128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples

The phenomenon of comfort food that takes a short time to prepare and tastes good has become extremely popular in the world, with chains such as McDonalds having an enormous global presence. However, the adverse health effects associated with the emergence of fast food have led to its nickname, junk food.

There is an obesity epidemic throughout the world, but people do not adopt healthy eating habits even as more and more issues surface. As such, you should cover some key points to write an outstanding essay on one or more fast food essay topics and show your understanding of the topic.

In this article we will reveal some tips and ideas for writing, as well as research questions on fast food.

👍 Tips for Essay Writing on Fast Food

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Your fast food essay should discuss the advantages as well as disadvantages of fast food compared to traditional healthy food.

Food items that contain excessive fat or were not good for one’s health have existed for a long time, but were never prominent enough to impact the population significantly.

Fast food options became popular because they pioneered the ideas of food being easily accessible, quick to make, and tasty nevertheless.

Compared to the usual cooking experience people went through at home as well as outdoors eating places, the new phenomenon constituted a revolution.

Fast food became popular with the population due to its significant benefits compared to other methods.

However, the disadvantages of excessive consumption of junk food emerged eventually, leading to the release of various legislation governing the dangers of a poor diet.

With its emphasis on fat and sugars, fast food can lead to a variety of issues, examples including uncontrolled weight gain, heart disease, dental issues, shortness of breath, and other adverse outcomes.

Obesity is now an issue that affects many people in the United States as well as other countries. It can also be difficult to stop consuming junk food because of its instant gratification properties.

Due to its concentration on taste over nutrition, healthy food can feel bland and uninteresting by comparison, leading the person to switch back.

You should discuss potential solutions to the issues created by fast food, but the issue is complex and complicated by the conditions of some of the people affected.

In Australia, some aboriginal people live too far from large cities to receive regular shipments of healthy food that will not spoil, so they have to rely on fast food that is packed with preservatives.

As a result, many become obese and malnourished at the same time. There is no easy solution to the issue, and as such, most options have to be theoretical or supported by evidence. The essay format is generally not suitable for in-depth discussions of topics related to the resolution of these issues.

Here are some additional tips that will make your essay truly outstanding:

  • Try to rely on facts that are supported by research and evidence rather than the popular perception.
  • The concept of fast food extends beyond chains such as McDonalds to ready-made meals and various snacks in stores.
  • Remember to follow usual essay writing guidelines such as an academic tone, the separation of section with titles, and the use of an introductions and fast food essay conclusions.

Here, at IvyPanda you can find lots of fast food essay titles and other useful samples that will help you create an excellent paper! Check them below!

  • Fast Food Industry: Arguments for and Against For instance, those who believe that fast food industry is beneficial to them and other members of the society will expect the findings of this research to be in support of their beliefs.
  • Fast Food vs. Home Cooking: Lifestyle and Traditions The good thing with this business is that the food was from natural products hence healthy, a fact that has since changed Many people are very busy for the better part of the day and […]
  • Fast Food in Campus: Advantages and Disadvantages On the other hand, a classmate mentions that fast foods lead to obesity among university students who eat from fast-food restaurants.
  • Fast Food Restaurants: Classification Most restaurants offer these services at their premises, whereby customers come, have their meals and leave for example the Deising’s chain of restaurants, while others especially the well-established ones offer take-out services and delivery services […]
  • Fritter’s Fast Food Restaurants: Overview Very fast and inexpensive to manufacture, Fritters can find their customers both in restaurants and kiosks, and in pre-prepared form.
  • Survey to Study the Relationship Between Fast Food Consumption and Obesity The survey aims to analyze if there is any connection between consumption of fast food and obesity. The study aims to ascertain the relationship between fast food consumption and obesity.
  • The Fast Food Industry Lots of people claim that the growth of the rate of obese people correlates with the growth of fast food chains in the region.
  • McDonald’s Corporation: Analyzing Fast Food Industry A glance of the profit margins of the major players in the US industry will provide a more clear perception of the fast food industry’s success in 2009 in global perspective: Key Competitors Profits 2009 […]
  • Global Challenges Faced By Fast Food Companies For instance the price strategy is usually determined by a number of factors such as the number of competitors in the market, the availability and costs of raw materials and the existent product substitutes in […]
  • The Consequences of Fast Food The most evident effect of fast food is obesity among others and these effects are what will be considered as the basis of discouraging the intake of fast food while encouraging other healthier options.
  • Social Media Marketing Plan: Subway Fast Food Attract The main objective of this digital marketing plan is to attract the younger customers’ market through the Subway’s website and a twitter fun page in order to increase the customer traffic in its stores.
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant The design has the potential to elaborate on the cause of failures inherent in the establishment and possess the capacity to make recommendations on combating the challenges.
  • Influencing Consumer Behavior: the changing image of ‘fast food’ Some of the factors that consumers may be influenced with include the cost, what their friends and family members say, where the restaurant is located, the duration the meal takes, and by how the consumers […]
  • Motivational Issues in the Fast Food Sector Fast food refers to a type of cuisine produced in mass and marketed by some eateries, presentation stands, and service establishments for fast and effective production and delivery.
  • The Negative Consequences of Employing High School Students in Fast Food Restaurants In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
  • Impact of Fast Food on Human Body Firstly, it is the economics of fast food fast food is the cheapest food on the market in terms of a calorie per dollar.
  • Fast Food Effects on Human Health The phenomenon results in the ideological perspectives of increased obesity and the emergence of lifestyle diseases. The popularity and consumption rate of fast-food restaurants is one of the trending issues in cities and towns.
  • The Reasons Behind the Popularity of Fast Food in the Context of the Lebanese Market Nowadays, in Beirut, the variety of traditional dishes which can be prepared quickly and served as fast food is amazing, from the kebab, to the falafel; most dishes are represented.
  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Reputation for Unhealthy Eating By setting this price to a low value, fast food companies can exclude traditional restaurants from the selection, improve throughput, and increase their brand equity.
  • Impacts of Fast Food on Childhood Eating Habits The author’s claim that lack of nutritional information on fast food packaging is a major cause of obesity among children and teenagers is not true.
  • The Jungle and Fast Food Nation Though both books talk about the food industry and the ills that plague it, it is important to establish that, Eric Schlosser’s aim of writing Fast Food Nation was to make the public know the […]
  • The Film “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!”: How the Fast Food Industry Interacts With Its Customers Another obvious cause and effect relationship portrayed in the film concerns the rise in the threat of diseases such as diabetes as the effect of the food choices that McDonald’s provides to its customers.
  • Employment Relations in Fast Food Restaurants It is therefore imperative to ensure the comfort of employees and for good employment relations to be built and extended there are certain advantages and legal constitutions that have to be established for the sake […]
  • Fast Food Ban Necessity in Schools Schools should not offer fast foods because they lead to the development of bad habits, long-time health complications and influence students to spend money unnecessarily.
  • Fast Food and Gender: Is There a Relation? The study was to observe the gender that formed the majority of the customer base in respect to fast foods. In this case, it was important to select a predetermined restaurant that specializes in fast […]
  • ”The Ritual of Fast Food” by Margaret Visser At the pace of modern life, people often do not have time to dine fully, and then fast food comes to the rescue.
  • Improvements of Supply Chain Processes in the Fast Food Industry: Subway The purposes of the research are to analyze the service delivery stage of the internal supply chain process typical of the Subway restaurants located in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates; identify drawbacks in these areas […]
  • HRM in the Fast Food Industry: US, Germany, and Australia It should be mentioned that the term human-resource relations refers to the programs that an organization puts in place in order to ensure that the employees receive the benefits that are guaranteed by legislation.
  • Healthy Fast Food Restaurant The project committee has ensured that this project has a number of strengths as it is introduced in this competitive market.
  • Fast Food’s Main Detrimental Effects This state of affairs is perfectly explainable, because during the course of recent decades, the effects of a lengthened consumption of fast food on one’s health remained the subject of a number of heated public […]
  • Increased Nutrition Regulations on Fast Food Restaurants Some critics believe that federal policy to increase the cost of healthy food has led to the increase in consumption of the cheaper alternative i.e.fast food.
  • The Fast Food Mass Production Problem Mass production was planned as a phenomenon to ensure the supply of food in sufficient quantities to cover the loss of production in the sale and, at the same time, meet the economic needs of […]
  • The Environment of Fast Food Chains The basic research question is based upon the fact as what is actual scenario of HK fast food industry and what marketing strategies are being used commonly by the industry?
  • Fast Food Industry in the US This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.
  • The Culture of Fast Food Consumption Thesis Statement: The purchase of fast food is largely driven by the convenience of purchase, enjoyment of taste, and pricing. However, it is worth sorting out the reasons for consuming fast food and the main […]
  • Media Plan of a Fast Food Chain Subway Food The uniqueness and importance of this media for Subway Foods is that the sender of the advertising message, who can be regarded as the seller, does not know in advance what he will receive in […]
  • Fast Food History and Global Presence The popularity of fast-food restaurants at the time could be associated with the increased numbers of people moving to the city centers during the Great Depression.
  • Green Management in Fast Food Restaurants The corporations have to acquire large amounts of capital to operate efficiently and survive in the market because of the high demand of social responsibility in the food industry.
  • An Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Local vs. International Brands in the Fast Food Sector This comes as no surprise, considering that the UK is one of the world’s largest economies in the world, has one of Europe’s highest populations and is the largest consumer of fast food in the […]
  • Fast Foods More Harm Than Good The rest of the life of such a child is upsetting as the child is ridiculed in and out of school, through his/her adolescence, and even in college.
  • American Fast Food in Foreign Countries On the one hand, fast food chains like McDonald’s are at risk of pushing local cafes away, leading the latter to bankruptcy.
  • Fast Food: What We Eat by Eric Schlosser The industry became the cause of multiple economic trends and shifted the behaviors of consumers. In conclusion, the fast-food industry has had a great influence on economics, society, and politics.
  • The Effects of Fast Food Consumption on Obesity Afterward, Lane et al.combined homogeneous conditions and conducted a meta-analysis to determine the effect of fast food consumption on their development.
  • Fast Food Restaurant: Emergency Procedure It is essential to lay out a clear communication plan to ensure the team maintains functional capacity during a hurricane threat.
  • Drive-Thru Dreams and Fast Food Nation by Adam Chandler In the introduction to his book, Drive-Thru Dreams: A Journey through the Heart of America’s Fast-Food Kingdom, Adam Chandler uses pathos as the central appeal to convince the audience in the strength of his reasoning.
  • Slow and Fast Food Values by Alice Waters Uniformity is a fast-food value that causes people to lose their individuality because of the pressure to conform. Awareness is a fundamental value in the current fast-food world.
  • McDonald’s in the International Fast Food Market In her article, Visard discusses the current position of McDonald’s in the international fast food market and the food chain’s most recent attempts to adapt its resource spending and product positioning strategies during the ongoing […]
  • Employee Retention & Staff Turnover in Fast Food Industry Whilst the recruitment strategy errors include the lack of such documents as A Set of Competencies and The Perfect Candidate, the lack of recruitment specialists, and the provision of insufficient information to the candidate. It […]
  • Customer Loyalty in Fast Food Industry Under Current Economic Crisis The objective of this research is to evaluate different customer loyalty programs offered by companies operating in the UK Fast Food Industry to induce more sales and assess their effectiveness amid of the current economic […]
  • Promoting Fast Food Ingredient Awareness The result of this progress has been the spread of the concept of fast food, meals for those who are busy and do not want to burden themselves with cooking.
  • The Fast Food Restaurant Market of Canada More than 100 various franchising offers Growing demand for fast food restaurant franchising Wide variety of demanded franchises with diverse prices and distinct revenue potential Growing possibilities to utilize disposable income, which increases proportionally […]
  • Ideology of Fast Food Industry Development Demonstrating the parallel that can be drawn between fast food and the ideology values such as the fast pace life and consumerism, it is important to stress that several values resulted from the formation and […]
  • The Fast Food Culture in Saudi Arabia The increased consumption of fast food is an issue that has gripped the attention of healthcare providers worldwide. The high incidence of diabetes is perhaps the most notable effect of the excessive consumption of fast […]
  • Obesity Prevalence and Fast Food Restaurant Prevalence The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between obesity prevalence and fast food restaurant prevalence in the United States.
  • Regulation of the Fast Food Industry: Review The rapid growth of the fast food industry has led to the high consumption of fast food by many people. The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in […]
  • Fast Food: What Is Really in It? Fast food restaurants use TBHQ to eliminate oxidation of fats and oils in order to prolong the expiry date of their foods.
  • “The Bitter Truth About Fast Food” by Schlosser While such a regulation is hard to follow, it has been proved that some natural ingredients used in the manufacturing of flavors pose more health risks than artificial ingredients.
  • Biotechnology and Animal Welfare: How Genetically Modified Chicken Serves the Demand in Fast Food Chains Beef was the most often used meat for the restaurants due to its containing in burgers, however, in 2020, the tendency started to move in the direction of chicken consumption.
  • Fast Food Nation in the “Omnivore’s Dilemma” by M. Pollan The author’s main purpose in writing this text could be summarized as a plea to food-conscious people that there is more to what they do not know about the food they eat.
  • Fast Food Industry: Five Forces of Success The possible threat of market saturation by new sellers inflowing the market. The strength of rivalry or competition in the food industry as franked by existing markets is a pronouncement that helps in the determination […]
  • Marketing Case B: Freddy Favors Fast Food and Convenience for College Students Problem Objective Opinion Areas of Strength Areas of Concern Recommendation Conclusion The service and products that are to be offered in a food joint for college students is a problem, as it would require […]
  • Branding of Fast Food Industry: Sound and Strategic Brand According to Thomson and Rampton the brand image should be able to provide customers with a degree of excellence and comfort, making them outshine from the rest of the group that is they provide a […]
  • The Use of Fast Food Meals in the United State This study focused to investigate the western theory change of lifestyles and it intended to examine the quality of the fast-food meals in the United States industries.
  • Environmental Analysis for a New Fast Food Chain in Australia The viability of the restaurant will depend, in a large part, on the stability of the host government as well as the strength of the host country’s political system.
  • Fast Food Empire: ”Behind the Counter” by Schlosser Schlosser underlines that the fast food problem in society, culture, and identity is presenting all Americans with profound dilemmas- that are badly in need of clarification and resolution of real life values and ideals Schlosser […]
  • Opportunism in Fast Food Chains: Schlosser’s ‘Behind the Counter’ The fast-food chains employ the most disadvantaged members of the American society and provide only training on basic job skills such as getting to work on time.
  • Fast Food Epidemic: The Dark Side of American Meal Various reports and studies signify the trends of huge marketing campaigns of fast food chains and the significant correlation this has with fast food consumption.
  • Technology in the British Fast Food Industry The use of modern smartphones and apps is an emerging trend that will continue to dictate the performance of business organizations.
  • Fast Food Restaurants and Buyers’ Responsibility Fast food and chain restaurants sell their products, but they do not force people to buy them. Thus, people are to be responsible for their behavior and understand the danger of unhealthy food.
  • Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity in America With the current trends in the consumption of foods, statistics show that, by the year 2015, a third of America will be obese.
  • The Work at “Checkers” Fast Food Restaurant The position of a cook is much different, as they are the person who carries out the duties and supports the infrastructure of the restaurant.
  • “Fast Food Nation” Movie by Richard Linklater This is a story of how one of the most favorite things in the country is destroying people’s health and undermining the belief that the world is a friendly and kind place where people love […]
  • Obesity in Hispanic Adolescents and Fast Food Most of these, however, describe the relationship existing between the prevalence of diabetes in the population and the consumption of fast foods.
  • Fast Food, Obesity, Depression, and Other Issues However, in busy communities, fast foods are increasingly being the preferred choice of food because of their price and convenience and that is why they are commonly served in many hotels, cafes and even some […]
  • Fast Food Consumption in New Jersey (United States) The survey aimed at evaluating the consumption of fast foods amongst the residents of New Jersey in the USA. Other objectives that were considered during the study included determination of whether the habit contributed to […]
  • Factors Contributing to Fast Food Consumption in UAE Nevertheless, the transformation from homemade food to fast food has been so severe and widespread that people have become addicted to fast food in the UAE.
  • The Fast Food Danger Awareness Among the Young People However, it is worrying that many people in this society are not aware of the dangers that this industry poses to young people.
  • Blue Springs Fast Food Store vs. Blue Gardens Restaurant Analysis The lighting is moderated to give the facility a unique ambiance, and the color of the walls is also very attractive.
  • Fast Food War in Singapore: The Stiff Competition and Fight for Customers In this case, the market conditions will allow the firm to choose product attributes that counter the products of their competitors.
  • Should Fast Food Qualify As “Food”? Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many people to suggest that fast food cannot be considered areal.’ This, of course, implies that the consumption of fast food can hardly be considered beneficial to the […]
  • Fast Food Industry and Its Impacts The experiment made in the film shows how consuming of the fast food influences the human body, presents a visual demonstration of the processes happening in our inside organs under the influence of chemicals contained […]
  • The Practice of Fast Food in the United States This survey concluded that fast food consumption entails a large intake of junk foods as well as a reduction in the intake of healthy foods.
  • Analysis of the Documentary Fast Food, Fat Profits This is one of the issues that can be distinguished. This is one of the limitations that can be singled out.
  • Obesity and Fast Food In fact, a larger proportion of the gains in the body mass arise from the escalating promotional activities carried out by the fast-food producing companies such as McDonalds.
  • The economical aspects and different perspectives for fast food industry in Canada Figure 1: The leading fast-food companies in Canada Source: Reiter Slcfred stated that Mcdinalds had more than 31000 outlets all over the world, among them 5% restaurants or 1550 outlets are in Canada and highest […]
  • Challenges Inherent in Repositioning a Fast Food Chain Much money has to be spent during the repositioning process, and, in a period of financial crisis, as is the current situation, it is very important to come up with some cost-effective strategies to succeed […]
  • The Fast-food Industry in Russia For example, the legislation guaranteed the right of workers to organize themselves in labour unions, strike and even challenge the decisions that are made by the management The Russian federation labour laws are a combination […]
  • An Analysis of Fast Freeze Foods Ltd This paper focuses on the successes of his management in managing the performance of the company to ensure success in such a turbulent industry as the company is operating.
  • Fast Food Drive-throughs In this respect, the drive-through services are aimed at reducing the throughput time and serving a maximum number of clients in the minimum time compared to other similar services.s such, it is necessary to compare […]
  • Deli Depot Fast Food Restaurants Strategy Objectives To improve on the sales of the business hence increasing the profit margin To strategise on how to take over the market from other competitors To come up with a good team of employees […]
  • The Fast-Food Industry and Legal Accountability for Obesity The principle of least harm in ethics is closely associated with the fast food industry; this is mainly because of the basic fact that fast food increases chances of obesity to its consumers.
  • Fast Food on Campus: When Affordable Meals Overshadow the Nutrition Issues Starting Positively Much to the credit of fast food and the companies producing it, there are also a number of positive aspects of providing fast food on the territory of campus.
  • The Fast Food Chains “Five Guys” in the USA Five Guys is one of the fastest growing fast food chains in the USA and it is now expanding overseas. One of the reasons for such a success is the thoughtful philosophy of the fast […]
  • “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-Food World” by Michael Pollan The poultry helps in the spreading of manure as the chicken looks for larvae to eat. There are a lot of processed foods available in the market such that one is spoilt for choice.
  • Comparison Between the Jungle and Fast Food Nation The writer of the book came up with suggestion on what ought to be done to eliminate the issue of minimal salaries among the citizens, hence, improve the living standards of the people in the […]
  • The Nature of Fast Food Advertising in North American & Its Influence The nature of fast food advertising in North America is such that most fast food restaurants depict the advantages of eating fast food in a bid to entice the clients.
  • Fast Food, Quick Problem Emergence, Rapid Addiction and Slow Recovery Process Because of the growing popularity of the fast food products, the concern for the effect that the fast food meals have on the population is growing increasingly big, yet the solutions for the problems and […]
  • Fast Food and Hate Groups Harvey would lay his hands on the member’s heads to reconfirm them to the group after which the members would swear an oath to Harvey and Pendgrass that they will uphold the beliefs and convictions […]
  • How Has the Fast Food Industry Changed From the 1950s to the Present?
  • What Are the Causes of Popularity for Fast Food Restaurants?
  • Are Fast Food and Junk Food Companies Ethically Responsible for Customers?
  • What Are the Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • How Did Jollibee Build Its Position in the Philippine Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are the Key Success Factors That Make the Fast Food Business Model Work?
  • Does Consumer Preference Shift Away From Fast Food?
  • What Constitutes Good Customer Service and Makes a Company in the Fast Food Industry Indispensable?
  • How Are Fast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity Related?
  • What Makes Chipotle Unique Among Other Fast Food Chains?
  • Can Apps Make Fast Food Even Faster?
  • How Is Fast Food Changing American Food Culture?
  • Why Isn’t Fast Food Cheaper Than Healthy Food?
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • How Can Fitness Overcome Fast Food?
  • What Marketing Strategies Use McDonald’s to Compete With Burger King in the Fast Food Industry?
  • Why Are Fast Food Restaurants Popular?
  • How Has Healthy Living Culture Brought About Changes in the Fast Food Industry?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • How Do Eco Activists Take Action Towards the Fast Food Industries?
  • Should Fast Food Advertisements Be Banned?
  • What Retention Strategies Can Be Used by Fast Food Companies?
  • How Do Life Styles Affect the Consumption of Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Companies Be Held Responsibility for Children’s Obesity?
  • How Did McDonald’s Change Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Only Be Sold to People Eighteen and Older?
  • How Has the Recession Affected the Fast Food Sector?
  • Should Schools Serve Fast Food Like Mcdonald’s?
  • What Are Most Serious Negative Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • Why Should Americans Eat Less Fast Food?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/

"128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fast-food-essay-examples/.

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101 Fast Food Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Fast food is a popular topic for essays, as it offers a wide range of issues to discuss. From the health impacts of fast food to the environmental consequences of its production, there are countless angles to explore. If you're looking for inspiration for your next essay on fast food, here are 101 topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The rise of fast food culture in America
  • The impact of fast food on childhood obesity
  • The economics of the fast food industry
  • The environmental impact of fast food packaging
  • The ethics of fast food marketing to children
  • Fast food and food deserts in low-income communities
  • The health risks of consuming fast food regularly
  • The history of fast food chains like McDonald's and Burger King
  • The relationship between fast food and mental health
  • The globalization of fast food chains
  • Fast food and its effects on the planet's climate
  • The role of fast food in shaping cultural norms around food
  • The future of fast food and the rise of plant-based options
  • Fast food and its impact on agricultural practices
  • The social justice implications of fast food labor practices
  • Fast food and its ties to food addiction
  • The role of fast food in shaping urban landscapes
  • Fast food and its impact on food waste
  • The connection between fast food and chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease
  • Fast food and its role in shaping dietary trends
  • The influence of fast food on food policy and regulation
  • The relationship between fast food and income inequality
  • Fast food and its impact on food insecurity
  • The cultural appropriation of traditional foods by fast food chains
  • The role of fast food in shaping consumer preferences
  • Fast food and its influence on food advertising
  • The impact of fast food on animal welfare
  • The connection between fast food and factory farming
  • Fast food and its role in the obesity epidemic
  • The marketing tactics used by fast food chains to target children
  • The impact of fast food on the gut microbiome
  • Fast food and its impact on mental health disorders like depression and anxiety
  • The relationship between fast food and sleep disorders
  • Fast food and its ties to food insecurity in developing countries
  • The role of fast food in shaping dietary patterns in low-income communities
  • Fast food and its impact on soil erosion and deforestation
  • The connection between fast food and water pollution
  • Fast food and its ties to antibiotic resistance
  • The influence of fast food on food waste and recycling practices
  • Fast food and its impact on marine ecosystems
  • The relationship between fast food and foodborne illnesses
  • The connection between fast food and the rise of superbugs
  • Fast food and its role in shaping consumer demand for convenience
  • The impact of fast food on the mental health of food service workers
  • Fast food and its ties to income inequality and social mobility
  • The role of fast food in shaping dietary trends among millennials
  • The connection between fast food and social media influencers
  • Fast food and its influence on body image and eating disorders
  • The relationship between fast food and food safety regulations
  • Fast food and its impact on child labor practices in developing countries
  • The connection between fast food and agricultural subsidies
  • The influence of fast food on food waste and food loss
  • Fast food and its ties to deforestation and habitat destruction
  • The impact of fast food on water scarcity and water pollution
  • The relationship between fast food and air pollution
  • Fast food and its role in shaping consumer demand for convenience and immediacy
  • The connection between fast food and the rise of food delivery services
  • The influence of fast food on food prices and inflation
  • Fast food and its impact on food quality and nutritional value
  • The role of fast food in shaping dietary patterns and food preferences
  • The relationship between fast food and food insecurity in urban areas
  • Fast food and its ties to social inequality and discrimination
  • The impact of fast food on mental health and well-being
  • The connection between fast food and the rise of food allergies
  • The influence of fast food on food waste and food packaging
  • Fast food and its role in shaping consumer demand for convenience and speed
  • The relationship between fast food and food safety regulations and inspections
  • The connection between fast food and the rise of foodborne illnesses and outbreaks
  • The influence of fast food on food advertising and marketing
  • Fast food and its impact on food access and affordability
  • The role of fast food in shaping dietary patterns and food choices
  • The relationship between fast food and the rise

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95 Fast Food Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on fast food, ✍️ fast food essay topics for college, 🎓 most interesting fast food research titles, 💡 simple fast food essay ideas, ❓ fast food research questions.

  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • The Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites
  • McDonalds Fast Food Company Organizational Change
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise in the Chinese Market
  • Nutrition: Causes and Effects of Fast Food
  • Fast Food Popularity in America: Cause and Effect
  • Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles Both presented articles argue the harmfulness of fast food, but the scientific article provides evidence of the existence of healthy fast food.
  • McDonald’s Company: The Flawed Fast Food Tax McDonalds is one of the world’s leading fast food restaurants serving more than 57 million customers daily with branches all over the major cities.
  • Fast Food Restaurants in the US Convenient locations play a critical role in the success of fast-food kiosks. These points include the busy commercial strips, shopping malls, and high-traffic areas.
  • Fast Food Harmful Effects on Children This paper states that the exposure of children to fast food early on has an adverse effect on them, resulting in the need to prevent the sale of fast food in schools.
  • Fast Food and Health Relations Fast food is a way of life for those who look for a quick and cheap alternative to homemade food. What diseases fast food may cause.
  • Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography Zepeda’s Bad Choices in Our Food System book explores how the food system, including relevant policies in the US, influences consumer food choices.
  • McDonald’s: Fast Food Company’s Marketing Analysis McDonald’s will continue to develop as a fast-food retailer as long as it capitalizes on its strengths and takes advantage of the opportunities given by its operating environment.
  • Firefly Burger Fast Food Marketing Plan The project aims to examine the internal and external environments that affect the success of Firefly restaurant and the need for changing its marketing strategy.
  • “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser In the book “Fast Food Nation” E. Schlosser describes his understanding and perception of fast food culture and its impact on the world.
  • “Fast Food Nation” the Book by Eric Schlosser In his book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser argues that fast food has greatly influenced American society and culture.
  • Fast Food Chain Locations, Non-Chain Restaurants and Bars As discussed in prior sections of the report, the competition for Moma Monaz can be distinguished into three categories: fast food chain locations, non-chain restaurants, and bars.
  • “Fast Food Nation”: The Development of the Food Industry in the USA In chapters 5-10, “Fast Food Nation” addresses a range of important issues that surround the development of the food industry in the United States of America.
  • Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis The proposed study will attempt to answer the question of what is the relationship between eating fast food and obesity, using correlation analysis.
  • Neighborhood Deprivation and Exposure to Fast Food in a Large Rural Area A review of an article “Focusing on fast food restaurants alone underestimates the relationship between neighborhood deprivation and exposure to fast food in a large rural area”.
  • Is Fast Food Really Harmful and Can It Be Healthy? The aim of the paper is to evaluate the factors, associated with fast food alternatives and challenges, which may arise while implementing healthy fast food.
  • How the Fast Food Industry Has Changed the Environment and the Health of American Society? More and more Americans eat fast food and since it is relatively inexpensive, tastes good and can be ordered and consumed quickly, fast food has become the national diet.
  • Eric Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation” In the past 40 years, the world of fast food has penetrated even the remote areas of the American society. It was an industry, which had been started by a few hamburgers
  • White Thinking Hat Fast Food: Overview According to the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office guide “Fast Food Facts”, fast food is popular because it is convenient, predictable, and fast.
  • The Fast Food Restaurants History in the United States Fast foods are often associated with recent times but when one reads Nicholas Howe’s “Fast Food America” it is easy to see that fast food joins have existed since the early 1990s.
  • Fast Food Nation: Business Analysis Unless a company specifically lists the source of its natural ingredients on the label, the consumer is left without a clue.
  • Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World In the contemporary rapidly developing world people are always on the move. They want to save time whenever it is possible.
  • Fast Food and Obesity Link – Nutrition The scholars attempt to determine the influence of various behavioral factors on the degree of obesity. This is the main research question that the authors strive to examine.
  • America’s Obsession With Fast Food and Its Effects on the Population
  • Childhood Obesity and Unhappiness: The Influence of Soft Drinks and Fast Food Consumption
  • Fast Food Restaurants in Guyana Do More Harm Than Good
  • Big Fast Food Chains: What Are They Trying to Hide From You?
  • Political, Social, and Legal Factors That Affect McDonald’s Fast Food Outlet and Haveli Restaurant
  • Fast Food Eating Places Should Sell Healthier Foodstuff or Become Banished Composition
  • Are Fast Food and Junk Food Companies Ethically Responsible for Customers?
  • Product Positioning and Competition: The Role of Location in the Fast Food Industry
  • Fast Food – The Early Years: Geography and the Growth of a Chain Store in the UK
  • Epidemic Upon America’s Youth: Installing Fast Food Outlets in High Schools
  • Calorie Overestimation Bias and Fast Food Products
  • The Fast Food Industry Has Developed Into Something Bigger
  • Fast Food Advertising and Marketing Directed at Children and Adolescents in the US
  • Growing Preference for Fast Food and Changing Cuisine Habits Propel Global Condiment Sauces Market
  • Fast Food Restaurants and Food Processing Companies Are the Ghost Murderer of Society
  • How Eco Activists Take Action Towards the Fast Food Industries
  • Fast Food Wars Between Burger Giants McDonald’s and Burger King
  • Reasons for the Flourishing of the Fast Food Industry in India
  • Fat Content Modulates Rapid Detection of Food: Fast Food and the Japanese Diet
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working at a Fast Food Franchise
  • The Political Involvement in the Fast Food Industry and Its Impact on the World’s Population
  • American Culture’s Infatuation With Fast Food
  • Human Resource Strategies for Effective Business: The Fast Food Industry
  • Fast Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • The Reasons Why Home Cooking Is Better and Healthier Than Fast Food
  • Fast Food Nation: Scary Truth About the Fast Food Industry
  • Service Innovation Commercialization Factors in the Fast Food Industry
  • Brand Prestige and the Mediating Role of Word of Mouth in the Fast Food Industry
  • Fast Food and Its Effects on Life Expectancy and Mortality Rates
  • Factors That Influence Consumer Buying Behavior for Fast Food at McDonald’s
  • Should Fast Food Be Sold Only to People Eighteen and Older?
  • Fast Food Restaurants Marketing Strategies Effects on Childhood and Adolescent Obesity
  • George Ritzer’s Book “The McDonaldization of Society”: A View of the Domination of the Fast Food Restaurants
  • Key Success Factors That Make the Fast Food Business Model Work
  • Fast Food: The Unhealthy Combination of Inexpensive and Convenient Food
  • How Fast Food Is Changing American Food Culture
  • Fast Food Versus Healthy Living: Mcdonald’s Ongoing Battle
  • Framing Regulation of Fast Food Advertising in the Australian Print Media
  • Food Advertisements and the Role of Fast Food Chains and Food Manufacturers in the Country’s Weight Problem
  • How the Fast Food Industry Has Changed From the 1950s to the Present
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants the Leading Cause of Obesity?
  • Has Fast Food Become Healthier?
  • What Are the Key Success Factors That Make the Fast Food Business Model Work?
  • How Does Consumer Preference Shift Away From Fast Food?
  • Why Isn’t Fast Food Cheaper Than Healthy Food?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • What Marketing Strategies Does McDonald’s Use to Compete With Burger King in the Fast Food Industry?
  • How Does Fast Food Affect Our Lives?
  • Why Can America Not Just Eliminate Fast Food Restaurants?
  • Can Fitness Overcome Fast Food?
  • What Retention Strategies Can Be Used by Fast Food Companies?
  • How Are Fast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity Related?
  • Why Is the Fast Food Industry Popular With Our Society?
  • Should Fast Food Advertisements Be Banned?
  • Whether Fast Food Should Be Supported?
  • How Has Healthy Living Culture Brought About Changes in the Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are the Most Serious Negative Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • How Does Lifestyle Affect the Consumption of Fast Food?
  • Should Schools Offer Fast Food?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Slow Food and Fast Food?
  • How Did McDonald’s Change Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Chains Be to Blame for Childhood Obesity?
  • What Are the Causes of the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants?
  • How Has the Recession Affected the Fast Food Sector?
  • Why Should Americans Eat Less Fast Food?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 5). 95 Fast Food Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fast-food-essay-topics/

"95 Fast Food Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 5 June 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/fast-food-essay-topics/.

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StudyCorgi . "95 Fast Food Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fast-food-essay-topics/.

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246 Fast Food Essay Topics [Health, Nutrition, Obesity, & More]

fast food essay questions

With the rise of urbanization and industrialization, the pace of our lives has become more rapid than ever before. These days, finding time to cook meals at home has become much more challenging. This resulted in the demand for fast food , or food that can be prepared, served, and consumed quickly. In the United States, these meals are prevalent due to their easy access, rapid preparation times, and low prices. Besides, fast food restaurants tend to be placed in convenient locations.

Fast food is informally known as junk food because it comes to be associated with adverse health effects. And for a reason, as it is proven to be low in nutritional value while high in calories, sugars, and salts. Thus, fast food is often blamed for weight gain. It is referred to as the leading cause of the obesity crisis in America.

You might need to write a fast food essay if you’re studying nutrition , economics, business, anthropology, etc. That is why our team has collected many ideas for your paper. Moreover, we have provided guidelines to help you construct your paper. Check them out and get your fast food essay topic below!

  • 🍔 TOP Fast Food Topics
  • ⚖️ Fast Food Pros & Cons Topics
  • 🫘 Food and Nutrition Topics

🤩 Catchy Fast Food Essay Titles

  • 🗝️ Outlining a Fast Food Essay

🔗 References

🍔 top 20 fast food topics.

  • The marketing of fast-food restaurants.
  • Fast food and harmful effects on human health.
  • The Fast Food Industry Challenges .
  • The role of fast food in childhood obesity.
  • Why Should People Not Eat Fast Food?
  • Pros and cons of banning fast food.
  • Why is fast food addictive?
  • What Are the Harmful Effects of Fast Food?
  • Attitudes towards fast food in Japan.
  • Fast Food Nutrition and Health .
  • Do people prefer fast food to homemade meals?
  • Integrating fast food into a healthy lifestyle .
  • The Effects that Fast Food Has on America .
  • How the fast-food industry impacts the environment?
  • Can you find healthy alternatives in fast-food restaurants?
  • McDonald’s Corporation is a Leader in Fast Food: Secrets of Success .
  • The economy of the fast-food industry.
  • Obesity and Fast Foods .
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fast food.
  • Fast Food Restaurants’ Impact on People’s Health .

⚖️ Topics About Fast Food: Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Impact of fast food on population health.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fast food in developed nations.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fast food in economically developing countries.
  • Fast food in the United States: advantages and disadvantages.
  • The positive impact of low prices on fast food accessibility.
  • The growing popularity of the take-out fast food culture.
  • Availability of fast food for low-income families.
  • Obesity: Health Risks .
  • Fast food accessibility for teenagers and students.
  • Fast food and a wide variety of cuisines.
  • The impact of taste on fast food preferences over traditional cuisine.
  • The positive impact of fast food on globalization.
  • McDonald’s as one of the leading causes of globalization .
  • The convenience of fast food in cities.
  • Fast Food: Review and Analysis .
  • The multiculturalism of fast food and availability of nation-specific cuisines.
  • Street fast food and the wonders of traditional cuisines.
  • The introduction of healthy nutrition to the fast food industry.
  • The flexibility of fast food and the abundance of choices.
  • Business opportunities in the fast food industry.
  • The positive impact of fast food on national employment.
  • Employment in fast food as a source of income for teenagers.
  • Effects of fast food on the global economy.
  • Genetically Modified Food: Critics and Controversies .
  • Accessibility of fast food as a business endeavor.
  • The correlation between fast food and the agricultural industry.
  • The impact of fast food on economic development.
  • The role of fast food in cultural exchange.
  • The usage of highly processed foods in fast food restaurants.
  • Fast food as the leading cause of obesity in America.
  • Fast food and obesity globally.
  • The high amount of sugar and fat in fast food.
  • Fast-Food Ingredient Awareness .
  • The correlation between cardiovascular diseases and fast food.
  • The exploitation of media to advertise fast food to children.
  • Fast food addiction among children and teenagers.
  • The adverse effects of fast food on children’s nutrition.
  • Fast food and obesity among children.
  • Negative effects of fast food on the culture of consumerism.
  • Food Security Promotion: Energy, Water and Food .
  • Scarce understanding of fast food impact on health among teenagers.
  • Disproportionate consumption of fast food among minority groups.
  • Socioeconomic causes for fast food consumption and adverse health effects.
  • Public addiction to fast food consumption in the United States.
  • The negative impact of fast food marketing on food culture.
  • The degradation of public food behavior because of fast food.
  • The correlation between fast food and diabetes.
  • Fast food and acute health risks among older adults.
  • Low-quality products and fast food.
  • Obesity: An Epidemic in the American Society .
  • The lack of healthy options in fast food restaurants.
  • Unbalanced macronutrient composition in fast food and its impact on public health.
  • The correlation between fast food and other destructive habits.
  • Fast food and its contribution to the Western pattern diet prevalence.
  • The negative impact of fast food on students’ academic performance.
  • The correlation between fast food consumption and a lack of macronutrients.
  • Fast food and mental health complications among teenagers.
  • The correlation between fast food and depression.
  • The worsening conditions of employment in the fast food industry.
  • Minimum wage work in fast food restaurants.
  • Type 2 Diabetes and Nutrition Relationship .
  • Adverse effects of fast food on the environment.
  • Fast food and sustainability: predictions for the future.
  • Unsustainable packaging culture in the fast food industry.
  • Negative effects of fast food on traditional cuisines.
  • The negative impact of large fast food corporations on small businesses .
  • Fast food and the violation of ethical regulations.
  • Animal cruelty and factory farming operations in fast food.
  • Fast food and the animal abuse problem.
  • Unnatural breeding for meat in the fast food industry.
  • The negative impact of fast food factory farms on traditional farms.
  • Obesity and the Fast-Food Industry Growth in the U.S.

🫘 Essay Topics – Food and Nutrition

  • What are the negative fast food effects on health?
  • Are there long-term consequences of living on fast food?
  • Fast food and the threats of consumption culture.
  • Why do people forget about nutrition?
  • Fast food culture and health.
  • Role of corporate advertisement in fast food consumption .
  • Fast-paced living and food consumption.
  • Food and Life Nutrition Program Development .
  • What are the main dangerous ingredients in fast food?
  • US and fast food – a long relationship.
  • Diabetes and fast food – a dangerous link.
  • Does fast food cause heart attacks ?
  • What health conditions can be caused by fast food consumption?
  • What makes food healthy?
  • How to determine the value of fast food?
  • How does fast food affect one’s health?
  • High Saturated Fat Diet and Doyle’s Disease Association .
  • Importance of nutrients for health and wellness.
  • How to find healthy fast food?
  • What is important for a balanced diet?
  • Health and food consumption in the US.
  • Short-term effects of fast food consumption.
  • Refined sugars and processed foods – an established relationship.
  • How does fast food make you want to eat more?
  • Why do people feel tired after eating fast food?
  • Diet and blood pressure – your food affects the blood flow.
  • How does salt affect the body?
  • Obesity: Dietary and Physical Activity Habits .
  • Salt-related fluid retention and its effect on health.
  • What is the evidence for the inflammation risk of fast food?
  • How does fast food affect asthma sufferers?
  • Nutrition and daily dietary needs.
  • How do fruits and vegetables affect health?
  • How much fruit and vegetables should a person eat?
  • Fibers – avoiding certain food types can impact your health.
  • How does eating fast food affect the brain?
  • Why is fast food so addictive?
  • Chemical causes of binge eating.
  • Food Log, Nutrition Plan and Healthy Diet Principles .
  • Fast food and addiction – frightfully similar.
  • How do people develop binge eating disorders?
  • What can be done to prevent binge eating?
  • Does binge eating affect adults and children differently?
  • What are the cultural consequences of binge eating?
  • Binge eating and food consumption attitudes.
  • Diseases caused by frequent fast food consumption.
  • Digestive system , gut health, and diet.
  • Eating habits and immunity – an invisible link.
  • How can fast food make you fall ill more frequently?
  • Does fast food cause cancer?
  • Why is fast food bad for children?
  • Benefits of proper nutrition at a younger age.
  • Should schools give children nutritious food?
  • Obesity in America: Causes and Consequences .
  • Learning and development in the age of consumption.
  • How can food contribute to developing allergies?
  • What is the link between heart-related conditions and salt?
  • Eating habits and obesity.
  • Is obesity still a problem in the US?
  • How eating culture promotes obesity?
  • Fast food promotes dietary illiteracy.
  • How to promote children’s desire to cook food?
  • Healthy eating as culture and dangers of convenience.
  • Dependence on fast food diminishes a person’s skillset.
  • Food consumption and mental health .
  • Heart Disease Prevention Through Diet .
  • The link between fast food and anxiety.
  • Are people with depression more likely to eat fast food?
  • Mental health problems and predisposition for convenient foods.
  • Income, fast food, and depression .
  • Gender-based differences in fast food attitudes.
  • Are women more predisposed to hate fast food?
  • Dieting culture and fast food perception.
  • Does healthy fast food exist?
  • Individual choice and fast food preferences.
  • What does healthy fast food consumption say about a person?
  • How to encourage better dieting options?
  • Who eats the most fast food?
  • Health, Safety and Nutrition for the Young Child .
  • Are the dangers of processed foods affecting groups disproportionally?
  • Improving community consumption habits.
  • How can school education contribute to better nutrition awareness?
  • Shifting from fast food to healthier alternatives.
  • Nutrition in Fetal Life and Future Health .
  • What is a healthy amount of fast food for an individual?
  • Is it true that fast food never decays?
  • The lion diet: Is it harmful to health?
  • Which diet is better for weight loss: Low-carb or low-fat ?
  • Diabetes risk versus vegetable-rich diet.
  • Lose weight: A high-protein diet may help.
  • Genetically Modified Food for Health & Environment .
  • Herbs and spices may assist with blood sugar control.
  • AI: Custom diets are the next milestone in nutritional science.
  • McDonald’s: The world’s largest distributor of toys.
  • How does a plant-based diet assist with weight loss?
  • Why are diet fads not the answer to weight loss?
  • Foods to incorporate in the diet for better eye health.
  • Are Kosher foods good for health?
  • The Trend of Organic Food in Hong Kong .
  • What is the BRAT diet, and should people adhere to it?
  • Can low-cost vitamins substitute a well-balanced diet?
  • Dietary restrictions: How to better handle holiday meals?
  • What is the best way to start eating vegan?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of the carnivorous diet.
  • How does diet help build stronger bones?
  • Salads that have more calories than a burger.
  • Is there a link between fatty foods and dementia ?
  • ADHD and fast food dyes.
  • Protecting Oneself and Family From Foodborne Illness .
  • Is red food coloring derived from crushed beetles?
  • Fast food consumption may contribute to depression.
  • Is there a connection between fast food and breast cancer ?
  • Nanotechnology can decrease fat at targeted locations.
  • Obesity: living near fast food establishments.
  • Obesity in London .
  • Do fast food advertisements cause overeating?
  • How to assist obese children in losing weight?
  • The causes and consequences of childhood obesity.
  • What factors contribute to obesity?
  • Food Preferences and Habits .
  • Is obesity associated with an increased risk of cancer?
  • Obesity: How to fight stigma and discrimination ?
  • The connection between artificial flavorings and obesity.
  • The link between childhood obesity and brain abnormalities.
  • Two causes of the obesity epidemic: Water and salt.
  • Nutrition Issue – Nutrition Fact and Fallacy .
  • Is it necessary to have surgery to manage obesity?
  • Does obesity affect mental health?
  • Unhealthy eating habits: The dangers of unintentional obesity.
  • What brain cells are responsible for overeating?
  • Ultra-processed food consumption: What are the risks?
  • Obesity in Childhood and Its Long-Life Impacts .
  • Consumption of fast food affects children’s academic progress.
  • Do food apps and online gaming cause obesity?
  • Obesity and impact on life expectancy.
  • Does fast food contain wood pulp?
  • Are McDonald’s fries suitable for vegans?
  • Low Carb Diets Overview and Analysis .
  • Does music help children lose weight?
  • Is late-night eating associated with an increased risk of obesity?
  • Obese patients: How to deal with weight shaming?
  • Diet, medication, or exercise: How to lose weight?
  • Causes, dangers, and treatment of obesity-induced hypertension .
  • A common synthetic food color: A dietary trigger for IBD.
  • Vegetable juices may aid in the loss of abdominal fat.
  • Does herbal turmeric tea help in weight loss?
  • Nutrition and Fitness Relations .
  • What exactly is the military diet: benefits and drawbacks.
  • Dietary changes may disturb gut microbes, causing weight gain.
  • What exactly is “diet culture”?
  • What is a calorie deficit? Tips on weight loss.
  • How does a meal plan affect weight?
  • What hormones impact weight, and how may they be enhanced?
  • What is the role of sleep in weight loss?

🗝️ Outlining a Fast Food Essay: Key Tips

Outlining is a crucial part of the essay writing process. Firstly, it helps get your thoughts in order. Secondly, such planning ensures that you don’t forget anything important. So, we have described how to outline your fast food essay below.


  • Hook. Your paper should start with a sentence that will introduce your topic about fast food in an engaging manner . This way, you will immediately capture the attention of your readers. You can tell an anecdote, state a fun fact, or make a surprising observation. The goal is to leave your reader wanting to find out more. E.g., Nowadays, the average item on the menu in a quick-service restaurant has 12% fewer calories than a decade ago. Can this indicate that fast food is getting healthier?
  • Background information. Your audience will likely not know as much as you about your chosen topic. That is why you should always include the context necessary for them to understand your arguments. However, don’t let the background take up too much space in your essay. Keep it brief but thorough.
  • Thesis statement. The final and possibly, most important element of your introduction is the thesis statement . It is the main claim you will refer to and explore throughout your paper. The thesis statement should reflect the message of your essay in a single sentence. E.g., Even though the overall quality of fast food has improved over the years, the actual meals did not become much healthier, and their regular consumption should be avoided to prevent harmful side effects.
  • Topic sentence. A body paragraph should start with a topic sentence. It will be the focus of the passage that follows it. A topic sentence summarizes the paragraph, telling the readers what you will discuss. E.g., Regular consumption of fast food has been linked to various health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
  • Evidence. You should always support the arguments in your fast food essay with proof from your research. Use plenty of examples, such as quotes and statistics. Remember to cite them properly and add the corresponding sources to your bibliography.
  • Restatement. Revisit the introduction and recall your thesis statement. Consider how you approached it in your paper and what you have learned. Now, try to restate it, keeping these things in mind. We recommend you use our handy online paraphraser for that task. E.g., These days, quick-service chains strive to offer more and more healthy options, but the risks that come from consistent fast food consumption remain.
  • Summary. You can never bring in new information in your conclusion. Instead, you sum up the paper’s key points for your readers. Shortly write out your arguments, as well as the crucial supporting evidence.
  • Concluding sentence. The concluding sentence should tell your readers why your topic and research matter. You can end with a call to action, a proposal for future research, or a solution to your identified problem.

Thank you for reading through our article! Before submitting your paper, remember to check it for any mistakes. You can use our text-to-speech tool to ensure you don’t miss anything crucial.

  • Fast-food Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
  • Fast Food Effects: Short-term, Long-term, Physical, Mental, and More – Medical News Today
  • How to Outline…by Outlining – Student Learning Center, Berkeley, the University of California
  • Writing Outlines – Writing Center, Prescott College

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Published: Mar 19, 2024

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Fast Food - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Fast Food refers to food that is prepared and served quickly, often characterized by a standardized method of preparation in centralized locations. Essays could discuss the rise of the fast food industry, its economic and cultural implications, the health consequences of fast food consumption, and the ethical considerations regarding fast food production and marketing. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Fast Food you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Fast Food Nation Final

Growing up when it came to food the same phrase was always repeated, “you are what you eat.” This is true to a degree. The fast food industry has triggered our society and has even created uprisings of protests and activist groups boycotting restaurants and food markets.  Fast food has riled up our nation, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and changed the views of American life worldwide. Fast Food Nation, written by Eric Schlosser shows a glimpse into what you […]

The Ritual of Fast Food by Margaret Visser

Visser was born in 1940 in South Africa, Margaret Visser was raised in Zambia and lived in England, France, lraq, and the United States before settling in Toronto, Ontario. (She is a naturalized citizen of Canada.) In this short essay, The Ritual of Fast Food. The author, Margret Visser, carefully as well as precisely dismembers the fast food experience. Visser dives in and vigour's behind the scene to explains the art of the fast -food experience. It is imperative to […]

Problem: Childhood Obesity in America

As you've probably heard, more children are becoming overweight today in America than ever before. Experts are calling this an "obesity epidemic." To first understand childhood obesity we must ask ourselves what is obesity? Obesity is a diet-related chronic disease involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Many doctors have expressed obesity has an increasing problem in today's youth as obesity can lead to many health issues such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart […]

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Role of Fast Food in USA

Fast food is a common occurrence in the average American's life these days. You can't drive down the street without seeing at least one fast food joint, often more than one. In fact, fast food is popping up all around the world, McDonald's in other countries even have special items on their menus. The reason for the hype is the accessibility. Fast food is so easy, anyone can run and grab some cheap food and feed their family. However, some […]

How are Fast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity Related

By 1950s, fast food industry boom was in full swing. It was secured in 1951. In the 1950s, McDonald has become a staple of the American diet. Fast food restaurants have been grown more and more and by now, there are over one hundred and sixty thousands fast food restaurants in the United States, becoming a one hundred and ten billion dollar industry. One can’t deny that fast food has become really important in American life nowadays. Whether Americans are […]

The Causes and Preventions of Childhood Obesity

When trying to find out if a child is considered for obesity, they need to have a body mass index that is between the ranges of the 85th percentile and the 95th percentile. When speaking about childhood obesity it is for children between the ages of infancy and early adulthood which is eighteen years of age. Obesity is one of the most preventable diseases especially if caught early enough. There are many different reasons for the cause of childhood obesity, […]

Is Fast Food to Blame?

Benjamin Franklin once stated, "Few die of hunger. Many die of eating." However, we now have more information than ever before about the nutritional value of what we eat. Health experts have argued over eating fast food for years ("Burger Battles: Study Indicates that Fast Food Industry Targets Kids with Unhealthy Choices" 1). Our country, as a whole, still chooses to overeat and to consume high calorie meals. In the essay, "Don't Blame the Eater," by David Zinczenko, the fast […]

Fast Food is the Main Cause of Diabetes and Obesity

Children's obesity has tripled during recent years, and twenty-five percent of the people affected by it are under nineteen years of age, and that's according to a study made by Green Planet (the largest independent publishing platform that focuses on sustainable food, animal welfare issues, environmental protection, and green living and the biggest plant-based food and recipe site). Fast food and poor eating regimen are the primary explanations for the ascent of the weight rates. Individuals connect to fast food […]

My Research on Taco Bell

Fast Food Project Taco Bell has many reasons to be considered unhealthy. Such as, they use huge amounts of oil such as Soy Oil, Hydrogenated Vegetable oil which contains a variety of mixed oils in one. Taco Bell has ingredients that no one is aware of such as Maltodextrin, Torula Yeast, Modified Corn Starch, Soy Lecithin, Lactic Acid, and Caramel color. The Healthiest item on the menu is the fiesta taco salad and if you were to get it without […]

The Relationship between Fast Food and Obesity

Growing up in a small town in Jamaica, there were no such thing as fast food around every possible corner as opposed to here in America, fast food restaurants are everywhere. This is a typical reason why most American citizens, especially young people are overweight and almost obese. Don't get me wrong, fast food is delicious for the most part, cheap and quick, which benefits a typical American way of eating that is always on the go. However, if it […]

The Dangers of Fast Food

As fast food businesses continue to flourish the way that the food is being made hse become more and more unhealthy to the consumer as well as to the workers who work in the factories and the animals themselves as well. As the conglomerates continue to make close ties with political figures they can get away with more in their own business. Many legal fights began to happen over the unhealthy food that was being consumed. Problems that have arisen […]

Feeding the Destruction of the American Dream

The bad habits we create directly extended into the food industry as do our uncontrollable economic circumstances. Our purchase and consumption of certain types of foods demand the production of them, creating an endless cycle. When you don’t know how to cook, you don’t what’s in your food, you don’t know what’s healthy versus unhealthy, and/or you don’t have money you turn to cheap food. The sad thing is that today cheap food directly correlates to unhealthy food; they are […]

Should Fast Food be Banned

Fast food or junk food is food that does not have the right nutrition's for our bodies. According to Ashakiran and Deepthi R (2012), fast food contains excessive amounts of flour, sugar, fat, salt, and food additives (8). They also mentioned that it is widely popular, probably because it is easily accessible. Examples of fast food chains are McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, and even Starbucks. Other than fast food not having the right nutrition's, studies have found dangerous chemicals […]

Industry Analysis of Fast Food Industry

Researches and industrial analysis is showing that Fast Food Industry is growing exponentially. As the demand for fast foods grows, it is imperative for the captains of industry to realize the external economic factors and how they affect the industry. Furthermore, it is also important to deal with the seasonality and understands what consumers prefer. It is quite evident that technological firms have upper hand compared to those which are still operating traditionally. Industry Size and Growth Trends Fast Food […]

Fast Food in Modern World

Fast food has only been around for 100 years, yet it seems like it has been here forever. Americans have become so reliant on having quick, tasty food at their fingertips in order to match their fast paced lifestyles. As convenient and delicious as fast food is, has it benefited America as a whole? What has it done for the economy? How has it affected health? To determine whether fast food has changed America for better or for worse, it […]

The Dark Side of Fast Food

In an article, from the website She Knows which talks about all the ingredients in fast food. States that most of the ingredients in fast food we've never even heard of but we still eat it anyways. Like one of the ingredients in some fast food places chicken nuggets is a chemical preservative called Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone which is derived from petroleum, which is used in cars. Also most employees don't get training on proper food safety so therefore they […]

What is Junk Food

Junk food refers to cheap and simple food that has very low nutritional value but very rich in calories from fat and sugar. Junk food is packaged in the form of snacks which requires little or no preparation before consumption. In a recent research carried out in the United States about their eating habits, it was deduced that the consumption of convenience, fast food and junk food was increasing dramatically where most of the Americans were found being more interested […]

Is Fast Food Tasty and Harmful

At all times people were thinking about how to eat on the run and not to stain your hands. Even in ancient Rome, commercial squares traded flat bread with vegetables, cheese and grilled meats. The pellets were used as edible plates, and bazaar visitors was spared from having to wipe their hands on togas and tunics. Over time mankind became more and more inventive. So, the creator of hot dog, a sausage dealer from Louisiana, was initially distributed gloves to […]

How Fast Food Effects on Us

Fast-food is appetizing, but is it worth consumer's health. It is no secret that fast-foods are bad for customers and can cause obesity. Obesity is defined as a person that is extremely overweight. Obesity is a serious disease that needs to be eradicated due to death tolls that occur each year. Fast-food is made of very unhealthy ingredients; consisting of by-products, fats, and steroids. Fast-food restaurants are easily accessible in communities everywhere. Therefore, even if a consumer wanted to eat […]

Obesity is Fast Food the Leading Cause

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, approximately 93.3 million adults in the United States alone were affected by obesity in 2015  ("Adult Obesity"). In today's society, obesity continues to grow, but what is the real cause? Most popular and stereotypical views on obesity assume that an unhealthy diet and food choice are the leading factors at fault for the vast majority of obesity cases, but research proves that fast food or diet (in general) is not the prime […]

What does Fast Food do to the Brain

Almost everyone on Earth has had fast food at least once in their life. Fast food is fast, tastes good, inexpensive, and is literally everywhere. Most people worry about how unhealthy fast food is, and the harm it can cause to the body. However, most people don't think about how fast food can affect and influence the human brain. As it turns out fast food affects the brain in many ways, such as our emotional state, hunger, happiness, and many […]

My Favorite Food and Childhood Memories

My favorite food since I have been very young is a hamburger topped with cheese, cooked medium rare. An obvious reason for why this would be my favorite food is the fact that a cheeseburger is the single best tasting food that has ever been prepared. There are, however, many other explanations for my choice, which are rooted in sociological factors related to the environment in which I raised. These factors have no doubt crept themselves into the subconscious of […]

Quality of Food from Fast Food Franchises

Consumers in South Africa have become increasingly aware about the food they eat from fast food franchises. The fact that there was a listeriosis outbreak earlier this year and all the scares regarding the preparation and cooking process last year has taken its toll on South African fast food franchises. Consumers are prioritizing the hygiene of their food rather than the taste. All this negative publicity has resulted in the healthier restaurants having a competitive advantage. However, fast food franchises […]

The North American Fast Food Industry

The emergence stage, or the introduction stage, is where entrepreneurial firms are seen entering the industry with hopes to one day emerge as the leader in the market. In the emergence stage, I think the North American fast food industry would have had many small competitors. Since it would have been a fairly new industry, there would have been lots of room for new entrants. Also, since it would have been the industry's early years, there would have been lots […]

Question of Breakfast Foods

Morning for me, is the gloomiest part of the day. Anyone who feels this way probably feels like they are missing hours and hours of sleep. As much as the morning stinks, it's important to wake up for breakfast. There is always that dilemma on what to make for breakfast. The hardest part on making this decision is how to be more creative when it comes to choosing food. There are a few options on which to choose, those include: […]

Demise of Public Transportation and the Rise of Fast Food

American culture revolves so heavily on cars, we do not even notice it. U.S roads and highway systems exist to move people and resources as fast as possible. Research conducted by the U.S Department of Transportation shows that "...on average, American drivers spend just under an hour driving every day.". (www.vlope.gov) yet no one asks how these roads came to be. In the 1930s the U.S experienced a upshift in the usage of cars and this boom inspired those in […]

David Zinczenko: “Don’t Blame the Eater”

In 'Don't Blame the Eater,' the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine David Zinczenko, discusses the recent lawsuits against fast-food chains. David Zinczenko believes the fast food industry is responsible for America’s obese children and also believes fast food should come with a warning label. He shares a personal story of how he used to eat fast food twice a day and how he learned to manage his diet. Zinczenko states that before 1994, diabetes in children was provided generally caused […]

Fast Food: a Friend or Foe

Fast food is one of the worst things for yourself financially and in regards to health. There are many reasons why you should cut fast food out of your diet. For example it is cheaper to eat at home, it is safer to eat at home, and it will affect your appearance and body if you eat it all the time. First of all, it is cheaper to eat at home. According to AOL finance the average cost of fast […]

How the Growth in Fast Food Industry Today Can Lead to Obesity

In the present society, fast food has turned into a substantial piece of numerous American's lives. With the rising quantities of hefty individuals, it is hard not to draw a connection between the expansion in fast food and corpulence. Most stout individuals would prefer not to be fat and wish they could get thinner, yet they keep on struggling with their fast food admission and weight. This is because of the promoting done on the shoppers, the profoundly addictive nourishment […]

Fast Food and Cooked Meal

When cooking something wet, similar to a stew or steamed vegetables, the warmth of your cooking is constrained to the breaking point of water (100°C). In any case, with the steam's weight now the breaking point can get as high as 138°C. This higher warmth encourages the nourishment to cook quicker. Raises the weight, driving fluid into the sustenance. The caught steam builds the climatic weight inside the cooker by 15 pounds for each square inch (psi), or 15 pounds […]

Additional Example Essays

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  • Career Goals In Healthcare Administration Essay: Strategizing for Patient-Centered Excellence

Essay About Fast Food Fast food, ruining the families of America. Wendys, Mcdonalds, Taco Bells are everywhere, seriously its like you can't go five minutes without seeing one of these places here. The truth is fast food is easy and not pricey, perfect dinner for the busy family. Fast food is destroying America by families eating too many calories causing disease, higher obesity rate, and ruining quality time with family. America has the highest obesity rate in the world. 1 in 6 people are obese and it is predicted by 2020, 75% of America is likely to be overweight or obese. That is 244,275,000 people. Fast food is one of the main reasons. Most fast food contains a large number of fats and carbs and less healthy ingredients, also fast foods have exceeding levels of sugar. One of the main reasons people cannot stop eating fast food is the low costs it is available. A diet containing 2000 calories of fast food costs much less than a diet with 2000 calories of healthy food. This makes it more affordable than going for healthy food and is a leading cause of obesity in lower-income classes. Fast food restaurants offer convenience. You can always find one close to your home and can also get food easily delivered to your house. This makes it a convenient option than making food at home using healthier ingredients. When you eat fast food you don't spend as much time with your family as you would if you were eating a home-cooked meal. It is scientifically proven that eating with your family causes you to choose better eating habits, preventing sickness. Social improvements were also linked to the frequency of family meals. Teens who ate at the family table more often were more likely to show fewer signs of depression and feel that their family was more supportive, compared with teens who dined less often at home. So even if you do decide to eat a fast food meal make sure to at least eat it with your family because it can highly affect your life. Fast food highly affects your health and not in a good way. Eating a poor diet high in junk food is linked to a higher risk of obesity, depression, digestive issues, heart disease, and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death. That single fast food meal can narrow your arteries, leading to an increase in blood pressure, that's just one meal. A small study of 12 healthy young men found eating junk food for just five days led to a reduced ability of their muscles to turn glucose into energy. Over the long term, this change could lead to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes. I don't think anybody would want to have to go through and deal with any of this. The simple fix to this is to make healthier food choices! Those were some of the main reasons why fast food is ruining America, but there are many more. It was also proof that we need to start making healthier choices because as you can see they really can impact our life. Hope you make healthy decisions!   

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Essay on Fast Food

Students are often asked to write an essay on Fast Food in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Fast Food


Fast food is a type of meal that people often eat because it’s quick, convenient, and tasty. These meals are usually served at restaurants, drive-thrus, or take-outs.

Popularity of Fast Food

Fast food is popular worldwide. It’s often the go-to option when people are busy or don’t have time to cook. Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Burger King, and KFC are famous globally.

Health Implications

Despite its popularity, fast food is often unhealthy. It’s typically high in fats, sugars, and salts which can lead to health problems like obesity and heart disease if consumed regularly.

While fast food is convenient and tasty, it’s important to eat it in moderation due to its potential health risks.

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  • Paragraph on Fast Food
  • Speech on Fast Food

250 Words Essay on Fast Food

Fast food, a term that has become synonymous with contemporary urban lifestyle, is a phenomenon born out of our fast-paced lives. It refers to food that is prepared and served quickly, often in a packaged form for take-out.

The Allure of Fast Food

Fast food chains, with their convenience and affordability, have become a ubiquitous part of our global landscape. The allure lies in their ability to cater to our increasingly time-pressed lives, providing quick, tasty meals at the click of a button or a short queue at the drive-thru.

However, this convenience comes with a price. Fast food is often high in calories, saturated fats, sugar, and salt, leading to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related diseases. The ease of accessibility and the addictive taste of fast food can lead to overconsumption, creating a vicious cycle of poor dietary habits and health problems.

Environmental Impact

Fast food’s environmental footprint is another concern. The industry contributes significantly to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions due to its high demand for animal products and reliance on single-use packaging.

In conclusion, while fast food provides a convenient solution to our fast-paced lives, it is essential to be mindful of its health and environmental implications. Striking a balance between convenience and health, and making sustainable choices, is the way forward in our relationship with fast food.

500 Words Essay on Fast Food

The rise of fast food.

Fast food has become an integral part of modern society, with its influence stretching across the globe. The fast food industry originated in the United States during the early 20th century, with the advent of assembly line production methods. This revolutionized the food industry, making it possible to serve large quantities of food quickly and efficiently.

The Appeal of Fast Food

Fast food’s appeal lies in its convenience, affordability, and taste. In our fast-paced society, many people opt for fast food as it saves time that would otherwise be spent preparing meals. It also provides a low-cost option for those on a tight budget. Moreover, the taste of fast food, often high in fat, sugar, and salt, is designed to stimulate our palates and keep us coming back for more.

The Impact on Health

Despite its convenience and affordability, fast food has a profound impact on public health. It is often high in calories, unhealthy fats, sugar, and salt, contributing to a range of health issues including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. The World Health Organization has recognized the consumption of fast food as a major factor in the global obesity epidemic.

Societal Implications

Fast food also has broader societal implications. It has reshaped our eating habits, contributing to a culture of convenience that often prioritizes speed and ease over nutrition and health. This has implications for our relationship with food, our health, and even our social interactions. Fast food restaurants, for instance, have become common gathering places, influencing our social dynamics.

The Environmental Impact

Fast food’s environmental impact is another area of concern. Fast food chains are major contributors to deforestation due to their demand for beef and palm oil. They also contribute to pollution through their excessive use of packaging and energy consumption.

The Future of Fast Food

The future of fast food is uncertain. On one hand, the industry continues to grow, driven by increasing demand in developing countries. On the other hand, there is a growing awareness of the health and environmental impacts of fast food, leading to calls for change. Many fast food chains are now offering healthier options and making efforts to reduce their environmental impact.

In conclusion, fast food has undeniably shaped our society and our lifestyles. While it offers convenience and affordability, its health and environmental impacts cannot be ignored. As consumers, we have a role to play in shaping the future of this industry, through our choices and our demand for healthier, more sustainable options.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Avoid Wastage of Food
  • Essay on Don’t Waste Food
  • Essay on Domestic Violence Against Women

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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fast food essay questions

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Great argumentative essay topics about food with essay prompts, bob cardens.

  • July 31, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , Samples

It can be hard to think of a good Argumentative Essay Topics About Food. You want something that will engage your audience and get them thinking, but you also need to pick a topic that you feel passionate about. In this article, we’ll give you a list of some great Argumentative Essay Topics About Food to get you started!

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Great Argumentative Essay Topics About Food

Differences Between Food Intoxication and Food Infection

Essay Prompt: Food infections occur when individuals consume food contaminated by infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins. Food contamination can happen during the production of food.

Food as a Way to Showcase African Americans’ Identity

Essay Prompt: For the majority, there is not much to think about food. Food is simply a means to an end. We eat so we could be full. However, others understand that food is not just a means. They understand that what they eat is a representation of who they are.

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Why Do People Waste Food?

Essay Prompt: Evidence reveals that the food wasted annually could be enough to feed an enormous number of people. There are two main reasons why people waste food. First, when people visit restaurants, they are usually starving. Consequently, they are likely to order more food than they need.

The Food we Eat

Essay Prompt: The food we eat contains nutrients necessary for nourishing and proper functioning of the body. It is important to understand well the food we put into our mouths because it determines our health and wellbeing. The food we eat contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins…

Food Preference Identifies Identity

Essay Prompt: Although food variations can be found anywhere in the world whether it is local or adopted; that people are liking food regardless of their roots and preferences; those food varieties these days are being adopted and reformulated from culture to culture, food variation identifies the individual’s culture.  

Please watch the documentary “Food Chains”. Literature & Language

Essay Prompt: Food Chains is a documentary that was produced by Eva Longoria on November 24, 2014. This documentary reveals how farmworkers in the United States are abused by the multibillion-dollar supermarkets and food industries

Essay Prompt: Food wastage refers to the loss of unconsumed food. Food wastage occurs in various stages, such as production, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption. Conversely, food loss refers to the removal of food intended for consumption from the food chain. In most cases, food that ends up.

Unique Argumentative Essay Topics About Food

The topic is fast Food and health

Essay Prompt: Fast food refers to types of foods that are prepared within a short time before they are served. They are relatively cheaper than ordinary food cooked in homes. In most restaurants, fast foods are readily available and one does not need time to wait for it to be prepared.  

Food Security and Reasons Why LDCs Are Food-Deficit Countries

Essay Prompt: Food security entails the availability of adequate, nutritious, sufficient, and safe food that enable people to maintain their health and have active lives. In particular, food security comprises of three primary elements, namely availability, access, and utilization. (Argumentative Essay Topics About Food)

The Slow Food Movement will improve the Condition of the Environment

Essay Prompt: The slow food movement has been popularized due to the positive effects that it has on the environment. The movement supports the consumption of locally manufactured food instead of imported foods, which ultimately cuts the use of fossil fuel in the transportation of food.

The Concept of Right to Food, Justice, and Sovereignty and the Food Insecurity

Essay Prompt: From the video, key concepts discussed are the right to food, justice, and sovereignty. Every human being has a right to food, which involves the right to have adequate food which is correspondent to their cultural tradition, as well as enhance physical and mental status for a dignified and fulfilling life.

Here are additional  60+ Top And Best Argumentative Essay Topics For Different Contexts

Food Policy and Public Health’s Impacts on Mexican Food System

Essay Prompt: Food policy and public health are always a major concern to different countries across the globe. Food policy is the way a government manages and regulates the food system and industry, the laws governing the trading of food products and inputs.

Food History. Could slow Food be the best choice for producing Food for humanity?

Essay Prompt: Slow Food mainly seeks to attain the goal of producing food that is good, clean, and fair. Additionally, it also seeks to continue feeding the world without necessarily harming the environment. Unique Argumentative Essay Topics About Food.

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Reflection on the Lecture About Food Justice

Essay Prompt: This lecture explores diverse concepts, with food justice attracting significant attention. Food justice ensures that everybody acquires access to nutritional and affordable food, not forgetting the safety of those involved in food production.

Research Paper Topics on Food

Cause and Effect Eating out at Fast Food

Essay Prompt: Fast food was made famous in the 1950s through Mc Donald’s company. The industry has been growing vast in the past years. This has been a result of the high demand from customers and improvements in the products and services.

Facts Impacting Food Choices

Essay Prompt: The state of human health is predominantly a faction of food choices that an individual makes every day. My daily food choices are mostly affected by cultural influences, time, and cost. My cultural background affects my daily food choices.

How Food Affects Human Health

Essay Prompt: Currently, the numbers of teenagers with poor eating habits have drastically improved as the sizes of fast-food restaurants also increase. Specifically, the issue has been observed in the US where several new fast-food businesses continue to emerge which produce unhealthy food products.

Global Food Politics

Essay Prompt: After viewing the week eight lecture recording, different key concepts can be unpacked from the discussion, such as student overall essay performance, global food politics, and diabetics. Global food politics is one of the critical concepts that caught my attention.

Traceability, Suitability, and Regenerative Agriculture in Food Supply Chain

Essay Prompt: The Food Industry plays a significant part in providing fundamental necessities and essentials with which diverse human behaviors and activities are given. When food is harvested or manufactured, it must go through several processes.

How can Food supply chains prepare for the future in terms of traceability, suitability, and regenerative agriculture?

Food Insecurity and the Strategies for Solving It

Essay Prompt: A key concept that was clarified in the Zoom Lecture is food insecurity. Food insecurity is an issue that faces a significant number of households globally. During the pandemic, many people experienced food insecurity.

Eating Unhealthily and Our Expectations in How Others Eat

Essay Prompt: Is It Ethical to Eat Unhealthily? People’s food intake comprises the food systems, which are composed of elements such as the workforce, infrastructures, environment, institutions, and other activities associated with food.

How should a developing country improve its Food security? Select a single developing country to consider?

Essay Prompt: Food is critical to human sustenance. Through mankind’s journey, food has been front and center of major events including wars, social rituals, worship and child-bearing.

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Should Ban or Limit GMO Food

Essay Prompt: In the recent years, the GMO foods have flooded the consumer market with over 30,000 different food products.

Global Food Politics: The Food System

Essay Prompt: The movement of people across Mexico and the USA has been on the rise in recent years. There have been several cases of undocumented migration. According to the zoom meeting lecture, the policies put on the line to prevent the undocumented migration of people have not been effective.

Pros of a Single Food Agency

Essay Prompt: Master’s level Essay: Pros of a Single Food Agency: What are some of the pros and cons of creating a single food agency?

Food Industry’s System Structure and Misaligned Interests with Public Health

Essay Prompt: The food industry has introduced a fierce competition for consumers’ money through aggressive advertising efforts and their display of products on supermarket shelves. The fierce competition imposes poor diets worldwide, characterized by immense consumption of ultra-processed packaged food products manufactured.

Why People Work to Reduce Food Wastage?

Essay Prompt: The primary reason why people work to reduce food wastage is because of hunger and saving the resources used to produce food; for example, 28 percent of global land coverage is used for producing food, which eventually goes to waste. Not everybody can afford to buy food from the supermarket, and the grocery.

Is GMO Food safe? They are more nutritious. FDA has approved GMO Foods

Essay Prompt: The safety of GMO foods has sparked heated debates and, in many countries, there is legislation on their consumption. The proponents of GMO foods assert that they cannot be dismissed as categorically harmful….

Write a topic About Food that affects health. Is GMO Food safe?…

The Relationship Between Overproduction and Hunger with the Commodification of Food

Essay Prompt: A commodity is a primary resource utilized as a raw material in manufacturing goods and services. Coffee, beans, and wheat are just a few examples of commodities. The transformation of resources and services into commodities is a significant factor influencing all cultures.

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Identifying the Meaning of Organic

Essay Prompt: Organic implies that the food or agricultural products meet quality standards without the use of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Fruits, vegetables, grains, and even meat can be produced organically but is mostly the food crops than meat…

College Students Who Go Full Time to School Should Be Able to Get Free Food

Essay Prompt: While in high school, many students yearn for the opportunity to complete their studies and join college little do they know what one goes through in college. College comes with huge expenses and it may be costlier for those who reside in the campus.

Food Symbolism in Society

Essay Prompt: Research on food thrives, from the history of contradictory types of charge to the relationship between provisioning and values, gender responsibilities, and eating maladies.

Raw Fresh Foods versus Cooked Processed Foods: Which is better for the Body?

Essay Prompt: The irony that while most people agree that raw fresh foods are better for the body and yet most people also eat more processed food than fresh food.

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In this article, we'll give you a list of some great argumentative essay topics about food to get you started!

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Fast Food Nation Essay Questions

By eric schlosser, essay questions.

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Written by R A Williams

Explain the techniques identified by the author as being used to market fast food to children.

To appeal to children, fast food manufacturers and distributors appeal to the child's desire for fun and play. Ronald McDonald, the friendly clown, and the introduction of small play areas at McDonald's restaurants, are two examples of deliberate use of play imagery.

Food manufacturers market to parents by packaging items in child-sized, single servings so they can be included in a child's lunch. The Lunchables cheese and cracker packs are designed to be bought by parents and fed to children.

Loading cereals with extra sugar and fat to appeal to children's desire for sweet foods, running ads during children's television cartoons, and affiliating with other things children like such as superhero or Disney franchises are other ways fast food companies market to children.

The author relies on pathos to help the reader emphasize with some of the people interviewed in the book. Provide some examples of pathos and explain why it is effective.

The author describes the harsh working conditions for the undocumented immigrants who work in the slaughterhouses and meat processing plants. He describes their injuries. This elicits sympathy for the workers.

The author identifies poverty as a factor that influences people to buy unhealthy fast food. He shows how McDonald's is seen by many poor families as a safe, wholesome place where children can play, and illustrates how even in this day and age there are families that do not understand nutrition. This portrays unhealthy people in a sympathetic light by showing that they are not solely responsible for their dietary options.

The author references studies that show people prefer the foods they grow up with, and shows how children are being systematically targeted with heavy advertising and product placement even in schools. The technique is effective because human beings are usually protective of children, especially their own.

Advertising frequently relies on association between a product and something the target audience likes and wants. This can be regarded as a form of symbolism. What symbols are associated with fast food? Why are they effective advertising?

Ronald McDonald is a fictional character associated with the world's biggest franchise fast food operation. A clown designed to appeal to children, Ronald McDonald is effective because the character is friendly, non-threatening, and associated with fun and games. To a child, he symbolizes good times. The Ronald McDonald House, a children's charity devoted to providing accommodation to families of sick children, associates the character with a worthy cause.

Disney characters are used to sell everything from clothing to coloring books, and Schlosser describes the close relationship between Ray Kroc and Walt Disney. Disney characters are associated with excitement, adventure, fantasy, and child empowerment. When they appear on a fast food carton or beverage, children want to eat what's inside.

Describe some instances of irony in the book, and show how they support the author's argument that the fast food industry is bad.

The executives of fast food companies are wealthy, upper-middle-class people who typically buy fresh, organic foods and who seldom buy the products their companies produce or allow it to be served to their children. The fact that the people who are the most informed about the products are unwilling to eat them suggests that other people should avoid the products too.

Many poor people, despite not having reliable access to food, are obese due to their reliance on fast food. This is partly because most of the calories they consume come from fat, sugar, and highly refined starch. Exploiting poor people and deliberately providing poor nourishment to the hungry is generally regarded as an immoral thing to do.

The bulk of fast food advertising, with its sophisticated messages and its enticing products, is targeted not at the people who require a lot of effort to influence (educated adults) but at the people least likely to be able to resist it (children). Any threat to children tends to provoke a visceral reaction in human beings. People don't like child abusers, and when a wealthy, powerful company deliberately targets a child -- particularly the reader's child -- many readers get angry.

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The science involved in producing a pleasing aroma for shaving cream is virtually the same as that for making a palatable TV dinner, because up to 90% of taste depends on food’s aroma. Aroma and taste are the drivers of processed and fast food...

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Essays for Fast Food Nation

Fast Food Nation essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser.

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  • Muckrakers: Differing Styles in Upton Sinclair and Eric Schlosser

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  • Chew on This

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fast food essay questions

Discussion Questions

Do you think a $5 meal deal will significantly help McDonald’s?

Why do you think Popeyes, Domino’s, and Wingstop have continued to see growth?

Do you think the lines have blurred or been removed between fast-food and traditional restaurants?

How often do you eat at a restaurant or buy fast food?

  • More than five times a week
  • A few times a week
  • Once a week
  • Once or twice a month

View Results

Neil Saunders

In one of our latest consumers surveys, 72.4% of consumers agreed with the statement that “fast food is now too expensive to be a ‘cheap’ treat”. This is one of the reasons why volumes in the QSR segment are under intense pressure. Some consumers have cut back, and many are thinking more carefully about where they dine. This has led to some interesting trends. Among financially squeezed consumers pizzas are often better value than burgers because they can be shared easily among more people. Among middle-income consumers, the cost differential between QSR and a casual restaurant has narrowed so some are opting to pay a bit more and get the better, more formal experience. QSR players like McDonald’s need to reengineer menus to offer better value for money if they want to stem the tide of losing customers. 

David Biernbaum

Commodity foods will be the subject of price wars at fast food chains and restaurants. There are hypothetical examples such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Arby’s and all commodity pizza chains, as well as mid-level chains similar to Culvers, Panera, Raising Cane’s, Chipotle, Five Guys, Cracker Barrel, Denny’s, and TGI Friday’s. No specific plans have been shared with me for any of the restaurants mentioned above. These are only examples of category types. To some extent, every restaurant engages in price wars, if no other way, maybe in the form of promotions or specials. Nevertheless, a price war occurs when at least two businesses are constantly comparing their prices with those of their competitors. Price wars are likely, even though they are Band Aid solutions, not necessarily money-makers, with restaurants, especially fast food, struggling because of Bidenomics, salary pressures, and escalating menu prices. You may want to lower your prices to attract your competitor’s customers, but if you keep lowering them until your profits begin to suffer, it may be time to rethink your strategy. A price war can affect any restaurant, regardless of whether it’s an upscale establishment or a fast-food joint. However, most premium quality restaurants are exempt from these wars. Ruth’s Chris, Capital Grille, Fleming’s, Maggiano’s, Morton’s, etc., are some hypothetical examples. In my opinion, mid-level restaurant chains such as IHOP, Applebee’s, Cheesecake Factory, Outback, and Red Robin will not be affected by the price wars. If I owned a restaurant chain, I would prefer to avoid this war, and brand my business on quality, dining experience, reliability, customer service, and unique dishes. When quality matters to consumers, you don’t need to engage in price wars. The cheaper the food, the more likely it is that price wars will occur. How will price wars affect the marketplace? There are two ways in which I think. One is the price that customers commit to memory on an everyday basis. Second, advertised promotions. There is a greater likelihood of the latter being used. The war between the chains won’t affect the share of the market between the restaurants, but will bring more customers to restaurants at the expense of supermarkets since all chains in a given category will compete with each other. Db

Richard Hernandez

In general,QSR’s are finally listening. You have lost your mid and value customers. They may have accepted ok food quality for a while but now that prices increased and quality stayed the same, customers are not willing to pay for the quality because they don’t see the value. So promotions may help offset this, but it will be a while before we see if this can bring back the mid and value customers.

Craig Sundstrom

This column seemed to have a little trouble keeping its focus, starting out with the – not credible IMHO – claim that QSR prices are being matched by full service options, then reversing course and giving a long list of low prices at the former. I’ll go with the reversal: full service offers little threat of dethroning fast food among the budget conscious…a few bankruptcy inducing promos notwithstanding.

David Naumann

There is no debating that the dramatic price increases at QSRs has been hard to swallow for price conscious consumers. Oftentimes, you can get a comparable or better meal at a casual dining restaurant with a more pleasant dining atmosphere than eating in your car. Value-priced promotions are becoming a necessity for QSRs to woo customers back to their chains.

fast food essay questions

David Naumann

Marketing strategy lead - retail, travel & distribution, verizon.


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McDonald's may consider $5 value meal as food prices continue to soar

As fast food prices climb, McDonald's is reportedly planning a new $5 meal.

McDonald's could soon be lowering prices and possibly launching a new value meal to its menus .

The Golden Arches currently offer some individual items on its $1, $2, $3 menu, but it may be rolling out a new value meal with a McChicken or McDouble, fries and a drink for just $5, as Bloomberg first reported .

Knowing that consumers have grown tired of sticker shock on food , Chief Executive Officer Chris Kempczinski said McDonald’s would look to be "laser-focused on affordability." He was speaking on the company's first quarter earnings call late last month, after profits fell short of expectations.

PHOTO: In this photo illustration, a McDonald's cheeseburger and fries are displayed on a table at a McDonald's restaurant on Dec. 8, 2014 in Novato, Calif.

People fed up with soaring prices have taken to social media to sound off about how much they're paying for fast food.

Colleen Pipes, whose video went viral after she spent $14 on a fast food order, told ABC News, "I joked that this was fine dining now, because I might as well go at a sit down restaurant and be served [to] pay those type of prices."

In March, fast-food prices were 33% higher compared to 2019, according to the Department of Labor , while grocery prices were up 26%.

Companies like Starbucks reported a slow in sales with a 7% drop in transactions at the Seattle-based coffee chain.

Starbucks told ABC News that some price increases at their stores has been a result of customers opting in for customizations on drinks, which can bump up the price.

Consumer behavior is also changing outside restaurants, while shoppers like Lorin Augeri of Tampa, Florida scour to score the best prices on groceries by going to multiple stores.

PHOTO: McDonald's meal of Big Mac, French fries and a soft drink is seen on Feb. 16, 2023.

"I've learned how to map out where those things are going to be less expensive, or which stores have the items that me and my family enjoy eating," she told ABC News.

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According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the price of beef is predicted to increase 3.3% in 2024, with eggs up 4.8% and sugar and sweets up 4.3% this year.

Professor Roger Beahm, who teaches marketing at Wake Forest University School of Business, told ABC News that much has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Before the pandemic consumers tended to shop primarily at one grocery store -- the pandemic was very disruptive," he said. "Consumers couldn't get a lot of the products that they wanted at one particular store. So they actually started shopping in more retail grocery stores."

Consumers like Pipes are begging fast food chains and grocery stores to do something about it.

"Please lower your prices so you can't go up any further," she said.

While McDonald's has not yet officially confirmed the new value meal, the company has long stated and reiterated that prices vary by location due to individual franchisee decisions.

Competitors like Burger King offer a $5 value meal, as does Wendy’s, who recently announced a new 6-piece chicken nuggets for free on Wednesdays with any mobile app purchase for rewards members.

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Red Lobster abruptly closing dozens of restaurants nationwide

Red Lobster was a restaurant industry pioneer, but has declined in recent years due to a range of factors.

Struggling Red Lobster is abruptly closing at least 48 of its restaurants around the country, according to a leading restaurant liquidator.

TAGeX Brands is conducting an online auction of Red Lobster kitchen equipment, furniture and other contents at restaurants closing. The auction begins Monday and continues through Thursday, according to company founder Neal Sherman.

Red Lobster locations in Buffalo, Orlando, Jacksonville and other cities were listed as "temporarily closed" on Red Lobster's website, according to local news reports.

Red Lobster did not respond to CNN's requests for comment. The company has around 650 locations.

Red Lobster is reportedly considering filing for bankruptcy protection. The chain has tapped a restructuring expert as its chief executive, a possible indicator of an impending bankruptcy.

Red Lobster was a restaurant industry pioneer, but has declined in recent years due to a range of factors, including corporate mismanagement, say former leaders at the chain and restaurant analysts.

In 2020, Thai Union, a longtime supplier to Red Lobster, took an undisclosed financial stake in the chain, becoming a key shareholder. Since then, Red Lobster has cycled through four CEOs and an all-you-can-eat shrimp deal last year that slowed down table service and cut into Thai Union's profitability.

Thai Union said earlier this year it would divest from Red Lobster and take a $530 million loss on its investment.

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'Why would you eat a $10 burger out of a paper bag in your car?' Applebee's throws shade at fast food chains as it touts deals

  • The CEO of Applebee's owner, Dine Brands, told CNBC that the chain offers a better value proposition than its fast-food rivals.
  • Diners have been complaining that fast food is too expensive after years of price hikes.
  • But they're also cutting back at casual-dining chains. Applebee's diners are buying cheaper items and visiting less often.

Insider Today

The CEO of Applebee's owner, Dine Brands, said that diners are being lured in by value deals and argued that the casual-dining chain offers better bang for your buck than fast-food rivals.

"If you can have our burger for $10, which is great quality, abundant and eat in our restaurant, in our experience, why would you eat a $10 burger out of a paper bag in your car?" Dine Brands CEO John Peyton told CNBC , referring to Applebee's Whole Lotta Bacon Burger promotion.

Applebee's is among the fast-casual chains looking to scoop up fast-food customers who say they're tired of rising price s . Some diners say they're switching to casual-dining chains to have what they describe as a better sit-down experience with higher quality food for, in some cases, just a few extra dollars.

But even if it is winning over some fast-food customers, Applebee's sales are still falling.

Applebee's reported a 4.6% drop in US same-restaurant sales for the first quarter of 2024, which it attributed to a decrease in traffic. Its US restaurants brought in an average of $54,700 in sales each a week, down from $56,800 for the same quarter last year.

Fast food chains McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King have also said that their comparable sales are growing at a much slower rate than this time last year.

Diners are hungry for deals

Dine Brands CEO Peyton told investors at the company's earnings call on Wednesday that about 28% of Applebee's orders in the quarter were tied to a limited-time offer or promotion, up from about 19% in the same period in 2023, he said.

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"The consumer has become more price sensitive, as indicated by the response to our limited-time promotions," he added.

Applebee's Whole Lotta Bacon Burger promotion was a time-limited deal that launched in April and provided diners with bacon-loaded cheeseburgers and a side — fries as the default — for $9.99 for both dine-in and to-go.

At the time of writing, the burger cost between $13.99 and $19.99 at the locations Business Insider looked at.

Other promotions Applebee's has launched so far this year include its All You Can Eat promotion in January, which Peyton said "exceeded our expectations," its Date Night Pass , which sold out within minutes, a $0.50 boneless wing promotion, and the return of the Dollarita.

Peyton said it was important that Applebee's promotions were both profitable as a stand-alone and led to customers buying other things from its menu, too. He noted that Applebee's even makes a profit when it sells margaritas for $1 under its Dollarita promotion.

It's not just Applebee's trying to grab some cash-strapped fast-food customers by promoting value deals. Chili's , for example, has a "3 For Me" combo that includes an appetizer, an entrée with a side, and a bottomless drink for $10.99.

Applebee's diners are cutting back, too

But casual dining chains have been raising their prices, too, because of wage and food inflation. At Dine Brands' restaurants, prices "spiked" in the last roughly two years, rising by between about 5% and 9% on an annualized basis, Peyton said. Historically, its franchisees had put up prices by roughly 2% to 3% a year, he said.

Peyton warned that diners at Applebee's and sister company IHOP were switching to cheaper menu items and dining out less often. "We also continue to see guests trade down from higher-priced items at both IHOP and Applebee's, another indicator that guests are managing their wallet," Peyton told investors.

Diners earning $50,000 and less were cutting back the most at both brands, Peyton said, echoing comments made by other restaurant chains.

"They're more aggressively managing their check, finding our value-oriented items," Peyton said. "That's been consistent the last couple of quarters but more pronounced in Q1."

Have you switched from fast food to casual dining chains like Applebee's, Chili's, and Olive Garden? Email this reporter at [email protected].

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    Consumers are voting with their wallets—and some of America's best-known food brands are losing. Coffee drinkers are leaving Starbucks 's SBUX 2.97% loyalty program. Chips Ahoy cookies are ...

  25. McDonald's may consider $5 value meal as food prices ...

    As fast food prices climb, McDonald's is reportedly planning a new $5 meal. McDonald's could soon be lowering prices and possibly launching a new value meal to its menus. The Golden Arches ...

  26. McDonald's may consider $5 value meal as food prices continue to soar

    Monday, May 13, 2024 8:56AM. McDonald's considering $5 value meal amid quarterly sales drop. McDonald's could soon be lowering prices and possibly launching a new value meal to its menus. The ...

  27. Red Lobster abruptly closing dozens of restaurants nationwide

    Monday, May 13, 2024 7:00PM. 6abc Philadelphia 24/7 Live Stream Action News, AccuWeather and Entertainment. Struggling Red Lobster is abruptly closing at least 48 of its restaurants around the ...

  28. Applebee's Throws Shade at Fast Food Chains As It Touts Deals

    Applebee's reported a 4.6% drop in US same-restaurant sales for the first quarter of 2024, which it attributed to a decrease in traffic. Its US restaurants brought in an average of $54,700 in ...