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Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference

A scientific poster is a visual presentation that summarises your research findings and is typically displayed at conferences or academic events. Presenting one can be intimidating, but it's a valuable opportunity for feedback and confidence-building. Check out our top 9 top tips for successfully presenting your poster at a scientific conference.

Be welcoming

You should do your best to stand at your poster for the entirety of the conference poster session. If you do need to leave your poster for any reason, ensure you include your email address on it, so you can be contacted by conference attendees who may read your poster while you are not there. Read more tips for making your poster stand out here.

To make everyone feel welcome, stand to the side of your poster. This will make it easy for your potential audience to move closer and see the whole thing.

Think of your poster as a conversation starter. Smile and say hello to everyone who walks past and looks at you or your poster. Invite them to read more and, if they seem interested, ask if they would like you to talk them through it or if they have any questions.

Engage your audience

Remember to be enthusiastic - your research is exciting! Even towards the end of the poster session, when your energy levels may be lower, it is important to remain enthusiastic. If it is clear you find your work interesting, your audience are more likely to as well!

As you are presenting your poster, point to relevant parts of the poster so that people can follow as your talk through it. Try to avoid putting your hands in your pockets or behind your back.

Remember to also keep looking back at the audience, to keep them engaged and feeling involved in the presentation.

If you are already presenting your research to someone or a small group and someone else walks up, acknowledge them by making eye contact with them and smiling. Once you have finished with your initial visitors ask the newcomer if there was anything they missed that they would like a further explanation of, or whether they have any questions.

The most important aspect of presenting a poster at a conference is to make the most out of the opportunity you’ve been given. Who knows what might become of an interaction that you have in front of that notice board?

Tips for Presenting your Scientific Poster at a Conference: Engage your Audience

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: Engage your audience

The “elevator” pitch

First impressions really count in poster presentations. To pique the interest of your potential audience you should have a very short synopsis (maximum three sentences and no longer than two minutes) of your research prepared, which contains three vital bits of information:

  • What is your research topic?
  • What have you found?
  • Why is that important?

The aim here is to get your audience hooked and wanting further details. Keep the bigger picture in mind, as the audience first needs the background info to then get excited about the small details of your research. Make sure your pitch is punchy, intriguing and relevant.

Creating a story

Once you’ve reeled in your audience and they are eager to learn more, it’s time to build the narrative of your research. Like all great stories your research needs a beginning, a middle and an end. Aim for this to be 10 minutes long, or less.

The introduction should set the scene and introduce the main characters:

  • What is the necessary background information about your research topic that the audience must know?
  • How did this lead you to your research question, what were you hoping to find out and why?
  • Who are the main characters (e.g. a disease, a drug, a cell type, a brain region, a technique)? What are the relevant parts of their “characteristics” to the story?

The middle section is the adventure, it answers:

  • How did you get from your research question to your conclusion? Why did you choose to take that route?
  • What did you find on your way? Were there any interesting twists to your research?

The final section is the conclusion to the story:

  • What is the ultimate consequence of your journey? What does this mean for your characters?
  • Is this really the end of the adventure or are there plenty more adventures still to come? What might they look like?

Remember: You are the narrator; it is up to you as the story teller to make the content both compelling and exciting. Attendees are not all experts in your field.; if you are unsure how familiar your audience is with your subject area, ask them.

Tips for Presenting your Scientific Poster at a Conference: Create a Story

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: Create a story

The importance of practice

Presenting your poster is ultimately a form of performance. In performances, whether they involve acting, music, sport or presenting, practice is a major factor in success. After all, however much of a cliché it is: practice makes perfect. Rehearse what you will say and practice presenting on your friends and family. Once you begin speaking at your poster session you will be pleased that you spent time preparing and practising.

Before the poster session starts make sure that you:

  • Understand exactly what all the figures on the poster show, that you can explain them fully and know their full implications.
  • Have your elevator pitch memorised
  • Know all the key points to your research story without referring to written notes
  • Are ready to answer likely questions with confidence, and know how to deal with difficult questions that you might not be able to answer fully.

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: Practice, practice, practice

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: Practice, practice, practice

Check the audience's understanding

Ask members of the audience whether you have been clear or if you should go into more detail, rather than asking if they understand, as this could make them feel stupid or ignorant.

For example, say something like “Have I been clear enough” or “should I go into more detail about……?” instead of “do you understand how this works?”

The handout

There are pros and cons to having a handout with additional supporting materials or key information from your poster. You must decide for yourself if it will be of benefit to you depending on several factors including:

  • What is the purpose of your poster?
  • What are you hoping to achieve with your presentation?
  • Will it enhance your audience’s engagement with your research or not?

The major positive outcome of a handout is that gives your audience something to take away with them to remind them about you, your research and why they were interested in it. It also gives them a way to get in touch with you should they have further questions.

The main negative is that some people who may be interested and could benefit from speaking to you about your poster will take the leaflet, read it (or not) and never engage with your research again. It is an easy way for them to avoid talking to you, for whatever reason that may be.

If you decide to go ahead with a handout there are several items that should be included:

  • The project title
  • Your name and affiliation
  • Your professional email address (and phone number if your happy for people to contact you that way)
  • The key information from your poster (including a link to the relevant paper if it has already been published.
  • Any supporting materials not included on the poster that may be of help.

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: The handout

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: The handout

Expand your network

Look for opportunities to exchange contact information. If someone is particularly interested in your poster and wants to know all the details of your research, it may be better to suggest meeting them for a coffee after the poster session, or arranging another time for further discussions. This will ensure that other potential audience members don’t get bored and wander off without talking to you because they have been waiting too long.

Exchanging contact information and having further discussions can be a great way to expand your network and find potential collaborators for the future.

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: Expand your network

Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference: Expand your network

Dealing with feedback

It is important to welcome feedback, be prepared for discussion and not to be too defensive in the face of criticism.

If someone asks you a question or makes a comment that you don’t think is relevant, ask them to explain the relevance of their comment. They may have stumbled across something that you haven’t thought of because of their fresh perspective on the topic, or they might just not understand your research. Also, a negative comment or question might not actually be a criticism, but a genuine desire to understand why you’ve done something so they can fully interpret the poster. It is unlikely that someone has visited your poster to be vindictive, and if they have it is important not to engage them, shrug off their comments and move on to the next person who is genuinely interested.

Remember to thank the audience for listening and thank them for their feedback. People who have visited your poster could potentially be employers or colleagues in the future.

You got this!

In summary, presenting your poster at a conference is a chance to showcase your research, receive feedback, and connect with peers. Embrace the opportunity, be welcoming and enthusiastic, and enjoy the experience of sharing your work with others.

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Preparing a Poster Presentation

Posters are a legitimate and popular presentation format for research and clinical vignettes. They efficiently communicate concepts and data to an audience using a combination of visuals and text. Most scientific meeting planners take advantage of the popularity and communication efficiency of poster presentations by scheduling more poster than oral presentations. Poster presentations allow the author to meet and speak informally with interested viewers, facilitating a greater exchange of ideas and networking opportunities than with oral presentations. Poster presentations often are the first opportunities for young investigators to present their work at important scientific meetings and preparatory for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Poster Production Timeline

In order to be successful, certain prerequisites must be met. First, you must have a desire to be scholastically effective and be willing to put the time into the design and production of the poster. Second, you need organizational skills. Like any other endeavor associated with deadlines, you must be able to deliver the product on time. Posters are associated with more deadlines than oral presentations, due to the necessary interaction with graphic artists, graphic production, and the needs of the meeting itself. Organizational skills are also needed to create a concise and logically structured graphic and text presentation of the research or vignette. In order to help you achieve these goals, this article addresses poster planning, production, and presentation. It may be helpful to create a poster production timeline .

  • Determine if your poster will be judged at the scientific meeting. If so, ask for the judging criteria , which will be immensely helpful for you to plan and construct the poster.
  • Know the rules . It is your responsibility to know the physical requirements for the poster including acceptable size and how it will be displayed. A 4' × 4' display area cannot accommodate a 6' × 6' poster and a 3' × 3' poster will look insignificant in an 8' × 8' display area. All scientific programs that sponsor a poster session will send you information on the display requirements at the time your poster is accepted for presentation. Review and follow the instructions precisely. However, be warned that not all scientific programs will automatically tell you how the poster will be displayed. Some programs provide a cork/tack-board system that allows you to display your poster by fastening it to a solid display board with stickpins. This gives you the option of displaying your poster as many individual parts (components of the poster, such as abstract, methods, graphics, conclusion, are fastened individually to the display board) or as one piece. Other programs "hang" their posters from a frame by large spring clips. This means that the poster must be created as a single unit and cannot be too heavy for the clips or too light such that it will curl upwards like a window shade. A few programs still use easels to display posters, mandating that the poster be constructed of or placed on a firm backing that can be supported in this way. The point is, find out how the poster will be displayed and engineer a poster that best meets the requirements.
  • Determine exactly how the poster will be produced. Will you hire a graphic artist for partial or complete production? Does your institution provide graphic services to your department? Will you need to do this yourself? If payment is required, who will pay for the production? Regardless of who is doing the work and how it will be financed, only you can determine the individual tasks and set the deadlines. Make sure your deadlines include sufficient time to revise the poster if you find mistakes or otherwise need to make changes prior to the scientific meeting. Finally, if you are working with a graphic artist, make your timetable after consultation with him/her so it is realistic and he/she understands your time constraints.
  • Compile a list of components that will appear on the poster. There are common elements to all posters, whether they are research presentations or clinical vignettes. At the top center, the poster should display the title, authors, and institutional affiliations. Any necessary acknowledgments can also be placed here. Many scientific programs will insist that the abstract be included on the poster and will specify its location (i.e., upper right corner).

Scientific posters should follow the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) .

  • The Introduction presents the background and the purpose of the research. The background information typically consists of a statement summarizing the current knowledge in an area, what knowledge is missing, and how this research project addresses the knowledge gap. A hypothesis can be included in the Introduction.
  • The Methods section should specifically address the following areas: research design, research setting, number of patients enrolled in the study, and how they were selected. The Methods section should also include a description of the intervention (if appropriate), a description of the outcome variables and how they were measured, and the method of statistical analysis.
  • The Results section includes the quantitative data. This section usually begins with a description of the subjects in the study and a description of those who were not included because they failed to meet the inclusion criteria or dropped out. Include the frequencies of the most important outcome variables. Consider comparisons of the outcome variables between various subgroups within the study (treated vs. untreated, young vs. old, male vs. female, and so forth). Numerical results should include standard deviations or 95% confidence limits and the level of statistical significance should be indicated.
  • Finally, in the Discussion section, state concisely what can be concluded from the study and its implications. Make sure that the conclusions are supported by the data presented in the Results and do not present unsubstantiated personal opinion.

Clinical vignette posters generally have three components: Introduction, Case Description, and Discussion. A short Introduction typically describes the context of the case and explains its relevance and importance. When describing the case, follow the basic rules of medical communication by describing in sequence the history, physical examination, investigative studies, and patient's progress and outcome. The main purpose of the discussion is to review why decisions were made and to extract the lesson from the case. Be wary of boasting that your case is the "first" to describe a particular phenomenon, since even the most thorough searches often fail to reveal all instances of similar cases. Keep in mind that the best research and clinical vignette posters are those that make a small number of points (even just one) clearly and succinctly.

As you review your content, make decisions on what can be displayed pictorially. Posters that are mainly text discourage others from visiting and reviewing your work. Make your presentation as visual as possible; not only does it make your poster more appealing, but information can be transmitted more efficiently with a picture, figure, or graph. For example, information on patient demographics could be represented as a pie chart, frequencies of outcomes as bar graphs, and comparisons of means and statistical significance as tables. Clinical vignettes offer an excellent opportunity to display clinical photographs that illustrate important points of pattern recognition.

Finally, find out if you are required to be present during the poster session. Most scientific meetings schedule a period of time for the author to stand by the poster during the session. This enables you to answer questions about your work and, in some situations, is part of the judging process. Find out if and when this is scheduled.

A Few Tips on Poster Appearance:

Avoid clutter.

Limit your poster presentation to a few main ideas. It's better to present a few of your findings well than present all of your findings poorly. Arrange your poster components to read from left to right and top to bottom. Emphasize important points on the poster with lines, frames or boxes, and arrows.

Keep the lettering simple.

Use no more than three different font sizes; the largest for the poster title, second-largest for section titles, and smallest for text. For all lettering, use both upper- and lowercase letters. Words composed of all uppercase letters are difficult to read. The smallest font should be large enough so it is easily read from a distance of 3 to 5 feet (usually, 24-point font).

Keep the colors simple.

Too much color can be distracting, while too little color can be boring and lifeless. Use color mainly to highlight important elements.

You will need to decide how your poster will be constructed. Your budget and available graphic art resources will most likely influence this decision. At one end of the spectrum, you can inexpensively produce a poster with a graphics software package (such as PowerPoint) and a color printer. Your output will be limited to individual components that measure 8" × 11" to 11" × 17". These components will probably need to be mounted on a stiff backing, such as poster board or foam core, to effectively display them. At the other, more expensive end of the spectrum, you can work with the graphic arts department at your institution. They can use sophisticated software programs, such as Quark, to design and create a poster. The electronic version of the poster can be sent by e-mail to a printing or service bureau. Service bureaus produce a variety of visual products including posters, slides, signs, and limited print editions of books. They can print any size poster with all its component parts as a single unit usually within 24 to 48 hours. The cost of this service is difficult to estimate because it is dependent on a number of variables including poster size, use of color, resolution of the print (dpi, or dots per inch), whether it is laminated, or backed with foam core. A moderately priced poster may cost from $500 to $600. The staff in your graphic arts department can help you pick the options that are within your budget.

At the time of production, it is your responsibility to review the first draft, or copy, of the poster. This is your best chance to correct errors and make changes to improve the accuracy and visual attractiveness of the poster. Use the Poster Checklist  to aid your review. In addition, have a colleague help you proofread. It's a good idea to have someone unfamiliar with the research or case help you because he or she will quickly identify areas that are confusing or ambiguous. It's a good idea to have someone who is expert in spelling and grammar review the poster as well. As mentioned previously, schedule the proofreading early enough in the process so that you have time to make any corrections or changes prior to the meeting.

As you prepare to travel to the scientific meeting, consider the following tips:

  • Arrange for a proper carrying case for your poster. A worthy investment can prevent damage to your poster and your reputation.
  • Don't check your poster as luggage. Carry the poster with you at all times. Better your clothes get lost than your poster.
  • Come with some basic equipment. Although these items are typically provided at scientific meetings, you may not have quick access to them. Bring with you:
  • Push pins, tacks, or stapler
  • Know where and when to set up your poster. The room or area reserved for posters is usually noted in the meeting program. Arrive early to set up your poster. This will allow you to adapt to any surprises in the physical layout or unannounced changes in the method of displaying the poster. Additionally, it's easier to put up your poster when there are fewer people competing for space and equipment. Most scientific programs assign a unique identifying number to your poster that corresponds to location of the poster in the display area. Find out what your number is and place your poster in the corresponding spot.
  • Know when to "stand-by" your poster. The time will be listed in the meeting program. Arrive on time and stay until the end of scheduled time. Don't wander off; you may miss the judges, your next fellowship director, or your next partner or employer.
  • Know when to take your poster down. Meeting rooms turn-over fast. Have a clear understanding when the poster session is over and when the poster must come down. Failure to take the poster down at the appointed time can result in the hotel or convention staff (not so gently) removing it.
  • Be prepared to promote yourself. Consider bringing handouts and business cards for those who visit your poster. Use this opportunity to "network" with other professionals who share similar academic interests.

This final section provides examples of what makes a poster effective. As you study the examples, note that they share similar characteristics:

  • Organized and easy to follow the flow of information
  • Easy to read, using large font size and are not overly dense with text
  • Attractive, due to judicious use of colors, use of graphics, and arrangement

Listed below are a number of important poster characteristics and examples illustrating those characteristics:

  • Use of a poignant attention getter
  • Use of graphics  to communicate data
  • Well organized  poster with easy to follow flow of information
  • Overly dense  presentation of content
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How to prepare an effective research poster

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  • Lucia Hartigan , registrar 1 ,
  • Fionnuala Mone , fellow in maternal fetal medicine 1 ,
  • Mary Higgins , consultant obstetrician 1 2
  • 1 National Maternity Hospital, Dublin
  • 2 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medicine and Medical Sciences, University College Dublin
  • mhiggins{at}nmh.ie

Being asked to give a poster presentation can be exciting, and you need not be daunted by the prospect of working out how to prepare one. As Lucia Hartigan and colleagues explain, many options are available

The long nights are over, the statistics have been run, the abstract has been written, and the email pops into your inbox: “Congratulations! You have been accepted for a poster presentation.”

All that work has been worthwhile. Your consultant congratulates you and your colleagues are envious of your having a legitimate excuse to go away for a couple of days, but now you have to work out how to prepare a poster. Do not despair, for you have many options.

Firstly, take this seriously. A poster is not a consolation prize for not being given an oral presentation. This is your chance to show your work, talk to others in the field, and, if you are lucky, to pick up pointers from experts. Given that just 45% of published abstracts end in a full paper, 1 this may be your only chance to get your work out there, so put some effort into it. If you don’t have access to the services of a graphic designer, then some work will be entailed as it normally takes us a full day to prepare the layout of a poster. If you are lucky enough to have help from a graphic designer, then you will need to check that the data are correct before it is sent to the printer. After all, it will be your name on the poster, not the graphic designer’s.

Secondly, check the details of the requirements. What size poster should you have? If it is too big, it may look arrogant. If it is too small, then it may seem too modest and self effacing. Should it be portrait or landscape? Different meetings have different requirements. Some may stay with traditional paper posters, so you need to factor in printing. Others present them electronically, but may have a deadline by which you need to have uploaded the poster. When planning a meeting the organisers work out how many poster boards there will be and then the numbers, so follow their requirements and read the small print.

Then make a template. It can be tempting to “borrow” a poster template from someone else, and this may buy you some time, but it is important to check what page set-up and size have been selected for the template. If it’s meant for an A2 size and you wish to print your poster on A0 paper, then the stretching may lead to pixillation, which would not look good.

Next, think about your layout. Use text boxes to cover the following areas: title (with authors, institution, and logo), background, methods, results, and conclusions. Check that the text boxes are aligned by using gridlines, and justify your text. Use different colours for titles, and make sure you can read the title from 3 metres away. Some people will put their abstract in a separate box in the top right hand corner underneath the title, and then expand a little in the other areas. That is fine, so long as you follow the golden rule of writing a poster: do not include too much text. One study showed that less than 5% of conference attendees visit posters at meetings and that few ask useful questions. 2 The same research found that, in addition to the scientific content of a poster, the factors that increase visual appeal include pictures, graphs, and a limited use of words. 2 The ideal number of words seems to be between 300 and 400 per square metre.

Now make it look pretty and eye catching, and use lots of graphics. Outline text boxes or fill them with a different colour. If you can present the data using a graph, image, or figures rather than text, then do so, as this will add visual appeal. If you want to put a picture in the background, and it is appropriate to do so, fade the image so that it does not distract from the content.

Fonts are important. Check whether the meeting has set criteria for fonts; if they have, then follow them. You do not want to stand out for the wrong reason. If there are no specified criteria, then the title should be in point size 72-84, depending on the size of the poster. The authors’ names should be either the same size, but in italics, or else a couple of sizes smaller.

If you are including the hospital logo, don’t take a picture that will not size up properly when enlarged. Instead, obtain a proper copy from the hospital administrators.

References can be in small writing. No one is likely to read them, and you are including them only to remind yourself what you learnt in the literature review. One intriguing possibility is the use of a trigger image to link the poster to online content. 3

Finally, there are also things you should not do. Don’t leave your figures unlabelled, include spelling errors, use abbreviations without an explanation, or go outside the boundaries of the poster. Don’t be ashamed that you “only” have a poster. At a good meeting you may find that the comments from passers by are an amazing peer review. We have presented at meetings where world experts have given feedback, and with that feedback we have written the paper on the flight home.

Competing interests: We have read and understood the BMJ Group policy on declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to declare.

  • ↵ Scherer RW, Langenberg P, von Elm E. Full publication of results initially presented in abstracts. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 ; 2 : MR000005 . OpenUrl PubMed
  • ↵ Goodhand JR, Giles CL, Wahed M, Irving PM, Langmead L, Rampton DS. Poster presentations at medical conferences: an effective way of disseminating research? Clin Med 2011 ; 1 : 138 -41. OpenUrl
  • ↵ Atherton S, Javed M, Webster S, Hemington-Gorse S. Use of a mobile device app: a potential new tool for poster presentations and surgical education. J Visual Comm Med 2013 ; 36 (1-2): 6 -10. OpenUrl

poster presentation at medical conference

poster presentation at medical conference

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How to make an academic poster

Gundogan, Buket a,* ; Koshy, Kiron a ; Kurar, Langhit b ; Whitehurst, Katharine a

a University College London Medical School, London, UK

b Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, UK

* Corresponding author.

E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted February 14, 2016; revised September 2, 2016; accepted September 4, 2016.

Academic posters are an excellent way to showcase your work at conferences and meetings. They can be used in poster presentations and serve as a summary of your project. In this how to article, we demonstrate how trainees can make and deliver a successful academic poster.


  • Academic posters are an excellent way for trainees to showcase their work at conferences and meetings.
  • When done effectively they provide a succinct and attractive summary of your project.
  • This guide aims to provide trainees with a practical and concise method to prepare their academic poster.

Academic posters, when done effectively, are a succinct and attractive way to showcase your work at conferences and meetings. Unlike oral presentations, your audience may not be static so clear design and distilled content are all the more important. Similarly to oral presentations, successful posters can generate discussion amongst the audience members therefore its important to have a clear plan of what to say when stood alongside your poster. In this article, we highlight the important aspects to creating an effective academic poster.

1. Why make an academic poster?

A poster presentation allows you to summarise your project into a concise and aesthetically pleasing format. It is one of the main ways you will present your work when at conferences [1,2] . For this reason, you need to make sure your poster is of good quality. This guide will serve to help you with this.

2. How to prepare a poster

There are many computer programs you can use to create your poster. Many use Microsoft Publisher or PowerPoint. It is important that you are comfortable using these programs as you will likely be doing a lot of editing. If you are not familiar with these programs, librarians that are present in most universities will be able and usually willing to help you out.

2.2. Design

It is useful to attend a variety of scientific meetings to collate ideas on how to create an informative and aesthetically pleasing poster. The most important concept for the overall design is not to overly embellish the poster with formatting and pictures, as this may distract from the content. The information should be minimal, as in a slide presentation, stating only key points rather than complete sentences.

The colour system should have effective contrasting backgrounds (e.g. blue and yellow, black and white) to ensure the text is easy to read. The flow of the poster should also be logical and ideally follow a longitudinal algorithm. This should begin with aims and objectives and flow downwards in columns to methods, results, conclusions and finally references. The same format is also adopted when writing scientific abstracts. Once the poster is drafted, it is important to adhere to the instructions provided by the congress you are attempting to submit to. Failure to comply to guidelines may result in your poster not being considered for a poster award, or perhaps even result in expulsion from the meeting altogether.

Prior to submission it is also important ask as many senior colleagues for feedback on your poster as possible. They will be able to provide feedback on the overall readability of the poster, including formatting. Start preparing your poster early - one month is sufficient time to allow for revisions to be made [3] .

3. Information to include in the format - our top tips

3.1. headings.

This should be clear in bold and grab the reader's attention. It is recommended you use a short, sharp heading relevant to your study. Long scientific titles can often bore the reader and distract from the main body of text. The heading should also include the centre at which the study was conducted and the main contributory authors (as per the authorship critera of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)). Logos for the trust you are working at, as well as the conference/congress you are attending can be placed on either side of the title.

  • Title: this needs to have the largest font size of your entire poster to be eye catching. Keep the title as short as possible - it doesn't need to be a paragraph long [1,3] .
  • Type of manuscript: whether systematic review, research article or another manuscript type.
  • Authors: include everyone who has contributed [4] .
  • Affiliations: should come directly under authors. This should show which organisations are represented by the authors and/or where the research took place and also contact details.

3.2. Main body

This should follow a logical structure guiding the reader through the poster. The more concise your poster, the better - approximately 100 words per section is ideal [5,6] . It is very important that your poster is not wordy. Too much text can be off-putting for the audience. The structure should follow a simple abstract outline.

These are the following sections we recommend as a rough guide, but do check the requirements at your specific conference:

  • Introduction

This should include a short background of the topic to set the context and state the main aims and objectives of your piece of work. What differentiates your work from your competition? Why is your work novel in the field?

The methods section (poster space permitting) should include basic parameters including target sample, setting, duration of study, inclusion/exclusion criteria, statistical techniques, key interventions assessed and primary outcome measures.

The results section should include data analysis and stratification and should only include the results which answer the stated hypothesis. Moreover, essential to the results section is the inclusion of pertinent and key graphs, graphics, images and tables. These need to be large enough for the audience members to see and be as attractive and clutter-free as possible.

The conclusions must derive directly from the results section and answer solely what has been proposed at the start of the paper. Obvious confounders and limitations should also be acknowledged. Key improvements as well as potential for project expansion should also be considered.

Only cite key references integral to your study, as references are wordy and space consuming. Use a smaller font to the main body text to reduce this.

3.3. Templates

Your host institution or the conference may require you to use a specific template for the poster. This may include a logo, colour scheme or a certain layout. You should check this before you start designing your poster.

Numerous templates for designing poster exist online and within your local trust library. Computer software may also have inbuilt templates to assist with the design process.

3.4. Tables and figures

It is a good idea to include graphs/images/tables as this will make your poster look more aesthetically pleasing [1,6,7] . They can also provide more information without crowding the poster with text. Make them colourful, though avoid colours that clash with the text colour [8] . Tables and figures can add new information or graphically present what has already been said in the poster. The arrangement of figures and tables varies and there is no universal rule, however figures interspersed within text is popular and looks attractive. Furthermore, ensure that the figures and images chosen are of a good resolution to avoid blurring when printed and presented.

3.5. Font size

The conference may specify this, however, generally for the main body, size 24 is used for text and size 32 for titles. The introduction section at the top of the poster should have a larger font than this [2] .

3.6. Colour

It is a good idea to stick to one or two colours for main text; anymore and your poster may look too busy. It is also important to check colours in advance at the place you wish to print your poster, as certain colours may come out in a different way to that expected [9] .

3.7. Printing

Make sure to factor in the time (and cost) of printing the poster if this is required. Some companies will print the same day, while others may take longer. Check with your host institution/conference if they use a specific company, as they may be able to provide a discount.

3.8. Electronic posters

A growing number of conferences are using electronic posters (e-posters), which are screens that display an electronic copy of your poster, rather than a paper version. These can either be static images which are laid out similarly to a paper poster, or they can be slide shows of your work, which are displayed like a PowerPoint presentation which then go on rotation at the conference. They may also include videos and animations, so bear this in mind when you are selecting content for your poster [7,8] .

4. On the day

Poster presentations are generally more relaxed than oral presentations. You will need to arrive on time to put your poster up - bring extra pins or Velcro tabs as these aren't always in supply. Many presenters also place a plastic pocket to the bottom or side of their poster on the day which provides a small version of their poster for readers to take away - this can be useful.

Delegates of the conference will usually be able to look at the posters throughout the day or during tea/lunch breaks. However, there will usually be a set time when judges will inspect the posters. During this time, you will need to stay with your poster, perhaps present it and answer the questions which the judges or audience members will have.

4.1. Presentation

While presenting, the intention is to guide the reader through your poster which if organised in a logical order, should not be read off but simply used to illustrate your point. What you say can then be substantiated by pictures which you can refer to for emphasis. Do keep your presentation succinct and highlight the salient points of your study. Moreover, its good practice to provide some background to your work at the start - it may sound obvious, but the audience may not necessarily know why this work is important and it is up to you to set the scene on the relevance of the project.

It's a good idea to refresh your memory on your project and be familiar with it before the presentation as the audience will likely have questions and there are often prizes for the best posters. Examples of common questions to prepare for include: how your work may be relevant to current clinical practice, how can it be developed further and what the limitations of your study were.

Attire is also often overlooked. You must maintain a professional appearance throughout and this can often add hidden points to your poster score under presentation. Be friendly and approachable and if there are any questions left unanswered, acknowledge this and offer to develop your study further.

  • Academic posters are a good way to showcase your work.
  • Preparing posters in advance is vital.
  • Stick to a clear format which is easy to read from 1 m away.
  • Practice your presentation in advance and think about questions you may be asked after your presentation.

Sources of funding

No funding received.

Author contribution

BG, KK, LK, KW contributed to writing the paper.

Conflicts of interest

Buket Gundogan.

Academic poster; Poster; How to; Poster presentation

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Free research poster powerpoint templates.

Beaumont PowerPoint poster template

About our free research poster templates

Easy to use and customize.

▪ Change colors with one click ▪ Most standard US and international poster sizes. ▪ Support for all PowerPoint versions ▪ Only basic PowerPoint skills required ▪ Fully customizable ▪ Instructions included with the poster templates. ▪ Online video tutorials ▪ Configured to print professionally ▪ Additional layouts included in each template

40 color schemes built-in to every research poster template

Five reasons to print your poster with us >, professionally designed research poster templates.

QUICK FIND POSTER TEMPLATES American standard poster sizes (inches) 
 30x40 | 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual International common poster sizes (centimeters)
 91x122 | 70x100 | 100x140 | 100x100 | 100x200 | A0 | A1 | Virtual IMPORTANT Check the requirements of your conference before you download and work on a poster template. If you need further assistance, our phone support is available and free. We are here to provide the best service you can ask for.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

This series of short videos and animated tutorials will walk you through the research poster-making process, answering the most common questions along the way.

  Need further poster template assistance? 510.649.3001

Free powerpoint poster templates for research poster presentations.

Scientific research poster template - Aragon

Poster template design: Aragon Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold  | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Beaumont

Poster template design: Beaumont Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold  | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Newfield

Poster template design:  Newfield Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold |  Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Poster template design:  Winchester Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Lockwood

Poster template design:  Lockwood Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Poster template design:  Kensington Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Stone

Poster template design:  Stone A new, simplified concept for better poster design Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download A0 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Marquee

Poster template design:  Marquee Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Poster template design:  Winston Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download A0 ► View Samples    ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Chamberlain

Poster template design:  Chamberlain Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Forrest

Poster template design:  Forrest Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio) Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download 122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1 ► View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

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QR code generator

Instant QR Code Generator

Add functionality to your poster! Share a link to a page, your email or additional info on the web. It's easy, free and further connects your audience! 

Trifold poster presentation

Professional Trifold Poster Boards

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Font size preview charts

Poster Font Size Checker

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Quick access to ALT code symbols

Quick access to ALT code symbols

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Fabric research poster folded in bag

Fabric Research Posters

Say goodbye to poster tubes with a professional fabric poster you can pack in your luggage! With our crease-resistant EasyTravel™ fabric your presentation will look professional, sharp, and will pack nicely in your carry-on.

Poster presenters

Simplify Your Group’s Poster-Ordering Process

Join our free service designed to help you coordinate your group’s poster orders, get discounted rates and customized special features not normally available for standard orders.

Links to university corporate identity (Logo) pages

List of corporate identity pages where you can download university logos to use with your poster presentation. Help your fellow researchers. Good quality logos for use in printed research posters  are difficult to find online. If you have a link to the identity page of your university, email it to us and we will add it to our list for others to use.

UC Berkeley Texas A&M UCLA Columbia Medical Center Stanford University

Adelphi University Duke University UPENN Bradley University ENMU

UNC Chapel Hill Northwestern University Magnet recognition Seal  Howard University University of Houston

Drexel University Carlow University UNLV UNR UFL

TUFTS George Mason U. St. Scholastica College Mount Royal University Penn State

Yale University University of Wisconsin SD School of Mines USC GATECH


Standard size research poster templates in inches use these starter poster templates as a starting point for your own poster designs, thumbnails of posters are shown in proportion to each others’ sizes based on a 48 inch (height) x 96 inch (width) display area, 36” tall x 48” wide

STARTER 36x48 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE The 36x48 scientific poster template size is one of the smaller sizes and also one of the most common. It is very suitable for scientific posters with low to moderate amount of text and graphics. The 36x48 research poster template can also be printed at the following sizes without distortion or any necessary adjustments: 36x48 (Standard), 42x56, 48x64, 30x40

Trifold (tabletop)

STARTER    TRIFOLD POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE These free PowerPoint poster templates are designed for a standard 3x4 foot poster presentation to be mounted on a standard Trifold poster board. This research poster template should be printed only at the following size: 36x48 (Standard Trifold) This poster template is for a standard Trifold board presentation. You can use it with poster boards available at office-supply stores or our professional ready-to-use Trifold poster presentation product. Are you looking for a larger MonsterBoard template? Use this PowerPoint MonsterBoard template.

36” Tall x 56” Wide

STARTER    36x56 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x4.5 foot poster presentation. This PowerPoint research poster template is for a medium size poster. It is suitable for most poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate to large amounts of content.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 36x56 (Standard), 42x65.3, 48x74.6

36” Tall x 60” Wide

STARTER 36x60 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x5 foot poster presentation. This is also one of the standard sizes. It is used mostly when the height of the presentation board is only three feet and there is more content to present that can fit in a 48x36 poster.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 36x60 (Standard), 42x70, 48x80

36” Tall x 72” Wide

STARTER    36x72 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x6 foot poster presentation. The same as the above scientific poster template, only wider by a foot. Again, it depends on how much content you need to present.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 36x72 (Standard), 42x84, 48x96

36” Tall x 96” Wide

STARTER    36x96 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x8 foot poster presentation. 
It’s the widest one you can use on a three foot tall presentation board. It has five columns.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 96x36 (Standard), 24x64

42” Tall x 60” Wide

STARTER    42x60 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3.5x5 foot poster presentation. This PowerPoint research poster template is suitable for most poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate to large amounts of content.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 42x60 (Standard), 36x51.42, 48x68.57

42” Tall x 72” Wide

STARTER    42x72 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3.5x6 foot poster presentation. This PowerPoint research poster template is for a medium size poster. It is suitable for most poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate to large amounts of content.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 42x72 (Standard), 36x61.70, 48x82.28

42” Tall x 90” Wide

STARTER 42x90 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3.5x7.5 foot poster presentation. This PowerPoint research poster template is for a large size poster. It is suitable for most poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate to large amounts of content.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
42x90 (Standard), 36x77.14, 44x94.28

44” Tall x 44” Wide

STARTER 44x44 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3.7 x 3.7 foot poster presentation. This PowerPoint research poster template is for a medium size poster. It is suitable for many poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate amounts of content.
 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 44x44 (Standard), 36x36, 42x42, 48x48

48” Tall x 72” Wide

STARTER 48x72 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 4x6 foot poster presentation. This PowerPoint research poster template is for a medium/large size poster. It is suitable for most poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate to large amounts of content. 
This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 48x72 (Standard), 24x36, 42x63

48” Tall x 48” Wide

STARTER    48x72 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 4x4 foot poster presentation. This scientific poster template is a good size for limited available spaces without compromising room for content.

 This research poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 48x48 (Standard), 36x36, 24x24, 42x42

48” Tall x 96” Wide

STARTER    48x96 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 4x8 foot poster presentation. This poster template is for the largest size poster usually allowed in conferences.

It can accommodate a lot of content. You can use this template if you also have a large number of photos, tables, charts, and text.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 48x96 (Standard), 24x48, 42x84, 36x72

40” Tall x 30” Wide

STARTER    40x30 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 40x30 inch poster presentation. This vertical poster template can accommodate a moderate amount of content. It can accommodate several photos, tables, charts, and a decent amount of text. This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 40x30 (Standard), 48x36, 56x42

Free PowerPoint poster templates in metric sizes (cm) for international poster conferences

Thumbnails of posters are shown in proportion to each others’ sizes based on a 200 cm (height) x 100 cm (width) display area, 91 wide x 122 tall.

STARTER    91cmX122cm POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric 91 cm by 122 cm scientific poster presentation for international poster sessions. This PowerPoint poster template is essentially a vertical version of a standard 48x36 inch poster presentation. 

This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 91 cm x122 cm (Standard 36x48 inches), 76x102 cm

70 Wide x 100 Tall

STARTER 70cmX100cm POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric 70 cm by 100 cm scientific poster presentation for international poster sessions. This PowerPoint poster template is for a small size poster poster presentation commonly used at international conferences.

This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 70 cm x100 cm (Standard 27.5x39.37 inches), 100x143 cm

100 Wide x 140 Tall

STARTER    100cmX140cm POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric 100 cm by 140 cm scientific poster presentation for international poster sessions. This PowerPoint poster template is for a small size poster poster presentation commonly used at international conferences.

This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:
 100 cm x140 cm (Standard 39.37x55.12 inches)

1 Meter x 1 Meter

STARTER    100cmX100cm POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric 1 meter by 1 meter scientific poster presentation for international or domestic poster sessions. This template is commonly required at the Keystone Symposia research poster conferences.

This scientific poster template can be printed at the following size:
 100 cm x 100 cm (Standard 39 x 39 inches). Any square size up to 121 x 121 cm

100 Wide x 200 Tall

STARTER    100cmX200cm POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric 1 meter by 2 meter scientific poster presentation for international or domestic poster sessions.

 This scientific poster template can be printed at the following size:
 100 cm x 200 cm (Standard 39 x 78 inches)

STARTER A0 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric A0 scientific poster presentation at a 841mm x 1189mm size for international or domestic poster sessions. This scientific poster template can be printed at the following size:
 46.81 inches x 33.11 inches

STARTER    A1 POWERPOINT POSTER TEMPLATE This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric A1 scientific poster presentation at a 594mm x 841mm poster size for international or domestic poster sessions. This scientific poster template can be printed at the following size:
 23.39 inches x 33.11 inches


STARTER    POSTER TEMPLATES These free PowerPoint poster templates are designed for screen presentations at virtual meetings Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Virtual poster sessions

Virtual poster sessions for conferences and meetings of all sizes

If you are a meeting organizer we can help you set up a virtual poster session, free yourself from managing poster submissions and provide your meeting's attendees with a versatile presentation platform that will meet all your requirements.

Five good reasons to print your poster with PosterPresentations.com

Amazingly fast printing: Experience amazingly fast printing with us! If you place your poster order between Monday and Friday before 3pm Eastern time (noon Pacific time), we'll ship it out the same day. You can expect your delivery within one, two, or three business days. Plus, if you give us an additional two business days, we'll provide free shipping! Top-Quality Materials: We take pride in using the finest materials available in the industry. Our prints are produced on high-quality photographic papers, vinyls, and exquisite fabrics. In fact, we were the pioneers of fabric printing for research posters in the USA back in 2008. Reliable Customer Support: Rest assured that we don't simply print whatever you send us. We ensure that your files are optimized for the best possible printing results. If we notice any issues, we'll promptly inform you. Your presentation matters as much to us as it does to you. Competitive Pricing with No Surprises: As a professional, you'll find our prices to be competitive, and we never add unexpected last-minute fees. Furthermore, expedited printing is always included at no extra cost. For students, our prices are among the lowest nationwide. Group Discounts Available: Place a group order with us and not only will you enjoy free shipping, but also discounts that can beat most of our competitors. Feel free to reach out to us at 510.649.3001 for more information.

PosterPresentations.com 2117 Fourth Street STE C Berkeley California 94710 USA

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Preparing the Perfect Poster Presentation

Last Updated on June 23, 2022 by Laura Turner

Poster presentations are to medical school as book reports are to grade school. They are ubiquitous, yet nobody really knows how to do one well. At first they can be intimidating and mysterious; eventually they might become mundane and boring. No matter where you lie on that spectrum as a student researcher, one thing is certain: like it or not, there’s no avoiding them. You’d be hard-pressed to make it four years of medical school without doing a poster, and those diving into research will no doubt present many more.

The problem with posters is that the how-to manual for them really doesn’t exist. Most of us learn how to make and present posters via informal, opinion-based advice from an early mentor and stick to that formula from then on out. As a result, the habits we develop mirror those of the person who taught us. For better or worse, these habits can stick around for an entire career and then one day permeate the advice we eventually give out. Thus, the cycle continues.

This article will serve as a primer to the topic of research posters, giving newer presenters a solid foundation while pointing out often-overlooked details to the grizzled veterans. These tried and true tips, used in combination with the subjective guidance of your mentors and peers, will give you a leg up so that you can snag one of those coveted “Best Poster” awards at your next conference.

The 5 W’s of Poster Presentations

Posters are everywhere in medical school and science in general, but why is that? Have you ever stopped to ask why our preferred method of disseminating research findings is essentially a PowerPoint slide blown up to 36×48 inches? Before diving into how to make and deliver a poster presentation, let’s start with the who, what, where, why, when.

Who makes posters? Practically everybody in academia! As the most accessible form of research presentation, students make up the largest proportion, but you will still see plenty of residents and scientists at all stages of their careers manning the tack boards at any conference you visit.

What exactly is a poster? Essentially, a poster tells the story of a research finding or project in a visual, easily-digestible format. The traditional poster has the same sections as an abstract, such as background, methods, results, and conclusions. However, a poster can represent any type of project at any stage of completion, so you will see these components change from poster to poster and depending on the type of conference you’re at. For example, a poster reporting typical basic science findings will look a lot different than one proposing an innovate new idea in medical education.

Where are posters presented? At nearly all conferences, a poster session is included to help attendees share their ideas and findings. The three major levels of conference are local, regional, and national. Your medical school’s annual student research day would be considered a local conference, while regional meetings are often put on by state chapters of national societies. The annual meeting of those large societies, such as the AMA, would be considered a national meeting. As you go up the hierarchy, the poster sessions get more competitive and thus carry more weight when you add them to your CV.

Why present a poster? This question will vary by the presenter’s level of training. For a student, posters start as a way to show research productivity on a CV and to practice key skills such as public speaking and scientific discourse. With experience, the focus may shift to soliciting critical feedback on a project in hopes of improving it or brainstorming new hypotheses. Once out of training, poster presentations become less frequent but might be most useful for networking with others in the field to spark a new collaborative project. Despite their simplicity, posters remain valuable no matter how far along you are in your training.

When is a poster presented? This will also vary, as it depends on what you hope to get out of it. Students will often be expected to do a poster at the end of a research experience, but there is no need to limit yourself to just this bookend role. If an exciting conference is coming up that you want to attend, consider submitting a poster as well. The opportunity to present will help you network and make the conference that much more productive. Hit a snag in your current work? Make a poster to get feedback and advice from those who stop by to view it. No matter what stage your research project is in, a poster can be a great opportunity to strengthen your science.

Preparing Your Poster

The actual process of making a poster can be anything from pleasant to mind-numbing depending on how much you enjoy the creative process and how skilled you are with PowerPoint. Scientists as a whole tend to prefer data to design, so most likely fall into the latter category. Still, if you want to knock it out of the park with a poster, it must be equally strong in both its science and its appearance. The sleekest poster doesn’t stand a chance if its contents are garbage, while the most impressive research project will simply be overlooked if it doesn’t catch the viewer’s eye.

Assuming your science is strong, design should be on your mind from the start, as it can make or break your poster’s performance at the conference. We’ll hit a few crucial tips below, but for a much more thorough walkthrough of nearly every detail involved in poster creation check out this guide from Dr. Colin Purrington’s blog . Full disclosure: I have no idea who he is. However, his guide is the best and most comprehensive one I’ve found online and took my own posters from meh to mesmerizing practically overnight.

When designing a poster, simple is better. Stick to one main color—two at maximum, just make sure they don’t clash—and leave plenty of white space instead of trying to fill up every inch. Big fonts and big images are a must, and try to minimize text. This isn’t the time to write a dissertation on your project, just stick to the absolute basics a person should know if they walked by and read it. The finer details can all be explained orally when you present it. Many people overlook this step, but once the poster is complete zoom in and make sure all the boxes, headings, and figures are nicely aligned with each other. It seems trivial, but attention to detail on your poster will convey to the viewer that you also have attention to detail in your research.

Most importantly, make sure you lay out the poster’s components in a way that flows naturally. Most people like to have the exposition at left, such as background and methods, with the results occupying the most important real estate at the center of the poster. Finally, the conclusions and future directions follow at stage right. Space should be dedicated in order of importance, with results taking up the majority of the poster while things like references and acknowledgements should be minimized (if included at all). Finally, once the poster is complete be sure to do a test print on regular paper to look for errors. Nothing feels worse than tacking up your poster at a conference only to feel all your hard work slipping away thanks to an overlooked typo or a graph that just didn’t print right.

The next time you make a poster, take an hour to just tweak the layout of a blank template before you add all your data into it. Coming up with a custom format like this will pay off in dividends, saving you time on future posters and ensuring they all follow a consistent, logical organization. Naturally, you will have to make adjustments on a project-by-project basis, but sticking to one solid template as a starting point is worlds better than beginning from scratch each time.

Pulling Off the Presentation

Once your poster is perfected and printed, it’s up to you to show everyone at the conference just how great your research really is. It’s easy to feel like your work is done as soon as the poster prints, but don’t let your guard down just yet! Flopping the presentation is all it takes for your hard work to go to waste. When it comes down to it, people will stop by your poster because it looks interesting but they would much rather hear you talk than stand there silently reading it. Design draws the crowds but an engaging speaker is what keeps them from wandering away.

The most important aspect of presenting a poster is having a short “elevator speech” lined up that you can rattle off at a moment’s notice. You only have a few seconds to catch a person’s interest, so start off with an attention-grabbing fact or question before diving into a chronological tour of the highlights of your poster from start to finish. The goal is to get the viewer to care about your poster right away, forcing them to stick around to hear what your final conclusions were. Have this speech prepared ahead of time and practice it before the conference. This will help you to work out the best way to succinctly present your content instead of blindly improvising and getting caught talking in circles on presentation day.

Once you run through things, expect difficult questions from your audience. This is especially true with judges, as your ability to field a question is often a major criterion of your score. Fear not though, as knowing the answer is often much less important than how you respond. Listen intently during the question, use tricks like restating to buy thinking time, and if you don’t have an answer prepared try to speculate based on what you do know. Don’t lie or make something up, but instead think aloud as you talk through the question. If all else fails, fall back on noting how great the question is and discussing how you might study that hypothesis in future experiments.

Lastly, remember that a poster is just as much about receiving as it is about sharing. Make sure you receive value from your presentation in the form of feedback, advice, and networking. Instead of standing quietly at your poster, smile to those who walk by and speak up to any whose eyes dart to your work or who stop even momentarily. Instead of offering to answer any questions and standing silent as they read, ask what field they work in and offer to jump into your elevator speech. Before they leave, ask for feedback on your work or your presenting skills and consider exchanging contact information if they might want to collaborate in the future.

Love them or hate them, posters are the gateway drug of presenting research in medical school. Take any chance you have to do one, as the work it requires is far outweighed by the skills and experiences accrued in the process. Before you know it, you’ll be cranking out posters in mere hours and delivering riveting presentations without breaking a sweat. With enough practice on the small stage, you’ll be in great shape to wow the audience when the time comes to give a high-profile podium presentation. Above all else, enjoy the process and have fun! Posters are a unique tradition, and skipping lecture to fly off to a conference with one is an excellent opportunity to recharge your batteries and mix up the mundane routine that medical school often becomes.

Welcome to “Research for the Rest of Us”, a column about navigating the complex intricacies of life in the lab. These articles aren’t for the superhuman Nature-publishing, Nobel Prize-winning MD/PhDs out there, but rather for the rest of us: the Average Joes simply trying to get our feet wet in research. Join us as we journey through this complex world of academic adventures, from picking a project to matching into your dream residency and everything in between. 

Trevor C. Hunt

Trevor C. Hunt is a rising fourth-year medical student and a member of his school’s Research Distinction Track, currently completing a one-year research fellowship. He authors the SDN column “Research for the Rest of Us”, using his experience to help others navigate the precarious pitfalls of life in the lab. He enjoys reading and art, and when not in the hospital or conducting experiments can often be found on a golf course or a ski slope. Find him on Twitter: @TrevorHunt_ECU.

Website maintenance is planned from 8:00 a.m. CDT Saturday, July 27, through 9:00 p.m. CDT Sunday, July 28. Brief disruptions may occur during this time.

poster presentation at medical conference

National Conference 2024 | Kansas City | August 1–3

View the 2024 poster presentations and displays.

The posters will be displayed on site in the 2300 foyer and ramp near registration.

Showin poster at National Conference

Posters on Display

Each year the National Conference poster competition gives attendees a venue to share innovative and effective educational programs and showcase unique community projects. This opportunity stimulates research among medical students and residents and encourages networking with those who share similar interests.

In 2024, 50 entries will be selected for display. Of those, the top 12 Research poster authors will be invited to give a brief oral presentation on-site for peer review.

poster presentation at medical conference

The poster submission process has closed.

  • Research  – Summarize the results of a well-defined basic or clinical research project, including a hypothesis, dependent and independent variables, tests for measures of association, succinct discussion of data, etc.  All work should be original.  Projects may involve observational or interventional studies. If the project involves human subjects, documentation of approval or exemption from an institutional review board (IRB) is required. This is the only category eligible for on-site peer review.
  • Clinical Inquiry  – Present a clinical scenario with discussion of an actual patient presentation or review of current evidence-based recommendations for a clinical topic. A clinical case presentation must include an introduction, case description, discussion of current practice guidelines for management of the patient, and conclusions. An evidence-based review need not be based on an actual patient presentation but must provide a systematic review of the current best research evidence to answer a clinical question. The presentation should provide an evidence-based answer on a topic relevant to family medicine and common in everyday practice and include an evidence summary, recommendations from others, and clinical commentary.
  • Community Project  – Describe personal experience working on a community-based initiative to improve the health of a specific population (e.g. providing adolescent AIDS education, working with school nurses to develop asthma action plans, establishing a health care program for the homeless, etc.) Student/resident applicant(s) must have served in a leadership role in the planning and execution of the project. The description should include an evaluation of the project. If project involves human subjects, documentation of approval or exemption from an institutional review board (IRB) is required.
  • Educational Program  – Describe an educational program or curricular innovation that has been evaluated for its impact on medical student or resident training. Student/resident applicant(s) must have played a substantive role in the creation, implementation, and/or evaluation of the target program. This may have been done in collaboration with faculty. Applicant needs to state specifically the role played in the program. If the project involves human subjects, documentation of approval or exemption from an institutional review board (IRB) is required.

Poster judging is a two-tier process.

1. First-Round Judging

  • Relevance to family medicine
  • Originality/innovative nature of project or question
  • Project description/statement of purpose and goals
  • Evidence-based nature of content
  • Validity of conclusions
  • Impact on future work
  • Visual appeal
  • Based on scores from first-round judging, 38 posters will be selected for display-only. Of those, a top student poster and top resident poster from each of the Clinical Inquiry, Community Project, and Educational Program categories will be named and acknowledged in the National Conference app.
  • In addition, 12 posters from the Research category will be selected to present their poster on-site.

2. On-site Poster Presentation (Research only)

  • Presenter’s skills
  • Primary author of the top 12 Research posters will be  required  to staff their display during select hours on August 2 at National Conference.

Posters will be printed by the AAFP and displayed on easels in a designated area at National Conference. The top 12 Research poster authors will be invited to give a brief oral presentation on-site for peer review.

The 38 display-only poster authors will be invited to participate in an optional staffing opportunity on August 2 from 2-3 p.m.

If you have questions about National Conference Posters, email  [email protected] .

Copyright © 2024 American Academy of Family Physicians. All Rights Reserved.

7th Annual Medical & Bioscience Education Day Conference / SIMEC IX

Presented by TMA and SHAPES

Saturday, October 19th | 9:00am - 3:00pm | Berg Hall, LKSC

The learner and educator approach to modern health professions education: building bridges, schedule overview.

9:00am - 3:00pm

9:00am - 9:30am Registration & Breakfast Berg Hall
9:30am - 10:30am Opening Plenary Berg Hall
10:30am - 10:45am Break  
10:45am - 11:45am Concurrent Workshops LKSC Classrooms
11:45am - 1:00pm Lunch Berg Hall
1:00pm - 2:00pm SHAPES Concurrent Presentations LKSC Classrooms
2:00pm - 3:00pm Poster Session & Resource Fair Berg Hall

Registration & Breakfast

Opening plenary.

9:30am - 10:30am

Concurrent Workshops

10:45am - 11:45am

11:45am - 1:00pm

SHAPES Concurrent Presentations

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Poster Session & Resource Fair

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Health & Safety

The TMA is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all meeting participants. As the public health situation changes, these guidelines will be adjusted accordingly. As of Oct. 24, 2022, face masks are no longer mandatory in classrooms. However, individual speakers have the option of requiring masks in sessions. There are no restrictions on gatherings or events at this time.

The TMA will align our health and safety practices with Stanford's Covid-19 safety protocols for events and gatherings, available at this  website . 

Parking & Location

Li ka shing learning and knowledge center.

2025 SGEA/SGSA/SOSR Regional Conference

“better together”.

Hosted by FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Date : April 28-30, 2025 Location : Miami, FL (Miami Marriott Dadeland)

We are pleased to announce our upcoming joint conference with our esteemed affinity partners within the southern region:

  • Group on Educational Affairs (GEA)
  • Group on Student Affairs (GSA)
  • Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)

We cordially invite you to join us for this collaborative event, which promises to be an enriching experience featuring:

  • Research Abstracts
  • Innovation Abstracts
  • Small Group Discussions

Key Topics :

  • Accreditation
  • Transitions in Student Affairs and Medical Education
  • Professionalism and Academic Performance/Progression
  • Expanding DEI knowledge, practices, and language in the Learning Environment
  • Curriculum: Teaching and learning pedagogies and curricular innovation
  • AI, simulation, and technology
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Professional and Leadership development
  • Advising strategy and models
  • Wellbeing and flourishing

This unique partnership allows us to bring together diverse perspectives and expertise from across medical education, student affairs, and student representatives. The conference will offer unparalleled opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development Registration opens: 2025

Conference Co-Chairs :

  • Michele Birch, MD
  • Stephanie B. Corliss, PhD

Host Co-Chairs :

  • Yolangel Hernandez Suarez, MD, MBA, FACOG
  • Rebecca L. Toonkel, MD

OSR Planning Hosts

  • Kassandra Jade
  • Caroline Ezekwesili
  • Hope Cherian

Call for proposals opening soon! We look forward to seeing you in Miami!

Session Types

Research in medical education abstract proposal.

Purpose : Includes works to promote dissemination and discussion of research and its application to medical education.

Time/Format : Submissions will be peer reviewed and accepted abstracts will be selected for either poster or oral presentation. Presenting authors should be familiar enough with the project to discuss relevant literature, present findings, and answer questions.

  • Oral presentations : 10-minute in-person presentation with a maximum of 12 slides, as well as time for Q&A with the presenter. First authors have the option to “opt out” of an oral presentation during the submission process.
  • Poster presentations : Presenters are expected to be available to discuss their research with session attendees in-person during the designated poster session.

Proposals are limited to 300 words and must include:

  • Research statement/question
  • Background and/or theoretical framework and relevance of the study
  • Design and methods
  • Results of data collection and analysis
  • Limitations
  • Conclusions

Required but not included in 300-word count:

  • Author(s) and affiliated institutions
  • References (limit 4)

Proposals will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Clarity of research statement/question
  • Strength of background and/or theoretical framework and relevance of the study
  • Strength of research design and methods
  • Relevance of results
  • Limitations and soundness of conclusions
  • Clarity of writing

Innovations in Medical Education Abstract Proposal

Purpose : Includes works to promote dissemination and discussion of scholarly educational innovations and their application to medical education.

  • Objective or purpose of innovation
  • Background and/or theoretical framework and importance to the field
  • Innovation Design
  • Evaluation Plan: methods and measures
  • Feasibility and transferability
  • Clarity of what was novel, new or innovative
  • Strength of background and/or theoretical framework and relevance
  • Strength of evaluation plan (methods and materials)
  • Relevance of outcomes
  • Quality of reflective critique about the innovation

Key Differences Between Research and Innovations

The table below summarizes some of the similarities and differences in Research and Innovation abstract submissions.

Section Research Innovation
Background Strong rationale with theoretical framework applied Strong rationale with theoretical framework applied; What was new, novel or innovative?
Methods Clear methods and data analysis Emphasis on evaluation plan
Results Results are complete and relevant Outcomes are clearly defined
Conclusions Sound conclusions and limitations discussed Feasibility, sustainability, and transferability; Quality of reflective critique about the innovation

Purpose : Skill-oriented, interactive experience for participants which will allow them to take home specific knowledge and skills. Time/Format : Conference workshops will be 60 minutes in length. It is expected that the workshop activities will include hands-on practice and/or active learning for a majority of the workshop time.

Proposals are limited to 750 words and must include:

  • Rationale: Why the topic is important, timely, and its relevant to medical education. Why participants would be interested in this topic.
  • Learning Objectives: What participates will know or be able to do as a result of this session.
  • Session Methods and Format: Indicate the amount of time to be allocated to each element of the session. Describe the format of the session and the methods that will be used to actively involve participants.
  • Experience: In one sentence per speaker, describe the experience of the speaker(s) relevant to the topic being presented.

Required but not included in 750-word count:

  • Strength of the rationale for the topic and interest potential
  • Clarity of learning objectives
  • Clarity and appropriateness of session methods and format
  • Strategies for active learning
  • Qualifications of the speaker(s)

Submission Deadline : CLOSED Theme: Medical Education in a Changing Climate

Notes about ratings for all abstract types

Rating Scale for each criterion:

  • 1=Poor (major concerns)
  • 2=Below Average (minor concerns)
  • 3=Average (typical; a majority of proposals should fall here)
  • 4=Above Average (better than typical)
  • 5=Excellent (truly outstanding)

Overall Decision:

  • Accept : (this is an excellent proposal, strongly support it being in the program)
  • Accept with Reservations; Please explain : (this proposal has strong qualities but minor concerns, would include in program if space permits)
  • Reject; Please explain : (this proposal has major concerns, do not support it being on the program)

Additional information

  • System will collect submitter’s contact information, presentation title, content domain, intended audience, and abstract type
  • CPD - Continuing Professional Development
  • GME - Graduate Medical Education
  • UME - Undergraduate Medical Education

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Cns pharmaceuticals announces acceptance of abstract for poster presentation at the 2024 sno/asco cns cancer conference.

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / July 25, 2024 / CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:CNSP) ("CNS" or the "Company"), a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the development of novel treatments for primary and metastatic cancers in the brain and central nervous system, today announced that its abstract has been selected for poster presentation at the 2024 SNO/ASCO CNS Cancer Conference being held August 8-10, 2024 in Denver, CO.

Details of the presentation are as follows:

Title: Use of a Brain-Penetrating Anthracycline in Anthracycline-Sensitive Brain Metastases: The Promise of Berubicin Presenter: Sandra Silberman, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of CNS Pharmaceuticals Abstract Code : RMTD-03 Category: Research Methods and Trial Design Considerations Date and Time: August 8, 2024 from 7:15 - 9:00 PM MT Location: Plaza Exhibit Hall, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

For more information about the event, please visit the conference website .

About CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CNS Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of anti-cancer drug candidates for the treatment of primary and metastatic cancers of the brain and central nervous system. The Company's lead drug candidate, Berubicin, is a novel anthracycline and the first anthracycline to appear to cross the blood-brain barrier. Berubicin is currently in development for the treatment of a number of serious brain and CNS oncology indications including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive and incurable form of brain cancer.

For more information, please visit www.CNSPharma.com , and connect with the Company on X , Facebook , and LinkedIn .

Investor Relations Contact JTC Team, LLC Jenene Thomas 833-4717-8247 [email protected]

SOURCE: CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

poster presentation at medical conference

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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  1. (PDF) Medical Conference Poster Presentation

    poster presentation at medical conference

  2. Poster Presentations at Conferences

    poster presentation at medical conference

  3. Medical Poster Presentation Examples

    poster presentation at medical conference

  4. 2019 SfN Conference Poster Winners » Department of Neuroscience

    poster presentation at medical conference

  5. Conference Posters

    poster presentation at medical conference

  6. 22 Winners of medical conference posters ideas

    poster presentation at medical conference


  1. poster presentation in pharmacy college

  2. National Science Day Best #poster Presentation Medical Information Management #shivajiuniversity

  3. Pharmacy Student Conference/ Poster Presentation

  4. How I Presented Research at an International Conference

  5. Kon Siew Yan [Poster Presentation/Medical Education]

  6. Seksan Yoadsanit [Poster Presentation/Medical Education]


  1. Poster presentation 101: Make your work stand out at a conference

    For medical students looking to gain insight on the research process and the work their peers are doing, the 2023 AMA Research Challenge virtual poster symposium and semifinals takes place Oct. 18-20. The event offers the opportunity to explore research in a variety of topics and specialties, provide advice and feedback, and score posters to help decide the five finalists who will compete ...

  2. How to prepare a scientific poster

    Practice a 1- to 2-minute pitch until you feel comfortable. The poster and your pitch must be aimed at the audience that will be present. The clearer and more rational your poster layout, the easier it will then be for you to make a strong pitch. —Srinivas.

  3. How to make a scientific poster

    Conference attendees will look at your poster only briefly, so a clear presentation is crucial. A scientific poster is an illustrated abstract of research that is displayed at meetings and conferences. A poster is a good way of presenting your information because it can reach a large audience, including people who might not be in your field.

  4. Tips for presenting your scientific poster at a conference

    A scientific poster is a visual presentation that summarises your research findings and is typically displayed at conferences or academic events. Presenting one can be intimidating, but it's a valuable opportunity for feedback and confidence-building. Check out our top 9 top tips for successfully presenting your poster at a scientific conference.

  5. Scientific Conference Posters: Conference Posters

    Open access repository for posters and slide presentations across biology and medicine. eposters. Open-access journal that provides free access to over 1,800 scientific and medical posters presented at conferences from around the world. FigShare This link opens in a new window.

  6. Preparing a Poster Presentation

    Posters are a legitimate and popular presentation format for research and clinical vignettes. They efficiently communicate concepts and data to an audience using a combination of visuals and text. Most scientific meeting planners take advantage of the popularity and communication efficiency of poster presentations by scheduling more poster than oral presentations.

  7. PDF Preparing and Presenting Posters for Conferences

    Design your poster without checking the dimensions of the conference poster board; Copy and paste your abstract on to the poster; Use low-resolution images. Remember, there is a lot of support available to you for advice. If you work at an academic institution ask peers and academics for their opinion.

  8. How to prepare an effective research poster

    Firstly, take this seriously. A poster is not a consolation prize for not being given an oral presentation. This is your chance to show your work, talk to others in the field, and, if you are lucky, to pick up pointers from experts. Given that just 45% of published abstracts end in a full paper, 1 this may be your only chance to get your work ...

  9. Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation

    Rule 3: The Title Is Important. The title is a good way to sell your work. It may be the only thing the conference attendee sees before they reach your poster. The title should make them want to come and visit. The title might pose a decisive question, define the scope of the study, or hint at a new finding.

  10. How to make an academic poster : Annals of Medicine and Surgery

    Logos for the trust you are working at, as well as the conference/congress you are attending can be placed on either side of the title. Title: this needs to have the largest font size of your entire poster to be eye catching. Keep the title as short as possible - it doesn't need to be a paragraph long [1,3].

  11. Poster presentations at medical conferences: an effective way of

    Introduction. The purpose of poster presentations is to communicate the results of clinical and scientific research. 1 Over the last decade the number of delegates, accepted abstracts and poster presentations at the Digestive Diseases Week (DDW) and British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) meetings has risen. 2 However, the value of posters to ...

  12. Poster Presentations

    Posters are a legitimate and popular presentation format for research and clinical vignettes. They efficiently communicate concepts and data to an audience using a combination of visuals and text. Most scientific meeting planners take advantage of the popularity and communication efficiency of poster presentations by scheduling more posters ...

  13. Powerpoint poster templates for research poster presentations

    This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 4x4 foot poster presentation. This scientific poster template is a good size for limited available spaces without compromising room for content. This research poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 48x48 (Standard), 36x36, 24x24, 42x42.

  14. Poster presentation at medical conferences: Points to ponder

    Poster presentations at medical conferences: An effective way of disseminating research? Clin Med 2011;11: 138-41. De Simone R, Rodrian J, Osswald B, Sack FU, De Simone E, Hagl S. Initial experience with a new communication tool: The 'Digital Interactive Poster Presentation'. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2001;19:953-5.

  15. PDF How to prepare and present your first poster at a congress

    Get the attention of the attendees - you want to present your data!!! Presenting your poster. Stand next to your poster as much time as possible. Get the attention actively - ask to give a poster walk! Have a 1-3 Minute walk. only highlighting the most important points prepared. get the audience. Every visitor could be a future reviewer!

  16. Preparing the Perfect Poster Presentation

    Poster presentations are to medical school as book reports are to grade school. They are ubiquitous, yet nobody really knows how to do one well. ... At nearly all conferences, a poster session is included to help attendees share their ideas and findings. The three major levels of conference are local, regional, and national. Your medical school ...

  17. Posters

    If you have questions about National Conference Posters, email [email protected]. View posters at the 2024 National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students, August 1-3, 2024.

  18. How To Make A Poster For Medical Conference?

    To make a poster for a medical conference, you should focus on concise and visually appealing content. Use clear headings, relevant images, and highlight key findings. Remember to include contact information and use a professional design. In this guide, we will discuss the key steps involved in creating an effective poster for a medical ...

  19. What is a poster presentation?- Microsoft 365

    A poster presentation, or a poster session, is a type of research format presented on a poster by an individual or a group at a conference. These posters organize and display the thesis or hypothesis, methods, and outcomes of a research study in a way that's visually pleasing for audience members.

  20. 7th Annual Medical & Bioscience Education Day Conference / SIMEC IX

    7th Annual Medical & Bioscience Education Day Conference / SIMEC IX Presented by TMA and SHAPES. Saturday, October 19th | 9:00am - 3:00pm | Berg Hall, LKSC ... SHAPES Concurrent Presentations: LKSC Classrooms: 2:00pm - 3:00pm: Poster Session & Resource Fair ... 11:45am - 1:00pm. SHAPES Concurrent Presentations 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Poster Session ...

  21. 2025 SGEA/SGSA/SOSR Regional Conference

    Research in Medical Education Abstract Proposal. Purpose: Includes works to promote dissemination and discussion of research and its application to medical education. Time/Format: Submissions will be peer reviewed and accepted abstracts will be selected for either poster or oral presentation. Presenting authors should be familiar enough with ...

  22. What is the FSP policy for presentation materials and posters used in

    Presentation materials and poster sessions presented once and not left for conference dissemination or posted on a public website do not require peer review; however, the Science Center Director has discretion to require peer review. Poster session/presentation materials requiring Bureau approval must be tracked and approval documented in the IPDS.

  23. 10/11/2024

    The OSU Hospital Medicine and Med/Peds Symposium is an annual regional conference featuring experts in the care of complex patients. Focusing on the newest in a wide range of IM and pediatric topics, we highlight posters from trainees across the state.

  24. PDF 2024 OSEP Conference Poster Session and Technology Demonstration Agenda

    2024 OSEP Conference Poster Session and Technology Demonstration Agenda Tuesday, August 6, 2024 ... caregivers of children with disabilities and complex medical needs nationwide report high rates of burnout due to lack of respite supports. Through this innovative ... presentation provides three cohorts of pre- and post-intervention outcomes.

  25. CNS Pharmaceuticals Announces Acceptance of Abstract for Poster

    HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / July 25, 2024 / CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:CNSP) ("CNS" or the "Company"), a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the development of novel treatments for primary and metastatic cancers in the brain and central nervous system, today announced that its abstract has been selected for poster presentation at the 2024 SNO/ASCO CNS Cancer Conference being held ...

  26. CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: CNS Pharmaceuticals Announces Acceptance of

    Zeit Aktuelle Nachrichten; 15:14: CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: CNS Pharmaceuticals Announces Acceptance of Abstract for Poster Presentation at the 2024 SNO/ASCO CNS Cancer Conference

  27. Medical conference concludes with prizes

    The Brunei Medical, Dental and Allied Health Students' Conference concluded with a prize presentation for poster and oral competitions at Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre on Sunday. Dr Hein Minn Tun secured first place in the poster competition with 'Navigating the ASEAN's Artificial Intelligence Governance for Healthcare'. The second and third place went to 'Platinum Hydrogen […]

  28. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  29. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  30. Postleitzahl 140050

    Postleitzahl 140050 befindet sich in Kraskowo. Postleitzahlen in der Nähe enthalten 140051. Betrachten Sie Karten und finden Sie mehr Informationen zu Postleitzahl 140050 auf Cybo.