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literature review of industry 4.0 and related technologies

Literature review of Industry 4.0 and related technologies

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Ercan Oztemel: Marmara University Engineering Faculty
Samet Gursev: Marmara University Engineering Faculty

, 2020, vol. 31, issue 1, No 9, 127-182

Abstract Manufacturing industry profoundly impact economic and societal progress. As being a commonly accepted term for research centers and universities, the Industry 4.0 initiative has received a splendid attention of the business and research community. Although the idea is not new and was on the agenda of academic research in many years with different perceptions, the term “Industry 4.0” is just launched and well accepted to some extend not only in academic life but also in the industrial society as well. While academic research focuses on understanding and defining the concept and trying to develop related systems, business models and respective methodologies, industry, on the other hand, focuses its attention on the change of industrial machine suits and intelligent products as well as potential customers on this progress. It is therefore important for the companies to primarily understand the features and content of the Industry 4.0 for potential transformation from machine dominant manufacturing to digital manufacturing. In order to achieve a successful transformation, they should clearly review their positions and respective potentials against basic requirements set forward for Industry 4.0 standard. This will allow them to generate a well-defined road map. There has been several approaches and discussions going on along this line, a several road maps are already proposed. Some of those are reviewed in this paper. However, the literature clearly indicates the lack of respective assessment methodologies. Since the implementation and applications of related theorems and definitions outlined for the 4th industrial revolution is not mature enough for most of the reel life implementations, a systematic approach for making respective assessments and evaluations seems to be urgently required for those who are intending to speed this transformation up. It is now main responsibility of the research community to developed technological infrastructure with physical systems, management models, business models as well as some well-defined Industry 4.0 scenarios in order to make the life for the practitioners easy. It is estimated by the experts that the Industry 4.0 and related progress along this line will have an enormous effect on social life. As outlined in the introduction, some social transformation is also expected. It is assumed that the robots will be more dominant in manufacturing, implanted technologies, cooperating and coordinating machines, self-decision-making systems, autonom problem solvers, learning machines, 3D printing etc. will dominate the production process. Wearable internet, big data analysis, sensor based life, smart city implementations or similar applications will be the main concern of the community. This social transformation will naturally trigger the manufacturing society to improve their manufacturing suits to cope with the customer requirements and sustain competitive advantage. A summary of the potential progress along this line is reviewed in introduction of the paper. It is so obvious that the future manufacturing systems will have a different vision composed of products, intelligence, communications and information network. This will bring about new business models to be dominant in industrial life. Another important issue to take into account is that the time span of this so-called revolution will be so short triggering a continues transformation process to yield some new industrial areas to emerge. This clearly puts a big pressure on manufacturers to learn, understand, design and implement the transformation process. Since the main motivation for finding the best way to follow this transformation, a comprehensive literature review will generate a remarkable support. This paper presents such a review for highlighting the progress and aims to help improve the awareness on the best experiences. It is intended to provide a clear idea for those wishing to generate a road map for digitizing the respective manufacturing suits. By presenting this review it is also intended to provide a hands-on library of Industry 4.0 to both academics as well as industrial practitioners. The top 100 headings, abstracts and key words (i.e. a total of 619 publications of any kind) for each search term were independently analyzed in order to ensure the reliability of the review process. Note that, this exhaustive literature review provides a concrete definition of Industry 4.0 and defines its six design principles such as interoperability, virtualization, local, real-time talent, service orientation and modularity. It seems that these principles have taken the attention of the scientists to carry out more variety of research on the subject and to develop implementable and appropriate scenarios. A comprehensive taxonomy of Industry 4.0 can also be developed through analyzing the results of this review.

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Literature review of Industry 4.0 and related technologies

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A review of indirect tool condition monitoring systems and decision-making methods in turning: critical analysis and trends., segmentation-based deep-learning approach for surface-defect detection, from artificial intelligence to explainable artificial intelligence in industry 4.0: a survey on what, how, and where, significant applications of big data in industry 4.0, internet of things (iot): a vision, architectural elements, and future directions, rfid technologies: supply-chain applications and implementation issues, cyber-physical systems, why research in sustainable supply chain management should have no future, business intelligence: an analysis of the literature, related papers (5), intelligent manufacturing in the context of industry 4.0: a review, industry 4.0, past, present and future of industry 4.0 - a systematic literature review and research agenda proposal, scanning the industry 4.0: a literature review on technologies for manufacturing systems, industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics, trending questions (1).

Social factors in manufacturing within Industry 4.0 context involve robots, implanted technologies, learning machines, and smart city applications, impacting societal and economic progress.

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The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0): technologies disruption on operations and supply chain management

International Journal of Operations & Production Management

ISSN : 0144-3577

Article publication date: 20 November 2019

Issue publication date: 20 November 2019

Koh, L. , Orzes, G. and Jia, F.(J). (2019), "The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0): technologies disruption on operations and supply chain management", International Journal of Operations & Production Management , Vol. 39 No. 6/7/8, pp. 817-828. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-08-2019-788

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited

1. The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0): technologies disruption on operations and supply chain management

1.1 context.

During the last five years, journals in robotics, electronics, computer science and production engineering have devoted significant attention to Industry 4.0 and related subjects, including additive manufacturing/3D printing, intelligent manufacturing and big data ( Lee et al. , 2014 ; Xi et al. , 2015; Pfeiffer et al. , 2016 ; Mosterman and Zander, 2016 ; Chen and Zhang, 2015 ; Jia et al. , 2016 ). A systematic literature review on Industry 4.0 or on some of its specific technologies (e.g. additive manufacturing) is provided by Liao et al. (2017) , Strozzi et al. (2017) and Khorram Niaki and Nonino (2017) among others. Although prominent scholars have acknowledged the relevance of Industry 4.0 for management in general, as well as for Operations and Production Management (O&PM) specifically ( Brennan et al. , 2015 ; Fawcett and Waller, 2014 ; Holmström and Romme, 2012 ; Melnyk et al. , 2018 ), relatively little consideration has been given to these topics by mainstream O&PM journals, especially on Industry 4.0 technologies’ disruption on operations and supply chain management. A few prominent exceptions are represented by the recent attempts to shed lights on: the link between Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing ( Buer et al. , 2018 ; Tortorella and Fettermann, 2018 ); the link between Internet of Things (IoT) and supply chain management ( Ben-Daya et al. , 2017 ); the impact of additive manufacturing on supply chain processes and performances ( Liu et al. , 2014 ; Oettmeier and Hofmann, 2016 ; Li et al. , 2017 ); and the short-term supply chain scheduling in smart factories ( Ivanov et al. , 2016 ). While in the past there were very few pilot Industry 4.0 projects, the number of applications has significantly increased, both in terms of demonstration and “real” factories hence give rise to more empirical studies. Demonstration factories include Factory 2050 at the University of Sheffield (UK), Demonstration Factory at Aachen University (Germany), TRUMPF Group Factory in Chicago (USA) and SmartFactoryKL in Kaiserslautern (Germany), whilst “real” factories are at Audi’s Ingolstadt factory (Core77, 2016), Arla Foods ( ARC, 2016 ), Siemens’ Amberg plant ( Siemens, 2016 ) and Bosch’s Feuerbach plant in Stuttgart ( Automotive World, 2016 ). A recent survey conducted by PwC on more than 2,000 companies from 26 countries showed an overall adoption rate of Industry 4.0 concepts (e.g. digitization and integration) of 33 percent, and forecasted that it will reach 72 percent by 2020 ( PwC, 2015 ). This growth will be further fostered by the funding and innovation plans launched by several countries leading this industrial revolution, e.g., Manufacturing USA in the USA, Industrie du Futur in France, Industrie 4.0 in Germany, Industria 4.0 in Italy, Made in China 2025, Made Smarter UK. It is argued that different industrial sectors have different pace of adopting Industry 4.0. for instance, the aerospace sector has sometimes been characterized as “too low volume for extensive automation” however Industry 4.0 principles have been investigated by several aerospace companies, technologies have been developed to improve productivity where the upfront cost of automation cannot be justified, one example of this is the aerospace parts manufacturer Meggitt PLC’s project, M4. Here, the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) refers to the “confluence of technologies ranging from a variety of digital technologies (e.g. 3D printing, IoT, advanced robotics) to new materials (e.g. bio or nano-based) to new processes (e.g. data driven production, Artificial Intelligence, synthetic biology)” ( OECD, 2016 ). These technologies have the potential to revolutionize operations and supply chain management ( Brennan et al. , 2015 ; Holmström et al. , 2016 ; Rüßmann et al. , 2015 ; Fawcett and Waller, 2014 ; Waller and Fawcett, 2013 ). Industry 4.0 is not merely about integrating technologies, but it is about the whole concept of how future customer demands, resources and data are shared, owned, used, regenerated, exploited, organized and recycled to make a product or deliver a service, faster, cheaper, more efficiently and more sustainably ( Spath, 2013 ). As such, Industry 4.0 requires a rethinking and shift in mindset of how products are manufactured and services are produced, distributed/supplied, sold and used in the supply chain; thus, it will drive significant structural theoretical evolution and revolution for operations and supply chain management. Whilst classical theories such as resource based view, institutional theory, chaos theory, systems theory, stakeholder theory, transaction economic cost theory, evolutionary theory to name a few may need reshaping, the issues of trust will become prominent in such a disruptive digital environment, driving major evolvement of technological singularity in the transformation process, where blockchain may play a central role with IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) ( Carter and Koh, 2018 ).

2. Introduction

So far, all the industrial revolutions that took place in the past two centuries is promoted by altering production mode enabled by a specific emerging technology at that time ( Liao et al. , 2017 ). The arrival of steam engine promoted the first industrial revolution; the application of electricity led to the second revolution, and the widespread use of information technology and electronics products support the third revolution ( Liao et al. , 2017 ). The recent popularization of the IoT and cyber-physical system (CPS) ( Khaitan and McCalley, 2014 ) has attracted the attention of both enterprise and academics. Leveraging those two emerging technologies is promising to enable the higher level of connection between information, products and people ( Ibarra et al. , 2018 ), thereby making contributions to the current production mode. This phenomenon is considered as the fourth industrial revolution, also known as industry 4.0, which is about to bring about an extensive range of innovation from a variety of digital technologies ( Lu, 2017 ), advanced materials ( Schumacher et al. , 2016 ), innovative products ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ), to new manufacturing processes ( Wagner et al. , 2017 ).

Industry 4.0 is an emerging concept deriving from technological advancement and disruptive developments in the industrial sector worldwide in the past few years (Dallasega et al. , 2017). It defines a methodology applying emerging technologies to revolutionize the current production that transits from machine dominant manufacturing to digital manufacturing ( Oztemel and Gursev, 2018 ). Some consider it as the integration of technologies such as CPS, IoT, Big Dara and Cloud manufacturing ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ). However, there is a discourse arguing that industry 4.0 is not only regarding integrating technologies but concerning the whole concept of how to acquire, share, use, organize data and resource to make the product/service deliver faster, cheaper, more effective and more sustainable ( Piccarozzi et al. , 2018 ).

As the interest in the Industry 4.0 research is growing rapidly, these studies do not limit their focus on industry 4.0 itself, but seek to find the relationship between industry 4.0 and other topics. For instance, Piccarozzi et al. (2018) try to link industry 4.0 with management studies; Dallasega et al. (2018) investigate industry 4.0 in the context of the supply chain. Müller et al. (2018) and Kamble et al. (2018) explore the relationship between industry 4.0 and sustainable development.

This position paper intends to summarize the major topics in the current research regarding Industry 4.0 and charts key thematic future research directions and paradigms. In the following section, the paradigms and principles of industry 4.0 are concluded. Five technologies that are widely discussed in the current research are identified and the outcomes of industry 4.0 are discussed at the end of this position paper.

3. Paradigms in industry 4.0

According to Weyer et al. (2015) , industry 4.0 can be subdivided into three paradigms: the smart product, the smart machine and the augmented operator. This conclusion of the major paradigm of industry 4.0 is also agreed by Longo et al. (2017) and Mrugalska and Wyrwicka (2017) . The first paradigm is the smart products, it refers to objects and machines that are equipped with sensors and microchips, controlled by software, and connected to the internet ( Lu, 2017 ; Kamble et al. , 2018 ). Smart products can store the operational data and requirements independently, and further, the product can inform the machine-related manufacturing information, for instance, when to produce, where to produce, or what parameter should be adopted to complete the product manufacturing. In this case, smart product shifts the role of the workpiece in a system from passive to an active part ( Loskyll et al. , 2012 ).

The second paradigm is the Smart Machine. It refers to a device equipped with machine-to-machine and/or cognitive computing technologies (i.e. AI and machine learning (ML)). Through leveraging these technologies, machines can reason, problem-solve, make decision ad eventually take action. Smart machine brought decentralized self-organization, thus replacing the previous traditional production hierarchy ( Mrugalska and Wyrwicka, 2017 ). In such innovative system, the use of open networks and semantic descriptions allow the communication among the autonomic components ( Oztemel and Gursev, 2018 ), while the local control intelligence communicate with other devices, production modules and products, thereby, contributing to the improvement of flexibility and modularity of the production line ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ).

The third paradigm of industry 4.0 is the augmented operator. This concept emphasizes the technological support of the worker in the production system with higher flexibility and modularity ( Weyer et al. , 2015 ). Mrugalska and Wyrwicka (2017) state that augmented operator addresses the knowledge automation in the system, therefore making them the most flexible and adaptive part in the production system. Workers in such production system are likely to encounter with varieties of tasks including specification, monitoring and verification of production strategy. Meanwhile, they may have to annually intervene in the self-organized production system. Under the support of mobile, context-sensitive user interfaces and user-focused assistance system ( Gorecky et al. , 2014 ), such workers play the role of strategic decision-makers and flexible problem-solvers in the circumstance of increasing technical complexity ( Mrugalska and Wyrwicka, 2017 ).

4. Design principles in industry 4.0

Based on the three paradigms mentioned above, some researchers further conclude six principles that should be considered when designing the implementation of industry 4.0 ( Oztemel and Gursev, 2018 ). Those principles include interoperability, virtualization, decentralization, real-time capability, service orientation and modularity ( Lu, 2017 , Oztemel and Gursev, 2018 ). Kamble et al. (2018) conduct a systematic literature review to develop a framework of sustainable industry 4.0 and further justify the role of these principles on industry 4.0 implementation.

First, interoperability is the first principle for industry 4.0. Interoperability refers to the ability of two systems to communicate with and understand each other and use the functions of one another ( Hermann et al. , 2016 ; Lu, 2017 ). It addresses the capability of data exchanging and information and knowledge sharing among systems ( Lu, 2017 ). It is assumed that interoperability is the key advantages of industry 4.0 as it ensures the connection and communication among products, machines and humans ( Mrugalska and Wyrwicka, 2017 ) throughout the diversified autonomous procedure ( Lu, 2017 ).

Further, Lu (2017) proposes a framework of interoperability of industry 4.0 and concludes four levels of interoperability in industry 4.0, including operational, systematic, technical and semantic interoperability. The author gives specific explanations for each level of interoperability. Operational interoperability indicates the concepts, standards, languages and relationships within the system. Systematic interoperability describes the methodologies, standards and models; technical interoperability illustrates tools and platforms for technical development, and the semantic interoperability ensures the exchanged information is well understood among different groups.

Qin et al. (2016) confirmed that interoperability constructs a trusted environment in a manufacturing system, in which information is accurately and swiftly shared among partners ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ), therefore resulting in a cost-saving operation with higher productivity ( Lu, 2017 ).

Virtualization is used for process monitoring and machine-to-machine communication. It indicates that devices have the capability of monitoring the physical process. The sensor data is linked to virtual plant models and simulation models, thus constructing the virtual copy of physical objects ( Mrugalska and Wyrwicka, 2017 ). Meanwhile, each device can be virtualized and become a part of the plant model. The virtual model can simulate various scenarios based on the monitored data. Once the potential risks or failures are detected in the virtual models, operators are informed and they can take the pre-emptive action ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ), thus reducing the actual error rate and smoothing the inter-company operations ( Brettel et al. , 2014 ).

Third, decentralization denotes that companies, operation staff, and even devices are able to make independent decision rather than depending on the centralized decision-making, It can be achieved with the use of embedded computer, which provides the operation staff or devices the capability of individual control and independent decision-making ( Marques et al. , 2017 ). As the development of customization and product variety, the flexible production line is expected to be extensively adopted. Overall control of the production line is less advisable. However, the embedded control system can empower each device or the unit of the device to make independent decisions, thus making the decision-making efficient and offering more flexibility ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ).

Fourth, real-time capability refers to the immediacy of data collection and analysis, and the real-time of data transmission. Smart factory requires continuous real-time data monitoring and analyzing, to detect the errors timely and satisfy the new demand. The collection of real-time data relies on big data technology ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ). The huge amount of data regarding machines, equipment, and products are collected from factories, and data regarding customers are collected from multiple sources such as social media or outlets. The analysis of those real-time data may alter the ways of decision-making and pose an impact on the profitability of the companies implementing industry 4.0.

Fifth, service orientation required that devices are capable of satisfying the needs of users through the internet of service. As all the entities in the production system are interconnected, and therefore, the concept of the product will extend from the product itself to product-service ( Lasi et al. , 2014 ). Service orientation indicates that product should be considering the users’ practical needs, such as user-friendly or convenience for maintenance, at the very beginning of product design. Moreover, through service orientation, corporate can achieve flexibility and agility and thus to have a quick response to the market change ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ).

Sixth, modularity refers to the device or the components of a device is produced following standards. Therefore, they can be assembled, replaced and expanded as needed in the modular production system ( Qin et al. , 2016 ). In this case, modularity provides smart factories with the capability of adapting capacity at a lower cost to cope with seasonal fluctuation and changes in production needs ( Mrugalska and Wyrwicka, 2017 ).

5. Technologies in industry 4.0

Lu (2017) defines industry 4.0 as an integrated, adapted, optimized, service-oriented and interoperable manufacturing process in which algorithms, big data and high technologies are included. Technologies are considered as the very heart of industry 4.0 as the interconnection in the industry 4.0 is supported by the adoption of software, sensor, processor and communication technologies ( Bahrin et al. , 2016 ). Five technologies are frequently discussed in the literature: IoT, big data analytics, cloud, 3D printing and robotic systems ( Piccarozzi et al. , 2018 ; Kamble et al. 2018 ), where technologies such as AI, ML, digital twin and 5G are emerging.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT is an emerging industrial ecosystem. It facilitates the combination of intelligent machines, advanced predictive analytics and machine-human collaboration, aiming at promoting productivity, efficiency and reliability ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ). In industry 4.0, IoT can support the smart factory. It can lead to the creation of virtual networks to support the smart factory ( Xu et al. , 2018 ); meanwhile, it provides the factory with the ability to collect real-time data and transmit the data swiftly ( Yang et al. , 2017 ). Therefore, it enables the remote operation of manufacturing activities and affects collaboration among stakeholders ( Yang et al. , 2017 ). IoT can benefit the integration and coordination of product and information flow ( Tao et al. , 2014 ), and enable the decentralization of decision-making, interconnected devised can perform automatic analytics and decision-making, thus improving the responsiveness to the environment change ( Wang et al. , 2014 ).

Big data analytics

Manufacturing companies have realized that data analytics capabilities are imperative for their competitive advantage in the era of digitization. Therefore, they devote themselves to improving skills for algorithms development and data interpretation ( Lee et al. , 2017 ). Big data analytics and technologies can promote data collection from multiple sources, and the ability of comprehensive data analysis and real-time decision making based on the data analysis results ( Bahrin et al. , 2016 ). It has been widely adopted in manufacturing to monitor the process. Also, big data is used for failure detection, thus supporting new capabilities such as predictive analytics ( Lee et al. , 2017 ). Data quality and qualified data analysis capabilities are key to achieve the desired outcomes of big data analytics ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ). Therefore, leveraging the intelligence in big data to improve agility will require new challenges, for example how to ensure the data consistency and confidentiality in a long and complex supply chain ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ).

Cloud computing is a computing technology. Cloud computing centers can store and compute a huge amount of data, therefore promoting the manufacturing and production and further bringing organizations higher performance and lower cost ( Mitra et al. , 2017 ). Cloud computing is supported by virtualization technology, as it provides cloud computing with resource pooling, resource sharing, dynamic allocation, flexible extension and other capabilities ( Xu et al. , 2018 ). Xu et al. (2018) also address the usefulness of cloud computing in facilitating efficient data exchange and sharing. Through cloud computing, data can be stored in either private cloud or public cloud servers, and thus cloud computing can promote complex decision-making ( Xu et al. , 2018 ).

Cloud-based manufacturing is key to the success Industry 4.0 implementation. It enables the modularization and service-orientation in the field of manufacturing ( Xu et al. , 2018 ), where system orchestration and sharing of service and components are essential considerations and are affected by modularization and service-orientation ( Xu et al. , 2018 ). Branger and Pang (2015) assumed that cloud manufacturing is expected to be the next paradigm in manufacturing in Industry 4.0.

3D printing

3D printing relies on additive manufacturing (as opposed to subtractive manufacturing). Final products in 3D printing are built up with successive layers of materials ( Oztemel and Gursev, 2018 ), thus avoiding the component assembly in the production process. Additive manufacturing techniques can make contributions to industry 4.0 in terms of offering organizations construction advantages, as it allows to produce small batches of customized products with complex and lightweight design ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ). Chen and Lin (2017) state that the exploitation of 3D technology can optimize smart manufacturing and lean manufacturing. However, there are technical challenges in the use of 3D printing, namely, limited accuracy and productivity, and limited available material ( Chen and Lin, 2017 ). Because of the technical challenges, additive manufacturing (3D printing) is still in the initial stage. However, once the challenges have been solved, it is expected to see wider adoption of this technology in Industry 4.0 ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ).

Robotic systems

However, robotics has been used for production in many manufacturing industries, the modern robotics systems are more flexible, autonomous and smart and are able to communicate and cooperate with one another and even have learning ability ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ), leading to the next generation of robotic systems, namely, cobot (collaborative robots). Pei et al. (2017) state that the modern robotics can perform well in most of the processes in the smart factory, for instance, Mueller et al. (2017) proposed that it is feasible to use programmable dual-arm robots to efficiently distribute and allocate materials in the assembly line. Therefore, the application of modern robots can provide the factory with cost advantages and a wide range of capabilities ( Pei et al. , 2017 ). To ensure the safe operation of the robotics system, a device named safety eye is equipped. Once the device has detected any disturbance in the operation, it will stop the robot and will not reactivate the robot before the operators remove the objects that disturb the operation ( Kamble et al. , 2018 ).

6. Outcomes of industry 4.0

Considering industry 4.0 can revolutionize the products and manufacturing system in terms of operation, product, design, production processes and services across the supply chain, it is expected that implementing industry 4.0 can positively impact the industry, markets and multiple participants (Dallasega et al. , 2017). Pereira and Romero (2017) conclude six areas on which industry 4.0 may exert influence. Those areas include: industry, products and service, business model and market, economy, work environment and skills development. Kamble et al. (2018) further link industry 4.0 with sustainable development and argued that industry 4.0 can generate sustainable outcomes in terms of environmental, social and economic.

Industry 4.0 has brought manufacturing industry new decentralized and digitalized production patterns, in which the production elements are highly autonomous, and therefore they can trigger actions and respond to the environment change independently ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ). Industry 4.0 also promote the integration of products and processes, thus transforming the production pattern from mass production to mass customization ( Lu, 2017 ). Additionally, production processes and operations are significantly affected by the emergence of smart factories and emerging technologies, such as IoT, 3D printing and robotic systems. In this case, Industry 4.0 can improve the flexibility in operations and efficiency in resource allocation ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ). Dallasega et al. (2018) state that Industry 4.0 will not only affect the productivity in the manufacturing industry but also influence the entire supply chain from product development and manufacturing process to the product distribution. Products and services are also affected by industry 4.0. The principle of modularisation makes the products modular and configurable, and as a result, products and services are more customized to satisfy specific customer needs ( Jazdi, 2014 ).

Industry 4.0 has brought a number of new disruptive technologies that have altered the approaches of delivering products or services, hence affecting the traditional business models and encouraging the new business models ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ). For instance, system integration and complexity in industry 4.0 will result in the emergence of more complex and digital market models, in which the barriers between information and physical structure are reduced ( Ibarra et al. , 2018 ).

Industry 4.0 is transforming jobs and required skills, which have impacts on the working environment and skills development. With more robots and smart machines is involved in the daily operation, the physical and virtual world are fusing together, thus launching transformation in the working environment. For example, as human-machine interfere requires the communication among smart machines, smart products and employees, ergonomic issues should be considered in the future system should stress the workers and their importance in the system ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ). For skills development, as in the context of industry 4.0, interdisciplinary thinking and qualified skills in the social and technical field are required. These new competencies should be included in the employee training and education ( Pereira and Romero, 2017 ), to make workers and managers well prepared for this new industrial paradigm.

Moreover, Kamble et al. (2018) state that Industry 4.0 can lead to sustainable development. With the support of cloud computing and big data analytics, organizations can achieve cost reduction and lean production, thus realising the economic sustainability; Employing technologies such as sensing, detection and tracing analysis can help to mitigate the problem of industrial waste disposal, which facilitates the environmental sustainability; technologies (risk maps or wearable technologies) for improving the safety of employees in hazardous work areas helps to ensure the process safety and promote the social sustainability.

7. Methodological approaches adopted by Industry 4.0 research

Industry 4.0 literature is characterized by a prevalence of conceptual papers. Piccarozzi et al. (2018) found for instance in their systematic review on Industry 4.0 in management studies 54 percent of conceptual papers, mainly literature reviews and developments of models/frameworks. As far as empirical papers are concerned, qualitative methods (mainly case studies) and quantitative methods (surveys) are almost equally adopted (25 vs 21 percent, respectively).

An agreed definition and operationalization of the Industry 4.0 construct is missing ( Culot et al. , 2018 ). While some authors have indeed sought to develop maturity models and readiness indexes, which identify incremental levels of Industry 4.0 implementation (for a review see Mittal et al. , 2018 ), Industry 4.0 literature still relies on different operationalizations of the concept. As an example, the bunch of technologies considered as Industry 4.0 varies significantly from one paper to the other. This poses serious limitations to theory building and research comparability.

Finally, Industry 4.0 papers belong to a wide set of disciplinary domains. Muhuri et al. (2019) identified in their bibliometric analysis of Industry 4.0 the top 10 subject areas in the Scopus database. At the first place there is Engineering (65 percent [1] ), followed by Computer Science (45 percent), Business, Management and Accounting (16 percent) and Decision Sciences (14 percent). While these disciplines were the most important ones also in the previous investigation conducted by Liao et al. (2017) , their relative importance has significantly changed (Engineering was at the second place after Computer Science; Business, Management and Accounting and Decision Sciences were significantly less frequent). Besides this wide set of disciplines involved, there is however a limited number of interdisciplinary papers.

8. Suggestions for future Industry 4.0 research – methodological approach

As we pointed out in this position paper, Industry 4.0 research so far is still characterized by a prevalence of conceptual papers in the operations and production field. However paradigms, design principles and technologies prevalent to industry 4.0 have been examined. Whilst this might be partially justified by the novelty of the topic and the consequent limited adoption by companies (the Industry 4.0 concept was indeed introduced at the Hannover Fair in 2011), the scientific research cannot overlook the contact with the industrial world. One of the main challenges for future Industry 4.0 research is therefore to carry out more empirical investigations as well as large-scale data analysis. For this reason, we decided not to accept any conceptual contribution in our special issue (even though we received some high-quality conceptual papers). Alongside the traditional empirical methods (i.e. case study and survey), other exploratory methodologies – such as Delphi studies or focus groups – could bring significant insights given the interdisciplinary and “futuristic” nature of the topic.

A further potential methodological limitation of current Industry 4.0 research is the absence of agreed definitions and operationalizations of the main constructs. Without these operationalizations, there is a risk that the significant relationships observed are just due to the specific definitions considered and are not reproducible in other studies. A second significant challenge for future Industry 4.0 research is therefore to define the main Industry 4.0 constructs (e.g. Industry 4.0 adoption, Industry 4.0 maturity, Industry 4.0 readiness) and empirically validate them. This challenge will not be easy since both the technological landscape and the application fields of Industry 4.0 are rapidly evolving. Researchers should however find a way to define a common set of constructs to support further theory building and theory testing efforts.

The issue pointed out above is particularly significant in quantitative research, which is usually based on closed-ended questions or secondary data (requiring a precise operationalization of the measured constructs). The almost equal representation of qualitative and quantitative research might in this sense signal a potential issue. We therefore think that qualitative theory building papers should be particularly welcome in this stage, to develop a set of constructs and relationships to be tested on larger samples in a later stage.

Finally, Industry 4.0 is a highly interdisciplinary topic, involving a wide set of knowledge domains (e.g. automatic controls, robotics, sensors, computer science, and management) and actors (e.g. researchers, companies, technology providers, policy makers, schools). The successful transition toward Industry 4.0 requires indeed a joint effort of the above-mentioned actors to create a successful ecosystem ( Xu et al. , 2018 ). Interdisciplinary research should therefore be significantly encouraged at all levels. First, Industry 4.0 researchers should for instance try to aim in their paper more at the policy makers and the managers. Research should indeed support the different authorities to take better decision to support the digital transformation. Second, authors from different disciplines or affiliations (universities, applied research centers, companies, technology providers, governments and regulatory bodies) should try to systematically integrate the different perspectives and point of views. Finally, the reviewing and editorial board of journals might also be broadened/hybridized by involving experts from the industrial and the policy making worlds.

9. Conclusion

The purpose of this position paper is to summarize the major topics of recent research on industry 4.0. First, three paradigms and six principles of industry 4.0 are identified, and five technologies that are frequently discussed in industry 4.0 are concluded. The outcomes and impacts of industry 4.0 are discussed at the end. In addition, the methodological approaches in industry 4.0 research has been discussed, and future research directions and paradigms of industry 4.0 methodological approach have been proposed.

Although industry 4.0 has been widely discussed from multiple perspectives, as technology advancement still takes place constantly, thus continuously shaping the industry and organizations, there are abundant research opportunities in this topic. Meanwhile, with the increasingly in-depth understanding of industry 4.0, there are more research potentials to combine industry 4.0 with other research fields, to further investigate the industry 4.0 with a wider scope.

The sum of percentages exceeds 100 percent since some papers are categorized by Scopus in more than one category.

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Further reading

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Literature review of Industry 4.0 and related technologies

Profile image of Ercan Oztemel

2018, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

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Industry 4.0-compliant occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevention: literature review and future directions.

literature review of industry 4.0 and related technologies

1. Introduction

2.1. copd diagnosis, 2.2. copd indicators and monitoring.

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL): COPD is typically accompanied by decreased ADL [ 23 ], which makes ADL assessment one of the best COPD evaluation methods. Furthermore, it is vital for COPD patients to increase their ADLs [ 24 ]. A study implemented real-time activity classification by placing sensors on the forearm, thigh, and sternum [ 25 ]. Wearable technologies such as smart vests and t-shirts were developed to reduce the number of sensors required, and cloud-connected platforms were designed for remote monitoring and interactions [ 26 , 27 ].
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): VOCs, such as isoprene and hexadecane, are typical kinds of the COPD biomarkers in exhaled breath [ 28 , 29 ]. A portable spectrometer has been proposed for chemical analysis [ 30 ]. However, there are contrary opinions on using VOC profiles for COPD diagnosis. Research shows that VOC profiles could identify patients with COPD accurately [ 31 , 32 , 33 ], while it was also observed by some studies that VOC profiles cannot distinguish smokers, including former smokers, from COPD patients [ 34 , 35 ].
  • Blood Lactate Level: The blood lactate level is another COPD biomarker [ 36 ]. It has been reported that people with COPD tend to have a higher blood lactate level than their healthy counterparts while doing the same activities at the same intensity [ 36 ]. As a result, lactic acid has been proposed and used as a biomarker of COPD severity [ 37 ]. Several novel approaches using flexible electronics were developed to measure the lactic acid through human tears, saliva, and sweat [ 38 , 39 , 40 ]. However, in tests, it was found that these electronics were not very comfortable to wear, and their practicality needs further discussion [ 41 ].
  • Saliva: Dysphagia is regarded as one of the high-risk phenotypes for the prediction of COPD exacerbation by some studies [ 42 ]. Research has found, as a less invasive way to screen dysphagia, that a repetitive saliva swallowing test cut-off value of 5 could be a strong predictor of COPD exacerbation [ 43 ]. Compared to bio-samples like blood and sputum, saliva is relatively easy to use, especially for home monitoring. A novel biosensor called COPD saliva-based point-of-care monitor has been designed to enable patients to undergo testing at home and identify exacerbation in time [ 44 , 45 ].
  • Respiration: As aforementioned, the main symptoms of COPD are related to the patient’s respiratory condition. This follows from the medical explanation of why breathing will change is that sternomastoid muscles, which are accessory muscles, are used during the exacerbation period of COPD [ 46 ]. Research has explored the consistency and accuracy of breathing sounds at various airflow levels and predetermined bodily sites in individuals with COPD [ 47 ]. A conclusion was drawn that the most reliable interval of air flow is 0.4–0.6 L/s, and this applies to respiratory sound parameters at all anatomic locations [ 47 ]. Moreover, it is recommended to be considered in computerized auscultation for future use [ 47 ]. On the other hand, research shows that the respiration characteristics of COPD differ from other dyspnea diseases [ 48 ]. Furthermore, a study found the potential of computerized analyses of respiratory sounds in respiratory status monitoring for people suffering from COPD, and this study achieved “75.8% exacerbations were early detected with an average of 5 ± 1.9 days in advance at [sic] medical attention” [ 49 ].
  • Cough and Sputum Production: Chronic cough and sputum production are not only very common in subjects with COPD, but have also been suggested as being predictive of disease progression, exacerbations, and hospitalizations [ 50 ]. Research on using chronic cough or phlegm to predict or identify COPD risk severity achieved some success [ 51 , 52 ]. It has been pointed out that each of them is an independent and statistically significant predictor of COPD [ 51 ]. Experiments successfully identified a subgroup of participants at a high COPD risk, irrespective of smoking habits. The study contends that the occurrence of a chronic cough or phlegm serves as an early indicator of COPD in a significant number of patients, regardless of their smoking status [ 51 ]. Sumner et al. considered cough only in a study, and a comparison was made of 68 randomly selected current and ex-smokers with COPD and smokers without COPD and healthy nonsmokers, using a custom-built cough sound recording device over 24 h. An outcome of this study was that objective cough monitoring is viable. Moreover, it offers a great prospect that cough monitoring can provide timely feedback for COPD interventions and also allows for adapting the new strategy in development [ 52 ].

2.3. Environmental Risks

3. industry 4.0-compliant management, 3.1. iot and data analysis.

  • Adherence to and staying current with the latest regulations or directives;
  • Protection of workers by identifying workplace hazards and near misses;
  • Monitoring of training activities of employees on important EHS policies and procedures;
  • Improvement of employee exposure information.
  • Remote Health Condition Monitoring: Applying IoT for medical purposes, such as using wearable sensors for wireless monitoring, is a trending topic. A design of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) for remote respiratory rate monitoring of COPD patients was proposed to improve doctor–patient communication [ 67 ]. It used message queue telemetry transport protocol and could send clinical alarms according to configurable thresholds. Additionally, a smart vest was designed for breathing monitoring during the rest period, with embedded capacitive sensors [ 67 ]. Similarly, to make the vest more comfortable to wear, inkjet-printed sensor technology was used [ 68 ]. It is stretchable and wearable, and the design achieved high measurement accuracy at different postures and among different patients. In the research of these two smart vests, the only parameter considered was the breath rate of the wearer, and the measurements were supposed to be taken during the rest period. For the same purpose of remote respiration monitoring, much more physiological parameters were covered in the design of a smart mask proposed by Tipparaju et al. [ 69 ]. In this work, principle component analysis (PCA) was applied to analyze the respiration pattern of each participant, but neither the pathology basis nor how to use it for a particular disease was considered [ 69 ].
  • Working Environment Control: To the best knowledge of the authors, universal examples of Industry 4.0-compliant environmental COPD risk control do not exist, probably due to the large variety of COPD substances. However, research on occupational exposure management IoT systems has been reported [ 70 , 71 ]. A project aimed at sustainable health management presented an IoT-based indoor environment monitoring system tracking O3 concentrations near photocopy machines [ 70 ]. The developed sensing node contains a Bluetooth module and a semiconductor O3 sensor, apart from which, the developed IoT system also includes gateway nodes and processing nodes. It was claimed that the design can be expanded to cover larger areas and more pollutants such as hydrocarbons and different-size particles [ 70 ]. Similarly, Fathallah et al. conducted work on occupational exposure estimation and proposed a real-time occupational exposure monitoring model [ 71 ]. It successfully quantified indoor worker exposure to formaldehyde and CO2 in real time using multi-pollutant sensor nodes and an indoor positioning system [ 71 ].
  • ML-Assisted Assessment and Prediction: The introduction of ML to assist diagnosis is a new trend. Zarrin and Wenger developed an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for pattern recognition for COPD diagnosis [ 72 ]. In this study, eight fundamental parameters were considered: the viscosity of saliva samples, the ambient temperature, patient smoking background, cytokine level, pathogen load, mucin combinations, gender, and age. Moreover, the output was set to four different kinds of disease statuses: healthy, low probability, high probability, and COPD-diseased. After comparing to the actual states, an accuracy rate of 112 out of 200 was achieved [ 72 ]. Attempts of COPD readmission prediction have also been made. COPD patients were required to use accelerometer-based wrist-worn wearable devices during daily living and readmission risks for 30 days, and were predicted based on their physical activity, including the activity index and regularity index, and quality of activity [ 73 ]. The results from 16 COPD patients showed a sensitivity of 63% and a positive prediction rate of 37.78%, which can be considered a significant improvement in comparison to other clinical assessments [ 73 ].

3.2. Industry 4.0-Compliant Prevention Based on Underpinning OHS and Medical Management Approaches

  • Elimination: physical removal of the hazard;
  • Substitution: replacement of the hazard;
  • Engineering Controls: isolation of people from the hazard;
  • Administrative Controls: change the way people work;
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): protects the worker.
  • The redefinition of medicine as an informative science;
  • The interconnected domains composing complex diseases;
  • The emerging technologies allowing for different approaches to understand and access patient data;
  • New and powerful analytical systems.

4. Discussion

4.1. identification of opportunities and challenges.

  • Health Condition Detection: current research on how digital technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence can specially support the treatment of occupational-related COPD, rather than OHS management, more related to protection against and prevention of COPD. Systematic reviews reported that digital health interventions (DHIs) for COPD show some uptake problems, like low compliance rates and lack of personalization [ 77 , 78 ]. Some remote monitoring systems also present restricted utilization to specific times during the day [ 77 ]. Moreover, measurements should also be more adjustable to the requirements of the target population [ 78 ].
  • Protection: active protection is one of the new trends in OHS 4.0; digital technologies like smart PPE and WSNs can provide more sources and types of data to support further analysis. However, COPD risk factors found in workplaces usually vary. Therefore, monitoring systems with fixed alarm values of one or two substances are not effective enough. It should be noted that some exposure exceeding critical values could be easily avoided by combining environmental monitoring systems with primary real-time intervention control, such as connecting traditional protection equipment like LEV systems and environmental sensors to cyber–physical systems (CPSs), allowing for reducing the exposure level in the workplace and maintaining it under WEL in real time. Regarding personal protection, Adjiski et al. devised smart underground mining PPE by introducing sensors and wireless communication modules into safety wear [ 75 ].
  • Assessment: the integration of traditional assessment methods and ML algorithms can improve accuracy and help optimizing management. COPD risk assessment in workplaces needs to be more personalized and dynamic. The lack of personalization of current approaches, which use the same standard for different workers at different ages and different jobs can result in misdiagnoses. With the idea of new conceptual OHS management, digital technologies such as data fusion (e.g., sound and temperature) and ML show high potential for assessment assistance and decision optimization. For example, without motion working state recognition, health condition monitoring could be meaningless. Moreover, unlike other industrial diseases, such as HAVS and MSDs, there are no “ergonomic tools” for COPD, nor well-developed analysis and assessment standards. In addition, it is hard to diagnose or predict COPD as it is a “chronic” disease, influenced by several factors, including various substances and lifestyle habits like exercise and smoking.

4.2. Future Trends and a Vision of Implementation

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous health condition monitoring is necessary to analyze the influences of COPD risk factors on workers. Motion monitoring is also needed for working state recognition, while real-time environmental monitoring helps identify the COPD risk factors and workers’ positions.
  • Dynamic Exposure Assessment: Data fusion technology can combine the information acquired from the wearable sensors and environmental sensors, using it to establish what happened where, when, and to whom. Exposure assessments like exposure profiles and hot points should be carried out considering job types and layout.
  • Effective and Targeted Intervention: Intervention must be performed in a personalized way. Instead of pre-setting values, ML algorithms can help producing effective and targeted intervention standards based on different health conditions and jobs. For example, intervention including alarm, LEV control, and smoke cessation suggestions could be delivered through CPS in the workplace. This way, the lung function prediction of each worker and COPD risk assessment of a workplace could be performed without long-time observations.

5. Conclusions

  • Heath condition detection methods from industrial perspective are needed for the purpose of occupational protection. Moreover, for different target populations, measurements should be adjusted for a better uptake.
  • Traditional hazard assessments rely on manual periodic checks, which are both time-consuming and expensive, and lead to less accurate results. Sensor-based hazard monitoring is supposed to deal with a wide range of hazards. Dynamic WELs, i.e., exposure thresholds varying with time, should be calculated and derived to drive active protection or real-time intervention control introduced by CPS.
  • COPD is a chronic disease with complex causes and varies from person to person. Compared to other diseases, it is difficult to convert current COPD diagnosis criteria into computer algorithms. A personalized diagnosis taking an individual’s physical states and circumstances into account is vital for accurate conclusion in decision making.

Author Contributions

Institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

AgricultureBrick makingCadmium dust
ConstructionDock workersOrganic dusts
TextilesQuarriesGrain and flour dust
MiningWeldersWelding fumes
StonemasonryCadmiumCadmium fumes
RubberPlasticsSilica dust
Petroleum workersFoundry workersMineral dust
Flour and grain workers in the food industry
FEV115% or 500 mL decline in one year [ ]COPD alarmPortable spirometer [ , , ]
Respiration rate25 breaths per min (bpm) [ , ]COPD exacerbationAcoustic sensor [ ]
Cough3 months per year for 2 years [ ]Chronic bronchitisMicrophone [ ]
ActivityN/AWorking, walking, or sittingAccelerometer
COPD substanceN/ACOPD substance concentrationAir composition analysis
PositionWELsWorkers’ positionsWi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.
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Jiang, Z.; Bakker, O.J.; Bartolo, P.J. Industry 4.0-Compliant Occupational Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevention: Literature Review and Future Directions. Sensors 2024 , 24 , 5734. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24175734

Jiang Z, Bakker OJ, Bartolo PJ. Industry 4.0-Compliant Occupational Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevention: Literature Review and Future Directions. Sensors . 2024; 24(17):5734. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24175734

Jiang, Zhihao, Otto Jan Bakker, and Paulo JDS Bartolo. 2024. "Industry 4.0-Compliant Occupational Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevention: Literature Review and Future Directions" Sensors 24, no. 17: 5734. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24175734

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Challenges in coffee fermentation technologies: bibliometric analysis and critical review

  • Review Article
  • Open access
  • Published: 02 September 2024

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literature review of industry 4.0 and related technologies

  • Valeria Hurtado Cortés   nAff1 ,
  • Andrés Felipe Bahamón Monje   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2620-148X 1 ,
  • Jaime Daniel Bustos Vanegas   nAff1 &
  • Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán   nAff1  

Advancements in coffee processing technologies have led to improved efficiency in field operations, but challenges still exist in their practical implementation. Various alternatives and solutions have been proposed to enhance processing efficiency and address issues related to safety, standardization, and quality improvement in coffee production. A literature review using SciMAT and ScientoPy software highlighted advancements in fermentation tanks and the emergence of novel fermentation methodologies. However, these innovations lack sufficient scientific evidence. Researchers are now focusing on systematic approaches, such as controlled fermentations and evaluating the influence of microorganisms and process conditions on sensory attributes and coffee composition. Brazil is the leader in coffee bean fermentation research, but the number of published papers in the field has recently decreased. Despite this, efforts continue to improve process control and optimize product quality. The study emphasizes the need for further innovation in coffee fermentation technologies to increase efficiency, sustainability, and profitability while minimizing environmental impact. Implementing these advancements promises a more sustainable and quality-driven future for the coffee industry.

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Coffee is a crucial agricultural product and a popular beverage globally. Its growing popularity has led to the need for improved processes to enhance cup quality. The coffee fruit, also known as almond or green coffee, is composed of five layers that protect the endosperm. These layers, known as pulp, mucilage, parchment, and epidermis, form the endosperm and are subjected to roasting to form the flavor and aroma of the coffee drink.

The processing of coffee fruit involves stages to preserve the quality of the almond, which is then subjected to roasting. The types of processing include dry, semi-dry, and wet (de Melo Pereira et al. 2015 ). Dry processing involves pulping, fermentation, washing, drying, threshing, and roasting. Semi-dry processing involves mechanical removal of the exocarp and part of the mucilage, while wet processing involves drying and threshing.

Green coffee, obtained after processing, varies according to agro-climatological characteristics, species, variety, processing type, and post-harvest operations. Control of these operations is essential to preserve grain quality and maintain the consistency of its sensory profile.

Coffee fermentation is a metabolic process that converts sugars into energy and compounds through the action of enzymes in mucilage (Silva et al. 2013 ). This process involves the pulped coffee mass being kept in closed containers for 12 to 72 h to remove the mesocarp (mucilage) attached to the parchment. The mucilage, composed of simple sugars and a pectic substrate, is degraded into alcohols and organic acids by microorganisms, such as yeasts and bacteria (Correa et al. 2014 ; Pereira et al. 2016b ).

Coffee fermentation is a metabolic process that converts sugars into energy and compounds through the action of enzymes in mucilage. This process involves the pulped coffee mass being kept in closed containers for 12 to 72 h to remove the mesocarp (mucilage) attached to the parchment. The mucilage, composed of simple sugars and a pectic substrate, is degraded into alcohols and organic acids by microorganisms, such as yeasts and bacteria (Bressani et al. 2021b ).

Metabolites diffuse through parchment and endosperm, potentially causing exosmosis during fermentation until chemical potential equilibrium is achieved. The decrease in pH causes mucilage degradation, which can be removed by washing with water. Controlled fermentation can produce beverages with special aromas and flavors, such as sweet, citrus, and fruity.

Mucilage removal can be performed using mechanical or enzymatic methods, such as mechanical abrasion in ELMU-type mucilage removal machines and enzymes like Ultrazym 100, Irgazim 100, Benefax, and Cofepec. Recent research has revealed that the microbial degradation process during fermentation leads to physical and chemical changes in almonds, impacting the sensory characteristics of the resulting drink (da Mota et al. 2020 ; Elhalis et al. 2021 ).

Factors affecting reaction rates during coffee fermentation include temperature, water availability, fermentation time, and fruit maturity index. Devices designed for the operation must allow control and measurement of these factors to standardize the process.

This article shows the advances achieved over time with the technologies and methods used in the fermentation of coffee, taking into account the improvement in the processes of safety, standardization and quality of coffee. A bibliographic analysis of research focused on technologies and representative authors with related publications, among other aspects, was carried out. All with the purpose of observing the progress in the fermentation process with the objective of continuing researching and looking for solutions to obtain efficient and quality processing.

Search methodology

A bibliometric analysis was conducted on coffee bean fermentation publications to identify trends, emerging research directions, and relationships with fermenters and process variables, using Scopus database and ScientoPy and SciMAT software.

Databases, keywords and search criteria

This study analyzed data from the Scopus database on coffee, bean, and fermentation from 2001 to 2022, focusing on top countries, document types, and institutions, and downloaded in .CSV format for ScientoPy and SciMAT software.

Analysis using ScientoPy software

The downloaded data from Scopus were then loaded and processed with ScientoPy and the pre-processing results are presented in Table  1 . The journals and keywords categories were analyzed with the software to know the most relevant issues, total documents published by journal and keywords and evolution of them in the period from 2001 to 2022.

Analysis using SciMAT software

The data was preprocessed in modules “Knowledge base” and “Group sets” to remove duplicates and related keywords. The analysis was set to three periods (2001–2017, 2018–2020, and 2021–2022) and parameters were selected in “Analysis” to create evolution maps, strategic diagrams, and clusters.

Search results

Trends in publications over time.

The search for 231 documents from 2001 to 2022 revealed a stable trend in published documents. Between 2012 and 2022, there was a decrease in publications (Fig.  1 A and B). The top five countries were Brazil, followed by Indonesia, China, South Korea, and Colombia (Fig.  1 C). The majority of documents were articles, with a small percentage of reviews. The Universidade Federal de Lavras leads the list with 26 publications on the search topic, followed by Brazilian Universidade Federal do Parana (Fig.  1 -D). Indonesian institutions Hasanuddin University and Universitas Sylah Kuala also appear in the top 10. Nestlé S.A. ranks sixth in the top ten.

figure 1

Documents published in the search topic (Graphs extracted from Scopus online database). ( A ) Documents published by year ( B ) Documents published by type ( C ) Documents published by country ( D ) Documents published by institution

There is no clear trend in the number of publications in the top 10 journals over time. Food Research International and IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science had the largest publications in 2020 and 2021 respectively. The evolution of the top 10 keywords is showed in Fig.  2 . This graph corroborates the main terms used and shows an increase over time of this words. After “Coffee”, which is a general term, “Fermentation” term has the highest number of documents published in the period analyzed, but according to the percentage of documents published in the last year 2021–2022 graph, “coffee fermentation” had the highest value (42.1%) in comparison to the other terms, which indicates that in the last year, this topic has had a higher relative growth.

figure 2

Keywords in research related to the search topic ( A ) Cloud diagram of the top 1000 words ( B ) Evolution graph of the top 10 words

Although in general the interest in the fermentation process of coffee remains constantly growing, the topics addressed are diverse, which can be evidenced in the variety of key terms that the search throws up. Figure  2 -A shows the cloud of words specifically related to the fermentation process, such as types of fermentation, process control, variables involved, and fermenters. In relation to the latter, only two specific terms about it appear in the cloud, “bioreactors” and “bioreactor”; and some terms related with variables, control process or devices such as “controlled fermentation”, “temperature distribution”, ohmic technology”, “ohmic heating”.

Besides, some differences are obtained with the processing of data in SciMAT (Table  2 ), since this tool allows groups conformations in similar words and documents not related with the topic, however, words like “Fermentation” and “Coffee” remains as main terms, which is expected since these are general terms. Respect to the journals, the results are similar with some exceptions.

Topic evolution map and strategic diagram and cluster’s network

Figure  3 shows the graphs generated by SciMAT from the analysis of the data associated with the search string. According to the evolution map (Figs.  3 -1), for period 2001–2017 it can be observed nine main terms: “bacteria”, “coffee aroma”, “metabolomics”, “arabica”, “fungal fermentations”, “beverages”, “microorganisms”, “types of fermentation”, and “coffee”. In the period 2018–2020, the number of relevant terms increase to eleven, and only “microorganisms”, “coffee” and “type of fermentation” terms remain. New terms are included such as “classification”, “genetics”, “bacillus”, “yeast”, “seeds”, “sensory analysis” and “volatiles”. With respect to period 2020–2022, “bioreactors and process variables” term appears for the first time and there are new terms, for instance, analytical techniques as “spectrometry” and “chromatography”.

figure 3

( 1 ) Evolution map of the relevant terms regarding the search topic in the documents reported from 2001 to 2022, and relevant relationships on evolution map. The color lines represent the main associations found, and ( 2 ) Strategic diagram associated with topic of interest for period ( A ) 2001–2017, ( B ) 2018–2020, ( C ) 2021–2022. ( 3 ) Cluster of terms associated with topic of interest for period ( A ) 2001–2017, ( B ) 2018–2020, ( C ) 2021–2022

With respect to the relevant associations shown on the evolution map (Figs.  3 -1), it is possible to observe terms associated with the study of microorganisms (relationships highlighted in red), such as bacteria, especially of the genus Bacillus, fungal fermentation, mainly related to yeasts, and lactic acid fermentation. These terms, in turn, present associations with parameters such as sensory analysis and volatiles. The latter is related to “bioreactor and process variables” in the last period. The term “bioreactor and process variables” is backward associated with “coffee”, a general term, and “types of fermentation”, which, in turn, is associated with “coffee aroma” (relationships highlighted in blue). These associations are anticipated due to the disparate processing methodologies, where the conditions of the process, the utilization of starter cultures, the type of microorganisms employed, and the generation of organic acids that contribute to alterations in the volatile and aroma profiles of roasted coffee are implicated (da Mota et al. 2020 ). Additionally the control of process variable offered by bioreactors has recently shown to contribute to the production of coffee with higher sensory quality and reproducibility (de Carvalho Neto et al. 2018 ).

The strategic diagrams and cluster networks for each period are presented in Fig.  3 (2) and (3). The volume of the spheres is proportional to the number of published documents associated with each theme. The upper-right quadrant is motor-themes, with terms in the upper-left quadrant being highly development and isolated themes. The lower-left quadrant is emerging or declining themes, while the lower-right quadrant is transversal and general. In the first period, “beverages”, “metabolomics”, and “fungal fermentation” are motor themes, while “types of fermentation” is an emergent theme. In the second period, “types of fermentation” remains an emergent theme, with “yeast” added to this category. In the third period, “coffee” is less frequent, with more specific topics such as “bacillus”, “genetics”, and “classification” as motor themes (Elhalis et al. 2021 ). For the period 2020–2022, “volatiles” and “metabolomics” are motor themes, related to research on volatiles and metobolites generated in process fermentation (Elhalis et al. 2021 ; Prakash et al. 2022 ). “Types of fermentation” and “coffee” are tranversal themes, while “lactic acid fermentation” is an emergent theme. “Bioreactors and process variables” is an isolated theme for this period.

Figure  3 (3) displays clusters of terms related to bioreactors and process variables control. The volume of spheres is proportional to the number of documents corresponding to each keyword, and the thickness of the link between two spheres is proportional to the equivalence index between these words. For the period 2001–2017, “bioreactor and process variables” is slightly related to “microorganisms”, “drying process”, “plant seed”, and “mucilage”. For the second period, “volatile” term shows a slight relationship with “bioreactor and process variables”, which in turn is associated with “coffee beans”. The main associations with “bioreactor and process variables” may be with “microorganisms” and “volatile”.

As regards the period 2021–2022 (Figs.  3 - (3) -C), strong bonds are observed between “Bioreactor and process variables”, “Food supply” and “Agriculture”, since the fermentation process is usually on-farm process, although efforts have been made to the process control (Martinez et al. 2017 ; de Carvalho Neto et al. 2018 ). Slight associations are seen with more specific terms such as “Liquid media”, “Enzymes”, “UV-VIS-Spectrophotometry” and “Biochemical analysis”. These terms are directly related to the fermentation process and its monitoring, whereby those relationships are expected.

Coffee fermentation methodologies

Scientific publications related to coffee fermentation devices were searched in the Web of Science, Scopus, and Science Direct databases. Published patents, as well as devices developed by different companies in the sector, were also included in the review. The evolution and characteristics of the devices and their impact on the quality and sensory profile of the coffee were tabulated and summarized in tables.

Table  3 presents various methods for controlling coffee fermentation, focusing on temperature, processing time, and microorganism addition. These parameters affect the grain’s physical-chemical composition and sensory profile. Fermentation times range from 12 h to several days, with low temperatures slowing microbial kinetics and requiring several days for pH to reach 3.8. Mass transfer between mucilage and grain layers occurs mainly through diffusion, leading to more complex profiles in long-time fermentation.

Evolution of technologies for coffee fermentation

Coffee fermentation devices are containers that allow the product volume to be maintained under homogeneous conditions during the process. Fermentation can be done dry or submerged, with the latter ensuring that all grains are in contact with an equal volume of oxygen. Most producers follow this method for a more homogeneous fermentation. Initially, pulped coffee was fermented in vat-type tanks made of wood, cement, or brick, which were plastered or enameled with cement or covered with baked clay veneers. The floor was built with a slope of 6 to 8% and a width-to-height ratio of 1:1.5 to facilitate leachate drainage and product removal. The final processing time was determined based on producer experience, such as the hole and touch test, which is subjective and prone to errors.

Producers have noticed that fermentation under certain conditions can result in heterogeneous coffee products with sour and fermented flavors due to the difficulty in controlling process variables. To improve sanitary conditions, Cenicafé and other manufacturers have developed high-density polyethylene vat-type tanks, which are lightweight, easy to handle, and clean. Cenicafé in Colombia has successfully maintained a stabilized process with less washing water consumption using Ecomill ® technology in stainless steel and high-density polyethylene. These systems incorporate cylindrical fermentation tanks with inverted cone-shaped bases and 60° horizontal inclination, allowing coffee to flow out by gravity.

Widyotomo, S., and Yusi, Y. ( 2013 ) evaluated the fermentation of cherry coffee in a horizontal type fermenter with electrical resistance and agitation (Fig.  4 -4-A). Working at 50% capacity (20 kg/batch), temperatures between 20 and 40 °C and times between 6 and 18 h, the authors defined optimal operating conditions at 25 °C and 12 h of processing. In an attempt to remove the mucilage using low temperatures to reduce the consumption of washing water, Bressani et al. ( 2020 ) evaluated a cold fermenter prototype. Temperatures close to 2 °C managed to denature the structure of the mucilage and then it was removed mechanically (Fig.  4 -4-B). In Brazil, some private companies have developed commercial prototypes for fermentation control. The Palinialves company developed a rotating cylinder (Fig.  4 -4-C) with a galvanized sheet, steel or stainless steel structure with internal blades and rpm control for a homogeneous mix. The system is completely sealed and has a relief valve for pressure control and temperature sensors. Its maximum capacity is 10,000 L. The Campotech company with the support of Embrapa and the Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas, developed a device for the controlled fermentation of 1,250 L of cherry or pulped coffee. The device, in the form of a vertical cylinder and conical base, has a helical agitation and temperature control systems for heating or cooling the coffee mass (Fig.  4 -4-D).

figure 4

( 1 ) Vat-type tank for fermentation of pulped coffee. ( 2 ) High-density polyethylene vat-type tanks for coffee fermentation. ( A ) Cenicafé ( B ) Rotoplast ® . ( 3 ) Fermentation tank in Ecomill ® Technology. ( A ) 1,000 to 1,500 kg load capacity. ( B ) 2,000 to 6,000 kg load capacity. ( 4 ) Closed systems for coffee fermentation. ( A ) Widyotomo, S., & Yusi, Y. 2013 , ( B ) Correa et al. 2014 , ( C ) Palinialves, ( D ) CampoTech – Jacu Digital

Final remarks

Colombia, with over a century of coffee production experience, has limited knowledge in developing innovative fermentation prototypes. The fermentation process for washed coffees was once considered unimportant, focusing only on removing mucilage to reduce drying time. This neglect of safety and quality has led to issues with materials like concrete, majolica, wood, and cement. Technological advances in the last decade have led to the use of safe materials like high-density polyethylene and stainless steel in fermenters. Prototype fermenters or bioreactors with variable control systems and mechanical agitation have been developed in countries like Peru, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Indonesia, and Colombia. However, these high-cost technologies remain inaccessible to most producers. The industry has developed solutions such as helical-type central agitators and rotating drums, both with high energy consumption. A strategy is being evaluated for mixing through the recirculation of leachate, which requires less energy than the entire coffee mass. However, the impact of this methodology on the process quality has not been scientifically evaluated (Widyotomo and Yusianto 2013 ).


A bibliometric analysis of the literature on coffee fermentation indicates a growing interest and progress in research and development of technologies to improve sensory quality, safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Improvements in fermentation tanks have been identified in terms of materials, designs, and the incorporation of accessories such as digital sensors. Innovations in fermentation methodologies and a more scientific approach by researchers in this field have also been observed.

Moreover, the analysis indicates that issues related to coffee bean fermentation are undergoing constant evolution, with Brazil emerging as a leading contributor in this field. Despite a decline in the number of published papers over the past three years, research is focused on the design of controlled fermentations and the evaluation of the influence of microorganisms and process conditions on the sensory quality and composition of coffee. Nevertheless, it is observed that prototypes designed to regulate process variables, such as agitation and temperature, are costly and may be inaccessible to small-scale producers.

Collectively, these findings indicate that the integration of innovative technologies, enhanced methodologies, and a rigorous scientific approach is transforming the coffee industry towards enhanced efficiency, safety, and sustainability, with the potential to benefit both producers and consumers globally.

Data availability

Not applicable.

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Author information

Valeria Hurtado Cortés, Jaime Daniel Bustos Vanegas & Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán

Present address: Facultad de Ingeniería, Grupo de Investigación Agroindustria USCO, Universidad Surcolombiana, Centro Surcolombiano de Investigación en Café – CESURCAFÉ, Avenida Pastrana Borrero Carrera 1a, Neiva, 410001, Huila, Colombia

Authors and Affiliations

Facultad de Ingeniería, Grupo de Investigación Agroindustria USCO, Universidad Surcolombiana, Centro Surcolombiano de Investigación en Café – CESURCAFÉ, Avenida Pastrana Borrero Carrera 1a, Neiva, 410001, Huila, Colombia

Andrés Felipe Bahamón Monje

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The writing and formatting of the article was done by Valeria Hurtado, Jaime Bustos and Andrés Bahamon, the revision and acceptance was reviewed by Jaime Bustos and Nelson Gutierrez.

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Correspondence to Andrés Felipe Bahamón Monje .

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About this article

Cortés, V.H., Bahamón Monje, A.F., Bustos Vanegas, J.D. et al. Challenges in coffee fermentation technologies: bibliometric analysis and critical review. J Food Sci Technol (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-024-06054-5

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Revised : 06 July 2024

Accepted : 05 August 2024

Published : 02 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-024-06054-5

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