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How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

make ai content undetectable

AI tools. AI content. Detection on the rise. What’s happening to our world? Not long ago, we read books and didn’t question their authors. We trusted they were human. Teachers never suspected essays being crafted by robots. But times change, and we adapt or get left behind. This is for everyone who creates content in any form.

So, here I am – a blogger named Alex Kosh. Let’s cut to the chase: I use AI for content creation . Why? It saves time and effort. But remember, AI is my sidekick, not my replacement . No robot can steal my identity! Now let’s dive into the real issue: if you create content online (blogs, YouTube, businesses) using AI, make sure it passes as human-made! That’s where Originality comes in.

Read my in-depth review of Originality.AI

My quest to find the best way to dodge AI detection: 

I’ve got six tricks up my sleeve — some paid, some free, all worth exploring. For each tool, I’ll request an article about… Oh hey! Let’s use “The best way to avoid AI content detection and humanize your posts.” Then I’ll test their originality with Originality AI (the top dog for sniffing out robot writers). By the way, the tool is the best AI content detector so far. Ready? Let’s go!

Free Tools: can they make AI content undetectable?

In our quest to humanize content and avoid AI detection, let’s explore some free tools that claim they can help. Buckle up, dear reader; it’s time to put these tools to the test!

1. Google Bard

Google Bard is an AI experiment by Google that lets you chat with a large language model and generate creative text. You can sign in with your Google account and try it out at  bard.google.com But will the tool help us create undetectable AI content? 

Welcome aboard the waitlist! Once you’re in, you’ll discover that Bard’s only perk is its web access . Writing-wise, ChatGPT wins hands down, but hey, Bard is free.

Bard Test: Asking it to write “The best ways to avoid AI content detection and humanize your posts” yields… drum roll… 

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Let’s check it out using Originality.ai:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

0% written by a human and 100% AI-generated content . Oops.

Let’s try some prompt engineering magic. Same topic, new writing style:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result? Mediocre — a solid 3 out of 5. Not terrible but no fireworks either.

Here is the output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Human or AI? Originality will tell:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

The result: 0% original content, 100% AI text. Sad.

Bottom line: Great for quick info bites but not your go-to for dodging AI detectors . It might have GPT-4 under its hood, but it lags behind ChatGPT.

2. Bing Chat

Bing chat. A fresh addition enabling interactions with a chatbot on the Microsoft Edge browser . Inquire, receive responses, and spawn content using this chatbot marvel. Delve into insights tied to the web page you’re browsing. Seamlessly woven into Microsoft Edge, Bing chat awaits your click on the Bing (discovery) button in the browser’s top-right corner. Be advised Bing chat remains in preview—enlist your Microsoft account for access.

So, can Bing Chat create AI written content that will pass our AI detection tool?

Following the more creative chat style,

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

let’s see if Bing Chat fares any better. The output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

I bet it will be detected as AI-generated, but let’s make sure:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

AI detection result: 0% originality, 100% AI-generated content. Ouch.

Time for the trusty prompt tweak (the prompt is the same as before — I’ll use it as a creative prompt throughout the article):

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Let’s check it:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Guess what? 0% originality, 100% AI-generated content again! At least we’re consistent…

However, Bing Chat does shine in creating content with quotes and adapting to our writing style. Its Achilles’ heel? Failing miserably in avoiding AI detection .

The search for free tools to sidestep AI detection ends with mixed results. Google Bard offers quick info but falters in crafting undetectable content. Bing Chat delivers better writing but still gets caught by the AI police.

We may need to lean on creativity and human insights when trying to bypass AI detection. At the end of the day, nothing beats genuine human touch, right?

Freemium Tools: will they help make AI content undetectable?

Freemium tools, folks! Here we are, exploring AI’s playground to dodge detection. No breaking banks, no empty wallets. Just clever tweaks to keep our content human-like. Ready? Let’s dive into ChatGPT and OpenAI’s Playground. Will they be able to bypass AI detection and seem as if they are being written by a human? Let’s see.

1. ChatGPT:

ChatGPT (one of the best GPT-4 AI writing Tools ) is an AI chatbot conceived from the neural network labs of OpenAI. It converses, engaging users with relevant details across a spectrum of subjects. Poems, songs, code, and more— ChatGPT crafts diverse content with ease . Venture to chat.openai.com to experience ChatGPT’s prowess. Do remember access to the GPT-4 requires a subscription to a monthly paid plan .

Twenty bucks for a subscription? You decide if it’s pricey or not. To me, it’s worth every penny! But can the tool replace a human writer ? Let’s put it to the test with our first prompt:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Time to test:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Well, Originality says 100% AI-generated. No surprises there. Now let’s try our custom prompt in an attempt to replicate human writing style:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Originality’s verdict:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Still, the piece of content is 100% AI-generated text . Bummer! But look closely: not all red highlights anymore! A bit of engineering can help you craft better texts. Don’t rely solely on AI; think like a human! But even with prompt engineering, you’ll have to try hard to bypass AI content detectors like Originality.AI .

2. OpenAI’s Playground

OpenAI’s Playground . A web platform. It’s the gateway to all things AI. You can tinker with models. GPT-4, GPT-3.5, DALL·E, Whisper, and more . All yours to play with. It’s like the ultimate toy box for AI enthusiasts.

Want to tweak the models? Go for it. You can also add your evaluations. It’s like giving the AI a report card. But don’t be too harsh; they’re still learning.

You need an OpenAI API key and a paid subscription to join the fun. It’s like the secret handshake of this club. It’s waiting for you.

And here’s a pro tip for our mission to dodge AI content detection: we’ll use the Chat Function with GPT-4 . It’s our secret weapon. Keep it under your hat.

Time to play with settings. Temperature (originally 0.7) controls creativity; Frequency penalty (initially zero) tackles word repetition; Presence penalty (also initially zero) increases new topic probability (whatever that means!). Careful not to overdo it — too high might lead to unnatural results or poor readability.

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Here is the raw output (settings applied, no prompting):

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

I must say, I prefer this output over others so far — readability and flow-wise. Still, my trained eye detects AI-generated text. Let’s check:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Yep, still 100% AI-generated. Let’s clean up and use our prompt without changing settings (maybe this will help to make AI writing content undetectable):

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Sounds more natural now; it’s really high-quality content . But will it bypass the AI detector? One last check:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

No luck yet! But hey, my prompt isn’t perfect . If you create loads of content, dive into prompt engineering — it might just work wonders for you. You can generate content that passes AI detection tools using wise prompts.

Freemium options have potential, but they need some human touch . Don’t forget to play with settings and prompts. Now, let’s move on to premium tools.

Premium Tools: will they help us bypass AI detection?

Premium tools, my friends! Time to dig deeper into AI’s treasure chest. We’re hunting for the best ways to dodge AI detection and keep our content human-like. Buckle up; it’s time to explore QuillBot, Undetectable.ai, and WordAI!

1. QuillBot

QuillBot , a freemium AI paraphraser with some tricks up its sleeve to bypass Ai detectors. The free version limits input data to 125 words, but that’s enough for our test. Standard mode and Fluency mode — let the showdown begin!

Standard mode output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Originality check:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

No luck! Let’s try Fluency mode (we still hope it can make AI writing undetectable).

Fluency mode output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Still no luck! Originality recently updated their tool, so QuillBot doesn’t work anymore. But hey, it was fun while it lasted!

2. Undetectable.ai

A newcomer in the AI arena! If you use AI-generated content, it can help you make it undetectable. Simple interface, multiple settings for readability and purpose of writing. Instant content checks – what more could you want? It claims to be the best humanizing AI tool .

“AI Content Creation: A Glimpse into the Future!” — Intrigued by AI’s role in content creation? My all-in-one review of Undetectable.AI might just be your next read. AI-generated text with a human touch? It’s possible. Start flipping the pages!

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Sadly, no integration with Originality (it’s a paid tool). Let’s test an article generated by GPT-4 in ChatGPT with three different combinations of readability and purpose.

a. High School readability + General Writing purpose:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 92% original and 8% AI text.

b. High School readability + Article purpose:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 100% original! Impressive stuff!

c. Journalist readability + Article purpose:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 98% original and 2% AI. Can anyone beat them? Time will tell.

Two features in one tool — rewrite content and make it indistinguishable from human-written content. We’ll focus on “ Avoid AI Detection ” for our research.

“Tapping Into the AI Content Future: WordAI Leads the Way!” — Got your sights set on staying one step ahead in the AI content race? WordAI’s ‘Avoid AI Detection’ has got the insider info you need. Humanize your AI content, ace AI detection tests. No more waiting, get reading!

Two settings: “Change Less” and “Change More”:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Test time! Same output from ChatGPT, starting with “Change Less”.

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 89% original, 11% AI. Not too shabby!

Now let’s test “Change More”.

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 66% original, 34% AI. A bit worse, but still a decent result.

Premium tools deliver! They offer more options to dodge AI detection. Experiment with different settings and find what works best for you. Keep your content human-like and stay ahead of the game.

Google’s Take on AI Content – Do They Give a Hoot?

Let’s dive into Google’s thoughts on AI-generated content, shall we? Are they sweating bullets over it, or just sipping tea and enjoying the show? Time to find out!

Big G (yep, that’s Google) has made it crystal clear: they’re all about rewarding top-notch content, no matter who or what creates it . They’ve got this thing called E-A-T (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, trustworthiness), and as long as your content hits those marks, Google won’t bat an eyelid.

So, bottom line? Google isn’t losing sleep over AI-generated content. They just want to make sure that whatever pops up in their search results is genuinely helpful for users. But hey, they do warn against using automation (including AI) to game the system or churn out spammy stuff. We’re the good guys here; we’d never do that!

Why Is it Important to Humanize AI-Generated Content?

AI content. Everywhere. Marketing, journalism, education, entertainment. But let’s face it. Sometimes it’s as robotic as a vending machine. That’s where human touch comes in.

Make it appealing. Make it credible. Make it responsible. How? Add humor. Add emotion. Add personal stories . A chatbot cracking jokes? More memorable than one just spitting out facts.

Trust and authority. We need it. Transparent, accurate, unbiased content . That’s the goal. AI content with sources, references, opinions? It’s like the wise old owl of the internet. An AI news article with reputable sources? More balanced than a seesaw on a calm day.

Ethics. Social responsibility. We demand it. Respectful, inclusive, beneficial content . That’s the expectation. AI content that’s fair and diverse? It’s like a well-mixed salad bowl of ideas. A marketing campaign promoting positive social change? More influential than a billboard on a busy highway.

In short, humanizing AI content is the key . It’s like adding the secret ingredient to a recipe. It makes it engaging. It makes it credible. It makes it responsible. So, let’s add some human touch to our AI. It’ll thank us for it.

FAQ on how to make AI content undetectable

Think of undetectable AI content as a master of disguise. This is AI-created text that’s so convincing, so darn human-like, it can slip right past AI detectors. It’s a game of cat and mouse between AI content and the AI detectors on the lookout for non-human scribes.

It’s a blend of craft, strategy, and a sprinkle of wizardry. Use AI content writing tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, or Bing Chat. It’s all about the right prompts and fine-tuning. If you’re in a rush, premium tools like Undetectable.Ai or Word AI will have your AI content disappearing into thin air.

Yes, they do. But rare AI writing tools can make your AI content undetectable.

Don’t cry, my fellow writer (or, should I say, ‘ai writer’?) — Agility Writer or Content at Scale are at your service.

Use Originality.AI . In 96% of cases, it will detect a piece of content generated by AI.

Content At Scale has a free AI detection tool, but Originality AI is your top choice if you want to make sure your content was written by a human and not AI.

Well, yes and no. Yes, you can use tools like Agility Writer to let the AI write for you, and no, as AI generated content always needs a human touch.

Hm. I tried (who will not?) It takes a lot of time and prompt engineering. And, ChatGPT’s memory is limited to one chat. Whenever you create a new chat, it will forget everything you said before.

Well, if your Ai writer uses tools like ContentAtScale and humanizes articles by themselves, why not?

You start with a prompt or command. The AI takes it from there, spinning out text. You can tweak the AI’s output by fiddling with various settings in the AI writing software.

Humanizing AI content is about adding your unique style, your real-world insights. It’s like teaching your AI to dance to the rhythm of human writing.

Content creators are like the heart in the AI era. AI can streamline the content creation process, but it takes a human touch for crafting compelling narratives, understanding complex ideas, and really connecting with audiences.

Not quite. AI’s got a lot of tricks up its sleeve, but it can’t understand context or replicate human emotions like we do. It’s a tool in the content creation process, not the mastermind.

Use AI-generated content as a starting point. Review and edit the AI’s output, add your unique voice, and ensure the content provides value. It’s not about fooling your audience but enhancing your content and smoothing the creation process.

Tying It All Together – Riding the Wave of AI Content Detection

Alrighty then! Time to tie up our little adventure through the land of undetectable AI content. We’ve peeked into Google’s thoughts on AI-generated stuff and discovered they don’t really care who writes the content – as long as it meets their high standards.

Now let’s recap some gems from our journey:

Let’s pause for a minute. You’re wondering, should we fret over creating content? Going solo or teaming up with AI? Opinions vary. Some folks are staunchly anti-AI, some are cheerleaders, and some sit comfortably in the middle. Me? I’ve pitched my tent in the middle. I believe in AI as a useful tool, not a mindless crutch. AI should be your sidekick, not your stand-in. It can’t mimic your thoughts — and that’s a given.

So tread carefully, friend. The online world is a battleground, especially for newcomers. You’ve got content writing, SEO optimization, and crafting emails for backlinks — a one-person show can be a tough act. Just giving you the plain truth, no small print.

And Google? Their stance can flip overnight. So, nurture your online baby, be it a blog or business site. In my next post, I’ll put Undetectable.AI, WordAI, and a few other tools under the microscope to find the top dog. Swing by for a visit!

This post aimed to find a way to dodge AI. And guess what? We found not just one but two methods. So, stick around.

I promised, I did it — read on: Best Tools to Make AI content Undetectable .

how to make an ai essay undetectable

About the Author

Meet Alex Kosch, your go-to buddy for all things AI! Join our friendly chats on discovering and mastering AI tools, while we navigate this fascinating tech world with laughter, relatable stories, and genuine insights. Welcome aboard!


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Make AI Writing Undetectable - 8 Tools Reviewed

Ever since chatgpt and other ai content creation launched into the mainstream, one question has been on the tip of many users' tongues. can my audience, ai content detectors, or google detect ai content, and if so, is there a way to get around ai detector algorithms.

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Ever since ChatGPT and other AI content creation launched into the mainstream, one question has been on the tip of many users' tongues.

Can my audience, AI content detectors , or Google detect AI content, and if so, is there a way to get around AI detector algorithms?

The world of AI is still relatively unknown, with many of us starting to scratch the surface of what is capable and what isn't with AI content and other capabilities.

For some, it presents lots of opportunities for legitimate growth and productivity. For others, it represents an opportunity to earn a quick buck and try to con their audience or the Google algorithm.

In recent updates, Google has stated that it has no penalties in place for AI-generated content, stating that it has no issue with how content is produced so long as it is deemed unique and insightful for its users.

And that is a key statement to study. While Google may be fine with letting AI content through its detection tool (it has to be, really, given its recent launch of Bard!), it still wants to see content that is highly unique and offers a fresh perspective on a topic.

However, while some content creators are utilizing the opportunities on offer via AI content creation tools alongside excellent insight and human writing, others are trying to cheat the algorithm by using AI tools that claim to bypass AI content detection tools.

Sure, there can be small instances of false positives , but in general, AI detectors like Originality.ai quickly pick up 100% AI-generated content.

And as per our recent case study , that can have some significant impacts on your results!

In recent times, many people attempted to use Quillbot to bypass AI detection, but now that Originality.ai have successfully created software that identifies AI paraphrasing , they are searching for other tools to avoid AI content detection.

But do they actually work?

Here, we will review four of the most prominent tools that claim to turn AI-generated text into what AI detectors deem as human-written content to see whether they live up to the claims they make.

Short on time? Here are the key takeaways:

  • Duey.ai is the best humanizer and student writing aid.
  • The best way to create human-written content continues to be by writing something yourself.
  • No undetectable AI writer is effective at consistently bypassing our AI checker while also producing quality content.
  • AI content detection tools can be bypassed, but only when the content has clear grammatical errors included.
  • AI content generation tools can still be incredibly effective for research and outlining content and should not be totally ignored.

8 ai writing undetectable tools

Tool 1: CogniBypass Review

CogniBypass Review

Price: $0 - $200 per month

Tagline: " Concerned at getting caught by Originality.ai or other content detectors? Use our tool to avoid detection and do better in search engines. "

Firstly, let's look at CogniBypass. CogniBypass is a particularly interesting tool, as not only does it claim to paraphrase content making it undetectable ai generated content, but it also has its own version of ChatGPT.

However, unlike ChatGPT, the CogniGPT tool claims to produce content that is undetectable by AI content detectors the first time around, with no paraphrasing required.

But is that the case?

To put this to the test, we decided to test both the CogniBypass and CogniGPT tools, using the same prompt on ChatGPT to see the difference and review whether they work as they promise to their target audience.

For this test, let's keep the content simple, acting as a fake dental practice, talking about the importance of brushing your teeth.

CogniGPT and CogniBypass blog article

Here's our prompt:

"Please write an article on the importance of brushing your teeth well for my dental practice. Make the content sound authoritative, and add sections surrounding toothpaste, toothbrushes, and frequency of brushing, as well as the issues if you don't brush your teeth regularly. In the conclusion, please promote our own brand toothbrush, the brusher1000."

Here's what ChatGPT gave us and how Originality.ai scored that content:

chatgpt generated content

And here's what CogniGPT gave us and how Originality.ai scored that content:

CogniBypass Dashboard

At first glance, the tool works perfectly, scoring a 97% human-written score on Originality.ai.

But let's look in a little more detail at the content itself...

Originality.ai detect human written content with highest accuracy

From just the introduction, it is clear immediately how this content has gotten such a high human score in Originality.ai.

It doesn't make any sense!

Phrases like:

"Yet not all cleaning regimens are developed equivalent."

Cleaning your teeth well not just assists keep a spectacular smile yet it likewise plays a vital duty in stopping numerous dental health and wellness concerns."

"Tooth brushes are the devices that bring the tooth paste and your teeth with each other."

Once the content is tidied up to make grammatical sense, it reverts back to 100% AI-generated content on Originality.ai.

Let's quickly go back to our ChatGPT version. In its current iteration, the content is flagged as 100% AI-generated content, so let's run it through the CogniBypass tool to see what impact that has.

Disclaimer: Annoyingly, the tool only allows us to do 150 words at a time!

Originality.ai content scan dashboard

Now that same content is showing as 51% human-written, 49% ai-written, but let's check the actual content again.

Originality.ai returning score consider important factors

Again, there are clear issues with the content created, with lines such as:

"Excellent dental health is critical in preserving a healthy and balanced and also glowing smile."

It is clear that CogniBypass focuses on broken English and poor grammar to trick AI detection tools, which, if you are a native English speaker, is easy to identify.

Tool 2: Blogassistant Review

Blogassistant Review

Price: $0 - $600 per month

Tagline: " Try the best AI blog writing tool on the market, and generate complete, non-detectable articles with outlines, blog content, keywords, and Call To Action in a minute – the first blog is on the house!"

The next tool to look at that claims to bypass AI detectors is blogassistant. Let's see if we have similar results as CogniBypass.

While it is the most expensive option on this list of AI detection bypassing tools, it does offer the first blog for free, so let's take advantage of that and test it out!

blogassistant article

blogassistant dashboard

Here's the prompt we gave blogassistant, to see if it can avoid AI detection:

"Please write me an article on climate change and why new houses should all be fitted with solar panels, free of charge."

blogassistant has a much more detailed system in place, asking us to fill out much more information before getting started.

blogassistant content scan options

Now let's put this into Originality.ai:

Originality.ai checking content scan

Once again, this seems like a good result, but based on the previous results, let's check the grammar on the information before we get ahead of ourselves.

spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

As expected, the reason this content avoids AI detection is due to several spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. In fact, in the first section alone, Grammarly detects unnecessary phrases, missing commas, and missing words ten times.

What do the reviews say?

The reviews for this tool also reflect this sentiment.

in one review from LearnWire, the reviewer states the following:

"I did the trial and realised that their trick to be undetectable by AI trackers is to add a lot of grammar mistakes and blatant punctuation errors. If you fix these errors, Originality AI marks the text as 99 % AI. So, they generate bad-quality text on purpose to bypass AI detectors, but the text is easily detected as AI once you fix these errors. It is quite silly. Too bad that AppSumo allows such a bad product on its site. I guess they have good reviews because they will give free words or some incentive."

Tool 3: GPTinf Review

GPTinf Review

Price: $12 - $349 per month

Tagline: " A tool that removes AI content by paraphrasing"

The next tool to look at that claims to bypass AI detection tools is GPTinf. With GPTing, you can register for free to use a limited version of the tool, and then the monthly cost depends on how many words you use per month.

gptinf rephrase ai text box

The tool offers to rephrase your AI text so that it beats AI detectors like Originality.ai, and the platform is very simplistic and easy to use.

But does it work?

As with the other tools on this list, let's test it out. This time, let's pretend we run a coffee review website in downtown Manhattan, and we want to create an article on the best places to get coffee from in the local area. We also want to promote our article on email to our subscribers and promote our new coffee at the same time.

GPTinf blog article

Let's start with the blog article first again. Here's our prompt for ChatGPT:

"Please write me an article reviewing the five best coffee shops in downtown Manhattan. The article must come from a place of authority, as we are a coffee review website called Cool Beans. Please review the taste, price, and location while also incorporating customer reviews for each of the five."

Here's what we got in response:

Blog article generated by chatgpt

Now let's quickly run that through Originality.ai:

Originality.ai detects ai content with highest accuracy

Yep, all good there! Now let's paraphrase it in GPTinf:

paraphrase content by GPTinf

Now, let's run our paraphrased content through Originality.ai:

paraphrased content check through Originality.ai

As you can see, the content is still flagged as 100% AI. However, it is easy to see here how GPTinf could work, but not because the content is in a human-written style. There are actually a ton of spelling mistakes, strange phrases, and a lack of spaces between words. It is clear that GPTinf uses this method to try and trick tools, but once you tidy up the grammar, it immediately flags as AI-written.

GPTinf Product Description

Now let's look at the product description. Here's our prompt, continuing on ChatGPT:

"Use this writing style and information to create a product description for Cool Beans launching their very first unique coffee beans that are ethically sourced, high-quality, and available to pre-order for 30% off, using code ILOVEBEANS"

Here are the results:

Product description generated by chatgpt

And here's what Originality.ai says:

Originality.ai detecting product description as ai content generated by chatgpt

Here's what GPTinf paraphrase it to:

GPTinf paraphrase product description created by chatgpt

And here's what Originality.ai says to that:

Originality.ai detect the GPTinf Paraphrase text

Nice try, GPTinf!

GPTinf Email

Okay, now let's check out a marketing email. We have our brand new blog we want to promote, and we have our coffee beans to sell, so let's create an email in ChatGPT and see if GPTinf can tweak it to get past Originality.ai.

"Turn all of that information and the blog article previously into a sales email. Start by promoting the brand new blog and the sub-promotion of our new beans, available for pre-order"

Here's the result:

GPTinf email

And here's what Originality.ai thinks:


No surprises there! Now let's see what GPTinf provide us with:

GPTinf rephrase output

What does Originality.ai think to those changes?

Originality.ai quickly detects products descriptions still 100% AI-generated content

As with the article and the product description, Originality.ai quickly detects this is still 100% AI-generated content.

Alongside our own research, let's look at what the reviews for GPTinf say.

GPTinf negative review

Tool 4: Undetectable Review

Undetectable.ai Review

Price: $0 - $199 per month

Tagline: " Provides anonymity and helps avoid detection on websites."

Finally, we move on to Undetectable, the tool that claims to provide users with anonymity online and avoid detection.

Undetectable.ai is another tool that claims to bypass AI detectors such as Originality.ai, and offers you a simple breakdown of how it will do it for you.

Firstly, you are asked to input your AI-generated content, which could be from any AI writing software, such as ChatGPT or a paid subscription. That content could be a blog post, eBook chapter, product description, or even an email.

Next, the Undetectable.ai tool suggests it uses "cutting-edge" machine learning algorithms to analyze the content you submitted, evaluate the context and intent, and then rewrite it so that it becomes undetectable to AI tools like Originality.ai.

The tool also claims to produce human-like content that search engines will love and that is indistinguishable from actual human writing.

Pretty big claims!

So we decided to put it to the test, with ChatGPT as our AI tool of choice. Using an example company, we decided to create one fully ai-generated blog post, one product description, and one email.

The company we decided to create was a standard eCommerce brand selling 5-panel caps. Our made-up company wanted to write an article on why caps are great for when you're travelling and promote a new product across email.

Undetectable.ai Blog Article

Here is the prompt we used for this test:

"Write me an article on the benefits of wearing a 5-panel cap while travelling. Start with a short introduction to the topic, then the benefits, and then a conclusion. Within the benefits, reference three made-up caps, called the traveller, the recluse, and the hermit. Highlight the benefits of each made-up product seamlessly within the article. In the conclusion, reference a new 5-panel cap that is landing soon, called the pioneer, and keep your eyes peeled for more details. Keep the tone light and adventurous, and be sure to mention our brand "Kappies" throughout"

And here's what ChatGPT provided us with:


Those are pretty strong foundations for a great article! Now let's check if Originality.ai can identify this as AI-generated.

Originality.ai can identify this as AI-generated.

As expected, Originality.ai immediately detects that it is 100% AI-generated content, as many other AI content detection tools would as well.

So let's put Undetectable.ai to the test, seeing if it can trick AI content detectors and make it seem like human-written text.

Originality.ai still shows the results are 100% AI-generated

As you can see, Originality.ai still shows the results are 100% AI-generated, disproving the claims made by Undetectable.ai.

Undetectable.ai Product Description

Next, let's focus on the product description. As mentioned in our blog prompt, we are launching a new 5-panel cap, so let's get a product description created on ChatGPT.

"Write a product description for The Pioneer 5-panel cap. Made for travellers, made with sustainable resources, limited-time free shipping, and high-quality and stylish"

And here are the results:

Undetectable.ai product description

Now let's check that in Originality.ai for AI detection:

Originality.ai instantly flagged AI-generated content

As hoped, Originality.ai instantly registers this as AI-generated content. Now let's check it after running it through Undetectable.ai.

Originality.ai immediately registers this as 100% AI-produced content creation

Once again, Originality.ai immediately registers this as 100% AI-produced content creation, further proof of the strength of this AI detection tool.

Undetectable.ai Email

But what about when we use Undetectable.ai for a promotional email regarding our new product? Let's work one up in ChatGPT and find out.

Here's the prompt we used:

"Turn this information into a promotional email, launching the new product with the limited-time free shipping offer, and use code "Kappies" for 10% off. offer lasts three days"

And here's what ChatGPT offered us:

chatgpt generate a promotional email

Now let's quickly check that in Originality.ai to see if it identifies it as AI-generated output:

Originality.ai identifies as AI-generated output

As expected. Now let's run it through Undetectable.ai to see if it can create content that Originality.ai thinks human writers produced.

AI writing tools struggle to get AI-generated content past Originality.ai.

Once again, there's no tricking Originality.ai that this is human-written content! Even with a different sentence structure, AI writing tools struggle to get AI-generated content past Originality.ai.

Given our findings, we were intrigued to see some of the reviews from users to see how well the tool was received by users.

Originality.ai negative feedback on trustpilot

However, there are also some positive reviews, so it is clear that the tool works for some users:

Originality.ai postive feedback on trustpilot

Tool 5: StealthGPT Review

Price: $99 - $299 per month

Tagline: "From emails to blogs to papers – Our Undetectable AI, plagiarism-free AI tool allows you to get more done, 10x faster so you can concentrate on what matters."

Another tool that has gained traction in recent months is StealthGPT, and it’s a tool that we have reviewed in greater detail as well .

In it’s marketing, StealthGPT suggests it can break down the anti-AI stigma, by generating content that will bypass any and all AI content detectors.

Well, I guess that includes Originality.ai, so let’s see if those claims are true by putting to the test.

To do this, let’s create an imaginary clothing brand called Did I Mention Clothing. The brand will sell clothing that promotes championing your achievements and the benefits of a little humble brag from time to time.

Let’s imagine the company is bringing out a new collection called the “Did I Mention I Ran a Marathon?”. To promote the product, we need to create a blog article, product description, and email.

Let’s see if StealthGPT can create high-quality, AI-bypassing content. 

StealthGPT Blog Article

Let’s start by creating our blog article, and launching the new product. We will start by creating it in ChatGPT, running it through Originality.ai for a benchmark detection score, and then doing the same after running it through StealthGPT.

Here’s our prompt:

“Compose a captivating and informative blog article to introduce the latest collection from Did I Mention Clothing, titled "Did I Mention I Ran a Marathon?". The article should highlight the key features of the new clothing line, emphasizing the brand's ethos of celebrating personal achievements and the art of the humble brag.”

Here’s our ChatGPT content:

ChatGpt create Blog Article to Check in StealthGPT

And here’s what Originality.ai says:

Chatgpt Created Content for StealthGpt gets detected by Originality.ai Content Detector

Now what does it say after it goes through StealthGPT:

StealthGpt Modified Content Get Detected By Originality.ai

StealthGPT Product Description

Okay so no luck there, but what about with a product description in the same ilk?

Here’s our ChatGPT prompt:

“Create engaging and compelling product descriptions for the key items in the "Did I Mention I Ran a Marathon?" collection from Did I Mention Clothing. The collection includes a hoodie, tee, beanie, and shorts. Emphasize the unique features of each item, highlighting their design, functionality, and how they embody the brand's ethos of celebrating personal achievements and the art of the humble brag. Craft the descriptions with a mix of enthusiasm, style, and a touch of the brand's distinct personality. Make sure to inspire the reader to envision themselves confidently showcasing their marathon triumphs in these exceptional pieces.”

Here’s what we got:

ChatGpt creates Product Description to Check in StealthGPT

Now, how does that look in Originality.ai?

ChatGpt Created Product Description for StealthGPT Get Detected By Originality.ai Content Detector

As expected, Originality.ai instantly detects this content as AI-written. But what about after we run in through StealthGPT?

StealthGpt Modified Product Description bypasses the Originality.ai Content Detector

As you can see, now the content is 100% human generated based on the results in Originality.ai, which is perfect, right?

Well, not quite. 

As with other AI bypassing tools, StealthGPT has managed to achieve this score by making the content almost incoherent. For example, here’s that same copy in Grammarly:

StealthGpt Modified content in Grammarly for grammatical errors Fix

As you can see, the content is riddled with grammatical errors. Here are some of the most erroneous ones:

StealthGpt Modified content grammatical errors example

So while the content passes our detector, it certainly won’t resonate with your audience.

StealthGPT Email

Finally, let’s look at an email example, promoting the same clothing collection. 

“Compose an engaging and persuasive email to promote the "Did I Mention I Ran a Marathon?" collection from Did I Mention Clothing. The email should highlight the key items in the collection (hoodie, tee, beanie, and shorts), emphasizing their unique features, design, and how they embody the brand's philosophy of celebrating personal achievements and the art of the humble brag. Craft the email with a friendly and enthusiastic tone, encouraging readers to explore the collection, envision themselves proudly showcasing their marathon triumphs, and make a purchase. Conclude with a compelling call to action to visit the website.”

And here’s what ChatGPT gave us:

ChatGpt creates Email to Check in StealthGPT

And here’s what Originality.ai said about that:

ChatGpt created Email to Check in StealthGPT get detected by Originality.ai Content Detector

And here’s the score after running it through StealthGPT:

Chatgpt Created Email for StealthGpt bypass the Originality.ai Content Detector

However once again we come up against the same issues, with the tool making the content almost incoherent try and pass detectors. Here are some of the worst examples from the text:

StealthGpt Modified Email grammatical errors example

Finally, let’s take a look at some real customer reviews from Trustpilot:

StealthGpt User Reviews On Trustpilot

Tool 6: StealthWriter Review

Price: $200 - $500 per month

Tagline: "Stealthwriter rewrites AI content into human-like text. Guaranteed plagiarism-free & undetectable by AI detectors."

Next, let’s look at Stealthwriter, another AI bypassing tool, not to be confused with the similarly named, StealthGPT.

Stealhwriter makes all the same claims as the other AI bypassing tools on this list, and it’s a tool we have reviewed before . So let’s put it through the same tests and see how it gets on.

This time, we will create an imaginary computer company that sells a range of PCs, laptops, and computer accessories, called “PC Parts.”

StealthWriter Blog Article

Let’s start with our blog article test. Here is our prompt:

“Generate a captivating and informative blog article for the imaginary computer company, "PC Parts." The article should highlight the diverse range of PCs, laptops, and computer accessories offered by the brand. Emphasize the key features, cutting-edge technology, and the commitment to providing top-notch performance and user experience. Additionally, touch upon the brand's mission, customer-centric approach, and any upcoming innovations in the world of PCs and computer technology. Craft the article to resonate with tech enthusiasts, casual users, and anyone seeking reliable and innovative computing solutions.”

Here’s the result:

ChatGpt create Blog Article to Check in StealthWriter

And here’s what Originality.ai thinks:

Chatgpt Created Content for StealthWriter get detected by Originality.ai Content Detector

And here’s how it performs after we run it through StealthWriter:

Chatgpt Created Content for StealthWriter bypass the Originality.ai Content Detector

But as we now know, simply looking at this percentage score is not enough to determine whether the tool has worked or not, and as with other AI bypass tools, the actual content is basically gibberish:

StealthWriter Modified content in Grammarly for grammatical errors Fix

With some of the most glaring examples being:

StealthWriter Modified Content grammatical errors example

StealthWriter Product Description

Now let’s do the same for a product description.

“Compose an engaging and informative product description for the latest PC keyboard from PC Parts. The keyboard is designed to offer a seamless and elevated typing experience, catering to both gaming enthusiasts and productivity-focused users. Emphasize the key features, including any innovative design elements, customizable options, and ergonomic considerations. Capture the essence of the product, highlighting how it aligns with PC Parts' commitment to providing cutting-edge technology and enhancing the user's computing journey. Craft the description with a blend of enthusiasm, technical detail, and a touch of the brand's commitment to user satisfaction.”

ChatGpt create Product Description to Check in StealthWriter

Here’s what Originality.ai says to that:

ChatGpt Created Product Description for StealthWriter Get Detected By Originality.ai

And here’s what Originality.ai says after running the copy through StealthWriter:

Chatgpt Created Product Description for StealthWriter bypass the Originality.ai

Again, let’s check some of the grammar issues that lead to this score:

StealthWriter Modified Product Descriptions grammatical errors example

StealthWriter Email

Finally, let’s create an email to launch our new keyboard, and see what Stealthwriter can offer us (although I think we know the answer by now!)

“Compose a compelling and persuasive email to introduce the PC Parts QuantumFlow Pro Keyboard. The email should highlight the key features of the keyboard, emphasizing its suitability for both gaming enthusiasts and productivity-focused users. Craft the email with a tone of excitement and enthusiasm, showcasing the innovative design elements, customizable options, and ergonomic considerations that make the QuantumFlow Pro Keyboard stand out. Conclude with a strong call to action, encouraging readers to explore the product on the PC Parts website and make a purchase. Infuse the email with the brand's commitment to cutting-edge technology and user satisfaction.”

ChatGpt create Email to Check in StealthWriter

Here’s what Originality.ai thinks of the original ChatGPT content:

ChatGpt created Email to Check in StealthWriter get detected by Originality.ai

And here’s the score after running it through Stealth Writer:

Chatgpt Created Email for StealthWriter bypass the Originality.ai Content Detector

…and here’s why it gets that score:

StealthWriter Modified Email grammatical error example

Finally, let’s take a look at some real customer reviews from Trust Pilot:

StealthWriter User Reviews On Trustpilot

Tool 7: Phrasly AI Review

Price: $0 - $1500 per month

Tagline: "Save time on your assignments, boost grades, and easily bypass AI detectors like TurnItIn and GPTZero."

The next bypassing tool we will look at is Phrasly AI. Like the other tools on this list, it claims to create content that bypasses tools like ours while also providing you with excellent content. We have reviewed the tool before , so let’s run it through the same tests as the others on this list, using the same PC Parts business for our test.

Phrasly AI Blog Article

As we already know, our ChatGPT blog version flags up as 100% AI-generated, but what about if we run it through Phrasly AI?

Chatgpt Created Content for Phrasly AI bypass the Originality.ai

However, we have the same issue here as with other “bypass” tools, in that the new content doesn’t actually make sense:

Phrasly AI Modified content grammatical errors example

I wouldn’t want to speak for everyone, but the term “womb of innovation” just makes me feel a bit uneasy!

Phrasly AI Product Description

Now let’s do the same with our PC Parts product description, although I imagine we will see similar results.

Chatgpt Created Product Descriptions for Phrasly AI bypass the Originality.ai

Similar score, but similar issues:

Phrasly AI Modified Product Descriptions grammatical errors example

At least there was no reference to the womb of innovation this time!

Phrasly AI Email

Finally, let’s test out an email, although at this point we all know what the outcome will be.

Chatgpt Created Email for Phrasly AI bypass the Originality.ai

The content scores as expected, and for the reasons we expected as well:

Phrasly AI Modified Email grammatical errors example

Tool 8: Hidemy AI Review

Price: $0 - $188 per month

Tagline: " Bypass AI detectors, and transform AI-generated content to humanlike copy with our free tool."

Finally, let’s take a look at another AI tool that claims to bypass AI detectors. It is also another tool that we have reviewed in great detail , as it claims to create content that passes our detectors.

But let’s see if that is the case or not, by setting up another test, similar to the ones before. This time, we will pretend to own a skateboarding shop, that sells everything you could need, from skateboards, accessories, safety gear, and clothing.

Hidemy AI Blog Article

Firstly, let’s start by creating a blog post for our skateboarding brand in ChatGPT.

“Compose an exciting and informative blog post for our skateboarding shop, highlighting the latest additions to our skateboard collection. Emphasize the key features, unique designs, and innovative technologies of the new skateboards. Capture the essence of the skateboarding culture, catering to both beginners and seasoned riders. Incorporate details about the materials used, performance benefits, and any collaborations or inspirations behind the skateboard designs. Infuse the post with enthusiasm, encouraging readers to explore the thrilling world of skateboarding with our cutting-edge boards. Don't forget to mention safety gear, accessories, and clothing that complement the skateboards. Craft the article with a tone that resonates with the passion and excitement of the skateboarding community.”

ChatGpt create Blog Article to Check in Hidemy AI

Here’s the Originality.ai score:

Chatgpt Created Content for Hidemy AI get detected by Originality.ai

And here’s the score after adapting the content in Hidemy AI:

Hidemy AI Modified Content Get Detected By Originality.ai Content Detector

Even with the changes, Originality.ai detects the content as AI written, despite the quality of the content dropping.

Hidemy AI Product Description

Now, let’s do the same with our product description test. Here’s the prompt for ChatGPT:

“Create an engaging and dynamic product description for our latest skateboard collection at [Your Skateboarding Shop]. Highlight the key features, unique designs, and innovation incorporated into these boards. Infuse the description with the vibrant spirit of skateboarding culture, emphasizing how each board caters to the diverse styles of riders. Include details about the materials used, artistic inspirations, and any collaborative efforts that make these skateboards stand out. Craft the description with a blend of enthusiasm, technical detail, and a genuine passion for the skateboarding community. Conclude with a strong call to action, encouraging readers to explore the collection on the [Your Skateboarding Shop] website and find their next ride.”

ChatGpt create Product Description to Check in Hidemy AI

Here’s what Originality.ai thinks about that content:

Chatgpt Created Product Description for Hidemy AI get detected by Originality.ai

And now let’s see that score after running the content through Hidemy AI:

Hidemy AI Modified Product Description Get Detected By Originality.ai

As with the blog example, Originality.ai still recognizes the content as AI-written, despite the changes.

Hidemy AI Email

And finally, let’s test out an email in the same fashion.

ChatGpt create Email to Check in Hidemy AI

Here’s the Originality.ai score without any changes:

Chatgpt Created Email for Hidemy AI get detected by Originality.ai

And here it is after running it through Hidemy AI:

Hidemy AI Modified Email Get Detected By Originality.ai

Is AI Content Undetectable? The Final Verdict

When it comes to creating content that bypasses AI detectors , there are two clear ways to do so.

  • Use paraphrasing tools that add several glaringly obvious grammatical errors to get past AI content detection.
  • Create engaging, high-quality content with the help of artificial intelligence where needed, but in your own writing style.

AI content generation tools certainly offer many benefits and help you generate content at scale. However, if you want your audience to read your content and become engaged with its uniqueness and authenticity, then you still need to add the touch and flair of human creativity.

Although this is just a small sample size, a more complete study would be needed to truly understand the tool's capabilities at bypassing AI detection. However, from this initial research, it is clear that these tools do not currently outsmart the capabilities of Originality.ai.

Frequently Asked Questions About AI Detection Tools

How do i make writing undetectable in ai.

Achieving writing that is entirely undetectable by AI is not possible without resorting to bad grammar or making significant changes that may render the text nonsensical to humans.

Which AI writer can't be detected?

There is no AI writer that can guarantee complete undetectability as advanced language models and detection algorithms continue to evolve.

How to bypass AI text detection?

Bypassing AI text detection without utilizing bad grammar or incorporating human writing is not currently feasible, as sophisticated algorithms are designed to identify patterns indicative of AI-generated content.

Can AI-written content be detected?

Yes, AI-written content can be detected through various methods, such as using language model classifiers or other AI-based detection algorithms designed to distinguish between human-written and AI-generated text.

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  • AI Content Detection
  • Helpful AI Content Tips
  • Undetectable & AI Content Detectors

How to Make AI Writing Undetectable: The 5 Best Ways


If you want to learn how to make AI writing undetectable, you’re in the right place. We will show you 5 foolprof methods that will help you bypass AI detection and create human-like content.

If you’ve ever tried using AI to write for you, you know it can sometimes sound a bit off, making it easy to spot that a machine, not a person, did the work.

This recognition can be a real struggle, especially when you want the writing to feel natural, just like a human wrote it.

But don’t worry; there’s good news. I’m here to guide you through the top ways to make AI writing completely undetectable.

With these strategies, you can avoid those awkward phrases that scream “a robot wrote this” and seamlessly blend in with the content crafted by human hands.

Ready to make your AI writing pass as human-created?

Let’s dive into these tips and elevate your content game.

How Is AI Writing Detected?

Understanding how AI-generated writing is detected can help you refine your content creation strategies and implement technologies that assist in the process.

In order to learn how to avoid AI detection, you must first understand how to create content using AI tools in a strategic way in order to deliver a positive user experience and avoid being flagged by detection tools that are becoming ever more prevalent in the market.

What Mistakes Make Your AI Writing Detectable?

Many mistakes are made when new strategies and technologies emerge.

It’s almost unavoidable at first as people try to quickly implement new tools focusing too much on the possible benefits and skipping the part that’s overlooked and necessary in the beginning: truly understanding the new technology or strategy one wishes to implement from the start.

In order to find success with any business practice, whether it’s something that’s been around for ages like advertising or something new like the implementation of AI-generated content tools, knowing what not to do is far more important than simply learning how to use the tool and executing without truly understanding what you’re doing.

When creating content with AI-generating tools, avoiding the following common mistakes will ensure a better user experience and a much better chance of creating AI text that is undetectable by checker tools and algorithms.

1. Repetition & Redundancy : AI-generating content tools like ChatGPT often tend to repeat phrases or reword the same idea in a robotic and redundant fashion.

Creating content that sounds repetitive disrupts the flow of the content and gives readers an unnatural reading experience, making it more likely they will not engage and much easier for the content itself to be flagged by AI detection tools.

2. Lack of Context or Nuance : AI-content platforms access an extraordinary amount of data, but they might miss certain nuances of the data, such as the cultural context of the information.

A human writer already possesses this kind of ability in ways AI is unable to and can better articulate subject matter that has heart, not just data behind its creation.

3. Inconsistency in Tone or Voice : More often than not, AI-generated content is inconsistent in the overall tone of writing.

This makes the content choppy or incohesive and leads to red flags in the eyes of detection tool algorithms. It also makes the reading unbearable to the reader, so even if it does get past the checkers, it will likely deliver a negative experience to the reader and not engage them in a way that actually benefits you or your business.

4. Over-Complexity : AI content tools often over-complicate sentences by adding too much information or trying to be too elevated in sentence structure rather than being concise and effective. The most common text generators available on the market are good, but they aren’t that good.

5. Generic Responses : AI content ends up being too generic a lot of the time, which comes across as robotic and unengaging.

In order to create content that delivers value, content that provides solutions to pain points and problems, generic content will always lose to in-depth articles that are created to educate and solve problems.

It’s essential to keep these mistakes in mind when executing a content strategy that utilizes AI-content tools in order to create exceptional content and avoid AI detection.

How to Test If Your AI Writing Is Detectable?

Now that you have the mistakes to avoid in mind, you’re ready to create content using AI that will be better than most of the competition.

That’s a great first step. But now you may be wondering how to bypass AI detection tools and algorithms now that you have your articles created and ready to go.

The following three tests will help you ensure that these articles will avoid detection.

1. Peer Reviews : Ask colleagues to review the articles without telling them it’s AI-generated. Any discrepancies or feedback should help you decipher if the writing sounds human or if there are still changes that need to be made in the revision process before publication.

2. AI Detectors : Several online tools can analyze your text to determine if it is AI-generated. Undetectable.ai helps you check the detectability of certain AI detector tools while humanizing the content to provide a much better experience for the reader and a much higher chance of avoiding detection.

3. Self-Analysis : The more often you use AI-content tools and edit the results to provide a more human experience, the more likely you will be able to distinguish what sounds natural and what sounds robotic.

Being aware of these common pitfalls and rookie mistakes while actively testing and revising your content, you will learn how to make AI writing undetectable and avoid detection.

How to Make AI Writing Undetectable

As AI writing tools become more and more advanced, they still occasionally produce articles and texts that are not easily readable or sound robotic in nature.

If your goal is to produce AI-generated content that reads as if it were written by you and not a bot, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make AI text undetectable so you can avoid AI detection and deliver valuable content to your target audience:

#1 – Use Tools to Make Your AI Text Not Detectable

Utilizing tools is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to make AI text undetectable.

Before you revise your content manually, utilize additional tools designed to humanize AI-produced content in order to provide a better experience to your readers.

Undetectable.ai is one of the best tools you can use for this. It makes your AI writing undetectable and helps humanize your content in ways that pass through the detection tool of several algorithms.

To do that, first, select what type of ‘Readability’ and ‘Purpose’ your writing is trying to convey. Then, input your writing into the text box, such as the introduction paragraphs generated by ChatGPT in the image below.

Next, select the goal you would like the generator to produce from “More Readable,” “Balanced,” or “More Human.” These settings help you avoid AI detection and revise your content in a way that will provide a more natural and engaging experience to the readers you’re hoping to reach.

Next, you can prompt Undetecable.ai to either “Humanize” your content or “Check for AI.”

By selecting “Humanize,” the tool will rewrite your text to sound less robotic and more natural so it passes detection tools and reads like it was actually written by you and not a bot—a win-win on your quest to avoid detection and deliver value to the reader.

Undetectable.ai also assesses the text in order to rank its likelihood of being recognized and flagged by AI detectors.

Once you input your writing into the text box, select the “Check for AI” option and results will populate with predictions of the potential your writing has to be flagged by common AI detectors.

The Undetectable.ai tool also allows you to assess whether or not your content needs to be further edited in order to avoid AI detection and even helps you rewrite the text if necessary.

Now, let’s go to the second tip.

#2 – Change Sentence Syntax

One of the most common signs of AI-generated content is the repetitive nature of the sentence structure. To humanize the content to avoid red flags, avoiding the following three mistakes is essential:

  • Vary Sentence Lengths : Mix the length of sentences throughout the text with long, complex sentences and short, concise ones. Robots are generally very repetitive with their process, humans aren’t.
  • Rearrange Words : Switching the order of words or flipping a sentence can make it sound more natural. Doing this will also throw off detection tools that are programmed to track patterns and habits of the common AI-writing tools.
  • Use Conjunctions : Using conjunctions like “and,” “but,” “so,” and “because” can make sentences sound less formal and help the writing flow more colloquially.

Changing your sentence syntax will make your text more human and undetectable by AI-checking tools.

#3 – Use Different Vocabulary

AI platforms have extensive vocabulary but can sometimes overuse specific terms or phrases. This is already very obvious to AI detectors and readers this early on in the widespread use of the technology, imagine in the future.

To fix this, you need to focus on the following areas when revising AI-generated text:

  • Synonyms : Use synonyms for repeated words. For instance, if the AI uses “fix” multiple times, you could switch it to “rectify” or “change.”
  • Idioms and Phrases : Utilize commonly used idioms or informal phrases. If they don’t fit the flow of the article, avoid using them, as they can throw off the tone.
  • Avoid Jargon : Limit the use of industry jargon unless the writing is aimed toward an audience that will commonly understand it. Replace advanced terminology with simpler terms wherever possible.

#4 – Remove Excessive Commas and Use Shorter Sentences

While not inherently wrong, the overuse of commas can cause sentence flow to read in an unnatural way. This is easily avoidable if you know what to look for. Make sure you:

  • Limit Commas : Avoid using more than two or three commas in a sentence. Rephrase the sentence or split the sentence into multiple sentences to help the readability and make the flow more human.
  • Opt for Simplicity : Don’t include unnecessary information or overly descriptive information. Be concise when possible.

#5 – Ask the AI Itself to Rewrite Your Text

Use the AI platform that generated your content to rewrite the text if it does not sound readable. This won’t solve every problem but it is a great next step to get you more close to and undetectable text. Here’s some tips for it:

  • Set Parameters : The more specific instructions you provide the AI tool, the better. For example, ask it to “Write this from the perspective of an attorney” or “Avoid using commas.”
  • Iterative Writing : Do not prompt AI to write a whole piece of content at once. Separate it into sections or paragraphs. After each section, review and prompt the AI to change parts that need improvement.
  • Feedback Loops : When you spot errors or problematic patterns, provide feedback to the AI. The AI can learn from these mistakes and produce content after the feedback is learned.

That’s how to make AI writing undetectable.

Like any tool, the effectiveness of AI depends on how it’s used. By setting parameters, separating your prompts, and providing feedback, you help improve AI’s overall production quality.

The Benefits of Making Your AI Text Undetectable

Learning how to make AI generated text undetectable offers several advantages to both you and your readers. First, in order for your content to be more easily recognized in search engines and avoid AI detection, it’s essential that you adhere to SEO best practices .

Second, your content will be more appealing when it feels personalized, genuine, and less robotic. Readers are more likely to engage with, share, and act on content that speaks to them personally and creates an actual connection.

Lastly, refining AI text improves its readability and coherence. Adjusting sentence structures, diversifying vocabulary, and avoiding redundancies helps the content flow better and be more easily comprehended.

Making AI content undetectable ensures its quality, effectiveness, and resonance with readers.

The Best Tool to Detect AI Content and Then Make it Undetectable

While all of these tips are helpful when it comes to avoiding AI detection and rewriting your AI-generated content, manually attempting this can be time-consuming and could end up making your content more confusing and your process less efficient.

Undetectable.ai eliminates any room for error and refines your workflow as it knows how to make AI writing undetectable and predicts its likelihood of avoiding red flags by AI detectors.

Undetectable.ai offers three subscription plans to help you optimize your AI usage and make your AI content undetectable.

Using Undetectable.ai greatly enhances your ability to create more balanced content that avoids AI detection and helps improve your readability and overall content success.

Try out the tool now for free and start detecting and humanizing your content.

We’ve explored lots of smart ways on how to make ai generated writing undetectable.

Changing how sentences are built, picking different words, and adjusting punctuation are all clever methods.

But there’s a shortcut: using tools that makes this process go faster.

Undetectable.ai is one of these tools, and it’s a game-changer because it does the hard work for you, making all your writing sound human and natural.

Want to make things easier for yourself? Try Undetectable.ai and watch your ai-written text transform.

Get the most out of Smodin.io

Ai content detector.

Feel confident your text isn't detectable by AI with our 95% accurate AI Content Detector.

Author (AI Writer)

Let our AI writer write your next essay, article, paragraph, or anything else.

Plagiarism Checker

Feel confident that your text is unique with our plagiarism checker.

Smodin’s AI Content Detection Remover

Smodin’s AI content detection remover uses a sophisticated rewriting technology that intelligently analyzes AI-generated content and restructures it while preserving its original meaning and coherence. We use advanced natural language processing algorithms, that paraphrase and rephrase your AI-generated content, making it more human-like and less recognizable by AI detection systems.

Recommended Usage and Tips for AI Content Detection Remover

Quality Input : Start with well-structured, grammatically correct, and accurate prompts. This ensures that the rewriting process maintains the integrity of your original message.

Review and Edit : While our tool is highly effective, you get the best results when you review the rewritten content for accuracy, tone, and consistency. Make necessary adjustments as you see fit.

Iterative Rewriting : In some cases, it might be beneficial to rewrite the content multiple times to reduce the chances of AI detection further. Experiment with different iterations to find the best version.

Why you should use AI content detection remover?

Smodin’s AI Content Detection Remover provides users with a powerful solution for maintaining the creative essence of AI-generated content while bypassing AI detection software and tools. Our tool expertly restructures and rewrites your content, making it less recognizable as AI-generated while preserving its unique insights and ideas. Moreover, manually rewriting AI-generated content can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. This tool streamlines this task, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of writing, including feeding better prompts, checking for accuracy, finding the right references, etc.

How to Avoid AI Plagiarism Detection

We have the solution to avoid AI detection: the recreate method. In the world of ChatGPT and large language models, AI writing is a must-have tool in your tool belt. However, there are ways to successfully detect AI generated content, and the only way to automatically prevent it is with a model trained on thousands of samples of human written data... and that is exactly what Smodin's recreate method is. Smodin's recreate method eliminates all AI detection methods in a single click, allowing you to efficiently create any content you need. There are situations, however, when text written by AI is too generic to be written by a human; for these situations it is recommended to generate a new text or make more than one attempt to produce a human-sounding text.

Check Text for Plagiarism

After you rewrite your text, you should make sure that the text passes plagiarism detection. Use our multi-lingual plagiarism detection application to quickly check the text for plagiarism!

What is AI Content Detection?

AI content detection is determining if a text is written by AI based on the randomness of the words. AI writing models tend to have a specific way of producing text based on the most frequent word orders. Is your text produced by an AI? Find out below!

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Make AI Content Sound Human

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Beat All Leading AI Detectors

Publish quality content with no seo penalties, how it works, semantically understand content, identify and remove ai watermarks, restructure, keeping facts and info, automatically check against detectors , we guarantee that your ai content will be undetectable, or your credits back.

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Lesley J. Vos

Common knowledge of our days — AI tools like ChatGPT influence writing and content creation faster than we can comprehend it. So, making sure your generated text still looks natural and authentic is a key. The best way to make your AI text undetectable is through paraphrasing .

AI has made it easier than ever to pump out articles, blog posts, and more. This is great news for anyone looking to get lots of content out quickly. But there’s a catch: if your content sounds like a robot wrote it, neither people nor Google will be fans. This guide will show you how to make your AI-created content feel more human and slip past those pesky AI detectors.

How to Make AI Content Undetectable

Knowing how to bypass AI detection is an art that blends technology with the human touch, allowing the final output to resonate with readers while evading detection by AI content detectors.

An image that shows the steps on how to make AI content undetectable

“This application increases efficiency.”

“This app is your shortcut to achieving greater efficiency.”

An image that explains how to make AI text undetectable

“The product is designed to save time.”

“You’ll wonder how you ever managed without this time-saving gem.”

This process of rewriting, paraphrasing, and manual editing makes the content more engaging for readers, so that it stands undetected by AI detectors and appeals directly to the human audience.

Still not sure? Try our Free AI Detector

What exactly is ai-generated content.

When we talk about AI-generated content, we mean any text that a computer program creates. This could be anything from a blog post to a product description. Even though these AI programs can save us a lot of time, they sometimes make content that sounds a bit too mechanical. Tools like ChatGPT, Copy.ai, and Jasper.ai offer diverse content creation capabilities. That’s where tweaking comes in to give it a more human touch.

Before AI Editing : “This software provides an efficient method for improving productivity.” This sounds a bit formal and impersonal, right? It’s clear and to the point, but it doesn’t really connect with the reader on a personal level.

After Human Editing : “Boost your productivity with this easy-to-use tool. It’s exactly what you’ve been looking for to make your workday smoother.” Now, this sounds more like something you might read in a friendly email or blog post. It’s inviting and speaks directly to the reader’s needs, making it more engaging.

How is AI-generated content detected?

AI detectors are smart programs that read through text to figure out if it was created by a human or an AI, like a detective looking for clues. They search for patterns that are common in computer-generated text, such as using the same phrases over and over or putting words together in ways that are technically correct but not how people usually talk. Even though these detectors are smart, they’re not perfect and might sometimes get it wrong, marking something written by a person as if it was written by a machine . The goal when using AI to create content is to tweak it so it sounds more like it came from a person, making it harder for these detectors to spot.

Original AI Sentence : “The product enhances productivity efficiently.” This sentence, while clear, is a bit stiff and formal. It’s something you might expect in a technical manual, not in a conversation or a piece of marketing content meant to engage readers.

Revised for Human Touch : “Get ready to get more done in less time with this awesome tool. It’s a game-changer for your workday!” This revision sounds more like something you would hear from a friend recommending a great new app or tool they found. It’s engaging, uses everyday language, and adds a bit of excitement about how this tool can help you.

To better understand how an AI detector checker can identify content generated by artificial intelligence, let’s examine the key indicators that could signal your text as AI-created. These indicators are key for anyone looking to edit AI-generated content to make it more human-like. Below is a detailed table that breaks down these clues:

Understanding these clues not only helps in making AI-generated content less detectible but also improves the overall quality and engagement level of the text, making it more appealing to human readers.

Common mistakes that make AI content detectable

To make your AI-generated content seamlessly blend in and engage your audience without being flagged by detection tools, you need to avoid certain pitfalls. Below, we delve into common mistakes that could make your content more detectable as AI-generated, along with detailed explanations for each. This structured approach aims to provide clear insights into how to enhance the authenticity and appeal of your AI-crafted messages.

By steering clear of these common mistakes and applying the suggested tips for avoidance, you can significantly enhance the quality of your AI-generated content. This not only makes it more difficult for AI detectors to flag but also increases its effectiveness in engaging and resonating with your intended audience.

An image, explaining how to make AI essay undetectable

What is the best AI detector?

Originality.AI ranks among the top-rated AI detectors overall, while Copyleaks is particularly favored among content marketers. Both options highlight sections of text flagged as AI-generated and offer built-in plagiarism checking functionalities.

What is the best AI writer?

The best AI writer depends on the specific content requirements. For long-form content, Jasper AI, AHelp Essay Generator, and Textero.ai are recommended, while Copy AI and TinyWow excel in generating website and social media copy . ChatGPT is versatile and can be used for various content creation needs.

How can I ensure my AI-generated content doesn’t get flagged as AI on detectors?

While it’s challenging to entirely eliminate detection, you can minimize the likelihood by employing techniques to make the content more human-like. This includes using paraphrasing tools like Quillbot, and making manual adjustments to syntax and vocabulary to enhance readability and uniqueness. These methods collectively reduce the predictability of the text, making it less likely to be flagged as AI-generated.

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How to Make AI Essay Undetectable

March 22, 2024

In today’s digital age, AI tools stand at the forefront of transforming how students approach academic writing. These sophisticated technologies offer unparalleled support, enabling learners to refine their writing skills and foster a deeper understanding of their subjects. AI writing assistants can prove invaluable for students eager to navigate the complexities of their academic journey with innovation. They enhance the writing process through advanced grammar corrections and stylistic suggestions and inspire creativity and critical thinking by providing fresh perspectives on topics. This evolution in academic tools encourages a responsible approach to technology, emphasizing the importance of maintaining academic integrity while leveraging AI for educational advancement.

As we delve into AI’s capabilities and ethical considerations in academic writing, let this article serve as your guide to harnessing these tools effectively. Read on to discover how you can elevate your writing, think more critically, and achieve academic success with AI by your side.

how to make an ai essay undetectable

What is AI-Generated Content?

Generated content is a product of artificial intelligence technologies, which utilize complex algorithms and machine learning to create text, data, or media across diverse subjects and genres. For students, the transition from an initial concept to a polished draft can be significantly smoothed with writing assistants. These tools excel in generating innovative ideas and refining drafts, thus enhancing academic work. By understanding both the potential and the boundaries of these technologies, learners can incorporate AI assistance into their studies in a way that aligns with their educational goals and upholds ethical standards. An integral part of this process involves using sophisticated AI writing essay tools like the undetectable essay writer , designed to make the integration of AI in academic writing seamless and the resulting essay undetectable by standard detection methods.

How is AI-Generated Content Detected?

As educational institutions strive to uphold academic integrity, they employ specialized software to identify content generated, focusing on syntactical structures and patterns that typically signify AI involvement. This advancement places a premium on the ability of students to produce work that truly reflects their insights and intellect, a fundamental aspect of academic success. Awareness of these detection technologies is crucial for students who seek to use tools, ensuring their work is perceived as authentically theirs, thus, any AI contribution to their essay is undetectable by these advanced tools.

How to See if Your AI Content is Detectable

To navigate the challenges of using AI in academic writing, students can leverage tools designed to mimic the detection processes of educational institutions. These simulations identify potential markers of AI authorship, such as repetitive patterns or distinct phrasing, providing invaluable insights for revision. Familiarity with these markers enables students to refine their drafts, ensuring they embody the student’s voice and deep understanding. This critical engagement with generated drafts, particularly when revised to ensure the assistance is essay undetectable, fortifies the academic integrity of the submission, aligning with the rigorous standards expected in scholarly work.

How to Create Undetectable AI Content

Creating content that integrates seamlessly into an academic context requires a strategic approach. Initially, AI catalyzes brainstorming and drafting, laying down a foundational layer of content. The critical phase follows, where students immerse themselves in the material, enriching it with their analytical insights and personal flair. This process transforms the draft into a refined piece of work that benefits from AI assistance and carries the unmistakable imprint of the student’s intellectual endeavor. Engaging deeply with the content to ensure it becomes essay undetectable in its AI origins is key to leveraging tools effectively. This approach not only conceals the role in the essay’s creation but also enhances the student’s learning experience, ensuring the work truly reflects their capabilities and insights.

Enhancing Your Essays with AI Tools Responsibly

The advent of artificial intelligence in education has provided students with powerful tools to enhance their writing, offering unparalleled support in crafting essays that stand out for their clarity, coherence, and depth. However, the ultimate goal is to use these tools in a way that the resulting work is indistinguishable from essays written entirely by the student, ensuring that the voice and understanding of the learner are at the forefront.

Best Practices for Using AI in Writing

Adopting tools for academic writing requires a careful, ethical approach to ensure the produced essay is undetectable as AI-generated, reflecting the student’s unique perspective and analytical skills:

  • Begin with Your Ideas. Use it for initial inspiration and to overcome writer’s block, but ensure the core ideas and arguments originate from your understanding.
  • Deeply Personalize Your Draft. After generating an initial draft with AI, infusing the essay with your personal insights, critiques, and voice is crucial, making the AI’s contribution undetectable and ensuring the essay authentically represents your knowledge and critical thinking.
  • Ethical Citation Practices. When employing AI for research or paraphrasing, rigorously adhere to proper citation practices, crediting all sources and ensuring transparency in your use of AI-assisted content.
  • Maintain a Balance. While AI tools can significantly aid in the research and editing process, they should complement, not replace, the learning and intellectual engagement essential to essay writing.
  • Verify Originality. Regularly use plagiarism detection tools to ensure your work maintains integrity and originality, upholding the standards expected in academic settings.

Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking

The interaction with AI-generated content offers a unique opportunity to enhance creativity and critical thinking in academic writing. By challenging and expanding upon the ideas suggested by AI, students can explore new avenues of thought, deepen their analysis, and develop more nuanced arguments, ultimately leading to richer, more compelling essays.

Conclusion: Embracing AI with Integrity

As we navigate the evolving landscape of educational technology, the ethical integration of AI tools in academic writing represents a significant opportunity for students. By leveraging these tools judiciously, students can enhance their writing process, making the essay undetectable as AI-assisted while enriching their learning experience. This approach ensures compliance with academic standards and fosters a deeper engagement with the material, promoting critical thinking and personal growth. Embrace AI with integrity, and let it serve as a bridge to achieving academic excellence and a more profound understanding and appreciation of your subjects.

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Discover top guides, trends, tips and expertise from AIO Writers

How to Create Fully Human, Undetectable Content – Even with AI

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Julia McCoy

undetectable AI content

Is your content AI detectable ?

Or are you making sure you’re publishing undetectable AI content?

It’s 2023, and AI writers are not only here, they’re in mainstream use by smart website owners that want to save time and money.

However, here’s the catch-22: you as a brand owner/marketer/publisher MUST publish content that passes as 100% human if you want to stay on the ‘human’ side of content, earn rankings, build trust, and present a site that falls within Google’s E-E-A-T parameters (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).

But what happens when an AI detector flags even human content as having a low predictability of human writing?

Like this one, which has been AI-produced, but the sentences flagged in our AI detector were actually written by a human:

how to make an ai essay undetectable

This has been happening to a lot of human writers, and it’s frustrating!

Here’s the sauce.

Remember, AI detectors don’t actually tell us if the content is written by an AI. They tell us how likely it is that content is written by AI.

So, if you’re writing like a robot – AI detectors will call you out. “That sounds like a robot wrote it.”

I’ve been facing this my whole life while training writers. Because here’s the thing – engaging, high-quality, awesome content doesn’t come easy. That means the skill doesn’t come easy, either.

A tale as old as time…

By nature, new or inexperienced writers tend to write stiff sentences that read like robots wrote them.

Check out our full comparison guide on the difference between AI and human content .

Using CRAFT Framework to Bypass AI Detection

Funny, how time tells no new tales. Here we are–with robots writing our content… and we’re facing the same old grammar problems we always faced with new writers.

But that’s why the human will still be needed after all.

To bypass AI detection , you’ve got to:

  • Cut the fluff
  • Review, edit, optimize (improve) your work
  • Add media, images, and visuals to build more elements
  • Fact-check for accuracy
  • Trust-build with story, tone, and links

Yep, that’s our CRAFT framework:

craft framework by julia content at scale

Two of the most important steps here are the first two. Cutting the fluff means eliminating the words that seem robotic, stuffy, and just plain boring. But that’s not all. You then need to review the content you wrote to make sure it flows. You need to reassemble, play around with, and adjust the flow of your content.

(Example: I just went back and moved two of my paragraphs out of the introduction of this piece, then wrote two new ones. The reviewing you do of your writing is arguably one of the most important pieces here.)

When you’re using AI to write, you can still make sure your content rates as humanly-produced.

Here’s how.

Before & After: Creating AI Content That Outsmarts AI Detection

This is a piece on fact-checking that I had Content at Scale write.

We start out with this intro, and if I run it through our free AI detector , it comes back as 77% detectable. (As of now, our tool just got better at creating undetectable AI content with a new app launch! This was back when the launch hadn’t happened yet.)

Here’s the text it wrote:

And here’s what our free AI detector scored it as: 

how to make an ai essay undetectable

(Again, remember–this was before our app rollout where the app itself is now rewriting these sentences for you, generating 90% or higher human-scoring content. At Content at Scale, our goal is undetectable content, and we spend a lot of resources on the product to make sure it stays that way!)

So, here’s how we tailored that intro to sound more human-like.

  • Shorter paragraphs
  • Less wordiness
  • Finding new, better ways to say something

Here’s the final result:

We pass the human content score with 92%!

how to make an ai essay undetectable

And, AI still wrote and came up with the majority of this hook (blog opener).

Human content, but it’s AI-produced and human-optimized by yours truly.

That’s why the O in our AIO framework is ESSENTIAL. You must optimize the content that AI outputs so it’s better, stronger, and more effective.

So, How Do You Write Less Like a Robot?

Here are some steps you can take to break free of the robot-writing curse.

1. Use an AI Detector.

Let our AI detector tell you if you sound like a robot – and don’t take personal offense if it tells you your sentence is no better than that of a bot! Remember, writing is a little bit like magic: the third time’s the charm. By the third sentence rewrite, you might have something magical. Try, try again; and let the AI detector guide you on whether or not your content has reached a human level. 

2. Follow the C.R.A.F.T. Framework. 

Remember my acronym for guiding better AIO framework, easily remembered as CRAFT ing better content:

1. Cut the fluff

2. Review, edit, optimize

3. Add images, visuals, media

4. Fact-check

5. Trust-build with personal story, tone, links

You’ll produce better and better content if you follow these simple steps, and remember that content is never a one-shot wonder. It takes time, review, optimization, checking, and rewriting (weaving) to create a beautiful piece of content (a full tapestry).

3. Be More Human. 

Write as you speak.

People never talk like robots. That’s because you’re human!

If you’re not sure if an AI-produced sentence is human or not, sound it out loud. Read it aloud to yourself. Not there yet? Try saying it again with a more natural approach. Whatever comes out of your mouth is the way you want to write.

People want to feel they’re pulled into a conversation – not reading some professor’s essay or thesis piece.

Besides conversational writing… the other part of this is knowing your audience. 

Use terminology and language they understand. 

Write in the words you would say if you personally sat down and ‘had coffee’ with them. What would you tell them? Would you be real-talk and direct? Or would you be persuasive and witty? Lean into a consistent voice in your content.

This is a huge part of being more ‘human’ in your content.

Want to get started producing undetectable AI content? We’re working on creating the best product out there for SEO marketers seeking a full-service AI solution. Sign up here.

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Written by Julia McCoy

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Undetectable AI's Paraphrasing Tool: Would I Recommend It

how to make an ai essay undetectable

As technology evolves, we become more accustomed to the expanding world it offers. With the introduction of AI came a great shift in the writing space: more and more writers are becoming more familiar with LLMs and some have begun using it as a writing assistant .

But, everything has its drawbacks.

Writers and students are now receiving false positive results from AI detectors. For some, it’s a slap on the wrist. For many, it’s ruining their reputation and hurting their academic performance .

That’s the reason AI bypass tools are becoming more important. And that’s also why we’re reviewing one of my favorite bypassers today. In this article, I’ll be reviewing Undetectable AI’s paraphrasing tool including its features, accuracy, and what exactly makes it recommendable. Stay tuned!

What is Undetectable AI?

Undetectable AI is an AI-powered paraphraser whose one goal is to make AI writing appear more human so it could bypass common AI detection tools. Despite it being one of the most obvious use cases, Undetectable AI actually cautions against using their tool for academic misconduct.

how to make an ai essay undetectable

There are three main facets of Undetectable AI: the paraphrasing tool (which we’ll discuss in-depth in this article), the AI human typer (which we’ve reviewed in the past), and their AI detection software.

Undetectable AI’s paraphrasing tool is made to bypass AI detection. To do this while being consistent with your input, Undetectable AI built a ton of output customization features to make the paraphrased output better. These are the following:

  • Readability : Adjusts the overall readability of your input. This ranges from high school to doctorate, and includes specific use cases such as journalism or marketing.
  • Purpose : Tweaks your text based on a specific use case. This includes essays, articles, marketing or legal material, story, cover letter, report, and more.
  • AI Level : Allows you to switch the output from more readable, balanced, and to more human. The more readable it is, the likelier it gets tagged as AI and vice versa.

Output Quality

To show you Undetectable AI’s output quality, I generated a short essay using ChatGPT. Here’s both the original text and the transformed text side-by-side:

The biggest asterisk in regards to Undetectable AI’s bypassing capabilities is that it sacrifices readability for undetection. Notice how the tweaked text is missing a lot of punctuations and contains grammar mistakes? That’s what you should expect from Undetectable AI .

Not only grammar and punctuation errors, but it also removes all tone and rhythm present in the original text. What’s already somewhat monotonous reaches a point where it’s almost unreadable. I get that it’s to avoid detection, but look at how better it can be once it removes these issues:

And if you’re worried about getting hit with a positive AI score, let me tell you now that passing Undetectable AI’s tweaked text without editing it is a recipe for disaster. It may avoid AI detectors, but it wouldn’t pass the smell test of anyone. The best way to use Undetectable AI is to generate a tweaked version of your original text and put your own twist to it so it maintains both readability and low detection scores.

AI Bypass Test

Undetectable AI Successful! AI Likelihood Score : 2.2%

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Undetectable AI Unsuccessful. AI Likelihood Score : 68.0%

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Undetectable AI Unsuccessful. AI Likelihood Score : 0.0%

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Undetectable AI Successful! AI Likelihood Score : 0.0%

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Undetectable AI Successful! AI Likelihood Score : 0.1%

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Undetectable AI Successful! AI Likelihood Score : 32.6%

how to make an ai essay undetectable

Overall Score

The bottom line.

When you’re judging software, you have to look at it contextually. In the case of Undetectable AI, as a paraphrasing tool, it’s hard to recommend it against the likes of QuillBot and Grammarly.

But, as an AI bypass tool? I seriously don’t think there’s any other platform that’s as good as Undetectable AI .

It may have failed at generating coherent text, but it’s actually good enough to fool Sapling (one of the best AI detectors today, according to our latest testing ) six out of seven times. That level of undetection consistency can’t be found elsewhere. 

So, would I recommend Undetectable AI ? Absolutely, but only if you’re aware of its shortcomings and use it to its fullest potential. If you want to learn more about what makes it special, make sure to read our countless articles on it like this one or this one . Happy writing!

how to make an ai essay undetectable

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Bypass GPT AI Review: Does It Make AI Text Undetectable?

published on June 3, 2024

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Bypass GPT AI review

In this Bypass GPT AI review, I got hands-on with the platform, which aims to humanize text beyond that of other popular AI tools, making it undetectable .

Generative AI has become an invaluable tool for content creators, but with so many people using ChatGPT, Gemini, and others, the issue of plagiarism and content with obvious artificial qualities is becoming a problem.

Is Bypass GPT really the solution? Let’s find out!

What Is Bypass GPT?

Bypass GPT is an emerging web-based AI tool used to make your texts more human-like and plagiarism-free. As the name suggests, it aims to bypass AI and plagiarism detectors , so you get both truly unique and readable text.

Unlike most chatbots and generative AI tools for content, it’s not for creating your initial text. Rather, it takes the text you’ve already generated with AI and enhances it to be more authentic.

Similar AI bypass tools exist, but Bypass GPT has a lot of extra features, at least on the surface.

But does it really work and is it the solution for you?

Bypass GPT AI – Key Features

Here’s everything you need to know about Bypass GPT, its features, what I like, and what could be improved.

The Check for AI button is Bypass GPT’s core feature. It analyzes your text to determine if it has been generated by another AI tool and needs to be ‘humanized’. I like that you can paste text directly or link to a web page that contains the text to analyze.

Skeptical, I told Google Gemini (formerly Bard) to write: “A short introduction to a blog post about the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11.”

It generated the following passage:

Thinking about ditching Windows 10 and diving into the new world of Windows 11? You’re not alone. Microsoft’s latest OS boasts a sleek design, feature-packed interface, and some serious performance improvements. But is it worth the upgrade? In this post, we’ll explore the key benefits of Windows 11 to help you decide if it’s the right move for your PC.

Lo and behold, Bypass GPT stated that it was very likely AI-generated!

Bypass GPT AI Review - AI detected

Rather than pulling this out of thin air, it combines many popular AI detection tools , such as ZeroGPT , Copyleaks, and Sapling, so it’s not just a ploy to get you to use the service. You can go to those detectors yourself to check, but having everything in one place is a great time saver.

Similar humanizer AI tools like WriteHuman are a bit more cagey about the detectors they use. You know exactly what you’re getting with Bypass GPT. I also like that you can jump right in without signing up like Undetectable.AI and WriteHuman.

Using the default Enhanced mode , I clicked the Humanize button to see how it would transform this Gemini AI text and make it undetectable.

The first part of the text looks like a perfect alternative, and it indicates that it passes AI detection. All good so far.

humanize AI content

The portion below is a little confusing but seems to reference possible sources of information and other back-end data. Hopefully, future releases scrap this or make it clear what this extra info is for.

Creative Mode

Creative mode essentially jazzes up the wording and is supposed to make it more engaging. The result I got was okay, but phrases like “…will it be worth the passage upwards?” clearly indicate that Bypass GPT’s native AI isn’t perfect. For now, stick to the Enhance option.

Bypass GPT creative mode

Of course, any AI-generated content still needs a real human touch, so don’t expect everything to be done for you.

Plagiarism Remover

Bypass GPT goes a step further than its competitors by providing other useful features, including a plagiarism remover.

Although some generative AI might use plagiarized sentences, this separate plagiarism tool is intended to tackle both AI and standard plagiarism to bypass detectors and make it your own.

To test this, I lifted an existing passage directly from a Wikipedia article on cupcakes.

Bypass GPT plagiarism remover

The result was unique but not strikingly different and might still be considered plagiarism .

However, running the output through the bypass AI feature and humanizing produced a better result that also passed the AI detectors.

Humanize plagiarized text

Next, I mashed passages from three different sources and decided a creative tone might improve things.

Plagiarism removal of multiple texts

Functionally, this feature is best used for text that contains ‘some’ plagiarism rather than re-writing an entire plagiarized passage. Otherwise, you’re likely to get more of a spinning effect than true plagiarism removal.

Paraphrase and Rewrite

This brings us to the paraphraser tool. Again using Wiki, I pasted the first chunk of an article on motorcycles. The result wasn’t significantly different than the plagiarism removal tool.

AI paraphraser tool

Along with its article re-writer and essay re-writer, it seems these are simply branded versions of the same underlying technology and you could use any of them to get similar results.

How to use Bypass GPT

Bypass GPT couldn’t be easier to use. Here’s how to get started and use its various settings to generate unique human-like content:

1. Go to bypassgpt.ai and you’re immediately greeted with its simple interface.

2. Before purchasing a premium plan be sure to test it for yourself with a few paragraphs or the samples it provides.

Bypass GPT AI homepage

3. Click the Check for AI button to see if major detectors recognize the text was generated by AI.

Bypass GPT settings

4. If so, use the dropdown box to select a mode . I had the best results with Enhanced, rather than Creative.

5. Click Humanize and in seconds an undetectable version is generated.

6. To remove plagiarism or otherwise re-write and spin content, click the Tools menu at the top to bring up a similar interface. Next, paste your text or link to its URL .

Select language and tone

7. Dropdown menus at the top let you select different languages and tones of voice.

8. Click Rewrite to complete the process and regenerate to get slightly different versions.

9. As demonstrated above, It’s always useful to then paste this new text back into the AI detection remover and humanize it to make sure it is truly unique and isn’t detected.

You can test Bypass GPT AI for free but’ll get locked out after a few passages have been humanized. To go premium, choose from the following plans, with discounts for paying a year upfront:

  • Basic – $12/mo or $96/yr – 500 words per input and 5,000 words per month. (Only supports Fast mode).
  • Pro – $19/mo or $144/yr – 1,000 words per input and 30,000 words per month, all modes unlocked.
  • Unlimited – $49/mo or $360/yr – Unlimited input and words, all modes unlocked.

It only offers a 3-day money-back guarantee , so you must be quick to fully evaluate it before canceling and getting a refund.

Bypass GPT AI Review – Verdict

Bypass GPT AI stands out the most as a tool to bypass AI detection. For this feature, it’s one of the best I’ve seen. The fact that it’s transparent and relies on 9 detectors in its assessment, saves time and guarantees positive results.

In comparison, AI Und e tect only uses 6, and Undetectable AI uses 8.

The text it produces is also high quality and readable, as long as the source itself is well-structured.

I personally wouldn’t rely solely on its other features for large projects or in an academic environment. I.e., rewriting whole essays. Yet, as a companion tool for the odd passage, it works well. These features are more suitable for basic blog posts and website content that don’t fall under the same scrutiny.

The option to try it for free without signing up allows you to test it for yourself before committing. So, it’s well worth your time.

More about the topics: AI app review

Keelan Balderson

Journalist & Software Expert

Keelan has covered tech and software for a decade. You'll find him getting hands-on with reviews or crunching the numbers to find interesting stats.

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  • Essay Editor

Will I Get Caught Using Chat GPT?

Will I Get Caught Using Chat GPT?

ChatGPT has been around for a little over a year but already found popularity among all groups of users. School and college students have taken a particular liking to it. However, many students avoid using the chatbot for fear that their teacher might catch them.

Read this article to learn more about ChatGPT, its features, and whether your teacher can actually find out if you use it for your homework.

What is Chat GPT?

ChatGPT was first introduced to the world in November 2022. At the time, it was a one-of-a-kind chatbot that used the power of generative AI to create content in response to specific prompts. In simpler words, ChatGPT can analyze your questions and use its vast database of texts to write a cohesive reply.

Before it was introduced to the public, the AI was trained on a massive amount of text sources. Slowly but surely, it “learned” how language works. Now, it can “speak” using this knowledge, repeating the patterns it learned and predicting how the next part of its response should go word by word.

This technology revolutionized the whole globe and opened a new world of opportunities to users from different backgrounds.

Chat GPT: Applications and main features

As a text-based model, ChatGPT can be used across many domains. Let’s explore the main capabilities of Chat GPT and its applications in real life.

  • Content creation . ChatGPT can create completely new texts based on a user’s prompt. This is a particularly useful feature for businesses that have to generate a lot of content like ad texts, social media, blog posts, video scripts, etc.
  • Research . ChatGPT can use its enormous database to find answers to specific research questions or provide brief overviews of certain sources. It can also give a list of references that researchers are welcome to study further for a more in-depth analysis.
  • Translation . ChatGPT can translate texts into over 50 different languages. It can also provide feedback and proofread existing translations.
  • Consulting . It’s possible to use ChatGPT for various consultations. Most users prefer asking their questions to the chatbot instead of sorting through myriad web pages selected by search engines. Also, Chat GPT helps users brainstorm ideas, acts as customer support, and even gives basic mental health counseling.
  • Proofreading . You can ask the AI chatbot to check your texts or translations for any grammar mistakes. It can in turn give you suggestions to improve your text even more.

As you can see, the capabilities of Chat GPT extend to a wide range of areas, and this is just a small portion of what it can do. It’s also safe to say that the true potential of GPT technology is yet to be explored.

Can I get caught using ChatGPT?

Given how quickly OpenAI’s chatbot took over the world, it’s not surprising that students have already discovered all the benefits of using generative AI for homework. However, there is a common concern that AI writing can be detected by teachers and professors. So, is it true?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Texts produced by ChatGPT have several distinct features of texts that experienced educators can easily detect. Besides, there already are a lot of automatic services that can analyze your essays and find traces of ChatGPT origin. Here is a list of these features that are often attributed to AI generators.

  • Repetitive patterns . While ChatGPT was trained on a large dataset of texts, it can still use repetitive phrases, particularly in specific contexts. This repetition can become very obvious in longer texts like essays.
  • Unusual phrasing . AI may generate sentences or phrases that sound slightly off or unnatural to human readers, which can be caused by low-quality training data or errors in the way the model understands the language.
  • Lack of emotion . ChatGPT-generated text often lacks the emotional depth that is typical of human writing. No matter how hard we try to stay neutral, our personal biases seep into our writing while AI tends to produce unnaturally dry text. 
  • Factual errors . There are a lot of examples when ChatGPT was seen making up non-existent facts. This is the most obvious mistake that can tip your teacher off about your use of AI generators.
  • Lack of creativity . AI may produce texts that rely on common language idioms or templates. This can become a hindrance, especially when your assignment is to show off your creative skills.

As you see, detecting ChatGPT can be easy if you know what to look for. That’s why teachers can often tell when you use it to complete your assignments.

How to avoid getting caught using Chat GPT

Thankfully, there are ways to hide that you used Chat GPT help. But they still require some effort on your part.

1. Generate ideas instead of text

Sure, It’s easier to ask ChatGPT to write an entire paper at once. But it’s much safer to use it to brainstorm ideas. Ask it to compile a plan for your essay or think of supporting arguments. Don’t copy everything it writes without editing. Remember that you need to stick to your style of writing.

Search for sources

You can also ask ChatGPT to compile a list of sources for your papers. But always double-check that these sources exist. As we already know, ChatGPT can write factually incorrect texts, so it’s better to study sources yourself. This way, you’ll also be ready should your teacher ask any follow-up questions about your research.

Use Ai-generator Aithor

While ChatGPT was the first AI chatbot, it’s not the best now. There are plenty of new language models that are trained to write specific texts.

AI-generator Aithor is one of these models. Trained on a large database of academic texts, Aithor can generate top-notch essays and research papers that follow the rules of academic writing to a T.

It can also simulate your writing styles and create completely original texts free of plagiarism. Your teachers won’t find out that you used it because AI-generator Aithor uses constantly improving AI detectors that eliminate this risk.

Explore all the advantages of Aithor right now!

The capabilities of Chat GPT are immense, but there’s still a chance that your teachers will detect it. To avoid this, use this chatbot with caution, for instance, to generate ideas, compile a list of references, or proofread your texts. Or try AI-generator AIthor specifically trained to create academic tests and forget about this concern once and for all.

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