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It shows you how to improve your spelling, grammar and vocabulary. Join over 2 million learners of English who have used Write & Improve to improve their writing.

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Jorge from Switzerland

The Write Practice

100 Writing Practice Lessons & Exercises

by Joe Bunting | 50 comments

Want to become a better writer? How much time do you spend on your writing practice? Perhaps you want to write novels, or maybe you just want to get better grades in your essay writing assignments , or maybe you'd like to start a popular blog .

If you want to write better, you need practice. But what does a writing practice actually look like? In this post, I'm going to give you everything you need to kick off your writing practice and become a better writer faster.

100 Top Writing Practice Lessons and Exercises

What Is Writing Practice?

Writing practice is a method of becoming a better writer that usually involves reading lessons about the writing process, using writing prompts, doing creative writing exercises , or finishing writing pieces, like essays, short stories , novels , or books . The best writing practice is deliberate, timed, and involves feedback.

How Do You Practice Writing?

This was the question I had when I first started The Write Practice in 2011. I knew how to practice a sport and how to practice playing an instrument. But for some reason, even after studying it in college, I wasn't sure how to practice writing.

I set out to create the best writing practice I could. The Write Practice is the result.

I found that the best writing practice has three aspects:

Deliberate . Writing whatever you feel like may be cathartic, but it's not an effective way to become a better writer or build your writing skills. You'll get better faster by practicing a specific technique or aspect of the writing process each time you sit down to write.

This is why we have a new lesson about the writing process each day on The Write Practice, followed by a practice prompt at the end so you can put what you learned to use immediately.

Timed . It's no secret writers struggle with focus. There are just too many interesting distractions—Facebook, email, Kim Kardashian's Instagram feed (just kidding about that last one, sort of)—and writing is just too hard sometimes.

Setting a timer, even for just fifteen minutes, is an easy and effective way to stay focused on what's important.

This is why in our writing practice prompt at the end of each post we have a time limit, usually with a link to an online tool egg timer , so you can focus on deliberate practice without getting distracted.

Feedback . Getting feedback is one of the requirements to deliberately practice writing or any other craft. Feedback can look like listening to the reactions of your readers or asking for constructive criticism from editors and other writers.

This is why we ask you to post your writing practice after each lesson, so that you can get feedback from other writers in The Write Practice community. It's also why we set up The Write Practice Pro community , to provide critique groups for writers to get feedback on each finished piece of writing.

How to practice writing

Our 100+ Best Creative Writing Practice Exercises and Lessons

Now that you know how we practice writing at The Write Practice, here are our best writing practice lessons to jumpstart your writing skills with some daily writing exercises, for beginner writers to even the most expert writers:

All-Time, Top 10 Writing Lessons and Exercises

These ten posts are our most viewed articles to boost your writing practice:

1. What is Plot? The 6 Elements of Plot and How to Use Them . Great stories use similar elements in wildly different ways to build page-turning stories. Click here to read what they are and learn how to start using them !

2. Top 100 Short Story Ideas . Here are over a hundred writing prompts in a variety of genres. If you need ideas for your next story, check this out!

3. How To Use Neither, Nor, Or, and Nor Correctly . Even good writers struggle figuring out when to use neither/nor and either/or. In this post, our copy-queen Liz Bureman settles the confusion once and for all. Click to continue to the writing exercise

4. Ten Secrets To Write Better Stories . How does Pixar manage to create such great stories, year after year? And how do you write a good story? In this post, I distill everything I've learned about how to write a good story into ten tips. Click to continue to the writing exercise

5. 35 Questions To Ask Your Characters From Marcel Proust . To get to know my characters better, I use a list of questions known as the Proust Questionnaire, made famous by French author, Marcel Proust. Click to continue to the writing exercise

6. How a Scene List Can Change Your Novel-Writing Life . Creating a scene list changed my novel-writing life, and doing the same will change yours too. Includes examples of the scene lists from famous authors. Click to continue to the writing exercise

7. Why You Need to be Using the Oxford Comma . Most people I've met have no idea what the Oxford comma is, but it's probably something that you have used frequently in your writing. Click to continue to the writing exercise

8. Six Surprising Ways to Write Better Interview Questions.  The interview is the most-used tool in a journalist's bag. But that doesn't mean novelists, bloggers, and even students can't and don't interview people. Here's how to conduct a great interview. Click to continue to the writing exercise

9. Why You Should Try Writing in Second Person . You've probably used first person and third person point-of-view already. But what about second person? This post explains three reasons why you should try writing from this point-of-view. Click to continue to the writing exercise

10. The Secret to Show, Don't Tell . You've heard the classic writing rule, “Show. Don't Tell.” Every writing blog ever has talked about it, and for good reason. Showing, for some reason, is really difficult. Click to continue to the writing exercise.

Book Idea Worksheet

12 Exercises and Lessons To Become a Better Writer

How do you become a better writer? These posts share our best advice:

  • Want to Be a Better Writer? Cut These 7 Words
  • What I Mean When I Say I Am A Writer
  • How to Become a Writer: 3 Simple Steps
  • 72% of Writers Struggle With THIS
  • 7 Lies About Becoming a Writer That You Probably Believe
  • 10 Questions to Find Your Unique Writing Voice
  • The Best Writing Book I’ve Ever Read
  • The Best Way to Become a Better Writer
  • The Creative Writer’s Toolkit: 6 Tools You Can’t Write Without
  • Should You Write More or Write Better: Quantity vs Quality
  • How to Become a Better Writer in One, Simple Step
  • 11 Writing Tips That Will Change Your Life

6 Lessons and Exercises from Great Writers

If you want to be a writer, learn from the great writers who have gone before you:

  • 23 Essential Quotes from Ernest Hemingway About Writing
  • 29 Quotes that Explain How to Become a Better Writer
  • 10 Lessons Dr. Seuss Can Teach Writers
  • 10 Writing Tips from Ursula Le Guin
  • Once Upon a Time: Pixar Prompt
  • All the Pretty Words: Writing In the Style of Cormac McCarthy

12 Genre and Format Specific Writing Lessons and Exercises

Here are our best writing lessons for specific types of writing, including essays, screenplays, memoir, short stories, children's books, and humor writing:

  • Writing an Essay? Here Are 10 Effective Tips
  • How To Write a Screenplay: The 5 Step Process
  • How to Write a Great Memoir: a Complete Guide
  • How to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish
  • How to Write a Thriller Novel
  • How to Write a Children's Book
  • How to Write a Love Story
  • How to Write a Coming of Age Story or Book
  • How to Write an Adventure Book
  • 5 Key Elements for Successful Short Stories
  • 4 Tips to Write a Novel That Will Be Adapted Into a Movie
  • Humor Writing for People Who Aren’t Funny

14 Characterization Lessons and Exercises

Good characters are the foundation of good fiction. Here are our best lessons to create better characters:

  • Character Development: How to Create Characters Audiences Will Love
  • Writing Villains: 9 Evil Examples of the Villain Archetype
  • How NOT to Introduce a New Character
  • The Strongest Form of Characterization
  • The Most Important Character Archetype
  • How Do You Build A Strong Character In Your Writing?
  • 75+ Antihero Examples and How to Use Them
  • How to Explore Your Characters’ Motivations
  • 8 Tips for Naming Characters
  • The Protagonist: How to Center Your Story
  • Heroes vs. Anti-Heroes: Which Is Right For Your Story?
  • The Weakest Form of Characterization
  • How to Write With an Accent
  • How To Create a Character Sketch Using Scrivener

15 Grammar Lessons and Exercises

I talk to so many writers, some of whom are published authors, who struggle with grammar. Here are our best writing lessons on grammar:

  • Is It Okay To End A Sentence With A Preposition?
  • Contractions List: When To Use and When To Avoid
  • Good vs. Well
  • Connotation vs. Denotation
  • Per Se vs. Per Say
  • When You SHOULD Use Passive Voice
  • When Do You Use “Quotation Marks”
  • Polysyndeton and Asyndeton: Definition and Examples
  • The Case Against Twilight
  • Affect Versus Effect
  • Stop Saying “Literally”
  • What Is a Comma Splice? And Why Do Editors Hate Them?
  • Intra vs. Inter: Why No One Plays Intermural Sports
  • Alright and Alot: Words That Are Not Words
  • The Poor, Misunderstood Semicolon

5 Journalism Lessons and Exercises

Want to be a journalist? Or even use techniques from journalism to improve your novel, essay, or screenplay? Here are our best writing lessons on journalism:

  • Six Ways to Ask Better Questions In Interviews
  • How to Conduct an Author Interview
  • Interview In Person or Via Email?  
  • What If They Don’t Want to Talk to You?
  • Eleven Habits of a Highly Effective Interviewers

16 Plot and Structure Lessons and Exercises

Want to write a good story? Our top plot and structure lessons will help:

  • The Nine Types of Story and How to Master Them
  • Points of a Story: 6 Plot Points Every Story Needs
  • How to Shape a Story: The 6 Arcs
  • 7 Keys To Write the Perfect First Line of a Novel
  • The Secret to Creating Conflict
  • 4 Tips to Avoid Having Your Short Story Rejected by a Literary Magazine
  • 7 Steps to Creating Suspense
  • 5 Elements of Storytelling
  • 3 Important Rules for Writing Endings
  • A Writer’s Cheatsheet to Plot and Structure
  • Overcoming the Monster
  • How to Satisfy Your Reader With a Great Ending
  • Pow! Boom! Ka-Pow! 5 Tips to Write Fight Scenes
  • The Dramatic Question and Suspense in Fiction
  • How to Write a Memorable Beginning and Ending
  • How to Write the Perfect First Page

6 Lessons and Exercises to Beat Writer's Block

Writer's block is real, and it can completely derail your writing. Here are six lessons to get writing again:

  • How To Write Whether You Feel Like it Or Not
  • This Fun Creative Writing Exercise Will Change Your Life
  • When You Should Be Writing But Can't…
  • What to do When Your Word Count is Too Low
  • 7 Tricks to Write More with Less Willpower
  • When You Don’t Know What to Write, Write About Your Insecurities

7 Literary Technique Lessons and Exercises

These writing and storytelling techniques will teach you a few tricks of the trade you may not have discovered before:

  • 3 Tips to “Show, Don’t Tell” Emotions and Moods
  • 3 Reasons to Write Stream of Consciousness Narrative
  • 16 Observations About Real Dialogue
  • Intertextuality As A Literary Device
  • Why You Should Use Symbolism In Your Writing
  • 6 Ways to Evoke Emotion in Poetry and Prose
  • 3 Tips To Write Modern Allegorical Novels
  • Symbol vs. Motif: What’s the Difference

3 Inspirational Writing Lessons and Exercises

Need some inspiration? Here are three of our most inspiring posts:

  • Why We Write: Four Reasons
  • You Must Remember Every Scar
  • 17 Reasons to Write Something NOW

3 Publishing Blogging Lessons and Exercises

If you want to get published, these three lessons will help:

  • The Secret to Writing On Your Blog Every Day
  • How to Publish Your Book and Sell Your First 1,000 Copies
  • How to Submit a Short Story for Publication

11 Writing Prompts

Need inspiration or just a kick in the pants to write. Try one of our top writing prompts :

  • Grandfathers [writing prompt]
  • Out of Place [writing prompt]
  • Sleepless [writing prompt]
  • Longing [writing prompt]
  • Write About Yourself [writing prompt]
  • 3 Reasons You Should Write Ghost Stories
  • Road Trip [writing prompt]
  • Morning [writing prompt]
  • The Beach [writing prompt]
  • Fall Writing Prompts
  • How to Use Six-Word Stories As Writing Prompts

Is It Time To Begin Your Writing Practice?

It's clear that if you want to become a writer, you need to practice writing. We've created a proven process to practice your writing at The Write Practice, but even if you don't join our community, I hope you'll start practicing in some way today.

Personally, I waited  far  too long to start practicing and it set my writing back years.

How about you? Do you think practicing writing is important?  Let me know in the comments section .

Choose one of the writing practice posts above. Then, read the lesson and participate in the writing exercise, posting your work in the Pro Practice Workshop . And if you post, please give feedback to your fellow writers who also posted their practices.

Have fun and happy practicing!

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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

Write About Yourself with blue hello name tag

Work with Joe Bunting?

WSJ Bestselling author, founder of The Write Practice, and book coach with 14+ years experience. Joe Bunting specializes in working with Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, How To, Literary Fiction, Memoir, Mystery, Nonfiction, Science Fiction, and Self Help books. Sound like a good fit for you?



You have THE BEST content for writing on this blog!!

Joe Bunting

Thank you, Kristen. This made my morning. 🙂

Mitch Hamilton

Thanks Mitch. 🙂

George McNeese

I can’t remember when I started following this website. I have to look in my notebooks because that’s where I did these practices. I didn’t have access to a computer when I did them, so I wrote them out, setting the time limit. But even when I do get to a computer, I have my reservations about putting my practices on the page. even though it’s practice, I want them to be the best, almost perfect. But I know it won’t be. I’ve gotten feedback before that says so. It still gets to me that I didn’t put something together that not everyone liked. I need to get over it. After all, that is what these practices are about: to learn and improve on our craft.

I don’t know either, George, but it’s been several years. Perfectionism is something so many of us face, and it’s made worse when you don’t have a critique community as warm and encouraging as ours is. I hope you and everyone here are always willing to try something new, even if it comes out a little messed up, because you know we’ll support you and try to make you better.

Elizabeth Varadan

What a great share! Thanks so much!

You’re so welcome, Elizabeth. Thank you for commenting.


when I ran writing classes I wrote. when I am “a member of writing classes” the teacher/leader/facilitator is NOT MY AUDIENCE and so I don’t write as well/as much. I don’t get the feedback I need from fellow students because most of them have never run their own writing projects/workshops. So many people expect you to write their story for them. I’ve actually got quite a few stories of me own. I have finally decided I like owning them. 😉

It sounds like you need a new critique group, Patience! Hope you can find a place where you get the feedback you need.

Stephanie Ward

Wow! Terrific round-up of resources. 🙂

Thanks Stephanie. 🙂

Carrie Lynn Lewis

Practice is necessary, period. It doesn’t matter what you want to learn. If you want to improve, practice is vital.

It’s odd. I’ve known and applied that principle for years on a variety of things. Painting. Drawing. Blogging. Gardening. Laundry.

But never writing.

Like you, I had the notion that just writing every day was all it took to improve. Why not the same level of dedication to writing?

Perhaps it’s time to change that!

I can relate, Carrie. It’s easy to confuse the craft of writing with journaling, thinking that you can just write whatever you feel like and you’ll get better, write something worth reading. The truth is that writing interesting things to read is a skill, but the good news is that you can get better at it with practice. Thanks for practicing with us! 🙂

Debra johnson

I love these suggestions , and have set Writing Practice as my homepage so the first 15 minutes of my day is spent writing, whether its a practice or exercise here or another that is sprinkled through out this site, Thank you for all you do everyone here at The Write Practice


This is great Debra. I want to write the first 15 minutes of my day too!

I agree with Joe, Do it. Could be your to do list… ( that could lead to something else story wse later)

I love that, Debra. Such a good way to start your day.

Thanks Joe!

Hyacinth Fidelis Joaquin

The best! Thank you so much for this.

You’re very welcome!

nobody geek

I simply LOVE all the tips and suggestions given on this blog. They are super helpful!

THANK you. We love sharing them with you. 🙂

Thiago d'Evecque

Hi! You forgot the link to How to Write a Story a Week: A Day-by-Day Guide.

Thanks a lot for your work! This post is amazing.

It’s a great post Thiago. Definitely one of our most shared. Thanks for mentioning it! BTW here’s the link:

Harsh Rathour

Wow!! There are so many exercises…. I just love it..! I am gonna really enjoy it..!

Awesome! Thank you for reading and practicing with us. 🙂

Macau Mum

I only read halfway , My tootie is jumping all over me, and typing this is a struggle when a 3yr old wants his Toy Story movie on Youtube in this computer. Thank you for this article, will come back later to finish reading.

I know the feeling! Good luck!


Can’t wait to get stuck in with this! 🙂

LaCresha Lawson

Very helpful! Thank you!


I’ve just bookmarked this page. Thanks for this wonderful list.


This is awesome! So many helpful tips. I will be coming back to this often. Thanks for posting this!

Jessica M

Wow, so many goodies! Thank you for always providing such amazing content!!

Jacqueline Nicole

I have enjoyed all these articles. Thank you for the help an inspiration to get my writing on its way. My creativity is boosting with confidence. Tootle loo.

Emmanuel Ajayi Adigun

Amazing contents for beginners like me Joe. I am highly inspired by your commitment. Thank you.

Hey, thanks!


Although I have only read half of thisc article, the practice exercises are excellent. Some of them are exactly what a beginning writer like myself needs. I am committing to at least try ALL of them. Thanks Joe!!

Kbee E. Betancourt

very helpful! thank you..

Celia Costa

Amazing articles! Thanks so much for sharing!

The Black Hearth

My god this article made me love this site . You know it’s kinda hard for a beginner writer, who don’t know where to start and fixing goals, even samll ones give us a direction . A place to go , an aim for our creativity so thanks you , this community and this site. Love you all . At your pens ! 😉


Wow. This is great. I find all your posts informative, but this one is the best for me to use as a guide to get my self starting to write….Thank you.


I’m an old lady who wants to publish one more book before I die — have published several, all non-fiction, and done two under contract to a major publisher (reference books). So help me, the BIGGEST problem I have all along, is keeping track of the damned paper work and research that goes into a book!!! Yet I never ever see articles on something as simple as “How to file” — Oh I know, there’s wonderful software these days so probably I will never find a way to get paper organized — everybody will use software and do it on the computer. I’m too old for that — just one look at the learning curve for software, even putting the damned stuff into computer files is even MORE frustrating than paper!! Oh well, somehow I managed in the past to get books published, I may be able to do it one more time.

Hamzah Ramadan

you enjoy writing more than anything else and you do indeed care to help others write. I love writing but translation from Arabic into English and English into Arabic is taking all of my time from the early hours of the morning till the evening. I will soon get all of your books in order to read them as soon as possible. One thing I am sure of. You know what you are doing very well. Hamzah


Excellent! Many useful tips. Many thanks!

Mark Bono

Liz and Joe, I have only looked at a few exercises. Already, I am convinced that your site is one of the best sites out there. Thank your for sharing your wisdom.

aparna WWeerakoon

Wow, these are the best lessons and exercises for writing. Actually i’m participating in a compitition this wendsday. so, i’m quite nervous and exited. this helped me a lot


Magnificent post ever I have read. This article will help me a lot to write a right way. Thank you.

Alexiss Anthonyy Murillo

i need your help to improve to become a better writer please. i think i usually commit moist of these errors and i don;t pay attention to many advices too.

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Essay Writing Questions and Answers

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Essay Writing”.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers .

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry

16 Best Writing Exercises To Improve Your Writing

grammar exercises for essay writing

Alana Chase

With over 10 years’ experience in editing and editorial team management, Alana serves as Eleven's Head of Editing, aiding editors in creating top-quality content and overseeing recruitment to ensure only the best of the best join Eleven’s ranks. A seasoned digital journalist and writer, Alana holds an MA in Creative Writing and is accomplished in spearheading content strategy at high-growth media startups.

Whether you’re an established professional or a wordsmith in the making, writing exercises are hugely beneficial.

​​In fact, as a professional writing agency, we’ve seen firsthand how writing exercises can help you master your craft and write with greater confidence.

That’s why we put together this list of our favorite and most effective exercises for writers.

Think of it like a full-body workout routine for your creative muscles. Different exercises target different skills, building them up and keeping them strong. Below, you’ll find writing exercises to break through writer’s block, boost your creativity, develop your voice, and master the fundamentals of writing — all while having fun. We’ve even included “Level Up” challenges to push your writing skills even further.

Before you get started

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of writing exercises:

  • Exercise during your “prime writing time,” before other writing tasks. This is when you’re most focused and productive — whether that’s the early morning, middle of the day, or late evening. You’ll harness your peak creativity and get a nice warm-up. 
  • Write in a designated space. This can be anywhere you’d like — your bedroom or home office, a local café, or a park nearby. Having a designated space for writing makes it easier for your brain to switch into creative mode.
  • Set clear goals. Think about what you want to achieve and choose exercises accordingly. You might want to practice explaining complex topics in simple terms, for example, or using descriptive language.
  • Keep an open mind. These exercises are meant to push you out of your comfort zone. Stay open to unexpected ideas, go with the flow, and be comfortable with being un comfortable. Just as muscles grow through resistance, your skills will develop as you challenge yourself and try new things.
  • Don’t overexert yourself. You may be tempted to tackle multiple exercises at a time, but be careful to avoid burnout. If you're doing an exercise before paid work, it's important you don't use up all your energy. Take short breaks between exercises, and only do a few at a time.

Best exercises to improve your writing

Now, let’s enter the “Writer’s Gym” and explore 16 exercises to improve your writing.

1. Freewrite, then condense by half

How it works: Ignites creativity and strengthens concision and self-editing skills.

Pick any topic you like, set a five-minute timer, and write whatever comes to mind. Don’t stop until the timer goes off. 

Once time’s up, read through your free-written text and reset the timer. Rewrite your text in half as many words, conveying the same message or theme.

Halve the text again. (E.g., 100 words → 50 words → 25 words.)

2. The noun + verb exercise

How it works: Provides a launchpad for new work and teaches simplicity in storytelling.

“Take any noun, put it with any verb, and you have a sentence. It never fails.” — Stephen King

Inspired by a quote from Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft , this exercise is simple but effective: Pair a random noun with a random verb to form a sentence. Then, use this to begin a new piece of writing. 

Here’s an example: 

• Marienne [noun] + panicked [verb] → Marienne panicked. She felt her heart beat hard, blood rushing to her face, as the detective approached her. Did he suspect she was guilty?

3. Use random words, prompts, or plots

How it works: Encourages creative thinking, expands your vocabulary, and improves your ability to overcome writer’s block.

One of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing is to use random words, prompts, or plots as a starting point. 

Many writers do it — and one even got a Grammy-winning result! When music producer Rick Rubin was working with the band System of a Down on a song, they were stuck on lyrics. Rubin told lead singer Serj Tankian to grab a book off his bookshelf, open ‌it to a random page, and say the first phrase he saw. Tankian did, and the phrase became a key part of the band’s smash hit, “Chop Suey!”, which won a Grammy in 2002. 

Here are a few of our favorite resources and generators for random words, prompts, and plots:

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day : Write a paragraph using the word of the day, or build an entire scene around it.
  • WordCounter’s Random Word Generator : Request a string of random words and create a custom list of the ones you like most. Then, incorporate all your chosen words into a new piece of writing.
  • Reedsy’s Plot Generator : Pick a genre — or let Reedsy choose one for you — and get details about a protagonist, secondary character, plot, and plot twist. Craft a short story using this information. 
  • ChatGPT : Ask the AI tool, “Provide me a list of 5 random writing prompts.” See what it generates, and write in response to the most interesting one.
  • Squibler’s Random Prompt Generator : Generate a writing prompt, select how many minutes (3-60) or words (75-1,667) you want to spend writing, and write directly within Squibler. There’s even a “hardcore mode” that hides your text until you reach your time or word goal.

4. Adopt a new perspective

How it works: Expands your narrative range and lets you see your writing from other perspectives.

Write in a perspective you don’t usually use. 

For example, if you usually write in the first person (using I/me/my pronouns), challenge yourself to write a scene or explain a topic in the second person instead (from the reader’s point of view, using you/your/yours pronouns).

Or, if you normally write in the first or second person, try writing in the third person, using he/her/they/it pronouns as a narrator separate from the text.

Take an excerpt from an article, paper, short story, or book you enjoy. Rewrite the text in a different perspective (e.g., first person → second person, third person → first person, etc.).

Rewrite paragraphs from one of your existing drafts from a different person’s perspective. For instance, if you originally shared your unique ideas in an academic paper, rework some paragraphs from the perspective of someone who disagrees with your stance.

5. Write a letter

How it works: Encourages clear, concise expression and gets you comfortable with more personable writing.

Select a person you’re familiar with — a friend, relative, or even your past self — and write them a letter. Tell them a story, explain your viewpoint on a topic, or share a recent experience. Limit yourself to a single page.

6. The “I remember…” exercise 

How it works: Lets you access deeper emotions and personal experiences, which can make your writing more authentic. 

We discovered this exercise through memoirist and novelist Dani Shapiro . She shared it after reading Joe Brainard’s memoir I Remember , in which every paragraph (usually a single sentence) begins with “I remember.”

In this exercise, you’ll mirror Brainard’s method: Begin with “I remember,” write a sentence, and then build off it with another sentence beginning with “I remember.”

“We discover what we know through what we write on the page,” Shapiro explains. “Every single time you do this exercise, it’ll come out differently.”

7. Write your dialogue like a script

How it works: Hones your ability to create distinct voices and teaches you good conversational flow.

Craft a conversation between two characters without using dialogue tags — e.g., “I said,” “James whispered,” “you answered,” etc. — as if you were writing a script.

Novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin recommends this as a solid approach to writing dialogue. He even uses this exercise with his writing students .

“Invent whatever you want. Write a speech for each [character]. … Make each speech sound different from the other so you can instantly know just from the words [who’s speaking],” Martin instructs. “If they all sound the same, you have a problem.”

Try this exercise with three (or more) characters in the conversation.

8. Constrain your word count

How it works: Promotes concision and clarity by encouraging you to choose your words wisely.

Embrace the art of microfiction by writing a complete story in under 500 words.

Repeat the exercise with a word count limit of 250.

ACraft a two-sentence horror story, inspired by the subreddit r/TwoSentenceHorror. (If horror isn’t your thing, write in any genre you like.)

Write a six-word story, like the famous one frequently (mis)attributed to Ernest Hemingway: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

9. The “ELI5” exercise

How it works: Strengthens clarity, improves your skills in expressing complex ideas simply, and encourages you to think of your audience.

“ELI5” stands for “Explain Like I’m 5” and comes from the subreddit of the same name . There, users explain facts and ideas as if they were speaking to a five-year-old — or, more practically, the average person.

For this exercise, take the ELI5 practice and apply it to your writing: Describe a concept, scene, or event in a way a layperson could understand. Follow the official ELI5 rules: “Avoid unexplained technical terms,” “don’t condescend,” and “keep it clear and simple.”

Do it in 100 words or fewer.

After you complete the exercise, ask ChatGPT to do the same. Compare its work to yours. Which is simpler and more concise?

10. Avoid adjectives and adverbs

How it works: Trains you to avoid writing “crutches” and use stronger nouns and verbs instead.

Create a scene, explain a topic, or describe an event without using any adjectives (words that describe nouns, like “ beautiful dress”) or adverbs (words that modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and sentences, like “sang loudly ”). Use strong verbs and nouns in their place.

For example: 

“The moon was snow-white [adjective] and bright [adjective] against the inky [adjective] sky.” → “The moon glowed against the sky.”

“The cat ran [verb] quickly [adverb] into the house.” → “The cat darted into the house.” 

Sci-fi author Ursula K. Le Guin recommends this exercise in her book Steering the Craft . “The point is to give a vivid description of a scene or an action using only verbs, nouns, pronouns, and articles,” she writes.

Try also to avoid expletive constructions — phrases that use “there,” “here,” or “it” followed by a form of the verb “to be,” such as “there were,” “here are,” and “it is.” Restructure your sentences with impactful verbs instead. For example: “There were hundreds of butterflies around us.” → “Hundreds of butterflies fluttered around us.”

11. Rewrite a Wikipedia article

How it works: Lets you practice adjusting tone and adapting writing for different audiences.

Wikipedia articles are pretty to the point — but they can also feel somewhat stiff or formal in tone. That makes them the perfect starting point for an exercise in adjusting tone.

Head to Wikipedia, click the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and tap Random article . This will generate a completely random article. (You can keep clicking Random article until you land on one that interests you.)

Select a few paragraphs from the article and rewrite them in a friendly, casual tone. Think, “How would I describe this information to a friend?”

12. Complete the Proust Questionnaire

How it works: Fosters a deeper understanding of your narrator and your audience, which can help you write more authentically and better connect with readers.

French essayist and novelist Marcel Proust popularized the Proust Questionnaire after answering a series of questions in a parlor game called a “confession album.” The questionnaire is like a personality quiz, meant to reveal the answerer’s true nature. These days, it’s commonly used as an interview tool and writing exercise.

For a writing exercise, complete the Proust Questionnaire as your work's narrator (even if it’s you!) or target audience. This will leave you with a “character sketch” for your narrator or a “persona” for your audience.

You can find the Proust Questionnaire here .

13. Write mock advertisements

How it works: Sharpens your persuasive writing skills and lets you practice using different tones.

In this exercise, you’ll write two ads for a fictional product. Your goal is to persuade your reader to buy it. Think of your own imaginary product, or use an online product name generator if you get stuck.

First, write an ad that would appear in print, like in a magazine or newspaper. These charge per word for ads, so you’ll need to make every word count. Try limiting yourself to 100 words or fewer, and use a more direct, professional tone.

Next, create an ad that would be shared online, such as on social media. For this one, aim for 250 words maximum and use a friendlier, more relaxed tone.

14. Focus on a single sense

How it works: Develops your descriptive language skills and encourages you to make your writing more engaging.

Pick one of the five senses — smell, sight, taste, touch, or sound — and describe how you’re experiencing it in the moment. What can you smell, see, taste, feel, or hear? Spend five minutes freewriting, using as much detail as possible. 

Write a paragraph or scene incorporating all five senses.

15. Start at the end

How it works: Improves your understanding of good writing structure, logical flow, and impactful introductions and conclusions.

In this exercise, you’ll write out of order, starting with the conclusion and working backward until you reach the introduction. 

To begin, find a piece of writing — a blog article, news piece, research paper, short story, novel, etc. — and go to its ending. Copy its final paragraph. Think of how the text might have progressed to reach this conclusion. How did it begin? What unfolded along the way?

Then, reverse engineer the text in 10 paragraphs or fewer. Consider how each paragraph builds on the previous one and supports the argument or narrative.

16. Create a reverse outline

How it works: Refines your skills in structure, organization, and coherence and encourages you to critically evaluate your work.

You’ll need a finished draft to complete this exercise. Carefully read your draft and, on a new page, write a one-sentence summary of each paragraph. Then, turn your list of sentences into a bulleted or numbered list. Voilà — you have a reverse outline.

Next, read your outline and ask yourself, “Are my ideas well-organized? Do all my points relate to my main argument? Is there no repeated information?” Revisit your draft if you answer “no” to any of these questions.

Ask an AI tool like ChatGPT or Wordtune to create a reverse outline of your text. Then, compare it to your own. See if the AI’s interpretation of your writing matches what you’re actually trying to say. This will help you know how others might interpret your text and whether your writing is clear.

All writers can improve their skills with practice and dedication. By completing writing exercises, you can develop creativity and confidence in your craft — without it feeling like a chore.

We’ve shared our picks for the best writing exercises so you can start flexing your creative muscles today. Remember to write when you’re most productive, in a designated space, at a comfortable pace, and with an open mind.

• To learn more about improving your writing, visit Eleven’s Grammar Hub and explore our writing and editing guides . You can also sign up for Eleven’s Freelance Writing Mastery course .

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IELTS Writing Lessons and Exercises

How to improve your writing skills for IELTS? The answer is simple: do writing lessons and exercises.

On this page you can find the best IELTS writing exercises to improve your writing skills and IELTS writing lessons to develop your writing techniques for IELTS.

The lessons are divided into grammar lessons (to train your grammar skills in general), task 2 and task 1 lessons.

IELTS grammar lessons:

Singular or plural? Level: intermediate

Countable and uncountable nouns Level: intermediate

Articles: a, an or the? Level: intermediate

Writing numbers correctly Level: intermediate

Present simple Level: intermediate

There is / there are / it is / they are Level: intermediate

Relative pronouns (who, what, that ...) Level: intermediate

Do, have, be - auxiliary verbs Level: intermediate

Conjunctions - and, or, but, so, yet Level: intermediate

Prepositions (part 1) Level: intermediate

Prepositions (part 2) Level: advanced

Modal verbs Level: upper intermediate

Gerund or Infinitive? Level: advanced

When Gerund / Infinitive changes the meaning Level: upper intermediate

Using passive voice Level: intermediate

IELTS Grammar exercises:

Grammar exercise 1 Grammar mix, level: band 5

Grammar exercise 2 Grammar mix, level: band 5

Grammar exercise 3 Grammar mix, level: band 6

Grammar exercise 4 Grammar mix, level: band 6

Grammar exercise 5 Grammar mix, level: band 7

Grammar exercise 6 Grammar mix, level: band 7

Grammar exercise 7 Grammar mix, level: band 7

Grammar exercise 8 Grammar mix, level: band 8

Grammar exercise 9 Grammar mix, level: band 8

Academic Writing task 1 lessons:

  • IELTS Writing task 1: band 9 answer structure
  • How to write introduction for task 1?
  • Describing a bar chart
  • Describing a diagram
  • Describing a pie chart

IELTS Writing task 2 lessons:

Learn how to write common types of task 2 essays:

  • agree/disagree essays
  • to what extent you agree/disagree essays
  • cause/solution essays
  • cause/effect essays
  • problem/solution essays
  • advantages & disadvantages essays
  • discuss both views essay
  • give opinion and support it with examples essay

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The themes/topics covered in each writing paper can be found below each link.

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test One Reducing traffic / review, letter, report Exercise Number: CAE067

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Two Local TV station / letter, proposal, report Exercise Number: CAE068

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Three Protecting the environment / report, email, review Exercise Number: CAE069

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Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Four Working from home / report, proposal, letter Exercise Number: CAE070

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Five Spending government money / review, letter, report Exercise Number: CAE071

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Six New school subject / review, email, report Exercise Number: CAE072

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Seven School speech giver / review, email, report. Exercise Number: CAE073

Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Eight Local town economy / email, proposal, review. Exercise Number: CAE074

Best C1 Advanced Books For Students

Use of English: Ten practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced | See in UK

Cambridge English Qualifications: C1 Advanced Volume 1 Practice Tests Plus with key | See in UK

Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced Book with Answers and Audio | See in UK

Cambridge English Advanced 1 for Revised Exam - Student's Book with Answers: Authentic Examination Papers | See in UK

CAE Writing Masterclass (Parts 1 & 2) Cambridge English Advanced Writing | See in UK

Grammar & Vocabulary CAE & CPE Workbook With Key | See in UK

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9 Creative English Writing Exercises

Think about all the different things we write: Social media posts, school assignments, work reports, text messages, emails and so on.

There’s no getting away from writing! That’s why learning to write in English is just as important as learning to speak.

In the age of the internet, it may seem strange to focus on writing when everyone can write however they want online. But not all the writing you do will be online or in informal English .

That just makes it even more important to learn how to write properly. In order to break the rules, you first need to learn them!

What’s more, writing in English helps you improve many other language skills. So here are nine fun English writing exercises to help you practice!

1. Vocabulary story

2. picture story, 3. structured summary, 4. devil’s advocate, 5. idiom soup, 6. it was a dark and stormy night, 7. story of my life, 8. how to breathe, 9. the silly job interview, how writing improves your english skills.

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Do you have a list of English words you’re learning? If you do, great! If you don’t, grab one from here  or here .

Now, write a story using as many of the words on the list as you can. Aim to include 10-20 words in your story, depending on how much time you have for this exercise.

Have some fun with it and try to get the finished story to make sense!

When your story is finished, you can share it with friends or on a blog. Encourage readers to point out any mistakes you made.

What you’ll learn:

This exercise will help you better understand and remember vocabulary words for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

  • Using words in a sentence helps you learn how to use them correctly.
  • Remembering words is easier in context (with some other words around them). In fact, the sillier your story, the more easily you’ll remember the words!
  • Writing things down activates a certain part of your brain that helps you remember vocabulary words better.

Grab the closest magazine to you and choose a random picture. If you don’t have a magazine, you can use this random image generator .

Describe the photo in as much detail as you can. Don’t just write what you see! Imagine that you are in the picture. Think about what you would smell, feel or even taste.

You’ll learn more about adjectives , feelings and perceptions (how we see and experience the world).

Further, we use descriptions in our daily life all the time: “I’m tired;” “Her dress is so stylish;” “This mocha tastes amazing!” Descriptions like these are used often in both written and conversational English!

Think about the last book you read or the last movie you watched. Summarize it (say what happened briefly) using this formula:

[Somebody] wanted … but … so …

Confused? Here’s what it looks like in action:

Bruce Wayne wanted to save Gotham but supervillains were trying to destroy it,  so he trained hard and became Batman.

Recognize that story? That’s a summary of the movie “Batman Begins.”

To use the formula in the same way, just fill in the blanks of the formula like this:

  • Somebody: Who is the main character of the story? This character’s name can replace “[Somebody]” in the sentence above.
  • Wanted: What is the character’s motivation? In other words, what does he or she want? This should come after the word “wanted.”
  • But: What stands in the way of the character and what he or she wants? Put whatever it is after “but.”
  • So: What does the character do to overcome this obstacle? Follow “so” with whatever they do.

You can also add another part:

  • Then: What happens after the character overcomes the obstacle? How is everything resolved?

Here’s another example:

Little Red Riding Hood wanted to visit her grandmother but when she got there she found a wolf instead,  so she yelled for help and a passerby came to her rescue.  Then everybody lived happily ever after!

You might find it difficult to explain an entire story or book in just one sentence, and this exercise will help you do that—you will learn to explain a complex idea in a simple sentence. This skill will be useful whenever you need to summarize or explain something concisely (in a simple and short way).

You can also improve your reading comprehension with this summarization method. Every time you read a book or a story in English , you should summarize it to yourself to make sure you understood it. If you can’t write a good summary, you might want to re-read the book or story more carefully.

Is there something you feel strongly about ?

For example, maybe you believe every person should learn a second language. Take this belief, and instead write about it from the opposite point of view. In this example, you would write about why everyone should not learn another language.

In English, this is called “playing devil’s advocate.” That’s when you take a side you don’t actually believe in, just to see an issue from a different point of view.

This exercise teaches the life skill of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else feels, even if you don’t feel the same way. This skill is important to have, and writing can help you develop it.

It’s also a great way to learn how to express opinions in English. You may also need to use words you don’t normally use to express this opinion, since you’re speaking from a different perspective. You might even learn something new about yourself and your beliefs!

An idiom is a saying that doesn’t actually mean what it says. For example, “it’s raining cats and dogs” doesn’t mean animals are really falling from the sky—it just means it’s raining very hard. English has a lot of idioms .

A cliché is an extremely overused saying or phrase that’s not original anymore. Clichés are like idioms that have been used so often they’ve stopped being special, like saying “only time will tell” or “easy as pie.”

Your goal here is to write a story that uses as many clichés and idioms as you can!

If you need some reference materials, you can find a list of clichés here , and a list of idioms here .

Sometimes, learning English feels like you “bit off more than you can chew” (took on a task that’s too big). A great way to build confidence is to know phrases and sayings that you can use in many situations.

Practicing using clichés and idioms will build your vocabulary and ensure that you’ll know exactly what they mean when you hear them spoken by a native English speaker.

When you read something, the first sentence is very important. A good first sentence sets up the story and makes you want to keep reading.

A classic opening line is from  George Orwell’s “1984” :

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

But some first lines are not as interesting as this one!

Try to compare it to the next opening sentence by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton in his novel “Paul Clifford”:

“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.”

It’s a bad line because it’s too long, and it doesn’t even give the reader much important information.

In fact, this sentence actually inspired a competition called “The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest,” which encourages people to send in their best worst first lines.

So, try to write your own worst first line! You can look through past contest winners for some inspiration. Try to use humor and maybe even some cultural references. The sentence can be long, but make sure the grammar is perfect.

How bad is your first line? It’s hard to be worse than the original first sentence that inspired the competition!

Use this exercise to practice your compound sentences. How much information can you include in just one sentence? You can also practice using comparisons and metaphors (when you compare two different things based on a shared characteristic).

Doing this will help you express yourself clearly and be understood better. You also have the chance to use English-language humor , which requires knowledge of English-speaking culture. Plus, it’s fun!

Think of something that you did in the past, like playing the piano or even going to school. Write about your experience doing this activity. Your writing should start in the past and end in the future.

For example, you can write:

I started playing the piano when I was five, but I stopped only two years later. Right now I can’t play anything, but I hope to start learning again in the future.

In this exercise, you learn how to speak about personal experience and describe something about yourself. Everyone loves to talk about themselves! That’s why a large part of our daily conversations are about us. This activity is also a good way to practice using correct verb tenses .

A “how-to” is a type of writing that describes how to do something step-by-step. Most how-to’s teach the reader something new, like how to bake a chocolate cake or how to use a certain feature on your phone.

For this exercise, write a how-to for something a bit… different.

Pick something you do every day without thinking, and write a how-to about that. Write about something like tying your shoelaces, checking your email on your phone or even breathing.

Your how-to should look something like this , use clear language and be organized by steps. In fact, the how-to in that link teaches how to write a how-to!

You may be surprised at how difficult this exercise is. Even something as simple as walking can be a disaster if you don’t organize the instructions well! (Let’s all thank our legs for knowing how to work without our brains. Otherwise, we might all be flopping around like in this “walking simulator” game .)

Writing a how-to will teach you to organize your thoughts better. It’s also a chance to practice informative writing, or writing that teaches new information. By using easy-to-understand language, you’ll also practice using many common words.

Imagine walking into a job interview with the boss of a company. You’re very nervous and polite, but the boss is just having fun. You really want this job, but all he wants to do is make you even more nervous!

It might look a little like this . (You can also read what the actors say here .)

Write a similar dialogue for a job interview that’s going terribly wrong. The job applicant is professional and serious, while the boss is using conversational English and even English slang . What might that conversation sound like?

Writing a silly scene like this might make you feel a little better the next time you do an interview. Then you can think, “Well, at least it wasn’t as difficult as in that dialogue I wrote!”

This is also a good way to practice writing dialogue  and to focus on how people speak. You get a chance to use professional English, conversational English and even English slang. Use this as a chance to experiment!

It’s simple: Writing helps you learn English. This statement is backed by research—for example, this study  showed that even short writing sessions can improve learning.

So how can writing help you? Here are just a few ways:

  • Writing helps you remember things better. If you read, listen, speak and write your lessons, you’ll remember them more. That’s why language classes often use all these skills together!
  • Writing helps you practice new skills. Every time you learn something new, you can strengthen that knowledge by practicing through speaking and writing.
  • Writing lets you take the time to express yourself. Have you ever had trouble finding the right words to use while speaking? Writing gives you a chance to slow down and take as long as you need to find the perfect words.
  • Writing allows you to try new things. There’s no pressure when you’re writing. No one ever has to see what you write if you don’t want them to. That gives you the freedom to try new things and experiment with new words and sentence structures. Don’t hold back!

See how awesome writing is? I bet you’re wondering now: “Where should I start?”

Well, you’ve probably already started. Do you write down your vocabulary words ? Do you take grammar notes ? These might not be full sentences or paragraphs, but they’re definitely a type of writing.

Typing is another important writing skill that you might already be doing. If you use a program like FluentU , you’re probably typing most of your answers in the personalized quizzes within the program.

You can improve your English writing skills even more by doing all sorts of fun exercises .  And the best part is, by improving your writing skills, you’re actually improving many different English skills!

You’re now a budding (developing) writer, one step closer to English mastery.

Don’t forget to include English writing exercises in your studies from now on!

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grammar exercises for essay writing

English Grammar Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets

Essay writing.

In this section you can find writing topics and prompts for students . Material covers essays, letters. emails, articles and others. For each topic there is also a PDF - printer-friendly version available.

Argumentative Essays - Opinion Essays

  • ESS010 - Basic Income
  • ESS009 - Strict Parenting
  • ESS008 - Visiting Museums
  • ESS007 - Vegetarianism
  • ESS006 - School Sports
  • ESS005 - Cyberbullying - Opinion Essay
  • ESS001 - Shopping Mall or Sports Ground - Argumentative Essay
  • ESS002 - Computers and the Internet
  • ESS003 - New Media
  • ESS004 - School Sport

Online Exercises

  • Gerund - Infinitive
  • Adjective - Adverb
  • Modal Verbs
  • Passive Voice
  • Reported Speech
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles
  • Prepositions
  • Connectives and Linking Words
  • Quantifiers
  • Question and Negations
  • Relative Pronouns
  • Indefinite Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Common Mistakes
  • Missing Word Cloze
  • Word Formation
  • Multiple Choice Cloze
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Key Word Transformation
  • Editing - One Word Too Many
  • Collocations
  • General Vocabulary
  • Adjectives - Adverbs
  • Gerund and Infinitive
  • Conjunctions and Linking Words
  • Question and Negation
  • Error Analysis
  • Translation Sentences
  • Multiple Choice
  • Banked Gap Fill
  • Open Gap Fill
  • General Vocabulary Exercises
  • Argumentative Essays
  • Letters and Emails
  • English News Articles
  • Privacy Policy

Email/Letter Writing Exercises & Examples Menu

Below you will find listed all the different online exercises and examples of emails in English that we have. These exercises and exmples will help you learn or improve how your ability to write many different types of emails and letters in English.

For each exercise there is a description of what it is about and what level of English you need to do it (from 'lower-intermediate' to 'advanced').

To do or look at an exercise/example, simply click on the title of the exercise/example.

  • How to Write a Formal Email of Request Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a formal email/letter of request where you have had contact with the person before.
  • How to Write a Business Email of Request to Someone you Have Not Had Contact with Before Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a formal email/letter of request where you have had no contact with the person before.
  • Can't Attend a Meeting Email Level: Intermediate Introduces vocabulary to politely say you can't attend an event (e.g. Meeting, Presentation etc...).
  • How to Write a Business Email of Invitation Level: Intermediate This exercise looks at the English vocabulary and phrases used for writing for both formal and less formal business emails of invitation.
  • Formal Email of Response Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a formal email/letter of response.
  • How to Write a Business Update Email Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn how to write (with an example) and what to and what not to write in a good general business update email.
  • How to Write an Email of Reassurance to a Customer Level: Upper-Intermediate Shows and explains what you need to do to write good emails of reassurance to a customer or business client.
  • Linkers for Writing Business Emails: Part 1 Level: Intermediate The first of two exercises on learning advanced/professional linking vocabulary to improve your business emails in English.
  • Linkers for Writing Business Emails: Part 2 Level: Intermediate The second of two exercises on learning advanced/professional linking vocabulary to improve your business emails in English.
  • How to Write an Email to a Friend you Haven't Contacted in a Long Time Level: Intermediate Shows and explains what you need to do to write better emails to friends in English quicker and easier.
  • Business & Formal English Vocabulary for Writing Level: All Levels Improve quickly and easily the vocabulary you use in all your pieces of writing with this list of formal and professional synonyms of commonly used English words and phrases.
  • Business Email Examples Level: All Levels Not an exercise, but examples of 17 different types of business emails in English.
  • Essential Email Vocabulary Level: Lower-Intermediate Shows and explains the vocabulary for the titles of people in a email/letter and how to say an email address.
  • How to Start an Email Level: Intermediate Learn what to say and what vocabulary and phrases to use in the opening part of an email/letter.
  • How to End/Close an Email Level: Intermediate Learn what to say and what vocabulary and phrases to use in the closing part of an email/letter.
  • Informal Business Email of Request Level: Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a neutral or less formal email of request.
  • Informal Business Email of Response Level: Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a less formal email of response.
  • How to Write an Email of Complaint Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a formal written complaint.
  • Email of Apology Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn both how to write and what vocabulary and phrases to use in a formal written apology.
  • How to Disagree in an Email Level: Upper-Intermediate Learn how to politely disagree with somebody by email/letter in English and what formal vocabulary/phrases you can use to do it.
  • How to Give Bad News in a Business Email Level: Intermediate Learn the best way to give bad news in business emails or letters.
  • How to Ask Somebody to Help You in an Email Level: Intermediate This exercise looks at how to ask somebody for help in an email.
  • How to Write an Email to Thank Somebody Level: Intermediate This exercise looks at the structure, English vocabulary and phrases used for writing serveral types of business emails of thanks.
  • How to Write an Email to Make Somebody Attend a Meeting Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise explains how to persuade somebody by email to attend a meeting they said they couldn't go to.
  • Sales Follow-Up Email Examples & Exercise Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise looks at the vocabulary/phrases used in good sales follow-up emails to both business and non-business customers.
  • Sales Follow-Up Emails: After a Customer Order Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise explains how to write a good sales follow-up email to a customer after they have bought or ordered something from you.
  • How to Write a Business Email of Proposal Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise looks at both the structure and the vocabulary you should use to write a persuasive business proposal in an email.
  • How to Write Business Reports Level: Advanced This exercise explains how to write, structure and what to include in a business report.
  • Vocabulary to Use when Writing Business Reports in English Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise shows you professional and formal English words and phrases to use in business reports.
  • Writing an Email of Feedback: Giving Feedback Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise looks at both the structure and the vocabulary you should use when you give feedback to somebody by email.
  • How to Write a Business Email of Rejection Level: Upper-Intermediate This exercise looks at both the structure and the vocabulary you should use when writing a business email or letter of rejection to somebody.
  • Writing an Essay: Choosing What to Write About Level: Intermediate This exercise on writing essays explains what to do to select the best reasons to use when writing an essay.
  • Writing an Essay: How to Structure an Essay Level: Intermediate This exercise on writing essays explains what you need to do to structure a good essay and why it is important.
  • Writing an Essay: Phrases to Use in your Essays Part 1 Level: Intermediate In this first of two exercises on writing essays, you'll learn professional words and phrases/expressions that you can use in your own essays.
  • Writing an Essay: Phrases to Use in your Essays Part 2 Level: Intermediate In this second of two exercises on writing essays, you'll learn more professional words and phrases/expressions that you can use in your own essays.

©2024, Blair English

  • Meeting Exercises
  • CV & Interviews Exercises
  • Numbers & Figures Exercises
  • Emails Exercises
  • Presentations Exercises
  • Projects Exercises
  • Verbs/Phrasal Verbs Exercises
  • Social Exercises
  • General Business Exercises
  • Negotiations Exercises
  • Food & Drink Exercises
  • Technology & Web Exercises
  • Financial English Exercises
  • Articles Selection Page
  • English Teachers Menu Page
  • Travel & Hotel Exercises

This is me, Chris Clayton, the owner and main writer for Blair English. I'm also a part-time English teacher in sunny Spain. I have a love of history and the web. I hope you find the website useful.


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  4. Grammar Introduction

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    reader should be able to read your thesis and your topic sentences and. have a clear idea of your argument.) 3. Is each topic sentence followed by a discussion (in your own words) of. the argument? 4. Does your paragraph answer how and why? (How is your claim true? Why.

  15. IELTS Writing Lessons & Exercises

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    Exercise Number: CAE067. Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Two. Local TV station / letter, proposal, report. Exercise Number: CAE068. Cambridge C1 English Advanced (CAE) Writing - Test Three. Protecting the environment / report, email, review. Exercise Number: CAE069.

  17. Grammar Check

    The Virtual Writing Tutor is a free online essay checker and grammar check website that helps you improve your writing.Owned and operated by ConverSolo Inc., is part of an AI revolution in language learning.. Try it now. Type a paragraph from your essay with errors in it, click "Improve writing" and Virtual Writing Tutor will correct the mistakes, reformulating the ...

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  19. Argumentative and Opinion Essay Tasks

    Argumentative Essays - Opinion Essays. ESS010 - Basic Income. ESS009 - Strict Parenting. ESS008 - Visiting Museums. ESS007 - Vegetarianism. ESS006 - School Sports. ESS005 - Cyberbullying - Opinion Essay. ESS001 - Shopping Mall or Sports Ground - Argumentative Essay. ESS002 - Computers and the Internet.

  20. Email/Letter Writing Exercises & Examples Menu

    Below you will find listed all the different online exercises and examples of emails in English that we have. These exercises and exmples will help you learn or improve how your ability to write many different types of emails and letters in English. For each exercise there is a description of what it is about and what level of English you need ...

  21. High School Essay Writing: Grammar & Writing Mini Lessons ...

    ⭐18 Grammar mini-lessons. ⭐18 Style mini-lessons. ⭐Paper version of writing self-help station. ⭐Digital version of writing self-help station. ⭐Self-checking grammar quizzes. ⭐Revision stations. ⭐Color-coded FLASH writing guide. ⭐Reference library and sheet. ⭐Self evaluation guide. You can use this resource with ANY comment bank!