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Fulbright Program

Office of nationally competitive scholarship, main navigation, tips for writing a personal statement, length: one single-spaced page

The Fulbright website provides the following description of the personal statement:

“This statement should be a narrative giving a picture of yourself as an individual. It should deal with your personal history, family background, influences on your intellectual development, the educational and cultural opportunities (or lack of them) to which you have been exposed, and the ways in which these experiences have affected you. Also include your special interests and abilities, career paths, and life goals, etc. It should not be a recording of facts already listed on the application or an elaboration of your statement of proposed study.”

The Fulbright personal statement is an opportunity for you to share with the committee information about yourself that is not available in other parts of the application. In it you can provide the committee with a sense of your personality and your interests. Ideally, your personal statement will complement your written proposal in some way. For example, if you are proposing a research project, you might discuss the origin and development of your interest in that field of research.

There is no one format or approach that will work well for every application. Some applicants choose to write an intellectual autobiography highlighting the key moments in their academic development. Others discuss their passion for travel, the topic of their proposal, or the host country, detailing the origins of their interest and how it evolved. Many students give an overview of significant experiences and reflections, while others tell one particular story as an example of a larger point about who they are.

Keep in mind that engagement with the community in the host county is an important criterion in selection as the primary purpose of the Fulbright Program is to encourage mutual understanding between people from the U.S. and people from other countries. Your application should indicate how you expect to become involved in the local community, whether through volunteer work, extra-curricular activities, and/or simply pursuing a hobby—sports, music, cooking, etc.—in the host country. The personal statement is the best place to include this information.


Writing a personal statement is an exercise in self-reflection. To write a good statement, you will first need to think about your accomplishments and past experiences. These can be personal, academic, or extracurricular, including any significant insights or experiences that relate to your interest in international exchange, the host country in which you hope to do your work, or the specific project or area of study you plan to pursue. Your goal in this personal statement is to give the committee a sense of who you are and how you became interested in applying for this particular project in the context of an international exchange.

A free writing process will help you sort through your experiences and narrow your focus to two or three central issues or experiences you can use to frame and anchor your essay. Consider the following questions:

  • What problems or questions intrigue you? How did you become
  • What sorts of things have you done outside of the classroom? What have you learned from your extracurricular or work experiences, and how have those experiences contributed to your growth?
  • Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships (for example, economic, familial, or physical) in your life? If so, what were these obstacles and how did you face them?
  • What might be unique, special, or distinctive about your life story or past experiences?

You are encouraged to work with a writing proctor even at this early stage. Talking over your experiences and reviewing your initial thoughts with someone else can help you narrow your focus and determine what you really want to discuss in your personal statement.

Your personal statement should not be a narrative version of your resume, listing events, activities, and accomplishments one after the other. Rather, it should provide the committee with a snapshot of yourself that connects to why you want to pursue this particular Fulbright in the country you have chosen. Doing this in one page is no small feat. The best statements undergo multiple drafts and revisions over a period of time. Give yourself plenty of time to write your statement, and allow it to evolve along with your understanding of why you want to pursue the project you are proposing.

In general, your personal statement will contain the following three sections:

  • The opening paragraph  will contain a statement, example, or anecdote that grabs the readers’ attention right away, while providing a solid frame for your essay as a whole. This is the most important part of your statement, and it will likely be one of the hardest parts for you to write. When drafting, don’t get stuck on the opening paragraph. You will revise it many times as you revise the essay as a whole.
  • The body  presents more specific detail, building on the framework you have established. The rule of thumb here is to use concrete examples to illustrate your points. Show, don’t tell. Rather than simply telling the committee “I am curious,” “I love science,” “I am patient and dependable,” etc., consider using one or two anecdotes that can help you focus and bring specificity to the discussion.
  • The concluding paragraph  can address your future goals and how your work/experiences as a Fulbright scholar fit into your future plans. Your personal statement should not repeat information already represented in your proposal; thus, you should not conclude your personal statement by making an argument for why you need a Fulbright to conduct your study. Instead, you should discuss more generally how your proposed Fulbright year relates to your future goals and aspirations. The scholarship committees want to award Fulbright awards to people who will use their Fulbright experiences as bridges from where they are now to where they are going. 
Students have a tendency to be too general and rely on abstractions or clichéd phrases when describing their experiences and interests. Show your passion for neuroscience through the experiences you’ve had and the skills you’ve developed, show them you believe in the value of being open-minded through a specific example, show them that you care about issues facing developing nations by talking about your experiences helping to develop new irrigation techniques in El Salvador one summer, etc. The more specific and concrete you can be about illustrating your interests, the better.
Writing Personal Statements Online

The Fulbright Scholarship


The Fulbright Scholarship provides funds sufficient to complete a proposed research or study abroad project for one year. Applicants submit written documents detailing their research or study plans, which may include a year of graduate study, original dissertation research, a creative or performing arts project, or a teaching assistantship. Because the study is undertaken abroad, applicants must have sufficient maturity, character, and literacy to work within the host country.

The Fulbright Scholarship Selection Criteria

Criteria that selectors use to award Fulbright Scholarships include:

  • likelihood of the candidate and project to help advance the program and promote mutual understanding among nations;
  • sufficient written and spoken literacy in the host country’s language;
  • feasibility and specificity of the proposed plan.

A final criterion is the ratio between the number of awards offered in the target country and the number of applications received—i.e., students applying to countries that receive fewer applications have a greater statistical chance of acceptance. Applicants can assess competition statistics and other details for a particular country by consulting the Fulbright website linked at the bottom of this page.

Composing a Personal Statement and Statement of Grant Purpose

The primary written portions of the Fulbright application are a one-page personal statement and two-page statement of grant purpose. As usual, the personal statement is your opportunity to discuss personal motivations, your experience and activities, and future goals. Though your examples should still be concrete, you have the room to reveal your personality—indeed many applicants view this as their chance to let the selectors know them as individually as possible, and they use lightly entertaining anecdotes to set themselves apart from other candidates. In plain terms, the goal is to write an essay that no other person could have written

In writing the statement of grant purpose, begin by making sure not to repeat material from other parts of the application unnecessarily, and present detail tailored as much as possible to the host country. If you can show that you have performed research on (or, better yet, in) the host country already and have made contacts with potential supervisors, you increase your odds of success dramatically.

The Fulbright website cautions writers against the use of discipline-specific jargon, and a good rule of thumb is to define any jargon that you do use in context, keeping the focus of your statement of grant purpose on addressing problems that will provide valuable contributions to society and within your field. Also, practicality and feasibility are principal concerns, so the best applicants provide a timeline, discuss their methodology and goals, and analyze such variables as the host country’s cultural and political climate and resources. Finally, of course, you must demonstrate as necessary your linguistic ability as it applies to the country and your proposed plan, especially if your primary goal is a teaching assistantship.

Evaluation of Written Materials from Two Sample Fulbright Applications

The first sample essays provided in the pdf link below do an excellent job of making the case for the writer’s personal and intellectual readiness for the proposed project. The personal statement focuses on the student’s experiences as inspired by his service-oriented grandparents—members of the Mennonite Church. These role models inspired the student to travel to Peru and contact the Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA). As we learn in the student’s statement of grant purpose, he wishes to work on a grassroots project in Peru related to rice farming, and he shows that he has earned the support of the MEDA Consulting Group, underscoring the feasibility of his plan.

The two essays in the second set of samples are also neatly intertwined, and the writer opens the personal statement with a delightful anecdote about her family puzzling over why a woman would be interested in geological research. The student uses the essay to detail her science background and educational travel, including a month in Thailand, where she plans to do her proposed seismic research. To underscore the urgency of such research, she opens her statement of grant purpose with a poignant narrative and statistics about the devastating effects of a 1999 earthquake in Central Taiwan. Some readers might have valid concerns over whether the statement of grant purpose is too technical at times, and whether its sources should be cited internally, yet these essays remain impressive overall. Indeed, the writer was named as a scholarship alternate.

The Fulbright Scholarship program website is extensive, including everything from statistics on the previous year’s competition to advice about how to prepare your personal essay.

Visit the Fulbright Scholarship website.


Fulbright Scholar Program (Dr. Ramón Galinanes)

  • Fulbright Application

Tips from Universities and a U.S. Embassy

  • Preparing for the Fulbright Interview
  • Legacy of J. William Fulbright
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  • Tips for Writing a Fulbright Personal Statement / from the Fulbright Program, University of Utah
  • Tips for Writing a Fulbright Research Grant Proposal / from the Fulbright Program, University of Utah
  • Sample Successful Fulbright Essays: For Teaching Assistantship Proposals, for Research Proposals, and for Study & Research Proposals / from the Student Fellowship Office, University of Rochester
  • Writing Fulbright Essays: The Personal Statement & the Statement of Grant Purpose / from Yale University
  • Writing for the Fulbright Scholarship [with samples essays] / from Penn State University
  • Fulbright Personal Statements: Tips & Guidelines / from the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan
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  • Next: Preparing for the Fulbright Interview >>
  • Last Updated: May 16, 2024 11:55 AM
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How to Write a Good Personal Statement for a Scholarship ( 7 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 12 Apr 2021 Scholarship Application 53,678 views

How to Write a Good Personal Statement for a Scholarship ( 7 PDF Sample Examples)

Have you been asked by the scholarship committee to provide a personal statement for a scholarship? Are you clueless on how to draft a statement of purpose for scholarship? Do you need a perfect step by step guide to get you started?  Say no more! We got you covered. Today, you will master the art of writing a winning personal statement.

You will learn the following:

  • What is a scholarship personal statement?
  • Types of Personal Statement topics
  • Parts of a Personal statement for scholarship
  • Perfect step by step guide to writing a winning scholarship personal statement
  • Tips on scholarship personal statement: Dos and Don'ts
  • How to structure and format a personal statement
  • Sample example of a personal statement for scholarship
  • Sample example of personal statement for scholarship pdf
  • Personal statement for scholarship application examples

What is a Scholarship personal statement?

A personal statement for scholarship is a short content that conveys the message that you are a perfect candidate for a scholarship in an undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate programme. In your personal statement for scholarship 500 words, you will be providing solid evidence and examples pertaining to your experience and motivation. Your personal statement will explain why the particular programme is the right one for you, how it's connected to your personality and previous studies and what changes you would make in your society if you follow the programme.

The purpose of a personal statement is to invite the admission committee to get to know you better. You are to convince the admission committee that you are a good fit for a chosen degree. The aim is not to impress the application committee. Rather, the goal is to point to the kind of student you are. Like sample scholarship application letter for masters degree, you have to do some self - reflection to figure who you are and your future goals. When you do that, you can easily transfer your individuality to the essay.

Check out: How To Write A Letter Of Intent For Scholarship (4 PDF Sample LOI Example)

Six (6) Types of Personal Statements  Prompts

As earlier mentioned, your personal statement should share something about you. It should include aspects that have not been found in your résumé. It should indicate how deserving you are of the scholarship. It should be geared towards the scholarship provider's goals.

Usually there are various topics for composing personal letter for scholarship. You would choose one category prompt and develop your personal statement. Your choice of topic will determine the parts of your scholarship personal statement.

Prompt (1): Why do you want to attend this institution?

Simply let the committee know why you are interested in that institution. Focus on what makes the programme or scholarship so unique. Does it offer career services and facilities? Is it known for talented professors that you want to learn from?

Prompt (2): Overcoming a Problem

You will be asked to identify a problem or a failure you encounter. In personal statement for scholarship sample doc,this is where you will share how you overcame it along with the lessons you were able to learn. It could be bullying, addiction, loss of a family member or a close friend, moving to a new city etc. Share it and let the committee know the stuff of which you are made up.

Prompt (3): Creative topics

Some universities offer special, think - outside - the - box topics. They could be as tricky as "What can be actually be divided by zero?". In sample personal statement for scholarship application pdf like this, you could consider each question on its own. Brainstorm innovative ideas and see which ideas you feel passionate about.

Prompt (4): A Personal History of You

This topic asks you to relate an event in your life that incited a period of personal growth. You could also pinpoint a person who had a catalyzing effect on you and made you have a new understanding of yourself. Your first job, a unique talent that you have or a personal goal you achieved can be very catching ideas for your statement of purpose for scholarship application sample.

Prompt (5): Brainstorming New Ideas

This category of topics is about understanding how you relate with novel and diverse perspectives. You could refer to a time when you questioned a long - held belief. The reasons for changing your perspective could make a great scholarship personal statement for scholarship 500 words pdf. Universities want to know how you handle differences.

Prompt (6): Your Future Goals

What does your future look like? Do you want to be a professor? A chef? A journalist? This personal statement for scholarship application examples pdf prompt reflect on what you would like to become professionally. Through this topic, the scholarship committee wants to know how the scholarship would help you learn what you need to acquire so that you can achieve your career goals. They want to measure your level of awareness, vision and determination.

Parts of a Personal Statement for Scholarship

After you choose your topic, you may be tempted to quickly proceed with writing your sop for scholarship samples. Pause!!! You have one more step to take. You need to create an outline . An outline will help you to coordinate your thoughts and ideas. It will guide the direction of your writing and you would not be rewriting your content countless times.

There are two ways to create your outline. There is the process outline and the passion outline . If you want to discuss your personal growth, the process outline will help in explain the journey of your personal growth (before, during and after stages). If you want to share your passion, use the passion outline to relate various experiences that shaped you in becoming more competent.

After creating your outline, you can safely proceed with the sections of your statement of purpose for scholarship pdf.

Introduction Paragraph:

For example, say you are preparing a sample personal statement for fulbright scholarship. The introduction is the most sensitive part of your personal statement. Do you know why? You would need to grab the attention of your commitee and keep them reading. You could use a rhetorical question, a quick story, a surprising fact or simply a short explanation of what you will talk about in your content.

Body Paragraphs:

This part depends largely on your choice of topic and your choice of outline. If you are discussing about overcoming a problem, a personal history of you or your future goals, use the process outline and share the lessons, your background and your long - term career goals.

If, on the other hand, you choose to discuss a newly adopted idea, why you want to go to the school, or something creative, deploy the passion outline to think outside the box and relate your unique perspectives on life.

Just make sure that you are authentic, unique and use copious examples in your personal statement essay for scholarship.


What if you are concluding your statement of purpose for fulbright scholarship? This is not just the part where you summarize the previous paragraphs. This is the point where you leave a lasting impression on your reader. Use a call - to - action or a hope for the future to explain why this scholarship is important to you.

Read: How to Write a Good Scholarship Thank You Letter (8 PDF Sample Examples)

The Perfect 8 Step - by - Step Guide to writing a Winning Personal Statement for Scholarship

Still concerned about how to start your example of personal letter for scholarship? Don't worry. Here is a step - by - step manual that can guide you from the minute you sight the essay prompt to the minute you hit "Submit".

Step One (1): Read your Prompts

Carefully read your topics. Understand what the scholarship committee is asking of you. Before choosing the prompt you want, try to grasp what the personal statement for university scholarship

should be like. Check carefully if there is anything like "Write on your topic in three pages of 600 words"!

Step Two (2): Be on the lookout for additional information

Are there rules and guidelines for additional information that may not be in the prompt? You need to read them carefully. Ascertain the kind of formatting that is required, when the scholarship application statement due date is or what you may need to submit with your personal statement.

Step Three (3): Brainstorm Novel Ideas

Don't rush to write the personal statement for applying scholarship with the first idea that pops up in your head. Consider various ways to answer the prompt you chose. Jot down all the ideas that come to mind and review them later.

Step Four (4): Outline your personal statement

Organize essential points and concepts of your content. As it was suggested earlier, this will help you coordinate your major ideas so that you won't forget them. In that way, you will write the best statement of purpose for scholarship.

Step Five (5): Create a mouth - watering introduction

When writing personal statement for scholarship, keep your thesis concise but at the same time, arrest the attention of your reader. Be more concerned about your story and less worried about big vocabulary. In a simple way, try to communicate the core concept of your content.

Step Six (6): Be yourself when writing the body paragraphs and conclusion

At this stage, make your scholarship statement example personal and relatable. Simply, write what you know. Find a way to share why your choice of topic is significant to you. Let the body paragraphs reflect your personal knowledge, experiences and passion. Make your essay as specific as possible and customize it to fit the scholarship.

Step Seven (7): Revise your personal statement

This time, re-read your personal statement sample for scholarship pdf with a critical eye. You can read it out loud and listen to the flow. Is it consistent? Is it logical? Is there a room for reworking?

Step Eight (8): Proofread, edit and hit "submit"

Look specifically for spelling and grammar errors. For example, say you are writing a fulbright personal statement example. Find a friend who has a strong command of the written word and can completely address the people alongside the content. Finally, submit your personal statement in the chosen electronic form (docx or pdf).

Tips: What TO do when writing a personal statement

  • Start your personal statement for college scholarship with a captivating sentence so as to arrest the attention of the admission officers.
  • Relate outside interests and passion of your course.
  • Ensure you write what comes naturally.
  • Have a close family relative or friend to proof read it.
  • Be specific and express everything in short paragraphs.

Tips: What NOT TO do when writing a personal statement

  • Don't attempt to sound too savvy.
  • Don't procrastinate. Prepare the statement purpose for scholarship ahead of the deadline.
  • Don't duplicate information from your resume.
  • Don't spend too long on the introduction.
  • Don't be dishonest. Yet, don't involve too much negative information.

Consider : How To Write A Good Scholarship Acceptance Letter (5 PDF Sample Examples)

Personal Statement Formatting

Now, here in Scholarship Tab , we say that the personal statement format for scholarship is as important as the content. So here is how to do a thorough formatting of your statement of purpose for scholarship sample.

Your personal statement must:

  • be between 500 - 700 words.
  • have short sentences of not more than 25 - 30 words.
  • be between 1 - 2 pages.
  • have a maximum of 47 lines.
  • use headings (optional) to break up the content, eg "How did I develop my passion", "Why I wish to study in this college"...
  • use Arial or Times New Roman font and size 12 - 14 px.
  • be left - aligned and have 1.5 px line spacing.

Sample Personal Statement for Scholarship Application

Did you think we would leave you without a sample? Not a chance. Here is a personal statement sample for scholarship

 of Melissa, a student applying for Masters in Creative Writing. Read and learn:

“Can you compose a story for me? I am a keynote speaker at a conference. I want to start with a story and arrest the attention of my audience. Can you handle that for me?” That was a favor asked by my endearing lecturer in my university days. I could tell that he reposed confidence in my writing skills. So, for the umpeenth time, I agreed to assist him in storytelling. Let me explain how I became the capital helping hand of many keynote speakers.

I always remembered myself with a pen and a piece of paper. I wouldn't tag myself as an enchanting speaker. But I was surprisingly celebrated for my essays in school. My maths teacher would always frown each time I murdered the solution of a mathematical equation or geometry on the board. However, you could see the English teacher's face light up whenever she praised my writing performance to my parents. Miss Katherine, my English teacher, soon became my muse for acquiring a bachelor's degree in English Literature in my early 20s.

In high school, my writing prowess was noticeable even amongst my peers. Soon, I was dragged to theatre stage plays. Was I asked to perform? Not exactly! I was asked to write theatre scripts. In time, the refreshing and full - of - life dialogues stole the hearts of the returning audience and we would always win.

In my university days, I worked as a copywriting intern in an advertising agency. One of our clients was a Non - Governmental Organization (NGO) aimed at combating the effects of gender inequality. I was particularly touched by their projects. So I gave my very best in composing a thought - provoking content for their publicity. I was soon informed that the NGO gained immense popularity in a short period of time. I was elated. One day, the founder of the NGO called me while I was on a break. I still remember her words:

“I just want to thank you for the article you wrote for us. Thank you, Melissa for sharing your talent. You have helped thousands of women gain confidence in what we do and feel protected. You should be proud of yourself!”

That one - minute call revealed my life time purpose - to put the bemoaning thoughts, unmet requests, unrealized dreams and unattended needs of unprotected women in writing. This propelled to establish my magazine called WWW - Writing for Wonderful Women.

That's why I want to study Creative Writing. I want to develop my niche in the publishing world. I know that with the lecturers of this program,  I will sharpen my research and writing abilities. With your help, I could facilitate my dream - my dream of airing the views of less privileged women with a pen and a paper.

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Statement of Purpose for Scholarship Sample pdf

Did you like the above sample personal statement for masters scholarship? Do you want to remain inspired and get the best out of it before you write your own? Here is personal statement for scholarship pdf. Download it, digest it and compose your own masterpiece! Download  statement of purpose for scholarship sample pdf

Sample Letter Examples Personal Statement for Scholarship

We understand that there are specific scholarships whose personal statement need to be tailored. We want to share them with you as we desire nothing more but for you to excel. Here are some leading examples:

Sample Fulbright Personal Statement

Fulbright is a popular US cultural program that aims at improving intercultural relations, cultural diplomacy and intercultural competence between the people in the USA and other countries.

Here is a sample example of the personal statement to get the fulbright scholarship.

PTDF Scholarship Personal Statement Sample

The Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) aims at qualifying graduates and professionals in the field of engineering, geology, science and management in the oil and gas sector in Nigeria. Do you want to become a PTDF beneficiary?

Write, edit and download your ptdf scholarship personal statement sample here.

KGSP Statement of Purpose

The Korean Government Scholarship Program statement of purpose kgsp is designed to equip international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea for academic degrees. So you would need to compose a thought – provoking personal statement for kgsp

Check out this link and see how a well accepted kgsp statement of purpose looks like.

CFA Scholarship Personal Statement Sample

The CFA Institute Scholarships are intended to promote the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence. There are various types of scholarship such as access scholarship, women's scholarship or regulator scholarship.

If you are eligible for any of the above, download the tailored CFA Scholarship personal statement for scholarship examples.

Nus Merit Scholarship Personal Statement

What about the nus merit scholarship personal statement? The program is a highly coveted scholarship that targets high calibre of individuals that showcase academic excellence and outstanding leadership qualities.

If you have presented and excellent record of leadership, check out the sample nus merit scholarship personal statement

Sample Scholarship Personal Statement for Masters

Are you interested in getting a masters degree? Were you asked to provide a thrilling personal statement? 

Check out this smashing  sample scholarship application letter for masters degree pdf

So, as you can see, with the proper guide and excellent personal statement samples, your personal statement will help the admission officers to know more about you as a student, your goals and how the scholarship will help you continue your education. So write memorable personal statement essay examples for scholarships that stand out among the hundreds of other submissions.

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Scholarship Tips

Scholarships by country to study.

  • United Kingdom
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Scholarships by Category

  • Postgraduate
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  • Women Scholarships
  • Fully Funded

Scholarships by Country of Origin

  • African Students
  • Developing Countries

Scholarships by Institution / Company

  • Flinders University
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • University of Edinburgh
  • The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

Scholarships by School

  • University of Melbourne
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  • Scholarship Application Letter
  • Letter Of Intent For Scholarship
  • Personal Statement For Masters
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The 2025-26 Competition is now open. Applications must be submitted by the national deadline of October 8, 2024 at 5pm ET.

US Fulbright Logo

Current U.S. Student

United States citizens who are currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs are eligible to apply.If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a U.S. college or university, you will apply through that institution, even if you are not currently a resident there. Find the Fulbright Program Adviser on your campus.

U.S. Citizen but not a Student

If you are a U.S. citizen, will hold a bachelor’s degree by the award start date, and do not have a Ph.D. degree, then you are eligible to apply. Non-enrolled applicants should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Candidates with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program .

The Getting Started page will provide information on eligibility and next steps.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program welcomes applications in the creative and performing arts. Arts candidates for the U.S. Student Program should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Artists with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program .

Creative & Performing Arts projects fall under the Study/Research grant category and are available in all countries where Study/Research grants are offered.

U.S. Professor/Administrator

If you are a U.S. citizen and a professor or administrator at a U.S. institution and are interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar Award, you will need to apply through .

To support your students in applying for a U.S. Student Program award, please connect with the Fulbright Program Adviser at your institution.

Non U.S. Citizens

If you are a non-U.S. citizen interested in applying for a Fulbright Award to the United States, you will need to apply through the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your home country. Find out more information on the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program or Fulbright Foreign Student Program .

Instructions for Study/Research Recommendation Writers

The Fulbright Application Deadline is Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 5 pm Eastern Time. All recommendations MUST be submitted through the Fulbright online application system by this time and date. No exceptions.

Recommendation Instructions

If you are not familiar with the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, please visit: . The most useful sections for recommenders are the Application Components  and the  Award Description for the applicant’s proposed host country and specific award.

Fulbright applicants register recommenders in the Fulbright Online Application System allowing them to upload the recommendation letter online so that it can be included with the applicant's online application.

The Fulbright Program requires that recommendations be submitted in the Fulbright online application system, as screening committees will only have access to recommendations submitted electronically.

In completing the recommendation, keep in mind that the applicant will be serving as a cultural ambassador representing the United States and that personal attributes, as well as academic excellence, are important criterion to be considered. The study/research grant applicant should provide you with their Fulbright Statement of Grant Purpose and Personal Statement.

Please comment on the following, as appropriate:

  • Feasibility of the applicant's proposed project in terms of the resources available and the research environment within the host country.
  • Appropriateness of the project and subject matter for the host country
  • Suitability of the proposed research methodology given the topic and the applicant’s background
  • Ability of the applicant to successfully carry out the proposed research project and/or degree program within the allotted grant period.
  • Linguistic preparation for the proposed plan.
  • Applicant's ability to adapt to a different cultural environment and to represent the U.S. as a cultural ambassador.
  • If in the arts, comment on the applicant's talent and potential for growth.
  • Any other factors which you believe may have a bearing on the applicant's grant experience, if selected.

The steps below allow you to submit the recommendation letter:

  • Once the applicant has registered you as a recommender, an email will be sent to you from the Fulbright Online Application System with the student’s name in the subject line. If you do not receive this email, please ask the applicant to resend the invitation email.
  • Prepare the recommendation offline and save it as a Word document for your records as the program will not provide copies after submission.
  • We request that letters be submitted on institution/organization letterhead as this is the generally accepted professional standard. If you do not have access to letterhead, please be sure that your name and mailing address is on the top of the first page of the letter. Wet or electronic signatures on the document are both acceptable.
  • Open the link in the invitation email sent to you from the application system via [email protected] . Google Chrome is the most compatible browser. We advise against using Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, or Firefox due to some reported compatibility issues; Tablets/Phones cannot be used for submission.
  • Following the steps in the online system, complete the required fields and upload your letter.
  • Before submitting, click ‘preview’ to ensure this is the letter you wish to have reviewed by screening committees in the U.S. and abroad and that it appears correctly.  After submission, you will not have access to edit or change it.
  • If you wish to save a copy for your personal reference, click the ‘Display Copy’ button and save the letter to your files, or save the letter to your files prior to upload.
  • The final step is to submit the recommendation. Sign the form electronically and click submit.  A confirmation email will be sent to the recommender and applicant once the recommendation form has been submitted. 
  • Recommendations should remain confidential. Please do not share your submission with the applicant.

Important Note: Only recommendations submitted via the Fulbright Online Application System will be reviewed. If you encounter issues uploading or submitting the recommendation, please email  [email protected]  for assistance.

Early Campus Deadlines: The applicant will provide you with the date the recommendation is due. For currently enrolled applicants or alumni applying through their alma mater, this date will be earlier than the Fulbright national application deadline. Recommendations submitted after the campus deadline may not be considered during the campus review process but should still be submitted prior to the national deadline.


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“When applying to study in the US, I would recommend thoroughly researching universities. Personally contact admissions departments or professors because it makes your application stand out when you’ve taken the initiative to find out more about the department.” –  Former Fulbright Student

The most important part of any university or scholarship application is the personal statement.  A strong personal statement can set you apart from other applicants  and give you a chance to explain how you meet the selection criteria. (It is used in place of your personal interview)

Faculty members and scholarship selection committees want to know as much as they can about each applicant. Admissions exam scores, university degree results and letters of reference are all important indicators of an applicant’s academic potential. However, this information does not reveal much about the student’s character, motivation, future academic or career goals or why the applicant is interested in that particular university or field.  The personal statement exists to allow applicants to convey something personal about themselves, and to convince the selection committee that the applicant is an especially attractive candidate .

Writing Your Personal Statement

As you download applications, you will quickly find there is no set structure for writing a personal statement. Often the only instruction you will get is on the word count or number of pages.

This is both a blessing and a curse.  You have the freedom to be creative  – yes, even if you are doing a PhD in Astrophysics! How does one summarize your life into two pages?

  • Our best tip is for you to  stop and think before you put pen to paper  – do you know what your short and longer-term goals are? Are you yourself convinced that this program will help you fulfil these? It will be hard to convince a university if you don’t believe so yourself! Have you done enough research into selecting suitable university programs? or researching the scholarship program? Are you convinced they are a good fit for you? Do you know what the admissions or selection criteria are? Is your CV updated?
  • After you have all of this necessary information for writing a personal statement, we encourage you to have a  rigorous brainstorming session . Think about your personal statement as a marketing tool. You want to convey all of your strengths, as they relate to the prompt provided and/or the selection criteria. We recommend making a list of the criteria and assigning 1-2 examples of how you have demonstrated these. Think of these as your talking points. Like a politician, no matter what you are asked in the personal statement or essay prompts you will try to address these in your application package. Cross off those that will be covered in other areas of your application such as  references  or the  transcript or at least note them to avoid overlap.
  • Now you know what you want to say. Consider how you will say it . Keep in mind that the personal statement is a creative writing piece. You will also want to have an introduction, conclusion and theme connecting your points. Have a look at some sample personal statements in your field online to get a sense of the typical style.
  • Write an introduction : You will notice many students start with a personal anecdote or quotation that illustrates their motivation for studying their degree. This shows the reader a bit more about yourself, and can create a theme connecting paragraphs.
  • Take your talking points from #2 and  arrange them into three themes : why me, why here and why now.

Why me : Connect the dots between your CV and transcript. What relevant preparation (academic, extracurricular or work) do you bring to the program?  Don’t just describe what you have done. Go beyond and talk about what you gained from these experiences and how this will make you an ideal student for the program.

Why here : Describe your academic fit with the university or for a scholarship program, your connection with their mission.  Is there a particular concentration or faculty member you’re excited about? Look back at the choosing a degree program page for ideas.  If there is not a separate research statement, talk in detail about your plans for research or your intended coursework.

Why now : What are your short/long-term goals? How does doing this program, at this time, at this university help you fulfil these? And how what will you do with this degree or participation in this scholarship program?

  • Write a conclusion : Be sure to wrap up your personal statement. What is the main message the reader should take away? Can you connect this back to the theme you introduced in the first paragraph? Try to end on a powerful and positive note.

Other important rules of thumb to keep in mind when composing your personal statements include :

  • Address the personal statement specifications fully
  • Use clear, concise language – say what you mean
  • Avoid vague or empty statements, clichés and cultural references that may not translate well to a U.S. audience
  • When you re-use a personal statement, be careful to submit the correct personal statement to the correct university and double-check that all references within the text are to the correct university
  • Proof read your work and to ask several individuals to proofread your personal statements and offer their feedback. (Grammar and spelling mistakes will reflect poorly upon your level of effort.)
  • Avoid too much overlap with other sections of your application package
  • Address any gaps or weaknesses in your application or academic performance – turn them into a positive if you can

how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

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Fulbright Essays: Personal Statement and Study/Research Objective

by Umair Khan | Mar 22, 2019 | Fulbright Scholarship | 0 comments

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Personal Statement vs Study/ Research Objective- Fulbright Scholarship

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Zariya Mushtaq, Fulbright Scholar, and Harvard law school graduate, explains the difference between Study Objectives and Personal Statement in the video below:

Personal Statement and Study objectives Fulbright Scholar and Harvard Law School student Zariya Mushtaq shares invaluable tips regarding personal statement and study objectives. Posted by Quva on Sunday, February 24, 2019

Fulbright scholarship program requires you to write two essays as part of your online application, namely the personal statement and the study objectives. In this article, we’ll discuss in detail how to effectively write each of these two essays. Before we do that, it is very important to understand the mission of the Fulbright program and what it expects of successful applicants. That will help you define the tone of essays and overall application, and also the mindset with which you apply for the scholarship.

The mission of the Fulbright program is to help people with strong academic histories to study in the United States as ambassadors for their country. More importantly, they expect their candidates to be passionate about serving their country. Successful applicants in the past have returned to their countries and assumed leadership positions in their fields, and the same is expected of future applicants. Frame your Fulbright objectives with these considerations in mind.

Personal Statement for Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan

Most of what you need to know regarding the Fulbright personal statement has already been covered in my article regarding a general personal statement . (Please read the complete article on Personal statement before reading this article). In addition to the guidelines provided in the previous article , there are some important details relevant to Fulbright’s Personal Statement that we recommend you cover.

How to Write Personal Statement for Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan?

The Fulbright Scholarship states on their website

In addition to academic work, persons selected for Fulbright programs are expected to share information about Pakistani life and culture with their U.S. colleagues and with community groups in the U.S. On returning to Pakistan, Fulbright grantees are expected to share their U.S. experiences with colleagues and community groups in Pakistan. Successful candidates should be poised to assume leadership positions in their fields and must be committed to returning and serving Pakistan.

In light of the information provided by the organization itself, we recommend students to discuss the following points in their personal statement to better inform the reviewer of how they are a good fit for the scholarship.     

  • Leadership Roles
  • Contribution to Society
  • How will your degree help you serve Pakistan better?

Since the Fulbright Scholarship is looking for leaders who can come back to Pakistan and contribute to the development of the country, it is important that you clearly communicate your leadership potential to the organization. You can do this by giving the example of an international event you participated in and won, or by talking about a technical project that you led and how it impacted your community, or by discussing your work with a community service organization or in any other way depending on your past experiences.

A lot of students have a natural tendency to look down on their projects, to think that their work is not important or significant enough because it wasn’t hard enough, it is important to remember that the measure of importance depends as much as, if not more, on the improvement it brings to the life of its users as it depends on the technical prowess it required. Simple solutions can be extremely powerful.

Also, there is a thin line between writing an intelligent personal statement that neatly connects your aspirations with education and leadership ability, and writing a personal statement that only revolves around your love for the culture but does not make a compelling case for your academic ability. Lastly, if you have not contributed significantly, do not forge examples for the sake of making your personal statement compelling.

Takeaways from the application:

Here are the most important takeaways from the instructions provided by Fulbright on how to write your personal statement:

It should be a narrative account that describes how you achieved your goals related to your area of study. It should not merely be a list of achievements and accolades, but a compelling story of your struggles and motivations to achieve them. Watch the video at the top for details.


It should be a comprehensive account, including everything from your education and practical experience to career plans and interests worth mentioning.



It should describe the most important factors that shaped your educational or professional development.


It should contain information on the number of years of practical experience relevant to your intended field of study.


There should absolutely be no mention, whatsoever, of specific universities in the US in which you want to get enrolled. There is another section in the application for that.  

Sample Personal Statement for Fulbright Scholarship

The following are some personal statements of Fulbright grantees. Please do not try to plagiarise personal statements, they are meant to act as reference and USEFP clearly states that plagiarizing can lead to disqualification.

Sample Personal Statement Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan -1

Personal Statement for Fulbright Pakistan


Study/ Research Objectives for Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan

As the name indicates, study/ research objectives communicate the desired learning outcomes from your degree in US. Study/ Research Objectives are an opportunity for candidates to communicate what they want to study in the US.

How to write study objectives/ research objectives for Fulbright Scholarship?

Writing study objectives/ research objectives clearly is only possible if you are clear about what you want to achieve from your Master’s degree.

Some students are certain about the answer because they are passionate about a certain subject/ area and want to pursue specialization for the love of the subject. Some students are not necessarily passionate about the subject but they like a few subjects/ areas and decide they will pursue one of those areas based on which area adds the most value to their career prospects. Generally, having an understanding and knowledge of subjects/ skills that will be most required a few years from now adds the most value to one’s career.

While there are multiple ways of approaching the question of how to write study/research objectives, one way of doing this is to go to the programs you desire to enroll in and make a list of the learning outcomes given. Then, using the list, create a draft of the learning outcomes that you are passionate about and discuss how those outcomes connect with your past education/ work experience and your future goals. You don’t need to limit yourself to learning outcomes from just one program, you can select outcomes from multiple programs as long as they connect with your future goals and past academic/ work experience. However, selecting too disparate study objectives may not be a good idea.

Here are the most important takeaways from the instructions on how to write your essay on study objectives:

Takeaways from instructions:


As the name indicates, it should describe your study/research objectives, supported by your reasons to pursue them.


It should specifically describe your prospective major field and specialized interests within this field.


It should describe the intended program and explain how it aligns both with your past education and experience and your future goals.  

A common temptation here is to not just state what the objectives are but also to list the program and the university that you want to pursue. It should not mention specific universities. In a nutshell, while the personal statement for your Fulbright application has more to do with what you have done in the past, your study/research objectives relate more to your future in the field of your intended graduate studies.  

Sample Study Objectives for Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan

Sample Study/Research Objectives for Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan- 1

Sample Study/Research Objective Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan- 2

Sample Study or Research Objectives for Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan- 3

Evaluation Criteria of Fulbright Scholarship Pakistan

While the Fulbright Scholarship or the USEFP has not endorsed the following images, they were published online by a Fulbright Alumnus and reading them might give you a better idea of how reviewers approach the scholarship essays and how you should.

You may also like: Pros and Cons of Fulbright Scholarship      

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how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

Fulbright Evaluation Criteria-1

how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

Fulbright Evaluation Criteria-2

how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

Fulbright Evaluation Criteria-3

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how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

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Personal Statement

How to write a personal statement.

A personal statement is a different type of essay than the study or research objective.

Personal Statement essay will allow you to:

Tell a story  Consider what’s special, unique, distinctive and impressive about your life story.

Present your life experience Consider why you might be a better and more successful Fulbright grantee than others.

Help your future teacher/supervisor get to know you as a person  Consider what personal characteristics you possess.

A good essay

  • Is fresh, lively, different and concise
  • Distinguishes you and makes you memorable
  • Really shows your personality (be yourself)

How do you get started?

  • Reflect on your life. Talk to friends and family, ask them to tell you what they think is most unique about you and what your strongest personal characteristics are. Do you agree with them?

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What details of your life (personal or family problems, history, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals) might help a person better understand you or set you apart from other applicants?
  • Consider aspects of your life which have helped to form the person you are now. For example, what significant events have happened to you? How did those experiences influence the choices you have made? Who have been your role models, and why?
  • Explain relevant stages of your life path and your academic career from early on til now.
  • When did you become interested in applying to the Fulbright program and going to the U.S.?
  • As a Fulbright grantee, you will be expected to share your experiences while in the U.S. What aspects of living in Finland will you want to bring forward? When you return to Finland, what do you hope you will have gained? What type of plans do you have after your studies are complete?
  • What aspects of the Fulbright Program do you find most engaging? Why do you want to be a part of the Fulbright experience?
  • What major interests do you have outside your academic studies and work?
  • Do you have some community involvement or organizational experience?
  • Do you have interest in contributing to the general society or influencing others and the society? If yes, in which way?
  • Explain your future goals.

Ask your supervisor and college/university officials about yourself:

  • What personal characteristics do I possess that would appeal to him/her/them? 
  • What academic achievements distinguish my career so far?
  • What life experience do I have that would convince them of my maturity, integrity, adaptability and seriousness of purpose?
  • What are the most compelling reasons I can give for my future supervisor to be interested in me?

Note:  Take your time. The way a person devises the essay, determines the length, develops the response is all part of the process. The level of effort sends a message.

Remember:  Do the essay yourself, be careful, edit it and write as many drafts as necessary. Try not to repeat what is already explained or described elsewhere in the application.

Use these guidelines to help you in the thinking process of writing the Personal Statement. Remember to keep the Statement concise (about 400-500 words).

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October 6, 2022

Writing a Confident and Thematically Driven Personal Statement for Fulbright

Writing a Confident and Thematically Driven Personal Statement for Fulbright

Like many large grant organizations, the Fulbright Foundation requires applicants to write both a statement of purpose and a personal statement.

Regardless of your personal background, a strong personal statement for a large grant application like the Fulbright should always have a clear focus: the content of it should always serve the overarching project proposal that you’ve articulated in your statement of purpose.

[For more about the statement of purpose, check out: Writing the Fulbright Statement of Purpose as a Practical Document . ]

4 goals of your grant personal statement

The personal statement is a persuasive text in which your job is to convince the reader that you are excited about and capable of achieving the impactful goals you have set for yourself. The choices that you make as you share your personal history should enable you to accomplish the following goals:

  • Explain what drives you to carry out this particular project with an authentic sense of enthusiasm, passion, and commitment towards generating tangible impacts.
  • Describe past experiences that have equipped you to carry out this particular project with a clear sense of cultural sensitivity, collaboration, and purpose.
  • If your project plays a part in your overarching personal or professional trajectory, show the reader what you have already done to fulfill this mission.
  • Show the committee what kinds of impacts you plan to have both as you carry out this project, and afterwards. How will the time that you spend on this grant contribute to a future that goes far beyond the project itself?

Below I’ve included the personal statement that I wrote for a successful application to the Fulbright Brazil cohort of 2016. After the original essay, I have provided analysis that clearly shows the argumentative logic and supporting evidence in each paragraph.

Fulbright personal statement example

My fulbright personal statement.

(Original text)

I first studied Portuguese to expand my comparative engagement with Spanish Latin American literature as an undergraduate student. This literary curiosity, however, quickly unfolded into an overwhelming year of music, buses, warm tropical air, and full- time coursework as an exchange student at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 2007. Captivating Brazilian authors like Darcy Ribeiro and Machado de Assis pulled me deeper into the Portuguese language. The political power of Música Popular Brasileira and the stark creativity of Cinema Novo forced me to reconsider my own historical perspectives regarding the increasingly visible and global role of regional cultures. After that year of international studies my relationship with Brazil continued to expand in dynamic ways.

My first professional role at Glass Lewis required me to conduct research in Spanish and Portuguese, translating documents for the explicit purpose of assessing the monetary value of publicly traded companies in the Americas. There I realized that my affinity for language acquisition and critical thinking put me in a unique position to facilitate access to economic and cultural dialogues regarding the growing importance of Latin America and Brazil. After this experience I attended the University of Cambridge and wrote my thesis on 20th century visual and photographic representations of the U.S.-Mexico border. This project showed me that there are undeniable links between aesthetic representation, technology, politics and economic flows. By continuing my studies at the doctoral level and seeking opportunities to work with Latin America and Brazil, I make choices that allow me to facilitate public access to information, critical dialogue and multiple points of view in a variety of international contexts.

In the classroom I have collaborated with Professor L. to teach students how to translate ethnographic narratives about musical experiences into research projects regarding relationships between global popular culture, technology and individual identities. I have spoken at several conferences about my collaboration with UCLA archivists to make a previously hidden collection of cordel accessible through a highly searchable and detailed Finding Aid at the Online Archives of California. Last year I consulted with a small educational start-up called Endless Mobile, a company that facilitates access to educational information for communities that only have intermittent access to the Internet. At Endless Mobile I served as a content strategist and developed tools for selecting and storing educational content that is now being used in classrooms all over Guatemala.

The knowledge that I continue to develop and gain as I study Latin America and Brazil is only useful unless* I can share it with others. There are a variety of venues through which information can be made accessible to larger audiences, and they are not always in the classroom. In addition to my studies, experiences at Glass Lewis, the UCLA Library’s Special Collections and internet companies like Endless Mobile have shown me that that the stories we tell about relationships between the Americas, whether they are driven by financial or educational needs, play incredibly powerful roles in the contemporary world. As a student, translator, teacher and researcher I aim to participate in these conversations and search for better ways to make them possible.

* This typo was in my original (and successful) proposal. “Unless” should be ‘if.”

Analysis of the argument – paragraph by paragraph

Paragraph 1.

Persuasive goal: Explain my initial exposure to studying in the host country of Brazil as the root of my current desire to study the “increasingly visible and global role of regional cultures.”

Evidence provided in paragraph: As I discuss my experiences studying abroad in Brazil, I clearly reference the main components of my project. The prominent content of my project: “literatura de cordel,” is an object of regional culture, and the complex mechanism I wish to consider: “global visibility,” results from processes of circulation and redistribution.

Paragraph 2

Persuasive goal: Clearly show how my postgraduate experiences were a continuation of the interests I developed during my year abroad in Brazil.

Evidence provided in paragraph: Whether in my professional role as a financial researcher, master’s student at Cambridge, or doctoral student at UCLA, I consistently chose to pursue complex questions related to “public access to information” in cross-cultural, multi-lingual, and global contexts. Again, in this paragraph I’ve chosen to narrate my professional history through the broadest theme of the project: redistribution.

Paragraph 3

Persuasive goal: Demonstrate the active role that I currently play in the process of redistributing educational information through teaching, archival collaboration, and non-research work experiences.

This paragraph ties together a diverse set of work experiences, and purposefully cuts through a number of institutional boundaries. By clearly narrating my recent non-research work experiences as a teacher, collaborative archivist, and content developer for an education start-up, I clearly state my capacity to carry out my mission both within and beyond the university setting.

Paragraph 4

Hey there’s a typo in this paragraph, and I still made it through!

Persuasive goal: Envision a future for myself that will allow me to have broad social impacts through a continuous practice of making information accessible in a variety of institutional settings.

Evidence provided in paragraph: This paragraph clearly expresses a personal mission that is open to the future, wishes to make information available outside of the classroom, and can see beyond this singular project. I acknowledge the powerful nature of cultural relationships between the Americas and, in the final sentence; I firmly plant myself in the contemporary world, even though my object of study is from the past.

Bottom line: what I learned

Hindsight is 20/20. Even though I didn’t know how the events, activities, and interests of my past experiences would add up while they were happening, the personal statement was a chance for me to confidently show the committee that I was passionate about and prepared to achieve the project-based goals that I set for myself.

Need help navigating the grant application writing process? Looking for personalized guidance for your personal statement? Learn how your Accepted advisor can help you achieve your educational and professional goals.

Fulbright 2023-2024 Competition Deadline

Deadline to applyTuesday October 11, 2022, 5 pm Eastern Time

Source: Fulbright website

Download our free report: GET YOUR GAME ON: Preparing for Your Grad School Application

Student Affairs Advisor and scholarship expert, Rebecca has six years experience reviewing and editing large grant applications, research-based proposals, statements of purpose, personal statements and fellowship materials. Want Rebecca to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

• 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Grad School Statement of Purpose , a free guide • What I Learned about Grant Writing from Putting Together 3 Fulbright Applications Before Finally Being Selected • Writing the Fulbright Statement of Grant Purpose as a Practical Document

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Tips to Craft a Killer Personal Statement for Fulbright Scholarship

how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

by Tim Cleary

In fulbright documentation.

Today I am going to write about the things that were common in all successful Fulbright personal statements. Along with that I am also going to write about the common flaws in the unsuccessful personal statements.

SEE ALSO: Here is a Sample Personal Statement which has used quotes effectively.

For those of you who don’t know yet, you will have to write a 700-750 words long personal statement. In order to write a personal statement, you must first understand the real purpose and value of a ‘Personal Statement’. The basic idea behind a personal statement is to get a piece of original writing and a peak into the mind of the applicant.

Writing a personal statement could be a very daunting task for students in Pakistan, many a times, as they don’t have any prior experience in writing something like this. Also, this could be one of the best chances that you will get to impress the Fulbright committee, who will be reading your personal statement. I personally believe that a personal statement is a kind of a quick interview of a Fulbright applicant – except that you don’t have to answer the interviewer in person but on a piece of paper.

Fulbright personal statement or the Fulbright statement of purpose is not like any other ordinary type of essay writing we do in Pakistan. If your writing matches to a typical essay, it won’t stick to the minds of the Fulbright admissions committee and you will most likely lose any chance of getting in. An impressive personal statement will most likely increase your chances of getting a recommendation for Fulbright interview initiation.

To help students write a personal statement, here are some do’s & don’ts of a Fulbright Personal statement:

What to Write in a Fulbright Personal Statement

Mention Important Points: Never forget to mention the important points in brief. For e.g., give your top reasons to pursue the course that you did in the past etc. While your Curriculum Vitae or Resume would give details about the courses you have done, this is the best chance for you to explain why you chose that course and your passion for it. Fulbright would love to know why you made such a decision in the past.

Don’t Choose Redundant Opening Lines: Whenever Fulbright applicants come to me seeking assistance with their personal statements I always tell them not to write something like: “I want to help the Pakistani society” or “I want to help the poor in Pakistan” or “I want to make a difference to Pakistani people”. Well! This line does look impressive, but when hundreds of Pakistani Fulbright applicants write the same lines, your first impression at the Fulbright officer will be lost.

Give Real life Examples: A personal statement for Fulbright application is the perfect time to think outside the box and to think about different aspects of your life. You can review your life and add important points to your essay. Don’t include your whole life story; present it in an impressive way which highlights your strengths, skills and talents. Portray everything using examples rather than just listing your strengths.

Follow Instructions given by Fulbright Scholarship: It is always advisable to follow the instructions provided. If they have asked for 700-750 words, then provide your content for 700-750 words only. Just follow the instructions.

Write About Yourself: Everyone has their own stories and experiences to share with the Fulbright people. If you have an exciting story about yourself, don’t forget to mention it in your personal statement. Don’t write your story just for the sake of impressing the officers; present it in a sincere manner.

How to explain a low GPA in your personal statement?

What Not to Write in a Fulbright Personal Statement

Don’t Write to Impress: Whenever you write a personal statement, it is a human tendency to think of those points that would impress others. However, this will get you go off the track. Try to be genuine and give only those points which you really feel are important.

Don’t submit Resume: It is okay to pick a couple of things from your resume and elaborate on them; but if you are thinking of writing everything what is already there in your resume, it would definitely kill the chances of your personal statement being the most impressive one.

Don’t submit without checking with a third person: If you are thinking of submitting your personal statement without checking with a third person, think again. There are possibilities of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes etc., which may not be visible to your eyes. Only a third person can identify all those. Moreover only a third person can tell you whether or not he/she was impressed after reading your statement.

Present small negatives in a positive way: If you think that some of your past records may become a cause concern to the admission committee, like a gap in studies, a low GPA, or even a tough semester, present them in a positive way. Personal statement is a great chance where you can address these issues, by mentioning all the good things which you have learnt during the bad time. You can also explain the good reasons behind such small negative things.

Always write a Fulbright personal statement, keeping all the above given points in mind. This will definitely help you to get the best impression from the officers.


Personal Statement for Fulbright Scholarship 2024

by Contentholic | May 20, 2024 | Personal Statement , SOP For Scholarship | 0 comments

Personal Statement for Fulbright Scholarship

The United States of America, commonly known as the United States (US), is a country in North America. It is one of the world’s most developed countries and one of the most popular study-abroad destinations among international students. It provides the best education, quality of life, diverse range of courses or programs, global network connections, various scholarship opportunities, and a safe, welcoming, and multicultural environment. Many Indian students are pursuing higher education in the United States on a Fulbright scholarship. In this blog, we will talk about the Fulbright Scholarship, the eligibility and requirements for getting a Fulbright Scholarship, a personal statement for the Fulbright scholarship , how to write a Fulbright Scholarship personal statement, and things to keep in mind while writing a personal statement for Fulbright Scholarship.

What is the Fullbright Scholarship?

The Fulbright Scholarship, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946, is one of the most prestigious and competitive educational scholarship programs worldwide. It improves intercultural relations, cultural diplomacy, and intercultural competence between the people of the United States and over 160 countries, including India, through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. Over 25000 Indian students and scholars have received Fulbright grants, due to which they promote cultural exchange and understanding between India and the US. It provides lots of opportunities to you, such as pursuing higher education at one of the top US universities, conducting research in your respective field of study, making global connections with leading experts and professionals in the US, gaining international experience, developing your leadership skills, and contribution to the advancement of your home country. There are various types of Fulbright scholarships for Indian students, some of which we have mentioned below:  

  • Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships
  • Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship
  • Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
  • Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program
  • Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers
  • Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program
  • Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program
  • Fulbright Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
  • Fulbright Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships
  • Fulbright Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships

Here is the list of the top 10 universities that produce Fulbright U.S. Student Program scholars: 

  • Harvard University
  • Yale University
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Columbia University
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • Princeton University
  • Stanford University
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • University of Chicago
  • Brown University

For more details, you can visit-  The Fulbright U.S. Student Program . 

Eligibility and Requirements for getting a Fulbright Scholarship

You need to be eligible for getting a Fulbright scholarship. You must have completed an equivalent of a US bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 55% from a recognized Indian university. You must have 3-years of paid work experience relevant to the field of study you are applying for. Also, you need to have academic excellence, leadership qualities, English language proficiency, and research potential. You need to submit all the required documents to apply for a Fulbright scholarship. Here is the list of documents required for getting a Fulbright scholarship:

  • Diploma/ Degree Certificates
  • Academic Transcripts and Mark Sheet      
  • TOEFL/ GRE score 
  • Personal Statement
  • CV or Resume
  • 3 recommendations from the previous university 
  • Acceptance letter from the joining US university

What is a Personal Statement for a Fulbright Scholarship? 

A personal statement for a Fulbright Scholarship is a crucial document required for convincing the reviewers to grant you a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the US. It showcases your personal, academic, and professional background, experiences, special interests, and career goals and aspirations. It helps the reviewers to understand what motivates you to apply for the Fulbright Scholarship and what plans you have for the future. Whether you get a Fulbright Scholarship or not depends on the personal statement you write for it. 

How to Write a Personal Statement for a Fulbright Scholarship?

Writing a personal statement for a Fulbright Scholarship requires careful attention to detail, clarity of expression, and a compelling narrative that highlights your academic achievements, personal experiences, and future goals. Here is a suggested format and structure for writing a personal statement for the Fulbright Scholarship: 

  • Introduction: Start with a strong opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. Introduce yourself and provide some background information about your academic and personal journey. Clearly state your purpose for applying for the Fulbright Scholarship.
  • Academic Background: Discuss your academic achievements, including degrees, majors, GPA, and any relevant coursework. Highlight your research experience, including projects, papers, and presentations. Explain how your academic background has prepared you for the Fulbright program and your future goals.
  • Personal Experiences: Share relevant personal experiences that have shaped your academic and career aspirations. Discuss any leadership roles, extracurricular activities, internships, or volunteer work that demonstrate your commitment to your field of study. Reflect on how these experiences have influenced your desire to pursue further education or research.
  • Fulbright Program Fit: Explain why the Fulbright program is the right fit for you and how it aligns with your academic and career goals. Research the specific Fulbright program you are applying to and discuss why you are interested in it. Demonstrate your understanding of the program’s objectives and how you plan to contribute to its mission.
  • Future Goals: Outline your short-term and long-term goals, both academic and professional. Explain how the Fulbright experience will help you achieve these goals and contribute to your field of study or research. Discuss any specific projects or initiatives you hope to undertake during your Fulbright tenure.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your personal statement. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the Fulbright program and your commitment to academic excellence. End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Things to Keep in Mind while writing a Personal statement for Fulbright Scholarship

To write an impactful personal statement for the Fulbright Scholarship, you need to keep some things in mind while writing it. As it is an essential document, you must pay attention to it. Every year, many Indian students apply for the Fulbright Scholarship, but due to writing a poor-quality personal statement, their request for a Fulbright scholarship gets rejected. Remember to keep the following things in mind while writing a  Fulbright Scholarship: 

  • Specific Requirements and Guidelines: Make sure to write it according to the specific requirements and adhere to the guidelines. Use the font style of Times New Roman, a font size of 12 pt, a single-spaced page, and a 1-inch margin on all sides of your personal statement for the Fulbright Scholarship.    
  • Research the US: Do proper research about the US before writing anything about it. Then, write why you are genuinely interested in the US. So, always keep in mind to never write unresearched information on it. 
  • Language and Tone: Always make sure to use formal and appropriate language and tone while writing your Fulbright Scholarship personal statement. Using it enhances the readability and understandability of your personal statement. 
  • Be Honest: You need to be honest throughout your Fulbright Scholarship personal statement. The receivers cross-checked the information you provided to check whether you were lying or being honest in it. 
  • Plagiarism Free: Make sure to write a plagiarism-free personal statement. If it contains plagiarized content, then you might face rejection for your Fulbright Scholarship.  
  • Free of Spelling and Grammatical errors: As many students submit their personal statements along with other documents for the Fulbright Scholarship process, you must make sure to write a spelling and grammatical error-free personal statement that makes you stand out from the crowd of applicants. 

In conclusion, a well-drafted personal statement for the Fulbright Scholarship can convince the authorities to grant you Fulbright Scholarships. If you are struggling while writing it, then you must not take chances and get help from personal statement writing services . Contentholic is one of the best personal statement writing agencies in India. We have been in this field for many years and helped many students in achieving their academic dreams. With the help of our professional and experienced personal statement writers , we have delivered different personal statements for the Fulbright Scholarship to many students. So, you can opt for us, as we provide the most reliable and trustworthy personal statement writing services.   

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Poland-bound fulbright scholar finds success between pipettes and pirouettes.


Natasha Ng, a Fullbright Scholar, will pursue dancing for the NBA following a commitment teaching English to university students in Poland.

For Natasha Ng, the road to becoming a Fulbright Scholar was tough, but worthwhile.

Last December, Ng completed her UA undergraduate degree in molecular and cellular biology with a 3.8 GPA.

“That was with a lot of suffering,” she laughed.  “I spent a lot of nights crying in the library.”

Those harsh study hours of dedication and laborious work paid off when Ng was accepted as a Fulbright Scholar in March.

The program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, has awarded around 8,000 grants annually since its establishment in 1946, according to the Fulbright website. Ng, 22, is one of approximately 1,600 American scholars selected by the Foreign Scholarship Board.

She said the “rigorous” application process required her to write a personal statement, grant statement and attend an in-person interview.

“I tried not to think about the statistics too much,” she said. “I felt like I was a good fit for what the program was looking for.”

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As a teaching assistant for several UA biology courses, Ng discovered a passion for teaching.

Nick Roalofs was one of the students Ng taught as a preceptor for Introduction to Biology two years ago.

According to Roalofs, their friendship evolved around the change they both wish to see within the world. 

“We talked about being a more compassionate person and putting our hearts and souls into making the world a better place,” Roalofs said.  “We are each other’s yin and yang. When Natasha is down I lift her up; when I’m down she lifts me up.”

In October of 2016, she applied to the Fulbright Scholarship Program in Poland at the University of Opole, intending to become an English teaching assistant.

“I want to see how education and healthcare systems can be different,” Ng said. “I think interacting with people who are different from me will be a valuable experience.”

After enrolling into an Introduction to Biology course freshman year, Ng knew she wanted to pursue a medical profession.  As a future medical doctor, Ng wants to develop a diversified perspective.

how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

“A lot of patients will come from different backgrounds and will have different life experiences,” she said.  “I think it’s good to try to learn how to interact with those who are different.”

When Ng returns to the U.S. in June 2018, she plans on attending medical school in either New York or Boston to pursue a career in dermatology, while also dancing for the National Basketball Association.

“I think dancing for the NBA is actually tougher to get into than medical school,” she said. 

Following preliminary auditions, contenders are subject to several unrelenting rounds of cuts. Despite all odds, Ng is willing to persist toward her NBA dancing dream.

Kyla James, a dance instructor at BreakOut Studios on Fourth Avenue, met Ng about a year ago when she was one of her students.  It was not long after the two became friends.

“She’s a pretty serious dancer,” James said. “She trained a lot and is really talented. Natasha is just as talented as the rest of them.”

When Ng was 10 years old, she and her family moved from Ahwatukee to Scottsdale. Her parents then placed her in dance school and the rest is history.

James said she commends Ng’s strength, ambition and ability to juggle a dance career with academic endeavors.

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“Natasha is really driven,” she said. “You don’t meet a lot of people who want to be a doctor and be on a dance team at the same time. So I have a lot of admiration for her drive.”

Ng, who is trained in jazz, hip-hop and ballet, said she hopes to somehow incorporate dance to further engage with future students. She is confident this unspoken connection will “surpass the language barrier” between her and the Polish community.

Though she is awaiting the arrival of her passport through the mail and is traveling to Los Angeles next month for her visa, Ng is eager to leave for Poland in September. 

In preparation for her year abroad, Ng completed a year of Polish through UA’s Critical Language Program and began independently studying the country’s history.

She will be teaching an English class to Polish students majoring in the language and a Scientific Writing course to STEM students at the University of Opole while living on her own in the city.

“I think the right person got this [position] because she put in the hard work and effort,” Roalofs said.

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Two vertical posts at the entry to a street filled with pedestrians

Ever-larger cars and trucks are causing a safety crisis on US streets – here’s how communities can fight back

how to write a personal statement for fulbright scholarship

Professor of Environmental Design, University of Colorado Boulder

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Kevin J. Krizek does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Colorado provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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Deadly traffic incidents have declined in most developed countries in recent years. But in the U.S. they’re becoming more common. Deaths in motor vehicle crashes rose more than 33% from 2011 to 2021. Since 2010, pedestrian deaths nationwide have climbed a shocking 77% , compared with a 25% increase in all other types of traffic fatalities .

Light trucks injure pedestrians more severely than passenger cars in crashes , and the size of cars and trucks sold in the U.S. continues to swell . Some current models, such as the Toyota Rav4, are one-third larger than they were 15 years ago.

Based on my experience researching urban planning and street design for the past three decades, I know that U.S. cities are primarily vehicle-centered rather than human-centered. Rules established in the 1920s govern how people use vehicles in public streets, and other governmental controls tell manufacturers how big those vehicles can be.

Today, these sets of rules have created public spaces where it is safer to be inside a vehicle than outside .

The U.S. has not moved as quickly as other countries to prioritize the safety of people outside of cars, especially as cars have grown larger and heavier. As a consequence, Americans are paying the price in lives lost , skyrocketing public health costs and reduced mobility.

Larger, heavier and deadlier

Data clearly shows that since 2008 , cars and trucks sold in the U.S. have been continually getting bigger . The Department of Transportation’s corporate average fuel economy standards have constrained overall gasoline consumption but have also led to an increase in vehicle size .

That’s because these standards have two sets of rules: one for cars and a looser set for light trucks. As a result, automakers have built more sport utility vehicles and light trucks, as well as cars designed to meet light truck standards, like the Subaru Outback. For almost a decade, they have increasingly moved away from producing small cars and sedans.

Modern auto showrooms are dominated by sport utility vehicles, minivans and pickup trucks. According to 2022 data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, three-quarters of new vehicles produced in the U.S. are light trucks .

Those large vehicles create severe safety hazards on neighborhood city streets for children or adults who might be walking or cycling. Because these vehicles are taller, they are more likely to strike people at higher points and produce head or neck injuries rather than leg injuries. Their larger frames worsen visibility for drivers, especially when a vehicle is turning .

As a result, transport agencies , journalists and public safety advocates are increasingly identifying large vehicles as a significant impediment to creating communities with safer streets .

A slow federal response

Until now, the U.S. has not enacted regulations that require car manufacturers to consider the safety of anyone outside of cars . Now, however, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is proposing to add information to its crash test ratings measuring how well cars protect pedestrians in crashes . For example, bumpers and hoods could be redesigned to bend more easily and absorb more energy if a vehicle strikes a person.

But as currently proposed, pedestrian safety would not be factored into the overall five-star safety rating. A vehicle could receive a failing grade for protecting pedestrians yet still earn a five-star safety rating overall.

People deserve to safely travel on public streets and in parking lots. In my view, the quickest and most effective way to tackle car bloat is to transform social expectations for the shape and size of vehicles. Several European cities show how this kind of shift can happen.

A time for local action

Amsterdam and Copenhagen are widely viewed as models for using public space in ways that prioritize people – but they weren’t always that way. Starting in the 1970s, grassroots movements in both cities pressed officials to reduce the dominance of cars and make streets safer for the public. These movements initially were slow to catch on but gained support over time.

Today, similar initiatives are moving forward in cities across France and Germany. Even traditionally car-centric European cities, such as Brussels and Ghent , are increasingly adopting human-focused policies by designating where cars, especially large cars, can and cannot travel.

As a visiting professor in the Netherlands , a Fulbright scholar to Italy and a lecturer across Germany and Poland, I have seen the benefits of these initiatives close at hand. I’ve also learned that it will require public action to create support for such changes in the U.S.

The goal is to modify the design of neighborhood streets and parking areas in ways that prioritize pedestrians, bicycles and new forms of personal transport like microcars . Federal survey data shows that nearly half of trips that Americans drive are shorter than four miles (6.5 kilometers). Ideally, people can be discouraged from using large passenger vehicles for most of this type of travel.

What communities can do

Streets and roads are local public spaces. Therefore, local officials and citizens have important roles to play in mitigating escalating car size in their community.

Some policymakers are proposing to rein in large vehicles through tax policies, such as weight-based registration fees . But measures like this won’t avert the emerging safety crisis in the near term. Rather, I believe this kind of broad cultural shift requires collective action, starting at the local level with street design reform .

In my view, communities seeking to discourage the predominance of oversize vehicles and encourage use of smaller, lighter and slower vehicles could consider taking such steps as:

Creating prioritized parking spaces closer to stores for all forms of mobility that are narrow or less than 8 feet (2.5 meters) long .

Using posts or bollards , which can be removable, to limit vehicle access to commercial areas and neighborhoods where pedestrians, bikes and smaller cars get priority.

Radically narrowing travel lanes on streets to force traffic to slow down and free up space for wider sidewalks and bike lanes.

Limiting or ending vehicle access to streets near schools and economically vibrant commercial districts, either permanently or at high-use times of day.

How would such steps make people safer? Ask communities around Boston, which have cut several accident-prone four-lane roads down to two lanes each , reducing traffic speeds and crashes and creating more green space. Or those in the Atlanta suburb of Peachtree City, which has used parking lots and street space to augment a network of more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) of paved paths for walkers, bikers and registered golf carts .

Repurposing space in streets and parking areas requires city governments and residents to emphasize the public right of way and view street space as a place to devise solutions. There is ample evidence that doing so will make U.S. communities safer.

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University of Mississippi homepage

  • Students, Alumni to Teach English Globally as Fulbright Recipients

Ole Miss receives institution record 19 semifinalists

Grid of headshots of students and alumni who won Fulbrights

OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi has achieved another standout year in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, with seven students and recent graduates earning awards and six named as alternates for the prestigious international exchange program.

This year's accomplishment builds on the university's growing success in the Fulbright program , having produced 66 Fulbright awardees since 1950. One-third of all UM Fulbright awardees have been named in just the last four years.

"This year's group of awardees is full of individuals who are passionate about their work and decided to further their experience and global awareness by applying to the Fulbright," said Whitney Woods, assistant director of the university's Office of National Scholarship Advisement .

"The application process is a lengthy one and requires commitment. It is amazing to watch them grow through this process and become more confident in their personal, academic and career journey."

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers opportunities for students and young professionals to teach, study or conduct research in more than 130 countries. This year's UM awardees have been given the opportunity to travel to diverse locations including Colombia, South Korea, Germany, Uganda and Taiwan.

This year's recipients are Landon Bradley, Samantha Fabian, Binta Fadiga, Violet Jira, Paola Leon, Regeana Peeler and Matthew Travers.

Travers, of Chesterfield, Missouri, graduated from Ole Miss in 2021 with a double degree in international studies and Chinese. He is the recipient of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Taiwan. He has previously been awarded the Yenching scholarship in 2021 and the Boren in 2019 .

Travers said he looks forward to meeting his students and seeing their progress throughout the year.

"I am also looking forward to improving my Chinese language skills, exploring the Pingtung County mountain and oceanside views on my scooter, and tasting all the local foods, especially the Pingtung bluefin tuna," he said.

Leon, an international studies major from Corinth, will travel to South Korea as an ETA.

"I look forward to further developing my proficiency in Korean and knowledge of Korean culture and society that I obtained during my time at Ole Miss and a year studying abroad in Seoul," she said. "I am also excited that this opportunity allows me to pursue my interest in teaching English as a foreign language, especially as someone who is a heritage Spanish speaker.

"I am confident that my time in South Korea through Fulbright will provide me with the tools necessary to develop my professional career and explore my interests."

Fabian, of Omaha, Nebraska, is slated to graduate in December from the School of Business Administration. A 2023 Boren recipient , she was awarded a Fulbright to serve as an ETA in South Korea.

Bradley, a Laurel native majoring in international studies and Spanish, was awarded a Fulbright ETA to Colombia but decided to pursue other interests. He was also a 2024 recipient of the Boren award .

Jira, a former Stamps scholar with majors in journalism and philosophy , was awarded a Fulbright to conduct research on Germany's Black population at the University of Leipzig. The Cleveland native will participate in an Allbriton Journalism Institute fellowship instead, but touts the benefits of pursuing a Fulbright.

"I was excited and honored to be selected as an awardee for Fulbright Germany's Young Professional Journalists program," Jira said. "ONSA does such a good job of helping you put your best foot forward and because of that, I learned so much just through the application process alone."

International studies major Fadiga, a Cleveland native who was also awarded a 2024 Boren scholarship, was offered a Fulbright to serve as an ETA in South Korea. Instead, she decided to pursue other interests.

Oxford native Peeler, a psychology major with a minor in American Sign Language interpretation, received an ETA program award in Uganda, but decided to pursue other interests. She is a veteran of the U.S. Army who previously served in Afghanistan.

Besides the seven awardees, six UM students were named as alternates for Fulbright awards: Eesha Gudiseva, of Memphis, Tennessee; Londyn Lorenz, of Perryville, Missouri; Evan Morrisey, of Jackson; Hattie Sergent, of Milton, West Virginia; Maggie Thomas, of Lilburn, Georgia; and Ally Watrous, of Lexington, Kentucky.

The university's success this year follows an intensive preparation process.

"Over the summer break, we ran a series of one-month Fulbright boot camps online that guided students through the process of writing a compelling and competitive application," said Vivian Ibrahim, ONSA director. "This rigorous preparation contributed to our record-breaking 19 semifinalists – the highest number we've ever had."

Top: UM students or alumni who have received awards through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for 2024 are (top, from left) Violet Jira, Matthew Travers, Paola Leon and Binta Fadiga, and (bottom, from left) Samantha Fabian, Regeana Peeler and Landon Bradley.

See photos of the 2024 Fulbright awardees from Ole Miss:

Erin Garrett

Office, Department or Center

July 22, 2024

  • Honors & Awards

2024 Fulbright Awards

Outdoor portrait of a young man wearing a black coat and a bowtie.

Landon Bradley, a Laurel native majoring in international studies and Spanish, was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Colombia but declined it to pursue other interests. Submitted photo

Photo of a young woman standing in front of an exotic temple.

Samantha Fabian, a business major from Omaha, Nebraska, has been awarded a Fulbright fellowship to serve as an English Teaching Assistant in South Korea. Submitted photo

Outdoor portrait of a young woman wearing a blue top.

Binta Fadiga, an international studies major from Cleveland, was offered a Fulbright fellowship as an English Teaching Assistant in South Korea but chose to pursue other interests. Submitted photo

Outdoor portrait of a young woman with braided hair.

Violet Jira, a 2024 Ole Miss graduate from Cleveland, was awarded a Fulbright to study Germany's Black population at the University of Leipzig, but plans to participate in an Allbriton Journalism Institute fellowship instead. Submitted photo

Outdoor portrait of a young woman wearing a black-and-white striped top.

Paola Leon an international studies major from Corinth, will travel to South Korea as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. Submitted photo

Pportrait of a young woman standing in front of a brick wall with crossed arms.

Regeana Peeler, an Oxford native and U.S. Army veteran, received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Uganda but has decided to pursue other interests. Photo by Srijita Chattopadhyay/Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services

Photo fo a young man wearing a soccer jersey that reads 'Tanzania.'

Matthew Travers, a 2021 Ole Miss graduate from Chesterfield, Missouri, has received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Taiwan. Submitted photo


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What is the AI scholarship for 2024?

What is the AI scholarship for 2024?

What is the AI Scholarship for 2024?

They are AI and Data Science Masters Scholarships and are offered by the University of Birmingham from United Kingdom . This scholarship aims to foster innovation and development within the AI field by providing financial assistance, educational resources, and international exposure to talented individuals. The program is open to a broad demographic, including high school seniors, college students, and professionals seeking further education or research opportunities in AI technology.

Purpose and Scope of the AI Scholarship

The primary objective of the AI Scholarship for 2024 is to encourage the pursuit of excellence in artificial intelligence. The scholarship aims to identify and nurture the talents of individuals who demonstrate a strong commitment to solving real-world problems through AI. By offering financial support and educational resources, the scholarship hopes to create a foundation for future leaders in the AI industry.

Who Can Apply?

Applicants from various backgrounds are welcome to apply for the AI Scholarship. This includes high school seniors planning to major in AI or related fields, undergraduate and graduate students currently studying AI, and professionals looking to further their AI education. The program is inclusive and encourages applications from underrepresented groups to ensure diversity in the field of AI.

Available Awards and Grants

The AI Scholarship for 2024 includes several specific awards and fellowships. Two notable opportunities within this program are the “ $500 Top Bright Minds Mathematics Award China 2024 ” and the “ $8,000 International Development Fellowship in Sweden, 2024 “.

Table of Contents

$500 Top Bright Minds Mathematics Award China 2024

This award is tailored for students who demonstrate exceptional skills in mathematics, a fundamental discipline in AI. The $500 Top Bright Minds Mathematics Award China 2024 is available to high school and college students who have excelled in mathematics competitions or have notable achievements in mathematical research. Recipients of this award will also get the chance to attend workshops and seminars conducted by leading mathematicians and AI specialists in China.

$8,000 International Development Fellowship in Sweden, 2024

The $8,000 International Development Fellowship in Sweden, 2024 is designed for individuals focused on applying AI to solve global development issues. This fellowship offers a substantial financial grant and an opportunity to work closely with international organizations working on sustainable development projects in Sweden. It is open to graduate students, researchers, and professionals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to using AI for international development.

How to Apply

Applying for the AI Scholarship for 2024 involves a detailed application process to ensure that the most deserving candidates are selected. Here are the steps to apply:

  • Eligibility Check: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship categories you are interested in.
  • Application Form: Fill out the online application form on the scholarship’s official website.
  • Personal Statement: Write a personal statement explaining your interest in AI, your achievements in the field, and how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Obtain letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, or professionals who can vouch for your skills and dedication to AI.
  • Transcripts and Certificates: Submit your academic transcripts and certificates as proof of your educational accomplishments.
  • Project Proposal: For some categories, especially research-focused awards like the International Development Fellowship, you may need to submit a detailed project proposal outlining how you intend to use AI to address specific problems.

The Selection Process

The selection process for the AI Scholarship for 2024 is rigorous and designed to identify the most promising candidates. Selection committees comprising AI industry experts, academicians, and previous scholarship recipients evaluate applications based on several criteria, including:

  • Academic Excellence: High grades and achievements in relevant subjects.
  • AI Projects: Participation in AI projects, competitions, or internships.
  • Personal Statement: The clarity, passion, and feasibility of the candidate’s future plans.
  • Recommendations: The strength and credibility of the recommendation letters.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Efforts to promote diversity within the AI field.

Benefits of the AI Scholarship

Recipients of the AI Scholarship for 2024 will enjoy numerous benefits that extend beyond financial assistance. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Financial Aid: Covering tuition fees, research expenses, and other educational costs.
  • Mentorship: Access to mentors, including AI professionals and researchers who can provide guidance and support.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connecting with other scholarship recipients, industry leaders, and academicians.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Invitations to exclusive workshops, conferences, and seminars on AI.
  • International Exposure: Opportunities to collaborate with international organizations and attend global events.

Success Stories

Many past recipients of the AI Scholarship have gone on to achieve remarkable milestones in their careers. Some have contributed to groundbreaking research, while others have developed innovative AI applications that are making a significant impact in various industries. For instance, a previous winner of the $500 Top Bright Minds Mathematics Award used their skills to create an AI algorithm for predicting climate change patterns, which earned international recognition.

The AI Scholarship for 2024 is an invaluable opportunity for aspirants aiming to make a significant impact in the field of artificial intelligence. With various awards, including the $500 Top Bright Minds Mathematics Award China 2024 and the $8,000 International Development Fellowship in Sweden, 2024, the program offers comprehensive support to foster the next generation of AI innovators. By providing financial assistance, educational resources, and international exposure, the AI Scholarship for 2024 ensures that talented individuals have the resources they need to advance their careers and contribute to the global AI landscape.

For more information and to apply, interested candidates should visit the official scholarship website and prepare their applications ahead of the deadlines. The future of AI is bright, and this scholarship is a significant step towards nurturing the minds that will shape it.

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