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Beschleunigerphysik des Instituts für Angewandte Physik


  • Open Position / Thesis


  • Institut für Angewandte Physik

Publications and proceedings of annual conferences, such as IPAC and LINAC, can be found at JACoW .

 Marc Syha Dissertation Beam dynamics design of the FAIR Proton-Linac RFQ and design study of a compact 325 MHz RFQ  
Micheael Breidt Bachelor Thesis Entwurf und Simulation eines elektrostatischen Nachbeschleunigers für 35keV Protonen  
Christian Wirth Master Thesis Strahldynamische und resonator-geometrische Optimierungen einer IH-Kavität mit internen Linsen  
 U. Ratzinger et al. Paper

Combined zero degree structure beam dynamics and applications

Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 114801 (2019)

 Chuan Zhang et al. Paper

Efficient solution for accelerating very high intensity beams in the lowand medium energy regime

Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 100101 (2019)

 M. Schuett et al. Paper

Compensation of longitudinal Entrance and Exit Gap Field Effects in RFQ's of the 4-ROD Type

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 928 (2019) 58-64

 Heiko Niebuhr Dissertation Entwicklung und Erforschung eines neuartigen Injektionssystems für einen toroidalen Hochstromspeicherring  
 Huifang Wang Masterthesis Hochfrequenzabstimmungen des Leiter-RFQ für den FAIR Proton-Linac  
 M. Schuett et al. Paper

Progress of the modulated 325 MHz Ladder RFQ

1067 (2018) 052004

 C. Wirth Bachelorthesis DTL-Strahlsimulationen mit realen Feldern  
 A. Ates et al. Paper

Non-invasive diagnostics of ion beams in strong toroidal magnetic fields with standard CMOS cameras

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 877 (2018) 69

 M. Schütt Dissertation Development of a 325 MHz Ladder RFQ  
 H. Hähnel et al. Paper

The KONUS IH-DTL proposal for the GSI UNILAC poststripper linac replacement

874 (2017) 012047

 A. Almomani et al. Paper

Updated cavities design for the FAIR p-linac

874 (2017) 012046

 M. Schuett et al. Paper

Status of the modulated 3 MeV 325 MHz Ladder-RFQ

874 (2017) 012048

 Hendrik Hähnel Dissertation Development of an IH-type linac for the acceleration of high current heavy ion beams  
 Batu Klump


Untersuchungen an niederenergetischen, intensiven und hochbrillanten Protonenstrahlen


 Robert Brodhage


Entwicklung und Aufbau der ersten gekoppelten CH-Struktur für den neuen Protoneninjektor an der Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research

 Manuel Heilmann Dissertation Kopplung von 4-Rod-RFQ und IH-DTL für das FRANZ-Projekt  
 Daniel Noll Dissertation Investigation on the transport of high-intensity beams using particle-in-cell simulations  
 Florian Burkard Dissertation  Expected damage to accelerator equipment due to the impact of the full LHC beam   
 Suha Alzubaidi Dissertation Control System for the FRANZ facility  
 Div. Paper

The Frankfurt neutron source FRANZ

Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2016) 131: 124

 Waldemar Schweizer Dissertation Entwicklung einer effizienten Hochstrom-Ionenquelle für das FRANZ-Projekt zur Produktion intensiver, hochbrillanter Protonenstrahlen   
 Joschka Wagner Masterthesis Design- und Simulationsstudien zum Injektionssystem für den F8SR Hochstromspeicherring   
 Mohammed Almalki Dissertation Beam position monitor system for proton-LINAC for FAIR   
Christph Wiesner Dissertation Chopping and transport of high-intensity ion beams   
W. Schweizer et al. Paper

A high intensity 200 mA proton source for the FRANZ-Project (Frankfurt-Neutron-Source at the Stern-Gerlach-Center)

Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 02A743 (2014)

  • IAP Startseite
  • Beschleunigerphysik

Wichtige Hinweise

IPAC 2022 Conference

12.-17.06, Bangkok, Thailand


Institut for Applied Physics

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PhD - Doctoral Candidates in Physics

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You may apply for a doctorate in physics after achieving a qualifying Master's degree in physics. A doctorate offers further scientific qualification while simultaneously representing the first professional phase of your own, independant research. You may get further information regarding all questions on a doctorate and the PhD degree in physics from the department's professors. An overview on the current fields of research and research projects can be found on the website of each of the department's institutes and working groups. Usually, doctoral candidates work within one of the institute's research projects. External doctorates at cooperating research institutions are possible as well.  

You can get a good overview of the doctoral process from acceptance as a doctoral candidate to the handover of the certificate here!

Doctoral Regulations

  • Allgemeine  Bestimmungen  für  die  Promotionsordnungen  der  Goethe-Universität
  • Promotionsordnung der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen-Fachbereiche
  • PhD Regulation (english version: Promotionsordnung Math-Nat Fachbereiche)

Forms and Application

NEW from 01.10.2022:

  • Application for acceptance as doctoral candidate (in paper form with all attachments)
  • NEW self registration/central registration in the University System + PhD-Application zwingend erforderlich für neue Doktorand*innen (see ENGLISH instructions ; GERMAN instructions )!
  • Application for acceptance as doctoral candidate
  • Prüfungskommission für die Disputationen


  • Foreign Degree - Which documents do I have to submit to the Dean's Office? 
  • Self Registration and PhD Application (central registration in the University system)
  • GERMAN: Self Registration and PhD Application (central registration in the University system)  
  • Leaflet for Preparing the Dissertation / Conducting the Disputation
  • Implementation Regulation - Ausführungsbestimmungen; Dissertation at the Department of Physics
  • Merkblatt zur Organisation von Disputationen unter Corona-Bedingungen
  • Leitlinien für die Betreuung von Promotionen
  • Grundsätze der Goethe-Universität zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis 

Promotionsbüro der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereiche

Grade - goethe research academy for early career researchers.

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GRADE is the central research academy of the Goethe University and offers multi-disciplinary qualification programs, guidance, and support to researchers during the early stages of their careers. Early Career Researchers can participate in our comprehensive training program in the areas of Inter-/Transdisciplinarity and Intercultural Competence, Science, Management, Career and Languages. 

We also offer several other support and service options for your research, career and personal development: Networking events, individual consulting, funding opportunities, and much more.

...visit the GRADE homepage

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Dr. Ingo Sauer

Phone:+49 (69) 798-34781

Goethe University Frankfurt
RuW, Postbox 47
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4
60629 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Room:RuW 4.218

Current 'fundraising tour ' to finance the production of new videos for the non-monetized YouTube channel WISSEN HAT KEINEN EIGENTÜMER . Funds raised so far: 3,500 € (details below)

Deutschlandfunk : Interview/Podcast about Hayek, big data, and the socialist system (10/23)

Keynote speech: Vienna Financial Data Summit (concedro GmbH), Vienna (06/2023)

Dipolmatische Akademie Wien : The Lessons from 1923 for the Euro Area, invited speaker (05/2023)

Interview: Daniel Stelter’s Podcast „Ernsthafte Bedrohung des Geldwerts“; echoed by Handelsblatt : „In der Bilanz der Europäischen Zentralbank steckt ein Sprengsatz“ (2/2023)

Winner of Teaching Evaluation (summer term 2022, „Bachelor Grundlagen“), Vorlesung: Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre

Keynote speech: “ Börsenzeitung Kundenforum: 75-jähriges Jubiläum ”, Frankfurt (11/2022)

Winner of Teaching Evaluation   (summer term 2021, „Bachelor Vertiefung“) , Vorlesung: Das monetäre System und die aktuelle Krise in Europa

Visiting professor , Université Lumière Lyon (summer term 2021)

Teaching during the pandemic (“Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre”): students have a RIGHT TO KNOWLEDGE and therefore I offer face-to-face (classroom) lectures under strict hygiene regulations (as the only option for all students in the foundation courses during the summer term 2021)

Leschs Kosmos , ZDF, German television: study about students’ mental receptiveness with one of my lecture videos (27/10/2020)

Teaching/lectures (current and recent)

Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre , Goethe University Frankfurt (winter term 2023/24)

Statistik, Ökonometrie (und etwas Python): Alles was man wissen muss, Goethe University Frankfurt (winter term 2023/24, undergraduate level)

The Economics of Money and Banking: An Empirical Analysis of the Relations between Central Banks, Commercial Banks, and (Gross) Capital Flows in the BoP of the Euro Area, Goethe University Frankfurt (summer term 2023, graduate level)

Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre , Goethe University Frankfurt (summer term 2022, winter term 2022/23), Course Evaluation , Winner of Teaching Evaluation (summer term 2022)

Das monetäre System und die aktuelle Krise in Europa, Goethe University Frankfurt, (summer semester 2021), Course Evaluation , Winner of Teaching Evaluation (summer term 2021)

Geld und Währung , DHBW Mannheim (every winter term)

Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik , visiting professor at the Université Lumière Lyon (summer semester 2021)

Publications/ Work in Progress

I have dedicated several years to meticulously perfecting the book-sized paper presented below, driven by my firm belief that the lessons from the great inflations are not only widely misunderstood or overlooked, but are also essential to prevent the emergence of significant and self-perpetuating inflation in the euro area. Consequently, I decided to write this unified paper – in addition to shorter “journal-sized” pieces for the usual submitting process – to foster meaningful dialogue within the economic community that advises our policymakers.  

To really make the case that the great inflations were caused by central bank insolvencies - and to show that also the ECB or the Bundesbank could become insolvent - all aspects are relevant and belong together: the data, the econometric analysis, the historical confirmation of empirical results, a detailed theoretical reasoning, a broad review of the related or opposing literature, the application of the revealed “central bank solvency view” to the Eurosystem's balance sheet, and the confrontation of our developed rationale for strong and hyper-inflations to (mis-) leading arguments in the current debate about inflationary risks. Many of the 360 pages presented below have been enriched by the extensive and insightful critiques I've received from colleagues and central bankers after I presented my hypotheses in several widely noticed interviews ([ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ]); which were also echoed by Handelsblatt . I highly value this scholarly engagement and actively welcome further critiques and discussions:

The Lessons from 1923 for the Euro Area: Enlightening the Dark Side of (In-) Solvent Central Banks’ Balance Sheets

Working papers extracted from this book-sized paper (partially in submitting process):

·          The Ends of Four Big Inflations: Enlightening the Dark Side of (In-) Solvent Central Banks’ Balance-Sheets [ see sections 2, 4, 5, and appendices A-D ]

·          Historical Arguments to Model “Trust” in a Currency: The Monetary Authority Between a Bankers’ Bank and the Government’s LOLR [ see section 2 ]

·          The Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate Under Hyperinflation Revisited: New Data and the Reversal of PPP [ see sections 3, 4, 5, 8 , and appendices A-D ]

·          Fiscal News, Forward Exchange Rates and Un-Expected Inflation in Germany After World War I: Surprising New Evidence [ see sections 5, 6, 7, 8 , and appendix A ]

·          The Long Shadow of the Quantity Theory: The Central Banks’ Dark Side, (Mis-) Leading Textbooks, and Copernicus Upside Down [ see sections 3, and 8 ]

·          How to Recapitalize a Central Bank: The League of Nations' Financial Reconstruction Programs for Austria and Hungary After WWI   [ see section 6 and appendices B-C ]

·          Can the ECB go Bust? Inflationary Risks and Eurosystem Vulnerabilities [ see sections 8 and 9 ]

·          Target Claims and the Day After: Why we Have to Prepare for the Bundesbank's Immediate Recapitalization [ see sections 8 and 9 ]

Other working papers / publications:

Defending the Euro from Inside Out: A Continuous Stress Test of the ECB’s Balance Sheet , working paper

Deep Structure Analysis of the Target-Imbalances: Combining Aggregated Balance Sheet Data at the Institutional Level with Gross Capital Flows from the Balance of Payments , working paper

Ownership Economics: On the Foundation of Interest, Money, Markets, Business Cycles and Economic Development. Edited by Frank Decker . Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy. Routledge, Oxford. Economica, 82: 581-582. doi:10.1111/ecca.12112

The Dissolving Asset Backing of the Euro , CESifo Forum 13, Special Issue: The European Balance of Payments Crisis edited by Hans-Werner Sinn, 63-72, online available under: http://www.cesifo-group.de/DocDL/Forum-Sonderheft-Jan-2012.pdf

Die sich auflösende Eigentumsbesicherung des Euro , ifo Schnelldienst 64(16), 58-68, online available under: http://www.cesifo-group.de/DocDL/SD-16-2011.pdf

Teaching/lectures (older, selection)

German and European Central Banking , University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt and Goethe University Frankfurt (several years), Course Evaluation

Introductory Economics, Vietnamese-German University, Ho Chi Minh City (several years)

Fundamentals of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics , DHBW Mannheim (several years)

Economics, Finance and Accounting , Graduate School Rhein Neckar (several years), Course Evaluation

Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre , exercise session, Goethe University Frankfurt (several years) ,   Course Evaluation

Payed Revision Courses („Repetitorien“): Statistik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler , BWL-Kurse Frankfurt (several years)

Awards (other than “regular” best teaching award / best evaluation)

Fachschaftspreis für exzellente Lehre : Best teaching award from the Student Council of the faculty Economics and Business Administration ( 12/2020 )

Nominee of the Department Economics and Business Administration from Goethe University Frankfurt for the complete university’s best teaching award 1822-Universitätspreis für exzellente Lehre  (07/2019)

WISAG-Preis :  Prize for best dissertation in social sciences at Goethe University (06/2019)

Fundraising tour for YouTube channel

Liebe Alumni,

ich möchte, dass ihr wisst, dass eure Kommentare und Dankesnachrichten, egal ob unter den Videos oder in E-Mails, mir wirklich sehr viel bedeuten, auch wenn ich meist nicht darauf antworte. Ich erhalte alleine so viele E-Mails mit tatsächlichen Fragen, dass ich es häufig nicht schaffe denjenigen zu antworten, die nicht an der Goethe-Universität studieren (der Kanal hat ja schon 30 000 subscribers). Aus euren Kommentaren weiß ich jedoch, dass der Kanal vielen von euch im ganzen Land hilft und dass viele es kaum nachvollziehen können, warum ich nicht einfach mehr Videos hochlade. Das ist leider alles nicht so einfach und mir fehlt im Grunde die Zeit und die Finanzierung. Viele Aufgaben bleiben an mir hängen, auch wenn ich mich hier bei den Mitarbeitern vom 'Hochschulrechenzentrum' und von 'Studium-Digitale' herzlichst bedanken möchte, die die Produktion von hochwertigem Material ermöglichen. Um das Finanzierungsproblem zumindest anfänglich zu lösen, habe ich beschlossen, einige zusätzliche Dozentenjobs anzunehmen und meine Honorare als Sprecher zu spenden (bisheriger Stand):

·          1000 € - Keynote Speech : „ Die Lehren von 1923 für die Eurozone“, conference for city treasurers and mayors organized by MAGRAL AG , Saarbrücken (10/2023)  

·          1500 € - Several Lectures : “ Global & European Economic Development: Europe and a Comparison to its Competitors/Partners (US and China)”, seminar organized by Goethe Business School for a business delegation from   China Life Insurance , Frankfurt (10/2023)

·          500 € - Specialist Presentation : “Folgewirkungen aus historischen Inflationen und der Geldpolitik“, Tax & Legal Excellence, Local Lounge Frankfurt , Villa Bonn (10/2023)

·          500 € - Specialist presentation: “Preis- und Zinsentwicklung in Deutschland und Europa“, online conference for city treasurers organized by the Bundesverband öffentlicher Zinssteuerung , Munich (11/2022)

PS: ich würde natürlich auch ein etwaiges Preisgeld für selbigen Zweck verwenden (also des 1822-Universitätspreis oder des Hessischer Hochschulpreis für Exzellenz in der Lehre )

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  • The form of your thesis has to be agreed on by your supervisor and the PhD board.
  • Your thesis must be declared as dissertation either on the title leaf, the back of the title leaf or in the imprint. The place of the dissertation, the names of the reviewers and the date of the oral exam must be stated.
  • Concerning copyright: should your thesis include someone else's copyrighted material it must be either covered by the right to quote or you must obtain the rights of use that are necessary for publication.

The doctoral degree regulat ions prescribe exactly which prerequisites have to be met (number of mandatory copies etc).

Online publication of dissertations

Your thesis will be published online in FIS, the Research Information System of the university, thus making your work available worldwide for free in accordance with open access principles. It will be accessible and archived permanently thanks to our cooperation with the German National Library . Your dissertation will be listed in library catalogues, databases, and search machines and can be found and cited with a permanent URN or DOI .

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The to-be-published dissertation should not contain a curriculum vitae or a declaration.

3. Submitting and publishing

Please upload the digital version of your dissertation to the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A login with the BA number is required. External doctoral students without a BA number can apply here for a user account for doctoral candidates.

Additionally to the submission of a digital copy, a submission of six printed versions to the university library (for faculties Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities) or to the dean's office (for faculties Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences) is obligatory.

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Dissertations can only be published after the oral exam has been passed and the printing permission resp. interim notice is present. When all requierements are met, the dissertation will be published in FIS and is accessible online. A notification will be sent to the German National Library in Frankfurt/Main with the online release, where the publication and its metadata will be indexed and archived long-term. Your dissertation will be indexed in the Bamberg Catalogue, the Bavarian Library Network Catalogue and the university's bibliography.

Cumulative dissertation

A cumulative dissertation/dissertation based on papers is published in FIS . The faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration allows a submission in form of printed copies.

Parts of the dissertation that have not yet been published must be included as preprint resp. postprint.

Articles that have already been published and are excluded from secondary publication rights due to legal circumstances are to be included with their bibliographic description, synopsis and if possible a link to the digitally accessible original publication ( DOI , URN , URL to a "secure" server).

1. Copyright and publishing agreement

In order to publish a dissertation, the University Library requires the signing of a publishing agreement (223.5 KB) (114.3 KB), in which you declare to:

§ Copyright §§ Co-authors

There are often co-authors involved with academic papers. Co-authors have to agree with secondary publication according to coypright law. We suggest that you obtain the written approval of all co-authors - if possbile - for publishing in your dissertation. An agreement by e-mail is sufficient.

Suggested phrasing of an agreement by co-authors (German and English) (12.5 KB, 1 page) (12.5 KB)

§§ (Secondary) publication rights

For articles already published or accepted for publishing, you will likely have granted the journal publisher resp. conference organiser rights of use. In many cases these rights constitute a bar to the declaration within the publishing agreement ("third-party rights"). To be able to include the article fully in your dissertation, you have to holt (secondary) publication rights. The list in SherpaRomeo offers you a quick overview over the rights allowed by journal publishers to authors within their standart contracts. However, the list not legally binding and in case of doubt, the contract of publication is always in force.

Within the SherpaRomeo list "preprint" is defined as the version of a text pre peer-review. Postprint is defined as the edited version after peer-review. Postprint differs from the published article only in layout, not in content. This means de facto that the author is not allowed to use the pdf-file with the layout of the publishing house.

It is possible to obtain (secondary) publishing rights retroactively.

Suggested phrasing of a request for secondary publishing rights to the publisher (German and English) (13.1 KB, 1 page) (13.1 KB)

General Information:

The digital version must be identical to the to-be-submitted print version. For this reason you should use the pdf-document as master for the print copies you will need. This ensures that the formatting of both digital and printed version will be identical. The to-be-published dissertation should not contain a curriculum vitae or a declaration for reasons of data protection.

The doctoral committee of the faculty Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration put together guidelines for cumulative dissertations. They include criteria that are to be specified, interpreted an applied during the doctoral degree proceedings if necessary.

https://www.uni-bamberg.de/fileadmin/uni/fakultaeten/sowi_pa/promotion/PROMA-KumDiss.pdf (German)

Good-practice examples:

Faculty of Human Sciences

Psychosoziale und neurobiologische Determinanten der Inhibition von Schmerzmimik/ Karmann, Anna Julia; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2015

The dissertation consists of one overarching text and three studies as full-text. Studies I (S. 42 ff.) and III (S. 81 ff.) have been already published at the time of the dissertation, study II  (S. 51 ff.) was yet unpublished. All studies have been provided with bibliographic descriptions and legal information, study I with a DOI.


Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences Faculty

Operational business-IT alignment in healthcare : theoretical foundation and empirical evidence/ Weeger, Andy; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2017

The dissertation consists of one overarching text ("Introductory Paper") as well as nine studies, three of which are included as full-text (Paper III, Paper VII and Paper VIII). All studies have been already published and are provided with bibliographic description, some with DOI, URN or URL.


Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration

A life course perspective on women's reconciliation of family and employment/ Brehm, Uta ; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2017

The dissertation consists of one overarching text ("Introduction") as well as three studies as full-text. Studies I (S. 39 ff.) and III (S. 125 ff.) have been already published at the time of the dissertation, Studie II  (S. 75 ff.) is submitted for publication. All studies are provided with bibliographic data.

Full-texts can be included in the dissertation, if a secondary publication of your already published papers is legal. It is also possible to secondarily publish individual papers to increase reception.

Please upload the digital version of your dissertation to the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A login with the BA number is required. External doctoral students without a BA number can apply here for a User Account for Doctoral Candidates.

Publishing with the University of Bamberg Press (UBP)

dissertation uni frankfurt

If you wish to publish your dissertation online as well as in printed form, the  University's publisher, the UBP , is a good choice. All publications of the University of Bamberg Press are published in monograph serieses which have different standards.

As part of a hybrid publication, your work will be published online as well as printed from a publishing house with institutional connection to your university. The online edition will be published on the FIS (Reserarch Information System) of the University Bamberg with all advantages of an online publication, the printed publication will have all advantages of a conventional publication. Your thesis will receive an ISBN and it will be obtainable by book shops and relevant online booksellers. It will be indexed in library catalogues, databases and search engines and conveniently searchable due to well-maintained metadata. The University of Bamberg Press provides help with layouting and marketing, ensures an inexpensive and quick publication and guarantees the citability of both online and print edition.

You may find further information here . If you plan on publishing your dissertation with UBP, we recommend to first contact us by phone or schedule a consultation.

Publishing with a commercial publisher

All faculties allow you to publish your thesis with a commercial publisher.

Publication in the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences is bound to a minimum circulation of 150 copies. Six copies are to be submitted to the Deans' Offices free of charge.

In Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities three copies are to be submitted to the university library.

 In the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration it is possible to publish by submitting 80 copies of your thesis to the faculty.

Premature delivery of the doctoral certificate

Under certain circumstances faculties allow for a premature delivery of the doctoral certificate. Those circumstances are regulated in the doctoral degree regulations.

Confirmation in advance ( German: Vorabbestätigung lt. § 16(3)  PromO HuWi + GuK)

According to § 16 (3) of the doctoral thesis regulations there is the possibilty to bear the doctoral degree before submitting print copies for students in the faculties of Human Sciences and Education and the Humanities. For this purpose the doctoral candidate has to submit the digital version of their thesis to the University Library Bamberg. They must also entitle the library to publish the doctoral thesis in case the doctoral candidate does not attend their duty to publish the thesis within the period stated in § 15 para. 3 of the doctoral thesis regulations. The submission of this digital version of the thesis should be done via the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A BA-number is required to log in. External doctoral candidates without BA-numver can register a user account here .

If the formal terms have been met and the files are useable, the university library will notify the doctoral committee and the certificate can be delivered prematurely. The contract, the files (pdf-files and master file) together with their meta data will be deleted, as soon as the print copies have been submitted to the University Library by the doctoral candidate or the publisher in charge of the publication.

Confirmation of granting the right of publication in favour of the Bamberg University Library (255.0 KB)

Preliminary bearing of the doctoral degree

The preliminary bearing of the doctoral degree can be granted in the faculties Publication in the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration and in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences, if there is an attested, exceptional necessity and if a contract for the publication according to the doctoral degree regulations is presented (§ 12 (4) doctoral degree regulations Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration resp. § 15 (4) doctoral degree regulations Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences).

If the formal conditions are met, that is if the contract for publication is received and the data meets the formatting guidelines and are useable accordingly, the university library will notify the doctoral committee and the certificate can be delivered prematurely. The contract, the files (pdf-files and master file) together with their meta data will be deleted, as soon as the print copies have been submitted to the university library by the doctoral candidate or the publisher in charge of the publication.  

dissertation uni frankfurt

If you are unsure about which publisher to choose or if you need help evaluating an offer, feel free to contact your subject librarian .

If you have further genral questions about the publication of your thesis or if you would like to publish with University of Bamberg Press (UBP), please contact the Research and Publishing Services team (phone (0951) 863-1568).

We will also gladly offer a consultation appointment .

If you have any questions about publishing your research data, please contact Janina Kühner .

Further information about copyright law and open access

  • Laws concerning copyright and related property rights in Germany: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_urhg/index.html
  • FAQ about secondary publishing rights of the initiative „Digitale Information“ from the alliance of German science organisations: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_2956897
  • Info hub about open access in Germany: https://open-access.network/startseite

dissertation uni frankfurt


  1. Ideen gegen studentische Wohnungsnot

  2. Preisverleihungen des Dissertationspreis, des Fraunhofer ICT Dissertation Awards u.v.m

  3. Neuberufen: Prof. Dr. Julian Scheuer, Professor für Geometrische Analysis

  4. Prof. Matthias Jahn (Rechtswissenschaftler) u.a. zum Attentat auf SPD-Politiker in Dresden, 07.05.24

  5. Neuberufene: Prof. Dr. Mathias Munschauer, Virologe

  6. RTL in der Uni-Frankfurt


  1. Goethe-Universität

    Die Dissertation kann als Dissertationsschrift oder in publikationsbasierter Form vorgelegt werden und vor Einleitung des Prüfungsverfahrens ganz oder teilweise veröffentlicht sein. Für den Aufbau der Dissertation als Dissertationsschrift oder in publikationsbasierter Form gilt Anlage 2 der Promotionsordnung vom 03.12.2014.

  2. Hochschulpublikationssystem

    » Hinweise zur Veröffentlichung von Dissertationen im Internet » zum Hochschulpublikationssystem. Zurück zum Seitenanfang zuletzt geändert am 26. September 2022. Kontakt. Hochschulschriftenstelle PTG-Team Tel: 069/ 798-39954 ptg[at]ub.uni-frankfurt.de Hochschulpublikationssystem Jakob Jung Tel: 069/ 798-39430 / 39393 publizieren[at]ub.uni ...

  3. Goethe-Universität

    Please submit the paper as a PDF by E-Mail ([email protected]) and the printed copies either in person during the office hours indicated on the homepage or send your paper by mail. ... To register for the dissertation, you must have completed the following modules or earned the following CP. Completed modules or CP earned. Bachelor ...

  4. Publish Dissertation

    You have several possibilities to publish your dissertation: as an online document uploaded on the Publication Server of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main; as print; ... ub.uni-frankfurt.de Hochschulpublikationssystem Jakob Jung Tel: 069/ 798-39430 / 39393 publizieren[at]ub.uni-frankfurt.de.

  5. Publication of the dissertation

    The dissertation is to be published in letterpress or photographic print, microfiche, CD-ROM, in an electronic format, as a chapter in a collected volume, or in academic journals. The revisions voucher (see supplementary regulations of the various departments, Appendix 4 of the Regulations for Doctoral Study, Dr. phil.) will, as a general rule ...

  6. Abgabe von Dissertationen

    Dissertation veröffentlichen. Sie haben verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Ihre Dissertation zu veröffentlichen: als Online-Dokument im Hochschulpublikationssystem; ... ub.uni-frankfurt.de Hochschulpublikationssystem Jakob Jung Tel: 069/ 798-39430 / 39393 publizieren[at]ub.uni-frankfurt.de.

  7. Publication of the dissertation

    The dissertation is to be published in letterpress or photographic print, as a chapter in a collected volume, or in academic journals. The dissertation is, as a general rule, to be published in an unrevised form yet with consideration of potential requirements for revision. Publication in a shortened or altered form is subject to approval.

  8. Goethe-Universität

    The dissertation (§9.3 of the Regulations for Doctoral Study, Dr. phil.) is, as a general rule, to be composed in the German language. The Doctoral Studies Board may allow the applicant to submit a dissertation composed in another language, provided that compelling reasons for this exist. Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke ...

  9. Goethe-Universität

    The thesis must be published as a photo print, book, microfiche, CD-ROM, in electronic form, as a contribution to an anthology or in journals (Section 13 (1)). The three most important forms of publication are printed book or photo print (Section 13 (4a)), via an academic publisher (Section 13 (4c)) or via the internet server of University ...

  10. Goethe-Universität

    Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an Eigenständigkeit. ... Dissertations in the group for mesoscale meteorology and climate. ... [email protected]. Andrea Radomilja ...

  11. Publishing on the repository

    Please send us the deposit licence in electronic form to publizieren[at]ub.uni-frankfurt.de. If you publish a dissertation, please instead use this form to agree to the publication. Please sign the form by hand and submit it to the Hochschulschriftenstelle (Doctoral Theses Department) along with the print copies of your dissertation.

  12. Goethe-Universität

    Dissertations. Sarah Luki Schmitz. Commons as a Dialectical Relationship. Between Emancipation Efforts and Appropriation. Luigi Wenzl. Educational Inequalities. The Theories of Educational Enequality of Boudon, Bourdieu and Luhmann in Comparison. Lukas Sattlegger. (Re-)Working Plastic Packaging.

  13. Goethe-Universität

    Dissertationen in der AG Mesoskalige Meteorologie und Klima. Catalog of the group's submitted PhD theses: Trang van Pham (2019) The consideration of North and Baltic Seas in regional climate modelling with the coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice model COSMO-CLM/NEMO. Naveed Akhtar (2018) Climate Modeling over the Mediterranean Sea: Impact of ...

  14. Goethe-Universität

    Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an Eigenständigkeit. ... The dissertation (§6.3 of the Regulations for Doctoral Study, Dr. theol.) is, as a general rule, to be composed in the ...

  15. Open Access

    The library offers to publish electronically generated and qualified documents on its online publication system. This service is for university members only and free of charge. After publication, the texts are available worldwide on the Internet and will be archived permanently by the library. The documents are indexed and made accessible in ...

  16. Goethe-Universität

    Doctorate. You can earn a doctorate after successfully completing a university degree (e.g. master's, Magister, Diplom, Staatsexamen). Special conditions apply, which are specified in the doctoral regulations, for applicants with a degree from a university of applied sciences, a first state examination for a teaching degree for primary schools ...

  17. Publications and Thesis

    Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an Eigenständigkeit. ... Dissertation: Beam dynamics design of the FAIR Proton-Linac RFQ and design study of a compact 325 MHz RFQ

  18. Goethe-Universität

    Doctoral Programmes. Further information for Graduates and Post-Graduates: Doctoral Studies. Social Sciences Graduate Centre (GRASOC - GraduiertenCenter Sozialwissenschaften) The Graduate Academy of the Goethe-University (GRADE) Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig ...

  19. Goethe-Universität

    PhD - Doctoral Candidates in Physics. You may apply for a doctorate in physics after achieving a qualifying Master's degree in physics. A doctorate offers further scientific qualification while simultaneously representing the first professional phase of your own, independant research. You may get further information regarding all questions on a ...

  20. PDF Dissertation

    Sajawel Ahmed. Data Driven Enrichment of Historical Low-Resource Languages for Foundational NLP Tasks and their Neural Network Models. Dissertation, 2023. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Institut für Informatik Robert-Mayer-Str. 11-15 60325 Frankfurt, Deutschland.

  21. PDF Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften

    Frankfurt 2023 (D30) vom Fachbereich Informatik und Mathematik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität als Dissertation angenommen. Dekan: Prof. Dr. Martin Möller Gutachter: Apl. Prof. Dr. Mathias Pacher Prof. Dr. Lars Hedrich Prof. Dr. Roman Obermaisser Datum der Disputation: 17.10.2023

  22. Dr. Ingo Sauer

    Nominee of the Department Economics and Business Administration from Goethe University Frankfurt for the complete university's best teaching award 1822-Universitätspreis für exzellente Lehre (07/2019) WISAG-Preis: Prize for best dissertation in social sciences at Goethe University (06/2019) Fundraising tour for YouTube channel. Liebe Alumni,

  23. Dissertations: University Library

    In order to publish a dissertation, the University Library requires the signing of a publishing agreement (223.5 KB) (114.3 KB), in which you declare to: grant the University Library the non-exclusive, permanent licence for uitilisation of the thesis, without obligation for utilisation. grant the University Library Bamberg the right to save the ...