How the quality of school lunch affects students’ academic performance

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, michael l. anderson , mla michael l. anderson associate professor of agricultural and resource economics - university of california, berkeley justin gallagher , and jg justin gallagher assistant professor of economics - case western reserve university elizabeth ramirez ritchie err elizabeth ramirez ritchie ph.d. graduate student - university of california-berkeley, department of agricultural and resource economics.

May 3, 2017

In 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The main goal of the law was to raise the minimum nutritional standards for public school lunches served as part of the National School Lunch Program. The policy discussion surrounding the new law centered on the underlying health reasons for offering more nutritious school lunches, in particular, concern over the number of children who are overweight. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in five children in the United States is obese.

Surprisingly, the debate over the new law involved very little discussion as to whether providing a more nutritious school lunch could improve student learning. A lengthy medical literature examines the link between diet and cognitive development, and diet and cognitive function. The medical literature focuses on the biological and chemical mechanisms regarding how specific nutrients and compounds are thought to affect physical development (e.g., sight), cognition (e.g., concentration, memory), and behavior (e.g., hyperactivity). Nevertheless, what is lacking in the medical literature is direct evidence on how nutrition impacts educational achievement.

We attempt to fill this gap in a new study that measures the effect of offering healthier public school lunches on end of year academic test scores for public school students in California. The study period covers five academic years (2008-2009 to 2012-2013) and includes all public schools in the state that report test scores (about 9,700 schools, mostly elementary and middle schools). Rather than focus on changes in national nutrition standards, we instead focus on school-specific differences in lunch quality over time. Specifically, we take advantage of the fact that schools can choose to contract with private companies of varying nutritional quality to prepare the school lunches. About 12 percent of California public schools contract with a private lunch company during our study period. School employees completely prepare the meals in-house for 88 percent of the schools.

To determine the quality of different private companies, nutritionists at the Nutrition Policy Institute analyzed the school lunch menus offered by each company. The nutritional quality of the menus was scored using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI). The HEI is a continuous score ranging from zero to 100 that uses a well-established food component analysis to determine how well food offerings (or diets) match the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The HEI is the Department of Agriculture’s preferred measure of diet quality, and the agency uses it to “examine relationships between diet and health-related outcomes, and to assess the quality of food assistance packages, menus, and the US food supply.” The average HEI score for the U.S. population is 63.8, while the median HEI score in our study is 59.9. In other words, the typical private company providing public school lunch in CA is a bit less healthy than the average American diet.

We measure the relationship between having a lunch prepared by a standard (below median HEI) or healthy (above median HEI) company relative to in-house preparation by school staff. Our model estimates the effect of lunch quality on student achievement using year-to-year changes between in-house preparation of school meals and outside vendors of varying menu quality, within a given school . We control for grade, school, and year factors, as well as specific student and school characteristics including race, English learner, low family income, school budget, and student-to-teacher ratios.

We find that in years when a school contracts with a healthy lunch company, students at the school score better on end-of-year academic tests. On average, student test scores are 0.03 to 0.04 standard deviations higher (about 4 percentile points). Not only that, the test score increases are about 40 percent larger for students who qualify for reduced-price or free school lunches. These students are also the ones who are most likely to eat the school lunches.

Moreover, we find no evidence that contracting with a private company to provide healthier meals changes the number of school lunches sold. This is important for two reasons. First, it reinforces our conclusion that the test score improvements we measure are being driven by differences in food quality, and not food quantity. A number of recent studies have shown that providing (potentially) hungry kids with greater access to food through the National School Lunch Program can lead to improved test scores. We are among the very few studies to focus on quality, rather than food quantity (i.e., calories). Second, some critics of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act worried that by raising the nutritional standards of school lunches that fewer children would eat the food, thereby unintentionally harming the students that the law was designed to help. Our results provide some reassurance that this is not likely to be the case.

Finally, we also examine whether healthier school lunches lead to a reduction in the number of overweight students. We follow previous literature and use whether a student’s body composition (i.e. body fat) is measured to be outside the healthy zone on the Presidential Fitness Test . We find no evidence that having a healthier school lunch reduces the number of overweight students. There are a few possible interpretations of this finding, including that a longer time period may be necessary to observe improvements in health, the measure of overweight is too imprecise, or that students are eating the same amount of calories due to National School Lunch Program calorie meal targets.

Education researchers have emphasized the need and opportunity for cost-effective education policies . While the test score improvements are modest in size, providing healthier school lunches is potentially a very cost-effective way for a school to improve student learning. Using actual meal contract bid information we estimate that it costs approximately an additional $80 per student per year to contract with one of the healthy school lunch providers relative to preparing the meals completely in-house.

While this may seem expensive at first, compare the cost-effectiveness of our estimated test score changes with other policies. A common benchmark is the Tennessee Star experiment , which found a large reduction in the class size of grades K-3 by one-third correlated with a 0.22 standard deviation test score increase. This reduction cost over $2,000 when the study was published in 1999, and would be even more today. It is (rightfully) expensive to hire more teachers, but scaling this benefit-cost ratio to achieve a bump in student learning gains equal to our estimates, we find class-size increases would be at least five times more expensive than healthier lunches.

Thus, increasing the nutritional quality of school meals appears to be a promising, cost-effective way to improve student learning. The value of providing healthier public school lunches is true even without accounting for the potential short- and long-term health benefits, such as a reduction in childhood obesity and the development of healthier lifelong eating habits. Our results cast doubt on the wisdom of the recently announced proposal by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to roll back some of the school lunch health requirements implemented as part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

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Why School Meals Matter

Lunch tray with apple, whole grain sandwich, almonds carrot sticks, celery sticks and milk

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Weight statistics for children are approaching that of adults: 1 in 3 children is now overweight or obese. Studies have also shown a rising prevalence of type 1 and 2 diabetes in adolescents ages 10 through 19 years, with increasing obesity cited as a key contributor. [1]

On a positive note, the CDC showed a significant 40% decline in obesity rates from 2003 to 2012 in younger children ages 2 to 5 years. [2] Another CDC report revealed a decline in obesity rates among low-income children ages 2 to 4 years participating in federal nutrition programs. [3] Authors from both studies discussed the likely impact of early education programs focusing on improved nutrition and exercise standards, as guided by the HHFKA.

Despite some anecdotal reports in the media that fruits and vegetables from these new updated school meals were ending up in the trash, two studies discovered the opposite. In 2014, Cohen at al. found that children were eating more of their entrees and selecting and eating more fruit. [4] In 2015, Schwartz et al. followed more than 500 children in urban schools in grades 5 through 7, comparing before and after pictures and weights of their school lunches. [5] They found that after two years there was a 19% increase in vegetable intake. Though the amount of fruit eaten did not change, 12% more children were selecting fruits as part of their lunch tray. The authors noted that a greater variety of fruits had been made available, which may have encouraged the children to choose fruit.

Healthier choices throughout the school day

Vending Machine

According to standards that went into effect in 2016, a Smart Snack must be one of the following:

  • A grain product that contains 50 percent or more whole grains by weight (i.e., lists a whole grain as the first ingredient)
  • Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food
  • A combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable

The snack must also meet specific  nutrient standards for calories, sodium, sugar, and fats per serving.

When it comes to drinks, allowed beverages include the following:

  • Plain water (with or without carbonation)
  • Unflavored low fat milk
  • Unflavored or flavored fat-free milk and milk alternatives
  • 100% fruit or vegetable juice
  • Calorie-free, flavored water (with or without carbonation)
  • Flavored and/or carbonated beverages that contain less than 5 calories per 8 fluid ounces or ≤10 calories per 20 fluid ounces.

Further modifications beyond these school food standards might include eliminating flavored, sweetened milks and offering only plain milk; limiting fruit juice; providing entrees of poultry, fish, and beans more often than red meat and processed meats; and replacing solid fats with healthful oils such as canola, sunflower, and olive oil when preparing food, salad dressings and sauces.

Parent Tip: How do I know my child is eating their school lunch?

  • An important step is to involve your child with meal decisions and maintain an encouraging and non-judgmental attitude to foster open dialogue.
  • Most schools provide monthly calendars of their school lunch offerings that include the main meal and alternatives. Discuss each of the choices with your child and highlight the specific foods in the meal they like, dislike, or aren’t sure of. After school, ask what foods they ate and didn’t eat and why. This can help to plan their future meals and snacks.
  • Pack nutritious snacks of string cheese, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, whole or chopped fruit, and cut up vegetables that your child enjoys in case they don’t finish the school lunch offering one day. As children respond positively to variety [5], periodically change up the types of fruits and vegetables in their snack bag.

Lunchbox graphic with the Kid's Healthy Eating Plate

  • If your child does not consume foods offered at school, here are some tips and inspiration for preparing healthy lunchboxes and snack ideas.
  • Dabelea, D., et al. Prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Among Children and Adolescents From 2001 to 2009. JAMA , 2014. 311(17): p. 1778-86.
  • Ogden, C.L., et al. Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. JAMA, 2014;311(8):806-14.
  • Vital Signs: Obesity Among Low-Income, Preschool-Aged Children—United States, 2008–2011. MMWR, 2013;62(31);629-34.
  • Cohen, J., et al. Impact of the New U.S. Department of Agriculture School Meal Standards on Food Selection, Consumption, and Waste.  Am J Prev Med, 2014;46(4):388-94.
  • Schwartz Marlene B., et al. New School Meal Regulations Increase Fruit Consumption and Do Not Increase Total Plate Waste. Childhood Obesity, 2015;11(3): 242-7.

Argumentative Essay On Healthy School Lunches

A school cafeteria plans to change to a healthier lunch menu, but the choice would eliminate students’ favorite foods. The school should change the lunch menu to healthier options. Healthier foods give more energy and provide the nutrients you need to survive. With more energy and nutrients, students can concentrate better which leads to higher grades. The school should change to healthier lunch options because healthier foods give more energy, provide nutrients, and help raise grades.

First, having healthier foods on the lunch menu would provide students with more energy. For instance, I always pack my lunch for school with at least one protein and fruit. In doing so my concentration is better throughout the day and I can retain more information learned. However, some people may say that junk food and prepackaged foods also give you more energy, it doesn’t. Prepackaged foods are made for quick boosts of energy, so you don’t get the energy you need to keep going throughout the day. As well as having more energy in healthier foods, nutrients are also provided.

Second, healthier foods provide nutrients and vitamins to your body. Nutrients are very important to our bodies in which they help our body grow and help our bones stay strong. Suppose that I am not getting enough nutrients in my body and I broke my leg. What would happen is that because of the lack of nutrients my broken leg would take longer to heal than if I had a normal amount of nutrients in my body. Now it is true that prepackaged foods also provide us with nutrients, however healthy foods provide us with a plentiful supply of nutrients that is natural. With nutrients and more energy, it is seen that students' grades increase.

Finally, healthier foods have been proven to raise students' grades. With nutrients and more energy coming from the healthier foods, students have been able to concentrate better and retain the information being taught at school. Let’s say I am getting c’s in my core classes and I had prepacked foods for lunch. I still have two classes to go to and I am very tired already. Likely, I won’t be able to concentrate because I am tired, which leads to a lack of retaining knowledge. This means that on the test, I won’t remember as much, causing a bad grade. Some may say that just because you eat healthier foods doesn’t mean the student will do the work and get better grades. That may be true, however it is likely that if the student is well energized they will do the work to get better grades. With healthier foods, more energy is provided as well as nutrients, which produce better grades for students.

Healthier lunch options give more energy, provide nutrients, and help raise grades. Healthier foods give more energy which helps keep you concentrated and active throughout the day. Healthier foods have nutrients that provide students with stronger bones and help body growth. With more energy and nutrients students can better retain the information they learn and get better grades. When you were in school you didn’t have a choice about eating healthier foods because you had to eat what was available. However now kids can choose, if you were in school now what would you choose, unhealthy food or healthy food?

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What Students Are Saying About Making School Lunch Healthier

New nutrition guidelines will mean less salt and sugar in school meals. Teenagers share whether they think students will embrace the changes.

A student forks up some food from a red tray divided into compartments. There is also a small open carton of milk.

By The Learning Network

School meals will soon contain less salt and sugar under new nutrition guidelines released by the Biden administration. School cafeterias will have to cut sodium levels 15 percent by the 2027-28 academic year. And for the first time, schools will need to limit the amount of added sugars in cereals and yogurts, starting in the 2025-26 academic year.

While many parents and nutritionists applauded the stricter federal regulations, some school lunch administrators fretted that the results will be less tasty to students, reducing consumption and increasing waste.

We asked teenagers for their opinions: Should schools serve healthier meals if it changes students’ favorite foods?

They weighed in on the federal guidelines and whether “healthy” really means “less tasty.” They also shared about their experiences of eating in the school cafeteria, including what works well and what could be improved.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the conversation on our writing prompts this week, including students from schools in Dallas , St. Louis and Seoul .

Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.

Many students supported the push for more healthful school lunches.

I feel as though we are being served foods that aren’t good for us because we don’t have all the food groups within the meal. Some students have health problems and need to be served healthier meals but the regular school lunches are all fats and carbs just blended in and quite frankly aren’t appetizing. Yes, some schools can’t afford a better lunch system but we still shouldn’t be served that unhealthy stuff. It’s not good for athletes or people with health problems. Schools can magically afford all this technology and all these fancier things in the school but we can’t afford a more healthy food option or better yet, something that actually tastes good. Me, personally, if we had a healthier school lunch I would eat it every day.

I think the lunches at our school are pretty satisfying. There is healthy and delicious Korean food. There is always a dessert for the students. However, I think the school should change the school lunch to a healthier meal because students need to eat a lot of vegetables, which are essential nutrients. Also, the school should provide more delicious dishes and different kinds of side dishes. The best solution is to have multiple options and dishes for vegan and vegetarians. I think junk food should not be part of a school lunch menu. School lunch is important since it hugely influences the students’ day.

— K K, south korea

Compared to other countries’ meals, America’s school lunches are not the most nourishing. Take a standard Japanese school lunch as an example. A balanced meal should have a source of carbohydrates, protein, dairy, and a source of vitamins and minerals that can be found in an average vegetable. A usual school lunch in Japan contains white rice, meat or fish, soup, a salad, and a bottle of milk. A quality, balanced meal such as this should be the standard for school lunches. Of course, this doesn’t mean that less healthy options should be out of the picture, as, who doesn’t want a treat now and then? But judging from my school’s lunches, which can be found as cheese pizza and spaghetti with meatballs, the concern for nutrition is understandable.

— Malaya, Philadelphia, PA

I think there should be a reduction of the amount of salt and sugar schools put into foods. Personally, I don’t even think many kids are considering it when they eat the food, as some people just eat school lunch every day. That being said, reducing the salts and sugars might make the foods taste better, as I find many foods to be over-sweetened and over-salted. Not only would making a change be healthier, but it might even be an improvement to the current menu.

— Livia, Greenbelt MS, Maryland

Others argued that making school food healthier will mean fewer students will eat it.

I believe that the more objectively correct option for student wellbeing is to make the foods healthier, but personally, I wouldn’t want that. Firstly, I don’t even eat school lunch, so my opinion on it is probably different from other people’s opinions … I think that more people might pack lunches if healthier meals that may not taste as good replace the current school lunches. Also, from what I can see, a lot of food gets thrown out, left behind, or just scattered all over the place. Replacing good (sometimes) tasting meals with foods that tend to not taste as good might increase the amount of food not eaten. In conclusion, healthier meals are objectively better for students, however, students may not prefer the healthier options.

— Max, J.R. Masterman School

Students will not embrace the change. Sadly if you take away the foods that taste good and swap them for foods that are healthy but don’t taste as good, there will be some dissatisfaction. I do think it’s important for students to have healthier diets but they might not think the same.

— Tanae, Greenbelt Middle School

I think that enforcing healthy eating habits at school is incredibly important, but flavorless green beans or corn might not be the best solution. For me, I don’t think that the fact that we are served healthy foods is an issue — I dislike many of the foods because they are simply not appetizing. I often enjoy salads at restaurants or at home, but the school cafeteria just seems to make everything taste worse. Judging by the amount of food left in trash cans around the steaming hot cafeteria, it is clear that my peers may feel similarly. Many people I know simply wait until they arrive home to eat, rather than indulge in the school’s delicacies. Snacks from home or vending machines are common ways to avoid cafeteria food. Healthy food is a good idea, but more needs to be done to make it both appetizing and energizing for the student body.

— Calla, Julia R. Masterman, Philadelphia, PA

Some suggested a middle ground, one in which nutritious options exist beside student favorites.

I have seen some school lunches some days in which I wonder how the school is able to serve considering how unhealthy it is. I put a big emphasis on healthy nutrition, so these types of lunches are unfortunate for me. However, we are kids and I do think we could be treated to things that are unhealthy at times. Making school lunches healthier could also build healthier habits for students when they are by themselves at home. This is because they could possibly get used to the health foods they are consuming everyday at lunch and make them want to crave healthier foods at home. Overall, I think it’s a good idea to give students healthier foods, but I don’t think it should be 100% healthy.

— Brendan, Baker High School

It really depends on the student body. Different people have different preferences. The best solution would be to have multiple options, including vegan, halal, healthy, and junk food for students. However, this can often lead to food waste. Junk food is unhealthy, but most students like it and food isn’t wasted a lot. On the other hand, not a lot of teenagers choose to eat vegetables and fruits. Food waste would be a huge problem if schools decide to serve healthier menus, and even worse, fresh fruit and vegetables are way more expensive than junk food and fast food, which not many educational districts can provide for.

— Jimin, Seoul

Students either look forward to school lunch or despise it, both breakfast and lunch: the school offers various options for one to choose from. However, within the options, they are not the best in a healthy manner. Therefore schools should consider serving healthier food to an extent. The reason is that students may complain about the lack of flavor, low salt, etc but in the long run it would be more beneficial to one’s health. A well-balanced mixture of a lunch tray that serves both nutrients and salt would be amazing and satisfy students.

— Valeria, John H. Francis Polytechnic High School

Schools should serve healthier food choices but not remove any of students’ favorite food options. Healthier food choices should increase since approximately 19.7% of children are obese. With the food provided, schools should set the demonstration of a healthy diet however not remove students’ favorite food choices. With healthier food choices for their bodies, the students will have the nutrients and the energy they need to learn since with unhealthy food, the children can have stomach aches and a lack of energy, which would affect them in their education, so I believe they should serve healthy options for students.

— Jose, Sun Valley

Several said teaching students about nutrition and letting them have a say in the menu would help them make healthier choices.

I have a mixed opinion about this topic. While I do believe promoting better health and nutrition among students is important, respecting students’ preferences is also important. Schools can introduce healthier foods slowly and involve students in the process. By finding ways to make healthy foods appealing and enjoyable, schools can help students develop a taste for nutritious foods they will carry into adulthood.

— Anngelin, Dallas, Texas

If I were responsible for keeping food waste to a minimum, step one would be to listen to students and serve what they like. There’s no reason to throw the food away if it is good. It’s impossible to cater to every student, so why not make sides available? If people, for example, like the breadstick that comes with the macaroni and cheese, why not give students the option to order a side and nothing else? This also works if someone hates the breadstick but loves the macaroni. Giving students options is a great way to prevent unnecessary food waste.

— Tate, Julia R. Masterman, Philadelphia, PA

I feel that throughout my school many food ends up getting wasted because of the lack of attention brought to people with regards to healthy eating. Because so many fruits and vegetables get thrown out on the daily at my school, many people are getting fueled on the unhealthy salt and sugar-filled items that are getting processed in places that aren’t good for you. If there were to be teachings about why it is so important to keep fruits and veggies in your day to day diet, it can really benefit you a lot. Also, lots of people around the world can afford healthy food items, so if schools were to start to make meals more healthy, it could really help not only American obesity but also help people get new healthy eating habits.

— Maddie, Connecticut

Educating students about the benefits of a low-salt, low-sugar diet and introducing flavorful alternatives could help promote acceptance of the new guidelines. Ultimately, it will be important for schools to engage with students, gather feedback, and involve them in the process of creating nutritious and appealing menu options to encourage healthier eating habits.

— Nebeyu, Greenbelt Middle

Students also told us what’s working in their own school cafeterias.

As a student attending public school, I was made aware of how the federal government regulated schools to follow specific nutritional guidelines, such as the healthy eating plate, which depicts a perfectly balanced meal consisting of ½ vegetables and fruits, ¼ carbohydrates, and ¼ protein. Most of the schools I attended followed this guideline. However, after switching to private schools, I noticed that their meal plans were more lenient, as they had more freedom to do what they wanted … At my school, our salad bar is very successful. Students can customize their salad with fresh fruits and vegetables that create a great food source that brings the body energy. Therefore, schools should have a balanced meal that includes healthy options, without eliminating all of students’ favorites. I personally think the healthy eating plate is a good guide to see if your main lunch source is pulling from all food types and energy sources.

— Sophia, St. Louis

I believe eating healthy, even if it is forced, is important. My previous school food, for example, had many options, including Asian, western, a salad bar, and different bread options. This helped students choose what kind of food they wanted. For breakfast and dinner, they balanced the sodium levels by giving under-seasoned food for breakfast if the dinner was going to have salty or sugary food. To help parents and students know how much sodium they are taking that day, they posted pictures with the sodium levels for every meal.

— Melinda, Korea

And what needs improvement.

I believe schools can improve on healthier food options. There are students who buy lunch everyday, some who don’t have a choice in this, so having higher quality food for them would be beneficial. I’ve seen plenty of questionable food in my cafeteria and they’re usually the healthier options. No student actively wants to eat a rotting salad or a fruit cup that has been sitting out for a few hours; it’s gross. So these usually get thrown away. Burgers, pizza, fries, etc. are always going to be served in school cafeterias. Those foods could also be improved with their high sodium levels. But, if schools offer good quality, healthier options, students may actually choose them. Overall, school lunches are tolerable in their current state, but I’m sure there can be steps taken to improve them.

— Ren, New York

To be honest, I am not completely satisfied with the food at my school. In our dining room, so-called “healthy food” is presented but, in my opinion, it cannot be called healthy. For example, let’s take the same chicken Caesar salad, which has the same fried patty that is served in burgers. The fruits that are presented are often of very questionable freshness. Also, compared to unhealthy food, the amount of healthy food is simply scant, so most students choose standard items: such as pizza, burgers, French fries and nuggets. I have nothing against it, but I don’t think it’s a good diet for every day, especially if you have lunch in the third period like me. I haven’t had lunch at school for a long time and I just take snacks from home, however, considering that we spend eight hours at school, I am always very hungry in the last periods. I wish my school had more healthy food options, even if it tasted worse than regular food.

— Sabrina, Hinsdale, IL

I believe that schools should continue to have healthy food options but improve on what they have. Some of the healthier options my school provides are fruits or small salads that are close to rotting. I think that the food that they give most times just ends up in the trash because the food is about to go bad and people don’t want to eat fruits that have gone brown or lettuce that is soggy. I also believe that if our school has to provide healthy options to students, they should also serve vegan/vegetarian options. Our school does have salads but they almost always have chicken or cheese in them and they aren’t nearly big enough to fill someone. I believe schools should provide free healthy options for students but improve the quality of food that they serve.

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School Lunch Should Be Free and More Healthy

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Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 1078 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Works Cited

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Childhood Obesity Facts.
  • Food Research & Action Center. (2022). National School Lunch Program. Retrieved from
  • Gatto, N. M., Ventura, E. E., Cook, L. T., & Gyllenhammer, L. E. (2012). Davis SPAN Program: A Nutrition Intervention Program for Children with Special Needs. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(2), 231–237.
  • Government Accountability Office. (2011). National School Lunch Program: Improving Nutrition and Resource Management Could Further Enhance Program’s Effectiveness.
  • Honigman, J. (2019). Students protest after Pennsylvania school district threatens to put kids in foster care over unpaid lunch debt.
  • Hsin, A., & Muth, M. K. (2008). Effect of Excess Adiposity on Arterial Elasticity in Children. Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 13(1), 23–28.
  • Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., Hannan, P. J., Perry, C. L., & Irving, L. M. (2004). Weight-Related Concerns and Behaviors Among Overweight and Nonoverweight Adolescents: Implications for Preventing Weight-Related Disorders. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 158(2), 185–193.
  • School Nutrition Association. (2022). 2022 Position Paper: School Meal Programs. Retrieved from
  • The State of Obesity. (2022). Adult Obesity in the United States.
  • United States Department of Agriculture. (2022). National School Lunch Program: Participation and Lunches Served. Retrieved from

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argumentative essay about school lunches

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argumentative essay about school lunches

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  1. ⇉Argumentative paper: school lunches Essay Example

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  5. Programs to Improve School Lunches Free Essay Example

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  1. Argument On Healthy School Lunches: [Essay Example], 542 words

    Body Paragraph 1: Academic Performance. One of the primary reasons why healthy school lunches are crucial is their impact on students' academic performance. Numerous studies have shown a clear link between nutrition and cognitive function. When students consume nutritious meals, they experience improved concentration, memory, and problem ...

  2. How the quality of school lunch affects students ...

    We find that in years when a school contracts with a healthy lunch company, students at the school score better on end-of-year academic tests. On average, student test scores are 0.03 to 0.04 ...

  3. Why School Meals Matter

    School foods in the U.S. have come a long way. In 2010 they received a complete makeover when The First Lady Michelle Obama spearheaded a school meals initiative, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA), which was signed into law in December of that year.The act targeted childhood obesity by funding child nutrition programs and setting new nutrition standards for the National School Lunch ...

  4. An Argumentative Essay About School Lunches

    An Argumentative Essay About School Lunches. 472 Words2 Pages. To begin with, the taste alone of school lunches is beyond unsatisfactory. The meals provided by public schools are not appetizing. There exists a tangible disconnect between the enticing, nutritious meals advertised on the school board's menus and what the students actually ...

  5. Should Lunch Be Longer?

    One study showed that the more time kids have, the more of their lunch they eat—so less food ends up in the trash. Longer lunchtimes are a win for kids and the environment. In the past, students got more time for lunch. About 10 years ago, schools began cutting lunchtimes so they could add extra minutes to class times.

  6. Argumentative Essay On Healthy School Lunches

    Argumentative Essay On Healthy School Lunches. A school cafeteria plans to change to a healthier lunch menu, but the choice would eliminate students' favorite foods. The school should change the lunch menu to healthier options. Healthier foods give more energy and provide the nutrients you need to survive.

  7. Why School Lunch Should Always Be Free

    So from March to June (2020), it was determined that on average, 74 school days were closed, and families got $5.70 a day, which was the cost of breakfast and lunch. So it came to $420. But that made a real difference to families. The other really important learning is that basically for this school year, school meals are free for all students.

  8. Argumentative Essay On School Lunches

    Argumentative Essay On School Lunches. Better Essays. 1418 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. Non-nutritional School Lunches. The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act was passed in 2012, in order to counteract rising childhood obesity rates. Creators of these requirements specifically targeted schools. There are several specific examples of the way schools ...

  9. Why Students Hate School Lunches

    Sept. 26, 2015. MORE than 30 million children trundle through school cafeteria lines every day in the United States and thanks to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which took effect in 2012, they ...

  10. Persuasive Essay On School Lunches

    An Argumentative Essay About School Lunches 472 Words | 2 Pages. To begin with, the taste alone of school lunches is beyond unsatisfactory. The meals provided by public schools are not appetizing. There exists a tangible disconnect between the enticing, nutritious meals advertised on the school board's menus and what the students actually ...

  11. Persuasive Essay on School Lunches

    Persuasive Essay on School Lunches. Topics: Healthy Food Public School. Words: 1277. Pages: 3. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples.

  12. Argumentative paper: school lunches

    A plate of spaghetti made with whole wheat pasta, low fat content hamburger and a sauce that is full of hidden vegetables would be an example of a healthier lunch. In 2010, President Obama signed into place the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act. This new law sets nutritional standards for all foods sold in school.

  13. What Students Are Saying About Making School Lunch Healthier

    School lunch is important since it hugely influences the students' day. — K K, south korea. Compared to other countries' meals, America's school lunches are not the most nourishing. Take a ...

  14. Argumentative Essay On School Lunches

    An Argumentative Essay About School Lunches 472 Words | 2 Pages. To begin with, the taste alone of school lunches is beyond unsatisfactory. The meals provided by public schools are not appetizing. There exists a tangible disconnect between the enticing, nutritious meals advertised on the school board's menus and what the students actually ...

  15. Essay about School Lunch

    3. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. The education system must provide the right tools for students to be able to succeed. The most vital tool is providing free school lunches for students.

  16. Argumentative Essay About School Lunches

    An Argumentative Essay About School Lunches 472 Words | 2 Pages. To begin with, the taste alone of school lunches is beyond unsatisfactory. The meals provided by public schools are not appetizing. There exists a tangible disconnect between the enticing, nutritious meals advertised on the school board's menus and what the students actually ...

  17. Argumentative Essay School Lunches

    Argumentative Essay School Lunches, Brave New World Essays Soma, Essay Theories About Rocks, Writing The Methods Section Of A Research Proposal, A Short Essay On Importance Of Time In English, Master's Thesis Criminal Justice, Appealing Application Letter 4.9 (6757 reviews)

  18. Argumentative Essay On School Lunches

    Argumentative Essay On School Lunches. 1760 Words4 Pages. Lunch is one of the most important meals of the day and is consumed mostly in school cafeterias for children and adolescence. Wholesome lunches are vital in maintaining a healthy metabolism and give children energy for the rest of the school day. Children are advised to eat healthily but ...

  19. School Lunch Should Be Free and More Healthy

    There are federally subsidized free or reduced-price meal plans for students. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) says that nearly 100,000 schools and educational institutions provide lunch to 30 million students a day. Of those, the program estimates that as many as 20 million students receive lunch for free, 2 million pay a reduced price ...

  20. Argumentative Essay About School Lunches

    Service Is a Study Guide. Our cheap essay writing service aims to help you achieve your desired academic excellence. We know the road to straight A's isn't always smooth, so contact us whenever you feel challenged by any kind of task and have an original assignment done according to your requirements. Professional Essay Writing Services.