Examining a Spectrum of War Topics đŸȘ–

The scope of war topics is vast, encompassing themes from ancient military strategies to modern-day geopolitical dynamics. How you approach these topics about war can significantly impact your analytical narrative. The key is to choose a war topic that aligns with the general criteria and resonates with your intellectual curiosity.

For instance, exploring the ripple effects of major battles or treaties can provide a kaleidoscopic view of the human civilization’s history through conflict and reconciliation.

Here are some topics to choose:

  • The Hidden Faces of War – An Analysis of Civilian Struggles During Conflict
  • The Politics of War – An Examination of International Relations and Conflicts
  • Morality on the Battlefield – Assessing Ethical Dilemmas Soldiers Face
  • From Battlefield to Home – The Transition of Veterans Back to Civilian Life
  • The Cost of Valor – An Economic Analysis of Warfare and Military Expenditure
  • The Tides of Change – How Major Conflicts Have Shaped Political Borders
  • Silent Voices of War – The Untold Stories of Non-Combatant Military Personnel
  • Another topics to choose:
  • The Color of War – Examining Racial Discrimination in Military Enlistment
  • The Domino Effect – Analyzing the Chain Reactions of Historical Wars
  • A World Divided – The Cold War and its Legacy on Modern Politics
  • The Evolution of Warfare – An Overview from Ancient to Modern Times
  • Humanitarian Crisis in War Zones – A Look into Refugee Plights
  • The Battle of Ideologies – Exploring the Causes Behind Civil Wars
  • Propaganda Warfare – How Information is Used as a Weapon
  • The Dynamics of Guerilla Warfare – A Study of Unconventional Combat Strategies
  • The Sea of Uniforms – Understanding the Structure and Hierarchy within Militaries
  • The Marks of War – Evaluating the Long-term Environmental Impacts of Conflict
  • Children of War – The Life and Struggles of Child Soldiers
  • The Home Front – Analyzing the Social Changes in Countries during Major Wars
  • The Bullets and Ballots – A Study on Revolutionary Wars and Political Change
  • Espionage in Warfare – The Role and Impact of Spies during Conflicts
  • The Power Play – Assessing Nuclear Threats and Warfare in the Modern Era
  • The Frozen Conflict – Understanding the Korean War and its Lasting Implications
  • The Invisible Wounds – Examining Mental Health Issues among Active Soldiers
  • The Changing Face of Terrorism – A Global Analysis of War and Terrorism

War Essay Titles

War Essay Titles – World War I & II

Having delved into numerous WW1 and WW2 essay topics as an academic writer, I’ve found that these two global conflicts offer an endless reservoir of inquiry. WW1 essay topics, such as the political precipitators and the aftermath, provide a window into power dynamics and warfare’s human cost.

On the other hand, WW2 essay ( Veterans Essay Ideas ) topics often reveal the morphing geopolitical landscape and the birth of modern-day diplomacy and international organizations. Each narrative, rife with lessons and insights, has a place in the broader academic discussion surrounding war and its implications.

War Essay Titles – A New Age of Conflict

The warfare landscape has undergone a seismic shift with the advent of technology and evolving geopolitical agendas. Exploring this facet of war topics can lead to a rich discourse on the ethics, power dynamics, and the global narrative of modern conflict.

According to academic writing criteria, examining how modern warfare has redefined the traditional paradigms of conflict and resolution can lead to a more nuanced understanding of our contemporary world.

The Art of Writing War Titles for Essays

The craft of encapsulating your core inquiry into captivating war titles for essays is a skill honed over time. From my experience, a title that not only delineates the scope but also incites curiosity can significantly enhance engagement.

For example, titles like “ Echoes of Discord: Unpacking the Precedents of WWI ” or “ Digital Battlefields: The New Face of Warfare ” provide a clear, focused lens through which readers can explore the complex narratives embedded within the broader topic of war.


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Question-Driven Titles for War Essay

Employing questions within your essay titles about war can evoke a sense of inquiry and engagement. Titles such as “ What Fostered the Fires of WWII? ” or “ How has Modern Warfare Reshaped the Global Stage? ” challenge readers to engage in analysis, fostering richer academic dialogue. According to general criteria, a question-driven approach can significantly enrich your essay’s analytical depth and engagement.

  • “Silent Voices of War – The Untold Stories from the Trenches” “Warfare Evolved -Analysis of Tactics from WWI to Modern Conflicts” “The Tide of Ideologies – Examining the Role of Propaganda in Shaping War Narratives” “Women Warriors – An Insight into the Pivotal Roles Women Played During WWII” “Mechanisms of War – The Technological Advancements from WWI to WWII” “The Policy of War – A Diplomatic Before, During, and After WWII” “War-Stirred Emotions – The Psychological Impact of War on Soldiers and Civilians”

The quest for a captivating war essay title is more than an academic exercise; it’s a critical step towards fostering a meaningful dialogue on the complex narratives of war. As students, you illuminate the pages of history and contribute to a more extensive conversation imperative for understanding and reshaping the narrative of conflict in our world. From my experience, immersing oneself in many war topics and getting a reference war essay title at Writing Metier is important.

Free topic suggestions

Laura Orta is an avid author on Writing Metier's blog. Before embarking on her writing career, she practiced media law in one of the local media. Aside from writing, she works as a private tutor to help students with their academic needs. Laura and her husband share their home near the ocean in northern Portugal with two extraordinary boys and a lifetime collection of books.

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Essays About War: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

War is atrocious and there is an almost universal rule that we should be prevented; if you are writing essays about war, read our helpful guide.

Throughout history, war has driven human progress. It has led to the dissolution of oppressive regimes and the founding of new democratic countries. There is no doubt that the world would not be as it is without the many wars waged in the past.

War is waged to achieve a nation or organization’s goals, but what is the actual cost of progress? War has taken, and continues to take, countless lives. It is and is very costly in terms of resources as well. From the American Revolution to World Wars I and II to the Crusades and Hundred Years’ War of antiquity, wars throughout history have been bloody, brutal, and disastrous. 

If you are writing essays about war, look at our top essay examples below.


1. War Is Not Part of Human Nature by R. Brian Ferguson

2. essay on war and peace (author unknown), 3. the impacts of war on global health by sarah moore.

  • 4.  The Psychosocial Impacts of War and Armed Conflict on Children by Iman Farajallah, Omar Reda, H. Steven Moffic, John R. Peteet, and Ahmed Hankir

5. ​​Is war a pre-requisite for peace? by Anna Cleary

5 prompts for essays about war, 1. is war justified, 2. why do countries go to war, 3. the effects of war, 4. moral and ethical issues concerning war, 5. reflecting on a historical war.

“Debate over war and human nature will not soon be resolved. The idea that intensive, high-casualty violence was ubiquitous throughout prehistory has many backers. It has cultural resonance for those who are sure that we as a species naturally tilt toward war. As my mother would say: “Just look at history!” But doves have the upper hand when all the evidence is considered. Broadly, early finds provide little if any evidence suggesting war was a fact of life.”

Ferguson disputes the popular belief that war is inherent to human nature, as evidenced by archaeological discoveries. Many archaeologists use the very same evidence to support the opposing view. Evidence reveals many instances where war was waged, but not fought. In the minds of Ferguson and many others, humanity may be predisposed to conflict and violence, but not war, as many believe. 

“It also appears that if peace were to continue for a long period, people would become sick of the monotony of life and would seek war for a changed man is a highly dynamic creature and it seems that he cannot remain contented merely with works of peace-the cultivation of arts, the development of material comforts, the extension of knowledge, the means and appliances of a happy life.”

This essay provides an interesting perspective on war; other than the typical motivations for war, such as the desire to achieve one’s goals; the author writes that war disrupts the monotony of peace and gives participants a sense of excitement and uncertainty. In addition, it instills the spirit of heroism and bravery in people. However, the author does not dispute that war is evil and should be avoided as much as possible. 

“War forces people to flee their homes in search of safety, with the latest figures from the UN estimating that around 70 million people are currently displaced due to war. This displacement can be incredibly detrimental to health, with no safe and consistent place to sleep, wash, and shelter from the elements. It also removes a regular source of food and proper nutrition. As well as impacting physical health, war adversely affects the mental health of both those actively involved in conflict and civilians.”

Moore discusses the side effects that war has on civilians. For example, it diverts resources used on poverty alleviation and infrastructure towards fighting. It also displaces civilians when their homes are destroyed, reduces access to food, water, and sanitation, and can significantly impact mental health, among many other effects. 

4.   The Psychosocial Impacts of War and Armed Conflict on Children by Iman Farajallah, Omar Reda, H. Steven Moffic, John R. Peteet, and Ahmed Hankir

“The damage done by war-related trauma can never be undone. We can, however, help reduce its long-term impacts, which can span generations. When we reach within ourselves to discover our humanity, it allows us to reach out to the innocent children and remind them of their resilience and beauty. Trauma can make or break us as individuals, families, and communities.”

In their essay, the authors explain how war can affect children. Children living in war-torn areas expectedly witness a lot of violence, including the killings of their loved ones. This may lead to the inability to sleep properly, difficulty performing daily functions, and a speech impediment. The authors write that trauma cannot be undone and can ruin a child’s life.  

“The sociologist Charles Tilly has argued that war and the nation state are inextricably linked. War has been crucial for the formation of the nation state, and remains crucial for its continuation. Anthony Giddens similarly views a link between the internal pacification of states and their external violence. It may be that, if we want a durable peace, a peace built on something other than war, we need to consider how to construct societies based on something other than the nation state and its monopoly of violence.”

This essay discusses the irony that war is waged to achieve peace. Many justify war and believe it is inevitable, as the world seems to balance out an era of peace with another war. However, others advocate for total pacifism. Even in relatively peaceful times, organizations and countries have been carrying out “shadow wars” or engaging in conflict without necessarily going into outright war. Cleary cites arguments made that for peace to indeed exist by itself, societies must not be built on the war in the first place. 

Many believe that war is justified by providing a means to peace and prosperity. Do you agree with this statement? If so, to what extent? What would you consider “too much” for war to be unjustified? In your essay, respond to these questions and reflect on the nature and morality of war. 

Wars throughout history have been waged for various reasons, including geographical domination, and disagreement over cultural and religious beliefs. In your essay, discuss some of the reasons different countries go to war, you can look into the belief systems that cause disagreements, oppression of people, and leaders’ desire to conquer geographical land. For an interesting essay, look to history and the reasons why major wars such as WWI and WWII occurred.

Essays about war: The effects of war

In this essay, you can write about war’s effects on participating countries. You can focus on the impact of war on specific sectors, such as healthcare or the economy. In your mind, do they outweigh the benefits? Discuss the positive and negative effects of war in your essay. To create an argumentative essay, you can pick a stance if you are for or against war. Then, argue your case and show how its effects are positive, negative, or both.

Many issues arise when waging war, such as the treatment of civilians as “collateral damage,” keeping secrets from the public, and torturing prisoners. For your essay, choose an issue that may arise when fighting a war and determine whether or not it is genuinely “unforgivable” or “unacceptable.” Are there instances where it is justified? Be sure to examples where this issue has arisen before.

Humans have fought countless wars throughout history. Choose one significant war and briefly explain its causes, major events, and effects. Conduct thorough research into the period of war and the political, social, and economic effects occurred. Discuss these points for a compelling cause and effect essay.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”If you still need help, our guide to grammar and punctuation explains more.


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109 World War 2 Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

World War 2 was one of the most significant events in modern history, shaping the world as we know it today. From the rise of totalitarian regimes to the devastation of entire cities, the war had a profound impact on millions of people around the globe. If you are tasked with writing an essay on World War 2, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and topics to choose from. To help you get started, here are 109 World War 2 essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The causes of World War 2
  • The key players in World War 2
  • The role of propaganda in World War 2
  • The impact of technology on World War 2
  • The role of women in World War 2
  • The Holocaust and its aftermath
  • The Battle of Stalingrad
  • The D-Day invasion
  • The Pacific War
  • The Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb
  • The Nuremberg Trials
  • The role of the United Nations in post-war reconstruction
  • The legacy of World War 2 in modern politics
  • The impact of World War 2 on the economy
  • The resistance movements in occupied Europe
  • The role of Winston Churchill in World War 2
  • The role of Franklin D. Roosevelt in World War 2
  • The role of Joseph Stalin in World War 2
  • The role of Adolf Hitler in World War 2
  • The role of Benito Mussolini in World War 2
  • The role of Hirohito in World War 2
  • The role of General Eisenhower in World War 2
  • The role of General Patton in World War 2
  • The role of General MacArthur in World War 2
  • The role of General Montgomery in World War 2
  • The role of General Rommel in World War 2
  • The role of General Zhukov in World War 2
  • The role of General Yamamoto in World War 2
  • The role of General Tojo in World War 2
  • The role of General Nimitz in World War 2
  • The role of General De Gaulle in World War 2
  • The role of General Tito in World War 2
  • The role of General Chiang Kai-shek in World War 2
  • The role of General Hirohito in World War 2

These are just a few examples of the many topics you could explore in a World War 2 essay. Whether you choose to focus on a specific battle, individual, or aspect of the war, there is no shortage of material to draw from. Remember to conduct thorough research, cite your sources, and present your arguments clearly and convincingly. Good luck with your essay!

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World War II Research Essay Topics

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Students are often required to write a paper on a topic as broad as World War II , but you should know that the instructor will expect you to narrow your focus to a specific thesis. This is especially true if you are in high school or college. Narrow your focus by making a list of words, much like the list of words and phrases that are presented in bold type below. Then begin to explore related questions and come up with your own cool WWII topics. The answer to questions like these can become a good starting point for a thesis statement .

Culture and People

When the U.S. entered into war, everyday life across the country changed drastically. From civil rights, racism, and resistance movements to basic human needs like food, clothing, and medicine, the aspects of how life was impacted are immense.

  • African-Americans and civil rights. What impact did the war years have on the rights of African-Americans? What were they allowed or not allowed to do?
  • Animals. How were horses, dogs, birds, or other animals used? Did they play a special role?
  • Art. What art movements were inspired by wartime events? Is there one specific work of art that tells a story about the war?
  • Clothing. How was fashion impacted? How did clothing save lives or hinder movement? What materials were used or not used?
  • Domestic violence. Was there an increase or decrease in cases?
  • Families. Did new family customs develop? What was the impact on children of soldiers?
  • Fashion. Did fashion change significantly for civilians? What changes had to be made during wartime?
  • Food preservation. What new preservation and packaging methods were used during and after the war? How were these helpful?
  • Food rationing. How did rationing impact families? Were rations the same for different groups of people? Were soldiers affected by rations?
  • Love letters. What do letters tell us about relationships, families, and friendships? What about gender roles?
  • New words. What new vocabulary words emerged during and after WWII?
  • Nutrition. Were there battles that were lost or won because of the foods available? How did nutrition change at home during the war because of the availability of certain products?
  • Penicillin and other medicine. How was penicillin used? What medical developments occurred during and after the war?
  • Resistance movements. How did families deal with living in an occupied territory?
  • Sacrifices. How did family life change for the worse?
  • Women's work at home. How did women's work change at home during the war? What about after the war ended?

Economy and Workforce

For a nation that was still recovering from the Great Depression, World War II had a major impact on the economy and workforce. When the war began, the fate of the workforce changed overnight, American factories were repurposed to produce goods to support the war effort and women took jobs that were traditionally held by men, who were now off to war.

  • Advertising. How did food packaging change during the war? How did advertisements change in general? What were advertisements for?
  • Occupations. What new jobs were created? Who filled these new roles? Who filled the roles that were previously held by many of the men who went off to war?
  • Propaganda. How did society respond to the war? Do you know why?
  • Toys. How did the war impact the toys that were manufactured?
  • New products. What products were invented and became a part of popular culture? Were these products present only during war times, or did they exist after?

Military, Government, and War

Americans were mostly against entering the war up until the bombing of Pearl Harbor, after which support for the war grew, as did armed forces. Before the war, the US didn't have the large military forces it soon became known for, with the war resulting in over 16 million Americans in service. ï»ż ï»ż The role the military played in the war, and the impacts of the war itself, were vast.

  • America's entry into the war. How is the timing significant? What factors are not so well known?
  • Churchill, Winston. What role did this leader play that interests you most? How did his background prepare him for his role?
  • Clandestine operations. Governments went to great lengths to hide the true date, time, and place of their actions.
  • Destruction. Many historic cities and sites were destroyed in the U.K.—Liverpool, Manchester, London, and Coventry—and in other nations.
  • Hawaii. How did events impact families or society in general?
  • The Holocaust. Do you have access to any personal stories?
  • Italy. What special circumstances were in effect?
  • " Kilroy was here ." Why was this phrase important to soldiers? 
  • Nationalist Socialist movement in America. What impact has this movement had on society and the government since WWII?
  • Political impact. How was your local town impacted politically and socially?
  • POW camps after the war. Where were they and what happened to them after the war? Here's a starting point: Some were turned into race tracks after the war!
  • Prisoners of war. How many POWs were there? How many made it home safely? What were some long-lasting effects?
  • Spies. Who were the spies? Were they men or women? What side were they on? What happened to spies that were caught?
  • Submarines. Were there enemy submarines on a coast near you? What role did submarines play in the war?
  • Surviving an attack. How were military units attacked? How did it feel to jump from a plane that was disabled?
  • Troop logistics. How were troop movements kept secret? What were some challenges of troop logistics?
  • Views on freedom. How was freedom curtailed or expanded?
  • Views on government's role. Where was the government's role expanded? What about governments elsewhere?
  • War crime trials. How were trials conducted? What were the political challenges or consequences? Who was or wasn't tried?
  • Weather. Were there battles that were lost or won because of the weather conditions? Were there places where people suffered more because of the weather?
  • Women in warfare. What roles did women play during the war? What surprises you about women's work in World War II?

Technology and Transportation

With the war came advancements in technology and transportation, impacting communications capabilities, the spread of news, and even entertainment.

  • Bridges and roads. What transportation-related developments came from wartime or postwar policies?
  • Communication. How did radio or other types of communication impact key events?
  • Motorcycles. What needs led to the development of folding motorcycles? Why was there widespread use of military motorcycles by the government?
  • Technology. What technology came from the war and how was it used after the war?
  • TV technology. When did televisions start to appear in homes and what is significant about the timing? What TV shows were inspired by the war and how realistic were they? How long did World War II affect TV programming?
  • Jet engine technology. What advances can be traced to WWII needs?
  • Radar. What role did radar play, if any?
  • Rockets. How important was rocket technology?
  • Shipbuilding achievements. The achievements were quite remarkable during the war. Why and how did they happen?

"America's Wars Fact Sheet." U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, May 2017.

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100+ Suggested War Essay Topics for Your Research

Updated 30 Aug 2024

Essays on war & conflict can be portrayed from different perspectives. Thus, your paper may deal with the war in terms of politics, heroism, or describe its impact on ordinary people’s life. Besides, you might be asked for a more precise topic for your History class essay, for instance, about diplomacy, tactics, propaganda, weapons, and the causes and effects of such conflicts. This is where our essay help service comes in!

War Essay Topics

Whether your research paper is about WWI, WW2, Civil, Vietnam or Iraq War, you first need to decide what period to describe and approach to use and then to choose some specific war essay topics for your writing. To be certain that your topic is just right, make sure that:

  • Your topic is not too broad (for instance, it concentrates on WW2 in general);
  • Your topic is not too narrow (if it deals with one political figure only);
  • You can find some research material online including videos, thematic websites, etc), it means that your subject is topical and discussed;
  • You can find books about your topic in your local library;
  • The topic is catchy and interesting (not only for your professor but for other students as well);
  • The topic covers one of the burning issues in history;
  • You can answer the question of the topic (if any) in the essay.

Covering all these seven steps is vital if you want to come up with a great topic, as it’s a half-way to a successful academic essay. After all, we all write essays intending to resolve some burning issues and catch the reader’s attention.

✍️ Tips for Writing a War Essay

College students who are required to create an essay on this topic should first be well acquainted with the historical background of the conflict they intend to write about. Secondly, they should make sure that essays are informative and cover the causes, consequences, and deprivation that the war caused.

To write a good war essay, consider the following tips:

  • Do extensive research on the topic before you start writing your essay.  The easiest thing you can do is simply google your desired topic and check whether there are discussions and materials on the topic available. You’ll need to make your topic argumentative, so make sure there are enough reliable sources you can use when writing your essay.
  • Choose a compelling topic that will grab the reader’s attention.  Once you’ve done research you might want to change the angle of your topic slightly and then move on to creating an outline for your writing.
  • Start your essay from the main body.  We recommend starting with the main problems your future essay will be concentrated on. Provide arguments, support them with evidence and corresponding citations, and make emphasis on structuring your paper properly.
  • “Frame” and proofread you final essay.  Introduction and conclusion sections frame your writing making it complex and complete. Writing then at the very end will help you to concentrate more on the context of your writing and include only those aspects that matter. Then, proofread your essay, making sure it has a nice flow.

📝 List of General War Essay Topics

Here’s a list of creative topic ideas that can help you understand what to write about. They are listed in no particular historical or chronological order:

  • The concept of "just war" and its ethical implications.
  • The impact of war on civilian populations.
  • The role of women in war throughout history.
  • The psychological effects of war on soldiers and societies.
  • The evolution of warfare technology and its impact on strategy.
  • The role of diplomacy in preventing and ending wars.
  • The impact of war on the environment.
  • The portrayal of war in film and literature.
  • The role of child soldiers in contemporary conflicts.
  • The impact of war on economic development.
  • The role of international law in regulating warfare.
  • The impact of war on cultural heritage and historical sites.
  • The role of media in shaping public perception of war.
  • The ethics of drone warfare and targeted killings.
  • The role of mercenaries and private military companies in conflicts.
  • The impact of war on global migration and refugee crises.
  • The role of peacekeeping forces in post-conflict regions.
  • The challenges of post-war reconciliation and nation-building.
  • The role of war memorials in remembering and interpreting conflict.
  • The impact of cyber warfare on national security.

📜 Civil War Research Topics

The topics dedicated to this historical period are probably the most popular ones. The Civil War was a stepping stone that showed just how much the place and time influence people’s views and how different opinions on this can sometimes make a solid ground for some major conflicts.

  • The economic factors leading to the American Civil War.
  • The role of slavery in precipitating the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Emancipation Proclamation on the war's course.
  • The significance of the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War.
  • The contributions of African American soldiers in the Civil War.
  • The effects of the Civil War on civilian life in the North and South.
  • The role of women during the Civil War.
  • The influence of foreign powers on the outcome of the Civil War.
  • The evolution of military technology in the Civil War.
  • The reconstruction era: Successes and failures post-Civil War.
  • The legacy of the Civil War in American memory and culture.
  • The impact of the Civil War on the American political system.
  • The role of naval warfare in the Civil War.
  • The significance of the Gettysburg Address in American history.
  • The psychological effects of the Civil War on soldiers and families.
  • The use of propaganda during the Civil War.
  • The role of espionage and intelligence in the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Civil War on American literature and art.
  • The treatment of prisoners of war during the Civil War.
  • The role of railroads in the Civil War logistics and strategy.

📖 Cold War Paper Topics

  • The origins of the Cold War: Ideological differences between the US and USSR.
  • The impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on Cold War dynamics.
  • The role of espionage and intelligence in the Cold War.
  • The influence of the Cold War on global decolonization movements.
  • The effects of the Cold War on American domestic policy.
  • The significance of the Berlin Wall in Cold War history.
  • The role of nuclear arms race in escalating Cold War tensions.
  • The impact of the Cold War on the development of space exploration.
  • The role of the United Nations during the Cold War.
  • The influence of the Cold War on popular culture and media.
  • The Korean War as a proxy battle of the Cold War.
  • The Vietnam War and its significance in the Cold War context.
  • The role of NATO and the Warsaw Pact in the Cold War.
  • The impact of the Cold War on the Middle East.
  • The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
  • The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during the Cold War.
  • The impact of the Cold War on science and technology.
  • The role of non-aligned movement countries during the Cold War.
  • The effects of the Cold War on Africa's political landscape.
  • The legacy of the Cold War in contemporary international relations.

Vietnam War Essay Ideas

  • The causes of the Vietnam War and its justification.
  • The impact of the Tet Offensive on American public opinion.
  • The role of media coverage in shaping the narrative of the Vietnam War.
  • The effects of Agent Orange and other chemical warfare.
  • The experiences of Vietnamese civilians during the war.
  • The anti-war movement in the United States and its influence on policy.
  • The legacy of the Vietnam War on American military and foreign policy.
  • The psychological effects of the war on returning veterans.
  • The role of the Viet Cong and guerrilla warfare tactics.
  • The significance of the Paris Peace Accords in ending the Vietnam War.
  • The impact of the war on Vietnamese society and economy.
  • The role of women in the Vietnam War.
  • The influence of the Cold War on the Vietnam conflict.
  • The challenges of post-war reconciliation and recovery in Vietnam.
  • The portrayal of the Vietnam War in film and literature.
  • The strategic mistakes made by the United States in Vietnam.
  • The role of international allies and support for both sides.
  • The impact of the war on American public and political life.
  • The use of music as a form of protest and expression during the Vietnam era.
  • The lessons learned from the Vietnam War for future conflicts.

🌎 World War I Essay Topics

  • The causes of World War I: Nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and alliances.
  • The impact of trench warfare on military strategy and soldier experiences.
  • The role of technology and innovation in World War I.
  • The effects of World War I on the home front: Women, work, and society.
  • The significance of the Battle of the Somme.
  • The consequences of World War I on the global political landscape.
  • The Treaty of Versailles: Terms, criticisms, and long-term effects.
  • The role of propaganda in World War I.
  • The impact of World War I on art and literature.
  • The experiences of colonial troops in World War I.
  • The role of the Russian Revolution in World War I.
  • The impact of World War I on the Middle East.
  • The legacy of World War I in contemporary international relations.
  • The role of naval warfare in World War I.
  • The psychological effects of World War I on soldiers.
  • The use of chemical weapons in World War I.
  • The role of the United States in World War I.
  • The impact of World War I on medical advancements.
  • The economic consequences of World War I.
  • The role of aviation in World War I.

🌍 World War II Essay Topics

When you choose to write about World War 2, always check the dates and the facts. Remember that it is an important topic to explore, which is why you can compare and check with how it is explored in Europe or in Russia to get more information. Remember to provide citations for each resource used.

  • The causes of World War II: The failure of peace efforts and the rise of dictatorships.
  • The role of the Holocaust in World War II.
  • The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad.
  • The impact of World War II on women and minorities.
  • The use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Justifications and consequences.
  • The role of intelligence and code-breaking in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on the formation of the United Nations.
  • The experiences of soldiers in different theaters of World War II.
  • The role of propaganda in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on post-war European reconstruction.
  • The significance of the D-Day invasion.
  • The role of resistance movements in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on colonial empires.
  • The legacy of World War II in contemporary international relations.
  • The psychological effects of World War II on survivors.
  • The role of technology and innovation in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on civilian populations.
  • The role of the United States in World War II.
  • The economic consequences of World War II.
  • The trials of war criminals and the establishment of international law.

- What are some examples of powerful war research topics?

A research essay topic can be considered successful in case it is topical and well-researched. Historical events have a tendency to repeat from time to time, so that modern politicians and ordinary people can treat them as valuable lessons. A powerful topic is the one that can help us understand our past and make an output for the future; the impact of conflicts on our history, propaganda approaches, things that cause wars are some nice examples of timeless topics.

- What's the best way to start a war essay?

The beginning of each lengthy essay should clearly state what major concerns the essay will cover. If you are making a comparison between WW1 and the Cold War, you should tackle both in the introduction and focus on each of them separately in the body of the essay. In case your topic is connected with the importance of technological progress on weapons, make this statement in the paper’s intro.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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How to Write a Perfect Essay On/About War (A Complete Guide)


War is painful. It causes mass death and the destruction of infrastructure on an unimaginable scale. Unfortunately, as humans, we have not yet been able to prevent wars and conflicts from happening. Nevertheless, we are studying them to understand them and their causes better.

In this post, we will look at how to write a war essay. The information we will share here will help anyone craft a brilliant war essay, whatever their level of education.

Let’s commence.

What Is a War Essay?

A war essay is an essay on an armed conflict involving two states or one state and an armed group. You will be asked to write a war essay at some point if you are taking a history course, diplomacy course, international relations course, war studies course, or conflict management course.

When asked to write about a war, it is important to consider several things. These include the belligerents, the location of the conflict, the leading cause or causes of the conflict, the course of the event so far, and the possible solutions to the conflict.

The sections below will help you discover everything you need to know about how to write war essays.

An essay about war can take many forms, including:

  • Expository essay – where you explore the timeline of the wars (conflicts), losses/consequences, significant battles, and notable dates.
  • Argumentative essay . A war essay that debates an aspect of a certain war.
  • Cause and Effect essay examines the events leading to war and its aftermath.
  • Compare and contrast a war essay that pits one war or an aspect of the war against an
  • Document-based question (DBQ) that analyzes the historical war documentation to answer a prompt.
  • Creative writing pieces where you narrate or describe an experience of or with war.
  • A persuasive essay where use ethos, pathos, and logos (rhetorical appeals) to convince your readers to adopt your points.

The Perfect Structure/Organization for a War Essay

To write a good essay about war, you must understand the war essay structure. The war essay structure is the typical 3-section essay structure. It starts with an introduction section, followed by a body section, and then a conclusion section. Find out what you need to include in each section below:

1. Introduction

In the introduction paragraph , you must introduce the reader to the war or conflict you are discussing. But before you do so, you need to hook the reader to your work. You can only do this by starting your introduction with an attention-grabbing statement . This can be a fact about the war, a quote, or a statistic.

Once you have grabbed the reader's attention, you should introduce the reader to the conflict your essay is focused on. You should do this by providing them with a brief background on the conflict.

Your thesis statement should follow the background information. This is the main argument your essay will be defending.

The introduction section of a war essay is typically one paragraph long. But it can be two paragraphs long for long war essays.

In the body section of your war essay, you need to provide information to support your thesis statement. A typical body section of a college essay will include three to four body paragraphs. Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence and solely focuses on it. This is how your war essay should be.

Once you develop a thesis statement, you should think of the points you will use to defend it and then list them in terms of strength. The strongest of these points should be your topic sentences.

When developing the body section of your war essay, make sure your paragraphs flow nicely. This will make your essay coherent. One of the best ways to make your paragraphs flow is to use transition words, phrases, and sentences.

The body section of a war essay is typically three to four paragraphs long, but it can be much longer.

3. Conclusion

In the conclusion section of your war essay, you must wrap up everything nicely. The recommended way to do this is to restate your thesis statement to remind the reader what your essay was about. You should follow this by restating the main points supporting your thesis statement.

Your thesis and the restatement of your main points should remind your reader of what your essay was all about. You should then end your essay with a food-for-thought, a recommendation, or a solution. Whatever you use to end your essay, make sure it is relevant to what you have just covered in your essay, and it shows that you have widely read on the topic.

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How to write a war Essay? – The Steps

Several wars have taken place on earth, including:

  • World War I and II
  • Russian Civil War
  • Chinese Civil War
  • Lebanese Civil War
  • Syrian Civil War
  • The Spanish Civil War
  • The American Civil War
  • Afghanistan War

The list of wars that have happened to date is endless.

Writing a war essay is never easy. You need to plan your work meticulously to develop a brilliant war essay. If you are assigned to write a war essay or paper, follow the steps below to develop a brilliant essay on any conflict.

1. Read The Assignment Instructions Carefully

You must know precisely what to do to write a brilliant war essay. College professors typically provide multiple instructions when they ask students to write college essays. Students must then read the instructions carefully to write precisely what their professors want to see.

Therefore, when you get a war essay assignment, you must read the instructions carefully to understand what is needed of you entirely. Know exactly what conflict your professor wants you to focus on, what aspect of the conflict (the origin, the chronology of events leading to the war, external factors, etc.), what sources they want you to use, and the number of pages they want.

Knowing what your professor needs will help you to develop it nicely.

2. Do Your Research

After reviewing the war assignment instructions, you should research the topic you’ve been asked to focus on. Do this by Googling the topic (and its variations), searching it in your college database, and searching it in scholarly databases. As you read more on the topic, take a lot of notes. This will help you to understand the topic better, plus its nuances.

Once you understand the topic well, you should start to think about what precisely your essay should focus on. If you like, this will be the foundation of your essay or the thesis statement.

Once you settle on the thesis statement, read more on the topic but focus on information that will help you defend your thesis statement.

3. Craft A Thesis Statement and Create an Outline

At this point, you should have a rough thesis statement . Once you have read more information on it as per the previous step, you should be able to refine it into a solid and argumentative statement at this point.

So refine your thesis statement to make it perfect. Your thesis statement can be one or two sentences long but never more. Once you have created it, you should create an outline.

An outline is like a treasure map – it details where you must go comprehensively. Creating an outline will give you an overview of what your essay will look like and whether it will defend your thesis statement. It will also make it easier for you to develop your essay.

Ensure your outline includes a striking title for your conflict essay, the topic sentence for each body paragraph, and the supporting evidence for each topic sentence.

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4. Start Writing the Introduction

When you finish writing your essay, you should start writing the introduction. This is where the rubber meets the road –the actual writing of your war essay begins.

Since you have already created a thesis statement and an outline, you should not find it challenging to write your introduction. Follow your outline to develop a friendly compact, and informative introduction to the conflict your essay will focus on.

Read your introduction twice to make sure it is as compact and as informative as it can be. It should also be straightforward to understand.

5. Write The Rest of Your Essay

Once you have created the introduction to your war essay, you should create the body section. The body section of your essay should follow your outline. Remember the outline you created in step 3 has the points you should focus on in each body paragraph. So follow it to make developing your essay’s body section easy.

As you develop your essay's body section, ensure you do everything nicely. By this, we mean you develop each topic sentence entirely using the sandwich paragraph writing method.

Also, make sure there is a nice flow between your sentences and between your paragraphs.

6. Conclude Your War Essay

After writing the rest of your essay, you should offer a robust conclusion. Your conclusion should also follow your outline. As usual, it should start with a thesis restatement and a restatement of all your main points.

It should then be followed by a concluding statement that provides the reader with food for thought. You should never include new information in your conclusion paragraph. This will make it feel like another body paragraph, yet the purpose of your conclusion should be to give your reader the feeling that your essay is ending or done.

7. Proofread and Edit Your Essay

This is the last step of writing a war essay or any other one. This step is final, but it is perhaps the most important step. This is because it distinguishes an ordinary essay from an extraordinary one.

You should proofread your essay at least thrice, especially if it is short. When you do it the first time, you should look for grammar errors and other basic mistakes. Eliminate all the errors and mistakes you find. When you do it the second time, you should do it to ensure the flow of your essay is perfect.

And when you do it the third and last time, you should use editing software like Grammarly.com to catch all the errors you might have missed.

When you proofread your war essay in this manner, you should be able to transform it from average to excellent. After completing this step, your war essay will be ready for submission.

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Tips for Writing a Brilliant War Essay

Follow the tips below to develop a brilliant essay.

  • A brilliant topic is always vital.

When you are assigned a war essay, you should do your best to choose or create a brilliant topic for your essay. A boring topic focusing on something discussed and debated a million times will never be brilliant.

  • A strong thesis statement is essential.

Along with a brilliant topic, you need a strong thesis statement to make your war essay brilliant. This is because a strong thesis statement is like a lighthouse – it will guide safely to the harbor (conclusion).

  • Do not be afraid to discuss the tragedy.

Sometimes war details can feel too graphic or gruesome, leading to hesitance on the part of students when they are writing articles. Do not hesitate or be afraid to discuss tragedy if discussing tragedy will add to the substance of your essay.

  • Be impartial.

Sometimes it can be challenging to write an impartial essay, especially if you relate to or strongly support one side in a conflict. Well, this should never happen. As a researcher, you must be as impartial as you can be. You must inform your reader of all the facts available to you without bias so they have an accurate impression of whatever you are talking about.

  • Ensure your work has flow.

This is one of the most important things you must do when writing a war essay. Since war essays sometimes discuss disparate issues, ending with a disjointed essay is straightforward. You should do all you can to ensure your workflows are well, including using transition words generously. 

  • Proofread your work.

You should always proofread your essays before submission. This is what will always upgrade them from ordinary to extraordinary. If you don’t proofread your work, you will submit subpar work that will not get you a good grade.

  • Explore unexplored angles.

Chances are, whatever war or conflict you write about has already been written on or reported on a million times. If you want your essay to be interesting, you should explore unexplored angles on conflicts. This will make your work very interesting.

War Essay Sample to Inspire your Writing

Here is a short sample of a war essay on the Russia-Ukraine War.

The most affected cities in the Russia-Ukraine War 2022

The Russia-Ukraine war has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions across Ukraine. It has also led to the destruction of civilian homes and infrastructure across Ukraine. The eastern cities of Bakhmut, Kharkiv, and Mariupol are the most affected cities in the Russia-Ukraine War 2022.

Bakhmut in southeastern Ukraine is the site of the bloodiest and longest-running battle between Russian and Ukrainian forces. The city is strategic as it is close to supply routes that the Russians use in the occupied territories of southern Ukraine. It is estimated that as much as 90% of Bakhmut has been destroyed in Russia’s bid to take over the city.

Mariupol is a Ukrainian port city between Russia and the Russian-occupied Crimea. Russia decided to take the city early on to deny Ukraine a foothold close to its border and operation areas in the south. Yet the city was defended by a fanatic Ukrainian military battalion that swore not to give it up. This led to Russia bombing much of the city to the ground. In the end, Russia won the battle for Mariupol and now controls the city and the surrounding area.

Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second biggest city. It is less than 45 minutes away from the Russian border. Taking the city was one of the top priorities for Russia at the start of the war because of its proximity to Russia. Nevertheless, Ukraine deployed much of its army to defend the city and has managed to do so. Nevertheless, this has come at a cost. Much of Kharkiv’s infrastructure is destroyed. Its power lines, highways, roads, railways, dams, and industries are destroyed.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has affected much of Ukraine, especially the eastern cities of Bakhmut, Kharkiv, and Mariupol. All three cities have suffered tremendous infrastructure damage in the past few months. Efforts must be made by the two state parties and the international community to prevent further destruction of Ukrainian cities in this conflict.

War Essay Topic Ideas

Not sure what to write about in your war essay? Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

  • Causes of Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022
  • What led to Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014?
  • Causes of Tigray conflict in Ethiopia
  • Somalia-Kenya border conflict
  • Conflict in eastern DRC
  • Secessionist movements in the UK
  • Western Sahara versus Morocco
  • Causes of the Libyan Civil War
  • The American war of independence
  • The American civil war
  • The English civil war
  • The Napoleonic wars
  • The French invasion of Russia
  • Causes of the crusader wars
  • The German invasion of Poland and its consequences
  • The battle of Stalingrad and its bearing on the cause of WWII
  • The causes of World War I
  • The Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia
  • What caused America to end the Vietnam War
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall
  • The Arms Race
  • Role of the cold world war in shaping the world we live today
  • The causes and consequences of the Syrian Civil War
  • The role of propaganda in the Iraq War
  • Implications of the Syrian Civil War

As you Come to the End, 

An essay on war is not easy to write, but it can be written when you have the right information. This post provides you with all the vital information needed to write a brilliant war essay. We hope that this info makes it easy for you to write your war essay.

If you need assistance writing your war essay, don’t hesitate to order an essay online from our website. We’ve essay experts who can develop brilliant war essays 24/7. Visit our home page right now to get the assignment help you need.

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Home — Essay Samples — War — Vietnam War

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Essays on Vietnam War

đŸ‡»đŸ‡ł understanding the vietnam war: why write an essay.

The Vietnam War, a pivotal conflict in the 20th century, offers a rich tapestry of historical, political, and social complexities. Writing an essay about this topic is not just an academic exercise; it's an opportunity to delve into a multifaceted war with profound global implications. Exploring the Vietnam War through an essay allows us to gain insight into the human cost, political decisions, and lasting impacts of the conflict. 📚

📝 Vietnam War Essay Topics

Choosing the perfect topic for your Vietnam War essay requires careful consideration. It involves finding an aspect that piques your interest and aligns with your goals as a writer:

đŸ—Łïž Vietnam War Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay on the Vietnam War demands a strong stance on a particular issue related to the conflict. Characteristics of this type of essay include presenting a clear position and supporting it with evidence. Here are ten engaging topics:

  • The role of media in shaping public opinion during the Vietnam War.
  • Was the Vietnam War justified from a moral perspective?
  • The impact of the Vietnam War on American society and politics.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of U.S. military strategy in Vietnam.
  • The influence of anti-war protests on U.S. government decisions.
  • The long-term consequences of Agent Orange and chemical warfare.
  • The significance of the My Lai Massacre in the Vietnam War narrative.
  • Comparing the Vietnam War to other 20th-century conflicts.
  • The role of foreign powers in the Vietnam War: U.S. vs. USSR.
  • The legacy of the Vietnam War in modern geopolitics.

🌍 Vietnam War Cause and Effect Essay

A cause and effect essay on the Vietnam War explores the factors that led to the conflict and its far-reaching consequences. Characteristics of this type of essay include analyzing both the causes and outcomes. Here are ten thought-provoking topics:

  • The causes and effects of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
  • How the Cold War rivalry between the U.S. and USSR contributed to the Vietnam War.
  • The impact of the draft and conscription on American society.
  • Consequences of the Vietnam War on Vietnamese civilians and their communities.
  • The ecological damage caused by defoliants and chemical warfare.
  • The influence of the Vietnam War on the anti-war movement.
  • How the Vietnam War reshaped U.S. foreign policy in Southeast Asia.
  • The economic aftermath of the Vietnam War for both the U.S. and Vietnam.
  • Effects of post-war reconciliation and diplomacy between the U.S. and Vietnam.
  • Long-term repercussions of the Vietnam War on veterans and their families.

đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž Vietnam War Opinion Essay

An opinion essay on the Vietnam War allows you to express your perspective on various aspects of the conflict. Characteristics of this type of essay include sharing your viewpoint and supporting it with reasoning. Here are ten intriguing topics:

  • My personal stance on the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War.
  • Was the Vietnam War an unwinnable conflict from the start?
  • The role of media bias in shaping public perception of the Vietnam War.
  • Do I believe the U.S. should have intervened in Vietnam?
  • The significance of the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War narrative.
  • My thoughts on the impact of the Vietnam War on veterans' mental health.
  • Was the Vietnam War primarily a civil conflict or part of the Cold War?
  • The moral implications of using napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam.
  • My perspective on the role of diplomacy in ending the Vietnam War.
  • The lasting lessons we can learn from the Vietnam War experience.

📖 Vietnam War Informative Essay

An informative essay on the Vietnam War aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the conflict. Characteristics of this type of essay include presenting factual information and historical context. Here are ten informative topics:

  • The historical background of Vietnam leading up to the war.
  • Profiles of key figures and leaders in the Vietnam War.
  • A chronological overview of major events during the conflict.
  • The experiences of soldiers on both sides of the Vietnam War.
  • The significance of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in the war effort.
  • The cultural and social impact of the Vietnam War on the U.S.
  • The aftermath of the Vietnam War for the Vietnamese people.
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion about the war.
  • The different phases and strategies of the Vietnam War.
  • Comparing and contrasting U.S. and Vietnamese perspectives on the war.

✍ Vietnam War Essay Example

📜 vietnam war thesis statement examples.

1. "The Vietnam War profoundly shaped the trajectory of the United States in the 20th century, influencing both domestic policies and international relations."

2. "The media played a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and perceptions of the Vietnam War, ultimately affecting government decisions and the course of the conflict."

3. "The Vietnam War remains a complex and contested chapter in history, with diverse perspectives on its causes, consequences, and ethical implications."

4. "The experiences of Vietnam War veterans highlight the lasting psychological and emotional scars of combat, underscoring the need for comprehensive support and recognition."

5. "The Vietnam War serves as a cautionary tale of the limitations of military power and the importance of diplomacy and international cooperation in resolving conflicts."

📝 Vietnam War Essay Introduction Paragraph Examples

1. The Vietnam War stands as a pivotal moment in history, marked by complex political maneuvering, profound social change, and human sacrifice. Its significance stretches far beyond the battlegrounds, shaping the course of nations and altering the lives of countless individuals.

2. As we embark on this exploration of the Vietnam War, we find ourselves stepping into a realm of historical turmoil, moral dilemmas, and enduring legacies. The war's impact reverberates through time, demanding a closer examination of its causes, consequences, and contested narratives.

3. The Vietnam War, often referred to as the "American War" in Vietnam, occupies a unique place in global history. It is a conflict that defies easy categorization, a turbulent chapter marked by ideological clashes, geopolitical maneuvering, and the indomitable spirit of those who lived through it.

🔚 Vietnam War Essay Conclusion Paragraph Examples

1. In conclusion, the Vietnam War remains an enduring testament to the complexities of warfare and the indomitable human spirit. Its lessons remind us of the importance of critical reflection, diplomacy, and compassion in the face of adversity. The echoes of this conflict continue to shape our world today.

2. As we reflect on the Vietnam War, we are reminded that history is not a stagnant entity but a living narrative that informs our present and future. The war serves as a stark reminder of the costs of armed conflict and the imperative of seeking peaceful solutions to global challenges.

3. The Vietnam War's legacy endures, challenging us to confront its difficult truths and contemplate the enduring impact of war on individuals and nations. It is a history we must continue to study and remember, not only to honor those who lived it but to ensure that such conflicts remain lessons of the past rather than blueprints for the future.

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1 November 1955 – 30 April 1975

The United States, Australia, New Zealand, Republic of (South) Korea, Thailand, the Philippines

The Vietnam War, which took place from 1955 to 1975, was a complex conflict deeply rooted in the historical context of Vietnam and the broader Cold War era. It emerged as a result of the division of Vietnam into North and South following the Geneva Accords of 1954. The historical context of the Vietnam War includes the struggle for independence from colonial rule. Vietnam had been under French colonial rule for decades, and nationalist movements, particularly the Viet Minh led by Ho Chi Minh, sought to liberate the country. The defeat of French forces at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 marked a turning point, leading to the division of Vietnam and the subsequent involvement of major world powers. The conflict was also shaped by the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The United States supported the South Vietnamese government, viewing it as a bulwark against the spread of communism. Meanwhile, the North Vietnamese, backed by the Soviet Union and China, sought to reunify the country under a communist regime. The escalation of the war saw the United States deploying large numbers of troops, conducting aerial bombings, and employing controversial tactics such as defoliation with Agent Orange. The conflict was marked by guerrilla warfare, protests, and anti-war movements both domestically and internationally.

Geneva Accords (1954): The Geneva Conference resulted in the division of Vietnam along the 17th parallel. North Vietnam, under Ho Chi Minh's communist leadership, and South Vietnam, led by Ngo Dinh Diem, were established as separate entities. Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964): Following reports of a purported assault on American naval ships in the Gulf of Tonkin, the U.S. Congress responded by approving the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, endowing President Lyndon B. Johnson with expansive powers to intensify U.S. engagement in Vietnam. Operation Rolling Thunder (1965-1968): The U.S. began sustained bombing campaigns against North Vietnam, aiming to weaken the communist forces and halt their infiltration into South Vietnam. This marked a significant escalation of U.S. military involvement. Tet Offensive (1968): The surprise attacks launched by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces during the Tet holiday resulted in widespread fighting across South Vietnam. Although a tactical defeat for the communists, the offensive had a profound impact on American public opinion, as it contradicted the belief that victory was near. My Lai Massacre (1968): The revelation of the My Lai Massacre, where U.S. soldiers killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians, shocked the world and fueled anti-war sentiment. Paris Peace Accords (1973): The peace agreement aimed to end direct U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. It called for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of U.S. troops, and the release of prisoners of war. Fall of Saigon (1975): The North Vietnamese Army captured the capital city of Saigon, marking the end of the war. This event led to the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.

Ho Chi Min: Ho Chi Minh was a key figure in the Vietnamese struggle for independence. He led the Viet Minh and later became the President of North Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh's leadership and determination played a crucial role in rallying the Vietnamese people against foreign intervention. Lyndon B. Johnson: As the 36th President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson escalated U.S. involvement in Vietnam. His administration significantly increased American troop deployments and conducted extensive aerial bombings, seeking to prevent the spread of communism. Richard Nixon: Richard Nixon succeeded Johnson as President and implemented a policy of Vietnamization, gradually withdrawing U.S. troops while increasing the combat role of the South Vietnamese forces. Nixon pursued a strategy to negotiate a peace settlement and eventually oversaw the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam. General William Westmoreland: General Westmoreland served as the commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968. He played a prominent role in implementing the U.S. military strategy, including the large-scale deployment of troops and the conduct of major operations. Robert McNamara: Robert McNamara served as the U.S. Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War. He was a key architect of U.S. policy and the escalation of military involvement. McNamara's later reflections on the war brought attention to the human and strategic costs and prompted a reassessment of U.S. actions. Jane Fonda: Jane Fonda, an American actress and activist, became highly controversial due to her opposition to the war. She visited North Vietnam in 1972 and became an outspoken critic of U.S. policies, particularly the treatment of Vietnamese civilians and prisoners of war.

Shifting U.S. Foreign Policy: The Vietnam War prompted a reassessment of U.S. foreign policy and military interventionism. The war's unpopularity and its unforeseen challenges led to a shift away from direct military interventions and a greater emphasis on diplomacy and covert operations in subsequent conflicts. Anti-War Movements and Civil Rights: The Vietnam War fueled massive anti-war movements and protests across the United States and around the world. These movements fostered greater political activism and solidarity, influencing subsequent social and political struggles, including the civil rights movement and the push for gender equality. Diplomatic and Geopolitical Ramifications: The war had significant diplomatic consequences, leading to changes in global alliances and the balance of power. It strained relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as China, and influenced the political landscape of Southeast Asia. Impact on Veterans and Society: The Vietnam War had a lasting impact on the soldiers who fought in it, as well as on their families and communities. The war's aftermath gave rise to discussions on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the treatment of veterans, and the broader societal responsibility towards those who serve in conflicts.

Public opinion on the Vietnam War was deeply divided and evolved significantly throughout the conflict. Initially, many Americans supported U.S. involvement, viewing it as a necessary measure to prevent the spread of communism. However, as the war dragged on and casualty numbers increased, public sentiment shifted dramatically. Anti-war sentiments gained momentum, fueled by televised images of the war's brutality, the draft, and the perception of an unjustifiable military intervention. Protests, demonstrations, and acts of civil disobedience became widespread, representing a growing segment of the population opposed to the war. Criticism of the government's handling of the war intensified, with calls for a withdrawal of troops and an end to the conflict. Opposition to the war also extended to college campuses, where students staged protests and strikes. Public opinion on the Vietnam War played a pivotal role in shaping political discourse and policy decisions. The growing anti-war sentiment ultimately influenced policymakers, contributing to a gradual de-escalation and the eventual withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Apocalypse Now" (1979): Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this film is a renowned depiction of the war's psychological impact. It explores the horrors of war and the moral dilemmas faced by soldiers in a surreal and symbolic manner. "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien: This critically acclaimed book is a collection of interconnected short stories that delve into the experiences and emotions of soldiers during the Vietnam War. It explores themes of memory, truth, and the psychological weight carried by soldiers. Vietnam War Photography: Photojournalists like Eddie Adams, Nick Ut, and Larry Burrows captured powerful images that became iconic representations of the war. Examples include the Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of the execution of a Viet Cong prisoner and the haunting image of a young girl fleeing a napalm attack. "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989): Based on the autobiography of Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic, this film directed by Oliver Stone depicts the journey of a paralyzed Vietnam War veteran who becomes an anti-war activist. "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival: This song has become synonymous with the Vietnam War era. Its lyrics critique the unequal burden of military service and the socio-political context of the time.

1. The Vietnam War lasted for approximately 19 years, from 1955 to 1975. 2. The United States spent an estimated $168 billion (equivalent to over $1 trillion today) on the Vietnam War. 3. Over 2.7 million American troops served in the Vietnam War, with approximately 9.2 million military personnel from all sides involved in the conflict. 4. U.S. Air Force pilot Colonel Floyd James Thompson holds the distinction of being the longest-held American POW in the Vietnam War, enduring captivity for nearly nine years. 5. The Tet Offensive, launched by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces in 1968, involved coordinated surprise attacks on over 100 cities and military installations throughout South Vietnam. It was a turning point in the war and significantly impacted public opinion in the United States. 6. The United States military used the herbicide Agent Orange to defoliate dense vegetation in Vietnam. Unfortunately, it caused severe health problems, including cancer and birth defects, for both Vietnamese civilians and American veterans. 7. In 1968, U.S. troops massacred hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai. This event became a symbol of the war's brutality and led to widespread outrage. 8. The Vietnam War sparked massive anti-war demonstrations worldwide, with millions of people taking to the streets to express their opposition to the conflict.

The Vietnam War is an important and compelling topic to explore in an essay due to its profound historical, political, and social implications. Delving into this subject allows for a comprehensive examination of a conflict that not only shaped the course of the Cold War era but also had far-reaching consequences for global politics and societies. Studying the Vietnam War offers insights into the complexities of military interventions, the limits of power, and the ethical dilemmas faced by nations in times of war. It provides an opportunity to analyze the political decision-making processes, the role of the media, and the impact of public opinion on policy outcomes. Moreover, the war's divisive nature and the anti-war movements it sparked raise important questions about the responsibility of citizens, the power of collective action, and the long-lasting effects of trauma on individuals and communities. By exploring the Vietnam War, one can also gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and perspectives of soldiers, veterans, and civilians who were directly affected by the conflict. Their stories offer valuable lessons on resilience, sacrifice, and the consequences of armed conflicts on societies.

1. Anderson, D. L. (2017). The Vietnam War. Palgrave Macmillan. 2. Appy, C. G. (2003). Patriots: The Vietnam War remembered from all sides. Penguin Books. 3. Davidson, P. (2019). Vietnam at war: The history, 1946-1975. Oxford University Press. 4. FitzGerald, F. (2002). Fire in the lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam. Back Bay Books. 5. Herring, G. C. (2014). America's longest war: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975. McGraw-Hill Education. 6. Hunt, M. H. (2009). A Vietnam War reader: A documentary history from American and Vietnamese perspectives. University of North Carolina Press. 7. Karnow, S. (1997). Vietnam: A history. Penguin Books. 8. Sheehan, N. (1989). A bright shining lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam. Vintage Books. 9. VanDeMark, B. (1991). Into the quagmire: Lyndon Johnson and the escalation of the Vietnam War. Oxford University Press. 10. Young, M. G. (2017). The Vietnam wars, 1945-1990. HarperCollins Publishers.

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what is a good title for a war essay

How to Write War Essay: Russia Ukraine War

what is a good title for a war essay

Understanding the Purpose and Scope of a War Essay

A condition of armed conflict between nations or between groups living in one nation is known as war. Sounds not like much fun, does it? Well, conflicts have been a part of human history for thousands of years, and as industry and technology have developed, they have grown more devastating. As awful as it might seem, a war typically occurs between a country or group of countries against a rival country to attain a goal through force. Civil and revolutionary wars are examples of internal conflicts that can occur inside a nation.

Your history class could ask you to write a war essay, or you might be personally interested in learning more about conflicts, in which case you might want to learn how to write an academic essay about war. In any scenario, we have gathered valuable guidance on how to organize war essays. Let's first examine the potential reasons for a conflict before moving on to the outline for a war essay.

  • Economic Gain - A country's desire to seize control of another country's resources frequently starts conflicts. Even when the proclaimed goal of a war is portrayed to the public as something more admirable, most wars have an economic motivation at their core, regardless of any other possible causes.
  • Territorial Gain - A nation may determine that it requires additional land for habitation, agriculture, or other uses. Additionally, the territory might serve as buffer zones between two violent foes.
  • Religion - Religious disputes can stem from extremely profound issues. They may go dormant for many years before suddenly resurfacing later.
  • Nationalism - In this sense, nationalism simply refers to the act of violently subjugating another country to demonstrate the country's superiority. This frequently manifests as an invasion.
  • Revenge - Warfare can frequently be motivated by the desire to punish, make up for, or simply exact revenge for perceived wrongdoing. Revenge has a connection to nationalism as well because when a nation has been wronged, its citizens are inspired by patriotism and zeal to take action.
  • Defensive War - In today's world, when military aggression is being questioned, governments will frequently claim that they are fighting in a solely protective manner against a rival or prospective aggressor and that their conflict is thus a 'just' conflict. These defensive conflicts may be especially contentious when conducted proactively, with the basic premise being that we are striking them before they strike us.

How to Write War Essay with a War Essay Outline

Just like in compare and contrast examples and any other forms of writing, an outline for a war essay assists you in organizing your research and creating a good flow. In general, you keep to the traditional three-part essay style, but you can adapt it as needed based on the length and criteria of your school. When planning your war paper, consider the following outline:

War Essay Outline


  • Definition of war
  • Importance of studying wars
  • Thesis statement

Body Paragraphs

  • Causes of the War
  • Political reasons
  • Economic reasons
  • Social reasons
  • Historical reasons
  • Major Players in the War
  • Countries and their leaders
  • Military leaders
  • Allies and enemies
  • Strategies and Tactics
  • Military tactics and techniques
  • Strategic planning
  • Weapons and technology
  • Impact of the War
  • On the countries involved
  • On civilians and non-combatants
  • On the world as a whole
  • Summary of the main points
  • Final thoughts on the war
  • Suggestions for future research

If you found this outline template helpful, you can also use our physics help for further perfecting your academic assignments.

Begin With a Relevant Hook

A hook should be the focal point of the entire essay. A good hook for an essay on war can be an interesting statement, an emotional appeal, a thoughtful question, or a surprising fact or figure. It engages your audience and leaves them hungry for more information.

Follow Your Outline

An outline is the single most important organizational tool for essay writing. It allows the writer to visualize the overall structure of the essay and focus on the flow of information. The specifics of your outline depend on the type of essay you are writing. For example, some should focus on statistics and pure numbers, while others should dedicate more space to abstract arguments.

How to Discuss Tragedy, Loss, and Sentiment

War essays are particularly difficult to write because of the terrible nature of war. The life is destroyed, the loved ones lost, fighting, death, great many massacres and violence overwhelm, and hatred for the evil enemy, amongst other tragedies, make emotions run hot, which is why sensitivity is so important. Depending on the essay's purpose, there are different ways to deal with tragedy and sentiment.

The easiest one is to stick with objective data rather than deal with the personal experiences of those who may have been affected by these events. It can be hard to remain impartial, especially when writing about recent deaths and destruction. But it is your duty as a researcher to do so.

However, it’s not always possible to avoid these issues entirely. When you are forced to tackle them head-on, you should always be considerate and avoid passing swift and sweeping judgment.

Summing Up Your Writing

When you have finished presenting your case, you should finish it off with some sort of lesson it teaches us. Armed conflict is a major part of human nature yet. By analyzing the events that transpired, you should be able to make a compelling argument about the scale of the damage the war caused, as well as how to prevent it in the future.

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Popular War Essay Topics

When choosing a topic for an essay about war, it is best to begin with the most well-known conflicts because they are thoroughly recorded. These can include the Cold War or World War II. You might also choose current wars, such as the Syrian Civil War or the Russia and Ukraine war. Because they occur in the backdrop of your time and place, such occurrences may be simpler to grasp and research.

To help you decide which war to write about, we have compiled some facts about several conflicts that will help you get off to a strong start.

Reasons for a War

Russia Ukraine War

Russian President Vladimir Putin started the Russian invasion in the early hours of February 24 last year. According to him. the Ukrainian government had been committing genocide against Russian-speaking residents in the eastern Ukraine - Donbas region since 2014, calling the onslaught a 'special military operation.'

The Russian president further connected the assault to the NATO transatlantic military alliance commanded by the United States. He said the Russian military was determined to stop NATO from moving farther east and establishing a military presence in Ukraine, a part of the Soviet Union, until its fall in 1991.

All of Russia's justifications have been rejected by Ukraine and its ally Western Countries. Russia asserted its measures were defensive, while Ukraine declared an emergency and enacted martial law. According to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the administration's objective is not only to repel offensives but also to reclaim all Ukrainian land that the Russian Federation has taken, including Crimea.

Both sides of the conflict accuse the other of deploying indiscriminate force, which has resulted in many civilian deaths and displacements. According to current Ukraine news, due to the difficulty of counting the deceased due to ongoing combat, the death toll is likely far higher. In addition, countless Ukrainian refugees were compelled to leave their homeland in search of safety and stability abroad.

Diplomatic talks have been employed to try to end the Ukraine-Russia war. Several rounds of conversations have taken place in various places. However, the conflict is still raging as of April 2023, and there is no sign of a truce.

World War II

World War II raged from 1939 until 1945. Most of the world's superpowers took part in the conflict, fought between two military alliances headed by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, and the Axis Powers, led by Germany, Italy, and Japan.

If you'd like to explore it more in-depth, consider using our history essay service for a World War 2 essay pdf sample!

After World War II, a persistent political conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies became known as the Cold War. It's hard to say who was to blame for the cold war essay. American citizens have long harbored concerns about Soviet communism and expressed alarm over Joseph Stalin's brutal control of his own nation. On their side, the Soviets were angry at the Americans for delaying their participation in World War II, which led to the deaths of tens of millions of Russians, and for America's long-standing unwillingness to recognize the USSR as a genuine member of the world community.

Vietnam War

If you're thinking about writing the Vietnam War essay, you should know that it was a protracted military battle that lasted in Vietnam from 1955 to 1975. The North Vietnamese communist government fought South Vietnam and its main ally, the United States, in the lengthy, expensive, and contentious Vietnam War. The ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union exacerbated the issue. The Vietnam War claimed the lives of more than 3 million individuals, more than half of whom were Vietnamese civilians.

American Civil War

Consider writing an American Civil War essay where the Confederate States of America, a grouping of eleven southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861, and the United States of America battled each other. If you're wondering what caused the civil war, you should know that the long-standing dispute about the legitimacy of slavery is largely responsible for how the war started.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

After over a century, the Israel-Palestine conflict has evolved into one of the most significant and current problems in the Middle East. A war that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people destroyed their homes and gave rise to terrorist organizations that still hold the region hostage. Simply described, it is a conflict between two groups of people for ownership of the same piece of land. One already resided there, while the other was compelled to immigrate to this country owing to rising antisemitism and later settled there. For Israelis and Palestinians alike, as well as for the larger area, the war continues to have substantial political, social, and economic repercussions.

The Syrian Civil War

Pro-democracy protests broke out in southern Deraa in March 2011 due to upheavals against oppressive leaders in neighboring nations. When the Syrian government employed lethal force to quell the unrest, widespread protests calling for the president's resignation broke out.

The country entered a civil war as the violence quickly increased. After hundreds of rebel organizations emerged, the fight quickly expanded beyond a confrontation between Syrians supporting or opposing Mr. Assad. Everyone believes a political solution is necessary, even though it doesn't seem like it will soon.

Russia-Ukraine War Essay Sample

With the Russian-Ukrainian war essay sample provided below from our paper writing experts, you can gain more insight into structuring a flawless paper.

Why is there a war between Russia and Ukraine?

Final Words

To understand our past and the present, we must study conflicts since they are a product of human nature and civilization. Our graduate essay writing service can produce any kind of essay you want, whether it is about World War II, the Cold War, or another conflict. Send us your specifications with your ' write my essay ' request, and let our skilled writers help you wow your professor!

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The Ethics of War: Essays

The Ethics of War: Essays

The Ethics of War: Essays

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Some of the most basic assumptions of Just War theory have been dismantled in a barrage of criticism and analysis in the first dozen years of the twenty-first century. The Ethics of War continues and pushes past this trend. This anthology is an authoritative treatment of the ethics and law of war by eminent scholars who first challenged the orthodoxy of Just War theory, as well as by “second-wave” revisionists. The twelve original essays span both foundational and topical issues in the ethics of war, including an investigation of whether there is a “greater-good” obligation that parallels the canonical lesser evil justification in war, the conditions under which citizens can wage war against their own government, whether there is a limit to the number of combatants on the unjust side who can be permissibly killed, whether the justice of the cause for which combatants fight affects the moral permissibility of fighting, whether duress ever justifies killing in war, the role that collective liability plays in the ethics of war, whether targeted killing is morally and legally permissible, the morality of legal prohibitions on the use of indiscriminate weapons, the justification for the legal distinction between directly and indirectly harming civilians, whether human rights of unjust combatants are more prohibitive than have been thought, the moral categories and criteria needed to understand the proper justification for ending war, and the role of hope in the moral repair of combatants suffering from PTSD.

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Speaker 1: Today we will discuss what is perhaps the most single important element of your research paper, the title. The title is the first thing that journal editors and reviewers see when they look at your paper. It is also the only piece of information that fellow researchers will see in a database or search engine query. Therefore, you want to make sure the title captures all of the relevant aspects of your study but does so in a way that is accessible and captivating to readers. Follow these steps to create a perfect title for your paper. First, ask yourself some questions about what your paper seeks to answer and what it accomplishes. What is my paper about? My paper studies how program volume affects outcomes for liver transplant patients on waiting lists. What methods or techniques did I use to perform my study? I employed a case study. What or who was the subject of my study? I studied 60 liver transplant patients on a waiting list in the U.S. aged 20 to 50 years. What were the results? Positive correlation between waiting list volume and poor outcome of transplant procedure. After answering these questions, move on to the second step, which is to identify and list key words and phrases from these responses. Program volume, outcomes, liver transplant patients, waiting lists, case study, 60 liver transplant patients, age 20 to 50 years, positive correlation. These keywords will form the foundation of your title. Once you have identified and listed these keywords, use them to create one long sentence. This study used a case study of 60 liver transplant patients around the U.S. aged 20 to 50 years to assess how the waiting list volume affects the outcome of liver transplantation in patients. These indicate a positive correlation between increased waiting list volume and a negative prognosis after transplant procedure. Next create a working title. Remove elements that make it a complete sentence, but keep everything that is most important to what the study is about. Delete all unnecessary or redundant words. Now let's shift some words around and rephrase it a bit to shorten the length and make it leaner and yet more natural. What you are left with is a case study of 60 liver transplant patients around the U.S. aged 20 to 50 years assessing the impact of waiting list volume on outcome of a transplantation and showing a positive correlation between increased waiting list volume and negative prognosis. This is getting closer to what we want in a title, which is just the most important information. But note that the word count for this working title is still 38 words, whereas the average published journal article title is 16 words or fewer. Therefore we need to eliminate some words and phrases that are not essential to the title. In step 5 you will delete all extra words and phrases and put key words at the beginning and end of your title. Since the number of patients studied and the exact outcome are not the most essential elements of this paper, remove these elements first. In addition, the methods used in a study are not usually the most searched for keywords in databases and represent additional details that you may want to remove to make your title a little leaner. So we are left with assessing the impact of waiting list volume on outcome and prognosis in liver transplantation patients. In this final version you can immediately see how much clearer the title is and what the study is about and what it aims to achieve. And note that the important terms are written at the beginning and the end of the title. Assessing, which is the main action of the study, is at the beginning and liver transplantation patients, the specific subject of the study, is given at the end. This will help a lot with search engine and database queries, meaning that a lot more researchers will find your article once it is published. And if you want to add a subtitle to give more detail about methodology, you can do this by putting this information after a colon. A case study of US adult patients ages 20 to 25. We abide strictly by our word count rule, this may be unnecessary, but every journal has its own standard formatting and style guidelines for titles, so it's a good idea to be aware of these both while writing your title and writing the study itself. So let's review these steps. First, answer some basic questions about your paper. Next, identify and list keywords and phrases from these responses. Third, turn these keywords into a long sentence. Out of this long sentence you can create a working title, deleting any unnecessary and redundant words. Last, delete any extra elements to meet a suitable word count for your title. Note key terms at the beginning and the end, and again you may add a subtitle if it seems necessary or important to this study. Keep these tips in mind when creating your research paper title. Write the title after you've written your paper in abstract. Include all of your paper's essential terms. Keep it short and to the point, about 16 words or fewer is best. Avoid using jargon or abbreviations that will not be understandable by the general reader. Use keywords that closely relate to the content of your paper, and never use a period at the end of your title. Remember, your title is not a sentence. For more tips on how to improve your writing, visit wordvice.com and check out our resources page where you will find a great many helpful articles and videos. And be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and social media pages to stay up to date with more excellent academic writing and journal publications content.


Man allegedly drugged wife's dinner then invited more than 50 other men over to rape her

Some 51 men are accused of raping GisĂšle PĂ©licot, a mother of three, after she was allegedly drugged by her husband at the family home in Mazan, a commune in Provence-Alpes-CĂŽte d'Azur

GisĂšle PĂ©licot

  • 16:23, 2 Sep 2024
  • Updated 16:37, 2 Sep 2024

A mum who was allegedly raped by multiple strangers after being drugged by her own husband today faced them all in a packed court room .

GisĂšle PĂ©licot, a 72-year-old French woman, waived her legal right to anonymity on Monday at the opening of the trial of Dominique PĂ©licot, 71, and 51 other men.

All are accused of aggravated rape in a trial at the Vaucluse Criminal Court, in Avignon, which is due to last for four months. Twenty of them, including PĂ©licot, are in custody, while the others remain on bail.

Asked to confirm his name and address at the start of proceedings, PĂ©licot said: "My home is prison, you know it". Ms PĂ©licot, a mother-of-three, was supported by her adult children as she stood in the public gallery, listening to evidence.

The family home, in nearby Mazan, allegedly became a crime scene over almost a decade, when streams of men were invited to attack Ms PĂ©licot. Her husband is said to have used an online platform called coco.fr to contact them between 2011 and 2020.

Detectives have listed a total of 92 rapes committed by 72 men, 51 of whom have been identified.They are all being tried alongside Mr PĂ©licot , a former employee at French utility company, EDF.

In evidence from previous hearings, he said all the men who slept with his wife ‘knew she was drugged’ without her knowledge. PĂ©licot said ‘all had free will’ and ‘could have left the premises’ at any time.

Presiding Judge Roger Arata announced first thing on Monday morning that Ms PĂ©licot would be granted her wish for ‘full publicity’ until the end of the trial.

"Proceedings will be public," said the judge, who is president of a bench composed of five professional magistrates. Ms PĂ©licot’s lawyer, Antoine Camus, said: "She could have opted for a closed trial, but that’s what her attackers would have wanted."

Despite this, it would be a ‘horrible ordeal,’ said Mr Camus, adding: ‘For the first time, she will have to live through the rapes that she endured over ten years.

The PĂ©licots shared a large family house and – outwardly – were highly respectable pensioners with family members who visited regularly. Neighbours spoke about them as ‘lovely people’ who held parties around their swimming pool, in a well-kept garden, according to court evidence.

In fact, PĂ©licot was allegedly a serial rapist who moved his family from greater Paris in 1991, and later allegedly set up the sex ring. It involved advertising on a site for ‘partners’ on an online forum called ‘Without Her Knowing’.

Participants would discuss performing acts on unwitting partners, and then film their depravity, before storing the videos on a USB drive dubbed ‘Abuses’. In PĂ©licot’s case, the data eventually fell into the hand of police, who confirmed it enabled them to identify the 92 cases of rape. Of the 83 men involved, 51 aged between 26 and 73 were identified and arrested by the police.

PĂ©licot is said to have sedated his wife by putting tablets of a powerful anxiolytic drug into her evening dinner. He then invited strangers from the online forum into the couple's bedroom, so that his wife could be raped while unconscious. All were told to wash their hands, and not to wear aftershave, so she would not sense they were strangers.

Investigators only learned about the horror in 2020, when PĂ©licot was arrested in a supermarket in Carpentras for filming up the skirts of other customers.

When police searched his camera phone, and equipment kept at his home, they found all of the abuse images. Alleged rapists involved in the case include civil servants, ambulance workers, soldiers, prison guards, nurses, a journalist, a municipal councillor, and truck drivers.

A fireman accused of raping Ms PĂ©licot wore his uniform during the attack, one video shows. The fireman's computer contained 728 images of children being sexually abused, say prosecutors.

Some of his accomplices claimed they had no idea the sex was not consensual while one denied it was rape, saying: "It's his wife, he does what he likes with her." The trial continues, and is due to last until December 21.

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528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Current-day problems, from global warming to human rights, continue to be a topical subject, urging students to address acute issues.

However, this relatability means that you, as an essay writer, may find yourself faced with conflicting facts and circumstances, which your inherent bias may affect.

Thus, a terrorism essay becomes not merely an academic endeavor, but an attempt to immerse yourself in contemporary issues with a multitude of opinions.

  • Research and outline your subject beforehand. This process will not only save your time but also help you structure your thoughts and arguments coherently.
  • Use tools, such as topic sentences and brainstorming techniques, in the prewriting phase of your paper. Doing so will help you understand how you would like to develop your central theme.
  • Start compiling a bibliography early on. When many different viewpoints exist, creating a structured argument in favor of a particular approach may require a wide array of supporting book and journal titles.
  • Give a historical overview of your issue. For example, if you are writing about global terrorism, then it is apparent that a worldwide network of violent radicals did not come into existence overnight. Acknowledge and explain the origins of your assigned issue.
  • Read other’s sample essays. This action will help you gain a better understanding of what works and what does not in terrorism essay topics.
  • Use terrorism essay quotations. Since this is a contemporary issue, then there are bound to be many people involved in activities to counter terrorism, survivors of attacks, and general onlookers. Utilize their perspectives and memories to give your essay a unique touch.
  • Remain respectful throughout your paper. Recognize the gravity of your essay and understand the privilege you have when writing about ideas that you may not have experienced.
  • Write your essay with no references. Despite watching TV coverages, listening to critics, and reading tabloids, none of us are experts on war or terrorism. Always cite the sources of your information to uphold the integrity of your work.
  • Plagiarize from the work of others. While you may read essays written by your peers or those that are available online, directly copying from them is an academic offense.
  • Go off point. If you are writing about the history of Al Qaeda, do not disintegrate your work into a how to stop terrorism essay. However, you may give some points in your conclusion on how the overall situation may be amended.
  • Write controversial terrorism essay titles. While your title should be catchy and grab your readers’ attention, you should not resort to cheap tactics to make your headings memorable by shock value. Remember that your audience may perceive this tactic as making light of your subject, thus destroying your hard-earned credibility.
  • Try to advocate for a pro-terrorist approach. While it is a sound idea to subvert some essay topics, this is not the case in such papers and your work should always be against terrorism.
  • Integrate examples from unreliable sources. While readers are often less informed than the essay’s writer is, the opposite may also occur. Therefore, always check the facts, which you include in your work, to avoid embarrassment.
  • Draw out your essay to stress the seriousness of the subject. Use your instructor’s specified word count as a measure for how much you should write. Your readers will not appreciate a long-winded paper, as they are hoping instead to get a quick and concise introduction to an important problem.

Want to get more inspiration on terrorism essay topics? Head over to IvyPanda!

  • “To Any Would-Be Terrorists” by Naomi Shihab Nye While trying to address the extremist audience, the writer resorted to the strong methods of personification to be able to talk straight to each reading the letter. Despite the character of the text, the writer […]
  • Terror in “The Dumb Waiter” Play by Harold Pinter Pinter exemplifies the existential view of the absurd and the non-existence in The Dumb Waiter in the same manner as that employed in Waiting for Godot by Beckett.
  • Anti Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism The accomplishment of the specified goal will require the cooperation between the state government and the representatives of the UAE organizations, as well as the coordination of the latter’s actions with the ones of the […]
  • Role of Media in Terrorism and Its Force Multipliers The following passages describe the role of the media in terrorism, how terrorists use laws to their advantage, the concept of asymmetrical warfare, and force multiplier as they apply to terrorism.
  • Investigation Methods: Terrorism and Cyber Crime The question on whether the investigations in these areas of cyber crime and terrorism to remain incident driven or to adopt strategic approach are still is of great concern to the security agencies and the […]
  • Islamic Terrorism in Ridley Scott’s “Body of Lies” As it was implied earlier, in order for us to be able to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism, we need to make an inquiry into the very tenets of Islam, […]
  • Leila Khaled: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist? This essay elaborates her intentions with the support of academic sources and her movie in order to demonstrate her cause of action as a freedom fighter for her country and not a terrorist as perceived.
  • “Monsters, Inc.” and the War on Terror The problem of fear in the American society can be discussed as the multidimensional concept which is directly associated with the developed idea of the War on Terror because fear is the main force to […]
  • Analysis of a Domestic Terrorist Group and Homeland Security Policies The Boogaloo Movement is a severe menace, and the government must take all necessary measures to put a stop to it, it is concluded.
  • Suspected Terrorist Interrogation and Use of Torture Regardless, torture is still popular across the globe, and it has elicited a new debate questioning whether it is immoral and unacceptable to use torture in the case of efforts to fight terror in the […]
  • Terrorism, Corruption, and Climate Change as Threats Therefore, threats affecting countries around the globe include terrorism, corruption, and climate change that can be mitigated through integrated counter-terror mechanisms, severe punishment for dishonest practices, and creating awareness of safe practices.
  • Problems the US Faced in the Prosecution of the International Terrorists Differentiating a potential extremist from the rest of the population has been challenging because most international criminals interact with civilians and become part of them.
  • Terrorist Impact on Maritime Transportation Security Notably, the United States established the Transportation Security Administration under the Department of Transportation, which was soon transferred to the newly formed Homeland Security Department.
  • International Terrorism: Waves and Countermeasures The concept of modern terrorism emerged in Russia, and after a decade, it spread to Western Europe, the Balkans, and Asia.
  • The Nexus of Homeland Security and Terrorism The Department of Homeland Security is one of the several bureaucracies formed to tackle the issues of rising insecurity due to external powers and potential facilitators within the US.
  • The Future and Change of Terrorism As a result, even if terrorists get their hands on these weapons, they might hesitate to use them on individuals because of the associated implications.
  • The Terrorist Attack Recovery Process Terrorism response strategies and the recovery process vary according to the scope of damages and the implications of the methods used in the terror attacks.
  • Preparing for a Potential Terrorist Attack The ultimate aim of preparedness is to limit exposure to adversities during and after a terrorist attack. Thus, a recommended approach to limiting the potential security hazard of terrorist attacks is assessing its attributes and […]
  • Role of Terrorism in Russo-Ukrainian War Due to this factor, one of the most influential and widespread typologies of terrorism is the New Terrorism that emerged after the tragedy of 2001 in the USA.
  • Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act of 2018 Therefore, the current policies are a response to existing problems, and as the problem inside the country has become smaller, the reaction has also decreased.
  • Anti-Terrorism Security Complex for Civil Aviation It is expected that the increase in the number of flights in the absence of a strengthened anti-terrorist culture should also lead to an increase in the number of unintended consequences of such flights – […]
  • Terrorism: Goals and Strategies Their main purpose can range from changing the direction of the politics in the state to overthrowing the exciting government and establishing control over the population.
  • Religious Terrorism: Ideologies and Methods of Al Qaeda and ISIS Strict adherence to the recorded practices and sayings of the Prophet in the letter of the Koran is emphasized. It endorses the rationalization of terrorism and violence in the efforts to fight against infidels.
  • Principles of Leadership and Future of Terrorism At the present time, leadership is presented in various forms; however, the primary objectives of the model generally include the improvement of organizational performance and the enhancement of the relationships between the members.
  • The 2012 Tel Aviv Bus Bombing and Crisis Management Musa was the manufacturer and detonator of the bomb, which he used Mafarji to deliver inside the Tel Aviv-based commuter bus.
  • The Role of the Military in Domestic Terrorism Acts The video focuses on the issue of domestic terrorism in the U.S.in light of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
  • Addressing Challenges of Religious Terrorism The various methods used in religious terrorism are spiritual scriptures to justify the violent acts and the use of apocalyptic images of destruction to justify the actions.
  • Terrorism and Changes in Police Management Firstly, the police and organizations related to the population’s safety prioritized the prevention of terrorism to minimize the damage. Organizing in the police station involves the creation of organizational structure, points of authority, and responsibilities.
  • Terrorists’ Minds and Radicalization Processes Moreover, the models agree that radicalization is a stepwise process in which one stage or step leads to another and eventually reaches the act of terrorism.
  • The Terrorism and Oil Industry Relationship Since terrorism is a source of political instability in the world, there is expected to be a positive correlation between oil prices and terrorist attacks. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship […]
  • Understanding the Definition of WMDs and the Constraints on Terrorist Acquisition The most known WMD a nuclear weapon is limited in numbers and difficult to create. The most probable WMD for terrorists to acquire are chemical weapons.
  • Online Interventions Addressing Terrorism and Radicalization The study will also identify that the Sakinah campaign can be considered a suitable example of how it is possible to address Internet terrorism and radicalization.
  • A Terrorism Attack in the Middle East Countries in the Middle East are prone to terrorist attacks rendering it one of the unsafest regions in the world. The importance of this study is to understand the purpose of terrorist attacks in the […]
  • Behavioral Factors of Individual Terrorists The behavior of individual terrorists is dictated by the group dynamics, their mental health, and well-being, as well as the underlying incentives for joining a terrorist organization.
  • The Ways Terrorists Raise and Move Money Moreover, the government has put into action the freezing orders and blocking of united states individuals who are presumed to have a hand in terrorist activities.
  • Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime as Threats to Homeland Security The US is among the nations that have suffered some of the worst terrorist attacks worldwide and it is also a hub of international criminal activities due to its wealth of resources and powerful economic […]
  • Planning for Terrorist Events: Case Study To review the response of France’s forces and evaluate its efficiency To provide several recommendations for the prevention of attacks during the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar Terrorist attacks that took place across Paris […]
  • Global Impact of 9-11 Events on Terrorism Prevention Many people resorted to religion and faith, and the majority reported that they were praying more frequently. Moreover, it stimulated the intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan to fight terrorist groups.
  • September 11, 2001 Attacks: What We Have Learned About Terrorism Since 9,11 The world has remembered one of the most tragic attacks in the USA in 2001, and the consequences of this event stay one of the most discussed.
  • The Case of Saudi Arabia’s Soft Counter-Terrorism Strategy Therefore, this assessment is essential for government agencies, consulting organizations, and society in general, since innocent people suffer from the consequences of terrorism.
  • Terrorism Prevention: Operation Geronimo Intelligence briefings had been vital in this operation, and there was sufficient evidence to show that the wanted terrorist was in the compound. In conclusion, the operation was a necessary undertaking in ensuring international peace […]
  • Trump Tells Story About Killing Terrorists With Bullets Dipped in Pigs’ Blood The text reflects on Donald Trump’s recollection of the myth that terrorists were killed before the bullets used were dipped in pig blood.
  • US Strategy From the Cold War to the Post-Global War on Terrorism Before the collapse of the United Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, the United State’s strategy during the Cold War era had been one of deterrence to the potential threats of the USSR and its allies […]
  • Analysis of the Terrorist Organizations: “Red Brigades” and “Boko Haram” The most famous action in the organization’s history is the abduction and murder of the former Prime Minister of Italy Aldo Moro in the spring of 1978.
  • Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism in the US The very first section of this act is devoted to strengthening the internal security of the population of the States in the framework of countering terrorism.
  • Countering Terrorism Through Innovative Approaches The vital issue of this meeting became the issue of the technological development of international terrorism, its rapid growth in the online world, and acquaintance with the most recent technologies.
  • Iran’s Involvement in Sponsoring Global Terrorism Due to the particular features of the theocratic regimes, in the case of Iran, the inclination towards terrorism can be explained by two pillars of the Islamic doctrine underlining the constitution.
  • Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism These writings can be on the second, third, and so on pages, depending on the pressure on the writing subject, that is, a pen or pencil.
  • Terrorism: the Victim of Terrorism and of Mechanisms to Combat It The Concept of Terrorism: Unlawful act Broad interpretations Threatening lives Generic term of terror Caused by forces opposed to the state Sociopolitical
  • Countering Terrorism and Preventive Measures Considering the events of the past century, including the first and 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and 2001, United States Embassy in Beirut and Kuwait bombing, and many other attacks, the […]
  • Why Terrorism Is Not a Serious Threat to International and National Security We accept the existence of this threat, but we are still sure terrorism narrative as an existential threat is doing more damage to a larger amount of people than local terroristic attacks.
  • An Analysis of Terrorist Activities The main terrorist attack of al Qaeda was the 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers, claiming the lives of thousands of people and leading to the beginning of the War on Terror.
  • Biowarfare and Bioterrorism: History and Origin According to Edmond and William, the dawn of bioterrorism dates back to the nineteenth century, when Louis Pasteur and Robert Koech studied and understood the basics of microbiology. Moreover, another application of biological weapons is […]
  • Response to a Hypothetical Terrorist Event Prior to explicit action, the first thing to do in such a situation is to assess the environment depending on the location of terrorists and the type of attack and to outline the civilians that […]
  • Biological Warfare and Agro-Terrorism However, the most important thing from which those infected with botulism die is paralysis of the respiratory muscles and the respiratory failure that follows. The bacteria Bacillus Anthracis, which causes anthrax, is one of the […]
  • Terrorism Impacts on Policing in Belgium Nevertheless, when studying the world experience of countries facing the threat of high extremist activity and falling victim to attacks by militant fanatics at the beginning of the 21st century, the Belgian government has strengthened […]
  • Researching of Morals of Terrorists Terrorism attacks are a form of violence, and the moral implication is death in the form of revenge. Realism is a form of acceptance that everyone on the battlefield is a civilian with their families.
  • The Structures, Motivations, and Qualities of Terrorist Groups This implies that the structures of terrorist groups are determined by the capacity and character of the government and society where they operate.
  • The Functionalism Theory Assumptions of Terrorism The functionalism theory echoes the candid assumptions of terrorism and further resonates with the evolving terrorism threat. As Barkan outlines, the functionalism perspective postulates that terrorism creates social bonding and solidarity within societies at war.
  • Terrorism: Cargo and Passenger Screening To avoid such events, security systems need to be improved by the management both in the field of technological equipment and in the training of professionals.
  • Motivations of Lone-Wolf Terrorists The phenomenon of lone-wolf terrorism is an interesting one because it challenges one to attempt to understand the motivation of a person to commit a violent criminal act knowing of the severe consequences.
  • Public Policy Issue: Domestic Terrorism At the same time, proponents of the policy argue that the rise of domestic terrorism is due to the failure of holding accountable and confronting the perpetrators by the responsible authorities and not a case […]
  • Radicalization and Terrorism in the United States The individuals or self-proclaimed bombers are one of the major threats that the USA will have to be on the lookout for most of the time.
  • America: Racism, Terrorism, and Ethno-Culturalism The myth of the frontier is one of the strongest and long-lived myths of America that animates the imagination of the Americans even to this day.
  • Terrorism: Domestic, Transnational, and Maritime Forms All types of terrorism are based on the forcible imposition of a worldview, ideology, morality, politics using violence, threats of murder or other forms as the primary means of achieving goals.
  • “Terrorism” Is a Biased Term According to Bin Ladin, the bombing of the World Trade Center was an intimidation technique targeting the Americans due to the violence against the Islamic community.
  • Terrorism and Data Mining Algorithms However, this is a necessary evil as the nation’s security has to be prioritized since these attacks lead to harm to a larger population compared to the infringements.
  • Cyber-Terrorism and International Interventions Most of the cyber-attacks that have occurred involve the direction of the malware and attacks to specific critical systems and Information Technology infrastructures.
  • Terrorism and Media Coverage In that regard, the issue of media coverage is specifically important to consider in situations involving hostages, as the media either covering a news report or responding to the terrorists’ demands is in a position […]
  • Airfreight Security Breaches and Terrorism The majority of terrorist attacks happened after the 1990s, thereby indicating the deterioration of the security system and breaches in it.
  • Terror and Religion One of the common religious terror activities has been on martyrdom, the practice of causing death to oneself on the basis of being a witness to ideological and theological perspectives and beliefs.
  • Encryption, Stenography & Cyber Criminal Terrorist The internet and the ICT system as a whole are vulnerable to cyber attacks. This is the method of using to trademark to protect our images and copyright on our intellectual properties.
  • Radicalization and Terrorism Phenomena A precursor to radicalization and terrorism is the lack of proper socio-political integration of certain communities in countries. Radicalization lies at the heart of terrorism and plays a central role in the propagation of ideas.
  • Boko Haram Terrorist Organization: History and Facts Since the inception of the organization in 2002, the primary goal of Boko Haram has been to impose Islamic rule in Nigeria by promoting a version of the religion that forbids participation in any social […]
  • Local Efforts to Counter the Terror Threat in New York City The program encompasses a series of both current and future policy efforts that are associated with the private sector security as well as counterterrorism in the state.
  • Cyber-Terrorism and Healthcare Information Systems – Past, Present, and Future The cyber appliances in the health sector then again sustain correspondence amongst shareholders and service providers and as well support resources management.
  • Bioterrorism Response by Healthcare Organizations Bioterrorism is a frequently used term that proves human responsibility on the development of its outcomes and effects on people and other living beings on Earth.
  • Response to Terrorist Attacks: The Role of Military and Public Sector Entities Nevertheless, to understand the basis of such partnership, one has to understand the actions that the public sector takes and has taken to respond to terrorism in the United States and globally.
  • Emergency Operations in Case of Radiological Terrorism An excellent example of an explosion that profoundly affected the Americans is the 9/11 attack that led to the destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
  • Command Structure of Sharing the Information About Possible Acts of Terror Following the infamous events of 9/11, the government of the United States introduced new strategies and roles that have continued to reshape the roles and involvement of law enforcers in cases of terrorism.
  • Bio-Terrorism: When Microbes Become a Threat to Human Existence In general, due to the cooperation of scientists, policymakers, and public agencies across the globe, the international community has recognized the potential of biological weapons and is prepared for the majority of threats.
  • How Terrorism Impacts the Human Experience From the point of view of modern definitions or attempts to define these phenomena, the difference is most often established in the globality of the character, duration of the act, and the number of actors […]
  • Annotated Bibliography About Terrorism This is a book review article written by Khanna on the book “Terrorism as a war” written by Walter Laqueur and published by Continuum Books.
  • Cyberterrorism, Competing Factions, and Possible Course of Action Various aspects can be analyzed concerning cyberterrorism, competing factors, and possible course of actions in corporations to show that cyberterrorism is a legitimate option for the expression of grievances by terrorists.
  • Importance of Emergency Response to Terrorist Attack According to the scenario presented, it makes sense to involve the DoD since the terrorists, supposedly AWOLs, pose an extreme threat to the lives of civilians and the military.
  • National Response to Terrorism & Natural Disaster The National Response Framework governs the national security and crisis response to dynamic emergencies and natural disasters that occur in the community.
  • Terrorism: Definitions, Features Shared by Terrorists However, since there is no agreed-upon definition of a terrorist attack, it is possible to state that some incidents were omitted from the statistics. Terrorism is difficult to combat and requires the input of international […]
  • Alienation and Solidarity: The Logic of Suicide Terrorism Pape’s “The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism” discusses the growing prevalence of suicide attacks in the arsenal of terrorist movements from 1980 onward.
  • Terrorists and Their Rights Under US Laws The key problems of the research are the ways in which Islamists are protected by the US legislation and society, where the threat comes from, and what the consequences might be.
  • Anti-Terrorism Protocol and Counter-Terrorism Units The 1995 Tokyo sarin attack is a case in point because it proved the real possibility of such a scenario and was used as the reference for the L.A. First of all, as shown in […]
  • Oklahoma City Bombing as Domestic Terrorist Act The federal building housed the offices of various government agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, which was directly involved in the Waco debacle. The attack allowed McVeigh to send a message to […]
  • Foreign Fighters and Contemporary Terrorism Finally, recruiters have received access to the vulnerable groups directly, which is demonstrated in the book In the Skin of a Jihadist written by an investigative journalist Anne Erelle.
  • Terrorist Attacks: Paul Hanson vs. Patrick Crusius He made some preparations in the form of stockpiling weapons and researching the locations in which they reside. Crusius was more discrete in his information gathering, though it was still the failure of the FBI […]
  • Terrorism Liaison Officer’s Responsibilities The analyst was involved in the assessment of the case and contributed to false-positive reporting regarding the journalist and other civilians being terrorists.
  • Cyberterrorism: A 21st Century Threat and the Global Response Thus, it can be concluded that terrorism and cyberterrorism have become one of the many global challenges, and for this reason, they should be the object of close attention to the world community.
  • Terrorism in the United States of America The group might disintegrate in the future because of its dwindling number of followers, leadership wrangles, and a lack of finances to fund its activities.
  • Identifying Terrorism-Related Situations In the selected setting of Philadelphia, the general environment appears to be in control, yet further measures may need to be undertaken to prevent the instances of protests from reaching a state of havoc.
  • Task Force and the Fusion Center: Terrorism Prevention Thus, it can be argued that the main task of JTTF in targeted violence prevention is crime investigation and intelligence generation.
  • Fusion Centers: The Role in Terrorism Prevention Boston Globe reports that the information-sharing system currently in use is not efficient in preventing terrorism, highlighting the fact that the FBI and the CIA probes of Tamerlan Tsarnaev were unbeknown to Massachusetts counterterrorist units.
  • DHS and Intelligence: Terrorism The organization of the fight against terrorism requires a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the sources and subjects of terrorist activity, a clear definition of the functions and areas of responsibility of each item […]
  • The Molly Maguires as a Domestic Terrorism Group It is these origins of the Molly Maguires terrorist group that gave them their thirst for blood and led to the killing of a myriad of Irishmen until the group was exterminated in the proximities […]
  • Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws In the quest to protect citizens, some governments have gone to the extend of inflicting torture on terror suspects in need to obtain some information from the suspect, which raises concern about the suspect’s civil […]
  • Bioterrorism Preparedness and Public Health Response Therefore, the current state of the preparedness cannot be estimated as high or sufficient, and the approach needs to be elaborated.
  • Aggressive Behavior Among the Al-Shabaab Terrorists The former are the underlying sources that propel susceptible individuals to radicalization, while the latter are the incentives that the terrorist groups offer to attract and retain recruits.
  • War on Terrorism: Budget and Policy Discussion The discussion of the specific Acts and Policies directed at USA security is going to be considered with the purpose to follow the changes which occurred in the USA after 9/11 attacks.
  • Criminology: Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events This attack proved to the government the vulnerability of the state concerning external threats, especially because, prior to the attack, the customary means of attack had been the use of military force as evidenced in […]
  • Causes of Terrorism Terrorism is defined as violent actions that are aimed at instilling fear to people as a means of coercing them to submit to ideologies of a certain group.
  • Violent Resistance and Terrorism The following study is an attempt to establish the root causes of violent resistance, the challenges facing the world due to violent resistance, and possible remedies to the problem citing specific cases that are helpful […]
  • Terror Groups – Abu Nidal Organization Abu Nidal is the Arabic meaning of ‘father of the struggle.’ The terror group was named after its leader and founder Sabri al-Banna who was born in Palestine to a land owning family. Among the […]
  • Impacts of Terrorism on Police Mission in the U.S. The incidence of September 11 2001 has remarkably transformed the police force in the U.S. There is an increase in the level of monitoring of international travels and boundaries by the police force.
  • Homeland Security: Digital Crime and Terrorism Activities However, the US law enforcement system is characterized by the activities of different agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
  • Understanding the Basics of Terrorism On the other side of the rail is another man lying flat on the ground with a sniper rifle in his hands ready to wreak havoc.
  • “Policing Terrorism” by Waddington He is of the argument that case-specific policing is focused on the outcome of court verdicts. He points out an incident in which the palace security was breached, and the commissioner of police reacted to […]
  • Definite Paths to Terrorism: Main Dimensions This assimilation is enforced by the use of violence to instil discipline and loyalty in the participants. In conclusion, there are other dimensions of the Islamic terrorism namely Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
  • War on Terror: Propaganda and Freedom of the Press in the US There was the launching of the “Center for Media and Democracy”, CMD, in the year 1993 in order to create what was the only public interest at that period. There was expansive use of propaganda […]
  • Terrorism and U.S. National Security Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom in the year 1777 as well as the author of the famous United States Declaration of independence in the year 1776.
  • Domestic Terrorism: Trends, Challenges, and Future Predictions Under the provisions of the US PATRIOT act, acts of domestic terrorism entail dangerous acts that pose a threat to human life and amount to a violation of various criminal laws of the US and/or […]
  • Organizations Convincing to Become a Suicide Terrorist One of the underlying tenets taught to candidate suicide bombers is: “Islam is the answer and jihad is the way”. Pathological altruism refers to any behavior or personal tendency in which ‘the goal or motivation […]
  • Bioterrorism: Term Review According to Meinhardt, “water supplies and water distribution systems represent potential target for terrorist activity in the United States because of the critical need for water in every sector of our industrialized society”.
  • US & UK Human Rights While Countering Terrorism The threat of terror and the further legal reactions of the nations to the problem were considered as challenging, and it is necessary to examine differences and similarities associated with the promotion of human rights […]
  • Organizational Change: Models Influencing American Terrorism This paper seeks to discuss the three models of terrorism, the effects of international terrorism locally, and the impacts of international terrorism on local cell groups.
  • The Goal of a Terrorist Attack This objective is being accomplished by the mean of exposing people to the graphic accounts of terrorist acts-in-making, as was the case with the attacks of 9/11.
  • Local Response to Terrorism Local response to terrorism involves using the resources and the law enforcement officers at the state and county level to detect and prevent acts of terror.
  • Adjusting to Terrorism: The Issue of Detention Without Trial The country also needs to train more prosecutors and legal experts so that justice is disseminated to suspected terrorists who continue to be held at Guantanamo Bay without trial.
  • Biological Terrorism: Dealing With the Threat It is therefore the responsibility of the recipient of this information to take action to secure his/her life against the potential lethality of the agent in question.
  • The Maritime Terrorism Risk and Liability The research describes in detail aspects of maritime terrorism but does not clearly state the research question to be explored. However, in the summary part of the research paper there is several questions implied as […]
  • Bioterrorism Preparedness in Healthcare Organizations It is also necessary to carry out a test on the public health emergencies for this would help the department to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses which are in the system.
  • Adjusting to Terrorism In the US, the Department of Homeland Security is the primary body that deals with all matters of homeland security, including the prevention of terrorism. As such, the department needs to address it as a […]
  • Impact of Terrorism on the Economy The premise of the essay is to evaluate the nature and the nature and the severity of the risks posed by terrorism on IFAD a United Nations specialized agency.
  • A Criminal Justice Approach to Suppressing Terrorism The threat of terrorism substituted communism as the rationale which was used for justifying the state of emergency in America prior to 1990s.
  • Comparison Between Organized Crime And Terrorism Organized crime refers to unlawful activities conducted by members of highly organized gangs and associations. Its defined by members and activities of a group.
  • Boilover: Fire Aspects of the World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks Analysis These includes the intensity of the incident heat on the burning object, the composition of the burning fire, the ability of air that supports combustion to reach the burning fire, the mass of the burning […]
  • Secure Transportation System Against Global Terror The good news is that cooperation, coordination, and new technology can be used to secure the global transportation system and halt the activities of terror groups.
  • Sharing Terror Data: Criminal Analysis The FBI continuing investigation of the attacks to identify the hijackers and their sponsors, codenamed “PENTTBOM,” represents the largest investigation ever in the history of the agency.
  • Torture and War Towards Terrorism An example of mental torture can be explained by the following; Y is a friend to X, they have been caught in the same crime act, Y is then taken to a separate room adjacent […]
  • Women and Terrorism Relations The role of women in secular terrorist organizations has been more pronounced in history due to the conservative nature of religious terrorist movements, which often exclude women from their ranks.
  • Terrorism: Assessing the Past to Forecast the Future The terrorists groups all over the world, having the knowledge of lethargic weapons held by their enemies, are engaged in the discoveries of how the rapidly growing technology may improve the lethargy of their current […]
  • Terrorism Response Strategy The preliminary assessment is performed on the basis that before implementing any rescue operations, the hazards that are contained in the area must be positively identified and the resources available or necessary to deal with […]
  • Homeland Security and Terrorism The important root causes of terrorism are mainly two: a perceived sense of social & political injustice such that the group seeks to right the wrong and, the view that violence is the only way […]
  • Terrorism Preparedness and Response The third and most important step to take is to switch off the available electrical gadgets to prevent the spread of fire. Of importance to prevent such catastrophes is cooperation from citizens, media, and the […]
  • Terrorism Mitigation and Risk In order to avert the danger of possible portable nuclear attacks, it is important to assess the possibility and impact of attacks in the first place.
  • Terrorism Risk Assessment: Threat of Al Shabaab and Hezbollah to the USA Attacks such as those that happened outside the US and more are likely to occur due to what Hezbollah perceives as the US posing a threat to its ties with Iran.
  • Four Priorities of Action for Combating Terrorism on Our Shores There is therefore the need to employ new pragmatic foreign policy steps that promote the national interest within the broader values of international peace and security if any gains are to be realized in the […]
  • The Cyber Terrorism Plan and Counter Strategy The news of hacking the website of the Pentagon will immediately get the attention of the media and this message will spread everywhere at the speed of light.
  • The Potential for State Sponsored Terrorism Also, he mainly tries to bring all the enemies of the United States together and he believes that the United States is a devilish country.
  • Bioterrorism and Biosecurity The epidemiology of the infection is spread in the world evenly though in some of the parts there is only one form of Anthrax, for instance in the United States of America and therefore our […]
  • Bioterrorism and Biosecurity – Aum Shinrikyo The Aum Shinrikyo began their attacks in 1994 in Matsumoto where they used the refrigerator truck to release sarin near the homes of three judges who were overseeing a lawsuit that was predicted to go […]
  • Terrorism: A Definition and Analysis The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as the perpetration of violence and force unlawfully against people or property with a sole aim of intimidating or coercing the government or the targeted population or any […]
  • International Political Economy, Democratization, and Terrorism IPE describes the global power dynamics that control international trade and finance, fuel globalization, and wealth distribution across the globe. Sachs argues that globalization and the emergence of political economics have led to the increased […]
  • Terrorism Definition at the National Level The development of a unified definition of terrorism at the global level is challenging because the domestic laws of several countries differ significantly.
  • War and Terrorism in the Modern World They are used to frighten the public and pursue political goals, for example, to change the government in the country. For instance, acts of terrorism are meant to inflict fear and intimidation to put pressure […]
  • Sociology. Terror and Violence Impacts A comparison between theory and the actual case is made in order to promote the claim that terror leads to mental health issues that will pursue the victims for the whole life, but such consequences […]
  • US and Terrorism Relations Overview The US and its allies intensified attacks on ISIS bases and areas of control, assassinated ISIS leaders, reclaimed regions captured by the group, cut off their supply of funds, and imposed restrictions on travel to […]
  • Agro-Terrorism: Definition and Impacts The ultimate objective for agro-terrorism is to cause economic damage and lead to loss of confidence among the population in the government. It is the responsibility of the FDA and DHS Agro division to monitor, […]
  • Terrorism and Trauma in American Literature Key points that are brought up for discussion in both books are the crisis of communication, the crisis of meaning, the crisis of self-identification, and possible ways out. The letters are a part of the […]
  • War on Terror: The Battle Continues The levels of political tension have skyrocketed over the past several decades, causing the instances of confrontations and the number of acts of terror to rise, hence the launch of the War on Terror in […]
  • Terrorism Nowadays: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria The cases of terrorism and the transformation of the international situation over the past 20 years make people realize the global nature of the current events.
  • How Terrorism Affects Airline Security Additionally, agencies that oversee aviation changed their course and became much more stringent in their enforcement of security to avoid a repeat of the incident.
  • What Makes Terrorism Different From Other Forms of Violence The purpose of this paper is to define terrorism and identify the crucial features that distinguish terrorism from different types of abuse.
  • Terrorist Networks as a Threat to the United States Today One of the most notorious acts committed by the representatives of the eco-terrorist movement is the 2001 arson of the University of Washington.
  • Consequence Management and Terrorist Attacks Analysis
  • Terrorist Groups’ Establishment: The Theory of Four-Wave Terroristic Groups
  • Domestic & Global Terrorism and Its legal Aspects
  • Crime Myths and Domestic Terrorism
  • Terrorist Attacks in Paris, 13th November 2015
  • Hue Newton: A Terrorist and a Thinker
  • Impact on Terrorist Activities of Regional Governments
  • Regional Terrorism: The Bali Bombing, Australian and Indonesian Responses
  • How to End Terrorism: Diplomacy or Military Action?
  • Terrorism: Methods and Weapons
  • Terrorism: Analysis of Definitions
  • Screening for Terrorist for Aviation Security
  • The Role of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Fight Against Terrorism
  • Terrorist Event Countering: First Responders Risk
  • Financing Terrorism: Challenges and Solutions
  • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Terrorism
  • Domestic Terrorism: A Comparative Analysis with Hate Crimes
  • Al Shabaab: An Intriguing Example of Islamist Terror
  • Causes and Motivations of Terrorism
  • Ali Al-Timimi’s Case of Terrorism
  • “The Lessons of Terror: A History of Warfare Against Civilians” by C. Carr
  • Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Preparedness and Response
  • Legislation Related to Bioterrorism
  • Israel’s Response to Munich Terror Attack
  • Bioterrorism and Its Harmful Consequences
  • Domestic Terrorism in the US: Causes, Impacts, and Countermeasures
  • The Evolution of Terrorism on the World Stage
  • Terrorism and Liberal Democracy: What We Should Know
  • Michael Collins and His Terrorist Method
  • Biological Weapon and Bioterrorism
  • Is Terrorism Still the Most Important Security Issue for Australia?
  • War on Terror and Its Effect on Individual Right
  • Crimes Against the State: Terrorist Attacks and Death Penalty
  • “Nuclear Terrorism: Risks, Consequences, and Response” by Jim Walsh: Stimulating Ideas, Logical Organization, Engaging Voice
  • Middle-East and Africa Terrorist Movements
  • The History of Ku Klux Klan: A Terrorist Organization Founded in the Southern States After the American Civil War
  • The Use of Counter-Terrorism Attacks During the Algerian War of Independence From F.L.N.
  • Comparison Between Secular and Religious Terror
  • Political Violence and Terrorism. Crowd Behavior
  • Types of Terrorism: Centers Establishment
  • Sociology of Terror: Contemporary Sense
  • Understanding the War on Terror in the United States
  • Foreign Policy Challenges Created by the War on Terror
  • Middle-Eastern and African Terrorist Movements
  • Bioterrorism: Impact of Science and Technology
  • Community Policing and War on Terror
  • Biosecurity and Bioterrorism
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Radical Terrorism
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance
  • Pakistan’s Double Game in the War on Terror
  • Eradicated Terrorism in the World
  • The Interrelation Between Terrorism and Technology
  • War on Terror & Violation of Constitutional Rights
  • Media and the War on Global Terrorism
  • Is the Geneva Convention Applicable to War on Terror?
  • Adjusting to Terrorism in Modern World
  • Death Sentence to Muslim Terrorists: Should We Murder People Who Had Done the Same Before?
  • Terrorism and Security Issues Review
  • Recent Developments in the History of Terrorism
  • War on Terror. 42-Day Detention: An Equitable Solution?
  • Early Response to Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism
  • Counter Terrorism Measures in the UK
  • The War on Terrorism in the United States
  • United States & EU Efforts to Fight Terrorism
  • Global Terrorism and State Security Measures
  • American Governmnet Against the Threat of Terrorism
  • “Terrorism and Economic Security” by Robert L. Hutchings
  • Bioterrorism and Health Care Delivery
  • Terrorism: Countering and Responding to the Treat
  • Crimean Crisis and Russian State Terrorism
  • A Terrorist Attack on Atlanta, Georgia
  • How Counselors Assist Survivors of Terrorism
  • Comprehensive Terrorist-Related Screening Procedures
  • Terrorism and National Security
  • The Functioning of Terrorist Groups
  • Terrorist Organization: Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
  • “Terror and Democracy at the Age of Stalin” by Goldman
  • Terror in the Mind of God by Mark Juergensmeyer
  • Counter Terrorism and Public Awareness Plan
  • Organized Terrorism Against Government Leaders
  • War on Terror and Its Victory Meaning
  • Terrorism Definitions by the Global Community
  • Terrorist Attack: Contemporary Social or Cultural Issues
  • Poverty as a Factor of Terrorist Recruitment
  • War on Drugs and Terror and American Promise
  • Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Terrorism
  • Terrorist Participation and Its Motives
  • The UAE Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
  • Cyberterrorism as the Greatest Risk for the US
  • Cultural Miscommunication and Hostility Against Muslims
  • The Rise of Terrorist Organisations in Post-Invasion Iraq
  • Factors That Motivate to Terrorism
  • State-Sponsored and Non-State Terrorism
  • Terrorism, Human Trafficking, and International Response
  • Vietnam War vs. War on Terror in the Middle East
  • Ideology and Terrorism: Rights from Wrongs?
  • Islamic and Christian Religion and Terrorism
  • American War on Terror and Operational Strategies
  • Local Operational Planning for Potential Terrorist Threats
  • Terrorism Preventive Measures in the United States
  • Aum Shinrikyo Terrorist Group’s Activity
  • Bioterrorism Attacks and Nursing Countermeasures
  • Terrorism Prevention on the International Level
  • Violent Extremism and Suicide Terrorist Attacks
  • Terror Attacks and Intelligence Community in the US
  • Distressed Terrorism: Politics, Religion and Ideology
  • War on Terror: Critical Terrorism Studies’ Views
  • Islamic State Global Terror Threat Countermeasures
  • War on Terror in Saudi Arabia and Arab Gulf States
  • Terrorist Groups: Critical Discourse Analysis
  • US Intelligence to Prevent Terrorist Attacks
  • Terrorism: Power of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Power
  • Female Terrorism: Causes and Features
  • Terrorism: the Evolution of ISIS
  • Cyber Security’s and Counter Terrorism’ Intersection
  • Digital Media Usage to Recruit and Promote Terrorism
  • Modern Terrorism and Globalization
  • Stereotyping Terrorists and Mental Sanity
  • Homeland Security Changes: Adjusting to Terrorism
  • Coping with Terrorism in the USA
  • Terrorism in the Middle East
  • Countering Terrorism: The US Intelligence Community
  • Terrorism and Its Organisations: Al Qaeda and ISIL
  • First Responders to Terrorist Attack
  • The Westgate Terror Attack in Kenya
  • Current Hurdles in Combating Terrorism
  • Ethnic, Racial and Religious Profiling in Terrorism
  • Halal Food and Terrorist Organizations in Australia
  • Osama Bin Laden’s Role in Terror
  • Hospitals Security Upgrade: Terrorist or Criminal Actions
  • International Counter Terrorism’ Elements
  • Bioterrorism: Biological Agents as Weapons
  • Terrorism: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
  • Terrorism: Post-9/11 Maritime Security Initiatives in the USA
  • Jonathan Moreno: Bioethics After the Terror
  • What is the Best Way for Fighting Terrorism According to Mortenson?
  • The Advanced Community Planning in Response to the Potential Threat of Terrorism
  • The Impacts of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 on the National Intelligence Community
  • War on Terrorism: How to Cope With the Global Threat?
  • The Primary Causes of Terrorist Political Violence
  • Rumsfeld’s Memo & The War on Global Terrorism
  • Terrorism Handling in Our Life
  • Defense Imperatives: “Thwarting Terrorism & Bringing Terrorists to Justice”
  • Understanding the Failure of the Global War on Terrorism and Suggestions for Future Strategies
  • Counter-Terrorism and the Patriot Act
  • Al-Qaeda as a Terrorist Organization
  • Human and Technical Intelligence in Countering Terrorism
  • Financial Markets After Terrorist Assault and The Enron Financial Outrage
  • Lessons From the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks
  • Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to Rogue States and International Terrorists
  • Does Poverty Lead to Terrorism?
  • Terrorism and Jihadist Movement
  • US Exceptionalism in Constructing and Conceptualizing a Terrorist
  • American Exceptionalism in Constructing and Conceptualizing a Terrorist
  • History of Cyber Terrorism
  • Economic Concerns in the Aftermath of Terrorism
  • Terrorism in International Relations
  • Terrorism in Israel and Palestine
  • Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Terrorism
  • Hezbollah: A Terrorist Organisation?
  • United States Domestic Terrorism
  • International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security
  • Salafist Takfiri Terrorism
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Terrorist Threat
  • Terrorists’ Usage of Chemical or Biological Agents
  • Cyber Security Threat Posed by a Terrorist Group
  • The Effect of Terrorism on Human Rights: The Clash Between the Human Rights Advocates and Victims of Terrorism
  • Eliminating Terrorism at the Domestic Level
  • Terrorism, Poverty and Financial Instability
  • United States War on Terror Policy
  • The Real Cause of Terrorism in Palestine
  • Terrorism: Searching for a Definition
  • Industrial Terrorism in Modern World
  • Terrorist Cells and Groups Within the Northern Region of Africa
  • Terrorism as a Communication Strategy
  • How the U.S. Can Combat the Terrorist Threat in Africa?
  • Hypothetical Scenario of a Terrorist Attack
  • Terrorism Before and After the September 11 Attacks
  • U.S. War in Afghanistan: Pros and Cons
  • Orientalist Constructions of Muslim Bodies and the Rhetoric of the «War on Terror»
  • The U.S. Government Strategies Against the Terrorist Threats
  • Post September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
  • Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus and War on Terror
  • Concept of Terrorism Phenomenon in Modern World
  • The Spectacle of Terror
  • Foreign Policy: United States and Fight with Terrorism
  • Law Enforcement and Terrorism
  • What New Demands on Policing Have Resulted From the International ‘War on Terror’?
  • Religious and Secular Terrorism: Analyzing Differences and Points of Intersection
  • Terrorist Acts Prevention and Aftermaths Minimization
  • Torture During the Algerian War and Its Relevance on the War on Terror
  • The Definition of Terrorism
  • International Terrorism: The Operations of the Hezbollah
  • The Psychological Explanation of Terrorism
  • The Kurdish Conflict in the Middle East
  • The US Anti-Terrorism Efforts Are Failing
  • The Media and Terrorism
  • Terrorist Groups in Turkey
  • Terrorism: Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified?
  • America’s War on Terrorism
  • Terrorism in Political Protest
  • Cause and Effect of Terrorism
  • Impact of Terrorism on Italian Economy
  • “What Is the Definition of Terrorism? And Why Is the White House Afraid of Using the Term?” by Timothy Kelly
  • Habeas Corpus and the War on Terror
  • Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus and the War on Terror
  • Preparing for Incidents of Terrorism at the Local Level
  • Domestic Terrorism in the Post 9/11 Era
  • Eco-Defense and Kinds of Ecological Terrorism
  • Bush Doctrine, Explanation of the Administration and War on Terror
  • Moral Convictions of Terrorists
  • Why Terrorism is a Contested Concept
  • Presidential Powers and the War on Terror
  • Agro-Terrorism: The Lessons to Learn
  • Terrorism: The War on Iraq
  • Stereotyping Comparison: All Italians Are in a Mob, All Jamaicans Smoke Weed, All Muslims Are Terrorists
  • The Al-Qaida Terrorist Group’s Recent Happenings
  • The Fight Against Terrorism by Christian and Islam Leaders
  • Is Terrorism Ever Justified?
  • The War on Terrorism
  • The Terrorist Attacks in the United States
  • Analyzing the Concept of Terrorism
  • The Problems of Terrorism in Modern World
  • Counter-Terrorism Plans Development
  • Consequence Management After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
  • Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act
  • Terror and Terrorism
  • September 11: Terror Attack and Huge Casualties
  • The Concept of Terrorism
  • Terrorists and the Left and Right: Definitions & Examples
  • Should the USA Use Drones to Combat Terrorism?
  • How Are Terrorists Financing Their Acts of Terrorism?
  • What Can History Teach Us About Terrorism?
  • Why Do Americans Feel More Sympathy for Western Terrorism?
  • How Can the United States of America Better Defend Itself Against Terrorism?
  • Can the U.S. Prevent Future Acts of Domestic Terrorism?
  • What Has Been the Effect of Globalization on Terrorism?
  • How Can Businesses Cope With Terrorism?
  • Can Democracy Stop Terrorism?
  • Should the U.S. Government Be Scared of Cyber Terrorism?
  • Why Does Western Europe Experience More Terrorism Than America?
  • Are Terrorism and Globalization Linked to Politics?
  • What Are the Causes of Terrorism, and How Can It Be Stopped?
  • Are Muslim Communities Affected by Counter-Terrorism Legislation?
  • Does American Foreign Policy Cause Terrorism?
  • Does the Media Encourage Terrorism?
  • Does the Terrorism Act Infringe Upon Our Human Rights?
  • What Challenges Are Posed by International Terrorism to Democracy?
  • How Can the Digital World Lead to a New Type of Terrorism?
  • Whose Support Matters for the Occurrence of Terrorism?
  • How America Prevents Terrorism?
  • Does Higher Education Decrease Support for Terrorism?
  • Can Foreign Aid Dampen the Threat of Terrorism to International Trade?
  • Should Americans Fear Urban Terrorism?
  • Can Illegal Immigration Lead to Terrorism?
  • Does Distinguishing Domestic Terrorism From International Terrorism Help?
  • Will the American Economy Benefit From the War Against Terrorism?
  • Are Some Rights Negotiable When It Comes to Fighting Terrorism?
  • Why Has Terrorism Become Such an Important Issue Over the Last 40 Years?
  • Will Terrorism Lose Its Significance?
  • Islam Topics
  • Organized Crime Titles
  • Islamophobia Paper Topics
  • Nuclear Weapon Essay Topics
  • Sunni Islam Paper Topics
  • Torture Essay Ideas
  • North Korea Titles
  • Racial Profiling Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). 528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/

"528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/terrorism-essay-examples/.


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  1. 120 War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Whether you are a student, a writer, or simply someone interested in exploring the complexities of war, here are 120 war essay topic ideas and examples to get you started. The causes of World War I. The impact of war on society. The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during wartime. The ethics of drone warfare.

  2. War Essay Titles

    War Essay Titles - A New Age of Conflict. The warfare landscape has undergone a seismic shift with the advent of technology and evolving geopolitical agendas. Exploring this facet of war topics can lead to a rich discourse on the ethics, power dynamics, and the global narrative of modern conflict. According to academic writing criteria ...

  3. 80 Vietnam War Essay Topics & Examples

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964 Is a Turning Point in Vietnam War. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that occurred in August 7, 1964, was one of the major turning points in the United States military involvement into the flow of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War's and Student's Unrest Connection.

  4. 85 Unique War Essay Topics for Your Research

    A list of general war topics to choose from include; Causes of war. History of wars. Reasons for going to war. Different types of wars and their impact on human history. History of wars by civilization. War's impact on human civilization throughout history. The ethics of war. Moral issues of war.

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  6. Essays About War: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

    Then, argue your case and show how its effects are positive, negative, or both. 4. Moral and Ethical Issues Concerning War. Many issues arise when waging war, such as the treatment of civilians as "collateral damage," keeping secrets from the public, and torturing prisoners.

  7. 109 World War 2 Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    To help you get started, here are 109 World War 2 essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing: The causes of World War 2. The key players in World War 2. The role of propaganda in World War 2. The impact of technology on World War 2. The role of women in World War 2. The Holocaust and its aftermath.

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    Extremism: The Contribution of the Military. The United States Army is strict against extremism, terming it as a harmful behavior that neglects the responsibilities entrusted to the military and instead undermines the rule of law. The importance of this topic is [
] The Role of the Military in Domestic Terrorism Acts.

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    Economy and Workforce. For a nation that was still recovering from the Great Depression, World War II had a major impact on the economy and workforce. When the war began, the fate of the workforce changed overnight, American factories were repurposed to produce goods to support the war effort and women took jobs that were traditionally held by ...

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    Vietnam War Essay Ideas. The causes of the Vietnam War and its justification. The impact of the Tet Offensive on American public opinion. The role of media coverage in shaping the narrative of the Vietnam War. The effects of Agent Orange and other chemical warfare.

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  12. Vietnam War Essay ‱ Examples of Hooks, Thesis, Topics

    The United States' Role in The Vietnam War. Essay grade: Good. 5 pages / 2648 words. The Vietnam War started in 1954 as a war between the government of South Vietnam and the communist government of North Vietnam. The latter was aided by communist forces in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong.

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  14. How to Write War Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

    How to Write War Essay with a War Essay Outline. Just like in compare and contrast examples and any other forms of writing, an outline for a war essay assists you in organizing your research and creating a good flow. In general, you keep to the traditional three-part essay style, but you can adapt it as needed based on the length and criteria of your school.

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    Political and military alliances before the WWI. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the starting point of WW1. Naval warfare of World War I. Ottoman Empire in World War 1. The role of technology in World War 1. The use of chemical weapons in WWI. The most cruel war crimes of WW1.

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    Some of the military topics to help you compose a great essay are as stated below: The process of joining the military. The anti-hazing policy. Benefits of strategic thinking to a military officer. Impacts of outsourcing and privatization in the armed forces. The procedure involved in the prevention of fratricide in modern age warfare.

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    100 Words Essay on War. The greatest destroyers of people in modern times are wars. No matter who wins a war, mankind loses in every case. Millions of people have died in battles during the past century, with World Wars I and II being the worst. Wars are typically fought to protect a nation.

  18. The Ethics of War: Essays

    The twelve original essays span both foundational and topical issues in the ethics of war, including an investigation of whether there is a "greater-good" obligation that parallels the canonical lesser evil justification in war, the conditions under which citizens can wage war against their own government, whether there is a limit to the ...

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  20. 248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples

    248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples. In case you're looking for original Civil War research topics, you are on the right page. Our team has collected a list of ideas for various assignments and complexity levels. Besides, you will find tips on writing a paper, be it for social studies course or a school project.

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    A mum who was allegedly raped by multiple strangers after being drugged by her own husband today faced them all in a packed court room.. GisĂšle PĂ©licot, a 72-year-old French woman, waived her ...

  22. 528 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Give a historical overview of your issue. For example, if you are writing about global terrorism, then it is apparent that a worldwide network of violent radicals did not come into existence overnight. Acknowledge and explain the origins of your assigned issue. Read other's sample essays.