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Sample package.xml Manifest Files

The following samples are listed:

Standard Objects

All custom objects, standard picklist fields, custom and standard fields, list views for standard objects, security settings, assignment rules, auto-response rules, escalation rules, sharing rules, managed component access.

For more information about the structure of a manifest file, see Deploying and Retrieving Metadata with the Zip File .

This sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to work with the standard Account object. Retrieving or deploying a standard object includes all custom and standard fields except for standard fields that aren’t customizable. All custom fields are supported. Only standard fields that you can customize are supported, that is, standard fields to which you can add help text or enable history tracking or Chatter feed tracking. Other standard fields aren't supported, including system fields (such as CreatedById or LastModifiedDate ) and autonumber fields.

Note how you work with the standard Account object by specifying it as a member of a CustomObject type. However, you can’t use an asterisk wildcard to work with all standard objects; each standard object must be specified by name.

This sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to work with all custom objects.

This manifest file can be used to retrieve or deploy all custom objects, but not all standard objects.

In API version 38.0 and later, the StandardValueSet type represents standard picklists. Picklists are no longer represented by fields as in earlier versions. This sample package.xml represents the Industry standard picklist as a StandardValueSet type.

The name of a standard value set is case-sensitive.

The Industry standard value set corresponds to the Account.Industry or Lead.Industry field in API version 37.0 and earlier. This example shows a package.xml sample for the Account.Industry picklist.

The name of a picklist field is case-sensitive.

Note the objectName . picklistField syntax in the <members > field where objectName is the name of the object, such as Account , and picklistField is the name of the standard picklist field, such as Industry .

This next package.xml sample represents opportunity team roles in API version 38.0 and later. Specify opportunity team roles as a SalesTeamRole standard value set. Opportunity team roles have the same picklist values as the account team roles.

The SalesTeamRole standard value set corresponds to one of these field names in API version 37.0 and earlier: OpportunityTeamMember.TeamMemberRole , UserAccountTeamMember.TeamMemberRole , UserTeamMember.TeamMemberRole , and AccountTeamMember.TeamMemberRole . Opportunity team roles are represented in this sample package.xml as the OpportunityTeamMember.TeamMemberRole field.

To learn about the names of standard value sets and how they map to picklist field names, see StandardValueSet Names and Standard Picklist Fields .

This sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to work with custom fields in custom and standard objects and standard fields in a standard object.

Note the objectName . field syntax in the <members > field where objectName is the name of the object, such as Account, and field is the name of the custom or standard field, such as an SLA picklist field representing a service-level agreement option. The MyCustomField custom field in the MyCustomObject custom object is uniquely identified by its full name, MyCustomObject__c.MyCustomField__c . Similarly, the Phone standard field in the Account standard object is uniquely identified by its full name, Account.Phone .

All custom fields are supported. Only standard fields that you can customize are supported, that is, standard fields to which you can add help text or enable history tracking or Chatter feed tracking. Other standard fields aren't supported, including system fields (such as CreatedById or LastModifiedDate ) and autonumber fields.

The easiest way to retrieve list views for a standard object is to retrieve the object. The list views are included in the retrieved component. See the section of this topic on Standard Objects.

You can also work with individual list views if you don’t want to retrieve all the details for the object. This sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to work with a list view for the standard Account object.

Note the objectName . listViewUniqueName syntax in the <members > field where objectName is the name of the object, such as Account, and listViewUniqueName is the View Unique Name for the list view. If you retrieve this list view, the component is stored in objects/Account.object .

To retrieve a package, set the name of the package in the packageNames field in RetrieveRequest when you call retrieve() . The package.xml manifest file is automatically populated in the retrieved .zip file. The <fullName > element in package.xml contains the name of the retrieved package.

If you use an asterisk wildcard in a <members > element to retrieve all the components of a particular metadata type, the retrieved contents don’t include components in managed packages.

For more information about managed packages, see the Second-Generation Managed Packaging Developer Guide .

The easiest way to retrieve a component in a managed package is to retrieve the complete package by setting the name of the package in the packageNames field in RetrieveRequest , as described earlier. The following sample package.xml manifest file illustrates an alternative to retrieve an individual component in a package.

Note the namespacePrefix __ objectName syntax in the <members > field where namespacePrefix is the namespace prefix of the package and objectName is the name of the object. A namespace prefix is a 1-character to 15-character alphanumeric identifier that distinguishes your package and its contents from other publishers’ packages. For more information, see Create and Register Your Namespace for Second-Generation Managed Packages.

This sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to work with an organization’s security settings. You specify Security in the <members > element and Settings in the name element when retrieving the SecuritySettings component type.

Assignment rules, auto-response rules, and escalation rules use different package.xml type names to access sets of rules or individual rules for object types. For example, the following sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to access an organization’s assignment rules for just Cases and Leads.

In API version 33.0 and later, you can retrieve and deploy sharing rules for all standard and custom objects. This sample package.xml manifest file illustrates how to work with an organization’s sharing rules, such as retrieving a specific criteria-based sharing rule for the lead object, retrieving all ownership-based sharing rules for all objects, and retrieving all territory-based sharing rules for the account object.

In API version 29.0 and later, you can retrieve and deploy access settings for the following managed components in profiles and permission sets:

  • Apex classes
  • Custom field permissions
  • Custom object permissions
  • Custom tab settings
  • External data sources
  • Record types
  • Visualforce pages

In API version 51.0 and later, you can retrieve and deploy access settings for login flows.

When retrieving and deploying managed component permissions, specify the namespace followed by two underscores. Wildcards aren’t supported.

For example, let’s say you install a managed package with the namespace MyNamespace and the custom object JobRequest__c . To set object permissions for JobRequest__c in the package to the custom profile MyProfile, you would add the following to the .profile file.

To retrieve:

When retrieving permission sets and profiles, make sure that you also retrieve any components that are related to the permissions and settings. For example, when retrieving app visibilities, you must also retrieve the associated app, and when retrieving object or field permissions, you must also retrieve the associated object.


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  • Mar 2, 2023

Understanding Assignment Rules: A Comprehensive Guide

deploy lead assignment rules

Assignment rules are an important feature of Salesforce that help businesses automate assigning records to specific users or teams based on predefined criteria. This article will discuss assignment rules, how they work, and the benefits they provide to businesses.

What are Assignment Rules?

Assignment rules are a set of criteria that are defined by businesses to determine how records should be assigned to users or teams within the Salesforce system. These criteria can be based on several factors, such as the record type, location, record status, or the user's role or territory. For example, a company may set up an assignment rule to automatically assign a new lead to the sales rep who covers that particular region or product line.

How do Assignment Rules Work?

When a record is created or updated, the assignment rules evaluate the record based on predefined criteria. The assignment rule automatically assigns the record to the designated user or team if the criteria are met. Once the record is assigned, the user or team can work on the record.

Salesforce provides a simple wizard that enables administrators to set up assignment rules. The wizard allows administrators to define the criteria for the assignment, select the user or team to assign records to, and set up any needed notifications or escalations.

How to Set Up Assignment Rules in Salesforce

deploy lead assignment rules

Setting up assignment rules in Salesforce is a straightforward process that requires the following steps:

Identify the criteria for record assignment - Before creating an assignment rule, businesses should first identify the criteria used to assign records. It might include the record type, location, user role, or other custom fields.

Create the assignment rule - Once the criteria have been identified, businesses can create the assignment rule in Salesforce. It involves setting up a rule that evaluates the criteria and assigns records to the appropriate user or team.

Test the assignment rule - After the assignment rule has been created, businesses should test it to ensure it is working correctly. It might involve creating test records and verifying that they are assigned to the correct user or team.

Activate the assignment rule - Testing it in Salesforce will allow it to be activated. It allows it to automatically assign records to the appropriate user or team.

Types of Assignment Rules in Salesforce

deploy lead assignment rules

Salesforce offers two types of assignment rules: standard assignment rules and lead assignment rules.

Standard assignment rules assign records to users or teams based on predefined criteria. They can be set up for various record types, including leads, cases, and opportunities.

Lead assignment rules are specific assignment rules used to assign leads to sales reps. They evaluate the criteria for a lead, such as location or product interest, and assign the lead to the appropriate sales rep based on a round-robin or customized assignment method.

Benefits of Assignment Rules

There are several benefits to using assignment rules in Salesforce, including:

Increased Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of assignment rules is their increased efficiency. By automating the process of assigning records, sales, and customer support teams can spend less time manually assigning leads and cases to the appropriate users or teams. They can focus on more important tasks, such as following up with leads, resolving customer issues, and closing deals.

With assignment rules, businesses can streamline their processes and reduce the time it takes to respond to customer inquiries, ultimately improving their overall efficiency and productivity.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Another important benefit of assignment rules is the improved customer satisfaction they can provide. Businesses can automatically assign cases to the appropriate user or team to ensure that customer inquiries are handled promptly and efficiently. Customers receive faster responses to their inquiries, which can help improve their overall satisfaction with the company.

In addition, by assigning cases to users with the appropriate skills and knowledge, businesses can ensure that customer issues are resolved more effectively, further improving customer satisfaction.

Accurate Data

Assignment rules also help businesses maintain accurate data in their CRM system. By automating the process of assigning records, businesses can ensure that data is entered correctly and consistently. It means that reports and analytics generated from the data are more accurate and reliable, which can help businesses make more informed decisions.

In addition, businesses can use assignment rules to enforce data validation rules, which can help prevent incorrect data from being entered into the system.


Another benefit of assignment rules is that they help ensure consistency in record assignments. By automating the process of assigning records, businesses can ensure that records are assigned to the appropriate user or team consistently. It reduces the risk of errors or omissions occurring when records are manually assigned.

In addition, by using assignment rules to enforce a standardized process for record assignment, businesses can ensure that records are handled consistently across different teams and regions.


Finally, assignment rules provide businesses with great flexibility in assigning records. Businesses can define complex rules based on various criteria, such as record type, location, or user role. Businesses can customize their assignment rules to fit their specific needs and workflows.

In addition, assignment rules can be updated or modified as needed, allowing businesses to adapt to changes in their business or industry.

Best Practices for Using Assignment Rules in Salesforce

Businesses should follow these best practices to ensure Salesforce assignment rules are working effectively:

Define clear assignment criteria: Before setting up assignment rules, businesses should define clear criteria for record assignments. It will help ensure that records are assigned accurately and consistently.

Test assignment rules before activation: Before activating assignment rules, businesses should test them to ensure that they are working correctly. It will help prevent errors and ensure that records are assigned to the appropriate user or team.

Monitor and adjust assignment rules: It is important to monitor them regularly to ensure they are working properly. Businesses should also be prepared to adjust assignment rules as needed to accommodate changes in their business or industry.

Communicate changes to users: When changes are made to assignment rules, businesses should communicate with them to ensure they are aware of any changes in their workload or responsibilities.

In conclusion, assignment rules are a powerful feature of Salesforce that helps businesses automate assigning records to specific users or teams. The benefits of assignment rules include increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, accurate data, and consistency.

By using assignment rules, businesses can streamline their processes, improve their overall effectiveness, and achieve their goals more efficiently.

At Cloud Sylla, our sole focus is on assisting businesses in achieving success through digital transformation. Our goal is to aid customers in making the crucial shift to digital technologies, enabling them to bolster their strategies, multi-channel distribution, and internal operations.

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Effective lead management in Salesforce’s changing environment is essential for boosting sales. They are automated processes within Salesforce that determine how newly created leads are assigned to users or queues. Lead assignment rules in Salesforce are essential for making sure that leads are managed and dispersed in your company correctly.

This technical blog will walk readers through the nuances of Salesforce’s lead assignment rules, look at actual cases, and comprehend the significant advantages they provide.

What are Lead Assignment Rules?

Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules are used to automatically assign lead records to a particular user or queue based on different conditions. It can contain many rule entries that determine the assignee of a lead. Rule entry specifies the following:

  • Sort Order, which determines the order of evaluation of rule entries.
  • Entry criteria determine which rule entry the response will be sent through.
  • Name of the user/queue to which the record should be assigned.
  • An email template will be used to send the response.

We can create as many assignment rules as we want, but only one can be active at a time. “Don’t Reassign Owner” determines if the user whose process stack is in use becomes the owner of the rule entity or if it remains owned by its creator user.


Example Scenario

Source-Based Assignment –  Leads originating from the company’s website forms are assigned to the inside sales team. These leads are automatically directed to the relevant representatives based on the web form source, ensuring a quick response.

Territory-Based Assignment –  For leads generated from trade shows, assignment rules are configured to assign them to the field sales representatives responsible for the respective geographic territories. This ensures that local representatives handle leads effectively.

Round-Robin Assignment –  Marketing campaigns yield a large volume of leads. To distribute these leads equitably, the organization uses round-robin assignment rules. Leads are systematically rotated among the sales representatives, ensuring a fair distribution of opportunities.

How to Create Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules? 

Creating lead and case assignment rules in Salesforce is a relatively straightforward process. 

Step 1: After logging in, go to the horizontal navigation bar’s upper right corner and choose Setup.

Step 2: Type “assignment rules” into the Setup search box, then choose Lead Assignment Rules.

Lead Assignment Rules Steps

Step 3: To add a new assignment rule, select New.

deploy lead assignment rules

Step 4 : Enter a name in the Rule Name box and Click Save when finished.

deploy lead assignment rules

Step 5: To specify your rule criteria, click open your newly generated rule and choose New in the Rule Entries.

Lead Assignment Rules Steps

Here, the “Enter the rule entry” window requires you to enter an Order for your new rule (the Order is the order in which the entry is processed, like a queue).

Next, you need to determine whether your new rule is based on meeting a set of criteria or a formula. In the “Run this rule if the” dropdown box, select either “criteria are met” or “formula evaluates to true.”

deploy lead assignment rules

Lastly, select the user or queue to whom your rule will assign your new lead (use the lookup feature to find specific users or a queue)

deploy lead assignment rules

Step 6: After completing these steps, select Save.


Benefits of Lead Assignment Rules

Implementing lead assignment rules in Salesforce provides several key benefits:

  • Leads are automatically routed to the most suitable representatives or teams, reducing manual assignment efforts.
  • It is used to assign the owner to a lead record, which is stored from Web-to-Lead. But while creating lead records manually, the ‘Assign using active assignment rule’ option is visible, which lets the owner be assigned as per the criteria defined in the assignment rule. The owner will be the creator of the record.
  • With source-based rules, organizations can ensure that leads are promptly attended to, resulting in faster response times and increased lead-to-opportunity conversion rates.
  • Territory-based rules allow organizations to align leads with representatives who have in-depth knowledge of specific regions, increasing the chances of successful conversions.
  • Round-robin assignment rules prevent the overload of leads on a single representative and ensure that all sales team members have an equitable opportunity to engage with potential customers.
  • Automation reduces the likelihood of manual errors in lead assignment, ensuring that no lead is overlooked.

Lead assignment rules in Salesforce are potent tools for optimizing lead management. Whether it’s routing leads by their source, assigning them to the proper territory, or equitably distributing them among your sales team, these rules streamline the process and enhance efficiency.

By understanding the principles of lead assignment rules and harnessing their capabilities, organizations can ensure that no lead goes unattended, resulting in increased conversion rates and driving sales success.

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Q-assign is an advanced Salesforce-native assignment app. It can transform any team through the deployment of intelligent work-assignment systems: Cases, Leads, Opportunities, Work Orders and more.

Route leads automatically to best sales rep


Match opportunities to the best available AE

Assign cases to the best available service agent


Route work orders to the best available agent or engineer


Create a Salesforce-native ticketing system and route SR’s to users

Create an automated assignment system for any object including custom objects

Attribute-based Routing

  • Skills, experience, product, language etc

Workload-based Routing

  • Load-balance for maximum effectiveness
  • Availability-based Routing
  • Assign to first available Salesforce user
  • Code-Free Configuration
  • Point-and-click assignment rules
  • AI-Driven Algorithms
  • Auto-triage, prioritize & assign cases
  • Intelligent Assignment Rules
  • Code-free, dynamic assignment rules
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Rapid, real-time matching & assignment
  • Increased Effectiveness
  • Right agent, right time, right data
  • Increased Performance
  • Driven by data-centric insights

Advanced Salesforce Assignment Rules

Flexible solution. We have not come up with any use case that is not possible to achieve with this solution. We are extremely happy with Q-assign.

Anuj Kapoor, Salesforce Administrator, EF Education First


In high-volume sales teams, deploy a dynamic assignment system to prioritize the hot leads and high-value opportunities, and assign them to the very best available sales rep. Eliminate cherry-picking and even reassign or escalate neglected leads and opportunities.


Transform productivity and performance across your service team by matching every Case to the best available service agent. Reduce time-to-first-response and average handle time. Prioritize SLA-bound Cases. Result? Faster resolution, better outcomes, happier customers.


Revolutionize the way your field service or facilities team works. Deploy Email-to-anything to create and update Work Orders automatically from emails, then use Q-assign to assign them, dynamically, to the best available agent or engineer.


Automatically allocate work-items based on predefined geographic territories, making sure that agents with local expertise handle each item, thereby improving customer/supplier relationships and increasing productivity and performance.

Q-assign Features

Availability based Routing

Account Matching

Automated Reassignment

Omni-channel Routing

Territory Management

Weighted Round Robin

Dynamic Escalations

AI Sentiment Analysis

AI-powered actions

Code Free Configuration

Automated Priorization

Slack & Teams Notification

“Easy to learn, easy to implement and, if we are ever in doubt, the support team jumps in and helps us to deliver. The best customer support in the industry.”


From $21 per user per month.

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Q-assign is an advanced Salesforce-native app designed to automate work-assignment systems for cases, leads, opportunities, work orders, and more, using intelligent rules.

It uses attribute-based, workload-based, and availability-based routing combined with AI-driven algorithms and code-free configuration to assign work items to the best Salesforce user.

Any team using Salesforce for managing leads, cases, opportunities, work orders, or other custom objects can benefit from the intelligent assignment capabilities of Q-assign.

Key features include dynamic assignment rules, availability-based routing, account matching, automated reassignment, omni-channel routing, attribute-based routing, territory management, and AI-powered actions.

Yes, Q-assign offers customizable, code-free dynamic assignment rules that can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of different business units.

By ensuring tasks are assigned to the most suitable Salesforce user based on expertise, availability, and workload, Q-assign increases efficiency, effectiveness, and performance.

Rules for lead and opportunity assignment, advanced case assignment, work order assignment, and territory-based assignment can be implemented.

Pricing starts at $21 per user per month, with a minimum of 20 users. Volume pricing and discounts for nonprofits are available.

A free 30-day trial is offered, providing full access to all features of the product.

A bespoke demo tailored to specific use cases can be requested through the Ortoo website.

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deploy lead assignment rules

How to Re-run Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules: Process Builder & Apex

Note:  On Sep 23, 2021, Salesforce announced they’re deprecating Process Builder in “Summer 2022.”  And they cautioned , “the best way for you to future-proof your organization is to move your automation to Flow.”  This Process Builder tutorial is still accurate, but we recommend reading and following the Flow tutorial instead.

Salesforce Lead assignment rules are a powerful tool to make sure that Leads are assigned to the appropriate user or queue for follow up. They also allow marketers to get and stay out of the business of trying to maintain sales territory logic within their Marketing Automation Platform (MAP).

When a new Lead is created, Salesforce will use the logic you’ve configured to assign the record to the appropriate user or queue. But what if you need to re-run that logic on existing records? If you only need to do this for a single Lead record, the solution is as simple as editing the record and selecting the optional “Assign using active assignment rule” checkbox.

>> Related: 6 Ways to Handle Those Pesky Spambot Clicks in Marketo <<

In this post:

What it looks like

Here’s an example of what that looks like:

Edit Lead Screenshot with Assign box checked

If you need to do a one-time batch reassignment of a number of records, you can export the relevant Lead Ids and use the Apex Data Loader to trigger assignment rules to fire. You can grab the ID of the appropriate Lead Assignment Rule from the URL bar when viewing the rule in Setup. It will always start with the prefix “01Q”.

Assignment Rule Id from URL bar

Re-Run Salesforce Lead Assignments

There are times where you want to re-run assignment rules automatically under certain conditions. For example, you may assign Leads under a certain Lead Score to a Queue. When the Lead Score increases over the threshold, you then want to re-run assignment rules to assign to an inside sales rep for follow up.

In order to accomplish this, we can use the extremely powerful combination of Process Builder and an Apex Invocable method. This allows you to take advantage of the power of Apex with the flexibility to declaratively (clicks, not code!) control the logic of when to re-run the assignment rules without having to edit any code.

Using Apex for Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

Let’s start with the code. Since we’re writing code here, we’ll need to start in a sandbox org first before deploying to production. You’re smart and already knew that you’d NEVER make changes in production without first testing in a sandbox ( right?! ), but in this case, Salesforce doesn’t trust you either way and forces you to write your code in a sandbox org before moving to production.

We’ll be creating an Apex class with a single method with the @InvocableMethod annotation, which allows us to call our Apex from within a Visual Flow or Process. The method accepts a single parameter (a list of the Lead Ids to be assigned) that you’ll pass into the method from your Process.

That’s it. Just those four lines are all you need in your code. The rest of your logic for when to actually fire the assignment rules will be configured in Process Builder.

Now, in order to actually deploy this to your production org, you’ll also need to create a test class to cover your code and ensure that it functions as expected in your environment. A sample test class might look like this, but this is extremely basic. I suggest working with a developer to make sure you’re doing everything properly and accounting for any additional requirements specific to your Salesforce instance.

Using Salesforce Process Builder for Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

Now that we have our code to reassign our Leads, we’ll create our declarative logic of when to fire it using the Process Builder.

1) Create a new Process by searching for the Process Builder under Setup and clicking the New button in the top right. Give your process a name, and set the option for “The process starts when” to “A record changes” as shown in the screenshot below.

New Process Window

2) Select the Lead object for your Process and start the process when a record is created or edited.

deploy lead assignment rules

3) Click on Add Criteria, and give your criteria a name. In this example, we’ll be exploring the earlier use-case of wanting to re-assign Leads after they meet a certain Lead Score. We’ll select “conditions are met” and set the condition that the Lead Score is greater than or equal to 100. Under the advanced section, we’ll select the option to only execute the actions when specified changes are made to the record. This means that we’ll only execute the actions if the record previously did not meet the criteria but now does after being updated.

Process Action Criteria

4) Without getting into too much detail, because of Triggers and Order of Execution , we can’t call our code in an immediate action. Instead, we’ll create a scheduled action to call our Apex method. In this case, we want the logic to execute as quickly as possible, so we’ll set the schedule for 0 hours from now.

Process Set Schedule

5) Once saved, we can create our scheduled action. Click Add Action, and select the Action Type Apex. Give your action a name, and select the Apex class you created earlier. Set the Apex Variables leadIds using the Field Reference of the Lead Id that started the process.

Scheduled Action

6) After saving, you can activate your process and test in your sandbox to ensure functionality before deploying to your production org. Since the code is fired under a scheduled action, there is a slight delay before the reassignment happens. In my experience, this is usually less than two minutes, but you can monitor this under Setup > Flows and viewing the Paused and Waiting Interviews section.

Scheduled Action Monitoring

Once you’ve tested and are satisfied that everything is working properly, you can deploy this up to your production org and start taking advantage of this right away. The nice part about this particular approach is that if your requirements change””for example if your Lead Score threshold changes to 150 instead of 100″”you can change the logic in your Process without having to touch any code.

deploy lead assignment rules

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Assignment rules in Salesforce

  • By Ankush Dureja in salesforce

December 6, 2018

Page Contents

What are assignment rules in salesforce ?

Assignment rules in salesforce are used to automatically assign lead or Case to owner( User Or Queue ). Assignment rule is used to automate owner assignment on Case and Lead based on conditions on Case or Lead. For example, there could on lead assignment rule for web-generated leads and one case assignment rule for the holiday use.

Types of assignment rules

There are two type of assignment rules

Lead Assignment Rules

Case assignment rules.

Specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the Data Import Wizard.

Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

Create or Setup assignment rules

  • From Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the  Quick Find  box, then select either  Lead Assignment Rules  or  Case Assignment Rules .
  • Choose  New , and then give the rule a name. Specify whether you want this to be the active rule for leads or cases created manually and via the web and email. Then click  Save .
  • To create the rule entries, click  New . For each entry, you can specify:
  • Order : Sets the order in which the entry will be processed in the rule, for example, 1, 2, 3. Salesforce evaluates each entry in order and tries to match the criteria of the entry. As soon as a match is found, Salesforce processes the item and stops evaluating the rule entries for that item. If no match is found, the item is reassigned to either the default Web-to-Lead owner, the administrator doing a lead import, or the default case owner.
  • Choose criteria are met and select the filter criteria that a record must meet to trigger the rule.For example, set a case filter to Priority equals High if you want case records with the Priority field marked High to trigger the rule. If your organization uses multiple languages, enter filter values in your organization’s default language. You can add up to 25 filter criteria, of up to 255 characters each. When you use picklists to specify filter criteria, the selected values are stored in the organization’s default language. If you edit or clone existing filter criteria, first set the Default Language on the Company Information page to the same language that was used to set the original filter criteria. Otherwise, the filter criteria may not be evaluated as expected.
  • Choose formula evaluates to true and enter a formula that returns a value of “True” or “False.” Salesforce triggers the rule if the formula returns “True.” For example, the formula AND(ISCHANGED( Priority ), ISPICKVAL (Priority, “High”) ) triggers a rule that changes the owner of a case when the Priority field is changed to High. If your condition uses a custom field, the rule entry will be deleted automatically if the custom field is deleted.
  • User : Specifies the user or queue to which the lead or case will be assigned if it matches the condition. Users specified here cannot be marked “inactive” and they must have “Read” permission on leads or cases.
  • Do Not Reassign Owner : Specifies that the current owner on a lead or case will not be reassigned to the lead or case when it is updated.
  • Email Template : We can specifies the template to use for the email that is automatically sent to the new owner. If no template is specified, no email will be sent. When assigning a lead or case to a queue, the notification goes to the Queue Email address specified for the queue and all queue members.
  • Predefined Case Teams : Specifies the predefined case team(s) to add to a case when it matches the condition. A case team is a group of people that work together to solve cases.
  • Replace any existing predefined case teams on the case : Specifies that any existing predefined case teams on the case are replaced with the predefined case teams on the condition, when a case matches the condition.

After creating the entry, click  Save , or  Save & New  to save the entry and create more entries.

Assignment Rule Example

Following is sample Case assignment rule which assigns case to different queues based on Billing Country, Account SLA and customer type:

For more details about assignment rules please refer to assignment rules  official link.

Assignment rules in Salesforce trailhead

Good luck for creating Assignment rules in Salesforce 🙂

  • Assignment rules , Assignment rules Salesforce , Case Assignment rules , Lead Assignment Rules , salesforce , sfdc

Ankush Dureja

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sfdcpoint.com/salesforce/assignment-rules-in-salesforce/

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deploy lead assignment rules

  • Stremove.com on August 2, 2020 at 9:10 am

Case Assignment Rules Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

deploy lead assignment rules

  • Dayene on August 25, 2020 at 7:01 pm

Hi! What about when I want my assignment to change when the Lead status is changed? I’ve created two criterias. First when the status is new and second when the status has other values. But when the Lead is updated and the status changes the assignment doesn´t follow this change and it does not assignment the Lead Owner correctly. Thanks.

deploy lead assignment rules

  • Vrushabh LEngade on October 27, 2020 at 3:51 pm

Use Escalation Rules and escalate the case to another user or queue

deploy lead assignment rules

  • subhasini on December 23, 2021 at 6:19 pm

Hi Ankush Dureja, there is a interview question on assignment and the question is : What will happen if the user becomes inactive(or user is deactivated) on whom the rule is assigned. Please reply me ASAP

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Brewers add starting-pitching depth in trade for right-hander Garrett Stallings

BOSTON – To see the Milwaukee Brewers make a low-risk move to improve their starting pitching depth on Saturday was not surprising in the least.

They did so by acquiring right-hander Garrett Stallings from the Baltimore Orioles in exchange for right-hander Thyago Vieira , who had been designated for assignment earlier in the week, and right-hander Aneuris Rodriguez, a 19-year-old who had been pitching in the Arizona Complex League.

Stallings, a 2019 fifth-round draft choice out of the University of Tennessee who turns 27 on Aug. 8, has yet to make his major-league debut. In 11 appearances (four starts) at Class AAA Norfolk, he was 0-1 with a 5.67 ERA and WHIP of 1.63. He also struck out 25 in 27 innings.

"He's starting depth for us," said assistant general manager Matt Kleine. "He was actually a guy that we had identified this past offseason who was Rule 5-eligible. He's a guy who can really just provide innings and spread length if a need arises."

Stallings also didn't need to be added to the 40-man roster, which is full at this point. He'll join the rotation at Class AAA Nashville once he reports.

In 88 career minor-league appearances (64 starts), Stallings was 27-23 with a 5.41 ERA and WHIP of 1.37. He also averaged just about a strikeout per inning (378 in 379 ⅓).

"A lot of sinker-slider-cutter-curveball," is how Kleine described Stallings's arsenal. "He's a five-pitch guy right now. Kitchen sink. Really, will just throw whatever he can to get the guy out. We still need some time to figure out how we want to use that and deploy it.

"But there's a lot to work with."

Vieira had flashed a 100-mph fastball with the Brewers but posted a 5.64 ERA and WHIP of 1.70 in 16 appearances (22 ⅓ innings) this season out of the bullpen.

As for the little-known Rodriguez, he has potential to be a quality pitcher down the line. But at his age and experience level, it was worth surrendering him to the Orioles for the chance to acquire a pitcher like Stallings who could conceivably help the Brewers at some point this season.

"It's a good arm," said Kleine. "It's another guy who our international group deserves a lot of credit for for finding. Our player development group has done a great job working with him, getting him to this point. But in order to get something, you always have to give up something, right?

"And in this case, that was a player that Baltimore identified and as we worked through our options, that just ended up being the best option for us at this time."

DL Hall 's rehab assignment cut short

Left-hander DL Hall had his minor-league rehab assignment cut short when he caught one of his cleats on his left shoe on the mound at the end of his one-inning outing at Nashville earlier in the week.

He remains on the 15-day injured list as the Brewers determine next steps.

"He's going to be evaluated tomorrow in Milwaukee, and we'll go from there," said Kleine. "We have no indication that it's worse than (a tweak) right now. But we just want to be conservative, right? There's no sense in rushing through it or pushing through it at this point.

"Let's just take a breath, make sure we've got the medical information and whatever the medical information advises us to do (we'll do)."

The good news up to the tweak was Hall's fastball velocity had begun to return, with Hall hitting 95-96 mph with his fastball. The plan at this point is for Hall to pitch out of the bullpen once he's healthy enough to return to the Brewers.

"That's big," said Kleine. "Velo is the most important part of anybody's repertoire. That's credit to our coaches who have been working and credit to DL himself for putting in the work. So, we'll get the knee checked out, make sure everything's all right and then once we get to the point of being comfortable and getting him back out on rehab assignment, he'll be working himself right back into the mix (with the Brewers)."

Joey Wiemer , Brewers seeking production

Prior to Sunday's game, the Brewers recalled infielder Oliver Dunn from Nashville and optioned outfielder Joey Wiemer out in the corresponding move.

Wiemer, who had been serving as bench depth, is hitting just .154 with an OPS of .339 in 19 games with Milwaukee. He made a series of dramatic changes to his setup at the plate in the offseason that haven't taken hold to this point.

"It's really just an opportunity to go out and play," Kleine said. "I mean, not dissimilar from what we just did with (Dunn) before bringing him back. It's hard to make adjustments at this level when you're playing one or two days a week. So, this is an opportunity for Joey to go down, reset and just get a string of at-bats.

"Hopefully he gets a foundation to get back here."

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Brewers add pitching depth in trade for right-hander Garrett Stallings

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Case or Lead Assignment Rules fail to set the Owner

A recently created or updated Case or Lead Assignment Rule isn't setting the Owner on new or edited Case or Lead records that appear to perfectly match the rule's criteria or formula conditions, but ownership is not being assigned.

  • Be sure the Case or Lead Assignment Rule is active :

In Salesforce Classic

  • Setup | Customize | Case (or Lead) | Assignment Rules

In Lightning Experience

  • For Lead: Setup | Feature Settings | Marketing | Lead Assignment Rules
  • For Case: Setup | Feature Settings | Service | Case Assignment Rules

See the "Active" checkbox and edit the Assignment to make it active (just one can be active at a time)

  • Check the criteria or formula you have for each rule component:

Edit the different lines as needed, check logic, fields, values, etc.

  • In addition to having correct criteria or formula in an active Case or Lead Assignment Rule, you also need to apply those rules for actual use. This is done in your Case and Lead page layouts.
  • Setup | Customize | Case (or Lead) | Page Layouts | Edit the layout
  • Setup | Object Manager | Case (or Lead) | Page Layouts | Click the Page Layout Name

Click on the Layout Properties button and select the checkboxes for the Case Assignment:

Note : To force Case assignment rules, select Default under Case Assignment Checkbox. This means end users won’t see any option to turn off case assignment when editing a case. Choose to include the 'Assign using active assignment rules' checkbox by selecting Show on edit page. If both options are chosen, the assignment checkbox is displayed and is checked by default. The default setting will force the assignment rule to run unless the checkbox is deployed and a User manually deselects the checkbox.  

Click OK and click Save.

  • Cases can also be assigned to the Default Case Owner if the assignment rules fail to locate an owner (the case doesn't meet the criteria of any active rule), this might give the appearance that the Case is being assigned to the incorrect owner. Change the Default Case Owner by customizing the Support Settings . 
  • The behavior of an Assignment Rule runs differently since it depends on how the record is edited, whether through Inline Editing or the Edit button.
  • If Case was created via Email-to-Case, the Owner field on the Routing Address should be blank for the Assignment rule to trigger. For more information you can check this article:  Assignment Rule is not firing when Case is created through Email-to-Case

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  1. Lead Assignment Rule in Salesforce

    deploy lead assignment rules

  2. How to create a lead assignment rules in salesforce

    deploy lead assignment rules

  3. Salesforce lead assignment rules

    deploy lead assignment rules

  4. Automatic Lead Assignment

    deploy lead assignment rules

  5. How to use Salesforce lead assignment rules

    deploy lead assignment rules

  6. How to create a lead assignment rules in salesforce

    deploy lead assignment rules



  2. Group Lead Assignment

  3. Utilize assignment rules in lead and opportunity routing YouTube

  4. Synchronous Seq circuits state assignment rules

  5. Customers and Leads: Lead Assignment Rules

  6. How to Create a Workflow Assign Leads in Bulk to a User in Go High Level


  1. Common issues when when deploying a Lead assignment rule via change sets

    Unable to deploy Lead assignment rule for Users via Change Set. 2. Assignment Rules are assigned to Queues which don't exist in the target org. Solution: Deploy Queues Separately via Change set or MdAPI before deploying Assignment Rules if the Assignment Rule already exists in the org. 3. Assignment Rules have criterias on Custom Object's ...

  2. Assignment Rules

    Assignment rules automate your organization's lead generation and support processes. Use lead assignment rules to specify how leads are assigned to users...

  3. Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules Best Practices and Tricks

    Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules are a numbered set of distribution rules that determine which owner a Lead record should be assigned (either a specific user or to a Salesforce Queue).They are generally used at the point in time when a Lead is created (typically by Web-to-lead or an integrated marketing automation platform like Pardot, Marketo, HubSpot).

  4. AssignmentRules

    AssignmentRules. Represents assignment rules that allow you to automatically route cases to the appropriate users or queues. You can access rules metadata for all applicable objects, for a specific object, or for a specific rule on a specific object. The package.xml syntax for accessing all assignment rules for all objects is: <types>.

  5. Sample package.xml Manifest Files

    Assignment rules, auto-response rules ... file illustrates how to access just the "samplerule" Case assignment rule and the "newrule" Lead assignment rule. Notice ... In API version 33.0 and later, you can retrieve and deploy sharing rules for all standard and custom objects. This sample ...

  6. What is Lead Routing, and How to Use Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    Also known as lead assignment, lead routing is an automated process of distributing inbound leads to the department or sales rep best-equipped to handle that lead. More sophisticated lead routing systems take in consideration a variety of lead assignment rules determined by the company. Normally these rules are based on the sales territory, industry, potential deal size among other variables ...

  7. How To Create Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    Learn how to create lead assignment rules in Salesforce Lightning. This tutorial will cover the following points - 1. Need For Lead Assignment Rules Get to ...

  8. How to Re-run Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules: Flows & Apex

    1) Create a new Flow by searching for Flows under Setup and clicking the New Flow button in the top right. This example is for a Record-Triggered Flow, but you can design it a number of ways. 2) Select the Lead object for your Flow and configure the trigger for when a record is created or edited.

  9. Create Assignment Rules for Lead Distribution

    For lead distribution, use assignment rules to define the criteria by which you want to distribute your leads, such as partner tier, geography, or specialization. From Setup, enter Leads in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Assignment Rules. Create a lead assignment rule, let's call this All Channel Sales Leads.

  10. Understanding Assignment Rules: A Comprehensive Guide

    Assignment rules are a set of criteria that are defined by businesses to determine how records should be assigned to users or teams within the Salesforce system. These criteria can be based on several factors, such as the record type, location, record status, or the user's role or territory. For example, a company may set up an assignment rule ...

  11. Salesforce Lead Object Best Practices

    Additionally, you can leverage the Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules to build a more dynamic assignment mechanism, such as Round Robin Assignment. If you would rather evaluate a third-party solution to empower your business users, have more control over the assignment, or support more complex scenarios, there are quite a few available on the market.

  12. Lead assignment rule in a trigger

    Thanks for the response. I will be using update DML in order to assign default lead assignment rule to records (I think there should be consistency in how records are processed regardless of how they are created). Test method fails regardless of Test.start/stopTest. - RadDeveloper.

  13. Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce: Detailed Explanation

    Creating lead and case assignment rules in Salesforce is a relatively straightforward process. Step 1: After logging in, go to the horizontal navigation bar's upper right corner and choose Setup. Step 2: Type "assignment rules" into the Setup search box, then choose Lead Assignment Rules. Step 3: To add a new assignment rule, select New.

  14. Q-assign: Deploy Intelligent Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    Advanced Salesforce Assignment Rules. Q-assign is an Enterprise-level Salesforce app which routes work-items - like Cases, Leads, Opportunities and Work Orders - to the best Salesforce user, considering factors such as expertise, availability, and workload. Via code-free assignment rules, it leverages AI to prioritize and allocate tasks.

  15. How to Re-run Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

    2) Select the Lead object for your Process and start the process when a record is created or edited. 3) Click on Add Criteria, and give your criteria a name. In this example, we'll be exploring the earlier use-case of wanting to re-assign Leads after they meet a certain Lead Score.

  16. Assignment rules in Salesforce

    Create or Setup assignment rules. From Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select either Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules. Choose New, and then give the rule a name. Specify whether you want this to be the active rule for leads or cases created manually and via the web and email. Then click Save.

  17. Unable to deploy Lead assignment rule for Users via Change Set

    Root Cause: The deployment fails because the usernames in sandbox and production are not the same. Workaround: Deploy the Change Set via Workbench using the package.xml below. Not

  18. How to Clone Salesforce Lead assignment rules

    The assignment rule is specified withing the <assignmenRule> tags. Once duplicated, the <fullname> needs to be changed to the new name of the assignment rule. Save the file. Deploy again. Use the ...

  19. What is Marketing Automation?

    In its most basic form, marketing automation is a set of tools designed to streamline and simplify some of the most time-consuming responsibilities of the modern marketing and sales roles. From automating the lead qualification process to creating a hub for digital campaign creation, automation is all about simplifying a business world that is ...

  20. Networking hardware

    Networking hardware, also known as network equipment or computer networking devices, are electronic devices that are required for communication and interaction between devices on a computer network. Specifically, they mediate data transmission in a computer network. [1] Units which are the last receiver or generate data are called hosts, end ...

  21. Developer

    Developer TR Academy Learn the Python Programming Language Online for Just $24 . Get certified for the most popular language used by software development companies with these ten online training ...

  22. Dynamics 365 Blog

    In the quickly changing world of AI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is leading the way with innovations that have equipped more than 30,000 small and medium-sized businesses to succeed. Powered by next-generation AI, Microsoft Copilot in Dynamics 365 Business Central introduces new ways to streamline workflows, boost productivity, and ...

  23. Using Change sets got an Error at Validating Assignment Rule:

    0. If you have included any new buttons in Page-Layout and if you are including just the Page-Layout without adding the dependencies, Salesforce platform is going to complain about this. Take another look at you change-set again and validate and include all the dependencies. Once included, upload it to your Production. Share.

  24. KZN police chief urges officers to respect rule of law during polls

    SABC NEWS. Reading Time: 2 minutes. KwaZulu-Natal Police Commissioner Lieutenant-General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi has called on officers to respect South Africans and the rule of law. He was officiating in Durban during the final deployment of thousands of police officers to the province in the lead-up to the general elections on Wednesday.

  25. Brewers add starting-pitching depth in trade for right-hander Garrett

    DL Hall returned from rehab assignment Left-hander DL Hall had his minor-league rehab assignment cut short when he caught his left cleat on the mound at the end of his one-inning outing at ...

  26. Set the option 'Assign using active assignment rules' to true, only

    7. Click the 'Layout Properties' button on the palette and disable the 'Show on edit page' and 'Select by default' Case Assignment Check-box and click OK, then click Save. 4. Test and confirm that when a user creates a new case/lead, the 'Assign using active assignment rules' checkbox is set to true. Save the case/lead.

  27. KZN police chief urges officers to respect rule of law during polls

    Email. . May 28th, 2024. Nontlantla Mokati. KwaZulu-Natal Police Commissioner Lieutenant-General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi has called on officers to respect South Africans and the rule of law. He was officiating in Durban during the final deployment of thousands of police officers to KZN in the lead-up to the general elections on Wednesday.

  28. National Professional Officer

    OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMMEWHO India Country Office collaborates with the Government of India and relevant stakeholders within the framework of the collaborative Country Cooperation Strategy(CCS), to actively support the development and implementation of national health policies, strategies and plans aiming at promoting access to and utilization of affordable and quality health services and ...

  29. Case or Lead Assignment Rules fail to set the Owner

    Publish Date: Jul 6, 2021. Description. A recently created or updated Case or Lead Assignment Rule isn't setting the Owner on new or edited Case or Lead records that appear to perfectly match the rule's criteria or formula conditions, but ownership is not being assigned. Resolution. Be sure the Case or Lead Assignment Rule is active:

  30. Symmetry

    The secure computation of symmetric encryption schemes using Yao's garbled circuits, such as AES, allows two parties, where one holds a plaintext block m and the other holds a key k, to compute Enc(k,m) without leaking m and k to one another. Due to its wide application prospects, secure AES computation has received much attention. However, the evaluation of AES circuits using Yao's ...