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Social and Natural Sciences Differ in Their Research Strategies, Adapted to Work for Different Knowledge Landscapes

Klaus jaffe.

Departamento de Biología de Organismos, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Estado Miranda, Venezuela

Conceived and designed the experiments: KJ. Performed the experiments: KJ. Analyzed the data: KJ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: KJ. Wrote the paper: KJ.

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Do different fields of knowledge require different research strategies? A numerical model exploring different virtual knowledge landscapes, revealed two diverging optimal search strategies. Trend following is maximized when the popularity of new discoveries determine the number of individuals researching it. This strategy works best when many researchers explore few large areas of knowledge. In contrast, individuals or small groups of researchers are better in discovering small bits of information in dispersed knowledge landscapes. Bibliometric data of scientific publications showed a continuous bipolar distribution of these strategies, ranging from natural sciences, with highly cited publications in journals containing a large number of articles, to the social sciences, with rarely cited publications in many journals containing a small number of articles. The natural sciences seem to adapt their research strategies to landscapes with large concentrated knowledge clusters, whereas social sciences seem to have adapted to search in landscapes with many small isolated knowledge clusters. Similar bipolar distributions were obtained when comparing levels of insularity estimated by indicators of international collaboration and levels of country-self citations: researchers in academic areas with many journals such as social sciences, arts and humanities, were the most isolated, and that was true in different regions of the world. The work shows that quantitative measures estimating differences between academic disciplines improve our understanding of different research strategies, eventually helping interdisciplinary research and may be also help improve science policies worldwide.


The maturation of empirical science, as catalyzed by Galileo Galilei, was fundamental in triggering the industrial revolution, the most significant transformation of human society in the last 10000 years. A large effort is now invested in analyzing scientific productivity and its social dynamics. Entire journals are dedicated to it, such as Scientometric and the Journal of Informetrics. The dynamics of research in the natural and social sciences however diverges. This has been recognized long ago [1, for example] but pinpointing precise quantitative differences between both sciences has been an elusive endeavor. Citations are the most common tool nowadays to estimate the scientific quality of a researcher or paper, but this method that has had important limitations since its beginnings ( [2] , for example). Few efforts analyze the mechanics through which the scientific method works best. The scientific method relies on several key elements for its smooth working [3] . Among them are: 1- Humility to recognize that our mind is very limited in grasping the underlying dynamics of natural phenomena and needs the experiment or an empirical feedback to keep if from digressing into the absurd; 2- Science is not interested in absolute truth but in incremental advancements in our understanding of nature; 3- Mathematics as the best language to ask nature our questions.

How do we decide to use scarce financial resources to finance many different small projects, or to concentrate resources in a few “strategically important” projects? How do we know if criteria we use to evaluate and finance projects in the natural sciences also work adequately in the social sciences? We actually have no clear answer to these questions at the moment. Different sciences and scientific disciplines cultivate different values and attitudes and show differences in quantifiable characteristics [4] – [7] . We also know that the development of different scientific disciplines has different effects on economic growth. For example, the subject areas with the largest relative number of publication in wealthy countries today are neuroscience and psychology; investment in these areas however does not produce economic growth in less developed countries. In contrast, middle income countries that give more value to basic natural science in a given time period show faster economic growth in the following years [8] – [9] . Additionally, countries whose researchers are less provincial and cite more works from countries different to theirs (have fewer country self-citations) are also those whose scientists produce relatively lower numbers of author self-citations. These countries are the ones producing scientific papers with higher overall citation impact [10] .

To understand the underlying dynamics of this phenomena I propose to use the concept of knowledge landscapes. This concept has been developed in explaining decision making mechanisms in foraging strategies in ants [11] , in artificial intelligence, swarm intelligence, and many other settings [12] , suggesting that optimal foraging strategies address fundamental aspects of complex dynamics present in a large variety of situations. Here, the results of agent based computer simulations build to analyze the efficiency of different foraging strategies for exploring various landscapes [11] , were generalized and adapted to understand aspects of different publication strategies in scientific research. The results could be validated with empirical observations, opening a novel way to understand differences among scientific disciplines that are relevant for future science policy.

The numerical model originally coded in Fortran, was developed for studying optimal foraging strategies in ants in different resource landscapes. The results of the model were published long ago [11] , [13] and were validated experimentally by different researchers (see review in [14] ). A game written in Java-script, based on this model, can be accessed on the web ( ). The simulation consisted in foragers exploring different landscapes using random walks. Once a resource was discovered, they returned to the nest recruiting nestmates so as to collect the resources discovered. Two possible decision making systems used for recruitment were tested: The Democratic system or trend following, were all workers eventually perform all tasks, and were the first discovery will draw the most recrutees; and the Technocratic system, where workers specialize either in scouting or in retrieval and were the society collects several smaller resources simultaneously. Here specialized workers signal the palatability, quality, or quantity of a resource regulating the amount of recrutees for each source using simple decision rules. The results of this model [11] were generalized to study strategies exploring different knowledge landscapes. Knowledge landscapes can have different forms and have also been called “knowscapes” [12] . The study of optimal foraging and recruitment strategies of ants have helped in the past in developing heuristic programs such as “swarm intelligence” [15] “active walks” [16] – [17] , and adaptive landscapes, used to study dynamic complex systems. The approach attempted here is an extension of these efforts.

The generalization of the knowledge landscape as applied to academic research is as follows: We assume a scientific community displaying central-place foraging in a finite area with 200 researchers. In each simulation run, a fixed amount of resources were randomly distributed in the landscape. Each researcher explored independently the knowledge landscape, and was randomly assigned as an original researcher or “leader” or a less audacious researcher or “follower”, according to a fixed proportion (Ro). Each researcher was randomly assigned two thresholds which defined the decision making system for recruitment they were going to use: one for responding to high impact publications, and another which regulated the initiation of knowledge explorations according to the “quality” of the newly discovered knowledge and the number of researchers engaged in exploring it. Leaders were then left to roam the space and to recruit followers. The speed with which the total amount of resources were discovered was computed. Different patterns of resource distribution in the landscape were tested with different decision making mechanisms for recruiting.

A two-dimensional concentric space with 500 possible sites was modeled. The community of scientists was located at the center of the space. Each researcher was able to explore randomly in the knowledge space, one space at each time interval. Each knowledge cluster was located at one single site. Any number of researchers could share a single space. This simplification stress the fact that, relative to the size of the knowledge horizon of the researchers, the knowledge landscape is enormous, and that the space occupied by knowledge clusters is negligible compared to the size of the knowledge landscape. Knowledge was randomly distributed in the environment. Different densities of knowledge clusters (D) were tested; the cluster size (CS) at each locality could vary.

Numerical variables used

N =  Number of researchers in the community

Ro  =  Percent of original researcher in a community: 100-Ro  =  Rt  =  Trend Followers (%)

ORo  =  Optimum percentage of original researchers, i.e. percentage of Ro that allowed the discovery of the maximum amount of knowledge during a fixed time period.

D =  Cluster density: mean knowledge cluster density (sites occupied with knowledge clusters (%))

K =  Absolute amount of knowledge discovered during a given period

Kc  =  Knowledge cluster size: (in equivalent of number of trend following researchers required to explore it)

GS  =  Group Size for Group exploration

Searching behavior and recruitment

Researchers were programmed to have a sequence of five behaviors:

1: Random searching for knowledge

2: After finding knowledge, publishing the findings as fast as possible

3: Rt were recruiting depending on the recruitment technique simulated

4: More knowledge was discovered and the published, recruiting even more researchers

Three different recruitment techniques were modeled

1. Group recruitment (GR): Ro always recruited a fixed number of Rt

2. Technocratic recruitment (TR): Ro recruited the exact number of Rt required to research the new knowledge.

3. Democratic recruitment (DR): Ro recruited Rt by promoting their findings. The more Ro the more Rt recruited


Publicly available quantitative scientometric variables were computed from 21135 journals, for 20 different subject areas, grouped by Scopus, and reported by SCImago [18] . The data extracted from SCimago was pooled and is available as data in S1 . Different statistical analysis revealed similar trends (see 8). Here we present only graphs with data whose extremes are highly statistically significantly different using non parametric analysis. The time period chosen to sample the data was the year 2011, to guarantees a more or less uniform bibliometric methodology and enough time for the data pools to have retrieved most of the corresponding data (some journal issues appear years after their listed publication year). Total Journals per subject and Total Document were obtained by totalizing data of the respective column. The total Cites for the last 3 years was divided by the total Citable Documents for the last 3 years to obtain Cites/Document. Other variables analyzed are summarized in Table 1

ICInternational Collaboration: Proportion of document with affiliations from more than one country
Number of Journals tracked by Scopus in a given subject category
Number of citable documents per journal in a given subject category
Number of countries reported in the addresses of the authors of the papers in that subject category
Number of references in the papers published in that subject category
Number of citations received during the following 3 years after publication by papers in that subject category
Level of provinciality, isolation or degree of country-self citation measured as the proportion of citations from the same country as the source paper. Country self-citations include author-self citations.


Figure 1 shows a typical example of the relation between the amount of knowledge K retrieved by a scientific community during a fixed period for a given amount of researchers. We see that with small knowledge clusters (Kc  = 5), simulating landscapes with many small knowledge clusters, the curves tended to be broader and the total amount of knowledge retrieved (K) lower compared to landscapes with a few large knowledge clusters (Kc  = 125). In this last case, the total amount of knowledge discovered was much larger then in situations with many small knowledge clusters, for all proportion of leaders (Ro) simulated.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pone.0113901.g001.jpg

Conditions were: TR system, D = 0.7 (points indicate the actual means from the 5 "runs" of the model; standard deviations were a maximum of 20% of the means; curves were fitted by eye)

Figure 2 shows that the optimal number of original researchers in the community decreases with increasing total number of researchers. That is, original research has a larger effect on the amount of knowledge retrieved in small scientific communities than in larger ones.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pone.0113901.g002.jpg

Figures 3 and ​ and4 4 show the effect on knowledge retrieval (K) of different recruitment techniques. For large knowledge clusters, TR and DR retrieve the largest amounts of knowledge. Information dispersed in small knowledge clusters are better explored using GR and TR. This shows that the best recruitment technique to be used depends on the nature of knowledge to be explored: TR produces the best outcome in any situation; DR is useful if knowledge is concentrated in large clusters; and GR works nicely in dispersed knowledge landscapes.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pone.0113901.g003.jpg

In summary, the results show that depending on the form of distribution of knowledge in the landscape (size and number of knowledge clusters), different recruitment techniques are optimal. Few large knowledge clusters are best discovered with the Democratic decision system, where individuals discovering new knowledge will recruit followers at their maximal capacity. In contrast, the Technocratic system works best when knowledge is distributed in many small knowledge clusters. Here leaders adjust their recruitment effort according to the size of cluster discovered.

Empirical bibliographic evidence

The two strategies described above have a mirror in academic disciplines. Certain disciplines focus on a few general basic problems that are the same everywhere, whereas other disciplines have many sub-disciplines, each focusing on a specific problem that might vary locally. These strategies, if they exist in science, should show different publication patterns.

The bibliometric data of scientific publications in different fields presented in Figure 5 shows a continuous gradient between these two types of dynamics. The two extremes of the gradient are the social sciences using journals with an average of less than 60 articles per journal; and the natural sciences with journal publishing over 80 articles per journal and up to 500 articles per journal. Social sciences and arts and humanities had less than one citation per document, whereas multidisciplinary sciences, neuroscience and chemistry, all subject areas from the natural sciences, had more than 3 citations per document in average (See Figure 6 ). The two extreme cases are Mutidisiplinary science, with high citation rates from colleagues publishing in a few journals containing a large number of articles; and Social Sciences publications with few citations from colleagues publishing in many different journals containing each a low number of articles. Disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry and Material sciences resemble more the pattern of Mutidisiplinary science regarding the use of journals publishing many articles, than that of the Social Sciences. The Arts and Humanities, Economics, Psychology and Business, on the other hand, use journals with few articles each, resembling the pattern of the Social Sciences. Applied sciences and Mathematics have an intermediate ranking regarding the number of documents per journal and number of citations per article. Very closely defined areas such as Dentistry and Veterinary sciences, for example, report fewer journals than broadly defined disciplines such as Medicine which had the largest number of journal reported by Scopus in 2011. If all sub-areas of Medicine were as closely defined as Dentistry and Veterinary sciences by Scopus, it is likely that most of them would aggregate close to Dentistry and Veterinary Science in the graph.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pone.0113901.g005.jpg

The size of bubbles is proportional to the total number of citations for papers published 3 years earlier divided by the total number of papers published in that area as computed by SCImago for the year 2011.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pone.0113901.g006.jpg

The size of bubbles is proportional to Cit/Doc in 1999. The line shows the linear regression.

Other characteristics assessing the degree of isolation of researchers or research groups in different disciplines confirmed the gradients revealed in Figure 5 . The citation impact (size of the bubbles) was directly proportional to the number of documents published per journal (Spearman Rank Correlation between Cit/Doc vs Doc/Jour: 0.66, p = 0.002)), and inversely proportional to the number of journals in each subject area (Spearman Correlation between Cit/Doc vs Journals: −0.54, p = 0.02), if the data for the outlier data point Medicine was excluded. In addition, as shown in Figure 6 , subject areas with journals with high number of publications, published papers with relatively lower country-self-citation rates (Spearman Correlation between (Pub/Jour vs CSC: 0.70, p = 0.001). That is, subject areas with high average citation rates published more papers per journal, and those papers had relatively lower country-self-citations. Figure 6 shows a positive correlation between country self citation and citation impact (Spearman Correlation between CSC vs Cit/Doc: 0.51, p = 0.03), with a similar gradient of academic areas as that revealed in Figure 5 .

The same happened when we focus on International Collaboration (IC). Even if IC was heterogeneous between the geographical regions studied, the gradient of academic disciplines remained visible when comparing IC in the different regions ( Figure 7 ). Humanities had the lowest IC everywhere, whereas Multidisciplinary Sciences and Physics in Western Europe, and Economics and Psychology in Asia, were the subject areas with the highest IC. International cooperation in Asia was lower compared to Western Europe for most areas except Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics. Figure 7 shows only the 3 most prolific regions regarding scientific publications, but similar trends could be detected in the other regions. In 2011, the Pacific region, although among the lowest producers of scientific papers, had the highest IC and the Asian Region had the worst IC record.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pone.0113901.g007.jpg

Journals for multidisciplinary science, as computed by Scopus, publish selected research from mainly the natural sciences, such as Chemistry, Physics and Biology, that are deemed to be of interest to a broad range of scientists. Thus, multidisciplinary science, as defined here, is part of the natural sciences. On the other hand, psychology, business and economics are handled in most universities as part of the social sciences. The bibliographic data presented shows a bipolar gradient between these two groups of disciplines, where one extreme is represented by a cluster of areas in the natural sciences, and another extreme by a cluster of areas in the social sciences. The cluster that included natural sciences was constituted by publications that had high citation rates from colleagues publishing in relatively few journals containing a large number of articles. These publications cited relatively more research from countries other than the one from the author and had a higher proportion of international collaboration. In contrast, the cluster that included publications from the social sciences, had publications with relatively few citations and were published in many different journals that had a relatively low number of articles. These publications had relatively high country self citations and showed low levels of international collaboration.

These results can be explained in the light of the optimal strategies for swarm intelligence as revealed by the simulations. That is, the natural sciences conform more to exploratory strategies focusing on a few large knowledge clusters where “following” is more important than original new explorations. This leads to the existence few journals publishing many articles each. On the other hand, the social sciences conform more to an exploratory strategy optimizing search in many small isolated knowledge clusters, were “following” is less important than novel explorations in retrieving knowledge. This strategy seems to have promoted the existence of many different journals in the social sciences, each with a relative small number of articles. In the natural sciences, trend following seems to be more rewarding than in the social sciences.

The simulation results suggest that a strategy that allocates research leaders rationally in accordance to the size of the knowledge clusters is optimal in all cases. Predicting the potential size of a knowledge cluster, however, is not easy and might be impossible in most cases. We do not know what remains to be discovered. Thus, in practice, we have to stick to less rational strategies. Policies favoring trend following over original researchers in the natural sciences and original independent researchers over trend followers in the social science would seem rational. The unconscious implementation of such policies seem to have occurred, possibly promoted by peer review, leading to different developments in different disciplines, explaining the actual bibliometric trends reported here.

It is curious to note that the 3 strategies explored in the simulations have been implemented by insect societies in their search for food [14] . Human scientists seem to have achieved the implementation of at least two of these strategies so far. Science policies, for example giving primary importance to citations [19] rather than to originality, might benefit certain areas or scientific communities more than others. More studies are needed to assess when and where this is desirable. But clearly, ways to quantify differences between the social and natural sciences are possible and should be developed further in order to gain a better understanding of their working dynamics.

The present study allowed us to get a glimpse of the knowledge landscape of different fields of knowledge. Analogous to explorations of fitness landscapes by genetic algorithms, different scientific disciplines explore different parts of our knowledge landscape and the adapted search strategy should reflect the structure of the landscape. Under this view, disciplines that have been qualified as more complex are also the ones with knowledge landscapes constituted by many small knowledge clusters. Humanities and social science, in this respect, seem to be more complex than chemistry and physics. Again, the index developed here could serve as a crude approximation to measuring these differences.

The main lesson from this exploration is that important differences in pursuing research exist and that interdisciplinary research has to understand these differences if it wants to expand successfully. The role of policymakers so far seems to be questionable. If scientific discovery is increasingly directed by policy makers (reducing our academic freedom to near zero), then we would not expect to find these differences between disciplines, or they should be converging, which they are not [20] . On the contrary, countries where policymakers avoid nudging the scientific activity in a specific direction seem to produce much better long term sustainable economic development than those favoring “strategic” areas [8] . Trail and error seem to have guided our scientific community relatively successful so far, differentiating the working of academic disciplines according to their tasks.

Supporting Information .


I thank Lui Lam, Xiau-Pu Han and Patrick Wessa for helpful comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript.

Funding Statement

This author has no support or funding to report.

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  • Biology: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated Jun 20, 2024 154 views this year

Collection of five major collections in biology, environmental sciences, ecology, and agriculture.

Includes these collections:

  • Agricola: Millions of records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library dating back to 1970. The citations include journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports related to agriculture.  
  • Biological & Agricultural Index Plus: 1983-present. Agriculture, animal husbandry, botany, cytology, ecology, entomology, environmental science, fishery sciences, food science, forestry, genetics, horticulture, microbiology, plant pathology, soil science, veterinary medicine, zoology.  
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  • GreenFILE: Articles, books and government documents on global warming, environmental protection and renewable energy.  
  • Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide: Covers 1935 & earlier to the present, and is the world's largest index to literature on wild mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Most of the records in this database are from Wildlife Review Abstracts, which offers a global perspective and is the most comprehensive resource on wildlife information. Major topic areas include studies of individual species, habitat types, hunting, economics, wildlife behavior, management techniques, diseases, ecotourism, zoology, taxonomy and much more.  
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Full-text access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines, conference proceedings, standards, and online courses, plus related e-books. Covers engineering, computer science, technology, and physics.

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  • 3D printing
  • Additive design
  • Aeroacoustics
  • Aerothermodynamics
  • Air turbulence
  • Analytical mechanics
  • Boundary layer
  • Carbon capture
  • Composite materials
  • Computer-aided design (CAD)
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  • Fluid dynamics
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  • Engineering: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated Jun 20, 2024 107 views this year
  • Air pollution
  • Algae bloom
  • Alternative fuels
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  • Carbon footprint
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  • Nitrogen farming
  • Ozone depletion
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  • Rip currents
  • Soil contamination
  • Sustainable design
  • Three Gorges Dam
  • Tiny houses
  • Toxic dumping in oceans
  • Water conservation
  • Water pollution
  • Geography, Planning, and Environment: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated May 28, 2024 97 views this year
  • Applied statistics
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  • Millennium Prize problems
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  • Random walks
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  • Riemannian geometry
  • Theory of chaos
  • Turing, Alan
  • Turing patterns
  • Mathematics: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated May 28, 2024 50 views this year

Online access to Mathematical Reviews , the journal of record which indexes, reviews, and abstracts the published mathematical research literature. 1940-present, with some earlier content.

  • Antiparticles
  • Bohr's radius
  • Bose–Einstein condensate
  • Dark matter
  • Gravitational waves
  • Heat death of the universe
  • Higgs boson
  • Manhattan Project
  • Nanofabrication
  • Quantum entanglement
  • Space elevator
  • Superstring theory
  • Thermodynamics 
  • Wave-particle duality

World-wide literature (mainly journal articles and conference proceedings papers) in astronomy, physics, electronics and electrical engineering, computers and control, and information technology.

Hosted on Engineering Village platform. Covers physics, electrical & electronic engineering, communications, computer science, control engineering, information technology, manufacturing & mechanical engineering, operations research, material science, oceanography, engineering mathematics, nuclear engineering, environmental science, geophysics, nanotechnology, biomedical technology, and biophysics.

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Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (ISSN: 0976-0997)


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  • Published: 31 August 2024

Knowledge mapping and evolution of research on older adults’ technology acceptance: a bibliometric study from 2013 to 2023

  • Xianru Shang   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Zijian Liu 1 ,
  • Chen Gong 1 ,
  • Zhigang Hu 1 ,
  • Yuexuan Wu 1 &
  • Chengliang Wang   ORCID: 2  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  1115 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

  • Science, technology and society

The rapid expansion of information technology and the intensification of population aging are two prominent features of contemporary societal development. Investigating older adults’ acceptance and use of technology is key to facilitating their integration into an information-driven society. Given this context, the technology acceptance of older adults has emerged as a prioritized research topic, attracting widespread attention in the academic community. However, existing research remains fragmented and lacks a systematic framework. To address this gap, we employed bibliometric methods, utilizing the Web of Science Core Collection to conduct a comprehensive review of literature on older adults’ technology acceptance from 2013 to 2023. Utilizing VOSviewer and CiteSpace for data assessment and visualization, we created knowledge mappings of research on older adults’ technology acceptance. Our study employed multidimensional methods such as co-occurrence analysis, clustering, and burst analysis to: (1) reveal research dynamics, key journals, and domains in this field; (2) identify leading countries, their collaborative networks, and core research institutions and authors; (3) recognize the foundational knowledge system centered on theoretical model deepening, emerging technology applications, and research methods and evaluation, uncovering seminal literature and observing a shift from early theoretical and influential factor analyses to empirical studies focusing on individual factors and emerging technologies; (4) moreover, current research hotspots are primarily in the areas of factors influencing technology adoption, human-robot interaction experiences, mobile health management, and aging-in-place technology, highlighting the evolutionary context and quality distribution of research themes. Finally, we recommend that future research should deeply explore improvements in theoretical models, long-term usage, and user experience evaluation. Overall, this study presents a clear framework of existing research in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance, providing an important reference for future theoretical exploration and innovative applications.

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In contemporary society, the rapid development of information technology has been intricately intertwined with the intensifying trend of population aging. According to the latest United Nations forecast, by 2050, the global population aged 65 and above is expected to reach 1.6 billion, representing about 16% of the total global population (UN 2023 ). Given the significant challenges of global aging, there is increasing evidence that emerging technologies have significant potential to maintain health and independence for older adults in their home and healthcare environments (Barnard et al. 2013 ; Soar 2010 ; Vancea and Solé-Casals 2016 ). This includes, but is not limited to, enhancing residential safety with smart home technologies (Touqeer et al. 2021 ; Wang et al. 2022 ), improving living independence through wearable technologies (Perez et al. 2023 ), and increasing medical accessibility via telehealth services (Kruse et al. 2020 ). Technological innovations are redefining the lifestyles of older adults, encouraging a shift from passive to active participation (González et al. 2012 ; Mostaghel 2016 ). Nevertheless, the effective application and dissemination of technology still depends on user acceptance and usage intentions (Naseri et al. 2023 ; Wang et al. 2023a ; Xia et al. 2024 ; Yu et al. 2023 ). Particularly, older adults face numerous challenges in accepting and using new technologies. These challenges include not only physical and cognitive limitations but also a lack of technological experience, along with the influences of social and economic factors (Valk et al. 2018 ; Wilson et al. 2021 ).

User acceptance of technology is a significant focus within information systems (IS) research (Dai et al. 2024 ), with several models developed to explain and predict user behavior towards technology usage, including the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis 1989 ), TAM2, TAM3, and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al. 2003 ). Older adults, as a group with unique needs, exhibit different behavioral patterns during technology acceptance than other user groups, and these uniquenesses include changes in cognitive abilities, as well as motivations, attitudes, and perceptions of the use of new technologies (Chen and Chan 2011 ). The continual expansion of technology introduces considerable challenges for older adults, rendering the understanding of their technology acceptance a research priority. Thus, conducting in-depth research into older adults’ acceptance of technology is critically important for enhancing their integration into the information society and improving their quality of life through technological advancements.

Reviewing relevant literature to identify research gaps helps further solidify the theoretical foundation of the research topic. However, many existing literature reviews primarily focus on the factors influencing older adults’ acceptance or intentions to use technology. For instance, Ma et al. ( 2021 ) conducted a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of older adults’ behavioral intentions to use technology; Liu et al. ( 2022 ) categorized key variables in studies of older adults’ technology acceptance, noting a shift in focus towards social and emotional factors; Yap et al. ( 2022 ) identified seven categories of antecedents affecting older adults’ use of technology from an analysis of 26 articles, including technological, psychological, social, personal, cost, behavioral, and environmental factors; Schroeder et al. ( 2023 ) extracted 119 influencing factors from 59 articles and further categorized these into six themes covering demographics, health status, and emotional awareness. Additionally, some studies focus on the application of specific technologies, such as Ferguson et al. ( 2021 ), who explored barriers and facilitators to older adults using wearable devices for heart monitoring, and He et al. ( 2022 ) and Baer et al. ( 2022 ), who each conducted in-depth investigations into the acceptance of social assistive robots and mobile nutrition and fitness apps, respectively. In summary, current literature reviews on older adults’ technology acceptance exhibit certain limitations. Due to the interdisciplinary nature and complex knowledge structure of this field, traditional literature reviews often rely on qualitative analysis, based on literature analysis and periodic summaries, which lack sufficient objectivity and comprehensiveness. Additionally, systematic research is relatively limited, lacking a macroscopic description of the research trajectory from a holistic perspective. Over the past decade, research on older adults’ technology acceptance has experienced rapid growth, with a significant increase in literature, necessitating the adoption of new methods to review and examine the developmental trends in this field (Chen 2006 ; Van Eck and Waltman 2010 ). Bibliometric analysis, as an effective quantitative research method, analyzes published literature through visualization, offering a viable approach to extracting patterns and insights from a large volume of papers, and has been widely applied in numerous scientific research fields (Achuthan et al. 2023 ; Liu and Duffy 2023 ). Therefore, this study will employ bibliometric methods to systematically analyze research articles related to older adults’ technology acceptance published in the Web of Science Core Collection from 2013 to 2023, aiming to understand the core issues and evolutionary trends in the field, and to provide valuable references for future related research. Specifically, this study aims to explore and answer the following questions:

RQ1: What are the research dynamics in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance over the past decade? What are the main academic journals and fields that publish studies related to older adults’ technology acceptance?

RQ2: How is the productivity in older adults’ technology acceptance research distributed among countries, institutions, and authors?

RQ3: What are the knowledge base and seminal literature in older adults’ technology acceptance research? How has the research theme progressed?

RQ4: What are the current hot topics and their evolutionary trajectories in older adults’ technology acceptance research? How is the quality of research distributed?

Methodology and materials

Research method.

In recent years, bibliometrics has become one of the crucial methods for analyzing literature reviews and is widely used in disciplinary and industrial intelligence analysis (Jing et al. 2023 ; Lin and Yu 2024a ; Wang et al. 2024a ; Xu et al. 2021 ). Bibliometric software facilitates the visualization analysis of extensive literature data, intuitively displaying the network relationships and evolutionary processes between knowledge units, and revealing the underlying knowledge structure and potential information (Chen et al. 2024 ; López-Robles et al. 2018 ; Wang et al. 2024c ). This method provides new insights into the current status and trends of specific research areas, along with quantitative evidence, thereby enhancing the objectivity and scientific validity of the research conclusions (Chen et al. 2023 ; Geng et al. 2024 ). VOSviewer and CiteSpace are two widely used bibliometric software tools in academia (Pan et al. 2018 ), recognized for their robust functionalities based on the JAVA platform. Although each has its unique features, combining these two software tools effectively constructs mapping relationships between literature knowledge units and clearly displays the macrostructure of the knowledge domains. Particularly, VOSviewer, with its excellent graphical representation capabilities, serves as an ideal tool for handling large datasets and precisely identifying the focal points and hotspots of research topics. Therefore, this study utilizes VOSviewer (version 1.6.19) and CiteSpace (version 6.1.R6), combined with in-depth literature analysis, to comprehensively examine and interpret the research theme of older adults’ technology acceptance through an integrated application of quantitative and qualitative methods.

Data source

Web of Science is a comprehensively recognized database in academia, featuring literature that has undergone rigorous peer review and editorial scrutiny (Lin and Yu 2024b ; Mongeon and Paul-Hus 2016 ; Pranckutė 2021 ). This study utilizes the Web of Science Core Collection as its data source, specifically including three major citation indices: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). These indices encompass high-quality research literature in the fields of science, social sciences, and arts and humanities, ensuring the comprehensiveness and reliability of the data. We combined “older adults” with “technology acceptance” through thematic search, with the specific search strategy being: TS = (elder OR elderly OR aging OR ageing OR senile OR senior OR old people OR “older adult*”) AND TS = (“technology acceptance” OR “user acceptance” OR “consumer acceptance”). The time span of literature search is from 2013 to 2023, with the types limited to “Article” and “Review” and the language to “English”. Additionally, the search was completed by October 27, 2023, to avoid data discrepancies caused by database updates. The initial search yielded 764 journal articles. Given that searches often retrieve articles that are superficially relevant but actually non-compliant, manual screening post-search was essential to ensure the relevance of the literature (Chen et al. 2024 ). Through manual screening, articles significantly deviating from the research theme were eliminated and rigorously reviewed. Ultimately, this study obtained 500 valid sample articles from the Web of Science Core Collection. The complete PRISMA screening process is illustrated in Fig. 1 .

figure 1

Presentation of the data culling process in detail.

Data standardization

Raw data exported from databases often contain multiple expressions of the same terminology (Nguyen and Hallinger 2020 ). To ensure the accuracy and consistency of data, it is necessary to standardize the raw data (Strotmann and Zhao 2012 ). This study follows the data standardization process proposed by Taskin and Al ( 2019 ), mainly executing the following operations:

(1) Standardization of author and institution names is conducted to address different name expressions for the same author. For instance, “Chan, Alan Hoi Shou” and “Chan, Alan H. S.” are considered the same author, and distinct authors with the same name are differentiated by adding identifiers. Diverse forms of institutional names are unified to address variations caused by name changes or abbreviations, such as standardizing “FRANKFURT UNIV APPL SCI” and “Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences,” as well as “Chinese University of Hong Kong” and “University of Hong Kong” to consistent names.

(2) Different expressions of journal names are unified. For example, “International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction” and “Int J Hum Comput Interact” are standardized to a single name. This ensures consistency in journal names and prevents misclassification of literature due to differing journal names. Additionally, it involves checking if the journals have undergone name changes in the past decade to prevent any impact on the analysis due to such changes.

(3) Keywords data are cleansed by removing words that do not directly pertain to specific research content (e.g., people, review), merging synonyms (e.g., “UX” and “User Experience,” “aging-in-place” and “aging in place”), and standardizing plural forms of keywords (e.g., “assistive technologies” and “assistive technology,” “social robots” and “social robot”). This reduces redundant information in knowledge mapping.

Bibliometric results and analysis

Distribution power (rq1), literature descriptive statistical analysis.

Table 1 presents a detailed descriptive statistical overview of the literature in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance. After deduplication using the CiteSpace software, this study confirmed a valid sample size of 500 articles. Authored by 1839 researchers, the documents encompass 792 research institutions across 54 countries and are published in 217 different academic journals. As of the search cutoff date, these articles have accumulated 13,829 citations, with an annual average of 1156 citations, and an average of 27.66 citations per article. The h-index, a composite metric of quantity and quality of scientific output (Kamrani et al. 2021 ), reached 60 in this study.

Trends in publications and disciplinary distribution

The number of publications and citations are significant indicators of the research field’s development, reflecting its continuity, attention, and impact (Ale Ebrahim et al. 2014 ). The ranking of annual publications and citations in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance studies is presented chronologically in Fig. 2A . The figure shows a clear upward trend in the amount of literature in this field. Between 2013 and 2017, the number of publications increased slowly and decreased in 2018. However, in 2019, the number of publications increased rapidly to 52 and reached a peak of 108 in 2022, which is 6.75 times higher than in 2013. In 2022, the frequency of document citations reached its highest point with 3466 citations, reflecting the widespread recognition and citation of research in this field. Moreover, the curve of the annual number of publications fits a quadratic function, with a goodness-of-fit R 2 of 0.9661, indicating that the number of future publications is expected to increase even more rapidly.

figure 2

A Trends in trends in annual publications and citations (2013–2023). B Overlay analysis of the distribution of discipline fields.

Figure 2B shows that research on older adults’ technology acceptance involves the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge. According to Web of Science Categories, these 500 articles are distributed across 85 different disciplines. We have tabulated the top ten disciplines by publication volume (Table 2 ), which include Medical Informatics (75 articles, 15.00%), Health Care Sciences & Services (71 articles, 14.20%), Gerontology (61 articles, 12.20%), Public Environmental & Occupational Health (57 articles, 11.40%), and Geriatrics & Gerontology (52 articles, 10.40%), among others. The high output in these disciplines reflects the concentrated global academic interest in this comprehensive research topic. Additionally, interdisciplinary research approaches provide diverse perspectives and a solid theoretical foundation for studies on older adults’ technology acceptance, also paving the way for new research directions.

Knowledge flow analysis

A dual-map overlay is a CiteSpace map superimposed on top of a base map, which shows the interrelationships between journals in different domains, representing the publication and citation activities in each domain (Chen and Leydesdorff 2014 ). The overlay map reveals the link between the citing domain (on the left side) and the cited domain (on the right side), reflecting the knowledge flow of the discipline at the journal level (Leydesdorff and Rafols 2012 ). We utilize the in-built Z-score algorithm of the software to cluster the graph, as shown in Fig. 3 .

figure 3

The left side shows the citing journal, and the right side shows the cited journal.

Figure 3 shows the distribution of citing journals clusters for older adults’ technology acceptance on the left side, while the right side refers to the main cited journals clusters. Two knowledge flow citation trajectories were obtained; they are presented by the color of the cited regions, and the thickness of these trajectories is proportional to the Z-score scaled frequency of citations (Chen et al. 2014 ). Within the cited regions, the most popular fields with the most records covered are “HEALTH, NURSING, MEDICINE” and “PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION, SOCIAL”, and the elliptical aspect ratio of these two fields stands out. Fields have prominent elliptical aspect ratios, highlighting their significant influence on older adults’ technology acceptance research. Additionally, the major citation trajectories originate in these two areas and progress to the frontier research area of “PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION, HEALTH”. It is worth noting that the citation trajectory from “PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION, SOCIAL” has a significant Z-value (z = 6.81), emphasizing the significance and impact of this development path. In the future, “MATHEMATICS, SYSTEMS, MATHEMATICAL”, “MOLECULAR, BIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY”, and “NEUROLOGY, SPORTS, OPHTHALMOLOGY” may become emerging fields. The fields of “MEDICINE, MEDICAL, CLINICAL” may be emerging areas of cutting-edge research.

Main research journals analysis

Table 3 provides statistics for the top ten journals by publication volume in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance. Together, these journals have published 137 articles, accounting for 27.40% of the total publications, indicating that there is no highly concentrated core group of journals in this field, with publications being relatively dispersed. Notably, Computers in Human Behavior , Journal of Medical Internet Research , and International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction each lead with 15 publications. In terms of citation metrics, International Journal of Medical Informatics and Computers in Human Behavior stand out significantly, with the former accumulating a total of 1,904 citations, averaging 211.56 citations per article, and the latter totaling 1,449 citations, with an average of 96.60 citations per article. These figures emphasize the academic authority and widespread impact of these journals within the research field.

Research power (RQ2)

Countries and collaborations analysis.

The analysis revealed the global research pattern for country distribution and collaboration (Chen et al. 2019 ). Figure 4A shows the network of national collaborations on older adults’ technology acceptance research. The size of the bubbles represents the amount of publications in each country, while the thickness of the connecting lines expresses the closeness of the collaboration among countries. Generally, this research subject has received extensive international attention, with China and the USA publishing far more than any other countries. China has established notable research collaborations with the USA, UK and Malaysia in this field, while other countries have collaborations, but the closeness is relatively low and scattered. Figure 4B shows the annual publication volume dynamics of the top ten countries in terms of total publications. Since 2017, China has consistently increased its annual publications, while the USA has remained relatively stable. In 2019, the volume of publications in each country increased significantly, this was largely due to the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to increased reliance on information technology among the elderly for medical consultations, online socialization, and health management (Sinha et al. 2021 ). This phenomenon has led to research advances in technology acceptance among older adults in various countries. Table 4 shows that the top ten countries account for 93.20% of the total cumulative number of publications, with each country having published more than 20 papers. Among these ten countries, all of them except China are developed countries, indicating that the research field of older adults’ technology acceptance has received general attention from developed countries. Currently, China and the USA were the leading countries in terms of publications with 111 and 104 respectively, accounting for 22.20% and 20.80%. The UK, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands also made significant contributions. The USA and China ranked first and second in terms of the number of citations, while the Netherlands had the highest average citations, indicating the high impact and quality of its research. The UK has shown outstanding performance in international cooperation, while the USA highlights its significant academic influence in this field with the highest h-index value.

figure 4

A National collaboration network. B Annual volume of publications in the top 10 countries.

Institutions and authors analysis

Analyzing the number of publications and citations can reveal an institution’s or author’s research strength and influence in a particular research area (Kwiek 2021 ). Tables 5 and 6 show the statistics of the institutions and authors whose publication counts are in the top ten, respectively. As shown in Table 5 , higher education institutions hold the main position in this research field. Among the top ten institutions, City University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong from China lead with 14 and 9 publications, respectively. City University of Hong Kong has the highest h-index, highlighting its significant influence in the field. It is worth noting that Tilburg University in the Netherlands is not among the top five in terms of publications, but the high average citation count (130.14) of its literature demonstrates the high quality of its research.

After analyzing the authors’ output using Price’s Law (Redner 1998 ), the highest number of publications among the authors counted ( n  = 10) defines a publication threshold of 3 for core authors in this research area. As a result of quantitative screening, a total of 63 core authors were identified. Table 6 shows that Chen from Zhejiang University, China, Ziefle from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and Rogers from Macquarie University, Australia, were the top three authors in terms of the number of publications, with 10, 9, and 8 articles, respectively. In terms of average citation rate, Peek and Wouters, both scholars from the Netherlands, have significantly higher rates than other scholars, with 183.2 and 152.67 respectively. This suggests that their research is of high quality and widely recognized. Additionally, Chen and Rogers have high h-indices in this field.

Knowledge base and theme progress (RQ3)

Research knowledge base.

Co-citation relationships occur when two documents are cited together (Zhang and Zhu 2022 ). Co-citation mapping uses references as nodes to represent the knowledge base of a subject area (Min et al. 2021). Figure 5A illustrates co-occurrence mapping in older adults’ technology acceptance research, where larger nodes signify higher co-citation frequencies. Co-citation cluster analysis can be used to explore knowledge structure and research boundaries (Hota et al. 2020 ; Shiau et al. 2023 ). The co-citation clustering mapping of older adults’ technology acceptance research literature (Fig. 5B ) shows that the Q value of the clustering result is 0.8129 (>0.3), and the average value of the weight S is 0.9391 (>0.7), indicating that the clusters are uniformly distributed with a significant and credible structure. This further proves that the boundaries of the research field are clear and there is significant differentiation in the field. The figure features 18 cluster labels, each associated with thematic color blocks corresponding to different time slices. Highlighted emerging research themes include #2 Smart Home Technology, #7 Social Live, and #10 Customer Service. Furthermore, the clustering labels extracted are primarily classified into three categories: theoretical model deepening, emerging technology applications, research methods and evaluation, as detailed in Table 7 .

figure 5

A Co-citation analysis of references. B Clustering network analysis of references.

Seminal literature analysis

The top ten nodes in terms of co-citation frequency were selected for further analysis. Table 8 displays the corresponding node information. Studies were categorized into four main groups based on content analysis. (1) Research focusing on specific technology usage by older adults includes studies by Peek et al. ( 2014 ), Ma et al. ( 2016 ), Hoque and Sorwar ( 2017 ), and Li et al. ( 2019 ), who investigated the factors influencing the use of e-technology, smartphones, mHealth, and smart wearables, respectively. (2) Concerning the development of theoretical models of technology acceptance, Chen and Chan ( 2014 ) introduced the Senior Technology Acceptance Model (STAM), and Macedo ( 2017 ) analyzed the predictive power of UTAUT2 in explaining older adults’ intentional behaviors and information technology usage. (3) In exploring older adults’ information technology adoption and behavior, Lee and Coughlin ( 2015 ) emphasized that the adoption of technology by older adults is a multifactorial process that includes performance, price, value, usability, affordability, accessibility, technical support, social support, emotion, independence, experience, and confidence. Yusif et al. ( 2016 ) conducted a literature review examining the key barriers affecting older adults’ adoption of assistive technology, including factors such as privacy, trust, functionality/added value, cost, and stigma. (4) From the perspective of research into older adults’ technology acceptance, Mitzner et al. ( 2019 ) assessed the long-term usage of computer systems designed for the elderly, whereas Guner and Acarturk ( 2020 ) compared information technology usage and acceptance between older and younger adults. The breadth and prevalence of this literature make it a vital reference for researchers in the field, also providing new perspectives and inspiration for future research directions.

Research thematic progress

Burst citation is a node of literature that guides the sudden change in dosage, which usually represents a prominent development or major change in a particular field, with innovative and forward-looking qualities. By analyzing the emergent literature, it is often easy to understand the dynamics of the subject area, mapping the emerging thematic change (Chen et al. 2022 ). Figure 6 shows the burst citation mapping in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance research, with burst citations represented by red nodes (Fig. 6A ). For the ten papers with the highest burst intensity (Fig. 6B ), this study will conduct further analysis in conjunction with literature review.

figure 6

A Burst detection of co-citation. B The top 10 references with the strongest citation bursts.

As shown in Fig. 6 , Mitzner et al. ( 2010 ) broke the stereotype that older adults are fearful of technology, found that they actually have positive attitudes toward technology, and emphasized the centrality of ease of use and usefulness in the process of technology acceptance. This finding provides an important foundation for subsequent research. During the same period, Wagner et al. ( 2010 ) conducted theory-deepening and applied research on technology acceptance among older adults. The research focused on older adults’ interactions with computers from the perspective of Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). This expanded the understanding of technology acceptance, particularly regarding the relationship between behavior, environment, and other SCT elements. In addition, Pan and Jordan-Marsh ( 2010 ) extended the TAM to examine the interactions among predictors of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and convenience conditions when older adults use the Internet, taking into account the moderating roles of gender and age. Heerink et al. ( 2010 ) adapted and extended the UTAUT, constructed a technology acceptance model specifically designed for older users’ acceptance of assistive social agents, and validated it using controlled experiments and longitudinal data, explaining intention to use by combining functional assessment and social interaction variables.

Then the research theme shifted to an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing technology acceptance among older adults. Two papers with high burst strengths emerged during this period: Peek et al. ( 2014 ) (Strength = 12.04), Chen and Chan ( 2014 ) (Strength = 9.81). Through a systematic literature review and empirical study, Peek STM and Chen K, among others, identified multidimensional factors that influence older adults’ technology acceptance. Peek et al. ( 2014 ) analyzed literature on the acceptance of in-home care technology among older adults and identified six factors that influence their acceptance: concerns about technology, expected benefits, technology needs, technology alternatives, social influences, and older adult characteristics, with a focus on differences between pre- and post-implementation factors. Chen and Chan ( 2014 ) constructed the STAM by administering a questionnaire to 1012 older adults and adding eight important factors, including technology anxiety, self-efficacy, cognitive ability, and physical function, based on the TAM. This enriches the theoretical foundation of the field. In addition, Braun ( 2013 ) highlighted the role of perceived usefulness, trust in social networks, and frequency of Internet use in older adults’ use of social networks, while ease of use and social pressure were not significant influences. These findings contribute to the study of older adults’ technology acceptance within specific technology application domains.

Recent research has focused on empirical studies of personal factors and emerging technologies. Ma et al. ( 2016 ) identified key personal factors affecting smartphone acceptance among older adults through structured questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with 120 participants. The study found that cost, self-satisfaction, and convenience were important factors influencing perceived usefulness and ease of use. This study offers empirical evidence to comprehend the main factors that drive smartphone acceptance among Chinese older adults. Additionally, Yusif et al. ( 2016 ) presented an overview of the obstacles that hinder older adults’ acceptance of assistive technologies, focusing on privacy, trust, and functionality.

In summary, research on older adults’ technology acceptance has shifted from early theoretical deepening and analysis of influencing factors to empirical studies in the areas of personal factors and emerging technologies, which have greatly enriched the theoretical basis of older adults’ technology acceptance and provided practical guidance for the design of emerging technology products.

Research hotspots, evolutionary trends, and quality distribution (RQ4)

Core keywords analysis.

Keywords concise the main idea and core of the literature, and are a refined summary of the research content (Huang et al. 2021 ). In CiteSpace, nodes with a centrality value greater than 0.1 are considered to be critical nodes. Analyzing keywords with high frequency and centrality helps to visualize the hot topics in the research field (Park et al. 2018 ). The merged keywords were imported into CiteSpace, and the top 10 keywords were counted and sorted by frequency and centrality respectively, as shown in Table 9 . The results show that the keyword “TAM” has the highest frequency (92), followed by “UTAUT” (24), which reflects that the in-depth study of the existing technology acceptance model and its theoretical expansion occupy a central position in research related to older adults’ technology acceptance. Furthermore, the terms ‘assistive technology’ and ‘virtual reality’ are both high-frequency and high-centrality terms (frequency = 17, centrality = 0.10), indicating that the research on assistive technology and virtual reality for older adults is the focus of current academic attention.

Research hotspots analysis

Using VOSviewer for keyword co-occurrence analysis organizes keywords into groups or clusters based on their intrinsic connections and frequencies, clearly highlighting the research field’s hot topics. The connectivity among keywords reveals correlations between different topics. To ensure accuracy, the analysis only considered the authors’ keywords. Subsequently, the keywords were filtered by setting the keyword frequency to 5 to obtain the keyword clustering map of the research on older adults’ technology acceptance research keyword clustering mapping (Fig. 7 ), combined with the keyword co-occurrence clustering network (Fig. 7A ) and the corresponding density situation (Fig. 7B ) to make a detailed analysis of the following four groups of clustered themes.

figure 7

A Co-occurrence clustering network. B Keyword density.

Cluster #1—Research on the factors influencing technology adoption among older adults is a prominent topic, covering age, gender, self-efficacy, attitude, and and intention to use (Berkowsky et al. 2017 ; Wang et al. 2017 ). It also examined older adults’ attitudes towards and acceptance of digital health technologies (Ahmad and Mozelius, 2022 ). Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic, significantly impacting older adults’ technology attitudes and usage, has underscored the study’s importance and urgency. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct in-depth studies on how older adults accept, adopt, and effectively use new technologies, to address their needs and help them overcome the digital divide within digital inclusion. This will improve their quality of life and healthcare experiences.

Cluster #2—Research focuses on how older adults interact with assistive technologies, especially assistive robots and health monitoring devices, emphasizing trust, usability, and user experience as crucial factors (Halim et al. 2022 ). Moreover, health monitoring technologies effectively track and manage health issues common in older adults, like dementia and mild cognitive impairment (Lussier et al. 2018 ; Piau et al. 2019 ). Interactive exercise games and virtual reality have been deployed to encourage more physical and cognitive engagement among older adults (Campo-Prieto et al. 2021 ). Personalized and innovative technology significantly enhances older adults’ participation, improving their health and well-being.

Cluster #3—Optimizing health management for older adults using mobile technology. With the development of mobile health (mHealth) and health information technology, mobile applications, smartphones, and smart wearable devices have become effective tools to help older users better manage chronic conditions, conduct real-time health monitoring, and even receive telehealth services (Dupuis and Tsotsos 2018 ; Olmedo-Aguirre et al. 2022 ; Kim et al. 2014 ). Additionally, these technologies can mitigate the problem of healthcare resource inequality, especially in developing countries. Older adults’ acceptance and use of these technologies are significantly influenced by their behavioral intentions, motivational factors, and self-management skills. These internal motivational factors, along with external factors, jointly affect older adults’ performance in health management and quality of life.

Cluster #4—Research on technology-assisted home care for older adults is gaining popularity. Environmentally assisted living enhances older adults’ independence and comfort at home, offering essential support and security. This has a crucial impact on promoting healthy aging (Friesen et al. 2016 ; Wahlroos et al. 2023 ). The smart home is a core application in this field, providing a range of solutions that facilitate independent living for the elderly in a highly integrated and user-friendly manner. This fulfills different dimensions of living and health needs (Majumder et al. 2017 ). Moreover, eHealth offers accurate and personalized health management and healthcare services for older adults (Delmastro et al. 2018 ), ensuring their needs are met at home. Research in this field often employs qualitative methods and structural equation modeling to fully understand older adults’ needs and experiences at home and analyze factors influencing technology adoption.

Evolutionary trends analysis

To gain a deeper understanding of the evolutionary trends in research hotspots within the field of older adults’ technology acceptance, we conducted a statistical analysis of the average appearance times of keywords, using CiteSpace to generate the time-zone evolution mapping (Fig. 8 ) and burst keywords. The time-zone mapping visually displays the evolution of keywords over time, intuitively reflecting the frequency and initial appearance of keywords in research, commonly used to identify trends in research topics (Jing et al. 2024a ; Kumar et al. 2021 ). Table 10 lists the top 15 keywords by burst strength, with the red sections indicating high-frequency citations and their burst strength in specific years. These burst keywords reveal the focus and trends of research themes over different periods (Kleinberg 2002 ). Combining insights from the time-zone mapping and burst keywords provides more objective and accurate research insights (Wang et al. 2023b ).

figure 8

Reflecting the frequency and time of first appearance of keywords in the study.

An integrated analysis of Fig. 8 and Table 10 shows that early research on older adults’ technology acceptance primarily focused on factors such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, and attitudes towards information technology, including their use of computers and the internet (Pan and Jordan-Marsh 2010 ), as well as differences in technology use between older adults and other age groups (Guner and Acarturk 2020 ). Subsequently, the research focus expanded to improving the quality of life for older adults, exploring how technology can optimize health management and enhance the possibility of independent living, emphasizing the significant role of technology in improving the quality of life for the elderly. With ongoing technological advancements, recent research has shifted towards areas such as “virtual reality,” “telehealth,” and “human-robot interaction,” with a focus on the user experience of older adults (Halim et al. 2022 ). The appearance of keywords such as “physical activity” and “exercise” highlights the value of technology in promoting physical activity and health among older adults. This phase of research tends to make cutting-edge technology genuinely serve the practical needs of older adults, achieving its widespread application in daily life. Additionally, research has focused on expanding and quantifying theoretical models of older adults’ technology acceptance, involving keywords such as “perceived risk”, “validation” and “UTAUT”.

In summary, from 2013 to 2023, the field of older adults’ technology acceptance has evolved from initial explorations of influencing factors, to comprehensive enhancements in quality of life and health management, and further to the application and deepening of theoretical models and cutting-edge technologies. This research not only reflects the diversity and complexity of the field but also demonstrates a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of older adults’ interactions with technology across various life scenarios and needs.

Research quality distribution

To reveal the distribution of research quality in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance, a strategic diagram analysis is employed to calculate and illustrate the internal development and interrelationships among various research themes (Xie et al. 2020 ). The strategic diagram uses Centrality as the X-axis and Density as the Y-axis to divide into four quadrants, where the X-axis represents the strength of the connection between thematic clusters and other themes, with higher values indicating a central position in the research field; the Y-axis indicates the level of development within the thematic clusters, with higher values denoting a more mature and widely recognized field (Li and Zhou 2020 ).

Through cluster analysis and manual verification, this study categorized 61 core keywords (Frequency ≥5) into 11 thematic clusters. Subsequently, based on the keywords covered by each thematic cluster, the research themes and their directions for each cluster were summarized (Table 11 ), and the centrality and density coordinates for each cluster were precisely calculated (Table 12 ). Finally, a strategic diagram of the older adults’ technology acceptance research field was constructed (Fig. 9 ). Based on the distribution of thematic clusters across the quadrants in the strategic diagram, the structure and developmental trends of the field were interpreted.

figure 9

Classification and visualization of theme clusters based on density and centrality.

As illustrated in Fig. 9 , (1) the theme clusters of #3 Usage Experience and #4 Assisted Living Technology are in the first quadrant, characterized by high centrality and density. Their internal cohesion and close links with other themes indicate their mature development, systematic research content or directions have been formed, and they have a significant influence on other themes. These themes play a central role in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance and have promising prospects. (2) The theme clusters of #6 Smart Devices, #9 Theoretical Models, and #10 Mobile Health Applications are in the second quadrant, with higher density but lower centrality. These themes have strong internal connections but weaker external links, indicating that these three themes have received widespread attention from researchers and have been the subject of related research, but more as self-contained systems and exhibit independence. Therefore, future research should further explore in-depth cooperation and cross-application with other themes. (3) The theme clusters of #7 Human-Robot Interaction, #8 Characteristics of the Elderly, and #11 Research Methods are in the third quadrant, with lower centrality and density. These themes are loosely connected internally and have weak links with others, indicating their developmental immaturity. Compared to other topics, they belong to the lower attention edge and niche themes, and there is a need for further investigation. (4) The theme clusters of #1 Digital Healthcare Technology, #2 Psychological Factors, and #5 Socio-Cultural Factors are located in the fourth quadrant, with high centrality but low density. Although closely associated with other research themes, the internal cohesion within these clusters is relatively weak. This suggests that while these themes are closely linked to other research areas, their own development remains underdeveloped, indicating a core immaturity. Nevertheless, these themes are crucial within the research domain of elderly technology acceptance and possess significant potential for future exploration.

Discussion on distribution power (RQ1)

Over the past decade, academic interest and influence in the area of older adults’ technology acceptance have significantly increased. This trend is evidenced by a quantitative analysis of publication and citation volumes, particularly noticeable in 2019 and 2022, where there was a substantial rise in both metrics. The rise is closely linked to the widespread adoption of emerging technologies such as smart homes, wearable devices, and telemedicine among older adults. While these technologies have enhanced their quality of life, they also pose numerous challenges, sparking extensive research into their acceptance, usage behaviors, and influencing factors among the older adults (Pirzada et al. 2022 ; Garcia Reyes et al. 2023 ). Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in technology demand among older adults, especially in areas like medical consultation, online socialization, and health management, further highlighting the importance and challenges of technology. Health risks and social isolation have compelled older adults to rely on technology for daily activities, accelerating its adoption and application within this demographic. This phenomenon has made technology acceptance a critical issue, driving societal and academic focus on the study of technology acceptance among older adults.

The flow of knowledge at the level of high-output disciplines and journals, along with the primary publishing outlets, indicates the highly interdisciplinary nature of research into older adults’ technology acceptance. This reflects the complexity and breadth of issues related to older adults’ technology acceptance, necessitating the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge and approaches. Currently, research is primarily focused on medical health and human-computer interaction, demonstrating academic interest in improving health and quality of life for older adults and addressing the urgent needs related to their interactions with technology. In the field of medical health, research aims to provide advanced and innovative healthcare technologies and services to meet the challenges of an aging population while improving the quality of life for older adults (Abdi et al. 2020 ; Wilson et al. 2021 ). In the field of human-computer interaction, research is focused on developing smarter and more user-friendly interaction models to meet the needs of older adults in the digital age, enabling them to actively participate in social activities and enjoy a higher quality of life (Sayago, 2019 ). These studies are crucial for addressing the challenges faced by aging societies, providing increased support and opportunities for the health, welfare, and social participation of older adults.

Discussion on research power (RQ2)

This study analyzes leading countries and collaboration networks, core institutions and authors, revealing the global research landscape and distribution of research strength in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance, and presents quantitative data on global research trends. From the analysis of country distribution and collaborations, China and the USA hold dominant positions in this field, with developed countries like the UK, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands also excelling in international cooperation and research influence. The significant investment in technological research and the focus on the technological needs of older adults by many developed countries reflect their rapidly aging societies, policy support, and resource allocation.

China is the only developing country that has become a major contributor in this field, indicating its growing research capabilities and high priority given to aging societies and technological innovation. Additionally, China has close collaborations with countries such as USA, the UK, and Malaysia, driven not only by technological research needs but also by shared challenges and complementarities in aging issues among these nations. For instance, the UK has extensive experience in social welfare and aging research, providing valuable theoretical guidance and practical experience. International collaborations, aimed at addressing the challenges of aging, integrate the strengths of various countries, advancing in-depth and widespread development in the research of technology acceptance among older adults.

At the institutional and author level, City University of Hong Kong leads in publication volume, with research teams led by Chan and Chen demonstrating significant academic activity and contributions. Their research primarily focuses on older adults’ acceptance and usage behaviors of various technologies, including smartphones, smart wearables, and social robots (Chen et al. 2015 ; Li et al. 2019 ; Ma et al. 2016 ). These studies, targeting specific needs and product characteristics of older adults, have developed new models of technology acceptance based on existing frameworks, enhancing the integration of these technologies into their daily lives and laying a foundation for further advancements in the field. Although Tilburg University has a smaller publication output, it holds significant influence in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance. Particularly, the high citation rate of Peek’s studies highlights their excellence in research. Peek extensively explored older adults’ acceptance and usage of home care technologies, revealing the complexity and dynamics of their technology use behaviors. His research spans from identifying systemic influencing factors (Peek et al. 2014 ; Peek et al. 2016 ), emphasizing familial impacts (Luijkx et al. 2015 ), to constructing comprehensive models (Peek et al. 2017 ), and examining the dynamics of long-term usage (Peek et al. 2019 ), fully reflecting the evolving technology landscape and the changing needs of older adults. Additionally, the ongoing contributions of researchers like Ziefle, Rogers, and Wouters in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance demonstrate their research influence and leadership. These researchers have significantly enriched the knowledge base in this area with their diverse perspectives. For instance, Ziefle has uncovered the complex attitudes of older adults towards technology usage, especially the trade-offs between privacy and security, and how different types of activities affect their privacy needs (Maidhof et al. 2023 ; Mujirishvili et al. 2023 ; Schomakers and Ziefle 2023 ; Wilkowska et al. 2022 ), reflecting a deep exploration and ongoing innovation in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance.

Discussion on knowledge base and thematic progress (RQ3)

Through co-citation analysis and systematic review of seminal literature, this study reveals the knowledge foundation and thematic progress in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance. Co-citation networks and cluster analyses illustrate the structural themes of the research, delineating the differentiation and boundaries within this field. Additionally, burst detection analysis offers a valuable perspective for understanding the thematic evolution in the field of technology acceptance among older adults. The development and innovation of theoretical models are foundational to this research. Researchers enhance the explanatory power of constructed models by deepening and expanding existing technology acceptance theories to address theoretical limitations. For instance, Heerink et al. ( 2010 ) modified and expanded the UTAUT model by integrating functional assessment and social interaction variables to create the almere model. This model significantly enhances the ability to explain the intentions of older users in utilizing assistive social agents and improves the explanation of actual usage behaviors. Additionally, Chen and Chan ( 2014 ) extended the TAM to include age-related health and capability features of older adults, creating the STAM, which substantially improves predictions of older adults’ technology usage behaviors. Personal attributes, health and capability features, and facilitating conditions have a direct impact on technology acceptance. These factors more effectively predict older adults’ technology usage behaviors than traditional attitudinal factors.

With the advancement of technology and the application of emerging technologies, new research topics have emerged, increasingly focusing on older adults’ acceptance and use of these technologies. Prior to this, the study by Mitzner et al. ( 2010 ) challenged the stereotype of older adults’ conservative attitudes towards technology, highlighting the central roles of usability and usefulness in the technology acceptance process. This discovery laid an important foundation for subsequent research. Research fields such as “smart home technology,” “social life,” and “customer service” are emerging, indicating a shift in focus towards the practical and social applications of technology in older adults’ lives. Research not only focuses on the technology itself but also on how these technologies integrate into older adults’ daily lives and how they can improve the quality of life through technology. For instance, studies such as those by Ma et al. ( 2016 ), Hoque and Sorwar ( 2017 ), and Li et al. ( 2019 ) have explored factors influencing older adults’ use of smartphones, mHealth, and smart wearable devices.

Furthermore, the diversification of research methodologies and innovation in evaluation techniques, such as the use of mixed methods, structural equation modeling (SEM), and neural network (NN) approaches, have enhanced the rigor and reliability of the findings, enabling more precise identification of the factors and mechanisms influencing technology acceptance. Talukder et al. ( 2020 ) employed an effective multimethodological strategy by integrating SEM and NN to leverage the complementary strengths of both approaches, thus overcoming their individual limitations and more accurately analyzing and predicting older adults’ acceptance of wearable health technologies (WHT). SEM is utilized to assess the determinants’ impact on the adoption of WHT, while neural network models validate SEM outcomes and predict the significance of key determinants. This combined approach not only boosts the models’ reliability and explanatory power but also provides a nuanced understanding of the motivations and barriers behind older adults’ acceptance of WHT, offering deep research insights.

Overall, co-citation analysis of the literature in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance has uncovered deeper theoretical modeling and empirical studies on emerging technologies, while emphasizing the importance of research methodological and evaluation innovations in understanding complex social science issues. These findings are crucial for guiding the design and marketing strategies of future technology products, especially in the rapidly growing market of older adults.

Discussion on research hotspots and evolutionary trends (RQ4)

By analyzing core keywords, we can gain deep insights into the hot topics, evolutionary trends, and quality distribution of research in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance. The frequent occurrence of the keywords “TAM” and “UTAUT” indicates that the applicability and theoretical extension of existing technology acceptance models among older adults remain a focal point in academia. This phenomenon underscores the enduring influence of the studies by Davis ( 1989 ) and Venkatesh et al. ( 2003 ), whose models provide a robust theoretical framework for explaining and predicting older adults’ acceptance and usage of emerging technologies. With the widespread application of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technologies, these theoretical models have incorporated new variables such as perceived risk, trust, and privacy issues (Amin et al. 2024 ; Chen et al. 2024 ; Jing et al. 2024b ; Seibert et al. 2021 ; Wang et al. 2024b ), advancing the theoretical depth and empirical research in this field.

Keyword co-occurrence cluster analysis has revealed multiple research hotspots in the field, including factors influencing technology adoption, interactive experiences between older adults and assistive technologies, the application of mobile health technology in health management, and technology-assisted home care. These studies primarily focus on enhancing the quality of life and health management of older adults through emerging technologies, particularly in the areas of ambient assisted living, smart health monitoring, and intelligent medical care. In these domains, the role of AI technology is increasingly significant (Qian et al. 2021 ; Ho 2020 ). With the evolution of next-generation information technologies, AI is increasingly integrated into elder care systems, offering intelligent, efficient, and personalized service solutions by analyzing the lifestyles and health conditions of older adults. This integration aims to enhance older adults’ quality of life in aspects such as health monitoring and alerts, rehabilitation assistance, daily health management, and emotional support (Lee et al. 2023 ). A survey indicates that 83% of older adults prefer AI-driven solutions when selecting smart products, demonstrating the increasing acceptance of AI in elder care (Zhao and Li 2024 ). Integrating AI into elder care presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in terms of user acceptance, trust, and long-term usage effects, which warrant further exploration (Mhlanga 2023 ). These studies will help better understand the profound impact of AI technology on the lifestyles of older adults and provide critical references for optimizing AI-driven elder care services.

The Time-zone evolution mapping and burst keyword analysis further reveal the evolutionary trends of research hotspots. Early studies focused on basic technology acceptance models and user perceptions, later expanding to include quality of life and health management. In recent years, research has increasingly focused on cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality, telehealth, and human-robot interaction, with a concurrent emphasis on the user experience of older adults. This evolutionary process demonstrates a deepening shift from theoretical models to practical applications, underscoring the significant role of technology in enhancing the quality of life for older adults. Furthermore, the strategic coordinate mapping analysis clearly demonstrates the development and mutual influence of different research themes. High centrality and density in the themes of Usage Experience and Assisted Living Technology indicate their mature research status and significant impact on other themes. The themes of Smart Devices, Theoretical Models, and Mobile Health Applications demonstrate self-contained research trends. The themes of Human-Robot Interaction, Characteristics of the Elderly, and Research Methods are not yet mature, but they hold potential for development. Themes of Digital Healthcare Technology, Psychological Factors, and Socio-Cultural Factors are closely related to other themes, displaying core immaturity but significant potential.

In summary, the research hotspots in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance are diverse and dynamic, demonstrating the academic community’s profound understanding of how older adults interact with technology across various life contexts and needs. Under the influence of AI and big data, research should continue to focus on the application of emerging technologies among older adults, exploring in depth how they adapt to and effectively use these technologies. This not only enhances the quality of life and healthcare experiences for older adults but also drives ongoing innovation and development in this field.

Research agenda

Based on the above research findings, to further understand and promote technology acceptance and usage among older adults, we recommend future studies focus on refining theoretical models, exploring long-term usage, and assessing user experience in the following detailed aspects:

Refinement and validation of specific technology acceptance models for older adults: Future research should focus on developing and validating technology acceptance models based on individual characteristics, particularly considering variations in technology acceptance among older adults across different educational levels and cultural backgrounds. This includes factors such as age, gender, educational background, and cultural differences. Additionally, research should examine how well specific technologies, such as wearable devices and mobile health applications, meet the needs of older adults. Building on existing theoretical models, this research should integrate insights from multiple disciplines such as psychology, sociology, design, and engineering through interdisciplinary collaboration to create more accurate and comprehensive models, which should then be validated in relevant contexts.

Deepening the exploration of the relationship between long-term technology use and quality of life among older adults: The acceptance and use of technology by users is a complex and dynamic process (Seuwou et al. 2016 ). Existing research predominantly focuses on older adults’ initial acceptance or short-term use of new technologies; however, the impact of long-term use on their quality of life and health is more significant. Future research should focus on the evolution of older adults’ experiences and needs during long-term technology usage, and the enduring effects of technology on their social interactions, mental health, and life satisfaction. Through longitudinal studies and qualitative analysis, this research reveals the specific needs and challenges of older adults in long-term technology use, providing a basis for developing technologies and strategies that better meet their requirements. This understanding aids in comprehensively assessing the impact of technology on older adults’ quality of life and guiding the optimization and improvement of technological products.

Evaluating the Importance of User Experience in Research on Older Adults’ Technology Acceptance: Understanding the mechanisms of information technology acceptance and use is central to human-computer interaction research. Although technology acceptance models and user experience models differ in objectives, they share many potential intersections. Technology acceptance research focuses on structured prediction and assessment, while user experience research concentrates on interpreting design impacts and new frameworks. Integrating user experience to assess older adults’ acceptance of technology products and systems is crucial (Codfrey et al. 2022 ; Wang et al. 2019 ), particularly for older users, where specific product designs should emphasize practicality and usability (Fisk et al. 2020 ). Researchers need to explore innovative age-appropriate design methods to enhance older adults’ usage experience. This includes studying older users’ actual usage preferences and behaviors, optimizing user interfaces, and interaction designs. Integrating feedback from older adults to tailor products to their needs can further promote their acceptance and continued use of technology products.


This study conducted a systematic review of the literature on older adults’ technology acceptance over the past decade through bibliometric analysis, focusing on the distribution power, research power, knowledge base and theme progress, research hotspots, evolutionary trends, and quality distribution. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, this study has reached the following conclusions:

Technology acceptance among older adults has become a hot topic in the international academic community, involving the integration of knowledge across multiple disciplines, including Medical Informatics, Health Care Sciences Services, and Ergonomics. In terms of journals, “PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION, HEALTH” represents a leading field, with key publications including Computers in Human Behavior , Journal of Medical Internet Research , and International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction . These journals possess significant academic authority and extensive influence in the field.

Research on technology acceptance among older adults is particularly active in developed countries, with China and USA publishing significantly more than other nations. The Netherlands leads in high average citation rates, indicating the depth and impact of its research. Meanwhile, the UK stands out in terms of international collaboration. At the institutional level, City University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong in China are in leading positions. Tilburg University in the Netherlands demonstrates exceptional research quality through its high average citation count. At the author level, Chen from China has the highest number of publications, while Peek from the Netherlands has the highest average citation count.

Co-citation analysis of references indicates that the knowledge base in this field is divided into three main categories: theoretical model deepening, emerging technology applications, and research methods and evaluation. Seminal literature focuses on four areas: specific technology use by older adults, expansion of theoretical models of technology acceptance, information technology adoption behavior, and research perspectives. Research themes have evolved from initial theoretical deepening and analysis of influencing factors to empirical studies on individual factors and emerging technologies.

Keyword analysis indicates that TAM and UTAUT are the most frequently occurring terms, while “assistive technology” and “virtual reality” are focal points with high frequency and centrality. Keyword clustering analysis reveals that research hotspots are concentrated on the influencing factors of technology adoption, human-robot interaction experiences, mobile health management, and technology for aging in place. Time-zone evolution mapping and burst keyword analysis have revealed the research evolution from preliminary exploration of influencing factors, to enhancements in quality of life and health management, and onto advanced technology applications and deepening of theoretical models. Furthermore, analysis of research quality distribution indicates that Usage Experience and Assisted Living Technology have become core topics, while Smart Devices, Theoretical Models, and Mobile Health Applications point towards future research directions.

Through this study, we have systematically reviewed the dynamics, core issues, and evolutionary trends in the field of older adults’ technology acceptance, constructing a comprehensive Knowledge Mapping of the domain and presenting a clear framework of existing research. This not only lays the foundation for subsequent theoretical discussions and innovative applications in the field but also provides an important reference for relevant scholars.


To our knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis concerning technology acceptance among older adults, and we adhered strictly to bibliometric standards throughout our research. However, this study relies on the Web of Science Core Collection, and while its authority and breadth are widely recognized, this choice may have missed relevant literature published in other significant databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar, potentially overlooking some critical academic contributions. Moreover, given that our analysis was confined to literature in English, it may not reflect studies published in other languages, somewhat limiting the global representativeness of our data sample.

It is noteworthy that with the rapid development of AI technology, its increasingly widespread application in elderly care services is significantly transforming traditional care models. AI is profoundly altering the lifestyles of the elderly, from health monitoring and smart diagnostics to intelligent home systems and personalized care, significantly enhancing their quality of life and health care standards. The potential for AI technology within the elderly population is immense, and research in this area is rapidly expanding. However, due to the restrictive nature of the search terms used in this study, it did not fully cover research in this critical area, particularly in addressing key issues such as trust, privacy, and ethics.

Consequently, future research should not only expand data sources, incorporating multilingual and multidatabase literature, but also particularly focus on exploring older adults’ acceptance of AI technology and its applications, in order to construct a more comprehensive academic landscape of older adults’ technology acceptance, thereby enriching and extending the knowledge system and academic trends in this field.

Data availability

The datasets analyzed during the current study are available in the Dataverse repository: .

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This research was supported by the Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province in China (Grant No. 2023J014).

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School of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, China

Xianru Shang, Zijian Liu, Chen Gong, Zhigang Hu & Yuexuan Wu

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Chengliang Wang

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Shang, X., Liu, Z., Gong, C. et al. Knowledge mapping and evolution of research on older adults’ technology acceptance: a bibliometric study from 2013 to 2023. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 1115 (2024).

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Received : 20 June 2024

Accepted : 21 August 2024

Published : 31 August 2024


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research paper about natural science


  1. (PDF) Journal of Natural Sciences Research

    research paper about natural science

  2. A retrospective view on the history of natural sciences in XX-XXI

    research paper about natural science

  3. (PDF) Natural Science

    research paper about natural science

  4. Indian Journal of Natural Science

    research paper about natural science

  5. Gr. 9 Natural Sciences Paper Nov. 2022

    research paper about natural science

  6. Grade 8 Natural Sciences Practical Activities Term 1 to Term4 • Teacha!

    research paper about natural science


  1. DSSSB Vacancy 2024

  2. DSSSB TGT General paper+Natural science syllabus #Dsssb#dsssb notes#viralShort

  3. Eng: Natural Philosophy vs Science

  4. A sea survey spots the first pufferfish nests outside Japan

  5. Turning science into action for nature, people and the planet

  6. K TET Category 3 Natural Science Previous Year Question Paper November 2019


  1. Research articles

    Nordic Science (72) Old World (1420) Reports and Other Publications (1216) Research Article (564) Science in Europe (54) Scientific Correspondence (4028) Supplement to Nature (1556) University ...

  2. Scientific Reports

    Scientific Reports has a 2-year impact factor of 3.8 (2023), and is the 5th most-cited journal in the world, with more than 734,000 citations in 2023*. *2023 Journal Citation Reports® Science ...

  3. Natural Sciences

    Natural Sciences is an interdisciplinary open access journal publishing top-tier research from biology, chemistry, physics and their interfaces, as well as seminal works from related fields such as engineering and biomedical research.. Committed to open science principles and orchestrated by active researchers, we promote the global scientific community's goal of enriching society by making ...

  4. Browse Articles

    Natural acid makes super-sticky eco-friendly glue. Recyclable spray, patch and film adhesives work as well as existing petroleum-based products. Research Highlight 29 Aug 2024.

  5. The nature of science: The fundamental role of natural history in

    In this paper, we demonstrate that natural history knowledge is integral to any competitive science program through a comprehensive review of the ways in which they continue to shape modern theory and the public perception of science. ... (PDF-545802-2020). DdC was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada ...

  6. 20078 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on NATURAL SCIENCE. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  7. Home

    The Science of Nature - Naturwissenschaften - is Springer's flagship multidisciplinary science journal. The journal is dedicated to the fast publication and global dissemination of high-quality research and invites papers, which are of interest to the broader community in the biological sciences. Contributions from the chemical, geological, and ...

  8. Natural sciences education in a COVID‐19 world

    The purpose of this paper, and the Natural Sciences Education ( NSE) journal special section, "Natural Science Education in a COVID‐19 World", is to highlight many of the ways course instructors, along with K‐12 and postsecondary institutions, met this challenge. This special section of NSE consists of 23 papers developed to demonstrate ...

  9. Full article: Natural experiment methodology for research: a review of

    1.1. Why are natural experiments important in research? As an applied scientist working in public health, I continually hear about how public health decision-makers are increasingly pushed to make evidence-based decisions around interventions despite there being a large gap between the type of research that is available and the type of research they need to make real-world decisions.

  10. PDF Graduate Writing Lab

    Writing a Research Paper in the Natural Sciences . Natalie Schultz @May 2015 Structure of a Research Paper . The structure of a research paper is relatively formulaic. Each section of a research paper contains key pieces of information that a reader will be looking for, and you should be sure to follow this s tructure in your own writing.

  11. (PDF) Quantitative Research: A Successful Investigation in Natural and

    Quantitative research explains phenomena by collecting numerical unchanging d etailed data t hat. are analyzed using mathematically based methods, in particular statistics that pose questions of ...

  12. Nature

    First published in 1869, Nature is the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by ...

  13. Social and Natural Sciences Differ in Their Research Strategies

    The natural sciences seem to adapt their research strategies to landscapes with large concentrated knowledge clusters, whereas social sciences seem to have adapted to search in landscapes with many small isolated knowledge clusters. ... Average number of papers per journal (Doc/Jour) plotted against the total number of journals registered by ...

  14. Natural Sciences Research

    Our renowned physicists delve into the worlds of particles as our astrophysical scientists turn toward the limitless universe. Chemists and biologists explore the inner workings of genes and microorganisms. Geoscientists unravel how the planet formed and behaves, while ecologists and evolutionary biologists expand our understanding of life ...

  15. Natural Science Research Papers

    This paper introduces the AHP method integrated with GIS technology to provide information for flood hazard analysis in the Ngan Sau and Ngan Pho river basins. The factors ìnluencing the occurrence of floods in a study area include slope,... more. by Minh Dang Tuyet. 2. Environmental Science , Natural Science.

  16. Journal of Natural Sciences Research

    The journal publishes original papers at the forefront of natural sciences research (life sciences, environemental and energy sciences, healthcare, animal and agriculture, etc). The journal is published in both printed and online versions. ... Paper Submission: Please follow the following two files to prepare your paper, ...

  17. Journal of Natural Sciences (JNS)

    Journal of Natural Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on every aspects of fundamental and applied sciences research. The journal seeks to publish expe. Thursday, August 29, 2024 Journal of Natural Sciences ... The accepted papers are published online within one week after the completion of all necessary publishing ...

  18. The 5 most popular scientific papers of March 2021 in the ...

    Here is an Altmetric ranking of March's most popular papers in the natural sciences, published in the 82 high-quality journals tracked by the Nature Index. 1. "Extreme autotomy and whole-body ...

  19. Natural and Physical Sciences

    Includes over 2,000 journals and 35,000 books published by Elsevier Science and its subsidiary publishers, including Academic Press, Cell Press, Pergamon, Mosby, and Saunders journals. Coverage is particularly strong for the life and physical sciences, medicine, and technical fields, but also includes some social sciences and humanities.

  20. 100 Science Topics for Research Papers

    Research Sources. Science: As a premier publication in the field, Science publishes peer-reviewed research and expert-curated information. Nature: Publishes peer-reviewed articles on biology, environment, health, and physical sciences. Nature is an authoritative source for current information. If articles are difficult to read, you can search ...

  21. Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers, Project Topics

    All papers and research topics in Natural & Applied Sciences and its sub-fields. Browse academic research projects in Natural & Applied Sciences. Access and download complete Natural & Applied Sciences project topics, Natural & Applied Sciences thesis materials, seminar topics, study notes etc. Project topics in Natural & Applied Sciences.

  22. Latest science news, discoveries and analysis

    Stay updated with the latest science news, discoveries, and analysis from Nature, the world's leading research journal.

  23. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (ISSN: 0976-0997)

    We are publishing Indian Journal of Natural Sciences - IJONS from August 2010. The Journal is peer reviewed International Journal for publication of Original Research papers /Reviews/ Shortcommunications/Book reviews/Reports on conferences/Seminar, Important events, News of interest, Special articles, General articles etc.

  24. Knowledge mapping and evolution of research on older adults ...

    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications - Knowledge mapping and evolution of research on older adults' technology acceptance: a bibliometric study from 2013 to 2023 ... patterns and ...