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Speech on Pakistan Day in Urdu

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یوم پاکستان پر ایک تقریر

بسم اللّٰہ الرحمٰن الرحیم.

اسلام کی امین ہے یہ پاک سر زمین قرآن کی جبین ہے یہ پاک سرزمین اس پاک سرزمین سے پیار کرنا چاہئے جان وطن اس پہ نثار کرنا چاہئے

صدر محترم و معزز حاضرین! السلام علیکم! کم لوگ جانتے ہوں گے کہ ہمارا پیارا وطن پاکستان خدا کا ایسا عطیہ انعام ہے جو نزول رحمت کی رات یعنی 27 ماہ رمضان جو شب قدر کہلاتی ہے عالم وجود میں آیا تھا۔ جی ہاں اتفاق سے 14 اگست 1947 کا دن 27 ماہ رمضان کو آیا تھا گویا پاکستان کا تحفہ اللہ پاک نے بھی لیلۃ القدر کو عنایت فرمایا تھا جو انتہائی نیک شگون بات ہے۔ میرے خیال میں 14اگست یا 27 ماہ رمضان کو اللہ کے فرشتے آسمان کی بلندیوں سے اترے اور ایشیا پر ایک نئے ملک کی لکیر کھینچ گئے۔ ایسا ملک جس کے بانیوں اور باسیوں نے تحریک پاکستان کے دوران کئی بار اپنے اللہ سے یہ عہد باندھا کہ اس ملک پر ہم اپنے مالک رب الکریم اور اپنے پیارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شریعت کا نفاذکریں گے۔

قائد اعظم نے اپنی قوم سے اپنے ایک خطاب کے دوران اعلان کیا تھا کہ” پاکستان کا حصول محض زمین کا ایک ٹکڑا نہیں بلکہ ایک تجربہ گاہ کی حیثیت سے چاہتے ہیں، جہاں ہم اپنے اللّٰہ اور اسکے حبیب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی بتائی ہوئی راہوں اور اس کے اصولوں کو عملی جامہ پہنا سکیں” نزول رحمت بازی نے اس عہد کو شرف قبولیت بخشا اور ہم دولت بیدار سے نواز دیے گئے جس کا نام پاکستان ہے۔ صدر محترم! سچ تو یہ ہے کہ بر صغیر کے مسلمانوں نے کوئی دو سو سال تک یہ خواب دیکھا تھا اور اس خواب کی تعبیر دیکھنے کے لئے کئی خونریزہ جنگیں لڑی گئیں۔ جی ہاں شاہ آباد اور بریلی کے تین سو تیرہ مجاہدین نے دشت و بیاباں سے گزر کر بالاکوٹ کی زمین کو لہو سے لالہ زار بنایا۔ علمائے حق نے مالٹا کی ہولناک اسیری جھیلی، اپنے عزیزوں اور اپنے جگر گوشوں کے ٹکڑے کروائے اور اس تاریخی سعی بسیار، بے مثل قربانی کے بعد وہ شب قدر آئی جو بلاشبہ نزولی رحمت سے کم نہیں۔ سامعین کرام مان جائیے یہ خوش کن حقیقت حضرت کی آزادی کی یہ نعمت ہمیں بے مثل قربانیوں کے صلہ میں میسر آئی۔ الحمدللہ پاکستان کے چمن کو اس کے مالیوں نے پھول سے بچوں کے معصوم خون کیساتھ سینچا۔ اس گلستان کی آبیاری ہزاروں بے گناہ نو جوانوں اور بزرگوں کے رنگین لہو سے کی گئی۔ پاکستان کے وجود کی خاطر بے شمار سہاگنوں کے سہاگ لوٹے، لوگوں نے اپنے معصوم جگر گوشوں کو اپنی آنکھوں کے سامنے سنگین کی نوک پر چلاتے اور تڑپتے دیکھا۔ بتائے محترم وہ آزادی حیرت جو اتنی قربانیوں کے بعد نصیب ہوئی کوئی سنگدل ہو گا جو اس متاع بے بہا کو دل وجان سے پیار نہ کرے۔ ہم سب کو ایک شاعر دردمند کے اس دعوی سے مکمل اتفاق ہونا چاہئے کہ پیارے وطن!

تیری بنیاد میں ہے لاکھوں شہیدوں کا لہو ہم تجھے گنج دو عالم سے گراں پاتے ہیں صدر محترم! میرے قائد نے ایک دفعہ اپنی قوم سے خطاب کے دوران فرمایا تھا کہ پاکستان ایک باغ کی مانند ہے اور ہم پاکستانی اس باغ کے مالی، لہذا ایک فرض شناس باغباں کی حیثیت سے ہمیں اس پاک چمن کی حفاظت کرنی ہے اور آبیاری کا فرض خلوص و محبت سے انجام دینا چاہیے۔ سامعین کرام! مادر وطن کے ساتھ عقیدت و محبت کے اس طرح اظہار اور پیار کے بعد اب ہم اس کی تاریخ پر نظر ڈالتے ہیں۔ لوگ عموماً تحریک پاکستان کو 23مارچ 1940سے 14اگست 1947 سات سالوں میں مقید کرتے ہیں حالانکہ ایسا نہیں ہے۔ پاکستان کا قیام صرف انہی دو تاریخی ایام کی تقسیس کا محتاج نہیں، پاکستان اس روز کا قائم ہو گیا تھا بلکہ قائد عظیم کے الفاظ میں پاکستان کی بنیاد اس دن رکھ دی گئی تھی جس دن ہندوستان کے پہلے باشندے نے کلمہ لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ پڑھا تھا۔

دراصل پاکستان نام ہے تاریخ کے تسلسل کا، تحریک پاکستان درحقیقت صدیوں کی مسلسل جدوجہد پر محیط ہے۔ اس کا آغاز انگریزوں کی ہندوستان میں آمد اور مغلیہ سلطنت کے زوال یعنی اٹھارویں صدی عیسوی سے ہوچکا تھا۔ اس تحریک کے اولین مظہر تھے جنہوں نے مسلمانوں کے لئے اسلامی مملکت کے قیام کی کوشش کی اللہ تعالی کے اس شعر کی شہادت کے بعد یہ تحریک کچھ عرصہ کے لیے زیر زمین اپنا جادو جگاتی رہی۔ جی ہاں بالکل پہاڑی ندی کی طرح اٹکتی پچکتی اور لڑکھتیہوئی شاہ ولی اللہ اور سید احمد شہید کی تحریکوں سے عملی ویو سے ٹکرانے کے بعد یہ تحریک پھر کچھ وقفے میں زیر زمین میں پلتی بڑھتی تحریک خلافت کی شکل میں پھر منظر عام پر آگئی۔ علی برادران نے اس تحریک کی خوب آبیاری کی ان کے بعد تحریک پاکستان کا پرچم علی گڑھ کے مجاہدین کے ہاتھ آیا۔ سرسیداحمدخان، ڈپٹی نذیر احمد، شبلی اور حالی جیسے مادران خفا کی کوشش نے اسکی آبیاری کا فریضہ خوب اچھی طرح ادا کیا۔ اس کے بعد علامہ اقبال اور پھر مولانا ظفر علی خان سے ہوتا ہوا آخر کار اس قافلہ سخت جان کی سر براہی جناح جیسے مرد جری کے کندھوں پر آ پڑی۔ الحمدللہ بس اس کارواں کو اصل امیر مل گیا بقول اقبال؀

ع ہوتا ہے جادؤ پیماں پھر کارواں ہمارا

صدر محترم! سچ تو یہ ہے کی یہ ہماری پاک سرزمین محمود غزنوی کے اس خواب کی تعبیر ہے جب اس مرد مجاہد نے سومنات کے بھارتی پتھر کو پاش پاش کیا تھا۔ اس مقصد خون کا نذرانہ جو ظالم انگریز کے مد مقابل سرنگاپٹم کی دیواروں کے نیچے بہایا تھا۔ محترم سامعین مان جائیے یہ حقیقت لاہور کے عالمگیری شاہی مسجد اور دو قدم آگے مینار پاکستان کے درمیان جو تھوڑا سا فاصلہ ہے، اہل جنوں نے یہ مختصر راستہ خون کےبے شمار دریا عبور کرنے کے بعد طے کیا تھا۔ اس طرح اس میں نہ جانے کتنے مشکل مراحل آئے، کتنی بار عشق کا امتحان ہوا۔ اس راستے پر قائد اعظم اور ان کے رفقا اہل کار کی فکری کاوشوں کے نہ جانے کتنے انمنٹ نقوش اس پاک دھرتی کی بنیادوں پر ثبت ہوۓ۔ اس راستے سے منزل مراد تک پہنچنے والوں نے اپنی نیک تمنا اور آرزوؤں پر نہ جانے کتنے پھول نچھاور کیے اور پھر اس راستے کو نہ جانے کتنے گمنام شہیدوں نے اپنے خون سے لالہ زار بنایا۔ القصہ تحریک پاکستان کی صدیوں پر محیط ان کٹھن راہوں کی کھا کے ذروں کے ساتھ ایثار اور قربانی کی ایک طویل داستان وابستہ ہے۔ بس صدر محترم! آج کے دن جب ہم یوم پاکستان منارہےہیں آئیے سمیع کل کے ساتھ عہد کریں کہ بادشاہی مسجد سے مینار پاکستان کی اس سے کھلی راہ پر ہم بھی اپنے دو قدم ڈال کر پیارے پاکستان کی محبت و عقیدت کا عملی دم بھریں گے انشاء اللہ۔ پاکستان۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔پائندہ باد

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23 march essay in urdu for class 4

23 March Speech Essay in Urdu

23 March Speech in Urdu

Pakistan Resolution Day is celebrated every  year on 23rd of March all over Pakistan. We are presenting a wonderful write-up on Pakistan Day, a well-written 23 March 1940 Speech in Urdu for students and readers of the history.

23 March Speech in Urdu – Pakistan Day Urdu Note

23 rd March, Pakistan Day is a national holiday that we celebrate with great zest and enthusiasm, for it reminds us of the sacrifices made by our leaders and ancestors to give us the political and religious independence we have today. The foundation of our great nation, Pakistan was laid on 23 rd March, 1940, proclaiming it the first Islamic Republic in the world.

You can also read Pakistan Day March 23 Speech in English here.

23 March Speech in Urdu

23 March Speech in Urdu Written

It is extremely essential to study the Pakistan Resolution Day Speech to truly understand the essence of the address given by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and other Muslim leaders on Pakistan Day. It was a clear message of division, a call to independence, and we must understand the history of the Pakistan Resolution Day in to experience the fervor and passion that led to the creation of our nation.

This is a perfectly written 23 March speech in Urdu especially for school and college students. You can also make notes to write an essay on 23 March 1940 with it.

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Good essay ????????

i will teath this speech in mind

Ya Nice Speech

I really like this Urdu speech

Love it! This is really nice speech for Pakistan Day 23 March. I love Pakistan.

Are you star anonymus pro pubg player

nice speach

yeah very good


Nice speech ???? you

love this speach

Thanks you so much

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Essay On Pakistan Day Celebration 23 March In Urdu (200 & 500 Words)

Essay on pakistan day celebration 23 march in urdu (200 words).

ملک پاکستان کی تاریخ میں 23 مارچ بہت اہم دن ہے۔ یہ دن پاکستان کی قومی یومِ پاکستان کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ دن پاکستان کے قیام کی یادگار ہے۔ پاکستان کے قیام کا دن 23 مارچ 1940 کے دن ہوا تھا۔ اس دن کی خصوصیت یہ تھی کہ اس دن ہی ہندوستان کے مسلمانوں نے لاہور میں ایک بہت بڑے اجلاس کا انعقاد کیا جس کے دوران انہوں نے اپنے حقوق کی مانگ کی۔ اس اجلاس کو پاکستان کا قرار دینے والی قرارداد کہا جاتا ہے۔

اس دن کو پاکستان میں تقریبات کے ساتھ منایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ دن پاکستانیوں کے لئے فخر کا دن ہے۔ پاکستانیوں کو یہ دن اپنے قومی ہونے کا احساس دلاتا ہے۔ اس دن کو پورے ملک میں ہوائیں اجالیں اور جشنیں منائی جاتی ہیں۔ ہر شہر اور ہر قصبے میں تقریبات کی جاتی ہیں۔ لاہور میں یومِ پاکستان کی تقریبات کی خصوصیت یہ ہے کہ یہاں پر ایک بڑا جشن منایا جاتا ہے۔ لاہور کے موٹی پلازے پر ایک بڑا میلہ لگایا جاتا ہے۔ اس میلے میں لوک سنگیت، میلہ، اور پاکستان کی تاریخ سے متعلق مختلف محفلیں شامل ہوتی ہیں۔

Essay On Pakistan Day Celebration 23 March In Urdu (500 words)

ملک پاکستان کے تاریخ میں 23 مارچ یوم پاکستان کے نام سے خاص اہمیت رکھتا ہے۔ یہ دن قومی احتفال کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ 23 مارچ 1940 کو لاہور میں مسلم لیگ کی ایک تاریخی اجلاس میں پاکستان کی تخلیق کی منادی کی گئی تھی۔ اس دن کو بادشاہت کے آخری دنوں کی یادگاری کے طور پر بھی منایا جاتا ہے۔

23 مارچ کا دن ملک بھر میں خصوصی طور پر جشنوں کے ساتھ منایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ دن عوام کے لیے خوشی کا موقع ہے۔ شہری باغات، جماعت کی تقریبات، ریلیاں، دفاعی نشریات، میلے، خصوصی تقریبات اور قومی ترانے آموزشی اور تفریحی کاموں کے لیے منعقد کیے جاتے ہیں۔

یوم پاکستان کے احتفالات کا انعقاد پاکستان کے تعلقاتی ممالک میں بھی کرایا جاتا ہے۔ سفارتخانے، قومی تعلقاتی دفاتر اور دوسرے سرکاری اداروں میں احتفالات کرائے جاتے ہیں۔ اس دن کو دنیا بھر کے پاکستانیوں کے لیے عالمی یوم پاکستان کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔

یوم پاکستان کے دن اہمیت اس بات کا ثبوت ہے کہ یہ دن عوام کے دلوں میں بہت خاص مقام رکھتا ہے۔

پاکستان ڈے کی تقریب 23 مارچ کے دن منائی جاتی ہے۔ یہ دن پاکستان کے تاریخ کی بہت اہم تاریخ ہے کیونکہ اس دن ہی پاکستان کا قومی ترانہ تیار کیا گیا تھا اور پاکستان کے قیام کا اعلان بھی اسی دن کیا گیا تھا۔

23 مارچ 1940 کو لاہور میں مسلم لیگ کی اجلاس میں مسلمانوں کا ایک اہم فیصلہ کیا گیا تھا کہ وہ یکجا ہوکر اپنے حقوق کی حفاظت کریں گے۔ اس فیصلے کو پاکستان قرار دینے کے لئے بھی قبول کیا گیا تھا۔ یہ فیصلہ پاکستان کے قیام کے لئے اہم تھا اور پاکستان کی تاریخ میں اس دن کی بہت اہمیت ہے۔

پاکستان ڈے کی تقریب کو پورے ملک میں فخر سے منایا جاتا ہے۔ اس دن کے لئے مختلف تقریبات اور جشنیں منائی جاتی ہیں۔ لوگ اپنے گھروں کو جھنڈوں، بنرز اور

روشنیوں سے سجاتے ہیں۔ مسلم لیگ کے پرزور دعوت پر پورے ملک کے مسلمانوں نے ایک جمعیت بنا کر پاکستان کی تعمیر کی تیاری کی

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23 march essay in urdu for class 4

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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23 March Pakistan Day – National Day Speech in English and Urdu: Download and Celebrate Pakistan’s Independence

Background of 23rd march pakistan day.

23rd March/Pakistan Day is a day of great importance in the history of Pakistan as it marks the day when the Muslims of the British Indian subcontinent passed the Lahore Resolution in 1940, demanding a separate homeland for the Muslims of the region. To celebrate this day, we have prepared an English and Urdu speech on 23 March, also known as Pakistan Day, for you to download and share with your loved ones.

Pakistan Day Speech in English and Urdu

23rd March Pakistan Day Speech

This national day speech highlights the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought tirelessly for the independence of Pakistan and the leaders who guided us on the path to freedom such as Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal. It also pays tribute to the sacrifices of the brave men and women of our armed forces who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country and its people.

As we celebrate this national day / Pakistan Day , we pledge to work towards making Pakistan a prosperous and tolerant nation where every citizen is treated with dignity and respect. We also renew our commitment to working towards a better future for Pakistan and strive for peace and harmony in the world.

How to Download 23rd March Pakistan Day Speech

This English and Urdu speech on 23 March is available for download on Urdu Nama Books Library . Share it with your friends and family and celebrate the independence of Pakistan with pride and honor.

English Speech on 23rd March / Pakistan Day

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today we gather to celebrate the national day of Pakistan, a day that holds a special significance in the history of our great nation.

23rd of March marks the day when the Muslims of the British Indian subcontinent passed the Lahore Resolution in 1940, demanding a separate homeland for the Muslims of the region. This day marks the beginning of our struggle for freedom and the creation of Pakistan.

It is a day to remember the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought tirelessly for the independence of Pakistan. It is a day to remember the leaders who guided us on the path to freedom, such as Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, and many others.

It is also a day to remember the sacrifices of the brave men and women of our armed forces, who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country and its people.

On this national day, we pledge to work towards making Pakistan a prosperous and tolerant nation, where every citizen is treated with dignity and respect. We pledge to work towards the betterment of our people and the development of our country.

Let us also remember our responsibility towards the international community and strive for peace and harmony in the world.

In conclusion, let us celebrate this national day with pride and honor, and renew our commitment to working towards a better future for Pakistan. Long live Pakistan!

یومِ پاکستان 23 مارچ کے حوالے سے اردو تقریر

معزز خواتین و حضرات

آج ہم پاکستان کا قومی دن منانے کے لیے جمع ہیں، ایک ایسا دن جو ہماری عظیم قوم کی تاریخ میں ایک خاص اہمیت رکھتا ہے۔

23 مارچ اس دن کا نشان ہے جب برصغیر کے برطانوی مسلمانوں نے 1940 میں لاہور کی قرارداد منظور کی تھی، جس میں خطے کے مسلمانوں کے لیے علیحدہ وطن کا مطالبہ کیا گیا تھا۔ یہ دن ہماری آزادی اور قیام پاکستان کی جدوجہد کا آغاز ہے۔

یہ دن ہمارے آباؤ اجداد کی قربانیوں کو یاد کرنے کا دن ہے جنہوں نے پاکستان کی آزادی کے لیے انتھک جدوجہد کی۔ یہ دن ان رہنماؤں کو یاد کرنے کا دن ہے جنہوں نے ہمیں آزادی کی راہ پر گامزن کیا، جیسا کہ قائداعظم محمد علی جناح، علامہ اقبال، اور بہت سے دوسرے۔

یہ دن ہماری مسلح افواج کے بہادر مردوں اور خواتین کی قربانیوں کو بھی یاد کرنے کا دن ہے، جنہوں نے ہمارے ملک اور اس کے لوگوں کی حفاظت کے لیے اپنی جانوں کا نذرانہ پیش کیا۔

اس قومی دن پر، ہم عہد کرتے ہیں کہ پاکستان کو ایک خوشحال اور روادار ملک بنانے کے لیے کام کریں گے، جہاں ہر شہری کے ساتھ عزت اور احترام کا سلوک کیا جائے۔ ہم اپنے لوگوں کی بہتری اور اپنے ملک کی ترقی کے لیے کام کرنے کا عہد کرتے ہیں۔

آئیے ہم بھی عالمی برادری کے تئیں اپنی ذمہ داری کو یاد رکھیں اور دنیا میں امن اور ہم آہنگی کے لیے کوشش کریں۔

آخر میں، آئیے ہم اس قومی دن کو فخر اور عزت کے ساتھ منائیں، اور پاکستان کے بہتر مستقبل کے لیے کام کرنے کے اپنے عزم کی تجدید کریں۔

پاکستان زندہ باد!

ملتے جلتے موضوعات:

speech on 23 march in english

جواب دیں جواب منسوخ کریں

آپ کا ای میل ایڈریس شائع نہیں کیا جائے گا۔ ضروری خانوں کو * سے نشان زد کیا گیا ہے

23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech With Poetry PDF

Here on this page, I have written 23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech With Poetry PDF. You can also read online and save this essay on your mobile or PC in image format. So the reading is starting from here…When the first person of the Sub Continent became Muslim, Indeed he became a member of the second nation, and that day two nations came into existence, one is Hindu and second Muslims. This concept of a separate entity of Hindu and Muslims has become the claim of Pakistan and moment of Pakistan and this concept was delivered in the form of resolution in the annual session of the Muslim League on 23rd March in 1940, which is known as Resolution of Pakistan or Lahore Resolution.

23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech

In the historical session of 23rd March, Sher-e-Bangla Maulvi A.K. Fazl-ul-Haq addressed the Lahore resolution, and Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman, Sir Zafar Ali Khan, Sir Abdullah Haroon, Sardar Aurangzaib Khan, Nawab Ismail Khan, and Qazi Muhammad Isa authenticate this resolution. Lahore Resolution consisted of four hundred words and four paragraphs. In Lahore Resolution it was said that the All India Muslim League suggested that any Constitution Contract will not be practiced and not be accepted by Muslims only when it does not consist of the below criteria. Like the separation of attached geographical boundaries in those areas where the Muslims are in majority, for example, the North-west and east areas of India will actualize into an independent homestead.

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Moreover, in these areas, the respect of the minority’s religion, culture, economy, organizing, and other rights should be protected and should be discussed in detail in the constitution. When the Lahore resolution was accepted, Indian newspapers and Hindu leaders have to talk against it. The very next day, Partaab, Malapa, Tribune, and many other Indian newspapers have named Lahore resolution into Resolution of Pakistan even there was no single word “Pakistan” was used in that 23rd March 1940 resolution.

Speech On 23rd March 1940 In Urdu Essay Pakistan Resolution Day

In the presidential speech of 21st March, Quaid-e-Azam said that ‘Hindu and Muslims belong to two different religious, cultural and educational histories. These two nations can’t tie the knot to each other even they can’t sit together. Life and the concept of living are totally different from each other. Besides this both have different heroes and histories, both have changed perspectives. It is wrong to merge these nations into one nation. Muslims are a separate nation, whatever is the definition of a nation, and Muslims are ebbed to a separate nation so they should have a separate country and homeland where the government should be in their own hands. Pakistan was come into being when the first Hindu embraced Islam. This is the talk of that time when Muslims hadn’t built their empire. Muslim’s nationality is based on the Kalma Tauheed instead of homeland or cast.

After the commencement of this resolution, the attempt of Muslims to the establishment of Pakistan was properly shaped and they became more aggressive. Sacrifices of our ancestors, women, and children for the sake of separation of Pakistan have proved that they are a Muslim nation and deserve a homeland where they can spend their lives according to the Islamic concepts of life. So, we can say that this revolution boosted the spirits of Muslims and in the end, Pakistan became an independent state on 14th August 1947.

23 March Pakistan Day Poetry:

23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech With Poetry PDF

23rd March is the day of happiness for all of us. Important functions are organized in the Capital of Pakistan Islamabad and other major cities of Pakistan on 23rd March, in which the prime minister and other ministers congratulations the nation and pray for the safety of the nation. Apart from this, special parades are organized by the Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air force, and Pakistan Navy. On the occasion of 23rd March, public and important buildings are decorated like Bride. On 23rd March, there is a public holiday. Our country is great, and this greatness is our identity, our basic, our love, honor, and everything. That is why by keeping an eye on the natural resources and other goods, think for the development of the country and endow yourself for it.

Hence, in the last, I would like to mention that all this 23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech With Poetry PDF is written by us, not a copied material. So you can rely on it for your school or college competition.

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hi am profesional urdu composing i will do this speech

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23 March Pakistan Day Importance History Celebrations Info Essay in Urdu

Photo of Maan Ali

The Lahore resolution which was presented on 23rd March, 1940 by Muslim League, has an extreme level of importance in the freedom movement of the country. Presented at the Minto Park in Lahore, the resolution was signed by all the Founding Fathers of Pakistan and was passed on 23 March during the annual session of Muslim League. So in order to get a more detailed information about various aspects of this important day like history, events, need and annual celebrations, read the following article in Urdu language for easy and better understanding.

23 March Pakistan Day History Celebrations Info

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23 March 1940 Pakistan Resolution Day Urdu and English Speech

Pakistan day 23rd march english essay download.

Photo of Aziz Ul rehman

Sher Bangla Abul Qasim Maulvi Fazlul Haq presented the Pakistani ideology at the annual meeting of the inaugural Pakistan of Lahore Minar on 23 March 1940 and it was accepted by all because our people are different from Hindus in terms of culture, community, and religion, who belong to India and It was the main reason for the partition of Pakistan. Address delivered on Pakistan Resolution Day in 1940 in English and Urdu online. You can download the 23 March 1940 Pakistan Resolution Day Urdu and English Speech right on this page.

23 march essay in urdu for class 4

Sir Saeed Ahmad Khan, Maulana Abdul Halim Shar, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Professor Muhammad Azad, Sir Sultan Muhammad Agha Khan, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah are just a few of the great personalities. Heroes who fought bravely for the freedom of Pakistan from the British and Hindus. As a result of all their cooperation, Pakistan will appear on the world map.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah tells the meeting of Muslim University Aligarh on 23 March 1940 that Pakistan was established on the same day that the first Hindus accepted Islam in India. There was no Muslim government at that time. Kalima Tayyaba is the sole foundation of Muslim nationhood. It is not based on race or color. After Hindus converted to Islam, India experienced the birth of a new nation. The 23 March 1940 Pakistan Resolution Day Urdu and English Speech can get here.

What ideologies do both nations believe in? How different our religion, culture, society, customs, and traditions are from theirs does not require math or calculations because it is very clear and simple. Before British rule, when Muslim kings invaded the Indian subcontinent, they were greeted with warmth, kindness, and love. Yet they have been there for nearly ten centuries. On the occasion of Pakistan Resolution Day on 23 March 1940, a speech was delivered in both Urdu and English in all schools.

Adil-ud-Din Muhammad bin Qasim invaded Sindh via Dibal and founded the Islamic Republic which lasted for four years and was governed by Islamic law. Hindus wanted the order of this era to remain in their own country because they are very happy with it. The fact that some Indians have been mentioned in “History of India, and “Islamic Influence on Indian Culture” contributed greatly to the success of Indians in persuading him.

But the Indians persisted in avoiding the Muslims every time. For example, consider the sentence “Ram knife and mouth next.” The attitude of the Hindus is that of hypocrites and in the seventeenth century in 1659 when the Adil ruler sent General Afzal Khan with an army of ten thousand to invade Karnataka where a plan was made to kill the chieftain of Shivaji and he prepared the plan. First, his message of peace was sent and Afzal Khan went to meet with two friends then they got mixed up and were killed with a knife by the Hindu Shivaji who is this time the great leader of the Indians. An English-Urdu speech was delivered on Pakistan Resolution Day on March 23, 1940.

The British were alarmed because it was alienating the government from the Muslims, so they began to support it in every aspect of life, including education, and they preferred Indians over Indian Muslims. For this reason, they considered dividing the country and worked very hard.

After that, on March 23, 1940, a separate concept of the kingdom was presented at the political level in Minar Pakistan Lahore. It is also known as the Pakistan Resolution Day Speech in Urdu and English, and it was successful in this endeavor. Date Relevance 23rd March 1940 Pakistan Day Resolution Lahore HD Wallpapers and Speech Essay Debate Speech Updates in English and Urdu language for students of this period is being uploaded because at this time everyone is celebrating this day with happiness and joy.

23 March Pakistan Resolution Day Essay In Urdu Speech

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23 March Poetry in Urdu, Shayari & Ghazal

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23 march speech in urdu complete.

Here is a speech of 23 rd March for everyone. Anyone can check the speech of Pakistan Resolution Day in Urdu. If someone wants to know about the speech of this Day he can check our website to read it. Everyone can check this speech in Urdu at the Resolution Day of Pakistan. Anyone can achieve to this speech that is available here in Urdu. Urdu is our national language so it is important for everyone to read this speech in Urdu. This day is much important for every one of us no one can deny the importance of this day.

23 March Speech In English

23rd of March republic day resolution is considered as a one Pakistan constitution and according to this constitution Hindu and Muslim is different communities that is not living together on any single condition so this is the main reason Muslim nation is required one separate country.  Presented at the Minto Park in Lahore, the resolution was signed by all the Founding Fathers of Pakistan and was passed on 23 March during the annual session of Muslim League.On 23rd of March all Pakistani people is celebrated national holiday and Pakistan Armed forces is also celebrated this day with Republic day parade . The Lahore resolution which was presented on 23rd March, 1940 by Muslim League, has an extreme level of importance in the freedom movement of the country.

23rd of March Speech In Urdu

23rd of March is a day is memorable day for Pakistan people so through this page you can get 23 March 1940 Pakistan Day Essay Speech In Urdu so must read it because being a Pakistani you must have information about your country history. in 1940 Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was pass Lahore resolution and according to this resolution Muslim not a minority because Muslim is one nation that is need one separate country. 23rd of March day is also known as Pakistan Resolution day and this day second name is Republic day. So in order to get a more detailed information about various aspects of this important day like history, events, need and annual celebrations, read the following article in Urdu language for easy and better understanding.

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23 March Pakistan Day Essay in English For All Classes

23 March Pakistan Day Essay in English For All Classes

What is Pakistan Day? Importance of 23 March or Pakistan Resolution Day, or Pakistan Republic Day (English Essay) Pakistan Day is a public holiday in Pakistan to commemorate the Lahore Resolution of 1940. This day is also known as the Republic Day commemorating the adoption of the first constitution of the country during the transition of the Dominion of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 23 March, 1956 making Pakistan the world’s first Islamic republic. The main event held to celebrate this day is a grand military parade in the capital Islamabad.

Table of Contents

23 March Pakistan Resolution Day

Pakistan’s Day which is annually held on March 23 celebrates the Pakistan resolution day. This day is an occasion to promote patriotism and national unity. Pakistanis celebrate Pakistan resolution day with flag-raising ceremonies parades cultural events and other festive activities.

23 March Pakistan day Essay in English For All Classes

23 March Pakistan Day Parade

The 23rd of March is a national holiday in Pakistan. It commemorates the day when Muslims of India decided to make separate homeland form them. Within 7 years Muslims of India achieved independence from British rule and Pakistan became a sovereign state. The main event is a grand parade which is held in the capital Islamabad. This is attended by the President, Prime Minister and other government officials as well as foreign dignitaries. The parade features a display of military hardware and the country’s armed forces march past in a show of strength. There is also a flypast by the Pakistani air force.

23 March Pakistan Day

Pakistan Day is celebrated throughout the country with flag-hoisting ceremonies parades and cultural events. In Karachi the capital of Sindh province a major celebration is held at the Mazar-e-Quaid (the tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founding father of the country).

23 March 1940 Pakistan Day History

23 March 1940 is a historic day for Pakistanis as it marks the day when the Muslims of Sub continent decided to get independence from British rule and create a new country for them in the east and west of India. It was a momentous occasion that changed the course of history for Pakistan and its people. Shair Bengal Molvi Fazal ul Haq presented the Pakistan resolution on 23 March, 2022 at Minto Park Lahore in annual meeting of All India Muslim League presided by Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. About 100000 people attended this meeting and passed the resolution unanimously. Word of Pakistan was not present in this resolution as it was named Lahore resolution but Hindu press gave it the name of Pakistan resolution, which was accepted by Muslim of India. Muslim leader from all provinces of India attended this meeting of AIML and supported the resolution. Just Begum Muhammad Ali Johar used the word of Pakistan once in her speech. Chaudary Rehmat Ali suggested the word Pakistan for new proposed separate country for Muslims of India in 1933.

Importance of 23 March Pakistan Day

Pakistan day is a public holiday in the country to commemorate the Lahore Resolution of 1940 when the Muslim League demanded a separate homeland for Muslims in British India. The day is also celebrated as National Day or Republic Day in some parts of the country.

Why I Love Pakistan?

Pakistan is a country that is rich in culture and heritage. The people of of this country are very friendly and hospitable. The landscape of Pakistan is also very beautiful with the Himalayas the Karakoram range and the Indus river all running through the country. Pakistan is also home to some of the world’s most iconic buildings such as the Badshahi Mosque and the Lahore Fort. I have always been interested in my country and its culture and I am very proud to be Pakistani.

Celebrations on 23 March Pakistan Day

23 March is anniversary of the Pakistan Resolution which was passed by the Muslim League at the Lahore Conference in 1940 and called for the establishment of an independent Muslim state in the then British Raj. The holiday is celebrated all over Pakistan with flag-hoisting ceremonies parades and cultural events. In Islamabad the main celebrations take place at the tomb of Allama Iqbal Pakistan’s co-founder where a wreath-laying ceremony is held.

How I Spent 23 March Pakistan Day?

I usually spend my Pakistan day with family and friends. We would have a big breakfast together catch up on news and gossip and watch patriotic movies and TV shows. In the afternoon we would go out for a picnic or to the park and in the evening we would have a barbecue. This year however due to the pandemic we had to stay home. So we spent the day playing games eating Pakistani food and chatting online with our extended family and friends. It was a fun day even though it was different from what we’re used to.

How to Celebrate Pakistan Day on 23 March?

There is no one definitive way to celebrate Pakistan day, but some popular activities include visiting historical landmarks (like Minar e Pakistan, Quaid e Azam tomb, Allama Iqbal tomb) eating traditional food, and participating in cultural activities. We should share patriotic posts on our social media accounts. Educational institutes should conduct debate and essay writing competitions. We should inform our family members about the importance of this historic day.

Conclusion On 23 March we should remember that 23 March was republic day initially, but it was changed in to Pakistan day after first martial law in Pakistan. On this day we should commit that we shall protect both Pakistan and democracy.

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Pakistan Resolution Day 23 March (1940-2024) Urdue Speech

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  • 23 March 1940

23 March 1940 - Article No. 120

23 March 1940

23مارچ 1940 - تحریر نمبر 120

جب پاک وطن کی بنیاد رکھی گئی آپ ننھے منے دوست جس گھر میں رہتے ہیں آپ کے ابو جان یا دادا جان نے اس گھر کو بنانے کے لئے بڑی محنت کی ہوگئی

اتوار 22 مارچ 2009

Browse More Mutafariq Mazameen

Rail Gari

Anokha Tohfa

Shaadi Or Khana

شادی اور کھانا

Shaadi Or Khana

Cheeni Bachon Mein Video Games Ke Manfi Asraat

چینی بچوں میں ویڈیو گیمز کے منفی اثرات

Cheeni Bachon Mein Video Games Ke Manfi Asraat

Kisaan Or Shettan

کسان اور شیطان

Kisaan Or Shettan

Maan Ki Muhabbat

ماں کی محبت

Maan Ki Muhabbat

Nanhi Chirya Ki Azadi

ننھی پڑیا کی آزادی

Nanhi Chirya Ki Azadi

Azaadi Ki Aakhri Shaam

آزادی کی آخری شام

Azaadi Ki Aakhri Shaam

Purani Qabar Ka Razz

پرانی قبر کا راز

Purani Qabar Ka Razz

Mausam Garma Ki Tatilat Ka Ekhtataam Aur School Jane Ki Tayariyan

موسم گرما کی تعطیلات کا اختتام اور سکول جانے کی تیاریاں

Mausam Garma Ki Tatilat Ka Ekhtataam Aur School Jane Ki Tayariyan

Mere Muhafiz

Mere Muhafiz

Soone Ki Tikya

سونے کی ٹکیا

Soone Ki Tikya

chewing gum

Kutte Ki izzat

Aik Nabeena

آہستہ آہستہ

Ahista Ahista

استاد شاگرد سے

ustaad shagird se

Urdu Paheliyan

کون ہے وہ پہنچانو تو تم

kon he wo pehchano tu tum

جس نے بھی وہ ساز بجایا

jis nay bhi woh saaz bajaya

بن در کے ہے ایک حویلی

bin dar ke hai aik haweli

ہاتھ میں‌ لے کر ذرا گھمایا

hath me leke zara ghumaya

جب دیکھو پانی میں‌ پڑا ہے

jab dekho pani me para hai

بے شک دن بھر پیتے جائیں

beshak din bhar peety jaye


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  1. Speech on Pakistan Day in Urdu

    Speech on Pakistan Day in Urdu- Read best speech of youm e pakistan in urdu language, Speech on Pakistan Day in Urdu | یوم پاکستان پر ایک تقریر, why 23 march is celebrated in pakistan, essay on pakistan day celebration 23 march in urdu, youm e pakistan essay in urdu, youm e pakistan essay in urdu, youm e difa speech in urdu, best speeches in urdu in pakistan

  2. 23 March Speech Essay in Urdu

    23 March Speech in Urdu Written. It is extremely essential to study the Pakistan Resolution Day Speech to truly understand the essence of the address given by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and other Muslim leaders on Pakistan Day. It was a clear message of division, a call to independence, and we must understand the history of the Pakistan ...

  3. 23 مارچ یوم پاکستان کے موقع کے لئے بہترین اردو تقریر: Urdu Speech on 23

    یوم پاکستان ایک قومی تعطیل ہے جو ہر سال 23 مارچ یوم پاکستان کے طور پر 23 مارچ 1940 کی قرارداد لاہور یا قرارداد پاکستان اور پاکستان کے قیام کی یاد میں منائی جاتی ہے۔ اس سال اس تقریب کی 76 ویں سالگرہ منائی جارہی ہے، اور یہ ہماری ...

  4. Essay On Pakistan Day Celebration 23 March In Urdu (200 & 500 Words)

    Essay On Pakistan Day Celebration 23 March In Urdu (500 words) ملک پاکستان کے تاریخ میں 23 مارچ یوم پاکستان کے نام سے خاص اہمیت رکھتا ہے۔. یہ دن قومی احتفال کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ 23 مارچ 1940 کو لاہور میں مسلم لیگ کی ایک ...

  5. 23 March Pakistan Day

    23rd March/Pakistan Day is a day of great importance in the history of Pakistan as it marks the day when the Muslims of the British Indian subcontinent passed the Lahore Resolution in 1940, demanding a separate homeland for the Muslims of the region. To celebrate this day, we have prepared an English and Urdu speech on 23 March, also known as Pakistan Day, for you to download and share with ...

  6. 23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech With Poetry PDF

    23 March Pakistan Day In Urdu Speech. In the presidential speech of 21st March, Quaid-e-Azam said that 'Hindu and Muslims belong to two different religious, cultural and educational histories. These two nations can't tie the knot to each other even they can't sit together. Life and the concept of living are totally different from each other.

  7. 23 March Pakistan Day Importance History Celebrations Info Essay in Urdu

    23 March Pakistan Day Importance History Celebrations Info Essay in Urdu. The Lahore resolution which was presented on 23rd March, 1940 by Muslim League, has an extreme level of importance in the freedom movement of the country. Presented at the Minto Park in Lahore, the resolution was signed by all the Founding Fathers of Pakistan and was ...

  8. Speech on 23 March in Urdu

    Speech on 23 March in Urdu | Pakistan day speech | youme Pakistan per MazmoonCover Topic.1. 23 March Speech in Urdu with poetry2. pakistan day taqreer in urd...

  9. 23 March speech in Urdu with poetry

    23 March speech in Urdu with poetry | Essay on 23 March in Urdu | Pakistan Republic day speech Urdu23 مارچ کے موقع پر مختصر تقریر .TOPICS IN THIS VIDEO• 23 ...

  10. 23 March 1940 Pakistan Resolution Day Urdu and English Speech

    On the occasion of Pakistan Resolution Day on 23 March 1940, a speech was delivered in both Urdu and English in all schools. Adil-ud-Din Muhammad bin Qasim invaded Sindh via Dibal and founded the Islamic Republic which lasted for four years and was governed by Islamic law. Hindus wanted the order of this era to remain in their own country ...

  11. 23 March Pakistan Day in Urdu Poetry

    23 March Poetry in Urdu. 23 March Pakistan Day is a day of great historical significance for the Pakistani nation. On this day, back in 1940, the Lahore Resolution was passed, demanding the creation of a separate Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent. This resolution laid the foundation of the eventual creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947.

  12. Youm e pakistan mazmoon in urdu |Pakistan day essay |23 march poetry in

    Youm e pakistan mazmoon in urdu |Pakistan day essay |23 march poetry in urdu |lahore resolution 23 march in pakistan is celebrated every year as a Republic D...

  13. 23 March Speech in Urdu Complete

    23rd of March Speech In Urdu. 23rd of March is a day is memorable day for Pakistan people so through this page you can get 23 March 1940 Pakistan Day Essay Speech In Urdu so must read it because being a Pakistani you must have information about your country history. in 1940 Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was pass Lahore resolution and ...

  14. Pakistan Day Speech in Urdu 23 March 1940

    23 March Pakistan Day Speech in Urdu. Farrukh Nawaz March 11, 2017 Miscellaneous. We celebrate 23 March as resolution day Pakistan on every year. 23 rd March remember us Pakistan day as resolution day. On these days schools/colleges and universities organize some special programs to celebrate 23 March 1940 resolution day.

  15. Class 4 Urdu Notes, Solutions, Solved Exercises, Guide, Key Book

    by Notes 92.com. In this post, you will find the Class 4 Urdu Notes, Solutions, Solved Exercises, MCQs, Guide, Key Book (PDF Format) for all boards of Pakistan as per latest single national curriculum / syllabus (SNC). Table of Contents. 1 Class 4 Urdu Notes (Solved Exercises):

  16. 23 March speech in urdu|| pakistan Day urdu essay

    23 March speech in urdu|| pakistan Day urdu essay#handwritingforbeginners #howtoimprovehandwriting #essaywriting #23march1940 #march #urduessays #application...

  17. 23 March Pakistan Day Essay in English For All Classes

    The 23rd of March is a national holiday in Pakistan. It commemorates the day when Muslims of India decided to make separate homeland form them. Within 7 years Muslims of India achieved independence from British rule and Pakistan became a sovereign state. The main event is a grand parade which is held in the capital Islamabad.

  18. Youm e Pakistan 23 March 2024 Urdu Essay Download

    Download Urdu speech 23 March 2024 . Get online information on 23rd March 2024 resolution day Pakistan in Urdu. ... Bise Peshawar 10th Class Gazette 2024 Matric Annual Exam; Fee Structure of Rashid Latif Medical College MBBS & BDS 2024; ... Urdu 23 March speech and essay about Youm-e Pakistan. 23 March 1940 minto park Lahore speech in urdu ...

  19. NCERT Class 4 Urdu Book PDF Download [Updated 2023-24]

    Download NCERT Books for Class 4 Urdu as per the Latest CBSE Syllabus 2021-22. Study from NCERT Class 4 Urdu Notes & score well in exams.

  20. Speech on 23 March Pakistan Day in Urdu

    Speech on 23 March Pakistan Day in Urdu | 23 March Speech in Urdu | Pakistan day | 23 March 2022#23march #pakistanday #speech #writing #shafiqarts

  21. 23 March 1940 23مارچ 1940

    Games. Action Games Pool Games Racings Games Sports Games Cards Games Adventure Games. Baby Names Urdu Videos. Poems Stories Learn Urdu Islamic Videos. Read 23 March 1940 (Article No. 120) and other interesting Urdu Stories, Urdu Kids Articles and Urdu Mazamin. Children Moral stories and Stories with lessons for kids.

  22. Speech on 23 March Pakistan Day in Urdu

    #23marchspeech#23marchspeechinurdu#pakistandayspeechinurduAssalam-O-Alaikum Friends!! 👉 About Video : - Hello my friends today we will learn tha...

  23. Best 23 march speech in urdu written

    A Best 23 march speech in urdu written || Best Pakistan Day written speechBest 23 march speech in urdu || Pakistan day speechBest 23 march speech in urdu Pak...