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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Student thesis topics

Legend: BA = Bachelor thesis, MA = Master thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary project (Department of Informatics, further information ), Int = Internship, FP = Forschungspraxis

In case there is no suitable topic, you can also try to contact a researcher with suitable research interests .

Theses at the mse coses lab.

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Integration of renewable energy with urban design : based on the examples of the solar photovoltaics and micro wind turbines


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TEK5960 – Renewable Energy Systems, Master thesis

Course description, course content, learning outcome, admission to the course, examination, schedule, syllabus and examination date.

  • Spring 2021

A long master's thesis corresponds to one year of full-time study and constitutes half of the master's degree. 

Regulations concerning the master’s thesis are specified in  rules on courses, course groups and degrees in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences .

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to

  • contribute considerable knowledge to your field of specialisation and its applications
  • make critical and reflected choices between key methods and tools from research and practice
  • conduct a supervised research or development project that conforms with research ethics standards
  • contribute to the development of the field and analyse its professional, ethical and societal possibilities and limitations
  • communicate extensive academic work to specialists, orally and in writing
  • apply your knowledge and skills to new areas to conduct advanced work tasks and projects

The master’s thesis is a compulsory part of the master’s programme in Renewable Energy Systems (master's two years)  and is based on admission to that programme.

Your work on the master’s thesis will involve an independent, time-limited research or development project under supervision.

The examination consists of a master's thesis worth 60 credits to be handed in by a deadline. This will be followed by an oral presentation of the master’s thesis and an examination.

See the rules on courses, course groups and degrees in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for further information about the final examination in the master's degree .

Language of examination

 You may submit your response in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about  the grading system .

Resit an examination

Students who can document a valid reason for absence from the regular examination are  offered a postponed examination at the beginning of the next semester .

Re-scheduled examinations are not offered to students who withdraw during, or did not pass, the original examination.

More about examinations at UiO

  • Use of sources and citations
  • Special exam arrangements due to individual needs
  • Withdrawal from an exam
  • Illness at exams / postponed exams
  • Explanation of grades and appeals
  • Resitting an exam
  • Cheating/attempted cheating

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO .

Facts about this course

Department of Technology Systems

Topics for master theses

renewable energy master thesis

Here is a list of possible topics to write a Master thesis under the supervision of ENE’s researchers:

  • Master's thesis

Master thesis in cooperation with Fjord Miljø AS in Nordfjordeid

Some highlights of the company:

  • Developer of equipment to the fish farming industry
  • Our mission is to provide equipment to protect fish from lice infection
  • Our products are for example protection shields, upwelling system, filtration of surface water and monitoring environmental conditions by the use of sensors
  • We are constantly seeking new developments to improve our solutions
  • We are also in a progress of making new partners to have the option to supply complementary products which will supplement our existing products
  • Main office is located in Nordfjordeid
  • Contact person: Arild Heggland

Some aspects that could be the foundation of a master thesis:

  • Market knowledge of Fjord Miljø and our products
  • Market rating of Fjord Miljø
  • How to improve knowledge and rating?
  • Estimate willingness to pay for protection against lice infection
  • Valuation of our products
  • How do fish farmers consider new products to be useful in the future, these products will be specified later
  • Where do fish farmers expect the industry to move on, landbased, closed containers in sea, continue as their producing today?
  • Other relevant topics.

Supervisor: Stein Ivar Steinshamn .

Finance as resource allocation: Does ESG build real assets?

This study complements the many that have asked whether ESG (environment, sustainability and governance) is associated with higher or lower return on investment: Finance also creates real assets. Is there evidence, in our time, that preferences or policies, regulation, raises resource flows and asset creation (builds windmills, for instance).

Supervisor: Gunnar S. Eskeland .

The potential in renewable power

Contact Eskeland for Study design, as many approaches are on the table. One is the role of taxes (incl the new 'grunnrenteskatt'), another is new concessions and the role and shape of auctions, including contracts of difference; a third is offshore installations and how they are placed in terms of access to markets, etc.

Political Economy and Social Perspectives on the Climate Transition

NHH works with technically oriented partners (industry, ntnu, ife) on scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy. This thesis will combine such scenarios for the transition with perspectives from political economy (as with: who pays, and industry interests, and rich vs poor) and social acceptance.

Electric vehicles and de-carbonizing transportation

This topic is in collaboration with ENOVA.

Norway has pledged to reach almost net zero emissions by 2050. The transport sector is responsible for almost one-third of the emissions in Norway, and the use of passenger cars alone is responsible for almost 10%. Therefore, to reach net zero, it is vital to de-carbonize the Norwegian car fleet. A key strategy to reduce emissions from the transport sector is to induce households to replace their fossil fuel cars with electric vehicles. Although most of the new cars sold in Norway are electric, the national fleet of cars still contains 'only' electric vehicles 20%. Will all cars in the future eventually be electric? Or are there barriers preventing the switch to electric vehicles?

In this topic, students will explore the sources of emissions from the Norwegian car fleet and how these emissions can be reduced. The thesis will focus on two main issues:

1. Emissions from the car fleet in Norway: Emissions from the transport sector have been steadily falling. But the car fleet is projected to increase in the coming years, and the share of transport with car is also increasing.

a) What are the drivers of emissions? For example, number of miles driven per car, age of the cars, geographical distribution, etc.

b) How will these emissions evolve over time?

2. Switching from fossil fuel cars to electric vehicles: Purchasing and driving electric vehicles have been heavily subsidized by the government. But people are still driving fossil fuel cars.

a) What are the barriers to replacing your fossil fuel car with an electric vehicle? For example, economic, behavioral, social, etc.

b) How can we induce households to make the switch to electric?

This topic can be approached from many different angles and is suitable for a wide range of empirical methods.

Supervisor: Isabel Hovdahl .

Electric vehicles in Norway: Emission reductions versus lost tax tax revenue

An analysis of electrical vehicles in  Norway where reduced emissions are measured against  reduced tax revenue.

A number of topics in collaboration with the Maritime Cleantech cluster administration

  • What branding effect will the use of green/emission-free logistics chains have for the fish farming industry?
  • What is the willingness to pay on the part of cargo owners for the use of low- and zero-emission vessels in their logistics operations?
  • Economic valuation of Maritime Cleantech as a cluster organisation.
  • Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels - how big a role can the production and distribution of these play for Norwegian value creation in 2050?
  • Joint Norwegian investment for the maritime industry: how to position ourselves for increased exports of green technology? (Strategic/Marketing)
  • Analysis of the market for green maritime technology in Southern Europe (can be built on research done by Innovation Norway in France, Spain and Italy)
  • Size, scope and framework of incentive schemes for contracts for difference.
  • Are end consumers willing to pay for green (maritime) transport? If so, how much?
  • Profitability analyzes and CO2 reduction for conversion of existing vessels vs. new construction.
  • Life cycle analyzes for ships - case speedboats and/or cargo ships - Lifetime of vessels - co2 emissions - conversion or measures that can reduce emissions during the ship's lifetime.
  • Return scheme/ circular economy model for ships.
  • Is there an update of the policy apparatus to support wider and more retrofit solutions for ships, to make them more energy efficient?

Possible topics in collaboration with Maritime Cleantech cluster partners with assistance from the cluster administration

  • Shipping aims to halve its emissions by 2050. How should a shipping company approach this goal in terms of investment and redevelopment programmes? (Shipping company)
  • How to market/sell green fuels and technologies that have not yet been demonstrated in the market? For example hydrogen, fuel cells etc. (fuel producers, FC producers and the like.)
  • Strategy for marketing hydrogen/ammonia as a safe and secure green fuel (producers).
  • Green innovation: How to change from traditional offshore to deliveries in new value chains (supplier industry, shipyards, shipping companies).
  • Efficient/appropriate incentive/public/industrial structure for the production and supply of new energy carriers from wind farms and other offshore locations.

Evaluation of various ways for Norway to fulfill the Paris-agreement

The objective is to compare various ways Norway can fulfill the Paris-agreement with respect to consequences for the Norwegian economy and for global emissions among other things.

Use high frequency satellite data to estimate economic and environmental outcomes of energy production processes

ESA’s Earth Online portal offers European research institutes direct and simple access to Earth Observation data coming from satellite missions operated directly by the European Space Agency and Third Party Missions. These data can be combined with ghgsat estimates to answer the following question: "How much carbon dioxide equivalent was released during the mining/extraction of a particular mine/oil & gas field?"

Supervisor: Giacomo Benini .

Airbnb in Norway & electricity prices

The risk of accepting Airbnb guests is that they might run up all of your utilities. Are renters sensitive to this concern? Estimate the relationship between listings and electricity prices.

Scrape the Data from and determine whether Airbnb listings in the last 2 years respond to electricity prices.

Supervisor: Evelina Gavrilova-Zoutman .

Can or will energy transition hold back development

Clean up and transition in the north sea, energy companies, esg and responsive strategies, esg in finance, and eus taxonomy, how suited are batteries to solve the intermittency problem.

A study of the efficiency and suitability of batteries in order to solve the intermittency problem associated with new renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

Hydrogen and its role in Europe's energy transition

Transport and co2 emission reductions (or any segment: maritime, aviation, cars, etc), war, crisis and energy in europe, green energy and guarantees of origin.

During the last years, governments around the world have implemented different policies to promote investments in renewable production capacity. One of the main instruments is a policy known as guarantees of origin. These guarantees operate as a guarantee for final consumers that the electricity they consume comes from renewable energy sources.

An important characteristic of the guarantees is that the producers are free to sell the electricity and guarantees separately. What we are observing is that while electricity from Norwegian hydropower is largely sold to consumers in Norway, the guarantees from Norwegian hydropower is sold to consumers in Germany and the Netherlands. Despite the growing importance of this policy, there are few studies of the impacts of guarantees of origin on renewable production capacity.

In this master thesis, the students will investigate the effect of this policy instrument on renewable electricity capacity in Europe. What has Norway’s role been in promoting renewable energy capacity through guarantees of origin? What has the interaction been between guarantees of origin and other incentives to boost investments in renewable production capacity? And what are the implications of the de-coupling of the sale of the electricity with the sale of the guarantees?

This topic of research is suitable for many different types of methods, depending on the interests and skills of the students. The thesis can be based on either a statistical analysis, case study or modelling exercise.

Supervisor: Isabel Hovdahl and  Mario Blázquez .

Detailing the Value of Climate- and Environmental Surveillance on Sea food production

What’s the cost-benefit for using an integrated climate and environment surveillance on seafood production? The student will assess the impact and values associated with using a detailed monitoring tool called Clarify, which currently is employed by many seafood producers. The student will be given access to unpublished data afforded by Clarify that can be directly compared to other chains of the seafood production, including feeding, fish welfare, loss to sickness and slaughter. Additional climate data can also be made available to the student depending on emerging needs. This Master opens for a relevant exploration of how monitoring can strengthen seafood sustainability and resilience to the changing climate conditions that remain the key premise for seafood production. The industry partner for this thesis is Clarify.

Supervisor: Geir Drage Berentsen .

Optimal placement and impact of offshore wind parks

In this thesis, the students will use historical weather data to investigate the potential of Norwegian wind power in a scenario where all the current offshore locations suggested by the NVE are in full production. Alternative locations derived from optimizing production output are available and can be compared to the sites suggested by NVE. A secondary goal is to use the results to investigate the impact on the European energy market. The industry partner for this thesis is Statkraft.

The black swans of climate risk: Compound events

Extreme weather events such as floods, heatwaves, droughts, and storms cause major economic losses to private and public sector alike. The latest IPCC report shows that the frequency, and to some extent the magnitude, of such events will continue to increase although there are exceptions. The probability of so-called ‘compound events’ – that two or more extreme events happen simultaneously or successively – will increase due to this ongoing trend.

Such events carry even more extreme economic losses and play a crucial role in evaluating climate risk, but they are not well constrained nor understood. In 2018, there was elevated risk for snow-driven flooding in central Norway, which was followed by one of the warmest and driest summers on record, which coincided with several climatically induced forest fires. Based on both historical data and climate predictions, the students will evaluate the probability and potential economic consequences of compound events today and in the future and provide insights and advice for the insurance industry. The industry partner for this thesis is Tryg.

What are the optimal sites for future seafood production?

Wind conditions, sea currents, -temperature and -salinity are all important factors when considering new locations for ocean-based aquaculture facilities. Moreover, locations that are considered optimal today may not be suitable locations in the future due to climate change. In this thesis, the students will investigate the current optimal placements of aquaculture based on detailed historical data. By considering state of the art climate predictions, it can be investigated how these placements will change on different time horizons. The students should also discuss placement conflicts with fisheries and coastal shipping routes. The industry partner for this thesis is Clarify.

Economic impacts of climate change

Many social and economic activities are heavily affected by weather variables such as temperatures and precipitation. In this master thesis, the students will explore the relationship between weather variables and economic decisions made by Norwegian households and/or businesses. In addition, the students will explore how climate change, through its effect on temperatures and precipitation, will affect these economic decisions into the future.

Examples of relationships to explore are the effects of heatwaves on human mortality rates, extreme precipitation on agricultural production, or drought on hydropower production. The exploration can be either on the macro or micro level and can be in the form of either a statistical analysis or modelling exercise. For the prediction exercise, the students will have access to novel climate forecasts from the Climate Futures project. An interesting question to explore is how access to improved seasonal weather forecasts can mitigate the harmful economic impacts of climate change.

Analysis of catch data in Norwegian fisheries

Organizing and analyzing data from the Norwegian directorate of fisheries.

Supervisor: Arnt Ove Hopland .

Econometric analysis of the sales of new cars in Norway

Supervisor:  Øyvind Thomassen .

Contact: [email protected] .

I have three data sets that you can use for the thesis: 1) price lists with car model variant and some technical characteristics, 2) new registrations of car model engine variants, by age and sex of the registered owner, 3) the annual rules for calculating the registration tax (engangsavgift). 

For most uses, you will want to merge data sets 1) and 2). This will entail some tedious data work (probably using Stata or R), because of a lack of exact common identifiers. 

The data go up to 2015, but it may be possible to obtain more recent data. 

There are many questions that could be answered with the data, including saying something about the effect of the favorable tax treatment given to electric vehicles, which probably explains their large market share in Norway. 

To choose this topic you must have taken a course in econometrics.

Econometric analysis of data from the government vehicle register

Like my topic ‘Econometric analysis of the sales of new cars in Norway’, this topic is based on data on cars in Norway. However, for this topic, I currently do not have the data, but I believe they can be obtained from Statens Vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration). See information here:

My other topic uses data on the flow of new cars. This topic uses data on the stock of cars. The two data sources could conceivably be combined.

Background from a course in econometrics is needed.

Natural resource extraction nearby: opportunity or concern for non-resource firms?

How does natural resource extraction such as oil&gas production affect nearby firms in other sectors, such as manufacturing and services? Potential agglomeration effects could benefit firms, but increased competition for labor or more corruption might harm firms. Since firms are the backbone of every modern economy, these considerations are crucial to understand whether natural resources are a blessing or a curse.

Supervisor: Paul Pelzl .

Topics on Environmental Economics

Potential topics are:

  • Zero emissions (in shipping/buildings/road veh/airplanes): too much, or just right?
  • Certificates of Origin for Electricity; Stepchild or rising star?
  • A carbon cap for Norwegian farmers: Let forests do what cows and farmers cannot?
  • Carbon footprint and economic analysis for a firm/sector
  • Hydrogen: which part is failing: cars, hydrogen or filling and logistics
  • A new look at biomass and biofuels: can photosynthesis propel transport
  • Oceans in a sustainability strategy
  • Solar power: if a leap lies ahead, what can trigger it
  • Decentralized power generation in Norway: framework and business analysis
  • Renewable power in Norway: shall it expand, and with what instruments
  • A role for Norway as a battery for Europe’s intermittent power
  • A business analysis of Norway’s three proposed carbon capture and storage projects (cement, fertilizer, waste dump)
  • Analysis of emission reduction prospects in Norwegian transport
  • Econometric analysis of demand for energy (or carbon) intensive goods, transport
  • Forests: More wood and biomass in buildings: Economic analysis of climate prospects
  • Financial markets: is there evidence of ‘sin portfolios’ or ‘virtue’ (or green/fossil)? The value of fossil assets / promises in financial markets
  • Analysis of CO2 markets
  • Modeling energy exchange in Northern Europe

Analysis of electric batteries and improvements in electricity networks

In cooperation with ENOVA

Contact: Gunnar Eskeland  (NHH) and  Børge Nilssen Stafne (ENOVA)

Logistics: improvements in efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions

Contact: Gunnar Eskeland  (NHH) and  Arnt Gunnar Lium (ENOVA)

Electricity in the transport sector: Economic and environmental effects

Regulation and benchmarking of natural monopolies in the energy sector.

Supervisors: Endre Bjørndal and Mette Bjørndal .

Pricing and congestion management in wholesale electricity markets

Integration of renewable energy sources in electricity markets, local flexibility markets and demand response in the electricity sector, integration of regional electricity markets and use of hvdc interconnectors, european integration of intraday and balancing markets, sustainable energy and development.

Around the world, the governments are imple- menting policies to foster the introduction of renewable energy. In that context, there are different research questions to develop in a master thesis that could contribute to develop a sustainable economic system.

  • Which will be the relation between renewable energy and hydrogen?
  • Which are the policies introduced in cities to reduce carbon emissions?
  • Which will be the impact of the adoption of renewable energy in women unemploy- ment? Could the introduction of renewable energy increase the gender gap?
  • Which will be the changes in the design of electricity markets induced by the intro- duction of renewable energy?
  • Which is the relation between hydrogen and lithium batteries? Which is the best way to store electricity in the short-term and in the long-term?
  • Which policies could be implemented to promote energy effciency?
  • How do the electricity grid need to change to accommodate renewable energy?

Supervisor: Mario Blazques de Paz

Transmission constraints

Electricity markets are moving through the integration around the world. Moreover, the countries are increasing their investments in renewable production capacity to fulfil with the agreements in carbon emission reductions. In that context, the transmission grid plays a crucial role promoting the integration of electricity markets and accommodating the renewable production capacity into the system. In re- lation with this topic, there are different research questions that could be of interest to develop a master thesis.

  • Which should be design of electricity markets in the presence of transmission con- straints.
  • Could the integration of electricity markets in Europe increase competition? Which will be the impact of that integration in the investments in transmission capacity, and in renewable production capacity?
  • Which should be the relation between the spot and the redispatch market when the transmission lines are congested? How we can design those markets to increase com- petition?
  • How should the regulator design transmission tariffs to guarantee investments in trans- mission capacity, and transmission effciency?

Supervisor:  Mario Blazques de Paz

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European Master in Renewable Energy

PPRE on LinkedIn

PPRE on Instagram

Questions about PPRE/EMRE and application procedure

Astrid Bohemann Application and Administration Support

+49 (0)441-798 3544

Programme Coordinator


PPRE/EMRE (Core Oldenburg)

Dr. Herena Torio Programme Manager

+49 (0)441-798-3546

Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert

Address University of Oldenburg School of Mathematics and Science Institute of Physics D-26111 Oldenburg Germany

renewable energy master thesis

The  European Master in Renewable Energy  is directed towards engineers and research oriented bachelor graduates that want to specialise in one of the renewable energy technologies, such as Wind Energy,  Photovoltaics, Ocean Energy, Solar Thermal or Grid Integration. The course has been set up to deliver a master programme that deals with basic research in renewable energy enabling young graduates to continue with either a research or a industry oriented career. The programme and its cooperating partners offer master thesis' in both fields.

The European Master in Renewable Energy is coordinated by  EUREC , the leading association representing research centres and university departments active in the area of renewable energy, located in Brussels, Belgium. EUREC represents a research and development  network of 35 research institutions  all over Europe.

Structure of the EUREC Master programme

Students follow this 15 (16) months programme by chosing their study locations including the Master thesis in at least two European countries. Study periods are divided into a "core" part providing understanding of the whole range of RE technologies, followed by a "specialisation" at another university where the student goes into depth in the technology of her/his choice. The remaining 6 months are spent on the premises of a company or research centre where the student carries out her/his personal practical or research project (Master Thesis).

For detailed information on the Master programme run by the  University of Oldenburg as a core provider  and hosted by the Master course  Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy  (PPRE) please read through the sub-links of this homepage.

Partnering Universities

The programme is run by a network of 9 European universities  and research centres in 7 countries leading in renewable energy R&D. Those universities offer either the basic educational 1st semester (core university) or the specialisation in the second semester (specialisation provider).

Specialisation Providers

  • National Technical University of Athens (GR) - Wind Energy
  • Technical University of Lisbon (P)- Ocean Energy
  • University of Northumbria (GB) - Photovoltaics
  • University of Perpignan (F) - Solar Thermal
  • University of Zaragoza (SP) - Grid Integration
  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences  (NL) -  Sustainable Fuel Systems

All specialisation semesters are taught in English language

Course of Studies at the University of Oldenburg

Every core university offers its own syllabus regarding lectures and modules, nevertheless EUREC ensures that at the end of the core semester all EUREC students have the same understanding and knowledge on renewable energy technologies enabeling them to follow any of the offered specialisations. Please click here to see the Harmonised Learning Outcomes .

Students starting the EUREC Master programme at the University of Oldenburg follow the timetable below:

Qualification after studying the programme

Students will get a broad understanding in the physics of energy conversion processes within renewable energy (RE) technologies and the principles of the interaction of generator and load. They will be trained in an interdisciplinary environment for sensitivity of the interaction of technology with society and environment. During the specialization semester students acquire in-depth knowledge of state-of-the-art technology within the field of the selected renewable energy technology. Students will be trained to carry out modelling and/or simulation of RE systems. Students are introduced to state-of-the art simulation software and are trained to work on projects in interdisciplinary groups.

The overall structure of the study programme equips students with the competences to actively participate in the broader scientific context, to develop research proposals and to carry out such projects with a high degree of independence and take on the necessary responsibility. Students are qualified to put research results into interdisciplinary contexts and contribute to the necessary evaluation of the research findings. They are trained to be aware of the necessity of the reproducibility of research results.

The programme qualifies graduates for positions in research and industry of the chosen field of specialization. Furthermore it qualifies graduates to apply their acquired skills, competences, physical and technological knowledge to new fields of academic work and new research problems. The study programme qualifies to continue a personal career of leadership within project planning and research.

The programme also qualifies graduates to proceed with a doctorate research period.

Learning Outcomes

The Master programme "European Master in Renewable Energy" (EUREC) is more application-oriented. The degree course aims to train professionals who are able to familiarize themselves with the various areas and issues of renewable energy and to develop these to specialists. Some of the future areas of activity include research, planning and development, participation in regional and international development organisations and processing of interdisciplinary topics on the sustainability of future energy supply systems. After completing the programme, the students will have a critical understanding of the role of Renewable Energy technologies in a climate and resource constrained energy sector and gain the technical knowledge on different renewable energy technologies. This covers the evaluation of the resource, principles of the conversion process, choice of materials, design of systems, performance of systems in operation as well as the use of models and tools for simulation and sizing. Students acquire a critical understanding of the principles of the socio-economic evaluation of Renewable Energy technologies and of the role of regulatory policy frameworks in the context of Renewable Energy. They have skills in analytical and research methodology, including a reflective and critical approach, relevant for Renewable Energy. After the specialization semester, they have a critical understanding and in-depth expertise in one of the following technologies:

  • Wind Energy (National Technical University, Athens, Greece)
  • Ocean Energy (IST Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Photovoltaics  (University of Northumbria, Newcastle, United Kingdom)
  • Solar Thermal  (University of Perpignan, France)
  • Grid Integration  (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
  • Sustainable Fuel Systems for Mobility (Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, Netherlands)

During the programme, students acquire the capacity to apply scientific knowledge to a professional situation, as a reflective practitioner, the capacity to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team as well as the capacity to communicate information in a clear and structured way in both oral and written format.

renewable energy master thesis

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ENE500 Master's Thesis Renewable Energy

The course is connected to the following study programs.

  • Master's Programme in Renewable Energy

Teaching language



A prerequisite is to have passed examinations corresponding to 75 study points in their education plan, within the beginning of the term where the Master's Thesis is to be written (applies the students attending the master's programme from autumn 2015). Courses on which the Master's Thesis builds upon, have to be assessed to Pass. The topic of the Master Thesis has to be approved by the University of Agder.

Course contents

The Master's Thesis is carried out individually, within an important subject area of the study. The work will be characterised by research, and will increase the understanding of accomplishment and management of larger multidisciplinary product development projects. Since the Master's Thesis deals with multidisciplinary products, elements from mechatronics-, electronic- and computer technology should also be included. The student will carry out a preliminary study of either literature review, preliminary tests or training within areas of current interests or techniques. A report with the characteristics of a research report describing problem, solutions, results and work, will be handed in. If applicable, prototypes and/or products will also be handed in. The Thesis will be presented orally, in a public lecture.

If possible, the projects will be supervised in collaboration with industry.

The method seminar will be held as day courses for each of the three main subjects: overview of the research process including scientific theory, qualitative and quantitative methods, and practical advice for accomplishment of research including report writing and use of sources. The method seminar will also contain work with project sketch/draft and schedule for own Master's Thesis.

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the Master's Thesis, the student will be able to plan and carry out larger projects logically and efficiently, and report and present the results in a professional way. By working on the Thesis and attending to the Method course which is a part of the work, the student will have learned to evaluate research and scientific publications, and developed the necessary basis to do document future research work.

Examination requirements

  Compulsory meetings with supervisor at a minimum of 5 tutorials.

Teaching methods

Independent and individual work. Compulsory meetings with supervisor at a minimum of 5 tutorials. The duration of the Master Thesis is normally one semester, which gives an estimated work load of 810-900 learning hours for the student. The Master Thesis is normally offered as a spring term course. On application the Faculty may accept that the Master Thesis is offered in the autumn term provided that the student fulfills the pre-requisites, and that there is vacant capacity among the supervisors.

The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.”

Assessment methods and criteria

Written report. Products, software or prototypes can also be included in the Thesis. An oral presentation of the Thesis is compulsory. Graded assessment. Guidelines for evaluation will be found at the beginning of the semester. The thesis must be carried out within the stipulated time. Students who are taking a new or postponed exam, cannot submit an improved version of the Master Thesis.

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Technische Universität München

  • Professorship of Economics of Energy Markets
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Final Theses & FAQs

Scroll down for our thesis FAQs on the application and writing process.

Open Final Theses

  • Machine Learning for Power Market Analysis at the Center for Energy Markets (master)
  • Master thesis in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT)  (master)
  • Damages of high-voltage vehicles (HV-Fahrzeuge)  (master)

See a list of general topics/ past master theses below.

General Theses Topics

We welcome any energy, energy transition, and energy policy related topics. You can approach us with your own or ideas you want to develop in collaboration with an industry partner. The topics below reflect a list of possible thesis topics.

  • Energy- and environment-related entrepreneurship
  • Environmental regulation 
  • Energy transition and the evolution of international trade 
  • Financing of energy transition: strategies for energy companies 
  • ESG impact on investmnent in the energy sector
  • Auction and game theory applied to energy markets 
  • Energy storage 
  • Modelling of energy prices
  • Stochastic optimization in energy markets
  • Network and infrastructure regulation
  • Power markets and renewable integration
  • Renewable energies
  • Diffusion of digitization technologies in power sector
  • Responsible Development of the Extractive Mining Industry
  • ESG Impact on Investment in Extractive Mining Industry
  • Modelling of energy prices: How technologic developments affects price correlations
  • Investments and co-investmnents in H2
  • The choice of energy projects portfolio
  • Competition of hydrogen technologies: Green vs. Blue
  • Financing of Energy Transition: Strategies for Energy Companies 
  • Evolution of the LNG Market: data-driven country strategy analysis
  • Electric mobility
  • How to achieve carbon neutrality
  • Carbon vs. price competition
  • Data-driven models on energy transition
  • Multi-objective (Data-driven) Optimization
  • Modeling energy trade networks (using IEA, IHS, other data)
  • Digitization and its impact on technologies adoption
  • Social and environmental implications of technology, with a focus on electronic waste
  • Corporate social responsibility of lead firms in the electronics commodity chain
  • Modern consumption of technology
  •  International climate politics and policy with a focus on renewable energy solutions.
  • Media and climate change
  • Environmental justice and inequality with a focus on waste issues

Thesis FAQs

Finding a topic.

  • Can I suggest an own topic? We on occasion post current topics of bachelor's and master's theses on our webpage but you are also encouraged to approach us with your own ideas, possibly in collaboration with an industry partner.

Application Process

Please refer to this Google Form  for detailed description and use it for the application. 


  • Who will be my supervisor? Your thesis examiner will be either Prof. Schwenen or Prof. Ikonnikova possibly in collaboration with one of the doctoral researchers at the CEM for the supervision.   
  • Do I have to write a thesis proposal? If you decide to write a thesis on a topic agreed by us, the next step is to write a short thesis proposal (maximum three pages). This proposal should (i) define the research question, (ii) indicate the data and methodology to be used and (iii) discuss the related literature. After this step, your thesis can be registered.  
  • How many meetings with the supervisor are necessary? One meeting per month is a good rule of thumb. Please always send your questions prior to the meeting.  
  • Can I get feedback on my thesis before handing in? If you have specific questions, you can get feedback on these. General feedback is not possible, as this would be equivalent to reading the whole thesis upfront.


  • How do I register my thesis? As soon as you and your supervisor agreed on a topic, you need to fill out the required form, sign it and send it to your supervisor. TUM SoM  form ; For students of other departments please check the form with your respective  department .  
  • Can I still change the title afterwards? Changing the title is possible. Contact your supervisor to that end at least 1 month before handing in.

Writing Process

  • What is the quantitative scope of my thesis? As a rule of thumb, bachelor's theses should have about 25 to 35 pages and master's theses about 50 to 60 pages.  
  • What are the main evaluation criteria? Coherent literature review, language, execution of the topic, reaction to difficulties (esp. redefining the scope of the thesis during the process). A thesis has to adhere to scientific standards. It is your duty to familiarize yourself with those standards.  
  • Should I write the thesis in Word or Latex? If not stated otherwise by your supervisor this is up to you.  
  • How does the thesis have to be formatted? Make sure that your thesis is appropriately and consistently formatted. As an orientiation we provide exemplary Word and Latex templates. Appropriate fonts are for example Times New Roman pt. 12 or Arial pt. 11. Appropriate page margins can for example be 3cm left, 3cm right, 2.5cm top, 1.5cm bottom. To be sure, check your formatting with your supervisor.  
  • How do I cite properly? If not stated otherwise by your supervisor, citation-style is APA.  
  • How do I proceed with own graphics? State that it is your own graphic in the caption. If it is your own design but based on a graphic from a book/ paper, please add: “based on source”.

For further questions, please contact [email protected].

Disclaimer: Please note that only those examination regulations that can be found on the website of the TUM business faculty are legally binding.

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Lehrstuhl für Windenergietechnik

  • Student Theses

Open Topics for Theses and Student Projects

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The Chair of Wind Energy Technology proposes an ongoing stream of research subjects relating to wind energy which can be addressed in the context of

  • Bachelor theses,
  • Software Lab Projects / Pre-Thesis and
  • Master theses.

A range of proposed topics for such theses is provided below. If you are interested in any of the proposed study topics, please get in touch with the person stated on the respective slide under contact via email or phone. The specific task will then be concretized in consultation with the student. Download topic overview

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Your Own Topic Proposal

You have an interesting research topic of your own that relates to the field of wind energy engineering, which you would like to investigate in the context of a theses? If so, please feel free to contact any member of staff at the Endowed Chair of Wind Energy Technology. We’re always open to ideas and proposals from students.

Student and Research Assistants

Are you interested in carrying out further research on exciting wind-energy-related topics beyond that required for a theses? Or would you like to produce your final assignment in association with one of our collaborating partners? You’ll find the relevant contact person under “Contacts - Job Opportunities ”

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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 12, 2023

renewable energy master thesis

Renewable energy is one of the most popular research topics. Thousands of students used these topics for their MTech and PhD theses, but a few of them struggled to find the right topic and a good paper for their graduation. Now, all thesis on renewable energy resources problems can be solved with a single phone call, which means that our Leverage Edu experts can help MTech and PhD students who are having problems with their thesis on renewable energy resources. As a master’s student, you may choose renewable energy as your thesis topic . If you decide to write a thesis on renewable energy, you may be unsure of how to begin or even what you are required to do. Don’t worry, we have you covered. In this blog, you’ll find renewable energy dissertation topics to help you write your thesis.

This Blog Includes:

Why is renewable energy important, best renewable energy research topics 2023, topic 1 .

Renewable energy is one of the fastest-growing systems in developing countries. It is widely used for “self-service” purposes. It is quite popular due to some unique advantages in its application. PhD research topics in Renewable Energy provide a distinguished platform for PhD/ MS scholars. We assist our serving hands in developing the best profile for their career.

Renewable Energy’s Untapped Potential

  • Ecofriendly
  • Reasonable Price
  • Lower Maintenance
  • Health Advantages
  • Unending and also Reliable Resource

It is the “core portion of the modern power system” all at once. It aids in the regulation of low, high, and variable power generation. As a result, we are also current in all of these recent areas. As a result, we guide you in every nook and cranny of your area with the help of our expert advice.

Topic 1: Renewable Energy: Prospects and Challenges Today

Topic 2: Renewable energy for Africa ‘s long-term development

Topic 3: The Impact of COVID – 19 on the Biofuel Market

Topic 4: Geothermal energy is an untapped abundant energy resource.

Topic 5: Wind Energy’s Future

Topic 6: How valuable is home wind energy?

Topic 7: Renewable Energy’s Economic and Environmental Benefits

Topic 8: Why is it more important than ever to prioritise renewable energy?

Topic 9: Is it expensive to finance renewable energy?

Topic 10: Climate change mitigation; can renewable energy help?

Topic 11: Living Green: How many people have access to renewable energy?

Topic 12: Understanding the distinctions between renewable and alternative energy technology 

Topic 13: Is solar energy the way to go?

Topic 14: 2030 Approach to Renewable Energy

Topic 15: The cost of solar energy versus other renewable energy sources

Renewable Energy Dissertation Examples

Here are some dissertation topics for you to cover under the renewable energy topic. The examples are personalised for the UK, but you can mend them according to the country that you choose to write about.

Topic Name: Investigating the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion – a case study of the renewable energy industry in the United Kingdom .

Aim of the Study: The current study aims to investigate the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion using the UK renewable energy industry as a case study.


  • To present an initial concept of biomass conversion and its benefits.
  • In the context of the UK renewable energy industry, describe the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion.
  • Identifying challenges in biomass conversion and devising strategies to overcome these challenges.

Topic Name: Examining the benefits of using solar energy and its role in addressing the global threat of climate change .

Aim of the study: The current study aims to investigate the benefits of using solar energy and how it is addressing the issue of climate change.

  • To explain the advantages of using solar energy and its increasing use in various sectors.
  • To demonstrate how solar energy can be used to address a global threat such as climate change.
  • To provide a stringent set of recommendations for the most effective use of solar energy in combating climate change.

Topic Name: Investigating UK retail organisations’ use of renewable energy to meet environmental sustainability goals.

Aim of the Study: The purpose of this research is to assess the strategy of using renewable energy in the UK retail sector to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

  • To express the importance of renewable energy sources in the UK retail industry.
  • To investigate how retail organisations in the United Kingdom use renewable energy to achieve environmental sustainability goals.
  • To share effective ideas on how UK retail organisations can use renewable energy sources effectively to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

Topic Name: A critical assessment of the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry, which is driving the use of renewable energy.

Aim of the Study: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry, which drives overall renewable energy consumption.

  • To explain why the UK construction industry is becoming increasingly concerned about sustainability.
  • To investigate how renewable energy consumption in the UK construction industry is increasing in tandem with the growing concern for sustainability.
  • To encourage organisations in the UK construction industry to increase their use of renewable energy sources in order to meet sustainability goals.

Topic Name: Assessing the impact of solar energy on agricultural sustainability practices in the United Kingdom.

Aim of the Study: The current study aims to assess the effects of using solar energy in sustainability practises in the UK agriculture industry.

  • To demonstrate the concept of solar energy consumption and its implications for environmental practices.
  • To place the use of solar energy in the UK agriculture industry within the context of sustainability practices.
  • To make recommendations for improving the use of solar energy and reaping its benefits in the UK agriculture industry.

How renewable energy affects the future of our planet. Use of biomass as a renewable energy source. The limitations of fossil fuels: the significance of renewable energy and its economic benefits. Methods for extracting power from flow-structure interactions.

A thesis statement example: Solar power is an excellent alternative energy source because it is renewable, cost-effective, and does not pollute the environment.

Three obstacles to renewable energy are: Putting energy storage in place. Traditional fossil-fuel plants operate at a reduced level, producing a consistent and predictable amount of electricity Bringing together distributed systems Renewable energy reporting

This was all about Renewable energy Dissertation Topics. For more information, subscribe to Leverage Edu and if you wish to study abroad, connect with our counsellors at 1800 57 2000 and book a 30-minute free session.

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Vidisha Dewan

Graduated with English as a major, I’m a writing enthusiast. Writing helps me blend my passion and profession to achieve creative satisfaction. I am an opinionated person, but always open to change. Try to keep my work surroundings creative and fun, with space for constructive feedback.

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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics

Renewable energy is a topic which is at the forefront of energy development. The global drive to manage, mitigate and prevent climate change has seen the contribution of renewable energy, as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels, to global energy generation increase significantly over the past decade. The growing importance of renewable energy as a solution to the global climate crisis has seen extensive research undertaken and necessitates substantial future research to be conducted. This has made renewable energy a highly popular choice for dissertations, both with undergraduates and for postgraduate studies.

When selecting a dissertation topic that is focused on renewable energy it is important to choose a topic which presents a novel and engaging approach. There is an extensive body of published literature which the dissertation topic should enable critical engagement with. However, it is important to ensure that a selected dissertation topic does not simply rehash previous research, the development of renewable energy is constant and presents opportunities for numerous dissertations which examine key issues and debates including those related to sustainability, energy security, justice, equality and development.

Governing the Renewable Energy Transition

Renewable energy and energy security, emerging renewable energy technologies, renewable energy in developing countries, renewable energy within the circular economy.

Governance is and will be a highly important component of the regime shift to renewable energy. Government policies have the potential to support, guide and increase the rate of the energy transition, equally, there is the potential for ineffective policies to hamper the transition to renewables-based energy sectors. A successful transition will require a transformative governance which encourages the integration of knowledge across all aspects of the energy sector and enables the development of a sustainable and just renewable energy-based society. Under this purview falls some dissertation topics which are highly relevant to current events, namely the on-going global Covid-19 pandemic and how it and similar disruptive events may have a negative impact on renewable energy deployment if not appropriately managed. The role of governance remains an on-topic aspect of renewable energy which provides for a variety of dissertation examinations. Some examples of dissertation topics which examine renewable energy and governance are:

  • Is the urgency of energy sector reform reflected in government policies or is there a need for new economic incentives to facilitate the transition to a renewables-based energy sector?
  • How do disruptive events impact the transition to renewable energy generation?
  • Will renewable energy generation enable new forms of alternative governance structures?
  • Are governments effectively engaging citizens in the process of renewable energy generation and energy conservation?
  • Do grassroots innovations positively contribute to the renewable energy transition and what influence does government policy have on the success or failure of grassroots renewable energy systems?

Increasing the capacity of renewable energy provision within a nation has the potential to contribute significantly towards enhancing energy security through the development of national energy provision which does not rely on foreign energy imports. Renewables-based energy sectors have complex interactions with energy security due to the variation in energy generation potential which is observed for many renewables. Reconciling renewable energy generation with energy security is a highly important component of future energy sectors, if renewables-based energy sectors cannot provide energy security then they will not be successful. There are multiple perspectives which can be taken in dissertations investigating this aspect of renewable energy, ranging from the development of diverse renewable resources, through to energy storage and distribution. Here are a few topic suggestions which investigate this aspect of renewable energy:

  • Can we store enough: The future of batteries and energy storage.
  • Can renewable energy resources present a viable future: Are renewables sufficient?
  • Securing the future: Are Renewables the solution?
  • The justice of renewable energy in developing countries; All for one and one for all.
  • Energy storage: breaking the barriers to the future of energy solutions.
  • Batteries: Which is the most desirable option?
  • The future of energy supply, can we meet demand?

The status of development of renewable energy technologies differs between renewable resources. Some, such as solar PV and wind turbines are well-established and current research focuses on the refinement and improvement of these technologies and their associated infrastructure. However, the energy demands of society are diverse and there is a need to ensure that renewable energy generation can meet this diversity of needs. The replacement of traditional fossil fuels poses a greater challenge in some areas compared to others, for example, the replacement of aviation fuel with a renewable and low-carbon alternative. Dissertation topics examining emerging renewable energy technologies present an interesting option which looks to the future of renewable energy and identifies gaps in our current knowledge pool. Some examples of dissertation topics based on emerging renewable energy technologies are given below:

  • How ‘green’ is green hydrogen? Examining the potential for green hydrogen utilisation in a sustainable society.
  • Guilt free jet setting: Can biofuels make aviation fuels carbon neutral and sustainable?
  • Reconciling biofuels and food security can we achieve both?
  • Why is Geothermal renewable energy underutilised?
  • Are all biofuels the same: Quantifying the environmental impact of biofuel production.

The case of developing countries is highly relevant to the subject of renewable energy systems. This is due to the potential for developing countries to avoid the negative impacts of increasing energy demand with economic development if renewable energy resources are selected rather than traditional fossil fuels. This way the mistakes of developed nations and the resulting environmental degradation could potential be avoided. However, there comes into play issues regarding justice and equity, whereby it can be argued that developing countries should be afforded the same development opportunities as already developed countries and that to impose conditions on the energy sector development would be unjust. Dissertation topics in this area can be varied and the following titles are just some examples of areas you could potential explore:

  • How will an energy transition to a renewables-based energy sector impact energy poverty in developing countries?
  • Are decentralised, small-scale renewable energy generation systems the answer to supporting the development of rural communities?
  • What are the barriers to renewable energy based economic development pathways for developing countries?
  • Empowering rural communities: Renewable energy for the future.
  • Can renewable-based energy transitions be just?
  • Economic development and renewable futures can the two be reconciled?

The development of a sustainable future will be influenced by our approach to the use and consumption of resources. The nature of renewable energy is such that it will play a vital role in reducing the consumption of natural resources and limiting environmental degradation. The circular economy is being increasingly touted as the way forward for resource use and renewable energy resources are likely to be an integral aspect of the circular economy. However, the role of renewable energy within the circular economy is one which needs to be explored and developed, yes, the use of renewable energy has a lesser environmental impact that fossil fuels, but this does not mean that renewable energy does not have a degradative environmental impact. The sustainability of renewable energy, resource consumption and their role within the circular economy is an important area of research which is likely to receive considerable attention in the coming years and thus is a highly on-trend topic for a dissertation. Some example of dissertation titles which would fall within this area are:

  • Can the sustainability of renewable energy systems be increased through the development of end-of-life component recycling?
  • The place of renewable energy resources within the circular economy: Will it be possible to produce energy without consuming natural resources?
  • Which renewable resource presents the most sustainable option: A life-cycle approach to calculating the environmental impact of renewable energy.
  • Does the use of limited or rare natural resources in renewable energy systems mean that there is a finite lifespan of renewable energy systems?
  • Powering the circular economy, what role will renewable energy systems play?
  • The future of solar energy: Will it be possible to reduce resource consumption in solar energy systems?
  • Do we perceive renewable energy systems as ‘greener’ than they are: A case study of the environmental impact of solar photovoltaic panel production.


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    atmospheric diffusion and attenuation, the solar spectrum Air mass coefficient from the surface of the earth atmosphere at typical latitude 48.2 ̊ is AM1.5G, the integrated. power is reduced approximately to 100mW/cm2[4]. This is the standard power that. most solar cells conversion efficiency is measured against.

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