Saturday, february 13, 2021, salesforce: email sent related to case assignment rule.

  • Queue Email
  • Send Email to Members

Case Assignment Rules

case assignment rule email not working


  • No email will be sent if no email template is entered in the assignment rule
  • Yellow highlight is aligned with point (1)
  • Green highlight also aligned with (2) -- for queue members + queue email
  • Manual change owner will use the standard salesforce email template for change owner

case assignment rule email not working

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Learning Objectives

Case management tools in salesforce, plan for case automation, share case lists or workloads with queues, add automatic case assignment with rules, add automatic case escalation with rules, add automatic responses to customers with rules, more case management tools in salesforce.

  • Challenge +500 points

Automate Case Management

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Route case ownership with queues.
  • Assign cases automatically.
  • Escalate cases when necessary.
  • Respond to customers automatically.


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Open Trailhead screen reader instructions .

Case management means organizing customer cases into one place and making sure they go to the right person, for the right answer, by the right time. Service Cloud does all that behind the scenes with automation tools. Service is easier, faster, and better with a little automation.

Maria checks out a few of the main case automation tools. She notices automatically is the key word.

Graphic of a robot automating case processes.

Based on what the tools can do, Maria jots down some questions to ask Ursa Major Solar’s service team. The answers determine which tools Maria uses to automate case management.

Based on Maria’s case automation planning, she knows that the Platinum Support team shares a workload of incoming cases. These cases are from customers who pay extra for the best service. To help these agents find and work off this list of cases from high-priority customers, Maria creates a queue. Here’s how she does it.

  • Click the setup gear icon and select  Service Setup .
  • From Service Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box, then select  Queues .
  • Click  New .
  • Type a Label and Name for the queue, such as  Platinum Support .
  • If you want the support agents included in the queue to receive an email when a new case arrives, leave Queue Email blank. Otherwise, type an email address to notify a person or persons with the email address when each new case arrives.

A screenshot of the Queues page in Service Setup.

  • Add members, including yourself, to the queue and save your changes. Now that the queue is created, let’s check it out as if we were support agents. We can get there with a few clicks.
  • Select the Service Console app from the App Launcher. Then click the  Cases tab.

A screenshot of the Cases tab with Platinum Support selected from the view dropdown.

While planning for case automation, Maria learns that she can assign incoming cases to one person, groups of people, or even queues. Since some support agents at Ursa Major Solar work on solar panel installation, she creates an assignment rule so that any case with a reason that includes “installation” is automatically assigned to them. This is what she does.

  • From Service Setup, enter Case Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select  Case Assignment Rules .
  • Type  Solar Panel Installation and save your changes.

A screenshot of the Case Assignment Rules page in Service Setup.

  • In Sort Order , type  1 so that the entry we add is processed first. Typically, you’d create one assignment rule with many different entries, which are processed in chronological order. When a case matches an entry, it’s assigned without proceeding to other entries.
  • For entry criteria, select  Case: Case Reason equals Installation . One of the many useful things about case assignment rules is that you can determine how cases are assigned based on fields from records other than cases. For example, you can choose case assignment based on fields from accounts, contacts, assets, or users.
  • Add yourself as the User assigned to the rule entry. We assume you’re a support agent who’s an expert at solar panel installation.

A screenshot of the Case Assignment Rules page with a user and email template selected.

  • Save your changes.
  • Click Edit to mark the rule as Active, then save your changes. When you activate an assignment rule, it disables any other assignment rules in your organization, so make sure that your active rule includes all of the assignment entries that your support team needs.

Now any cases about installation issues are automatically assigned.

When planning case management with the service team, Maria learns that certain cases must escalate to the right person within 5 hours. A lingering customer case can ruin a big deal or tarnish Ursa Major Solar’s brand. Just like assignment rules, Maria can use escalation rules to specify criteria that automatically trigger an action on a case. For case escalation, she uses her org’s default business hours, which simply means the service team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She can change Business Hours later from Company Settings in Service Setup. Here’s how Maria sets the rule.

  • From Service Setup, enter Escalation Rules in the Quick Find box, then select  Escalation Rules .
  • Type Gold Support , then Click  Active and save your changes. Activating a rule deactivates any existing active rules.

A screenshot of the Escalation Rules page in Service Setup.

  • In Sort Order , type  1 so that the entry we add is processed first. In the real world, you’d create one escalation rule with many different entries, which are processed in chronological order. When a customer issue comes in and is converted to a case, it’s assigned based on the first entry it matches.
  • For entry criteria, select  Case: Status equals New . Similar to other rules, you can determine automatic case escalation based on fields from records other than cases.
  • Set business hours to your organization’s default 24/7 support.
  • Set that escalation times are based on when cases are created.
  • Save your changes, then  New to add an escalation action.

A screenshot of the Escalation Rules page with an escalation action set for five hours.

  • Auto-assign cases to you, and from  Notification Template , click the lookup icon to pick any template. At a real company, you’d assign cases to a support manager or team.
  • Select yourself as the user to notify, and from  Notification Template , click the lookup icon to add a template to see how this works. Save your changes.

Now any cases that haven’t been closed in 5 hours are assigned to the right person.

Note : To keep the Assign using active assignment rule box checked by default on cases, update the Layout Properties on case page layouts.

From Maria’s case automation planning, she knows the service team wants customers to receive a confirmation when their case is received. With auto-response rules, she can make sure each Ursa Major Solar’s customer knows that their voice is heard. She sets up response rules so that customers are automatically sent a personalized email when they ask for help. Here’s how she does it.

  • From Service Setup, enter Case Auto-Response Rules in the Quick Find box, then select  Case Auto-Response Rules .
  • Type Welcome to Support , then Click  Active and save your changes. Activating a rule deactivates any existing active rules.

A screenshot of the Case Auto-Response Rules page in Service Setup.

  • In Sort Order , type  1 so that the entry we add is processed first. In the real world, you’d create one response rule with many different entries, which are processed in chronological order. When a customer issue comes in and is converted to a case, it’s assigned based on the first entry it matches.
  • For entry criteria, select  Case: Case Origin equals email . Similar to escalation rules, you can determine the automatic response to send to a customer based on fields from records other than cases.
  • Add a name and email address to include in the From line of the email template to send to customers.

A screenshot of the Case Auto-Response Rules page with field criteria and email templates selected.

  • Save your changes and you’re done!

With basic case automation complete, the service team at Ursa Major Solar is looking forward to easier, faster service. But Sita and Roberto want to make the most of their Service Cloud investment. They wonder what other case management tools the team can use in the future.

Maria looks into more case management options. She jots down these discoveries to share.

Sita and Roberto want to explore some of these tools when they return to the case management stage of their service journey. But for now, they’d like to jump ahead to the basics of digital engagement.

  • Salesforce Help: Set Up Queues
  • Salesforce Help: Assignment Rules
  • Salesforce Help: Set Up Escalation Rules
  • Salesforce Help: Set Up Auto-Response Rules
  • Salesforce Help: Lightning Experience Customization
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How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

May 18, 2023 Yumi Ibrahimzade Actions , Automation , Flow , Flow Actions , Flow Packages , Packages 28

How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

The case object is a core part of the Salesforce platform. It helps manage and track customer issues and inquiries. You can use this standard object to handle support requests effectively. The case object acts as a central repository for recording and monitoring customer interactions. It allows you to streamline your customer service processes. In order to improve the support efficiency, it is important to assign cases to the right teams or individuals. Although you can manually assign the record, it is possible to use the standard case assignment rules as well. Case assignment rules determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues.

When you create a new case record, you can just mark "Assign using active assignment rule" to run case assignment rules.

Checkbox to assign case using active assignment rule

However, if you are creating the case record using Salesforce Flow, there is no standard option to run the case assignment rules. This option exists just for lead assignment rules. Moreover, when you create a case using flow, you have to set the correct owner id. Otherwise, the system doesn't run the case assignment rules and assigns the case to the current user. If you really want to use the logic that you have in your assignment rule, you will have to build the same logic again in the flow.

Standard action to apply lead assignment rules

In this post, you can find a custom invocable action (Apex class) that runs case assignment rules for any case record that you want.

How to Use the Action

1-  Install the action using the installation links below.

2-  Add a new action to your flow and search for "Apply Case Assignment Rules", this is the name of the action that you installed.

Add Apply Case Assignment Rules Action

3- Give a name to the action and provide the id of the case record that you want to assign.

Assign case using the custom action

You can use this action in any flow type that supports the action element.

Here is a screen flow that clones a case record with its related records. It uses this custom action to assign the new case record. Read this post to learn how to create a flow to clone a record with its related records.

Installation Links

Use this link to install in production or developer edition environments.

Use this link to install in sandbox environments.


Is that a future method or synchronous?

It is synchronous.

Hi Yumi, I tried using this on a case after save flow as an immediate action on create and it doesn't work. However, if I add a scheduled path of 0 min after creation, it works. Do you know of this limitation? Thanks!

I'm also noticing that this doesn't work when a guest executes a screen flow from a public page which creates the case.

Is your screen flow working in system context - view all data?

Hi Jay, It works in asynchronous path as well. I will check if it is possible to use it in the immediate path.

Thank you, I don't have to code this now.

You are welcome!

Hey Yumi, Case is assigned but email is not fired to members of queue? Any suggestions?

Hi Priyanshu, You are right. I just added it to the code and uploaded the package again. Can you please try with the new version?

Thanks Yumi, Can you please provide the url for new version?

Yumi, waiting for your response.

Is there a way to verify (in a flow decision), using a formula or some other way, if the "Assign using active assignment rule" is checked? I have a user case where the Assignment rules need to be triggered within the flow ONLY when the checkbox "Assign using active assignment rule" is checked, but I cannot find a way to do so. Any ideas?

"Assign using active assignment rule" is not a field on the object, so I think unfortunately it is not possible to get this information.

Hey Yumi Ibrahimzade, Not working in production or can you please provide url for update version? Thanks in advance 🙂

Thank you so much for this package. I just came across the need for this and then found your solution. It works exactly as expected.

I am glad that you found it useful!

Thanks Yumi, It helped me a lot to resolve my issue!

I am glad that you liked it Nadia!

Thanks for the post, Yumi, would you be willing to publish the code in a code snippet?

You are welcome Andy. Here is the code:

public class ApplyCaseAssignmentRules { @InvocableMethod (label='Apply Case Assignment Rules') public static void CaseAssign(List CaseId) { Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions(); dmo.assignmentRuleHeader.useDefaultRule= true; dmo.EmailHeader.TriggerUserEmail = true; Case Cases=[Select id From Case Where in:CaseId]; Cases.setOptions(dmo); update Cases; } }

I am using this action in a trigger flow (After Save), but it's not working, I should a scheduled path if I wanted to work, any suggestions please ? Thank you

Hi, You should use this action in a scheduled or asynchronous path.

I am trying to install in sandbox and getting this error: ApplyCaseAssignmentRulesTest: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void startTest() from the type Test

Worked perfect in a screen flow with no Scheduled or Asynchronous path.. Thanks!

Hi Yumi! We have installed the packaged and worked perfectly well in a flow that creates cases. Thank you so much for this. We are facing another situation: we have a flow that reopens a case and we need to go through assigment rules again only when the case user owner is not active. We added the apex code to the flow but it didn´t work in this scenario. Does it trigger only for new cases? Is it possible to use it for updated cases? Can you help? Thank you in advanced.

It works on update too, can you try to run this action in async path?

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No Notifications When Case Owner Field Is Used in Email-to-Case or Case Assignment Rules

Control Email-to-Case email notifications

  • If the desired behavior is to simply assign a case owner, and no email notification is necessary, use the Email-to-Case value within the Email-to-Case routing address settings.
  • If the desired behavior is to have an email notification email sent out to the new case owner or queue, do not populate the case owner value within the Email-to-Case routing address settings. Instead, control the assignment and email notification via case assignment rules.

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  1. Salesforce: Case Assignment Rule Email Not Working

    case assignment rule email not working

  2. Create Case Queues and Assignment Rules Unit

    case assignment rule email not working

  3. How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

    case assignment rule email not working

  4. [Solved] Case Assignment Rule Email Not Working

    case assignment rule email not working

  5. Email to Case Assignment Rule not firing

    case assignment rule email not working

  6. FormAssembly Errors to Cases

    case assignment rule email not working


  1. Salesforce Enablement

  2. Salesforce Feed Tracking to find whether Case was assigned via Assignment Rule

  3. Assignment Rules Salesforce

  4. Email not working feeling

  5. Case Assignment Rule in Salesforce

  6. Assignment Rule || Auto response rule || Escalation Rule


  1. Salesforce

    Support Settings: Checked Notify Default Case Owner but that sends the generic email when no assignment rule matches. But in case of matching with case assignment rule no email. Case Creation Template (chosen) Case Assigned Template (chosen) As I am on sandbox so I enabled these settings too: Email->Deliverability->Access level-> All Email.

  2. Case Assignment Rule Email Not Working

    0. You need to check the checkbox in queue "Send Email to Members" as well as the checkbox in assignment rule "Email".So,can you please double check on the Assignment rule to make sure you have checked it. Thank you! they are already checked. I tried email feature with Workflow rules, that is working fine from there but not from Case Assignment ...

  3. Email notification to queue members not firing

    Check the Send Email to Members checkbox on the Queue record page. Add the email template to the Lead or Case assignment rule. Create an email alert with the email template for the object that the queue is related to and add all recipients for email alert. Number 3 is often missed and thus the email is not sent. Hope this helps!

  4. Salesforce: Case Assignment Rules not working

    To force Case assignment rules, select Default under Case Assignment Checkbox and unselect 'Show on edit page'. This means end-users won't see any option to turn off case assignment rule when creating and editing a case. If both 'Show on edit page' and Default options are chosen, the assignment checkbox is displayed and is checked by default.

  5. Case or Lead Assignment Rules fail to set the Owner

    Publish Date: Jul 6, 2021. Description. A recently created or updated Case or Lead Assignment Rule isn't setting the Owner on new or edited Case or Lead records that appear to perfectly match the rule's criteria or formula conditions, but ownership is not being assigned. Resolution. Be sure the Case or Lead Assignment Rule is active:

  6. Email-to-Case Best Practices: Case Assignment Rules, Queues & Auto

    When you set up Email-to-case, you can take those emails and turn them automatically to Case records in Salesforce, send auto-replies, distribute them to your support team, and take other automated actions. These will save support teams a lot of energy creating Case records and managing them appropriately. Instead, you have the chance to free ...

  7. "Case transferred to you." email is sen

    Create a Case Assignment Rule with the following Rule Entries; Order: 1, Criteria type formula with "NOT(ISNEW())" , "Do Not Reassign Owner" - checked; Order: 2, Criteria type formula with "ISNEW()" , under "Select the user or queue to assign the case to" choose the Queue created above; Create a Case with "Assign using active assignment rule ...

  8. Create Case Queues and Assignment Rules

    Test the Case Assignment Rule. You want to make sure the assignment rules work for Ursa Major Solar by creating a case. Click the App Launcher and select Service. Click the Contacts tab. Select Recently Viewed from the dropdown, and click the Pat Stumuller link. In the Cases related list, click New. Select a record type: Product Support.

  9. Assignment rule does not fire on Cases created through Email-to-Case

    The assignment rule will not fire because the 'Case Owner' field on 'Routing Address ' under Email-to-Case has User or Queue selected and this will override the Default Case Owner field that's specified on the Support Settings page and in the assignment rule. Resolution. If the Case Owner field on Routing Address is left blank then the ...

  10. Salesforce: Email sent related to Case Assignment Rule

    From above for case assignment rule: No email will be sent if no email template is entered in the assignment rule. Yellow highlight is aligned with point (1) Green highlight also aligned with (2) -- for queue members + queue email. Manual change owner will use the standard salesforce email template for change owner.

  11. Case assignment rules are not triggered by SFO 'Email-to-Case' routing

    Lightning Experience: Click the gear icon | Setup | Email | Outlook Configurations | Select an Existing Configuration or Create a new Outlook Configuration. When you click on the Create a new Create Case Destination option, the setup prompts you to save your work, and then takes you to the Email-to-Case Routing information page. On the Email-to ...

  12. Email Not sent from salesforce, assignment rule

    0. Hi I created an assignment rule to assign a case to the case queue when status=New , selected an email template so that it sends an email. But when I tested it, I did not receive any emails. The assignment rule is active and the email template is available for use. salesforce. salesforce-service-cloud. asked Mar 11, 2022 at 11:35. user2233326.

  13. email issue with case assignment rules in playground

    Notifications on case assignment are influenced by Service Cloud Support Settings found in Setup. Notify Default Case Owner -- Notify the default case owner when a case is assigned to that user. If the new owner is a queue, the notification is sent to the queue email address. Notifications are system-generated and can't be modified.

  14. Automate Case Management

    From Service Setup, enter Case Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Case Assignment Rules . Click New . Type Solar Panel Installation and save your changes. Select the rule you just created, and next to Rule Entries, click New. Here's where we add the little details that determine case assignment.

  15. email2case

    I am trying to route emails to specific queues based on Incoming Email ID example . Email coming to [email protected] routes to abc queue Email coming to [email protected] routes to def queue . and so on . When I send an email to the email address, it catches the TO address in the Email related list on Case correctly but assignment rules perhaps fires a bit earlier before email is added to the ...

  16. Assignment Rules

    Find, Attach, and Email Articles with the Case Feed Articles Tool View and Edit Cases from the Case Detail Page in Case Feed Post on Cases and Experience Cloud Site Questions with the...

  17. Assignment Rules don´t work in Case records

    Assignment rule not working on the cases created on the 'sn_customerservice_case' table. Navigate to any record producer on the sn_customerservice_case table. Fill in the fields and place a request. The.

  18. How to Apply Case Assignment Rules in Flow

    1- Install the action using the installation links below. 2- Add a new action to your flow and search for "Apply Case Assignment Rules", this is the name of the action that you installed. 3- Give a name to the action and provide the id of the case record that you want to assign. You can use this action in any flow type that supports the action ...

  19. Assignment rules do not send notification emails for Leads or Cases

    When a Lead or Case is created via the API, the API call would need to include: "AssignmentRuleHeader" to trigger the Assignment Rules. "EmailHeader" with " triggerUserEmail" set to 'true' to generate assignment notification emails. If AssignmentRuleHeader is specified, and EmailHeader is not specified, then the records will be assigned but no ...

  20. Assignment Rule Email Notifications are not sending

    0. We have the following queue in our organization and when the queue becomes the owner of the case, we want an email to be sent to the queue members. Below is our current setup with the queue and the assignment rule.

  21. National Professional Officer

    OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMMEWHO India Country Office collaborates with the Government of India and relevant stakeholders within the framework of the collaborative Country Cooperation Strategy(CCS), to actively support the development and implementation of national health policies, strategies and plans aiming at promoting access to and utilization of affordable and quality health services and ...

  22. Run Case Assignment Rule from Apex

    The problem arises when your app needs to insert the Case from Apex and wants to trigger assignment rules. Using this script, a Case will be inserted but assignment rules will not be triggered as there is no such field "Assign using active assignment rules" on Case. //Instance of case. Case newCase = new Case(Status = 'New') ; //Inserting a Case.

  23. Why is my Case assignment rule not firing

    2. I have two case queues, one for New Cases (this is the default on the Support settings page) and one queue for the Unreferenced (cases with no account or contact). I wrote an assignment rule for the Unreferenced queue. ISNULL ( AccountId ) && ISNULL ( ContactId ) The Problem is that these cases are still being assigned to the New Cases queue.

  24. No Notifications When Case Owner Field Is Used in Email-to-Case or Case

    Control Email-to-Case email notifications. If the desired behavior is to simply assign a case owner, and no email notification is necessary, use the Email-to-Case value within the Email-to-Case routing address settings. If the desired behavior is to have an email notification email sent out to the new case owner or queue, do not populate the ...