Essay on Women Education in India for Students and Children

500 words essay on women education in india.

Our India is a developing country. Moreover, it is one of the largest democracies. Since the day of Independence , our country has remarkable development in all the fields. And this was all possible because of the increase in education for all the genders. The gender equality took the country to new heights.

Essay on Women Education in India

Furthermore, the involvement of women in all sectors has increased India’s growth rate. Now women are taking over every sector of society. That, in turn, is helping to expand our countries’ literacy rate.

Without any denial, we can say that women’s education is a major step toward success. Furthermore, from the day of the independence of women’s literacy rate is increasing. From 8.6% it is now at 64%. The success rate of the country in women’s literacy is quite high. But still, there are some reasons women are not able to emerge in a proper manner.

Setbacks of the Women Education System

Women’s literacy rate is increasing day by day but still due to some reasons the growth is hampering. The main reason for this is a crime against women. Various crimes against women take place every day. Because of which women are not able to roam freely on the roads.

Crimes like Rape, women trafficking, murders, abortion of a girl child are a shame for the country. Furthermore, these crimes are prevalent, though being us in the 21st Century. This is a huge setback for the growth of our country.

Moreover, in some rural areas like small villages, girls are not allowed to go to school. They are confined at home to take care of the house. Because the people there still consider that women are only made to take care of the house by staying back at home. Also, gender discrimination and male superiority are still common.

Furthermore one of the main reasons for the reduced women literacy rate is the population of women in the entire country. In a recent survey, for 1000 men there were only 936 women. This represents the scarcity of female gender in our society. However, there are many steps that the government is taking to promote women’s education.

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How can we Promote Women’s Education?

The promotion of women’s education should begin from the rural areas. Awareness to educate a female child in different villages should take place. Moreover, diverting the mindset of the parents towards the education of women.

Furthermore, various schools should get constructed in villages. So that the female child may feel safe and have to travel for shorter distances. Proper security for the women should be there so that the women may not hesitate in coming out of their houses.

Also, strict actions and punishment should be there for any crime against woman. So that the criminals may think of committing any crime.

In the past years, the government passed a major bill. It was to make the abortion of the female child a criminal act. This helped a lot in increasing the birt rate of the female child. Moreover various campaigns like “ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao ” took place. To promote women’s empowerment. This further changed the mindset of the people.

FAQs on Women Education in India

Q1. Why is Women’s Education important in India?

A1. Women’s Education is important because it could change the face of the country. Moreover to increase the literacy rate of the country.

Q2. What are the setbacks of women’s education?

A2. The setbacks of women’s education are gender discrimination, a crime against women. In rural areas, women are not sent to school because of the family’s ancient cultures. Also abandoning of the female child is also a major reason.

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Why educating women is more important than we realize

female education india essay

The Times of India

The Stri or the Female Energy is the creatrix, mother of all gods, conqueror of all evil, dispenser of all boons in the Indian culture. She is considered the divine power of the universe from where all beings are born. This divine female energy is worshipped with intense adoration and devotion in India.

Yet, it is in India itself that we find the most intense contradiction towards the female shakti.

On one hand we surrender to the divine Durga to protect us and on the other hand we look down upon the feminine principle with condemnation, contempt, cause of all failures, source of lust and miseries.

An Indian woman suffers this wrath both in her mind and heart right from her birth. She struggles to understand her true role, position, and identity in human society. She lives in a dilemma, wondering whether to relate to the feminine deities being erected all around her or to an unborn female avatar which was never allowed to be born.

Since ancient times women have not been denied legal, social, and educational rights in India but certainly in practise they have been more preoccupied and confined to domestic affairs and that is where their social subordination began.

Despite such subjugation, women have survived important roles such as bold householders, strong mothers, queens, administrators, warriors, elected representatives and leaders. Therefore, despite oppression and denial, India has, time and again, truly experienced the shakti of this female creative force.

The way forward for India and humans in general is to treat the Female Shakti (The Feminine Powerhouse) with respect, deep regard, equal access to experiences, learning and opportunities. All sexes should be allowed to find, above all sexual differences, their full inner potential.

India, the land of diversity and contrast, India the ardent worshipper of the Shakti-The Durga can perhaps lead mankind into human success based in deep regard for the deep inner potential, intellectual prowess and ingenuity of women. Denying women their due place is denying mankind its due success.

Women Across the Globe

The battle for legal, civil, social, and educational equality is a central element of woman’s rights globally. However, a deeper understanding of the women’s needs has revealed that in daily life they struggle to voice their objections and opinions, struggle to agree or disagree, condemn, or promote, speak, share, discuss, and struggle to manage, participate and lead.

Therefore, it would not be incorrect to state that the battle is only half won if the women get access to education and opportunities but no access to exercise their will.

Women across the globe may be characterized by diversity in feminine energy and feminine approach to life, work, family, and society yet their basic emotional, psychological, physical, mental, intellectual, social, professional, and creative needs tie them together to a common cause. The common cause being-women across the globe want to be active participants and decision makers in their own lives and refuse the passivity that is expected of them.

A modern progressive woman prides herself with all her feminine virtues. She wishes to embrace her own self in entirety not to put men down but only to break out of an oppressed state so that she can realize her own untapped full potential.

Women today are capable of and want to accumulate the advantages of both the sexes, but she is not willing to pay an unfair price for achieving this. For instance, a young mother wants the right to work or not to work to lie within the realms of her decision-making powers.

She wishes to be able to make a choice between scenarios where in one she wishes to fully involve herself in her motherhood and suspend her professional aspirations without being made to feel undeserving or financially dependent. Or in another scenario where she wishes to strike a balance between her motherhood and professional duties and yet not labelled as irresponsible and selfish. Such a state of choice with dignity would be true liberation for a young mother.

Equal Education is a Steppingstone Towards Gender Equality, Quality Socialization and Economic Growth

Denying women access to equal and quality education opportunities encourages gender segregation and stereotypical behaviour in society. Perceptions towards gender roles are sowed by members of family and society very early on in the lives of men and women which adversely impacts the quality of the socialization process.

Creating gender neutral learning environments can serve as a steppingstone to quality socialization. This in turn can help in creating favourable position for women in creative, scientific, technological, professional endeavours and lessen their personal and social struggles.

Any society that denies and discourages women from boldly participating in the learning process is only encouraging biased patterns that are deeply rooted in promoting the influential masculine identity.

Quality education can help both men and women understand these deep-seated issues in our society, raise their collective and individual levels of awareness, understand the importance of all people, irrespective of sex, in building a healthy and conscious society. In order to ensure sustainable development, it has become imperative to recognize the importance of all the sexes.

When a girl is educated, she is empowered. She can make her own decisions, raise the standard of living for her family and children, create more job opportunities, and reform society as a whole. As a result, a shift in attitudes toward girl child education in India is urgently needed. Every girl child deserves to be treated with love and respect. If all girls complete their education and participate in the workforce, India could add a whopping $770 billion to the country’s GDP by 2025!

Some Important Statistics

As per statistics presented by UNICEF, 129 million girls are out of school around the world, including 32 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67 million of upper-secondary school age.

Borgen Project, a US based not for profit, study has revealed that every year, 23 million girls in India drop out of school after they begin menstruating due to lack of sanitary napkin dispensers and overall hygiene awareness in schools.

As per National Survey of India, Literacy Rate in India has increased from 73% in 2011 to 77.7% in 2022, however it still stands behind the global literacy rate which stands at 86.5% (as per UNESCO). Of the 77.7% Indian literacy rate in 2022, male literacy rate stands at 84.7% and female literacy rate stands at 70.3% as compared to global average female literacy rate of 79% (as per UNESCO).

There are several factors that influence poorer literacy rates in women as compared to men, the biggest and most crucial factors being inequality and sex-based discrimination. This discrimination pushes the girl child to either never be born (female infanticide) or the woman to be predominantly pushed into household affairs.

Low enrolment rates, high dropout rates, social discrimination, unsafe public spaces, prioritizing boy child education are some other important factors that negatively influence female education.

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Introduction of Women’s Education

Nowadays, the importance of women's education is growing day by day. It is not only important to educate girls and women, but also it is necessary to provide them with basic facilities. In many countries, especially in developing countries, the literacy rate of women is low as compared to men.

The main reason behind this illiteracy rate among women is the lack of proper resources. Women's Education In India, the situation of women's education is not very good. According to the 2011 census, the literacy rate of Indian women was 64.6%. This number is quite low as compared to the literacy rate of men, which is 80.9%. 

Essay on Women’s Education:

There are many reasons behind this illiteracy rate among women. The most important reason is the lack of proper resources. In India, most of the women are illiterate because they are not allowed to go for education. Society thinks that men must educate their children, especially girls, because they think that women's role is only to take care of the house and family. If she starts going to school or university, then who will look after her house? Moreover, sometimes when women send their children to schools, they are not allowed to sit in the same class as their male counterparts. 

This is because of the social customs and traditions which are still prevailing in our society. The Government of India has made it mandatory for all the schools to provide education to girls till middle school. However, this is not being implemented properly because of the lack of resources. The lack of resources is not the only reason behind the illiteracy rate of women. The mindset of people is also one of the main reasons. In our society, the role of women is still considered to be limited to the house and taking care of the family. This mindset is changing slowly, but it will take some time to change completely.

India is considered to be one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Its democracy is also quite overwhelming for the entire world as the country comprises many cultures, religions, and diversities. Since independence from the Colonial Rule, India has done miracles in different phases and made significant development. This development is also due to women's education and empowerment steps taken by the Government.

The social stigma of gender bias and inequality is changing rapidly. India is becoming a superpower due to the similar contribution of both genders. By promoting education for women, India is also achieving a higher literacy rate very fast. This, on the other hand, will impressively help our country to progress in all aspects. The literacy rate of women was 8.6% after independence and has increased to 64% within 7 decades. Despite the glorifying facts, India is still wreaked with different malpractices and social stigmas in the deeper corners.

Child labour, child marriage, dowry, etc., are a few of the prime reasons for gender inequality. Women were meant to be inside the house when men gathered food. This happened thousands of years ago when humans understood the biological differences between the genders. The time has changed. We have a haven for all of us to live and prosper. Women should enjoy every right men are enjoying. One of the prime rights of women that is entitled to be is education. Education is the prime weapon to fight all such social stigmas and illogical practices.

This is the major step towards the brighter future of India. There are many reasons why women are still not given similar rights to enjoy and get educated. They are thought to be the burden of a family. Even today, female feticide is practised. It means that this gender has less value in society. We need to educate the entire society regarding the social rights of all genders. Women should get educated to understand their rights as well.

If you look a little deeper, we will find that many crimes circle women, such as trafficking, rape, feticide, murder, dowry, etc. Gender-based discrimination is the prime reason behind such crimes. Until and unless both genders are considered to be equal, these crimes will carry on as usual. Women should be educated first. This is the stepping stone to such a beautiful future. 

Even in the 21st century, many families feel reluctant to send their girls children to pursue schooling and higher studies. One of the prime reasons behind such malicious thought is economic disparity. Many families are unable to send their children to schools. When it comes to gender, they choose their sons and could not afford education for girl children.

There are many reforms and acts that the Government has amended to patronize women's education. Aids are distributed, and education is almost made free for children in rural areas so that women can get proper education to create a foundation. Their future is not restricted between the four walls of a house. Our society needs to believe that women are no less than men. They can pursue their dreams and compete with men in all phases.

We need to promote the benefits of women's education. Major changes are made in bills to encourage women's education. Strict actions are taken, and crimes related to gender should be penalized to stop gender discrimination. We should also teach our children that all genders are equal and should be treated accordingly. It is when women are educated, they will be empowered to make excellent decisions and will contribute to the economic growth of our country.

There are Many Reasons behind the Importance of Women Education. Some of these Reasons are as Follows:

1. Women education is important for the development of a country. A country can only develop if its women are educated.

2. Educated women can play an important role in the development of their families.

3. Educated women are less likely to get married at an early age.

4. Educated women can contribute to the economic development of their countries.

5. Women education is necessary for the empowerment of women.

6. Educated women can raise awareness about various social issues.

7. Educated women can act as role models for the younger generation.


Women education is very important for the development of a country. It is necessary to provide girls and women with proper resources so that they can get educated. Girls and women have the potential to contribute to the economic development of their countries. They can also play an important role in the development of their families. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to women education.


FAQs on Women Education in India Essay

1.What are the benefits of women getting educated?

The primary benefit is that women will get proper education to develop skills. They will be able to earn better than they were doing before. Women can contribute to shaping an improved society for themselves and their coming generations too. The economic growth of the country will also be significantly enhanced after educating women. If women are educated, they can be successful as a man in any field in their life because they are born to achieve something in their life, so if they are educated, it will help them for their good career. Women will be able to get proper education, skills development, financial independence, etc. They can also contribute well towards shaping an improved society for themselves and future generations too. The economic growth of the country will significantly improve after educating women.

2.How does education help to stop crimes against women?

Education can help reduce crimes against women by teaching boys and girls about the importance of gender equality from a young age. Girls who are educated are more likely to be aware of their rights and be able to defend themselves against violence and abuse. Education also teaches critical thinking and provides children with tools to challenge ideas and practices that discriminate against women. Education can empower girls, increase their leadership skills and make them aware of laws protecting their rights which will help reduce crimes against women.

3.How do we teach children that genders are equal?

We can teach children that genders are equal by modelling behaviour that values both boys and girls equally. We can also talk to our children about the importance of equality and why it is important. We can encourage our children to stand up for what they believe in and explain the consequences of gender discrimination to them. Women should be allowed to have an education because it is their right, and it will help to stop the crime against women. Women will also become aware of their rights which will help to stop crimes against women.

4.How does women's education contribute to the economic growth of a country?

Women's education contributes to the economic growth of a country by allowing them access to jobs that are more likely to be located in urban areas where opportunities are often greater. Educating women also allows them to take on more responsible positions within the workforce, which can result in increased productivity and innovation. When women can earn an income, they are often able to reinvest a large portion of it back into their families and communities, which can help spur economic growth.

5.How does Government help to promote women's education?

The Government is trying hard to encourage women's education by providing aids like scholarships, free books, uniforms, and hostels for girl students. The Government has also started several schemes to encourage girls' education, such as the Girl Child Protection Scheme, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana, etc. Despite all these efforts, however, the dropout rate of girl students is still high. Girls are often forced to marry early and leave their education midway. So, more efforts are required from the Government for women's education promotion.

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Importance Of Women's Education Essay

Women's education is a fundamental human right and an important tool for creating a more just and equitable society. Here are a few sample essays on ‘importance of women’s education’.

100 Words Essay On Importance Of Women's Education

Women's education is essential for the development and progress of any society. Educated women have the potential to become strong leaders, role models, and agents of change in their communities. They are more likely to participate in the workforce, earn higher wages, and provide for themselves and their families.

Importance Of Women's Education Essay

Education also empowers women to make informed decisions about their health, rights, and overall well-being. Investing in women's education is also a key strategy for reducing poverty and promoting gender equality. Educated women are more likely to educate their children, breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future for the next generation.

200 Words Essay On Importance Of Women's Education

Women's education is crucial for the development and progress of any society. Education is a fundamental human right and women have the same right to education as men. Educated women have the potential to become strong leaders, role models, and agents of change in their communities. They are more likely to participate in the workforce, earn higher wages, and provide for themselves and their families.

I remember reading a story about a woman named Rupa, who grew up in a small village in India. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she was determined to get an education. With the help of a local NGO, she was able to attend school and later went on to college. Today, she is a successful businesswoman and a role model for other women in her village. She is using her education and success to give back to her community by providing education and job opportunities for other women.

Education also empowers women to make informed decisions about their health, rights, and overall well-being. Educated women are more likely to understand the importance of healthcare and will take better care of themselves and their families. They also have a better understanding of their rights and will be more likely to speak out against discrimination and violence.

500 Words Essay On Importance Of Women's Education

Women's education is essential for the development and progress of any society. Education is a fundamental human right , and women have the same right to education as men.

Empowerment and Economic Development

Women's economic empowerment entails their ability to engage equally in current markets, access to and control over productive resources, access to good employment, control over their own time, lives, and bodies, as well as a greater voice, agency, and meaningful participation in economic decision-making at all levels, from the family to international organisations. Women's economic empowerment improves income equality, diversity of the economy, productivity, and other good development results.

Health and Well-being

Education also empowers women to make informed decisions about their health, rights, and overall well-being. Educated women are more likely to understand the importance of healthcare and will take better care of themselves and their families. They also have a better understanding of their rights and will be more likely to speak out against discrimination and violence. Women's economic empowerment improves income equality, diversity of the economy, productivity, and other good development results. The health and wellness of women and girls, as well as their chances for earning an income and participating in the formal labour market, depend on education, upskilling, and reskilling throughout their lives—especially to keep up with the rapid technological and digital revolutions affecting jobs.

Breaking the cycle of poverty

Investing in women's education is also a key strategy for reducing poverty and promoting gender equality. Educated women are more likely to educate their children, breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future for the next generation. Studies have also shown that countries with more educated women have more stable and prosperous economies.

Life Story of Savitribai Phule

Savitribai Phule is a remarkable woman who must be mentioned in every essay about women's education. She was the first female teacher in India. It is crucial to realise that in earlier times, particularly in India, women had minimal access to education. Savitribai Phule overcame obstacles like the caste system and male supremacy. Any woman taking the initiative and standing up for a cause at that time was unthinkable and impossible. Savitribai Phule, on the other hand, dismantled all the barriers and fought for women's education in India. She did it by deed rather than speech. She transformed into a live example.

Savitri Phule and her family became a real example of dispelling many stereotypes thanks to her husband's support and relentless work to advance fair education for all. Her success was a model for other Indian girls who wanted to pursue education. They also established the "Native Library" and a school for girls. The goal was to connect with as many youngsters as possible nationwide.

One person was able to carry the light for countless others. Additionally, they assumed care for a widow's son and set up an intercaste union for him. This wickedness still rules society today. Savtribai Phule provided many people at the time with a heroic, impossibly high example. The Savitribai Phule University in Pune was established in her honour today. This university upholds the tradition of comprehensive education. The country applauds Savitribai Phule for her outstanding contributions to education and social transformation.

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Essay on Women’s Education

female education india essay

  • Updated on  
  • Dec 4, 2023

Essay on Women's Education

Essay on Women’s Education: As per the Right to Education Act of 2009, every Indian girl has a basic right to education. With roughly 48.5 percent of its population being female, India is the second most populous nation in the world. India is one of the nations with the fastest economic growth, yet our women’s literacy percentage is much lower than the average worldwide. In this blog, we will talk about the importance of education for women and why they should pursue it. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Women’s Education in (100 Words)
  • 2 Essay on Women’s Education in (150 Words)
  • 3 Essay on Women’s Education (200 Words)

Learn about the importance of education in our society

Why is Education for Women Important?

According to UNICEF, it is said that by educating a girl will prevent them from marrying at a very early age and at the same time will help them to lead productive lives. Speaking of the advantages of educating a woman, it has many benefits. 

Here are some of the benefits that every girl receives after studying:

  • Education for girls helps to lessen inequality in society.
  • Child mortality decreases when more women are literate.
  • The education of women has a good effect on social, economic, and health standards.
  • Women who succeed in higher education and develop their talents earn significantly more during their lifetimes.
  • Children with educated mothers are less likely to suffer from stunting or malnutrition.

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Ans: Education for women is essential to the overall growth of the nation. A lady with a good education can manage both her personal and professional lives.

Ans: The “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan” (SSA) has focused on initiatives for females, including the opening of schools in the area to make access easier for girls and to guarantee more involvement of girls in primary education.

Ans: Savitribai Phule was also the first female teacher in Indian history.

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We hope this blog provides you with all the information about the importance of education for women. 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Women Education in India: Importance, Welfare Schemes, and Benefits

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey Image

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey ,

Mar 4, 2024

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Women education in India has been the talk of the world for almost a decade now. The female literacy rate in 2021 has substantially increased by 10.5% compared to 2001. Women's education can inturn increase the GDP of the country.

Women Education in India: Importance, Welfare Schemes, and Benefits

Women Education in India is the talk of the world as women being educated significantly increases the GDP of the country as they also becomes income contributors in families. According to a recent survey, the female literacy rate in India is 70.3%, while the male literacy rate is predicted to be 84.7%. According to the NSO, India's average literacy rate is 77.7% which is expected to substantially increase with time and learning resources all over the country. 

Table of Contents

Importance of Women Education

History of women education, factors affecting female literacy rate, women education: top 8 welfare schemes.

  • Benefits of Women Education

Non-Profit Organizations Promoting Women Education

8 influential women in education field.

Education for all is one of the major tasks being carried out by the Indian government but still, we have the lowest female literacy rate in Asia. India is working but the pace is slow as we haven’t achieved what we should have been so far. Women’s Education is critical to the country’s entire development.

A well-educated woman is capable of managing her personal and professional life. The reasons why women’s education is important are :

  • Basic Rights

Education is a basic right for everyone and when we say everyone we should not forget that women are also a part of this lot. Society has a large population of women and we cannot have such a large population as illiterate, it will be our huge loss. All girls and women, whether they are rich, poor, young, old, married, unmarried, widow or with any social status have their basic right of education. Education is not a privilege but a fundamental right.

  • It Brings Equality to Society

When we talk about discrimination and inequality as a problem we often misunderstand that it begins at the root level. A boy goes to school and his sister stays back at home, he eventually starts believing that he is superior to a girl. But it’s actually teaching both men and women to promote the concepts of equality and democracy.

  • It Makes them Empower, Independent, and Helps Build Self-confidence.

Education is very important for everyone and it helps to develop skills to make an individual capable of offering services to others and earning a livelihood. If a woman is educated and is capable of earning and bearing her own expenses she does not need to be dependent on others or family for her own requirements. This brings confidence in them to make their own decisions and realize their own worth and uniqueness.

Women Education in India

After Independence, women were liberated from the custom of in-house traditions. Higher education came into practice as the constitution framed the Right to Education. Article 45 of the Indian constitution talks about compulsory education for children. The new India surpassed the myth and stereotype of what is preferable and non-preferable to women.

Today, what we know about women's education is entirely different from the early stages. Women have already modified gender roles and eradicated some strong wrong beliefs from the minds of people. But now, women have started working towards achieving goals and being independent to make any situation favoring their interests. The holistic approach towards the working environment makes them dazzle even in the lame light.

The female literacy rate from 1991-2021 increased by 10.5%, whereas the male literacy rate rose by 11.72%. Below is the percentage of female literacy rate in different census years.

During the Vedic Period, women enjoyed equality in all spheres of life. India was a glorified nation, and even other fellow citizens used to hail down because of its greatness. And people were incredibly vigilant towards Atharvaveda, Upanayana, etc., as reading and learning them are considered sacred. They were advised to study distinctive texts, practice them to decipher all twigs of knowledge.

Although after coming through a meticulous stage, the aura for women's education declined severely. The stigma of being confined to their respective houses snatched the significance of women's education in India.

During the period of Buddhism, women all together started strengthening the glories of life. Many prestigious Universities were established, and women got enrolled in allied courses to study. Moreover, women are well-versed in philosophical studies and usually advised on the establishment of any reforms.

Women's education has been a blistering subject matter for insightful discussions all around the globe for a long time. We often hear people talk about how education is the primary tool to govern and achieve anything you want. It is one such tool no thief can steal.

Many institutes, universities, colleges, and schools are established to educate the youth of our nation. Parents' trust has made their children believe in themselves and has made their minds free of pessimistic thoughts. Yet, globally, more than two-thirds of women are illiterate of 796 million illiterate people.

The dilemma lies in an individual's education based on what education is to the family rather than the entire nation. The overall literacy rate in India is 74%, whereas the female literacy rate is 64.6%, which is drastically increasing every year through various government benefits offered.

Different factors found to be responsible for the decrease in the female literacy rate.

  • Social discrimination
  • Gender inequality
  • Occupation of girl child in domestic chores
  • Economic exploitation

Other reasons that are commonly mentioned for girls' drop-out rates at the primary and middle school level are,

  • Costs too much
  • Less interest in studies
  • Early-age marriage
  • Required for work in the family business or farm
  • Required for household work

Apart from the above reasons, the non-availability of educational centers in close proximity, unsafe means of travel, and lack of proper toilets are additional reasons for girls drop-outs.

India has done significantly well in providing education to the citizens of the nation. The nation's rate is 73.2%, of which 59% of women are literate. The government has established many welfare schemes for motivating women's education in India. The following are a few welfare schemes.

female education india essay

1. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

The Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao social campaign was launched on 22nd January 2015 and is famous for women's empowerment. The scheme aims to exterminate female foeticide and access them with an appropriate education.

2. Working Women Hostels

The Working Women Hostels scheme was established to provide a working environment that includes accommodation facilities where women may get more employment opportunities.

3. Support the Training and Employment Programme (STEP)

These schemes provide adequate education and uplift women to be self-employed or bidding entrepreneurs in various sectors. This scheme is open to women above the age of 16.

4. Mahila- E- Haat

The Mahila scheme was launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. It provides a platform to let women entrepreneurs or women with small-scale businesses display or sell their products and services.

Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Employment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG), known as SABLA, was initiated on 1st April 2011 by the Government of India. It aims at providing food and nutritious ingredients.

6. Swadhar Greh

The Swadhar Greh scheme was established in 2002 by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development. The scheme provides shelter, food, care, and clothing to unaided women. Thus, women abandoned by their families and women who survived any disaster are aided with basic needs.

7. One-Stop Centre Scheme

The One-stop Centre scheme was established with the 'Nirbhaya' fund on 1st April 2015 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The scheme provides counselling services, legal requirements, police aid, shelter and food to violence victims both in public and private.

8. Nari Shakti Puraskar

Nari Shakti Puraskar initiative is taken by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to acknowledge women by awarding them for their excellent contribution towards society and empowering women.

Benefits of Women's Education

If the nation's women were educated, the generation would be educated, leading to the country's development. Moreover, educating women leads to many reforms, a better understanding of concepts.

Below are a few benefits of women's education.

  • If women educate themselves, the nation will undergo a steady population, and family planning would be the priority.
  • Women's education would make them self-sufficient, and the age of marriage would probably extend, and women would be more independent of their needs and decisions.
  • Women will be able to refrain from dramatic situations and look after themselves and their families.
  • Women can examine themselves in various fields.
  • Women's education gives power to equality.
  • Many social discrepancies will be exclaimed, and a powerful system might be established.
  • Women's education helps women to voice out their opinions.

Various organizations promote and work for promoting women education in India. These organizations fight against emphasizing the importance of women's education in India and gender equality.

Some of the non-profit organizations that promote women's education are,

  • Educate Girls Bond : It creates new opportunities for girls' education and promotes gender equality by providing education for young girls throughout India.
  • Global Grassroots: The organization promotes leadership in women and girls in their communities by employing mindfulness throughout designing a social solution.
  • Pratham: It is designed to improve education for children in Mumbai.
  • Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED): It is an international non-profit organization supporting marginalized girls to succeed through education.
  • Girls Who Code: An international organization aiming to provide opportunities for women to learn and develop specialized skills in computer science.

Women are considered the nation's building block; empowering women is similar to empowering a nation. Indian Women have remarked their country's name and made us proud in every aspect. Below are the influential women in India.

A nation's well-being is defined if the women are strong and capable of withstanding any storm. We preach women by the names of goddesses. We bow down in front of them to achieve success. They are the individuals who rule the world, and we need to treat them with the utmost dignity in all spheres of life to build the most influential and prominent country. New strategies and initiatives like sociocultural practices promote women's education by introducing social empowerment tools with access to education, health care, and access to equal opportunities legally.


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Women Education in India Essay For Students and Children | PDF Download

Women Education in India Essay For Students and Children | PDF Download

In this article, we are providing an essay on Women Education in India, Growth Rate Of Women’s Education, Significance of Education for Women, Factors Affecting Women Education, Programs For Educating Women/ Girl, Images . Students can go through this page for more information on Women’s Education in India.

Long Essay on Women Essay in India

Women play a significant role in Indian society. Women’s education is a big opportunity for India to be developed socially and economically. India is a progressing country and it is one of the prevalent democratic nations. Education to the people of the country leads the country to a developed nation. Women’s education is an enduring process that is essential for every female/woman in the country. Earlier women had many stereotypes in the family and also in society. They were restricted from education and were to stay at home maintaining the family and the household chores. But now in the present world, women are set equal to men in society. They have been recognized with the rights that are ought to be. Education is one most valued rights of women in India.

Since the day we got independence, the country has had a lot of enhancement in all the fields. This evolution was achievable, due to the rise in the rate of knowledge attained through education. Education is handy to people without any gender discrimination, which leads to colossal steps forward development of the country. Education to women facilitates them to achieve triumph in various fields. Their contribution to the country will escort to vast progress in the country. The literacy rate in the country had an enormous increase.

Growth Rate Of Women Education

According to the statics of women’s education in India, during our independence, it was less than  8% which was disastrously low. Thereafter, in the year 1951, there was an increase in the women’s literacy rate in the country, it had a growth of 64% according to the 2011 census. Comparatively, our country lags behind other countries. The men’s literacy rate is 81.3% and women stand at 65.6% in the current situation. The average literacy rate around the world is 79.7%. In the rural areas, the situation is most awful. Where people are unaware of the importance of education, lack of poverty line, certain restrictions that bunged women from education.

Significance Of  Education For Women

Educating woman leads to superior upcoming in society. Education gives them knowledge of all the aspects of life. And fill them with bravery, potency, the strength of will to accomplish their goals. Women’s education eradicates social evils like female infanticide, violence against women, sexual harassment, dowry system, child labor all these can be eliminated from Indian society. Educating women will develop the economic conditions of the nation as many women pose jobs in various fields this leads to a better country. Meanwhile, the family will be also economically stable due to the income earned by the women. The earnings are contributed to the well-being of the family and children. Educated women have a social status in society, as she is self-dependant and self-disciplined.

Literate women set goals for the next generation. If a woman is educated in a family, she will be an example for the kids in the family and encourage them for a better quality future. People in the family are fit and fine, as the woman knows the nutritious food that will nurture her family to well-being. Cleanliness and discipline habits are adopted by the kids at an early age, as the mother is their first teacher.

Factors Affecting Women Education

  • A wide number of crimes against women that take place now and then in society, harm physically and mentally to lay them back at home.
  • People in rural areas still restrict girls to get an education, as they believe women must stay at home and take responsibilities and fulfill the requirements of men.
  • Gender discrimination in our country, due to the conservative nature of people, women’s status has, through ages, been considered to be lower than that of men, and it is risky to change the mindset of the people.
  • People who lack income, drop out their kids from getting an education. Famine and malnutrition of the girl child.

Programs For Educating Women/ Girl

The government has implemented many programs for women’s empowerment and women’s education, here are a few.

  • Indira Mahila Yojana
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
  • Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan
  • Balika Samridhi Scheme
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
  • Mahila e-Haat
  • One-stop center and Scheme

Women Education in India: Images

Women Education in India Images

Conclusion: “You educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation”. Empower women with eminence education for a better future and progress of the country.

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Essay on Women Education in India for Students and Children 1100 Words

May 6, 2020 by ReadingJunction 1 Comment

Essay on Women Education in India for Students and Children 1100 Words

In this article, we have published an Essay on Women Education in India for Students and Children 1100 Words. It includes history factors affecting women education.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Women Education In India)

Education is a basic birth-right of every child in India, as per the Constitution of India . But the state of women education in India is still a struggle and is considered being an unnecessary indulgence. Even though it’s a fundamental right, there is a considerable gap between the gender literacy rates when compared to each state in India.

For example, Kerala has 92.07% of the female literacy rate, while Bihar has only 51.05% female literacy rate. The overall literacy rate of females in India is much low compared to the world average female literacy rate.

The Education of Women plays a vital role in the development of society; it improves the quality of life. Educated women promote girl-child education but also provide better guidance to children.

History of Women Education in India

During the Vedic period, women in India had access to education , but over a while, they have gradually lost the right. During the British period, there was a revival of interest in women’s education in India.

During the period, there were many prominent Indian eminent persons like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, etc. who had emphasized women’s education in India. Leaders of lower caste-like Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar , Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, and Periyar were some prominent leaders who made education available to the women’s of India.

After the independence of India 1947 , the Indian Government took steps to provide various measures for the education of women in India. As a result, over the decades, the literacy rate of women in India has gradually increased.

Women Education in Rural India

Even though there is a 64% female literacy rate in urban India, the rural women’s literacy rate is half, i.e., approximately 31%. Because of this low rate of women’s literacy, it is not only harming the life of the women but also in their family and country’s economic development.

Various studies have shown the ill effects of illiterate women like low fertility rate, poor living standards, poor nutritional standards, and little autonomy within the household. For instance, in the recent survey, we have found it that the infant mortality rate is inversely related to the mother’s education level.

Factors affecting Women Education in India

The woman’s education across the Indian is not uniform because of the following factors-

1. Higher Education System:

Even though India boasts the third-largest higher education system after the US & China, it is surprising that woman’s record a lower presence across most institutions of higher education. There is a significant gender disparity, especially in rural areas .

2. Geographical difference:

The literacy rate is not uniform throughout the states of India. Compared to the northern states, the southern states are more proactive towards the schemes of women’s education in India.

3. Vocational and Technical Education:

The students choose vocational education as its aim is to provide the students with access to programs that will help them to gain employment. Though the Government of India has only setup technical institutes for women of India, which will provide them training in the textile, food, pharmacy technology, commercial art, etc. women are not taking part in these institutes.

Improvements needs to increase Women education in India

Out of the 128 countries, India is ranked on 105 in the Education of All Development Index. There is considerable effort to be done to improve the education system of India , and special attention needs to be given to women’s access to education. An attempt is being made to remove the psychological, social, and structural barriers so that most women can take part in the education system.

Even though various organizations and government schemes are engaged to sensitize the local population for the need for women’s education, they will resist sending the girls to school for education . Unless the parents understand the importance of sending their girl child for education, they will use them as a helping hand in their household chores or agricultural activities.

One way to ensure that families are interested is to ensure that the school comes to them rather than sending their girls to school far away from home by implementing mobile schools in rural India.

The Indian Government has started many strategies and reforms for the betterment of women’s education. But now we have to think of simple measures that can help improve the status of women education in India. It can be enhanced if we start from every home.

10 important lines on Women education in India

Here are some following elements of consideration for factors in the women education in India:

  • Although girls are enrolled at the beginning of the year in rural India as the year progresses, they dropped out of school.
  • In rural India, girls are often taken out of school so that they can take care of their younger siblings while the parents work in the field to cultivate the crops.
  • In India, if the family has to choose between the education of son and daughter because of the financial restriction, the son will be selected.
  • 4. The scarcity of female teachers has also played a potential obstacle in a girl’s education.
  • We shouldn’t consider a girl child as a burden
  • Similar opportunities need to be provided to both the gender of the child.
  • Stop thinking that cooking, laundry, and other household jobs are for women only.
  • Women need to be treated with respect and not to be categorized as inferior.
  • Talk to our domestic helpers/drivers and encourage them to send their children to school without any discrimination.
  • Encourage our friends/relatives not to stop the education of the girl just because she has got a great match and needs to get married.

Though there are many barriers to women’s education, there are many initiatives to improve the status of women education in India. It is not only the government job but also ours as an individual and human being to lend a hand to improve women’s education in India.

People are joining the movement as per their capacity, and it is a hope that over the period, there will be an improvement in women’s education in India, and a time will come that there will be no disparity.

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August 16, 2023 at 11:21 am

Thanks for sharing very indepth and valuable information , it will be very useful for begineers.

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Women education in India is a most important topic now-a-days which students generally get in their schools to write a complete essay or only paragraph. We have provided here some easy and simple written essays and paragraphs on women education in India for the school students. You can select any of the given essays or paragraphs according to your need and requirement.

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Long and Short Essay on Women Education in India in English

Women education in india essay 100 words.

Women education is very important for the country to fully develop. It is like an effective medicine to cure a patient completely and provide health back. Women education is a big opportunity for India to be developed socially and economically. Educated women are the weapon who yield positive impact on the Indian society through their contribution at home and professional fields. They are the reason of improved economy in the country as well as society. An educated woman has capability to handle her home and professional life. They can effectively contribute in controlling the population of India as they would like to marry at a later age in comparison to the uneducated woman.

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Women Education in India Essay 150 words

The women education in ancient India was quite good but in the middle age it was deteriorated because of many restrictions against women. However, again it is getting better and better day by day as modern people in India understand that without the growth and development of women, the development of country is not possible. It is very true that equal growth of both sex will increase the economic and social development in every areas of the country.

Women should be given equal opportunity in education like men and they should not be isolated from any development activities. Women covers almost half population of the country means if women are uneducated the half country is uneducated which bring poor socio-economic condition. Through the women education the social and economic development will be faster in India. To spread the importance and improve the level of women education all over the country, countrywide national propaganda and awareness programmes are very necessary. An educated woman can educate her whole family and thus whole country.

Women Education in India Essay 200 words

In terms of population, India is the second largest country of the world due to the low level women education. If a woman is uneducated, the future of country would also be uneducated. Women education was the matter of concern in India in the middle age however, it has been now solved to a great extent. Women education has been given a lot of priority in India just like men to bring some positive changes in the social and economic status of the country. In the past women were not allowed to go out of the door of their houses. They were only limited to the domestic works as their education.

Raja Ram Mohan Ray and Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar were some famous social reformers during the British rule in India who paid their attention towards the women education. Both man and woman covers the half half population of the country. They are like two sides of the coin so need equal opportunity to participate in the country development. One cannot exist without other because women are everything as they give birth to the future generation. If they would be well educated they would give rise educated future generation and thus healthy social and economic condition in India.

Women Education in India Essay 250 words

Women education is very important for the proper social and economic growth of the country. Both men and women are like two sides of the coin and run equally like two wheels of the society. So both are are important element of the growth and development in the country thus require equal opportunity in the education. If anyone of both goes downside, social progress is not possible.

Advantages of Women Education in India: The female education in India is highly necessary for the future of the country as women are the first teachers of their children means future of the nation. If education of the women is getting ignored, it would be the ignorant of bright future of the nation. An uneducated women cannot actively participate in handling the family, proper care of the children and thus weak future generation. We cannot count all the advantages of the women education.

An educated women may easily handle her family, make each family member responsible, infuse good qualities in children, participate in the social works and all would lead her towards the socially and economically healthy nation.

Conclusion: India is now a leading country in the field of women education. History of India is never blank of brave women however it is full of women philosophers like Gargi, Viswabara, Maritreyi (of Vedic age) and other famous women are like Mirabai, Durgabati, Ahalyabi, Laxmibai, etc. All the famous historical women in India are inspiration for the women of this age. We never forget their contributions to the society and country.

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Women Education in India Essay 300 words

Female education in India has been an urgent need of the new era. We cannot hope for the developed nation without proper education of the women of the country. Women play very important role in the progress of a family, society, and country. In order to make democracy successful in the country women education is necessary together with the men. Educated women are the real source of happiness in the family, society and country. It is very truly said that educating a man educate a man only however educating a woman educate whole family and thus whole nation a day.

It is very necessary to highlight on the importance of female education in the country because women are first teacher of their children. Future of the child depends on the love and care of the mother means a woman. Every child get his/her very first lesson through the mother thus it is very important for a mother to be educated as only a well educated mother can shape and mould the career of her child. Trained and educated mothers may nourish many lives in their life term and give rise to the developed nation.

A woman performs the role of many characters throughout her life such as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother. They have rights to get proper education to perform better in all areas of life. Women education help them to be more independent and empowered in their life. Education help them to grow their mind and status and not be a burden to their parents like past times. Education help them to be well aware of their duties and rights as well as realize their responsibilities to contribute towards development of the country as same as men do.

Women Education in India Essay 400 words

Since ancient time to the time after independence, there have been lots of progress in the field of women education. However not satisfying as much has yet to be achieved. The reason of backwardness in the Indian society is because of the lack of proper women education. Lack of proper women education is because of the various social restrictions against women in India which need to be over on urgent basis.

For the betterment of the women education in India following programmes have been run:

  • Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan
  • Indira Mahila Yojana
  • Balika Samridhi Yojana
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
  • Mahila Samridhi Yojana
  • Employment and Income Generating Training-cum-Production Centres
  • Programme of Development of Women and Children in rural areas
  • Short Stay Home for Women and Girls

Here are some factors affecting the women education in India:

  • Undernourishment and malnutrition of the girl child
  • Sexual harassment and abuse at early age
  • Lower socio-economic status of parents
  • Infections and low immunity power at childhood
  • So many social restrictions and taboo in their life
  • Forced to follow orders of elders in family whether at home of parents or parents-in-law

What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

  • Cover education in all districts by the year 2002.
  • Bring all children to school by the year 2003.
  • Make necessary for all children to complete 5 years of education by the year 2007.
  • Make necessary for all children to complete 8 years of quality elementary education by the year 2010.

Long Essay on Women Education in India 800 words

India is considered as one of the world greatest democracies and has also surpassed China as the world’s fastest growing economy in the financial quarter of October-December 2018; an achievement only made possible through ensuring education for all and gender equality. Promoting women education and ensuring female literacy have been the major factors behind India’s success. The statistics reveal an unprecedented growth in development and women education in the past few decades- India is progressing fast towards her never seen before socio economic development as more and more Indian women are becoming part of its economy; through, their education and empowerment.

Current Status of Women Education in India (with Statistics)

The national female literacy rate when India gained independence was tragically low at 8.6%. The female literacy rate of India has increased from 8.6% in 1951 to 64.63%, according to 2011 census. Though, this increase in the female literacy rate is encouraging and promising as well; unfortunately, there is also a flip side to it.

The current female literacy rate of India lags behind the male literacy rate, the former at 65.6% and the latter at 81.3%. The female education rate of India at 65.6% is significantly lower than the world average at 79.7%. The situation is more critical in rural areas, where fewer girls go to schools as compared to boys and the number of dropout rate is alarming among girls.

Statistics also reveal that India still has nearly 145 Million women, who are unable to read or write.

Why Do We Lag Behind?

Below we will go through a summarization of such factors with a brief detail.

1) Patriarchal Society

Though, the situation is different in urban areas, where women are more educated and employed; rural areas constituting 70% of the Indian population, still lag behind on gender equality.

2) Gender Discrimination

While we progress fast to become world’s super power one day; gender inequality is the reality that screams in our society even today. Even the educated and working urban women are not aloof from the experiences of gender bias, not to mention the women in rural areas.

3) Crime against women

Women of India are much more susceptible to violence and threat than the men. Many crimes against women are still prevalent in Indian society, like- dowry, domestic violence, flesh trade, sexual harassment etc. such crimes only restrict the women folk to step out of their houses and enter schools or even offices, for that matter.

4) Lack of Security

Women working even in the safest cities of the country, lack the courage to transit alone during late night hours. Such incidents are also responsible for high female school dropout rate. It is the responsibility of the government and the society as well to ensure a girl’s safe transit to school, ensuring her education.

Advantages of Women/ Female Education in India

Following is the brief description of the advantages of women/female education in India-

1) Social Development

Educating women could be the key to remove many social evils of Indian society- dowry system, female infanticide and workplace harassment etc. An educated woman changes the future generations.

2) Economical Development

Educating women will definitely lead to the economical development of the nation as more women join the work force.

3) High Living Standard

An educated woman will contribute financially for the needs of her family and relatives. Two earning parents provide better growth prospects for the children as well as a raised living standard of the family.

4) Social Recognition

An educated woman conducts appropriately in the society earning laurels for the family and making it proud.

5) Improved Health And Hygiene

An educated woman recognizes the health hazards to her family and knows how to deal with them. She knows how to feed and nurture her children, telling them about good and bad hygiene.

An educated woman is like a magic wand which brings prosperity, health and pride. We just have to unleash her potential and see the magic happen. Factors restricting the growth of women education in India are mainly societal, and we need to recognize them and eliminate them, if we want to achieve the goals of socio-economic development.

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Essay on Women Education FAQs

What is the importance of women education essay.

The importance of women's education essay highlights how educating women empowers them, enhances their skills, and contributes to gender equality.

How to write an essay about women's education?

To write an essay on women's education, start with an introduction, discuss its significance, provide examples, and conclude by emphasizing its positive impact.

What is the importance of women's education?

The importance of women's education lies in empowering women, reducing gender disparities, and improving overall societal development.

What is the role of education in women's life?

Education in women's lives plays a pivotal role in enhancing their knowledge, decision-making abilities, and economic independence.

What is female education in simple words?

Female education, simply put, means educating girls and women to provide them with knowledge and skills for personal growth and societal contributions.

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Essay On Women Education In India

female education india essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Women Education In India

Women’s education in India has a long history, with roots dating back to ancient times. Despite this, for much of India’s history, women have faced significant barriers to accessing education. In recent decades, however, there has been significant progress in expanding educational opportunities for women in India.

The Indian constitution recognizes education as a fundamental right, and the government has made significant investments in education, including programs aimed at improving access to education for girls. Today, literacy rates among women in India have improved significantly, and more women are enrolling in schools and colleges.

Despite these advances, there are still significant challenges to women’s education in India. Cultural norms and societal attitudes often view education for girls as less important than for boys, leading to lower enrollment and high dropout rates for girls. There is also a lack of safe and accessible schools in many rural areas, particularly for girls. Furthermore, poverty, child marriage, and early pregnancy are major barriers to education for girls.

To address these challenges, the government and civil society must work together to create a more supportive and inclusive educational environment for girls. This includes providing safe and accessible schools, breaking down cultural and societal barriers, and promoting a culture of education for girls. Additionally, programs to provide girls with financial and material support, such as scholarships and school supplies, can help reduce the burden of costs and make education more accessible.

In conclusion, women’s education in India has made significant progress in recent years, but there is still much work to be done. Investing in girls’ education has wide-ranging benefits, including reducing poverty and inequality, improving health outcomes, and promoting economic growth. By prioritizing girls’ education, India can build a more equitable and prosperous future for all of its citizens.

Long Essay On Women Education In India

Women’s education has become an integral part of today’s society. It is a crucial factor in empowering women and creating a more equitable and just society. This article will discuss the history, present state, and future outlook of women’s education in India. We will also explore the link between female education and increasing economic independence for Indian women.


Education is one of the most important tools in empowering women and helps them to claim their rights. It plays a very crucial role in the overall development of a country. Women’s empowerment through education has been identified as a key to achieving gender equality, economic growth, and social transformation.

In India, the Constitution guarantees free and compulsory education for all children between the ages of 6 and 14 years under Article 21A of the Constitution. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 also provides for free and compulsory education for all children between 6-14 years of age. Despite these constitutional and legal provisions, gender disparities in enrollment, retention, completion rates, and learning outcomes continue to persist in India.

There are several factors that contribute to this situation. One major factor is the high dropout rate among girls at the elementary level. According to UNESCO data from 2016, the dropout rate among girls at the primary level was 3 times higher than boys and twice as high at the secondary level. Another factor is the low literacy rate among women in India. The 2011 Census data shows that only about two-thirds of Indian women aged 15 years and above are literate.

The low representation of women in leadership positions is also a contributing factor to gender inequality in education. In 2015-16, only 26% of teachers at the primary level were women while 34% were at the secondary level. In terms of school leadership, only 13% of the school principals were women.

These statistics demonstrate the urgent need to address the issue of gender inequality in education in India. To this end, there have been several initiatives taken by the government and civil society organizations to empower women through education and promote gender equality. These include schemes such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, National Education Policy 2020, and Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. All these initiatives are aimed at improving access and quality of education for women in India.

History of Women’s Education in India

Women’s education in India has a long history. Starting from the Vedic period, women were given equal status with men in all aspects of life. However, their position in society started declining from the post-Vedic period onwards. With the advent of Islam in India, women’s rights were further curtailed. The British colonial rule also had a negative impact on women’s education.

The situation started changing in the late 19th century with the rise of the Indian National Congress and other social reform movements. These movements advocated for equal rights for women and their education became one of the key agendas. After independence, the Government of India made concerted efforts to promote women’s education. As a result of these efforts, there has been a significant improvement in the educational status of women in India over the last few decades.

Role of Women in India’s Growth and Development

Women have always been an integral part of Indian society and culture. They have played a vital role in the growth and development of the country. Women make up almost half of the population in India and they play a significant role in the economy.

Women have always been active participants in the field of education. In ancient times, there were many renowned women scholars who made significant contributions to various branches of knowledge. In modern times too, women have made their mark in the field of education. Women’s literacy rate has increased significantly over the years. The number of girls enrolling in schools and colleges has also gone up.

Today, women are not just limited to the household chores. They are working shoulder to shoulder with men in all spheres of life. They are breaking new ground and making their presence felt in all walks of life. Be it medicine, engineering, law, science or any other field, women are making their mark and proving their mettle.

The Constitution of India provides for equality of opportunity for all citizens regardless of gender. The government has also taken several measures to promote women’s education and empowerment. Several scholarships and schemes have been launched for girl students. reservation policy has been implemented in educational institutions and government jobs to promote equality between men and women.

The role of women is very important for the development of any country. Women in India are coming forward and taking active participation in all fields which will lead to the overall development of the country .

Challenges Faced by Indian Women

One of the most pressing issues facing Indian women is the high rate of violence against them. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there was a reported increase of 7.5% in crimes against women in India from 2016 to 2017. This includes everything from sexual harassment and assault to dowry-related murders.

Another big challenge for Indian women is the lack of access to education. While more girls are enrolling in school than ever before, there are still significant gaps in literacy rates between men and women. In fact, according to UNESCO, only about two-thirds of Indian women can read and write compared to over three-quarters of men. This disparity has a number of negative consequences including reduced economic opportunities and increased vulnerability to exploitation.

Finally, Indian women also face discrimination within their own families and communities. This can take many forms, from being denied basic rights like property ownership to being forced into early marriage or childbearing. Such traditions and attitudes limit women’s ability to fully participate in society and realize their potential.

How Government is Taking Steps to Improve Education for Women?

The Government of India has taken several steps to improve the education of women in India. Some of these steps include:

-Making primary education free and compulsory for all girls up to age 14 -Launching the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, which is a nationwide program that aims to provide quality education for all children -Establishing the National Mission for Empowerment of Women, which works towards empowering women through education and economic opportunities -Creating the Mahila Samakhya program, which is a women’s empowerment program that focuses on improving educational opportunities and access for women -Providing scholarships and financial assistance programs specifically for women students

The Government of India recognizes that there is a need to improve the education of women in India. By taking steps such as making primary education free and compulsory, launching programs to improve access to quality education, and providing financial assistance specifically for women students, the government is working to empower women and close the gender gap in education.

Impact of Digital Technology on Women’s Education in India

A lot has been said about the impact of digital technology on women’s education in India. While some believe that it has had a positive impact, others are of the opinion that it has not had much of an impact at all. However, there is no denying the fact that digital technology has made a huge difference in the way women’s education is looked at in India.

There are a number of reasons why digital technology has had such a big impact on women’s education in India. First and foremost, it has helped to break down the barriers that have traditionally prevented women from accessing education. In the past, many women were unable to attend school or college due to cultural norms and expectations. However, with the advent of online learning, more and more women are now able to access educational resources from the comfort of their own homes. This has made a huge difference in terms of gender equality in education.

Another reason why digital technology has had such a big impact on women’s education in India is because it has made information and learning more accessible to everyone. In the past, only those who could afford private tutors or expensive schools had access to quality education. However, with the internet and online resources, even people from rural areas and lower-income families can now access quality education. This is especially beneficial for women, who have traditionally been disadvantaged when it comes to education.

Finally, digital technology has also made it possible for more women to pursue higher education and even pursue career opportunities that were not traditionally available to them. With online courses, women are able to develop the skills needed for various jobs and even start their own businesses. This has helped bridge the gender gap in terms of employment opportunities and given women more choices.

Overall, digital technology has had a tremendous impact on women’s education in India. It has made education more accessible and opened up new opportunities that were not available before. This has had a positive effect on the country’s overall development and will continue to do so in the future.

Women education in India is still a problem that needs to be addressed, but the progress made in the past few decades is encouraging. The increase in awareness and advocacy for women’s rights has led to more opportunities for Indian girls and women to pursue higher levels of education. With continued effort by government initiatives and non-profit organizations, it should help create better educational systems that facilitate equal access to quality education for everyone across all genders. This, in turn, will improve overall economic growth and development of India as a whole.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Women Education in India and Sir Syed Ahmad

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Published: Nov 26, 2019

Words: 1082 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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female education india essay – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Women Education in India

Women in our country are subject to various types of restrictions. Although they are excelling in various fields still many of them are uneducated. The women belonging to rural areas have limited access to education. Women’s education is very important as it will help in the development of family, society, and nation. These essays may help you to know in detail about the topic.

Short and Long Essays on Women Education in India in English

You can know more about the women education in India by reading these essays:

Women Education in India Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Women are equal contributors to society.

2) Educating women is necessary for the development of the country.

3) In some states of India, the literacy rate of women is still very poor.

4) Government has now proposed several policies for educating women.

5) It is people’s mentality that is depriving women of education.

6) Education is the right of every woman and no one can deny this.

7) Jyoti Rao Phule, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, etc worked for the upliftment of women’s education.

8) Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Balika Smariddhi Yojna, Dhanlakshmi Scheme, etc are proposed to support Women’s education.

9) Educating women will also help them in good parenting.

10) Education will help a woman to lead a good and healthy life.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Women Education in India


India is one of the developing countries in the world. There have been many developments and achievements in the country after independence. This has been possible because of the efforts of both men and women. It is proved that the overall development of the country is only possible if both genders are treated equally.

About Women Education in India

Women’s education in India is still lacking. Some parts of our country contribute to the highest literacy while others are still lagging behind. The concept of educating a girl child is very important as the girl child grows to be married and a mother too. If she is educated then will take good care of her children and family and help them in decision making. This will contribute to the betterment of society as well as the nation.

In ancient India, women had the liberty of education. Many of them have their contribution in Vedas. Some well-educated women were Great scholars like Gargi and Matreyi (attained Brahmavidya), Urwashi (with her contribution in Rigveda as a poetess), Vijjhikha, Avantisundari, Vikatanitamba (all three had their great work in Sanskrit poetry), and others. The scenario of women’s education changed in the medieval period. Women were not allowed to get an education during this period. The situation changed slowly after independence and has improved a lot from that time.

The education of women is hindered in many parts of the country due to the prevailing crimes, dowry problems, no access to schools, and making them do only the household works only. There are several initiatives taken and policies launched by the government for making women’s education an important aspect.

There is a need to educate a girl child. There are many fields in which women have proved that they are much better than men.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Women Education in India: Past and Present Scenario

We all are aware of fact that we have the right to education either male or female. Women’s education is important for the progress of our society and nation. Out of the total population of India, women constitute almost half apart. But if we mention their educational status it is not pleasing. In this era, there is much progress seen in the field of women education but it is not sufficient.

Past and Present Scenario of Women Education in India

  • Past Status of Women Education

The past comprised of the ancient period and the medieval period. There was the liberty of education to women during the ancient time. Men and women had equal status in society. They performed any of the rituals together. Women during that period were having free access to education. They learned many subjects. Some of the women had gained knowledge up to that extent which conferred them with the title of the rishi. There was no existence of social evils like dowry, female infanticide, domestic violence, child marriage, etc. Both men and women were free to choose their partners for marriage. Widows could remarry during that time.

During the medieval period, the situation of women was worst. They were having their counting with the cattle. They were totally dominated by men. Women were also totally dependent on men for their needs. The social evils like female infanticide, dowry, sati pratha, child remarriage were most prominent during this period. Women did not have an access to education. They were only meant to do the household works and look after their family.

  • Present Status of Women Education

There have been a lot of changes after independence. In the 19th century, the status of women’s education has improved, but still, it needs to be better. There are different programs and policies launched by the government for making women’s education important. Many girl students are encouraged for going to schools and higher education. People themselves understand the need to educate the girl child. Then also the ratio of educated women is much less than men.

There is a need of making women’s education important. This is possible only when women are no longer becoming the victims of the social evils in the society and are free from the obstacles in society as well as family. The government has launched many policies and programs for the betterment of women’s education. It must be ensured that they are executed in a proper way that maximum people are benefitted.

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Women Education in India: History, Importance and Challenges

Women’s education is still of no importance in some parts of India. If we observe the literacy rate of females in India, it is 65.46% according to the 2011 census that is very less than that of men 82%. We need to pay attention to educating women as also have an equal contribution to the development of our nation. According to the thought prevailing in society, women are meant to learn and do all the household work and raise their families.

History of Women Education in India

The women were given the liberty of education in the ancient period. There were a lot of restrictions imposed on women in the medieval period. Women’s had their limitations up to the household works and looking after the family. Girls were not allowed to attend a school or get educated by any means.

The great social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and Jyotirao Phule did a lot of effort for the education of women and their betterment during the British rule in India. They realized the pain of women in society. It was a result of their efforts that sati system got abolished. Women’s education was improved a lot in the 19th century. People are now aware of educating their girl child. There are a lot of changes we can see in this era. We could every year notice that girl students are giving their best in board exams than boys. Today women are excelling in each and every field. But still, there are many who are deprived of education.

Importance of Women Education

A woman deserves the same status as men in society. It is their right to get educated and live a good life. Education can change women’s unprivileged position in society. If a woman is educated then she will take good care of her family. She will be able to maintain the good health and hygiene of her family. She can teach her children too. An educated woman contributes to the social and economic development of society and the nation.

Challenges to Women Education in India

  • Hindering of Education at Different Stages – many girls have to stop their studies in between due to various reasons like marriage, could not afford the money, etc. Some of them could not go for higher studies. There are women who are compelled to leave their education or job after they get married.
  • Dowry – Indian Hindu families believe in giving dowry to girl children when they are getting married. Therefore parents do not spend money on their education.
  • Crime Activities – Many crime activities like rape, molestation, acid attacks, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, etc are at its extent. Parents do fear sending their children especially girls to other cities for higher studies. This creates a feeling of insecurity.
  • Poverty – Girls belonging to a poor family are working somewhere to earn a livelihood for the family. They cannot afford to go to school as they have the responsibility of the family.
  • Gender Inequality – Many families focus on educating their son only. Daughters have to learn household works and cooking. This is also leading to the low enrolment of girls in schools.

Government Initiatives for Women Education in India

There are many programs and policies initiated by the government at the national level for improving the status of women’s education in India.

  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
  • Sukanya Smariddhi Yojna
  • Balika Smariddhi Yojna
  • National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education
  • Dhanlakshmi Scheme

Our Own Effort for Women Education

Apart from the initiatives taken by the government, we should also try to understand the importance of women’s education. The girl and boy child must be treated equally. We should encourage poor people in our society to educate their children. Many of them are unaware of government schemes. Everything needs a start-up and that must be initiated from our workplace and locality. Girls must be taught various ways of self-defense and speak up for any wrong.

Men and women are two sides of one coin. Women should also enjoy the same right as men and hence it is necessary for both to be educated, in order to make our families, society, and nation prosper.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Jyotiba Phule was the pioneer of women’s education in India by starting a school for girls in Pune in 1848.

Ans . The female literacy rate in India is 70.03% in 2020.

Ans . Kerala is the state in India with the highest female literacy rate.

Ans . Rajasthan has the lowest female literacy rate in India.

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Essay on Women’s Education in India in 1000+ Words

Essay on Women's Education in India

Hello My Dear Friend, In this post “ Essay on Women’s Education in India “, We will be going to read about Women’s Education In India in an Essay in detail. So…

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Essay on Women’s Education in India

Women’s Education In India plays a very significant role in the overall development of the country.

It not only helps with the development of half the human resources but in improving the quality of life at home and outside. India is a developing country.

Moreover, it is one of the largest democracies. from the day of Independence, our country has had extraordinary development in all fields.

Women’s education in India has been one of the major issues of concern for the government of India as well as society. It is because of the fact that today educated women play a very significant role in the overall development and progress of the country. 

Women hold a prominent position in Indian society as well as all over the world.

Educated women not only tend to promote education for their girl children but can also provide better guidance to all or any of their children.

Moreover educated women also can help in the reduction of the infant mortality rate and the growth of the population.

Women’s education is the most effective way to improve the lives and health of a family and society.

It empowers with the ability to think, reason, take appropriate decisions, and protect oneself from oppression and abuse.

Essay on Women's Education in India

Literacy Rate of Women’s Education in India

                                   Enrollment in Education (Census-2011)

Also, read:

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Major Recommendations of Commissions for Women’s Education in India

  • The Indian Education Commission (1882):- “It can be seen that there is still an extremely backward condition for female education.”. For the spread of women’s education , the commission made some important recommendations government should give more liberal grants to private girls’ schools. Establishment of Normal School for Training of Women Teachers. school fees should be normal.
  • University Education Commission (1952-53):- “They shall not try to imitate men but shall desire as good education as women as men get as men. Women’s and Men’s education should have many elements in common, but shouldn’t, generally, be identical in all respects.”
  • Secondary Education Commission (1952-53):- This Commission states that “our constitution has guaranteed equal rights for both the sexes in all works of life (Section 16 A). So every type of education open to men should also be open to women. women have made their mark almost in all the fields which generation ago would have been considered as unsuitable for them.”
  • In 1959 under the chairmanship of Sm. Durgabai Deshmukh the National Council for Women’s Education was established… A special unit was opened in the central ministry of education to look after women’s education.
  • In 1961 under the chairmanship of Sm. Hansa Mehta the National Council for Women’s Education appointed a committee to solve the problem of a separate syllabus for girls.
  • The Education Commission (1964-66) fully endorsed and advocated the earliest and fullest implementation of the above committees.

Essay on Women's Education in India

  • The National Education Policy (1968):- The education for girls should receive emphasis, not only on grounds of social transformation.
  • The National Education Policy(1986):- “Education will be used as an agent of basic change in the status of women . The national education system will play a positive; interventionist role in the empowerment of women .”

Constitutional Provision for Women

  • Article 15 clause (3)   the state from making any special provision for women .
  • Article (15) No citizens shall be discriminated against on the ground of sex.
  • Article (39) Men and women will give equal rights by the state in getting means of livelihood and equal pay for equal work formula.
  • Article 51 (a)   it’s the duty of each citizen to respect women .

National Policy for Women Empowerment (2001):-

The goal of this policy is to cause the advancement, development, and empowerment of girls. Equal access to participation and enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom by women on an equal basis with men in all spheres-political, economic, and civil.

  • In 2005 the committee was under the chairmanship of Sri. Tarun Gogoi to examine existing schemes increasing the participation and retention of girls , in all sectors of education, to make the provision in the NPE (National Policy on Education) and POA ( Programme of Action).

Schemes and Programmes for Women’s Education in India

  • National Women’s Commission (1992)- To protect the rights of women in general
  • Kasturba Gandhi Educational plan (1997)- Educational institutions in those areas where women’s literacy rate is very low.
  • Balika Samruddhi Yojna (1997)-  For girls child development
  • Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (2000)- To impart quality education to girls and SC, ST also.
  • Swayamsidha Yojna (2001-2002)-  Self-reliance and empowerment of women.
  • Kishori Shakti Yojna (2000-2001)- Adolescent’s strength and awareness (11-18) years of age.
  • Kanya Vidya Dhan Yojna (2004)- To promote higher education among girls
  • Maulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme (2003)-  For the promotion of girls’ education in the country.
  • Gaurav Nari Niti (2002)-  Women’s pride, gender equality, etc.
  • Ladli (2005)- To raise the status of the girl child in society providing them the right to birth and the right to survival.
  • Krishi Talim Yojana (2010)- The field of agriculture is imparted to women farmers
  • Nari Adalat (2007)-  For women’s justice in society. 33% of the reservation in panchayat has already been for women and the reservation bill is pending to parliament separate reservation to women’s education and empowerment .

Essay on Women's Education in India

Women Education Quotes

“Educate a man and you educate a person. Educate a woman   and you educate the whole family.” PM Jawahar Lal Nehru

The education system and the women’s education curriculum will be distinct from that of men’s education. Private education arrangements should be made for those young or older women who can not go to school due to any causes.

Special arrangements should be made and facilities should be given for training in the teaching profession in view of the fact that lady teachers have proved more suitable for teaching young children.

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Women Education in India Essay

Women education in India is a most important topic now-a-days which students generally get in their schools to write a complete essay or only paragraph. We have provided here some easy and simple written essays and paragraphs on women education in India for the school students. You can select any of the given essays or paragraphs according to your need and requirement.

Long and Short Essay on Women Education in India in English

Women education in india essay 1 (100 words).

Women education is very important for the country to fully develop. It is like an effective medicine to cure a patient completely and provide health back. Women education is a big opportunity for India to be developed socially and economically. Educated women are the weapon who yield positive impact on the Indian society through their contribution at home and professional fields. They are the reason of improved economy in the country as well as society. An educated woman has capability to handle her home and professional life. They can effectively contribute in controlling the population of India as they would like to marry at a later age in comparison to the uneducated woman.

Women Education in India

Women Education in India Essay 2 (150 words)

The women education in ancient India was quite good but in the middle age it was deteriorated because of many restrictions against women. However, again it is getting better and better day by day as modern people in India understand that without the growth and development of women, the development of country is not possible. It is very true that equal growth of both sex will increase the economic and social development in every areas of the country.

Women should be given equal opportunity in education like men and they should not be isolated from any development activities. Women covers almost half population of the country means if women are uneducated the half country is uneducated which bring poor socio-economic condition. Through the women education the social and economic development will be faster in India. To spread the importance and improve the level of women education all over the country, countrywide national propaganda and awareness programmes are very necessary. An educated woman can educate her whole family and thus whole country.

Women Education in India Essay 3 (200 words)

In terms of population, India is the second largest country of the world due to the low level women education. If a woman is uneducated, the future of country would also be uneducated. Women education was the matter of concern in India in the middle age however, it has been now solved to a great extent. Women education has been given a lot of priority in India just like men to bring some positive changes in the social and economic status of the country. In the past women were not allowed to go out of the door of their houses. They were only limited to the domestic works as their education.

Raja Ram Mohan Ray and Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar were some famous social reformers during the British rule in India who paid their attention towards the women education. Both man and woman covers the half half population of the country. They are like two sides of the coin so need equal opportunity to participate in the country development. One cannot exist without other because women are everything as they give birth to the future generation. If they would be well educated they would give rise educated future generation and thus healthy social and economic condition in India.

Women Education in India Essay 4 (250 words)

Introduction: Women education is very important for the proper social and economic growth of the country. Both men and women are like two sides of the coin and run equally like two wheels of the society. So both are are important element of the growth and development in the country thus require equal opportunity in the education. If anyone of both goes downside, social progress is not possible.

Advantages of Women Education in India: The female education in India is highly necessary for the future of the country as women are the first teachers of their children means future of the nation. If education of the women is getting ignored, it would be the ignorant of bright future of the nation. An uneducated women cannot actively participate in handling the family, proper care of the children and thus weak future generation. We cannot count all the advantages of the women education.

An educated women may easily handle her family, make each family member responsible, infuse good qualities in children, participate in the social works and all would lead her towards the socially and economically healthy nation. By educating a man, only a man can be educated however educating a woman, whole country can be educated. Lack of women education weakens the powerful part of the society. So, women should have full rights for the education and should not be treated as inferior to men.

Conclusion: India is now a leading country in the field of women education. History of India is never blank of brave women however it is full of women philosophers like Gargi, Viswabara, Maritreyi (of Vedic age) and other famous women are like Mirabai, Durgabati, Ahalyabi, Laxmibai, etc. All the famous historical women in India are inspiration for the women of this age. We never forget their contributions to the society and country.

Women Education in India Essay 5 (300 words)

Female education in India has been an urgent need of the new era. We cannot hope for the developed nation without proper education of the women of the country. Women play very important role in the progress of a family, society, and country. In order to make democracy successful in the country women education is necessary together with the men. Educated women are the real source of happiness in the family, society and country. It is very truly said that educating a man educate a man only however educating a woman educate whole family and thus whole nation a day.

It is very necessary to highlight on the importance of female education in the country because women are first teacher of their children. Future of the child depends on the love and care of the mother means a woman. Every child get his/her very first lesson through the mother thus it is very important for a mother to be educated as only a well educated mother can shape and mould the career of her child. Trained and educated mothers may nourish many lives in their life term and give rise to the developed nation.

A woman performs the role of many characters throughout her life such as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother. Before being involved in any relationship, first she is a free citizen of the independent country and has all rights like man. They have rights to get proper education to perform better in all areas of life. Women education help them to be more independent and empowered in their life. Education help them to grow their mind and status and not be a burden to their parents like past times. Education help them to be well aware of their duties and rights as well as realize their responsibilities to contribute towards development of the country as same as men do.

Women Education in India Essay 6 (400 words)


Since ancient time to the time after independence, there have been lots of progress in the field of women education. However not satisfying as much has yet to be achieved. The reason of backwardness in the Indian society is because of the lack of proper women education. Lack of proper women education is because of the various social restrictions against women in India which need to be over on urgent basis. In order to remove such type of social evils from the society and improve status of women education, women should be encouraged for their rights of proper education so that they may make their positive efforts towards society and country.

For the betterment of the women education in India following programmes have been run:

  • Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan
  • Indira Mahila Yojana
  • Balika Samridhi Yojana
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
  • Mahila Samridhi Yojana
  • Employment and Income Generating Training-cum-Production Centres
  • Programme of Development of Women and Children in rural areas
  • Short Stay Home for Women and Girls

Here are some factors affecting the women education in India:

  • Undernourishment and malnutrition of the girl child
  • Sexual harassment and abuse at early age
  • Lower socio-economic status of parents
  • Infections and low immunity power at childhood
  • So many social restrictions and taboo in their life
  • Forced to follow orders of elders in family whether at home of parents or parents-in-law
  • Allowed to get only limited education

What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a national mission run by the government of India aiming to offer quality education for 8 years to all the children coming under age group 6 to 14 years. This programmes was pioneered by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee to achieve the following targets:

  • To cover education in all districts by the year 2002.
  • To bring all children to school by the year 2003.
  • To make necessary for all children to complete 5 years of education by the year 2007.
  • To make necessary for all children to complete 8 years of quality elementary education by the year 2010.


Women education have been improved in all the urban and rural areas of the country however in the rural areas extra programmes of development of women have been included. In order to improve socio-economic status of women in the rural areas, awareness programmes are run to develop income generating activities.

Long Essay on Women Education in India – 7 (800 words)

India is considered as one of the world greatest democracies and has also surpassed China as the world’s fastest growing economy in the financial quarter of October-December 2018; an achievement only made possible through ensuring education for all and gender equality. Promoting women education and ensuring female literacy have been the major factors behind India’s success. The statistics reveal an unprecedented growth in development and women education in the past few decades- India is progressing fast towards her never seen before socio economic development as more and more Indian women are becoming part of its economy; through, their education and empowerment.

Current Status of Women Education in India (with Statistics)

The national female literacy rate when India gained independence was tragically low at 8.6%. Women, who were allowed to take part in freedom struggle, were now confined to the houses, leading to the formation of a male dominated patriarchal society.  The female literacy rate of India has increased from 8.6% in 1951 to 64.63%, according to 2011 census. Though, this increase in the female literacy rate is encouraging and promising as well; unfortunately, there is also a flip side to it.

The current female literacy rate of India lags behind the male literacy rate, the former at 65.6% and the latter at 81.3%. The female education rate of India at 65.6% is significantly lower than the world average at 79.7%. The situation is more critical in rural areas, where fewer girls go to schools as compared to boys and the number of dropout rate is alarming among girls.

Statistics also reveal that India still has nearly 145 Million women, who are unable to read or write.

Why Do We Lag Behind?

The factors those restrict Indian women from getting educated and joining the main stream are mainly social. Below we will go through a summarization of such factors with a brief detail.

1) Patriarchal Society

Indian society is male dominated society. Women are not allowed the social status as equivalent to the men and are relegated to the confines of their houses. Though, the situation is different in urban areas, where women are more educated and employed; rural areas constituting 70% of the Indian population, still lag behind on gender equality. Educating a woman or a girl child is considered a non profitable venture in such societies. Females in many rural societies are considered a liability, which has to be ultimately transferred to other family after marriage.

2) Gender Discrimination

While we progress fast to become world’s super power one day; gender inequality is the reality that screams in our society even today. Even the educated and working urban women are not aloof from the experiences of gender bias, not to mention the women in rural areas. Women in some industries are paid less than the men having same credentials. Their efficiency for a particular task or project is weighed low against that of their male counterparts. Women are grossly underestimated for promotions or for holding responsibilities. Such gender discrimination discourages the women from being educated and achieving their aspirations.

3) Crime against women

Women of India are much more susceptible to violence and threat than the men. Many crimes against women are still prevalent in Indian society, like- dowry, domestic violence, flesh trade, sexual harassment etc. such crimes only restrict the women folk to step out of their houses and enter schools or even offices, for that matter.

4) Lack of Security

Though the successive governments have worked to provide Indian women a safe and secure environment at home and also at work, still a lot remains to be done. Women working even in the safest cities of the country, lack the courage to transit alone during late night hours. Girls going to school in rural areas are pestered and eve teased. Such incidents are also responsible for high female school dropout rate.  It is the responsibility of the government and the society as well to ensure a girl’s safe transit to school, ensuring her education.

Advantages of Women/ Female Education in India

Following is the brief description of the advantages of women/female education in India-

1) Social Development

Educating women could be the key to remove many social evils of Indian society- dowry system, female infanticide and workplace harassment etc. An educated woman changes the future generations.

2) Economical Development

Educating women will definitely lead to the economical development of the nation as more women join the work force.

3) High Living Standard

An educated woman will contribute financially for the needs of her family and relatives. Two earning parents provide better growth prospects for the children as well as a raised living standard of the family.

4) Social Recognition

A family with educated women enjoys a good social status and is honored more than others. An educated woman conducts appropriately in the society earning laurels for the family and making it proud.

5) Improved Health And Hygiene

An educated woman recognizes the health hazards to her family and knows how to deal with them. She knows how to feed and nurture her children, telling them about good and bad hygiene.

An educated woman is like a magic wand which brings prosperity, health and pride. We just have to unleash her potential and see the magic happen. We have improved a lot on women education since our independence, but still a lot remains to be improved. Factors restricting the growth of women education in India are mainly societal, and we need to recognize them and eliminate them, if we want to achieve the goals of socio-economic development.

More on Education:

Article on Importance of Education in our Life

Article on Importance of Education in Society

Article on Importance of Education for Children

Article on Importance of Education for Women

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