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Accounting Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

How to Start an Accounting Business

Accounting Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their accounting firms. 

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write an accounting business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What Is an Accounting Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your accounting business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Accounting Firm

If you’re looking to start an accounting firm or grow your existing accounting business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your accounting business to improve your chances of success. Your accounting business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Accounting Firms

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for an accounting firm are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for accounting firms.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for an accounting firm.

If you want to start an accounting business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your accounting business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of accounting business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have an accounting business that you would like to grow, or are you operating an established accounting business you would like to sell? 

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. 

  • Give a brief overv iew of the accounting industry. 
  • Discuss the type of accounting business you are operating. 
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. 
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team. 
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of accounting business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of accounting firms:

  • Full Service Accounting Firm: Offers a wide range of accounting services. 
  • Bookkeeping Firm: Typically serves small business clients by maintaining their company finances. 
  • Tax Firm: Offers tax accounting services for businesses and individuals. 
  • Audit Firm: Offers auditing services for companies, organizations, and individuals. 

In addition to explaining the type of accounting business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of clients served, or the amount of revenue earned. 
  • Your legal business structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the accounting industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the accounting industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating. 

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your accounting business plan:

  • How big is the accounting industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your accounting business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your accounting business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, organizations, government entities, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of accounting business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are othe r accounting firms. 

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes CPAs, other accounting service providers, or bookkeeping firms. You need to mention such competition as well.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of accounting business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide options for multiple customer segments?
  • Will you offer products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a accounting business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type o f accounting company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide auditing services, tax accounting, bookkeeping, or risk accounting services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of yo ur plan, yo u are presenting the products and/or services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your accounting company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your accounting business located in a busy retail district, a business district, a standalone office, or purely online? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your accounting marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites 
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your accounting business, including answering calls, scheduling meetings with clients, billing and collecting payments, etc. 

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to book your Xth client, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your accounting business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your accounting business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company. 

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing accounting businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing an accounting business or bookkeeping firm.   

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance s heet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you see 5 clients per day, and/or offer discounts for referrals ? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your accounting business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt. 

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a accounting business:

  • Cost of equipment and office supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or a list of your most prominent clients.    Summary Writing a business plan for your accounting business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the accounting business plan example above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the accounting industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful accounting business.  

Accounting Business Plan Template FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my accounting business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily write your accounting business plan.

How Do You Start an Accounting Business?

Starting an accounting business is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Accounting Business
  • Create Your Accounting Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Accounting Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your Accounting Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Accounting Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Accounting Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right Accounting Business Equipment
  • Develop Your Accounting Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Accounting Business
  • Open for Business

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Accounting business plan?

  OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how a Growthink business plan writer can create your business plan for you.   Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template

Tax Business Plan Template: Everything You Need to Know

Its a strategy for all aspects of your business. It is a necessity for those looking to start a tax preparation or tax consulting business. 3 min read updated on February 01, 2023

A tax business plan template is a strategy for all aspects of your business. It is a necessity for those looking to start a tax preparation or tax consulting business. A tax preparation business assists individuals and small businesses to prepare and file their taxes correctly and accurately. There are several advantages to choosing a tax preparation business:

  • There is little initial investment compared to most other businesses. A tax preparation business can even be started with $500 or less.
  • Tax preparation is a flexible business that can be done on a part-time basis and allows for the flexibility to work around family and other obligations. This is a great business venture for stay-at-home parents.
  • Tax preparation and consultation services are in demand by small businesses that don't have a full-time accountant. These businesses are able to pay for your expertise only when they need it the most.
  • As a tax consultant, earnings can be $100-$200 per month, depending on your expertise.

The first step in determining if a tax business is the right choice for you is to complete research to determine the feasibility. Research is a way to learn important things about the business that will be helpful in your success. This will help you determine if this is the right business for you, and what type of business you should create.

This information gathering will assist you in preparing a tax business plan template. A tax preparation business service plan can include several different parts consisting of a business overview, strategy, marketing, accounting, services, and all aspects of the business. Before you start your business, make sure you consider how to form a solid business plan.

Sample Tax Preparation Service Business Plan

Business overview/products and services/mission statement.

  • The company is a financial consulting firm specializing in tax preparation of all types- income tax compilation and returns, tax preparation, financial services, and standard, basic and full-service income tax preparation.
  • The employees will be professionals in the financial consulting services industry whose ethics and values align with those of the company.
  • The company and employees will be held accountable to meet their clients' needs and will create a working environment focused on sustainable living and community involvement.
  • The brand goal is to become the top tax preparation service in the city and among the top tax preparation businesses in the United States within 20 years.
  • The tax consulting firm will offer many services within the scope of tax preparation services, tax consulting, and tax-related financial products. The primary clients will be individuals, start of corporations, and established corporations looking to outsource tax preparation.

SWOT Analysis/ Market Analysis/Accounting Plan

  • Strength- Our strength lies in our employees who are professional, well-trained, and do what it takes to ensure that our clients get a great value.
  • Weakness- As a new company, it will take time to gain respect and acceptance in the community. We also do not yet have the cash flow for expensive marketing efforts.
  • Opportunities- There are many opportunities for a tax preparation services company in the community. Individuals and companies both large and small need to use tax preparation services to ensure they are reporting accurately and to save them money.
  • Threats- Other similar financial services firms in the area will cause a threat, as well as the existence of certain government policies regarding taxes. Neither of these threats can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Financial services and tax preparation is a large industry with the potential to serve many individuals and businesses in need of these services.
  • Many small businesses and mom and pop shops don't have the financial capacity to hire a full-time accountant but find it cost effective and less stressful to use tax preparation services and financial consulting services to ensure that everything is handled correctly.
  • The target market is anyone who needs tax preparation services and is not restricted to any particular demographic groups. This also includes businesses of any size.
  • Competitive advantage- the competitive advantage depends on the location of the business and if it is possible to create a unique angle in which to market your business in that locale, such as offering related services

It is possible to start a successful tax preparation business in just a few days with appropriate research and resources. Training is important, and a degree in an accounting or financial field will put you at an advantage. Make sure to complete state requirements, such as registering your new business.

For more information on tax business plan templates or legal requirements, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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Content Approved by UpCounsel

  • Cost To Do Business Taxes: Everything You Need To Know
  • CPA Fees for Corporate Tax Returns
  • What Is Tennessee Corporate Income Tax?
  • Business Taxation Meaning
  • Business Taxation
  • LLC Tax Rates by State
  • Business Income Tax
  • What Is Washington Franchise Tax?
  • States With No Business Tax
  • How to Start a Business: A Comprehensive Guide for Entrepreneurs

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Bookkeeping Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Bookkeeping Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Bookkeeping business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Bookkeeping companies.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Bookkeeping business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Pacific Bookkeeping is a new bookkeeping firm located in Seattle, Washington. The firm will focus on providing expert bookkeeping services and exceptional customer service. We will help both small businesses and individuals and provide them with tax preparation, forecasting, budgeting, and other bookkeeping/accounting services.

Pacific Bookkeeping is led by Rebecca Stone, an experienced accountant who has been managing a large bookkeeping firm in Seattle, Washington for the past ten years. She graduated from Washington State University with an accounting degree and has been working at a large payroll firm since then, starting at an entry-level position and working her way up to a management-level role. Her experience and education have fully equipped her to run her own local bookkeeping firm.

Product Offering

Pacific Bookkeeping will provide a full range of bookkeeping services for individuals and small businesses. Some of these services include:

  • Recording invoices
  • Tax filing and preparation
  • Financial reporting
  • Payroll processing
  • Monitoring accounts receivable
  • Documenting receipts
  • Forecasting
  • Customer analysis

Customer Focus

Pacific Bookkeeping will primarily serve individuals and small businesses in the Seattle, Washington area. The city is home to over four million residents and around 100,000 businesses and many of them have a need for professional bookkeeping services. We will offer a wide variety of bookkeeping services in order to serve as many customers as we can in this target market.

Management Team

Pacific Bookkeeping is led by Rebecca Stone, an experienced accountant who has been working at a large bookkeeping firm in Seattle, Washington for the past ten years. She graduated from Washington State University with an accounting degree and then began working at the firm, starting at an entry-level position and working her way up to a management-level role. Though she has never run an accounting firm of her own, her experience has given her an in-depth knowledge of the bookkeeping industry, including the operations side (e.g., running day-to-day operations) and the business management side (e.g., staffing, marketing, etc.).

Success Factors

Pacific Bookkeeping will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Location: Pacific Bookkeeping is centrally located in the community, which provides ease of access for clients. The firm’s office will be located between the retail and business districts, making it accessible to a larger customer base.
  • Competitive pricing: Pacific Bookkeeping’s pricing is more affordable than its closest competitors.
  • Management: The management team has years of accounting experience that allows the company to market to and serve clients in a much more sophisticated manner than competitors.
  • Relationships: Having lived in the community for over 20 years, Rebecca Stone knows all of the local leaders, newspapers, and other influencers. As such, it will be relatively easy for Pacific Bookkeeping to build brand awareness and an initial customer base.

Financial Highlights

Pacific Bookkeeping is seeking a total funding of $200,000 of debt capital to open its bookkeeping firm. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs including the payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office space build-out: $20,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $10,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

Pacific Bookkeeping Financial Projections

Company Overview

Who is pacific bookkeeping, pacific bookkeeping’s history.

Once her market analysis was complete, Rebecca Stone began surveying local office spaces for lease and identified an ideal location for the bookkeeping firm. Rebecca Stone incorporated Pacific Bookkeeping as a Limited Liability Corporation in January 2023.

Once the lease is finalized on the office space, interior design work can begin to make the office an appealing place to meet with clients.

Since incorporation, the company has achieved the following milestones:

  • Located available office space for rent that is ideal for the bookkeeping firm
  • Developed the company’s name, logo, and website
  • Hired an interior decorating company to design and furnish the office
  • Determined equipment and necessary supplies
  • Began recruiting key employees

Pacific Bookkeeping’s Services

Industry analysis.

The United States Bookkeeping Industry is forecast to generate more than $66B this year. According to research reports, the largest bookkeeping firm in America generates approximately $9.5B annually. There are currently over 1.5M bookkeepers employed throughout the United States.

The top bookkeeping firms industry-wide are Automatic Data Processing (ADP) ($9.5B in annual revenue), Intuit ($7.8B in annual revenue), and Paychex ($4.0 in annual revenue). All other bookkeeping firms in the United States combined generate approximately $43.5B in annual revenue. An estimated 42% of industry revenue is generated through payroll services. Additional services such as billing, general accounting, tax preparation, and bookkeeping make up the remainder.

One of the biggest challenges for bookkeeping firms is the ability to keep up with changes in regulations. Additional hurdles include recruiting and retaining high-quality employees, keeping up with evolving technology, and acquiring new clients.

However, despite the challenges, the bookkeeping industry is expected to grow significantly throughout the rest of the decade. According to Data Intelo, the industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.5% from now until 2030. This large growth shows that bookkeeping services are still in high demand, meaning that Pacific Bookkeeping has a solid chance of succeeding and maintaining a profit.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Pacific Bookkeeping will serve individuals and small businesses in the community of Seattle, Washington, and its surrounding areas. Seattle has thousands of individuals and small businesses that would benefit from affordable bookkeeping services.

The precise demographics for Seattle, Washington are:

Customer Segmentation

Pacific Bookkeeping will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Individuals
  • Small businesses and nonprofits
  • Government organizations

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Pacific Bookkeeping will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.  

Young & Mitchell

Founded in the 1930s, Young & Mitchell has intentionally remained a small business so that the core group of professionals within the company could get to intimately know each one of their clients. The company is one of the leading tax firms in the Four State Region and offers financial guides and tax tools for individuals for free. Listed below is an outline of the services that the company offers according to its website:

  • Tax Preparation and Planning Services
  • Assurance and Advisory Services
  • Estate and Trust Planning and Tax Preparation
  • Bookkeeping/Write-up
  • IRS Representation
  • Accounting Services
  • Audits, Reviews, and Compilation
  • QuickBooks Accounting Help and Assistance
  • Entity Selection and Restructuring
  • Payroll Services

A Plus General Bookkeeping Services

A Plus General Bookkeeping Services is a bookkeeping firm that specializes in financial strategy and consulting for businesses of all sizes. The firm has been in business for over a decade and has acquired a loyal client base.

Clients may work with accountants in person, over the phone, through email, on video conferencing software, or completely through a new digital application. Although this firm has an excellent track record for service, it is also the most expensive bookkeeping company on the market.

Smith Brothers Accounting

Established in 1974, Smith Brothers Accounting is a privately held accountant practice that offers a wide variety of financial services including tax planning and preparation, payroll processing, financial planning, and small business accounting. Smith Brothers Accounting serves individuals and businesses.

Smith Brothers Accounting Services:

  • Business Services
  • Tax Services
  • Individual Services
  • Notary Services

Competitive Advantage

Pacific Bookkeeping will be able to offer the following advantages over the competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Pacific Bookkeeping will offer a unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Client-focused bookkeeping services
  • Service built on long-term relationships
  • Thorough knowledge of the latest regulations
  • Big-firm expertise in a small-firm environment

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Pacific Bookkeeping is as follows:

Pacific Bookkeeping understands that the best promotion comes from satisfied customers. The company will encourage its clients to refer others by providing economic or financial incentives for every new client produced. This strategy will increase in effectiveness after the business has already been established.


Pacific Bookkeeping will invest heavily in developing a professional website that displays all of the features and benefits of the bookkeeping company. It will also invest heavily in SEO so that the brand’s website will appear at the top of search engine results.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the most cost-effective and practical marketing methods for improving brand visibility. The company will use social media to develop engaging content and post customer reviews that will increase audience awareness and loyalty.

Special Offers

Offers and incentives are an excellent approach to assisting businesses in replenishing the churn in their customer base that they lose each year. The company will introduce special offers to attract new clients and encourage repeat business.

Pacific Bookkeeping’s pricing will be moderate so consumers feel they receive great value when purchasing the bookkeeping services. The client can expect to receive quality bookkeeping services at a more affordable price than what they pay at other accounting firms.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Pacific Bookkeeping.

Operation Functions:

  • Rebecca Stone is the Owner and CEO of Pacific Bookkeeping. She will be in charge of the executive and operations aspects of the business. She will also provide bookkeeping services for her initial clients until she hires a full staff of accountants, bookkeepers, and tax preparation professionals.
  • Rebecca is joined by Rhonda Wolfe who will be the company’s Administrative Assistant. She will help Rebecca with the administrative functions of the business.
  • Rebecca is also joined by Samual Wright. He will act as the Marketing Manager and manage all the marketing and advertising functions for Pacific Bookkeeping.
  • As the firm grows and takes on more clients, Rebecca will hire a team of experienced accountants, bookkeepers, and tax preparation professionals to help with the company’s service functions.


Pacific Bookkeeping will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.

  • 3/202X Finalize lease agreement
  • 4/202X Design and build out Pacific Bookkeeping
  • 5/202X Hire and train initial staff
  • 6/202X Kickoff of promotional campaign
  • 7/202X Launch Pacific Bookkeeping
  • 8/202X Reach break-even

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

Pacific Bookkeeping’s revenues will come primarily from its bookkeeping services. The major costs for the company will include the salaries of the staff, marketing spending, and the rent for a prime location in Seattle.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and pay off the startup business loan.

  • Annual rent: $50,000
  • Year 3: 100
  • Year 4: 125
  • Year 5: 150

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, bookkeeping business plan faqs, what is a bookkeeping business plan.

A bookkeeping business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your bookkeeping business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Bookkeeping business plan using our Bookkeeping Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Bookkeeping Businesses?

There are a number of different kinds of bookkeeping businesses , some examples include: Traditional Bookkeeping and Accounting Business, Tax Preparation Services, Payroll Services, and Billing Services.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Bookkeeping Business Plan?

Bookkeeping businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Bookkeeping Business?

Starting a bookkeeping business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Bookkeeping Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed bookkeeping business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your bookkeeping business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your bookkeeping business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Bookkeeping Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your bookkeeping business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your bookkeeping business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Bookkeeping Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your bookkeeping business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your bookkeeping business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful bookkeeping business:

  • How to Start a Bookkeeping Business

How to create an accounting and tax services business plan

Table of Contents

Market research

Online vs traditional accounting, decide on your services, identify a target market, financial planning, save time on manual admin.

Putting together a business plan is hugely important if you’re trying to set up a new business. It provides a guideline for how your company should develop and operate in the future. If your business idea centres around providing accounting and tax services, you’ll particularly benefit from a solid business plan due to the complicated nature of accounting businesses.

This article will show you how to create an accounting and tax services business plan. We’ll cover a variety of important topics that you should cover in your plan, including:

A key part of writing a business plan is research and preparation. Without knowing a lot about the industry that your business will operate in, you’ll struggle with running your business effectively.

Market research is the process of learning more about the market your business will exist in. This means finding out information about your customers and their needs, as well as your competitors’ services. You need to know how to stand out amongst the crowd, whether it’s through unique selling points or impactful marketing.

Those offering accounting and tax services usually have an advantage here. Since accounting is an advanced subject and requires years of study to practice effectively, there tend to be few competitors in the field. That said, accountants in large urban areas might still have to deal with the strong competition due to the higher population.

In these cases, a good idea is to focus your market research on your competitors’ services. Once you know more, you can decide if you should start offering similar services or if you should direct your efforts elsewhere. Additional training may be required if you choose to offer a new service to attract customers. 

During market research, consider if you should offer traditional accounting services or if you should operate solely online. Online accounting is a relatively new service that differs from traditional accounting in a few ways.

A traditional accountant will usually need to meet with clients and speak face-to-face about their financial status. Clients will also need to hand over their financial information, which means delivering physical documents to you or emailing over digital versions.

An online accountant will conduct the entire relationship between themselves and the client over the internet. You may have the opportunity to speak with a client on the phone or in a videoconference, but much of the contact you have with your client will be via email or other messaging services. There is rarely (if ever) an opportunity to meet face-to-face.

Online accountants will also often have a software tool that makes uploading and transferring data easier. During your market research, try to find out if you’ll have more potential clients operating online and if you need any software or technology to do so. 

When you initially set up an accountancy practice , you’ll need to figure out what services you’ll actually be providing to your clients. Focusing on accounting and tax services is a good start, as business owners who need help filing a Self-Assessment tax return or want to reduce their tax bill will be a good source of income. 

‘Accounting services’ is a fairly general term though, so you may want to consider specialising further so that you can avoid competition. For instance, if you’re particularly knowledgeable about audits, you could help businesses prepare for them. Alternatively, you could use your accounting skills to provide risk assessments for companies expanding or diversifying their operations.

A target market is a specific group of customers that you think will be interested in your services. While deciding on the accounting services you’ll offer, keep a potential target market in mind. You might choose to specialise in a particular industry instead of offering a specific service.

For example: if you know a lot about small businesses and have a good understanding of how their finances work, consider only offering accounting and tax services for small businesses. You could specialise in even further than this: you might only do bookkeeping to retail firms or contractors. 

Like any business, you’ll need money to continue operating and serving clients. As such, you should dedicate a large section of your business plan to financial planning . 

This section will include things like the amount you’re going to spend on setting up your business and how much you’ll need to charge for your accounting and tax services. It’s a good idea to also list how you’ll budget for the different departments of your business. For instance, you’ll need to plan out how much you’ll spend on marketing .

This is standard planning that any company will need to do, but there are a few expenses that an accountant would need to explicitly plan for. Training is a big one: financial law changes frequently, and you’ll need to stay up-to-date if you’re going to provide an adequate level of service. This training may cost money, or you may need to budget for the time you’ll spend studying instead of helping clients. 

Another important expense for accountants is insurance. Professional indemnity insurance covers mistakes such as professional negligence, unintentional copyright or confidentiality breaches, lost documents or data, and defamation. Accountants deal with these kinds of issues frequently (particularly lost documents and professional negligence), so remember to plan for how you’ll afford these kinds of insurance. 

While you complete your financial planning, you might find that bookkeeping for your own business will take up a large portion of your time. 

You can save yourself time on manual admin and help your clients keep organised records with Countingup’s free accounting software . It is designed specifically for accountants working with smaller business structures. Practice clients get access to an exclusively great value business current account that takes the strain out of essential bookkeeping.

If you’re looking to receive structured client data in real-time, without continually chasing for boxes of receipts, you’ll find Countingup a breath of fresh air as a fully MTD compatible software that frees up your time to focus on running your business.

Discover more about the advantages of Countingup here .


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How to start an accounting firm: Your checklist for successfully starting a firm

So, you're thinking of starting an accounting firm.

That's great. No doubt you have plenty of questions about how to set up a new firm and get off to a great start.

Thomson Reuters spoke with some of our industry experts to get answers to the big questions you may have.

Here's what they told us.    

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Starting your own accounting business sounds like a lot of work. Why would I want to start an accounting firm?   

Starting an accounting firm is like starting any small business – it requires a lot of work. However, industry and consulting firms list accounting firms as one of the single most profitable small businesses a person can start right now.

Here are a few questions to consider when starting a firm:

  • Do you want to be a cog in the machine or own a firm? Frankly, there isn’t a wrong answer to this question, but rather a preference. However, going out on your own comes with one significant benefit: you’re getting the profit from the firm, not just your wages. You go from employee to owner.
  • What’s my business purpose? While perhaps a bit esoteric, defining your business’s purpose is crucial. Why am I doing this? What’s my goal behind this? It’s not just a philosophical exercise. Knowing why you’re starting a firm can help you define your target market, whether it’s helping small businesses, real estate, or another service area.
  • Do you want to be nimble and cutting edge? Small firms tend to be much more agile and have a greater ability to do new things. From adopting new technology to discovering and implementing new software or other efficiency creating tools, running your own firm lets you make the decisions about what makes your business unique—and profitable.
  • Should you start a legal entity? For some, a sole proprietorship won’t require incorporation – especially if the work is centered around less complex tasks such as basic tax preparation. However, there are certain liability protections by becoming an LLC, including limiting risk for your business. Assets become owned by your business and are distinguished from personal assets. When a business is not incorporated, it becomes harder to draw that line and the entire enterprise becomes at risk.

What are the requirements to open an accounting firm? What do I need?

Starting an accounting firm is no different from starting any other small business. And while there are accounting-specific requirements, it’s important to remember that you’re starting a business first.

Start by figuring out your purpose, goal, and market. This will influence many other decisions, including the function of the services you provide, whether you want a physical or virtual location, your target demographic, and the location of your business.

Once you’ve selected a location and determined your goals, it’s time to consider the nuts and bolts of owning a business.

You’ll need to:

  • Obtain Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Tax ID number
  • Investigate employment laws
  • Determine startup costs
  • Develop a pricing structure for services
  • Decide on the legal structure of your business (S-Corp, L-Corp, LLC, Partnership, LLP )
  • Look at business insurance
  • Create a business bank account
  • Develop internal policies and rules
  • Hire employees

Additionally, you’ll have to think about the day-to-day needs of running a business, including managing risk, basic administrative tasks, and general questions of how and where you will meet clients. 

Will I need to get a new EIN from the federal government ?

In most cases, owning and running an accounting firm necessitates an Employer Identification Number (EIN). However, the IRS website provides an in-depth explanation of who is required to have an EIN and when. A good rule of thumb is: if you plan on hiring employees – or plan to in the future – you’ll probably need an EIN.

That said, even if you don’t think you need one – or the website says it isn’t a requirement– most businesses are probably better off acquiring an EIN.

Luckily, the online process is fast, easy, and free. 

If I’m not a Certified Public Accountant, do I need a CPA to open an accounting firm ?

It depends.

While all CPAs are accountants, not all accountants are CPAs. There are differences between the two, including education, experience, and certain opportunities. However, the answer goes back to the question, “What services do you want to offer?”

An accounting firm can do almost everything a CPA firm can do with one exception – audits and assurance services. So, if that is a part of your goals or your target market, then it’s probably wise to think about the steps needed to become a CPA.

However, if you are looking to focus on the multitude of other services accounting firms provide, it’s likely not a necessary credential to start. And while there are certain state-by-state exceptions about what can and cannot be undertaken by a CPA, they are not a requirement for starting an accounting firm.

However, if you want to call yourself a “CPA firm” – you will need a CPA.

Can accountants work from home ?

One of the benefits of starting an accounting firm is flexibility. So, the simple answer to the question is, yes—many accountants can and do work from a home office.

All the regulations that apply to a physical location also apply to virtual or home offices. So not having a physical office does not put an accounting firm at a disadvantage.

In fact, working from home is even easier with modern technology and software solutions that help bring vital aspects of your daily workflow into one dedicated (and usually online) space. For instance, Thomson Reuters makes its CS Professional Suite of tax and accounting software available as hosted online solutions and designed its Onvio products to run entirely in the cloud.

It’s important to note: an accounting firm must have a dedicated EFIN (Electronic Filing Identification Number) for every separate location where they perform work. So, if you have a physical location and do work in a home office, you’ll need to investigate whether you’ll need a separate EFIN for home office.

The answer largely depends on how much – and the extent of the work – you do from home. Check with the IRS for further guidance. 

If I’d prefer a home-based accounting business, what should I know about starting an accounting firm from home ?

Luckily, accounting firms don’t need a physical space to operate successfully. And like the traditional brick and mortar approach, having a home-based or virtual business brings both opportunities and challenges that are unique to that approach. When considering a home-based business, it’s important to think about the unique challenges and opportunities involved.

These include:

  • Shared work locations. There are many co-working locations across the country, many of which include both space for professionals to perform their tasks, as well as providing a professional, on-demand space to meet with clients. While there is usually a monthly fee to use these spaces, the benefits they provide are often worth the cost (and are significantly cheaper than leasing or purchasing office space).
  • Low costs. New businesses often struggle with overhead. As you build your client list, keeping costs low is a priority. Not only does it allow you to see a profit early, but it also allows you to adjust your service menu to attract clients with lower-than-normal prices.
  • Liability issues. If you choose to meet clients in your home, liability and zoning can be an issue. If a client gets hurt inside your home office, or falls outside of it, it’s important to know the laws surrounding liability.
  • Zoning laws. Most cities and counties have zoning regulations. Make sure you investigate and comply with any laws to ensure your home-based business isn’t operating illegally.
  • Turn limitations into unique opportunities. While not having a physical space can be challenging at times, it can also be an advantage. Consider visiting clients onsite. Not only does it solve space concerns, it communicates a message to the client—you offer a higher level of service.    

What are the key services offered by accounting firm s? 

In many ways, this question can be answered by once again looking at your goals and target market. What are the key services needed by that population? How can you serve them better? Still, while many services will be dictated by the specifics of your clients and their business, there are a few standards most accounting firms offer, including:

  • Assurance services
  • Bookkeeping

While these are typically the core offerings – and the ones that will provide consistent business in most accounting firms – it’s also important to investigate emerging and buzz-worthy services that are attracting bigger and more progressive accounting businesses.

From consulting and advising to outsourced CFO services (serving as the embedded strategic financial decision-maker for a client), taking a cue from the bigger firms – and anticipating what trends might trickle down to smaller and independent businesses – can increase the clients you serve and put you steps ahead of your competition. 

What should I know about running an accounting firm ?

Starting a business is filled with new and challenging decisions. However, once the business is up and running, it’s common to be unprepared for typical day-to-day operations. Anticipating (and planning for) these concerns helps make sure you’re working as efficiently as possible.

Common questions and concerns include:

  • Talent acquisition and development. Frankly, finding and keeping staff is a significant challenge, which is why hiring always leads industry surveys about common needs and concerns. Even if you aren’t ready to hire a team, it’s wise to start developing a strategy early.
  • Going beyond the seasonal business . Every year it gets harder and harder to operate a seasonal accounting business, especially if you’re looking to offer a variety of services. Unless you’re doing just cookie-cutter tax prep – and you avoid complex returns – you won’t be able to operate on a seasonal basis. That said, prioritizing the season and maximizing your efficiency (and your profits) during the heavy times is critical to finding success.
  • Keep on top of regulatory changes. Keeping up with major regulatory changes can be a challenge – especially if you add staff. Finding a solution that helps minimize the burden and risk that otherwise exists will help stave off the constant onslaught of new information.
  • Rethink the traditional role of the accounting firm. Traditional accounting firms used to meet with clients just once a year to do their tax return. More progressive firms are moving to a year-round schedule, which not only allows them to expand services for current and future clients but implies a partnership relationship that goes beyond the “one touchpoint” per year model. 

How much should an accountant charge per hour? Or should accountants charge a fixed fee ?

This, in many ways, is an unanswerable question because the only reliable advice that can be given is, “It depends.” Every context is different and is swayed by factors such as competition, location, service offerings, and level of expertise.

However, even though there isn’t a standard fee, most accounting firms are moving away from an hourly fee structure and choosing to institute to a fixed fee model that allows for better value for clients, a more manageable business plan, and eventually an increase in earnings.

Again, every context is unique, and there are certain situations when an hourly fee structure is best. These include:

  • When you’re gathering information to develop a fee structure
  • Gauging profitability in a newer firm and trying to determine the hours you need to work and remain profitable
  • Early in your career when you need more time to complete basic tasks

Outside of those circumstances, a fixed fee is recommended and preferred. As your skill and expertise grow, so will your abilities to complete tasks quickly. With an hourly fee, this means having to take on more clients to maintain (and hopefully increase) your profits.

A fixed fee structure is about value. The expertise and skill you bring to service are of more importance than just an hour of work for clients. Pricing your abilities based on knowledge is not only good for your business but is ultimately valuable for your clients as well.

How should I price accounting and bookkeeping services ?

While there is still a debate surrounding hourly versus fixed fees in some aspects of the business, accounting and bookkeeping is not one of them.

Accounting and bookkeeping services (as well as other service lines, such as simple tax preparations) are almost universally charged as a fixed fee, and there is a market expectation for that pricing structure.

When determining a fee structure, many accountants call other firms and ask for quotes. They use the average of those quotes to determine a fair and competitive price for their services.

Another resource is local and national affiliations and associations. Many of the larger ones (such as the National Association of Tax Preparers) will distribute recommended price structures and other useful information. 

How much should a CPA charge for taxes?

While you do not have to be a CPA to prepare or file taxes, the training and expertise it requires to gain that credential matters. Simply put, you’re a CPA, and you deserve a premium for your services.

When trying to structure fees, it’s important to set a minimum job value. By setting a minimum job value at, say, $500, you won’t get mired in lower-level work that you likely don’t want to take on. Plus, that work can take up time and pull you away from more valuable work that you’d rather be doing.

Knowing what you want to charge and identifying the value you bring to your clients is critical. You are providing a service to your clients, but you’re also giving them a value based on your credentials and experience. So, it’s up to you to set the standards and have them choose between lower costs (them doing it their self) versus the value of having a CPA prepare your taxes.

That said, there’s a balance.

Many CPAs make a practice of “writing down” certain services because they know their hourly rate for larger projects can quickly become untenable for a client. Not only is this seen as a discount by the client, but it also allows you to create a fixed-fee structure for your services and show the clients the savings and value they receive.

If they need more staff, what do accounting firms look for when hiring?

When hiring, accounting firms are like many businesses and are looking for a combination of credentials, experience, and the ability to perform the necessary tasks. However, in an increasingly competitive hiring market, many firms are beginning to look at soft skills as valuable for new hires.

For decades, accounting firms have focused primarily on credentials. However, more and more, it’s less and less about certification and more about aptitude. For the most part, it’s easier to train accounting knowledge than it is to build customer service skills. When hiring, it’s important to look at the qualities a candidate can bring into a firm – not necessarily just credentials.

Of course, experience and credentials do matter. Especially when the experience sets for an accountant is specific and narrow. What types of tax returns have you prepared? What specializations do you carry? And credentials such as CPA, EA, attorneys, and state certifications (when required) are all still attractive to firms looking to hire.

How much does it cost to start an accounting firm?

Start-up costs can range from $2,500 to $25,000. Your location and your goals will determine cost in several ways, including whether you want to start a traditional brick and mortar firm or are looking to create a virtual office environment.

It’s important to remember that, besides physical (or virtual) space, accounting firms need to find and install the necessary equipment and technology to help their practice run more efficiently. That, in many ways, is the first step for a new entrepreneur. Once they’ve found a tax solution that can help them achieve their goals, they’ll be able to begin tackling the other day-to-day tasks and questions of running a business.

What’s the best business structure for accounting firms?

Finding the best business structure for your accounting firm is a critical part of not only ensuring success but helping to minimize both your tax burden and your risk.

While the circumstances of what your incorporation looks like will depend on your approach, it is considered a best practice to become incorporated right off the bat due to the legal protections it provides.

Popular options include:

  • Partnership

If you’re running a solo firm, you’re likely going to be looking at an S-Corp, which allows you to pay yourself as an employee. However, if you are working with other partners, a partnership might be more preferential, as it provides a little more flexibility with payment. You are permitted to take draws or distributions, and it doesn’t necessarily require a payroll department because it’s not considered “wages” per se.

Whichever structure you choose at the beginning, know that it will likely evolve throughout the maturity of your firm. For instance, a firm might accept the risk and start as unincorporated to avoid the incorporation fees. Then they might transition to S-Corp. Over time, as additional owners move into the entity structure, the firm can add additional shareholders or can reorganize as a partnership.

It’s better to have a separate legal entity than to not and better to have separate federal filing than to not.

How do I get accounting clients?

The consensus is word of mouth. However, while a strong work ethic, exceptional service, and competitive pricing will undoubtedly attract clients, a successful business always requires more than just good luck.

Here are a few tips on how to increase your client base:

  • Be a business owner, not just an accountant. This means focusing on solid business practices and looking for ways to ensure both stability and growth.
  • Market yourself . This goes beyond starting a business and hoping people show up. Look for ways to partner with other companies and firms, as well as networking opportunities in the community. The local chamber of commerce is an excellent resource.
  • Don’t forget about friends and family. While they won’t be able to maintain your business over the long haul, friends and family are a great starting place not only for initial clients but also for referrals.
  • Take advantage of easy and cheap technology . Google Ads can be capped at $20 and make for productive investments to help drive local searches for accounting firm.
  • Be in the community. Look for professional speaking engagements that you can offer to local groups for free. Create thought leadership presentations, teach community education classes and provide a venue to show your skills and knowledge.

You’ll find other ideas in our blog post on finding new clients .

How about social media and online presence for accountants – is it worth the effort?

Websites, social media, and various other online presences are a great way to establish credibility in the market.

For the most part, a simple online presence is relatively easy to start with minimal start-up costs. And while an online presence won’t guarantee an increase in exposure, not having one can have a negative impact and can discredit you to a potential client. In many cases, website and social media become an augmentation to your word of mouth referrals. Most people won’t simply call a number without the opportunity to do some basic online research.

However, there is a difference between a website presence and social media. In most cases, a website is static and allows businesses to transmit basic, evergreen information such as phone number, services provided, and credentials. Social media, on the other hand, can drive business in a longer and more indirect fashion.

Auto-posting any relevant story or information can help create a brand on social media – one where you’re seen as an authority on tax and accounting subjects. Posting constant content can help with visibility and, ultimately, increasing your customer base.  

If you think you may need help with this, take a look at our social media and other digital marketing solutions for accounting firms .

Some firms focus on a specific accounting specialization. Should I consider a niche accounting service?

Put simply, the more specialized you are, the more profitable you are. However, it’s not as much a question of “should you” but “can you.”

Many – if not most – firms will start as generalists and then slowly make their way a more niche practice. Sometimes a firm will intentionally build clients in one area. Others realize they have, say, many construction clients and then move to the particular niche.

If moving toward a niche practice, consider:

  • What’s your timeline? When should you plan to transition to a specialized practice? When is the right time to stop chasing general clients?
  • Partnering with more generalist firms can help take on other needs from clients while you take only the niche side of their business.
  • Gaining professional affiliations is important. They can help distinguish you in a competitive market and further signal your niche work.

What’s the most popular accounting niche?

Niches, like many things, are often dependent on location, interest, and understanding where there is a need across different businesses. However, some of the most successful niches are the ones serving fellow professionals such as doctors, dentists, attorneys.

Services based niches as opposed to manufacturing-based are also on the rise. For example, real estate professionals, landscapers, and farming clients are becoming a more prosperous and unique way to do business.

However, it’s important to remember that you have to target businesses where you have the right location and the right skills. Again, farming has particular needs and goals. If you can fill them, then you have a specialization that is highly valuable to that market.

What do prospective clients consider when deciding how to choose an accountant? What do they look for in a CPA?

What are the things that are most likely to influence a client’s perception of you in the little amount of information they’re able to get from a flyer, website, or social media? While the idea that “first impressions matter” may seem a little cliché, they still matter to your clients. As a result, making sure your communication is direct, pleasing, and engaging is critical to your success.

Some important deciding factors include:

  • Aesthetics. What’s the aesthetic of your website? Is it mobile compliant? Does it seem modern? Do your documents use color and seem to be professionally designed? Take care to control the new prospective client’s perception of you and what they think they see in you.
  • Have a professional place to meet. Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar business or a virtual one, having a professional place to meet with clients is essential.
  • Clients want comfort and assurance . Clients want the assurance that, if the IRS or another regulatory authority comes after them, that you be my defender and stand between them and the organization? Extending that sense of comfort is going to help influence them.
  • Know your target market . Know what your market is looking for and make it very clear that’s what you can provide them.    

Thanks to our subject matter experts Jordan Kleinsmith and Mo Arbas for their input into this article.


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Tax Preparation Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Financial Service Industry » Accounting, Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation

Are you about starting a tax preparation business ? If YES, here’s a complete sample tax preparation service business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE to raise money .

In case you didn’t know, there are loads of households, small businesses, mom and pop businesses, amongst a few without the faintest idea of any tax preparation skills. These businesses struggle with their tax concerns a lot. Research shows that one of the reasons why many small businesses remain small and sometimes close shop is not because they don’t have clients or capital to run the business but because they fail to keep their books and manage their tax properly.

If you are an accountant or a tax consultant, then you can leverage on this read to start your own tax preparation services Business.

You can be sure that your services would always be in demand by those small businesses that can’t afford to hire a full time accountant or tax consultant. They know that it would save them cost and one good thing about it is that you can handle up to 20 clients per time depending on how organized and hardworking you are.

A Sample Tax Preparation Service Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

The financial services industry is indeed a very broad industry and one of the active lines of businesses in the industry is tax preparation services business.

Tax preparation services is all about helping individuals and small businesses provide income tax compilation services, income tax return preparation services, and other tax return preparation services; it is part of the process of financial accounting in business.

In recent times, the Tax Preparation Services industry went through a slight downturn during the recession due to a decline in national employment and of course a decrease in disposable income. However, the industry rebounded immediately after the recession phase as the national unemployment rate fell, and revenue increased as more Americans were required to file tax returns.

At about same period, the tax preparation services industry landscape begun to change, with consumer preferences increasingly trending toward establishments that offer online filing services options.

Despite the fact that the recent improving economic conditions are expected to support the growth of revenue generated in the industry, some tax preparations’ performance will be stunted, as online tax preparation service providers pose a big threat traditional brick-and-mortar firms.

The Tax Preparation Services industry is indeed a large industry and pretty much active in countries such as United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Holland, Switzerland, Japan, China, Germany, and Canada et al.

Statistics has it that in the united states of America alone, there are about 118,890 registered and licensed Tax Preparation Services firm responsible for employing about 292,718 and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $10 billion annually.

The industry is projected to enjoy 4.5 percent annual growth. The establishments with the lion share available in this industry in the United States are H & H Block Inc., Intuit and Jackson Hewitt.

According to a report published by IBISWORLD, it was observed that households in all socioeconomic groups across the United States use the services of tax preparers. As a result, industry establishments and revenue are distributed in line with regional population.

Many people use the tax preparation firm nearest to them, out of convenience. Which is why when an area is underserved, more firms move into that area to stake a claim in the market.

In the same way, tax preparation firms tend to move locations when the competition is too high and profit margins begin to suffer.

Approximately 85.1 percent of operators in this industry are non-employers that do not have the capacity or market power to provide services beyond their own neighborhood. While some of these firms are part of a national network, they primarily serve local consumers.

One thing is certain about starting a tax preparation services business, if you are able to conduct your market research and feasibility studies , you are more likely not going to struggle to secure clients because there are always individuals, households, mom and pop shops, start – ups and even corporate organization who would want to hire your services.

Lastly, with tax preparation services business, you can afford to partner with other smaller firms that are into financial related services.

You can partner with accounting and bookkeeping consulting firm, you can partner with auditing firms and you can partner with human resources consulting firms et al. The bottom line is that, if you have a robust network and you are well positioned, you can indeed maximize your tax preparation services business.

2. Executive Summary

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is a registered and licensed financial consulting firm with strong bias in tax preparation services and will be based in Saint Paul – Minnesota.

The firm will handle all aspects of tax preparation related services; services such as income tax compilation services, income tax return preparation services, basic tax preparation services, standard tax preparation services, full-service tax preparation services, tax-related financial products and other related tax return preparation services.

We are aware that to run an all – round and standard tax preparation services firm can be demanding which is why we are well trained, certified and equipped to perform excellently well. Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is a client – focused and result driven tax preparation services firm that provides broad- based services at an affordable fee that won’t in any way put a hole in the pocket of our clients.

We will offer standard and professional tax preparation services to all to our individual clients, and corporate clients at local, state, national, and international level. We will ensure that we work hard to meet and surpass our clients’ expectations whenever they hire our services.

At Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP, our client’s best interest would always come first, and everything we do is guided by our values and professional ethics. We will ensure that we hire professionals who are well experienced in the financial consulting services industry with bias in accounting, bookkeeping and payroll administration.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP will at all times demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.

We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely. We will cultivate a working environment that provides a human, sustainable approach to earning a living, and living in our world, for our partners, employees and for our clients.

Our plan is to position the business to become the leading brand in tax preparation services line of business in the whole of Saint Paul – Minnesota, and also to be amongst the top 20 tax preparation services businesses in the United States of America within the first 10 years of operations.

This might look too tall a dream but we are optimistic that this will surely be realized because we have done our research and feasibility studies and we are enthusiastic and confident that Saint Paul – Minnesota is the right place to launch our tax preparation services business before sourcing for clients from other cities in The United States of America.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is founded by Henry Murdock and Lucy Kent, his business partner for many years. The organization will be managed by both of them since they have adequate working experience to manage such business. Henry Murdock has well over 5 years of experience working at various capacities within the financial cum tax consulting services industry in the United States of America.

Mr. Henry Murdock graduated from both University of California – Berkley with a Degree in Accounting, and University of Harvard (MSc.) and he is a chartered account with background on taxation. Lucy Kent has ample experience in the area of tax consulting and financial auditing.

3. Our Products and Services

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is going to offer varieties of services within the scope of the tax preparation services industry in the United States of America. Our intention of starting our tax preparation services firm is to work with individuals, household, smaller organizations (start – ups and mom and pop shops) and also well – established corporate organizations who would want to outsource their tax preparation concerns.

We are well prepared to make profits from the industry and we will do all that is permitted by the law in the United States to achieve our business goals, aim and ambition. Our business offering are listed below;

  • Income tax compilation services
  • Income tax return preparation services
  • Basic tax preparation services
  • Standard tax preparation services
  • Full-service tax preparation services
  • Tax-related financial products
  • Other tax return preparation services
  • Other financial consulting and advisory related services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to build a tax preparation services brand that will become the number one choice for individuals, household, smaller businesses and corporate clients in the whole of Saint Paul – Minnesota.
  • Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork.
  • Our mission is to provide professional, reliable and trusted tax preparation services that assist individuals, household, start – ups, corporate organization and non-profit organizations in organizing their tax returns related concern.
  • We will position the business to become the leading brand in the tax preparation services line of business in the whole of Minnesota, and also to be amongst the top 20 tax preparation services firms in the United States of America within the first 10 years of operations.

Our Business Structure

Ordinarily we would have settled for two or three staff members, but as part of our plan to build a standard tax preparation services firm in Saint Paul – Minnesota, we have perfected plans to get it right from the beginning which is why we are going the extra mile to ensure that we have competent, honest and hardworking employees to occupy all the available positions in our firm.

The picture of the kind of tax preparation services business we intend building and the business goals we want to achieve is what informed the amount we are ready to pay for the best hands available in and around Saint Paul – Minnesota as long as they are willing and ready to work with us to achieve our business goals and objectives. Below is the business structure that we will build Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP;

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Tax Preparation Administrator

Admin and HR Manager

Marketing and Sales Executive

  • Customer Care Executive / Front Desk Officer

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Office:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization

Tax Preparation Consultants

  • Handle income tax compilation services
  • Handles income tax return preparation services
  • Responsible for handling basic tax preparation services
  • Handles standard tax preparation services
  • Responsible for handling full-service tax preparation services
  • In charge of all tax-related financial products
  • Handles other tax return preparation services
  • Responsible for other financial consulting and advisory related services
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Designs job descriptions with KPI to drive performance management for clients
  • Regularly hold meetings with key stakeholders to review the effectiveness of HR Policies, Procedures and Processes
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carrying out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office activities.
  • Identifies, prioritizes, and reaches  out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of relevant projects.
  • Writes winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with company policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, marker surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Documents all customer contact and information
  • Represents the company in strategic meetings
  • Helps to increase sales and growth for the company
  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • create reports from the information concerning the financial transactions recorded by the bookkeeper
  • Prepare the income statement and balance sheet using the trial balance and ledgers prepared by the bookkeeper.
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties.
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the company
  • Serves as internal auditor for the company

Client Service Executive / Front Desk Officer

  • Welcomes guests and clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients
  • Receives parcels / documents for the company
  • Distribute mails in the organization
  • Handles any other duties as assigned my the line manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP engaged the services of a core professional in the area of business consulting and structuring to assist the firm in building a well – structured tax preparation services firm that can favorably compete in the highly competitive financial consulting cum tax preparation services industry.

Part of what the team of business consultant did was to work with the management of our organization in conducting a SWOT analysis for Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP. Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP;

Our core strength lies in the power of our team; our workforce. We have a team that can go all the way to give our clients value for their money; a team that are trained and equipped to pay attention to details and to deliver excellent tax preparation jobs. We are well positioned and we know we will attract loads of clients from the first day we open our doors for business.

As a new tax preparation services firm, it might take some time for our organization to break into the market and gain acceptance especially from top corporate clients in the already saturated tax preparation cum financial consulting services industry; that is perhaps our major weakness. So also we may not have the required cash to give our business the kind of publicity we would have loved to.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities in the tax preparation cum financial consulting services industry is massive considering the number of individuals, households, mom and pop businesses, start – ups and of course corporate organizations who can’t afford to do without the services of tax preparation service providers. As a standard and well – positioned tax preparation service provider, we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way.

Some of the threats that we are likely going to face as a tax preparation service firm operating in the United States are unfavorable government policies , the arrival of a competitor within our location of operations and global economic downturn which usually affects purchasing / spending power. There is hardly anything we can do as regards these threats other than to be optimistic that things will continue to work for our good.


  • Market Trends

The financial consulting services industry of which tax preparation services is a subset of is indeed a very large industry and of course it is one industry that works for individuals and businesses across different industries. If you are conversant with the trend in the financial consulting services industry,.

You will agree that loads of mom and pops, businesses, and start – up ventures that do not have the capacity to hire chatter accountants to handle their tax returns concern would naturally hire the services of tax preparation services providers who would usually charge them service charge.

Relatively, it is cheaper and less stressful to hire the services of tax preparation service providers as against employing a qualified accountant or tax consultant. In recent times, the Tax Preparation Services industry went through a slight downturn during the recession due to a decline in national employment and of course a decrease in disposable income.

However, the industry rebounded immediately after the recession phase as the national unemployment rate fell, and revenue increased as more Americans were required to file tax returns. At about same period, the tax preparation services industry landscape begun to change, with consumer preferences increasingly trending toward establishments that offer online filing services options.

Another notable trend in the tax preparation cum financial consulting services industry is that in the last five years, the industry has performed impressively as a large reduction in unemployment boosted the revenue generated in the industry.

So also, the tax preparation cum financial consulting services industry has benefited from the advancement of online and computer tax preparation services, with new cloud-based offerings providing a new revenue stream for operators, and attracting new customers. Going forward, increasing product penetration and of course an expanding customer base is expected to drive growth in the industry.

8. Our Target Market

The demographic and psychographics composition of those who need the services of tax preparation service providers cuts across individuals and households, small businesses and large corporations.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP will initially serve individuals and households, small to medium sized business, from new ventures to well established businesses and individual clients, but that does not in any way stop us from growing to be able to compete with the leading tax preparation service firms in the United States.

As a standard and licensed tax preparation service firm, Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP offers a wide range of tax preparation services cum financial consulting services hence we are well trained and equipped to services a wide range of clientele base.

Our target market cuts across businesses of different sizes and industries. We are coming into the industry with a business concept that will enable us work with the small businesses and bigger corporations in and around Saint Paul – Minnesota and other cities in the United States of America. Below is a list of the businesses and organizations that we have specifically design our products and services for;

  • Individuals (corporate executives and business people)
  • Mom and Pop Businesses
  • Corporate Organizations
  • Political Parties / Politicians
  • Hotels and Restaurants
  • Schools (High Schools, Colleges and Universities)
  • Sport Organizations
  • Entrepreneurs and Start – Ups

Our Competitive Advantage

The level of competitions in the tax preparation cum financial consulting services industry depends largely on the location of the business and of course the niche of your financial consulting services. If you can successfully create a unique brand identity for your tax preparation services firm or carve out a unique market, you are likely going to experience less competition.

For instance if you are one of the few tax preparation services firms in your locations that also offer bookkeeping and financial auditing services and also online tax preparation services, you are likely going to have a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Although the competition in the tax preparation services line of business is not just within same service providers but also other financial consulting related service providers in the tax preparation cum financial consulting services industry.

We are quite aware that to be highly competitive in the tax preparation services cum financial consulting services industry means that we should be able to deliver consistent quality service, our clients should be able to experience remarkable difference cum improvement and we should be able to meet the expectations of clients.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP might be a new entrant into the tax preparation services cum financial consulting services industry in the United States of America, but the management staffs and owners of the business are considered gurus. They are people who are core professionals and licensed and highly qualified tax consultants in the United States. These are part of what will count as a competitive advantage for us.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (start – ups tax preparation service providers) in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the tax preparation services cum financial consulting services industry and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to attract clients on a regular basis and sign retainer – ship with most of our clients.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP will generate income by offering the following tax preparation cum tax consulting services for individuals, households, start – ups, NGOs and for corporate organizations;

  • Provide income tax compilation services
  • Provide income tax return preparation services
  • Provide basic tax preparation services
  • Provide standard tax preparation services
  • Provide full-service tax preparation services
  • Provide tax-related financial products
  • Provide other tax return preparation services

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain, there would always be individuals, households, mom and pop shops, start – ups, NGOs and corporate organizations who would need the services of professional tax preparation services providers.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in Saint Paul – Minnesota and other key cities in the United States of America and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income / profits from the first six month of operations and grow the business and our clientele base beyond Saint Paul to other cities in Minnesota and other states in the United States.

We have been able to critically examine the tax preparation services cum financial consulting market and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to startups in Saint Paul – Minnesota.

Below is the sales projection for Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP, it is based on the location of our business and the wide range of tax preparation services that we will be offering;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $150,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $350,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $750,000

N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and natural disasters within the period stated above. There won’t be any major competitor offering same additional services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that there are stiffer competition amongst tax preparation service providers and other related financial consulting service providers in the United States of America; hence we have been able to hire some of the best business developer to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited base on their vast experience in the industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall goal of the organization.

We will also ensure that our excellent job delivery speaks for us in the market place; we want to build a standard tax preparation service business that will leverage on word of mouth advertisement from satisfied clients (both individuals and corporate organizations).

Our goal is to grow our tax preparation services firm to become one of the top 20 tax preparation services firms in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategy that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with not only in the Saint Paul – Minnesota but also in other cities in the United States of America.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;

  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to corporate organizations, schools, households and key stake holders in Saint Paul and other cities in Minnesota.
  • Advertise our tax preparation services business in relevant financial and business related magazines, newspapers, TV stations, and radio station.
  • List our tax preparation services business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Attend relevant international and local finance and business expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Create different packages for different category of clients (start – ups and established corporate organizations) in order to work with their budgets and still deliver quality services to them
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our tax preparation services business
  • Engage direct marketing approach
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients.

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We are aware of the importance of adequately publicizing a start – up business like ours hence we have been able to work with our brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market.

We are set to take the tax preparation services cum financial consulting services industry by storm which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our travels and tours agencies. Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP;

  • Place adverts on both print (community based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community based events / programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook , twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our brand
  • Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations all around Saint Paul – Minnesota.
  • Engage in road show from time to time in target neighborhood in and around Saint Paul – Minnesota
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas in and around Saint Paul – Minnesota
  • Ensure that all our workers wear our branded shirts and all our vehicles are well branded with our company’s logo et al.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Hourly billing for tax preparation services cum financial consulting services is a long – time tradition in the industry.  However, for some types of tax preparation services cum financial consultancy services, flat fees make more sense because they allow clients to better predict consultancy costs.

As a result of this, Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP will charge our clients a flat fee for many basic services such as tax preparation services and business advisory services and tax consulting et al.

At Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP we will keep our fees below the average market rate for all of our clients by keeping our overhead low and by collecting payment in advance.  In addition, we will also offer special discounted rates to individuals, households, start – ups, nonprofits, cooperatives, and small social enterprises.

We are aware that there are some clients that would need regular access to tax consultancy and advisory services and assistance, we will offer flat rate for such services that will be tailored to take care of such clients’ needs.

  • Payment Options

At Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP our payment policy will be all inclusive because we are quite aware that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that we will make available to our clients;

  • Payment by via bank transfer
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft
  • Payment with cash

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our plans with little or no itches. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer for our service charge.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Starting a tax preparation services firm can be cost effective; this is so because on the average, you are not expected to acquire expensive machines and equipment.

Basically what you should be concerned about is the amount needed to secure a standard office facility in a good and busy business district, the amount needed to furniture and equip the office, the amount to purchase the required tax and accounting software applications, the amount needed to pay bills, promote the business and obtain the appropriate business license and certifications.

This is the financial projection and costing for starting Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP;

  • The Total Fee for incorporating the Business in the United States of America – $750.
  • The budget for basic insurance policy covers, permits and business license – $2,500
  • The total amount needed to acquire a suitable Office facility in a business district 6 months (Re – Construction of the facility inclusive) – $40,000.
  • The Cost for equipping the office (computers, software applications, printers, fax machines, furniture, telephones, filing cabins, safety gadgets and electronics et al) – $5,000
  • The cost for purchase of the required software applications (CRM software, Tax, Accounting and Bookkeeping software and Payroll software et al) – $10,500
  • The Cost of Launching your official Website – $600
  • The budget for paying  at least three employees for 3 months plus utility bills – $10,000
  • Additional Expenditure (Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions et al) – $2,500
  • Miscellaneous: $1,000

Going by the report from the market research and feasibility studies conducted, we will need over one hundred and fifty thousand ( 150,000 ) U.S. dollars to successfully set – up a medium scale but standard tax preparation services firm in the United States of America.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is a business that will be owned and managed by Henry Murdock and his business partner for many years Lucy Kent. They are the sole financial of the firm, but may likely welcome partners later which is why they decided to restrict the sourcing of the start – up capital for the business to just three major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our start – up capital;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from my Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $50,000 (Personal savings $40,000 and soft loan from family members $10,000 ) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $100,000 from our bank. All the papers and document has been duly signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to offer our tax preparation services cum tax consulting services a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Henry Murdock Tax Consulting, LLP will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re – training of our workforce is at the top burner of our business strategy.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more as determined by the board of the organization. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check : Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts various banks in the United States: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of All form of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Securing a standard office facility (renovation inclusive): Completed
  • Generating part of the start – up capital from the founder: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from our Bankers: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the Needed software applications, furniture, office equipment, electronic appliances and facility facelift: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business (Business PR): In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors and key players in the industry: In Progress

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Understanding the Legal Requirements

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How to Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business: Essential Tips

Understanding the legal requirements

accounting and tax services business plan

Starting a bookkeeping business is something you might be interested in if you naturally love numbers and want to break free of the traditional nine-to-five. It’s possible to offer bookkeeping services to clients in person or remotely, which may be ideal if you would prefer a work-at-home job.

Before starting a bookkeeping business, you’ll first need to know the basics of operating legally. It’s also helpful to understand how to market your services and manage the financial side of running a business.

Key Takeaways

  • A degree in accounting is not required to start a bookkeeping business, though a certification in bookkeeping can be helpful to have.
  • You’ll need to choose a business structure, and register your business with the proper state authorities if required by law where you live.
  • If you plan to hire employees, you may need to obtain workers’ compensation insurance in compliance with state law.
  • Developing a solid marketing plan can help you build your brand and attract clients to your business.

The legal requirements for starting a bookkeeping business are similar to any other type of business. Some of the most important things you’ll need include:

  • Selecting a business structure (i.e., sole proprietorship, limited liability company, etc.)
  • Choosing a name for the business
  • Registering your business with the proper state agencies
  • Obtaining a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) and state identification numbers, if necessary
  • Applying for any necessary licenses or permits
  • Opening a business bank account
  • Getting business insurance , including liability coverage and/or home-based business insurance

The exact requirements for starting a small business will depend on the state in which you live. You may need to contact your secretary of state or department of revenue for more information on what paperwork you may need to complete to legally establish your bookkeeping business.

There may be additional steps required if you plan to hire employees for your business. For instance, you may need to obtain workers’ compensation insurance. The requirements for workers’ compensation vary by state. For instance, California requires workers’ compensation for all employers, regardless of the number of employees. In Alabama, on the other hand, businesses are not required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance if they have fewer than five employees.

Some states may impose steep penalties against businesses that fail to obtain workers’ compensation insurance.

Starting a bookkeeping business requires an understanding of accounting and bookkeeping practices. You may need to first complete a training program before you can launch.

For example, you might pursue any of the following:

  • Bookkeeping certification
  • Tax certification
  • Accounting software certification

Unlike the requirements to become an accountant, the training required to become a bookkeeper is less strenuous. It’s possible to find and complete an online training program from home.

As you compare online bookkeeping courses , consider the range of topics covered, the course format, and the cost. Whether it makes sense to obtain just one bookkeeping certification or additional tax and accounting software certificates can depend on your niche and the types of services you plan to offer. 

While a degree in accounting may be helpful for starting a bookkeeping business, it’s not an absolute requirement.

A business plan is a detailed overview of how you plan to launch and grow your business. There are several key elements that are typically included in a comprehensive business plan. Here’s what yours might look like as you draft a plan for your bookkeeping business.

  • Executive summary : The executive summary should offer a brief overview of what your business is about, your mission, and how you’ll be successful. Your mission statement can also include information about your employees (if you plan to hire any) and your plans for growth.
  • Company description : Your company description is an opportunity to provide additional details about your business, including who you plan to serve and what problems you’ll solve for your clients.
  • Market analysis : Market analysis allows you to look at your competitors and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Completing this section can help you better understand what makes your bookkeeping business unique.
  • Organization and management : This section should describe how your business is legally structured and who’s responsible for running it. If you’re operating as a one-person business, this part of your plan will likely be brief.
  • Services : In the services section, you can expand on what types of services you plan to offer as a bookkeeper and who you expect your customers to be.
  • Marketing : How you market your bookkeeping business can depend on your niche or target audience and what resources you have to invest in advertising. You’ll use this section to sketch out your marketing plans for attracting clients to your business.
  • Financial projections : This section is where you’ll outline how much revenue and profit you expect to make from the business.

Having a business plan to start a bookkeeping business isn’t a requirement, but creating one can help you get some clarity on what your goals are and how you plan to proceed with growing the business. Even if you’re just planning to offer bookkeeping services remotely as a sole proprietor , it can still be helpful to flesh out the exact steps you’ll need to take to succeed.

A business plan may be required if you plan to apply for business financing from banks or investors.

When you start any new business, you can’t expect customers or clients to magically find you. Instead, you’ll have to invest some time (and perhaps, money) in marketing your business.

If you’re specifically interested in working as a bookkeeper remotely, establishing a website and social media profiles may be a starting point for your marketing plan. Both can make it easier for potential clients to find you in online searches. You can also leverage social media to build your brand and increase your visibility.

Aside from a website and social media, there are some other options you might consider for marketing your services. They can include:

  • Using LinkedIn to build out your professional network and establish credibility
  • Joining a local meetup group of bookkeepers in your area
  • Joining a professional business association in your area
  • Participating in local small business events
  • Seeking out opportunities to be a guest on podcasts in the finance niche
  • Offering a seminar or workshop, either online or in person

When planning your marketing strategy , it’s important to think about the message you want to send to prospective clients. That message should be consistent across all of the channels you use to market your business, whether that includes YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, or another platform. 

It’s also important to consider who your message is targeting. Your marketing content should speak to the needs and pain points of the types of customers you’re most interested in attracting to your business.

Keeping track of cash flow is essential for running any business. As you prepare to start your bookkeeping business, it’s important to keep track of your expenses, which may include:

  • Website hosting
  • Accounting software
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • Cloud storage fees
  • Home office supplies (if you’ll be working remotely)
  • Registration fees
  • Fees for certification or training
  • Marketing costs

Once your business gets under way, you can make a monthly budget to track your cash inflows and outflows. You’ll also need to give some thought to how you plan to invoice your clients for your services. That includes choosing when to send invoices , how quickly you expect them to be paid, and which payment methods you'll accept. 

Running a business also means paying taxes on your earnings. That includes income tax and estimated quarterly taxes . Generally, you’re required to make estimated quarterly tax payments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if:

  • You expect to owe at least $1,000 in tax for the year, after subtracting withholding and refundable credits.
  • You expect your withholding and refundable credits to be the smaller of 90% of the tax shown on your current year’s return or 100% of the tax shown on your prior year’s return.

If your state imposes an income tax, you’ll also be responsible for making estimated tax payments to your state agency.

Opening a business bank account can make it easier to keep track of what funds go in and out. You can open a business bank account at a traditional bank, credit union, or online bank. You’ll need to provide your personal information, along with your business details, in order to open an account. Comparing fees, features, and accessibility can help you choose the best business bank account for your needs.

You might also consider applying for a business credit card to help cover expenses until you start making money. You can apply for a business credit card using your personal credit score and income ; business credit is not a requirement. If you’re considering a business credit card , you might want to look for one that offers a generous rewards program and/or charges no annual fee. 

Once you’ve covered all the legal aspects of starting your business, it’s time to start finding your first clients. There are a few ways you can go about doing this. These include:

  • Looking for remote bookkeeping opportunities on freelance job boards
  • Establishing profiles on sites like Fiverr or Upwork, which connect companies with freelance workers
  • Reaching out to local businesses to ask if they need bookkeeping services
  • Running ads on social media
  • Joining local small business directories
  • Offering a free consultation to local businesses
  • Asking friends, family, or other business owners for referrals

Once you start getting your first clients, it’s important to focus on customer satisfaction. Clients who are happy with your services are more likely to stay loyal and continue to hire you. They also may be willing to refer you to people they know who might need a good bookkeeper.

Bookkeeping has the potential to be a profitable business if you’re able to maintain a solid roster of clients who are willing to pay competitive rates for your services. A typically remote bookkeeper’s salary is just over $55,000 a year, but it’s possible to make much more than that, depending on your clientele and the rates you charge.

It’s possible to start a bookkeeping business from scratch, even if you don’t have a professional or educational background in accounting or bookkeeping. Having a degree or certification in either area could be an advantage, but it’s possible to acquire the skills you need to become a bookkeeper online. Likewise, you don’t need to have experience running a business, but that could also prove helpful.

The amount you should charge your bookkeeping clients can depend on a number of factors, including how much experience you have, which certifications you hold, the types of services you offer, and the types of individuals or businesses you work with. Someone who’s new to the profession, for example, may start their rates at $20 an hour, while someone with several years of experience may charge $35 an hour or more. Researching average bookkeeper salaries for your area can give you an idea of what your competitors may charge.

Starting a bookkeeping business can be a great opportunity to take control of your career. Before diving in, however, it’s important to understand what’s involved to get your new business up and running. The more prepared you are before launching, the greater your chances of succeeding as an expert bookkeeper.

U.S. Small Business Administration. “ Launch Your Business .”

Insureon. “ State Laws for Workers’ Compensation .”

U.S. Small Business Administration. “ Write Your Business Plan .”

Internal Revenue Service. “ Estimated Tax .”

Glassdoor. “ Remote Bookkeeper Salaries .”

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Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample

Published Jan.29, 2019

Updated Apr.24, 2024

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tax preparation business plan

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Do you want to start tax preparation business plan?

Do you really want to start a business with a little or no tension of managing your employees with literally no startup investment and no restriction of working hours? Well, you might be wondering whether such sort of business exists.

If you really have some knowledge of accountancy or if you have done some tax-related course, then starting a tax prep business will surely meet all the requirements of your dream business. You can start this business only by preparing taxes yourself or by renting a small office, hiring some staff for you.

Whether you are starting on a small scale or a large scale to get high paying clients, the first step will always be to prepare an effective business plan. To help you in making a professional business plan covering all the details, we are providing here sample business plan of a tax preparation startup named, ‘ConsulTax.

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

ConsulTax will be a registered and licensed tax preparation service , owned by George Brad. The office building will be located in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Business will be based upon preparing taxes such as federal and state tax, income tax, self-employment or any other tax for households as well as business owners.

2.2 Management

Before you start a tax preparation business , you must decide on which scale are you going to extend your startup. If you are starting on a large scale, you will need a strong management system with a detailed management plan else you can go through with a simple one.

As of George, although he is starting on a small scale, yet he has prepared a complete management plan for his business for the sake of completeness.

2.3 Customers

When you are doing so many efforts to start a tax business successfully, then why ignore the important fact of exploring about your customers. You must remember you will be working with multiple customers of different temperaments at the same time, so try to understand the demands they can have with a tax preparer.

Our customers will mostly be the owners of small businesses, head of small institutes, property owners, earning members of a household etc.

2.4 Business Target

Our target is to balance the initial cost of the startup with earned profits within a year of the launch. We aim at earning a net profit margin of $10k per month by the end of the first year.

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

ConsulTax will be owned by George Brad, a business graduate from the University of Illinois. To be a professional tax preparer, George has taken the training from Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation (ACAT), has got himself registered with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after clearing their course, and finally obtained his Preparer Tax Identification Number to enter the field with a proper professional background.

3.2 Why the Business is being started

Millions of people have to pay a tax every year as the per policy of their country which is being changed by higher office holders continuously. Large companies and notable landlords usually afford a full-time accountant whereas, small business holders and mediocre seek the services of tax preparers to do all the confusing stuff for them. Considering this demand, freedom with respect to time and his marketing skills, George is starting a tax preparation business in his city.

3.3 How the Business will be started

ConsulTax will be a small tax preparation business, operating from a small office. George has decided to hire just two tax professionals, and other staff to help him starting a tax business .

The startup summary is as follows:

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Startup Cost

The detailed startup requirements are given below:

Services for customers

Before thinking about how to start a tax preparation business , you must decide what you will offer your customers. This preplanning and knowledge about what you have to do and what level of client’s satisfaction you will have to meet will make you more observant about your business and targets.

While creating your tax preparation business plan , you must include the detail about how you will be able to provide the optimal and efficient services to meet all the client’s satisfaction and needs. If you want to have an idea which services are provided by others in the market, you can take help from this sample business plan for the tax preparation startup, ConsulTax.

The services offered by ConsulTax are:

  • Income Tax Preparation
  • Income Tax Return Preparation
  • Standard Tax Preparation
  • Capital Gains Tax Preparation
  • Other financial consulting and advisory services

The services will be increased after we have established ourselves as a successful business. We want to become the number one choice for our fellow citizens, that’s why we are preparing for our services before time to ensure and guarantee the quality of our services.

Marketing Analysis of Tax Preparation Business

After you have decided the services you will provide to your customers, the next step is to make marketing plan for tax preparation business . Marketing analysis is extremely important because it gives you an idea of your position in the market.

The marketing plan includes exploring what is going on in the market, who will be your customers and competitors. While preparing your tax services business plan, tax preparation marketing should be considered seriously, especially if you are working alone.

You will need a strong marketing plan to market your services and get introduced to as many people as possible. Otherwise, you can sort out other advertisement techniques by reading tax preparation advertising samples available on the web. Another way of getting more and more ideas about business plan preparation service is to observe what others with the same or nearly same business are doing to market them.

We are also providing the sample business plan for tax preparation service of ConsulTax for your help.

Immigration business plan

5.1 market trends.

There are several small businesses running in the United States which cannot afford a full-time tax consultant or accountant but need the assistance of a professional tax preparer almost every time they need to pay their taxes. Millions of people have to pay a tax every year as the per policy of their country which is being changed by higher office holders continuously. A person who is indulged in the day to day tasks always needs assistance with doing that tedious task, so the demand of this business is really high.

According to a report by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 90 thousand jobs for the tax preparers in the country in 2014. The value has increased by a significant amount in 2018. According to IBISWorld, there are about 118,890 registered and licensed Tax Preparation firms running in the United States of America alone. More than 292 thousand have got their employment through this business, generating a revenue of $10 billion annually. Moreover, the business is forecasted to increase by the rate of 4.5% annually. These stats show that you will not be at loss, provided that you plan your business successfully.

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

It is very important to analyze the market segmentation of the future customers of your services before developing your business plan. Our experts have identified the following type of target audience which can become our future consumers:

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Marketing Segmentation

The detailed marketing segmentation of our target audience is as follows:

5.2.1 Corporate Sector: The biggest consumer of our services will be the corporate sector in Madison, who needs a lot of documentation and following of policies while preparing for their different types of taxes. During the initial stages of our business, we will mainly focus on the small companies to get us introduced to big dealers with much experience.

5.2.2 Earning Members: Our second target group comprises of the workers servicing in Madison, we will do the work of tax preparations for them to save them from the trouble of doing things by themselves about which they know nothing.

5.2.3 Property Owners: Our third target group consists of small and large property owners in Madison. We will advertise our services to get work offers from property owners for tax preparation.

The detailed market analysis of our potential customers is given in the following table:

Business Target

Our target is to balance the startup cost of our business with the earned profits within a year of the launch and; to earn the profit margin of $10k per month by the end of the first year.

5.4 Product Pricing

At the very initial stage of your business, product pricing must be decided by analyzing both the market demands and the position of your competitors. After great research and interpretation, George has decided to keep the prices of his services initially low as to get introduced to a wider scale of customers and building long-lasting relations with them.

Great service

Great service. Good turnaround time and quality work. Thanks!

Sales strategy must be developed and properly written in your tax preparer business plan as it is the stepwise guide for you to enhance and extend your business to approach your business target. It consists of an effective advertisement plan and a competitive approach which you can better understand from this sample tax preparation business plan .

6.1 Competitive Analysis

There are a lot of tax preparation businesses running all around here. However, we are passionate that with our unparalleled and exceptionally good service, we will soon be able to make our place in the market. To get introduced to our customers and to interact with more and more people we have decided to keep our prices low at the initial stages of the startup.

6.2 Sales Strategy

To introduce ourselves to the target market, we have come up with the following ideas of advertisement,

  • We will distribute our brochures to our neighboring facilities and expected customers
  • We will put our ads in newspapers and magazines
  • We will start our campaign through social media sites
  • We will be giving a 20 % discount on the second offering by the same client

6.3 Sales Monthly

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Sales Yearly

6.5 Sales Forecast

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Unit Sales

Personnel plan

Here comes the most influencing and effective step from one of the steps to starting a tax business and that is your required staff.

George has developed the following personnel plan for his company.

7.1 Company Staff

George himself will handle the management tasks and will initially hire the following people:

  • 1 Accountant to maintain records
  • 2 Tax Preparers to help him in tax related services
  • 1 Assistant to assist in day to day work
  • 1 Front Desk Officer to receive calls, and attend customers
  • 2 Drivers for quick transport when needed while preparing taxes

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

Financial plan.

If you are going to start tax preparer business , you might be wondering that what do i need to start a tax preparation business ? It is luckily the business with the lowest startup costs and can be run successfully by a small team. But it doesn’t matter whether you are starting your business on a large scale, hiring too many people, investing too much on the advertisement, or on a small scale, you will need to prepare a financial plan. A financial plan maps the company’s expenses with the earnings and answers the questions like how the startup costs will be balanced, how the company will be able to meet its financial targets.

If you too are wondering how to start a tax service business , just be systematic and organized to cover all the steps successful people usually take. First prepare your business plan, like the one of ConsulTax that we have shown you here. Focus on your advertising strategy for business plan as well as a detailed financial plan to help you through the startup phase.

Now, we are providing the financial plan of ConsulTax which was made by George himself, we are showing just a rough estimation but still, you can have a lot from it.

8.1 Important Assumptions

 8.2 brake-even analysis.

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Brake-even Analysis

 8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

8.3.1 profit monthly.

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Gross Margin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Gross Margin yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample - Projected Cash Flow

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

  8.6 business ratios.

  Download tax preparation business plan sample in pdf

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    The breakout of the funding is below: Office design/build: $100,000. Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $50,000. Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000. Marketing costs: $50,000. Working capital: $50,000. Easily complete your Accounting business plan! Download the Accounting business plan template ...

  6. Bookkeeping Business Plan Template (2024)

    Established in 1974, Smith Brothers Accounting is a privately held accountant practice that offers a wide variety of financial services including tax planning and preparation, payroll processing, financial planning, and small business accounting.

  7. Free Accounting Firm Business Plan for Accounting Firms

    FINANCIAL PLAN. This section should include financial projections, a cash flow statement, a profit and loss statement, a balance sheet, a break-even analysis, and a funding plan (if applicable). [Owner.Company] will generate revenue through the sale of accounting services to businesses and individuals. The firm will also generate revenue ...

  8. How to create an accounting and tax services business plan

    Decide on your services. When you initially set up an accountancy practice, you'll need to figure out what services you'll actually be providing to your clients. Focusing on accounting and tax services is a good start, as business owners who need help filing a Self-Assessment tax return or want to reduce their tax bill will be a good source ...

  9. How to start an accounting firm:

    Obtain Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Tax ID number. Investigate employment laws. Determine startup costs. Develop a pricing structure for services. Decide on the legal structure of your business (S-Corp, L-Corp, LLC, Partnership, LLP ) Look at business insurance. Create a business bank account.

  10. Accounting Business Plans

    The Sorcerer's Accountant is an existing one-person accounting and tax preparation service, planning to expand by adding bookkeeping services. Automated Accounting Business Plan Business Cashflow Solutions, Inc., is a start-up business offering automated accounts receivable/accounts payable services.

  11. How To Start A Bookkeeping Business (2024 Guide)

    Your bookkeeping marketing and sales plan might include: Determining where clients will find out about you and finding ways to meet them there (e.g., Google My Business, Google Ads, etc ...

  12. Bookkeeping Business Plan Sample

    When writing a business plan template for a bookkeeping business, describe the average cost of a project like tax services ($750), QuickBooks services ($300), and cost accounting ($1000). Bookkeeping services are charged on an hourly basis, i.e. $30 per hour. ... When creating a business plan for accounting services, you might want to have a ...

  13. How to Start a Tax Preparation Business From Home

    Get Registered. The first thing you'll need to do is handle your registrations, which include the following: Business registration: Small tax preparation businesses typically file a "doing business as" (DBA) with their state or form a Limited Liability Company (LLC). EIN: If your business needs an EIN, apply for one.

  14. Tax Pro's Guide to Business Tax Planning

    The Tax Pro's Guide to Writing a Professional Tax Business Plan. TaxSlayer Editorial Team August 9, 2021. If you think business plans are only for entrepreneurs seeking investors, think again. Research suggests that businesses that have a plan to grow more quickly are more likely to succeed than businesses that don't.

  15. Tax Preparation Business Plan [Sample Template]

    A Sample Tax Preparation Service Business Plan Template. 1. Industry Overview. The financial services industry is indeed a very broad industry and one of the active lines of businesses in the industry is tax preparation services business. Tax preparation services is all about helping individuals and small businesses provide income tax ...

  16. How to Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business: Essential Tips

    Choosing a name for the business. Registering your business with the proper state agencies. Obtaining a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) and state identification numbers, if necessary ...

  17. 3+ SAMPLE Accountancy Firm Business Plan in PDF

    What Is an Accountancy Firm Business Plan?. A business plan for an accounting company is a composed document that outlines the company's primary activities, objectives, and strategies for achieving those objectives. An executive summary, goods and services, marketing strategy, financial planning, and a budget should be included in a solid company plan.

  18. Tax Preparation Business Plan Sample

    2.1 The Business. ConsulTax will be a registered and licensed tax preparation service, owned by George Brad. The office building will be located in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Business will be based upon preparing taxes such as federal and state tax, income tax, self-employment or any other tax for households as well as business owners.

  19. Small business tax services:

    QuickBooks offers small business owners the tools they need to record and organize important business finances. With streamlined reports, you can help your tax preparer navigate any tax situations they may find when preparing your small business tax returns. If you need help with your books, you can work with a QuickBooks-certified bookkeeper ...

  20. Bookkeeping & Tax Services

    Additional Services for Your Bookkeeping & Tax Needs. These services can be added to any of our plans to help you further minimize your accounting, tax, and bookkeeping efforts. As Needed Service. Fee. 1099 filings (Including Misc, NEC, DIV, INT) $100 + $10/per form. Tax Return Extension. $150. Manual data entry for Bank Transactions.

  21. Small Business Tax Planning Services: Save More On Taxes

    Our prices are based on complexity. Generally, our prices for a small business tax plan starts at $500. Our fees already include the initial consultation with our CPAs and tax preparers. This will enable our team to be in the best position to help you with the right solutions.

  22. 4395 Capstone Ct, Roswell, GA 30075

    Cobb County. Roswell. 30075. Zillow has 43 photos of this $1,059,900 4 beds, 4 baths, 3,300 Square Feet single family home located at 4395 Capstone Ct, Roswell, GA 30075 built in 2024. MLS #7365599.