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Best Universities for Economics in Europe

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Europe ranked based on their research performance in Economics. A graph of 60.9M citations received by 3.12M academic papers made by 1,366 universities in Europe was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Oxford

For Economics

University of Oxford logo

2. University College London

University College London logo

3. London School of Economics and Political Science

London School of Economics and Political Science logo

4. University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge logo

5. University of Manchester

University of Manchester logo

6. University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam logo

7. Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven logo

8. Imperial College London

Imperial College London logo

9. Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam logo

10. King's College London

King's College London logo

11. University of Warwick

University of Warwick logo

12. University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh logo

13. University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham logo

14. University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield logo

15. University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen logo

16. University of Bristol

University of Bristol logo

17. University of Leeds

University of Leeds logo

18. University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham logo

19. University of Southampton

University of Southampton logo

20. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

21. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich logo

22. University of Sussex

University of Sussex logo

23. University of Groningen

University of Groningen logo

24. Tilburg University

Tilburg University logo

25. University of York

University of York logo

26. Lund University

Lund University logo

27. Aarhus University

Aarhus University logo

28. University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow logo

29. Maastricht University

Maastricht University logo

30. University of London

University of London logo

31. University of Oslo

University of Oslo logo

32. University of Zurich

University of Zurich logo

33. Stockholm University

Stockholm University logo

34. Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology logo

35. Newcastle University

Newcastle University logo

36. Uppsala University

Uppsala University logo

37. Lancaster University

Lancaster University logo

38. Cardiff University

Cardiff University logo

39. University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool logo

40. Free University Amsterdam

Free University Amsterdam logo

41. Wageningen University

Wageningen University logo

42. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

43. University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki logo

44. University of Bologna

University of Bologna logo

45. Durham University

Durham University logo

46. Ghent University

Ghent University logo

47. University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg logo

48. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

49. University of Exeter

University of Exeter logo

50. Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome logo

51. University of East Anglia

University of East Anglia logo

52. University of Reading

University of Reading logo

53. Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London logo

54. University of Vienna

University of Vienna logo

55. University of Strathclyde

University of Strathclyde logo

56. University of Essex

University of Essex logo

57. University College Dublin

University College Dublin logo

58. University of Leicester

University of Leicester logo

59. Pierre and Marie Curie University

Pierre and Marie Curie University logo

60. Catholic University of Louvain

Catholic University of Louvain logo

61. Bocconi University

Bocconi University logo

62. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main

Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main logo

63. University of Hamburg

University of Hamburg logo

64. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology logo

65. University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon logo

66. University of Bonn

University of Bonn logo

67. University of Padua

University of Padua logo

68. Karolinska Institute

Karolinska Institute logo

69. University of Bath

University of Bath logo

70. London Business School

London Business School logo

71. Autonomous University of Barcelona

Autonomous University of Barcelona logo

72. Loughborough University

Loughborough University logo

73. Heidelberg University - Germany

Heidelberg University - Germany logo

74. University of Munich

University of Munich logo

75. Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne logo

76. University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen logo

77. Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich logo

78. Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School logo

79. University of Twente

University of Twente logo

80. Polytechnic University of Milan

Polytechnic University of Milan logo

81. Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin

Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin logo

82. University of Antwerp

University of Antwerp logo

83. City, University of London

City, University of London logo

84. University of Geneva

University of Geneva logo

85. KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology logo

86. Free University of Brussels

Free University of Brussels logo

87. National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics logo

88. University of St. Gallen

University of St. Gallen logo

89. Linkoping University

Linkoping University logo

90. University of Surrey

University of Surrey logo

91. Brunel University London

Brunel University London logo

92. Pompeu Fabra University

Pompeu Fabra University logo

93. Free University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin logo

94. University of Barcelona

University of Barcelona logo

95. University of Milan

University of Milan logo

96. Queen's University Belfast

Queen's University Belfast logo

97. University of Kent

University of Kent logo

98. Humboldt University of Berlin

Humboldt University of Berlin logo

99. Umea University

Umea University logo

100. Stockholm School of Economics

Stockholm School of Economics logo

Economics subfields in Europe

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Home > Academics > PhD Programmes > Doctorate in Economics

Doctorate in Economics

Three-Year PhD Programme

Programme in English


The PhD in Economics at Sciences Po, supported by the Department of Economic s, is now one of the very best European programs, as reflected by the recent recruitment of our students by top universities  (UCLA, ENS Paris, HEC Paris, Carlos III).

This programme is designed to provide world-class theoretical and practical training in economics. It rains highly qualified economists for academic careers, and for careers that require the highest quality of doctoral training:  international irganisations, think tanks, research organisations, public ministries, banks, insurers , etc.

The PhD program in economics trains top economists who seek to pursue university and academic careers in France or abroad, as well as careers requiring high-level doctoral training: in international organizations, think tanks, research institutions, government agencies, banks, and insurance companies.   

Students seeking to pursue an international academic career are supported throughout the job market process. Many oral and written communication skills trainings are offered and members of the department of economics help prepare students for interviews and seminars.  

Integration with the Economics Department

Students are affiliated with the  Department of Economics , which provides them with a workspace and the best environment for drafting their dissertation. A professor from the Department of Economics serves as a primary supervisor to help guide their research. Their dissertation committee includes two additional professors. 

Through the program’s seminars, doctoral workshops and research events, doctoral students fully participate in the Department of Economics’ activities. PhD students are in constant contact with the many invited professors. A very small number of applicants are admitted, allowing for greater attention and guidance for each student: an individualisation of each student’s path for the success of all.    

Structure of the program

The doctoral program in economics should ideally be completed in three years.

Candidates who do not yet hold a Masters degree must apply for the Masters in Economics.  Those who select this option will receive a “Masters in Economics” from Sciences Po at the end of their second year and will be able to apply to the PhD program.

Candidates who already hold a Masters degree in economics from Sciences Po or another world-class university may directly apply to the PhD program.

The 3 doctoral years:

During the three years devoted to the dissertation, PhD students are hosted by the Department of Economics and can pursue  study abroad at partner international universities such as Princeton University, the University of Chicago and the London School of Economics.

The department organizes an internal seminar at which students are invited to make presentations. They may also attend the department’s various other seminars.

See the "Admission to a PhD" page

All students admitted at the PhD level will receive funding. The salary is competitive compared to international standards.

Additional funding is available for exceptional students in economics, history and macroeconomics thanks to the Marie Curie Initial Training Network MACROHIST.

See the "Funding" page

Teaching Staff

The core of the teaching staff are professors of the Department of economics . Some invited professors also participate.

  • Pierre-Philippe Combes Head of studies in Economics, CNRS Professor, Department of Economics Sciences Po
  • Hadjila Nezlioui-Serraz Administrative Officer Tél : +33 (0)1 45 49 72 35

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Phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 50 50 | +33 (0)1 42 22 31 26


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Doctoral Programme in Economics

Following the tradition of the national doctoral programme in economics launched in 1990, DPE promotes doctoral education by providing a deepening structure of courses in core areas of economics. 

The Programme's fresh doctors are well placed in international academic institutions, central banks, research institutes, government organizations, and in private sector.

Want to know more? Visit our profile & activities page to learn more about the key research areas and activities in the programme.

More about our PhD Program and our Research Associates Program

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The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community. The program develops the students’ talents in a unique combination of a high-level, academic research environment together with applied, policy-oriented research opportunities. Students receive state-of-the-art coursework training and can select from a wide array of specializations. For each specialization, a professional research environment is provided by Berlin’s universities and economic research institutes.

How to apply

Course catalog

Program structure and curriculum

All PhD tracks offered in the PhD Program share the same structure and general curriculum. The program’s curriculum is divided into a qualification and a dissertation phase:

Qualification Phase

During the qualification phase (about three semesters), students acquire methodological and research-oriented training in mandatory course work in economic theory, applied economics, business studies, econometrics, and economic policy. Students define their research area and find supervisory support from two supervisors. They write research proposals that are discussed with faculty members individually and in seminars in order to provide early feedback on the scientific potential of research ideas. This is a central part of the PhD Program, in which the students have full flexibility in the choice of their research topics and of the supervisors. During this phase, students are funded through stipends that allow for this flexibility. In total, students have to complete a  minimum of 90 ECTS credits  in order to finish the qualification phase of the program.

Dissertation Phase

During the subsequent dissertation phase (about three years), students write a doctoral thesis while having the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the professional research environment that is provided at the Berlin universities and research institutes participating in the Berlin School of Economics. In this phase, students are typically employed at their supervisor’s chair or in research groups at research institutes.

The PhD will be awarded by one of the institutions in the Berlin School of Economics with the right to award doctoral degrees. In most cases, the PhD is awarded by the institution the student’s first supervisor is affiliated with.

The following chart gives an overview of the general structure of the PhD Program:

Application to one of the four PhD tracks

(semesters 1 - 3)

(semesters 4 - 10)
Hand-in and defense of the thesis

best economics phd europe

Researchers Guide

This guide includes academic advices from the researchers of the Berlin School of Economics.

Special thanks to the INSIGHTS Team, researchers of Berlin School of Economics, Agne Kajackaite, Aleks Zaklan, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Ally Xin Lin, Annekatrin Schrenker, C. Katharina Spieß, Christian Basteck, Ciril Bosch-Rosa, Dorothea Kübler, Francis de Véricourt, Georg Weizsäcker, Gyula Seres, Hande Erkut, Hannes Ullrich, Jana Hamdan, Levent Neyse, Lisa Bruttel, Lutz Weinke, Mira Fischer, Müge Süer, Nikolaus Wolf, Peter Haan, Robert Stüber, Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch, Simone Maxand, Vincent Meisner, and Pablo Brañas-Garza.

You can download the web version

or print the printable version

Also note the compiled information on our website about support and resources, for example Mental Health.

Qualification phase
(year 1 & 2)
45 ECTS in total
45 ECTS in total
Dissertation phase
(year 3 - 5)
Hand-in and defense of the thesis, placement


Faculty of management, economics and social sciences cologne graduate school in management, economics and social sciences, phd programme in economics.

Student Service Center of the University of Cologne (Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences), a building featuring modern architecture with students sitting and cycling outside.

The Cologne Graduate School (CGS) in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences offers a doctoral (PhD) programme with an integrated M.Sc. Economic Research. It consists of two stages:

  • The first stage of the programme is the two-years M.Sc. Economic Research. It prepares students for high-level research in economics. It is fully taught in English.
  • In the second stage, PhD students work on research projects for their dissertation and interact with other PhD students and faculty members in workshops, seminars, and summer schools.

The PhD Programme in Economics offers education, funding and supervision for research in all major fields of economics and related fields in management. It is a challenging and rigorous full-time programme in a friendly, supportive environment dedicated to excellence in teaching and research. Taking part in the graduate programme prepares students for academic positions at universities and institutions around the world as well as for top-level positions in internationally-orientated companies.

Applications for the graduated program can be either for the first stage (bachelor students) or for the second stage (master students). We invite applications of outstanding students who are close to finishing a bachelor's or master's degree in economics or a related discipline who count among the top 10% of graduates in their study programme.

Students with a bachelor's degree will enter the integrated graduate programme in the first stage via the M.Sc. Economic Research and can transfer to the second PhD stage after successful graduation of the M.Sc. Economic Research.

Students already holding a research-oriented master degree can directly enter the second stage. Students with a related master's degree without an explicit research focus (e.g. in economics, econometrics, finance, business administration, or math) attend one year of course-work before entering the second stage.

People walking in a hilly landscape in the Beethoven-Park near  the WiSo-Faculty, the sun shines with strong backlight through a treetop.

We offer funding and facilities for students at all levels. Specifically, grants are available for accepted students holding a master degree and for highly qualified applicants with a bachelor´s degree. Students who successfully passed the course-work and are admitted to the second stage can receive funding through CGS scholarships, positions financed through the excellence cluster ECONtribute or doctoral positions at the departments and chairs of the Faculty.

These doctoral students are also equipped with a workspace and computer devices at the beginning of second stage. Shared rooms with computer devices are also available for students in the first stage. Student housing is available for national and international bachelor and master students moving to Cologne. For more information regarding housing please consult the webpages of the Kölner Studierendenwerk .

The PhD programme in Economics is part of the Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS). It closely cooperates with the following research centers at the University of Cologne and Key Research Initiatives of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences:

Logo of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy

Cluster of Excellence “ECONtribute: Markets and Public Policy”: The Cluster brings together outstanding researchers from economics and neighboring disciplines – management, psychology, political science and law – from the Universities of Cologne and Bonn, the Behavior and Inequality Research Institute (briq) and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, with the goal of establishing a leading international research center on markets & public policy.

Logo des C-SEB

Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB): The Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB) at the University of Cologne brings together Cologne-based researchers and international colleagues from economics, management science, and psychology who investigate the fundamental principles and behavioral mechanisms that affect social and economic behavior.

Pictogram: A person grabs a data socket on the head with one finger

Behavioural Management Science (BMS): The WiSo Key Research Initiative Behavioural Management Science (BMS) brings together researchers that apply methods of behavioural economics and applied microeconometrics to advance our understanding of how management practices influence the behaviour of people in organisations and affect organisational performance.

Be part of the Cologne experience!

PhD Program

The doctoral programme lasts in average 3 years during which students write their thesis within one of PSE laboratories. This programme is organized within the École Doctorale d’Économie ( ED465 ) that gathers research teams in Economics and related fields (applied math, statistics, sociology) of the University Paris 1, EHESS, ENS and ENPC. While preparing their thesis, PhD students receive training in the writing of academic articles in the fields of expertise of PSE’s faculty and are required to participate in both PSE’s regular research seminars and external conferences.

A number of PSE PhD alumni have been awarded prizes for their work, showing the high academic standards and the encouraging environment of this programme.

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This programme is co-funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0001

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Our PhD programme where PhD candidates are encouraged to do pioneering and innovative research under the personal supervision of internationally acclaimed top researchers. Our PhD candidates are employees of the school who receive a competitive salary and have access to all the benefits of working at a top-class university.

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Master's Degree in Economics and Finance: PhD Track Program

best economics phd europe

Applications for the 2024-2025 edition are now closed

Please contact our Admissions Team if you have any questions.

Program Director


Davide Debortoli

PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra


See all faculty below

The PhD track of the Master's Degree in Economics and Finance is the first year of the PhD program at Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Launched in 1993 and currently organized jointly by the UPF Department of Economics and Business and BSE, the  UPF PhD Program  attracts students of exceptional talent and provides a strong foundation, a stimulating environment, and worldwide placement in the most prestigious institutions, research centers, and universities. 

The PhD Track Program is Year 1 of the UPF PhD. Upon completion of the PhD Track Program, graduates are awarded the BSE Master's Degree in Economics and Finance and proceed to Year 2 of the PhD (detailed in the schedule below).

Study with accomplished research faculty

Courses in the PhD Track Program are designed and taught by  BSE Affiliated Professors  at the UPF Department of Economics and Business and the Center for Research on International Economics (CREI) , two of Europe's top research groups.

Among them are recipients of ERC Grants and other competitive international funding, authors of publications in top journals, and fellows of the Econometric Society and NBER, to name just a few of their accomplishments. They will be your teachers, your mentors, your thesis supervisors, and down the road, your colleagues.

Additional entry requirements for this program

Because this is a PhD-track program, applicants must: 

  • Submit a GRE score to be considered for admission. (GRE is not required to apply to other BSE Master's programs.)
  • Complete 4 years of university study before starting this program.

Program schedule: 

Upf phd program structure.

  • Year 1: Compulsory core courses in Econometrics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (BSE PhD Track Program)
  • Year 2: Coursework that prepares students to conduct research (UPF Master of Research - MRes)
  • Years 3-5: Research and PhD dissertation This stage typically lasts 4 years, but shorter and longer intervals are not uncommon.

Year 1: BSE PhD Track Program (Master's Degree in Economics and Finance)


The course offer displayed is for next year's edition. Course offer is subject to change.

Course list for current students

Master project

The master project is a required component of all BSE Master's programs. Working individually or in groups, students use the tools and knowledge they've acquired during the entire year to explore a topic of their choice. A professor supervises throughout the project.

Examples of master projects from previous cohorts:

Topics Related to Economics and Mental Health

Estimating causal effects in the absence of treatment observability, migration shocks and occupational downgrading: evidence from venezuelan migrants in chile, import price inflation following the 2021 suez canal blockage: (for)ever given or transitory.

After successful completion of Year 1, students are awarded the Master's Degree in Economics and Finance by BSE and Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Year 2: UPF Master of Research in Economics, Finance and Management (MRes)


A variety of specialized elective courses taught by faculty of the UPF Department of Economics and Business and CREI will present students with cutting-edge research, help them find topics for their own research, and put them in contact with potential thesis directors.

Visit the UPF Department of Economics and Business to see a list of MRes courses

The department's broad workshops and seminar series complement the coursework with exposure to the latest research presented by renowned speakers from the best institutions around the world.

Upon successful completion of Year 2, students are awarded the Master of Research in Economics, Finance and Management (MRes) by Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Years 3-5: UPF PhD in Economics, Finance, and Management


Students conduct research under the guidance of the faculty of the UPF Department of Economics and Business and CREI. This stage typically lasts four years, but shorter and longer intervals are not uncommon.

After successful defense of the thesis, students are awarded the PhD in Economics, Finance and Management by Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Degrees awarded

Both the BSE Master's Degree and the UPF Master of Research have been recognized by the Catalan and Spanish Education authorities within the framework of the Bologna Process (in Spanish, “Master Universitario o Master Oficial”).

The UPF PhD has been recognized by the Catalan and Spanish Education authorities (in Spanish, “Programa Oficial de Doctorado”).

Quality indicators for the BSE Master's Degree

UPF PhD Faculty

The teaching faculty for Year 1 are listed below. A full list of UPF Department of Economics and Business faculty members for all 5 years of the PhD program is available on the department website.

View a list of faculty for all 5 years of the PhD


Geert Mesters

PhD, VU University Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute



Elisa Giannone

PhD, University of Chicago



Jaume Ventura

PhD, Harvard University



Larbi Alaoui

PhD, University of Pennsylvania


Christian Brownlees

PhD, University of Florence

Portrait of Isaac Baley

Isaac Baley

PhD, New York University


Edouard Schaal

PhD, Princeton University



Antonio Penta



Katerina Petrova

PhD, Queen Mary University London

UPF and BSE - on leave


Jordi Galí

PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Priit Jeenas


Alexander Frug

PhD, Tel Aviv University

PhD Track Student Profile 2023-24

21 students from 10 countries (90% international)

Most represented countries this year: 

  • Spain and India (2 students each)

Most common undergraduate backgrounds:

  • Economics and Finance


Build your career and your network

In addition to a track record of strong placements, both the BSE Master's program and the UPF PhD program offer access to a close-knit community of colleagues, mentors, and friends for life.

UPF PhD placement examples

Past graduates of the UPF PhD program have obtained tenure-track positions in:

United States Chicago, Duke, NYU, Stanford, UC San Diego

Europe Bocconi, Bonn, Carlos III, Cemfi, ESADE, IESE, IIES-Stockholm University, LSE, Mannheim, Nova de Lisboa, Oxford, Tilburg, UCL, Warwick, Zurich

Latin America ESPOL, ITAM, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad de Los Andes

Asia Singapore Management University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Zhejiang University

Some UPF PhD graduates choose employment with organizations and companies such as:

Central Banks Banca d’Italia, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Board, Bank of Canada, Deutsche Bundesbank, European Central Bank, etc.

International Organizations International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank

Economic Consulting Firms NERA, Deloitte, JP Morgan

See all UPF PhD placements by year (UPF website)

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Welcome on EDP website 

The European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics

A long-running  network of six of the top Economics Departments  in Europe allowing for the exchange of their PhD students for a period between three months and one year.  

This is  an exchange programme for PhD students  who are  already enrolled in one of the partner institutions. Its aim is to allow PhD students to benefit from these institutions’ strengths in the various research areas of economics. PhD degrees are awarded by the applicant’s home institution. In addition, the network provides a certificate stating that the degree is awarded under the European Doctoral Program. 

EDP students are required to spend at least three months abroad in an EDP institution different from that in which they are registered. EDP exchanges typically do not come with any fee requirement from the host institution, and students may be able to access the host institutions’ student housing. However, the host institutions do not provide any funding for the visit (these exchanges are typically funded by programs in the student’s home institution or by applications for research funding). 

The spirit of the program is to  encourage the European mobility of PhD students  and by doing so help them to produce better research. Students will be provided with office space in the host institution, have access to all seminars and workshops, and will have a named local researcher as their contact in the host institution. EDP students are also encouraged to take an active role in local research activities, including seminar presentations and joint research projects. Last, all EDP students will take part in the annual EDP Jamboree, a two-day workshop with other EDP exchange students that takes place annually in one of the EDP Member Institutions, and present at least once. 

Member institutions

Université catholique de Louvain – Economics School of Louvain (Belgium)  

Paris School of Economics (France)  

University of Bonn – Bonn Graduate School of Economics (Germany)  

European University Institute, Florence – Economics Department (Italy)  

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona – Department of Economics and Business (Spain)  

Exchange partner :   

Tel Aviv University – The Eitan Berglas School of Economics (Israel)  

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  • Study in Europe /

PhD in Economics in Europe


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 4, 2024

phd in economics in europe

Are you considering pursuing a PhD in Economics in Europe? Then you’re in the right place! Europe is home to some of the world’s most prestigious universities that offer doctoral programs in economics. The Doctoral Programme in Economics (DPE) at the University of Helsinki is one such program that promotes doctoral education in economics by providing courses and seminars based on a program launched in 1990. Similarly, there are many such universities across the continent offering doctoral programs in Economics at affordable fees. Read on to know more about pursuing an Doctorate in Economics in Europe!

This Blog Includes:

Phd in economics in europe: overview, phd in economics: the course, why choose europe for phd, top universities for phd in economics in europe, phd within the framework of the european higher education area, cost of phd in economics in europe, careers and scope.

A PhD , also known as a Doctor of Philosophy degree, is a doctorate awarded by a university to an academic who has completed all required qualifications and is now considered a doctor in his or her academic field. Those who study economics first learn the distinctions between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is concerned with the behaviour and interactions of individual markets, such as households and firms. On the other hand, macroeconomics is focused on the state of the economy as a whole. Over 4,000 higher education institutions are located in Europe, ranging from world-class research organizations to small, teaching-focused universities. Europe, which expands from the Arctic Circle to the African coast, is not unlike other continents.

  • A PhD in Economics typically includes coursework in both macroeconomics and microeconomics. However, if you want to teach or conduct formal research in economic subjects, this is a useful degree. Once the proposal is approved and the oral exam is passed, the final years of enrollment are devoted to dissertation research, writing, and defence.
  • The major opportunity in the field of Economics is that it is primarily involved in research. A PhD degree should be pursued only if a person has a strong interest in research-oriented work. PhDs are typically pursued by individuals involved in the academic field. This may lead to a better understanding of the specific field or subject.
  • After completing the PhD in Economics course, students will be able to understand a wide range of theoretical debates in economics and business, analyse economic problems, and evaluate the implications for economic policy and business planning and strategy.
  • Most economist jobs require a master’s degree or a PhD in Economics. For advancement to higher-level positions, an advanced degree is sometimes required.

Also Read: Find the Best PhD in Europe to Study

Europe is a popular destination for postgraduate study. There are numerous reasons why people choose to pursue their master’s or PhD programme in Europe, not the least of which is Europe’s excellent reputation in terms of high educational standards, as well as the general way of life, vast amounts of choices and options, and cultural diversity. Here are some of the main reasons why you should pursue your PhD in Economics in Europe:

  • Great Experience

Many students choose to pursue a postgraduate degree in Europe because of the overall experience it can provide. The ability to get cheap trains and flights to visit a variety of countries within Europe during a free weekend or the Christmas or Easter holidays is one of the benefits. If you live and study at a university in Europe, the rest of the continent is right on your doorstep, waiting to be explored.

  • Quality of Education

Europe’s university quality is extremely high, with some of the world’s top-ranked institutions such as University College London, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. These universities, along with many others in Europe, are all held in high regard around the world and demonstrate Europe’s ability to provide an exceptional standard of teaching for postgraduate students.

  • Budget Friendly

Pursuing a master’s degree or PhD programme in Europe can also be financially advantageous because tuition fees can be much lower than those in other countries such as America. Postgraduate course fees in Europe typically range from €5,000 (INR 4,10 Lakh) to €25,000 (INR 20.5 Lakh), depending on the university’s status and the course topic. Most postgraduate courses for international students cost €15,000 (INR 12.3 Lakh), which is significantly less than those in the United States.

  • Possibilities for employment

Studying in a European city is advantageous for your future career because their student populations are large and diverse. This gives the postgraduate student a broader life experience while also providing excellent networking opportunities. Potential employers are well aware of the high quality of higher education institutions in Europe, which can undoubtedly help you along your chosen career path. Your chosen European university is likely to impress potential employers, which can help you advance your career.

According to the most recent international rankings, the following are the best economics schools for PhD in Economics in Europe:

  • London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), UK
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • University College London (UCL), UK
  • Bocconi University, Italy
  • University of Warwick, UK
  • Tilburg University, Netherlands
  • University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • London Business School, UK
  • ETH Zurich, Switzerland

EHEA is a network of 48 countries that use the same university degree system. It consists of all 28 EU members (including the United Kingdom) as well as other countries from Europe and Eurasia.

The Bologna Process, which was signed in 1999 at the University of Bologna (Europe’s oldest university), is followed by all EHEA members. This divides academic degrees into three categories:

  • Bachelor’s degrees are first-cycle degrees that typically take 3 years to complete. 
  • Master’s degrees are second-cycle degrees that typically last 2 years.
  • Doctorates (such as PhDs) are third-cycle degrees that typically take three to four years to complete.

Academic degrees obtained in one EHEA country are automatically recognised in others. This makes studying abroad in different parts of Europe or working in another European country with your doctorate much easier.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, a PhD in Economics in Europe costs an average of $19,314 (INR 15.9 Lakh) per year. This amount represents the average graduate tuition charged by both public and private institutions between the years 2018 and 2019. Tuition fees vary by school, and private universities are frequently more expensive than public universities.

Also Read: PhD in Germany

A PhD in Economics in Europe will provide you with career stability and financial security. Career opportunities in economics are excellent, as employment in these fields is expected to grow faster than the national average. Continue reading for a list of some of the best PhD in Economics jobs for graduates, as well as an overview of their annual salaries. According to PayScale, the average salary for someone with a PhD in Economics is $110,000 (INR 90.66 Lakh) per year. This value varies depending on your career path, the company you work for, and even the industry in which you work.

A PhD in Economics in Europe is well worth the investment. Obtaining a PhD in economics is an excellent way to gain valuable skills for the econ job market, improve your overall communication, and ensure financial security and stability throughout your career.

Economics PhD graduates have the option of conducting research and teaching in prestigious institutions, prestigious government positions, or ongoing work at some of the highest-paying private institutions.

Relevant Reads:

Many universities depend on outside funding to establish PhD positions. External funding is frequently provided in the form of research grants for specific research projects. The European Commission and national scientific research councils are two common funding sources.

In general, a PhD in Europe takes at least four years to complete, though there are three- and five-year programmes, as well as part-time options.

In Europe, the average monthly minimum salary for a PhD student is €2,600. It is important to note that this figure includes all disciplines, not just science and engineering.

Consider an economics PhD if you want to work in research, are good at math (i.e., quant GRE score above 165), and have a demonstrated interest in economics research.

To help you shortlist colleges/universities in Europe or any other country, please contact Leverage Edu . You can also call us at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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Vidisha Dewan

Graduated with English as a major, I’m a writing enthusiast. Writing helps me blend my passion and profession to achieve creative satisfaction. I am an opinionated person, but always open to change. Try to keep my work surroundings creative and fun, with a space for constructive feedback.

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Social Sciences Research Programme

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Phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

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Taltech’s school of business and governance offers an excellent phd programme called business, economics and governance, business research programme.

Business Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

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Doctoral Programme in Economics

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As a research-strong department, we offer focused supervision on your Ph.D., providing the support to explore your ideas and develop your intellectual autonomy. Our researchers work together, and with faculty, generating strong networks and connections that last throughout their time at the EUI and into their future career. 

Yet our academic community is bigger than our faculty and our researchers – we welcome a huge number of world famous scholars to our Department each year. These visitors present and discuss their work, allowing you to build your knowledge and develop your ideas further. You can interact with these experts on an unprecedented level.

Meet the EUI ECO faculty and check their research fields.

The EUI is committed to providing equitable and inclusive conditions for all candidates and is keen to attract, encourage and retain a diverse and highly qualified community of scholars.

Candidates with disabilities or specific educational needs are encouraged to register their needs with the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies (Email: [email protected] ) for the coordination of reasonable adjustments at the stage of application, selection, and admission to the programme.

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  • January 2022
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  • EUI, Ph.D. Programme, Department of Economics (Presentation-Slides)
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best economics phd europe

Counting the Pennies

10 most affordable countries in europe to do your economics phd.

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Are you interested in doing a PhD in economics but worried about the cost? It's a real concern for many, and can dramatically affect your decision-making process. If you live in the United Kingdom, you could end up with around fifty thousand pounds worth of debt at the end of your three years. In the United States, you could have even more. The stress of having this weigh over you - not only while you're studying, but also afterwards while you search for a job and during your first years in employment, can be massive. 

Fortunately, the UK and the US aren't the only two places in the world with colleges and universities great for studying economics. Particularly in many European countries, higher education hasn't yet been turned into a corporate business to the same extent, meaning not only can you find cheap PhD programs - some are completely free. But paying less (or even nothing) doesn't translate into a lesser experience. On the contrary, many of the countries on this list can make legitimate claims to housing some of the most prestigious higher learning institutions in the world.

Studying abroad has other advantages during your years to complete the program, too. These include learning a new language, getting to know a new culture, meeting people you wouldn't normally, and more generally forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. These things can be somewhat scary, but are often incredibly rewarding. 

So without trying to convince you any further to move to another country, read on for our list of the top ten places to look for an affordable PhD in Europe (in no particular order). If you plan to start your PhD application soon, download our free guide " How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics ".

Germany's positive academic reputation is known worldwide, and the country has a rich, impressive higher education system. Most universities in Germany have very low or no tuition fees, and there are large numbers of government grants available for PhD students, such as those provided by the DAAD or the Excellence Initiative.

Living costs vary between areas, but rent control means that housing is relatively affordable in many parts of Germany, although costs have been increasing in recent years. There are often plenty of courses available in various fields in English; aside from that, learning German, while a tough language, can be an extremely rewarding experience. This author can testify.

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The cost of tuition fees for PhD students in Denmark is also low: usually around DKK 3,600 (US$500) per year, making it an extremely affordable option for studying. The quality of life is very high there, with a beautiful countryside and a strong culture of environmental awareness.

Rent and food can be expensive in large cities like Copenhagen, which must be taken into consideration. However, if you enjoy Denmark and want to stay longer, fear not – jobs pay equivalently well there.

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France is known for its world-leading technical colleges like l’Ecole Polytechnique, where tuition fees are typically very low for PhD students at just €400 (US$440) per year. Paris can be an eye-wateringly expensive city to live in, but other cities like Lyon or Toulouse are more affordable and also have exceptionally good universities. It may be a little harder to find courses in English at French universities, but they definitely exist, even for economics.

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If you can handle the cold, you might consider studying in Helsinki, Finland, which has two world-leading universities. It is far more affordable to live there than in other Scandinavian capital cities, so if you want a taste of Scandinavian life without the hefty price tag then this might be for you.

Generally, Finnish universities offer a lot of courses in English. Helpfully, this means that you won't have to learn the local language, which is renowned for being extremely difficult. Even so, it might be worth giving it a try!

Browse PhD programs in Finland

Free tuition for all doctoral students – welcome to Sweden. There are also scholarships available from the Swedish government to cover living expenses of PhD students who come from other countries to study in Sweden.

With a high quality of life and well-regarded universities for economics, Sweden is both highly affordable and highly attractive for studying. But bear in mind that the cost of living, especially in cities, can be high.

Browse PhD programs in Sweden

Brussels is a bustling and highly cosmopolitan city best known as a center of political activity, but it also has a number of reputable educational institutions. PhD students in economics, politics or international relations in particular will find this a highly stimulating environment. The cost of living in Belgium is generally lower than other European countries and tuition fees are in the mid-range.

Browse PhD programs in Belgium

Affordable in terms of both tuition fees and living costs, Hungary is a rising power in the European academic world. Academic scholarships for international students are common, making it a popular choice with students from around the world. The city of Budapest is known for being one of the most interesting and culturally intriguing cities in Europe, and it has universities like the Corvinus University of Budapest which offers programs in English.

Bear in mind that Hungarian is a notoriously difficult language to learn, and the political situation in the country has become less and less inviting over recent years, something important to consider when moving abroad.

Browse PhD programs in Hungary

Who could resist the chance to spend a few years in Italy, eating what surely everyone agrees is the best cuisine in the world? (According to the Italians, at least). As well as delicious food and a relaxed, casual way of life, Italy offers good technical universities as well as institutions which specialize in economics, the arts, history, and architecture.

Accommodation costs vary considerably even within a city, meaning that there are usually options available for students on a budget. Tuition fees are low and it's increasingly common to find international students at Italian universities.

Browse PhD programs in Italy

Another Scandinavian country which offers very low tuition fees is Norway. Tuition is generally free for all students, including international students, at all educational levels. Students only have to pay a small administrative fee of $50-$100 per semester, and the universities are of high quality.

However, the costs of living in Norway can be very high, with the cost of basic staples among the most expensive in Europe. On the plus side, Norwegian is arguably one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn once you've got past the difficult pronunciation. Unfortunately, Norwegians often speak such good English, you may never have a chance to practice.

Browse PhD programs in Norway

A beautiful country with famous architecture and sunny weather, Spain is another option for an affordable PhD program. It is also especially notable for being more accessible to the many native Spanish speakers in the world than many of the other countries on this list.

The cost of living is lower than countries such as Norway or Sweden, although Spanish universities will often charge a modest tuition fee. This fee is higher for international students than for EU residents (somewhere in the range of €2,000 to €4,000, depending on the program). But, this is still very affordable compared to similar options in the US or UK.

Browse PhD programs in Spain

Until early 2022, Ukraine was on this list. However, due to the tragic invasion that began in late February 2022, students are unable to study safely there for now. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and all of the people affected by needless violence; you can find ways to assist with humanitarian efforts by reading our Solidarity with Ukraine post.

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Best-Performing Cities 2024: Focus on Sustainable Growth and Resilience

Photo of Maggie Switek

Key Takeaways

• Austin–Round Rock, TX, gains one position, becoming the best-performing large city for the first time since 2013. 

• After its remarkable three-year run as the top-ranked large metropolitan area, Provo–Orem, UT, forfeits the number one position due to declines in its labor market.

• Most of this year’s top-ranking metropolitan areas are in landlocked states, with only one top-tier city (Charleston–North Charleston, SC) along a coastline. 

• Top-ranking small cities display a particular geographic concentration, with four of the seven top-tier small metros (Idaho Falls, Coeur d’Alene, Twin Falls, and Pocatello) located in Idaho.

The Best-Performing Cities (BPC) 2024 rankings evaluate the performance of 403 metropolitan areas across the US based on 13 indicators that cover labor market conditions, high-tech impact, and access to economic opportunities.

As the post-pandemic economy reaches a new status quo, metropolitan areas remain at the heart of the nation’s growth. Almost 6 million new jobs were created across US metro areas during 2022. Simultaneously, interest rates on mortgages more than doubled, adding to the attractiveness of locations offering jobs with higher wages and lower costs of living. 

Along with affordability, sustainability of growth is a matter of increased importance when ranking the Best-Performing Cities. The COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with recent weather-related events such as storms and floods, has focused attention on cities’ resilience to natural and economic disasters. Recognizing the importance of sustainable and equitable growth, this year’s BPC ranking incorporates a community resilience metric that summarizes the ability of a metropolitan area to recover from various kinds of disasters. Also incorporated into this year’s index is a new measure of income inequality that accounts for the social sustainability of growth (with cities with lower inequality ranked higher).

The Best-Performing Cities (BPC) 2024 ranking provides a comprehensive assessment of cities’ performance.

2024 Best-Performing Cities Rankings Highlights

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  • Europe’s economic growth is extremely fragile

Risk is concentrated in one country: Germany

Skyline at night in Frankfurt, Germany on July 3rd 2024

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W hen an economy contracts for two consecutive quarters, it is often considered to be in recession. European policymakers will be hoping that two consecutive quarters of growth are equally notable. Data released on August 14th showed that, in the second quarter of the year, the EU ’s economy once again grew by 0.3% against the previous quarter. Although nothing to write home about by American standards, such growth is a relief after more than a year of stagnation.

The good news does not stop there. Employment is growing, albeit more slowly than before. Wage growth is outpacing inflation, too, leading to rising living standards. In the Netherlands, which has the continent’s most up-to-date labour-market data, centrally negotiated wages rose by 7% in July, twice the pace of inflation. Union-negotiated wages are similarly strong in Germany. Nevertheless, the European Central Bank ( ECB ) still felt confident enough to cut interest rates in June, and is expected to do so again in September.

Full speed ahead, then? Not quite. The continent faces a number of risks—any of which could make the picture much gloomier. The first is that demand does not look as healthy as growth figures might suggest, as is illustrated by the construction industry. Rents are rising in many of Europe’s most alluring cities: Athens, Berlin and Madrid are all seeing growth of about 10% a year. On top of this, interest rates are falling, which should boost property prices. Yet housebuilder confidence is now at the lowest it has been this year, for reasons that are not immediately clear.

best economics phd europe

Growth in incomes should also be boosting consumption. In reality, however, “we are yet to see any meaningful pickup in real domestic demand,” observes Clemente De Lucia of Deutsche Bank. Households are mostly putting the additional money from higher pay into their savings accounts, he adds. In time, a cooling labour market could further reduce the desire to spend. As Davide Oneglia of TS Lombard, a consultancy, notes, hiring has weakened in services, which has been the main source of jobs in recent years.

Governments are unlikely to support demand with extra spending of their own. Germany’s has once again almost torn itself apart over the legal intricacies of its balanced-budget rules. Negotiations are ongoing, but the result is likely to be spending cuts. France and Italy, meanwhile, are both in an “excessive deficit procedure”, which the European Commission reserves for the most blatant violators of its guidelines. As such, fiscal policy will be a drag on growth in the years to come.

The next worry concerns a single country: Germany. It has barely grown since 2019. More recently, its exports fell by 4.4% in June on a nominal basis, compared with a year earlier, and surveys indicate that worse is to come. Industrial companies that have failed to modernise now face a bigger challenge from China, as low-cost electric vehicles ( EV s) pour out of its factories. Germany’s long-term prospects are also concerning: other than Lithuania, no country in the OECD is set to lose more workers to retirement, relative to new entrants into the labour force. The country is big enough that its economic woes will also drag on Europe’s growth.

The continent’s trading partners will not come to the rescue. American demand, though enviable, is starting to weaken and China’s economy is in a mess, which officials are hoping to fix with manufacturing subsidies. If Donald Trump is elected, trade wars—both transatlantic and between America and China—will worsen the situation. Europe’s conflict with China is already under way, as the country prepares to sue the EU at the World Trade Organisation for raising tariffs on EV s.

As it stands, Europe appears to be pulling off a soft landing, even if its economy never truly soared in the first place. Inflation has fallen to 2.5%, just above the ECB ’s target, and the continent has enjoyed two consecutive quarters of growth. But the euro zone’s policymakers would be wise not to take too much cheer from this. Plenty of dangers must first be navigated before the celebrations can begin. ■

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This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Top of the danger list”

Finance & economics August 17th 2024

Vladimir putin spends big—and sends russia’s economy soaring, how vulnerable is israel to sanctions, how to invest in chaotic markets, what is behind china’s perplexing bond-market intervention, why companies get inflation wrong.

Footloose and fancy degree: How countries compete for talent

From the August 17th 2024 edition

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