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150+ WAEC English Essay Past Questions (PDF)

Discover both the oldest and the latest WAEC English essay past questions in this mega list.

Are you a teacher or student of High School English Language? This collection of past questions on WAEC English composition will be of great help to you.

Old WAEC English essay past questions from “ancient” times like 1997 or 2002 are no longer relevant. Right?

Past questions are past questions. Trust WAEC to, at any time, repeat word for word some of their past questions from either distant years in the past or from a relatively recent year.

Sometimes too, all the WAEC examiners do is to slightly modify the wording of the same English Language essay past question. Then they present it to you as if it were completely new.

What Smart Students/Teachers Do With Past Questions

This is why the smartest students who keep getting the best WAEC/NECO/JAMB grades for essay writing are the ones who spend quality time studying and practicing WAEC English essay past questions. They and their teachers don’t really care whether the WAEC past essay question is coming from 1990 or 2020.

Because the ideas have always been the same. The aspects of life on which the examiners base their WAEC English essay past questions remain almost unchanged.

In another post on this site, I share with you the secrets behind how the guys at WAEC set their essay questions.

Trust me, the smartest move to make, as you prepare for the English or any other General Arts essay paper, is to study and practice as many WAEC past essay questions as possible.

The results have always proven this strategy to be very effective. So this approach can work the magic for you too.

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Would you prefer to download this document for future use? I think you should. You can start downloading the PDF version of the WAEC past essay questions by clicking here.

Now, are you ready to take seriously both the oldest and the newest WAEC English essay past questions? Then come with me as I give you some of the most relevant English composition past questions from GCE and SSCE to WASSCE.


Please note that this post is a living document. Expect me to add more English essay past questions that matter to you most as time goes on. Thank you!

Top 10 Features of A High-Grade Essay

Free Essays for Schools and Colleges


1.   Your close friend missed an interesting event that took place in your school when he was on admission at the hospital. Write a letter to him describing what happened.

2.   Armed robbery has become rampant in your locality. Write a letter to your Member of Parliament giving at least three reasons for this state of affairs and suggesting ways of solving the problem.

3.   As the out-going sports prefect write a report for publication in your school magazine on sporting activities during your term of office.

4.   As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution for or against the motion. ”The youth of today have more opportunities than their predecessors.”

5.   Describe a political rally you recently attended.

6.   Write a story, which ends with, “One gets such an opportunity once in a lifetime.”


1. Your friend has written to tell you that he has decided to learn a trade after his senior secondary school course. Write a reply to him giving at least three reasons why you support or disagree with his decision.

2.  Examination malpractice has become rampant in schools in your country. Write a letter to the Minister of Education discussing at least three causes of this problem and suggesting ways of solving it.

3.  As part of the activities of the 40 th  Independence Anniversary Celebration of Ghana, the Ministry of Education is organizing an essay competition on the topic Ghana’s Independence: a blessing or a curse? Write your entry.

4.  Describe a schoolmate you would nominate as “The Best Student of the Year.”

5.  As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution for or against the motion: ”Money and possessions do not necessarily bring happiness.’

6.  Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic “The problems of street children and how to solve them.

    NOVEMBER 1999

 1.  Your pen pal has written to inform you that he will like to pay you a one-week visit in your country. Write a reply stating the programme you have drawn up to cover the visit.

 2.  Your school is celebrating its speech and Prize Giving Day. As the school prefect, you have been asked to give a speech on the topic: The achievements of my school in the last academic year. Write your speech.

 3.  You were standing at a bus stop when two taxis collided. The drivers got out of their cars and after a heated argument, a fight ensued. Write a description of the incident.

 4.  As the principal speaker in a debate, write your contribution for or against the topic: The disabled can make a meaningful contribution to national development.

  5.  You have been asked to give a talk to a group of foreign tourists on the role of traditional healers in your area. Write out your speech.


1. Write a letter to a friend in another school giving at least three reasons why you support the establishment of private Universities in the Country

2. You are totally opposed to corporal punishment in your school though your teachers administer it. Write a letter to the District Director of Education, suggesting at least three better ways of punishing students.

3. As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution for  or against  the motion: we do not need the extended family in a changing Ghanaian society.

4. Write a story entitled “The Haunted House”.

5. The national Commission on Culture (NCC) is organizing an essay competition on the topic, the installation of a chief in Ghanaian society. Write your entry, using your traditional area as a reference.

  • You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: Official visits abroad by a Head of state are beneficial to a country. Write out your speech for  or  against  the motion.
  • Write a story ending…… It was not a pleasant experience.
  • The rate at which teenage girls are becoming pregnant is alarming. Write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper discussing at least three factors responsible for this problem and suggesting solutions.
  • Your school is celebrating its silver jubilee. As the current school prefect, write the speech you will deliver, outlining the achievements of your school, the problems you encounter as students and your hopes for the future.
  • You have returned to your hometown after a long absence. Describe at least three changes you have noticed and their effects on the lives of your people.


  • Your elder brother living abroad has alleged that the youth in your area are unemployed because they are lazy. Write a letter to him giving at least three reasons why you disagree.
  • Write a speech to be delivered during the Minister of communication’s visit to your school, giving reasons why you need an FM radio station in your area.
  • As the out- going Dining Hall Prefect, write a report on your tenure of office.
  • The Ministry of Education is organizing an essay competition on the topic: “Music should be made a core subject in the senior secondary school”. Write your entry.
  • Describe in detail a memorable occasion during which an eminent personality in your town was honoured
  • There has been an upsurge in AIDS cases in your country recently. Write a letter to the Minister of Health discussing the issue and suggesting at least three ways by which the disease can be prevented.
  • You have accompanied your father on his transfer to a new town. Describe this new environment, stating what you like or dislike about it
  • Write a story that illustrates the saying “ Birds of the same feather flock together”
  • Some people argue that rapists should be executed. In an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper, express your opinion on this controversy.
  • Your school is organizing a debate on the motion: “The media have done the society more harm than good”. As a principal speaker, write your contribution for  or against  the motion.


  • Write an article, suitable for publication in a national newspaper, on the topic: The changes I would like to see in my country.
  • Your sister is separated from her husband leaving you and her children with their father. Write a letter to her pleading that she should return, giving at least three reasons why she should.
  • Write a story to illustrate the saying, Experience is the best teacher
  • The Chief Executive of your district has failed to fulfill his/her promises to develop your town. As a delegate of your youth club, write out the speech you would deliver at a meeting of the District Assembly complaining about at least two of such unfulfilled promises, and stating the effects of the failure to do so.
  • You are speaker in a school debate on the topic: Our elders may no longer be active but they are still very useful to our society. Write your contribution for  or against  the motion.
  • Write a story beginning: It is great to be young”.
  • To commemorate your school’s 20 th  Anniversary, you have been invited to contribute to a debate on the motion: Ghana should continue to borrow money for development. Write your speech for  or against  the motion.
  • The head of your school is going on retirement. Write out the speech you would deliver as the school prefect at the farewell party organized for him
  • The Ministry of Transport in your county is organizing an essay competition on the topic: the bicycle a very useful means of transport. Write your entry.
  • Write a letter to the chairman of the Board of Governors of your school describing an alarming situation in the school. Give at least three reasons why immediate action should be taken to put things right.


  • Write a letter to a friend who lives in a neighboring country, explaining why you like or dislike certain advertisements on you local radio.
  • You spent your last holidays with a friend in another part of the country. Describe what you saw and experienced, stating the effects they have had on you.
  • Write an article for publication in a national newspaper, on the topic: Some of our customs and traditions must be maintained.
  • Write a story to illustrate the saying: “Once bitten, twice shy”
  • You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: Drivers should be blamed for the accidents on our roads. Write your speech for  or against  the motion.
  • As the school prefect, write a letter to the newly-appointed Headmaster congratulating him and stating at least three urgent needs of the school.
  • A foreign magazine is organizing an essay competition among secondary school students on the topic: The virtues of traditional foods. Write your entry.
  • As part of a campaign to increase the number of students in your school, your Headmaster has asked you as School prefect to convince a gathering of junior secondary school pupils in your district to choose your school. Write the speech you would deliver
  • You are a speaker in a school debate on the topic; in a developing country, it is more useful to study science than business.
  • Narrate a story, which illustrates the saying, “Look before you leap”


  • In an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper, discuss why capital punishment should not be abolished in the country.
  • You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: Abstaining from sex is the best way to avoid HIV/AIDS. Write your speech for  or against  the motion
  • In a letter to a pen-friend abroad narrate an event that has had a far-reaching effect on your country.
  • Write a story to illustrate the proverb: Make hay while the sun shines.
  • You want to be elected School Prefect. Write the speech that will persuade the students to vote for you.

1. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper advocating the use of a Ghanaian Language as the lingua franca of your country.

2. You have been invited by the police as an eyewitness to a brawl between two factions in a dispute. Write a report stating exactly what you saw.

3. As Senior Prefect of your school, write a speech to be delivered at a youth forum on the prevention of drug abuse among students.

4. You are the main speaker in an inter-school debate on the topic: Science is the greatest threat to life in the world. Write out your contribution for or against the motion.

5. The parent-teacher association of your school has decided to introduce a new school uniform. Write a letter to the Chairman giving at least three reasons why you disagree.


1. You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: Discipline is the key to good academic performance.  Write your speech for  or against  the motion.

2. The Ghana Tourist Board is organizing an essay competition on: The need to improve tourism in the country.  Write your entry.

3. Write a story that illustrates the saying: All that glitters is not gold .

4. There has been an increase in motor accidents recently. Write to the Chairman of the National Road Safety Committee stating the causes and suggesting measures to prevent these accidents.

5. You are unhappy about the unsanitary conditions in your area. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper, in which you explain the causes and suggest ways of improving sanitation.


1. Insufficient student accommodation in tertiary institutions affects admissions each year.  . Write an article for publication in a national newspaper discussing this problem and suggesting at least three ways of solving it.

2. You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: traditional rulers have no place in a modern democratic nation. Write your speech for  or against  the motion.

3. Your year group has been on an educational tour of one of the regions of the country. Describe to your friends your impressions of the tour.

4. There was a disagreement between your class and one of the teachers. As the class prefect, write a report to the head of your school on the incident.

5. Two of your brothers had a bitter quarrel just before you left home for the boarding school. Write a letter to your father pointing out where both were at fault and requesting him to intervene.

1. Write an article suitable for publication in an international magazine on the topic: The problems associated with environmental pollution and suggested solutions.

2. You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: the national health insurance policy can solve all the health problems of the country. Write your arguments for or against the motion.

3. In recent times there have been protests over poor conditions of service for workers. Write a letter to the minister of employment identifying three areas where you think the government should make efforts to bring more prosperity to workers.

4. Write a story ending with the statement: As you can see circumstances beyond my control compelled me to do such a thing.

5. You recently participated in a local festival. Write a letter to your pen pal describing three exciting experiences which you had during the festival.

  • Write a letter to the headmaster of your school suggesting what can be done to reduce the spate of indiscipline among the students of your school in response to a request by the school authorities.
  • Write a letter to your elder brother in Europe or America telling him about what you want to do after leaving school and why. You may also ask for his advice.
  • Write an account of an exciting trip you made to one of the principal towns in your country where you spent a week with your best friend and his or her family. Your piece should be suitable for publication in your school magazine.
  • The Students’ Union of your district is organizing a symposium on the need to plant trees. Write the speech you would give.
  • Describe what happened during and after a natural disaster that you have experienced or heard about, for publication in one of your local newspapers.


1. Write an article for publication in a cultural magazine on what traditional rulers should do to promote peaceful co-existence in their communities.

2. The members of the old students association of your school have expressed the desire to offer assistance to the school. As senior prefect, write a letter to its president identifying three areas where the school needs immediate help.

3. Write a story ending with the statement: We forgot the past and became friends once more.

4. The ministry of agriculture is organizing an essay competition on the topic: every senior high school must have a school farm. Write your entry.

5. You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: inter-school sports and games promote friendship and unity among students . Write your speech for or against the motion.


1. You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: living overseas has more advantages than living in your own country. Write your arguments for or against the motion.

2. Write an article for publication in a national newspaper discussing at least three measures which your community has taken to bring development to your area.

3. Write a letter to your friend who is coming to live in your area informing him about the advantages of living there and the risks he is likely to encounter.

4. The national commission for civic education hopes to make people aware of their responsibilities as good citizens of the country. Write a letter to the chairman expressing your views on what should be done to achieve this noble objective.

5. Write a story that ends with the expression: caught red-handed .


1.     As the sports prefect of your school, write a letter to the Chairman of your school’s board of Governors, giving at least three  reasons why you think games and sports should be given more encouragement in schools.

2.    Your friend intends to transfer to your school. Write a letter to him/her telling him/her about the facilities in your school which help students to achieve their goals.

3.    You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: Advertisements are no longer useful . Write your arguments for  or against  the motion.

4.    Various concerns have been raised about the security situation in your area. As a concerned citizen, write an article for publication in one of your national newspapers expressing your views on the matter

5.   Write a story ending with the expression:

        We regretted venturing into it.


  • You took part in an excursion organized by the wildlife club of your school. Give a vivid account of your experience.
  • Your school will soon celebrate its speech and prize-giving day. As the senior prefect of the school, write the speech you will deliver on that occasion
  • There has been an outpouring of criticism against the Head of your school. You think that some of these criticisms are rather insulting. Write an article for publication in your school magazine expressing your views on the matter.
  • Write a story that ends with the following words: The man stood there for a long time, holding his jaw in his left hand.
  • Your friend is attending school in a different part of your country. Write a letter to him telling him about three things which have made your school famous


1 . Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic:

    Tourism can be of great benefit to the country and should be encourage by the government.

2. Writ e a letter to the minister of education, suggesting three waysofmakingpublic secondary   schools in deprive communities more attractive to students.

3 . Write a letter to your friend in another school recounting the experiences you went through when you visited the city for the first time.

4 . Write a story that ends with the words:

     That experience was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

5. The social Life Club of your school is organizing a symposium on the topic:

     The role of the youth in a rapidly changing society. As a speaker, Write your speech.


1 . Your uncle who has been living abroad for the past twenty years suddenly arrived home for Christmas. Write a letter to your friend, telling him/her how much your uncle’s visit made your Christmas enjoyable.

2. Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The indiscipline of drivers on the road.

3. Write a story that illustrates the saying: One good turn deserves another.

4. You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: Tribal associations should not be allowed in public secondary schools . Write your speech for or against the motion.

5. As a youth leader in your community, write a letter to the Minister of Youth Affairs identifying, with reasons, three areas where you think the government should concentrate efforts to bring about rapid development to the country.

May/June 2013

1. Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The menace of hawking on the street and how to deal with it.

2. As a senior prefect of your school, write the speech you would deliver to first-year students on how to manage their time.

3. Your sick grandmother has been admitted to hospital. Write a letter to your brother describing the state of her health when you visited her.

4. Write a story to illustrate the saying: The lazy man goes to bed hungry.

5. The Society for the Improvement of Living Conditions is organizing a debate on the motion: The rapid development of a country depends solely on politicians. Write your argument for or against the motion.

S.C./G.C.E. JUNE 1993

  • Write a letter to your headmaster or headmistress describing three unwholesome practices going on in the school, which the authorities are unaware of and show the dangers they may lead to.
  • You have just seen the name and address of somebody abroad who wants a pen pal from your country. Write your first letter to him or her, introducing yourself and family and discussing anything else you consider significant.
  • Describe to your friends a day in your life when everything went wrong.
  • As the outgoing senior prefect in your school, write a speech for delivery at your Speech and Prize-Giving Day Celebrations showing the successes and failures recorded during your term of office.
  • Write an article for publication in your school magazine discussing the view that extra or private classes should be abolished in your country

S.C./G.C.E. JUNE 1994

  • A committee has been set up to investigate a riot which occurred during a recent inter-schools sports competition. As the Sports Prefect of your school, write a letter to the Chairman of the Committee giving an account of what happened.
  • Write a letter to your friend in another town telling him about the preparations your school is making towards her forthcoming silver jubilee celebration.
  • The high rate of unemployment among school leavers poses a serious problem in your country. Write an article for publication in one of your national newspaper suggesting ways of remedying the situation.
  • As one of the main speakers in a debate, write your speech for  or against  the topic, “Scientific advancement is a curse to mankind”
  • On your way home from a film show you were attacked by thugs. Write a report for the police to help them in their investigations.
  • Write a story that illustrates the saying: “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush”

S.C./G.C.E. NOVEMBER  1995

  • Write a letter to your friend abroad describing a recent special family event.
  • Write a letter to the chairman of your District Council complaining about the lack of recreational facilities in your area and suggesting how the situation can be remedied.
  • Describe in detail a naming ceremony you recently attended for publication in a foreign newspaper.
  • Write a story which ends with the proverb, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’.
  • You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion ‘The participation of Women is Essential for Nation – Building’. Write your contribution for  or against  the motion.
  • A peace-making committee has been set up to solve a conflict that has begun in a district of your country. Write your suggestions for consideration by the committee.


  • Your cousin has just completed his course overseas and would like to return home to get a job. Write a letter to him or her describing the present state of employment opportunities.
  • Write a letter to the editor of one of your national newspapers, complaining about at least three problems caused by the recent increase in transport fares, and suggesting ways of solving these problems.
  • As part of your English composition lesson, your teacher took you to the market last week. Write an account of what you saw as classwork.
  • There is an inter-school debate on the motion, ‘The prefect should always be on the side of the school authorities’. As the main speaker of your school, write your contribution for  or against  the motion
  • Write a story entitled, ‘Look before you leap’.
  • A fire has destroyed the Health Centre of your locality. As the Chairman of the Youth Movement, you have called a meeting to rally members for communal labour at the site. Write your speech.

S.C./G.C.E. JUNE 1997

  •  Your sister who has been abroad for five years is planning to come home. Write a letter to her describing three important changes that have taken place in the country.
  • A non-governmental organization is willing to help your district carry out a project. Write a letter to the head of the organization suggesting the project and stating at least three benefits your people will derive from it.
  • Write an article for publication in your school magazine on the need to improve discipline in the school
  • You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic, ‘Women can never be equal to men’. Write your speech for  or against  the motion.
  • Write a story beginning with: “Ayo was supposed to by my friend but”……..
  • Give an account of an incident that occurred on your way to school in which your timely intervention saved the situation.

S.C./G.C.E. JUNE 1998

  • Write a letter to the Editor of one of your local newspapers supporting or contradicting the view that school examinations should be abolished.
  • Your cousin who has been studying abroad is planning to come home for Christmas. Write a letter to him or her about the preparations the family is making towards the visit.
  • You are one of the speakers of your school in a debate on the motion: “Girls are to blame for teenage pregnancy in our country” Write your contribution either  for  or against  the motion.
  • Write a story that ends with it was indeed my lucky day.
  • Write an article for publication in a local newspaper on recent changes that have taken place in the educational system of your country. State how these changes have affected you personally and your school in general.
  • The Environmental Club of your school has just ended a clean-up campaign in a nearby village. As president of the club, write the address you will give to the people on the need to keep their surroundings clean.


  • Write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper explaining at least three reasons why you agree or disagree with the view that all citizens of your country living abroad should be allowed to vote in general elections.
  • Write a letter to your best friend in another school giving reasons why you think that it is necessary for every student to be computer literate.
  • You are the principal speaker in an inter-school debate on the motion: Only public school pupils should benefit from fee-free basic education”. Write your speech for  or against  the motion.
  • You have been invited by a voluntary society in your school to speak about the role the youth are expected to play in the economic and social development of your country. Write your speech.
  • Describe how you helped to rescue a man/woman who had been mistaken for an armed robber.
  • Write a story that illustrates the saying: “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.”

IMPORTANT: More recent WAEC past essay questions will be added in due course. So keep coming back for more.

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past waec essay questions

Ralph Nyadzi

Ralph Nyadzi is the Director of Studies at Cegast Academy. He is a qualified English tutor with decades of experience behind him. Since 2001, he has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature and related subjects. He combines his expertise with a passion for lifelong learning to guide learners from varying backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. Ralph shares lessons from his blogging journey on BloggingtotheMax . He lives with River, his pet cat, in the Central Region of Ghana.

  • Ralph Nyadzi https://www.cegastacademy.com/author/misteraf/ The Grieved Lands of Africa Quiz: Objective Test Questions and Answers
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  • Ralph Nyadzi https://www.cegastacademy.com/author/misteraf/ Black Woman Questions and Answers: Objective Practice Test (Poetry)


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  • WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

October 3, 2023 Victoria Jackson English , WAEC Past Questions 0

English Past Question 2021

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers – WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers serve as invaluable tools for students preparing for the West African Examination Counc i l (WAEC) English exam. This comprehensive collection follows a structured pattern to help candidates hone their essay-writing skills and excel in the English language test. The pattern typically includes a diverse range of essay topics, comprehension passages, and tasks like letter and speech writing, all closely aligned with the WAEC syllabus. What makes these materials especially useful is the detailed answers provided, which not only offer correct responses but also expla i n the reasoning and writing techniques behind them. This facilitates a deeper understanding of essay construction, grammar, vocabulary usage, and overall exam requirements. By studying and practicing with these past questions and answers, students can gain confidence, refine their writing abilities, and boost their chances of achieving outstanding results in the WAEC English exam.

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Why you need WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

1. It enlightens you on the scope of the exam.

2. You won’t be in the dark about quest i ons to expect in the examination.

3. You won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself.

4. In like manner, you won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.

5. It equips you beforehand.

6. it guides you on how to answer exam technical questions.

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers Pattern

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers follow a structured pattern to aid students in their exam preparation. These materials encompass various essay top i cs, comprehension passages, and letter or speech writing tasks in line with the WAEC syllabus. The pattern includes questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to construct well-organized essays. Answers often provide model responses, highlighting key points and appropriate writing styles. This pattern aids students in understanding the expected format and content for essay questions. By practicing with these past questions, candidates can improve their writing skills and effect i vely prepare for the WAEC English exam, increasing their chances of success. WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Sample of WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase that best fills the gap(s).

Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the… (A) break out(B) break up (C)break-in (D) break into

After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed (A) begged for mercy (B)made a plea for mitigation (C) made an ovation (D) made a plea for litigation

The officer was compelled to… the suspect’s car. (A)seize (B) cease (C) size (D) disease

If you are going to the market, may I… please? (A) follow you (B)come with you (C) come by you (D) come as your second

Ans: B WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Thank you for the party, we … (A) enjoyed ourselves (B)enjoyed (C) enjoyed very much (D) enjoyed too much.

The complete WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers with accurate answers is N2,000.

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Each year, thousands of students gain admission into their schools of choice with the help of our past questions and answers.

7 Tips to Prepare for WAEC English Exams

  • Don’t make reading your hobby:  A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be a top priority and not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  • Get Exams Preparation Materials:  These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  • Attend Extramural Classes:  Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will help you refresh your memory and boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  • Sleep when you feel like:  When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  • Make sure you are healthy:  Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  • Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you enhance retention.
  • Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as possible. myPastQuestion.com .

We wish you good luck!

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  • WAEC English Essay

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FREE WAEC English Past Questions and Answers (DOWNLOAD PDF)

If you’re a student preparing for the West African Examination Council ( WAEC ), then you know how important it is to have access to past questions and answers. One of the most important subjects in the WAEC examination is English Language. To help you prepare effectively for this subject, it’s essential to have access to WAEC English past questions and answers.

WAEC English past questions and answers cover a wide range of topics, including comprehension, summary, grammar, and literature. By studying these past questions and answers, you’ll get a good idea of the types of questions that are likely to be asked in the examination. You’ll also be able to identify your weak areas and work on improving them.

Fortunately, there are many websites where you can download WAEC English past questions and answers for free. These resources can be incredibly helpful in your preparation for the WAEC examination. By using them, you’ll be able to improve your chances of success and achieve the grades you need to pursue your academic goals.

Understanding the WAEC English Exam

If you are planning to take the WAEC English exam, it is important to understand the format and scoring system of the exam. This will help you to prepare effectively and maximize your chances of success. In this section, we will provide an overview of the WAEC English exam format and scoring system.

Exam Format

The WAEC English exam is divided into two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is a multiple-choice test that consists of 60 questions and lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Paper 2 is a written test that consists of three sections: Comprehension, Summary, and Essay. The total time for Paper 2 is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

The Comprehension section of Paper 2 contains two passages with a total of 20 questions. The Summary section requires you to summarize a given passage in not more than 60 words. The Essay section requires you to write an essay on a given topic.

Scoring System

The WAEC English exam is graded on a nine-point scale, with grade 1 being the highest and grade 9 being the lowest. To pass the exam, you need to score at least a grade 6. The grading system is based on the following criteria:

  • Paper 1: Each question is worth 1 mark, and the total score is out of 60 marks.
  • Comprehension section: Each question is worth 1 mark, and the total score is out of 20 marks.
  • Summary section: The maximum score is 10 marks, and you will be awarded marks based on the quality of your summary.
  • Essay section: The maximum score is 30 marks, and you will be awarded marks based on the quality of your essay.

In addition to the overall grade, you will also receive a separate grade for each paper. Your final grade will be based on the combined scores of both papers.

It is important to note that the WAEC English exam is designed to test your proficiency in the English language. Therefore, it is essential that you have a good understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. You should also be able to read and comprehend English passages quickly and accurately.

Past Questions Analysis

When preparing for the WAEC English Language exam, it is important to analyze past questions to understand the exam format and the types of questions that are typically asked. In this section, we will analyze past questions from the Reading Comprehension, Summary Writing, and Essay Writing sections of the exam.

Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section of the WAEC English Language exam tests your ability to understand and interpret written passages. The passages are usually taken from a variety of sources such as newspapers, magazines, and books. The questions are designed to test your understanding of the main ideas, details, and inferences in the passages.

In the past questions, the passages are usually between 500 and 1000 words long. There are typically five to ten questions per passage, and you will have about 30 minutes to complete this section of the exam. The questions can be in the form of multiple-choice, short answer, or matching.

Summary Writing

The Summary Writing section of the WAEC English Language exam tests your ability to summarize a given passage in your own words. The passage could be a news article, a story, or an essay. The aim of this section is to test your ability to identify the main ideas and key points of a passage and to express them in a clear and concise manner.

In the past questions, you will be given a passage of between 250 and 350 words. You will be required to summarize the passage in a single sentence of not more than 50 words. You will have about 15 minutes to complete this section of the exam.

Essay Writing

The Essay Writing section of the WAEC English Language exam tests your ability to write a well-structured essay on a given topic. The aim of this section is to test your ability to organize your thoughts and ideas, to express them clearly and coherently, and to demonstrate your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

In the past questions, you will be given a choice of two or three essay topics. You will be required to write an essay of between 250 and 450 words on the topic of your choice. You will have about 45 minutes to complete this section of the exam.

Overall, analyzing past questions is an important part of preparing for the WAEC English Language exam. By understanding the exam format and the types of questions that are typically asked, you can improve your chances of success.

Answering Techniques

When it comes to answering WAEC English past questions, it is important to have a strategy in place. This section will provide you with some techniques to help you answer both the objective and theory questions.

Objective Questions

The objective questions in the WAEC English past questions are multiple-choice questions. To answer these types of questions effectively, you should follow these tips:

  • Read the question carefully and try to understand what it is asking.
  • Eliminate any obviously incorrect answers.
  • If you are unsure of the correct answer, make an educated guess by eliminating the options that are clearly incorrect.
  • If you are still unsure, move on to the next question and come back to it later.

Theory Questions

The theory questions in the WAEC English past questions require you to write an essay or short answer response. To answer these types of questions effectively, you should follow these tips:

  • Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what it is asking.
  • Plan your response before you start writing. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you address all aspects of the question.
  • Use clear and concise language to express your ideas.
  • Provide evidence to support your arguments. This could include quotes from the text or real-life examples.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling to ensure that your response is easy to read and understand.

By following these techniques, you can improve your chances of answering the WAEC English past questions correctly and effectively. Remember to practice answering past questions regularly to build your confidence and improve your skills.

When it comes to answering WAEC English Past Questions, there are certain techniques that can help you perform better. Here are a few tips to help you:

Objective questions are multiple-choice questions that require you to choose the correct answer from a list of options. Here are some tips on how to approach these types of questions:

  • Read all the answer options before selecting the best one.
  • Eliminate any answer options that you know are incorrect.
  • If you are unsure of the answer, make an educated guess. It is better to guess than to leave the question unanswered.
  • If you are running out of time, make sure you at least guess on every question.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting the correct answer on objective questions.

Remember, the key to success in answering WAEC English Past Questions is to stay calm, read the questions carefully, and use the techniques that work best for you. With practice and preparation, you can improve your performance and achieve the results you desire.

Study Tips for WAEC English

Preparing for WAEC English can be a daunting task, but with the right study tips, you can improve your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam:

1. Understand the Exam Format

Before you start studying, it’s important to understand the format of the exam. This will help you know what to expect and how to prepare effectively. WAEC English consists of two papers: Paper 1 (Objective) and Paper 2 (Essay). Paper 1 is made up of multiple-choice questions, while Paper 2 requires you to write essays on given topics.

2. Practice Past Questions

Practicing past questions is one of the most effective ways to prepare for WAEC English. It helps you become familiar with the exam format and the types of questions you can expect. You can find past questions and answers online or in study guides. Make sure to time yourself when practicing to simulate the exam environment.

3. Improve Your Vocabulary

Having a good vocabulary is essential for success in WAEC English. Make an effort to learn new words every day and practice using them in sentences. You can also use flashcards or vocabulary apps to help you learn and remember new words.

4. Read Widely

Reading widely can help you improve your comprehension skills and expand your knowledge of different topics. Read newspapers, magazines, novels, and other materials that interest you. This will help you become more familiar with different writing styles and improve your ability to understand and analyze texts.

5. Practice Writing Essays

Writing essays is a key component of WAEC English Paper 2. Practice writing essays on different topics to improve your writing skills and become more comfortable with the exam format. Make sure to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

By following these study tips, you can improve your chances of success in WAEC English. Remember to stay focused, stay positive, and stay committed to your studies.

In conclusion, practicing with WAEC English Past Questions and Answers is an essential part of preparing for the WAEC examination. By using past questions, you can become familiar with the format of the exam and the types of questions that are likely to be asked. This will help you to feel more confident and prepared on the day of the exam.

It is important to note that while past questions can be a valuable resource, they should not be the only resource you use to prepare for the exam. You should also study your textbooks and notes, and seek help from your teachers or tutors if you have any areas of difficulty.

When using past questions, it is important to time yourself and practice under exam conditions. This will help you to develop your time management skills and ensure that you are able to complete the exam within the allocated time.

Finally, it is important to remain calm and focused on the day of the exam. Remember to read the instructions carefully and answer all questions to the best of your ability. With the right preparation and mindset, you can achieve success in the WAEC English examination.

How To Get The WAEC ENGLISH Past Questions 

To get the complete Original WAEC English Past Questions and answers of the course mentioned above, you only need to pay the sum of N2,000  using any of the methods below;

How To Make Payment

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After making the payment, send the following as a text message to this number:  09060853525

  • Depositor’s Name (Full Name)
  • Email Address
  • Course  of study/Faculty
  • School Name

Once your payment is confirmed, the 100% real PDF WAEC English Past Questions and answers of the course you paid for will be sent immediately  to the email address you provided in your text message. You absolutely have nothing to fear or worry about.  We are 100% trusted!  If you have questions or enquiries, you can call this number:  09060853525  between 9:00am – 5:00pm (Mondays To Saturdays).

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. what is the format of waec english language exam.

The WAEC English Language exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 (Objective) and Paper 2 (Essay/Comprehension). Paper 1 is a multiple-choice test that lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes and consists of 60 questions. Paper 2 is a writing test that lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes, and consists of two sections: Section A (Essay) and Section B (Comprehension).

2. What are the common topics covered in WAEC English Language exam?

The WAEC English Language exam covers a range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, summary writing, letter writing, and essay writing. Some common topics that appear in the exam include idioms and proverbs, sentence structure, figures of speech, reading comprehension, and essay writing.

3. Where can I download WAEC English past questions and answers in PDF format?

You can download WAEC English past questions and answers in PDF format from a number of websites, including  ghstudents.com ,  edupadi.com , and  studentmajor.com . These websites offer free downloads of past questions and answers for several years.

4. How many essay questions are in the WAEC English Language exam?

The WAEC English Language exam has one essay question in Section A of Paper 2. This essay question is usually a compulsory question that requires you to write an essay on a given topic. The essay question is usually worth 50 marks out of a total of 100 marks for Section A.

5. Can I get WAEC English Language past questions and answers on myschool.ng?

Yes, you can get WAEC English Language past questions and answers on myschool.ng. Myschool.ng is a popular educational website that offers past questions and answers for several subjects, including English Language. However, you may need to pay a fee to access some of the resources on the website.

6. What are some tips for preparing for the WAEC English Language exam?

Some tips for preparing for the WAEC English Language exam include practicing past questions and answers, improving your grammar and vocabulary, reading widely, and practicing your writing skills. It is also important to manage your time effectively during the exam and to read and follow the instructions carefully.

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MySchoolGist » Past Questions » WAEC English Past Questions | FREE DOWNLOAD

WAEC English Past Questions | FREE DOWNLOAD

WAEC English Questions – Free WASSCE past questions for English Language.

WAEC English Past Question

Here is collection of English Language past examination questions to assist you with your studies for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination ( WASSCE ) for both School and GCE candidates.

If you are in your last stage of Secondary School Education (May/June) or not in the School system (GCE), the importance of using old exam papers in preparing for your West African Senior School Certificate Examination ( WASSCE ), cannot be over emphasised. By using past exam papers as part of your preparation, you can find out what you already know. By the same token you also find out what you do not know well enough or don’t know at all.

See: WAEC Timetable for May/June Candidates and WAEC Timetable for GCE Candidates .

What is more, the WAEC past questions for English Language can also be used as an organisational tool to manage your time better, as you can plan according to each section of the paper.

As a matter of fact, revision is more better than memorising facts and going over notes. You can practise for your English WAEC Exam by answering real questions from past papers. This will give you a better chance of passing.

WAEC Past Questions for English

Click on the year you want to start your revision.

  • English Paper 1 – June 1994  
  • English Language 1 Essay  June 2010
  • English Language 2 Objective Test November 2013
  • English Language 1 November 2000
  • English Language 1 Essay – November 2011
  • English Language 2 Objective Test – November 2011
  • English Language 3 Test of Orals – November 2011
Do you have any other past question(s) other than the ones listed here? If yes, don’t hesitate to share them with others by sending it to  [email protected] .

You have to keep trying more than one exam to increase your success in the forthcoming WAEC Exam.


  • WAEC Syllabus For English .
  • WAEC Sample Questions and Scheme For English Laguage .
  • WAEC Past Questions and Answers For Other Subjects .

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WAEC English Language Past Questions & Answers (2008 – 2022) PDF | SSCE & GCE

  • March 29, 2022

Download WAEC English language past questions and answers from 2008 to 2020 here for free in PDF format.

Revision and evaluation questions are far better than reading a bunch of textbooks for the WAEC examination. which is why it is important to get your copy of the WAEC English language past questions here. You can practice for your English WAEC Exam by answering real questions from past papers. This will give you a better chance of passing.

Here is a collection of English Language past examination questions to assist you with your studies for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for both School and GCE candidates.

WAEC English Past Question & Answer 2008 – 2020

Find below the updated WAEC past questions and answers provided by the official WAEC management.

  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2008
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2008 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2009
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2009 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2010
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2011
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2011 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2012
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2012 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2013
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2013 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2014
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2014 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, May/June. 2015
  • WASSCE English Language Paper, Nov/Dec. 2015 (Private)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for School Candidate 2016
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for Private Candidate 2016
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for School Candidate 2017
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for Private Candidate 2017
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for Private Candidate 2018 (1st Series)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for School Candidate 2018
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for Private Candidate 2018 (2nd Series)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for Private Candidate 2019 (1st Series)
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for School Candidate 2019
  • WASSCE English Language Paper for Private Candidate 2019 (2nd Series)

Do you have any other past question(s) other than the ones listed here? If yes, don’t hesitate to share them with others by sending them to [email protected] .

past waec essay questions

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WASSCE (WAEC) Past & Practice Questions Archive

Serving anglophone west african students since 2013.

Welcome to the most extensive independent WASSCE past questions archive on the web existing since 2013. If you’ve read our very popular definitive guide on how to pass the WASSCE once or our article on what to do if you failed the WAEC exams you’d realise solving past questions is an essential part of preparing to pass the WASSCE in flying colours.

Our WAEC past questions collection is entirely free to the public, which is in line with our vision to inspire and support students in their quest to self-actualisation through education.

We are always working towards improving every day so share suggestions in the comment section below(recommended) or send us a message , and we would get back to you as soon as possible.

Do you have any WASSCE past paper not available on our site? Send it to us with the help of your mobile phone or computer and get rewarded for your support.

Terms Of Use

It has come to our attention that some individuals have copied some of the contents of this page without seeking permission from us or giving us credit and are monetising it. Please do not directly or indirectly monetise any material got from this page (for example, by posting it on “pay to download sites”, “answer survey to download sites” or sites where you offer your services). Doing so is a breach of our Terms of service and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Endeavour to give us credit when you share any content on our website so we can reach more students. This is in line with our vision to support individuals (especially in Sub-Saharan Africa) in their quest to self-actualisation through education.

Resource List

We go through great lengths to provide the best resources for students preparing for the WASSCE and below are links to some of our popular WASSCE resources which can be very useful in preparing for the WAEC exam.

If you’re not interested in reading other important information on this page, then use the first link below to navigate to the WASSCE Past Questions section on this page.

Brief Information About The WASSCE

The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a standardised test taken in Anglophone West African countries, namely: Ghana, Liberia, Gambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. It is administered by The West African Examination Council(WAEC) and is usually taken by students who wish to proceed to the University in their country or abroad.

The WASSCE is written 3 times a year ( January/February, May/June November/December) and tests candidates according to the topics on the WAEC syllabus.

The content in each WASSCE paper (for a specific subject and year) is usually the same from one Anglophone West African country to another. Questions on the WASSCE theory section may be specified to be answered by candidates from a particular country.

A WASSCE question paper on a particular subject may be entirely cancelled and changed in a region when the West African Examination Council (WAEC) heading that region suspects a leakage of examination papers before the start of the exam or for other reasons.

WAEC sets WASSCE questions following its guidelines on the WASSCE Syllabus . The WASSCE Syllabus is usually the same from one country to another so don’t worry if the paper is from Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia or Gambia.

Are WAEC Past Questions Important?

Footballers, bodybuilders, teachers, doctors, etc., perform regular practise to improve in their profession. Therefore, students who wish to prepare for the WASSCE need to practise with actual questions that have been asked on the WASSCE.

The WASSCE / WAEC past questions on this page and other WASSCE prep materials on Larnedu are meant to help students achieve the grades of their dreams.

Key Benefits Of Regular WASSCE Practise

Speed: It’s no secret that there are almost no new/original question on the WASSCE as similar questions or exact-match have repeated throughout history. Therefore, regular practise of our WASSCE past questions makes you familiar with most question types hence making you faster on the exam day. This can give you enough time to review your work.

Exposure: Regular practise exposes you to your weaknesses and gives you a chance to improve before the exam.

Decreases chances of exam anxiety: Regular and efficient practise improves your confidence before the exam.

Nothing is guaranteed in life, but an attitude of regular practise can go a long way in increasing your probability of passing the WASSCE in flying colours.

Students often cram before a test, but the research shows distributed practise, studying over many sessions, results in better long-term retention, the researchers write. And while most students see testing as an undesirable necessity of education, the fact is that testing also improves learning. Practice testing may work through a number of mechanisms. When students retrieve target information, their related knowledge is activated. Practice testing may also help students organize information. “One concern here is that students who do well in earlier grades, in which learning is largely supervised, may struggle later, when they are expected to regulate much of their own learning, such as in high school or college,” write the researchers. “Teaching students to use these techniques would not take much time away from teaching content and would likely be most beneficial if the use of the techniques was consistently taught across multiple content areas, so that students could broadly experience their effects on learning and class grades.” http://www.ernweb.com/educational-research-articles/learning-techniques-effective-study/ ErnWeb.com

WAEC/WASSCE Past Questions Papers(A-Z)

  • Agricultural Science WASSCE / WAEC Past Question Papers
  • Book Keeping WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Christian Religious Studies (CRS) past question papers
  • Civic Education WASSCE / WAEC past questions papers
  • Chemistry  WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Commerce WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Computer Studies WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Economics WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Elective Physics WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Elective Biology WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Elective Mathematics WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • English Language WASSCE / WAEC past questions
  • Financial Accounting WASSCE /WAEC past question papers
  • Food and Nutrition WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • General / Core Mathematics WASSCE / WAEC past questions
  • Government WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Geography WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Integrated Science WASSCE / WAEC past question s
  • Literature In English WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Physics WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Social Studies WASSCE / WAEC past question papers
  • Yoruba WASSCE / WAEC past question papers

Help Us Increase Our WASSCE past Questions Collection and Get Rewarded

Do you have any WASSCE past paper not available on our site? Send it to us and get rewarded.

WASSCE / WAEC past Questions and Answers Interactive Quizzes

Please note: We’re updating our WASSCE/WAEC Past Questions Quizzes and should launch the second version before the end of September 2019.

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Okay no problem thanks a lot

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Good morning, please I need visual art objective questions

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We’re working on uploading more past questions. Best wishes.

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Pls I can’t find the French past questions

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Masha's View

  • WAEC Argumentative Essays 1
  • WAEC Narrative Essays 1
  • Article Writing 2
  • WAEC Summary and Comprehension Questions 2
  • WAEC Essays and Letters 2
  • WAEC English Objective Questions and Answers 2

Category - WAEC Summary and Comprehension Questions

A compilation of past WAEC English Language summary and comprehension questions and answers, ranging from 1998 to 2022.

1999 WAEC English Comprehension and Summary Questions

  • Date: October 19, 2023
  • By: M.Masha
  • Categories: WAEC Summary and Comprehension Questions

1998 WAEC English Comprehension and Summary

  • Date: October 17, 2023


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WAEC English Questions and Answers 2021/2023 |Oral, Essay & Theory

Welcome to our free online WAEC English Questions 2021 and correct expo hints to WAEC English language answers 2021 for OBJ, Oral & Essay (paper 1, paper 2, and paper 3).

Our WAEC English Language questions and Answers 2021 expo is available now on flashacademy for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay), and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).

All you need to pass this Exam is our free English Language Expo guide. This package covers WAEC English Language Questions 2021 and Answers to WAEC English OBJ, Theory, essay, and Letter writing Expo.

Note, our free WAEC English answers 2021 material is not aimed at leaking WAEC English questions 2021 before the exam, but to empower WAEC candidates with what they will see and what they should be expecting in this 2021 WAEC English language exam.

WAEC English Language Expo 2021/2023

Once again, this WAEC 2021 English language questions and answers expo solutions are free of charge and it is very comprehensive. Making use of this expo will guarantee candidates at least A or B.

We maintain and respect the West African Examination Council exam’s policies and we are not aiming at infringing the exam policies.

But to help in securing and building better WAEC candidates that will not always rely on the WAEC English expo, we have piled up this material to support the 2021 candidates.

WAEC English Paper 1 Objectives (OBJ) 2021

English Language Paper 1 is Objectives (OBJ) Questions 2021 and there are about 60 questions in this paper to be answered in  1 hour, 30 minutes.

Candidates are to choose just one option from the multi-choice Obj options and shade their answer on the OMR (The OBJ Answer Booklet).

WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2021.

The following are some important WAEC English Language Past Questions and Answers Samples 2021 to practice with.

Choose the word that best Fill in the spaces:

1. A good Nigerian citizen must abide________ the constitution of the country.

Solution : In the English Language, one can only abide by rules. So the Correct Answer is B.

2. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely ______ of our staff.

  • intervention
  • interruption
  • interference

3. The armed robbers _______ every room in the bank to look for money?

4. Ade is too clever by half. Does this mean that Ade is________?

  • far cleverer than others.
  • actually very stupid in his behavior.
  • annoyingly clever.
  • behaving to be clever but is not.

In each of the statements below, choose the word that best explains the meaning of the bold word(s)

5. Ameh is really being  economical with the truth . This means that Ameh

  • is being praised for being honest.
  • does not know enough.
  • knows more than he is prepared to say.
  • is not telling the truth.

6. I hope the principal would be  gracious  enough to forgive us.

WAEC English Language Theory Questions and Answers 2021

WAEC English Paper 2 Theory (Essay): Theory, Essay, and letter writing (formal and informal) make up the English language paper 2.

The WAEC 2021 English Language questions from this paper range from letter writing to essay and so on.

Format of English Language Letter/Essay Writing

Format for WAEC English Essay and Lettering Writing: If you are writing a formal letter, then follow this format;

Formal Letter Format:

  • Your address (at the right-hand-side)
  • Address of the person you are sending to (at the left-hand side)
  • Caption (the heading of your letter)
  • Body of the letter (starting with Introduction, then to content and conclusion)
  • Complimentary close (Yours faithfully)
  • Your Signature / Name (each on separate lines)

Informal letter Format:

  • Your address
  • Body of the letter
  • Complimentary close

If you are writing an essay, follow this format: An English essay has three main parts:

  • Start with the introduction,
  • Move to the body
  • Make a conclusion.

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WAEC Past Questions In English (With Answers) Free Download

Photo of Ahmed Ogundimu

This WAEC Past Questions In English (Questions and Answers) will be useful to candidates who are preparing for WAEC English exams. Here we have some sample past questions and solutions you can practise with.

Candidates preparing for WAEC English exam should also check out the scheme of work for English . This, with the past questions and answers will help you to adequately prepare for the exam.



In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. Most African countries face poverty while few enjoy ……………………….

A. influence

C. affluence

2. Last year our farmers cultivated more crops than they……………………….

A. destroyed

B. uprooted

C. harvested

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

3. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely……………..of our staff.

A. intervention

B. interruption

C. interference

D. invasion

4. The armed robbers ……………every room in the bank to look for money.

A. explored

B. ransacked

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

5. Ade is too clever by half. This means that Ade is

A. far cleverer than others.

B. actually very stupid in his behaviour.

C. annoyingly clever.

D. behaving to be clever but is not.

6. Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh

A. is being praised for being honest.

B. does not know enough.

C. knows more than he is prepared to say.

D. is not telling the truth.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence .

7. By failing to attend the interview, Idoko has lost a golden opportunity.

D. delightful

8. I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.

C. merciful

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences .

9. A good citizen abides ………….. the rules of the land.

10. Since his swearing in, the governor ……………….. his hometown.

A. had not been visiting

B. has not visited

C. did not visit

D. had not visited


Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words.

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

  • Your friend in another school has requested information about your school to enable him to decide on moving over to your school. Write a letter to him discussing at least three areas in which your school excels.
  • Write an article for publication in your school magazine, discussing the reasons why children in your area drop out of school and suggesting ways of minimizing it.
  • As the president of your youth club, write a letter to the chairman of your Local Government Association complaining about the increasing rate of child labour and suggesting ways of curbing it.
  • You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic : Women should not be in paid employment while still bearing children. Write your contribution for or against the topic.
  • 5. Write a story that ends with the words: That experience will linger on my mind for a long time.


Dele groaned and got out of bed. There was no clock on the mantel piece and the room was still dark, but he knew that he was already late for work, probably by an hour. He was a commercial bus driver and had to get started as early as 5.00a.m. and go almost non-stop till about 9.00 p.m. to be able to make the daily returns that the bus owner demanded.

On the previous day, he had attended an all-night party – a late uncle’s burial ceremony – where he had drunk himself almost senseless before crawling home in the early hours of the morning. Now, he got up shakily, splashed water on his face and hurried off to work, but not before carefully fastening on his upper left arm the amulet he had always worn for protection against accidents. A similar amulet hung concealed under the steering column of his bus. On his way, still feeling groggy, he caught his left toe against a stump and had some misgiving. It was a bad sign, and he was supposed to go back home and then set out again. But there was no time for that now, so he hurried on.

At the bus station, Dele quickly loaded his bus and sped off without any of the necessary checks on the vehicle. He had to make up for lost time. It was the rush hour, so the bus was overloaded as it often was, with many passengers hanging on to the doors. The tyres were threadbare, the brakes were faulty and the road was wet, but, still feeling a little sleepy, Dele sped on. Many passengers protested about his reckless driving, but he would not listen. After all, didn’t he have protection against accident?

As the vehicle took the last turn before its destination, Dele saw a broken-down truck blocking his side of the road. Under normal circumstances, he could have brought the bus safely to a halt, bur the circumstances were far from normal. The careering bus hit the parked vehicle, swerved wildly across the road and plunged into a ditch.

Dele’s surprise before he sank into oblivion was the failure of his supposedly protective amulets.

(a) Why did Dele wake up late?

(b) … he caught his left toe against a stump and had some misgivings . What does this tell us about Dele?

(c) Give two reasons why Dele drove recklessly.

(d) Why was Dele unable to stop his faulty vehicle?

(e) What was Dele’s condition after the accident?

(f) After all, didn ’t he have protection against accident? What literary device is used in this expression?

(g) …wildly across the road…

(i) What grammatical name is given to the expression as it is used in the passage?

(ii) What is its function?

(h) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and can replace it in the passage: i. probably;

ii. returns;

iii. groggy;

iv. misgiving

v. threadbare

vi. reckless.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

You cannot expect to go through life without meeting problems. Difficulties, perplexities and frustrations are an inevitable part of human experience. Accepting this idea of the inevitability of problems will help you to approach them in a robust frame of mind rather than thinking that you are a victim specially singled out by malignant fate. When confronted with a problem, the first thing to do is gather all relevant data to get acquainted with the facts of the case. Then write down exactly what the problem is, stating it simply in black and white. This gives you something definite with which to come to terms. The problem is assessed and you will now have something concrete to deal with.

Next, give serious thought to the problem, making sure that such thought does not degenerate into worry as worry accomplishes nothing. Aim at clear, dispassionate thought, viewing the problem as if it were a friend’s and not your own. Look at it from all angles and from the point of view of all concerned. You court disaster if you are entirely selfish in your outlook. The single important purpose of all this is to discover all possible solutions to the problem.

Having examined the problem broadly and impartially, carefully examine all the possible solutions or courses of action. The knowledge that you have done this will keep you from useless regrets later, when you can remind yourself that all courses of action were examined and you chose what appeared to be the best. Next, eliminate all proposed solutions which are seen on further thought to be impracticable.

You will now find that your list has been whittled down to two or three possibilities. At this stage it is often a good plan to get out into the open air. Go for a walk or a ride, preferably somewhere with wide horizons. There, out in the open, review the problem afresh. You will find it appears less formidable. Ask yourself how the difficulty will appear in ten years’ time or even one! This fresh review will enable you to make a final choice as you turn to the remaining solutions and, before you return home, decide which one you are going to adopt. As you go to sleep that night, let your last thoughts be upon your decision. If, in the morning, you still feel it is the best one to take, go ahead.

If you have a friend who is capable of giving sound advice, consult him. Do this before your final decision, so that you will have the benefit of his views before you decide. Talking things over with another is always a great help. It enables you to isolate the problem and to decide which on which factors are important. Even if the friend offers no advice, a sympathetic ear will help you. Furthermore, as you describe to your friend the courses open to you, you will see them in clearer light. Some will appear impossible even as you speak. Alternatively, one will appear most attractive.

In dealing with problems, remember the time factor. Although some problems solve themselves in time, and delaying tactics is therefore the best form of action for them, most other problems generally get more complicated the longer they are left. You should therefore get to grips with the problems immediately they occur.

All told, reasonable foresight and imagination can prevent many problems ever arising. Tact, thoughtfulness and responsible conduct can also keep life largely problem-free.

In six sentences, one for each , summarize the steps to be taken when faced with a problem and state why each step is necessary.


For candidates in Nigeria and Liberia only

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

A. handsome

B. sandwich

C. adjective

D. pounding

4. pluck ed

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word.

In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.

7. acrimony

A. A-cri-mo-ny

B. a-CRI-mo-ny

C. a-cri-MO-ny

D. a-cri-mo-NY

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern.

8. A. sanctify

B. promising

In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.

9. The DOCTOR examined the patient with a stethoscope.

A. Did the teacher examine the patient with a stethoscope?

B. Did the doctor cure the patient with a stethoscope?

C. Did the doctor examine the nurse with a stethoscope?

D. Did the doctor examine the patient with a telescope?

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.

A. accurate

We wish you the very best in your WAEC English examination!!!

//DISCLAIMER: The questions and answers contained on this website are not in any way inferred as the original questions you will write on your WAEC May/June 2014 examination. We do not provide students with any material that promotes examination malpractice. The contents on this website are purely educational and suited for students preparing for the said exams.//

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Photo of Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu

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WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

Here are the WAEC English questions and answers. You will see WAEC English objective, theory, and test of oral questions for free. You will also understand how WAEC English questions are set and every detail you need to know about the WAEC English examination

Table of Contents


There will be three papers to be taken:

Papers 1, 2 and 3. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper to be taken in one sitting.

WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)

The 2023 English answers will be posted here on 17th May during the exam.

Today’s WAEC English Answers Loading…

WAEC English OBJ


WAEC English Oral Answers Loading…


(7) -Parents should ensure that their children take active part in chores and duties at home. -Parents should teach their children the strategy to face challenges in life. -Parents should train their children on the need to have dignity, integrity and manners. -Parent should train their children in appreciating the value of hard work -Parent should train their children to abide by the fundamental laws of the land. -Parent should serve as a role model to the children in terms of righteousness and character

(7) *Children should be inculcated the principle of contentment. *The principle of humanity should be the watchword for every child. *Children should be taught to be resilient even in the midst of difficulties. *Integrity and prestige should be the hallmark of every child bequeathed from their parents *Children should be taught to follow the proper way of doing things. *Obedience should be seen as a precious quality

Mma Koku left home on a cold windy Monday morning to see how Koku would amount to something in life

Mma Koku was forced with whirlwind on her way to meet the pathfinder

Mma Koku plonked into muddy pothole she hadn’t seen in time

He was the very first person to earn the highest postgraduate degree from the village of koomla

A thread bare sweater over an equally aged wrapper

Widow’s mite

The pathfinder was compassionate

Mma Koku’s expectation concerning her son was to be successful in life

Mma Koku was in her early 70’s


(a) Adverbial clause

(b) It modifies the verb “shall see”

(I) Fragile

(III)A duty

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a humble baker named Alfred. Alfred was known far and wide for his exquisite bread-making skills and his genuine love for his craft. Every day, he would wake up at the crack of dawn, meticulously knead the dough, and bake the most mouthwatering loaves of bread the villagers had ever tasted.

One sunny morning, as Alfred began his usual routine, he realized to his dismay that his pantry was nearly bare. The flour, the main ingredient for his delectable bread, was running dangerously low. Panic surged through his veins as he contemplated the thought of disappointing his loyal customers by having to close his shop for the day.

With a heavy heart, Alfred decided to take a stroll through the village, hoping to find someone who could spare him some flour. He knocked on every door, but to his dismay, everyone seemed to be facing the same shortage. As he wandered the village streets, he noticed a peculiar sight—a young girl named Lily sitting on a bench, holding a half-eaten loaf of bread.

Curiosity piqued, Alfred approached the girl and kindly asked her about the bread. Lily explained that her family was going through tough times, and they could only afford to buy half a loaf of bread. With a sympathetic smile, Alfred shared his predicament, explaining his shortage of flour and his fear of disappointing his customers.

Without hesitation, Lily’s face lit up with an idea. She offered Alfred the half loaf of bread, suggesting that he could slice it, toast it, and sell it as a breakfast option to those who couldn’t afford a whole loaf. Intrigued by the young girl’s wisdom, Alfred agreed and thanked her for her ingenious suggestion.

Alfred hurried back to his bakery, his spirits lifted by the prospect of providing something rather than nothing to his customers. He meticulously sliced the half loaf into thin pieces, carefully toasted them until they turned a beautiful golden brown. As the aroma of freshly toasted bread wafted through the air, the villagers’ curiosity drew them to the bakery.

Word quickly spread throughout the village that Alfred had created a new breakfast option, and the villagers flocked to his shop, eager to try it. To their delight, the toasted bread was a huge hit. The villagers praised Alfred’s ingenuity and commended him for making the best out of a challenging situation. The half loaf that Lily had offered turned out to be a saving grace, not only for Alfred but also for the villagers who could now enjoy a delicious breakfast despite the scarcity of resources.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The village gradually emerged from its difficult times, and Alfred’s bakery flourished once again. As a gesture of gratitude, Alfred decided to share a portion of his profits with Lily’s family, ensuring that they, too, could enjoy the fruits of their ingenuity and generosity.

The saying “Half a loaf is better than none” resonated deeply with the villagers and became a constant reminder of the power of making the best out of any situation. Alfred, Lily, and the entire village learned that even in times of scarcity, a little ingenuity, resourcefulness, and a generous heart can transform half a loaf into a gift that nourishes both the body and the spirit.

I hope this letter finds you well. I was thrilled to receive your message expressing your interest in studying at my school. It would be fantastic to have you here! Allow me to provide you with all the information and advice you need to make a decision.

Our school, [School Name], is renowned for its excellent academic programs and supportive learning environment. We offer a wide range of courses across various disciplines, ensuring that you can find a program that aligns with your interests and goals. Our experienced and dedicated faculty members are committed to providing high-quality education and nurturing the intellectual growth of our students.

To help international students like yourself, our school provides comprehensive support services. The International Student Office assists with visa applications, enrollment, and any other administrative matters. They also organize orientation programs to help you settle into your new environment and connect with fellow international students.

Regarding accommodation, our school offers both on-campus and off-campus housing options. On-campus residences provide a convenient and immersive living experience, fostering a sense of community. However, if you prefer off-campus housing, the International Student Office can guide you in finding suitable accommodations in the surrounding area.

As for extracurricular activities, our school has a vibrant and diverse student community. There are numerous clubs and organizations catering to various interests, including sports, arts, culture, and community service. Engaging in these activities is a great way to make friends, explore your passions, and enhance your overall university experience.

In terms of facilities, our campus boasts state-of-the-art resources and amenities. We have well-equipped libraries, modern laboratories, computer labs, and multimedia centers to support your academic pursuits. Additionally, there are recreational facilities such as sports fields, fitness centers, and student lounges for relaxation and socializing.

One aspect you may be interested in is the cost of education. While tuition fees vary depending on the program, scholarships and financial aid options are available for eligible students. I recommend checking the school’s website or contacting the admissions office for detailed information on scholarships and financial assistance programs.

Lastly, our school is located in a vibrant and culturally rich city. [City Name] offers a plethora of opportunities for entertainment, exploration, and personal growth. From museums and art galleries to theaters, music venues, and outdoor recreational areas, there is always something exciting happening. The city also provides excellent transportation networks, making it easy to navigate and explore different parts of the region.

I hope this overview of our school has been helpful in giving you a glimpse of what to expect. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am more than happy to assist you in any way I can.

Wishing you all the best in your decision-making process, and I truly hope to welcome you to [School Name] soon!

Warm regards,


The school experience is more than just academics. It is also about discovering new interests, making friends and learning valuable life skills. Joining clubs and societies in school can help students achieve all of these things and more. However, in recent years, the number of students participating in these extracurricular activities has decreased. This article will discuss the importance of reviving the activities of clubs and societies in schools.

Firstly, clubs and societies provide a platform for students to explore their interests beyond academics. Students can join a club or society based on their hobbies, talents or passion. For instance, a student interested in photography can join the photography club, while a student who loves music can join the music club. Being part of a club or society allows students to meet like-minded individuals, share ideas and broaden their knowledge. By participating in these activities, students can discover their hidden talents and develop skills that can be useful in their future careers.

Secondly, clubs and societies help students develop social skills and build friendships. Students who join clubs and societies are often exposed to a diverse group of people. This helps them to learn how to interact with others who have different backgrounds or personalities. Being part of a club or society also gives students a sense of belonging and community. They can make new friends, share experiences and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Thirdly, participating in clubs and societies can help students develop important life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and time management. Clubs and societies often have officers and leaders who are responsible for organizing activities, managing resources and leading meetings. By taking on these roles, students can improve their leadership skills and learn how to work effectively as a team. They can also learn how to manage their time and prioritize tasks, which is an essential skill for success in any field.

Lastly, being part of a club or society can help students stand out when applying for college or jobs. Colleges and employers are often interested in applicants who have demonstrated leadership skills, teamwork and a commitment to extracurricular activities. By participating in clubs and societies, students can showcase their skills and experience, which can give them an advantage over other applicants.

In conclusion, reviving the activities of clubs and societies in schools is crucial for the overall development of students. These extracurricular activities provide a platform for students to explore their interests, develop social skills, build friendships, and acquire important life skills. It is important for schools to encourage students to participate in clubs and societies and provide the necessary resources and support to make these activities successful. By doing so, schools can create a vibrant and engaging environment that will benefit students both academically and personally.


I write to express my deep concern regarding the persisting issue of the neglect and inadequate maintenance of public facilities across our nation. It is disheartening to witness the sorry state of these essential assets that are meant to serve the public, and I believe it is high time we address this pressing matter.

First and foremost, the neglect of public facilities has a significant impact on the quality of life for citizens. Parks, playgrounds, community centers, and other public spaces are meant to foster a sense of community and provide recreational opportunities for individuals of all ages. However, due to the lack of maintenance, these facilities have become dilapidated, unsafe, and unsightly, discouraging their use and depriving people of valuable spaces for leisure and social interaction.

Moreover, the deterioration of public facilities poses potential risks to public health and safety. Crumbling infrastructure, broken equipment, and unkempt surroundings can create hazardous conditions, leading to accidents and injuries. The lack of regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades further exacerbates the risks, making it imperative for authorities to take immediate action to ensure the well-being of the public.

Furthermore, the neglect of public facilities sends a discouraging message about our society’s priorities. Public spaces are a reflection of our collective values and commitment to the well-being of our communities. When these spaces are allowed to decay, it conveys a lack of concern and respect for public resources and undermines the sense of civic pride. It is essential that we preserve and enhance these spaces, as they contribute to the overall development and happiness of our citizens.

To address this issue, a collaborative effort between government bodies, local communities, and concerned citizens is crucial. Firstly, adequate funding must be allocated to support regular maintenance and upgrades of public facilities. This can be achieved through budgetary allocations, public-private partnerships, and community-driven initiatives. Additionally, it is vital to establish a comprehensive system for regular inspections and maintenance, ensuring that repairs are promptly undertaken and preventive measures are implemented.

Furthermore, citizen engagement plays a pivotal role in maintaining public facilities. Encouraging community participation through volunteer programs, awareness campaigns, and partnerships with local organizations can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among citizens, leading to better maintenance and utilization of these spaces.

In conclusion, the lack of maintenance of public facilities is a pressing concern that demands immediate attention. By recognizing the importance of these spaces, allocating adequate resources, and promoting community involvement, we can restore and revitalize our public facilities, creating environments that enhance the quality of life and strengthen the social fabric of our nation.

Yours sincerely,

More Answers Loading….



PAPER 1 : Will consist of eighty multiple choice questions, all of which should be answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.

PAPER 2 : Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’ comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.

PAPER 3 : Will consist of sixty multiple choice items on Test of Orals for candidates In Nigeria and Liberia, and that on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.

Note: The questions below are for practice

In each of the following sentences, there is one word in italics and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in italics and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

Binetou’s inquisitiveness is in sharp contrast with her sister’s _______

A. indifference

B. noisiness

C. calmness

D. dullness

2. Though at first it appeared an insignificant idea, it turned out to be quite

A. outstanding

B. successful

C. remarkable

D. interesting

3. After grasping the fundamental aspects of his job, Kwesi had to cope with more ______ procedures.

A. advanced

B. academic

C. subsidiary

D. secondary

4. The youth prefer discussing contemporary issues to _______ ones

B. uninteresting

D. political

5. As erroneous as it might sound, the Headmaster’s assumption was quite ______

6. Halima likes to dwell on trivial , rather than _______ matters

7. We all know that Bola is insolent whereas Ade is __________

A. cowardly

B. respectful

8. A few days after Musa’s __________ , his sister longed for his departure

B. entrance

9. Algebra seems complicated , but with practice it becomes _________

C. accessible

D. achievable

10. Mrs. Agide is unassuming whereas her twin sister is __________

A. cheerful

B. boastful

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

11. At Christmas, employees of Sugar Factory receive huge ____________

A. benefits

B. dividends

D. salaries

12. The exposed milk in that container has turned ___________

13. Not all activities champion _____ causes

C. concrete

D. favourable

14. The Mayor gave a glowing ______________ at the funeral of the city’s only curator

A. citation

B. statement

D. commendation

15. At the end of __________, the National Anthem is played on our radio station

A. programming

B. production

C. transition

D. transmission

16. The defence counsel was unable to convince ______ of John’s innocence

A. plaintiff

17. Unfortunately, corruption is the ____________ of most African countries.

C. disaster

D. backbone

18. The ______ results proved that the patient had hepatitis.

A. investigation

B. diagnosis

19. The new book has beautiful ____________ which make it attractive.

A. illustrations

B. demonstrations

C. illuminations

D. compositions

20. Their marriage was finally __________ after years of hostility

A. cancelled

B. annulled

D. separated

Recommended: WAEC Biology Questions and Answers for 2021 (Theory and Objectives)

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretation is given. choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for each sentence

21. Can you imagine Oka behaving as he has all the knowledge in the world? This means that Oka

A. does not really know everything

B. knows so much more than we think

C. is admired by everybody

D. respects other people

22. Akin is too full of himself. This means that Akin

A. talks too much

B. eats too much

C. is too proud

D. is quite annoying

23. she slogged her guts out for the examination. This means that she

A. she failed the examination despite working hard for it.

B. passed the examination despite not working hard for it

C. used unfair means to face the examination

D. really worked very hard for the examination

24. I admire Modou: very few people can stomach all of Adaeze’s insults. This means that Modou

A. tolerated Adaeze’s insults

B. was a weakling

C. had no answer to Adaeze’s insult

D. did the right thing by remaining silent.

25. After months of battling with stroke, he is now a shadow of his former self. This means that he

A. is now frail

B. is vulnerable

C. is hopeless

D. has almost recovered

26. Kura, you can’t be too careful when dealing with Wang. This means that Kura

A. has no reason to be suspicious of Wang.

B. can fully rely on Wang

C. has to be very careful in his relationship with Wang

D. may feel free in the company of Wang.

27. Don’t tell me another cock and bull story. This means that the speaker does not want to

A. be further baffled

B. hear the same old story

C. hear another drab story

D. be further deceived

28. Had he confessed much earlier, she would have trusted him This means that he

A. had confessed earlier on, but he wasn’t trusted

B. had confessed much earlier on, and he was trusted

C. hadn’t confessed much earlier on, and he was trusted

D. hadn’t confessed earlier on, and he wasn’t trusted

29. Kola: You really worked hard to win the case. Didia: You don’t know the half of it.

A. it wasn’t as difficult as Kola had thought

B. Kola’s statement wasn’t actually correct

C. it was even more difficult than Kola could imagine

D. winning the case didn’t mean much to Kola

30. Femi is too clever by half. This means that Femi

A. displays his cleverness in an annoying way

B. is not as clever as he thinks

C. pleases everyone he meets

D. hides how clever he really is.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the word in italics as it is used in the sentence

31. He was such a brilliant footballer!

A. an inspired

B. an intelligent

C. a dazzling

D. a skilful

32. The politician is a fluent speaker

A. an eloquent

B. a superficial

C. an insightful

D. a persuasive

33. Everyone has the urge to succeed in life

A. compulsion

34. When he heard the gunshot, he ran into a thick forest

35. That was a timely intervention

A. suitable

B. accurate

36. David is not only hardworking but also scrupulous

A. painstaking

B. ambitious

C. pleasant

37. We really have to be careful because the situation is rather tricky

A. deceitful

C. unexpected

D. difficult

38. I think that his essay is impeccable

A. erroneous

C. satisfactory

D. faultless

39. There has been a marked change in her study habit

A. significant

D. complete

40. He was directed to write the letter.

B. instructed

C. persuaded

SECTION A (50 MARKS) Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words. You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

1. Your friend in another school has requested information about your school to enable him to decide on moving over to your school. Write a letter to him discussing at least three areas in which your school excels.

2. Write an article for publication in your school magazine, discussing the reasons why children in your area drop out of school and suggesting ways of minimizing it.

3. As the president of your youth club, write a letter to the chairman of your Local Government Association complaining about the increasing rate of child labour and suggesting ways of curbing it.

4. You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic: Women should not be in paid employment while still bearing children. Write your contribution for or against the topic.

5. Write a story that ends with the words: That experience will linger on my mind for a long time.

SECTION B COMPREHENSION [20 marks] You are advised to spend about  30 minutes  on this section.

6.  Read the following passage  carefully  and answer the questions on it.

Our planet is at risk. Our environment is under threat. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the seas we fish in, and soils we farm, the forests, animals and plants which surround us are in danger.

New terms and words describe these problems: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, global warming, holes in the ozone layer, desertification and industrial pollution. We are changing our environment. More and more gases and waste escape from our factories.

Rubbish, oil silages and detergents damage our rivers and seas. Forests give us timber and paper, but their loss results in soil erosion and also endangers wildlife.

The richer countries of the world are mainly responsible for industrial pollution. This is where most of all the commercial energy is produced. In developing countries, poverty cause people to change their environment, to overgraze grassland, to cut down trees for new land and firewood, to farm poor soil for food.

The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency says that an area of forest the size of Sierra Leone disappears every year. Trees are cut down for timber which is used for building, furniture, paper and fuel.

They are also destroyed to provide land on which to graze animals and build new villages and towns. But trees have many other important uses. Trees protect the land from heavy downpour of rain and their roots help to hold the soil together.

Forests are also the home of many living things. The Amazon forest contains one fifth of all the species of birds in the world. In our forests, there may be plants and animals which could help in the discovery of new medicines of crops.

To rescue and conserve our beautiful world, we must act cooperatively. Individuals, communities, nations and international associations, all have the responsibility. By learning to protect the natural environment, we can manage the earth’s resources for generations to come.

(a)  The risk referred to in the passage is of what origin? (b)  From the passage, it can be deduced that the inhabitants of developing countries ______ (c)  According to the passage, the size of forest depleted ______ annually. (d)  The writer holds the richer countries responsible for industrial pollution because of their what? (e)  The message of the writer of the passage is the need for what?

SECTION C (SUMMARY) [30 MARKS] You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it. You cannot expect to go through life without meeting problems. Difficulties, perplexities and frustrations are an inevitable part of human experience.

Accepting this idea of the inevitability of problems will help you to approach them in a robust frame of mind rather than thinking that you are a victim specially singled out by malignant fate.

When confronted with a problem, the first thing to do is gather all relevant data to get acquainted with the facts of the case.

Then write down exactly what the problem is, stating it simply in black and white. This gives you something definite with which to come to terms. The problem is assessed and you will now have something concrete to deal with. Next, give serious thought to the problem, making sure that such thought does not degenerate into worry as worry accomplishes nothing. Aim at clear, dispassionate thought, viewing the problem as if it were a friend’s and not your own. Look at it from all angles and from the point of view of all concerned.

You court disaster if you are entirely selfish in your outlook. The single important purpose of all this is to discover all possible solutions to the problem.

Having examined the problem broadly and impartially, carefully examine all the possible solutions or courses of action. The knowledge that you have done this will keep you from useless regrets later, when you can remind yourself that all courses of action were examined and you chose what appeared to be the best. Next, eliminate all proposed solutions which are seen on further thought to be impracticable.

You will now find that your list has been whittled down to two or three possibilities. At this stage it is often a good plan to get out into the open air. Go for a walk or a ride, preferably somewhere with wide horizons. There, out in the open, review the problem afresh. You will find it appears less formidable.

Ask yourself how the difficulty will appear in ten years’ time or even one! This fresh review will enable you to make a final choice as you turn to the remaining solutions and, before you return home, decide which one you are going to adopt. As you go to sleep that night, let your last thoughts be upon your decision. If, in the morning, you still feel it is the best one to take, go ahead.

If you have a friend who is capable of giving sound advice, consult him. Do this before your final decision, so that you will have the benefit of his views before you decide. Talking things over with another is always a great help.

It enables you to isolate the problem and to decide which on which factors are important. Even if the friend offers no advice, a sympathetic ear will help you. Furthermore, as you describe to your friend the courses open to you, you will see them in clearer light. Some will appear impossible even as you speak.

Alternatively, one will appear most attractive. In dealing with problems, remember the time factor. Although some problems solve themselves in time, and delaying tactics is therefore the best form of action for them, most other problems generally get more complicated the longer they are left. You should, therefore, get to grips with the problems immediately they occur.

All told, reasonable foresight and imagination can prevent many problems ever arising. Tact, thoughtfulness and responsible conduct can also keep life largely problem-free.

In six sentences, one for each, summarize the steps to be taken when faced with a problem and

Paper 3 (TEST 0F ORALS)

For candidates in Nigeria and Liberia only

SECTION 1 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined. 1.   wit A.  fright B.  wheat C.  tree D.  market 2.   look A.  glue B.  you C.  cup D.  curious

SECTION 2 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. 3.   dance A.  handsome B.  sandwich C.  adjective D.  pounding 4.   plucked A.  smiled B.  slammed C.  luck D.  table

SECTION 3 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. 5.         carrier A.        area B.        barrier C.        serious D.        ravine 6.        drought A.        crowd B.        nought C.        shout D.        taught

SECTION 4 In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress. 7.         acrimony A.        A-cri-mo-ny B.        a-CRI-mo-ny C.        a-cri-MO-ny D.        a-cri-mo-NY

SECTION 5: In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern. 8.         A.        sanctify B.        promising C.        notify D.        organic

SECTION 6 In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters.   From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. 9.         The DOCTOR examined the patient with a stethoscope. A.        Did the teacher examine the patient with a stethoscope? B.        Did the doctor cure the patient with a stethoscope? C.        Did the doctor examine the nurse with a stethoscope? D.        Did the doctor examine the patient with a telescope?

SECTION 7 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. 10.       / ǝ / A.        accurate B.        nephew C.        ageless D.        waddle

WAEC English Essay, Summary and Objective 2023 (EXPO)

The above questions are not exactly 2023 WAEC English questions and answers but likely WAEC English repeated questions and answers.

These questions are for practice. The 2023 WAEC English expo will be posted on this page on the day of the WAEC English examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 Loading…

Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your article should not be less than 450 words

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section

1. Your brother who is in his third year in another school has written to confide in you that he is to stop schooling and go into business. Write a letter to him advising him against his decision

2. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The Importance of Promoting Good Reading Habits in Students

3. As the Senior Prefect of your school, write a letter to the Principal pointing out at least two practices among students that should be discouraged and two habits that should be promoted among teachers,

4. New Principal has just been posted to your school. Write a speech you will deliver at the welcome party organized for him informing him about some problems faced by students.

5. Write a story that ends with the statement: I had never felt so embarrassed in my life

English OBJ Loading…

Tips to Help You Pass Your 2023 WAEC English Language Examination

Tip 1: study hard.

It is a known fact that academic success is directly proportional to hard work provided prayer is kept constant. Read your books as if it is the only thing you have to do while preparing for your WAEC examination.

Tip 2: Read Past Questions on WAEC English Language

You can attest to the fact that the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) always repeats its questions annually.

Reading the WAEC English past questions will expose you to the things you are expected to know as a WAEC candidate.

Sometimes, we read our textbooks and still don’t know which area to focus on. WAEC English past question will tell you the areas to concentrate on.

If you have any questions about WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 , kindly drop your question in the comment box.

Last Updated on May 17, 2023 by Admin

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293 thoughts on “WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)”

I need questions and answers for gce second series

English is good

Am a past waec candidate ,I got a D7 in English after studying so hard for it .I don’t know why that happened.I wrote well like I could remember ,now am preparing for GCE because of English alone .I don’t want to have problems in that one .What can I do to make an excellent result in English

Am proud of you.

Please, I need this urgently

Please I need neco English question and answer for 2023/2024

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From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that wil, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

 While Mr.Ade is his son is a novice .

  • A. enlightened
  • B. competent
  • D. experienced

It is better to use persuasion rather than .... to get witnesses to court.

  • B. coercion
  • C. influence
  • D. pressure

The animosity between Fatou and Sheku is shocking, considering the ...... they once shared.

  • B. friendship
  • D. understanding

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From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that wil, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence

. The reckless driver was admonished to be ______

  • A. cautious
  • B. responsible
  • C. reliable
  • D. considerate

The old man rebuked the thug and his children  .... him for doing so.

  • A. commended
  • B. embraced
  • D. supported
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