Customer Service Skills for a Resume [W/ Full List & Examples]

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Customer service skills are vital if you want to get hired for any customer-facing position. 

That’s because customer service skills can help you resolve customer complaints, improve customer satisfaction, and even drive new sales.

Want to learn which customer service skills are a must-have on your resume in 2024? You’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about customer service skills, including: 

  • What Are Customer Service Skills
  • 20 Essential Customer Service Skills For Your Resume

3 Steps to Add Customer Service Skills to Your Resume

  • How to Improve Your Customer Service Skills

Let's dive in! 

What Are Customer Service Skills?

Customer service refers to the relationship between a business and its customers. The better this relationship, the more successful a business can be. 

Customer service skills are a set of soft skills that allow you to provide the best customer experience possible. They involve being able to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Solve problems promptly
  • Demonstrate patience
  • Create genuine connections

Customer service skills are essential for any customer-facing role out there, including customer support representatives , salespeople, cashiers , and the sorts. 

But what is it, exactly, that makes customer service skills so valuable? Let us give you the data-backed answer. 

Why Are Customer Service Skills Important 

If you’re someone who’s looking for a job in customer-facing roles, you probably already know that having strong customer service skills can significantly improve your employability. 

Finding employees who can resolve customers’ complaints and make them feel heard, understood, and appreciated is of the highest importance for potential employers.  

Here are all the benefits that employees with strong customer service skills can bring to a company: 

  • Improved customer experience. The better customer service you can provide, the more satisfied will your customers be. And, according to this HubSpot study, 68% of consumers say they are willing to pay more for products and services from a brand known to offer good customer service experiences.
  • Increased profits. Happy customers are more likely to spend money on a product or service. A study by Bain found that companies that excel at customer experience grow revenues 4%-8% above their market .
  • Higher customer retention. According to Invesp, investing in new clients is 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. Considering that 80% of consumers said they’d do business with a competitor after a bad customer service experience, customer service is essential in retaining customers.
  • Established brand loyalty. According to the study by Zendesk, nearly three out of five consumers report that good customer service is vital for them to feel loyalty toward a brand.
  • More referrals. Your customers are bound to talk about their customer experience - especially if it’s really good or really bad. According to Esteban Kolsky, Chief Evangelist for customer experience at SAP, after a positive customer experience, 72% of customers will share their opinion of your brand with at least six people.

20 Customer Service Skills to List on Your Resume 

As we already mentioned, customer service doesn't consist of a single skill, but of a set of skills. 

As such, the customer service skills you should list on your resume greatly depend on the specifics of the position you're applying for. 

That said, there are some customer service skills that are in demand for the majority of customer-facing roles out there, such as communication and active listening.  

Here is a list of the most in-demand customer service skills for your resume in 2024: 

  • Active listening
  • Adaptability
  • Attention to detail
  • Bilingual customer support
  • Building customer royalty
  • Communication
  • Complain resolution
  • Organizational skills
  • Decision making
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Persuasion skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Product knowledge
  • Time management
  • Upselling/Cross-selling
  • Service-based selling
  • Computer skills

Now that you know what the most important customer service skills are, it’s time to list them on your resume.

Below, we’ll teach you which resume sections are best for listing your customer service skills, as well as teach you how to do it in the most compelling way possible.

Let’s get started!

#1. Mention Your Customer Service Skills on Your Resume Summary 

The first place where you can (and should) mention your customer service skills is the resume summary . 

customer service skills resume summary

In a nutshell, the resume summary is a short, three or four-sentence paragraph that describes you as a candidate. Typically, it mentions: 

  • Your professional title and years of experience
  • Your top skills
  • Your most notable achievements

Done right, the resume summary will show the hiring manager you’re a qualified candidate from the get-go and get them to go through your resume in more detail. 

As such, for roles where customer service skills are practically essential, it’s very important to higlight that you possess such skills in your resume summary.

Here’s an example of customer service skills listed in a resume summary:

  • Attentative and communicative customer service representative with five years of retail experience responding to all manner of customer inquiries. Career highlights include receiving 99% positive customer survey results at XYZ Convenience. Seeking a role at ABC Tech, where my problem-solving and interpersonal skills can be leveraged to achieve and maintain the highest level of customer service.

#2. List the Right Customer Service Skills 

The most obvious place to list your customer service skills is on your resume’s Skills section. 

The key here, though, is to list skills that are relevant for the role you’re applying for.

We already mentioned how different roles may require different customer service skills. A customer support agent, for example, requires comunication skills and active listening.

Whereas a sales represenative, on the other hand, requires persuasion and upselling skills.

What we’re getting at here is that you shouldn’t just randomly list all the customer services skills we covered in this article - you should pick out the ones that are most relevant for your role.

Here are our top tips on how to list the most relevant customer service skills for your position:

  • Check the job description. Most jobs tell you exactly which skills they’re looking for in candidates, all you’ve got to do is check the job description. As a customer service representative, for example, it’ll typically tell you that you need active listening skills, multi-tasking skills, communication skills, knowledge of CRM systems, etc. 
  • Identify the skills you possess. Single out the skills that you actually possess instead of adding every single skill mentioned in the job description. 
  • Add them under Soft/Hard Skills. Add skills like time management, communication, etc., under Soft Skills and technical know-how like computer skills or product knowledge under Hard Skills. 

#3. Prove Your Customer Service Skills In Your Work Experience Section 

Last but definitely not least, you should use your work experience section to prove to the hiring manager that you possess the customer service skills you mentioned in your resume summary and under your soft skills.

After all, anyone can claim they have customer service skills. It's backing up your claims with facts that can make all the difference. 

Done right, your work experience will leave no doubt in the hiring manager’s mind that they should call you back for a job interview .

Here's exactly how you should build your work experience section so that it highlights your customer service skills: 

  • Tailor your work experience to the job description. Don’t use one generic resume to apply to dozens of openings. Each position has its own specific requirements and your resume sections should be tailored to show the hiring manager that you can meet them. If you’re applying for a cashier position, for example, the hiring manager will want to know about your experience as a restaurant server, but not about the time your mowed lawns as a teenager . The first experience highlights yoru customer service skills, while the second does not.
  • Focus on your achievements instead of your responsibilities. The hiring manager most knows exactly what your responsibilities were in previous jobs. What they want to know is how you made a positive impact with your achievements. As such, focus on highlighting how you made an impact on your work experience section instead of simply listing what your basic responsibilities were. 
  • Make your achievements quantifiable. Speaking of achievements, supporting them with data-backed evidence is what really makes a difference. After all “helped company increase customer retention by 14% by providing customers with a personalized experience” sounds much better than “helped with customer retention.”
  • Use action verbs and power words . There are hundreds of words and verbs you can use instead of “helped” or “served.” The more descriptive you are of your achievements, the more impressive you can make them sound. 

Here’s an example of a work experience section that highlights the candidate’s customer service skills perfectly: 

Customer Service Representative 

YXZ Convenience Store

03/2018 - 04/2022

  • Achieved the highest up-sell rates in both 2019 (2.6%) and 2021 (3%).
  • Worked at the customer information desk for 10+ hour shifts.
  • Welcomed and provided personalized customer service to 1000+ customers during the store opening event.

7 Ways to Provide Excellent Customer Service 

Customer service skills don't come naturally to everyone. 

Some people are much better at making customers feel heard and appreciated, while others may struggle to form that connection that makes all the difference when it comes to providing good customer service. 

Well, if the first case applies to you, don't worry. 

Below, we cover seven ways to provide excellent customer service (that can be practiced and learned):

#1. Stay positive

Developing a positive mindset and attitude is an essential part of improving your customer service skills.

Think about your own customer experiences. You’re probably not too happy when, say, you sit at a restaurant and the server taking your order looks miserable, right? Or when you call customer support to resolve an issue and they’re less than willing to help. 

So, whether you’re communicating by phone, face-to-face, or via e-mail, try to stay as positive as possible (even in the face of difficult issues or customers).

#2. Don’t say no

Even if the answer to a customer complaint or issue is “no, it can't be done” or “no, I can’t help you with this,” you should always refrain from phrasing it this way. 

When customers hear the word “no,” they’re more likely to associate it with “this customer service worker doesn’t want to help me” rather than with “this is beyond this employee’s control.” 

So, whenever it’s possible, go out of your way to solve a customer’s issue or help them. And, if doing something to help them really is out of your control, use positive language to tell them, avoid the word “no,” and try to offer them alternative solutions/options that could satisfy them. 

That way, they’ll see that you’re trying hard, despite the fact that you might be unable to solve their problem.

#3. Practice active listening

Active listening is the process of mindfully listening to a speaker, providing feedback, and being observant of non-verbal cues to ensure effective communication. 

Considering that 40% of our daily communication consists of listening , making sure you’re listening effectively to what your customers have to say is an essential part of providing excellent customer service. 

Some ways to do that include: 

  • Paying attention and not getting distracted. Try to stay away from your phone and avoid multitasking when you’re interacting with customers. 
  • Asking open-ended questions. Open-ended questions require more than a simple “yes” or “no” answer. You can ask such questions to get your customers to describe their needs or problems more comprehensively. 
  • Asking probing questions . Similar to open-ended questions, probing questions aim to get a 360-degree view of a topic. Not to mention, they don’t just help you understand better, but also help the speaker to think more comprehensively about what they’re saying.
  • Being more attuned to the speaker’s feelings. Customers don’t appreciate feeling like they’re talking to a robot. Asking them about their day and being sympathetic towards their feelings (be they frustration, anger, or annoyance), is a great way to make them feel heard. 

#4. Know your customers

The better you know your customers, the more you can understand their needs and expectations. 

In turn, you can find more creative ways to meet said expectations and improve your customer service. 

Here are some ways you can better understand customer needs: 

  • Ask yourself/the team questions such as “who are our main customers?” “what market are they from?” “how does our product/service meet their needs or expectations?” and “what could we do to further help them?”
  • Step into your customers’ shoes by considering your own challenges and needs as a customer or what would make your life easier while using the company’s product or service. 
  • Encourage customers to give detailed feedback.
  • Analyze customer feedback by identifying trends and gaps in your service. Share any results with your team or your colleagues. 

#5. Know the product/service

The better you know the company’s product or services, the more qualitative the customer service you can provide. 

As a salesperson , for example, you’ll be able to sell a product or service better. As a customer support representative, on the other hand, you’ll be able to solve customers' problems more effectively. 

On the same note, knowing a company’s products or services can come in particularly handy when you’re interviewing for a job too. The hiring manager is bound to be impressed with your dedication and effort to learn all about the company before you’re even hired.

Some places where you can easily acquire knowledge of a company’s product or services are:

  • Company’s website
  • Company’s handbooks 
  • Online forums 
  • Customer feedback 
  • Your own experience with the product 

#6. Be empathetic

We cannot stress enough how important it is to connect with your customers more than just on a professional level. 

Actually connecting with the customer on a personal level and showing real empathy for their issues can really make a world of a difference when it comes to customer experience.

In the first case, if you can’t resolve a customer complaint or help with a specific issue, the customer will be much more likely to feel disappointed with you and the company in general. 

In the second, however, they might cut you some slack and still think “well, at least they listened and genuinely tried to help.”

This can be the difference between losing customers and retaining them and it’s definitely an important part of providing amazing customer service. 

#7. Personalize your customer service

Personalizing your customer service is what can make customers feel special, and who doesn’t like to feel special, right? 

Here’s how you can provide personalized customer service that’s guaranteed to improve your customer service skills: 

  • Greet your customers by name and make them feel welcome.
  • Contextualize your customer service depending on the customer’s lifestyle and personality.
  • Don’t get distracted by anything else when you’re interacting with a customer. Make sure that the customer feels like they’re your center of attention.
  • Go out of your way to find the best possible solution/option for the customer, and make sure that the customer knows how much effort you’re putting into helping them.

3 Customer Service Representative Resume Examples 

Below, we’ll show you three examples of how you should list customer service skills for different roles. 

We hope these resumes, created with our tried-and-tested resume templates , inspire you to go after the customer-facing role of your dreams:

#1. Customer Service Representative Resume Example 

Customer Service Representative Resume Example

#2. Cashier Resume Example 

Cashier Resume Example

#3. Sales Executive Resume Example 

Sales Executive Resume Example

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap. By now, you should know everything there is to know about customer service skills and how to highlight them on your resume. 

Before you start putting our tips into practice, let’s go over the main topics we covered in this article: 

  • Customer service skills are a set of soft skills that allow you to provide the best customer experience possible.
  • Companies are always looking for candidates with strong customer service skills because they can provide the best possible customer experience and, in turn, help them increase their profits, retain customers, improve their brand loyalty, and get more referrals. 
  • Some in-demand customer service skills include active listening, interpersonal skills, communication, complaint resolution, empathy, and positivity. 
  • To best highlight your customer service skills, list them in your resume summary, work experience, and skills sections. 

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20+ Key Customer Service Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

To land a job in customer service, you need to showcase your best skills to employers. Customer service involves both technical and interpersonal skills. This makes a diverse skillset all the more important! In this guide, we will uncover the best customer service skills to include on a resume. Plus, we will provide you with tips and tricks for formatting.

What is Customer Service?

Customer service is a vast industry spanning many different forms of business.

From answering customer calls to building customer relationships, there are many responsibilities involved.

Aside from the general Customer Service Representative, other common examples of jobs within customer service include:

  • Call Center Representatives
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Restaurant Workers
  • Salespeople

Essentially, any job that deals with working directly with customers falls under the customer service umbrella.

Why Should I Include Customer Service Skills on My Resume?           

When applying for a job in customer service, showing your ability to work well with people is key.

Including skills on a resume allows you to showcase your best strengths to employers.

By adding specifically customer service skills, you can demonstrate your most relevant abilities according to the job you are applying to.

You never want to include skills just for the sake of it.

It is imperative to always tailor your skills to match the requirements listed in the job description.

Moreover, you should always be honest in what skills you include.

Never list a skill you don’t actually have!

Need help brainstorming skills? We have a free guide with 100+ Key Skills for a Resume in 2024 (with Examples for Any Job) to help you out.

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What Are the Best Customer Service Skills I Should Add to My Resume?

Before you can determine the best customer service skills to include on your resume, you need to understand the two main types of skills:

  • ‍ Interpersonal (Soft) Skills: These skills are based on emotion and human interaction. Much of customer service relies upon interpersonal skills such as communication and problem-solving. ‍
  • Technical (Hard) Skills: Hards skills have to do with your technical abilities, such as writing or working with software.

When writing out your skills on a resume, it is important to include both soft and hard skills.

For customer service, you should always take the time to plan out the skills you want to include.

By making a large list you can then narrow it down to the most relevant and best ones.

10 Soft Skills for Customer Service

Here are our top 10 soft skills for customer service to consider adding to your resume:

  • ‍ Conflict Management: Being a customer service representative means dealing with conflict. The ability to calmly and effectively manage customer conflicts is essential.
  • ‍ Communication: Communication skills are arguably the most important soft skill for customer service. You need to be able to communicate clearly and easily with all types of customers. ‍
  • Empathy: Customers want to feel like you relate to them. A strong sense of empathy comes in handy when working in the customer service realm.
  • ‍ Compassion: You never know what’s going on in a customer’s head or life. Treating each situation with compassion towards the customer is highly necessary.
  • ‍ Problem Solving: During customer conflicts, being able to think of a solution quickly is key.
  • ‍ Patience: Miscommunications can occur when interactions are rushed or not given proper attention. Having patience is crucial when working in customer service.
  • ‍ Attention to Detail: Many technicalities can affect customer service. The ability to pay close attention to a customer’s issues and the solutions given is a core component of good customer service.
  • ‍ Intuitive: Making customers feel as though all their problems have been solved is very beneficial. Acting intuitively and proactively to address potential customer issues makes for great customer service.
  • ‍ Goal-Oriented: When working with customers, it is essential to set clear goals and boundaries. This helps to ensure everyone understands the expectations and standard of work being provided.
  • ‍ Persuasion: In sales positions especially, having the ability to persuade a customer’s emotions and viewpoints is highly necessary. You should be able to position yourself as the guide that can offer the best solutions to them.

Customer Service Representative

10 Hard Skills for Customer Service

Here is a list of 10 hard skills for customer service to use on a resume:

  • ‍ Microsoft Office & Google Suite: Microsoft and Google programs are widely used across all industries. Familiarizing yourself with these programs will give you a competitive edge, as employers won’t need to train you on how to use them.
  • ‍ Writing: Writing skills are majorly important in any job related to communication. In customer service, this often translates to writing emails and official company copy.
  • ‍ Bi/Multi-Lingual: Speaking multiple languages is always a plus in customer service. If you can fluently speak and translate more than one language, be sure to include this on your resume.
  • ‍ Data Entry: Customer service can sometimes involve a huge amount of data. Understanding the basics of data entry is foundational for a successful customer service professional.
  • ‍ Performance: Customer service professionals take on a persona used to persuade, empathize, and relate to customers. Having a good ability for performance and acting can be highly useful in this field as a result.
  • ‍ Situational Analysis: Every customer and situation is different. An important hard skill for customer service reps to have is the ability to thoroughly analyze each situation. This can involve note-taking, research, gathering feedback, and many more essential tasks.
  • ‍ Telecommunication: In an increasingly digital world, good telecommunication has become crucial for customer service. This can refer to any interaction happening digitally, including phone calls and online services.
  • ‍ Bookkeeping: A fundamental component of customer service is keeping thorough records. Transactions, contracts, and more can all fall under the umbrella of bookkeeping. Honing these skills is good for any professionals seeking employment in customer service.
  • ‍ Closing Ability: A customer service professional must develop a specific skill known as their “closing ability.” This is their ability to finalize a deal or transaction with a customer. It combines many soft skills, such as negotiation and persuasion, to create a more technical skill.
  • ‍ Product Memorization: The ability to memorize large quantities of information is highly important in customer service.

No matter whether they are hard or soft skills, all your skills should be selected according to the job.

In fact, tailoring your resume for the job is crucial for impressing employers!

Read our career advice article on how to Tailor Your Resume to Any Job in 4 Easy Steps to learn more.  

Customer Service Representative

How Do I Describe My Customer Service Skill Levels?

When describing your customer service skills on a resume, it is important to indicate your level of proficiency.

Generally, there are three levels commonly used on resumes:

  • ‍ Expert: At an expert level, you can employ a skill according to your own assessment of a situation. Little to no outside direction is required. ‍
  • Intermediate: Intermediate skill levels indicate that you are proficient but may still need some supervision. ‍
  • Novice: A novice skill level lets employers know you understand the basics but do not consider the skill one of the best proficiencies.

We recommend only including your very best skills on a resume.

As such, you should aim to mainly include skills that fall into either the expert or intermediate categories.

How Do I List My Customer Service Skills on a Resume?

To include customer service skills on a resume, there are two main formatting options:

  • Listing the skills in the work experience section
  • Creating a dedicated skills section

Oftentimes, the best approach is to combine these two formatting options.

Including soft skills in your work experience section allows you to include greater context and explanation.

Comparatively, hard skills need less explanation and can benefit from being place in a separate section.

Here are two quick breakdowns for these formatting options:

Method 1: Listing Customer Service Skills in Your Work Experience Section

Work Experience Customer Service Representative, Whole Foods April 2018 – May 2020 · Good communication skills · Worked closely with customers · Learned better closing tactics

Why It’s Wrong: In this example, the bullet points are too vague and provide little information about the person’s responsibilities.

Adding in skills to your work experience section should add extra value, not detract from the descriptive nature of the section.

Work Experience Customer Service Representative, Whole Foods April 2018 – May 2020 · Communicated daily with customers through the call center · Fostered loyal customer relationships through an empathetic approach · Developed a strong closing ability and increased sales by 15 percent

In this corrected example, the skills clearly tie into the person’s qualifications.

The information given is much more insightful into the applicant’s work ethic and skill set.

ProTip: When describing skills in your work experience section, make sure to use active language. For help in doing so, take a look at our list of 350+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume More Effective in 2024 .

Customer Service Representative

Method 2: Creating a Dedicated Customer Service Skills Section

Customer Service Skills · Caring for customers · Answering the phone · Helping customers with returns · Using Microsoft Excel and other programs

Why It’s Wrong: This example fails to use strong skill keywords.

Additionally, it is not inherently bad to include extra words in a skills section.

However, these extra words should add value, not just take up space in your word count.

Customer Service Skills · Empathizing with Customers’ Specific Needs · Call Center Telecommunication · Conflict Resolution for Customer Returns · Microsoft Office Suite

In this corrected example, the extra words being used give the skill greater detail and specificity.

Do you need more help writing your ideal resume? Check out our guide on the 20 Best Resume Writing Tips and Tricks for 2024 (with a Free Checklist) !

Final Takeaways

Customer service is a massive industry with many employment opportunities.

To heighten your chances of landing a job in this field, focusing on your related skills is key.

Here are our 5 main takeaways for listing customer service skills on a resume:

  • Include both your hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) customer service skills.
  • Relate your skills to the job you are applying for.
  • Use skills in both your work experience section and a dedicated skills section.
  • Provide context around interpersonal skills.
  • Aim to include your best – or “expert-level” – skills first.

To learn more about creating the perfect resume, check out our many free resume guides and career advice articles !

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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11 best customer service skills for your CV (with examples)

10 min read · Updated on April 08, 2024

Elizabeth Openshaw

Learn how to upgrade your customer service CV so that it sparkles

“The customer is king,” as the saying goes. If you're in the customer services industry, no doubt you know this royal treatment all too well. You cherish that special connection that you build with customers. In fact, it's an ability that you'll want to convey accurately in your CV once you go searching for another similar role in retail, hospitality, or any other sector where the customer is what keeps the business going.

But how do you describe customer service skills on a CV? And what are the key skills of good customer service?

All the answers to these questions, and more, will be revealed in this article, so read on, especially if you want to create a stunning customer service CV. We'll share the top 11 skills you need to include in your CV, with examples that can be customised to suit your own profile.

The 11 best customer service skills for your CV 

There are many skills you need when in customer services, but these are the best ones to include in your CV:

1. Communication

This is probably the top customer service skill to have on your CV. If you can't communicate properly, get your point across, and avoid misunderstandings, then, quite frankly, you're in the wrong job! Communicating  in a pleasant, non-aggressive, and courteous manner will gain you customers while retaining your current ones.

And while it used to be all about face-to-face time, now you need to be able to communicate in a variety of ways - via email, social media, over the phone, and online. This skill is all about building a rapport that resonates with the customer, making them feel great, while simultaneously ensuring they tell their friends how great your company is.

By presenting a CV that's well-written , succinct, and packed full of juicy information that sells you as the “product,” you'll be showing off your outstanding communication skills from the outset.

Examples of how to highlight communication as a customer service skill on your CV:

Delivering a superior customer service by carrying out requests on outdoor furniture enquiries by capitalising on outstanding communication

Creating a welcoming ambience for shoppers by conversing with them pleasantly to ensure first and last impression of the shop is favourable

Providing a first-rate service to English and Finnish customers by guiding them on how to use the service via telephone, email, and live chats

Top tip: The skills section of your CV leans more towards the hard skills you possess. So don't add in phrases such as “effective communication” in this part as communication - and most customer service skills you'll find in this guide - is seen as a soft skill . Instead of merely listing them out, the best way to showcase your customer service skills on a CV is by showing how you've demonstrated them at work, within the summary or the professional experience section.

2. Problem resolution

When you come up against a customer who isn't happy, you need the skills to keep calm, carry on, and resolve the issue, without making things worse. “Problem resolution” is a skill you can include in the skills section, as well as throughout the CV, especially if you have any key achievements where you can prove your worth in problem-solving techniques.

Examples of how to highlight problem-solving as a customer service skill on your CV:

Forging beneficial relations with customers, minimising problems with regards to disputes by negotiating better deals with suppliers

Competently handling customer enquiries and complaints face-to-face and over the phone

Adopting a calm and logical approach when dealing with any problems or issues, reaching rapid and satisfactory resolutions for all concerned to maintain excellent customer relations

3. Active listening

While this can be viewed as part of communication, active listening is such an important aspect that it deserves its own slot on this list. To actively listen to a customer, you have to go beyond just hearing the words someone is saying to fully understand their meaning. It's no good just nodding along, but thinking about what you're going to have for tea that night… you've got to really hone in on the intent behind the words, as well as look for other clues such as in the person's body language .

Examples of how to highlight active listening as a customer service skill on your CV:

Drawing upon advanced listening and persuasive skills to encourage customers to buy products by pitching vocal tone and pace with them to elicit rapport which leads to more sales

Adept at dealing with difficult situations with attentive listening and putting people at their ease

Forming a cohesive team by drawing in disparate members and customers, winning them round with refined listening skills during a difficult transition period

4. Knowledge of product or service

“But how does it actually work?” – if you can't answer this simple question from a consumer, it's going to go downhill very quickly from there. If you can't understand the product or service you're selling, how do you expect the customer to get it? It's imperative that you can show how up to speed you are with company products or services.

Examples of how to highlight product or service knowledge as a customer service skill on your CV:

Showcasing comprehensive product knowledge of stock which encouraged customers to purchase more

Acquiring advanced specialist knowledge of the product through expert training in order to better serve consumers

Increasing sales of packages by 45% due to extensive product knowledge

According to the Collins English Dictionary, empathy is “the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person's feelings.” And you'll, no doubt, need this in spades in a customer service role. Seeing things through the customer's eyes will allow you to deal with their concerns more effectively.

Examples of how to highlight empathy as a customer service skill on your CV:

Capitalising on empathy and thoughtfulness to fully understand customer concerns in order to achieve the best possible outcome every time

Demonstrating empathy, professionalism, and understanding when handling sensitive conversations and situations with clients

Instilling a culture of user empathy and a can-do attitude across all levels of the customer service department

6. Time management

Prioritising who to attend to next, and offering up an appropriate prompt response, shows excellent time management skills. You want to offer great service to those customers you're handling at this very moment, while many others are waiting in the wings. 

It's also prudent to know when to handle an issue yourself or when to escalate, thus avoiding a situation that deteriorates because the customer is unsure as to whether they're being dealt with or not. It's great to pinpoint those times when you excelled at managing your time while performing multiple tasks simultaneously.

Examples of how to highlight time management as a customer service skill on your CV:

Saving £20,000 a year by prioritising the customer service process to be more efficient and effective

Introducing an innovative administration system which drastically reduced the time spent searching for files and accounting, so more time could be given to customers

Switching suppliers and streamlining the reorder system to pre-empt shortages ahead of time

7. Patience

When you've got a red-faced customer shouting in your face, it's time for your patience gene to find its way to the top! It's an essential tool when problem-solving, communicating, and dealing with queries, as your mind won't go into overdrive. Patiently helping customers who require additional assistance is a hugely sought-after skill. While it's quite tricky to translate onto your CV, there are ways and means to do so.

Examples of how to highlight patience as a customer service skill on your CV:

Adaptable and committed to maximising the potential of colleagues through patience and perseverance

Exhibiting patience when coaching clientele on the intricate details of a new IT system

Working to complex and tight timelines while maintaining patience and persistence within a multi-cultural environment

8. Positivity

Maintaining a positive attitude is vital within the customer service industry. If customers are welcomed with open arms into a shop or for a service, there's every likelihood that they'll be back for more. And your positivity can rub off on others, both customers and colleagues , so it's a win-win all round.

Highlight this aspect in your armoury by illustrating how you're open to new challenges, or can hit the ground running when first introduced to a new team.

Examples of how to highlight positivity as a customer service skill on your CV:

Using a positive and proactive approach when dealing with difficult customers, transforming awkward situations into resolved successes

Possessing impressive motivational and team management qualities as well as a positive approach to achieving customer satisfaction across the board

Performing effectively on common goals with peers and customers to foster a positive, trust-based working environment

9. Confidence

There's a fine line between being confident and being arrogant, so make sure you project the first. You don't know it all, whatever you might think, and as the saying goes, “the customer is always right.” Within your CV, show your confidence through achievements , supporting these with facts and figures where possible. The professional profile or summary is another section where you can show recruiters your confidence.

Examples of how to highlight confidence as a customer service skill on your CV:

A structured, focused, and approachable Customer Services Manager with the expertise and confidence to transform disparate projects into viable and progressive operations

Cultivating productive partnerships with key customers by forming strong bonds and the confidence to deliver successful outcomes

Tackling challenging projects with extreme confidence, resulting in sustained business improvement

10. Adaptability

Spoiler alert – customers can be tricky! You never know what you're going to get. Showing off your adaptability and flexibility is crucial, as you need these assets to perform well. What one customer loves, another might hate, so how do you describe this customer service skill on a CV?

Examples of how to highlight adaptability as a customer service skill on your CV:

Taking full ownership for delivering a high-quality customer service by remaining adaptable, and using fact-finding questions for increased levels of satisfaction

Overcoming challenges by being flexible so customers are dealt with in the appropriate manner

Adapting the company's policies and procedures to give customers more autonomy

11. Decisiveness

Making decisions that work, in a forthright and confident way, will lift you up in the eyes of the customer. No one wants a customer service staff who faffs about and never gets anything done. Prove you're decisive with examples throughout your career.

Examples of how to highlight decisiveness as a customer service skill on your CV:

Improving the communications strategy between companies, the financial community, and customers which resulted in better informed decision-making

Developing the transformation and loading of new data which led to new opportunities and strategic decisions being made in potential trouble spots

Instigating a productive work ethic among employees and developing decision templates for senior management

Show off your customer service skills

Now that you've got a good grasp of what the top 11 customer service skills are for your CV, it's time to weave them into your job search document using the tips and tricks above.

With just three easy steps, it couldn't be easier to see if your CV will perform during a job application. Run it through our free CV review , study the report, and improve your CV – simple.

Recommended reading:

Written communication: definition and examples

What are people skills? Definition and examples

How to write a Customer Assistant CV (with example and template)

Related Articles:

11 best manager skills for your CV (with examples)

How to show promotions on a CV (with examples)

Overcoming job search anxiety: strategies for confidence

See how your CV stacks up.

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17 Key Customer Service Skills [List & Resume Examples]

how to describe customer service skills on resume

Poor customer service is hard to forget. One mistake and you are out. Businesses understand it better than ever. As a result, skilled customer service representatives are in high demand.

It is clear that you can’t have happy customers without offering amazing support. Period.

But which customer service skills translate into great customer service experiences? Is good service more than solving a customer’s issue?

In this article:

  • Customer service hard skills and soft skills
  • What personality traits make a good customer support rep
  • How to improve customer service skills
  • How to list your service skills on a resume

If you want to learn more about delivering excellent customer service, you can also read:

  • Do You Know What Customer Service Means at All?
  • What is Customer Retention? 8 Best Strategies [+Apps]
  • 7 Ways to Deliver Excellent Customer Service [Examples & Tips]
  • Customer Success Essentials [Metrics, Stories, & More]
  • Customer Support vs. Service [Definition + Software]

What are the best customer service skills and traits?

Here is our list of good customer service soft skills, hard skills, and personality traits.

Soft skills for customer service:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Body language
  • Clear communication
  • Active listening
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Time management

Hard skills for customer service:

  • Foreign language fluency
  • Technical knowledge
  • Typing speed
  • Knowledge of CRM software
  • Microsoft Office/Google Docs Editors
  • Live chat, chatbots, and email software

Personality traits for customer service representatives:

  • Determination
  • Responsibility

Learn how to improve customer service and recreate in-store experiences

Let’s discuss each of these customer service core competencies in detail.

If you need general training, you may also be interested in joining a training program for agents. Here are some of our recommended courses and useful exercises: 19 Best Customer Service Training Programs & Activities

1. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize and manage emotions. This refers both to your own emotions as well as those of your customers.

High levels of emotional intelligence and empathy are critical for dealing with customers. It has become one of the main criteria for employee development. People with high emotional intelligence outperform employees with high IQ but low EQ .

Emotional Intelligence model

Many modern organizations use EQ assessments on a regular basis. It is one of the essential customer service skills.

There is a very strong correlation between your emotional intelligence and your results as a support agent. On average, high-performing customer service representatives get better scores on emotional intelligence tests. A report by TalentSmart demonstrates that they score 17% higher than engineering and 3% higher than sales departments.

Empathy is the most important component of EQ for customer service jobs. A good agent should be able to see every problem through the customer’s eyes. Here are some useful resources that will help you develop and improve EQ—especially empathy:

  • 13 Best Emotional Intelligence Activities & Exercises
  • Useful Phrases That Convey Empathy to Customers

2. Positive body language

The role of body language in retail customer service is invaluable. However, it is difficult to put it into an easily definable framework. Some say that 90% of communication is body language. Others argue that 55% is nonverbal, 38% is the tone of voice, and the remaining 7% are words and their meaning as such.

It is difficult to measure the exact impact of your posture or voice. But controlling your body language is a necessary skill for a customer service agent. Unless you are using live chat or other text-based types of customer service , obviously.

Proper posture might be instinctive for you already. But the ability to communicate through body language is also something you can learn. Make sure to:

  • Maintain eye contact with a customer (but do not stare at them)
  • Smile and nod to acknowledge customers and what they say
  • Try to use a calm, low-pitch voice that is not too dynamic
  • Observe the behavior of your customers to read what’s on their minds (e.g., if they are irritated or in a hurry)

Body Language for customer service: make eye contact, nod, smile and observe

If you want to learn more about conveying the right message through your body language or read your customers’ body language like a book, check out:

  • How to Read Your Customer: The Body Language of Yes and No
  • 6 Tips for Increasing Customer Satisfaction Through Positive Body Language

3. Clear communication

Have you ever tried to make a written transcript of your conversation? Sometimes we may think we are communicating in a clear and effective manner. But in fact, most of our everyday conversations with friends are very chaotic and choppy. Chatting with someone is very different from explaining a complex technical issue.

Cohesive communication is one of the most important items on our customer service skills list. Fortunately, you can communicate with your customers very effectively using fine-tuned canned responses . Today, there is no need to come up with original answers to every question from scratch and write new messages. You can achieve clear communication by crafting and perfecting your regular set of canned replies.

Obviously, troubleshooting unusual issues will still require your full attention. You can always reach a good communication level with customers if you follow a process. For example, you should break down your instructions into several steps. Ask for feedback after each step and rephrase the instructions that were misunderstood. This way you can clear up any issue.

Here are two interesting pieces on improving your communication skills for customer service:

  • 15 Tips for Better Customer Service Communication
  • 7 Rules for Effective Customer Service Communication

4. Active listening

Active listening is a technique that uses paraphrasing and reading non-verbal conversation cues. It gives you more insights about customers and allows you to follow their train of thought. Active listening is equally essential when interacting through office phone systems or live chat tools, as you have to comprehend customers’ needs and concerns quickly and accurately. By asking follow-up questions you ensure that you are on the same side.

Our recent customer experience survey shows that businesses are very bad at listening to customers . Only 17% of customers believe that online businesses listen to them. It is a little bit surprising since the problem is easy to address. You can instantly improve the quality of customer experience by using proven formulas.

Some of the most powerful phrases that you can ask to steer customer service conversations in the right direction are:

  • Could you tell me a little bit more?
  • It sounds like you are experiencing [X], am I correct?
  • I’m sorry you have to go through that
  • It would make me angry too
  • Let’s make sure that I’ve got everything right

By using active listening skills you show a customer that you understand them. It allows you to make an instant connection. Active listening helps to convey that their problems are your problems too and you feel responsible for finding a solution.

Further readings to improve your customer service active listening skills:

  • How to Listen to Customers Effectively
  • 20 Best Practices For Live Chat Etiquette

5. Conflict resolution

In customer service, conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques are used every day. To deliver good customer service , an agent should be a good negotiator and know how to calm down a raging bull.

Conflict Resolution skills and qualities  presented in an infographic: communication, stress management, impartiality, EQ, empathy, negotiation

Being able to deal with customer complaints and angry customers can be hard at first. But you can learn some useful statements and tricks to turn those situations around:

  • Stay calm and don’t argue, even if you are right
  • Withhold your judgment and keep your opinions to yourself
  • Use empathy, apologize to your customers, and show that you understand how they feel
  • Offer a solution and describe the end result
  • Provide different alternatives and empower the customer to make the ultimate decision
  • Shift the focus of the conversation on achieving the outcomes described before
  • Make sure that the problem has been solved
  • Thank your customer for providing feedback and bringing the problem to your attention

If you want to find out more about resolving difficult situations with unhappy clients, read:

  • How to Handle Customer Complaints [10+ Response Examples]
  • How to Deal With Angry Customers in 5 Easy Steps [Tips & Examples]

6. Decision making

Working as a customer support agent requires thinking on your feet. You don’t have to always make the best decision. But you need to be decisive and display confidence. Customers want to be taken care of—and they won’t trust you if you don’t know what you are doing. You should, at the very least, try to make a good impression.

If you want to make a good impression and make the best decisions, keep the following things in mind:

  • Focus on your goal . Think what is the ultimate reason why customers reach out to you.
  • Make decisions fast . Try to develop a habit of making decisions quickly. Even if something goes wrong, it will be a valuable lesson for the future.
  • When in doubt, dig deeper . If you can’t decide on the right solution, it may mean that you don’t have enough information. It’s a good idea to ask the customer for details.
  • Ask for help if you need it . Consult with someone who knows more about the topic if you still can’t decide on your best option.

Be careful! Being decisive does not mean that you can make arbitrary judgments. You should make sure what kind of decisions you are allowed to make and which ones are beyond your competencies. Your future customer success manager should prepare a well-defined policy. Situations such as giving discounts or accepting returns should be spelled out. Just stick to the rules.

7. Problem solving

The primary job of a customer support agent is to solve the problems of customers. And you can’t really do that if you are not willing to experiment, analyze, and try out different approaches. Sometimes you’ll have to be very creative and think outside the box.

Comics presenting a job interview conversation

You can solve anything if you break down the process into smaller steps. Follow this pattern to deal with any challenge thrown your way:

  • Describe the problem in your own words and make sure that you understand it
  • Check if someone solved a similar problem already (and how they did it)
  • Prepare a list of possible solutions and analyze their pros and cons.
  • Eliminate the most difficult, expensive, or otherwise impossible and prohibitive ideas
  • Determine your main course of action and a backup plan
  • Put the plan into action and see if it works. Try to draw additional conclusions and go back to step 1 if it doesn’t.

The most important part of problem-solving is identifying what the problem actually is. You should always try to dig deeper and understand why a customer wants to achieve something.

For example, people keep asking how to trigger automatic messages with Tidio’s JavaScript API . But when our agents ask some follow-up questions it turns out that those users don’t need the API. They can create chatbots to reach their goals instead.

8. Time management

Multitasking is a myth. People can’t really handle many processes simultaneously. But what they can do is divide their time into smaller chunks and use it more effectively . It is another important customer service skill.

There is a very simple way to help your customers around the clock. Many businesses improve customer experience with AI chatbots. In some situations, you don’t need a customer support team at all. One bot can do the job. Find out  how to start with Tidio chatbots here .

But customer service is usually very hectic in itself, right? Do we need to organize our time and work at all? Isn’t it just about dealing with incoming calls as they pile up?

Well, things get complicated if you handle one “important” case for three hours and try to catch up by speeding up during the rest of the day.

It may be a good idea to start using time and task management techniques. For example, the Eisenhower Matrix can help you decide which tasks to prioritize.

Eisenhower matrix: urgent vs. important

Try to measure how long it takes to provide assistance to an average customer. Then you can determine which cases take more effort and require more time. Once you start measuring it, you can discover many patterns and insights. You’ll learn that:

  • You can delegate some cases to other agents
  • It’s better to take regular breaks than to do customer service marathons
  • Setting benchmarks and allocating time slots improves your efficiency
  • It is perfectly fine to be assertive and provide customers with resources instead of direct supervision

Time is a critical factor in customer service. You should know when to devote it to providing help and when it’s better to focus on other tasks.

Read more about time management as a tool in your customer service skillset:

  • 6 Time Management Tips for Call Center Agents

9. Foreign language fluency

Customer service outsourcing is extremely popular. There are high chances that you are not a native speaker of the language that you’ll use to chat with customers. Working on your spoken language fluency is the single most important hard skill for customer service.

Interestingly, you don’t need to worry if you have a slight accent. Being able to communicate effectively is more important than perfect pronunciation. Using the right intonation and stressing critical words is something you should really pay attention to.

You shouldn’t obsess about using advanced vocabulary. Instead, try to make your language sound more natural by:

  • Using filler words such as well/um/right/let’s see to make your sentences less choppy (just don’t overdo it)
  • Speak out loud as you practice and record it on your mobile—listen to the recording to catch your mistakes
  • Use a chatbot like Chirpy Cardinal to practice “neverending” conversations online in real-time

If you want to brush up on your English speaking skills, check out this document provided by Maryland Department of Labor:

  • English for Speakers of Other Languages: Customer Service Curriculum

10. Technical knowledge

People don’t call customer service for fun. They usually need technical support. This means that you must understand the ins and outs of your product. And—let’s face it—they are more likely to need help with their malfunctioning smartphone than a non-electrical device.

Good customer service agents need to be tech-savvy. There is no way around it, especially if you want to work in a corporate environment. The majority of customer service agents have to look things up on their computers and solve technical problems.

Being able to use a computer doesn’t count as a technical skill. You shouldn’t list it on your resume because it is obvious that you should be able to use it. Focus on enumerating specific software tools and technologies instead.

Understanding how products work is an essential customer service skill for SaaS companies. For example, our customer service representatives need to have extensive knowledge on:

  • Ecommerce platforms and technologies
  • Chatbots and conversational interfaces
  • Marketing automation and email marketing
  • Integrating live chat widgets on websites

If you are looking for a customer service job, it may be a good idea to show that you are familiar with the products that the company offers. It shows that you are curious and that learning new things doesn’t scare you. Doing it before your actual product knowledge training sends a good signal.

11. Typing speed

This customer service skill is pretty straightforward. The faster you type, the faster your response time . It has a direct impact on your performance as an agent and makes your life a lot easier. This skill is also quite easy to learn and measure.

Typing speed is usually measured by multiplying your accuracy and the number of words typed per minute. For example, if my typing speed is 70 words per minute but my accuracy is 92% (words without a typo), my adjusted typing speed is 64 WPM (70 WMP x 92%).

Scale from to professional typinst presenting typing speed benchmarks

Typing speed benchmarks:

  • Slow: below 20 WPM
  • Average: 20-40 WPM
  • Fast: 40-60 WPM
  • Professional typist: 60-90 WPM

Some companies make it a formal requirement and may assess your typing speed during an interview. For example, to work at Concentrix your typing speed should be at least 35 words per minute.

Go to this website to check your typing speed:

  • Online Typing Speed Test

12. Knowledge of CRM software

Customer service representatives usually use CRM software solutions such as Zendesk or Zoho. The tools are quite similar and getting used to them is only a matter of time. Still, if you have experience with a dedicated customer service app, your chances are brighter.

Some of the best apps that companies use include:

Contact view in Tidio panel

To find out more, check out our ranking of the best customer database software .

Make sure you are not confusing CRM software with project management and team collaboration apps such as Jira, Asana, Trello, or Slack.

13. Microsoft Office/Google Docs Editors

Talking to customers makes up the majority of your work as a customer service rep. But what about the rest? Well, dealing with documents, reports, and presentations is a pretty safe bet. 

Sooner or later, you’ll be asked to prepare some kind of a spreadsheet or a dashboard with your results. Or write a detailed onboarding plan for new junior employees. Or help with presenting your company’s quarterly customer service KPIs .

The majority of businesses collect customer feedback by copy/pasting it into an Excel or Google Sheets file. Organizations tend to prefer Google Docs Editors because they make sharing documents easier.

Make sure to know how to create basic documents in:

  • Google Docs (Word alternative)
  • Google Sheets (Excel alternative)
  • Google Slides (PowerPoint alternative)

14. Live chat, chatbots, and email software

The customer service landscape has changed drastically over the last several years. Today, a live chat customer service agent equipped with quick replies and AI chatbot assistants can do the work of 10 call center agents.

Why is live chat so effective? Think of using a sort of autopilot—controlling and adjusting the exchange of messages rather than writing them from scratch. An agent is supervising the customer service flow and intervenes only if they have to.

It is also the favorite communication channel of about 46% of customers. Tools like Tidio allow you to switch between channels and provide omnichannel service. You can start a conversation through a live chat widget, continue it by exchanging emails, and finish on Facebook messenger. And you can manage everything in one dashboard. Firing up chatbots or canned messages is a matter of two clicks.

15. Determination

Determination is the ultimate personality trait for a customer service agent. You must be able to persevere and get to the bottom of a problem even when customers call you names. And you must constantly work on your customer service skills to increase customer satisfaction levels.

You need empathy to understand customers, but it can also take its toll on your mental balance. At first, the amount of work and stress can be overwhelming.

If you are determined to go the extra mile and deliver amazing experiences to customers, it will give you more motivation. After some practice, you’ll learn to get everything under control.

Grit score results example

You can measure if you are a determined person by taking a test designed by Angela Ducksworth. Your Grit Score will help you understand if you need to work on the strength of your character and perseverance. For example, West Point cadets usually score higher than Ivy League undergraduates.

16. Responsibility

This one may sound like a cliche. Responsibility is something that the majority of job applicants declare as their strong side. For pretty much every position imaginable.

But, in customer service, it is really crucial that you handle every case from start to finish and never leave your clients in the dark.

The common tasks and customer service requirements include:

  • Managing a high volume of incoming messages (or calls)
  • Building relationships with customer
  • Providing accurate information and answering customer questions
  • Meeting customer problem resolution quotas
  • Documenting customer interactions
  • Managing customer accounts
  • Increasing customer retention

You wouldn’t want an irresponsible person to take care of them all, would you?

17. Patience

Customer service professionals should be patient. They must be able to use positive language even if they are dealing with a frustrated customer.

Or if they are exchanging messages with people who take their time to type their messages in.

Incidentally, you can take a peek at customers’ messages even before they send them!

You can find more about premium features offered by one of the top customer service platforms here.

How to list customer service skills on a resume

OK, we have the complete list of excellent customer service skills. But you are probably asking yourself—which skills should I put on my resume for customer service? Surely I can’t put “nice moves and good body language” right next to my Microsoft Excel proficiency!

Skills for customer service resume:

  • Active listening skills
  • Adaptability
  • Attentiveness
  • Customer orientation
  • Cross-selling and up-selling techniques
  • Familiarity with de-escalation strategies
  • Great command of the language
  • Good communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Positive attitude
  • Proactive approach
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Self-control
  • High sense of responsibility
  • Team player

Here is an example of a resume that highlights customer service skills and qualifications:

Customer service skills resume

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202 555 019
New York, NY

A customer service representative with 7+ years of experience and good customer service skills. Nice presentation, customer-centric approach, and familiarity with conflict resolution techniques. Ready for new challenges and increasing customer retention of your business.

, CurbServic
New York, NY
January 2016–June 2021

▫️ Answered 50+ calls per day
▫️ Managed social media conversations
▫️ Helped build customer relationships
▫️ Onboarded new customer service team members

, Call Signal
Brookhaven, NY
August 2013–January 2016

▫️ Handled the live chat and email communication with premium customers
▫️ Helped to organize the processes within the support team
▫️ Designed a customer support chatbot to reduce the workload by 40%
▫️ Collected feedback through customer satisfaction surveys

Bachelor of Arts in English
The Borough of Manhattan Community College
Graduation: 2013

✔️ Active listening
✔️ Positive language
✔️ Up-selling
✔️ Chatbot automation
✔️ 60+ WPM typing speed 
✔️ Google Docs Editors
✔️ Salesforce
✔️ Tidio
✔️ Jira

Check out the top customer service interview questions and answers to better prepare yourself and boost your chances of getting the job.

You can become an awesome agent even without much job experience. Typical resume skills for customer service include emotional intelligence, empathy, and clear communication. The way you approach other people is more important than working for X years at a specific company.

If you need more tips on deciding which skills you should put on your customer service resume, here is a useful guide:

  • What Skills to Put on a Resume  

Building a customer support team is extremely difficult. If you meet several of the requirements mentioned in this article, you are already among the top. And you can improve the remaining customer service skills through practice.

Customer service representative skills that you should focus on:

  • Voice tone/cohesive writing

If you are looking for a job in customer service, make sure to mention at least some of them on your resume.

Still, you can always enhance the effectiveness of your customer service efforts by using the right tools. Want to try an app that turns mediocre customer service skills into great customer experiences? See what happens if you have great customer service skills already.

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Kazimierz Rajnerowicz

Kazimierz was one of the original authors of Tidio Blog. His primary objective was to deliver high-quality content that was actionable and fun to read. His interests revolved around AI technology and chatbot development.

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11 Best Customer Service Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

10 min read · Updated on February 16, 2024

Marsha Hebert

The right customer service skills on your resume can lead to promotions

All companies worldwide have one thing in common – they all have customers. This means all companies need to hire people with great customer service skills. 

Some roles will require you to work with internal customers. For example, if you're working in IT, you'll likely have to interact with employees to help them fix computer issues. Those employees are internal customers. Other roles will require you to work with external customers – the people who are buying goods and services from the company. 

A well-crafted resume that highlights your relevant skills for a customer service position will help your resume to beat the applicant tracking system, or ATS , which is the first step to getting your application noticed. 

When you use these 11 best customer service skills in your resume, you'll stand out from the crowd as someone who can work well with others, anticipate needs, and solve problems. 

Use these skills and examples to produce an interview-winning resume. 

11 customer service skills and proficiencies for your resume

It's important to note that there's a difference between hard skills and soft skills . Some of these 11 customer service skills that you can use on your resume fall into the hard skill category, and some of them are soft skills. 

You can tell them apart by identifying which are job-specific skills that allow you to get things done and which are more interpersonal-type skills that allow you to get along well with others. It's important to have a good balance of both skill types. 

Of course, these customer service skills will be in addition to your experience and education, but you can weave the keywords into your these sections. You should also quantify your skills whenever possible, mentioning specific instances and using concrete examples to prove you have experience with each customer service skill on your resume.

Hard skills for a customer service resume 

Since every company has customers who require assistance, modern employers are always seeking people with customer service skills. Here are the four most important hard skills hiring managers want to see on your resume:

1. Product knowledge 

You can't help customers if you know nothing about the product or service being offered by the company. It's critical that you take the time to learn about what's available and how to answer questions about the company's offerings. You may also need to troubleshoot problems with products and offer recommendations to improve the customer journey. 

Here's what that looks like on your resume:

“Increased revenue by 15% by recommending product offering add-ons.”

2. Technical proficiency 

Have you ever heard the acronym CRM? It stands for customer relationship management, and most companies use some type of CRM software to track customer interactions and follow up on leads. This is one of the many ways you can demonstrate technical proficiency in customer service skills on your resume. 

Here's an example of how to include this customer service skill on your resume:

“Used Salesforce to update and maintain a customer database of 200 leads and mapped the customer journey from initiation to close.”

3. Communication technology 

This may seem similar to the technical customer service skills for a resume above; however, it goes a step beyond simply using tools to track customer journeys. This has to do with directly interacting with customers. It could be as simple as using email and multi-line telephones, or more complex, such as using Slack to collaborate with people across the globe. 

Here's how to include communication technology customer service skills on your resume:

“Answered as many as 75 incoming client calls per day using a 6-line telephone system.”

4. Data analysis

One of the best ways to support successful customer interactions is through data analysis . You have to know what's going on in the customer's journey to be able to adequately answer their questions, determine customer trends, and improve customer satisfaction. 

Here's how to write a data analysis customer service skill bullet point on your resume:

“Analyzed and dissected data from disparate sources to identify trends and solve problems, improving customer satisfaction scores by 12%.”

Soft skills for a customer service resume 

Now that you know what hiring managers want to see insomuch as you getting the job done, let's learn what they are looking for regarding interpersonal skills. 

5. Active listening 

Are you the type of person who knows what you want to say in response to someone speaking before they ever finish a sentence? Or do you take the extra initiative to pay attention to nonverbal cues and follow up with clarifying questions to gain a genuine understanding of what someone is saying? If you fall into the latter category, then you practice active listening . That's definitely a customer service skill for your resume!

Here's how to demonstrate active listening on your resume:

“Improved customer service issue resolution time by 15% by actively listening to and paraphrasing customer concerns to get to the root of the problem.”

6. Emotional intelligence 

When you work with customers – whether they are internal or external customers – chances are you're going to come across a situation that requires you to demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence. It's easy, after all, to let our emotions get the best of us, but being that person who can exude compassion in the most challenging situations is something most hiring managers need and want. 

Here's an example of how you can prove you have a high EQ on your resume:

“Built a reputation for de-escalating customer situations by leveraging a high EQ, resulting in a 30% reduction in calls being transferred to supervisors.”

7. Problem-solving 

You can pair problem-solving skills with data analysis skills to showcase your well-roundedness as a job seeker. It's even better if you're able to add the ability to make autonomous decisions after you solve a problem. Either way, hiring managers value people who take the initiative to fix issues rather than someone who passes problems off to others to figure out.

Here's a fantastic example of a way to show off analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making customer service skills in one bullet:

“Turned around lackluster sales by analyzing 3 months' worth of trends to identify problem areas and recommending improvements to closing processes.”

8. Communication 

This is the one that most people get wrong on their resume. It's easy to simply write that you have “good written and verbal communication skills,” but how do you prove it? You write an action-based resume bullet that shows off your ability to communicate clearly and with different types of people.

Here's what that could look like:

“Respected by leaders for being able to clearly articulate complex concepts to technical and non-technical audiences, which reduced the number of errors on orders by 30%.”

9. Collaboration 

In today's ever-shrinking world, there will likely come a time when you'll need to talk to someone in a different department, a different company, or even in a different country. If you're capable of working cross-functionally to share knowledge and achieve goals, then you can add collaboration as a customer service skill on your resume.

Here's an example of a resume bullet that shows you know how to collaborate:

“Engaged in regular team meetings to share best practices and worked in a team of 12 people to increase overall efficiency by 10%.”

10. Positivity 

One of the main ways you can make customers happy is by being optimistic, even when pressure is being applied to a situation. If you're able to create positive customer experiences, then they'll likely be more than happy to continue doing business with you and your company.

Here's an example of a positive attitude bullet you can use on your resume:

“Demonstrated a can-do attitude by taking on additional responsibilities and assisting team members during peak times to reduce customer hold times.”

11.  Flexibility 

If there's one constant in life, it's that things will change. Sometimes those changes are things you instigate yourself. Other times, change will be thrust upon you. No matter how changes come up, if you're able to remain flexible, go with the flow, and adjust to change without any major problems, you should consider adding your ability to be flexible to your resume.

“Overcame changing management regimes and adapted to new procedures by adjusting priorities in alignment with new SOPs without sacrificing service delivery to customers.”

Where to put customer service skills on your resume

Most of the customer service skill examples in this article have been related to bullet points. So, you may be assuming that the best place to highlight your customer service skills is in the Professional Experience section of your resume . In fact, you can weave customer service skills into any section of your resume. The key is to find the place where the skill makes the most sense – contextually and grammatically – and add it in. 

Profile section

The Profile part of your resume is at the very top of your resume and includes the title or headline and summary paragraph. You can obviously add the phrase “customer service” into the title or headline, but you can also insert some of the example sentences in this article into your profile paragraph. Use them as inspiration for your own sentences, too - the ones in this article are simply meant to help get your brain juices flowing. 

Skills section

While your Skills section (or Core Competencies) won't contain actual sentences, you can still put some of your customer service skills here. Instead of writing out bullets, though, you'll simply list up to 15 keywords and phrases that make you a good match for a customer service job. 

Professional experience section

Since you are likely using the reverse-chronological format for your resume, you'll want to focus your efforts on writing out the last 10-15 years of experience using action-based bullets, like the ones in the examples in this article. It's also pretty critical that you add numbers every chance you get, so that you show what type of work you've done in the past, as that will give the hiring manager a clue as to what you'll bring to the table for their customers. 

Education and credentials section

If you have little to no experience, you can inject some of your customer service skills into the education section of your resume. You'd do this by including courses you took and by talking about any major projects you may have worked on while in school that allowed you to overcome challenges or work collaboratively with others. 

Chart your path to success

Adding customer service skills to your resume truly can help you to stand out from the crowd. Almost everyone can say that they know how to handle customers, but the actual proof they can do so is often lacking in resumes. When you use these 11 best customer service skills for your resume, you'll create something that will have hiring managers and recruiters blowing up your email with interview offers. 

If you want to make sure that your customer service skills are properly coming through on your resume, let us take a look at it for you. Upload your resume for a free review , where an expert resume writer will go over it and let you know what you need to do.

Recommended reading:

How to Describe Yourself on a Resume (With Examples)

27 Great Resume Headline Examples to Stand Out

Call Center Resume Sample

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7 Signs Your Resume is Making You Look Old

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How to Maximize Your Resume Action Words to Wow the Employer

See how your resume stacks up.

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How to Write a Customer Service Resume That Will Catch a Recruiter’s Eye (Example Included!)

person sitting at a desk with a headset

Customer service jobs can be a real rollercoaster. One minute you’re the hero, miraculously remedying a tricky customer issue, and the next, you’re dealing with an exceptionally difficult person who’s upset about something you have no control over (“I’m very sorry the seasonal holiday packaging is a different shade of blue this year, sir”).

It takes a special set of skills to excel in the customer service world. And as the old saying goes: If you’ve got it, you might as well feature it on your resume! Read on to learn how to create a dazzling customer service resume—and see an example.

What Does a Customer Service Representative Do?

For those who get a genuine thrill out of delighting people, a customer service job can be quite fulfilling. As the title suggests, a customer service representative’s primary objective is to assist customers, clients, or users with their needs, like finding a specific product, completing a purchase, or resolving a concern. What’s especially exciting about this field is the variety: You can interact with customers in person, over the phone, via chat, or even over social media! And virtually every industry needs customer support, so you can pursue a role in almost any field you like—retail, tech, finance, you name it.

While the specifics of each job vary from one company to the next, most customer service representatives will need to have a friendly, empathetic demeanor; experience interacting with clients; solid problem-solving skills; the willingness to learn as much as they can about their employer’s products and services; and a good deal of patience. They may also be required to track their interactions in a customer relationship management (CRM) system, make adjustments to online accounts, or recommend new products and promotions to customers.

How to Write a Standout Customer Service Resume

Regardless of the specific role or industry you’re targeting, hiring managers will be most interested in a few key elements when looking at a resume for a customer service position:

  • For those with prior customer service experience, recruiters will want to know specifics, including how many customers or guests you interact with on a daily basis, the number of transactions you complete each day, the type of training you’ve received, or your technical skills. They’ll also be looking for certain keywords (see below!), relevant industry experience, and helpful metrics.
  • If you don’t have a previous customer service title, they may look for transferable skills, such as experience dealing with customers (such as what you might get in a retail or food service role) or handling a high volume of transactions (which you might do in an event staffing or banking job).
  • If you’re an experienced customer service representative, recruiters might also be interested in additional details like your customer satisfaction rating or how you’ve communicated (in person, over the phone, or via chat).

Here’s how to put together a resume that’ll wow customer service recruiters.

1. Clarify Your Goals

Because the customer service industry is so broad it’s important that you know what type of role you’re looking for next. Do you want to work in a call center? Do you prefer to interact with customers in person? Or are you looking to get into a virtual support role? This will, of course, inform the types of jobs you apply to and in turn, the way you tailor your resume .

Editing your resume to reflect the specific job you’re applying to is essential. And it’s not as hard as it might sound. As a general rule, if a particular job duty appears in the job description and you have experience performing that duty, it belongs on your resume.

2. Use the Right Keywords

When you apply for a job through an online job board or company website, your application will likely be passed through an applicant tracking system first, before a hiring manager gets a chance to review it. ATS programs scan your resume for certain keywords to determine whether or not your experience is a likely match for the role you’ve applied to. If the ATS doesn’t find enough of the right keywords on your resume, it might not ever make it to a recruiter’s inbox.

Tailoring your resume for each job you apply to will help you hit most of the right keywords, but here’s a list of common customer service resume keywords to get you started:

  • Account Management
  • Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Resolutions

3. Write Show-Stopping Bullet Points

Writing compelling bullet points will help you catch (and hold) a recruiter’s attention and bring your experience to life.

As you’re drafting your resume, try to go beyond simply stating what you did in each role. “Helped customers with questions” isn’t nearly as interesting as “proactively resolved more than 30 customer concerns every day, resulting in a 92% customer satisfaction rating”—right?

Spice it up a little with compelling verbs, metrics, and outcomes wherever possible. This simple formula is a great place to start:

  • Action verb + job duty + outcome

Here’s what it might look like in practice:

  • Seamlessly managed up to three live chats at a time, resolving more than 100 customer issues daily, resulting in a 94% customer satisfaction rating

4. Don’t Forget to Include Measurable Metrics

One of the many wonderful things about your customer service experience is that you can quantify quite a few of your job duties. So be sure to assign a metric to every bullet point or achievement, if possible. This is especially important in the customer service space since many companies measure their own performance using customer satisfaction metrics.

So as you’re drafting your resume, ask yourself: How many customers do I interact with every day? What’s my resolution rate? What’s my average response time? How many new accounts have I opened this week?

5. Remember the Basics

As always, there are a few universal resume writing rules to keep in mind, regardless of the industry or role you’re targeting.

  • Keep it to a single page. Unless you’re a seasoned executive with decades of experience, you should be able to fit your relevant work history on a single page. Tailoring your resume, writing concise bullet points, and excluding experience that’s more than ten years old should help you keep the length down.
  • Use a chronological layout. Chronological is the preferred format for almost all recruiters and it’s the easiest to read. But if you’re making a major career pivot or returning to the workforce after an extended time away, you might try a combination or functional resume .
  • Create easy-to scan sections. Recruiters typically spend just a few seconds scanning a resume before they decide whether or not to keep reading. Adding bold or underlined headings for each section —summary, relevant experience, technical skills, education—will make your resume easier to read. You’ll come off as super organized, too!
  • Consider a summary. Resume summaries are completely optional, but they can be helpful if you’re trying to make a career pivot, break into a new industry, or tie together varied experience. You’ll find an example in the sample resume below.
  • Proofread! Even if you’re sure that your resume is perfect, read it through again—just in case. It can also be incredibly helpful to have another set of eyes look over your resume before you submit an application, so ask a friend, family member, or trusted colleague if they’d be willing to take a look.

An Example of a Customer Service Resume

As you read through the below resume example, pay special attention to the construction of the bullet points (interesting verb + job duty + outcome), the use of quantifiable metrics, and easy-to-follow layout for inspiration.

Keep in mind that resumes are meant to tell a story about your unique work history and qualifications, so naturally, no two will be alike! As you populate your resume with your experience, achievements, and metrics, it’ll develop a personality of its own.

Here’s what a stellar customer service resume might look like:

customer service resume example

Download a sample customer service resume

As a bona fide customer service all-star, you deserve a resume that will dazzle a prospective employer the same way you dazzle your customers. Bringing your experience to life with relevant keywords, engaging bullet points, and tangible metrics will help you stand out and land those customer service interviews !

Looking for customer service jobs? Search on The Muse

how to describe customer service skills on resume

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Customer Service Representative Job Description

5 min read · Updated on August 15, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Use this customer service job description to craft your resume.

To land a Customer Service Representative job, your resume needs to be designed to get past an employer's ATS and intrigue recruiters and hiring managers. One task that proves highly valuable in meeting these goals is reviewing customer service job descriptions, like the one provided below. 

Customer service job description example

Customer service job descriptions provide you with insights into the work experience , technical and soft skills , and other credentials an employer is seeking. This type of information provides an excellent starting place for what to include in your resume. 

Use the following Customer service job description to guide your resume development . 

Customer Service Representative job description

The Customer Service Representative attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions and suggesting information about other products and services. Process orders, prepare correspondences, and fulfill customer inquiries to ensure customer satisfaction.

Requires a high school diploma or equivalent and 0-3 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Has knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Rely on instructions and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job. Works under immediate supervision. Primary job functions do not typically require exercising independent judgment. Report to the Customer Service Supervisor. The target is to ensure excellent service standards and maintain high customer satisfaction.

Customer Service Representative duties:

Open and maintain customer accounts by recording account information

Resolve product or service problems by clarifying the customer's complaint, determining the cause of the problem, selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem, expediting correction or adjustment, and following up to ensure resolution

Maintain financial accounts by processing customer adjustments

Recommend potential products or services to management by collecting customer information and analyzing customer needs

Prepare product or service reports by collecting and analyzing customer information

Contribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed

Manage large amounts of incoming calls

Generate sales leads

Identify and assess customers' needs to achieve satisfaction

Build sustainable relationships of trust through open and interactive communication

Provide accurate, valid, and complete information by using the right methods and tools

Meet personal and team sales targets and call handling quotas

Handle complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits, and follow up to ensure resolution

Keep records of customer interactions, process customer accounts, and file documents

Follow communication procedures, guidelines, and policies

Go the extra mile to engage customers

Resolve customer complaints via phone, email, mail, or social media

Use telephones to reach out to customers and verify account information

Greet customers warmly and ascertain problem or reason for calling

Cancel or upgrade accounts

Assist with placement of orders, refunds, or exchanges

Advise on company information

Take payment information and other pertinent information such as addresses and phone numbers

Place or cancel orders

Answer questions about warranties or terms of sale

Act as the company gatekeeper

Suggest solutions when a product malfunctions

Handle product recalls

Attempt to persuade customer to reconsider cancellation

Inform customer of deals and promotions

Sell products and services

Utilize computer technology to handle high call volumes

Work with customer service manager to ensure proper customer service is being delivered

Close out or open call records

Compile reports on overall customer satisfaction

Read from scripts

Handle changes in policies or renewals

Customer Service Representative requirements:

Proven customer support experience

Track record of over-achieving quota

Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening

Familiar with CRM systems and practices

Customer orientation and ability to adapt and respond to different types of characters

Excellent communication and presentation skills

Ability to multitask, prioritize and manage time effectively

High school diploma or equivalent; college degree preferred

0-3 years of experience in the field or related area

Customer service job description skills & proficiencies

Here are some of the skills you might find in a customer service job description and, as such, are good to incorporate into your resume:

Customer Service Skills

Product Knowledge

Quality Focus

Market Knowledge

Documentation Skills

Listening Skills

Phone Skills

Resolving Conflict


Positive Attitude

Attention to Detail

People Oriented

Problem Solving

Organizational Skills


Ability to Work Under Pressure

Computer Skills

Use Customer service job descriptions to land your next job

Use the above customer service job description and other customer service job descriptions online to help you determine what content to include in your resume . Pay attention to the skills and knowledge that you have that aligns with each and create and tailor your resume accordingly. 

Before you submit your new resume to a job opening, TopResume will give it a once-over for you for free ! We'll help you make sure your resume is perfect before you use it .

Recommended Reading:

How to Tailor Your Resume to a Specific Job Description

Customize Your Resume to Stand Out From the Crowd

What's an ATS-Friendly Resume? And How to Write One

Related Articles:

7 Signs Your Resume is Making You Look Old

Software Developer Top Needed Skills

How to Maximize Your Resume Action Words to Wow the Employer

See how your resume stacks up.

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Customer service: its importance and how to develop skills in this area

Customer service refers to the assistance and support provided to customers. It could be before, during, or after purchasing a product or service. It includes answering their questions and fixing any problems. It is all about making the whole experience smooth and satisfying for them.

Customer service can take place through various channels. These include in-person interactions, phone calls, emails, live chat, and social media platforms. These channels meet the diverse needs and preferences of customers. Customer service skills are a must in today's job market. They are crucial for building and maintaining good relationships with clients. 

From retail to corporate sales, these skills are vital across various industries. In front-facing services like retail, these skills help build trust among customers. They directly influence purchasing decisions. Similarly, in sales, effective customer service skills foster long-term client relationships. The skills help drive business growth. 

In this article, we will help you learn more about the importance of good customer service. We will also provide you with tips for developing your customer service skills. 

Here is what we will cover: 

Why is customer service important?  

What are the principles of good customer service  , key customer service skills you need in the workplace  , how to improve your customer service skills  , example of customer service skills in a resume  , bottom line  .

Customer service has a huge impact on the success of many companies. It affects these areas: 

Customer satisfaction and loyalty 

Customer service is important for making customers happy and keeping them coming back to your brand. When customers get great service, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their experience. This results in a sense of loyalty towards your company.

For instance, a 2022 study conducted in the United Kingdom examined the factors influencing customer loyalty in various hotels. It found that when hotels gave excellent customer service, guests were happier. They were more likely to keep choosing that hotel in the future. This shows how customer service is important for enhancing brand loyalty.

Brand reputation and image 

Customer service experience affects how people feel about your brand or company. Customers often share their experiences with friends and family. They can do this either in person or through social media. These word-of-mouth interactions can influence others' perceptions of the brand and its reputation. 

Moreover, an online survey highlighted how customer service shapes consumer perceptions. Many consumers rely on reviews to assess a brand's reputation before a purchase. Negative reviews often result from poor customer service experiences. Hence, it is important to offer great service to make sure the brand's image stays positive. Brands should prioritize customer satisfaction to ensure consumers keep coming back.

Sales and revenue generation 

Customer service can affect the decision of many consumers to buy your product or service. For example, according to the same 2022 study, many choose to visit a hotel with great customer service. This shows that good customer service directly translates to more sales. 

It also highlights the role of customer service as a competitive differentiator in today's market. Good service experience helps your business stand out from competitors and attract and retain more customers, ultimately driving higher sales and market share. 

Research from McKinsey & Company also revealed that improving customer experience can increase revenue by 2% to 7%. As a result, this can improve a company's profitability by 1% to 2%. 

Employee morale and productivity 

Great customer service can have a positive impact on all parties. It can make customers happy and pleasant to interact with, and positive interactions with customers will improve employee morale and make them more productive. This will lead to better performance and higher employee satisfaction. 

These are the key principles of good customer service: 

It is the quality of understanding and addressing your customer’s needs that shows the company values its clients. This builds loyalty and promotes customer retention. 


Communication is a crucial customer service principle. Practicing active listening, providing clear and concise explanations, and using a professional tone helps create a positive customer experience. This in turn fosters trust and confidence in the company. 


Identifying and resolving customer issues will make the customer feel valued. This is key to retaining customers and building a positive reputation. 


Showing courtesy, respect, and a positive attitude creates a welcoming environment for customers. This helps your company build strong relationships with customers and improve its image. 


Proactivity is anticipating customer needs and going the extra mile for your customers. It shows a commitment to great service. Positive impressions on consumers will encourage them to advocate your product or brand. 

Here are important customer service skills in the workplace: 

Communication skills 

Communication skills refer to how well you express your ideas and listen to others.

Examples include: 

  • Verbal and written communication

How you speak and write to customers affects their experience with you and the company. Communication also includes non-verbal cues such as body language, tone, and personal presentation. 

  • Active listening

This is your ability to understand customers and respond appropriately. It involves engaging with customers and showing that you care about their needs. 

  • Explaining complex information

Practice explaining ideas and concepts in a simple way to help customers understand. 

three employees celebrating a work team with a high five

Technical knowledge 

These are hard skills or industry knowledge required to perform your job. 

  • Product or service expertise

You must get a thorough understanding of the company's offerings. This helps you provide accurate and helpful information to customers. 

  • Troubleshooting skills

These skills enable you to identify and resolve technical issues for customers. Skills include specialized knowledge in computer software, hardware, or other technical systems.

Problem-solving skills 

These soft skills help you provide solutions to customers’ issues more efficiently.

  • Identifying root causes

Figuring out the cause of a problem quickly helps you resolve it faster. 

  • Finding solutions

Understanding how to tackle customer issues promotes great service. 

  • Creative thinking

It means thinking innovatively and exploring unconventional ideas. This is especially important for solving complex problems in customer service .

Empathy and emotional intelligence 

Here are examples of how empathy and emotional intelligence work in customer service: 

  • Relating to customers

Recognize and respond to customers' emotions to meet their needs. 

  • Building rapport

Building rapport includes establishing and maintaining positive customer relationships. This creates a good impression and helps gain their trust. 

Remaining adaptable and resilient  

Here are some examples of how being adaptable and resilient can help you in the workplace: 

  • Handling difficult situations

Deal with unhappy customers calmly when resolving their issues. This enables you to regain their trust. 

  • Staying calm under pressure

Remain level-headed even in stressful situations. For example, when you're dealing with an angry customer. Stay professional and handle the situation with tact. 

  • Adjusting to changing needs

Recognize when a customer's needs are changing. Adjusting your approach can help you meet them. This is a great customer service strategy. It enables you to close a sale, solve a problem, or provide better service. 

Here are some ways you can develop your customer service skills: 

  • Seek feedback from customers  

Take time to examine service reviews and identify areas where you can improve. You can also ask customers to provide feedback on their experience. 

  • Engage in continuous learning  

Take courses and participate in training and development programs. Focus on important customer service skills that you feel need work. 

  • Role-play customer interactions with colleagues  

This allows you to practice your communication and active listening skills. It also prepares you to deal with difficult situations with confidence and a positive attitude. 

  • Learn from experienced customer service professionals  

Observe customer interactions to understand how to handle various situations. Ask for advice on how you can develop your skills. 

  • Ask for feedback from your manager  

This helps you identify your strengths and areas for improvement as part of a customer service team. Your manager can also recommend development opportunities and help you maintain a growth mindset. 

  • Keep up to date with industry trends and best practices  

You can do this by reading articles, books, and blogs about the customer service field. 

You can showcase your customer service skills in various parts of your resume. These include the summary, work history, and skills sections. These tips can also help: 

  • Review the job description. Include the customer service skills the employer is looking for in your resume. 
  • Incorporate relevant keywords. These may increase your chances of getting an interview. 
  • Include figures to emphasize your impact on the company. For example, you can say that you resolve an average of 50 tickets per day with a 95% customer satisfaction rating. 
  • Use action words in your work history. This can help you capture the hiring manager's attention. 
  • List your relevant customer service skills first. Highlight your past customer service duties to demonstrate your abilities. 

Sample resume for highlighting customer service skills  

Here's a short sample resume for your reference: 

Eleanor Yap

No. 1 Science Centre Road, 08-20, The Enterprise

389838, Singapore [email protected] +66 12 8749550

Results-oriented professional with over three years of experience in delivering exceptional customer service. Successfully increased customer satisfaction ratings by 15% through proactive problem-solving and efficient issue resolution. Promotes strong communication and time management skills.

Work History Customer Service Representative Stellar Communications, July 2021–Present

  • Handles an average of 50 customer calls daily while maintaining a customer satisfaction rating of over 96%.
  • Implements streamlined processes for handling customer questions and resolving issues to reduce wait times by 20%.
  • Demonstrates excellent product knowledge in upselling and cross-selling opportunities, resulting in a 10% increase in sales.

Education Bachelor of Business Administration University of Singapore Graduated 2020

Skills Communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, time management, knowledge of customer service principles

grocery worker

Improving your customer service skills can lead to professional success across various sectors in Singapore. These skills help you establish and keep good relationships with customers. Key skills include communicating well, solving problems, understanding technical details, being adaptable, and showing empathy. Improving these skills enables you to perform better and progress in your customer service roles in Singapore.

Here are answers to questions about customer service skills: 

  • How can I improve my customer service skills? To improve your customer service skills, ask customers and colleagues for feedback. Use it to find areas to improve. Engage in role-playing exercises to ready yourself for diverse customer interactions. Also, learn from experienced professionals. Take relevant training courses to improve your skills. ⁠
  • What are the essential customer service representative skills?  Clear communication skills , problem-solving , empathy, adaptability, and resilience are important skills. Also, customer service reps need emotional intelligence and technical knowledge.  ⁠
  • How do I tailor my resume for a customer service job?  Examine the job description and emphasise your relevant skills and qualifications. Highlight any prior customer service experience you possess. ⁠
  • What keywords should I include in my customer service resume?  Popular resume keywords often comprise "customer service" and "customer care." Additionally, "communication skills," "problem-solving," "interpersonal skills," and "troubleshooting" are commonly used terms. ⁠
  • Are technical skills important in customer service?  Yes. These skills include computer literacy, which is important in many  customer service jobs . Some roles need more technical skills. For example, IT support agents need proficiency in specific programs and tools.  ⁠
  • What are some real-life examples of excellent customer service?  According to the annual survey conducted jointly by The Straits Times and international market researcher Statista, Singapore’s best customer service retailers and service providers for 2023/2024 include True Fitness, Alive Nutrition Consultancy, Ancient Dynasty Massage and Spa, Subway, and Chicha San Chen. These businesses are known for their strong focus on making customers happy, quickly solving any problems, and giving personalized service that suits each customer. ⁠
  • How can I demonstrate empathy in my resume?  Mention skills that support this quality, such as active listening. You can also include customer satisfaction ratings in your work history. This shows your ability to empathize and meet the needs of clients.  ⁠
  • What certifications enhance my customer service resume?  Numerous online educational platforms provide certifications specialising in customer service. For instance, edX features customer relationship management courses tailored for sales and support teams, while Coursera offers diverse customer service courses suitable for various roles and proficiency levels.  Also, there are certifications for specific skills like communication and conflict resolution. They are available and can enrich your resume. ⁠
  • What is the difference between hard and soft customer service skills?  Hard skills focus on technical abilities and specific knowledge. Examples are product knowledge and software troubleshooting. Soft customer service skills consist of character traits and interpersonal skills. These include empathy, problem-solving, and communication.  ⁠
  • How do I address a lack of experience in my customer service resume?  Focus on your education and volunteer experience. Include experiences that showcase important customer service skills. These may be activities you did in school. For example, being a laboratory assistant, tutoring, or organizing events. Highlight leadership roles you may have had. These show your ability to work with others to achieve a goal.

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  1. 7 customer service resume examples & writing tips for 2023

    how to describe customer service skills on resume

  2. 30+ Customer Service Resume Examples

    how to describe customer service skills on resume

  3. 15 customer service resume examples and writing tips for 2024

    how to describe customer service skills on resume

  4. 10 Customer Service Resume Examples for 2023

    how to describe customer service skills on resume

  5. 14 Customer Service Resume Examples for 2023

    how to describe customer service skills on resume

  6. 30+ Customer Service Resume Examples ᐅ TemplateLab

    how to describe customer service skills on resume


  1. Develop Your Customer Service Skills : Power of Positivity: Language & Tone 8

  2. Why Building Rapport is Important ? #jobsearch #interviewtips #jobtips #podcast #jobsecurity

  3. Naukari aur vyavsay ke naam hindi mein

  4. Accelerate Your Career: Customer Service Driven IT Professional Resume Objective

  5. Customer Support Specialist : Mastering Customer Service Calls 6

  6. How to Write a Resume for Customer Service Positions


  1. 21 Important Customer Service Skills (With Resume Example)

    Example of customer service skills in a resume You likely already possess many of the customer skills employers need. You can highlight those skills on your resume and cover letter and during interviews and on the job. If you're applying for jobs that require customer service as a primary job duty, provide a few examples of your customer service skills in the "skills" section of your resume.

  2. Customer Service Skills to List on a Resume [30 Examples]

    Without communication skills, customer service representatives couldn't connect with customers, work with co-workers or solve problems. That's why it's one of the most important skill sets in the customer service toolbelt. Here are a few key examples: Active listening. Clear verbal communication.

  3. 31 Great Customer Service Skills (With Examples)

    3. Stress Management. Between dealing with angry customers and fulfilling requests, working in customer service can get stressful. Being able to keep your cool and maintain excellent service despite high-pressure situations is a great customer service skill to have, and is key to success in most workplaces.

  4. How to describe customer service skills on a resume

    2. Problem solving. Customer service representatives are often required to think on the spot to find solutions for customers. Highlight how your critical thinking helped solve problems in previous roles. 3. Conflict resolution. Customer service reps must be able to diffuse tense situations.

  5. How To Write the Best Customer Service Resume (With Samples)

    2. Provide your contact information. At the top of your resume, provide your contact information. Write your first and last name in a large or bold font so employers can find it easily. Below your name, provide your phone number, professional email address and location, including your city and state.

  6. 20+ Top Customer Service Skills + Resume Example

    2. Step up your game with active listening. Active listening is when you make a concerted effort to listen to and understand a speaker. Think of active listening as the foundation of providing good customer support. 27% of Americans say "lack of effectiveness" is their number one frustration with customer service.

  7. Customer Service Skills for a Resume [W/ Full List & Examples]

    Practice active listening #4. Know your customers #5. Know the product/service #6. Be empathetic #7. Personalize your customer service 3 Customer Service Representative Resume Examples #1. Customer Service Representative Resume Example #2. Cashier Resume Example #3. Sales Executive Resume Example Key Takeaways.

  8. Customer Service Skills to Include on a Resume

    Be the person who can find the right solution for a customer's inquiry. Responsiveness: When a customer leaves a message or sends an email, you have the ability to get back to them promptly. This skill coincides with time management and attentiveness. Dependability: Customers can count on you to fulfill your promises.

  9. Customer Service Resume Examples & Skills for 2024

    Among the top skills frequently listed by customer service representatives are customer service, data collection, appointment scheduling, account updating, and active listening. Customer service representatives tend to create resumes spanning about 2.2 pages in length. 5. Make Good Use of Additional Sections.

  10. 23 Key Customer Service Skills for Your Resume & Career

    Adaptability is one of the key soft skills in customer service. Being able to quickly adapt to unexpected circumstances, grade your language to match the speaker, learn about new products or services, and accurately respond to customers' needs can be difficult, but it's one of the elements of the job. 3. Collaboration.

  11. Customer Service Skills: Definition and Examples

    There are small steps you can take to demonstrate your customer service skills in the workplace. Actions you can take to show your abilities are: Maintain an organized work area. Have a clean, presentable, and professional appearance. Arrive to work on time and prepared. Be optimistic and positive, even in conflict.

  12. 20+ Key Customer Service Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With

    Method 2: Creating a Dedicated Customer Service Skills Section. Incorrect: Customer Service Skills · Caring for customers · Answering the phone · Helping customers with returns · Using Microsoft Excel and other programs. Why It's Wrong: This example fails to use strong skill keywords. Additionally, it is not inherently bad to include extra words in a skills section.

  13. 11 best customer service skills for your CV (with examples)

    The 11 best customer service skills for your CV. There are many skills you need when in customer services, but these are the best ones to include in your CV: 1. Communication. This is probably the top customer service skill to have on your CV. If you can't communicate properly, get your point across, and avoid misunderstandings, then, quite ...

  14. 13+ Customer Service Resume Examples & Templates

    Eager to join a collaborative team and further develop my abilities to exceed customer expectations. If you need help coming up with some ideas for your resume introduction, try using our resume summary generator to get some examples to work with. 2. Target your resume to each job description.

  15. Top 10 Customer Service Skills for a Resume with Examples

    Top 10 customer service skills + examples. Based on our research of resume examples, here are the 10 best customer service resume skills:. 1. Communication: Communicating clearly and effectively is at the core of all customer service skills. Communication skills affect how you listen and respond to customers' questions. They also determine how you interact with your team to provide seamless ...

  16. Key Customer Service Skills to Feature on Your Resume

    Learn more: How to Feature and Format Key Skills on Your Resume. 1. Communication. Effective communication is essential to resolving a customer's questions or issues while representing the company in a good light. It's important that you speak and write clearly, providing useful and helpful responses.

  17. 11 Customer Service Adjectives To Describe Your Skills

    Here are 11 customer service adjectives you can use to describe the way you work with the public: 1. Clear. In customer service, you may communicate with customers frequently, so and it's important to provide them with clear, straightforward information to ensure your message is easy to understand. This can prevent miscommunication and help you ...

  18. 17 Key Customer Service Skills [List & Resume Examples]

    5. Conflict resolution. In customer service, conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques are used every day. To deliver good customer service, an agent should be a good negotiator and know how to calm down a raging bull. Being able to deal with customer complaints and angry customers can be hard at first.

  19. 11 Best Customer Service Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

    Here's how to include communication technology customer service skills on your resume: "Answered as many as 75 incoming client calls per day using a 6-line telephone system.". 4. Data analysis. One of the best ways to support successful customer interactions is through data analysis.

  20. How to Write a Customer Service Resume (Plus Example)

    This simple formula is a great place to start: Action verb + job duty + outcome. Here's what it might look like in practice: Seamlessly managed up to three live chats at a time, resolving more than 100 customer issues daily, resulting in a 94% customer satisfaction rating. 4. Don't Forget to Include Measurable Metrics.

  21. 2024 Guide: 17 Customer Service Skills with Real-Life Examples

    Here are several ways you can improve your customer service skills: 1. Ask for direct feedback from customers and colleagues. If allowed by your employer, ask customers to provide feedback on the service. This can help you understand whether you are providing a great experience for customers on a daily basis.

  22. Customer Service Job Description (Examples)

    Customer Service Representative requirements: Proven customer support experience. Track record of over-achieving quota. Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening. Familiar with CRM systems and practices. Customer orientation and ability to adapt and respond to different types of characters.

  23. How to detail customer service skills in CV (With example)

    Patience is essential when solving problems, multitasking, communicating, and answering customer questions. Such situations differentiate employees with good customer service skills, as they take time and patiently help consumers who may have lots of questions or need additional assistance. 5. Positive attitude.

  24. The 12 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (Plus Examples)

    5. Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is your ability to find solutions beyond the obvious. Good critical thinkers can get to the "why" behind a problem, anticipate future problems and elevate ...

  25. Customer service: its importance and how to develop skills in this area

    Example of customer service skills in a resume You can showcase your customer service skills in various parts of your resume. These include the summary, work history, and skills sections. These tips can also help: Review the job description. Include the customer service skills the employer is looking for in your resume. Incorporate relevant ...