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About MOOCs

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale.

Millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn for a variety of reasons, including: career development, changing careers, college preparations, supplemental learning, lifelong learning, corporate eLearning & training, and more.

MOOCs have dramatically changed the way the world learns. Ready to get started?

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Our students come from every country in the world! Whether you are interested in computer science, languages, engineering, psychology, writing, electronics, biology or marketing, we have the course for you! Enroll today and learn something new.

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Innovative Online Programs, Developed by edX:

Whether you want to explore a new interest, advance your career, or break into a new field, edX has an online learning option that will help you get where you want to go.

Online Master's Degrees

Offered in the most in-demand fields, from top-ranked institutions and available at a fraction of the cost of a traditional on-campus Master’s degree.

Explore Our Latest Offerings

MicroMasters® Programs

Series of graduate level courses from top universities, providing deep learning in a specific career field and a path to a Master's Degree.

Earn a Pathway to Top Jobs

Professional Certificates

Courses providing job specific skills to help learners skill-up or launch into a new role, provided by industry-leading experts in key fields.

Start Learning Today

MicroBachelors® Programs

Created by top universities and influenced by Fortune 1000 companies, these programs create a path to a Bachelor’s degree, making you job-ready today.

Start Your Path to a Degree

XSeries Programs

Created by world-renowned experts and top universities, these programs provide a deep understanding of exciting and in-demand fields.

Explore Interesting Subjects

Bachelor Degrees

Begin or complete a degree; fully online. All online programs allow you to collaborate with peers and faculty while exploring your passions and developing in-demand skills.

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Rigorous, hands-on programs to help you switch or launch your career. Earn a university credential, work with dedicated career counselors, and gain access to career resources throughout your professional life.

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Executive Education

Advance, adapt, and expand your impact. Success Advisors provide administrative and technical support 24/7 and our tutors, who are subject matter experts, offer academic support.

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Moocs for Corporate eLearning

edX is the education movement for restless learners. Together with our founding partners Harvard and MIT, we’ve brought together over 35 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world, and industry-leading companies onto one online learning platform that supports learners at every stage. And we’re not stopping there—as a mission-driven organization, we’re relentlessly pursuing our vision of a world where every learner can access education to unlock their potential, without the barriers of cost or location

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The 10 Best Educational Websites for Taking Online Courses in 2024

Look to the web for learning new skills and gaining fresh knowledge

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  • University of Ontario
  • George Brown College

We independently evaluate all of our recommendations. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation.

Lifewire / Design by Amelia Manley

Back in the day, if you wanted to learn something new, you'd go to school for it. Today, educational institutions offer their full programs and individual courses online. Experts in almost every field create programs and courses online to share their knowledge with a worldwide audience.

Both educational institutions and individual experts who want to offer their courses online need somewhere to host it and get it out to people who want to learn. This is why there are many platforms dedicated to offering online courses. Some focus on tighter niches like green technology . Others include courses in a variety of fields.

Whatever you're interested in learning, you can find a course about it from the educational course sites listed below. From beginner levels to intermediate and advanced, there's something for everybody.

Diversity of content; some inexpensive

Top-notch faculty and institutions

The "anyone can be an instructor" approach means lesser-known instructors will be hit-or-miss

Udemy is the online education site that tops this list for being a popular and valuable resource. You can search over 190,000 courses on different topics. Download the Udemy app to take your learning mobile for quick lessons and study sessions when you're on the go.

Some Udemy courses are free, and others start as low as $15. If you're an expert looking to create and launch a course of your own, you can become an instructor with Udemy and take advantage of their massive user base to attract students.

Excellent courses taught by national leaders

Reasonable price points

Academic rigor is reasonably strong

Topics are heavily focused on programming and science

If you're looking to take courses from over 275 of the country's top universities and organizations, then Coursera is for you. Coursera has partnered with the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and others to offer universal access to the world's best education.

You'll find over 5,400 paid and unpaid courses on Coursera related to computer science, business, social sciences, and more. Coursera also has a mobile app available so you can learn at your pace on-the-go.

LinkedIn Learning

Ala carte model for one monthly subscription cost

Focus on professional development

Hit-or-miss content based on the skill and expertise of the course designer

LinkedIn Learning is a popular educational hub for professionals looking to learn new business, creativity, and technology skills. With over 20,600 expert-led courses, categories include animation, audio and music, business, design, development, marketing, photography, video, and more.

When you sign up with LinkedIn Learning, you get a 30-day free trial. You're then charged either $20 a month for an annual membership or $40 for a month-to-month membership. If you want to deactivate your membership and come back later, LinkedIn Learning has a reactivate feature that restores your account information, including your course history and progress.

Open Culture

 Open Culture

Great clearinghouse of free educational materials

No cost to browse the large library of offerings

Open Culture isn't an educational provider. It's only a curator of other people's content

If you're on a budget and looking for quality education content, check out Open Culture's library of 1,700 courses with over 45,000 hours of audio and video lectures that are free. You'll have to spend a bit of time scrolling through the single page containing 1,700 course links with courses organized by category in alphabetical order.

Many of the courses available on Open Culture are from leading institutions from around the world, including Yale, Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Berkley, and others.  Audiobooks , ebooks, and certificate courses are also available.

Open-source philosophy

Well-curated and well-delivered content by industry experts

Credential programs available

Content tends to be dominated by programming and the sciences

Similarly to Coursera, edX offers access to higher education from over 160 of the world's leading educational institutions, including Harvard, MIT, Berkley, the University System of Maryland, the University of Queensland, and others. Founded and governed by colleges and universities, edX is the only open-source and nonprofit MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) leader.

Find courses in computer science, language, psychology, engineering, biology, marketing, or any other field that interests you. Use it for high school level education or to earn credits for university. You'll receive an official credential from the institution to verify your achievement.

Great content for creative professionals

A subscription-only model with no trial period

Envato's Tuts+ is for those who work and play in creative technology. In addition to its vast library of how-to tutorials, courses are available in design, illustration, code, web design, photography, video, business, music, and audio.

Tuts+ has almost 30,000 tutorials and over 1,300 video courses, with new courses added every week. There isn't a free trial, but the membership is affordable at $16.50 a month.

Focus on technology skills that are in demand by businesses

A well-designed platform that offers credentials and transcripts

The catalog is deep, but not broad

Heavy focus on tech topics

Udacity is dedicated to bringing higher education to the world in the most accessible, affordable, and effective ways possible. Udacity offers online courses and credentials that teach students the skills that are currently in demand by industry employers. They claim to offer their education at a fraction of the cost of traditional schooling.

This is an excellent platform to look into if you plan on working in technology. With courses and credentials in Android, iOS, data science, and software engineering, you can get access to the most up to date education in these innovative areas that are relevant to today's tech companies and startups.

No-cost education

Clean, easy-to-use interface

Wide variety of subjects

Some courses are too niche

Not many well-known providers of content

With 25 million students from across the world, ALISON is an online learning resource that offers free, high-quality courses, education services, and community support. Their resources are designed for anyone looking for a new job, promotion, college placement, or business venture.

Choose from a variety of subjects to pick from thousands of free courses designed to provide you with certificate and diploma level education. You'll also be required to take assessments and score at least 80 percent to pass, so you'll have the skills to move forward.

An eclectic collection of lessons on a variety of subjects

Free content

Some content is so terse (like five-minute video courses) that its value is questionable

OpenLearn is designed to give users free access to educational materials. It was launched in the late 1990s to offer online learning in a broadcast collaboration with the BBC. Today, OpenLearn offers topical and interactive content in a variety of content formats, including courses.

You can filter the free courses by activity, format (audio or video), subject, and more options. All courses are listed with the level (introductory, intermediate, and more) and the time length to give you an idea of what to expect.



Emphasis on group learning and peer engagement

A broad cross-section of content

Can't jump into a course whenever you want, many have start and end dates

Like OpenLearn, FutureLearn is part of The Open University. It is another alternative on this list that offers course programs from leading educational institutions and organization partners. Courses are delivered a step at a time and can be learned at your pace while accessed from a desktop or mobile device.

One benefit of FutureLearn is its commitment to social learning, giving its students the opportunity to engage in discussions with others throughout the course. FutureLearn also offers full programs, which contain several courses for more extensive learning.

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What is ocw.

OCW is a free and open publication of material from thousands of MIT courses across the entire MIT curriculum. That’s courses from every MIT department and degree program, and ranging from the introductory to the most advanced graduate level. 

Each OCW course includes a syllabus, some instructional material (such as lecture notes or a reading list), and some learning activities (such as assignments or exams). Many courses also have complete video lectures , free online textbooks , and faculty teaching insights . While some OCW content is custom-created for online use, most of it comes straight from the MIT classroom.

How do I use OCW?

You can freely browse the OCW collection and use it at your own pace. There’s no signup, no enrollment, and no start or end dates.

MIT doesn’t offer credit or certificates for using OCW. Instead, use OCW to guide your own life-long learning, or use OCW to teach others. Knowledge is your reward!

OCW is made for sharing. Download and save files and complete courses for later. Send them to friends and colleagues. Modify or remix OCW content for any non-commercial use – just remember to credit OCW as the source. It’s all allowed and encouraged, per the terms of our Creative Commons license .

More details are in the Using OCW Materials FAQs.

For Teachers

The free materials on OCW are used by educators around the world in teaching, adapted and integrated into curricula that inspires and empowers learners. And by sharing MIT faculty’s teaching approaches with the world, OCW is also a setting for reflective dialog about the craft of teaching and using Open Educational Resources (OER).

We encourage you to start by exploring OCW’s Educator page which highlights content created and curated just for educators.

For Learners

When you find a course of interest, begin by skimming the syllabus and calendar. This tells you the course goals, key topics, and the sequence of what is taught and studied.

It’s up to you to decide what and how you’d like to learn. Study the materials in a course from beginning to end, or select individual concepts found in different courses. You can let your curiosity be your guide, or refer to About the MIT Curriculum to learn about degree requirements and course sequences used by MIT students.

Some popular destinations include:

  • Courses with Video or Audio Lectures
  • Most Popular Courses
  • OCW Scholar Courses

For more inspiration, read OCW Stories from students and self-learners.

Top Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register to use MIT OpenCourseWare?

There’s no registration and no enrollment to use OCW. It’s all open! You can skim through courses, read pages, watch videos, download any files—all without registration, anytime, anywhere.

Can I get credit or certification for learning with MIT OpenCourseWare?

OCW does not offer any degree, credit, or certification. For MIT online courses with certificates of completion, visit:

  • MITx Online/MITx on edX
  • MITx MicroMasters
  • MIT Bootcamps
  • MIT Management / Sloan Executive Education

For questions about these programs, please contact them directly.

Why doesn’t every MIT OpenCourseWare course offer video lectures?

We know that video lectures are important. In recent years, OCW has substantially increased its video content. However, the high cost of video production means we can only provide video for some of the courses we publish. Your financial support can help fund more video content.

Can you suggest a sequence of courses to study?

To see what courses MIT requires for its degree programs, refer to the MIT curriculum guide and individual department and program websites . Please note that OCW cannot offer degrees or course credit.

How do I get a copy of the course pack or readings for a particular course?

The course packs or reading materials used in many MIT courses contain proprietary and copyrighted work that MIT faculty and students are only permitted to use within their classrooms. OCW cannot provide these materials under our license. Your local library may be able to help you find free copies of these works.

I have more questions…

Please see our complete Help & FAQs section, or contact us and a member of the OCW team will get back to you.

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Online courses with Free Certificates

1000s of courses with free certificates from Harvard, Stanford, Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn Learning, IBM, and many more.

  • With certificate (10347)
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  • With free certificate (10347)
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  • Beginner (788)
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  • 10+ hours (1072)
  • Programming (5029)
  • Health & Medicine (1135)
  • Computer Science (1041)
  • Business (552)
  • Social Sciences (331)
  • Science (304)
  • Certifications (303)
  • Humanities (278)
  • Data Science (268)
  • English (3965)
  • Albanian (8)
  • Arabic (38)
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  • Chinese (870)
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  • French (782)
  • German (314)
  • Hungarian (1)
  • Indonesian (379)
  • Italian (552)
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  • Kazakh (14)
  • Korean (502)
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  • Mongolian (1)
  • Portuguese (664)
  • Russian (43)
  • Serbian (2)
  • Sinhala (6)
  • Spanish (849)
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Understanding Dementia

This is a course about dementia looking at a broad range of topics including, basic brain anatomy, pathology, dementia research...

  • Independent
  • 7 weeks, 3 hours a week
  • Free Certificate

Ideas for a Better World: Leading Change Through Policymaking

Learn how to make effective change through policymaking and develop the skills you need to work in the sector.

  • FutureLearn
  • 4 weeks, 2 hours a week

Going Places with Spatial Analysis

Explore spatial data analysis using ArcGIS Online. Learn to query, compare, relate, and find optimal locations. Develop skills in pattern detection, prediction, and visualization for real-world problem-solving.

  • 6 weeks, 2-3 hours a week

Bacterial Genomes II: Accessing and Analysing Microbial Genome Data Using Artemis

Learn more about how genomic data and computational tools can help us understand and track disease-causing bacteria.

  • 3 weeks, 5 hours a week

Transform AEC Projects with GIS and BIM

Infuse geographic context into the entire project life cycle.

  • 4 weeks, 2-3 hours a week

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

Master JavaScript fundamentals, algorithms, and data structures through hands-on coding projects. Covers OOP, functional programming, and advanced topics for building interactive web applications.

  • freeCodeCamp

COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus

What is COVID-19? Find out more about the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and its implications around the world.

  • 3 weeks, 4 hours a week

Full Stack Open

Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development.

  • 12-13 weeks, 15-20 hours a week

From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste

Discover the causes and impact of food waste, and learn how you can tackle it on a personal, community, and national level.

  • 3 weeks, 3 hours a week

Responsive Web Design

Learn HTML, CSS, and responsive design principles to create visually appealing and accessible websites that adapt to different screen sizes. Master modern techniques like Flexbox and CSS Grid for complex layouts.

Understanding Mental Health in Muslim Communities

How Muslims experience and understand mental health. For people who provide mental health support in Muslim communities

  • 4 weeks, 4 hours a week

Google Analytics for Beginners

Learn to set up Google Analytics, navigate its interface, analyze basic reports, and track campaigns and conversions for effective website traffic measurement and analysis.

Learning to teach: mentoring and tutoring student teachers

This is the second of four courses which comprise the course Learning to teach. Traditionally student teachers are supported by a mentor in school and a tutor from a university. Both play ...

Data Analysis with Python

Learn Python-based data analysis using Numpy, Pandas, and visualization libraries. Covers data cleaning, manipulation, and visualization techniques for extracting insights from various data sources.

COVID-19: Psychological First Aid

Get psychological first aid (PFA) training and help people with different needs to cope with the emotional impact of COVID-19.

  • 3 weeks, 1 hour a week

Never Stop Learning.

Get personalized course recommendations, track subjects and courses with reminders, and more.

World-Class Learning for Anyone, Anywhere

Coursera partners with more than 275+ leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide.


Learn from experts at 275+ leading universities and companies . Earn recognized credentials from leading universities and companies to achieve your goals.

Explore hundreds of free courses or get started with a free trial. Earn a university degree and enjoy high-quality curriculum , affordable pricing , and flexible scheduling .

Get on-demand lectures for desktop and mobile—on your schedule. Choose from free courses, hands-on projects, certificate programs, and stackable credentials .


Master essential career skills based on comprehensive skills data. Build personal and professional skills with applied learning.

Achieve your goals on Coursera

Quickly learn job skills and industry tools, guided projects, average time commitment, cost starting at, gain new knowledge, master a specific skill, specializations, $49 usd per month, get job-ready for an in-demand career, professional certificates, earn a university-issued certificate and credit towards a degree, mastertrack® certificates, earn your bachelor’s or master’s degree, get access to unlimited learning.

Save money on learning with a Coursera Plus subscription! Get unlimited access to 7,000+ courses, Guided Projects, Specializations, and Professional Certificates for one all-inclusive price.

Bring Coursera to your organization

Get access to world-class content and credentials from top universities and companies. Promote transformative skill development for employees, teach students in-demand career skills, and prepare citizens for the workforce.

Coursera for Business

Coursera for Business is the transformative skill development solution for empowering your teams with the high-impact skills that drive innovation, competitiveness, and growth.

With Coursera for Business, you can:

Provide transformative learning with expert-curated, AI-driven learning programs.

Enable hands-on learning to drive rapid skill acquisition.

Track and measure skill development and benchmark proficiency against industry peers.

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Coursera for Campus

Coursera for Campus empowers any university to offer job-relevant, credit-ready* online education to students, faculty, and staff.

With Coursera for Campus, you can:

Promote student employability by teaching in-demand skills for high-growth fields.

Help students master job-ready skills with Guided Projects, programming assignments, and in-course assessments—online, offline, and via mobile.

Enable faculty to create projects, assessments, and courses tailored to learner needs.

* Credit eligibility determined by your institution.

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Coursera for Government

Coursera for Government helps governments and organizations provide in-demand skills and learning paths to new jobs for the entire workforce, and implements national-scale learning programs.

With Coursera for Government, you can:

Develop locally relevant career pathways and connect learners with regional employers.

Build your own hiring ecosystem by authoring content.

Upskill and reskill your workforce to be job-ready.

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Expanding access to world-class learning

Coursera works with 100+ nonprofit and community partners to provide free education to underserved communities around the world, including refugees, veterans, people who are impacted by the criminal justice system, and underserved high schoolers.

Refugee partners

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Simple steps to our coursework writing service

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Enter your requirements, such as the level, due date, and word count. Then, go into detail or attach related course materials if needed.

2. Choose your coursework writer

Select an expert from a large pool of academic writers. Peruse the authors' bios, ratings, and reviews before making a final choice.

3. Approve the quality and pay

We'll notify you once your coursework is ready. Download your paper, ask your expert for edits if needed, and release the funds once everything matches your requirements.

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Working on a complex assignment such as coursework can be stressful and time-consuming, not to mention the rising cost of professional coursework help. Luckily, EssayPro offers hassle-free and affordable solutions for any student who asks us to " do my coursework ."

Our service was designed to help students navigate the hurdles of academic life without spending their last dime. With our flexible pricing model, you can enjoy premium quality writing and student-friendly prices at the same time. Pay from $12.60 per page for our custom coursework writing service and don't worry about hidden costs and charges, as we don't have any.

That's not all! We offer a plethora of benefits to all our customers. Here's what you can get when you hire a professional paper writer at EssayPro:

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  • 24/7 service. Got an urgent question about your work? Our customer support team is on standby! They work around the clock to address all your queries. Moreover, you can message your designated writer directly via our one-on-one chat and track their progress online. ‍
  • Data security. We value your privacy and take all the necessary precautions to keep your personal information safe. Plus, our payment providers only collaborate with secure gateways, so your financial data is kept safe. ‍
  • Original content commitment. Our dedicated writers craft all content from scratch, carefully following your instructions. Every paper they deliver has an originality score of at least 96% and is checked against cutting-edge plagiarism detection software. You can get a free copy of the originality report, too. ‍
  • Fast turnarounds. Work with genuine professionals who have excellent deadline ethics. Simply state your due date and your writer will deliver your assignment right on time or even before your deadline.

Why should you get coursework help online from our team?

Students turn to our professional coursework writing service for a variety of reasons, but no matter what, we deliver consistent quality and care to every customer.

Wondering if our service is right for you? Here are some signs you might need our expert help with coursework writing:

  • ‍ You're swamped with schoolwork. Can't catch a break amid the hectic school year? Forgot when was the last time you did something for yourself? Our coursework service is here to fix that. Offload your tedious tasks to our skilled writers and reclaim your freedom. Our experts will worry about the research, formatting, and all that boring stuff while you can focus on the things that matter to you the most. Catch up on other assignments, meet up with your friends, or just relax for a bit. The choice is yours.
  • ‍ You're on a tight deadline. Is the due date for your coursework approaching and you haven't even started yet? We have a solution for you. Rely on our professional writers to do your work accurately and on time. In most cases, you'll get your assignment before your due date and have enough time to review the contents.
  • ‍ You're under immense pressure. Tight deadlines, confusing instructions, and demanding professors can cause anxiety or even a mental breakdown. Don't let academic stress get the best of you! Hire a professional helper and let them deal with your tedious assignments. Rest assured, our experts are genuine wordsmiths who have extensive experience in handling schoolwork of any level of complexity.
  • ‍ You want to be sure of your assignment's quality. With EssayPro, you never have to worry about the accuracy of your coursework. Our writers are hand-picked professionals with higher education degrees and rich backgrounds in their fields of study.

The ease of using our coursework services

Our essay writing service helps you manage your assignments quickly and efficiently. Plus, the whole process is very straightforward. With EssayPro, you can get professional coursework writing help in a few easy steps:

  • Sign up on our platform.
  • Fill out a simple order form specifying all the requirements for your assignment. Don't forget to attach all the necessary study materials for your expert.
  • Select the most suitable writing pro based on their bios, ratings, reviews, and qualifications.
  • Track your expert's progress and reach out to them anytime. Ask questions, upload new instructions, or request edits in a secured direct chat with your writer.
  • Get your final work before your deadline and review it. Want to change something? No problem. We offer free unlimited edits for 14 or 30 days after paper completion, depending on your order details.

The 5 keys to our successful coursework writing service

EssayPro has been assisting students with their coursework writing for over a decade. Thousands of learners trust us with their most intricate assignments, knowing we'll offer top-tier support with any academic paper. Here's why:

  • ‍ Strict compliance with academic guidelines. Our professional writers have extensive experience in dealing with academic assignments and know how to deliver a well-written paper that meets your professor's strictest requirements.
  • ‍ Meticulous helpers. We select the most competent writers who pay great attention to detail. Rest assured, they won't let a single typo or formatting mistake slip past them.
  • ‍ Caring support . We're dedicated to your progress and ensure every paper we deliver is well-crafted and polished to perfection.
  • ‍ Straightforward and easy process. Place your order in a few clicks and get professional coursework help without extra hassle.
  • ‍ Full control over your assignment. Track your writer's progress on our intuitive platform and chat with them directly to ensure your paper meets your requirements.

We are equipped to assist you 24/7

Forgot about an upcoming assignment? Swamped with homework? Got coursework on a niche subject? Leave your worries aside! At EssayPro, we're prepared to handle every challenge that comes our way. With a large team of highly competent writers and round-the-clock support, we can deliver a high-quality paper before your deadline, regardless of the assignment's complexity or deadline.

Choose our coursework writing service and get access to an extensive library of talented academic professionals in every field of study imaginable. Coursework assistance, research paper writing service , dissertation support, or public speech crafting, you name it, we've got it!

To delegate your assignment, simply share your paper's type, topic, deadline, and level of study. You'll get multiple bids from genuine professionals well-versed in your particular subject. Choose a writer for your assignment based on their bios, ratings, and reviews. Once you've picked your helper, you can relax and let them deal with the research, formatting, and other intricacies of crafting an academic work. Rest assured, you'll receive a quality piece custom-made to match all your initial instructions.

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20 Best Websites To Find Online Courses (Free & Paid)

We did our research to find the best online course websites. The list includes top-quality courses to learn new skills fast.

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Top 20 Websites to Find Online Courses

Key learnings.

Online courses are a great way to build new skills in a relatively short period of time. They are less expensive than traditional classes and you can follow a course from the comfort of your own home.

In this guide, you’ll find the best online course websites covering a range of topics, including digital marketing, graphic design, coding, personal development, marketing, business, photography, and much more.

All courses are delivered online by accredited academies and online learning platforms. Together with the paid courses, the list includes some great free online courses that are definitely worth your time.

So, if you want to explore new career paths, build a new skill, start a new hobby or learn a new discipline, you’ll love this list. We’ve done our research and handpicked the best free and paid sites offering online training courses. All you have to do is find the best course for you and start learning!

These are the best online course websites to find high-quality online courses :

Reliablesoft Academy

  • MasterClass

Google Skillshop

  • LinkedIn Learning
  • HubSpot Academy
  • Simplilearn
  • Semrush Academy
  • Google Digital Garage
  • Meta Blueprint
  • Harvard University (Online Courses)
  • Microsoft Learn
  • Alison (Free Online Courses)
  • CXL Institute

1. Reliablesoft Academy

Reliablesoft Academy Courses

Founded in 2002, Reliablesoft Digital Marketing Academy is one of the most reliable training platforms to learn digital marketing. Through their online academy, they offer 13 courses covering all important areas of digital marketing, including:

  • Facebook / Instagram Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Content Marketing
  • Keyword Research
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Retargeting
  • YouTube Marketing

Their most popular course is the Digital Marketing Full Course , which teaches students the secrets of online marketing through a series of videos and tutorials. Upon completing the course, you can get an SEO and Digital Marketing Certification.

Digital Marketing Training

Students can download the courses offline or follow the lessons using the online interface.

Reliablesoft courses are highly rated by students , affordable, and have a 60-day unconditional money-back guarantee (the best money-back from all online academies).

Currently, online courses are offered at an 80% discount . The offer is valid for a limited time only.

Explore Online Courses

Udemy Online Courses

Udemy is perhaps the most popular online learning platform. According to statistics provided by the company, they have more than 130K online courses in their database and a student base of 35 million people.

Udemy courses are grouped into several categories, the most popular are:

  • Development
  • IT and Software
  • Personal Development
  • Photography

Udemy courses are budget-friendly and come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. In their library, besides paid courses, you’ll also find a number of free courses. Just type in “Free Courses” in their search bar, and you’ll get a list of more than 10,000 courses you can follow without paying.

To find the best courses on Udemy , choose one of the course categories from the top menu and then filter the results based on the number of ratings. You can also look for the ‘bestseller’ badge displayed in the description of popular courses.

If Udemy is not the right learning platform for you, there are great alternatives .

3. Coursera

Coursera Online Courses

Coursera offers online courses from world-class universities and reputable companies. It positions itself as a leading online learning platform for higher education. They claim to have more than 70M learners worldwide and partnerships with more than 200 universities and educators in different industries.

In their catalog, you’ll find a number of free courses, paid courses, specializations, certificates, and degree programs.

Their most popular course categories are:

  • Data Science
  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology

University students can enroll in Coursera courses for free, provided their university is part of their partners’ program.

For non-university students, the cost varies per course, specialization, and certificate. For some courses, you can enroll for free and then pay for the certificate. For other courses, you can buy a monthly subscription and access a number of courses as long as you pay the monthly fee.

While Coursera offers great courses and accredited certifications from leading companies and universities, its refund policy is very strict.

So, I recommend reading their pricing fees and conditions before enrolling in a course to avoid any unpleasant surprises. You can also consider one of the Coursera Alternatives .

Udacity Online Courses

Udacity focuses on career advancement and provides the essential tools to succeed in landing the job of your dreams.  The website has a robust catalog that not only covers the skill but also provides classes on applying for jobs and interviewing.

Here are the training programs that are included:

  • Programming and Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing
  • Autonomous Systems

Udacity is another free membership platform offering free and paid online courses. There is no monthly subscription requirement, but registering as a user is necessary in order to gain access to the catalog. Within the search features, it allows you to filter free courses so that you can browse if you’d like to try them before you buy.

This platform also offers career prep opportunities, including meeting with career coaches, resume reviews, LinkedIn reviews, and more. Just an added bonus to the Udacity platform and in line with their mission to train the world’s workforce in the careers of the future.

5. Skillshare

Skillshare Online Courses

Jumping from the very techy world of coding, Skillshare was founded with creatives in mind. Skillshare seeks to not only help members get inspired and learn new skills but also allow instructors to share their expertise and earn money.

Founded in 2010, Skillshare has curated some of the best online classes to take for innovators and creators.

Here are just a few of the categories it offers:

  • Illustration
  • Freelancing

In order to access all Skillshare courses, you will need to create a Premium account which comes with a 7-day free trial. After the trial period, you can pay an annual fee of $99 or $19/mo. I even saw a 30% off special on their website, so be sure to look out for the deals!

What I find valuable about this membership is that you will receive access to ALL of the incredible online classes and workshops available on the platform. To help you narrow down your decision, here is a list of the best skillshare courses you can take this year.

You are able to follow your favorite instructors, keep a library of the classes that you want to take, check out your class history, and have more convenient and user-friendly features. It’s definitely one to check out.

6. MasterClass

MasterClass Online Courses

If you’re into pop culture, you’ll love being a part of MasterClass . Ranging from industries such as acting, creative writing, sports, and beyond, popular celebrities and experts in the field are sharing their mastery with the everyday person.

The platform is fun and current but still packed with education.

Here are some of the course topics that are covered in MasterClass:

  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Sports & Gaming
  • Science & Tech
  • Design & Style

MasterClass is set up as a membership platform at $15/mo billed annually. Although they do not offer a free trial, they do extend a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

It’s very user-friendly allowing downloading to watch offline, the use of PDF workbooks for every class, and mobile-friendly. They add new classes every month so you are sure to have more to browse. If you are curious, MasterClass is for you.

Additional resources to find more online courses

  • Best Digital Marketing Courses – 10 great courses to teach yourself digital marketing online.
  • Best Social Media Marketing Courses – the top courses to learn social media marketing.
  • Best Content Marketing Courses – free and paid courses to get started with content marketing.
  • Best SEO Courses – a list of SEO courses with a certification to build your SEO skills and become an expert.
  • Best eCommerce Courses – online courses to teach yourself eCommerce. The list includes both free and paid training courses.
  • Best Free SEO Courses – the best free courses on search engine optimization. Take online or download offline.
  • Best Google Ads Courses – the best courses to master the secrets of Google Ads.
  • Best Free Online Marketing Courses – a list of the top courses on online marketing that are 100% free.
  • Best WordPress Courses – the top courses to learn WordPress online.

7. Google Skillshop

Google Skillshop Online Courses

It’s no surprise that many businesses are using Google as a platform to run, scale, and advertise their businesses. With a mission to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” it’s no wonder it has managed to turn its name into an action one can actually take.

Because of its usefulness in the digital marketing world, it’s worth checking out their free Google Skillshop center to learn more about using their platform. Through Skillshop you can achieve a number of free Google certifications in the following categories:

  • Google for Education
  • Google Marketing Platform
  • Analytics Academy
  • Google My Business
  • Google Ad Manager
  • Google Cloud
  • Waze Academy
  • Google AdMob
  • Authorized Buyers
  • Android Enterprise Academy

is a free learning center with lengthy and in-depth lessons. If you’re looking to move forward with Google Ads or use the Google platform in any way to market your business, Skillshop is definitely worth browsing.

8. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning Courses

As a platform that aims to connect professionals with one another, it’s a seamless transition to using LinkedIn as a professional development tool. LinkedIn Learning has over 16,000 of some of the top online courses in a wide range of industries.

The courses are broken down into the 3 main categories of business, creative, and technology.

Here are just some of the sub-categories available on the platform:

  • Business Analysis and Strategy
  • Career Development
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Leadership and Management
  • Marketing Sales
  • Audio and Music
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Development
  • And so much more

LinkedIn Learning provides a mix of both paid and free courses with a monthly membership of $29/mo. You are able to try it for free for a full month on an individual plan. One of the unique features of this platform is that they offer team memberships when you fill out a form to connect with a sales consultant.

With industry experts teaching these online learning courses, it has been trusted by industry leaders such as Kellogg’s, Lego, MGM Resorts, Zillow, and more. If you have a goal to make the learning culture a part of your team, LinkedIn Learning is a top-notch option.

9. Codecademy

Codeacademy courses

If you’re looking to uplevel your knowledge in an industry that is the way of the future, Codecademy has some of the best online courses available for coding. Codecademy is looking to rebuild the education system from the bottom up in creating the education that the world truly needs.

Here are the subjects that Codecademy courses offer:

  • Developer Tools
  • Machine Learning
  • Code Foundations
  • Game Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Data Visualization

There is also a wide range of coding languages that are offered such as Javascript, HTML & CSS, PHP, and more.

The pricing for Codecademy is a 3-tier membership. The good news here is that there is a free option, and although this option is limited in its content and real-world projects, it’s a great way to get some foundational training.

The Pro Tier is intended for the individual and is $19.99/mo paid annually or $29.99/mo if paid on a monthly basis. The 3rd tier is a team member which you can get a quote if you enter your email and company name. There is also a discount for college students!

Overall, if you want to add coding to your professional skills, Codeacademy is the place to start.

10. HubSpot Academy

Hubspot Academy Courses

Hubspot Academy offers everything from quick and practical courses to comprehensive certifications. They aim to help business professionals develop their skills regarding inbound sales, marketing, and customer support.

Hubspot is a reliable and credible platform which is one of the many reasons it’s one of the best places to educate yourself or your team.

Listed here are some of Hubspot’s course topics:

  • Customer Service
  • Advertising
  • Hubspot Software

Even though you do have to create an account to get access to the Hubspot Academy courses, it is completely free. So if you are willing to invest your time in learning more about digital marketing, sales, and advertising, this is a great option for you.

If you are active on LinkedIn, the free certification courses will benefit you. Adding industry-recognized badges to your profile lets potential clients know that you are educated and willing to invest in your professional development. A little time and effort go a long way.

11. Simplilearn

SimpliLearn Online Courses

Starting out in 2009 as a blog sharing project management tips, Simplilearn has grown into the world’s #1 online Bootcamp. This platform offers high-end classes for digital professionals from industry leaders.

Through individual courses, comprehensive certification programs, and partnerships with world-renowned universities, this platform provides work-ready skills for the ever-changing digital world.

Among these online courses are topics that cover:

  • Project Management
  • Cyber Security
  • Business & Leadership
  • Software Development
  • Quality Management

Simplilearn is compiled of individual courses, so there is no membership requirement. If you are looking for higher education options and access to some of the best online classes in digital skills, this platform is worth browsing.

Some of the online boot camps offer both self-paced and live class recording options, and depending on the complexity and caliber of the course, it could range anywhere from $99-$3,000+.

I suggest thoroughly checking out the landing page of the course you are considering; watching the intro video, looking at the ratings, and reading the FAQs will help you avoid unrealistic expectations.

12. Semrush Academy

Semrush Academy

Semrush is all about online visibility, making its online courses on digital marketing top-notch. Not only does Semrush offer these courses, but they have an entire platform of SEO and digital marketing tools that are free for users. SEMRush Academy is a bonus feature.

Here are the categories that are included:

  • Pay Per Click
  • Social Media Management
  • Competitive Research
  • SEMRush Software

And everything they offer in the academy is 100% free. Once you are a registered SEMRush user, click on your desired category and start browsing, watching, and getting certified.

So, if getting more digital marketing knowledge is on your to-do list, check out these online learning courses.

eDx Online Courses

What edX has to offer is higher education that’s accessible to anyone. Founded by Harvard and MIT, this platform has some of the best online courses from the most popular universities around the world.

There is a wide range of subjects on edX including:

  • Agriculture
  • Communication
  • Engineering
  • Food & Nutrition

edX provides free access to its catalog of both free and paid online courses. The unique feature of this platform is that they provide accessible college programs including online Master’s Degrees.

If you’re looking for continuing education in any form, but are a busy person needing online accessibility, these programs are the perfect opportunity for you.

14. Google Digital Garage

Google Digital Garage Online Training

Google Digital Garage (now part of Google Skillshop) is unique in that, although it has its own set of courses, it has also curated courses from other online course platforms (some even on this list already!) Google Digital Garage also offers live classes that are streamed through YouTube.

Here are the 3 main categories that are included in this learning platform:

  • Data & Tech

Google Digital Garage is free and very user-friendly. If you’re looking for the best place to learn more but not be overwhelmed, this is a great option for you. There are simple categories and filters so that you can narrow down your search.

Selections may take you off of the platform to another online course website, but you can simply click on the filter “Google” under course provider to make sure you are selecting one of the Google courses. There is even one free digital marketing certificatio n course available!

15. Meta Blueprint

Meta Blueprint

Meta Blueprint is a social media marketing course library full of self-paced and step-by-step tutorials. Not only do they offer courses, but they also have advanced courses in Facebook advertising and certifications as well.

Some of the courses here include:

  • How to Advertise on Instagram
  • How to Create Ads on Facebook
  • Get Started with Commerce Manager
  • Map the Customer Journey

Again, Meta Blueprint is another free platform that allows you to uplevel your digital marketing skills with no risk. When logged in to Facebook, you are able to keep track of your course program and build your own library of active courses.

The certification program that it offers is a sure way to stand out on your resume and LinkedIn. You can take the blueprint courses, take practice exams, view a study guide, and then participate in the official certification exams. It’s worth the effort!

16. Harvard University (Online Courses)

Harvard University Online Courses

Harvard University has an entire site dedicated to its online learning. Because of its resources, the subjects available range anywhere from art & design, to health & medicine, and then to programming.

Here is a list of more categories that Harvard University offers online:

  • Education & Teaching
  • Mathematics
  • Social Science

These programs range anywhere from $0 to $50,000+. Although most of the classes offer certificates of completion, some can be completed as credit toward a degree. If you want some formal education in your field, Harvard University is the best place to be.

17. Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn Online Training

Microsoft learning aims to encourage both beginners and experienced professionals to achieve their goals faster with self-paced learning. There are 3 ways to learn on this platform through online courses, certifications, and live and recorded events.

Rather than categories, Microsoft Learn breaks down the courses by role:

  • Administrator
  • AI Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • Business User
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Database Administrator

Microsoft Learn is not the most user-friendly site, so I suggest using the “Discover Your Path” function to find the courses that are right for you.

The courses range from no cost up to $1,500+. If you head over to this platform, make sure to check out the “Learn TV” option for some valuable learning opportunities.

18. Alison (Free Online Courses)

Alison Free Online Courses

Alison’s belief is that “free education, more than anything, has the power to break through boundaries and transform lives. They are one of the world’s largest free learning platforms for education and skills training and offer a wide range of categories including:

As advertised in its mission statement, Alison provides all of its courses for absolutely free. Of course, the trade-off for that is that you will see ads throughout the platform, which seems like a good deal. But if you aren’t about that, you can pay a $7.99 monthly fee.

Another thing to know is that the courses are free, but the diplomas and certificates are not. So if you are looking to have certificates for your resume, be aware of that before getting started.

19. Upskillist


With 100+ courses to choose from, Upskillist offers a plethora of online courses. They believe it’s never too late to learn, so they make it easy for real qualifications that lead to success.

These online courses included categories like:

  • Health & Wellness

Upskillist starts with a 4-week free trial. Then, you can select one of their premium subscription plans. The cost is $39/mo (for 3 months), $35/mo (for 6 months), and $19/mo (12 months).

Their courses offer certifications and have the bonus of being educator-supported, meaning you can get your questions answered, which is always helpful when navigating online courses.

20. CXL Institute

CXL Institute

CXL Institute offers 100+ online courses covering different topics. The main areas include:

You can pay $249 monthly and get unlimited access to all courses or buy courses individually for $299. All CXL courses come with a Certification and a 7-day money-back guarantee.

All instructors are industry experts and the lessons are carefully crafted to keep learners engaged throughout the course.

Learning a new skill is easier these days with the plethora of online courses available on the Internet. You can go through a course at your own pace and without having to attend a physical class on campus.

Most courses listed above are on-demand and offer lifetime access, meaning that you can follow the course at any time and for as long as you want.

The cost varies per academy and type of course but it’s affordable for most people and less expensive than classroom-based learning.

You can also view our list of the best online courses with certificates to find high-quality online courses that come with a free certification.

Do you know of any great courses or online course providers missing from the list? Let me know in the comments below.

Alex Chris

Alex Chris is a digital marketing consultant, author, and instructor. He has more than 18 years of practical experience with SEO and digital marketing. Alex holds an MSc Degree in eCommerce and has consulted with Fortune 500 companies in different industries. He blogs regularly about SEO and Digital marketing, and his work has been referenced by leading marketing websites. Connect with Alex on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Digital Marketing Full Course

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These are the 10 best B2B courses online for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in B2B sales and marketing.

Online learning platforms are great for learning new skills. Read our review of the best online learning platforms to find the right platform for you.

We've reviewed and rated dozens of courses to find the best digital marketing course for 2024. Pick your favorite and learn online marketing.

These are the best SEM online courses to learn how to drive traffic to your website from search engines using organic and paid methods.

' src=

December 8, 2020 at 10:52 am

Excellent courses! Easy to understand and highly recommended.

' src=

October 3, 2021 at 10:54 am

Thanks for commenting. Yes, they are great online courses to build new skills.

All the best Alex

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