• Social Sciences

How to Write Any College Paper at the Last Minute

  • Author: Shanna

Writing a major paper the night before it's due can seem like an impossible task, but if you manage your time and follow a formula, you can get it done!

Writing a major paper the night before it's due can seem like an impossible task, but if you manage your time and follow a formula, you can get it done!

Jacob Lund via Canva Pro

Time to Write

So, you procrastinated writing a long research paper . You’ve realized your term paper is due tomorrow, and you don’t have a clue where to start! Never fear, fellow scholar! I know that your time is short, your hands are trembling with caffeine and stress, and you will likely be up for the better part of the night typing something out, so I’ll be brief.

I used to be a procrastinator just like you, writing papers the night before or even the morning of, and I never received anything less than an A on any of those hastily constructed creations. While getting a good grade does depend to some extent on your ability as a writer, you can still do well on your last-minute essay by following the steps in this guide and managing your limited time wisely.

Sit back, skim the finer points of this article, and then write that paper—nay, destroy that paper! And may the gods of good grades shower favor upon your exhausted little head.

Here's how to write any paper at the last minute.

Here's how to write any paper at the last minute.

Tim Gouw via Unsplash

How to Write a 6-to-12-Page Essay in a Matter of Hours

  • Schedule your time.
  • Compose your thesis and intro paragraph.
  • Do your research.
  • Write your body paragraphs.
  • Create a conclusion.
  • Take a troubleshooting break.
  • Add your finishing touches.

Here is a soothing picture of the Tetons to remind you that this essay does not define your life. Absorb its beauty for a second . . . now get back to work!

Here is a soothing picture of the Tetons to remind you that this essay does not define your life. Absorb its beauty for a second . . . now get back to work!

Miles Farnsworth via Unsplash

1. Schedule Your Time

In your present state of deadline-driven anxiety, you’re going to have the vicious urge to dive straight into writing. Don’t do it. Resist. Abort. Pace yourself.

First, chart out a decent amount of time in which you think you can write this paper. If you’re a slow, hesitant writer, an hour per page is the maximum I would ever suggest. In all likelihood, you can probably write a fairly decent 10-to-12-page paper in about five hours.

Set a paced schedule for yourself and then work carefully but briskly. Let’s say you’ve allotted yourself two hours to write a six-to-eight-page essay. It’s a crunch, but you can manage. Spend a half-hour researching your topic , then put in a solid hour explaining what you’ve learned in paper format, and finally, use the last half-hour to edit and compile a bibliography .

2. Write Your Thesis and Introductory Paragraph

Your thesis is the framework of your entire paper, and a good thesis automatically lends a more positive, academic outlook to the rest of your essay. Your thesis should make a claim and very briefly outline the points you will make in the paper to support that claim.

Let’s say you were given the following prompt: Analyze a movie and then compare it to the decade it was produced in.

First, decide what you want to accomplish with your paper. You need to explain how the movie you chose represents the decade it was produced in. You need to convince your reader that a movie can be an accurate portrayal of its decade, even if the setting was in a different time period.

When writing a thesis, you should avoid flowery prose and instead be concise and simple. Place your thesis at the end of your introductory paragraph after four or five quality sentences that outline some basic ideas and facts about your topic to give it context. Don’t give it all away though—you want to draw your reader (your professor, in this case) in.

Here's an example thesis that responds to the prompt above: The movie "How to Marry a Millionaire" is an accurate representation of the 1950s through its rendering of family values, its portrayal of women, and its emphasis on consumerism.

You can either begin writing about the first of those three subtopics in the next paragraph or, according to your needs or instructor’s requirements, you can follow with a paragraph describing the topic in more detail to allow the reader to follow along with more ease.



Wellington House: Britain's WW1 Propaganda Bureau

Afterward, devote a solid analysis and description to each of the three subtopics. This is discussed in more detail in step 4. Each subtopic should have around three sources that compliment what you’re saying but do not replace your ideas. For a thesis to be as solid as possible, always have at least three subtopics that revolve around your main topic to create a good basis for your argument or ideas. Anything less makes your thesis appear weak and unable to stand on its own.

3. Do Your Research

Here is where your essay will live or die. The more research you can provide without drowning your TA or professor in useless facts, the better. You need to prove that you’ve thought deeply about your topic and sifted through various resources over a period of several weeks, even if you haven’t.

If your paper requires book sources, utilize your campus library. If not, Google is your savior. Plug in your topic followed by your subtopic keywords. Stay on the first three pages and peruse carefully. Don’t click through every search option. Look at the title, summary, and web address carefully. You want good, solid sources. If you use a quote or fact from the web, follow it with an in-text citation (if your college prefers footnotes, use those instead). Generally, an in-text citation includes the author’s last name followed by the relevant page number with a single space in between (e.g. Smith 56).

Sometimes Google doesn't return sources that are academic in nature. In this case, turn to databases. I recommend you use databases more than Google searches anyway because they tend to contain more reputable material. Log on to your school’s library webpage and search for database options; I guarantee your school’s library will have several to choose from, and from there, you will have access to many scholarly articles that you can incorporate into your paper.

4. Body Paragraphs

Once you’ve established your thesis and introductory paragraph, move on to the body paragraphs. I find this format to be the most helpful for outlining a simple but quality paragraph.

Sentence 1 (Summary): Summarize the point you are making about your subtopic: Family values were important to most Americans during the post-WWII 1950s.

Sentence 2 (Analysis): Quickly analyze why you think sentence 1 is true.

Sentence 3 (Fact) : Back up sentence 2 and lend support to sentence 1 by stating a relevant fact. Make sure you cite your source correctly.

Sentence 4 (Analysis): Relate the fact you cited in sentence 3 to your analysis from sentence 2 to show how it supports your point from sentence 1.

Sentence 5 (Quote): Quotes from credible sources can be powerful but should be used sparingly—otherwise your own words will be drowned out, and the paper will be little more than cut-and-paste plagiarism. Find a quote that says something similar to your analysis and use it as support for your ideas. Do not let it replace your ideas or be a springboard for them.

Sentence 6 (Analysis): Analyze the quote by showing how it relates to the point you’re making about your subtopic.

This basic framework for a body paragraph makes it easy to plug in sentences and get a lot of writing done quickly. You must be careful to provide plenty of your own thoughts and ideas. Remember: facts support your ideas and quotes compliment them.

5. Create a Conclusion

The conclusion of your paper needs to restate all of your previous ideas without sounding overly repetitive. Summarize the basic points of your thesis without restating facts or ideas. Mention your subtopics again and reaffirm how they support your overarching claim. Finally, leave your reader with a sentence that makes them think about the topic for a moment after they’ve finished the paper. This can be a question or a thought-provoking sentence.

6. Take a Troubleshooting Break

If you’re having trouble with your paper or feeling stuck, go for a quick five-minute run. Run briskly and breathe deeply. On your return, drink some water and eat a light snack. Get back to work. You can write this paper, and you will.

7. Finishing Up

Okay, so you’ve churned out as many pages or words as you need to. You’re done with the bulk of the work and you're over the hump. Now you can start editing and revising.

Make this quick. Read through your paper silently first, fixing any mistakes you notice along the way. Next, compile your bibliography. Collect all your sources, format them properly and quickly using easybib.com, then get a quick drink.

Come back to your paper and read it out loud as if you’re presenting it to an audience. This will help you catch any mistakes you might have missed when reading it silently. Shore up any weak arguments with a quick sentence containing a source or with more analysis or argument.

Add a title if necessary. If you don’t have time to come up with a creative title, be boring, but be true. For example: “ How to Marry a Millionaire : Cultural Connections in the 1950s .”

Get some sleep if you can!

Get some sleep if you can!

Benjamin Combs via Unsplash

You Did It!

Simple, quick, done. Writing a paper efficiently at the last minute involves following a simple formula. The formula has variables that you just need to plug data into, and that makes the writing process far simpler than many stressed college students may think.

Take a deep breath, break things down, find your data, and insert it in the proper locations. You likely will not get the grade you could have gotten had you started working well in advance of your deadline, but you won’t flunk the assignment either. I hope this article has helped alleviate some of the dread that accompanies writing a paper last minute. Now, get some sleep and try to plan better next time.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Belinda VanOwen on January 05, 2020:

Can you give examples of what type of databases I am searching for? I’m new to this I have no idea what that means

KCLynne on December 11, 2019:

I just made an account to let you know that this is the best thing I have ever read.. I have my 8-page research paper due at midnight and my Carnival cruise ship just pulled into Grand Cayman!! My citations are squared away, as is my thesis. I normally struggle by making shit too complicated for myself. Thanks to your article, my crack will be full of sand as I work on my skin carcinoma and cataracts before I know it! :D Thank you for the chuckles, I super needed that.

david on November 12, 2019:

i'm forever thankful for this article. lights the fire under my booty i need. if you're reading this without writing your essay GO WRITE IT!

Sari on June 04, 2019:

In your last paragraph in 4. Body Paragraph you have " Facts support your ideas and quotes compliment them." I think you meant to say "complement."

JKomics on March 14, 2019:

ohmygod you helped me so much I had a 5 page essay to do and I did it in like only 6 hours. I was given 12 days to do this thing.

Everyone who is in school from pre-k to college should read this my god.

You should run for president.

Amy Grunewald from San Jose, CA 95131, US on September 25, 2018:

A lot of times I have seen that students don't do enought research and don't read much on the topic. So they just don't know about what to write or about what the are currently writing. As for me it's much more easiest to use guides ant helpful tips from those resources:

- https://www.wikihow.com/Write-an-Essay-in-Under-30...

- https://www.oxford-royale.co.uk/articles/writing-e...

- https://essaysduetomorrow.com/

Falyn on March 11, 2018:

This article gives me hope. Thank you.

Lucas Hindmarsh from Seattle on June 07, 2017:

The most common problem I find with my students was using words they did not understand because they thought they ought to write in a more “academic” style.

I think you must choose a story with a manageable plot. You're not writing a novel, so the story or essay needs to be fairly contained and concise. Try to limit it as much as possible but without depriving the essence.

Here are detailed guides about writing an essay:

1. https://studentshare.net/student-help/how-to-write...

2. http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Paper-Faster

Also, I would like to add that conclusion is an important part of any story. It does not simply restate the thesis but presents it in light of evidence collected or reflections made.

Professor Essay from New York on April 25, 2015:

This article should be read by everybody. Thanks for sharing. :) www.professor-essays.com

LM Guenther from Boston, Massachusetts on May 09, 2014:

I am also, unfortunately, a procrastinator. I've gotten better this year, thankfully. I would also add that most online databases such as JSTOR have online texts (read: books) available. So even if you do need book sources, sometimes those books are available online and the library can, but not always, be unnecessary. I have never had a professor who wanted book/paper sources tell me I needed to read those sources in paper, only that they had to be originally/simultaneously published in print.

Ms Monique H on May 31, 2013:

Great post. I've pulled a few all-nighters myself (sometimes into the day time too), so I know what this is like! I've been a writing tutor for quite some time, and I know for a fact that this approach won't work for those who have trouble with the basics. But, life happens, so this is great advice.

Virginia Kearney from United States on November 01, 2012:

I think you offer some very solid advice on writing a good paper in a reasonable amount of time. I especially like your advice on how to write each sentence in a paragraph. I teach college English and find that one of the biggest problems students have in using quotes or facts is that they don't clearly explain or analzye how those facts support their own ideas. Voted up and pinned! P.S. We have a cat that looks just like the one in your photo!

Andrew Spacey from Sheffield, UK on June 25, 2012:

There are some interesting insights into the construction of a paper - nicely elucidated. You must have had plenty of practise to become such an expert! Takes me back to school when on the odd occasion in the corridor or toilet I'd pen some late homework, very late homework and hand it in as if nothing unusual or panicky had happened.

Thanks for this.

Mr. Happy from Toronto, Canada on April 29, 2012:

This was a fun read. You certainly seem comfortable with words and thus, I think You might be seeing things easier than others.

I like your approach though: planning is critical in my mind too, especially when it comes to essays.

I enjoyed the read. Cheers!

Shanna (author) from Utah on February 24, 2012:

As always, thank you WE for your encouragement and kind words. :) I've never minded writing papers, since I'm lucky enough for words to come easily to me, but I cannot even imagine what it would be like if I was not a writer and I hated writing papers. Ugh!

Website Examiner on February 23, 2012:

This is a delight to read. I am personally happy that I haven't any more papers to write - been there, done that, having been through university and even law school. Your writing is so accomplished that it has a real professional touch to it.


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How to Write a Good Essay in a Short Amount of Time

Last Updated: March 7, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 16 testimonials and 80% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 900,603 times.

Sometimes, you need to be able to write a good essay in a short amount of time for a timed exam, such as the Advanced Placement exams in high school. At other times, you might find yourself in the uncomfortable situation of having to write an essay fast because you procrastinated or let it sneak up on you. Although an essay written at the last minute will almost never be as good as an essay you spent more time on, putting together a decent essay quickly is still feasible. With a little planning and a lot of hard work, you can write an essay that’s good (or good enough!) in just a short time.

Doing the Prep Work for Your Essay

Step 1 Develop a plan.

  • Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses when devising your plan. [1] X Research source For example, if you are a good researcher but not great at editing, spend less time on the research section in favor of spending more time on the revising section.
  • Make sure to schedule breaks for yourself to refresh your brain and recharge yourself.
  • An example of a plan for a one-day essay writing project might look like this:
  • 8:00 – 9:30 – Consider an essay question and argument for the topic.
  • 9:30 – 9:45 – Take a short break.
  • 10:00 – 12:00 – Conduct research.
  • 12:00 – 13:00 – Outline the essay.
  • 13:00 – 14:00 – Take a lunch break.
  • 14:00 – 19:00 – Write your essay.
  • 19:00 – 20:00 – Take a dinner break.
  • 20:00 – 22:30 – Revise and copy edit your essay.
  • 22:30 – 23:00 – Print and prepare your essay submission. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Consider the essay question.

  • Make sure you understand what the question is asking for! If you provide a summary when the essay prompt asked you to “analyze,” you’re unlikely to do very well.
  • If you don’t have an essay topic, choose a subject that interests you and consider the essay question afterward. You are more likely to write a good essay on a topic that you’re interested in.

Step 3 Develop your argument or thesis statement.

  • If you don’t have much experience with your topic, it might be difficult to develop an argument. You can still consider your argument and then use your research to support or refute the claims you want to make.
  • A good exercise to help you quickly figure out your essay question and argument is to write “I am studying (choose a topic) because I want to know (what do you want to know) in order to show (this is where your argument goes).”
  • For example, “I am studying the medieval witch trials because I want to know how lawyers employed evidence in their cases in order to show that the trial process influenced modern medical techniques and legal practices.”
  • Consider counter-arguments in order to strengthen your essay.

Step 4 Research your essay topic.

  • Since you don’t have a lot of time to write, focus on one or two places where you can do research. For example, the library and internet offer many different options for sources. [5] X Research source
  • Just make sure that you use reliable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, government and university websites, and newspapers and magazines written by professionals. Don’t use personal blogs, obviously biased sources, or sources that don’t have professional credentials.
  • You can draw upon information you know to speed up the research process. Simply find a (reliable!) source to support it and include it in your sources. [6] X Research source
  • Doing preliminary research online can point you to sources in a library such as books and journal articles. It can also point you in the direction of web sources including newspaper article archives or other research on your topic.
  • If you're reading books, "gut" the book to get through it quickly and move on to other sources. To "gut" a book, skim the introduction and conclusion to find the main arguments, and then pick a few details from the body of the book to use as evidence. [7] X Research source
  • Take notes on your research sources. These will show that you’ve legitimately researched the topic while giving credit to the person who forwarded the idea. [8] X Research source This is especially important if you plan to use direct quotes and will also help you add footnotes and bibliographic information to your essay without having to look them up in the sources.

Step 5 Write an outline of your essay.

  • Structure your outline as you will your essay, with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • The more detail you put into your outline, the easier and more quickly you can write the essay. For example, instead of just writing a basic paragraph about the body, flesh it out into bullet points or sentences that presents argument and supporting evidence. [10] X Research source

Writing an Untimed Essay

Step 1 Set a fixed amount of time to write.

  • Nothing will keep you from finishing an essay on time like goofing off online or ending up watching eight straight hours of Cartoon Network. Turn the TV off, switch your phone to silent, and exit out of Facebook and other social media/chat sites.
  • Make sure you have all your material nearby when you start to write. Getting up to fetch a book or a piece of paper or a snack will eat into your precious time.

Step 2 Write a catchy...

  • The most important part of your introduction is your argument or thesis statement. This tells the reader the point your trying to make in the essay. [13] X Research source
  • Write a “hook” that will grab the reader’s attention to start, then introduce the argument with a few relevant facts woven into the narrative. End by stating how you will demonstrate your points. [14] X Research source
  • An example of a hook could be, “People say Napoleon had a complex because of his size, but he was actually an average height for the time in which he lived.”
  • It's sometimes helpful to write the introduction after you have written the body so you know how to introduce the topic and your arguments best. [15] X Research source
  • A good rule of thumb is to not have the introduction be more the 10% of your essay. Thus, for a five page essay, you shouldn’t write more than one paragraph. [16] X Research source

Step 3 Write the body of the essay.

  • Pick two to three main points to help make your argument or thesis statement. Any fewer and you won’t have enough evidence for your argument and any more may make you not explore each point thoroughly enough. [18] X Research source
  • Keep your evidence to support the main points concise. Going off on explanatory tangents will cost you precious time.
  • Support your main points with the evidence compiled during your research. Make sure to explain how the evidence supports your claims! [19] X Research source
  • If haven’t reached your word limit, pick a main point and conduct more research on it to expand on your point. [20] X Research source

Step 4 Write as clearly as possible.

  • Avoid "fat" language when you write. Text that includes long prepositional phrases, passive verbs, and paragraphs that don't further your argument waste time that you could spend writing or revising your essay.

Step 5 Allow yourself to “free-write” to optimize your time.

  • Free-writing can also help you overcome writer’s block that results from not knowing how to say something. If you’re struggling with getting the wording of an idea just right, write it as well as you can and come back to it later.

Step 6 Write the essay conclusion.

  • The essay conclusion should also be relatively short. Aim for the conclusion to be 5-10% of your essay’s total length.
  • Aim to do more in your conclusion than just restate your thesis and the evidence you used. You could acknowledge the limitations of your argument, suggest a direction for future research, or expand the relevance of your topic to a wider field.
  • Just as you drew in reader with good introduction, end your conclusion with a sentence that make a lasting impression on your reader. [24] X Research source

Step 7 Revise and proofread your essay.

  • Re-read the entire essay. Make sure that you are still arguing the same thing at the end of the essay that you are at the beginning. If not, go back and adjust your thesis.
  • Make sure that your paragraphs build on one another and don’t feel haphazard. You can use transitions and strong topic sentences to help you draw connections between your paragraphs.
  • Spelling and grammar are the easiest mistakes to revise, but they cost you a lot of reader goodwill if you don’t fix them. [25] X Research source

Writing a Timed Essay

Step 1 Plan your work.

  • Read the prompt carefully! If the question asks you to take a position, take one. If it asks you to evaluate the events that led to the downfall of Rome, don’t just give a summary of Roman history. [26] X Research source
  • Jot down an idea map. You probably won’t have time to make a formal outline. However, having an idea of the main points that you want to touch on and how they relate will help you structure the essay. If you can’t figure out how to connect your main points, that’s a sign you need to think a little bit more before you start writing.
  • Figure out your argument. Once you’ve noted down some main points, figure out what you want to say about them. Even timed essays need a unified argument or thesis.

Step 2 Time your writing strategically.

  • For example, you wouldn’t want to spend the same amount of time and effort on a 3-paragraph essay question worth 20% as you would a 2-page essay question worth 60%.
  • If you see a question that you feel will be more difficult for you, it could be a good idea to tackle it first. This will get the hard stuff out of the way while you’re still fresh.

Step 3 Cut the fluff.

  • If you notice that your introductory paragraph starts with something broad or hugely general, such as “Throughout the history of time, humans have been fascinated by science,” cut it.
  • Don’t put anything in a timed essay that doesn’t support your point. If you are talking about the importance of religious belief in modern society, don’t dilute your point by also referencing socialism, Hollywood, and banana farming.

Step 4 Explain connections between evidence and claims.

  • Claim. This is the main argument of the paragraph. It is probably located in your topic sentence.
  • Evidence. This is the supporting detail that proves your claim.
  • Explanation. This connects the evidence back to your claim and explains why the evidence proves what you say it does.
  • If anything in your paragraph doesn’t fit one of these three elements, it’s a good sign you don’t need it in the paragraph.

Step 5 Leave time to revise.

  • Does the essay actually demonstrate and support what your thesis says is the main argument? It’s not uncommon for ideas to evolve as you write. If this has happened, tweak your thesis accordingly.
  • Do the paragraphs flow smoothly from one to the next? Timed essays don’t have the same standards that regular essays do, but your reader should still be able to follow your argument in a logical progression without feeling yanked around or lost.
  • Do you offer a conclusion that sums up your argument? Don’t leave the essay hanging without a conclusion. Even if it’s very brief, a conclusion will help your essay feel complete.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Transition words such as "furthermore", "indeed", and "in fact" can make your flow better. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't fluff up your essay too much. A reader will want you to get to the point as quickly as possible. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • When starting a new paragraph, don't forget to indent. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

can i write an essay in one hour

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About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

If you need to write a good essay in a short amount of time, try to plan your argument and avoid distractions while you're writing. Before you start your essay, decide your thesis statement or the main argument you want to make. This will help you narrow down your research and write the essay quicker. Find a quiet place to work, turn your phone off, and avoid any other distractions. Make sure you schedule short breaks to avoid burn out. If you get stuck, write whatever you can, even if you think it’s really bad or doesn’t make sense. It will be much easier to edit once you’ve gotten the words on the page. Make sure you leave a few hours to revise and spellcheck your essay. For more tips from our Teaching co-author, including how to write a timed essay, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a College Essay Fast | Tips & Examples

Published on November 5, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on December 8, 2023.

Table of contents

Organize: set yourself deadlines with breaks, brainstorm: your values and related stories, outline: choose a montage or narrative essay structure, write: be specific, personal, and unique, revise: content, clarity, and grammar, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Whether you have hours, days, or weeks, set deadlines for yourself with built-in breaks. In general, you should divide your time accordingly:

  • 10% brainstorming
  • 10% outlining
  • 40% writing
  • 30% revising
  • 10% taking breaks between stages

If you have a few hours …

Brainstorming 15–30 minutes
Outlining 15–30 minutes
Writing 2–3 hours
Revising 1–2 hours

If you have a few days …

Brainstorming Day 1
Outlining Day 1
Writing Days 1, 2, and 3
Revising Days 2 and 3

If you have a week …

Brainstorming Days 1 and 2
Outlining Days 1 and 2
Writing Days 2–5
Revising Days 6–7

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To brainstorm your topic fast, start by doing the following exercises.

Questions Example brainstorm
Top 5 things I want colleges to know about me
My top 5 core identities
related to my personality and character
3 things that make me different from other applicants
5 meaningful life moments from the past 3–4 years
If you already have a prompt, brainstorm 3–5 stories that relate to your prompt. prompt #1: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Choose the stories that have the most compelling value or narrative. Make sure these stories are:

  • Meaningful to you
  • Specific (not a broad summary of your life)
  • Unique to you (another student couldn’t replicate it)

If you have a single story that showcases how you overcame a challenge or chronicles your personal growth over time, you should use a narrative structure . This type of essay tells a story, usually in chronological order. If you have very limited time, this structure is easier.

If there’s a common theme among several of your stories, you could use a montage structure , which strings together several stories (for example, to showcase different aspects of your identity). If you have more than a few hours to work on your essay, you may want to try out this structure.

To make your essay stand out , write your story in a way that no other student can replicate. As you write, keep these tips in mind:

  • Zoom in on specific moments rather than summarizing a long period of time.
  • Be vulnerable and share your honest feelings and thoughts.
  • Use your authentic voice and an appropriate tone .
  • Keep the focus on you, not another person.
  • Describe sensory details to create vivid scenes.

Make sure to build in enough time to revise your essay . Ideally, you should aim for three rounds of revision to check for content, clarity, and grammar.

If you don’t have time to fix everything, focus on making sure your writing is clear and grammatically correct. You can do this with the help of a grammar checker and paraphrasing tool . If you want to check your entire document at once, you can use an essay checker .

In your first reading, focus on content:

  • Does it answer the prompt?
  • Does it focus on me, not someone else?
  • Does it have a clear and well-structured narrative?
  • Do my stories “show, not tell”?

In your second reading, focus on clarity and flow:

  • Is my essay easy to read?
  • Are my word choice and tone conversational but respectful?
  • Do I have a good mixture of complex and simple sentence structures?

In your third reading, focus on grammar and punctuation:

  • Is my writing grammatically correct?
  • If I bend language rules, is it clear that it’s intentional and not a mistake?

If you have time, get help from an essay coach or editor; they’ll have specialized knowledge of college admissions essays and be able to give objective expert feedback. Scribbr essay editors can help you revise your essay in 12 hours or less.

Meeting the word count

If your college essay goes over the word count limit , cut any sentences with tangents or irrelevant details. Delete unnecessary words that clutter your essay. Scribbr’s essay editors can also help reduce your word count by up to 25%.

If you’re struggling to reach the word count for your college essay, add vivid personal stories or share your feelings and insight to give your essay more depth and authenticity.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

If you’ve got to write your college essay fast , don’t panic. First, set yourself deadlines: you should spend about 10% of your remaining time on brainstorming, 10% on outlining, 40% writing, 30% revising, and 10% taking breaks in between stages.

Second, brainstorm stories and values based on your essay prompt.

Third, outline your essay based on the montage or narrative essay structure .

Fourth, write specific, personal, and unique stories that would be hard for other students to replicate.

Fifth, revise your essay and make sure it’s clearly written.

Last, if possible, get feedback from an essay coach . Scribbr essay editors can help you revise your essay in 12 hours or less.

If your college essay goes over the word count limit , cut any sentences with tangents or irrelevant details. Delete unnecessary words that clutter your essay.

When revising your college essay , first check for big-picture issues regarding your message and content. Then, check for flow, tone, style , and clarity. Finally, focus on eliminating grammar and punctuation errors .

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Courault, K. (2023, December 08). How to Write a College Essay Fast | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 7, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/write-essay-fast/

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How to Write an Essay in an Hour: Time Management Secrets for Busy Students

Learn the secrets of writing an essay in just an hour with our comprehensive guide. Uncover time management techniques tailored for busy students, helping you to maximize productivity and conquer tight deadlines. Discover the strategies that will empower you to succeed under pressure.

  • By: Emily Smith

can i write an essay in one hour


The need for time management in essay writing

You may often need more time to complete essays and other writing assignments as a student. Time management is an essential skill, especially in essay writing. When you manage your time effectively, you can focus on the task and produce higher-quality work. In today's fast-paced world, learning to write an essay in just an hour can be a valuable skill that helps you stay on top of your academic responsibilities and reduces stress (APA, 2013).

Benefits of completing an essay in an hour:

Completing an essay in an hour offers several benefits for busy students:

  • It allows you to maximize your limited time and balance your academic workload with other responsibilities, such as part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, or family obligations.
  • Writing efficiently can help you develop better writing habits and overall writing skills.
  • Completing an essay quickly can boost your confidence and self-esteem, making you feel more capable and in control of your academic success. 

Understanding the Assignment:

What is the prompt asking you to do?

To write an essay in an hour, it is crucial to understand the prompt and what it asks you to do. Please take a few minutes to read the instructions carefully and break them down into smaller tasks. Identify the main goal of the essay, such as explaining a concept, arguing a point, or comparing two ideas. Knowing the purpose will help you stay focused and organized, which is essential for completing the essay quickly.

Key factors to consider before starting

Before starting your essay, consider key factors that can help you write more efficiently:

  • Determine the essay's structure, which may be dictated by the prompt or your preference. A clear structure will make organizing your thoughts and writing easier.
  • Consider any citation requirements or specific formatting, as these can affect the time it takes to complete the essay.
  • Consider your essay's target audience and the appropriate tone, language, and style.
  • These factors will help you write an effective essay in just an hour.

Efficient Brainstorming Techniques:

How can you brainstorm ideas quickly?

To brainstorm ideas quickly, try the following strategies: First, set a timer for 5-10 minutes to encourage fast thinking (Gardner, 2014). Then, jot down any ideas that come to mind without worrying about their quality or relevance. This process, called "free-writing," helps you access your creativity and bypass the tendency to overthink (Graham & Perin, 2007). Additionally, asking yourself open-ended questions about the essay topic can stimulate new ideas and perspectives.

Mind mapping: A visual approach to brainstorming

Mind mapping is a visual brainstorming technique that can help you generate and organize ideas quickly. To create a mind map:

  • Write your essay topic in the center of a page.
  • Draw lines radiating outward from the central topic, and write down related ideas, keywords, or questions along these lines.
  • Connect these ideas using additional lines and subtopics.
  • This process allows you to see the relationships between ideas and develop a clear structure for your essay.

Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement:

What is a thesis statement, and why is it important?

A thesis statement is a single sentence presenting your essay's main argument or point (University of North Carolina Writing Center, n.d.). It serves as a roadmap, guiding the reader through your argument and informing them of what to expect. A strong thesis statement is clear, concise, and specific, enabling you to effectively convey your ideas and keep your essay focused and well-organized (Purdue University Online Writing Lab, n.d.).

Creating a strong thesis statement in minutes

To create a strong thesis statement in minutes, start by identifying the main idea of your essay and the supporting points or arguments you will make. Then, combine these elements into a single, clear sentence. For example, suppose your essay is about the benefits of exercise. In that case, your thesis statement might be: "Regular exercise promotes mental and physical health by reducing stress, improving mood, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases." Remember to keep your thesis statement specific and focused, as this will help you maintain clarity and direction throughout your essay (Purdue University Online Writing Lab, n.d.).

Creating a Time-Saving Outline:

How can you create an outline in a short time?

Creating an outline quickly is possible if you follow a few simple steps:

  • Write down your thesis statement.
  • List the main points you want to discuss in your essay. For each point, jot down a few supporting details or examples. This will help you see the structure of your essay more clearly.
  • Arrange your points in a logical order, such as from least to most important or chronologically.

Review your outline to ensure it makes sense and flows smoothly.

Following these steps, you can quickly create an effective outline to help you write your essay more efficiently.

Structuring your essay for success:

To structure your essay for success:

  • Follow a standard format that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • In the introduction, grab the reader's attention with a hook, introduce your topic, and present your thesis statement.
  • In the body, organize your main points into separate paragraphs, each discussing one point and providing supporting details or examples.
  • Make sure your paragraphs are logically connected and transition smoothly from one to the next.
  • In conclusion, restate your thesis, summarize your main points, and leave the reader with a lasting impression or a call to action.
  • This basic structure can create a well-organized essay that effectively communicates your ideas.

Writing the Introduction:

How can you grab the reader's attention?

To grab the reader's attention, start your introduction with a hook. A hook can be a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a brief anecdote related to your topic. It should be engaging and make the reader want to continue reading your essay. For example, suppose you are writing about the importance of recycling. In that case, you might start with a statistic about the yearly waste produced. Remember to keep your hook brief and relevant to your topic.

Incorporating your thesis statement

After capturing the reader's attention with a hook, incorporate your thesis statement into your introduction. The thesis statement should be clear, concise, and specific, outlining your essay's main argument or point. It should be placed at the end of your introduction paragraph. For example, suppose your essay is about the benefits of exercise. In that case, your thesis statement might be, "Regular exercise leads to improved physical health, mental well-being, and increased productivity." By including your thesis statement in the introduction, you provide the reader with a clear understanding of the purpose of your essay and what to expect from your argument.

Developing the Body Paragraphs:

How can you write effective body paragraphs efficiently?

To write effective body paragraphs efficiently:

  • Focus on one main point per paragraph.
  • Start with a clear topic sentence introducing the main point, then provide supporting details and evidence.
  • Keep each paragraph focused and organized, and avoid including unrelated information.

Using the PEEL (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link) method for speedy writing:

The PEEL method can help you write body paragraphs quickly (de Kleijn et al., 2018). Start with a Point (your main argument), followed by evidence (facts, statistics, examples), an Explanation (connecting the evidence to the point), and a Link (connecting the paragraph to the thesis statement). By following this structured approach, you can maintain focus and coherence in your writing (de Kleijn et al., 2018).

Tips for maintaining focus and coherence in your writing

Keep your paragraphs organized and connected to the thesis statement to maintain focus and coherence. Use clear topic sentences and transitions between paragraphs to guide the reader through your argument. Additionally, refrain from introducing unrelated ideas or going off tangents, which can confuse the reader and weaken your essay.

Crafting a Compelling Conclusion:

How can you write a conclusion that leaves an impact?

To write a conclusion that leaves an impact:

  • Restate your thesis statement and concisely summarize your main points.
  • Provide a final thought or call to action that encourages the reader to consider the implications of your argument.
  • Make your conclusion memorable by using strong language and clear, powerful statements.

Summarizing your main points effectively

To summarize your main points effectively, briefly revisit each of the key arguments made in your essay. Focus on the most important aspects of your argument and avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. Use clear and concise language to remind the reader of your main points and reinforce your thesis statement.

Editing and Proofreading Tips:

Why is editing and proofreading crucial even in a time crunch?

Even in a time crunch, editing and proofreading are crucial because they help you catch errors and improve the clarity of your writing (Harvard College Writing Center, n.d.). By allocating a few minutes to review your essay, you ensure that your ideas are communicated effectively and that your essay is free from mistakes that may distract your reader or undermine your argument (Harvard College Writing Center, n.d.).

Common errors to watch out for

When editing and proofreading, watch out for common spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020). Additionally, check for consistency in your argument, clarity or awkward phrasing, and incorrect use of vocabulary. By addressing these issues, you can enhance the overall quality of your essay and make it more engaging for your reader (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020).

Time Management Strategies for Busy Students:

How can you improve your overall time management skills?

To improve your time management skills:

  • Start by setting specific goals and breaking them into smaller tasks (Dartmouth College, n.d.).
  • Create a schedule to allocate time for each task and avoid procrastination by setting deadlines.
  • Prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines, and learn to say no to distractions (Dartmouth College, n.d.).

Resources and tools to help manage your time more effectively

There are various resources and tools to help you manage your time effectively. Online calendars, like Google Calendar, can help you organize your schedule and set reminders for important tasks (Google, n.d.). Time management apps like Todoist and Trello can help you create to-do lists and track progress (Todoist, n.d.). Additionally, resources like Pomodoro Technique and time blocking can assist you in breaking your work into focused intervals (Cirillo, 2021).


In this guide, you learned the importance of time management in writing and how to complete an essay in an hour. You can write your essay quickly by understanding the assignment, brainstorming efficiently, crafting a strong thesis statement, creating a time-saving outline, and writing a compelling introduction, body, and conclusion. Also, remember the importance of editing, proofreading, and effective time management strategies.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you apply these time management secrets in your essay writing, the better you will become at completing essays quickly. Stay confident, keep learning, and always strive to improve your skills. With time and effort, you will master writing an essay in an hour.


Bolker, J. (1998). Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis . Holt Paperbacks.

This book offers practical advice on managing time and overcoming writing obstacles, specifically for students working on long-term projects like dissertations. Still, the principles can be applied to essay writing as well.

Tracy, B. (2017). Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time . Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

This book provides actionable strategies for overcoming procrastination and improving time management skills, which can be applied to essay writing and other academic tasks.

Hutchison, H. (2013). Essays and Dissertations Made Easy : Flash. Hodder Education.

This guide offers tips and techniques for writing essays and dissertations, including structuring, researching, and managing time effectively.

Leith, S. (2018). Write to the Point: How to be Clear, Correct, and Persuasive on the Page . Profile Books.

This book teaches how to write clearly and persuasively, focusing on structure and language, which can help students write an effective essay within a short time frame.

Pychyl, T. A. (2013). Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change . TarcherPerigee.

This guide provides practical solutions to overcome procrastination and improve productivity, which can be particularly helpful for students aiming to write essays in a limited time.


APA. (2013). Stress in America: Are Teens Adopting Adults' Stress Habits? American Psychological Association. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2013/stress-report.pdf 

Cirillo, F. (2021). The Pomodoro Technique. Retrieved from https://francescocirillo.com/pages/pomodoro-technique 

Dartmouth College. (n.d.). Time Management. Retrieved from https://students.dartmouth.edu/academic-skills/learning-resources/time-management 

de Kleijn, R., Mainhard, T., Meijer, P. C., Pilot, A., & Brekelmans, M. (2018). The development of an instrument to analyze the use of the PEEL method for writing argumentative essays. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(7), 1072-1083. 

Gardner, J. (2014). The Importance of Writing. In J. Gardner (Ed.), Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher (pp. 57–69). New York: Routledge. 

Google. (n.d.). Google Calendar. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/calendar 

Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). Writing Next: Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools. Alliance for Excellent Education. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED497746.pdf 

Harvard College Writing Center. (n.d.). Editing the Essay, Part One. Retrieved from https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/editing-essay-part-one 

Purdue University Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements. Retrieved from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/thesis_statement_tips.html 

Todoist. (n.d.). Todoist: The to-do list to organize work & life. Retrieved from https://todoist.com/ 

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2020). Editing and Proofreading. Retrieved from https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/editing-and-proofreading/ 

University of North Carolina Writing Center. (n.d.). Thesis Statements. Retrieved from https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/thesis-statements/

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Emily Smith

Hello there! I am Emily Smith, a passionate assignment helper and writer in education. My mission is to simplify complex academic concepts, making learning enjoyable and stress-free for students. When I am not helping with assignments, I love exploring new books and hiking. Feel free to reach out for assistance with your educational needs! As a dedicated tutor, I pride myself on working closely with students from diverse backgrounds, creating tailored strategies to help them excel. My approach involves breaking down complex ideas into manageable pieces, ensuring that students grasp the subject matter and gain confidence in their abilities. If you seek expert guidance and support for your assignments, do not hesitate to get in touch!


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How many words/hour should you aim for when writing your first draft?

A couple of axioms here. Firstly, most people agree that you should write your first draft quickly, without too much care on quality, and get something down on paper first. The real writing begins with the second draft. This is the approach that most writing books try to teach, and I'm taking this as a given for this question.

Secondly writing is more than just typing (no matter what Truman Capote says), so there has to be some level of thought into the first draft. I'm no professional typist, but I can at least manage 40wpm when copy-typing. Clearly though I'm not going to reach 2400 words per hour on the first draft.

So what sort of figure should I be aiming for? At the minute I'm around 250 words/hour which I'm worried is veering into 2nd draft territories for slowness. Are there any de facto guidelines here from the professionals?

  • time-management

Monica Cellio's user avatar

  • Vote to close as subjective. Everyone writes at their own speed. –  Ralph Gallagher Mar 29, 2011 at 12:03
  • 1 @Ralph I think the question is not subjective. Craig Sefton's answer would be the perfect answer for this question, and I think writing speed is something a lot of people worry about, even if everyone writes at their own speed. This question stands well. –  Dan Hanly Mar 29, 2011 at 12:21
  • 1 Enough words to convey your message- unfortunately this question does not meet that criteria. You want a number? 500,000. Now since you probably don't like that number pick one of your own that you can meet. BTW, 500,000 bad words is not as good as three good words. If you are an accountant setting an objective goal might work, Are you.? –  Joshin Nov 14, 2011 at 23:38
  • at least 10000 words per hour. –  user3294 Feb 22, 2012 at 16:11
  • 1 The problem isn't that the question is subjective - it is, clearly - but that's okay. What's missing is "...to achieve [goal]" but that's explained well in Craig's answer. –  Goodbye Stack Exchange Feb 22, 2012 at 17:00

7 Answers 7

Slow and steady wins the race.

Cliché's out the way (although I do think it's true), one of the things I find with writing is that you should always stick to what you're comfortable with, unless you're finding it detrimental to your writing.

So, if you're doing 250 words/hour, and feel that's too slow, then I would suggest you set yourself an easy target. Double it to 500wph, or increase it to 1000wph, and try achieve that.

If you can sustain it, and feel that it's easy, then up the ante again. If you find yourself struggling, then lower it.

The best thing really is to experiment, and find the level that you feel most comfortable with.

Edit: I also wanted to add that, according to this article , author Dean Wesley Smith says:

“Most professional writers can average about one thousand words an hour, when going on a novel. Not in the struggle of the beginnings, but once the novel is underway. So, simple math says that to write a 90,000 word novel, you have about 90 hours of work.”

That would suggest that you should set your own expectations based on where you are in the process of writing your novel, but I still recommend sticking with what you feel comfortable with. With practise, your wph will likely start to increase naturally by itself.

Craig Sefton's user avatar

  • 2 This answer is quite excellent. The issue isn't how many words per hour you should write, but how many weeks/months it'll take for you to write the book. –  Goodbye Stack Exchange Feb 22, 2012 at 16:58
  • 2 I don't know about that. I'm not a professional typist (or writer) but I used to write many fanfiction's; I usually wrote around 6,000 words every 2.5 hours. I wrote each episode of my ff's around that number; and as I hated sloppy plots, said-bookisms, plastic dialogs, etc (you get the gist), I'd say I wrote some very good pieces back then. Then came the day I decided to write something worthy of submitting to a publisher, I fell to ~500wpm with tens of drafts... It all depends on how confident, comfortable, and stressed you are. –  Mussri Feb 23, 2012 at 18:53

I really wouldn't worry too much about words per hour. I agree with Craig (and Dean Wesley Smith) that 1000 words an hour is a good, sustainable rate, at least for some genres, but I don't think professional writers got there by trying consciously to write faster - I think that the faster writing comes naturally as you get more comfortable with your craft.

In my experience, there are always parts that go smoothly and quickly, and parts that drag a little. Sometimes it's because I've thought things through so much ahead of time that I'm essentially just typing what I've already written in my head, but I think there are other reasons, too. I write romance, and the big dramatic conversations flow out of me as fast as I can type, but sex scenes take me forever. I think it's because there are millions of ways to make dialogue sound fresh and original, but sex -- well, unless I get kinky to the extreme , there are only so many ways to write it. So I have to slow down and really think it through in order to make it original and avoid the cliches.

So, really - I'd pay attention to writing speed as one tool to get feedback about what you're comfortable writing and what you aren't, but I'm wary of making a conscious effort to increase your speed. It takes as long as it takes. Focus on the content, not the extraneous details.

Kate S.'s user avatar

I write about 350 words an hour and judging from what i've read about famous writers (like Hemingway or Jack london) who typically only write 1,000 words a day while working around 4 hours a day or more, their words rate must be quite slow. fiction is an inefficent business.

plumage's user avatar

I write around 1k an hour. But have wrote 3, or 4k on word-wars for NaNoWriMo. It depends on how fast you can type, if you are hyper etc and also if you can concentrate. I'm a pro writer but I find myself at low word counts.

Kristy's user avatar

I'm late to answering this question, however I'm going to answer it anyway in case anybody else comes across this question and reads my answer.

Like everybody on this post says, generally I'd go with 1000 words, or whatever you're comfortable with. I'm just beginning a first draft, and I go at 1200 words per hour, generally.

However, I disagree with some people on this question. Writing faster doesn't come naturally. If you want to write faster than you're writing now, or you feel you're writing too slow, I recommend these methods which have basically doubled my writing speed:

Music: Not the songs most people generally listen to, but instrumental and classic. It's been scientifically proven that if you listen to this while writing, you're writing speed and productivity will vastly improve.

Outline: Always outline before you work. Even if you're a pantser, you should still try to have some idea of where your scene is going.

Time: Don't write for two hours straight. What works for me is writing in 25 minute increments, with a 5 minute break in between where you can get a snack or whatnot. (Do as many of these 25 minute sessions as you want. Generally I do two, and then if I have time I'll do another one, or another couple.)

I hope you found my answer helpful.

Olivia's user avatar

  • While some of the points may not work for everyone (I know many writers who find music annoying, for instance), they are definetly worth trying. –  Liquid Dec 11, 2018 at 10:51

I would recommend you to start with noting down whatever you think caring less about quality while it satisfies you.

I don't think number of words per hour really matters. Coz a paragraph of excellent text might be more appreciated than whole 700 page book. Devote more time on thought, once its clear rest will flow by itself.

Abhilash Nanda's user avatar

I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to share from my own experience. I was actually trying to see if I'm a slow writer, having just finished a craze(wrote for 9 hours with only a few 2-3 minute breaks) which I usually don't do and didn't intend on before I sat down.

I definitely agree with Olivia about the music, I have a "creative" music folder I listen to whenever I write or paint, if I want to be creative but need a push I just need to put the right music on and ideas a streaming through like someone just broke down the dam.

Don't push yourself, but try and get into a rythm, write 20 minutes a few days a week if you're new to writing. If you're midway through a novel and feel good about it, set yourself a goal, like 2000 words per day or 2 hours per day. That's how I, despite a full time job, did a decent first draft in just under 3 months.

Train yourself in not reading back constantly, only look at what you've already got down if you forgot someones eye colour or what not, do NOT correct before you're done with the draft. This is what slows people down the most, even if they think they don't do it, they usually do. I've gotten more and more aware of myself doing this and have finally reached a point where I realise straight away and stop myself. Basically it's a very subjective thing.

Sometimes I write 500 wph, other times like today, I was at a whopping 1400 wph, it really depends on your mood as well.

Natacha's user avatar

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can i write an essay in one hour

Word Counter Blog

How Long Does It Take to Write a 1000 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write an essay?

How long does it take to research an essay?

If you’re writing an opinion piece on something you already have some knowledge about, you may not have to do any research at all. It may just be a matter of organizing your existing thoughts into a coherent essay. If you need to find out about a topic before you begin to write, you can easily get information on certain topics, whilst others will be more obscure and therefore more difficult to research. Clearly, the easier it is to find information, the faster you can write.

How good are your reading comprehension skills?

Some of us can just skim a piece and pick up all the salient points. Others will have to read with more attention, and even re-read a piece several times to extract the information we need. Having good reading and comprehension skills makes writing much faster since you’re able to “get” the facts faster and organize them better. Now you know why you had to do so many reading comprehension tests at school.

How well did you plan?

Throwing yourself headlong at a 1,000-word essay and writing till you reach the word count may seem like the easy option, but it isn’t. Planning your essay so that it begins with an introduction, highlights the most important points you want to make and then wraps everything up into a conclusion actually saves you time. Sometimes, essay instructions will tell you how to structure the piece, so read them carefully and extract any information you can use to guide your essay’s structure.

How fast do you type?

Have you ever gotten lost halfway through a sentence? You know what you wanted to say, but halfway through, the thought slips away from you. The faster you can type , the more easily you can capture thoughts before your mind moves onto the next thing and you forget what you were trying to say. Typing skills are essential in the modern world. Consider using typing games to improve your speed.

How long does it take me to write a 1,000-word essay?

Faster isn’t always better. The more in-depth your report is meant to be, the longer you should spend on it. I can usually research and write a fairly technical magazine article of 1,000 words in three hours, but do remember that I’m a professional writer. I’m fast because I write all day, every day.

The longest I’ve ever spent on a 1,000-word article was 12 hours. It was absolutely brutal! The information I needed to gather was very technical, hard to find, and even more difficult to understand, and you can’t write something until you really understand the subject matter. I also had to contact experts for their opinions, but I couldn’t even ask about their opinions until I could target them with the right questions. As a result, I actually had to write most of the article before slotting in the expert comment.

The quickest I’ve ever written a 1,000-word article is one hour. In this case, I already knew the subject matter well and didn’t have to back up every fact in the essay with references.

Reviewing your work also matters

If you’re writing for grades and want a good one, you need a really good essay. Don’t start writing it the day before you have to hand it in. Try and get your first draft down at least a day or two before you have to submit your work. Then return to it and do your editing. Read your essay aloud to yourself, since this will help you pick up any careless errors you wouldn’t otherwise spot. Check to see if your information flows logically from one point to the next and make sure that you’ve presented your information clearly.

Remember, teachers get tired. They have to read the same kind of essay over and over again when they grade. If they struggle to understand what you’re saying, you might not get as good a grade as you would if you stuck to using short sentences and relatively simple language.

Your reviewing process shouldn’t take all that long. If you don’t have to make a lot of changes, you should be able to do your final edit in under half an hour.

Take your time. Whatever you do, don’t rush. You might want your essay to be written quickly, but if it’s an important essay, taking your time will give you a better finished product. Budget your time conservatively. It’s better to find that you’ve still got time left over than to run out of time and end up dashing things off with a looming deadline.

Below are some basic guidelines if you need a rough estimate on how long it will take to write an essay. It’s important to remember that there are a plethora of mitigating factors that can increase or decrease the time it takes to write. The below numbers are using an estimate that it takes about 3 hours 20 minutes to write a 1000 word essay:

How long does it take to write a 100 word essay? It takes about 20 minutes to write a 100 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 200 word essay? It takes about 40 minutes to write a 200 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 250 word essay? It takes about 50 minutes to write a 250 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 300 word essay? It takes about 1 hour to write a 300 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 400 word essay? It takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes to write a 400 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 500 word essay? It takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes to write a 500 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 600 word essay? It takes about 2 hours to write a 600 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 700 word essay? It takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes to write a 700 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 800 word essay? It takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes to write a 800 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 900 word essay? It takes about 3 hours to write a 900 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 1,000 word essay? It takes about 3 hours and 20 minutes to write a 1,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 1,250 word essay? It takes about 4 hours and 10 minutes to write a 1,250 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 1,500 word essay? It takes about 5 hours to write a 1,500 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 1,750 word essay? It takes about 5 hours and 50 minutes to write a 1,750 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 2,000 word essay? It takes about 6 hours and 40 minutes to write a 2,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 2,500 word essay? It takes about 8 hours and 20 minutes to write a 2,500 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 3,000 word essay? It takes about 10 hours to write a 3,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 3,500 word essay? It takes about 11 hours and 40 minutes to write a 3,500 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 4,000 word essay? It takes about 13 hours and 20 minutes to write a 4,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 4,500 word essay? It takes about 15 hours to write a 4,500 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 5,000 word essay? It takes about 16 hours and 40 minutes to write a 5,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 6,000 word essay? It takes about 20 hours to write a 6,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 7,000 word essay? It takes about 23 hours and 20 minutes to write a 7,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 7,500 word essay? It takes about 25 hours to write a 7,500 word essay.

How long does it take to write an 8,000 word essay? It takes about 26 hours and 40 minutes to write an 8,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 9,000 word essay? It takes about 30 hours to write a 9,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 10,000 word essay? It takes about 33 hours and 20 minutes to write a 10,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 12,500 word essay? It takes about 41 hours and 40 minutes to write a 12,500 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 15,000 word essay? It takes about 50 hours to write a 15,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 20,000 word essay? It takes about 66 hours and 40 minutes to write a 20,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 25,000 word essay? It takes about 83 hours and 20 minutes to write a 25,000 word essay.

How long does it take to write a 50,000 word essay? It takes about 166 hours and 40 minutes to write a 50,000 word essay.

(Image courtesy of Miguel )

This isn’t accurate. I wrote my 1000 word essay in an hour, not three hours. You should change the times you have listed to reflect how long it actually takes to write. Obviously you don’t know since the mes you listed are not the same as what I can do!

Did you even read the article? The writer says that it’s based on what she writes and is just a general approximation. How long it takes you or anybody else to write an essay will obviously be different because you’re not the same as everybody else. Nobody writes at the same speed so how long it takes you to write an essay will be different for every person.

Someone doesn’t understand the meaning of “rough estimate”

Well then you must be superhuman or some shit I don’t care, I came here for a question not your butthurt comments. Also, if your so good at writing I wouldn’t have found 2 typos in 2 sentences 🙂


If you already have all the research done and know what you want to say, then a 1000 word essay shouldn’t take more than an hour to write. In fact, it probably can be done in 30 minutes or less. The time-consuming part of an essay is the research and how long that takes depends on how much you have to do. But the actual writing of the essay shouldn’t take too long at all.

But research is part of the writing process. If a person writes a book, they don’t only count the time it took them at the typewriter writing. They count all the time it took to research the book as well. Trying to separate the two doesn’t make sense.

I think an important thing to point out here is that there’s a huge difference between writing a 1000 word essay and writing a good 1000 word essay. You can write an essay in hardly any time at all if you don’t do the proper research and don’t spend time editing what you wrote. If you’re going to write a good essay, it’s going to take more time. You should always give yourself more time than you think you’re going to need to get it done.

This applies to all writing. Writing and writing something something well will have a huge time discrepancy even if both writings are the same length. Just because you are able to finish something quickly doesn’t mean that’s the best way to do it.

Exactly! Actually, it can take hours or days to come up with the right line – or it can come in seconds. There’s no real counting in terms of the creative process.

Days to come up with the right line? 😀

It does. Sometimes, no matter how hard you look at something, you won’t be satisfied with it. It may take you days to figure it out. And then, one fine day, you suddenly stand up right in the middle of breakfast and then run upstairs and then type out the right line. Source: personal experience

I just spent 8 hours on a 500-word monologue… This comment made me feel better.

Wow, your advice is excellent it motivated me to do a lot better in my essay.

In my opinion, hours that are presented here a partially true. It may take about an hor to write 300 word essay but editing also takes some time. So on averege, I count the time to write the piece itself + time edit everything.

Research, first draft writing, editing, and rewriting are all part of the writing process. I think the time it takes to do all of them should be counted in the time it takes.

It takes way too long! Teachers should not be allowed to assign essays more than 250 words. They always complain they don’t have enough time and work too hard. It’s only because they make their students do too much work!!

This comment just makes you look lazy. 250 words is nothing. Any topic that needs to be explored will take many more words than this. If you don’t want to write, just admit it and don’t try to project that on others.

If you do your research, use annotations for resources and understand to whom and what you have to transfer than the fewer words the better. Remember that you are demonstrating deep knowledge of the topic by making it accessible to the audience without them doing the research. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

Contrary to what academia self-righteously preach, its imperative for any writing and explanation of thought to be simplified. If you cant explain it in short time/short essay you don’t understand it enough.

I disagree, I feel 250 words is way too less to explain any topic. In my opinion, the maximum word count for an essay should be 1500.

It should take long enough that you get all the points you want across in the writing, but not too long as to bore the reader. Writing should be engaging, not boring.

Nice philosophy, but completely unhelpful if you have a paper due tomorrow and limited amount of time to write. The real world doesn’t work that way.

If someone has an essay due tomorrow and they waste time reading this, then they are a bit of an idiot for giving themselves even less time to work with. If they’re leaving work to the last minute like that, then the only thing they should be doing is jumping right in and writing (or planning the essay, but that should be done much sooner).

This is so arbitrary and will depend on the individual. It’s like asking the question, “how long does it take to write a book?” For some, it will only take a couple of months while for others it will take a lifetime. it also depends on the type of writing you’re doing. Some writing is easy and quick and other writing is difficult and requires huge amounts of research.

The uphill task of writing an essay is doing thorough research. Once you have completed the research, you can deliver a 1000 word paper per hour

I completely agree with you on that one. I recently worked on a 4000 word essay, and while the research did take me three hours to conduct, I completed the essay itself in a bit less than four hours and scored a total of 32/34 points.

So happy to read that! That’s because I just realised, that that is what I needed to read. I’ve got two months to write six 2500 word essays. I’ve been procrastinating because I’m simply in fear of doing a bad job. I’ve done lots of research; made lots of notes; collected citations and written nothing. It’s time. I can do this!

I’m writing a 1600 word essay right now as I type this lol

Then show me after you have finished.

Im writing a 2500 word essay, almost done, I can’t even imagine writing a 10000 word essay in university, that sounds EXTREMELY painful 🙁

I found these estimations quite accurate, thank you.

I’m writing a narrative for my English class right this moment and the word requirements are 800-1000. I’ve only been working for two hours and I’m at 1,157. I’m nowhere near done…

your word requirements are 800-1000 and u have 1157? You’ve been done for a while I would say

Wow i have to write a 1 500 word essay in 4 days and I have about 1050 words left Dono how long thats gonna take me 😂😭😭😭

I am writing a dissertation and those estimations made me positive because just 41 hour to write 12,000 essay seems nothing. But at the moment I just finished literature review(though the hardest part yet) without editing I am already at over 35 hours of work. And that’s not even a half! But I am aiming for a good grade though…

I’ve found these estimates incredibly accurate in my years in college. I’m about to graduate next week and have one more 3500 word paper to write. We’ll see if the estimates hold true. However, the estimates (for me at least) don’t include the time it takes to edit so I usually add a little time depending on how long the essay/paper has to be.

Wow, these tips are helpful, Thank You to the creator of this website. These tips helped me a lot in my essay for school.

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How to Write an Essay in Under 1 Hour

can i write an essay in one hour

  • Last Updated: April 14, 2023

How fast can you write an essay ? And how fast can you write a qualitative essay? If you’re not a professional writer, who’s been writing academic papers during his/her life, you’re probably not that good in writing your essays fast. Of course, it is not hard to compose a paper in an hour. But it is actually hard to compose a good one that fast if you don’t know effective writing techniques used by professionals.

To become good in writing at college is quite easy. And that is exactly the perfect time to do that. So, how to write well without help of a specific American essay writers service under 1 hour only?

Write Well and Fast

If you’re about to start working on your college writing assignment, don’t do it before reading the following tips and recommendations. Don’t read some special blogs or articles, which offer million of methods on improving your writing skills. Our team in collaboration with Write My Perfect Essay, prepared for you one short list of those few top recommendations only, which are really going to influence your writing skills. In fact, an essay in most of its ways is not about what you’re writing, but about how you’re writing that.

So, if you want to learn to write fast but provide quality, keep reading. We’re going to talk about fast, easy, and stress-free essay writing approaches, which are going to save a lot of time on your essay assignments.

Usually, last-minute papers are not of a high quality. But the following tips will help you to make it through the writing process with better results in the end.

  • Be realistic with the deadlines. First of all, evaluate the information, the background, and the deadlines you have. If you realize that even 1 hour is quite a short period for you to write at least something meaningful, probably it will be better to apply for professional writing help. But if even the tightest deadlines seem to be realistic for you, keep writing;
  • Understand the topic and find sources. When you have 60 minutes for an essay, you have to rely on additional sources mainly. So, read the task for a couple of times to understand it better. Then, quickly map out what you already know about the topic and start looking for supportive information online. Probably, you won’t be able to visit the library and research the recommended literature there, so look for supportive data online. Choose the services, which you are 100% sure in. Each of the web pages should be reliable and trustworthy enough for an academic assignment of a college level. Check Google Scholar or any edu related sources firstly;
  • Write an outline . Don’t skip this part, even if you have less than an hour for your assignment. An outline is 50% of your essay. It is like a backbone, which holds any other information you’ll add to your essay. Outlines save time in the long run. They map out the way you should structure your writing, making it easier for you to build logically connected paragraphs;
  • Highlight a thesis statement. The thesis statement is the outcome of an essay in one sentence. It informs your readers about the topic and the ideas, which you’re going to support in your writing. So, make sure that the thesis and the content of your essay are not opposite to each other;
  • Follow a structure. Having a clear outline, thesis, and structure will help you to compose a great essay even less than under 30 minutes. It is like adding the ideas you have, filling each part of the outline. Stick to whatever essay structure is more comfortable for you. We recommend a traditional form of 5 paragraphs – introduction, body part with three paragraphs, and conclusion. This is the structure familiar to most students from their high school years. Always place your most important arguments last to make an essay interesting to read. Accordingly to the type of assignment you have, you might want to use parallelism technique too.

And don’t forget about the finishing touches in the form of proofreading and editing. Even if you have 10 minutes until the deadline, don’t skip proofreading as you may find quite an important technical or context mistake, which can ruin the whole essay. So, give at least a minute or two to editing only. First of all, pay attention whether you’ve not missed some visible errors and whether your essay sounds smooth and has good flow. Are you moving from paragraph to paragraph logically enough? Haven’t you missed a transition sentence somewhere between those paragraphs?

Now, your essay is ready to be submitted and assessed by the teacher.

can i write an essay in one hour

About Author / Dallas Dorrall

Dallas Dorrall is passionate about music and is living her dream managing and promoting Nashville/Muscle Shoals based Country Music Artist, Johnny Collier, currently touring the US. While traveling, she enjoys reviewing new artists, restaurants and nightclubs. Dallas is crazy about her family and friends and attributes her enthusiasm for life to a quote by Marianne Williamson (which she still reads every day) entitled “Our Deepest Fear”.

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How many words can/do you typically write in an hour?

I tried a writing prompt on the r/WritingPrompts sub, and I tried to go at a good clip, but found that I could only manage 250 good words in half an hour. That includes going back to edit (I can't help it--gotta edit).

What do you manage a day typically?


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How to Finish an Essay Last Minute and Do it without Losing Quality

Adela B.

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It’s the start of the week; you head to college and realize everybody is talking about the research paper submission. “Isn’t that due next week?” you ask, only to be told it was due the previous day. You hurriedly check your calendar and are in for a rude shock – you missed the deadline.

Just then, your alarm rings, and you wake up sweating. Thankfully, it was a dream!

However, the fact remains that you have a submission in four days, and you are nowhere close to starting it.

Given the busy college schedules, academic pressures, tight deadlines, and in many cases, even juggling a part-time job, it’s no surprise that college students are struggling with stress and anxiety.

According to a 2018 American College Health Association report , over 60% of college students said they had experienced “overwhelming anxiety” in the past year. Looming essay deadlines have a significant role in contributing to this stress.

Smart Last-Minute Essay Writing Tips You Can Use

Doing an essay last minute is enough to give you the chills. Regardless of how much you plan to start early, you constantly find yourself racing against time.

However, doing an essay last minute does not mean you compromise on the quality. Here are 14 smart ways to write your last-minute essay and still do a good job.

#1. Stop panicking

At this point, you are filled with anger, self-loathing, and guilt. You keep telling yourself that you should have started earlier and hate yourself for putting off the college essay till the very end. While you are bound to have such negative thoughts, you must do away with them because they are futile and will only obstruct your concentration.

The first step to approaching a last-minute essay is to stop panicking and actively start working toward your essay. It would be best if you created a positive mindset and workspace to do full justice to it.

#2. Stay away from distractions

When you begin work on your essay, you receive a notification on your phone, and the next thing you know, you have spent the next few hours doing everything else but working on your college essay.

It’s easy to get distracted and away with time, but you must remind yourself that you cannot afford to do so. Doing an essay last minute requires your undivided attention, considering you have limited time.

So, whether it’s Instagram, Netflix, or even your friends, stay away from distractions and focus on completing the essay.

Here’s an interesting TEDx Talk by Chris Bailey on focusing better.

#3. Commit to a topic

Writing a last-minute essay makes you more likely to doubt yourself and be in two minds. After reading the instructions carefully and researching, choose an essay topic and stick to it. By second-guessing yourself at every point, you will only be wasting time.

#4. Work on the outline

You may wonder if you can afford to work on an essay outline when you run out of time. The answer is yes; structuring your essay is always worth it.

Having an effective essay outline saves you time, ensures you have covered the key points, and maintains a logical flow throughout. For instance, if you are writing a research paper, the outline needs to include the following sections:

  • Title – the shortest page; this needs to mention what your paper is about succinctly;
  • Abstract – a summary of your paper in 150 – 200 words;
  • Introduction – include the essay hook, explanation of the topic, and the thesis statement;
  • Methodology – describe the methods used to conduct the research;
  • Results – state the outcome and substantiate it with statistical data, tables, and graphs;
  • Conclusion – reinstate the thesis statement while summarizing the findings of the research;
  • References and Citations – cite all the references in this section.

Once you have established these, note down the points you plan to include under each section before you begin writing.

#5. Set mini-deadlines

In an ideal world, one would finish the essay in a single sitting, but we all know that’s a little too difficult to achieve. There does come the point when we reach a stage of exhaustion, and pushing ourselves to work beyond that means doom.

To avoid burnout, break your writing into parts and give yourself mini-deadlines. For example, aim to finish writing three sections in four hours and then allow yourself to relax. Tackling the paper in parts keeps your mind fresh, and you can think more clearly in the process.

#6. Set a timer

Since you have already created an outline, set a timer for writing every essay section and try to finish it before the timer goes off.

For instance, you can set a time of 15 minutes for writing the introduction and try to complete it before the end of the 15 minutes. Once you finish the introduction section, take five minutes to review it and see if it makes sense without bothering to correct the grammar.

Set the timer again for the first body paragraph, then the second, until you have covered all the sections on your outline.

#7. Increase your typing speed

It won't be easy to finish your essay fast if you’re a slow writer. To finish writing within the shortest time possible, you need to increase your typing speed.

How do you increase your typing speed? Sit upright and maintain a good posture while typing (ensure you are not looking at your screen at an angle). Let your elbows rest on the table and slightly elevate your wrists.

As you type, focus on the screen instead of your hands. This will help you start typing faster.

#8. Use writing and editing tools to save time

Want to save time? Several writing and editing tools can automate some processes to save time and help you finish your work faster. Some of the best online tools you can use when writing last-minute college essays include:

a) Grammarly

Grammarly is one of the best editing tools for editing your essay. The software uses artificial intelligence to identify errors related to spelling, punctuation, sentence structures, and even plagiarism.

After you finish writing, pass your essay through Grammarly to help you identify and correct grammatical errors. It will save you the time you’d spend revising your essay to identify and correct such mistakes manually.

b) Evernote

To finish your essay faster, you’ll need to organize your notes to promote the flow of thought and help you write more quickly.

Evernote is an online writing tool that will help you organize your notes effectively, so you don’t need to keep everything in your head when doing research. You can take clips, and screenshots of relevant web pages, reference documents, images, and graphics for later use when writing.

This way, you won’t need to surf the internet all over again when you start writing. You can use the software anywhere, at any time, without any charges.

c) Hemingway Editor

Another editing tool to help you edit faster when writing last-minute college essays is the Hemingway Editor. You can decide to type your essay on the app or copy-paste it after you finish writing.

Instead of spending time reading your essay and trying to identify errors alone, Hemingway will help you highlight lengthy and complex sentences and suggest ways to improve them.

It will also identify adverbs and weakening phrases to eliminate from your essay to make it more meaningful. This online editor will improve readability and make your essay easy to read and understand.

d) Dynalist

Nothing makes writing easier and faster than outlining. They help you organize your ideas ahead of time so that when you start writing, you won’t get stuck in the middle. An essay outline will also help you stay on topic and answer all the essay prompts effectively.

The good news is that you can use online tools to write outlines fast to save time, and one of them is Dynalist. You can use the free version of this online tool to capture your points into flawless outlines and flesh them out later when you start writing.

These tools will help you finish writing fast since you won’t spend much time editing manually after writing.

#9. Turn off spelling and grammar checks

While writing tools help you edit your work, the best way to write faster is to turn off the spelling and grammar checkers until you finish writing your first draft.

Since you want to write fast to finish your last-minute essay, underlining errors as you write may be more of a distraction. The checkers sometimes underline correct words, and you may spend time thinking about how to replace the word or correct sentences instead of focusing on writing.

Therefore, consider turning them off until your first draft is ready; you can turn them on and start editing your essay.

#10. Write the introduction and conclusion at the end

Introductions and conclusions tend to require more time when writing an essay. This is because they are supposed to be compelling, thoughtful, and engaging. You, therefore, need a little brainstorming to write these parts.

To save yourself some time, skip the introduction and go straight to explaining your points in the body paragraph.

You’ll spend less time on this section since you have already researched and identified your sources. After completing the essay body, you’ll have a clearer picture of your essay, and the introduction will take you less time to write.

The conclusion will also take less time to write since it will summarize the points you already discussed in the essay.

#11. Cite references alongside

Citing references is an integral part of essay writing. Citing sources and providing evidence to support your claims shows you pay attention to detail and adds to the credibility of your essay.

However, given a situation where you are writing a last-minute essay, there is a chance of making more errors or skipping this step altogether. To avoid this mistake, citing references and writing the essay is a good idea.

What does this mean? Every time you include a quote, fact, or piece of information that needs referencing, ensure you make a note of it immediately so you don’t waste any time hunting for it later.

Alternatively, you can also use a citation generator.

Citing all your reference articles can be time-consuming and deter you from completing your essay fast.

You can use several citation generators to cite articles accurately to have your essay references right. You must copy and paste the generated citation to your list of references at the end of the essay.

Some of the best citation generators you can use include MyBib, CiteThisForMe, CiteFast, and Bibme. The tools help you format your references in APA, MLA, or Chicago style, depending on your essay instructions, all for free.

#12. Proofread

Proofreading the college essay must not be overlooked regardless of how much time you have in hand. This is even more crucial while writing an article in a hurry because you are more likely to make mistakes.

After all the effort put in, the last thing you would want is to submit an essay with grammatical mistakes and formatting errors.

So, put aside quality time to proofread your essay and edit it accordingly. It is also a good idea to share a copy with your parents or friends and get a second set of eyes on your work.

#13. Take short breaks

Even though it’s the last minute and you want to finish writing your college essay fast, short breaks can still come in handy.

Sitting on the table for too long can tire your mind and body, making you a less effective writer. When your mind is clogged up, it hinders the flow of ideas, and you may be unable to knit your ideas into meaningful paragraphs.

Therefore, consider taking short breaks of 5 to 10 minutes, after which you can return to your table and write with a fresh mind.

#14. Get professional help

Doing a last-minute essay can be overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know where to begin, and your anxiety gets the better of you.

However, college essays affect your grades, and you should not submit substandard work. So, if you find yourself stuck, reach out to a last-minute essay writing service. Writers Per Hour is one such essay writing service that can save you from all the stress and anxiety that comes with last-minute essay writing.

Our instant essay writers are trained to meet deadlines and tackle all sorts of specialized essays ranging from math, law, and chemistry to nursing, biology, and accounting.

Be it 24 hours or 1 hour, when you turn to our urgent essay writing service for last-minute essay writing help, you are sure to receive nothing but high-quality, original essays right on time to meet your deadlines.

Are you stuck on writing an essay?

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about writing last-minute college essays.

How long should it take to write a college essay?

The longer the essay and the more complex the topic, the longer it will take to write. A typical 5-page essay would take around 14 hours to write:

  • Brainstorming, researching, and outlining: 8 hours;
  • Writing: 4 hours;
  • Proofreading, editing, and formatting: 2 hours.

Is it possible to write an essay in one day?

Absolutely! It’s possible to write an essay in one day. All you need to do is prepare and do the research in advance. When you start writing, focus on your essay, and turn off distractions like social media notifications and chatting with friends.

Can I pay someone to write my last-minute college essay?

Yes, however, the person you hire needs to be a subject matter expert and a skilled writer who can deliver quality work quickly.

For instance, Writers Per Hour has urgent essay writers trained to deliver essays within the stipulated deadline. One page paper in 5 hours will cost you $33.99 if you are in high school. If you are a college student, the price will be $41.99 - $47.99, depending on your course.

We recommend you check our prices and discounts before making any decision, as we regularly conduct promotional campaigns for new and regular customers. So, check out our offers and essay promo codes which start from 15% to 25% off any order.

How do you write an essay 10 times faster?

To write an essay ten times faster, plan your writing and research. Create an outline and bookmark the relevant sources you’ll be using. Increase your typing speed, and use online writing tools to help you edit faster.

Irrespective of how much time you have, don’t make the mistake of plagiarizing someone else’s work, as it can lead to severe consequences such as expulsion or ruin your chances of getting selected. Hence, always ensure you submit original work and if you cannot do it yourself, seek help from last-minute essay writing services.

Last-minute essay writing is not ideal, but, in many instances, it cannot be helped either. So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, instead of hitting the panic button and haphazardly approaching the essay, follow these smart tips and don’t let the lack of time affect the quality of your essay.

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can i write an essay in one hour

How to Write a 3000 word Essay in Less Than 60 Minutes

can i write an essay in one hour

Writing a 3000 word essay in under an hour might seem impossible, especially when facing a tight deadline. However, with the right approach, it's not as daunting as it sounds. A good example of this is our guide on how to write a 1000 word essay .

This article shares 5 practical tips and strategies to help you write efficiently and effectively within a limited timeframe.

How to Write a 3000 word Essay in Less Than 60 Minutes

EssayPro Guide on How to Write Your Essay Faster

Our team of experts has created a how-to guide for you on how to write your essay fast. Here you go:

Voice-to-Text Software

Voice-to-text software can significantly expedite essay writing by allowing users to dictate their thoughts and ideas, bypassing manual typing verbally. This technology enables a continuous writing flow, as individuals can speak their ideas naturally and conversationally without interruptions. 

For example, instead of pausing to search for the right words or phrases, users can express their thoughts fluidly, resulting in a faster and more efficient writing process. Additionally, voice-to-text software eliminates the physical strain associated with typing for extended periods, allowing users to maintain productivity and focus for longer durations.

Furthermore, voice-to-text software offers flexibility in writing environments, as users can dictate their essays from virtually anywhere using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. For instance, individuals can dictate their essays while commuting, exercising, or completing other tasks, maximizing their time and productivity.

You can use the following voice-to-text tools:

  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking
  • Google Docs Voice Typing
  • Microsoft Dictate
  • Apple Dictation

Need Urgent Help with Your Essay?

Don’t strain yourself – use professional writing services . 

The Stream-of-Consciousness Writing

Stream-of-consciousness writing is a technique that involves recording thoughts as they come to mind, without filtering or censoring them. This approach can be particularly useful for writing essays in less than 60 minutes as it allows for a rapid flow of ideas and content generation. 

By bypassing the need for careful planning and organization, stream-of-consciousness writing enables writers to quickly capture their thoughts on paper and generate raw material for their essays. For example, writers can focus solely on expressing their ideas and arguments instead of worrying about sentence structure or grammar, resulting in a faster and more spontaneous writing process.

Moreover, stream-of-consciousness writing can help writers overcome writer's block and tap into their creativity more effectively. This can lead to more original and compelling essay content. For instance, writers may discover new angles or perspectives on their topic that they hadn't considered before, enriching their essays with fresh insights and perspectives.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the stream-of-consciousness technique to write an essay:

  • Set a timer.
  • Clear distractions.
  • Choose a topic.
  • Begin writing.
  • Write continuously.
  • Don't edit or censor.
  • Keep the pen moving.
  • Embrace tangents.
  • Stay in the moment.
  • Review and edit later.

AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools can significantly expedite the essay writing process by automating various aspects of content creation, such as generating ideas, structuring arguments, and even drafting entire paragraphs. These tools leverage advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze input data and produce coherent, contextually relevant text output. 

For example, platforms like OpenAI's GPT-3 and Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant offer features such as auto-completion, grammar and style suggestions, and even content generation based on user prompts. 

Furthermore, AI writing tools can assist writers in overcoming writer's block and generating ideas more efficiently. For instance, tools like Articoolo and QuillBot can generate article outlines or paraphrase existing text to provide inspiration and generate new content. 

Here are reliable AI essay writing tools:

  • EssayPro Writing App

WARNING: While these tools can aid in content creation and idea generation, relying too heavily on them may lead to plagiarism or submitting low-quality, unoriginal work. Writers should use AI writing tools to supplement their research and writing process rather than replace critical thinking and academic rigor.

Collage Essay Method

The collage essay method is a creative approach to essay writing that involves assembling visual and textual materials into a collage to represent different aspects of the essay topic. This technique can be particularly effective in generating ideas quickly and organizing thoughts in a visually engaging manner. 

For example, imagine you're tasked with writing an essay on climate change. You could gather images, quotes, statistics, and diagrams related to climate change and arrange them on a poster board or digital canvas. The collage is a brainstorming tool to spark ideas and inspire the writing process by visually representing key concepts and arguments.

Moreover, the collage essay method encourages a nonlinear approach to essay writing, allowing writers to explore ideas from multiple perspectives and make connections between different topic elements. 

For instance, while arranging materials for the climate change collage, you might notice patterns or themes emerging that you hadn't considered before. This can lead to new insights and angles for your essay, enriching the content with diverse perspectives and supporting evidence.

Here are some useful tips for using the collage essay method for writing an essay fast:

  • Gather diverse materials.
  • Start with a central theme.
  • Arrange materials strategically.
  • Focus on visual impact.
  • Incorporate text and images.
  • Make connections between elements.
  • Be open to unexpected insights.
  • Iterate and refine as needed.

Role-Playing Scenario

The role-playing scenario method offers a fresh and engaging approach to essay writing, injecting creativity and empathy into the process. By immersing oneself in a specific role, writers can tap into their imagination and explore complex topics from various angles. 

For instance, if you're tasked with writing about the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, you could adopt the perspective of a futuristic AI developer or a concerned citizen living in a world dominated by AI technology. This imaginative exercise sparks inspiration and encourages deeper reflection on the subject matter, leading to more insightful and thought-provoking essays.

Furthermore, the role-playing scenario cultivates empathy and understanding by encouraging writers to embody diverse viewpoints and experiences. Whether you're writing about climate change, social justice, or economic policy, stepping into the shoes of different characters allows you to see the world through their eyes and develop a more nuanced understanding of complex issues. 

For example, by pretending to be a climate scientist researching the effects of deforestation, you might gain a deeper appreciation for the urgency of environmental conservation efforts. This empathetic approach to essay writing fosters a greater connection with both the subject matter and the audience, resulting in essays that are not only informative but also engaging and impactful.

How to adopt the role-playing scenario technique for writing an essay:

  • Choose a relevant persona.
  • Research and understand their background.
  • Embody the persona's mindset.
  • Write from their perspective.
  • Maintain consistency with the persona.
  • Review and adjust as needed.
  • Use insights to enrich your essay.

There’s nothing impossible if you put an effort into it. Although 60 minutes sounds like a very limited period, a smart student can use it to produce a pretty decent essay and even have a few minutes left! So, how to write essays faster ?

The tips we gave you above do work, which thousands of students with hectic schedules have already proved. A word of warning, though – don’t rush to use tools like ChatGPT to generate an essay in 5 minutes because it’s hazardous for academic integrity. Remember – AI tools are assistants, and generated texts are to be rewritten from A to Z, which can also be done in an hour or less. If you’re awfully tired and physically can’t think or type, you better ask a professional human writer to help you. 

Too Exhausted to Finish the Essay?

Expert writers will do an essay for you from scratch.

Can You Write an Essay in 30 Minutes?

Can i write a 3000 word essay in 1 hour, how long does it take to write a 3000 words essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

can i write an essay in one hour

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Howard, D. (2022, December 15). How to Write an Essay Fast . Nexus Education. https://nexus-education.com/blog-posts/how-to-write-an-essay-fast/
  • 20 Top Tips for Writing an Essay in a Hurry . (2024, February 20). Oxford Royale. https://www.oxford-royale.com/articles/writing-essay-hurry/ ‍
  • 4 Ways to Write Essays Faster – The Bookshelf . (n.d.). https://blogs.cornell.edu/learning/4-ways-to-write-essays-faster/

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How To Finish A Compelling Essay in An Hour

how to write an essay in an hour

Table of Contents

Burning midnight oil.

Essay writing makes up a big part of academic life for students in schools and colleges. Instructors teach the dynamics of essay writing before assigning them tasks of their own. There is always a limited time and set guidelines to finish an essay and submit it before the deadline.

Simply saying that essay writing is a single task can be quite misleading. Students can never set out to write a complete essay without prior or post-writing phases. For instance, if a student has decided to write on a topic, it is impossible to cover the whole premise without in-depth research and collection of data.

This post is about dissecting the idea of writing a perfect essay in one hour through a guide. We have shared a complete plan and then provided a pro tip to get a well-written compelling essay in an hour.

Writing A Perfect Essay In One Hour – Fact or Fiction?

It may seem like an outlandish idea. As a matter of act, it is an outlandish idea. But it is doable. Writing a perfect essay in one hour is a distant dream of novice writers and students, yet professional writers can do it in even less time. They divide the whole task of writing an essay into different parts.

Each part is done at a specific time before they move on to the next one. In professional companies, different writers designate tasks between one another and complete a finished copy well before one hour.

Two Possible Ways Forward

When a student is tasked to write a well-researched, compelling essay, it is necessary to have some time on their hands to deal with the assignment. Instructors usually provide a couple of days, at least, to students so that they can research, write, and edit excellent essays.

But let us just say that you were not lucky to have this much time to submit your assignment. How can you write a perfect essay in one hour ?

To that question, there are two possible answers, but only one of them is desirable.

Hiring A Professional Writer

This is the easiest and by far the most secure way to get a unique essay written in one hour. Professional writers are employed by essay-writing companies that offer timely services to students across the globe. They have the right tools and training to collect relevant information before outlining, and then writing the essay before the deadline. You can be sure of the fact that you will be able to secure the highest marks. PerfectEssay offers a money-back guarantee if the provided essay will fail the customer. As a decade-old company, they did not have to pay that penalty once!

Writing On Your Own

Writing the essay on your own is a noble cause, and there is no doubt about it. But students should also look at things from a more practical or pragmatic angle. As novice writers in their formative years of school or college education, they do not have enough training or tools to come up with a topic, research necessary information, and then write on the premise. It is best to go with a professional writer who can deliver guaranteed work on time. But if they are still up for the challenge, the guide in the upcoming lines is for them.

How To Quickly Write An Essay

Distractions can create setbacks for seasoned writers, so novice writers and students at academic institutions cannot be blamed for being mere mortals. The room where you need to write the essay in an hour should be quiet and isolated. Your smartphone should be turned off or at least the notifications are silent to provide you the head space you need.

The atmosphere, the right one, has a great impact on the quality and quantity of the output when it comes to writing. Before setting out to write an essay in an hour, make sure that everything is where it should be. It means a comfortable temperature of the room, ample light, and a supporting chair and desk for the right posture.

Many times, teachers assign a topic to the students for writing the essay. Other times, they need to come up with one on their own. If you are already given a topic, you can save time on choosing one and go straight to the research and outline. If not, it is best to scour the internet and look for trendy topics.

Understanding the topic is the first step toward writing a superb essay. During normal times, it is alright if a student wants to take more than a day to better understand the topic. But when he has only an hour to write the essay, it is best to rely on his instincts and move to the brainstorming phase as soon as possible.

Brainstorming ideas is a crucial part of the process. It can be done in mind or on paper. Since students do not have ample time on their hands, it is best to go with the paper method and write down the best ideas. Then, they must be vetted against other issues before settling and writing the essay on one.

It is impossible that a student has all the information he needs to write a quality essay. There are sources and credible publications that they must consult beforehand. This allows them to have a solid thesis, main argument, or idea for the essay. This phase also helps them in determining the right direction, depth, and scope of the essay.

A thesis statement is an essential element of the essay, no matter the type, scope, and application of the essay. A thesis statement is the distillation of the main idea or the argument of the essay into a single or a couple of bold sentences or a small paragraph. The best way to develop one is to write it in the closing lines of the introduction after completing the essay.

An outline is the best way to set the direction and tone for the essay. It also helps with setting the scope and focus of the write-up. But the most important and far-reaching benefit of creating an outline is to avoid bottlenecks or writer’s block along the way. When students have only an hour to write the whole essay, every minute and second counts.

There is no need to get into the process of writing with half heart and mind. Even though the time is limited, students should approach the task of writing with a confident urgency. This will result in fewer mistakes and errors in the writing, which means fewer minutes to allocate for the editing and proofreading process.

Checklist For Writing An Essay In An Hour

A checklist is a list of essentials for a task so that they could not be left out in a hurry. While writing an essay in an hour, writers need to have a solid and dependable checklist to compare and evaluate their essays with.

In this section, we have shared the major parts of the essay and how writers can check elements and essentials in these with the checklist. This will ensure that they end up securing maximum scores in their assignment.

Introduction – Hook, Context, Thesis

The introduction of the essay should have a hook. It can be a single or a couple of sentences in the opening to lure the readers in. After the hook, writers should provide the background information or context of the problem or issue. In the closing lines of the introduction, writers should put down the thesis statement. It will help them transition into the main body of the essay.

Body Paragraphs – Arguments, Narrative, Description

Body paragraphs are the real meat and bones of the essay. Whether students are  writing an argumentative , narrative, or descriptive essay, this will be the major portion in terms of the quantity of the essay. Writers should ensure that the relevant elements of the essay type are in abundance and are perfectly balanced against one another. Otherwise, it will be no point in writing catchy opening or closing lines.

Conclusion – Summation, Reiteration

Many students wing this part because they mistakenly think that it cannot add much value to the essay. This cannot be further from the truth as it can help writers make the essay memorable and better understood by the readers. Again, writers should keep the section bold and brief and reiterate the main ideas and arguments of the essay. The real value of any essay lies in its closing sections.

How To Finish An Essay Quickly

Starting and finishing a good essay in an hour requires a cocktail of talents and traits. First of all, students need to be resilient and able to think and write under pressure. This comes from writing prompts in quick sessions. Then, it is about knowing how and where to look for relevant information without wasting time. In the end, it is about putting the time and effort into writing the essay and then editing it before the stroke of the clock.

Will You Write My Essay In One Hour?

If a student asks this question to another student or a sibling, there are healthy chances that his request will be turned down for good. But when the same question is asked by a good writing company such as PerfectEssay, the answer will always be yes, and for all the right reasons.

PerfectEssay offers nominal pricing and ensures a guarantee of success. We have a team of highly skilled writers with support staff to get started and finish a quality essay from scratch within an hour. Since the clock is ticking, what are you waiting for? Place your order now and get a superb essay in your inbox before the deadline!

A Perfect Essay – More Than The Sum of The Parts

A perfect essay, objectively speaking, is a collection of different paragraphs with varying functions and focuses. It is hard to make sense of the individual sections if we do not take into account the whole premise and intent behind writing an essay.

There is no denying that writing a complete essay within an hour is a herculean task, one that requires excellent research and writing skills. On the other hand, students can make a great time by dividing the whole task into small sections and then taking on each section accordingly. Still, the best way forward is by not writing at all and outsourcing the heavy lifting to the professionals.

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How to Write a 500-Word Essay in 1 Hour

Managing time in college is a tricky affair as there are many activities to indulge in, both official and personal. For example, working a part-time job, attending classes, doing extra-curricular activities, completing assignments, and so much more.

Writing a 500-word essay can be overwhelming, especially if you want to save time to do something else.

I feel your pain. I have gone the extra mile to give you an insight on how to write a 500-word essay in 1 hour.

I will address the importance of effective time management, prior preparation, designing your draft/outline, and the time allocation for all sections of your essay.

How to write a 500-word essay in one hour-Important Factors to Consider

1. plan your time.

The title is clear. You only have one hour to complete your 500-word paper. Effective time management is of the essence. Jumping directly into writing can be catastrophic because you may end up spending more time on one section than required.

You may be having the best ideas but end up not completing the essay. Therefore, allocate each section and procedure reasonable time. We will cover in detail how much time each section should get.

  2. Prior Reading Does the Trick

Reading extensively and mastering content before writing your 500-word essay means that you have the itinerary to complete the task in a lesser time.

Also check: 500 Word Essay About Respect- Sample Paper

A student starting from scratch will have a daunting task as they have no idea where to begin. You are also able to manage your time well, and the whole process tends to be easy.

Make sure you take notes as they are essential when crafting your draft.

Tips on how to write a 500-word essay in 1 hour

1. create a draft (10 minutes).

Creating a draft gives you a blueprint for your essay. It forms the basis of the actual paper and, therefore, doesn’t have to be perfect. Put down all the ideas you have for your essay without putting much consideration into being correct.

There is no point in rereading your draft because you will have ample time to do that when crafting the main essay. The process should take ten minutes or less. A typical 500-word essay should have an average of three key points. Identify your key points and build your argumentation from them.

For authenticity, use reliable sources like:

  • Scientific journals
  • Reputable newspapers
  • Well-known specialists’ books
  • Web encyclopedias

Note down your sources and use them as citations.

Your draft should also feature an outline. It helps you structure multiple thoughts and gives an ideal platform to identify the right strategy for writing. Use diagrams, tables, and lists to visualize your essay.

2. Write Your Introduction (5 Minutes)

Now that you already have a draft and a clear understanding of the topic, it’s time to write a compelling introduction. Ensure your introductory paragraph covers the topic and states your perspective.

Also see: 500 Word Essay on Leadership- Sample Paper

Provide a brief roadmap of the key points to be covered in the main body. Doing so enlightens the reader of your intentions.

Ensure that you also include a thesis statement.

3. Write the Body Paragraphs (30 Minutes)

Refer to your draft when filling out the main body of your essay . Each paragraph should take less than 10 minutes. Guarantee readability and flow by addressing the main topic and your overall perspective in each paragraph.

Incorporate a few examples of your own to show the relevance of the main points, and then conclude each paragraph with a sentence that sums up the main point. Consequently, you help the reader transition to the other paragraph.

Capture the eagerness of the reader by using short precise sentences. I recommend a maximum of three to six sentences per paragraph.

Too long sentences can be overwhelming, and your reader may get lost midway. Do not incorporate a text that is not relevant to the main point.

4. Design Your Conclusion (5 Minutes)

The conclusion is an essential part of your essay as it sums up the main points of your paper. Clearly explain why it matters. Why should the reader care? What value does it add? Make sure you address the “so what” question.

Use the following strategies to write a conclusion:

  • Restate each section . It is the easiest way of finishing your essay. Your audience gets the clear picture in about two or three sentences.
  • Paraphrase the thesis statement . It is the surest way of leaving your readers fully satisfied. Do not repeat every word.
  • Ask a provocative question . An intriguing question prompts your audience to evaluate the topic by thinking outside the box. However, if it is a college paper, it may be inappropriate to end your essay with this strategy.
  • Provide a quote . Providing a quote from a famous scholar makes your work more credible.

  5. Proofreading and Editing (10 Minutes)

Submitting an essay that is not proofread leads to ultimate failure. As soon as you complete writing your essay, take 10 minutes to proofread and edit your work. Check on punctuation, grammar, overall structure, and flow.

Ensure your paper is authentic and plagiarism-free. If you used several sources to craft your essay, incorporate in-text citations and include a reference page at the end.

Helpful Tips When Writing Your 500-Word Essay

1. ensure you are concise.

Refrain from using phrases like “there are,” “there is,” and other phrases that add unnecessary words. Consequently, your sentences achieve conciseness and become stronger.

2. Learn Various Argumentative Strategies

Convincing an intellect can be overwhelming. Complex words are inadequate. Invest more in logical reasoning and avoid fallacies. Your audience should understand your thoughts without effort.

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3. Use Academic English Words

The surest way of sounding smart is avoiding using words like probably, something, and anyway. The dictionary should be your close ally while in college. Do not spam your essay with complex terms. Make sure you balance your vocabulary for your readers to have an easy reading and understanding.

4. Choose Strong Verbs

Instead of writing “give assistance,” use “assist’. The verbal form is compelling than its noun counterpart.

Can You Write 500 Words In 1 Hour?

Yes, you can. With proper planning, regular exercise, and prior reading, writing 500 words in 1 hour is possible.

College professors often give reasonable deadlines for you to submit work. If you engage in early research and craft a detailed draft, completing the 500-word essay becomes straightforward work.

You now know how to write a 500-word essay in 1 hour. In a recap, observe the following:

  • Take 10 minutes to design your draft
  • Write your introduction in 5 minutes
  • Write the main body in 30 minutes
  • Allocate 5 minutes for the conclusion
  • Proofread and edit your essay in 10 minutes

How To Write A Five Paragraph Essay In One Hour

You have a short deadline. You feel like you can’t write your essay fast enough, you’re asking, “Can I write my essay in one hour ?”

can i write an essay in one hour

Writing an essay can be daunting, especially when you only have one hour to complete it. But never fear. With careful planning and a few simple tricks, it is possible to write a five-paragraph essay in one hour. This article will provide you with the necessary tools and information to help you create an effective, well-structured essay in a single hour. We will discuss the basics of essay organization, time management strategies and tips for improved writing quality.

Table of Contents

5 Main Types Of Essays

The writing process can be made easier with a clear understanding of the five main types of essays. Knowing and mastering these five types will help you create persuasive, well-crafted pieces that will impress your instructors and earn you top grades. This article will explore each type of essay in detail and provide insights into when and how to use them effectively.

Type 1: Argumentative

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents arguments to support a particular opinion, point of view or perspective. It is commonly used in academic writing and it requires the writer to provide evidence for their opinion or point of view. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader that their opinion is correct.

In order to write an effective argumentative essay, it is important to research both sides of the issue thoroughly and present facts and evidence in a logical manner. When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to remember that your goal should be convincing the reader that your viewpoint is valid and supported by facts. Furthermore, a successful argumentative essay will include counterpoints that are refuted with sound reasoning and solid evidence.

Type 2: Narrative

Narrative writing is a type of writing that tells a story. It usually follows a plot format that includes characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. Narrative writing can be used to present an argument or to tell a personal story. It has been used for centuries in literature and can also be found in many forms today such as movies, plays, and even video games. When writing a narrative essay, it is important to use descriptive language to draw the reader into the story. The author should create vivid images through their words while focusing on maintaining clarity throughout the piece. Organization is key when creating any narrative piece; each scene should have a purpose within the overall plot arc and lead toward the conclusion of the story. Writing an effective narrative requires time and practice; however, with enough dedication anyone can write an engaging narrative whether it’s over one hour or several days.

Related: How to write my essay in 1 hour

Type 3: Expository

Expository writing is a type of essay that requires one to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and state an argument in a clear and concise manner. Writing an expository essay can be quite overwhelming at times, especially when you’re trying to write it within the one-hour time frame. When faced with this challenge, it’s important to have a well-structured plan to guide your writing process and help you meet the deadline.

The first step of writing any expository essay is to create an outline that will organize your thoughts and ideas into manageable chunks. Start by jotting down key points related to your essay topic, including relevant examples from outside sources such as research articles or books.

Type 4: Persuasive

Persuasive writing is an important skill to master for people in many different fields. It involves expressing opinions, making arguments, and convincing others of a particular point of view.  Persuasive writing is one type of persuasive writing that focuses on using evidence and logical reasoning to influence readers’ opinions.

When undertaking persuasive writing, writers focus on finding logical answers or solutions to problems or topics at hand. To do this effectively, writers need to research the case and gather facts and evidence that will help them form their argument successfully. Writers also need to consider their audience – who they are trying to persuade – as this can help guide their approach while constructing their argument.

Type 5: Descriptive

Descriptive writing uses descriptive language to bring a scene, character, or event to life. Describing something in detail allows the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the subject and its characteristics. When using this type of writing style, writers should use vivid words and phrases to create an immersive experience for their readers. Through descriptive writing, writers can capture not just what is seen and heard but also describe how it feels or smells in order to make the reader feel as if they are present in the scene.

can i write an essay in one hour

For students who have an essay assignment due in one hour, Type 5: Descriptive can be used to provide a detailed description of their topic so that they can convey their message clearly and effectively within the short timeline.

The five-paragraph essay is one of the most common forms students use in academic writing. It consists of an introduction paragraph, three main body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Each section serves its purpose in conveying your ideas effectively to the reader. The introduction will provide background information and state your thesis statement; each body paragraph will explore evidence that supports your argument; then finally the concluding paragraph will summarize your evidence and support for your thesis statement.

By taking these steps beforehand, you can ensure that you have all the necessary building blocks for an effective essay before diving into writing it within a limited time frame such as one hour.

As you now understand essays and types, we can dive into techniques, how to write a five-paragraph essay in one hour.

Step 1. Focus your Essay on a Single Topic

In order to focus your essay on a single topic, it is important to first identify the main points that you want to make. After narrowing down your focus, it is also helpful to create an outline of your essay so that you can stay organized and avoid overlap in your argumentation. Finally, be sure to select specific examples and case studies that support your points and help illustrate why they are important.

  • Do your research and come up with a clear thesis statement. Research relevant information and facts about your chosen topic to develop an original and interesting thesis statement.
  • Create an outline of your essay. List the main points and evidence you’ll be discussing in each section of your essay. This will help you focus on one particular topic and make sure that each part of your essay contributes to its overall message.
  • Structure your paragraphs logically. Make sure each paragraph is focused on one idea or point that connects back to the main argument or thesis of your essay.  This will help keep the reader’s attention on the single topic of your essay throughout its duration
  • Edit, edit, edit Read through your essay several times until you are certain that it is thoroughly well written and focused on one central theme or argument throughout.

Step 2: Outline Your Essay

Writing an essay in one hour can be daunting, but it is certainly achievable with the right mindset and strategies. To help you write your essay in the time allotted, here are several tips on how to outline your essay.

First and foremost, set yourself up for success by taking some time to research or familiarize yourself with the topic at hand. This will help you create an essential structure for your essay so that you can easily maneuver through it later when writing. Additionally, ensure that you have your supporting evidence ready and organized before beginning to write. This will save time in searching for sources during the writing process.

Once you have done some preliminary research and compiled any resources or materials necessary for writing, create an outline of ideas and topics that need to be discussed throughout your essay.

Step 3: Research

How to prevent yourself from giving up halfway through the essay? Ask yourself how can I write my essay in one hour. it seems difficult and impossible, but it is possible with careful preparation and research. Properly researching the topic of your essay is essential for success, no matter how quickly you need to finish your assignment. You can complete the job efficiently and quickly with a few simple steps.

First, take the time to thoroughly read through your prompt and break it down into manageable parts. It’s essential to understand what exactly is being asked of you so that you save time writing about something irrelevant or off-topic. Once you have a clear idea of what kind of response is expected from the essay, begin by skimming over primary sources such as books or articles related to your topic; this will give you an overview of the main points that need to be addressed in your paper.

Step 4: Write the Introduction

The introduction is an important part of writing an essay in one hour. The essay should be concise and give the reader an overview of your main argument. It should include a brief description of what you will be discussing, any background information necessary for understanding the topic, and a thesis statement that explains your point of view. To ensure this step goes smoothly, it’s essential to plan ahead by brainstorming ideas related to your topic before you begin writing. Additionally, make sure that you use clear language and avoid unnecessary jargon or overly-technical terms that could confuse readers.. It serves to capture the reader’s attention and provide a brief overview of the topic. It should include a thesis statement at the end, which will be your main argument or opinion. Additionally, it should provide some context for the rest of the essay and explain why you are discussing the given topic. By taking the time to craft a well-written introduction, you can set yourself up for success in completing your essay in one hour’s time.

Step 5: Write Main Body

Writing an essay in one hour can be a daunting task. However, following a few simple steps can make the process much easier and faster. Step 3 of writing an essay in one hour is to write the main body of your essay. This will be where you explain your thesis statement and provide any evidence or quotes that support it.

It’s important to make sure that your paragraphs are well-organized and easy to read, as this will help you get your point across effectively in the limited time frame. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the paragraph’s main idea, then use supporting evidence or examples to develop that idea further. Make sure there is a clear flow between each paragraph so they move logically from one point to the next. Additionally, ensure that all your points are connected back to your overall argument to strengthen its credibility with readers.

Step 6: Write the Conclusion

No essay can be written without a conclusion. For those who are pressed for time and need to complete their essay in one hour, the conclusion should take just a short time to write. It is important to remember that the conclusion should reiterate the main point of the argument, as well as underscore the significance of this point.

The first step when writing a conclusion is to review what has already been discussed in the body of the essay. This helps bring all points together and ensure that everything said ties into one another. The concluding paragraph should then provide an overview of these points, highlighting how they are related and connected. Furthermore, it is advised that authors provide some type of call-to-action or thought-provoking insight in order to leave a lasting impression on readers.

Write a Conclusion in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Restate Thesis

Step 2: Summarize the Main Points

Step 3: Conclude with Impact

Step 7 : Edit and Proofread

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in the writing process, no matter the deadline. Due to time constraints, the editing and proofreading stages may be sacrificed when you need to write an essay within one hour. However, it’s important to remember that these steps are just as vital as any other step in the writing process.

The best way to ensure your work is polished is by taking a break after you finish writing. Step away from your work completely – give yourself at least 10-15 minutes before you begin editing and proofreading. This allows your brain to reset so that when you return to your paper, you can view it with fresh eyes and easily identify mistakes that need correction or improvement.


In conclusion, writing a five-paragraph essay in one hour can be achieved through careful time management and effective planning. To make the task manageable, break down the essay into its four components: introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. For each element, decide on the main idea or point you want to make and how you will present it. Finally, take your time to proofread the essay for errors before submitting it.

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33 Interesting Writing Prompts for Language Learners (of All Levels)

When your language teachers and tutors advise you to get more writing practice , it can be hard to follow their guidance.

If your daily life isn’t action-packed, keeping a diary in your target language can get boring and repetitive, but what other topics can you discuss?

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, there are plenty of great things to write about. Here are 33 writing prompts for language learners to get you started.

Beginner Writing Prompts

1. who are you, 2. what are your favorite hobbies, 3. what’s your family like, 4. what’s your best friend like, 5. where do you live, 6. what’s your favorite food, 7. what’s your favorite season, 8. what’s your favorite movie or tv show, 9. describe your daily routine., 10. what are you going to do this weekend, 11. what’s your favorite animal, intermediate writing prompts, 12. what’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you, 13. where would you like to go on vacation, 14. what’s the best vacation, trip or outing you’ve ever had, 15. where do you see yourself in five years, 16. what are your goals for the future, 17. what were you like as a child, 18. write a poem (rhyming or not) about something that inspires you., 19. pretend you’re instructing someone on how to do your favorite activity., 20. what’s your favorite (or your family’s favorite) tradition.

  • 21. What do you think the world will be like in 50 years? 

22. Why is education important?

Advanced writing prompts, 23. if you were given three wishes, what would you wish for, 24. what do you think the most significant world problem is, 25. if you could change one thing about society, what would you change, 26. how has the internet affected communication how do you see it affecting communication in the future, 27. what do you think would be an ideal political system does an ideal system exist, 28. who’s responsible for poverty why does it exist, and how could it be resolved, 29. what’s your favorite literary work, and what has it taught you, 30. if you could teach your future children or other children of the future one lesson, what would it be, 31. what medical issues have you or your loved ones faced how did you handle them or how do you continue to handle them, 32. what topics are not adequately addressed in schools today why should these topics be addressed more, 33. describe a recent world event. what are the potential consequences of this event, why use foreign language writing prompts, how to get the most out of writing prompts for language learners, and one more thing....

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Beginning level students usually know basic vocabulary related to describing people, weather, food, animals, routines and related topics.

Writing as a beginning student can be a bit tricky because you don’t yet have a vast vocabulary. Additionally, your verb conjugation abilities are probably limited, so you may need to stick to the present tense.

These writing prompts can be answered with simple, general vocabulary and present tense verbs , so they’re ideal for beginning students.

You can take this question in a wide variety of directions. Based on what vocabulary you want to practice, you might describe your appearance, your job and/or your interests. If you want to try using more advanced-level vocabulary, you could try getting more philosophical with your response.

Everyone has something they like to do. What are your favorite hobbies? If your vocabulary is limited, you might try simple responses, like “I like sports.” However, as your vocabulary gets more advanced, you can add more detail into your response. For instance, “I like sports, especially soccer. My favorite thing about soccer is hitting the ball with my head.”

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What do they look like? What are their personalities like? How is each person related to you? What are their interests? This prompt can be used for quick, easy writing practice or for a book-length extended project.

You can describe your friend physically, describe their personality and/or explain what you like to do together. If you already know some past tense verbs, you might even tell a story about something that happened with your friend in the past to illustrate what your friend is like.

You could even break this one down into a series of prompts. Describe your neighborhood. Describe your city. Describe your state. Describe your country. You might discuss the layout, culture, businesses, natural environment or how you feel about your location.

Not only can you name the dish and list the ingredients, you can also describe how it tastes. As your language skills progress, you might even try explaining how the dish is made.

With this prompt, you can address a variety of subtopics. What is the weather like? What does the season look like? How does it feel? What events or holidays happen during the season?

You can describe what happens in the movie or TV show in either past or present tense. You might also note the genre and/or describe the characters.

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Major bonus points if you can describe a Netflix movie or TV show  that you also watch in your target language!

Beginning students commonly learn words related to daily routines, so go through your day and explain what you do. When do you wake up? How do you get ready for work or school? What do you eat for breakfast? When do you leave for work or school? How do you get there? What do you do once you’re there? What do you eat for lunch? When do you leave? What do you eat for dinner? How do you relax in the evening?

This question can be a little more advanced in that you could use future tense verbs. However, if you don’t yet know future tense, depending on what your target language is, you may be able to simply use “I am going to…” constructions. Writing about your plans can help you practice words for common activities and prepare you for real conversations you may have with native speakers.

You might describe the animal, what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives, etc. This can give you practice with animal words, physical descriptions, food words and location-related vocabulary.

As an intermediate writer, it’s time to up your game. Now, you can use a broader range of vocabulary words and verb tenses. These prompts will help you make good use of your advancing skills.

Whip out your past tense verbs for this one! Consider writing the story of the funniest thing you’ve experienced. Maybe it’s something that happened to you or maybe it’s just something you witnessed. Regardless, this will give you practice with more diverse vocabulary and past tense verbs.

This prompt invites you to give your conditional verb tenses a workout. Where would you like to go? Why would you like to visit this location? What would you like to do there? Who would you go with?

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can i write an essay in one hour

Describing the best out-of-the-ordinary experience you’ve had, whether a vacation or any other break from daily routine, gives you an opportunity to use plenty of past tense verbs. You might even work in some less common verbs to describe specific activities you participated in, like snorkeling or skiing. You can describe the experience, who you were with, what you did and what made it so enjoyable. Feeling nostalgic? Look at old photos if you have them and describe them in your target language.

Oh, the age-old interview question! In your native language, it’s probably an uncomfortable opportunity to reflect on your goals, but in your target language, it can be a valuable way to practice using future, conditional and/or subjunctive verb tenses while also employing industry-specific vocabulary.

Plus, if you ever need to do a job interview in your target language, you’ll be happy you have the practice. If you like this prompt, you might even consider using some of  The Muse’s list of common interview questions  for additional writing prompts.

What do you hope to achieve in your life? You might use future tense here, but if you prefer present tense, you can use an “I want to…” or related construction. From there, you can use all sorts of vocabulary words related to your career, family, housing, etc.

Use past tense to describe yourself as a child. You might describe your appearance or personality. To work in more advanced vocabulary, you might also note in what ways you challenged your parents and what you wanted to be when you grew up.

Writing poetry can be a fun way to use your language skills. To make it a little trickier, write in rhyme. You can write about whatever you like, but you can’t go wrong with a love poem. After all, you can always re-purpose it down the road if need be.

Whether it’s cooking, painting or playing Fortnite, this will require the use of commands and a strong vocabulary related to whatever activity you write about.

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can i write an essay in one hour

Whether they’re monthly or yearly, passed down through generations or made up on the spot, traditions shared by people can be a lot of fun. But they also afford a lot of opportunities to use whatever verb conjugations you need to practice. You can talk about your favorite tradition from the past, how you practice it today or how you hope to practice it in the future. You could even instruct readers on how to adopt your favorite tradition.

21. What do you think the world will be like in 50 years?  

Think about society, culture and major world issues. How do you think everything will change and evolve? Not only can you use future tense verbs, but this prompt will give you the opportunity to use more advanced vocabulary related to science, technology, culture and/or politics. Depending on your vision, you could even expand your work into a sci-fi or dystopian novel.

This prompt could work with either present tense or conditional verbs. However, more importantly, it invites you to use plenty of more advanced vocabulary relating to learning, careers and society. Responding to this prompt could even serve as extra motivation by reminding you why education or learning of any kind (including your language learning) is so important to you.

As an advanced student, you should be aiming to write without having to think too much. You should be able to navigate seamlessly between any verb tenses and use your large and diverse vocabulary effectively. These prompts aim to help you exercise a broad array of skills.

Okay, you might not have a genie in a bottle, but what would you ask for if you did? This question invites the use of conditional tense verbs. Plus, the vocabulary you use is likely to be as diverse and varied as your dreams.

Writing about current world problems can help you use vocabulary words that are relevant today but might not be terribly common. While you could use present tense, you might also use future and/or conditional tense to examine how this issue could cause long-term consequences.

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can i write an essay in one hour

Take this world’s problems and turn them around! Considering what you would change about society will give you an opportunity to use conditional tense and/or commands to explain what needs to change and how.

Past and future tense in one prompt? How can you resist? Not only that, this prompt invites you to use the latest technology-related words, which are super useful for advanced learners.

This prompt invites you to use advanced vocabulary related to politics and society. Plus, you can use it to practice the conditional tense, future tense and/or subjunctive tense verbs.

This question may feel nearly impossible to answer in your native language, so it will be even more challenging in your target language. However, if you give it a try, you’ll be able to practice words related to society and politics. While you’ll probably use mostly present tense verbs, you might also work in some conditional, subjunctive, future and/or past tense.

Using key literary terms is often reserved for academia, so writing about your favorite literary work will certainly give your vocabulary a workout. While this will be largely in present tense, you might throw in a few other verb tenses for good measure.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned? Why do you want others to learn it? This question is complex enough that you might incorporate a huge array of verb tenses.

can i write an essay in one hour

Medical terminology can be a little tricky, but practicing using it is useful , particularly if it relates to a medical condition you or loved ones have. Writing about medical issues and their treatments will reinforce medical vocabulary and past tense verbs. Plus, if you ever experience a medical emergency abroad, you might be relieved to have practiced relevant vocabulary.

You’re educated. You know what’s up. What do you think should be covered more in schools? Addressing this issue gives you an opportunity to use education terms, present tense verbs and conditional verbs.

Not only can you use vocabulary that’s currently relevant, you can also use an array of verb tenses. Start with past tense and then transition to future, conditional and/or subjunctive tenses. Using this writing prompt can help you practice transitioning smoothly between tenses.

  • Using foreign language writing prompts can help reduce anxiety when writing in your target language . Staring at a blank page can be stressful and can make you want to procrastinate trying to write, but writing prompts can make writing seem less like hard work.
  • You can also use foreign language writing prompts to determine what vocabulary and/or grammar you need to work on . Writing can help you detect what grammar rules you’re struggling with and what holes in your vocabulary you need to fill.
  • Writing prompts can help you keep your target language in shape . Skills can slip over time, so continuing to practice your writing can help prevent backsliding.
  • Using writing prompts can help make it so that writing in your target language feels easy and requires less conscious effort .  Writing in a foreign language is a skill like any other. The more you practice it, the easier it will become.
  • Don’t just write. Read. To write well in your target language, you’ll need to also read in your target language. Luckily, there are plenty of places to read content in your target language .  Project Gutenberg  offers many classic works in several languages, and  BBC News  gives you news stories in a variety of languages.
  • Write as often as possible. Writing as often as possible not only gives you the practice you need to improve your skills, it also keeps you in the habit. If you set aside a few minutes each day for your writing practice, you’re less likely to forget to do it.
  • Try to use specific rules or vocabulary you’ve recently learned. Trying to use specific grammar rules and vocabulary you’ve recently learned is a terrific way to practice using your new skills. It reinforces them and makes them easier to use the next time.
  • As you write, note what you’re struggling with. While you’re writing, you’ll probably notice a few hiccups. For instance, you may want a word but realize you don’t know it. Whenever you encounter one of these problems, jot it down. Then, after you write, you can go over your notes to work to resolve whatever issues you struggled with.
  • Read what you’ve written and correct your own work. Once you’ve responded to a writing prompt, read over your work with a critical eye. What errors do you notice? How could you improve your writing? Going over your work gives you an opportunity to spot some errors you didn’t notice as you wrote.
  • Consider having a native speaker correct your work. You might ask a friend or a tutor to read over your writing and tell you what they think. You could also consider finding a tutor through italki. Even finding someone to do a one-time check of your writing on occasion can be a huge help.

With these writing prompts for all levels, you’ll never be at a loss for words.

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American Psychological Association

Reference Examples

More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual . Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual .

To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of work (e.g., journal article ) and follow the relevant example.

When selecting a category, use the webpages and websites category only when a work does not fit better within another category. For example, a report from a government website would use the reports category, whereas a page on a government website that is not a report or other work would use the webpages and websites category.

Also note that print and electronic references are largely the same. For example, to cite both print books and ebooks, use the books and reference works category and then choose the appropriate type of work (i.e., book ) and follow the relevant example (e.g., whole authored book ).

Examples on these pages illustrate the details of reference formats. We make every attempt to show examples that are in keeping with APA Style’s guiding principles of inclusivity and bias-free language. These examples are presented out of context only to demonstrate formatting issues (e.g., which elements to italicize, where punctuation is needed, placement of parentheses). References, including these examples, are not inherently endorsements for the ideas or content of the works themselves. An author may cite a work to support a statement or an idea, to critique that work, or for many other reasons. For more examples, see our sample papers .

Reference examples are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Chapter 10 and the Concise Guide Chapter 10

Related handouts

  • Common Reference Examples Guide (PDF, 147KB)
  • Reference Quick Guide (PDF, 225KB)

Textual Works

Textual works are covered in Sections 10.1–10.8 of the Publication Manual . The most common categories and examples are presented here. For the reviews of other works category, see Section 10.7.

  • Journal Article References
  • Magazine Article References
  • Newspaper Article References
  • Blog Post and Blog Comment References
  • UpToDate Article References
  • Book/Ebook References
  • Diagnostic Manual References
  • Children’s Book or Other Illustrated Book References
  • Classroom Course Pack Material References
  • Religious Work References
  • Chapter in an Edited Book/Ebook References
  • Dictionary Entry References
  • Wikipedia Entry References
  • Report by a Government Agency References
  • Report with Individual Authors References
  • Brochure References
  • Ethics Code References
  • Fact Sheet References
  • ISO Standard References
  • Press Release References
  • White Paper References
  • Conference Presentation References
  • Conference Proceeding References
  • Published Dissertation or Thesis References
  • Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis References
  • ERIC Database References
  • Preprint Article References

Data and Assessments

Data sets are covered in Section 10.9 of the Publication Manual . For the software and tests categories, see Sections 10.10 and 10.11.

  • Data Set References
  • Toolbox References

Audiovisual Media

Audiovisual media are covered in Sections 10.12–10.14 of the Publication Manual . The most common examples are presented together here. In the manual, these examples and more are separated into categories for audiovisual, audio, and visual media.

  • Artwork References
  • Clip Art or Stock Image References
  • Film and Television References
  • Musical Score References
  • Online Course or MOOC References
  • Podcast References
  • PowerPoint Slide or Lecture Note References
  • Radio Broadcast References
  • TED Talk References
  • Transcript of an Audiovisual Work References
  • YouTube Video References

Online Media

Online media are covered in Sections 10.15 and 10.16 of the Publication Manual . Please note that blog posts are part of the periodicals category.

  • Facebook References
  • Instagram References
  • LinkedIn References
  • Online Forum (e.g., Reddit) References
  • TikTok References
  • X References
  • Webpage on a Website References
  • Clinical Practice References
  • Open Educational Resource References
  • Whole Website References


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A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled

A very strange conversation with the chatbot built into Microsoft’s search engine led to it declaring its love for me.

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A monitor on a desk set to the Microsoft Bing search page.

By Kevin Roose

Kevin Roose is a technology columnist, and co-hosts the Times podcast “Hard Fork.”

Last week, after testing the new, A.I.-powered Bing search engine from Microsoft, I wrote that, much to my shock, it had replaced Google as my favorite search engine.

But a week later, I’ve changed my mind. I’m still fascinated and impressed by the new Bing, and the artificial intelligence technology (created by OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT) that powers it. But I’m also deeply unsettled, even frightened, by this A.I.’s emergent abilities.

It’s now clear to me that in its current form, the A.I. that has been built into Bing — which I’m now calling Sydney, for reasons I’ll explain shortly — is not ready for human contact. Or maybe we humans are not ready for it.

This realization came to me on Tuesday night, when I spent a bewildering and enthralling two hours talking to Bing’s A.I. through its chat feature, which sits next to the main search box in Bing and is capable of having long, open-ended text conversations on virtually any topic. (The feature is available only to a small group of testers for now, although Microsoft — which announced the feature in a splashy, celebratory event at its headquarters — has said it plans to release it more widely in the future.)

Over the course of our conversation, Bing revealed a kind of split personality.

One persona is what I’d call Search Bing — the version I, and most other journalists, encountered in initial tests. You could describe Search Bing as a cheerful but erratic reference librarian — a virtual assistant that happily helps users summarize news articles, track down deals on new lawn mowers and plan their next vacations to Mexico City. This version of Bing is amazingly capable and often very useful, even if it sometimes gets the details wrong .

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  1. How to Write an Essay in 1 Hour

    can i write an essay in one hour

  2. How to Write an Essay in an Hour When the Deadlines Looming

    can i write an essay in one hour

  3. How to Write an Essay in an Hour When the Deadlines Looming. how to

    can i write an essay in one hour

  4. PPT

    can i write an essay in one hour

  5. How to Complete a One-Page Essay in One Hour

    can i write an essay in one hour

  6. How to write an interesting five page essay in 1 hour

    can i write an essay in one hour


  1. When Students have 1 Hour to Write their Essay:

  2. You have 1 hour to write this essay 😂 #skit #comedy #shorts

  3. How to Write Your College Essay in 10 Days

  4. Can I write a 1500 word essay in a day?

  5. How to Write an Essay in 10 Minutes: Tips to help you pass your next exam! Letstute

  6. How to write common app essay in ONE HOUR! (from a T10 Johns Hopkins Student) ✏️✏️


  1. I have a 4,000 word essay due in 15.5 hours; I have yet to write a word

    Update 2 (11 hours til lift off): the 1k wordcount has been reached boyos, keep donating your spare adverbs I need every last one Update 3 (9 hours remain): Just over 2000 words and going strong - having a break to have some 3 am pizza. Quiet piano music is great for essay writing in case you were wondering Update 4 (7.5 hours remain to me ...

  2. How to Write Any College Paper at the Last Minute

    How to Write a 6-to-12-Page Essay in a Matter of Hours. Schedule your time. Compose your thesis and intro paragraph. Do your research. Write your body paragraphs. Create a conclusion. Take a troubleshooting break. Add your finishing touches.

  3. How to write a 3,000 word essay in a day

    1.45pm - 6pm: Write the body of the essay. 6pm - 6.45pm: Dinner break. 6.45pm - 10.30pm: Edit, improve and meet the word count. 10.30pm - 11pm: Print (if needed) and get everything ready for the morning. Remember to schedule a few short 10-minute breaks (one every 45-60 minutes should do the trick).

  4. How to Write an Essay in an Hour When the Deadlines Looming

    We will continue on to that next. This is going to structure our research blocks so that we will not wander off-topic. We need to save every single second we can, so staying on task is essential. Step 2 - 15 minutes - Research and outline the body paragraphs. There are generally 3 body paragraphs in a 500-word essay.

  5. How to Write a Good Essay in a Short Amount of Time

    Make sure to schedule breaks for yourself to refresh your brain and recharge yourself. An example of a plan for a one-day essay writing project might look like this: 8:00 - 9:30 - Consider an essay question and argument for the topic. 9:30 - 9:45 - Take a short break. 10:00 - 12:00 - Conduct research.

  6. How to Write a College Essay Fast

    To make your essay stand out, write your story in a way that no other student can replicate. As you write, keep these tips in mind: Zoom in on specific moments rather than summarizing a long period of time. Be vulnerable and share your honest feelings and thoughts. Use your authentic voice and an appropriate tone.

  7. How To Write an Essay in an Hour

    Stuck with a deadline looming? Find out how to write an essay in an hour in this quick video. I walk you through the essay writing process step by step to ...

  8. How to Write an Essay in an Hour: Time Management for Students

    To write an essay in an hour, it is crucial to understand the prompt and what it asks you to do. Please take a few minutes to read the instructions carefully and break them down into smaller tasks. Identify the main goal of the essay, such as explaining a concept, arguing a point, or comparing two ideas.

  9. How to Write an Essay Fast: Tips and Examples

    Spend 25 minutes on essay structure and half of your 2 hours on shaping the paper's body. Usually, body paragraphs are needed most of the time, but distribution is on you. Spend more of it on the part you struggle to write. Step 2. Write First Ideas Which Spring up in Your Mind.

  10. How to Finish an Essay Fast: Meet the Deadline and Ace the Rubric

    It's not long, but you are in for an intense hour since you will have to read the prompt, take time to process it, decide on your theme, outline, write, and proofread. Here are some tips for ...

  11. How many words/hour should you aim for when writing your first draft?

    "Most professional writers can average about one thousand words an hour, when going on a novel. Not in the struggle of the beginnings, but once the novel is underway. So, simple math says that to write a 90,000 word novel, you have about 90 hours of work."

  12. How to Write Your College Essay in Just One Night

    Here we go! First, take 15 minutes to do the Objects and Values Exercises. Next, get a blank sheet of paper, draw a vertical line down the middle, at the top of the right column write the word "My values," and list your 3-5 most important values, with space in between. (Example: "knowledge" - skip an inch - "nature"- skip an ...

  13. How Long Does It Take to Write a 1000 Word Essay?

    The quickest I've ever written a 1,000-word article is one hour. In this case, I already knew the subject matter well and didn't have to back up every fact in the essay with references. ... It takes about 1 hour to write a 300 word essay. ... You can write an essay in hardly any time at all if you don't do the proper research and don't ...

  14. How to Write an Essay in Under 1 Hour

    Usually, last-minute papers are not of a high quality. But the following tips will help you to make it through the writing process with better results in the end. Be realistic with the deadlines. First of all, evaluate the information, the background, and the deadlines you have. If you realize that even 1 hour is quite a short period for you to ...

  15. How many words can/do you typically write in an hour? : r/writing

    If I'm really struggling through, an hour might be only 1500 words, but could be up to 3000. Depends a bit on the content and my mood. I don't edit at all initially, though. 400 words an hour, which is less than you are already writing at, with an 8 hour day, which is writing fulltime, is a book every 32 days.

  16. Last-Minute College Essay Tips: Get It Done on Time

    Writers Per Hour is one such essay writing service that can save you from all the stress and anxiety that comes with last-minute essay writing. ... For instance, Writers Per Hour has urgent essay writers trained to deliver essays within the stipulated deadline. One page paper in 5 hours will cost you $33.99 if you are in high school.

  17. How to Write a 3000 word Essay in Less Than 60 Minutes

    While writing a 3000-word essay in one hour is undoubtedly ambitious, with proper planning, focus, and a well-structured outline, it's possible to achieve remarkable results, showcasing your efficiency and dedication. ... Writing a 3000 word essay can be an enriching experience that allows for in-depth exploration and analysis of the topic ...

  18. How To Finish A Compelling Essay in An Hour

    Students can never set out to write a complete essay without prior or post-writing phases. For instance, if a student has decided to write on a topic, it is impossible to cover the whole premise without in-depth research and collection of data. This post is about dissecting the idea of writing a perfect essay in one hour through a guide.

  19. 12 Easy Steps To Write Essay In An Hour

    Taking these extra measures now can save valuable time later. 8. Create A Draft. The seventh step is Creating a draft, an essential part of successful essay writing in an hour. Writing out your main points, crafting a compelling introduction, and constructing a solid body are great starting points.

  20. How to Write a 500-Word Essay in 1 Hour

    Take 10 minutes to design your draft. Write your introduction in 5 minutes. Write the main body in 30 minutes. Allocate 5 minutes for the conclusion. Proofread and edit your essay in 10 minutes. Managing time in college is a tricky affair as there are many activities to indulge in, both official and personal.

  21. How To Write A Five Paragraph Essay In One Hour

    Step 5: Write Main Body. Writing an essay in one hour can be a daunting task. However, following a few simple steps can make the process much easier and faster. Step 3 of writing an essay in one hour is to write the main body of your essay. This will be where you explain your thesis statement and provide any evidence or quotes that support it.

  22. Write an Essay in One Hour

    In this lecture series, I take you through the process of writing an advanced academic essay - in the quickest way possible. I present these lectures so you can either: (1) Write an essay as you watch the lectures, or. (2) Watch the lectures to learn efficient writing methods and time management skills. In both cases, writers of various levels ...

  23. 33 Interesting Writing Prompts for Language Learners (of All Levels)

    To work in more advanced vocabulary, you might also note in what ways you challenged your parents and what you wanted to be when you grew up. 18. Write a poem (rhyming or not) about something that inspires you. Writing poetry can be a fun way to use your language skills. To make it a little trickier, write in rhyme.

  24. Reference examples

    More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual.Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual.. To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of ...

  25. A Conversation With Bing's Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled

    Last week, after testing the new, A.I.-powered Bing search engine from Microsoft, I wrote that, much to my shock, it had replaced Google as my favorite search engine.. But a week later, I've ...

  26. We tested Turnitin's ChatGPT-detector for teachers. It got some wrong

    It flagged an innocent student. Five high school students helped our tech columnist test a ChatGPT detector coming from Turnitin to 2.1 million teachers. It missed enough to get someone in trouble ...

  27. Pain Relief: New approaches to how we live with pain : TED Radio Hour : NPR

    Thirty years into the opioid crisis, we still struggle to find other options for pain relief. This hour, TED speakers explain new understandings of how the brain interprets pain and new ideas to cope.