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Resume Summary with No Experience: Examples for Students and Fresh Graduates

By Biron Clark

Published: December 18, 2023

Recent Grads | Resume/CV

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

If you’re looking for how to write a summary for your resume with no work experience , you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to walk you through exactly what to do, and then we’ll look at resume summary examples for entry-level job seekers, students and fresh graduates. 

How to Write a Summary For Your Resume With No Experience:

First, a resume summary is different than an objective . And it’s much better. Putting an objective on your resume is outdated and unnecessary. Resume objectives are useless because they don’t share anything the hiring manager doesn’t already know (such as “my goal is to obtain a position in the ___ industry”). So what we’re doing here is better and will help your resume stand out from people who simply put an objective. Whereas, the resume summary gives a quick highlight reel of your qualifications, education, and more. If you’re not sure what a resume summary actually is, check out this article on 10 resume summary examples . And while it’s easier to figure out what to put if you’ve built up some work experience, you can still write an effective resume summary with no work experience whatsoever.

So in this article, I’m going to show you how. What should go into your summary when you don’t have any work experience? 

1. Put academic accomplishments and leadership

What did you study? Did you just graduate with a degree? Mention that. If you took a leadership role in your class projects, or clubs/groups at your school, you can mention that too. Leadership doesn’t need to be in a job to get the hiring manager’s attention! Taking a leadership role in a sports environment is impressive as well. You’re not going to mention specific accomplishments in your resume summary usually (you can do that later in your resume), but you can say things like “proven leadership” or “natural leader”, etc.

2. Put your interests and passions

Are you passionate about startups and technology? Great, put that. Want to make a difference in the world, and focus your career on social impact? Mention that. This can include the grades you received, but also leadership positions you led, and clubs/groups you participated in.

3. Put “hard” skills

If you’re proficient in any tools, technologies, etc… you can include that in your resume summary. Don’t list 20 things. That’s what your “Skills” section is for. But pick the three or four things that are most relevant for the job you’re applying for.

Coming up in this article, we’re going to look at two resume summary examples for people with no experience. .. and in the second example, you’ll see how this would look.

4. Include soft skills

Are you great at analytical thinking? Do you love working as a part of a team? Are you great at multi-tasking and handling a fast-paced team environment? While these shouldn’t be the main focus of your resume summary section, they can be worth mentioning. It’s especially good to include soft skills that you see mentioned in the job description.

For example, if you see they mention wanting someone who’s great at multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment, and you feel that describes you well, then your resume summary is the perfect place to include this.

5. Put statements that will grab the employer’s interest and make them want to ask you questions!

If you mention leadership they’ll want to ask you more about your leadership experiences. That’s a good thing. Remember, whatever you put, they’ll probably ask you about. So as you write your summary for your resume, try to think about what you want them to discuss with you, and what you want a chance to talk about. And try to “tailor” your resume to fit the companies you’re applying to. If you’re applying to large corporations don’t start your summary by saying “Startup enthusiast”.

3 Resume Summary Example for Students, Fresh Graduates and Entry-Level Job Seekers:

In this section, I’m going to share three examples of how to write a summary for your resume with no experience. You can use these resume summary examples as a student, entry-level job seeker, or any job search where you don’t have experience:

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #1: Economics Student

Enthusiastic, highly-motivated Economics student with proven leadership capabilities, who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges.

In this example above, you’re showing that you completed your Economics degree and have an interest in the subject, and you’re mentioning leadership and making the reader want to learn more about this. You’re also making yourself sound ambitious and motivated at the end, which is always a good thing (I’m referring to the part that says “who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges). Notice the format too. This is how I recommend phrasing it. Don’t say “I am a ___”. Just start with the descriptive words.

This is a simple yet effective resume summary example for students OR recent graduates.

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #2: Fresh Graduate in Computer Science

Computer Science graduate passionate about data engineering and machine learning. Highly-capable leader, having led multiple Senior class projects to completion. Proficient in a range of modern technologies including Python, Java and Scala.

This is another good example of a student or fresh graduate resume summary that still shows your skills and academic focus, even if you have no formal work experience.  In this entry-level resume summary example, you’re highlighting accomplishments and leadership as a student and you’re also showing that you’re passionate about your work. Saying you’re passionate about data engineering is much better than just saying, “Looking for a job in data engineering.” They’ll know you’re looking for jobs because you applied. Taking up space to say it is a bad use of this area of your resume, and is why I never recommend having a resume “Objective” section. The summary exists instead of an “Objective” and is much better.

The example above also included some great programming keywords (Python, Java, Scala) to help get past any automated application systems and grab the hiring manager’s attention very quickly when they first look at your resume. If you work with any tools or technologies that have names like these, you can include it in your entry-level resume summary if you’d like. Other examples of tools/technologies: Photoshop, MS Excel, etc.

If you decide not to include these on your resume summary, make sure to include them elsewhere such as your Education or Skills section .

Resume Summary Example with No Experience #3: Math Student Graduating Soon

4th year mathematics student passionate about statistics and data analysis. Proven project leader. Active member of Boston University’s Mathematics Club. Speaker at 2018 “New York Young Mathematicians Conference.”

This resume summary example for students shows how you can list accomplishments even if you’ve never formally worked before. Did you participate in any clubs at school? Have you led any class projects? These are impressive pieces you can add to your resume summary with no experience formally working. 

How to Write a Resume Summary For Students/Fresh Graduates – Quick Recap

  • Skip buzzwords like “hard-working” and put real academic accomplishments instead, like projects you produced and tasks you led
  • Include what you’re interested in and passionate about to show them why you are applying for this position
  • Mention hard skills like “Java Programming” or “Excel,”  especially if they’re listed on the job description
  • Include soft skills as well like, “excellent at multi-tasking”, especially if you saw these keywords anywhere on the job description
  • Include statements in your resume summary that will catch the employer’s interest and make them want to talk with you and ask you more. Remember – the entire goal of your resume is to get invited to interview. So if you did anything unique like giving presentations, working in an internship , participating in a school club, etc., you can include this in your entry-level resume summary.

If you follow the tips above, you’ll have a great entry-level resume summary that will stand out and catch a recruiter’s or hiring manager’s attention so you can get more interviews.

After you write your entry-level resume summary, here are two more articles that may be helpful when job searching with no experience:

  • The best times of year to job search
  • How to create a great elevator pitch for job hunting

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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This site was pretty helpful in guiding me throughout my school resume, would love other tips would do well.

This is a great guide. If only schools were actually interested in teaching children real life skills like this.

Hi, I am a student who has been finding it very difficult to make resumes due to the lack of working experience. I am currently trying to find a job while studying at the same time. I am in University completing a certificate and will soon be applying for a BA in Psychology and Criminolgy. However, I wish to apply for a part time job in the fashion industry. Can you please leave me some tips about what I can do to ensure that I can find a job without needing experience.

Your page has really helped, Thank you.

Hi, I’m a job seeker with 2 years experience working as a cart collector at grocery store and an Associate’s Degree in Computer Information Systems, is this a good professional summary?: “Reliable team member with a keen interest in information technology and other applications. Capable of handling multiple projects within deadlines. Eager to apply my professional and academic background as an Administrative Assistant at Bogdan Contracting.”

I’ve been job seeking since October 2018, I’m hoping I can start a career in tech support as soon as possible.

Hi Marcais,

I think it sounds pretty good. My least favorite part is the first word, though. “Reliable” sounds pretty average/boring. Sure, you show up, do your job, etc. That’s what I think when I hear “reliable”. But not much more.

I’d look for a better word to lead off with.

I would like to say thank you for making this article about writing a summary for a resume. For the past couple of months, I have been struggling to find someone who can help me with that because I don’t have a lot of experience in my field (i.e. engineering). I do have one question though. Is it appropriate to use first-person nouns in the summary section? I have seen people do that, but I find it quite odd.

Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you.

Hi Frances,

I’d avoid saying, “I” if that’s what you’re asking.

Just say “Led team of 7 people to accomplish ___”

Just start without a pronoun.

Another example: “Highly-accomplished accounting professional who has ____”

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How to Write a Student No Experience Resume

Writing a resume when you are a student with no experience is tough.

The Work Experience section is, for most job-seekers, the centrepiece of a resume. It takes up the most space and contains the most detail. Other sections, like Education and Volunteering Experience, usually aren’t as important.

When you are a student with no experience, however, you may not have much to include in this section. A resume for a student has to look a little different from a resume for an experienced professional.

Fortunately, there are still ways to write a great student resume with no experience. By following the steps in this guide, you can have your first interview in no time, even if you’ve never held a job before.

College Student Resume Sample and Template

How to write a student resume with no experience

Remember, no one has experience when they’re just starting out in their career. Everyone’s first resume has little to no experience, but they still manage to find jobs. Writing a student resume when you don’t have experience is a matter of finding the right template, emphasizing the right attributes, and tailoring your skills for each role.

To get started on your resume, follow these steps:

  • 1. Find the right resume template

When you write a student resume with no experience, the right resume template can start you off on the right foot. A template that helps you create an effective one-page resume will be an important asset to your job search.

When choosing a template for a resume with no experience, it’s important to think about what industry you are applying for.

If you are applying as an intern at a law firm, or for a data-entry role at a bookkeeping company, you will likely want a more traditional template, like VisualCV’s Monte or Corporate templates. These templates are simple, formal, and well-suited for more traditional industries.

If you are applying for a more creative industry, like graphic design or marketing, a more modern template would work better, like the Denali or Chloe templates. These templates feature more modern fonts and a splash of colour, so you can really let your personality show through your application.

The right template, well-designed and well-chosen for your industry, can catch an employer’s eye. It can show that you are conscientious, present yourself well, and are willing to make an effort. For entry-level jobs, these qualities can be more important than experience.

  • 2. Include your personal details

At the top of your resume, it’s important to include your contact information and personal details. Without these, the employer can’t contact you. Contact information includes:

  • Phone number
  • Email address

Make sure your email address is professional. Ideally, it should use your name: [email protected] . A jokey or difficult email will make it harder for the employer to contact you.

Some applications may ask for a full address, but including your city of residence is usually sufficient. As long as you can make the commute, your exact address shouldn’t matter.

If you have any online profiles, you may want to include them as well. If you do, however, make sure they are completely professional and don’t include any embarrassing pictures, posts, or memes. Online profiles could include:

  • Personal website

Remember, anything you include on your resume has to be professional, true, and verifiable. Don’t link to anything that won’t help your application.

Student resume no experience contact information

3. Emphasize your education

If you are a student looking for your first job, you have no on-the-job experience to showcase. If this is the case, your best bet is to emphasize education instead of work experience.

This is particularly true if you are a college student or a recent graduate. If you have been studying in college or university, you should have some academic experience that you can emphasize. Including details about your education is a good way to fill out a resume when you don’t have experience.

When you write your Education section, begin with your most recent degree and work backwards in reverse-chronological order. If you have any post-secondary degrees, it isn’t necessary to include your high school education.

For each item in your Education section, you may want to include information about the experience you had there. This might include coursework, your thesis topic or research area, or projects you were involved in. If you earned high grades, you can include your GPA as well.

When you’re a college student with no experience, your education may be where most of your skills and qualifications are drawn from. That means you can afford to let this section take up space on your resume.

If you’re a high school student, you may not have much you can include in your Education section. If you are applying for entry-level positions, this won’t matter. You can include your GPA (if it’s high), or academic awards or honours like inclusion on the Dean’s List or attendance awards.

If you’ve worked on any major projects, you can mention this as well. The ability to work with a team is a strong asset for any resume, especially when you have no experience.

  • 4. List experiences, any experiences

If you are a high school student who has never held a job, you might struggle to think of experience that you can include on your resume. It may well be true that you don’t have any; after all, everyone has to start somewhere.

But you might have more experience than you think.

Experience can come from all sorts of places, not just jobs. You might have some resume-worthy experience already, you just hadn’t thought of it. When you write your student resume, try to think of anywhere you might have gained employable experience, even if it wasn’t a “real” job.

Places you might have some experience include:

Unofficial work

Even if you’ve never had to give an employer your social insurance number, you may have some paid work under your belt.

For many young people, their first paid work comes from doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood. If you have raked leaves, mowed lawns, painted houses, washed cars, or babysat for your neighbours, then you have work experience.

You were probably paid in cash, but work is work. Including neighbourhood work like this in your resume shows employers that you are responsible, reliable, and have an entrepreneurial spirit. These are important qualities in a first-time job-seeker.

The skills you develop in work like this can also be an asset if they are related to the job you are applying to. For example, your experience mowing neighbourhood lawns transfers directly to a role at a landscaping company.

Extracurricular activities

If you belong to any clubs or sports leagues, or if you help out with other school or community organizations, you can include this on your resume. Besides showing that you’re an active member of the community with interests outside of schoolwork, the skills you develop when participating in extracurricular activities can be an important asset in the workplace.

This is particularly true if you held important roles in your extracurricular groups. If you started a school club yourself, note that you are the founder in your resume. If you were club treasurer or team captain, include it in your resume. Leadership roles like this show that you can take initiative and shoulder responsibility.

Chess club, theatre club, yearbook club: any organization where you play an active role is acceptable on your resume. Not only do these memberships show that you can work with others, they show that you are a well-rounded person with interests outside of school work.

Student resume no experience work experience

Volunteering experience

Many people get their first taste of work as a volunteer. This could be a regular volunteer position, like taking shifts at a local food bank, animal shelter, soup kitchen, or church. There may also be organizations that you can volunteer with at school, such as an advocacy group, a school club, or a charity initiative.

Even volunteering for a short time, like working the door at a school event or canvassing for a charity group for a day, can be used as experience.

Volunteering experience shows that not only can you work with others and be trusted with responsibilities, you are involved in your community and participate in the world around you.

  • 5. Show your skills

Skills are integral to any resume. A strong set of skills is what makes you a good employee.

You may be a student with no work experience, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have skills. As a student, you have likely developed soft skills that make you a great employee.

This could include things like time management, teamwork, and communication. It could also include things like leadership, critical thinking, and problem-solving. The skills that make you a great student can also make you a great employee.

You might also have hard skills that you can showcase on your resume. Hard skills are the technical abilities that are specific to a particular task, like web development, welding, or accounting. If you are in school for a specific career path, you should have some hard skills that you can highlight on your resume.

When writing a Skills section for a student resume, most job-seekers use a simple bulleted list. This provides a quick and easy way for employers to scan your resume and see exactly what you are good at.

If you would like to draw more attention to your Skills section, you can format each skill as a heading and provide a description or example of each one below. When using a resume template, you can even provide strength ratings for each one. This is a great way to demonstrate your competence - and fill out the page.

  • 6. Awards and honours

Awards and honours are recognition that you are good at something. Whether it’s a Volunteer of the Month award, an award for perfect attendance, or inclusion on your school’s honour roll, awards and honours look great on a resume. Even smaller awards from clubs you participate in can be included. Awards show that you excel at something, and your resume is no place for modesty.

Student no experience resume tips

Once you have all the right sections in place, your resume will be nearly finished. But there is still more work to do before you land the perfect role. When looking for jobs as a student with no experience, remember:

  • Apply no matter what

As a student with no experience, you might think that you just aren’t qualified for anything. Well, apply anyway. You never know who else is applying or who is reading your resume. You might be the most qualified candidate, or the employer might be willing to take a chance on you based on your great resume. If you are applying for entry-level positions, the employer might not expect much experience anyway.

  • Customize your resume

Every time you apply for a job, you should tailor your resume to suit the requirements.

Every job posting will have different skills and qualifications that they are looking for. When you send your application, you have to make sure that your resume is perfect for that position. A generalized resume that you use for all applications won’t be specific enough to the position to be successful.

To customize your resume, read the job description carefully. It will have descriptions of the skills and requirements for the position. Then, edit your resume so that it fits the description as closely as possible. Don’t lie, or even exaggerate, but make sure your resume uses the same language as the job description to highlight your skills. Targeting the specific role with your resume is the best way to ensure a successful job search.

  • Beat the ATS

The ATS, or Applicant Tracking System , is a type of software that many companies use to manage their hiring process. The ATS will scan your resume, take note of all the keywords, and decide whether to pass your application along to a hiring manager.

If the company you are applying to uses an ATS, make sure your resume is built to get past it.

To do this, make sure your resume has all the right keywords. The ATS will be scanning your skills and experience for particular words and phrases. Make sure your resume uses similar language to the job description so the ATS finds what it’s looking for.

Then, make sure you are using an ATS-friendly resume template. A great ATS template will be simple and well-structured, and avoid complex formatting elements like tables and text boxes. At VisualCV, templates like the ATS template are ideal for ATS applications.

Student no experience resume ATS

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Creating a Resume with No Experience: 25 Examples and Tips

resume about me examples student no experience

As a job seeker with no prior work experience, creating a compelling resume can be challenging. It’s tough to craft a document that captures the attention of potential employers, especially when you don’t have a proven track record to showcase.

However, a well-crafted resume is critical in getting your foot in the door and securing those crucial first interviews. It’s your chance to make a great first impression and demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and potential as a valuable employee.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a standout resume with no experience. We’ll provide you with 25 examples and tips to help you develop a resume that speaks to your strengths and positions you as a strong candidate.

Whether you’re fresh out of school, changing career paths, or have been out of work for some time, we’ll help you create a resume that gets you noticed. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how to showcase your skills, highlight your accomplishments, and get your resume to the top of the pile.

So, let’s dive in and explore the challenge of creating a resume with no experience, the importance of a well-crafted resume, and the objective of this article.

Resume Basics

Defining a resume and its purpose.

A resume is a document that summarizes your work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments. It is often the first point of contact with potential employers and serves as a critical tool in your job search. The primary purpose of a resume is to get you an interview.

resume about me examples student no experience

Different Resume Formats

There are several different resume formats, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common formats include:

Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is the most traditional format and is what most people think of when they hear the word “resume.” It lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. This format is best for people with a consistent work history.

Functional Resume

A functional resume focuses on your skills and accomplishments rather than your work history. It includes sections for your skills, education, and work experience, but places more emphasis on your skills and accomplishments. This format is best for people who are changing careers, have gaps in their work history, or are just starting their careers.

Combination Resume

A combination resume combines elements of both the chronological and functional formats. It includes sections for your skills, accomplishments, and work experience, but lists your work history in reverse chronological order. This format is best for people with a strong work history who also want to highlight their skills and accomplishments.

How to Choose the Right Resume Format

Choosing the right resume format can be a daunting task, but it is an important one. The format you choose can make a significant difference in how your resume is perceived by potential employers. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right resume format for you:

Your Work History

If you have a consistent work history with no gaps, a chronological resume may be the best choice for you. It allows you to showcase your work experience in a clear and concise manner.

If you have gaps in your work history, a functional or combination resume may be a better choice. These formats allow you to highlight your skills and accomplishments instead of focusing solely on your work history.

Your Career Goals

Your career goals can also play a role in determining the right resume format for you. If you are changing careers or just starting out, a functional or combination resume can help you highlight your skills and accomplishments in a way that is relevant to your new career path.

If you are applying for a job in a field where your work history is especially important, such as academia or law, a chronological resume may be the best choice.

The Job Posting

Finally, it is important to consider the specific job posting when choosing your resume format. Look at the job description and requirements and tailor your resume accordingly. If the job posting emphasizes specific skills or accomplishments, make sure to highlight them in your resume.

Choosing the right resume format is an important step in creating a resume that will get you noticed by potential employers.

Elements of a Resume

When creating a resume, there are several key elements that every job seeker should include. These elements will help you stand out from the crowd, show off your qualifications, and give potential employers an idea of what you have to offer. Below are five key elements that should be included in any resume, even if you have no prior work experience.

resume about me examples student no experience

Contact Details

The first and most important element of any resume is your contact information. This includes your full name, email address, phone number, and mailing address. Make sure that your email address is professional and easy to identify, and that your phone number is clearly listed and up-to-date. In addition, consider including links to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or any other relevant social media accounts.

Objective or Summary Statement

Another important element to include in your resume is an objective or summary statement. This statement should be a brief summary of your skills and qualifications, and should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, your objective statement might highlight your experience with social media and content creation.

Regardless of your work experience, your education is an important factor to include on your resume. This can include any degrees, certifications, or relevant coursework you have completed, as well as any significant academic achievements such as being on the Dean’s List.

When writing your resume, be sure to include a section highlighting your skills. This should include any technical skills or language proficiencies that are relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job as a software developer, you might include skills such as fluency in Java or experience working with databases.

Relevant Coursework and Projects

Finally, if you have little to no work experience, it can be helpful to include relevant coursework or projects that demonstrate your skills and experience. For example, if you have completed a class in web development, you might list a project you completed that showcases your web development skills.

By including all of these elements in your resume, you can make a strong impression even if you have no prior work experience. Remember to be concise, clear, and tailored to the specific job you are applying for, and you will be well on your way to landing your dream job.

Write an Eye-catching Headers

As crucial as the content of a resume is, the header, or the first thing a prospective employer or hiring manager sees, could make or break the candidate’s chances of landing the job. For job seekers with no experience, it’s even more essential to craft a catchy header that grabs attention and leaves a positive first impression.

Here are some tips on how to craft a header that will stand out:

How to craft a catchy header

  • Keep it simple: Avoid complicated fonts or formats that could distract from the message. Stick to a basic font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and make sure the header is easy to read and understand.
  • Use keywords: Use keywords directly related to the job posting or industry to increase the chances of being selected in the initial screening.
  • Highlight relevant skills or achievements: If you have any relevant skills or achievements, make sure to include them in the header. For example, if you have experience in customer service, put that in the header to show you have the necessary skills for the job.
  • Personalize it: Tailor your header to the company and what you can offer. Research the company and find out what they are looking for in a candidate, and use that information to personalize your header.

Examples of headers that grab attention

  • Nurse with Strong Patient Care Skills
  • Recent Graduate with Excellent Communication and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Dependable Customer Service Representative with Proven Track Record
  • Hardworking Entry-Level Employee with Strong Work Ethic
  • Enthusiastic and Detail-Oriented Graphic Designer
  • Reliable Administrative Assistant with Strong Organizational Skills
  • Driven Sales Associate with Outstanding Customer Relations Skills

By following the above tips and crafting a header that stands out, job seekers with no experience can significantly increase their chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

Highlighting Skills and Experience

If you have no work experience, highlighting your skills is a great way to make your resume stand out. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1. How to include relevant skills even if you have no experience

First, identify the skills that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. These skills can be hard skills (quantifiable skills like proficiency in a particular software or language) or soft skills (interpersonal skills like communication and teamwork).

Next, search for opportunities to develop and showcase those skills. You may have gained these skills through volunteer work, academic projects, or even hobbies. Be sure to highlight these experiences in your resume and emphasize how they have prepared you for the role you are applying for.

2. Showcasing skills acquired in non-work situations

Even if you haven’t held a traditional job, you may have still gained valuable skills through non-work situations. For instance, if you have been a dedicated volunteer for a charity, you may have developed skills like planning and organizing events, fundraising, or working with others to achieve a common goal.

Similarly, if you have been pursuing a hobby like photography or graphic design, you may have gained skills in editing, creative problem solving or time management that could be relevant to certain roles. These experiences can be highlighted in your resume as well.

3. Listing extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities can also be a great way to showcase your skills and demonstrate your interests to potential employers. For instance, if you volunteered at a food bank, you may have developed teamwork and communication skills while working with other volunteers to pack and distribute food. Or, if you served as the captain of your school sports team, you may have developed leadership and problem-solving skills during games and practices.

Highlighting your skills can show employers that you have the potential to succeed in their organization, even if you do not have traditional work experience. Use these tips to effectively showcase your skills and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Mention Projects and Coursework

As a candidate with little to no work experience, highlighting relevant projects and coursework can showcase your skills and knowledge.

Relevant Coursework

When choosing which coursework to include on your resume, consider courses that align with the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position, you might include coursework on brand strategy, digital marketing, and consumer behavior.

Courses can also demonstrate your work ethic, intellectual curiosity, and ability to learn new skills. If you received high grades in challenging courses, make sure to highlight this achievement on your resume.

Projects and Achievements

Projects and achievements can provide concrete examples of your skills, creativity, and resourcefulness.

When listing projects on your resume, choose ones that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a graphic design position, you might include projects where you created logos, graphics, or website design.

Achievements can include awards, scholarships, or recognitions you’ve received for your work. If you’ve completed a particularly challenging project, or if you’ve received recognition for academic or extracurricular achievements, make sure to include these on your resume.

Highlighting relevant coursework and projects can demonstrate that, despite your lack of work experience, you have the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the job you’re applying for.

Mastering the Resume Objective

One of the most crucial components of your resume is your objective statement. It is the first thing that recruiters and hiring managers see, and it provides a glimpse into your goals and aspirations. Hence, it should be concise, clear, and powerful, giving an indication of what you want to achieve in your career.

Writing an effective objective statement

To write an effective objective statement, you need to keep it brief and focused. You should highlight the job you are seeking, your relevant skills, and what you can bring to the position. Moreover, it should be tailored for each role, ensuring that the objective reflects the requirements listed in the job description.

Here are some tips for writing a resume objective statement:

  • Keep it concise and to the point.
  • Emphasize your career goals and objectives.
  • Show what you can bring to the company.
  • Tailor it to the job description.
  • Avoid generic statements.

Examples of great objective statements

To give you an idea of what a great objective statement looks like, here are some examples:

  • Seeking an entry-level position in the marketing field, where I can utilize my excellent analytical and communication skills to contribute to the company’s growth.
  • To obtain a position as a software developer, where I can use my programming skills and passion for creating user-friendly software to develop innovative applications.
  • Looking for a challenging role as a financial analyst, where I can leverage my financial modeling and data analysis skills to provide valuable insights for the organization.
  • An ambitious recent graduate seeking a position as a management trainee in a dynamic organization where I can learn and grow while making a positive impact.
  • Seeking a customer service position where I can leverage my excellent communication skills to provide impeccable service and contribute to the company’s success.

Your resume objective statement should be tailored to each job and show what you bring to the role. A well-written objective statement can grab the attention of recruiters and take you one step closer to landing your dream job.

Resume Layout and Design

When it comes to creating a resume, the layout and design are just as important as the content itself. A well-designed resume can make a big difference in catching a potential employer’s eye and setting yourself apart from other candidates. Here are some tips for choosing the best resume layout:

  • Keep it simple and easy to read: Avoid cluttering your resume with too many fonts, colors, or graphics. Stick to a clean design that is easy on the eyes and makes your information easy to digest.
  • Focus on hierarchy: Use different fonts and font sizes to create a clear hierarchy of information. For example, your name and job title should be larger than your contact information.
  • Use bullet points: Bullet points make your resume easier to skim and highlight your achievements and qualifications.
  • Use white space: Don’t be afraid of leaving some empty space on your resume. This can help create a clean, organized look.

Now that you know the basics of resume layout, let’s talk about some creative resume layout examples that can help you stand out from the competition. Here are some ideas:

The infographic resume: This type of resume uses graphics and charts to convey your skills and experience. It’s a great option if you work in a visually-oriented field like design or marketing.

The timeline resume: A timeline resume showcases your career trajectory in a visual way. You can use a line graph or a horizontal timeline to show your employment history and key achievements.

The minimalist resume: Sometimes less is more. A minimalist resume uses simple, clean design elements to create a sleek, professional look. This can be a good choice if you work in a conservative field like finance or law.

The personal branding resume: This type of resume focuses on showcasing your personal brand. You can use color, fonts, and graphics to create a unique look that reflects your personality and values.

The video resume: A video resume is a great way to showcase your personality and communication skills. You can create a short video introducing yourself, highlighting your skills and accomplishments, and explaining why you’re the best candidate for the job.

These are just a few examples of the many creative resume layouts out there. When choosing a layout, think about your industry, your personality, and your target audience. With a little bit of creativity and design know-how, you can create a resume that will help you land your dream job, even without experience.

Tailoring Your Resume

When it comes to job hunting, sending out a generic resume for each job application is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. It’s important to customize your resume to suit each job application in order to increase your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Here are some tips to help you tailor your resume for specific job applications:

Customizing your resume for specific job applications

Customizing your resume for each job application shows employers that you have taken the time and effort to research the company and the role you are applying for. This can help you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview.

One way to customize your resume is by highlighting your relevant skills and experience for the specific job you are applying for. You can also showcase your achievements and accomplishments that directly align with the job requirements.

How to match keywords with job descriptions

To further customize your resume, it’s important to match your keywords with the job description. Keywords are important because many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sort through resumes.

Here’s how you can match keywords with job descriptions:

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the keywords and skills that the employer is looking for.
  • Use those keywords throughout your resume, especially in the skills and experience sections.
  • Don’t just copy and paste the job description into your resume. Use the keywords in a natural and genuine way that showcases your skills and experience.
  • Use industry-specific jargon and terminology that aligns with the job description.

Customizing your resume for specific job applications and matching your keywords with job descriptions can greatly increase your chances of getting noticed by employers. Take the time to research the company and the job requirements, and tailor your resume accordingly. Good luck!

Creating an Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any job seeker. With no prior work experience, creating an online presence is even more important as it can help showcase skills, talents, and achievements.

One of the best ways to create a professional online presence is by building an impressive LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform that allows job seekers to connect with employers, industry thought leaders, and colleagues in their respective fields. To build an impressive LinkedIn profile, one should have a professional profile picture, a catchy headline that summarizes their professional identity, a well-written summary, and a list of relevant skills. In addition, job-seekers should also try to get endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, managers, and mentors.

Apart from LinkedIn, there are other online platforms that one can use to showcase their professional skills. For instance, if the job-seeker is interested in pursuing a career in design, they can create an online portfolio on platforms like Behance, Dribbble, or Coroflot, showcasing their design projects. If the job seeker is interested in writing, they can showcase their writing samples on platforms like Medium or Contently. They can also start a blog to showcase their writing skills and their interests in the particular field.

In addition to creating an online portfolio or a blog, job seekers can also leverage social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to showcase their professional interests, industry knowledge, and achievements. However, it’s important to note that one should always maintain a professional tone on social media and not post anything that may harm their career prospects.

Creating an online presence is a vital part of any job search process for a candidate with no prior work experience. It helps to establish a professional identity, showcase skills and achievements, and connect with professionals in their respective fields. By building an impressive online presence, job-seekers can increase their chances of landing their dream job.

Tips for Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can be the key to landing your dream job, even if you have no prior experience in the field. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself to the employer and showcase your skills and qualifications.

Here are some things you should include in your cover letter:

Purpose of a Cover Letter

Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and explaining why you are interested in the position.

Highlight your skills: Provide examples of your skills and achievements that make you a good fit for the position.

Show your enthusiasm: Express enthusiasm for the position and the company.

Explain why you are a good fit: Demonstrate how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job.

Call to action: End your letter by asking for an interview and providing your contact information.

What to include in a Cover Letter

Your contact information: Include your full name, address, email, and phone number.

Employer’s information: Include the employer’s name, title, company, and address.

Salutation: Address the letter to the hiring manager by name.

Opening paragraph: Introduce yourself and state the position you are applying for.

Body paragraphs: Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications.

Closing paragraph: Thank the employer for considering your application and request an interview.

Closing salutation: Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

Signature: Sign your name and include a digital copy of your signature if submitting online.

Examples of Great Cover Letters

Here are some examples of great cover letters:

A recent college graduate applying for an entry-level marketing position could highlight their experience with social media and their passion for the industry.

A career change candidate could explain how their transferable skills and experience make them a strong fit for the new field.

An applicant with volunteer or internship experience could highlight their work ethic and willingness to learn.

When crafting your cover letter, make sure to highlight your strengths and show your enthusiasm for the position. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating an effective cover letter that sets you apart from the competition.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re creating a resume with no experience, it’s important to be aware of the common mistakes that many job seekers make. Here are some of the most prevalent mistakes to avoid:

1. Overemphasizing education:

If you have little or no experience, you might be tempted to overemphasize your education on your resume. While it’s important to include your educational background, remember that employers are often more interested in your skills and experience. Make sure to highlight any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that showcase your skills, even if they weren’t related to your academic studies.

2. Lack of customization:

Sending out the same generic resume for every job application is a common mistake that can significantly decrease your chances of getting hired. Employers can tell when a resume has been copy-pasted, and it shows a lack of effort on your part. Instead, make sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for by highlighting the skills and experiences that match the job requirements.

3. Including irrelevant information:

When you have no experience, it can be tempting to include everything on your resume, whether it’s relevant or not. However, including irrelevant information can dilute the impact of your resume and make it harder for employers to see why you’re a good fit for the job. Stick to including only the most relevant information and experiences, and leave off anything that doesn’t add value to your job application.

4. Neglecting to proofread:

Spelling and grammar mistakes can quickly sink your chances of getting hired. Employers are looking for candidates who pay attention to detail, so make sure to thoroughly proofread your resume for any errors. You may also want to ask a friend or mentor to review your resume to help catch any mistakes that you may have missed.

To avoid these common mistakes, keep these tips in mind:

  • Focus on showcasing your skills and experiences, even if they’re not directly related to your education.
  • Customize your resume for each job application to highlight your most relevant experiences and skills.
  • Stick to including only the most relevant information, and leave out anything that doesn’t add value to your job application.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly for spelling and grammar mistakes to demonstrate your attention to detail.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a strong, targeted resume that showcases your strengths and positions you as a strong candidate for even the most competitive job opportunities. Good luck with your job search!

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resume about me examples student no experience

Your About Me Resume Section: 10 Examples to Make a Strong Impression

Kayte Grady

3 key takeaways

  • What an About Me resume section is
  • Best practices for writing your About Me section
  • How to write an About Me summary with the Teal AI Resume Builder

How do you convey everything you've accomplished and have to offer in a way that draws attention and leaves potential employers wanting more information?

With an About Me resume section.

A well-written section at the top of your resume that summarizes your most impressive achievements (sometimes called a professional summary, personal statement, short professional bio, resume objective, or an about me) is your opportunity to make a solid first impression.

So, where do you start? And how do you make sure your About Me section captures your unique value proposition in a way that separates you from other applicants?

Struggling to write a good About Me? Try Teal's Resume Builder with AI generation .

What is an About Me resume section? 

Your About Me resume section, or short professional bio , is a paragraph (typically just a few sentences long) near the top of your resume that introduces recruiters or hiring managers to who you are as a professional. 

As a concise summary of your professional journey, this section offers a high-level overview of your entire resume and includes skills, experience, and achievements—driving potential employers to dig in deeper because they have a glimpse of who you are and the incredible things you're capable of.

Why do you need an About Me resume section?

Your About Me resume section grabs the attention of hiring managers and recruiters. And it's necessary because it … 

Differentiates you from other applicants

In today's crowded job market, you have just a few opportunities to stand out from other job seekers before you land an interview. Crafting a short paragraph about yourself at the top of your resume allows you to highlight the most impressive achievements, impact, key skills, and milestones of your career—making you a unique and valuable candidate.

Offers a concise summary of your professional experience

How many years of experience do you have? Where have you had the most influence? How does what you know how to do translate into what potential employers are looking for?

A concise and well-crafted About Me summary on a resume allows recruiters and hiring managers to quickly pull your top qualifications and understand your experience—making it easier for them to assess your fit for the role. 

Don't know what skills to highlight? You can quickly and easily pull this information from your exhaustive Career History within the Teal platform and craft a strong summary with the help of AI technology and ChatGPT.

resume about me examples student no experience

Considers that a hiring manager has limited time

With modern hiring processes and tools like job boards, LinkedIn Easy Apply, and website submissions, recruiters and hiring managers are often inundated with hundreds of applications. Unfortunately, they don't always have much time to dedicate to reviewing every detail of each resume—at least in the beginning.

A highlight reel of your professional experience allows them to swiftly identify you as a qualified candidate whose skills align with the job requirements and move you to the next stage of the hiring process. 

Offers additional context

Maybe you're just starting out and creating a resume with no work experience . Or perhaps you have extensive experience in one field, but you're changing careers entirely. Whatever the case may be, a summary of your transferable skills and any other relevant experience is crucial for offering context and elaborating on how what you can do will help you succeed in a new role.

Want to write your About Me resume section now? Try Teal's Resume Summary Generator to get started!

How to write an About Me for a resume with Teal

If you're looking for a fast way to craft your About Me section, Teal can help.

With the Teal AI Resume Builder , you have two fantastic options for creating your About Me. You can draft your summary or just click the "Generate with AI" button. 

Pro Tip: After selecting the summary that showcases you as the best candidate, save it. Then, finish any remaining sections, choose from the best resume templates , and customize what you want (color, margins, font, etc.) That's it! 

5 things to include in your About Me section 

Now that you know what an About Me section is and why you need one, let's explore what to put in the About Me section of a resume to highlight your best professional accomplishments and make you a standout candidate.

1. Professional title

Your professional title, also known as your resume title , offers a glimpse into your areas of expertise and your level of responsibility. Whether you're an "HR Manager," "Graphic Designer," or "Project Manager," clearly mention your job title to give a snapshot of your core competencies .

2. Years of experience

A straightforward "years of experience" is often a job requirement. How long you've been in a role or job position can be essential in establishing your level of expertise while offering hiring managers a sense of career growth and demonstrating your familiarity with the industry or field. (And whether you're a C-suite leader or an entry-level candidate, specifying your years of previous experience helps set the right expectations from the first interaction.)

3. Relevant skills

By showcasing relevant skills on your resume that align with the job requirements, you capture attention and effectively convey your ability to do the job you're applying for.

Your specific skills are a powerful indicator of whether or not you're right for the position. They also set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of being considered for an interview. So, what hard and soft skills might your future employer be looking for?

Soft skill examples

  • Project management skills
  • Time management skills
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Customer engagement
  • Team leadership
  • Detail oriented

Hard skill examples

  • Digital marketing
  • Google Analytics
  • AI model deployment
  • Competitive analysis market research
  • SEO copywriting

Pro Tip: Showcase your skills in a standalone section. With the free AI Resume Builder you can build a customized Skills section with as many tools, soft skills, and technical skills as needed. Create skill categories to organize specific skill sets in ways that are most relevant to the position you're applying for.

Teal resume builder skills section example

4. Your most impressive, quantifiable metrics

Numbers are powerful.

Include one or two quantifiable metrics in your About Me summary that showcase your achievements and contributions whenever possible.

For example, instead of saying that you increased sales, mention that you boosted sales by 25% within six months. These metrics provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make your resume accomplishment examples more impressive.

If you aren't sure how to craft metrics-based statements, try the Achievement Assistant with the Teal AI Resume Builder . Choose from the drop-down options and use them as a guide to craft impactful statements that grab attention.

resume about me examples student no experience

5. Outstanding awards and achievements

Your About Me is ideal for showcasing achievements and awards on a resume . These distinctions are powerful indicators of exceptional performance.

Whether you've received prestigious honors, peer recognition awards, industry certifications, or commendations, including them further validates your expertise—demonstrating your commitment to your job and providing tangible evidence of your ability to deliver outstanding results.

If you have more than one, a dedicated Awards section with all of your relevant awards and scholarships is also an excellent way to showcase these achievements.

resume about me examples student no experience

4 things to avoid in your About Me section

While there are a few elements you should always include in a professional summary or an About Me section, there are also some pitfalls to avoid. So, what are a few things to steer clear of?

1. Detailed personal information

While your About Me section is a personal statement around who you are as a professional , avoid giving too much personal detail that may distract from the primary objective.

Remember, this isn't your autobiography. (Although your entire story might be great, this just isn't the place for it!) Avoid including personal details like marital status, hobbies, or political affiliations. Stick to relevant professional information that showcases your qualifications.

2. All of your future career goals

Do your best to focus on current or past experiences, skills, and accomplishments rather than your future career goals. Save details like an overall career objective for interview discussions, where you can align them with questions specific to the role and company you're applying to.

3. Repeating everything from your resume

A short summary of your professional background and qualifications shouldn't duplicate all the information in your resume.

The top of your resume has limited space. Instead, choose the most impactful and relevant details to grab the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. Remember, the goal is to entice them to read the rest of your resume, not reiterate its contents.

4. That you want the job

Stating you want the job or to work for the company may seem obvious. Of course, you're excited and want the role; you applied! But bringing it to the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter adds no real value to your About Me or professional summary.

Instead, express your enthusiasm about the position during the interview process by illustrating your thorough research and understanding of the company, culture, and role.

@teal_hq Where do you stand on the professional summary debate? Some recruiters find those brief career highlights helpful—and others say skip it and save the space on your resume. While professional summaries aren’t a make-or-break, they can be an opportunity to speak about your career in aggregate. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to write a professional summary for your resume in under 60 seconds. Just be sure to edit and adjust as needed before submitting. #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #resume #resumetips #careertok #jobsearch ♬ Say So (Instrumental Version) [Originally Performed by Doja Cat] - Elliot Van Coup

Best practices for writing an About Me section

Ready to optimize your About Me resume section? Let's explore some resume tips and best practices for crafting a compelling summary that grabs attention and showcases you in the best light—quickly.

Keep it brief 

When creating an About Me resume section that's easily scannable, brevity is crucial. 

Keep your paragraph concise and to the point. In just a few sentences, focus on the most relevant information recruiters and hiring managers need to know. Aim for around three to five sentences that effectively capture your years of experience and notable achievements while highlighting key qualifications that align with the job description of the role you're applying for.

Write in the first-person voice 

Rather than writing in the second person (using "you" and "your" language) or third person (an objective narrator), the first-person voice adds a personal touch. It allows you to connect with the hiring manager on a more one-to-one level—creating a sense of authenticity and transparency.

Include keywords from the job description

Want to express that you genuinely understand the role you're applying for? Include keywords for resume from the job description. Language from the description often resonates more with potential employers because they're the ones who wrote the job ad in the first place.

So how can you do that?

Take the time to carefully read the job description and identify the skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. For example, do they need someone who has five years of experience? Do they mention research skills? How about strong interpersonal skills? Are they looking for experience in social media marketing?

Once you've found the right skills, incorporate a few of those as keywords or phrases into your About Me section. (But as a note, don't just cram them into one section in your resume. You can incorporate keywords as achievements or resume bullet points and in your skills section.) 

If you're not sure where to start, Teal has you covered.

Compare your resume to a specific job description

Use Teal's Resume Matching to compare your current resume to the specific details of the job that you want to apply for. You'll get a Match Score that breaks down which hard skills, soft skills, and keywords are important for you to incorporate into your resume.

Then, you can use these insights to help you tailor your About Me section to the role.

A screenshot of resume matching for your About Me resume section

Additionally, you can also use Teal's free Job Application Tracker to highlight which skills and language are emphasized in each of the job positions you save. This can help enhance your process as you start preparing your resume for different positions.

Use strong action verbs 

Using strong resume action verbs throughout your document adds strength and a feeling of movement to any section in your resume.

Begin sentences with verbs that convey you're proactive and results-driven. For example, instead of saying, "I was responsible for managing a team," try, "Led and motivated a team of 10 professionals, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity."

10 Resume About Me section examples

If you feel like crafting an engaging and effective About Me section for your resume is overwhelming, below are a few examples of how to start a resume to get you on the right track!

Resume examples for no work experience

High school student.

As an ambitious and motivated high school senior, I'm eager to kickstart my marketing career as the Gourmet Goddess Social Media Intern. I demonstrate exceptional creativity, communication, and organizational skills that I've developed through active participation in team sports and student government. In 2023 I was awarded "Outstanding Academic Achievement" for maintaining a consistent 4.0 GPA, showcasing a commitment to academic excellence and extracurricular pursuits. I'm also passionate about leveraging social media platforms to promote events and connect with diverse audiences.

College student

As a highly motivated college student with a strong passion for computer science, I have a background in combining technical knowledge with exceptional interpersonal skills. I'm adept at troubleshooting hardware and software issues to deliver optimal solutions. I'm also actively involved in Greek life as the Social Chair for my fraternity, organizing successful events and fostering a sense of community. I demonstrate dedication to making a positive impact through my volunteer work at the Humane Society, contributing time and skills to support local animals. In addition, I'm majoring in Computer Science, with coursework emphasizing programming languages, algorithms, and data structures.

Entry-level About Me resume examples

Junior data analyst.

As a highly driven Data Analyst with a track record of improving data quality and accessibility, I've developed and implemented a data cleaning and preprocessing framework that improved data analytics quality for Metadata by 30%. In addition, I spearheaded the design and implementation of a data lake infrastructure resulting in a 40% reduction in data storage costs and a 25% increase in data accessibility. I also built and maintained a data security program that ensured compliance with industry regulations and protected sensitive information for 1000+ clients.

Entry-Level Content Writer

As an organized and passionate entry-level Content Writer with excellent communication skills and a proven ability to manage software development projects, I'm seeking to use my Agile experience to help drive successful content delivery at Teal HQ while continuing to build upon an already strong understanding of software product writing and successful business relationships.

Mid-level About Me resume examples

Account executive.

As a highly accomplished Account Executive with 6 years of experience driving revenue growth, increasing customer satisfaction, and developing successful sales strategies, I have a proven track record in negotiating contracts, managing key accounts, and implementing CRM systems. My work has resulted in $1.2 million in revenue in one year and a 40% increase in client satisfaction. I'm skilled in analyzing customer data, transparent and honest communication, identifying trends, and preventing customer churn.

Digital Marketing Manager

With 4 years of experience in digital marketing, I have a proven record of leading successful campaigns and implementing effective marketing strategies. I've led the end-to-end execution of paid advertising campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in new sign-ups and a 15% increase in sign-up conversion rates. I've also led the implementation of a new marketing automation system, resulting in a 15% reduction in marketing costs and a 20% increase in ROI at Finsta. I'm experienced in collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver on-time and on-budget projects and marketing initiatives.

Senior-level About Me resume examples

Senior it manager.

As a highly skilled Senior IT Manager with 7 years of experience, I successfully lead teams in strategizing, deploying, and maintaining complex IT initiatives. At Asana, I spearheaded the successful implementation of a new network architecture that increased system performance by 36%, cutting energy consumption costs by 22%. I also managed finances for the IT Department, yielding 10% savings on the overall expenditure, and introduced an online collaboration platform that improved employee productivity by 10x.

Senior AWS DevOps Engineer

As a highly skilled AWS DevOps Engineer with 8 years of experience designing and implementing automated solutions for managing and deploying applications on AWS, I have a proven track record in reducing deployment time by up to 75%. As a Senior AWS DevOps Engineer, I increased system reliability by 40% and improved team productivity by 3x. I have exceptional skills in technical leadership, strategic planning, and fostering a collaborative work environment, with a strong commitment to delivering innovative solutions and driving business growth.

Career-change resume examples

Transitioning out of education.

As a highly motivated Special Education Teacher and Administrator with over 15 years of experience developing, implementing, and managing programs and services for students with diverse learning needs, I'm seeking to transition into a career as a Customer Success Manager in EdTech. I bring skills in collaboration, data analysis, and legal compliance. I'm experienced in cross-functional collaboration and have strong knowledge of effective administrative strategies. In 2023, I was the sole recipient of the Principal's Leadership and Coaching Excellence Award. I'm also well known for coaching and feedback that drives positive results and builds relationships.

Transitioning out of human resources

As an experienced HR Manager with over 5 years in the industry, I have a proven track record of implementing and ensuring adherence to policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements. I'm seeking a transition into a role as a Compliance Manager, leveraging my comprehensive understanding of compliance frameworks and demonstrating my ability to promote a culture of compliance within organizations. I have exceptional interpersonal skills and a proven ability to collaborate with teams across organizations to achieve business goals. In 2022, Nectar recognized me for implementing streamlined HR processes resulting in a 20% reduction in employee churn. I was also awarded the "Human Resources Excellence Award" for outstanding commitment to ethical practices.

Want to view more job-specific resume examples with an impactful professional summary? Check out our comprehensive selection of resume examples across a variety of jobs by seniority level, industry, specialty, and more.

Create an About Me resume section today

The top of your resume is your chance to make a great first impression and introduce yourself to the team . It's your opportunity to grab attention and showcase all of the incredible professional qualities and skills you bring to the table.

Teal is a seamless way to create a summary that aligns with the rest of your resume. With Teal's expert guidance and AI integration, you can confidently create a standout resume that resonates with hiring managers.

Start using the Teal AI Resume Builder today and craft a captivating About Me section that captures your unique value and sets you apart from the competition—paving the way for career success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i write in about me in resume.

In the About Me of your resume, summarize your professional background, highlight key skills, and mention your most significant accomplishments. This concise paragraph should provide a snapshot of who you are as a professional and why you are a strong candidate for the position.

If you're having trouble writing your About Me, try Teal's Resume Summary Generator .

What is an example of an About Me section on a resume?

An example of an "About Me" section on a resume might be: "Dedicated Marketing Manager with over 5 years of experience in digital marketing and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing organic traffic by 30% through innovative SEO strategies. Adept at team leadership and cross-functional collaboration."

What is an About Me resume statement?

An About Me resume statement is a brief paragraph at the top of your resume that introduces you to potential employers. It provides a high-level overview of your professional background, key skills, and significant accomplishments, aiming to quickly capture the attention of hiring managers and differentiate you from other candidates.

How long should the About Me section be on a resume?

The About Me section should be concise and impactful, typically ranging from 50 to 150 words. It's important to keep it brief while highlighting your most relevant experiences and qualities that align with the job you're applying for.

Should my About Me section on a resume be written in first or third person?

It's generally recommended to write your About Me section in the first person but without using pronouns. For example, instead of saying, "I am a digital marketing specialist," you could start with "Digital marketing specialist with 5+ years of experience." This approach keeps the section professional and focused on your qualifications.

resume about me examples student no experience

Kayte Grady

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11+ Best Student Resume Templates (W/ Examples & Resources)

Background Image

Writing an impressive resume as a student with no work experience can be a challenging task, often resulting in a generic document that fails to capture your full potential. 

This challenge intensifies in the face of a sea of applicants vying for the same role as you, making it all the more critical to stand out. 

Fortunately, we’re here to solve this problem! 

This article presents a selection of impactful student resume templates and examples that will help transform your raw skills and academic accomplishments into an impressive, attention-grabbing resume. 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

12 Student Resume Templates

3 student resume examples, 5 other professional resources for students.

Let’s dive in!

#1. Creative Resume Template

Creative Resume Template Student

The Creative resume template offers a visually appealing and unique design that can greatly benefit students. 

With a modern and innovative layout that leverages eye-catching colors, this template allows students to showcase their skills, experiences, and achievements all on one page. 

The template's artistic element can help you stand out from the crowd and make a memorable impression on potential employers by highlighting your creativity, attention to detail, and ability to think outside the box, all of which are valuable attributes in today's competitive job market.

#2. Basic Resume Template

Student Basic Resume Template

This resume template comes with a straightforward and clean design that offers numerous benefits to students. 

For starters, it provides a professional and well-organized structure that lets you present your skills, education, and experiences in a concise and effective manner. Not to mention, by positioning the skills section at the top of the resume, this template emphasizes your skills over your work experience (which is something you’re likely lacking).

This template can help any student, regardless of their standing, create a professional-looking resume that showcases their abilities and increases their chances of securing interviews and job opportunities.

#3. Combined Resume Template

Combined Student Resume Template

Just like the name implies, this template is a perfect blend of two resume formats , namely the functional and the reverse-chronological format . 

This Combined template can arm you with a versatile and effective way to present your skills and professional experiences, as well as any relevant optional sections like certifications and personal projects. 

In a nutshell, the Combined template gives you the flexibility to leverage both the popularity of the chronological format and the impact you can make by emphasizing your skills and abilities. 

So, if you’re not sure which resume format works best for you or if you’re on the fence about a particular template, this stylish and impactful design might just be the choice for you. 

#4. Minimalist Resume Template

Minimalist Student Resume Template

Novorésumé's Minimalist resume template offers a sleek and simple design that comes highly recommended for students. 

True to its name, this template aims to highlight only essential elements through clean aesthetics. Specifically, it lets students present their strong points and most noteworthy achievements concisely, eliminating unnecessary clutter. 

With a stylish color palette of pink and gray and a design that puts skills and work experience side by side, there’s no way you can go wrong picking this student resume template. 

#5. Traditional Resume Template

Traditional Student Resume Template

This template’s classic and time-tested design is guaranteed to work wonders for students looking to work in all fields, but especially those aiming for more traditional industries like banking or finance. 

Following a structured design that highlights all key resume sections, such as the resume objective , education, work experience, and skills sections, this template lets you include all your relevant information without your resume spilling over to page two . 

#6. General Resume Template

General Student Resume Template

The General resume template is meant to offer you a versatile and adaptable format to showcase your qualifications, including your awards, your foreign language skills , your education, and much more. 

The header’s blue color is meant to grab recruiters’ attention to two of the most important resume sections–the contact information and the resume summary sections. 

Once you have their attention, you can wow them with other relevant sections such as your skills, work experience, and anything else you deem important. 

Easily customizable and practical to skim through, this resume template can make your application look good even if you don’t put too much effort into it. 

#7. Modern Resume Template

Modern Student Resume Template

The Modern resume template is a great choice for students who want their resume to look sleek and stylish, and yet professional. 

By incorporating modern elements like horizontal lines and bold blue color, this template is a great choice for practically every field you apply to. 

By using the Modern template, students can present themselves as forward-thinking and professional candidates, increasing their chances of standing out from the competition.

#8. IT Resume Template

IT Student Resume Template

If getting into IT is your dream, then this resume template is for you! 

The team at Novorésumé specifically designed the IT resume template to cater to the needs of students in the field. Using a clean and modern layout , this template offers a comprehensive structure that highlights your relevant technical skills, certifications, and education history. 

And, if you have any professional experience in IT, even if it’s through freelance work, internships , or personal projects, this template can surely help you highlight it through the reverse-chronological format - a favorite among recruiters.

#9. Simple Resume Template

Simple Student Resume Template

Sometimes, a simple resume template can be just the way to let your personality and achievements shine through. 

This is exactly what the Simple resume template does for students. 

With a straightforward and reader-friendly structure that strays away from extravagant design elements and flashy colors, this template aims to let your achievements do the talking. 

So, if your professional journey is already rich in accomplishments or if you’re one of those people who think simplicity is always the right choice, then you just found your match. 

#10. Functional Resume Template

Functional Student Resume Template

Just like the format it’s named after, the Functional resume template lets you highlight your skills and qualifications upfront, which is perfect if you don’t have enough work experience to list.

What makes this template even more impactful is the minty color that grabs recruiters’ attention, the perfectly aligned sections, and the way it leverages symbols to show your proficiency in say, foreign languages or technical skills . 

#11. Skill-Based Resume Template

Skill-Based Student Resume Template

The Skill-Based resume template does just what the name implies - it provides students with a valuable format that emphasizes their key skills and competencies. 

This template allows students to highlight their relevant abilities and qualifications, regardless of their work experience . By organizing their resume based on skills rather than professional achievements, students can effectively showcase their strengths and demonstrate their suitability for a particular role. 

This resume template lets you focus on your most marketable skills, making it easier for potential employers to quickly identify your strengths and match them with job requirements.

#12. College Resume Template

College Student Resume Template

Are you a college student looking to land your first gig? Then the College resume template is just what you need. 

Specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of college students, this template offers a comprehensive structure that lets you highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities , internships, and relevant coursework.

The College resume template lets you effectively showcase your education, skills, and experiences in a concise manner and contemporary style. The resume’s design is tailored to the specific needs of college students, increasing your chances of impressing potential employers and securing your next entry-level position!

#1. High-School Student Resume

High-School Student Resume

#2. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume

#3. Internship Resume 

Internship Resume

Picking the right template for your resume is just a small first step toward landing your first gig. 

There are several other things you’ll need to do during your job hunt , such as networking with the right people, applying for the right positions for you, and continuously honing your skills. 

Here are some resources that are guaranteed to come in handy: 

  • Professional Networking | What Is It & Why It Matters . Networking is an excellent way to lay solid career foundations and make professional connections you can even use down the line. This article outlines all the benefits of professional networking and gives you 9 essential tips to get it right.
  • 30+ Jobs for Teenagers (Where & How to Look) . These jobs are perfect for students of all ages, from high school freshmen to college seniors, so start digging.
  • 101 Essential Skills to Put on a Resume . Without a solid work experience section, your skills section is the most important part of your resume. Do it justice by going through the most essential skills every resume should have in 2024.
  • How to List Computer Skills on a Resume . Nowadays, 92% of jobs require digital skills , according to the National Skills Coalition. Since students and younger professionals are more likely to be well-versed in digital skills, it’s good to know how to list such skills in your resume. Learn how with our article!
  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 . Cover letters are still an essential part of job applications, so you shouldn’t submit one without attaching a cover letter. If you think writing a cover letter is even harder than creating a resume, though, head over to our dedicated article to become a cover letter pro.


By now, you should have realized how important it is to find the right student resume template if you want to land your dream job. 

We hope our list meets your preferences and can help you on your career path as effectively as possible! 

For more resources and career advice, make sure to visit our blog ! 

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Best Things to Put on a Resume When You Have No Experience

In this ‘Best Things to Put on a Resume When You Have No Experience’ article:

  • Professional summary (even if you have no experience in your resume)
  • Key skills you’ve learned in school and other experiences
  • Education and academic achievements
  • Classes, training and certifications
  • Personal or academic projects relevant to the job
  • Awards and accomplishments
  • Extracurricular activities, sports and clubs
  • Volunteer work and activities

How to format a resume with no experience

The best things to list on your resume if you have no experience.

No professional experience on your resume? No problem – as long as you read this guide on how to write a resume when you have no work experience.

There are plenty of reasons why you may not have any previous work experience to list on your resume. There are many other things you can add to your resume to show employers that you are the perfect candidate for their open job post.

When you don’t have work experience, it’s important to highlight past activities, skills and other experiences you’ve had to show you have unique skills, professionalism and competency. When managers are hiring entry-level employees, the top two characteristics they are looking for in your resume are attitude and aptitude.

  • Attitude – a positive, hardworking, and likable personality
  • Ability – aptitude to get up to speed quickly on the job

Keep these two traits in mind while writing your resume and add any relevant experiences that show that you have the attitude and aptitude for the job.

1. Professional summary (even if you have no experience)

Modern day resumes call for a professional summary instead of a career objective. Your professional summary should come immediately after your name and contact information and will include two or three sentences giving a broad overview of your background, interests and abilities.

Since you don’t have work experience, your professional summary should include one or two adjectives describing your work ethic, your level of education, your relevant skills and your professional passions or interests. Each professional summary should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for.

Professional summary example #1: Proactive and personable aspiring restaurant server currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in hospitality from Coral Springs University. Collaborative, team player who strongly believes that the customer should always come first. Passionate about Italian food and strongly interested in working in a fast-casual restaurant setting.

Professional summary example #2: Analytical and detail-oriented aspiring Data Entry Clerk possessing an Associate of Arts degree. Mathematical-minded as demonstrated by advanced college coursework in mathematics and statistics. Interested in obtaining an entry-level position in the data analytics field.

2. Key skills you’ve learned in school and other experiences

After your professional summary, list your skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. To get a good idea of the skills required for a job, simply browse job descriptions for that specific job title. Typically, within the requirements or qualifications section, there will be many skills listed that you can copy.

Don’t be afraid to list skills that you haven’t used in a professional setting. If you have learned about them in school or if you have practiced these skills during an extracurricular activity, list them! Just make sure you are honest during an interview about your level of competency.

Example of how to list less than 10 key skills in a resume:

  • Time Management
  • Professionalism
  • Public Speaking
  • Organizing and Filing

Example of how to list more than 10 key skills in a resume:

  • Leadership: Team Management, Resource Planning, Budgeting
  • Math: Data Entry, Data Analytics, Statistics
  • Professionalism: Active Listening, Office Etiquette, Professional Communication, Time Management
  • Languages: English (native), Spanish (basic proficiency)

3. Education and academic achievements

After your key skills, create a resume section for your education. List any degrees you have obtained or any degrees you are currently pursuing. If you stopped going to school before obtaining a degree, you can list the credits or hours you have completed.

For each degree, list the school, the location, your degree, your field of study and the dates you attended. You should also include academic honors and awards, such as graduating Cum Laude.

Example of how to list education in a resume #1: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        August 2018 Bachelor of Science in Biology; Minor in Psychology Graduated Magna Cum Laude

Example of how to list education in a resume #2: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        In Progress Associate of Arts

Example of how to list education in a resume #3: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        Aug 2010 – May 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Art History; 200 Credit Hours Obtained

4. Classes, training and certifications

Now it’s time to list any relevant classes, training, or certifications that are relevant for your resume.

For classes, include coursework that you took through school that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Just list the class title instead of the class number, such as ECON101. You can also write a brief description that is one to two sentences long to describe the course, if it is relevant to the job you’re applying for.

For every training session and certification on your resume, list where you received the training, the type of course taken, the date you received it, and the date it expires (if any).

Example of how to list a class in a resume: Intro to Hospitality – Introduction to the hospitality industry, including various types of career paths. In-depth lessons on the food and beverage sector, including the categories of restaurants and the different types of food service.

Example of how to list training and certifications: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs Florida                        Valid 9/2018 – 9/2021 First Aid & CPR Certified

5. Personal or academic projects relevant to the job

You can also list personal or academic projects relevant to the job you are applying for, such as a group project at school or a neighborhood summer bake sale. You just need to relate your projects with how you are a good fit for a company’s position. Before writing a project down, think about how you will explain its relevance during an interview.

Personal project relevant to a job:

For example, let’s say you hosted a bake sale in your neighborhood and are now applying for a job as a cashier at a grocery store. You could explain that while selling your baked goodies, you practiced your customer service, money handling, and food service safety skills.

Example of how to list a personal project in a resume: Summer Bake Sale – Hosted a summer bake sale in my neighborhood every weekend from April to August 2018. Created and handed out flyers, took and fulfilled customer orders, handled cash payments, and home baked all products. Skills learned include customer service, money handling, and food service safety.

Academic project relevant to a job

Including an academic project in a resume is straightforward. Include where the project took place, what class it was a part of, the title of the project, the date it was completed and a short summary of its purpose.

Example of how to list an academic project in a resume: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        August 2018 Intro to Hospitality Course – McDonalds Restaurant Analysis Group Project Worked within a team of 4 to analyze data on the revenue, size, and customer base of a popular fast-food chain in Florida. Created and presented findings during a course presentation. Was personally responsible for collecting data on McDonalds’ revenue and creating a PowerPoint presentation.

6. Awards and accomplishments

After relevant projects, create a section for awards, achievements, and accomplishments. You can list academic or school accomplishments, like ‘Best Presentation’ in a class or ‘Highest Grade’. You can also list any personal achievements, such as winning a medal in sports or coming in second place during a spelling bee.

For each award, achievement, and accomplishment, list where you received the award, the name of the award, the date you achieved it and a brief description, if necessary.

Example of how to list awards and accomplishments #1: Green Valley State, Green Valley, Michigan                        Spring 2018 Intro to Hospitality – Best Group Presentation (McDonalds Restaurant Analysis)

Example of how to list awards and accomplishments #2: Big Paws Swimming, Green Valley Michigan                        August & October 2018 100 Meter Butterfly – U18 Gold Metal

Related article: How to add academic achievements to a resume  

7. Extracurricular activities, sports and clubs

After you awards and achievements, create a section for extracurricular activities. List anything you are passionate about that shows your positive attitude and aptitude for the job you’re applying for, such as playing a musical instrument, clubs, sports and other activities. In your resume, list the relevant activity and include a brief description.

Example of how to list extracurricular activities, sports and clubs: Piano – Has played piano for 8 years and practices, on average, 4 hours per day. Babysitting – Babysits neighbors, 8 and 3 years old, twice a week. Swimming – Competitive swimmer, having won multiple gold and silver medals in state competitions.

8. Volunteer work and activities

Lastly, create a section for volunteer activities. This could be formal or informal volunteering, such as serving food at a local homeless shelter or helping your neighbor rake leaves. For each volunteer activity, include who you volunteered with, what your role was, the dates and hours you volunteered and a brief description.

Example of how to list volunteer work and activities in a resume: Coral Springs Soup Kitchen, Coral Springs, Florida                        January 2018 – Present 25 Hours – Meal Prep and Serving Prepares, serves, and cleans up after meal service at a local homeless shelter on a bi-weekly basis.

A clear, easy to read, and consistent format is essential for grabbing an employer or hiring manager’s attention, especially when you have no formal work experience.

How long should your resume be?

Your resume should be one page long if you have no experience. It is important for your resume to fill one entire page though, so you may need to add more detail in your resume or experiment with formatting so that it is a full page-long resume.

Related article: How long should my resume be?

The best fonts for a resume

Choose a traditional font like Times New Roman or Arial throughout your resume. Do not use more than one font type on the same resume.

Related article: Best fonts for a resume

The best font size for a resume

The size font you use on a resume will depend on how much you have written, as you need your content to fill up one entire page. A good place to start is using 16pt for your name, 12pt for your section headers, and 11pt for the body of your text. Experiment conservatively until your one-page resume looks complete.

The best color scheme for a resume

When you do not have a lot of work experience, it is usually better to use a simple black and white color scheme. Using plain black text on a white page is a safe choice on a resume.

The best paper to print a resume on

When printing your resume, print it on a crisp white page of printer paper. There is no need to spend extra money on fancy thick paper or colored paper.

A good resume is a consistent resume

Consistency is important for creating an impressive resume. This means all similar items on the page need to be aligned and formatted the same way. For example, if you decide to write your dates out in long-form and italicized, they need to be long-form and in italics every place there is a date on your resume. If you decide to put your school name in bold, every school name needs to be in bold.

Formatting sections on a resume

Clearly separate resume sections by formatting them in underlined and bold using a size that is one or two points larger than the rest of the text. This helps a hiring manager easily scan through your resume and pick out the important information fast.

When creating a resume, especially when you have no experience, it saves a lot of time to use a resume building template. Using a free resume template allows you to focus on writing the content without spending too much time on formatting.

resume about me examples student no experience

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resume about me examples student no experience

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16 High School Student Resume Examples + Complete Guide

Stephen Greet

High School Student Resume

  • High School Student Resumes by Experience
  • High School Student Resumes by Role

High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You’ve got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume.

Using ChatGPT for resumes  is a cool idea, but can still feel daunting and overwhelming. We’ve all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way.

We’ve analyzed countless high school resumes to discover  what would get students job interviews in 2024 . While you may want to start with a simple  resume outline , keep reading to find 16 high school resume samples (plus writing tips) that are jam-packed with essential techniques and tricks.

or download as PDF

High school student resume example with 2 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • If you choose to use a template, make sure you adjust the  resume’s formatting  so that your text is big enough to read with one-inch margins on the side.
  • However, you should write your bullet points like you would for a job. Highlight any responsibilities and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for now.
  • For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, emphasize your ability to work in groups and create a good customer experience.

High School Student No Experience Resume

High school student no experience resume example with no experience

  • If you don’t have work history, include projects and volunteer work instead. Treat them like a job and write bullet points according to your responsibilities.
  • Make sure you start every bullet point with active verbs, and always double-check for typos. You’ve got this!
  • Include your unique skills, your desired position, and the company you hope to work for to make your objective stand out from the rest!

First Job High School Student Resume

First job high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • To remedy that problem, add a  skills section on your resume  to give hiring managers an important overview of your strengths.
  • To really highlight your abilities, incorporate the same skills in your work experience, too. Demonstrate how you used your skills to better your workplace, and you can’t go wrong!
  • Adding stylistic elements like color and different fonts can help you show a bit of your personality (and make your resume more fun to read). 

Experienced High School Student Resume

Experienced high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Remember, your resume is a highlight reel, so you need to include what’s most important (like your achievements and relevant metrics). 
  • You can adjust your layout, font sizes, and margins, but keep it easy to read. 
  • Use a bit of color and some fun fonts, provided it still looks professional. You’ve got this!

High School Senior Resume

High school senior resume example experience with project experience

  • This statement must align with the potential employer’s needs, proving you understand the job requirements and have gone the extra mile to address doubts about your capabilities. As for experiences that might have prepared you for the job, workshops and volunteering programs you’ve participated in are prominent candidates.

Out of High School Resume

Out of high school resume example with project experience

  • Leisure activities range from soccer, hiking, drawing and sketching, robotics, and photography to journalism. But how do they fit in the picture? Well, a penchant for drawing and sketching could reflect creativity and an eye for detail, while journalism stints could hint at strong communication and critical thinking.

High School Graduate Resume

High school graduate resume example with newspaper and photography experience

  • Right from the first line of the career objective, you can see the candidate’s passion and willingness to work in this field. Notice how Serai’s love for photography is clearly backed by a previous project for a school newspaper.
  • These details will be perfect when Serai’s ready for the AI cover letter generator to bring her application to perfection.

High School Student Scholarship Resume

High school student scholarship resume example with volunteer and project experience

  • Your high school student scholarship resume should vividly show your positive contributions to noble causes, such as offering ADLs to seniors, and emphasize your impact on society.

High School Student College Application Resume

High school student college application resume example with 1 year of work experience

  • Ensure your high school student college application resume shows your practical and classwork achievements that emphasize your grand vision to make a positive contribution to society.

High School Student for College Resume

High school student for college resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Before hitting “submit,” always  check your resume  for typos and other minor errors. It’s amazing what you can miss during your first few reviews.
  • A good GPA can demonstrate, at least in part, your willingness to work hard. We’d recommend including your GPA only if it’s above 3.5, but anything above a 3 is a good average.

High School Student for Customer Service Resume

High school student for customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Including projects, volunteer work, or club memberships is a great way to add value to your resume.
  • Your resume should focus on your abilities and other activities you’ve engaged in that will show your value.
  • Read the responsibilities and qualifications to look for key skills and tasks. Then, incorporate some of those skills and responsibilities into your high school student customer service resume.

High School Student Internship Resume

High school student internship resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description lists responsibilities like writing and analyzing data, include “written communication” and “data analysis” in your skills section.
  • One easy way to customize your resume is by focusing your  resume skills  on things that apply to the internship. 
  • Make sure you keep your resume professional and to the point. You don’t want to include anything too personal about your beliefs, religion, politics, or personal information.
  • For example, you can list “volunteering at local church,” but avoid saying “fasting every weekend.” It doesn’t show off relevant skills and is a bit too forward for a resume.

High School Student Office Worker Resume

High school student office worker resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Good projects include anything that demonstrates your leadership abilities or desire for knowledge. Senior projects, personal blogs, or even being on a sports team are all good examples to include!
  • Add work experience directly under your contact information and name, then add any relevant projects if you’re low on space. 
  • While there are plenty of  resume writing tips , your resume should be as unique as you. Don’t get so caught up in what you think you “should” do that your resume is bland and cookie-cutter. 

High School Student Sales Resume

High school student sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Numbers demonstrate your value, and they’re useful tools for the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software that hiring managers use to sort through job applicants.
  • Trust us, and incorporate metrics into at least 80% of your bullet points!
  • For example, you know that different  resume templates  can change your resume’s appearance, but different templates can also stretch or streamline your content. 
  • Mess with multiple templates to see what your content will look like—you may find a template that allows for more room, or one that allows you to highlight your skills better.

High School Student Athlete  Resume

High school student athlete resume example with 4 years of athletic experience

  • Think of a time you proved you were the MVP on your team—Did you lead your team to a championship? Perhaps you made the game-winning shot in a crucial, nail-biting game?

High School Student Music Resume

High school student music resume example with 4 years of music experience

  • When you include hobbies like songwriting or your interest in classical music in your high school student music resume , it conveys to your recruiter that you’re super dedicated and passionate about your craft.
  • You can also include hobbies that are different, too. For example, if you enjoy experimenting with new recipes from around the world, that can show you’re ready to give new genres a whirl or that you understand that music—while art—is still supposed to be fun and adventuresome.

Related resume guides

  • Entry Level

Create my free resume now


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  1. 5 College Student No Experience Resume Examples & Templates ...

    5 College Student No. Experience Resume Examples & Templates [Edit Free] Stephen Greet June 24, 2024. Sometimes, ambitious college students can't wait to start working. Janee considered how to show value on her resume as a grad: Dreaming of working as a business analyst at Resource Data fueled her to research the company and think of relevant ...

  2. How to Make a Resume With No Experience (With Examples)

    Here's how to write a resume when you have no formal work experience, step-by-step: Build My Resume. Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. Choose the best format and style for your resume.

  3. How to Write a Resume with No Experience [21+ Examples]

    It's the easiest part to get right, just keep it short and to the point. In your contact information section, mention the following: First and Last Name. Phone Number. E-mail Address. A link to a professional profile (e.g. LinkedIn) or personal webpage (if you have one) Make sure to use a professional-sounding E-mail.

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    How to format a resume with no experience: Follow the reverse-chronological order (i.e. put the most recent info up top). Add section headings to make your first-job resume easier to navigate. Use professional-looking fonts that are easy on the recruiter's eyes. Stick to the 11-12pt size range for regular text.

  5. Resume Summary with No Experience: Examples for Students and Fresh

    3 Resume Summary Example for Students, Fresh Graduates and Entry-Level Job Seekers: In this section, I'm going to share three examples of how to write a summary for your resume with no experience. You can use these resume summary examples as a student, entry-level job seeker, or any job search where you don't have experience:

  6. 14 Student Resume Examples, Template, & Writing Guide

    14 Student Resume Examples, Template, & Writing Guide. Written By Lauren Mastroni. Reviewed By Samuel Johns, CPRW. Our resume examples for students were made by experts and are free to download. Use these samples as a reference when writing your own student resume and use our writing guide to create a resume that impresses employers. June 6, 2024.

  7. Student Resume Examples & Templates for 2024

    Student Resume Objective Example [Candidate with No Experience] Right. Dedicated team player (captain of the swim team for 2 years) (education) with proven leadership and communication skills (strong traits). Seeking an opportunity to leverage my talents as a server at the Mele e Pere Restaurant (position and company).

  8. How to Write a Resume With No Experience (+Examples)

    A good way to do that is to use active verbs in your resume, such as "organized," "demonstrated," "completed," etc. Give it a try—you'll see an immediate difference in how your resume presents itself. 5. Mention Relevant Experience in a First-Job Resume.

  9. Student Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Write a Resume Headline (Summary or Objective) #5. List Your Education First #6. Expand on Your Work Experience #7. Emphasize Your Relevant Skills #8. Leverage Optional Sections #9. Include a Cover Letter 5 Student Resume Examples #1. Recent Graduate Resume #2.

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  11. How to Write a Resume With No Experience: Template & Example

    For example, if the job description uses the phrase "team player," ensure you include that similar phrase in your skills or experience section. However, you can go deeper by reprioritizing the skills you share and the tone you set to match the company branding. 8. Show, Don't Tell.

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    You may include some of these achievements on your resume to show employers your level of commitment and dedication. Here are some possible examples: Helped fundraise $500 for the local animal shelter as part of a class project. Received the $300 "Distinguished Student" award in 2017 for greatness in academics.

  13. How to Make a Resume With No Experience in 2024 [+ Examples]

    Select an appropriate template. 3. Add contact info to the header. When you write a resume without experience, your mission is to get an employer's attention and get called for an interview. That makes your contact info extremely important and something you should highlight at the top of your document in the header.

  14. 20 College Student Resumes + Complete Guide

    Why this resume works. Creating a resume when you have no experience is no easy task, especially when you've never made a resume before.. Luckily, there are a host of resume templates you can use to format your experience well, so long as you adjust based on your qualifications.; For example, you can add or remove sections based on the amount of work history you have (or don't have).

  15. How to Write a Resume With No Experience + Examples

    Use quantifiable metrics to highlight what you accomplished in your past utilizing these skills. If you have no previous work experience, use examples from your academic, sports, or volunteer work. Example: "Implemented new inventory processes that cut overhead costs by 23%.". Add another top transferable skill.

  16. How To Write a Great Resume With No Experience

    The goal of a first job resume is to demonstrate your value as an employee and show employers why hiring you would benefit their company: 1. Review the job description. Carefully review the job description and note any specific skills you have or requirements you can fulfill.

  17. Creating a Resume with No Experience: 25 Examples and Tips

    Highlight your skills: Provide examples of your skills and achievements that make you a good fit for the position. Show your enthusiasm: Express enthusiasm for the position and the company. Explain why you are a good fit: Demonstrate how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job.

  18. How to Write Resume with No Experience [Examples & Tips]

    Pro tip: consider adding a resume headline under your name to boost your resume. STEP 5 Highlight your strengths in a no experience resume objective . Every resume needs a summary or objective statement.For a beginner resume, we recommend a resume objective to explain your goals for the job and highlight some of your job-relevant skills.

  19. Your About Me Resume Section: 10 Examples to Make a Strong ...

    An example of an "About Me" section on a resume might be: "Dedicated Marketing Manager with over 5 years of experience in digital marketing and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing organic traffic by 30% through innovative SEO strategies. Adept at team leadership and cross-functional collaboration."

  20. 11+ Best Student Resume Templates (W/ Examples & Resources)

    Top ↑ 12 Student Resume Templates #1. Creative Resume Template #2. Basic Resume Template #3. Combined Resume Template #4. Minimalist Resume Template #5. Traditional Resume Template #6. General Resume Template #7. Modern Resume Template #8. IT Resume Template #9.

  21. How to write a resume with no experience: Tips, examples, and more

    2 Templates and examples of a resume with no experience. While your individual resume will vary based on your education, skills, and experience, use this template to create a resume to show off your current skills and experience. Here is a resume template you can use if you have no job experience:

  22. Best Things To Put on a Resume With No Experience

    Ability - aptitude to get up to speed quickly on the job. Keep these two traits in mind while writing your resume and add any relevant experiences that show that you have the attitude and aptitude for the job. 1. Professional summary (even if you have no experience)

  23. 16 High School Student Resume Examples + Complete Guide

    We've all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way. We've analyzed countless high school resumes to discover what would get students job interviews in 2024. While you may want to start with a simple resume outline, keep reading to find 16 high school resume ...

  24. Writing a resumé with no experience: template & examples

    Here's a simple beginner resumé example for contact info: Name: your first and last name - include your pronouns in parentheses after your name, if desired. Email: triple-check for accuracy and make sure it's a professional-sounding address. Phone: phone number with area code.