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Graphical abstract

Journals are increasingly requesting the submission of a “graphical” or “visual abstract” alongside the body of the article. This is a single, concise, pictorial and visual summary of the main findings of the article. It could either be the concluding figure from the article or better still a figure that is specially designed for the purpose, which captures the content of the article for readers at a single glance. Please see examples below.

The graphical abstract will be displayed in online search result lists, the online contents list and the article on ScienceDirect, but will typically not appear in the article PDF file or print.

How to produce a good visual abstract - introduce the context, showcase your methodology and explain the main outcome of your work

How to produce a good visual abstract. Creating a simple, accessible and visually stimulating overview will benefit your article considerably.

Author benefits

A graphical abstract should allow readers to quickly gain an understanding of the take-home message of the paper and is intended to encourage browsing, promote interdisciplinary scholarship, and help readers identify more quickly which papers are most relevant to their research interests.

Research has shown that articles which have graphical abstracts are beneficial both in terms of views of the article as well as increased activity on social media. In particular,  the average annual use of an article is doubled when compared with those without a visual abstract   opens in new tab/window .


Authors must provide an original image that clearly represents the work described in the paper. Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the submission system by selecting “graphical abstracts" from the drop-down list when uploading files. Please note that, just as each paper should be unique, so each graphical abstract should also be unique.

NB: Some titles have specific instructions for graphical abstracts, so please ensure you read the guide for authors of the journal in question before finalizing your work.

For ease of browsing, the graphical abstract should have a clear start and end, preferably "reading" from top to bottom or left to right. Try to reduce distracting and cluttering elements as much as possible.

Image size: please provide an image with a minimum of 1328 x 531 pixels (w x h) using a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If you are submitting a larger image, please use the same ratio (500 wide x 200 high). Please note that your image will be scaled proportionally to fit in the available window on ScienceDirect: a 500 by 200-pixel rectangle.

Font: please use Times, Arial, Courier or Symbol with a large enough font size as the image will be reduced in size for the table of contents to fit a window 200 pixels high.

File type: preferred file types are TIFF, EPS, PDF or MS Office files.

No additional text, outline or synopsis should be included. Any text or label must be part of the image file. Please do not use unnecessary white space or a heading “graphical abstract” within the image file.

A basic visual/graphical abstract template is provided below in the  "further reading & resources" section along with advice and further tips on how to create one.

Examples of graphical abstracts

Incidence of ESKD in US Native  Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

Incidence of ESKD Among Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders Living in the 50 US States and Pacific Island Territories   opens in new tab/window

Risk factors, histopathological features, and graft outcome

Risk factors, histopathological features, and graft outcome of transplant glomerulopathy in the absence of donor-specific HLA antibodies   opens in new tab/window

Sleep Apnea in Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Mixed-Methods Study

Sleep Apnea in Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Mixed-Methods Study   opens in new tab/window

A meta-research study revealed several challenges in obtaining placebos for investigator-initiated drug trials

A meta-research study revealed several challenges in obtaining placebos for investigator-initiated drug trials   opens in new tab/window

Further reading & resources

Visual Abstracts: Redesigning the Landscape of Research Dissemination   opens in new tab/window

Promoting your research using infographics and visual abstracts   opens in new tab/window

Professor Andrew Ibrahim's visual abstract primer    opens in new tab/window

CDC information on visual abstracts   opens in new tab/window

Free visual/graphical abstract template   opens in new tab/window

A very quick video demo on laying out a visual abstract in PowerPoint   opens in new tab/window

How to make a visual abstract (YouTube lecture by Professor Andrew Ibrahim)   opens in new tab/window

Watch this recent module from Researcher Academy to learn more about visual abstracts, how to create them and why to use them in your research   opens in new tab/window

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Best Graphical Abstract Examples with Free Templates

Creating engaging graphical abstracts can improve scientific publication rates and allows you to easily share your research in presentations and social media..

Graphical abstracts are becoming increasingly essential science communication tools for presentations and publications. Many academic journals now require scientists to submit graphical abstracts and the rise of social media has made summary images a standard expectation for communicating complex information. This article shows well-designed graphical abstract examples and also provides links to free templates.

graphical abstract in research paper

What is a Graphical Abstract?

A graphical abstract is a visual representation of a research project. The goal of the abstract is to create a clear story of your scientific method and results that is quickly understood by your audience. The best graphical abstracts use a combination of data, illustrations, and formatting to make it easy to follow the main points of the research. Below is an example of a well-designed graphical abstract that uses left-to-right formatting to show the gathering initial data from TBI patients, treating patients with two treatment paths, and patient outcomes.

Graphical abstract example for patient data

Learn how to design good graphical abstracts using PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator

Graphical Abstract Examples

One great way to start brainstorming for your own graphical abstract is to look at examples to see which ideas and formats might best fit your own research story. Below is a review of the best graphical abstract examples, as well as links to download these free templates for your own designs.

Left-to-Right Designs

My top recommended graphical abstract design uses bold title text with left-to-right formatting for the details below it. This format is easy for people to understand and can be used to compare methods to results, describe a sequence of events, or show a series of scientific conclusions. Below are examples of my recommended left-to-right designs with 1-4 columns.

Graphical abstract examples with left-to-right designs

Click here to download these free graphical abstract templates for Adobe Illustrator and PowerPoint

Top-to-Bottom Designs

Another good option is to use a top-to-bottom formatting. This is an especially good design idea if your data output goes from a large quantity to a small quantity or if the research results naturally go from top to bottom, such as north to south on a map or from the atmosphere to the Earth. Below are examples of top-to-bottom graphical abstract designs with 1-4 rows.

Graphical abstract examples with top-to-bottom designs

Circular and Unique Graphical Abstracts

The final recommended formats are circular and unique formats such as timelines and Venn diagrams. These are less commonly used and should only be selected if the summary of your research is easier to understand using one of these designs than the left-to-right formatting.

Graphical abstract examples with unique designs

Design Tools to Customize Graphical Abstracts

Knowing how to use design tools to create custom graphical abstracts has become an increasingly essential skill for researchers. Below is an example of a graphical abstract design that was customized using biological diagram templates and a list of the top design tools that scientists use to create graphical abstracts and scientific illustrations.

Graphical abstract example with cancer cell illustrations

Adobe Illustrator

  • Top recommended software for advanced scientific and graphic design. This is the digital design tool used by most professional scientific illustrators.
  • This tool allows for full customization of graphical abstracts by creating high resolution vector designs where every pixel can be adjusted to make the perfect final design.
  • Learn more about how to get Adobe Illustrator as a student or scientist .
  • Costs: $240-252 for annual subscription

Adobe Illustrator logo

Affinity Designer

  • Design software that is similar to Adobe Illustrator but with slightly fewer design features. This is a good affordable alternative to Adobe Illustrator.
  • This tool allows for customization of graphical abstracts by creating high resolution vector designs where every pixel can be adjusted to make the perfect final design.
  • Visit here to purchase the software: https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/designer/
  • Cost: $70 one time payment

Affinity Designer logo

  • PowerPoint is a commonly used software for scientists and has become increasingly good at allowing researchers to make custom designs using their shapes, lines and arrow features.
  • This tool has limited design features, but these are not always needed if you know how to use PowerPoint well.
  • Visit this page to learn more about purchase options.
  • Cost: Free versions and $70-160 for full software

Mind the Graph science image template example

  • Google Slides and Google Drawing are comparable tools to Microsoft PowerPoint. Scientists do not use these as often as PowerPoint, but it is still a good software to use if you are more familiar with Google products. 
  • The design features are limited compared to Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer, but you can still use this software to create high quality graphical abstracts.
  • Cost: Free with Google account

Google logo

There are also tools such as BioRender that allow you to create graphical abstracts with images that you can copy/paste into designs. However, this tool has limited customization options and is very expensive if you want to download your work as high resolution images that are used for publications and presentations. Read this article to learn more about the costs, pros, and cons of popular scientific design tools . 

Use Graphical Abstracts to Promote Research

There are many different options to share your research with the public and your peers. Having a well-designed graphical abstract makes it easy to format the designs to share via presentations, scientific websites, and social media. This is a great way to increase interest in and awareness of scientific research.

In order to share your graphical abstract via social media, you may need to adjust your designs so that the image can be best formatted for different platforms. Each social media platform has their own preferred dimensions for the images you share. For example, if you want to share your graphical abstract on both Instagram and LinkedIn, you will want to adjust one version to fit a square image for Instagram and you probably won't need many adjustments to share a landscape image on LinkedIn. Below are examples of graphical abstract image formatting for social media posts on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. 

graphical abstract in research paper

Graphical Abstract Design Summary

All of the examples and tools described in this article can help you design impressive graphical abstracts and share them with a wider audience. Use the simple process below to start your own design.

  • Step 1. Choose a design plan that looks good to you, best represents your data, and matches your intended scientific journal's formatting requirements. 
  • Step 2. Create a draft of your design by drawing on paper or use digital design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, or PowerPoint to arrange your illustrations, text, and graphs. Learn more about graphical abstract design options by clicking on the resources below:
  • Download free graphical abstract templates and view other science images  
  • Sign up for free courses on graphical abstract and scientific illustration
  • Step 3. Adjust the design formatting and colors until the main story of your research is clear.
  • Read articles to learn more about data visualization design best practices and data storytelling
  • Step 4. Share with scientists and the public via presentations, scientific websites, and social media. 

Create professional science figures with illustration services or use the online courses and templates to quickly learn how to make your own designs.

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Explore scientific illustration templates and courses by creating a Simplified Science Publishing Log In. Whether you are new to data visualization design or have some experience, these resources will improve your ability to use both basic and advanced design tools.

Interested in reading more articles on scientific design? Learn more below:

Scientific presentation icon

Scientific Presentation Guide: How to Create an Engaging Research Talk

data storytelling symbol

Data Storytelling Techniques: How to Tell a Great Data Story in 4 Steps

Scientific PowerPoint template icon

Best Science PowerPoint Templates and Slide Design Examples

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Ten simple rules for designing graphical abstracts

Roles Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

* E-mail: [email protected] (HKJ); Martin.bornhä[email protected] (MB)

Current address: Centre for Data Analysis, Visualisation and Simulation, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland

Affiliation National Center for Tumor Diseases—University Cancer Center (NCT-UCC), Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der Technischen Universität Dresden, Germany

ORCID logo

Roles Funding acquisition, Visualization, Writing – review & editing

Affiliations National Center for Tumor Diseases—University Cancer Center (NCT-UCC), Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der Technischen Universität Dresden, Germany, Medical Clinic 1, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der Technischen Universität Dresden, Germany

  • Helena Klara Jambor, 
  • Martin Bornhäuser


Published: February 1, 2024

  • https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011789
  • Reader Comments

Fig 1

Citation: Jambor HK, Bornhäuser M (2024) Ten simple rules for designing graphical abstracts. PLoS Comput Biol 20(2): e1011789. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011789

Editor: Scott Markel, Dassault Systemes BIOVIA, UNITED STATES

Copyright: © 2024 Jambor, Bornhäuser. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: HKJ received a salary from an habilitation award of the Medical Faculty of the Technische Universität Dresden. HKJ and MB received project funding from the Hochschulstiftung Medizin Dresden. MB received funding from the MSNZ program of the Deutsche Krebshilfe. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Explanatory graphics that summarize knowledge are common in science communication. These graphics integrate new insights with the existing body of knowledge in a particular field of research. Explanatory graphics have been widely used in chemistry for many years to depict structures [ 1 ], and they have now gained popularity across various scientific disciplines as graphical abstracts [ 2 ]. Scientific journals are increasingly asking authors to provide graphical abstracts along with a paper to attract audiences online and on social media. These graphical abstracts are prominently displayed on the journals websites, embellishing the table of contents, and serving as a visual pendant to the written abstract. Due to this usage, graphical abstracts are also referred to as “TOC” image or “thumbnail views.”

Graphical abstracts are not intended to provide a complete understanding of a research article, even though they are often presented online with just the title of the work. A study confirmed graphical abstracts by themselves are insufficient to comprehend the key message of a paper [ 3 ]. Instead these visuals serve to attract attention and are meant to be read in conjunction with the written abstract. According to Cell press guidelines, graphical abstracts should inspire audiences to browse, stimulate their interdisciplinary curiosity, and allow them to rapidly screen for papers in journals [ 4 ]. As graphical abstracts are a relatively recent addition to the publishing landscape, quantitative data on their usage and usefulness are still limited. However, early analyses indicate that while graphical abstracts do not necessarily increase full-text reads or citations, they do enhance the abstract views [ 5 ] and boost altimetric attention scores of articles [ 6 ].

Like other explanatory visualizations, graphical abstracts have common features such as a central visual element, often icons, diagrams or photos, explanatory text, and use clear layout and color schemes to increase readability. These elements are often structured using arrows and lines and enhanced with color. The design elements of graphical abstracts were recently quantified in a research study that classified graphical abstracts based on their overall organization [ 2 ]. In their work, Hullman and Bach revealed the diversity of graphical abstracts in the current literature, and in particular, the many possibilities to use layout for readability. They also pinpointed common problems associated with graphical abstracts, such as inconsistent visual styles, unclear relationships between pictures, and missing annotations. These challenges were also identified in a complementary qualitative study of graphical abstracts [ 7 ].

Training of scientists, especially early career researchers, in the art of crafting comprehensible and attractive graphical abstract has been somewhat lagging. A brief guide for graphical abstract design is available for medical writers [ 7 ] and for creating overview figures [ 8 ]. However, most scientist are not trained in data visualizations or visual communication [ 9 , 10 ], and even less so in creating explanatory visuals of their research. It’s important to note that visual design is a nontrivial endeavor. Publishing houses, journals, and major research institutes often employ visual teams to create attractive explanatory figures for scientific data.

Here, we present 10 simple rules for designing graphical abstracts. The 10 rules are informed by our experience teaching biologists, clinicians, students, and established scientists, and from jointly preparing graphical abstracts for publications and grants ( Fig 1 ). The article discusses all aspects of graphical abstract preparation, from foundational decisions about the message and the key visuals (1 to 3), to designing the layout (4 to 6), and complementing the design with text (7) and color (8). We also provide an overview of tools and software commonly used for making graphical abstracts (9) and highlight the benefit of feedback in the process (10). The order of the 10 rules reflects our “design pipeline” from starting with a draft to implementing the draft electronically; however, as with all creative processes, you are encouraged to adapt the process to your own style.


  • PPT PowerPoint slide
  • PNG larger image
  • TIFF original image

The evolution of a graphical abstract, from sketch (A) to a rapid Biorender draft (B) and final implementation in a graphical software program (C). All drawings by HKJ, licensed under CC0, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.24486061.v1 .


Rule 1: Key message for audience

Before embarking on the design of a graphical abstract, it is essential to know your message. This tip is not specific to graphical abstracts, but also essential for producing an understandable and clear visualization. The process of defining a key message varies. Some start with doodling on a post-it, some with key visuals, and some by iteratively shortening the abstract to 1 or 2 punchy sentences. Ideally already at this stage co-authors are involved and provide feedback (see #10). Recent tools, such as chatGPT, may be helpful in facilitating a dynamic exchange and the concise distillation of the core message. Whichever route is yours, without a clear central message, it will be impossible to design a clear graphical abstract and reach the goal of visually summarizing your research paper.

Rule 2: Pictures and pictograms

The key components of every graphical abstract are the visual elements. Most often, graphical abstracts include pictograms or symbols and, less commonly, iconic microscope ( Fig 1 ) or photographic images, or data (see #5). Pictograms may also be hand-drawn, but mostly biologists use simple shapes, circles, ellipses, and rectangles, when creating pictograms from scratch. In recent years, numerous icon collections have become available, many of which are free to re-use and do not always need attribution. In most icon repositories pictograms can be downloaded as PNG (Portable Network Graphic), a raster-graphics format for lossless data compression. PNGs are ready to use in graphic software but not adaptable. Alternatively, icons are provided as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), an image format that can also be used interactively on the web and is fully adaptable in appearance with graphic software.

For general icons, many repositories exist for simple icons:

  • PowerPoint offers inbuild image and icon libraries and many pre-drawn shapes that are free to use.
  • Fontawesome ( https://fontawesome.com ) is a Unicode-based icon library that can be installed locally as a font for graphic programs, downloaded as full icon library, or downloaded as individual SVG images.
  • Nounproject ( https://thenounproject.com ) is a large repository sourcing icons from various designers. Hence, the available icons are vast, but also not matched in style. These icons can be used for free with attribution as SVG or PNG.
  • SVGrepo ( https://www.svgrepo.com ) is the largest SVG icon library, which additionally provides search functions for icon style and appearances such as color, rounded or sharp icons.

Biology and Medicine require specific icons which are available in the following repositories:

  • Phylopic ( https://www.phylopic.org/ ) offers shapes of numerous animals, plants, and further model organisms, e.g., for phylogenetic trees.
  • The EBI ( https://www.ebi.ac.uk/style-lab/general/fonts/v1.3/ ) provides some general scientific icons.
  • Reactome ( https://reactome.org/icon-lib ) provides scientific pictograms and chemical drawings for free re-use and encourages the upload of user-designed pictograms for sharing with the scientific community.
  • Smart ( https://smart.servier.com/ ) is a free collection of medical drawings from Servier Medical Art and can be downloaded as a full slide-deck and used with attribution.
  • Bioicons ( https://bioicons.com/ ) is an expanding set of biology and laboratory icons from Petri dishes to model organisms available under free licenses (CC0). Initially by Servier, the drawings are expanded with user provided samples.
  • Health Icons ( https://healthicons.org/ ) is a global volunteer effort to create common icons for many specialized medical scenarios available under creative commons license (CC0).

In a graphical abstract, all icons should have a similar overall appearance, meaning the same line-width, color scheme, and level of detail. Icons from the same source and/or the same designer usually have such a similar look. Fig 2A and 2B shows 2 versions of a graphical abstract with a poor and improved icon combination. If icons from several sources are combined, you could match their style by adapting the SVG-pictograms in graphic software.


(A) All pictograms used have similar overall appearance (color, size, design, modified from [ 11 ]). (B) Poor combination of pictogram for the same workflow: pictograms have different overall appearance. Icons in A: Fontawesome, Fonticons, Inc. Icons in B: Microscope: Bioicons DBCLS https://togotv.dbcls.jp/en/pics.html is licensed under CC-BY 4.0; Laptop: Icon by Simon Dürr https://twitter.com/simonduerr is licensed under CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ ; Image/slider: see A; Colors and people: drawn by HKJ; Newspaper: https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/301104/newspaper-news , CC0.


For inspiration, you may wish to explore one of the earliest icon libraries, the ISOTYPE. The ISOTYPE system was developed by Otto Neurath in the 1920ies in Vienna as a visual communication tool for low-literate populations. The designs are from Gerd Arntz and were later continued by Marie Neurath ( http://gerdarntz.org/isotype.html ).

Rule 3: Data and charts as key visual

At times pictograms cannot sufficiently represent a key message. You then may wish to include data or charts in your graphical abstracts. When your data are medical, microscopy, or photo images they may be self-explanatory in graphical abstracts. When you want to instead include data plots, you should aim for chart types that are understandable even in the short view time of graphical abstracts. Most of us are familiar with bar charts, which are the most common chart type in scientific publications [ 12 , 13 ], and with pie and line charts, plot types we usually learn in school ( Fig 3 ). These charts employ core principles of visual perception: in bar charts we almost intuitively compare lengths, in pie charts the slice areas, and in line charts we look for up- or downward trends [ 14 ].


Note that the core message (increases, is most, one third…) is communicated without axis details, labels, and legends.


When it is necessary to signify the use of a specific method in graphical abstracts, sometimes method-specific charts are employed as visual placeholders. For example, t-SNE plots may represent single-cell data, red/green heatmaps can denote microarray data, and circoid plots are indicative of genomic approaches. However, it’s important to note that readers of your graphical abstract are unlikely to delve into the details in these advanced graphics. In such instances, a simple version of that charts should be used, featuring only a handful of data points or categories. Details like tick marks, axis label, and legends can be omitted. For a comprehensive understanding of different chart types and their appropriate use a valuable resources is the Data Visualization Catalogue ( https://datavizcatalogue.com/ ).

Rule 4: Layout: The dimensions

Layout describes the organization of visual elements on the page ( Fig 4 ). First, consider the space that you have available to fill. A graphical abstract for a journal website is typically shown as a square and rarely in rectangle format ( Fig 4A ). On many websites and applications, the graphical abstract has a final size not much larger than a postage stamp. When a graphical abstract is the first figure of an article, poster, or grant application, you may also opt for a landscape rectangle format. Whenever choosing a layout, you should consider how to fill the area best. In grant applications space is very limited, filling the entire width of a line may then be a best choice to not waste precious space ( Fig 4B ).


Different dimensions (A) and how they merge with text on a page (B).


Rule 5: Layout: Reading direction

The layout should provide a clear entry point into your graphical abstract. Typically, we read from left to right, and top to bottom in either columns or rows. You should therefore arrange all elements of the graphical abstract along your chosen reading direction [ 15 ].

For depiction of linear processes that have a clear beginning and end, an organization from left to right is most suitable: time is usually shown as the independent variable on the x-axis in graphs. Linear processes are workflows, experimental pipelines, embryonic development, cellular differentiation, or disease progression. Alternatively, you can consider a circular layout for cyclic events such as daily or annual events, metabolic cycles, or processes like cell division. For static observations, e.g., contrasting 2 scenarios or providing 2 levels of details for 1 scenario, you could consider 2 parallel or nested organization [ 2 ]. Fig 5 summarizes the most common organizational layouts of graphical abstracts.



Rule 6: Connecting the elements: Arrows and arrangement

Arrows are a key element for all explanatory graphs and visual abstracts. With arrows, we connect text, pictograms, images, and charts into a sequential narrative or “storyline” and consequently they are the most common graphical element in explanatory life science figures [ 16 ]. Arrows can reinforce your chosen reading direction but arrows can also signal any exception from this reading direction. A clear layout supported by arrows helps to quickly orient your audiences in a visualization.

In graphical abstracts, arrows have several distinct appearances and also distinct functions. Arrows also include arrowheads, lines with rounded tips or other end-marks ( Fig 6A ), and lines without any marks [ 17 ]. Remarkably, a single arrow type may convey distinct semantic meanings: an upward arrow may signify an upward movement, an increase, or a positive connotation, while a circular arrow can symbolize various temporal scales, from a day, to year, or an entire life cycle [ 17 ]. In many academic domains, arrows have also specialized applications, such as a corner/bent arrow that in molecular genetics illustrates transcription start sites [ 16 ]. Arrows can also depict various movements, representing phenomena like the passage of a molecule through a membrane, the migration of cells within a tissue, or the collective herd movement of animals. And finally, arrows and lines are also commonly used for labeling and directing attention to specific structures or regions of interest.


Common arrow types (A) and arrows in context (B).


It is crucial that you clearly communicate the purpose of your arrows to your audience. When combining 2 different arrow types in a single graphical abstract, you should ensure they are visually distinct and explained. Moreover, the context in which an arrow is presented has substantial influence on how it’s perceived ( Fig 6B ).

Even with a clear layout and arrows, graphical abstracts can appear overwhelming. This feeling is rooted in the limitations of our visual system. Miller postulated the “Magical number 7,” suggesting that human sensory perception can effectively process only about 7 elements (plus or minus 2) at a time [ 18 ]. Of course, graphical abstracts typically comprise more than 7 elements. To address this challenge, design principles, often referred to as “Gestalt principles,” come into play, aiding in the organization of elements into interconnected units, or “chunks,” which enhances the information conveyed and reduces cognitive load [ 19 ].

Some of the design principles are especially helpful for graphical abstract design. “Proximity” suggests that elements can be grouped by minimizing their physical distance on the page. “Similarity” describes that elements form groups when they share common visual attributes. Such visual attributes, e.g., a shared color, pattern, or shape [ 20 ], may even lead to grouping when elements are not in close physical proximity. Grouping by similar appearance is helpful, e.g., in scatterplots, but can cause confusion if applied erroneously to non-grouped elements (see #8). “Closure” stipulates that elements within the same boundary are grouped, which explains the frequent use of boxes in design templates. However, it’s worth noting that boxes can often be replaced with white space to achieve a similar effect. The principle of “continuity” asserts that elements arranged along an invisible axis visually form a group, an idea that inspired Tufte to experiment with omitting x-axes in bar plots altogether [ 21 ]. And last, “similarity” suggests that elements arranged symmetrically appear grouped. These design principles are helpful for graphical abstracts but also valuable for improving your further designs such as scientific figures, as exemplified by Bang Wong [ 22 , 23 ].

Rule 7: Text

The most effective way to ensure audiences comprehend complex insights with graphical abstracts is by seamlessly integrating text and visuals [ 24 , 25 ]. To captivate your audience, consider incorporating well-known keywords and phrases [ 7 ]. Text can also serve as a substitution when suitable images or pictograms are unavailable, particularly for specialized names or terminology, e.g., “acetylcholine.” Text is also important for labeling ambiguous or unusual visuals, icons, or arrows. For example, a circle you use could represent a molecule, an area, or a cell. While text offers additional clarifications, be sure to keep your titles and annotations concise, devoid of jargon, and limited to common abbreviations, all of which in general enhance readability and citations of scientific articles in general [ 26 ]. Lastly, text can play a dual role as a legend when the annotation mirrors the encoding style of associated visual elements. You may color a key word in the title in the same hue as the associated data in the abstract (see Fig 3 ).

Rule 8: Colors

A key function of appealing colors in graphical abstracts is to engage your audience. Beyond that colors have further roles, color highlights, contrasts, encodes quantities, or represents the natural appearance of the depicted objects ( Fig 7A–7C ). When colors encode quantitative information, sequential or continuous data should be encoded with varying saturations of a single color, diverging data with e.g., two-color scheme, and for qualitative data you may vary the hue [ 27 , 28 ].


Color can highlight (A), encode numbers (B), or show natural appearance (C) in graphical abstracts. Be careful with your color choice when using a colored background. Image: Albrecht Dürer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons ( https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Albrecht_D%C3%BCrer_-_Hare,_1502_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg ).


Several tools are available that may be helpful when selecting your color schemes. Colorbrewer by Cynthia Brewer ( https://colorbrewer2.org/ ) is useful for choosing colors to encode numerical data, while Paletton ( https://paletton.com/ ) enables the selection of attractive color combinations using a color wheel. These tools can assist in achieving harmonious appearances through adjacent colors or creating striking contrasts by employing complementary colors.

Consistency in color usage is important (see #6, principle of similarity). It is vital that you maintain the same color code and scheme within the abstract, and between the abstract and the main manuscript. A change in color is not merely a shift in aesthetics, it signifies a change in meaning. Colors, being instantly perceptible, should be used sparingly to prevent overwhelming the audiences and diverting their attention from the primary message. Hence, make your color choices with utmost care.

When selecting colors, you should ensure that they are accessible to your color blind audiences [ 29 ]. But more generally, you should consider possible limitations to visually impaired audiences. A comprehensive study provides an overview of accessibility in visualizations for different target groups (i.e., color-blind, visually impaired, and blind individuals) and various visual tasks [ 30 ]. A few steps help to improve accessibility: all figures, including graphical abstracts, must always be described with accompanying text. You may also be able to provide Alt-text descriptions for screen reader software. Additionally, also visually able audiences differ in their perception of color and contrast and therefore color should be avoided as the sole channel for key information (see also #7, labeling visuals). Beyond avoiding certain color combinations, like red-green for individuals with Deuteranopia, also low-contrast color combinations and many background colors may reduce visibility and thus accessibility. You can use numerous web-based tools (e.g., https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/ ) or render your monitor display settings to assess legibility. WebAIM suggests a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5 to 1 for foreground and background colors and provides a tool for assessing color combinations ( https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ ). Finally, maintaining a sufficiently high resolution is vital for ensuring accessibility, allowing your audiences to print or zoom in to your visualizations as needed.

Rule 9: Tools for graphical abstracts

Graphical abstracts are typically prepared with the same software as posters and figures. Suitable are commercial (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Affinity Designer) or open-source (e.g., Inkscape) vector-design software. Vector-based graphics programs are particularly useful as they allow for zooming in and out of visualizations without quality loss. For most graphical abstracts PowerPoint will also produce sufficient results, especially when the canvas size is adjusted and slides are exported as vector graphics such as PDF. When saving your graphical abstract make sure that your images are not compressed to prevent pixelation artifacts.

A comprehensive article reviews many common software used for illustrations as well as their advantages, disadvantages and pricing is available [ 31 ]. If you wish to use the free vector graphic software Inkscape, you may consult a practical guide for biologists [ 32 ]. Inkscape is rapidly developing and now allows direct import of icons from icon libraries, as well as processing of images and data with scripts inside the software. The proprietary alternative to Inkscape is Adobe Illustrator, which is widely adopted by scientists and for which tutorials are available [ 33 ]. Another commercial software is CorelDraw which can, like Inkscape, incorporate icons from many web-based icon libraries.

In recent years, several web-based drawing softwares have become available, such as Canva or Figma. BioRender is a proprietary web-based software powered by a large biomedical icon library, which is an attractive feature to its users; however, their appearance, shape, color, and detail cannot be changed. A drawback to many labs is also BioRender’s continuous adaptation of licenses, while an advantage is its interface with public databases, such as the Protein Data Bank. Another web-based tool is Mindthegraph, which also offers in addition design consulting. A summary of tools is available [ 7 ].

Pictograms and icons can be imported in all programs, including the web-based tools, as SVG or PNG (see #2) and Inkscape even allows the direct, web-based import from icon libraries such as Bioicons or Reactome.

Rule 10: Before, during, after: Feedback

Visual design is a dynamic and iterative process. Consequently, graphical abstracts should undergo several rounds of assessment and adjustment to avoid common pitfalls such as unclear reading directions [ 2 ] and inconsistencies in elements and style within the visualization.

Feedback can be actively sought and integrated at various stages: during the formulating of your key message, the drafting of your prototype, or the final polishing phase. As a best practice, the book Storytelling With Data in fact recommends allocating dedicated time for discussing the visualizations in every meeting [ 34 ]. As in every design of a human–computer interaction, also for graphical abstracts you may seek expert feedback, e.g., from a scientists or designers that regularly prepare graphical abstracts, as well as user feedback, e.g., from scientists or students who may read your paper.

General feedback principles [ 35 ] also apply to visual work. This means that feedback should be specific, tangible, and task-oriented and those seeking feedback should be clear in their request. In graphical abstracts, the audience must decode the visual representations. You can get feedback by observing how an expert or user is interacting with your graphical abstract, or by asking for their opinions. Ask what they see at first glance to see if the visual weight aligns with the key message. Ask about clarity of the layout and reading direction, including the meaning of arrows, and the comprehensibility of visual elements and colors. Alli Torban from Tableau, a visual design company, imparts additional guidance on the intricacies of soliciting and receiving feedback for visual designs [ 36 ].

When designing graphical abstracts in a team, we usually exchange rapid drafts or sketches of the graphical abstract several times before a solid idea emerges ( Fig 1 ) and is then prepared for publication [ 37 ]. In our experience, the process of preparing a graphical abstract also serves as a valuable exercise to assess whether our key message is succinct. It also aids writing teams and grant writers in aligning toward a shared vision or objective. The graphical abstract thus serves as a valuable tool for bridging communication or knowledge gaps in transdisciplinary teams such as consortia of clinicians, engineers, and biologists.

While initially graphical abstracts may seem like extra work for little reward, we hope that our 10 rules encourage you to start creating understandable and gorgeous graphical abstracts. A useful resource for educators wishing to teach graphical abstract preparation in a classroom setting is available from Agrawal and Ulrich, who provide templates for exercises and downloadable sample materials [ 9 ]. A quick guide, along with a PowerPoint template, is also available from Elsevier [ 38 ]. And for inspiration the British Medical Journal hosts a collection of infographics ( https://www.bmj.com/infographics ). Once you become familiar with the format of graphical abstracts, you may also wish to experiment with styles and forms. Usually, journals do not limit their authors: we have seen artistic, comic-style [ 39 ], and even hand-drawn (Fabio di Belvis: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378517319307975?via%3Dihub ) graphical abstracts.


HKJ would like to acknowledge James P. Saenz for feedback on the draft version.

  • 1. Lane S, Karatsolis A, Bui L. Graphical abstracts: a taxonomy and critique of an emerging genre. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on the Design of Communication [Internet]. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2015 [cited 2023 Jun 4]. p. 1–9. (SIGDOC ‘15). https://doi.org/10.1145/2775441.2775465
  • 2. Hullman J, Bach B. Picturing Science: Design Patterns in Graphical Abstracts. In: Chapman P, Stapleton G, Moktefi A, Perez-Kriz S, Bellucci F, editors. Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. p. 183–200. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
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  • 4. Cell Press Graphical Abstract Guidelines. Cell Press [Internet]. Available from: https://www.cell.com/pb/assets/raw/shared/figureguidelines/GA_guide-1537202744020.pdf .
  • 21. Tufte ER. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information [Internet]. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press; 2011 [cited 2023 Oct 23]. Available from: https://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/books_vdqi?msclkid=d049a142816d107459dec4741f4dfaa5 .
  • 34. Nussbaumer Knaflic C. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. Wiley; 2015.
  • 38. Graphical Abstract Template [Internet]. Available from: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/cellular-and-molecular-gastroenterology-and-hepatology/2352-345x/graphical-abstracts .


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Springer Nature Research Solutions

What is a Graphical Abstract and Why Do I Need One for My Paper?

May 26, 2023

graphical abstract in research paper

According to the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (2018), over 3 million scholarly papers are published each year, and that number is rapidly increasing. Researchers must comb through a growing body of scientific work to stay up to date on current research or when performing a literature review.

Text abstracts go a long way toward providing a study summary for this purpose, but they can still require a researcher to take in a large amount of technical information when assessing the relevance of multiple papers at once. Plus, word limits mean abstracts are inevitably condensed and may require highly field-specific terminology, making it difficult to understand the most important aspects of a paper.

This is where graphical abstracts (also sometimes called visual abstracts ) come in!

What is a graphical abstract?

A graphical abstract is kind of like a movie poster that gives away the plot. It should draw prospective readers in with attractive graphics. A graphical abstract should be designed in such a way that someone skimming through papers or scrolling through a website or social media feed can understand the basics of what you did and what you found at a glance. 

While there’s no standard format for graphical abstracts, the most effective ones often present a clear and concise statement of the main study conclusion—somewhat similar to a short title appearing near the top of the graphic—followed by illustrative representations of the 1-3 most important results and short descriptive phrases where helpful. The content can be organized into different panels and/or connected with arrows as in a flow diagram.

A graphic showing the workflow of how abstract text is entered, and a graphical abstract is produced

The benefits of graphical abstracts

Humans are visual by nature. We can process the information presented in an image with astonishing speed (Potter et al. 2013)—much quicker than we can process text (Dunn 2022)—and graphics grab our attention. 

In the world of social media, posts containing images can boost viewer engagement by over 200% (Li and Xie 2020). The scientific world is no different. Effective graphics can promote interest in research—not only among colleagues within our field but also among nonscientists who may be interested in our work. 

In fact, a recent study showed that the use of  graphical abstracts  in Twitter posts promoting new articles increased paper views by almost 3 times and overall social media engagement by ~8 times (Ibrahim et al. 2017)! With numbers like this, it's easy to see why an increasing number of journals require the submission of a graphical abstract alongside a paper to attract and connect with more readers.

A graphic representing how a smartly designed graphical abstract can make your research paper stand out from the rest

Creating your graphical abstract 

Know your audience.

Creating a graphical abstract begins with careful consideration of your target audience and what aspects of your paper you want to emphasize given that audience. 

For example, your focus may be on other researchers who are likely to read a particular journal and could be interested in reading your paper more in depth. The goal is to provide a compelling graphic highlighting the main findings of the study in the context of an existing gap in knowledge. You want to entice other researchers to read more, cite your work, and maybe even reach out for collaboration. 

The use of field-specific terminology, concepts, and imagery along with a focus on the specific findings of your study can work well in this case. On the other hand, if you are instead hoping to reach people who don’t necessarily specialize in your field, you may choose to use more widely recognized terms and imagery and to emphasize the real-world applications of your research over specific results.

Where will a visual abstract be posted?

Another important consideration is where the graphical abstract will be used. 

If you are submitting to a journal that requires a graphical abstract upon submission, the publisher is most likely planning to display the graphical abstract alongside the article itself on the journal’s website. Or they could use it to promote the paper on social media. 

The journal may list some specific guidelines for the graphical abstract on its website; these are often found in the author instructions for manuscript preparation. Graphical abstract guidelines commonly pertain to aspects such as:

  • Font size and style
  • Color space to ensure a consistent look of the graphical abstracts across all papers published by the journal and permit successful typesetting

Because the target audience is likely to consist of other researchers in your field, they will often be familiar with field-specific terminology and concepts. But simplification might be worthwhile if you’d like to use your graphical abstract for other purposes with other types of audiences.

Then again, your target journal may not require a graphical abstract at all. In this case, providing a graphical abstract may be optional, or you may want to consider creating one to promote your research on your lab website, on social media, or in presentations at conferences. 

While this use offers somewhat more freedom in terms of format, it’s beneficial to consider where you ultimately want to post your graphical abstract. For example, while different social media platforms vary in their recommended aspect ratio for graphics, a 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio is often ideal. The jpeg file type is almost universally accepted .  

Available applications to create your visual abstract

A wide variety of programs are available to help you create an attractive graphical abstract. Below is a list of commonly used applications and some benefits and drawbacks to each.

Benefit : Easy to use and can create designs for free.

Drawback : Somewhat limited functionality

Microsoft PowerPoint

Benefit : Almost universally accessible, especially if artwork is downloaded as a pdf file.

Drawback : End result may not look professional, and there can be some incompatibility issues with the software used by journals

Adobe Illustrator

Benefit : Most functionality of all other options, files usually compatible with journal publisher software.

Drawback : Subscription can be costly

Alternatively, if you would like to hand off the design work to professional scientific illustrators, we would be happy to design a graphical abstract  for you.

Tips for making a graphical abstract

When creating your graphical abstract, keep in mind that it could be someone’s first impression of your work. Professional presentation is key.  You want it to stand out. 

Below we list some tips that can help optimize your impact:

1. Consider using icons with a limited color palette and relatively simple illustrations or images. 

This will keep clutter at a minimum. Simplicity of design will enhance the clarity of your message and help ensure excess complexity doesn’t cause prospective readers to keep scrolling. 

2. Think carefully about the layout.

Aim for an overall balanced look with roughly similar amounts of text and imagery across the design. The content should flow logically from one idea to the next—typically from top to bottom or left to right, although a circular layout might work well if the study has a cyclical element. 

Be sure not to use too much or too little white space. The strategic use of white space can improve clarity by providing a visual “break”, but adding too much could result in the ineffective use of space or make the design appear unbalanced. 

3. Check the resolution. 

Images with low resolution that are highly pixelated will not reproduce well. To avoid  this, you can create the illustrations yourself by drawing them in a program such as Adobe Illustrator or taking photos with a digital camera. If these options are not available, however, there are many image sources on the internet. 

But be careful! If you are not the original creator of a graphic, it is important to ensure you have copyright permission to use it in your design. Most images on the internet are not free to use, although some free-to-use sites such as Wikimedia Commons and subscription-based repositories such as Shutterstock and Getty Images are available. 

It’s always important to double check the licensing (and resolution!) of any image you download from the internet.

4. Optimize your design’s accessibility. 

Some ways to optimize accessibility include:

  • Ensuring suitable contrast exists between text and its background
  • Using appropriately sized sans-serif font
  • Verifying that the palette is color blind safe

For example, people with red-green color blindness have difficulty distinguishing the colors red and green. Using these two colors to compare different groups is discouraged. Many tools that help evaluate accessibility are available, including the Proof Setup functions in Adobe products They help you visualize your design under certain types of color blindness.

5. Keep text to a minimum and opt for graphics in its place wherever possible. 

The goal is to grab someone’s attention so they want to read more; it’s not necessary to mention every detail in the graphical abstract—that’s what the paper is for!  

Final thoughts

An increasing number of journals are requiring graphical abstracts to accompany papers submitted for publication, and you can also use them to your professional advantage. By creating a professional-looking and eye-catching graphical abstract, you can increase your study’s impact by drawing the attention of prospective readers and collaborators and people who might not have otherwise known about your work.

About the author

Kerry Stricker, Ph.D.

Kerry is a Scientific Illustrator and Animator passionate about helping researchers communicate their work visually through graphics and video. Before joining the Research Square Company team in 2016, she received her Ph.D. in Integrative Biology from the University of South Florida and worked as a postdoctoral associate at the University of Florida studying the ecological consequences of plant invasions.

Dunn M (2022). Research: Is A Picture Worth 1,000 Words or 60,000 Words in Marketing? https://www.emailaudience.com/research-picture-worth-1000-words-marketing/ (accessed March 15, 2023)

Ibrahim AM, Lillemoe KD, Klingensmith ME, Dimick JB (2017). Visual Abstracts to Disseminate Research on Social Media: A Prospective, Case-control Crossover Study. Annals of Surgery 266(6): e46-e48. DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002277

International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (2018). STM Report. Prins Willem Alexanderhof 5, The Hague, 2595BE, The Netherlands. 

Li Y and Xie Y (2020). Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? An Empirical Study of Image Content and Social Media Engagement. Journal of Marketing Research 57(1): 1-19.

Potter MC, Wyble B, Hagmann CE, and McCourt ES (2014). Detecting meaning in RSVP at 13 ms per picture. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76: 270-279.

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Graphical Abstract in Scientific Research

Madhan jeyaraman.

1 Orthopedics, ACS Medical College and Hospital, Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, IND

Harish V K Ratna

2 Orthopedics, Rathimed Speciality Hospital, Chennai, IND

Naveen Jeyaraman

Nicola maffulli.

3 Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry, University of Salerno, Baronissi, ITA

4 Orthopadic, Trauma, and Reconstructive Surgery, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) University Medical Centre, Aachen, DEU

5 School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering, Keele University Faculty of Medicine, Stoke-on-Trent, GBR

Filippo Migliorini

6 Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, Queen Mary University of London, London, GBR

Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy

Sankalp yadav.

7 Medicine, Shri Madan Lal Khurana Chest Clinic, New Delhi, IND

A graphical abstract (GA) summarizes the key and important findings of an article graphically, potentially stimulating researchers to view the published manuscript. A GA should enhance dissemination, augment engagement, and impact clinical practice. Infographics play a key role in a quicker understanding of the significant findings of a manuscript. Few level 1 studies reported that GAs enhanced the engagement of readers on social media when compared to plain text abstracts. With the evolution of Industry 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0, GA plays a major role in understanding the technical aspects of various technologies. This article outlines tips to prepare an effective GA and reports the impact of GAs on research and clinical translation.

Introduction and background

A graphical abstract (GA) is a graphic and visual summary of the important findings of a scientific article [ 1 ]. A GA should enhance a reader's ability to remember and recall information [ 2 ]. Recent research shows an eight-fold increase in the sharing of a visual abstract on social media in comparison to text-only abstracts; this has led to three times more visits by authors to the same article on the websites of journals [ 3 ]. In comparison to text abstracts, GAs have the upper hand: it takes about 6 seconds for an average reader to read about 20 words, whereas the same meaning could be understood within 1/4th of a second from a visual symbol [ 4 ].

Various social platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, influence the lives of the general public and have become essential channels for communication among laypeople [ 5 ]. Among the total number of people using social media platforms, 1% are creators of content, 9% are editors, and the remaining 90% act as consumers of the content or seekers of the information provided to them [ 6 , 7 ]. In the present digital era, where there is exponential growth in the field of orthopedic research, GA plays a major role in helping readers preview the study content and decide whether to read the entire article [ 1 , 8 , 9 ].

GA enhances the dissemination of research among the readers, augments the engagement of research scholars, and creates a profound impact on clinical practice, which helps in clinical translation [ 1 ]. GA provides a bird's-eye view of the article, making it more attractive and appealing to readers, entices them to have an in-depth look, and makes it easier for the researcher to share or re-post on social media to engage like-minded individuals [ 10 ].

Triad of GA

The triad of GA is depicted in Figure ​ Figure1 1 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000045762-i01.jpg

Picture courtesy of Dr. Madhan Jeyaraman

The triad of GA is a) enhanced dissemination [GAs enhance the dissemination of research-related articles]. In the natural evolution of scientific information communication, videos and graphics will generate higher "hits" in comparison to text-only abstracts. Visual abstracts (VAs) increase the dissemination of research on social media by eight-fold compared to text-only abstracts [ 1 ]], b) augmented engagement [GAs provide a framework for increased engagement of like-minded researchers on social platforms. GAs act as a reminder to the reader and help in discussing the contents of the article in a forum], and c) impact on clinical practice [This may be difficult to evaluate, but, for example, the article published in "Annals of Surgery" had a great impact on disseminating information about antibiotic stewardship]. Producing an effective GA necessitated distilling the core research points into 2-3 eye-catching sentences to pique readers' interest . The prototype structure of GA is depicted in the graphical abstract of the manuscript. A GA can be divided into four areas, namely: a) the title area, b) the methods and cohort area, c) the findings area, and d) the conclusion area (Table ​ (Table1 1 ).

Areas Significance
A – Title Depicts the context of the research study
B – Methods and cohort Type of research study to be mentioned Study time frame and follow-up period to be mentioned
C – Findings Highlight the validity of research findings Interpretation of findings by the readers
D – Conclusion Summarize the key points of the manuscript Intended to highlight the primary outcome of the study Must mention take-home message

The tips and tricks for creating an effective GA are reported in Figure ​ Figure2 2 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000045762-i02.jpg

The design principles for a good GA are shown in Figure ​ Figure3 3 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000045762-i03.jpg

The elements of GA are: a) display of the title, name of the author, and name of the journal at the top of the GA; b) display of the journal’s logo at the bottom of the GA; c) display of the graphical presentation of research results; and d) display of the take-home message.

In general, GAs represent the face value of the underlying research article and are presented at the beginning of the article, after the text-only abstract. GAs provide a summary of the research article in the form of visual icons in single or dual-colored tones.

Resources to prepare GA

A social media platform enables the sharing of different GAs with various styles and structures. Peer-reviewed journals have started to provide guidelines for GAs based on recently published evidence, which would help in standardizing the outputs and would ensure the consistency and validity of the GAs published in a given journal. Many sources are available to provide guidelines for preparing a GA, which are as follows: a) Visual Abstract Primer (edited by Andrew Ibrahim), which covers topics such as creating a visual abstract and leveraging a visual abstract for dissemination [ 11 ], b) Andrew Ibrahim’s Guidelines to Standardize GAs for Scientific Research [ 1 ], and c) Michelle Lim’s short course on designing and the design process of GAs [ 12 ].

To prepare an informative GA effectively, one should be able to compile the research-related information and be able to reproduce it understandably under three main sections, namely a) the methods of the study, b) the important findings of the study, and c) the conclusions of the research study. There is no need for costly and complex illustrative software or additional graphical or artistic skills. The only additional need is good creativity to figure out the way to represent the findings in the form of visual icons, as well as the capacity to compile the information into small sections [ 12 ].

Process of creating and disseminating GA

The process of creating an effective GA is depicted in Figure ​ Figure4 4 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000045762-i04.jpg

Recently, more than 50 top journals, including "The New England Journal of Medicine", "Clinical Spine Surgery", and "JAMA", have adopted GAs to disseminate research through various social media platforms, particularly Twitter. By disseminating GAs through social media, over some time, the number of citations for the manuscript and the journal’s impact factor also steadily increased.

A few questions about GAs are being debated, namely: a) who can create GA, the author or the journal’s editorial team?; b) what are the specifications for creating GA to be included in the instruction for the author's section; c) who will review the GA (the author, the reviewer, the section editor, the editor-in-chief); d) who, how, and where will GAs be disseminated?; and e) if a journal has the answer to these questions, the dissemination of GAs among research scholars and clinicians will improve the quality of the GAs and maximize the impact of the research.

Cross-talk between GA and social media

In the recent past, there has been active participation by patients in surgical research, but their access to the results of the study in which they took part is limited to the commentary of non-expert individuals [ 13 , 14 ]. Research scientists must deliver the results of the research in a format easily accessible to readers. Various initiatives have been developed to enhance this communication and eradicate the communication gap, including the National Institute of Health Research's (NIHR) 'Make It Clear" campaign [ 15 ] and the British Medical Journal's ‘Patient and Public Partnership’ initiative [ 16 ]. Various social media platforms have become popular over the last 3-5 years to disseminate surgical research-related work [ 17 ]. This has been witnessed in growing instances, such as conference-related and specialty-related hashtags, facilitating discussion in international forums and journal-specific journal clubs, facilitating post-publication discussion among peers, and discussing new techniques of surgery through live surgical videos [ 17 , 18 ]. Another new initiative is GAs, which have helped to disseminate the results of surgical research to an academic audience [ 3 , 19 ].

GA can make an article more pleasant and understandable when compared to text-only tweets, allowing easy and fast recall of the important points of the article relevant to the research scholar [ 20 ]. The impact of GAs may rise or fall depending on the number of followers of the individual’s social platform account or may differ based on the particular specialty, subsequent sub-specialties, and social media platforms. The mean number of engagements on viewing visual abstracts (VAs) was significantly higher at 7 and 30 days than plain English texts, whereas the crossover results were similar for orthopedic research on social platforms, but greater overall public engagement was observed with visual abstracts than plain text tweets [ 20 ]. Some level 1 studies depict the usage of VAs through social media [ 3 , 21 , 22 ], with the strongest correlation between VAs and the dissemination of research on social media [ 3 ]. VAs may not increase the number of reads and downloads of the fully published manuscript [ 23 ]. These GAs make the article more appealing for the readers to grasp the main crux of that particular manuscript.

Challenges and pitfalls of GA

Any form of medium to exchange scientific research among readers has various challenges and pitfalls. Given the emergence of GA in various journals, the results of the underlying scientific research will be oversimplified, which may result in a misinterpretation of the results. When the readers systematically use GAs as a substitute for the whole manuscript, and this is not read, they may eventually lose the capability to evaluate and appraise manuscripts. When a GA is produced by a third party, the output of the GA may not be reviewed by the author and their team, which may theoretically introduce fallacies, misinterpretations, biases, or inaccuracies. The possibility of salami slicing may happen when the creation of GA is outsourced. The quality control of GAs remains a challenge when their production is outsourced. Though GA appears simple and lucid in understanding by the readers, the third party does not necessarily understand the subject to be able to convey the right message. The major setback for GA is the availability of space in the given area. So, authors tend to report only the positive findings of the study [ 12 ], inevitably introducing biases. GAs must be submitted with the main manuscript and undergo peer review.

Future directives

Future studies should focus on the impact of GAs on the citation of a scientific article. Among the available social media platforms, the best and ideal platform must be identified for promoting and propagating research among various orthopedic researchers. The journal may want to establish GA creation teams that have to undergo training in infographics, and proper feedback has to be obtained for sufficient training to produce GAs. The Nephrology Social Media Collective is a successful example of how to promote and propagate research through the creation of GA, podcasts, blogs, newsletters, and research games [ 24 , 25 ]. When the journal’s editorial team produces GAs, misinterpretation and bias, have to be minimized. However, the journal has to issue the guidelines and specifications for preparing GA to avoid the hassle in the editorial workflow. The creation of a GA repository within the journal will encourage readers to refer to the research results when needed [ 26 ]. The available way to search GA is through the hashtags #visualabstract or #graphicalabstract. GAs must have a link in the manuscript when searched via standard indexing and abstracting databases. An alternate form for searching GA is the creation of a GA repository after obtaining permission from the native journal for sharing and disseminating the GA.

GA can be presented at scientific conferences as a poster by using infographics and icons. This may attract more attention among conference attendees for the key findings of the research. GA can be presented as oral presentations in various forums, including clinical lectures, departmental and academic meetings, or case discussions, to project the research data more clearly. Finally, GA increases the visibility of the speaker and the research among like-minded research scholars. The GRAPHIC model must be adhered to to form a sound and effective GA, as depicted in Figure ​ Figure5 5 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000045762-i05.jpg

A schematic presentation of GA is depicted in Figure ​ Figure6 6 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000045762-i06.jpg


The emergence and integration of GAs into the landscape of scientific communication signifies an evolution in how research is presented and understood in our digital age. GAs, with their visual appeal and concise representation, are bridging the gap between dense scientific content and its audience, both experts and laypeople. Their popularity on social media platforms underscores the shift towards a more visual and immediate form of information consumption. However, like all innovations, GAs come with challenges, including potential misinterpretation and concerns about oversimplification. As we look forward, it's imperative for the scientific community to refine guidelines for creating and reviewing GAs, ensuring they both accurately represent the research and remain engaging to the audience. By doing so, we can harness the potential of GAs to improve the dissemination, engagement, and impact of scientific research without compromising the integrity of the content. This era of visual communication in science, championed by GAs, underscores the adage: a picture, indeed, might be worth a thousand words.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Concept and design:   Sankalp Yadav, Madhan Jeyaraman, Harish V K. Ratna, Naveen Jeyaraman, Nicola Maffulli, Filippo Migliorini , Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy

Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data:   Sankalp Yadav, Madhan Jeyaraman, Harish V K. Ratna, Naveen Jeyaraman, Nicola Maffulli, Filippo Migliorini , Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy

Drafting of the manuscript:   Sankalp Yadav, Madhan Jeyaraman, Harish V K. Ratna, Naveen Jeyaraman, Nicola Maffulli, Filippo Migliorini , Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy

Critical review of the manuscript for important intellectual content:   Sankalp Yadav, Madhan Jeyaraman, Harish V K. Ratna, Naveen Jeyaraman, Nicola Maffulli, Filippo Migliorini , Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy

Supervision:   Sankalp Yadav, Naveen Jeyaraman, Nicola Maffulli, Filippo Migliorini

Designing graphical abstracts

Description: Everything you need to know to design an effective graphical abstract to communicate your science story.

A graphical abstract is a single image that gives your reader the main message of your science story. In this video, we introduce the tips you need to make a better graphical abstract. Plan ahead: put pencil to paper and sketch out your story. Shiz shows us how to choose colors, contrast and saturation that enhance our illustrations. Consistency is key: unify arrow and line styles in your graphical abstract. De-clutter your figure to help readers know what’s new, exciting and novel about your research right away. Put these tips into action when you create your next graphical abstract!

Meet the expert: Shiz Aoki, CEO and co-founder of BioRender, shares her 10+ years of expertise as a distinguished science illustrator to help you bring your science to life - visually.

Video Transcript

For those that are brand new to BioRender here is a sneak peek into the platform. It's a beautiful drag and drop interface with thousands of vector based icons ready for you to use for your images. Today's focus will be graphical abstracts.

What is a graphical abstract? Let's start with the really simple definition so that we're all on the same page about what a graphical abstract is.

I think we all cover very different fields of life science and beyond, so examples I use in this webinar will skew a little heavy towards cell biology. But, the tips I'm covering will be very ubiquitous and totally applicable to any type of science figure you're making.

So a graphical abstract, in our simple terms, is a single image that is intended to give your reader an immediate understanding of the story or article's main message. Your graphical abstract should actually be distinct from figures or diagrams in the rest of the article itself. i.e. It should be an overview as opposed to one of those panel figures in the results section.

So I actually interviewed a Cell Press editor prior to this just to get a sense of what the common mistakes are that they see when they receive submissions for a graphical abstract. Cell Press has made the use of graphical abstracts very popular.

The advice was that the number of words used to describe the graphical abstract should actually be less than the number of words in the abstract. But suffice it to say that if you go the reverse order where you actually describe your graphical abstract in words, it should actually be less than the abstract.

Abstracts usually have a word limit (Ex. 300-500 words) however, graphical abstracts do not have a word limit nor does it have a content limit. That's where we get into a little bit of trouble here because people tend to cram everything that we weren't able to say in the abstract into the picture. And what this editor specifically found is that a lot of authors used it as an opportunity to cram in information that otherwise would not have fit in the word limit. It actually should be the opposite. It should be a lighter version of the abstract, perhaps take 70% of what was said and depict it in an illustration form.

These are the general categories that we're going to follow:

Layout and Story Flow

The first thing I like to highlight is layout and storyflow. We always recommend starting by sketching your story on paper, whether that's the back of an envelope or lined piece of paper, just something to get your thoughts down. We find that there really is no replacement for paper and pencil. Sometimes you can use a clean BioRender canvas and throw on a bunch of icons and maybe drag it around to get a general sense of composition. If you're good with Photoshop or Illustrator, you can also use that, but I find starting on paper to be the best.

We love to follow one or two of these simple compositions [shown at 10:25]. It's really hard to follow the content of a figure if things are flying around. Generally speaking, it should fall left to right or top to bottom (the direction of gravity). Naturally we like to read top to bottom. 

So the first tip regarding layout and story flow is treating our thought process or creating a diagram to something as silly as a ‘spot the difference’ game. When we were kids, you probably played the spot the difference game where you had to divert your eyes from left to right and look at the differences between the two images. That's actually pretty analogous to the way scientific figures are composed, especially when you have a disease state and a normal state, or a normal state and maybe a control and a variable. There tends to be a lot of visual comparisons.

When you do compose diagrams, we highly recommend making sure that things are generally aligned and similar in horizontal alignment. So, for example, you can create some alignment grid lines here. If the left and right are now aligned, it actually wouldn't read as well because the eye would have a little bit of trouble comparing left and right and seeing what has changed. I can kind of see it if I really strain my eye and read closely. It's a lot friendlier for your audience if you are doing a comparison of normal and abnormal, that these are exactly aligned left to right or top to bottom. 

You've probably been in a situation where you feel like you know, your figure feels cluttered and you don't know how to fix it. A lot of the time what's happened is that the reading order or the composition has gone a little bit astray. Try to track the reading order of your figure with a marker or your eyes. If it’s not consistent or clean, this may be what’s causing the confusion.

Sometimes it's frustrating because in design, there is no right or wrong answer. It actually takes a little bit of jigging around, nudging things left and right and creating a hierarchy of text or a hierarchy of arrows.

Color (association, temperature, contrast)


Whether you like it or not, if you start to color your diagram so that some elements match in color, your audience is going to automatically start to create associations simply because they are colored the same even if you didn't intend to.

Sometimes you run out of colors to use, but be careful with your color choice and color association. Along that same vein, color and shapes do get associated very closely. When in doubt, go with as simple a color as possible for something like text (ex. White and black).


Another thing is to really limit your color palette. This is something that I see quite often, and that's the desire to fill your image with color. I wouldn't come in and start to make the text all colorful, for example. That just starts to add unnecessary layers, complications and other dimensions into your diagram that are not necessary.

One little tip I like to always highlight here is to understand when to use cool colors versus warm colors. Stick with warm colors, for harmful things in the body Ex. bacterial infections, cancers, virions, pathogens, inflammation, etc. And then, something like a blue or a green (a cooler tone) for all the good guys in the story.

Probably the number one mistake we see in graphical abstracts is contrast. You hear us talk about this a lot in other webinars, but it is definitely worth repeating here. We often see middle toned colors on top of middle toned colors. That's where we're getting into trouble because those foreground elements or the items layered on top tend to disappear because they're too close in color value (the darkness or lightness of that color is too similar to the thing that it's layered on top of). And what happens is it totally disappears if you're color blind, if you had to print this in black and white, if you had a poor quality monitor at home, etc. 

A nice gut check is to use our preview in grayscale mode in BioRender. Another way to combat that contrast problem is to use our opacity slider. Don't be afraid to use different opacities when you're layering objects like this to make the point of your story really stand out.

Proper use of arrows

I'm just going to focus on how to label your diagram better because this is gonna save you a lot of clutter in your next diagram, hopefully. So instead of using a simple arrow, which I usually see when people label their diagrams and having an arrow just pointing to the thing, I would replace this arrow with a dot. It will give you a cleaner result and doesn’t give you this sort of dead spider look with the lines going in all directions. You can actually use a line that is parallel to the word that it's labeling.

And if you want to review, this is available in our worksheets category in the templates category as six different ways to create lines in the BioRender. [ link to template ]

Decluttering your figure (alignment and spacing)

A tip is to use the align function in BioRender for some of your labels and make sure that they're all horizontally aligned. Also, don't ignore the vertical alignment that can make figures that much cleaner. Sometimes what I see is that we ignore vertical alignment while the horizontal alignment is pretty well and good so what I like to do is create some gridlines to align your diagram a little bit better. 

If you go into a professional design studio, you'll probably see everyone's monitors covered in these guidelines, just something that designers notoriously love to use because they don't trust their eyes. And if they're available, why not use it? You can also hide the gridlines temporarily if it looks noisy and you can't see the rest of your figure. 

To clean up the diagram more, you can shrink down some things in your diagram that probably don't need that much real estate and get white space opened up in my diagram.

graphical abstract in research paper

graphical abstract in research paper

How to make a graphical abstract?

graphical abstract in research paper

Table of Contents

Scientific research and publishing have been evolving rapidly. As the sheer volume of published papers continues to grow exponentially, graphical abstracts have emerged as one of the most important aspects of communicating research effectively and improving the visibility and accessibility of findings. Academic journals are increasingly requesting the submission of graphical abstracts along with text-based abstracts. This stems from the wide-ranging benefits offered by graphical abstracts.  

What is a graphical abstract?  

  A graphical abstract is a visual representation of a study’s key findings. It distils complex information into easily understandable, visually appealing formats that enhance comprehension and retention.

Graphical abstracts can take the form of graphs, illustrations, diagrams, images, or photographs. They are typically a single image that combines text, symbols, and visual elements to convey the key highlights of the study clearly and accurately.  

  An effective graphical abstract captures readers’ attention and directs them to the key aspects of the study without forcing them to read the entire paper. Usually presented at the beginning of a research paper, graphical abstracts provide an effective alternative to text—one that can engage both specialists and non-specialists alike.

Features of a good quality graphical abstract  

Graphical abstracts are essential for conveying research essence effectively with minimal text and maximum visuals. Here are the basic features of a good-quality graphic abstract:

  • A simple and clear presentation is crucial for a broad audience’s understanding
  • Avoid overly bright colors, fancy fonts, and distracting design elements
  • Use relevant images that communicate the central message clearly
  • Adhere to technical specifications for proper layout, format, and high resolution

How do you make a graphical abstract for your research paper?  

The following key steps will guide you in preparing a powerful graphical abstract. 

  • Conceptualize: Identify key findings or aspects of the study. As a researcher, you may be tempted to include all the main results and conclusions. This, however, will make it unwieldy. Make sure to focus only on core findings that can effectively communicate the critical points of your study.  
  • Outline: Once the key messages have been identified, prepare a rough outline or sketch of the graphical abstract. Plan the layout, including the placement of the images or illustrations and the textual elements. Ensure that the arrangement of the images and text is orderly so that the narrative is clear. Avoid using too many elements or excessive text, as it can confuse readers. 
  • Design: Use images and visuals appropriate for the message being communicated. The color scheme and fonts selected should also be easy on the eyes.  

Example of a graphical abstract  

example of a graphical abstract

Source: Graphical Abstract Examples — Sage Research Methods Community (sagepub.com) 

Five things to consider for an effective graphical abstract  

  • Know your audience: While designing graphical abstracts, keep in mind the nature of your audience. Would it be a specialized audience with knowledge about the subject or a general one?  
  • Focus on the key messages: Communicate two or three key findings or results. Avoid presenting too much information, as it can look cluttered and be difficult to interpret. 
  • Use the right tools: It is essential to ensure that the visual elements are relevant to the interest of the readers. To make your graphical abstract impactful and attractive, you can always use tools such as Mind the Graph . With a library of 75,000+ scientific illustrations, 300+ customizable templates, and the availability of multiple formats, Mind the Graph can help researchers and students save time and come up with great graphical abstracts.   
  • File Format: Once created, remember to save the graphical abstract in a high-resolution format (e.g., TIFF, PNG) to ensure optimal quality for publication and make it easier to share online. 
  • Seek feedback: This will help you understand whether the key messages are being clearly communicated and whether the visual elements are appealing and interesting. 

While creating a graphical abstract is often seen as a challenging task, following the steps outlined in this article will enable you to create impactful visuals that can enhance the impact of your research. Given the speed at which digitalization is moving, the need for graphical abstracts will only continue to grow.

Researchers can use the many online tools available to aid them in their efforts to develop their visual communication skills. Do keep in mind, however, that while using the plethora of online tools can help streamline the design process, it is important to ensure the right mix of AI and human creativity to ensure accuracy and originality. 

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How to Create Graphical Abstract

Mastering Graphical Abstracts: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

In the fast-paced world of academic publishing, researchers are constantly seeking ways to make their work stand out. Enter the graphical abstract – a powerful visual tool that can capture the essence of your research at a glance. This article will dive deep into the world of graphical abstract, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how you can create one that truly shines.

What is a Graphical Abstract?

A graphical abstract is a simple, concise, and self-explanatory figure that elucidates the scientific data or the main research findings in a pictorial form. This article explains how to create a graphical abstract with simple steps.

It represents the important findings of a research or review paper in a nutshell, which helps the readers to understand the main take-home message at a single glance.

It allows the reader to grasp their attention, to identify more suitable research articles relevant to their research, and to conduct interdisciplinary research.

Why Graphical Abstract Matter?

In today’s digital age, where information overload is the norm, graphical abstracts have become increasingly important. Here’s why:

  • Increased Visibility: Many journals now feature graphical abstracts on their tables of contents, making your work more likely to catch a reader’s eye.
  • Quick Understanding: Researchers can quickly grasp the main points of your study without reading the entire abstract or paper.
  • Social Media Sharing: Graphical abstracts are perfect for sharing on platforms like Twitter, increasing the reach of your research.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Appeal: Visual representations can make your work more accessible to researchers outside your specific field.
  • Memory Retention: Studies have shown that people remember visual information better than text alone.
“A typical graphical abstract should attract the reader’s attention whether to read your full paper or not. If this is achieved, the purpose of your graphical abstract is fulfilled”.

Crafting the Perfect Graphical Abstract: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers

Steps to create a graphical abstract.

The main purpose of a graphical abstract is to influence the reader’s curiosity, to present the research outcome briefly, and to summarize the findings. The basic steps to create an effective pictorial abstract include:

Steps to create abstract

The first two steps are based on paperwork and the third step requires graphic design software. A logical concept is very important to carry out any research. So, one should decide what is the important message to be delivered through a graphical abstract and to whom it is to be conveyed. Therefore, the picture abstract is defined by the concept and the readers.

The second step is to sketch the appropriate visual elements (chemical structure, biological components, mechanical parts etc.) which portray the research outcome directly and precisely.

Arrange the elements of the sketch in a right sequence either from left to right or top to down to get a meaningful abstract. Ensure that all the elements are connected, and arranged into groups that have something in common.

The final step is to design the sketch using graphic design software (Photoshop) or simple PowerPoint. Ensure that all the elements are illustrated with a uniform art-style, otherwise, it may look bizarre.

Too many results or conclusions will complicate the visual representation of the abstract. One should think from the reader’s point of view and summarize the most important and specific results simply.

Criteria for an ideal graphical abstract:

  • A graphical abstract should be unique, clear, simple, and self-explanatory.
  • It should highlight the novel findings of the research without reproducing the results reported in the published literature.
  • It should be different from the diagrams/figures illustrated in the article itself.
  • It should not include data items, the results should be in a pictorial form. 
  • It should not include true facts, proven science, and existing results.

Different styles of formatting:

Diagram style graphical abstract:.

This type of graphical abstract is widely used in the field of chemistry to represent the chemical reactions, structure, bonding etc. This is considered as an easiest and simple method to explain the technical findings. This style use highly technical language and abbreviations with no background context.

Visual style:

Graphical abstract developed by visual style is more professional than diagram style, and can be made quickly and easily using PowerPoint.  This type of style is frequently used in medical-related journals .

visual style graphical abstract

Infographic style:

This is the advanced style that tends to use both text and graphics in a more visually attractive way. The infographic-based image abstracts are developed using design software, which looks more professional and gains the reader’s attention easily.

infographic style graphical abstract

Comic style:

Comic style of the abstract uses cartoon characters to express the research findings humorously. Therefore, this style helps to cover the maximum number of readers.

Comic style graphical abstract

According to Elsevier, the technical specifications required to prepare a image abstract is listed below:

  • Image size: The image should be 531 X 1328 pixels with a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • File type: TIFF, EPS, PDF
  • Font: Times, Arial, Courier or Symbol with large font size.
  • Any text or label should be part of the image file. The abstract should be one image file.

Creating Your Graphical Abstract: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we understand the importance of graphical abstracts, let’s dive into how to create one that truly stands out.

1. Identify Your Key Message

Before you start designing, ask yourself: “What’s the one thing I want readers to remember about my research?” This central message will be the foundation of your graphical abstract.

2. Sketch Your Initial Ideas

Don’t jump straight to the computer. Start with pen and paper, sketching out different ways to represent your key message visually. This brainstorming phase is crucial for generating creative ideas.

3. Choose Your Visual Elements

Decide which elements will best convey your message. These might include:

  • Illustrations

Remember, less is often more. Aim for clarity over complexity.

4. Consider Color Psychology

Colors can evoke emotions and enhance understanding. Choose a color palette that complements your message. For example:

  • Blue: Trust, stability
  • Green: Growth, nature
  • Red: Energy, urgency
  • Yellow: Optimism, creativity

Be mindful of color-blind readers and ensure your design works in grayscale too.

5. Incorporate Text Strategically

While the focus should be on visuals, some text is often necessary. Keep it brief and impactful. Use easy-to-read fonts and consider hierarchy – make the most important information stand out.

6. Ensure Scalability

Your graphical abstract may be viewed on various devices, from smartphones to large monitors. Design with scalability in mind, ensuring that all elements are clear at different sizes.

7. Use Design Software

While tools like PowerPoint can work in a pinch, professional design software can take your graphical abstract to the next level. Options include:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • BioRender (specifically for scientific illustrations)
  • Inkscape (free, open-source alternative)

8. Get Feedback

Before finalizing your design, share it with colleagues. Fresh eyes can spot areas for improvement and ensure your message is clear to others in your field.

9. Refine and Polish

Based on feedback, refine your design. Pay attention to details like alignment, spacing, and overall composition. A polished look adds credibility to your research.

10. Check Journal Guidelines

Different journals may have specific requirements for graphical abstracts. Always check the submission guidelines and adjust your design accordingly.

Best Practices for Effective Graphical Abstracts

To ensure your graphical abstract truly shines, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Keep It Simple: Avoid cluttering your design with too much information. Focus on the core message.
  • Use Visual Hierarchy: Guide the viewer’s eye through your abstract with size, color, and placement of elements.
  • Be Consistent: Use a consistent style throughout your abstract for a cohesive look.
  • Tell a Story: Structure your abstract to lead the viewer through your research narrative.
  • Make It Stand Alone: Your graphical abstract should be understandable without reference to the main text.
  • Consider Accessibility: Ensure your design is accessible to color-blind individuals and works well in black and white.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Even experienced researchers can fall into these traps when creating graphical abstracts:

  • Overcomplication: Trying to include too much information can make your abstract confusing.
  • Poor Resolution: Using low-quality images or graphics can make your work look unprofessional.
  • Ignoring Branding: If applicable, consider incorporating your institution’s branding guidelines.
  • Copyright Infringement: Always use original artwork or properly licensed images.
  • Neglecting the Target Audience: Keep your intended readers in mind throughout the design process.

The Future of Graphical Abstracts

As scientific communication continues to evolve, so too will graphical abstracts. We’re already seeing trends towards interactive and animated graphical abstracts, particularly in online publications. Staying ahead of these trends can help your research stand out even more.

Crafting an effective graphical abstract is both an art and a science. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating visuals that not only accurately represent your research but also capture the attention of readers in an increasingly crowded scientific landscape. Remember, a well-designed graphical abstract can be the key to getting your work noticed and remembered in the competitive world of academic publishing.

Hope this article helps you to know about the graphical abstract and its types.

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External Authoritative Sources:

  • Nature’s guide to making graphical abstracts: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19180-3
  • Elsevier’s tips for creating effective graphical abstracts: https://www.elsevier.com/authors/journal-authors/graphical-abstract
  • American Chemical Society’s guidelines for graphical abstracts: https://pubs.acs.org/page/4authors/submission/graphics.html
  • A study on the effectiveness of graphical abstracts: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10919399.2017.1288992
  • Research on visual information processing in scientific communication: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1075547020950730
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[…] to submit a graphical abstract. The procedure to create a graphical abstract can be found in HOW TO CREATE GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT […]

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Graphical Abstracts

Visual or graphical abstracts are an accompanying feature of a research article that promotes and highlights a study.  It is typically a single, concise, pictorial, and visual summary of the main findings of the article. It enhances the regular text abstract and encourages others to read the paper. A graphical abstract does not replace the traditional text abstract. Though this guide provides some general guidelines for creating visual abstracts, many publishers have specific requirements for including graphical abstracts. 

  • Best Practices
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The basics of planning out your graphical abstract can be summarized in three steps. 

  • What is your main idea?
  • What is the most important thing people need to know?
  • What information supports this idea?
  • Why is it important?
  • What other information do you need to include?
  • You don't need to be an artist, just plot out where you think things should go in a logical manner. 
  • Look at templates on the internet to get ideas. 
  • Ask others to review your choices for readability and understanding. 
  • Always check the publisher's website for requirements and/or recommendations
  • Use one slide or large graphic to summarize your research
  • Distill key findings or conclusions into as few words, numbers, and graphics as possible
  • It should read from top to bottom or left to right if published in an English language journal
  • Include a link to the paper, perhaps using the DOI
  • Include "FirstAuthor et al." if not listing all authors and the journal and year of publication
  • Include your institutional and/or publisher logo
  • Make sure every image has a purpose
  • Use color with intention, be mindful of accessibility 
  • Use a minimum 531X1328 pixel size with at least 300 dpi
  • Export as PNG, TIFF, JPG or PDF

Tip: Here is a great video tutorial on best practices for making infographics from the ERAU Daytona Beach Digital Studio. Many concepts are the same for graphical abstracts. 

  • Canva Infographics, templates, and more.
  • PowerPoint Microsoft office tool with slide animation options.
  • Piktochart Free infographic maker and templates.
  • Adobe Spark Templates and free libraries, premium content is behind a paywall.
  • Pixabay Free stock images.

image of cdc graphical abstract

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  • Last Updated: Sep 23, 2024 10:25 AM
  • URL: https://guides.erau.edu/noticed

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How to Make a Graphical Abstract for Your Scientific Paper

How to Make a Graphical Abstract for Your Scientific Paper

More and more journals are requiring a graphical abstract when you are submitting your scientific paper. But what is a graphical abstract and how to make a graphical abstract for your scientific paper? In this blog post, multimedia science communicator Dr Gaius Augustus shows you three graphical abstract examples with different graphical abstract designs and answers the most common questions researchers have about graphical abstracts.

Your experiments are finished, your figures created, you’ve even written up a nice manuscript to submit to your target journal. You take a moment to pull up the formatting guidelines from the journal website. Everything seems to be in place – except for that one nagging requirement: a graphical abstract. Let me show you how you can get the most out of your graphical abstract!


A graphical abstract or graphical summary in its pure form is a visual representation of the abstract of a scientific paper. I typically see graphical abstracts in two places: social media and journal websites. While journals usually have some guidelines on the length and format of abstracts, there are often no strict guidelines for graphical abstracts.

There are several schools of thought on what information one should put in a graphical abstract. Some suggest including everything that is part of the written abstract , such as background information, the problem the study is solving, as well as the results, conclusions and implications of the study, and perhaps even the methods that were used. However, graphical abstracts don’t come up in search engines for the scientific literature, such as PubMed or Google Scholar. So, one cannot expect them to take the place of a written abstract. Instead, I tend to think of a graphical abstract as a visualisation that gets across the main idea of your paper.

Instead of including information about experiments you performed or results you obtained, I believe your graphical summary should complement your written abstract. It should give readers a quick overview of how the results fit together into a conceptual or empirical framework, and how that framework impacts your scientific field. Ideally, a graphical abstract provides some background on the research question and gaps in the literature. I recommend you to only mention the methodology if it’s crucial to understand the results. It is best to choose one main graphic that is either the most compelling piece of data or a model that integrates the data into one figure.


There are graphical abstract designs that are most effective for communicating research:

  • Flow diagrams
  • Visual systems models
  • Visual representations of the proposed model (such as a cartoon)

Let’s take this abstract as an example:

Luke Skywalker, a young orphan living with his uncle on Tatooine, is recruited into the Resistance by Obi Wan Kenobi, the last living Jedi master who has been in hiding from the evil Empire on the remote planet. Luke is informed that his father was a powerful Jedi and is given his father’s lightsaber. It is unknown whether Luke is a Jedi too and whether he can harness the power of the Force. Here, we show that Luke Skywalker is a Jedi who can harness the power of the Force. Through providing training by Obi Wan and challenging Luke through simulated and real battle experiences, we found that in the absence of visual senses, Luke was able to predict the path of incoming lasers and to accurately target a missile. Our findings support a model that exposure and motivation can activate the latent Jedi in the presence of training and challenges but can be hampered by temptation and anger. Overall, this study provides a theoretical framework for the development and activation of a latent Jedi, potentially impacting the ability of the Resistance to challenge the Empire.

How does this translate into the different graphical abstract designs? Let’s consider the first of our graphical abstract examples, a flow diagram of the above abstract:

An illustration that demonstrates a flow diagram as a graphical abstract using the example written above about Luke Skywalker.

It uses simple shapes such as squares, arrows, and crosses to describe the process. This graphical abstract is rather text-heavy, but the flow diagram gives a decent indication of the methods used, their results, and the impact of the experimental variable.

Image promoting free scientific writing course that will help with researchers with a graphical abstract

Want the process of writing a scientific paper feel more streamlined (beyond the graphical abstract)? Ready to feel more confident in your writing skills so you can share your work with a broader scientific audience?

You are in the right place. Join me in this free 1-hour long training session and have me walk you through my step-by-step paper writing system. Click the orange button to watch now or register to watch later.

The next one of our graphical abstract examples is a visual systems model . It is based on the idea of “what makes a Jedi” and divides it into the factors that activate (green, arrows) or inhibit (red, “T’s”) becoming a Jedi. Notice how this graphical abstract doesn’t include the exact experiments performed and instead focuses on the big picture:

An illustration that demonstrates a visual systems model of a graphical abstract using the example written above about Luke Skywalker.

On to the last one of our graphical abstract examples, the visual representation. A cartoon model can bring your particular study into the context of the full model:

An illustration that demonstrates a visual representation as a graphical abstract using the example written above about Luke Skywalker.

Here we see visual representations of the specific experiments and variables of our study while using the language of a more general model. This graphical abstract design also allows you to add personality to your graphical summary.

So, now you got three graphical abstract examples: the flow diagram, the visual system model and the visual representation. But these are not the only graphical abstract designs! Your perfect graphical abstract will be dictated by both your field and your imagination. I want to encourage you to think outside of the box. Find ways to visualise your research topic in your graphical summary that are clear and concise, and support the written abstract.


Before you now get started on your graphical abstract, I want to warn you about the five most common mistakes I see around:

  • Being too vague. This applies to all parts of your graphical summary, e.g. what you did, how your results fit into the model, and why your study is impactful
  • Using images flippantly. Every graphic should have a purpose, and a reader should get a general idea of what your scientific article is about from looking at the graphical abstract
  • Using too much or not enough colour. Colour is important as a way of highlighting concepts and flow. It’s useful for organisation as well. But don’t overdo it. Make sure you are using colour with intention in your graphical abstract.
  • Too much text. If your graphical abstract has as much text as your written abstract, it’s probably overcrowded.
  • Not enough white space. White space is the “breathing room” around any piece of text or image, and it’s incredibly important in order for readers to grasp the content of your graphical abstract quickly. Give every element in your graphical summary space and ignore that itch to fill every pixel with something useful.


We now tackled the questions “What is a graphical abstract?”, “How to make a graphical abstract?” and I showed you three graphical abstract examples. But you may have some more questions about making a good graphical abstract design. Here are the answers to questions about graphical abstracts I get all the time:


You can use any program you want to make your graphical abstract. You can draw with ink/marker and take a picture with your phone. You can use a drawing program such as Adobe Photoshop, Canva or the free and open-source tool Krita. You can also use a vector drawing program like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or Affinity Designer. The images for this post were made using Google’s drawing tools inside Google Docs. Just remember: Getting a fancy program is not going to make your graphical abstract look better, especially if you haven’t given yourself enough time to gain some skill at it.


This should be defined by your journal. If they give you too much freedom, ensure that whatever size you choose has a sufficient resolution at print quality (minimum of 300dpi). Make sure the text is legible without having to zoom in extensively. When in thumbnail view, your graphical abstract shouldn’t look too busy. If the journal doesn’t specify, export the image as a TIF or PNG.


If you’re unsure where to start with your graphical summary, you should definitely consider hiring someone to help. There are various artists who can translate your research into a graphical abstract. Just a little tip: Working with someone who has a scientific background may make the process less burdensome.

I hope you got a lot out of these tips! Graphical abstracts are a terrific new frontier that I hope will encourage scientists to think of better ways to visually communicate their research. Good luck!

Screenshot of free academic writing training that assists scientists in creating a graphical abstract

Quick question. Do your writing and publishing goals sound anything like this:

  • Make writing more efficient,
  • Make your papers easier to read,
  • Reduce the time you edit your students’ work?

If you nodded at least once, then this 60-minute class is for you! You can get access immediately or save your seat to watch it later. Just click the button.


Banner with a headshot of Dr Gaius Augustus, a multimedia science communicator.

Gaius J. Augustus is a multimedia communicator. Trained in fine arts and video production, Gaius switched career tracks to pursue a PhD in science. He now works to communicate science to the world with beautiful infographics, illustrations, and animations. Along the way, he shares what he has learned in hopes that he can improve the public opinion of science by making science more visual and engaging. To get in touch, check out his website or reach out via email: [email protected].

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Photography by Alice Dix

graphical abstract in research paper

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A quick guide to preparing graphical abstract for research papers

A Quick Guide to Preparing Graphical Abstract for Research Papers

A quick guide to preparing graphical abstract for research papers

The advent of different social media channels has led to a change in the way research is being communicated. Science is now accessible beyond the traditional modes of communication. This has led to a rise in curiosity about science amongst the general public, which has been evident since the pandemic. Many scientific journals are also opting to present their science in innovative ways in order to attract and retain different categories of audiences and keep up with ongoing trends in research communication. One of the most common trends nowadays is to supplement the regular textual abstract with a graphical abstract for research papers.   

These visual summaries have been shown to increase engagement with the audience and help authors and journals in disseminating information faster. And while there is enough buzz regarding the usage of graphical abstracts for research papers, there is also a lot of confusion regarding what it really entails. If you identify with the confusion, then this article may be able to help you out.   

Table of Contents

What are graphical abstracts?  

In a graphical abstract, you use visual and pictorial information to summarize your research findings. You can use different formats; some graphical abstract examples include flow diagrams, visual system models, and infographics. You can choose a graphical abstract design that represents your findings most accurately depending upon the data that you wish to include.   

A graphical abstract attracts more attention simply because humans are wired to respond positively to any kind of art. However, many researchers/scientists find it difficult to let go of the technical view and let their creative juices flow freely, which makes the task of preparing a graphical abstract quite daunting. If you’re in the same boat, then rest assured, there are several online tools that you can use in order to simplify this task. One such tool is Mind The Graph , which allows you to choose from over 40,000 scientifically accurate illustrations across 80 different scientific fields and create your own customized graphical abstract designs. Researchers can access and use this visualization tool to create infographics in minutes when you sign up free for the Researcher.Life Essentials Pack .  

graphical abstract in research paper

Tips to help you create graphical abstracts for research papers  

Apart from relying on online tools, here are some things to keep in mind while preparing a graphical abstract for research or review paper.  

  • Focus only on the important findings: While a textual abstract may contain a summary of all the findings of your research, your graphical abstract need not do so. In order to make it easier to understand and more visually appealing, you can cover only the top or key highlights of your research. Shortlist what you want to cover, which will also simplify the process of preparing infographics and illustrations you intend to use in your graphical abstract.   
  • Avoid cluttering your work: Keep your graphical abstract design devoid of clutter by reducing the amount of text that goes in the graphical abstract. Allow for spaces and use symbols where possible; for example, replace words such as ‘increase’ or ‘decrease’ with the relevant arrow symbols.   
  • Use color combinations carefully: Pay extra attention while choosing the colors in your graphical abstract design. For example, use opposite/complementary colors such as: black and white, red and green, purple and yellow to highlight the opposing differences in your findings.   
  • Avoid being vague: While displaying information in your graphical abstract, follow a distinct scheme and connect the different elements of the abstract in a clear, concise way that leaves no room for confusion. For this, you can follow a left-to-right, a top-to-bottom, or a circular representation, while presenting a sequence or flow in your graphical abstract.    

We hope the information provided above helps you understand graphical abstracts better . By keeping in mind the tips above, you should be able to improve the process of designing graphical abstracts and develop visually stunning graphical abstracts for research papers.   

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Graphical Abstract in Scientific Research


  • 1 Orthopedics, ACS Medical College and Hospital, Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, IND.
  • 2 Orthopedics, Rathimed Speciality Hospital, Chennai, IND.
  • 3 Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry, University of Salerno, Baronissi, ITA.
  • 4 Orthopadic, Trauma, and Reconstructive Surgery, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) University Medical Centre, Aachen, DEU.
  • 5 School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering, Keele University Faculty of Medicine, Stoke-on-Trent, GBR.
  • 6 Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, Queen Mary University of London, London, GBR.
  • 7 Medicine, Shri Madan Lal Khurana Chest Clinic, New Delhi, IND.
  • PMID: 37872939
  • PMCID: PMC10590498
  • DOI: 10.7759/cureus.45762

A graphical abstract (GA) summarizes the key and important findings of an article graphically, potentially stimulating researchers to view the published manuscript. A GA should enhance dissemination, augment engagement, and impact clinical practice. Infographics play a key role in a quicker understanding of the significant findings of a manuscript. Few level 1 studies reported that GAs enhanced the engagement of readers on social media when compared to plain text abstracts. With the evolution of Industry 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0, GA plays a major role in understanding the technical aspects of various technologies. This article outlines tips to prepare an effective GA and reports the impact of GAs on research and clinical translation.

Keywords: graphical abstract; graphics; research; social media; visual abstract.

Copyright © 2023, Jeyaraman et al.

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The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Figure 1. Triad of graphical abstract

Picture courtesy of Dr. Madhan Jeyaraman

Figure 2. Tips for creating an effective…

Figure 2. Tips for creating an effective graphical abstract

Figure 3. Design principles for a good…

Figure 3. Design principles for a good graphical abstract

Figure 4. Process of creating an effective…

Figure 4. Process of creating an effective graphical abstract

Figure 5. A 'GRAPHIC' model for an…

Figure 5. A 'GRAPHIC' model for an effective graphical abstract

Picture courtesy of Dr. Madhan…

Figure 6. Schematic presentation of a graphical…

Figure 6. Schematic presentation of a graphical abstract

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  • Sep 28, 2021

Best examples of graphical abstracts

New research papers are being published every single day.

In fact, 2.6 million papers are published every year. But let's face it; nobody has the time to read abstract after abstract to dig out what you need from all the papers out there.

So how can we digest a large amount of information in a shorter span of time?

Here's where “ graphical abstracts ” come in to make every researcher’s life easier.

graphical abstract science communication

Wait, what the heck is that?

In a nutshell, a graphical abstract is a visual summary of a written abstract. It’s a rundown of a full story within 65-80 words (ideally) that gives you a good idea of the research gap, questions, findings and conclusions, complete with pictures! It comes to show that pictures speak a thousand words faster than any written summary!

You can also think of them as a kind of movie poster , as a visual preview of what you’re about to watch. Hang them up in the hallway if you really wanted to! It’s a promotional tool! And just like a movie poster, if you’re enticed by the #aesthetic of the graphical abstract then you’re more likely to want to read the whole paper!

Even science itself backs this up.

On top of that, in the modern era of publishing, graphical abstracts are becoming more and more commonplace. Some journals even require them to publish at all. But because of this, so many researchers are tempted to recycle one of their figures as the graphical abstract. Should you do this? NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Some journals may even recommend that you submit a video abstract - now you’ve got a whole movie trailer . But that’s a whole other world , and today GA’s take the spotlight.

So what makes a graphical abstract stand out ? What design elements make them so effective? What about them entices you to read the whole paper ?

In this blog, Juan Miguel Balbin, Science Communicator at Animate Your Science and PhD Candidate at the University of Adelaide, showcases real-world examples of effective graphical abstracts to inspire you to design your very own!

Graphical abstract appraisal

We feel that most people still don’t know what a graphical abstract should look like and a collection of great looking ones is definitely missing. To fix that, we’ve compiled and reverse-engineered five examples of well-designed graphical abstracts and discuss them one-by-one based on:

layout and design elements ( the “skeleton”, like in posters! )

colour scheme

what could be improved?

Let’s step into the gallery!

graphical abstract in research paper

The humble North American porcupine

Produced by: Fuse Consulting

graphical abstract science communication

Layout and design

This landscape graphical abstract is split up into boxes for each category of information - so your eyes can easily process information from left to right. The research gap and question ( in large font! ) is the first thing you read, followed by quantitative data represented by icons , and a neat summary of the findings. Put together, it’s a full story between the humble North American porcupine Erethizon dorsatum and its opposing predator, the fisher Pekania pennanti!

Having them placed on opposite ends makes it almost feel like two oppositions in boxing ring!

graphical abstract science communication

Colour scheme

True to nature, there’s a lot of natural brown and olive colours from the main illustrations and provides a single light shade of green to highlight the primary data. Many of these colours were likely collected from the illustrations of the animals using the Eyedropper tool !

graphical abstract science communication

What could be improved?

Large paragraphs can be little difficult to digest. It would be absolutely perfect if the conclusion could be shortened into dot points or a single unifying sentence .

The link between good aesthetic and ocean health

Produced by: PeerJ journal

graphical abstract science communication

Four different evenly-spaced panels provide a balanced layout that uses lots of negative space (we LOVE negative space), a substantial amount of descriptive text to get the main messages. The minimalist aesthetic is a good aesthetic!

The three key messages are written in larger fonts, while supplementary information is presented in smaller fonts. This ensures the reader can easily follow the story from start to finish without being distracted by the little details!

graphical abstract science communication

Combining illustrations with photos can often result in a jarring and inconsistent feel, but this graphical abstract manages to seamlessly use both to great effect by being consistent with colouring and scale.

True to the theme, coral pinks and ocean blues are the mainstay hues.

science communication graphical abstracts

A large title, possibly worded as a question , would help readers to sooner understand the main objective of the study. There’s many ways to make a title exciting!

Legends tell of a giant salamander

Produced by: Lucy Poley ( @lucygempoley )

science communication graphical abstracts

We preach that any infographic, whether it be a scientific poster or a graphical abstract, should have one large eye-catching image - and that’s exactly what the GIANT salamander does! It’s big, it’s imposing, it’s slimy, and it grabs the reader’s attention!

Using a playful font ( and an equally playful tone of voice in the text - this is how it should be!), the graphical abstract tells a full story from top to bottom, with neatly compartmentalised boxes for descriptive text.

graphical abstract in research paper

The GA consistently uses shades of green which perfectly fit the swamp theme, and a hint of red, dark blue and dark browns work well for contrast.

graphical abstract science communication

A boundary or margin around the text boxes and graphics would help give this graphic some much-needed negative space to give your eyes some rest. Sometimes less is more! And on that note, there’s far too many words (we counted a whopping 195!) for a visual summary - halving this would be fantastic, or if you can, aim for a short and sweet 65-80.

Putting your best foot forward!

Produced by: Taylor and Francis Group

science communication graphical abstract

This cartoon abstract, as the Taylor and Francis Group calls it, is a fantastic example of a comic-style graphical abstract about world-class athletes. Each aspect of the study is contained in a separate comic panel with an accompanying illustration - from the premise, the problem, the solution, the methods all the way to their final conclusions and outcomes. To present the results, they’ve creatively chosen icons of three sections across the foot to show how their data was collected.

What’s especially neat is that they’ve used a thick empty margin to give the graphic some negative space. It’s an easy way to ensure even the busiest of graphics have somewhere your eyes can rest!

science communication graphical abstract

We’ve got a clear contrast between the rugged mountain terrain and the bright accent colours of the athlete uniform. Since there’s so many details, good contrast is important to ensure everything is clearly visible!

science communication graphical abstract

Understandably, scientists love to add every tiny detail about their study on the front page. But the job of a graphical abstract is just to give you a taste - a small but powerful impression, of what’s in the paper. So definitely a chop in word count is in order (it’s already >200 words as it is!). We suggest fewer text boxes be used, and that each description could be rewritten as a dot-point statement with just the key words you need!

The Female James Bond

Produced by: The AYS team together with Dr Katharina Richter ( @DrKatiRichter )

science communication graphical abstract

We used a comic style to personalise the research on the development of antibiotics against drug-resistant bacteria, and we used some classic scenes from popular James Bond films to create an engaging villain/hero narrative.

Everybody loves a good hero story!

Since the illustrations are so large, they can actually slot right into a conference poster , which is exactly what our client did! As a wonderful unintended consequence, she was stopped throughout the conference by people who recognised her as “the female James Bond” so it's a handy way to stand out from the crowd!

science communication graphical abstract

Shades of red become brighter as you go from left to right, matching the progression of the story from evil (bacteria) to good (scientist)! There’s definitely some mood building going on here!

science communication graphical abstract

Looking back, perhaps we could’ve illustrated each bacterium in the second panel with a different facial expression. After all, it’s the odd ones out that end up being resistant to antibiotics - just to drive that point straight home!

Take-home messages for your own GA

Have one, big, imposing, in-your-face, or thought-provoking image.

Everything’s in moderation - including the word count. Go for 65-80 words if you can!

Choose a layout that’s easy to follow the flow of information to convey your story.

We hope this post convinced you to create a graphical abstract for your next paper. If you are up for the challenge of designing your own, we’ve got more to say about the wonderful world of graphical abstracts ! It is packed with useful advice!

Strapped for time?

We completely get it, and that’s why we offer our professional design services to busy researchers like yourselves! Have a look at the graphical abstracts we’ve had the joy of designing for our clients and see if we have an aesthetic that works for you!

Though If you’d like some help or don’t have the time to get to the drawing board get in touch with us !

Dr Juan Miguel Balbin

Dr Tullio Rossi

#SciComm #GraphicalAbstract

science communication graphical abstracts

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graphical abstract in research paper

Attract readers attention with effective graphical abstracts

Create a powerful graphical abstract in minutes and give readers an immediate understanding of your scientific paper.

How to create your Graphical Abstract in 3 steps

We built Mind the Graph for simplicity

1. Select a template

Select from 300+ ready-to-use templates.

2. Customize any element

Easily select and manage illustrations, text, shapes, colors, and all other elements on your template. You can access the entire gallery and even request specific illustrations for your research.

3. Download and Share

You can download your creations as PNG, TIFF, and PDF files, in lower or higher quality for submitting different versions of your graphical abstracts to various journals and publications.


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    This should be defined by your journal. If they give you too much freedom, ensure that whatever size you choose has a sufficient resolution at print quality (minimum of 300dpi). Make sure the text is legible without having to zoom in extensively. When in thumbnail view, your graphical abstract shouldn't look too busy.

  19. A Quick Guide to Preparing Graphical Abstract for Research Papers

    Avoid cluttering your work: Keep your graphical abstract design devoid of clutter by reducing the amount of text that goes in the graphical abstract. Allow for spaces and use symbols where possible; for example, replace words such as 'increase' or 'decrease' with the relevant arrow symbols. Use color combinations carefully: Pay extra ...

  20. Graphical Abstract in Scientific Research

    Abstract. A graphical abstract (GA) summarizes the key and important findings of an article graphically, potentially stimulating researchers to view the published manuscript. A GA should enhance dissemination, augment engagement, and impact clinical practice. Infographics play a key role in a quicker understanding of the significant findings of ...

  21. Best examples of graphical abstracts

    Layout and design. This cartoon abstract, as the Taylor and Francis Group calls it, is a fantastic example of a comic-style graphical abstract about world-class athletes. Each aspect of the study is contained in a separate comic panel with an accompanying illustration - from the premise, the problem, the solution, the methods all the way to ...

  22. PDF Cell Press Graphical Abstract Guidelines

    The graphical abstract is one single‐panel image that is designed to give readers an immediate understanding of the take‐home message of the paper. Its intent is to encourage browsing, promote interdisciplinary scholarship, and help readers quickly identify which papers are ... most relevant to their research interests. ...

  23. Graphical Abstract Maker: Create with Mind the Graph

    A free infographic maker & creator for medical doctors and scientists. Exclusive scientific illustrations, graphs and infographics for your papers, classes and graphical abstracts.

  24. Free Graphical Abstract Maker

    Graphical Abstracts, Research Posters and Scientific Illustrations Visualized In Minutes. Easiest and fastest way to create, share and present research findings effectively. Tidbit helps academic institutions maximize research impact and saves researchers weeks of time, effort and cost savings. Create For Free. Already signed up?

  25. Lead-lag effect of research between conference papers and journal

    The lead-lag effect of research refers to the lead and lag caused by similarities and differences in research topics or the number of papers published across different resources. Typically, top conference papers in data mining may present more cutting-edge and experimental research topics due to their faster publication cycle and the nature ...

  26. Common and divergent pathways in early stages of glutamate and tau

    Research paper. Common and divergent pathways in early stages of glutamate and tau-mediated toxicities in neurodegeneration. Author links open overlay panel Anjalika Chongtham a b c 1, Abhijeet Sharma a b c 1, ... Graphics Abstract Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 , and L. Pellerin. 2003. 'Glial glutamate transporters mediate a functional ...