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Handwriting Year 3 & 4

handwriting homework ks2

Handwriting worksheets Year 3 & 4

Handwriting worksheets for Year 3 & 4 learning cursive writing in Primary School. Homework help with handwriting in KS2. Learn how to create neat handwriting.

Pick a level

Handwriting check.

It's important to keep a check on your handwriting to check that it is neat and that people can read it. Let's do a check of your handwriting. Write the following sentence on a piece of lined paper:

A magic wand ... this was what Harry had been really looking forward to.

Now have a look at your writing and give yourself one point for everything that is right.

  • All the letters are sitting on the line. - 1 point
  • All the small letters are the same size. - 1 point.
  • All the words and letters are spaced out evenly. - 1 point
  • All the letters are slanted in the same direction. - 1 point
  • The writing is joined up. - 1 point
  • All the letters are the same style. - 1 point
  • Someone else can read my writing. - 1 point

Correct Seating Position

Seating position

Are you sitting comfortably? Ideally, your chair and table should be the correct height for you. You should be able to place your feet on the floor and the table should be at about elbow height. This makes a big difference to your handwriting. Have you tried writing on the floor while sitting on your knees? It's very awkward and hard to write neatly. So try and find somewhere you can writing that is perfect for you.

Paper position

Correct paper position for writing

Sitting on the line

Writing not on the line

Sit your letters on the line for neater handwriting. Don't let the letters fly off the line like balloons.

Try sitting with the paper slanted to the right, if you are right-handed, or slanted left if you are left-handed. This will make it easier to keep your letters on the line.

Making the letters the same size

Different sized letters

Are all your small letters the same size? Draw a line along the top of the small letters to see if they are. If you are having problems keeping your letters the same size then try writing on ruled paper with guidelines for a while until you become an expert at this.

Letters and words should be evenly spaced. Letters in words should not have any big gaps or they could look like separate words. Learning cursive handwriting will help with this and it will teach you to join all the letters up in a word. Click here to have a go at cursive handwriting and start with the letters .

Leave enough space for a letter o between your words. See how many o's you can place in between your words. You only need to fit one in. So if can add lots of o's then make your gaps smaller.

If you more practice with this place lolly stick after your words so you can see where to write the next one.

Slanting letters

Joined up writing

Neat writing

Style of writing

Mixing different styles does not look good. Pick a style and stick to it. Check you are forming all your letters correctly. As you get older you will find your own style of handwriting. It maybe cursive (joined up) writing or it may not. Sometimes people write using a mixture of the two. But be careful, not joining certain letters can change the word, so it's misread as something else. Show your writing to someone else and see if they can read it. If they can't then maybe you need to work on your style so that others can read your writing.

Neat writing with no lead ins

Handwriting practice

handwriting homework ks2

Print off our blank guided paper and copy sentences from your favourite storybook or print off our handwriting worksheets to copy short paragraphs.

Also on Super Brainy Beans


handwriting homework ks2

Handwriting in Key Stage 2 (7 - 11 yrs)

handwriting homework ks2

UK National Curriculums for handwriting

Statutory requirements plus notes and guidance for teaching handwriting to 7 to 11 year olds in; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Handwriting animations and worksheets

Free animations and accompanying worksheets to support children through the 3 stages of handwriting; pre-handwriting patterns, single letter formation and joins.

handwriting homework ks2

Pencil grip for handwriting

The expected pencil grip developmental stages for this age group and advice on how to support children through them.

handwriting homework ks2

Sitting position for handwriting

The best sitting position, when handwriting, for both right and left-handed writers.

handwriting homework ks2

Paper position for handwriting

How to correctly position and tilt the paper for right and left-handed writers.

handwriting homework ks2

Handwriting warm up activities

At the desk gross and fine motor skills activities to get the body ready for handwriting and to relax it during extended handwriting tasks.

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Handwriting teaching tips

Extra tips to help support the teaching of handwriting in your class.

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Overcoming handwriting difficulties

How to identify the causes of handwriting difficulties and suggestions to overcome them.

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A handwriting demonstration tool which demonstrates correct letter formation. It works well as a whole class activity on an interactive whiteboard or in a group situation on a tablet. It includes a cursive writing option.

Letter Formation

This site has excellent animations which provide a good model for learners starting to write letters. They indicate the starting points and proper strokes required. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.

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handwriting homework ks2

  • Tripod grip for left-handers

tripod grip for right-handers

  • Tripod grip for right-handers

2. Are you sitting comfortably?

When your child is writing, make sure they are sitting comfortably with their feet touching the floor (or a footrest). Writing is easier when you have a stable body.

3. Match the school

Be sure to find out what handwriting style your child is learning at school. Consistency is key, so it is important not to correct something that you think is an error but that is actually part of the style your child is learning.

4. Write in the sand

Give your child opportunities to do some non-permanent writing. This takes the pressure off early writers – if their handwriting isn’t perfect, they can just wash or brush it away and start again.

Write in the sand at the beach. Write in the mud at the park. Fill a clear sandwich bag that closes with some washing-up liquid and glitter; get your child to write (gently) on this. Ask your child to write letters or words on your back with their finger – can you guess what it is?

5. Get crafty

Continue to encourage your child to draw, colour, paint, and do crafting activities at home using a range of different materials. These activities all provide opportunities to develop control, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.

Add some writing to the crafts – can they write with chalk, paint brushes or crayons? Can they make an attractive sign for their door or books?

 6. Practice makes perfect

Good handwriting needs lots of practise. Practise handwriting with your child a few times every week – perhaps using the week’s spelling words. This will help them to develop good habits and strong muscles in their hands (and good spelling). Use special handwriting paper to check the position of each letter.

Practice Tramlines

Activity: Practice tramlines

Print out these tramlines for your child to practice neat handwriting.

7. Write, write, write

Create as many opportunities as you can for your child to write:

  • Get your child to write a shopping list or a short note to stick on the fridge. They could write events on the calendar, make greetings cards for family members, write out recipes or song lyrics, and so on. Try to find opportunities that link to their interests.
  • Give your child the chance to make their very own book! Fold a few sheets of paper in half and staple down the length of the fold. Suggest that they fill it with their own story and pictures. It could be based on one of their favourite stories, or get them to fill in with pictures and captions about their favourite animal, superhero or footballer.
  • Encourage your child to keep a diary, writing a sentence or two for every day. They might feel more enthusiastic about this idea if you let them decorate and personalise a plain notebook to make it their own.

What your child will learn

Click on the links below to find out about the handwriting goals for each year of Primary School:

Handwriting in Year 1 (age 5–6)

In year 1, your child will learn to:.

  • sit correctly and use the right pencil grip
  • form lowercase letters in the correct way: starting in the right place, moving the pencil in the correct direction and finishing in the right place
  • form capital letters in the correct way
  • forming the digits 0–9
  • understand which letters are formed in similar ways
  • to leave a space between words.

Video: Pen Grip and Posture

Handwriting practise activities:.

  • Practise tramlines
  • Words to practise in Year 1
  • At home with Handwriting 1
  • At Home with Handwriting 2
  • Handwriting: Capital Letters
  • Handwriting Monsters

Handwriting acitivity books:

  • Handwriting Ages 5-6
  • My Reading and Writing Kit: More sounds and blending
  • My Reading and Writing Kit: Becoming a reader
  • Starting to Write Letters Age 4-5

Handwriting in Year 2 (age 6–7)

In year 2, your child will learn to:.

  • form lowercase letters of the correct size relative to one another
  • start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters
  • understand which letters, when next to one another, are best left unjoined
  • write capital letters and digits in a size that matches the size of any lowercase letters
  • use the correct spacing between words.
  • Words to practise in Year 2
  • At Home with Handwriting 1
  • Handwriting: Capital Letters 

Handwriting activity books:

  • Handwriting Ages 6–7

Handwriting in Year 3 (age 7–8)

In year 3, your child will start developing fluent handwriting skills, making their writing more consistent and easier to read. they will practise:.

  • writing neatly and legibly with letters that are all a similar size
  • joining some letters
  • deciding which letters to join and which letters not to join
  • keeping their writing lines horizontal and keeping the space between lines parallel and consistent
  • keeping the downstrokes of their writing upright and parallel
  • making sure that descenders of one line do not touch the ascenders of the line below.

Handwriting practise actvities:

  • Words to practise in Year 3
  • Handwriting Age 7-8

Handwriting in Year 4 (age 8–9)

In year 4, your child will continue to work on their fluent handwriting skills, making their writing more consistent and easier to read. they will practise:.

  • Words to practise in Year 4
  • Writing silly sentences
  • Year 4 handwriting practise

Handwriting in Year 5 (age 9–10)

In year 5, your child will develop fluent, joined-up writing. this includes:.

  • deciding whether or not to join specific letters
  • keeping letters of a consistent size
  • choosing whether it is best to write with a pen or a pencil.
  • Words to practise in Year 5
  • Nelson Handwriting: Patterns and slanted writing

Handwriting in Year 6 (age 10–11)

In year 6, your child will build on their year 5 handwriting skills and continue to develop fluent, joined-up writing. this includes:.

  • writing neatly and clearly
  • choosing whether to use a pencil or a pen.
  • Words to practise in Year 6
  • Age 5–6 (Year 1)
  • Age 6–7 (Year 2)
  • Age 7–8 (Year 3)
  • Age 8–9 (Year 4)
  • Age 9–10 (Year 5)
  • Age 10–11 (Year 6)
  • Year 1 (age 5–6)
  • Year 2 (age 6–7)
  • Year 3 (age 7–8)
  • Year 4 (age 8–9)
  • Year 5 (age 9–10)
  • Year 6 (age 10–11)
  • Grammar glossary
  • Grammar books
↓ We have thousands of free writing practice printables—take your pick: ↓
Handwriting, whether in print manuscript or cursive script, continues to be important in the digital age for several reasons. Let's talk about it!

: Handwriting engages different cognitive processes than typing on a keyboard. It requires fine motor skills, visual recognition, and memory, which can aid in learning and retention. Studies have shown that students who take handwritten notes often retain information better than those who type their notes. Try it yourself to verify!

: Handwritten notes, letters, and cards carry a personal touch that digital messages lack. Handwriting allows individuals to convey emotion and personality through their unique script, making the communication more meaningful and memorable. Think about it--we have an emotional connection to things written by hand, not to things typed.
: Handwritten documents and manuscripts are important for preserving historical and cultural heritage. Many historical documents, manuscripts, and artifacts are written by hand, and the ability to read and understand these materials is crucial for historians, researchers, and archivists. Is you child interested in history? Because it will be very hard to become a historian, without the ability to easily read the millions of documents written in cursive.

: Signatures on legal documents, contracts, and agreements are often required to be in handwritten form. The authenticity and legal validity of handwritten signatures are still highly valued in many jurisdictions. Imagine never perfecting your own autograph, ha ha ha!

: Handwriting is an essential skill taught in schools as part of early literacy education. It helps children develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and an understanding of letter formation, which are foundational skills for learning to read and write effectively. Writing with pencils and pens in childhood is training the child's "muscle memory" for holding and using a small implement. Writing by hand is the easiest, most effective way to train those muscles.

: Not everyone has easy access to digital devices or may have physical limitations that make typing challenging. Handwriting ensures that information remains accessible to a broader population, including those who may not have digital resources. Imagine a power outage, and no one being able to simply write things down on paper quickly and legibly.

: Handwriting allows for creative expression. Many artists and graphic designers incorporate hand-drawn elements into their work, adding a personal and artistic dimension to their creations. The best artists and designers first learned to draw and design by hand.

: Handwriting has been shown to stimulate the brain in unique ways, potentially enhancing cognitive function and creativity. It can also be a valuable tool for brainstorming and idea generation. Handwriting helps the human brain to make those connections!
: In certain situations, such as filling out forms, taking quick notes, or jotting down ideas on the fly, handwriting can be more practical and efficient than using digital devices.

: Handwriting is often used as a teaching tool for language and literacy development. Learning to write by hand can reinforce language skills and help students develop better spelling and grammar. When writing by hand, kids are physically forming each letter--each letter's lines and curves. This is going to make them good spellers. (Side note: an informal poll at our office had everyone agreeing that constantly typing on our phones has hurt our spelling skills.)

While digital communication is undeniably convenient and pervasive in modern society, handwriting retains its significance in various contexts, emphasizing the importance of maintaining this skill and appreciating its enduring value. So let's fire up our brain neurons! Let's build and exercise the muscle memory in our hands, and start writing. Our thousands of 100% free handwriting practice worksheets, in both and , are here to help. Enjoy!
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Make Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Print handwriting practice.

handwriting print practice worksheets

Print Handwriting Practice Worksheets. Basic print trace or hollow letters appear on your worksheet. Just type and letters magically appear. So Cool!


D'Nealian Handwriting Practice

handwriting d'nealian practice worksheets

D'Nealian Handwriting Practice Worksheets. Use either dot or hollow trace letters and with all the same options as on our PRINT worksheet maker.


Cursive Handwriting Practice

handwriting cursive practice worksheets

Cursive Handwriting Practice Worksheets. Teach cursive with our perfect connecting cursive handwriting letters. Cursive is crucial for teaching students how to write their signature.


  • Nelson Handwriting Sheets
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  • NH_y6_u20_Extension_Resource.pdf
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  • NH_y6_u19_Focus_Resource.pdf

Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.

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Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide


THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR:  Click here to get a full Prek-12 curriculum from My Homeschool Village for only $30 a month with coupon code HQ5.

Handwriting is such an important life skill, and an integral part of your kids' English language arts study. Though getting them to want to practice their handwriting can be tricky, which is why this resource guide is on all things fun handwriting practice!

Table Of Contents

20 funtastic handwriting resources, 3 handwriting videos for kids, 5 ways to help students develop better math skills, check out these amazing homeschool resources.

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

Supplement all curriculums with the week-by-week schedule or use the activities as you need them! Take advantage of the limited-time deep discount! $27 (discounted from $99)

Did you know that public speaking is the most common fear among adults? There are lots of things you can do now to prevent it from holding back your kids. Try your first two classes free! Get $20 off with coupon code GREEN66ZZD20, but hurry this is a limited time offer. NEW Outschool families can pair it with ElizabethGr20 for an extra $20 off.

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You can choose between watercolor illustration or character design for only $30 a class. Includes weekly design prompts and live step-by-step instruction by children's book illustrators Lara Saldana and Jered Salmond.  

Homeschool Success Bundle - Say Goodbye to Guesswork! Includes and bonus videos: hacks to skip the stress & enjoy the rest. $19.97

If you and your child want to learn Spanish numbers together and how to apply those Spanish numbers to REAL conversations that you can have with native Spanish speakers…Then here is the course you need! What's included: videos of Mrs. A going through the Spanish numbers (even into the thousands!), lesson plan for parents, printable Notes, printable Worksheets WITH answer keys, months notes, and so much more!

 This new issue of the Homeschool Quest digital magazine is a treasure trove for anyone looking to amplify their child-led learning journey.

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

These recources picked out by our HQ team, will keep their pratice fun and engaging so they can look forward to their practice.

  • Alphabet Tracing Worksheets With ASL Signs
  • Fun Handwriting Worksheets for Older Kids
  • Zoo Handwriting Practice Cards ($2.50)
  • Free Dinosaur Handwriting Booklets
  • Free Handwriting Practice Worksheet Generator
  • CVC Word Searches Handwriting Practice
  • Animal Alphabet Letter Writing Practice ($1.25)
  • Rabbit Themed Handwriting Practice
  • U.K Handwriting & Spelling Practice Worksheets
  • Aviation Manuscript Handwriting Pack
  • 30-Page Unicorn Preschool Handwriting Practice
  • Farm Themed Handwriting Practice & Activities ($3.99)
  • Bugs Multi-Level Handwriting Pack
  • Left-Handed Handwriting Practice Printable Pack
  • Easy Practice Writing With LEGO Letters Activity + Printables
  • Earth Day Jokes Handwriting Printables
  • Pets Drawing & Writing Prompts For Print + Cursive Practice ($4)
  • Bathe the Dog Sentence Sequencing & Handwriting Activities
  • Edward Lear Limericks Copywork Printables
  • Amazing Animal Facts D'Nealian Handwriting Printables ($3)

Find more Handwriting Resources on our Pinterest board! It was curated by our awesome Pinterest team!

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

Keep their interest by adding a visual aspect to their handwriting practice with our kid-appproved videos!

Write the letter A : Alphabet Writing lesson By The Singing Walrus

Letter Handwriting Practice Song for Kids By Handwriting Heroes

How to Write Lowercase Letters of the Alphabet A-Z By Kiddos World TV

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

By Ingrid Moats Of  Tampa Bay Test Prep

As homeschooling parents, we want to give our students the best and empower them with the skills they need for the future. And as part of the best, there are certain steps that help students to master math, no matter what their curriculum. Here are five ways to help them to improve their math skills.

Explain their thoughts

1. Ask them to explain their thoughts as they work through the problems. Simple questions like the following can help you to understand what they are thinking and help them to better understand their math.

a. How did you get that answer?

b. Can you explain your thoughts?

c. Why did you choose to do that next?

Consistent schedule

2. Have a consistent schedule for learning math. Math takes time to learn and practice. Having regular math lessons daily will help your children remember their math better than math every now and then. Pick a time when students are fresh and not tired. If they get tired easily, multiple short sessions may be more effective than just one session.

Real life experiences

3. Provide real life experiences where students use math. Examples of real-life experiences students have can include cooking, shopping, and building. These experiences make it easier to learn math.

Consistently review

4. Have students consistently review their mistakes. When a student misses a question, focus on making it a learning experience instead of focusing on the fact that it is wrong. Have them tell you why they missed it. Talk through it together. Then have them redo their missed questions. That will help them to remember why they missed it.

Review activities

5. Include review activities in your homeschooling. By including review activities, your students will be less likely to forget what they have learned. And it will make math easier as they get into higher levels.

At Tampa Bay Test Prep, we teach students math strategies that help them to learn math better. We take them from working through real life examples to solving tough math problems. We specialized strategies that help them to develop a deeper understanding of math and help build confidence.

Reach us at  [email protected] , to find out more about how we help students with personalized plans to help them enjoy and master math.

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

Little Learner's Homestead Alphabet Printable: An alphabet workbook that focuses on homestead life with facts, coloring, and interactive activities.

Independent Activities: List of Quiet, Independent Activities for Every Month of the YEAR!  All activities are Little to No Prep!! $3

Book Report Printables $5 Writing a book report or using an organizer to respond to what they have read is a great way to help your kids with their reading comprehension. Using a template like this will help your kids organize their thoughts in the planning pages, so it’s easier for them to put the final review together. They will also see all of the important parts that need to go into their book reports, which will help them learn how to write effective reviews and recommendations.

Printable Monthly 2024-2025 Calendar with Free Updates. This 2024-2025 school calendar is perfect for planning your kids’ activities. I print a copy for each of my kids, use one to plan unit studies, and one for meal planning. I use the year-at-a-glance calendar to mark completed homeschool days. This calendar is updated for free every year.

SUMMER FREEBIE GUIDE: Add some educational fun to this summer break with our Summer Freebie Guide ! It's filled to the brim with links to FREE printable worksheets and activities guaranteed to keep your kids entertained and engaged all season long. Click here to get the free guide!

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Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

Click here to get a full Prek-12 curriculum from My Homeschool Village for only $30 a month with coupon code HQ5.

Make Handwriting Practice Fun: A Resource Guide

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handwriting homework ks2

Russia is the largest nation in the world, with land in both Europe and Asia. The capital of Russia is Moscow and the national language is Russian.

One of the world's richest and most powerful countries , Russia has undergone huge change in the last century.

Russian landscapes vary hugely, ranging from polar conditions, mountains and forests in the north to enormous grasslands called steppes and warm beaches in the south of the country. Russia is known for being a very cold country and has a high snowfall.

Top 10 facts

1. Russia is the largest country in the world. Over 142 million people live in Russia.

2. Russia borders 14 different countries on two continents and has the longest coastline in the world.

3. Most Russian people live in cities. The largest, the capital Moscow, has 12 million inhabitants. St Petersburg is the second-largest city.

4. Russia has lots of natural resources ; it sells more gas than any other country and is the second-largest exporter of oil.

5. Russia is home to the longest river in Europe, the Volga (3690km long), and the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal (over 1km deep in places) .

6. Russian is the official language, spoken by the majority of Russians. Russian is a Slavic language and uses an alphabet called Cyrillic. The main religion is Orthodox Christianity.

7. The currency of Russia is the Russian ruble.

8. Brown bears live in forests across Russia and are considered the country's national animal. 

9. Chess, ballet and gymnastics are very popular hobbies in Russia and lots of children take classes in them from a very young age.

10. The Russian space program was very successful. In 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person to travel into space. The first woman in space was also Russian, Valentina Tereshkova.

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Did you know?

Russia is so large that it has 11 different time zones , more than any other country in the world!

The Winter Palace in St Petersburg used to be the home of the Russian royal family (it is now a museum). There are 1500 rooms and 117 staircases in the palace! There are so many works of art on display that it's been estimated that it would take 11 years to see them all!

People who have seven or more children in Russia are awarded an Order of Parental Glory.

At Christmas Russian children receive gifts not from Father Christmas but from Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Only a third of Russian people own a car and most people travel by train.

It takes six days to travel the length of the Trans-Siberian railway (9288km)!

Russia has the largest number of forests in the world and is also home to over 40 national parks and 100 wildlife reserves .

White Nights is the name of the summer evenings in St Petersburg; from mid June to July it is light all day and all night in the city.

Russian people love to grow some of their own food: two thirds of people who live in cities have an allotment.

The Metro (Underground) in Moscow is filled with paintings, chandeliers and statues and was built to be a 'palace for the people'. It is the busiest underground railway system in Europe, carrying 2.4 billion passengers every year.

Yakutsk in the north of Russia is the coldest city on Earth, with average winter temperatures of -40°C. The city is built on stilts because the ground it sits on is frozen all year round and can be very unstable.

Look through the gallery and see if you can spot the following:

  • Moscow at night
  • The Russian flag
  • The Ural mountains
  • A dacha , a traditional Russian country house
  • The Russian winter landscape
  • Traditional decorated bread
  • A Russian Orthodox church
  • Red Square in Moscow
  • Matruschka stacking dolls
  • St Petersburg
  • Singers wearing traditional costumes
  • Blini, Russian pancakes served with sour cream and caviar
  • The Winter Palace in St Petersburg, the official residence of the Russian monarchs from 1732 to 1917
  • Peterhof Palace
  • Pelmeni dumplings
  • The Russian currency is the ruble
  • Moscow's GUM, the largest department store in Russia

handwriting homework ks2

Russia is the largest country in the world and in its entirety occupies about one-ninth of the total land on earth. Russia spans two continents, Europe and Asia.

Russia shares land borders with 14 other countries. Some of them used to belong to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), a communist state from 1922 to 1991. The USSR was also known as the Soviet Union.

From the 1400s Russia was ruled by emperors called tsars , but in 1917 the Russian Revolution abolished the monarchy and in 1922 the world's first communist state, the USSR, was established . The communist government aimed to create a fair way of life for everyone, not just the rich ruling class. By 1929, however, a general called Joseph Stalin had seized power and imposed lots of new rules on the people, causing huge suffering. In World War II the Russians fought against Nazi Germany and millions of Russians were killed in the fighting.

In 1945 the USSR became one of the world's superpowers. In the following decades the USSR and the United States of America were on opposite sides in many conflicts; this is known as the Cold War.

In 1989 the communist regime fell; two years later the USSR split into 15 independent countries (the Russian Federation).

Under communism religion was banned, but the Church is now very popular, and around 75 per cent of Russians are Orthodox Christians . Around 10-15 per cent of the population are Muslim.

The Kremlin in Moscow is Russia's centre of government and the home of the Russian president. Vladimir Putin has been president of Russia since 2012; he was also president from 1999 to 2008 and was the country’s prime minister from 2008 to 2012.

The country's second-largest city, St Petersburg, was renamed Leningrad in 1924 to honour the Russian Revolution leader, Lenin. The city's name was changed back to St Petersburg in 1991.

Russia has a growing economy. The country is a manufacturer of machines, transport equipment and chemicals, and also has huge resources of oil, gas and minerals like coal, metals and diamonds. Oil, gas and minerals make up 80 per cent of what Russia exports to other countries. Fishing and farming are important industries, and Russia also produces lots of wood products like paper.

The massive region of Siberia, known as the Asian part of Russia, occupies three quarters of Russian land but only a quarter of the Russian population live there. It is very, very cold with average winter temperatures of -25°C. Siberian tigers, who live in the forests of Siberia, are one of the world's most endangered species. It's estimated that there are only 500 Siberian tigers left in the world.

Summers can be very hot in Russian cities, and lots of people have a small house in the country (called a dacha ) where they go at weekends and grow fruit and vegetables. Picking mushrooms and berries are old Russian traditions.

Lots of traditional Russian foods are made from ingredients that grow well in the cold Russian climate, like beetroot, cabbage and potato. Pirogi is a type of pastry with sweet fillings like fruit and honey and savoury fillings like mushrooms, rice and salmon. Soup, rye bread and porridge are often on the menu.

Russians love tea, but they don't use a kettle to make it! Instead they have a very large metal hot water boiler called a samovar . Russians traditionally add sugar, lemon or jam to their tea!

New Year is Russia's biggest festival, celebrated with a special dinner and fireworks. Before Lent (the 40 days before Easter), Russians celebrate Maslenitsa (Pancake Week). During the festival they eat thin pancakes ( blini ) with sour cream, jam or caviar (fish eggs) and make large straw dolls which are burnt on a bonfire.

Russian nesting dolls,  Matryoshka , are famous around the world. They are wooden figures that open and contain smaller and smaller dolls inside, painted as if they are wearing traditional Russian dress.

Russia has been a world leader in sport, space exploration and culture, renowned for its music, arts and literature. Some of the most famous composers in the world are Russian, including Tchaikovsky, the composer of The Nutcracker. Famous writers include Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace , and playwright Anton Chekhov. Ballet is a hugely popular art form and the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow and the Mariinsky Ballet in St Petersburg are two of the best ballet companies in the world.

Russian athletes and sportspeople are incredibly successful, especially at the Olympic Games. One of the most popular sports in Russia is ice hockey; there are lots of ski resorts, too, and some people swim in ice-cold waters, making a hole in the ice to jump in! Football is the most popular spectator sport.

Story-telling is a big part of Russian cultural tradition. One of the most famous traditional characters is Baba Yaga, a wise but scary witch who lives in a house with chicken legs.

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Just for fun...

Read some Russian folk tales , including the stories of Baba Yaga and the story of the Crimson Flower   Have a go at some Russian-themed craft activities , including decorating a Faberge-style egg and making Matryoshka Dolls out of different materials

Make paper Matryoshka Dolls

A step-by-step guide to making a Russian clay bird, a  dymkovskaya toy

Download some Russian colouring pages

Make your own Kandinksy art

Try making piroshki ,  small Russian dumplings filled with finely chopped meat or vegetables

Learn to say some basic Russian phrases

Read about some of the traditional games children play in Russia

Listen to songs and rhymes in Russian

See pictures of traditional clothing for Russian children

Make your own paper model of Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow

Best books about Russia for children

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Find out more

Facts about Russia from National Geographic Kids

The Kiddle encyclopedia guide to Russia

Find out about the native peoples of the Russian North

Read  CBBC's Newsround guide to the Russian Revolution

The Trans-Siberian Express is the longest train journey in the world, stretching from Moscow to Vladivostok across 6 time zones and landscapes ranging from forest to mountain to desert to steppe

Find out more about the Space Race and Russian achievements in space exploration

A guide to Russian food and drink

Steam baths, or banya , are a traditional place to visit in Russia

See behind the scenes in Saint Petersburg's world-famous Mariinsky Ballet Theatre

See pictures of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula , one of the most volcanologically active regions on Earth

Information about festivals and holidays in Russia

See for yourself

See pictures and guides to Russian attractions in the Lonely Planet guide to the country

Facts and advice about visiting Russia

A guide to Baikal Lake , the deepest lake in the world

Read about Moscow's most famous tourist attractions

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World War 2 Introduction Lesson Pack || KS2 WW2 History Unit Lesson

World War 2 Introduction Lesson Pack || KS2 WW2 History Unit Lesson

Subject: History

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Lost in Learning

Last updated

24 August 2024

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**This pack includes **

  • Multiple lesson ideas with linked resources and brief lesson plans for week of lessons
  • Learning objectives
  • Must, Should, Could success criteria
  • Full introductory lesson plan with assessment ideas
  • Powerpoint presentation with animations to introduce WW2 and evacuation
  • Self-produced worksheet for main activity
  • Starter activity that is differentiated
  • Writing frame for Lower Ability for factfile

If you have any questions, or feel it needs anything extra, please contact me and I’ll be happy to oblige,

Miss Austin (:

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