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Custom Permissions in Salesforce: Fine-Tuning User Access

By Andreea Doroftei

In this post, we will explore how Salesforce Admins can easily set up component visibility and functionality access so that there is no need to even think about hardcoding user IDs or compromising on your current profile setup.

Salesforce Custom Permissions

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Create a Custom Permission in Salesforce

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Use Cases for Salesforce Custom Permissions

1. validation rules and formulas.

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2. Lightning Page Filters

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3. In-App Guidance

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4. Salesforce Flow

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Final Thoughts

Andreea doroftei.

Andreea is a Salesforce Technical Instructor at Salesforce Ben. She is an 18x certified Salesforce Professional with a passion for User Experience and Automation. 

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Home » Article » Selectively Show Components to Users Using Custom Permissions

Show Components to Users Using Custom Permissions.

Selectively Show Components to Users Using Custom Permissions

In a previously published blog post, Why You Should Add Custom Permissions to Your #AwesomeAdmin Tool Belt , I introduced you to custom permissions. While this feature has been around since Winter ’15, it still remains fairly unknown and underutilized by the admin community. Now’s the time, #AwesomeAdmins — use this superpower to lock or unlock user access to apps or processes!

In this blog post, we’ll focus on how admins can use custom permissions to selectively show components — such as an action, field, or flow — to a group of users with component visibility on a Lightning record page. However, this technique can be extended to any component in Lightning App Builder using component visibility.

In case you’re wondering what component visibility is, when you select a component on a record, app, or Home page in the Lightning App Builder, the component visibility properties appear. This allows you to apply filter logic and conditions to standard components, custom components, and components from the AppExchange. If you don’t define a filter, the component displays on the Lightning page as usual. When you define one or more filters and set the filter logic for a component, the component is hidden until the filter logic criteria are met. BTW, component visibility properties are also available in components used in screen flows, which is pretty cool.

Lightning App Builder with the Component Visibility properties shown.

Business problem

Devohne Mays, Operations Manager at Sunshine Cupcakes, meets with Salesforce Admin Addison Dogster. Devohne tells Addison that he would like certain fields, actions, and components to only show to a select group of employees — sales associates (those who can actually process cupcake orders) and managers — when they view a cupcake order. Currently, these elements are visible to all users. Devohne has discovered that there are some users making changes or taking actions on the record when they shouldn’t. All other employees (such as cashiers or drivers) should not see these fields, actions, and components when they view the same Cupcake Order record.

In addition, Devohne needs coaching comments, which a shift manager provides to the sales associate handling the cupcake order, to only be shown to sales associates as a teaching moment.

The actions to Log a Call, Process Order, Complete Order, and Edit should only appear to sales associates and managers. No one else should be able to take these actions.

Lastly, the Actions & Recommendations component, similar to the actions, should only be actionable by sales associates and managers.

The solution

In the Sunshine Cupcakes org, sales associates and managers are represented by two profiles.

Addison thinks this is the perfect use case for custom permissions and component visibility filters in the Cupcake Order Lightning record page. While she could easily apply the component visibility filter condition on both profiles, Addison thinks about the maintenance ramifications of specifying the two profiles everywhere this requirement needs to be applied. What if another profile or a select group of users is needed in the future? It can easily get out of control. Here, it makes sense to filter on whether the user has the custom permission to determine whether the component is displayed.

Since access at the moment is needed for everyone in both the Sales Associate and Manager profiles, Addison can add the custom permission directly to the profiles instead of creating a new permission set to associate the custom permission to.

In summary, Addison’s solution comprises of:

  • A custom permission
  • A profile(s)
  • Page components: actions, field, and a component

Addison first creates the custom permission. In Setup, search for ‘Custom Permissions’ in the Quick Find box. Create a new custom permission. Provide the label, name (API name), and description. The description should further describe the purpose of the custom permission and, possibly, where it’s used.

Addison creates the custom permission with these attributes:

Label: Access Exclusive Cupcake Order Components Name: Access_Exclusive_Cupcake_Order_Components Description: Access components only viewable by certain users

Configured custom permission.

Then, Addison enables the custom permission by adding it to the profile. She adds it to the Sales Associate profile first.

Custom permission enabled in the profile.

Now, any user she assigns to the Sales Associate profile will automatically get the custom permission. Addison repeats the steps to enable the custom permission in the Manager profile.

Currently, all users in the Sunshine Cupcakes org have access to all actions, the Actions & Recommendations component, and the Coaching Comments field on the Cupcake Order record page.

Using Dynamic Actions, Addison adds flexibility and control to actions on her Lightning record pages. She assigns Dynamic Actions in the Lightning App Builder instead of the page layout editor, and can apply filters to control when and where actions are visible to users.

Note: You can create Dynamic Actions for custom objects on mobile and desktop and for some standard objects (Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Case) on desktop. All other standard objects are Beta for desktop.

Addison accesses the Cupcake Order page in Lightning App Builder by clicking the wrench icon and selecting Edit Page . Once she configures Dynamic Actions for the Cupcake Order page, Addison sets component visibility for the Log a Call, Process Order, Complete Order, and Edit actions:

  • Click the Log a Call action to view the action attributes.
  • Click + Add Filter under the Set Field Visibility section.
  • Select Advanced as the Filter Type.
  • Select Permissions > Custom Permission > Access_Exclusive_Cupcake_Order_Components as the Field [Note: This is the API name of the custom permission.]
  • Leave the Operator as ‘Equal’ and ‘True’ as the Value.
  • Click Done to save the changes.
  • Complete the steps above for the Process Order, Complete Order, and Edit actions.
  • Save the changes to the Lightning record page.

Component visibility configuration for the Log a Call action.

And voila! Addison set actions to only show if the user has the custom permission Access Exclusive Cupcake Order Components.

Using Dynamic Forms, Addison can migrate the fields and sections from the page layout as individual components into the Lightning App Builder. Then, she can configure them just like the rest of the components on the page, and give the users of that page only the fields and sections that they need using component visibility.

Note: At the time of writing, Dynamic Forms is currently only available on custom objects. For more information on Dynamic Forms, including tips and considerations, limitations, and known issues, please visit the Salesforce Help article, Break Up Your Record Details with Dynamic Forms .

Addison accesses the Cupcake Order page in Lightning App Builder by clicking the wrench icon and selecting Edit Page . Once she configures Dynamic Forms for the Cupcake Order page, Addison sets component visibility for the Coaching Comments field:

  • Click the Coaching Comments field to view the field attributes.

Setting the Coaching Comments field to only show if the user has the custom permission Access Exclusive Cupcake Order Components.

Just like that, Addison set the Coaching Comments field to only show if the user has the custom permission Access Exclusive Cupcake Order Components.

Lastly, Addison can set component visibility on any standard or custom component on the Lightning page. Devohne only wants specific users to see the Actions & Recommendations component.

Addison accesses the Cupcake Order page in Lightning App Builder by clicking the wrench icon and selecting Edit Page . Addison chooses the Actions & Recommendations component and sets the component visibility:

  • Click the Actions & Recommendations component to view the component attributes.

Configured component visibility on the Actions & Recommendations component.

In just a few clicks, Addison set the Actions & Recommendations component to only show if the user has the custom permission Access Exclusive Cupcake Order Components.

Business results

Sometimes, there are actions, data, or other things you don’t want to show all users in your org. Be security-minded and apply least privilege access to all the things in your org.

When you need to selectively show actions, fields, or components to some users and want to hide them for others, consider whether it makes sense to use custom permissions as a way to control that access. Custom permissions is the way to go if you want to apply access across multiple profiles or users and don’t want to manually maintain the access or denial list. It will allow you to design a better user experience for your users. So, rather than showing them actions they shouldn’t have access to (and then they click on the action and get a nasty error message), just don’t show them the action. They won’t know what they’re missing.

Now, it’s YOUR TURN!

Now that you know how to configure a custom permission and use it in conjunction with component visibility to show an action, field, or component on a Lightning record page, I want you to try this solution yourself.

You can also dynamically show components on a flow screen using custom permissions and component visibility.

Take custom permissions for a spin! Share how you use this new admin superpower in your org with us on Twitter using #AwesomeAdmin.

  • Salesforce Admins Video: Did You Know? Use Custom Permissions to Display a Screen Flow
  • Salesforce Security Guide: Custom Permissions
  • Salesforce Admins Blog: Why You Should Avoid Hard Coding and Three Alternative Solutions
  • Salesforce Admins Blog: Why You Should Add Custom Permissions to Your #AwesomeAdmin Tool Belt
  • Salesforce Help: Break Up Your Record Details with Dynamic Forms
  • Salesforce Help: Create Dynamic Actions in Lightning App Builder
  • Salesforce Help: Dynamic Lightning Pages

Jennifer W. Lee

Jennifer is a Lead Admin Evangelist at Salesforce and the host of our live streamed series Automate This! She is Flownatic, 8x certified Application Architect, Trailhead enthusiast, and Golden Hoodie recipient. Prior to joining Salesforce, Jen was a Koa customer, blogger (Jenwlee.com), founding co-host of Automation Hour, and a Salesforce MVP (2016-2021).

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Sharing my it experience, custom permissions in salesforce.

Custom permission is one of the Salesforce features to grant user access to custom processes or apps. In Salesforce, many features require access checks that specify which users can access certain functions. Permission set and profiles settings include built-in access settings for many entities, like objects, fields, tabs, and Visualforce pages. However, permission sets and profiles don’t include access for some custom processes and apps.

Custom permissions will allow to define access checks that can be assigned to users via permission sets or profiles, similar to how you assign user permissions and other access settings.

These are the ways to query Custom Permissions:

  • To determine which users have access to a specific custom permission, use SOQL with the SetupEntityAccess and CustomPermission sObjects.
  • To determine what custom permissions users have when they authenticate in a connected app, reference the user’s Identity URL, which Salesforce provides along with the access token for the connected app.

Here is an example to implement “Custom Permissions” in “Custom Button”. In below example I’ve implemented a “Custom Javascript Details Button” to deactivate account record. Some specific Profile Users have permission to deactivate the account record.

For that I have to check all profile in “Custom Button” or I’ve to create a Permission Set to check it (For Permission Set I’ve to write SOQL query).

Instead of doing this, If I’ll create one “Custom Permission” and assign that permission to those profiles, then I can only check the access of “Custom Permission” in “Custom Button”, and if the user has access to the “Custom Permission”, then User can deactivate account records.

  • Go to Setup, enter Custom Permissions in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Permissions.
  • Enter the permission information: Label : The permission label that appears in permission sets Name : The unique name that’s used by the API and managed packages Description (Optionally) : A description that explains what functions the permission grants access to. Connected App (Optionally) : The connected app that’s associated with this permission.
  • Click Save.

Create Custom Permission “Deactivate Account”:

Assigned the above Custom Permission “Deactivate Account” to Profiles: Go to Setup || Profiles || Select Profile || Enabled Custom Permissions || Edit || Add Custom Permissions to the Profile.

JavaScript Code: Here I’m checking $Permission.Deactivate_Account Custom Permission.

Would like to recommend app called Bulk Object Field Creator, it helps to compare & export multiple permission sets in single click ; and share results in excel format (side by side comparison

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Custom Permission in Salesforce

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In the Salesforce ecosystem, Custom Permissions are crucial in controlling access to various features and functionalities within your Salesforce org. They provide a flexible way to grant or restrict access based on custom criteria beyond the standard Salesforce profiles and permission sets. 

In this blog, you will learn about

  • Definition of Custom Permissions in Salesforce
  • Steps to create custom permission and assign permissions to users
  • Dynamic evolution and use cases of Custom permission

What are Custom Permissions?

Custom Permissions are a feature in various software systems, including Salesforce, allowing administrators to define and manage access levels and capabilities beyond the standard user permissions. These permissions are tailor-made to suit an organization’s specific needs, providing finer control over user access and actions within the system.

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In Salesforce, for example, custom permissions are defined as settings that determine whether a user can perform a specific action or access certain data. Users can be granted these permissions individually or through permission sets, providing a versatile and customizable security framework.

Also Read – What is Custom Settings in Salesforce?

Use Cases for Custom Permissions

Fine-grained access control.

Custom permissions enable organizations to implement fine-grained access control. Instead of relying solely on standard roles and profiles , administrators can create custom permissions to control access to specific features, objects, or data within an application.

Feature Enablement

Custom permissions are frequently employed to regulate entry to particular features or functionalities within an application. This is particularly useful when certain features only apply to a subset of users or roles within an organization.

Cross-Object and Cross-App Permissions

Custom permissions can extend access control beyond individual objects or applications. This is helpful when organizations must implement complex security models involving multiple interconnected components.

External Integration Control

Custom permissions can control access to external APIs for applications that integrate with external systems, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with external services.

Benefits of Using Custom Permissions

Increased flexibility.

Custom permissions give administrators a high degree of flexibility to define and manage access controls based on their organization’s unique requirements. This flexibility is crucial for adapting the system to evolving business needs.

Enhanced Security

By allowing administrators to define specific permissions for various actions, custom permissions contribute to a more robust security model. 

This aids in averting unauthorized entry and mitigates the likelihood of data breaches or unintended activities within the system.

Customizable User Experience

Organizations can tailor the user experience by turning on or off specific features for different user groups. This customization guarantees that users exclusively encounter and engage with functionalities pertinent to their designated roles and responsibilities.

Simplified Administration

Custom permissions simplify administration by providing a modular and scalable approach to access control. Instead of relying solely on complex role hierarchies, administrators can manage permissions at a more granular level, making it easier to maintain and update the security model as needed.

Steps to Create Custom Permissions

Creating custom permissions, especially in platforms like Salesforce, typically involves administrative steps. Here is a general guide:

  • Log in to the Admin Console: Log in to the admin console of the platform (e.g., Salesforce) using an account with administrative privileges.
  • Navigate to Custom Permissions: In Salesforce, go to Setup. Under “Platform Tools,” find “Custom Code,” and then select “Custom Permissions.”
  • Create a New Custom Permission: Press the “New Custom Permission” button to initiate the creation process.  Complete the necessary details, such as the label and name for the custom permission. Clearly outline the custom permission’s behavior, indicating whether it is intended for application or external permissions.
  • Save the Custom Permission: After providing the necessary information, save the custom permission.

Assigning Permissions to Users

Once custom permissions are created, the next step is to assign them to users based on their roles or specific needs:

Navigate to User Profiles or Permission Sets:

  • In Salesforce, go to Setup.
  • Under “Administer,” select “Users” and then either “Profiles” or “Permission Sets.”

Edit the User Profile or Permission Set:

  • Choose the user profile or permission set to which you want to assign the custom permission.
  • Edit the profile or permission set.

Assign Custom Permissions:

  • Find the section related to custom permissions.
  • Add the desired custom permissions to the profile or permission set.

Save Changes:

  • Save the changes to apply the custom permissions to the selected users.

Permission Sets and Custom Permissions

Permission sets offer a means to extend permissions to users without adjusting their profiles. Here’s how permission sets and custom permissions work together:

1. Create a Permission Set:

  • Navigate to Setup in Salesforce. Under the “Administer” section, choose “Manage Users” and then click on “Permission Sets.” 
  • Proceed to generate a new permission set.”
  • Create a new permission set.

2. Assign Custom Permissions to Permission Set:

  • Edit the permission set and navigate to the custom permissions section.
  • Add the custom permissions to the permission set.

3. Assign Permission Set to Users:

  • Grant the permission set to designated users or profiles.

Use Cases for Combining Custom Permissions with Profiles/Permission Sets

Feature-driven access control.

Custom permissions can control access to specific features within your application. Combining them with profiles or permission sets allows you to create a comprehensive security model where profiles set the baseline access, and custom permissions provide fine-grained control over features.

Conditional Logic

Apex code can use custom permissions to execute logic when access requirements depend on dynamic conditions. This dynamic evaluation allows for flexible and context-dependent access control.

External Integrations

Custom permissions can control access to integration points when integrating with external systems. Profiles and permission sets handle the general access, while custom permissions ensure that only specific users have permission to interact with external services.

Cross-Object or Cross-App Access

Suppose your application involves multiple interconnected components or integrates with other applications. In that case, custom permissions can provide a way to control access across these boundaries, working in conjunction with profiles and permission sets.

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The flexibility Custom Permissions in Salesforce offers beyond standard profiles and permission sets empowers organizations to tailor permissions based on unique criteria, ensuring a fine-grained level of control. For developers, the ability to implement Custom Permissions in Apex code opens up dynamic evaluation possibilities, contributing to the extensibility of Salesforce applications. 

If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of Salesforce and its myriad features, including Custom Permissions, joining our community on Slack is an excellent opportunity. By becoming a part of this vibrant community, you’ll have access to a wealth of knowledge and resources, and you’ll be able to connect with fellow Salesforce enthusiasts and professionals.

Moreover, don’t miss out on the chance to enhance your skills through saasguru’s online Salesforce bootcamps . These bootcamps offer hands-on training and real-world project experience, equipping you with the practical skills and insights needed to excel in the Salesforce domain. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what is the use of custom permission in salesforce.

The use of custom permission in Salesforce is to provide a flexible and granular approach to access control within the Salesforce platform. Custom permissions allow administrators to define and manage unique access levels and capabilities beyond what’s available with standard Salesforce profiles and permission sets. This functionality is particularly useful for tailoring user access to specific features, functionalities, or data, based on the unique requirements of an organization. Essentially, custom permission in Salesforce empowers businesses to enhance their security model and customize user experiences according to specific roles and responsibilities.

2. How to check custom permission assignment in Salesforce?

To check custom permission assignment in Salesforce, you need to navigate to the specific user’s profile or permission set where the custom permission may be assigned. This can be done by going to Setup, then selecting ‘Users’, and choosing either ‘Profiles’ or ‘Permission Sets’. From there, you can view the details of a specific profile or permission set to see if the custom permission has been assigned. Additionally, Salesforce provides reports and tools like the ‘Setup Audit Trail’ or ‘Permission Set Assignments’ report, which can help track and audit custom permission assignments across different users and profiles.

3. In Salesforce, can we change permissions of custom objects in standard profiles?

Yes, in Salesforce, you can change permissions of custom objects in standard profiles. To do this, you need to navigate to the specific standard profile and then adjust the permissions for the custom objects as required. This includes setting object-level permissions such as ‘Read’, ‘Create’, ‘Edit’, and ‘Delete’. It’s important to note that while customizing standard profiles for custom objects is possible, Salesforce recommends using permission sets for more flexibility and easier management. Permission sets allow you to grant additional permissions without altering the baseline permissions in standard profiles.

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Pipedrive vs Salesforce (2024): Which CRM Is Better?

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Image of Allyssa Haygood-Taylor

Pipedrive and Salesforce are customer relationship management providers that are both known for their advanced technology and scalability. Pipedrive is an affordable and easy-to-use platform that prioritizes building out intuitive sales processes. Salesforce is a feature-rich and cloud-based software that provides a marketing and sales solution through robust AI tools.

Below, I break down each software pricing structure, pros and cons, and directly compare popular features. Depending on your business needs, budget and technical expertise, one of these providers may offer your business a more effective marketing and sales solution.

Pipedrive vs Salesforce: Comparison table


Pipedrive vs Salesforce: Pricing

Pipedrive follows a typical CRM pricing structure with premium plans that are priced per user and based on access to core and advanced features. By offering five different tiers, users of Pipedrive can subscribe to a plan depending on their specific needs and company size.

  • Free trial: 14 days
  • Essential: $14 per user per month, billed annually, or $24 per user when billed monthly. The Essential plan includes people and organization management, product catalog, sales assistant and more.
  • Advanced: $34 per user per month, billed annually, or $44 per user when billed monthly. The Advanced plan offers all Essential features plus automations, two-way email sync, group emailing and more.
  • Professional: $49 per user per month, billed annually, or $64 per user when billed monthly. This tier supports all Advanced features and contacts timeline, free Smart Docs add-on, automatic assignment and more.
  • Power: $64 per user per month, billed annually, or $79 per user when billed monthly. The Power plan includes all Professional offerings plus phone support, 500 custom fields and more.
  • Enterprise: $99 per user per month, billed annually, or $129 per user when billed monthly. This tier offers all mentioned features plus up to 180 active automations, unlimited teams and unlimited custom permissions.

To learn more about this provider, head over to our Pipedrive review .

Like Pipedrive, Salesforce also doesn’t offer a free CRM . Where they set themselves apart is by setting their free trial length above the industry average. Only the Starter Suite offers billing options between monthly or annual subscriptions; otherwise, all premium plans are billed annually.

  • Free trial: 30 days
  • Starter Suite: $25 per user per month, billed monthly or annually. Users get account, contact, lead and opportunity management, as well as the mobile app, email integration and more.
  • Professional: $80 per user per month, billed annually. The Professional plan includes all that’s found in the Starter Suite plus Sales Cloud, full offline functionality and more.
  • Enterprise: $165 per user per month, billed annually. This tier offers opportunity scoring and deal insights plus data synchronization and harmonization.
  • Unlimited: $330 per user per month, billed annually. The Unlimited tier includes all features mentioned above plus developer pro sandbox, lead scoring and five campaigns per opportunity.
  • Einstein 1 Sales: $500 per user per month, billed annually. This tier includes all Salesforce CRM features, like collaboration tools via knowledge shares and Slack and more.

Check out our Salesforce review for more information.

Pipedrive vs Salesforce: Feature comparison

Custom pipelines and dashboards.

Winner: Pipedrive

Pipedrive users can customize stages to reflect their sales cycle, create team pipelines and filter results by team member or stage. With its intuitive design, users can utilize colored cues, custom fields and a drag-and-drop interface to create a dashboard that accurately reflects their business model.

Salesforce’s sales cloud solution offers guided selling with deal insights and visibility into pipeline and forecast. Using the pipeline management tool, users can maintain pipelines in a single, consolidated view. By tracking changes over time with built-in charts and automating complex sales processes and workflows, businesses can maintain territory assignments and so much more.

Pipedrive sales pipeline and deal feature.

Reports and analytics

Winner: Salesforce

With Pipedrive businesses are able to add custom fields to insights and reporting dashboards. KPIs and key metrics can be monitored in real time in one centralized location. Users can use the visual reports to set individual, department and company-wide goals, then track sales performance with metrics like revenue forecasts, lead reporting and deal tracking.

Salesforce has sales analytics built directly into the tool, which means businesses can get a comprehensive view of sales performance and deal inspection capabilities through rich visualizations of sales forecasts with built-in charts. With data-backed KPIs that showcase how the sales numbers compare with Einstein’s predictions, sales reps can quickly assess and take action on shifting forecasts through visual cues and alerts.

Salesforce reporting and analytics feature.

AI-powered tools

Pipedrive AI is a beta release of AI-powered features that are only offered on the Professional plan and above. AI CRM features include a sales assistant that can identify patterns and recommend high-potential deals, as well as an AI email generator, email summarization tool and AI app recommendations. Pipedrive uses a mix of internally-developed AI engines and OpenAI to offer these beta features.

Salesforce gives every user an AI assistant to automate lead research, draft and monitor emails and help manage mundane sales tasks. With predictive AI, users can uncover relationship networks without any manual research. Einstein 1 will auto populate contacts and relevant information to help build strong org charts with key decision makers for optimal lead generation and management.

Salesforce AI-powered relationship graph feature


Winner: Tie

Pipedrive offers an integration marketplace of all the current applications businesses can sync their CRM software with to automate tasks. Categories of available apps include revenue cycle managers, lead qualifiers, lead nurturing and communication tools like Slack, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. Users have the additional ability to use API; they can also build out new applications to use and integrate internally, then share them with other Pipedrive users.

Salesforce integrates directly with third-party applications and systems to streamline business data across your tech stack. For any applications that don’t have built-in integration, like on-premise data sources, users can purchase licenses for MuleSoft, work with integration partners or use AppExchange.

Pipedrive integration marketplace.

Pipedrive pros and cons

Pros of pipedrive.

  • 14-day free trial.
  • Provides multiple industry specializations.
  • Offers 24/7 customer support.

Cons of Pipedrive

  • Users report occasional integration issues.
  • Limited email features and tools in the Essential tier.
  • Users report limitations around custom reporting dashboards.

Salesforce pros and cons

Pros of salesforce.

  • 30-day free trial.
  • Industry-leading AI assistant, Einstein AI.
  • Users report the platform is reliable, mature and provides consistent performance.

Cons of Salesforce

  • Users report a steep learning curve with the software.
  • Pricing can be expensive for startups or small businesses.
  • Users report robust modules can be complicated or overwhelming.

Should your organization use Pipedrive or Salesforce?

Choose Pipedrive if:

  • You need a CRM specifically for a call center, nonprofit, construction or healthcare business.
  • You’re in need of a CRM for small businesses .
  • You want CRM software with marketing and sales outreach tools for optimal lead generation.

Choose Salesforce if:

  • Your business has the technical expertise and bandwidth to set up and customize the Salesforce interface.
  • You’re in need of a CRM for enterprises .
  • You’re in need of detailed business and sales forecasting tools.

PREMIUM: Choosing the right CRM for your organization.

Review methodology

I reviewed Pipedrive and Salesforce as general CRM software providers. To do this, I considered cost transparency, core features, customizations, integrations, system ease of use and customer support offerings. I referenced Pipedrive and Salesforce online resources, user reviews and community forums to better understand the average user experience of the platform.

After using these resources plus an in-house rubric made up of these defined criteria, I identified the pros, cons and ideal use cases for both Pipedrive and Salesforce.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Which is better, pipedrive or salesforce.

Pipedrive is a better option for small to mid-sized businesses wanting an intuitive sales tool to help build out and strengthen their existing process and deal management. Salesforce is best for enterprises looking for an all-encompassing software solution for end-to-end business management. Both offer core features like contact management and business reporting as well as advanced features like lead scoring, making each a great provider in their own right.

Pipedrive is more affordable than Salesforce, but Salesforce is more customizable than Pipedrive. Because of this, identifying your unique needs first will help determine which tool is better for your business. No matter your needs, industry or budget, I suggest following CRM best practices to maximize whichever provider you do find as a best fit.

Is Pipedrive a good CRM?

Yes, Pipedrive is a good CRM. Pipedrive’s features like email communication, lead management, insights and reports can be adapted by startups, small businesses and enterprises. Additionally, it offers specific functionality and characteristics for niche industries, including financial services, event management, government, manufacturing, logistics and transportation, real estate and others.

What are the downsides of Pipedrive?

While the Essential tier of Pipedrive is affordable and comes with unlimited pipelines and contacts, the email and reporting features are fairly basic. Realistically, to access revenue reports and customizations for pipeline fields and reporting dashboards, users will have to subscribe to premium tiers at a higher price like the Professional plan.

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Assign Custom permission to profile using Apex

Are there any solutions that allow assigning Custom permission to Profiles using apex? I know about the object SetupEntityAccess . But it is for linking Custom Permission and Permission Set. But I want to avoid using the Permission Set

  • custom-permission

Derek F's user avatar

  • 2 IMHO you really need to embrace Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups; Salesforce is on a journey to deprecate Profiles so the sooner you switch the sooner you get that transition out of the way, before you implement additional things like this that will make the transition harder for you. –  Phil W Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 8:11

2 Answers 2

Hope you are doing well, using Apex you can assign permission set to any user. Only we need that permission set 'Id' and the 'Id' of the User to be assigned.

/* Get the Id of the permission Set using Permission Set Name */

/* Now you need to assign that permission set to the user, So first get the User using SOQL*/

I hope you got you answer, if not feel free to ask.

Aryan Sharma's user avatar

  • 1 This doesn't really answer the original question which stated they wanted to avoid permission sets. Additionally the existing answer already covers permission set assignments that are more aligned to the original question than this so I can't upvote what you have here. –  Phil W Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 12:23
  • Custom Permission cannot be assigned to the user directly. That could be done by means of assigning Permission Set to the user. Custom Permission should already be assigned to the Permission Set or assigning Custom Permission to the profile. Assigning Custom Permission to a Profile or Permission Set can be done via salesforce UI, or via Metadata API. Take a look at : help.salesforce.com/s/… and help.salesforce.com/s/… –  Aryan Sharma Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 12:30
  • 1 You misunderstand me; the other answer already covers permission set usage (and I am aware of what can and cannot be done with custom permission assignment and Apex). I don't understand why you added this answer when the other answer already covers assigning a permission set (with the custom permission) to all users with a given profile. –  Phil W Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 12:36
  • Thanks for your answers. But @PhilW is right. The original question was about how to avoid permission-set usage. We can do this manually. I mean edit Profile and add Custom Permission. I guess the solution via apex that I need doesn't exist –  Vadym Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 22:57

I have a solution which will help you out.

Via Metadata Api using the library from FinancialForce, you can get it at - https://github.com/financialforcedev/apex-mdapi/tree/master/apex-mdapi/src/classes All you need to do is copy the MetadataService class and save it into your org.

once done add the below method to your Apex class-

Mukul Mahawariya's user avatar

  • Doesn't quite answer the question, though what you provided is valuable. Could you edit the answer to give a bit more info as to why you would take this approach, not just show the code? –  Phil W Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 8:13
  • What you can do is create a permission set which has the custom permissions that you want to give to a user. And by following the above code you can just assign the permission set to the user which will give them the desired access. –  Mukul Mahawariya Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 10:07
  • Please edit the answer to provide these details. –  Phil W Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 12:21
  • @Vadym Please go through the updated answer. –  Mukul Mahawariya Commented Jan 9, 2023 at 9:37
  • Never just add the MetadataService class; make sure to also add the related unit tests to keep your code coverage up. –  Phil W Commented Jan 9, 2023 at 10:03

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check custom permission assignment salesforce


  1. Limit Access Within Your Flow Using Custom Permissions

    check custom permission assignment salesforce

  2. How to Use Custom Permission in Salesforce?

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  3. Get Started with Salesforce Maps Permissions

    check custom permission assignment salesforce

  4. How to Use Custom Permission in Salesforce?

    check custom permission assignment salesforce

  5. How to Use Custom Permission in Salesforce?

    check custom permission assignment salesforce

  6. How to use Custom Permission in Salesforce Validation Rule

    check custom permission assignment salesforce


  1. Custom permissions in salesforce

  2. Salesforce Security (Profile and permission set) Day-3

  3. Permission Sets with Page Layout Assignment and Dynamic Forms in Salesforce

  4. Mission Control: What's New Webinar

  5. View All Profile Permissions

  6. Permission Set Group Module


  1. query

    33. Update. Please note that for the running user, you can use the FeatureManagement class: Boolean isEnabled = FeatureManagement.checkPermission('My_Permission_Api_Name'); Surprisingly, I don't think you can do it more simply than the below. Execution. public static List<User> getUsersWithCustomPermission(String name) {. Set<Id ...

  2. Custom Permissions

    Custom permissions let you define access checks that can be assigned to users via permission sets or profiles, similar to how you assign user permissions and other access settings. For example, you can define access checks in Apex that make a button on a Visualforce page available only if a user has the appropriate custom permission.

  3. How can I Efficiently Check if the Running User has a Custom Permission?

    Adrian Larson's answer of using FeatureManagement's static Boolean checkPermission(String customPermissionDeveloperName) will Efficiently Check if the Running User has a Custom Permission.. Testing Apex when using FeatureManagement's static Boolean checkPermission(String customPermissionDeveloperName) isn't so simple. Often, using Custom Permissions will grant a User something private or ...

  4. Custom Permissions in Salesforce: Fine-Tuning User Access

    Create a Custom Permission in Salesforce. While it may sound like there is more to start making use of custom permissions, it is actually as simple as creating a custom field. It is recommended that you name the custom permissions clearly and add a description in accordance with the process of functionality they are meant to support.

  5. Report on Custom Permission Set and Permission Set Group ...

    Select the custom report type created for custom permission set and permission set group assignments. To see all records, adjust your filters so that Show Me is set to All permission set assignments. Under Columns, select which fields to display. Group rows to help with your analysis. For example, group by a custom permission set or permission ...

  6. Limit Access Within Your Flow Using Custom Permissions

    A custom permission can be assigned to a user either through a permission set or their profile. She also learned that custom permissions can be referenced in Flow. Addison can have her flow check to see if the user who updated the record has this custom permission and, if so, assign a task to the shift manager to review their order. Problem solved!

  7. Allow Certain Users to Edit Data Using Custom ...

    A validation rule. Addison first creates the custom permission. In Setup, search for 'Custom Permissions' in the Quick Find box. Create a new custom permission. Provide the label, name (API name), and description. The description should further describe the purpose of the custom permission and possibly where it's used.

  8. Custom Permissions

    Custom permissions let you define access checks that can be assigned to users via permission sets or profiles, similar to how you assign user permissions and other access settings. For example, you can define access checks in Apex that make a button on a Visualforce page available only if a user has the appropriate custom permission.

  9. Selectively Show Components to Users Using Custom Permissions

    Select Permissions > Custom Permission > Access_Exclusive_Cupcake_Order_Components as the Field [Note: This is the API name of the custom permission.] Leave the Operator as 'Equal' and 'True' as the Value. Click Done to save the changes. Complete the steps above for the Process Order, Complete Order, and Edit actions.

  10. How to programmatically determine in APEX if a custom permission is

    Background: I am trying to make a UI that will simplify managing assignments of some custom permissions against permission sets in my managed package. This section of the managed package would only be used by an admin. Here is what I'm trying to figure out:

  11. Creating, Assigning and Checking Custom Permissions

    Custom permissions are a powerful way to control access to features and data in Salesforce. In this blog post, you will learn how to create, assign and check custom permissions using Apex code, permission sets and custom settings. You will also see some use cases and best practices for using custom permissions in your applications.

  12. Custom Permissions in Salesforce

    Custom permission is one of the Salesforce features to grant user access to custom processes or apps. In Salesforce, many features require access checks that specify which users can access certain functions. Permission set and profiles settings include built-in access settings for many entities, like objects, fields, tabs, and Visualforce pages.

  13. Using Permission Set in Validation Rule

    I have found a solution that uses Custom Permissions and I followed the following steps: 1) Create the Custom Permission Set that needs to be referenced 2) Create a Custom Permission called the same name as the Custom Permission Set 3) Add the Custom Permission to the Custom Permission Set 4) Reference the Custom Permission as a Global Variable ...

  14. Custom Permission in Salesforce

    To check custom permission assignment in Salesforce, you need to navigate to the specific user's profile or permission set where the custom permission may be assigned. This can be done by going to Setup, then selecting 'Users', and choosing either 'Profiles' or 'Permission Sets'.

  15. Create Custom Permissions

    To create custom permissions: Manage Custom Permissions. From Setup, enter Custom Permissions in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Permissions. Click New. Enter the permission information: Label —the permission label that appears in permission sets. Name —the unique name that's used by the API and managed packages.

  16. Permissions

    Checking for a custom permission has a similar syntax. Don't use a namespace with the permission name if you reference a custom permission from a component in the same namespace as the permission, including the default namespace.

  17. Manage Permission Set Assignments

    Manage Permission Set Assignments. You can assign permission sets to a single user from the user detail page or assign multiple users to a permission set from any permission set page. Available in: both Salesforce Classic ( not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience. Available in: Essentials, Contact Manager, Professional , Group ...

  18. Check if user has a custom permission group assigned in Salesforce Flow

    I have a flow on the Salesforce Case object, and I want to assign the case record to a queue based on the following conditions: If the user's assigned permission set group contains 'x' in the name, then assign the case to the 'x queue.' If the user's assigned permission set group contains 'y' in the name, then assign the case to the 'y queue.'

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    Custom visibility and permission settings; Custom pipeline/sales stages to match your unique sales flow ... lead assignment and email campaigns — but only with its Pro Suite plan. Salesforce ...

  20. Enable Custom Permissions in Permission Sets

    From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets. Select a permission set, or create one. On the permission set overview page, click Custom Permissions. Click Edit. To enable custom permissions, select them from the Available Custom Permissions list and then click Add. To remove custom permissions from the ...

  21. Pipedrive vs Salesforce (2024): Which CRM Is Better?

    Salesforce; Custom processes and dashboards: Yes: Yes: ... automatic assignment and more. Power: $64 per user per month, billed annually, or $79 per user when billed monthly. The Power plan ...

  22. View and Edit Assignment Rules

    View and update your assignment rules to meet your business needs.Required Editions and User Permissions Available in: Salesforce Classic (not available i...

  23. Custom permission assignment programmatically in salesforce

    5. Custom Permission cannot be assigned to the user directly. That could be done by means of assigning Permission Set to the user. Custom Permission should already be assigned to the Permission Set : PermissionSetAssignment assignment = new PermissionSetAssignment(); assignment.AssigneeId = userId; assignment.PermissionSetId= permissionSetId;

  24. Enable Custom Permissions in Profiles

    Select a profile. Depending on which user interface you're using, do one of the following. In the enhanced profile user interface, click Custom Permissions, and then click Edit. In the original profile user interface, in the Enabled Custom Permissions related list, click Edit. To enable custom permissions, select them from the Available ...

  25. Assign Custom permission to profile using Apex

    Hope you are doing well, using Apex you can assign permission set to any user. Only we need that permission set 'Id' and the 'Id' of the User to be assigned. /* Get the Id of the permission Set using Permission Set Name */. PermissionSetAssignment psa = [SELECT PermissionSetId, AssigneeId FROM. PermissionSetAssignment WHERE.