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Social Psychology Research Topics

Choosing topics for social psychology research papers or projects for class can be challenging. It is a broad and fascinating field, which can make it challenging to figure out what you want to investigate in your research.

Social psychology explores how individual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are affected by social influences. It explores how each person's behavior is affected by their social environment.

This article explores a few different social psychology topics and research questions you might want to study in greater depth. It covers how to start your search for a topic as well as specific ideas you might choose to explore.

How to Find a Social Psychology Research Topic

As you begin your search, think about the questions that you have. What topics interest you? Following your own interests and curiosities can often inspire great research questions.

Choose a Sub-Topic

Social psychologists are interested in all aspects of social behavior. Some of the main areas of interest within the field include social cognition, social influence, and social relationships investigating subtopics such as conformity, groupthink, attitude formation, obedience, prejudice, and so on.

  • Social cognition : How do we process and use information about social experiences? What kinds of biases influence how we engage with other people?
  • Social influence: What are the key social factors that influence our attitudes and behavior? What are group dynamics and how do we understand patterns of behavior in groups?
  • Social relationships : What are the different types of social relationships? How do they develop and change over time?

To help ensure that you select a topic that is specific enough, it can be helpful to start by confining your search to one of these main areas.

Browse Through Past Research

After narrowing down your choices, consider what questions you might have. Are there questions that haven't been fully answered by previous studies? At this point, it can be helpful to spend some time browsing through journal articles or books to see some examples of past findings and identify gaps in the literature.

You can also find inspiration and learn more about a topic by searching for keywords related to your topic in psychological databases such as PsycINFO or browsing through some professional psychology journals.

Narrow Down Your Specific Topic

Once you have a general topic, you'll need to narrow down your research. The goal is to choose a research question that is specific, measurable, and testable. Let's say you want to study conformity; An example of a good research question might be, “Are people more likely to conform when they are in a small group or a large group?” In this case, the specific topic of your paper would be how group size influences social conformity .

Review the Literature on Your Chosen Topic

After choosing a specific social psychology topic to research, the next step is to do a literature review. A literature review involves reading through the existing research findings related to a specific topic.

You are likely to encounter a great deal of information on your topic, which can seem overwhelming at times. You may find it helpful to start by reading review articles or meta-analysis studies. These are summaries of previous research on your topic or studies that incorporate a large pool of past research on the topic.

Talk to Your Instructor

Even if you are really excited to dive right in and start working on your project, there are some important preliminary steps you need to take.

Before you decide to tackle a project for your social psychology class, you should always clear your idea with your instructor. This initial step can save you a lot of time and hassle later on.

Your instructor can offer clear feedback on things you should and should not do while conducting your research and might be able to offer some helpful tips. Also, if you plan to implement your own social experiment, your school might require you to present to and gain permission from an institutional review board.

Thinking about the questions you have about social psychology can be a great way to discover topics for your own research. Once you have a general idea, explore the literature and refine your research question to make sure it is specific enough.

Examples of Social Psychology Research Topics

The following are some specific examples of different subjects you might want to investigate further as part of a social psychology research paper, experiment, or project:

Implicit Attitudes

How do implicit attitudes influence how people respond to others? This can involve exploring how people's attitudes towards different groups of people (e.g., men, women, ethnic minorities) influence their interactions with those groups. For example, one study found that 75% of people perceive men to be more intelligent than women .

In your own project, you might explore how implicit attitudes impact perceptions of qualities such as kindness, intelligence, leadership skills, or attractiveness.

Prosocial Behavior

You might also choose to focus on prosocial behavior in your research. This can involve investigating the reasons why people help others. Some questions you could explore further include:

  • What motivates people to help others?
  • When are people most likely to help others?
  • How does helping others cause people to feel?
  • What are the benefits of helping other people?

How do people change their attitudes in response to persuasion? What are the different techniques that can be used to persuade someone? What factors make some people more susceptible to persuasion than others?

One way to investigate this could be through collecting a wide variety of print advertisements and analyzing how​ persuasion is used. What types of cognitive and affective techniques are utilized? Do certain types of advertisements tend to use specific kinds of persuasive techniques ?

Another area of social psychology that you might research is aggression and violence. This can involve exploring the factors that lead to aggression and violence and the consequences of these behaviors. Some questions you might explore further include:

  • When is violence most likely to occur?
  • What factors influence violent behavior?
  • Do traumatic experiences in childhood lead to more aggressive behavior in adulthood?
  • Does viewing violent media content contribute to increased aggressive behavior in real life?

Prejudice and discrimination are areas that present a range of research opportunities. This can involve studying the different forms that prejudice takes (e.g., sexism, racism, ageism ), as well as the psychological effects of prejudice and discrimination. You might also want to investigate topics related to how prejudices form or strategies that can be used to reduce such discrimination.

Nonverbal Behavior

How do people respond when nonverbal communication does not match up to verbal behavior (for example, saying you feel great when your facial expressions and tone of voice indicate otherwise). Which signal do people respond to most strongly?

How good are people at detecting lies ? Have participants tell a group of people about themselves, but make sure some of the things are true while others are not. Ask members of the group which statements they thought were true and which they thought were false.

Social Norms

How do people react when social norms are violated? This might involve acting in a way that is outside the norm in a particular situation or enlisting friends to act out the behaviors while you observe.

Some examples that you might try include wearing unusual clothing, applauding inappropriately at the end of a class lecture, cutting in line in front of other people, or some other mildly inappropriate behavior. Keep track of your own thoughts as you perform the experiment and observe how people around you respond.

Online Social Behavior

Does online social networking make people more or less likely to interact with people in face-to-face or other offline settings? To investigate this further, you could create a questionnaire to assess how often people participate in social networking versus how much time they spend interacting with their friends in real-world settings.

Social Perception

How does our appearance impact how people respond to us? Ask some friends to help you by having two people dress up in dramatically different ways, one in a professional manner and one in a less conventional manner. Have each person engage in a particular action, then observe how they are treated and how other people's responses differ.

Social psychologists have found that attractiveness can produce what is known as a halo effect . Essentially, we tend to assume that people who are physically attractive are also friendly, intelligent, pleasant, and likable.

To investigate this topic, you could set up an experiment where you have participants look at photographs of people of varying degrees of physical attractiveness, and then ask them to rate each person based on a variety of traits, including social competence, kindness, intellect, and overall likability.

Think about how this might affect a variety of social situations, including how employees are selected or how jurors in a criminal case might respond.

Social psychology is a broad field, so there are many different subtopics you might choose to explore in your research. Implicit attitudes, prosocial behavior, aggression, prejudice, and social perception are just a few areas you might want to consider.

A Word From Verywell

Social psychology topics can provide a great deal of inspiration for further research, whether you are writing a research paper or conducting your own experiment. In addition to some of the social psychology topics above, you can also draw inspiration from your own curiosity about social behavior or examine social issues that you see taking place in the world around you. 

American Psychological Association.  Frequently asked questions about institutional review boards .

Storage D, Charlesworth TES, Banaji M, Cimpian A.  Adults and children implicitly associate brilliance with men more than women .  J Exp Soc Psychol . 2012;90:104020. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104020

Talamas SN, Mavor KI, Perrett DI. Blinded by beauty: Attractiveness bias and accurate perceptions of academic performance . PLoS ONE . 2016;11(2):e0148284. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148284

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."


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121 Social Media Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we communicate, share information, and interact with others. With the rise of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, the way we connect with one another has evolved drastically. As a result, social media has also become a popular topic for essays and research papers. If you're looking for inspiration for your next social media essay, here are 121 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The role of social media in politics
  • The influence of social media on body image
  • How social media has changed the way we communicate
  • The rise of influencer culture on social media
  • The effects of cyberbullying on social media
  • The role of social media in promoting activism and social justice
  • How social media has changed the way we consume news
  • The relationship between social media and self-esteem
  • The impact of social media on relationships
  • The role of social media in shaping cultural trends
  • The effects of social media on sleep patterns
  • The influence of social media on consumer behavior
  • The rise of fake news on social media
  • The role of social media in education
  • The impact of social media on democracy
  • The effects of social media on creativity
  • The relationship between social media and mental health stigma
  • The role of social media in shaping political opinions
  • The influence of social media on young people's perceptions of beauty
  • The effects of social media on privacy
  • The impact of social media on social skills
  • The role of social media in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The relationship between social media and loneliness
  • The effects of social media on body positivity movements
  • The influence of social media on fashion trends
  • The rise of social media activism
  • The impact of social media on youth culture
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The effects of social media on political polarization
  • The relationship between social media and fake news
  • The influence of social media on online shopping habits
  • The impact of social media on mental health awareness
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental activism
  • The effects of social media on self-expression
  • The relationship between social media and cyberbullying prevention
  • The influence of social media on body positivity movements
  • The rise of social media influencers
  • The impact of social media on political activism
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health resources
  • The effects of social media on political discourse
  • The relationship between social media and online dating
  • The influence of social media on travel trends
  • The impact of social media on public health campaigns
  • The role of social media in promoting positive body image
  • The effects of social media on political engagement
  • The relationship between social media and social movements
  • The influence of social media on celebrity culture
  • The rise of social media marketing
  • The impact of social media on community building
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health awareness
  • The effects of social media on societal norms
  • The relationship between social media and political propaganda
  • The influence of social media on youth activism
  • The impact of social media on mental health stigma
  • The role of social media in shaping online communities
  • The effects of social media on body image perception
  • The relationship between social media and mental health advocacy
  • The influence of social media on political mobilization
  • The rise of social media influencers in the beauty industry
  • The impact of social media on political polarization
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem
  • The relationship between social media and online shopping habits
  • The influence of social media on celebrity endorsements
  • The rise of social media activism in response to social injustices
  • The impact of social media on mental health treatment
  • The role of social media in promoting healthy living
  • The effects of social media on political campaigns
  • The relationship between social media and online activism
  • The influence of social media on travel influencers
  • The impact of social media on mental health education
  • The role of social media in promoting body positivity
  • The effects of social media on political participation
  • The relationship between social media and body image issues
  • The influence of social media on online shopping trends
  • The rise of social media influencers in the fitness industry
  • The impact of social media on political discourse
  • The effects of social media on societal values
  • The relationship between social media and political polarization
  • The influence of social media on youth engagement
  • The rise of social media activism in response to climate change
  • The relationship between social media and social justice movements
  • The rise of social media marketing in the beauty industry

These are just a few examples of the countless topics you can explore when writing about social media. Whether you're interested in the psychological effects of social media or the ways it has impacted political discourse, there's no shortage of ideas to choose from. So, pick a topic that interests you and start writing your next social media essay today!

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Social Influence Revision Notes

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

Social influence is the process by which an individual’s attitudes, beliefs or behavior are modified by the presence or action of others. Four areas of social influence are conformity, compliance and obedience, and minority influence.

Conformity (Majority Influence)

Conformity is a type of social influence defined as a change in belief or behavior in response to real or imagined social pressure. It is also known as majority influence.

Types of Conformity

Compliance ao1.

This refers to instances where a person may agree in public with a group of people, but the person privately disagrees with the group’s viewpoint or behavior. The individual changes their views, but it is a temporary change.

For example, a person may laugh at a joke because their group of friends find it funny but deep down the person does not find the joke funny.

For a study on compliance refer to Asch’s Line Study .

Internalisation AO1

Publicly changing behavior to fit in with the group while also agreeing with them privately. An internal (private) and external (public) change of behavior. This is the deepest level of conformity were the beliefs of the group become part of the individual’s own belief system.

An example of internalisation is if someone lived with a vegetarian at university and then decides to also become one too because they agree with their friend’s viewpoint / someone converting religions would also be a good example.

For a study on internalisation refer to Jenness (see below).

Identification AO1

Identification occurs when someone conforms to the demands of a given social role in society. For example, a policeman, teacher or politician. This type of conformity extends over several aspects of external behavior. However, there still be no changed to internal personal opinion.

A good example is Zimbardo’s prison study .

AO2 Scenario Question

Jan and Norah have just finished their first year at university where they lived in a house with six other students. All the other students were very health conscious and ate only organic food. Jan had listened to their point of view and now she also eats only organic food.

Norah was happy to eat organic food while in the house, but when she went home for the holidays she ate whatever her mother cooked. Both girls conformed, but for different reasons.

Explain which type of conformity each girl was showing.

“Jan shows internalisation. She has publicly and privately changed her attitudes and now permanently only eats organic food. Norah is showing compliance. She only conformed publicly to her friends’ behavior but had obviously not privately undergone attitude change to eating organic as she reverted to eating non-organic in the holidays. Norah probably conformed to gain group approval and membership whereas Jan believed the other students to be ‘right’ in their belief that organic food was ‘good’.”

Explanations for Conformity

Normative influence (ao1/ao3).

cartoon girl smoking

Normative social influence is where a person conforms to fit in with the group because they don’t want to appear foolish or be left out. Normative social influence is usually associated with compliance,

where a person changes their public behavior but not their private beliefs.

For example, a person may feel pressurised to smoke because the rest of their friends are. Normative Social influence tends to lead to compliance because the person smokes just for show but deep down they wish not to smoke. This means any change of behavior is temporary .

For a study on normative influence refer to Asch .

Informational Influence (AO1/AO3)

Informational social influence is where a person conforms because they have a desire to be right , and look to others who they believe may have more information.

This type of conformity occurs when a person is unsure of a situation or lacks knowledge and is associated with internalisation .

An example of this is if someone was to go to a posh restaurant for the first time, they may be confronted with several forks and not know which one to use, so they might look to a near by person to see what fork to use first.

For a study on informational influence refer to Jenness (see below).

Jenness’ Bean Jar Experiment AO1

Jenness carried out a study into conformity – in his experiment participants were asked to estimate how many beans they thought were in a jar. Each participant had to make an individual estimate, and then do the same as a group.

He found that when the task was carried out in a social group, the participants would report estimates of roughly the same value (even though they had previously reported quite different estimates as individuals).

The study was successful in showing majority influence, thus proving that individuals” behavior and beliefs can be influenced by a group. Additionally, this is likely to be an example of informational social influence as participants would be uncertain about the actual number of beans in the jar.

Variables Affecting Conformity

Asch’s line study ao1.

asch line study

Asch wanted to investigate whether people would conform to the majority in situations where an answer was obvious.

Procedure : In Asch’s study there were 5-7 participants per group. Each group was presented with a standard line and three comparison lines. Participants had to say aloud which comparison line matched the standard line in length. In each group there was only one real participant the remaining 6 were confederates. The confederates were told to give the incorrect answer on 12 out of 18 trails.

Results : Real participants conformed on 32% of the critical trials where confederates gave the wrong answers. Additionally, 75% of the sample conformed to the majority on at least one trial.

Evaluation of Asch’s Study AO3

  • This study lacks ecological validity as it was based on peoples’ perception of lines, this does not reflect the complexity of real life conformity.
  • There are also sampling issues regarding this study as the study was only carried out on men thus the sample was gender bias and therefore the results cannot be applied to females. The sample therefore lacks population validity.
  • Moreover, there are ethical issues regarding Asch’s study – Mention deception as participants were told the study was about perception of lines. As a result, they could not give informed consent. Furthermore, it is possible that the participants may have felt embarrassed when the true nature of the study was revealed. Thus could potentially put them through some form of psychological harm. However, Asch did debrief at the end.
  • For extra AO3 points link Asch’s results to theories/reasons why people may conform to the majority. For instance, some participants said they conformed to fit in with the group, this claim coincides (supports) ‘Normative influence’ which states that people conform to fit in when privately disagreeing with the majority.

Factors Affecting Conformity AO3

In further trials, Asch (1952, 1956) changed the procedure (i.e., independent variables) to investigate which situational factors influenced the level of conformity (dependent variable).  His results and conclusions are given below:

Asch altered the number of confederates in his study to see how this effected conformity. The bigger the majority group (number of confederates), the more people conformed, but only up to a certain point.

With one other person (i.e., confederate) in the group conformity was 3%, with two others it increased to 13%, and with three or more it was 32% (or 1/3). However, conformity did not increase much after the group size was about 4/5.

Because conformity does not seem to increase in groups larger than four, this is considered the optimal group size.

group size

Brown and Byrne (1997) suggest that people might suspect collusion if the majority rises beyond three or four.

According to Hogg & Vaughan (1995), the most robust finding is that conformity reaches its full extent with 3-5 person majority, with additional members having little effect.

Group Unanimity

A person is more likely to conform when all members of the group agree and give the same answer.

When one other person in the group gave a different answer from the others, and the group answer was not unanimous, conformity dropped. Asch (1951) found that even the presence of just one confederate that goes against the majority choice can reduce conformity as much as 80%.

Difficulty of Task

When the (comparison) lines (e.g., A, B, C) were made more similar in length it was harder to judge the correct answer and conformity increased.

When we are uncertain, it seems we look to others for confirmation. The more difficult the task, the greater the conformity.

Answer in Private

When participants were allowed to answer in private (so the rest of the group does not know their response) conformity decreases. This is because there are fewer group pressures and normative influence is not as powerful, as there is no fear of rejection from the group.

Conformity to Social Roles

Social roles are the part people play as members of a social group (e.g. , student, teacher, policeman, etc.). There is considerable pressure to conform to the expectations of a social role , which  is called identification.

Stanford Prison Experiment AO1

Zimbardo wanted to investigate how readily people would conform to the social roles of guard and prisoner in a role-playing exercise that simulated prison life.

Procedure : To study the roles people play in prison situations, Zimbardo converted a basement of the Stanford University psychology building into a mock prison.

He advertised for students to play the roles of prisoners and guards for a fortnight. Participants were randomly assigned to either the role of prisoner or guard in a simulated prison environment.

stanford prison experiment picture of a prisoner being arrested

Prisoners were issued a uniform, and referred to by their number only. Guards were issued a khaki uniform, together with whistles, handcuffs and dark glasses, to make eye contact with prisoners impossible. The guards worked shifts of eight hours each (the other guards remained on call). No physical violence was permitted.

Zimbardo observed the behavior of the prisoners and guards (as a researcher), and also acted as prison warden.

Findings : Within a very short time both guards and prisoners were settling into their new roles, with the guards adopting theirs quickly and easily. Within hours of beginning the experiment some guards began to harass prisoners. T

hey behaved in a brutal and sadistic manner, apparently enjoying it. Other guards joined in, and other prisoners were also tormented.

The prisoners soon adopted prisoner-like behavior too. They talked about prison issues a great deal of the time. They ‘told tales’ on each other to the guards. They started taking the prison rules very seriously, and some even began siding with the guards against prisoners who did not obey the rules.

As the prisoners became more submissive, the guards became more aggressive and assertive. They demanded ever greater obedience from the prisoners.

The prisoners were dependent on the guards for everything so tried to find ways to please the guards, such as telling tales on fellow prisoners.

Evaluation of Zimbardo’s Study AO3

  • Demand characteristics could explain the findings of the study. Most of the guards later claimed they were simply acting. Because the guards and prisoners were playing a role their behavior may not be influenced by the same factors which affect behavior in real life. This means the study’s findings cannot be reasonably generalized to real life, such as prison settings. I.e the study has low ecological validity.
  • The study may also lack population validity as the sample comprised US male students. The study’s findings cannot be applied to female prisons or those from other countries. For example, America is an individualist culture (were people are generally less conforming) and the results maybe different in collectivist cultures (such as Asian countries) .
  • A strength of the study is that it has altered the way US prisons are run. For example, juveniles accused of federal crimes are no longer housed before trial with adult prisoners (due to the risk of violence against them).
  • The study has received many ethical criticisms, including lack of fully informed consent by participants as Zimbardo himself did not know what would happen in the experiment (it was unpredictable). Also, the prisoners did not consent to being “arrested” at home.
  • Also, participants playing the role of prisoners were not protected from psychological harm, experiencing incidents of humiliation and distress. For example, one prisoner had to be released after 36 hours because of uncontrollable bursts of screaming, crying and anger. However, in Zimbardo’s defence the emotional distress experienced by the prisoners could not have been predicted from the outset. In addition Zimbardo did conduct debriefing sessions for several years afterwards and concluded they were no lasting negative effects.
  • Another strength of the study is that the harmful treatment of participant led to the formal recognition of ethical guidelines . Studies must now gain ethical approval before they are conducted. An ethics committee review whether the potential benefits of the research are justifiable in the light of possible risk of physical or psychological harm. They may request researchers make changes to the studies design or procedure, or in extreme cases deny approval of the study altogether.
Obedience is a type of social influence where a person follows an order from another person who is usually an authority figure.

Explanations for Obedience

Milgram’s shock study ao1.

Milgram wanted to know why Germans were willing to kill Jews during the Holocaust. He thought that it might have been because German’s were just evil.

He thought that Americans were different and would not have followed such orders. To test this ‘German’s are different’ hypothesis he carried out this study (outlined below).

milgram obedience

Procedure : Milgram wanted to see whether people would obey a legitimate authority figure when given instructions to harm another human being.

He conducted a lab experiment in which two participants were assigned either the role of a teacher (this was always given to the true participant) or learner (a confederate called Mr. Wallace).

The teacher and learner were put into separate rooms. The teacher was then asked by the experimenter (who wore a lab coat) to administer electric shocks (which were actually harmless) to the learner each time he gave the wrong answer. These shocks increased every time the learner gave a wrong answer, from 15 – 450 volts.

milgram scale

The experimenter (Mr Williams) wore a grey lab coat and his role was to give a series of orders / prods when the participant refused to administer a shock. There were 4 prods and if one was not obeyed then the experimenter read out the next prod, and so on.

  • Prod 1: please continue.
  • Prod 2: the experiment requires you to continue.
  • Prod 3: It is absolutely essential that you continue.
  • Prod 4: you have no other choice but to continue.

Results : The results were that all participants went to 300 volts and 65% were willing to go all the way to 450 volts. Milgram did more than one experiment – he carried out 18 variations of his study.

All he did was alter the situation (IV) to see how this affected obedience (DV). For example, when the experimenter instructed and prompted the teacher by telephone from another room, obedience fell to 20.5%.

Evaluation of Milgram’s Study AO3

  • A limitation is that this study lacked ecological validity as it was carried out in a lab under artificial conditions. This means that it might not be possible to generalise the finding to a real life setting, as people do not usually receive orders to hurt another person in real life.
  • Another problem is that the sample was biased. Milgram only used males in his study and this means we cannot generalise the results to females.
  • Highlight the value that Milgram’s work has provided to social Psychology. For instance Milgram’s work gives an insight into why people under the Nazi reign were willing to kill Jews when given orders to do so. It also highlights how we can all be blind to obedience often doing things without question.
  • A strength of the study is that it used a standardised procedure because it was a lab experiment. This is good because it improves the reliability of the study and also helps establish a causal relationship.

Ethical Issues AO3

  • Deception – the participants actually believed they were shocking a real person, and were unaware the learner was a confederate of Milgram’s.

However, Milgram argued that “illusion is used when necessary in order to set the stage for the revelation of certain difficult-to-get-at-truths”.

Milgram also interviewed participants afterwards to find out the effect of the deception. Apparently 83.7% said that they were “glad to be in the experiment”, and 1.3% said that they wished they had not been involved.

  • Protection of participants – Participants were exposed to extremely stressful situations that may have the potential to cause psychological harm. Many of the participants were visibly distressed.

Signs of tension included trembling, sweating, stuttering, laughing nervously, biting lips and digging fingernails into palms of hands. Three participants had uncontrollable seizures, and many pleaded to be allowed to stop the experiment.

Full blown seizures were observed for 3 participants; one so violent that the experiment was stopped.

In his defence, Milgram argued that these effects were only short term. Once the participants were debriefed (and could see the confederate was OK) their stress levels decreased. Milgram also interviewed the participants one year after the event and concluded that most were happy that they had taken part.

  • However, Milgram did debrief the participants fully after the experiment and also followed up after a period of time to ensure that they came to no harm.

The Agentic State

Agency theory says that people will obey an authority when they believe that the authority will take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. This is supported by some aspects of Milgram’s evidence.

For example, when participants were reminded that they had responsibility for their own actions, almost none of them were prepared to obey. In contrast, many participants who were refusing to go on did so if the experimenter said that he would take responsibility’.

Another example of the agenetic state involved a variation of Milgram’s study whereby participants could instruct an assistant (confederate) to press the switches. In this condition 92.5% shocked to the maximum 450 volts. This shows when there is less personal responsibility obedience increases.

Limitations AO3

  • Cannot explain Nazi behavior – Mandel described how the German Police Reserve shot civilians in a small Polish town even though they were not directly ordered to and were told they could be assigned to other duties – Challenges agentic state as they were not powerless to obey.
  • May be better explained by ‘plain cruelty’ – Zimbardo’s participants may have used the situation to express their sadistic tendencies, guards inflicted rapidly escalating cruelty to prisoners even though there was no authority figure telling them to – Obedience may be caused by certain aspects of human nature.

Legitimacy of Authority Figure

Most societies are hierarchal (parents, teachers and police officers hold authority over us). The authority they use is legitimate as it is argued by society, helping it to run smoothly. One of the consequences is that some people are granted the power to punish others.

People tend to obey others if they recognise their authority as morally right and / or legally based (i.e. legitimate). This response to legitimate authority is learned in a variety of situations, for example in the family, school and workplace.

With regard to Milgram’s study, the experimenter is seen as having legitimate authority as he has scientific status.

If an authority figure’s commands are potentially harmful, for it to be perceived as legitimate they must occur within some type of institutional structure (e.g. a university or the military).

Situational Factors

The Milgram experiment was carried out many times whereby Milgram varied the basic procedure (changed the IV). By doing this Milgram could identify which situational factors affected obedience (the DV).

Obedience was measured by how many participants shocked to the maximum 450 volts (65% in the original study).

Authority Figure Wearing a Uniform

Milgram’s experimenter (Mr. Williams) wore a laboratory coat (a symbol of scientific expertise) which gave him a high status. However, when the experimenter dressed in everyday clothes, obedience was very low. The uniform of the authority figure can give them status.

Status of Location

Milgram’s obedience experiment was conducted at Yale, a prestigious university in America. The high status of the university gave the study credibility and respect in the eyes of the participants, thus making them more likely to obey.

When Milgram moved his experiment to a set of run down offices rather than the impressive Yale University obedience dropped to 47.5%. This suggests that status of location effects obedience.

Proximity of Authority Figure

People are more likely be obey an authority figure who is in close proximity (i.e. nearby). In Milgram’s study the experimenter was in the same room as the participant (i.e. teacher).

If the authority figure is distant it is easier to resistant their orders. When the experimenter instructed and prompted the teacher by telephone from another room, obedience fell to 20.5%. Many participants cheated and missed out shocks or gave less voltage than ordered to by the experimenter.

Dispositional Explanation: Authoritarian Personality

Adorno felt that personality (i.e. dispositional) factors rather than situational (i.e. environmental) factors could explain obedience. He proposed that there was such a thing as an authoritarian personality, i.e. a person who favours an authoritarian social system and, admires obedience to authority figures.

One of the various characteristics of the authoritarian personality is that the individual is hostile to those who are of inferior status, but obedient of people with high status.

He investigated 2000 middle class, white Americans and their unconscious attitudes towards other racial groups using the F-scale to measure authoritarian personality.

  • Adorno found many significant correlations (e.g. Authoritarianism correlated with prejudice against minority groups) but we cannot say that one variable causes another – Adorno cannot claim that a harsh parenting style caused a development of an Authoritarian personality, we must consider other explanations like legitimacy of authority.
  • Millions of individuals in Germany displayed obedient behavior but didn’t have the same personality, it is unlikely that the majority of Germany’s population possessed an authoritarian personality – An alternative explanation like social identity theory (people identify with groups they are apart with and discriminate against ones they are not) may be more realistic.
  • May be better explanations – Prejudice and submissiveness could just as easily be caused by a poor standard of education as a child – Theory lacks internal validity as it assumes obedience is caused by dispositional explanations when it may be situational variables.
  • Adorno used a biased sample – Only used 2000 middle class white Americans who are more likely to have an Authoritarian personality due to demographics and the time of the study – Research lacks population validity and historical validity, so conclusions cannot be generalised to people outside the sample.

Resistance to Social Influence

Independent behavior is a term that psychologists use to describe behavior that seems not be influenced by other people. This happens when a person resists the pressures to conform or obey.

Social Support

In one of Asch’s experimental variations he showed that the presence of a dissident (a confederate who did not conform) led to a decrease in the conformity levels in true participants.

This is thought to be because the presence of a dissident gave the true participant social support and made them feel more confident in their own decision and more confident in rejecting the majority position.

Social support also decreases obedience to authority. In a variation of Milgram” study two other participants (confederates) were also teachers but refused to obey. Confederate 1 stopped at 150 volts and confederate 2 stopped at 210 volts. The presence of others who are seen to disobey the authority figure reduced the level of obedience to 10%.

Locus of Control

The term ‘ Locus of control ’ refers to how much control a person feels they have in their own behavior. A person can either have an internal locus of control or an external locus of control.

There is a continuum, with most people lying in between.

People with a high internal locus of control perceive (see) themselves as having a great deal of personal control over their behavior and are therefore more likely to take responsibility for the way they behave. For example, I did well on the exams because I revised extremely hard.

In contrast a person with a high external locus of control perceive their behaviors as being a result of external influences or luck – e.g. I did well on the test because it was easy.

Research has shown that people with an internal locus of control tend to be less conforming and less obedient (i.e. more independent). Rotter proposes that people with internal locus of control are better at resisting social pressure to conform or obey, perhaps because they feel responsible for their actions.

Minority Influence

Minority influence occurs when a small group (minority) influences the opinion of a much larger group (majority). This can happen when the minority behaves in the following ways.


Moscovici stated that being consistent and unchanging in a view is more likely to influence the majority than if a minority is inconsistent and chops and changes their mind.

Procedure : Moscovici conducted an experiment in which female participants were shown 36 blue slides of different intensity and asked to report the colours. There were two confederates (the minority) and four participants (the majority).

In the first part of the experiment the two confederates answered green for each of the 36 slides. They were totally consistent in their responses. In the second part of the experiment they answered green 24 times and blue 12 times. In this case they were inconsistent in their answers. A control group was also used consisting of participants only – no confederates.

Findings : When the confederates were consistent in their answers about 8% of participants said the slides were green. When the confederates answered inconsistently about 1% of participants Said the slides were green.

A distinction can be made between two forms of consistency:

(a) Diachronic Consistency – i.e. consistency over time – the majority sticks to its guns, doesn’t modify its views. (b) Synchronic Consistency – i.e. consistency between its members – all members agree and back each other up.

Consistency may be important because:

1. Confronted with a consistent opposition, members of the majority will sit up, take notice, and rethink their position (i.e. the minority focuses attention on itself). 2. A consistent minority disrupts established norms and creates uncertainty, doubt and conflict. This can lead to the majority taking the minority view seriously. The majority will therefore be more likely to question their own views.

When the majority is confronted with someone with self-confidence and dedication to take a popular stand and refuses to back own, they may assume that he or she has a point.


A number of researchers have questioned whether consistency alone is sufficient for a minority to influence a majority. They argue that the key is how the majority interprets consistency. If the consistent minority are seen as inflexible, rigid, uncompromising and dogmatic, they will be unlikely to change the views of the majority.

However, if they appear flexible and compromising, they are likely to be seen as less extreme, as more moderate, cooperative and reasonable. As a result, they will have a better chance of changing majority views.

Some researchers have gone further and suggested that it is not just the appearance of flexibility and compromise which is important but actual flexibility and compromise. This possibility was investigated by Nemeth.

Their experiment was based on a mock jury in which groups of three participants and one confederate had to decide on the amount of compensation to be given to the victim of a ski-lift accident. When the consistent minority (the confederate) argued for a very low amount and refused to change his position, he had no effect on the majority.

However, when he compromised and moved some way towards the majority position, the majority also compromised and changed their view.

This experiment questions the importance of consistency. The minority position changed, it was not consistent, and it was this change that apparently resulted in minority influence.

(a) Name 3 behaviors that enable a minority to influence a majority. (3 marks)

(b) Marcus wants to persuade his group of friends to go travelling in the summer but the rest of the group would like to go on a beach holiday.

Briefly suggest how Marcus might use the 3 behaviors that you have identified in your answer to (a) to persuade his friends to go travelling. (3 marks)

(Total 6 Marks)

(a) Answer. “Consistency, Commitment, Flexibility.” (No need to explain – just name them). (b) Answer. “Marcus should consistently give the same message again and again that the group should go travelling rather than on a beach holiday. He should show commitment to his idea by, for example, investing time in planning and organising his proposed trip. Lastly, he should some flexibility: for example, he could suggest the group go travelling but they will spend quite a bit of time at the beach whilst travelling.”

Social Change

Social change occurs when a whole society adopts a new belief or behavior which then becomes widely accepted as the ‘norm’ which was not before. Social influence processes involved in social change include minority influence (consistency, commitment and flexibility), internal locus of control and disobedience to authority.

Social change is usually a result of minority influence. This is when a small group of people (the minority) manage to persuade the majority to adopt their point of view.

This also links to independent behavior, because the minority resists pressures to conform and/or obey. Usually the minority have an internal locus of control.

Committed minorities, such as those who risk themselves for their cause has an effect on the majority through an augmentation principle, this means the majority value the importance of the cause – as the minority are risking their lives for it.

Through these processes more and more of the majority will gradually change towards the cause resulting in the snowball effect which will ultimately result in societal change, once this has happened social cryptomnesia occurs which is when people can remember a change but not how it came about.

Moscovici found that consistency is the most important factor in deciding whether the minority are influential or not. This means that the minority must be clear on what they are asking for and not change their minds, or disagree amongst themselves. This creates uncertainty amongst the majority.

Moscovici investigated the importance of consistency. He had a group of 6 participants and a range of blue/ green slides varying in intensity – they all had to state the colour they saw.

The study had two conditions, confederates who consistently said green and an inconsistent group and a control group with no confederates. He found that the consistent minority group had a greater effect on the other participants than the inconsistent group. This confirms that consistency is a major factor in minority influence.

It has been found that once the minority begin to persuade people round to their way of thinking, a snowball effect begins to happen. This means that more and more people adopt the minority opinion, until gradually the minority becomes the majority.

At this point, the people who have not changed their opinion are the minority, and they will often conform to the majority view as a result of group pressures.

The majority opinion then becomes law, and people have to obey this law. Once this happens, the minority opinion has become the dominant position in society, and people do often not even remember where the opinion originated from. This is a process known as crypto amnesia .

Further social influence research from Asch and Milgram demonstrates that a minority can have an affect on the majority – both studies involved a dissenter or disobedient role model who influenced the behavior of the majority. However, there are methodological issues in these areas of research: these studies are both based on artificial tasks (judging line lengths).

The application of minority influence is further limited due to the importance of identification which is overlooked in minority influence research. Psychologists have suggested that people are less likely to behave in environmentally friendly ways due to the negative connotations associated with them (“tree huggers”).

Minorities wanting social change should avoid behaviors that reinforce social change – essentially off-putting to the majority.

This suggests that being able to identify with a minority group is just as important as agreeing with their views in order to change the behavior of the major.

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Social Influence: Change Others Essay

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Functions of the review papers, comparison and contrast of the articles.

Social influence is carried out at various levels – from individual to global. The phenomenon occurs when an individual is influenced by the surrounding emotions, beliefs, norms and values, leading to socialization, interaction, identification and conformity.

All these aspects are introduced through the broad angles of social impact introduced by Kelman through such aspects as compliance, identification, and internalization. This theory is heavily discussed in other experimental studies that refer to different spheres, including business administration, education, and psychology.

The spectrum of references also strengthens the validity and reliability of Kelman’s model, as well as enhances its practical value. Discussing various issues, such self-perception, identity, and influence of administrative control also complement the initially designed theoretical implications. In conclusion, although all the researches are associated with the psychological transformation of identity, they all discuss how individual’s perception is affected by social influence.

The nature of social influence has long been considered by many researchers in terms of identity formation and conformity to socially accepted patterns and norms of behavior. At this point, the analysis of Kelman’s triangle model contributes to understanding and explaining of how such social phenomena as conflict revolution, negotiation, and self-perception could be influenced by social behavior. Specific attention should also be given to compliance, identification, and internalization.

The latter gains greater importance because global processes are on the rise. The awareness of these aspects is also important for professional fulfillment and realization of personal goals. Adjusting to shifts in social life, individuals can feel more comfortable. Therefore, Kelman’s alternative view on social behavior and factors affecting them is fully justified from psychological viewpoint.

The parent article under analysis is called Compliance, Identification, and Internalization: Three Processes of Attitude Change and is introduced by Herbert Kelman. Published in 1958, the studies discuss the nature of social changes, as well as how social environment influence individual behavior.

To research the problem of shifts in attitudes, an experimental study is introduced to determine the nature of social changes predetermined by the level of communication. The social change involves three processes: compliance, identification, and internalization. These three dimensions form the theoretical framework of the study.

Compliance refers to the case when an individual recognize the impact because he/she expects to gain favorable feedback from another individual or community. Identification appears when an individual perceive influence as a means of maintaining or establishing self-defining relationships with another individual or community. Finally, internalization refers to the case when the meaning of the induced behavior is rewarding and is congruent with the individual’s belief system.

African American college freshmen were selected for the experiment to define how students are affected by communication. The message of communication postulates that, if the Supreme Court supports unconstitutionality of the segregation, it is likely to perverse some private colleges for African-Americans to preserve Black culture, traditions, and history. In conclusion, the experiment does not give a definite answer concerning the hypothesis, but it supports the functions of compliance, identification, and internalization.

The theory of compliance and social influence on behavioral change is represented in the article entitled as Effects of Organizational and Professional Identification on the Relationship between Administrators’ Social Influence and Professional Employees’ Adoption of New Work and is written by Hekman, Steensma, Bigley, and Herford (2009).

Released in 2009, the research focuses on the connection between administrative social influence and the attitude of employees to their organization and profession. The study introduces a confidential survey based on survey distribution method in Healthcorp, a nongovernmental organization located in the Pacific Northwest region. 249 participants have been selected for the experiment.

The dependent variable in the research is “…an improvement over previous measures of acceptance of new work behavior that are primarily limited to self-reports and third party raters” (Hekman et al., 2009, p. 1328). Identification of organizational goals and professional competence and administrative social influence belong to independent variables.

The control variables refer to the period of availability of secure messaging, clinic membership, and perceived efficiency of technology. The research has highlighted that professional and experienced employees have been discovered to be the most sensitive social influence to adjust the work behavior to organizational objectives. At the same time, administrative social influence is not efficient if professional employees identify themselves with their profession rather with organizational goals.

The study entitled as Toward a Model of Social Influence Explains Minority Student Integration into the Scientific Community offers a model of social impact and analyzes factors that influences minority students’ perception of the a specific educational environment.

From the perspective of Kelman’s triangle model, the research explains the role orientation of minority groups in a host community. In this context, “…students comply with they learn the material and the skills requires for their major” (Estrada, Woodcock, Hernandez, & Schultz, 2011, p. 208).

The experiment of the study is premised on TIMSI model and a cross-sectional analysis of information retrieved from the second year of research. The participants involve 1053 science students from the minority community selected from 50 universities in the United States. The members of the experiment have been measured in accordance with the identified measures, including scientific self-efficacy, scientific identity, and scientific community objectives.

To test the hypothesis, the studies refer to a range of analyses conducted within an equation modeling frameworks. The results show that values and orientations would be the most efficient for graduate students because they are more integrated in the community as compared to undergraduates. In conclusions, the experiment underscores the explanatory value of Kelman’s conclusions in terms of the validity of social influence.

The observational studies by Spillmann and Kollars (2010), which are called Herbert Kelman’s Contribution to the Methodology of Practical Conflict Revolution comment on Kelman’s method of interactive problem solving that seeks to negotiate identity factors of the conflict parties.

Specific, the experiment focuses on the practical applications of the method to considering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Basing the discussion on the dialogue workshops, the research displays how former participants of the conflict have encountered workshop discussions, as well as what they consider to be long-term effects of the method.

While investigating the nature of conflicts, the experiment heavily relies on Kelman’s analysis of parties’ identities, including their social and cultural backgrounds. The results of the study demonstrate that the interactive model of problem solving has had a considerable influence on workshop participants. The interview data also indicate that the workshop discussions caused an increased realization of other’s experience.

Moreover, the participants of the study confirm that the negotiation process is closely associated with the aspects of national identity, which sometimes refer the issues of conflict resolution. In conclusion, the research studies prove the efficiency and value of Kelman’s conflict resolution model and define further implications for scientific exploration in the field.

Released in 2007, the research The Spyglass Self: A Model of Vicarious Self-Perception conducted by Goldstein and Cialdini highlight the reference of self-perception theory to the problem of merged identity, enumerating such processes as conformity, self-concept development, and perspective-taking.

For the experimental study, 135 participants (66 male and 69 female undegraduates) have been chosen from an introductory psychology course. They have been split into groups from 2 to 6 to work on private computers. The members of the group were told that the purpose of the research consists’ in examining people’s perceptions of various types of interviews. The results have shown that there are shifts in self-perceptions in terms of self-sacrifice.

The second study premises on the analysis of the results received from 33 participants. It has shown that the participants are more inclined to be self-sacrificing and sensitive to other participants. In general, the subsequent studies, along with the previously described ones, imply that such aspects as vicarious self-perception has a direct correlation with behavioral change and development of merged identity.

Additionally, shifts in self-perception contribute to enhanced probability of participants’ engagement in prosocial behavior. In conclusion, the studies prove the evident influence of socially accepted behavioral patterns on participants’ self-perception. They have also provided alternative explanation for observed prosocial behavior.

All the research studies under analysis refer to the analysis and evaluation of various displays of identity formation. Specifically, Hekman et al. (2009) describe the process of formation of professional identity, as well as external factors affecting this process. Estrada et al. (2011) analyze minority issues while shaping the identity of scientific students’ and their integration into the community.

Goldstein and Cialdini (2007) discuss self-concept with reliance on the problem of merged identity. Finally, Spillmann and Kollars (2010) focus on the role of identity formation in a conflict resolution process. Reliance on the concrete example, the research defines the leading aspects of conflict, as well as how they are affected by cultural and social backgrounds of the parties involved.

Despite the similarities, there are substantial differences in representing Kelman’s theory of social change. This is of particular concern to the idea of the elements of identity formation. At this point, Hekman et al (2009) along with Estrada et al. (2011) are more concerned with the triangle identification of identity issues whereas Goldstein and Cialdini and Spillmann and Kollars (2010) are more interested in developing self-concept in the context of conflict resolution.

In conclusion, the nature of social change is sophisticated because it implies a synthesis of individual and collective factors influencing the overall formation of compliance, identification, and internalization. On the one hand, individuality induces new patterns, values, and norms that change social reality. On the other hand, social environment leaves a tangible imprint on identity formation. All these aspects are introduced within the Kelman’s theory of social change and conflict resolution.

The interaction of social medium and an individual creates new approaches to treating such as aspects, as behavior, attitude, and self-perception, as well as shaping the new belief system. The four experimental articles rely on Kelman’s model to interpret it from different angles and explain how it can be applied in various settings to change the behaviors of others.

Estrada, M., Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. (2011). Toward a model of social influence that explains minority student integration into the scientific community. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103 (1), 206-222.

Goldstein, N. J., & Cialdini, R. B. (2007). The spyglass self: A model of vicarious self-perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92 (3), 402-417.

Hekman, D. R., Steensma, H., Bigley, G. A., & Hereford, J. F. (2009). Effects of organizational and professional identification on the relationship between administrators’ social influence and professional employees’ adoption of new work behavior. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 94 (5), 1325-1335.

Kelman, H. (1958). Compliance, identification, and internalization: Three processes of attitude change. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1 , 51-60.

Spillmann, K. R., & Kollars, N. D. (2010). Herbert Kelman’s contribution to the methodology of practical conflict resolution. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 16 (4), 349-360

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  • Instagram vs. Facebook as Social Media Platforms The two overlapping social media sites, Facebook and Instagram, have stark differences in users’ age, the scope of engagement, and business marketing strategy.
  • Social Media and Traditional News Media Social media platforms have transformed how people communicate in today’s world. Information can easily reach any corner of the globe by just having a smartphone.
  • Children’s Use of Technology and Social Media: Essay Example Research conducted in various nations indicates that children and teenagers spend most of their time on social media sites than they do on other websites and mobile sites.
  • Nike Social Media vs. Adidas Social Media: Marketing Analysis This case study is aimed to study the official accounts of Adidas and Nike, on four of the most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Social Media Platforms’ Impact on Human Loneliness Social media platforms are making humans lonelier than ever because people often spend much time on those platforms at the expense of physical interactions.
  • Marketing Yourself and Social Media For many businesses, marketing strategies are aimed at obtaining the attention of consumers to their products and services.
  • Social Media as a Distraction in Academics It is vital to recognize the ways in which social media can work as a distraction from academic pursuits and implement solutions to particular problems these platforms create.
  • Social Media and Freedom of Speech Social media has revolutionized how people communicate publicly and privately, allowing users to express thoughts and feelings freely.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers Despite the negative impact on teenagers, social media can benefit if used for specific purposes; for instance, they use them to produce memes and develop creativity.
  • Social Media: Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography on social media, effects of social media on society, effects on mental health and wellbeing, and election campaigning on social media.
  • Social Media’s Influence on American Culture This paper lays out the impacts that social media has had on American culture over time. It presents both negative and positive influences on the culture.
  • Social Media vs. Television and News Channels Social networks have become a key communication platform that shapes the knowledge and experience of young people.
  • Social Media and Mental Health Relationship The paper argues social media use can affect dire repercussions such as adverse mental health issues that’s why stringent measures should be imposed to avoid negative consequences.
  • Social Media: Impact on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships Social media has surpassed email as the primary method of communication with individuals from all around the globe. It has proved beneficial to some and harmful to others.
  • Social Media and Its Role Now and in the Future This document focused on the role of social media, now and in future. To achieve this goal, it focused on a number of issues that surround social media.
  • Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships Social media has undeniably impacted the nature of interpersonal relationships, and the result is rather ambiguous, although more negative changes can be identified.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Education Social media can distinguish between positive and negative impacts on education. The advantage is that social life is an integral part of the learning process.
  • Digital Marketing and Social Media The capabilities offered by the rapidly developing information technology segment have contributed to the speed, effectiveness, and affordability of digital marketing strategies.
  • The Power of Social Media The popularity and high use of social media have adverse effects on society. The ability of people to hide their identity when interacting on social networks creates a room for cyberbullying.
  • Youth’s Use of Social Media and Its Impact on Narcissism This paper has presented an overview of the problem of narcissism that prevails in contemporary youth due to their problematic use of social media platforms.
  • Social Media Nature and Influence Social media’s interactive nature is highly influential; it breaks the traditional barriers of time and distance between people through social networking tools.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Influence on Younger Generation Social media is a trendy and convenient way of communication and self-expression among youth. It has both advantageous and disadvantageous sides.
  • Annotated Bibliography: Social Media and Mental Health This article describes several sources about the connection and some other issues about social media and people’s mental health.
  • Social Media: Negative Impacts Social media are gradually losing the function of communication tools and gaining the status of platforms that allow posting any content, including illegal and immoral materials.
  • Social Media and Informatics Role in Healthcare This paper examines three examples of using social media and electronic systems to demonstrate the impact of the Internet and modern informatics on healthcare.
  • Types of Social Media Users Users can be divided into six classes based on how many social media people use and how actively they engage: no-shows, newcomers, onlookers, cliques, mix-n-minglers, and sparks.
  • Marketing Through Social Media The usage of social broadcasting sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit to sell company services and goods is known as social media marketing.
  • Effects of Social Media and Internet Social scientists focus on social, economic, and political affairs, and social media and the Internet are highly useful.
  • Social Media in Crisis Management of Restaurants Various firms are considering the use of social media to manage the crisis, especially if this involves rebuilding the image of the firm destroyed by negative publicity.
  • Social Media Disadvantages for Adolescents A social network is a platform designed for the construction of social relationships. The active use of social networks harms adolescents.
  • Has Social Media Ruined Our Culture The question addressed in the paper is whether social media platforms ruin people’s culture and force them to adapt, bringing about the convergence culture.
  • Social Media and Online Identity As a key platform for social interaction, it can be argued that this emergent technology influences how people behave both online and offline.
  • Benefits of Using Popular Trend in Social Media Utilizing a popular trend in social media use is worthwhile since it improves users’ sense of belonging to the community, self-expression, and consumption.
  • Relation Between Politics and Social Media The paper discusses social media have diverse effects on politics, including their influence on voting, the spread of fake news, and the proliferation of negative attitudes.
  • Social Media and Their Psychological Effects The overuse of social media results in low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other psychological issues.
  • Effect of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health This study aims to assess the current relationship between social media use and its impact on adolescent mental health.
  • Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health Social media became popular only several decades ago, but at present, they constitute an important part of everyone’s daily routine.
  • Social Media Influence, Ethics, and Privacy Issues Social media remains one of the dominant internet services, which offers a new interactive opportunity: for political support, humanitarian aid, group activities, etc.
  • Is Social Media Bad for You? Evidence and Unknown Social media has taken a notable position in people’s lives, although society has conflicting opinions on its effects in the long term.
  • News on Social Media Can Replace the Traditional Media The paper aims to explore the potential of social media to replace traditional media, focusing on the perceptions of users, information credibility, journalists’ behaviors.
  • Are Social Media a Good Thing to Society? Recently, computer systems have been adopted, and human beings have developed communication to make the world a global village.
  • Social Media Plagiarism: The Key Issues Oxford dictionary defines plagiarism as using someone else’s ideas, with or without their consent, by incorporating them into your work without full acknowledgement.
  • “Don’t Demonize Social Media…” by Frazer-Carroll The paper analyses research dossiers and news reports that have linked teens’ use of social media to mental health problems.
  • Social Media Impact on Teenagers in the UAE This paper studies impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires.
  • WhatsApp: Social Media Security and Privacy This paper seeks to analyse the issue of social media security and privacy in WhatsApp, with the writer illustrating a variety of technical and policy.
  • The Effects of Social Media on People Social media affects the human brain both in the developmental stage and the developed stage, which leads to a reinforcement of the cycle of negative interdependence.
  • Personal Change: Cutting Time Spend Online on Social Media Spending time with family, engaging in daily activities, and making inquiries from people who have experienced the challenge to be changed can help one succeed in change.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health The paper discusses the consequences of social media on people’s mental health, behavior, lifestyle and possible benefits.
  • What Effects Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communications? The widespread use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and WhatsApp has changed the way people communicate.
  • Gender Discrimination in Society and Social Media: Solutions The paper finds out to what extent discriminatory attitudes are present in different societies and how much social media induce them.
  • Social Media Observation: Instagram The history of Instagram is young but attractive due to its simple and smart application structure created by Kevin Systrom, a Stanford University graduate.
  • The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health This essay is purposed to explain the aspects in which excessive use of social media affects teenagers’ mental health.
  • Social Media for Children: Threat or Opportunity? The current paper discusses potential risks and opportunities of social media for children advising parents to be careful and telling about social media safety rules.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Super Bowl Ads The Super Bowl is one of the most watched events in the U.S. and, as such, companies often attempt to capture the attention of the audience.
  • Correlation Between Social Media and Communication Skills The effects that social media may have on a person’s development and ability to communicate with others have proven to be controversial.
  • How Social Media Affects Individual Freedom Everyone should consciously approach the use of social networks and not forget about real life. This is the only way to save freedom, mental health, and respect from others.
  • Social Media Effects on Consumer Behaviour Social media creates a platform where businesspeople communicate and/or interact with their customers. Through social media, companies market their products to reach worldwide consumers.
  • Social Media in Nursing Practice The use of social media can be considered profitable, but nurses should take into consideration the patient’s confidentiality before engaging in this activity.
  • Social Media’s Influence on the Restaurant Industry In the restaurant industry, customers can connect with restaurant owners or other customers via platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
  • How Social Media Contribute to Mental Health While social media enhances individuals’ communication and interaction with other people, spending a lot of time on social networks can make people lonely.
  • Opportunities Social Media Provides Social media provides more opportunities for all to show different perspectives on the same issue and demonstrate the results of someone’s work more effectively.
  • Fashion Industry and Social Media The impact of networking services causes more competition, honesty, and creativity in professional clothes design and marketing.
  • Obesity Prevention: Social Media Campaign A variety of programs aimed at reducing the risk of obesity has been suggested by healthcare practitioners and scholars. Among them, diet interventions are highly popular.
  • Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Social Media The objective of the research is to examine how social media can put considerable value into shaping consumers’ buying behavior.
  • Social Media Impact on Teenagers’ Socialization Through the use of social media teenagers have well-established human connections, boosted communication skills, social skills, relationships, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Social Media for the Purpose of Knowledge, Entertainment, and Communication Almost all people, especially the representatives of young generations, consider their smartphones and laptops to be an integral and rather significant part of their life.
  • Social Media Use and Self-Esteem Control in School Students This study will highlight the impact of social media on students’ self-esteem and suggests possible ways of avoiding negative influence.
  • The Rise of Cancel Culture: Social Media Users’ Perspective The modern perception of media discourse has become one of the major contributors to the genesis and development of an innovative model of social cognition.
  • Negative Impacts of Technology and Social Media on Young People’s Lives Social media has caused far-reaching negative repercussions on the lives of young people. Particularly, the negative effects of addition to SNS, related mental health issues, etc.
  • LEGO Social Media Strategy: Great Essay Sample LEGO is a business that engages its customers, uses various types of social media to reach out to various audiences, and focuses on creativity above all else.
  • Social Media and Modern Society Due to the developed connectivity, community-building, and communication and information exchange, social media is primarily beneficial to modern society.
  • Social Change Theory and Social Media Contemporary social change theory is an appropriate framework for talking about social media, but now social media dictate their rules to social theories.
  • Social Media and Social Isolation This paper provides an annotated bibliography of the three articles related to the topics of social isolation while using social networks and its harmful effects.
  • The Causes and Effects of Social Media on Relationships and Communication Communication has become easier and more complicated at the same time. The Internet has blended interpersonal and mass communication, making public and private lines less pronounced.
  • Professionalism and Social Media This paper is a summary of the Facebook postings that could be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing.
  • User Data and Privacy Protection in Social Media The purpose of the current exploration is to provide an all-encompassing look at best practices that can safeguard users against the inappropriate use of their personal data.
  • Social Media Tool in Modern Marketing This paper explores the different approaches a firm can use to measure and manage its online presence and reputation. It examines companies that have successfully implemented the SMM strategy.
  • The Role of Social Media’s Influence on Revolution Recent revolutions were massively impacted by social media. With contemporary social media, properly selected content can create and direct the passionate crowd.
  • Social Dilemma: Should We Regulate Social Media? This article discusses the effects of social media and whether it needs regulation. The debaters in context are Deona Julary, Frank Anstett, Grace Kapsimalis, and Stephen Githaka.
  • Apple and Samsung Firms’ Social Media Analysis Apple’s brand voice communicates the high quality of its brand in a consistent manner. The majority of Samsung’s blog articles communicate the brand’s excellent quality.
  • Social Media Usage and Teenager’s Ecosystems Social media has complex impacts on the youth, which are majorly positive. However, it causes negative impacts in an educational, socio-political, and physiological manner.
  • Social Media Regulation as Question of Century Large corporations can control the flow of information while leaving only the content that fits their policy. That is the foremost fact in favor of regulating social networks.
  • Social Media Impact on Activism Social media has played a crucial role in activism in recent past years, as it has provided a new look for the activism movements by giving them access to large groups of people.
  • Social Media Impact on Globalization Among the many drivers of globalization, the advancement of digital social media platforms has been one of the most influential.
  • Social Media Through Lenses of Social and Applied Sciences This essay will evaluate the creation and development of social media from the perspective of the lenses of social and applied sciences.
  • Social Media Impact on Interpersonal Relationships/Communication This paper aims to analyze how social media and the use of smartphones impacts interpersonal relationships and communication.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Democracy Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges.
  • Leveraging Social Media in the Luxury Industry: Recommendation for Dior Across the world, thhe luxury fashion is a dominant sector in the luxury industry since it registers consistent growth in sales and profits.
  • Social Media Effects on Communication Behaviors Social media has caused negative effects on communication behavior such as eliciting a false feeling of connections and friendships.
  • Critique of “Impact of Social Media…” by Jan et al. Facebook, as the most prominent and commonly utilized social media platform, has a significant influence on young people’s self-esteem.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Elite Sportsmen Performance Excessive Internet use can lead to a high degree of emotional stress, resulting in a lack of sleep, inability to eat, and limited physical activity.
  • Social Media and Latest Trends in Marketing In the last decade, social media have been actively used by businesses as instruments to promote their products and services.
  • Social Media Evolution and How Does It Make a Difference in Today’s World The evolution of social media has made it a global political actor because of its significant role in various areas of human life.
  • Social Media Promotion of Juvenile Delinquency Mass media is a great instrument for shaping public opinion, and it has a significant influence on people’s minds.
  • Social Media in Moderation This research argues that the moderate use of social media is the most mindful approach to incorporating these online assets into daily life.
  • The Healthcare System: Effects of Social Media Healthcare professionals are grasping social media as an instrument in careers advancement. Registered nurses and health practitioners must be registered for vocational reasons.
  • Amazon’s Social Media Services Amazon’s social media services are highly effective as the company understands that the customers are located in different countries and may require an individual approach.
  • The Impact of Social Media on the Development of the Humanity The paper describes the most significant developments of the influence of social media and identifies the results and how they impact individuals or larger groups.
  • Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People Every year people spend more and more time on their smartphones or computers. The present essay discusses the topic of addiction to social media and smartphones.
  • Social Media and Associated Mental Health Risks This frequent use of social media can lead to the development of depression, anxiety, and feelings of dissatisfaction.
  • Balancing Social Media and Child Development Children might meet content on social media that can encourage inappropriate behaviors. Adolescents are frequently subjected to peer pressure from what they view on social media.
  • Social Media and its Effect on Children Healthcare providers, policymakers, teachers, and parents raise numerous concerns regarding the effect of social media sites on children.
  • Social Media, Smartphones Have Become Obsession Smartphones have become our obsession instead of being our helpers. They attract people to use all of the apps and social networks as much as possible.
  • Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for world society. Numerous studies have linked high social media use with high levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Social Media Enable Cultural Importation This essay is written to show that social media enables intercultural exchanges that enrich both groups instead of creating a one-way flow.
  • Social Media in Aviation Crisis Management This report examines social media tools to comprehend how they are utilized to facilitate analytical response capabilities by airlines for effective crisis management.
  • Social Media: Science, Technology and Government Social media has become one of the most utilized platforms in the world today. Advances in technology have enabled a lot of access to information and eased communication.
  • Social Media Policies and Code of Conduct This discussion therefore identifies the major issues arising from the use of social networks in different companies.
  • Asking for a Password from Social Media This paper opinions that asking for passwords, during job interviews, or from people who work for you, should not be allowed. There is much reason in not using one’s social media.
  • The Effects of Social Media on Today’s Society The importance of digital technologies and Internet for the modern society is growing rapidly. Social media are starting to make very serious impact on social relationships.
  • How Is Social Media Affecting College Students? The use of social network websites has been extensive that they have not just attracted the interest of industry and academic researchers all over the world.
  • The United Way Agency’s Use of Social Media United Way has been using Twitter since 2008 to promote its brand. It has built a strong collaborative network to popularize the brand by getting retweeted by other services.
  • Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health Conditions Social media usage creates mental health problems that can be solved through the enhancement of mental health education in schools and improving access to help for patients.
  • Social Media’s Impact on Psychological Distress This study examined the impact of social media usage on depression, anxiety, and psychological distress among teenagers.
  • Walmart’s Online Marketing in Various Social Media By monitoring sales, Walmart may see trends in growth and season, which can help Walmart prepare its inventory for busy times.
  • Social Media: The Role of Cyber-Ethics The obsession with social media popularity urges users to use bots in order to increase “likes”, which is an example of unethical behavior.
  • Shaping Army-People Relations through Social Media In modern world community transformation conditions, the image of the state and its structures becomes particularly meaningful.
  • Social Media and Work Productivity Avoiding the wide range of adverse effects of social networks, especially those associated with a decrease in workers’ productivity, is impossible.
  • Social Media in the Modern Workplace: Advantages and Challenges Social media may be a game-changer in the office, provided it is handled correctly and effectively without causing the user any distractions.
  • Community Health Nursing Social Media Campaign Increased risk of mental illnesses among people aged between 18 and 39 years in Brevard County is related to lack of access to mental health services.
  • The Australian Social Media Industry’s Analysis The Australian social media industry has faced various challenges due to different factors, including ‘media mogul’ subjugated media.
  • Using Social Media to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Web-based media has changed this reality and carried inclusivity to everybody, and now everything is treated with a similar weight, regardless of the recipient’s gender.
  • Personal Brand Management and Social Media The paper discusses that social media platforms provide great tools for building and maintaining personal brands.
  • Politics and Social Media Relations It is hard to discuss politics in contemporary society without including the internet, especially social media, in the discourse.
  • Social Media and Its Effect on Mental Health This paper offers an analysis of the behavior of adolescents in terms of depression, anxiety and other conditions resulting from the alleged use of social media.
  • Nike Social Media Analysis This research work is aimed at evaluating user perception of Nike products through social networks, in particular, Instagram, Amazon, and YouTube.
  • Social Media Marketing: Case Study The study suggests that social media marketing’s advantages can be visible through a link between the online word of mouth and high sales.
  • Instagram: Social Media’s Negative Impact on Society Instagram and other social media have not only a negative influence. Over the past five years, the influence of Instagram has increased, both positive and negative.
  • Social Media Activism During COVID-19 In “The COVID-19 social media infodemic”, Cinelli et al. address the critical dissemination of information during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Social Media Behaviors in Asia Asia is a diverse region with lots of nationalities and cultural traditions. Asia started to play one of the major roles in shaping markets due to its immense productive powers.
  • Social Media Categories for Public Health Promotion This paper discusses social media categories, singles out popular and cutting-edge tools, and outlines how these tools might be used for the issue of community health.
  • The Importance of Social Media in the Activist Movement This essay aims at discussing the nature of social media, connectivity and access to information that has provided an ideal environment for activism and revolution.
  • Global Impact of Social Media in United Arabs Emirates This research paper examines the impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. Social media has positive and negative impacts on teenagers.
  • Social Media: Advantages and Disadvantages The paper analyzes the various effects of social media and demonstrates that they should be treated critically, emphasizing their manifestations.
  • Impact of Internet and Social Media on Influencers The paper states that influencers and the Internet are inseparable elements of the whole. Influencers continue to be an essential part of the modern Internet.
  • Pros and Cons of Free Speech Regulations on Social Media Freedom of mass information is considered the central principle in any democratic state which necessary for political pluralism and cultural diversity.
  • Role of Personality Traits in Social Media Behavior Social media has become one of the most prevalent communication and interaction digital tools in contemporary times.
  • Social Media Usage in College Students Conducting a literature review demonstrates that there are many negative and positive aspects of social media usage among college students.
  • Free Speech Regulation on Social Media Even though some countries actively support the position of freedom of speech for their citizens, it should still be monitored and regulated in social networks.
  • Propaganda Machines on Social Media Platforms In many cases, propaganda is advanced through powerful social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram.
  • Social Media Use in Workplace. The Effect of Social Media on Employees’ Job Performance The increased use of social media in workplaces has offered companies and organizations direct positive benefits.
  • What Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral on Social Media? This paper aims to analyze the viral campaign the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge utilizing Berger’s STEPPS model in the 2014.
  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Sites such as Facebook, email, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Reddit, and YouTube have led to a revolution in communication, specifically within the school.
  • Nursing Professionalism in Social Media By analyzing personal social media accounts according to the standards governing the profession of nursing, one may trace the risks of its negligent use.
  • Social Media in Real Life: Causes and Effects
  • Social Media Usage and Impact
  • The Role of Gender in Interactions via Social Media
  • The Popularization of Social Media
  • Facebook Ad Boycott: Social Media Advertising
  • Aspects of the Social Media Best Practices
  • Social Media in Healthcare Marketing
  • The Role of Social Media in American News Media
  • Social Media, Body Image, Mental Health, and Social Comparisons
  • Social Media as a Tool for Depression Detection
  • The Adolescents’ Social Media Use
  • Social Media’s Multifaceted Impact on Mental Health
  • Consequences of Secondary Trauma as a Result of Social Media Exposure
  • Social Media Impacts on Adolescents
  • Art Activism, Feminism, and Social Media
  • Agents of Socialization: The Development of Social Media Platforms
  • Becoming Distant on Social Media
  • Social Media in Braithwaite’s My Sister, the Serial Killer Novel
  • Fake News on Social Media and How to Prevent It
  • Discussion: Public Intimacy and Social Media
  • Significance of Social Media and Communication
  • Depression and Social Media in Scientific vs. Popular Articles
  • Ethics and Technology: Bots in Social Media
  • Direct and Social Media Marketing Strategies and Techniques
  • Positive and Negative Images on Social Media and TV
  • Social Media and Spirituality: Correlation Study
  • Genius and Digital Legacy: A Social Media Post
  • Social Media and Children’s Brains: Source Analysis
  • Social Media Initiatives and Information Technology
  • The Issue of Fake News on Social Media
  • Social Media in Modern Society
  • Disordered Eating Due to Impact of Social Media
  • Social Media Role in Gen Z Life
  • Connectedness and Disconnect on Social Media
  • Marketing Campaign and Social Media Content Plan
  • Social Media Networks’ Role in America
  • Social Media Impact on Mental Health
  • Social Media Effects on Employees and Productivity
  • The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Social Media Misuse at Work: Work and Employment
  • Speech Regulation on Social Media
  • Twitter: The Forces That Tend to Drive Social Media
  • Social Media Analytics With Google and Other Tools
  • Social Media for Fitness Trackers
  • The Use of Social Media by College Students
  • Social Media: The Role in Modern Society
  • Social Media: A Distraction in the Workplace
  • Social Media Relations in the Digital Age
  • Social Media and Small Business
  • Social Media and International Business
  • Social Media and Its Use in Marketing
  • The Social Media Impact on Globalization
  • Effects of Social Media Use on Teenagers
  • The First Amendment Should Be Expanded to Include Social Media Networks
  • Social Media Advertising in Business
  • Why Has Social Media Affected Political Campaigns?
  • Social Media Behavior Analysis
  • Social Media Companies: The Main Functions
  • Communication: Living in a Bubble of Social Media
  • Cyberethics of Social Media Platforms
  • Mass and Social Media in Modern Politics
  • Social Media Use: The Effectiveness of a Social Media Campaign
  • Increase in Social Media Usage and Marketing Future
  • Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Social Media and Depression in Adolescents: The Causative Link
  • Ethics: Social Media Policy
  • Is Social Media a Good Thing to Society?
  • Ethical Considerations of Social Media Use by Healthcare Providers
  • Researching of Impact of Social Media
  • Schools’ Access to Students’ Social Media
  • Restricting Unethical Marketing in the Social Media
  • Pricing Strategies’ Effects on Consumer Behavior on Social Media Platforms
  • Adverse Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • ”Using Social Media to Aid Your Job Search” Article Review
  • Social Media Negatively Impacts Psychological Well-Being
  • Analysis of Social Media Misinformation Aspects
  • Social Media: Positive and Negative Effects
  • The Informal Power of the Governor in Texas in Social Media
  • Social Media as a Form of Activism Today
  • Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change
  • Gossip and Exclusion in Social Media
  • Are Social Media Ruining Our Culture?
  • The Emerging Issues of Social Media in the Modern Works
  • Networks and Social Media in Business
  • Impact of Social Media on Adolescence
  • Privacy, Ownership, and Surveillance in Social Media
  • Social Media and Mental Health in Adolescents
  • The Problem of Misinformation From the Social Media Platforms
  • Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements
  • Marketing and Interaction Through Social Media Platforms and Gender Inequalities
  • Social Media Access and Use for Children and Adolescents
  • Social Media and Networking in Organizations
  • Technology and Social Media Role in Customer Service
  • Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success
  • The Influence of Drugs and Social Media
  • National Campaign: Social Media Campaigns on Dentistry
  • Social Media Influences on Young Adults
  • MAC Cosmetics Company’s Models and Social Media
  • Nursing Occupation: Professional Side and the Use of Social Media Networks
  • The Use of Social Media in Nursing
  • Social Media in Healthcare: Building Awareness and Preventing Epidemics
  • Online Social Media Fatigue and Psychological Wellbeing
  • Toyota, Tide, and Pepsi Firms’ Social Media Marketing
  • Successful Social Media Advertising: Strategies
  • The Social Media Reinforcement Bubbles
  • How News Spread on Social Media Contests Based News Organizations
  • The Cleaning Company and the Use of Social Media
  • Unfollowing on Social Media
  • European Cultural Dresses Portrayed in Social Media
  • Social Media and Issues Regarding the Use of Social Media
  • Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Social Lives
  • Social Media and Ethically Informed Global Supply Chain
  • The Role of Business Ethics in Recruiting New Employees Using Social Media
  • Social Media Effectiveness in Engaging Consumers
  • Benefits of Using Social Media
  • Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media
  • Social Media, Clients and the Helping Environment
  • Social Media Role in Managing Event Customer Relations
  • Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends?
  • Print and Digital Ads on Mental Health Implications of Social Media
  • The Effect of Social Media during Adolescence
  • Social Media Crisis Communication for Business
  • Social Media Use and the Impact on Mental Health
  • The Role of Social Media Tools in Crisis Response and Recovery
  • Technology and Dating: Social Media and Committed Relationships
  • Ethical Use of Social Media: Users’ Anonymity and the Inviolability of Their Personal Data
  • Use of Social Media in the Workplace
  • Meaningful Relationships in the Age of Social Media
  • The Social Media: Effects on Young Adults
  • Invasive Social Media & Data Security
  • The Influence of Social Media
  • Social Media as a Type of Addiction
  • The Emergence of Social Media Enhanced the Partisan Media Exposure
  • Wilson’s “Detecting Mass Protest Through Social Media”
  • Does Social Media Use Contribute to Depression?
  • Social Media Used as a Way to Hire or Fire an Employee
  • Future of Social Psychology: Social Media Impact
  • Social Media and Mental Health
  • Households and Businesses: The Influence of Social Media
  • Role of Social Media in Emergency Preparedness
  • Social Media Tools’ Impact on Sports
  • The Role of Social Media in Activisms and Revolution
  • Social Media Influencing World Activism and Revolution
  • Social Media Tools in E-Commerce
  • Social Media Impact on Customers
  • Conformity Feedback in Social Media
  • Negative Affect of Social Media
  • Social Media in Nursing: Pitfalls and Opportunities
  • “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” by Lanier
  • Social Media Impact and Governmental Regulations
  • Social Media and Video Games for Teenagers’ Self-Esteem
  • Information Technology, Its Impacts on the Family, and the Ethical Issues of Using Social Media
  • Social Media and Young Women’s Self-Perception
  • Social Media Manipulation from an Ethical Side
  • Intel Corporation’s Social Media Policy
  • Social Psychology Research and Social Media
  • “How to Turn Negative Social Media Into a Positive” by Ciccotelli
  • Protect Your Firm From the 12 Risks of Social Media
  • Human Resources: Social Media Policy in Companies
  • The Effect of Social Media in Changing Marketing
  • Social Media as Educational Technology Among Marketing Educators
  • Social Media Activism in the Arab Spring Revolution
  • Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution
  • Databases, E-Commerce, Social Media at the Workplace
  • Law Enforcement: Online Crimes and Social Media
  • Privacy and Integrity in Nurse’s Social Media Use
  • Role of Social Media in Managing Customer Relationships
  • Social Media in Business Across the Globe
  • Accounting, Social Media, Workplace Ethical Issues
  • Nurse Leader’s Responsibility for Social Media Posts
  • Facebook’s Social Media Algorithms Study Arguments
  • Social Media in Bahraini Decree Law 47 of 2002
  • Transparency of Services: Social Media and the Internet Usage
  • Social Media Platforms and the Nature of Healthcare
  • Social Media Applications in the Fashion Sector
  • Affordable Care Act: Nursing and Social Media
  • Social Media in Lives of Teens and Tweens
  • Spreading Information with Social Media in Activism and Revolutions
  • Social Media Changing Interpersonal Relationships
  • Social Media Techniques for Communication Management
  • Taylor St Baristas Company: Social Media Marketing Plan
  • Social Media’ and Business’ Relationships in Indonesia
  • Using Social Media and the Internet for Government Transparency
  • Obesity Education in Social Media for Children
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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 431 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/

"431 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "431 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "431 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "431 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Social Media were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

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Social Influence Topic Essays for AQA A-Level Psychology

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This set of 10 essays demonstrates how to write a top mark band response to a range of questions for the Social Influence topic, covering the entire specification.

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Essay on Influence of Social Media

Students are often asked to write an essay on Influence of Social Media in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Influence of Social Media


Social media, a powerful tool in the modern world, affects our lives in many ways. It influences how we communicate, share information, and even shape our opinions.

Impact on Communication

Social media has revolutionized communication. It allows us to connect with people around the world, share ideas, and express ourselves freely.

Information Sharing

It has become a major source of news and information. However, it can also spread misinformation, so it’s important to verify information before believing it.

Shaping Opinions

Social media can shape our opinions. We often see posts that align with our views, which can strengthen our beliefs.

250 Words Essay on Influence of Social Media

The ubiquity of social media.

In the digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives. They have transformed the way we communicate, share information, and perceive the world around us.

The Power of Connectivity

Social media’s most significant influence lies in its capacity to connect people across the globe. It has made it possible for users to interact with people they would otherwise never meet, broadening cultural understanding and fostering global connections.

Information Dissemination and Awareness

Social media has also revolutionized the spread of information. It has become a platform for raising awareness about social issues, initiating movements, and even influencing political discourse. However, this power also has its drawbacks, as misinformation and fake news can spread rapidly, leading to harmful consequences.

Impact on Mental Health

The influence of social media on mental health is another critical consideration. On one hand, it provides a sense of community and belonging. On the other hand, it can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy and depression, fueled by the constant comparison with others’ seemingly perfect lives.

The Double-Edged Sword

In conclusion, the influence of social media is a double-edged sword. It can connect, inform, and empower, but it can also mislead, isolate, and harm. As users, it is incumbent upon us to use these platforms responsibly, being mindful of their potential impacts on our lives and society at large.

500 Words Essay on Influence of Social Media

The social impact of social media.

The advent of social media platforms has significantly altered our social interactions. It has made it possible for us to connect with people across the globe, breaking down geographical barriers. However, it has also raised concerns about the quality of these interactions. The virtual nature of these platforms can lead to a lack of genuine human connection, contributing to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Moreover, social media has changed the way we perceive ourselves and others. The constant exposure to carefully curated lives can lead to negative self-comparisons and impact our mental health. Yet, it also serves as a platform for self-expression and identity formation, particularly among the younger generation.

The Political Influence of Social Media

However, the same platforms can also be used to spread misinformation and propaganda, which can influence public opinion and undermine democratic processes. The recent instances of election interference and the proliferation of fake news highlight the potential dangers of political discourse on social media.

The Cultural Influence of Social Media

Culturally, social media has led to the globalization of trends and ideas. It has provided a platform for cultural exchange, allowing us to learn about and appreciate diverse cultures. However, it can also lead to cultural homogenization, as global trends often overshadow local cultures and traditions.

In conclusion, social media’s influence is far-reaching, affecting various aspects of our lives. While it offers numerous benefits, such as enhanced connectivity and access to information, it also presents challenges, including the spread of misinformation and potential harm to mental health. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is crucial to critically engage with these platforms and understand their broader societal implications.

Understanding the influence of social media is not just about recognizing its impact on our individual lives, but also about acknowledging its role in shaping our collective social, political, and cultural realities. As digital citizens, we must strive to use these platforms responsibly, while also advocating for policies and practices that safeguard our societies against their potential harms.

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Sample Essay on "The Impact of Social Media on Society"

In the contemporary tapestry of human existence, social media stands as a transformative force, threading connections, shaping opinions, and reflecting the intricate nuances of society. As we navigate this digital landscape, the impact of social media on our lives becomes increasingly evident, revealing both the promise of connectivity and the pitfalls of its influence.

Sample Essay on "The Impact of Social Media on Society"

Introduction: In the age of rapid technological advancements, social media has emerged as a powerful force shaping the fabric of our society. Its influence extends to nearly every aspect of our daily lives, impacting communication, relationships, and even societal structures. This essay explores the multifaceted impact of social media on individuals and communities.

Main Body: Social media has revolutionized communication, providing platforms for instant interaction and information sharing. The ease with which people can connect across distances has transformed relationships, making the world feel more interconnected. However, this interconnectedness has its drawbacks, as the instantaneous nature of social media can contribute to the spread of misinformation and the erosion of critical thinking.

Furthermore, the influence of social media on mental health cannot be overlooked. The constant exposure to curated images and idealized lifestyles can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. The pressure to conform to societal expectations perpetuated by social media can lead to anxiety and depression, particularly among the younger generation.

In addition to its impact on individuals, social media has played a pivotal role in shaping societal narratives. It serves as a catalyst for social movements, providing a platform for marginalized voices to be heard. However, t he echo-chamber effect can also intensify polarization and hinder constructive dialogue, leading to the formation of isolated communities with limited exposure to diverse perspectives.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the impact of social media on society is profound and complex. While it facilitates unprecedented connectivity and has the potential to drive positive social change, it also poses challenges to mental health and contributes to the polarization of communities. As we navigate this digital landscape, it is essential to strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of social media and mitigating its adverse effects. Society must evolve with a conscious awareness of the role social media plays, fostering responsible usage and promoting a healthy online environment for the well-being of individuals and the collective whole.

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Media Influence on Crime: a Double-Edged Sword

How it works

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Media as an Informative Tool
  • 3 Media and Stereotyping
  • 4 Media and Crime Imitation
  • 5 Media’s Role in Crime Prevention
  • 6 Conclusion


You know, the link between media and crime is pretty complicated. It’s something that scholars, policymakers, and just regular folks have been talking about for a while. Media, in all its shapes and forms, plays a huge role in how we see crime, how policies are made, and it might even mess with people’s behavior. Whether we’re talking about news, movies, TV shows, or social media, how crime is shown can sometimes help us understand what’s happening, but it can also give us the wrong idea.

This essay digs into how media affects crime, looking at how it can make us more aware, spread stereotypes, or even encourage bad behavior. We’ll try to figure out both the good and bad sides of media’s impact on crime and what that means for all of us.

Media as an Informative Tool

One big job of the media is to keep us in the loop about what’s going on, including crime. When news outlets report on crimes, it helps us stay aware and maybe a bit more careful. Like, if there’s a crime spree in your town, knowing about it might make you lock your doors at night. Plus, investigative journalism can dig up problems in the police or justice system, pushing for changes. Keeping people informed is super important in a democracy because it helps us make better decisions and stick together as a society.

Media and Stereotyping

But, let’s not pretend media is all good. It can also spread nasty stereotypes and biases. Often, media shows certain racial or ethnic groups as criminals more than others, which can make people hold unfair views and treat others badly. Research shows that media tends to highlight violent crimes by minorities while ignoring similar crimes by majority groups. This skewed view can stigmatize whole communities. And the way crime is sensationalized can make it seem like crime is way more common or severe than it actually is, scaring people more than necessary.

Media and Crime Imitation

Another issue is the so-called “copycat effect,” where media coverage of crimes can inspire others to do the same thing. When high-profile crimes get a lot of attention, some folks might try to copy them, looking for fame or recognition. Mass shootings, for instance, have sometimes been linked to previous ones that got a lot of media coverage. Detailed reporting on these crimes can give wannabe criminals a step-by-step guide. It’s hard to prove that media exposure directly causes crime, but the risk of imitation means media should be careful about how they report these stories.

Media’s Role in Crime Prevention

On the flip side, media can help prevent crime too. Public service announcements, educational shows, and awareness campaigns on TV, radio, or online can teach people about safety, encourage good behavior, and offer help to those who need it. Take campaigns against drunk driving, domestic abuse, or cybercrime—they use media to reach lots of people and make a positive impact. By showing successful interventions and fostering community involvement, media can help create a culture that tackles the root causes of crime.

So, media’s influence on crime is really a mixed bag. It can inform us and push for accountability, but it can also spread stereotypes and spark copycat crimes. This dual nature means we need a balanced approach, focusing on ethical journalism, responsible reporting, and media literacy for everyone. By understanding media’s power and using it wisely, we can lessen the bad stuff and boost the good, making our world a bit safer and more informed.


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Physics > Physics and Society

Title: social influence and consensus building: introducing a q-voter model with weighted influence.

Abstract: We investigate a dynamical model of opinion formation in which an individual's opinion is influenced by interactions with a group of other agents. We introduce a bias towards one of the opinions in a manner not considered earlier to the best of our knowledge. When the bias is neutral, the model is reduced to a mean-field voter model. We analyze the behavior and steady states of the system, identifying three distinct regimes based on the bias level: one favoring negative opinions, one favoring positive opinions, and a neutral case. In large systems, the equilibrium properties become independent of the size of the group, indicating that only the bias influences the final outcome. However, for small groups, the time to reach equilibrium depends on the size of the group. Our results show that even a small initial bias leads to a consensus where all agents eventually share the same opinion when the bias is not neutral. The system exhibits universal behavior, with critical slowing down occurring near the neutral bias point, marking it as a critical dynamical threshold. The time required to reach consensus scales logarithmically when the bias is non-neutral and linearly when it is neutral. Although short-term dynamics depends on group size for small groups, long-term behavior is governed solely by the bias.
Comments: 34 pages, 10 figures
Subjects: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech)
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  24. Media Influence on Crime: a Double-Edged Sword

    Essay Example: Introduction You know, the link between media and crime is pretty complicated. ... TV shows, or social media, how crime is shown can sometimes help us understand what's happening, but it can also give us the wrong idea. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Give us your paper requirements, choose a writer and we'll deliver ...

  25. Title: Social Influence and Consensus Building: Introducing a q-Voter

    We investigate a dynamical model of opinion formation in which an individual's opinion is influenced by interactions with a group of other agents. We introduce a bias towards one of the opinions in a manner not considered earlier to the best of our knowledge. When the bias is neutral, the model is reduced to a mean-field voter model. We analyze the behavior and steady states of the system ...