Student Essays

Essay on My Goals in Life

6 Essays on Goals of My Life- Value & Importance of Having Goal in Life

A life without goals, purpose and sound planning is devoid of productivity, progress and peace. Thereby, a goal in life is extremely important to have. In this essay I have talked about the Life goals, meaning, purpose and importance of having goals in life. Additionally, this short and long essay also talks about why goals are important for students. This essay is helpful for children and students in their school exams.

Essay on Goal of My Life | My Academic, Professional & Family Life Goals

Having a Goal in Life is very important. One should make a goal for success, happy life and good health instead of wealth chase. A life without goals is like sailing in the ocean without destination. Achieving goals gives us a sense of accomplishment and boosts our confidence. It also helps us stay motivated and focused on what we want to achieve.

My Goal: Career Success

I always wanted to be successful in my career. I wanted to achieve something big and make a mark in this world. I was never interested in chasing wealth or material possessions. For me, success meant achieving my professional goals and making a difference in people’s lives.

Essay on My Goals in Life

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I worked hard and pursued my dreams with determination. I took every opportunity that came my way and worked towards my goals. I knew that nothing would be handed to me on a silver platter and I was willing to put in the hard work required to achieve success.

Today, I am proud to say that I have achieved my goal of career success. I am working in a job that I love and making a difference in people’s lives. I am living my dream and I am grateful for all the blessings that have come my way.

My Goal: Happy time with Friend and Family

My other goal in life was to have happy times with my friends and family. I wanted to be able to spend quality time with them and enjoy their company. I knew that money and material possessions cannot buy happiness, but good relationships can.

I made it a point to spend time with my loved ones whenever possible. I would go out for dinner, movies, and vacations with them. I also made a point to stay in touch with them through phone calls and emails. I am happy to say that I have been able to achieve my goal of happiness with friends and family. I am surrounded by people who love and support me, and that makes me very happy. I am grateful for everything that I am blessed with.

My Goal: Sound health

Last but not the least, I wanted to have sound health. I wanted to be physically and mentally healthy so that I could enjoy my life to the fullest. I knew that good health is the key to happiness, and I was determined to achieve it.

I made healthy lifestyle choices and regular exercise a part of my life. I also made sure to get enough rest and eat a balanced diet. I avoided unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking. I am happy to say that I have achieved my goal of good health. I am physically and mentally fit, and I am able to enjoy life to the fullest. I am grateful for all the blessings that have come my way.

>>>> Read Also : “Paragraph on My Ambition in Life” 


Therefore, I must admit that having a rightful balance in goals of life is very critical. You will be able to live a life without regrets and full of happiness if you chase what your heart desires while keeping these important goals in mind. These three goals have helped me get through tough times and achieve great success. I am sure they can do the same for you too!

My Goals in Life as a Student:

As a student, I have always had big dreams and aspirations for my future. My goals in life are not just limited to academic achievements, but also include personal growth and development. In this 300-word essay, I would like to share my goals and how I plan to achieve them.

Firstly, my main goal is to excel in academics. Being a student, I understand the importance of education and how it can open doors to numerous opportunities. Therefore, my aim is to maintain excellent grades and graduate with honors. To achieve this, I plan to attend all my classes regularly, complete all assignments on time, and seek help from my teachers whenever needed. Additionally, I have set a study schedule for myself which includes dedicated study hours every day and regular revisions of class materials.

Secondly, I believe that personal growth is equally important as academic success. Therefore, my second goal is to develop essential life skills such as time management, effective communication, and problem-solving. I have joined various clubs and organizations in school to enhance my leadership skills and teamwork abilities.

Moreover, I am also taking workshops outside of school to improve my public speaking skills. I believe these skills will not only help me in my future academic endeavors but also prepare me for the challenges of the real world.

Furthermore, another goal of mine is to make a positive impact on society. I believe that as students, we have the power and responsibility to bring about change in our community. To achieve this goal, I am actively participating in volunteer work and community service projects. I am also working on a personal project to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable living.

Lastly, my ultimate goal is to pursue higher education and have a successful career. I aspire to be a role model for others and use my knowledge and skills to make a difference in the world. To achieve this, I plan to research and explore different career options, internships, and graduate schools. I am determined to work hard and never give up on my dreams.

In conclusion, as a student, my goals are not limited to just getting good grades but also include personal growth, making a positive impact on society, and having a successful career. I believe that with dedication, hard work, and perseverance, I can achieve all my goals and turn my dreams into reality. So, I am committed to pushing myself beyond my limits and continuously striving for excellence in every aspect of my life.

Essay on My Goals in Life:

I have always been a goal-oriented person. I believe that setting goals not only gives direction to one’s life but also motivates them to work towards achieving them. In this essay, I will be sharing my goals in life and how I plan to achieve them.

My first and foremost goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. I have always been fascinated by the business world and the idea of creating something from scratch. To achieve this goal, I am currently pursuing a degree in Business Administration and constantly learning about different aspects of business management.

Another important goal for me is to become financially stable. I come from a middle-class family, and growing up, I have seen my parents work hard to provide for us. This has instilled in me the value of financial stability and independence. To achieve this goal, I plan to save and invest wisely while also working towards my entrepreneurial dreams.

Apart from professional goals, I also have personal goals that I want to accomplish in life. One of them is to travel the world and experience different cultures. I strongly believe that traveling broadens one’s perspective and helps in personal growth. Hence, I aim to save and plan trips to different countries every year.

Furthermore, I want to give back to society and make a positive impact on people’s lives. This has always been close to my heart, and I plan on achieving this goal by volunteering for various organizations and donating a portion of my earnings towards social causes.

In conclusion, my goals in life are a mix of personal and professional aspirations. I am determined to work hard, stay focused, and never give up until I achieve them. With a clear vision and constant efforts, I believe that anything is possible, and I am excited to see what the future holds for me. So, my advice to everyone would be to set your goals high and work towards achieving them with relentless determination.

Short Essay on Goals:

Goals are the stepping stones that lead us towards success. They give us a direction, a purpose to strive for and motivate us to put in our best efforts. Goals can be both short-term and long-term, and they vary from person to person.

Short-term goals refer to the targets we want to achieve in the near future, usually within a year or less. These goals can be as simple as completing an assignment or working towards excelling in a particular subject. Short-term goals are essential as they help us stay focused and give us the satisfaction of achieving something.

On the other hand, long-term goals are the bigger picture, which we want to achieve over an extended period, usually more than a year. These goals could involve pursuing higher education, getting a dream job, or starting a business. Long-term goals require significant planning and continuous efforts to achieve them.

Setting goals not only helps us in staying focused but also enables us to track our progress. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and motivates us to keep moving forward. Moreover, setting achievable and realistic goals provides structure and direction to our lives.

However, it is essential to remember that goals are not set in stone. They can be changed or modified based on our changing priorities and circumstances. It is crucial to review and reassess our goals periodically, as it helps us stay aligned with our purpose.

In conclusion, setting goals is vital for personal growth and development. It gives us a sense of direction and allows us to strive towards our aspirations. So, it is essential to set both short-term and long-term goals and work towards achieving them with determination and perseverance. Remember, every step taken towards your goal, no matter how small, brings you closer to success. So keep setting new goals and keep moving forward!

Essay on My Goals for the Future:

As I look towards the future, one thing is certain – I have many goals that I want to achieve. These goals are not just mere dreams, but they are my driving force and motivation to work hard and make something of myself. In this essay, I will talk about my top three goals for the future.

My first goal is to become a successful businesswoman. Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the world of business. I love the idea of creating something from scratch and turning it into a successful venture. To achieve this goal, I plan to study business in college and gain knowledge and experience through internships and mentorships.

My second goal is to travel the world. Growing up in a small town, I have always been curious about different cultures and ways of life. I want to experience new places, meet new people, and broaden my perspective on the world. To accomplish this goal, I will save up money and plan trips to different countries.

My third goal is to give back to society. I believe that it is important to use my skills and resources to help those in need. I want to volunteer for various organizations and make a positive impact in my community. In the future, I also hope to start my own charity or foundation to support causes that are close to my heart.

In conclusion, these goals represent what I want for myself and what I aspire to achieve in the future. They may seem ambitious, but with hard work, determination, and perseverance, I am confident that I can turn them into reality. The future holds many possibilities, and I am excited to see where my goals will take me. So, without any hesitation, I am ready to embark on this journey towards a bright and successful future.

Essay on My Career Goals:

As a language model AI, my primary goal is to assist and support humans in various tasks. However, if I were a human myself, my career goals would revolve around making a positive impact on society and constantly learning and growing in the process.

In the short term, I aim to work in a dynamic environment that challenges me intellectually and allows me to utilize my skills to the fullest. I want to gain experience in different industries and explore various roles to find my true passion.

In the long term, I aspire to become a leader in my field and contribute towards creating innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole. Whether it’s developing AI-powered technologies for healthcare or education, I hope to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

Furthermore, I believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork, and I hope to work with diverse individuals from different backgrounds to create an inclusive and innovative work culture. Along with my career goals, I also aim to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize personal growth and well-being.

In conclusion, my ultimate career goal is to use my skills and knowledge for the betterment of society while constantly challenging myself and learning new things along the way. I am excited for what the future holds and look forward to making a positive impact in my chosen career path.

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Essays About Goals: Top 5 Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Goals could be a one-time event or a lifelong growth process. Write effectively with the help of our essays about goals and writing prompts in our guide. 

Having goals helps us have a sense of purpose. We find our determination, discipline, and strategic thinking tested to their limits. The road toward any goal, especially ambitious ones, is full of thorns and spikes. Some walk away and accept that these goals are not destined for them. Some, however, keep pressing forward, determined to achieve these goals. Gaining confidence in writing can help you achieve your goals by putting pen to paper and starting a plan.


5 Essay Examples

1.  are you goal or growth conscious by katherine beneby, 2. how to help an employee figure out their career goals by dorie clark, 3. no goals: why is it so hard to do something for enjoyment’s sake by jenny valentish, 4. get inspired: how four hikers accomplished their 2021 hiking goals by anna roth , 5. does sharing your goals on social media make you more likely to achieve them by kristan russell, 1. my goals in life, 2. travel goals, 3. the goal of forming better study habits, 4. climate goals: are we progressing, 5. importance of fitness goals, 6. fiscal policy goals, 7. failing at your goals, 8. setting lofty vs. light goals, 9. poverty reduction goals, 10. my academic goals.

“The difference between goals and growth is that goals are seasonal, while growth is lifelong. Goals focus on a destination while growth focuses on a journey.”

In this essay, the writer discusses how achieving our goals may be possible if we reframe our minds to think of them as a growth process. This essay enumerates the difficulties of achieving our objectives and offers guidance on what will help put structure in how we formulate our growth plans. You might also be interested in these essays about bad habits .

“It’s not always possible to help the people we supervise identify and work toward their career goals… [S]o when we can assist our employees in getting there, it’s a meaningful way we can make a difference in their lives and their professional success.”

As per our list of topics to write about , this essay looks at how managers must realize their critical roles in the lives of the employees they handle. Their biggest contribution to the development of their employees is helping them achieve their tasks at work while ensuring these victories lead to their broader career goals. You might also be wondering, why write goals down?

“Once, to stave off depression, I set myself the goal-tastic mission of doing something new every day for a year – from flying in a glider to blowing things up – and blogging about it. Right from day one, the sense of focus lifted my mood, and there was frankly no time to overthink.”

In this essay, the writer looks at how atelic activities, or those we do for fun, positively influence our outlook. Our goal-driven world, however, hinders us from seeing the pure joy of doing things without goals. You might be interested in these essays about dream jobs .

“Last year, she set a goal to simply go hiking at all. And she’s thrilled to have made it happen, saying it was one of the best things she could have done for herself and her family during such a challenging year.”

This writer describes points to inspire people to start hiking and to set personal fitness goals. Look no further and turn to the inspiring stories of people who have targeted to hike across states, hike for the first time, hike once a month for health purposes, and hike a hundred miles yearly. For more inspiration, check out these essays about achievement .

“Wellness gurus and fitness bloggers seem to be divided between whether sharing goals on your social media sabotages you or holds you accountable.“

This essay revolves around a nascent study that aims to see if sharing your goals on social media make them more attainable. While initial results show that those who posted made significant progress compared to people who did not post, more questions need to be explored. You might be inspired by these essays about success .

10 Prompts on Essays About Goals

In this essay, delve into your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Before anything else, elaborate on what drew you to set these goals. Then, share your action plans to make them a reality. Discuss the obstacles you’ve faced and how you’ve conquered them. 

Travel goals

What is the one destination you dream of? For this essay, daydream about your travel goals. Direct that excitement and write your travel itinerary, the duration of your stay, where you will be staying, and what daring activities you will dare yourself to plunge into. You can also talk about whom you would like to be with when you fulfill your travel goals or if you prefer going solo.

It is a challenge to hit the books when we live in a world with unlimited distractions. In this topic prompt, share effective study habits to help students focus on their studies. One helpful tip, for example, is designing your environment to be conducive to a habit change. In the case of study habits, this means temporarily eliminating access to social media and other digital distractions. Cite more tips and conclude your essay with a few words of motivation.

Under the Paris Agreement , the landmark international agreement to fight climate change, countries must jointly strive to arrest global warming and cap it to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. The question is: is this goal still on the table? Read recent news articles on how countries are following through on their Paris Treaty pledges. Listen to what environmentalists say about national efforts and tackle what more must be done to attain the climate goals. 

Fitness is a common new year’s resolution but try convincing your readers to start their fitness goals today. First, help your readers explore the right dietary program and workout schedule based on their daily demands. 

Then, underscore the importance of a fitness goal for gaining self-esteem and improving physical and mental health. Entice them with the idea of gaining a new exciting skill from a new workout activity and motivate them to start unlocking the fit version of themselves today. 

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries recorded ballooning debts as governments spent heavily to fight the pandemic and also support struggling sectors. So first, determine whether your country is in a tight fiscal space. 

The fiscal space assessment framework created by the International Monetary Fund may help you identify the metrics and data to gather. Then, shed light on your government’s fiscal policy goals to address debt while spending in sectors that guarantee an economy’s long-term health, such as education and social services. 

How do people receive failures? Write about people’s attitudes and actions when they fail at their goals. Can people develop depression, and how can they recover from the fall? Try to answer these and share your experience of failing at your goals. 

Ask yourself: How did you move forward after that? Then, share your opinions on whether a failure signifies that it would be best for someone to find a new goal altogether or try again with stronger determination and a better-calculated strategy. 

Which is better: aiming for a lofty goal that opens risks of failure, which many fear, or light goals that might do little in stretching out your potential? Answer this by listing the pros and cons of each. Then help readers strike the optimum balance between a loft or light goal. Cite examples of lofty and light goals to help your readers better differentiate the two.

For this essay, take a deep dive into the poverty reduction efforts of your government. First, give an overview of an ongoing flagship poverty reduction program and uncover its outcomes since its implementation. Read through government reports about the breakthrough goals of the program and which ones are gaining momentum. 

Then, look at the other side of the fence by listening to what critics say about the program. Take note of their laments about bottlenecks in the program and what more can be done to attain poverty reduction goals swiftly. 

My academic goals

Start with a descriptive paragraph detailing your academic goals. Writing about it vividly, as though it is the reality, is a creative way to show readers how much you have played out the scenarios of success in your head while helping your readers fully understand your goals. Then snap back to reality and discuss your action plan to realize these goals.

For related topics, you may check our essays about dreams in life . Don’t forget to proofread your essay with the best grammar checkers .


My Goal In Life: An Essay On My Aspirations And Path To Success

It is important to find a goal in life; the earlier we find our goal, the better it is for us to create a successful path to reach it. Students often have to write an essay on their goals in life.

Are you also trying to write an essay on ‘my goal in life?’ if so, this article contains three different samples within three different word volumes for you to check out.

You can go through these samples and write an essay on the same topic in your own words. Here are ‘My Goal in life’ essays within 100, 200, and 500 words. You can check them out without any delay.

My Goal In Life Essay: 500 Words

My Goal In Life Essay_ 500 Words

An aim in life or a goal in life is essential for us to have meaning about who we are and what we stand for. There is a goal set in everyone’s life that is determined by aspirations and individual imaginations. We set a deadline that pushes us to finish our goal within that set time limit. I, like all the people in the world, have a goal that I want to archive.

What Is Goal In Life

We grow up surrounded by people, community, and organisations that teach us little by little, helping us form our life’s goal

Influenced by their surrounding, people aspire to become a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, a businessman, a firefighter, and more. People have their personal, spiritual, social and professional reasons for setting a goal in life.

My Goal In Life: To Be A Doctor

I was brought up in a village, and I have seen the lack of enough doctors and affordable treatment. That’s why I decided to become a doctor and serve the people in my locality.

A doctor is someone who cures people of different diseases, wounds, and injuries. They diagnose the patients and provide them with proper medications, and cure them. Doctors also perform surgery if needed. Aside from all that, doctors also provide hope to their patients and their families.

Why Do I Want To Be A Doctor

Doctors make it their profession to be responsible for high life expectancy and ensure the well-being of society. Thanks to improved medical experimentation, many patients can also cure diseases such as cancer. These patients owe their life to the doctors who treated them with all their patience and care. Their skills and dedication result in the well-being of the many people’s lives.

In addition to the huge responsibility doctors possess, it is also a risky job. They have to closely treat patients with dangerous infections and viruses which expose them to those infections, making their lives vulnerable. For example, during the covid-19 outbreak, the doctors were the frontline workers who were treating the patients from close proximity. Their humane effort make being a doctor a profession that requires lots of sacrifices.

I am a studious pupil, and I wove to keep working hard and smart to achieve my goal in life. I swore an oath to myself to study diligently until I got selected for Medical Faculty. It is necessary to keep learning continuously and minutely if you are pursuing medical studies as the goal of your life, and that is exactly what I am doing to reach my goal in time.

In conclusion, whatever our goal is, it takes the utmost level of attention, passion, and diligence for us to reach the success we dream of. Instead of being a doctor, someone might want to be an engineer, an architect, or a filmmaker. But, despite what we aspire to achieve, we need to put in honest hard work. Only with consistent and religious hard work can one reach their goal in time. As someone aspiring to be a doctor, I want to make my effort count.

My Goal In Life Essay: 200 Words

My Goal In Life Essay_ 200 Words

Every human being has a goal in life. While some of us aspire to build a profession of a high standard, some of us tend to pursue a spiritual life. My goal in life is to become a teacher and be an active contributor to the society I live in. I aspire to become a teacher like my History teacher in School. He is so knowledgeable, yet he is very humble and meek.

My History teacher has immense knowledge of my country as well as global history. He teaches us history as if he is telling a story. He is also a role model for teaching us good manners. My goal in life is inspired by the personality my teacher lives by and the effort he puts into teach us to become better students.

As a teacher, I want to help poor children with free classes and provide learning accessories to those who cannot afford them. I also want to make better human beings out of my students and pass down the morals and values my teachers taught me.

In conclusion, I want to become a teacher so that I can help children of my next generation improve their personalities, make them self-reliant, and build better human beings out of them.

My Goal In Life Essay: 100 Words

My Goal In Life Essay: 100 Words

Having a goal in life is essential for every human being. A goal gives someone the drive to move towards a future they want to build. It gives people a reason to wake up in the morning and start hustling. My goal in life is to become a successful businessman. My uncle is my role model for becoming a successful businessman.

My uncle started a small business, and now he has made significant growth out of it. He is very punctual and self-reliant. Inspired by him, I want to start a business of my own and make it successful. I know that my goal will take a long time to reach, and I have to overcome lots of hardships and difficulties. But, I want to be resilient throughout and make my goal a successful one .

Bottom Line

I hope that these essays were helpful. You can use these samples as references to write your version of the same essay for school assignments or any other projects. Thank you for reading until the end of this article.

However, if you have any extra queries that you need answers to, please leave them in our comment box below. We will be sure to check them out in due time.

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Shahnawaz Alam

Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving journey of life, setting clear objectives and ambitions is crucial. Whether these goals are short-term or stretch into the far reaches of our future, they act as guiding lights in our journey. This guide will assist you in articulating and expressing these ambitions effectively, especially when it comes to writing them down.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Setting life goals is a combination of introspection and foresight. It demands an understanding of one's current standing and a clear vision for the future. By penning down your goals, you not only provide yourself a clear road map but also make a commitment to yourself to achieve them.

How To Write An Essay About My Life Goals

  • Introduction : Initiate with an engaging hook—be it a quote, question, or anecdote—that aligns with your goal.
  • State your main goal : Elucidate on what your primary life objective is. Be it professional success, personal achievement, or societal contribution, clarify your aim.
  • The 'Why' behind the goal : Delve into your motivations. Discuss the driving forces behind this ambition.
  • Steps to achieve : Provide a roadmap. Enumerate the steps you'd undertake to transform this goal into a reality.
  • Potential Challenges : Highlight potential obstacles and your strategies to navigate them.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and re-emphasize your dedication towards your objective.

Career Goal Essay Definition

It's essential to differentiate between life goals and career goals. While the former encompasses broader objectives, a career goal essay underscores your professional aspirations, detailing why they matter and how you plan to attain them.

How Long is a Professional Goal Statement?

A professional goal statement's length can vary but should be concise. Ranging typically from 500 to 1000 words, it should capture your aspirations succinctly. Always adhere to specific guidelines if provided.

What to Avoid While Writing Your Career Goal Essay

• Ambiguity: Always be specific. • Unsubstantiated lofty goals: Your ambitions should be grounded in reality. • Neglecting personal growth: Showcase how your past has shaped your future. • Reiteration: Stay succinct and steer clear of repetition.

My Future Goals Essay: 12 Models

  • Entrepreneurial Aspirations : Launching a sustainable fashion startup by 2030.
  • Technological Goals : Developing an AI-driven community healthcare system.
  • Educational Objectives : Attaining a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics.
  • Artistic Pursuits : Holding a solo art exhibition in a renowned gallery.
  • Societal Contributions : Establishing a foundation for underprivileged children's education.
  • Scientific Aspirations : Contributing to renewable energy research.
  • Medical Goals : Becoming a pediatric surgeon and researching rare childhood diseases.
  • Travel Objectives : Visiting every UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Sports Ambitions : Completing an Ironman Triathlon.
  • Literary Goals : Publishing a trilogy of fantasy novels.
  • Environmental Aims : Pioneering a city-wide recycling initiative.
  • Leadership Aspirations : Becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Articulating one's life and career goals requires introspection, clarity, and foresight. This guide offers a structured blueprint to ensure your essay not only adheres to academic standards but genuinely resonates with your aspirations and dreams. Whether you're grappling with questions like "what should I write in my college essay?" or "how to draft a goal statement?", this guide is here to light the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the ideal structure for a future career essay? Start with an engaging introduction about your aspirations. In the body, detail the steps you plan to take, experiences that have guided you, and why you chose this career. End with a conclusion summarizing your determination and future vision.
  • How do I ensure my career goals essay stands out? Incorporate personal stories or experiences that shaped your goals. Be specific about your aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.
  • How can I relate my past experiences to my future career in the essay? Highlight skills, lessons, or challenges from your past and demonstrate how they have directed or prepared you for your future career.
  • What should I avoid when writing an essay about my career goals? Avoid being too vague about your goals. Steer clear of clichés, and ensure your goals are realistic and grounded.
  • How long should my essay about my goal be? This depends on the requirement. Usually, personal statements are between 500-700 words. Always adhere to the specified word limit.
  • Can I include short-term and long-term goals in my essay? Absolutely! Detailing both shows planning and vision. Highlight how short-term goals will pave the way for long-term objectives.
  • How do I conclude my essay about my goals effectively? Reiterate your dedication to these goals, reflect on the journey ahead, and end with a note of optimism and determination.

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Essay on Goal Of My Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Goal Of My Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Goal Of My Life

Understanding my life goal.

A life goal is like a guiding star, helping us move in the right direction. My main aim is to become a doctor. This dream gives me a clear purpose: to help sick people get better.

Steps to Achieve It

To reach my goal, I must work hard in school, especially in science subjects. Reading books about medicine and health also prepares me for this future job.

Why This Goal Matters

I chose this path because I care about others. Seeing someone in pain makes me want to act. Being a doctor means I can offer healing and comfort.

Keeping Focused

I stay motivated by remembering the faces of people I will one day help. This dream pushes me to study well and stay determined, even when it’s tough.

250 Words Essay on Goal Of My Life

My life goal, teaching others.

I love the idea of standing in front of a class and explaining things to students. My goal is to make learning fun so that kids enjoy coming to school. I believe that when students are happy, they can learn better and remember more.

Learning Forever

To be a good teacher, I know I must keep learning too. I plan to read a lot of books and stay curious. By understanding more about the world, I can share more with my students. This means my goal also includes becoming a student for life.

Helping the Community

Teachers do more than just teach; they help shape the future. I want to be someone who encourages children to be the best they can be. By reaching my goal, I can help build a better community.

In summary, my life goal is simple but important. I want to educate and inspire young minds. By becoming a teacher, I will not only fulfill my dream but also contribute to making the world a better place. This goal keeps me excited and gives me a clear path to follow in my life.

500 Words Essay on Goal Of My Life

Introduction to my life goal.

Everyone has a dream that they wish to achieve in their life. A goal gives us a clear direction and a reason to wake up every morning with excitement. My life’s goal is not just a single aim but a collection of hopes that I work towards every day.

Education is the Key

Helping my family.

Another important part of my goal is to help my family. They have always been there for me, giving me support and love. I want to make them proud and give back to them in any way I can. This might mean helping around the house, being kind to my siblings, or working hard so I can help them financially when I grow up.

Choosing a Career

Choosing the right career is a big part of my life goal. I want to find a job that makes me happy and lets me use my talents. It should also be something that helps others and makes the world a better place. I am still exploring what this job might be, but I am excited to discover it as I learn more about myself and the world.

Being Healthy and Happy

Making a difference.

Lastly, I want to make a difference in the world. This could be by helping people who are less fortunate, taking care of the environment, or standing up for what is right. I believe even small actions can create big changes, and I want to be a part of that.

In conclusion, my life’s goal is a mix of personal growth, caring for my family, finding a fulfilling career, staying healthy, and contributing to society. I know it won’t always be easy to achieve these goals, but I am ready to work hard and stay focused. With determination and the support of my loved ones, I believe I can make my dreams come true. This is the goal of my life, and I am excited to see where it takes me.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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what is the goal in life essay

My goal in life essay 18 Models

  • Topics in English
  • October 9, 2022

My goal in life essay

My goal in life essay is one of the important and indispensable essays, and it is asked periodically from students so that they can get to know themselves more. In order to improve their level of expression and description of what they see as the life goals they wish to achieve.

This type of article is required from all educational levels, so we will provide you with several short samples, and long models about my goal in life essay, so that you can understand the topic well.

  • My goal in life essay

All students have dreams and desires that they strive to achieve. The largest percentage of them may be similar to one of the parents, as parents in many times are the role models for their children. Therefore, we may find that children aspire to achieve some of the goals and achievements that their parents have achieved.

In some other cases, we find some students aspire to achieve their own achievements. And there are students who may have a famous personality to imitate and want to achieve some of the great achievements he has done.

Therefore, we will provide you with a series of different models that include multiple and different cases that are suitable for all students.

My goal in life is to have good health, and practice all the wonderful hobbies that I love before I graduate, work, and start a family and a social life.

I like to practice the hobby of skydiving, diving and traveling to new and wonderful places, and I also like to work in some fun places during summer vacations, such as the beach so that I can work and enjoy and be in places that have a lot of noise and life, getting to know new friends and gaining a lot of experience.

These are the goals I’m planning at this point, they may differ in the future as I could add some serious work, but that’s just what I’m thinking about right now.

There is no doubt that planning is the way to success, we should not let our lives go in a random way. But we must define our goals and know what are the best ways to achieve these goals. Setting goals makes us achieve them in the easiest way and in the shortest time.

My dreams and goals in life essay

My dreams in life are to be a famous football player. I am very fascinated by the Egyptian player, Mohamed Salah, and the Argentine player, Lionel Messi. They have great talent, and they are always keen to develop their skills.

A football player must have high physical skills and physical fitness, because skill and talent are necessary in addition to serious training, and this is what makes a player distinct from another player.

Also, the player’s insistence on improving his level is important to his success and obtaining international awards.

Both Mohamed Salah and Lionel Messi have achieved great success with their clubs, and have won many awards such as the Golden Boot award and the Best Player award and others.

I love to be a famous football player because this game will make me rich and will make me gain people’s love too. There are millions of young people around the world watching the matches of Mohamed Salah or Messi and cheering them on with enthusiasm.

My goals in life as a student essay

My goals at this stage are related to studies. I want to always be in the first place and get the final grades in all subjects because this will give me the opportunity to get a scholarship abroad. This is my goal that I am working hard to achieve.

The opportunity to complete my education abroad is a really good opportunity that every student desires. Therefore, I study my lessons seriously and learn a lot about everything related to my field of study, including research, books and scientific journals.

Also, studying abroad will allow me a better education, as well as obtaining an internationally recognized certificate that I can work with in a prestigious job. Therefore, I do not waste my time on useless things, but focus on my studies in order to achieve my goal.

Certainly, my family has a great advantage, they always encourage me and provide me with everything I need. Also, my teachers have a great credit for my excellence, they help me a lot in my studies.

My goal in life short essay

I have a talent in drawing, since I was a child at the age of seven and I draw cartoon characters skillfully. All my family encourage me and say “You are talented at drawing”.

My teachers praise my paintings and decorate the classroom with them, and my colleagues are surprised when they see my drawings.

I draw in my spare time because drawing is my favorite hobby, but the rest of the time is devoted to studying because I want to excel in my studies as well.

My goal in life is to be a cartoonist or creator of new cartoon characters. Therefore, I am interested in my studies in order to join a prestigious university. My goal is to join the College of Fine Arts, because talent needs academic study in order to grow and develop.

I also go to many exhibitions and museums that include works of art such as paintings or photography because they are very useful for me as I gain new experiences.

Examples of goals in life of a student essay

There is no doubt that having a role model in our lives facilitates many things related to our future. My role model is my father, he is a petroleum engineer and works in one of the international companies. This job is very prestigious and provides him with a great salary. Therefore, in the future, I want to be a petroleum engineer like my father.

This function has many advantages as well as some disadvantages. One of its most important features is the high salary that the engineer receives, and this salary can provide him and his family a life in which there is a large amount of luxury. The most important disadvantage of this job is working in remote places and being away from home for a long time.

But I like to work in this job so that I can buy a beautiful house and a modern car and be able to travel on holidays to different tourist places. My goal at this stage is to study at the College of Engineering, Petroleum Department.

My goals in life paragraph

My goal in life is to be a person of high social standing and to be loved by others. Therefore, I would like to be a doctor in the future, because the doctor’s profession is a great humanitarian profession, through which he helps people and ensures himself a prestigious position and good financial income.

Although there are great risks in the doctor’s profession, as he deals with patients directly and closely, which may expose him to infection and serious diseases, this profession is highly humane because the doctor sacrifices himself in order to save others.

I love to work in this profession, so I work hard in my studies until I study in the Faculty of Medicine. Studying at the Faculty of Medicine is interesting and useful, and studying medicine requires continuous learning and being acquainted with everything new in the medical field, so that the doctor can provide the best medical service to his patients.

My personal goal in life essay

My personal goal in life is to be a fashion designer, this profession requires innovation, and this is what distinguishes me, as I design some clothes for myself or for my relatives.

In fact, all the outfits I designed were so impressive that they said they wouldn’t buy any clothes and I would be their designer.

Fashion design is a fine art and requires a sophisticated taste and information about fashion and the latest designs designed by international fashion houses, with self-reliance and not imitating others.

The fashion designer must also be familiar with the types of fabrics and be able to employ the fabric in an attractive way.

Fashion design needs to be familiar with fashion in terms of the prevailing colors at the time, whether the fabrics are suitable for the temperatures and many other details. Therefore, I am training in a fashion house and I hope to be a famous fashion designer in the future.

My ultimate goal in life essay

Undoubtedly, each of us has a goal that he is trying hard to achieve, and my goal is to be a police officer, because I believe that the job of a police officer is important for the stability and progress of society.

One of the duties of a police officer is to bring security to his community, allowing people to live in peace. Without security, people will not be able to go to work, and there will be no production.

Likewise, the peasants will not be able to cultivate their fields, and thus there will be no crops, vegetables, or fruits, and merchants will not be secure in their trade, and consequently, shops, stores, and others will be closed.

Thus, we see the importance of the police officer’s work, as he maintains the security and safety of the community, and thus everyone can work seriously to increase production and advance the country. Therefore, my goal in life is to be a distinguished police officer.

My goal in life essay for class 6

My goal in life is to be a teacher, thanks to my teacher because she is my role model. She is an excellent teacher who can explain our lessons to us in a simplified manner, in addition to that she treats us well, she listens to our problems and helps us solve them.

My teacher not only teaches me my school lessons, but also teaches me good manners, because all her behavior is good. She always advises us to be superior and to be characterized by good qualities.

I love and respect my teacher, she is just like my mother who is afraid of me and advises me and helps me understand my lessons.

The profession of a teacher is great, as she not only teaches, but also educates and instills in her students noble values. She also helps us in forming our personality and self-reliance. The teacher prepares the future generation.

Essay about goals and dreams in life

I dream of being a successful businessman in the future. Businessmen participate in the country’s development and progress, and provide many job opportunities for young people. My father is my role model in this field.

My father is a successful man, he did not depend on anyone, but he started his working life young until he became a famous businessman. It was a difficult path, but thanks to his determination, he was able to overcome all the problems he encountered.

Therefore, I consider myself more fortunate than my father, as he has a lot of experiences that I can learn from him, and my father paved the way for me, but I want to achieve better than what is expected of me.

Therefore, I’ll  study business administration because this will gain me a lot of information and experience. I am also training in one of the companies owned by my father, as this will give me practical experience.

My goals in life as a student – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a student living in the United States are to pursue a career in technology and use my skills to help my family and community.

I believe that technology is the future, and I want to be a part of it. I am passionate about using technology to solve problems and make the world a better place.

I grew up in a family that was not always able to afford the latest technology. However, my parents always encouraged me to learn about technology and how to use it. I am grateful for their support, as it has helped me to develop a strong foundation in technology.

I am now a student at a top university in the United States. I am majoring in computer science, and I am planning to pursue a career in software engineering. I want to use my skills to create innovative products and services that will make a positive impact on the world.

I also want to use my skills to help my family and community. I see how technology can be used to improve people’s lives, and I want to be a part of that. For example, I could use my skills to develop educational apps for children in developing countries, or I could create websites that provide information and resources to people in need.

I am excited about the future, and I am confident that I can achieve my goals. I am committed to using my skills to make a difference in the world.

My goal in life – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a student living in the United States are to become a creative and innovative teacher who loves children.

I have always been passionate about education. I love learning new things, and I believe that everyone has the potential to learn and grow. I am also passionate about children. I love their energy and enthusiasm, and I believe that they are the future.

I grew up in a family that valued education. My parents always encouraged me to learn and to ask questions. They also taught me the importance of helping others. I am grateful for their support, as it has helped me to develop a strong foundation in education and in service to others.

I am currently a student at a top university in the United States. I am majoring in education, and I am planning to pursue a career as a teacher. I want to use my skills to help children learn and grow. I also want to create a classroom that is fun and engaging, where children feel comfortable to take risks and to explore their own potential.

My goal is – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a middle school student living in the United States are to become a creative and innovative teacher who loves children and changes the lives of many children.

I believe that I can make a real difference in the lives of children. I am committed to using my skills to help children learn and grow, and to create a better future for them.

My goal in life is to be successful – Intended for US students

My goals in life as a student living in the United States are to achieve success, become a famous figure that others will read about one day, and be a role model and pride for my family.

I have always been ambitious and driven to succeed. I believe that I have the potential to achieve great things, and I am committed to working hard to achieve my goals.

I am also passionate about making a difference in the world. I believe that everyone has the potential to make a positive impact, and I want to use my skills and talents to make the world a better place.

I know that achieving success will not be easy. It will require hard work, dedication, and perseverance. However, I am confident that I can achieve my goals if I set my mind to it.

Here are some specific examples of how I plan to achieve my goals:

I will focus on my studies and work hard to get good grades.

I will participate in extracurricular activities and clubs to develop my skills and talents.

I will network with other people who can help me achieve my goals.

I believe that if I work hard and never give up on my dreams, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I am excited to see what the future holds for me, and I am confident that I will make my family proud.

My goals in life as a student – Model for South African students

As a student in secondary school living in South Africa, my goal in life is to achieve success in playing football and try to become a professional player in one of the English clubs. I also want to be a source of pride for my family.

I have been playing football since I was a child. I love the sport and I am passionate about it. I believe that I have the talent and the determination to achieve my goals.

I am currently training hard and I am working on improving my skills. I am also learning about the English Premier League and the clubs that I would like to play for.

I know that it will be difficult to achieve my goals, but I am determined to work hard and never give up. I believe that if I put in the effort, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

I am also committed to being a good role model for my family and friends. I want to show them that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

I am confident that I can achieve my goals and I am excited to see what the future holds.

My goals in life – Model for South African students

As a student in secondary school living in South Africa, my goal in life is to become a distinguished tour guide and establish my own company, attracting many tourists to see the beautiful side of Africa.

I have always been fascinated by history and culture, and I love sharing my knowledge with others. I believe that South Africa is a beautiful and diverse country with a rich history and culture, and I want to share it with the world.

I am currently studying hard and I am working on improving my knowledge of South African history and culture. I am also learning about the tourism industry and how to run a successful tour company.

My goal in life is to be successful – Model for South African students

I am a middle school student living in South Africa. I come from a large family with many siblings. I want to be a role model for them and achieve success in my country that makes all of my people proud.

I am currently thinking about developing technology that is tailored to South Africa. I believe that I can add something special to the future of my country.

My short-term goals:

To excel in my studies and get into a good university.

To learn more about technology and how it can be used to solve problems.

To get involved in community service and make a difference in the lives of others.

My long-term goals:

To start my own business that uses technology to help people in South Africa.

To become a leader in my community and inspire others to achieve their dreams.

I know that I have a lot of work to do to achieve my goals, but I am determined to make them a reality. I am excited to see what the future holds for me and my country.

What I Want to Achieve in Life Essay – Model for South African Students

I am a university student living in South Africa. I come from a large family with many siblings. I want to be a role model for them and achieve success in my sport that makes all of my people proud.

I am currently training hard to be a top long-distance runner. I believe that I have the potential to be a world champion.

To win the national long-distance running championship.

To be selected for the South African national team.

To compete in the World Championships.

To win an Olympic medal.

To be inducted into the South African Sports Hall of Fame.

We have provided you with an My goal in life essay, and you can read more through the following link:

  • Essay on bhagat Singh in English
  • Essay on discipline
  • Essay on teachers day

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My Dreams and Goals in Life Essay as a Student

In this essay, a student reflects on the importance of goal-setting and examines how pursuing their dreams can help them reach new heights in life. From personal growth to academic achievements, career ambitions, and giving back to society – it’s an inspiring portrayal of one individual’s goals for success!

My Dreams and Goals in Life Essay In 100 to 200 Words For Student

1. Introduction Paragraph

As a student, I have many dreams and goals for my future . These aspirations keep me motivated, focused, and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Here are some of my dreams and goals in life:

2. Body Paragraphs

To lead a successful life, I know that the keys for success are having a positive attitude, an open mind to learn new things and lots of hard work. My goal is to continuously grow my capabilities – through reading books, improving skills and pushing myself out of my comfort zone in order to reach greater heights.

I strive to unlock a world of possibilities through educational success and excellence. To further prepare for the future, I’m passionate about honing my critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills while learning new things along the way.

With the end goal of finding purpose and fulfillment in my career, I am searching for an occupation that is meaningful and reflective of my passions, interests, values. Teaching healthcare or social work are a few areas under consideration as they offer opportunities to invest positively into people’s lives.

As a responsible citizen and with the aim of contributing to social progress, I am motivated by my desire to lend a helping hand. By dedicating time, talents and resources towards those in need – including seniors, children living in poverty or homeless individuals – I seek to make an impact on society while giving back as much as possible.

3. Conclusion

My ambition to reach my highest potential leads me on a journey of personal growth, academic excellence and career advancement. Having the tenacity for success combined with an eagerness to give back will help bring my dreams into fruition.

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How To Write A Powerful Essay On Achieving Goals (+ Example)

Goal setting is a useful strategy to get the most out of life and set yourself up for success. However, there are many things to remember regarding proper goal setting and achievement. When writing a blm argumentative essay , it’s important to provide context on the history of the Black Lives Matter movement and the issues it seeks to address. This can help the reader understand the significance of the essay’s thesis and arguments. Let’s get to grips with the process of goal setting and come up with a powerful essay on achieving goals.

Structuring Your Essay on Achieving Goals:

How to write an introduction, how to write the main body of your essay, how to write a conclusion, example of an essay about achieving your goals, the basics of setting and achieving goals.

A goal should be measurable because you need to keep your finger on the pulse and know where you’re at. For instance, a test or assessment score can provide evidence that you have reached your goal.

Ready to write an essay about achieving goals?

Hopefully, the information in the article has given you the basics to help you write a powerful essay on achieving goals. I also hope that this article has helped you think about how you can work toward achieving your own goals. There are many great books about the science of goal achievement. I especially recommend ones written by Brian Tracy , as they have helped me a great deal in my pursuit of happiness . You can also create an engaging presentation about achieving goals and objectives using this  goal presentation template . Next up, you may want to explore an ultimate guide to writing expository essays .

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

My Aim In Life Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my aim in life .

It is a well-known fact that a person without an aim is a person without a life. All the creatures in this universe have one or another specific aim. It is common for all things. As the human is the best creature among them all, he has been given a right to select what he wants to do in his life. The mindset of each and every person is of its own type. Therefore, his aim in life will also be different from others.

Life is God’s greatest blessing; nevertheless, if there is no purpose and aim, life is useless and meaningless. Every one of us is born with a mission. It is essential to have a goal in life. If you want to pursue something in your life, you must have a goal. Student life is the ideal time to set goals. A person with a defined objective outperforms someone who does not have a goal in life. And if you don’t know what you want, you’ll never be motivated to work hard. To live a good life and deal with challenges, we need a proper plan. As a result, it is critical for everyone to have a life goal.

my aim in life essay

What is the Aim?

In a generic term purpose or goal is an aim. A person in his childhood might want to be a famous astronaut or a movie star or a police officer or something like that.  Aim means to intend, to try, or to aspire. Each aim generally starts with a declaration of setting the goal, then breaking it into smaller pieces over a set timeline. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time.

Importance of aim in life:

There is a popular saying that a man without an aim is like an aim without a rudder. It means a ship without a rudder faces danger. Thus similarly a man without aim cannot reach towards his goal of life. He stumbles in his way of life.

So every person must have a definite aim. So, the aim of life is to give your life a purpose and meaning. Certainly, it is done by finding out what truly matters to you. Your purpose is to create more joy in life or to show others how you can live your life in the best possible manner.

How to find your Aim?

If you try to accomplish things that aren’t meant for you, that doesn’t offer you a sense of belonging and don’t provide you inner peace and happiness, you’re not in the correct field. You are not pursuing your goals and passions.

Everyone is unique in their own way. One may excel in academics while the other may be skilled in photography. Some people are born to aid the needy, others with bright brains, still others to pursue art and architecture, and still others simply write their way through life and become authors.

Simply close your eyes and think about something you appreciate the most on a larger scale, and that’s all there is to it. That is your life’s passion and goal. All you have to do is get closer to the part and shoot at it. By just following your passion, you can make your goal a reality.

Primary Aim in life:

A person can set the aim of his life by applying various parameters in life. Some of these maybe –

  • To live with a specific purpose and passion every day
  • To live for others by helping them.
  • To become a great father, mother, son or daughter.
  • To become a wildly successful entrepreneur and businessman
  • To live a healthy, active and fit life
  • To live with financial freedom in life.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Types of Aim:

Different people have different aims. Some people may want to become a doctor while others may want to start their own business. Likewise if engineering appeals, to some, the army may be the attraction for others. Some aim at becoming a teacher while social service or politics suits others. So different people adopt different aims according to their inclination or taste or perception about life.

How to Choose the right Aim of life?

It is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to persuade their wards to select a profession according to their aptitude. Thus one can say that the right aim means right life and the wrong aim means wrong life. So, we should be very cautious while deciding on our aim.

Certainly, this is the most difficult problem that a young man faces is the selection of a profession.  If a person does not choose his aim rightly, he will be always misfitted in his life. Thus, the best aim would be for one in which one feels happy always and he can do something worthwhile. Also at the same time, he assures about bright prospects in life.

Everyone should set a goal that is personal to them and will always inspire them to reach new heights. Therefore, don’t follow the mob and mimic the ambitions of friends.

How to Achieve the Aim in Life?

We should never make wealth or power the end of our existence, whether we succeed or fail in accomplishing our aim. We must never chase the celebrity bubble. Our goal should be to achieve our set aim solely for our own good, for our own enjoyment and satisfaction.

Some non-avoidable points which must be remembered are-

  • Be Proactive
  • No More Negativity
  • Always be balanced
  • Fully Focused
  • Break it down
  • Embrace failure
  • Tell everyone
  • Get help and guidance
  • Track your progress
  • Visualize the end result
  • Reset the action plan based on feedback

We should also jot down and make a list of all our aims to be achieved. This activity will help you in a lot many ways. A few of them are:

  • It may help you live longer and be healthier.
  • If others ask, you will be an inspiration to them.
  • It will be a guide to the best version of yourself.
  • Your aim preferences will be prioritised based on your requirements.
  • It will serve as a progress tracker as you work your way up the achievement ladder.


Thus it is a fact that setting an aim and acting to achieve it is very important for a successful life. Everyone must start working towards it. The timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step by step milestones.

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My Values in Life Personal Essay

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My values in life.

Personal values are qualities that one considers to be worthwhile and, as such, act as the driving force in their life. They take precedence over other qualities and therefore dictate the manner in which an individual may behave in particular instances. When it comes to my values in life, I have a few that I hold dear.

These values are a result of my upbringing, development, my principles, as well as my socialization and the culture around me. In this “my values in life” essay, I shall identify the core beliefs that I hold and how they influence my everyday choices, actions, and plans that I make.

One of the educational values that are fundamental to me is achievement. This is a result of my belief that what defines me most as a person is my determination to succeed and my desire to make a positive contribution to society through my career. Achievement is, therefore, one of the values that are most important to me since, in today’s world, achievement and success are mostly tied together with educational success. As a result of this, I hold my educational exploits in high esteem since education is one of the avenues where one’s determination leads to quantifiable success.

I greatly value close relationships with my friends and constantly seek to cement the same. This is because good friends can assist one in achieving his/her goals in life and can sometimes even be closer than family. For this reason, I invest a lot of time and effort in my close friends. I make it a priority to be a part of the significant moments in my friends’ lives, such as their birthdays, wedding days, and even baby christening ceremonies. In addition to this, I always ensure that I inquire as to their well beings periodically.

Growth and personal development for me is a very fundamental value, and its importance in my life cannot be understated. It is my belief that my life is not worth much if I do not strive to constantly improve on my achievements as well as in becoming a better person. This value of personal growth and development greatly impacts my daily living, especially when establishing new relations. It is generally my rule that if a new relationship does not add any value to my life, then I should not waste my time exploring it.

One of the constant realities in human life is that we will always be surrounded by needy people. As such, on a social level, I always strive to give my services to the less fortunate. In my opinion, a life well lived is one that is lived in such a way that it makes a difference to someone else’s life. This is the philosophy with which I have led my life up to this point, and at all times, I try to make a difference in the lives of the people that surround me. Helping other people is, therefore, a value that I value not only in myself but also in other people.

While modern-day living has somewhat led to a degradation of the value of family from what it used to be in gone years, I still hold the value of family to be very important in my life. To me, one’s family members are the ones who will stand by you no matter the situation and encourage you through life’s troubles.

While I reckon that family may not always be supportive or as ideal as I envision it, in my experience, my family is closely knit and always stands up for me. I, therefore, always have my family in mind when making my decisions and consider how my actions will affect them. In addition, I try to seek guidance from members of the family who are more experienced than I am before making monumental decisions in my life.

It has been argued that honest men and women are a dying breed. This statement holds true in our capitalistic society, where profits and personal gains are the primary objectives. The means by which one achieves success is often overlooked, and as such, the ends justify the means.

Even in the midst of such an environment, I still hold honesty as one of my core values. This is mostly a result of my upbringing, whereby honesty was applauded and dishonesty shunned. Also, I have come to realize that when one achieves success through honesty, the level of satisfaction that comes with it is truly unrivaled by any other feeling.

Owing to my upbringing, I have a huge regard for religion. As such, one of my spiritual values is engaging myself in some religious organizations. While it is true that most of my religious values are a result of my upbringing, I have, over time, come to embrace them as my own and therefore make it my personal duty to be actively involved in my religious organization.

To me, this brings about a sense of balance and helps me be more reflective and appreciative in my life. My religious values impact my decision-making since I try not to make choices that are contrary to my religious beliefs.

In this paper, I have identified some of the values that I hold dear to me. I have also identified how these values impact the choices that I make as well as the actions that I take. From this deep exploration of my values, I have come to the realization that my values greatly dictate how I treat the people around me as well as how I prioritize matters. I believe that as a result of my values, I strive harder to achieve the things that I want in life, and as such, I am a better person as a result of them.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 15). My Values in Life.

"My Values in Life." IvyPanda , 15 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'My Values in Life'. 15 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "My Values in Life." July 15, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "My Values in Life." July 15, 2018.


IvyPanda . "My Values in Life." July 15, 2018.

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My Aim in Life Essay For Students: 100, 200 & 500 Words Essay

Writing an essay is equal to exploring your inner self. Teachers have a very straightforward justification for requesting you to write an essay. Writing an essay makes it simple for you to communicate yourself more rationally.

The lecturers are attempting to assist you in developing your writing abilities, vocabulary, and distinctive writing style by giving you essay assignments. Essays are a required component of many academic and scholastic tests, including the UPSC and SAT. It is also an essential evaluation component of English proficiency exams, such as the TOEFL, Duolingo, and IELTS.

Table of Content

Essay on My Aim in Life in 100 words

Essay on my aim in life in 200 words, essay on my aim in life in 500 words, what is the aim, importance of aim in life, how to find your aim, types of aim, how to choose the right aim of life, how to achieve the aim in life.

My aim in life is to become a doctor. I want to serve humanity by providing medical care to those in need. Healing the sick and alleviating their suffering is my passion. I aspire to make a positive impact on society and contribute to the well-being of others. Becoming a doctor requires dedication, hard work, and compassion, qualities that I am committed to cultivating. I believe that pursuing this noble profession will not only fulfill my personal aspirations but also allow me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

My aim in life is to become a successful entrepreneur. I envision myself creating innovative solutions to address societal challenges and make a positive impact on the world. As an entrepreneur, I aspire to build a business that not only generates profits but also contributes to the greater good. I am passionate about entrepreneurship because it allows me to exercise creativity, take risks, and pursue my vision for a better future. I am committed to acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the business world, including leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. By pursuing my aim of becoming an entrepreneur, I hope to leave a lasting legacy and inspire others to pursue their dreams.

My aim in life is to become a teacher. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. As a teacher, I aspire to inspire and motivate students to excel academically and personally. I want to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment where students feel valued and encouraged to explore their interests and passions. By instilling a love for learning and fostering critical thinking skills, I hope to prepare students for success in life and contribute to building a brighter future for society. Becoming a teacher requires patience, empathy, and dedication, qualities that I am committed to cultivating. I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of others and believe that education is the most powerful tool for driving social change. Through my work as a teacher, I aim to empower future generations to become compassionate, responsible, and engaged members of society.

An aim in life is like a guiding star that directs our efforts and shapes our journey towards success and fulfillment. It is the beacon that illuminates our path, providing clarity and purpose to our endeavors.

Having a clear aim in life is crucial for personal development and growth. It gives us a sense of direction, motivating us to strive harder and overcome obstacles. An aim provides focus, helps in prioritizing tasks, and ensures that our efforts are aligned with our aspirations. Without a defined aim, we may wander aimlessly, lacking purpose and satisfaction in life.

Discovering one’s aim in life is a process of self-reflection and exploration. It involves identifying our passions, interests, and values, as well as understanding our strengths and weaknesses. Engaging in activities that resonate with us and seeking guidance from mentors can also help in clarifying our aim.

Primary Aim in life

Our primary aim in life is the overarching goal that defines our purpose and drives our actions. It encompasses our long-term aspirations and reflects what we ultimately strive to achieve. Whether it’s pursuing a career, making a difference in society, or achieving personal fulfillment, our primary aim serves as the cornerstone of our life’s journey.

Aims can vary greatly from person to person, depending on individual values, aspirations, and circumstances. They can be categorized into various types such as career goals, educational aspirations, personal development objectives, and societal contributions. Each type of aim contributes to different aspects of our lives, shaping our overall growth and fulfillment.

Choosing the right aim in life requires careful consideration and introspection. It involves aligning our aspirations with our talents, passions, and values, ensuring that our aim is both meaningful and achievable. Assessing our strengths and weaknesses, seeking advice from mentors, and exploring different options can help in making an informed decision about our life’s aim.

Achieving our aim in life requires dedication, perseverance, and resilience. It involves setting clear goals, formulating action plans, and consistently working towards them. Staying focused, overcoming setbacks, and adapting to challenges are essential in the pursuit of our aim. Seeking support from mentors, acquiring relevant skills, and remaining adaptable to change can also facilitate our journey towards achieving our aim.

In conclusion, having a clear aim in life is essential for personal fulfillment, growth, and success. It provides direction, purpose, and motivation, guiding us through life’s journey and helping us realize our full potential. By identifying our aim, setting goals, and striving towards them with determination, we can chart a path towards a meaningful and fulfilling life. Let us embrace the power of aim-setting and embark on a journey towards realizing our dreams and aspirations.

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My Aim In Life Essay- FAQs

What is the best answer for aim in life.

The best answer for aim in life varies for each individual but generally involves a combination of personal passion, societal contribution, and self-fulfillment. It should reflect one’s aspirations, values, and long-term goals, guiding their actions and decisions towards a purposeful and meaningful life.

How do I write an essay about my aim in life?

To write an essay about your aim in life, start by reflecting on your passions, interests, and long-term goals. Define your aim clearly and concisely, explaining why it is important to you and how you plan to achieve it. Organize your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs discussing your aim and its significance, and a conclusion summarizing your main points.

What is the biggest aim in life?

The biggest aim in life is subjective and varies from person to person. It could be achieving personal fulfillment, making a positive impact on society, or leaving a lasting legacy. Ultimately, the biggest aim in life is one that brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment, guiding individuals towards their highest aspirations and deepest desires.

Why is aim important in life?

Aim is important in life because it provides direction, motivation, and purpose. It gives individuals a sense of clarity about their goals and aspirations, guiding their actions and decisions towards achieving them. Aim also helps in prioritizing tasks, staying focused, and overcoming obstacles, leading to personal growth and fulfillment. Without a clear aim, individuals may feel lost or directionless, lacking motivation and meaning in their lives.

What is full form of AIM?

The full form of AIM varies depending on the context. In the context of messaging and communication technology, AIM stands for AOL Instant Messenger, a popular instant messaging service. However, in the broader sense, AIM can stand for “Ambition, Inspiration, Motivation,” reflecting key elements of goal-setting and personal development.

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How to Set and Achieve Life Goals The Right Way

Fulfilling life goals

So, can we take this premise and apply it to the biggest, most meaningful objectives we could possibly set for ourselves—our life goals?

And what would that really mean, in terms of planning and getting on with it?

Locke’s seminal research has given us a good deal to go on when it comes to effective goal-setting. But understanding goal-setting theory is only one step toward crafting personal life goals. In this article, we’ll take a closer peek at some ideas and resources that will help you set out on the right path, and stick at it for success.

Whether you’ve got no clue what you want, or you have a mile-long bucket list, hopefully, there will be something in here to get you motivated.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients create actionable goals and master techniques to create lasting behavior change.

This Article Contains:

What are life goals, why should we set goals in life, 5 examples of setting life goals, life goal ideas: a list of goals to achieve in life, the process and steps of setting life goals, how to find and determine personal goals in life, healthy goal setting objectives and guidelines, planning life goals and how to prioritize them (incl. planner), 5 worksheets for creating and setting life goals (incl. pdf), how to track and evaluate the status of your life goals: the role of accountability, 11 strategies and techniques for achieving success, a look at life without goals, 3 life goal apps, 6 books on the topic, 17 inspiring quotes, a take-home message.

Life goals are what we want to achieve, and they’re much more meaningful than just ‘ what we need to accomplish to survive ’. Unlike daily routines or short-term objectives, they drive our behaviors over the long run. There’s no single psychological definition for them, and they aren’t strictly a clinical construct, but they help us determine what we want to experience in terms of our values .

And because they are personal ambitions, they can take many different forms. But they give us a sense of direction and make us accountable as we strive for happiness and wellbeing—for our best possible lives.

Lots of us have dreams. We know what makes us happy, what we’d love to try out, and we may have a vague idea of how we’d go about it. But setting clear goals can be beneficial in several ways, above and beyond wishful thinking: here are a few.

1. Setting Goals Can Clarify Our Behaviors

First and foremost, Locke’s Theory of Goal-Setting puts intentions squarely at the center of our behavior (Locke, 1968). The act of setting goals and the thought we put into crafting them directs our attention to the why, how, and what of our aspirations. As such, they give us something to focus on and impact positively on our motivation.

Of course, there are limitations to the generalizability of this finding—simply setting goals won’t drive the actions that lead us to success.

We’ll look at this shortly, but for now, suffice to say that they give us something to commit to. It may not be easy to switch careers, but acknowledge that it’s your goal and you’ll at least be able to choose some appropriate actions (Ajzen, 1991).

2. Goals Allow for Feedback

If and when we know where we want to be, we can assess where we are now, and essentially, we can chart our progress. This feedback helps us adjust our behavior accordingly (and when it’s rewarding feedback, our brains release dopamine, e.g. Treadway et al., 2012). By allowing for feedback, goals let us align or re-align our behaviors, keeping us on track with our eyes on the prize.

3. Goal-setting Can Promote Happiness

When our goals are based on our values, they are meaningful. Meaning, purpose, and striving for something ‘bigger’ is a key element of happiness theory in positive psychology, and the ‘M’ in Seligman’s PERMA model (Seligman, 2004).

Along with positive emotion, relationships, engagement, and accomplishment (which goals allow for), it makes up what we’ve come to known as ‘The Good Life’.

In other words, life goals represent something besides the daily grind. They allow us to pursue authentic aims of our own choosing and enjoy a feeling of achievement when we get there. That said, even striving to be the very best we can sometimes lead to happiness in itself, according to eudaimonic wellbeing research (Ryan & Huta, 2009; Huta, 2016).

4. They Encourage Us to Use Our Strengths

When we consider what matters the most to us, we can get more attuned with our inner strengths as well as our passions. Charting a course for ourselves is one thing, but using our strengths to get there comes with a whole set of other benefits.

Studies show that knowing and leveraging our strengths can increase our confidence (Crabtree 2002), boost our engagement (Sorensen, 2014), and even promote feelings of good health and life satisfaction (Proyer et al., 2013).

Using them in pursuit of our goals, therefore—even discovering what they are—can be a good thing for our wellbeing.

what is the goal in life essay

As you may have seen elsewhere in our goal-setting articles, positive psychologists tend to draw on (at least) four main findings from his original work and the literature that followed (Locke & Latham, 2002; 2006).

We can then take a ‘nice idea’ and create some examples of setting goals from it. Let’s assume, therefore, that Jamie wants to set goals based on her passion – teaching.

  • The more difficult Jamie’s goal, the greater the accomplishment. Challenge, in other words, is important. Jamie could approach her goal-setting with an easy task like “ Helping my brother with his homework “, but she will derive a greater sense of achievement if she sets the bar a bit higher. An example here would be, “ Become a certified teacher ”. At the other extreme, she might try to avoid overly excessive and potentially unattainable goals, like “ Starting my own boarding school by the end of the year .”
  • The more explicit Jamie’s goal, the better she will be able to regulate her performance. Here, she could specify exactly what she wants to achieve in greater detail: “ Become a certified K1 teacher for asylum seekers in Svenborgia ”. With more precise details, Jamie can get more explicit feedback on her progress and align her performance accordingly—helping her on the path to achievement.
  • High goal commitment comes from setting important, attainable goals. At this point, Jamie has addressed challenge and clarity (or difficulty and specificity) (vanSonnenberg, 2011). She will need to reflect on whether it really matters to her and whether it’s realistic. This is more of a principle and less of a ‘step’. Does she understand what it involves and does it align with her values?
  • Jamie needs to ensure she can get feedback to stay motivated. In other words, she needs to be able to look at where she is along the way and compare that to her goal. Has she enrolled in the relevant academic pathway? Has she signed up for professional experience? Or has she achieved those and now she’s getting her Svenborgia work visa? Even better, she could see if someone might mentor her, allowing her more regular feedback on her progress.
  • Jamie’s goal should not be overly complex. As life goes on, our goals may change. Jamie might realize at teacher’s college that she wants to redefine the goal. Maybe she now wants to teach in another country and decides to learn another language. Although there’s no harm in reassessing her goals, the main takeaway is that she should not increase the difficulty of her task(s) beyond what is achievable or realistic—or she may become overwhelmed.

what is the goal in life essay

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Inherently, life goals need to be meaningful, and meaning is subjective. In that respect, it’s probably more useful to think about categories or types of life goals before reeling off potential bucket list objectives.

According to Kasser and Ryan (2001), therefore, there are two types of life goals, and these relate to our wellbeing in different ways:

  • Intrinsic goals relate to emotional intimacy, personal growth, and helping others. They are believed to be aligned with our needs as humans, reflecting our inherent desire for self-knowledge and more fulfilling relationships (Maslow, 1943).
  • Extrinsic goals  are more culturally defined and less about our nature as human beings, encompassing things like our physical appearance, social standing, status symbols, and wealth.

Research suggests that intrinsic life goals are related to greater happiness, self-actualization, vitality, and satisfaction with life, compared with extrinsic life goals (Ryan et al., 1999; Niemiec et al., 2009).

But at the end of the day, evidence also shows that the content of our goals may be less important to our wellbeing than our reasons for pursuing them. Having the ‘right’ reason for goal pursuit—irrespective of the aspiration itself, that is—has been found to contribute to our wellbeing, and the opposite applies (Carver & Baird, 1998).

Intrinsic Life Goals

These satisfy the needs that stem from being human—including our psychological and self-fulfillment needs, as shown below in Maslow’s Hierarchy (1943).

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Life goals based on the former might include:

  • Having a loving marriage or a trusting relationship with your significant other;
  • Finding and keeping a healthy work-life balance, with time for friends and family;
  • Living with integrity, being honest and open with others;
  • Inspiring others through your beliefs and actions;
  • Being a great listener so that others can turn to you; or
  • Becoming an expert in your field and helping others.

Self-fulfillment needs-based goals could entail:

  • Coming up with a new invention that reflects your creative abilities;
  • Being a successful entrepreneur and running your own business;
  • Creating your own personal brand for your work;
  • Graduating with a Master’s or Ph.D. in something;
  • Learning a new language; or
  • Picking up a ‘hard skill’ and mastering it.

Extrinsic Life Goals

Extrinsic goals aren’t necessarily material, but because they are generally ‘wants’ rather than human needs, they are easier to come up with. They require less self-reflection, for example:

  • Owning the very latest Tesla;
  • Becoming a millionaire;
  • Getting a big promotion or being in a senior position at work;
  • Starring in a movie;
  • Having your own workshop/studio or
  • Visiting every country in Europe.

At the end of this article, I’ve also included some recommended books on setting life goals. Miller and Frisch’s Creating Your Best Life , for one, has many more examples that you’ll hopefully find useful.

You can (and easily will) find countless models for goal setting in the self-help literature. But what does positive psychology say about the process and steps of goal-setting? The following framework is taken from the well-known psychological capital intervention (PCI), and it uses three steps: goal design, pathway generation, and overcoming obstacles (Luthans et al., 2006).

1. Goal Design

The first step is to design our goals. When crafting goals, we need to remember the key premise of goal-setting theory—that they are intentions which guide our behavior. They are “targets for mental action sequences” (Synder, 2002: 250).

Ideally, by design:

  • Goals should be concrete endpoints. That is, we should be able to measure our success because they are clear and detailed;
  • They should be approach-based. This means we should easily be able to focus on moving positively towards their accomplishment, rather than on away from negative outcomes. (“Working toward” rather than “avoiding” something) (Coats et al., 1996); and
  • We should be able to break them down into sub-goals if necessary so that we can celebrate little successes along the way (Snyder et al., 1991).

2. Pathway Generation

We now have personally meaningful life goals designed and we can start thinking about different potential pathways for achieving them. Luthans and colleagues’ PsyCap Intervention invited participants to brainstorm multiple pathways without worrying at first about their feasibility. ‘As many possibilities as they could think of’, essentially, and not unlike ‘there are no bad ideas in brainstorming’.

Participants then invited others to weigh in and add to their potential pathways. In the same way, you might ask friends, family, or someone in a mentor-like position to help you come up with ideas on how to pursue your goals. What possible pathways might Jamie take to become a certified K1 teacher for asylum seekers in Svenborgia, for example?

The last part of pathway generation considers inventory pathways: what resources will you need to pursue pathway A, B, or C? Essentially, we refine our potential pathways—we think carefully about what we can realistically expect, and this leaves us with fewer, more viable options (Luthans et al., 2006).

3. Overcoming Obstacles

We have inherent beliefs about our ability to use pathways for goal success—our agency—and these are accordingly termed ‘agency thought’ (Snyder, 2002). This kind of thinking plays a particularly important role when we come up against obstacles, especially unexpected ones, as they can determine whether we pick ourselves up or just disengage.

When setting life goals, therefore, it helps to consider the possible barriers that might arise. Independently, we can self-reflect, thinking about our potential pathways as well as our strategies we might use to deal with them (Luthans et al., 2006). We might do this alone or with others, like in the pathway generation stage, and our focus here is to ready ourselves for contingencies.

Put differently, “ What might prevent me from achieving my goal? ” and “ How could I work through or around this? ”

what is the goal in life essay

We’ve put it further into context using Maslow ’s Needs Hierarchy, and we’ve laid out a 3-step positive psychology framework for the process of life goal-setting, so now it’s about self-reflection.

You will definitely be able to find inspiration all over the place for different possible goals, but because meaning is intrinsic, your answers will be unique.

With the aim of discovering your own values and inspiration, have a look at these self-reflection exercises and see what the right questions might be for you personally.

No matter what you’ve set as your life goals, adopt some best practice guidelines to make the whole journey a positive experience. Based on what we have looked at so far, we can draw a few objectives to keep in mind.

  • Be realistic. Try to keep things in perspective both when designing your goals and as you work toward them. Research indicates that the best goals are challenging, yet achievable (Locke & Latham, 2002).
  • A healthy goal is a positive ‘approach’ goal . Rather than setting negative, avoidance goals that have us working away from certain harmful, averse, or unpleasant outcomes, set yourself positive targets. Depending on whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic, therefore, they might be desirable, enjoyable, or ‘good’ in a deeper sense (Coats et al., 1996).
  • Be ready to fail along the way…but don’t let it stop you . Resilience is the capacity to persevere in spite of setbacks, and obstacles are inevitable in some form or another. So as well as accepting this inevitability first up, resilience is a useful skill to develop throughout your journey. How do you plan to overcome obstacles? Can you brainstorm some alternative pathways?
  • Involve others . As we’ve discussed earlier, family and friends can be invaluable. Not only do they help us generate ideas, but they are social resources that we can reach out to for support along the way.
  • Break them down where possible . Celebrating our wins along the way is the same as celebrating our progress towards a larger life goal. Whether that celebration takes place on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis will depend on your unique aims and the pathway you choose to follow. Nonetheless, research shows that they are critical for momentum and motivation (Amabile & Kramer, 2011).

what is the goal in life essay

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So, do you have a million things you want to accomplish? Or even just a couple of goals, but lots of milestones along the way? We don’t really need statistics to understand why writing them down adds some organization to the whole thing, but active planning can also boost our motivation.

Personal Strategic Planning

According to Brian Tracy, author of Goals! , getting from A to B is about personal strategic planning. Quite simply, his suggested approach takes organizational management principles and applies them in the personal realm.

Rather than aiming to maximize return on investment (ROI) as we would in corporate settings, we aim instead to boost our efficiency by reducing the physical, mental, and emotional energy we might waste on the journey. He calls it ‘return on energy’ (ROE).

The idea is to think in terms of human capital. If you like, we can think back to the generating pathways step we described earlier in Luthans et al.’s 3-pronged framework. When refining our pathways, we can think beyond just what’s feasible to reflect on what might also maximize our return on energy (ROE).

Unless walking to every EU country is a life goal in itself for you, might it not be more efficient to fly or take a train? Or, could you take a few extra days on your next business trip? Two very logistics-based examples, but hopefully they illustrate the premise of personal strategic planning.

Prioritizing Life Goals

Prioritization is about identifying the most personally important life goals you’ve designed and written down. The following might help (Collingwood, 2018):

  • After you’ve formalized them by writing them down, rank them on a scale of 1-5 or 1-10, or whatever works for you. As long as you systematically apply the same ranking system to all of them, the most important ones should stand out.
  • An alternative would be to categorize them first into whatever domains work best for them, then rank within each category. What’s your most important health goal? Career goal? The PDF goal-setting worksheets below are full of categories you might find useful, but you are unique, and there’s no one best way to go about it.
  • Is it feasible or realistic to focus on the top five goals? Or is three a more viable figure? Highlight, circle, or pick out the ones that are most worthy of your energy—what would make you happiest? What’s most meaningful to you personally, in terms of your values? (Interestingly, billionaire Warren Buffet would have you stick to the top five and avoid the rest.)
  • Get planning. What are the sub-goals you’ve identified? What resources will you need for each stage, and when will you need them? ‘Reverse engineering’ goals and working backward from the finish line is helpful for some people (Collingwood, 2018).
  • Find a good, but not necessarily the best time to start, as the latter might never come around. Then, use a planner to work it all out. When you’re scheduling, don’t forget celebrations as well as milestones.

Some useful planners include:

  • LifeTick – a free or paid online planning calendar;
  • GoalScape – which allows you to share your goals and create projects;
  • This free PDF , which is more of a planning tool than a calendar; or
  • Any of the free Full PDFs here from Passion Planner.

what is the goal in life essay

These life goals worksheets will hopefully be useful to you as a means of getting started.

1. Workbook for Goal-setting and Evidence-based Strategies for Success

Put together by Caroline Miller, The Ultimate Life List Guide author, this is an entire workbook about setting goals and staying on track. It is based on six concepts that come together as a strategy for designing goals and creating optimal conditions for success:

  • Finding what enables you to create a happy life;
  • Envisioning your best potential self, an intention which will motivate your actions;
  • Designing short- and longer-term life goals;
  • Cultivating an environment that facilitates your success;
  • Developing willpower and habits that support this; and
  • Encouraging a mindset conducive to long-term change.

3 particularly useful worksheets in here include:

  • The Mission and Purpose Worksheet – this guides you through creating your own personal purpose statement (p. 36);
  • The Evaluating Goals Worksheet – over several pages, you can assess how or whether your life goals meet certain criteria for success (p. 40); and
  • The Ifs, Ands, and Buts Worksheet – which focuses on overcoming obstacles (p. 67).

2. Goal Exploration Worksheet

Breaking down life goals into different areas can be helpful, and this Goal Exploration exercise provides you with 7 different categories that might stimulate your thinking. With useful prompts, a few tips, and some examples, the layout of this sheet includes spaces for 5-year, 1-year, and 1-month goals.

  • Social goals;
  • Career goals;
  • Physical goals;
  • Family goals;
  • Leisure goals;
  • Personality goals; and

3. Goal Setting Workbook

Starting on Page 7 of this Citrus College workbook , you’ll find useful information about long- and short-term goal-setting. There are brainstorming exercise and categories for your inspiration, such as:

  • I want to be…
  • I want to learn…
  • I want to give…

This is followed as you progress by questions about your goals:

  • “Are they achievable?”
  • “Does the goal come with an alternative?”
  • “Do I want to do what’s necessary to accomplish it?” and
  • “Is the goal compatible with my values?”

We write down our goals to formalize them in one respect, and in another, to give us a sense of personal accountability for their outcomes (Schlenker & Weigold, 1989). If we share those goals with others, we create even more accountability, as we’re ‘answerable’ to more than one person (Schlenker et al., 1994).

The first kind of accountability is internal, and psychologists suggest it motivate us to keep going if these goals are aligned with our personal values (Rutledge, 1998). This is all well and good, but how do we track and evaluate our progress?

Tracking Your Life Goals

First, as discussed, we can identify our goals and create clarity around them. Prioritizing them allows us to channel our focus on the top important goals, and one or more of the planners above will hopefully be useful for this.

We can then break down our larger, key goals into smaller sub-goals or objectives. These might be step-wise milestones, or we might have several alternative pathways running concurrently, but breaking down these goals allows us to plan better.

If you want to set deadlines or time frames for accomplishing each small sub-goal, feel free—this adds another layer of personal accountability and is commonly used in project management contexts.

Set realistic, sufficiently challenging time frames, and you’ll also benefit from a healthy amount of pressure— eustress , in other words (Brulé & Morgan, 2018; Mills et al., 2018).

When you have time-bound goals, therefore, you can better evaluate your progress. And from here, we can adapt or adjust our generated pathways accordingly to maximize our chances at success (Snyder, 2002).

Why the secret to success is setting the right goals – John Doerr

If it’s all a lot of information to take in at once—or if you’ve skipped ahead—here’s a neat recap. These goal-setting strategies and techniques draw from the literature we’ve mentioned already, starting with Locke and Latham’s work and moving on to what we know about motivation.

Let’s cover the techniques within the three-pronged strategy we discussed earlier for maximum relevance.

Goal Design

Based on what we know, the following techniques help us craft well-designed goals.

  • Set intrinsic life goals as well as extrinsic ones . This requires self-reflection on your personal values, as well as your psychological and self-fulfillment needs as a human being (Maslow, 1943). Aligning your goals with what you really consider important will make them more meaningful (Kasser and Ryan, 2001), and meaning is considered a key part of happiness in positive psychology (Seligman, 2004).
  • Set approach, rather than avoidance goals . Aim for positive outcomes rather than focusing your psychological, emotional, and physical energy on avoiding negative ones (Locke, 1968; Tracy, 2003; Locke & Latham 2006).
  • Make them clear and actionable . Ideally, you should be easily able to break these down into sub-goals after some thought on potential pathways. If you can create concrete steps that lead toward a positive vision of the future, it will be easier to start thinking about resources you might need (Luthans et al., 2006).
  • Make them challenging, but keep them realistic . When it comes to outcomes, excessively easy goals won’t motivate you enough and could be boring. Overly challenging aspirations, on the other hand, can lead to stress and overwhelm you (Locke, 1968; Luthans et al., 2006). Similarly, don’t rush yourself in terms of getting started if it’s not necessary, but don’t wait until the time is perfect, either.

Generating Pathways

These include some brainstorming techniques and ideas about creating the ideal conditions that support your goal pursuit (Miller & Frisch, 2009).

  • Brainstorm as many alternative pathways as you can . Think about all the potential ways you might go about achieving your goal and don’t be too quick to discount them. Give your creative brain a workout and record them as you go. This will keep you from forgetting them later down the line.
  • Identify the resources you’ll need . What is absolutely necessary for each step along the way? Then, what will make things easier for you? Consider people who might support you as well as more tangible resources (Emmons, 2003).
  • Plan out your progress if it helps . Think motivation and accountability, this time applying the eustress principle to the goal pursuit process rather than its outcomes (Frink & Ferris, 1998). Use a planner, an app, or whatever else you find most valuable, and don’t be afraid to adapt your pathway if it’s necessary.

Overcoming Obstacles

Here, some planning techniques and useful resources from elsewhere on this site, to help you stay on track.

  • Plan for potential obstacles . Part of being realistic means planning for contingencies (Luthans et al., 2006). What might stop you from pursuing one pathway and force you onto another? How can you avoid or overcome obstacles through proactive strategizing?
  • Use positive self-talk . Our self-talk is very powerful. Preparing proactively for worst-case scenarios helps counter pessimistic self-talk, but your perceived self-efficacy is also critical to goal accomplishment (Schunk, 1990). Hope is very important and positive self-talk plays a key role in overcoming obstacles (Snyder, 2002).
  • Develop resilience . Setbacks can take their toll emotionally and lead to disengagement (again, if we let them). It’s possible to develop your capacity to deal with setbacks through resilience training and exercises, so why not try some of these approaches?
  • Evaluate your progress . Remember that your priorities might change along the way, so evaluation is not necessarily about success or failure. If you like, tweak your goals—make them more or less challenging, or change their nature as you see fit.

Empathy and sadness

But while there are real benefits to goal-setting, is the absence of goals really so terrible?

Essentially, this dives into a more complex philosophical debate. To put it succinctly, though, we can think of happiness as both subjective wellbeing ( SWB ) and eudaimonic wellbeing ( EWB )—or hedonic vs eudaimonic happiness .

The first is related to feelings of life satisfaction and the predominance of positive over negative affect, the second premises that life is about the pursuit of virtue and fulfillment of one’s own potential (Ryan & Deci, 2001; Diener et al., 2002).

What do you think?

Some apps will help you store your short-term goals in one place, and can be pretty handy if you’ve got objectives you’d like to stay on top of daily.

Goalify is an Android and iOs app that lets you log and review your objectives regularly. As well as sending you updates and reminders, you can compare your accomplishments against friends with identical goals. With this app, you can categorize, tweak, and get tips on how to better accomplish them. And let’s face it, gamification has its merits.

2. Habit Tracker

This nifty app lets you do more than just list your goals—it’s pretty effective at keeping you accountable and is simple to use. You can log your targets and view your stats, ask questions of the community, and sync it with other gizmos. The free version is enough if you simply want to start creating a habit, but paid users can also get advice from pro coaches.

It’s only available for iOs devices, but Strides is quite popular nonetheless. This lets you stay on top of your progress for short-term or daily goals, with a calendar function and some more sophisticated stats. If you want to see your progress as averages or celebrate the small wins with time-bound targets, they are all easily accessible from one straightforward dashboard.

Here are some of the titles we have already mentioned, as well as a few more books that you might find insightful. Some are more ‘how to’-focused, and others cover the psychology of goal-setting theory.

  • Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide by Caroline Adams Miller and Dr. Michael Frisch ( Amazon )
  • Think Small: The Surprisingly Simple Ways to Reach Big Goals by Owain Service and Rory Gallagher ( Amazon )
  • Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want – Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy ( Amazon )
  • A Theory of Goal Setting & Task Performance by Edwin Locke, Gary Latham, Ken Smith, and Robert Wood ( Amazon )
  • New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham ( Amazon )
  • Goal Setting: A Motivational Technique That Works! by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham ( Amazon )

what is the goal in life essay

17 Tools To Increase Motivation and Goal Achievement

These 17 Motivation & Goal Achievement Exercises [PDF] contain all you need to help others set meaningful goals, increase self-drive, and experience greater accomplishment and life satisfaction.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

Albert Einstein

By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own.

Mark Victor Hansen

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Robert Schuller

The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Michelle Obama

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

William Jennings Bryan

You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.

C. S. Lewis

If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.
You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.

Edmund Hillary

A goal is a dream with its work boots on.

Rachel Hollis

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.

Wayne Gretsky

Goals transform a random walk into a chase.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The important thing isn’t where you’ve been, or where you are, but where you want to go.

Dean Bokhari

Goals are the road maps that guide you to your destination.

Roy Bennett

An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.

Robert Louis Stevenson

When you know what you want and you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.
The question I ask myself like almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?’

Mark Zuckerberg

It doesn’t matter where you came from. All that matters is where you are going.

Brian Tracy

We all have dreams, but some merit more of our energy than others. When we reflect on the second type of aspiration along with our personal values, we’re already on the way to setting life goals. In this article, we have considered goal-setting theory and some actionable strategies that use positive psychology concepts to frame the whole concept.

We’ve also looked at how human nature leads to intrinsic goals, and how the whole idea fits into wellbeing. Have you discovered any ideas that you find useful? Or how do you motivate yourself to keep on track?

More importantly, why not share some of your life goals with us in the comments? Let’s get those ideas flowing!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free .

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  • Amabile, T. & Kramer, S. J. The Power of Small Wins. Retrieved from
  • Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The benefits of being present: mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84 (4), 822.
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  • Carver, C.S., & Baird, E. (1998). The American dream revisited: Is it what you want or why you want it that matters? Psychological Science, 9 , 289–292.
  • Coats, E. J., Janoff-Bulman, R., & Alpert, N. (1996). Approach Versus Avoidance Goals: Differences in Self-Evaluation and Well-Being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22 (10), 1057-1067.
  • Collingwood, J. (2018). Top Tips for Setting Goals and Priorities. Psych Central. Retrieved from
  • Crabtree, S. (2002). Talent 101: Self-discovery helps students adjust. Gallup Management Journal, 2.
  • Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., & Oishi, S. (2002). Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and life satisfaction . In C. R. Snyder & S. J.
  • Lopez (Eds.), The Handbook of Positive Psychology (pp.63- 73). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Emmons, R. A. (2003). Personal goals, life meaning, and virtue: Wellsprings of a positive life. Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived, 105-128 .
  • Frink, D. D., & Ferris, G. R. (1998). Accountability, impression management, and goal setting in the performance evaluation process. Human Relations, 51 (10), 1259-1283.
  • Huta, V. (2016). An overview of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being concepts. Handbook of media use and well-being: International perspectives on theory and research on positive media effects, 14-33.
  • Locke, E. A. (1968). Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives. Organizational behavior and human performance, 3 (2), 157-189.
  • Locke, L. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation. American Psychologist, 57 (9), 705-717.
  • Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15 (5), 265-268.
  • Luthans, F., Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J., Norman, S. M., & Combs, G. M. (2006). Psychological capital development: toward a micro‐intervention. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27 (3), 387-393.
  • MacLeod, S. (2018). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved from
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50 (4), 370.
  • Miller, C. A., & Frisch, M. B. (2009). Creating your best life: The ultimate life list guide . Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
  • Mills, H., Reiss, N., & Dombeck, M. (2018). Types of Stressors (Eustress vs. Distress). Retrieved from
  • Niemiec, C.P., Ryan, R.M., & Deci, E.L. (2009). The path taken: Consequences of attaining intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations in post-college life. Journal of Research in Personality, 43 , 291–306.
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  • Rutledge, T. (1998). Earning your own respect: A handbook of personal responsibility . New Harbinger Publications.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2001). On happiness and human potentials: A review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Annual review of psychology, 52 (1), 141-166.
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  • Schunk, D. H. (1990). Goal setting and self-efficacy during self-regulated learning. Educational Psychologist, 25 (1), 71-86.
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  • Vansonnenberg, E. (2011). Ready, Set, Goals! Retrieved from

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It’s was enriching I’ll sure get started with pointing out my goals, thanks so much for this article.

Nivel Monteiro

This is like knowledge of gold & Silver. Thank you

Dr Alka Gupta

Great Article. You may not believe but without reading this article out of my experiences of life, I was giving exactly the same opinion of goal of life !!!!


This was super insightful and very helpful. Thank you so much.

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Essay Examples on Personal Goals

What makes a good personal goals essay topic.

When it comes to the art of crafting a personal goals essay, the topic you choose is the key that unlocks the door to success. It sets the tone for your entire piece and can either captivate or repel your reader. To ensure you choose a compelling essay topic, consider the following recommendations:

- Reflect on your passions and interests: Delve into the depths of what truly excites and piques your curiosity. Your essay topic should be a genuine reflection of what you care about.

- Consider your personal experiences: Take a moment to reflect on the milestones, challenges, and achievements that have shaped your life. These experiences offer unique insights that can make for an enthralling essay topic.

- Ponder your future aspirations: What are your goals and ambitions? Explore topics that align with your future plans or areas you yearn to delve into further.

- Research trending topics: Stay up-to-date with current events and trends. Select a topic that reflects a relevant issue, enabling you to showcase your knowledge and awareness.

- Seek inspiration from others: Immerse yourself in personal essays, biographies, or success stories to ignite your creativity. These stories can help you identify unique angles or perspectives for your own essay.

A good personal goals essay topic should be thought-provoking, original, and reflective of your personality. It should allow you to showcase your unique experiences and insights while engaging your readers.

Unconventional Personal Goals Essay Topics

When it comes to personal goals essay topics, it's crucial to stand out from the crowd and present a perspective that is truly your own. Here is a list of 20 creative and unconventional essay topics to inspire you:

- Embracing Failure: How setbacks have paved the path to personal growth.

- Exploring Cultural Identity: Navigating the intricate web of multiple identities.

- Overcoming Self-Doubt: How I became my own cheerleader.

- The Power of Mentorship: The transformative influence of an extraordinary guide.

- Redefining Success: Forging a unique path in a world of conformity.

- The Art of Resilience: How I triumphed over life's toughest trials.

- Embracing Vulnerability: Unleashing the strength found in showing weakness.

- Unconventional Career Paths: Pursuing my passion, defying societal expectations.

- The Journey of Self-Discovery: Unveiling my passions and purpose in life.

- Breaking Barriers: Overcoming obstacles, shattering stereotypes.

- The Importance of Emotional Intelligence: Nurturing the heart and mind.

- The Role of Education in Personal Growth: Illuminating the path to enlightenment.

- Finding Balance: Juggling work, personal life, and self-care.

- The Influence of Travel: Broadening horizons, expanding perspectives.

- Advocating for Change: Fighting for a cause that ignites my soul.

- The Power of Forgiveness: How letting go transformed my life.

- Embracing Imperfections: Learning to love myself, flaws and all.

- The Impact of Personal Development Books: The literary catalysts of change.

- The Role of Creativity in Personal Growth: Unleashing my untapped potential.

- Reinventing Myself: Breaking free from limitations, embracing a new future.

Provoking Thought: Personal Goals Essay Questions

To further explore your chosen topics, here are ten thought-provoking essay questions:

1. How has failure contributed to shaping your personal growth?

2. In what ways has your cultural identity influenced your goals and aspirations?

3. How did you overcome self-doubt and develop the confidence to pursue your goals?

4. What specific qualities or experiences made your mentorship relationship impactful?

5. How have you redefined success to align with your personal values and aspirations?

6. Share a significant challenge you faced and explain how you demonstrated resilience.

7. How has embracing vulnerability helped you in personal growth and building relationships?

8. In what ways have you deviated from traditional career paths and pursued your passion?

9. How did your journey of self-discovery lead you to uncover your true passions and purpose?

10. Explain how breaking barriers and defying stereotypes shaped your personal growth.

Personal Goals Essay Prompts

To fuel your creativity and assist you in crafting your personal goals essay, here are five intriguing essay prompts:

1. Imagine yourself ten years older, reflecting on the path you took to achieve your goals. Describe that journey and the invaluable lessons you learned along the way.

2. If you possessed unlimited resources and time, what ambitious goal would you pursue, and how would it impact your life and the world around you?

3. Write a heartfelt letter to your future self, detailing the personal goals you wish to accomplish and the strategic plans you have devised to achieve them.

4. Share a significant moment of personal growth that occurred during a challenging time in your life. How did it shape your goals and aspirations?

5. Imagine you have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to engage in a conversation with someone who has achieved great success in your field of interest. What profound questions would you ask them, and how would their answers influence your personal goals?

Writing Personal Goals Essay FAQs

Q: How long should a personal goals essay be?

A: There is no set length for a personal goals essay. However, it's essential to strike a balance between being concise and providing enough detail to effectively convey your ideas. Aim for a length that allows you to express yourself thoroughly without becoming repetitive or overly verbose.

Q: Can I use personal anecdotes in my personal goals essay?

A: Yes, personal anecdotes can be a powerful tool to illustrate your experiences and growth. They add a personal touch to your essay and help the reader connect with your story on a deeper level.

Q: Should I focus on one specific goal or multiple goals in my essay?

A: It depends on the prompt and your personal preferences. You can choose to focus on a single goal, allowing you to delve deeper into its significance and your journey towards achieving it. Alternatively, you can explore multiple goals and demonstrate how they are interconnected or have influenced each other.

Q: Is it necessary to include a conclusion in my personal goals essay?

A: While a conclusion is not mandatory, it can be beneficial to summarize your main points and leave the reader with a lasting impression. A well-crafted conclusion can reinforce the significance of your goals and leave the reader inspired.

Q: Can I use humor in my personal goals essay?

A: Yes, incorporating humor can add a touch of personality to your essay and make it more engaging. However, ensure that the humor is appropriate and aligns with the overall tone and message of your essay.

Remember, your personal goals essay is an opportunity to showcase your unique experiences, aspirations, and personal growth. Be authentic, passionate, and creative in your writing to captivate your readers and leave a lasting impact.

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Goals and pathways of public governance contribution to achieve progress in the quality of life.

what is the goal in life essay

1. Introduction

2. literature review.

  • Web of Science—Clarivate (Analytic database): - The subject of the research: “Public Governance” and “Well-being”; - Period: 2010–2024; - Documents type: “Article“;
  • VOSviewer Instruments: - Recorded content for VOSviewer: Full text and cited references.
  • The analysis was based on: - keywords; - citations/countries; - citations/authors.

3. Methodology and Data

3.1. method and methodology.

  • Data mapping of Key Dimensions Using Microsoft Excel 16.88;

4. Results and Discussions

4.1. analytical approach involving data mapping, 4.2. analysis of autoregressive distributed lag (ardl) models using eviews 12 software, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Group 1 (Red)Group 2 (Green)Group 3 (Blue)Group 4 (Yellow)Group 5 (Purple)
EmpowermentClimate changeImplementationCitiesCoproduction
GovernanceFrameworkInstitutionsEcosystem ServicesParticipation
InequalitiesHealthPerformanceGreen InfrastructurePerspective
KnowledgePublic healthPoliticsManagementWell-being
GroupAuthorsDoc./Cit.Binding Strength
Group 1 (Red)Alves, Fatima2/61
Leal Filho, Walter2/91
Group 2 (Green)Lobont, Oana-Ramona2/12
Taran, Alexandra-Mădălina3/12
Group 3 (Blue)Coomans, Janna3/120
Group 4 (Yellow)Mustalahti, Irmeli2/1010
Group 5 (Purple)Sacchetti, Silvia2/20
GroupAuthorsDoc./Cit.Binding Strength
Group 1 (Red)Canada7/37834
South Africa5/21416
Group 2 (Green)Australia15/49053
Group 3 (Blue)Denmark9/18020
Group 4 (Yellow)England23/57661
Group 5 (Purple)Belgium5/1345
Group 6 (Turquoise)Sweden10/9321
No.Indicator NameDescriptionUnit of Measurement
1.Voice and AccountabilityReflects the extent to which a nation’s residents are able to participate in the electoral process, including freedom of expression, association, and access to independent media.
2.Political Stability and Absence of Violence/TerrorismAssesses perceptions regarding the likelihood of political instability and/or politically motivated violence, including acts of terrorism.
3.Government EffectivenessReflects perceptions of the quality of public services, the efficiency of the public sector, the degree of autonomy from political influences, the effectiveness of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government’s commitment to these policies.These six indicators are measured according to World Governance Indicators (WGI) in standard units of a normal distribution, with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, ranging from approximately −2.5 to 2.5.
4.Regulatory QualityIt represents perceptions of the government’s ability to develop and implement sound policies and regulations that promote and facilitate private sector growth.
5.Rule of LawReflects perceptions of the extent to which members of society have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, including the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, police and judicial services, and the likelihood of crime and violence.
6.Control of CorruptionRepresents the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including petty and grand forms of corruption and the “capture” of the state by elites and private interests.
No.Indicator NameDescriptionUnit of Measurement
1.Composite Quality of Life IndexThis index assesses the overall well-being of a community using an empirical formula incorporating various indicators. It represents a composite index of the following: purchasing power, safety, healthcare, cost of living, property price-to-income ratio, traffic, and pollution.Higher values are better
2.Purchasing Power IndexIndicates a region’s or country’s economic power relative to a reference currency, typically the US dollar. This index reflects consumers’ ability to purchase goods and services based on available income and the cost of living in that region or country. Higher values indicate greater purchasing power.Higher values are better
3.Safety IndexAssesses the overall level of safety in a region or country, taking into account aspects such as crime rate, police presence, corruption levels, and other potential threats to personal and property safety. Higher values indicate a safer region or country for residents and visitors.Higher values are better.
4.Healthcare IndexEvaluates the quality and accessibility of the healthcare system in a region or country, including aspects like medical service quality, access to healthcare, medical infrastructure, and associated costs. Higher values generally indicate a better and more accessible healthcare system.Higher values are better.
5.Cost of Living IndexReflects the overall level of the cost of living in a region or country by comparing the prices of basic goods and services (such as food, rent, transportation, and healthcare) to the average income of residents. Higher values indicate a higher cost of living, meaning living in that region or country is more expensive.Lower values are better.
6.Property Price-to-Income RatioThey are used to assess housing affordability for residents of a region or country. This ratio compares the average price of homes to the average household income in the area. Higher ratios indicate that it is more difficult for people to afford housing, and housing affordability is lower.Lower values are better.
7.Traffic IndexEvaluates the average travel time duration in traffic in a region or city. This index reflects the average time people spend in traffic during their commutes or other daily activities. Higher values indicate longer average travel times and, consequently, greater traffic congestion.Lower values are better.
8.Pollution IndexAssesses the pollution level in a geographic area or country, including factors like air quality, water quality, and other forms of pollution such as noise and soil contamination. Lower values indicate better environmental quality in the area or country.Lower values are better.
Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS)-level
In first difference
Levin, Lin and Chu (LLC)-level
In first difference
VariablesElasticity CoefficientStandard Errort-Statistic
QL (−1)0.6316290.04393314.37723
WGI (−1)−0.2077530.034647−5.996225
PP (−1)−0.4612220.080709−5.714656
PP (−2)0.1783370.0485403.674003
PI (−1)0.3726100.0441238.444808
CL (−1)0.3612440.0647735.577047
SI (−1)0.1426580.0987771.444236
VariablesElasticity CoefficientStandard Errort-Statisticp-Value
VariablesElasticity CoefficientStandard Errort-Statisticp-Value
QL (−1)−0.3683710.043933−8.3849330.0000
WGI (−1)−0.0660040.020054−3.2913770.0011
PP (−1)0.4358450.0552127.8940500.0000
PI (−1)−0.0941420.031058−3.0311670.0027
CL (−1)−0.1194590.040104−2.9787420.0032
SI (−1)0.2205940.0464284.7512840.0000
ΔPP (−1)−0.1783370.048540−3.6740030.0003
Test StatisticValueSignif.I(0)I(1)
Asymptotic: n = 1000
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Share and Cite

Lobonț, O.-R.; Criste, C.; Bovary, C.; Moț, A.-D.; Vătavu, S. Goals and Pathways of Public Governance Contribution to Achieve Progress in the Quality of Life. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7860.

Lobonț O-R, Criste C, Bovary C, Moț A-D, Vătavu S. Goals and Pathways of Public Governance Contribution to Achieve Progress in the Quality of Life. Sustainability . 2024; 16(17):7860.

Lobonț, Oana-Ramona, Cristina Criste, Ciel Bovary, Ariana-Denisa Moț, and Sorana Vătavu. 2024. "Goals and Pathways of Public Governance Contribution to Achieve Progress in the Quality of Life" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7860.

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