5 Rules for Writing a Software Engineer Resume That Will Get You Hired (Plus Example)

person on laptop standing at desk

Software engineers are in high demand, so there’s no shortage of opportunities for people with the right skills. But just because you know how to design cloud solutions or build server-side web applications doesn’t mean you’ll instantly have scores of interviews lined up the minute you decide to look for a new job. You’re going to need to write a great resume first.

“A great software engineer resume should have a clear narrative about who you are as an employee,” says Peenak Inamdar, Director of Engineering at The Muse. “For example, are you great at execution, are you a self-starter, do you thrive in ambiguously defined roles, or are you a pinch hitter for your skill set?” Beyond simply listing your work history, your resume should capture the full breadth of your experience as it relates to the roles you’re pursuing, thus painting a fuller picture of what you bring to the table. Here’s how to do it.

1. Customize the User (or Reader) Experience

Most candidate applications will pass through an applicant tracking system (ATS) before they reach a pair of human eyes. These programs scan each resume submitted for a job posting in search of relevant keywords to determine whether a candidate’s skills are a match for the job. If your resume is devoid of relevant terms, the ATS will probably reject your application—even if you have the right experience. So for starters, you’ll want to incorporate as many job-specific and industry-specific keywords as possible, notes Muse career coach Steven Davis, owner of Renaissance Solutions Inc. , a coaching and recruiting agency specializing in software engineering, product manager, and project manager opportunities.

Beyond that, “Try to tailor your resume to the specific job posting where possible,” Inamdar says. “Hiring managers will compare the narrative of your resume to their role to determine whether your experience is compatible.” Think: What does the recruiter or hiring manager need to know about your experience in order to understand that you’re qualified?

So as you read through a job description, take note of the skills, responsibilities, languages, and programs mentioned and remember: If you have experience with anything listed, it belongs on your resume.

On the flip side, try to avoid including skills or experiences that don’t apply. “Utilizing words or descriptions that don’t match job requirements” is one of the biggest mistakes software engineers make when drafting their resumes, according to Davis.

Relevant keywords will vary from one specialty, company, or job posting to the next, but here are a few to get you started, depending on your area of expertise:

Front-End Development Keywords

  • Back-End Data Display
  • Collaborate with Back-End Developers
  • Collaborate with Web Designers
  • Create Web Pages
  • Current Web Trends
  • Dynamic Web Page Design
  • Framework Templates
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Software Workflow
  • Styling and Color Design
  • User Interface
  • UX (User Experience)
  • Website Content Display
  • Website Navigation Optimization

Back-End Development Keywords

  • Application Scaling
  • Back-End Framework
  • Back-End Programming Language
  • Database Administration
  • Front-End Web Technologies
  • Hosting Environment
  • Load Changes
  • Security Compliance
  • Version Control (e.g. Git)

Web Development Keywords

  • Agile Software Development
  • Application Code
  • Command Lines
  • Continuous Integration
  • DevOps Practices
  • Front-End Systems
  • LAMP Development
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Server-Side Scripting
  • Version Control Systems
  • Writing Modules

2. Feature Your Technical Know-How

Software engineers rely on specific programs, systems, and languages to perform their jobs, so recruiters will be especially interested in the technical skills section of your resume. That means it’s well worth investing some serious time and effort into creating a detailed technical skills section. “When I’m reviewing a candidate’s resume, I want to see how the technologies they’ve listed align with what we use. Does their technical experience mesh well with where we are as a company?” Inamdar says.

Breaking this portion of your resume down into more specific subsections will make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to spot the specific skills they’re looking for (check out the example resume below to see this in action), so before you sit down to write your resume, make a list of the specific systems, methodologies, and platforms you’ve worked with, and note your corresponding level of expertise in each (e.g. are you fluent in JavaScript? Familiar with AngularJS? An expert in Python?). Bonus points if you’ve attended a training course or earned a certification!

Need a few examples? Davis has you covered. “Front-end developers should include frameworks such as Angular or React, back-end developers need to highlight their knowledge of the inner workings of web applications and server-side buildouts, and full-stack engineers should mention their use of Node.js or Serverless.” Davis also has a reminder for full-stack engineers: “It’s imperative to include experience with both front-end and back-end development.”

Again, tailoring your resume for each job description is crucial—especially as you’re drafting your technical skills section.

3. Be Specific About Your Accomplishments

“A great software engineer resume will demonstrate quantifiable success in areas like designing and delivering cloud solutions [or] using the latest technologies and development methodologies in DevOps, or [they’ll show their] experience with microservices, Lean, Agile, Serverless, containerization, and cloud platforms,” Davis says. Describing your experience using specific details (like the type of project, the technologies used, or the type of client) and outcomes (like a completed website design, successful application launch, or a % decrease in code churn) will help to bring your resume to life and help recruiters better understand how your experience fits into the opening they’re looking to fill.

“Make it a priority to provide context and highlight not just what your skills are, but when and how you applied them,” Inamdar explains. “If you know Scrum, when did you use it? If you’re an expert in Python, at which job did you use that language?”

So instead of writing a bland bullet point like “responsible for delivering end-to-end solutions using cloud-native platforms,” you could craft something much more compelling, like “leveraged architectural expertise in Kubernetes cloud-native platform to deliver mature end-to-end solutions for 20 unique internal applications teams.”

Notice how the second example includes details about the platform this candidate uses (Kubernetes), who they’re developing solutions for (internal applications teams), and the scope of their responsibilities (20 separate teams). Incorporating key details, technologies, or quantifiable metrics wherever possible will help your resume stand out.

Try using the below formula to craft bullet points that will paint a more detailed picture of your experience.

  • Action Verb + Job Duty + Key Details (e.g. technologies used or % increase) = Outcome

4. Choose the Right Layout

“It’s important to choose a resume layout that allows you to create a narrative that’s easy for the reader to follow. They should quickly be able to understand what you’re looking for and what your experience is,” Inamdar advises. So unless you’re making a major career pivot (more on that below), a traditional chronological layout is probably the way to go. Recruiters tend to favor chronological resumes because they’re straightforward and easy to follow.

Similarly, avoid design elements that will make your resume hard to scan—either by a computer or by a person. “Too much formatting makes your resume less searchable,” Inamdar says. For example, some ATSs have issues parsing columns and will read them straight across. Meanwhile, an overly flashy design may make it hard for even a human to quickly pick out the information they want from your resume.

Dividing your resume into clear sections (like education, experience, and technical skills) will also make a recruiter’s job easier. “Keep the formatting as simple as possible and avoid using fonts that are hard to read,” Inamdar says. “The focus should be on your work history and your skills.”

If you’re feeling nervous about getting past the ATS but want to show off your design chops, consider creating an online portfolio that you can link out to from your resume. Check out Alex Motzenbecker or Joe Laquinte’s portfolios for two good examples.

5. Remember the Basic Framework of Resume Design

No matter what your specialties are or where you are in your career, there are a few tried and true resume writing rules you’ll want to keep in mind as you draft your own.

Try to keep it to a single page. Most recruiters prefer resumes that are tailored and to the point. So unless you have decades of experience, a single-page resume should suffice. Streamlining the content of your resume to reflect the job posting you’re applying to and keeping the focus on your most recent experience should help you to keep your word count down.

Call out your key achievements. If you’ve worked on multiple projects throughout your tenure at a particular job, you might want to consider creating a key achievements subsection. This helps you highlight the projects you’re most proud of—and the ones that are most relevant to the position. You’ll see this in action on the sample resume below.

Don’t forget to edit. Your resume is a reflection of your skills and qualifications, so you’ll want to make sure it’s perfect before you click submit. Be sure to proofread every draft of your resume—even if you’re positive it’s error-free. You may also want to enlist a friend, family member, or colleague to give it a read, too!

If You’re New to the Field or Making a Pivot

If you’ve never technically worked as a software engineer, but recently earned a computer science degree or completed a robust training program (like a coding bootcamp ), you can still create a stellar resume. You’ll just need to make a few minor tweaks to the traditional format.

Write a Summary

When executed properly, summaries can serve to bridge the gap between your past experience, recent training, and future goals, helping recruiters to better understand how your skills might translate into the role you’re hoping to land. Here’s how it might all come together:

Creative, technical, design-savvy recent coding program graduate fluent in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Excited to blend graphic design experience with hands-on technical training in a junior-level front-end software engineering role.

Be Consistent

In addition to writing a strong resume with a focus on your most transferable skills, you’ll want to be sure you also have an updated LinkedIn profile and corresponding cover letter . “If someone is making a career pivot, I want to see consistency,” Inamdar says. “I’ll always look at their cover letter for additional context.”

Emphasize Your Education

If you don’t have much (or any) direct professional experience to speak of, your education, training, and technical skills will be especially important. So you’ll want to be sure that it stands out. Creating detailed “Education and Training” and “Technical Skills” sections and featuring them prominently toward the top of your resume will help highlight your transferable qualifications.

Play Up Your Projects

Remember that the projects you’ve completed in school totally count. You might want to consider creating a dedicated “Software Engineering Projects” section (below your education and technical skills sections) to detail your experience designing a website, coding with JavaScript, or building a web server while you were in school.

Think Outside the Box About What’s Relevant

“If you’re a career switcher, don’t feel like you need to hide your past work experience—whatever it might be,” Inamdar says. “The skills you’ve already learned are an asset because it means your next employer won’t need to teach you.” So for example, if you’ve worked as an administrative assistant before going to a coding bootcamp, don’t be shy about hiding your relevant responsibilities. “If you’ve done lots of planning or project execution, call it out. Be proud of it. Don’t bury it,” Inamdar advises.

Weigh Your Layout Options

Finally, if you’re making a career pivot, you might want to consider an alternative layout (maybe a combination or functional resume ), as these formats take the focus off of your chronological work experience while giving you the flexibility to feature your most relevant experience most prominently. One caveat, though: Recruiters and hiring managers tend to prefer more traditional chronological layouts, so there are tradeoffs to using an alternative. You can read up on the pros and cons of every option here .

Now for an Example

Whether you’re a front-end, back-end, or full-stack software engineer, you’ll want to be sure that your resume hits the right points.

As you read through the below example, make note of the relevant keywords, detailed technical skills and education sections, quantified experience, and clearly defined sections. You’ll also notice that this candidate has included external links to projects they’ve worked on and to their website. This can be a great way to showcase your creativity and accomplishments without adding length or design elements to your resume.

While your finished product might feature a different layout, focus, or specialty, it should still include the same basic building blocks.

how to write software developer resume

Download an example software engineer resume

Your resume is a reflection of your experience, expertise, and creativity, so investing time and energy into getting it right is sure to pay off. Remember, tailoring your resume to reflect the job description, incorporating relevant keywords, and getting specific about the details of your experience will serve to strengthen your resume and ultimately help you land your next job.

Watch related employer videos:

how to write software developer resume

Software Engineer Resume [2024] - Example + How-to Guide

Background Image

You’re a software engineer. You use your talents to build the future.

Well, once you get the job.

There’s one thing in your way:

The huge pile of other resumes sitting on the recruiter’s desk.

It’s time to make your talents stand out.

In this guide, we take you through a step-by-step process to creating a software engineer resume that gets results.

  • An example of a finished software engineer resume that works
  • How to write a software engineer resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your software engineer resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

For some inspiration, here’s a software engineer resume example, created with our very own online resume builder :

software engineer resume sample

Looks good, right?! Now it’s time to create your own.

Besides the software engineer resume example, we've got a bunch more examples for professionals in the computer science field:

  • Java Developer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Data Entry Resume

How to Format a Software Engineer Resume

Now, before you can highlight your talents, you need to format your resume correctly. 

Your resume should be easy to read and not be hard work for the recruiter to skim through. 

The “reverse-chronological” resume format  is the most commonly used format, and we can see why. It positions your top talents at the top of your resume, so the recruiter can immediately see your value proposition.

reverse-chronological format software engineer

These software engineering resume formats also get our approval…

  • Functional Resume – If you have strong software engineering skills, but a small amount of work experience, this resume format is recommended
  • Combination Resume – The final format combines both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats. As such, it is ideal for software engineers who have skills AND work experience.

Once you’ve chosen your format, you need to organize your resume layout .

Use a Software Engineer Resume Template

Word is a great application for creating documents.

Creating a resume with text editors is a different story all together!

This is due to formatting issues.

In fact, there’s a chance your entire layout will fall apart as you make alterations. 

Want to skip any formatting issues? Use a software engineer resume template .

What to Include in a Software Engineering Resume

The main sections in a software engineering resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

Want to go a step further? You can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

But wait – what should you write for each of these sections? 

Read on to learn how.

Want to know more about resume sections? View our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

Now, this section doesn’t need any creativity, but it must be factually correct. 

Play close attention to this section – the last thing you want is an impressed recruiter who wants to interview you, but can’t contact you!

The contact information section must include:

  • Title – Align this to the job description, which is “Software Engineer”
  • Phone Number – Check this multiple times
  • Email Address – Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not your childhood email ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location.
  • Lauren Hill - Software Engineer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Lauren Hill - Ninja Software Engineer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Software Engineer Resume Summary or Objective

Here’s a shocking fact for you –

Recruiters spend less than 6 seconds on each resume .

With hundreds of resumes to get through, it’s no surprise that recruiters simply glance over resumes looking for the most important information. 

As such, you want to make the most important information clear to see.

The best way to do this is via a resume summary or objective , which are snappy paragraphs that go on top of your resume.

Their purpose is to quickly highlight why you are the best candidate for the software engineering job. They can be seen as a “small preview” to the rest of your resume.

software engineer resume summary

But what is the difference between the two sections?

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements.

  • Experienced software engineer with a strong background in developing award-winning strategies for a diverse clientele. 12+ years of industry experience includes leading large engineering teams to achieve concrete goals on a strict deadline. Strong skills include Database management and MySQL, .NET and Java.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.

  • Motivated software engineer looking to pursue a successful career in software development at Company X, where I can help in the delivery of state-of-the-art software solutions. Experience includes coding, troubleshooting, and testing for my own personal projects while at University X. Relevant skills include PHP, Data Structures, Machine Learning, and Debugging.

So, which one is best for your situation, summary or objective?

Generally, we recommend experienced software engineers go with a summary. If you have the skills but lack the industry experience, you should choose a resume objective (graduates, career changers, or those still studying).

How to Make Your Software Engineer Work Experience Stand Out

Recruiters want to know that you can do the job, and do the job well. The easiest way to instil confidence in the recruiter is with your work experience.

Here’s how we recommend you structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Software Engineer


03/2017 - 07/2020

  • Built an ecommerce site integrated with multiple payment APIs for a 32% in company revenue
  • Developed new infrastructure to easily handle over a million client files 
  • Consistently achieved 100% compliance with industry best practices
  • Reduced security breaches by 84%

To separate your resume from the competition, you should highlight your top achievements. Doing so will allow the recruiter to see the obvious benefits in hiring you.

Instead of saying:

“In charge of infrastructure”

“Developed new infrastructure to easily handle over a million client files”

Simply put, the first statement doesn’t say much.

This is in direct comparison with the second statement that shows how your work benefited the company greatly. Hard numbers that prove your skills – can’t argue with that!

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Not everyone will have a wealth of work experience.

Maybe you’re a graduate looking for your first engineering job?

The question is how to tackle this part of your resume when you have no experience.  

The answer –

Talk about your internship experience, volunteering work, or any achievements at your place of education. 

You can even create a portfolio of your own work!

There are several ways to build a portfolio (and even get paid for it):

  • Pick up some relevant freelance gigs on UpWork
  • Start you own software project as a side-hustle

Are you recent engineering graduate? Make sure to check out our student resume guide!

Use Action Words to Make Your Software Engineer Resume POP!

…are all common words that the recruiter sees time and time again.

However, you don’t want your resume to resume the competition, which means you should use power words to make your achievements stand out:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

B.A. in Software Engineering

The University of Chicago

2012 - 2016

• Relevant Courses : Software Engineering Project, Distributed Systems Development, Information Systems Modelling, Specification of Software Systems, Software Evolution, Software Quality, Agile Methods

Now, you may need more information. If so, here are the answers to some of the most frequent questions that we get:

What if I haven’t completed education yet?

  • Regardless of whether you’re an engineering graduate or still studying, you should still mention every year of education to date

Should I include my high school education?

  • Generally, only include your highest form of education. Therefore, include your high school education if you don’t have a relevant degree in engineering

What do I put first, my education or experience?

  • Experiences are the priority, so those go first. If you’re a recent graduate, you will likely need to start with education

Need more information? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Software Engineer Resume

Your software engineer resume must do one thing—

Show that you’ll do a better job than the other candidates.

But how can you do this? 

Well, by highlighting the right software engineer skills on a resume.  

This is done by looking at the job description, and then comparing the skills needed with the skills you already have.

Put all relevant skills on your resume. Here are the most commonly used skills for a software engineer resume:

Hard Skills for a Software Engineer:

  • Data Structures
  • Machine Learning
  • Web Development

Soft Skills for a Software Engineer:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Communication
  • Time-Management
  • Team Player
  • Try to sprinkle your skills throughout the document, not just in the skills section. You can drop some of your skills in the resume summary, education section, and work experience section.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 101+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include?

That’s all of the essentials covered.

But ask yourself one question –

Does your resume stand out ?! 

The above sections should be enough to get you onto the shortlist, but adding some extra sections could be the deciding factor between you and another candidate.  

Awards & Certifications

Have you won an award for your engineering work?

Have you completed any courses that improve your skills?

If you have any awards or certifications, be sure to list them in your resume!

Here’s an example:

Awards & Certificates

  • “Advance Software Engineering” - Coursera Certificate
  • “Critical Thinking Masterclass” - MadeUpUniversity

Even though you will unlikely need to speak an alternative language in your job, the skill is still impressive to any recruiter. As such, feel free to add a language section if you have space.

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you’ll probably thinking, “why is my love of fishing relevant to the job application?”

Well, listing your hobbies allows the recruiter to get to know who you are.

They can also show that you’ll be a good part of the team, especially if you enjoy social activities. 

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

Cover letters are just as important as they always have been.

You see, a cover letter instantly makes your application specific and more personal. 

Unlike a generic resume that has been sent to ten other companies, a cover letter shows the recruiter that you want to work for their company.

For a winning cover letter, you need the correct structure. Here’s what we recommend:

cover letter structure for software engineering

You should complete the following sections:

Personal Contact Information

Your full name, profession, email, phone number, location, and website (or Behance / Dribble).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

As the recruiter will likely skim through your application, you need to win their attention within the first few sentences. Use concise language to mention:

  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Now it’s onto the main body of the cover letter, where you should delve into the following specifics:

  • Why you want to work for this specific company
  • What you already know about the company
  • How your engineering skills will help you to do the job
  • Which similar positions have you held before

Closing Paragraph

To wrap up your cover letter, you should:

  • Conclude the main points made in the body paragraph
  • Thank the recruiter for the job opportunity
  • Finish with a call to action that leaves the conversation open, such as “At your earliest opportunity, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help company X” will work

Formal Salutations

End the letter in a professional manner. Something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

For more inspiration, read our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways


If you followed the advice above, you’re well on your way to landing that elusive software engineering role.

Before we go, let’s summarize the main points:

  • Format your software engineer resume correctly. Use the reverse-chronological format, and then follow our layout recommendation
  • Use a summary or objective at the top of your resume
  • Highlight your achievements in your work experience section
  • Make sure your portfolio is the best it can be. If you don’t have one, think about getting one
  • Include a convincing cover letter to separate you from the competition

Suggested Reading:

  • Guide to Green Careers - All You Need to Know
  • How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength” [4 Samples]
  • Why Should We Hire You - 10+ Best Answers

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how to write software developer resume

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30 Software Engineer Resume Examples Designed for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Software Resumes
  • Software Engineer Resumes by Experience
  • Software Engineer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Software Engineer Resume

If you’re looking to take the next step in your software engineering career, there’s no better time than now, especially with many companies releasing salary information thanks to  pay transparency laws across the states .

You have the skills and experience to land your next software engineer job, but figuring out  how to write a resume  is entirely different.

We’ve analyzed countless developer resumes seeing what works and what doesn’t. That’s why we’ve written 30 software engineer resume samples that have  helped developers get jobs at top tech companies like Google, Uber, and Twilio .

Whether you’re wondering how to use ChatGPT to write a resume or are already  checking your resume  for improvements, you’re in the right place to help you get more interviews in 2024!

Software Engineer Resume Example

or download as PDF

Software engineer resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Always check the job description and the company’s mission statement to determine what you should include in your resume. If you have experience that doesn’t fit into your software engineer resume, but you still want to include, you can try to add some in your  software engineer cover letter .
  • Try to include metrics relating to revenue, increased user counts, or increased efficiency. There are numbers there; you just have to find them!

Software Developer Resume Example

Software developer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Because of the amount of niche positions, you need to be careful when titling your resume. Always adjust the title on your resume to match the job to which you’re applying.
  • Even if your work experience is different from the description, you can include some of the necessary skills and keywords. However, if your work experience is vastly different from the job description, you might want to consider applying for a different type of job.

Software Engineer Student Resume Example

Software engineer student resume example with project's experience

  • As long as you have relevant project experience, you’ll be good to go. Plus, points for a strong career objective that clearly labels why you’re joining a company and your main aim after being hired.

New Grad Software Engineer Resume Example

New grad software engineer resume example with internship experience

  • A word of caution: resist the urge to feature just anything in your piece. Instead, strive to unearth duties and wins relevant to the target company and its KPIs. Talk about using Jenkins for integration automation, building custom UIs with Django, optimizing databases with MySQL, and more.

Software Engineer Intern Resume Example

Software engineer intern resume example with data entry experience

  • Companies will understand that you’re just starting out in your career, so including technical courses like ‘Computer Organization and Architecture’ in your software engineer intern resume will show them you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals.

Software Engineer New Grad Resume Example

Software engineer new grad resume example with internship experience

  • If you’re a recent grad, employers will understand that you have limited work experience but would like to see some proficiency in the technical aspects of the job. Use the job description to know the company’s requirements and adjust the skills you include in your software engineer resume to align with what the company is looking for.

Entry-Level Software Engineer Resume Example

Entry-level software engineer resume example with internship experience

  • Plus, a template lets you easily adjust stylistic elements like color, font type, and layout. Make your resume as unique as you are!
  • The first option is to demonstrate your ability to create and maintain new projects that are easily scalable and solve real problems. You can include college projects, personal projects, or even start something new so you have something to add!
  • The second option is to show off any internships you’ve gotten. You can treat them just like work experience, but you can include it in your work experience or projects section.

Junior Software Engineer Resume Example

Junior software engineer resume example with 6 years of technical support experience

  • Your time as a developer in a personal endeavor may have involved several responsibilities and accomplishments that make for a worthy addition to your junior software engineer resume.

Associate Software Engineer Resume Example

Associate software engineer resume example with 1+ years of training experience

  • Of course, if you have more than 10 years of experience, use a  resume summary  instead. Objectives and summaries aren’t too different, but summaries have more achievements and experience.
  • Personal pronouns like “I,” “me,” and “my” take up space, so cut them out.
  • Use active voice and active verbs to make sure your work experience bullet points are as short as possible.

Senior Software Engineer Resume Example

Senior software engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Highlighting a lengthy career with multiple software engineering roles is key to getting noticed, especially when you pair it with quantifiable data from various sources.
  • Always check the job description to get an idea of what the employer wants to see. Try to include six to eight skills in your  resume skills section  to give a wide range of your available skills.
  • Focus more on adding technical skills, but you can include a few soft skills to highlight how well-rounded you are.

Experienced Software Engineer Resume Example

Experienced software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • For example, take the case of a Certified Software Development Associate (IEEE) certification included in this resume. It’s credible evidence that proves you have a concrete understanding of software design, testing, maintenance, and quality assurance—all of which are integral to any software engineering role.

Mid-Level Software Engineer Resume Example

Mid Level Software engineer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Your mid-level software engineer resume should give prominence to accomplishment metrics that touch on your application tools competencies, process streamlining, project timeline reductions, and ability to utilize resources to meet outcome expectations.

Lead Software Engineer Resume Example

Lead software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Your lead software engineer resume will go up a notch once you mention a master’s degree in computer science. It gives more credibility and shows that you’ve professionally learned how to lead other engineers and also keep systems running smoothly.

Java Software Engineer Resume Example

Java software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • But don’t forget to quantify your contribution. Try using multiple metrics in one bullet point to be extra flashy and prove that your Java skills are second to none.

Front end Software Engineer Resume Example

Front end software engineer resume example with IT technical support experience

  • If you don’t have the best technical highlights, add names of the most famous companies you’ve worked for in your front end software engineer resume. They can alone show that you weren’t hired for nothing.

Amazon Software Engineer Resume Example

Amazon software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Create an unmatchable Amazon software engineer resume by listing your best achievements so far like “Grew Amazon Prime subscriptions by 18%” to show your to-be employer you’ve got what it takes to leverage technology and use it to drive better customer experience metrics.

Software Quality Engineer Resume Example

Software quality engineer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • We know automation’s a big part of this job, but it doesn’t mean you spam the word in every bullet point. Draw out other important impacts you’ve created on the job such as reducing coding errors and expanding test coverage to be a standout candidate.

Backend Software Engineer Resume Example

Backend software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Then, why not let your piece showcase your eye for detail? Take the time to go through it, ensuring every line is polished to perfection. While tools like Grammarly can be handy here, they aren’t foolproof, so be critical of the suggestions. Even better, enlist a friend or family member—a fresh pair of eyes might catch something you missed.

Staff Software Engineer Resume Example

Staff software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Did your overhauling MYSQL schema indexation expedite data access? Mention time saved in hours per month or week. Can you recount how many technical guides you built or published or how many users benefited from your software programs? Specify the numbers. Dollar-amount savings should also suffice in your metrics.

Software QA Engineer Resume Example

Software QA engineer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Subsequently, choose a template (preferably Elegant) that gives ample spacing in the skills section for you to write down all the things you’re an expert at. Keep things simple by using a good color accent and let loose on all your past work experiences.

Director of Software Engineering Resume Example

Director of software engineering resume example with 13 years of software engineer experience

  • It is paramount that your director of software engineering resume shows your numbers for managing teams, cutting costs, expediting processes, and properly managing and prioritizing resources to exceed targets and goals.

Software Engineering Manager Resume Example

Software engineering manager resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • Adding measurable results to your software engineering manager resume will help an employer evaluate the progress and results you’ve brought to companies you’ve previously worked with. This simple addition of observable statistics can go a long way in setting your resume apart from the crowd.

Google Software Engineer Resume Example

Google software engineer resume example with 5 years of software engineer experience

  • For instance, adding tools and cloud-based services under the Google Cloud umbrella to your Google software engineer resume shows the company you’re well-versed in multiple development solutions.

Principal Software Engineer Resume Example

Principal software engineer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • While you may have several hobbies and interests, ensure you include those most relevant to the role you’re applying to. Participating in coding challenges and hackathons shows you’re passionate about software engineering, even outside work hours—something any employer will love to see!

Python Developer Resume Example

Python developer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • That’s why it can be useful to include a projects section. Of course, you want the majority of your resume to focus on work experience, but if you’ve got some unique experience that might fit the  software engineer job description , consider adding this optional section.
  • We’d recommend making your  web developer skills  section about 70 precent technical skills, but you can include soft skills for the rest. 

Software Engineer Front-End Resume Example

Software engineer front-end resume example with 7+ years of experience

Full-Stack Software Engineer Resume Example

Full-stack software engineer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Include multiple programming languages in your  resume skills section  to increase your value and better fit the ATS screening criteria.
  • Start by reading the  software engineer job description  and looking for repeated keywords. You can also look at other local software engineer jobs to look for more key phrases to include.

Embedded Software Engineer Resume Example

Embedded software engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • This will inform recruiters and hiring managers that, in addition to your technical coding skills, you have applicable knowledge of CPU architectures, operating systems, and more. You can also include soft skills related to communication and collaboration to showcase your ability to work with teams.
  • This is the perfect place to briefly convey your achievements, your experience, and what you hope to accomplish at your future company. Always tailor it to each job for which you apply!

Software Integration Engineer Resume Example

Software integration engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Your layout should have a good “visual voice” that’s as unique as you are, so don’t be afraid to play with colors, font types, and layouts. So long as it’s easy to read, format your resume to match your style!
  • For example, did you start working with a team and end up leading a team? That’s an excellent example of scalable growth!
  • Highlight versatile skills (like types of tools you’ve used) and scalable achievements to prove that you can improve your future workplace!

Security Engineer Resume Example

Security engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Our special  resume tip : cut the fluff away from any novice jobs to leave more room for more impressive credentials you got later in your career.
  • Demonstrate how your programming skills have evolved or how your interpersonal abilities helped advance your team. And be sure to back your claims with data! 
  • Having a variety of jobs shows that you’re well-rounded with a host of skills you may not have obtained otherwise.
  • Show this off in your work experience bullet points with a mix of transferable skills and unique abilities from other positions.

Related resume guides

  • Scrum Master
  • Tableau Developer
  • Program Manager
  • Web Developer

Content employee smiles and works at desk with blue laptop and coffee mug

When you apply for an engineering job at a company, the first person looking at your resume is actually not a person. Companies use something called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter out a majority of applicants for a role based on keyword matching.

If you pass this initial scan, your resume will get reviewed by a non-technical recruiter. Then at long last, the technical hiring manager will look at your resume.

So, how do you write a resume that will get you through all these hoops to get that first interview? That’s what this guide is designed to help you do!

We’ve analyzed numerous resumes from software engineers and to come up with valuable  resume tips  to get your foot in the door.

Here’s what we’re going to cover in this guide:

  • What to put in the vital skills section of your resume.
  • How to properly  format your resume  to appease the ATS filters, including what sections to include or omit.
  • How to talk about your work experience and personal projects to convincingly appeal to technical and non-technical audiences.
  • How to customize your resume for each job to which you apply (it’s easier than it sounds).

how to write software developer resume

Software engineer skills for resume

The skills section is a vital part of your software engineer resume. This will make or break whether you get through the first phase of the resume review, aka the dreaded ATS scan.

Your  resume’s skills section  shouldn’t be a laundry list of frameworks and programming languages. Especially don’t try to include what you wouldn’t be comfortable coding; just reading about Java is not enough to have it in your skills section.

The worst thing that can happen is that you claim knowledge of a programming language and then can’t answer basic questions about that language in an interview. It’s much better to have true expertise in one programming language than to claim knowledge of 10 different languages.

Good hiring companies know that quality engineers can learn new frameworks as needed. So, it’s a big red flag if you list every programming language under the sun.

There are a few options for organizing your skills section on your resume. First, you can organize them by your proficiency level. You can use categorizations like “Advanced” vs. “Familiar” or “Expert” vs. “Working Knowledge.”

Skills organized by proficiency

Skills organized by proficiency

Or you can organize them by the type of skill you’re discussing. So you can separate the programming languages you know, the frameworks, the tools, and the databases you’ve used.

Skills organized by skill type

Skills organized by skill type

Finally, you can list the programming languages you know and include the frameworks associated with that language you’ve used. You can also list your years of experience with that language. This is useful for recruiters, but it can take up a lot of space on your resume, so make sure your resume format allows for an extended skills section.

Skills organized by years of experience

Skills organized by years of experience

Software engineer resume format

Threading the needle of making your resume ATS-readable, HR-readable, and technical-hiring-manager-readable is not an easy task. So, try to quantify your achievements without getting too in the weeds (while also not being too broad).

General formatting tips

The most important  resume formatting  tip that you should internalize is making your resume one page long, maximum. Recruiters spend, on average, only  six seconds reviewing your resume . They’re not going to read a several-page resume.

Here are the quick hits for how to properly format your resume:

  • Keep it to one page.
  • Avoid long paragraphs of text to make it readable.
  • Bullet points should be self-contained, complete ideas.
  • Keep your tenses consistent. Refer to old roles and projects in the past and refer to your current position in the present.
  • Avoid pronouns like “I” or “we.”
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors . Don’t let this be the reason you don’t get the job!

It’s tough to fit all of your projects and work accomplishments on a single page, but remember, you’re more than your resume. Recruiters understand this and know if a resume looks good initially, they can ask more questions in the interview.

Your goal with your resume isn’t just to include your best talking points; it’s also to make the life of the person reviewing it as easy as possible. Make sure you don’t have long paragraphs of text so it’s easier to read. Break up your would-be paragraphs into singular ideas that are more appealing to the reader.

Bad bullet point formatting

Designed and built out the backend for a client application that enabled users to build their own recipe books. Used Angular on the front-end and NodeJS on the back-end. Working closely with product managers, scaled this application to 200,000 users and generated annual revenue of $1.4M. (If you’re still reading this, then well done, because it’s far too long.)

Good bullet point formatting

  • Designed and built out the back-end for a client application that enabled users to build recipe books.
  • Used Angular on the front-end and NodeJS on the back-end. Working closely with product managers, scaled this application to 200,000 users and generated annual revenue of $1.4M.

Your bullet points should be self-contained, so you don’t need periods after each point. Within your bullet points, make sure your verb tenses are consistent (past tense is preferable).

Also, we’d recommend avoiding singular pronouns, so don’t use “I” or “we.” They waste time and look unprofessional, so don’t include them. For example, instead of saying, “I worked on building the back-end for a project,” you should say, “Worked on building the back-end for a project.” There are plenty of ways to avoid saying “I.”

Lastly, please  review all grammar and spelling . Don’t give recruiters or hiring managers an easy excuse for someone to put you into the “no” pile. Too many great software engineers don’t  check their resumes  and leave typos and punctuation errors.

Contact information and title

Your name should be the first thing on your resume, and it should be listed in a bigger font. Directly underneath it, you should include a title. This title should always be the job for which you’re applying. So, if your current title is “software engineer” and you’re applying for a senior engineering role, your title should be “senior software engineer.” After your title, include your contact information, including:

  • City and zip code (you don’t need to give your specific address)
  • Email address (make sure it sounds professional and includes your name)
  • Telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • GitHub profile URL
  • Personal website (if you have one)

And although you know already to review your resume for typos,  triple-check your contact section  for anything that’s incorrect. We once had a great engineer misspell his email here, and although he was a great fit for the role to which he was applying, the company couldn’t contact him, so he didn’t get an interview!

This may seem like a lot of information to include, but you can make it compact. Here’s a great example:

Sample contact information

What you include in the education section of your resume will vary depending on whether you’re applying for an entry-level software engineering role or a more senior role.

Regardless of your seniority, you should always include the school you attended, the year you graduated, and your major. If you had a minor or a specific concentration, include that.

If you’re applying for anything  other  than an entry-level role, that’s all you should include in your education section. Why? Because real estate is valuable on a resume, and your work experience and projects will convey more about your qualification than your GPA or college courses.

Suppose you’re  applying for a software engineering internship  or  looking for your first full-time role . In that case, your education section will be more expansive to accurately convey your qualifications. Plus, you’ll want to mention relevant courses to the role for which you’re applying. For software engineering roles, this means any classes related to software engineering. Took a databases class? Completed an algorithm design course? You get the idea.

If you want to include your GPA, make sure it’s above a 3.2. Otherwise, leave it out.

Entry-Level Software Engineer Education

Entry level software engineer education

Senior Software Engineer Education

Senior Sofware engineer education.

Software engineer resume summary

Unless it’s done exceptionally well, we strongly recommend that you don’t include a  resume summary  or objective on your software engineer resume. Why? Because they rarely, if ever, convey meaningful information to the person reviewing your resume. Let’s break down a typical objective statement:

Sample software engineer resume objective

I have 3+ years of experience, and I’m looking to leverage my Django expertise to work on challenging problems as a Senior Software Engineer.

There isn’t anything new in this objective. Their 3+ years of experienceand Django expertise should be demonstrated in their work experience. There’s no customization for the specific job, and it’s far too short.

Remember, recruiters typically only look at your resume for six seconds. Don’t make them waste precious time on anything that doesn’t demonstrate new information about why you’re a great fit for the role.

Anything unique to your situation or circumstance (for example, you’re undergoing a career change) should be discussed when creating a cover letter . You can elaborate on what you’re looking for in your next role without the constraint of space.

how to write software developer resume

Work experience

Your work experience section is, without a doubt, the most important section on your resume. This is where a resume reviewer spends most of their time and attention. It’s here that they’ll decide whether they want to move you onto the first stage of the interview process. So, this is not the place to be humble. Show off the good work you’ve done.

If you’re a junior developer, this section will be shorter (in favor of a longer “Projects” section). If you have two-plus years of work experience, this should take up the majority of the space on your resume.

So how do you talk about your work experience convincingly? The key is to  be specific  and  quantify the impact of your work  whenever possible.

Developers rarely work in complete isolation, especially at larger companies. So you must tease out what you did specifically on each project. If you worked as part of a team to turn a multi-page web app into a single-page app, and you were in charge of re-designing the back-end infrastructure for the new app, talk about that specifically.

Good work experience description

Architected the new back-end in Ruby to change multi-page primary product into a single-page app, resulting in $1.2M in annual incremental revenue.

Bad work experience description

The team changed our primary product from a multi-page app to a single-page app, resulting in $1.2M in annual incremental revenue.

Notice that when talking about your actual work, you want to be specific about your particular role. However, when talking about the project’s impact, you can talk about the overall effect that the team had.

Again, quantify the impact of the projects you worked on whenever possible. Businesses hire engineers to move the company forward, and the best way to demonstrate you can do that is to show you’ve had a measurable impact in your past roles.   Rough estimates of impact are okay if you don’t have exact numbers; just be reasonable and logical in your assessments.

Here are some other ways you can try to quantify your work:

  • Reduced downtime by X%
  • Improved the speed of the application by X%
  • Implemented a product feature that improved customer retention by X%
  • Improved customer satisfaction (as measured by NPS) by X%
  • Built a feature that improved click-through rate by X%
  • Scaled a product that successfully handled X concurrent users
  • Automated a process that saved X hours of manual labor each week
  • Improved a product feature that increased usage by X%
  • Worked on a project that led to a cost savings of $X
  • Implemented unit tests that improved test coverage by X%
  • Fixed a bug that reduced customer complaints by X%  

The formula for discussing your work experience is “my specific contribution to a project” + “the overall quantitative impact.” This describes the same work experience, just in different ways.

Let’s look at an example of this in action to see how effective it is.

Good: Specific contribution plus quantitative impact

Good: Specific contribution plus quantitative impact

Bad: Vague description and no quantitative impact

Vague description and no quantitative impact

Software engineer resume projects

The size of your projects section on your software engineer resume should be directly tied to your seniority level when applying for a developer job. The more junior your role, the more space you should allocate to your projects.

If you have more than two years of experience, you should only list one project of which you’re especially proud. Most of your resume should be composed of what you did in your previous jobs.

Try to talk about your projects in the same way you would talk about your work experience. The goal of your projects is to demonstrate your technical skills in context. Show how you used a language or framework to build something that satiated your curiosity or solved a problem.

Your projects should give more color to your skills section. While it’s great to say you know Ruby, it’s even better to say how you built the back-end of your movie recommendation engine in Ruby. Anyone can list a skill on their resume, but showing how you used that skill demonstrates even stronger mastery of that skill.

If you worked on substantial coding projects during school, you should include them here. When possible, always include the projects you’ve listed on your resume in your Github profile or on your personal website.

Here’s the format of how you should talk about your projects on your resume:

  • Describe the problem you were trying to solve and how you solved it at a high level. In the example above, “Built an Android app to allow party-goers to vote on what song should play next.”
  • Next, discuss some technical details in either one or two bullet points.

Again, you’re trying to demonstrate two things to a hiring manager with your projects. First, you want to give context to the skills you list on your resume. Next, you want to show that you can identify a problem and then implement a solution to solve that problem.

how to write software developer resume

Interests & hobbies

If you have a bit of extra space and have a hobby or interest that might interest employers, you should include it. Some companies appreciate personality, so this would be the place to highlight that.

how to write software developer resume

Customize your resume for each job

We know, we know; customizing your resume is tedious. But we have some good news! You don’t have to overhaul your resume for each job to which you apply. You will likely have to change one or two bullet points on your resume for each application.

Read the  software engineer job description  for the job to which you’re applying. Do any particular projects you’ve worked on or languages you’ve used come to mind when reading it? Those should absolutely be included in the resume you submit for that role.

Now, let’s say you’re applying for the following role:

how to write software developer resume

Clearly, they want an engineer who has experience developing APIs. So, instead of just one bullet talking about my experience building out APIs, you should allocate two to three bullet points to my work.

When customizing your resume for each job you apply for, be sure to expand on the work experience or projects you’ve worked on that are especially relevant to the position at hand.

how to write software developer resume

How to write an effective software developer resume

Here are the major takeaways you should keep in mind when  writing a professional resume :

  • Keep your resume to one page.
  • Proofread your resume  multiple times  to avoid any grammar or spelling errors.
  • If you’re applying for an entry-level role, mention any relevant college courses. Otherwise, don’t let your education section take up a lot of space.
  • Unless you tailor it, you don’t need a summary or objective section on your resume.
  • Only include skills for which you’d be comfortable being interviewed.
  • Always mention your specific contribution and quantify the overall project’s impact on the business.
  • If you’re applying for an entry-level role, talk about any personal coding projects you worked on.

Remember, the goal of this resume is to get your foot in the door. Once you get that first phone interview, your skills and personality will surely shine through.

Applying to new jobs can be daunting, but one of the most complex and most confusing parts is now over. You’ve done the research, and you’re ready to  write your resume ! You can use our free  AI resume builder  to start your resume from scratch or a template, and our  free resume checker  uses AI-powered tips to suggest improvements and resolve errors.

You’ve got the knowledge; now go land your dream job!

Create my free resume now

How to write an effective developer resume: Advice from a hiring manager

Based on reviewing hundreds of resumes per year and researching a book, here are the seven pieces of advice for engineers on writing a resume that represents you as fairly as possible.

Article hero image

In an ideal world, you wouldn’t need a resume. You’d have a recruiter reach out to you along the lines of: “Your ex-colleague Bob spoke extremely highly of your time working at Stack Overflow. Our company is growing, and we’d love to talk with you. Do you have time to chat with a few members of the team next Wednesday?”

However, in reality, you will, at some point, find yourself applying at a company where Bob is not there to vouch for you, so you cannot skip through the process of being evaluated before the team will talk to you.

I’ve been a hiring manager for numerous companies and typically go through hundreds of resumes per year. I’ve also researched the topic of writing a developer resume that represents you well while writing the book The Tech Resume Inside Out: What a Good Developer Resume Looks Like . For the book, I ended up talking with two dozen recruiters and hiring managers at the likes of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Transferwise, and other well-known companies.

Based on that experience, here are the seven pieces of advice that I give to engineers on writing a resume that represents you as fairly as possible.

Know what the goal of your resume is

Many engineers assume their resume should just contain highlights of their employment history. They’ve seen other people’s LinkedIn profiles and seen a few resumes. Most of these look like this, and companies must be interested in what you did. Right?

The goal of your resume is to sell you enough to get a recruiter phone call and continue the process. This is a very different goal from telling your entire professional story. Your goal should be to showcase to the company why you’re a good fit for the position they are recruiting for.

This means highlighting parts of your resume that show you being a great match for a specific position. Tuning it to fit the opening might be as simple as changing the order of things or adding specific details that only this position might find interesting. When you have lots of experience, this might mean cutting less relevant parts short and leaving irrelevant things off.

Use an easy-to-scan template

Here’s how a typical hiring manager and recruiter will read your resume:

1. Quick scan. They’ll do a short scan of a few seconds, gathering all key information. Your location, years of experience, languages and technologies, position names, company names, and anything else that stands out.

2. Second read. Assuming this first scan matches what they’re looking for, they’ll re-read your resume, top to bottom, reading the content you wrote. However, if, in the quick scan, it didn’t seem that you have what the position needs, there will be no second read.

You should choose a resume format that helps highlight the key information the recruiter or hiring manager looks for in that first scan. A good resume template follows these principles:

  • Single column, allowing for easy top-to-bottom reading.
  • Dates, position name, and company name are all separated. Dates are easy to scan, top-to-bottom.
  • Your location and languages/technologies are easy to find.

Why bother spending the time finding a good template? The less effort it is for a recruiter to get the key information in the quick scan, the more time they’ll have to look at other parts of your resume. Here’s a resume template you could use—I created this template for the book, and it satisfies all the above requirements. Of course, there are many others to choose from, and you can also design your own.

how to write software developer resume

Structure: relevant things first

The recruiter or hiring manager will read your resume top to bottom. You’ll want the most relevant parts to be at the top and less relevant ones towards the bottom. When you have lots of experience, it’s fine to go beyond just one page: just make sure that everything relevant is still on the first page.

When you’re a new grad or bootcamp grad , hiring managers usually care about experience in this order:

  • Real-world experience, if you have any, including internships.
  • Contribution to real-world projects: e.g., open-source projects.
  • Details about your education.
  • Projects that stand out for a reason or another. Things that go beyond “Hello, world."
  • Tutoring and leadership positions in student groups.

When you have work experience , the way a recruiter reads your resume changes. Here is what will be most relevant:

  • Work experience: current company and title.
  • Languages and technologies that you are proficient with.
  • Education details: these become less relevant over time. With a few years’ experience, they can still be good indicators. After multiple jobs or decades, consider moving this lower down.
  • Extracurricular things like patents, publications, talks, and standout open source contributions.
  • Certifications. This one is interesting. Companies hiring for generalists don’t usually care, especially if it’s not an industry-wide recognized certification. Agencies and more “traditional” companies could give it some weight, though.
  • Personal projects. The more experience you have, the less important these become. Standout contributions, especially to popular projects, could be an exception. Still, they rarely weigh more than your work experience.
  • Interests: these can be a starting point for the conversation on an onsite interview, and they make your resume more personal.

With lots of work experience , you start to stand out from the crowd of applicants. At the same time, you’ll probably have more experience than would fit on a page or two. In this case, a one-page resume is no longer a must-have, but you’ll want to be more concise in your earlier experience: especially when that experience is not as relevant. Here’s the order you could consider structuring your resume:

  • A summary section, briefly describing the standout part of your experience and what the company would get with you. Tailor this one for the job. With more experience, recruiters and hiring managers are far more likely to pay attention to this.
  • Work experience: cut down on the older ones. Aim to tell a story of your career progression. You might even decide to drop old positions when they are not supporting your story.
  • Education: a brief mention, at the end of your resume. You can safely remove all details—such as GPA, extracurricular activities—except for the fact of any degree you might have.

It can feel painful to cut away some of your experience from your resume. But keep in mind your goal: it’s to have that recruiter call. I collaborated with a systems administrator turned developer who had 20 years of experience. Ten years ago, they went back to college to get a computer science degree. Their original resume had all 20 years of experience listed: non-CS degree, ten years working as a systems admin, CS degree, ten years as a developer. The first ten years did not add much professionally to their resume: they ended up removing this, but still keeping their first, non-CS degree there. The new resume was cleaner, and they saw more callbacks with it.

While you don’t need to remove old positions, you should aim to reduce detail mentions significantly, except if they would add something very valuable for your current job application.

Keep regional and cultural differences in mind as you craft your resume. For example, in most of the US, a one-page resume is the norm for developers with less than a few years’ experience. Even more senior people aim to fit everything important on the first page. In most of Europe, resumes of two pages are common, and some hiring managers actually prefer to read longer resumes for senior people. Whatever the length, make sure you communicate the relevant parts first. Use the space wisely, elaborating more on your experiences and results that relate to the position you are applying for.

Languages and technologies: be crisp on what you know

Positions hiring for generalist software engineers will want to see some evidence that you have worked with a few technologies. For these places, it’s a good sign if you’ve mastered multiple technologies. Positions hiring for specific technologies will want to confirm that you did meaningful work with those technologies.

There are a few ways you could make it clear what languages and technologies you are proficient with :

1. Have a separate section for “languages and technologies” on the first page of your resume.

In this section, list out areas you are proficient with. Don’t bother specifying your expertise level: the hiring manager will assume you know these well enough if you listed them. An example of this approach can look like this:

how to write software developer resume

2. Call out languages and technologies that you used as part of your work experience.

An alternative to the previous approach is to mention the tools you used in each position. This gives more context on when you used these technologies or frameworks and what problems you solved using them. You could just list these out separately at the end of each position like this:

how to write software developer resume

However, I recommend “weaving in” the languages and technologies to the description itself. This both reads better, and you can give even more context:

how to write software developer resume

Standing out: results, impact, and numbers

One thing I wish more resumes had is specifics. The majority of CVs I’ve read tend to list responsibilities, what work was assigned, or have a hand-wavy explanation of the work. Here’s an example of a resume snippet that recruiters and hiring managers see all too commonly:

how to write software developer resume

While the person writing these details probably felt they were showcasing the work they were doing—the hiring manager gets little to no context on the specifics of the work. To stand out, be specific. To be specific, follow this approach:

  • Use numbers and quantify whatever you can. Numbers can be the number of users, service load numbers, number of customer support tickets you proactively resolved, and many others.
  • Use active language that shows what you have done and how you have been proactive. For example, instead of stating “Fixing various bugs that improve the user experience” , you could use active language and more specifics and write “Reduced user reported defects by 50% after I identified and fixed root causes of the four most common user reports.” The first version reads more passive: “fixing” might be seen as “I was told to be fixing”. In the second version, you make it clear what it was that you did and the results you achieved.
  • Mention specific languages and technologies where they make sense. This gives more context and makes your resume details more interesting as well.

Tailor your resume to the position

Having a “master” resume and tailoring it for every position you apply for is a great strategy. The tailoring doesn’t have to be drastic. However, if you are applying for a company where the job listing lists the stack as React and Node—and you have experience with these, among other languages—moving these up front could be a small change with a big impact. Similarly, if you’ve done work similar to what the position is asking for, having these bullet points listed first are all good ways to grab the attention of the person reading the resume earlier.

One last thing I need to call out, as developers seeking jobs bring it up: the application tracking systems (ATS), and robots “rejecting” your resume. This is false. Your resume will be read by a human. At tech companies, ATSes do not “reject” resumes , and “robot rejection” does not exist in tech. Be wary of any resource that claims this is true: they are probably using the tactic to create fear, uncertainty, and doubt as an incentive for you to buy their service. I’m saying this both as a hiring manager who has worked with ATSes and as an author who interviewed recruiters at all major tech companies. I asked them about robot rejections; they all confirmed that they have not seen or heard of such a practice.

Things that will help you beyond the resume

Applying for a job does not end with having a good resume. A few things can greatly help your job search: referrals, cover letters, LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow.

Employee referrals are the best way to increase your chances of hearing back from a company. If you have a strong referral, much of the above becomes less relevant. How do you get a referral? You ask. Ask around in your network to see who is hiring. Ask on public forums where tech professionals gather like Twitter or LinkedIn—potentially even Blind. You can try and reach out for a cold referral: but if you do, add context on why you think you are a great fit for a job and offer an easy way out for the person to not refer you if they do not feel comfortable doing so.

Cover letters are a coin toss. For larger companies, these places usually either don’t ask for one, or don’t pay much attention to it. At smaller firms and startups, where hiring managers are likely to read resumes and cover letters, it’s a better investment to spend time on this. Keep it short, sweet, and relevant. Don’t repeat your resume: add additional details that make your case stronger as to why you are a good fit for the position you are applying to.

Even if you are not looking for a job today, invest in growing your professional network. The larger your network, the easier you can get referrals from people who know the professional “you." To grow your network, build genuine relationships with others, help people, and make yourself visible. You don’t have to do this on social media: you can start right now at your workplace, within and outside your team.

LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow are all sites where having an up-to-date profile will greatly help your job search. Keep your LinkedIn up to date: it’s a good idea to refresh it as you write your resume. For GitHub, consider creating a GitHub README to present yourself and your key projects more effectively. Make sure projects you mention in your resume or those that you pin to your GitHub profile also have READMEs that share what the project is about. On Stack Overflow, tailor your Developer Story to make it easy for recruiters and hiring managers to find you with relevant opportunities.

For more advice, tips from recruiters in tech companies, and real-world “before” and “after” resume examples that worked, you can always grab The Tech Resume Inside Out . The book is complimentary for devs currently out of a job.

Good luck with writing your resume!

Software Engineer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Software Engineer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

Software Engineer Resume Templates and Examples (Download in App)

Most popular software engineer resumes.

  • Junior Software Engineer
  • Mid-Level Software Engineer
  • Director of Software Engineering
  • Full Stack Software Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Computer Engineering
  • Resume Text Examples

How To Write a Software Engineer Resume

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

Software Engineer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Junior Software Engineer Resume Example

Junior Software Engineer Resume Example

Mid-Level Software Engineer Resume Example

Mid-Level Software Engineer Resume Example

Director of Software Engineering Resume Example

Director of Software Engineering Resume Example

Full Stack Software Engineer Resume Example

Full Stack Software Engineer Resume Example

Full Stack Developer Resume Example

Full Stack Developer Resume Example

Computer Engineering Resume Example

Computer Engineering Resume Example

Software Engineer Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

Greg Jones (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Address Rd, Anywhere, USA, 12345

A Software Engineer with three years of experience, specializing in data analytics, object-oriented design, Python, and Java. A strong history of delivering innovative software designs and web frameworks to support large user bases.

Job Experience

Software Engineer, RCN Broadband, Philadelphia, PA September 2019-Present

  • Analyze large data sets, write complex SQL queries, and store procedures to build reports for an internet provider with 3M customers
  • Configure OpenSSL, manage SSL certificate for authentication, write 10 automation scripts per quarter using Java, and design schemas for SQL servers
  • Build dashboards using Tableau to enhance data visualization of performance metrics and financials for senior leadership

Junior Software Engineer, Smith Tech Solutions, Philadelphia, PA June 2018-September 2019

  • Coordinate cross-functionally with software engineering, data analytics, and infrastructure departments to migrate a legacy database to SQL
  • Provide support for application testing, architecture redesigns, and quality assurance testing for the deployment of new web applications
  • Programming Languages: Java, C++, Python, PHP, SQL
  • Linux Command Line
  • AWS Cloud Computing
  • Data Analytics
  • Software Testing and Debugging

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 2014-2018

Angela Martin (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Address Rd, Anywhere, USA, 12345

A Senior Software Engineer with eight years of experience, specializing in front-end and back-end development, application design, and web development. A proven track record of designing scalable web frameworks to support enterprise customers.

Professional Experience

Senior Software Engineer, RSS Tech, Pittsburgh, PA April 2016-Present

  • Coordinate cross-functionally with the software engineering and product management teams to redesign web application in React for a major credit lender, contributing to over 200K new downloads in a three-month period
  • Oversee a team of 12 software developers and engineers, develop base frameworks using Java, Python, and C#, and perform code reviews
  • Create a new system for the continuous integration of newly developed scripts to improve efficiency and deployment speeds by 10%

Software Engineer, Ruby Solutions, Pittsburgh, PA June 2013-April 2016

  • Collaborated with a five-person software engineering team to identify, develop, and implement software solutions based on client business requirements
  • Identified continuous improvement opportunities and created automated test scripts and SQL queries to reduce manual testing by 15%

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2009-May 2013

  • Coding skills (Java, Python, C#, Ruby)
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SLDC)
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Technical Leadership

Christine Miller (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Address Rd, Anywhere, USA 12345

A Senior Software Engineer with 10+ years of professional experience, specializing in Python, web development, and technical project management. A proven track record of coordinating with diverse teams across all phases of the software development lifecycle.

Software Tech Lead, KMS Solutions, Philadelphia, PA September 2016 – Present

  • Manage a 10-person software engineering team writing, modifying, and debugging software for enterprise client accounts valued at $400K-$1M
  • Serve as the subject matter expert during sales presentations, educate potential clients on software capabilities, and deliver presentations on product benefits
  • Create high-quality, scalable code, write dynamic Python scripts, develop over 200+ Python-based GUIs, and conduct quality assurance testing for software releases

Senior Software Engineer, ABC Systems, Philadelphia, PA June 2009 – September 2016

  • Developed 25+ front-end and back-end modules using Python and a Django web framework to enhance the user experience for an enterprise insurance company
  • Built the logic for a streamlined ad-serving platform and enabled scalability for a user base of 50M, which improved page speed by over 11%
  • Developed Perl and PHP scripts to translate data between applications
  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C#, PHP, Perl, and Swift
  • Technical Project Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Software Development Lifecycles (SDLC)


Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE Programmer, 2012 CIW Web Development Professional, 2011

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, August 2005-May 2009

Whether you’re just starting as a software engineer or have years of experience helping businesses build and debug products, your resume needs to make a good first impression. Every resume you send out should be tailored to the job posting and position you to keep moving forward in your career. Use the tips, examples, and templates provided below to revamp your resume and take the next step toward getting an interview.

1. Craft an outstanding profile with a summary of your software engineer qualifications

The profile section of your resume should be concise but give the hiring manager a concrete idea of your experience and what you bring to the table as a software engineer. Make sure to mention your current job title and be as specific as possible with your experience. Adding in your programming languages, such as C++ and Python, or whether you have worked with cloud computing or machine learning also lets you include some keywords from the job description to show you’re a good fit from the first paragraph.

Senior-Level Profile Example

A senior software engineer with over 10 years of professional experience, specializing in Python, web development, and technical project management. A track record of coordinating with diverse teams across all phases of the software development lifecycle.

Entry-Level Profile Example

A software engineer with three years of experience, specializing in data analytics, object-oriented design, Python, and Java. A strong history of delivering innovative software designs and web frameworks to support large user bases.

2. Showcase your software engineer experience

The actual job duties can vary widely when it comes to software engineer roles, so don’t assume a hiring manager knows what you did in your previous job. Be specific about what your responsibilities include, and use numbers and data whenever possible to quantify your achievements. A senior-level engineer with management experience can highlight how many direct reports they had and how they detected and fixed critical bugs with a tight turnaround time. An entry-level applicant may want to focus on how they used their skills in specific languages and frameworks to bring value to the team.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Software Tech Lead KMS Solutions, Philadelphia, PA | September 2016 – present

  • Manage a 10-person software engineering team writing, modifying, and debugging software for enterprise client accounts valued at $400,000 to $1 million
  • Create high-quality, scalable code, write dynamic Python scripts, develop over 200 Python-based graphical user interface (GUIs), and conduct quality assurance testing for software releases

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

Software Engineer RCN Broadband, Philadelphia, PA | September 2019 – present

  • Analyze large data sets, write complex SQL queries, and store procedures to build reports for an internet provider with 3 million customers
  • Configure OpenSSL, manage Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for authentication, write 10 automation scripts per quarter using Java, and design schemas for SQL servers

3. Outline your education and software engineer-related certifications

Because software engineering is highly focused on applying specific skills, spend more time and give more page space to this section than applicants may in other industries. If you have a computer science degree, highlight specific coursework or projects you completed that align with the job posting — especially if you’re an entry-level applicant. Certifications can also help you stand out among the competition because they externally validate that you have the skills you’re claiming.

  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] – [Graduation Month and Year]
  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
  • Temple University, Philadelphia, PA – May 2009
  • [Certification Name], [Completion Year]
  • Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE Programmer, 2012

4. List your key software engineer skills and proficiencies

It’s important for software engineers to hit the ground running when they are hired into a new position. A key skills section on your resume lets you list all your proficiencies in one spot so a hiring manager can tell at a glance if you’re a good fit. It’s helpful to include anything you’re comfortable working with, such as different programming languages, cloud computing platforms, operating systems, and containerization systems.

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Agile project management tools, such as Jira AWS
C++ Continuous learning and adaptability
Data analytics Debugging and troubleshooting
Front-end development Java
Kubernetes Machine learning and data science concepts
Mobile app development Natural language processing
Networking protocols and concepts Object-oriented design and development
Python Scrum
SQL database management User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design

How To Pick the Best Software Engineer Resume Template

Using a template for your resume can give you a standardized format that makes it easier to tailor your resume to each position. The best software engineer resume template is clean and simple and focuses on your skills and experience. There should be a section for your key skills and proficiencies, certifications, and previous work experience. Look for a template that has an easily skimmable format with lots of bullets and enough white space to not overwhelm the person reviewing it.

Frequently Asked Questions: Software Engineer Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for software engineer resumes -.

Each bullet under your professional experience section should start with an action verb that either describes your job duties, such as “collaborated,” or the value you brought to the company, such as “improved.” But it can be hard to think of unique action verbs for each bullet, especially if you’re a senior-level applicant with a longer resume. Try some of the options below if you get stuck and need some fresh ideas.

Action Verbs
Assessed Automated
Built Collaborated
Configured Debugged
Deployed Designed
Developed Enhanced
Implemented Integrated
Investigated Launched
Maintained Optimized
Planned Refactored
Resolved Scaled

How do you align your resume with a job description? -

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics predicts that software engineering and development is likely to see much faster than average job growth (25%) through 2031, which means you may see lots of options for open positions. If you’re applying for a specific job opening, it’s important to tailor your resume to the posting. Including keywords, skills, and proficiencies listed in the job description can help a hiring manager identify you as a good fit and increase your chances of making it to an interview.

What is the best software engineer resume format? -

Which resume format to use is largely a matter of personal preference, as long as it has space to include all of your skills and experience. However, a combination resume can be especially helpful for software engineers because it provides enough space to list all your technical skills and proficiencies while also providing an experience section where you can highlight how you used those skills to contribute to company objectives.

With many hiring managers getting hundreds of applicants for just one job posting, including a cover letter can help you stand out. Software engineer cover letter examples can give you a clean format to follow and examples of specifics to include to highlight your skills and why you’d be a good fit for the position.

Craft your perfect resume in minutes

Get 2x more interviews with Resume Builder. Access Pro Plan features for a limited time!

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Software Developer Resume Example & Writing: Complete Guide

how to write software developer resume

As a software developer, your resume is your first impression on potential employers. It acts as a gateway to job opportunities, helping you land the job of your dreams. A well-crafted software developer resume plays a vital role in showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements to hiring managers.

A strong software developer resume includes essential components that highlight your technical expertise, coding skills, and experience in developing software. In this article, we will provide you with a complete guide for crafting a winning software developer resume that will help you stand out from the competition.

We will cover the fundamentals of crafting a strong software developer resume that includes essential components such as your summary statement, work experience, education, skills, and projects. Our guide will also help you understand the dos and don’ts of writing a software developer resume and provide you with real-world examples to enhance your understanding.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to create a winning software developer resume that will help you secure your next job opportunity in the software development industry. Let’s dive in!

Key Elements of a Software Developer Resume

When crafting your software developer resume, it’s important to include key elements that will catch the attention of hiring managers and showcase your skills and experience. These key elements include:

Contact Information

The first thing that should appear on your resume is your contact information. This includes your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL if applicable. Make sure your contact information is easy to find and accurate so that hiring managers can easily get in touch with you.

how to write software developer resume

Professional Summary/Objective Statement

Your professional summary or objective statement should be a brief, one or two sentence statement that provides a quick overview of your skills, experience, and career goals. This statement should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and highlight the key skills and accomplishments that make you a strong candidate.

Technical Skills

As a software developer, your technical skills are the heart of your resume. Be sure to include a section that outlines your relevant technical skills, including programming languages, software platforms, database management tools, and other tools relevant to your field.

Work Experience

Your work experience section should include your most recent and relevant work experience, including job title, company name, and employment dates. Be sure to bullet point and include specific accomplishments, responsibilities, and projects related to each position that highlight your software development skills and experience.


In addition to your work experience, it’s important to include your education and any relevant certifications in your resume. This can include your degree, the name of the institution where you earned it, and any course work or certifications that demonstrate your skills and knowledge as a software developer.

Projects & Accomplishments

Finally, it’s important to include a section that highlights any projects or accomplishments that demonstrate your skills and experience as a software developer. These can include personal projects, open-source contributions, and significant accomplishments at past positions. Be sure to highlight specific details such as project size, technologies used, and outcomes achieved.

By including these key elements on your software developer resume, you can create a resume that showcases your skills, experience, and accomplishments in a way that will catch the attention of hiring managers and help you land the job you want.

Writing Tips for Software Developer Resumes

When it comes to writing a software developer resume, it’s important to highlight your technical skills and expertise. However, this can be easier said than done. That’s why tailoring your resume to the job description, highlighting your technical skills, and using industry jargon and keywords are essential to a successful job search.

Tailoring Your Resume to the Job Description

One of the most important things you can do when applying for a software developer position is to tailor your resume to the job description. This means taking the time to read through the job posting and understanding what the company is looking for in a candidate.

Once you have a solid understanding of the position’s requirements, customize your resume to match. This will not only show the hiring manager that you have the skills and experience they’re looking for, but also make it easier for them to see how you would fit into their team.

Highlighting Your Technical Skills

As a software developer, your technical skills are of the utmost importance. Therefore, it’s important to highlight them throughout your resume.

To do this effectively, start by listing your technical skills in a dedicated section of your resume. Be specific and detailed about the programming languages, databases, and software programs you have experience with.

Additionally, make sure to incorporate your technical skills throughout your work experience section. Use action verbs to explain your accomplishments and how your technical skills played a role in them.

how to write software developer resume

Using Industry Jargon and Keywords

When it comes to writing a software developer resume, using industry jargon and keywords can make all the difference. This is because these terms are often used by recruiters and hiring managers when searching for candidates.

To make sure you’re using industry jargon and keywords effectively, start by doing research on the company and position you’re applying for. Look at similar job postings and company websites to understand the specific terms and language they use.

Once you have a solid understanding of the industry jargon and keywords to use, be sure to incorporate them throughout your resume. Use them in your technical skills section, work experience bullet points, and in your summary statement.

Tailoring your resume to the job description, highlighting your technical skills, and using industry jargon and keywords are essential to creating a successful software developer resume. By taking the time to do these things, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and landing your dream job in the tech industry.

Formatting Tips for Software Developer Resumes

If you are a software developer looking for your dream job, your resume is one of the most important tools you have to showcase your skills and experience. Not only should your resume be well-written, but it needs to be well-organized and easy to read as well. In this section, we will look at some formatting tips to help you create a stand-out software developer resume.

Choosing the Right Resume Format

Before we dive into the tips on organizing and outlining your resume, it is essential to choose the right format. There are three main types of resume formats:

  • Chronological
  • Combination

Most hiring managers are familiar with the chronological format, which is the most common type. It lists your employment history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. This format is ideal if you have a steady work history and want to highlight your career progression.

A functional resume format places more emphasis on your skills and achievements, rather than your work experience. This format can be beneficial if you have gaps in your work history or are changing careers.

Lastly, a combination resume format combines the chronological and functional formats. It includes both your skills and work history. This format is suitable for software developers who have a lot of relevant work experience but want to emphasize their skills and achievements.

Organizing Your Resume for Optimal Readability

Once you have decided on the format, it’s essential to organize your resume correctly. Here are some tips:

  • Use bullet points and short sentences to make your resume more readable.
  • Keep your resume concise and to the point. A one-page resume is usually enough.
  • Use clear headings and subheadings to organize your resume.
  • Highlight your key skills and achievements at the top of your resume.
  • Emphasize your most relevant work experience.
  • Customize your resume for each job you apply for.

Utilizing Bullet Points

Bullet points are a fantastic way to make your resume more readable, as they help break up long paragraphs and highlight critical information. Here are some best practices for utilizing bullet points:

  • Start each bullet point with an action verb to describe your achievements.
  • Use numbers and data to quantify your achievements.
  • Keep bullet points short and focused on one accomplishment.
  • Use bullet points to emphasize your technical skills.

Formatting your software developer resume correctly can make the difference between landing your dream job or getting lost in a pile of resumes. Use these formatting tips to make sure your resume stands out from the crowd.

Software Developer Resume Example: Entry Level

If you’re just starting in the software development industry, you’ll need a strong entry-level software developer resume to make sure you stand out from the crowd. Here are the necessary components that should be included in your resume:

Start your resume with a header that includes your full name, contact information like email address and phone number, and a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one.

2. Summary/Objective

Write a brief statement about your career goals and how you plan to contribute to the company. Consider using this opportunity to highlight any relevant projects or experience you have.

3. Education

List your educational achievements in reverse chronological order and include the degree awarded, institution name, graduation date, and relevant honors, such as Dean’s List or Cum Laude.

List all the programming languages, tools, and software you’re proficient in, as well as any relevant certifications or training courses you have completed.

5. Experience

List any internships or entry-level jobs you have held in the software development industry. Use bullet points to highlight your responsibilities, accomplishments, and projects you worked on. If you don’t have any relevant work experience, you can include any relevant academic projects or personal projects you worked on in your spare time.

6. References

Include at least two professional references who can speak to your skills and work ethic.

Example of a Entry-level Software Developer Resume

123 Main Street, City, State | (555) 123-4567 | [email protected]

Motivated and detail-oriented Software Developer with a strong foundation in programming principles and problem-solving skills. Committed to continuously expanding knowledge in software development and delivering high-quality code. Eager to contribute to a dynamic team and gain practical experience in a professional software development environment.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | University Name, City, State | Year

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Database Management: SQL, MySQL
  • Version Control: Git
  • IDEs: Eclipse, Visual Studio Code

Web-based E-commerce Application | University Course Project

  • Developed a fully functional e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Implemented user authentication and session management features.
  • Integrated a MySQL database for product storage and retrieval.
  • Utilized Git for version control and collaborative development.

Inventory Management System | Personal Project

  • Created a desktop application using Java Swing for managing inventory.
  • Implemented CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for products.
  • Utilized SQLite database for data storage and retrieval.
  • Implemented error handling and validation to ensure data integrity.

Software Development Intern | Company Name, City, State | Month Year – Month Year

  • Assisted in the development and testing of software applications.
  • Collaborated with senior developers to troubleshoot and resolve issues.
  • Conducted code reviews and assisted in the implementation of enhancements.
  • Gained exposure to software development methodologies and best practices.

Additional Skills

  • Strong problem-solving and analytical abilities.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
  • Ability to quickly learn new technologies and programming languages.
  • Attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality code.

Software Developer Resume Example: Mid-Career

When it comes to crafting a mid-career software developer resume, there are a few key elements that you should include to stand out from the competition.

What to include in a mid-career developer resume

Objective statement: A brief statement outlining your career goals and what types of positions you are looking for.

Summary of qualifications: Highlight your key qualifications, skills and achievements in a concise and compelling manner.

Relevant experience: Include your most recent and relevant work experience, listing your job title, company name, dates of employment and key responsibilities and achievements.

Education and certifications: List your educational qualifications and any relevant certifications that you have obtained.

Technical skills: Detail your proficiency in the programming languages, tools and technologies used in your field of work.

Achievements and awards: Highlight any notable achievements or awards that you have received throughout your career.

Professional affiliations: List any professional organizations or associations that you belong to, along with any significant contributions you have made to the industry.

Example of a mid-career software developer resume

John Doe 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 (123) 456-7890 johndoe.

Highly skilled and dedicated software developer with 5+ years of experience in full-stack development. Proficient in multiple programming languages and frameworks, with a focus on delivering scalable and efficient solutions. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to analyze requirements, design software systems, and implement innovative solutions. Proven track record of delivering high-quality code and meeting project deadlines.

Senior Software Developer | Company Name, City, State | Month Year – Present

  • Lead the development and implementation of complex software solutions, working closely with stakeholders to gather requirements and define project scope.
  • Utilize Java, Spring Boot, and Angular to develop scalable and responsive web applications, adhering to best practices and design patterns.
  • Collaborate with a team of developers to deliver high-quality code and meet project milestones.
  • Conduct code reviews and provide technical guidance to junior developers.
  • Participate in architectural discussions and propose improvements to enhance system performance and maintainability.

Software Developer | Company Name, City, State | Month Year – Month Year

  • Developed and maintained web applications using Python, Django, and JavaScript.
  • Implemented RESTful APIs for seamless integration with external systems.
  • Designed and optimized database structures using PostgreSQL.
  • Collaborated with product managers and designers to deliver user-friendly interfaces and enhance user experience.
  • Assisted in troubleshooting and resolving production issues, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System | Company Name

  • Led the development of a comprehensive ERP system, streamlining business processes and improving efficiency.
  • Developed modules for inventory management, purchasing, sales, and accounting.
  • Integrated third-party APIs for payment processing and shipping functionalities.
  • Implemented security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure data privacy.
  • Successfully launched the ERP system, resulting in increased productivity and cost savings for the organization.

Mobile Expense Tracking Application | Personal Project

  • Designed and developed a mobile application using React Native, enabling users to track and manage their expenses on the go.
  • Implemented features such as user authentication, expense categorization, and data synchronization with backend servers.
  • Integrated payment gateways for secure in-app transactions.
  • Published the application on app stores, receiving positive user reviews and achieving a high download rate.
  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, C#
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, React, Angular, Spring Boot, Django
  • Database Technologies: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Version Control: Git, SVN
  • Agile Development Methodologies


  • AWS Certified Developer – Associate
  • Excellent teamwork and communication skills.
  • Ability to mentor and coach junior developers.
  • Detail-oriented and dedicated to delivering high-quality software solutions.
  • Continuous learner, staying updated with the latest technologies and industry trends.

Software Developer Resume Example: Senior Level

Guidelines for creating an effective senior-level software developer resume.

When it comes to creating an effective senior-level software developer resume, there are a few key guidelines to keep in mind:

Emphasize Your Experience: As a senior-level developer, your experience is one of your greatest assets. Be sure to highlight your relevant work experience, including any leadership or management roles you have held.

Showcase Your Skills: In addition to highlighting your experience, you should also showcase your technical skills. This might include programming languages, development frameworks, and tools or technologies that you are proficient in.

Use Metrics to Demonstrate Your Impact: Whenever possible, use metrics to demonstrate the impact of your work. For example, you might highlight how you increased application performance or reduced maintenance costs.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job: Finally, be sure to tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Research the position and the company to get a better understanding of their needs and priorities, and then highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant.

Example of a Senior-Level Software Developer Resume

John Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 [email protected] 555-555-1234

Senior-level software developer with over 10 years of experience creating innovative solutions in a variety of programming languages and frameworks. Skilled in leading teams and delivering results, with a focus on performance, reliability, and user experience.

Senior Software Developer, XYZ Corporation

  • Led a team of 5 developers in the design and implementation of a new ecommerce platform, resulting in a 15% increase in online sales.
  • Created new performance monitoring tools that reduced application downtime by 25%.
  • Implemented agile development methodologies to improve team efficiency and reduce time-to-market.

Lead Developer, ABC Company

  • Designed and developed a new mobile app, resulting in a 4-star rating and over 1 million downloads.
  • Worked with cross-functional teams to deliver complex projects on time and within budget.
  • Mentored junior developers and provided technical leadership across the organization.
  • Programming languages: Java, Python, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: Spring MVC, Flask, AngularJS
  • Tools and Technologies: AWS, Docker, Jenkins

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley

This resume showcases John’s extensive experience in senior-level software development, his technical skills, and his leadership abilities. By highlighting specific projects and achievements, he demonstrates the impact of his work and helps recruiters and hiring managers see how he can contribute to their organization.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on a Software Developer Resume

When crafting your software developer resume, there are common mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. These mistakes can hurt your chances of standing out from other applicants and jeopardize your chances of getting an interview. Here are some of the most common mistakes to watch out for:

Overcomplicating your language

While it may be tempting to use technical jargon and complicated words to showcase your knowledge, overcomplicating your language can be a turn-off for employers. It is important to remember that your resume should be easily understood by anyone in the hiring process, regardless of their technical background. Stick to simple language and avoid confusing industry-specific terms.

Including irrelevant information

Your resume should be a focused and concise representation of your qualifications and experience as a software developer. Including irrelevant information, such as unrelated work experience or personal hobbies, can distract from your relevant skills and qualifications. Stay focused and only include information that directly relates to the position you are applying for.

Omitting information that would make you stand out

On the flip side, omitting information that would make you stand out from other candidates is also a mistake to avoid. Do you have experience managing a team of developers? Have you contributed to open source software projects? Did you lead a successful software development project that resulted in increased revenue for a company? Be sure to highlight these achievements on your resume to make yourself stand out as a top candidate.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of landing an interview and securing your next software developer position. Remember to keep your language simple and clear, stay focused on relevant information, and highlight your unique achievements and qualifications to stand out from the crowd.

Tips for Making Your Software Developer Resume Stand Out

To get noticed by potential employers, it is crucial to create a standout resume. Here are some tips to help make your software developer resume stand out:

Using Metrics and Quantifiable Data

One effective way to demonstrate your skills and experience is by showcasing your achievements through the use of metrics and quantifiable data. For example, include statistics related to how much code you have written, how many bugs you have fixed, or the number of successful projects you have delivered. This will give employers a better sense of your abilities and accomplishments.

Highlighting Your Work on Open-Source Projects

Developers who contribute to open-source projects demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively and contribute to the community. Make sure to include any relevant open-source projects you have worked on in your resume. This not only shows your enthusiasm for coding but also provides potential employers with examples of your contributions to the industry.

Incorporating Visually Appealing Design Elements

Most software developer resumes are not visually appealing, making it difficult for employers to differentiate between candidates. Incorporate visually appealing design elements such as color schemes, graphics, and proper formatting. This will help your resume to stand out and convey your creativity and attention to detail.

Incorporating these three tips into your software developer resume will give you an edge over other candidates and increase your chances of getting your dream job.

How to Tailor Your Resume for a Specific Job Opening

One of the most important steps in crafting your software developer resume is tailoring it for a specific job opening. Doing so can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately getting the job. Here are some tips on how to tailor your resume for a specific job opening:

Researching keywords and skills listed in the job description

The first step in tailoring your resume for a specific job opening is to research the keywords and skills listed in the job description. Look for words or phrases that are commonly used in the software developer industry, such as programming languages, software development methodologies, and technical tools.

Make note of these keywords and skills, and be sure to include them in your resume where relevant. This will not only show that you have the necessary skills and experience, but it will also help your resume get past automated screening software that many companies use to filter out resumes.

Using the job description to guide the structure and content of your resume

Another important step in tailoring your resume for a specific job opening is to use the job description to guide the structure and content of your resume.

Look for sections in the job description that correspond to the sections typically found on a resume, such as education, work experience, and skills. Use these sections as a guide for structuring your resume.

In addition, make sure to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with a specific programming language, make sure to highlight your experience with that language in your resume.

Tailoring your resume for a specific job opening is a critical step in landing your dream software developer job. By researching keywords and skills listed in the job description and using the job description to guide the structure and content of your resume, you will increase your chances of standing out from the crowd and getting noticed by potential employers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Software Developer Resumes

A well-crafted resume can make or break your job search as a software developer. Below are some frequently asked questions about formatting, content, and length to help guide you as you create your resume.

How long should a software developer resume be?

When it comes to resume length, less is often more. Keep your resume concise and limited to one or two pages. Use bullet points and avoid lengthy paragraphs. Focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, experience, and achievements.

What format should a software developer resume be in?

The most common formats for resumes are chronological, functional, and combination. A chronological format is the most traditional, listing your work experience in reverse chronological order. A functional format emphasizes your skills and achievements, often used when you have gaps in your work history or changing careers. A combination format combines both the chronological and functional formats, highlighting both your experience and skills.

What should be included in a software developer resume?

Your resume should include your contact information, a summary or objective statement, your work experience, education, and skills. For software developers, it’s also important to showcase your technical skills, programming languages, tools, and platforms used.

What are some tips for writing a software developer resume?

Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for, using keywords from the job posting. Quantify your accomplishments with specific results or metrics. Use clear and concise language, avoiding technical jargon or industry buzzwords. Proofread your resume carefully for spelling and grammatical errors.

Should I include a cover letter with my software developer resume?

Yes, a cover letter is a great opportunity to showcase your interest in the position and explain why you’re a good fit for the role. Use the cover letter to expand on your experience and skills and highlight specific examples that demonstrate your qualifications.

A well-written and well-formatted resume can set you apart as a software developer. Keep it focused, highlight your technical skills, and tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. Don’t forget to include a strong and personalized cover letter to make a lasting impression.

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how to write software developer resume

How to write a killer Software Engineering résumé

Terrence Kuo

An in-depth analysis of the résumé that got me interviews at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and more.

This résumé got me interviews at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple.


I obtained these interviews by sending my résumé to the résumé black hole , also known as applying online.


Applying online is the most common way people go about applying for a job and therefore the least effective way to land an interview due to competition. Yet that is exactly how I obtained all my interviews.

How did I accomplish this?

In this article, I will go through a line-by-line analysis of my résumé for the following purposes:

  • explaining the choices that I made in creating my résumé
  • why I believe this résumé worked to help me land those interviews, and
  • how you can create an even better résumé!

I decided to write this article because I struggled a lot with landing interviews when I first started looking for a job. It would have been extremely helpful for me to have a real-life example résumé to look at.

This article is organized into the following sections:

  • The All Too Familiar Way of Not Landing an Interview - a short anecdote of my frustrations when I first started applying for jobs
  • Evaluating the Options: Moving Forward - a reflection on different strategies to improve the odds of landing interviews
  • Learning How to Write a Killer Résumé By Example - the step-by-step analysis of my résumé with each of the following sections corresponding to my résumé:

The Essentials from a Glance

  • Who Are You
  • Contact Information
  • Personal Projects

The All Too Familiar Way of Not Landing an Interview

Applying online.

You probably know the link that every company provides for online applications. It’s the classic career site that shows you a bunch of job titles which you think you are totally qualified for until you open the job description and read the minimum requirements.


A job description with a bunch of words that you have never heard of, may have heard of, or hoped you had heard of. And it has an innocent-looking “ Apply” button .


Despite the uncertainty you may feel about your qualifications, you apply anyway because you want a job.

So you fill out the application form, press submit — and wait and hope for a positive response.

Your results will be varied:

  • Phone Interview ? (yay, a chance at employment!!!)
  • Immediate Rejection ? (darn, back to the drawing board)
  • No reply  ? (ugh, at least give me the courtesy of having some closure)

Repeat Until Success… Right?

Sadly, this is the typical process that many people go through when looking for a job/internship.

Apply to a couple of companies. Get a couple of rejections or no replies. Apply to a couple more companies. Get a couple more rejections or no replies. Over, and over, and over again.

Why do we do this to ourselves? We spend all this time doing the same repetitive task to obtain the same, disappointing results.

Because this is what everyone does to get an interview, right? Because at least we’re working towards the right direction and have a glimmer of hope, right? How else are you supposed to get an interview?

Evaluating the Options: Moving Forward

“Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale Carnegie, (author of “How to Win Friends and Influence People”)

We can think of approaching the problem of not getting interviews in two ways:

  • Putting your application/ résumé under the microscope
  • Questioning the process in which you go about obtaining an interview

This article focuses on the former, because no matter what avenue you end up taking to get an interview, essentially every company utilizes your résumé as a basis for evaluation . Therefore, we will examine my résumé under a microscope and focus on learning how to write a remarkable résumé.

Getting an interview via online application is extremely challenging because your résumé has to pass numerous stages before it gets into the hands of the hiring manager.

It has to bypass online keyword filters , stand out to a recruiter who reviews it for about 6 seconds and meet the expectations of the hiring manager who decides whether you are worth interviewing.

Yet, despite all those hurdles, I obtained all my interviews by applying online. How? Trial and error . I’ve applied to hundreds of different software engineering positions since my sophomore year of college.

When I first started applying, I faced a staggering number of rejections, but over time I learned how to adapt. By the time I was a senior, I was extremely successful in landing interviews from almost every company I applied to.

The résumé that landed me all those interviews is the exact one in this article.

It took me four years of iteration and real-life testing to get to this point. From this experience, I have come up with a list of résumé writing principles to help you write an even better software résumé. These are principles that have helped me land my dream job and are principles that can help you land yours.

While it took me four years of college to figure this all out, you don’t have to go through all the leaps and bounds because you can learn all of it right here, right now.

My goal is to be the one-stop hub for all your questions on how to obtain a software engineering interview. That way, you don’t have to waste countless hours cross-referencing Google search results to find the best answer on how to write a software engineering résumé that gets interviews.

Your valuable time could be better spent on writing your killer résumé.

So start here and now with this article. Reap the benefits from my past experiences and let’s begin the step-by-step walkthrough of my résumé!

Learning How to Write a Killer Résumé — By Example

“As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let’s take another look at this résumé:


One-page résumé

Recruiters do not have all day to read your résumé. On average they view it for less than 6 seconds. Keep it short and concise .

Sections (Header, Education, Employment, Software Projects, Skills)

Place sections in order of importance from top to bottom. The ‘ Personal Projects ’ section is a unique, must-have for people looking for a software engineering position.

Consistent layout + font per section

Make sure each section contains a uniform look. Consistent style is important as it enhances the readability. Readability is essential.

So why does this résumé work? Let’s explore the numbered bullet points.

Who Are You (1)

Target Audience: Anyone writing a résumé


Starting off real easy. Your name. Place your name at the top of your résumé in a large legible font.

No need to be all fancy about it with extravagant colors or fancy fonts. Plain and simple does the trick. You want the recruiter to see this easily from a mile away because you want them to know who you are. A recruiter who has to do minimum work is a happy recruiter. A happy recruiter is one who is more likely to give you an interview.

Recap: Make it ridiculously easy for the recruiter to read and find your name.

Contact Information (2)


Your contact info should be as easy as identifying your name. This is so important. Of all the things in the world, please do not mess this one up because how else on earth will the recruiter contact you?

Recap: Put in the correct contact information or you’ll never be contacted.

Education (3)

Target Audience: Anyone writing a résumé with a degree


If you are attending or attended college, this should be the first section of your résumé, because going to college is a huge accomplishment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only “66.7 percent of 2017 high school graduates age 16 to 24 enrolled in colleges or universities”. So be proud of it and include it!

Right off the bat, this tells the recruiter that you are invested in education and learning, which is crucial because technology is continuously changing. Furthermore, this information serves as an indicator of your successes, so be sure to put it down.

Recap: Put down where you got educated.


Be sure to include relevant coursework corresponding to the position that you are applying for. While a course on the History of Italian Gastronomy sounds exceptionally appetizing, it doesn’t have a place in a résumé that is trying to get you a job in computer science.

This will significantly improve the ability of the recruiter and the hiring manager looking at your résumé in deciding whether you are a good fit for the position. And as previously mentioned, a happy recruiter is more likely to give you an interview.

Recap: Only include relevant coursework.


Okay. GPA. Before we talk about this, let’s remind ourselves of the main purpose of a résumé.

The main purpose of a résumé is to highlight your knowledge, skills, and accomplishments succinctly. You want to include things on your résumé that you are proud of, but also things that will impress. You want to paint a picture of yourself in the best light possible so that recruiters and hiring managers want to interview you.

Now back to your GPA. It should be fairly obvious whether or not your GPA is impressive. If your GPA is below a 3.0, don’t put it on your résumé. There’s nothing wrong with excluding your GPA from your résumé if it only harms your chances.

If you have a GPA between 3.0–3.2, this is a judgment call. From personal experience, I have talked to some companies that require a minimum GPA of 3.2, but these were primarily financial or quantitative companies. Most software companies have little regard for your GPA. If you have anything above a 3.2, I would place it on your résumé.

If you have a low GPA, fear not, as this gives you the opportunity to be creative! My overall GPA was a 3.2 due to poor grades from my freshman engineering prerequisites and humanities classes. But once I finished and started taking courses within my major, my in-major GPA (GPA calculated from courses in my major) was a 3.44, which was significantly higher. So that’s what I put down (but make sure to qualify it as a departmental GPA).

There are many ways of going about presenting yourself in the best light possible, even when it may seem like the odds are stacked against you. I only provided one example of accomplishing this, but there are many more ways waiting to be discovered by you. Fully embrace your failures and accomplishments because they make up who are you. Be honest and truthful, and always focus on highlighting the best parts about yourself.

Recap: Your GPA does not define you. The purpose of your résumé is to present yourself in the best light. Never forget that! Be creative when going about this and DON’T LIE.

Employment (4)

Target Audience: Students with software engineering work experience


If you are a college student without any experience, don’t be afraid! This was my senior year résumé when I was applying for a full-time job. I was fortunate enough to have accumulated relevant work experience from summer internships, but this isn’t absolutely necessary to get an interview. If you find that you don’t have much to put in section, jump down to the ‘ Personal Projects ’ section.


While it is great to have past work experience, not all work experience is treated equally when it comes to looking for a job in software engineering. Focus only on including work experience that has relevance to the job that you are applying for. For instance, if you have experience working as a cashier in retail or a waiter in the food industry, don’t include it! Unfortunately, your abilities to handle money or serve food did not provide any indication that you will succeed as a software engineer.

A recruiter’s goal is to match candidates with jobs that fit the candidates’ skill sets. Therefore it is essential only to include past work experience that has some relation to the position that you are currently applying to, on your résumé.

Part of accomplishing this means creating a collection of various résumés, each tailored specifically for the different job that you are interested in. This is analogous to the college application process, where you had to write separate essays for each university that you applied to. Each college has its own values, culture, and vision, making it nearly impossible to write a generic, one-size-fits-all college essay. Therefore, tailor your résumé to the job that you are applying for.

Lastly, a note on dates. Order your experiences in descending order starting with your most recent experiences. For undergraduates, this means being mindful of including experiences that are both recent and relevant. Sadly, no one cares about whatever accomplishments you had in middle school or high school. If the experience is outdated, leave it out.

Recap: Have various versions of your résumé tailored for each job you are applying for. There is no one-size-fits-all résumé.


The hardest part about résumé writing is having descriptions that fully encapsulate your accomplishments from past work experiences in a meaningful and impressive way.

What does it mean for your descriptions to be meaningful and impressive? It means getting the recruiter to think: “This is someone that has the skill sets we are looking for. This is someone that has made a significant impact in their past jobs. This is someone we would like to interview and potentially hire.”

The primary objective of the Employment section is to show the impact and value that you had while working at an established institution. Your goal is to show recruiters that you are a candidate that can get things done and do them well.

To best showcase my accomplishments in my résumé, I adopted the following powerful formula, created by the Former SVP of People Operations at Google, Laszlo Bock:

“Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]” — Laszlo Bock

You can see this very clearly in the very first bullet point of this section on my résumé.

Improved device’s battery lifespan by 8% by integrating a fuel gauge sensor and establishing a battery saving state

Let’s break it down:

Accomplished [X]- Improved device’s battery lifespan

Measured by [Y]- by 8%

By Doing [Z]- integrating a fuel gauge sensor and establishing a battery saving state

I leveraged this formula in some shape or form in almost every sentence in my résumé.

To help you along this process, below is a word bank of excellent verbs you can and should use:


Here are some examples of fill-in the blank sentences that I have come up with for you to get started:

  • Reduced _____ by _____ by _____.
  • Redesigned _____ for _____.
  • Implemented _____ for _____ by _____.
  • Improved _____ by _____ through _____.
  • Utilized _____ to _____ for _____.
  • Increased _____ by _____ through _____.
  • Integrated _____ by _____ for _____.
  • Incorporated _____ for _____ by _____.

Recap: Use the “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]” formula. It’s the most effective and most apparent way of showing recruiters/managers your impact.


Lastly, I end each work experience with a leveraged knowledge bullet point. The utility behind this last bit is it enables the reader to really get a sense of the technology I am familiar with by explicitly stating the technologies that I used for the project.

This also allows me to have a concise, but clean ‘Skills’ section located at the bottom of my résumé. Recruiters can then look at the bottom to immediately obtain a sense of my capabilities by seeing which computer languages I am familiar with. If they are looking to see if I have specific knowledge in a particular tool, framework, or library, then they can find this out by looking at my projects.

Recap: Including technologies that you used in your descriptions will help you bypass online keyword filters when applying online. This will also give recruiters a clearer idea of your experiences and knowledge.

Personal Projects (5)

Target Audience: Students looking for software engineering internships/full-time positions + Unique section for software engineering applicants


Maybe if I say it enough times, you will understand the importance of this section, especially for those that do not have work experience .

Personal projects are integral to piquing recruiters and hiring managers interest as it shows you are passionate about programming.

A personal project can be anything programming related, whether it be a Python script, Java program, web page, mobile application, etc. These projects show that you are genuinely interested in computer science and you have strong desires to work as a software engineer because you are willing to go beyond your schoolwork and create something on your own.

Taking the initiative to build something on your own is extremely impressive. It shows that you are dedicated to expanding your knowledge of computer science and that you are not afraid of putting in the extra work to do so. Ultimately, it is a fantastic way to demonstrate self-initiative and genuine interest in this field.

The other benefit of doing personal projects is that you inevitably gain the skills that apply to work in the real world. Things that you don’t usually do at school, but you will do at work such as using standard frameworks/libraries, understanding full-stack web development, creating mobile applications, setting up a development environment, or programming efficiently with Vim.

Tip: Create a personal website that showcases and documents all of your personal projects. This is a little hack that ‘virtually extends’ your résumé beyond the one-page limit.

To reiterate one last time, personal projects show your passion and dedication towards developing the necessary skills needed for a job that you don’t yet have. This is a must-have on any software engineering resume.

“Build some iPhone apps, web apps, whatever! Honestly it doesn’t matter that much what you’re building as long as you’re building something. You can build a fairly meaty project in one weekend. This means that with about 3–4 weekends of work, you can make your résumé go from so-so to fantastic. Seriously — I’ve seen lots of people do this.” - Gayle McDowell, former Google Engineer and Author of Cracking the Coding Interview

If there is a specific company that you really want to work at, one of the best ways to stand out is doing a personal project that is directly related to the job that you are applying for.

I got my internship at Autodesk by taking a free online interactive computer graphics course on Udacity. The course taught me to use a JavaScript library called three.js , and it just so happened that there was a software engineering internship opening at Autodesk looking for someone with full-stack website and knowledge in three.js (aka ME).

A word of caution on this technique. This strategy is not perfect. This only really works for companies like Autodesk which do not have generalized software engineering internships like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. When starting off early in your career, it is better to generalize and figure out the different disciplines of computer science. Nonetheless, this is an excellent method worth trying if there is a specific company you want.

Recap: Personal projects are imperative. If you haven’t already, start NOW! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Target Audience: Anyone looking for a software engineering job


The title explains it all. Keep this section dumb, simple, and clean. List all the relevant skills that you want the recruiter to know you have. The more skills you have listed here that match key technical words in the qualification section of the job description, the better your chances!

This will allow you to bypass the online keyword scanner easily. However, this is not a fool-proof method of circumventing the scanner. Ultimately it is a recruiter who gets their hands on your résumé that decides, but they will also be more inclined to give you an interview if they see you as a good fit for the job!

A thing to note about the skills section is to NOT simply list all the keywords on the job description just for the sake of showing you’re a good fit. It will come back to bite you as you will be questioned on the skills you claim to know.

Part of giving yourself some leeway in this is including an indication of your proficiency level. Since you are probably not practicing every language you’ve ever encountered on a day to day basis, including a proficiency level can help the recruiter know your strongest languages at a moment in time and other languages that you are familiar with.

I’ve opted to use two tiers:

  • Proficient - Languages that I am very familiar with, feel very comfortable using, and can interview with right now.
  • Familiar - Languages that I have utilized in the past but may not be as knowledgeable in currently, but can pick back up given time.

Other valid options include:

  • Intermediate
  • Working Knowledge
  • Basic Knowledge

Recap: When applying for a specific job online, cross-reference the job description and add essential technical keywords on your résumé to increase your chance of getting an interview.

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure your name and contact information is correct and legible
  • Be sure to include your education. If your GPA is low, leave it out or be creative!
  • Utilize the “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]” formula to effectively show the impact that you had in your past employment
  • Do personal projects — especially if you do not have past experience working in tech

Final Thoughts

While this résumé got me interviews at numerous software engineering companies, there is no guarantee that following all the principles and techniques I have explained here will yield the same results for you.

This was my senior year résumé in 2017. It is a showcase of my journey and interest in software engineering. Copying it will do you no good, as technology is constantly evolving and the talent search is an ever-changing process. Instead, use this as a reference.

Use my résumé and this article as a resource to become a better résumé writer and a more effective communicator. Focus on learning how to best convey your skills and achievements to others. This in itself is an invaluable, lifelong skill that you will need wherever you go.

As you write your résumé, please remember — be yourself!

Your résumé is a list of your own accomplishments, achievements, and interests. Your goal is to craft the most polished version of yourself. Lastly, have fun and enjoy the process!

For anyone interested in using this resume template, I obtained it from CareerCup which was founded by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, author of Cracking The Coding Interview .

From personal experience, what’s most important is the content. The resume writing principles discussed above can be applied to any template!

Also, check out my new website, memlayout.com , which helps students learn programming through visualizing their python code line-by-line.

software engineer @tesla. consider donating to https://oeop.mit.edu/. visualize python code line-by-line with https://memlayout.com/

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Susan Shor

Software Developer resume examples & templates

Software Developer resume examples & templates

Strong action verbs

With a great software developer resume, you may get your pick of jobs in this high-growth career in information technology . You must have been thinking ahead when you chose this career, as software developers are highly sought after. Your unicorn-level job doesn’t have to be a dream when you combine your skills with a resume written to impress. Because there are so many software developer jobs out there, you need to think hard about what you want and how to present yourself to reach that goal. 

Entry-level Software Developer Resume Example

This software developer resume example and writing guide, along with our resume builder and expert-tested resume templates , will show you how to:

  • Target your resume for each niche and job
  • Beat the Applicant Tracking Systems that filter out resumes that lack the right keywords
  • Use compelling language to convey your accomplishments
  • Develop a creative, accessible design and layout

First, let’s look at your options.

What does a software developer do?

Software developers specialize in creating, implementing and maintaining software and databases, but software development is an umbrella for many different skills. In fact, CoderHood list 19 different types of software developers:

  • Front-end or client-side
  • Backend or server side
  • Middle tier
  • Data scientist
  • Software development engineer in test (SDET)

You may already have a specialty or know what area interests you most. You may have a job doing one type of development and be looking for a new challenge. Whatever your situation is, a great software developer resume is the place to start.

The field of software development is expected to gain 409,500 jobs by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . That’s a 22 percent increase — much faster than the average for all occupations.

But because opportunities abound, many people are preparing for careers as software developers. 

According to DataUSA , the number of computer and information sciences and support services graduates in the workforce grew from 2.06 million in 2018 to 2.17 million in 2019, an increase of 5.5%. And yet the supply of software developers is not keeping up with the demand. Just as you have options in the type of work you do, you also have options in how you do it. 

Software Developer - Graduates in  the workforce

Many software developers choose to work as contractors instead of employees. That means they have the freedom to choose each project they work on, but it also means they are looking for a job each time a project ends. Whatever you choose, you can get ahead of the field if you know how to craft a software developer resume that gets into the hands of recruiters on the lookout for great candidates.

Most larger employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes according to whether they contain essential keywords. These keywords typically describe critical job qualifications, and they’re input into the ATS for each open job. Study the job description to find out what the employer considers to be the crucial qualifications for this job, and if you meet them, be sure to mention them in your resume. Otherwise, your resume may be rejected without any human review.

How to write a software developer resume

If you do project-based work, you may want to format your resume a little differently than most. All resumes contain components in common, and here are the sections you definitely need to include:

  • The resume header
  • The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The resume skills section
  • The education section

Software Developer - A Software Developer resume

Choosing the best resume format for a software developer

When listing your work experience, you have a couple of options. If you’ve followed a more traditional career path holding full-time jobs for various employers, your best option is probably the chronological resume format , where you list your current or last job first and your first job last. But if you’re a contractor who has done multiple projects for a wide range of companies, you should consider the functional resume format, which allows you to list your work experience by project or by specialization. 

Your decision may depend partly on the type of job you are applying for. Your software developer resume is a living document that should be customized to fit each application. You may want to have an employment history section for one application and a project section for another. 

For additional inspiration on how to write your resume, you can check out related IT resume examples such as:

  • Systems Analyst resume sample
  • Technical Project Manager resume sample
  • Computer Science resume sample
  • Network Engineer resume sample
  • IT Director resume sample
  • Software Engineer resume sample
  • Film and Video Editor resume sample
  • Motion Graphics Artists resume sample
  • Network Systems Analyst resume sample
  • 3D Animator resume sample
  • Web Developer resume sample
  • Programmer resume sample
  • Data Scientist resume sample
  • IT manager resume sample
  • Data Analyst resume sample
  • IT Project manager resume sample

Resume summary example: code your career success

Also known as a profile or personal statement , the resume summary is your “elevator pitch” for the job you want. Play up your achievements without boasting or exaggerating. The key to a good resume summary is compelling language and vivid detail. You want to give recruiters a sense of your professional personality and what you have accomplished in your career as a software developer.  

Don’t be afraid to blow your own horn a bit. In fact, that is exactly what you should be doing here. Employers want to know what you will bring to the job. Keep that in mind as you write. Think about examples of successes you are most proud of and feature them. You have two to four sentences to sell yourself to recruiters, so don’t be shy, but beware of adopting a tone that sounds arrogant or entitled. In addition to your successes, think about the qualities that make you an excellent software developer and add those to your profile.

The median annual salary for U.S. software developers, quality assurance analysts and testers was $110,140 in May 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

Surveys show that recruiters will spend less than 10 seconds looking at your software developer resume, so make sure your summary/profile hits all the highlights.

Experienced Software Developer with expertise in design, installation, testing and maintenance of software systems. Equipped with a diverse and promising skill-set. Proficient in various platforms, languages, and embedded systems. Experienced with cutting-edge development tools and procedures. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate as part of a productive team.

Software developer resume skills example

Software developers need a lot of technical knowledge, but they need other abilities, too. The skills section of a resume is a concise overview of your professional abilities. It’s obvious but true that software developers must have expertise in many technical areas and keep up with advancements in the field. 

Here are broad examples of technical skills, also known as hard skills, that recruiters will be looking for:

  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Programming, scripting and markup languages
  • Source control
  • Text editors
  • Integrated development environments (IDEs)
  • Operating systems
  • Networking basics
  • Basics of testing
  • Cross-platform software
  • Encryption and cryptography
  • Software development life cycle (SDLC)

Software developers also need soft skills, or the interpersonal skills necessary for most jobs. Don’t neglect these when considering your skills section. Here are some examples of the soft skills recruiters look for:

  • Adaptability
  • Ability to accept constructive criticism
  • Approachability
  • Perseverance

These are just a few examples of traits you should consider incorporating into your skills section. The most important skills are the ones that appear in the software developer job listing itself. Those are the skills the ATS program will be using to rank your resume. 

Soft skills are ranked as just as important, or more important, than hard skills by 92 percent of recruiters and hiring managers in LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report. The three most in-demand soft skills were creativity, persuasion and collaboration. 

Technical Skills for a Resume (guide with examples and how-tos)

There are certain occupations in the technology-led STEM fields of science, IT, engineering, data science and maths that require a whole different level of technical skill and industry expertise.

Your first step to developing this resume section is to create a master list of all your skills, attributes, successes and accomplishments . You can go back to this list every time you apply for a new job to cherry-pick the most relevant ones. You can also keep this list and add to it as you learn and achieve more in your career as a software developer.

If the listing of desired skills in a job advertisement looks too daunting, try plugging the ad into a word cloud program such as wordle or wordart.com. This also works if the listing is too vague. The bigger the word in the cloud, the more you should try to organically integrate that idea it into your resume.

  • Advanced Analytical Thinking
  • Programming
  • Software logic
  • Software Troubleshooting
  • Knowledgeable in User Interface/ User Experience

Employment history resume example: share your story

As noted above, your options here depend on whether you have worked full-time jobs for employers or acted as a contractor for many different projects. Software developers have the option of doing project-based contract work. This allows them the freedom to set their rates, work only on projects they choose and take time off between contracts. If you are a contractor, your resume is constantly in need of updating. Make sure you add new projects promptly, especially if they include new skills or experiences . You can drop earlier work that shows only basic levels of skills as you advance.

Don’t neglect work you did in school or in your free time if it illustrates a different skill than the ones you have exhibited in other job descriptions. This is especially important if you are just entering the job market.

Consider the course of your career when you decide whether to use an employment or project history for your software developer resume. Remember that this choice will define your image in the eyes of an employer. Either way, you should be detailing your growth and increasing skill level. This section is not a listing of your job responsibilities. Instead highlight your accomplishments, problem-solving and the challenges you overcame to successfully complete a project. Use details and data wherever possible. Include the names of any programs you worked in and the results of your projects. Did you get a project done under budget or earlier than expected? Did you add creative features or solve a difficult challenge? Those are examples of achievements to include.  

U.S. News and World Report ranked software developer as the No. 2 job in its list of Top 100 Jobs for 2021. 

You can have a great track record of software development, but if you don’t make it sound amazing, your resume may be overlooked. Demonstrate that you are a go-getter who knows what is needed to get the job done. Here are some words you might use to describe your hard skills:

  • Accelerated

Also think about those soft skills and describe them using action verbs like these:

  • Conceptualized

Sometimes, the way you say something makes a big difference. These words can turn a good resume into a great resume.

Software Developer at Accrue Partners, New York September 2013 - September 2021

  • Collaborated productively with product team to understand requirements and business specifications around portfolio management, analytics and risk.
  • Coded software updates and alterations based on detailed design specifications.
  • Solved complex problems using the latest in cloud, mobile, and web technologies.
  • Developed and presented findings and solutions to audiences including senior executives and stakeholders.

Junior Software Developer at CyberCoders, New York June 2011 - August 2013

  • Addressed and fixed complex bugs.
  • Implemented and updated application modules under the direction of Senior Software Developers.
  • Worked at an independent level, while also serving as an effective and enthusiastic collaborator.
  • Performed automated testing tasks and developed complex features routinely.

100+ Computer skills on a resume: What to list and where to revise

Computer skills should feature prominently in many resumes, but if you last performed these skills a while ago, do you need to refresh your knowledge? We look at the most popular computer skills and where to revisit your expertise.

Education section example: learning never stops

Software developers need to constantly refresh their skills, so make sure you include post-college studies in your education section. Your career typically requires a bachelor’s degree. If you are a recent graduate, consider adding your GPA if it was impressive. On the other hand, the longer you are out of school, the less important your college degree becomes. Technology is constantly evolving, and your skills need to evolve too. The resume education section is a good place to show off the post-college training you have undertaken to keep yourself up to date. If you have any special certifications in your field, list them here as well.  

Master of Science in Computer Science, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA August 2010 - August 2012

Bachelor of Computer Science, Dartmouth, Hanover, NH September 2006 - May 2010

Layout and design: create an excellent user experience

Just like a great software program, your CV or resume format should be as straightforward and elegant as possible. The same principles that apply to your software design should apply to your resume design. Your resume (also known as a CV outside the U.S. and Canada) should be clean, linear and easy to read. 

Software development is a creative career, so think about adding one small flourish, but don’t go overboard. Once your resume gets past the ATS program, you have your chance to impress the recruiter. But remember that the number of resumes they see means they are looking for reasons to eliminate yours. Don’t give them that chance.

As a software developer, you likely have an eye for good design. Even so, that doesn't mean you have hours of time to spend on resume page layout. If you want to create a software developer resume quickly and efficiently, consider using a pre-designed resume template. Resume.io has hundreds of resume templates and CV formats to choose from in four main categories: Professional, Modern, Creative and Simple.

Choose the template that works best for you and customize it using the resume builder . There, you can adjust your template's fonts and design elements to create the perfect format for your software developer resume.

  • Clearly label the sections of your resume
  • Leave an appropriate amount of white space
  • Proofread carefully
  • Have someone else look it over
  • Put your contact information in a prominent spot
  • Use graphics or images that the ATS may be unable to scan
  • Use artsy fonts that are difficult to read
  • Try to cram too much information into each description
  • Leave unexplained gaps in employment

Key takeaways for a software developer resume

  • Software development is a rapidly growing field with many different paths.
  • Mine those keywords from the job description to get your resume past the ATS.
  • Make sure your resume is tailored to the skill sets each employer requires.
  • Decide which sections work best for your software developer experience.
  • Use strong action verbs, data and details to illustrate your abilities and achievements.
  • Keep your format and template clean and legible.
  • A resume builder can save you time while creating a great resume.

This software developer resume guide was created with your career in mind – we hope it helps you reach your goals! 

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

Jobscan > Resume Examples > Computer Science and Engineering Resume Examples > Software Developer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Software Developer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Re-engineer your resume to make it stand out. Use our software developer resume examples to showcase your best skills and catch the eyes of recruiters and hiring managers.

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Software developer resume sample

The hardest part of looking for a new software developer job is probably facing the blank page when trying to come up with the right words to display your impressive programming knowledge. While putting your software development experience, skills, and academic background on paper is not the most enjoyable task, it’s necessary to land that software developer job you’ve always wanted.

‌As a software developer, you are meticulous. You work hard to ensure codes are flawless. Why not give your resume the same treatment? To guarantee your profile stands out from the rest , you must pay special attention to detail. Not only do you need to write concise yet powerful sentences, but you also need to dive into your skillset and handpick the words that will catch the recruiter’s eye.

‌If you’re unsure where to begin, keep reading. Our software developer resume samples will give you some inspiration to write a bulletproof document. Follow our tips to get that interview you’ve been waiting for!

Seattle, WA 98101 • (555) 555-1234 • [email protected] • linkedin.com/in/janet-cameron


Entrepreneurial senior software engineer with 6+ years’ experience and proven success in maximizing revenue opportunities in the U.S. and global markets. Recognized history of driving revenue through product adoption and motivating large cross-functional teams to produce high-level performance.

Scrum | Software Development | Tools & Technologies | JUnit | Git | Android | jQuery | SQL | Scala | Spring | HTML | Subversion | HTML + CSS | SQLite | Microsoft Office | Spring Framework | Eclipse | REST | Maven | AJAX | AngularJS | PCs | Macs | Sun | DEC (HP) | IBM Mainframes

Lead product definition, launch, and long-term vision for initiatives across audiences of the marketplace, enabling the brand to reach consumers globally by developing locally relevant strategies. Entrusted by Senior Executives with leadership responsibility on high-impact, high visibility projects.

  • Provide commercial input and advice for the most pressing problems facing new product introductions and product life cycle management; collaborate with cross-functional team to resolve issues.
  • Direct qualitative and quantitative market research to inform product direction and pricing; consistently integrate data and customer feedback into key product decisions.
  • Represent product at local, regional, and national meetings to communicate the value proposition of product to potential customers.
  • Spearheaded the European product launch of a coagulation assay; partnered with Medical Affairs to build a commercial Advisory Board of 20 HCPs, and created the value proposition, promotional materials, publications strategy, and marketing plan for the launch.
  • Developed a case study on product Alinity based on precision and method comparison data from a UAE hospital.
  • Pointed by Senior Executives to project manage an FDA product action and lead a cross-functional project team of 12 managers across departments.

Achieved sales growth objectives for product portfolio by developing sales tools, improving sales engagement of HCP, and identifying growth opportunities by market segment.

  • Managed U.S. speaker’s bureau of 12 speakers; onboarded new speakers by partnering with HCPs to develop speaker’s decks, training HCPs on regulatory approved clinical materials, and introducing them to Sales team.
  • Developed and launched a financial calculator (now used to close $3 Million of business annually) for U.S. Sales team to justify financial investment in point-of-care testing with customers.
  • Increased cartridge sales 79% by partnering with the Digital team to develop an email campaign targeting physicians and laboratorians.
  • Led 2 sales training courses at the National Sales Meeting for 120 sales reps, receiving a 90% rating for courses.

B.S. Software Engineering

Why this resume works

Software developer resume, skills, and keywords

Most recruiters are taking advantage of modern technologies to make their job easier. They use special software—developed by someone just like you—as an initial filter to sort out candidates with a particular skill set. Much like a search engine does, the applicant tracking system (ATS) looks for resume keywords to look for the perfect fit. That’s why you must ensure to include the right resume skills in your software developer resume.

A good developer resume example will incorporate a fair amount of precise terms to beat the ATS. If you’re not sure what the most common keywords are, take a look at the examples below.

Top 30 Software Developer Resume Skills

  • Networking basics
  • Operating Systems
  • Cross-platform software
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • System testing
  • Cryptography
  • Spreadsheets
  • Software development life cycle
  • Mathematics
  • Dependability
  • Accountability
  • Adaptability
  • Effective communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Flexibility
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Organization
  • Critical Thinking
  • Time management
  • Resourcefulness

5 Software developer resume writing tips

Besides incorporating the applicable software developer resume skills to pass the ATS test, you must ensure your resume is clear, compelling, and professional-looking. Follow these five suggestions to write a killer resume .

1. Make it scannable.

The average recruiter spends about six seconds scrutinizing each software developer’s resume. Who can blame them? They receive dozens—if not hundreds—of applications every day. Your resume must make an impact as soon as it reaches the talent scout’s hands.

‌An easy but effective way to make your resume more appealing and engaging is to make it scannable. Keep your sentences short and clear and use bullet points rather than paragraphs. However, make sure not to plague your document with tediously long lists. Go straight to the point when defining your profile, background, and responsibilities as a developer.

2. Add a compelling professional profile.

Incorporating a short paragraph at the beginning of your resume to introduce yourself is always an excellent idea. Think of it as a summary of what the recruiter is about to dive into. This is your time to shine as a software developer. Flaunt your knowledge in networks, databases, and encryption—or whatever your strongest hard skill is, for that matter.

‌Remember to keep this section short. After all, you’ll go into details about your software developer career, favorite projects, and relevant education later on. Here’s a great structure to follow:

  • Open your paragraph with a short sentence stating how long you have been in the software development business.
  • Follow up with three or four of your more notable skills and how you apply them at work.
  • Close your paragraph by describing something you’ve done in the field that makes you incredibly proud.

3. Customization is key.

Don’t make the rookie mistake of sending the same document to all recruiters. Every business is unique, so your resume should follow suit. Take a few extra minutes to personalize yours. Showcase what you can bring to the table and what makes you different from every other prospective employee.

‌Take a close look at the position. Examine the job description and mimic it—adapting it to your POV, of course. Find the skills they’re highlighting and use them in your favor by incorporating them as software developer resume keywords. Doing this is sure to make the ATS notice you and the talent scout want to meet you.

4. Get rid of the clutter.

When you’re looking to start or advance your career as a software developer, you want to pour all the fascinating things you’ve done into your resume. You want to incorporate each project you’ve worked on, along with each class, workshop, and boot camp you’ve attended. You have your eye on the prize, and you’d do anything to impress.

Keep in mind, however, that a resume is a one-to-two-page document . You don’t want to fill the space with irrelevant information. Pick only the entries you want to highlight or are similar to the position you’re looking to fill. Get rid of any old experience unless it’s a high-profile project you’re extra proud of. As for the academic section, keep it short by adding only your postsecondary education.

5. Make your resume one to remember.

Do you have any special certifications or a unique hobby or passion that’s relevant to the position? If the answer is yes, you should try to squeeze it in.

For example, a video game company is more likely to interview and subsequently hire an aspiring software developer that knows their way through GTA and Fortnite. However, they wouldn’t initially know it’s you unless you give them a hint in your resume.

Build an ATS-friendly resume for free

Many resume builders are advertised as free, but they often charge a fee to download your resume. Jobscan's online resume builder has no hidden costs and it’s ATS-compatible.

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How to write a software developer resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete software developer resume sample ]

"It is not enough to do your best: you must KNOW what to do, and THEN do your best." -W.Edwards Deming

You may be doing your best in trying to achieve your dream job, but do you really know what you are doing is the right thing?

You must understand and analyze the situation before leaping into a conclusion.

Likewise, you need to understand the importance of a resume and learn how to perfectly curate it before sending it out for targeted job applications.

Listed below is a summary of our Software Developer Resume 2022 Blog:

  • Every resume has its unique identity and you need to write your name as the header to maintain yours.
  • Suitable keywords should be used to customize your resumes according to the targeted job profile that you are applying for.
  • Provide only the required personal information in your resume for the recruiters to get in touch with you.
  • Provide an overview of your resume by composing a resume summary/objective to highlight your career achievements.

As a software developer, you possess the ability to design, identify, install, and test certain software systems.

Learn how to communicate these abilities to the recruiters through the perfect software developer resume format to make them recognize you as a suitable applicant and shortlist you for the targeted job profile.

Your professional experience, educational qualification, internships, certifications, etc. are all important factors that also contribute to determining your software developers salary.

By the end of this blog, you will be able to write a job-winning resume while learning:

  • What to write in your software developer resume and how to write it?
  • How to effectively write software developer resume sections?
  • How to draft an impeccable sooftware developer resume summary?
  • How to write your professional experience section in your resume?

. . . All so you can get the job that you want!

Our Online Resume Builder is stocked with a huge library of examples and a perfect software developer resume template.

All you have to do is to pick the most suitable pre-filled resume template and fill it with your own details.

Software Developer Resume Sample

To start with, let us take a look at our software developer resume template to know what an ideal software developer resume format should look like:

  • DB/RDBMS: SQLPlus, Oracle 11g/12c, MySQL, DBCA, OEM, RAC/RMAN, TOAD, Expdp/Impdp, Tkprof, Statspack, AWR/AWS
  • Cloud: Amazon EC2/EBS/VPC, Simple Storage Service, Amazon Machine Images, Elastic Map Reduces, Ansible
  • Languages: SQL, UNIX, OOPS Concept, Asp.NET, C#.Net
  • OS & Misc.: Windows NT/2000, Linux (Red Hat 5/6), Window 8.1, SVN, GIT, Word, PPT, Excel, etc.
  • Testing Tools: Apache JMeter, SQL LoadRunner, iOS Driver
  • Supervised data file objects & sizing, monitoring database usage /growth, and executed standby database
  • Configured & installed Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c and upgraded it from to ( currently upgrading to )
  • Maintained logins, DB yield & development for table space management , indexes, user profiles, storage parameters, etc.
  • Developed & maintained web-based applications, project documentation with SDLC development standards
  • Executed SQL programs to support the table creation, stored procedures, functions, views, etc. to achieve SLA targets
  • Provided Oracle DBA expertise on system performance, capacity planning, maintenance of patching & installation
  • Executed and designed test plans for multiple projects while maintaining high quality via requirements traceability
  • Reported and resolved defects or issues in the bug tracking system to meet project deadlines & objectives
  • Reconciled financial records from multiple sources to ensure adherence of data quality as per reporting standards
  • Identified and investigated project issues to recommend alternatives for system identification, analysis and resolution
  • Top 5 percentile of the class
  • IBM Bluemix Cloud RoadShow & Training | IBM Developer Connect | ‘13- '14
  • Dell EMC Oracle DBA Training | DELL EMC Forum | ‘12
  • White Board Foundation Certified | Skill Speed Institute (SSI) | ‘11

What is a Software Developer Resume & why do you need it?

To be recognized as a suitable professional by a recruiter, you need to communicate your skills to them through your senior software developer resume.

Most recruiters use the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to pick the most suitable applicant by filtering through resumes.

Now, your job is to make sure that you rank high on the ATS and get into the radar of the recruiters who can give you the shortlist to get closer to your software developer job.

It is possible only if you make use of the keywords used by the recruiters in the job listing of the profile that you are applying for. So make sure that you include all those relevant keywords that highlight your skills as a software developer.

Doing so will not only make you rank high on the ATS but also take you a step closer to landing your dream job.

Hiration's tips on dos and don'ts while writing a resume can help you curate the perfect resume.

Software Developer Resume Sections

Every resume consists of some specific sections that allow you to communicate the different aspects of your details and pieces of information to the recruiters.

Here is a list of all the traditional standard section that needs to be framed in every resume for any job profile that you are applying for:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

The following mentioned sections can be framed when you need to enhance your resume or if explicitly required to curate:

  • Certifications (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)
  • Awards & Recognitions (if any)

You can also read more about the importance of different resume sections on Hiration's 2022 Guide to sections in a resume .

Raise your chances of getting shortlisted for the job of your dreams by making use of our huge library of pre-filled resume templates that you can personalize to suit your specific requirements.

How to write your Software Developer Resume

There are three stages of writing the perfect resume which you need to religiously follow to curate your senior software developer resume.

The following sections give you an insight into the different stages of resume writing so make sure that you go through them thoroughly.

  • Stage 1: Master Software Developer Resume
  • Stage 2: First Draft of Software Developer Resume
  • Stage 3: Final Draft of Software Developer Resume

Master Software Developer Resume

The first step before you start framing the first draft of your software developer resume format is to create the master resume.

Create a master folder wherein you can list down all the details and pieces of information related to your professional experience, education, certification, internship, contact details, etc.

Your master resume can be used as the master folder to store all the details that would be required to fill in your resume so make sure that you do not miss out on any details.

Some information may not be required in your current resume but list them anyway because it can be used in your future resume updates.

Doing so can help you save time and also make sure that you do not miss out on any important points which you may need to mention in your resume.

First Draft of Software Developer Resume

The first draft of your resume requires you to compose the outlines of your resume so that you do not skip any important section in your resume.

In the second stage of resume writing, you need to compose the following sections:

  • Awards & Recognition (if any)

Always make sure that you frame every standard section in your resume and include the optional sections whenever required to enhance the impact of your junior software developer resume.

Final Draft of Software Developer Resume

In the final stage of writing your resume, you need to compose two important sections that have been listed below:

Key Skills : This section can help you justify your skills. Simply scan through your professional experience section and pick your core skills and objectively highlight them out in the “key skills” section of your resume. Frame this section as the last second step of resume-writing.

Summary/Objective : this section can help you give an overview of your resume. Compose a resume summary if you have over 3 years of professional experience and compose an objective if you have no or very less work experience. This section should be framed as the last step of resume-writing.

Software Developer Resume: Header

The one thing that can help the recruiters keep track of your senior software developer resume without hassle is your resume header.

Follow the below-mentioned points to frame the perfect resume header:

  • It should be written in the topmost section of your resume.
  • It should be written in the largest font in the range of 16-20 font size .
  • Leave a single space between your first and last name.
  • In case you have a middle name, write only the initial of your middle name followed by a period and place it between your first and last name.

Learn the art of framing a professional resume header from Hiration’s 2022 Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header .

Look at the resume header sample given below to understand how an ideal resume header is framed:


Our Online Resume Builder can help you stand out among any other average resume for the recruiters to shortlist you for the targeted job profile.

Software Developer Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section of your resume is an important section that can help you provide the recruiters with your contact details and current location.

Here is a list of what an ideal personal information section should contain:

Contact Number

Email Address

Current Location

In any likely case that your resume is shortlisted by the recruiters for the targeted job, they need your contact number to get in touch with you.

In some cases, they may want to interview you over the phone or confirm with you before scheduling any face-to-face interview.

So you need to provide your active phone number in your resume so that you do not miss out on any possible calls from the recruiters to get closer to your dream job.

Your mobile number can be mentioned in the below-given format:

  • Mention the ISD code of your country as a prefix before your phone number
  • Add a plus sign (+) before the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 83404 58303

Another convenient means of communication between you and the recruiters is via emails.

You need to provide your email address in your resume for the recruiters to easily get in touch with you as it is fast and efficient.

Always provide your official email address that has your real name to maintain a professional approach.

And strictly avoid giving out those email IDs that have fancy names as it can present you as an unprofessional applicant.

While providing your current location in your senior software developer resume, you need to keep the following points in mind:

  • Do not give out unnecessary details that are not required by the recruiters. Information such as the name of your street, your house number, and the name of your locality.
  • In case you are looking for a job in your own country, mention your city and state of residence. On the contrary, if you are looking for a job outside your country, simply give mention of your city and country of residence as it is more than enough.

Before you start listing out your personal details in your resume, make sure to go through the hiring guideline of the organization or company that you are applying for a job.

To learn more about this section, read Hiration's 2022 Guide to composing your contact information .

Refer to the software developer resume sample given below to understand what ideal personal information section should ideally look like:


Software Developer Resume: Profile Title

There is a vast number of job profiles in the job industry and your profile title helps you maintain your professional identity in a resume.

It communicates the below-given facts to the recruiter:

  • Your current designation.
  • Your functional industry.
  • Your level of seniority in your line of work.

Apply the below-mentioned guidelines to professionally write your profile title:

  • Use the second-largest text in your resume after your resume header.
  • Frame it in the ideal font range of 14-16 font size.

Exaggerating your profile title is a big no because it will pass off as intentionally cheating the recruiter. And it may jeopardize your job application.

So always make sure that you provide only the accurate profile title to make the recruiters recognize your professional status.

Refer to our software developer resume example to see how an ideal profile title is framed:


Upload it on our tool and get an in-depth and constructive analysis of your junior software developer resume with our AI-powered Resume Review Service.

Software Developer Resume: Professional Experience

The professional experience section is like the heart of your resume which plays a major role in communicating you as a professional to the recruiters.

The three important factors that need to be implemented in your professional experience section are given below:

STAR Format

  • Frame Points

Bucketing & Bolding

The STAR format is important as it can help you give the recruiters an insight into the significant details of your work experience in the best way.

STAR stands for the following points:

  • S stands for the situation /context/backdrop of your contributions to an organization.
  • T stands for the actual task that was assigned to you as part of your role and responsibility.
  • A stands for your action taken by you as a strategy to execute the assigned task.
  • R stands for the result or outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure.


Providing achievement figures can effectively work in your favor as it highlights your specific contributions and achievements for the recruiters to recognize you as a suitable applicant.

Framing Points

To communicate your work experience to the recruiters, you need to frame every statement that describes your professional activities.

Let us look at the two software developer resume examples that can help you have a better understanding of the importance of framing points and how it can be implemented:

Software Developer Resume Example 1

"I effectively supervised data file objects and sizing to monitor database usage and growth. Installed Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c and successfully upgraded it from to Maintained DB yield and development for table space management, storage parameters, user profiles, and all the other necessary factors. Developed web-based applications and documentation of programs with the required SDLC development standards. Achieved the required SLA targets by executing SQL programs to support all the aspects of the functions, views, table creation, stored procedures, etc. Provided Oracle DBA expertise on system performance for capacity maintenance of installation and patching."

Software Developer Resume Example 2

Supervised data file objects & sizing to monitor the database usage and growth Installed Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c and successfully upgraded it from to Maintained DB yield & development for table space management, storage parameters, user profiles, etc Developed web-based applications and documentation of programs with SDLC development standards Achieved SLA targets by executing SQL programs to support the functions, views, table creation, stored procedures, etc Provided Oracle DBA expertise on system performance for capacity maintenance of installation & patching

Framing Points: Analysis

As observed from the above-given software developer resume examples, framed points are clear to read.

Use bullet points to frame every point as shown in example 2. Doing so can not only make it clear to read but help you be specific with your statements.

Avoid lengthy paragraphs (example 1) as it may divert the recruiters' interest from your resume due to its bulky nature. The recruiters may find it overwhelming and may not be interested in going through your resume.

In conclusion, frame every points to hold on to the recruiters' interest in going through your professional experience section and communicate your professional experience.

Let us look at another set of software developer resume examples that can help you have a better understanding of the importance of bucketing and bolding and how to apply it in your framed points:

Configuring & Installing Management Supervised d ata file objects & sizing to monitor the database usage and growth Installed Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c and successfully upgraded it from to Maintained DB yield & development for table space management , storage parameters, user profiles, etc Web Application & Development Developed web-based applications and documentation of programs with SDLC development standards Achieved SLA targets by executing SQL programs to support the functions, views, table creation, stored procedures, etc Provided Oracle DBA expertise on system performance for capacity maintenance of installation & patching

Bucketing & Bolding: Analysis

Both the above-given software developer resume examples are stating the same points but example 2 is more organized as compared to example 1.

Create unique headings (bucketing) and list all the similar points under the relevant buckets.

Once you list down all the similar points, pick the highlights of your career and bold them to make it stand-out.

Doing so can not only make it easier for you to organize your points but also help you highlight all the aspects of your professional achievements and contributions.

Framed points can make your points clear but applying bucketing and bolding can effectively enhance its clarity for the recruiters to recognize your skills.

In conclusion, apply bolding and bucketing to your framed points to make it easier for the recruiters to read and comprehend your professional experience statements.

Learn how to perfect this section by going through Hiration's Blog on how to compose the work experience in your resume .

Given-below is a software developer sample resume showcasing an ideal professional experience section:


Software Developer Resume: Education

Your education section can help you communicate the software developer degree that you possess.

To begin your career as a software developer the least degree you need to have is a bachelor's degree. A degree in computer science or a related field is required as well.

Make sure that you mention the details of all your educational qualifications in the resume to make the recruiters recognize you as a suitable applicant.

Ideally, the following details of your software developer qualifications should be mentioned in your resume:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates in the month & year format.

Refer to Hiration's 2022 Guide on how to list education on your resume to correctly curate the education section.

Apart from the software developer resume examples provided so far, here is our software developer resume sample:


Software Developer Resume: Certifications

The competition is fierce in the job world and you need to be the best to stand out among any other average applicant.

If you have any certifications that are related to the job profile that you are applying for, make sure to provide the details.

Doing so can make the recruiters recognize you as a professional applicant who is certified as a professional who is suitable for the targeted job profile.

The certification section of your resume should contain the following details:

  • Certification course name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Enrollment and completion date of the course in the month & year format.

You can ideally list these points in the format given below:

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (month & year format)

Make sure to go through Hiration's 2022 Guide on listing certifications on a resume to learn how to perfectly frame this section.

Here is a resume sample illustrating how an ideal certifications section can be curated in your resume:


Raise your chances of getting shortlisted by composing your resume with our professionally designed Hiration's Online Resume Builder

Software Developer Resume: Additional Information

In case you speak more than one language, it can be mentioned as additional information in your junior software developer resume.

You can also mention the details of any hobby that reflects on your productive skills and enhance your professional skills as a software developer.

This section can highlight any additional information that is related to the job profile that you are targeting.

Write a stellar resume to boost your chances of a shortlist with Hiration's Online Resume Builder

Software Developer Resume Key Sections

Software developer resume: key skills.

The recruiters have a limited time-window to go through your resume and you need to make the best use of this timeline to communicate your software developer skills.

This section can help you rank high on the ATS and to achieve that you need to make use of the significant keywords used by the recruiters.

Scan through the professional experience section of your resume and pick those skills that have been justified in your one-liner points. Once you pick the significant keywords, list them in your key skills section.

It would be easier for the recruiters to recognize your relevant skills as a professional software developer and hence raise your chances of being shortlisted for the targeted job profile.

Read Hiration's 2022 Guide on what skills to put on a resume to learn how to efficiently curate this section.

Refer to our software developer resume sample showcasing the perfect key skills section:


Software Developer Resume Summary

The software developer resume summary is another important section to highlight your professional skills for the recruiters to easily recognize you.

It is an overview of your resume that should be composed as per the following guidelines:

  • A summary should be written at the end to make it easy to decide what to skip and what to frame in your resume summary.
  • You should pick the most significant highlights of your career from your professional experience section.
  • It should include the keywords that have been used by the recruiter in the job listing.
  • A resume summary should be limited to 4 lines only and can be 5 line sand more only when your professional work experience is more than 10 years.
  • A resume summary should be composed only if you have over 3 years of work experience.

Learn how to compose the perfect resume summary from Hiration's 2022 Resume Summary Guide .

Attached below is a sample software developer resume showcasing the ideal summary of your software developer resume summary:


In the meanwhile, you can make resume-writing an effortless affair with Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

Software Developer Resume Objective

A resume objective is also an overview of your resume for software developer that should be composed if you do not have enough work experience to frame a resume summary.

You should compose a resume objective if:

  • you have no work experience.
  • you have very limited work experience of less than 3 years.
  • you are a fresh graduate writing an entry-level resume.

Do not make the mistake of asking what the recruiter can do for you, instead mention what you can do for the recruiter.

Avoid highlighting a shopping list of all that you are expecting from an organization and mention the values you are capable of delivering.

The role of your software developer resume objective is to sell your skills as a professional software developer and to convince the recruiter that you are the most suitable applicant.

Hiration's 2022 Guide on Resume Objectives can help you compose the perfect resume objective.

Resume Review & Free Resume Templates

Get your resume professionally reviewed by Hiration’s Resume Review Service.

Your resume will be reviewed in compliance with the below-mentioned parameters:

  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

You will get 2 resume templates for free with our Resume Review Service!!

Online Resume Builder for Software Developer Resume

Here is a list of the resources that come with our Online Resume Builder:

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • A sharable link
  • Live resume editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ resume templates
  • 1-click design change

Also, feel free to go to our Online Resume Builder and make use of the pre-filled templates and replace them with your details as per your requirement.

Key Takeaways

  • Make the best use of your resume header to help the recruiters keep track of your resume by writing your name.
  • Avoid mentioning unnecessary details related to your personal information.
  • Provide achievement figures to specify your achievements and contributions to an organization.
  • Frame one-liners to state your professional experience to make it easier for the recruiters to recognize your professional skills.
  • Create unique buckets to list your similar points and bold the highlights of your career.
  • Provide an accurate profile title to make the recruiters recognize the level of your professional experience.
  • Give an overview of your resume by composing a suitable resume summary or objective.

Now that we have reached the end of this blog, make use of all the software developer resume examples and software developer resume samples that we have provided in this blog as it can help you in writing a great resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

how to write software developer resume

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how to write software developer resume

14 Software Developer Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Software developers are excellent problem solvers who create effective, secure applications for for systems of all types. As a software developer, your resume should be as meticulous and forward thinking as the code you produce. In this guide, we'll analyze 6 successful examples of software developer resumes and highlight the most effective techniques to stand out in this increasingly competitive field.

software developer resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Software Developer Resumes:

  • Design and develop software applications, primarily using object-oriented programming languages and databases.
  • Integrate software components and third-party programs.
  • Test and debug programs using various testing tools.
  • Compile and analyze data and other statistics.
  • Create and maintain various technical documents such as design specifications and system test plans.
  • Develop and maintain software systems to meet user requirements.
  • Stay abreast of new technology and industry changes to maintain expertise in the field.
  • Participate in team project work and also work independently as necessary.
  • Develop user interfaces, actual databases and application modules in various languages.
  • Identify any potential performance and technical issues with the software.
  • Troubleshoot and debug software programs associated with deployed applications.
  • Assist in software architecture design and integration planning.
  • Assist with user training and technical support.

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Software Developer Resume Example:

  • Designed, developed and maintained an innovative software application that was used by 10,000 users and achieved a 96% customer satisfaction rate
  • Developed user interfaces, integrated third-party software components, and tested the program for performance optimization
  • Selected and implemented a new testing tool that improved code quality and decreased the time required to test applications
  • Created and updated various technical documents such as design specifications and system test plans, ensuring adherence to industry standards
  • Assessed existing software architecture and integrated new components that improved performance by 200%
  • Conducted team training sessions on the logic and functional requirements of the software application
  • Built and deployed application modules for a new software development process which met user requirements, budget constraints, and strict deadlines
  • Developed an automated system to track user data and identified the root cause of performance issues
  • Strategically identified potential areas for improvement in software architecture and presented solutions to the executive management team
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Software development lifecycle
  • Web application development
  • System Design, Integration & Security
  • Source control & Version Control
  • Agile & Scrum methodologies
  • Database design & management
  • TDD & BDD
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • Mobile App Development
  • UI/UX design
  • Cloud & distributed computing
  • Unit & integration testing
  • Machine learning & AI
  • APIs & microservices
  • Linux/Unix/Windows administration
  • Network & system administration
  • Scripting & Automation
  • Documentation & reporting
  • Software Development
  • Data Science

Entry Level Software Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and tested small applications to improve user experience, achieving a 15% growth in customer satisfaction.
  • Refactored existing code to increase efficiency and maintainability, resulting in an average of 10% increase in development speed.
  • Completed code reviews and assisted with sprints to adhere to agile methodology, leading to successful implementation of new projects.
  • Investigated application and security issues and implemented solutions, eliminating technical flaws and potential threats
  • Researched, identified and integrated new technologies to optimize development processes by 20%
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create technical documentation, user manuals, and guidelines
  • Troubleshot MySQL and Oracle databases to identify errors and ensure system accuracy, improving overall performance by 10%
  • Collected user requirements and designed tailored strategies to meet demands, resulting in a cost reduction of 15%
  • Wrote and unit-tested code to debug existing systems, leading to solutions to solve complex problems
  • Programming Languages (Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, etc.)
  • Version Control (Git, Subversion)
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Agile/Scrum Development Methodologies
  • Database Design and Management (MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
  • Software Testing and Debugging
  • Requirements Gathering and Analysis
  • Cross-Platform Development
  • Security Protocols
  • Documentation and Technical Writing
  • Data Structures

Experienced Software Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented end-to-end automated software testing scripts that reduced software regression testing time by 45%.
  • Collaborated with product managers and software engineers to define and build secure, reliable, and scalable software products under a strict Agile and Scrum methodology.
  • Assisted in product go-live events, customer facing activities, and created reports for senior management about the performance and uptime of the software.
  • Conducted detailed code reviews to ensure adherence to standards, fix existing bugs, and add new features quickly and productively
  • Documented architecture and design that enabled successful maintenance and future scalability of the software
  • Implemented new technologies that improved software efficiency and reduced software launch time by 25%
  • Identified software bottlenecks and implemented effective problem-solving strategies that improved software performance by 50%
  • Worked closely with stakeholders to define external and internal interfaces required to build a high-quality product
  • Troubleshot any software issues effectively in a timely manner to minimize business risk and costs
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Client-Side Scripting
  • Web Application Development
  • Unit & Integration Testing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Agile Methodology
  • Security Protocols & Practices
  • Systems Architecture Design
  • Database Design
  • Containers & Serverless
  • Debugging & Troubleshooting
  • Software Project Management
  • Quality Control Execution
  • AI & Machine Learning
  • Data Analysis & Visualization
  • Devops Practices
  • Performance Optimization
  • User Experience Design

Junior Software Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed software solutions for a financial services organization, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction
  • Authored user interface designs for a customer support app, streamlining the issue resolution process for clients by 30%
  • Installed and monitored application performance, quickly resolving critical bugs/defects to prevent website outages
  • Assisted in the implementation of new technologies and best practices, increasing project efficiency by 20%
  • Wrote extensive documents outlining critical programming requirements and procedures
  • Developed test plans and executed unit tests to ensure accuracy and reliability of solutions before deployments
  • Created and maintained documentation to ensure accurate integration of applications into the existing system architecture
  • Collaborated with developers, engineers, and project managers to define process flows and software solutions
  • Utilized version control software to manage code and project assets, improving organization by 30%
  • Software Engineering
  • Programming Languages (e.g. Java, C#, Python)
  • Database Design & Management (e.g. SQL)
  • Software Testing & Quality Assurance
  • Web & Application Development
  • API & Microservices Architecture
  • UI/UX Design
  • Version Control (e.g. GIT, SVN)
  • Agile & Scrum Methodologies
  • Security & Authentication
  • Network & System Architecture
  • Automation & Scripting
  • Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking
  • Communication & Project Management
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics

Senior Software Developer Resume Example:

  • Created a robust and extensible web application to support the customer's needs, utilizing a combination of object-oriented development, web applications and debugging tools
  • Developed and maintained advanced security and data backup and recovery procedures to preserve vital customer information
  • Wrote technical documentation to support software and development best practices, making sure updates were timely and accurate
  • Developed, tested, and monitored software applications, optimizing performance through regular tuning solutions
  • Implemented new features, software tools, and components, ensuring they met high-quality standards
  • Mentored a team of junior software developers, providing technical guidance and support to professionals
  • Redesigned and expanded existing software applications, in line with customer's requirements
  • Substantially improved software workflow and stability, through successful collaboration with other departments
  • Resolved software bugs quickly and efficiently, resulting in improved customer experience and satisfaction
  • Object-oriented development
  • Web applications & debugging tools
  • Security & data backup & recovery procedures
  • Technical documentation & best practices
  • Software development & monitoring
  • Quality assurance & standards
  • Mentoring & guidance
  • Redesigning & expanding software
  • Software workflow & stability
  • Troubleshooting & resolving software bugs
  • Cloud computing & infrastructure
  • Agile & Scrum development
  • Automation & DevOps
  • Testing & automation tools
  • Version control systems & tools
  • Web technologies & programming languages
  • Network engineering & architectures
  • Data architecture & visualization
  • Machine learning & artificial intelligence

Software Developer Intern Resume Example:

  • Assisted developing team in designing and coding software sub-modules, streamlining workflow and optimizing code performance
  • Created web page layouts and web graphics to enhance user experience, decrease page load times, and improve usability
  • Utilized database tools such as SQL to develop tools and resources to facilitate software development
  • Collaborated with software development team to troubleshoot and debug code, alleviating customer complaints and issues
  • Assisted in designing testing automation to increase efficiency of testing processes and promote fast-paced development
  • Partnered with product owners, designers, and QA teams to ensure understanding of software requirements and ensure successful delivery of projects
  • Implemented software features that improved the customer experience, from performance and usability enhancements to better client support tools
  • Developed algorithms and applications, such as web and mobile applications, to improve core business processes
  • Participated in software development best practices, such as data abstraction and analysis, to propel development workflows
  • Programming Languages (e.g. C#, JavaScript)
  • Full-Stack Web Development
  • SQL & Database Management
  • Testing & Quality Assurance
  • Software Analytic & Troubleshooting
  • Automation & Algorithm Development
  • User Experience Design & Development
  • Agile Methodologies & Team Collaboration
  • Customer Support & Technical Documentation

Node JS Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and deployed a microservices architecture for a high-traffic e-commerce website, resulting in a 25% increase in page load speed and a 20% increase in overall site performance.
  • Collaborated with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic, resulting in a 15% increase in user engagement and a 10% increase in conversion rates.
  • Implemented security measures and data protection protocols, ensuring compliance with industry standards and preventing data breaches.
  • Optimized a RESTful API for a healthcare application, reducing response times by 50% and improving overall system performance by 30%.
  • Wrote reusable and efficient code, resulting in a 25% reduction in development time and a 15% increase in team productivity.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and debug applications, resulting in a 20% reduction in production issues and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Designed and implemented a low-latency, high-availability application for a financial services company, resulting in a 40% increase in transaction processing speed and a 30% reduction in system downtime.
  • Utilized various Node.js modules and libraries to optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability, resulting in a 20% increase in system performance and a 15% reduction in operational costs.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to define and implement a technology roadmap, aligning engineering initiatives with company-wide goals and resulting in a 50% increase in team efficiency and project success rate.
  • Microservices architecture
  • RESTful API development
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • AWS/Google Cloud Platform/Azure
  • Agile methodologies
  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Performance optimization
  • Security and data protection
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Debugging and troubleshooting
  • Communication and teamwork

ServiceNow Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a custom ServiceNow application for a client, resulting in a 25% increase in efficiency and a 15% reduction in errors.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and debug ServiceNow applications, resulting in a 30% reduction in downtime and improved user satisfaction scores.
  • Created and maintained technical documentation for ServiceNow applications, ensuring compliance with industry standards and best practices.
  • Developed and maintained ServiceNow integrations with other systems, resulting in a 20% increase in data accuracy and a 10% reduction in manual data entry.
  • Developed and maintained ServiceNow automation processes, resulting in a 30% reduction in manual tasks and improved team productivity.
  • Developed and maintained ServiceNow customizations and custom objects, resulting in a 15% increase in system flexibility and improved user satisfaction scores.
  • Designed and developed a ServiceNow reporting dashboard, resulting in a 25% increase in data visibility and improved decision-making processes.
  • Monitored and optimized ServiceNow performance, resulting in a 20% increase in system speed and improved user satisfaction scores.
  • Developed and maintained ServiceNow security policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with industry standards and best practices.
  • ServiceNow Application Development
  • ServiceNow Integration
  • ServiceNow Automation
  • ServiceNow Customization
  • ServiceNow Reporting and Dashboards
  • ServiceNow Performance Optimization
  • ServiceNow Security and Compliance
  • Cross-functional Collaboration
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Technical Documentation
  • Industry Standards and Best Practices
  • Process Improvement
  • Team Productivity
  • User Satisfaction
  • Data Accuracy and Visibility

Oracle Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a database performance tuning strategy that reduced query response times by 50%, resulting in a 25% increase in application speed and user satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and implement a database replication process, ensuring data consistency across multiple systems and reducing data errors by 80%.
  • Provided technical guidance and support to junior team members, resulting in a 30% improvement in their technical skills and overall productivity.
  • Designed and developed a database backup and recovery process that reduced downtime by 75%, ensuring business continuity and minimizing data loss.
  • Developed and implemented a database security strategy that improved data protection and compliance, resulting in a 90% reduction in security incidents and vulnerabilities.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to develop and maintain database change management processes, ensuring smooth and efficient deployment of database changes and minimizing production issues.
  • Developed and implemented a database monitoring and alerting system that improved system availability by 95%, reducing downtime and improving system reliability.
  • Designed and developed a database disaster recovery plan that minimized data loss and ensured business continuity in case of a disaster, resulting in a 100% recovery rate.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and implement a data integration process, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across multiple systems and reducing data errors by 90%.
  • Oracle Database Administration
  • Performance Tuning
  • Database Replication
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Database Security
  • Change Management
  • SQL and PL/SQL
  • Data Integration
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Database Monitoring and Alerting
  • Oracle Application Express (APEX)
  • Oracle Forms and Reports
  • Oracle Data Guard
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
  • Oracle GoldenGate
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM)
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Oracle Exadata
  • Oracle E-Business Suite
  • Oracle Fusion Middleware
  • Java and JavaScript
  • Linux and Unix Administration
  • Shell Scripting
  • Team Collaboration
  • Mentoring and Technical Guidance

WordPress Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a custom WordPress theme for a client, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in lead generation.
  • Created a custom REST API for a WordPress website, allowing for seamless integration with a third-party CRM system and improving data accuracy by 20%.
  • Optimized a WordPress website for performance and scalability, resulting in a 30% decrease in page load times and a 10% increase in user engagement.
  • Developed and launched a custom WooCommerce plugin for a client, resulting in a 20% increase in online sales and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Integrated a WordPress website with an eCommerce platform, streamlining the checkout process and reducing cart abandonment rates by 25%.
  • Created custom Gutenberg blocks for a WordPress website, improving the user experience and increasing page views by 10%.
  • Maintained and updated multiple WordPress websites, ensuring 99.9% uptime and reducing website downtime by 20%.
  • Implemented security measures to protect WordPress websites from cyber attacks, resulting in zero security breaches over a two-year period.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and debug WordPress websites, reducing website errors by 30% and improving website performance by 15%.
  • WordPress theme development
  • Custom plugin development
  • REST API integration
  • Website performance optimization
  • WooCommerce integration
  • Gutenberg block development
  • Website maintenance and updates
  • WordPress security implementation
  • Troubleshooting and debugging
  • eCommerce platform integration
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript proficiency
  • PHP and MySQL knowledge
  • Responsive web design
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • User experience (UX) design
  • Project management
  • Git version control
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator)

BI Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a data quality process that improved data accuracy by 25%, resulting in more reliable business intelligence insights and better decision-making.
  • Designed and developed a suite of reports and dashboards that provided real-time visibility into key performance indicators, resulting in a 15% increase in operational efficiency.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement a predictive analytics model that improved forecasting accuracy by 20%, resulting in better resource allocation and cost savings.
  • Managed the development and implementation of a data warehouse that integrated data from multiple sources, resulting in a 30% reduction in data processing time and improved data accuracy.
  • Developed and maintained data visualizations that provided insights into customer behavior, resulting in a 10% increase in customer retention and a 5% increase in revenue.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to develop and implement a data governance process that ensured compliance with data privacy regulations and improved data security.
  • Designed and developed a data architecture that supported the integration of new data sources, resulting in a 20% increase in data availability and improved data accuracy.
  • Developed and maintained data mining models that identified opportunities for cost savings, resulting in a 10% reduction in operational costs.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement a data analytics process that provided insights into customer behavior, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Data warehousing
  • Data integration
  • Data quality management
  • Data visualization
  • Predictive analytics
  • Data mining
  • Data architecture
  • Data governance
  • Data security
  • Data privacy compliance
  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
  • Business intelligence tools (e.g., Power BI, Tableau, QlikView)
  • Big data technologies (e.g., Hadoop, Spark)
  • Database management systems (e.g., SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL)
  • Programming languages (e.g., Python, R, Java)
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Statistical analysis
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication skills

Sharepoint Developer Resume Example:

  • Designed and implemented a custom SharePoint solution for a client, resulting in a 25% increase in team productivity and a 15% reduction in project delivery time.
  • Developed and maintained SharePoint governance policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and improving overall system security by 20%.
  • Integrated SharePoint with other systems, such as databases and web services, resulting in a 30% reduction in data entry errors and a 10% increase in data accuracy.
  • Developed and maintained custom SharePoint applications, including web parts and custom workflows, resulting in a 20% increase in team efficiency and a 15% reduction in manual processes.
  • Configured and customized SharePoint features, such as search and user profiles, resulting in a 25% increase in user adoption and a 10% reduction in user errors.
  • Designed and developed custom SharePoint solutions using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies, resulting in a 15% increase in system functionality and a 10% improvement in user experience.
  • Managed and maintained SharePoint sites, including site collections, lists, libraries, and content types, resulting in a 20% increase in system reliability and a 10% reduction in system downtime.
  • Developed and implemented SharePoint training materials and documentation, resulting in a 30% increase in user adoption and a 20% reduction in user errors.
  • Researched and evaluated new SharePoint technologies and features, resulting in a 15% improvement in system functionality and a 10% reduction in system maintenance costs.
  • SharePoint development and customization
  • SharePoint site administration and management
  • SharePoint governance and compliance
  • SharePoint integration with other systems
  • Custom SharePoint application development
  • Web part and workflow development
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies
  • SharePoint search and user profile configuration
  • SharePoint training and documentation
  • Research and evaluation of new SharePoint technologies
  • System reliability and performance optimization
  • Data accuracy and error reduction
  • User adoption and user experience improvement
  • Project management and delivery
  • Team collaboration and productivity enhancement

Fresher Software Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed a user-friendly mobile application using Java and Kotlin, resulting in a 15% increase in user engagement within the first three months of launch.
  • Collaborated with a team of five developers to implement agile methodologies, reducing project delivery time by 20% and increasing team productivity by 25%.
  • Documented software applications and processes using Confluence, resulting in a 10% improvement in team communication and knowledge sharing.
  • Integrated software components using RESTful APIs, resulting in a 20% improvement in application performance and functionality.
  • Created and maintained databases using SQL, resulting in a 15% reduction in data errors and a 10% increase in data accuracy.
  • Developed automated tests using Selenium and JUnit, resulting in a 25% reduction in manual testing time and an increase in testing coverage by 30%.
  • Wrote code in Python and C++ to develop a scalable microservices architecture, improving system reliability by 30% and supporting a 20% increase in customer base.
  • Participated in code reviews and software design meetings, resulting in a 15% improvement in code quality and a 10% reduction in bug-related delays.
  • Debugged and troubleshot software applications using Visual Studio and Eclipse, resulting in a 20% reduction in production issues and an increase in customer satisfaction by 15%.
  • RESTful APIs
  • Code reviews
  • Visual Studio
  • Troubleshooting
  • Software design
  • Team collaboration
  • Communication
  • Time management

Magento Developer Resume Example:

  • Magento 2.x expertise
  • Custom Magento theme development
  • Extension development and integration
  • Database management and optimization
  • Front-end web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery)
  • Checkout process streamlining
  • Security best practices and vulnerability management
  • Data migration and SKU management
  • API integration (CRM, ERP, third-party services)
  • Version control systems (Git, SVN)
  • Code review and quality assurance
  • Technical support and problem-solving
  • Agile and Scrum methodologies
  • Multi-lingual and multi-currency implementation
  • SEO best practices for e-commerce
  • Knowledge of server technologies (Apache, Nginx, PHP, MySQL)
  • Understanding of e-commerce business processes
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills

High Level Resume Tips for Software Developers:

Emphasize your technical skills: As a software developer, your technical skills are essential to your job. Be sure to highlight your expertise in relevant programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Showcase your project experience: Highlight the projects you have worked on, the technologies you have used, and the results you have achieved. Be specific and quantify your accomplishments wherever possible. Demonstrate your problem-solving abilities: Software development is all about solving problems. Showcase your ability to analyze problems, develop creative solutions, and implement effective fixes.

Must-Have Information for a Software Developer Resume:

Here are the essential sections that should exist in a software developer resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other software developer candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Software Developers:

Software developer resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

Experienced Software Developer with 4 Years of Professional Development Experience

Passionate Software Developer Leveraging 4 Years of Expertise for Contribute to Innovative Products

The good headlines provide more comprehensive information and ideas about the Software Developer's skills and professional experience. They more clearly communicate the developer's skills and specific experience, as well as their attitude, interest and passion for their work.

Weak Headlines

Professional Software Developer - 4 Years of Experience

4 Years With Development Experience - Software Developer

For a Software Developer, bad resume headlines are exactly what is shown above; generic, lacking specific detail, and failing to give a sense of the individual's capabilities, experience in software development.

Writing an Exceptional Software Developer Resume Summary:

A resume summary is a key part of a software developer's resume, providing a brief overview of your skills, experiences, and accomplishments in developing software. It's an opportunity to highlight the most relevant information of your career and demonstrate how your experiences and skills align with the role you are applying for.

To write an exceptional resume summary for a Software Developer, the following tips can be useful:

  • Tailor your summary to the specific job you are applying for by highlighting the most relevant skills and technologies.
  • Mention your quantifiable achievements, such as the successful launch of a software product or the completion of a complex software project.
  • Use keywords related to the position, software development, and relevant technologies to optimize your resume for both people and applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep the summary concise and to-the-point, ideally under 4 sentences.
  • Avoid generic statements and cliches, and try not to repeat any information already included in other sections of your resume.

Software Developer Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Innovative Software Developer with 4 years of experience in developing software applications and web-based solutions. Proven success in designing and implementing software solutions that meet customer requirements.
  • Results-driven Software Developer with 4 years of experience in developing high-quality software solutions. Skilled in using a variety of software development tools and technologies to develop solutions for customers.

Why these are strong:

  • These summaries demonstrate the Software Developer's experience in developing software applications and web-based solutions, and in designing and implementing software solutions. They also demonstrate the Software Developer's ability to use a variety of software development tools and technologies to develop solutions for customers.

Weak Summaries

  • Experienced Software Developer with 4 years of experience in developing software applications. Experience in designing and implementing software solutions.
  • Experienced Software Developer with 4 years of experience. Skilled in developing software applications and implementing software solutions.

Why these are weak: • These summaries are too generic and lack specifics. They do not demonstrate the Software Developer's ability to develop high-quality software solutions or to use a variety of software development tools and technologies to develop solutions for customers. They also do not demonstrate the Software Developer's experience in designing and implementing software solutions.

Resume Objective Examples for Software Developers:

Strong objectives.

Dynamic and dedicated software developer with 1+ years of experience in developing and maintaining software solutions, seeking the opportunity to work on challenging projects and further develop technical abilities in my role as a software developer.

Passionate entry-level software developer looking to leverage expertise in web development, software design, and debugging to drive growth and customer satisfaction at your esteemed organization.

  • The great objectives are concise and clearly explain the individual's experience, goals, and professional aspirations. They also focus on the skills and abilities the individual can bring to the organization, showing their enthusiasm and commitment.

Weak Objectives

Recent software developer graduate seeking a job as a software developer.

Experienced software developer interested in contributing 1+ years of experience to a mature and collaborative development environment.

Why these are weak:

  • The poor objectives are too generic, lack direction and detail, and don't explain what the individual can bring to the table. They also don't provide a clear explanation of the individual's goals or aspirations.

Write a More Targeted Resume with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your software developer work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Highlight accomplishments rather than listing duties. Show how you improved processes, designed or created something, or saved money.
  • Include links or attachments to relevant work you’ve done, such as code repositories and links to published apps or websites.
  • Focus on relevant technologies, applications, and concepts, including programming languages, development frameworks, databases, and cloud platforms.
  • Include key metrics on projects and explain how they contributed to the success of the project.
  • Explain more than just the basics of job responsibilities – dive into details of the work and describe technical solutions to problems.
  • Demonstrate passion for technology with phrases that explain the “why” behind the work.
  • Showcase expertise in professional development methodologies such as Agile and Scrum.
  • Provide evidence of staying current with advances in technology, as well as professional development activities.
  • Explain the size and scope of your involvement in projects.
  • Explain solutions to difficult problems or how you identified and overcame technical issues.
  • Explain how you identified particular problems that the organization faces, and how you fixed them.
  • Specify the size of the development team you worked with, and roles that you assumed within it.

Example Work Experiences for Software Developers:

Strong experiences.

Developed and maintained a custom CRM system that increased sales productivity by 25% and reduced manual data entry by 50%.

Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software solutions on time and within budget, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.

Implemented agile methodologies to improve project delivery and increase team collaboration, resulting in a 20% reduction in project time to market.

Developed and implemented a cloud-based platform that improved scalability, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction by 30%.

Led a team of 5 developers to deliver a mobile application that was recognized as the "Best Mobile App of the Year" by industry experts and generated over 1 million downloads in the first year.

Contributed to the development of multiple software products, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue and a 20% improvement in customer retention.

  • These examples are strong because they focus on specific achievements and the impact the individual had. They include metrics such as sales productivity, customer satisfaction, project delivery time, and revenue, which demonstrate the success of the individual's work. These examples highlight the individual's ability to develop software solutions, lead a team, and work with cross-functional teams to deliver results.

Weak Experiences

Contributed to the development of a web application

Worked on fixing various bugs and issues

Collaborated with the team on project tasks

Developed software solutions for clients

Wrote code using various programming languages

Conducted unit testing and bug fixing

  • Both of these examples are weak because they lack specific details about the developer's achievements and the impact they had on the projects. They also do not mention any specific technologies or tools used, nor do they provide any metrics or results. A good work experience should be specific and detailed, providing a clear picture of what the developer did, how they did it, and what the outcome was.

Top Skills & Keywords for Software Developer Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for software developers, hard skills.

  • Proficiency in programming languages (e.g. Java, Python, C++)
  • Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
  • Database Design and Management
  • Software Development Methodologies (e.g. Agile, Waterfall)
  • Version Control (e.g. Git, SVN)
  • API/Web Services
  • User Interface Design
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Source Code Refactoring
  • Unit Testing
  • Problem Solving/Troubleshooting

Soft Skills

  • Problem-Solving
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Adaptability/Flexibility
  • Collaboration/Teamwork
  • Self-Motivation
  • Time-Management

Go Above & Beyond with a Software Developer Cover Letter

Software developer cover letter example: (based on resume).

Software developers are in high demand in today's job market, and a cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants. It's an opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills, highlight your relevant experience, and show your enthusiasm for the position.

Your cover letter allows you to explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. You can use the job description as a guide to showcase your technical expertise and knowledge of programming languages, software development methodologies, and software engineering principles.

In addition, you can use your cover letter to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and ability to work in a team environment. You can also use it to explain why you're passionate about software development and how you can add value to the organization.

Here are some tips for writing a compelling cover letter for a software developer position:

  • Use the same header as your resume: This will help the hiring manager identify your application as a complete package.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the requirements of the job: Use the job description as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords from the job posting: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting to help your application get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep your cover letter concise and focused: Aim for one page and avoid repeating information from your resume.
  • Proofread carefully: Errors in your cover letter can undermine your credibility, so make sure to proofread carefully before submitting your application.

Resume FAQs for Software Developers:

How long should i make my software developer resume.

For Software Developers, a resume should be no more than 1-2 pages long. Focusing on the past 10-15 years of experience is generally optimal for highlighting the most pertinent information about a professional’s qualifications and capabilities. It is important to be concise and focus on quality over quantity, ensuring the most quality content rather than stretching the length. When deciding what to include, consider selecting the most relevant and prominent experiences, skills, and accomplishments.

What is the best way to format a Software Developer resume?

Software Developers should craft a resume that clearly demonstrates their technical skills and qualifications. Begin the resume with a strong summary, highlighting your most relevant qualifications. Make sure to use keywords and standard engineer language found in job postings. Highlight your technical proficiency with a detailed list of projects and technologies you have experience in and use headers to separate sections for clarity.

Which Software Developer skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

Software Developers should include hard skills on their resume such as programming languages, software development platforms, coding frameworks, databases, web technologies and other programming related experience. Examples of programming languages they should include are JavaScript, Java, C#, Python, HTML, CSS and PHP. They should include experience with software development platforms such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, NET and Java Server Pages. Examples of coding frameworks to include are React, Angular, Bootstrap and Vue. They should also include experience with databases such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS Access. Lastly, knowledge of web technologies such as AJAX, JSON and XML should be included.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Software Developer?

First and foremost, you should focus on highlighting the relevant knowledge and abilities you possess that can be applied to the software development field. This may include emphasizing your experience with coding, scripting, debugging software, etc. Additionally, make sure to showcase relevant coursework or certifications, or even relevant volunteer or freelance positions if those are applicable. Showcase your ability to learn quickly, your problem-solving capability, and your analytical skills. Lastly, include any awards, prizes, or accolades that could be related to software development.

Compare Your Software Developer Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Software Developer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Software Developers:

Entry level software developer resume example, experienced software developer resume example, junior software developer resume example, senior software developer resume example, software developer intern resume example, software developer resume example, node js developer resume example, oracle developer resume example, servicenow developer resume example, wordpress developer resume example, bi developer resume example, sharepoint developer resume example, fresher software developer resume example, more resume guidance:.

Front End Developer

  • • Successfully converted whole project from python 2 to 3.8.0
  • • Scripted unique test plans, test scripts and processes to remove previously known redundancy by 40% and ensured predictable outcomes
  • • Developed a desktop application to automate database testing process, improved efficiency by 65%
  • • Automated process to create usage graphs, saving $500,000 / year & increasing accuracy
  • • Moved the automation solution into a commercial software ($60k/year)
  • • Designed and developed reusable software components which used in 3 different project with reducing development effort by 50%
  • • Re-engineered critical modules within a sprint to rely on a centralized library to optimize performance by 68%
  • • Rated with the best annual performance rating for all the years during my stint; given to top ~5% employees
  • • Helped to increase the accuracy of the reporting systems by 4%
  • • Delivered configuration management tools to track server settings for performance testing which saved 25% of initial machine setup
  • • Developed monitor reports that are using in-memory cache, updating the data shown to the user every 1 second
  • • Optimized customer resources and reduce turnaround time by 20%
  • • Performed root cause analysis for more than 10 issues to identify bugs and rolled out fixes to production within 24 hours
  • • Fueled additional revenue stream through responsive customer support, generating $18k in new license sales within first three weeks of new release
  • • Improved user interfaces by updating menus to be more intuitive, increasing sales by 5%
  • • Reduced the time by 75% to process 70,000 to 1, 00,000 instruments from 16+ seconds to less than 4 seconds by redesigning the algorithm
  • • Wrote optimized scripts for ​data-heavy & processing heavy task automation
  • • Spearheaded the revamp of tech stack which resulted in 40% decrease in server costs

18 Software Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your software engineer resume must highlight your technical competencies. Include the programming languages and development tools you're proficient in. Emphasize your problem-solving abilities and your experience with system architecture. Demonstrating completed projects can showcase your practical application of these skills.

All resume examples in this guide

how to write software developer resume

Software Engineer Intern

how to write software developer resume

Software Engineer New Grad

how to write software developer resume

Entry Level Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Junior Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Mid-Level Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Senior Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Associate Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Director Of Software Engineering

how to write software developer resume

Embedded Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Principal Software Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Software Development Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Software Development Manager

how to write software developer resume

Software Engineering Manager

how to write software developer resume

Software Specialist

how to write software developer resume

Software Support Engineer

how to write software developer resume

Software Team Lead

how to write software developer resume

Staff Software Engineer

Resume guide.

Resume Example

Resume Format

Resume Experience Section

Hard & Soft Skills

Certification & Education

Resume Summary/Objective

Software Engineer Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

By Experience

Software Engineer resume example

As a software engineer, you are like a swiss army knife, able to adapt and meet expectations with whatever task that’s thrown at you. Whether you’re engineering modern applications with JavaScript or designing and implementing PHP web applications, your software engineering success hinges on your ability to innovate and achieve your client’s expectations.

In that same way, you want to create a software engineer resume which achieves your goal: to land your dream job. At Enhancv, our job is to create resumes which allow you to get your foot in the door and to gain a highly sought after interview.

In this article, we will provide you with:

  • How to detail your unique software engineer experiences over a wide variety of disciplines, such as mastery of programming languages, web development, and software development methodologies;
  • How to summarize your career achievements in delivering scalable and robust software solutions;
  • How to highlight your certifications from recognized bootcamps or specialized courses in AWS and Azure.

Before you go on, there are other resume examples with guides that can be relevant for you:

  • Front-end developer resume
  • Back-end engineer resume
  • Full-Stack developer resume
  • Python developer resume
  • Node.js developer resume
  • PhP developer resume
  • Net developer resume

Software engineer resume example

Elegant resume template.

Software engineer resume with Enhancv's Elegant resume template

What does this resume example do well?

  • Focusing attention on their programming skills: First, the author of this resume highlights their knowledge of programming languages. But they also list the operating systems they are comfortable working with, while also highlighting it throughout their resume. In fact, in their achievement section, they even mentioned that they created a unique Chabad which reduced customer costs by 240%.
  • Showcasing their achievements through real-world numbers: Right as soon as your eyes glance over to the right side of the page, one phrase immediately sticks out, “Spearheaded a $12M software project.” The author of this resume chose to highlight their achievements through quantifiable, real-world examples. They shared that they increased efficiency by 30%, and successfully coordinated a yearlong project. These points prove to a potential hiring manager they are competent and able to handle a position.
  • Highlighting their strengths: In addition, the author of this resume has a large section focused on their strengths. In this section, you can see the author mentions they were gold medalists for excellence in academics for five years.

How to format a software engineer's resume

As a software engineer, you should approach your resume like you would a line of code. When you format your code, you’re not just doing it for aesthetic reasons, but you’re doing it to enhance readability and make the codebase easier to maintain. In that same way, a properly formatted resume can enhance the readability of your resume for a potential hiring manager. In fact, by just making small tweaks to your resume, you can present yourself in a much more appealing way and potentially position yourself to get that much sought-after interview.

Below, you’ll find some helpful tips to keep in mind when you’re formatting your resume :

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The top sections on a software engineer resume:

What hiring managers want to see on a software engineer resume, how to write your software engineer resume experience.

Your resume experience section will be the first thing that a recruiter looks for when they scan your resume. They’ll scrutinize the contributions that you made in your previous role, checking to see what impact you made. That’s why you should bolster your experience and skills with real, quantifiable examples from your career.

Below, you’ll find a list of two experience sections. One of them will be the correct way to fill out an experience section, while the other will be a resume section that falls below expectations. Use both examples as a guideline to create your own:

  • • Helped to implement Agile methodologies within a cross-functional team of software engineers.
  • • Conducted regular code reviews and mentored junior developers.
  • • Actively participated in the evaluation and selection of new technologies and tools to improve development processes.
  • • Designed and developed a scalable microservices architecture using Node.js and Docker.

What’s the issue with this resume experience section?

There’s not a single quantifiable example here. What exactly did implementing Agile methodologies do in your previous job? There’s nothing here to show the impact that the applicant made. Also, some of the weak verbs should be changed to active, engaging verbs. The verb ‘helped’ is a weak verb, which could be shifted to ‘collaborated’ or just simply ‘implemented’.

  • • Led a cross-functional team of five engineers in the successful implementation of Agile methodologies, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency and on-time deliveries.
  • • Conducted regular code reviews and mentored junior developers, resulting in a 30% improvement in code quality and adherence to coding standards.
  • • Designed and developed a scalable microservices architecture using Node.js and Docker, reducing response times by 40% and ensuring high availability for a customer-facing application serving over 1 million users.

What does this do right?

There are quantifiable examples scattered throughout this resume experience section, and this helps to show the impact that the applicant has made in their previous roles. Not only that, but the applicant uses unique keywords of specific programming languages and open-source server platforms which would help their resume make it through a scan by applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Start every one of your bullet points with a power verb to make them super impactful. Examples of power words include collaborated, developed, advocated, facilitated, and transformed.

How to quantify impact on your resume

It’s important to quantify the impact you’ve made in previous roles because you can add credibility to the claims that you make. Chances are, as a software engineer, you’ve spent a great deal of time creating and developing software, fixing bugs, and creating programs and applications that can benefit people. But you likely have spent very little time reflecting on the impact that you’ve made.

Potential hiring managers don’t want to see a bland list of the things that you’ve done. They want to see real-world examples of the difference you’ve made. In order to do this, use the PAR (Problem-Action-Result) method to refine your contributions. List a specific problem and then share the actions you took to achieve a specific result.

Below, you’ll find a list of the top quantifiable achievements to include on your resume:

  • Scalability: “Designed and implemented a scalable microservices architecture, enabling the application to handle 3x more concurrent users.”
  • Bug Reduction: “Achieved a 15% decrease in post-release bug reports by implementing comprehensive testing suites.”
  • Increased Application Performance: “Improved application response time by 30% through code optimization.”
  • Efficiency Improvements: “Automated deployment processes, reducing deployment times from 4 hours to 30 minutes.”
  • User Growth: “Contributed to a feature that increased user engagement, resulting in a 25% growth in monthly active users.”
  • Customer Satisfaction: “Resolved customer issues with a 24-hour turnaround time, leading to a 20% increase in customer retention.”

How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

In the IT field, you’ll likely find it easier to go into detail about the hard (technical skills) that you possess. You have a technical education which has allowed you to develop your coding and programming languages to become proficient in them. No doubt when someone asks what you do for a living, you might list off several technical skills you have and explain how that fits into your role in a company.

These technical skills may form the core of your experience, but you also possess soft (also known as people) skills. Whenever you collaborate with an interdisciplinary team filled with marketing experts, managers, and research and development professionals, you have to use communication skills to explain the decisions and actions you’ve taken.

Below, you’ll find two lists. The first one lists all the hard skills a software engineer should include on their resume. The second will include all the soft skills to include.

Best hard skills for your software developer resume

Best soft skills for your software engineer resume, 5 examples of skills to include on your resume:.

  • Collaboration: “Provided leadership to an interdisciplinary team as the subject matter expert on hosting issues, staff and customer logins, and upgrades to servers.”
  • Problem-solving skills: “Created ecommerce sites integrated with PayPal, Authorize.net, and other payment APIs. Navigated issues related to a complex ecommerce site.”
  • Leadership: “Led a team of 5 programmers to structure several internal systems, including custom REST APIs through Python.”
  • Attention to detail: “ Refined the application’s features to root out and fix bugs, which optimized overall performance, efficiency, and reliability.”
  • Adaptability: “Modified and designed HTML, JavaScript, and CSS web pages in order to optimize the performance for quicker loading.

How to list your certifications and education on your resume

In the IT field, possessing the right education and certifications can make all the difference in finding the right job. In fact, if you possess the right educational background and certifications, you may be able to win job offers over more experienced software engineers.

Here’s what you need to include when listing your education on your resume:

Listing certifications on your resume:

Best certifications for your software engineer resume, how to write your software developer resume summary or objective.

There is a big difference between a resume summary on a resume objective. A resume objective, also known as an objective statement, is a short, position-focused statement that describes the value that you could add to the position you’re applying for. A resume objective tends to be used more for those who are new to the field, or those without as much experience.

You can use bullet points in your resume objective to help break up a large paragraph of text. It also helps to draw the eye to each of the individual unique skills you possess.

In contrast, a professional summary goes into a little more detail than a resume objective does. Resume summaries go into more depth about how each unique set of skills you possess will aid the company. Using real-world, quantifiable examples, a resume summary should effectively build your case on why your experience shows you’ll be the best candidate to fill the position. Resume summaries can be used by those who have more experience under their belt.

Let’s first examine a couple of resume objectives for software engineers, and see what they do bad and well.

One major issue with his resume objective is that it lacks specific details about the technical skills that the applicant possesses. Don’t be afraid to explain individual skills that you highlight later on in your resume.

What does this example do right?

It’s a lot more specific, going into more detail about the skills and abilities that the applicant possesses. Not only does it mention programming languages, but it also mentions their unique background in database management and cloud technologies.

Now, let’s move on to resume summaries and focus on how to do them well and what to avoid.

This resume summary doesn’t have the same impact as the one you will read below. It misses the unique programming languages that the applicant possesses, as well as not possessing powerful words. For what could be a great resume summary, it falls lifeless and flat.

Conversely, not only does it showcase all the unique programming languages and skills the applicant possesses, but it also shows that the applicant is looking for a new challenge. This shows someone who is driven to create an impact and to innovate.

Cover letter matching your software engineer resume

Cover letters are important because they allow a hiring manager to learn a little more about you than what your resume can offer. In your cover letter, be sure to go into more depth about the skills and experience you possess, while also showing how you are interested in the position you’re applying for.

Below, you can find a list of tips to help you craft your cover letter:

  • Cover letter header: Make sure to include all the contact information that you provided in your resume and make sure that they match.
  • Address the letter to a hiring manager: Do your best to find the specific person who is hiring for the position. If you tailor your cover letter to a specific hiring manager, it’ll show that you took the time to find out their name and put it on the cover letter.
  • Write a salutation and introduction: Begin your cover letter with a salutation like “Dear ___” and then write an introductory paragraph. Your introductory paragraph should give a first taste of who you are. It should also include a bit of information about why you are interested in working at the company you’re applying for.
  • Describe technical and soft skills: Next, include some specific skills that you possess. Make sure to quantify and provide real-world examples of the skills.
  • Call to action: Finish off your cover letter with a call to action, a specific statement that provokes a response. This can include asking them to contact you through email or your phone number provided.

Check our software engineer cover letter here .

Software Engineer resume examples

Explore additional software engineer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Software Engineer Intern Resume Example

You're likely to gain more software development knowledge during your initial months on the job than throughout four years as a computer science major.

Both technical and non-technical recruiters appreciate real project experience, as it demonstrates your ability to thrive in a production environment, collaborate with a team, and adhere to guidelines.

If your work history is sparse, focus on presenting your experience through software projects. Side applications, contributions to open-source code, and even relevant Fiverr gigs can give you a competitive advantage over candidates with less experience.

Your GitHub profile can be a wildcard in the hiring process. Some recruiters may scrutinize it to make their decision, while others might disregard it completely.

Prepare for the possibility that someone will review your GitHub page. What will they find? Unnecessary comments? An empty profile? Regardless of whether the code was written three or five years ago, your work will be evaluated based on today's standards.

Include your GitHub link on your resume only if you believe it adds value. Otherwise, it could work against you.

Junior Software Engineer Resume Example

Mid-level software engineers are indeed the "workhorses" of the programming world. They deliver significant impact through routine code, optimize their workflows precisely, and exhibit excellent coding habits.

Highlight the following qualities in the context of your software projects to present yourself in the best light:

  • Ability to deliver substantial amounts of work with minimal or no supervision;
  • Active collaboration with team members and team leads;
  • Deep understanding of platforms and tools relevant to the target company's tech stack.

Senior Software Engineer Resume Example

Beyond operating independently at a highly-skilled level, senior software engineers are also capable of leading teams and serving as mentors.

When applying for senior positions, concentrate on your team's achievements and collaboration, rather than your personal accomplishments. Tech companies seek senior software engineers who can effectively guide less-experienced staff.

Examine the size of your target company's software department and emphasize experience with teams of comparable sizes. Showcase your successes as a leader and prove your ability to consistently solve company problems.

Structure parts of your experience using a challenge-solution-business outcome framework to attract the attention of your dream company.

Associate Software Engineer Resume Example

Key takeaways

software engineer resume example

Looking to build your own Software Engineer resume?

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  • Resume Examples

How to List an Internship on Your Resume

Resume headings to stand out in 2024, how to include p&l responsibility on your resume, what questions can an employer ask you about your health, resume keywords to land interviews and get hired, cover letter vs. resume: which should you use.

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Software developer resume summary examples.

Approved by hiring managers, here are proven resume summary examples you can use on your Software Developer resume. Learn what real hiring managers want to see on your resume, and when to use which.

Kimberley Tyler Smith - Hiring Manager

  • Software Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Frontend Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Junior Software Developer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Senior Software Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Software Developer resume templates
  • Similar summary examples

Software Developer Resume Summary Example

The power of specificity.

When you state that you are experienced in 'building scalable web applications', this is not just a vague claim. You're giving me something concrete to look at, showing you understand the importance of application scalability in the software development world. This tells me you can handle growth and changes in workload.

Quantify your technical impact

'Optimizing code performance' is impressive, but what makes it stand out is how you quantified its impact - by reducing server response time by 30%. Good developers code. Great ones improve performance measurably.

Backend Developer Resume Summary Example

Demonstrate your optimization skills.

'Creating efficient, scalable databases' shows that you know the importance of data management and can optimize it for better performance. It's a significant skill in data-driven environments and will definitely catch the attention of hiring managers.

Showcase your ability to extend functionality

'Integrated third-party APIs' is a clear example of your ability to enhance product functionality. It shows that you're not only focused on building things from scratch but also on integrating existing solutions to enrich the product's capabilities.

A great resume can open doors to new opportunities. But a subpar one can keep you stuck in your job search. Our tool helps you create a resume that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light. Get started now and see the difference for yourself.

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Frontend Developer Resume Summary Example

Showcasing design proficiency.

Underlining your capability to create intuitive, responsive web designs is vital, particularly in a field like frontend development. It subtly tells recruiters that you understand user experience and can build user-friendly websites. It also implies that you can adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape and user preferences.

Highlighting impact on accessibility

Improving website accessibility isn't just a technical skill, it's a display of empathy and inclusivity. By mentioning this, you show your commitment to creating a user-friendly experience for everyone, irrespective of their abilities. This can set you apart in a sea of developers who focus only on design and functionality.

Full Stack Developer Resume Summary Example

Demonstrate your end-to-end capabilities.

By 'building robust and high-performing applications from scratch', you make it clear that you can handle the full life cycle of a project, not just a part of it. This broad expertise can be invaluable.

Show your specialization

With 'improving backend efficiency', you demonstrate a deep understanding of the hidden part of software development that users don't see but experience. It shows that you know how to keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes.

Junior Software Developer Resume Summary Example

Demonstrate your design sensibility.

By mentioning 'creating user-friendly interfaces', you're showing you understand that coding isn't just about function, but form too. It shows your ability to empathize with users and create a positive user experience.

Show your flexibility

'Learning new technologies' quickly shows you're not just stuck in your ways and are able to adapt. It's an amazing asset in a field that's constantly evolving with new languages and frameworks.

Mobile Application Developer Resume Summary Example

Demonstrating your ability to captivate users.

Emphasizing your history of developing engaging, high-performance mobile applications shows that you understand what users want and need. This is a crucial skill in a mobile app developer, as the market is highly competitive. It signals that your apps aren't just technically sound, but also engaging enough to retain users.

Quantifying performance improvements

Stating that you used Swift and Objective-C to optimize app performance and reduced crashes by 20% quantifies your skills. This not only gives credibility to your claim of improving app performance, but also shows potential employers the kind of impact you can bring to their business.

Senior Software Developer Resume Summary Example

Highlight your strategic perspective.

By focusing on 'data-driven decision making', you show that you don't just code, you think strategically and use data to guide your development decisions. This can be a game-changer in developing effective software.

Show off your leadership

'Spearheading a DevOps culture' shows you're not just a coder, but a leader who can drive change and improve processes. It's a clear signal that you're ready for more than just programming tasks.

Software Engineer Resume Summary Example

Emphasize your vigilance.

'Developing secure, resilient systems' speaks volumes about your ability to think about the bigger picture - the security and durability of applications. It helps to reassure potential employers about the safety and longevity of their projects with you on board.

Highlight your contributions

'Increasing system responsiveness' is a tangible way to showcase your impact on improving software. It's a clear statement of the value you've added to your past employers and the value you could add to your next one.

Software Developer Resume Templates

C, c++, and c# developer.

A resume screenshot for a Senior C# Developer role.

Technical Support

A well-structured resume for the position of a Technical Support Specialist.

Engineering Resume Summary Examples

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  • > Electrical Engineer Summary Examples
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Engineering Resume Objective Examples

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Web Developer Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Looking to score a job as a Web Developer?

You're going to need an awesome resume. This guide is your one-stop-shop for writing a job-winning Web Developer resume using our proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples.

All of the content in this guide is based on data from coaching thousands of job seekers (just like you!) who went on to land offers at the world's best companies.

If you want to maximize your chances of landing that Web Developer role, I recommend reading this piece from top to bottom. But if you're just looking for something specific, here's what's included in this guide:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Web Developer Resume
  • The Best Skills To Include On A Web Developer Resume

How To Write A Job-Winning Web Developer Resume Summary

How to write offer-winning web developer resume bullets.

  • 3 Web Developer Resume Examples

The 8 Best Web Developer Resume Templates

Web developer resume overview: what to know to write a resume that wins more job offers.

What do companies look for when they're hiring a Web Developer?

Companies look for candidates with strong technical skills to build and maintain websites and applications. They also look for people with excellent problem-solving abilities to troubleshoot issues and optimize performance.

Additionally, companies look for candidates proficient in web development languages and frameworks, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Lastly, creativity and attention to detail are essential for creating user-friendly and visually appealing web experiences.

Your resume should show the company that your personality and your experience encompass all these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Web Developer resume:

  • Tailor your resume to the job description you are applying for: Tailor your resume for each application, aligning your skills with the specific requirements of each job description.
  • Detail previous experiences: Provide detailed descriptions of your roles, emphasizing hard and soft skills related to the job description.
  • Bring in your key achievements: Showcase measurable achievements in previous roles and share your best work.
  • Highlight your skills: Highlight your skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
  • Make it visually appealing: Use a professional and clean layout with bullet points for easy readability. Also, ensure formatting and font consistency throughout the resume and limit it to one or two pages.
  • Use keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords from the job description to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase your chances of being noticed by hiring managers.
  • Proofread your resume: Thoroughly proofread your resume to eliminate errors (I recommend Hemingway App and Grammarly ). Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to ensure clarity and effectiveness!

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Web Developer Skills To Include On Your Resume

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your resume. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan resumes for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized resume. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Web Developer Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for a Web Developer resume.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of real Web Developer job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Development
  • Communication
  • Performance
  • Problem-Solving
  • Time Management
  • Best Practices

2. Use ResyMatch.io To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Resume And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific resume and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your resume is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for.

Web Developer Hard Skills

Here's how it works:

  • Open a copy of your updated Web Developer resume
  • Open a copy of your target Web Developer job description
  • In the widget below, paste your resume on the left, paste the job description on the right, and hit scan!

ResyMatch is going to scan your resume and compare it to the target job description. It's going to show you the exact keywords and skills you're missing as well as share other feedback you can use to improve your resume.

If you're ready to get started, use the widget below to run your first scan and get your free resume score:

how to write software developer resume

Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Paste the job post's details here:

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.


And if you're a visual learner, here's a video walking through the entire process so you can follow along:

Employers spend an average of six seconds reading your resume.

If you want to win more interviews and offers, you need to make that time count. That starts with hitting the reader with the exact information they're looking for right at the top of your resume.

Unfortunately, traditional resume advice like Summaries and Objectives don't accomplish that goal. If you want to win in today's market, you need a modern approach. I like to use something I call a “Highlight Reel,” here's how it works.

Highlight Reels: A Proven Way To Start Your Resume And Win More Jobs

The Highlight Reel is exactly what it sounds like.

It's a section at the top of your resume that allows you to pick and choose the best and most relevant experience to feature right at the top of your resume.

It's essentially a highlight reel of your career as it relates to this specific role! I like to think about it as the SportsCenter Top 10 of your resume.

The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts:

  • A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role
  • An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high-level value
  • A few supporting “Case Study” bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience
  • A closing “Extracurricular” bullet to round out your candidacy

For example, if we were writing a Highlight Reel for a Web Developer role, it might look like this:

Web Developer Resume Summary Example

The first bullet includes the candidate's years of experience in the role. The next two bullets are “Case Studies” of specific results they drove for companies they worked for. The last bullet wraps up with extracurricular information.

This candidate has provided all of the info any employer would want to see right at the very top of their resume! The best part is that they can customize this section for each and every role they apply for to maximize the relevance of their experience.

Here's one more example of a Web Developer Highlight Reel:

Web Developer Resume Summary Example #2

The content of this example showcases a candidate coming from a Sales background. Their resume bullets bring in their years of experience, measurable results, and wrap up with a high-value extracurricular activities.

If you want more details on writing a killer Highlight Reel, check out my full guide on Highlight Reels here.

Bullets make up the majority of the content in your resume. If you want to win, you need to know how to write bullets that are compelling and value-driven.

Unfortunately, way too many job seekers aren't good at this. They use fluffy, buzzword-filled language and they only talk about the actions that they took rather than the results and outcomes those actions created.

To help solve this, our team dove into bullets from the best resumes that have come across our desk. We used that data to create a formula for a great resume bullet. Here it is:

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

If you apply this framework to each of the bullets on your resume, you're going to make them more compelling and your value is going to be crystal clear to the reader. For example, take a look at these resume bullets:

❌ Web Developer with over 10 years of experience.

✅ Web Developer with 10+ years in web development, optimizing website performance by 30%.

The second bullet makes the candidate's value so much more clear, and it's a lot more fun to read! That's what we're going for here.

That said, it's one thing to look at the graphic above and try to apply the abstract concept of “35% hard skills” to your bullet. We wanted to make things easy, so we created a tool called ResyBullet.io that will actually give your resume bullet a score and show you how to improve it.

Using ResyBullet To Write Crazy Effective, Job-Winning Resume Bullets

ResyBullet takes our proprietary “resume bullet formula” and layers it into a tool that's super simple to use. Here's how it works:

  • Head over to ResyBullet.io
  • Copy a bullet from your resume and paste it into the tool, then hit “Analyze”
  • ResyBullet will score your resume bullet and show you exactly what you need to improve
  • You edit your bullet with the recommended changes and scan it again
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 60+
  • Move on to the next bullet in your resume

Let's take a look at how this works for the two resume bullet examples I shared above:

First, we had, “Web Developer with over 10 years of experience.”

ResyBullet gave that a score of 25/100. Not only is it too short, but it's missing relevant skills, compelling language, and measurable outcomes:

Example Of A Bad Web Developer Resume Bullet

Now, let's take a look at our second bullet, “Web Developer with 10+ years in web development, optimizing website performance by 30%.”

ResyBullet gave that a 69/100. Much better! This bullet had more content focused on the experience in the Web Developer role, while also highlighting measurable results:

Example Of A Good Web Developer Resume Bullet

Now all you have to do is run each of your bullets through ResyBullet, make the suggested updates, and your resume is going to be jam-packed with eye-popping, value-driven content!

If you're ready, grab a bullet from your resume, paste it into the widget below, and hit scan to get your first resume bullet score and analysis:

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results., copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:, 3 web developer resume examples for 2024.

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three resume examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds:

Web Developer Resume Example #1: A Traditional Background

Web Development Resume Example #1 - Traditional Background

Web Developer Resume Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

For our second Web Developer Resume Example, we have a candidate who has a non-traditional background. In this case, they come from a background in sales, but leverage experiences that help them transition to a Web Developer role. Here's an example of what their resume might look like:

Web Development Resume Example #2 - Non-Traditional Background

Web Developer Resume Example #3: Freelance Web Developer

For our third Web Developer Resume Example, we have a candidate who's only had freelancing experience. Here's an example of what their resume might look like:

Web Development Resume Example #3 - Freelance Web Developer

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Web Developer resume that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with our ResyBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your resume using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

how to write software developer resume

Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time .

Choose a resume template below to get started:.

how to write software developer resume

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Web Developer Resume

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Web Developer resume:

  • Start with a proven resume template from ResyBuild.io
  • Use ResyMatch.io to find the right keywords and optimize your resume for each role you apply to
  • Open your resume with a Highlight Reel to immediately grab your target employer's attention
  • Use ResyBullet.io to craft compelling, value-driven bullets that pop off the page
  • Compare the draft of your resume to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like HemingwayApp or Grammarly to proofread your resume before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more recruiter interviews and job offers.

Now that your resume is taken care of, check out my guide on how to get a job anywhere without applying online!

how to write software developer resume

Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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7 ServiceNow Developer Resume Examples for 2024

Looking to create a strong resume for a ServiceNow developer job? This article offers proven resume examples and strategic advice. We will cover key skills, effective formats, and the right way to showcase your ServiceNow experience. Get ready to improve your chances of landing that job.

Portrait of Diana Price

  • 19 Aug 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Position of your education section', added
  • 19 Aug 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring ServiceNow Developer, added
  • 17 Aug 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 27 Aug 2024

Here's what we see in the best resumes for this job.

Show Impact With Numbers : Use numbers to show your impact. We often see metrics like 20% increase in time savings , 50% reduction in customer support issues , 30% improvement in process efficiency , and 15% boost in user satisfaction .

Include Relevant Skills From The Job Description : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned in the job description. Some popular ones are ServiceNow , JavaScript , UI design , API integrations , and Agile methodologies . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Understanding Customer Needs : In this field, it's important to show how you understand customer needs. Use phrases like gathered requirements and tailored solutions in your resume.

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widget 2: red / but not serious Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve after 1 day, go to a lower altitude if you can. Try to go around 300 to 1,000 metres lower.

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ServiceNow Developer Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get your resume scored

Want to know if your resume stands out for servicenow developer roles? Our resume scoring tool gives you instant feedback on how well your resume matches what hiring managers look for. You'll get a clear score and specific tips to improve your chances of getting interviews.

Upload your resume now for an unbiased assessment. This free tool will show you how to make your resume stronger and more likely to get past applicant tracking systems. Improve your job search today with data-driven insights.

Position of your education section

Place your education near the top if you recently finished studying or are new to the workforce. This tells the hiring manager right away about your most current training and skills. For a servicenow developer position, highlight any degrees or certifications in IT, computer science, or systems administration here. This is crucial as it shows you have the formal knowledge needed for the role.

If you have been working for some time and have solid experience with servicenow or other similar systems administration and development roles, put your work experience first. Show any relevant education later on. Make sure to include any specific servicenow programming or systems courses you have completed. This will support your practical experience and demonstrate continuous learning in your field, which is important in technology jobs.

Highlight specific ServiceNow skills

Include specific technical skills such as knowledge of JavaScript, Glide, and ServiceNow configurations. These show your hands-on expertise with the platform.

Detail your experience with specific ServiceNow modules like ITSM, ITOM, or HRSD. Recruiters look for candidates proficient in the modules that meet their needs.

Junior ServiceNow Developer Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

As someone looking to work as a servicenow developer, it is good to keep your resume concise. You should aim for one page if your work history in this field is under ten years. This will show you can focus on what is most important. For those with more experienced, a two-page document can be appropriate. It offers space to showcase your deeper knowledge and skills.

Make sure to use the first page to highlight your key achievements and any high-impact projects. This is what hiring managers will look at first. If you have a long work history, focus on recent roles that are most relevant to being a servicenow developer. Anything that doesn't directly relate to the job can be left out. This not only creates space but also ensures you present a strong match for the role at hand.

Senior ServiceNow Developer Resume Sample

Portfolio and certifications.

Create an online portfolio to showcase projects you have worked on using ServiceNow. Include links to this portfolio in your resume to give employers evidence of your work.

List any related certifications such as Certified ServiceNow Administrator or Certified Implementation Specialist. These credentials can make you a more attractive candidate.

ServiceNow Developer with HR Specialization Resume Sample

Aspiring servicenow developer resume sample.

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  2. Software Developer Resume Examples and Template for 2024

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  3. How to Write the Perfect Software Engineer Resume

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  4. Software Engineer Resume [2024]

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  12. Software Developer Resume Examples & Templates (2024)

    If you have any special certifications in your field, list them here as well. Software Developer resume example: Education section. Master of Science in Computer Science, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. August 2010 - August 2012. Bachelor of Computer Science, Dartmouth, Hanover, NH.

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