IBDP English A: Language & Literature

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Updated 2 February 2023

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  • HL Essay - The Basics
  • HL Essay - Choosing a Topic
  • HL Essay - Great Examples (Literature)
  • HL Sample: Non-literary Body of Work - George Monbiot's Essays
  • HL Essay - Gaining Level 7
  • HL Essay - Student Samples

higher level essay english ib example

If you choose one of your literary works for the Higher Level essay topic, this task is nothing more than has been the standard written coursework for years in Literature courses: one slightly longer literary essay.

Literary Work & Sample Essay

Choosing an exact focus for the literary work is just as challenging as outlined in   HL Essay - Choosing a Topic but at least the primary evidence for close analysis is clear. 

A good piece of analysis can take many different forms and has much to do with effective exposition, deconstruction of well-chosen evidence, a coherent developing argument, and a conclusion that suggests the study and research was worthy, valuable and insightful. However, I have always tried to push students into including both a thematic or conceptual outcome and a cluster of literary features or stylistic choices that help facilitate that outcome. That is to say, to explore how an author uses certain techniques to create certain thematic effects.

Here is an example of a student's HL Essay on a literary work:

How does Dorfman use elements of dramatic presentation in order to explore the ambiguity of justice in Death and the Maiden ?

The notion of justice is a largely subjective one. Political philosophers have long questioned what should be considered societally ethical, and whether true distributive justice can be achieved. Such questions are rendered increasingly complicated after such a society has undergone profound political turmoil. It would be fruitless not to recognise that Ariel Dorfman’s Death and the Maiden is an exploration into how justice can be found for individual victims, should a government be unable to provide sufficient retribution for the perpetrators of crimes. Dorfman’s clear allusion to Chile’s post-Pinochet transition to democracy provides for a striking contextual backdrop: how can a government seek recompense for those who were victims of countless crimes against humanity? Through Dorfman’s use of representative characters, the motif of justice, and dramatic devices, the play serves as a social commentary of a politically and governmentally imbalanced country, which forces the audience to consider the implications that the emergence from dictatorship poses upon a country, while simultaneously compelling individual spectators to reconsider their own notions of what should be considered “just”.

Dorfman develops symbolically representative characterisation to render the play a microcosmic depiction of the corrupt nature of a country struggling with the emergence from dictatorship. The cast consists solely of three characters: Gerardo, a lawyer and member of a commission charged with investigating the direst of crimes against humanity in the old dictatorship, whose character portrays the government responsible for the transition to democracy; Paulina, his wife, a woman so profoundly impacted by the sexual torture she underwent during the dictatorship that she finds it difficult to attend social functions, whose character depicts the copious numbers of victims who suffered from such crimes during the dictatorship; and Roberto Miranda, a well-off physician whom Paulina recognises as the nefarious doctor who raped her, whose character represents accused perpetrators of the aforementioned crimes, who are, oftentimes, affluent members of society. The gender disparity in the cast is, in itself, indicative of the roles which each of these social groups bear: Paulina, a woman, is repeatedly silenced and belittled by her patronising husband, which effectively connotes the government’s lack of willingness to accept the notion that a significant portion of the population were subject to atrocities akin to those which Paulina experienced. Almost immediately in the play, Paulina begins to criticise the effectiveness of the country’s judicial system - “The judges? The judges who never intervened to save one life in seventeen years of dictatorship? Who never accepted a single habeas corpus ever?” - only to be silenced by Gerardo, who ‘takes her in his arms’ and coos “Silly. Silly girl, my baby” until she calms down. In rendering Gerardo so condescending towards Paulina at multiple instances such as this, Dorfman directly implies that the government takes no heed when victims condemn its lack of legal intervention, and instead dismisses them as fragile. Contrastingly, Gerardo immediately treats Roberto as an equal, and invites him to stay the night, convincing him with the promise of “the breakfast [Paulina] will make for us”. As well as demonstrating that, even after the dictatorship, criminals can still lead successful lives, Gerardo saying this indicates to the audience that the government not only silences the victims of the dictatorship’s trauma, but expects them to continue leading lives which are beneficial to the establishment of the fledgling democracy. Dorfman appears to be criticising the government’s half-hearted attempt at pursuing justice by showcasing Paulina’s sardonic disdain for Gerardo’s Investigating Commission, which “only investigates cases that ended in death”, as opposed to cases such as hers, which decidedly result in lasting mental upheaval. Each of these factors force the audience to question a government which attempts to pursue justice for those who were wronged without ostracising the wrongdoers, merely because those who committed the crimes are still prominent members of society.

Furthermore, Dorfman’s use of an overarching motif of warped judicial procedure, exemplified both symbolically and lexically, serves to remind the audience of the dangers of the pursuit of vigilante justice, which has been necessitated by an inadequate government. This underlines the idea that a legal structure must be established in order for those who committed the crimes to be appropriately prosecuted; Dorfman having Paulina conduct her own (somewhat inequitable) trial highlights the lack of legal alternative. Paulina insists on maintaining negligible legal conventions, such as referring to Roberto as Gerardo’s “client” and allowing the former time to argue his own case. Ironically, the integral defining factor of the trial itself is that it is an unethical, somewhat paradoxical pursuit of justice: while systems of prosecution generally uphold an “innocent until proven guilty” policy, the only circumstance under which Paulina claims she will release Roberto is if he confesses to his alleged crimes, despite his insistence throughout the play that he is innocent. Paulina promises Gerardo that if Roberto doesn’t confess, “[she’ll] kill him”, and that if he is, in fact, totally innocent, he’s “really screwed”. Throughout the trial, Paulina sustains this threat of violence, thereby asserting her control over Roberto and Gerardo. Dorfman uses Paulina’s sudden seizure of violence to draw a parallel between her and the formal dictator: she holds a symbolic loaded gun for most of the play - a constant reminder of the danger she is capable of wreaking on other cast members. This parallelism allows Dorfman to further explore governmental weakness in the form of Gerardo: he, supposedly, spent much of the regime attempting to overthrow the dictator, and his prevalent position in the opposition circles was the original reason for Paulina’s kidnapping; however, he tells Roberto that “when crazy people have power, you’ve got to indulge them”, thereby seemingly going against that for which he campaigned during the time of the fascist government. Additionally, the fact that Paulina “ties [Roberto] to a chair” is reminiscent of the kidnapping she underwent, which she continuously references. Actions such as these remind the audience that her alternative to legal procedure is no better than the system of the previous government, and, should everyone pursue such means to seek justice, the cycle of violence would deepen and democracy would never be achieved. Paulina’s approach to achieving justice is one which would undoubtedly yield bloodshed if applied worldwide: Dorfman implores the audience to decide whether or not she is truly making the correct decision in “[opening all the] wounds”, as Gerardo states. Because the audience remains oblivious as to whether Paulina does, in fact, kill Roberto, Dorfman implies that Paulina’s choice of action is irrelevant, as she will always remain a victim, whom the government continues to disregard. 

Building on this, Dorfman continues to maintain a sense of ambiguity around each of the character’s innocence through the use of dramatic devices, hence forcing the audience to assume the role of a judge in the play’s final scene, in order for them to reflect upon their own perceptions of justice. Perhaps the most crucial of these devices is the use of the “giant mirror which descends, forcing the members of the audience to look at themselves” in Act 3, scene 1. The sudden transition from hyper-realism to a contemporary style is a jolting one: the audience members are thrust into the play itself, obliging them to scrutinise both themselves and the play’s events. The mirror not only compels the audience to determine the guilt of each character, but, alongside the “slowly moving spots [which] flicker over the audience, picking out two or three at a time”, urges them to examine their own standards of personal justice. The image of moving spots is almost reminiscent of searchlights, as though the light is attempting to elicit testimonies from the audience, thereby implying that some audience members may be just as guilty as Roberto, and should make their own confessions. The audience is further embedded into the play when Paulina and Gerardo “sit [...] in two of the seats in the audience itself”, thereby painting the audience as citizens of the country undergoing the emergence from dictatorship - the reason for all the pivotal conflicts in the play. Placing the audience on the same level as Paulina and Roberto drives them to consider the actions they would have taken, had they been in the same predicament as Dorman’s characters.

    It is clear that Dorfman’s study of justice is one which transcends the stage. In a play which is so easily applicable to real-world events, it seems only natural that the piece’s purpose be to prompt the audience towards their own conclusions. The casting of characters as clear representations of societal groups causes the audience to question the equity in each of their interactions, thereby causing them to question the equity in the actions of judicial systems in times of crisis. Paulina’s authoritative position throughout the trial seems as unethical as her perpetual silence before the trial. Such events pose as questions to the audience, and force them to decide what the correct procedure in these circumstances should be.

Word Count: 1483


Dorfman, Ariel. Death and the Maiden. London, Great Britain: Nick Hern Books,


Assessing the HL Essay

The criteria used for assessing the HL Essay can be found in  Marking Criteria . 

Read the essay and make a short commentary of how you think it performs in each criterion area. Compare it to my comments:

This essay is highly analytical and interpretative throughout. It connects the craft of the literary work (and a work of fiction) to real-life contexts and universal concepts and themes in a highly convincing manner. The final body paragraph - ironically in some ways the least developed and thoroughly argued in terms of evidence - makes this connection and thus the value of this line of inquiry stark.

Literary features are appreciated throughout the essay, with the notion of allusion identified in the introduction, followed by an extremely strong thesis statement and topic sentences that connect choice and stagecraft with thematic effect. It is argued with plentiful evidence in terms of quotations, and is notable for its discussion of features unique to drama rather than just any other form of narrative fiction.

Extremely well-structured, with a strong introduction exploring the concepts rather than just the work, effective mapping of the essay in the thesis statement, strong topic sentences making effective interpretative points, with evidence embedded into the arguments effectively. A tiny quibble would be the slight imbalance of the third body paragraph, and the quotations need page references.

Language is highly effective throughout.

Now work out what marks you would give the essay. Compare it to my own:

How much of HL Essay - Great Examples (Literature) have you understood?

Which of the following best describes your feedback?


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The Best IB English Study Guide and Notes for SL/HL

International Baccalaureate (IB)


Are you taking IB English and need some help with your studying? No need to reread all the books and poems you covered in class! This study guide is for IB English A students (students in IB English A: literature SL/HL, IB English A: language and literature SL/HL, or IB English literature and performance SL ) who are looking for additional guidance on writing their commentaries or essays.

I've compiled this IB English study guide using the best free materials available for this class. Use it to supplement your classwork and help you prepare for exams throughout the school year.

What's Tested on the IB English Exams?

The IB English courses are unique from other IB classes in that they don't have a very rigid curriculum with exact topics to cover. Instead, your class (or most likely your teacher) is given the freedom to choose what works (from a list of prescribed authors and a list of prescribed literature in translation from IBO) to teach. The exams reflect that freedom.

On the exam for all English A courses, you're asked to write essays that incorporate examples from novels, poems, plays, and other texts you've read. You're also asked to interpret a text that you've read for the first time the day of the exam.

The exact number of questions you'll have to answer varies by the course , but the types of questions asked on each all fall into the two categories listed above.


What's Offered in This Guide?

In this guide, I have compiled materials to help teach you how to interpret poetry and how to structure your essay/commentary. I've also provided notes on several books typically taught in IB English SL/HL.

This should be most of the material you need to study for your IB exam and to study for your in-class exams.

How to Interpret Poetry Guides

Many people struggle the most with the poetry material, and if you're one of those people, we have some resources specifically for making poetry questions easier.

Here is a full explanation of how to interpret poetry for the IB exam with term definitions, descriptions of types of poems, and examples. We also have tons of poetry resources on our blog that range from explaining specific terms all the way to complete, expert analyses of poems you should know.

Here are some resources to get you started:

  • Imagery defined
  • Everything you need to know about Point of View 
  • The 20 poetic devices you should know 
  • Understanding allusion 
  • A crash course on Romantic poetry 
  • Understanding personification 
  • Famous sonnets, explained
  • An expert guide to understanding rhyme and meter, including iambic pentameter
  • The eight types of sonnets 
  • Expert analysis of "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas

This is another great resource with poetry terms defined on "flashcards" , and you can test yourself on the site by clicking "play."

How to Write Your Essay Guide

If you're not sure how to write your essay, here's a guide to what your essay should look like for the IB English SL/HL papers. This guide gives advice on how you should structure your essay and what you should include in it. It also contains a few sample questions so you can get a better idea of the types of prompts you can expect to see.


IB English Book Notes

Based on the list of prescribed authors and literature from IBO, I picked some of the most popular books to teach and provided links to notes on those works. What's important to remember from these books is key moments, themes, motifs, and symbols, so you can discuss them on your in-class tests and the IB papers.

  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • A Farewell to Arms
  • Animal Farm
  • All the Pretty Horses
  • A Streetcar Named Desire
  • Anna Karenina
  • As I Lay Dying
  • Brave New World
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Death of a Salesman
  • A Doll's House
  • Don Quixote
  • Dr. Zhivago
  • Frankenstein
  • Great Expectations
  • Heart of Darkness
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Love in the Time of Cholera
  • Love Medicine
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
  • Romeo & Juliet
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • The Awakening
  • The Bluest Eye
  • The Great Gatsby
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • The Stranger
  • The Sun Also Rises
  • Waiting for Godot


The Best Study Practices for IB English

Hopefully, this guide will be an asset to you throughout the school year for in-class quizzes as well as at the end of the year for the IB exam. Taking practice tests is also important, and you should also look at our other article for access to FREE IB English past papers to help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked by the IBO (and I'm sure your teacher will ask similar questions on your quizzes).

Make sure you're reading all of the novels and poetry assigned to you in class, and take detailed notes on them. This will help you remember key themes and plot points so you don't find yourself needing to reread a pile of books right before the exam.

Finally, keep up with the material you learn in class, and don't fall behind. Reading several novels the week before the IB exam won't be much help. You need to have time and let the material sink in over the course of the class, so you're able to remember it easily on the day of the IB exam.


What's Next?

Want some more study materials for IB English? Our guide to IB English past papers has links to every free and official past IB English paper available!

Are you hoping to squeeze in some extra IB classes ? Learn about the IB courses offered online by reading our guide.

Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school. Also, figure out your target SAT score or target ACT score .

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As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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IB English A Language and Literature: HL Essay Assessment Considerations

Please note:  The purpose of this information is to elaborate on the nature of the IB assessment task, define and explain the assessment criteria and their implications, share observed challenges in students’ submitted assessment work, and offer strategies and approaches for assessment preparation. 

This post is not meant to replace a reading of the IB Language A Subject Guides or the Teacher Support Materials available on MYIB.  Those resources should always be a first stop for teachers when checking the requirements of each assessment task and how the task should be facilitated. 

HL Essay Overview

Nature of the task.

  • Students are asked to develop a line of inquiry of their choice in connection with a work or body of work studied in the course.
  • In this context, teachers serve as advisors.  The HL essay is an opportunity for students “to develop as independent, critical and creative readers, thinkers and writers” [1] which suggests there should be some degree of autonomy in choosing a work or body of work and determining the line of inquiry.
  • The final essay is a focused argument critically examining a broad literary or linguistic perspective in one of the works or bodies of work studied in the course.  The focus of the critical examination should be appropriate for the discipline; while there may be some overlap with other disciplines (e.g., art or film), teachers will need to use their professional judgement to evaluate appropriate boundaries for the line of inquiry [2] .
  • The essay should be developed “over an extended period of time” [3] .  Adequate time should be given for students to refine their ideas, plan their arguments, draft, and revise their essays.  Teachers are expected to play an active role guiding and facilitating this process.
  • The essay is formal and should adhere to the conventions of an academic essay in its structure and use of citations.  
  • In the marking of the assessment task, there is equal quantitative value placed on the ideas presented in the essay (10 marks) and the essay’s organization and use of language (10 marks).  Maximum: 20 marks. [4]
  • The final essay produced for submission needs to be 1200-1500 words in length.  Examiners will not read more than 1500 words. [5]

Explanation of the task

  • It is important that students develop a line of inquiry that is focused, analytical, and (when relevant) literary before they begin researching and writing.  Students do not need to name literary or textual features in their question; however, the question should lend itself to an analytical investigation of the work that is appropriate for the discipline.
  • The seven course concepts (identity, culture, creativity, communication, transformation, perspective, and representation) may serve as a starting point when developing a line of inquiry. [6]
  • The discussion, ideas, and inspiration for the HL Essay will ideally come from the student’s Learner Portfolio.  Students may expand on an idea, activity, or smaller-scale assessment explored in class as inspiration for selecting a topic and developing a line of inquiry.  Students may also explore their own, self-generated lines of inquiry.
  • Each student’s line of inquiry should develop from their own work or ideas about the work.  Ideally, the learner portfolio will document this evolution (in some form).

Selection of work

  • Students base their essays on one work or body of work studied in the course. Students may choose any work or body of work, except for the works/body of work used for the Individual Oral or the works chosen for the Paper 2 exam. 
  • Students should consult with their teachers when selecting a text, work, or body of work to ensure the material is rich enough to support a focused, analytical argument of this length.
  • Documentaries and full features films are full, non-literary “works” and are acceptable material on which to base a line of inquiry for the HL Essay.
  • Literary bodies of work include collections of short stories, poetry, essays, graphic narratives, etc.
  • Non-literary bodies of work may include an advertising campaign, a journalist’s published articles or editorials, a photojournalist’s series of photographs, related public service announcements or campaigns, research and relevant publications by an organization (such as Human Rights Watch), a series of texts or shows by an interviewer, commentator or satirist, a podcast series, an editorial cartoonist’s publications, etc. [7]  
  • The texts in the body of work must share authorship.  This means the texts are written or produced by a single author or are written and produced by collaborators that share a single authorship (such as an advertising agency, corporation, non-profit organization, television show, writer and graphic illustrator, etc.) [8]
  • Students may base their essay on one text in a body of work (e.g., one short story in a collection), however students need to be careful to sustain a “broad literary [or linguistic] investigation” as opposed to a close reading or commentary.  They are expected to make explicit connections in the essay between the text and the author’s body of work. [9]  
  • In most cases, it will be appropriate for a student to reference at least 2-3 texts in an author’s body of work. 
  • Students may explore and use any texts from an author studied in class, even if the specific texts were not part of the course study.  This might be appropriate if the student’s specific literary investigation cannot be supported with the specific texts studied but could be supported with other texts by the author. [10]

Determining the topic (and line of inquiry)

  • The essay needs to be focused on a broad literary or linguistic investigation that addresses a concept developed in the work or body of work. 
  • Students who struggle to identify a suitable concept can use one of the seven course concepts as a starting place to develop their line of inquiry (e.g., What does the work communicate about…? In what ways does the work transform our perspective on…?  To what extent does the work represent…? )
  • Students should be encouraged to explore a concept that is significant to them and their reading of the work. 
  • Teachers can advise and coach students through the process of selecting a topic and developing a line of inquiry, but teachers are not supposed to assign topics (or works) to students. [11]

What is the HL Essay Assessing?

Criterion a:  knowledge, understanding, and interpretation (5 marks), defined terms.

Knowledge of a work is shown by recalling For literary works, this includes details related to plot, characters, conflicts, setting, use of language, etc., and specific details about a work’s genre, era, or style.  For non-literary works, this includes details related to the subject of the writing (people, places, context, etc.) and specific details about a work’s text-type, publication medium, place of origin, audience, etc. In both text forms, these details are clearly evident and verifiable.
Understanding may be demonstrated through summary, interpretations, inferences, and explanations because they require students to from the work.  In this construction, students use their general knowledge and understanding (of people, relationships, cultures, literary principles, text forms, etc.) to process or infer meaning that is communicated , heavily implied, or self-evident.     
An “interpretation” is an argument about a work’s .  Sometimes this “meaning” is thought of as the “author’s purpose” but works might also communicate meaning to a reader unintended by the author.  Interpretive arguments identify complex ideas and issues developed by an author and usually pay close attention to details and ambiguities in a work.  Because the communication and deconstruction of implicit meanings is a complex process, interpretations tend to appreciate tensions and contradictions in a work as well as the ways in which a work’s culture or the reader’s culture might influence interpretive conclusions.  In all cases, interpretations are persuasive arguments that need to be supported with clear references to the work.
Implications refer to the ideas the work may be without explicitly stating them or feelings the work may be evoking without explicitly telling the viewer or audience to feel them.  
Students are expected to make references to the work that may include . Depending on the student’s claim, one may be more appropriate than the others (e.g., claims about language and style often benefit from direct quotes; broader authorial choices can be explained through paraphrase.)
  • Students need a clear, cohesive thesis statement in the introduction of the essay that states the conclusions the student has drawn in response to the line of inquiry.  The “conclusions” are the student’s central argument for the essay. 
  • Students need to understand the difference between demonstrating understanding of a work and offering interpretations of the work’s meanings.  An essay must offer interpretations of the work’s implications to score at least a “satisfactory” mark in Criterion A.
  • Good to excellent knowledge and understanding comes from knowing the works very well which usually requires multiple readings .  Clear references, explanations, and detailed analysis in support of asserted interpretations are a more effective demonstration of knowledge and understanding than summary.  
  • When analyzing texts from a “body of work”, students are expected to make claims and connections to the body of work.  If the focus of the essay is on an individual text (such as a short story or poem), it is important that the analysis be treated as a “broad literary [or linguistic] investigation”.  Teachers will need to evaluate the extent to which this is possible for each individual text.  It may be helpful for teachers and students to consult articles in scholarly journals to see examples of how a broad literary investigation can be approached with a shorter, individual text.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to knowledge, understanding, and interpretation.

higher level essay english ib example

Formulating Interpretive Statements

This activity scaffolds the process of developing an “interpretive statement” in response to a text or work.  This is achieved through a sentence completion exercise […]

Continue Reading

higher level essay english ib example

Concept Formation

In this activity, students use small examples to establish what a concept is (and is not).  This inductive strategy works to give depth, ownership, and […]

higher level essay english ib example

Critical Lenses

Critical lenses help students engage with different perspectives with which to approach the reading and interpretation of a work.  Each lens contains questions that provoke […]

higher level essay english ib example

Journal Writing

Journal writing helps students develop important thinking skills.  There are the traditional approaches used in the younger years, like imagining a minor character’s point of […]

Criterion B:  Analysis and evaluation (5 marks)

Textual features are aspects of the work that the reading experience.  These include aesthetic features (images, graphs, bold, italics, etc.), organizational features (such as a table of contents, headings, index, etc.), supplemental features (such as a glossary, footnotes, primary source material, captions, etc.), literary features (such as figurative language, analogies, conceits, etc.), and linguistic features (such as rhetoric, sentence structure, ellipses, parentheses, etc.).
“Broader” authorial choices are embedded the work and effect the work as a .  These might include choices in structure, narrative perspective, genre, style, setting, characters, repeated patterns of imagery or figurative language, motifs, etc. 
To analyze is to separate and identify the parts of a whole to discover its . The “whole” is the work.  One can begin to breakdown the parts of a literary or non-literary work by considering its form, mode, structure, features, and use of language.
When students “evaluate”, they are appraising the author or creator’s choices in the context of their interpretations.  Students show appreciation for the features that play a significant role in developing interpretive meaning and producing relevant effects by critically examining of choices made within the work.
Meaning can refer to the the author or creator consciously or unconsciously conveys to the reader or audience as well as the feelings created for the reader or audience in relation to those ideas.
  • This criterion asks students to critically analyze, evaluate, and compare how meaning is constructed and communicated in a work or body of work.
  • The discussion, analysis, and evaluation of literary or linguistic features must work to develop the line in inquiry and central argument for the essay.  This is a common shortcoming in student essays.
  • The interrelationships of authorial choices and their effects may be complex, which requires thoughtful organization in the planning stage of the essay. 
  • Assertions that make judgements about a writer’s competency or simply state a preference for an author or style are not literary evaluations.
  • An insightful literary analysis usually includes an appreciation of form-specific features.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to analysis and evaluation

higher level essay english ib example

Why might this detail matter?

This activity gets students to think about the significance of minor details in a work.  These details can be used as evidence to form the […]

higher level essay english ib example

Ladder of Abstraction

This activity allows students to process the ways in which details from a work might represent larger abstract ideas. Process Divide students in groups of […]

higher level essay english ib example

Appoint a Devil’s Advocate

This protocol invites divergent thinking in a group and works to facilitate a culture where different ideas are viewed as collaborative rather than combative.  Preparation […]

higher level essay english ib example

This activity helps students visually see and appreciate the ways in which parts make up a whole.  One of the challenges many students have is […]

Criterion C:  Focus, organization, and development (5 marks)

A focused essay sustains its attention on developing the line of inquiry.
An essay is organized when claims, details, references, and analysis are purposefully arranged.  On an essay level, students carefully consider how to most logically and persuasively develop the line of inquiry based on the points and evidence they have collected in support of their central argument.  On a paragraph level, students consider how to arrange their claim, evidence, analysis, and evaluation so that the paragraph’s point is effectively communicated to the reader.
On an essay level, paragraphs work together to effectively develop an argument.  On a paragraph level, the evidence, analysis, and evaluation are connected entities that effectively develop the paragraph’s claim.
To develop an argument is to gradually make the argument clearer and more detailed as claims, references, explanations, and analysis build upon one another in an illustrative manner.
Supporting examples can be references, quotes, or excerpted images from a work; but they can also come in the form of a précis , which is helpful when students are analyzing broader authorial choices. 
Supporting examples are integrated when they are infused with the explanation, analysis, and evaluation that develops the essay’s central argument.  This includes: (1) embedding quotes, fragmented quotes, or references into the essay’s sentences, (2) embedding relevant images into the body of the essay, (3) effectively using complex and compound sentence structures so that references to the work are connected to the essay’s analysis and evaluation.
  • The line of inquiry (which includes the topic) should be clearly stated either as the title or in the introductory paragraph of the essay. 
  • The thesis (or argument) for the essay should be clearly communicated in the introductory paragraph. 
  • Effective organization helps students maintain focus, achieve cohesion, and develop claims.  This means considering the most effective way to present the argument and its supporting evidence and analysis (chronologically, most persuasive evidence first, by sub-topic, cause and effect relationships, first impressions vs. later reflections, claims and counter claims, etc.).
  • Each paragraph should be a point of development that supports the conclusions drawn from the line of inquiry (i.e., the essay’s central argument).  The nature of the argument and the substance of the analysis should determine the number of paragraphs, their length, and their order.  Forcing an argument into a formulaic essay structure can be limiting.
  • Purposeful transitions create cohesion and logically take the reader through the essay’s evidence-based claims.
  • Essays organized by authorial choices tend to be limiting because they struggle to appreciate the interdependency of features’ effects.
  • One citation method should be sustained throughout the essay.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to organization and development

higher level essay english ib example

Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate: Concept Mapping IDEAS in a Work

This activity asks students to individually identify ideas and issues developed in a work and collaboratively connect and develop one another’s ideas.  This ultimately helps […]

higher level essay english ib example

Making a Précis

This activity guides students on how to distill a text into 100-200-word précis or summary.  This is a helpful skill for preparing a passage response […]

higher level essay english ib example

This protocol helps students consider which ideas, issues, and feelings are playing a significant role in shaping their personal response to a work. Process Give […]

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Sort Card Activity

This activity helps students organize information and identify conceptual trends.  This activity models a process that students can use when planning their own essays and […]

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Significant Quotes

Who said it?  What is the context? and Why is this quote significant? may seem like an archaic exercise in today’s educational landscape, but the […]

Criterion D:  Language (5 marks)

Clear languageLanguage is clear when the selection of words and the arrangement of words effectively articulate meaning.
Varied languageLanguage is varied when the student uses different words to acutely communicate knowledge, understanding, and meaning.
AccuracyLanguage is accurate when it uses grammatically correct structures, spelling, and capitalization.
RegisterThe “register” refers to the style of the written language.
  • A wider vocabulary and knowledge of sentence structures gives students more language tools to express abstract and complex thoughts. 
  • Correct use of terminology may be considered in awarding marks in this criterion; however, jargon is not the sole focus. 
  • When students use vocabulary and sentence structures that are comfortably in their repertoire, they usually express their thinking more clearly.  When students stretch to use words or sentences structures with which they are not familiar, they risk miscommunication.
  • An essay does not need to be flawless to earn top marks in this criterion, however the expectation for language to be clear, varied, and accurate is higher in this component.  This is because students have an opportunity to revise their essays.
  • Voice is welcomed in all IB assessment tasks: formal writing does not need to be turgid.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to use of language

higher level essay english ib example

Interpretive Statement Wall

This protocol helps students develop revision skills by asking clarifying and critical questions about each other’s interpretive statements or thesis statements.  This helps students develop […]

higher level essay english ib example

Evaluating Thesis Statements

This activity helps students understand the role language plays in communicating specific and complex ideas in a thesis statement.  The approach invites active collaboration, and […]

higher level essay english ib example

Discussion Posts and Personalized Learning

This formative assessment gives students an opportunity to personalize their learning while engaging in collaborative discussion with their peers around their chosen text(s) or work. […]

higher level essay english ib example

This protocol helps students generate ideas in response to a work. Process Give students a writing task, asking them to identify one thing they think […]

[1] Language A: Language and Literature Guide, First assessment 2021 , IBO: 2019. pp. 42.

[2] To gain an understanding or confidence in evaluating analysis that is “appropriate for the discipline”, teachers may want to invest some time perusing scholarly articles written on works they teach or are familiar with using a database such as JSTOR or Ebscohost.  These titles and articles an also be shared with students as guides and exemplars.

[4] Ibid, pp. 45.

[5] Ibid, p. 42.

[6] Ibid, p. 43.

[7] A list of text types can be found on p. 22 of the Language A: Language and Literature Guide.  As mentioned in the guide, the list is not exhaustive.

[8] “Selection of work”. Language A: Language and Literature Guide, First assessment 2021 , IBO: 2019, p. 43.

[11] Language A: Language and Literature Guide, First assessment 2021 , IBO: 2019. p. 44.

[12] Definition:  a short statement of the main points.

Photo by Marcel Friedrich on Unsplash

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