personal statement applying for job

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How to Write a Strong Personal Statement

  • Ruth Gotian
  • Ushma S. Neill

personal statement applying for job

A few adjustments can get your application noticed.

Whether applying for a summer internship, a professional development opportunity, such as a Fulbright, an executive MBA program, or a senior leadership development course, a personal statement threads the ideas of your CV, and is longer and has a different tone and purpose than a traditional cover letter. A few adjustments to your personal statement can get your application noticed by the reviewer.

  • Make sure you’re writing what they want to hear. Most organizations that offer a fellowship or internship are using the experience as a pipeline: It’s smart to spend 10 weeks and $15,000 on someone before committing five years and $300,000. Rarely are the organizations being charitable or altruistic, so align your stated goals with theirs
  • Know when to bury the lead, and when to get to the point. It’s hard to paint a picture and explain your motivations in 200 words, but if you have two pages, give the reader a story arc or ease into your point by setting the scene.
  • Recognize that the reviewer will be reading your statement subjectively, meaning you’re being assessed on unknowable criteria. Most people on evaluation committees are reading for whether or not you’re interesting. Stated differently, do they want to go out to dinner with you to hear more? Write it so that the person reading it wants to hear more.
  • Address the elephant in the room (if there is one). Maybe your grades weren’t great in core courses, or perhaps you’ve never worked in the field you’re applying to. Make sure to address the deficiency rather than hoping the reader ignores it because they won’t. A few sentences suffice. Deficiencies do not need to be the cornerstone of the application.

At multiple points in your life, you will need to take action to transition from where you are to where you want to be. This process is layered and time-consuming, and getting yourself to stand out among the masses is an arduous but not impossible task. Having a polished resume that explains what you’ve done is the common first step. But, when an application asks for it, a personal statement can add color and depth to your list of accomplishments. It moves you from a one-dimensional indistinguishable candidate to someone with drive, interest, and nuance.

personal statement applying for job

  • Ruth Gotian is the chief learning officer and associate professor of education in anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and the author of The Success Factor and Financial Times Guide to Mentoring . She was named the #1 emerging management thinker by Thinkers50. You can access her free list of conversation starters and test your mentoring impact . RuthGotian
  • Ushma S. Neill is the Vice President, Scientific Education & Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. She runs several summer internships and is involved with the NYC Marshall Scholar Selection Committee. ushmaneill

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 How to Write a Personal Statement with Examples

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What is a personal statement?

How to write a personal statement, what to include in a personal statement, personal statement examples, tips for writing a personal statement.

A personal statement highlights your industry credentials, previous noteworthy accomplishments, what you can bring to the company and how your interest in the role can achieve a company’s goals. What you write in a personal statement also conveys a great deal about yourself, including your talents, goals, outlook and work ethic. This article shares steps and examples that you can follow when writing your own personal statement.

A personal statement is a description that combines your notable abilities and career objectives in a brief paragraph to help hiring managers determine whether your qualifications are suitable for a position. It also summarizes substantial information that shows how much you understand the job. When writing a personal statement, it’s vital to make a connection between you and your desired job. 

Here are some steps to follow when writing a personal statement:

1. Firstly, research the company

Read the company’s profiles, achievements, vision and goals. Analyze and understand the position for which you’re applying, and find ways to connect it to the company’s overall goals. 

2. Then, make a list of your achievements

Create a list of your education and academic qualifications, training, accomplishments, skills and experience relevant to the job. Pick the most noteworthy achievements out of this list to add to your personal statement.

3. Next, demonstrate your qualifications

Using your knowledge about the company, write a brief paragraph about why you are the best person for the job. Be sure to add the most important details about you and your professional life, which includes highlighting how employing you can help the company fulfill its goals.

4. Finally, keep your personal statement short and readable

While there is no definite word count, a good personal statement should usually be about a paragraph long. What’s essential is that you can summarize all of the crucial points within a few detailed sentences. Keeping your statement easily readable can ensure that you maintain an employer’s attention.

If you’re applying to a job or updating your resume, one of the first things to do is to write a compelling personal statement highlighting essential details about yourself and your professional achievements. 

Here are the following parts you can use to help you write a personal statement:

Personal history

A good personal statement shares details that will give the hiring manager an idea of who you are both as a person and as an employee. For example, if you’re looking for an entry-level position, you can note that you’ve graduated with honors. As another example, listing your experience as a team leader can make it easier to demonstrate your qualifications for a management position. Make sure the personal history you include aligns with the position and the company’s goals.

Skills and work contributions

Your personal statement should emphasize the skill sets and talents that you can contribute to the company. Your expertise is not limited to technical aspects. It could also be communication, leadership, time management and similar skills. Communicate how these substantial assets of yours can contribute to the company’s objectives.

An example could be explaining how your expertise in programming software helped your former company secure a long-term contract. Describe how the company can benefit from your skill and experience.

Purpose and career goals

Your purpose conveys how your chosen career path aligns with the position you’re applying for. Although you can write about how the job will help your professional interests, it’s more important to identify how the company can benefit from hiring you.

For example, it could be as simple as your eagerness to seek a position as an operations supervisor, which means you must highlight how your leadership skills can help you manage teams so they can reach a sales quota. Start by explaining how your education, skills and experience have prepared you for the leadership role and, subsequently, how it can benefit the company.

Although it is a personal statement, it is best to find a balance between your individual and professional details. Keep in mind that you also only need to include details that are relevant to the position. If you’re trying to become a graphic artist, for example, focus primarily on your artistic achievements, awards, experience and goals in your statement.

Here are some examples of personal statements for different goals and career paths:

Engineering personal statement

‘Accomplished mechanical engineer with a master’s degree in modeling and simulation and more than 10 years of supervisory experience in an international manufacturing company. My technical and problem-solving skills helped develop test procedures that increased machine sales by 65% in a single financial year.’

Photographer personal statement

‘Veteran photographer with over five years of experience serving as a trainer for both photographers and editors in a regional publishing house. Supervised photo shoots for magazine features and covers that earned national recognition and awards. Searching for a leadership position in a national publication.’

Sales director personal statement

‘Target-oriented sales director within the tourism sector with over 20 years of experience in sustainable travel management. Proven success in both environmental tours and managing farm-to-table restaurants and accommodation. Increased previous company’s sales by 60% by implementing a two-year marketing plan.’

Here are some tips you can use when writing your personal statement:

  • Use a template.  Have a general personal statement you can use as a template and then customize it depending on the job description.
  • Use specific keywords and quantifiable metrics.  This can help your resume or cover letter make it through any application tracking software.
  • Talk to your colleagues. The people you work with can give you deeper insight into your work output and character.
  • Focus on the content first and the length later. You don’t need to worry much about the length of your statement when making a draft. You can always edit and shorten it.
  • Use action words.  Descriptive words make it easier for employers to envision the achievements you’ve accomplished in your professional life.
  • Make a strong first impression. A personal statement is often the first impression you make on a hiring manager. Because of this, it’s important to select only keywords, skills and experiences that are significant to your desired position.

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Personal Statements: Examples, Do's and Don'ts

Personal Statements: Examples, Do's and Don'ts

As the name suggests, a personal statement is unique to everyone, but that does not mean there are not specific personal statement rules and guidelines to follow. Being able to quickly showcase your skills, personality and job fit can be challenging, so we are here to shed some light on structuring a personal statement that’ll make you stand out from the crowd. 

In this guide, we will be looking at how to write a personal statement and the do’s and don’ts. By the end, you should have a better idea of how to structure a personal statement and impress your potential new employers.

💡 Note: We will be covering professional personal statements and not personal statements for University admissions in this article.

What is a personal statement?

Often confused with a cover letter or supporting statement, a personal statement is a small section on various forms of CVs. A personal statement is often no more than a few sentences where you can quickly summarise your skills, experience and job fit into a bitesize paragraph. 

A personal statement gives you the opportunity to briefly sell yourself to your potential employer and showcase why you are the best candidate for the role. It is important to note that not all employers will require a personal statement, but if done correctly they can help set you apart from other applicants. 

What makes a good personal statement? 

As a personal statement is essentially a summary of the rest of your CV and you as a person, you want to ensure you list all the most important things from your CV that are the most relevant to the job you are applying for. You should never use the same personal statement, when applying for multiple jobs you can use a similar statement for each, but it should be tailored to each individual role if possible. 

How to start a personal statement 

Start your personal statement by introducing yourself and set the tone for the rest of your personal statement.

You want to capture the employer’s interest and summarise exactly why you are a perfect fit for the role. Most personal statement examples start with saying the role you are currently in, how much industry experience you have and key achievements or relevant skills and statistics. 

How to finish a personal statement 

A good way to finish your personal statement is to summarise your overall goal or aim when moving forwards towards this job and your career.  This means you have spoken about the past, present and future, in just a few lines and gives the employer a good idea of you and your potential. 

How to finish a personal statement can vary from role to role, but this is a good rule of thumb and will stand you in good stead, as with any application, tailor it to the job, some may call for this, some may not.

Personal statement do’s

  • Tailor your personal statement - utilise the job description to help you highlight exactly what the employer is looking for, highlight the skills and experience it calls for. The job description is the blueprint to your personal statement for that role, so try and signpost your abilities from the exact things the employer is looking for.
  • Be concise - ensure that you keep your personal statement short and relevant, aim for the maximum of a few lines or around 200 words at most. Find the most important and relevant things that you can say within that word count.
  • Highlight you - candidates have a habit of being too generic and not showcasing themselves, it is called a personal statement, so keep it personal to you. Personal does not mean talking about your dog though, but how you personally can succeed at this job.
  • Include tangibles - always try to give additional details that add value to your application, for instance, quantifying something always makes it sound better. ‘Increased sales by 35%’ sounds better than just saying ‘increased sales’.
  • Hit key points - a good personal statement will be able to give the employer a quick summary of you and entice them to read more or move you forward to the interview stage.
  • Get a second opinion - having someone else read over your personal statement can be a real help, they may spot something you haven’t or not understand something the way you had intended. This will help improve your finished personal statement.  

Personal statement don’ts

  • Use the same wording - you can actually hurt your own chances if you use an overly generic personal statement. You want to show that you have put effort into your application and impress the employer.
  • Make it too long - candidates will often confuse their personal statement with a cover letter, this is a short rundown of you, focus on skills, successes, and statistics, things that can be quickly digested. Grab their attention with your personal statement, but do not bore them with an essay.
  • Go too personal - this may sound strange, but remember you are writing a professional application, and not setting up a dating profile. Focus on what you can bring to the company, and how your skills would be perfect for the role.
  • Send off your first draft - always read over your personal statement a few times to make sure it flows right and rolls off the tongue. Having a spelling or grammar mistake can ruin your chances of getting the job.
  • Be too broad - showing that you understood the job description and are a good candidate for the role can be evident if you have a good personal statement, but being too broad will make you look like you copy and pasted the same response to 20 applications.

What next? 

Now you have a better understanding on how to structure your personal statement to increase your chances of getting your new role, you want to start your job search . Currently at Michael Page, we have over 10,000 live jobs on the site so submit your CV today to become discoverable for new roles added in your industry. 

For more CV and cover letter advice , read through our collective library of articles that’ll help you create a winning CV. 

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What to include in a sales cover letter

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StandOut CV

CV personal statement examples

Andrew Fennell photo

If you want to secure job interview, you need a strong personal statement at the top of your CV.

Your CV personal statement is a short paragraph which sits at the very top of your CV – and it’s aim is to summarise the benefits of hiring you and encourage employers to read your CV in full.

In this guide I have included 17 CV personal statement examples from a range of professions and experience levels, plus a detailed guide of how to write your own personal statement that will get you noticed by employers

CV templates 

17 CV personal statement examples

To start this guide, I have included 10 examples of good personal statements, to give you an idea of how a personal statement should look , and what should be included.

Note: personal statements are generally used by junior candidates – if you are experienced, check out our CV profile examples instead.

Graduate CV personal statement (no experience)

Graduate with no experience CV personal statement

Although this  graduate has no paid work experience, they compensate for it by showcasing all of the skills and knowledge the have gained during their studies, and demonstrating how they apply their knowledge in academic and personal projects.

When you have little or no experience, it’s important to draw out transferable workplace skills from your studies and extracurricular work, to showcase them to employers.

Graduate CV personal statement (part time freelance experience)

Graduate with part time freelance experience CV personal statement

This candidate has graduated with a degree in biochemistry but actually wants to start a career in digital marketing after providing some digital freelance services to fund their studies.

In this case, they haven’t made much mention of their studies because they aren’t relevant to the digital marketing agencies they are applying to. Instead they have focused their personal statement around their freelance work and passion for the digital field – although they still mention the fact they are degree educated to prove their academic success.

CV builder

School leaver CV personal statement (no experience)

School leaver with no experience CV personal statement

This candidate is 16 years old and has no work experience whatsoever, but they compensate for this by detailing their academic achievements that relate to the roles they are applying for (maths and literacy are important requirements in finance and accountancy roles).

They also add some info on their extracurricular activities and school work-placements, to strengthen this student CV further.

    Top tips for writing a CV personal statement

  • Thoroughly research the jobs and companies you are planning to apply for to identify the type of candidate they are looking for – try to reflect that in your personal statement
  • Don’t be afraid to brag a little – include some of your most impressive achievements from education, work or personal life
  • Focus on describing the benefits an employer will get from hiring you. Will you help them to get more customers? Improve their workplace? Save them time and money?
  • If you have no work experience, demonstrate transferable workplace skills from your education, projects, or even hobbies

School leaver CV personal statement (part time experience)

School leaver with part time experience CV personal statement

Although this person has only just left school, they have also undertaken some part-time work in a call centre alongside their studies.

To make the most of this experience, they have combined their academic achievements with their workplace exposure in this personal statement.

By highlighting their GCSE results, summer programme involvement, work experience and expressing their ambitions to progress within sales, this candidate really makes an appealing case for hiring them.

College leaver CV personal statement (no experience)

College leaver with no experience CV personal statement

This candidate has left college with good grades, but does not yet have any work experience.

To compensate for the lack of workplace exposure, they have made their A level results prominent and highlighted skills and experience which would benefit the employers they are targeting.

Any recruiter reading this profile can quickly understand that this candidate has great academic achievements, a passion for IT and finance and the ability to transfer their skills into an office environment.

College student CV personal statement (freelance experience)

College student with freelance experience CV personal statement

As this student has picked up a small amount of freelance writing work during their studies, they have made sure to brag about it in their personal statement.

They give details on their relevant A level studies to show the skills they are learning, and boost this further by highlighting the fact that they have been applying these skills in a real-life work setting by providing freelance services.

They also include key action verbs that recruiters will be looking for , such as creative writing, working to deadlines, and producing copy.

Academic CV personal statement

Academic CV personal statement

Aside from junior candidates, the only other people who might use a personal statement, are academic professionals; as their CV’s tend to be more longer and detailed than other professions.

This candidate provides a high level overview of their field of study, length of experience, and the roles they have held within universities.

School leaver CV personal statement with and sports experience

School leaver with part time experience CV personal statement

Although this person has no work experience, they are still able to show employers the value of hiring them by selling their other achievements and explaining how they could benefit an organisation.

They expand on their sports club involvement to demonstrate their teamwork, leadership skills, communication and motivation, which are all important traits in the workplace, and will be looked upon favourably by recruiters and hiring managers.

They also draw upon their future plans to study business studies and take a part time job, to further prove their ambition and dedication.

History graduate CV personal statement

History graduate CV personal statement

This history graduate proves their aptitude for both academic achievement and workplace aptitude by showcasing valuable skills from their degree and voluntary work.

They do this by breaking down the key requirements for each and showing how their skills could be beneficial for future employers, such as listening, communication, and crisis management.

They also describe how their ability to balance studies alongside voluntary work has not only boosted their knowledge and skills, but also given excellent time management and organisational skills – which are vital assets to any employer.

Law graduate CV personal statement

Law graduate CV personal statement

This legal graduate makes the most from their work university work placements by using it to bulk out the contents of their CV personal statement.

They include their degree to show they have the necessary qualifications for legal roles, which is crucial, but more importantly, they showcase how they applied their legal skills within a real-life work setting.

They give a brief overview of the types of legal professionals they have been working alongside and the type of work they have been carrying out – this is all it takes to get the attention of recruiters and show employers they have what it takes to fulfil roles in the legal sector.

Medical student CV personal statement

Medical student CV personal statement

This medical student proves their fit for the role by showcasing the key skills they have gained from their studies and their work experience placements.

In just these few sentences, they are able to highlight the vast amount of experience they have across different disciplines in the industry, something which is particularly important in the medical sector.

As they have not graduated yet and are still studying, they have provided proof of their most recent grades. This can give the recruiter some indication as to the type of grade they could be graduating with in the near future.

Masters student CV personal statement

Masters student CV personal statement

This masters student has started by specifying their area of study, in this case, accounting, and given details about the specific areas of finance they are most interested in. This can hint towards their career goals and passions.

They have then carefully listed some of the key areas of accounting and finance that they are proficient in. For example, business finance, advanced corporate finance and statistics.

They have also outlined some of the transferable skills needed for accounting roles that employers will be looking out for, such as communication, attention to detail and analytical skills.

Finance student CV personal statement

Finance student CV personal statement

As this finance student has recently undertaken some relevant work experience, they’ve made sure to shout about this in their personal profile.

But more than this, they have included a list of some of the important finance skills they gained as a result of this work experience – for example, financial reporting, processing invoices and month-end reconciliations.

Plus, through power words and phrases such as ‘prevent loss’ and ‘ improve upon accuracy and efficiency’, they have also showcased how they can apply these skills in a workplace setting to benefit the potential employer.

Internship  CV personal statement

Internship CV personal statement

This digital marketing professional has started their personal profile by outlining their most relevant qualifications and work experience, most notably their freelance role as a content manager.

They have also provided examples of some of the key marketing skills that potential employers might be looking for, including very detailed examples of the platforms and tools they are proficient in – for example, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest.

They have then closed their statement by giving a detailed description of the type of role or opportunity they are looking for. In this case, an in-house position in a marketing company.

Graduate career changer personal statement

Graduate career changer CV personal statement

Switching careers as a graduate can be tough. Especially when it comes to writing a personal statement that will attract employers in your new chosen field.

This candidate is looking to move from history teaching into journalism, so they have created a statement which briefly mentions their current workplace, but mainly focuses on highlighting transferable skills which are relevant to journalism. They achieve this by discussing the writing skills they use in their current role, and mentioning their hobby of writing – including some publications they have been featured in for extra brownie points.

Business management graduate personal statement

Business management graduate CV personal statement

This business management proves their ability to work within a junior business management position by swiftly highlighting their impressive degree (to ensure it is not missed) and summarising some of the real-life experience they have gained in management during their university placements and volunteering. They do not let their lack of paid work experience, stop them demonstrating their valuable skills.

PhD graduate

PhD graduate CV personal statement

PhD graduate roles attract a lot of competition, so it’s important that your CV contains a personal statement that will quickly impress and attract recruiters.

This candidate provides a short-but-comprehensive overview of their academic achievements, whilst demonstrating their exceptional level of knowledge in research, languages and publication writing.

By highlighting a number of skills and abilities that are in high-demand in the academic workplace, this CV is very likely to get noticed and land interviews.

How to write a personal statement for your CV

Now that you’ve seen what a personal statement should look like and the type of content it should contain, follow this detailed guide to one for your own CV – and start racking those interviews up.

Guide contents

What is a CV personal statement?

Cv personal statement or cv profile, personal statement format, what to include in a cv personal statement.

  • Personal statement mistakes

How to write persuasively

A personal statement is a short paragraph at the top of your CV which gives employers an overview of your education, skills and experience

It’s purpose is to capture the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers when your CV is first opened – encouraging them to read the rest of it.

You achieve this by writing a tailored summary of yourself that explains your suitability for the roles you are applying for at a very high level, and matches your target job descriptions .

Personal statement basics

One question candidates often ask me is , “what is the difference between a personal statement and a CV profile?”

To be honest, they are almost the same – they are both introductory paragraphs that sit at the top of your CV… but there are 2 main differences

A personal statement tends to be used more by junior candidates (graduates, school leavers etc.) and is relatively long and detailed.

A CV profile tends to be favoured by more experienced candidates , and is shorter in length than a personal statement.

CV personal statement vs profile

Note: If you are an experienced candidate, you may want to switch over to my CV profile writing guide , or example CV profiles page.

To ensure you grab recruiters’ attention with your personal statement, lay it out in the following way.


You need to ensure that your personal statement sits at the very top of your CV, and all of it should be totally visible to readers, without the need to scroll down the page.

Do this by reducing the top page margin and minimising the space taken up by your contact details.

CV margins

This will ensure that your whole personal statement can be seen, as soon as your CV is opened.

We have a Word CV template which can help you to get this right.


Your personal statement needs to contain enough detail to provide an introduction to your skills and knowledge, but not so much detail that it bores readers.

To strike the right balance, anything between 8-15 lines of text is perfect – and sentences should be sharp and to-the-point.

As with the whole of your CV or resume , your personal statement should be written in a simple clean font at around size 10-12 to ensure that it can be read easily by all recruiters and employers.

Keep the text colour simple , ensuring that it contrasts the background (black on white is best) and break it into 2 or even 3 paragraphs for a pleasant reading experience.

It should also be written in a punchy persuasive tone, to help you sell yourself and increase your chances of landing interviews , I cover how to do this in detail further down the guide.

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional CV templates and pre-written content for every industry.

Once you have the style and format of your personal statement perfected, you need to fill it with compelling content that tells recruiters that your CV is worth reading.

Here’s what needs to go into your personal statement…

Before you start writing your personal statement, it’s crucial that you research your target roles to find out exactly what your new potential employers are looking for in a candidate.

Run a search for your target jobs on one of the major job websites , look through plenty of adverts and make a list of the candidate requirements that frequently appear.

Key words in job adverts

This research will show you exactly what to include in your personal statement in order to impress the recruiters who will be reading it.

Education and qualifications are an important aspect of your personal statement, especially if you are a junior candidate.

You should highlight your highest and most relevant qualifications, whether that is a degree, A levels or GCSEs. You could potentially go into some more detail around modules, papers etc. if they are relevant to the roles you are applying for.

It’s important that you discuss the experience you have gained in your personal statement, to give readers an idea of the work you are comfortable undertaking.

This can of course be direct employed work experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

You can also include:

  • School/college Uni work placements
  • Voluntary work
  • Personal projects
  • Hobbies/interests

As with all aspects of your CV , the content should be tailored to match the requirements of your target roles.

Whilst discussing your experience, you should touch upon skills used, industries worked in, types of companies worked for, and people you have worked with.

Where possible, try to show the impact your actions have made. E.g . A customer service agent helps to make sales for their employer.

Any industry-specific knowledge you have that will be useful to your new potential employers should be made prominent within your personal statement.

For example

  • Knowledge of financial regulations will be important for accountancy roles
  • Knowledge of IT operating systems will be important for IT roles
  • Knowledge of the national curriculum will be important for teachers

You should also include some information about the types of roles you are applying for, and why you are doing so. Try to show your interest and passion for the field you are hoping to enter, because employers want to hire people who have genuine motivation and drive in their work.

This is especially true if you don’t have much work experience, as you need something else to compensate for it.

CV personal statement mistakes

The things that you omit from your personal statement can be just as important as the things you include.

Try to keep the following out of your personal statement..

Irrelevant info

Any information that doesn’t fall into the requirements of your target roles can be cut out of your personal statement. For example, if you were a professional athlete 6 years ago, that’s great – but it won’t be relevant if you’re applying to advertising internships, so leave it out.

Generic clichés

Poor resume profile

If you are describing yourself as a “ dynamic team player with high levels of motivation and enthusiasm” you aren’t doing yourself any favours.

These cliché terms are vastly overused and don’t provide readers with any factual details about you – so keep them to a minimum.

Stick to solid facts like education, skills , experience, achievements and knowledge.

If you really want to ensure that your personal statement makes a big impact, you need to write in a persuasive manner.

So, how do you so this?

Well, you need to brag a little – but not too much

It’s about selling yourself and appearing confident, without overstepping the mark and appearing arrogant.

For example, instead of writing.

“Marketing graduate with an interest in entering the digital field”

Be creative and excite the reader by livening the sentence up like this,

“Marketing graduate with highest exam results in class and a passion for embarking on a long and successful career within digital”

The second sentence is a much more interesting, makes the candidate appear more confident, throws in some achievements, and shows off a wider range of writing skills.

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional templates and pre-written content for every industry.

Your own personal statement will be totally unique to yourself, but by using the above guidelines you will be able to create one which shows recruiters everything they need.

Remember to keep the length between 10-20 lines and only include the most relevant information for your target roles.

You can also check our school leaver CV example , our best CV templates , or our library of example CVs from all industries.

Good luck with the job hunt!

  • Translators
  • Graphic Designers


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Personal Statement Examples That Will Get You Writing


Whether you're aiming for a job, university program, or scholarship, the value of an effective personal statement is vital to success. However, writing a personal statement that will make your application stand out can be challenging.

This post will help you put your best foot forward by providing examples and tips for crafting your personal statement. By the end, you will be able to write a standout personal statement with confidence.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is a written document that gives an overview of who you are, your experiences, achievements, and goals. It is typically required as part of a job, university program, or scholarship application. The purpose of a personal statement is to convince the reader that you are the right candidate for the opportunity by showcasing your strengths, experiences, and aspirations.

The content of a personal statement will vary depending on the context. Still, it generally includes information about your educational and professional background, achievements and accomplishments, skills and strengths, and goals and aspirations. It is an opportunity to highlight your unique qualities and what sets you apart from other applicants.

Personal statements are often limited to a certain word count or page limit, so it is important to be concise and focus on the most relevant information. Additionally, it is important to tailor your statement to the specific opportunity you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the role or program.

A well-crafted personal statement can be a powerful tool in the application process, demonstrating your passion, motivation, and suitability for the opportunity.

There are several reasons why you may need to write a personal statement:

  • To apply for a job A personal statement is often required as part of a job application, allowing candidates to showcase their skills, experience, and personality to potential employers.
  • To apply to a university Universities often require a personal statement as part of the application process, which allows the applicant to demonstrate their suitability for the program, their passion for the subject, and their goals for the future.
  • To apply for a scholarship Personal statements are often required for scholarship applications. They allow the applicant to explain why they deserve the scholarship and how they plan to use it to achieve their goals.
  • To promote oneself Personal statements can be used to promote oneself as an expert in a particular field or to showcase one's achievements and experience to a wider audience.

In all of these cases, a personal statement can effectively communicate your strengths and goals and make a compelling case for why you are the right candidate for a particular opportunity.

Why are personal statements important?

Crafting a killer personal statement can elevate your application to new heights! It can set you apart from the crowd and is a powerful tool to showcase your strengths, passion, and unique experiences. By weaving a compelling story about yourself, you help the reader understand what makes you tick and how you are prepared for the opportunity.

Beyond this, a captivating personal statement can provide valuable insights into your personality and values, making you an even more attractive candidate to employers and admissions officers. Trust us - a powerful personal statement is a game-changer for any successful application!

Personal statement examples

It's important to understand what to include in each personal statement. Here are some examples to consider:

Personal statement for a university application

As a passionate programmer and creative problem-solver, I am eager to pursue a degree in computer science and unleash the endless possibilities it offers me. Through this degree, I can acquire the skills and knowledge that will allow me to create meaningful solutions to real-world problems, something I strive for each day. With great excitement, I look forward to furthering my expertise in this field in a university setting and exploring the exciting opportunities ahead.

In high school, I was a dedicated student who took the initiative and maintained a strong work ethic. I earned high grades and actively participated in extracurricular activities such as the Computer Science Club and Robotics Team. My ambition has been to use my knowledge and skills to help build a better future. That is why I am confident that pursuing a career in computer science is the right decision for me.

Personal statement for job application

As a highly motivated and results-oriented professional, I am eager to contribute my skills and experience to an organization that values innovation and teamwork. Throughout my career, I have developed a reputation for being a problem-solver and effective communicator, with a keen eye for detail and the ability to work under pressure.

I have experience leading teams and coordinating tasks to ensure successful outcomes. Additionally, my communication skills enable me to effectively interact with colleagues, vendors, and customers to ensure that projects are completed on time. I am confident that my passion for my work and dedication to excellence will make me a valuable asset to any team.

Personal statement for scholarship application

Receiving this scholarship would be a life-changing opportunity for me. As a first-generation college student, I have faced many obstacles in pursuing my education, but I have never let these challenges hold me back. When my parents told me they could not help pay for my college tuition, I felt a wave of uncertainty wash over me. But I quickly realized that if I worked hard enough and never gave up, I could make my dreams come true.

With this scholarship, I can continue my studies and achieve my goals, including becoming a role model for other students in my community. I am committed to giving back to my community and using my education to impact the world positively.

Tips for crafting a personal statement

While crafting a standout personal statement can seem daunting, with the right guidance, you can create a compelling document that showcases your unique qualities and sets you apart from other applicants. This section will provide tips and strategies to help you write a powerful personal statement that effectively communicates your skills, experiences, and aspirations.

From tailoring your statement to the opportunity to using specific examples and demonstrating authenticity, these tips will help you create a personal statement that makes a lasting impression.

Here are some tips for writing a strong personal statement:

  • Research: Before writing your personal statement, research the opportunity you are applying for. This will help you to understand the requirements and tailor your statement to the specific role or program.
  • Be concise: Personal statements are often limited to a certain word count or page limit, so it is important to be concise and focus on the most relevant information. Ensure each sentence and paragraph adds value and contributes to your overall message.
  • Use specific examples: Specific examples can be used to illustrate your skills and experiences. This will help to bring your statement to life and provide evidence to support your claims.
  • Tailor your statement: Tailor your statement to the specific role or program. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the opportunity and demonstrate how they make you a strong candidate.
  • Show, don't tell: Instead of stating that you are a good fit for the opportunity, provide specific examples and evidence to tangibly demonstrate your skills and experience.
  • Be authentic: Be true to yourself and your experiences. Your statement should reflect your personality, values, and motivations and provide insight into who you are.
  • Proofread and edit: Finally, proofread and edit your statement carefully. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your message is clear and concise. A well-written and error-free personal statement can make all the difference in a competitive application process.

By following these tips, you can create a personal statement that effectively showcases your strengths and makes a compelling case for why you are the ideal candidate for the opportunity. Remember to tailor your statement to the specific requirements of the opportunity, use specific examples to illustrate your achievements and experiences, and be authentic to yourself. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to crafting a powerful personal statement that will help you stand out from the competition.

Unlock your future

Writing a personal statement can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding experience with the right approach. A well-crafted personal statement can be the key to unlocking exciting new opportunities, whether it's a job, a university program, or a scholarship. Following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can create a personal statement that showcases your strengths, experiences, and aspirations and demonstrates why you are the ideal candidate for the opportunity. Good luck!

Header image by Akira Kaelyn .

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Craft a compelling personal statement with professional editing

Craft a compelling personal statement with professional editing

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Application Forms

How to write a personal statement – application form personal statement examples.

HOW TO WRITE A PERSONAL STATEMENT Application Form Personal Statement Examples

In this blog, career guidance expert, Richard McMunn, teaches you how to write a brilliant personal statement! You can also download Richard’s 5 PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLES at the bottom of this page!





“A personal statement summarizes what you can offer an organization or employer and how you see yourself working in the role.”

It is your job to CONVINCE the person reading the personal statement you are the BEST PERSON for the job!


Write a short and powerful OPENING statement

  • Make it strong, powerful and positive.
  • Explain why you have decided to apply for this job.
  • Use keywords and phrases that resonate with the employer/hiring manager.


personal statement applying for job


Write a middle section showcasing your EXPERIENCE

  • Provide details of any experience relevant to the role.
  • Match your skills to the job description.
  • Don’t be afraid to show off and be confident about your abilities!


Middle Statement Application Form Example 01


Finish off with a short and powerful CLOSING statement

  • Tell them what you plan to do in the role.
  • Build trust between you and the employer.
  • Make it a no brainer for them to employ you!


Final Closing Statement Application Form Example

Richard McMunn

16 thoughts on “ how to write a personal statement – application form personal statement examples ”.

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Thank you very much I appreciate your teaching..

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Thank you very much really appreciate your work and teachings

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You’re most welcome Joseph!

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You are brilliant. Thank you

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You’re the best of the best Richard, thanks a lot for your help Sir.

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How are you Richard. I have most of your videos in HR administration and management, finance management, customer care, innovation and creativity processes, business strategy, ‘HR CYCLE’ etc. You are superb and articulate wth accuracy in whatever you do. Well done I m Gerald Njuguna from Nairobi Kenya. Have you been to Kenya?

Sorry,correction , I have watched most of your videos.

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I really love this tutorial. thank you some much for the knowledge you are impacting in us

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I find your advise very useful and informative

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you are simply the best, thank you for simplifying issues

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I have learnt a lot, thanks for your guide.

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Hi Richard You made me know things that otherwise I wouldn’t.

Thanks a lot

Happy to hear that!

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Thanks so much Richard, your tutorials have really opened my eyes on how to go about job interviews and write personal statements, thank you.

Happy to hear that it has helped! 🙂

personal statement applying for job

God bless your good willing heart to guide and educate us ❤️.

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Building Better Opportunities - How To Write A Personal Statement For A Job?

How To Write A Personal Statement For A Job? Employment

Personal statements are often used in job applications, but can also be used for college and university applications, too. Here, we’ll give you some hints and tips for creating a personal statement for a job that goes the distance. Read on to find out more! 

What is a personal statement? 

First thing’s first…what is it?

A personal statement for a job is usually a paragraph about you that goes on the top of your CV. It’s sometimes known as a personal profile, professional profile, or even a career objective – so keep an eye out for these kinds of terms too in your job hunt.

Your personal statement should be an ‘ overview of you ,’ covering things like: who you are, why you think you are suitable for the role, what you will bring to the job, and your career goals. 

If you are wondering why a personal statement is important (after all, shouldn’t all that be in your CV anyway?) it’s worth knowing that recruiters get 100s of CVs sent to them every single day. And on average they spend about 6 seconds looking at a CV before making a decision on the candidate. So, having a personal statement at the top of your CV gives a brief, easy to read summary that will hook the recruiter in and make them want to call you in for an interview. 

Example of a personal statement for a job: 

A friendly and enthusiastic individual, currently looking to return to a retail assistant role after spending the last 3 years raising a family. I possess excellent communication and listening skills, and I work extremely well in a team, as well as being able to work confidently on my own. I have recently volunteered at a local charity shop, as a sales assistant, to refresh my skills, and I am committed to continuing my career on a full-time basis. 

How to write a personal statement

Like the example above, your personal statement should be short and sweet. Remember, your aim is to catch the attention of the recruiter so they read your CV in more depth before inviting you to interview. 

Before you start, it’s best to sit down with your updated CV and make a list of all of your relevant skills and experience. Examples of skills you could include are: 

  • Communication 
  • Numeracy (i.e. good at working with money)
  • Problem solving 
  • Organisation 
  • Creativity 
  • Confidence 

Once you have a list of these things, it should be a lot easier to pull together an effective personal statement. 

What if I have no work experience? 

Having no work experience doesn’t mean you can’t write a good personal statement. There are plenty of other ways you can demonstrate your skills. Do you have a hobby or an interest? If you do, it’s likely you use key skills to do this and the best part is you can put this in your personal statement. Similarly, if you were involved in any clubs, teams or projects at school. 

The key to writing an effective personal statement is keeping it relevant to the role you are applying to. So make sure you read the job advert and any accompanying information thoroughly to understand what the employer is looking for! 

What do I put at the start of my personal statement? 

Many, many people struggle to write about themselves. So, if this is you, don’t worry! To kick off your personal statement, see if you can come up with a short, sharp statement (no longer than one sentence) that describes you accurately. 

This could be one that highlights your previous work experience: 

‘A flexible construction worker with three years’ experience in bricklaying, roofing, plastering and plumbing.’ 

Or one that shows skills and experience you have from hobbies, interest or education: 

‘A hardworking individual with a passion for creativity alongside a Distinction in Level 3 Graphic Design.’

Again, keep it short. And don’t forget to big yourself up a little bit! Make the recruiter believe that you are the best person for the role you are applying for. 

What goes in the middle of a personal statement?

When it comes to writing your personal statement, it’s best to have at least a loose structure in mind to help you get everything down that you need to. You could include: 

  • Why are you applying?
  • Why are you suitable for the role?
  • What relevant job experience or training do you have?
  • What projects or experiences have you taken part in that could show your abilities ?
  • What makes you the perfect person for the job?

Use the answers to these questions to write your personal statement. 

What goes at the end of a personal statement? 

The end of your personal statement should make it clear to whoever is reading what your goals are professionally. For example, the construction worker above may put: 

‘Looking to take on my next challenge in the world of construction, and develop my skills with a reputable local business.’

Or, for the aspiring graphic designer: 

‘Looking for a start in the exciting world of graphic design, where I can learn from the best with a creative and innovative company.’ 

Remember: keep it brief! 

Do’s and Don’ts for your personal statement 

To help you on your way, here is a list of the do’s and don’ts for your personal statement. 

  • Make sure your tone is polite, friendly and (most importantly) professional. 
  • Keep it short and sweet. Your personal statement should only be around 3 or 4 sentences long.
  • Include relevant information, such as previous experience. 
  • Highlight your key skills. 
  • Make it clear what kind of role you are looking for – this will help highlight your suitability for the one you are applying for. 
  • Use the job advert, person specification and any other information you have about the company to inform your personal statement. 
  • Make your achievements clear! Blow your own trumpet! 
  • Use slang words or be too conversational
  • Include any personal information that’s not relevant. For example: how many children you have, whether you are single or married, etc. 
  • Be negative! 
  • Lie or exaggerate the truth. 
  • Take a template from online without personalising it! 

Need a bit more help?

If you need help in writing your CV or personal statement, we can help. For a detailed and private 1-2-1 with one of advocates who can advise, please call 01902 96228 or fill in the form below to request a callback.

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Resume personal statements: How to write one

A well-written personal statement can help your resume stand out from the crowd and capture a recruiter's attention. We'll show you how to write a solid personal statement that highlights your unique skills, experiences, and professional goals. Whatever career stage you're in, we've got you covered. Read on to find information on the topic, resume personal statement examples, and helpful tips to help you stand out in the job market.

  • What is a personal statement?
  • Key elements to include in a good personal statement
  • Personal statement examples
  • Tips on writing a personal statement for your resume
  • Formatting and structuring your personal statement
  • Common mistakes when writing a personal statement

What is a personal statement?  

A personal statement is essentially a resume summary. It is a short section on your resume that tells the employer who you are as a worker. You may also see it called resume objectives or CV personal statement.

The personal statement shows your goals and what makes you unique. It can be used to show how your skills, experiences, and job goals make you stand out from other applicants. This can significantly affect how the employer sees you as a potential employee. It's your chance to add personality, passion, and purpose to your resume. You can make an impression that will make you shine during your job search.

Key elements to include in a good personal statement  

To write an excellent resume summary, here are some important details that will help a hiring manager understand your professional identity.

  • Who you are:  Start by briefly describing yourself. Give a short but informative summary of your professional background.
  • Summary of your experiences:  Give a brief outline of your career. Focus on crucial turning points, accomplishments, and related experiences. This part gives an overview of your career path and shows how broad or deep your knowledge is.
  • Your value as an employee:  Define your unique value Emphasize the skills, qualities, and experiences that make you stand out from other applicants. Talk about how your relevant experience fits the needs of the role and how you can help the company succeed.
  • Your career objectives:  At the end of your resume objective statement, list your career goals and ambitions. Make your short and long-term career goals clear. This shows that you're committed to professional growth and development.

Personal statement examples  

A good personal statement can be an important part of shaping your career, whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional. Here are some personal statement examples for different career stages. They show off relevant skills, experiences, and goals of job seekers.

Personal statement examples for students looking for internships

"I am a driven undergraduate student majoring in marketing, seeking internship opportunities to apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings. I have a proven ability to develop client relationships and execute marketing strategies. I am ready to share new thoughts and learn from people with more experience."

"Dedicated undergraduate student studying mechanical engineering, looking for an internship opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical projects. Skilled with CAD tools and has experience making prototypes. Possesses strong critical thinking skills and takes the necessary steps to solve problems. Excellent collaborator who is always looking to learn and improve."

Personal statement example for fresh graduates

"I am a recent finance bachelor's degree holder with a solid grasp of financial principles and robust analytic abilities. I have operated effectively in dynamic settings and provided precise financial analysis. I am seeking an entry-level role in financial analysis to utilize my academic knowledge and contribute to organizational success."

"Highly motivated human resource management graduate who is deeply committed to cultivating positive work environments. Proficient in employee relations, performance management, and recruitment. Seeking an HR position to implement academic knowledge and acquire practical experience."

Personal statement examples for working professionals

"I am an experienced sales manager with more than five years of experience in B2B sales. I am currently looking to resume my professional career. I have a proven history of exceeding sales goals, building strong relationships with clients, and establishing vital client leads. I am looking for a challenging sales manager position where I can use my leadership skills to coach a team of top performers and make the company more profitable."

"I am an accomplished project manager with a background in information technology. I am skilled at coordinating the efforts of diverse teams to complete challenging assignments on schedule and within budget. I have consistently reduced risk and guaranteed project success. I am seeking new opportunities to apply my project management expertise in a dynamic environment."

Personal statement example for workers making mid-career transitions

"Experienced marketer ready to move into digital advertising. Skilled in both digital and conventional marketing tactics, with a particular focus on expanding brands' reach and interaction via online media. Seeks a position to use marketing talents to create modern digital advertising strategies."

"I am a project manager with extensive experience, with a career goal to work in sustainable development. I am passionate about positively affecting society and comfortable in a fast-paced environment. I have expertise at working with stakeholders and planning strategically."

man typing on laptop

Tips on writing a personal statement for your resume  

Before you start writing your own personal statement, think about the following tips.

Selecting the most impactful experiences to share

Carefully choose which experiences to highlight in your CV personal statement. Consider the following aspects to guarantee that you demonstrate the most effective ones:

  • Relevance to job scope:  Select experiences and relevant qualifications that directly relate to the needs of your desired role.
  • Significance of results:  Highlight experiences in which you achieved substantial results. Focus on your efforts and accomplishments.
  • Business impact:  Show how your work has increased the company's profits. Give numbers to support your results, and explain how your work has helped the group succeed or grow.

Demonstrating problem-solving and leadership through past scenarios

In your resume personal statement, use examples from your past to show how you've solved problems and led others. Try to give an example of a problem you had and how you solved it. Highlight situations when you were proactive, made tough choices , and helped others succeed. By demonstrating that you can deal with problems and lead with confidence, you can show you're ready for new tasks in your next job.

Keeping your personal statement concise

Write a short, clear, objective statement to help you hold the reader's attention. Here are some suggestions to help you keep your resume personal statement short:

  • Editing:  Carefully read over your resume and personal statement. Remove unnecessary details or repeated information, and ensure you only include the most useful and important facts.
  • Clarity:  Write clearly to make sure your message is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or academic terms that the reader might not know.
  • Length:  Personal statements should be short but full of useful information. There is no rigid word limit, but keep your statement to a few brief lines that get to the point of who you are as a professional and what you want to achieve.

Formatting and structuring your personal statement  

Here are some guidelines for making your objective statement easier to read and more organized.

Formatting tips for maximum readability

The layout of your resume personal statement affects how hiring managers read and interact with your content. To make sure your writing is easy to comprehend, consider the following:

  • For a professional appearance, pick a classy font that's simple to read, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.
  • Keep the font size the same throughout the document. The best range is between 10pt and 12pt.
  • When choosing the point of view, think about the tone and setting of your resume personal statement.
  • First-person POV allows you to connect with the reader more directly, and third-person POV can present an air of professionalism and objectivity.

Pros and cons of each POV style

Both first-person and third-person POVs have pros and cons. First-person makes it feel like the text is directed at the reader, but it can sometimes come off as too casual. Third-person POV, on the other hand, seems objective and professional. This is common in formal settings but can feel impersonal or distant.

Man in a business attire typing on a keyboard

The POV you choose affects the way your personal statement reads. First-person POV creates a more personal and conversational tone. The third-person perspective conveys a feeling of formality and objectivity, setting a tone appropriate for formal papers.

Alignment with your overall resume style

Pick a POV for your personal statement that complements the general tone and style of your resume. The document should flow from one section to the next. To make a good impression on recruiters, change the POV to fit the role, the company culture, and the business. If you’re applying for a creative role, you can make your resume stand out by matching the creative writing style of your prospective employer.

Resume personal statement in first-person POV

“With a strong background in content marketing, I excel in writing, editing, content planning, and SEO. In my previous roles, I was committed to ensuring my team met deadlines and KPIs. I'm eager to leverage my skills and enthusiasm as Content Manager for the Philippine Creative Ad Agency.”

Resume personal statement in third-person POV

“Has a strong background in content marketing. Excels in writing, editing, content planning, and SEO. In previous roles, demonstrated a commitment to ensuring the team met deadlines and KPIs. Eager to leverage skills and enthusiasm as Content Manager for the Philippine Creative Ad Agency.”

Common mistakes when writing a personal statement  

Avoid common clichés and overused phrases.

Don't include phrases such as "hardworking," "team player," and "results-oriented." They don't say much about you and won't help you stand out from other applicants.

What to leave out of your personal statements

Remove any old or useless information that doesn't fit with your story or add value to your application. For example, if your achievements ase a high school student aren’t relevant to your application, don’t include them. Read the job description carefully before adding any information.

Bad personal statement examples

"Motivated individual seeking challenging opportunities to utilize analytical skills and grow within a dynamic organization."

"Passionate team player with excellent communication skills and a strong work ethic."

"Detail-oriented professional with a proven track record of success in various roles."

These examples are too short and vague. They don’t say anything about you as a person or employee. Make sure your personal statements showcase your unique traits and career path. Show the positive impact you had in your previous roles, and highlight what benefit your prospective employer can get by hiring you.


Personal statements can make or break a job application. Using the ideas, examples, and advice in this guide, you can write an interesting statement that not only interests hiring managers but also connects with them on a deeper level. Remember that your personal statement is more than just a summary of your work history. It's your chance to show potential employers what you can do and how passionate you are about the job.

  • What should I write in my personal statement for a resume? Your personal statement should give a brief overview of your professional qualities. Include the skills, experiences, and work goals that are relevant to the role you're applying for.
  • Can you provide personal statement examples for a job application? Yes! Here's an example: "As an experienced marketing professional with an enthusiasm for new ideas, I am delighted to use my digital marketing abilities to expand and engage your vibrant team at XYZ Company. I am devoted to delivering measurable results and helping your organization succeed with my experience in creating effective campaigns and analytics."
  • How long should a personal statement be on a resume? A few sentences should be enough for a short but powerful statement. They should focus on the most relevant information that fits the job description.
  • What are some dos and don'ts for writing a resume personal statement? Dos: Personalize your statement for the position and company. Highlight your job-related abilities, experiences, and accomplishments. Don'ts: Avoid using clichés or generic phrases. Don't make it too long.
  • How can I make my personal statement stand out to employers? Make your personal statements special to each role you apply for. Think about your personal profile and the job description. Highlight your unique skills, accomplishments, and goals that match the needs of the role. This will help you connect strongly with managers.
  • Are there any online tools to help me craft a personal statement? Yes, tools like Perfect Essay Writer, Paper Help, and BBQ Papers can help you improve and modify your personal statements by giving you language tips and reading-level feedback.

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  10. How to Write a Personal Statement

    Here are some steps to follow when writing a personal statement: 1. Firstly, research the company. Read the company's profiles, achievements, vision and goals. Analyze and understand the position for which you're applying, and find ways to connect it to the company's overall goals. 2.

  11. Personal Statements: Examples, Do's and Don'ts

    Personal statement do's. Tailor your personal statement - utilise the job description to help you highlight exactly what the employer is looking for, highlight the skills and experience it calls for. The job description is the blueprint to your personal statement for that role, so try and signpost your abilities from the exact things the employer is looking for.

  12. 17 CV personal statement examples 2024

    If you want to secure job interview, you need a strong personal statement at the top of your CV. Your CV personal statement is a short paragraph which sits at the very top of your CV - and it's aim is to summarise the benefits of hiring you and encourage employers to read your CV in full. In this guide I have included 17 CV personal ...

  13. How to Write a Personal Statement That Gets Noticed (With ...

    1. Write an introduction that introduces yourself and your goals. Write an introduction that introduces who you are and why you applying for the job or university program. Note why your interests align with the role or degree and any experience you have with this type of job or the course topics.

  14. CV Personal Statement Examples and Tips

    The personal statement on your CV is the one place where it's okay to talk about yourself in the third person. However, using pronouns, for example, "he is a conscientious worker with 12 years of experience..." is a step too far. Instead, drop the pronouns, so that would become "A conscientious worker with 12 years of experience…".

  15. Personal Statement Examples That Will Get You Writing

    A personal statement is a written document that gives an overview of who you are, your experiences, achievements, and goals. It is typically required as part of a job, university program, or scholarship application. The purpose of a personal statement is to convince the reader that you are the right candidate for the opportunity by showcasing ...

  16. How to write a personal statement (With example)

    Employment personal statement example You can use the following example of a personal statement to guide you when applying for an employment position: "I am a recent graduate from the University of Dublin with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. I would love to use the skills I have honed at university during my degree and put my passion and creativity for graphic design to use.

  17. How to Write a Personal Statement

    HOW TO WRITE A PERSONAL STATEMENT - STEP 3. Tell them what you plan to do in the role. Build trust between you and the employer. Make it a no brainer for them to employ you! FINAL CLOSING STATEMENT EXAMPLE: DOWNLOAD RICHARD MCMUNN'S 5 'READY MADE' BRILLIANT PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLES! BUY NOW. This entry was posted in Application Forms.

  18. How to Write a Personal Statement

    Insert a quote from a well-known person. Challenge the reader with a common misconception. Use an anecdote, which is a short story that can be true or imaginary. Credibility is crucial when writing a personal statement as part of your college application process. If you choose a statistic, quote, or misconception for your hook, make sure it ...

  19. How to Write a Compelling Personal Statement (With Tips and ...

    Personal statement examples The following are personal statement examples you can use for inspiration: Personal statement for job application Use this employment personal statement to help you craft your own: Highly motivated accounting graduate with a first class honours degree from the National University of Singapore with two years of experience in budgeting, payroll and account reconciliation.

  20. Writing an Administrative Assistant's Personal Statement

    Here are some key details to include in an administrative assistant's statement: 1. Relevant work experience. List any previous work experience relevant to the administrative assistant position you are applying for. This could include experience working in a similar role, handling office tasks, or using appropriate software or technologies.

  21. Writing a Winning Personal Statement for a Job

    2. Provide an Overview of Your Skills and Experience. Briefly summarize your skills and experiences. This could include any relevant education, training, or experience that makes you a good fit for the job. Keep it brief and to the point. Avoid including unnecessary detail. 3. Write Your Achievements.

  22. Personal Statement Examples (With Definition and Tips)

    3. Expand on relevant skills, experiences and achievement. Keep your personal statement short and powerful. After writing the above two sections, you can focus on your skills and achievements and how they can contribute to your success in the new role. Express the value you can bring to the organisation.

  23. How To Write A Personal Statement For A Job? Employment

    Your personal statement should only be around 3 or 4 sentences long. Include relevant information, such as previous experience. Highlight your key skills. Make it clear what kind of role you are looking for - this will help highlight your suitability for the one you are applying for. Use the job advert, person specification and any other ...

  24. Resume personal statements: How to write one

    A good personal statement can be an important part of shaping your career, whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional. Here are some personal statement examples for different career stages. They show off relevant skills, experiences, and goals of job seekers. Personal statement examples for students looking for internships

  25. How to Get a Personal Loan With No Income Verification

    To qualify for a personal loan with no income, you may need to provide collateral, apply with a co-signer, or provide sources of alternative income, such as Social Security or unemployment benefits.

  26. 20 Interview Tips To Get Yourself On The Shortlist For A Job

    3. Use Specific Examples Of Relevant Skills And Experiences. To stand out in a crowded job market, candidates must thoroughly research the company and the role.

  27. Personal Trainer

    Pay Grade/Pay Range: Minimum: $16.63 - Midpoint: $19.95 (Hourly N3) Department/Organization: 820632 - UREC Personal Training Normal Work Schedule: Variable; dependent on client needs Job Summary: The Personal Trainer instructs clients in individualized fitness programs. Designs programs based on the medical history, goals, and current fitness level of the client.

  28. Request a Criminal History Background Check

    applying for a visa; accessing and reviewing your records; Checks for volunteers are free. Other checks cost a fee, and some results can be notarized for an additional $5. All online and mail-in requests are checked against Pennsylvania law enforcement agency criminal history records only, not federal records.

  29. Election latest: Elton John backs Labour and Starmer in general

    Sir Elton John endorsed the Labour Party and Sir Keir Starmer in a video message at a major Labour campaign rally in London. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak was mobbed by worshippers at a temple in London.