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51 Passion Project Ideas & Examples List for 2024

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Are you feeling stuck? Like you're treading in water, flapping around but not really going anywhere? If so, you're not alone.

Many people can feel frustrated, stuck, and ultimately unfulfilled when they get trapped in a basic work-life routine. One great way to free yourself from that basic routine of go to work/go home/ go to sleep/start over is by taking on a passion project. 

In this article, we will explore the concept of passion projects and then you will discover 35 ideas to help you get started .

But first, let’s begin with a simple definition.

Table of Contents

What Are Passion Projects?

Passion projects are projects that inspire you; projects that push you to explore your inner creativity and personality.

It is important to note that passion projects aren't hobbies nor should they be approached as some type of side income. Do not look for a passion project to free you from your current work set-up because the moment you transition a passion project from being fun and pursued solely for your own enjoyment in it is the moment many find that their passion in it will die. 

Instead, passion projects are projects that people should get into solely because they love how it makes them feel and how it inspires them to tap into something bigger inside themselves. 

Need some help finding a type of passion project for you to pursue?

Consider the following guide of 51 fantastic passion project ideas….

51 Passion Project Ideas to Pursue

Creative writing passion projects.

1. Start Writing Short Stories or Fan Fiction. You don't have to be a published author to get enjoyment out of creative writing. Writing short stories about characters you love, such as fan fiction , is a great way to get your creative juices going.

Plus, this type of writing has a great online community in which you can get involved in. If you ever find yourself drawn to write that great American novel, your practice in smaller works will give you critical experience, insight, and inspiration. 

2. Become a Reviewer for Something You Love.  Do you love visiting local restaurants? Getting your dogs cute toys and custom treats? Or do you have children with whom you want to experience more of your city? Whatever the case, combine that which you already do (eating, shopping, traveling) and start reviewing.

Create an online blog to share with others or make a personal journal or scrapbook. You can also do both, keep your private thoughts somewhere but also share via an online review site like Yelp.

3. Learn Calligraphy and Make Every Future Card and Present Personal.  This is a small creative writing passion project, but a project nonetheless. Calligraphy is a gorgeous written art form and a great side project for those who love writing and gift-giving. 

4. Engage in Letter-Writing Campaigns.  If you love writing but wish you could do something more meaningful with it, consider engaging in letter-writing campaigns. No matter what you are interested in or passionate about, letter-writing campaigns are an effective grassroots type of advocacy that can be highly effective. This type of passion project is great for fueling frustration you might have about big issues that would otherwise seem too big to tackle. 

5. Create Your Own Zine.  While zines are mostly connected with '90s and '00s youth culture, they are still popular, and they can be created by anyone of any age. Your zine can be about anything you like.

You can do a DIY zine about how to fish and cook those fish you catch, you can do a travel zine featuring your favorite places to travel, you can vent and use your zine as a place to talk about the craziness of your workplace. The world is your oyster. When you're done, keep it as your own personal book or send them out. 

In Your Backyard Passion Projects

6. Redesign Your Landscape.  Landscape design is a fun and creative venture that has the big benefit of leaving you with a gorgeous and possibly more functional backyard once you're done with it. But don't just jump into tearing up your grass. See this as a project to become well-versed in landscape design.

Take an in-person course on gardening at your local garden shop, read books about landscape design, volunteer with relevant groups to hone your skills, and really get an idea of how best to redesign your backyard landscape. 

7. Attract Bees, Birds, and Butterflies.  It's no secret that pollinators are in trouble. Consider taking on a passion project to invite bees, birds, and butterflies both to your backyard and your neighborhood. This type of project will often merge with the above landscape redesign project as you look to create homes and spaces for such animals to live and thrive in. 

8. Start a Community Garden.  Don't have a lot of space in your own backyard for plants and butterfly features? Why not share your interest and passion of gardening with others by starting a community garden ?

A cooperative garden is a great passion project for those who are outgoing and want more personal connections with their neighbors. That's because community gardens have a way of becoming multi-purposeful places in which people naturally congregate for events big and small. 

what are passion projects | good passion project ideas | great passion project ideas

9. Train a Pup for Competition.  Agility courses, nose work, diving dogs — all of these are great areas of competition in which to train a dog. Taking on a puppy, whether you choose a rescue or go to a breeder, and training them to excel in some type of competition will come with its risks (you have to find or hope for the right personality) but this type of long-term human-animal partnership is a fantastic passion project.

When you really build up that relationship with your furry pal, you'll find that there really is nothing like the bond between a man and man's best friend. Plus, going to competitions is a great way to meet new people and new places. Live in the city and think you're limited? Check out ratting in NYC  (disclaimer, not for the squeamish). 

10. Hold Workshops.  If you have an activity you already love, then what about taking on as a passion project a mission to share that activity? Hosting a series of workshops in your own backyard or at some other venue is a great way to really unleash that creativity, get connected with other people, and even learn something about yourself. After all, they say the best way to learn something is to teach it. 

11. Raise Your Own Food.  And we're not just talking about a basic garden here. Check your local ordinances and see what they allow in terms of other types of food raising. Can you have chickens so as to have your own eggs? What about raising rabbits or ducks as an alternative source of meat?

Raising your own food is a hard but very rewarding passion project as better understanding where one's food comes from and what it takes to get it from farm to plate will go a long way in making one more empathetic and ecologically-conscious. 

Health and Wellness Passion Projects

12. Train for a Marathon.  Running marathons has become exceptionally popular in recent years thanks to it being such a low-cost activity that is available to anyone, anywhere. All you need is a good pair of running shoes to get started.

Training for a marathon is a great health passion project as it encourages one to work on their overall endurance and to get outside exercise every week. Then, at the end, you'll be rewarded with that big marathon run. 

13. Launch a Fitness or Nutrition YouTube.  Two of the biggest sub-niches on YouTube are exercise and nutrition videos. While yes, this means there are a lot of videos already out there, it also means there are a lot of people eager to see new and alternative takes on the best fitness and nutrition recommendations.

If you enjoy giving advice or you think you have a killer routine, then why not share it with the world via YouTube? You can also start by following already successful influencers and making yourself the first paradigm of health and wellness. 

14. Become a Fitness Instructor, Such as a Yoga Instructor.  While yes, you do have to be reasonably fit to be a yoga instructor, you can become an instructor with relative ease so long as you dedicate yourself to it.

Check online for local classes and yoga studios that offer teacher training you can do in your off-hours. Train and get your certification and then share that passion and experience with others. 

15. Train and Take on a Long-Distance Hike. Hate running but love the outdoors? What about training for a world-class long-distance hike? Hiking one of these ultimate scenic trails is a fantastic passion project to take on — and it certainly is a project.

You will need to work up your endurance on hikes and do experiments on short hikes to make sure you know how much you're willing and capable to carry for an enjoyable camping experience. This all takes time, but time well spent as you work towards your dream hiking adventure. 

16. Plan an Overnight Boating Adventure.  Another alternative is to get into boating, which has the big advantage over hiking of having the water vehicle carry all your gear instead of your back. Plus, there are so many different types of boats to look at as you consider where you want your passion project to take you.

Kayaks and canoes are fantastic boats for rivers and lakes and there are a great number of outfitters that can get you started with overnight boating adventures for just a small fee. You might also look at sailboats and sailing around local bays and similar waterways. 

Crafting Passion Projects

17. Take Up Knitting or Crocheting.  Knitting and similar needlework crafts are seeing a resurgence in popularity by people of all ages thanks to its usefulness and versatility. When you know how to knit, you can knit anywhere. Waiting for jury duty, relaxing while your partner watches their favorite television show, and when meeting up with friends at a barbecue.

It's a craft that keeps your hands busy but still gives you the presence of mind to converse and talk with others. Best of all, you have something at the end of it to show off. Watch some tutorials, grab some yarn, and join a Stitch N' Bitch group to get started. 

18. Take Actual Craft Courses Like Pottery Classes.  Ceramic pottery is a timeless art form and another great craft that gives you something really useful at the end of it. This, however, isn't a passion project you typically can start on your own because of the expensive equipment involved. So check your local community colleges and art groups to join a pottery class and get started. 

19. Refurbish Old and Vintage Furniture.  If you have a good aesthetic eye, are handy with tools, and have the right equipment, then maybe a good passion project is taking old furniture and either refurbishing it or transforming it into something new.

This is a great passion project to fill out your home and is one of the rare examples of a passion project that can turn a nice penny if you are gifted enough. 

20. Upcycle Old Clothes.  Furniture isn't the only thing that often goes out of date and out of care. If you're handing with a sewing machine or have always wanted to become handy with a sewing machine, then consider a passion project revolving around upcycling old and thrift store-bought clothes. 

21. Take Up Painting or  Become a Model for Others.  There are so, so, so many fantastic resources for those who want to get started painting. And painting is one of those passion projects that you can take anywhere and do anything with. For example, you might prioritize painting all of the clock towers in your state and then making your own little book about it. That's a fantastic goal to have as part of a painting passion project.

reasons to start a passion project | passion project during pandemic | cool passion project ideas

22. Take Up a Big Woodworking Project.  Woodworking is a fantastic niche in which to develop your own passion project goals. For example, consider aiming to build your own tiny sailboat or canoe within two years or so. To get started, you will first have to learn how to use and be comfortable with all manner of tools and slowly, but surely build up your skill levels. 

More Cerebral Passion Projects.

23. Commit to Reading X Books a Week or Month and Review/Post/Share Them.  Reading is another act in which the more you do it, the more empathetic you can become, thereby making you into a better person. The problem is that too many people get too distracted in today's ever-hectic world.

Making reading your passion project by setting out strict reading goals and then choosing some manner in which to share that which you've read. Such as with a book review newsletter, podcast, or blog. You might even start a book club to encourage others to get on the same page. 

24. Take on a Research Project and Follow Through with Something Like Writing a Biography or Historical Book.  You don't have to be an academic, published author, or working historian, sociologist, or economist to take on a research project. If there is something that interests you — a person, a historic place, or even a societal event or question — tackle it.

Make your interest the subject of a research project for which you gather information. Go to your local library, interview subjects, visit places. Gather as much information as you can and then create a podcast, film, or book in which you explain your findings and interpretation of the results. 

25. Tackle a Scientific Quandary.  Just because you failed physics in high school doesn't mean you have to give up on it altogether. The best passion projects are those in which you challenge yourself to overcome your previous limitations. Check out this list of fantastic educational channels and consider what scientific avenues you wish you knew more about, then go follow that passion. 

26. Put Together Your Ancestry.  Did you really have fun putting together your family tree in grade school? Consider then making putting together a fully fleshed-out family history. 23andMe and similar sites are great resources for getting you more information about your ancestors and the events that transpired to bring you where you are today. 

27. Learn How to Code and Then Build Something via Code.  Coding is a fantastic skill and one that really encourages problem-solving and creative thinking. But perhaps best of all, once you know how to code, then you can create. You can create your own app, game, or other item as part of a master passion project. 

28. Learn a Secondary Language and Make it a Mission to Volunteer or Visit the Country Where That Language is Spoken.  If you love traveling, then this type of passion project is one that will fulfill personal and societal goals. Learning a new language can be challenging but it offers opportunities to engage with new people in new ways.

If you choose to go for a new language, we recommend making the overall passion project a more physical goal, like going to that language's country of origin and volunteering or traveling in order to make real use out of your education. 

Other Great Passion Projects

29. Join a Birding Group and Go for a Big Year.  Birding is a great hobby that takes one out into nature to see wildlife in its natural environment. But birding is an activity that can be so much more than just a hobby. Check out the film  The Big Year   and, if it piques your interest, consider undergoing your own “big year” as a passion project. 

30. Organize Bicycle Rides in Your Neighborhood.  Riding bikes is one of the greatest activities one can do. You get exercise, efficient means of travel, and easy ability to talk while traveling. If you love riding bikes, then consider taking that passion to the next level by committing yourself to share that passion via group bike rides. 

passion project examples | passion project ideas to pursue | good passion project ideas for spare time

31. Look for Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.  If you wish you were more environmentally-friendly, then make reducing your carbon footprint via things like nixing plastic bags as your passion project. 

32. Grab Your Friends, Family, or Just Yourself and Make a Film.  A documentary about your shared hobby or a funny film sketch about that last time you went on vacation. When you make a film, the important thing is thinking about what you loved most about activity and finding the right way to share that with others. 

33. Run for a Local Office.  This one will require you to get pretty involved, but if you're tired of watching how your city or neighborhood operates, then take a more involved stance. Run for public office and help make those changes you so desire.

34. Start a Nonprofit.  Not all changes can be done politically. If you see a need in your community that can be best done via service, volunteer hours, or donations, then consider starting a nonprofit and working towards making those changes happen. 

35. Make Finding a Passion Project, Your Passion Project.  Still not inspired? Then how about creating a podcast series about you trying to find that passion project. Experiment with different hobbies, talk to other people about what makes them the happiest, and investigate your own skills to see what project would best suit you. 

Community Passion Projects

36. Charity Drives . Get involved in charity drives. Collect broken and old toys, wash them, fix where you can, and donate to local child shelters. Repair old clothes for the homeless, or travel with a couple of personal care packages in your car to give to homeless people to help improve their personal hygiene. 

A charity drive doesn’t always have to be big or a lot of money. Every action matters, if you are passionate about it. 

37. Recycling Projects . One of the most worthy passion projects you can participate in is recycling. Help spread awareness about which consumer materials we can recycle and how. Organize collection points, and feel part of a community as you all help each other care for the environment. 

The money raised from taking these materials to recycling plants can be donated to local charities or organizations. 

38. Upcycle Metal Trash for Outdoor Decor at a Local Park. If you have an artistic side, why not collect metal trash such as old cutlery, tin cans, motor parts, and more to create unique art sculptures and benches at a local park? 

You may need to request permission from your local town council to install these, and you’d have to ensure the finished project is safe for people to touch and sit on. What fun to see your creations amuse and entertain park visitors.  

39. Donate Gym Equipment to a Local Park. Many of us have loads of small hand weights, training aids, and stationary cycling bikes at home that we no longer use. Yet, there are many bored youths who frequent parks, who would love to get fit, work out, and not have to pay for an expensive gym membership. 

Work with the local city council to install gym equipment under covered areas at parks for local people to enjoy free of charge. 

40. Teach a Child New Skills. Do you have a special skill? Perhaps you can ride horses, play the violin, or mountain climb? You can share these skills with local children, helping them learn new skills and developing their sense of self. 

Your passion can become a child's or even a young adult’s passion. 

Supportive Passion Projects

41. Hug a Granny . Thousands of elderly citizens live out their last days in care facilities where they never see their children or feel loved. If you have a free day in the week or over a weekend, why not visit your local retirement village or frail care facility to spend some time with all the elderly people? 

Hug them, take them something sweet, or simply spend a few minutes talking with them. 

Listen as they reminisce and let them feel loved. If you can, make this a regular routine so they have something to look forward to. You will feel the blessings of caring for those who most need it. 

42. Fund a Dream . Facebook has a go-fund initiative where people can ask for help to fund some project such as emergency surgery for their child or a honeymoon. Choose a worthy cause and help fund that dream.

Perhaps you know of someone who desperately needs a helping hand and a few dollars. Help them by launching a go-fund project for them. 

43. Mentor a Child . Many children don’t have the benefit of a great role model, and you don’t have to be a celebrity or someone of social stature to be a mentor to a child. Children are growing up in broken homes with parents who divorce and may then remarry with partners who don’t want these children. 

Having a caring adult who will look out for them and listen and give life advice when appropriate is something that could make a world of difference to a child’s world. Perhaps you can step up and create a mentor group to support children in need. 

44. Talk to Me. One of the best signs I saw was a couple of mature gentlemen sitting in a coffee shop with a sign: “Talk to me.” These sprightly pensioners were making themselves available to be sounding boards to people who need a kind ear. 

Senior citizens have a lot of life wisdom to share, but sadly, many younger generation people don’t have the benefit of having their grandparents around to talk to or ask for advice. After having a cuppa coffee with these very wise men, I felt a ton better, and I had some ideas on how to sort stuff out. 

Maybe you can be that willing ear to people in your community?

45. Share Love Notes . Singer Dermot Kennedy’s song Something to Someone features snippets of him leaving wisdom and love notes all over the city. Why not make it your passion to leave notes for others to discover around your neighborhood? 

You could leave words of encouragement in library books, on the train, or tack up at the bus stop. We are so surrounded by negativity, and people will appreciate words of care and kindness placed at random places for them to find and draw cheer from. 

Legacy Passion Projects

46. Create a Family Book. My mom keeps a book of all her poetry, thoughts, and experiences. I guess you could call it a journal, but she also records what she remembers of family members who are now long gone. I never knew my grandmother on mom’s side of the family, so all I do know I have learned from mom’s family book. 

What could you record about your family, and how can you share it in an interesting way? With new media such as TikTok, you could even share videos and photos of loved ones, leaving the links in your family book. Perhaps your family book can take the form of a Facebook page? 

47. Invent Something to Solve a Problem. Are you an inventor? Do you see a problem and think “Man, I know how to solve that”? Take up the passion project idea of solving problems with easy and convenient inventions. From making unique gadgets to neatening up your office or recycling and upcycling projects, to designing a solution or invention from scratch, you can be an inventor in unusual ways.

What you will need is a curious life outlook, a practical mindset, and some ingenuity. It’s fun, and you may end up with a real winner too.  

48. Make a Family Calendar. If you have a large family, why not tackle the project of making a family calendar? You can use family gatherings and pick themes for everyone to dress up accordingly. 

Take some great and unusual family photos, or set up scenarios such as “murder scenes,” “your grandfather being sworn in as president of your family,” and “comic carnivals.” The only limit is your imagination, and your family will each appreciate a copy of the calendar in their Xmas stockings. 

49. Create a Sponsorship. If you don’t have children of your own, why not consider creating a sponsorship programme to help a local child in need achieve their dream of attending college one day or traveling the world to participate in a worthy student’s challenge? 

Your money would go to a worthy cause, and you can make a real and lasting difference to the lives of several students, leaving a legacy you can be proud of. 

50. Learn to Make Music. We aren’t all musicians, and many of us never have the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument. Why not invest in some music lessons to first decide what musical instrument would suit your needs, and then go all out and make this instrument your passion. 

Perhaps you can learn to play the violin, drums, cello, electric guitar, or saxophone and find a way to turn your passion into a beautiful noise. 

51. Self-Govern Your Area. This passion project isn’t about joining the local legislation. You’re not going to run for an office or try to make laws. Instead, step up and help out where your local city council may be falling short on their tasks. 

Perhaps you can step up and fill in that pothole that’s been nagging you when you drive every morning, or you could go paint the faded park swings that look so dreary. Start noticing where you can help out in small ways. 

It’s always best to approach your local council and get a letter of permission for any work you’d like to volunteer to do in your community. With roadworks, it may be necessary to get safety equipment and get permission to close off sections of the road. 

Final Thoughts on Passion Project ideas

As you can see, there are so many fantastic activities and events that you can take on as a passion project. The big thing to keep in mind that where hobbies are often small activities, a passion project should have an ultimate goal; a big event or a way in which you share your knowledge with others.

If you have some other great passion project ideas other than the ones we have listed, please share them in the comments!

Finally, if you want to develop a skill-based passion project, then check out this article on 101 skills you can learn in your free time .

passion project ideas | passion project ideas for adults | examples of passion projects for parents

Live Bold and Bloom

55 Ideas For Your Next Passion Project

Sometimes you need an escape from the hectic work week and the non-stop flow of chores and duties.

Finding an escape doesn’t always mean disconnecting, but rather, finding a passion that helps you connect more to yourself and what you enjoy.

Passion projects are just that.

They allow you to explore your creativity by spending free time and energy devoted to what you love, whether it's a charitable cause or a creative outlet. 

5 Reasons You Need a Passion Project

Start a newsletter, write short stories, live waste-free, learn calligraphy, start a community garden, take pottery classes, start a blog, start a youtube channel , engage in letter writing campaigns , review literature or films, become a playwright , refurbish antiques, start a zine , run for local office, try graphic design , model for drawing classes, start a charity, organize elaborate dinner parties, perform at poetry open mics, compete in marathons, learn to cook like a chef, landscape your backyard , learn a new language , learn how to code, organize a salon, start a book club, lead workout classes, put your home on airbnb and travel, learn to weave or knit, host a podcast, host a stand-up comedy night, paint pet portraits, photograph weddings , make short films, produce your own music , discover your ancestry , upcycle thrifted clothes , train for a long-distance hike , film a documentary, start an instagram campaign , get involved in community theatre, teach an art class , get a booth at the farmer’s market, become a yoga/pilates instructor , pick up a new instrument , restore vintage cars , join an improv group , take acting classes, learn interior design , learn woodworking , fill up a sketchbook , read a book a week , start a research project, study a scientific theory , become an amateur zoologist , passion project examples, what is a passion project and how to choose yours.

A passion project is an activity or endeavor you pursue because it inspires you and gives you deep satisfaction, fulfillment, and engagement.

It's something you pursue for the sheer joy of it. The love of what you are doing outweighs any other considerations.

Your passion project may be related to your career, or it may lead to a career. But that isn't the main motivation. Expressing your passion is what drives you.

Finding an outlet for your passions also can help ease stress and mental unrest. However, not everyone knows what they are passionate about , making the process of choosing a project even more difficult.

Here are a few ways to choose a project that works for you:

  • Make a list of your interests. When you scroll through Instagram or Facebook, what captivates you? If you follow lots of art accounts, learning to draw would be a great passion project! 
  • Ask your friends what they do as a side hustle . Learn about their process and how they found their passion. Follow the same path and see where it leads you. 
  • Remember what you loved as a child. If you loved collecting bugs as a kid or making houses for dolls, you may have dropped your hobby as you grew up. Look back at that time and see how you can channel that into a worthwhile project now. 
  • Figure out what you have time for. If you have too many ideas, narrow it down to what is feasible in your free time. You may love to travel, but only get a week of paid vacation. 
  • It will make your life more fulfilling and meaningful.
  • You will find like-minded people to share your passion with.
  • You will learn more about yourself and what inspires you.
  • You could make money if the project leads to career opportunities .
  • You could find your life’s purpose. 

55 Passion Project Ideas

If you need some inspiration and ideas for your own passion project, we have you covered with the following activities to consider.

There are endless possibilities for the content of a newsletter, from sharing recipes to updating friends with the recent developments in your favorite tv show. 

Writing short stories can help boost the confidence of any writer and is the best way to prepare for fiction writing. 

Help the environment and save some money by reducing your waste in your home and on the go. Try to motivate others to do the same.

There’s nothing more satisfying than a beautiful handwritten note. Calligraphy is an art form in itself and a perfect passion project for writers and artists. 

Connect with Mother Earth and your neighbors by forming a cooperative garden in your community.

Come harvest time you’ll reap the rewards of your passion and feel the satisfaction of growing your own food! 

Ceramic pottery is one of the earliest art forms, not to mention its beautiful practicality. Sell dishware or sculptures to make money, or just keep your creations for yourself. 

As the saying goes — if you love something, write about it! Blogs are the perfect way to connect to a larger audience and bond over shared interests. 

Vlog about your life, make reviews or share lifestyle tips. Use your unique personality to inspire, educate, or entertain others.

You don’t have to have lots of money to have an influence on politics. Letter writing can have a huge effect on the issues you care about. 

Are your friends tired of you chatting their ears off about your favorite movies? Start writing about then instead. You may end up connecting with a like-minded audience. 

There are many ways to channel the writing muse. If you have a story to tell, write a play! You could even have a local community theatre produce it. 

If you have a keen aesthetic eye and the right tools, refurbishing old furniture could be your next passion project. 

Zines are small-format self-published magazines where you can collect poetry, collages, essays, and more under a unique vision. 

If you are tired of the way your local government is running things, be the change! Adults of all ages have held office in their local governments and made huge impacts on their communities.

It’s not too late to get a crash course in Adobe Illustrator. Graphic design is a lucrative business for creatives that can be done remotely as a side gig or a full-time job. 

It may seem strange but being a part of someone else’s creative journey can be just as exciting as embarking on your own. Help out artists by modeling for them.

If you have the funds and a cause you care about, starting a charity or nonprofit can be deeply fulfilling. Find out how you can serve your community by researching your area and getting to know its residents. 

Throwing a good dinner party is an art. From planning the menu to decorating, your passion project will give you experience in many creative roles. 

Check online or in your local paper for any open mics in your area. These are great places to test your poetry with an audience and build a following. 

If you love to run, training for a marathon gives you a long-term goal to work towards. And you'll improve your endurance and overall fitness.

YouTube channels like Bon Appetit can help you become an at-home chef as you learn to prepare gourment meals for friends and family.

Landscape design could be your next creative venture. If you don’t have a spacious backyard, volunteer to spruce up a friend’s yard. Take an online landscape design or master gardener course to improve your skills.

The famous Frederico Fellini once said, “A different language is a different vision of life.” Expand your vision of life by learning a new language.

Does technology turn you on? Coding is a fundamental skill for so many jobs, but it also allows you to pursue your own online passion projects. Learning to code improves your logic and problem-solving abilities.

A salon is a gathering of intellectuals to discuss literature, art, and academics. If you are an intellectually minded person, starting a salon might be the perfect venture! 

Gather a few book-loving friends for a monthly get-together. Pick an old favorite book or a new bestseller to discuss at your regular meetings. Take turns hosting and providing drinks and snacks.

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Do you love fitness classes and wish you could teach them? Many local gyms offer training programs for teaching. This can lead to lucrative side hustle or just something fun and fulfilling. 

It’s not always easy to travel when you have to worry about paying your own mortgage. Offer your home for short-term rentals, giving you the funds to travel yourself. The world is your oyster!

Learning to make textiles isn’t as hard as you think. There are great tutorials all over the web. All you need is your hands, some yarn, and a loom. 

There are many different types of podcasts, from storytelling podcasts to finance. Pick a topic you love, purchase the recording equipment, and start podcasting. 

Do your friends think you’re hilarious? Have they ever said, “You should do stand-up!” Channel your great sense of humor into a weekly comedy show at a local bar or cafe. 

You’d be surprised how many people would love a high-quality portrait of their furry friends. Lend your artistic eye to paint a few pups, and you’ve got yourself a potential business! 

Do you love photography and want to get better at it? Wedding photography can be incredibly expensive. If you have friends getting married, offer your services at a low cost as you improve your skills. 

Smartphones have amazing capabilities nowadays, and plenty of high-quality films have been shot on iPhones. If you have a vision for a film, shoot it yourself, and get feedback by sharing it on social media.

If you are musically inclined, become your own producer. Start with simple software like GarageBand to learn the basics. Make an album or just play around! 

Websites like Ancestry.com and 23andMe are excellent resources for learning more about your family’s past. 

You don’t have to be an amazing seamstress to make your own clothes. Transforming an old dress into a new creation can be as easy as a few simple alterations. 

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail or the Appalachian Trail can be life-altering. Check out Cheryl Strayed's memoir Wild for an account of her experience hiking the PCT alone. 

Are there people or events that fascinate you? Do you enjoy interviewing and researching? There are stories all around you. Pick up a camera and start filming your own documentary.

Instagram is a great way to communicate a message. If you care about a particular cause, use social media to get the word out. 

There are many jobs that need to be filled at community theatres, from actors to tech crew to designers. Volunteer your services and enjoy connecting with other creatives.

Do you draw or paint? You could be qualified to teach at a local recreation center, or you could even offer private lessons. 

Booths are available to many different types of vendors, from farmers to local craftspeople. Make or grow something you love and share it with your community. 

Most yoga studios offer teacher training. Check out the websites of local yoga and pilates studios to find classes. 

Have you always wanted to be in a band but don’t play an instrument? It’s never too late to learn. There are many instruments that are surprisingly easy to pick up.

Do you have mechanical abilities and love cars? There's a huge community of vintage car collectors who attend large conventions where you can admire each other’s hard work. 

Improv is a unique form of comedy that is made up entirely on the spot. Exercise your funny bone by joining a local troupe. 

You don’t have to seek a career in Hollywood to take a few acting classes. They can help with public speaking, creativity, and confidence. And they are a great place to meet friends. 

Do you have an eye for style? Does the idea of shopping at IKEA fill you with joy instead of overwhelming dread? Try interior decorating or design. 

Woodworking is steeped in tradition and will connect you to the past while helping you to build something new and useful.

This may just sound like doodling, but filling a sketchbook can be a serious undertaking and an art form itself. The more you sketch, the better you'll become.

If you haven’t picked up a good book since your last high school English class, make it a project to read a new work of fiction a week. You’ll be surprised by the profound effect it will have on your life. 

Your academic pursuits don’t have to end after you graduate. Head to the library and find a topic that interests you. Your research might lead you to write an academic article or even a book.

Did you hate physics in high school but wish you knew more now? It’s never too late to fall back in love with science. There are dozens of educational YouTube channels to inspire you and help you learn.

There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to Zoology. You don’t have to be a child or a scientist to love and study animals. 

Looking for some real-world passion project examples? Take a look at these projects of well-known people you'll recognize. Perhaps their passions will inspire your own.

  • Actress Gwenyth Paltrow channeled her love of beauty and wellness into her massively successful lifestyle company, Goop .  
  • Michael J. Fox turned his Parkinson's disease challenge into a project to help others suffering with the same disease
  • Star of NBC’s The Good Place , Jameela Jamil, started her online community I Weigh to promote body diversity and inclusivity. 
  • Actress Halle Berry dedicates her time volunteering at the Jenesse Center , a domestic violence intervention program. 
  • Larry Page, one of the co-founders of Google, has spent his time and money on a start-up called Zee.Aero with the aim of developing flying cars.

Have you found your passion project?

Undertaking a passion project can be a transformative experience, uplifting your spirits, and motivating your work.

Too often we get stuck in a rut without exploring the various opportunities available to us. We think we don't have a passion or worry that we might try something that we won't like.

But exploring your passion could be your passion project for now. View the search as a fun adventure and see where it leads you.

Passion projects amplify your childhood curiosity, giving you permission to explore again.

Take some time to jot down a few ideas for your next passion project. Do some research and take the first steps on an idea that interests you. It could lead to something life-changing.

51 Inspired Passion Project Ideas for Creatives

passion project presentation examples

Need help brainstorming passion project ideas? Maybe you need a good kick in the inspiration.

I’ve compiled a sh💩t ton of passion project ideas and examples to help kick-start your right brain into creative “what if I actually did that?!”

So grab your Moleskin, plus your writing weapon of choice and prepare for passion project inspiration.

You could …

Passion Project Ideas & Examples

passion project presentation examples

Design Posters of Something You Love

Designers rarely get assigned their dream project—like designing a sick poster for your favorite band. But who says you have to wait for the project God’s to smile upon you? Take destiny in your own hands and assign yourself your dream passion project.

Like designing a series of posters about your favorite things.

Will it be your fav K-Pop band or an omage to your favorite pizza slices in NYC? Why not get them printed and hang em on your wall. Your co-workers will be so jelly you scored such a sweet assignment!

More graphic design passion project ideas:

  • Design a brand identity for a made-up brand
  • Skateboard deck
  • Design your own tattoo

Fan Fiction Passion Project Ideas

Nerd Out Writing Fan-Fiction

Ever want to read a version of Harry Potter where Harry and Hermoine end up together? Um of course you do because THEY WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!! Take action and turn your wizarding ways into a passion project writing fan fiction.

You’ll be in good company, currently on fanfiction.net there’s over 841K Harry Potter stories! 🤯 Let your imagination go crazy and take your favorite characters on a fantastical story that’s YOU approved.

Other Popular Fan Fiction book genres:

Skoolie passion project

Convert an old school bus into a “Skoolie”

Do you have a knack for DIY home reno AND a passion for retro? Then your passion project should totally be a Skoolie! What’s a Skoolie? It’s taking an old school bus and converting it into an awesome tiny home on wheels.

You’ll score the ultimate old school cred when you roll up to the KOA. Don’t forget your He-Man lunchbox and Lisa Frank Unicorn Trapper Keeper. 🦄 😎

More homes that move passion project ideas

  • Remodel a vintage Airstream
  • Convert a van and try out living the #VanLife
  • Make your dream THOW (tiny house on wheels)
  • Live on a sailboat or river boat

Car covered in crochet

Become a yarn bomber

Yarn bombing is graffiti for knitters. Why not take your crafty rebel ways to the mean streets of your neighborhood and make something mundane cool. Also known as wool bombing, guerrillia knitting, yarn storming and my favorite … “kniffiti” 🤣  Just think, somewhere there’s an ugly fire hydrant waiting to be attacked by the Banksy of crochet.

Other crafty passion project ideas

  • Needlepoint a series of funny sayings
  • Crochet weird animals or unexpected household objects
  • Create your own flag or coat of arms
  • Sew a quilt out of your favorite old t-shirts

Checking into a Hostel Passion project idea

Open a cool hostel

Give backpackers and lonely nomads a place to sleep AND hang out. Hostels don’t have to be bargain basement … I stayed in a Selina in Panama and it was downright the coolest place to hang out in the town! The decor was chic, there was a rooftop bar complete with tacos, a swimming pool and a beat dropping DJ. I danced the night away and no one knew I was way too old to be there.

More lodging passion project ideas:

  • Rent your apartment out on AirBnB
  • Create a glamping campground in your backyard
  • Transform a farmhouse into a bed and breakfast
  • Buy a “surf shack” on the beach
  • Design the tiny house of your dreams

passion project presentation examples

Lead A Creative Retreat

Got itchy creative feet? Teach your creative expertise in an exotic location. Copywriting? Photography? Watercolor? People want to learn these skills AND they want to go on vacation. It’s a win-win passion project! Not a great travel planner? You can even outsource the retreat planning and just show up with your sweet creative skills.

Creative Retreat ideas

  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • Creative writing
  • or any skill you have that others would love to teach!

Passion Project Ideas Goat Cheese

Produce your own goat cheese 🐐🧀

Do you love crumbling goat cheese on your salads? Why not turn that cheesy love into a passion project and become the G.O.A.T. in making goat cheese! Just imagine the farmers market frenzy when you unveil your signature “ooh la la truffle speckled ch è vre”

Pro tip: When I was little someone gifted my family with a sinister pair of goats who tormented me and I was always running away in terror. So I’d recommend vetting some non-evil goats for your goat farm.

More farmers market worthy passion projects

  • exotic mushrooms
  • organic soap
  • hand-poured candles
  • grown your own herbs! (have you seen how much a sprig of rosemary is?)
  • essential oils
  • organic skin care
  • bake artisan breads

Lettering Passion Project Ideas

Letter something that’s never been lettered before

Lettering another motivational quote? Snores-ville.🥱 You’re more creative than that! How bout a series of quotes from Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction? Or a tribute to the worst YouTube troll comments you can find? Combine something unique with your lettering and you’ll be on the fast track to improving your lettering skills, plus you’ll get more eyeballs on your art!

passion project presentation examples

Rescue old furniture and make it awesome

Do you have a packed Pinterest board entitled “Furniture Before and Afters”? Well hold onto your staple gun, and get ready to DIY that love into a furniture makeover passion project. Step 1 will be discovering that ugly duckling piece waiting for its sparkly AFTER reveal.

Pro tip: If you see an awesome couch on the street but don’t have a pickup truck swipe the cushions to buy you time. When you drive back in the truck your cushion-less couch will still be waiting for you! 😜

passion project presentation examples

Cultivate Your Own Honey 🐝

I think we can all agree bees are the most important bug on the planet. (And mosquitos can burn in hell.) But besides helping the little buzzer buddies thriving, a passion project in beekeeping might lead to all kinds of creative adventures. Like jarring raw honey, dabbling in beeswax cosmetics, or creating your own mystical magic bee pollen elixir of life.

More DIY food passion projects

  • Brew a craft beer (then make your own packaging!)
  • Roast coffee beans
  • Bottle your own hot sauce

Board game passion project

Craft a board game

When we played board games as a kid we always added our own rules, like when you land on Free Parking you get a giant pile of money. Which is a massive fun-provement to the “official” Monopoly rule book where you just get a free lamo parking spot. YAWN … but, imagine how fun it would be to make up ALL the rules to your own game! And design all the parts and pieces.

You could call it Passion Project — The Game! Um, you can probably come up with a better title…

Children's book passion project idea

Dream up a Children’s Book

Just because every bored, mid-life crisis, celeb has published their own children’s book shouldn’t discourage you from taking one on as your passion project. A children’s book is as creative as it gets! Fanciful illustrations, non-sensical language — anything that inspires our tiny humans into growing into more awesome adults needs to be happen!

passion project presentation examples

Paint a mural

Is there a beige wall in your house that’s boring your eyeballs to uninspired tears?! Take creative action and make painting a mural your next passion project! It’s easy… google mural painting, hit the paint store and create the Insta-worthy wall of your dreams!

Spaces that might need mural-ing

  • Paint the most amazing Zoom background ever
  • A fantastical kids playroom
  • A basement door to the gates of hell?
  • Turn a bla guest bathroom into a drool-worthy destination
  • Backyard sheds, barns
  • Ugly electrical boxes & eye sores

Passion Project Cooking

Start a cooking show

Does your creativity thrive in the kitchen? You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to make an impact with your love of food. Maybe you’re more of a sandwich artist? Or great at whipping something up with minimal ingredients. Take that food creativity and film your food experiments live. Who knows, you could even document your journey going from a mediocre to master chef!

Other food passion project ideas

  • Start a monthly supper club with your friends
  • Gather all your family recipes and design a family cookbook
  • Create an IG account focused on a specific food you love. (Donuts, eggs benedict, pizza margarita …)
  • Become a professional eater and start reviewing restaurants
  • Design a neighborhood restaurant food guide
  • Buy a challenging cookbook and cook EVERY recipe in it (I feel like I’ve seen that movie…)
  • Travel around the world and take a cooking class in every city!

passion project presentation examples

PLAN Your Passion

Think you’re too busy to finish a personal project? Try a planner that puts passion first!


Picture of Ashley

Read more stuff!

Cartoon brain with a soldier hat paying attention to word bubbles that say "little"

Stop calling your personal project ‘little’

Ashley wearing a cartoon fedora surrounded by question marks, over thinking puzzle pieces

The 5 biggest mistakes creatives make when choosing a passion project

Ash sipping a coconut vs. conference room

Do you have to quit your full time job to create your side hustle?

passion project presentation examples

  • Take My Course
  • Work with Me

350+ Passion Project Ideas for the Uninspired but Creative Soul

March 27, 2021

In a recent post, I talked about all the great, life-changing reasons you should have a creative passion project . Since sharing the post, I've even heard back from people who shared their own passion project ideas with me, and it's been nothing short of amazing.

But I also got a few messages from people who asked me this:

I really want to start a passion project! But I don't know what.

While most of us already know what sort of side projects we want to have, I realized that's not the case for everyone.

So whether you're someone who doesn't know what kind of passion project they want to start or even if you're someone with only an inkling of an idea, here's a mix-and-match list of cool passion project ideas just for you.

Ways You Can Start a Passion Project

Here I name some of the most popular ways people have shared or started their own passion projects. You can even call them "platforms" or "mediums," if you prefer.

In the section after this, you'll find an endless supply of topics or niches in case you need some aha! moment to start.

And later, we'll see how these platforms and topics can mesh together into your brand new, super personal, go-start-one-right-now passion project.

Start a Blog.

At the top of the passion project ideas list is starting a blog. I'm willing to bet my own blog that you know someone ( other than me ) that's started a blog of their own. Be it on Blogspot/Blogger, WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace, there's a platform that hosts thousands of people's personal blogs, portfolios, and websites. Hint: you don't have to be a writer to be a blogger, so you can start a blog even if you hate writing.

Open a YouTube or Vimeo Channel.

Let's be real: at some point in all our lives, we all wanted to be YouTubers and be part of the cool community that started the YouTube we knew back in 2009. But I also find that many of my video-savvy storytelling friends go on Vimeo, especially to upload their more artistic works, like short films or animations.

Launch a Podcast.

You won't believe how much I actually love podcasts (I actually want to start one just because I can never stop talking about certain things). Having a podcast is almost just like a YouTube channel, except all the focus is on sound. Imagine it as your own radio show.

Put Up an Online or Physical Store.

You can have a passion project that's just all about selling stuff. There are a load of apps and websites that make this really easy to do. For example, I personally used Carousell for a long time to sell preloved and brand new clothes, shoes, and bags I don't use. (I even made about PHP10,000 in a handful of months, no marketing or sales funnels involved!)


Step-by-step guide to a successful product pre-sell, start a facebook page or facebook group community. .

Maybe you want to start a Facebook page that curates and creates content every so often (you don't always need to sell a product or service to be an online brand). And Facebook groups make a great community-building platform, and I've joined a handful of groups where I meet a lot of likeminded people.

Hold a Workshop.

Your passion project can even holding a series of workshops about things you're good at. After all, there's always going to be someone who's willing to learn new skills – skills you already know. And these don't always have to be crafty or artsy. I sometimes hold workshops for college student leaders on organization and project management.

Launch an Online Course.

Okay, your workshops honestly don't even need to be in-person anymore because there's technology for that. You can start an online course right from your Google Account (yes, there's Google Classrooms, ICYMI) and companies like Thinkific, Teachable, and Udemy have built websites to host your courses.

I launched my online course, The Productive, Purposeful Creator , to help creators unlock a more productive workflow while consistently growing their audience. It's been one of my favorite passion project ideas to date!

passion project presentation examples

How I made my first $1,000 as a blogger

Never struggle with your content calendar again.

If you struggle staying on top of your content production, read this Ultimate Guide to a Productive Content Creation Workflow.

Passion Project Ideas: List of Topics

Admittedly, there are infinite possibilities for this section, and they all depend on things you're interested in. I list down some of the most popular umbrella topics as well as subcategories in each one. I do try to be as exhaustive as possible, and you're definitely not limited to picking just one of these topics!

After all, these are just passion project ideas to jump off from, and your passion project is yours, so do whatever you like with them.

This is a common topic a lot of people start especially a blog on. Some people even share this topic through a micro-blog on Instagram. What's the city you live in like and how do you live your life inside it? This topic can even give birth to even more passion project ideas.

Restaurant reviews, recipes, or just plain pictures of good food. Food for people, for dogs, for cats – go wild.

Places to go, sights to see... Where to stay, what to look for... Any secret hacks for backpackers or people on a budget?

Health and Fitness.

Workouts, meal plans, diet tips, weight loss tips... If this is your thing, there's a whole bunch of people who'd love to hear what you have to say.

Beauty and Makeup.

Beauty junkies, it's your time to shine. Do you have holy grail product reviews for fellow beauty fans? Love talking about more wallet-friendly products? Or maybe you're more into organic or natural alternatives?

Fashion and Hair.

Your thing might be all your different OOTDs. Or you could be more of the guilt-free fashionista that has a message about sustainable fashion. You could be super good at doing different hairstyles and want to share how-tos for the perpetually lost (like me).

Room/Home Improvements.

My sister and I had this very short phase where we watched nothing but home improvement shows on TV. You might have ideas on how to make a room super pretty, or super minimalist, or even just super different and personal.

Do-It-Yourself (DIY).

Lots of people will look for DIY alternatives to most everyday stuff because they're either more affordable than buying from a store or because they're into doing things with their hands. Maybe you know DIY tips and tricks for clothes, accessories, or room/home decor ? There's no shortage for the kind of do-it-yourself tutorials you can share.

How to Start a Blogging Side Hustle

While I'm not a parent (yet), I've seen – and met! – a ton of mommy bloggers. Parenting may seem like an overused niche, but really, there's always going to be someone who needs your cannot-live-without parenting hacks.

Self-Care or Personal Development.

One of my favorite movements that have come to light recently is the mental health awareness movement. If you're a advocate for self-care or bettering oneself, by all means, make a passion project all about it.

I don't think this topic is only reserved for career coaches. You might have tips and tricks for people about to graduate from college. Or you might know how to help people get more from their work. Or maybe you're even all about work-life balance.

Money management, savings goals, budgeting – there are people out there that need your sage wisdom.

Case Study: How I Made PHP150,000 in 10 Months Just From Side Hustles

Side hustle or startups..

This deserves to be its own niche because of literally how many startups we've seen emerging in just a few years. You might know a lot about starting a small business, or you might have freelance career that you want to help other people reach too.

From products to reviews to how-tos – even to answering all these different tech-related questions (I can't count the number of times I Googled issues I had with my computer) – there's a whole bunch of things you can dive right into. I mean, there are thousands of gadgets and gizmos all over the planet, and thousands more ways to do a tech-related passion project.

Getting Your Life Together? Here are 13 Apps for That.

My older brother, my boyfriend, and a lot of their friends are all gamers, so honestly, I don't see why you can't have a passion project related to gaming. One of my friends even has a YouTube channel with walkthroughs on some popular video games that he's monetized in the past.

For most people, a creative passion project might automatically mean art-related projects. And because most of these things are pretty straightforward, I'll be jotting down a quick list of different mediums just for your inspiration.

"Do I already have to be an experienced artist for these?" you ask. My answer: not at all! You can always start an art-related passion project without any experience. After all, you do need to start somewhere.


Lettering and Calligraphy.



Creative Writing.

How to Build an Audience from Scratch: Ultimate Guide for Creatives

Performing arts.

Spoken Word Poetry.

You might have a knack or interest in crochet, knitting, or quilting. And those would make awesome (and pretty!) passion projects in themselves.


Think origami or paper mâché!

As someone who loves DIY, I can tell you there's no shortage here. There are DIY bags, plushies, leather goods, soap, candles – too, too many to name!


Start recording your travels or family life or even lookbooks!

Creative Journaling. 

Some people would refer to it as bullet journaling, but I find that creative journaling is a more appropriate term for having those gorgeous hand-drawn layouts and lists inspired by the original bullet journal.


And this doesn't only mean the plastic-bead jewelry we used to make when we were kids, either.

Perfect for anyone who's not afraid of getting their hands a little dirty. Handmade pottery is also super pretty to have in your home!

Okay, maybe I got the idea for this off a girl scouts activity, but carving stuff out of wood seems pretty cool if you're into that kind of thing.

Model Building.

My guy friends are obsessed with model kits from Japan. But this isn't only about gunpla – there are also model kits for ships, buildings, and lots more.


Social good/advocacy. .

You might stand for something real important to you, like living like a minimalist or being kind to the environment. If so, there's all the more reason to have a passion project around it – so you can share in the advocacy.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Productive Content Creation Workflow

Want to learn how to build your audience from scratch?

Read the Ultimate Guide to getting your dream audience to find your content—and become loyal fans for life.

Putting Them Together

So you've got all these ways to start passion projects and you've got all these topics or niches for passion project ideas. Now the only thing you have to do now is to put them together – and voila! You've got yourself a passion project.

Here are a few example of ways you can mix and match your options, plus how these options can be narrowed down into something more bite-sized (meaning, less overwhelming!).

Write an eBook + DIY room decorations that busy people can do in an hour or less. You can even publish the book and make money on the side.

Start a Blog + Tech: affordable alternatives for everyday electronics for people on a budget. You help other people save on gadgets and appliances but still letting them a bang for their buck. You might even partner with actual brands in the future.

Hold a Workshop + Photography for aspiring food bloggers. You could teach people how to take better photos for their blogs and articles if they want to get more clicks and views on their site.

Open a YouTube Channel + Advocacy on how to live with less waste even if you live in the big city. You'll help people be more responsible by realizing there are simple everyday ways anyone can adopt to reduce plastic consumption or paper and food waste.

And these are only a handful of examples among all the countless possibilities! If you don't have a passion project already, I challenge you to use this mix-and-match list to start your own.

Important: Start a passion project that you want to do, not what think others would find cool.

If it doesn't make you more passionate, you won't commit.

How can I use this guide to come up with my passion project?

To make the mix-and-match process easier for you, I came up with a worksheet version of this passion project ideas guide! You can get it here.

Once you've downloaded it, be sure to print it out and really devote 5 minutes – just five minutes! – of your time to accomplishing it, so that you can find the perfect passion project to give you more meaning and purpose every day.

Ready to go big on your passion project?

Grab your copy of The Goal-Getter Playbook today, so you ideate, plan, and launch that passion project you've always wanted.

Learn more about The Goal-Getter Playbook and how how to get your own copy here.

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Click to learn more!

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ABOUT Mica Gonzalez

Mica (hey, that's me!) provides resources for content creators and creative entrepreneurs to design their days with more purpose, impact, and creativity.

Her workshops, courses, and programs are all designed with her commitment to slow growth, anti-hustle culture, and success on our own terms.

When she's not referring to herself in the third person on her blog, she's sharing cool things she's into and up to on Instagram @micaangelicagonz .

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The Goal-Getter Playbook was designed with YOUR creative goals in mind.

Full of guided prompts to help you clarify, define, and track your goals – plus undated pages that are reusable year after year – you won't need another planner ever again.

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  • Explorer System

65 STEM Themed Personal Passion Project Ideas

  • May 29, 2024
  • Posted by: Ashley Pereira
  • Category: career guidance STEM STEM education

passion project presentation examples

A Personal Passion Project (PPP) can be anything – create a video game, organize an event, invent something using engineering, it’s your call! The goal of the PPP is to take an intense, deep dive on something you are interested in to build your talents and change the world.

If you love science, technology, engineering, and math here are 65 ideas to get your creative juices flowing and come up with an awesome Personal Passion Project!

  • create something with code
  • make your own video game
  • start a youtube channel
  • interview an innovator
  • write and publish a blog post
  • make a website
  • invent something that solves a problem you care about
  • choreograph a dance to explain a hard science concept
  • host a hackathon
  • start a nonprofit
  • start a business
  • learn to fly a drone
  • launch a podcast
  • create an Etsy store
  • start a Facebook group or online community
  • hold a workshop
  • start a budget
  • create an online class
  • write a book
  • start a monthly magazine or newsletter
  • learn the STEM behind your favorite amusement park
  • make a map of all the STEM places in your community
  • start a gallery or online portfolio
  • join and contribute to a citizen science project
  • create a new product
  • plan and hold a fundraiser for a cause you care about
  • create a new food or recipe
  • design a futuristic city
  • find and do a job shadow
  • find and do an internship
  • create a product review
  • invent a new fashion design
  • invent something that improves sustainability
  • script a play or skit
  • learn how to make origami
  • get on the local news or in the newspaper
  • learn a skill specific to your desired career field (ex: how to take good pictures, how to weld, how to change the oil in a car, etc.)
  • make a model
  • make a collage
  • learn a new computer programming language
  • create a recycled work of art
  • make a garden
  • plan and host an event
  • create a virtual tour
  • design a XXX of the future (chair of the future, house of the future, pet of the future, etc.!)
  • write a letter to the universe
  • design and do your own scientific experiment
  • take a computer (or engine, toaster, etc.) apart and try to rebuild it
  • solve a UN Goal for Sustainable Development
  • find a mentor
  • compose music
  • teach your grandparent about a STEM topic
  • invent a STEM themed board game
  • learn a new language
  • create blueprints
  • start a club for your STEM interest (animals, space, computers, etc.)
  • make an illustrated bookmark collection on a STEM topic
  • create a calendar to highlight STEM specific events
  • make a diorama
  • make a mural
  • find a pen pal
  • make a poem, rap, or song
  • create, administer, and analyze a survey
  • make a presentation or video

How to Do a Personal Passion Project

As you might imagine, step 1 is to pick something from this list, or come up with your own idea!

Step 2 is to define everything you will need to do your personal passion project. Make a list of all the materials, resources, people, and time you will need to complete your PPP. It is also a good idea to research other personal passion projects and related ideas to learn as much as you can from others before you get started. In Career In STEM Bootcamp a career coach will guide you step by step towards creating your PPP!

Step 3 is to do it!

Step 4 is to share your Personal Passion Project. [All Explorer students can share their PPP in our exclusive Showcase for a chance to win a $500 scholarship!]

Step 5 is to reflect. What went well? What did you learn? What skills did you build? Be sure to add your PPP and everything you learned from it to your resume!

$500 Summer STEM Scholarship Contest HAPPENING NOW! FREE for all Explorer students to enter! CLICK HERE to learn more

What are your chances of acceptance?

Calculate for all schools, your chance of acceptance.

Duke University

Your chancing factors


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How to Create Passion Projects to Help You Stand Out

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Alexandra Johnson in a CollegeVine Livestream. You can watch the full Livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

What is a passion project, how to get started on a passion project, how to record proof of a passion project.

  • How Can a Passion Project Affect Admissions

You may have started a school organization or committee as a result of an existing academic or extracurricular interest. You could have created an initiative within your community in response to a significant event. You might have even started working on a personal project to sharpen your skills in a certain field. These are only a handful of examples, but a passion project can be anything that you have invested time and resources into outside of school that highlights a certain interest. 

A passion project is an idea or concept that you create to express yourself. While it doesn’t have to be executed with the intention of being beneficial to the community around you, that is an added bonus! 

It’s often understood that these passion projects and acts of service to the community can not only help improve you as a leader within a community but also help strengthen your college applications! 

1. Keep an Open Mind

There are numerous ways to go about creating a passion project. A passion project can take the form of anything, such as a website, small business, or non-profit organization. It could also be the creation of a club or community dedicated to a specific mission. 

With your passion project, you are mainly trying to showcase a specific interest and hone your leadership and organizational skills in the process. The scale of the project can be as big or as small as you want – the main focus should be fulfilling your personal passions. Anyone can create a passion project, so don’t limit yourself!

2. Brainstorm Ideas

When brainstorming ideas for a passion project, think about your strengths and weaknesses as well as your interests. Possibly start by considering some of your strongest subjects in school, or, if you are up for the challenge, the ones that you struggle with the most. You could also start the brainstorming process by simply going online and looking up examples of personal projects or extracurricular activities that interest you.

Once you have a list of possible areas you want to explore, try to think of a medium to express these interests. Perhaps you can start a social media account on Instagram or YouTube to showcase your project and build a community. Perhaps you could create a website that helps people connect over your common interest in a topic. As we mentioned in the first point, make sure to keep an open mind at this stage.

3. Make Your Idea Come to Life

Now that you have decided on an interest and a medium to express it through, it’s time to get creative. Think about what you need to do to make your project come to life and determine an action plan moving forward.

To get your passion project up and running, it might help to find members around your community who are like-minded. Making the project a group effort will make it more manageable and hold you accountable throughout the process.

There are numerous ways of recording proof of your passion projects to make it presentable in your college application. For example, if you created paintings and sold them as a fundraiser for a social cause, transcripts of sales, pictures of the paintings, and proof of donating the money can be added into your applications.

More importantly, remember these passion projects shouldn’t be done with the sole purpose of creating a better application. This could reflect as shallow and distasteful to a counselor, so make sure to try something with the intention of creating something meaningful.

How Can a Passion Project Affect Admissions? 

Admissions officers are often looking at more than just your academic qualifications when considering your acceptance into a college or university. They also want to see a holistic student, meaning that participation in numerous forms of extracurricular activities is important! 

A passion project is just one of many ways to exhibit the traits of a holistic applicant, and it is often more impressive to admissions officers since it showcases creativity, leadership ability, and perseverance. If you have any special or unique interests, a personal project could be a great way to highlight these traits in your application.

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  • Presentation

Top tips for delivering a passionate presentation

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  • April 20, 2022

passion presentation

You have a passion that you would like to share with the world. Maybe it’s gardening, scrapbooking, or cooking! There are many ways people can turn their passion presentation for careers in various industries. from being an artist who creates art-related products as part-time work on weekends (to selling them at craft shows) all while working full-time during weekdays; or even As a church leader, you’ve likely had plenty of practice with public speaking. Years of experience have given you the confidence to hold your own in front of large crowds and provide talks that are both engaging and relevant, no matter the size or Presentation design services of the audience.

“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” -Benjamin Franklin

Table of Contents

Why Passion Is Essential?

The wisdom of Benjamin Franklin reminds us to be cautious when it comes to presentations driven by passion. Passion can be a powerful tool, but if it’s not guided by reason, the results may not reflect a person’s true potential. This quote speaks volumes about the value of passionate presentations – provided they are directed and focused. When passion is presented in a reasoned manner, one is already on their way towards success.

1- Have a clear idea

Presentation time! When it comes to making presentations about your passion, the most important thing is preparation. This means having a clear idea of what you want to say and how YOU are going to convey that in an engaging way so people will listen and stay tuned for more information later on down this road because WE know there’s always more story left unwritten after all these years… Take some extra effort now by taking note of our example below: One great place starting points can come from is “The 5 Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman (which I’m told every single person owns). You’ll need access if possible but even just reading and skimming over parts could help freshen up any existing knowledge.

2- Know your reasons

When you’re passionate about something, it shows. What’s your reason for getting up in front of an audience each day? Maybe it’s to share a love or knowledge that will inspire others like them–and maybe even teach themselves new skills along the way! Keynote speakers know how powerful this approach can be because they’ve seen firsthand just what happens when someone is truly invested: hearts open wide as flames contagious laughter fills every soul present enthusiasm runs high everyone wants more… This passage comes from my experience working with audiences who have demonstrated exceptional

3- Be engaging and interesting

When you’re delivering a presentation, it’s important to be engaging and interesting. This means using different techniques like visuals or storytelling in your speech so that people stay tuned into what is happening! It also helps if they know beforehand just how well YOU will do during the actual event by practicing beforehand- even though this may sound counterintuitive at first given all of our natural hesitation creatures when put on stage performing ourselves (or giving presentations).


When you’re on stage, it’s not just about what is said but also how your voice sounds. If the room can feel one hundred degrees more temperate with an enthusiastic tone of speech than without one – then we have ourselves a winner!

Delivering an effective presentation requires clarity in articulating words and phrases. As well, speaking with passion provides an emotion-filled element that will engage listeners. Additionally, it is important to ensure the verbal content ties together neatly when transitioning between topics or speeches. Taking these qualities into consideration will help create a powerful connection with your audience.


You’re about to give a speech and you know it’s going to be tough, but don’t prepare too much. Trust your natural instincts when preparing for this event because making eye contact with the audience or focusing on key points will help make an interesting talk that leaves people wanting more. When you’re preparing for a presentation, make sure to only work on the lines that will really help your performance. It’s stressful enough trying to remember what I said in addition to just forgetting everything anyway so why add another layer of difficulty by practicing things beforehand? The answer here is simple – don’t prepare anything but those moments where it matters most!


When addressing a crowd, make eye contact with those in attendance and smile. Once you’re comfortable do so while maintaining the widest grin possible to show how excited or happy about what’s going on! This will help everyone else feel involved too-it’s important that every individual feels invested if possible (and hopefully interested). If not ask questions yourself; either way have fun engaging all those strangers around me!”


Prior rehearsal is key to mastering your presentation. You must become confident with the material you plan to present, and its structure. Remember that you are running a performance show – various moments may be energetic or calmer, but all should have an effect on your audience members. As you rehearse, consider the emotions of your listeners. Note which times they should feel energized and when they need to experience slower movements. Perfecting this ‘symphony’ will make all the difference in delivering with poise and confidence.

8- Use visuals

Using visuals for presentations can be an effective way to illustrate your topic and enhance the audience’s engagement. Consider incorporating videos, photos, or charts to help get your message across in a concise and direct manner. It’s best to prepare these elements beforehand so you’re ready for the presentation day.

Examples of Speakers who have passion presentations:

Steve Jobs left an indelible impact on the art of public speaking. His 2007 presentation of Apple’s first iPhone revolutionized the field. An inspired performance, it elevated public speaking to new heights and established Jobs as a benchmark for other would-be communicators.

Elon Musk’s companies have become some of the most recognizable businesses around the world. His speaking style is unique; compared to many others in the industry, it lacks polish and comes from a personal place. His public engagements often evoke strong emotions.

Oprah Winfrey

The renowned TV host has captured the attention of her audiences with her uplifting speeches. She often shares personal anecdotes and heartwarming messages about how she has achieved success in life. Her stirring talks have been delivered at a variety of award ceremonies and events, where she spreads positivity through inspiring stories.

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Even if you don’t have to regularly present in front of a group, there are countless situations where strong public speaking skills can help you advance in your career. Being a good public speaker can increase your reputation, boost your confidence, and open up countless opportunities for you.

Passion can be a powerful tool, but if it’s not guided by reason, the results may not reflect a person’s true potential.When passion is presented in a reasoned manner, one is already on their way towards success.

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Passion projects for high schoolers are a great way to learn new skills, gain confidence, and delve more fully into your interests. They are also a great way to showcase your strengths and extracurricular interests during the college admissions process. 

As evidenced by the class of 2026 college acceptance rates , college admissions standards are becoming increasingly competitive. Therefore, if you want to attend a highly-selective college, you’ll need to find a way to stand out from your peers. A passion project is a great way to accomplish this. In fact, according to a study conducted by Acceptitas , more than 75% of current Harvard students included a passion project as a part of their college applications. 

That said, what are passion projects, and how do you design one? In this article, we will discuss the definition of a passion project, how to start a passion project, as well as the advantages of completing one in high school. We will also provide a comprehensive passion project ideas list to help you start brainstorming for your own project.

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What are the benefits of completing a Passion Project?

First off, what is a passion project for students? A passion project is a project that high school students design and complete outside of school. These projects should be fairly ambitious and often require extensive planning and self-reflection. Ultimately a passion project allows you to challenge yourself, develop new skills, and gain confidence; they can even help give you a sense of purpose and community. Since passion projects are not a high school requirement, completing one shows your passion, dedication, and ability to take initiative. Ultimately, these projects can help distinguish you from your peers when applying for jobs, internships , and college. 

Designing a Passion Project: steps to help you get started

Identify your passion.

You should feel excited to work on your passion project. All projects have challenges and we can’t promise that you’ll enjoy yourself every step of the way, but it’s important to complete this project because you genuinely care about it and not because you feel obligated to. That said, the first step to completing a meaningful passion project is to find out what you’re passionate about!

Come up with a mission statement to help guide your project

Your project should be organized and purposeful. One of the best ways to help keep you on track is to come up with a mission statement. That way, you can periodically refer to your goals, values, and objectives as outlined in your mission statement. 

Set goals for yourself

Set manageable goals for yourself. Not only will this help you stay organized, but it will also inspire you to maintain your momentum. 

Identify what resources you will need

Once you’ve come up with your projects, identify what resources you will need to be successful. For instance, if you want to start a podcast, you will need to decide what kind of recording equipment is best suited to your needs. 

Reflect on what you need to learn for your project to be successful

Passion projects are a great way to learn new skills. Take time to identify what you will need to learn to be successful. You may want to consider finding a mentor or setting up informational interviews with community members who can help you. For instance, if you want to start a community garden, you may want to reach out to local farmers for advice. 

Questions to ask yourself as you begin

The first step to knowing how to find a passion project that’s meaningful to you is to reflect on your interests, talents, and values. In other words, self-reflection is key in designing your passion project. 

Let’s take a look at some questions you should ask yourself during this process. As you review these questions, write down your answers so you can reflect on them more fully in the weeks to come. 

  • What extracurricular activities do you enjoy?
  • Which high school classes have been your favorites?
  • What types of careers might you be interested in pursuing in the future?
  • Have you had any meaningful volunteer experiences ?
  • Are there any social, political, or environmental issues that you feel passionately about?
  • If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?
  • What are some of your passions and interests?
  • What are some of your natural talents and strengths?
  • What is something you would like to improve on?
  • What is something you’d be interested in learning more about?
  • Do you enjoy leadership positions ?
  • Do you prefer to work alone or within a group?
  • Do you enjoy fundraising and organizing events?
  • If you could give back to your community in some way, what would that look like?

Now that you’ve reflected on your interests, talents, and values, it’s time to start finding ways to combine them. The most meaningful, impactful passion projects will likely combine your answers. To get started, review your answers and identify repeating details or themes. 

For example, you may find that many of your answers address your love of storytelling and helping others reach their goals. If this is the case, you may want to find ways to include a teaching element in your passion project. 

Passion Project ideas

Now that you’ve started to reflect more on your interests, let’s take a look at some passion project examples. Use these examples to help you start brainstorming about possible topics. These passion project examples may even help you decide how to present your passion project when the time comes. 

  • Start a small business
  • Develop an app
  • Organize a fundraising event
  • Write and direct a short play
  • Write a novel or collection of short stories
  • Start a community publication, such as a school newspaper or literary magazine
  • Start a blog
  • Start a band and write an album
  • Learn to build an instrument
  • Design your own video game
  • Paint a community mural
  • Start a mobile library
  • Start a community garden
  • Create a bioblitz
  • Design and conduct a scientific research project
  • Start an apiary
  • Hike the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail, or the John Muir Trail
  • Become a certified yoga or fitness instructor
  • Build your own tiny house
  • Start a food truck
  • Build a boat
  • Train a service dog
  • Join a political campaign

Key takeaways and moving forward

Passion projects for students can play a key role in holistic college admissions . This is because passion projects demonstrate a student’s ability to think critically and creatively while in pursuit of their extracurricular interests. Top colleges want to admit passionate, capable students eager to make a difference and enrich their communities. This is especially true if you have Ivy League aspirations . 

Including a successful passion project as part of your college application can help demonstrate that you are capable of meeting and exceeding these standards. As you begin planning your passion project, keep in mind that the best time to start a passion project is during summer vacation. Starting a passion project is one of the most productive ways to use your summers in high school . 

If you are interested in pursuing a passion project but don’t know where to start, reach out to learn how we can help you reach your high school and college goals . 

  • January 12, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Passion Projects for High Schoolers

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98 Passion Project Ideas for High School Students

July 31, 2023

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase passion projects before, but you aren’t sure what it means. Or, maybe you’re looking for a list of passion project ideas to inspire you toward your new venture. Look no further! This article will not only help you better define what passion projects are but also will provide 100 passion project ideas for high school students to choose from.

What is a Passion Project?

So, you might be wondering: what is a passion project? In short, passion projects are independent projects separate from any academic or employment requirements. Often, they take multiple forms. When someone first thinks of a passion project, they may think of a creative avenue. However, passion projects can also include community outreach and involvement, research, fundraisers, and more.

Put simply, passion projects allow you to explore a specialized interest in greater detail. With passion projects, you can refine a particular skill, talent, or trade. Not only are these activities enjoyable ways to spend your time, but also, in some (but certainly not all cases) they may make you a more desirable candidate for college admissions boards. Let’s pause to touch on that important subject for a moment…

Do I need a Passion Project to get into an Elite College?

We do not recommend spending your precious free hours in high school on a passion project unless:

  • It is something you truly wish to do with your time because you are, you know, passionate about it.
  • Your project directly relates to your areas of academic and/or career interest, in which case it may actually have admissions-related value.

What is a Passion Project? – Continued

Passion projects can prove to be a significant undertaking. From planning, organization, and time commitments, passion projects require motivation, innovation, intellectual curiosity, and dedication. These qualities will make you more appealing to any admissions board looking at prospective students. Plus, you’ll bring a unique skill set to the table from your experiences. You’ll be able to tell an admissions board more about your interests in a way transcripts can’t always demonstrate.

And the good news is, you don’t have to do it alone. While passion projects can be individual undertakings, group passion projects are also worthwhile ways to spend your time. You can build meaningful connections and relationships while also pursuing your interests. Overall, passion projects are beneficial not only for personal growth but also for giving your application a competitive edge.

So, you’re itching to begin a new project but aren’t sure where to start. This list of passion project ideas is sure to help you find what interests you!

Put Personal Interests First!

While looking for passion project ideas, it’s always a good idea to think about your personal interests first. For example, if you aren’t a person who enjoys working outdoors, it wouldn’t be the best idea to start a project requiring a lot of time in nature.

If you are looking to get an admissions-related benefit, the most worthwhile area is likely going to involve a research project based on your prospective major . Think about how your passion projects will set you on the path to future success. Maybe the skills you learn during your free time will translate well into what you want to study.

Finally, it’s important to remember that you may want to try many passion project ideas. You don’t have to stick to just one!

Passion Project Ideas for High School Students 

Below is a curated list of 98 passion project ideas for your inspiration! So you can easily find a project aligning with your interests, I’ve separated the list by category.

Community-Based Passion Project Ideas for High School Students 

1) Starting a community garden to help grow produce or even for beautification.

2) Organize a food drive to aid local food pantries.

3) Similarly, you can also host a book drive to help make literature more accessible. If you haven’t heard of Free Little Library, they are easy to create in your neighborhood and fun to organize!

4) Learn a new language to better communicate with others.

5) Organize a neighborhood garage sale for repurposing.

6) Start a letter-writing campaign to help influence political change.

7) Also, you could volunteer for a telemarketing campaign.

8) Lead tutoring sessions to help underclassmen learn new subjects.

9) Host community service events in your area to gain local involvement in relevant causes.

10) Volunteer at your local animal shelter.

11) Create campaigns to help fundraise for your desired nonprofit.

12) Host youth mentoring programs to help support and guide younger students.

13) Join a rally or protest for a cause you feel strongly about.

14) Find a pen pal to communicate with.

15) Learn ASL (American Sign Language).

16) Walk for a cause to raise awareness.

For more ideas on community service projects, check out this curated list of 100 community service project ideas .

Tech-Based Passion Project Ideas for High School Students 

17) Designing an app to help solve a problem you’ve recently noticed.

18) Learning to build and design websites for yourself or others.

19) Start a blog on a topic that feels important to you.

20) Filming a video or documentary on a social cause.

21) Once you’ve filmed, you can learn how to use editing software .

22) Create a podcast to help bring information to others.

23) Design your own video game .

24) Learn a new programming language .

25) Create a virtual tour of an area that you feel needs more attention.

26) Help lead workshops to help make technology more accessible.

27) Start your own social media campaign to raise awareness about a social cause.

28) If you’re interested in a more advanced project, you can learn the basics of 3D printing .

29) Research more about a topic of interest and curate a research paper or project about your findings.

30) Set up a digital planner to help keep you organized and share the outline with others.

31) Learn how the basics of mechanics work by deconstructing and rebuilding technologies like old computers and TVs.

32) Take a look at the stars and learn the basics of astronomy.

33) Or, learn more about astrology .

34) You can also learn the basics of meteorology .

If research is your favorite, and you enjoy learning more about technology, this list of technology research ideas would also be a good resource to help get you started.

Creative Passion Projects

35) Write short stories or poems , for yourself or for publication.

36) Likewise, you can create your own comic book or graphic novels .

37) Learn how to shoot professional photography .

38) Become a reviewer of literature or film.

39) Host a book club to share your opinions and connect with friends.

40) Record and produce your own music .

41) Similarly, you can learn how to play a new instrument .

42) Audition for local theater and hone your acting skills.

43) Teach an art class for a medium that you enjoy.

Passion Project Ideas for High School Students (Continued)

44) Learn more about interior design and redecorate your space.

45) Learn how to knit or sew to create your own unique designs.

46) Write a weekly newsletter to help spread the word on topics you care about.

47) Take an art class in a medium you’ve never tried before, like pottery or painting .

48) Sharpen your cooking skills by learning new recipes.

49) Similarly, you can indulge your sweet tooth and start baking your own desserts.

50) Once those desserts are out of the oven, you can learn how to decorate cakes and cookies.

51) Learn how to repurpose your clothing and upcycle your look.

52) Locate interesting pieces, like charms or beads, to create your own jewelry .

53) Practice the art of calligraphy and write letters to friends and family.

54) Create and design your own board game .

55) Curate your own collection of unique items you enjoy: like rocks, vintage clothing, stamps, and more!

56) Design your own wall art or mural installation to help beautify your neighborhood or to spread awareness for a social cause.

57) Try your hand at woodworking and create some unique designs.

58) Take vocal lessons to exercise your singing voice.

59) Interview your family to learn more about your family history.

60) Then, you can take a DNA test and trace your genealogy .

61) Experiment with different types of makeup to create your own unique looks.

62) When you’ve found your new look, you can add an outfit for a specialized cosplay design.

Activity-Based Projects

63) Find new bike trails to ride in your neighborhood.

64) Train for a 5K or other long-distance races. Check out this curated running race finder that organizes by state!

65) Locate the best places to spend the weekend camping.

66) Or, set the goal to camp at every National Park .

67) Plan a hiking trip to spend more time in nature and travel to new and interesting destinations.

68) Learn a new water-based sport , like surfing or diving.

69) Join your local recreational center and get involved in their offered programs.

70) Create a club sports team with your friends.

71) Take lessons for a new sport you enjoy but have never played before.

72) As well, you could lead fitness classes for activities like yoga.

73) Plan to visit every major league stadium for your favorite sport, like baseball or basketball.

74) Try out new methods of exercise , like skateboarding or rollerblading.

75) Exercise your spatial awareness by making and assembling puzzles .

76) Similarly, taking up chess could be a good way to test your strategy skills.

77) Take up daily journaling to track your thoughts.

78) Visit your local museums , like the history and art museums, to learn about your area.

79) Look up where you can compete in adventure racing , a multidisciplinary team sport involving navigating outdoor courses.

80) Try your hand at geocaching .

81) Visit new local eateries in your area to broaden your palette.

82) If you’re feeling more adventurous, seek out opportunities for zip lining.

83) Or, even white-water rafting .

84) Reach new heights at your local climbing gym .

85) Attend live music events in your area to find new bands and artists.

86) Seek out your local Comic-Con or other conventions in your area that target your interests.

87) Get into magic or sleight-of-hand and show off your new tricks.

Environmental Projects

88) Initiate a neighborhood recycling program if one is not currently available.

89) Create a cleanup initiative to help remove litter from roadways.

90) Plant trees and other native botanicals to help produce cleaner air.

91) Set up your own rain barrel to reuse water for gardening.

92) Build birdhouses for safe shelter and to better identify local wildlife.

93) Install solar panels to help reduce your home’s energy usage.

94) Initiate a water bottle campaign for reusable bottles instead of plastic ones.

95) Get involved in removing invasive species , like kudzu.

96) Establish your own hives for backyard beekeeping .

97) Grow your own food , like fresh vegetables and fruits.

98) Then, you can preserve your produce by canning

Maybe you’re interested in both technology and the environment. If you’re looking for ideas on environmental research topics, we’ve got you covered. Click here for a curated list.

Hopefully, this list has helped you answer the question: what is a passion project? With so many passion project ideas to choose from, you’ll be sure to find something that resonates with your interests. Whether it’s getting outside and exploring nature or staying home with a paper and pencil, any passion project you choose will have its benefits. Plus, you’ll be able to learn some new skills along the way. As long as you’re doing what you enjoy, any project will be a great way to spend your time.

  • Extracurricular Activities

Meghan Dairaghi

With a BA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing, Meghan has served as a writing tutor at the University of Missouri St. Louis and Maryville University. Additionally, Meghan has held editorial roles at River Styx and Boulevard, and was a prose reader at Farside Review . Most recently, her work has been featured in Belle Ombre , Flypaper Lit , and Mag 20/20 , among others, and she was nominated for the Mary Troy Prize in Fiction. 

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Best Sites for Genius Hour/Passion Projects

These top Genius Hour/Passion Project websites provide expert guidance to educators interested in implementing Genius Hour in their classrooms

Teacher assisting female students using laptop in computer lab at high school

In the age of standardized testing—and teaching to that very test—both teachers and students can be reenergized by a different way to teach and learn. Whether it’s called Genius Hour, Passion Project, or 20% Time, the principle is the same: Students learn more and benefit in multiple other ways from pursuing their own interests and taking charge of their own education. 

Yet students still need the guidance and support of their teachers to embark on such projects. That’s where the diverse Genius Hour guides and videos below can help. Most are free and created by educators with experience designing and successfully implementing Genius Hour in their classroom.  

Start planning your Genius Hour today with these outstanding methods and resources. 

The Research Behind PBL, Genius Hour, and Choice In The Classroom If you’re thinking about trying Genius Hour in your classroom, you may be interested in what the research says. Educator and author A.J. Juliani compiled, sorted, and analyzed a broad array of studies and surveys about student-directed learning. 

Gold Standard PBL: Essential Project Design Elements Do you know the seven essential design elements of project-based learning? Start planning your next Genius Hour with these helpful PBL resources, including video examples of actual student projects in architecture, chemistry, and social studies. 

Teacher's Guide to Passion Projects (Genius Hour) A fine handbook for teachers who want to understand, design, and implement Passion Project/Genius Hour, this guide includes topics such as Why work on Passion Projects, Getting Started, Assessing Progress, Example Lesson, and much more.

Building a PBL Culture Right from the Start More than a lesson plan or curriculum, project-based learning is about classroom culture. Does your classroom culture support and encourage genuine inquiry, student-directed learning and working independently? If not, try these four simple ideas to change the culture and expand learning.

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You Get to Have Your Own Genius Hour (A Video for Students) Educator John Spencer’s video serves as an enthusiastic introduction for students new to Genius Hour, as well as a prompt for passion project ideas. 

What is Project-Based Learning? John Spencer compares and contrasts project-based learning with traditional education and explains how two teachers sparked a life-long passion for learning through PBL. 

Passion Projects Fuel Student-Driven Learning Middle school teacher Maegan Bowersox provides a step-by-step template for a complete six-week passion project, from the initial setup to a sample weekly learning plan to the final presentation. Although she designed this plan for students bored by pandemic restrictions, it applies equally well to students back to the usual classroom. 

What is Genius Hour? Introduction to Genius Hour in the Classroom A forerunner of Genius Hour, Google’s 20% passion project policy allows employees to work on side projects that have special interest for them. Gmail, one of the most successful email programs ever, was such a project. Award-winning science educator Chris Kesler explains the connection between Google and Genius Hour, as well as his method of implementing Genius Hour in his classroom. 

How to Plan & Implement Genius Hour in your Elementary Classroom Elementary STEM teacher and edtech coach Maddie brings her high-voltage personality to this well-organized Genius Hour video. Watch the entire video or select time-stamped chapters of interest such as “Just Right” questions or “Research Topics.” Either way, you’ll find plenty of ideas to create your own Genius Hour.

Building Student Agency With Genius Hour Third-grade teacher Emily Deak shares her strategies for Genius Hour preparation and implementation, from brainstorming with students to identifying relevant standards to criteria for the final presentation.

Engagement Strategy Toolkits There’s no single way to construct a Genius Hour program, but engaging your students is a must. Each of these six diverse toolkits—Internships, Citizen Science, Tinkering & Making, Games, Problem-Based Learning, and Design Thinking—includes a detailed guide, standards citation, and examples of implementation. 

The Passion Project: Free Online Activities A remarkable, unique organization founded by two young women, the Passion Project pairs high school students with younger kids to create a mentoring relationship from which both learn and benefit. Students can sign up for fall classes or apply to become a student leader now. 

Cama School District Passion Project Rubrics Everything needed to plan and execute their own Genius Hour is within this document and the linked action plan, assessment rubric, presentation rubric, and Common Core standards. Ideal for educators who are ready to implement one this semester.

Teachers Pay Teachers Passion Projects Explore hundreds of passion project lessons, classroom-tested and rated by your fellow teachers. Searchable by grade, standards, subject, price (nearly 200 free lessons!), rating, and type of resource. 

  • How to Teach Project-Based Learning in a Virtual Classroom  
  • How It’s Done: Using Tech-PBL to Reach Struggling Students  
  • Awesome Articles for Students: Websites and Other Resources

Diana has been Tech & Learning's web editor and contributor since 2010, dedicated to ferreting out the best free tech tools for teachers.


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How to Implement Passion Projects for Elementary Students (Stress-free!)

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Genius Hour (passion project or 20 percent time) is an incredible way to bring student choice, inquiry-driven learning and differentiation into the classroom. If you’re not familiar with it, read this post outlining the what and why of Genius Hour first.

If you know you want to implement Genius Hour, but aren’t sure how, this post will break down everything you need to start passion projects for elementary students.

I’ll be going through how to start a passion project, the 6 main steps and some ideas and resources for you.

Table of Contents

The genius hour framework.

There’s no one way to do Genius Hour in the classroom. However, there are a few main components to organizing a successful project.

Firstly, consider how you want to schedule your Genius Hour projects. I like to do about one hour each week (Friday afternoons are perfect for this). In this way, I can make it a more integral part of my Literacy program and keep it running for longer.

Other teachers, prefer to make it a standalone project and work on it every day for a month or so. Depending on your schedule and preferences, this is up to you but think ahead and plan for the duration of the project.

Make sure you’re familiar with exactly how you want to plan, organize and run your passion projects for students. They’re going to be getting a lot of freedom with this so if you’re not clear on your expectations it could get wild quickly!

passion project presentation examples


Get everything you need to run Genius Hour in your classroom. Teacher notes, student pages, assessment + a bulletin board set with student resources!

How to Start a Passion Project

In my experience, students have a (surprisingly) hard time identifying their passions and choosing their initial topic. There’s a good chance your students are used to being given a lot more direction and can feel a little overwhelmed to start. So start prepping them, and building excitement early.

I would highly recommend only doing Genius Hour after you’ve taught Asking Questions Reading Comprehension Strategy . This will make the task of choosing their inquiry question for their passion project much easier. We learn about thick and thin questions and become familiar using a Q-Chart.

Reading books like The Junkyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco is a wonderful way to build interest and celebrate creativity, innovation and risk-taking.

I also created a Genius Hour Prezi with a few videos and action tasks to introduce the concept and get students excited about it.

There are 6 main steps to completing Genius Hour in the classroom:

  • Brainstorming passions
  • Choosing a topic
  • Researching
  • Creating a product
  • Presenting finished project

Brainstorming Passions

I take my students through some brainstorming questions to help them think about things they feel strongly about, love to do, or would love to learn.

Once students have some general ideas, let them think of possible topic ideas and develop ‘burning questions’. The one main rule here is that the question cannot be answered with a simple Google search.

This is where having pre-taught Questioning comes in. My students are familiar with the Q-Chart and thick and thin questions. Inquiry questions must be ‘thick questions’. Essentially, how and why questions are great!

This is where the bulk of my Genius Hour lesson plans come into play. The quality of their idea generation and topic selection will determine the success of the entire assignment.

Passion project resources and ideas for elementary classrooms.

Choose a Topic

I have a conference with every student when they think they have a couple of possible questions. It takes a little time but is worth it to make sure all students have a high-quality question that will really allow them to delve deep and get good research.

If questions are a little to ‘thin’, I give them some ideas on how they can adjust them to make it ‘meatier’. Or they can change directions if they choose.

Have students consider the type of final product they could create with their topic at this stage as well. While they can definitely change their minds, it helps them visualize the direction and depth of their topic.

Passion Project Ideas

Some teachers will give possible Genius hour topics or give suggestions. I prefer to leave it wide open for my students to be as creative as possible when brainstorming their passion project ideas.

My only ‘rules’ are that it:

  • must be something they feel strongly about and want to become an ‘expert’ in,
  • includes a final product (this could be considered the passion project part) that will be shared so the intended audience must be considered,
  • makes the world better somehow. *I define this loosely as it benefitting themselves, the class, school, community or world at large.

When everyone has a topic, it’s time to research. I encourage students to use a variety of sources: books, websites, newspapers, documentaries, first person interviews…

This is a great time to book the computer lab, Chromebook cart or whatever your school has for technology as well as a visit to the library.

My role is mostly that of a facilitator at this point. I ensure students are on task, help where needed and give suggestions if they are getting stuck.

I have a list of age-appropriate websites available to make this a little easier as well. I post each one on our Genius Hour bulletin board with a QR code so students can easily access each site.

Genius Hour bulletin board mockup with 20 percent time project ideas and research links.

Final Product

Every passion project needs to end with a product to be shared. Encourage students to go beyond the usual powerpoint or poster (unless that truly is the best format for their topic).

This is the perfect time to be creative and try something new.

Students might create a video, give a performance or demonstration, present a skit/song/poem, make a model, create a website… The possibilities are endless.

Again, I created a list of possible passion project ideas for students to help give students some inspiration and think outside the box. These also get posted on our bulletin board right at the beginning of the project. I didn’t do this the first time around and I got a whole lot of posters!


Finally, students present their Genius Hour passion projects to the class. You could even bring in a wider audience: a younger class, their peers, the principal, parents or community leaders.

I actually build this in throughout the project rather than save it all to the end. However, the important thing is to allow time for students to reflect on the experience.

After work sessions, I have my students reflect on what they accomplished, what they need to be successful moving forward (and plan for it), what goals they will set for their next work session and so on.

At the end of the entire project, students might consider their learning, the challenges they experienced, the parts they enjoyed most, the work ethic they demonstrated…

Depending on the age of your students, reflection might look a little different but it’s an important part of learning that is easily overlooked.

Sample student pages on a desk with a laptop and pencil.  Research and reflection pages in Genius Hour Passion Project resource pack.

How to Assess Passion Projects

I was hesitant to implement Genius Hour at first because I wasn’t sure how to assess something that was so open-ended. Every student has very different passion project ideas, topics and final products so where do you start?

While it is absolutely possible to tie this into a subject area, i.e., environmental issues for Science or important historical figures for Social Studies, I prefer to keep it wide open.

I realized that, despite the differentiation, every single Language Arts strand was being addressed.

  • Reading was happening during the research phase,
  • Writing was covered during both the research and final product creation,
  • Oral Communication was happening during the final presentation, and
  • Media was being created by every single student for their final product (albeit different forms of media).

I created a generic rubric for each of the 4 Language Arts strands. They are based on the Ontario Expectations but open-ended enough that they work for different projects and different grades.

Language Arts rubrics for assessing Passion Projects for Students in elementary grades 4 - 8.

20 Percent Time Project Ideas

Some of the projects my students have created over the years include:

  • Learning a musical instrument,
  • Learning to master a video game,
  • Learning to build a website,
  • How to bake the perfect cupcake,
  • How to become an excellent watercolour artist,
  • Build a functional bathouse…

As you can see, the topics are as varied as the students behind them!

passion project presentation examples

Get Ready-to-use Passion Project Resources for your Classroom!

✓ Teacher notes

✓ Student pages

✓ Assessment

✓ Bulletin board set with student resources

Passion Projects for Elementary Students

I’m not going to lie, these projects are not a walk in the park to get started. It takes some work the first time around but once you get the ball rolling you won’t look back! I haven’t been able to do it yet, but I envision a class where this runs year round and students just take as long as they need to finish one passion project idea before rolling into the next one!

Are you ready to get started with Genius Hour in your classroom? Reach out with any questions and I would love to hear how it goes!

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Students working on laptops with sample resources available to implement passion projects for elementary students.

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227 Best Passion-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 227 best passion templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the passion-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your passion-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with passion - Deep purple passion fruit flower with bright green leaves

Deep purple passion fruit flower with bright green leaves

 Presentation with passion - Amazing slide deck having passiflora-caerulea-known backdrop and a white colored foreground

Slide deck having passiflora caerulea known also as the passion flowers or passion vines on a white background

 Presentation with passion - PPT theme consisting of passion fruit flower - passionflower isolated on white background background and a white colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of passionflower isolated on white background

 Presentation with passion - Presentation design enhanced with passion fruit flower - passionflower isolated on white background background and a white colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with passionflower isolated on white background

 Presentation with passion - Presentation design having passion fruit lemonade garnished background and a gold colored foreground

Presentation design having passion fruit lemonade garnished with lime and mint

 Presentation with passion - Amazing presentation having bowl smoothie with passion fruit backdrop and a teal colored foreground

Presentation having acai bowl smoothie with passion fruit maracuya seeds banana and raspberries

 Presentation with passion - PPT theme having passion fruit flower - passionflower isolated on white background background and a blonde colored foreground

PPT theme having passionflower isolated on white background

 Presentation with passion - Presentation having professional dancers perform latino dance background and a wine colored foreground

Presentation having professional dancers perform latino dance passion and expression background

 Presentation with passion - Amazing PPT layouts having passion-lovers-passionate-couple backdrop and a coral colored foreground

PPT layouts having passion lovers - passionate couple in love hugging in summer sunset

 Presentation with passion - Presentation design having passion fruits on wooden background background and a red colored foreground

Presentation design having passion fruits on wooden background background

 Presentation with passion - PPT theme enhanced with parkour or free running background and a gray colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with two athletic young britons engage in their passion for parkour or free running on the seafront at great yarmouth

 Presentation with passion - Slide deck with passion fruit flower - passionflower isolated on white background background and a blonde colored foreground

Slide deck with passionflower isolated on white background background

 Presentation with passion - Slide set consisting of passions - passion fruits on wooden background background and a coral colored foreground

Slide set consisting of passion fruits on wooden background

 Presentation with passion - Amazing PPT layouts having  backdrop and a  colored foreground.

PPT layouts having green passion fruit isolated on white background close-up

 Presentation with passion - Cool new presentation theme with all you need is love backdrop and a soft green colored foreground

Presentation theme with all you need is love strong message of love urban window covered with raindrops romantic relations after a first date love and passion concept

 Presentation with passion - Amazing theme having passion flower passiflora backdrop and a seafoam green colored foreground

Theme having passion flower passiflora

 Presentation with passion - Cool new slide set with passion week - closeup of an old christian backdrop and a black colored foreground

Slide set with closeup of an old christian crucifix on a rustic wooden surface backdrop

 Presentation with passion - Cool new presentation design with passion dance team - group backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation design with passion dance team - group of urban hip hop dancer exercising dance training in studio

 Presentation with passion - Slide set with passion fruits background and a yellow colored foreground

Slide set with passion fruits

 Presentation with passion - Presentation design consisting of quote background and a dark gray colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of quote on do it with passion written on letterboard

 Presentation with passion - Colorful PPT theme enhanced with green passion fruit isolated backdrop and a yellow colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with green passion fruit isolated on white background close-up backdrop

 Presentation with passion - PPT theme with green passion fruit with cosmetical background and a gold colored foreground

PPT theme with green passion fruit with cosmetical cream on green background close-up

 Presentation with passion - Presentation design with isolated passion fruit background and a soft green colored foreground

Presentation design with isolated passion fruit

 Presentation with passion - Presentation theme enhanced with dark-purple-passion-fruits background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with dark purple passion fruits or maracuja with green leaves on white background

 Presentation with passion - PPT theme with passion fruit flowers background and a white colored foreground

PPT theme with passion fruit flowers background

 Presentation with passion - Theme featuring four passion fruit halves background and a  colored foreground

Theme featuring four passion fruit halves on a white background

 Presentation with passion - Audience pleasing PPT theme consisting of passion fruit backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of passion fruit

 Presentation with passion - Presentation design having passion fruit flower background and a white colored foreground

Presentation design having passion fruit flower

 Presentation with passion - Colorful slide deck enhanced with passion fruit flower backdrop and a cream colored foreground

Slide deck enhanced with passion fruit flower backdrop

 Presentation with passion - Amazing slides having overhead of two passion fruit backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slides having overhead of two passion fruit and spoon with passion fruit pulp on wooden table

 Presentation with passion - Amazing presentation having green passion fruit isolated backdrop and a white colored foreground

Presentation having green passion fruit isolated on white background close-up

 Presentation with passion - Slide deck with two passion fruit and two background and a white colored foreground

Slide deck with two passion fruit and two halves on a white background background

 Presentation with passion - Presentation theme enhanced with green passion fruit with cosmetical cream on white background close-up background and a white colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with green passion fruit with cosmetical cream on white background close-up

 Presentation with passion - Presentation featuring ikigai-is-the-sweet-spot background and a yellow colored foreground

Presentation featuring ikigai is the sweet spot where your passion skills and purpose intersect inspirational writing on a stack of handmade paper lifestyle and career concept

 Presentation with passion - Cool new presentation with professional dancers perform latino dance backdrop and a wine colored foreground

Presentation with professional dancers perform latino dance passion and expression

 Presentation with passion - Cool new theme with christmas decorations balls toys and gift boxes on an old wooden board female hands make christmas decorations backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground.

Theme with business man pointing to transparent board with text find your passion

 Presentation with passion - Slide set enhanced with church giving - jesus christ calvary man bleeding background and a ocean colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with jesus christ calvary man bleeding representation of passion with crown of thorns

 Presentation with passion - Amazing slide deck having passiflora flower backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck having passiflora flower backdrop

 Presentation with passion - Amazing slide deck having passion action - it is game time mixed backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Slide deck having it is game time mixed media

 Presentation with passion - Slides having passion fruit flower - acai bowl with berries background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slides having acai bowl with berries and maraqua breakfast food healthy lifestyle concept background

More passion templates for powerpoint and google slides:.


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Passion Project Workshop

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Do you have a great passion in life? For example, we are design enthusiasts - so we started a company! Okay, well it's not that simple, "chase your dreams" is easy to say, but sometimes it's complicated. How then to develop your dream project? How to set up a themed hotel in Hawaii? This elegant template serves to give a workshop on how to achieve your great passion. The slides are 100% customizable, so you can add the content you want because there is no single key to achieve our dreams - share your most personal experience! Download this template to prepare a passionate workshop.

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  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
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Passion projects - a variation on genius hour for upper elementary students

Passion Projects – A Variation on Genius Hour in Upper Elementary

Ever wanted to try genius hour or a passion project in your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade classroom?  Check out how another teacher has made this work in her classroom!  This is a great project to do after testing is over but before the end of the year.  

Written by Guest Blogger Kelly Honn

For a long time I had wanted to try genius hour, but was having trouble finding the time to do it. So, I decided to figure out a way to incorporate it into my ELA block that I teach for all of 5th grade. With that being said, these projects can easily be used in most grade levels by adjusting the levels of support given to the students.

Teaching informational writing lends itself perfectly to incorporating more student voice and choice into their learning. Passion projects give the kids a chance to stop and think, “What do I love and want to learn more about?”

Before the big introduction to this project, I teach the kids the basics of responsible searching, evaluating websites, and how to summarize, paraphrase and quote the information they find.

Introducing Passion Projects

This is an exciting day! I share photographs and discuss the things I am passionate about: my family, my pets, teaching, all things Disney, travel and photography. Then I share a Google Slide presentation with them that has an empty slide for each student to create a collage of all the things they love and that make them feel excited.

Once all the slides are finished, each student shares their slide and why they included each of the items they did.

Deciding on a Topic

Next, the students need to decide what they will focus on for their project. They begin by thinking about what they included on their slide. Then they narrow it down to one topic.

At this point, I meet with the students to determine if their topic is manageable as is, or if they need to narrow it down to something they can more easily work with for the project.

Once the kids have determined their topic, they go full blast ahead into their research. Since I’ve done this two years in a row, I’ve learned a few things along the way. The excitement is so intense for this project, that they need some time to just explore.

We spend a few class periods just looking for information that will help them. I don’t require them to take notes at this point, but many will. I just keep reminding them to bookmark any sites they would like to revisit later.

Working on the Passion Project

While students are in this phase, it’s extremely important to keep encouraging them to think outside the box. The internet is a great starting point, but I also push them to reach out to people who can help them.

Sometimes this means emailing like one of my students who e-mailed NASA for more information or another student who e-mailed the Humane Society. Most students who e-mail or make phone calls (we also had a lesson on phone etiquette) did receive responses and were delighted to hear what the professionals had to say.

We were able to find some local experts and they came in for interviews. One student’s project was all about being a policeman. He created a video interviewing his policeman father and the whole class was able to see the inside of his police car and how it all worked! How fun is that?

As the writing teacher, I did incorporate the students writing informational text. How they did this was up to them. Some created Google Slides, Powtoons, Prezis, videos, posters, tri-folds, their own inventive creations or even their own website!

The students knew they would be presenting to each other what they learned. We had a discussion about how boring it would be if everyone presented the same way, so it became somewhat of a competition to try and do something no one else was doing.

The kids become so enthralled with this project they really want to work on it at home. This was hard for me to allow as I want it to be their project, not something they helped mom and dad with at home. However, they were so excited, I did permit them to work at home after a solemn oath it would be their own work!

When completing a passion project, encourage 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to come up with a unique way of presenting their information

These students are performing a reader’s theater script that a student wrote to further explain her passion project.

The Presentations

When the work was complete, it was time for the kids to present their learning. On the morning we started the presentations, I rearranged the furniture in my room so that all the tables were in the back and all our flexible seating options were available towards the front of the room for the audience.

There were so many amazing presentations that involved things like their own videos they created with their Chromebook with websites such as WeVideo or videos they made on their phones, reviews using Quizizz, Kahoot, or just pen and paper, performed experiments, wrote poems, played their instruments, and shared artwork or items they created based on what they learned.

It took several class periods to get through all the presentations, and I was worried the excitement would wane, but they were enthralled with each other and couldn’t wait to come to class each day to see the other presentations.

Room set up for passion project presentation

Room setup for passion project presentations.


These passion projects are such an amazing and motivating activity to bring into the classroom. Even though I did this with my 5th grade students, it is easy to adapt to any grade level (for example, 3rd grade or 4th grade). Passion projects involve so many of our learning standards at every grade level, and as their teacher it is inspiring to see just what our kids really can do when we step back and give them a chance to be more in control of their learning. 

At the end of the school year in May, my students had several PBL options for some activities. I worked hard to put all of the options together and create activities for them, however, many students actually just wanted to do another passion project!  That was such a validation for me that they were a raving success!

Passion projects are great to do at the end of the school year - but you might also like these other end of year ideas.

Never Stress Over Sub Plans Again!


Make copies, find a fiction book, and you'll be ready for any emergency that comes your way!

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passion project presentation examples

A Comprehensive Guide on High School Senior Capstone Projects (With Examples)

Senior capstone projects

Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/26/24

As you near the end of your high school journey, it's time to explore the world of senior capstone projects.

If you're a high school student, especially in your senior year, you're likely gearing up for the culmination of your academic journey: the senior capstone project. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about capstone projects, complete with examples to spark your inspiration and help you succeed. Whether you're just starting to explore project ideas or fine-tuning your plans, you've come to the right place!

What Is a Capstone Project?

A capstone project is like the grand finale of your academic or personal journey. It's a focused effort that you tackle within a set timeframe, bringing together everything you've learned or accomplished. Unlike a passion project , which you can work on whenever you feel like it, a capstone project has a clear deadline.

For instance, let’s say you're a culinary arts student nearing graduation. Your passion lies in sustainable cooking practices, and for your capstone project, you decide to create a cookbook featuring locally sourced, eco-friendly recipes. 

Your cookbook project demands months of research, recipe development, testing, and layout design. It's a big commitment that demonstrates your expertise in culinary arts and your dedication to sustainable food practices.

Similarly, in school, a capstone project could take various forms, such as conducting research on a scientific topic, developing a business plan, or creating a multimedia presentation. These projects all reflect your broader interests and passions, demonstrating your skills and knowledge in a specific area.

Overall, your capstone project in high school is a major milestone, allowing you to demonstrate your expertise, creativity, and dedication. It's a chance to bring everything you've learned together and show what you're capable of achieving.

Different Between Capstone and Passion Project

Capstone projects are typically a mandatory part of a school or college program. They're serious business involving thorough research, problem-solving, and often collaboration with teachers or experts. The goal is to demonstrate your mastery of the subject matter and readiness to tackle real-world challenges.

On the other hand, passion projects are all about following your interests and doing something you love. You could focus on writing a novel, starting a community project, or diving into a hobby—passion projects are driven by personal motivation rather than academic requirements. They're more flexible and allow you to explore your passions on your own terms.

So, while both capstone and passion projects are valuable ways to dive deep into a topic you're passionate about, capstone projects are more structured and tied to academic goals, while passion projects offer more freedom and personal expression.

How to Find Ideas for Capstone Project

Looking for capstone project ideas? Let's take a look at some effective strategies to spark inspiration and find the perfect project for you.

Follow Your Interests

Think about what excites you the most. Do you love helping the environment or dreaming up better ways to teach? Pick a topic that really speaks to you. When you're passionate about what you're working on, you'll stay motivated and focused from start to finish.

Use What You've Learned

Consider the subjects you've learned in school. Think about how you can use that knowledge to solve real-life issues. For example, if you've studied marketing, you could create a marketing plan for a nearby business. Or, if you're good at finance, you could analyze a company's finances and propose ways to make them better.

Don't hesitate to reach out to your professors, advisors, or mentors for guidance. They've been through similar experiences and can offer valuable insights and suggestions. They might even be able to connect you with industry contacts or organizations that could provide support or resources for your project. Their feedback can help you refine your ideas and ensure you're on the right track.

Check Feasibility

As you narrow down your options, it's crucial to assess the feasibility of each potential project idea. Consider factors such as the availability of resources, the complexity of the task, and your own time constraints. 

While you want to choose a project that's challenging and meaningful, it's also essential to be realistic about what you can accomplish within the given timeframe. Setting achievable goals will increase your chances of success and prevent unnecessary stress along the way.

Identify Current Issues

Keep up to date with the latest news and trends in your field of study or topics that interest you. Identify important issues or new challenges that you could focus on for your capstone project. By addressing relevant and current topics, you can actively contribute to important discussions and possibly have a bigger impact with your project.

Consider Community Needs

Consider the issues that matter most to your local community or a specific group of people. Is there a problem or something missing that you could help with through your project? By talking to people in your community through volunteer work or doing surveys, you can find project ideas that match real needs and make a positive impact.

Broaden Your Horizons

Think outside the box! Don't stick to just one subject for your capstone project. Instead, think about how you can mix ideas from different areas. By combining different perspectives, you can come up with creative and innovative solutions that you might not have thought of otherwise. This can make your project stand out and bring new insights to your work.

Look for Inspiration from Previous Projects

When searching for ideas for your capstone project, take a look at projects completed by students who came before you. Looking at successful past projects can give you helpful ideas about topics, methods, and how big your project should be. 

Remember, it's important not to copy someone else's work exactly, but you can use it to inspire your own unique ideas and ways of doing things.

Think About Long-Term Goals

Think about how your capstone project can help you achieve your long-term goals, both in school and beyond. Are there particular skills you want to improve or experiences you want to have during the project? By making sure your project connects to your bigger plans, you can make it even more meaningful and helpful for your future journey.

Stay Flexible and Open-Minded

Stay open to exploring new directions and adjusting your project as you learn and receive feedback. Sometimes, the best projects come from unexpected changes or improvements along the way. Stay flexible and welcome the chance to learn and develop throughout your capstone project. 

By blending your interests, what you've learned in school, and advice from mentors, you can create a capstone project that shows off your abilities and makes a difference in your field or community.

Tips on How to Execute Capstone Project

Ready to tackle your capstone project head-on? Here are some practical tips to guide you through the execution process smoothly.

Junior Fall

Brainstorm Ideas : This is your chance to explore a wide range of topics and ideas that pique your interest. Consider what issues or subjects you're passionate about, what challenges you want to address, or what questions you want to explore further. Keep an open mind and jot down any potential project ideas that come to mind, even if they seem unconventional at first.

Set Goals : Once you've generated some project ideas, it's time to clarify your objectives. Think about what you want to accomplish with your capstone project and break it down into smaller, actionable goals. Consider both short-term goals, such as completing research or gathering resources, and long-term goals, such as presenting your findings or implementing a solution.

Junior Spring

Recruit and Fundraise : Depending on the scope of your project, you may need additional support from teammates or financial resources. Reach out to classmates, friends, or faculty members who share your interests and might be interested in collaborating on the project. Additionally, explore fundraising opportunities to secure funding for project-related expenses, such as materials, equipment, or travel.

Hit Milestones : As you begin working on your project, set specific milestones to track your progress and stay on schedule. These milestones could include completing research, conducting experiments or surveys, drafting project proposals or reports, or presenting preliminary findings to peers or advisors. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your approach as needed to ensure you're meeting your goals.

Rising Senior Summer

Stay Busy : Although summer break is a time for relaxation, don't let your momentum wane. Dedicate consistent time each week to work on your capstone project, whether it's conducting research, analyzing data, drafting project documents, or refining your presentation skills. Establish a schedule and stick to it to maintain progress and prevent last-minute rushes.

Stay Connected : While you may be physically distanced from campus during the summer months, stay connected with your advisors, mentors, or project collaborators through email, phone calls, or virtual meetings. Keep them updated on your progress, seek their input or feedback when needed, and leverage their expertise to overcome any challenges you encounter.

Senior Fall

Keep Pushing : As the new school year begins, ramp up your efforts and focus on achieving your project goals. Set new objectives for the upcoming semester and prioritize tasks that will bring you closer to project completion. If your project involves organizing events, conducting experiments, or presenting findings, plan and execute these activities with diligence and attention to detail.

Senior Spring

Plan Ahead : As you approach the final months of your capstone project, take time to reflect on your accomplishments and consider the next steps. Evaluate the impact of your project, gather feedback from stakeholders or participants, and identify any areas for improvement or follow-up activities. Prepare for project completion by documenting your findings, finalizing project deliverables, and communicating your results to relevant audiences.

By following these guidelines and staying committed to your goals, you'll be well-equipped to execute your capstone project successfully and make meaningful contributions to your field of study or community.

Common Mistakes

Let's take a look at nine common mistakes students make in their capstone projects, along with tips on how to sidestep them.

Choosing a Topic That’s Too Broad

Your topic should be relevant to your field of study, but many students make the mistake of selecting broad topics that lack focus. To avoid this, consult with professors or career advisors to narrow down your focus and ensure your topic is both relevant and manageable.

Choosing a Topic You Don’t Really Care About

Passion is key to success. If you're not genuinely interested in your topic, your motivation and enthusiasm will dwindle over time. Select a topic that excites you and aligns with your interests to stay engaged throughout the project.

Not Doing Your Research Properly

Research is the backbone of your project. Skipping this step or relying on inaccurate information can derail your project. Take the time to conduct thorough research, cite credible sources, and ensure the accuracy of your findings.

Not Writing Your Paper in the Correct Format

A well-structured paper is essential for clarity and coherence. Follow a standard format, including sections such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, and conclusion, to ensure your paper is organized and easy to follow.

Not Taking Advantage of All the Resources Available

Don't overlook the resources at your disposal, whether it's the library, the internet, peers, professors , or academic advisors. Utilize these resources for research, guidance, feedback, and support throughout your project.

Not Proofreading Thoroughly Enough

Typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies can undermine the credibility of your project. Take the time to proofread your work multiple times, or enlist the help of a peer or professional proofreader to ensure your paper is error-free.

Forgetting to Reference Your Sources

Proper citation is essential to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original sources of information. Ensure you cite all sources accurately and consistently throughout your paper, following the required citation style guidelines.

Poor Presentation

Your presentation is the final show of your hard work. Neglecting to prepare adequately or rushing through your presentation can detract from the quality of your project. Practice your presentation, create engaging visuals, and rehearse your delivery to captivate your audience.

Waiting Until the Last Minute to Start Writing Your Paper

Procrastination is a common pitfall that can lead to rushed and subpar work. Start early, create a timeline, and break down your project into manageable tasks to avoid last-minute stress and ensure a polished final product.

By steering clear of these common mistakes and approaching your capstone project with diligence and dedication, you'll set yourself up for success and leave a lasting impression with your academic masterpiece.

Ideas and Examples of Capstone Projects

Need some capstone project ideas for high school? Let’s take a look at some high school capstone project examples. 

  • Study green marketing strategies that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.


  • Develop a system to detect red traffic lights using image processing for safer roads.
  • Create a solar panel system with adjustable angles to maximize energy capture.
  • Analyze how social media can be used to effectively engage and retain customers through content marketing strategies.
  • Design educational programs for nurses on asthma care and point-of-care testing protocols for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Computer Science

  • Develop a smartphone interface for managing medical records to improve accessibility and patient engagement.
  • Design a web-based survey system for collecting feedback and analysis in academic or business settings.
  • Evaluate the impact of project management practices on the success of political campaigns.
  • Assess how technology influences accounting practices and the effectiveness of accounting software in improving financial reporting.
  • Explore the benefits of virtual classrooms and digital engagement strategies for remote learning.

Information Technology

  • Investigate cybersecurity issues and propose solutions to protect against threats like intrusion and data breaches.
  • Create object recognition systems using machine learning for security surveillance and image analysis.

Looking to gain clarity on your senior capstone project? Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you through the process.

1. How Does a Capstone Project Differ from Other High School Projects?

A high school capstone project typically involves more in-depth research and interdisciplinary exploration compared to other projects.

2. How Do I Choose a Topic for My High School Capstone Project?

To choose a topic for your high school capstone project, consider your interests, skills, and academic goals, and seek advice from teachers or mentors.

3. Are High School Capstone Projects Required for Graduation?

High school capstone projects are not always required for graduation and can vary depending on the school or program.

4. Can High School Capstone Projects Be Related to Extracurricular Activities?

Yes, high school capstone projects can be related to extracurricular activities and allow students to integrate their interests and experiences into their academic projects.

Final Thoughts

In short, high school senior capstone projects are your chance to shine. By picking the right topic, steering clear of common pitfalls, and tapping into available resources, you can leave a lasting mark. Whether it's in marketing, engineering, education, or any other field, capstone projects let you show off your skills and get ready for what's next.

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Why you need to start using passion projects.

  • Increase Engagement
  • Individualized Learning
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Bring Excitement To Your Classroom With Passion Projects!

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Passion Projects are more than just an alternative teaching method – they’re a way to keep students engaged, to promote creativity, and to enhance their understanding and love for learning.

It can all begin with a single sample lesson.

Fuel your child’s passion for learning with a sample introductory lesson of our unique Passion Projects Unit. Sign up today and open up a world of discovery for your young learner!

Here’s a sample of what’s inside your free passion project lesson.

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    Passion Projects are more than just an alternative teaching method - they're a way to keep students engaged, to promote creativity, and to enhance their understanding and love for learning. It can all begin with a single sample lesson. Fuel your child's passion for learning with a sample introductory lesson of our unique Passion Projects ...

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