PhD Student Bios

In addition to their studies, doctoral candidates are involved in many aspects of the school. Among other activities, they hold Research or Teaching Fellowships and organize speaker series, conferences, and journals.

Students generally take courses their first two years, and are engaged in research and teaching for at least two more years. After their fourth year, students may or may not remain in residency; many travel to pursue their research, either in the US or abroad.

Click here for recent PhD graduates.

headshot of Salma Abouelhossein

Salma’s research is supported by the Agha Khan program at Harvard University, the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR), and Harvard University’s Center for African Research. She holds a Master of Science degree in urban development and planning from the Bartlett, University College London and a Bachelor of Architecture from the American University in Cairo. Before starting her Ph.D. at Harvard university, she worked as an urban planner in Cairo in collaboration with several NGOs, international development organizations, governmental agencies and local municipalities.

[email protected]

headshot of Hugo Betting

Hugo Betting  is an architect and a third-year Ph.D. student. His research explores the entanglement of architecture, science and environment in history, through texts and objects in the nineteenth and twentieth-century North Atlantic.

Integrating architectural history into the framework of cultural history, his current work examines how technology bears both practical and symbolic functions in nature’s exploitation, imitation, reproduction, and “recovery”; how “nature” was used as a moral, social, racial, organizational, and formal reference in the production of the built environment; or, in other words, how nature, human representations, and human productions interact.

His work on the idea of nature’s recovery at the Crystal Palace was presented at the annual Mahindra Humanities Center Graduate Student Conference at Harvard University. His forthcoming paper on the role of natural formations at the Riverside settlement in Illinois will be presented this November at the Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory, held in Delft.

Prior to arriving at Harvard, Hugo completed a Licence’s and a Master’s Degree from Paris La Villette School of Architecture and worked for various architecture studios in Paris. In 2021 and 2022, he received the Arthur Sachs Scholarship.

headshot of Will Conroy

William Conroy  is a PhD candidate in urban studies and planning at Harvard University. His ongoing dissertation project articulates a theorization of the role of urbanization in the reproduction of capitalist society, doing so with reference to the history of American anti-imperial thought after 1928.

William has presented his academic work at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers and at the Urban Affairs Association Conference, among many other fora. He took his PhD qualifying exams under the supervision of Neil Brenner, Katrina Forrester, and Walter Johnson, with his major exam developing a “reproductionist approach” to the historical geographies of capital, and his minor exam engaging the topic of race and the urban process in the imperial United States after 1870. His own research on those themes has appeared or is forthcoming in leading journals of urban studies, geography, and socio-spatial theory, including Antipode, Environment and Planning A, Theory, Culture & Society, and more. (For more information and publication details, please visit:

William has a BA (summa cum laude) from Northwestern University, an MPhil (with distinction) from the University of Oxford, and an AM from Harvard University, where he was named a Presidential Fellow. He is a Research Affiliate at the University of Chicago’s Urban Theory Lab. Prior to graduate school, William worked for several environmental organizations, including as a Princeton in Asia Fellow.

Headshot of Yazmin Crespo Claudio

Yazmín M. Crespo Claudio , a Puerto Rican architect and educator, is co-founder/director of taller Creando Sin Encargos (tCSE), a Cambridge/San Juan-based collective working towards socio-spatial design for urban justice since 2012. Crespo-Claudio is a Lecturer and Ph.D. candidate in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning at Harvard University. She completed a secondary field in Film and Visual Studies and is working on a certificate in Latin American Studies. Her scholarship addresses the relationship between architecture, education, media, and territory, focusing on pedagogical experiments of architecture in Latin America and the Caribbean. She holds a Master in Design Studies in History and Theory of Architecture from Harvard GSD, a Master of Architecture in Urban Design and a Bachelor of Architecture from Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, and a Bachelor’s in Environmental Design from the Universidad de Puerto Rico’s School of Architecture.

Before coming to Harvard, Crespo-Claudio was the Chair of the Department of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Design and Assistant Professor at the Universidad Ana G. Méndez in Puerto Rico. She has also taught at Harvard GSD; New York Institute of Technology; Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico; Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona; Universidad de Puerto Rico; Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico where she was a Professor and Coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts in Design; and Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. Her writings have been published in, among others,  De Arquitectura, Bitácora Urbano Territorial, Arquine, Polimorfo, ACSA and UIA proceedings, in the books Aprender Arquitectura by Arquine, Repository: 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places by COST Action CA181126, and Placemaking with Children and Youth by Louise Chawla et al (co-authored), among others.

She has presented her work at several venues including the CAA Annual Conference, LASA Conference, Docomomo International Conference, CEISAL International Conference, Jornadas de Investigación Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo FADU UBA, World Congress of Architects UIA, Participatory Design Conference, ACSA International Conference , among others. Her work has been exhibited at the 13 th International Architecture Biennale São Paulo (tCSE), Participatory Design Conference Newcastle upon Tyne (tCSE), Storefront for Art and Architecture NYC (tCSE), Kirkland Gallery Cambridge, AIA Puerto Rico , Museu Marítim de Barcelona , and the curation of several art, architecture, and design exhibits. Crespo-Claudio’s work has been recognized with various awards including the  Edita Technical Chamber of Greece at the XIX Congress UIA, and as an Associate Designer at Perkins Eastman the World Architecture Award 2009,  and the  AIA NY Merit Award  for the TKTS Booth in New York.

Crespo-Claudio is the recipient of the American Association University Women (AAUW) Dissertation Fellowship 2023-24. In 2022, She was awarded the Harvard Frederick Sheldon Fellowship and the Jorge Paulo Lemann Fellowship, and the Racial, GSD Equity, and Anti-Racism Fund for Archive IN/IN: International Intersectional Feminism in 2023. Her research has been supported by the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and Harvard GSD.

Yazmín M. Crespo Claudio

Headshot of Samira Daneshvar

Samira holds a Master of Architecture from University of Toronto and a Master of Science from University of Michigan. She joined the design discipline after five years of medical studies in Iran. Prior to joining Harvard, Samira taught at University of Miami and practiced in Toronto. Her writings have appeared in Winterthur Portfolio (The University of Chicago Press), Thresholds Journal (MIT Press), Informa , Inflection Journal , and Centre , among others. She has exhibited her work at MIT (Keller Gallery), Fashion Art Toronto, University of Texas at Austin, and Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism at Carleton University.

black and white headshot of Taylor Davey

Taylor holds a Bachelor of Architectural Studies and M.Arch from the University of Waterloo and an MA in Urban Planning from Harvard University. Taylor was a lecturer at Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs (2021–23) where she has led graduate classes on urban history, planning theory, and local climate governance. She has editorial experience at Log journal, The Architectural Review, and Harvard GSD Publications. Taylor has previously received a Canada Weatherhead Doctoral Fellowship, a Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative Doctoral Fellowship, and a SSHRC Canada Doctoral Fellowship. She is currently a Graduate Student Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.

Headshot of Romain David

Phillip frequently writes about architecture, art, and design. His writing has appeared in  Harvard Design Magazine, Volume, Metropolis, The New York Times, and other publications.  Recent projects include a genealogy of “creaturely” architecture in  Inscriptions: Architecture Before Speech,  edited by K. Michael Hays and Andrew Holder (Harvard University Press), and The Art of Joining: Designing the Universal Connector  (Leipzig: Spector Books), a pocketbook anthology of original research on the architect Konrad Wachsmann. He is a member of the editorial board of  Architect’s Newspaper  and editor of New York Review of Architecture.  In 2020, Phillip co-founded  a83 , a gallery and organization in Soho, New York, with a three-part mission to exhibit, publish, and promote experimental projects in architecture, art, and design.

Phillip completed his Master of Architecture degree at Princeton University, where he graduated with the certificate in Media + Modernity, and received the School of Architecture History and Theory Prize. He received a Master’s degree from Harvard University in 2019. He also holds a professional Bachelor of Architecture degree from Carnegie Mellon University, where he was awarded the Louis F Valentour Fellowship, the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation Prize for Architecture History, and the AIA Henry Adams Medal. He has practiced in numerous roles with architecture firms and organizations in the United States and Europe, including OMA/Rem Koolhaas, MOS Architects of New York, and C-Lab at Columbia University. In 2018, Phillip was a fellow of the Bauhaus Global Modernism Lab in Dessau, Germany. In 2019, he received a Graham Foundation grant to support his work on an English-language translation of Nicolas Schöffer’s 1969 urban manifesto  La ville cybernétique.

[email protected]

black and white headshot of Hayley Eaves

Hayley’s current research examines developments in early modern theatre architecture and stage design, considering such topics and themes as the ways in which architecture and architectural thinking were transformed by the dramatic arts and became increasingly tied to other modes of rhetorical address practiced on stage; cultures of secrecy and rivalry characteristic of the profession of ‘scenic designer’ and among practitioners of esoteric theatre-technological knowledge; yet undecided relations between the role and reputation of stage managers called “il corago” or impresari and military commanders responsible for overseeing dynamic theatres of war; scenographic theory and its precarious relationship to practice; aesthetic and spatial programs for auditoria; and the pan-European legacy of architectural dynasties active in theatre and set design, including the families Galliari, Quaglio, and Galli da Bibiena.

Hayley’s interest in theatre architecture began following her visit to the Teatro Goldoni in Florence, Italy, in 2015. Equally inspired by the writings and life of the theatre’s namesake, that of the Venetian playwright Carlo Goldoni, Hayley was inspired to complete her master’s thesis at McGill University on the role and representation of a topic much debated in Goldoni’s creative work: Commedia dell’arte , being a form of Renaissance comic theatre with crude plots and characters like the gnocchi-loving scoundrel Punch ( Pulcinella ). While completing her degree, Hayley spent time as a Research Library Reader at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, California, where she consulted copious visual materials from both the Italian Theatre Prints Collection and the Stage and Theatre Design Collection. Prior to matriculating to Harvard in 2020, Hayley completed a three-month research residency at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini’s Institute of Theatre and Opera in Venice, Italy.

For the 2023-24 academic year, Hayley will fulfill the role of MDes Research Tutor in the Narratives Program and will partake in a digital exhibition project with the Harvard Art Museums. The exhibition, which aims to shed light on the material culture of the Crusades, will feature over one-hundred individual objects from the Museums’ collections.

black and white headshot of Tamer Elshayal

Tamer is an associate member of the Spatial Ethnography Lab, a research collaborative co-founded and led by anthropologist Vyjayanthi Rao. He is also a research member of Neil Brenner’s Urban Theory Lab at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, in which he works on the spatial and political dimensions of extractive economies and large-scale water and energy infrastructure in the restructuring of North Africa. Tamer previously worked as a research assistant in the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure, focusing on water and energy infrastructure in the US. Furthermore, reflecting his shared interests in critical geography and environmental anthropology, he was awarded the Penny White summer grant to conduct fieldwork in Egypt, investigating the infrastructural landscapes of coastal engineering works in the Nile Delta.

Tamer holds a Master in Design Studies in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), a Master of Landscape Architecture from FH Anhalt, Germany; a Post-professional Certificate in GIS and Environment from Salford University, UK; and a Bachelor of Architecture from Faculty of Fine Arts, Egypt. Tamer has previously worked as landscape architect in Germany and Egypt, and as an environmental researcher at the Center for the Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

black and white headshot of Jose Carlos Fernandez

Before joining the PhD program, between 2020 and 2021, he held the position of Director of Urbanism of the Ministry of Housing of Peru, where he led the development and passing into law of the 2021 National Urban Reform. Prior to this, Jose Carlos worked as an associate and senior associate at the Lima office of Baker McKenzie law firm. He has also served as legal advisor to the World Bank and to the Metropolitan Institute of Planning of Lima.

He has worked as professor of Property Law at the Catholic University Law School and has also taught seminars on urbanism at the schools of architecture of Catholic University and the National University of Engineering in Lima, Peru.

Jose Carlos holds a Master in Urban Planning from Harvard University and is also a licensed lawyer graduated from the School of Law of Catholic University of Peru.

headshot of Morgan Forde

Morgan holds an MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies with distinction from the University of Cambridge and a bachelor’s degree in International Politics and Security Studies from Georgetown University. Formerly a journalist and editor, her work has appeared in The Nation, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Mic, Popular Mechanics, Ploughshares, and Smart Cities Dive.

Headshot of Charles Gaillard

Charlie holds a Master in Design Studies from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a B.A. in Art History and English from Williams College. Prior to earning his Masters degree, Charlie worked as a strategist at the New York design consultancy 2×4 before joining the GSD’s Office for Urbanization (OFU). There, he contributed to design research projects on mass transit, climate change adaptation, and new town planning. With Charles Waldheim and OFU, Charlie co-authored 50 Species-Towns , a 2022 publication that presents a speculative approach to rural urbanization in China. He also produces the GSD’s Future of the American City conversation series. Charlie lives in Somerville, MA with his wife Catherine and son Paul.

Headshot of Swarnabh Ghosh

His recent publications include a paper (with Neil Brenner) on the relationship between processes of extended urbanization, neoliberal agro-industrial restructuring, and the political ecologies of emergent infectious disease; an essay on work and the labor process in the global construction industry; and a paper (with Ayan Meer) on the conceptual convergences between critical agrarian studies and urban theoretical scholarship on planetary urbanization. His broader interests include geographical political economy, political ecology, critical urban theory, state theory, and the historical geography of capitalism from the nineteenth century to the present.

Swarnabh is a Research Affiliate at the Urban Theory Lab, formerly based at the GSD, currently based in the Division of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. His research has been supported by the Harvard GSAS Graduate Society, the Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative, the Weatherhead Center, and the IJURR Foundation. His work has appeared in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Dialogues in Human Geography, Urban Studies, and The Avery Review, among other publications.

Swarnabh holds a Master of Philosophy in Urban Studies (with distinction) from the University of Cambridge where he studied as a Bass Scholar and a Master of Architecture from Yale University. Before coming to Harvard, he worked for several years at Diller Scofidio + Renfro in New York City where he was involved in projects spanning art, media, and architecture.

Headshot of Sarah Hutcheson

Hannah holds a Master of Arts with distinction in the Archaeology of Buildings from the University of York and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Williams College. Before her PhD, she was a resident fellow at the Preservation Society of Newport County, where she researched patron-architect relationships in late-19 th century America. She also previously worked as a consultant for nonprofit arts and cultural organizations across the U.S. Her dissertation research has been supported by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, the Renaissance Society of America, the Yale Center for British Art, and the North American Conference on British Studies. She is currently the Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts.

black and white headshot of Hanan Kataw

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture Engineering from The University of Jordan, where she was awarded the Issa Hassan Abu Al Ragheb Award for Academic Excellence. She also holds a Master of Arts in Architectural History with distinction from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. Her master’s thesis focused on the architect’s agency and the politics of knowledge in the “digital generative architecture” discourse.

She has worked as a visiting lecturer at Al-Zaytoonah University in Jordan, where she taught a class on the theories and applications of Building Information Modeling (BIM). She was also a research consultant at Studio-X Amman, run by Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation and the Columbia Global Centers, where her research focused on the history of urban planning in the city of Amman and the different digital technologies used in mapping the urban change and their influence on the ways the city has been represented and narrated. In 2019, Hanan participated in the Global Modernism curatorial research residency at the Bauhaus Foundation in Dessau, Germany, and edited Handle with Care: Unpacking a Bulky Table, an anthology that looks at a table designed by Marcel Breuer as a case study, investigating the incorporation of everyday objects into the design canons. Hanan’s doctoral research has been supported by the Canadian Centre for Architecture, the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Weatherhead Center, and The Charles Babbage Institute. In 2022, she was named ACADIA (The Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture) inaugural cultural history fellow.

Headshot of Matthew Kennedy

Photo credit: Portrait by Enrique R. Aguilar for MENTES vol. 2, 2022.

black and white headshot of Gabriel Kozlowski

Gabriel was Assistant Curator for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2021. Past curated exhibitions include “Walls of Air” (the Brazilian Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Biennale) and “Housing+” (the 3rd Biennial Exhibit of the MIT L. Center for Advanced Urbanism). His recent books include: The World as an Architectural Project (MIT Press, 2020); 8 Reactions for Afterwards (RioBooks, 2019); and Walls of Air: Brazilian Pavilion 2018 (Bienal de São Paulo, 2018).

Graduated from the Master of Science in Urban Design program at MIT, Gabriel has held research positions at the School of Architecture and Planning, the Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism and the Senseable City Lab, and taught graduate-level seminars, workshops and studios at the same school.

For his PhD at Harvard, Gabriel is looking at the history of urbanization in the Amazon basin. His research interest suggests that the way politics and power got spatialized in that region has defined the framework through which we conceive of and relate to the Amazon, and that a new reading of it can, in turn, inform the way we understand and address broader urbanization processes as well as the responses from our design disciplines.

[email protected]

Headshot of Anny Li

Anny has a background and strong interest in archives, knowledge infrastructures, and material history. Her professional experience includes work in special collections libraries, including Frances Loeb Library’s Special Collections and Houghton Library, where she supported their exhibitions, communications, and public programs. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked on communications and publications at Snøhetta, and has been a writer and editor at various architecture and landscape architecture firms for over 6 years. She has been an invited speaker in courses at the Syracuse University School of Architecture, Yale School of Architecture, Harvard GSD, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and has edited and been published in publications including the New York Review of Architecture , Failed Architecture , POOL , Constructs , and volume 1 . She holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Brown University.

black and white image of Sunghwan Lim sitting in front of a desk with a computer

Sunghwan earned his Master in Design Studies (MDes) degree in Energy and Environment from Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2021. He received the Dean’s Merit Scholarship during his study and his master’s thesis, entitled Controlling Wind Pressure around Building by Multiangle Ventilation Louver for Higher Natural Ventilation Potential , was awarded to Daniel L. Schodek Award for Technology and Sustainability.

Before joining the Harvard community, Sunghwan double majored in Interior Architecture & Built Environment and Architecture & Architectural Engineering at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, Sunghwan worked as a construction engineer at Samsung Construction and Trading company for six years. His invaluable experiences with building an airport in Mongolia and constructing a residential complex in Seoul profoundly shaped his research ideas and motivated him to contribute to the field of architecture.

Headshot of Adam Longenbach

In his dissertation, Adam researches the mid-twentieth century entanglement of wartime policies, government agencies, private sector collaborations, and mass media technologies that led to the production of military “mock villages.” Constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in collaboration with architects, landscape architects, and Hollywood scenographers, mock villages were—and remain—elaborate stage sets where the US military rehearses combat operations before conducting them in actual theaters of war. His dissertation focuses on the Pacific Theater and especially the western United States where, in the 1940s, mock villages emerged as a key military technology in the war between the US and Japan. A goal of this research is to demonstrate how the invention of a novel form of architecture—the military mock village—coincided with the production of new forms of violence and destruction that persist today. In addition to the Safra Center, his project has been supported by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Graham Foundation.

Before coming to Harvard, Adam practiced for nearly a decade in several design offices including Olson Kundig Architects, Allied Works Architecture, and Snøhetta, where he was the director of post-occupancy research. His writing can be found in Thresholds , The Avery Review , and Log, among others.

black and white headshot of Adil Mansure

Sarah holds both a Master of Architecture and a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, where the focus of her research was conflict between the collective desire to memorialize and the protective impulse to stigmatize, sanitize, or obliterate sites with traumatic or violent associations.

Prior to her enrollment at Harvard, Sarah was a public historian for the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission where she wrote about lesser-known episodes in New York City’s past: female reformers’ creation of the first purpose-built kindergarten in Brooklyn, the adaptation of Civil War-era manufactories by Abstract Expressionist artists for use as studios, and Redemption-era racism through the lens of Tin Pan Alley’s 1890s-1910s popular music businesses.

Headshot of Miranda Shugars

Before joining the Ph.D. program, Miranda taught advanced studio courses as a Visiting Professor of Practice at Virginia Tech’s School of Architecture. At Virginia Tech she also developed a course on social mapping and GIS with a regional focus in Appalachia, which received support and recognition from other departments at the university and won the ACSA / Temple Hoyne Buell Center’s 2023 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change, and Society.

Before teaching, she worked as an architect at RODE Architects in Boston, MA on the largest supportive housing project north of New York City, as well as flood-resilient, Passive House, and community-oriented projects. She has also worked at firms in Boston and New York specializing in affordable housing, historic preservation, and adaptive reuse.

headshot of Caroline Filice Smith

Caroline Filice Smith is doctoral candidate in Urban Planning and the ‘22-‘23 Democracy Doctoral Fellow at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance at the Harvard Kennedy School. Their work focuses on racialized histories of urban design across the US and its empire, histories of activist planner-architects, and reparative and abolitionist models of urban design. Caroline’s dissertation project explores the emergence of “participatory planning” in the mid-twentieth century. Through a focus on federally funded—yet activist led—community action programs in the US, Caroline’s research examines how the Black Power movement, the War on Poverty, and models of community development originally designed to quell insurgency abroad, intersected to form the foundation of a now central paradigm of US urban planning practice. This work touches on issues of democratic social engineering, cold war imperialism, 20 th  century anti-racist urban uprisings, and struggles for self-determination across the US.

In addition to their dissertation, Caroline teaches and conducts research as part of the  Urban Design and the Color Line  project and has recently completed an anti-racist planning toolkit with the Highline Network and the Urban Institute ( link ), and a report for the Architectural League of NY on landscape and community-led, post-coal futures for Appalachia.  They are a Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative doctoral fellow, having previously served as an Irving Innovation Fellow, and their work has been funded by the Graham Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the Warren Center for American Studies, the Canadian Center for Architecture, and the Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative. Caroline holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design with Distinction from the GSD, where they were awarded both the Thesis Prize and Academic Excellence Award in Urban Design – additionally, Caroline holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech. Prior to coming to Harvard, Caroline spent five years in professional architectural practice – most of which was spent working for UNStudio in their Shanghai office, and less of which was spent practicing in Los Angeles where they were actively involved in the Occupy movement.

black and white headshot of Sam Tabory

Prior to doctoral studies, Sam worked in urban science-policy engagement for a Sustainability Research Network supported by the US National Science Foundation and as a research associate with the global cities research team at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Professionally, he has contributed to reports commissioned by UN Environment, the World Bank, and NATO. His scholarly work has been published in  Global Environmental Change .

Sam holds master’s degrees in urban planning and Latin American studies from the University of Texas at Austin. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Latin American studies from Tulane University.

black and white headshot of Eldra Dominique Walker

Eldra has presented work at conferences organized by the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians, Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, the European Architectural History Network, and the Première Université d’été de programme STARACO (STAtus, RAce, et COuleur) at the University of Nantes.

Currently, she is a lecturer and principal advisor to the MDesign Historic Preservation Program for the Department of Architecture at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Additionally, she was the Nettie Seabrooks Graduate Curatorial Intern in European Art at the Detroit Institute of Arts, where she assisted museum curators with an upcoming exhibition entitled “Color of Faith.” Eldra has taught courses at the GSD in Western Architectural history and theory, from the Renaissance to the present. Before coming to Harvard, Eldra was an architectural design reviewer in the District of Columbia Office of Planning. Eldra has an MS in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania and a BS from Morgan State University.

black and white headshot of Xiaoshi Wang

Angela Wheeler is a sixth-year PhD candidate and graduate associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. Her dissertation examines historic neighborhood conservation in the postwar Soviet Union and its development as an urban planning tool, site of transnational exchange, and arena for local identity politics. She is broadly interested in the history of heritage conservation movements, experimental and activist approaches to heritage, and the role of preservation pedagogy in design curricula.

After working with the International Council of Monuments and Sites as a Fulbright grantee in Tbilisi and conducting HUD surveys of Hawaii public housing, she completed an MSc in Historic Preservation at Columbia University. Her thesis, Socialist in Form, National in Content , investigated official attempts to reconcile historic preservation and postmodern aesthetics with Soviet ideology in the Brezhnev era.

Angela’s recent projects include a Graham Foundation grant for “Indigenous Outsiders: Endangered Islamic Heritage in the Republic of Georgia,” an exhibition and publication documenting the wooden mosques of Georgia’s Adjaran Muslim community. Her chapter on mosques of Russia and the Caucasus appeared in Rizzoli’s Mosques: Splendors of Islam (2017) and her book, the Tbilisi volume for DOM’s Architectural Guides series (2023), offers the first comprehensive English-language guide to the city since glasnost. Angela has taught graduate and undergraduate courses on architecture and urban history at Amherst College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

headshot of Ziwei Zhang

Ziwei holds a Master in Landscape Architecture, a Master in Design Studies in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), and a Bachelor of Architecture from Southeast University, China. She has also experience as an urban designer for one year for Stoss Landscape Urbanism, where she participated in projects in China, the U.S., and the United Arab Emirates.

PhDLife Blog

Sharing PhD experiences across the University of Warwick and beyond

How to Write an Academic Bio for Conferences

short bio phd student

There are very few things as challenging as writing academic biographies (perhaps academic writing?). It seems simple, but things soon get awkward as you try to show how amazing you are without sounding arrogation or pretentious. Sophie shares her tips on writing a balanced bio…

It’s all going swimmingly until you read the Call for Papers: Please submit a proposal and brief bio.

What on earth is a bio (otherwise known as an ‘academic bio’)? And just how brief does it need to be? Writing an academic bio is a skill you can pick up like any other, and this article will take you through the basics of what to include, what to leave out, and how to craft this tricky piece of your academic arsenal.

Covering the Basics

Whatever discipline you’re working in, you’ll definitely need to include the following in your academic bio:

  •  full name,
  • position (i.e. PhD student; PhD candidate),
  • institution.

All this should go into the first sentence, so it reads something like this:

Joe Bloggs is currently a PhD candidate [meaning he’s passed his upgrade] at the University of Warwick.

You can also mention your department, although it’s not strictly necessary for most of us.

The Big Picture

The rest of your academic bio should tell the reader about your research interests. Start by setting out your broad research question , whether that’s finding new ways to create Omega 3 in algae cultures or exploring fashion statements at Charles II’s court. Then focus it further; are you looking at a specific type of algae culture, or a particular poet who was into fashion? This is the most important part of your bio: it tells other people attending the conference where you’re coming from, and may present links between your research areas.


You can end your bio here, or add another sentence situating your research within wider scholarship. Is it important to reference your specific style of criticism, or how you’re leading on from recently-published developments in the field, for example? If it’s important for the theme of the conference, you may wish to add another sentence on the future directions of your research. However, if this isn’t relevant or necessary, feel free to leave it out, especially if you’ve been asked to submit a brief bio – best to keep it brief and stick to your research interests.

What Not to Do

Inevitably, we all do things early in our career/academic life that, with hindsight, make us cringe. To avoid that uncomfortable feeling in the future, four common errors are:

  • Treating your bio like a humorous essay : only include a joke if you’re sure it’s really, really funny (maybe check with a straight-talking friend).
  • Getting too personal : an academic bio is a chance to make an impression pre-conference, and it may be what people remember you by, so ensure that you stay professional.
  • Giving too much information : remember that an academic bio isn’t the same thing as a CV – the conference organisers don’t need to know where you did your undergrad, MA or how much you’ve won in grants.
  • Using exclamation marks : your writing should be relatively formal in style, so avoid coming across as too chatty – save your engaging manners for the big presentation day!

One final tip is to use the third person. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but at some conferences, your bio will be read out as an introduction, so personally I prefer to start a sentence like Joe Bloggs above.

What do you think about this approach?

Any more tips for writing academic bios?

Text credits: Sophie Shorland 

Sophie is a PhD student at Warwick, where she’s one of the organisers of the English Department’s annual postgraduate symposium for 2017. You can find out how to get involved in the symposium here , or check their Twitter here .  

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One thought on “ how to write an academic bio for conferences ”.

What a concidence. I’m sending the abstract and the bio for a conference at Warwick

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Econometric and statistical modeling, health equity, social determinants of health, Medicaid policy and reform

Sarah Aviña (she/her) is a PhD student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a graduate student researcher at the Medicaid Research Center (MRC) working under the supervision of Dr. Julie Donohue. Aviña completed her bachelor's degree in finance and accounting and a master's degree in economics from the University of Toledo. Prior to pursuing her PhD, she worked as a data analyst at ProMedica Health System researching social determinants of health outcomes in the Midwest region. She also has experience working in the health insurance industry specializing in Medicaid research and policy. In her free time, Aviña enjoys traveling, running half-marathons and tending to houseplants. 


 Rural health, health equity, access to care, opioid use disorder, health disparities

 Rebecca Bilden is a PhD student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program. She is a graduate student researcher at the Public Health Dynamics Laboratory working under the supervision of Dr. Mark Roberts. Bilden completed her undergraduate degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics at Boston University and her master’s degree in Applied Data Science and Statistics at the University of Exeter. Before moving to Pittsburgh, she worked for various startups as a data analyst and conducted research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in the Division of Digital Psychiatry. In her free time, Bilden enjoys hiking, gardening, and practicing yoga.  

 Design and effects of healthcare payment systems; impacts of health insurance coverage; organization and quality of healthcare delivery; and use of quasi-experimental methods for causal inference in observational studies

Donald Bourne is an MD-PhD student in Health Services Research and Policy through the Medical Science Training Program on a NIH T32 grant. He is on a pre-doctoral TL1 Clinical and Translational Science Fellowship under the guidance of Drs. Lindsay Sabik and Eric Roberts. His dissertation research focuses on the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model.

Previously, Bourne worked as a research associate for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Evidence Synthesis Program, where he conducted systematic reviews on health services research of particular interest to Veterans. He also has experience conducting clinical research in the emergency department and trauma intensive care unit settings. Bourne holds an MPH in epidemiology from Oregon Health & Science University and a BS in microbiology from Oregon State University.


 Medical decision making in serious illness and at the end-of-life; organization, management, and utilization of palliative care and end-of-life care services; patient-provider communication; implementation science; and health policy communication.

 Rachel Butler is a doctoral student in health services research and policy. She is a senior member of Dr. Douglas White’s Program on Ethics and Decision Making in Critical Illness within the Department of Critical Care Medicine’s CRISMA Center at the School of Medicine, where she manages research studies in the intensive care unit setting. Within HPM, Butler is working with Dr. Howard Degenholtz on examining the use of palliative care and hospice among dual-eligible beneficiaries in Pennsylvania. Butler grew up in Indiana where she obtained master’s degrees in health administration and in public health from the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health and worked as a research assistant for serious illness and end-of-life decision making research. In her “free time,” Butler is an active volunteer in Pittsburgh’s end-of-life and deathcare community and flexes her creative muscles by playing with yarn.


Pharmaceutical policy, drug supply chains, drug prices

 Katherine Callaway Kim is a PhD student currently working with Dr. Katie Suda in the Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing (CP3) group in the Department of Medicine. Katherine’s research interests include US and international pharmaceutical policy, especially for drugs used in the hospital.  She has extensive experience working with several large national and international claims and drug purchasing datasets. Katherine received both her B.S. and an MPH in biostatistics at Boston University. Previously, she worked as a SAS programmer/analyst in the Division of Health Policy and Insurance Research at Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Institute in Boston. 


Genetic and genomic policy; carrier screening policies; genetic and genomic privacy; health equity; access to care; ethics

 Haley Director is a PhD student in Health Services Research and Policy. She is originally from Sharon, MA and will likely invite you to go on a “Dunky run” when she is on campus. As a graduate student researcher under the mentorship of Dr. Brittany Brown-Podgorski, she will be researching health disparities and state-based labor laws. Prior to this program, Director completed her MPH in public health genetics with a Certificate in Health Equity at Pitt Public Health in 2022, where she was elected a member of Delta Omega, the national honorary society for public health. She received her BS in biology, chemistry, and Hispanic studies from Brandeis University in Waltham, MA in 2020. Outside of Pitt, Director serves as the APHA Genomics Forum Policy Chair and a public health genetics intern for the New England Regional Genetics Network (NERGN), combining her passions for genetics and health policy. In her spare time, Director loves to watch sports, especially Bruins and Penguins hockey, spend time outside, read, and dance.


 Health equity, access to care, social determinants of health, public health ethics

 Stephanie Doran Brubaker is a PhD student in health services research and policy. She is a graduate student researcher at the University of Pittsburgh’s Medicaid Research Center under the guidance of Dr. Julie Donohue. Prior to coming to Pitt, she worked as a research coordinator at Evidence Foundation and as a Human Research Specialist at the Mass General Brigham Institutional Review Board. Doran Brubaker holds an MPH from Yale University, as well as an MA in bioethics and a BA in psychology and cognitive science from Case Western Reserve University. 

Cost-effectiveness analysis, value of information analysis, game theory analysis of vaccination decisions, and health economics

Glenson France is a doctoral student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program. He is originally from the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. As a graduate student researcher, he will be working under the supervision of Dr. Mark Roberts in the Dynamics Laboratory. Glenson earned a BSc. and a MSc. in Economics from the University of the West Indies (Mona), and a MA in Economics from The Ohio State University. Most recently, he completed a Certificate in Clinical Research at Pitt's Clinical Research department in 2018.  Between 2010-2022, he taught economics at the University of Pittsburgh - Greensburg Campus, and joined the R01 flu modeling research group at Pitt Department of Family Medicine between 2016-2019. Outside of academics, France is an ardent fan of many sports, an avid wood worker, and enjoys watching movies.


 Health insurance costs and health outcomes; pharmaceutical, medical device, and healthcare delivery technologies; chronic disease and diabetic populations; Medicare and Medicaid policy; econometric methods. 

Alexandra Glynn is a PhD student in health services research and policy under the mentorship of Dr. Eric Roberts. As a graduate student researcher, her current projects utilize quasi-experimental design to examine the effects of subsidy programs for Medicare beneficiaries on prescription drug use and health outcomes, with a focus on diabetes and chronic disease populations. Her other work includes examining telehealth utilization among Medicare Advantage enrollees and investigating economic and social effects of new medical device use in children with type 1 diabetes. Prior to starting at Pitt, she spent several years as a research analyst in financial economics at the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, where she conducted data analyses for market risk research. Glynn graduated with distinction from the University of Virginia in 2017 with a BA in Economics (concentration in public policy) and Government. 

 Access to care; cancer care; Medicaid; Dual Eligibles.

 Before coming to the program, Kwon had worked as a research analyst at a healthcare consulting company in Bethesda, MD. For the first two years at Pitt, he assisted Dr. Donohue on a GSR project that evaluated the quality of opioid use disorder care in Medicaid across multiple states. Currently, his GSR is with Dr. Sabik and they are investigating the impact of the ACA/Medicaid expansion on various cancer outcomes using the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry. Kwon is also interested in studying the role of insurance in facilitating access to cancer care and he hopes to write a dissertation involving cancer health services research as well. In his spare time, Kwon likes to listen to and play a lot of music, visit cute coffee shops in Pittsburgh and watch a lot of figure skating.


Social determinants of health; healthcare service access and iniquities; Medicare and Medicaid policies; critical illness survivorship and outcomes.

Anna Lewis (she/her) is a PhD student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program under the academic mentorship of Dr. Eric Roberts. As a graduate student researcher, Anna works with Dr. Evan Cole focusing on the healthcare utilization of homeless Medicaid beneficiaries as well as the effects of permanent supportive housing for recipients of Medicaid. Prior to returning to graduate school, Anna worked as a senior social worker at the Critical Illness Recovery Center at UPMC Mercy, one of the most comprehensive outpatient follow-up clinics for survivors of prolonged intensive care unit stays in the nation. Anna also worked as an inpatient palliative care social worker for several years. Anna received her Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies from The Pennsylvania State University in 2010. She attained her Master of Social Work degree with a certificate in mental health in 2012 from the University of Pittsburgh, and she is also a licensed clinical social worker.


Digital health; predictive analysis and risk stratification; access to care; health equity; primary care delivery.

Auti Johnson is a PhD student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program under the mentorship of Dr. Julie Donohue and Dr. Evan Cole. Auti is interested in studying the nexus between healthcare digitization and addressing health disparities, focusing on the role of digital health solutions on access and primary care delivery, as well as the policy frameworks affecting their implementation. Prior to pursuing her PhD, Auti worked as a project manager in laboratory medicine and pathology at Mayo Clinic. There she led projects focused on advancing applied digital technologies to enhance tissue-based research, patient care, education, and integrating disparate data sources. Auti earned her BAAS in business from Eastern New Mexico University.


health disparities, access to care, medical decision-making, organ transplantation

Heather Mentch is a PhD student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program. She is a graduate student researcher at the University of Pittsburgh under Dr. Howard Degenholtz. Mentch received her BS in biology and her BA in religious studies at Susquehanna University and received her master of bioethics (MBE) degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to coming to Pitt, she worked as a clinical research coordinator at the University of Pennsylvania for four years working on various organ transplantation clinical trials which offered transplantation of organs (kidney and lung) from Hepatitis C+ deceased donors to Hepatitis C- recipients. 


Delivery innovations, mental health, substance use disorders

Bill Wang is a PhD student in the Health Services Research and Policy Program working with Dr. Julie Donohue and Dr. Lindsay Sabik in looking at the effects of various policies on the treatment of substance use disorders. 

Previously, Wang worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Healthcare Policy at Harvard Medical School where his research focused on the impact of delivery innovations on healthcare access, cost, and quality outcomes. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Toronto and his master's from the University of Chicago. 


health equity, access to care, cost-effectiveness analysis, health services research

Yuanbo Zhang is a PhD student in the Department of Health Services Research and Policy at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health under the academic mentorship of Dr. Lindsay Sabik. Zhang completed her undergraduate degree in mathematics and philosophy at Wheaton College and her master's degree in applied statistics at the University of Michigan. Prior to Pittsburgh, she was a research assistant at the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety helping OB/GYN physicians to simulate prenatal care processes and provide recommendations to improve prenatal care guidelines. She also likes photography and hiking. 

Enago Academy

How to Write a Good Academic Biography (Part 1)

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When your journal article gets accepted or you are preparing for a public presentation, you will often be asked for a short academic biography. For many people, these academic bios are more difficult to write than a dissertation. How do you sum up yourself and your work in 3-5 sentences? What do you need to include? What should you leave out?

What You Should Do

  • Start with your full name followed by your current position, your general interests, and your current project, keeping them all very brief.
  • If you are within a year of receiving a prestigious award, mention that as well.
  • Finally, finish with a sentence that’s personal: add a hobby, a pet’s name, the city you live in—whatever you are comfortable with that is personal but not too private.

What You Should Avoid

  • Avoid speaking in the first person, i.e., don’t use “I.”
  • Don’t divulge details beyond your current position.
  • In a longer bio of multiple paragraphs, you may add more awards and information about your master’s and bachelor’s degrees, but not in a short bio. Moreover, don’t add anything that happened before grad school—including your place of birth. For example:

Hi! My name is Scott. I was originally born in Vermont and now I’m a professor at North Yankee University in Fargone, New York (in upstate New York). I study antelopes’ migration patterns and their impact of native grain growth. My interest in antelopes began as a teenager when I first saw one in the wild. I did my undergrad degree in biology at SUNY and my masters and UCLA and my PhD in Forestry at Hunter College.

Related: Finished drafting your academic biography and heading for an international conference? Check out this post now!

The above example is far too casual and Scott’s work and current position are overshadowed by all the other random details. This can be written in a much better way:

Scott Sampson is a professor of Wildlife Biology at North Yankee University. His work focuses specifically on the migration patterns of antelope and their impact on the growth of native grain. His favorite place to do research in his backyard, which opens to the Akron National Forest.

This improvised version is concise, relevant, and makes Scott’s bio appear professional while giving a short description of his personal details.

Longer Bios

For longer bios, follow the same basic rules, but go into a bit more depth about your work, your education, and your future projects or interests. You may also consider adding a line about your immediate family. But as always, leave the personal details for a short and friendly mention at the end of the bio.

Mostly, your bio will be used by someone to introduce you at a conference or public event so if you write your bio using these tips, you will help them give a smooth and accurate introduction. Remember that the bio is the first thing that people know about you so pack it full of the most important things about yourself!

If you would like to know more about different formats of academic biography, read the next article in this series!

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Super helpful! Thank you for writing about this.

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Your articles are so much meaningful and informative.

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How to Write a Good Academic Biography (Part 2)

Writing an academic biography is part of many academic activities. Whether your paper is accepted…

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How to Write a Short Professional Bio (With Examples and Templates)

Emily Polner

3 key takeaways

  • What a short professional bio is and why you need one
  • What to include in a short bio to make it stand out and relevant to your audience
  • Short professional bio examples, templates, and a faster way to write your biography with Teal's Professional Bio Generator

In a world where just about everyone is represented online, your short professional bio often serves as a first introduction.

Often, it's what employers or other professionals will use to form their initial impression. And how you present yourself can help influence whether someone invites you to connect, interview you, or simply move on.

Below, you'll learn what you need to write your bio and how to actually write one. You'll also find templates and some short professional bio examples to use as a guide.

Looking for a quicker way to a polished bio? Sign up for Teal for free and try the Professional Bio Generator.

What is a short professional bio? 

A short professional bio is exactly what it sounds like—a short professional biography that introduces yourself and gives a brief overview of your career and accomplishments. It gives future employees, colleagues, and anyone else you're networking with a more well-rounded picture of who you are.  

While "short" can be subjective, length often depends on the platform and the audience you're sharing your bio with. There's no one-size-fits-all, and you'll tailor the length based on where it's being shared—whether that’s on your personal website, LinkedIn profile, Twitter bio, or your resume.

What’s the difference between a professional bio and short professional bio?

A professional bio and a short professional bio both summarize your career, qualifications, and achievements, but each caters to different contexts and needs. 

A professional bio is a detailed account—that can span several paragraphs—and covers your:

  • Career background
  • Most noteworthy achievements and impact or results
  • Skills you've developed or are developing
  • Some personal insights

This version is appropriate for professional websites, long-form pitch documents, or networking platforms (like in your LinkedIn About Me section) where a more thorough introduction is valuable.

On the other hand, a short professional bio is a concise version that filters the most important information from your professional bio into key takeaways. A short bio:

  • Communicates your core qualifications
  • Briefly touches on your professional persona
  • Is ideal for your resume, author bio, or speaking engagements
  • Can be used across social media profiles like Twitter and Instagram

What to include in a short bio 

Your short bio should summarize the key takeaways from a longer, more rounded-out professional bio. Think of it as kind of an elevator pitch that highlights what you'd want your target audience (who doesn't know much—if anything—about you) to understand about your career so far.

Here are some things you'll want to address.

  • Level of education, if relevant to the audience
  • Years of experience in your field, if relevant to the audience
  • Your current or former career title
  • Major professional accomplishments with impact or goals
  • Professional experience, skills, and area(s) of expertise

Now, if you're a student or making a pivot, like transitioning into a new field where you might not have relevant work experience, you'll focus more on your educational achievements (think relevant awards, projects, or volunteer experience) and the skills and knowledge you're developing.

short bio phd student

What to include in a short bio if you’re a student

Even if you're still in school, there's plenty of information you can include in your bio, like: 

  • Where you're from
  • What university, trade school, or boot camp you're attending
  • Your area of study or intended major
  • Any clubs, teams, volunteering, or other extracurriculars you're a part of 
  • Any internships you've completed
  • Your career goals 
  • Your availability

Generate your professional bio with AI

Want to save time? You can also use the Teal to generate multiple versions of your short professional bio.

How to write a short bio

There's no right or wrong way to write your own bio. Think of this next section as a guide, and remember: short professional bios are unique to each person.

Here are the things you might want to consider if you're ready to write your professional bio:

1. Choose your voice

You have the option to write your short bio from either a first or third-person POV.

In the first person, you'll use  "I, me, and my." In the third person, you'll refer to yourself using your name and preferred pronouns.

As a general rule, using the third person is typically considered more formal, while using the first person is more casual and personal.

 First-person example : "I'm a bestselling author. My work has been published in The New York Times."
Third-person example: "Zane Smith is a bestselling author. His work has been published in The New York Times."

If you want to write and store multiple versions of your short professional bio in different tones or even with different information, use Teal to write and save as many versions as you need for free.

2. Choose your tone

Language can convey different moods. Depending on the context and your personal brand , your bio can sound more buttoned-up or more relaxed and conversational.

These two sentences describe the same person but showcase very different tones and writing styles: 

Example 1: “A recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Sally is currently a consultant at XYZ Consulting based out of their New York office.” 
Example 2: “A recent UPenn grad, Sally swore off econ after years of hard classes only to end up as a consultant at a major firm — but don't worry, she loves it.” 

3. Start with your name and a current or recent role

This isn't a hard and fast rule, but to get your bio started, it's usually easiest to start with your name and current professional title or role. 

Example: “Zane Smith is currently the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company.”

If you're pivoting careers , you can list your most recent role and use your first sentence to say what you're looking to do next.

Example 1: “Previously the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company, Zane Smith is actively pursuing new opportunities in marketing management.” 
Example 2 : “Previously the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company, Zane Smith is now an aspiring 2nd grade teacher.” 

4. Share your accomplishments and achievements

Once you've introduced yourself and your current title, you can flow into your professional background, former job titles, and what you've done or aspire to do. Together, the first two sentences of your bio could read something like this: 

Example:  “Zane Smith is currently the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company. Previously, he was a Marketing Specialist at FGH Tech Company, where he grew paid traffic to their website by 500% year over year.” 

Pro Tip: Not sure where to start? Try the generative AI in the Teal Resume Builder . With Teal's AI, you can write individual achievements using a job description, keywords, or a custom prompt to articulate your accomplishments effectively and confidently.

A graphic of Teal's AI

5. Share your philosophy or “why” 

Self-promotion can feel incredibly uncomfortable, but it's important to make sure you don't undermine your value. Your “why,” the reason you do what you do every day, can be powerful and meaningful. Adding what gives you the spark to start each workday can set your own professional bio apart from others. 

Example: “Claire was inspired to pursue a career in elder law after volunteering in a nursing home throughout high school and college.” 

6. Add your personal touch

Even though your bio will be used in a professional capacity, it's okay to list a few personal details. We're more than just our jobs, and adding a few personal facts can help illustrate who you are outside of the office. 

Example: “When he's not working, Martin can be found tending to his spice garden and going on nature walks with his golden retriever.” 

Short professional bio examples

Examples of professional bios are invaluable because they provide a clear framework and inspiration for writing your own. They can also help you see how to condense years of experience into a few compelling sentences so you communicate the right details clearly, briefly, and full of impact. 

Short bio example for a personal website

short professional bio example for resume

"AUDREE KATE LOPEZ IS A FASHION STYLIST, EDITOR, INDUSTRY EXPERT AND INFLUENCER BASED IN NEW YORK. Audree began her professional career in the fashion departments at Glamour, O, the Oprah Magazine, Editorialist and Redbook magazines. She launched Audree Kate Studios in 2017 and worked on freelance projects at Marc Jacobs, Alice + Olivia, J.Crew and Club Monaco, joined the styling team at Alice + Olivia and became a contributing fashion editor for Over the past few years Audree has styled for various publications, celebrities and retail brands. In 2016, Audree founded a digital course and community for fashion students called Fashion Fundamentals and has hosted workshops and classes around the country, and wrote an ebook titled Fashion Fundamentals."

Why it works: Audrey's bio immediately establishes her as a multifaceted professional within the fashion industry. It outlines her career trajectory and showcases broad experience and evolution, demonstrating growth and adaptability. The mention of initiatives and workshops adds a layer of approachability and commitment to education in her field, improving her appeal as an influencer and mentor.

Professional short bio example on LinkedIn

example of a short professional bio that has a punchy tone

"Latina creator. Speaker. Tech Mentor. Christen is the Founder of the newly launched app Clara, a community that empowers creators through transparency, brand reviews, and discoverability. An industry vet, Christen has almost a decade of experience working with top content creators at social networking companies such as Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. She is a motivational speaker and mentor in the tech space who is passionate about helping people break into the industry through career advice and actionable content."

Why it works: This professional bio online is punchy and concise. It opens by noting Christen's titles and includes years of experience, giving her credibility while underscoring her heritage (which can resonate strongly with a diverse audience on LinkedIn). By focusing on her app, she not only showcases initiative but also aligns herself with trends in tech innovation. Rounding out her short bio are details of working with top content creators, establishing her as a seasoned industry pro.

Short professional bio example on social media

short bio phd student

"Founder of Makelane, a private community for female DTC founders. 70K followers on TikTok where I analyze consumer brands"

Why it works: With only 160 characters to work with, Dulma’s Twitter bio is an example of brevity. It clearly outlines her two main pursuits: managing an online community and producing content for TikTok, making it easy for readers to gauge her interests and activities at a glance.

Company website short bio examples

short bio phd student

"Meet our wonderful team We're a tight-knit group of curious creatures, always learning, and constantly seeking out new perspectives and ideas. Get to know our team—they're what makes Teachable, well, Teachable."

Why it works: "Meet our wonderful team" feels like a personal invitation to get to know the group, which can make visitors more inclined to engage. Describing them as "tight-knit" and "curious creatures" adds character and illustrates a vibrant and collaborative work environment. Highlighting that the team is "always learning" and "constantly seeking out new perspectives" positions Teachable as a dynamic and innovative company—committed to growth and evolution.

Tips for writing a short bio

Even though there aren't official rules for writing a bio, there are still some things you should strive for as well as steer clear of if you want to make the best possible impression. 

1. Tailor your professional bio to your audience

Whether it's potential employers, LinkedIn connections, Twitter followers, or visitors to your website, each platform and audience has its own expectations. Keep your information relevant and concise, focusing on what matters most to that intended audience.

2. Be authentic

Your bio is not the place to fudge the truth about who you are. Be honest about what you've done and where you're heading. Not telling the truth could bar you from achieving your goals and land you in hot water. 

3. Prioritize relevant information

We really hate to be the one to tell you this, but unfortunately, most people do not have the time or patience to read a five-paragraph essay about your life story. Sorry to break it to you! 

4. Be relatable

No matter how lofty your accomplishments are, staying grounded may help you establish stronger connections with others. This is where adding personal details and highlighting your personal brand can serve you well. Whether that's with a hobby, interest , or other role outside of work, being relatable can let others understand and get to know you better and determine if you would be a good fit for a company.  

5. Be professional

It's appropriate and expected for you to talk about your professional skills and accomplishments in your short bio. That said, there's a fine line between talking about your achievements and sounding arrogant. These two examples talk about the same accomplishment but come across differently: 

Example 1: “An accomplished pianist, Ryan was selected out of nearly 7,000 applicants to perform at the annual New York State School Music Association festival last spring.” 
Example 2: “An accomplished pianist, Ryan was the obvious choice to perform at the annual New York State School Music Association festival last spring (because he's the best).” 

Also, if you're revising your bio after a lay-off or termination, avoid sounding spiteful. As tempting as it might be, don't make negative statements or accusations in your short bio. Positivity and a good attitude will get you much further.

Short professional bio templates

If you prefer to plug and play or need a short bio in a pinch, don't worry; here are three short bio templates to get you started:

Short professional bio template for working professionals

[First name last name] is [currently/formerly] a [insert most recent job title] at [most recent company name] . A proud graduate of [school or university] , they were inspired to pursue a career in [field] after [explain what led to your decision to work in your industry] . Prior to working at [most recent job title], they were the [previous title] at [previous company], where they were responsible for [insert professional accomplishments here] . In their free time, they can be found [insert your favorite hobbies] . 

Short professional biography template for students

[First name last name] is a current [year] at [institution] majoring in [area(s) of study] . On campus, [First name] is actively involved in [activity name] , for which they [insert details about what you do for the activity you're involved in] . They most recently [interned/worked] at [organization name] , where they had the opportunity to [insert details about what you did on the job] . They intend to work in the [insert field name or industry] after graduation to follow their passion of [insert what you are passionate about] . In their spare time, they can be found [insert your favorite hobbies] . 

Short professional bio template for a gap in employment

[First name last name] is a [position/job title] with [number] years of experience in [specific skills or industry] . Following [briefly mention the reason for the employment gap] , [he/she/they] took some time off to focus on [briefly mention what they did during the gap, e.g., personal development, family obligations, health reasons] . During this time, [he/she/they] also [briefly mention any relevant skills or achievements acquired during the gap] . [Name] is now eager to return to the workforce and is excited to bring [specific skills/accomplishments] to [his/her/their] next role. With a proven track record of [list specific achievements or skills] , [Name] is confident in [his/her/their] ability to contribute to [specific industry/profession] and make an impact in [his/her/their] next position.

If you decide to use any of these biography templates, tweak it ever-so-slightly. Once you've finished entering your details, try adding a bit of personal flair.

Swap adjectives, remove anything that doesn't quite fit with your vibe or experiences, or append some more personal details as you see fit. Feel free to work off of any one of the bios from these resume examples to get a feel for how different styles can be used across roles.

Create your short professional bio with Teal

In a digital world where your online presence often speaks before you do, writing a good, short professional bio is more important than ever. It's the first glimpse potential employers, clients, or colleagues get of your professional life and persona, and the right presentation can open doors to new opportunities and connections. 

Teal's Professional Bio Generator saves time by speeding up the writing process with AI. Whether you're trying to impress potential employers, clients, or peers, Teal's generator adapts to your needs and experience, allowing you to create a unique short bio for any audience with one click.

Ready to write a professional bio with maximum impact in less time?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a short professional bio.

An example of a short professional bio is: "Katie is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in digital advertising strategies. She has helped numerous brands achieve their online marketing goals, leading to increased visibility and 3x revenue YoY."

How do you write an impressive short bio?

To write an impressive short bio, focus on your most significant achievements, relevant skills, and experiences that set you apart. Keep it concise and tailored to your audience to engage and leave a memorable impression. You can also use the Teal  AI Resume Builder  Generative AI to craft a bio that highlights your unique professional journey and skills in an engaging way.

What is a short biography about yourself?

A short biography about yourself should concisely summarize your professional background, major accomplishments, and skills. For example, "I'm an innovative software developer with 5 years of experience in creating scalable applications, known for my ability to troubleshoot complex issues and my commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions."

short bio phd student

Emily Polner

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How to Write a Biosketch

How to write a biosketch, what is a biographical sketch.

BioSketches are a great tool to document an individual's qualifications, professional experience, and academic journey. Think of your BioSketch as a response to the question: “Tell me about yourself?” 

Below are general tips on how to write your BioSketch, as well as step-by-step guides and examples of BioSketches for students ranging from first year students, transfer students, and students preparing to graduate. For additional help with your BioSketch or general questions, email us at [email protected] .

General Tips

  • Write in the third person. This means that instead of using “I” statements, use “he/she/they” statements. 
  • The information you include in your BioSketch is unique to you and your circumstances. While your BioSketch may look different from the examples below, be sure to include the important general information outlined in the paragraph bullet points that fit you best.
  • Be sure to check your BioSketch for spelling, grammar, and sentence flow.


Paragraph 1:

  • Where are you from? Where/when did you graduate high school?
  • Did you earn any titles/awards or participate in extracurricular activities?
  • What did you do after high school? Did you go straight to college or enter the work field?

Paragraph 2: 

  • What are you studying at OSU? Did you transfer from another university? Do you hold any degrees? What special achievements or awards have you earned in college?

Step-By-Step Continued 

Paragraph 3: 

  • What work/volunteer experience have you been a part of?
  • What skills did you develop from these experiences?
  • Have you participated in internships or research/lab work?

Paragraph 4: 

  • When are you expected to graduate? What are your education and career interests? 

BioSketch Examples

Benny Beaver is from Corvallis, Oregon. They graduated from Corvallis High School in 2021 with high honors and served as an officer on the school’s Associated Student Body (ASB) where they assisted in various leadership activities like fundraising, public speaking and community outreach. 

Benny started attending Oregon State University in the fall of 2021, and earned the Finley Academic Excellence Scholarship upon enrollment. They are currently in the University Exploratory Studies Program (UESP) where they are taking a variety of courses and exploring all options before declaring a major.

Benny served as a lifeguard for two years, where they received valuable trainings in CPR/AED, basic water rescue, and first aid. Benny developed a passion for the water, as well as an interest in teaching by instructing weekly swim lessons. Working a part-time job while attending high school also taught them skills in communication, time management, and balancing responsibilities.

Benny is expected to graduate in June 2025. They are exploring learning opportunities and careers in education, oceanography, and sports therapy. 

Bernice Beaver is from New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. She graduated from New Westminster Secondary School in 2018 with a Dogwood Diploma and has a Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires en Colombie-Britannique, meaning she is fluent in French. Bernice was named the Career Female Athlete of the Year upon graduation from high school.

Bernice earned an Athletic Scholarship to Oregon State University where she competes for the Women’s Cross Country and Track & Field teams. She is majoring in Sociology and currently works for the university’s Global Community Kitchen as an Event Support Staff where she serves to assist in planning food service for future Experiential Learning & Activities campus events during weekly team meetings.

Bernice completed the URSA Engage program during her second year at Oregon State University where she conducted research to define the barriers faculty face while facilitating undergraduate research experiences. She presented her research at two university-wide undergraduate research symposiums in 2020 and has since been published in Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education. 

Bernice is expected to graduate in June 2022 with a B.A in Sociology. After graduation, she plans on attending graduate school and complete the Master’s of College Student Service Administration Program at Oregon State University. She has a particular interest in the fields of university student affairs and athletics.

Bo Beaver is from Los Angeles, California. They graduated from Venice High School in 2014 as salutatorian and participated in the school’s marching band, where they acted as drum major for two years. After high school, Bo entered the United States Marine Corps (USMC) where they served for four years. 

Prior to attending Oregon State University, Bo attended Central Oregon Community College from September 2020 until June 2022. During this time, they earned an Associate of Science degree in Computer Science with high honors. Bo transferred to OSU-Cascades in September 2022 and is majoring in Computer Science with an option in Software Engineering.

Bo’s service in the USMC taught them important skills and attributes including confidence, self-discipline, teamwork and leadership. Since enrolling at OSU-Cascades, Bo has joined the university’s Tech Club where they hope to network and gain professional skills in the field of computer science among like-minded individuals. Bo has also been accepted into the 2022-2023 URSA Engage program, where they will be engaging in web applications research with Professor X. 

Bo is expected to graduate in June 2024 with a B.S in Computer Science with an option in software engineering. They plan on attending graduate school and pursuing a career in software development.

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618 Kerr Administration Building Corvallis, OR 97331


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School of Humanities

Biographies of Current Graduate Students

Page content, m.a. students.

Headshot Placeholder

Andy is interested in studying topics related to the major conflicts of the 20 th century and hopes to focus on the efforts of World War I veterans to gain similar benefits to those given to World War II veterans in his MA thesis. In his spare time he is an avid wargamer and has spent the last 20 years studying Tomiki-ryu Aikido.

PhD Students

Allan Branstiter

Dennis Cowles (PhD, Early American History) MA, History, 2006 University of New Orleans; BA, French, 2002 University of New Orleans. Dennis’s research interests center on the intersections of imperial history and social history, specifically during eras of regime change. Other interests include colonial Latin America, comparative colonial history, ethnohistory, and the Atlantic world. Dennis worked for several years as an adjunct instructor of history in New Orleans and in the Boston area. He also has nearly 20 years' experience working in museums and non-profit organizations, including running a planetarium and working at the Paul Revere House. Dennis is an amateur astronomer and an avid reader of eighteenth-century English novels. His dissertation project, “Neither Subjects nor Rebels: Responses to Imperial Centralization in Salem and Ipswich, 1660 – 1715,” is directed by Dr. Kyle F. Zelner.

Michael Doidge

Missy’s area of historical focus includes Reconstruction and Historical Memory.  Missy’s research on the Clinton Riot of 1875 has captured both local and national attention.  In 2015, Missy worked with the City of Clinton, local churches, and the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation in hosting several public events to bring attention and awareness to this tragic event on its 140 th anniversary.   In September of 2015, her article, "Thawing Frozen History: The Clinton Riot of 1875" was published by the Mississippi Historical Society.

In 2016, Missy was named the Distinguished Alumna of the Year by her colleagues at MC.  She is a faculty co-sponsor of the MC History Club and is a member of the Civil Rights Education Committee of the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation, the Mississippi Historical Society, the Mississippi College Faculty Council, the Archives and History Commission of the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church, and the Mississippi Council for the Social Studies. Her work has been highlighted by Mississippi Public Broadcasting, Teaching for Change, the Jackson Free Press , the Clarion-Ledger , the Clinton Courier , and the Mississippi College Collegian .

Hayden McDaniel

In the summer of 2015, John attended the West Point Summer Seminar in Military History. As part of the seminar, John took part in workshop pedagogy sessions and presented his research on drone use in contemporary warfare. He also toured Harpers Ferry, South Mountain, Antietam battlefield, and participated in the Gettysburg Staff Ride. John has published several encyclopedia articles, some of which will appear in Cyber Warfare: A Reference Book (2017). John was the recipient of the Lamar Powell History Graduate Scholarship for 2016-2017. Other interests include: contemporary foreign relations in a transatlantic context, war and society, technology.

Olivia Moore

305 Liberal Arts Building (LAB) 118 College Dr. #5037 Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Campus Hattiesburg

[email protected]

Phone 601.266.4320

Short Academic Biography for Dan Grossman

Dan Grossman is a Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington where he has been a faculty member since 2003. He is the Allen School's Vice Director. From 2013–2018, he held the J. Ray Bowen Professorship for Innovation in Engineering Education.

Dan completed his Ph.D. at Cornell University and his undergraduate studies at Rice University. His research interests lie in the area of programming languages, ranging from theory to design to implementation. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines of computer science, particularly computer architecture on problems at the hardware/software interface. He has published roughly fifty papers in high-selective conferences in computer science.

Dan has served on roughly thirty conference and workshop program committees and served as the Program Chair for PLDI 2018. He has served on the ACM SIGPLAN Executive Committee, the Steering Committee for the ACM / IEEE-CS 2013 Computer Science Curriculum, and the ACM Education Board. He served on the CRA Board from 2014-2023, including as Vice Chair for two years.

Dan is the instructor for a popular MOOC on undergraduate topics in programming languages and functional programming. It first ran in 2013 and has been available continuously since 2016.

Prior to becoming a proud and obsessed dad to two sons born in 2013 and 2015, Dan enjoyed playing (poorly) and watching ice hockey, (road) bicycling, hiking, non-fiction, and enjoying good food, beer, and live theatre. Now he usually manages to read one book a month, but his kids got him into following the Seattle Mariners on a regular basis.

Dan was age 44 when he received his first tooth cavity and 46 when he had to get glasses.

For additional information see .

Last updated: April 2024

Search NYU Steinhardt

Current student bios, phd, occupational therapy, nana serwaa akrofi, otd.

Nana Serwaa Akrofi

Nana Serwaa Akrofi, OTD,  is a Ph.D. student in the Occupational Therapy Department at NYU Steinhart. She has a Post Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (OTD) and a Post Professional Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Ghana. At NYU, Nana Serwaa is mentored by Dr. Janet Njelesani. Nana Serwaa’s research focuses on developing culturally attuned occupational therapy interventions for historically marginalized and under-resourced disability populations. For her OTD studies, her work examined barriers and facilitators to the diagnostic odyssey of autistic children in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. As an occupational therapist, Nana Serwaa worked with Ghanaian children with disabilities in school, hospital, home health, and community rehabilitation settings. She is certified in implementing Ayres Sensory Integration and is licensed to practice as an occupational therapist in New York, California, and Ghana. She is currently the Newsletter Editor for the Occupational Therapy Africa Regional Group .


Angell, A. M., Carreon, E. D., Akrofi, J. N., Franklin, M. D., Taylor, E. E., Miller, J., ... & Maher, S. O. (2023). Challenges and facilitators to telehealth occupational therapy for autistic children during COVID-19 . OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research.

Akrofi, J., Angell, A. M., Gyamfi, B., & Bodison, S. (2023). Exploring Coloniality in Occupation-Based Education: Perspectives of Ghanaian Occupational Therapists .  Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 7  (4).

Akrofi JNS, Brew YN, Carreon ED, Cornelius IY, Angell AM. Exploring the autism diagnostic odyssey in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana . South African Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol 53 No 3. December 2023.

Amanda Gahlot, MS, OTR/L, BCPR

Amanda Gahlot

Amanda Gahlot received a bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences and a master’s in Occupational Therapy both from Gannon University in Erie, PA. Prior to beginning the PhD in Occupational Therapy program in 2020, she worked as a clinical therapist at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington, DC with a clinical focus on brain injury recovery. She was also taught as adjunct faculty at Trinity Washington University in Washington, DC.

Amanda is mentored by Dr. Yael Goverover and at NYU will have the opportunity to focus on improving upper extremity function after brain injury, specifically understanding the cognitive and perceptual factors that impact motor recovery. In her free time, Amanda enjoys walking and cycling around New York and traveling.

Hayejin Kim, MA, OTR/L

Hayejin Kim

Hayejin Kim is a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Grace Kim.  Her research interests include home-based rehabilitation for stroke survivors, telehealth and mobile health programs, and the actual use of the affected arm of stroke survivors in daily life. She is currently working on a study about stroke survivors’ attitudes towards mobile technology and upper extremity exercise programs at home.

These research interests have grown out of her clinical experience. She had an opportunity to shadow therapists using various rehabilitation programs through advanced technologies like virtual reality and robotics when working as a fieldwork intern in a medical center. She also worked as an occupational therapist specializing in adults with neurological disorders at a rehabilitation hospital.

She holds an MA in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California and a BHS in Occupational Therapy from Hanseo University in South Korea.

Yating Lei, MS, OT

OT_PhD_Yating Lei

Yating Lei is a doctoral student in the Department of Occupational Therapy at NYU Steinhardt School. She holds a master's degree in Occupational Therapy from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Sichuan University in China.

Prior to beginning the PhD in Occupational Therapy program in 2021, she worked as a research assistant at PolyU and got a great opportunity to contribute to various research projects that focused on cognitive and neurological rehabilitation as well as self-regulated learning. In addition, as an occupational therapist, Yating has over three years of clinical experience focusing on the treatment of neurological disorders in adults.

Yating is mentored by Professor Gerald Voelbel. Her research interests include cognitive remediation techniques, digital health applications in rehabilitation medicine, longitudinal outcome measurements and digital biomarkers. She is also interested in executive function and working memory, as well as using of functional and structural imaging methods to identify biomarkers of cognitive deficits.

Kavitha Murthi, MS, OTR, FHEA 

Kavitha Murthi

Kavitha Murthi is pursuing her doctoral studies at NYU Steinhardt in the Department of Occupational Therapy. She works with Vice Dean Kristie Patten on a National Science Foundation (NSF) project titled “Developing Abilities and Knowledge for Careers in Design and Engineering for Students on the Autism Spectrum by Scaling Up Making Experiences.” Through this project, Kavitha intends to explore the impact of interest-driven and strength-based engineering activities on autistic students’ learning and social development. She is very interested in understanding how neurodiverse adolescents interested in engineering and designing participate in maker clubs to problem-solve using the Engineering Design Process (EDP) independently. She is also very keen to bring out authentic autistic voices through her research by involving them in the research process.

Before starting her journey at NYU, Kavitha received her master's in Occupational Therapy in the UK and completed her undergraduate studies in Occupational Therapy from the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences in India. She has experience working with a diverse population of children with developmental disabilities in both Mumbai and Edinburgh. Apart from this, she has contributed to various research projects, the most notable being the Global Co-operation on Assistive Technology with the World Health Organization through her nomination from the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in 2019.

Dora Onwumere, MS, OTR/L

Dora Onwumere

 Dora Onwumere is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Occupational Therapy at New York University Steinhardt School under the supervision of Vice Dean Dr. Kristie Patten. Dora holds a Master of Science degree in occupational therapy from New York Institute of Technology (with distinction) and a Bachelor of Science degree from Stony Brook University with a concentration in Healthcare Management. Dora has over 15 years of clinical experience, primarily in pediatrics in various settings, including private practice, early intervention, and the NYC Department of Education (DOE) ASD Nest program. In the DOE, Dora served as an ASD (ASD Nest and Horizon Programs) Senior Instructional Therapist, a role that afforded her the privilege of collaborating with occupational therapists across all five NYC boroughs and at NYU. As part of the ASD programs, Dora helped develop workshops and training for therapists and staff on inclusion and evidence-based practices for autistic students. She has co-presented several times at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). In addition to a publication in OT Practice, developing the OT Starter Guide for the Nest Program, and co-authoring the Independence Checklists and Independence Curriculum, Dora is the first practicing occupational therapist in the DOE to receive an IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval to conduct a quasi-experimental research study which was published in February 2020 in the Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention . Dora's focus and passion are in working with autistic individuals and examining intervention's efficacy using strength-based approaches and inclusive practices. She is a married mother of two adorable children and loves watching her children evolve into empathetic, kind, and loving human beings. Her mission is to serve as a shining example for her children and the children that she works with daily.

Dora is a published author: 

Onwumere, D.D., Cruz, Y.M., Lauren I. Harris, L.I., Malfucci, K.A., Seidman, S., Boone, C., & Patten, K. (2020) The Impact of an Independence Curriculum on Self-Determination and Function in Middle School Autistic Students. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, DOI: 10.1080/19411243.2020.1799904  

Onwumere, D., Seidman, S., Harris, L., & Koenig, K. P. (2016). Developing an occupational therapy–based independence curriculum for middle school students with autism. OT Practice, 22(2), 13–17.

She co-authored a chapter: Cohen, S., & Hough, L. (2013) The ASD Nest Model: A Framework for Inclusive Education for Higher Functioning Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. AAPC Publishing.

Meirav Rosenfeld, MS, OTR/L

Meirav Rosenfeld sitting on a couch in front of an abstract piece of wall decor.

Meirav is a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Yael Goverover. Meirav holds a master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Tel-Aviv University (TAU) in Israel.

Meirav has diverse clinical experience as an occupational therapist across populations and settings, both in Israel and Massachusetts. Prior to joining the program at NYU in 2021, she worked with pediatric populations as well as adults with neurological conditions in an outpatient rehabilitation center. In addition, she served as a teaching assistant at the Department of Occupational Therapy at TAU.

Meirav is particularly interested in the domain of functional cognition and cognitive impairments. Through her PhD, she plans to concentrate on the development and implementation of ecological evaluations and cognitive preventive intervention plans for at-risk populations such as individuals with chronic health conditions (e.g., diabetes, cancer survivors), the elderly, and people who experience decline related to social circumstances. Within this context, Meirav aspires to explore opportunities to utilize technological advancements such as connected devices and telehealth platforms for research and clinical purposes. In her free time, Meirav enjoys spending time with family and friends, practicing yoga and Pilates, and cooking.

Judy Wilson, OTR

Judy Wilson

Judy Wilson is a part-time PhD student in the Research in Occupational Therapy program. She has her BS in Occupational Therapy from Tufts University and her MA in Anthropology from Hunter College. She has worked in Bellevue Hospital since 1990 and is currently the assistant director of the Occupational Therapy Department there. She is involved in projects with the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems, including helping create the Sexuality and Intimacy After Brain Injury training program. She contributed to the “Occupational Profile” chapter to the texts  The Texture of Life (2004, 2009, 2014). Her research interests include health disparities and traumatic brain injury.

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Student Biographies - Ph.D. Higher Education

Our students hail from around the country and the globe. Their diverse personal and professional backgrounds contribute significantly to the learning environment and provide unique opportunities to build strong and lasting networks.

Amason is an emerging scholar and doctoral student at the University of Houston. Her research interests are centered around equity and justice in higher education as it relates to access, success, and completion. Currently, Amason is working on projects studying public-private partnerships in higher education, as well as whiteness and white student development. Prior to entering the program, she spent time on various college campuses and at a nonprofit scholarship program as a leadership educator, helping students to recognize and utilize their potential as change agents. In her free time, Amason loves to engage in critical conversations, spoken word poetry, true crime podcasts and her comedy!

Barnes is a scholar-activist and proud native Houstonian. She is currently a full time Ph.D. student at the University of Houston studying Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. As a researcher, Yolanda is looking at the ways in which federal and state policies unintentionally create college access barriers for underserved student populations. Additionally, she is exploring the stigma that is often associated with attending a community college and the equitable pathways towards college affordability through sustainable resources and financial support. Professionally, she served as a leadership educator at Loyola University Chicago and the University of Houston-Clear Lake. As an educator, Barnes worked closely with students to provide space and opportunity to explore their leadership potential, social identities and calling to be justice-centered leaders. She also worked in Washington, D.C. for the National Association for Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), as their coordinator for student and new professional initiatives.

Barnes graduated from Texas A&M University (Whoop!) with a B.S. in psychology and a M.S. in educational administration. In her spare time, she enjoys reconnecting with the city that raised her, being a “cool aunt” to her nephew, watching soap operas with her grandmother, travelling and fighting against the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.


Bruner is a doctoral student in the Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies program. She received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Texas State University. She also has worked as an adult probation officer in Austin for one year before deciding to change career. Bruner began working as a law librarian in Fort Worth. After gaining a few years’ worth of experience there, she accepted a position as a reference & outreach librarian at Brazosport College in Lake Jackson. A year later she took over as the director for the library and learning services departments, a position held since December 2014. Cassie is also an advisor for the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society chapter on campus. Bruner wants to help remove the stigma on community college students and prove that they are just as successful and just as worthy of an education. Right now, her research interests include anything that has to do with community college transfer students, the benefits of student engagement outside of the classroom and the effects of campus culture on students. In her free time, she enjoys checking out new spots in Houston, watching movies, spending time with her 11-year-old chocolate lab and dancing.   


Johnson is a third year doctoral student in the Higher Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program. His research interest include understanding the social, economic, and wellness concerns of transitioning service members and veterans, and particularly the role of higher education in the transition experience. He currently serves as Chief of Staff of the University of Houston. Prior to coming to UH, Michael served in various administrative and leadership positions in enrollment management, student service and advancement at Purdue University, George Mason University and Northern Virginia Community College. He holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from The Citadel and a master’s degree in higher education from George Mason University.


Wingfield is a doctoral student in the Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies program. She had the pleasure of serving in positions on both the secondary and post-secondary side of education in the areas of leadership, program coordination, and student services. Wingfield also has teaching experience as a high school and college instructor. She currently serves as manager of articulation for Lone Star College where she can combine her secondary and post-secondary education experience managing P-16 initiatives and programs. It was while spending most of her career working with underserved students, that she came to broad research interest in the area of minority student access, persistence and completion at higher education institutions in relation to pre-college preparation. 

short bio phd student

Improve Your Student Bio Writing with Our Expert Examples

Table of Contents

As a student, you may not realize the importance of having a well-written bio, but trust us, it can make all the difference in your academic and professional journey. In this blog, we will provide you with expert examples and tips on how to craft a compelling student bio that will enhance your personal brand and make you stand out from the crowd.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Student Bio Writing:

As a student, your bio is an important tool for showcasing your academic achievements, skills, and experiences. It is often the first impression that potential employers, admissions committees, and scholarship providers will have of you. A well-written student bio can make a strong impact and set you apart from other applicants. However, many students make common mistakes when writing their bios, which can have a negative impact on their overall image. Identify Common Mistakes Made In Student Bio Writing:

Including irrelevant information:

One of the most common mistakes students make in their bios is including irrelevant information. This can include personal details, such as hobbies or favorite movies, that do not add any value to your bio. Remember, your bio should focus on your academic and professional achievements, not your personal interests.

Using generic language:

Another mistake students make is using generic language in their bios. This can make your bio sound boring and unoriginal. Avoid using cliches and instead, use specific and descriptive language to showcase your unique qualities and experiences.

Not proofreading:

Spelling and grammatical errors can make your bio appear unprofessional and careless. Always proofread your bio multiple times and have someone else read it as well to catch any mistakes you may have missed.

Writing in the third person:

Tips on how to avoid these mistakes:.

Focus on relevant information: When writing your bio, make sure to only include information that is relevant to your academic and professional achievements. This will help keep your bio concise and focused.

Be specific and use descriptive language:

Avoid using generic language and instead, use specific and descriptive language to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. This will make your bio more interesting and memorable.

Proofread multiple times:

Always proofread your bio multiple times and have someone else read it as well to catch any errors. This will ensure your bio is error-free and professional.

Write in the first person:

Writing in the first person will make your bio more personal and engaging for the reader. It will also help them connect with you on a more personal level. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your student bio is well-written and effective in showcasing your strengths and accomplishments.  

Elements of a Strong Student Bio:

As a student, your bio is an important tool for showcasing your academic and professional achievements. It is often the first impression that potential employers, scholarship committees, and academic advisors will have of you. Therefore, it is crucial to have a strong student bio that effectively highlights your skills, accomplishments, and goals.

Clear and Concise Introduction:

A strong student bio should begin with a clear and concise introduction that captures the reader’s attention. This introduction should include your name, your current academic status, and a brief overview of your interests and goals. Avoid using generic or cliché statements, and instead, focus on showcasing your unique qualities and passions. For example, “My name is Sarah and I am a junior majoring in Psychology. I am passionate about understanding human behavior and hope to pursue a career in counseling.”

Relevant Accomplishments:

One of the most important elements of a strong student bio is highlighting your relevant accomplishments. This can include academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and internships. Be sure to choose accomplishments that are relevant to your field of study or career goals. For example, if you are applying for a scholarship in the field of engineering, you may want to highlight your participation in a robotics club or your experience as a math tutor.

Professional Tone:

Practical tips for writing an engaging student bio:, use a conversational tone and showcase your unique personality and interests:.

Your student bio should reflect who you are as a person, not just your academic achievements. Use a conversational tone to make it more relatable and engaging for readers. Additionally, don’t be afraid to showcase your unique personality and interests. This will make your bio more memorable and help you stand out among other students.

Be concise and authentic:

Provide examples of your accomplishments and experiences:, use a creative format:.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to the format of your student bio. Instead of the traditional paragraph format, you can use bullet points, a timeline, or even a short story to make your bio more creative and attention-grabbing. Just make sure it still remains concise and easy to read.

Incorporate humor (if appropriate):

If you have a good sense of humor, don’t be afraid to incorporate it into your bio. This can make your bio more entertaining and memorable for readers. However, make sure the humor is appropriate and doesn’t come across as unprofessional.  

Utilizing Keywords in Your Student Bio:

Bio examples for students.

Do you feel intimidated when it comes to writing a bio as a student? It’s understandable – after all, you’re still growing your skills and may not have much professional experience yet. But don’t worry, creating an engaging bio doesn’t have to be a lengthy and detailed process.

For High School Students:

Meet John Smith – a talented high school senior with a passion for the written word. As the editor of his school’s newspaper, he fearlessly delves into the latest stories and issues. But that’s not all – John is also an avid reader and writer, always eager to explore new literary worlds and discover fresh perspectives.

His dedication to academic excellence has earned him a spot in the esteemed National Honor Society. With his curious spirit and unwavering drive, John is sure to make a meaningful impact wherever his literary journey takes him.

For College Students:

Meet Jane Doe, a dynamic junior at the prestigious University of California, Berkeley. Jane is a double major in economics and computer science, driven by her insatiable passion for solving the world’s toughest economic challenges.

For Graduate Students:

Meet Adam Jones, a brilliant PhD student who is paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future through his groundbreaking research. Based in the esteemed Department of Chemistry at the University of Washington, Adam is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of energy storage through the development of innovative materials.

When he’s not in the lab, this accomplished young scientist can be found tinkling the ivories on his beloved piano or conquering the great outdoors with exhilarating hikes through the majestic mountains. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Adam Jones and discover the passion, curiosity and creativity that fuels his remarkable achievements.

For Professional Students:

Sample bio examples for students.

Whether you’re a student applying to universities or just starting out in your career, it’s important to have a Bio that’s reflective of you. Here are some sample bio examples to get you started.

Example 1-5:

1 . Sarah is a committed and motivated student actively pursuing a degree in journalism. Her passion for storytelling and uncovering new perspectives has not only led her to attain valuable experience through an internship at a local newspaper, but has also driven her to establish her own successful blog. In addition to her academic pursuits, Sarah enjoys spending her free time hiking in the mountains and playing guitar.

2. David is a curious student with a passion for learning about different cultures. He is fluent in four languages and has lived in three different countries during his teenage years. While completing his degree in international relations, David volunteers as a tutor for refugees and asylum seekers. In his free time, he likes to cook traditional dishes from around the world. 3. Emma is a creative artist who makes magic with her paintbrushes. Her art style draws inspiration from nature and whimsical elements. Currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, Emma has been featured in several art exhibitions, and her artwork has been sold to collectors around the world. Outside the classroom, you can find her exploring museums and galleries. 4. Jonathan is a tech-savvy student with a fascination for coding. He is currently studying computer science and has already built his own mobile game app. Apart from coding, Jonathan enjoys exploring new technologies and experimenting with an Arduino in his spare time. He hopes to start his tech startup after graduation. 5. Rachel is a highly motivated student-athlete who demonstrates excellence both academically and athletically. As a standout midfielder on the varsity team, she has been recognized with multiple athletic scholarships. Additionally, Rachel is a distinguished straight-A student and distinguishes herself as the captain of the school’s debate team. During her leisure time, she enjoys engaging with intellectually stimulating materials such as books and documentaries.

Example 6-10:

6. Michael is a highly impressive and engaging student with a strong dedication to public speaking. His major of study is communication studies and he has achieved numerous national accolades for his exceptional persuasive speeches. Additionally, Michael is actively involved in theater productions and has displayed his talent for acting in several plays. Outside of his academic pursuits, he enjoys the cerebral challenge of playing chess and embarking on new travel adventures. 7. Emily is a caring and compassionate student who’s always there to lend a helping hand. She is pursuing a degree in nursing and volunteers at a children’s hospital every week. Emily is also a talented musician and plays the piano beautifully. In her free time, she likes to read classic novels and watch romantic comedies. 8. Jason is a brilliant student with a natural talent for mathematics. He is currently studying applied mathematics and has already published several research papers in academic journals. Jason is also a skilled pianist and has won several national competitions. Outside of class, he likes to play soccer and volunteer at a local soup kitchen. 9. Olivia is a creative writer with a vivid imagination. Pursuing a degree in English literature, Olivia has won several writing contests and published several short stories. Aside from her writing, Olivia enjoys painting and has recently started her own Etsy store selling her artwork. She loves spending time at the beach and collecting seashells. 10. Kevin is a highly committed and socially-aware student who is keen on creating a positive impact on the world. He is pursuing a degree in social work and has garnered extensive knowledge on social issues through his involvement with diverse non-profit organizations. Kevin dedicates his time to advocating for social justice, and he also volunteers at a homeless shelter in his free time. Additionally, he enjoys playing basketball as a recreational activity.

Example 10-15:

11. Lisa is a dedicated sophomore pursuing a degree in Zoology at XYZ University. She possesses a strong passion for conservation and has actively engaged with a local non-governmental organization for the last two years to aid in the protection of a wildlife reserve in the area. Lisa’s commitment to animal welfare is also evident through her volunteer work with the local Humane Society. As a member of the Student Environmental Action Coalition, she continues to champion environmental causes and spearhead efforts to protect the planet.

12. Emily holds a degree in History from XYZ University and has gained valuable experience as a research assistant over the course of the past year. She is proficient in working with both written and oral historical sources. In addition, Emily is an active member of the Student Environmental Action Coalition and is currently pursuing her master’s thesis on the historiography of environmentalism in Latin America.

13. John Smith is a third-year business major at XYZ University with a concentration in accounting. He is a member of the school’s accounting club and has completed internships at two top accounting firms. 14. Jane Doe is a senior English major at ABC College. She has been published in two literary magazines and was awarded a literary scholarship for her work. She hopes to pursue a career in publishing after graduation. 15. Michael Johnson is a sophomore biology major at LMN University. He spent his freshman year conducting research with a biology professor and presented his findings at a national conference.

Example 16-20:

16. Sarah Lee is a junior communications major at DEF College. She is the public relations coordinator for the student government association and has completed internships with several local media outlets. 17. David Williams is a senior psychology major at GHI University. He has volunteered for several mental health organizations and is passionate about advocating for individuals with mental illness. 18. Amanda Rodriguez is a third-year nursing student at JKL College. She has completed clinical rotations in pediatric and adult nursing and plans to become a pediatric nurse after graduation. 19. Ryan Chen is a senior computer science major at MNO University. He has designed and programmed several mobile apps and was awarded an internship at a major tech company. 20. Samantha Green is a sophomore marketing major at PQR College. She is the social media coordinator for the school’s marketing club and has completed a marketing internship at a fashion company.

Example 21-25:

21. Eric Davis is a proficient third-year architecture student who has gained valuable experience in designing community centers and residential buildings. He is an active member of the architecture club at STU University.

22. Lauren Baker is an accomplished junior art major at UVW College. Her artistic work has been showcased in a local gallery, and she has been recognized with a scholarship for her creative endeavors. She serves as the treasurer of the student art club.

23. Jared Patel is a capable senior finance major at XYZ University. He has completed internships at two major investment firms and has co-founded a personal finance blog.

24. Olivia Lee is a promising sophomore journalism major at ABC College. She has contributed to the school’s newspaper and is a part of the student.

25. Ethan Nguyen is a junior music major at LMN University. He has performed in several school concerts and hopes to become a music teacher after graduation.

Example 26 – 30:

26. Kristen Kim is a senior political science major at DEF College. She has interned for a state senator and is a member of the school’s political science club. 27. Mark Perez is a third-year engineering student at GHI University. He has completed design projects for a solar-powered car and a water filtration system, and is a member of the school’s engineering society. 28. Emily Sanchez is a sophomore education major at JKL College. She has volunteered at local schools and is passionate about promoting equitable access to education. 29. Jason Chen is an accomplished senior economics major at MNO University. He has demonstrated his expertise as a financial analyst for a nonprofit organization and has gained valuable experience through internships at major investment banks.

30. Rachel Kim is a dedicated third-year environmental science major at PQR College. She has conducted extensive research on the impact of pollution on marine life and is an active member of the school’s esteemed environmental club.

Example 31 – 35:

31. Andy Lee is a talented junior theater major at STU University. He has showcased his artistic talents in several notable school productions and aspires to pursue a successful career in acting upon graduation.

33. Jane Smith is a senior at XYZ University majoring in Marketing. She is a proactive and innovative student with a passion for creativity and strategic thinking. Jane has completed multiple internships and projects in the field and is determined to establish herself as a successful marketer. 34. John Doe is a dedicated Biology major at ABC University. He has a keen interest in research and has already conducted several research projects in the field of ecology, biodiversity, and conservation. John has published his research findings in various scientific journals and aims to pursue a career in academia. 35. Mary Johnson is an Electrical Engineering major at LMN College. She has a strong background in coding and programming and has worked on numerous coding projects both on and off-campus. Mary aims to be at the forefront of technology advancement and is determined to contribute her skills to the development of cutting-edge technology.

Example 36 – 40:

36. William Brown is a Finance major at PQR University. He has a keen interest in financial analysis and has completed multiple internships in investment banking firms. William is determined to apply his knowledge and skills in the financial sector and contribute to the growth and success of companies. 37. Elizabeth Taylor is a Creative Writing major at XYZ College. She is an avid reader and writer with a passion for storytelling. Elizabeth has had her creative work published in various literary magazines and journals and aims to become a successful novelist. 38. David Park is an Industrial Design major at ABC University. He is a creative and innovative student with a passion for product design and consumer behavior. David has completed multiple design projects and internships and aims to create new and exciting products that improve people’s lives. 39. Sarah Lee is a Computer Science major at LMN College. She is a skilled programmer and has won several coding competitions both on and off-campus. Sarah aspires to create innovative and cutting-edge software solutions that help businesses run more efficiently.

Example 41 – 50:

41. Emily Davis is a Graphic Design major at XYZ College. She is a creative and detail-oriented student with a passion for visual communication. Emily has worked on several design projects and internships and aims to create visually striking and effective branding solutions. 42. Jack Smith is a Mechanical Engineering major at ABC University. He is a skilled problem solver with a passion for innovative design solutions. Jack has completed several engineering projects and internships and aims to contribute to the development of cutting-edge technology that advances society. 43. Emma Chen is an Accounting major at LMN College. She has a keen eye for detail and a passion for numbers. Emma has completed multiple accounting internships and projects and aims to become a successful CPA. 44. James Nguyen is a Biology major at PQR University. He is a dedicated student with a strong interest in genetics and biotechnology. James has conducted multiple research projects and aims to pursue a career in genetic engineering. 45. Ashley Garcia is an Architecture major at XYZ College. She is a creative and detail-oriented student with a passion for sustainable design. Ashley has completed several architecture projects and internships and aims to create innovative and Eco-friendly spaces. 46. Alex Brown is a Political Science major at ABC University. He is a critical thinker with a passion for studying government and public policy. Alex has completed multiple political internships and aims to pursue a career in public service. 47. Rachel Lee is a Nutrition and Dietetics major at LMN College. She is a passionate and knowledgeable student with a strong interest in healthy eating habits. Rachel has completed multiple nutrition projects and internships and aims to become a successful registered dietitian. 48. Tyler Davis is a Civil Engineering major at PQR University. He is a skilled problem solver with a passion for infrastructure design. Tyler has completed multiple civil engineering projects and internships and aims to contribute to the development of sustainable infrastructure. 49. Samantha Nguyen is an Environmental Science major at XYZ College. She is a creative and detail-oriented student with a passion for environmental conservation. Samantha has completed several environmental projects and internships and aims to create innovative and sustainable solutions for environmental issues. 50. John Kim is a Philosophy major at ABC University. He is a critical thinker with a passion for studying morality and ethics. John has completed multiple philosophy projects and aims to pursue a career in academia.

Crafting a bio that perfectly showcases your unique set of skills, interests, and experiences can be a daunting task. But fret not, as with these expert examples, you can easily create a bio that not only highlights your accomplishments but also captivates your audience. From detailing the awards and honors you’ve earned to highlighting the clubs and organizations you’re a part of, every aspect of your life deserves to be beautifully depicted in your bio. So, let’s dive in and learn how to make your bio a true masterpiece. Crafting a compelling bio can make all the difference in landing your dream job or making a lasting impression. To create a standout bio, your focus should be on highlighting your most impressive accomplishments, awards, and experiences that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Then, capture their attention with a snappy paragraph (or two) that showcases your unique background, skills, and accomplishments. Think of it as a snapshot of who you are and what you can bring to the table. As you wrap up, don’t forget to sprinkle in those little extras that make you stand out, like your areas of expertise or fluency in different languages.

Why Writing Bio Examples for Students?

Tips for writing bio examples for students :.

Crafting a compelling bio example can be the key to unlocking exciting career opportunities. However, it can be a daunting task to create a bio that not only showcases your accomplishments but also captivates your audience. We’ve got you covered with some expert tips to help you craft a bio example that will inspire and leave a lasting impression on your target audience, whether you’re a student or seasoned professional. So, let’s dive in and get started!

2. Write about your experience. Start by telling the reader about your experience and how it has helped you. Share examples of what you’ve written, what you’ve done, and what you know.

3. Are you tired of reading boring and impersonal content? Then it’s time to get personal! Share your unique story and let your readers get to know the real you. Talk about the people and things that light up your life, as well as those that get under your skin.

By weaving in concrete examples, you can show your reader that you’re not just talking the talk, but walking the writing walk. So don’t shy away from including examples – they can be the secret weapon in your writing arsenal.

How to Write a Great Bio for Students ?

Whether you’re applying to colleges, scholarships, or just want to make a good first impression, you’ll want to write a great bio. A bio is the first impression your reader will have of you and it can make or break your application. There are a few things you should keep in mind when writing your bio: – Make sure your language is easy to read. – Use active and positive verbs. – Be concise. – Use a standard font and typeface.

Here are some tips on how to write a great bio example for students:

Importance of using keywords in your student bio:, tips on identifying and incorporating relevant keywords:, start with a brainstorming session:.

Take some time to think about your skills, experiences, and achievements. Make a list of words or phrases that best describe these qualities. This can include your major, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and career goals.

Research relevant keywords:

Use long-tail keywords:, incorporate keywords naturally:.

While it’s essential to include keywords in your bio, make sure they are incorporated naturally and do not sound forced. Your bio should still read smoothly and reflect your authentic voice.

How Using Keywords Can Improve Your Online Presence:

Using keywords in your student bio can have several benefits for your online presence. Firstly, it can help you rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential opportunities to find you. This can include internship or job opportunities, networking connections, or even potential collaborations. Secondly, incorporating keywords can also improve the overall quality and relevance of your bio. By using specific keywords, you are providing a clear and concise description of your skills and experiences, making it easier for readers to understand your profile. Lastly, utilizing keywords in your bio can also help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. By using relevant keywords, you are showcasing your knowledge and expertise, making you more attractive to potential opportunities.  

Tips for Keeping Your Student Bio Relevant and Up-to-Date:

Add new achievements:, remove outdated information:.

It is important to regularly review your student bio and remove any outdated information. This can include old experiences or achievements that are no longer relevant. Keeping your bio concise and up-to-date will make it more effective in showcasing your current skills and experiences.

Include Relevant Skills:

Update your profile picture:.

Your profile picture is often the first thing people see when they visit your bio. Make sure to update it regularly to reflect your current appearance and professionalism.

Benefits of a Well-Maintained Student Bio:

A well-maintained student bio can greatly benefit your academic and professional growth. It serves as a powerful marketing tool that can help you stand out among your peers. A strong bio can also increase your chances of being selected for opportunities such as scholarships, internships, or job interviews. Furthermore, a well-maintained student bio can showcase your progress and development. As you update it regularly, you can see how far you have come and the goals you have achieved. This can serve as motivation to continue striving for success. In addition, a well-maintained student bio can also improve your online presence. Many academic and professional opportunities now require a digital presence, and your bio is often the first thing that appears when someone searches for you. Keeping it updated and relevant can help you make a positive impression and stand out in a competitive market.


How to Write a Strong Care.Com Bio

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PhD Student Bios

2023 cohort.

Bridget Dobson

Bridget Dobson, BSN, RN is passionate about eliminating sexual health education disparities, specifically related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual violence prevention, and promoting inclusivity regarding sexual orientation. Her goal is to research best forms of providing sexual health education that empower people of all communities, orientations, and abilities to make informed decisions about their bodies. She is also interested in taking advantage of opportunities in health policy and global health at Duke. Coming from Louisville, Kentucky, Bridget worked for over 2 years as a trauma surgical intensive care nurse, where she was able to observe the impact that social determinants of health had on patient outcomes. During this time, Bridget was involved in implementing a “Trauma Informed Care” education module on the unit to improve cultural competence amongst nursing staff. She also served as a research assistant for UL Health’s Nursing Education Department, where we she assisted in the data collection and collaborative manuscript for the study: Institution-Wide Moral Distress Among Nurses: Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. Bridget learned lessons in active communication and importance of community engagement when she volunteered with Kentucky Refugee Ministries. There she assisted residents in acclimating to the city through resource and conversational English education. Bridget is inspired to get involved in Durham’s community and discover how her research goals can impact sexual health equity on a larger scale.

Molly Fitzpatrick

Molly Fitzpatrick, BSN, RN was drawn to nursing because of the profession’s unique ability to be present for some of life’s most significant moments. She graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Nursing Honors Program in 2020. There she researched adjuvant therapies in management of breast cancer pain and completed her honors thesis on post vicarious growth in NICU nurses. After graduation, she completed a nurse residency on a COVID/Neuro/Stroke floor at Boston Medical Center. Since then she has worked in the Emergency Department, starting at New York Presbyterian Columbia University Medical Center and most recently in Connecticut. She truly loves being an ED nurse but looks forward to returning to academia, and feels privileged to have the opportunity to do so at Duke. Molly chose to pursue a PhD in nursing because she believes nursing research has the potential to reduce health inequity, improve access to care, and improve the physical and mental well-being of our communities. While at DUSON, Molly hopes to focus her research on mental health in the pediatric and adolescent population, particularly in the school setting, and as it relates to social determinants of health.

Jolie Jemmott

Jolie S. Jemmott MSN, RN, PMHNP-BC earned her BSN in 2019 from Hampton University in Hampton, VA and her MSN in 2022 from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in Philadelphia, PA. She has been a nurse for the last 5 years working and has worked in the areas of colorectal and psychiatry. Over the last year, Jolie has worked as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, working specifically in community mental health adult outpatient services. Jolie is passionate about working with those in marginalized and vulnerable populations experiencing mental health challenges. She decided to pursue a career as a nurse scientist to become an expert in the psychological underpinnings of African American substance-abusing men with dual diagnoses and developing the most successful treatment approaches for them and their families. Moreover, she wants to explore strategies to reduce substance use behaviors among African American men. Jolie’s primary goal for doctorate level studies is to become a professor at a research-intensive university and develop a program of research that makes a difference in improving mental health and health equity of substance-abusing populations. Through her research, she hopes to build a research program that continues to advance nursing knowledge, contributes to the health of vulnerable, marginalized underrepresented communities around the globe, and shapes the future of nursing science and healthcare.

Caroline Kee

Caroline Kee, BSN, RN is interested in adolescent health and improving the treatment of patients with substance use disorders. Caroline graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing in 2023. In partnership with the Rollins School of Public Health and the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University, Caroline researched barriers to care for patients with substance use disorder at the pharmacy level and ED utilization in patients with substance use disorder. This work led her to complete an honors thesis exploring the compounding influence of race and substance use disorder on ED utilization in the acute care setting. During this time, Caroline also cultivated a passion for adolescent health at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society of Nursing and the Southern Nursing Research Society. While at Duke, Caroline plans to continue research on patients living with substance use disorder and adolescent health while exploring essential changes in the healthcare system surrounding treatment for these populations.

Osborn Owusu Ansah

Osborn Owusu Ansah, BSN, RN is a registered nurse from Ghana who has keen research interests in the fields of oncology and palliative care. He graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and has since gained significant nursing experience from working across different healthcare settings in both Ghana and the United Kingdom for the past four years. His passion for oncology and palliative care research stems from the worrying statistics on the high mortality rates associated with cancer in sub-Saharan Africa and the low number of opportunities available for individuals to extensively study on the merits of incorporating palliative care into the healthcare system in Africa. Osborn’s purpose for pursuing doctorate-level studies is to acquire competencies that will help him discover and develop cost-effective interventions that can enhance symptom management and well-being of people with cancer.

Somin Sang

Somin Sang, BSN, MSN , is dedicated to enhancing healthcare systems through systems engineering to ensure safety and efficiency. With an academic journey at the College of Nursing, Yonsei University in South Korea, Somin earned her BSN and MSN, laying a solid foundation for her pursuits. Her experience as a surgical nurse at the Seoul Asan Medical Center, coupled with her role as a nurse at the International Healthcare Center of Gangnam Severance Hospital, empowers her with a comprehensive perspective on patient care and global healthcare dynamics. Building on her clinical expertise, Somin's research focus lies at the intersection of patient safety and technology. Through her research, she aims to harness mobile monitoring data and electronic health records, to predict patient safety events and strategically intervene to mitigate patient harm.

Jill Sergison

Jill Sergison, MA, CNM, RN is a certified nurse-midwife with nearly 20 years of experience in maternal and family planning care. In addition to her clinical experience, Jill conducted novel contraceptive research at FHI360 to promote availability and sustainability of family planning services worldwide. She was the NC Director of Policy for a reproductive health organization before co-founding Points True North (PTN) Consulting in 2022 and is currently engaged in the implementation of pharmacist-initiated contraception in NC. She has many years of experience working with progressive organizations on a range of critical health, gender, racial and social justice issues and expertise in building coalitions and driving policy change. Notable recent policy achievements include work in the extension of Medicaid for Pregnant Women and 12-month dispensing of contraception through Medicaid. Jill is founder and Executive Director of North Carolina Nurses for Reproductive Rights and co-developed, dedicated to providing reproductive health access information to NC residents. She is tri-chair of NC’s Reproductive Life Planning group, board chair of the C4 arm of Pro-Choice NC, and member of the NC Perinatal Equity Collaborative. She obtained her BS from Wake Forest University and her MA from New York University.

Olivia Short

Olivia Short, BSN, RN joins DUSON after three years as a clinical research nurse on neurological and maternal-fetal medicine studies, two of those years with Duke School of Medicine. Her passion for research blossomed during her senior thesis, where she tested the impact of biofeedback videogaming on stress and anxiety in young adults. This experience, alongside her own journey with PTSD, highlighted the importance of considering both internal and external factors in addressing anxiety, especially in low resource environments. Healthcare systems and providers play an enormous role in determining the evolution of long-term health outcomes of anxiety, PTSD, and trauma. Olivia recognized the pressing need to establish networks of trauma-informed care environments, where individuals can safely and actively shape their healthcare experiences and avoid re-traumatization and delayed or inappropriate care. Her research interests center around understanding the healthcare experiences of survivors of interpersonal violence, particularly those dealing with chronic pain and PTSD, and addressing individual and systemic barriers to improved care coordination. With a passion for holistic sexual health, Olivia aims to incorporate education on violence prevention, power dynamics, autonomy, and pleasure within the trauma-informed framework. Outside of her professional endeavors, she enjoys spending quality time with her partner and their cat Nutmeg. She spends as much time as she can doing activities that fill her cup such as cooking, reading fiction, camping, hiking, dancing, and playing piano.

Tamia Walker Atwater

Tamia Walker-Atwater BSN, RN, CNRN , is a recipient of the Duke University Dean's Graduate Fellowship and has a passion for intimate partner violence research. She began her nursing career in 2018 at the University of Virginia Health System in acute care neurology. During her time here, she explored her passion for research through several initiatives with stroke, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury patients, developing models for safer practice across the care continuum. Born from her professional and personal experience, her research interest includes exploring the intersection of neuroscience, nursing education, and intimate partner violence—a field in which she has already co-authored published work. Through her research, she aims to develop models for the healthcare profession that help to explore and define the landscape of neuroscience nursing research.

2022 Cohort

Patty Alonso

Patricia (Patty) Alonso, MSN, FNP-BC, RN-BC, CNOR(E) is dedicated to finding health care access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for patients at high-risk of HIV transmission globally. Her learning experience at Duke in the ABSN and MSN programs plus work on multiple different specialties at Duke Health has fostered her interest in HIV and global health care. She obtained both her Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree and Masters of Science of Nursing as Family Nurse Practitioner with and HIV concentration at the Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON). Patty looks forward to completing her PhD as well, becoming a triple Duke grad! During her time at Duke, she has worked in-patient, outpatient and as a telehealth triage nurse for COVID and Endocrinology. This has given her a broad view into how nursing works on many levels but has also helped to foster her desire to study HIV by seeing the health disparities in the healthcare system. In addition to her work as a staff nurse at Duke Health, she has been a Clinical Instructor at DUSON for several years. She especially enjoys teaching the beginning nursing students how to complete basic nursing skills and learn the tricks of the trade to becoming a novice nurse. In her spare time, Patty enjoys reading books that are not required by school, baking pastries and being able to spend time with her family.

Elena Bregier

Elena Bregier, MSN-Ed, BSN , is passionate about providing equitable care for pediatric congenital cardiac populations. She has volunteered for over a decade to help provide sustainable surgical access for children with congenital heart disease around the world. Elena is committed to improving equitable, comprehensive care for this vulnerable population. While obtaining her BSN, Elena achieved the Outstanding Student Award at Michigan State University. After a decade of bedside practice, international volunteerism, and travel nursing, Elena obtained her MSN for education and worked as an academic specialist for West Coast University, Los Angeles, to support the persistence and outcomes of accelerated BSN students. Elena remains actively involved as a writer and volunteer mentor in the non-profit organization Be1Support1 to promote the success of new graduate nurses.

Patricia Buzelli

Patricia G. Buzelli, MSN, BA, AGNP-C is a recipient of Duke University's Dean's Graduate Fellowship and has a research interest in in improving care for Latinx immigrant families living through the loss of a child to cancer, focusing on asset framing and resiliency. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, Patricia has wielded her lived experiences to guide her academic and clinical pursuits over the last decade. She graduated Suma Cum Laude from the University of Massachusetts Boston with a psychology degree, where she worked as a research assistant in the Gaston Institute for Latino Community Development, was in the first cohort of the Health Equity Scholars Program, and worked on a Brazilian transnational project.  Having always wanted to pursue a career in nursing, she then attended Johns Hopkins University for her BSN and MSN-NP where, as a research honors student and Fuld Fellow, she completed a capstone project analyzing racial difference in religious coping and depressive symptoms by extrapolating data from an end-of-life decision-making trial. Patricia has since been immersed in clinical practice as a Nurse Practitioner where she has developed her expertise in hematology oncology and captured the practice challenges that remain in providing equitable care for immigrant populations.

Lisa Carnago

Lisa Carnago, FNP-C, MSN, BSN, RN aspires to develop health care innovations addressing chronic pain among patients and opioid prescribing behaviors among providers. Her prior clinical experience as a nurse in multiple settings, ranging from Intensive care, Emergency Department and Cardiac Care Units, and her personal experience of having a family member with a painful autoimmune condition has informed her perspectives on pain management, stigma, and health care navigational pitfalls.  In 2016, she obtained her MSN with a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) concentration from James Madison University (JMU), where she was selected for the Virginia Nurse Advocate Health Policy Fellowship.  She then began her FNP career as a Rheumatology Nurse Practitioner at Duke Health, which has greatly informed her perspective of the chronic autoimmune condition, chronic pain, and pain management needs, including opioid prescribing.  Through her leadership, she has created team-based work flows and processes to improve the uptake of risk mitigation strategies for opioid use and increased the understanding of opioid pain management approaches needed to improve the health and well-being of individuals experiencing chronic pain. She also participates on multiple Duke Health System committees including the safe opioid prescribing and optimal management groups, which are working towards system level improvements in pain management.

Margaret Fletcher

Margaret Fletcher, BSN, RN graduated summa cum laude from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2013 with an Honors Bachelor of Science in Nursing. During her time in school, she completed an honors thesis on nursing perspectives related to parental presence during invasive procedures in pediatric patients. She has since worked in various settings, with patients of all ages and across multiple levels of acuity, but was most inspired by her patients in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. The advances in this relatively new field are remarkable, however the neurologic sequelae for these patients can be profound and have a significant ongoing impact on quality of life. Margaret chose to pursue a PhD in nursing in hopes of improving long term quality of life for children following intensive care admission, congenital heart disease, and other experiences which place them at a higher risk of neurodevelopmental ramifications.


Donghwan Lee, BSN, RN graduated in 2018 with a BSN from Gyeongsang National University and worked as a registered nurse in the PACU of the Seoul Asan Medical Center. For four years working as a PACU nurse, he had participated in more than 1000 cases of surgeries. He noticed that patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) have a higher risk of complications and poorer prognosis after surgery, and were more likely to have higher hospitalization costs. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, he also witnessed how cardiovascular disease negatively affected patients’ outcomes and quality of life. Health disparities severely affect health outcomes of CVD patients, especially those who are marginalized in other ways in society, such as limited access to education or health resources. He is passionate about developing mHealth technologies that are easy to use for the elderly and other medically high-risk individuals through health literacy measurements that are specific for CVD patients and can later be applied to a wider variety of people. Through his research, he aims to develop interventions that can resolve personal, technical, and contextual related factors to break down the barriers to the application of mHealth for these populations. 

Mirlene Perry

Mirlene Perry, MSN, BSN, RN has been a cardiac nurse for the last 15 years and has worked at Johns Hopkins and Duke Hospitals. She received her BSN at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA and her MSN at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore MD. Originally from Haiti, she was a surgical and community health nurse at the Hospital Albert Schweitzer in rural Haiti before relocating to the US. Although she has been committed to providing direct patient care, Mirlene decided to pursue a career as a nurse scientist to address her passion for community-based primary health care in low-and middle-income countries. Mirlene’s purpose for undertaking doctorate-level studies is to acquire competencies that will help her to be an advocate for programs that can improve the health and well-being of mothers and children who are dying from readily preventable and treatable conditions-- still more than 10 million per year (including stillbirths).  Her main goal is to translate her nursing knowledge and her global health experience to develop and scale interventions addressing maternal and child health disparities and chronic health conditions using a bottom-up and task-shifting approaches that empower communities to improve their own health.


Julia Slack, BSN, RN is passionate about reducing the symptom burden for those suffering from cancer. Her interest in oncology symptom science started as a young girl watching her grandmother undergo treatment for breast cancer and the negative impact a high symptom burden had on quality of life.  Julia graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the Emory University Nell Hodgson School of Nursing in 2022. During her time at Emory, she further cultivated her passion for oncology research through her time spent in the Bai Laboratory investigating the biopsychosocial mechanisms of cancer symptoms. This work led her to complete an honors thesis focused on the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and fatigue in black women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Julia has presented her work at multiple scientific conferences and published in several leading journals such as Nature Communications and the Journal of Virology. She also is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society of Nursing and the Southern Nursing Research Society. While at Duke, Julia plans to continue researching the physiological and biological pathways that contribute to the symptom experience for those dealing with cancer in order to better inform interventions.  

2021 Cohort

Maryam Al-Mujtaba

Maryam Al-Mujtaba MPH, BSN, RN, RM, PGDip, PGCert has research interests in the health of adolescents living with HIV, interventions to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality in resource-limited settings, cancer screening in medically underserved populations, cancer survivorship, and HIV treatment in adult populations. Since 2010, Maryam has led/significantly contributed to the coordination, administration and management of health and research programs in Nigeria and Canada. In Nigeria, she coordinated the first nurse-led 'see and treat' cervical cancer screening program (which screened over 3,000 women for cervical cancer in two years). In Canada, as a research associate at Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), Maryam led the analysis and report writing of data from 25 interviews with Aboriginal Canadians on barriers and facilitators to cancer screening. Maryam has extensive experience working on qualitative and quantitative studies and she has presented her work at international scientific conferences, and published in several leading journals, such as PLOS One , BMC Infectious Diseases and Journal of AIDS and HIV Research and Biomed Research International .

Katie Brooks

Katie Brooks, DNP, AGPCNP-BC has clinical expertise in geriatric care and has a deep passion for providing high-quality, individualized, age-appropriate care for all patients. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with her BSN from Auburn University in 2014. Her background as a registered nurse on an Ortho/Neuro surgical floor sparked her interest in the unique care of the older adult population. She furthered her knowledge by obtaining her Adult-Gerontological Primary Care Nurse Practitioner degree at Vanderbilt University, followed by a year-long Internal Medicine fellowship in Charlotte, North Carolina. While working as a primary care provider in an internal medicine clinic, Katie sought to further improve her practice through the pursuit of her Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree from Duke University. During this time, she implemented a quality improvement project that focused on dementia screening in the primary care setting while simultaneously working with faculty on their research as part of an independent study elective. It was through these experiences that she recognized the distinctive and important role of a nurse scientist while concurrently seeing how her training and passion for the older adult population would allow her to bring a unique practice perspective to her research. Throughout her training at Duke, Katie strives to continue her pursuit of ensuring all older adults receive the highest level of age-appropriate and evidence-based care.

Sarah Janek

Sarah Janek, BSN, RN, ACRN has an interest in research focused on sexual health disparities related to race and sexuality within the LGBTQ+ community. Sarah’s past research focused on HIV prevention for black and Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men using technological integration with at-home testing.  She was introduced to this field as an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan School of Nursing Honors Program. Sarah studied qualitative research methods and how cultural competence intertwines with research study recruitment. After graduating in 2020, she began clinical work as an RN at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago on an orthopedic/trauma unit. On a unit that later transitioned into a COVID-19 step-down intensive care unit, Sarah witnessed first-hand how health disparities affect various populations depending on backgrounds and experiences. To seek leadership opportunities, Sarah became a HIV/AIDS Certified Registered Nurse (ACRN), and she trained to be a Skin Champion for her unit, performing audits, educating staff, and caring for patients to prevent pressure injuries. While caring for LGBTQ+ patients at Northwestern, she gained additional clinical experiences with the community and volunteered at Howard Brown Health in downtown Chicago during this time. Sarah’s academic, professional, and philanthropic experiences led her to pursuing a career in research full-time to mitigate health disparities.

Shewit Jaynes

Shewit Jaynes, MSPH, BSN, RN is passionate about improving health outcomes for all birthing people by eliminating health disparities. Her work experience as a postpartum nurse sparked her interest in critically evaluating health policies that impact her patients' lives. She obtained her MSPH from UNC Chapel Hill in the department of Health Policy & Management. During her time at UNC, she worked on various maternal health projects including conducting a policy analysis for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) on how to reduce maternal mortality among Black women. In addition, Shewit served as a research assistant for the UNC Collaborative for Maternal and Infant Health where she conducted qualitative video coding. Shewit has been actively involved in various diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. She helped form the Health Policy & Management Student Equity Collective, a student-led organization dedicated to creating, promoting, and sustaining equity within the department. In addition, she co-chaired the largest and longest running student-led health conference, the Minority Health Conference.

Youran Lee

Youran Lee, MSN, BSN, RN is passionate about research on caring for vulnerable cancer survivors in the community using innovative technology. She dreamed of becoming a nurse when she watched her mother who loved nursing and was very proud to be a nurse. Youran broadened her understanding of humanity and diversity through various volunteer activities. During a volunteering experience in Ethiopia, she witnessed the need for nursing care in a challenging environment. To decrease health disparities, she volunteered in developing countries such as Malaysia, Cambodia, and Tanzania, sensing a global need for nursing care. After graduating with her BSN, she worked as a cancer ward nurse at Asan Medical Center in Korea. While working as a nurse in the gastric cancer ward, academic curiosity to provide high-quality care to patients through evidence-based nursing led her to study for her master’s degree in nursing. During her master’s studies she participated in a study funded by the Korean government to establish intensive care unit in nursing homes. Her role on this project was to educate nursing staff, develop nursing manuals, draft web-based questionnaires, collect and analyze the data, and write reports. Through this project, she contributed to the change of health policies in nursing home facilities. This research experience led her to desire more advanced training in research. In addition, an unexpected life event further motivated Youran when she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. As a cancer survivor, having direct experience in dealing with a challenging and unexpected diagnosis allowed her to connect with patients with a deeper understanding. Through her doctoral program at Duke, she hopes to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors, and to contribute to better health outcomes by bringing together knowledge, science, professional compassion, and personal empathy.

Christian Noval

Christian “Ian” Noval, MCR, BSN, RN, CCRN is from the Cordilleras in the Philippines. He completed his bachelor’s degree in nursing from the Far Eastern University (Cum Laude) in 2006 and has since practiced as a registered nurse. His nursing experience extends from working across different healthcare settings to include: the Philippines, the United Arab of Emirates, the United Kingdom, and most recently in the United States. This experience across different healthcare systems has helped him to better understand how belief and culture affects patient care. As a registered nurse, he has worked as an infection prevention nurse, a case manager, a mentor and preceptor for nursing students and entry-level nurses, and recently as the Lead Research Nurse for a COVID-19 drug trial at the University of Texas Health-Houston. Christian’s research interest started when he was working in the NHS (United Kingdom) and contributed to clinical trials from the University of Edinburgh and the Ohio State University where he completed his master’s in clinical research (MCR). Christian is a certified critical care nurse (CCRN) and a member of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI), and the Texas Emergency Medicine Research Center (TEMRC). As he joins Duke University School of Nursing PhD in Nursing program, his research focus is on palliative care in a critical care environment. He believes that patients in a high acuity environment should be able to decide the path of their care and should receive competent and compassionate care from their healthcare providers, wherever they fall within the health-illness continuum.

Paige Synesael

Paige Randall MS, BSN, RN, CNE has been a Registered Nurse since 2013. She received her MS in Nursing Education and BSN from Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. Paige’s clinical background is in cardiac and emergency nursing. She started working as a nurse educator in 2016 in upstate NY, and moved to Raleigh, NC in December 2019 where she continued to work as a nurse educator at a community college. Paige has a certification in nursing education and received the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Faculty in 2018. Her research interests during her master’s program were focused on the topic of self-directed learning (SDL) in nursing students and educators. During her doctoral studies, she is interested in exploring how resilience impacts the transition to practice experience among newly graduated nurses. She is also interested in using innovative qualitative data collection techniques such as online photovoice and virtual focus groups. Paige is a board member of the North Carolina Nurse’s Association, the National League for Nursing, and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Demy Wang

Dingyue (Demy) Wang, BSN, RN is originally from Kunming, China. She moved to Atlanta in 2017 and completed her BSN at Emory University. Demy loves bedside nursing, but as she explored various research opportunities, she found her passion in nursing research, a field that delves into the science of human health and health-related behaviors. Demy’s experience working with gerontological patients has provided her with invaluable insight and guided the decision to concentrate on caregivers, who have a pivotal role in patient care but are increasingly susceptible to experiencing caregiver stress, often resulting in becoming the “second patient.” Her current research is centered around understanding how caregivers perceive and cope with stress (caregiving stress appraisal) and how the stress appraisal process impacts their cognitive well-being. Looking ahead, Demy’s research objectives include the development of interventions aimed at fostering effective stress management, promoting healthy cognitive function, and enhancing the quality of life for caregivers. The overarching goal is to improve patient and family outcomes while advancing health equity through the creation of innovative educational models, training programs, and support systems designed to equip caregivers with both technical and adaptive skills essential for effective home care.

2020 Cohort

Suzanne Frisbee

Suzanne M. Frisbee is a Raleigh, North Carolina native. She graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Neuroscience from East Carolina University in 2012. She completed her senior thesis on the brain wave activity of a mindfulness meditation stress reduction intervention in college students. She also participated in the National Science Foundation's Mechanisms of Behavior Neuroscience summer program where she researched the impact of stress and addiction on specific brain regions. Suzanne returned to school at Duke University's School of Nursing as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation scholar. Supporting herself through nursing school, she worked in a behavioral neuroscience lab in the Bowels Center for Alcohol Studies at UNC Chapel Hill. There, she worked on research regarding the interceptive effects of alcohol and nicotine on drug seeking behaviors and relapse after a stressful event. She graduated with honors with her BSN in 2016. She began her nursing career as an Operating Room registered nurse and has since become a certified perioperative nurse (CNOR). Her involvement in post-operative pain assessment surveys has influenced her current research interests. Her aim is to combine her neuroscience background in stress and addiction with her nursing knowledge. Particularly, how stressful environments and/or events in one's past impacts their susceptibility to addiction, the health outcomes of addictive behaviors and preventive measures that can be taken in order to ensure that addictive behavior does not develop in adolescence and carry on into adulthood.

Kimberlee Grier

Kimberlee Grier, BSN, RN, CHPN, PhD Candidate  graduated summa cum laude from the University of Texas at Austin where she received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. She has worked with both chronically ill adults and children, finding her passion in pediatric hospice and palliative care, specifically community-based care. She was dually nationally certified as a Certified Hospice and Palliative Pediatric Nurse and a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse . Through her experience at work, she became highly motivated to contribute to the research of priority populations, including pediatric patients and families. She has published in the Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing as well as presented at both US and international conferences. In line with her desire to help vulnerable populations, Kim has been a foster parent in Durham since 2017. She is a co-founder and co-chair of Fostering Families, a non-profit organization that advocates for meaningful system change and strives to empower foster parents and their families. Kim is also on the family council for North Carolina Integrated Care for Kids. In her work as a foster parent, she became cognizant of the significant policy and practice gaps that exist regarding mental health access and equity for children in foster care. Her interest in health policy and passion for advocating for vulnerable pediatric populations led her to the Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy where she was chosen as a Margolis Honors Scholar. She was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau Honors Society. Kim is an avid equestrian and enjoys being in nature with her spouse and four children. During her time at Duke, she plans to integrate her foster care and mental health aspirations with health policy so vulnerable and underserved families can benefit.

Ashleigh Harlow

HyunBin You earned her BSN (2015, Cum Laude) and MSN (2019) from Seoul National University, South Korea. She worked as a nurse in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea (2015-2019). While practicing as a nurse, she provided the best possible patient-centered care to improve ICU patients' health outcomes during their critical point in life and got interested in patient and family experience. During her time at SNU, she investigated the influencing factors of the satisfaction of ICU families elaborating their anxiety and critical care needs of ICU families on her masters' thesis. She then transitioned herself as a research assistant of Chronic Care Research Lab at SNU (2019-2020) where she found great enthusiasm in research. More recently, her research interests focus on resilience and transitional care of the adult ICU patients. She plans to continue supporting patients and their families to have a better experience maximizing resilience at their critical point of life through her research here at Duke University School of Nursing.

2019 Cohort

Nicole Caviness-Ashe

2018 Cohort

Kaitlyn Daly

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How to write a short bio?

Hey y'all, I need some tips. For my TA job, I have to write a short paragraph introducing myself to my students. It will be posted along with my contact info on the homepage of the course I'm teaching. Does anyone have advice on what to include in it? I've written about where I'm from and where I did my undergrad, but I'm at a bit of a loss for other important and relevant things to add. Thanks in advance!


College Life 03.26.14

Professional bio-writing 101.

short bio phd student

How to Write a Professional Bio as a College Student.

A well-written bio is a great tool to have in your professional toolkit. Whether for a job application, networking event, or as an introduction for future employers, your bio is a great way to share who you are and highlight your accomplishments. It can also be a great addition to your LinkedIn profile’s “Summary” section.

Depending on your year in college, your biography will vary in length and topics. For example, a senior may have more work or internship experience to write about than a first-year student, and can describe his/her job roles, skills, and professional interests. On the other hand, first-year students could focus their bio on their background, educational goals, and hobbies. In both cases, your bio should craft an engaging narrative that emphasizes your interests and personality.

Bios are written in the third person and are typically one or two paragraphs, depending on your level of experience. Your bio should start with your name and a quick sentence that describes your basic background. This can include your college, year in school, academic focus, and professional interest. Your bio should be brief, concise, and clear.

Establish a Background Story

Highlighting your background will give the reader an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of your personal narrative, which may not be evident on your resume. Also, consider including recent events, such as studying abroad or volunteering. Find a couple of moments in your life that have impacted your identity or interests, and briefly, mention them. This will personalize your bio and help you stand out from your peers.

Explain Your Interests

Next, you will want to elaborate on your interests. For students with a significant amount of professional experience, this will focus more on career goals. If you don’t feel you have enough job experience to write about or are not sure about your professional goals, describe your academic or extracurricular interests. Feel free to add any hobbies that highlight your uniqueness, such as painting, running marathons, or cooking. Remember, your personal biography is an area to describe your personality that is not as easily communicated on your resume.

Emphasize How You Can Add Value

Lastly, you want to end on a high note by emphasizing how you can add value. Depending on where you use this bio, this sentence or two can refer to adding value to a company, team, or event. Highlight your unique talents and skills that would interest your audience. Rather than explicitly stating, “I can add value by…,” share this message subtly. You want your reader to understand that you are a well-rounded individual and professional who can contribute significant knowledge and experience.

There is no order to include all of this information. Play with the format and see what works best for your narrative. Although it can be difficult to summarize your life in one paragraph, this is a useful tool for crafting a positive image of yourself for potential professional networks. Below are two examples:

Example 1 (for first-years and sophomores):

Alison Johnson is finishing her first year at DePaul University where she is interested in business. Although she has yet to declare a major, she’s considering finance or marketing. After watching her parents run a restaurant for years, she knew at a very young age that she also wanted to go into business. In high school, Alison waited tables at the family restaurant during the summer and was fascinated by the many working parts it takes to operate a successful business. From this experience, she learned the value of hard work, efficiency, and communication. In the future, she hopes to continue her parents’ legacy and run her own five-star restaurant in downtown Chicago. Alison spends her spare time singing in her church choir and cooking for friends and family.

Example 2 (for juniors and seniors):

Jared Smith is a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he is majoring in International Studies with a concentration in Latin America. His interest in international development began during the fall semester of 2012 when he had the opportunity to study abroad in Peru. He learned about the inequalities affecting indigenous communities, experienced the Peruvian culture, and became proficient in Spanish. Inspired by this international experience, Jared interned with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, conducting research on food security in Latin America. Jared aspires to pursue a career in international development and write policy for a government agency. When he is not busy reading about current affairs in Latin America, he enjoys playing intramural basketball and training for the Chicago marathon.

More Resources

4 Steps to Writing a Professional Bio, Huffington Post

How to Write a Professional Bio, PROF KRG

6 Must-haves for Writing a Compelling Professional Bio, People Results

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Graduate writing fellow bios.

(offering consultations in Winter and Spring 2024)

Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology

Academic writing, STEM writing, Grant writing, Writing process, Revision strategies


 Bachelor of Science in Biology, Brown University


Mattea is a Ph.D. candidate in Ecology. Her research focuses on human impacts in aquatic ecosystems. Mattea is passionate about justice-oriented and community-engaged research. As a facilitator for the Asking Different Questions program (sponsored by the Feminist Research Institute), she works with researchers across disciplines to develop reflexivity about research culture and practices.

Mattea has completed coursework in scientific writing at UC Davis and has experience writing and reviewing applications, proposals, and manuscripts. She received an NSF GRFP Fellowship for her proposed graduate research. Mattea looks forward to working with her peers to facilitate the writing process and build community across disciplines.

(offering consultations in Winter and Spring 2024)


Academic writing, Grant proposals, Journal articles, Abstracts, Writing structure, Literature review

M.A. Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton / B.S. Geography, B.A. Spanish, Minor Environmental Studies, Illinois State University 

English, Spanish, French

 As an Anthropology Ph.D. student, Bradley's research focus centers on primatology, particularly within the realms of gorilla conservation and sustainable development in the Republic of the Congo. He possesses a deep passion for cultures, languages, and wildlife. His path to UC Davis was paved by his previous experiences studying abroad in Spain, serving as a Peace Corps Environmental Educator volunteer in Paraguay, and researching primate welfare while working as a double-decker bus tour guide at the San Diego Zoo.

Bradley has a diverse writing portfolio that includes a master’s thesis, a peer-reviewed journal manuscript, grant proposals, résumés, and cover letters. He has excelled in several intensive writing courses, helped edit his professor's book on primate socioecology, composed a blog post for the UC Davis Animal Behavior Graduate Group, and taught English on two continents. Bradley finds the writing process to be the most enjoyable aspect of research and aims to instill the same sense of enjoyment in students. He is enthusiastic about helping people convey their message to the world with compelling, concise, and effective written communication.

offering consultations in Summer Session II, 2024)

Biological Systems Engineering

Academic writing, STEM writing, Non-native
English writing, Writer’s block, Non-academic writing, and Public speaking


M.S. Biological Systems Engineering, UC Davis / B.S. Food and Agricultural Engineering, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)  

English, Spanish, Catalan, French

 Alice is a Ph.D. candidate in Biological Systems Engineering. Her research focuses on designing desiccant-drying systems for agricultural commodities. In addition, as part of the UC Davis D-lab team, Alice works with international community partners on projects related to agriculture, renewable energy, sustainability, and energy efficiency.

Alice has studied writing theory and practice through several courses at UC Davis, the Gotham Writers' Workshop (NYC), and the NASW David Perlman Mentorship Program. Alice is passionate about making science accessible to general audiences. In 2022, Alice won the UC Davis Grad Slam Competition with a 3-min pitch on her dissertation research. Alice has an interdisciplinary approach to her work, and she loves to exchange ideas and practices with fellow graduate students across all disciplines and backgrounds. She looks forward to helping other students find their own writing process and accomplish their personal and professional goals.   

(offering consultations in Winter and Spring 2024)

Animal Sciences

Academic writing, STEM writing (grant proposals, review papers, research manuscripts), Creative non-fiction, Non-academic writing, Writing process


Bachelor of Arts, Pomona College

English, Spanish

Kay is a PhD student in Ecology. She studies how social behavior mediates the impact of climate change on seabird nesting success. Her goal is to use behavioral methods to improve species outcomes and contribute to the conservation of seabirds globally. In the future, she hopes to work for an organization like her collaborator, the National Audubon Society Seabird Institute (NASSI), that combines science with policy and outreach. Since 2021, Kay has represented NASSI for interviews with Science Friday, Facebook and Instagram livestreams on the National Audubon Society Account, as well as print outlets including the National Geographic Society magazine and the American Prospect. She strongly believes that science “dies in darkness” and originally chose to pursue STEM so one day she could write about it.

At Davis, Kay is an editor for the Aggie Brickyard, as well as an active member of the GGE Diversity Committee. She is excited to expand her community here and learn about what everyone is working on!

(offering consultations in Spring 2024 and Summer Session I)


English as a second language writing, Multilingual writing, Academic writing, Professional writing, Writing for publication, Grant/Fellowship writing, Writing process, Revision strategies

M.A. in Linguistics, UC Davis / B.A. Linguistics and French, Emory University

English, Spanish, French

Sophia is a Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistics with a Designated Emphasis in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Studies. She has studied and conducted research in France, Mexico, and Spain. Her research investigates second language learning and teaching, with a focus on writing development and immersive study abroad. At UCD, Sophia has taught classes geared toward honing students’ writing and English as a second language skills. She speaks and writes in English, Spanish, and French, and is delighted to draw on participants’ full linguistic repertoires during consultations.

Sophia has experience publishing in social sciences journals, including   and  . She looks forward to sharing knowledge garnered from writing term, preliminary, and qualifying papers; composing grant applications; communicating in academic and professional settings; and writing while studying internationally to support grad student writers. When she’s not providing writing consultations, Sophia can be found picnicking at the Davis Farmer’s Market or hiking around Northern California. Sophia greatly values helping grad students to accomplish their academic and professional goals through our writing consultations. 

(offering consultations in Summer Session II 2024)

Comparative Literature

Academic writing, Creative writing, Grant writing, Abstracts, Writing process, Writer's block

M.A. in Comparative Literature, UC Davis / MFA in Creative Writing, Columbia University / B.A. in English & Comparative Literature, American University in Cairo / B.A. in Sociology, American University in Cairo

English, Arabic, Italian 

Jihan is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literature. Her research focuses on fear in Egyptian literature and its many adaptations in film and streaming media. She is also interested in the ways that communication infrastructures influence media. She has experience with multidisciplinary research in English, Arabic, and Italian. 

Before coming to UCD, Jihan obtained her MFA in Creative Writing, where she conducted workshops, a reading series, and writing groups. For the past three years, she has taught writing-intensive courses for the Comparative Literature department. She is excited to learn from other graduate students' work and support them through the writing process.


(not offering consultations in Winter or Spring 2024)

 International Agricultural Development

Academic writing, Grant writing, Science communication, SOPs


B.A. Music & Humanities, Minor is Literatures in English, UC San Diego


Juliet is a master’s student in International Agricultural Development (IAD). Her studies are interdisciplinary, exploring gender and racial equity in marginalized agricultural communities. She is also a Lead Student Breeder with SCOPE, focusing on celtuce crop, managing their Instagram account, and a research assistant with cultural memory banking project with AAPI farmers. 

Between her undergraduate and graduate work, Juliet has built a career in the specialty coffee industry for almost two decades –this has entailed working in quality control and sensory work to roasting coffee. Coffee has sent her to some of the most beautiful places in the world, including Guatemala, Myanmar, and Ethiopia. She is the co-author of a future coffee encyclopedia book with ABC Clio. 

Juliet has written several articles for coffee publications and is listed as a co-author of four academic papers in collaboration with the UC Davis Coffee Center.  In addition to writing, she was the main editor of the third edition lab manual for the popular coffee class on campus ECH 1 .  Having TAed for the writing course PLS 7v for a year, she has a lot of practice breaking down dense writing practices with clarity –this course made her realize she loves to teach writing. She looks forward to helping you write your story.

(offering consultations in Winter and Spring and Summer Session I 2024)


Academic writing, business writing, persuasion, writing structure, short-form writing


 B.A. History, San Diego State University / M.A. International Studies, UC San Francisco / M.A. Sociology, UC Davis

 English, Thai, Spanish

Michael is a Ph.D. student in the Sociology Department. His research looks at the intersection of inequality and policy, and his current project explores the racialized reception of climate refugees in the United States. Michael has extensive international experience, spending much of his pre-Davis time living and working in other countries across the globe. Specifically, Michael worked as an English teacher in Thailand and a writer for a digital media company in Colombia, where he developed his writing ability alongside Thai and Spanish language skills.

Due to this career in digital media, education, and academia, Michael is comfortable writing in a wide variety of contexts, from short-form blogs to full-length academic publications. He is excited to share his knowledge with other graduate students. 

20+ Student Biography Examples

Welcome to the world of students! We have created an amazing collection of 30 student biography examples to help you write your own.

As a student, you are likely to be writing a variety of biographical pieces. Whether you are writing a personal profile for your CV, a biography for an awards application or a biography for a college admissions essay, it’s important that you construct an interesting and engaging narrative of who you are.

Student Biography Examples

1. Growing up I was always interested in the sciences and technology. In high school, I excelled in math and science classes, which led me to pursue a degree in engineering. I went on to earn my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and am currently working on my Master’s in Civil Engineering. After I finish my degree, I plan to use my knowledge to help improve infrastructure in developing countries.

2. Since a young age, I have been passionate about helping people in need. During college, I decided to focus my studies on sociology and political science. I used my knowledge to take action and participated in several non-profit organizations to promote social justice. With the help of internships, I have also gained experience in policy development and public relations. I’m currently working on a graduate degree in Social Work and aim to eventually work for the United Nations .

4. I never thought that I had the ability to become a professional photographer, but my high school photography teacher pushed me to pursue my dreams. I learned how to use a variety of cameras, develop photographs, and post-process my images. I continued my photography studies at college, where I gained additional knowledge in studio lighting and digital editing. I was even able to gain experience in the fashion industry, interning for a well-known photographer . Today, I am working as an event photographer, documenting weddings, reunions, and corporate events.

5. When I was younger I was passionate about art, which prompted me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. During college, I was able to gain experience as a studio assistant and also learn various digital and traditional art techniques. With the help of a scholarship, I was able to travel to various countries and learn even more about different art styles. After graduation, I started working as a freelance artist and have been able to produce several commissioned artworks and pieces.

7. I have been involved in theater since I was a young child. During my high school years, I focused on honing my abilities through various extracurricular activities. I was able to gain valuable experience by participating in multiple productions and I even gained a scholarship for theater. I attended college to study Musical Theater and continued to foster my talent. With help from internships and workshops, I was able to build additional experience and formed a touring theater company with some of my colleagues.

8. From an early age, I was interested in the environment and the outdoors. I spent a lot of time reading environmental books and researching environmental issues. This passion inspired me to major in Environmental Science in college. I’ve gained valuable experience through various internships and part-time jobs. With the help of my degree, I’ve been able to work on several conservation projects and hope to soon work for a non-profit organization focused on sustainability.

9. When I graduated high school I wanted to focus my career on the medical field. After much research, I decided to major in Biomedical Engineering. During my time in college, I was able to gain a valuable experience by interning as a research assistant. I have been able to learn more about medical technology and have been able to contribute to various projects. I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and plan to continue my research in the field and eventually work for a healthcare company.

10. I have always had an interest in fashion and design, so when the time came to decide my career path it made sense to pursue design. During college, I was able to study many aspects of fashion and gain experience through various internships. I was also able to travel to other countries to observe trends and learn about different cultures. With my degree, I am currently working as a fashion designer and I plan to continue to use my creative eye to come up with innovative and stylish designs.

The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Write a Professional Biography for a College Student

How to Write a Biography Statement

How to Write a Biography Statement

A professional biography is an asset to help you stand out, and it may even help you land a job or internship. Develop your biography as early in your college career as possible, and then refine it as you pinpoint your goals. Whether the biography is optional or is a mandatory assignment for a class, it’s vital to create a concise, succinct self-portrait that will catch the attention of your intended readers. This is achieved with a combination of good writing and facts about your academic and professional background .

Grammar and Mechanics in a Biography

Good grammar demonstrates your professionalism and your attention to detail. A professional biography is written in the third person. Chris Grant from the University of Rochester recommends you start the first sentence with your full name, and subsequently refer to yourself by last name. Avoid redundancy: Start every other sentence or two with a personal pronoun (“he” or “she”). Vary sentence lengths to create a biography that is both easy to read and interesting. There is usually no word limit to a professional biography, but say as much as you can in one paragraph . The exception is a long biography , which is about one page, according to Grant. Longer biographies may be assigned in class, or required for scholarships. Yale University Law school recommends two paragraphs for its student bios to accommodate an abundance of information.

Balance Academic and Work Experience

An academic biography primarily focuses on your credentials as a college student, including notable research papers, grades and related extracurricular activities. You can include these elements in a professional biography, but you should also discuss current and past jobs, internships and volunteer work. As with a resume, write down the most recent experience and then include past work. For example, start by writing something like:

“John Smith is a student at XYZ University majoring in journalism, where he edits the student newspaper.” Then list other academic and work experience. Longer bios, such as those recommended by Yale Law School, often start in the reverse order.

Incorporate Relevant Personal Facts

Personal information can make a professional biography more engaging, so long as the facts are relevant to your audience and not too personal. You might mention places you’ve traveled or favorite books, but don't discuss significant others or family members.

If you can’t think of anything relevant to a position you’re applying for, describe a few hobbies to make the biography more personable. For example: “When he isn’t busy editing the student paper or studying, Smith enjoys baseball and kayaking.” Add any personal information at the very end of your professional biography.

How to Handle Lack of Experience

Not all students have resumes full of experience. This is especially true for freshmen or students undecided about their majors. Start by stating which school you attend, and discuss one of your most recent assignments.

For example: “John Smith is a student at XYZ University, where he recently completed a research paper on the effects of social media on interpersonal communication.” Then discuss any courses or clubs you have joined to highlight the fact that you’re an ambitious student with leadership skills.

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