Addressing Challenges: A Guide to Problem and Solution Essay Topics


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Environmental Issues Problem-Solution Essay Topics
  • 1.2 Social Problems Problem And Solution Essay Ideas
  • 1.3 Healthcare Challenges: Problem-Solving Essay Ideas
  • 1.4 Technological Advancements Ideas for a Problem Solution Essay
  • 1.5 Educational Concerns Problem Solution Paper Topics
  • 1.6 Economic Problems to Write About
  • 1.7 Global Challenges Topics for Problem Solution Essays
  • 1.8 Political and Governance Problem Solution Essay Topics
  • 1.9 Transportation Problem Solution Topics
  • 1.10 Cultural and Ethical Dilemmas
  • 2 Easy Problem Solution Topics For an Essay
  • 3 Closing Note

Navigating the complexities of real-world issues through the lens of academic inquiry, problem-and-solution essays serve as a dynamic educational tool. Which topic is specific enough for a good problem-and-solution essay? Problem and solution essays are crucial to academic writing, offering students an invaluable opportunity to analyze various situations and articulate effective solutions critically. These essays sharpen critical thinking and problem-solving skills and encourage a deep exploration of a multitude of contemporary issues. By tackling these essays, students gain the ability to approach problems from multiple perspectives and develop insights into potential remedies.

This article promises to dive into an extensive array of topics for problem and solution essays, encompassing diverse areas and problems to write about, such as environmental issues, social challenges, healthcare dilemmas, and more.

120 Problem Solution Essay Topics List

With such a rich palette of issues, the next step in crafting an impactful essay becomes crucially important. Selecting an appropriate topic is key when tasked with writing a problem-solving essay. It’s essential to choose a subject that is not only relevant and engaging but also provides ample scope for in-depth research and thorough analysis. This careful selection allows for a detailed exploration of the issue and the formulation of effective solutions. To aid in this process, we have compiled an extensive list of 120 thought-provoking topics for problem-solution essays.

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Environmental Issues Problem-Solution Essay Topics

  • Combating Climate Change: Strategies for Global Cooperation.
  • Addressing Ocean Pollution: Cleaning Our Seas.
  • Deforestation: Reforestation and Sustainable Practices.
  • Urban Air Pollution: Cleaner Cities.
  • Endangered Species: Conservation Efforts.
  • Plastic Waste Management: Innovative Solutions.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Feeding the World Responsibly.
  • Renewable Energy: Transition from Fossil Fuels.
  • Water Scarcity: Effective Water Management.
  • Eco-friendly Transportation: Reducing Carbon Footprint.

Social Problems Problem And Solution Essay Ideas

  • Homelessness: Creating Sustainable Housing Solutions.
  • Gender Inequality: Bridging the Gap in the Workplace.
  • Racial Discrimination: Fostering Inclusivity.
  • Bullying in Schools: Prevention Strategies.
  • Elderly Care: Improving Senior Living.
  • Child Abuse: Strengthening Child Protection Services.
  • Poverty Alleviation: Economic Empowerment Programs.
  • Substance Abuse: Effective Rehabilitation Approaches.
  • Unemployment: Job Creation Strategies.
  • Digital Divide: Bridging the Technological Gap.

Healthcare Challenges: Problem-Solving Essay Ideas

  • Mental Health Stigma: Promoting Awareness and Acceptance.
  • Obesity Epidemic: Lifestyle and Dietary Changes.
  • Healthcare Accessibility: Universal Health Coverage.
  • Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons from COVID-19.
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Developing New Treatments.
  • Chronic Diseases: Prevention and Management.
  • Mental Health in the Workplace: Supporting Employees.
  • Telemedicine: Bridging the Healthcare Gap.
  • Health Education: Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
  • Drug Affordability: Policies for Cheaper Medications.

Technological Advancements Ideas for a Problem Solution Essay

  • Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Digital Information.
  • AI Ethics: Balancing Innovation and Privacy.
  • Social Media Addiction: Finding Digital Balance.
  • Technological Unemployment: Reskilling the Workforce.
  • Online Privacy: Protecting Personal Data.
  • E-waste Management: Sustainable Recycling Practices.
  • Digital Literacy: Educating the Next Generation.
  • Internet Censorship: Balancing Freedom and Security.
  • Tech in Education: Enhancing Learning Experiences.
  • Future of Work: Adapting to Technological Changes.

Educational Concerns Problem Solution Paper Topics

  • Student Loan Debt: Financial Aid and Repayment Options.
  • Academic Pressure: Promoting a Balanced Education.
  • Dropout Rates: Improving Student Engagement.
  • Quality Education in Rural Areas: Bridging the Gap.
  • Gender Disparity in STEM: Encouraging Female Participation.
  • Teacher Burnout: Strategies for Support and Retention.
  • Digital Divide in Education: Accessible Learning for All.
  • Standardized Testing: Alternatives for Student Assessment.
  • Special Needs Education: Inclusive Teaching Strategies.
  • Lifelong Learning: Promoting Continuous Education.

Economic Problems to Write About

  • Income Inequality: Fair Wage Policies.
  • Global Trade: Promoting Ethical Practices.
  • Sustainable Economic Growth: Eco-friendly Business Models.
  • Financial Literacy: Educating the Public.
  • Unemployment: Innovative Job Creation Strategies.
  • Cryptocurrency: Regulation and Security.
  • Global Poverty: Effective Aid Strategies.
  • Economic Crises: Preventive Measures and Solutions.
  • Gig Economy: Ensuring Worker Rights.
  • Consumer Debt: Promoting Responsible Spending.

Global Challenges Topics for Problem Solution Essays

  • International Conflict Resolution: Peacekeeping Strategies.
  • Refugee Crisis: Humanitarian Aid and Integration.
  • Global Hunger: Sustainable Solutions.
  • Climate Change Migration: International Policies.
  • Cultural Preservation: Protecting Heritage in a Globalized World.
  • Human Trafficking: Global Efforts to Combat.
  • Global Health: Eradicating Communicable Diseases.
  • Water Crisis: International Cooperation for Water Security.
  • Wildlife Trafficking: International Laws and Enforcement.
  • Global Education: Ensuring Access for All.

Political and Governance Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • Corruption: Transparency and Accountability Measures.
  • Election Integrity: Ensuring Fair Democratic Processes.
  • Political Polarization: Fostering Civil Discourse.
  • Human Rights: Protecting Individual Freedoms.
  • Press Freedom: Combating Censorship.
  • Public Trust in Government: Building Confidence through Transparency.
  • Policy Making: Involving Public Participation.
  • International Relations: Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution.
  • Government Surveillance: Balancing Security and Privacy.
  • Political Activism: Encouraging Civic Engagement.

Transportation Problem Solution Topics

  • Urban Traffic Congestion: Efficient Public Transport Solutions.
  • Road Safety: Reducing Accidents and Fatalities.
  • Sustainable Aviation: Eco-Friendly Air Travel.
  • Maritime Pollution: Cleaner Shipping Practices.
  • Electric Vehicles: Infrastructure and Adoption.
  • Public Transportation Accessibility: Inclusive Design.
  • Bicycle-Friendly Cities: Promoting Cycling Infrastructure.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Ethical and Practical Considerations.
  • Urban Planning: Integrating Efficient Transportation Systems.
  • Transportation in Rural Areas: Improving Connectivity.

Cultural and Ethical Dilemmas

  • Cultural Appropriation: Promoting Cultural Sensitivity.
  • Ethical Consumerism: Making Informed Choices.
  • Media Bias: Promoting Objective Reporting.
  • Animal Rights: Ethical Treatment and Welfare.
  • Online Censorship: Balancing Free Speech and Regulations.
  • Genetic Engineering: Ethical Implications and Regulations.
  • Work-Life Balance: Corporate Policies for Better Harmony.
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Ethical Considerations.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Addressing Ethical Concerns.
  • Cultural Preservation: Respecting and Protecting Heritage.

Easy Problem Solution Topics For an Essay

Selecting an easy topic for a problem-solving essay is a strategic process that can significantly streamline your writing phase. Which topic is specific enough for a good problem-and-solution essay? To identify such a topic, begin by reflecting on common challenges faced in everyday life, whether they pertain to personal, community, or global issues. An easy topic often lies in an area where you have personal experience or interest, as this familiarity can provide a wealth of insights and ready solutions. Additionally, consider issues with widespread impact yet are manageable in scope, ensuring that your essay can propose realistic and achievable solutions. Researching current events and trends can also unveil relevant and engaging topics, yet not overly complex, making them ideal candidates for a concise and focused essay. Here are 20 easy problem and solution topics:

  • Reducing Stress in College: Time Management Strategies.
  • Healthy Eating on a Budget: Accessible Nutrition.
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Effective Techniques.
  • Managing Social Media Use: Finding a Healthy Balance.
  • Improving Sleep Quality: Strategies for Better Rest.
  • Balancing School and Work: Time Management Tips.
  • Reducing Screen Time: Encouraging Outdoor Activities.
  • Dealing with Bullying in Schools: Prevention and Intervention.
  • Encouraging Physical Activity: Community Fitness Programs.
  • Improving Reading Habits: Encouraging Literary Engagement.
  • Enhancing Community Safety: Neighborhood Watch Programs.
  • Reducing Littering: Effective Waste Management.
  • Coping with Anxiety: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques.
  • Promoting Environmental Awareness: Educational Campaigns.
  • Addressing Teen Smoking: Prevention and Education.
  • Encouraging Volunteerism: Community Involvement Programs.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Lifestyle Changes.
  • Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: Confidence Building.
  • Enhancing Road Safety: Awareness and Enforcement.
  • Promoting Cultural Understanding: Exchange Programs.

By aligning your selection with areas of personal insight or concern, you ease the research and writing process and infuse your essay with authenticity and enthusiasm.

Closing Note

In conclusion, problems and solutions examples offer a platform to address a plethora of issues, ranging from personal challenges to global concerns. The problem-solution paper topics listed in this article provide diverse issues to explore, offering opportunities for critical thinking and solution-focused writing. Whether you choose a complex global issue or a simpler, more relatable topic, the key is to present a well-researched problem and propose feasible and effective solutions. It is a problem-solving solution essay topic guide for college students guide. Thus, young people develop their writing skills through these essays and contribute their voices to ongoing discussions about important matters. Remember, every problem has a solution, and your essay could be the first step toward finding it.

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problem solution essay topics for 6th grade

The Simple Homeschooler

35 Thought-Provoking Persuasive Writing Prompts For 6th Graders

Persuasive Writing Prompts 6th Graders Pin

Looking for a solid persuasive essay topic for your 6th grader?

The below post contains tons of great ideas that will get your 6th-grade students thinking, researching, debating, and writing!

I’m not talking about simple opinion writing topics – like their favorite food, favorite book, or how much money they should get for an allowance.

That is the the thing that my 3rd grade student would delight in arguing. 

No, sixth graders are ready for more meaty topics that require a bit of research and thought. The more they dig into the topic and refine their point of view, the more they will sharpen their critical thinking and writing skills!

Don’t miss the free pdf printable at the bottom of this page with all of the ideas in one place!

Persuasive Writing Prompts For The 6th Grade Student

boxing gloves facing each other showing oppostie opinions

1. Is a dress code ever necessary?

In this prompt, students will be asked to take a stance on whether or not they think there is ever a time to enforce a dress code. Are there times when someone should be told how to dress? Such as a school dress code or wedding? Or should people be allowed to dress in any way that expresses themselves or their personality? 

2. Should recycling be mandatory instead of suggested?

Students will be asked to consider whether the government should be more aggressive about recycling. They will  be working with the concepts of the benefits of recycling vs. the freedoms of people.

3. Should  vending machines ban junk food?

6th grade students will be asked to argue for or against the ban of junk food in vending machines. Vending machines are often used by people who are hungry and in a hurry. The vending options are usually less than healthy. Should vending machine owners be required to provide better choices? Or should they be allowed to stock their machines as they see fit?

4. Is it okay to keep exotic animals as pets?

This persuasive topic will have students take a stance on whether or not it is a good idea to keep exotic animals as pets. They will need to consider the benefits and drawbacks of keeping exotic pets and present a strong argument for their position. Make sure the student has a good understanding of the topic and the different types and sizes of animals that some people keep as pets.

5. Should the federal government impose a tax on sugary drinks?

In this prompt, students will be asked to argue for or against a government tax on sugary drinks – similar to the tax on cigarettes. They will need to consider the potential benefits of such a tax. What would the tax money be spent on? Or should people be free to drink any kind of beverage they wish, no matter how healthy or unhealthy? 

6. Should life skills be a greater focus for education?

In this prompt, students will be asked to take a stance on what should be taught in school. Should the schools be doubling down on the basics of reading, writing, and math since test scores have dipped? Or should schools start allotting more time for important life skills, like time management, personal finance, and cooking, which are things many young adults struggle with.

7. Should there be age limits to use social media? 

Students will list specific reasons why there should or should not be age restrictions for facebook pages and other forms of social media.

8. Is it important to save endangered species?

Students will be asked argue why enndangered animals should or should not be protected. They may be quick to make up their mind, but make sure they do research and find factual reasons that support their opinions.

9. Should video games be considered a sport?

Even though video games do not require the physical activity of traditional sports, does it still require focus, skill, and grit that would make it a modern sport? Or should that title only be awarded to an activity that requires you to sweat?

10. Should there be a ban on plastic bags?

Everyone knows plastic bags are bad for the environment, but should they be banned? What would the alternative be? 

11. Is it necessary to have physical books anymore?

In the age of digital everything, are paper books still necessary? College students are already buying digital books instead of expensive physical ones. What benefits would come from doing away with paper books? What drawbacks would there be for those without a computer or solid internet?

12. Is it important to teach physical education in schools?

What is the goal of physical education? Does it have a place in the academic environment of education? Should those things be taught at home or on a sports team instead of during school hours? Shouldn’t physical activity be optional? Or is PE a vital piece of knowledge for a well-rounded education?

13. Should zoos be banned?

Do zoos raise money and awareness for animal conservation…or do they imprison animals for a lifetime that should be free and in the wild?

14. Should recess be scheduled for all kids in school? Even high school students?

What are the benefits of taking an outside break with fresh air for students? Are other subjects too important to sacrifice the time? Could older students be more productive with some sunshine and fresh air during the day?

15. If a student has good grades all school year, should they still have to take standardized tests?

If a student has shown that they are learning and progressing academically, should they have to take a long standardized test? Are there other reasons to take these tests? 

16. Is hunting cruel to animals?

Most people buy their meat at grocery stores these days, so is there really any reason to still hunt animals? Does harvesting animals keep humans safe? Or does it make sport of animal lives?

17. Should gas powered cars be outlawed?

Fossil fuels are wreaking havoc on the planet, so should gasoline powered vehicles become illegal? Are electric cars a better option? Do electric cars have any drawbacks? 

18. Is a rewards program or discipline more effective to motivate students?

What incentivizes kids to dive into their work, when maybe they don’t want to? Is it a really strong rewards program that will motivate them to finish a difficult task? Or fear of a consequence if they don’t complete their work?

19. Should the United States require military service for men and women, like other countries do?

Many countries require their population to do some form of federal service. America has a draft registration for men, but not for women. Should both genders be required to serve our country? Would it strengthen our nation and our people to have a common experience with service? Or is it unfair to require people to pause their lives for 2 years during the prime of their youth?

20. Should healthcare be free for everybody?

Is it a human right to get healthcare for free? If the patient doesn’t pay, then who should pay for the treatment? What benefits and/or consequences could come from reshaping our healthcare system?

21. Should candy purchases be limited based on how many cavities you have?

Dental health is very serious. Should a kid’s candy be rationed based on their dental records? The more cavities, the less candy you can have – and vice versa?

22. Is it appropriate to let kids work at younger ages, like 10 or 12, if they can do the job?

Many kids today have a strong desire to work, make money, and be successful. We have child labor laws in place to protect kids, but could that be holding them back? If they can do a job, should they be allowed to be hired? Or would that be robbing a kid of their right to a carefree childhood?

23. Should foreign language be required in school or should it be one of the elective courses?

English is spoken nearly worldwide, as it is taught in many countries around the world. What benefits come from learning another language? Should students be able to choose another elective if they don’t want to learn a new language? Or should American children try harder to be multilingual?

24. Should students be allowed to use their cell phones during tests?

You cannot get away from cell phones these days. Even small children have them! They will be a readily available resource in most work places, so shouldn’t they be allowed during tests? Or are memorization and internalization of information important skills for students to learn?

25. Should plastic water bottles be banned?

Plastic water bottles are a huge problem in our environment. Should we outlaw them to help the Earth? What kind of things are one-use water bottles used for that might be important? 

26. Is it more important to continue exploration of space or the ocean?

Many wonderful advancements and knowledge have come from space exploration, but we know precious little about our ocean which covers 2/3 of the planet. Should governments be investing money into finding what lies beneath the surface instead of what’s above our heads?

27. Should reading an analog clock still be taught in school?

Digital clocks are everywhere – on your phone, stove, microwave, computer, cable box. Do you really need to learn how an analog clock works anymore? Are there times that digital clocks may not be available? Or are they becoming as archaic as a sundial?

28. Is learning  proper handwriting or fast typing more important in today’s world?

Many have stopped learning cursive handwriting, so should schools also stop focusing so much on print handwriting? Should kids be spending that time learning how to type on a keyboard instead? 

29. Should the voting age be lowered so elementary school students can vote?

Kids today are developing opinions and beliefs at younger ages and want to be heard. Should we lower the voting age so that children can make more of a difference? Or are most children not quite ready to handle the responsibility of voting?

30. Should AI be allowed in writing school papers if calculators are allowed in math?

Many teachers are concerned about how to tell the difference between an AI-written essay and one written by a student. Should that be a concern? If math allows calculators, can’t English classes allow help from another form of artificial intelligence? What drawback could come from not expecting kids to write their own essays?

31. Are cell phones good or bad for your health?

Cell phones are common around the world now, but are they good for us? How do they benefit our health? How might they hurt our overall health?

32. Should bees become a protected species?

Many scientists have expressed concern about the dwindling number of bees. Should these important pollinators become a protected species like the bald eagle? Or is it unreasonable to expect a person not to kill a bee that is buzzing around them?

33. Is it ever appropriate to ban a book?

Many heated discussions have come up recently about banning books. Is there ever a time that certain books should be kept from kids – like an R rating on a movie? Or should kids be allowed to read whatever they are interested in? Should offensive content be censored or should it be learned from?

34. Should community service be required for kids, middle schoolers and up?

What good could come of requiring community service from children? Or should people only serve because they genuinely want to help their community?

35. Is reading or math more important in today’s world?

Which is a more crucial skill to master? Should kids be focused on reading at the highest levels? Or should they be focused on learning the language of math at the highest levels?

Click Here To Download A One Page PDF Printable Of All The Argumentative Essay Topics

persuasive essay topic pdf image

The above text link will take you to a new window where you can download and print the topics today. No email required! Terms of Use : Homeschool, classroom, co-op, and personal use only.

These essay topics will go along with any persuasive writing unit in your  writing curriculum ! Let your student go through the list and find the one that really gets them excited.

If you’re looking for more fun writing prompts, be sure to check out the picture writing prompts below. There are 40 images with corresponding text that will get your kid excited to write!

Picture Writing Prompts for Kids Pin

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  • 29 Writing Problem-Solution Essays

Writing Problem-Solution Essays

Start-Up Activity

Point out that solving problems is how we make advances and improvements in life. Problems might be small, such as the need to fix a broken-down fence in our neighborhood. Problems can also be big, like the rapid loss of forests throughout our world.

Analyzing a problem helps us solve it. First, we look at the factors that cause the problem. Then we look at the effects that result from the problem. A solution might remove some of the problems or some of the effects.

Problem-solution writing can help students think their way through problems and come up with ways to solve them. It helps turn students into critical thinkers and problem solvers, making life better for everyone.

Think About It

“The golden rule of writing is to write about what you care about. If you care about your writing, you’ll do your best writing, and then you stand the best chance of really touching a reader in some way.”

—Jerry Spinelli

State Standards Covered in This Chapter


LAFS Covered in This Chapter

Lafs.4.ri.1.1, lafs.4.ri.1.2, lafs.4.ri.2.5, lafs.4.w.1.1, lafs.4.w.2.4, lafs.5.ri.1.1, lafs.5.ri.1.2, lafs.5.ri.2.5, lafs.5.w.1.1, lafs.5.w.2.4, lafs.5.w.4.10, lafs.4.w.2.5, lafs.5.w.2.5, teks covered in this chapter, 110.6.b.9.d, 110.6.b.9.d.i, 110.6.b.9.d.iii, 110.6.b.12.c, 110.6.b.11.b, 110.6.b.11.a, 110.6.b.11.b.i, 110.6.b.11.b.ii, 110.7.b.9.d, 110.7.b.7.d, 110.7.b.9.d.iii, 110.7.b.11.a, 110.7.b.11.b, 110.7.b.12.c, 110.7.b.11.b.i, 110.6.b.11.c, 110.6.b.11.d, 110.7.b.11.c, 110.7.b.11.d, page 210 from writers express, sample problem-solution essay.

Ask for student volunteers to read each paragraph of the problem-solution essay on this page and the one that follows. Then review the features that are called out in the side notes.

Point out the problem (underlined) as well as each topic sentence that addresses a different part of the problem and proposes a solution.

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Page 211 from Writers Express

Sample Problem-Solution Essay (Continued)

Solving Problems Critically and Creatively

Help students improve problem solving.

problem solution essay topics for 6th grade

Page 212 from Writers Express

Writing a problem-solution essay.

Use the strategy at the top of the page to help your students list problems. Then use the problem-solution strategy at the bottom of the page to help students analyze the problem.

You could also use the cause-effect minilesson to help students analyze the causes and effects of the problem. Afterward, your students can devise solutions by getting rid of some of the causes, some of the effects, or both.

Analyzing with a Cause-Effect Chart

Analyze causes and effects of any topic.

Chemcial Cause Effect

Page 213 from Writers Express

Prewriting: organizing your ideas.

Use the listing strategy on this page to help students gather and organize the ideas for their problem-solution essays. The organized list shows one pattern, focusing on major causes and the people who can help solve the problem. At the bottom of the page, you'll find another way to organize details. Have your students choose a pattern that best fits their ideas.

Page 214 from Writers Express

Writing, revising, and editing.

Use this page to help your students fashion effective beginnings, middles, and endings for their writing. Point out the transition words that they can use to connect ideas using order of importance. You can also have them do the minilesson for other transition ideas.

Download and distribute the problem-solution revising and editing checklist to help students check the quality of their text. You also might have peer reviewers complete a peer response sheet, as shown in the minilesson.


Using Transitions to Add Information and Emphasis

Help students add information and emphasis.

a line of apples transition from unfocused to focused

Using a Peer Response Sheet

Teach students to write peer responses.

Response Sheet Example

  • 01 A Basic Writing Guide
  • 02 Understanding the Writing Process
  • 03 One Writer's Process
  • 04 Qualities of Writing
  • 05 Selecting and Collecting
  • 06 Focusing and Organizing
  • 07 Writing and Revising
  • 09 Publishing
  • 10 Writing Basic Sentences
  • 11 Combining Sentences
  • 12 Writing Paragraphs
  • 13 Understanding Writing Terms and Techniques
  • 14 Understanding Text Structures
  • 15 Writing in Journals
  • 16 Using Learning Logs
  • 17 Writing Emails and Blogs
  • 18 Writing Personal Narratives
  • 19 Writing Fantasies
  • 20 Writing Realistic Stories
  • 21 Writing Stories from History
  • 22 Responding to Narrative Prompts
  • 23 Writing Explanatory Essays
  • 24 Writing Process Essays
  • 25 Writing Comparison-Contrast Essays
  • 26 Responding to Explanatory Prompts
  • 27 Writing Persuasive Essays
  • 28 Writing Persuasive Letters
  • 30 Responding to Persuasive Prompts
  • 31 Writing Book Reviews
  • 32 Writing About Literature
  • 33 Responding to Literature Prompts
  • 34 Writing Reports
  • 35 Writing Research Reports
  • 36 Writing Summaries
  • 37 Writing Plays
  • 38 Writing Poems
  • 39 Communicating Online
  • 40 Researching Online
  • 41 Staying Safe Online
  • 42 Reading Strategies for Fiction
  • 43 Reading Strategies for Nonfiction
  • 44 Reading Graphics
  • 45 Building Vocabulary Skills
  • 46 Becoming a Better Speller
  • 47 Giving Speeches
  • 48 Improving Viewing Skills
  • 49 Improving Listening Skills
  • 50 Using Graphic Organizers
  • 51 Thinking and Writing
  • 52 Thinking Clearly
  • 53 Thinking Creatively
  • 54 Completing Assignments
  • 55 Working in Groups
  • 56 Taking Tests
  • 57 Taking Good Notes
  • 58 Marking Punctuation
  • 59 Editing for Mechanics
  • 60 Check Your Spelling
  • 61 Using the Right Word
  • 62 Understanding Sentences
  • 63 Understanding Our Language

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by Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.  

28 Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School

October 12, 2014 in  Pedagogy

Expository Writing Prompts Middle School

The ability to provide information in different contexts is essential to effective communication. Students must practice expository writing throughout their academic careers. The sooner they start, the better. Below are some descriptive, sequential, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and problem/solution writing prompts to help you give your students the practice they need.


  • Write an essay describing your school to a potentially new student.
  • Write an essay describing the appeal of reality TV shows.
  • Write an essay describing a rainy night.
  • Write an essay describing your first pet.
  • Write an essay describing your first memory.
  • It’s Christmas morning and there is a package under the tree containing exactly what you requested. Describe the contents of your package..
  • Write an essay describing how you feel when you wake up and discover snow on the ground outside — and school has been cancelled.
  • Writing an essay explaining the process you use to style your hair in the morning.
  • You have invited your two best friends to spend the afternoon at your home. Write an essay telling how your prepare for their visit.
  • Everyone has lost something at one time or another. Write an essay telling what you did to find what you had lost.
  • Describe how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • Tell how you wash your hair.
  • Describe the plot of your favorite book.

Compare and Contrast

  • Write an essay comparing and contrasting ownership of cats and dogs.
  • Compare and contrast this year in school to last year.
  • Compare and contrast your two favorite characters.
  • Compare and contrast your family’s home and the home of your dreams.
  • Compare and contrast a typical day in your life today and what you think a typical day in your life will be like when you are 25.
  • Compare and contrast your two favorite teachers.

Cause and Effect

  • Write an essay telling how peer pressure has affected you this year.
  • Write an essay explaining what causes students to drop out of high school.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of bullying in schools.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of poverty in rural (urban) areas.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of drug or alcohol use on families.


  • Most students do not read or watch news, resulting in a lack of knowledge about the world outside of their immediate neighborhood. Write an essay describing why this is a problem and telling how this problem might be solved.
  • Think about the community in which you live. What could you do to make it a better place? Choose one problem that needs to be solved to make your community a better place to live. Write a letter to the editor describing how solving this problem would make your community a better place, and tell what you would do. Give reasons why you think your plan would work.
  • Think about what you could do to make your school more beautiful. Think about how you would do this. How could you persuade the people in your school that your idea is a good one? Write a letter to the principal of your school asking for support for your plan for making your school more beautiful. Tell what you would do and how you would do it. Explain why you think your plan is important and why it would work.
  • Think about animal abuse. Some people abuse animals by being intentionally cruel to them or neglecting their basic needs; others abuse animals out of ignorance. Think about what could be done to prevent both kinds of animal abuse. Write a letter to leaders in your community describing how you would solve this problem, and how treating animals better would improve the lives of animals and people. Explain why you think your plan will work.

Related topics: Informative Writing , Quickwriting

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About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

  • Pingback: Writing in the Middle School-Thoughts and Ideas | Teachers Pondering

the prompt should be harder,and including a think about and quote.

Thank you very much for your input, Amelia!

this info is very helpful and all but right now at school (i am in middle school) i have to write an expisitory essay on any topic i am really having trouble finding a topic but it has to be something u can argue like for example: football: people think it is a dangerous sport but the rules have changed more saftey… yeah stuff like that something u can argue ur opinion and so far i have nothing i was really hoping this would help but no but thx anyways i am gonna go to another website but in the future this could really help thx!!!!

But it makes your teacher happy to know what your input is for example what your input is about bullying and drugs.

Thank you so much for this. I need to give my 8th-grader, reluctant writer, some options for what he writes as practice on spring break. This is a great list. I added one about describing the appeal of the YouTube videos he watches, and another about the cause-and-effect of DOnald Trump’s candidacy, since my son is very interested in Trump.

Thank you this helped a lot when I didn’t know what to write for my essay.

I really like this website because i like writing essays for practice and these are a little difficult but It is good for it to be a little diffcult because it is more challenging.

These are great! I will be using these suggestions with my 6th graders! I love expository writing!!!! 🙂

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50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays

Sixth grade marks a big transition in students’ lives. They’re no longer little kids, but they’re not quite teens either–that’s what middle school is all about. To help your students bridge this transition with ease, it’s important to give them plenty of opportunities to practice their writing skills since they’ll be doing a lot of writing in high school and beyond.

Over and above that, writing can be the perfect way for kids to express themselves and explore the world around them. That will only happen if you give them the space to do so, though, so here are 50 engaging 6th-grade writing prompts to help your students get their creative juices flowing.

Narrative Writing Prompts

notepad and pen image

Narrative writing revolves around telling a story with a plot that has rising action, a climax, and a resolution. These narrative writing prompts will give your 6th-grade students plenty to think about–and write about.

Story Starters

teenage girl writing and using a laptop

Students will often struggle with where to start their stories. These story starters will help them get past that initial hurdle by giving them some ideas to get their narratives going.

1. I had the biggest fight with my best friend yesterday. It all started when…

2. My first trip to the beach wasn’t what I expected. I thought it would be…

3. I’ll never forget the time when I was lost in the city. It was…

4. I had the biggest surprise of my life when…

5. My family went on the craziest road trip last summer. We started out by…

As you guide your students through their writing journey, make sure to encourage them to be creative and have fun with it – but still have them include the essential elements of a story, like rising action, a climax, and a resolution, so that their stories are well-rounded and engaging.

Personal Narrative Prompts

boy giving gift to a girl classmate

Personal narratives are all about giving students the opportunity to tell their own stories in descriptive ways. Here are writing prompts to get them started.

6. What’s the best (or worst) birthday you’ve ever had? Why was it so great (or terrible)?

7. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? What made you do it?

8. Think about your future self–where do you see yourself in 1 year? Write about it.

9. Think about the best day you’ve ever had. What made it so special?

10. Describe a time when the weather was really extreme. Describe it.

Reflective Writing Prompts

girl thinking of bright ideas

Reflective writing is a lot like journaling–it gives students the opportunity to process their thoughts and feelings on a given topic. These reflective writing prompts/journal prompts will encourage thoughtful reflection in your students while giving them some fun.

11. Make a list of your favorite things about yourself.

12. Take a walk in nature and describe what you see. What emotions does it evoke in you?

13. Describe your sports or extracurricular activities. What have you learned from them all?

14. Make a list of all the emotions you experience throughout the day.

15. Make a record of your daily objectives. Consider which one was the most simple to accomplish.

Journal prompts are usually effective because they make you think about a certain topic in a different, more introspective way, and so students should be encouraged to approach these writing prompts with open minds and hearts.

Informational Writing Prompts

students writing essays in school class

Informational writing is an essential skill for middle-schoolers, especially as they head into high school and college, where they’ll be expected to write long-form essays rather than fiction. These informational writing prompts will give your students plenty of practice with this type of writing.

Expository Prompts

two students talking and laughing

Expository writing is a type of nonfiction writing that requires students to investigate an idea, assess evidence, expand on the idea, and present an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. These prompts will help your students hone their expository writing skills.

16. Compare and contrast two of your friends.

17. Choose a challenge at your school. What’s the ideal solution for it?

18. Discuss a problem in a movie you enjoy. What was the outcome of the situation?

19. What was the cause of a recent argument you had? What was the effect?

20. Find an interesting story/narrative in your local newspaper and tell it in your own words.

Research Prompts

students writing in front of a laptop

Next, research writing prompts will help students practice their research skills by investigating a given topic and finding credible sources to support their claims. These research writing prompts will allow your students to conduct investigative research and write about what they’ve found in detail.

21. How long can fish survive without water?

22. What animals are on the verge of extinction?

23. What’s the history of your favorite sport, and how did it develop?

24. What are people’s civil rights, and who has fought for them?

25. Explore your dream career. What skills would you need to succeed in it?

This may be a good time to introduce your students they could use to reference their information and give credit where it’s due. Inform them that not all sources are created equal, and brainstorm some tips for evaluating the credibility of a website.

Procedural Prompts

girl studying at home with headphone and laptop

As their name suggests, procedural writing prompts provide students with the opportunity to write clear and concise instructions on a given topic. These prompts will help your sixth graders learn the essentials of procedural writing.

26. Make a user guide for anything you use frequently (e.g., your computer, smartphone, video game console).

27. Write a set of instructions for cleaning your room.

28. Teach a younger reader how to do homework without wasting time.

29. What’s the quickest way for you to go to the library if you’re in your classroom now?

30. Describe the steps involved in tying a shoe.

Argument Writing Prompts

students writing classroom activity

The next type of writing prompt is argument writing. Argumentative writing is a type of nonfiction writing that requires students to investigate a topic, collect evidence, and assess their findings to defend a point of view while also considering the perspectives of others.

These argumentative writing prompts will give your young writers practice with this type of persuasive writing.

Argumentative Essay Prompts

teacher helping students in class

The most common type of essay prompt on standardized tests is the argumentative essay question since it’s intellectually challenging. In these questions, students will be given a prompt and they’ll be asked to take a position on an issue or topic.

They’ll then need to provide satisfactory evidence from their research to support their position. Here are some prompts to get them started.

31. Should school uniforms be required in all schools?

32. Is it ever okay to break the law?

33. Do you think people should be required to vote? Why or why not?

34. Is Monday through Friday the best school schedule?

35. Is it important to learn science?

Persuasive Prompts

teacher and students in a class discussion

Emotional appeals can be a powerful tool in persuasive writing. In these prompts, students will need to use their powers of persuasion and other rhetorical strategies to convince their readers to see their point of view. Here are persuasive prompts to put your students’ powers of persuasion to the test.

36. Make a case for or against year-round schooling.

37. Should there be a limit on the amount of homework students can receive?

38. Persuade your parents to let you choose your own bedtime.

39. What’s the best way to deal with bullies in schools?

40. Who’s the greatest sports athlete of all time?

Poetry Prompts

poetry text word image

Poetry prompts are a great way to get your students to write creatively. These prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write poems that are both beautiful and moving. Whether in free verse or strict meter, your students will be sure to impress you with their poetic prowess.

41. Write about how you’re feeling right now in a  haiku .

42. Create a poem in memory of a book, TV, or film character who has died.

43. Choose an onomatopoeia and use it five times in a poem.

44. Consider a metaphor for the current school year and create a poem about it.

45. Write a friendship poem in which every line includes a  rhyme for “friend.”

Creative Writing Prompts

student with notebook and laptop picture

Last but not least, creative writing is all about using imagination to create a piece of writing that’s unlike anything else. This creative writing prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write some truly unique pieces revolving around self-expression.

46. If I could have any superpower, it would be…

47. Write about a day in the life of your favorite cartoon character.

48. If you could be a historical figure for a day, who would you choose to be?

49. Write a family story from the perspective of your pet.

50. Invent a new holiday and describe how it’s celebrated.

Jump In : Better prepare your 6th graders for this activity by improving their reading comprehension first! Proceed to read my list of fun comprehension exercises here —  11 Fun 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Activities (& Games) .

Dust Off Those Pencils and Get Ready to Write! 

While many students lose motivation as their first middle school year goes on, these 50 6th grade writing prompts will help keep them excited about writing all year long. With tons of different genres and modes of writing to choose from, there’s something here for everyone! So get those pencils sharpened and those minds thinking—it’s time to start writing!

Last Updated on July 24, 2022 by Emily

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Emily is an active mother of two and a dedicated elementary school teacher. She believes the latest technology has made a huge impact on the quality of early learning and has worked hard to upgrade her classroom and her own children’s learning experience through technology.

Follow her on Twitter , Pinterest , and Instagram for more teaching fun!

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  • ELA 2019 G6:M2:U3:L7

Plan a Problem-Solution Essay: Research

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Focus Standards:  These are the standards the instruction addresses.

  • RI.6.1, RI.6.7, W.6.2, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.8, SL.6.1, SL.6.2

Supporting Standards:  These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.

  • W.6.9b, W.6.10, L.6.6
  • I can plan a problem-solution essay about my research. (W.6.2)
  • I can give kind, helpful, and specific feedback to my partner. (SL.6.1)
  • Work Time A: Problem-Solution Writing Planner: Research (RI.6.1, RI.6.7, W.6.2, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.8, W.6.9b, SL.6.2, L.6.6)
  • Determine strategic groupings for the peer critique in Closing and Assessment A. As students will have likely developed a rapport from working with their writing partners during the first half of this unit, consider reuniting collaborative writing partners for this activity.
  • Review the student tasks and example answers to get familiar with what students will be required to do in the lesson (see Materials list).
  • Prepare copies of handouts for students, including the entrance ticket (see Materials list).
  • Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).

Tech and Multimedia

  • Work Time A: Students who struggle to remain focused may benefit from breaking up the planning time into smaller chunks. Use an online timer set to smaller increments, perhaps 5 minutes, and give students one discrete task to focus on during that 5 minute interval (e.g., filling in just the Introduction section of the writing planner).
  • Work Time A: Students may prefer to type their responses for the Problem-Solution Writing Planner: Research. Provide devices with word-processing software, if available.

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 6.I.A.1, 6.I.A.4, 6.I.B.6, 6.I.B.7, 6.I.C.10, 6.I.C.11, 6.I.C.12, 6.II.A.1, 6.II.A.2, 6.II.B.5, 6.II.C.6, and 6.II.C.7.

Important Points in the Lesson Itself

  • To support ELLs, this lesson provides ample time for students to apply the learning of previous lessons to the planning of their independent problem-solution essays, which will they write during the mid-unit assessment of the following lessons. An entrance ticket during Opening A improves metacognition by inviting students to reflect on specific strategies they use to stay productive and avoid distraction. A peer critique in Closing and Assessment A gives students the opportunity to identify and remedy potential issues in the planning of their papers.
  • ELLs may find it challenging to complete the Problem-Solution Writing Planner: Research in the allotted time, especially if they have little experience or confidence planning or producing papers independently. Work with students to develop a timeline that can keep them moving through their planners at an appropriate pace. Encourage students to think about which sections of the collaborative essay were the most challenging or time-consuming for them and encourage them to allocate the most time to these sections.
  • Academic word wall (one to display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Opening A)
  • Domain-specific word wall (one to display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Opening A)
  • Work to Contribute to a Better World anchor chart (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 3, Lesson 8, Closing and Assessment A)
  • Directions for Peer Critique (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 2, Lesson 14, Work Time B)
  • Peer Critique Protocol anchor chart (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 2, Lesson 14, Work Time B)
  • Model Design Solution: "Bridges to Prosperity" note-catcher (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 2, Lesson 6, Work Time A)
  • Model Problem-Solution Writing Planner: "Bridges to Prosperity" (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 2, Work Time A)
  • Model Problem-Solution Essay: "Bridges to Prosperity" (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 1, Work Time A)
  • Design Solution: Research note-catcher (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 2, Lesson 6, Work Time A)
  • Informative Writing checklist (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 1, Closing and Assessment A)
  • Independent reading journal (one per student; begun in Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 6, Work Time B)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 7 (example for teacher reference)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 7 (one per student)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 7 ▲
  • Problem-Solution Writing Planner: Research (one per student)
  • Sticky notes (two per student)

Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.

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116 Problem Solving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Problem-solving essays are a type of essay that requires students to analyze a specific problem and propose solutions to it. These essays are often assigned in various academic disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, economics, and business. To help students get started on their problem-solving essays, we have compiled a list of 116 problem-solving essay topic ideas and examples.

  • The impact of social media on mental health and how to address it
  • Strategies to reduce plastic waste in the environment
  • Addressing food insecurity in low-income communities
  • The rise of opioid addiction and potential solutions
  • Improving access to affordable healthcare for all
  • Addressing the gender pay gap in the workplace
  • Strategies to reduce gun violence in the United States
  • Tackling the issue of homelessness in urban areas
  • How to improve education systems in developing countries
  • Addressing the issue of police brutality and racial profiling
  • Strategies to combat climate change and global warming
  • Improving mental health services for veterans
  • Addressing the issue of cyberbullying in schools
  • Tackling the problem of human trafficking
  • Strategies to reduce income inequality in society
  • Improving access to clean drinking water in developing countries
  • Addressing the issue of child labor in developing countries
  • Strategies to reduce teenage pregnancy rates
  • Tackling the issue of domestic violence
  • Improving access to affordable housing for all
  • Addressing the issue of animal cruelty
  • Strategies to reduce drug addiction and substance abuse
  • Tackling the problem of youth unemployment
  • Improving access to mental health services for all
  • Addressing the issue of police corruption
  • Strategies to reduce racial discrimination in society
  • Tackling the problem of elder abuse
  • Improving access to education for all children
  • Addressing the issue of gender inequality in the workplace
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity
  • Tackling the problem of human rights violations
  • Improving access to affordable childcare services
  • Addressing the issue of income inequality in the United States
  • Strategies to reduce gang violence in urban areas
  • Tackling the problem of political corruption
  • Improving access to affordable transportation options
  • Addressing the issue of workplace discrimination
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of sexual harassment
  • Tackling the problem of food deserts in low-income communities
  • Improving access to quality healthcare for all individuals
  • Addressing the issue of cybercrime
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of drug trafficking
  • Tackling the problem of environmental pollution
  • Improving access to mental health services for marginalized communities
  • Addressing the issue of income inequality in developing countries
  • Strategies to reduce gang recruitment among youth
  • Tackling the problem of voter suppression
  • Improving access to affordable higher education options
  • Addressing the issue of workplace safety
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of child abuse
  • Tackling the problem of income inequality in rural areas
  • Improving access to affordable childcare options for working parents
  • Addressing the issue of police brutality against minorities
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of human trafficking in vulnerable communities
  • Tackling the problem of gender-based violence
  • Improving access to mental health services for LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Addressing the issue of income inequality among immigrant populations
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of drug addiction in marginalized communities
  • Tackling the problem of environmental degradation in urban areas
  • Improving access to affordable housing options for low-income families
  • Addressing the issue of workplace discrimination against individuals with disabilities
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of elder abuse in nursing homes
  • Tackling the problem of income inequality among minority populations
  • Improving access to mental health services for individuals living in poverty
  • Addressing the issue of police brutality against individuals with mental illnesses
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of child labor in developing countries
  • Tackling the problem of gender-based violence in refugee camps
  • Improving access to affordable healthcare options for individuals with chronic illnesses
  • Addressing the issue of income inequality among indigenous populations
  • Strategies to reduce the prevalence of drug addiction among homeless individuals
  • Tackling the problem of environmental pollution in developing countries
  • Improving access to mental health services for individuals living in war-torn regions
  • Addressing the issue of workplace discrimination against individuals with mental illnesses

In conclusion, problem-solving essays are an important tool for students to develop critical thinking skills and propose solutions to complex issues. By choosing one of the topics listed above, students can explore a variety of social, economic, and environmental problems and develop creative solutions to address them. With practice and perseverance, students can become proficient problem solvers and make a positive impact on their communities and the world.

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A List of 339 Problem Solution Essay Topics & Questions

A problem solution essay is a type of persuasive essay. It’s a piece of writing that presents a particular problem and provides different options for solving it. It is commonly used for subject exams or IELTS writing tasks.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to write this type of essay. We will also provide ideas of good problem and solution essay topics to ease students’ writing process. But first: check out our custom writing service in case you need academic assistance!

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics

✅ How to Write a Problem Solution Essay

⭐ top 10 problem and solution essay topics for 2024.

  • 🧑🤝🧑 Topics about Society
  • 🏫 Topics on Education
  • 💵 Business & Finance Topics
  • 🍎 Health & Psychology Topics
  • 🌎 Environment Topics
  • 🐶 Topics about Animals
  • 🔬 Science & Technology Topics
  • 🏠 Local Problem Solution Topics
  • 😄 Funny & Easy Topics
  • 🤔 Other Problem Solution Topics

🔍 References

🔝 top 10 problem solution essay topics.

  • The best way to improve logistics
  • How to prevent drunk driving
  • How can we prevent stroke?
  • Ways to promote independent music
  • How to prevent teen pregnancy
  • Can schools help with childhood obesity?
  • Ways to teach children financial literacy
  • What can we do to stop human trafficking?
  • Can teaching self-defense reduce violence?
  • Building dams to fight the flooding problem

When starting to write an essay, think about a problem in the community that needs to be resolved. Sometimes, you will get a ready topic, like at an IELTS exam.

The topics might vary, but the outline of an essay will remain the same. First, write a list of actions that can help to solve the problem. Then, pick the three that you like best and evaluate them.

Once you get your solutions, start writing.

Any essay, whether it’s for high school or college, should be well-structured. Problem solution essays consist of two paragraphs: problem description and solution . The first section is generally divided into several parts:

  • Introduction. Provide the definition of the problem, some general background, and thesis statement with possible solutions.
  • Situation. Give clear examples on the issue so that readers can understand it better.
  • Problem. Describe the issue and its effect on people.

In the solution section, you need to identify several potential solutions and evaluate their effectiveness. It should include:

  • Two or more possible solutions .
  • Evaluation and critical assessment of the solutions.
  • Conclusion with a summary of the main points of the text.

Now, you have a general idea about the writing process. To help facilitate your writing, take a look at the topic ideas below.

  • Is group therapy effective against BPD?
  • Can smart fridges prevent binge eating?
  • Can having remote workers decrease costs?
  • Sustainable homes as a way to save energy
  • How nature reserves prevent wildlife extinction
  • Reducing education costs with online education
  • Is gun control a way to stop mass shootings?
  • Can class discussions help fight youth violence?
  • One-child policy as a way to stop overpopulation
  • Is car sharing effective for decreasing CO2 emissions?

🧑🤝🧑 Problem and Solution Topics about Society

Social issues are problems of every level that influence the members of our society. They may refer to various factors, such as racial inequality or bullying, that affect the well-being of people or the community as a whole. Here are some problem-solving topics that will help you start writing.

  • A part of the world’s population lives in conditions that don’t meet their basic needs. What are the ways to alleviate or prevent poverty ?
  • There were several instances when social media websites were accused of gathering people’s private information. What are the ways to ensure privacy in the digital age?
  • A vast number of girls get pregnant and give birth before the age of 20. What are some ways to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate in your country?
  • Body shaming is one of the biggest problems of today’s society. What are the ways to solve this issue?
  • Despite an increase in public awareness about the adverse effects of racism, the issue persists. How can we eliminate it?
  • Unemployment negatively affects the living conditions of many people. It also facilitates such issues as domestic violence and depression. How can unemployment rates be improved in your country?

John Dewey quote.

  • Education is a fundamental human right, yet many people in some developing countries remain illiterate. How can we solve this issue?
  • Habits such as smoking and overeating negatively affect people’s health. How can we better promote healthy lifestyles ?
  • Victims of domestic violence often develop physical disabilities, chronic health problems, and stress. In what ways can we reduce domestic violence in our society?
  • Inequality in payment, sexual harassment, and difficulty getting promoted are some of the issues women face at workplaces. What can our society do to increase equality?
  • Celebrities often appear to look flawless, which affects people’s body image . How can we promote healthier beauty standards ?
  • When children observe violent behaviors , they become more aggressive. In what ways can we prevent them from witnessing violence?
  • Health care is a major social issue, as many people don’t have access to high-quality services. How can we improve this situation?
  • The ownership of guns increases the chances of unintentional shootings, which can result in casualties. How can gun control policies be improved?
  • The consumption of illegal drugs often leads to overdosing. In what ways can people be persuaded not to do drugs?
  • Drunk driving is the leading cause of vehicle accidents. What is the best way to restrict people from doing it?
  • Human trafficking is a grave problem that affects countries all over the world. How can it be prevented?
  • Women often report being sexually assaulted while in college. What can we do to reduce this problem?
  • Homeless people are more likely to engage in abuse or violent behavior. What can be done to solve the issue?
  • Parental divorce is a traumatic experience for a child. How can its adverse effects be eliminated?

🏫 Problem Solution Essay Topics on Education

The educational system is riddled with issues. You can think of numerous drawbacks that need to be addressed to make education better. Below are several examples of problem solution essay topics that will inspire you to write.

  • In the pandemic environment, many students had to resort to online education , often with questionable quality. What are the ways to make e-learning effective?
  • Many schools fail to provide adequate sex education programs. How can we reduce the stigma around this topic?
  • Numerous students get bad grades due to reasons other than laziness. How can we help struggling learners?
  • For many students, a strict schedule remains a big issue. Should students be offered the possibility of flexibility?
  • Many private and public schools require a strict uniform . Are there ways to express one’s individuality without violating the dress code?
  • A majority of students in schools and colleges admit to cheating . What are the ways to put an end to this behavior?
  • Technology usage in education can be beneficial, as it might improve engagement and individual learning. How can schools become more adaptable to digitalization?
  • Learning a foreign language can help students develop additional mental abilities. Should it be mandatory in all schools?
  • Students often find themselves delaying or postponing tasks. It leads to lower grades and health issues, such as headaches or insomnia . How can we reduce the levels of student procrastination ?
  • Obesity is associated with the leading causes of death in the US. Should the educational system include more physical education classes to build a fitter community?
  • Students with learning disorders may have a feeling of frustration when mastering a subject. In what ways can colleges adapt to their needs?
  • There are many subjects in school, and not all of them are equally useful for everyone. How can we make sure that students are learning what is best for them?
  • Schools often put more funding into science, mathematics, and humanities. Should they also fund physical education (PE)?
  • Gifted education allows talented students to learn more and move ahead at their pace. At the same time, it creates inequality. How can these programs be improved?
  • Disruptive children usually prevent themselves and other students in class from working. What are the ways to deal with these students to make the work effective?
  • The core curriculum for all schools allows all children to be taught all subjects but can be a bit strict. Should all schools have the same curriculum?
  • Students are often provided with college preparation classes that don’t prepare them for work. Should schools focus more on getting students job-ready?
  • Bullying and violence are the major issues at school that affect mental and physical health. What can teachers do to prevent these behaviors at school?
  • The majority of students don’t perform equally well in all subjects. Instead, they excel in certain ones and fail in others. Should learners be allowed to choose their courses?
  • Printed books are not easy to update, as new editions are often costly. Should schools move to digital textbooks ?

💵 Business & Finance Problem Solutions Topics

A significant number of issues can arise while managing a business or creating a startup. It can be related to anything from cybersecurity to marketing strategies. If you are into entrepreneurship, consider choosing a problem solutions topic from the list below.

  • Raising minimum wages might result in the loss of jobs. What are the alternatives?
  • Job dissatisfaction often stems from issues related to wages, career progression, and leadership approach. How can we increase job satisfaction?
  • The high unemployment rate brings an economic loss to the government, as well as causes individual sufferings. What are the possible methods to reduce it?

Suggesting solutions.

  • A large number of startups fail in the first year of functioning. How can governments ensure their sustainability?
  • Low employee productivity can create serious setbacks for businesses. What are the ways to increase productivity?
  • Bad customer service damages the company’s reputation and leads to the loss of clients. What are the steps to fix this issue?
  • The lack of teamwork might result in efficiency and productivity drop. How can we improve team cooperation in the company?
  • Inflation negatively affects people with fixed wages and large amounts of cash savings. How can it be avoided?
  • Carrying a student loan debt and failure to repay one may result in serious financial troubles. How can we solve the problems associated with student credit?
  • The lack of performance monitoring might lead to unintended behaviors within the organization. How can we persuade people to start using a set of performance indicators?
  • A significantly high number of people live from payday to payday, failing to accumulate savings. What is the best way to save money monthly?
  • Bad investments rarely bring any profit. How can people avoid poor investments?
  • Financial crisis can lead to mass job losses and businesses shutting down. How can we overcome recessions effectively?
  • The biggest challenge for small businesses during a pandemic is staying open and making a profit. How can governments support small businesses in case of another epidemic?
  • Poor marketing might result in financial problems and low customer volumes. How can you improve an average marketing strategy ?
  • Imagine a company whose cash flow is adequate, yet there aren’t enough financial resources for it to grow. What are the ways to manage a strapped budget?
  • Employee turnover has immediate consequences for a company. How can we reduce it?
  • Business competition can harm small businesses through price factors and labor costs. How can they handle the competition?
  • Poor workflow directly affects the revenue of the company. How can companies manage it effectively?
  • Unsatisfied customers might spread the word about the ineffectiveness of the company. How can organizations increase customer satisfaction?

🍎 Health & Psychology Problem Solving Topics

Problems related to health and mental well-being are common in the modern world. It’s not surprising, considering the influence of consumerist culture and environmental factors. You can address any issue you’re particularly concerned about. The following problem solution essay topics will give you an idea of where to start.

  • There are several reasons for poor mental health among older people in the US. What are the ways to improve it?
  • Substance addiction affects individuals because of the stigma associated with it. In what ways can we help people in recovery?
  • A significant number of people suffer from eating disorders , which affects their mental and physical states. How can society prevent it?
  • Depression is a common disorder among teenagers. How can teachers and parents help them manage it?
  • Birth order can impact the way parents treat their children and children’s behavior. Can we, as a society, raise more awareness about the effects of birth order ?
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder is experienced by people who suffered from trauma. How can society help those who have it?
  • Peer pressure forces people to do things that they might not want to do. How can we reduce its influence?
  • Romantic relationships often fail due to misunderstandings. How do we raise awareness about the possible difference in love styles?
  • Schizophrenia is a complicated mental illness that has a severe impact on one’s life. How can society help people seek treatment for this disorder?
  • Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) might isolate themselves from peers. How can teachers and parents help kids with social skills impairments?
  • Alzheimer’s disease affects intellectual and physical abilities, memory, and personality. How can people prevent its development?
  • Somatization disorder is a tendency to feel psychological pain in the form of physical. What is the best treatment for its symptoms?
  • Prolonged use of defense mechanisms makes people feel as if they aren’t in control of their own emotions. How can we help people overcome these feelings?
  • A significant percentage of children have ADHD . How can we help children with this disorder?
  • Nowadays, many people have sleep disorders. How can insomnia be prevented?
  • The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 caused many children to feel lonely and detached. What can parents do to help their kids in case of another pandemic?
  • Suicide is a growing problem among people of all ages. What can we do to prevent it?
  • Constant stress negatively affects sleep quality. What techniques can help improve it?
  • It’s natural for parents to help their children as much as possible. But because of this, they often put them under too much pressure. How can we help parents find the right balance?
  • Constant stress increases the chances of stroke . What are the ways to reduce the risk?

🌎 Problem Solving Topic Ideas about Environment

Today’s most significant environmental issue is climate change, but it’s not the only one. There are more global problems that need to be resolved. If you’re concerned about the environment, here are some problem-cause-solution topics for you.

  • Drinking water has become an uncommon thing in many countries due to pollution. What can people do to help with this problem?
  • Climate change has numerous adverse effects, such as shifting seasons and new sicknesses. How can this issue be effectively addressed?
  • Vehicles release a significant amount of greenhouse gases , which contributes to global warming. Should there be a rule about reducing car usage to facilitate the solution to the environmental problem?
  • Woodlands produce oxygen and help regulate the temperature. Unfortunately, a vast amount of wooded areas is lost due to deforestation. What are the possible ways to solve this problem?
  • Marine life is suffering because of the amount of carbon in the water. How can people protect it?
  • Air pollution poses a serious danger to people’s health . How can we reduce its adverse effects?
  • Overpopulation results in a deficiency of assets like water, food, and fuel. How can we control it?
  • Ozone depletion leads to an increase in the amount of ultraviolet. It results in cancer and other skin diseases. How can we solve this problem?
  • Due to overpopulation, people use natural resources faster than nature can replenish them. How can we prevent its depletion?
  • Leftover food is a massive problem, as it wastes water and farmland. How can we reduce it?
  • Pesticides used to grow fruits and vegetables might cause health problems. How can we promote organic farming?

Modal verbs.

  • Polluted soil contains chemicals dangerous to humans, animals, and plants. Is there something that can help to avoid soil pollution ?
  • Using bicycles reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. How can governments promote the usage of bicycles to reduce air pollution ?
  • Natural disasters result from Earth’s processes and negatively affect people’s lives. What can we do to prepare for natural hazards?
  • Fluorinated gases used in refrigerators and hair sprays significantly contribute to climate change. How can we minimize their impact on the environment?
  • Oil spills harm wildlife and marine life, as well as contribute to climate change. How can major companies prevent that from happening?
  • Marine life is drowning in plastic, which creates major environmental issues. How can we stop plastic pollution in the ocean?
  • The rapid loss of biodiversity threatens our health and economic stability. What can we, as consumers, do to solve this issue?
  • A significant amount of money is spent on cleaning garbage. Still, it’s not enough to get rid of it completely. What are the solutions to the problem of littering ?
  • Noise pollution creates discomfort and lowers the quality of people’s lives. What are the practical ways to reduce it?

🐶 Problem Solution Essay Topics about Animals

Animals have existed on our planet way before the emergence of humans. As time went by, many species vanished or became endangered due to people’s activities. Factory farms, fur industry, poaching— all of these issues require a solution. If you’re passionate about this topic, try exploring one of the following prompts.

  • Circus animals are often violently forced to jump through rings of fire, ride bicycles, and do other activities. How can we stop the use of wild animals in circuses?
  • Experiments on animals lead to reduced quality of their life and are often ineffective. How can we help stop this practice?
  • Hunting causes pain and suffering to animals and disrupts the patterns created in the animal communities, such as wolf packs. How can people reduce hunting?
  • The animals in zoos are deprived of natural habitat and are forced to be near people. How can we make zoos as comfortable as possible for them?
  • The fur industry takes millions of animals’ lives away. How can people stop it?
  • One of the issues animal shelters face is the lack of public awareness. What are the strategies to improve their work?
  • Many animals live in abusive environments, where they’re neglected or physically hurt. What are the solutions to this problem?
  • Dog Hunters Association argues for the right to use dogs in hunting. How can we change their attitude towards animals?
  • Dogs from puppy mills are often poorly treated and suffer from a variety of diseases. How can this practice be stopped?
  • Due to human activities, many animals are on the brink of extinction. How can we protect endangered species?
  • Dog meat is still used for human consumption in some parts of Asia. What are the ways to stop the inhumane trade?
  • Some animal species are sold, either alive or dead, to various countries. What are the ways to stop the wildlife trade and keep animals safe in their natural environment?
  • One of the primary reasons for animal extinction is poaching. What are the solutions to this issue?
  • After adopting animals, some people decide that they no longer want them and send them to shelters. How can we prevent this from happening?
  • Killing horses for meat is inhumane, and horse meat consumption is dangerous. How can we stop these practices?
  • With more forests being cleared for farming and building, wild animals lose their natural habitats. How can people make safer environments for them?
  • Ring fighting leaves animals with severe wounds that might lead to death. What can we do to stop it?
  • Some countries continue to kill whales for commercial purposes, which threatens their existence. How can we stop whaling?
  • The continuation of the ivory trade results in thousands of elephants being killed annually. What actions should be taken to stop it?
  • Factory farms work to maximize profit, which is why animals are kept in inhumane conditions. What are the ways to reduce this cruelty?

🔬 Science & Technology Problem Solutions Topics

Scientific and technological processes are complicated and riddled with issues. Advances in these fields increase as well as worsen the quality of human life. In case you’re interested in science or technology, have a look at these problem solution essay topics.

  • With the widespread use of technology, students can find everything online, which affects their critical thinking . What are the most effective ways to preserve this ability?
  • There’s a price we have to pay for living in a digital age . It includes the loss of online data privacy. What is the best way to maintain it?
  • To run research, scientists need large amounts of money, which often becomes an issue. How can they get more funding?
  • A significant percentage of research papers contain wrong results due to poor study design. What is the best way to improve it?
  • Scientists rarely want to replicate existing research. The results might turn out insignificant, and some studies are too hard to replicate. How can scientists be encouraged to do it nevertheless?
  • Peer review is meant to prevent poor-quality works from being published. Yet, it doesn’t always work. How can the peer review system be fixed?
  • Often, not everyone can access a published study due to journals being expensive. How can we make knowledge more accessible?
  • Many people are unaware of scientific research in crucial areas such as nutrition. What is the best way to communicate scientific facts to a larger population?
  • Cyber attacks are a significant threat to many businesses, as they involve the theft of large amounts of information. What are the ways to prevent them from happening?
  • Artificial intelligence implementation creates new challenges, such as the risk of unemployment. How can we solve emerging technological problems?
  • Technological advances allowed some countries to transition to cashless societies . While it has many advantages, it also creates some security concerns. What is the best solution for these issues?
  • With technology advancing at a quicker pace, it is harder to find talented personnel to work with it. How can you help the employees to adapt to new technologies?
  • While many researchers have ideas for studies, only a few get financial support for them. How can the government support scientists more effectively?

Albert Einstein quote.

  • Mobile apps, social media, and games distract people from the real world. How can we stop smartphone addiction ?
  • Many graduating Ph.D. students have limited training for jobs outside of academic research. What can universities do to change the situation for the better?
  • Wearable computers, such as Apple Watch , have become very convenient. Yet, they create additional privacy and security issues. How can we overcome the challenges of body-borne computers?
  • Cyberbullying victims might experience psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, and social exclusion. What is the best way to prevent it?
  • Environmental issues, such as air and water pollution , negatively affect the quality of life. How can technology help us save the environment?
  • Scientists are often obligated to publish research only with statistically significant results. How can bias towards certain studies be eliminated?
  • The constant stress and underpayment cause talented people to quit their careers in science. How can they be encouraged to continue working in their field?

🏠 Local Problem Solution Essay Topics

Another excellent idea for your essay is to write about the problems in your community. Think about the issues that need to be resolved, and start your writing. These topics will facilitate your creativity.

  • A significant number of people view affordability of healthcare as a pressing problem, as it is quite expensive. How can healthcare costs be reduced in your community?
  • Children may be exposed to hazardous labor, which can harm their health. What can be done to stop child labor in your country?
  • Youth violence increases the possibility of future behavior and mental health problems. How can people stop this type of violent behavior in your community?
  • The rise in rent prices makes housing hard to afford. How can housing in your country be improved?
  • People who leave school or college often feel unprepared for work. This makes them feel anxious about getting a job. How can school leavers in your country be helped to get employed?
  • When they get older, many young adults struggle to manage their finances. What is the best way to improve financial literacy in your community?
  • A good internet connection has become a necessity for many people. This also made access to high-speed internet a major issue. How can you solve this problem in your local community?
  • Drug addiction is a public health problem that affects many people, especially youth. What are the solutions to the drug abuse problem in your country?
  • Traffic congestion causes environmental issues, as well as vehicle breakdowns. What is the best way to stop this in your country?
  • Poverty leads to a lack of education, malnutrition, social exclusion, and limited access to other essential services. How can this problem be solved in your country?
  • Crime can cause short-term problems, like an injury, and long-term ones, such as depression or PTSD . How can illegal behavior be reduced in your community?
  • After graduating from college, many students face difficulties in finding a job. How can educational institutions in your country help graduates get employed?
  • Public transportation can be frustrating with its inflexibility and delays. How can it be improved in your country?
  • Lack of car parking areas is a common problem in urban areas. How can people solve this issue in your city?
  • Junk food advertisements target children, which later leads to an increase in childhood obesity. How can we protect young people in your country from being affected by these advertisements?
  • Hate crime affects the security of individuals and societies as a whole. How can such crimes be prevented in your community?
  • Corruption is a global issue that negatively affects the economic and political systems of the country. What are the measures to resolve this issue in your state?
  • Low fertility rates reduce the population size of a country. If your country has low birth rates, how can it be improved?
  • Media propaganda has the potential of promoting violent behavior and reducing trust in the government. How should this problem be dealt with in your country?
  • The number of acts of domestic violence against women, men, and children continues to grow drastically in many societies. How should these cases be handled in your country?

😄 Funny & Easy Problem Solution Essay Topics

Problems are not always serious and yet require a solution. Whether it’s a choice of cereal or a friend zone, it’s an issue that has to be dealt with. Take a look at the funny problem solution essay topics list, and choose the one you like the most.

  • We often buy items that we never use afterward. How can we prevent ourselves from buying unnecessary stuff ?
  • Your favorite soccer team keeps losing, and it’s affecting your mood. What’s the best way to cope with this continuous disappointment?
  • You’ve invented a cool, new nickname for yourself. How do you get people to use it?
  • You love playing League of Legends with your friend. They’re the worst support, but they insist on having this role. What should you do about it?
  • Santa Claus is a beloved figure for many children. But they can’t believe in him forever. How should parents tell their kids that Santa isn’t real?
  • Water is crucial to human survival. Still, some people don’t like its bland taste. How can you stay hydrated without resorting to unhealthy, sugary drinks?
  • Happiness matters, as it makes people feel at ease. What can you do to make your community happier?
  • Your partner loves jazz while you prefer death metal. How do you overcome this musical discrepancy?

The two main types of problems.

  • A sturdy case can ruin the appearance even of the most beautiful phone. How can one compromise effectively on this issue?
  • House parties are fun, but your neighbors probably disagree. How can you throw a noisy party without upsetting those who live close by?
  • It’s hard to keep up the spark in long-distance relationships. Conversations via Zoom quickly get boring. What are fun things a couple can do together on the internet?
  • Many people believe that legalizing marijuana will reduce its consumption levels and solve social and economic issues. What are the other solutions to cannabis use?
  • Taking a perfect selfie requires much patience. How can you make creating a fantastic picture of yourself easier?
  • Pizza is great, but it’s not particularly healthy. How can you upgrade your favorite junk food to make it more nourishing?
  • Studies have shown that growing houseplants is good for the mood. But what do you do if you simply don’t have a green thumb?
  • Exercising is important, but it’s not fun for everyone. What can unathletic people do to stay fit without suffering?
  • Being the funny one among friends often prevents people from taking you seriously. What can change people’s attitude towards you?
  • Some people face the issue of “having a lot of clothes, but nothing to wear.” How can we fix this problem?
  • Your friends want to go on a trip soon, but you’re broke. What are the best strategies for students to save $100 in four weeks?

🤔 Other Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • What can we do about the problem of smoking in teenagers?
  • Obesity as a global problem of modern society
  • Reading problems and how to help students with reading disabilities
  • The solutions to environmental effects of e-waste
  • Potential solutions to noise pollution
  • The migration issue and how to solve it
  • The discussion and solution of COVID-19 ethical dilemma
  • The problem of lack of parking in big cities and how to help it
  • Nursing shortage as a national healthcare issue
  • Agriculture in Honduras: existing challenges and possible solutions
  • The issue of patient safety
  • The problem of safety and efficiency amidst staff deficiency
  • The problem of substance abuse and mental health issues within the homeless African American community
  • The issue of medically assisted suicide
  • The problem of obesity in India
  • Medicare challenges and issues facing America
  • The problem of institutional racism: effects and possible solutions
  • Contemporary issues in health care delivery
  • Solution of every-day problems: scientific method
  • The issue of genetically modified crops
  • Librarian management consultancy: challenges and solutions
  • The software patent issues in China
  • The solution to compassion fatigue and related issues in nursing
  • Is e-cigarettes smoking a solution?
  • Problems in a contemporary health environment and how to overcome them
  • American government contemporary issues
  • Can obesity problem be solved by proper nutrition and exercise?
  • Diversity and cross-cultural issues in the global workplace
  • Ethical issues and dilemmas in business
  • Finding solutions for ethical dilemma
  • Translating Emirati proverbs: problems and solutions
  • How to solve traffic congestion in my school district
  • The Rock Blocks company’s recruiting issues and solutions
  • Staffing problem solution: HR metrics and workforce analytics
  • Solving the health problems of the United States
  • Possible solutions to health disparities
  • Problems of sitting for long and their solutions
  • Will banning plastic bags not solve pollution problem?
  • Problem of predicting fluid responsiveness and its solution
  • Escalating drug prices: the ways to avoid the problem
  • The best way to address obesity in the United States
  • Solution to the world poverty problem
  • Gun violence: the ways to overcome the issue
  • Design solutions for improving website quality and effectiveness
  • Is simplification the best way to express ideas?
  • Fairtrade: better solution to underdevelopment
  • The problem of drug addiction in America and the solutions to it
  • Can charging children as adults solve juvenile criminal problems?
  • Stress in law: reasons and solutions
  • The ways to solve the increasing incidence of criminals reverting
  • Communication solutions for atmospheric scientist
  • Are financial rewards the best way to increase work motivation?
  • The environmental effects of the deforestation problem and how to solve it
  • Recycling: finding the solution
  • The use of the Internet to solve crimes
  • The solution to social inequality and discrimination
  • Encryption as a corporate security technological solution
  • Principal threats to a building efficiency research and ways to overcome them
  • Lack of social tolerance as the cause of discriminatory behavior problem and its solutions
  • Environmental problems and their potential solutions
  • Why technostress is harmful to psychological well-being and ways to reduce it
  • Infant’s health: growth problems and solutions
  • Community policing: the alternative solution to youth crime
  • Strategies to overcome the organization’s problem due to community losses
  • Metropolitan police service: identity management solution
  • The problem of sexual harassment in the army and the ways to eliminate it
  • Reasons of anti-Asian crimes and ways to deal with the problem
  • Green logistics: implementation issues and solutions
  • Technological solutions for effective communication
  • Ways to defend against cyber terrorism
  • Workplace conflict problem and its solutions
  • Doha negotiations: possible solutions and outcomes
  • Handling difficult conversations and ways to avoid conflict escalation
  • Healthcare in Canada: problems and solutions
  • Problem of verbal orders in medicine and how to overcome it
  • Law contracts and ways to break the contract
  • Cinemark USA, Inc.: problems and solutions
  • Air pollution solutions: how to improve air quality
  • The problem of homelessness in Los Angeles and the ways to reduce it
  • Jamaica’s economy: problems and solutions
  • Solutions to poverty in urban areas
  • Australian economy: economic problems and ways of its solving
  • Decrease the disparity between rich and poor solution
  • Lebanon’s environmental problems and solutions
  • Ways of treating obesity in older patients
  • The global water crisis: issues and the ways to avoid them
  • The Bauer school’s parking problem and solution
  • Ways of reducing human trafficking of children
  • Heartland payment system data breach problem solution
  • Immigration policy in US. problem and how to solve it
  • The ways to overcome the investment problem
  • The problem of dysfunctional companies and its solution
  • Du Bois vs. Washington: racist problem solution
  • Fad diets’ impact on human health: problem solution
  • Environmental challenges for NAFTA and how to solve them
  • Three solutions to the problem of pollution externalities
  • Buying things to solve personal problems
  • Remington Peckinpah Davis Inc.’s problem solution
  • Problem solution: best snacks INC.
  • Solutions to the problem of steroids in sports and athletics
  • Problem solution: global communications
  • The problem of global warming and ways of its solution
  • Cyber-bullying and ways to solve the problem
  • Losses of personal data: problem and solution
  • Obamacare: the solution to the healthcare problem
  • The problem of Palestinian-Israeli conflict and viable solution
  • The problem of coral reef depletion and how to address it
  • Social security long-term solvency problems
  • Economic crisis: bailout plan as solution
  • The problem of anterior spacing in dentistry female patients and possible solutions
  • Rising sea levels: how to reduce the global concern
  • Organ trafficking problem and policy solution
  • Cultural issues and their solutions in project management
  • Transforming the Texas plant: possible solutions to the problems
  • Nursing understaffing and evidence-based solution
  • Critical thinking to solve hard problems
  • Healthcare disparities and the ways to overcome them
  • Pressure injury prevention: evidence-based solution
  • Nursing stress solutions: benefits and support
  • The problem of violence in nursing and its solutions
  • What is the best way to stimulate economic growth?
  • Decision making process in management: problem solving
  • Pressure ulcers issue and defense of solution
  • Land pollution and ways to minimize pollution in the US
  • Vancouver’s housing crisis and solution
  • The problem of stress and solutions for working students
  • Seven ways to find help in starting a business
  • Courtelaney Pass police department: potential problem solutions
  • The problem of plagiarism, its reasons and solutions
  • Ways of managing conflict
  • Political corruption and how to address it
  • Low wages and inequality problem and its solutions in the USA
  • Child abuse and ways for its elimination
  • The problem of infant mortality issue in India: possible solutions
  • Domestic violence problem and the ways to overcome them
  • Ways of avoiding cross-cultural miscommunication
  • Risk incidence solution to the problem of substance use disorder
  • Is assisted suicide a humane solution?
  • Successful ways of preventing crime by Blundell
  • Iron seeding oceans: global warming solution

Thank you for reading this article! Hopefully, these topics will help you write your problem-solution essay. Also, don’t forget to send this article to your friends, who might find it useful!

Further reading:

  • 182 Free Ideas for Argumentative or Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 200 Creative Topics for Opinion Essays
  • 180 Excellent Evaluation Essay Topics
  • 140 Classification Essay Topics and Ideas
  • 150+ Excellent Narrative Essay Topics
  • 260 Good Descriptive Essay Topics and Writing Tips
  • 135 Creative Definition Essay Topics and Writing Tips
  • Prewriting for Problem Solution Essays: Thoughtful Learning
  • Structuring Your Essay: Solent University
  • Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions: The University of Kansas
  • 10 Major Challenges Facing Public Schools: Public School Review
  • Major Issues in Education: 20 Hot Topics: Trade Schools
  • The 10 Biggest Challenges Businesses Face Today (and Need Consultants for): Hiscox UK
  • How to Overcome Financial Stress and Improve Finances: Bank of America
  • The Most Important Health Problems (and Why They Matter): Harvard
  • 5 Health Problems You’re Actually Not Too Young For: John Hopkins Medicine
  • 10 Health Problems Related to Stress that You Can Actually Fix: WebMD
  • Top 25 Environmental Concerns: Conserve Energy Future
  • All Our Fights: The Humane Society of the United States
  • The 7 Biggest Problems Facing Science, According to 270 Scientists: Vox
  • Problems that Face Urban, Suburban, and Rural Communities in America: Pew Research Center
  • 14 Major Tech Issues & What Can Solve Them: Built In
  • Five of the World′s Biggest Environmental Problems:
  • Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: University of Rochester
  • Against the Environment. Problems in Society/Nature Relations: Frontiers
  • Business Financing Problems:
  • Social Issues and Community Interactions: The National Academies Press
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  • Share to email

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211 Problem Solution Essay Topics For A Perfect Piece

Problem Solution Essay Topics

There are always problems around us every day which needs solutions. For instance, you are on this webpage because you faced a difficulty somewhere and therefore you need an answer to that problem. That is why we formed this online site to offer affordable writing help to students to score top grades. Read on then to identify 211 of the most professional problem and solution essay topics.

What Are Problem Solutions Topics?

They are academic writing ideas on the problem of a particular situation and possible solutions to the problem at hand. One can compare such a paper to the cause and effect essays. This essay will explain working solutions for a difficulty that people have been experiencing.

When developing problem solution topics, follow the steps below:

  • Create a list of the various groups that you are a member of (school, community, or organization)
  • Identify some of the challenges you have gone through in some of these groups
  • Find possible solutions that can alleviate the problem
  • Begin writing your paper!

The best solutions to any problems should be:

Practical in nature Able to solve the problem to a great extend Feasible and cost-effective Easy to implement at all levels

A quality problem and solution essay consist of the following major components:

  • The situation at hand
  • Presentation of the problem
  • The solution
  • An evaluation of the solutions

When structuring your problem and solution essay, you can either use the block or chain format to communicate effectively. However, you should consult your instructor on which one is best for your level or institution before proceeding.

Now let’s explore some of the best problems and solutions examples:

Expert Problem Solution Essay Topics on Health

  • Ways in which society can help reduce cases of heart diseases
  • How to care for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
  • How to deal with lung diseases in their initial stages
  • Methods of preventing accidents that occur at work
  • How to avoid the recurrence of stroke
  • How can patients living with Alzheimer’s diseases maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  • The best way to deal with diabetes for school-going children
  • How to prevent flu and pneumonia during winter seasons
  • What we can do to keep kidney diseases at bay
  • How we can prevent suicide among college and university students
  • Effective ways of containing the spread of the coronavirus disease
  • How we can alleviate the pain of those suffering from depression
  • How to assist patients in developing countries who need advanced medical care
  • How to harness enough oxygen for hospitals
  • How to prevent the occurrence of skin diseases in adverse climatic conditions
  • Ways of managing breast cancer among women

Problem And Solution Topics on Relationships

  • How to eradicate communication barriers in relationships
  • Practical ways of making long-distance relationships work
  • What ladies can do to prevent being too emotional in relationships
  • How one can leave an abusive relationship
  • How to break up with a partner without hurting them
  • The impact of short messaging and video calls on relationships
  • How can we deal with age differences in a relationship?
  • How to handle people who have been hurt before in other relationships
  • How to deal with stereotyping in relationships
  • Working ways of dating and courting effectively
  • How to deal with improper conduct in a relationship
  • When to involve family and friends in a relationship crisis
  • How women can ask men out without feeling ashamed
  • How to deal with differences in culture in relationships
  • How to appreciate each other in a relationship

Problem Solution Essay Topics For College Students

  • How to prepare for an exam without cheating
  • What’s the best way to deal with bullies in college?
  • How has the internet affected the performance of college students?
  • How can professors break the negative attitudes that students have towards them?
  • How to deal with the problem of racism in colleges
  • How can we prevent college students from dropping out?
  • What is the most effective way of gauging the performance of students?
  • How to make college students desist from getting into relationships
  • How can college students perform better?
  • What can we do to increase the number of students going to college?
  • How to help first years in choosing the right Majors for their college
  • How can college students from humble backgrounds fit with those from a high social class?
  • Ways of preventing students from giving someone else to do their research papers
  • Means of making the best out of online learning during lockdowns
  • How to prevent college students from engaging in protests and violence

Easy Problem Solution Speech Topics on Sports

  • How to deal with inadequate training and competition formats
  • Ways of making football in developing countries thrive on the international arena
  • How to make the World Cup fair and equal for all
  • How to deal with long term health effects of certain sports
  • How to prevent lack of proper fitness among athletes
  • Ways of coping with poor skill development among sportsmen
  • How to deal with problems arising from over-competition focused on winning
  • How to avoid under-training for football players
  • How to deal with fluctuating national performances in sports
  • How to integrate physical education programs in the schools and elite competitive programs
  • How to balance between speed, stamina, and strength in training programs
  • How to manage athletes with physical disabilities
  • Ways of dealing with complaints of poor pay among sportsmen
  • How to prevent sports personalities from being unethical in their conduct
  • Methods of developing sports talents at a young age

Problem Solution Essay Topics List on Technology

  • What should we do to prevent social media addiction among teenagers?
  • How can robots co-work with humans without rendering them jobless?
  • What is the most effective way of patenting an innovation?
  • How can we make technology the solution instead of the problem?
  • How can long exposure to UV rays affect your health?
  • How should the government develop non-punitive technology-related laws?
  • How can we prevent teenagers from misusing the internet?
  • Is the current 5G technology a threat to a man?
  • What can we do to improve human-computer interfaces?
  • How to develop user-friendly systems that do not have bugs
  • How to deal with cases of espionage
  • What is the best way to increase accessibility to the internet in developing countries?
  • How to improve technological systems used in smart cities
  • What changes can we make to desktops to make them more user-friendly?
  • How to deal with phishing and spying on the internet

High School Topics For Problem Solution Essays

  • How can students use online essays for their inspiration instead of copying them?
  • What is the best way to do your homework?
  • How should students handle complex subjects in school?
  • How do you deal with low grades in math papers?
  • Working solutions to the problem of using phones in class
  • How to choose a topic for your high school essay
  • How high school students can overcome insecurities with the opposite sex
  • How can teachers help students with low self-esteem?
  • How to prevent procrastination amongst high school students
  • How can a student safely use online resources to find academic information?
  • Ways of preventing the adverse effects of corporal punishment
  • How can a student using online writing services benefit from them?
  • How can you ensure that your essay is non-plagiarized?
  • How to deal with peer pressure in high school
  • How to enhance good morals among students in high school

Good Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • How to create jobs for people living in the countryside
  • Ways of developing better family relationships for young parents
  • How to improve access to education in developing countries
  • Methods of enhancing healthcare systems during the coronavirus pandemic
  • The best way to deal with an addiction of any kind
  • Why friends are essential in living a productive life
  • How to manage radicalization in religions
  • How to make online communication tools more effective
  • The role of teaching proper ethical practices among employees
  • The effectiveness of a student-based curriculum
  • How to deal with alcohol addiction among teens
  • Ways of enhancing relationships between parents and their children
  • How to make people with physical impairments feel like part of the society
  • Why one needs to go to church
  • How to deal with domestic violence in the case of school-going children

Ethical Problem Solution Ideas

  • How to deal with discrimination and harassment at work
  • Ways of managing privacy while on social media platforms
  • How to prevent ‘cooking the books in the practice of accounting
  • Ways of curbing harassment and bullying on social media
  • How citizens can help manage unethical political leaders
  • How to deal with a toxic workplace
  • Ways of using technology without invading confidential information
  • How to enhance ethical hacking among computer scientists
  • Dealing with the anonymity of sources in TV news expose
  • How to prevent abortion at all costs
  • The role of the courts in dealing with improper conduct among members of a society
  • How to ensure the safety of children online
  • How to deal with fake and scamming messages on social media
  • The role of TV shows in enhancing ethical behaviour in a society
  • Ways of preventing the suffering of animals during experiments

Easy Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • How to deal with the problem of abortion in the society
  • Ways of preventing suicide and assisted suicide in hospitals
  • How to make censorship more friendly rather than punitive
  • How to curb illegal immigration without undermining human rights
  • How to deal with public nudity on television and the streets
  • Legal ways of dealing with female genital mutilation
  • How to make blasphemy laws more effective
  • How to override challenges facing laws and policies on gun ownership
  • Alternative ways of administering capital punishment other than death
  • Methods of developing practical laws to prevent drug abuse
  • How to avoid smoking in public places
  • Methods of formulating applicable gambling laws
  • Enacting prostitution laws that maintain the morality of the society
  • practical ways of dealing with issues arising from the appropriate age of consent
  • What is the right age to leave school and why?

Problem Solving Essay Ideas on Transport

  • How to manage traffic congestion in urban cities effectively
  • Ways of dealing with difficulties arising from parking spaces
  • How to deal with longer commuting between residential places and workplaces
  • Alternative means of dealing with public transport inadequacy
  • How to alleviate the various challenges for non-motorized transport
  • How to prevent traffic flows from affecting public space
  • Cost-effective ways of maintaining and upgrading transport infrastructure
  • How to avoid adverse environmental impacts generated by transport utilities
  • Ways of managing energy consumption by urban transportation
  • How to deal with high energy prices in developing countries
  • How to reduce the increasing number of accidents and fatalities
  • How to make the streets safe for public transport at night
  • How to bring down the significant footprint of transportation
  • How to balance between globalization and the materialization of the economy
  • How to achieve speed and convenience in the transport industry

Problem Solution Essay Topics For Middle School

  • How to develop comics that help students learn complex concepts
  • How to prevent cyberbullying for high school students
  • How students from single-parent families can lead an everyday life
  • How to reduce noise pollution from industries
  • The role of students in preventing environmental pollution
  • How music is both a unifying and empowerment factor
  • How to make students stay active during afternoon classes
  • Ways of helping students perform better in their homework
  • How to make students love school and studies in general
  • Innovative methods of teaching afternoon classes
  • Why wasting food is bad for our planet
  • How to manage air pollution in major world cities
  • How to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases from transport
  • What we can do to reduce the rising acidic levels in oceans
  • How to take care of your pet without infringing on its rights

Practical Ideas For Problem Solution Essays

  • What every country can do to solve the problem of climate change
  • How to develop clean waterways
  • How to use solar energy to reduce energy consumption
  • How to manage the earth’s population to prevent stretching of the available resources
  • What is the solution to the effects of genetically modified crops?
  • How to make parents take their children for vaccination
  • How to develop a new exercise routine and remain consistent
  • How parents can help prevent childhood obesity
  • Healthy diets that help against health problems like heart diseases
  • How to make access to healthcare affordable to everyone
  • How to deal with the stigma surrounding mental health
  • How to reduce the risk of contracting asthma through air pollution
  • How schools and governments can help prevent the use of tobacco
  • How to avoid accidental deaths related to guns
  • How teachers can help students suffering from difficulties at home

Environmental Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • How to deal with the surging climate change
  • How to develops better sources of renewable energy in industries
  • How to conserve water catchment areas
  • How to reduce the impact of biodiversity and improper land use
  • Ways of preventing environmental pollution through heavy metals and chemicals
  • How to deal with industrial air pollution
  • Home-based methods of managing waste
  • How to prevent the ozone layer from depleting
  • How to maintain the survival of aquatic life
  • Legal ways of working deforestation
  • How to prevent poor governance from leading to a climate crisis
  • How to avoid plastic pollution
  • How to reduce human-caused greenhouse gas emissions
  • How to prevent global temperature rise
  • How to reduce the melting of ice caps

Local Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • How to prevent sexual assaults on campuses
  • How to deal with mass shootings
  • How to curb police brutality
  • How to manage student loan debts
  • Ways of coping with consumer debt
  • How to eradicate cases of long term unemployment
  • How to prevent child labour
  • Worker exploitation
  • Home foreclosures
  • Corruption in politics
  • Government surveillance
  • Problems caused by the partisanship
  • Violation of voter rights
  • Legalization of marijuana
  • Endangered wildlife species

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137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

Teach critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion.

What are some reasons a teacher may ban cell phones in class?

Cause-and-effect essays aren’t just a way to help students strengthen their writing skills. They’ll also learn critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion. In addition, they teach students to demonstrate how one thing directly influences another. Coming up with engaging cause-and-effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. This list of ideas includes a variety of topics that range from social and cultural movements to mental health and the environment.

Science and Environment Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Describe the effect of urbanization on the environment.
  • What is the impact of air pollution on health?
  • What are the causes and consequences of plastics on marine life?
  • What is the impact of rising sea temperatures on fish and marine life?
  • Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming.

Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming. Cause and effect essay

  • What is the effect of social media on environmentalism?
  • What causes volcanic eruptions?
  • What causes trees to die?
  • What are the effects of gravity?
  • Why are plants green?
  • Why do trees shed their leaves?
  • What causes a species to become endangered?
  • What are some of the causes of animals losing their habitats?
  • Describe the effect of overpopulation on the environment.
  • What are the effects of famine on human population?
  • What are the causes and effects of Antarctica floods?
  • What are the effects of pollution on the ocean?
  • What effect do cars have on the environment?
  • Why is it important to manage wildfires?
  • What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

  • What are the impacts of deforestation in Brazil?
  • What are the effects of GMO foods on human health?
  • What are the impacts of immunizations on human health?

Technology and Social Media Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of social media on adolescent development?
  • How does technology affect productivity?
  • What are the effects of video games on childhood development?
  • How do cell phones affect human relationships?
  • What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class?

What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class? Cause and effect essay

  • What effects do cell phones have on sleep?
  • What effects did the invention of the Internet have on technology?
  • What were the origins of cyberbullying?
  • What are the effects of tablet use on small children?
  • How has online dating changed relationships?
  • What makes some people less likely to use social media?
  • What are the effects of social media on privacy?
  • How does the rise of TikTok affect Facebook and Instagram?
  • In what ways could social media lead to extremism?
  • What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

  • What are some of the benefits of owning a smartphone and what are some of the drawbacks?
  • What has been the impact of online shopping on brick-and-mortar stores?
  • What has been the impact of smartphones on marriages and relationships?
  • What are the causes and effects of texting while driving?
  • What has the rise of “influencers” meant for Hollywood?
  • In what ways have photo filters influenced young people’s self-esteem?

Culture and Social Issues Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are some of the reasons for substance abuse in young people?
  • What are some of the effects of bullying?
  • How does economic status affect the quality of health care?
  • What are some of the causes of homelessness?
  • Explain the effects of ignorance on discrimination.
  • What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice?

What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice? Cause and effect essay

  • How does financial success affect societal privilege?
  • What effects does growing up poor have on children?
  • In what ways does religion influence society?
  • What are the effects of immigration on a host country?
  • What are the effects of ageism on job opportunities?
  • What is the impact of LGBTQ+ representation in TV and movies?
  • What are the effects of school shootings on politics?
  • How do school uniforms affect students?
  • What are the impacts of high student debt?
  • What are the impacts of body shaming on people?
  • What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society?

What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society? cause and effect essay

  • What impact does banning abortion have in the United States?
  • What has been the impact of marriage equality in the United States?
  • What are the causes and effects of noise pollution?
  • What are the causes and effects of inflation on the economy?
  • What are the effects of TV shows on our behavior?

Sports Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Examine the effects of exercise on mental health.
  • What led to baseball being an iconic American sport?
  • What drives people to participate in extreme sports?
  • In what ways did globalization affect modern sports?
  • What were the effects of doping on amateur and professional sports?
  • Select a sport and write about the historical factors that led to the popularization of that sport.

problem solution essay topics for 6th grade

  • Describe the ways in which youth sports influence a child’s development.
  • What were the driving forces behind the first Olympics?
  • How can team sports help develop social skills?
  • How have e-sports changed the sporting landscape?
  • In what ways do race biases influence sports?

In what ways do race biases influence sports.

  • What are the effects of regular workouts on immunity?
  • How does participating in sports affect leadership skills?
  • In what ways can sports lead to character development?
  • What effect does famous athletes’ social commentary have on their fans?

History Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of the war in Syria on the United States?
  • What have been the lasting effects of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What were the causes and effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  • What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have?

What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have? Cause and effect essay

  • What lasting impact did 9/11 have on modern American society?
  • What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • What was the cultural impact of the Spanish-American War?
  • How has globalization led to modern-day slavery?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of the Great Depression on women’s employment?
  • How did cartels come into existence? What effect have they had on the United States and Mexico?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Women’s Liberation Movement?
  • Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

  • What led to the rise of ISIS and what has the impact been on international security?
  • What factors led to the Titanic’s sinking?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Vietnam War?
  • Choose an American president. What led him to become president and what were the effects of his presidency?

Mental Health Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • How can stress affect the immune system?
  • How does social anxiety affect young people?
  • How can high academic expectations lead to depression?
  • What are the effects of divorce on young people?
  • How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder?

How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder? Cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the effects of mindfulness on mental health?
  • Describe the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mental health.
  • How does childhood trauma impact childhood development?
  • What impact does witnessing violence have on mental health?
  • What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society?

What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society? cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the causes and effects of panic attacks?
  • What are the causes and consequences of high stress in the workplace?
  • What are some of the causes of insomnia and in what ways does it affect mental health?
  • What is the impact of staying home for an extended period of time?

Current Events Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Choose a local public education campaign. What are the effects of that campaign?
  • What are the causes and effects of migration?
  • What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

  • What are the effects of legalizing genetic engineering research?
  • How do low voting rates impact elections and government?
  • What is the effect of raising the minimum wage?
  • What are the effects of globalization on society?
  • How does gerrymandering affect election outcomes?
  • What are the causes and effects of police brutality?
  • What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

  • What are the causes and effects of fake news?
  • What are the effects of global war on citizens?
  • What is the effect of international aid on poverty or health?
  • Why do some countries have nuclear weapons, and what does this mean for other countries?

Education Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of teacher quality on student success?
  • What are the causes and effects of student loan debt?
  • What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

  • What are the effects of assigning homework?
  • What are the causes and effects of school funding disparities?
  • What are the causes and effects of the digital divide in education?
  • What is the effect of AI on education?
  • What are the causes and effects of student burnout?
  • Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

  • What effect has the COVID pandemic had on education?
  • What are the effects of same-sex classrooms or schools?

What are your best cause-and-effect essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out our list of interesting persuasive essay topics for kids and teens..

Coming up with cause and effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. Check out our list with a variety of topics.

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6th Grade Essay Topics – Best 100 Essay Ideas for Sixth Graders

6th grade essay topics don’t have to be boring and uninspiring. With the right essay topics, sixth graders can express themselves in depth and descriptively. This article aims to highlight 100 amazing essay topics for 6th graders that’ll enhance their writing skills and improve their mental performance. These essay topics all meet the Common Core Standards.

100 Great 6th Grade Essay Topics

Since the 6th grade is the bridge to middle school, teachers will ensure students are prepared for middle school. The emphasis will be laid on the quality of writing and frequent writing assignments and tasks. The key to boosting the writing creativity of 6th graders is allowing them to research essay topics in advance. This will enable you to be more prepared and organised. To find the perfect 6th-grade essay topics, you have to allow your students to sift through the list of essay topics and select the one they feel interested in.

Narrative Essay Topic for 6th Grade 

Whether you want your students to recount an event that happened shortly or an adventure that need them to fuel their imaginative spirit, narrative essays tell a story. The narrative essay is structured with a plot, which organizes it into beginning, middle and end.

Here are some narrative essay topic for 6th graders:

  • Think about the best day of your life. What made it so great?
  • Who is the oldest person you know?
  • Describe a friend situation that changed over only one day.
  • Write about how it feels when you’re alone.
  • Describe your favourite vacation.
  • Has a book, movie, or album ever changed your life?
  • Think about your future self. Write about a day in your life, one year from today.
  • Tell a family story from your perspective.
  • Describe a memory you have of extreme weather.
  • Think about a time you had to work hard to learn something.
  • Your first day of school.
  • Your most exciting day of school
  • A field trip that your class took.
  • Your favourite summer vacation.
  • A trip that included something unexpected or surprising.
  • A time that you experienced something spooky.
  • A time that you experienced something truly frightening.
  • A time that you learned something new that changed you in some way.
  • The moment when you met someone who changed your life.
  • The day that you got your first pet.
  • A move from one place to another.
  • Something funny that happened to you.
  • Something funny that happened to one of your family members or friends.
  • Something embarrassing that happened to you.
  • Your favourite birthday party.
  • A birthday that was disappointing.
  • A big storm (rain, snow or even a tornado!).
  • A time that the power went out.
  • A summer day when the temperature got much higher than expected.
  • A time when you went to an amusement park
  • A time when you got lost somewhere.
  • A memorable experience with a favourite family member
  • A sad experience with someone about whom you care
  • Your most exciting moment playing sports
  • Your most exciting moment is performing in a play, singing, playing music, or dancing.
  • An experience that left you feeling frustrated.
  • An experience that was hard but ended up being worth it.
  • A time that you experienced rejection.
  • A weird encounter with a stranger
  • A random act of kindness.
  • A time that you took a stand for someone or for an issue that you care about.
  • A moment when you thought you might get hurt but didn’t.
  • Breaking a bone (or otherwise suffering an injury).
  • Your first time away from home for the night (or longer).
  • A time when you experienced a historic event.
  • Where were you when a major event happened? (Note: You don’t need to have been at the site of the event; this prompt is about where you were when you found out about the event and how you reacted.)
  • A time when you rebelled against your parents or teacher.
  • A dangerous experience.
  • A misunderstanding between yourself and someone else.
  • A difficult decision that you had to make.
  • The end of a friendship or relationship.
  • The beginning of a friendship or relationship.
  • A time when you judged someone first and then realized that you were wrong about the person.
  • A time when someone judged you first and then realized that he or she was wrong about you.
  • A moment when you felt that you were starting to grow up.
  • A time when you saw one or both of your parents in a different light.
  • A time when you looked up to your older sibling
  • A time when your younger sibling looked up to you
  • A time when you were grateful to be an only child.
  • An experience that you think has only ever happened to you!

Expository essay topic for the 6th Grade

Expository essays are informative. They are fantastic tools you can use to teach your 6th graders about the method of exploring and researching. You’d want to build their writing skills. So here are some Expository essay topic for the 6th graders:

  • Write an extended  definition essay  on one of your vocabulary words.
  • Pretend a friend hasn’t seen your favorite TV show. And what is it about?
  • Compare and contrast two of your friends.
  • Describe your school year so far. And what have been the most important events?
  • Choose a problem at your school. And what’s the best solution?
  • What was the cause of a recent argument you had? And what was the effect?
  • Compare and contrast two of your favorite sports or activities.
  • Discuss a conflict in a movie you like. And how was it resolved?
  • Write a definition essay about the concept of empathy.
  • Explain how to send a friendly text message.
  • Teach a reader how to play your favorite board or card game.
  • Write about the steps needed to tie a shoe.
  • Create a user manual for something you use a lot (e.g., hair straightener or cell phone).
  • Describe how you get home after school.
  • Tell a younger reader how to do homework without wasting time.
  • How do you get to the library from your classroom?
  • How do you choose what to watch on a streaming service?
  • Explain how to pass a difficult level in a video game.
  • Write about the steps you follow to listen to your favourite music.

Argumentative essay topic for the 6th Grade

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The argumentative essay is about debating. It is formal writing that aims to persuade readers to the writer’s line of thought or point of view. It is one way of spurring curiosity in your 6th grader, allowing them to passionately research and boost their writing skills.

Here are some argumentative essay topics for the 6th grade:

  • Would you rather get or give a gift?
  • If you were anybody when you grow up, who’d you be?
  • What is the most selfless thing that you have ever done?
  • Do you believe that there are things that only men or only women can perform? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that astrological horoscopes are true?
  • What are some of the problems faced by immigrants to a new country? How did this experience make you feel?
  • What was the funniest moment you’ve ever experienced? Why?
  • How do you talk to somebody who has political or spiritual beliefs which are different than your own?
  • What is the longest time that you have ever kept a secret? What was the key?
  • Write about an experience where you thought you knew something for certain, but were later turned out to be wrong.
  • Name and explain somebody that has been a inspiration to your life.
  • In 20 years, where do you think you’ll be? What will you do?
  • How do you start a conversation with somebody that you do not know?
  • What is your deepest, darkest fear?
  • What would you believe at the most? How can you create this belief? What’s it about?
  • What is your favorite thing to do after school or on this weekend?
  • Have you ever been lost? How did you end up finding your way?
  • Should kids have homework?
  • Is your city a good place to live?
  • Is it important to learn math?
  • Should school start later?
  • What’s the best way to eat an ice cream cone?
  • Should skateboarding be allowed in private parking lots?
  • Is Monday through Friday the best school schedule?
  • Does pizza make a good breakfast?
  • Are hamsters fun pets?
  • Should students be allowed to go anywhere they want on the Internet?

Narrative essay topic for the 6th Grade

The Narrative essay is used to motivate students to tell a beautiful story and craft pictures in the mind of readers. Here are some Narrative essay topic for the 6th graders,

  • Your favorite summer vacation.
  • Your favorite birthday party.
  • A time when you went to an amusement park.
  • A memorable experience with a favorite family member.
  • A sad experience with someone about whom you care.
  • Your most exciting moment playing sports.
  • Your most exciting moment performing in a play, singing, playing music or dancing.
  • A weird encounter with a stranger.
  • A moment when you thought you might get hurt but didn’t.
  • Where you were when a major event happened. (Note: You don’t need to have been at the site of the event; this prompt is about where you were when you found out about the event and how you reacted.)
  • A time when you looked up to your older sibling.
  • A time when your younger sibling looked up to you.

Descriptive essay topic for the 6th Grade

Here are some fun and inspiring essay topic for 6th graders:

  • Describe your favourite place.
  • Describe your ideal bedroom.
  • Describe the house in which you grew up.
  • Describe what the first house on the moon would look like.
  • Describe some of your favourite places in your hometown.
  • Describe a peaceful place that you’ve visited.
  • Describe a place that exists only in your imagination.
  • Describe a friend’s or family member’s house where you enjoy spending time.
  • Describe your perfect fantasy vacation destination.
  • Describe your favourite store.
  • Describe your favourite teacher’s classroom.
  • Describe a museum that you’ve visited recently.
  • Describe a place you have dreamed about that doesn’t exist in real life.
  • Describe a place where your pet likes spending time.
  • Describe an outdoor place that you know well.
  • Describe your favourite person.
  • Describe each of your family members.
  • Describe a famous person that you would like to meet.
  • Describe one of your friends.
  • Describe one aspect of someone that you like (for example laugh, style of dress, words that the person likes to use, etc.)
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Describe the average human to an alien who has never before seen a person.
  • Describe your pet.
  • Look at some old family photos and describe an older family member as he or she was when at your age.
  • Describe someone whom you miss.
  • Describe an object that is special to you.
  • Give a tour of one room in your house by describing the most important objects in that room.
  • Describe one of your favorite outfits.
  • Describe your favorite toy as a child.
  • Describe how you get around (for example: a bicycle, skateboard, sneakers, your parents’ car, the school bus).
  • Describe your favorite piece of furniture where you like to spend time and relax.
  • Describe something that you would bury in a time capsule to tell people about what life is like today.
  • Describe an object that has been in your family for a long time.
  • Choose a piece of food to eat; then, write a description of it that includes the way it looks, smells and tastes.
  • Describe a smartphone to a time traveler from the 1900s.
  • Describe your oldest memory.
  • Describe your best summer vacation.
  • Describe a memorable concert you attended.
  • Describe a memorable trip you took.
  • Describe a special time that you and your family had together.
  • Describe the first time you met one of your friends.
  • Describe a time you met someone famous.
  • Describe one of your happiest memories.
  • Describe one of your saddest memories.
  • Describe a time that you felt scared.
  • Describe a time that you felt excited.
  • Describe a time that something totally unexpected happened.
  • Describe a memory of someone whom you miss.
  • Describe one of your most memorable first days of school.
  • Describe one of your most embarrassing moments.

Creative Essay Topics for 6th Grade

  • What is the best thing someone has ever given to you?
  • What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
  • Write about what you can teach others. Everyone is good at something. This question helps children think about what they’re good at and how they can help others.
  •  Did you ever get into an argument with a friend or family member? How did that make you feel?
  • Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings? Explain what happened and how it made you feel.
  •  Did someone ever hurt your feelings? How did it make you feel? Did you talk to that person about it?
  •  Is there anyone you would like to switch places with? who and why?
  • What does it mean to be loyal?
  •  When was a time you were loyal to a friend or a friend who was loyal to you?

Self-Esteem Essay Topics for 6th Grade

  • Has a friend ever betrayed you? How did it make you feel? What do you think your friend should have done differently.
  • Have you ever been friends with someone who was unpopular or not part of the group? This is a great question to ask children when teaching them about acceptance and how it feels not to be part of a group.
  • When was a time you felt you were treated unfairly? How did it make you feel?
  • Is it fair to give someone a head start in a race? When is it fair? When is it not fair?
  • Write about a time when you had a strong opinion about something? Why did you feel so strongly about it?
  • Write about a time you made a big mistake. How did you fix it? Everyone makes mistakes. This writing topic helps children understand that mistakes are part of the learning experience.
  • Write about a time when you were very angry. What happened? How did being angry make you feel? I find that many times children will feel sad when they are angry. Did I make a good choice when I was angry?
  •  If you heard a rumour about a friend that you knew wasn’t true, what would you do? How would it make you feel?
  • \Write about a time when you cheered someone up. What did you do? How did it make you feel? How did it make that person feel?
  • Write about a time when you used your inner strength to get through a tough situation.
  •  Write about 3 things that are hard for you and why.
  • When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you? How did you react?
  •  What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
  •  Who is your hero and why?
  • What do you think risk-taking is? Have you ever taken a risk?
  • Write about your best friend. Who are they, how long have you known them, why are they your best friends?
  • What does it mean to have good character? Do you think you have a good character? Why?

Compare and contrast essays for grade 6

  • Group work and individual work
  • Only child vs. having siblings
  • Nature vs. nurture
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Old friends and new friends
  • Your teacher vs. your parent/guardian
  • Car ownership and public transportation
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • Parents and grandparents
  • Elementary school and high school
  • Learning to read vs. learning to write
  • The importance of any two school subjects
  • Wearing glasses vs. having braces
  • You and your best friend
  • Friendship vs. romantic love
  • Public and private schools
  • Online school and in-person school
  • Any two schools or colleges
  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time

2 thoughts on “6th Grade Essay Topics – Best 100 Essay Ideas for Sixth Graders”

I don’t like those give me feed back how you could give me gaming stuff for narrative essay

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Free Printable Essay Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

Essay Writing just got more exciting! Discover our collection of free printable Reading & Writing worksheets for Grade 6 students, crafted by Quizizz to enhance their skills and creativity.


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Explore printable Essay Writing worksheets for 6th Grade

Essay Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an essential tool for teachers looking to enhance their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets focus on various aspects of writing, including nonfiction writing, and are designed to help students develop a strong foundation in the art of crafting well-structured essays. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their students are exposed to a wide range of writing styles and techniques, ultimately improving their overall writing abilities. Moreover, these Grade 6 worksheets also cover essential grammar and punctuation rules, enabling students to write with clarity and precision. In summary, Essay Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an invaluable resource for teachers who want to foster a love for reading and writing in their students.

Quizizz, a popular online platform for creating and sharing educational content, offers a variety of resources for teachers, including Essay Writing worksheets for Grade 6. In addition to these worksheets, Quizizz provides teachers with access to a vast library of quizzes, games, and other interactive learning materials that can be easily integrated into their lesson plans. By using Quizizz, teachers can create a more engaging and dynamic learning environment for their students, encouraging them to develop their reading and writing skills further. Furthermore, Quizizz allows teachers to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support or practice. Overall, Quizizz is an excellent resource for teachers looking to supplement their Grade 6 Essay Writing worksheets with additional engaging and interactive content.

Writing Module #1 | Problem-Solution Opinion Essay | Recycling | Grades 4-6

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problem solution essay topics for 6th grade


Your 4th to 6th graders got this! Got what? A final product they'll create in no time with step-by-step guidance and be so proud of: A Problem-Solution Opinion Essay about "The Recycling Problem," which is a type of argumentative writing perfect for this age group.


Students read and critically think about a very important, current, relevant issue people all over the world are grappling with right now - the problem with recycling (plastics mainly) and different ways of solving the problem.



1) Student Directions and Writing Prompt

2) Source #1: “The Recycling Problem & Possible Solutions” (passage)

3) Source #2: “Reuse! Reuse! Reuse!" (passage)

4) Source #3: Flyers from the EPA - Environmental Protection Agency ( passage)

5) Optional Graphic Organizer to Plan Problem-Solution Essay

6) The College-and-Career-Ready Standards to Meet

7) Grades 4-6 Expectations for an Exemplar Opinion Essay

8) Rubric Option #1

9) Rubric Option #2

9) Essay Evaluation Sheet

10) A bibliography of sources used to write Sources #1 and #2

11) Link to the Google Slides Version



Prepare students for standardized writing assessments that provide sources which the student must cite by quoting or paraphrasing text evidence directly from the sources. SET UP THE SAME WAY AS A REAL TEST!


Students are guided to plan their essays (using an optional graphic organizer), to write a rough draft, edit and proofread, and turn in a multiparagraph essay, complete with an introduction and conclusion, that they are proud of!



Please compare the two modules written at two ability levels The Grades 7-12 Module contains more advanced sources for middle school and high school; also, students write an "argument" which addresses counterclaims as opposed to an "opinion," which is what students do in the Grades 4-6 Module tailored more to upper elementary and early middle school.


I designed this product VERY INTENTIONALLY to

1) Make students feel confident and completely aware what's required of them as they write and end up with a wonderful final draft that's aligned to standards they will be assessed on.

2) Make teachers' lives easier by making it NO-PREP, IN FLEXIBLE FORMATS, AND READY-TO-GO!


I purposely made the passages high-interest, relevant, and current to grab students' attention, keep them focused, and they won't whine about it! THAT'S HALF YOUR BATTLE RIGHT THERE!


The product can be used as an in-person set of printables, and/or can be accessed online in Google Slides or TPT's EASEL for easy distance learning. Just add blank pages and take out any pages, and then share copies.




High-Interest Informational Text Passages paired with COMPREHENSION TASKS or PRACTICE TESTS. Aligned to EVERY SINGLE GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD (AND MORE). You won't find these anywhere else! Save yourself hours of internet searches trying to find the right texts for the right goals of the right lengths in the right formats at the right levels. Students keep reporting how much THEY LOVE the passages because they are interesting and relevant to them! GET YOURS NOW!

4th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS 4th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and TASKS 5th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS 5th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and TASKS

Upper Elementary Bundle High-Interest Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

Upper Elementary Bundle High-Interest Texts and TASKS 6th-8th Grade High-Interest Informational Text Passages and TASKS - Volume I 6th-8th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts Passages and TASKS - Volume II 6th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS 7th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS 8th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

Middle School Bundle High-Interest Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

Middle School Bundle High-Interest Texts and TASKS

9th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

9th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and TASKS

10th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and TASKS

10th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

11th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and TASKS

11th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

12th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and TASKS

12th Grade High-Interest Informational Texts and PRACTICE TESTS

High School Bundle High-Interest Texts and TASKS

High School Bundle High-Interest Texts and TESTS

Note About the Practice Tests: The test items contain a variety of question types similar to SBAC, PARCC, STAAR, CAASP, and all of the state standardized ELA assessment programs. The tests align to even more standards: Writing, Language, Speaking & Listening, Literacy in Science and History, etc. Items align specifically to the grade level, not just generally. ALL TEXT-EVIDENCE BASED

Test Prep Workbooks Prepare Students For:

Alabama ARMT, Alaska SBA, Arizona NAEP, AzM2, AASA Arkansas AABE, California CAASP, STAR & SBAC, Colorado CMAS & CSAP, Connecticut CMT & CAPT, Delaware DCAS & DSTP, Washington, DC PARCC, Florida FSA & FCAT, Georgia CRCT, Hawaii HSA, Idaho ISAT, Illinois ISAT, Indiana ISTEP+, Iowa ITBS & ITED, Kansas KRA, Kentucky CATS & KCCT, Louisiana LEAP & ILEAP, Maine NECAP & MEA, Maryland MSA, Massachusetts MCAS, Michigan MEAP, Minnesota MCA II, Mississippi MCT & MFLE, Missouri MAP, Montana MontCAS, Nebraska NeSA, Nevada NPEP, New Hampshire NECAP, New Jersey PARCC, New Mexico NMSBA, New York Regents NYSE & NYSTP, North Carolina EOG, North Dakota CAT & NDSA, Ohio OAT & OST, Oklahoma OCCT, Oregon OAKS, Pennsylvania PSSA, Rhode Island RICAS & NECAP, South Carolina PASS, South Dakota DSTEP, Tennessee TCAP, Texas STAAR & TAKS, UTAH SAGE & UPASS, Vermont SBAC & NECAP, Virginia SOL, Washington WCAP & WASL, West Virginia WESTEST, Wisconsin WKCE, Wyoming PAWS

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    5) Optional Graphic Organizer to Plan Problem-Solution Essay. 6) The College-and-Career-Ready Standards to Meet. 7) Grades 4-6 Expectations for an Exemplar Opinion Essay. 8) Rubric Option #1. 9) Rubric Option #2. 9) Essay Evaluation Sheet. 10) A bibliography of sources used to write Sources #1 and #2. 11) Link to the Google Slides Version.