• Importance Of Reading Essay

Importance of Reading Essay

500+ words essay on reading.

Reading is a key to learning. It’s a skill that everyone should develop in their life. The ability to read enables us to discover new facts and opens the door to a new world of ideas, stories and opportunities. We can gather ample information and use it in the right direction to perform various tasks in our life. The habit of reading also increases our knowledge and makes us more intellectual and sensible. With the help of this essay on the Importance of Reading, we will help you know the benefits of reading and its various advantages in our life. Students must go through this essay in detail, as it will help them to create their own essay based on this topic.

Importance of Reading

Reading is one of the best hobbies that one can have. It’s fun to read different types of books. By reading the books, we get to know the people of different areas around the world, different cultures, traditions and much more. There is so much to explore by reading different books. They are the abundance of knowledge and are best friends of human beings. We get to know about every field and area by reading books related to it. There are various types of books available in the market, such as science and technology books, fictitious books, cultural books, historical events and wars related books etc. Also, there are many magazines and novels which people can read anytime and anywhere while travelling to utilise their time effectively.

Benefits of Reading for Students

Reading plays an important role in academics and has an impactful influence on learning. Researchers have highlighted the value of developing reading skills and the benefits of reading to children at an early age. Children who cannot read well at the end of primary school are less likely to succeed in secondary school and, in adulthood, are likely to earn less than their peers. Therefore, the focus is given to encouraging students to develop reading habits.

Reading is an indispensable skill. It is fundamentally interrelated to the process of education and to students achieving educational success. Reading helps students to learn how to use language to make sense of words. It improves their vocabulary, information-processing skills and comprehension. Discussions generated by reading in the classroom can be used to encourage students to construct meanings and connect ideas and experiences across texts. They can use their knowledge to clear their doubts and understand the topic in a better way. The development of good reading habits and skills improves students’ ability to write.

In today’s world of the modern age and digital era, people can easily access resources online for reading. The online books and availability of ebooks in the form of pdf have made reading much easier. So, everyone should build this habit of reading and devote at least 30 minutes daily. If someone is a beginner, then they can start reading the books based on the area of their interest. By doing so, they will gradually build up a habit of reading and start enjoying it.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of Reading Essay

What is the importance of reading.

1. Improves general knowledge 2. Expands attention span/vocabulary 3. Helps in focusing better 4. Enhances language proficiency

What is the power of reading?

1. Develop inference 2. Improves comprehension skills 3. Cohesive learning 4. Broadens knowledge of various topics

How can reading change a student’s life?

1. Empathy towards others 2. Acquisition of qualities like kindness, courtesy

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Essays About Reading: 5 Examples And Topic Ideas

As a writer, you love to read and talk to others about reading books. Check out some examples of essays about reading and topic ideas for your essay.

Many people fall in love with good books at an early age, as experiencing the joy of reading can help transport a child’s imagination to new places. Reading isn’t just for fun, of course—the importance of reading has been shown time and again in educational research studies.

If you love to sit down with a good book, you likely want to share your love of reading with others. Reading can offer a new perspective and transport readers to different worlds, whether you’re into autobiographies, books about positive thinking, or stories that share life lessons.

When explaining your love of reading to others, it’s important to let your passion shine through in your writing. Try not to take a negative view of people who don’t enjoy reading, as reading and writing skills are tougher for some people than others.

Talk about the positive effects of reading and how it’s positively benefitted your life. Offer helpful tips on how people can learn to enjoy reading, even if it’s something that they’ve struggled with for a long time. Remember, your goal when writing essays about reading is to make others interested in exploring the world of books as a source of knowledge and entertainment.

Now, let’s explore some popular essays on reading to help get you inspired and some topics that you can use as a starting point for your essay about how books have positively impacted your life.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers

Examples Of Essays About Reading

  • 1. The Book That Changed My Life By The New York Times
  • 2. I Read 150+ Books in 2 Years. Here’s How It Changed My Life By Anangsha Alammyan
  • 3. How My Diagnosis Improved My College Experience By Blair Kenney

4. How ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’ Saved Me By Isaac Fitzgerald

5. catcher in the rye: that time a banned book changed my life by pat kelly, topic ideas for essays about reading, 1. how can a high school student improve their reading skills, 2. what’s the best piece of literature ever written, 3. how reading books from authors of varied backgrounds can provide a different perspective, 4. challenging your point of view: how reading essays you disagree with can provide a new perspective.


1.  The Book That Changed My Life  By  The New York Times

“My error the first time around was to read “Middlemarch” as one would a typical novel. But “Middlemarch” isn’t really about plot and dialogue. It’s all about character, as mediated through the wise and compassionate (but sharply astute) voice of the omniscient narrator. The book shows us that we cannot live without other people and that we cannot live with other people unless we recognize their flaws and foibles in ourselves.”  The New York Times

In this collection of reader essays, people share the books that have shaped how they see the world and live their lives. Talking about a life-changing piece of literature can offer a new perspective to people who tend to shy away from reading and can encourage others to pick up your favorite book.

2.  I Read 150+ Books in 2 Years. Here’s How It Changed My Life  By Anangsha Alammyan

“Consistent reading helps you develop your  analytical thinking skills  over time. It stimulates your brain and allows you to think in new ways. When you are  actively engaged  in what you’re reading, you would be able to ask better questions, look at things from a different perspective, identify patterns and make connections.” Anangsha Alammyan

Alammyan shares how she got away from habits that weren’t serving her life (such as scrolling on social media) and instead turned her attention to focus on reading. She shares how she changed her schedule and time management processes to allow herself to devote more time to reading, and she also shares the many ways that she benefited from spending more time on her Kindle and less time on her phone.

3.  How My Diagnosis Improved My College Experience  By Blair Kenney

“When my learning specialist convinced me that I was an intelligent person with a reading disorder, I gradually stopped hiding from what I was most afraid of—the belief that I was a person of mediocre intelligence with overambitious goals for herself. As I slowly let go of this fear, I became much more aware of my learning issues. For the first time, I felt that I could dig below the surface of my unhappiness in school without being ashamed of what I might find.” Blair Kenney

Reading does not come easily to everyone, and dyslexia can make it especially difficult for a person to process words. In this essay, Kenney shares her experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia during her sophomore year of college at Yale. She gave herself more patience, grew in her confidence, and developed techniques that worked to improve her reading and processing skills.

“I took that book home to finish reading it. I’d sit somewhat uncomfortably in a tree or against a stone wall or, more often than not, in my sparsely decorated bedroom with the door closed as my mother had hushed arguments with my father on the phone. There were many things in the book that went over my head during my first time reading it. But a land left with neither Rhyme nor Reason, as I listened to my parents fight, that I understood.” Isaac Fitzgerald

Books can transport a reader to another world. In this essay, Fitzgerald explains how Norton Juster’s novel allowed him to escape a difficult time in his childhood through the magic of his imagination. Writing about a book that had a significant impact on your childhood can help you form an instant connection with your reader, as many people hold a childhood literature favorite near and dear to their hearts.

“From the first paragraph my mind was blown wide open. It not only changed my whole perspective on what literature could be, it changed the way I looked at myself in relation to the world. This was heavy stuff. Of the countless books I had read up to this point, even the ones written in first person, none of them felt like they were speaking directly to me. Not really anyway.” Pat Kelly

Many readers have had the experience of feeling like a book was written specifically for them, and in this essay, Kelly shares that experience with J.D. Salinger’s classic American novel. Writing about a book that felt like it was written specifically for you can give you the chance to share what was happening in your life when you read the book and the lasting impact that the book had on you as a person.

There are several topic options to choose from when you’re writing about reading. You may want to write about how literature you love has changed your life or how others can develop their reading skills to derive similar pleasure from reading.

Topic ideas for essays about reading

Middle and high school students who struggle with reading can feel discouraged when, despite their best efforts, their skills do not improve. Research the latest educational techniques for boosting reading skills in high school students (the research often changes) and offer concrete tips (such as using active reading skills) to help students grow.

It’s an excellent persuasive essay topic; it’s fun to write about the piece of literature you believe to be the greatest of all time. Of course, much of this topic is a matter of opinion, and it’s impossible to prove that one piece of literature is “better” than another. Write your essay about how the piece of literature you consider the best positive affected your life and discuss how it’s impacted the world of literature in general.

The world is full of many perspectives and points of view, and it can be hard to imagine the world through someone else’s eyes. Reading books by authors of different gender, race, or socioeconomic status can help open your eyes to the challenges and issues others face. Explain how reading books by authors with different backgrounds has changed your worldview in your essay.

It’s fun to read the information that reinforces viewpoints that you already have, but doing so doesn’t contribute to expanding your mind and helping you see the world from a different perspective. Explain how pushing oneself to see a different point of view can help you better understand your perspective and help open your eyes to ideas you may not have considered.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’re stuck picking your next essay topic, check out our round-up of essay topics about education .

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  • Reading is a Good Habit Essay


An Essay On Reading Is A Good Habit

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (L-S-R-W) are the four skills of language learning. These are the set of four capabilities that allow an individual to comprehend and use a spoken language for proper and effective interpersonal communication. Reading is considered as one of the best habits anyone can possess. Reading helps a great deal in building our confidence, reduces stress and puts us in a better mood. It also develops our imagination and provides us with a fortune of knowledge. It is rightly said that books are our best friend as reading helps build up our wisdom and thinking capabilities. By developing the habit of reading, one can gain confidence in learning any language. The interest in reading, like any other habit, comes with time. Once a person starts reading, it becomes a part of habit and he/she starts to explore a whole new world.

Reading good books has a plethora of advantages. The habit of reading broadens our horizons and helps us become a better person in life. It also helps in developing a fresh viewpoint of life. The more we read, the more we fall in love with reading. It helps to develop vocabulary and language abilities. Reading is also one of the best ways to reduce anxiety as it provides relaxation and recreation. A book puts us in a better mood and allows us to have a strong imagination. At the end of a hectic and stressful day, all we need is a good book to help us rejuvenate and momentarily escape from the realities of life. 

The habit of reading must be inculcated in children from a young age. Reading is a great habit from the learning point of view as it boosts the understanding of language, improves vocabulary, helps in improving speaking and writing skills, etc. While reading a book, the plot and its characters hover in our imagination. It is said that reading builds imagination power more than any other form of activity. Anyone who has good reading skills shows indication of higher intelligence as reading helps to broaden our wisdom and knowledge to a great extent. It not only boosts our confidence but personality too. 

One of the most beneficial habits one can have is reading. It expands your creativity and provides you with a wealth of information. Reading helps you create confidence and improve your attitude, thus books are your best friend or partner. When you start reading every day, you'll discover a whole new world of information.

When you make it a practice to read every day, you will become addicted to it. Reading can help you develop cognitively and offer you a fresh perspective on life. Good novels can have a great impact on people and lead you down the correct path in life. The more time you spend reading, the more you will fall in love with it. The more time you spend reading, the more you will fall in love with it. Reading can help you improve your vocabulary and linguistic skills. Reading can help you unwind and de-stress.

Reading boosts your creativity and gives you a greater grasp of life. Reading also encourages you to write, and if you do so, you will undoubtedly fall in love with the craft. If you want to create excellent habits in your life, reading should be at the top of your list because it is essential to a person's general growth and development.

Good books will always point you in the right direction. The following are some of the advantages of reading books:

Self-improvement: Reading can help you think more positively. Reading is important because it molds your thinking and provides you with a wealth of information and life lessons. Books will help you have a better understanding of the world around you from a new perspective. It keeps your mind active, healthy, and helps you be more creative.

Communication Skills: Reading increases your vocabulary, enhances your language skills, and improves your communication skills. It teaches you how to be more creative with your thoughts. It not only improves your communication skills, but it also helps you improve your writing skills. In every element of life, effective communication is essential.

Increases your Understanding: Books provide you a foundational understanding of civilizations, customs, the arts, history, geography, health, psychology, and a variety of other topics and elements of life. Books provide an unlimited amount of information and wisdom. 

Reduces Stress: Reading a good book transports you to another world and helps you escape the stresses of everyday life. There are a number of beneficial impacts on your mind, body, and soul that aid with stress relief. It keeps your mind healthy and powerful by stimulating your brain muscles to perform efficiently.

Great Pleasure: Anyone who reads a book for pleasure does so. They delight in reading and gain access to a whole new universe. When you begin reading a book, you will become so engrossed in it that you will not want to put it down until you have finished it.

Enhances your Imagination and Creativity: Reading enhances your imagination and creativity by transporting you to a realm of imagination and, in some ways, increasing your creativity. Reading allows you to examine life from several perspectives. You generate inventive and creative thoughts, visions, and opinions in your mind while reading books. It encourages you to think outside of the box, imagine, and use your imagination.

Enhances your Analytical Abilities: Active reading allows you to gain access to a variety of viewpoints on life. It aids in the analysis of your thoughts and the expression of your opinions. Active reading brings new ideas and thoughts to mind. It activates and alters your brain, allowing you to see things from a different perspective.

Boredom is Lessened: Despite all the other social activities, long-distance travel or a protracted vacation from work can be tedious. In such instances, books come in handy and keep you from being bored.

Reading books adds knowledge and plays a great role in education. Whether it is fiction or nonfiction, we get to learn a great deal from books. It exposes us to the outer world which helps acquire sensibility and understanding of different social subjects. It is therefore very important to develop a good reading habit. We should all read daily for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the wonderful beneficial perks of reading. It is a great happiness to live in a calm place and to enjoy the moments of reading. Reading a good and informative book is one of the most rejuvenating and enthusiastic experiences a person can have. 

One must inculcate the habit of reading. Reading is said to be a great mental exercise. Reading also helps us release boredom. Reading allows us to sleep better. Hence, we must develop the habit of reading books before bedtime. Even in this digital age where any information is just a click away, reading has its own charm. The benefits of reading are irreplaceable as the detailed knowledge it provides is unmatched to anything we read on the internet. Happy reading!


FAQs on Reading is a Good Habit Essay

1. Why is the habit of reading so important?

Reading is important as it develops our thinking capacity and gives important life lessons. Reading molds our personality and makes us a better person. It also enhances our creativity and keeps our minds healthy and active. Reading improves communication and vocabulary skills. Whenever you try to speak in front of everyone, you are unable to speak proper English. This habit of speaking fluent English can only be corrected with the help of reading books regularly and speaking in English with your peers.

2. Why is the habit of reading declining?

The habit of reading is gradually declining. The advent of the internet is often described as the reason behind the changing habits of reading. Nowadays, most people go to the internet for information rather than reading books. The deterioration in reading habits can also lead to a decline in the world’s cultural development. Hence, people should give reading the importance it deserves. Accordingly, people are becoming lazier and not wanting to read as they find it a waste of time. The students nowadays find newspapers to be boring and they perceive mobile applications of new channels to be the ultimate source of news information.

3. What are the difficulties you will face if you don’t read?

If a student is unwilling to read and speak English or any other languages they intend to learn, then he or she will never be able to be creative and innovative in their approach to any other aspect of life. Reading opens up with the mind of the people and leads them to understand the concept of vocabulary and innovation. A lot of students struggle with their vocabulary and grammar. All of this is just done to help the students improve their speaking ability and experience. If you don't read then you won't be able to write good English literature answers in school as you won't be able to manage the content well.

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📖Essay on Importance of Reading: Samples in 100, 150, and 250 Words

english essay about reading

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 26, 2024

Essay on Importance of Education

Language learning requires four skills i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. It is an important part that eventually builds up the communication skills of a person. Reading will help in attaining knowledge of variable fields. It enhances the intellect of a person. Reading helps students to enhance their language fluency. Students must adopt the habit of reading good books. Reading books can also improve the writing skills. If you are a school student and searching for a good sample essay on the importance of reading then, you landed at the right place. Here in this blog, we have covered some sample essays on the importance of reading!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on the Importance of Reading in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Importance of Reading 150 Words
  • 3 Essay on Importance of Reading 250 Words
  • 4 Short Essay on Importance of Reading

Essay on the Importance of Reading in 100 Words

The English language is considered the global language because it is the most widely spoken language worldwide. Reading is one of the important parts of acquiring complete knowledge of any language. Reading helps in maintaining a good vocabulary that is helpful for every field, whether in school, interviews , competitive exams , or jobs. 

Students must inculcate the habit of reading from a young age. Making a habit of reading good books will eventually convert into an addiction over time and you will surely explore a whole new world of information.

Being exposed to different topics through reading can help you look at the wider perspective of life. You will eventually discover a creative side of yours while developing the habit of reading.

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Essay on Importance of Reading 150 Words

Reading is considered an important aspect that contributes to the development of the overall personality of any person. If a person wants to do good at a professional level then he/she must practice reading.

There are various advantages of reading. It is not only a source of entertainment but also opens up the creative ability of any person. Reading helps in self-improvement, enhances communication skills, and reduces stress. It is one of the sources of pleasure and also enhances the analytical skills. 

Here are some of the best books to study that may help you enhance your reading skills:

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling .
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee .
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri .
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The Great Gatsby

A person with good reading skills would be able to communicate with more confidence and shine brighter at the professional level. Reading is a mental exercise, as it can provide you with the best experience because while reading fiction, or non-fiction you use your imagination without any restrictions thereby exploring a whole new world on your own. So, Just Enjoy Reading!

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Essay on Importance of Reading 250 Words

Reading is a language skill necessary to present yourself in front of others because without being a good reader, it’s difficult to be a good communicator. Reading books should be practised regularly. Books are considered a human’s best friend.

It is right to say that knowledge can’t be stolen. Reading enhances the knowledge of a person. There are numerous benefits of reading.

I love reading books and one of my all-time favorite authors is William Shakespeare. His work “As You Like It” is my favourite book. By reading that book I came across many new words. It enabled me to add many words to my vocabulary that I can use in my life.

Apart from this, there are many other benefits of reading books such as reading can help you write in a certain way that can impress the reader. It also enhances communication skills and serves as a source of entertainment . 

Schools conduct various competitions which directly or indirectly involve reading. Some such competitions include debate, essay writing competitions, elocution, new reading in assembly, etc. All such activities require active reading because without reading a person might not be able to speak on a specific topic.

All such activities are conducted to polish the language skills of students from the very beginning so that they can do good at a professional level.

In conclusion, in a world of technological advancement, you are more likely to get easy access to online reading material available on the internet. So, you must not miss this opportunity and devote some time to reading different kinds of books. 

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Short Essay on Importance of Reading

Find a sample of a short essay on importance of reading below:

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Reading is a good habit; It helps to improve communication skills; Good books whether fiction or non-fiction widen your imagination skills; You can experience a whole new world while reading; It helps you establish your professional personality; Reading skills help you interact with other people at a personal and professional level; Improves vocabulary; Reading novels is considered a great source of entertainment; It helps you acquire excessive knowledge of different fields; Reading is motivational and a great mental exercise.

Reading is important to build the overall personality of a person. It establishes a sense of professionalism and improves the vocabulary. Adapting a habit of reading books will help in expanding your knowledge and creativity.

Here are some of the best books for students to read: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; The Alchemist, The 5 AM Club, Rich Dad Poor Dad, etc.

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Essay on Reading is a Good Habit | Reading is a Good Habit Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Reading is a Good Habit: Reading is one of the best qualities that an individual should have. Books are often known to be your best friend for a specific reason. So, it is essential to build a good reading habit within oneself. We must all read daily for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the knowledge gained from reading. It gives a reader great pleasure to sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading without any disturbance. Reading books as a hobby is the most enjoyable experience a person can have. Books contain vast amounts of information which can only be learned by reading them.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Reading is a Good Habit for Students and Kids in English

We provide the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on this topic.

Long Essay on Reading is a Good Habit 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Reading is a Good Habit is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Reading is an excellent habit that one needs to develop in the course of life. Good books can inform you, enlighten you, and reading them will lead you in the right direction. There cannot be an any better companion than a good book.

Reading is beneficial because it is suitable for your overall development. Once you start reading, you experience and imagine a whole new scenario in our minds. When a person starts loving the habit of reading, they will eventually get addicted to it. Reading helps you to develop your language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way in which people can relax and reduce stress. It is beneficial to read a good book for a few minutes to expand the brain muscles for healthy functioning and better memory power.

  • Benefits of Reading: Books can be your best companions as you can rely on them whenever you get bored, upset, depressed, lonely or annoyed. They will be with you anytime you want them to enhance your mood. They share with you detailed information and knowledge anytime required. Good books always lead you to the correct direction in life. Some of the benefits of reading books are:
  • Self Improvement: Reading helps you increase your positive thinking. Reading is essential because it shapes your mind and gives you infinite knowledge and lessons of life. Books will help you understand the world around you better in a much different perspective. It keeps your mind active, healthy and improves your creative ability.
  • Communication Skills: Reading improves your vocabulary, language proficiency, and develops your communication skills. It helps you learn how to use your ideas creatively. Not only does it enhance your communication skills, but it also guides you to become a better writer. Good communication plays a vital role in every aspect of life.
  • Increases Knowledge: Books enable you to have fundamental knowledge about cultures, traditions, arts, history, geography, health, psychology and several other subjects and aspects of life. You get an infinite amount of information and knowledge from books.
  • Reduces Stress: Reading a good book will take you in a different universe and helps you relieve your day to day stress. There are several positive effects on your mind, body, and soul, which help stress release. It stimulates your brain muscles to work efficiently and keeps your mind healthy and strong.
  • Great Pleasure: When anyone reads a book, they read it for pleasure. They indulge themselves in reading and experience a whole new world. Once you start reading a book, you will get so captivated that you will never want to leave it until you finish it.
  • Enhances your Imagination and Creativity: Reading takes the reader to the world of imagination and in a way, boosts your creativity. Reading helps you explore life from different attributes. While you read books, you develop imaginative and creative thoughts, visions and opinions in your mind. It makes you think uniquely, fantasize, and use your imagination.
  • Develops your Analytical Skills: By active reading, you explore several perspectives of life. It helps you analyze your thoughts and express your opinions. New ideas and thoughts come to mind just by active reading. It stimulates and influences your brain and gives you a new perspective.
  • Reduces Boredom: Journeys for long hours or an extended vacation from work can be pretty dull despite all the other social activities. Books come in handy in such situations and save you from getting bored.

Short Essay on Reading is a Good Habit 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Reading is a Good Habit is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Reading is one of the best habits one can have. It improves your imagination and offers you a vast amount of knowledge. Books are your best friend or your best companion as reading helps you build up your confidence and uplift your mood. Once you start reading daily, you experience a whole new universe of knowledge.

When you start developing the habit of reading daily, you eventually get addicted to it. Reading can help you grow mentally and give a new perspective about everything in life. Good books can positively influence people and guide you in the right direction in life. The more you engage yourself in reading, the more you fall in love with it. Reading helps you to enhance your language skills and vocabulary. Reading will help you relax and reduce stress.

Reading improves your creativity and enhances your understanding of life in a better way. Reading also inspires you to write, and by doing that, one will surely fall in love with writing. If you want to adopt some good habits in life, then reading should be on the top of your list as it plays a vital role in the overall growth and development of a person.

10 Lines on Reading is a Good Habit in English

  • With the help of reading, you gain knowledge and learn lessons. Books are a rich source of information and worldwide knowledge. Reading books on diverse genres broadens the information that you are gaining and gives you a deep insight into the topic you read about. This helps you always to learn something new whenever you read.
  • It is a fact that those who have good reading skills show higher intelligence signs compared to others. One can improve their reading skills by making reading books a regular habit. With diverse and unique genres, books open up the mind and improve a person’s creative ability.
  • Reading can also become a kind of motivation that works wonders when it comes to relaxing. Reading motivational books can change your thoughts and make you more optimistic about life. Reading autobiographies can also motivate us to keep working hard and stay dedicated to achieve our goals.
  • Books are indeed the best source of knowledge and information. Every time you read, you will gain new bits of information and knowledge that are very useful.
  • Reading fictional stories can take you to a new world, improving your imagination by visualizing the fictional world’s whole setup and getting familiar with every character.
  • Reading good books means you are making fair use of time. It is a perfect way to stay occupied positively and at the same time, learn something.
  • Reading keeps your mind active, strong and healthy. A person will never feel bored or lonely if he/she develops good reading habits.
  • We must all read every day for at least 30 minutes to make reading a habit. It will give you great pleasure when you sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading.

FAQ’s on Reading is a Good Habit Essay

Question 1. Why is the habit of reading so important?

Answer: Books are very influential as it serves as an excellent motivation for an individual to do better in life. The more you read, the more you will understand and the more your comprehension skills will improve. Better a reader, the easier it becomes for him/her to complete an assigned work without any stress. The habit of reading goes parallelly with the possession of knowledge.

Question 2. Why is the habit of reading declining?

Answer: The habit of reading is gradually declining due to the advent of the internet. Nowadays, most people go to the internet for information instead of reading books. The decline in reading habits may lead to deterioration in the world’s cultural development.

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Essay on Reading is Good Habit in English for Children and Students

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Essay on Reading is Good Habit: Reading is one of the most important and beneficial activities. If you have ever read a book in life you will know the pleasure and rewards of reading. Reading is the kind of exercise that keeps your mind engaged, active and healthy. It is important to develop the habit of reading not only for the sake of knowledge but also for personal growth and development.

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It develops positive thinking and gives you a better perspective of life. Reading enhances your knowledge, improves your concentration and makes you more confident and debate ready. The more you read the more wise you become and the more you will be recognized and appreciated.

Long and Short Essay on Reading is a Good Habit in English

Here are short and long essay on “Reading is a Good Habit” of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments.

These Reading is a Good Habit Essay will inspire you to take up reading as a hobby, by letting you know the benefits of reading and the changes that it brings to your personality and life.

Also Check: Essay on Importance of Education

You can select any Reading is a Good Habit Essay as per your need and interest:

Essay on Reading is Good Habit in 200 words

Reading daily is one of the best habits one can posses. It develops your imagination and provides you with a fortune of knowledge. Books are your best friend is rightly said as reading helps build up your confidence and uplifts your mood. Once you start reading, you experience a whole new world.

When you develop the habit of reading you eventually get addicted to it. Reading can help you grow and give a new perspective about life. Good books can influence you positively and guide you towards the right direction in life. The more you read the more you fall in love with reading. Reading develops language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way to relax and reduce stress.

Reading increases creativity and enhances your understanding of life. Reading also inspires you to write and one can fall in love with writing as well. If we want to adopt some good habits in life then reading should definitely be on the top of our list. It plays a vital role in the optimistic growth and development of a person.

Reading leads to self-improvement. The pleasure of reading cannot be expressed in words. One needs to read to experience the joy of reading.

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Essay on Importance of Good Reading is a Habit in 300 words

Reading is one of the most important and best habits one can inculcate. Those who have the habit of reading are actually the ones who can really understand the value and pleasure of reading. There are very few who are aware of the advantages of reading good books.

Importance of Good Reading Habits

Reading habits develop vivid imagination, knowledge and vocabulary. Here are some points describing importance of good reading habits:

  • The most important reason of reading is that we gain knowledge. Books are a rich source of information and knowledge. Reading books on diverse genres imparts information and gives you a deep insight of to the topic you read about. You always learn something new when you read.
  • It is a proven fact that those who have good reading habit show signs of higher intelligence. With diverse and bountiful genres books open up the mind and enhance the creative ability and language skills.
  • Reading fiction develops empathy and helps build better relations with others. You become a part of the story and naturally empathize and sympathize with characters. You become more aware about how people get affected in different situations. It enhances your overall ability to empathize with others.
  • Good reading also inspires you to write. Many writers get inspired and gain expertise by reading more and more. You learn the art of using language and enjoy playing with words.
  • Reading is also a kind of motivation that works wonders in when it comes to de-stressing. Reading motivational books can really change our life for better. Reading autobiographies can also encourage us to work hard and stay dedicated to achieve our goals. It helps us become a better person in life.

There are many perks of good reading habits. It keeps your mind active, strong and healthy. Reading is important for your overall personal growth and development. Besides, you never feel bored or lonely if you develop good reading habits.

Essay on Reading and Its Importance in 400 words

We do so many activities for entertainment but one is really missing out something if he/she is not reading. The most enjoyable and beneficial activity is reading. Reading is important because it is good for your overall well-being. Lying on a couch and reading a good book is the best way to reduce stress and have a tranquil day at home.

Positive Effects of Reading on Mind and Body

Reading has following positive effects on mind and body:

  • Knowledge : It is rightly said that books are the best source of knowledge. Every time you read you get new bits of information and knowledge that are useful. The more knowledge you possess the more wisely you handle various situations in life. The knowledge you get from books is the true wisdom as you may lose anything in life but not knowledge.
  • Improves Imagination : Reading fictional stories can take you to a new world. You actually visualize the whole setup in the fictional world and get familiar to characters. It develops your imagination and makes you feel amazed. You imagine and fantasize fictional stories and characters in your mind.
  • Wise use of time : Reading good books means making good use of time. It is a perfect way to stay occupied and at the same time learn something and have pleasure. There is so much that you gain from reading. It is the best way to relieve your stress and enhance your mood.
  • Boost self-esteem : By reading more and more books you communicate better and are well informed. Since you are more confident you become more productive and dynamic. It builds your confidence and leads to higher self-esteem.
  • Improves Creativity : The more you read the more your thoughts and ideas develop. Your mind opens up and you start thinking in a new direction. You start thinking more creatively and rediscover life in a better way.
  • Helps Socialize : Reading improves individual’s communication skills and boosts confidence. It also enhances your socializing skills naturally as you are more confident about your abilities and knowledge. You can always share your knowledge and reading experience with friends and family. It also makes you more empathetic towards others.

So it is very important to develop good reading habit. We must all read on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the sweet fruits of reading. It is a great pleasure to sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading. Reading a good book is the most enjoyable experience one can have.

Essay on Reasons Why Reading Habits in 500 Words

Reading is one of the most important habits one needs to develop in life. It is rightly quoted that books are your best companions. Good books can inform you, enlighten you and lead you to the right direction. There is no better companion than a good book. Books give you a whole new experience. Developing reading habit from early age leads to enduring love for books.

Why is Good Reading Habit Important?

1) Sharpens your Mind: Reading is vital for the development of brain as it boosts your thinking and understanding. It enhances your critical thinking and analytical skills. It also improves the brain function. Reading gives you knowledge, information and new perception.

2) Self Improvement: Reading helps you develop positive thinking. Reading is important because it develops your mind and gives you excessive knowledge and lessons of life. It helps you understand the world around you better. It keeps your mind active and enhances your creative ability.

3) Reduces Stress: No matter how stressed or depressed you are due to personal life, work or any other problem in your life, reading a good book reduces your stress completely and enhances your mood. Reading helps you calm down your mind, releases strain from the muscles and slows down your heart rate.

4) Increases Knowledge: Active reading is the process that enables lifelong learning. It is an avid thirst for knowledge. Books enable you to have glimpse in to cultures, traditions, arts, history, geography, health, psychology and several other subjects and aspects of life. You get amazing amount of knowledge and information from books.

5) Develops your Analytical Skills: By active reading you explore several aspects of life. It involves questioning what you read. It helps you develop your thoughts and express your opinions. You engage your mind in understanding and thinking higher. You start comparing your perspective to the writer’s perspective. New ideas and thoughts pop up in your mind by active reading. It stimulates and develops your brain and gives you a new perspective.

6) Boosts your Imagination and Creativity: Reading takes you to the world of imagination and enhances your creativity. Reading helps you explore life from different perspectives. While you read books you are building new and creative thoughts, images and opinions in your mind. It makes you think creatively, fantasize and use your imagination.

7) Improves Communication: Active reading increases your vocabulary exponentially. You learn the art of using words creatively and effectively. You are able to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively. Overall it will boost your confidence and enhance your communication skills.

8) Reading is Pleasure: Not only is reading important for knowledge and information but it is an addiction. Once you indulge yourself into reading a good book, you will surely get addicted to it. It offers intense pleasure to read a good fiction and enter a whole new world. You go through several new feelings and emotions while you read.

Reading is one of the most interesting habits one can possess. It is important to develop the habit of reading daily. We can reap the aforementioned benefits once we develop the habit of reading.

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Essay on Advantages of Reading Books is a Good Habit in 600 words

Reading books has the lot of psychological benefits. Those who have a habit of reading are aware of the pleasure and value of reading books then. They know its magic and power that renders knowledge and makes one wiser. When it comes to reading, most of us these days are addicted to reading online blogs, articles, stories and tweets. It is helpful for gaining lots of knowledge and information but reading a good book is healthier for our brain and a completely different experience. It does wonder for our brains as it is the activity that helps us focus. Reading is the best exercise for your brains.

As we all are aware that mental fitness is equally important as physical fitness so like our body even mind needs to work out daily to maintain fitness. It is important to read a good book at least for a few minutes each day to stretch the brain muscles for healthy functioning.

1) Books are Your Best Friends: Books really are your best friends as you can rely on them when you are bored, upset, depressed, lonely or annoyed. They will accompany you anytime you want them and enhance your mood. They share with you information and knowledge any time you need. Good books always guide you to the correct path in life. You will never regret the company of a good book.

2) Books are Your Best Teachers: Not only can good books be your best friend but also the best teacher. Reading good books will give you immense knowledge, information and a completely different experience. Reading will give you a new and better perspective of life. It will teach you new lessons of life.

3) Great Pleasure: When I read a book, I read it for pleasure. I just indulge myself into reading and experience a whole new world. Once I start reading a book I get so captivated I never want to leave it until I finish. Most of the times it is not possible to finish the book in one sitting but there is always that curiosity until I finish the book. It always gives lot of pleasure to read a good book and cherish it for lifetime.

4) Books Help You Sleep Better: Reading a book is recommended as one of the best habits to calm down your mind before you go to bed. It helps relieve stress. So, instead of using cell phones or watching TV you can always read a good book for a sound sleep.

5) Communication Skills: Reading improves your vocabulary and develops your communication skills. It helps you learn how to use your language creatively. Not only does it improve your communication but it also makes you a better writer. Good communication is important in every aspect of life.

6) Develops Critical Thinking: The chief benefit of reading good books is that it develops your critical thinking. The more you read the deeper you understand and process the information. Critical thinking is important in life to manage day to day situations.

7) Reduces Stress: Reading a good book takes you in a new world and helps you relieve your day to day stress. It has several positive effects on your mind, body and soul. It stimulates your brain muscles and keeps your brain healthy and strong.

Reading books is the most fruitful way to use time. It keeps you occupied and helps you get rid of stress in life. Once you develop the habit of reading you can never get bored. It also improves the function of brain and is the best exercise for brain.

Essay on Reading is Good Habit FAQs

How reading is a good habit.

Reading is a good habit as it improves vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. It also enhances memory, analytical skills, and results at school. Moreover, reading is an exercise for the mind, helping individuals calm down, relax, and gain new knowledge to enlighten their minds. It is beneficial for everyone, promoting cognitive skills and providing numerous advantages for personal and societal development.

What is reading habit in 80 words?

Reading habit involves exploring new ideas, developing imagination, and enhancing conversational skills. It also improves emotional intelligence and general knowledge, contributing to a better understanding of the world and a desire for continuous learning.

Why is reading important 150 words?

Reading is important as it strengthens brain activity, boosts communication skills, and supports self-exploration. It also makes individuals intellectually sound, entertains, and lowers stress. Additionally, reading grows imaginations, develops a sense of accomplishment, and supports all areas of life, providing opportunities for education, entertainment, and personal growth.

What is the importance of reading essay?

The importance of reading lies in its ability to provide knowledge, sharpen critical thinking, and expand education. It fosters curiosity, inquiry, and discovery, leading to personal and academic accomplishments. Reading is a significant tool for learning, relaxation, and self-improvement, offering a wide range of benefits for individuals of all ages.

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Read Every Day While You Can

By  Frank H. Wu

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When you are sick, and you are informed that you are likely to remain so, you take solace however you can. I have decided that I must read, in order that I might write. That is how I intend to cope with my condition.

I probably would be dismissed as a scold if I said we, even those of us in academe, do not read enough. So allow me to pin the criticism on myself: I do not read enough. Now that any of us, with the internet access we assume to constitute a prerequisite for civilized life, can publish ourselves with unprecedented ability to reach a mass audience, any character who fancies himself one declares he is a writer. Yet I realized long ago, and I remind myself constantly, that a writer is only as good as he is a reader, too.

I aspire to write a page every day. Thus I try to read at least two, ideally even three, orders of magnitude more than that: 10 or 100 pages of text per 24 hours that have elapsed. Otherwise, my own content is as vain as it is ignorant.

The word competes. But it has been bested. Images, sounds, videos, virtual reality and the many means by which we can alter our state of mind are too entertaining. They are beguiling because they are shiny, loud and fast -- neither needing nor benefiting from our own exertions. Yet literacy enables more than expression. It equips us for analysis. Reading precedes writing, and, as an act, the former necessarily takes priority over the latter. To read is to prepare to write, as by jotting notes in the margin, a preliminary draft of a potential critique.

Reading is social. It represents a falling away from the oral tradition. The concept of the “literal” is abused, but it would be appropriate in this instance. We no longer believe that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny , but each individual advances through stages. Reading literally was once reciting. We start as thinkers by reading aloud, parent to child side by side, teacher to students seated in a circle. The activity holds us rapt.

Even as we progress to read by ourselves, silently, reading is a relationship with an author. It gives us the infinite. Writing risks solipsism. We withhold our praise from writing by committee, no matter how distinguished the members. Although the reader cannot but refer to a writer, the writer may enjoy no reader. Even the most peerless writer continues a conversation. They cannot fail to communicate. If they wish to disagree, they must be understood as doing so.

The truth is I read ceaselessly. I belong to a category of people whom I thought constituted all of humanity, until I became aware that a part of the population considers our conduct to be disgusting -- which I, in turn, regard as a bizarre reaction. I read while seated in the bathroom. It is quiet, peaceful and solitary, one of the very few spaces I occupy that is private and free of distraction.

Yet if I were honest, I also should confess that I am not reading as I ought to be reading. I am careless though purposeful, as my eyes pass over correspondence, memoranda, legal statutes and judicial opinions, student papers and official reports, and all manner of documents that, if I had a choice, I would not peruse at all. I am looking at these materials, scanning and skimming, processing them with a minimal comprehension and less interest, as displayed on a screen. Much of it would waste the paper if printed.

What is worse, I acquire books as if possession were the same as mastery. I have thousands of them, a respectable collection of titles classics and contemporary, fiction and non-, canonical and heretical. I have leafed through them; there are no volumes with uncut pages, as could still be found at the estate sale of any bona fide bibliophile. When I have time, I rationalized to myself as I made the purchase from the secondhand shop, this is how I will devote myself. Like much else, I had it backward, for it is my newfound consciousness of the lack of time that compels me.

That is why I have resolved to read again. I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, rare and serious. According to reputable sources, pemphigus vulgaris was more often than not fatal back in the day -- and in the course of less than two years. I am covered in sores. The blisters come on so acutely I can feel them form. In antiquity, and still now in some cultures, these would be symbolic of sin -- stigmata. The specialist treating me, however, assures me that with modern medicine, the ailment no longer so surely kills. I could lose my skin, succumb to secondary infection or have such horrific abscesses and pustules as to unable to eat or drink, but more plausible is a shortened lifespan. The salutary effect of the health scare is to motivate me, no less for the cliché of it. You focus on what matters. There is much to learn. Reading is as close to a cure as I can conceive.

I am not alone. A reader never is. The skeptic Montaigne, credited with creating the genre of the essay, was inspired by his kidney stones, accepting the pain, like death, as integral to life itself -- the deposits were an inheritance from his father, who had suffered the same, with terminal consequences. The son’s retirement from French politics to his lavishly appointed library in 1571 was enabled by family fortune made in the wine trade with salt herring on the side, which allowed him to take up a subject that proved infinitely interesting: himself.

He was at the moment of decease still revising his discourses, which set a standard for us tyros even now. Three editions came out during his existence, another posthumously. The subject of his own demise had been an idée fixe. He had hoped that the obsession would free him of foreboding. Much of his prose is dedicated to his constitution and bodily function, such as his friend’s impotence, in an era of remedies like purging and bloodletting. Recovering from a terrible horseback riding accident, he preferred penning prose to taking physic. His journal details how he passed each kidney stone, with its dimensions. I have set myself to the happy task of reading Montaigne in order to write like him. He is appealing, intelligent but not “intellectual,” and a writer who is addressing his reader as directly as possible.

If I read every day, then I will write every day. If I write every day, then I must read every day. These projects are one and the same. They are indivisible from life.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Academic Reading Strategies

Completing reading assignments is one of the biggest challenges in academia. However, are you managing your reading efficiently? Consider this cooking analogy, noting the differences in process:

Taylor’s process was more efficient because his purpose was clear. Establishing why you are reading something will help you decide how to read it, which saves time and improves comprehension. This guide lists some purposes for reading as well as different strategies to try at different stages of the reading process.

Purposes for reading

People read different kinds of text (e.g., scholarly articles, textbooks, reviews) for different reasons. Some purposes for reading might be

  • to scan for specific information
  • to skim to get an overview of the text
  • to relate new content to existing knowledge
  • to write something (often depends on a prompt)
  • to critique an argument
  • to learn something
  • for general comprehension

Strategies differ from reader to reader. The same reader may use different strategies for different contexts because their purpose for reading changes. Ask yourself “why am I reading?” and “what am I reading?” when deciding which strategies to try.

Before reading

  • Establish your purpose for reading
  • Speculate about the author’s purpose for writing
  • Review what you already know and want to learn about the topic (see the guides below)
  • Preview the text to get an overview of its structure, looking at headings, figures, tables, glossary, etc.
  • Predict the contents of the text and pose questions about it. If the authors have provided discussion questions, read them and write them on a note-taking sheet.
  • Note any discussion questions that have been provided (sometimes at the end of the text)
  • Sample pre-reading guides – K-W-L guide
  • Critical reading questionnaire

During reading

  • Annotate and mark (sparingly) sections of the text to easily recall important or interesting ideas
  • Check your predictions and find answers to posed questions
  • Use headings and transition words to identify relationships in the text
  • Create a vocabulary list of other unfamiliar words to define later
  • Try to infer unfamiliar words’ meanings by identifying their relationship to the main idea
  • Connect the text to what you already know about the topic
  • Take breaks (split the text into segments if necessary)
  • Sample annotated texts – Journal article · Book chapter excerpt

After reading

  • Summarize the text in your own words (note what you learned, impressions, and reactions) in an outline, concept map, or matrix (for several texts)
  • Talk to someone about the author’s ideas to check your comprehension
  • Identify and reread difficult parts of the text
  • Define words on your vocabulary list (try a learner’s dictionary ) and practice using them
  • Sample graphic organizers – Concept map · Literature review matrix

Works consulted

Grabe, W., & Stoller, F. L. (2002). Teaching and researching reading. Harlow: Longman.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout (just click print) and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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english essay about reading


Essay on Importance of Reading

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In an era dominated by digital media, the timeless tradition of reading stands as a testament to the enduring power of written words to enlighten minds, stir emotions, and expand horizons. Reading is not merely an act of decoding letters on a page; it is a journey into the depths of the human experience, offering a window into different cultures, histories, and perspectives. This essay explores the multifaceted importance of reading, highlighting its role in personal development, education, empathy cultivation, and societal progress.

The Foundation of Knowledge and Critical Thinking

Reading is the cornerstone of education and knowledge acquisition. It introduces readers to a vast array of subjects, from the intricate workings of the universe to the complexities of human behavior. Through reading, individuals gain access to the collective wisdom of humanity, distilled through the ages in books, articles, and texts. This exposure to diverse ideas and viewpoints is crucial for the development of critical thinking skills. It encourages readers to question assumptions, draw connections between disparate concepts, and formulate their own informed opinions.

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities

Engaging with written material challenges the brain, requiring concentration, comprehension, and analysis. This cognitive engagement helps to sharpen the mind, improve memory, and boost analytical skills. Studies have shown that regular reading can slow the cognitive decline associated with aging, underscoring its role in maintaining mental acuity throughout life.

The Portal to Other Worlds and Perspectives

Reading is a unique form of travel, offering an escape from the confines of one’s immediate environment to explore distant lands, alternate realities, and the inner landscapes of diverse characters. This journey fosters a deep sense of empathy and understanding, as readers are invited to view the world through the eyes of others. By experiencing the joys, sorrows, struggles, and triumphs of characters from different backgrounds and cultures, readers develop a more nuanced appreciation of the diversity of the human condition.

Cultivating Empathy and Understanding

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a critical skill in today’s increasingly interconnected world. Reading, particularly fiction, has been shown to enhance readers’ empathy by immersing them in the emotional lives of characters. This empathetic engagement with diverse narratives helps to break down barriers of prejudice and intolerance, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Benifits of Reading

  • Mental Stimulation: Reading engages the brain, stimulating cognitive functions like concentration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It keeps the mind active and sharpens intellectual abilities.
  • Knowledge Acquisition: Reading exposes readers to a wide range of topics, ideas, and information. It’s a primary means of learning about the world, history, cultures, and various fields of study.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Regular reading introduces readers to new words and phrases, improving vocabulary and language skills. A rich vocabulary enhances communication and writing abilities.
  • Improved Focus and Concentration: Reading requires sustained attention, helping to enhance focus and concentration levels. It can be especially beneficial for developing these skills in children.
  • Stress Reduction: Engaging in a good book can be a form of relaxation, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being. It provides an escape from daily worries and offers a sense of calm.
  • Enhanced Empathy: Reading fiction, in particular, allows readers to immerse themselves in the lives and experiences of fictional characters. This can lead to greater empathy and a better understanding of diverse perspectives.
  • Cultural Awareness: Books provide insights into different cultures, traditions, and historical contexts, fostering cultural awareness and tolerance.
  • Better Sleep: Establishing a reading routine before bedtime can signal the body that it’s time to relax and wind down, potentially improving sleep quality.
  • Creativity Boost: Reading encourages imagination and creativity by exposing readers to new ideas, scenarios, and possibilities. It can inspire creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Entertainment and Escape: Reading can be highly entertaining, offering an escape into captivating stories, adventures, and fictional worlds. It’s a form of entertainment that requires only a book and one’s imagination.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Literature often explores complex emotions and human relationships, helping readers develop emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.
  • Lifelong Learning: Reading fosters a lifelong love of learning. It encourages individuals to seek out new information, explore diverse subjects, and stay intellectually curious throughout their lives.
  • Improved Writing Skills: Exposure to well-written books can improve one’s own writing skills, teaching effective communication and storytelling techniques.
  • Career Advancement: Reading can be directly beneficial to one’s career by expanding knowledge in one’s field or by providing insights into leadership, management, and personal development.
  • Social Connection: Sharing book recommendations and discussing literature can foster social connections and build communities of readers.

A Lifelong Source of Pleasure and Relaxation

Beyond its cognitive and empathetic benefits, reading offers immense pleasure and relaxation. It provides a respite from the stresses of daily life, allowing readers to lose themselves in stories that inspire, entertain, and provoke thought. Whether it’s the thrill of a mystery, the allure of a romance, or the intrigue of a historical saga, reading offers a rich tapestry of experiences that enrich the soul and spark the imagination.

Encouraging Lifelong Learning

The habit of reading fosters a love of learning that can last a lifetime. It keeps the mind engaged and curious, constantly seeking new knowledge and insights. This love of learning is invaluable in a world where change is the only constant. It prepares individuals to adapt to new challenges, pursue continuous personal and professional development, and contribute meaningfully to their communities and the world at large.

The Role of Reading in Societal Progress

Reading plays a pivotal role in driving societal progress. It empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to address complex challenges, advocate for justice and equity, and envision and work towards a better future. Literate societies are better equipped to participate in democratic processes, engage in critical public discourse, and foster innovation and creativity.

Bridging Divides and Fostering Global Understanding

In a globalized world, reading is a powerful tool for bridging cultural and ideological divides. It exposes readers to the rich tapestry of human cultures, promoting understanding and respect across differences. By cultivating a global perspective, reading contributes to a more harmonious and interconnected world.

In conclusion, The importance of reading cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental skill that lies at the heart of personal and intellectual growth, empathy development, and societal progress. In a world fraught with challenges and divisions, reading offers hope, providing the tools for critical thinking, the empathy to understand diverse perspectives, and the vision to imagine and create a better future.


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Essay On Importance Of Reading – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On The Importance Of Reading For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the importance of reading for kids, a paragraph on the importance of reading for children, essay on the importance of reading in 150 words for kids, long essay on the importance of reading for children, what will your child learn from this essay on the importance of reading.

We all understand the importance of reading books for children. But, did you know that there are numerous benefits of reading to kids or even them reading books on their own? Reading is indeed one of the best hobbies that one can have. Children are encouraged to read because it enhances their vocabulary, helps them understand how to read and write, and make them understand different topics and gain knowledge about the world and everyday life, know about different cultures, traditions and much more. After all, there is a famous quote by Dr Seuss,

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Continue to read the essay on the importance of reading for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Looking for tips on how to write an essay on the importance of reading? You’ve come to the right place. Here are some key points that’ll be helpful while writing on the topic –

  • Make sure the language is simple and child-friendly.
  • Start by explaining the importance of reading, followed by its benefits for children.
  • Make sure to recommend one book for each grade.
  • Discuss how parents can instil the habit of reading in children.
  • Write a conclusion.

Before going ahead with the essay for classes 1 and 2 on the importance of reading, let’s read a few lines on the same.

  • Reading makes you more empathetic and knowledgeable, and stimulates your imagination.
  • Reading is one of the first things children are taught when they go to school.
  • Reading has numerous benefits – it improves concentration, literacy and more.
  • Kids should be introduced to age-friendly books that will encourage them to read.
  • Reading helps a person to develop a positive approach towards life.
  • Reading not only helps one to perform well academically but also helps to gain experience and knowledge.
  • When kids learn about new things from reading, this automatically triggers their curiosity, and they start asking more questions in the quest for knowledge.
  • Parents should develop the habit of reading in children from childhood as it has irreplaceable and countless benefits.
  • Encourage your little ones to read by reading to them while they’re young.
  • E-books are also helpful in encouraging kids to read, but make sure to watch for screen time.

Here is an essay in 100 words on the importance of reading for children. This will help children to work on short and long essays later.

Reading is a very good habit that children must be encouraged to develop this skill in life. Reading not only enlightens you and leads you in the right direction, but is good for your overall well-being. Reading can help children develop language skills and vocabulary, provide excessive knowledge, boost imagination and creativity and more. Reading can also give children a break from boredom. So, if you constantly hear your child saying, “I’m bored,” hand them a book.

Here is a short essay on the importance of reading for kids. This essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 will help them frame their essays.

Parents must encourage kids to read daily. Reading has numerous benefits for children. It provides you with a fortune of knowledge, helps build confidence, improves language and literacy skills, enhances communication skills and more.

The habit of reading in children can play a vital role in their optimistic growth and personality development. Below are a few books that are recommended for children based on their grades:

  • Book for a student of grade 1 – The Boy Who Loved Words
  • Book for a student of grade 2 – If I Built A Car
  • Book for a student of grade 3 – Diary Of A Wimpy Kid

Parents can encourage kids to develop a reading habit by reading aloud to them, making reading a part of their routine from a young age, and setting up a mini library at home, where kids can pick up books and read in a quiet and comfortable environment.

Here is a long essay for class 3 on the importance of reading for children.

Reading is indeed one of the most important habits that parents can inculcate in children. Reading for children is important because it is good for their well-being. Therefore, we must encourage our kids to read by making reading a part of their routine. Let’s discuss the importance of reading and ways in which we can develop reading habits in children.

Why Is Reading Important?

Reading books is important for kids as it helps them gain knowledge. According to research, those who have good reading habits show signs of higher intelligence. After all, the more a child reads, the more they learn. The more they learn, the more they understand. The more they understand, the more knowledge they gain. Apart from this, the benefits of reading are:

  • It enhances imagination and creative skills.
  • It develops language and literary skills.
  • It improves self-discipline.
  • It allows thinking skills to become more developed.
  • It builds confidence.
  • It builds a longer attention span and better memory retention.
  • It helps to improve writing skills later in life.

How Can We Develop The Habit Of Reading?

Here is how you can develop the habit of reading in your child:

  • Make sure the books and reading material are available for children to read.
  • Children have a habit of repeating what they see their parents doing. Therefore, take this opportunity and set an example for your children by reading in front of them.
  • Start reading to your child when they are as young as six months old and even before that. This will help your child understand that reading is a part of their routine as they grow up.
  • Set up a special reading space. This may encourage your child to sit in one place and spend time reading a book.
  • Be sure to provide your little one with an age-appropriate book to read. Here are a few recommendations:
  • Book for a student of grade 1 – How High Is The Sky
  • Book for a student of grade 2 – The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse
  • Book for a student of grade 3 – In Search Of A River
  • Make reading a playful and fun activity by taking turns reading with your child.
  • When picking a book for your child, consider their choice and let them pick a book. When they pick a book by themselves, they will take the initiative to read what they like.

After reading the above essay, you will be able to understand the importance of reading for kids. Apart from this, your child will be able to understand that reading will not only enhance their skills but also that it is one of the most enjoyable experiences one can have.

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How to Improve Reading Comprehension: 8 Expert Tips


english essay about reading

Reading is a skill many people take for granted, but the act of reading and properly comprehending a text is a complex and interactive process. It requires several different brain functions to work together and most often requires one to puzzle through multiple layers of context and meaning.

Because reading comprehension is so complicated, we can often find ourselves understanding the most basic interpretation of a text, but missing the emotional core or the "big picture." Or we might just find our brains spinning with no clue at all as to what a text is attempting to convey.

But luckily for everyone who struggles in English classes, on standardized tests, or in daily life, reading comprehension can be improved upon (and it's never too late to start!). In this guide, I explain step-by-step how to improve reading comprehension over time and offer tips for boosting your understanding as you read.

What Is Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension is the understanding of what a particular text means and the ideas the author is attempting to convey, both textual and subtextual. In order to read any text, your brain must process not only the literal words of the piece, but also their relationship with one another, the context behind the words, how subtle language and vocabulary usage can impact emotion and meaning behind the text, and how the text comes together as a larger, coherent whole.

For instance, let's look at the first line from Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice :

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

Now, a completely literal interpretation of the text, just based on word-meaning, would have us believe that 'all rich men want wives.' But the context, word choice, and phrasing of the text actually belie that interpretation. By using the phrases "universally acknowledged" and " must be in want of" (emphasis ours), the text is conveying a subtle sarcasm to the words. Instead of it being an actual truth that 'rich men want wives,' this one sentence instantly tells us that we're reading about a society preoccupied with marriage, while also implying that the opening statement is something people in that society may believe, but that isn't necessarily true.

In just a few short words, Austen conveys several ideas to the reader about one of the main themes of the story, the setting, and what the culture and people are like. And she does so all the while seeming to contradict the literal words of the piece.

Without practice in reading comprehension, nuances like these can become lost. And so it can happen that someone may find themselves reading, but not truly comprehending the full meaning of a text.

As you can see, reading comprehension involves many processes happening in your brain at once, and thus it can be easy for some aspects of a text to get lost in the muddle. But the good news for anyone who struggles is that reading comprehension is a skill just like any other. It must be learned through practice, focus, and diligence, but it absolutely CAN be learned.

Why Reading Comprehension Is Important

Proper reading comprehension can be difficult, so why bother? Even though learning how to properly read and comprehend texts is a complicated process, it is a necessary skill to master, both for work and for pleasure.

You will need to know how to read and interpret all kinds of different texts—both on the basic, literal level and on a more in-depth level—throughout your schooling, in college, and in the working world (as well as in your recreation time!). If we think about "reading" just as a literal or surface understanding of a piece and "reading comprehension" as the complete understanding, a person can only get by in the world on pure "reading" for so long.

Reading comprehension is essential for many significant aspects of daily life, such as:

  • Reading, understanding, and analyzing literature in your English classes
  • Reading and understanding texts from your other class subjects, such as history, math, or science
  • Doing well on both the written and math sections of the SAT (or all five sections of the ACT)
  • Understanding and engaging with current events presented in written form, such as news reports
  • Properly understanding and responding to any and all other workplace correspondence, such as essays, reports, memos, and analyses
  • Simply taking pleasure in written work on your own leisure time

english essay about reading

Just like with any goal or skill, we can master reading comprehension one step at a time.

How to Improve Reading Comprehension: 3 Steps

Because reading comprehension is a skill that improves like any other, you can improve your understanding with practice and a game plan.

Dedicate yourself to engaging in a combination of both "guided" and "relaxed" reading practice for at least two to three hours a week. Guided practice will involve structure and focused attention, like learning new vocabulary words and testing yourself on them, while relaxed practice will involve merely letting yourself read and enjoy reading without pressure for at least one to two hours a week. (Note: if you already read for pleasure, add at least one more hour of pleasure-reading per week.)

By combining reading-for-studying and reading-for-pleasure, you'll be able to improve your reading skill without relegating reading time to the realm of "work" alone. Reading is a huge part of our daily lives, and improving your comprehension should never come at the cost of depriving yourself of the pleasure of the activity.

So what are some of the first steps for improving your reading comprehension level?

Step 1: Understand and Reevaluate How You're Currently Reading

Before you can improve your reading comprehension, you must first understand how you're currently reading and what your limitations are.

Start by selecting excerpts from different texts with which you are unfamiliar—text books, essays, novels, news reports, or any kind of text you feel you particularly struggle to understand—and read them as you would normally. As you read, see if you can notice when your attention, energy, or comprehension of the material begins to flag.

If your comprehension or concentration tends to lag after a period of time, start to slowly build up your stamina. For instance, if you continually lose focus at the 20 minute mark every time you read, acknowledge this and push yourself to slowly increase that time, rather than trying to sit and concentrate on reading for an hour or two at a stretch. Begin by reading for your maximum amount of focused time (in this case, twenty minutes), then give yourself a break. Next time, try for 22 minutes. Once you've mastered that, try for 25 and see if you can still maintain focus. If you can, then try for thirty.

If you find that your concentration or comprehension starts to lag again , take a step back on your timing before pushing yourself for more. Improvement comes with time, and it'll only cause frustration if you try to rush it all at once.

Alternatively, you may find that your issues with reading comprehension have less to do with the time spent reading than with the source material itself. Perhaps you struggle to comprehend the essential elements of a text, the context of a piece, character arcs or motivation, books or textbooks with densely packed information, or material that is heavily symbolic. If this is the case, then be sure to follow the tips below to improve these areas of reading comprehension weakness.

Improving your reading comprehension level takes time and practice, but understanding where your strengths and weaknesses stand now is the first step towards progress.

Step 2: Improve Your Vocabulary

Reading and comprehension rely on a combination of vocabulary, context, and the interaction of words. So you must be able to understand each moving piece before you can understand the text as a whole.

If you struggle to understand specific vocabulary, it's sometimes possible to pick up meaning through context clues (how the words are used in the sentence or in the passage), but it's always a good idea to look up the definitions of words with which you aren't familiar. As you read, make sure to keep a running list of words you don't readily recognize and make yourself a set of flashcards with the words and their definitions. Dedicate fifteen minutes two or three times a week to and quizzing yourself on your vocab flashcards.

To get started, you'll need some blank index cards and a system to keep them organized. These basic cards are an affordable option that are also available in fun colors . You can keep them organized with plastic baggies or rubber bands, or you can get an organizer .

Alternatively, try these easy-flip flashcards that include binder clips. Though we strongly recommend making your own flashcards, you can also buy pre-made ones —the best option is Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know , a series of exercises to master key words and idioms.

In order to retain your vocabulary knowledge, you must employ a combination of practiced memorization (like studying your flashcards) and make a point of using these new words in your verbal and written communication. Guided vocabulary practice like this will give you access to new words and their meanings as well as allow you to properly retain them.

Step 3: Read for Pleasure

The best way to improve your reading comprehension level is through practice. And the best way to practice is to have fun with it!

Make reading a fun activity, at least on occasion, rather than a constant chore. This will motivate you to engage with the text and embrace the activity as part of your daily life (rather than just your study/work life). As you practice and truly engage with your reading material, improvement will come naturally.

Begin by reading texts that are slightly below your age and grade level (especially if reading is frustrating or difficult for you). This will take pressure off of you and allow you to relax and enjoy the story. Here are some fun, easy reads that we recommend to get you started:

  • Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roksani Chokshi
  • Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
  • Ghost   by Jason Reynolds
  • The Westing Game by Ellen Rankin
  • From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg
  • The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson
  • I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone   by J.K .Rowling

Once you feel more comfortable reading and practicing your comprehension strategies (tips in the next section), go ahead and allow yourself to read at whatever reading or age level you feel like. Even if you feel that you don't understand some of the text right now—or even a large portion of it!—if you enjoy yourself and give it your best shot, you'll find that your reading comprehension levels will improve over time.

english essay about reading

Reading these problematic passages aloud can often help circumvent that block and help you to form a visual of what the text is trying to convey.

Tip 3: Re-read (or Skim) Previous Sections of the Text

For the most part, reading is a personal activity that happens entirely in your head. So don't feel you have to read just like anyone else if "typical" methods don't work for you. Sometimes it can make the most sense to read (or re-read) a text out of order.

It is often helpful to glance backwards through a piece of text (or even re-read large sections) to remind yourself of any information you need and have forgotten—what happened previously, what a particular word means, who a person was...the list is endless.

Previous sentences, sections, or even whole chapters can provide helpful context clues. Re-reading these passages will help to refresh your memory so that you can better understand and interpret later sections of the text.

Tip 4: Skim or Read Upcoming Sections of the Text

Just like with the previous step, don't feel that the only way to read and understand a text is to work through it completely linearly. Allow yourself the freedom to take apart the text and put it back together again in whichever way makes the most sense to you.

Sometimes a current confusion in a work will be explained later on in the text, and it can help you to know that explanations are upcoming or even just to read them ahead of time.

So skip forward or backwards, re-read or read ahead as you need to, take the piece in whatever order you need to in order to make sense of the text. Not everyone thinks linearly, and not everyone best understands texts linearly either.

Tip 5: Discuss the Text With a Friend (Even an Imaginary Friend)

Sometimes discussing what you know so far about a text can help clear up any confusion. If you have a friend who hasn't read the text in question, then explain it to them in your own words, and discuss where you feel your comprehension is lacking. You'll find that you've probably understood more than you think once you've been forced to explain it to someone who's completely unfamiliar with the piece.

Even if no one else is in the room, trying to teach or discuss what a passage says or means with "someone else" can be extremely beneficial. In fact, software engineers call this technique "rubber duck debugging," wherein they explain a coding problem to a rubber duck. This forces them to work through a problem aloud, which has proven time and time again to help people solve problems. So if a piece of text has your head spinning from trying to work through it by yourself, start chatting with your nearest friend/pet/rubber duck. You'll be surprised with how much easier it is to understand a text once you've talked it through with someone.

Even if that someone is a duck.

english essay about reading

The Take-Aways

Improving reading comprehension takes time and effort, but it can be done. Be patient with yourself, work through your reading comprehension steps, and try not to get frustrated with yourself if you feel your progress is slow or if you feel you're "falling behind." You will utilize your reading skills throughout your life, so go at a pace that works for you, and take care to maintain that balance between reading for pure pleasure and reading for dedicated improvement.

As you begin to incorporate more and more reading into your daily life, you'll find that comprehension will become easier, and reading will become more fun. In every piece of text, there are worlds of meaning to explore, and learning how to uncover them can be the ultimate rewarding journey.

What's Next?

Can't get enough reading? Whether as part of your reading practice or just for fun, check out our picks for the 31 best books to read in high school.

Problems with procrastination? Whether you're studying for the SAT's or studying your reading comprehension vocabulary check out how to beat procrastination and get your studies back on track.

Want to earn better grades? Our guide will help you get that 4.0 you're striving for .

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Courtney scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT in high school and went on to graduate from Stanford University with a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology. She is passionate about bringing education and the tools to succeed to students from all backgrounds and walks of life, as she believes open education is one of the great societal equalizers. She has years of tutoring experience and writes creative works in her free time.

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Reading Comprehension Texts and Exercises

Reading practice on diverse topics and different comprehension exercises, with an emphasis on collocations.

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Moroccan Folk Stories

The Girl Who Lived with Gazelles

A man

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Moral Story Number 1: Take Care of Yourself Moral Story Number 2: Be Temperate Moral Story Number 3: Do Not Be Promiscuous Moral Story Number 4: Love and Help Children Moral Story Number 5: Honor and Help Your Parents Moral Story Number 6: Set a Good Example

Moral Story Number 7: Seek to Live With the Truth Moral Story Number 8: Do Not Murder Moral Story Number 9: Don't Do Anything Illegal Moral Story Number 10: Support a Government Designed and Run for All the People Moral Story Number 11: Do Not Harm a Person of Good Will Moral Story Number 12: Safeguard and Improve Your Environment Moral Story Number 13: Do Not Steal Moral Story Number 14: Be Worthy of Trust

Drug Education Stories

Drug Education Story Number 1: Ecstasy

Drug Education Story Number 2: Marijuana

Drug Education Story Number 3: LSD

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Importance of reading essay

Importance of reading essay 19 Models

admin December 29, 2021

Importance of reading essay we present to you with several different models that contain a long, short, and easy speech that suits all educational stages, with some notes and school goals from this article, and how to practically integrate the goals into the article until it becomes ideal for the student and the teacher finds in it the dimensions and goals that is needed in the article.

Importance of reading essay

The school plays a major role in teaching our children to read and write from an early age. Children are often left without guidance on the goals and reasons for their learning to read and write.

Therefore, it is great to provide homework for them to help them discover the goals behind reading, what is its importance, and what may benefit them in their future.

All of these goals we will present to you in this article are based on the following goals, which we will put for you in the form of points.

Objectives of the article

1- Helping to connect the words.

2- Helping in analysis and thinking.

3- Increase awareness.

4- Connecting and deepening the events.

5- The meaning and the lesson behind each story.

6- Increasing sebum activity.

7- Acquiring new words and terms.

8- Gain knowledge and confidence in speaking on many topics.

Reading is the beacon that lights our path of progress and knowledge, and that helps us develop and improve ourselves. Reading is the most important achievement discovered by man, which helped mankind to progress.

We can go back to the past and see the impact of the beginning of learning to read, and see the great change resulting from education in the further expansion of human horizons and help him in analysis, thinking and linking events. It also played a major role in increasing mental activity and increasing self-confidence due to the scientific outcome that a person collects from reading.

We can clearly see the impact of reading through the young children around us. And how it affects their lives and behaviors from the beginning of their learning to read until they graduate and integrate them into society until they work with what they learned from it.

As it teaches them how to complete research, production and invention from where people before them stopped, through their study of previous research.

It also teaches them a lot about their history, how to establish multiple civilizations around them, and the strength and weakness point that led to prosperity or the loss of these civilizations.

When we see the impact of reading and realize its importance, we find that peoples are progressing and building where previous generations left off faster and with extensive experience.

We also see new generations coming out to life with a broader awareness of development and technology, and they have confidence and new experiences that are commensurate with the life we ​​live in today.

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importance of reading essay

Reading and enriching culture

Reading is very important in our lives, as it makes us more familiar with the culture of other peoples.Thus, we can add to our culture what is useful and get rid of what is harmful.

Reading also makes us get to know the ideas of others and thus we can accept their customs and traditions without being surprised.

Reading expands our perceptions and makes us more rational, and thus we can make right decisions and easily solve the problems we face in our lives.

Therefore, the state is interested in establishing libraries and providing them with modern means, and it is keen that these libraries include books, magazines and research in all fields, so that it will be easy for us to read our favorite books without any fatigue, and at no cost as well, as most libraries provide their services for free.

importance of reading short essay

Reading and the development of various sciences

Reading is of great importance, as it conveys to us the experiences of others, thus shortening years of searching for facts and concepts.

All sciences are cumulative, and what we come up with today in terms of modern inventions is the result of research and experiments carried out by other scientists, whether they are ancient scientists or still living.

Every scientist or inventor benefits from the experiences and expertise of the scientists who preceded him, adding to those sciences or correcting them.

Thus, we find that sciences are cumulative, and there is no conflict between them, but there is a constant development of ideas until we reach the best inventions.

Hence the important role of reading. Without reading, we will not know the theories, concepts and facts reached by previous scholars, and thus we will waste time and effort.

Speech on importance of reading

Electronic reading

Reading has become available to everyone without effort or cost. In the age of technology, every person has a mobile phone and the Internet, and now they have become the most important means of reading.

E-reading has become the most popular in the world.

E-reading is characterized by saving effort and time, as I can read any book using the mobile and the Internet while I am at home without going to the library and sitting on an uncomfortable seat for a long time, adhering to the library’s instructions, remaining silent and calm, and other instructions.

As for reading through the mobile phone, I can read easily anytime and anywhere. Also, E-reading is inexpensive, so I do not need to travel or buy books.

Importance of reading short essay 100 words

Reading gives us the experiences of the writer

There is no doubt that reading is of great importance in our lives, as it adds to us information and experiences that we cannot know without reading.

When the writer writes a book or a story, there are several ideas that he tries to convey to the reader. These ideas are the result of his experiences and experiences, which he acquired during his years of life, while we can acquire them as soon as we read the book.

Hence, it becomes clear to us the importance of thinking about what we read, because it expresses the writer’s thoughts and beliefs, and these ideas may not be appropriate for our customs and traditions.

Therefore, we must know what we are reading and for whom we are reading so that we are not affected by destructive ideas.

Reading is one of the best hobbies that we must practice daily. We must devote time daily to reading, as this benefits us in our studies and benefits us in our lives in general.

Short speech on importance of reading

Reading and belonging to the country

Reading has many benefits, including that it makes us proud of our country. Reading history books introduces us to the sacrifices made by our ancestors in order to live a decent life. Through history books we will read about the wars they fought against the colonialists and how they sacrificed their lives for freedom.

Reading the history of our homeland makes us cherish it and we are proud that we belong to it and appreciate the effort made by our grandparents and fathers.

The progress and prosperity we enjoy in our lives have been credited to them. Therefore, reading history is important and contains many lessons that we can benefit from in solving the problems of the present.

The government has taken care of providing all the information about the history of the homeland, in addition to holding national celebrations that are held on the occasion of important events that had a major role in changing our lives for the better.

Short speech about importance of reading

Reading is the most important way to learn

Reading is the most important way to learn, so whoever wants to learn anything, even if it is a craft, he likes to read about it until he understands its secrets.

There are other ways to learn, such as experiment, observation, conclusion, and so on, but reading provides us with more information and we can use it to learn important information about any field.

Modern technology has provided us with an easy way through which we can read any book or scientific research, and that is through a mobile phone or computer.

The Internet provides us with millions of books and scientific research in various fields. We can read what we want easily at any time and any place without any trouble or financial cost. There are even explanatory videos, and book summaries, so that we can get to know the most important ideas without reading them.

Short paragraph on importance of reading

what do we read

Undoubtedly, there are many areas that we can read about, but there is a priority for what we read. Sometimes it is better to read books related to our studies because this will make us more aware and understanding of what we are studying, and thus we can excel and succeed in our studies.

But sometimes we want to read something entertaining, so we read stories, poetry, art magazines, and so on. We can choose what suits us from books, magazines and research according to the goal we want to achieve, and also according to our psychological state and mood.

In many cases, we are tired and cannot concentrate, so we prefer to read a story, for example, or poems, or other things.

Importance of reading short paragraph

Reading gives us fluent speaking skills

Reading is of great importance in our lives, as it has many benefits, and one of these benefits is the acquisition of many linguistic vocabulary. You will find that a person who reads a lot can speak tactfully and express his thoughts in an easy and convincing manner as well. This is because reading makes us get to know the style of a large number of writers in the way they express their ideas. There are those who use verbiage and explain their idea in several ways and use simple words. While there is another writer who prefers to be short and expresses his idea in short sentences, sometimes vague and carrying more than one meaning, leaving the reader an opportunity to think. Therefore, reading makes us more able to express our thoughts in an interesting style and with simple and accurate words at the same time.

importance of reading short speech

Reading gives us new skills

One of the most important benefits of reading is that it gives us new skills. Last summer, I wanted to learn how to grow ornamental plants, in order to grow them in my garden.

I did not have any previous information about their types or how to cultivate them. The first thing I thought of was reading about growing ornamental plants, what are their types, and what is the right kind to grow in the home garden.

Indeed, I read several books and research papers in that specialty, and I learned a lot of useful information that helped me to be skilled in the cultivation of ornamental plants.

I planted it in my home garden and all my friends liked it so much that they asked me to help them grow it in their gardens.

So I thought this would be my profession, thanks to the books I’ve read.

Short note on importance of reading

Reading is very important in our lives, including the following:

Reading is the most important way to learn, as we cannot learn without reading.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education is interested in teaching reading and writing at the primary level, and the interest is great because reading is the first step on the path to knowledge.

Reading gives us the skills to speak tactfully because we learn about many linguistic methods, and thus we have a linguistic wealth that enables us to speak tactfully.

Reading gives us new skills, and we always find that a good reader can be a good writer.

-Reading also increases belonging to the homeland, as we read about the history of our homeland and know the sacrifices made by our ancestors in order to preserve the integrity of our homelands and to live in safety.

Reading gives us the experiences of the writer, so we can gain experience from reading a book, and this experience the writer acquired in several years.

Value of reading short essay

Reading is of great importance in our lives. Through reading, we acquire different knowledge, and learn about the culture of other peoples, so we can develop our ideas and benefit from the experiences of others.

All human sciences are cumulative sciences, so we start from where others ended, and thus the efforts of previous scholars are not wasted, just as we do not waste time on what we can know by reading only.

Therefore, the government pays great attention to teaching reading and writing for all segments of society. We find that the most important goals of the primary education stage are learning to read and write, because they are the basis for learning throughout life.

Video reaction paper example

In order to present a video explaining the reaction sheet, you must take into account that the video is of short duration, so that the viewer can see it without getting bored.

The presentation should be interesting and use a clear style of explanation. You can also use some scenes from the artwork that you are talking about.

It is preferable to present the scene and then comment on it, whether positively or negatively. This method is more convincing for the viewer and makes him think seriously about what you say, and after presenting the points of agreement and points of disagreement between you and the writer, you can summarize your opinion of the work as a whole.

Short paragraph on importance of reading books

Reading and Alzheimer’s

Reading does not depend on a certain age, reading should be an essential thing in our daily regime. Scientific research conducted on groups of the elderly has shown that older people who keep reading are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and their ability to focus is greater than older people who do not read.This shows the importance of reading for all age groups.Reading develops and activates memory, in addition to protecting us from mental illnesses and diseases related to memory and mental abilities. Therefore, every person should be keen on reading and perpetuating it, as reading is not linked to age, but rather is beneficial for young and old.

A short speech on importance of reading

Reading is food for the mind

The mind needs nourishment just as the body needs nourishment, and reading is the nourishment of the mind. When we read a book, we increase our knowledge, develop our ideas, and acquire new skills. Reading is also fun, especially reading stories, as it makes us integrate into events and live in another world.

Reading also makes our minds more open, which makes us believe in strange and difficult ideas. Like when we read about modern inventions, we find that it was a strange idea, and the inventor was able to imagine, invent and experiment until he reached a real invention, which was produced by factories and people bought and used with ease.Reading makes us more creative and makes us look forward to a better future.

Essay on importance of reading books 150 words

Reading encourages creativity

There is no doubt that reading makes our thoughts organized and increases our ability to understand, analyze and draw conclusions, and thus reading is considered an important reason for innovation and creativity.

As reading provides us with sufficient information in all fields, in addition to that, reading conveys to us the experiences and conclusions of others, so that we can know the positive things in their experience and benefit from them and not repeat the mistakes they made.

Just as the human sciences are cumulative sciences, the scientist or inventor must start from where the previous scientists ended, and thus science advances and inventions abound, and we offer humanity useful inventions that make their lives much better than the lives of our ancestors.

The goal of reading is to benefit from what we read, and therefore we must know what we read and whether it is useful for us or not, so that we do not waste our time reading trivial things that do not benefit us, but rather harm us, because they waste our time.

Because of the importance of reading, countries are interested in providing libraries, whether in schools or universities, and there are public libraries that all readers can benefit from their services.

Paragraph on importance of reading in 100 words

Reading is fun and enjoyable

Reading is a form of entertainment. Reading stories or poems makes us feel fun, and we resort to reading them when we feel nervous and psychological pressure as a result of too much work or many life problems, so we resort to reading romantic stories or thin poetic poems to get rid of stress and depression. It is said that the book is the best friend because it will not deceive us or deceive us. Reading has become easily available through the mobile phone. We no longer carry books on our travels, but we can read any book we want using the mobile and the Internet. Which gave us millions of books, research, magazines and stories with ease. In moments, we can search in Google for the name of the book, download it to our device, and read it at the appropriate time for us.

Paragraph on importance of reading books 150 words

Paper and e-reading

There is no doubt that electronic reading has become more prevalent than paper reading because it is much easier and available in all places and times. But there are some people who prefer protective reading, as they are accustomed to reading books, magazines and newspapers, and they do not feel happy except by reading paper.

This is because there is a strong bond formed between them and books, and often these people do not use technology much and are often elderly. On the contrary, we find that children and young people do not accept paper reading, but prefer electronic reading through mobile phones, tablets, or computers. Education officials were alert to this, as they saw the students’ reluctance to read paper school books, so they made school books electronic as well, in order to attract students to read school books, so that students could read them easily, and students were encouraged to read by making available to them in regular and electronic libraries.

Importance of reading essay 200 words

Reading is of great importance in our lives, as it is the food of our minds. Reading makes us more experienced and thus we can act correctly and make correct decisions in times of crisis, because reading gives us many ideas and experiences gained from the experiences of others.

Also, reading refines our behavior because we learn about the customs and traditions of many peoples and take advantage of the good things they have and stay away from bad habits. Also, reading allows us to read religious books and know their rulings, thus making our behavior.

Reading has a great advantage in spreading health awareness in society, and this was clearly evident during the spread of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19), where all people were constantly reading all the statements and publications issued by the World Health Organization.

Reading also encourages creativity and innovation due to the fact that we learn a lot of information and scientific facts that make our ideas more developed and thus we can be more innovative and creative.

Among the benefits of reading is also that it gives us a lot of vocabulary, so we can express our thoughts accurately and use a polite style in talking to others.

Among the benefits of reading is also that it makes us more receptive to others, thus reducing conflicts and spreading peace between different societies in customs and traditions.

Given the importance of reading, governments have taken care of providing libraries in schools and universities, in addition to public libraries.

Paragraph on importance of reading books

Reading books is very useful, and when you start reading a book, you find that there is something that motivates you to continue reading it to the end, especially if it is written in an interesting and attractive style.

We can read books in various fields in order to develop our culture. We can also choose the field we want to read about, depending on our study or our personal preferences.

For example, I like to read scientific books because they give me many good ideas that I can use in innovation and invention.

While my brother prefers reading historical books that show international relations in the past, the causes of wars and other important topics. As for my sister, she loves to read about fashion and art. Thus, each of us chooses from the books what suits his interests and hobbies.

Importance of books in our life essay

There is no doubt that books are of great importance in our lives, and that is why every family is keen to teach its children to read and write, and encourages them to read books.

Because every book we read adds new information to our information and earns us new vocabulary, in addition to providing us with many ideas and thus nations advance.

Reading any book will add new knowledge to us, but we must choose the books we read carefully in order to benefit from them.

Reading should be a way of life, that is, we keep reading and do not do it only in the summer vacation, because reading makes us more knowledgeable and more educated, and therefore this is reflected in our behavior with others.

Reading also has a positive impact on our understanding of events that occur in the world.

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Example of a Great Essay | Explanations, Tips & Tricks

Published on February 9, 2015 by Shane Bryson . Revised on July 23, 2023 by Shona McCombes.

This example guides you through the structure of an essay. It shows how to build an effective introduction , focused paragraphs , clear transitions between ideas, and a strong conclusion .

Each paragraph addresses a single central point, introduced by a topic sentence , and each point is directly related to the thesis statement .

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Other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about writing an essay, an appeal to the senses: the development of the braille system in nineteenth-century france.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

In France, debates about how to deal with disability led to the adoption of different strategies over time. While people with temporary difficulties were able to access public welfare, the most common response to people with long-term disabilities, such as hearing or vision loss, was to group them together in institutions (Tombs, 1996). At first, a joint institute for the blind and deaf was created, and although the partnership was motivated more by financial considerations than by the well-being of the residents, the institute aimed to help people develop skills valuable to society (Weygand, 2009). Eventually blind institutions were separated from deaf institutions, and the focus shifted towards education of the blind, as was the case for the Royal Institute for Blind Youth, which Louis Braille attended (Jimenez et al, 2009). The growing acknowledgement of the uniqueness of different disabilities led to more targeted education strategies, fostering an environment in which the benefits of a specifically blind education could be more widely recognized.

Several different systems of tactile reading can be seen as forerunners to the method Louis Braille developed, but these systems were all developed based on the sighted system. The Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris taught the students to read embossed roman letters, a method created by the school’s founder, Valentin Hauy (Jimenez et al., 2009). Reading this way proved to be a rather arduous task, as the letters were difficult to distinguish by touch. The embossed letter method was based on the reading system of sighted people, with minimal adaptation for those with vision loss. As a result, this method did not gain significant success among blind students.

Louis Braille was bound to be influenced by his school’s founder, but the most influential pre-Braille tactile reading system was Charles Barbier’s night writing. A soldier in Napoleon’s army, Barbier developed a system in 1819 that used 12 dots with a five line musical staff (Kersten, 1997). His intention was to develop a system that would allow the military to communicate at night without the need for light (Herron, 2009). The code developed by Barbier was phonetic (Jimenez et al., 2009); in other words, the code was designed for sighted people and was based on the sounds of words, not on an actual alphabet. Barbier discovered that variants of raised dots within a square were the easiest method of reading by touch (Jimenez et al., 2009). This system proved effective for the transmission of short messages between military personnel, but the symbols were too large for the fingertip, greatly reducing the speed at which a message could be read (Herron, 2009). For this reason, it was unsuitable for daily use and was not widely adopted in the blind community.

Nevertheless, Barbier’s military dot system was more efficient than Hauy’s embossed letters, and it provided the framework within which Louis Braille developed his method. Barbier’s system, with its dashes and dots, could form over 4000 combinations (Jimenez et al., 2009). Compared to the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, this was an absurdly high number. Braille kept the raised dot form, but developed a more manageable system that would reflect the sighted alphabet. He replaced Barbier’s dashes and dots with just six dots in a rectangular configuration (Jimenez et al., 2009). The result was that the blind population in France had a tactile reading system using dots (like Barbier’s) that was based on the structure of the sighted alphabet (like Hauy’s); crucially, this system was the first developed specifically for the purposes of the blind.

While the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France. This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources. Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted learning Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009). This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods. Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009), realizing that access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss. It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).

Although Blind people remained marginalized throughout the nineteenth century, the Braille system granted them growing opportunities for social participation. Most obviously, Braille allowed people with vision loss to read the same alphabet used by sighted people (Bullock & Galst, 2009), allowing them to participate in certain cultural experiences previously unavailable to them. Written works, such as books and poetry, had previously been inaccessible to the blind population without the aid of a reader, limiting their autonomy. As books began to be distributed in Braille, this barrier was reduced, enabling people with vision loss to access information autonomously. The closing of the gap between the abilities of blind and the sighted contributed to a gradual shift in blind people’s status, lessening the cultural perception of the blind as essentially different and facilitating greater social integration.

The Braille system also had important cultural effects beyond the sphere of written culture. Its invention later led to the development of a music notation system for the blind, although Louis Braille did not develop this system himself (Jimenez, et al., 2009). This development helped remove a cultural obstacle that had been introduced by the popularization of written musical notation in the early 1500s. While music had previously been an arena in which the blind could participate on equal footing, the transition from memory-based performance to notation-based performance meant that blind musicians were no longer able to compete with sighted musicians (Kersten, 1997). As a result, a tactile musical notation system became necessary for professional equality between blind and sighted musicians (Kersten, 1997).

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Bullock, J. D., & Galst, J. M. (2009). The Story of Louis Braille. Archives of Ophthalmology , 127(11), 1532. https://​doi.org/10.1001/​archophthalmol.2009.286.

Herron, M. (2009, May 6). Blind visionary. Retrieved from https://​eandt.theiet.org/​content/​articles/2009/05/​blind-visionary/.

Jiménez, J., Olea, J., Torres, J., Alonso, I., Harder, D., & Fischer, K. (2009). Biography of Louis Braille and Invention of the Braille Alphabet. Survey of Ophthalmology , 54(1), 142–149. https://​doi.org/10.1016/​j.survophthal.2008.10.006.

Kersten, F.G. (1997). The history and development of Braille music methodology. The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education , 18(2). Retrieved from https://​www.jstor.org/​stable/40214926.

Mellor, C.M. (2006). Louis Braille: A touch of genius . Boston: National Braille Press.

Tombs, R. (1996). France: 1814-1914 . London: Pearson Education Ltd.

Weygand, Z. (2009). The blind in French society from the Middle Ages to the century of Louis Braille . Stanford: Stanford University Press.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

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Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

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Shane Bryson

Shane finished his master's degree in English literature in 2013 and has been working as a writing tutor and editor since 2009. He began proofreading and editing essays with Scribbr in early summer, 2014.

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english essay about reading

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1 America: Land of Opportunity

2 The Fourth of July

3 The U.S. Federal Government

4 Christmas: A Holiday of Traditions

5 New Year's Day: A Holiday of New Beginnings

6 Martin Luther King Jr Day: To Remember a Civil Rights Leader

7 Valentine's Day: A Holiday of Love and Friendship

8 St. Patrick's Day: A Holiday to Celebrate the Irish

9 Passover: A Jewish Holiday of Remembering

10 Easter: An Important Christian Holiday

11 Mother's Day: A Holiday to Honor Motherhood

12 Father's Day: A Holiday to Honor Fatherhood

13 Memorial Day: A Holiday to Remember Fallen Soldiers

14 Labor Day: A Holiday to Honor Workers

15 Columbus Day: A Holiday to Remember an Explorer

16 Halloween: A Holiday for Costumes and Candy

17 Veterans Day: A Holiday Honoring All Soldiers

18 Chanukah: A Holiday of Lights

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english essay about reading

Critical Thinking Reading Comprehension Worksheets

  • Take these as online quizzes here!

Short Story Reading Comprehension Worksheets

  • Beginning Level
  • Answers for this series are included at the end of each worksheet.
  • "My Friend" - Low Beginning. 3 answer choices. 7 questions. 74 words.
  • "My House" - Low Beginning. 3 answer choices. 7 questions. 92 words.
  • "Time to..." - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 89 words.
  • "My Family" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 6 questions. 90 words.
  • "Rainy Day" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 78 words.
  • "A Call to the Pool" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 116 words.
  • "The Singing Bird" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 96 words.
  • "Seeing Stars" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 92 words.
  • "I Fly" - Low Beginning. 4 answer choices. 4 questions. 113 words.
  • "The Drive" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 120 words.
  • "Zach's Animals" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 104 words.
  • "Griffin's Talents" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 112 words.
  • "A Happy Visitor" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 170 words.
  • "An Adventure" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 177 words.
  • "Running" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 5 questions. 148 words.
  • "Paul Cooks" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 112 words.
  • "Bella Hides" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 135 words.
  • "First Prize" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 155 words.
  • "What Number?" - Mid Beginning. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 154 words.
  • "The Interview" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 205 words.
  • "Julian's Work" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 194 words.
  • "Talia's Special Day" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 204 words.
  • "One Hundred Dollars" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 273 words.
  • "New Shoes for Maddy" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 223 words.
  • "The 20" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 256 words.
  • "Big City Noise" - High Beginning. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 238 words.
  • Intermediate Level
  • "By the Water" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 225 words.
  • "A Cold Day" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 14 questions. 286 words.
  • "Vet Emergency!" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 247 words.
  • "Late" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 14 questions. 284 words.
  • "The Brenners" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 297 words.
  • "Bullied" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 197 words.
  • "The New School" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 14 questions. 286 words.
  • "The Park" - Low Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 297 words.
  • "Worth Working For" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 280 words.
  • "The Rent Man" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 215 words.
  • "Time with Grandpa" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 237 words.
  • "The Bus Driver" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 15 questions. 294 words.
  • "A Day Like No Other" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 305 words.
  • "A Mystery" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 247 words.
  • "Just One Touch" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 15 questions. 326 words.
  • "Wanga" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 340 words.
  • "Ana Finds an Apartment" - Mid Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 408 words.
  • "Guermo's Surprise" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 9 questions. 372 words .
  • "Canopy of Nature" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 8 questions. 332 words .
  • "Blizzard in Birmingham" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 319 words.
  • "A Christmas in March" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 385 words.
  • "Bail" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 301 words.
  • "Clean Water Act" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 632 words.
  • "BB" - High Intermediate. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 511 words .
  • Advanced Level
  • "The Mini Problem" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 291 words .
  • "Flower Power" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 368 words.
  • "Seeing Clearly" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 284 words .
  • "Accused" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 285 words.
  • "City Girl" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 13 questions. 429 words.
  • "Fried" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 235 words.
  • "Tattoo" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 350 words.
  • "The Transfers" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 381 words.
  • "Wild" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 493 words.
  • "Scorpion" - Low Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 333 words
  • "Remains of a Marriage" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 11 questions. 345 words.
  • "Museum Hours" - Mid Advanced. 4 answer choices. 10 questions. 179 words.
  • "Seeing Through" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 10 questions. 326 words.
  • "Ursula Pugh" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 8 questions. 324 words.
  • "Dreams" - High Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 357 words.
  • "Tracks" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 11 questions. 531 words.
  • "Love Train" - High Advanced. 5 answer choices. 12 questions. 646 words.
  • "The Storm" - High Advanced. 4 answer choices. 12 questions. 407 words.

Informational Passages Reading Comprehension Worksheets

In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about information they have read about a specific topic. each passage reads similar to a newspaper of journal article, and provides interesting information about some aspect of history, nature, mechanics, science, art, and more. questions involve critical thinking with a focus on logic and inference..

  • Answer Key - This answer key is available but still under development.
  • "The Sun" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "Gas" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "Music" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "Birds" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "The Heart" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "The Butterfly" - Low Beginning. 5 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "Pigs" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "The Brain" - Low Beginning. 3 questions. Under 50 words.
  • "The Ocean" - Low Beginning. 7 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Trees" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Alligators" - Low Beginning. 6 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "The Blow-Dryer" - Low Beginning. 5 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Green Grass" - Low Beginning. 6 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Taste" - Low Beginning. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Bees" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Frogs" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Beds" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Humans" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Fish" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Houses" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Soda Pop" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Tea" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Ice Fishing" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Bears" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Flags" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Leonardo Da Vinci" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words..
  • "Tennis" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Dogs" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Money" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Abraham Lincoln" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Corn" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Umbrellas" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Ben Franklin" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Cars" - High Beginning. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • Answer Key - This is the answer key for to the intermediate level informational passages.
  • "Helicopters" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Yellowstone National Park" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Empress of the Blues" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "The Cactus" - Low Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Space Exploration Voyagers 1 and 2" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Television" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Hibernation and Estivation" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Marco Polo" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Movie Ratings" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Birdsongs" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Counting" - Mid Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Easter Island" - High Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Mosquitoes" - High Intermediate. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Fingerprints" - High Intermediate. 11 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Mother's Day" - High Intermediate. 10 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Europe" - High Intermediate. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
  • Answer Key - This is the answer key for to the advanced level informational passages.
  • "Chocolate" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 600 words.
  • "Houses Around the World" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Cells" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Soccer" - Low Advanced. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Bathtubs" - Low Advanced. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Pollution" - Low Advanced. 12 questions. Under 700 words.
  • "Interstate Highways" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 800 words.
  • "The U.S. Census" - Low Advanced. 10 questions. Under 800 words.
  • "Sleep" - Low Advanced. 11 questions. Under 800 words.
  • "The U.S. Postal Service" - Mid Advanced. 11 questions. Under 800 words.
  • "Chemical Elements" - Mid Advanced. 11 questions. Under 800 words.
  • "Africa" - Mid Advanced. 11 questions. Under 1000 words.

Technical Reading Comprehension Worksheets

In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about the meaning, significance, intention, structure, inference, and vocabulary used in each passage. each passage reads like an encyclopedic or technical journal article. answers for worksheets in this section can be found at the end of each individual worksheet..

  • "Water" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 300 words.
  • "Paper" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 300 words.
  • "The Flu" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "Nuts" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "The Sun" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "The White House" - Beginning level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "Soap" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "Clocks" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "The Robin" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "Hybrid Vehicles" - Intermediate level. 4 questions with answers included. Under 500 words.
  • "Photography" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 500 words.
  • "Biomimetics" - Intermediate level. 4 questions with answers included. Under 700 words.
  • "The Great Debates" - Intermediate level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 400 words.
  • "Salt" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 700 words.
  • "Colony Collapse" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 600 words.
  • "Columbian Exchange" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 700 words.
  • "Ethanol" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 600 words.
  • "Generations" - Advanced level. 3 questions with answers included. Under 600 words.
  • "The Hubble Telescope" - Advanced level. 7 questions with answers included. Under 1000 words.
  • "Intellegence Augmentation" - Advanced level. 5 questions with answers included. Under 1000 words.

Role Play Reading Comprehension Worksheets

In these reading comprehension worksheets, students can increase their understanding of colloquial and idiomatic expressions and get a feel for conversational english. they also allow several students to participate at the same time - which makes them really fun great for use in school or at home..

  • Answer Key - This is the answer key to the role play worksheets.
  • "What Time Is It?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "How Are You?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Tie Your Shoes!" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Where Are My Glasses?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "A Cookie" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "Where Are My Keys?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 100 words.
  • "City Life, Country Life" - Beginning Level. 10 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Flu Shot" - Intermediate Level. 5 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Vinegar" - Intermediate Level. 4 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Wait for Me!" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Glasses" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Hungry" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Want to Know a Secret?" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Milk and Aesthetics" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 500 words.

Dual Version Reading Comprehension Worksheets

In each of these reading comprehension worksheets, the same story is told, but with two versions: one that is basic, and one that is more advanced. this allows students to make direct comparisons between the advanced version to the more basic one, and makes for a powerful learning experience..

  • Answer Key - Coming Soon!
  • "An Overcast Day" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "Who Knows My Name?" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 200 words.
  • "A Call to the Pool" - Beginning Level. 6 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Oh No!" - Beginning Level. 8 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "An Adventure" - Beginning Level. 6 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Happy Birthday" - Beginning Level. 4 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "My Family" - Beginning Level. 8 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "My Family" - Beginning Level. 5 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Driving Directions" - Beginning Level. 6 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "A Happy Visitor" - Beginning Level. 7 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "The Singing Bird" - Intermediate Level. 10 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "Violet Makes a Cake" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "A Visit to the Doctor" - Intermediate Level. 7 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "Making Dinner" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 400 words.
  • "The Market" - Intermediate Level. 10 questions. Under 500 words.
  • "Maria Gets Her License" - Intermediate Level. 8 questions. Under 500 words.
  • "A Paper for School" - Advanced Level. 7 questions. Under 300 words.
  • "A Birthday Surprise" - Advanced Level. 7 questions. Under 600 words.
  • "Getting a New Job" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 600 words.
  • "The Dinner Party" - Advanced Level. 9 questions. Under 600 words.

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Essay on Newspaper Reading for Students and Children

500+ words essay on newspaper reading.

Newspapers are one of the most important documents. They can be said to be the powerhouse of information. Moreover, they offer us other benefits as well which helps us in our lives. You become better informed through newspaper reading and it also broadens your perspective. However, newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit. As the world is moving towards digitalization , no one really reads the newspaper. At least not the present generation. The readership is maintained mostly because of the older generations only.

essay on newspaper reading

Benefits of Newspaper Reading

Newspaper reading is one of the most beneficial habits. It helps us get acquainted with the current affairs of the world. We get to know about the latest happenings through a reliable source. Similarly, we also get an insight into the different domains including politics , cinema, business , sports and many more.

Furthermore, newspaper reading also results in opening doors to new employment opportunities. Reliable companies post their ads in the newspaper for business and employment opportunities so we see how it is a good place to seek jobs.

Furthermore, we can easily promote our brands and products with the help of newspapers. The consumers learn about the latest deals and launch which connects them to businesses.

Most importantly, it also improves the vocabulary and grammar of a person. You can learn new words and rectify your grammar through newspaper reading.

In addition, a person who reads a newspaper can speak fluently on various topics. They can socialize better as they are well aware of the most common topics. Similarly, it also saves us from getting bored. You won’t need any company if you have a newspaper in hand.

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The Dying Habit

Unfortunately, despite having so many benefits, newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit. As people are getting instant updates on their mobile phones and computer systems, they barely read the newspaper. Moreover, electronic gadgets are more convenient for them so they don’t bother to pick up the newspaper.

Moreover, we see that everything has become very convenient and instant now. You can learn about what is happening in the other part of the world as it is taking place. People do not wait for newspapers anymore, as they feel it only states what they have already been informed about. In addition, they do not wait for the next day to read the newspaper about current affairs , as they get it instantly thanks to the internet.

Most importantly, people are themselves running out of the habit of reading itself. Everything has become so visual now that no one bothers to read newspapers, books, novels or more. The internet has made it worse as now there is a video for everything. People won’t mind watching a five-minute video, but will however not prefer to read a five-minute-long article.

It just shows how we’re becoming so inactive and lazy. Everyone just needs things to be served on a platter. Therefore, we must not let this become a dying habit as newspapers are very reliable sources of news. In the absence of these, there will be hardly anyone left to verify the data and information we’re being fed.

Q.1 How does newspaper reading benefit us?

A.1 Newspaper reading has numerous benefits. It makes us aware of the current affairs and also makes us well-versed. It also kills boredom and enhances our vocabulary and grammar. You can also seek jobs and promotions through newspapers.

Q.2 Why is newspaper reading becoming a dying habit?

A.2 Newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit as the world is moving towards digitalization. You can now get everything on your phones and computers so people are not into newspaper reading as they were before.

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  5. The Importance of Reading

    english essay about reading

  6. Issues Essay

    english essay about reading


  1. Write English essay on A Day Before Examination || English Paragraph A Day Before Examination

  2. English Writing Skill/Essay Writing/Importance of Reading

  3. The importance of reading

  4. GCE O /L English Essay Value of reading

  5. Write English essay on Sports Equipment

  6. O/L English essay -Reading makes a full man


  1. Importance of Reading Essay

    1. Empathy towards others 2. Acquisition of qualities like kindness, courtesy. 500+ Words Essay on Importance of Reading is provided here to help students learn how to write an effective essay on this topic. They must go through this essay in-depth and then try to write their own essay.

  2. Reading is Good Habit for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Reading is Good Habit. Reading is a very good habit that one needs to develop in life. Good books can inform you, enlighten you and lead you in the right direction. There is no better companion than a good book. Reading is important because it is good for your overall well-being. Once you start reading, you experience a ...

  3. Reading empowers: the importance of reading for students

    Remember, reading empowers! If parents are not encouraging their children to read independently, then this encouragement has to take place in the classroom. Oscar Wilde said: "It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it.". The importance of reading for students is no secret.

  4. Essays About Reading: 5 Examples And Topic Ideas

    Writing about a book that had a significant impact on your childhood can help you form an instant connection with your reader, as many people hold a childhood literature favorite near and dear to their hearts. 5. Catcher In The Rye: That Time A Banned Book Changed My Life By Pat Kelly.

  5. Reading is a Good Habit Essay in English for Students

    An Essay On Reading Is A Good Habit. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (L-S-R-W) are the four skills of language learning. These are the set of four capabilities that allow an individual to comprehend and use a spoken language for proper and effective interpersonal communication. Reading is considered as one of the best habits anyone can ...

  6. Essay on Importance of Reading: Samples in 100, 150 ...

    Essay on Importance of Reading: Samples in 100, 150, and 250 Words. Language learning requires four skills i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. It is an important part that eventually builds up the communication skills of a person. Reading will help in attaining knowledge of variable fields.

  7. Essay on Reading is a Good Habit

    Long and Short Essays on Reading is a Good Habit for Students and Kids in English. We provide the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on this topic. Long Essay on Reading is a Good Habit 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Reading is a Good Habit is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

  8. Essay on Reading is Good Habit in English for Children and Students

    Long and Short Essay on Reading is a Good Habit in English. Here are short and long essay on "Reading is a Good Habit" of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments. These Reading is a Good Habit Essay will inspire you to take up reading as a hobby, by letting you know the benefits of reading and the changes ...

  9. Why it's important to read more (essay)

    It equips us for analysis. Reading precedes writing, and, as an act, the former necessarily takes priority over the latter. To read is to prepare to write, as by jotting notes in the margin, a preliminary draft of a potential critique. Reading is social. It represents a falling away from the oral tradition.

  10. Academic Reading Strategies

    Taylor's process was more efficient because his purpose was clear. Establishing why you are reading something will help you decide how to read it, which saves time and improves comprehension. This guide lists some purposes for reading as well as different strategies to try at different stages of the reading process.

  11. Essay on Importance of Reading [Edit & Download], Pdf

    Reading is not merely an act of decoding letters on a page; it is a journey into the depths of the human experience, offering a window into different cultures, histories, and perspectives. This essay explores the multifaceted importance of reading, highlighting its role in personal development, education, empathy cultivation, and societal progress.

  12. Essay On Importance Of Reading (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3: 10

    Reading can help children develop language skills and vocabulary, provide excessive knowledge, boost imagination and creativity and more. Reading can also give children a break from boredom. So, if you constantly hear your child saying, "I'm bored," hand them a book. Essay On The Importance Of Reading In 150 Words For Kids

  13. Value of reading essay 8 models

    The value of reading essay. Reading has a very great value because it nourishes the mind and soul, makes a person more rational and civilized, and makes him more aware, and less dangerous to society, on the contrary, it makes him more integrated and smooth and has a prior vision of many things. In addition to the value of reading educational ...

  14. How to Improve Reading Comprehension: 8 Expert Tips

    Tip 3: Re-read (or Skim) Previous Sections of the Text. For the most part, reading is a personal activity that happens entirely in your head. So don't feel you have to read just like anyone else if "typical" methods don't work for you. Sometimes it can make the most sense to read (or re-read) a text out of order.

  15. English Reading Practice

    English Reading Practice. English reading practice is very important if you want to improve your English reading skills. This section contains articles on different subjects for you to read. Each article has contains an exercise too. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses.

  16. Importance of reading essay 19 models

    5- The meaning and the lesson behind each story. 6- Increasing sebum activity. 7- Acquiring new words and terms. 8- Gain knowledge and confidence in speaking on many topics. Reading is the beacon that lights our path of progress and knowledge, and that helps us develop and improve ourselves.

  17. English Reading: English Texts for Beginners

    English texts for beginners to practice reading and comprehension online and for free. Practicing your comprehension of written English will both improve your vocabulary and understanding of grammar and word order. The texts below are designed to help you develop while giving you an instant evaluation of your progress. Prepared by experienced ...

  18. Example of a Great Essay

    This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people's social and cultural lives.

  19. A Brief History of Reading Research in The English Language: [Essay

    The history of reading research in the English language has evolved significantly over time, reflecting the changing educational landscape and technological advancements. ... The Importance and Impact of English Grammar Essay. English has become the dominant language in many aspects of communication, business, and academia. As a result, having ...

  20. The Ethics Of Reading: Close Encounter By Jane Gallop

    As a former student of English 1020, I have learned many tips and trick that helped me throughout the course. Read this letter carefully, as the advices I give you will help you with your journey in English 1020. One of the most important aspect to help you in this class is to realize the importance of reading, especially close reading.

  21. 365 Essays for English Learners

    365 Essays for English Learners. 1 America: Land of Opportunity. 2 The Fourth of July. 3 The U.S. Federal Government. 4 Christmas: A Holiday of Traditions. 5 New Year's Day: A Holiday of New Beginnings. 6 Martin Luther King Jr Day: To Remember a Civil Rights Leader. 7 Valentine's Day: A Holiday of Love and Friendship.

  22. 150 Great Articles & Essays: interesting articles to read online

    The best short articles, nonfiction and essays from around the net - interesting articles and essays on every subject, all free to read online Life & Death. ... The End of the English Major by Nathan Heller. 20 more great articles about education. Sport. The String Theory by David Foster Wallace

  23. Free Reading Comprehension Worksheets

    Under 600 words. "Getting a New Job" - Advanced Level. 8 questions. Under 600 words. "The Dinner Party" - Advanced Level. 9 questions. Under 600 words. High quality reading comprehension worksheets for all ages and ability levels. Teachers in the classroom and at home are sure to find our materials very useful.

  24. Essay on Newspaper Reading for Students

    Newspaper reading is one of the most beneficial habits. It helps us get acquainted with the current affairs of the world. We get to know about the latest happenings through a reliable source. Similarly, we also get an insight into the different domains including politics, cinema, business, sports and many more.