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Dissertationsthemen und Exposé


  • Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
  • Datenschutzrecht
  • Europarecht
  • Finanzrecht
  • Grund- und Menschenrechte
  • Immaterialgüterrecht/Urheberrecht
  • Indigenous Legal Studies
  • Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
  • Internetrecht
  • IPR und Rechtsvergleichung aus Bürgerlichem Recht
  • Kulturrecht/Religionsrecht
  • Medizinrecht
  • Öffentliches Recht/Verwaltungs- und Verfassungsrecht
  • Rechtsanthropologie
  • Rechtsinformatik
  • Rechtsphilosophie
  • Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte
  • Römisches Recht
  • Technologierecht
  • Unternehmens- und Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Völkerrecht
  • Zivilverfahrensrecht

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Das Exposé erstellen Sie noch vor der ersten konkreten Arbeit an einem wissenschaftlichen Text und schaffen sich damit einen Arbeitsplan. Es stellt auch Ihren Dozent*innen oder Auftraggeber*innen den Arbeitsplan für den bevorstehenden Text sowie die voraussichtlichen Inhalte vor. Sie müssen im Exposé bereits ihre Forschungsfrage vorstellen, einen Ausblick auf Hypothesen sowie Methoden und zumindest eine grobe Gliederung der Arbeit bekanntgeben. 


Essentielle inhalte im exposé, beispiele für ein exposé.

Das Exposé beschreibt Ihr Forschungsvorhaben. Dabei dient es nicht nur Ihren Betreuer*innen als Arbeitsplan, sondern auch Ihnen selbst. Es muss bereits in adäquater Wissenschaftssprache ausformuliert sein, also weder ein grobes Handout noch eine unfertige Skizze darstellen. Ihr Thema und die damit einhergehende Fragestellung sollten bereits feststehen, ebenso erste Hypothesen bzw. Grundannahmen. Gleichzeitig informieren Sie im Exposé darüber, was Sie bei Ihrer bisherigen Recherche beispielsweise über den Forschungsstand herausfinden konnten. Spätestens im Exposé sollten Sie sich zusätzlich Gedanken über die Grundzüge Ihrer Gliederung machen. In welchen Schritten wollen Sie vorgehen und wie spiegelt sich dies im Aufbau der Arbeit wider? Der Vorteil des Exposés ist, dass Sie einige Teile in die fertige Arbeit übernehmen können. Die Eigenschaften des Exposés können sich beispielsweise häufig mit jenen der  Einleitung  decken. Durch das Exposé produzieren Sie bereits den ersten Rohtext, dieser ist allerdings nicht in Stein gemeißelt: Während Ihrer weiteren Arbeit verändern sich womöglich gewisse  Thesen , Kapitelstrukturen oder ähnliche Aspekte, die ohne eine vertiefende Recherche nicht vorhergesagt werden können. 

Thema und Fragestellung

Hypothesen und Thesen

Quellen und Methoden

Grobe Gliederung oder Inhaltsverzeichnis

Forschungsstand und Referenzwerke

Was kann nicht gemacht werden?

Definitionen und wichtige Begriffe

Interessen und mögliche Aktualität des Themas

Für die Masterarbeit sollten Sie zudem einen Zeitplan vorlegen

Anbei finden Sie ein Exposé zur Arbeit " Gabriela Riha, Das Phänomen der Bettgeher in Wien Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts " sowie hier einen Ausschnitt:

[...] Ich möchte untersuchen, ob das Wohnen als Bettgeher– wie ich meine - ein überwiegend männliches Phänomen war und Frauen einen kleineren Anteil an Bettgehern stellten als Männer. Für diese Hypothese spricht, dass sie – sofern sie erwerbstätig waren - oft als Dienstmädchen arbeiteten, womit in den meisten Fällen ein Recht auf Kost und Logis im Dienstgeberhaushalt verbunden war. Für Frauen mit Kindern ist diese Form des Wohnens schon aus praktischen Gründen schwer bis gar nicht vorstellbar, stand der Schlafplatz ausschließlich lediglich für einen bestimmten Zeitraum des Tages, meist für die Nacht, zur Verfügung, womit sich die Frage nach der Unterbringung und Versorgung von Kindern während der restlichen Zeit stellt. Ich möchte die ökonomischen und sozialen Ursachen und Gründe für diese Form des Wohnens in Wien um 1900 sowie allfällige diesbezügliche Veränderungen untersuchen; daraus lassen sich Schlüsse ziehen und Gründe finden, die für oder gegen eine geschlechtsspezifische Akzeptanz beziehungsweise Notwendigkeit und damit Verbreitung dieser Form des Wohnens sprechen können. [...]

Hier ein Exposé zu einer Arbeit über " Hedwig Dohm ":

Vorreiterin für Frauenrechte, feministische Theoretikerin, Autorin, Essayistin, Mutter und Ehefrau. Diese Bezeichnungen - und viele mehr – sind der Versuch ein Bild von Hedwig Dohm zu zeichnen. Ob schon viele ihrer Ziele erreicht sind, so haben ihre Schriften auch heute noch eine wichtige Funktion: Sie zeigen wofür FrauenrechtlerInnen gegen Ende des 19.und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts kämpften, welchen persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten sie sich dabei gegenübergestellt sahen und können gleichzeitig auch für die heutige Zeit Denkanstöße dazu bieten, was sich in den über 100 Jahren seit dem Tod der Autorin in Sachen Gleichberechtigung getan hat.

Welche Bedeutung hatten die Werke Hedwig Dohms ganz konkret zu ihren Lebzeiten? Können ihre Schriften womöglich als Leitmedium für FrauenrechtlerInnen der Jahrtausendwende gesehen werden? Wie wurden ihre Werke rezipiert und welche hatten wohl den größten Einfluss auf die Berliner Gesellschaft des späten 19. Jahrhunderts? [...]

Dieser Ausschnitt stammt aus einer noch nicht betitelten Arbeit über " Tierhetze ":

[...] Für die Analyse möchte ich hauptsächlich Hetzzettel aus den Jahren 1790 bis 1796 heranziehen, die Tierhetzen im „k.-k. privilegierten Hetzamphitheater unter den Weißgerbern“ bewerben. Daraus ergibt sich eine zeitliche und räumliche Eingrenzung der Aussagekraft meiner Untersuchungen, die demnach nur für das k.-k. privilegierte Hetztheater und das Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts gelten. Die Methode, mit der ich die Hetzzettel hinsichtlich ihrer rhetorischen Spezifika untersuchen werde, ist die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Werner Früh beschreibt die Inhaltsanalyse als „eine empirische Methode zur systematischen, intersubjektiv nachvollziehbaren Beschreibung inhaltlicher und formaler Merkmale von Mitteilungen, meist mit dem Ziel einer darauf gestützten interpretativen Inferenz auf mitteilungsexterne Inhalte“. 3 Der Anspruch meiner Analyse ist es, die tierethische Geisteshaltung, die den Schriftstücken zugrunde liegt, offenzulegen und in Verbindung mit der aufklärerischen Tierethik zu setzen. [...]

Ein weiteres Exposé können Sie zu " Gerhard Jantscher, Der öffentliche Diskurs im ausgehenden 19. Jhd. zur Reform des Heimatrechts 1896 " einsehen.

[...] Die Basis für die Arbeit werden neben der unten angeführten aktuellen Literatur vor allem Veröffentlichungen im Zeitraum 1890-1900 sein. Die Gesetzesreform hatte in der zeitgenössischen Diskussion hohe Aufmerksamkeit und findet ihren Niederschlag in diversen – juristischen, volkswirtschaftlichen, verwaltungstechnischen oder statistischen – Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften ebenso wie in politischen Schriften und in der Tagespresse. Eine Recherche in der Zeitschriftensammlung der ONB/ANNO ergibt für den Zeitraum 1890-1900 für die Schlagwörter „Heimatrecht“ (640), „Heimatschein“ (2220), „Ersitzung“ (2088) und Abschiebung (949) Treffer.

Die Arbeit wird sich in vier Teile gliedern: 1. Einleitende kurze Beschreibung der Entwicklung des Heimatrechts vom provisorischen Gemeindegesetz von 1849 bis zur Reform 1896. 2. Analyse der Gründe für die wachsende Reformbedürftigkeit der Heimatgesetzgebung 3. Die wesentlichen Akteure im Reformprozess und deren Interessenslagen und öffentlichen Argumentationslinien 4. Resümee

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Public Presentation dates WS24

  • New FÖP dates for the following winter semester will be announced early in the start of the semester.
  • Please contact vds.cobene @ univie.ac.at  if you want to do the FÖP in October and prepare your expose earlier on (e.g. in September).

Public Presentation at the faculty (FÖP)

The public presentation is chaired by the (Vice-) Director of the Doctoral Study Programme (DSPL) and attended by members of the doctoral advisory board and your supervisor(s). They will provide feedback to your research projects and evaluate whether the projects meet the scientific standards and if they can be realized successfully in a reasonable timeframe.

Your presentation of 15 - 20 min. will be in presence or virtual, organized by the VDS CoBeNe in collaboration with the SSC and followed by questions from the advisory board and (Vice-) DSPL. The meeting will last in total about 45 minutes.

According to the statutes, doctoral candidates have to pass the public presentation of their dissertation project within the first year. If your presentation was successful, your topic and the supervisor(s) usually get approved by the (Vice-) DSPL right after the presentation. If your topic is not approved you have the possibility to withdraw your application, adapt your research proposal and reapply for the approval of your topic.


Public presentation at the faculty of psychology, dates and registration deadlines for phd candidates of the research field: psychology.

Friday, 13 October 2023, 9:00 to 12:00 Registration Deadline: 17 November 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Friday, 15 December 2023, 9:00 to 12:00 Registration Deadline: 17 November 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Friday, 19 January 2024, 9:00 to 10:30 Registration Deadline: 28 December 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Thursday, 25 January 2024, 12:45 to 15:30 Registration Deadline: 28 December 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 15:00 to 16:30 Registration deadline: 14 February 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Thursday, 14 March 2024, 13:15 to 15:30 Registration deadline: 15 February 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 9:45 to 12:45 Registration deadline: 13 March 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 15:00 to 17:15  Registration deadline:24 April 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 9:00 to 11:15  Registration deadline: 21 May 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Wednesday, 19 June 2024,  15:00 to 17:15  Registration deadline: 22 May 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Dates and registration deadlines for PhD candidates of the research field: Cognitive Humanities

Friday, 23 June 2023, 9:00 to 12:00 Registration Deadline: 26 May 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Thursday, 29 February 2024, 15:00 to 16:00 Registration Deadline: 1 February 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Public Presentation at the Faculty of Life Sciences

Dates and registration deadlines for phd candidates of the research field: biology.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023, 14:00 Registration Deadline: 20 September 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Thursday, 14 December 2023, 14:00 Registration Deadline: 16 November 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 13:00 Registration Deadline: 22 May 2024, 24:00 Candidates

Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 Registration Deadline: 24 September 2024, 24:00

Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 ( fully booked ) Registration Deadline: 15 October 2024, 24:00

Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 Registration Deadline: 5 November 2024, 24:00

Dates and registration deadlines for PhD candidates of the research field: neuroscience

Tuesday , 14 February 2023, 13:00 to 13:45 Registration Deadline: 24 January 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Friday, 21 April 2023, 14:00 to 17:00  Registration Deadline: 18 March 2023, 24:00 Candidates

Your Dissertation Project

Every project has to be planned from the beginning on in order to be completed successfully – also and especially in scientific work. The length of the entry phase depends on the stage of development of your dissertation project. The research proposal plays a major role when planning your research and doctoral thesis project. It is a thematically and methodologically concise description of your doctoral thesis project. Moreover the research proposal is an important planning instrument that helps you to structure your perennial dissertation project and to realize your doctoral thesis step by step. The clearer you define your research questions, approach and goals, the easier you will manage the realization.

According to §15 (8) study law part of the statutes of the University of Vienna and according to the curriculum , the dissertation project has to be submitted by the end of the first study year at the latest. Doctoral candidates must present their dissertation project within the framework of a faculty public presentation (FÖP) within the first year. If your presentation was successful, your topic and the supervisor(s) usually get approved by the (Vice-) DSPL right after the presentation. If your topic is not approved you have the possibility to withdraw your application, adapt your research proposal and reapply for the approval of your topic.

Guidelines for the Research Proposal (Exposé)

Dimensions of your proposal depend on the current practice in your research discipline (5 - 15 pages, without bibliography). A research proposal has to include the following information:

  • Description of the topic of the doctoral thesis project including a clear research question
  • Outline of the state of research
  • Illustration of the chosen research methods
  • Relevant literature
  • Choice of supervisors
  • Time and work schedule, possibly financial budget and overview of resources

 Registration for the FÖP

To register for the public presentation at the faculty (FÖP), the following forms must to be emailed to vds.cobene @ univie.ac.at (by the deadlines listed above):

  • Registration of the topic of the doctoral thesis and the supervisors ( SL/D11 )  
  • Regulations relating to good scientific practice ( SL/W1 )
  • Approval of financial support of the doctoral thesis project ( SL/W4 ), only if additional resources are required, see details in SL/D11
  • Exposé as pdf-file not larger than 2 MB and labelled: surname_firstname_student registration number_expose.pdf

Note that the public presentation is mandatory for all VDS CoBeNe PhDs and their supervisor(s).

Visit the public presentations of other PhD fellows! In doing so you can get a first impression of what will be expected from you. Additionally it is a great way to learn about current research projects at your Faculty.

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Public presentation (FÖP)

uni wien dissertation expose

According to the Statutes, doctoral candidates have to pass the public presentation of their dissertation project within the first year. The research proposal (Expose) and the public presentation (FÖP) are the requirement for the approval of the dissertation project and the conclusion of the doctoral thesis agreement.

The public presentation serves two purposes. Firstly, to introduce new doctoral students and their research topics. Secondly, the public presentation provides a platform for exchange and feedback for all participants.

The public presentation is chaired by the study programme directors of the VDS PhaNuSpo and attended by members of the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC), the PI panel and doctoral students, and is open to the public. The chairpersons and reviewers of the research outlines will provide valuable feedback on the research projects and will assess whether the projects are up to scientific standards and whether they can be successfully completed within a reasonable period of time.

After a successful presentation, the topic and the supervisor(s) will be approved by the study programme director. If the research plan is not approved, the doctoral student has the possibility to withdraw the application, adapt the research proposal and reapply for the approval.

 Dates for the study year 2024/25

  • Registration deadline for PhD speakers is 01 October 2024.
  • Online Q&A session on 20 August 2024 at 10am ( ZOOM )
  • Registration deadline for PhD speakers is 10 December 2024.
  • Online Q&A session - date to be announced.
  • Registration deadline for PhD speakers is 04 February 2025.
  • Registration deadline for PhD speakers is 06 May 2025.

The public presentations will start at 8:30am or 9am Vienna time on each date and will be held online.

 Registration for the public presentation

In order to register for the public presentation, the following documents need to be submitted by email to the doc school office .

  • Exposé (max. 10 pages, in English), guidelines and template below
  • Registration of the topic of doctoral thesis and supervisor(s) by using the official forms SL/D11 and SL/W1 and if necessary, the forms SL/D12 and SL/W4 ( download below )
  • Please name your files as follows: Expose_Surname.pdf, SL.D11_Surname.pdf, etc.

 Exposé Guideline

With your exposé and your presentation you should

  • Demonstrate that you have carefully planned and thought through your doctoral project.
  • Provide a comprehensive summary of your doctoral project to the members of the faculty.
  • Allow the faculty to assess the quality and feasibility of your research project, to give valuable and constructive input and ultimately approve your doctoral thesis project.

If your project is part of a larger competitive, extramurally-funded and collaborative project by your supervsior, you will need to take particular attention to ensure that your individual contribution to the project leads to your doctoral qualification.

Please use the template that is available on our intranet.

Exposé structure and content

A) Title Page

  • (Working) title of your dissertation project
  • Your name, student number and email address
  • Supervision team: at least 2 experts in your research topic; the formation of a larger thesis committee is strongly recommended Examples: 2 supervisors, or at least 1 supervisor + 1 co-mentor/advisor Supervisor: must be a habilitated or tenured professor, one of two supervsiors can be an external professor Co-mentor/advisor: can be an e xperienced postdoc, senior scientist or professor. They can be from the University of Vienna or external.
  • Funding: salary/fellowship/others and costs for consumables

B) Main part: within a maximum of 10 pages (font size 11 pt., minimum line spacing 1)

  • Introduction: i.e. brief background, current state of research: What is your specific field of research? Where do you start from?
  • Aims/ main questions/ significance of your planned research: What do you want to achieve/answer with your thesis project? Why is this important?
  • Workplan: What methods and experimental setups will you use to address your specific aims/ hypthesis/ research questions? What infrastructure and/or collaborators do you need or you have on your disposal? Which methods are already running in your lab, which will need to be established or optimised?
  • Timetable: When do you plan to do what to achieve your goals? (Gantt chart)
  • Contingency plan & risk analysis: Where do you see potential problems in following your research plan? Have you considered solutions/ alternatives?

C) Cited References

Visit the public presentations! This will give you a first impression of what is expected of you. It is also a great way to find out about current research projects at your doctoral school.

The Centre for Doctoral Studies offers regular workshops on academic writing. For more information and to register, visit https://forschung.univie.ac.at/en/services/events-trainings/doctoral-candidates/workshops/ .

 Templates & Forms

Exposé & presentation templates

  • Exposé guidelines
  • Exposé template (Intranet)
  • PowerPoint presentation template (Intranet)

Mandatory forms

  • SL/D11 – EN – Registration of the topic of the doctoral thesis and the supervisors
  • SL/D11 – DE – Anmeldung des Dissertationsthemas und Bekanntgabe der Betreuer*innen
  • SL/W1 – EN – Regulations relating to good scientific practice
  • LS/W1 – DE – Regeln der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis

Optional forms

  • SL/W4 – EN – Approval of financial support of the doctoral thesis project
  • SL/W4 – DE – Bestätigung der finanziellen Bedeckbarkeit zur Durchführung einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit
  • SL/D12 – EN – Registration of the doctoral thesis topic and announcement of the supervisor(s) - supplementary sheet
  • SL/D12 - DE – Beiblatt zur Anmeldung des Dissertationsthemas und Bekanntgabe der Betreuer*innen

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Information about the proposal / exposé

1. A clear definition of the research question and a precise definition of the research design (hypotheses, experimental design, operationalisation of the variables, sample, intended designs for statistical analyses) should be verbalised.

2.  Agreement between the student and the supervisor about the content and the aim of the research work.

* Take the structure of a scientific paper (without results and discussion)

* Working title, personal information, ...

* Again, take the structure of a scientific paper (incl. keywords)

Theoretical part

* Introduction into the topic

* Present previous and recent findings and experiments in the chosen topic, as well as the deduced ideas and questions for the own study

* Embed your own question in previous findings and conclusions

* Point out the innovative and new aspects of your investigation

Empirical part

* Hypotheses: Give a differentiated formulation of the hypotheses and include specified predictions about expected conditions (for example "we are expecting a more positive deflection in condition 1 than in condition 2 for the P3's amplitude)

* Experimental design: Specify the operationalization of the question and variables and justify the chosen design

* Sample: Describe your sample (number of subjects, description of subjects), as well as the selection of the subjects

* Analyses: Present the intended statistical analyses


* Give an overview of the basic literature

* Chronological overview of the single steps (specify when you plan to complete which single step of the research)

* Pronounce the time frame you plan to work in the labs

* Name the expected date you want to finish the work

* Present the timetable like in project-management-charts

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Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation

Die nächsten termine.

Die nächsten Termine für die Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation (ganztägiger Workshop) von Dissertationsvorhaben der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät und dem Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft:

Mittwoch, 02. Oktober 2024

Anmeldeschluss am 07. August 2024

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024

Anmeldeschluss am 18. Oktober 2024

Mittwoch, 12. März 2025

Anmeldeschluss am 15. Jänner 2025

Dienstag, 10. Juni 2025

Anmeldeschluss am 15. April 2025

Öffentliche Präsentation des Dissertationsprojekts

Die öffentliche Präsentation ist ein wichtiger Schritt zu Beginn des Doktorats, da sie die Voraussetzung für die Genehmigung von Thema und Betreuung durch die zuständige Studienprogrammleitung ist. Im Rahmen der öffentlichen Präsentation stellen die DoktorandInnen gemeinsam mit ihren BetreuerInnen das Dissertationsprojekt vor. Grundlage der ca. 15 – max. 20 (!) minütigen Präsentation ist das Exposé, in dem das Dissertationsvorhaben be­schrieben ist. Die Präsentation dient einerseits der Vorstellung der neuen Doktorand*innen und ihrer Dissertationsthemen (-projekte). Andererseits soll sie den beteiligten Personen eine Plattform des Austausches und die Möglichkeit zu Feedback geben. Die bei der Präsentation anwesenden Doktoratsbeiräte können eine Stellungnahme zum Exposé und zur Präsentation abgeben und beraten die Studienprogrammleitung hinsichtlich Qualität und Durchführbarkeit des Dissertationsprojekts und letztendlich über Genehmigung oder Nicht-Genehmigung des Dissertationsvorhabens.

Laut studienrechtlichem Teil der Satzung müssen Doktorand*innen bis spätestens Ende des ersten Studienjahres ihr Exposé präsentieren und Thema und Betreuung genehmigen lassen.

Bitte halten Sie sich als Studierende den gesamten Zeitraum frei : Sie haben die Pflicht, den Workshop in Gänze zu besuchen. Die Betreuer*innen und Beirät*innen sollen sich wie üblich für einen ganzen Slot (= 2 Präsentationen in Folge) zur Verfügung stellen, damit im Anschluss an je 2 Präsentationen die Doktoratsbeirät*innen sich intern besprechen können.

Terminwünsche der Betreuer*innen und Berät*innen: Die individuellen Terminwünsche können in Ausnahmefällen berücksichtigt werden, wenn sie bei der Anmeldung zur FÖP vorgelegt werden. Der Tagesplan unterliegt zahlreichen logistischen und inhaltlichen Prämissen, deshalb bitten wir, nur in Ausnahmefällen individuelle Terminwünsche zu deponieren. Wir werden versuchen, alle Terminwünsche nach Möglichkeit zu berücksichtigen. Wenn der Tagesplan einmal feststeht und an alle Beteiligten ausgesendet ist (ca. 3 Wochen vor dem dies doctoralis), kann leider nichts mehr verändert werden, da eben auch sehr viele andere Kolleg*innen davon betroffen sind. Die hatten entweder auch individuelle Terminwünsche, die bereits in dem Plan mitberücksichtigt sind, und/oder haben sich diese Termine natürlich auch bereits vorgemerkt. Bitte blockieren Sie deshalb bei Zusagen zu einem Präsentationstermin zunächst den gesamten dies doctoralis, bis der Tagesplan mit den exakten slot-Terminen vorliegt.

Info für diejenige, die bei der Zulassung Auflagen bekommen haben

Nach der erfolgten Zulassung zum ordentlichen Studium sind die Auflagen WÄHREND des Studiums, aber VOR der fakultätsöffentlichen Präsentation zusätzlich zu den im Studium vorgeschriebenen Studienleistungen positiv zu absolvieren.

Anmeldung zum Dies Doctoralis

Um sich für einen der Termine anzumelden, schicken Sie die notwendigen Formulare per E-Mail an doktorat.sscpkw @ univie.ac.at . Eine Anmeldung zum Dies Doctoralis kann nur bei einer aufrechten Zulassung angenommen werden.

Für die Anmeldung benötigen Sie

  • Das Formular Bekanntgabe von Dissertationsthema und Betreuer_in SL/D11 (Dateiname: nachname_vorname_matrikelnummer_thema.pdf)
  • Exposé Beachten Sie dabei die verbindliche Richtlinien (deutsch / englisch) für Exposés. (Dateiname: nachname_vorname_matrikelnummer_expose.pdf) Bitte fügen Sie keine persönliche Angaben wie Adresse, E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer an.
  • Das Formular Regeln der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis SL/W1
  • Stellungnahme zum Dissertationsvorhaben von Betreuer_in (im Falle von zwei Betreuer_innen, beide Stellungnahmen)
  • Eine formlose Bereitschaftserklärung einer_s Beirät_in zur Teilnahme an der Präsentation, mit Angabe des genauen Termins. Der zur Auswahl stehende Personenkreis findet sich unter: Doktoratsbeiräte SPL 42 . Die Nennung eines Ersatzmitgliedes wird empfohlen.

In begründeten Ausnahmefällen Terminwünsche der Betreuer*innen und Beirät*innen (nähere Informationen hierzu finden Sie weiter oben).

Einreichung der Unterlagen

Alle Unterlagen 1-5 müssen elektronisch (als 5 gesonderte .pdf-Dateien) bis zum jeweils angegebenen Anmeldeschluss an folgende Adresse gesendet werden: doktorat.sscpkw @ univie.ac.at Die elektronische Form ist die bindende Version. Anmeldungen können laufend eingereicht werden. Bitte beachten Sie jedoch, dass pro Termin nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Präsentationen möglich ist. Wir empfehlen Ihnen deshalb, sich frühzeitig für den gewünschten Termin anzumelden, da es u.U. vorkommen kann, dass bereits vor Ablauf der Anmeldefrist alle Plätze vergeben sind.

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Master Thesis

Doing a master thesis in the chair of international business, guidelines for a master thesis.

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This repository contains metadata and full text versions of diploma theses, master’s theses and doctoral theses that have been approved at the University of Vienna since 1965.

Since 2008, all graduates have been obliged to archive their academic theses electronically in this repository. The full texts are archived royalty-free (i.e. with maximum protection under copyright) and always following the approval of the relevant authors.

Academic theses that have been approved before 2008 can be uploaded directly to and published on the server, unless this would violate any legal or statutory regulations.

The thesis server provides the opportunity to make your thesis available worldwide. Using structured metadata, the theses uploaded to the server get bibliographic descriptions. They are included in and can, therefore, be found via international library catalogues, search engines and other bibliographic tools. This ensures that the theses are citable through a permanent and stable web address.

Publishing theses is the best protection against plagiarism.

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Master Thesis and Completion of the Programme

In the third and fourth semester, students write a master thesis on a topic developed in the context of their chosen research specialisations. Guidance and feedback is offered in the individual interaction with the thesis supervisor as well as in the context of practice-oriented thesis seminars. A selected number of opportunities to write master thesis in the framework of ongoing research projects also exist.

We recommend to commence with the following procedure as soon as you have completed the following modules:

  • BM A: 5 ECTS
  • BM B: 13 ECTS
  • RS: at least 10 ECTS

The administrative procedure is:

1. selection of supervisor.

These supervisors will be available for new thesis projects:

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Davies
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt
  • Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fochler
  • Fredy Mora Gámez, PhD
  • Dr. Andrea Schikowitz
  • Dr. Nina Klimburg-Witjes

Twice per year, the programme director offers a matchmaking between supervisors and students to assure the ideal allocation of supervisors to student topics. Information about this is sent out via the STS student mailing list.

2. Approval of Supervisor & the Topic

Please hand in the following items at the secretariat of the Department of Science and Technology Studies ( office hours ), or send an electronic version to sec.sts @ univie.ac.at :

the Notification Form, signed by you as well as your supervisor

the Regulations Relating to Good Scientific Practice

the Record of Exams, stating all courses completed so far, signed by yourself (We recommend saving this file on your computer as you will need the complete version later on, in the process of completing the Master.)

your Research Exposé, signed by your supervisor

By email you will be notified about the approval of your thesis' topic within 3 weeks (during the term).


Notification of Master Thesis Topic and Supervisor

1 Notification of Master Thesis Topic and Supervisor.pdf

Regulations relating to good scientific practice

Regulations relating to good scientific practice.pdf

Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis Expose

Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis Expose.pdf

Record of Exams

1 Record of Exams.pdf

3. Submission of the Complete Record of Exams

As soon as you have completed all your courses (at the latest 2 weeks before you upload your thesis on u:space - step 4), please submit the following documents to the secretariat of the Department of Science and Technology Studies (either as hard-copy, or an electronic version by email ).

  • a signed copy of the complete record of exams . Please note: All grades must be registered and assigned to the appropriate modules in u:space!
  • a copy of your acceptance letter ('Zulassungsbescheid')
  • (if applicable) a copy of the official notification of recognition of examinations ('Anerkennungsbescheid')

Also, 1-2 weeks before the date of uploading your thesis, please contact one of the second examiners (please also see item 5. Public Defense / Final Examination ) whether he or she would be ready to serve as such.

4. Submission of the Master Thesis - NEW: on u:space!

Steps 2 & 3 are a prerequisite! Then, two weeks AFTER having sent the complete record of exams to [email protected] (contact: Karin Neumann):

A) submit the thesis via the StudiesServiceCenter (follow the 3 steps: upload thesis to u:space , send the signed upload confirmation by e-mail , then bring/send two hardbound copies ), B) contact a second examiner (even better before updoading!), C) receive the grade, D) register for the final examination ( see 5 ; the earliest possible date for the defense will be two weeks after grading!)

Further information

Your thesis has to be uploaded on u:space in order to perform a plagiarism check. The uploaded thesis must be the same as the one submitted in binding. The formal requirements for academic theses must be observed; for the formal guidelines summarized in English please also see here . Firstly, you need to review and verify the data in u:space that will be printed on the title page . This information is automatically loaded from university’s database and includes your name and academic degrees, as well as details regarding the supervision of your thesis.  For the title page of the thesis, there are concrete specifications regarding the layout and the data listed. To ensure that your title page is correct in terms of form and content, the system will create it automatically from your data. Please do not use a title page you have created yourself, as this will not be accepted during the formal check! To ensure the protection of your personal data, i.e. in order to guarantee an anonymized plagiarism check, please: - do not include any personal data (like your name or student ID) - do not include your CV (or affidavit) - do not include your name in the header or footer

The thesis must contain a German AND English abstract of at least 500 characters. The abstract is a brief summary of the central points of your thesis. You can choose the option to make the full text available through u:theses , so others can read your work. Further information on the use of publications in academic theses can be found on the website of the office of the Studienpräses . Once you have uploaded the document, you will receive an upload confirmation (“Hochladebestätigung”) .

If any textual similarities are detected between your work and other texts, the study program management will examine whether it constitutes plagiarism . Please DO NOT PRINT your thesis until you have received feedback via email to your u:account, confirming a successful plagiarism check. The printed version must exactly match the electronically submitted version.

The supervisor has 2 months to evaluate your thesis and send the report to the 'Study Service Unit'/StudienServiceCenter. A couple of days after the supervisor has handed in his/her evaluation, you will receive an email with a scanned copy of the evaluation form containing the grade.

Formalities & Layout Master Thesis

Layout Thesis.pdf

Dateigröße:  161 kB

5. Public Defence

Around the date of uploading your thesis (or even better: 1-2 weeks before), please contact one of the following second examiners whether he or she would be ready to serve as such:

  • Ass.-Prof. Dr. Nina Klimburg-Witjes
  • Fredy Alberto Mora Gàmez, PhD

If the examiner consents, please agree on the literature for the exam*,

and coordinate a date for the defence/final examination with your supervisor, 2nd examiner, and chair.

The date of the examination must be at least 14 days after the evaluation date of the thesis.

*For students who enrolled in the programme before winter term 2014/2015 the reading list comprises 2 books and 5 articles. For this format, there is a list with recommended literature for all examiners. For students who enrolled in the programme in winter term 2014/2015 or after, the reading list comprises two books. For this format, each examiner has his/her own list of literature.

In both cases, the literature should predominantly be from an STS area other than your master thesis.

Submit the registration for master's examination form and the examination literature form to the institute´s secretariat (by e-mail to sec.sts @ univie.ac.at ).

Please read the information sheet about the defence/examination attentively,and consider that the time span between the moment you have handed in the master thesis at the StudienServiceCenter and your defensio can be up to 2.5 months.

Registration for Master Examination

2 Registration for masters examination.pdf

Dateigröße:  62 kB

Form Examination Literature

Form Examination Literature.pdf

Dateigröße:  311 kB

Information Sheet: Public Defence and Final Examination

Information Sheet Public Defence and Final Examination.pdf

Dateigröße:  37 kB

Literature List for Final Examination

Literature List for Final Examination.pdf

Dateigröße:  60 kB

6. Acquiring your Diploma

To acquire your diploma, you have to fill in a form of the Statistik Austria , that you will receive by email. Once you´ve filled in the form, you'll receive a confirmation of the statistical data acquisition . You need to send the pdf-confirmation of it to ssc.sozialwissenschaften @ univie.ac.at , and will then receive ALL your signed and officially approved diploma-documents by email to your u:account:

“Bescheid über die Verleihung eines akademischen Grades”


Diploma Supplement (including grade point average)

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Master - Academic paper (Master's thesis)

All legal regulations can be found in the  University Law , the  Statutes of the University of Vienna  and in the respective curriculum.

Detailed information about supervision, co-supervision and evaluation/grading you can find on the homepage of the 'Büro Studienpräses':  https://studienpraeses.univie.ac.at/infos-zum-studienrecht/wissenschaftliche-arbeiten/diplom-und-masterarbeiten/

Administrative information and SSC-support you can find in the following links (depending on the status of your thesis):

Before starting your thesis

Here you find information on what to consider when writing an academic paper, which rules you have to follow and how to find a topic and a supervisor.

During writing your thesis

You will work on the registered topic together with your supervisor, taking into account the formal requirements of the University of Vienna, and attend the Masterarbeitskonversatorium in parallel.

After completing your thesis

You will receive confirmation from your supervisor that the thesis is ready for submission - for uploading. After uploading, the plagiarism check is carried out and the thesis is then officially sent to your supervisor for assessment. After a positive assessment and if you have already positively completed all other achievements of the degree programme, you can register for the final oral examination.

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uni wien dissertation expose

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Hannah  Stadie

Dissertation (BA Architecture)

This dissertation explores the historical and cultural transformation of two cities sharing the same geographical location: Königsberg and Kaliningrad. This work is deeply rooted in a personal connection to the region and seeks to unravel the intricate narrative of Königsberg's evolution into Kaliningrad. Once a thriving capital of the Prussian empire, Königsberg underwent a profound metamorphosis under Soviet influence following World War II, transcending mere nomenclature changes to experience sweeping political, economic, social, and architectural transitions. Through meticulous research and introspective observations, this dissertation delves into the multifaceted challenges, identity crises, and endeavours at architectural and cultural reconciliation encountered by the city. It offers a thought-provoking exploration of the broader implications of such metamorphoses within the context of modern urbanism and the enduring quest for cultural continuity.

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uni wien dissertation expose

I wonder is it possible to travel from Vilnius to Kaliningrad on a daytrip? Or would it be better to stay in Kaliningrad for a nigth or two? And if it's possible is it possible to get a Visa on the border to Kaliningrad or should I have fixed that before. (I think I saw something about that you colud get a 48-hours Visa for Kaliningrad if you arrived by boat I think- anyone who knows?) Thank you in advance.

If you can get visa on border then this is only if you enter Kaliningrad district from Poland, but i'm not sure about that. From LT you can't get visa on border.

"As a day trip from Vilnius" - it takes roughly 1 day to get from Vilnius to Kaliningrad city (the bus departs 13:15, arrives 20:35). How much you will stay there is another story.

Yes, to get visa take more time, than you think, especially to Russia. this is all information, use google translator http://www.lithuania.mid.ru/viz_vop.html . the cost is from 90-100 eur. depends on how much you can wait.

the bus tickets is much more cheaper: for example ecolines, very popular in eastern europe, chech there : http://ecolines.net/en/?l=2

Vilnius-kaliningard 20 eur.

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Kaliningrad: Enclaves and Economic Integration


As the Soviet Union broke up, Kaliningrad suddenly found itself separated from mainland Russia by new frontiers. Hardly any other Russian region has been hit as hard by the economic disruption as Kaliningrad. The geographical situation of the region meant that it was more highly exposed to the destabilising effects of post-communist economic transformation. Since then, a dramatic trade opening has occurred, and regional trade and production have undergone profound changes. Kaliningrad has experienced a major shift in its economic orientation towards the tertiary sector and a new industrial orientation based on its position as an intermediary in EU–Russian trade. In short, that is what this report is about: the present and future economic development of this Russian enclave during its integration into the world economy, its place in the international division of labour and in the Russian–EU economic interface.

The major phenomenon relative to the economic development of the region is its enclave status. The report explores the specific features of enclave economies and, specifically, Kaliningrad. It argues that (a) economic openness is a prerequisite for an enclave’s prosperity; (b) the enclave should develop an multi-vectored orientation toward both the Russian market and the EU market complementing industrial specialisation targeting the mainland by new features; (d) as economic integration – with the surrounding state or on a non-discriminatory basis – has significant positive effects on enclaves, the future of Kaliningrad’s regional economy and its specialisation is profoundly connected to Russian–EU relations and the prospects for their economic integration.

Item Type: MPRA Paper
Original Title: Kaliningrad: Enclaves and Economic Integration
Language: English
Keywords: enclave, exclave, Kaliningrad, Russia, European Union, Wider Neighbourhood
Subjects: > >
> >
Item ID: 20937
Depositing User:
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2010 06:53
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2019 13:57

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