, and now we’ve both been here two years! Happy anniversary, my friend, and thank you for always acting as the perfect sounding board no matter what project I was working on. Can’t imagine this place without you!

You won’t be aware of every co-worker’s anniversary. But be sure to reach out when you do, whether it’s because you started around the same time or you caught wind of it through an announcement or message on your employment recognition platform. After all, what better opportunity to maintain or renew a connection than an anniversary? Even a brief message will remind your peer that you care and that you’re all in this together.

8. Recognizing a direct report’s anniversary

It’s been another great year, Catherine! You’ve again been so important to our group’s success — we never would have been able to keep [client name] without your exceptional data analysis. And there’s no one I’d rather have on my team going forward. Happy anniversary!

Giving a direct report a shout out on their work anniversary is a must. If you can’t be bothered to remember the most important day of the work calendar for them, why should they believe you have any investment in their professional growth or success? Be specific regarding their successes and what they bring to your team, so they know you’ve noticed all their hard work over the past year.

9. Celebrating a leader’s anniversary

These past few years have come with more than their share of challenges, but you guided our company through them without missing a beat. Our business is stronger than ever before, and it wouldn’t have been possible if we didn’t have you to inspire us. I hope you have the amazing anniversary you deserve!

Managers aren’t the only leaders who deserve a genuine anniversary message. The people leaders across your company, from HR professionals to executives, serve as examples and set the tone on culture, business practices, and more. Wish them a happy anniversary and acknowledge the key role they play in keeping your organization successful and a great place to work.

10. A happy work anniversary for a recognition champion

There’s no one who deserves a hearty congratulations on their anniversary more than you, Nathan! You never fail to give a shout out to a team member who excels in big or small ways. Spend your reward points on something fun — you’ve more than earned it!

If you’ve got someone at your company who excels in providing recognition year-round, return the favor manyfold when their work anniversary rolls around. If your organization has implemented a points-based employee rewards system , you should also send some redeemable points their way, as they’ve doubtless sent plenty to others over the course of the year. Highlighting the way they show frequent appreciation also makes it more likely fellow employees will take note and follow suit, contributing to a culture of recognition .

11. Appreciating great feedback on an anniversary

I can’t say enough about how valuable your feedback this year has been, Claire. Your insights have helped us reshape our processes and culture for the better. Please keep exercising your voice, and happy anniversary!

If there’s an employee who always has meaningful input to share, whether it’s regarding long-standing cultural issues or improvements to processes and deliverables, they deserve a special shout out on their anniversary. When employees feel comfortable exercising their voice and organizations show they’re really listening , engagement rises and companies know exactly what they have to do to improve. Remember, though, that private or anonymous feedback must stay confidential, so only send this type of message to team members who have provided input publicly.

Make that happy work anniversary feeling a year-round employee experience

If your anniversary is the only time of the year you receive recognition, you’re not likely to believe the congratulations you receive are genuine. And it probably won’t be long before you look for a workplace that will show a bit more appreciation for what you bring to the table. So while wishing employees a happy work anniversary is important, don’t make it an exception. Instead, turn recognition into a key part of the employee experience and a cultural pillar at your company with the right employee recognition and reward platform.

The Achievers Employee Experience Platform is dedicated to meet the needs of your changing workforce, starting with facilitating company-wide, frequent recognition. Using Achievers Recognize , everyone at your organization can send meaningful messages of appreciation using an intuitive, mobile-friendly platform. And it empowers employees to reward their colleagues without having to go through HR or any other department, leveraging a points-based reward system backed by a marketplace featuring products from over 2,500 global brands. Combined with the science-backed feedback collection and analysis capabilities of Achievers Listen , your organization will have everything it needs to create an amazing employee experience.

Ready to see your employees’ work anniversary messages join the millions of recognitions sent using Achievers? Try a free demo today .

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30 Employee Work Anniversary Ideas, Messages, Emails and Certifications 

Table of contents:, what is a work anniversary.

  • Why Should You Celebrate Anniversaries

Creative Ways To Celebrate Work Anniversaries

  • Short Work Anniversary Messages 

Tips To Deliver Employee Anniversary Messages

  • Work Anniversary Messages To Send to Employees
  • Service Anniversary Certification Templates 

Why It Is Important to Celebrate Service Anniversaries

Work anniversaries are important events in your employees’ lives. They mark employees’ commitment to your company and are perceived as work-related birthdays. 

Conveniently, the service anniversary is a great opportunity to show your employees recognition. 

In this article, you can find out the best ways to celebrate your employees’ years of service and useful editable templates for work anniversary-related messages, emails, and certificates. 

Download these editable certificates to congratulate your employees’ their work anniversaries right here.

A work anniversary is an annual celebration that marks the day when a particular employee begins working for a company.

Celebrating employee work anniversaries is important because it demonstrates how much you appreciate your employees’ loyalty and the effort that they put into the company.

As a result, your employees can feel appreciated, valued, and acknowledged, which is crucial for maintaining high employee retention rates and satisfaction.

Why Should You Celebrate Employees’ Work Anniversaries

Celebrating a workaversary is a sign of proper work etiquette.

However, there are other significant reasons why years of service should be acknowledged and why you should include congratulating your employees on their work anniversaries in your employee recognition strategy. 

Recognize your employees’ work 

Showing your employees that you appreciate their years of service in your company symbolizes gratitude for their continuous efforts. 

Since 52% of employees want more recognition , you can use your work anniversary as a great opportunity to thank your employees for sticking with you and contributing to your organization’s growth. 

Inspire other employees 

By celebrating your employee’s work anniversary, you are inspiring other employees to strive and hit the same milestone. 

More specifically, you are telling your entire workforce that your company appreciates long-serving employees and their commitment. 

Encourage a positive company culture 

Appreciating your employee’s work anniversary fosters a positive company culture in which successes are celebrated, and coworkers are cared for. 

In turn, engaging company culture encourages more teamwork, productivity, and employee retention. 

Prevent turnover among Millennials and Gen Z employees 

Although the reward and celebration should not be the same for the 15th and 1st work anniversary – you should still mark the smaller milestones in your employees’ lives, too. 

49% of Millennial and Gen Z workers would quit their jobs within 2 years, so showing them appreciation for a first-year work anniversary and following it up with a proper reward could go a long way. 

Enhance employee experience 

Since employee experience includes everything an employee encounters in a workplace, failing to acknowledge something as important as a work anniversary can add negative points to your employees’ experience in your company.  

Instead, use this opportunity to highlight your employees’ loyalty and award them with amazing awards! 

It could pay off – according to research, companies with the best employee experience scores have had 3x returns on assets and double the sales compared to those with the lowest employee experience scores. 

Work anniversary is a cause for celebration, and there are various ways to thank your employees for their years of service.

How you celebrate your employees’ work anniversaries depends on your company culture – it can be more or less formal.  

Furthermore, the reward you give out should depend on how long they have worked at your organization. 

Most importantly – a work anniversary should be suited to an individual celebrating it because some employees might prefer a private “Congrats” over public praise. 

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate work anniversaries. 

1. Growth opportunity 

Work anniversary means systematic pay raises in some companies. Another great idea for a work-related anniversary reward is an opportunity for growth – meaning promotion or education.

This would certainly bode well in more formal company environments, especially among younger employees. Among them, 52% believe opportunities for career advancement make a company an attractive employer . 

2. Group anniversary 

Many organizations hire a larger volume of employees at once – making their work anniversary a joint one.

Therefore, you can organize a group activity such as a cooking class or give out prizes of similar value with the help of a wheel of fortune.  

Pro tip: Show your employees appreciation by throwing a party and making a Years of Service award ceremony! 

3. Anniversary card 

Not surprisingly, some employees prefer private over public recognition. In that case, opt for a handwritten card with a nice note to it.

If you think it is a good idea, make coworkers sign the card and deliver a heartwarming, personal gift. 

You can look for inspirational messages to write further down in this article.  

4. Frame a photo 

If you have a cool photo from team building, including a person celebrating the work anniversary, frame it and gift it!

This is also a personal gift; you can accompany it with a note. 

5. Important milestones scrapbook  

If you’re looking for a really personal gift that has a high emotional value, you can create a booklet of important milestones. 

Print out photos or write dates when something significant occurred in your employee’s life, and ask other employees to write congratulatory notes.

Combine all of this in a creative scrapbook and give it as an ultimate sign of employee appreciation . Since this is a very personal gift that consumes more time to create, opt for it in a case of 5+ years of service anniversaries. 

6. Custom t-shirt or a mug 

A personal yet affordable and funny gift could be a custom t-shirt or a mug. You can print a funny work-related quote or a picture from your employee’s favorite TV show.

The possibilities are endless, and you can ask your coworkers for help in this area. 

how organizations celebrate Moments that Matter

7. Company merchandise 

You can give your employees company merchandise for work anniversaries – hoodies, mugs, stationery, etc. However, make sure you congratulate them with a note, email, or certificate as well . You can find some useful examples of written texts to accompany your awards below.  

8. Mention on social media 

As much as some employees like to keep their milestones private, others are okay with public recognition through a social media post. Therefore, congratulate your employees publicly for their work anniversaries, and share pictures of your coworkers celebrating and sharing a cake. It is also a useful employer branding activity.  

9. Cake or food 

It is a simple idea – but one that works! If a work anniversary is sort of a work birthday, a cake is an appropriate way to celebrate it. Additionally, you can have a team lunch or lunch with the CEO as some of your food-related employee anniversary awards. 

10. Gift card 

A very practical solution your employees will surely love is a gift card. Make sure the amount you give out is standardized according to years of service, and your employees can choose from a variety of different goods. 

It’s easy to disperse gift cards on work anniversaries if you have a Recognition and Rewards Platform. Take a look at how JobPts can help you easily recognize your employees’ good behavior and important milestones.  

11. Book 

Another amazing gift for a work anniversary is a book. It can be business-related, a self-help book, or a novel someone recommended. If you know that the employee whose work anniversary you are celebrating likes to read, happiness is guaranteed! Plus, you can write a thoughtful message and ask your coworkers to sign the book. 

12. Throw a party or decorate the workspace 

The best way to celebrate someone’s work anniversary and give them one of the gifts we mentioned is to make it all about them. Throw a small office party or decorate your employee’s workspace. It will put your employees and their years of service at the center stage for the day. 

13. Day off 

A day off is considered a great gift for employees who never put themselves first. By having a day off, your employees can spend their work anniversary doing something they really like. 

14. Trip 

If you’re looking to really excite your employees, get them a trip! This kind of award for a work anniversary is best suited to Millennials and Gen Z workers who list travel as their top ambition. 

Also, you should give this kind of award only if you know your employees want it and spend a proportional amount of budget according to the years of service they have spent in your company. 

Short Work Anniversary Messages 

Whether you are planning on giving a gift to your employees for their work anniversaries or not, you can write them a short message to congratulate them. Like a simple “Thank you” note when you want to appreciate someone – these short congratulatory messages can go a long way. 

Print them, handwrite them, or send them via Slack or email. It is up to you! 

  • Dear [employee name], happy anniversary! I am so glad you are a part of our team. Have a great day! 
  • An anniversary is a great occasion to reflect on what you have done. You are always doing a great job, so we hope you are proud of yourself! Very warm wishes for your work anniversary. 
  • Dear [employee name], you continue to contribute to our company year after year. It wouldn’t be the same without you! Thank you so much for your continuous effort. Happy anniversary! 
  • Because of you, [company name] achieves its goals! Happy workaversary and many more successful years to come! 
  • Dear [employee name], you are such a valuable member of our team. I wish you continued success in your career. Happy work anniversary! 
  • It is such a pleasure working with you. You are driven, dedicated, and a real asset to [company name]. Happy anniversary from all of us! 
  • Dear [employee name], we hope you use this day to reflect on your many successes with [company name]. Your expertise made many projects what they are today, and we hope to celebrate many more of your successes in the upcoming years. Happy anniversary! 
  • Congratulations on another year with all of us! Have a happy work anniversary, and treat yourself to a slice of cake! 
  • Happy anniversary! It isn’t easy to work with us, so we promise to be good if you stick around! 
  • Dear [employee name], thank you for putting such an effort into everything you do. You have been with us through thick and thin, and we couldn’t imagine [company name] without you. Happy workaversary! 
  • Happy work anniversary, [employee name]! You are setting an example of what it means to work hard and help your teammates succeed year after year. Keep on rocking! 
  • I feel so privileged to have you as my coworker. You are doing a great job, and always keep an eye on me. I wish you all the best for your work anniversary! Congratulations! 
  • You have earned my utmost respect for your unwavering commitment over the last [x] years. Your dedication, professionalism, and kindness are inspiring, and I thank you for teaching me all of them. Happy work anniversary! 
  • Dear [employee name], I couldn’t imagine coming to work and not seeing you there. I am so glad we work together – you always make my day! Sincere congratulations on your service anniversary; I hope to see many more of them. 
  • Today, you completed [x] years of service as [company name]’s distinguished employee. We feel privileged and proud to have you here. Thank you for choosing to stay with us, and happy anniversary! 

If you wish to create a heartfelt work anniversary message on your own, the following section contains a few tips that can assist you in writing a sincere and genuine message that can enhance the work anniversary celebrations.

Make your work anniversary message personal

Personalize your anniversary note by starting with the employee’s name and the date they started working for your company. This shows respect and a positive attitude towards their work.

Make sure to mention employee’s milestones

Make sure to highlight your employees’ professional journey and describe how their work has contributed to the team’s success when composing your message.

This way, you will not only acknowledge their work but also provide positive feedback that will contribute to building their motivation and self-esteem in the workplace.

Express gratitude

It is important to express gratitude for the hard work and dedication of your employees in your anniversary message.

Make sure to thank them and acknowledge that their work is an integral part of the bigger picture of the company. Let them know that their efforts make a difference and lead to positive results. This will make employees feel appreciated and contribute to a positive work environment.

Select a proper medium

The anniversary congratulatory messages can be delivered via email, face-to-face, or publicly through social media. Consider the preferences of your employees and congratulate them in the way they would appreciate the most.

Work Anniversary Messages and Emails To Send to Your Employees

Your employees’ service anniversaries are an opportunity to show them your appreciation. 68% of employees haven’t received any form of recognition this year – it’s time to change that! 

Use these emails to congratulate your employees on their years of service. 

Work anniversary email #1 

Dear [employee name],  

It’s your 1st anniversary with [company name]! We are so happy you have decided to join us and grow with us. You work hard, and you make a great addition to our team.  

We are very happy to have you – and we are looking forward to many more of your successes with us in the future! Happy work anniversary!  


[your name]  

Work anniversary email #2 

Happy anniversary! We are so happy you have chosen to stay with us for [x] years. Your patience, professionalism, and kindness have made this company what it is today.  

Your contribution to [company name] is significant, and we are lucky to call you our employee. We wish you all the best for your work anniversary!  

Kind regards,  

Work anniversary email #3 

Happy work anniversary! We are so happy to call you our employee. You are dedicated to your work, and you always have such out-of-the-box ideas.  

It wouldn’t have been the same without you! We hope you enjoy your special day and continue to make our company what it is.  

All the best,  

Work anniversary email #4 

You have been a distinguished employee in [company name] for [x] years now. You have continuously shown your colleagues the meaning of teamwork, innovation, and leadership during that time.  

You are a valued team member, and we are sincerely grateful that you have chosen to stay with us all these years. We hope you are as proud of your achievements as we are and continue to help [company name] grow.  

Happy anniversary from all of us!  

Work anniversary email #5 

Another year has flown by! Since you came to work for us, many things have changed: we switched offices, you moved from [x] department to [y] department, you finished college
 But one thing has stayed the same: your relentless work ethic, your creativity, and your team spirit have never persisted. Amazing all of us at [company name]!  

We are so thankful that you are a part of our team! You always succeed in making everybody feel appreciated, so we look forward to spending many more years with you in the office.  

Happy workaversary! Join us for a small surprise in the kitchen at lunchtime.  

Work anniversary email #6 

A year ago, you became a part of our team. We were thrilled that such a young and enthusiastic professional was joining [company name], and a year later, our expectations were met.  

You are hardworking, smart, and driven, and you have contributed to several projects in our company. Since we are very happy that you are a part of our team, we would like to offer you an opportunity to grow with us in a new role as [role name].  

This promotion entails an educational package, a higher responsibility, and a pay raise. We hope that this shows our belief in your potential and that you see it as an excellent opportunity to advance your career.  

You can drop by my office for more details anytime.  

Very happy service anniversary, and enjoy your day!  

Best regards,  

Work anniversary email #7 

What should we say to one of our dearest and longest-serving employees? You were one of the first employees this company has ever had, and you have been with us for [x] years now. We hope that, as you have exceeded our expectations, we have exceeded yours.  

This company would have never been what it is today without your hard work and welcoming attitude. You have educated many new employees and shown them the true meaning of compassionate leadership. As you continue to be a teacher to us all, we hope you use this day off to truly celebrate yourself and your many achievements with what you like best.  

Happy anniversary!  

Work anniversary email #8 

Happy service anniversary! Has it already been [x] years? It seems you became a part of our team just yesterday!  

Well, time flies when you have fun – and you have certainly made this office filled with joy and laughter. We only hope that you continue being such a good-natured coworker in the future.  

Once again, happy anniversary, and join us for a small celebration at lunchtime.  


Work anniversary email #9 

Since you joined our company, we have noticed how big of an impact you are making. Our younger employees have flourished under your leadership. You have shown them the meaning of great leadership, teamwork, and patience, which they have used to become great professionals themselves.  

Today, we want to honor your many contributions with a small gift. We hope you like it, and we hope to continue learning from you. Thank you for being a member of our team!  

Happy work anniversary, [employee name]!  

Work anniversary email #10 

You have been in [company name]’s service for [x] years now. Your dedication and continuous effort to make this company a great place do not go amiss, and we are truly happy you have chosen us as the organization to give your expertise.  

Thank you for everything you are doing. It truly makes [company name] what it is!  

Happy workaversary, dear [employee name]!  

Service Anniversary Certification Templates 

You can get these service anniversary certification templates right here . Combine them with emails or notes we have listed above, and let your employees know how much you appreciate their dedication to your organization. 

Adjust the look of the certificate to your company culture and start celebrating your employees’ years of service.

Work anniversary certificate #1 

In case you are looking for a formal certificate, here is one you can use. Congratulate your employees on their work anniversary by printing it out or emailing it. 

speech employee anniversary

Work anniversary certificate #2 

If your company culture allows it, have fun with a work anniversary certificate. You can use this one for congratulating employees for their years of service in a festive atmosphere.

happy anniversary template by semos cloud

Work anniversary certificate #3 

Here is a workaversary certificate you can use in both formal and informal settings. It should be a safe bet if you cannot estimate your workplace culture yet. 

employee years of service template

Work anniversary certificate #4  

Attach this service anniversary certificate to your gift. It is a great way to honor your employees for their years of service. 

employee years of service free template

Work anniversary certificate #5 

Here is another idea: print this work certificate and frame it! It can be a gift itself.

employee happy anniversary template

Service anniversaries are one of the moments that matter during an employee’s journey. Celebrating workaversaries is an important part of the whole recognition and rewards strategy that can prove to be crucial for employee retention.

What else could you achieve by celebrating service anniversaries?

  • Increasing employee happiness. Let’s face it – work anniversaries are like work birthdays. You are happy when you get celebrated and when you get a small token of appreciation. It makes you feel seen, heard, and loved!
  • Boosting company culture. Celebrating each other’s service anniversaries sends a strong message: we care about important milestones in your career, and we want you to keep working for us for a long time.
  • Enhancing productivity and performance . Employees’ productivity and performance oscillate throughout their employee journey. It is worth knowing that celebrating workaversaries can help to get a little motivation boost!

Take a look at some of the most important facts about recognition and rewards to see what an impact celebrating service anniversaries have

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speech employee anniversary

20 Jan Employee Appreciation Speech Ideas and Examples

Employee appreciation and recognition have become more important than ever in these tough times. It is an essential part of improving morale and retaining employees and creating a positive work culture.

Studies done in 2016 already showed the vast importance of employee appreciation. 82% of participants stated that they did not feel recognized at work. 40% stated that they would feel more engaged and energized at work if their supervisors showed their appreciation more often.

The importance of appreciation from leadership positions cannot be overstated. For example, a Gallup workplace report found that 28% of participants found the most memorable appreciation they received to be one from their manager and 24% from their CEO. In comparison, only 9% found appreciation from their peers to be significant.

Employee appreciation is a low-cost method that yields hugely positive results. Speeches have become one of the easiest ways to show appreciation for employees in significant ways that feel memorable.

Speeches can be both formal and informal. This allows employees to be appreciated in this way even when they achieve normal targets that don’t require grand fanfare but should still be recognized.

When approaching employee appreciation speeches, you should keep a few things in mind to help you:

  • Practice your speechmaking: This will make it easier to bring the point across while you engage your audience, even if it is just a one-to-one meeting. You will feel more comfortable if you practice ahead of time, and this energy will transfer to those hearing you.
  • Record achievements: Your employees will do many things worthy of appreciation throughout the year. Take note of these and make sure to address them in some way when you recognize them through a speech.

If you would like some guidance with employee appreciation speech ideas, take a look at our how-to steps with examples that can be used for casual and formal occasions.

Recognize Specific Goals

Appreciate their time, use thank yous, recognize when employees use company behaviors, show appreciation for positive attitudes, keep it personal, refer to milestones, appreciate individual skills, appreciate proactive employees, recognize those going the extra mile, engage with the audience, celebrate values, address accomplishments, appreciate leadership qualities, recognize excellent teamwork, mention their influence, recognize their impact on the company, remind them of their importance, recognize them for off-duty achievements, highlight the visionaries, general appreciation speech ideas.

These ideas and examples are suitable for showing appreciation for employees on a casual level. They can be used for normal daily achievements that should still receive some acknowledgment and can be addressed whenever convenient.

These speech ideas require little to no preparation but will easily provide a boost to employees by making them feel seen and recognized.

Targets and goals are a constant part of an employee’s life. The effort involved in achieving them can vary, but whenever they hit one, they should be recognized in some way, no matter how small. Team leaders or managers can casually mention them in team meetings, catch-ups, or one-to-ones.

These small speeches don’t require extensive preparation. Stick to the point, keep it informal, and make sure the employee feels appreciated for their work.

Thanks to your effort in achieving this goal, the team has hit another target and is well on its way to successfully ending the year.

Being at work can become a grueling routine, especially during times of high stress. It may not seem like much, but showing appreciation to employees who are there can be a great boost and can be relevant at any time.

Thank you for being here and for making this week easier through your effort.

While you can use platforms like Bonusly or Kazoo to leave thank you notes of appreciation to employees whenever you want, doing it in person can be much more impactful. Whenever an employee achieves a target, take the time to simply thank them in front of everyone.

Whenever they help one of their coworkers, thank them. This creates a positive working environment and makes employees aware that their actions always have an impact on their surroundings, no matter how small.

Thank you for all your hard work and for being there for your colleagues. This shows great qualities that benefit the whole team.

Each business model is shaped around specific behaviors that employees are expected to follow whenever possible. Keep an eye on when your employees are displaying these behaviors, and make sure to reward them for it with some appreciation.

While it may not seem like a huge achievement, employees displaying the behaviors at the heart of your company are instrumental in its success.

Your incredible demonstration of company behaviors has positively impacted the team atmosphere and performance. Thank you for always striving to do your best.

Positivity can make or break a team. Even when working individually, everyone around them can feel the impact of an employee’s positive attitude. It can easily boost performance and contribute to the overall work culture.

Whenever you notice an employee having a positive impact through their attitude, mention it in a meeting or casual gathering of peers.

Thank you for making us smile and for using your positive attitude to lift us up. You have had a significant impact on everyone’s mood today, and should take pride in your behavior.

You should always take the time to learn about your employees. This will make it easier to make them feel included and seen whenever you show your appreciation for them. You should have inside jokes with your team and with those under your leadership.

Create a network of support and camaraderie between team members, and pay attention to who they are as individuals. When it comes time to appreciate their efforts, pepper in some facts that relate to them and that are personally meaningful, even within the team.

These can be used for levity and don’t need to have a lot of weight assigned to them.

Thank you for showing as much dedication to your work as you do to your history deep dives on Wikipedia.

Your long-term employees will hit many milestones during their tenure. You should always address when new ones are achieved, whether they are personal or professional. Work anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, and promotions should all be celebrated whenever they occur.

These can easily be dropped into conversation at start-of-the-day meetings or other team events, and they can have a big impact on the mood of the day.

You have been here for five years and have shaped this team and your coworkers. Your ongoing dedication has made a huge difference, and we are better for having known you.

Each employee will bring unique skills to the team and to the job. These should all be recognized because they all have an impact and contribute to a team’s overall success. Recognizing the attributes that each person brings to the group will make them feel appreciated and supported. It will also make them aware of their strength in influencing the team.

Empowering employees with appreciation of their skills will make them more confident in their position. It is easy to mention them in casual settings and within shared team moments.

Your expertise with coding has significantly reduced the time it has taken the team to achieve a specific set of targets. Thank you for using your skills to make it easier on all of us.

There will always be team members who leap at opportunities and volunteer themselves for new projects and events. This energy should be appreciated because it will be an energy boost to the whole team and will make other individuals take action.

The employees who take the lead should also be more quickly considered for progression within the companies. Make them aware that you are seeing their effort and that it will take them to exciting openings.

Your eagerness to be part of new opportunities before they even occur is commendable and shapes the team’s pace. Continuing like this will get you far in the company.

Going above and beyond takes a lot of effort, especially in highly demanding jobs. The employees that always endeavor to do more than they need to should be shown appreciation in a speech that can be delivered at any time.

Single them out during team meetings and specify the amount of effort they have made. While employees should not be encouraged to always sacrifice their time, they should be seen and recognized when they put extra effort in.

The way you followed up with that client and made sure their needs were met despite it not being your responsibility was noticed. It is a credit to your dedication and the quality you bring to this team and your role. Your effort has been noted, and you should take pride in how you have handled this.

Formal Appreciation Speech Ideas

Company-wide events are a great opportunity to provide formal appreciation for its employees. These should be occasions of celebration, and employee recognition should be at the forefront.

Employees that you mention during these events will feel significantly appreciated. Everyone will get to share in the appreciation and the visibility of these achievements. These speeches will require more preparation, and more people will see them.

Make sure to take time to formulate them and deliver them in a way that carries the weight of what you are saying. This type of appreciation will stick with your employees long after the event has ended.

When you deliver a speech at a formal event, it can easily come across as stilted or cold. Preparing the speech should be done with the specific audience you will be addressing in mind.

Make it personal when you mention the employee you are showing appreciation for. Even if the entire audience doesn’t know them, they should feel like they do by the end of the speech.

You might not all know this, but this employee is such a hard worker that I am constantly kept on my toes. We must all run to keep up with them in their trailblazing ways. This sort of attitude makes going to work fun, even with early starts.

As we’ve seen, company values are at the core of everything and should provide guidance to employees. When they excel at displaying those values, they should be recognized. Formal company events are an excellent setting for this sort of appreciation. Take your time to set the rhythm of your speech around this achievement.

This employee understands what the business wants to be known for. They showcase the values at the heart of the company every day, and they inspire others to do the same. This makes them an essential member of the team and of the business as a whole.

While smaller goals and targets should be mentioned in casual settings, bigger milestones should be addressed at bigger events. Galas, team dinners, and other such ceremonies are perfect settings for this sort of speech.

Adapt what you will say to the setting and the group of people you will be speaking to, and highlight the impact of the achievement.

This employee has achieved a series of huge milestones that have contributed to the overall success and performance of the team. Without their dedication, achieving these targets would have taken longer and may have had less of an impact. We thank you and celebrate you for your work.

Some employees will be so committed to their role that they will greatly influence others. If they provide extra support to other team members, are proactive, and are looking for ways to do more instead of sticking to their official jobs, it shows promise for their future in leadership positions.

Show recognition for their achievements and for the way in which they lift everyone else up.

This colleague of ours has become an essential part of the team. Their drive has been indispensable to their team members, and it shows qualities that we are looking for in our leaders.

The success of a team always comes down to the group effort of its members, but some individuals enhance team performance. Take note of how they drive the rest of the team to have a more productive pace while improving its harmony.

When there is an occasion for it, address this at a formal event.

I would like to take this moment to celebrate this particular team and the effort of this employee in enhancing it. This team player has been an essential part of the whole group’s success, and their performance has been noticed.

Some employees will easily fall into leadership or mentorship roles even within a team. They will find it easy to exert influence on their peers in a way that brings great results to the whole group. This influence can easily spread beyond their circle.

Mentioning this skill during a formal company event will allow the employee to reap the rewards of their positive behavior.

Having influence on one’s peers is not something that can be easily taught. This employee has a natural knack for it and has positively impacted many of their coworkers. Providing mentorship and extra support is time-consuming, but this employee has made it their mission to be there for others.

The company benefits from the successes of its people. When an employee achieves numerous targets within the company, that has a big impact on its overall performance. Formal events are a great opportunity to address this.

This business owes its triumphs to those working within it. Of these people, the achievements of this employee during this quarter have had a huge influence on overall performance. We should all strive to be more like them.

It can be easy for employees to get swept up in the routine and forget about their importance within a team. Targets always need to be achieved, and new goals always come up the moment the previous one has been met.

Take a moment during formal events to address this importance so that they can be aware of their impact.

The impressive resilience of this employee has been instrumental to every target the team has met. Their value is immeasurable, so let’s take this moment to thank them for how they have impacted performance.

Employees don’t just exist in the work vacuum. Many of them spend their time off volunteering or doing essential activities in their community. The humanity of individuals working for you should always be remembered, especially during formal events.

This employee spends their free time raising money for a particular charity that is important to them. Not only do they put all their effort into their job, but when they leave, they do the same to help their community. This goes to show the far-reaching impact one person can have.

At times, visionaries arise from the ranks of employees. These people will push the boundaries of what they can achieve and lead the way for teams. They are necessary for a successful company, especially as they climb through the ranks.

A business should always be ready to bolster those seeking new heights. Formal events should spend some time on recognizing these individuals.

This employee has set the trend for groundbreaking innovation. They are always looking for new ways of approaching targets and projects that are more streamlined and more efficient. Without them, we would not be inspired to discover new summits that will make us all stand out.

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Sample Employee Appreciation Messages for Years of Service Awards

Author: Alexis Matheny

It's important to recognize employees on their service anniversaries and significant milestones. Many companies give years of service awards to their employees and write a message of appreciation to accompany the award. If you're struggling to find the words to write to your employee for their years of service milestone, check out these 12 sample employee appreciation messages for inspiration to help get you started!

“We are so proud to have you as part of our work family. We hope that you keep up the good work for many years to come!”

“Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us! We know you have worked hard for this accomplishment and we truly appreciate your dedication.”

“Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team. Wishing you the best for continued success!”

“Congratulations on your service anniversary today! You have been such significant part of our team and we couldn't imagine our workplace without you.”

“We applaud the determination and effort you have demonstrated during your time with us. We look forward to seeing all of the great things we know you will accomplish in the upcoming years!”

“Happy anniversary! Thank you for the all of the contributions you have made in making our company successful. ”

“We are so happy and proud of you for all you've accomplished. Thank you for staying with us through the years. Happy anniversary!”

“Through the years, your talents and efforts have helped our success. Together, we take pride in your accomplishment and your commitment to excellence. Congratulations on your anniversary!”

“We are proud to have you on our team and offer our congratulations on this service milestone. Best wishes to you for these many years to come.”

“I want to express my personal appreciation for your achievement of this milestone. Loyal and dedicated employees like you are the foundation to any successful company. Thank you for your contribution to our success!”

“We sincerely appreciate your hard work and efforts year over year. Thank you for your many wonderful years of service!”

“Thank you for all of the motivation and encouragement you've given throughout the years. May you continue to inspire us for many years to come!”

If you're struggling to find the right words to say, just remember that even a few short sentences can make a world of difference. For additional inspiration and ideas, try further  personalizing your messages  or boosting employee morale by including some motivational quotes and sayings . 

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120+ Great Work Anniversary Wishes and Quotes for Employees, Peers and Leaders


Work Anniversary Wishes - a simple yet powerful combination of correctly chosen words with a happy tone to cheer and motivate employees.

At times when finding job satisfaction is a prized quest, the act of appreciating your employees and peers emerges as a powerful catalyst to keep them motivated. As such, observing special occasions like work anniversaries becomes extremely important.

Well, work anniversaries aren’t just mere milestones for employees. It brings downs the countless emotions associated with their years of service . And nothing can mark the perfect moment to make them feel valued for all their dedication and hard work.

Yet, finding the proper words of appreciation and conveying them to your employees or boss can sometimes become difficult.

And if you’ve ever backed out from wishing your peers or employees for this reason, then believe me, you’re not alone here.

I’m here to help you by listing the best happy work anniversary messages you can convey to your employees, peers, leaders, or boss.


Picture source: Work anniversary post via Vantage Circle's employee rewards and recognition platform .

120+ Work Anniversary Wishes and Messages to Say to Your Employees, Colleagues, Boss or Leaders.

Work anniversary wishes for dedicated and loyal employees..

Hard work, loyalty, and diligence make the best employees. And I’m glad you’re a person we can rely on. It’s your work anniversary today, and I couldn’t have thought of any better moment to appreciate you and wish you good luck in all your future endeavors.

Every contributor has passed stages in this organization, and today marks the beginning of a new one for you. Thank you for all your efforts, [Name]. Happy Work Anniversary!

Maybe you’ve never realized, but every effort you put in at work is a step closer to our goals. You have been doing so for [no. of years] years now. It’s your job anniversary, and we are sending you our heartiest wishes.

Don’t forget to check your calendar today. It might make you feel a bit nostalgic as you complete another amazing year with us. Kudos to your dedication at [Organization]!

Some champions never give up and strive to deliver the best. We are glad you are one of them and have come a long way with us. May this year, you achieve new heights and continue to thrive.

We never realized what we did to deserve someone like you. Your passion for bringing new ideas to the table and executing them successfully is inspiring. Thank you for choosing this organization.

I remember the day we met for the first time at work. It was exactly today, some years back. Thank you for being an amazing colleague and friend. Happy work anniversary!

There’s no better day than today to say how much you mean to us. As a valued colleague, you’ve always inspired us in every way possible. Thank you for being by our side for all these years. Happy Anniversary at work!

Who would have thought that you’ll be the one everyone would look upto? After all these years at work, I can say you have achieved this feat. Thank you for displaying your utmost discipline at work. Wishing you all the best, as it’s your work anniversary today.

Every achiever starts somewhere. On this day, you onboarded our ship and sailed with us to achieve goals together. Thank you for bestowing your trust on us. Best wishes on your work anniversary.

Hey, have you seen a cake where it’s written, “Happy Work Anniversary?” If not, it’s on your table waiting for you. You deserve this sweet treat today!

It takes a dedicated mind and a strong will to make things happen. Today, you have shown it by completing yet another amazing year with us. Thank you for everything you did for this team. Enjoy your work anniversary!

It’s not an easy task to find someone like you who is determined to achieve goals. On this day, you took our goals as your own. Thank you for everything that you are doing for us. We wish to continue seeing you grow with us.

You have been an important part of our organization's journey and success. We are eternally grateful for the dedication and passion you have shown. Thank you for being with us. Happy Work Anniversary!

Hard work and loyalty are gifts not everyone possesses. But you got it both! We are glad to have someone like you with us. Keep up your excellent work, and continue to inspire. Cheers to all your incredible years of work. Happy Work Anniversary!

Having someone like you is a matter of pride and gratitude. Your hard work and professionalism have set an example for our organization. Congratulations on completing another year with us.

Your positive attitude towards work inspires everyone here to give their best. It’s your work anniversary today, and we are thankful for having you with us. Happy Work Anniversary!

You have set a great example for all of us with your work ethics and dedication. Thank you for everything you have done for us all these years. I wish you a Happy Work Anniversary!

Your loyalty and hard work can’t be remunerated. However, today you have our respect for everything you have done for us. It’s your work anniversary, and we wanted to thank you for your good deeds for our organization. Kudos Champ!

My Mate! Everyone requires a person with an abundance of positive vibes and confidence to get things done perfectly. Thank you for being that person. Warm wishes on your work anniversary!

Hey [Name], it’s your fine attention to detail at work that separates you from everyone else on our team. Here I take this moment to congratulate you on your milestone and wish you a happy work anniversary.

Do you know it takes a person with strong character and willpower to stay dedicated and loyal at their job? And you are that person! Best wishes on your work anniversary.

Only a few people like you can actually show utmost dedication at their jobs. We congratulate you for being with us and wish you a happy work anniversary.

Filled with positivity, confidence, and honesty, we couldn’t have found anyone better than you for our team. Happy Workversary, buddy!

Finding a co-worker like you is a matter of pride, and you continue to inspire us every day since you joined the tribe. Happy Work Anniversary, Mate!

It is your loyalty and hard work that has given you a strong presence in our organization. We truly appreciate every bit of it. Happy Work Anniversary!

Your consistent commitment and dedication have truly set you apart. Thank you for being an outstanding employee and for all your contributions. Happy Work Anniversary!

Dear [Name], your efforts and dedication haven't gone unnoticed. Thank you for being an exemplary team member. Wishing you a happy and successful journey ahead. Happy Work Anniversary!

Your unwavering loyalty and dedication have made you an invaluable asset to our team. Here's to celebrating your remarkable contributions. Happy Work Anniversary!

Your dedication, hard work, and loyalty shine as a beacon of inspiration for all of us. On this special day of your work anniversary, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your exceptional contributions. I'm looking forward to more amazing years ahead.

Every organization should have an employee like you. You’re unique with your own set of skills and your positive attitude towards your work. And at this moment, I would like to extend my warm greetings on your Work Anniversary today.

Worklife is not a sprint. It’s a marathon that one needs to keep running and achieve one milestone after the other. And believe me, you’re one hell of a runner. Conveying my best work anniversary wishes to you, I hope to see you together with us for many more years to come. Good Luck!

You’re one of those engaged employees on whom we can rely. Since joining us, you’ve shown us great diligence towards your work. I hope you keep the same spark burning for many more years t come. Happy Anniversary

Self-motivated, disciplined, and focused. These three words aren't enough to describe an employee like you. And today, it’s your day of celebration for showing your loyalty and perseverance. Happy Work Anniversary!

Imagining an efficient team without you has seemed vague ever since you started working with us. And today, on your Work Anniversary, I wanted to appreciate and thank you for everything you have done for us.

Today, I’m looking back to when I first recruited you. And since then, you have managed to come a long way and thrive. I am extremely proud of having you on my team. I hope to continue our association for times to come. Congrats on your work anniversary!

This is to remind you that you have come a long way, and your contributions have continued to inspire us. I wish you a very Happy Work Anniversary!

Hey there! Do you remember that this very day a year ago (you can replace it with years), we came across a very skilled professional and a lovely person? Cheer up, mate, because that person is “YOU.” Thank you for being part of our organization.

It takes only one to make a difference; you have displayed it every day since you started working with us. Today you achieved another milestone in your professional career. Happy Work Anniversary.

Nothing in this world is more valuable to an employer than an employee who is both loyal and hardworking. You have never left a moment without mesmerizing me with your confidence and guts to get the work done. And there couldn’t have been any better time than your Work Anniversary to express my heartiest gratitude.

I never thought we would come a long way together in our professional journey. Thank you for supporting and guiding me as a colleague. Happy Work Anniversary!

A committed employee and an extraordinary human being. That’s what you are, and we are glad to have someone like you in our workforce. We wish you a happy work anniversary and good luck with all the upcoming years of work.

Nothing in this world compares to a person’s loyalty and dedication towards his or her profession. My friend, you have set an example for everyone in this regard. We all wish you a very happy work anniversary.

One-Year Work Anniversary Messages.

I can’t believe it’s already been a year since you joined us. Your dedication and enthusiasm have made you a valuable member of our team. Looking forward to more wonderful years together!

Dear [Employee name], congratulations on marking your first year with this company. Your hard work and positive attitude have been truly inspiring. Happy Work Anniversary!

Congratulations, [name], on completing a fantastic year with us! Your contributions have been remarkable, and we're grateful to have you on our team.

Happy First Anniversary with us, [Name]! Your commitment and determination have made a significant impact in just one year. Here's to many more successful years ahead!

[Name], It's been a year of excellence and progress since you joined our team. Your dedication and hard work haven't gone unnoticed. Happy Work Anniversary!

Do you know that time flies fast when you're making a difference? You've become an integral part of our team in just one year. Keep shining and inspiring us. Happy Anniversary!

We are happy to see you completing your first year with us! Your contributions have been invaluable, and we're excited to see what the future holds. Keep up the great work!

You might not have realized it yet, but your commitment and passion have set a high standard for us all. Thank you for a year of hard work and dedication.Happy Work Anniversary!

Thank you for celebrating one year of your remarkable journey with us! Your positive energy and determination have truly enriched our team. Here's to more years of success!

Since joining us a year back, your dedication has made you a valued team member. Your first year here has been a testament to your hard work and potential. Congratulations, and keep rising!

Learn how celebrating employee years of service can build a happier, engaged workforce.

This was the 1st year of your growth. Your dedication and contributions have made you an essential asset to our team. Happy Work Anniversary!

Wishing you a Happy 1st Work Anniversary! Your commitment and passion have been a driving force in our team's success. Looking forward to more achievements together!

Congratulations on your first year with us! Your positive attitude and dedication have made a significant impact. Here's to the wonderful journey ahead!

Your hard work and positive presence have made the past year memorable. Thank you for being an incredible team member. Happy Anniversary!

And we are here now, celebrating one year of your outstanding contributions! Your determination and commitment have made you an invaluable part of our team. Happy Work Anniversary!

Your dedication and passion have helped shape our team and are an integral part now. Looking forward to many more successful years together. Best wishes!

Congratulations on your first year here! Your hard work and dedication have made you an asset to our team. Here's to more achievements and growth.

Every workplace needs someone who stands out from the rest and inspires everyone. Thank you for being that person, and we are proud of you and everything you have done so far. Happy work anniversary!

You might not realize but your contributions have been outstanding in just one year. You've become a valuable team member, and we're excited for the future. Keep rising!

Celebrating your first year of excellence and growth! Your commitment and enthusiasm have been truly inspiring. Thank you for being a valuable part of our team.

We can take inspiration from the passion, hard work, and loyalty you have displayed in your 1st year of work. Congratulations on your Work Anniversary!

Work Anniversary Quotes for Completing 5 Years.

Today, let me remind you how remarkable your journey is so far. Your commitment and dedication for all these 5 years deserve our utmost appreciation. And today, you have earned it from us. Thank you for being with us, and we look forward to many more years together with you.

Your selfless service and dedication towards your team is highly appreciated. The things you have done so far are highly valued. Thank you for completing 5 years with us!

It feels like you joined us just yesterday, yet you've completed five years here. It was your hard work and commitment that made all the difference. Congratulations on your Work Anniversary!

Believe us when we say you’re inspiring. Your five years of dedication, growth, and excellence helped this organization in multiple ways. Wishing you continued success on your 5th Year Work Anniversary!

Congratulations on reaching the milestone of 5 years with us! Your consistent efforts and loyalty have played a pivotal role in our success. Here's to your incredible journey and the remarkable path ahead. Happy Work Anniversary!

You have never stopped amazing us with the highest level of perfectionism that you put into your work. It’s already been five years since you started working, and we are grateful to you for all your incredible years of work. Wishing you a happy fifth work anniversary.

Your level of commitment to our organization has been unwavering. Thank you for being an exceptional part of our team. Cheers to your Five years of excellence!

Hey Buddy, cheers to five years of growth, learning, and accomplishments! Your journey with us has been nothing short of exceptional. Your hard work and loyalty are truly appreciated. Here's to many more successful years ahead. Happy Work Anniversary!

Let me take a moment to appreciate your profound impact on our team. It’s your 5th year with us, and we are happy to see you grow together. Wishing you continued success and growth. Happy Work Anniversary!

Today is your day. Exactly 5 years ago on this date, you decided to embark with us on our journey to conquer greater goals. We are happy to see you still holding the same positivity and zeal to do things just like when you joined. Thank you for everything you have done for us to date.

Five years of dedication, innovation, and leadership! Your contributions have played a crucial role in shaping our success. Your journey here is a testament to your hard work and loyalty. Congratulations and Happy Work Anniversary!

It’s nearly half a decade since you joined us and helped us achieve what seemed impossible with your brilliant expertise. Today is your 5th work anniversary, and I wanted to extend our heartiest work anniversary wishes.

Can you believe it’s almost been five years since you joined our team? No wonder time flies so fast, and you continue to inspire us with your ethics and charming personality. Happy Work Anniversary, buddy, and I wish you all the good luck for the times to come.

I have seen you try, fail, learn, and grow over these years. And I’m glad to have found an employee like you. You and your contribution mean a lot to us. I wish you all the best and a very happy work anniversary.

In your years of service, you have given our organization much more than effort and hard work on the job. You have taught everyone the lesson of loyalty and staying motivated in the long run. Today is your day to celebrate. Today it’s your work anniversary!

Work Anniversary Wishes for Professionals Completing 10 years.

  • A Decade of Dedication

Congratulations on completing a decade of unwavering commitment to our organization! Your loyalty and hard work are truly commendable. Here's to ten years of remarkable contributions. Happy Work Anniversary!

  • Ten Years of Excellence

Dear [Name], Time has flown by, and your dedication has shone brightly in these ten years. Your impact on our team is invaluable, and we're grateful for your continuous efforts. Wishing you a joyful 10th work anniversary!

  • A Decade of Team Spirit

It's been an incredible journey of teamwork and achievement since you joined us ten years ago. Your positive attitude and dedication inspire us all. Here's to celebrating your 10th work anniversary with pride and admiration!

  • A Milestone of Achievement

A decade of hard work, resilience, and achievement - that's what you've given to our organization. Your perseverance sets an example for everyone. Congratulations on your remarkable 10 years of service. Happy Work Anniversary!

  • A Decade of Impact

Your impact on our organization over the past ten years has been invaluable. Your dedication and effort have made a significant difference. Cheers to your 10th work anniversary and all the successes it represents!

  • A Decade of Growth

Over the last ten years, you've grown as a professional and as someone who continues to inspire us. Your contributions have been pivotal, and we're excited to see what the coming years hold. Happy 10th work anniversary!

  • Ten Years of Inspiration

Your willingness to go the extra mile has proved your commitment to this organization. For the last ten years, you’ve inspired everyone and made it a remarkable journey for all. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Happy 10-Year Work Anniversary!

  • A Decade of Partnership

We’ll always be indebted for everything you have done for us. In your journey of 10 years, you’ve taught us what it feels like to forge strong relations at work. Thank you for sticking to us through thick and thin. Thank you for your 10 years of dedicated service.

  • A Decade of Loyalty

Today, you have displayed a very important lesson to all. It’s the lesson of loyalty. For the past years, you have demonstrated your mettle and proved how things are achieved in the long run. We are proud to have you as part of our team.

  • A Decade of Innovation

Your innovative thinking and dedication have propelled our team forward for the past ten years. Your contributions are valued more than words can express. Congratulations on your 10th work anniversary!

Work Anniversary Wishes for Those Who Stayed With you for More Than 10 Years.

  • Celebrating 11 Years

It’s already been 11 years since we started working as team members. I would like to express my heartiest gratitude as your colleague and thank you for everything you have done for our team these past years. Cheers on completing your 11th work anniversary.

  • Thriving Through 12 Years

Congratulations on completing 12 years of dedicated service. Your journey has been an embodiment of loyalty and excellence. Thank you for being an integral part of our team's success.

  • Celebrating 13 Years

The one thing which you have earned in this work more than your salary all these years is my respect for your loyalty and dedication. It’s your 13th work anniversary, and I wanted to thank you for everything you did here. Happy Work Anniversary!

  • A 14-Year Legacy

It’s hard to believe that you have completed 14 years with us today. I must say that your journey so far has been remarkable. Throughout these years, you have impacted us in so many ways. And today, we are happy to celebrate your 14 years of service with us.

  • 15 Years of Excellence

We are grateful to found someone like you as one of our employees. You have stood by our side through thick and thin for over a decade. And today marks the 15th work anniversary of your professional life. Congratulations on your achievement, and convey my best wishes on your work anniversary.

  • Saluting 16 Years

It was a blessing to have come across someone of your calibre and loyalty. Today, you have achieved yet another milestone by completing 16 years of service. Kudos to all these years of your great work.

  • 18 Years of Impact

For the past 18 years, you have made a difference for all in this organization. We couldn’t be more proud of you for all you have done. Thank you from the deepest corner of our hearts as we wish you a happy work anniversary.

  • A 19-Year Story of True Service

On this day, 19 years ago, you chose us and dedicated your selfless service to this organization. Thank you for your perseverance and trust. With you by our side, we are confident in achieving even the highest goals.

  • Two Decades of Dedication

You have shown everyone the true meaning of dedication and loyalty by confirming your association with our organization for 20 years. Today marks the day of this milestone. Cheers to your two decades of service.

  • Honoring 21 Years

It’s always amazing to see you with us every day, but today, it’s special. It’s your 21st work anniversary. Your journey is a testament to your dedication and passion. Congratulations on this significant milestone!

  • A Remarkable 25 Years

Working alongside you has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life. And I hope you had a comfortable and happy journey during your 25 amazing years of work in our organization. As I remember the first day I met you at the workplace, I wish you a Happy 25th Work Anniversary!

  • Three Decades of Excellence

Today, we honor your three decades of exceptional service. Your hard work, perseverance, and loyalty have shaped our organization's identity. Here's to your incredible journey of 30 years with us!

Work Anniversary Wishes for Leaders and Boss.

Dear [Name], we have embarked on several feats under your leadership. Today marks another significant milestone in your journey. It’s your work anniversary, and I’m expressing my heartiest wishes.

For all these years, you have always kept your team above everything. Haven’t it been you, we might have lost our way in achieving our goals. Thank you for your guidance and support. Today, we celebrate you. Today, it’s your [no. of year] year work anniversary.

They say great leaders aren’t born; they are created. I believe that’s true, looking at how you’ve managed us for all these years. Thank you for always leading us. Best wishes for completing [no. of year] with us, [name]!

Every employee wishes for an empathetic leader and a great listener. We found both of these in you. Congratulations, and thank you for completing another year with us.

As our team lead, your guidance and support have been invaluable. Thank you for making every day at work a positive experience. Wishing you a wonderful Work Anniversary!

Your leadership has been nothing less than a beacon of light for us. Congratulations on another year of growth, and success. Happy Work Anniversary!

There’s something that sets you apart. For us, it’s always your positive attitude and empathy. On this day, you chose to lead us, and we are proud to have you. On behalf of the entire tribe at [organization name], wishing you a very happy work anniversary!

You have shown everyone what it means to be attached to your goals no matter what. We are at a stage where we can call ourselves champions for your dedication and support. Thank you for your continuous guidance and support. Best wishes on your [no. of year] work anniversary.

With each passing year, your influence as a leader grows stronger. Your commitment to excellence sets an example for us all. Best wishes on your Work Anniversary!

Your ability to lead with grace and determination is truly commendable. May your journey ahead continue to be as successful as the years behind you. Happy Work Anniversary!

Time has flown by, and your leadership has transformed our team in these years. Your passion and zeal to achieve more continue to motivate us. Congratulations on your Work Anniversary!

Your dedication and resilience have propelled us to new heights. We want to express our gratitude for your unwavering leadership on your special day. Happy Work Anniversary!

It's been an incredible journey working under your guidance. Your commitment to our team's success is evident in every achievement. Best wishes on your Work Anniversary!

Your leadership style has created a harmonious and thriving work environment. Your contributions are truly appreciated. Happy Work Anniversary, and here's to many more fruitful years!

Through challenges and triumphs, your leadership has been unwavering. Your work ethic and compassion inspire us all. Congratulations on your Work Anniversary!

It’s tough to stay put in the same place for a very long time. However, maybe the word “Tough” wasn’t in your dictionary, and you have sailed with us through all the harsh and good times. As a part of my work anniversary message for you, I would like to congratulate you on achieving this fantastic professional milestone. And also wish you the best of luck for times to come.

Words are not enough to thank you for everything that you have done so far for us. However, I would like to extend my warm greetings on the occasion of your Work Anniversary. Kudos to you!

There are people who are always focused on achieving their vision. And we are grateful to have someone like you lead us towards it. This day is dedicated to you and your perseverance. Happy work anniversary!

Working alongside you has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life. And I hope you had a comfortable and happy journey during your [no. of year] amazing years of leading our organization.

Wasn’t it for your selfless dedication, we would have never achieved the stage where we are now. Thank you for choosing to lead us for all these years. Happy work anniversary, boss!

For all these years, you have never stopped inspiring us. No matter what the situations were, you were always there, calm and composed. Today, you can relax because it’s your job anniversary.

Hey Boss, just wanted to remind you that your efforts so far have got us many laurels. It was for you that we could feel comfortable and supported at work. Thank you for being the best human we can ever wish for to lead us. Happy anniversary, Boss!

Your contributions as our leader can never be appreciated enough. You trusted us with your vision and supported us at every step in achieving it. Thank you for years of dedication and leadership.

It won’t be wrong to say that you’ve defined what it means to be a true leader. The way you have established prolonged motivation amongst us all is a testament to that. Thank you for trusting us with your vision for all these years. Cheers to completing another year under your leadership.

Your ability to take control and guide everyone toward a positive outcome sets you apart. It’s for this reason that we are happy under your leadership. Our best wishes to you for completing your [no. of year] of leadership with us.

Hi Boss, would you mind saying on your phone, “Hey Siri, Play Congratulations by Post Malone.” It should be the anthem of your day as you complete another incredible year with us.

Believe it or not, you have an aura no one can ignore. Today, you completed another successful year with us, and we want to thank you for everything you have done as our boss.

It’s never enough when it comes to appreciating you for the person you are. Like a great leader, you have always held us together and marched towards the common vision. Today, we mark your anniversary at work and dedicate our best wishes to you.

So, you have now reached the bottom of this list. Thank you for your interest in going through this article. Also, don’t forget to check out our Service Yearbook feature to amplify the joy of work anniversaries in your organization.

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100 Quotes to Celebrate a Work Anniversary

Work anniversaries are an important milestone in an employee's career! Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the anniversary with one of these quotes.

by Allie Berloco

No one should overlook work anniversaries. Whether it be one year or twenty, they are all important. It celebrates how much work an employee has put in and what they are doing to help move the company forward. Honoring a work anniversary is a great way to show that you are noticing all their hard work and dedication. No matter if it's a co-worker, employee, or family member, they deserve the recognition.

If you’re looking for ways to say “Happy Work Anniversary,” you’re in the right place. I have compiled 100 different ways to wish someone a happy workiversary. You’ll be sure to find something that fits the special occasion or person you want to celebrate.

In This Article...

One-year work anniversary quotes.

  • 10-Year Work Anniversary Quotes
  • 15-Year Work Anniversary Quotes

20-Year Work Anniversary Quotes

Funny work anniversary quotes, work anniversary quotes for boss, work anniversary quotes for co-workers, work anniversary quotes for your work bestie, work anniversary quotes for self, work anniversary quotes for significant other.

One-Year work anniversaries are a big deal! Staying with a company for 365 days deserves a shout-out. This employee has worked hard from day 1 and proved that they have what it takes. Acknowledge the not-so-new team member with words of encouragement, like these:

  • “We were so happy to welcome you to the team this year, and are so excited to see what you will do in the years to come!”
  • “This is the first of many happy milestones. Congratulations on reaching one year!”
  • “Today marks your one-year work anniversary, but it feels like you have been here forever. We are so happy to have you as part of our team!”
  • “Congratulations on your 1-year work anniversary! You've accomplished a lot in the past year, and I can't wait to see what you do in the future.”
  • “Congratulations on completing your first year of employment! Every business requires a hardworking and intelligent employee like you. Best wishes!”
  • “Pretty sure our company’s future is brighter because it has you in it. Congratulations on completing one year here successfully. Happy 1st work anniversary to you.”
  • “Congratulations on your work anniversary. You continue to be a key player on this team, and your efforts help make it a success. Thanks again, and congratulations!”
  • "You are an essential part of our company, and I’m really impressed with your work thus far. Have a wonderful work anniversary!"
  •  "We are lucky to have you on our team. Wishing you a happy work anniversary."
  • “You have come a long way and it is our pleasure to see you grow here as a confident person. Happy Work Anniversary.”

10-Year Work Anniversary Quotes


A whole decade! Staying at a company for 10 years shows more than hard work and dedication. It proves that this employee is a true part of the company and is someone who you can always count on. They’ve seen all the good and all the bad and are still sticking with it. Honor this full decade with quotes like these: 

  • “10 years is a long time, but we hope you’ll be spending many more years with us. Your dedication and hard work are much appreciated.”
  • “Congratulations on achieving ten years of service. The organization depends on your dedication to your job and the quality work that you do. We couldn’t do it without you!”
  • “It's been a decade since you joined us and used your brilliant expertise to help us achieve what seemed impossible. Today is your tenth work anniversary, and I wanted to send you our warmest anniversary greetings.”
  • “We all can take inspiration from your hard work, dedication, passion, and loyalty that you have displayed throughout these ten years of service. Congratulations on your Work Anniversary!”
  • “Congratulations on your 10th work anniversary! With your expertise and willingness to lead by example, you deserve this recognition. Congratulations on your accomplishment.”
  • “Entering double digits is no small deal. Happy workiversary!”
  • “Ten years and each has been better than the last. Cannot wait to see what you achieve in the next ten!”
  • “Thanks for sticking it out with us over this past crazy decade! So happy to have had you along for the roller coaster ride!”

15-Year Work Anniversary Quotes

15 years may have gone by in the blink of an eye, but that doesn’t mean it should go unnoticed. This employee has always gone the extra mile to make sure that all their work (and others!) gets done. They’ve trained newcomers and have always been the first to volunteer to stay late. Make sure that you remind them how valuable they are with one of these work anniversary quotes: 

  • “I’m grateful that I found someone like you as one of my employees. You have stood by our side through thick and thin for more than a decade now. And today marks the 15th work anniversary of your professional life. I congratulate you on your achievement and convey my best wishes on your work anniversary.”
  • “Congratulations on your 15th anniversary! You’ve come a long way since you started as a Research Clerk. When handed that first program, maybe before you were ready, you stepped up and made it work. Congratulations again, and keep up the exceptional work!”
  • “Every organization needs someone who stands out from the rest to be an inspiration for others to emulate. You are that person, and I am proud of you and everything you do daily. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “Success never comes in a day. It comes with strong determination and with great hard work, and you are an example of that. I wish you a Happy work anniversary.”
  • “You are a loyal employee, and the confidence you bring to the job is genuinely admirable. We’re grateful you joined our team and wish you a Happy Work Anniversary!”
  • “You have more than proved your capabilities in the 15 years you have worked with us. The company could not be prouder. Thank you and congratulations on your 15-year work anniversary.”
  • We feel lucky and glad to be a part of your team. Your exceptional leadership is beyond words. Happy work anniversary.
  • “With a team member like you, it becomes easier for the company to achieve goals. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Happy 15-year work anniversary! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for all that you’ve done. We wish you many more memories and years ahead!


If an employee has been with you for 20 years, they’re in it for the long run. All their hard work has changed the company for the better. Their dedication has made a lasting impression and without them, you’d be clueless. Make sure everyone knows they’ve been with you for two full decades with one of these meaningful sayings:

  • “We are grateful for your contribution and dedication to our organization. Today, you complete 20 years with us. Continue to climb new heights with your hard work, zeal, and commitment. Wishing you a happy work anniversary.”
  • “My heartiest congratulations to you on achieving another milestone in the journey of your success. I wish you a happy 20th working anniversary.”
  • “You have shown everyone the true meaning of dedication and loyalty by confirming your association with our organization for 20 years. Today marks the day of this milestone. Cheers to your two decades of service.”
  • “Let me congratulate you on your 20th anniversary. Your leadership in the recreation department is worthy of all the praise you will hear today. Thank you for the high level of service that you provide. Wishing you more successes and best wishes always!”
  • “For the past 20 years, you have been a great member of this organization, serving in various roles. Your time and dedication to the company and the mission are much appreciated. You are always willing to help where it is needed in addition to doing your job. Thanks again, and congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on achieving 20 years of exemplary work service. We truly appreciate your dedicated service to the organization, and I am personally thankful for your example as a role model in your local community. Happy Anniversary!”
  • “Today marks the culmination of your two-decade tenure as a valued member of our team. We are honored and grateful to have you here. Thank you for choosing to stay with us and inspire us for many years to come. Once again, congratulations on your work anniversary.”
  • “You are a source of inspiration and positivity which makes these 20 years colorful, fun, and full of success. Happy 20th work anniversary to you.”
  • “You are a winner indeed and we are so proud of having you among us over these 20 years. Your dedication to work is beyond admiration. Celebrate this day with joy.”
  • “The 20-year mark is a time to sit back and celebrate. You deserve it for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to this company. We love working with you-happy 20 years!”

We all have that one co-worker who brings all the laughs. Whenever they’re around, you know it’s going to be a good time. The company wouldn’t be the same without their sense of humor. Appreciate them on their work anniversary by speaking their language. Use a saying filled with humor when wishing them a “happy workiversary”:

  • “I heard you started so long ago that instead of filling out paperwork your first day, you chiseled your W-2 in stone. Anyway, happy work anniversary.”
  • “A work anniversary may seem like a lot of fun today. But just wait until you’ve been here as long as I have!”
  • “I bet you’d hope we’d forget, or at the very least that you’d forget how long you’ve been here. Afraid not! Happy anniversary.”
  • “Do you remember what you were doing this time last year? Probably the same thing you’re doing right now.”
  • “To us, it feels like just yesterday you started working here. To you, I bet it feels like a lifetime.”
  • “‍It’s another year down of tolerating you and looking ahead for many more years to be passed working with you. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “I think everyone would say that you are a gift to this company. Your dedication and contributions would be hard to replace. Please don’t regift yourself somewhere else.”
  • “I will never know how you stay here so long and still stay sane. Thanks for sticking it out in the madhouse with us!”
  • “Happy workiversary! We were going to hire a plane to write it in the sky, but, budget cuts, so just enjoy some cake instead.”
  • “Happy work anniversary! I would shout it from the rooftops, but, safety issues, so I’ll just say it to your face instead.”


When all your friends are sharing horror stories about their bosses, you don’t find yourself with any. Your boss has been the person who is always in your corner and encouraging you to go the extra mile. It’s important to recognize their work anniversary also! Thank them for all the hours and work they put into the company while also mentoring their employees. Make your boss feel appreciated on their work anniversary with one of these quotes: 

  • “Thank you for your unlimited patience with us and for guiding us relentlessly with your valuable experience. Thank you for everything. Have a wonderful work anniversary.”
  • “Your dedication and passion for your work make you the success that you are. Keep raising the bar, and have a happy work anniversary.”
  • “Congratulations on your work anniversary. You always saw possibilities in us and inspired us to spark that. It’s our honor to work under your supervision.”
  • “Happy work anniversary. Today’s achievement of this organization is only possible for your supreme leadership, inspiring support, dedication, and passion. Thanks for all your efforts.”
  • “Through all these years, your guidance and support helped to accomplish all the targets. Wish you a blissful future and thank you for your inspiring and supportive leadership.”
  • “Congratulations on all of your hard work and dedication over the years. You are a pillar of our organization, a great leader, and a supportive colleague. It is an honor to be part of your team. Happy Work Anniversary!”
  • “On behalf of our [team/department], we would like to congratulate you on your work anniversary. You demonstrate dedication, passion, and loyalty by devoting [years of service] to this company. You are a valuable member of our community and a fantastic leader. We wish you all the best and success in the years to come.”
  • It’s your leadership and patience that got us to where we are today. Happy work anniversary!
  • “Our team has exceeded targets and risen to new heights due to your leadership, guidance, and decisions. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “You are a brilliant manager whose passion for excellence is unparalleled! Congrats on your (X)th year!”

Let’s face it. Without your co-workers, work wouldn’t be the same. You look forward to seeing them every day and being able to build friendships with them. They have helped you grow and are always a shoulder to cry on when you need them. Show them their work anniversary is worth celebrating with one of these quotes:

  • “On your anniversary, we appreciate all your hard work and dedication. Best wishes for another successful year.”
  • “It is a blast to work with an amazing co-worker like you every day. Looking forward to many more years of working together.”
  • “You are a source of inspiration, as your work ethic is exemplary. Thank you for being there every time we have needed you. Wishing you a happy work anniversary!”
  • “We want you to know that you are a valuable member of our team. We wish you all the success in your career!”
  • “Happiest work anniversary dear colleague. We feel lucky to have you on our team. We feel powerful and enlightened being with you in this professional field. Have a good one this year.”
  • “If every colleague were as wonderful as you, then the work world would be a much better place. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “Today is a day to reflect on all you have achieved so far, and all you hope to accomplish in the time to come. Happy work anniversary.”
  • “The future has big things in store for you, but we are so glad you are here with us in the present. Happy work anniversary!”
  • “This place would not be the same without you around. The way that you have led this company on its journey from good to great is incredible. Happy anniversary!”
  • “From the minute that I stepped into this office, I looked up to you as a leader, a role model, and a friend who would never steer me wrong. Happy anniversary to such a great force in this company.”


It’s not every day that you get the chance to work with someone who becomes your best friend. They’re the person that you always go to for advice and you know you can trust. In fact, you don’t even need to be at work to hang out. You two have become inseparable. Make sure to go all out for their workiversary with words like these: 

  • “Happy work anniversary! Working with me every day is your gift.”
  • “Through good times and bad times, you have been beside me always. Happy anniversary! Hope you continuously enjoy every minute of your stay in this office.”
  • “To the person who makes coming into work every day worth it! Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Happy x year work anniversary! With a work bestie like you, Mondays aren’t so bad after all.” 
  • Whoever said work isn’t fun doesn’t have a work friend like you. Happy workiversary!” 
  • “Chance made us co-workers, but fun and laughter made us friends. Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Work BFF (noun): Someone you love dearly, and also happen to work with. Happy Workiversary!” 
  • Happiness is having a colleague who becomes a friend. Happy x year work anniversary1” 
  • “Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about.” – Sheryl Sandberg
  • The best coworker is a friend, a teammate, a sounding board, and a shoulder to cry on.” – Unknown

You deserve to celebrate your own workiversary too! Make sure that you honor your own workiversary by reflecting on your accomplishments. Whether you want to write it out or personalize a piece of meaningful jewelry, try one of these quotes:  

  •  “X years at [company name] and many more to go. I’m so proud of myself.” 
  • “I worked so hard to get to where I am and it only goes up from here!” 
  • “On even the hardest days, I still pushed through. Happy workiversay to me!” 
  • “Another year down! It feels like just yesterday I started, and here I am not achieving my dreams.” 
  • “Congratulations to me for my (number) year of work! I hope to give my hundred and a thousand percent to this company and help it progress at light speed.”
  • “I'd like to wish myself a happy work anniversary. I am grateful to many people for this achievement because they all helped me stay motivated here with their sage advice and inspiration. Thank you very much, everyone.”
  • “Congratulations on completing another year of work successfully. Growing professionally at this place was a privilege and an honor. I'd like to wish myself a happy work anniversary.”
  • “I’ve made it so far in these short few years. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become and all the dedication I put into my work.” 
  • “Happy workiversary to me! I’d like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way.” 
  •  “Working X years at [company name] is such an important milestone. I can only hope for many more successful years!”


Your significant other is the hardest working person that you know. They go to work every day with no complaints and give it their all. They may not want you to make a big deal of their work anniversary, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn't acknowledge it. Let them know how proud you are of them with one of these quotes: 

  • “I am so proud of you my dear husband/wife. Your dreams are finally becoming a reality. Happy Job anniversary!”
  • “The success of your company has been upwards since the day you joined it. Wishing you a happy anniversary my dear husband/wife!”
  • “The way you show commitment to your work is so inspiring. Happy work anniversary, my love!”
  • Congratulations on your joyous work anniversary my dear husband/wife. I want you to know I am so happy with the achievements you have made.
  • “I know you put in so much hard work each day, and it pays off. I’m so proud of you. Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Happy work anniversary to the person who works hard each and every day. I appreciate all that you do.” 
  • “You bring so much to your company, it’s no small feat to hit your X-year work anniversary. Congratulations to my favorite person!”
  • “Your company is so lucky to have you! Your hard work and determination have got them to where they are today. Happy work anniversary!” 
  • “Today we celebrate you and all you have accomplished over the past x years. Happy workiversary. I love you!”

For more blog posts, check out

  • Just Because Surprises and Gift Ideas
  • How to Wear Enamel Jewelry
  • Uplifting Quotes About New Beginnings
  • 28 Thoughtful Ways to Show Someone You Care

speech employee anniversary

Allie Berloco

Allie Berloco is a writer for Fortune & Frame. She graduated from Marist University with a double major in Media Studies, TV & Film Production and Communications, Journalism. She's sown here in her official Harry Styles fangirl outfit after seeing him perform live on the Today Show in NYC.

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44 Unforgettable Work Anniversary Ideas, Rewards & Gifts For Celebrating Years of Service at a Company

celebrate work anniversary ideas

With everything on your plate, it can be tempting to let anniversary celebrations fall to the wayside.

But neglecting them can turn out to be a costly cultural error. That’s because celebrating work anniversaries isn’t just a nice gesture for your employees or coworkers – there’s a strong business case to be made for making work anniversaries a priority at your company.

Sound strange? It all comes down to the fact that our emotions and our performance are intimately linked.

When employers offer an anniversary gift or reward, they’re really saying: “This is a symbol of what all your work means to me.” In other words, work anniversary acknowledgments can make or break an employee’s sense of meaning, and consequently their motivation and productivity .

Since gratitude and optimism affect performance, companies who proactively foster these positive emotions via a culture of recognition have an automatic leg-up on those who don’t. Bonusly recently reported that companies with high levels of employee engagement improved 19% in operating income.

Plus, there’s the fact that work anniversaries have a relatively high ROI – you get an outsized return for not much time or money. All it really takes is a little planning, some creativity, and genuine appreciation .

But it only works if you do it right. Here’s our top tips, tactics, and company anniversary ideas for employees to help you make the most of work anniversaries.

Some Of Our Favorite Work Anniversary Ideas:

  • 🙌 Public Recognition
  • 💳 Virtual Spending Card
  • 🎉 Automate Milestones
  • 🎁 Send a Work Anniversary Gift
  • 📈 Provide Growth And Development

1) Publicly Recognize Them On The Company Recognition Feed

What could be more fast, easy, or effective than giving employees a public shout-out on their big day? This idea represents  employee recognition  amplification at its finest. Call out a few of the characteristics and accomplishments you admire most in them. Hearing this from you will make them feel good, and having you say it publicly will feel great.

What is this? Employee anniversary recognition

  • 1 year work anniversary
  • 2 year work anniversary
  • 3 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Your public message is more than a message. Giving employees the recognition they crave in any format can instill in them a fulfilling sense of  meaning .

How to get started: Never miss this critical moment of employee engagement by intelligently automating messages and reminders with  Bonusly .


Pro-tip: Add this same recognition step to your  onboarding checklist  to give brand-new employees a proper  welcome and help them yearn to make it from the first day to that first anniversary.

2) Do A LinkedIn Shout-Out

Look beyond your internal communication channels and take your recognition public with a LinkedIn shoutout. Publicly recognizing an employee’s anniversary and also their unique skills will give them an immediate rush of satisfaction and also potentially bolster their long-term feelings of career fulfillment. Plus, the post will bring recognition pouring in from other areas as well.

  • 4 year work anniversary
  • 5 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Public recognition amplifies the pride they already feel on their special employee milestone day .

How to get started: Check out  this example  to plan your post.

Looking for more ideas? For additional ways to celebrate your colleague’s special day, request a FREE copy of Bonusly’s guide to How to Celebrate Work Anniversaries ! This downloadable is chock full of easy-to-follow games and activities that are perfect for the entire office!

3) Virtual Spending Card


Rest assured that employees get what they want by giving them the funds they need to get whatever it is. Pair the spending card with a thoughtful note to add a touch of customization to what’s a universally appealing  employee reward .

What is this? Work anniversary reward

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Choosing how to treat themselves. It’s both empowering and enjoyable.

How to get started: Select your gift cards, balances, vendors, and distribution by checking out SnackNation’s Employee Rewards Guide .

4) Automate Milestones (So You Never Miss A Single One)

If you are running a large team, keeping track of milestones can be a little difficult. Luckily, many employee milestone programs have built in frameworks to manage work anniversaries, birthdays, and any other important milestones in an easy-to-manage dashboard.

The added bonus to automating your employee anniversary program is that managers do not have to stress about juggling dates, shipping times, gift selection and everything else!

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They receive a milestone celebration from the team without making a big fuss!

How to get started: Work with an employee milestone platform that can track your entire team’s anniversaries in one centralized dashboard.

5) The Experience Of A Lifetime


Give employees an experience they’ll never forget, one perfectly suited to their personality, whether they’re adventurous (paragliding), curious (guiding hiking), or outdoorsy (river rafting).

A good experience provides the gift of novelty, which in turn leads to happiness. As Scott Bea, PsyD, told  Cleveland Clinic ,

“The brain latches onto new things. Novelty helps us learn, so the brain prefers it. New and different experiences reward the brain.”

What is this? Work anniversary experience

  • 10 year work anniversary
  • 15 year work anniversary
  • 20 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll soak up all the novelty, happiness, and memories and return to work with renewed vigor and also a renewed commitment to the organization that enabled their experience.

How to get started: Request this world of experiences catalog at Stadium  to find all the possibilities you can place at your valued employees’ fingertips.

6) A Handwritten Note


Say “happy work anniversary” with a heartfelt handwritten note. This low-tech idea is simple but super effective. The fact that it’s handwritten demonstrates an extra level of care your team members will notice and appreciate.

Best for: 1 year work anniversary

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Old-fashioned handwritten anniversary cards represent a great deal of time and care in a world of digital shortcuts. Who wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of so much thoughtfulness? (Plus, writing the note might even make you  feel good .)

How to get started: When you draft this note, be sure to think about all the things that you appreciate about this person. Be specific. Is it their hard work? Years of loyal service? Fierce problem-solving? Optimism? Include everything and anything you can think of in the note. Get thoughtful work anniversary messages and inspiration from these recognition quotes  and anniversary  memes  and best wishes.

Pro-tip: Amplify the impact of your note with a work anniversary care package  filled with snacks and goodies that send feelings of appreciation skyrocketing.

7) Send A Work Anniversary Gift

Gone are the days where you are constantly having to remember whose anniversary is coming up and what to get them. Setting up an employee milestone program creates a streamlined process to engage with your employees on their big day regardless if they are working remote or in-person.

Delight your employees, managers, and executives with meaningful care packages of delicious snacks, premium gifts, and a personalized message to make their work anniversary a memorable one.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It’s customizable. So your company and individual employees can create the anniversary experience that best fits their interests, company culture, and lifestyle.

Perfect for sending: 

➀ 🎂  Birthday Gift Boxes

➀ 🎉  Work Anniversary Gifts

How to get started: Goody’s reward platform does all the work for you, from address collection and management to international delivery. Take a tour of Goody’s gift catalog  to get personalized results and start making celebrating anniversaries a breeze!

8) Give Them A Long Vacation


If the old adage that “you get what you give” holds any weight, then it stands to reason that the more time you put in for a company, the more time you should get back for yourself. Reward employees for putting in the time by giving them more vacation days to rest and recuperate mentally and physically.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Everyone appreciates a good vacation. More vacation is just more to love.

How to get started: Empower epic vacations that take the importance of play and leisure time to heart.

9) Achievement Timeline


When people celebrate their birthdays, many of them reflect on all they’ve done over the past year. Help employees celebrating anniversaries do the same thing by giving them a timeline of all their notable achievements and telling them why they make you proud.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The timeline helps them feel that spark of pride and fulfillment in their work. Day-to-day busyness can make it hard to remember the big picture, and this timeline will encapsulate it for them in the best possible way. Reviewing their progress will only give them more motivation to continue forging their epic timeline.

How to get started:   Get help  to turn your rewarding trip down employee memory lane into a shareable anniversary recognition artifact they will treasure for years.

10) A Custom Bobblehead

All your favorite superheroes, cartoon and video game characters, and even public figures enjoy bobblehead representation. Why not your favorite employees (a.k.a. All your employees!)?  Show them that you see them as all the other famous figures who have their own bobbleheads by making them one of their very own.

What is this? Employee anniversary gift

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It’s a quirky and legitimately one-of-a-kind reward.

How to get started: Find  an artisan  to create your custom bobblehead.

11) Celebrate Hiring Classes

Akin to celebrating all the May birthdays on one day, consider simultaneously honoring employees celebrating the same tenure milestone. Joint celebrations multiply the fun and take the pressure off any one individual. They can delight in their accomplishments and those of their colleagues.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The more the merrier, as the saying goes. They’ll love not just celebrating their anniversary but also celebrating with their entire work family.

How to get started: Streamline your tracking of employee anniversaries and create buzz as you celebrate each cohort.

12) Customized Swag


Get employees customized  company swag  to help them feel a powerful sense of group identity and affiliation — to help them feel part of something bigger. By adding your logo or designs to an  employee gift  (hats, bags, t-shirts, etc.), you’re really saying, “You’re part of the team and we couldn’t be more pleased about it.”

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love the feeling of earning a symbol of belonging and unity to the larger group.

How to get started: Swag out your employees with the help of a  SwagMagic’s customized swag storefront  and also a team to handle your shipping and ordering logistics. This won’t only help your anniversary gifting strategy, but it will also streamline the purchasing and shipping of good luck gifts,  going away gifts ,  thank-you gifts , holiday gifts , and more.

13) Gift A Day Off

Most people don’t want more things; they want  non-monetary incentives  like more time, more “me time” to be precise. Give them the break they’ve earned by keeping the anniversary celebration simple with a bonus day off to share with loved ones, log some relaxation time, or just enjoy a brief respite from the stresses of the work environment.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: An experience and the powerful memory associated with it are enjoyable in the moment, in the reflection, and in the anticipation of next year’s special day.

How to get started: Help them make the most of their free-for-all day with an unforgettable experience.

14) Send Employee Care And Appreciation Box

Caroo Gifts

Celebrate anniversaries with  care packages , shippable tokens of employee appreciation packed with gifts, goodies, and other special treats. These gift boxes are especially helpful for remote or hybrid companies; they help you share meaningful moments, even when you can’t be together.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love getting one gift that’s actually several gifts rolled into one awesome package.

How to get started: Find the perfect care package for any employee celebrating any anniversary.

15) Dinner At The CEO’s House


A special night with the company’s top official will make a more memorable anniversary present than a handful of other work anniversary gifts. Carefully plan the dinners to make sure you don’t overwhelm the CEO. Depending on the size of your company, you might only need to plan a dinner party once every few months.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The opportunity to socialize with the CEO feels as special as any VIP access.

How to get started: Use engagement software  to create a custom “dinner with the CEO” reward you can dole out again and again.

16) Throw A Team Party


An  office party  perfectly blends recognition, celebration , and fun, making it a classic anniversary celebration. The party can have themes and costumes and complex games or it can be as simple as gathering everyone together into a conference room to share a cake with “congrats” scrolled in pink frosting. The key element of this idea is gathering to share work anniversary wishes and make the celebrant feel impossibly special.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea:   Having fun is something nearly everyone loves, and a party is a perfect way to stir up plenty.

How to get started:  The Go Game’s turnkey party resources  will help you throw a legendary party without logging a million planning hours.

17) Give Them A Years Of Service Personalized Trophy

Trophies are timeless universal symbols of accomplishments bestowed upon everyone from Academy Award winners to Super Bowl winners to spelling-bee champions. Elevate the accomplishment that is working for your organization with a worthy trophy.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love how it feels when you put it into their hands, when they show it off, and when they see it in the display case day after day.

How to get started: Find  an Etsy artisan  to create perfect one-of-a-kind company years of service awards trophies, medals, and plaques.

18) Provide Growth And Development Experiences


Instead of looking backward, try celebrating an anniversary by looking forward to future growth and development. Your employees have spent years helping you achieve goals; celebrate their anniversary with a learning experience they can leverage to meet theirs.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Employees crave professional development. They’ll relish an opportunity to grow in both their personal and professional life.

How to get started: Provide access to all the growth experiences your employees have ever imagined by setting up a professional growth program.

19) Give A Custom Reward To The Entire Team

The perfect way to celebrate hiring class anniversaries, custom awards bring a festive sense of camaraderie and a deepened feeling of team unity to anniversary celebrations. Be creative with customizations to get the most out of this idea. Nicknames and inside jokes make bond-inducing customizations.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll love the personalization that comes with this work anniversary idea since every award will be different!

How to get started: Put together a committee to dole out the custom awards for each work anniversary.

Tip! For distributed teams, you can use a recognition program like Nectar to shout out your award winners on your digital recognition feed!

20) Plan A Happy Hour With A Themed Drink


They don’t call happy hour “happy” hour for nothing. Maximize the happiness factor of any happy hour by creating a custom anniversary cocktail. Your formula could be based on the anniversary celebrant’s personality, an inside joke you share, or even the number of years they’ve worked for you. It will be special no matter what you choose.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: If they thought they enjoyed sharing a toast with friends, then they’ll be tickled to do the happy hour dance with a drink themed around themselves.

How to get started: Find a local happy hour to meet up after work or set up a virtual happy hour to connect with distributed employees.

21) Donate To A Charity Of Their Choice

Purpose-driven companies perform better. A  Deloitte study  found that your ability to communicate your company’s purpose has a direct link to how engaged your team is (and therefore affects their performance).

Use work anniversaries to remind your team about the bigger picture by making a charitable donation in their name. Align the charity to your company’s mission, or with a cause that’s close to his or her heart. For instance, if you know that your employee is an animal lover, donate to a local animal shelter.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Giving back satisfies their deeply human need for meaning and purpose.

How to get started: Use recognition software  to create a custom charity reward you can dole out again and again.

22) Career Planning Session


Celebrate an anniversary with a no-holds-barred, company-centric career planning session. During this session, invite employees into an open-ended conversation where they can discuss anything and everything they might want to do in the company. Make sure employees know they can talk about any area of the company, even those they have no training or experience in.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: If they’ve reached any anniversary milestone at your organization, then they know where they’ve been. This experience helps them pinpoint what they really want to know: where they’re going next.

How to get started: Brainstorm the perfect session using  a template  as inspiration for a custom discussion.

23) Give Them Some “Whole Self” Fulfillment

Deliver whole-self experiential rewards to show employees you understand their life outside of work with what fuels their happiness. Who are they? What do they like to do? What excites and  motivates them ? Consider these questions to easily figure out what kind of experience to offer.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: An experience that helps employees do exactly what they love to do will leave them far more refreshed than any trip to the local coffee shop.

How to get started: Explore experiences that offer paths to holistic happiness or check out SnackNation’s guide to employee wellness program ideas .

24) A Framed Picture Of Their Early Days


Find a picture from a company outing or party with the employee smiling with co-workers. (If you don’t have one, it looks like you need to schedule an impromptu party and add “taking more pictures” to your official  new employee onboarding process .) Print and frame the picture to help the employee stay mindful of fulfilling work friendships.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: One  Globoforce survey  revealed that employees who don’t have close friends at work said they would be more likely to accept a job offer than employees who have several close friends at work. While you can’t give employees friends for their anniversaries, you can help them celebrate the relationships they have formed.

How to get started: Find the perfect custom frame .

25) Creative Workshops


Celebrate an employee’s years of success by helping them pick up new creative skills in areas and outlets that interest them and rekindle their creative spark. It’s the perfect way to show you appreciate them for the whole creative person they are.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The novelty of learning something new sparks joy, fulfillment, and maybe even opens up new doors of creative thinking.

How to get started: Allow them to pick the perfect creative workshop experience designed to spark learning and creativity.

26) Share Their Story In Your Company Newsletter


Give employees celebrity status by spotlighting them in your company newsletter on their anniversary. The spotlight can be as simple as their name and picture and a fun fact for newer employees or as in-depth as a long Q&A article for veterans. Choose whatever fits best with your company culture and newsletter format.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They can save and print the piece for their scrapbook or refrigerator.

How to get started: Browse  some examples  to get your format down.

27) Give Them A Workspace Upgrade

speech employee anniversary

The completion of another year of work merits a workspace upgrade. Both onsite and remote employees log tons of desk time in the line of company duty. Show your appreciation by giving them something new, something special for their desk. It can be practical, just for fun, or just for looks, as long as it’s something you know the employee in question will love.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: After looking at the same desk for so long, employees will drink up the refreshment that even just one new item can provide.

How to get started: Browse  Amazon to find anything and everything you ever envisioned perched on your employee’s desk.

28) A Seat At The Table

improving employee engagement at the meeting level

As they celebrate another milestone, many employees may find themselves yearning for a stronger voice in the company, and they might be ready for it, too. Instead of handing out a tangible anniversary gift, try handing out an invitation that conveys trust and recognition better than any gift.

Consider what meetings the employee might be ready to attend, especially those where people make key decisions or exchange strategic ideas. If you want to make sure the employee has a gift to open, offer a handwritten card that explains all the reasons you believe the employee is ready to be part of the meeting.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Anniversaries are prime time for reflection. This idea keeps their excitement channeled toward forwarding progress.

How to get started: Browse these  appreciation speech  ideas for inspiration on how to communicate how much you appreciate their work and recognize their potential.

29) Provide A Few Paid Months Of Fitness Classes

Perks  that benefit employees’ lives in more ways than one boost employee loyalty. Make it easier for employees to work out, and they’ll want to stick around for a few more years. This anniversary gift adds true value to employees’ day-to-day routines and overall lives.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Employees who were looking to “shake things up” might just find new fitness journeys more compelling than looking for new jobs.

How to get started: Find a variety of creative ways to boost fitness by checking out local fitness clubs or gyms for staff members to try out!

30) Make A DIY Custom Video

Consider creating a custom anniversary message video surprise on employees’ anniversaries. You don’t need any cameras or fancy equipment; most modern mobile phones will do the trick. A custom video will capture more feeling than any greeting card and probably more than even a thoughtfully written note.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It works as a little emotional time capsule. Employees can watch it any time in the future and remember how fantastic they felt on their big day.

How to get started: Come up with a list of funny questions to ask a group of 5-10 people who work with the recipient and know him or her pretty well.

Ask each person your questions and record their answers with your phone or video camera. Important – make sure you conduct the interviews separately so that people aren’t influenced by previous answers. You want genuine, off-the-cuff responses.

Edit the responses together using your video editing software of choice. (Here’s a list of the ten best mobile video editing apps.)

Debut the video during a big team or department meeting. This is key – the idea is to extend the celebration to the larger team.

Here are a few sample questions to get you started:

  • What is _____ most known for around the office?
  • What was _____’s first thought when he woke up this morning?
  • If _____ didn’t work at this company, where would she work?
  • What’s the weirdest part of your first interview with _____?
  • If _____ was on a deserted island, what three things would he want with him?
  • What do you like most about working with _____?

31) Give A Mindfulness Journal


Give gratitude in the form of a mindfulness journal for anniversaries. You will make employees feel good in the present and also well into the future. A journal makes it incredibly easy for your team to start their days focused on gratitude. Recipients use the journal to name the things they’re grateful for, name their long and short-term goals, and pause for reflection.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Employees appreciate corporate anniversary gifts that help them focus on their personal growth and development! It shows that managers are committed to investing in their skills and future success at your organization.

How to get started: Pick up the  perfect journal .

32) Offer Stock Options

Consider rewarding the impeccable work ethic of your veteran employees with some anniversary stock options and the sense of ownership that comes along with them.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It provides a motivating and rewarding sense of ownership and purpose, and also a renewed sense of drive. They likely know that the company’s success is their success already, but this reward makes it so.

How to get started: Read all about Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs)  here .

33) Send Them On A Paid Sabbatical


Reward employees for putting some serious time in by giving them some serious time off, paid time they can use to learn a new hobby, participate in a local service project, or experience a new culture abroad.

Encourage employees to reap all the benefits of their sabbatical by setting clear ground expectations of no email or work communication at all.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The priceless feeling of returning from one of these truly mind-clearing trips with new ideas, new perspectives, and a renewed energy to tackle their next big projects.

How to get started: Learn how to make a  sabbatical leave policy .

34) Give Them Leadership Training


Celebrate an employee’s work anniversary by empowering them with priceless leadership skills. This reward makes employees feel valued and also helps your “long-termers” (who have an interest in sticking around to advance along with the company) effectively convert their years of experience into leadership skills that generate all-around growth.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: It will make the employee feel valued as a key member of the team, one valued enough to earn an investment in their promising growth.

How to get started: Browse some of the top  leadership training providers .

35) Have A Good-Natured Comedy Roast

During a comedy roast, everyone tells jokes about a guest of honor. (Pop culture roasts have a reputation for getting nasty and sometimes escalating into hurtful territory, but your anniversary roast doesn’t have to include ridicule to be entertaining.)

Host the event after hours, preferably in a location where people can enjoy a few drinks if they wish. Be sure to tell the anniversary guests of honor what to expect during the event so they can come with their game faces.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Laughter mixed up with a healthy dose of recognition and also some self-deprecation will make anyone feel understood in a refreshingly authentic way.

How to get started: Start planning the anniversary roast at least a month in advance. Invite everyone in the company to submit rough “scripts” of what they plan to talk about during the roast. (Feel free to ask for stories and memories as well as jokes and impersonations.) Remind everyone to keep their “roasts” good-natured, but be sure to read through all the submissions before the event to watch for anything that might legitimately damage someone’s feelings. Send along links to some roast examples  with your request to help everyone warm up their comedic chops.

36) Take Something Off Their Plate


Reward good work by taking some of it away. Maybe it’s an administrative task they’ve never complained about over the last ten years. Maybe it’s a meeting they don’t see value in. This anniversary reward sends a message of achievement and reassures loyal employees, should they need reassurance, that they can say “no” without fear of retribution.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: The incredible lightness of dropping something they didn’t realize they dreaded so much until they found out they no longer had to do it.

How to get started: Have a candid conversation to discover exactly what task they may want to give up.

37) Support Their Hobbies


Empower employees to achieve a new level of fulfillment by celebrating anniversaries with the gift of hobby support. Give them what they need to finally take that textile dyeing class or martial arts training or citizen naturalist classes or whatever other activity makes them feel invigorated and fulfilled.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll be giddy to get from their employees exactly what they need to pursue the extracurricular activities they find meaningful but that often go neglected.

How to get started: Discover  online courses  to support practically any hobby.

38) Send Them A Shippable Experience


Send an “experience in a box” to give them unforgettable and rewarding memories while avoiding the logistical nightmare of actually planning an experience for them. Whether the shippable experience is relaxing, adventurous, or playful, you can be sure it will leave behind a strong impression.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Enjoying the interactive component — the learning, cooking, exploring, creating, or playing — provides more satisfaction than opening any average gift.

How to get started: Find a ready-to-go  shippable experience  that sends the perfect anniversary message.

39) Endorse Their Skills On LinkedIn Recommendation


Every day, employees leverage their skills and strengths to benefit their employers. Celebrate their years of work by publicly acknowledging and praising those skills on social media, affirming online what you know without a doubt: this employee is incredibly good at their job.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Their feelings of pride will be absolutely priceless.

How to get started: Pick the top 5 skills to endorse along with a thoughtful supporting comment.

40) Throw A Puppy Party


Add a pack of four-legged guests to a classic office party and you’ve created a puppy party, the ideal anniversary celebration for animal lovers. Ask the employee of honor to bring in their pet and invite co-workers to do the same. If that still doesn’t add up to a party, then connect with a local shelter or service to bring in all the furry fun at work  you need.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: They’ll see the  reduced stress levels  as the anniversary award of their dreams.

How to get started: Get your  puppy party planning guide .

41) Take Them To Lunch


A perfect option for all employees at all levels, a timeless lunch will always be an enjoyable, welcomed, and appreciated anniversary celebration. All you have to do is get together virtually or in person to share a meal, say a few words of praise, and enjoy the timeless art of communal eating.

Why employees love this work anniversary idea: Lunch and good conversation are almost always guaranteed to be a hit across all times and industries.

How to get started: Ask them where they would like to go.

Work Anniversary Gift Ideas

42) let your employee choose their gift.

“Professional, personal, and perfection!”

Give your employees the ultimate gift of choice on their work anniversary with Goody , an innovative platform that empowers them to select a meaningful and personalized reward from a vast array of options.

From rejuvenating spa days to cutting-edge tech gadgets and delightful culinary experiences, this gifting platform ensures that every employee feels appreciated and valued on their special day.

Why we love this this work anniversary gift: Goody allows employees to choose a reward that resonates with them personally and generates a sense of autonomy and recognition. With Goody , you can celebrate your team’s milestones in a thoughtful way, tailored to individual preferences, and create memorable work anniversary occasions. Join us in spreading joy and appreciation!

Giving your employee a chance to pick out something nice for their big day is a new idea that many companies are opting to use.

43) Work Anniversary Plaque or Trophy

“Honoring work anniversaries and milestones with elegance”

rcognize and reward your employees

Celebrate the dedication and loyalty of your employees with exquisitely crafted work anniversary plaques and trophies that can be fully customized with your company logo.

These timeless branded corporate gifts commemorate their years of service and serve as a lasting symbol of your sincere appreciation for their invaluable contributions to your organization.

Why we adore this work anniversary gift: We love work anniversary plaques and trophies because they effortlessly blend elegance and gratitude. These meticulously designed awards acknowledge employees’ unwavering commitment and ignite a sense of pride and accomplishment, transforming work anniversaries into extraordinary milestones for both individuals and the organization as a whole.

Employee anniversary gift ideas like an award or trophy are a physical representation of your appreciation for your employees’ loyalty and contribution to your business.

44) Whiskey Stones & Glasses

“Cheers to years of dedication”


Celebrate your employees’ years of hard work and dedication with a sophisticated work anniversary gift – Whiskey Stones & Glasses .

This exquisite set allows your team members to indulge in their favorite spirits with style, while also commemorating their loyalty to your organization.

Why we love this work anniversary gift: We are thrilled about the Whiskey Stones & Glasses as a work anniversary gift because it combines practicality with celebration. These beautifully crafted crystal glasses and whiskey stones offer employees a touch of luxury while symbolizing the longevity and warmth of their journey within your company. It’s a meaningful way to express gratitude and celebrate the milestones achieved together!

This work anniversary gift is a classy way to thank them and will be used for years to come.

Years of Service Tips & Ideas

1 year of service.

The Gen Xers at your workplace probably scoff at the idea, but celebrating employees who make it to the one year mark is a vital retention strategy.

According to the Harvard Business Review , a study of more than a million respondents found that voluntary turnover peaked one year after their start dates. Celebrating that first anniversary re-engages employees at a critical juncture, and provides an emotional lift right when employees are most likely to see if the grass really is greener elsewhere.

That said, you don’t have to go overboard. There are plenty of budget and time-friendly ways to keep your team engaged at this critical juncture.

2 Years Of Service

Two years is a big deal, especially if your workforce skews younger. For people between the ages of 21 and 23, the average tenure is barely over a year, so hitting that second anniversary is definitely a cause for celebration.

Just like getting through year one, hitting the two-year anniversary marks another critical juncture in any company-employee relationship. At this point, people who decided to stick with the company for another year to see how “things would go” might be reevaluating their long-term plans and goals.

Employees might decide to sever their relationship with a company after two years for the same reasons many experts say  lovers choose to end relationships after two years:

  • The excitement wears off. After a few years, even eager employees may start admitting their current job is not the dream job they expected.
  • They stop wanting to make it work. Two years is plenty of time to perform an honest assessment of compatibility. Things you could deal with at the 6-month mark suddenly become dealbreakers.
  • Things get real. Both bosses and employees stay on their best behavior during the first few years on the job. When both parties start to relax, problems might arise. Maybe the boss isn’t as easy going as she pretended. Maybe the employee isn’t as ambitious as he pretended.

3 Years Of Service

Three years is the time to remind your employees why they love working at your company, so really focus on making things fun, personalized, and social. Especially in today’s work environment, three years signifies a commitment that a lot of businesses may not see from other employees.

Take the time to game plan and create a special day for them. Whether this involves a celebration, gift, speech, or opportunity to recognize them publicly — think about what your employee will appreciate the most. Everyone is different, so tailoring their work anniversary to their interests is a no-brainer.

4 Years Of Service

Step up your work anniversary gift game at year four. All the same concepts apply, but really up the ante to make your appreciation known.

Your 4-year employees have proven their loyalty by sticking around; they’ve clearly found a long-term work home at your company. A heartfelt anniversary gift helps employers send clear messages of gratitude that will keep dependable employees happy and engaged at work.

Depending on the size of your company and any budgetary restrictions — make sure you are giving yourself plenty of time to properly research, order, and wrap their gift. You do not want to be scrambling while trying to get approval to purchase the gift all while the 4th year anniversary day approaches.

5 Years+ Of Service

In our era of job-hopping Millennial employees, average job tenure in the U.S. for workers in every industry (and of all ages) is just 4.4 years. Keeping someone around five or more years is definitely cause for celebration.

A “happy anniversary” email is not going to cut it in this case. A tenure like this may not come up all year, so take it as an opportunity to show them you really value their contribution to the team and company. This will also have a positive effect on the rest of your coworkers since they will see the benefits to a long and healthy stint at the business.

Planning a happy hour on their 5th year of service, bringing in their family for a party in the office, or gifting them a week of a paid sabbatical are all ideas we have found to work well for this big 5!

Benefits To Celebrating A Work Anniversary

You might be asking, why is recognizing work anniversaries and years of service important?

Well, in addition to cultivating meaning and a heap of other general feel-good benefits, recognizing anniversaries — by hosting work anniversary celebrations and giving work anniversary gifts, for example — also carries enough business-aligned benefits to turn any strategically-minded head.

Companies who commit to celebrating work anniversaries may benefit from:

1 – More engagement. You don’t just have to assume that a solid employee recognition program boosts engagement. Some studies  validate this assumption, linking recognition to engagement and also job satisfaction. If recognition boosts engagement, then the employee anniversary, the Super Bowl of all employee recognition touchpoints, provides a prime opportunity to solidify feelings of appreciation and teamwork.

2 – Better employee retention , and therefore lower turnover cost burden, which can be  hefty , Celebrating work anniversaries demonstrates your caring and appreciation, and employees who know how you feel about them tend to stick around, while those left wondering or assuming that you don’t appreciate them (over half according to one study ) will be more inclined to walk away.

3 – Elevated morale . By acknowledging an employee’s anniversary and pointing out a few examples of the best work they did, you’re infusing their work with deeper meaning, and helping them care more about it and engage deeply with it.

4 – Stronger company cultures . Establishing a tradition of celebrating work anniversaries creates a company culture rich with all the essential benefits (namely consistency, community, and reassurance) that come along with holding any tradition .

5 – Enhanced employee wellbeing , especially in the career area of the  five wellbeing essentials . Anniversary celebrations reinforce a sense of value, community, and security in a career path, a vitally important sentiment.

To recap, celebrating work anniversaries opens doors to optimal engagement, retention, morale, culture, wellbeing, and surely taps into even more benefits that haven’t yet been documented by studies or surveys.

People Also Ask These Questions About Work Anniversaries

Q: what is a work anniversary.

  • A: A work anniversary is a celebration of continued employment as measured by the number of years dedicated to an employer.

Q: How do you celebrate an employee’s work anniversary?

  • A: You can celebrate an employee’s work anniversary by giving them a memorable experience, providing professional development, or even thoughtfully recognizing their strengths and skills. Find a variety of specific anniversary celebration ideas here .

Q: Why should we celebrate work anniversaries?

  • A: You should celebrate work anniversaries because doing so improves your levels of engagement, retention, group morale, culture, and employee wellbeing.

Q: What are some unique employee anniversary gifts?

  • A: When it comes to anniversary gifts for employees, the best gifts are the ones that fit particularly well with the intended recipient. If your employee is outdoorsy, then a weekend trip might be something they could look forward to. If your employee works remotely, you and your team can group together to send a digital ecard along with a gift that your employees can choose themselves. It’s all about picking the gift for the person rather than just grabbing something off the shelf.

Q: How do you celebrate work anniversaries virtually?

  • A: Celebrate work anniversaries virtually by sending a care package or even shipping an out-of-the-box experience. Find other virtual anniversaries ideas .

Q: What is the best work anniversary gift?

  • A: The best work anniversary gift is the one with the potential to make the employee you’re celebrating feel as good as possible. Take a second to think about their interests and start researching based on topics and ideas that they will appreciate more than a general gift they may not use.

Q: Why is it important to focus on employee anniversary recognition?

  • A: With so much turnover and a competitive job market, workaversaries are few and far between. Employee anniversary recognition can go a long way to appreciate colleagues for their contribution to the team while celebrating another year at your company. The ways to recognize employees can differ from year to year, but making work anniversary recognition a priority at your company can have many long-term benefits.

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SnackNation is a healthy office snack delivery service that makes healthy snacking fun, life more productive, and workplaces awesome. We provide a monthly, curated selection of healthy snacks from the hottest, most innovative natural food brands in the industry, giving our members a hassle-free experience and delivering joy to their offices.

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I love these ideas Jeff! It’s so important to recognise the efforts from your team and celebrating their work anniversaries is an awesome way to do this!

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Great ideas. !!!!

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I love the information on what matters to Millennials regarding recognition and longevity. Our current anniversary gift program gives a card signed by the manager, general manager, and president. Gifts are only given on years, 1, 5, 10, 15, etc. I’ve always heard complaining from employees that “all I get for year two is a card?!” This helps explain why a second year anniversary might be so important to some.

' src=

These are all very clever ideas….

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Amazing can’t wait to do this

' src=

Thank you Jeff! We are currently working on our work anniversaries and how to make them special. These are some great ideas. I enjoy the weekly emails that contain great ideas that I receive from Snack Nation! Keep them coming!

' src=

What about longer serving employees? 10 Years?

' src=

Great Article! This information is very helpful, your performance is outstanding. I request more Anniversary Gift Ideas give us. Thank you, Jeff!

' src=

There are so many good ideas here! Thanks for sharing and passing on this positivity so others can benefit!

' src=

I like idea #16 a lot. Donating to a charity of their choice is a lovely idea! Reminds me of my grandmother. She always asked us to donate to a charity instead of buying her a gift, because she thought the money would be better spent this way. Wise woman!

' src=

I think creative workshop is a great idea. Our employee is a sculptor in her free time, workshop will give her the opportunity to really shine and show all her coworkers her artistic self.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Statement From President Joe   Biden on Four Years Since George Floyd’s   Murder

The day before George Floyd’s funeral, his young daughter Gianna told me, “Daddy changed the world.” Four years after her father’s murder, there is no doubt that he has.

George Floyd should be alive today. His murder shook the conscience of our nation and reminded us that our country has never fully lived up to its highest ideal of fair and impartial justice for all under the law. What we witnessed as a result was one of the largest modern civil rights movements in our Nation’s history, with people from every background marching together against racism and systemic injustice.

Two years ago, alongside George Floyd’s family, civil rights leaders, and law enforcement officials, I signed an executive order to implement key aspects of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act with respect to federal law enforcement, including: restricting chokeholds and no-knock warrants, and establishing a database for police misconduct—all measures to advance effective, transparent and accountable policing.

My Administration has made significant progress in implementing this Executive Order, and will continue our work to build public trust and strengthen public safety. But real and lasting change at the state and local level will only come when Congress acts. That’s why I will continue to urge Congress to send the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which ensures law enforcement accountability, to my desk.

As we mark this solemn day tomorrow, we join George Floyd’s family in remembering his life and his legacy. We are vigilant of Black and brown communities who all too often have borne the brunt of injustice; and we recommit ourselves to honoring George Floyd’s legacy by ensuring our Nation lives up to its founding ideal that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives.

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The 80th Anniversary of D-Day: An Opportunity to Seize

Post title post title post title post title.


“Ike Returns to Normandy, Tells Reds: Remember Hitler.”

With this June 1948 headline, the Washington Post left readers in no doubt about the present politics that often underpin D-Day commemorations. When Western heads of state, including President Joe Biden, visit Normandy next week to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the concerns of today will similarly impose themselves.

While full details of all the commemorative events have not yet been released, early indications are that there will be high-profile ceremonies in Normandy itself, including an international commemoration at Omaha Beach. There will also be significant events elsewhere. In the United States, both the National D-Day Memorial (Bedford, Virginia) and the National World War II Museum (New Orleans) are hosting ceremonies, whilst in the United Kingdom the anniversary is centered on Portsmouth , once a key staging point for the invasion force and now the home of Britain’s D-Day museum .

In its essentials, therefore, D-Day 80 will look very familiar to anyone who has witnessed some of the previous major anniversaries, such as the 75th (2019), the 60th (2004), or indeed the 50th (1994).

But for all these similarities there is also an important difference, with D-Day 80 unfolding amidst an increasingly tense international political scene. For those dignitaries gathering in Normandy next week one current event is likely to loom especially large: the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022 and which has returned war to Europe and brought East-West rivalry back to the fore.

How might those attending the anniversary events pay homage to the past while keeping an eye on the present? A look at how D-Day was commemorated amidst a previous era of East-West tensions — the Cold War — is instructive. Just like D-Day commemorations during the 1950s and 1960s, D-Day 80 offers a highly visible forum at which to deliver a powerful reminder of what a unified alliance, resolute in purpose, can achieve. Here is a chance to declare — publicly and unapologetically — that democracy can vanquish dictatorship. Seen like this, D-Day 80 is an occasion peculiarly well-placed for the challenges of this moment, and for Biden it offers an invaluable opportunity to seize.

D-Day in the Cold War

D-Day was commemorated for the first time in June 1945, just a month after the Allied victory against Nazi Germany. But with the conflict against Japan nearing its crescendo it was a rather muted occasion. It was not until 1950s, then, that the now familiar outlines of a modern D-Day anniversary began to emerge. This was a development inextricably connected to the rising tensions of the early Cold War.

In June 1947, on the eve of the third anniversary of the Allied landings, U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall announced a plan for European economic recovery .

A year later, East-West tensions ramped up further — the Soviet decision to cut off access to West Berlin led the United States and United Kingdom to launch a massive resupply effort by air.

And then in June 1950 the Cold War went hot: The North Korean military invaded South Korea , with an American-led U.N. force duly intervening in September.

In this increasingly tense geopolitical context, D-Day anniversaries quickly drew attention from high-profile figures. In June 1948, none other than Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower — the man who led Operation Overlord and who would shortly become NATO’s first Supreme Commander (1950–52) — made a visit to Normandy during which he declared that “the whole of western Europe must be defended against tyranny.” The result was the Washington Post headline quoted above.

The same sentiment was expressed during the first widely commemorated anniversary of D-Day, the 10th, marked in 1954. This was also the moment that the annual commemorations started to develop their now familiar form. There were ceremonies along the beaches, veterans paid homage at memorials, and dignitaries delivered speeches.

President RenĂ© Coty of France, for instance, spoke at Omaha Beach — site of amongst the bloodiest fighting on D-Day — and remarked that “the task of the free nations is now to maintain and develop a solid, constructive, and organic cooperation in all fields.” Among his audience was Gen. Alfred Gruenther, recently arrived as the NATO Commander in Europe (1953–56). Similar appeals for Western solidarity were heard at several of the other gatherings that June.

Drawing attention to such appeals is not to accuse those involved of cynical political appropriation (though this may well have been a factor). Rather, it is to acknowledge that commemoration is an inescapably political act and thus something that is always as much about the concerns of the present as it is about honoring the past. And given the history at the very heart of D-Day, its commemoration offered a clear opportunity to rehearse the ideologically freighted language of contemporary Cold War geopolitics. After all, where better than Normandy — where a massive multinational Allied army began the liberation of Nazi-oppressed Europe — to rally the free world in its ongoing battle against totalitarian tyranny?

The close connections between D-Day and contemporary Cold War politics were only further accentuated by the various memorial construction projects of the early 1950s. In 1952, the Imperial (now Commonwealth) War Graves Commission completed its cemetery at Bayeux (the largest of its kind in Normandy); in 1954, a museum commemorating the landings was opened in Arromanches (close to where the American and British invasion sectors met); and in 1956, the American Battle Monuments Commission unveiled its cemetery on the bluffs overlooking Omaha Beach.

As a result, by the end of the 1950s a basic framework for marking D-Day anniversaries had started to emerge. These were often solemn occasions for sober remembrance, unfolding within recently established (and beautifully maintained) sacred spaces and frequently involving Allied veterans. But they were also high-profile forums for Cold War politics, pronouncements, and at times even polemic.

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D-Day and NATO

This was particularly apparent during the 20th anniversary, in 1964. Indeed, where the 10th anniversary took place just as Cold War tensions drew the Western allies closer together, the 20th anniversary occurred, in contrast, just as trans-Atlantic relations were souring.

A key factor was the growing American military commitment to Vietnam (the Gulf of Tonkin incident , central to Washington’s decision to deploy regular U.S. ground troops to the region, occurred in August 1964). This American commitment drew criticism in European capitals, with even the British government declining to send troops in support of their ally. In France, meanwhile, whose military had been forcibly evicted from Vietnam in 1954, the 1960s witnessed a new era of increasingly assertive national politics, with wartime hero President Charles de Gaulle — in office from 1959 to 1969 — especially keen to chart a distinct line in international affairs. Two developments are of note here. One was the establishment of an independent French nuclear deterrent: An atomic bomb was successfully tested in French Algeria in 1960. The second was de Gaulle’s 1966 decision to withdraw the French military from NATO’s integrated command structure, a decision accompanied by the demand that all NATO troops leave French soil (and the vast majority of these troops were of course American). Within a year NATO’s headquarters was moved from Paris to Brussels.

D-Day 20, commemorated in June 1964, took place in the very midst of these tensions internal to the Western alliance, something powerfully exemplified by the fact that de Gaulle refused to attend the proceedings in Normandy. Two days after the anniversary, the London Times pondered the “political implications” of his “absence,” particularly given that “exhortations to allied unity 
 have been more than a pious theme of D-Day.” From Washington, meanwhile, President Lyndon B. Johnson (also not attending in person) dispatched a message to the “peoples of Europe.” Read out in a ceremony at the Normandy American Cemetery, Johnson reminded European allies that as “unity wrested back your freedom, unity has brought and will always bring us fulfilment of freedom’s promise.” The same theme featured in the personal message Johnson gave to his official D-Day 20 delegation. As he explained: “the central force for progress has been, and continues to be, the unity and the strength of all nations of the Atlantic Alliance.”

Yet despite all the handwringing, the simmering trans-Atlantic tensions of 1964 actually made the anniversary’s Cold War optics still more important. Put differently, now was precisely the time to make clear that for all the occasional differences between Washington, London, and Paris, when it really mattered the wartime allies remained united. On the eve of D-Day, the Washington Post declared that de Gaulle’s absence from the 1964 commemorations was entirely “understandable,” whilst from Paris one American general loudly celebrated the Franco-American bond “forged” in the “fury and fire of battle.” He concluded that “our greatest strength is the spirit of our unity.”

A very similar message was apparent two decades later, during the 40th anniversary of the Allied landings in June 1984. With the United States and the Soviet Union embarked upon a new round of bitter nuclear rivalry (the so-called New Cold War of 1979–85), the Cold War geopolitics underpinning the D-Day 40 commemorations were again especially apparent.

As historian Douglas Brinkley has discussed, the figure who most skillfully exploited this fact was President Ronald Reagan, among the foremost political communicators of the era. Crucially, it was Reagan — or, more accurately, his speechwriter Peggy Noonan — who realized the full potential of a D-Day anniversary to accommodate a powerful and pointed story for the moment, one that could “work” for both a domestic and international audience.

Reagan’s key performance took place during a special commemorative ceremony at Pointe du Hoc — a Normandy battlefield made scared by the D-Day heroics of American Rangers. His speech was carefully planned, and carefully choreographed. He began by celebrating the “boys of Pointe du Hoc,” the heroes who “fought for all humanity.” But as the speech progressed Reagan turned his attention to the tyranny that still threatened Europe from beyond the Urals. He concluded with a powerful renewal of the American commitment to Europe: “We were with you then; we are with you now. Your hopes are our hopes, your destiny is our destiny.”

Clearly reminiscent of what Eisenhower had said back in 1948, and similarly in tune with many of the sentiments articulated in both 1954 and 1964, Reagan nonetheless claimed the occasion as his own. European allies, concerned by Reagan’s “trigger-happy” approach to international politics (at least according to the New York Times in the days before the anniversary) were reassured, and audiences back home were impressed. Reflecting on the anniversary a few days later, Haynes Johnson remarked (in a piece for the Washington Post ) that Reagan had “demonstrated to millions why he is the perfect ceremonial president.” Other commentators even suggested that the Pointe du Hoc speech was a crucial factor in Reagan’s victory in the presidential election that fall.

Indeed, as historian Michael Dolski has shown, Reagan’s performances during the 40th anniversary played an important role in the complex processes through which D-Day secured an increasingly “mythic” status in late 20th-century American culture (powerful cultural texts, like Stephen Spielberg’s 1998 film Saving Private Ryan , were also influential). Hardly surprising that all subsequent presidents, from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump, have attempted to replicate his success.

D-Day 50 to D-Day 80

The key challenge for these imitators has been that the D-Day anniversaries of the last 30 years have unfolded in a markedly different geopolitical landscape, one profoundly reshaped by the end of the Cold War. That is not to say that recent commemorations have avoided grappling with the pressing concerns of the moment. In 1994, Clinton’s 50th anniversary speech celebrated the fact that “the Soviet Empire is gone” whilst also noting — with an eye on the violent breakup of Yugoslavia — that “our work is far from done.” In 2009, President Barack Obama saw in the 65th anniversary an opportunity to rebuild Franco-American relations recently strained by disagreements linked to the American-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

But from the perspective of the White House these concerns, whilst often challenging, were not existential . The same cannot be said of D-Day 80, which will unfold amidst a new era of East-West antagonism linked to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and at the very moment the trans-Atlantic relationship is being strained by European concerns about a potential second presidential term for Trump. As such, for those diplomats, dignitaries, and speechwriters currently readying for next month’s commemorations, D-Day 80 offers a challenge to negotiate but also an opportunity to exploit.

This is a point revealed by the guest list. Notably, Vladimir Putin was invited to the Normandy commemorations in 2004, and again in 2014 (that is, after the Russian annexation of Crimea), though he cut a rather isolated figure at the latter. But there was no such invitation in 2019 , and nor will there be this June . Putin will no doubt declare indifference and redouble his commitment to celebrating Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War, a recurrent feature of his domestic policy, as Jade McGlynn has explained.

But in Putin’s absence, and in light of his current foreign policy, those planning D-Day 80 can find inspiration in the commemorative precedents laid down in the 1950s and 1960s. Here is a chance for Western heads of state to gather on the Normandy beaches and once again assert their unity. Here is the chance, in the very year that NATO also celebrates its 75th birthday, for the wartime allies to declare their continued faith and fidelity. Just as Putin’s Russia is currently mobilizing World War II memory for political ends, D-Day 80 will offer an arresting spectacle within which Western leaders should stake their own claim to the past and present.

Seizing this opportunity is the challenge for all those involved, but especially for Biden. Increasingly criticized for his handling of the war in Gaza, locked into a fierce electoral contest, and battling to sustain domestic support for Ukraine, D-Day 80 presents an invaluable — but difficult — opportunity to deliver a speech for the ages. What might this speech look like? And what message should Biden deliver?

The Challenge — and Opportunity — for Biden

At various points in his presidency Biden has invoked the memory of Franklin D. Roosevelt , with economic and military assistance to Ukraine “sold” with reference to the nation’s celebrated World War II role as the “ arsenal of democracy .” The upcoming commemorations in Normandy offer Biden the chance once again to assume this Rooseveltian persona.

But Biden and his team can — and should — also take inspiration from Reagan’s much-celebrated Normandy performance, especially because several of the challenges he faces today are so very similar to those of the 1980s. Like Reagan, Biden should deliver a speech that works both at home and abroad. He should reassure European allies unsettled by Trumpism that the United States remains firmly committed to upholding their sovereignty and security. He should deliver a firm and unequivocal message to Moscow regarding the unbreakable unity of NATO. And he should make clear to Americans that providing support for embattled overseas democracies is the true way to honor the memory of those momentous events 80 years ago.

In short, Biden has the chance this June 6 to claim the mantle of both Roosevelt and Reagan. And for the current occupant of the Oval Office, this is something to embrace. Not since 1984 has a major D-Day anniversary taken place amidst the sort of resurgent East-West geopolitical rivalry apparent today. But as the response to Reagan’s speech 40 years ago makes clear, when the stakes are high, so too can be the rewards.

Dr. Sam Edwards is a reader (associate professor) in modern political history at Loughborough University. He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a former Fulbright Scholar (Pitt, 2010), and author of  Allies in Memory: World War II and the Politics of Transatlantic Commemoration, c. 1941–2001  (Cambridge University Press, 2015) and co-editor of D-Day in History and Memory: The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration (University of North Texas Press, 2014). He has previously written for the  Washington Post , the  Independent , the  BBC, History and Policy,  and  The Conversation . The views expressed here are solely his own. You can find him on Twitter @Historian_Sam. 

Image: Erin Rohn

The Adversarial

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speech employee anniversary

Employee stabbed several times at Ky. Dairy Queen by coworker, police say

STANFORD, Ky. (WKYT) - A Kentucky restaurant employee is in the hospital after being stabbed by a coworker, according to police.

Police say it happened Wednesday afternoon at the Stanford Dairy Queen.

According to police, the employee was stabbed multiple times by her coworker. The victim was taken to the hospital to be treated for what was described as serious injuries.

Police say another employee, who intervened and successfully stopped the attack, was also hurt but did not require immediate medical attention.

We’re told the suspect, 20-year-old Rachel Sanchez of Stanford, was still at the scene, and she was taken into custody on charges of attempted murder with one victim and first-degree assault for the second victim.

According to Stanford police, the victim’s family last provided an update Wednesday night, and the family said the victim is still undergoing treatment and evaluation at the hospital.

Copyright 2024 WKYT. All rights reserved.

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Historic Rodgers Theater in Poplar Bluff to celebrate 75th anniversary

The historic Rodgers Theater will celebrate its 75th anniversary on Saturday, June 1.

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. (KFVS) - The historic Rodgers Theater will celebrate its 75th anniversary on Saturday, June 1.

According to organizers, the theater opened June 1, 1949.

They’ll celebrate with food and rootbeer floats from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Senator Jason Bean will read a resolution at 7 p.m. commemorating the celebration.

You can also enjoy some antique cars and listen to music from a local band.

Artist Narvel Felts, originally from the Bernie area, will also perform. It’s $25 per ticket at the door.

Organizers say they are in the process of restoring the theater; however, they do show Sunday matinees and other performances.

You can click here for more information.

Copyright 2024 KFVS. All rights reserved.

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AI saving humans from the emotional toll of monitoring hate speech

Researchers use machine learning to identify hate speech with 88 per cent accuracy.

A team of researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed a new machine-learning method that detects hate speech on social media platforms with 88 per cent accuracy, saving employees from hundreds of hours of emotionally damaging work.

The method, dubbed the Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer (mDT), can understand the relationship between text and images as well as put comments in greater context, unlike previous hate speech detection methods. This is particularly helpful in reducing false positives, which are often incorrectly flagged as hate speech due to culturally sensitive language.

"We really hope this technology can help reduce the emotional cost of having humans sift through hate speech manually," said Liam Hebert, a Waterloo computer science PhD student and the first author of the study. "We believe that by taking a community-centred approach in our applications of AI, we can help create safer online spaces for all."

Researchers have been building models to analyze the meaning of human conversations for many years, but these models have historically struggled to understand nuanced conversations or contextual statements. Previous models have only been able to identify hate speech with as much as 74 per cent accuracy, below what the Waterloo research was able to accomplish.

"Context is very important when understanding hate speech," Hebert said. "For example, the comment 'That's gross!' might be innocuous by itself, but its meaning changes dramatically if it's in response to a photo of pizza with pineapple versus a person from a marginalized group.

"Understanding that distinction is easy for humans, but training a model to understand the contextual connections in a discussion, including considering the images and other multimedia elements within them, is actually a very hard problem."

Unlike previous efforts, the Waterloo team built and trained their model on a dataset consisting not only of isolated hateful comments but also the context for those comments. The model was trained on 8,266 Reddit discussions with 18,359 labelled comments from 850 communities.

"More than three billion people use social media every day," Hebert said. "The impact of these social media platforms has reached unprecedented levels. There's a huge need to detect hate speech on a large scale to build spaces where everyone is respected and safe."

The research, Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer: Integrating Text, Images and Graph Transformers to Detect Hate Speech on Social Media, was recently published in the proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

  • Language Acquisition
  • Learning Disorders
  • Social Psychology
  • Communications
  • Computer Modeling
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • STEM Education
  • Popular Culture
  • Urbanization
  • Computational neuroscience
  • Streaming media
  • Speech recognition
  • Social inequality
  • Data mining
  • Cognitive bias

Story Source:

Materials provided by University of Waterloo . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Liam Hebert, Gaurav Sahu, Yuxuan Guo, Nanda Kishore Sreenivas, Lukasz Golab, Robin Cohen. Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer: Integrating Text, Images and Graph Transformers to Detect Hate Speech on Social Media . Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 2024; 38 (20): 22096 DOI: 10.1609/aaai.v38i20.30213

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