Making Video Consent Forms and Release Forms (FREE Template)

video presentation permission form

Austin Canary

Mar 1, 2024.

Media & Entertainment , Transcription Blog

Video consent form on a phone screen with a sticky note saying “sign here”.

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Getting real footage from real people can make your article, research, or documentary stand out. Before you can dive headfirst into filming your subjects (non-actors), there is one item of importance they need to complete before rolling: sign a video consent form .

Whether you are conducting a documentary interview, journalist interview , market research interview , or something in between, creating your own video and interview release consent form is necessary for receiving the appropriate permissions from people featured in your production, as well as, protecting yourself against any future complications (learn more about film & television set security on our blog).

In this article, we’ve compiled an in-depth collection of everything you need to know about creating your own video consent form. And the cherry on top? We’ve created a customizable video consent and release form template for you to use for your business and work projects – free of charge.

Difference Between Video Consent Forms & Video Release Forms

Interview consent forms and video release forms come in many shapes and sizes, but should always be a top priority when mixing media and talent. Consent and release forms are given to your talent (interviewees, models, actors, etc.) and grants you permission to use their image (in video or photo form ), audio, and their words in your production.

So, what’s the difference? To put it simply:

  • An interview consent form states the interviewee understands their words will be used in publications
  • A video release form seeks permission from the subject to use their image, audio, and dialogue in publications.

Although each contains different focuses, you can mix and match various types of consent and release form verbiage to create a consent and release form that best suits your needs.

Why Do I Need a Video and Interview Release Form?

Like many things during production, situations and people can change. One day you’re shooting an interview featuring a key person that seems passionate about the project. Then, they have second thoughts about being “on-camera” after you’ve already shot the interview. Without a signed release form, it’s no longer at your discretion and you have to legally comply with their request to not use their footage in your project.

Having a video consent form signed before the filming process begins prevents the person from coming to you saying they want any usage of their image to be removed from the project. In essence, a video release form helps to avoid any further legal complications that could arise in the future.

PRO TIP : If you don’t get explicit permission from your interview subject, you likely can’t use anything you capture from them. This includes video, audio, as well as the human audio transcription of what they’re saying.

When Should I Get a Consent Form Signed?

A media release form states that the individual acknowledges and understands that their involvement with the specified project can be used however the company administering the consent form sees fit. Because the video and interview consent and release form states what the production piece will be used for, it is best to get the form signed beforehand in case any questions arise.

It is important to understand that until the consent form is signed, the individual is allowed to revoke their involvement in the project. This is why we recommend having your talent sign when they agree to jump on board in an effort to avoid any last-minute cancellations.

Chances are, a video consent form will be happily signed by your talent if they’ve already agreed to be a part of your project. If your talent is heavily involved in the media industry, they should be used to signing consent forms and will sign no questions asked. However, for inexperienced individuals, further explanation about what they are consenting to may be needed.

PRO TIP : If you are filming or interviewing minors, you will need to get a parent or legal guardian to sign for them. Minors under the age of 18 must have a legal parent or guardian sign consenting permission to be involved in the project and understands that the project can be used in any way in the future.

If you are interested in the nitty-gritty legalities of consent forms, you can learn more about the publication of private facts .

What to Include in a Video Consent Form or Release Form?

While all video release forms and video consent forms will vary slightly in content and verbiage, here are a few key points you should consider including in your video and interview release consent form. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all template, so do your research and be sure to include any clauses that relate to your project needs, both current and future.

If you are ever in doubt of including a piece of legal information, include it. It is better to have the option to expand your rights and usage than to realize later on that your goals have changed and you don’t have the right permissions to do so.

1. Forms of Media

When creating your video and interview release consent form, list out any related media assets you could use going forward. For example, use specific verbiage that gives consent to using video, still images, audio, and quotes for any future materials created.

PRO TIP: You can easily pull quotes from an audio transcript of an interview or conversation you capture on camera.

2. Third-Party Usage

Be sure to include a clause that allows you to transfer or sell the included rights and consent listed in the release form to third-party individuals or organizations.

3. Commercial and Non-Commercial Rights

To cover all your bases, your video recording permission agreement should include a clause about commercial and non-commercial rights. In case you need a rundown of the difference:

  • Non-commercial filming typically is used for educational, artistic, or personal purposes. Non-commercial media is not used for promotional or financial gain.
  • Commercial filming , however, is created with the intent to promote, market, sell, and/or make a monetary profit from the content presented.

Even if your purpose for your film or interview is for non-commercial purposes, you may change your mind down the road. To prevent any issues in the future, including a statement saying your talent allows you to have both commercial and non-commercial rights will cover any current or future plans.

4. Time Limit

When crafting your interview and video release consent form, including the time limit and expiration of your permissions is crucial.

Unless you have been given instructions to put a set amount of time the consent form is valid, you should always put in writing that the release form is valid for current and future usage indefinitely. This means that regardless of what situations may change in the future, you have permission to use the related form of media for however long you want to use it for.

5. Future Uses

While you may only be filming your documentary interview to be shown as a one-time screening at your local theater, you never know what you may want to do with your documentary in the future.

Or better yet – you never know who may come across your film and want to use it in bigger ways imaginable.

PRO TIP: Future uses of a subject’s interview might include pulling quotes from the audio transcript to be used in marketing collateral and promotional efforts.

Consider any and all future potential opportunities and materials you may want to explore. Don’t limit your options to what you think is applicable now. Customize your video consent form to cover your assets for both present and future possibilities.

Typically, the discussion of payment is entirely separate from the video consent form and video release form, but since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all template, you can customize your video release form to your liking.

An option you can include in your consent form is a statement designated to list out the agreed-upon amount your talent will be receiving for their involvement in your production or, on the contrary, listing that the talent understands they will not be receiving payment for their participation.

As with anything, do your due diligence. Know what you want to do with your video and interviews now, but also don’t limit yourself to your current situation. Be straightforward and transparent on your expectations in your video and interview release consent form for you and your talent’s sake and go from there.

Video Interview Consent and Release Form Template

Disclaimer: Below is an example template for a video interview consent and release form (download below). Please use this as a guideline when constructing a release form for your own production. We can’t guarantee this template covers all the legal requirements unique to your project!


I, (first and last name of “Recorded Party”), hereby authorize (your business name or the “Released Party”)  the right and permission to copyright and/or publish, reproduce or otherwise use my name, voice, and likeness in video, photographs, written materials, and audio-visual recordings. I acknowledge and understand these materials about or of me may be used for both commercial and/or non-commercial purposes.

I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published and/or distributed. I also understand this material may be used individually or in conjunction with other media in any medium, including without limitation to print publications, digital publications, and/or public broadcast for any lawful purpose. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor are there any geographic limitations on where these materials may be distributed.

I hereby acknowledge and grant (your business name) and its employees, agents, licenses, successors, and third-party organizations all ownership rights and irrevocable right and permission to use, copyright, publish, sell, distribute, and/or promote the recorded video, photo, interview, and/or audio.

I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may, at any time, discontinue my involvement before signing this document. If I choose to discontinue participation, I will notify the principal parties (your business name & any other parties involved) by providing written notice by (date) .

I understand that (your business name) can see no risk presently, and that I take full responsibility for my involvement in this project and the risks that it may entail (be they legal, physical, or mental) and release (your business name) from any claims, demands, losses, damages, suits, and liabilities of any kind whatsoever in connection with the foregoing.

I hereby certify that I am over eighteen years of age and am competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned. If I am under eighteen years of age, my parents or legal guardians have read this document and have given their consent by signing below.

By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above consent and release and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material for marketing, educational, promotional, and/or any other lawful purpose whatsoever.

Participant Name (please print): _____________________________________

Participant Signature: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Name (please print): _____________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _____________________________________

Download FREE Consent and Release Form Template

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40 Printable Video Consent Forms (Free Templates)

When creating a documentary or video, it is crucial to have the interests of the company or yourself in mind. In the filming process, there will be people who will be captured in the video, such as interviewees, contributors of information, actors, customers, or workers. If you edit and publish the video without their consent, they will have a right to sue you and could claim millions in compensation.

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Table of Contents

To be on the safe side, prepare a video consent form template and request them to sign. Once they sign, they have granted you permission to edit and publish the video in any media of your choice, whether it’s for personal or commercial gain.

Video Consent Forms

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What is a video permission form?

A video permission form is a form signed by a person granting a third party to publish a film in which the granting person appears. The form mainly protects the video owner and not the granter because the granter only permits the video owner to use the video in whatever capacity they would wish.

This means all the benefits obtained from the video go to the owner but not to the permission grantor. The videographer or owner benefits in many ways in this matter. The major benefit for the video owner is the fact that they can use the video for advertising products for the benefit of the company.

Video Consent Form Templates

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Circumstances that require a video permission form

A filming consent form is required in different circumstances. To know if a filming activity requires a consent form, decide why you want to film. You could be filming your video to use it for online courses and more specific courses for sale.

You could also be interested in creating a movie to sell on video platforms or to record copies and sell in a movie shop. The movies could be a documentary, educational, or purely for entertainment.

There are films recorded for advertisement purposes. These are short ads placed on a company website, social media platform, or commercial advertiser platform. There are also videos used for presentations in a conference, webinar, etc. The list can be long, but you must decide what you want to use the film for, such as news, online videos, etc.

In other words, if your video falls outside the limits of personal use, it automatically falls into limits of commercial use and requires a filming consent form before publishing. The person granting the permission should be identifiable in the video either directly or indirectly.

Here is a summary of circumstances that require a video permission form

  • Videos for use in online courses
  • Videos for advertising purposes
  • Entertainment videos – music, cinemas, documentaries
  • Publishing on social media platforms
  • Use of online news platforms
  • Selling physical copies

Circumstances that do not require a video permission form

There are times when you will not require a video release form and you will still be safe from lawsuits. For example, you have seen in TV news clips of news taken from various places such as political meetings, sports events, carnival events, demonstrations, religious services, etc.

In such events, the journalists film and send the raw videos to their respective newsrooms for editing. Later during their newscasting time, you might be surprised to see yourself on TV. Whether you want to be seen on TV or not, you cannot sue the media company.

By the virtue that you were present in the event, you automatically qualify to be filmed and used in whatever way the company decides since it was a public gathering. The journalist will not come looking for you to sign a video consent form template because they are already protected by journalism law.

The other situation is when you shoot the film and capture a person, but they cannot be directly identified. Maybe the film only captured their legs, hand, or another part of their body apart from their face. If the part captured can not be used to identify the person, you would not require to request them to sign a video permission form.

There is another situation where you filmed the person and they are partially or fully identifiable but your intention is not to publish the video. Since the video will not appear in the public domain, you will not require a video release form. However, if you decide after some time that you want to publish the video, you will have no option but to request permission from them.

Here is a summary of circumstances that do not require a video permission form

  • Videos intended not to be published in the public domain
  • Videos where an individual cannot be identified directly or indirectly
  • Videos captured in public gatherings/for journalism

Video Release Forms

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Benefits of a video release form

You should make sure you obtain a video release form even when the person involved is a close relative, a close friend, or someone who is well known by you. They can easily turn against you the moment they realize you are gaining too much from the video. Someone else, like a lawyer, could be malicious and they advise them to file a lawsuit. It gives you various benefits.

  • You can publish the video on any platform without fear – the moment someone signs the video consent form template, you are free to publish the video on any platform.
  • You will escape from lawsuits – the concerned person can never file a case against you for publishing a video in which they appear.
  • You will not share your profits – if someone notices you are making too many profits from a video in which they appear, they can demand a share.
  • You will have peace of mind – you will not keep worrying that someone might rise one day and decide to sue you.
  • You will redeem the time – you are safe with your precious time instead of using it to follow up on court cases.
  • You will save money – court cases are expensive. You have to hire lawyers, pay court fees and other expenses.
  • Your business integrity will stand – whether you win the case or lose, it will hurt your personal and business integrity.

Persons who need to sign a filming consent form

Anytime you are filming a video that you intend to use for commercial gain, bear in mind that you will require a filming consent form from the people who appear in your video. It will help protect you and your company from expensive lawsuits. If you are not sure the kind of people who should sign a video consent form template, this list will help you.

§  Actors who appear in the video

An example is a movie shooting for a video streaming website. There will be actors in the film and if it’s an animated video, there will be voice actors. Everyone who appears in the film must sign a video consent form template. This has nothing to do with the actor’s fees you agree to pay them but has everything to do with what happens after the video or movie hits the market.

§  Any interviewed person

An example is when preparing a documentary or a research report. During the process of collecting information, you will go interviewing people be it in the public domain, specialists, or heads of companies. Before you leave their office, make sure they sign a video release form.

§  Employees who appear in the video

You could be preparing a commercial video to advertise your company’s products or services. If you film workers on site, you have no authority to publish the video simply because they are your workers . They must give you consent through the video permission form.

§  Customers who appear in the video

Let’s say you are a banker and want to film customers as they wait to be served or as they receive the service. If you want to publish the video on the company website, social media or use it in an ad, you cannot do so unless the customer/customers sign the filming consent form.

§  Owner of private property that you have filmed

Take a case scenario where you are creating a movie, comedy, or documentary and the scene is on private property. It could be private land, house, complex, island, etc. Even if the owner of the property verbally permitted you, they still need to sign a video permission form for consent.

If the filming was done on public property/space such as the city streets, highways, stadiums, public parks, or a public place of worship, you do not require anyone to sign a consent form. This is regardless of whether the person was supposed to appear in the video or they appeared by coincidence.

Anyone appearing in the background cannot sue you for publishing the video. Even if the person is in a public place, sometimes it is better to show courtesy and inform them you want to film. If they are not comfortable, they will give you space and vacate the place.

Filming Consent Forms

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Details contained in a video consent form template

A video consent form is very simple but its importance is huge. The wording or details in the form could vary but there are the points that are common in each. An individual or company might want to include specific clauses that favor the kind of business it does. The form should include these general points.

§  Forms of media

Forms of media mean the places you intend to publish the video. These are the various media platforms available online and recording devices such as disks. The platforms could be your blog, website, social media, video streaming websites, webinars, advertising websites, online newspapers, magazines, etc.

Be specific with each platform and say something like this: the consent covers all formats, types of media, and languages known from this time forward. State that the consent extends to all future modifications of the video, and there shall be no further consultations.

§  The video release clause

The release is particularly important in the video release form because it is the one that outlines the terms of the agreement. It binds the party legally because it is the authority to give the video owner full ownership rights.

The party relinquishes its right to seek legal redress or claim in the future. It is like an affidavit declaring that the person whose image appears in the video will not whatsoever file a case against the video owner in all matters about the use of the video. Once they sign the form, they have bestowed all rights upon the video owner.

§  Rights to modify the video

You cannot publish the video without first editing it but to the person giving consent, this is a big catch. If you try to improve the video, they can claim the consent applied to the raw video only.

To cushion yourself from such an incidence, have a clause that defines the right to modify the video. The clause should specify that you reserve all rights to modify the video in whatever form that maximizes your benefits from it.

§  Time limitation

Another catch the person giving consent could have is to claim to release for a specific time frame, let’s say something like a year or a few months. If no clause specified a time limit, you could easily lose a lawsuit.

In the clause, do not be specific in matters of time but let the time be indefinite. This shall give you all freedom to use the video as long as you live. Those that are left running your business will inherit all the rights under the signed video permission form.

§  Payment agreement

Since there is no expected payment in the future, the terms of payment might not apply in the consent form. Instead, the terms will be contained in the contract agreement form. However, you might mention that the consent giver will have no right to claim any payment whatsoever.

§  Personal details

Let the filming consent form have personal information such as –

  • parent/legal guardian name
  • Parent/legal guardian signature

You may include any other necessary or important details or documents that you feel will help in case issues arise in the future. For your good, you may attach the contract agreement from the person signed before the filming started, plus all payments received/statements. This is not mandatory, but you may request a copy of their identification document, email, telephone, or any other contact detail.

40 Useful Photo Release Consent Forms (& Templates)

39 printable child travel consent forms (& letters), 40 best facial consent forms (free templates), 40 free tattoo consent forms (for adults & minors).

Video Consent and Release Form Template

Whether you’re planning to publish a video featuring others or participating in a video session, a video consent form is essential. It grants permission for the commercial or personal use of video content and protects against legal claims. AidaForm simplifies the creation of video consent and release forms with its intuitive interface and customizable templates.

AidaForm’s user-friendly interface, customizable templates for various purposes, and extensive customization options make creating video release forms quick and easy. As privacy and copyright laws become more rigorous, safeguarding your project or business from potential complications is crucial. Get a closer look at the sample video release form below and customize it according to your needs. Note that this is a generic example that may require legal review for your specific case.

Benefit from features like the ability to save and store filled forms in PDF format, ensuring easy access and compliance. Additionally, AidaForm allows users to sign forms using a stylus or gesture, providing a convenient and secure solution to obtain consent.

Video Consent Forms: Different Use Cases and More Templates

Let’s discuss several common cases when collecting participants’ consent for video recording.

Video Consent Form for Minors

A video consent and release form is crucial when minors are involved in recordings, ensuring legal compliance and protection of their rights. This form typically requires parental consent, providing clarity on the minor’s participation in videos and addressing any potential legal considerations.

Surveillance Situations

In cases of surveillance or security footage, a video consent form is essential to define the purpose and scope of recording. This helps address privacy concerns, specifying how the footage will be used and ensuring compliance with legal standards.

Modeling Agreements

For modeling activities, a well-drafted video consent form outlines the rights and permissions related to the commercial use of the recorded content. It establishes the terms agreed upon by both parties, preventing potential disputes and safeguarding the interests of the model and the content creator.

Wedding Events

In the context of weddings, a video consent form secures the rights to capture and use moments from the event. This form respects the privacy and preferences of the individuals involved, providing a legal framework for documenting and sharing memories from the special day.

Video Interview

A video consent form is essential for a video interview to ensure legal permission from the interviewee for using their likeness, voice and responses in the final video. It establishes clear terms regarding the intended use of the interview footage and protects both the interviewer and interviewee by formalizing their agreement.

AidaForm’s generic template can be easily adapted for any of these situations, as well as for many other cases where video footage publication is involved. You can also check out the photo release form templates below and apply them to video with just a few quick edits.

Employee Photo Release Form

Photo and video release form for minors, model release form, video release forms faqs, what is a video release form.

A video release form is a legal document that grants permission for the use of an individual’s likeness, voice, or performance captured in a video. It outlines the terms under which the content can be used, protecting both the videographer and the subject by clarifying rights, permissions and potential limitations. This form is essential for obtaining consent and avoiding legal issues when creating, distributing or showcasing videos that feature identifiable individuals.

When do you need a release form for video?

A video release form is needed whenever you plan to use footage featuring identifiable individuals for commercial or public purposes. This includes scenarios such as marketing, advertising, documentaries or any situation where the person’s likeness, voice or performance is used for public viewing. The form ensures you have legal consent to use the content, protecting both the videographer and the individuals involved from potential legal issues.

What needs to be included in a video consent form?

A basic video release form should include key elements to ensure clarity and legal protection. It typically contains the following fields:

Participant information : Full name, contact details and any relevant identification information regarding the individual granting consent.

Project details : A description of the project, including the purpose, scope and intended use of the video content.

Rights granted : Specify the rights being granted, such as the use of likeness, voice or performance, and any limitations on usage.

Duration : Clearly define the timeframe during which the consent is valid, whether it’s for a specific project or an ongoing agreement.

Release conditions : Clearly state any conditions or circumstances under which the consent can be revoked by the participant.

Signatures and date : Both the participant and the representative of the producing entity should sign and date the form to acknowledge their understanding and agreement.

Additionally, depending on the case, a form may include compensation conditions provided to the participants.

It is important to note that the actual content and requirements of the video release form may vary based on local laws and regulations regarding privacy protection. Always ensure compliance with relevant legal standards in the applicable jurisdiction.

How to Edit a Video Consent Form Template in AidaForm

With AidaForm, you can easily adjust any consent form example for your needs. Here’s how to do it in four simple steps:

Step 1. Access the Video Release Template

Log in to your AidaForm account or sign up if you’re not registered yet, select the video release form template, and click “Use This Template.”

Step 2. Modify Building Blocks

Customize your form by adding or removing building blocks from the Form Elements panel. If needed, incorporate a Media File block for logos.

Step 3. Include Checkbox Fields

Enhance legal compliance by adding checkbox fields for participants to express their consent consciously and comprehensively.

Step 4. Design Customization

Personalize the look and feel of your form using the Form Designer panel. Adjust background, font, icons, font size and other parameters to suit your preferences, or add your logo to strengthen the recognition of your brand.

Empower your projects with legal clarity and trust – AidaForm’s comprehensive video consent form template ensures a smooth and secure process, safeguarding the rights of all parties involved.

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Video Release Form

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Template Video Release Form

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Free Video Release Form Template

A Video Release Form is a legal document that grants permission from an individual to a company or organization to use video footage that includes their likeness. In this context, ‘likeness’ refers to the physical appearance or image of the individual, encompassing elements such as their facial features and overall appearance, as captured in the video footage.

This form is essential for anyone involved in video production, whether you’re a filmmaker, marketer, or content creator. It outlines the terms and conditions under which the video footage can be used, edited, and distributed.

Not having a Video Release Form can lead to legal complications down the line. It’s always better to get explicit consent from participants before using their likeness in any video content.

Who Needs a Video Release Form?

Virtually anyone involved in the creation or distribution of video content can benefit from using a Video Release Form. This includes:

  • Filmmakers : Whether you’re a professional or an amateur, if you’re capturing real people on camera, you need their consent.
  • Marketers : When creating promotional videos that feature customer testimonials or employee interviews, a release form is essential.
  • Journalists : If you’re capturing footage for a news story, especially one that may be sensitive, it’s wise to get signed release forms.
  • Event Organizers : If you’re recording a public or private event and plan to use the footage later, you’ll need release forms from participants.
  • Educators and Trainers : When creating educational content that will be publicly shared or sold, it’s crucial to have release forms from anyone featured.

Storing Your Signed Video Release Forms

After obtaining the necessary signatures, digital scans of the signed form should be stored securely, while the original paper form should be kept in a safe, physical location. It’s also wise to have multiple backup copies stored in different secure locations.

How to Create Your Video Release Form: A Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Creating a Video Release Form may seem daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with legal jargon. However, it doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through our Video Release Form template, breaking down each section for easy understanding.

STEP 1: Participant Information

This is the section where you capture the basic details of the individual who is granting permission for their likeness to be used in the video. It’s crucial to get accurate information here, including the full name and address of the participant.

STEP 2: Terms and Conditions

This is arguably the most important part of the form. It outlines the scope of permissions granted by the participant, including how the footage can be edited, copied, displayed, and distributed. It also specifies that the consent is universal, applying to all languages, formats, and media, both current and future.

Here, you’ll also find clauses that waive the participant’s right to inspect or approve products featuring their likeness. It clarifies whether the participant has been compensated or agrees to the terms without compensation. Lastly, it includes a clause that releases the company or organization from any claims, liabilities, or demands related to the video.

STEP 3: Signatures

The form concludes with a space for signatures, which is the final step in making the agreement legally binding. Both the participant and a representative from the company or organization should sign here, affirming that they have read and agreed to the terms outlined in the form.

Additional Tips:

  • Customization: Feel free to add or modify clauses to better suit the specific needs of your project. However, any changes should be reviewed by a legal advisor.
  • Clarity: Ensure that the language is clear and understandable to all parties involved. Avoid using overly technical or legalistic language that could create confusion.
  • Review: Before signing, both parties should review the form carefully to ensure that all the information is accurate and that they fully understand the terms.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a Video Release Form that’s both comprehensive and legally sound. Our template serves as a great starting point, making the process easier and more efficient.

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Video Release Form Template

Below you can see a sample of the Video Release Form template:

Template Video Release Form

Video Release Form FAQs

What is a video release form.

A Video Release Form is a legal document that grants permission to record and distribute video footage featuring an individual's likeness. This form is crucial for anyone involved in video production, as it helps to safeguard against legal complications that may arise from the unauthorized use of someone's image or voice.

Can I customize the template?

Absolutely. Our Video Release Form template is designed to be a starting point, and you're free to add or modify clauses to better suit your specific needs.

Do I need a separate form for audio consent?

Our template focuses on video consent, which often implicitly includes audio. However, if your project involves capturing audio separately or in a specific manner, it may be beneficial to opt for a specialized audio consent form.

How long is the consent valid?

The template specifies that consent remains valid indefinitely unless revoked in writing by the participant. You can modify this duration based on your project's needs.

What should I do if someone refuses to sign the form?

If someone refuses to sign, it's important to respect their decision. You may need to consider alternative options like using stock footage, hiring an actor, or consulting a legal advisor for further guidance.

Do digital signatures hold the same weight as handwritten signatures?

Digital signatures are generally considered legally binding but check the laws in your jurisdiction to be sure. Some jurisdictions may require specific types of digital signature technology.

Can I use this form for multiple projects?

The form is generally project-specific, detailing the terms and conditions for a particular video. If you intend to use the footage across multiple projects, you'll need to specify this in the 'Terms and Conditions' section and ensure the participant agrees.

Is this form applicable internationally?

The form is designed to be adaptable, but laws can vary significantly between countries. If your project is international in scope, consult a legal advisor familiar with the laws of the relevant countries.

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Home » Business » 8+ Free Video Consent Forms & Templates (Word, PDF)

8+ Free Video Consent Forms & Templates (Word, PDF)

You will need a video consent form template if you use a specific video in a public domain such as on a website. Basically, a video consent form is a written document used by an entity or organization to take permission from a person to use their video for publication. However, it doesn’t mean that a person will be paid for any revenue generated. The parents or guardians must give consent if a child is involved.

When someone has given permission then this form prevents you from liability and any legal issues. If someone doesn’t sign the consent form and verbally gives you permission then later he can also ask you not to use the video.

Table of Contents

Basic elements of a video consent form:

At first, write the name of the person asking for consent and an individual giving consent. It’s a better idea to mention each area of permission they agree to. For younger, the parents or guardians have to agree to these terms. Additionally, if you are doing a project, it would be essential to do your research. You should also ensure to add any clauses that would relevant to it.

You have to inform the individual if you are using the video for other related projects. You can use the shots from the video or audio transcripts. If you are going to sell or transfer the footage or rights to a third party then you must mention it in the consent form. You may also like the Production Schedule Template .

Include Commercial and Non-commercial Rights in the consent form:

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are using the video for you must add a clause regarding commercial and non-commercial rights. Non-commercial video recording is used for personal, artistic, or educational purposes. They are not used for any financial or promotional gain. On the other hand, commercial video recording is used for marketing like for the business or to sell. Furthermore, ensure that you add a time limit for the usage of videos. If you affix an expiration date for the usage of the video then after the expiry date you will unable to use it if things change. However, commercial usage allows that they use the video as long as they wish.

During creating a consent form you have to be as transparent as possible. As a result of the video you are using, think ahead of any potential opportunities that may come up. You should also check the Work Estimate Template .

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Laws for video consent:

Some videos are recorded without consent if they are not used commercially. If you are in public are then people need some privacy. For instance, a gym is a public place and the locker room is not a public place where you can’t record video because people expect privacy there.

If you want to record in someone’s personal property then you would need consent in such cases. For example, if someone arranged a private party in his/her house and another person videos the guests, the owner of the house has the right to tell the person videotaping to stop. Hence, in such places, you have to imply consent to video the private party.


In conclusion, a video consent form is a document that someone needs to take written permission from an individual to use their video for publication. When an individual signed this document, it provides the right to the person to release their video to a third party.

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WTO / Legal / Release / Free Video Release Forms (Templates) – Word | PDF

Free Video Release Forms (Templates) – Word | PDF

A video release form is a simple agreement between a video producer and the video’s subject.

It includes sections clarifying ownership rights, how to use video content, and more. When working on video projects, collect signed release forms from each student and adult being filmed. However, kids under the age of eighteen are unable to sign release forms on their own. Instead, their parents or guardians must sign the forms on their behalf.

Creating a video and interview release consent form is essential for obtaining permission from those who will be featured in the production and safeguarding yourself against future complications.

What is a Video Release Form?

A video release form asks for the subject’s permission to use their image, voice, and speech in publication. These benefits can extend to media, the internet, physical products (such as CD players), or any other sort of publishing. You can combine numerous types of release form vocabulary to build a release form that best fits your needs.

Video Release Form Templates

As an owner of a production company or freelance videographer, knowing what a video release form is and what it entails is essential. It prevents a production company from legal consequences of using a person’s image without consent and other issues.

Therefore, knowing how to write a video release form is vital for the production company. We have provided free, downloadable, easy-to-follow video release form templates below to guide and help you write a comprehensive form.

Free Video Release Form 01 for Word

Common uses

A video release form is commonly used in courses for educational purposes where images may be presented, documentaries where a person’s voice is used for narration, media for advertising products or services.

It is also used in movies that use the images and voices of actors in role-playing, news where a person giving information to an interviewer has their image used, presentations.

School presentations where images of people are a part of data collected, and online videos where an individual’s image is used to promote certain products.

A production company may mistakenly record branding, persons, private property, or minors while making the best possible video for a project. The video may then be published and shared without consent. This scenario could have serious legal consequences. A video release form will help you avoid any legal issues that may arise.

Before the recording begins, have a video release form signed. The video release form prevents the individual from requesting that any use of their image be removed from the video later on. The video release form also outlines any compensation for using an individual’s voice or image.

When should it be signed?

Before the recording starts, have all of the necessary people sign the video release forms since the video release form specifies how the video will be used. However, when filming minors under 18, the minor’s legal guardian’s signature is needed. In addition, the parent or custodian must provide their permission for the minor to be in the video.

What should be Included in a Video Release Form?

Video release forms are different. They may vary in vocabulary and content. A video release form may be used to obtain permission to release images or videos to newspapers, television, or social media. Therefore, their content will vary according to the purpose. Below are some of the typical details that every form will have:

Forms of media

The forms of media that a production company can use are:

  • Printed media (newspapers, magazines, posters)
  • Broadcasting media (Television and radio)
  • The internet (social media)

Mention any media platforms used to publish the videos in the form to avoid any misunderstandings.

Third-party usage

A third party is an individual or organization outside of the publishing company and the person in the video who may want to use the videos recorded. Include a provision that allows you to sell or transfer the release form’s related rights to third-party individuals or organizations.

Commercial and non-commercial rights

Commercial filming is the use of motion pictures, filming , audio recording, or other moving image or audio recording devices for the purpose of advertising an event, product, or service to generate income. In contrast, non-commercial filming is the production of non-profit documentaries, films, videos, and television shows. Non-commercial filming is usually done for educational purposes.

The time limit states when the video release form will expire, and the production company can no longer use the individual’s image in their videos. Every form should include an exact time limit that specifies when the consent granted will expire. It’s a good idea to mention that the permissions granted in a form are everlasting.

This gives you the flexibility to use the individual’s images/audio/video whenever and for as long as you like. This is dependent on whether you and the individual featured in the video have agreed that the permission will expire at some stage.

Future uses

When creating a video release form, customize it to cover permission for both present and future use. The initial purpose may be for present use only, but a need for it in future marketing may arise. Take into account all future prospective opportunities and materials that you might want to research. 

The payment is usually received by the talent and is mentioned separately in the video release form, but because the form templates are different, the form should be tailored to the current needs. Do prior research. Know what you want to do with the video and interviews, but don’t confine yourself to that. For the sake of the production company and the talent, be upfront and clear about the expectations of the video and interview release consent form.

How Does a Video Release Form Work?

When a person or property is being used to create material presented publicly for commercial purposes, a video release form is used. This part of the article explains what to do when crafting a video release form.

Research privacy laws

Consent is required to use other people’s images in videos or photographs according to privacy laws. It is important to note that these forms cover photographs as well.

Different states may have different laws on using people’s images or videos.

Therefore, it is crucial to research the privacy laws in the country you are in to avoid lawsuits.

Acquire the client’s permission

Getting the client’s permission gives a production company the right to use a person’s image. The production company will also have control over what to do with the final product if the form has been signed.  This will also protect the company from legal issues such as lawsuits for illegally using a person’s image.

Fill and sign the document

The last step is filling and signing the form. The form should contain the client’s information, including the name, address, contact information, and the agreement’s date. In addition, a parent or guardian’s signature will be necessary if the video release form is being completed for a minor.

How to Write a Video Release Form

A video release form is a simple document to write. In this section, we have made it easier for you by explaining its components with examples.

Design/craft the form

The first step in preparing this form is to make a list of every person included in the video and make sure that they all sign the forms. Not completing this step may subject the production company to future legal actions and the possibility of the finished video being banned from store shelves or the internet.

Name of the recipient and the production company

The first blank space on the document should contain the person’s name, permitting their image to be used.

I_________________________ (name of the recipient)

The second blank space is where the name of the production company will be written.

I__________________, hereby give permission to__________________ (name of the production company)

The payment terms

Mark the first check box if a fee for using the subject’s picture or voice has been offered. Proceed to then fill in the amount in dollars on the blank space.

I_________________ (name of the recipient), give permission to_________________ (name of the production company), my image and voice rights as recorded on audio and video tape o with payment of $_________________ (dollar amount)

If the production company is not making any payments for using an individual’s image or voice, check the box “without any payments.”

I_________________, give permission to_________________, my image and voice rights as recorded on audio and video tape o with payment of $_________________ o without any payments.

Recipient’s contact information and signature

The final step is where the recipient signs after agreeing to the terms of the video release form. They will provide their name, address, email, and signature to authenticate this document. In addition, a legal parent or guardian’s signature is required if the subject is a minor.

Full name_________________________________________ (recipient’s name)

Address__________________________________________ (recipient’s address)

City____________ State____________ Zip code____________

Mobile___________________ Fax___________________

Email address_________________________________________

Signature___________________ Date___________________

Sample of a Video Release Form

In addition to explaining how to write a video release form, below is a video release form sample to give you a clearer idea of how it looks.

I_________________ (recipient’s name), give permission to _______________ (name of the production company) , my image and voice rights as recorded on audio and video. This permission covers all forms of media and markets that are currently known or found in the future. Unless I withdraw this authorization in writing, this authorization will continue permanently. I surrender my right to inspect or approve any finished product that has my image.

I acknowledge that I have been compensated for using my likeness or have agreed to this release without compensation. Accordingly, I forfeit any claim to profits or other revenue resulting from or linked to the video’s use.

I agree that these materials will become__________________ (name of production company) property and will not be returned to me.

I hereby free__________________ (name of production company) from any liabilities, petitions, claims that I, my successors, representatives, or any other person may bring on my behalf or behalf of my property.

Full name__________________________________________(recipient’s name)

Address________________________________________________ (recipient’s address)

City____________ State____________ Zip code_______________

Email address__________________________________________

A video release form is required when filming a video that you wish to distribute or sell. For video production, these forms are essentially contracts that confirm that a person has given you the right to film them or their property. It will safeguard your company from legal issues like an actor refusing to let their image be used after filming or copyright items appearing in your video. One of the most ignored stages in the video production process is obtaining a signed video release form. When it comes to privacy and copyright, it’s preferable to be safe than sorry as a videographer. Therefore, always have a signed video release form when working on a project that involves using an individual’s image or voice.

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100% Free Video Consent Forms & Templates (Word, PDF)

  • BY Shariq Ali

free printable video consent release form

Video Consent Form is the permission from the person/organization to use his name, image, or interview statements for publication. This agreement comes without compensation without looking at the revenue of the amount generates by content. Moreover, once they sign the agreement, then the entity or organization cannot ask for any approval. Further, you can take videos for the individual/organization and make them public. Similarly, when the individual is of small age, any guardian can sign the consent.

When you take video in a public area that does not come under the privacy act. This does not require any legal formalities. You can use such an image or name with their video and share it on social media as well.

What is a Video Consent Form?

This is a form which uses for taking permission in writing. After the approval, you can take an image, name, or video of an entity/organization. Similarly, video consent does mean that you got permission to create revenue from it. Likewise, you should take consent from guardians/parents if the individual is underage. Further, you come under protection from liability or any legal issue may arise when someone has given permission. If someone verbally agrees to be videoed but doesn’t sign a consent form. Further, they can ask you not to use the video, and you would have to comply.

Step-by-step instructions to Write

Stage 1 – You can download in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx), or Open Document Text (.odt).

Stage 2 – The name of the entity/association should be placed in the main clear field close to the highest point of the consent form.

video consent

Stage 3 – The individual giving their consent should begin close to each applicable authorization statement, as displayed in the image beneath.

Stage 4 – Lastly, the individual should print their name, sign the structure, enter their location, and incorporate the current date.

video consent1

Stage 5 – If the individual is a minor, their parent or legal guardian should sign and print their name. Assuming that the form must be perused by the parent or guardian, the signature(and date) of the representative of the association should be incorporated in the lower part of the form.

video consent2

When You Use Video Consent Form?

Before you start any videotaping, the person should sign a consent form. Similarly, the individual should understand what is the value of the agreement and why it is important. There should be a clear understanding that you can use video anywhere it seems fit.

There are free consent forms available for download. You can use any of the forms and get a better idea of how it looks and proper use of it.

What are the Basic Contents of the Video Agreement Form?

The first thing you should keep in mind is the consent of the person who is taking permission and the person who is approving. Similarly, the better approach is that there should be an initial of a person in each area of the permission they are agreeing. Teenagers need guardians or parents to sign the agreement forms.

For instance, if there is work on the project, you should do research work and make sure that you cover all the clauses that are related to it. If you are using the videos for other projects you should have proper knowledge about them and inform them about the details. The video or audio transcripts come also under it. You need to cover in the agreement if you are transferring or selling any videos to a third party.

Free Consent Forms and Templates

Nowadays it’s easy to draft a form with the help of a form builder. However, if you have no expertise in any document builder, you can get it free from the internet. It’s just one download away and you can enter the data according to the field requirements.

audio video recording consent form

Commercial & Non-Commercial Rights

You need to check the video you are using for it comes under commercial & non-commercial rights.

Non-commercial video recording is for personal, artistic, or educational purposes and it’s not gaining for promotional or financial causes. Commercial video recording which uses for marketing and also for business as well as selling.

You can add a time limit for the storage of videos. You can also set the date factor for the usage of videos. Further, You can add an expiry date and you can not use it if things change at a future time.

Most commercial usage explains that they can use the video for a long duration they want. Therefore the main thing is when you are creating a consent form, it should be transparent. Further, you can think ahead regarding any potential opportunities that are a result of using the video.

Laws related to Video Consent

This is a normal practice that most part videos are recorded without any consent when they are using it for commercial purposes. However, there is a change and it’s not applicable in the public area and where no privacy is expected. For instance, a game room is a public area but the bank locker room is an off-limit area for video recording. That area is private. Video recording for personal property comes under the consent in some cases. For instance, someone is arranging a party at home and another person making a video for the guests. In such conditions, the owner has the right to stop videotaping.

Further, there is an indirect agreement where you can hire a private party to video for gathering. Moreover, if there is footage to promote your business, you need to get the agreement from the individuals in the video.

In terms of audio and video recordings, California has some of the strongest and strictest laws in the country. Simply put – without the consent of all parties, the recording is not only inadmissible in court, but also illegal, making it a crime for the injured party to sue for damages.

Generally, video recording laws vary from state to state. Moreover, as long as the subject does not have a “reasonable expectation of privacy”, it is legal to record them.

Surveillance devices, such as video cameras, uses in cases where there is trespass on private property, according to section 8 of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW).

As long as the recording is final with visible cameras, federal law seems to allow videotaping of individuals at work, even without their consent or knowledge, so long as it is not used to commit a crime.

The Video Consent form is the permission to an individual who is making a video of an entity/organization and using their name or image. Moreover, it does not matter what amount this content generates. Further, you can use the videotaping consent form and utilize it according to your requirements. There is no privacy in the public area for videotaping. But if someone you invite at your party and another individual is making a video of the guests. This comes under privacy and you need to sign the consent form for this purpose.

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