What Are Business Reports & Why They Are Important: Examples & Templates

Business reports examples and templates for managers by datapine

Table of Contents

1) What Is A Business Report?

2) Types Of Business Reports

3) Business Reports Examples & Samples

4) Why Do You Need Business Reports?

5) How To Setup A Business Report?

6) Challenges Of Business Reports

In your daily operations, you likely notice your processes and ‘activities’ constantly changing – sales trends and volume, marketing performance metrics, warehouse operational shifts, or inventory management changes, among many others.

All these little alterations in your organizational activities are impacting the global well-being of your company, your warehouse, your restaurant, or even your healthcare facility. Whether you manage a big or small company, business reports must be incorporated to establish goals, track operations, and strategy to get an in-depth view of the overall company state.

But with so much information being collected daily from every department, static business reports created manually will not give your company the fresh insights it needs to stay competitive. Businesses that want to succeed in today’s crowded market need to leverage the power of their insights in an accessible and efficient way. This is where modern business reports created with interactive data visualizations come to the rescue. 

Traditional means of reporting are tedious and time-consuming. Due to how the human brain processes information, presenting insights in charts or graphs to visualize significant amounts of complex information is more accessible and intuitive.  Thanks to modern, user-friendly online data analysis tools armed with powerful visualizations, companies can benefit from interactive reports that are accessible and understandable for everyone without needing prior technical skills.

Here, we take the time to define a business report, explore visual report examples, and look at how to create them for various needs, goals, and objectives. In the process, we will use online data visualization software to interact with and drill deeper into bits and pieces of relevant data. Let's get started.

What Is A Business Report?

A business report is a tool that helps collect and analyze historical and current data from a company’s operations, production, and more. Through various types of business reports, organizations make critical decisions to ensure growth and operational efficiency.

To understand the best uses for these reports, it’s essential to properly define them. According to authors Lesikar and Pettit, “A corporate-style report is an orderly, objective communication of factual information that serves some organizational purpose”. It organizes information for a specific business purpose. While some reports will go into a more detailed approach to analyzing the functionality and strategies of a department, other examples of business reports will be more concentrated on the bigger picture of organizational management, for example, investor relations. That’s where the magic of these kinds of reports truly shines: no matter for which company goal you need, their usage can be various and, at the same time, practical.

Traditional business reports are often static and text reach (bullet points, headings, subheadings, etc.). Classically formatted in sections such as the summary, table of contents, introduction, body, and conclusion, this report format is no longer the most efficient when it comes to extracting the needed insights to succeed in this fast-paced world. On one hand, by the time these reports have been finished, the insights included within them might not be useful anymore. On the other hand, the fact that it is mostly text and numbers makes them hard to understand, making the analysis strategy segregated and inefficient.  

The visual nature of modern business dashboards leaves all the aforementioned issues in the past. Thanks to interactive data visualizations and modern business intelligence solutions , the analysis sequence can be done fast and efficiently while empowering non-technical users to rely on digital insights for their decision-making process. 

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Types Of Business Reports?

Before creating your business outcome reports, it is important to consider your core goals and objectives. This way, you can pick the correct type of report for each situation. Here, we present you with five common types of visual reports that you can use for different analytical purposes. 

1. Analytical reports

Analytical reports are reporting tools that use qualitative and quantitative data to analyze the performance of a business strategy or as support when a company needs to make important decisions. A modern analytical dashboard created with top reporting software can include statistics, historical data, as well as forecasts, and real-time information. Let’s look into it with a sales example. 

This dashboard is an example of one of the most common types of business reports: analytical reports

**click to enlarge**

This visually appealing business analysis report contains relevant sales KPIs to measure performance, such as the average revenue per unit, the customer lifetime value, acquisition costs, and some sales targets to be met. The value of this analytical report lies in the fact that you get a lot of relevant metrics in a single dashboard. The data can be filtered and explored on different time frames such as daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on the discussion that it needs to support.   

With this kind of sample in hand, managers can quickly understand if they are meeting their targets, find improvement opportunities, get a bigger picture of their sales, and find efficient ways to proceed with new strategies.  

2. Research reports

Next in our types of business reports that we will discuss is a research report. Companies often use these kinds of reports to test the viability of a new product, study a new geographical area to sell, or understand their customer’s perception of their brand image. To generate this type of report, managers often contact market research agencies to gather all the relevant information related to the studied topic. This brand analysis dashboard is a great example.

A brand analytics dashboard as an example of research business reports

The image above is a business report template of a brand analysis. Here, we can see the results of a survey that was conducted to understand the brand’s public perception on different topics. The value of this market research dashboard lies in its interactivity. Often, research reports are depicted in long and static PowerPoint presentations. With a modern market research dashboard like this one, all the info can be filtered upon need, and the whole presentation of results can be done on one screen. For example, if you want to know the brand awareness of a particular region or age group, you just have to click on the graphs, and the entire dashboard will be filtered based on this information. Like this, the analysis sequence is fast, interactive, and efficient. 

3. Industry reports

Following on from the research topic, our next type is an industry report. Benchmarks and targets are excellent ways to measure a company’s performance and success. But, these targets need to be based on realistic values, especially considering how crowded and competitive today’s markets are. For this purpose, companies perform industry reports. By getting a clear picture of the average industry numbers, such as the competitive landscape, industry size, economic indicators, and trends, they can plan smart strategies and create realistic targets for performance. 

Technavio Global Ice Cream Market 2020-2024

Let's take this industry report by Technavio about the Global Ice Cream Market as an example. Here, we can see relevant numbers concerning the ice cream market, how COVID-19 impacted it, and what is expected to happen between the years 2020-2024. For example, the business report sample shows that the pandemic has positively impacted the ice cream market and that it grew 4.33% during 2020. The report also shows that there is increasing popularity of plant-based ice cream and that this trend is driving market growth. This is invaluable information for an ice cream company as they can invest in new products with almost certain success.

4. Progress reports

Next, we have progress reports. Unlike our other examples, this type of business report is not necessarily based on deep research or advanced analytics but rather on delivering a clear picture of the performance of a particular area or business goal. Their visual nature makes them the perfect tool to support meetings or business discussions as they provide a glance into the status of different metrics. A common use of progress reports is with KPI scorecards . Let’s look at an example. 

A balanced scorecard showing financial and customer objectives, learning and growth, and internal objectives.

The image above is a business report example of a balanced scorecard. The goal here is to quickly understand the development of metrics related to 4 key business areas: financial, customers, learning and growth, and internal objectives. Each of these metrics is displayed in a current value and compared to a set target. Paired with this, the template has five colors for the performance status. This allows anyone who uses this report to quickly understand just by looking at the colors if the target is being met.

5. By business function

Getting a bigger picture of a company’s performance is a great benefit of the best business reports. But, apart from helping the company as a whole, the real value of these reports lies in the fact that they empower departments to leverage the power of data analysis for their decision-making process. Instead of the sales department, human resources, or logistics, your entire organization will be data-driven. Let’s look at it with a business report example by function on marketing.  

Business report example by function: a marketing performance dashboard

Created with modern marketing dashboard software , this example entirely focuses on the development of marketing campaigns.  With metrics such as the total number of impressions, clicks, acquisitions, and cost per acquisition being depicted on intuitive gauge charts, you quickly get a clear understanding of the performance of your campaigns. Through this, you can spot any inefficiencies before they become bigger issues and find improvement opportunities to ensure your marketing efforts are paying off. If you want to dig even deeper, this interactive business report can be filtered for specific campaigns so you only see related insights, making this dashboard the perfect tool to support team meetings. 

Business Report Examples And Templates

We’ve answered the question, ‘What is a business report?’ and now, it’s time to look at some real-world examples.

The examples of business reports that we included in this article can be utilized in many different industries; the data can be customized based on the factual information of the specific department, organization, company, or enterprise. Interdepartmental communication can then effectively utilize findings, and the content can be shared with key stakeholders.

Now that we know what they are, let's go over some concrete, real-world instances of visuals you will need to include in your reports.

1. Visual financial business report example

This first example focuses on one of the most vital and data-driven departments of any company: finance. It gathers the most essential financial KPIs a manager needs to have at his fingertips to make an informed decision: gross profit margin, operational expenses ratio (OPEX), both earning before interests (EBIT) and net profit margins, and the income statement. Next to these are the revenue evolution over a year compared to its target predefined, the annual evolution of operational expenses for various internal departments as well as the evolution of the EBIT compared to its target.

Visual of a financial business report example for top-management

The different sets of visual representations of data can clearly point out particular trends or actions that need to be taken to stay on the financial track of a company. All your financial analysis can be integrated into a single visual. When the presentation becomes interactive, clicks will provide even deeper insights into your financial KPIs and the desired outcomes to make a company healthy in its financial operations. The importance of this finance dashboard lies in the fact that every finance manager can easily track and measure the whole financial overview of a specific company while gaining insights into the most valuable KPIs and metrics. Empowering a steadfast and operation-sensitive plan is among the most important goals a company can have, and finance is right in the middle of this process.

Thanks to all this information displayed on a single dashboard, your report is greatly enhanced and backed with accurate information for you to make sound decisions. It becomes easier to implement a solid and operation-sensitive management plan.

2. Visual investor's business report layout

As mentioned earlier, holding an account of your activity, performance, and organization’s assets is important for people outside of the company to understand how it works. When these people are investors, it is all the more critical to have a clean and up-to-date report for them to know how successful is the company they invest in and for you to increase your chances of having more funds. This example provides just that: an exact overview of the most important insights and specific values in a particular time frame.

Visual of a finance KPIs business executive dashboard example for investors

Calculating and communicating KPIs about the overall company situation is what this investors’ relationship dashboard tries to focus on. You learn about the return on equity and return on asset, the debt-equity ratio, and the working capital ratio, but also see the evolution of a share price over time. Each of these metrics is crucial for a potential shareholder, and if they are not monitored regularly and kept under control, it is easy to lose investors’ interest. Tracking them and visualizing them through a modern dashboard is a competitive advantage for your investors’ reports. You can even see on this visual a clear set of data, so you don’t have to dig through numerous amounts of spreadsheets, but clearly see the specific development over time, the percentage gained or lost, ratios, and returns on investments. Not to be limited just to these data, you can always customize and make sample business reports for your specific needs.

3. Visual management report example

The management KPIs presented below focus on the revenue and customer overview seen through a specified quarter of a year. With just a click, you can easily change your specific date range and make an overview of different months or years.

Management business report showing the important KPIs to C-level executives

When analyzing insights on a more specific level, you can easily spot if the revenue is approaching your target value, compare it to the previous year, and see how much of the target you still need to work on. The average number of your revenue per customer compared to your targets can also identify on a more specific level how much you need to adjust your strategy based on your customers’ value. If you see your values have exceeded your goals, you can concentrate on KPIs that haven’t yet reached your target achievement. In this specific example, we have gained insights into how to present your management data, compare them, and evaluate your findings to make better decisions.

This clear overview of data can set apart the success of your management strategy since it is impossible to omit vital information. By gathering all your findings into a single CEO dashboard , the information presented is clear and specific to the management’s needs. The best part of this example report is seen through its interactivity: the more you click, the more data you can present, and the more specific conclusions you can look for.

These report templates that we have analyzed and presented in this article can be a roadmap to effectively create your own report or customize your data to tailor your needs and findings.

4. SaaS management dashboard

The next in our rundown of dynamic business report examples comes from our specialized SaaS metrics dashboard .

A business report example visualizing the number of paying customers, ARPU, CAC, CLTV, and MRR over the course of a month

A SaaS company report example that packs a real informational punch, this particular report format offers a panoramic snapshot of the insights and information every ambitious software-as-a-service business needs to succeed.

With visual KPIs that include customer acquisition costs, customer lifetime value, MMR, and APRU, here, you will find everything you need to streamline your company’s initiatives at a glance. This is an essential tool for both short- and long-term evolution.

5. Sales KPI dashboard

Niche or sector aside, this most powerful of online business reports samples will empower your sales team to improve productivity while increasing revenue on a sustainable basis.

A monthly sales report template focused on high-level metrics such as revenue, profits, costs, incremental sales, accumulated revenue, up/cross-sell rates, etc.

A powerful daily business activity report as well as a tool for long-term growth, our sales dashboard boasts a cohesive mix of visualizations built to boost your business's bottom line.

With centralized access to sales graphs and charts based on churn rates, revenue per sales rep, upselling & cross-selling, and more, this is a company report format that will help you push yourself ahead of the pack (and stay there). It’s a must-have tool for any modern sales team.

6. Retail store dashboard company report example

Retail is another sector that pays to utilize your data to its full advantage. Whatever branch of retail you work in, knowing how to generate a report is crucial, as is knowing which types of reports to work with.

Example of a business report for an online retail store that displays return reasons, total orders, top sellers, average order per customer, etc.

Our interactive retail dashboard is one of our finest visual report examples, as it offers a digestible window of insight into the retail-centric unit as well as transaction-based information that can help you reduce costs while boosting your sales figures over time.

Ideal for target setting and benchmarking as well as strategy formulation, this is an unrivaled tool for any retailer navigating their activities in our fast-paced digital age. If you’re a retailer looking for steady, positive growth, squeezing every last drop of value from your retail metrics is essential—and this dashboard will get you there.

7. Customer service team dashboard

As a key aspect of any successful organizational strategy, optimizing your customer service communications across channels is essential. That’s where our customer service analytics report comes into play.  

Business reporting example for customer service team performance

Making your customer service efforts more efficient, effective, and responsive will not only drastically improve your consumer loyalty rates but also set you apart from your competitors.

One of the best ways to achieve a mean, lean, well-oiled consumer-facing machine is by giving your customer service representatives the tools to perform to the best of their abilities at all times. Armed with a balanced mix of KPIs to track and enhance service performance, this most powerful of business report samples will help you drive down response times while improving your first call resolution rates. It’s a combination that will result in ongoing growth and success.

8. Employee performance dashboard

In addition to your customers, your employees are the beating heart of your organization. Our employee dashboard will give you the power to track the ongoing value and productivity of your internal talent.

Employee performance depicted with business reporting processes.

An ideal formal business report example for any modern HR department, this telling dashboard will give you deep insight into how your employees perform and behave over specific timeframes.

Here, you can examine trends in absenteeism rates, track overtime hours by age group, monitor your training costs, and explore peaks and troughs in productivity across the entire workforce. This melting pot of at-a-glance information will empower you to provide training exactly where it’s needed and get to the heart of any issue that’s affecting productivity or engagement levels. 

Working with this business report format example consistently will ultimately ensure you get the very best return on investment (ROI) from your internal talent.

9. Marketing KPI dashboard

Without a solid multichannel marketing strategy, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever see a consistently healthy ROI from your promotional efforts. Shooting in the dark regarding marketing will also see you fall behind the competition. Enter our marketing dashboard .

Marketing business report for management, with main KPIs about costs and revenue

This business report format template brimming with insight, lets you set accurate performance benchmarks while uncovering a wealth of insight from one intuitive dashboard.

To optimize your promotional campaigns and activities, talking to specific audience segments and using the right touchpoints at precisely the right time is essential. Without a targeted approach, all you’re doing is throwing your time and money away.

This effective company report example offers a balanced overview of your campaigns’ performance by offering the tools to dig deep into vital metrics like cost per acquisition (CPA), customer lifetime value (CLTV), and ROI.

This perfect storm of metrics will show you where your communications or campaigns are failing to drive engagement and where they’re yielding positive results. Armed with this critical information, you can optimize all of your efforts to make the biggest possible impact across channels. An essential report design for any modern organization looking to scale swiftly and consistently.

10. Warehouse KPI dashboard

Being a warehouse manager or decision-maker is a high-pressure job where every decision counts. To keep your fulfillment activities and initiatives fluid, functional, and primed for organizational growth, sweating your data correctly is a must.

A business report example focused on the warehouse performance in the logistics industry

Our warehouse KPI dashboard is a business report sample that aids both real-time decision-making and longer-term strategic planning.

With a powerful selection of logistics-based KPIs, this highly visual business report structure features metrics based on on-time shipment rates, a breakdown of warehouse costs, the number of shipments made over a specified timeframe, and a perfect order rate.

By making this kind of business reports formats a core part of your daily operations, you can eliminate unnecessary costs or activities while boosting overall productivity and significantly improving the success, as well as accuracy, of your warehouse operations. It is an invaluable tool that will help consistently deliver on your fulfillment promises, improving your brand reputation in the process.

11. Cybersecurity dashboard

In our hyper-connected digital age, failing to invest in adequate cybersecurity solutions is the same as leaving your front door wide open when you’re on holiday.

Business report template tracking relevant IT metrics for cybersecurity

To avoid the devastating impact of organizational cyber attacks or informational breaches,  our cyber security IT dashboard will ensure your company is fortified from every angle. This most vital of business report examples will help you fend off any prospective acts of cybercrime while monitoring for any attacks or abnormalities in real-time.

Here, you can keep on top of your cybersecurity rating, track your phishing test success rates, understand how long it takes you to identify an attack (and improve your responsivity), look at how often you backup your company's sensitive information, and discover the most common intrusion rates related to your company from a cohesive space. It’s an essential analysis tool designed to keep your company safe, secure, and happy.

12. CEO dashboard

The CEO is the highest leadership position in an organization. As such, they need to get a complete overview of the entire operations and performance to ensure everything is running smoothly and on track to meet expected goals. Our next example is a scorecard report tracking relevant metrics related to finances, marketing, customer service, and human resources. 

Business report template tracking metrics for the CEO

What makes this template so valuable for the CEO is the fact that it offers a long-term view with benchmarks for quarterly and annual performance. This way, leadership can evaluate the development of the different strategies and spot any inefficiencies at a glance by looking at the green or red colors depicted on each KPI. Plus, each section of the scorecard offers a detailed breakdown of additional information to help dive deeper into the reasons behind a specific result. 

For instance, we can see that there is an increase in the total expenses in the current quarter. However, when taking a deeper look at the yearly breakdown, we can see that the operating expenses ratio has been decreasing for the past three months. Therefore, the quarterly increase is nothing to worry about.

13. Manufacturing production dashboard 

As a production company, you must ensure every aspect of the process is efficiently carried out at its maximum capacity. This means, ensuring machines are working properly, the right amounts of products are being produced, and the least amount are being returned by customers. Our next template aims to help with that task by offering a 360-degree view into a company’s production processes.

Manufacturing business report template displaying main manufacturing KPIs to keep the pulse of your factory

With insights into production volume vs. quantity ordered, top 5 machines by production volume, and return items by reason, the manufacturing manager can spot inefficiencies and identify trends to optimize production and ensure the highest possible ROI. 

For example, looking at the top machines by production can help you spot the ones that might need some maintenance and plan that maintenance time without affecting production. On the other hand, analyzing the returned items by reason can also help improve customer experience and satisfaction. If you see a large amount of returns due to a broken product, it means you need to improve the quality of your materials or the packaging when they are sent to the customer to keep it safer. 

14. IT project management dashboard

Completing a project successfully relies heavily on the team being connected to keep tasks moving at the expected speed. The issue is that it often involves multiple meetings that end up taking a lot of time that could be implemented actually completing the tasks. Our next sample aims to tackle that issue by providing a real-time overview of project development metrics.

IT business reports: project management overview

At the top of the report, we see a breakdown of the different stages of the project with a development percentage and a projected launch date. This is great information to have as it can inform the team about the status of the entire project and any external stakeholders as well.

We then get insights into the project budget, overdue tasks, upcoming deadlines, and employee workload. This is invaluable information that can help optimize any bottlenecks and increase overall efficiency. For instance, we can see that Georg and Nancy are 10+ days overdue with their tasks which is not good for the project. However, a deeper look shows us that these two employees are the ones with the biggest workload, which means they might need some help from other team members to speed up their tasks.

15. HR diversity dashboard 

Diversity in the workplace has become a big priority for organizations and prospective talents. Each year, more and more businesses realize the value of having employees from different backgrounds and cultures as a way to boost their strategies and overall growth. That being said, to be considered a diverse company, you need to ensure your workforce feels comfortable and that the same opportunities are being given to all. Enters our last business report template.

assignment business report example

The template above offers a view into different diversity management metrics from recruitment to talent management. Through this insightful report, HR managers can test the success of their diversity strategies and spot any areas of improvement to ensure the highest level of employee satisfaction. The template is highly interactive and offers insights into diversity by gender, ethnicity, and disabilities.

Analyzing the content of the report, we can see that black employees are the ones with the highest voluntary turnover rate. This is something that needs to be looked into to find the reasons why these employees are not feeling comfortable at the company. On the other hand, we can see that the organization is 1% above the 2% industry standard for hiring employees with disabilities. This is a great indicator, and it can translate into a low 7% of voluntary leaves by these workers.

Now that we’ve looked at report samples, let’s consider the clear-cut business-boosting benefits of these essential analytical tools. These perks will make your company stronger, more fluent, and more efficient on a sustainable basis.

Why Do You Need Business Reports?

Why do you need business reports? 1. Risk assessment & opportunity, 2. Trends & connections, 3. Business Intelligence, 4. Buy-in, 5. Operational efficiency,6. Specificity, 7. Accuracy & consistency, 8. Engagement, 9. Benchmarking, 10. Communication

These reports also enable data collection by documenting the progress you make. Through them, you have the means to compare different periods and activity, growth, etc. You can better see which products or services are more successful than others, which marketing campaign outperforms which other, and which markets or segments require more attention. Collecting all this data is indispensable – and by doing so, you build a paper trail of your past (or, namely, a data trail). They let people outside the company (like banks or investors) know about your activity and performance and enable stakeholders to understand your organization’s tangible and intangible assets.

  • Risk assessment & opportunity: With a business report, you can increase the understanding of risks and opportunities within your company . Sample reports accentuate the link between financial and non-financial performance: they streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve overall cohesion in an informed, commercially ‘safe’ way.
  • Trends & connections: Business report samples can help you compare your performance to other internal units or companies in the same sector. On a more specific level, a report template can help you dig thoroughly into operational metrics and details and discover correlations that would be otherwise overlooked. In today’s hyper-connected digital age, gaining a deeper insight into your data will empower you to formulate strategies that will accelerate key areas of your business growth through trend identification. This fact alone highlights the importance of a business analysis report.
  • Business intelligence (BI): If used correctly, the best BI tools will answer a vital question: ‘Will I survive on the market?’ By creating a business report of a company built to improve your BI activities and answer essential organizational questions, you will gain the ability to tackle deeper specific insights that can bring operational value and control the overall expenditures. By knowing how to set up such a report with specific samples and templates, you can provide building blocks to establish a successful business intelligence strategy.
  • Buy-in: While there are many different types of business reports for a company, they all have one common trait: gathering data and tracking the business activities related to something specific. By working with the right reports, users can perform in-depth visual analyses of many key areas or functions and provide informed recommendations that will ultimately improve efficiency and encourage innovation. Regardless of how good or beneficial an idea might be , getting buy-in from senior executives or external partners is often a major roadblock to progress. However, a good report template presents a level of depth and presentation that is both factual and convincing and will encourage buy-in from the people with the power to sign off on new strategies, initiatives, or ideas.
  • Operational efficiency: The more factual the report is, the clearer the data. When your data is well organized and crystal clear, it’s possible to interpret your business activities cost-effectively, reducing the time required to analyze findings while saving countless working hours sifting through metrics for actionable insights. A good template presents an in-depth analysis where the writers show how they have interpreted their findings. For example, a marketing report can reduce the time needed to analyze a specific campaign, while an HR report can provide insights into the recruiting process and evaluate, for example, why the cost per hire increased?
  • Specificity: When you create a business information report, you are giving yourself a key opportunity to address specific issues that are often used when decisions need to be made. As author Alan Thomson says, “A company report conveys information to assist in business decision-making. [It] is the medium in which to present this information.” They have several purposes: some record information to plan for the future, some record past information to understand a situation, and others present a solution to a pressing problem. Some executive dashboards are for daily usage, while a monthly business report template will help you pinpoint your activities on a more gradual, incremental basis.  They are all essential to commercial success, as they bring clarity to complex analysis. As mentioned earlier, the clearer the data, the more cost-effective results will be, so keeping in mind the exact data to incorporate into this kind of report should be essential in deciding what kind of report to generate. You can find multiple key performance indicator examples in different industries, which should be considered when creating that kind of report. You can also generate an interdepartmental report or between businesses to compare industry values and see how your company stands in the market.
  • Accuracy & consistency: In The Age of Information, data is a vast landscape, and if you want to use it to your advantage, aiming for consistency and accuracy is key. If your data is off or presents hit-and-miss findings, it could cost your company in the long run.  Working with an online dashboard tool to produce your reports is an incredible advantage for the ease of use, the time saved, and, most importantly, the accuracy of the information you will use. As you work with real-time data, everything on your report will be up-to-date, and the decisions you will take will be backed with the latest info. Business report examples are significantly helpful when you need to explore your data and perform data analyses to extract actionable insights. They will deliver an important added value to your report thanks to the visualization of your findings, bringing more clarity and comprehension to the analyses, which is their primary purpose.
  • Engagement: As intuitive, digestible, and visual tools, business-centric reporting tools are easier to understand and tell a story that is far more likely to resonate with your audience.  While exploring your data, with deeper insights generated with just a few clicks, the report doesn’t have to be dull, boring, and lost in hundreds of pages or spreadsheets of data. If you create a report that is clean and customized, you will bring more value than by printing or searching through a spreadsheet. Achieving a design like this is simple with the right KPI dashboard software . Imagine yourself in a meeting with 200 pages of analysis from the last 5 years of business management. One participant asks you a specific question regarding your operational costs dating 3 years back. And you’re sitting there, trying to find that specific piece of information that can make or break your business meeting. With business dashboards , you cannot go wrong. All the information you need is generated with a click, within a click.
  • Benchmarking: If you know how to set up a business-centric report with efficiency, you will gain the ability to set defined, accurate benchmarks. By frequently setting targets based on your most important organizational goals and working with visual reporting tools, you will keep your organization flowing while catalyzing your overall growth and productivity levels.
  • Communication: One of the best uses of these tools is improving internal collaboration and communication. By gaining 24/7 access to your most essential business data while enhancing the way you analyze and present it, you will empower everyone in the business with better access to information, which, in turn, will enhance internal communication and collaboration.
  • Innovation: The intuitive nature of these reports makes them the most efficient way to steer a progressive analytical strategy. As such, it’s easier (and quicker) to uncover hidden insights, spot trends, and hone in on critical information. It’s this speed, ease, and accuracy that frees creativity and improves innovation across the organization, accelerating growth as a result.

These reports can also be of many different types, but they all have one common trait: gathering data and tracking the organizational activities related to something specific. From there, their author(s) will often perform an analysis and provide recommendations to the organizations.

How To Generate A Business Report

Top 10 steps on how to do a business report

The primary importance of a corporate-centric report lies in gaining confidence and clarity. Before starting to create it, it’s vital to establish the goals and the audience. Knowing who you want to direct it to is key in its elaboration, from the tone, vocabulary/jargon you choose to the data you will focus on. A report to external stakeholders, to the CEOs, or to the technical engineers’ team will be drastically different from one another.

Likewise, the scope varies according to the objective of the report. State beforehand the needs and goals to direct you on the right path. It should be impartial and objective, with a planned presentation or dashboard reporting tool , which enables an interactive flow of data and immediate access to every piece of information needed to generate clear findings.

To help you write your daily, weekly, or monthly business-centric report template with confidence, let’s go over some essential steps and tips you should focus on:

1. Consider your audience

First of all, if you want to understand how to do a business report the right way, you have to think of your audience from the outset. Your reporting efforts must make sense and offer direct value to the end viewer or user - otherwise, they’ll be meaningless. That said, it’s critical that you take the time to consider who will use the reporting tool most and which information or features will add the most value, helping improve the organization in the process. Take the time to understand your audience, and your reporting tools will not only meet expectations but exceed them - one well-placed visualization at a time.

2. Determine and state the purpose

As we stated in the previous paragraph, defining the needs of your audience is vital to reporting success. As we said, a report usually assists in decision-making and addresses certain issues. You can state them at the beginning of the report. The more clear and specific the goal, the better the content will be. You won’t lose time adjusting information when you present your purpose in a clear and well-defined manner.

3. Use a mix of real-time and historical data

Another key component of this report is making sure you’re free of any informational blind spots. So many companies work with one form of metric, stunting their organizational progress in the process. To drill down deep into detailed pockets of information and gain a panoramic view of specific trends or patterns, working with a balanced mix of historical and real-time data is key. Doing so will empower you to capitalize on potential strengths while learning from historical weaknesses. This balanced approach will also give you the tools to develop strategies that return the best possible ROI while making powerful decisions under pressure.

4. Set actionable targets and goals

Once you’ve curated your informational sources and defined your audience, you should set actionable goals. Setting the right benchmarks will help you track your ongoing success with pinpoint accuracy while defining goals or targets will give you the insight you need to work with the right KPIs while ensuring your company is moving in the right direction. Taking the time to set actionable goals and targets that align with your organizational strategy will ensure your reports offer a consistently healthy ROI.

5. Define your reporting frequency

Another key component of successful organizational reporting is deciding how often you will analyze your metrics and information. Depending on the function or the goals you’re looking to achieve, you should decide whether your dashboard will serve as a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly reporting tool. Setting the right frequency will ensure your analytical strategy is fully streamlined while connecting you with the insights that count most at exactly the right time. The best modern reporting tools also offer automated functionality, helping to monitor insights and offer alerts without human intervention - the best way to save time while ensuring you never miss a critical piece of information again.

6. Gather and organize the information

Now that the purpose and scope are clearly defined, you can start gathering the data in any form that can address the issue. Thanks to that information, you will carry out data analysis to understand what lies beneath and to extract valuable insights. These findings need to be balanced and justifiable – what significance they have to the report's purpose. Identifying key performance indicators for a specific company, organizing, comparing, and evaluating them on the needed level, can be one of the most important parts of creating this kind of report. An example of a business report that shows how to extract and define your analysis can be found above in the article, where we presented our visuals.

7. Present your findings

Explain how you uncovered them and how you interpreted them that way. Answer the original issue by detailing the action to take to overcome it and provide recommendations leading to a better decision-making process. A best practice to present the insights you have drawn out is using dashboards that communicate data visually in a very efficient way. A dashboard software like datapine can precisely answer that need while helping you with data exploration at the same time, which is a crucial part. When you click on a specific part of the dashboard, you can easily access your data in a more in-depth approach.

Comparing your findings is also one of the features you can use if you are asking yourself what has changed in relation to a specific period. When you assess these datasets in just a few clicks on your monitor, the whole reporting process and measurement of your strategy can be done in minutes, not days. Evaluating findings in today’s digital world has become one of the main focuses of businesses wanting to stay competitive in the market. The faster you can do that, the more information you gain, and the more successful your actions will become.

8. Align your visualizations

Expanding on presenting your findings, it’s also important to get your design elements right when considering how to write a business report. As a rule of thumb, your most essential at-a-glance insights should be at the top of your dashboard, and you should aim to be as clean, concise, and minimal as possible with your presentation to avoid cluttering or confusion. To improve your visual storytelling and bring every key element of your report together cohesively, getting your dashboard design just right is vital. Our essential guide to data visualization methods will help to steer your efforts in the right direction.

9. Proofread your reports

When you’re looking at a polished example of a business report, you’ll notice that every element of design and content is immaculate and makes complete logical sense. That said, to get the best returns for your analytical efforts, proofreading your reports is vital. Work through your report with a fine-toothed comb and ask trusted colleagues in your organization to do the same. Once you’ve carefully proofread your entire report, you can collectively tighten up any sloppy design elements, typos, misleading copy, and bad visual placements. Doing so is vital because it will make your examples of business reports slick, actionable, accurate, and built for success.

10. Be responsive

While modern reporting dashboards are dynamic and interactive in equal measure, it’s important that you also remain robust and responsive when writing a business-based report. What does this mean, exactly? It means that in the digital age, the landscape is always changing. As such, if you want to get the most from your reports or dashboards, you must commit to editing and updating them according to the changes around you. In an informational context, what is relevant today may be redundant tomorrow, so to remain powerful and relevant, your reports must always be optimized for success. When you write a business-style report, you should understand that, to some extent, you will need to rewrite it repeatedly. Remember, commit to regularly assessing your reports, and success will be yours for the taking.

You can easily find a sample of a business report on the Internet, but not all of them fit your needs. Make sure, at any moment, that the report you want to create is accurate, objective, and complete. It should be well-written, in a way that holds the reader’s attention and meets their expectations, with a clear structure.

Common Challenges Of Business Reports

Common challenges of generating business reports

As we just learned from the previous section, generating a successful report requires carefully following some steps and considerations. This often comes with challenges and limitations that users face during the generation and analysis process. To help you be aware of those challenges and how to overcome them efficiently, we will list some of the most common ones below. 

  • Data quality 

All the time and effort dedicated to the reporting process will be for nothing if you are not working with high-quality information. Believe it or not, according to recent reports , 41% of companies cite inconsistent data across technologies as their biggest challenge. With only 16% labeling the data they are using as “very good”. 

This presents a huge challenge as the consequences of poor data quality can be quite expensive since organizations are basing their most important strategic decisions on unreliable insights.  

To prevent this issue from affecting you, it is essential to invest time and money in implementing a thoughtful data quality management plan to ensure your information is constantly checked under specified guidelines. Putting extra attention to the cleaning and constant manipulation of the information is also a huge aspect of the process. 

  • Lack of data literacy 

Another big challenge that businesses face when implementing reporting practices is the level of literacy of their employees. As mentioned earlier in the post, the success of the entire process relies heavily on the entire workforce being involved in it and collaborating with each other. The issue is that generating a report and analyzing the data can be very intimidating for non-technical employees who often don’t have the necessary skills or confidence to integrate data-driven activities into their daily work. 

That is why carrying out a careful analysis of the literacy level across your workforce can help you understand the actual situation and offer training instances to anyone who needs it. Paired with that, investing in self-service BI tools that allow any user, regardless of their technical knowledge, to generate a business report with just a few clicks is a great way to approach this challenge. 

  • Long generation processes 

It is not a secret that manually generating a business report can take a lot of time and effort. In fact, in some cases, when a report is finally completed, the information in it might not be entirely valuable anymore. Luckily, this challenge has been tackled a long time ago thanks to the power of automation. 

Modern online reporting tools offer users the possibility to automatically generate a report in a matter of seconds, eliminating any form of manual work. All they need to do is connect their data sources, select the KPIs they want to display, and enjoy a visually appealing and fully functional report in just a few clicks. This enables organizations to focus on the important part, which is extracting powerful insights to inform their strategies. 

  • Static vs. interactive business reports 

Traditionally, these reports generated with tools such as Excel or PowerPoint have been static and full of text and complex numbers. Making it impossible to extract deeper conclusions from them or act on fresh insights. This is not to say that they are completely unuseful, but their historical and static perspective makes them less effective, especially considering how agile decision-making can represent a huge competitive advantage for organizations today.  

To help you make the most out of your data-driven efforts and tackle this common limitation,  we recommend you invest in tools that offer dynamic reports. BI reporting tools , such as datapine, give you the ability to generate interactive real-time reports, like the ones we saw earlier, which can be easily filtered to explore different periods or lower levels of data. This will give you the power to extract deeper and fresh insights to boost your strategies and growth. 

  • Ensuring data security and privacy 

In the digital age we live in, we need to be fully aware of the risks of using online tools to manage our business’s operations. Studies have shown an increasing trend in cyberattacks and data breaches that has left decision-makers concerned about how they manage their sensitive data. One of these attacks can significantly impact an organization’s reputation but also incur considerable costs that can be hard to come back from. According to recent research, these types of breaches cost businesses an average of $4.35 million in 2022. 

All of this makes security and privacy a big challenge for businesses of all sizes. Especially regarding their report-related activities, as they contain sensitive information about the company and its clients. Luckily, modern SaaS BI tools offer high levels of security to help you keep your data secure at all times, from the moment it is generated to the time it is shared with different stakeholders. Therefore, it is important to consider this topic before investing in such a tool. 

Key Takeaways Professional Business Reports  

"Once we know something, we find it hard to imagine what it was like not to know it." - Chip & Dan Heath , Authors of Made to Stick, Switch.

We live in a data-driven world, and as a business, it’s up to you to move with the times. If you ignore the power of smart data analytics, you are only stunting your own commercial progress.

We’ve explored many shining business reports examples, and one thing is abundantly clear: if you embrace the power of digital reporting, your company will be bigger, better, and exponentially more informed. The more confident and informed you are as a business, the better you will be able to respond to constant change. In today’s digital world, it doesn’t matter what sector you work in. If you’re rigid in your approach to data, you will get left behind. Digital reporting dashboards are the only way forward.

So, you now know what business reports are, how to structure and write them , and how they can benefit your business. Committing to the right reporting and information delivery can have a significant impact on your organization and orientate its strategy better. For more ideas about business reporting in a more specific, function-related way, you can dig deeper into some of our popular articles on sales reports and marketing reports !

Don’t miss out on that opportunity and start now with datapine’s online reporting software , and benefit from a free 14-day trial ! You won’t regret it.

Cover Image for How to Write a Formal Business Report (Template and Examples)

How to Write a Formal Business Report (Template and Examples)

Muthoni Wahome

Formal business reports are official documents that guide and inform stakeholders. These reports are valuable tools when solving company problems or making decisions. 

You should be clear and include all relevant information to make your report useful in decision-making and problem-solving. 

Here are five steps for writing a formal business report:

  • Define the purpose and intended audience
  • Gather and analyze data
  • Create an outline
  • Draft the business report
  • Revise and format your report

Keep reading to get valuable details under every step and learn to segment your report.

But first, let’s delve deep into formal business reports, the different types, and what differentiates them. We’ll also discuss the elements of a business report and cover valuable tips to perfect your writing skills.

Let’s get started!

Understanding formal business reports

Business reports provide an analysis of the current performance of a business and offer recommended actions to improve operations. A formal business report should include detailed data, analysis, conclusions, and recommendations.

What is a formal and informal business report?

A formal business report is a detailed and organized document that provides information about a specific topic, like research findings, market trends, or a financial situation. It usually includes conclusions based on data collected during the research process. 

Formal business reports can present complicated topics in an easy-to-understand format, allowing company executives to make informed decisions. A formal report typically includes an introduction, a body of information, and a conclusion. It should consist of accurate data and reliable sources and be written formally with proper grammar and spelling.

An informal business report does not follow traditional, formal reports’ formal structure and layout. Instead, it is written in an easy-to-understand language and typically includes summaries of key points, along with recommendations or suggestions for further action. 

Unlike formal reports, informal business reports do not need to be approved by higher management and can be sent directly to the intended recipient. Businesses often use informal reports to quickly provide updates or summaries of projects, data, or other important information. They are also commonly used when sharing ideas, solutions, or findings that don’t necessarily require a formal response from the receiver. 

While informal reports may need more depth and detail than formal reports, they can still communicate important information concisely and clearly. 

Formal business report vs Informal Reports

Types of formal business reports

Formal business reports include different types that may be used to present data, analyze performance, or make recommendations. Examples of formal business reports include annual, research, feasibility, and marketing research reports. 

Feasibility Reports

A feasibility report is an analytical document that outlines whether an activity or project has the potential to be successful. It includes cost estimates, expected outcomes, and other factors affecting the project’s success.

Business Plans 

A business plan is a formal outline of a company’s objectives and strategies for achieving them. It is used to obtain financing, attract investors, and set goals for the company. 

Business plans typically include sections on market analysis, organizational structure, competitive analysis, product or service description, financial projections, marketing strategies, and tactics.

Progress Reports

A progress report is a document that details the current status of a project or activity. It outlines the progress made, challenges encountered, and a timeline for when the project should be completed.

Financial Reports

Financial reports provide information about the company’s financial performance over some time. They include income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

A proposal is a document that outlines how an organization, company, or individual intends to complete a project. It usually includes information such as the purpose of the project, expected outcomes, methods, and associated costs. For example, businesses may use proposals to solicit funding from investors or government agencies.

Market Research Reports

A market research report is a document that provides information about customer needs and competitor activities to develop strategies for the organization. They typically include data on consumer preferences, product demand, market trends, and other relevant factors.

Risk Reports

A risk report is a document that details the potential risks associated with a specific activity or investment. It outlines possible losses and considers how they could affect an organization’s operations. Risk reports may also include measures the organization can take to mitigate losses and recommendations for further actions.

Technical Reports

Technical reports are documents that explain the results of a technical project or investigation in detail. They are used to document the findings of a project and provide a record that can be used as reference material. 

Technical reports typically include sections on research methods, results, conclusions, recommendations, and implementation plans. 

What are the key differences between writing a business report and writing an academic report?

Business reports inform a decision or provide direction in the form of recommendations. They may include factual data and analysis but are often practical and focus on the actionable steps needed to achieve a goal. 

Academic reports take a more analytical approach, emphasizing research and thought-provoking discussions that examine different points of view. 

Sources used

When writing business reports, only use real-world sources such as government reports. But when writing academic reports, you may cite theoretical works . 


When writing business reports, use concise points with stakeholders in mind . As for academic reports, you may use technical terms and lengthy explanations to support a point. 

Academic reports are often longer and more detailed than business reports and may also include recommendations but with a focus on developing new strategies or ideas.

When writing a business report, adhere to the following structure: cover page, table of contents, list of figures, executive summary, introduction, body, conclusion, and recommendations. 

But when writing an academic report, follow the structure: introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.

The purpose of both types of reports is to provide information that is useful and relevant to the target audience. So keep the audience in mind when writing a report; what information do they need to know? How will it help them make decisions or understand a concept better? 

Elements of a formal business report

An excellent formal business report organizes information into these sections: 

  • Table of contents
  • List of Figures
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Recommendation

1. Title page

The title page indicates the company name (and logo), the author’s and readers’ names and positions, and the date.

assignment business report example

2. Table of contents

The table of contents lists the sections of a report with their page number and helps jump to a specific title. 

Table of contents

3. List of Figures

The list mentions every chart or diagram included in the report and its page number for easy navigation. 

List of figures

4. Executive summary

The executive summary briefly overviews the report’s key points, findings, and conclusions. It helps readers to understand the report’s data without reading the entire document. Therefore, this section should be the last to write since the facts in the report will form the executive summary. 

Executive summary

5. Introduction

The introduction outlines the research objectives and methods used to generate data for analysis. It sets the stage for what follows. Unlike the executive summary, it does not mention any conclusion or recommendation. 

assignment business report example

The body contains an in-depth review of the research results and their implications. It may include an analysis of trends, correlations, pictorial evidence, and other data supporting the report’s conclusions.  

assignment business report example

7. Conclusion 

The conclusion summarizes the data discussed in the body . It is a brief sentence that takes around three to six sentences. 

assignment business report example

8. Recommendation

The recommendation suggests an action based on the facts presented in the report. It outlines steps or policy changes necessary to solve a problem.

assignment business report example

9. Appendix

The appendix contains information that supports your report but would be distracting if you included it in the body. This information may consist of raw data, charts, transcripts, and surveys used for analysis or any additional resources used in the research process. You may also include acronyms used in the report.


10. References/Bibliography

This section consists of all references you used in your report. Citations protect you from plagiarism and give credit to your sources. You can write citations in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles , depending on the style of your formal report. 

assignment business report example

11. Glossary

The glossary is where you define all technical terms used in the report. Use an asterisk next to words you will describe in the glossary to indicate that the reader should check the glossary for a definition. 

assignment business report example

How to write a formal business report step-by-step

When writing a formal business report, start by defining the purpose of the report and the intended audience. You then gather data and analyze it before writing the report. Finally, write the report and revise it accordingly.

1. Define the purpose and intended audience

Why are you writing the report? Consider what information you need to include and who will read the report. This will help you structure your document correctly and provide relevant information. 

Defining your target audience will help you tailor the language used and choose relevant information to include in the report.

2. Gather and analyze the data

Collect all data relevant to achieving the goal of your report. This should include quantitative and qualitative data, such as customer satisfaction surveys, case studies, performance metrics, or feedback from stakeholders.

Once you have collected all of your data, analyze it and identify any trends or patterns that may be useful in writing the report. You can use various tools and techniques like statistical analysis , gap analysis , or cause-and-effect diagrams .

3. Create an outline

An outline will help you organize your research data, stay on topic, and avoid including unrelated information under a particular title. Besides having a section of each formal business report element above, outline your key points, headings, and subheadings. 

Use self-explanatory headings, for example, “ Impact of expanding market share. ”

3. Draft the report

Organize the data you collected during research into the draft report. Start by introducing the topic, providing background information, and the report’s objectives. Then include each of the main points you want to discuss, supported by evidence from the research data.

Have the relevant elements mentioned above and write adequate information under each section. The draft does not have to be perfect; you just need to organize the data roughly. 

4. Revise and format your report

After completing your draft, proofread and edit it to remove irrelevant data or add forgotten information. Make sure everything looks good, including the formatting. It also helps to share the business report with someone who can review it and propose necessary changes. Once everything is settled, share the report with your intended audience.

Tips for writing a formal business report

When writing a formal report, use data and evidence to support your argument, add visuals, use consistent fonts and headings, and highlight important information. You should also use clear language that is easy to understand, considering the audience’s background knowledge.

1. Only use credible sources

Credible sources strengthen your report because they are factual, unbiased, and reliable. To identify a credible source, look out for the following markers. 

  • The source’s author should be an expert in their field.
  • The information in the source should be up-to-date. 
  • The source should include evidence. The author should not have their opinions or speculations.
  • A credible source is peer-reviewed by other experts in the field. 

2. Use diagrams in formal business reports

Use diagrams like graphs and charts to illustrate relationships between ideas. They are more engaging, easier to understand, and they capture your audience’s attention. 

Mind that you don’t clutter your diagrams with too much information. Excess detail will confuse your readers. 

Achieve simplicity by:

  • Removing backgrounds that cause distractions.
  • Removing or lightening gridlines. Gridlines clutter diagrams. 
  • Reduce the number of colors you use. Only use color on crucial data in the diagram. 
  • Instead of adding every tiny detail, use symbols and have a key. The key explains what each symbol, figure, or line represents. 

3. Use a consistent format

A consistent format makes it easy to follow your report. Keep the format headings and subheadings uniform throughout your report. And make your page margins and font styles consistent. 

4. Use bold fonts to highlight  

Bold fonts stand out against regular text to draw focus on essential data and make it easier to skim through the report. Use bolding sparingly; otherwise, the effect of highlighting will not work.

Formal business report template

A formal business report template will save both time and energy by providing a framework that simplifies the process of assembling data into a comprehensive document.  

Check out this collection of editable business report templates to find one that works for you.

Final Thoughts: Formal Business Report

Formal business reports are essential tools for any business. An excellent report drives company decisions and recommends solutions to company problems. Writing one may be challenging, but this guide gives you a clear pathway to ease the process. 

Remember to use visual aids and credible sources to fortify your report. Organize data into the above sections, and use the discussed tips to write your business report like a pro!

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Business Communication  - How to Write a Powerful Business Report

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Business Communication: How to Write a Powerful Business Report

Lesson 8: how to write a powerful business report.


How to write a powerful business report

assignment business report example

When a company needs to make an informed decision, it can create a business report to guide its leaders. Business reports use facts and research to study data, analyze performance, and provide recommendations on a company's future.

Watch the video below to learn how to write and format a business report.

The basics of a business report

Business reports are always formal , objective , and heavily researched . Every fact must be clear and verifiable, regardless of whether the report focuses on a single situation or examines the overall performance of an entire company.

Because objectivity is crucial in a business report, avoid subjective descriptions that tell the reader how to feel. For instance, if sales were down last quarter, don’t say “Sales were terrible last quarter,” but rather let the sales data speak for itself. There should also be no personal pronouns, such as “I think we should invest more capital.” A business report should remain impersonal and framed from the company’s perspective.

The structure of a business report

Although the size of a report can range from one page to 100, structure is always important because it allows readers to navigate the document easily. While this structure can vary due to report length or company standards, we’ve listed a common, reliable structure below:

  • Front matter : List your name, job title, contact information, and the date of submission. You can also create a title for the report.
  • Background : State the background of the topic you’ll be addressing, along with the purpose of the report itself.
  • Key findings : Provide facts , data , and key findings that are relevant to the purpose stated in the background. Be clear and specific, especially because the entire report depends on the information in this section.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and interpret the key findings, identify issues found within the data, and answer questions raised by the purpose.
  • Recommendations : Recommend solutions to any problems mentioned in the conclusion, and summarize how these solutions would work. Although you’re providing your own opinion in this section, avoid using personal pronouns and keep everything framed through the company’s perspective.
  • References : List the sources for all the data you've cited throughout the report. This allows people to see where you got your information and investigate these same sources.

Some companies may also require an executive summary after the front matter section, which is a complete summary that includes the report’s background, key findings, and recommendations. This section lets people learn the highlights quickly without having to read the entire document. The size of an executive summary can range from a paragraph to multiple pages, depending on the length of the report.

As mentioned in Business Writing Essentials , revision is key to producing an effective document. Review your writing to keep it focused and free of proofreading errors, and ensure your factual information is correct and presented objectively. We also recommend you get feedback from a colleague before submitting your work because they can spot errors you missed or find new opportunities for analysis or discussion.

Once you’ve revised your content, think about the report’s appearance . Consider turning your front matter section into a cover page to add some visual polish. You can also create a table of contents if the report is lengthy. If you’re printing it out, use quality paper and a folder or binder to hold the report together. To diversify the presentation of your data, try using bulleted lists, graphics, and charts.

Example of a business report

To demonstrate the principles of this lesson, we’ve created a brief business report for you to review.

Let's start by looking at the first page of this two-page report.

assignment business report example

The layout of the front matter is simple and effective, while the background sets the stage in a quick, specific manner. The key findings provide the main takeaways that warrant further investigation, along with a chart to add emphasis and visual variety.

Now let's look at the following page.

assignment business report example

The conclusion features a little of the writer's opinion on the key findings, although the writing is still centered around the company's perspective. The recommendations are clear and supported by the data, while the references are thorough.

While business reports may seem intimidating, you have the ability to create a thorough, informative document through practice and careful research. Collect the facts and present them in an organized, objective manner, and you’ll help your business make informed decisions.



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How to Structure a Business Report

How to Structure a Business Report

  • 5-minute read
  • 14th March 2019

The content of a business report will depend on what you are writing about. Even the writing style may depend on who you are writing for (although clear, concise and formal is usually best). However, there is a general structure that most business reports follow. In this post, then, we’ll look at how to structure a business report for maximum clarity and professionalism.

1. Title Page

Every business report should feature a title page . The title itself should clearly set out what the report is about. Typically, you should also include your name and the date of the report.

Most business reports begin with a summary of its key points. Try to include:

  • A brief description of what the report is about
  • How the report was completed (e.g., data collection methods)
  • The main findings from the research
  • Key conclusions and recommendations

A paragraph or two should suffice for this in shorter business reports. However, for longer or more complex reports, you may want to include a full executive summary .

3. Table of Contents

Short business reports may not need a table of contents, especially if they include a summary. But longer reports should set out the title of each section and the structure of the report. Make sure the headings here match those used in the main text. You may also want to number the sections.

4. Introduction

The introduction is the first part of the report proper. Use it to set out the brief you received when you were asked to compile the report. This will frame the rest of the report by providing:

  • Background information (e.g., business history or market information)
  • The purpose of the report (i.e., what you set out to achieve)
  • Its scope (i.e., what the report will cover and what it will ignore)

These are known as the “terms of reference” for the business report.

5. Methods and Findings

If you are conducting original research, include a section about your methods. This may be as simple as setting out the sources you are using and why you chose them. But it could also include how you have collected and analyzed the data used to draw your conclusions.

After this, you will need to explain your findings. This section will present the results of your research clearly and concisely, making sure to cover all the main points set out in the brief.

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One tip here is to break the findings down into subsections, using headings to guide the reader through your data. Using charts and illustrations , meanwhile, can help get information across visually, but make sure to label them clearly so the reader knows how they relate to the text.

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

The last main section of your report will cover conclusions and recommendations. The conclusion section should summarize what you have learned from the report. If you have been asked to do so, you should also recommend potential courses of action based on your conclusions.

If you are not sure what to suggest here, think back to the objectives set out in your brief.

7. References

If you have used any third-party sources while writing your report, list them in a bibliography after the main report. This could include other business documents, academic articles, or even news reports. The key is to show what you have based your findings and conclusions upon.

8. Appendices (If Applicable)

Finally, you may have gathered extra documentation during your research, such as interview transcripts, marketing material, or financial data. Including this in the main report would make it too long and unfocused, but you can add it to an appendix (or multiple appendices) at the end of the document. It will then be available should your reader need it.

Summary: How to Structure a Business Report

If you are writing a business report, aim to structure it as follows:

  • Title Page – Include a clear, informative title, your name, and the date.
  • Summary – A brief summary of what the report is about, the data collection methods used, the findings of the report, and any recommendations you want to make.
  • Table of Contents – For longer reports, include a table of contents.
  • Introduction –Set out the brief you were given for the report.
  • Methods and Findings – A description of any methods of data collection and analysis used while composing the report, as well as your findings.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations – Any conclusions reached while writing the report, plus recommendations for what to do next (if required).
  • References – Sources used in your report listed in a bibliography.
  • Appendices – If you have supporting material (e.g., interview transcripts, raw data), add it to an appendix at the end of the document.

Don’t forget, too, that a business report should be clear, concise, and formal. And if you would like help making sure that your business writing is easy to read and error free, just let us know .

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How to Write a Great Business Report Conclusion: Everything You Need to Know

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When creating a comprehensive business report for your company, most of your time and energy will go into writing the main section of your report.

Once you come to the conclusion, you will probably be exhausted and you may feel the urge to just ‘wrap it up’ as soon as possible.

This can be a costly mistake.

Your conclusion carries the same importance as all the other sections of the report since it leaves the final impression on the reader.

How you conclude your business report has a direct impact on the way in which the readers will respond to the important information you gathered.

The business report may be spectacular, but without a convincing conclusion, all your efforts may deteriorate.

In this article, we are going to teach you how to write a compelling conclusion that will leave a huge impression on all your readers.

What Is Conclusion in Business Report Writing?

How do you write a conclusion for a report, types of business report conclusions, improve business reporting with databox.

Stripe (MRR & Churn) Dashboard Template

No matter which type of business report you have written, you will need a good conclusion to sum up all the critical information.

A business report conclusion is the last section of the document used for summarizing the most important information, providing a final word to the readers.

Through the conclusion, you are able to convey the main message of your business document. You use it to outline the report as a whole, remind the readers of the main pain points, and present the key findings and decisions.

Depending on whether you have written a shorter or longer business report, the conclusion length may vary, but it should always be included. It is a sign of good organization and it can make the readers understand the pain points much easier.

To put it simply, the conclusion is supposed to create the impression among the readers that the purpose of the report has been achieved.

Business report conclusions have a lot of similarities to executive summaries, which is why a lot of people tend to confuse these two.

However, there are some important things that differentiate them. These include:

  • Executive summaries are mainly focused on displaying what the report will be about, while conclusions are an overview of what was discussed in the report.
  • Executive summaries provide readers with a broad overview of the business report, while the conclusion summarizes the key pain points and most important data.
  • Executive summaries should convince the readers to continue reading the report, while the conclusion should persuade them to take certain action.
  • Conclusions tend to include CTAs (Call to Action), which isn’t the case with executive summaries.

Related : Executive Reporting: Management Reporting Best Practices & Report Examples

Now that you understand what a conclusion is and why it’s so important to include it in your report, let’s show you how you can write the perfect one and impress your readers.

Follow these steps to create a great business report conclusion.

Choose the Position

Include the right information, summarize the contents, facts and statistics, maintain a positive tone, develop a cta.

There are two places where conclusions are most commonly placed – at the end of the executive summary and at the end of the entire report.

For business plan reports, the common practice is to place the conclusion at the end of the executive summary.

This way, you make the first step through the executive summary template and introduce the plan’s main pain points and funding needs. Then, you create a conclusion to summarize these numbers to your potential investors, which directly impacts their decision to go over the executive summary once more, this time reading it more thoroughly.

For other types of business reports, the conclusion will generally be placed at the end of the whole report. Established companies use these business reports to track performances and data from important departments, which is why the conclusion should primarily focus on briefly reviewing the key metrics you included and emphasizing the company’s main strengths.

The information you put into the conclusion also depends on whether you are a new startup looking to attract investments or an established company that wants to track performances and asses objectives.

To raise money, startups should include this type of information:

  • Financial needs
  • The benefits of their product and how it can affect the market
  • Target audience/ideal customer persona
  • How the product can attract new customers
  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Competitive landscape and analysis
  • The expertise of the main members of the company
  • Financial forecasts (next 3-5 years)
  • Launching plan

Existing companies should include information such as:

  • Mission statement
  • Performance history
  • Data that showcases business growth
  • Financial summary
  • Overall goals and objectives

While these types of details are important, they aren’t universal for all reports. Your primary goal should be to include the most important data from your specific document and keep the conclusion concise and understandable.

PRO TIP: How to Track the Right Metrics for Your SaaS Company

It’s not easy to know which KPIs to track for sales, marketing, and customer success in a SaaS company. There are many possibilities, and so much to do! Why not start with the basic metrics that determine the health of your company?

  • Sales (Gross) Volume: How much revenue did your sales team bring in this month, this quarter, or this year?
  • MRR Growth: How fast are you growing revenues from recurring subscriptions? 
  • Customers: How many customers do you have right now? 
  • Customer Churn Rate: What’s your customer churn rate, and how much revenue have you lost to churn?

If you want to track these in Stripe, you can do it easily by building a plug-and-play dashboard that takes your Stripe customer data and automatically visualizes the right metrics to allow you to monitor your SaaS revenue performance at a glance. 


You can easily set it up in just a few clicks – no coding required.

To set up this Stripe dashboard , follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Get the template 

Step 2: Connect your Stripe account with Databox. 

Step 3: Watch your dashboard populate in seconds.

The best way to convey your main message is by explaining it in detail throughout the business report and then summarizing it to recap the main points.

When creating the business report, take notes of the most important information that you should later highlight in the conclusion.

Make sure to avoid any extra details since they are already provided within the report. Only include the key points that explain why the business report itself is useful to the company.

Also, don’t use any additional information that you didn’t include in the report. This can only confuse your readers and send mixed messages.

You should prepare some facts, statistics, and data to support the statements in your conclusion. No matter if the reader is a potential investor or the key stakeholders in your company, you will want to include some evidence to back up your claims.

This makes the conclusion much more convincing and the audience will see that your forecasts aren’t based only on vague assumptions.

The tone in your conclusion should match the rest of the document and the best way to leave an impression on the audience is by using a professional and positive tone throughout the whole report.

After going through the conclusion, the readers should feel interested and enthusiastic to support the growth of your organization.

Make sure you exude confidence by using strong and active language.

Including a call to action at the end of your conclusion helps you persuade the readers to support the goals you set up.

This can be anything from “Join us at X enterprises” or “Invest in X and become a part of the success”.

A good CTA includes strong action words through which you emphasize the benefits of investors joining your firm or key stakeholders supporting your objectives.

After you are finished writing the conclusion, go over it once again to make sure there aren’t any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes you overlooked. The conclusion should be clear, precise, and easy to go understand.

You can even ask a colleague or a friend to read it since it’s always helpful to have an extra set of eyes. Ask their opinion on how the conclusion makes them feel and whether it was easy to go through.

As we said, depending on which type of business report you have written and what is included in it, there are a few different types of conclusions you should differentiate.

Let’s walk you through them.

Conclusion with a Prediction

Conclusion with a major problem, conclusion with a quote, conclusion with a summary.

If your report focuses on a decision or strategy that already took place, you can write a conclusion that predicts the outcomes of that specific strategy.

You can include financial forecasts, sales expectations, and overall growth predictions. Make sure to also back up your predictions with sufficient evidence.

Writing this type of conclusion can be a bit tricky. You don’t want to come off strong and repeat the same issue over and over again. However, you do want the readers to take the issue seriously and realize why it is important that everyone focuses on solving it as soon as possible.

Be direct, but also lenient. Describe why that issue is important and provide a few ways on how you can solve it. Keep it brief and memorable.

Ending your conclusion with a powerful quotation can leave a great impression on the readers. However, you should be very careful when choosing the right quote.

You can’t just throw in some saying from Shakespeare and wrap it up. It is best to quote someone influential in the industry in such a way that it reinforces your message.

When writing your short but meaningful summary, don’t go into detail about your main points again. Keep it as brief as possible and only remind the readers of the most important information.

Also, you should remember that a conclusion doesn’t have to include only one of these things. Mixing up a summary and a prediction can be a powerful combination, so always try to figure out a few different ways to convey your message and then choose the right one.

Business reporting is one of the indispensable activities within a company, but it is also one of the most time-consuming. 

The traditional way of creating business reports has always been a daunting task for executives around the world – hours spent copying and pasting, checking different tools for data, tracking the performance each week, and constantly updating the reports manually.

Databox has introduced a new way of doing things.

With our customizable dashboards , you will save both time and energy by tracking all of your important data in one place and updating it in real-time. You can connect your favorite devices and monitor business performances in one comprehensive report.

Additionally, you will also be able to prepare beautiful and understandable reports by using some of our advanced visualization tools. With just a few clicks, you can visualize all of the key metrics and turn them into professional-looking graphs and charts.

Sign up for free and improve your business reporting process in no time.

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Hey, we’re Databox. Our mission is to help businesses save time and grow faster. Click here to see our platform in action. 

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Filip Stojanovic is a content writer who studies Business and Political Sciences. Also, I am a huge tennis enthusiast. Although my dream is to win a Grand Slam, working as a content writer is also interesting.

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Note: for more on principles applicable to all types of report, see reports .

Business reports require you to analyse a situation and provide either a solution to a problem or suggestions for improvement. They are structured formally, with sections and headings. There is variability among reports with respect to sections. So, you should always refer to your assignment instructions, or ask your lecturer directly, about what sections are required.

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Business Report

assignment business report example

Entrepreneurship is not a science but an art. In other words, there is no standard approach to boost all businesses; thus, an entrepreneurial individual or institution needs to study their business. In researching your undertaking, a business report is a must-have because it encompasses every detail that describes your study. If making one challenge you, don’t give up. Read through this article to impress your clients with a compelling business report of your own.

In the field of business, there are several variations of business reports. To provide you an illustration of these documents, we collected some samples for you to view. However, let’s suppose that you don’t have sufficient time anymore; still, there’s no need for you to worry since we also gathered beautiful templates for you to use. Scroll down to learn more.

45+ Business Report Examples

Commercial business report template.

Commercial Business Report Template

  • Google Docs

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Business Research Report Template

Business Research Report Template

Business Progress Report Template

Business Progress Report Template

Business Development Report Template

Business Development Report Template

Business Report Template

business report examples

  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US

Simple Annual Business Report Template

assignment business report example

Size: A4,US

Business Intelligence Report Requirements Template

Business Intelligence Requirement

Elegant Annual Business Report Template

Annual Business Report Word Template

Editable Short Business Report Template

Editable Short Business Report Template

Monthly Business Report Template

Monthly Business Report Template

Quarterly Business Report Template

Quarterly Business Report Template

Simple Business Project Report Template

Simple Business Project Report Template

Printable Business Management Report Template

Printable Business Management Report Template

Weekly Business Report Template

Weekly Business Report Template1

Free Download

Monthly Business Expense Report Template

Monthly Business Expense Report Template2

  • Apple Numbers

Business Management Report Template

Business Management Report Template2

Business Handover Report

Business Handover Report Template

Business Call Report Template

Business Call Report Template1

Size: 31 KB

Business Report Sample Template

Business Report Sample Template

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Short Business Report Sample Template

Short Business Report Sample Template

Size: 48 KB

Business Report White Paper Template

Business Report White Paper Template

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Business Report Cover Page Template

Business Report Cover Page Template

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University Business Report Template

University Business Report Template

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Business Project Report Template

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Business Expense Report Template

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Weekly Business Report Template

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Business Annual Report Template

Business Annual Report Template

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Plain Short Business Report Example

Short Business Example Report

Size: 16 KB

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Monthly Business Report Example

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Basic Annual Business Report Example

Annual Business Report2

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Business Credit Report Example

Business Credit Report Sample

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Professional Business Report Example

Professional Business Report2

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File Format

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What Is a Business Report?

A business report is a written document concerning a company where evaluations and assessments are laid out to provide a presentation of its current status and performance. You may also see report writing examples.

It is commonly created by business analysts of a company or a third-party representative to the task of investigating and presenting facts and data necessary for the business. It facilitates the assessment of development in terms of the company’s overall operation and feasibility of business practices to come up with significant decisions. You may also like sample activity reports .

Business reports are often written in the traditional pen and paper or with the use of modern platforms like Word, PDF, and Excel.

What Is the Structure and Format of a Business Report?

Taking into account that a business report is a systematic document, it is given that a business report has a specific structure and format to be recognized and followed. Accordingly, a formal business report commonly abides by this framework:

In its simplest sense, a title page serves as the cover or face of your business report. It contains the title of your report or project, date of the report, company’s name, name of the author with his corresponding title, name of the institution or individual the business report is submitted or prepared to, and the logo of the company . If it’s made for an academic function, it commonly encompasses the student’s course name or code, lecturer’s name, student number, and tutor’s name as well. Considering that this page is made for the title, make sure that it is clearly stated, clean, and legible.

  • Executive Summary

An executive summary is a part that acts as the preface of your report. This is the part where you summarize the key details such as the brief report description that talks what is the document all about, the methodology of data gathering, major findings, conclusion, and recommendations. This is essential to be presented initially considering that several business entities’ schedules are fully booked. With that, make this segment as impressive as you can.

  • Table of Contents

Similar to any document, the table of contents is used to aid the reader in navigating the parts he/she wishes to see. This enumerates the major topics covered by the report and the particular page number on which the topic can be located. Though some short business reports do not include this portion, this is a must for the long ones. For instance, if an executive wants to see the findings only, then he/she will go to this page to see its respective page number and proceed directly to that certain sheet. Indeed, this is more practical than scanning each sheet one by one.

Body of the report

Generally, the body of the report contains in-depth pieces of information about the report. Correspondingly, this section is divided into subparts such as:

  • Introduction

The introduction is the part where you open your topic to the reader and catch their interests as well. This is the section where you emphasize the key topics that are discussed in the document and provides the reader with some background information that explains why the data was collected in the first place. Furthermore, elucidating on the terms used in the paper is also helpful.


The methodology is the part of your report’s body where you elaborately explain the exact procedures you performed to get the data. This section should also state the different variables and factors that must be considered in your study.

Findings or Results

After writing the methodology, state the major results or findings of your data gathering. In doing such, be straightforward and clear. Comprehensibly and briefly mention the discoveries by also utilizing visual representations like graphs and charts. Moreover, you can also use tables if needed.

  • Conclusions and Recommendations

Just like writing an essay, conclusions also pertain to the same thing. In this part, simply answer the main questions that are asked in your report and never open another topic. Make this section as clear and concise as well. Moreover, you can also mention some recommendations to the researchers that would do similar studies. This will be beneficial for them to improve the said study.

One of the final sections of your report should include the list of references where the pieces of information about your composition came from. This is important to avoid plagiarism and also support your reader to easily verify or locate the details you included.

In writing the references, do not forget that there are certain formats used in citing the source of your information according to the field of its application such as the Modern Language Association (MLA) which is used in humanities and American Psychological Association (APA) which is utilized in education, psychology, and sciences. It is the Chicago/Turabian style that is applicable for business, history, and fine arts purposes.

Appendices refer to the additional materials that contain necessary data but are not insertable in the main report. This may include the survey questionnaires used, a list of raw data, drawings, maps, diagrams, charts, mathematical derivations, transcripts, etc. Broadly speaking, appendices include all the supplementary information and attachments that would help your reader discover the deeper details about your document.

That was the structure commonly applied in business reports, but at the same time, these documents also follow certain formats that are preferred by most business entities. Consider applying the following formats in making your own:

  • Use simple and easy-to-read fonts. Commonly, San Serif fonts such as Helvetica, Tahoma, and Arial are more preferable in composing the content of your report.
  • The minimum font size should be at least 12 points for the body text. Vary font size in headings and subheadings as well.
  • Label all figures, charts, tables, and graphs.
  • Start your page number 1 on the first page of your introduction.

What Is the Purpose of a Business Report?

As we all know, reports are necessary to track and understand the current situation of something. It provides information about a particular subject. Much more importantly in a business setting. Reports are documents that are deemed essential. You might be interested in management report examples .

Take for example sales reports . These documents provide an overview of a company’s sales performance and assess if there is more profit than expenses.

The same effect goes with a business report. It provides an overall review and evaluation of the company’s performance and identifies the things that are effective to continue doing it. It also presents those that are unessential or unprofitable to make important decisions on how to eliminate them. You may also see performance report examples.

How to Write a Business Report

Writing a business report requires the ability to analyze things. In addition to that, you need to know what are the important factors you need to consider to complete the task.

1. Gather the data.

First, gather the necessary information to complete your business report. You can check the financial reports , marketing reports , and performance reports so you can have multiple resources.

2. Check periodic reports.

Next, compare and contrast past and present data. This helps you come up with better content on the report.

3. Complete the report.

Once you have all the files, start writing what you found out. However, do not provide recommendations as reports are intended to only present data. You may also check out examples of business reports .

Tips on for a Good Business Report

Business reports require intensive amount of time and effort. However, if you know the techniques on how to write one, then it should not be that hard. You may also see quality report examples.

1. Set an objective.

Creating an objective makes your task easier. You have the inspiration and you will be guided every step of the way.

2. Consider it essential.

Emphasizing what you are doing sets a healthy pressure on what you are doing. Consider that what you are doing will provide benefits to your organization. You may also like employee report examples & samples.

3. Be resourceful.

Do not settle on the information that is on your table. Dig in so you can have more inputs to write.

General FAQs

1. what is a business report.

A business report is a formal report that assesses a situation or issue of business to suggest areas for improvement. It is generally written in response to a request that is made by a senior executive of an organization.

2. What is the Format of a Business Report?

The format of a business report is as follows:

  • Methods and Findings

3. What is the Purpose of a Business Report?

The purpose of a business report is to provide business owners and senior managers with an important analysis of how the business is trailing in all areas of the organization. It also helps in decision making.

4. What are the Benefits of Using Business Reports?

Following are the benefits of using business reports:

  • It helps find potential solutions to a problem
  • It helps demonstrate analytical and evaluation skills
  • It helps provide recommendations for future action
  • It also helps display clear communication skills.

5. What are the Characteristics of a Good Report?

A good report has the following characteristics:

  • It should be simple to read and understand
  • It should be grammatically accurate
  • It should have a proper arrangement of facts


Report Generator

Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Generate a report on the impact of technology in the classroom on student learning outcomes

Prepare a report analyzing the trends in student participation in sports and arts programs over the last five years at your school.

Newsmoor.com is an educational website for online learning. It Provides information: on verbal and nonverbal communication elements, noise, models, and theories, print, broadcast, and online journalism, and feature article writing. It also includes business models, theories, plans, profile examples, advantages and disadvantages of several models, facts, research methodology, research proposal writing, assignment writing, a study abroad, including top public and private universities and educational consultants.

Business Report Example and Sample For Students PDF

Business Report Example For Students PDF also Business Report Sample For Students.

Business Report

The business report is an official document that compiles information to let other people know about it. The business report is also known as the company report. It represents the factual information of the company, including background, vision, mission, business types, target market, management team, advertisement, and more. It also provides paid capital, business growth, and profits. Usually, the organization makes a business report to use internally.  Therefore, every established company has a business report for its employees and stakeholders. Sometimes, the organization uses the business business to make a collaborative agreement with other organizations. So, the benefits of a business report are vital for entrepreneurs, students, employees, and stakeholders.

Business Plan Example For Students

Business report example for students.

The author has presented a business report example for students to understand how to write a business report. The business report example for students has been adopted from students at the University of Putra Malaysia. This example of the business report for students presents the components of the business report that are very relevant to the company profile . Usually, the lecturer advises students to write a complete business report. So, students need to create a dummy business profile to complete the assignment. The business report example for students shows their expertise in starting a new business.

This example of a business plan for students will surely help them students to complete the assignment. However, we do not encourage our students to copy the content from here. Students are advised to obtain only ideas of how to write a business report for assignments. Finally, they should write their business report.

business report example and sample for students pdf

1.0 Executive Summary

It shows the business overview by answering all questions regarding the company. We need to follow 5w and 1h of report writing style to write an executive business summary. Wanpaku Sandwich is a new company in Malaysia that produces and sells unique sandwiches. We have set the University Putra Malaysia as the location for the company. We have set Wanpaku Sandwich as our company’s name, incorporating the product’s symbolic sign. Although this sandwich originated in Japan, we have replicated it to make it healthy, delicious, and affordable for the clients.

We want to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Therefore, we focus on the improvement of our sandwich’s quality. It is a unique sandwich that we sell in Malaysia. Our company produces and delivers the best product and service for our customers. Surely, many people will consume our sandwich for its taste. Our primary goal is to ensure food for busy people. Usually, busy people do not get enough time to make food. So, our sandwich would help them to get rid of hunger. Our targeted customer is all UPM students, lecturers, and staff.

For the initial capital, each member contributes RM 20.  So, the total starting capital of the company is RM 200. As for the store, we don’t have any other physical store except UPM. We only deliver our products to customers near UPM areas. We follow the open-order strategy via social media platforms.

For the marketing part, we promote our product through social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram (Wanpaku_Sandwich), and Facebook (Wanpaku_Sandwich).

1.1 Vision Statement

To build a high-standard food sandwich company in Malaysia and make Wanpaku Sandwich the first choice for our customers.

1.2 Mission Statement

We are dedicated to accomplishing our business objective by delivering quality products and services to customers. We produce tasty and healthy sandwiches to attract customers.

1.3 Key to Success

The keys to success for Wanpaku Sandwich include:

Reputation: we believe our customers will recommend us to their friends and family, as word-of-mouth marketing will be a powerful ally for our business.

Superior Customer Service: building a friendly rapport with our customers.

Location: cash on delivery service in University Putra Malaysia.

Product: offer sandwiches of high quality, sold at a fair price.

2.0 Company Summary

Business report example for students

Company’s Logo

We have set our company’s logo mentioned above based on several group discussions via online meeting platforms. Wanpaku Sandwich in the middle represents our company’s name, while the two sandwiches clearly represent the product we sell. The stall icon means our company is ready to serve and provide good product quality to our customers.

However, we have changed the font and color of the logo two times because customers could not see it clearly since the font color was yellow, which is a bit bright. The font types we used previously were in calligraphy form. Therefore, we changed the font type and color to make the logo clearer to our customers and more attractive.

2.1 Company Background

Our company was established on 28 February 2020. Our lecturer asks us to form 3 groups which consist of 10 to 11 students per group. We were developing a group that consisted of 10 very talented students to run the business. After that, we are given one week to decide the type of product we want to sell. We decided to sell one type of sandwich. We have decided and come out with a unique company name, Wanpaku Sandwich.

2.2 Company Overview

  • Company name: Wanpaku Sandwich
  • Date of establishment: 28 February 2020
  • Location/ selling area: UPM Area
  • Type of business: Partnership
  • Start-up capital: RM 220.00
  • Product: Sandwich
  • Main activities: Manufacturing and selling and product provide delivery services.
  • Number of staff: 10person

2.3 Introduction of Product

Wanpaku Sandwich is a healthy sandwich made with nutritious ingredients. It has an attractive appearance and delicious smell. We only prepare the product based on orders. So, customers get the food in a fresh condition. Moreover, Wanpaku Sandwich has no added preservatives or MSG. Lastly, Wanpaku Sandwich is food with affordable prices for students.

2.4 Service

We will be taking orders before preparing and delivering them to our customer’s doorsteps. Our customers will enjoy the fresh and best quality sandwich.

3.0 Marketing

3.1 market and research analysis.

We have collected data by survey based on more than 100 respondents in residence of Seventeenth College. The results of the study show that a lot of people want to buy our sandwiches. The seventeenth College area does not have many stalls selling different types of sandwich-like us. Based on our survey, our product’s most preferred ingredient is the chicken we used.

3.2 Competitors

The company admits that one stall sells products almost like ours—for instance, a kiosk at the student plaza. However, our company is a bit different because they sell tuna egg sandwiches. In contrast, we use chicken, bigger in size, healthier, and with mouth-watering packaging. Here, we promise a wide selection of products at very affordable prices to meet customers’ demands.

3.3 Marketing Plan

3.3.1 product and target market.

Wanpaku is a company that sells fresh sandwiches. It is made with nutritious ingredients. Our target is mainly the residents of Seventeenth College, the students, lecturers, and staff.

3.3.2 Distribution Channel

We follow preorders and provide a delivery service that is available around Seventeenth College. Our ingredients supplier in the market packages the chickens, vegetables, and other ingredients by ourselves before selling them to our customers.

3.3.3 Promoting and Advertising

Our company deploys three different promoting and advertising strategies to increase customer awareness of Wanpaku. The first strategy will be the word-of-mouth marketing strategy. Additionally, we will run a digital marketing strategy on social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. We will post our products’ photos on our social media. This will be the cheapest and most effective of our promoting and advertising programs. Finally, we will distribute flyers and put a banner on our stall during the carnival.

3.3.4 Pricing Policy

Our company has set up a policy for pricing our products to ensure that the company will gain profits from our sales products. Below are the pricing policies.

Firstly, the products are charged to all customers at the same price based on the product type. Additionally, the price of the products must be able to give profits to the company. It is based on the cost of production with 15 to 30% of the profit margin. Moreover, the price may change depending on customer demands on the products or if the products or if the products are having a promotion. Finally, the price must be affordable for the customers and able to compete with other sellers.

3.4 SWOT Analysis

4.0 management team.

A business management team refers to an organizational structure. It can be defined as acquiring, allocating, and optimizing through planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the business. Management involves coordinating human, financial, material, and information resources to realize company goals and operate a business efficiently. Management is also considered one of the most crucial parts of the business. It manages the flow and executive of the business operation and whether the business is going well. The management responsibilities are setting strategic goals and developing policies, overseeing production processes, managing financial data, and managing human resources. For example, Netflix’s organizational chart maintains a decentralized U-form organizational structure that effectively improves its revenue.

It is necessary to set strategic goals and policies to develop a business. It determines the company’s position in the market and is set for future growth. The production department works to solve problems on the production floor. They direct employees on how to handle a dissatisfied client. It also ensures that the company operates with sufficient materials, finds areas for potential growth, and expands into new markets. Managing financial data is the regular analysis of the company’s financial status. It is essential to understand the company’s profitability and identify problem areas. It keeps the company on track and allows the manager to either cut spending or develop ideas for expansion. Sales forecasting and marketing plans are also included.

Human resource functions mean ensuring the company has enough skilled workers to maintain productivity and provide training.  It also ensures workers have the necessary resources to perform at peak efficiency. Oversee regulations and policies to ensure the company operates within legal guidelines and complies with federal, state, and local regulations.

Management team- Business report example for students-business report sample for students

Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) name is Haziem bin Mohamed Hatta. All members choose him as the leader of our company, Wanpaku Sandwich, established in 2020. He is responsible for watching the overall success of our business entity and making top-level managerial decisions. Hazem is the one leading the development of the company’s strategy, creating and implementing the company’s vision and mission, assessing risks to the company, and setting strategic goals. Since our business is small, he takes “hands-on” responsibilities such as hiring and staffing for the company’s operation. As a CEO, he needs to consider and listen to every committee’s opinion in making decisions and be the coordinator that resolves the conflicts and problems among the committee and company.

4.2 Vice CEO

Muhammad Haziq has been appointed as the vice CEO that will be mainly helping the CEO in his work. He has the responsibility to help to make wise decisions with the CEO. As vice CEO, he also needs to help the CEO mostly check the team manager and ensure that everyone is doing their jobs. He can lead the company when the CEO is absent and mediate between the team managers in conflict. In addition, he keeps everything on track, including the operational direction and making corporate decisions. He also advises the CEO so that every step taken is worthwhile and wise-made.

4.3 Secretary

Jenny Hii is appointed as the secretary for this company due to her ability to write and deal with the letter well. She is responsible for writing the proposal and the necessary letter for our company, going through every paperwork and lastly discussing it with the CEO to finalize the needed document. She also makes arrangements for the company’s meetings and keeps all the formal records of our discussions and decisions.

4.4 Financial Team

The responsibilities of a financial manager are accounting and reporting strategic financial management. They also manage the preparation of balance sheets, financial statements, cash-flow reports, day-to-day record keeping, accounts payable, and receivable. Additionally, they ensure that the company is in line with regulations, and financial health, involving keeping track of all transactions and financial events. These records are kept safely to indicate its growth –whether making a profit or a loss. They are also responsible for making and planning our company’s financial report and statement and controlling the cash flow in our company to prevent any extra loss in money. Finally, they need to manage all start-up expenses wisely to ensure the company is working and making a profit.

4.5 Human Resource Team

As a human resources department manager, he is responsible for recruiting the staff with the skills to hold the post and perform the duties and tasks. He needs to be more aware of the employees’ condition and keep improving their skills through motivation or providing training. He also needs to keep the employees’ commitment and loyalty toward the company to achieve higher production. The human resources manager is also responsible for conducting an orientation program to adjust to their jobs and environment faster.

4.6 Marketing Team

The marketing team promotes business and drives sales of products or services. They set a target for the customer group and identify their preferences to ensure the products can catch customers’ interests. In this case, our marketing managers have developed a marketing plan to target a specific group of customers. So that the promotion and reputation of our food production are well-known and well-built. The marketing team plays a major role in connecting customers to our products, business promotions, and developing a new business plan. It is their job to reach out to prospects, customers, investors, community people, and so more.

4.7 Operational Team

An operational team undertakes some ongoing activities that are required for the provision of goods or services. In some circumstances, operational teams can work as project teams also. They are responsible for selling the products or services at the stalls or counters and even any online events together. They manage and carry out the company’s events, projects, and activities together. At the whole UPM, operational team managers is the one that responds to setting up the stalls and selling our food production to the customers at different locations. The service and getting feedback from the customers at the same time.

5.0 Location and Places

We have chosen Seventeenth College as the location of our company, whereby our members will handle cooking and packaging.

We will bring the ingredients from the supermarkets near the Serdang area, such as Tesco, Speedmart, and nearby shops. One of our members will handle this with their transportation. Hence the surveying and purchasing process will be convenient.

We have decided to pack our product at the same place as well. Once the products are ready to be sold, we will divide small groups to deliver the products to the whole UPM coverage area.  The sandwiches will be sold and delivered to the following blocks: Block A, B, C, and D.

6.0 Business Plan Schedule

Business plan schedule

7.0 Purchasing Process

To ensure the satisfaction of our customers, we have discussed among ourselves which supplier is the best to provide us with high-quality raw materials at affordable prices. Thus, we have decided on the following suppliers as our raw material providers: 99 Speedmart and Tesco.

List of materials to be bought:

  • Raw chicken breast
  • White bread (Gardenia)
  • Breading flour (Tepung Bestari)
  • Eggs, Carrot, Cabbage, and Lettuce.
  • Sauce (Thousand Island)
  • Cooking oil
  • Disposable food packaging

We buy cooking oil and disposable food packaging materials one week before preparing our sandwiches. Then, we immediately prepare the sandwiches and deliver them to our customers to ensure freshness.

7.2 Resources

Each team member will contribute RM20 each (RM20 x 10 = RM200) as a start-up for our business. The money collected will then be used to buy the materials needed for the Wanpaku Sandwich.

8.0 Financial Projection

8.1 project implementation cost.

Business Project Implement Cost Table

8.2 List of Expenses

raw material expense for business report

In conclusion, the business report represents a business plan for stakeholders. An ideal company report presents an executive summary of the organization, marketing plan, organizational structure, and financial projection. Sometimes, it contains company rules and regulations to inform others.

Business Plan Examples For Students About Food

How to make a company profile sample, click the link to see the full b usiness report example, b usiness report example for students pdf.

assignment business report example

Author: M M Kobiruzzaman

M M Kobiruzzaman, Content Writer View all posts by M M Kobiruzzaman

4 thoughts on “Business Report Example and Sample For Students PDF”

It was very helpful


Very helpful to do my business report successfully

Fantastic , a well detailed and simple report sample

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