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Categories STEM Activities

Easy Weather Science Experiments for Preschoolers and Toddlers

Has your child ever asked you where rain comes from? Or what is a tornado? When will it snow? Mine have. And that is awesome.

Weather is an amazing. It is just the sort of real world thing that gets kids excited about learning and STEM . They can see weather. They can feel it, hear it, and touch it.

That hands on learning will get your kids excited about science and wanting to learn more. And it can be very easy to learn about weather. (Bonus, you don’t even have to go outside to these weather activities!)

weather experiments for toddlers

What's In This Post?

Supplies for a Water Cycle Bag

How to make a water cycle bag, supplies for shaving cream rain clouds, how to make shaving cream rain clouds, supplies for a tornado in a bottle, how to make a tornado in a bottle, supplies to make lightning, how to make lightning, supplies to make a rainbow, how to make a rainbow at home.

  • Enjoy the Weather!

Water Cycle Bag

Shaving cream rain clouds, tornado in a bottle, lightning with a balloon, instant rainbow, make an instant rainbow, recommended products, weather science experiments for preschoolers and toddlers.

Help your little ones learn about the weather going on outside their front door with these easy weather experiments!

Water Cycle in a Bag

Rain is a part of the water cycle . What’s the water cycle? It’s the pattern of how water moves through our environment.

The sun heats water on Earth and causes it to evaporate into a gas. This gas collects in the sky as clouds. The water in the clouds then condenses, or turns back into a liquid, and falls back to the Earth as rain.

It can be hard to see the whole water cycle in action, but you can make a smaller model at home!

picture of a water cycle bag taped to a window

  • Sealable baggie
  • Blue Food Coloring (Optional)

Take your baggie and draw a cloud at the top. Add a sun up there too. Then draw some lines to represent water towards the bottom of the bag, about an inch high. (The picture shows what I mean.)

Fill your baggie with water up to the water line you drew. You can add a couple of drops of blue food coloring at this point. It just looks cool and makes the water easier to see.

Seal up the baggie well and tape it to a sunny window. Now you wait.

This is an activity you set up and leave for a bit. It takes a little time for the water to evaporate, but you can check back on it throughout the day and see the different parts of the cycle.

The sun will cause the water to evaporate. You can see it start to condense in the clouds you drew. As the condensation builds up it will slide down the sides of the bag back to the water at the bottom. You made rain!

More Must Do Activities

4 pictures, shapes, numbers, letters, and colors. Text overlay Super Simple Toddler Learning Activities To Do Every Day

Our water cycle bag isn’t the only way to make rain happen. You can easily make a sensory rain cloud experience for your kids at home with just shaving cream.

picture of shaving cream rain clouds

  • A Glass or Jar
  • Shaving Cream
  • Food Coloring
  • Dropper or Straw

Fill your glass or jar 3/4 of the way full with water. Add shaving cream to the top. This is our fluffy cloud.

Mix a little blue food coloring with some water. Again, this is option, but it makes the rain much easier to see.

Have your child add drops of the blue water to the cloud. As the water gets heavier and heavier it will start to fall out of the cloud and make rain!

This is what happens with real clouds. The water droplets get heavier and heavier until they fall down as rain. Fun fact: The average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds!)

This activity works fine motor skills as your child manipulates the dropper or straw to add the droplets. You can also enjoy the sensory fun of playing with the clouds too.

Looking for more fun? Try these weather tracking worksheets!

weather tracking worksheets for kids

Tornadoes are fascinating. But it can be hard to show them to kids as they happen. (Not to mention incredibly unsafe.) But you can make a tornado in a bottle!

picture of a tornado in a bottle

  • Two 2-Liter Bottles.
  • Glitter (optional)

Fill one empty two liter bottle 3/4 of the way full of water. Add a squirt of dish soap and a sprinkle of glitter. (The glitter is optional. I know that is a controversial craft supply ;). It is pretty and fun, but this activity works just as well without it.)

Take the empty water bottle and put it on top of the filled one, opening to opening. Tape the bottles together so no water can escape.

To make your tornado turn the bottles over and swirl the top bottle in a circle a few times. The water inside will form a tornado!

Now this isn’t exactly like the tornadoes that occur in nature. Most tornadoes happen during thunderstorms. They need warm moist air to meet up with cool dry air. These different air currants create a very unstable system. Increasing wind speeds and changing directions are what cause tornadoes.

This is an extremely simplified explanation. For a more complete understanding, you can read this explanation .

Make Lightning with a Balloon

Lightning is another fascinating weather phenomenon that is cool to watch, but you don’t really want your kids out in a thunderstorm. So you can make lightning at home!

picture of a blue balloon and a spoon

  • Metal Spoon
  • Your Child’s Head

Blow up the balloon. Take your child into a room that you can make completely dark. (We used the bathroom.)

Rub the balloon over your child’s head. Then turn off the light and touch the spoon to the balloon. You should see a spark. You made lightning!

The spark won’t be very big which is good from a safety standpoint. But it is a decent representation of what happens in a lightning storm.

Charges build up in a cloud with negative charges being at the bottom of the cloud. This in turn causes positive charges to build up down on the surface of the earth. Eventually, these two opposite charges build up enough to attract and you get lightning!

Rainbows are beautiful, especially because they usually appear after the rain. But you don’t have to wait for a storm to make one at home!

picture of shaving cream rain clouds with text 5 weather science activities perfect for preschoolers

  • Glass of Water
  • Piece of White Paper

This one is super simple. Take a glass of water, about 3/4 of the way full, and take it to a sunny spot in your home. Right by a window works best.

Hold your glass of water up over the piece of paper and move it into the sunbeam. You should see a rainbow on the paper!

You might need to move the glass around a bit, but you should get a nice rainbow. Try moving the glass around to see how it changes.

This rainbow is the result of refracted light. The water bends the light waves, separating it into the different wavelengths that make up white light. These wavelengths are the colors we see.

You can learn more about how we see colors (and get fun color STEM activities) here: Color STEM for Kids .

Enjoy the Weather !

There are lots of great resources to learn more about weather. Here is one of my favorites: .

And just get out and talk about the weather with your kids! It is just the sort of real world thing that gets kids excited about learning and STEM. They can see weather. They can feel it, hear it, and touch it.

That realness makes STEM come alive.

Get More STEM Activities

Sensory STEM in Action! Learn how to make 2 ingredient rainbow snow. Picture of colored sensory bin.

5 Fun and easy weather science experiments for preschoolers and toddlers. Help your children explore their world with these simple learning activities you can do with at home items.

  • Sealable Baggie
  • Glass or Jar
  • Glitter (Optional)
  • White Piece of Paper


  • Take a baggie and draw clouds near the top and water at the bottom.
  • Add water to the bag up to the water line you drew.
  • Add a few drops of blue food coloring.
  • Seal the baggie and tape it to a sunny window.
  • Watch the water cycle over the course of the day!
  • Fill a glass 3/4 full of water.
  • Add shaving cream to the top of the glass.
  • Mix a few drops of food coloring with water.
  • Add drops of the mixture to the shaving cream clouds and watch it fall down into the water like rain.
  • Fill one empty 2-liter 3/4 full of water.
  • Add a squirt of dish soap and a sprinkle of glitter.
  • Turn the other 2-liter upside down and place it on top of the first. Tape the necks of the bottles together so the opening are lined up.
  • Flip the bottles and swirl the top one to create a tornado!
  • Blow up a balloon.
  • Rub the balloon on your child's head for 90 seconds.
  • In a dark room, touch a metal spoon to the balloon.
  • You will get a spark like lightning!
  • Fill up a glass with water.
  • Stand in a sunny spot (like by a window).
  • Hold the glass of water in the sunlight and over a piece of white paper.
  • A rainbow will appear from the refracted light!

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TecUnite 8 Pieces Bottle Connectors Tornado Connector Cyclone Tube for Scientific Experiment and Test, 5 Colors

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Weather Science Experiments for Kids

January 25, 2023 By Emma Vanstone 2 Comments

Today’s round-up is full of great weather science experiments and investigation ideas. Learn about extreme weather with a tornado in a jar, record rainfall over a period of time, create a water cycle in a bag and lots more easy ideas for learning about the weather.

Observing the weather is a great way to practice recording and displaying data and learning about the weather and how it changes daily.

collection of images of weather science themed activities and weather experiments for kids

Weather Science Experiments

How to measure rainfall.

A simple rain gauge  is an easy way to measure rainfall. Don’t forget to record the results and empty it each day. Use my free rainfall recording sheet , or design your own!

Homemade rain gauge made from a plastic bottle

Find out how hard it’s raining with Rainy Day Mum.

Wind Experiments

If you want to get crafty, try  making a pinwheel  like this one from Red Ted Art. You should find it spins more on windy days.

Inspiration Laboratories makes an excellent model  hurricane .

Model hurricane

Find out which direction the wind is moving in with my easy homemade wind vane .

homemade wind vane made with a pencil, straw and cardboard

Storm in a Jar

We made a storm in a jar to demonstrate storms on Jupiter in This Is Rocket Science .

storm in a jar made with glitter, water and a plastic jar.

Did you know that there are over 1000 tornados in the United States annually ?

I’ll blow your house down

Can you blow down the Three Little Pigs House ? Or build the pigs a house that won’t fall down?

Image of three soft pig puppets sat outside a LEGO house with sticks and droppers at the side

Build your own anemometer to measure wind speed.

Did you know the effects of increasing wind speed are measured on the Beaufort scale ?

Water Cycle Investigations

This fun mini water cycle  is a great way to illustrate the water cycle.

We love this LEGO water cycle model from Edventures too.

Find out how water evaporates in this easy activity using sand.

Set up a water cycle in a bag!

water cycle in a bag

Homemade Weather Station

Did you know you can make a straightforward weather station using pinecones ? This is a great science activity for young children who can easily apply the knowledge when they see pinecones outside too.

Pinecones for using to predict the weather.

More weather science for kids

Make a simple barometer to measure air pressure. A homemade barometer is a great way to learn about air pressure visually.

Barometer made from a glass jar, balloon and straw for measuring air pressure.

Creative Family Fun has some lovely sun prints that are an excellent weather activity for a sunny day.

These weather sensory bottles would be great for younger children from Twodaloo.

Find out how clouds form an easy rain cloud in a ja r demonstration.

Rain cloud in a Jar - made with water, having foam and food colouring.

Can you think of any more weather science themed activities ?

weather experiments for toddlers

Why is the sky blue?

When light from the Sun enters the atmosphere, it contains all the colours of the rainbow, which appear as white light. Gases in the atmosphere make the light slow down, change direction and scatter. Blue light is scattered the most, which is why we see the sky as blue.

What makes a rainbow?

It is the refraction of light which makes the sky look blue. Rainbows are formed in a similar way, except its rain or another water source ( you can demonstrate this with a hosepipe ) which makes the light we see to be split up into its constituent colours.

Rainbow over houses

We only see rainbows when the Sun is behind us, with water droplets falling in front. You can make a rainbow with a prism or with a hosepipe by standing with your back to the Sun and spraying water into the air.

Collage of weather science activities, including a rain cloud in a jar, a tornado in a jar, wind vane and barometer.

Last Updated on January 26, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

April 11, 2014 at 10:22 am

Love the “make a hurricane” idea!

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10 Hands-On Weather Science Experiments for Kids

10 Hands-On Weather Science Experiments for Kids post image

We shared ideas for seed science experiments for kids last week. Today we will share weather science experiments for kids to do in the spring. As winter comes to the end, the weather is changing in so many different ways, warmer temperatures, longer days, more or fewer rains, melting snows, and strong winds, … there are many fun weather activity ideas to do with kids. Here are some on my list.

Hands-on Weather Science Experiments for Kids

Weather science experiments for kids, easy simple hands-on STEM activities for science class science camp: create rainbow,  cloud in a jar, tornado, thunderstorms and rain... Fun weather activities all students love

All ideas here are hands-on, meaning kids will make something. But all are simple to do, with no need for special materials.

Make a weather vane to show wind direction

Make an anemometer to measure wind speed.

Create a thunderstorm in your kitchen

Make rain in a jar

Make a rain gauge to measure rainfalls

Create a rainbow at any time – don’t have to wait for the rain.

Create some tiny lightning to see how lightning is formed

Create a tornado in a jar or in a bottle

Watch the cloud form in a bottle or in a jar on your kitchen counter is a fascinating experience for young children

10 weather science experiments for kids, all are hands-on, easy to do science activities you can do at home or classroom. Create rainbow, make cloud, create tornado and thunderstorms. Great STEM activities for Kids from preschool to high school.

Make a thermometer of your own with simple materials you already have at home Do you have suggestions on weather science experiments and weather activities for kids?

I hope you like these science experiments. Doing science at home is not just for fun, it is also to cultivate child’s interest in science and help them grow scientific thinking skills. I encourage you to follow the scientific steps while working with kids on these fun activities. I outlined the steps and developed this Science Experiment Recording Sheet. I highly recommend using it, even with young children. They can draw pictures if they can’t write. It is the process that is important, starting with questions and hypotheses.

Looking for more easy and fun science activities for kids to do in Spring? Check out 9 Seed science experiments for kids . For more nature science activities, check out 100+ Natural Science Activities for Kids and 7 Wind Science Activities for Kids

seed science activities for kids

(photo credit

Next post: DIY Computer Coding Camp at Home

Previous post: 500 Science Activities for Every Month of the Year

I just finished reading your article on weather science experiments for kids, and it’s fantastic! The hands-on experiments you shared are not only educational but also incredibly fun for children. It’s great to see how you make learning about weather engaging and accessible. Thank you for providing these creative ideas to spark curiosity and exploration. Well done!

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30+ Preschool Weather Activities

March 9, 2019 by Rachel Cooper

Last Updated on March 6, 2024 by Sheryl Cooper

Inside: Get inspired with these preschool weather activitie s – including dramatic play, fine motor, art ideas, and more.

  Entering the spring months, there are a lot of weather changes happening.

Our days here in Oregon are unpredictably rainy, sunny, cold, or windy.

This provides us with the perfect time to discuss the different types of weather, as children get to see so many examples of it within their natural environment!

Below is a compilation of weather themed art activities, creative sensory bins, fun dramatic play area ideas, and more for your preschool weather theme.

preschool weather activities

Art Activities

Gravity Rain Cloud Painting – Drip watercolors onto vertically standing paper to create the appearance of rain coming from a cloud. (A Little Pinch of Perfect)

Mosaic Paper Rainbow – Provide squares of colored paper and glue for preschoolers to arrange into a mosaic rainbow. (Daisies and Pie)

Rainy Window – Paint with watercolors onto the back of a baking sheet to make a rainy window print. (Play Teach Repeat)

Umbrella and Rain with Bubble Wrap – Paint bubble wrap blue to look like raindrops plopping down onto an umbrella. (123 Homeschool 4 Me)

Thunderstorm Art – Toddlers will glue lightening bolts and rain drops on top of gray paint to create a storm. (Buggy and Buddy)

Symmetry Clouds – Add white paint to a piece of paper and fold it in half to create a mirrored cloud shape. (Teach Beside Me)

Snowball Painting – Clip pom-poms onto clothespins for toddlers to dip into white and blue paint and stamp snow. (Brilliant Little Ideas)

Paper Plate Umbrella – Cut a paper plate in half to be decorated as the top of an umbrella. (The Chirping Moms)

Raindrop Sun Catcher – Cut a blue outline out of paper and attach to contact paper to be filled with blue tissue paper. (A Day In First Grade)

Puffy Paint Clouds – Mix shaving cream and glue to paint onto blue paper as clouds. (No Time For Flashcards)

Painting with Rain – If you live in a rainy area, leave pieces of paper with powdered tempura paint outside for the rain to mix with the powder and create paint. (Tot School)

Fine Motor Activities

Sun Scissor Activity – Preschoolers will strengthen cutting skills with these printable scissor cards.

Rain Storm Sticky Wall – Make a contact paper sticky wall with clouds for toddlers to stick raindrops onto. (Mama of Littles)

Weather Do-a-Dots – Use these free printable sheets for toddlers to stamp onto weather pictures with do-a-dots. (Easy Peasy Learners)

Lacing Mittens – Hole punch around paper cut-outs of mittens for preschoolers to practice lacing with yarn or shoelaces. (Cachey Mama’s World of Learning)

Button Sun – Preschoolers will button the pieces of yellow fabric to complete the sun. (Happy Tot Shelf)

Sensory Activities

Rainy Day Water Bin – Learn about rain as you squeeze water from cotton balls (“clouds”).

Weather Sensory Bottles – Put together sensory bottles, each themed around a different type of weather such as snow, sun, and rain. (Two Daloo)

Snow Dough – Fill your sensory bin with this two ingredient dough that feels like snow. (Happy Home Fairy)

Colander rain – Provide colanders, or containers with holes cut into the bottom, to your water table to create rain when water is poured through them. (Crozet Play School)

Rainy Day Bin – Fill your sensory bin with blue beads or dyed rice, along with tiny umbrellas and rubber ducks. (Paper and Glue)

Lightening and Rain Bin – Shape gold pipe cleaners into the shape of lightening bolts, adding in cotton balls and blue marbles for a storm. (Fantastic Fun and Learning)

Build a Cloud – Provide an assortment of fluffy white materials to be mixed into a cloud such as cotton balls, marshmallows, and shaving cream. (A Little Pinch of Perfect)

Thunderstorm Playdough – Make dark gray playdough and provide lightening bolt-shaped yellow pipe cleaners for preschoolers to make a thunderstorm. (Fun Learning For Kids)

Cardboard Rainsticks – Create these simple rainsticks for toddlers to listen to the sound of the rain. (Pink Stripey Socks)

Math and Sorting Activities

Counting Raindrops – Preschoolers will count blue pom-poms to place onto the numbered umbrellas. (School Time Snippets)

Cold vs Warm Clothes – Cut out pictures of various clothing items for preschoolers to sort into cold weather clothes and warm weather clothes. (Mrs Kelly’s Klass)

Weather Matching Activity – Cut out pairs of weather pictures for children to match together. (Powerful Mothering)

Matching Shapes Umbrellas – Use this free printable to match the shape cards to the umbrella with the matching shape. (Our Home Creations)

S unshine Counting Puzzles – Match the number side of the sun with the side of the sun that has the corresponding amount of dots. (Planning Playtime)

Dramatic Play Activities

Weather Station Dramatic Play – Provide pretend equipment such as thermometers, maps, and clipboards for tracking weather patterns. (Early Learning Ideas)

Winter Wonderland – Cover your dramatic play area in pretend snow with activities such as building a snowman. (Lovely Commotion)

Sunny Beach – Set up a sunny beach area with towels and chairs to discuss warm weather. (Pocket of Preschool)

preschool weather activities

More theme ideas:

Ocean Theme Activities

The Best Transportation Theme Ideas

Setting Up the Beach Theme

Weather Activity Plans

Looking for easy to follow weather activities for toddlers and preschoolers?

I helped create these packets that include hands-on activities that can be modified and adapted to meet the needs of all learners.

For more information, click on the graphics below:

toddler lesson plans weather


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Simple Weather Science Experiments for Kids

Categories Science Experiments

When spring showers arrive, it is the perfect time to harness kids’ natural curiosity about the weather with weather science experiments !

What makes thunder? Why does it rain? How are clouds formed? How do meteorologists determine if it’s going to be rainy or sunny?

These weather science experiments for kids will teach kids about weather, weather patterns, clouds, and more with these super-fun, hands-on weather activities!

Try these weather science experiments and learn all about weather science in a hands-on way that kids will love! Weather science for kids is so much fun!

These weather STEM activities are the perfect addition to any weather unit study!

What are Weather Experiments for Kids?

A weather experiment is simply a science experiment that teaches a concept about the weather. In most cases, these experiments are actual weather science demonstrations, as they demonstrate a wider scientific concept.

To be a true weather experiment, kids must solve a problem using a question, hypothesis, and by testing variables.

These are important and can be done with weather science themes, but often, teaching weather concepts through science demonstrations are also important!

Try these weather science experiments and learn all about weather science in a hands-on way that kids will love! Weather science for kids is so much fun!

So, go ahead and have fun with these weather experiments for kids!

You can find topics such as weather patterns, extreme weather, preparing for weather, and more!

Answer all these questions and more with weather experiments for kids!

And save these experiments in your box of science fair project ideas.

Try these fun weather science projects and learn more about how weather works! Who knows, you just might be teaching a future meteorologist!

If you’re in a rush, these are our favorite weather science kits.

Or, keep exploring the weather projects for kids outlined below! They are perfect for kids in elementary!

Extreme Weather Science Experiments

weather science experiments

Tornado in a Jar 

Make a tornado in a jar and learn about vortexes, weather patterns, circular air, extreme weather, and more!

Snow Storm in a Jar

Make your very own snow storm in a jar! Learn about the science of blizzards and how snow storms are formed.

Frost in a Jar

Learn how freezes happens with this exciting frost in a jar science experimnet!

Borax Crystal Snowflakes

Find out how snowflakes form and the science of crystals in this fun science experiment!

Instant Ice Science Experiment

Learn how to make ice in just 5 seconds and learn all about snap freezing.

Cloud Science Experiments

Puff Paint Cloud Types

Learn about the different types of clouds.

Raining Rainbow Cloud

Make a rainbow cloud that is sometimes called fireworks in a jar!

How Clouds Make Rain

Learn how clouds make rain!

Rain Science Experiments

weather science projects

Water Cycle in a Bag

Use a bag to learn about the water cycle.

Water Cycle Discovery Bottle

If you don’t have a bag, you can also create your own water cycle inside of a bottle!

spring stem challenges

Temperature Science Experiments

weather science projects

Hot and Cold Temperature Experiment

Learn how hot and cold temperatures won’t mix, which influences air pressure, wind, and weather.

How to Make Frost

Ever wonder how frost forms? Now you can learn how to make frost in a can and learn about condensation and how frost forms.

Make a Science Weather Station

Build a weather station and use it to track weather patterns near your school or house.

Make a Rain Gauge

How much rain has fallen? You won’t know unless you make a rain gauge.

Make a Barometer

Follow these instructions to make your own barometer.

Wind Science Experiments

weather science activities

How Fronts Work

Have you ever wondered how fronts work? Now you can show kids how they work in a way that every kid can understand.

Make Lightening

Did you know you can make your own lighting? Right inside your house? Kids will love this one.

Make a Hurricane in a Bowl

You’ve made a blizzard in a jar , now make a hurricane in a bowl!

Air Pressure Experiment

Determine how air pressure works, and what that means for weather.

Weather Science Experiments for Preschoolers

If you need weather science experiments for preschoolers, check out our list of weather science experiments for preschoolers that are specially designed for younger learners.

Weather Science Experiments for Kindergarten

Need some weather science that kindergarten kids can do? Check out this list of weather science experiments for kindergarten that won’t overwhelm new learners.

Weather Science Experiments for Elementary

There are so many fun weather science experiments! These weather science experiments for elementary are designed with elementary students in mind!

Share this project with a friend!

21 Simple Weather Experiments To Do With Children

weather experiments for toddlers

To young learners, science may not have the same obvious appeal as recess, free reading period or lunchtime. However, by studying the weather — a natural phenomenon children encounter every day — at home, you can pull sky-high scientific processes down to earth. Soon enough, there are convection currents in the living room, precipitation in the kitchen and the water cycle marked on the washroom window. Follow along with these simple and fun weather experiments you can do at home.

Tornado in a bottle

For this classic weather demonstration, you will need two plastic 1-liter bottles, a pitcher of water, a metal washer and duct tape. First, clear your bottles of any labels. Then, pour water from your pitcher to nearly the top of one of the two bottles. Next, place a metal washer onto the mouth of the bottle. For best results, choose a washer that fits snuggly. Grab the second bottle and tape the two together using duct tape, then flip them over. A tornado-like water vortex will retreat from the top bottle to the bottom. Add color with lamp oil, bubbles with dishwashing soap or mock debris with small styrofoam balls. Educate your child on tornadoes and other extreme spring weather phenomenons .

Weather-predicting pine cones

Best save this cold-weather science experiment for autumn. Trek to your backyard or nearby park to collect two freshly fallen pine cones. At home, place each pine cone into a jar. Fill just one jar with water. Note the time and observe how the two pinecones react to their respective environments, one dry and another submerged in water. Soon, the pine cone in water should tighten and close while the dry pine cone may exhibit seemingly no changes. The reason? Pine cones close in wet or humid weather to prevent the washing away of their seeds. In dry weather, the pinecones open so that their seeds may be picked up and carried by the wind. Hang a pinecone somewhere outdoors and watch it predict the weather .

Lightning in a pie pan ...

Lightning, weather's most photogenic feat , can, like rhubarb or cherry, be cooked up in an aluminum pie pan . First, gather the other necessary materials: a small piece of wool, a styrofoam plate, a pencil with a new eraser and a thumbtack. From underneath the pie pan, push the thumbtack through its center from the bottom. Next, push the eraser end of the pencil into the thumbtack. Place the styrofoam plate upside down on a table and rub underneath it with the wool for a few minutes. Quickly, using the pencil as a handle, pick up the aluminum pie pan and place it on top of the styrofoam plate. Prepare for a shock as you touch the pie pan with your hand. Now, turn off the lights and touch the pie pan again. See any sparks? That's static electricity. The negative charges from your fingers, like the clouds in the sky, are attracted to the positive charges in the ground.

… Or in your mouth

If without a pie pan or styrofoam plate, no worries, make a lightning bolt in your mouth. Grab some minty-flavored lifesavers before heading into a dark room and standing in front of a mirror. Wait a few minutes until your eyes adjust to the lights, keep your mouth open and then place the lifesaver in your mouth and break it with your teeth. Note: Be careful not to bite down too aggressively as to damage a tooth. Should the mint break into pieces, you should see bluish flashes of light. In this case, the sugars in the mint release little electrical charges that are attracted to the oppositely charged nitrogen in the air. The two meet and react in a tiny spark. For another food experiment, place a grape in a microwave and watch it explode .

Bending water

All you need for this water-bending trick is water, a comb and a piece of wool or nylon. Rub the comb against the fabric, then hold it near and parallel to a trickle of water from a faucet. The negatively charged comb will attract positively charged water, bending the water toward the comb.

Convection current thunderstorm in a plastic container

Gather a shoebox-sized clear, plastic container, ice cubes and red and blue food coloring. Freeze water dyed blue with food coloring until it turns to ice cubes. Fill the plastic container two-thirds with lukewarm water and let sit for a minute. Place one blue ice cube at one end of the plastic container and add three drops of red food coloring to the water at the other end. Soon, the cool blue water will sink as the warmer red water rises. Like the warm red water, bodies of warm air in the sky are forced to rise when approaching a cold front, causing a thunderstorm. While water falls during a thunderstorm, other crazy things have rained from the sky before too.

Portable cloud

Catch a falling cloud and put it in a mason jar. For this, you will need a rubber glove, matches, a rubber band and a gallon-sized jar. First, pour 100 ml of cold water into the jar. Swish the water around the jar's sides to ensure enough moisture to form a cloud. Then, put a rubber glove on one hand and light two matches. Wait a second for the still-lit matches to smoke, then drop them into the jar. Insert your gloved hand into the jar and cover the rim with the excess glove fabric or a rubber band. Pull your hand up and down in the jar. As you lift your hand, the volume in the jar increases while pressure and temperature decrease. This causes the water vapor to condense onto the smoke particles, forming a cloud.

Conduction junction

Conduction is the transfer of heat by the collision of molecules moving rapidly. To observe this at home, grab a paper cup, a lit candle and serving tongs. Fill two-thirds of the paper cup with water. Using the tongs to securely carry it, hold the cup about 2 inches above the candle's flame. Allow the water to steam, but notice the paper cup never catches fire. Here, the paper cup acts as a conductor, transferring the heat from the air to the water. When the earth's surface warms, heat is similarly transferred from the earth to the air right above it. 

Measure the sun with a pinhole viewer

To build a simple pinhole viewer, cut a 3/4-inch by 3/4-inch square from the center of a piece of cardboard. Cover the square with aluminum foil and tape, then puncture a small hole in its center using a pin or thumbtack. To measure the sun, head outside. Hold the pinhole viewer so the sunlight passes through the hole and falls onto a white sheet laid on the ground behind you and the viewer. Measure the diameter of the projected sun on the paper and distance from the pinhole to paper. Divide those two and multiply the answer by the earth's distance from the sun (93,000,000 miles), and there you have it, the diameter of the sun. Keep an eye toward the sky all year for must-watch astronomical events from supermoons to eclipses.

Make a rainbow

Demonstrations don't get much simpler than this. You have likely even found yourself conducting this experiment on accident on a warm and sunny day. Fill three-fourths of a glass with water and move all your supplies (the glass and a white sheet of paper), toward a sunny window. Place the paper on a nearby table or windowsill and hold the water glass above it. Watch as the sunlight passes through the glass, bends and forms a rainbow on the blank page. In the sky, rainbows form when sunlight refracts or bends just like it did when it passed through the water and onto your paper. Do not be fooled, there are more colors to a rainbow than the six or seven you can see with your eyes. That's just one weather myth to stop believing .

Homemade thermometer

While this simple thermometer won't measure the exact temperature, it will demonstrate temperature change. All you need is a plastic water bottle, modeling clay, a clear straw, food coloring and rubbing alcohol. Note that passing on plastic water bottles or straws entirely are two ways to be more sustainable , so be sure to recycle all plastic materials after completing the science experiment. Now, back to building your thermometer. Mix equal parts (2 1/2 fluid ounces each) cold water and rubbing alcohol then pour into a 20-fluid-ounce water bottle. Next, add a few drops of food coloring. Insert the straw into the bottle so it hovers a few inches above the bottom. Secure the straw in place with modeling clay and watch as water soon rises into the straw.  As you place the homemade thermometer in cold or warm water, water will rise and fall in the straw.

Water cycle in a bag

Zip-lock bags are for more than school lunches and work-day snack breaks. Using a permanent marker, allow kids to draw a sun, clouds and ocean waves onto a plastic snack bag. Fill the bag with just a fourth cup of water and add a few drops of blue food coloring. Seal the bag and hang it against a window using tape. Soon, the sun's heat will cause the water to evaporate, cool and then condense into small rain-like droplets. The same occurs in nature. The sun heats beautiful bodies of water , causing the vapor to rise and, when it reaches cooler air, condense to form clouds. Clouds full of water then release water in the form of precipitation. 

Water cycle in a jar

If jars are more your speed than bags, you can also demonstrate the complete water cycle in a jar. You will need a repurposed glass jar , a ceramic plate, four ice cubes and hot water. First, pour 2 inches of hot water into the jar. Then, cover the jar with the ceramic plate face up. Take a three-minute pause before putting the four ice cubes atop the plate. Like in the bag, the cold plate causes the moisture in the warm air inside the jar to condense into water droplets. To mix up the experiment, try testing different plate materials or water temperatures. Have children hypothesize which they believe will work best.

Paper plate wind vane

Energy in motion, like wind, is called kinetic energy. Changes in air pressure produce winds all around the world that can be measured using wind vanes. To build your own, gather two paper plates, a plastic straw, a pencil with a new eraser, a pin and modeling clay. First, cut parallel slits on each end of your plastic straw. Next, on sturdy paper, draw and cut out the shapes necessary to make an arrow; two triangular front-ends and two more two-pointed tails. Stick the shapes through the slits on each end of the straw. Gently press a pin through from above through the straw's horizontal center and into the pencil eraser, allowing enough room for the straw to spin. Next, flip a paper plate over and mark its center and the four cardinal directions. Use the pencil to poke a hole through the plate's center and into a mound of modeling clay placed on another paper plate below. Mold the clay around the pencil to secure it in place, then glue the two plates' rims together. Your wind vane is now ready to head outside for wind-measuring fun.

Crystal snowflakes

While residents of the snowiest of states may not be in the market for any more snow, others can experience the magic at home. All you need is a string, a wide-mouthed jar, white pipe cleaners, boiling water, borax and a pencil. Cut your pipe cleaners into three sections of the same size, then twist them at the center to form a six-sided star. Next, fill a jar with boiling water. For each cup of water added, add 3 tablespoons of borax. Stir well and then add a few drops of blue food coloring. Then, after tying your pipe-cleaner snowflake to a pen with string half the length of your jar, lower it into the solution, allowing the pen to rest on the mouth of the jar. Leave overnight and wake up to crystals all around your snowflake. 

Backyard sundial

Before even beginning this experiment, send kids on a hunt for a 2-foot-long stick. Once found, push the stick vertically straight into the grass, earth or sand below (this experiment makes for a safe and fun beach day activity.) Starting early in the morning, mark the place where the stick's shadow falls using a pebble or seashell. Come back every hour and mark the shadow's progress using more pebbles. Consider labeling each rock with chalk or a sticky note to tell what time you placed it down. Because Earth is constantly rotating and revolving around the sun, the stick's shadow changes place. By the end of the day, as the earth completes its rotation, you will have a complete, hourly marked sundial.

Colorful convection currents

This experiment requires a little sleight of hand, and consequently, a bit more adult help. You will need two wine-bottle-shaped containers, food coloring, water and a single playing card. Fill both bottles to the brim with water, one hot and one cold. Add yellow food coloring to the warm water and blue to the cold water. Now, prepare for potentially major spillage. Using the playing card as a stopper, turn the hot water bottle upside down and place it atop the bottle with cold water. Slide-out the card separating the two liquids and watch as the colors stay put in their original jars. Re-do the experiment, this time with the cold bottle placed on top of the hot bottle. Notice the colors mix and turn green. This is another case of convection as warm and cold air masses collide. During the first trial, the cold blue water stayed on the bottom and didn't mix with the yellow. Like during the winter, higher density cold air was trapped close to the earth with a warmer blanket of air sitting on top. Trapped between is a layer of stagnant, often polluted air known regionally as the brown cloud. To help stem pollution, improve your carbon footprint .

Ping pong pressure

Gather 'round your hairdryer, two pingpong balls, two straws and some model clay. Place each straw into a lump of clay so they stand upright. Next, mold more clay around the base of the pingpong balls and place each on top of a straw. Turn on the hairdryer and aim it directly at the few inches in between the two pingpong balls. The principle that draws the two pingpong balls together gains its name from Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician and physicist. Bernoulli observed that fast-moving air creates an area of low pressure. Therefore, the low-pressure area formed between the balls allows for them to be pushed toward each other by higher pressure outside them.

Puffy paint clouds

More arts and crafts than an experiment, this weather activity still has much your child can learn from. Using either store-bought or homemade puffy paint, have children paint the various sorts of clouds they see in the sky — stratus, cirrus, cumulus and cumulonimbus, etc. Teach them the names, shapes and tips for telling them apart during the day. Take the time to get into the science of common weather proverbs like "the higher the clouds the finer the weather."

Hurricane in a bowl

This doable demonstration requires no more than a large clear bowl, water, a spoon and drops of food coloring. Fill the bowl three-fourths of the way with water and stir. As the water begins to rotate, add a few drops of food coloring to the bowl's center. The coloring will spiral and spin in the shape of a hurricane before dispersing as the water rotation slows to a stop. Like a hurricane, the colors disperse in bands that circle around the system center. Unlike in this demonstration, a hurricane's spiral movement is not started by the stir of a spoon. Hurricanes form when warm, moist air over the ocean rises upward. Then new air moves in and warms and rises, creating a constant movement and storm spiral capable of turning to extreme natural disasters .

Snowstorm in a jar

For this final project, gather baby oil, white paint, blue food coloring, glitter, Alka-Seltzer and a mason jar. Fill the jar three-fourths of the way with baby oil then add glitter and food coloring. In a separate container, mix water and a few tablespoons white paint and add the mixture to the jar. Finally, drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet inside and watch as the snow falls. Though impressive for an at-home science experiment, this small flurry cannot compare to the most insane winter storms in U.S. history . 

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20 of the Best Weather Activities for Preschool Kids

Are you looking for some fun, hands-on weather activities for your preschool kids? I have lots of ideas to help you teach your kids about different types of weather. Let’s take a look at my favorite weather activities for preschool kids.

Perfect for your weather unit, I know you and your kids are going to have so much fun with these weather-themed activity ideas.

Weather activities for preschool - The title images shoes several rain gauges.

How to Teach Weather to Preschoolers

There are many exciting ways to teach kids about weather and weather changes. From dramatic play weather stations and books to craft projects and science experiments. Here are some fun preschool activities and ideas for all kinds of learners that you can add to your science center .

Weather Activities for Preschool – Rain Activities

Rain-themed Sensory Table – Add water, some strainers or colanders, and little plastic people or animals to your sensory table to simulate a rainy day. Kids make rain with the strainers, and they can also experiment with materials that will keep the animals dry. They will love this weather sensory play experience.

plastic animals in a sensory table with water and a strainer.  This is an example of weather activities for preschool.

Rain Gauges – Make rain gauges by adding some measuring strips to plastic containers. Use them for fun activities in your sensory toble.

a wind sock as an example of weather activities for preschool

Rain Cloud in a Jar – Create a rain cloud in a jar activity by placing a sponge on top of a glass jar and adding drops of water to the sponge cloud until a rain drop is formed.

Rain Cloud Craft – I love this fun fine motor rain activity by Gift of Curiosity .

Rain Making Station – Young children can explore clouds and rain in a sensory fashion with this rain making station by Teach Preschoo l featuring water and cotton balls.

Weather Activities for Preschool – Wind Activities

Wind Testing Center – Looking for some super simple hands-on experiments? Here is a great science activity to explore the fun topic of the wind. Test how different materials react to wind. This testing center is part of my weather station dramatic play area .

Tape some ribbon, streamers, yarn, and fabric strips to a small dowel rod. Young learners can hold the sticks in front of a wind machine (a fan)

study the wind in a weather station dramatic play area

Windsock Observation Area – Add a windsock or wind chimes outside a window so that your kids can make weather science observations on a daily basis.

Plastic Bag Kites – Kids can capture are with super simple and super cheap plastic bag kites by Play Teach and Repeat.

Pinwheels – Take pinwheels outside on a windy day to study wind direction and speed.

A pinwheel is shown in grass - an example of weather activities for preschool.

Winter Weather Activities

Measure the snow. Add some measuring strips to a sensory table filled with a snow-like material so that kids can measure the depth of the snow .

measure snow in the weather station dramatic play area for your preschoolers

Snow Sensory Table – A winter-themed sensory bin or table is my favorite, and kids always have a great time playing with it. You can make snow with fake snow, torn paper , cotton balls, white pom poms, baking soda, etc.

Winter sensory table with fake snow and toy polar bears - an example of weather activities for preschool

Dramatic Play Activities

Weather Station – Your kids will have a blast when you set up a weather station dramatic play center . This is a great way to introduce science in a playful way!

Your little meteorologist will enjoy predicting different types of weather and delivering a weather forecast to their followers.

how to set up a weather station dramatic play area complete with a weather computer

Weather Chart

This weather chart is part of the weather center dramatic play center se t. In addition to using it in the dramatic play area, you can use it at circle time as a daily weather activity.

record temperature in your weather station dramatic play center

Weather Theme Art and Craft Projects

Printable Craft Activities – You will find some cute weather-related crafts in these printable fine motor activities . This beautiful rainbow is a perfect spring craft for your kids that can help your kids learn all the colors of the rainbow. Plus, the activities were designed to help your kids build fine motor skills.

a printable rainbow craft with a hole punch, scissors, and a glue stick. This is an example of the benefits of crafts for preschoolers and a weather activity idea.

My favorite crafts are the rainbow craft and the sun craft. All the crafts have the option of printing as a one-page not-prep option, or you can print the pieces on colored paper or construction paper.

printable space theme crafts and fine motor activities

Paint with the Wind – Here’s a great process art activity that is so much fun. Kids can observe how air can move things as they create blow paintings with straws .

Are you looking for fun ways to introduce weather to preschoolers?  Check out his list of the best weather activities for preschool kids.  From weather music, books, arts & crafts, to weather stations and experiments, your kids will love these fun activity ideas.  Perfect for your preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and special ed classroom.  Help your kids learn about storms, snow, fall, rain, spring, summer, and wind.  Click to learn more.

Paint with Rain – Using spray bottles is an excellent hand strengthening activity. This spray bottle painting technique can be adapted to be used as a weather art activity.

Staple some bleeding tissue paper to the top of white piece of paper. Use a spray bottle to spray rain on the tissue paper to see what happens.

water and color dripping down the paper with a spray bottle painting activity for kids.

Rain Cloud Inkblots – This rain cloud inkblot activity by Teach Beside Me is a great process art activity to do with your kids after reading Little Cloud by Eric Carle.

Weather Books

Need a weather-related book suggestion? There are many fiction and non-fiction books that will enhance your study of weather concepts. Check out my post about weather books to find a list of the best books for preschoolers.

Are you looking for fun ways to introduce weather to preschoolers?  Check out his list of the best weather activities for preschool kids.  From weather music, books, arts & crafts, to weather stations and experiments, your kids will love these fun activity ideas.  Perfect for your preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and special ed classroom.  Help your kids learn about storms, snow, fall, rain, spring, summer, and wind.  Click to learn more.

Weather Movement Activities

Here are some fun weather-related activities. These songs with movements are a perfect addition to your weather lesson plans.

Weather Song by Patty Shukla

Singing in the Rain by The Learning Station

Drip Drop Rain by Dance’n Beats

Weather Song for Kids: The Sun Comes Up! by Dream Kids English

Snowman Freeze by The Learning Station

Additional Science Activities

I hope you found some fun preschool weather activities for preschool kids that you are going to try out.

Check out the blog post below for more science ideas and fun activities for your young students

Space Station Dramatic Play

make a space station dramatic play area

The Best Science Books for Preschool

science books for preschool

Physical Science Activities for Preschoolers

fun and easy physical science activity ideas for preschoolers

Water Experiments for Preschoolers

simple water experiments for preschoolers

Pumpkin Life Cycle Activities

pumpkin life cycle feature

Easy Science Activities for Your Preschoolers

easy preschool science activities for preschoolers

Science Fun

Science Fun

Weather Science Experiments

Easy weather science experiments you can do at home! Click on the experiment image or the view experiment link below for each experiment on this page to see the materials needed and procedure. Have fun trying these experiments at home or use them for SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT IDEAS.

weather experiments for toddlers

Does Land Heat Up Faster Than Water?

weather experiments for toddlers

Make A Wind Vane:

weather experiments for toddlers

DIY Barometer:

weather experiments for toddlers

Water In The Air:

weather experiments for toddlers

Make A Rain Gauge:

Create A Device To Measure Precipitation

weather experiments for toddlers

Cutting String With The Sun:

weather experiments for toddlers

The Greenhouse Effect:

weather experiments for toddlers

Rain In A Jar:

weather experiments for toddlers

Reverse Water Spout:

Explore This Bizarre Weather Phenomenon

weather experiments for toddlers

Winter At The Beach:

weather experiments for toddlers

Why Is Summer So Hot?:

weather experiments for toddlers

Make An Anemometer:

weather experiments for toddlers

Observing Air Pressure:

See The Power Of Air Pressure In This Experiment

weather experiments for toddlers

Why Do We Have Seasons?:

weather experiments for toddlers

Why Is Winter Colder Than Summer?:

weather experiments for toddlers

Understanding Air Pressure:

weather experiments for toddlers

Build A Barometer:

Make A Meteorological Instrument To Measure Air Pressure

weather experiments for toddlers

Cold Front:

weather experiments for toddlers

How Far Away Is Lightning?:

weather experiments for toddlers

Cloud In A Bottle:

weather experiments for toddlers

Bubbling Blizzard:

Make A Blizzard In A Bottle

weather experiments for toddlers

Homemade Cold Pack:

Playdough To Plato

Must-Try Weather Activities for Kids

These must-try  weather activities for kids are fun, hands-on ways to teach about temperatures, clouds, rain… even tornadoes!! Whether you’re in need of a quick kids’ science project or are looking for something more crafty, we’ve got you covered.

These ideas are the perfect compliment to our 30 Science Experiments for kids in our shop!

weather experiments for toddlers

Whip up a tornado in a jar!

weather experiments for toddlers

Count and clip rainy day must-haves.

Rainy day number clip cards. Fun for a weather or spring unit!

Discover where rain comes from with a simple prep Water Cycle in a Bag . {This one entertained my boys for DAYS!!}

weather experiments for toddlers

Learn about the ten different kinds of clouds and then make your own cloud in a jar.  // The Happy Housewife


Match numbered clouds to rain drops . // My Nearest and Dearest


In a crafty kinda’ mood?! Turn cotton balls into whispy, stormy or puffy  clouds . // Primary Punch


Make a weather station to keep track of rain, temperature and sunshine. // Mr. Printables


Introduce young kids to different types of weather by playing with some DIY weather sensory bottles . Genius! // Tw0daloo


Read some weather-themed children’s books . // Buggy and Buddy


Learn about wind by blowing a toy sailboat with your breath and shooting feathers through a straw. // Stir the Wonder


In need of a simple science experiment with a big wow factor? Create  lightning-like sparks. // Learn Play Imagine

Demonstrating Lightning (1)

Set out some pinecones and start making some weather predictions . // Science Sparks


Make some fluffy, powdery, COLD snow with just two ingredients. // Growing a Jeweled Rose

homemade snow recipe 1

And finally, find out how much water is really in snow by melting it . So easy and memorable!! // Simple Little Home


Continue the Fun

Learn so much more with our 30 Science Experiments in our shop!  It comes a no-prep science journal to keep track of their results – kids will beg to repeat them!

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Early Learning. Happy Teaching.

15 Fun Weather STEM Activities for Kids

February 11, 2020 by Selena Robinson Leave a Comment

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STEM activities for kids are super popular these days.

And with good reason! If you can incorporate several subjects into a hands-on activity, it’s always a hit with students.

With spring rapidly approaching, it’s a great time to learn about weather with kids. And these fun  weather STEM activities make this topic easy and fun!

These simple STEM experiments are perfect for small groups, weather units, science centers, after school, homeschooling, and more!

15 Fun Weather STEM Activities for Kids

If you’re feeling intimidated by teaching STEM, using a familiar science concept like weather is a great way to get started. 

Personally, once I started using STEM projects with students, I found that it wasn’t nearly as overwhelming as I thought it would be. 

And, with a fun concept like weather, it’s easy to get kids excited about these hands-on science projects!

Read on to see the full list of fun weather activities for kids. And for more ways to work with STEM, don’t miss our list of easy STEM activities for early grades !

These fun weather STEM activities for kids are excellent for simple spring science experiments! Simple enough for home or the classroom!

1. Coffee Can Condensation – Look! We’re Learning!

2. Hands-On Weather Graphing Activity – Rainy Day Mum

3. International Weather Tracking Activity – Mama Smiles

4. Wind Science Experiment – Teach Me Mommy

5. Build a Wind Turbine – Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

6. DIY Lightning Experiment – Learn Play Imagine

7. Rain Cloud Weather Experiment – Little Bins for Little Hands

8. Make a Tornado In a Bottle – Gift of Curiosity

15 Simple Weather STEM Activities for Kids

9. Snowstorm In a Jar Experiment – B-Inspired Mama

10. DIY Pudding Cup Anemometer – Parenting Chaos

11. Make a DIY Thermometer – Lemon Lime Adventures

12. DIY Hurricane Experiment – Inspiration Laboratories

13. Shadow Towers STEM Challenge – No Time for Flashcards

14. Kite Flying Wind Activity – KC Edventures

15. Solar Heat STEM Activity – STEAM Powered Family

Did you enjoy these Weather STEM activities for kids? Take a look at these other science learning ideas!

Ready to teach the kids about space? This printable solar system science unit study is perfect for exploring the members of our solar system!

Follow my It’s Science! Pinterest board for more ways to make learning science fun!

weather experiments for toddlers

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Taming Little Monsters

30 Fun and Easy Weather Art for Kids

Categories Arts and Crafts

Weather Art for Kids . 30 ways for toddlers and preschoolers can explore and learn about the clouds, sun, lightning and more. Get creative with some fun and simple kids art ideas.

Weather art for kids. 20 wheather themed arts and crafts ideas for toddlers and preschoolers. Add these to your list of weather activities for kids.

Disclosure: Adult supervision is required for all activities at all times.

Weather Art for Kids

1. rainbow lightning.

weather experiments for toddlers

Rainbow lightning process art is a fun fine motor activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Learn how to make the colors splinter to create lightning. I love watching this weather play idea work its magic right before my eyes.

2. Pasta Sun Art for Kids

This Pasta Sun Art for kids is an easy weather art activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Use it for weather or summer themed lessons.

This Pasta Sun Art for kids is an easy weather art activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Use it for weather or summer themed lessons.

3. 10 Rain Painting Art Activities for Kids

Rain painting activities for kids. 10 ways to paint with rain with your toddlers and preschoolers. The perfect rainy day activity.

Use those rainy days to create one of these 10 rain painting activities . Show your kids how water transforms their masterpieces with these kids art ideas.

4. Paper Plate Sun Craft

Paper plate sun craft for kids. An easy arts and crafts project for toddlers and preschoolers to try this Summer.

Get ready to have a blast with our paper plate sun craft for kids ! Younger children will have a great time exploring the world of fun weather crafts.

5. Paper Plate Rainbow Craft

Easy paper plate rainbow craft for kids. Perfect to use with toddlers and preschoolers for a Spring, weather or St. Patrick's Day unit.

Spark your child’s imagination with our paper plate rainbow craft ! With clouds made from cotton balls, this fun activity is guaranteed to bring lots of laughter and joy to little ones.

6. Black Glue Sun Art

Easy black glue sun art for kids. A fun summer or weather themed craft activity for preschool and kindergarten children.

Spark your child’s creativity with black glue sun art ! Make smiling suns during your next weather theme with this engaging craft activity.

7. Q-Tip Snowflake Art

Easy q-tip snowflake art for kids. Learn how to use cotton buds to make a snowflake art and craft activity this winter.

Unleash your child’s artistic talents with q-tip snowflake art ! This unique activity uses everyday objects to make weather art for kids.

8. Sun Q-Tip Painting 

Sun q-tip painting for kids. A fun arts and crafts activity for toddlers and preschoolers to do during a summer or weather themed unit.

Looking for a fun craft to do with young children? Try out sun painting using q-tips ! It’s a great way to enhance fine motor skills while having a blast.

For more ideas, take a look at these 36 Sun Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers .

9. Black Glue Rainbow Art

Black glue rainbow art - completed picture.

Engage your child’s creativity with black glue rainbow art ! With spring showers as inspiration, this easy craft lets them explore the colors of the rainbow in a fun way.

10. Paper Sun Art

Paper sun art for toddlers and preschoolers. Kids will love learning about sun safety this summer with this easy kids art idea.

Get ready for some sunny fun during your next weather unit! Your kids will love creating vibrant paper collage sun art while learning about weather. All you need is a yellow piece of paper and scissors.

11. Popsicle Stick Snowflake Craft

Popsicle stick snowflake craft for kids. An easy art and craft activity for Winter or Christmas. Easy enough for toddlers and preschoolers.

Unleash your child’s artistic side with popsicle stick snowflake art ! Kids of all ages will love exploring the different types of weather with these themed crafts.

12. Sun Smudge Art

Easy sun smudge art for kids. This is a great arts and crafts activity for children to make during a summer, weather or sun safety unit.

Looking for unique and exciting art projects for your little ones? Try sun smudge art – it’s a fun way to use oil pastels and create awesome weather crafts.

13. Fingerprint Snowflake Art for Kids

weather experiments for toddlers

Unleash your child’s artistic side with cute weather crafts, like this fingerprint snowflake art . It’s a fun idea to try with your toddlers and preschoolers.

14. Rain Stick Craft

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A kid-friendly rain stick craft that actually works! Your kids will love the realistic rain sounds made by these simple-to-make rain sticks.

Photo: Gift of Curiosity

15. Thunderstorm Art Project

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Incorporate this thunderstorm process art project into your collection of weather activities for kids! This stormy art activity is made using paints and construction paper and is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners. Such a fun way to explore color mixing.

Photo: Buggy and Buddy

16. Umbrella Paper Plate Craft

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What better craft to make on a super rainy day than an umbrella paper plate craft ? This one even has a whole bunch of little rain drops! As they need to be carefully stringed on the thread this makes this craft a great fine motor workout for your kids.

Photo: Easy Peasy and Fun

17. Handprint Rainbow Painting

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Get hands-on with paints and explore color mixing and blending with this fun weather art for kids. Toddlers and preschoolers will love making rainbows with their handprints .

Photo: Kids Craft Room

18. Rain Cloud Paper Craft with a Paper Plate Sun

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Spring is a time of rain and sun. We wanted to make a craft that captures that and this rain cloud paper craft with a paper plate sun pretty much sums it up. This fun to make craft will make a lovely display in your home or in your classroom.

19. Weather Mobile Craft for Kids

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Here’s a fun kids craft idea to add to your collection of weather play ideas– a homemade weather mobile craft using a small branch. Kids can illustrate different weather symbols and hang them in their mobile to see throughout the year.

20. Puffy Paint Clouds

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Puffy Paint Clouds art project for preschool . Simple and fun, but still educational ! This cloud painting activity is a great sensory experience for toddlers and preschoolers. You can use the shaving cream puffy paint like we did or simply use regular old white paint.

Photo: No Time for Flashcards

21. Thundercloud Craft for Kids

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This thundercloud craft for kids is so easy that toddlers and preschoolers can join in the fun with painting too! An easy weather art for kids for all year round.

Photo: Crafts on Sea

22. Salt Painted Snowflakes

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Make a beautiful salt painted snowflake picture using watercolors. This is a fun and easy process art activity for kids!

Photo: The Best Ideas for Kids

23. Sunshine Wand Craft

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This Sunshine Wand is such a bright and cheerful Summer craft for the kids and a great way to encourage movement and self expression.

24. Rain Art for Kids

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Need some simple weather activities for kids? Try this umbrella art with a free template .

25. Sticky Cloud Art for Kids

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Making cloud art for kids is simple when you let them work in the window. All you need is a sticky surface to make this simple weather art for kids.

Photo: Happily Ever Mom

26. Rain Cloud Finger Paint Art for Kids

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My kids absolutely loved this rain cloud finger paint art project we worked on recently! It is so much fun and not as messy as you might expect.

Photo: Simple Fun for Kids

27. Rain Cloud Gravity Painting for Kids

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When it rains gravity is pulling each raindrop towards the ground so we thought we would use gravity to help us make rain cloud art . This painting activity is so fun for the kids and a great way to add some extra learning about the water cycle and rain.

Photo: A Little Pinch of Perfect

28. Wind Painting Process Art for Kids

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Teach little kids about physics with this quick & easy Wind Painting for Kids Process Art Activity . Get creative with your preschoolers and kindergartners using things that you already have around the house.

Photo: The Keeper of the Memories

29. Wind and Rain Process Art

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Use paint and straws to make adorable raindrop arts and crafts for kids. Your children will enjoy the process, and their parents will enjoy the finished product!

Photo: Play To Learn Preschool

30. Tape Resist Snowflake Art for Kids

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Try this easy tape resist snowflake art for kids. Quick and simple for even the youngest artist! This snowflake painting idea is one of the most simple art ideas for kids.

Photo: Little Bins for Little Hands

Are you going to try making Weather Art for Kids? Don’t forget to pin the idea for later.

Collage of 20 weather arts and crafts for kids.

More Play Based Learning for Kids

25 Weather activities for kids. Weather themed play based learning ideas for toddlers and preschoolers. Including science, fine motor, sensory, free printables and arts and crafts ideas.

Weather Activities for Kids

Collage of different kids craft ideas.

Arts and Crafts for Kids

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weather experiments for toddlers

Exploring the Wonders of Weather: 41+ Fun Activities for Preschoolers

by Marissa Labuz | Aug 23, 2023

The world around us is a fascinating place, and one of the most dynamic and captivating aspects of it is the weather. For preschoolers, understanding and exploring the weather can be an exciting and educational experience.

Engaging in weather-related activities not only keeps them entertained but also fosters their curiosity, cognitive development, and connection to the natural world.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the realm of weather activities for preschoolers, answering some common questions and shedding light on the benefits of these activities.

What are Weather Activities for Preschoolers?

Weather activities for preschoolers are hands-on learning experiences that introduce young children to the concepts of weather, seasons, and atmospheric phenomena. These activities are designed to be interactive, engaging, and age-appropriate, allowing children to explore and understand different aspects of weather playfully.

Common Questions about Weather Activities for Preschoolers:

Why are weather activities important for preschoolers.

Weather activities help preschoolers develop a better understanding of their environment, enhance their observational skills, and encourage scientific thinking. These activities also stimulate their curiosity and lay the foundation for more advanced learning in the future.

What are some simple weather activities for preschoolers?

  • Cloud Watching: Lay on the grass and observe the clouds. Ask kids what shapes they see and encourage them to use their imagination.
  • Rain Gauge Experiment: Set up a rain gauge to measure rainfall. This introduces the concept of measurement and keeps kids engaged during rainy days.
  • Sunny Shadow Play: Trace shadows of different objects throughout the day to teach kids about the movement of the sun and its effects on shadows.

How do weather activities enhance learning?

Weather activities engage multiple senses and styles of learning, making concepts more tangible. Through hands-on experiences, children grasp concepts like temperature, wind, and precipitation more easily.

Can weather activities be incorporated into other subjects?

Absolutely! Weather connects to science, math, art, and language. Kids can learn counting by counting raindrops, practice drawing clouds and sunsets, and even create weather-related stories.

What’s the role of parents/educators in weather activities?

Parents and educators play a crucial role in guiding children’s exploration. They can encourage questions, facilitate discussions, and provide context to help children make sense of their observations.

Benefits of Weather Activities for Preschoolers:

Cognitive Development: Weather activities stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills as children try to understand and predict changes in the weather.

Observational Skills: Watching weather patterns encourages kids to pay attention to details, notice changes, and describe what they see.

Language Skills: Conversations about weather expand children’s vocabulary as they learn new words to describe different weather conditions.

Scientific Curiosity: Exploring weather sparks a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world, fostering a lifelong love for learning.

Weather Safety Awareness: Learning about different weather conditions helps children understand safety precautions, such as dressing appropriately for different seasons or taking cover during a storm.

Connection to Nature: Weather activities cultivate an appreciation for nature and the environment, teaching children to respect and care for their surroundings.

Teaching Littles’ Favorite Weather Activities for Preschoolers

Looking for the best of the best when it comes to weather activities for preschoolers? These are my favorites that I have found!

Weather Chart for Preschoolers

weather experiments for toddlers

Whether you are working on a weather preschool theme or you just want to introduce a printable weather chart for your kids, this free printable weather chart will be perfect.

Related Post: 20 Weather Printables for Preschoolers

Weather Pathway Game

weather experiments for toddlers

Pathway games are a great way to make counting and adding come to life! Use this Weather pathway game in your preschool weather unit to add a touch of math to your weather theme!

Montessori Temperature Activity

weather experiments for toddlers

When you are learning about the weather it is a perfect time to dive into teaching your preschooler about temperature. This Montessori setup is perfect for an engaging and hands-on unit.

Ivory Soap Clouds

weather experiments for toddlers


Have you ever tried these? It’s such a neat experiment. You put a bar of Ivory (must be Ivory brand) soap in the microwave for a minute and it expands into a big, fluffy, cloud-like shape.

You can add it to some water for a fun outdoor sensory activity!

Weather Sorting

weather experiments for toddlers

This sorting activity is the perfect lesson on how to change clothes according to the weather, while also working on sorting!

Hands-on Weather Activities for Preschoolers

Cloud in a jar.

weather experiments for toddlers

Create a cloud in a jar to help preschoolers understand how clouds form and how rain happens. Fill a clear jar with warm water and place a plate of ice on top of the jar.

As the warm air inside the jar cools down, it condenses into “clouds” on the plate. This visual demonstration illustrates the water cycle and introduces the concept of condensation.

Rainbow Hunt

weather experiments for toddlers

Engage preschoolers in a rainbow scavenger hunt. Place various colored objects around the play area or outdoor space, and challenge the children to find items representing each color of the rainbow. This activity reinforces color recognition and promotes active exploration.

Weather Wheel

weather experiments for toddlers

Craft a weather wheel with different weather conditions like sunny, rainy, cloudy, and windy. Attach a spinner to the center.

Each day, have the children spin the wheel and discuss the weather outside. This activity encourages observation, weather vocabulary, and fine motor skills.

Weather Dress-Up Relay

weather experiments for toddlers

Set up a relay race where children must dress up in appropriate clothing for different weather conditions. Prepare a pile of clothing items such as raincoats, sunglasses, scarves, and hats.

Call out a weather condition, and the first child in line must race to put on the correct clothing item before running back to the starting line.

Wind Experiment

weather experiments for toddlers

Teach preschoolers about wind direction and its effects by making wind vanes. Provide materials like straws, paper, and pins.

Help the children create a simple wind vane with a paper arrow on a pin.

Take them outdoors and have them hold their wind vanes, observing how the arrow changes direction based on the wind’s movement.

Language Weather Activities for Preschoolers

Weather word wall.

weather experiments for toddlers

Create a weather-themed word wall in your classroom. Display words like “sun,” “rain,” “cloud,” “wind,” and more.

Use colorful images alongside the words to help preschoolers associate the terms with their corresponding visuals. Encourage them to use these words in discussions and activities.

Weather Journaling

weather experiments for toddlers

Provide preschoolers with simple journals or notebooks where they can draw pictures and dictate short sentences about the weather each day.

For example, they can describe whether it’s sunny, cloudy, rainy, or windy outside. This activity promotes vocabulary development and early writing skills.

Weather Alphabet Matching

weather experiments for toddlers

Prepare weather-themed alphabet cards with uppercase letters on one card and corresponding lowercase letters on another. Scatter these cards around the room.

Encourage children to find matching pairs and say the letter sounds aloud as they make matches. This activity reinforces letter recognition and phonemic awareness.

Weather Sight Word Book

weather experiments for toddlers

This 8-page Weather-Themed Mini Sight Word Book helps students learn common sight words and color words through repetition and reading.

Weather Rhyming Game

weather experiments for toddlers

Create a rhyming game with weather-related words. Place weather word cards (e.g., “rain,” “cloud,” “snow”) face down on the table. Have children take turns flipping over two cards to see if they rhyme.

For example, if they flip over “rain” and “train,” they’ve found a rhyme. This activity enhances phonological awareness and rhyming skills.

Don’t Forget the Weather Story Time!

Select age-appropriate picture books that center around weather-related themes. Read these books aloud to the children and engage them in discussions afterward.

Ask open-ended questions to encourage critical thinking and comprehension, such as “How did the characters feel when it started raining?” or “What do you think the sun does for the Earth?”

Here are some of my Favorite Weather Theme Picture Books:

Singing in the Rain

weather experiments for toddlers

The Wonder of Thunder

weather experiments for toddlers

Tap Tap Boom Boom

weather experiments for toddlers

Worm Weather

weather experiments for toddlers

All About Weather

weather experiments for toddlers

Stem Weather Activities for Preschoolers

Rain gauge creation.

weather experiments for toddlers

Help preschoolers construct their own rain gauge using a clear plastic bottle with measurements marked on the side. Place the gauge outside in an open area.

Encourage children to check the gauge after a rainy day and discuss how much rain has collected. This activity introduces basic measurement concepts and the idea of tracking weather data.

Wind-Powered Pinwheels

weather experiments for toddlers

Guide preschoolers in making pinwheels from paper and straws. Take them outdoors on a windy day and have them hold their pinwheels up to the wind.

Discuss how the wind makes the pinwheels spin. This activity demonstrates wind as a form of energy and encourages observation and experimentation.

Sunlight and Shadows Exploration

weather experiments for toddlers

Set up a simple experiment involving objects and sunlight. Place various objects on a sunny windowsill and have preschoolers observe the shadows they cast at different times of the day.

Discuss how the position of the sun affects the length and direction of shadows. This activity introduces concepts of light and shadows.

weather experiments for toddlers

Teach preschoolers about different types of clouds (cumulus, stratus, cirrus) through a hands-on art project. Provide cotton balls, glue, and blue construction paper.

Have them create their own cloud formations on the paper and discuss the characteristics of each type of cloud. This activity encourages creativity and recognition of cloud patterns.

Weather Sensory Bottles

weather experiments for toddlers

Create weather-themed sensory bottles with different materials to represent weather conditions.

For instance, make a rain bottle with blue water and glitter, a cloud bottle with cotton balls, and a windy bottle with small beads that move when shaken.

Children can interact with the bottles and learn about different weather phenomena through sensory exploration.

Online Books & Songs for Preschool Weather Activities

Weather – from kids academy.

Learn all about the weather in this fun video from Kids Academy!

Kinds of Weather

Learn about different kinds of weather and activities you can do during sunny, cloudy, rainy, and windy days!

How’s the Weather?

It’s a Super Simple weather song! How’s the weather where you are? Sunny? Rainy? Cloudy? Snowy? How’s the weather today?

This is a great way to start your day during any weather theme!

Circle Time Weather Song

Your students will learn snowy, windy, and rainy vocabulary with this engaging sing along song!

What will the Weather Be Like Today?

This book would be great to use in the classroom to learn about the weather, the seasons, or the climate in different regions. It has a rhyming text that goes through various types of weather asking questions such as “Will it be windy?” “Will there be snow?”

Extra Fun Preschool Weather Activities

Indoor cloud popping.

Create a “cloud” using a white sheet or pillowcase, and have preschoolers toss lightweight, soft objects (like cotton balls or foam balls) into the air, trying to make them land on the “cloud.”

Pretend that the cloud is a bubble that pops when something touches it, adding an element of whimsy to this indoor “cloud” activity.

Rain Dance Party

Play upbeat music and have a rain dance party indoors or outdoors. Encourage preschoolers to dance, jump, and twirl while pretending to dodge raindrops.

You can also use spray bottles with water to lightly mist the air and add to the rainy atmosphere. It’s a fun and imaginative way to celebrate rain!

Sunny Puppet Show

Provide preschoolers with sun-shaped cutouts or puppets. Help them create a short puppet show where the sun interacts with other weather characters like clouds, raindrops, and wind.

Encourage them to come up with silly dialogue and playful interactions for a lighthearted performance.

Windy Bubble Play

On a windy day, set up a bubble station outdoors. Instead of blowing bubbles, let the wind do the work!

Provide children with bubble wands and encourage them to hold them up and watch as the wind carries the bubbles away. This activity combines bubbles and wind for a delightful playtime experience.

Umbrella Parachute Fun

Use child-sized umbrellas or large scarves as parachutes.

Have preschoolers hold onto the edges of the umbrella while you toss lightweight objects (such as foam balls or fabric scraps) onto the umbrella.

Watch as the objects bounce and “float” like parachutes when the umbrella is moved up and down.

Amazon Ready Weather Activities for Preschoolers

At times, an ordinary preschool theme can transform into something extraordinary with the inclusion of unique materials tailored to that particular theme. Here are a few weather-related playthings and activity sets that I personally enjoy incorporating while working with preschoolers.

Ready to Learn Giant Stampers

weather experiments for toddlers

Learn about the weather, craft scenes, and create decorations with Giant Stampers! This set includes clouds, lighting, raindrops, snowflakes, sun, and wind. Each stamp features rounded,  easy-to-grip handles  and  directional arrows  for perfect stamp placement. 

Dress Me Weather Bear

weather experiments for toddlers

Everyone loves Weather Bear! Your child or students can dress him for the weather each day and learn about the weather in the process!

KidzLabs Tornado Maker

weather experiments for toddlers

Enjoy hours of fun and learning with the 4M KidzLabs Tornado Maker Science Kit. Recycle an empty bottle to construct this battery-operated Tornado Maker. 

Seasons & Weather Pattern Blocks

weather experiments for toddlers

Pattern blocks are always so fun! Let your preschooler learn about the weather in a fun and engaging way with these pattern blocks!

Meteorology Activity Book

weather experiments for toddlers

Here is a full-color activity book that teaches youngsters the science of Meteorology.

Weather activities for preschoolers are a great way to introduce young minds to the marvels of the weather. Through these activities, children can enhance their cognitive, observational, and language skills while nurturing a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world they inhabit.

So, the next time the sun shines, the rain falls, or the wind blows, seize the opportunity to engage in a weather-themed adventure with your preschooler—they’ll be learning, growing, and having fun all at once!

weather experiments for toddlers

Looking for more?

weather experiments for toddlers

If you want to dive deeper with your preschool and pre-k students, check out my  Weather Themed No-Prep Learning Packet  available in my Teaching Littles Shop.

This weather learning packet includes 33 pages focused on toddler and preschool learning concepts with a weather theme. It introduces the basic concepts that young children need to understand in preparation for preschool and kindergarten.

This packet is great for 2.5-6 year olds who are just beginning to learn these new concepts and can make scribbles, circles, and lines on paper.

The skills practiced in these printables include:

  • Same and Different
  • Finishing a Picture
  • More and Less
  • Bigger and Smaller
  • First Sounds

Check it out in my Teaching Littles Shop Here!

weather experiments for toddlers


By: Author Agnes Hsu

Posted on Last updated: January 25, 2019

Categories Create , Latest , Learn

weather experiments for toddlers

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Scroll all the way down to watch the video below for the step-by-step video in how to set up these 3 captivating Weather in a Jar Science Experiments For Kids. Make sure to subscribe to our  YouTube channel  for more fun videos!

weather experiments for toddlers

If your kids like science experiments they will love these fun Weather In a Jar Science Experiments! 

Get the kids excited about learning different weather patterns with these fun and easy Weather In a Jar Science Experiments.

Each one is easy to set up with minimal materials. Best part is that kids can do it themselves! 

Watch my 7 year old son show you step-by-step how to create a  Raincloud, Snowstorm, and Tornado  in the fun video included down below. 

My son is really into science experiments lately and has been showcasing a number of easy classic science experiments kids can do right at home! You can also do these as classroom school science projects! 

In case you missed it, check out his Giant Skittles Rainbow Experiment , Bubble Science , and Elephant Toothpaste Experiment .

All these posts include step-by-step video instructions for you and your kids to watch alongside with you.

These classic science experiments are a great conversation starter on the science behind what happens and cause and effect. You can also form hypotheses and test them out!

weather experiments for toddlers

Let’s get straight to our weather in a jar experiments. 

The first one is a Snowstorm In a Jar. This is so simple and visually mesmerizing. All you need for this are:


  • White paint
  • Glitter (optional, just pretty to watch swirl around)
  • Alka-Seltzer tablets


Step 1. Add your baby oil to the jar about 3/4 full.

Step 2. Mix white paint with a bit of water. To be honest we didn’t exactly measure this, it was a few squirts of white pain with about 1/4 – 1/2 cups of water. The exact measurements don’t matter much here as you just want to have a thin water/paint mixture. This is a great time to test out a hypothesis – what happens if you add equal parts paint/water or more paint to water ratio?

Step 3. Add your white paint to the baby oil. 

Step 4. Add glitter for some fun visual effects (optional).

Step 5. Drop your Alka-Seltzer tablet one at a time in the jar. Watch as the white paint/water mixture bubbles up from the effervescent effects of the Alka-Seltzer.

weather experiments for toddlers

What’s the science behind the snowstorm in a jar?

As water doesn’t mix with oil, you can see the droplets of white paint that bubble up as “snow” appear. This science experiment is very similar to how we constructed our Glitter Lava Lamps !

The second science experiment is a Rain Cloud In a Jar. This one is is also visually appealing and smells good too!  All you need for this is are:


  • Shaving cream
  • A jar (we recommend a wide mouth shallow one as shown) 
  • Blue liquid watercolors (you can also use water with food coloring just as easily! You can also experiment with different colors and create a rainbow cloud and rain! How pretty would that be?)

Step 1. Add water to your jar leaving room at the top for shaving cream.

Step 2. Squirt a few big blobs of shaving cream to fill the top of the jar. 

Step 3. Add your liquid watercolor in a bowl and suck up a bit  with a pipette. Drop the liquid into the shaving cream. 

Step 4. Watch and observe the “rain” or liquid watercolor seep down the shaving cream cloud. 

What’s the science behind the rain cloud?

As your drop your liquid watercolors down the shaving cream raincloud it saturates the cloud, making it heavy, and rain starts falling down. Just like in a real raincloud! Pretty cool to see the visual effects!

weather experiments for toddlers

The third experiment is a tornado in a jar . This one was the simplest to set up. All you need are: 


  • Glitter (optional)

Step 1. Pour water into your jar almost to the top.

Step 2. Add a small drop of dish soap. Not too much or else there will be too many bubbles and it will be hard to see the tornado.

Step 3. Add some glitter (optional but cool to see it swirl). 

Step 4. Cap your jar and make sure it’s tight! 

Step 4. Shake your jar vigorously. First we shook it up and down, then side to side. Set the jar down and watch closely for the tornado forming in the jar!

Although the tornado was the easiest to set up it was the hardest one to see a big visual effect, we had to shake the jar several times and look hard to see the tornado. The more you shake the more bubbles settle at the top, and the water does seem to cloud up!

So this is one we will have to try again. We did make sure to use a rounded jar to see the tornado fully, but maybe our jar was still not round enough! 

What’s the science behind the tornado in a jar?

Swirling or spinning what’s in the jar (glitter and dish soap) creates a vortex like a tornado and centripetal force ensues which pulls all the elements inwards towards the center of the jar. 

weather experiments for toddlers

Check out the video below to see my son explain how to set up these 3 Weather in a Jar Science Experiment For Kids. 

Check out more science experiments for kids. .



Rain cloud in a jar.

  • A jar (we recommend a wide mouth shallow one as shown)



Step 2 . Squirt a few big blobs of shaving cream to fill the top of the jar. 

Step 3. Add your liquid watercolor in a bowl and suck up a bit with a pipette. Drop the liquid into the shaving cream. 

Step 5. Shake your jar vigorously. First we shook it up and down, then side to side. Set the jar down and watch closely for the tornado forming in the jar!

More Fun Science Experiment

Classic elephant tootphaste.

weather experiments for toddlers

Bubble Science Experiment 

weather experiments for toddlers

Giant Magic Milk Experiment 

weather experiments for toddlers

Giant Rainbow Skittles Candy Experiment 

weather experiments for toddlers

Disclosure:  Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive a small affiliate commission. Regardless, we give our promise that we only recommend products or services we would use personally and believe will add values to our readers.

weather experiments for toddlers

Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.

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Lil Tigers

75+ Best Weather Crafts and Activities for Kids

By: Author Susanne Williams

Posted on Published: August 12, 2022  - Last updated: January 2, 2024

Here are 75+ Best Weather Crafts and Activities kids will like.

Our list includes free printable weather charts and craft templates, weather science experiments, weather sensory activities, and many other weather ideas for kids of all ages.

Let’s dive right in and get inspired.

easy weather crafts for kids

Table of Contents

15 freaky weather facts for kids, weather books for kids, why is it important to teach your children about the weather, easy weather crafts and activities for kids, pin these easy weather crafts.

Before we start with our weather craft for kindergarten and preschool let’s check out some weather facts for your kids or students first.

Learning about the weather doesn’t need to be boring.

You can make it for example more interesting by fascinating your children with one of those freaky weather facts.

  • You can tell the temperature by counting a cricket’s chirps!
  • Sandstorms can swallow up entire cities.
  • Dirt mixed with wind can make black blizzards (dust storms).
  • Raindrops can be the size of a housefly and fall at more than 30km/h.
  • There are about 2,000 thunderstorms on Earth every minute.
  • A mudslide can carry rocks, trees, vehicles, and even entire buildings!
  • Mild autumn weather often means bigger spiders in homes.
  • Did you know, that heatwaves can make train tracks bend?
  • Wildfires sometimes create tornadoes made of fire (fire whirls).
  • Lightning often follows a volcanic eruption.
  • Hurricanes can push more than 6m of water to shore.
  • Worms come up from underground when it floods.
  • A thunderstorm can produce up to 160km/h winds!
  • Cape Farewell in Greenland is the windiest place on earth.
  • The coldest temperature ever officially recorded was -89.2°C.

These and more freaky weather facts can be found here .

So now that we learned more about the weather, let’s have a look at some great weather books next.

All About Weather

A First Weather Book for Kids.

  • National Geographic Kids Everything Weather: Facts, Photos, and Fun that Will Blow You Away
  • “WOW! Weather!”

Perfect 1st weather book for toddlers, preschool, and/or kindergarten!

  • National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Weather

Little Kids First Big Book of Weather

You might wonder why to bother with teaching your children about the weather.

Learning about the weather brings many different benefits for your children.

By simply watching the weather and talking about it kids will develop observation skills, learn new vocabulary, and get to know different weather conditions.

That will help them to prepare for the weather outside and dress accordingly.

It also gives them a chance to learn about our climate and mother earth.

After learning so many new facts about the weather, let’s get started with our weather craft activities next.

The following weather crafts include everything from free printable weather templates to crafting with paper plates, weather art projects, and more.

Are you interested in more kid’s activities, arts & crafts, and science experiments? I have made it easy for you! Join our newsletter now and I will send you new fun for kids. Subscribe for free

Fun Weather Crafts

Here is our list of weather crafts.

You will find everything from free printable weather craft templates, weather art projects, Kindergarten weather crafts, crafts for elementary students, and preschoolers.

You will learn to craft with paper plates, drinking straws, finger color, and all kinds of craft materials.

First, you will find several featured craft weather activities with pictures and a short introduction.

Followed by a list of more fun weather projects you can do at home or add to your school schedule.

Happy Crafting!

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Cloud Templates for Weather Crafting

Let's start with our series of weather template printables. These easy cloud outlines come in three different sizes and are super easy to cut.

Therefore they are perfect to add to your weather preschool craft activities.

weather experiments for toddlers

Bubble Wrap Crafts for Weather

But besides crafting with weather templates, let's try this fun bubble wrap rain cloud.

Maybe even use it as a mobile. It is the perfect weather craft for elementary students. Enjoy!

weather experiments for toddlers

Popsicle Stick Weather Craft for Kindergarten

We love to craft with popsicle sticks. This fun project makes the perfect weather craft for kindergarten or preschool.

they can be used to create a puppet show or to add it to your story time.

weather experiments for toddlers

Egg Carton Rainbow Weather Craft for Kids

Did you consider using egg cartons to craft yet?

It is super easy as this rainbow tutorial will show you.

Besides using the chance to include it in your weather studies, it can be used to teach your children the concept of upcycling or recycling.

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Umbrella Weather Printable.

Next, you can find our free printable umbrella templates here.

Easily add them to your cloud template above. Make your cloud rain and your students color these fun umbrella templates in multiple colors.

weather experiments for toddlers

Learn How to Make 6 Adorable Kawaii Weather Story Stones

Do you like to tell stories? Then these Kawaii Weather Rocks are a perfect addition to your storytime.

Learn everything you need to know on how to paint rocks here.

weather experiments for toddlers

Preschool Weather Indicator Paper Plate Craft

Every day in preschool my children talk about the calendar.

They point out wich day we have, what day of the week it is, and in which month we are.

Afterwards they talk about the current weather. Make this fun weather indicator for your students and let them point out the weather outside daily!

weather experiments for toddlers

Summer Sun Paper Plate Craft for Weather Projects

Let's bring some sunshine with this fun sun paper plate craft to you!

Brighten up your students day and try this easy weather craft next.

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Sun Weather Templates

After rain comes the sunshine and so do our simple sun templates.

These are a little bit more challenging to cut out but they are fun nevertheless!

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Moon Templates for Weather Activities

What is the sun without the moon? Therefore here is an easy moon printable to add to your sun project above!

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Rainbow Templates for Weather Crafts

When the sun hits the rain rainbows will appear and when you are lucky you can find the gold pot at the end of the rainbow!

Use our rainbow templates and teach your children the colors of the rainbow, tell them fables, and have fun.

weather experiments for toddlers

Water Cycle DIY Weather Craft

Did you study the water cycle yet?

No? Then this water cycle template is ideal for you.

Your students can craft away while understanding the cycle of water and our climate better.

weather experiments for toddlers

Colorful Rainbow Paper Plate Weather Craft for Preschoolers

If you are teaching about rainbows this rainbow craft is perfect for you.

In our weather activity sections below you can also find some great rainbow experiments to add to your curriculum.

Go check them out next.

More DIY Weather Crafts for Kids

  • Umbrella Craft
  • Raindrop Suncatchers
  • Paper Snowflakes
  • Cloud Necklace
  • Cotton Pads Raincloud
  • Rainbow Weaving
  • Newspaper Cloud
  • Toilet Paper Raincloud
  • Paper Plate Sun Cloud Craft
  • Cupcake Liner Umbrella
  • Felting Rainbow
  • Weather Writing Prompts
  • Cotton Balls Clouds
  • Rain Stick Craft
  • Umbrella Paper Plate Craft
  • Handprint Rainbow Weather Painting
  • Puffy Paint Cloud
  • Snowflake Salt Painting
  • Wind Painting
  • Tape Resistant Snowflake Art
  • Sunshine Wand
  • Sticky Cloud Weather Art
  • Weather Pinwheel
  • 3D Paper Weather Craft for Kindergarten
  • Weather Mobile
  • Popsicle Stick Weather Puppets
  • Weather Art Project
  • DIY Weather Cards
  • Cloud Crown
  • Weather Finger Puppets
  • Pasta Sun Art

Did you enjoy our weather activities and weather art projects? Then the following posts might inspire you as well. Try our Earth Craft Templates , Earth Day Quotes , Tips on How to Engage Children in Nature , or Nature Benefits next.

Weather Activities

Check out all these fun weather activities including weather sensory bins and bottles, weather experiments, weather charts, and many more.

Get inspired to teach your children about our climate.

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Weather Chart for Kids

Let's start our weather activity ideas with this fun printable weather chart.

Use it for your classroom or at home and talk with your children daily about the weather, the seasons, or how to dress according to the weather.

weather experiments for toddlers

Rain Cloud In a Jar

The following weather project is a fun hands-on weather science activity.

Find out in the article below how to make your own rain cloud and learn everything about it!

weather experiments for toddlers

How to Grow a Rainbow

Did you know you can grow your own rainbow?

You actually can and it is pretty simple. All you need is some paper towels and markers.

weather experiments for toddlers

How to Make Borax Crystal Snowflake Ornaments

Learn how to make your own crystal snowflakes in the post.

It makes an excellent winter science experiment you can easily make at home.

Go check it out next.

weather experiments for toddlers

Free Printable Snowflake Coloring Pages and Templates

While you are waiting for your snowflakes to crystalize use the time and color some snowflakes with these adorable snowflake coloring pages.

weather experiments for toddlers

Weather Activities for Kids: Thunderstorm Art Project

If you prefer a weather art project, go check out this thunderstorm art idea.

Use the chance to teach them about weather clouds and make your own.

weather experiments for toddlers

Learning the Different Types of Clouds

Talking about the storm clouds above, this post shows you how your children can make their own clouds while learning the different types of clouds at the same time.

weather experiments for toddlers

Weather Worksheets and Flashcards in Spanish for Preschoolers

These printable worksheets and flashcards will help your preschooler to learn their Spanish names and meanings.

Get them here for free!

weather experiments for toddlers

How to Make Rainbow Lightning – Process Art for Kids

Rainbow lightning is such a fun weather idea for all process art lovers.

weather experiments for toddlers

Snowstorm in a Jar

Did you ever make your own snowstorm?

Here you can learn how to make your own in a jar.

Your kids will be amazed!

weather experiments for toddlers

Silver Snow Sensory Bottles

And if that weren't enough snow activities for you, try this fun snow sensory bottle.

Especially during the holidays, it will help entertain and calm your kids down.

More Weather Activities

  • Weather Cards
  • Snow Volcano Experiment
  • Snowstorm in a Bag
  • Air Pressure Science Experiment
  • Weather Vane
  • Weather Monitoring
  • Tips on How to Learn the Weather Report
  • DIY Raincatcher
  • Raindrop Sensory Bin
  • Self Learning Weather Activities
  • Rainbow Sensory Tray
  • Weather Activity Center
  • Make a Sundial
  • Cloud Sensory Bin
  • Weather Snack Ideas
  • DIY Thermometer
  • Anemometer Project
  • Pine Cone Weather Station

For visual learners, go check out the following video and see how these 5 weather science experiments work.

Now I would like to hear from you! How did you like these crafts for weather? Which art and craft weather project did you like best? Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now. I love to hear from you!

Don’t forget to save these 75+ Preschool Weather Crafts on Pinterest for later! Be sure you are following along with Lil Tigers.

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Weather Activities for Toddlers

A collage of Weather Activities for Toddlers

Get your child excited to learn about the weather around us. With this list of fun Weather Activities for Toddlers , the weather can become a fun learning experience for your little ones.

If you enjoyed these weather ideas, check out more Fun Weather Activities for Kids !

There are plenty of weather activities that you can do with your toddlers, whether it’s raining, sunny, or somewhere in between.

From making rain clouds in a jar to creating your own windsock, these activities not only provide entertainment but also offer a great opportunity for your little ones to learn about the weather.

A collage of Weather Activities for Toddlers

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Benefits of Weather Activities for Toddlers

These activities allow children to discover the natural world, explore science concepts, and develop important skills such as observation, prediction, and problem-solving.

By engaging in activities like making sensory bottles filled with rain or snow, tracking the daily weather, or creating indoor tornadoes, toddlers can build a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world outside.

These experiences also provide a wonderful opportunity for parent-child bonding and encourage a lifelong love of learning.

So why not embrace the weather and enjoy all the benefits that it has to offer? When it comes to toddlers and the weather, the sky’s the limit!

Recommended Weather Books

These beautifully illustrated books introduce your kids to the sun, rain, snow, wind, and everything in between. They’re perfect for sparking curiosity about the world around us while building early literacy skills.

When The Sky Roars

Recommended Educational Weather Toys

If you’re looking for a fun and educational way to teach your child about the weather, these toys are perfect! Get one of these hands-on and engaging activity kits for your kids and see for yourself that they will love it!


This post brings you fun-filled, educational activities that introduce your toddlers to the wonders of the weather. Join us on this meteorological adventure!

weather experiments for toddlers

Rain Cloud Finger Paint Art for Kids

Engage your kids' artistic talents with this Rain Cloud Finger Paint Art!

weather experiments for toddlers

Black and white make gray for a cloudy day in preschool

This is a great activity for the kids to learn about mixing colors and creating their own clouds!

weather experiments for toddlers

Seasons and Weather Sensory Bottles

This activity offers a creative and engaging way for your little ones to explore seasons and weather patterns.

weather experiments for toddlers

Rain cloud craft

Allow your children to create their very own rain clouds at home with just the use of simple materials!

weather experiments for toddlers

STEAM Challenge: Little Cloud & Rainbow Blow Painting

This activity is an engaging way for your toddlers to understand weather phenomena and the magic of rainbows.

weather experiments for toddlers

Weather Sensory Activity

This activity is sure to engage the kids' senses as they learn about rain. You can add your own twist to it to make it a lot more fun!

weather experiments for toddlers

Fine Motor Sun Craft for Toddlers

This craft allows your little ones to create their very own sun while developing their fine motor skills.

weather experiments for toddlers

How to Make Snow Dough (Taste Safe)

This guide offers a fun and safe way for your little ones to experience the texture of snow, right in the comfort of your own home!

weather experiments for toddlers

Squishy Snowman Sensory Bag

This activity offers your children a chance to build a squishy snowman without getting chilly. It's a wonderful sensory play option that's not only fun but also fosters creativity and fine motor skills.

weather experiments for toddlers

Quick ‘n Easy Paper Pinwheel Craft with Printable Template

Make these Easy Paper Pinwheel Craft for your kids to enjoy during a windy day!

weather experiments for toddlers

wind chime--kid craft

This DIY project invites you and your kids to create a beautiful wind chime that not only adds charm to your outdoor space but also introduces your children to the sweet sounds of nature specially during a windy day.

weather experiments for toddlers


This activity is a great way to introduce kids to clouds and while also developing their fine motor skills.

weather experiments for toddlers

Fun Express Weather Wheel

Using this wheel, children can actively participate in tracking daily weather changes, fostering their curiosity and understanding of the world around them.

weather experiments for toddlers

Kohagoki Montessori Busy Board for Toddlers

This board is a great way for your kids to understand and appreciate the weather from an early age, and who knows, maybe it'll spark an interest in meteorology!

weather experiments for toddlers

Wooden Puzzles Shape Sorter Weather Concepts and Color Recognition

With colorful, wooden pieces that are easy for little hands to handle, your kids can match each piece to its appropriate weather symbol.

These hands-on experiments and engaging activities offer a fun and engaging way to introduce your little ones to the wonders of the weather. Keep sparking their curiosity, and who knows? You might be nurturing a future meteorologist.

Until next time, keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep having fun!

More Weather Activities

Water Cycle Activities for Preschoolers

Weather STEM Activities

Water Cycle Bag Experiment

Types of Clouds Activity with Cotton Balls

Weather Popsicle Stick Craft  on Homeschool Preschool

Natural Disasters Activity Sheets on 3 Boys and a Dog

Simple Weather Science Experiments for Kids  on STEAMsational

I share educational printables and activities to help homeschoolers make learning science fun and engaging!

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Weather, Climate And Weather Instruments Activities and Worksheets

Weather, Climate And Weather Instruments Activities and Worksheets

Subject: Biology

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

EazyScience Resource  Shop

Last updated

3 September 2024

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weather experiments for toddlers

Are you looking for an engaging resource to teach weather, weather instruments, and weather instruments? This resource got you covered. It contains diverse active learning style activities and will offer your students the opportunity to:

Match weather instruments to their names and functions

Label statements as either describing weather or climate

Complete word search activity about weather elements

Complete to crossword activity about extreme weather events

Read stories about extreme weather events and complete post-reading questions

Collaborate to solve a STEM Challenge about extreme weather

***Please see the preview to check sample sheets and answer keys ***

I have included a detailed description, alternative activities, and guidelines in the Teacher Guide. I have included a sample rubric/score sheet for the optional STEM challenge I truly believe this weather and climate resource will be a wonderful addition to your teaching “toolbox”. The activities are easy to do, require little prep time, and are fun and engaging for students.


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NBC Los Angeles

Kidspace's reimagined center for the ‘tiniest explorers' is reopening

The early childhood learning center brims with engaging activities for young children., by alysia gray painter • published september 3, 2024 • updated on september 3, 2024 at 4:27 pm, what to know.

  • The Early Childhood Learning Center is located at Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena
  • The renovated center, an engaging space for crawlers and early walkers, reopens Sept. 10
  • Visiting the center is included with Kidspace membership or admission; closed Mondays

Sitting on a floor as your brand-new-to-toddling pumpkin enthusiastically investigates an engaging space, a place brimming with all sorts of interesting toys, crawl-through tunnels, and tables made for play, is a sweet and heart-true moment.

📺 Los Angeles news 24/7: Watch NBC4 free wherever you are

And if you're criss-cross applesaucing among other parents and caregivers at a beloved destination that's devoted to education, exploring, and fun, the community aspect is palpable, too.

Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena has long been that playful, community-strong spot.

Get top local stories in Southern California delivered to you every morning . Sign up for NBC LA's News Headlines newsletter.

And starting Sept. 10, the Early Childhood Learning Center , long a major part of the educational, activity-centered Kidspace experience, will reopen following a renovation.

The "specially designed babyspace" is made for early walkers and crawlers, with all sorts of plucky pastimes and pursuits, including little tunnels, tables created for adorable activities, and toys of various textures and shapes.

"We have carefully and lovingly reimagined the ECLC to support physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development for crawlers and earlier walkers," said Lisa Clements, Kidspace CEO.

Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

weather experiments for toddlers

Hello, Universal! Hello Kitty and Friends Cafe to open Friday at CityWalk

weather experiments for toddlers

LA Zoo to honor the California Condor on International Vulture Awareness Day

"It's a warm and peaceful space for parents and caregivers to connect with their child and encourage the essential play that babies need to grow and thrive."

Beyond all of the sensory delights for the youngsters — a "whimsical raincloud fixture" is one cute addition — there is the chance for parents and caregivers "... to swap stories, build friendships, and share resources."

There are a few things to know before visiting the center; it's a socks-only environment, for starters, so you'll want to leave your shoes in the shoe wall.

And if you have a super-busy toddler who is ready to take on the world or at least energetically explore a hands-on exhibit?

Kidspace has great recommendations beyond the Early Childhood Learning Center, such as a sunny visit to the museum's Splash Dance area or another exhibit created for "the next developmental milestones."

For more about the reopening of this bustling "babyspace," visit the Early Childhood Learning Center page on the Kidspace Children's Museum site now.

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weather experiments for toddlers

Marcie in Mommyland

13 Unforgettable Adventures for Kids at Olympic National Park

Posted on Last updated: August 26, 2024

Home » Destinations » Washington State » 13 Unforgettable Adventures for Kids at Olympic National Park

13 Unforgettable Adventures for Kids at Olympic National Park

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Are you looking for cool things to do at Olympic National Park with kids? Keep scrolling for my top recommendations!

This list of things to do at olympic national park with kids was written by family travel expert marcie cheung and contains affiliate links which means if you purchase something from one of my affiliate links, i may earn a small commission that goes back into maintaining this blog..

Each year, I take my son on a mother-son bonding trip somewhere. We have similar travel styles, so it’s nice to be able to escape from the rest of the family and explore at our own pace.

This past summer, we decided to check out Olympic National Park on the Washington State coast. We’ve both lived in the Seattle-area all our lives and it was borderline embarrassing that we hadn’t been yet.

We spent three days driving all around and doing a bunch of stuff, and I figured I’d share the highlights for anyone planning their first trip to Olympic National Park with kids .

Image of Marcie Cheung and her son in front of the Olympic National Park sign

13 Cool Things to do at Olympic National Park with Kids

Explore the hoh rain forest.

This was really high on my Olympic National Park bucket list! The drive into the park is breathtaking and once you get inside, there are 2 kid-friendly hikes worth doing: Hall of Mosses Trail and Spruce Nature Trail.

Image of a boy hiking in Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park

The hikes are each about a mile long and it’s easy to do one right after the other. The trailheads are right at the visitor center, which makes it even easier.

I also suggest hitting up the Hoh Rain Cafe and Mercantile on your way out of the park to get hot drinks/food, and maybe a few souvenirs.

We went in late August and arrived at 9:30 a.m., where a sign told us there was potentially a 2-hour wait to enter the park. A lot of cars turned back but we kept going and only waited 5 minutes and easily found parking.

Visit Hurricane Ridge

One of the coolest places to take your family at Olympic National Park is Hurricane Ridge. Known for its stunning panoramic views that will make you feel like you’re on top of the world, Hurricane Ridge is a must-visit.

Image of wildflowers at Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA

Here, your family can dive into a variety of activities. During the warmer months, you can explore several kid-friendly hiking trails where you might spot deer, black bears, or marmots. Don’t forget to bring your binoculars for wildlife viewing!

In the winter, Hurricane Ridge transforms into a snowy wonderland. This is the perfect time to try snowshoeing. The park offers guided snowshoe walks where you can learn about the winter ecosystem—just be sure to dress warmly!

After a day full of adventure, you can relax and learn more at the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center. The center provides interesting exhibits on the park’s natural history and a chance to grab some snacks.

Hike to Hole-in-the-Wall at Rialto Beach (plus tidepooling)

Another thrilling adventure for families at Olympic National Park is hiking to Hole-in-the-Wall at Rialto Beach. This spot is famous for its unique rock formations and the magical experience of tidepooling.

Image of the Hole in the Wall at Rialto Beach in Olympic National Park

There’s a path you can take through some of the forest area, but most people just walk right on the beach. Out of all the beaches we explored, this was my favorite!

During low tide, the ocean pulls back to reveal tide pools teeming with fascinating marine life. Kids love discovering starfish, sea anemones, and crabs among the rocks. It’s like a natural aquarium!

Image of tidepools at Rialto Beach in Olympic National Park

However, while tidepooling is exciting, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Always check the tide schedule before you go to ensure you’re visiting at low tide and have enough time to return safely. Wear sturdy shoes with good grip, as the rocks can be slippery.

It’s really important to check the tide schedule before you go. Otherwise, you might get all the way to the Hole-in-the-Wall and realize you can’t access it.

John’s Beachcombing Museum

If you like quirky roadside attractions, this is definitely one worth stopping by. The owner/operator John has been beachcombing for more than 50 years and he’s collected an insane amount of stuff!

Image of a boy in John's Beachcombing Museum in Forks, WA

A few highlights include items that washed up after tsunamis in Japan, messages in bottles, and whale bones.

There’s a scavenger hunt for kids to walk around locating items. There’s also a sand play area, which makes this great for families needing to get out of the car for a bit.

You can also see huge outdoor art made of buoys and floats.

Kayaking on Lake Crescent

One of the coolest activities your family can enjoy at Olympic National Park is kayaking on Lake Crescent. This glacier-carved lake is known for its crystal-clear waters, which are so transparent you might even forget you’re on a lake and not a giant outdoor swimming pool!

Image of Row of colorful kayaks lying on the shore of Lake Crescent on late afternoon, Olympic National Park, Washington State, USA.

The scenery around Lake Crescent is just as breathtaking, with lush forests and towering mountains reflecting off the surface of the water, creating a perfect backdrop for your adventure.

If you’re new to kayaking, don’t worry—there are guided kayaking tours that are perfect for families. These tours provide all the equipment you’ll need, plus an expert guide who can help everyone from beginners to more experienced paddlers feel comfortable and safe.

The guides also share interesting facts about the lake’s history and the surrounding wildlife, making the trip not just fun but also educational.

Take a Dip in Sol Duc Hot Springs

Taking a dip in the Sol Duc Hot Springs is a must-do when visiting Olympic National Park with your family. Imagine relaxing in natural hot pools surrounded by the lush, green beauty of the Sol Duc Valley—it’s like a spa day but in the heart of nature!

These mineral-rich waters are not only warm and soothing but are also said to have healing properties that can help soothe sore muscles after a day of hiking or exploring.

Image of Sol Duc Waterfalls in Olympic National Park

But there’s more to do in Sol Duc Valley than just soaking in the hot springs. The area is also home to some fantastic hiking trails, like the trail to the majestic Sol Duc Falls. This easy hike is great for families and leads to a stunning waterfall that’s perfect for some memorable vacation photos.

If you’re up for a bit more adventure, the Lover’s Lane loop offers a longer but still family-friendly route that meanders along the river and through the forest.

Hike to Marymere Falls

Hiking to Marymere Falls is another fantastic choice. This trail is an easy and enjoyable hike that’s just right for families, especially those with younger children.

The path to the waterfall is well-maintained and mostly flat, with just a short section of stairs near the falls itself. It’s about 1.8 miles round trip, making it the perfect length for little legs.

Image of the Bridge to Marymere Falls in Olympic National Park

The trail winds through an old-growth forest filled with towering Douglas firs and big-leaf maples draped in moss, creating a green canopy overhead. Deer are commonly seen in the area, and birdwatchers can look out for species like the Pacific wren or the American dipper near the water.

Reaching the falls, you’ll be greeted by the stunning sight of Marymere Falls cascading down 90 feet into a clear pool below—a rewarding view and a great spot for a family photo before you head back.

One of the most popular Washington State beaches is Ruby Beach. It’s pretty easy to get to but it does involve a short hike down from the parking lot to the beach.

Image of a boy at Ruby Beach in Olympic National Park

Ruby Beach is famous for its dramatic sea stacks and the abundant driftwood scattered along the shore. These natural features make it a fantastic playground for imaginative kids who can climb, build, and explore to their hearts’ content.

The beach is also an excellent spot for family photos, especially at sunset when the sky and sea turn brilliant shades of orange and pink. And a lot of families like to do a beach fire and roast marshmallows (when there isn’t a burn ban in effect).

Camping at Kalaloch Campground

Kalaloch Campground is especially great for families because it’s well-equipped with amenities like clean restrooms and potable water, plus each campsite has a fire pit and picnic table.

There’s plenty of space for kids to play safely, and you’re just steps away from the beach. This means you can easily head down to the sand to build castles, explore tide pools, or just relax and watch the wildlife. Bald eagles and seabirds are common sights!

Nearby, you can also visit the Tree of Life, a famous and fascinating natural wonder, or take a short drive to Ruby Beach, known for its dramatic sea stacks and driftwood.

Forks Timber Museum

Don’t miss the Forks Timber Museum ! Tucked along a quiet stretch of Highway 101 on the Olympic Peninsula, this museum is a treasure trove of local history and fascinating exhibits that both kids and adults will love.

Start your visit with a stroll through the indoor exhibits where you’ll see vintage chainsaws, a cozy bunk house, and some incredibly detailed handmade models that will transport you back in time.

Image of the Forks Timber Museum Sign

The kids will be thrilled to discover the Tangley Calliope and try to spot the large Smokey the Bear doll hiding somewhere in the museum. The Paul Bunyan 3D artwork is another must-see that captures the imagination and brings folklore to life.

After exploring, relax at one of the many picnic tables or take a leisurely hike on the 15-20 minute loop that feels like a mini rainforest adventure.

With plenty of parking (even for RVs), public WiFi, and a gift shop full of unique finds and logger ducks, the Forks Timber Museum provides a fun and educational break from your national park explorations.

Stargazing from Deer Park

One of the coolest nighttime activities to do with your kids at Olympic National Park is stargazing from Deer Park.

This spot is way up in the mountains and away from city lights, making the night sky there absolutely breathtaking. On a clear night, you can see countless stars, sparkling constellations, and even the Milky Way stretching across the sky!

Deer Park is known for its dark skies, which are perfect for stargazing because you can see deeper into space without the glare of artificial lighting. It’s like having a giant natural planetarium dome right above you!

If you’re planning to explore the stars from Deer Park, here are some tips on what to look for in the sky, depending on when you visit:

Spring and Summer

Look for the Big Dipper, which can help you find the North Star. Also, the summer Milky Way is a stunning sight, arching across the entire sky.

Fall and Winter

Orion’s Belt is easy to spot and absolutely stunning during the colder months. Also, look for the Pleiades, a beautiful cluster of stars that looks like a tiny dipper.

So, grab a blanket, a warm drink, and lay back to enjoy the cosmic show! Don’t forget a star map or an app to help identify different stars and constellations.

Programs at the Visitor Center

When visiting Olympic National Park with your kids, don’t miss out on the fantastic learning programs offered at the visitor centers.

A highlight for many young visitors is the Junior Ranger program. Kids get the chance to participate in activities designed to teach them about the park’s ecosystems, wildlife, and conservation efforts.

Image of the Hoh Rainforest Visitor Center

They’ll complete fun educational tasks, like scavenger hunts or nature quizzes, guided by friendly park rangers. Once they complete the program, they earn a Junior Ranger badge, which is a great souvenir and a proud achievement for kids!

Besides the Junior Ranger activities, the visitor centers often host various educational workshops where rangers give fascinating presentations about the unique features of Olympic National Park.

Going to these ranger talks allows kids to learn directly from experts, ask questions, and get a deeper understanding of the natural world around them.

Walk the Spruce Railroad Trail

This easy, picturesque trail is perfect for families with kids, offering a gentle path that runs along the stunning shores of Lake Crescent. As you wander along this scenic route, you’ll be treated to beautiful views of the lake’s crystal-clear waters, framed by lush forest and towering mountains.

A unique feature of this trail is the restored railroad tunnel. Walking through this historic tunnel is like stepping back in time, and kids love the echo of their voices bouncing off the walls. It’s not only a fun experience but also a great opportunity to share a bit of history with them.

The Spruce Railroad Trail is also ideal for a leisurely day out by the lake. You can find several spots along the trail where you can access the shore, perfect for skipping stones, picnicking, or just relaxing by the water.

Olympic National Park with Kids FAQs

What are the best kid-friendly hikes in olympic national park.

Marymere Falls is a 1.8-mile round-trip hike is manageable for families and leads to a stunning 90-foot waterfall. The trail is well-maintained and takes you through old-growth forests and across bridges, making it a fun and scenic walk for kids.

There’s also the Hoh River Trail . This trail is flexible in length, allowing families to turn back whenever they choose. The first river access is less than a mile from the start, making it a good short hike for smaller children.

Are there educational programs for kids at Olympic National Park?

Olympic National Park offers a variety of ranger-led programs that are perfect for kids, including guided walks and talks that focus on the park’s natural and cultural history. The park also offers a Junior Ranger program which is a great way for kids to learn about the park and earn a badge.

What are the best areas in Olympic National Park for family camping?

Located near the beach, this Kalaloch Campground is ideal for families looking to explore the coastline and participate in tide pooling.

Known for its proximity to hot springs and beautiful forested areas, Sol Duc Campground is perfect for families who enjoy both hiking and relaxing in natural hot springs.

What should families pack for a day trip to Olympic National Park?

Families should pack layers of clothing as weather can change rapidly, comfortable hiking shoes, sun protection, snacks, water, a basic first aid kit, and any necessary navigation tools like maps or a GPS device. Don’t forget binoculars for bird watching and a camera to capture the stunning scenery!

How can families best prepare for the weather at Olympic National Park?

The weather in Olympic National Park can be very variable, so it’s important to check the forecast ahead of your visit and prepare for rain or shine. Waterproof jackets, breathable clothing, and layered options are recommended to adapt easily to changing conditions.

Things to do at Olympic National Park for Families Wrap Up

I hope this helps you figure out what you’d like to add to your Olympic National Park itinerary! I strongly recommend mapping out the things you’d like to do and estimating the drive times. The park is MASSIVE and you might be surprised how far away things are.

Looking for more Olympic National Park content? Check out Planning Your First Family Visit to Olympic National Park? Read This First! , Where to Stay at Olympic National Park with Kids , and Is it Worth Staying at Kalaloch Lodge Near Olympic National Park?

weather experiments for toddlers

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70 Striking Weather Trivia Questions That Will Wow Any Crowd

We have un-brrr-lievable weather trivia questions that will bring a 100% chance of fun!

Talking about the weather is the ultimate ice breaker. Yet, most people know very little about the different atmospheric phenomena that impact them every single day of their lives. If you want to liven up your conversations, then weird weather trivia can be your secret weapon! Check out these astounding meteorological facts for kids and adults.

Fun Weather Trivia for Kids

Get your kids interested in science with these simple weather questions!

  • Lightning Safety Guide: Expert Advice to Keep Your Family Safe
  • Today's Forecast: 70+ Weather Jokes That'll Bring the Sunshine

What do you call an individual who forecasts the weather?

A meteorologist.

What are the two ingredients needed for a rainbow to form?

Water and sunshine.

How many points does a snowflake have?

What is the name of the famous movie about a tornado?

What color is the screen that television meteorologists use to show people the weather forecast?

Green (alternate answer can be blue)

What do you call the burst of electricity in the sky that occurs when a thunderstorm is nearby?

What is the term used to describe snow, sleet, hail, and rain?


When thunder roars, what should you do next?

Go indoors!

What is the fastest speed a raindrop can fall?

What do you call an extremely dry period with no rain?

What is the center of a hurricane called?

What does NWS stand for?

National Weather Service

What is 0 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

What type of weather is hotter than the surface of the sun?

How many times per year is the Empire State Building struck by lightning?

An average of 25 times!

What kind of biome is Antarctica ?

A desert! This continent only gets 2 inches of precipitation each year.

Weather Instrument and Measurement Trivia

Now that you passed Weather 101, can you name all the tools that a meteorologist uses to forecast the weather?

What do you call the device used to measure temperature?

A thermometer

What is the proper term for the weathervane that you see on top of farm houses that is adorned with a rooster?

A weathercock

What do you call the container that measures precipitation rates?

A rain gauge

What does a hygrometer do?

It measures humidity.

What instrument measures air pressure?

A barometer

How do you measure the speed of the wind?

You use an anemometer.

What are the three pieces of data that a weather balloon collects?

Temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure.

What atmospheric phenomena does the Beaufort scale measure?

Wind strengths

What is the name of the scale used to determine a tornado's intensity rating?

The Enhanced Fujita Scale

What does the Saffir-Simpson Scale measure?

The maximum sustained wind speed of a hurricane.

World Record Weather Trivia & Weird Norms

You know how a meteorologist figures out their forecast, now let's see if you know some extremes! These weather questions highlight atmospheric records and norms from around the world.

What is the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth, and where did it occur?

-128.6 degrees Fahrenheit in Vostok, Antarctica

What is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, and where did it occur?

134 degrees Fahrenheit in Furnace Creek Ranch, CA, USA

What is the highest yearly rainfall total for a single town?

1,042 inches (in Cherrapunji, India)

What is the fastest surface wind gust ever recorded?

253 mph (in Barrow Island, Australia during Tropical Cyclone Olivia)

What country is the lightning capital of the world?

What type of weather kills the most people every year?

Extreme Heat

What is the highest number of people who have died from a single direct lightning strike?

What is the highest wind speed ever recorded in a tornado?

What is the greatest distance a single tornado has ever traveled?

219 miles - it traveled from Ellington, MO, USA to Princeton, IN, USA

How many lightning strikes happen everyday worldwide?

8.6 million

Between 1950 and present day, which month has the most recorded tornado touchdowns in the United States?

What is the highest storm surge ever recorded?

How much did the heaviest hailstone in history weigh?

2.25 pounds

Tornadoes pick things up and carry them to other locations. What is the longest recorded distance an item has traveled?

What was the item?

A personal check

Severe Weather Trivia

Alright, you seem to be able to handle the heat, but what degree of knowledge do you have when it comes to staying safe during severe weather? This weather trivia tests your survival skills!

What are the three main tornado types?

Rope, cone, and wedge tornadoes

What do you call a tornado that forms over water?

A waterspout

How far away from a thunderstorm can you be and still be struck by lightning?

What is the difference between a weather watch and a weather warning?

A watch means that there is the possibility of severe weather, whereas a warning means that the severe weather is already occurring in your region.

What is graupel?

What do you call precipitation that freezes on contact when it hits a surface?

Freezing rain

What do you call snow that leaves the cloud, partially melts, and then refreezes before it hits the ground?

What is the National Weather Service's slogan for flooding safety?

Turn around, don't drown!

What do you call a rope-like tornado that forms from the ground up?

A landspout

What is the minimum wind speed that a Tropical Strom must have in order to be classified as a hurricane?

What is the wind speed that triggers a Severe Thunderstorm Warning?

What other factor can cause a Severe Thunderstorm Warning to be issued?

Hail with a diameter of at least one inch.

How do you determine how far away lightning is from your location?

Count the seconds in between the clap of thunder and the lightning strike and then divide that number by five. This will give you the number of miles between you and the strike.

Lightning deaths happen every year. What sport has the highest number of fatalities?

Are boys or girls more likely to get struck by lightning?

The data shows that boys are four times more likely to get struck!

  • Lightning Safety Facts to Keep Families Safe

What part of your car protects you from a lightning strike?

The metal frame

We often hear meteorologists say that there is golf ball sized hail falling. What is the actual measurement of this hail?

1.75 inches

Weird Weather Trivia That May Shock You

While the weather is pretty mundane in the summer, there are some very interesting weather phenomena that can bring excitement, intrigue, and even fright to those who see it. How much do you know about the weird weather of the world? Some of these facts may shock you!

What do you call the clouds that people mistake for UFOs?

Lenticular clouds

What do you call a wall of dust that is many times is accompanied by a blue sky?

What do you call the halo that often forms around the sun when it is low on the horizon?

What is the official term for the smell that accompanies rain?

What do you call the white streaks that form in the sky after a plane flies by?

What causes a white rainbow?

Otherwise known as fogbows, these rings form when in fog, which give them their ghostly hue. In case you didn't know, the droplets that comprise fog are much smaller than raindrops, making it hard to see the spectrum of colors coming throigh.

What is the name of the clouds that look like ocean waves?

Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds

What do you call light rain that falls from the cloud, but evaporates before it hits the ground?

Virga showers

Newscasters call them fire tornadoes. What is their actual name?

Fire whirls (these are not actual tornadoes)

What kind of clouds look like a field of melons?

Mammatus clouds!

What is ombrophobia?

An extreme fear of rain

What is nephophobia?

A fear of clouds

  • Help Your Kids Learn More About Weather

Weather Questions Can Help Vanquish Fears

The weather can be a scary thing. By finding out more about the power of Mother Nature and the normal and abnormal phenomena that can occur, you and your family can better prepare for when weird and dangerous weather comes your way! Weather trivia can also get kids excited about working in STEM professions.

After you get done with your trivia questions, consider reaching out to one of the local television stations in your area to see if you can get a private tour to see how the weather forecast gets made! Share some fun weather jokes or use try some interactive weather games to keep the fun going too.


  1. Easy weather science experiments for preschoolers and toddlers

    weather experiments for toddlers

  2. Easy Weather Science Experiments for Preschoolers and Toddlers

    weather experiments for toddlers

  3. Easy weather science experiments for preschoolers and toddlers

    weather experiments for toddlers


    weather experiments for toddlers

  5. 25 fun weather activities and crafts for kids

    weather experiments for toddlers

  6. Easy Weather Science Experiments for Preschoolers and Toddlers

    weather experiments for toddlers


  1. Easy DIY cold weather science experiments

  2. Yummy and fun cold-weather experiments

  3. Cold Weather experiments

  4. Cold weather experiments at Discovery World

  5. 🌦️ Weather Machine to the Rescue! and other Educational Cartoons for Kids by Fire Spike

  6. Weather School 4 Kids: Lightning, thunder, & fun-related experiments


  1. Easy Weather Science Experiments for Preschoolers and Toddlers

    How To Make Shaving Cream Rain Clouds. Fill your glass or jar 3/4 of the way full with water. Add shaving cream to the top. This is our fluffy cloud. Mix a little blue food coloring with some water. Again, this is option, but it makes the rain much easier to see. Have your child add drops of the blue water to the cloud.

  2. 25 Weather Activities for Kids

    The weather is such a fun topic for kids to learn about, after all, it dictates whether or not they can play outside that day. These Weather Activities for Kids are fun, hands-on play activities for toddlers and preschoolers. Check out these 25 science, sensory, fine motor, art ideas and weather themed free printables.

  3. Science for Kids

    These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely. Fun Weather Science Experiments for kids, includes making a barometer, hurricane, rain gauge, water cycle, pinecone weather ...

  4. 10 Hands-On Weather Science Experiments for Kids

    Make a weather vane to show wind direction. Make an anemometer to measure wind speed. Create a thunderstorm in your kitchen. Make rain in a jar. Make a rain gauge to measure rainfalls. Create a rainbow at any time - don't have to wait for the rain. Create some tiny lightning to see how lightning is formed.

  5. 30+ Preschool Weather Activities

    Fine Motor Activities. Sun Scissor Activity - Preschoolers will strengthen cutting skills with these printable scissor cards. Rain Storm Sticky Wall - Make a contact paper sticky wall with clouds for toddlers to stick raindrops onto. (Mama of Littles) Weather Do-a-Dots - Use these free printable sheets for toddlers to stamp onto weather ...

  6. Simple Weather Science Experiments for Kids

    Extreme Weather Science Experiments. Tornado in a Jar. Make a tornado in a jar and learn about vortexes, weather patterns, circular air, extreme weather, and more! Snow Storm in a Jar. Make your very own snow storm in a jar! Learn about the science of blizzards and how snow storms are formed. Frost in a Jar. Learn how freezes happens with this ...

  7. 21 Simple Weather Experiments To Do With Children

    First, pour 2 inches of hot water into the jar. Then, cover the jar with the ceramic plate face up. Take a three-minute pause before putting the four ice cubes atop the plate. Like in the bag, the cold plate causes the moisture in the warm air inside the jar to condense into water droplets.

  8. 12 Easy Weather Projects for Kids for Sensational Science Fun

    11. Make Sun Prints. Sun prints are a fun and easy way to experiment with the science of light. All you need is some dark construction paper, a sunny spot, and objects to use as stencils (leaves, flowers, etc.). Place the paper in the sun and then arrange your objects on top of it.

  9. 20 of the Best Weather Activities for Preschool Kids

    These songs with movements are a perfect addition to your weather lesson plans. Weather Song by Patty Shukla. Singing in the Rain by The Learning Station. Drip Drop Rain by Dance'n Beats. Weather Song for Kids: The Sun Comes Up! by Dream Kids English. Snowman Freeze by The Learning Station.

  10. Weather Science Experiments

    Weather Science Experiments. Easy weather science experiments you can do at home! Click on the experiment image or the view experiment link below for each experiment on this page to see the materials needed and procedure. Have fun trying these experiments at home or use them for SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT IDEAS.

  11. Must-Try Weather Activities for Kids

    These must-try weather activities for kids are fun, hands-on ways to teach about temperatures, clouds, rain… even tornadoes!! Whether you're in need of a quick kids' science project or are looking for something more crafty, we've got you covered.. These ideas are the perfect compliment to our 30 Science Experiments for kids in our shop!. Whip up a tornado in a jar!

  12. 15 Fun Weather STEM Activities for Kids

    We're Learning! 2. Hands-On Weather Graphing Activity - Rainy Day Mum. 3. International Weather Tracking Activity - Mama Smiles. 4. Wind Science Experiment - Teach Me Mommy. 5. Build a Wind Turbine - Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls.

  13. Weather Theme Learning Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers

    Weather Theme Learning Activities for Toddlers (2 to 3 Years Old) Shape Suncatcher: Sort shape cut outs into 4 basic shapes and stick them on the respective shape sun catchers. The frames are made with card stock papers that are cut into the 4 basic shapes. Then attach contact paper, with the sticky side up in the centre. (numeracy, motor skills)

  14. 30 Fun and Easy Weather Art for Kids

    1. Rainbow Lightning. Rainbow lightning process art is a fun fine motor activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Learn how to make the colors splinter to create lightning. I love watching this weather play idea work its magic right before my eyes. 2. Pasta Sun Art for Kids.

  15. Exploring the Wonders of Weather: 41+ Fun Activities for Preschoolers

    Weather activities for preschoolers are hands-on learning experiences that introduce young children to the concepts of weather, seasons, and atmospheric phenomena. These activities are designed to be interactive, engaging, and age-appropriate, allowing children to explore and understand different aspects of weather playfully.

  16. Weather & Atmosphere STEM Activities for Kids

    Weather & Atmosphere STEM Activities for Kids. (8 results) Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. - Charles Dudley Warner. Weather and atmospheric science offer lots of opportunities for interesting explorations. It's a satisfyingly complex area, with lots of online resources so you can make your project as easy ...

  17. 3 Weather in A Jar Science Experiments for Kids

    Step 1. Add your baby oil to the jar about 3/4 full. Step 2. Mix white paint with a bit of water. To be honest we didn't exactly measure this, it was a few squirts of white pain with about 1/4 - 1/2 cups of water. The exact measurements don't matter much here as you just want to have a thin water/paint mixture.

  18. 75+ Best Weather Crafts and Activities for Kids

    Published: August 12, 2022 - Last updated: January 2, 2024. Here are 75+ Best Weather Crafts and Activities kids will like. Our list includes free printable weather charts and craft templates, weather science experiments, weather sensory activities, and many other weather ideas for kids of all ages. Let's dive right in and get inspired.

  19. Weather Activities for Toddlers

    Benefits of Weather Activities for Toddlers. These activities allow children to discover the natural world, explore science concepts, and develop important skills such as observation, prediction, and problem-solving. By engaging in activities like making sensory bottles filled with rain or snow, tracking the daily weather, or creating indoor ...

  20. Weather, Climate And Weather Instruments Activities and Worksheets

    It contains diverse active learning style activities and will offer your students the opportunity to: Match weather instruments to their names and functions. Label statements as either describing weather or climate. Complete word search activity about weather elements. Complete to crossword activity about extreme weather events

  21. Kidspace's reimagined center for the 'tiniest explorers' is reopening

    What to Know. The Early Childhood Learning Center is located at Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena; The renovated center, an engaging space for crawlers and early walkers, reopens Sept. 10

  22. 13 Unforgettable Adventures for Kids at Olympic National Park

    When visiting Olympic National Park with your kids, don't miss out on the fantastic learning programs offered at the visitor centers. A highlight for many young visitors is the Junior Ranger program. Kids get the chance to participate in activities designed to teach them about the park's ecosystems, wildlife, and conservation efforts.

  23. Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Today's and tonight's Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast, Russia weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and

  24. 70 Striking Weather Trivia Questions That Will Wow Any Crowd

    Talking about the weather is the ultimate ice breaker. Yet, most people know very little about the different atmospheric phenomena that impact them every single day of their lives. If you want to liven up your conversations, then weird weather trivia can be your secret weapon! Check out these astounding meteorological facts for kids and adults.

  25. Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast, Russia Weather

    Today's and tonight's Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast, Russia weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and

  26. Dmitrov, Moscow, Russia Weather Forecast

    Dmitrov, Moscow, Russia Weather Forecast, with current conditions, wind, air quality, and what to expect for the next 3 days.

  27. Dmitrov, Russia 10-Day Weather Forecast

    Dmitrov Weather Forecasts. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Dmitrov area.