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New professor of Swedish language strengthens the research environment

At the start of summer, Henrik Rahm started his position as professor of Swedish language at Karlstad University.

– As a new professor of Swedish language, I hope to inspire new linguistic and multidisciplinary research projects and show that language expertise is important in many contexts, says Henrik Rahm.

Henrik Rahms is a linguist and holds a teaching degree in German, Swedish and Swedish as a second language. His most recent position was at Lund University, and his research focuses on the importance of language in social contexts. He received his doctorate in Scandinavian languages with a thesis on strike news coverage in the Swedish daily press from 1879 to 1995, with the aim to clarify the relationship between language, journalism and society.

– I have always had an interest in language in social contexts, which falls under the concept of discourse analysis, says Henrik Rahm. As a linguist, I analyse discourses by studying language use (such as choice of word, grammatical structure, text structure and text interaction) in relation to communication, organisation and ideologies.

Two of his main research interests are annual reports and management reports, which over the years have resulted in several multidisciplinary research projects and publications, such as the book “Bolagsstämman. Ritualer, kultur, normer och språk” (Paulsson, Rahm, Sandell & Svensson, 2023). Another area of interest is neighbouring language teaching, and he is strongly committed to internationalisation through collaborations with Spain and Chile.

Henrik Rahm is currently involved in two multidisciplinary projects with a focus on small modular reactors (SMR) in Sweden, one on preparedness and one on communication, as well as a project on constructions of economic crimes in court proceedings together with researchers in business administration.

What contributions are you hoping to make as a professor at Karlstad University?

– I applied to the position at Karlstad University to help develop research, postgraduate education and Swedish language teaching, says Henrik Rahm. It’s exciting to have new colleagues, and I hope to inspire multidisciplinary projects and show that expertise in language and communication is important in many contexts. A lucky coincidence is an ongoing collaboration with researchers from three subjects in Lund and Málaga about The Wonderful Adventures of Nils and its impact on language change, education and teaching in Sweden, Spain and Greece. It’s especially inspiring to work on this project in a place so close to where Selma Lagerlöf lived.

Henrik Rahm is the first professor of Swedish language at Karlstad University, which the Head of Department, Andreas Nyström, finds gratifying.  

– It has been a strategic effort over a number of years that we are now bringing to a close, says Andreas Nyström. With Henrik on board, we are now planning ahead to further strengthen research in the subject and, in the long tem, develop Swedish language into a PhD subject.

  • Learn more about Henrik Rahm in his research profile:  https://www.kau.se/en/researchers/henrik-rahm

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ENFIELD & EAISI event: Human Centric AI

Together with EAISI, ENFIELD will present key findings on ongoing projects, available funding for researchers and collaboration…

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Process, Data, Conceptual Knowledge, and AI: What can they do together? Chiara Ghidini is a full professor at the Free University of…


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University of Northern Colorado

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Sowing Seeds of Change: Cultivating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sport and Exercise Science Higher Education

Graphic illustration of the silhouette of various athletes running and jogging on a colorful background

Doctoral student's dissertation evaluates effectiveness of adding DEI course to undergraduate curriculum.

September 3, 2024 | By Brenda Gillen

Jenna Altomare, a doctoral student in the University of Northern Colorado's Social Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity program , is incorporating a social justice lens into her degree. She arrived at UNC determined to provide support for the LGBTQ+ community and has since broadened her scope to a variety of marginalized groups.

During her university search, a phone call with Professor Scott Douglas in the College of Natural and Health Sciences ' Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition and Dietetics convinced Altomare her research would find support at UNC. Now, Douglas is her dissertation adviser.

"Growing up, I faced hate and discrimination simply for being myself. This personal experience inspired my master's thesis, a meta-analysis on LGBTQ+ safe spaces and inclusion, driven by my deep passion for supporting others like me," she said.

One way she's found to help others is by designing and teaching a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) course.

"The DEI course prepared undergraduate students in Sport and Exercise Science programs for their future work by learning about social justice advocacy, allyship, privilege and bias," Altomare said.

In her dissertation, "Integrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Into an Undergraduate Sport and Exercise Science Program: A Holistic Case Study Utilizing Social Justice Education," she'll use multiple data sources to evaluate the course's development, implementation and impact. Some epiphanies occurred during the pilot class last spring. One student learned how to support their transgender and non-binary friends, and several others said they'd never before considered themselves as having privilege.

Jenna Altomare facing front and smiling.

"I believe my dissertation will demonstrate the significant need for this class and the substantial benefits students derived from its content. This course offers valuable insights to students across all degree programs and students from various backgrounds, religions and cultures,” she said. 

Her dissertation topic meets Douglas' challenge to his doctoral students to do something unique and “change the world.”

"Jenna wants to dig into this subject matter and change things for the better for athletes who are different. She's very curious and wants to do things right, so she takes feedback and incorporates it into her teaching and research. One strength is her willingness to learn. I'm her adviser, but she's actually the expert in transgender athletes in sport. I want to hear what she's thinking, and then we discuss it logically and how it might present in a research project or in her teaching. I give her tidbits, little nuggets from my own experience to help enhance what she's learning about how to teach," Douglas said.

He believes her work has the potential to help coaches overcome their biases and become more accepting of coaching everyone. He noted discussions about making the DEI class available for UNC students in other majors.

"My mantra is 'sport for all.' As an athlete with a disability, I had to break into that world from a different angle. Sport is growing, but we're excluding a lot of people. It's important that we change the world through the benefits of sport, and then hopefully it trickles positively to the rest of society, and we start to get more inclusive sport environments," Douglas said.

Besides her role as a student, Altomare has worked as a graduate instructor, graduate assistant for the Graduate School and office assistant at the Campus Recreation Center. She's certified in teaching, personal training and CPR. Additionally, she's on the U.S. Center for Coaching Excellence's DEI committee, serves on the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) board and is a member of the UNC Unified club, which is a Special Olympics Colorado affiliate.

She describes her work as "spreading seeds" and gave an example of how she made the happy discovery of one taking root. After explaining gender-neutral locker rooms and why they're essential in her first SHAPE conference presentation, she learned the following year that a prior attendee had convinced their school to provide them for students. In 2021 and 2023, SHAPE published her articles "LGBTQ+ Diversity and Representation in Health and Physical Activity" and "Transgender-Inclusive Physical Education." After graduating next year, Altomare aims to continue educating about these topics through speeches and written works.

She said one stunning statistic drives her passion: An LGBTQ+ youth with one safe adult in their life — someone they can trust, talk to or lean on — is 40% less likely to commit suicide.

"If I can help coaches and teachers learn how to support these individuals, hopefully, they could be that person for someone and that could save a life," Altomare said.

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DurhamARCTIC announces winners of 2024 dissertation competition

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Max Whelan

Max Whelan, a 2024 graduate from the BSc Geography programme, has been awarded the first-place prize in the annual DurhamARCTIC Arctic Dissertation Award competition for his dissertation ‘Glacial Change on Bylot Island: An Investigation into Glacier Terminus Migration and the Controls Thereon (1985-2020)’. Other awardees were Francesca Milton-Jones and Lily Thompson.

Whelan’s dissertation used high-resolution satellite imagery to analyse the dynamics of terminus migration on 17 glaciers on Bylot Island in the Canadian Arctic. As Whelan noted when submitting his dissertation for consideration, ‘By tracking glacier terminus retreat, this study contributes to more accurate projections of future glacier meltwater input into the oceans, which is essential for predicting sea-level rise’.

The review panel praised Whelan for a thesis that ‘shows both scholarly originality and excellence, as well as contributing to a gap in the spatial glacial literature by providing longer-term information on the dynamics of glaciers in this part of the Canadian Arctic’.

Whelan intends to work with his supervisor, Dr Rachel Oien, in revising the dissertation for publication.

Second place: Francesca Milton-Jones

The second-place prize was awarded to Francesca Milton-Jones for her Geography BSc dissertation ‘An Updated Assessment of the Status of Mountain Glaciers across the Lyngen Peninsula: Response to 21 st -Century Proglacial Lake Expansion and Climatic Forcing’.

Researching a phenomenon that she first observed during a visit to Norway’s Lyngen Peninsula during her fieldtrip for the third-year Geography Arctic module, Milton-Jones calculated that the peninsula could anticipate deglaciation by 2080, approximately 45 years earlier than previously thought. As Milton-Jones noted when submitting her dissertation to the awards panel, although her study is, in one sense, highly localised, her findings ‘contribute to broader discussions regarding Arctic governance, resource management, and geopolitical stability…[because] a stronger understanding of glacier change among policymakers is paramount to heighten the importance of environmental protection in global politics, reconceptualising the Arctic as a space dedicated to peace and science’.

The review panel noted that, in addition to ‘challeng[ing] previous outcomes which linked precipitation and glacier mass balance [and] thus contributing to creating new knowledge in the field’, the research ‘also demonstrates a critical understanding of how scientific biases, data gaps and limitations, and developments in technology play a role in shaping knowledge of glacial change’.

Milton-Jones’ dissertation was supervised by Dr Nick Cox in the Department of Geography.

Third place: Lily Thompson

The third-place prize was awarded to Geography BSc graduate Lily Thompson for her dissertation ‘Navigating the Polar Frontier: Exploring the Effects of Sea-Ice Decline on Shipping and Sea Routes in the Arctic’.

Combining a physical geographic analysis of sea ice trends with an analysis of wider political and social conditions in the region, Thompson identifies a historic correlation between declining sea ice and increased Arctic shipping, although she notes that predictions about the future are complicated by economic and political factors. The review panel commended the dissertation for ‘demonstrat[ing] a thorough grasp of sea ice as a phenomenon, historical and recent changes in its aerial distribution, and potential future scenarios [as well as how] physical changes in sea ice are linked to technological, scientific, and socio-political developments and how these impact travel in and through the Arctic’.

Thompson’s dissertation was supervised by Prof David Bridgland in the Department of Geography.

The DurhamARCTIC Arctic Dissertation Award is an annual competition to promote and celebrate the rich diversity of Arctic-orientated research and teaching at Durham University. It is open to all Durham graduates who receive a 1:1 on an Arctic-themed dissertation and provides cash prizes of up to £600. The annual submission deadline is 1 July. More information can be found here .

DurhamARCTIC is grateful for the services of the 2024 review panel: DurhamARCTIC-supported PhD graduates Giuseppe Amatulli (Anthropology), Ilona Kater (Biosciences), and Laura Seddon (Geography).

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Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020

  • Department of Communication and Media
  • Media and Communication Studies

Research output : Book/Report › Anthology (editor) › Research

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLund
Number of pages262
ISBN (Electronic)978-91-7895-768-2
ISBN (Print)978-91-7895-767-5
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameFörtjänsfulla examensarbeten i MKV

Bibliographical note

Subject classification (ukä).

  • Media and Communications

Access to Document

  • https://www.kom.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/kom/Filer/PDF/MKV/Master/web_MSc_excellent_thesises__2020.pdf


  • Theses Social Sciences 100%
  • Medium Arts and Humanities 100%
  • Volume Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 100%
  • Interpersonal Communication Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 100%
  • Engagement Arts and Humanities 50%
  • Nationalism Arts and Humanities 50%
  • Communication Studies Arts and Humanities 50%
  • Media Studies Arts and Humanities 50%
  • 1 Journal/Manuscript peer review

Activities per year

Lund university media and Communication Studies (Publisher)

Joanna Doona (Editor)

Activity : Publication peer-review and editorial work › Journal/Manuscript peer review

T1 - Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020

A2 - Doona, Joanna

N1 - Joanna Doona is associate senior lecturer at the Department of Communication and Media at Lund University. She currently serves as deputy head of department, and treasurer of the Swedish Association for Media and Communication Studies (FSMK). Her works centres on comedy audiences, especially of satire and political entertainment, focussing on issues of cultural citizenship, popular culture, engagement, political efficacy and identity – all in the cross section of the serious and the silly. Doona has published book chapters and articles in journals such as The European Journal of Cultural Studies, and is currently reworking her PhD dissertation for Swedish publisher Studentlitteratur. Her current research project is entitled Audiences and public service election satire and funded by the Wahlgrenska foundation. Yunyi Liao holds an MSc in Media and Communication Studies from Lund University and a MA in Media and Journalism from Newcastle University. Her research interests include media audiences, visual culture, nation branding, everyday life, and gender. She is currently a doctoral student in Communication and Media at Loughborough University. Cheryl Fung holds a BA in Media and Communications with a Marketing specialization from the City University of Hong Kong and an MSc in Media and Communication Studies from Lund University. She has a passion for visual communication studies and this has been her main research focus on various topics. She is experienced with running marketing and PR campaigns in Hong Kong. With an interest in international affairs, she has also been taking an active role as the Head of PR at a student organization in Lund while pursuing her master's degree. Jian Chung Lee holds an MSc in Media and Communication Studies from Lund University and a BJ in Convergence Journalism from the University of Missouri. He continues to study media engagement as a research assistant at Lund University but occasionally misses being a reporter and producer for radio, print and digital news organizations in the USA. Lee’s academic and professional experience both fostered his continuing research interest in news engagement, performance and affect within everyday life. He is originally from Malaysia. Yukun You holds an MSc in Media and Communication Studies from Lund University and a BA in Advertising from Shanghai University. She also studied Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam as an exchange student. She is interested in digital media technologies in everyday life, game and gamification studies as well as gender studies, and is applying for relevant PhD programmes and academic positions. Xin Zhou holds an MSc in Media and Communication Studies from Lund University and a BA in Advertising from Shanghai International Studies University. She has working experience in advertising and consulting, and currently works as an associate marketing intelligence specialist at a medical technology company. She is interested in celebrity, fandom, digital games and platform studies.

N2 - This edited volume, Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020, is the fifth in the series that collects postgraduate dissertations written by students who undertook the MSc degree in Media and communication studies at Lund University in Sweden, and graduated in June 2020. The five chapters in this volume represent work originally presented and evaluated as part of the final thesis exams in May of 2020, in which they were awarded top grades. During the autumn of 2020 they were revised and edited for publication in the series Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap (FEA), launched by Media and communication studies at Lund University in 2008, in order to bring attention to and reward student research of a particularly high quality.With this publication, we hope to inspire future students who are writing dissertations, as well as contribute to debates inside and outside of academia regarding media, society and culture. In particular, the chapters in this book urge us to critically reflect on what it means to engage with, in and through different media, in different contexts. Through studies of nationalism ‘from below,’ the significance of protest art, affective news engagement practices, the digitalisation of sleep, and virtual celebrity; the chapters emphasise the force of media engagement to provide people with common cultural symbols, manifesting nationalism, political issues or fandom; as well a means of mobilisation, entertainment, self-management, interaction and remembering. The issues brought up makes us reflect on how media fits into, makes up and helps structure our lives and our societies.

AB - This edited volume, Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020, is the fifth in the series that collects postgraduate dissertations written by students who undertook the MSc degree in Media and communication studies at Lund University in Sweden, and graduated in June 2020. The five chapters in this volume represent work originally presented and evaluated as part of the final thesis exams in May of 2020, in which they were awarded top grades. During the autumn of 2020 they were revised and edited for publication in the series Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap (FEA), launched by Media and communication studies at Lund University in 2008, in order to bring attention to and reward student research of a particularly high quality.With this publication, we hope to inspire future students who are writing dissertations, as well as contribute to debates inside and outside of academia regarding media, society and culture. In particular, the chapters in this book urge us to critically reflect on what it means to engage with, in and through different media, in different contexts. Through studies of nationalism ‘from below,’ the significance of protest art, affective news engagement practices, the digitalisation of sleep, and virtual celebrity; the chapters emphasise the force of media engagement to provide people with common cultural symbols, manifesting nationalism, political issues or fandom; as well a means of mobilisation, entertainment, self-management, interaction and remembering. The issues brought up makes us reflect on how media fits into, makes up and helps structure our lives and our societies.

KW - media studies in Asia

KW - engagement

KW - audiences

KW - affect

KW - nationalism

KW - culture

KW - Popular Culture

KW - sleeping habits

KW - protest movements

KW - protest art

KW - celebrity

KW - digital culture

KW - non-human

KW - animation

KW - gamification

M3 - Anthology (editor)

SN - 978-91-7895-767-5

T3 - Förtjänsfulla examensarbeten i MKV

BT - Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020

PB - Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University

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Lund university, student theses.

PhD theses:

  • Characterization of the An ti-Compton Shield for COMPEX Germanium Detectors and Proton-gamma Spectroscopy in the Upper fp Shell (Yuliia Hrabar, 12/2019 -)
  • Spectroscopy along Decay Chains of Element 114, Flerovium (Anton Såmark-Roth, 12/2016 - 06/2021)
  • Reactions with Radioactive Beams and Development of Scintillator-based Detector Systems (Alexander Knyazev, 04/2016 -10/2020) 
  • Quantum-state Selective Nuclear Decay Spectroscopy (Christian Lorenz, 04/2015 - 01/2019)
  • Nuclear Structure Studies Near 208 Pb and γ-ray Imaging Techniques (Natasa Lalovic, 04/2013 - 06/2017)
  • Element 115 (Ulrika Forsberg, 01/2011 - 05/2016)
  • Comprehensive Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of  62Zn and Studies of Nilsson Parameters in the Mass A=60 Region (Jnaneswari Gellanki, 01/2009 - 09/2013) 
  • Probing Single-particle and Collective States in Atomic Nuclei with Coulomb Excitation (Douglas DiJulio, 7/2008 - 02/2013) 
  • Isotope-selective Spectroscopy: Fast Timing R&D and fp-Shell Mirror Isomers   (Robert Hoischen, 11/2006 - 03/2011) 
  • Effective Charges in Nuclei in the Vicinity of 100Sn (Andreas Ekström, 11/2005 - 02/2010) 
  • Nuclear Structure and Exotic Decays; Doubly-Magic 56Ni and Semi-Magic 58Ni   (Emma Johansson, 05/2004 - 01/2009) 
  • A Trilogy of Mass A=61: Superdeformed Structures, Exotic Decay, and Isospin Symmetry   (Lise-Lotte Andersson, 06/2004 - 09/2008) 
  • Effective Charges Near 56Ni and Production of Anti-Nuclei Studied with Heavy-Ion Reactions (Rickard du Rietz, 03/2003 - 03/2005) 
  • Spectroscopic Studies of Isomers Produced in Relativistic Projectile Fragmentation and In-Flight Fission (Milena N. Mineva, 12/1998 - 09/2004) 
  • Isospin Symmetry Breaking in the Mass A=35 and A=51 Mirror Nuclei (Jörgen Ekman, 04/2000 - 06/2004) 
  • The Nucleus 59Cu: Complex Structure, Shape Evolution, Exotic Decay Modes (Corina Andreoiu, 05/1998 - 09/2002) 
  • Rigidity of the Doubly-Magic 100Sn Core (Matej Lipoglavšek, - 05/1997) 

Licentiate theses:    

  • Development and Performance of the CALIFA Detector Modules for the R3B Experiment (Alexander Knyazev)
  • Comprehensive Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Studies of 62Zn  (3.7 MB) (Jnaneswari Gellanki) 
  • Coulomb Excitation of 170Er and Simulations for the CALIFA Calorimeter at the Future FAIR Facility (Douglas Di Julio) 
  • Coulomb Excitation of Neutron-Deficient Sn Isotopes  (4.0 MB) (Andreas Ekström)  
  • The Mirror Nuclei 61Ga and 61Zn  (1.5 MB) (Lise-Lotte Andersson)  
  • 56 Ni, a Doubly Magic Nucleus?  (1.5 MB) (Emma Johansson)  
  • Isospin Symmetry Breaking in the A=51 Mirror Nuclei  (0.6 MB) (Jörgen Ekman)  
  • Spectroscopic Studies of Isomers Produced in Relativistic Projectile Fragmentation and In-Flight Fission   (0.7 MB) (Milena N. Mineva)
  • Superdeformation and Prompt Proton Decays in 59Cu  (0.9 MB) (Corina Andreoiu)

Masters theses:

  • Nuclear Structure near the Proton Drip-line: A Search for Excited States in 62Ge (Dalia Farghaly, VT2022) 
  • Development and simulation of an active target detector with GEM foil readout (Elisabeth Rickert, 2016 - 2017) 
  • The Channeling Effect in Ultra-thin dE-E Monolithic Silicon Telescopes (Fredrik Parnefjord Gustafsson, 09/2016 - 01/2017) 
  • Extraction of Energy and Time from Pile-up Pulses with Fast Sampling ADC Analysis Techniques (Anton Roth, 01/2016 - 06/2016) 
  • XXX (Jacob Snäll, XX/2015 - XX/2016) 
  • Techniques for Discovering and Identifying New Elements  (3.9 MB) (Johan Jeppsson, 04/2011 - 01/2012)  
  • Semi-automatic Level Scheme Solver for Nuclear Spectroscopy (Kaj Jansson, 09/2010 - 03/2011)  
  • Light Collection in CsI Crystals for the R3B Project (Tusiime Swaleh, 07/2010 - 02/2011)  
  • Pulse Shape Analysis for Heavy Element Spectroscopy  (2.5 MB) (Ulrika Forsberg, 05/2010 - 10/2010) 
  • Development and Testing of a New Detector System; the Lund Silicon Array LuSiA (Karin Mattsson, 09/2008 - 03/2009)  
  • Isomer Studies in the f7/2 Shell   (2.9 MB) (Pedro Montuenga, 01/2007 - 06/2007)
  • An Isomer Study of the Nucleus 54Ni - Preparations, Simulations, and First Results  (1.4 MB) (Robert Hoischen, 09/2005 - 06/2006)  
  • Low Energy Coulomb Excitation of 110Sn Using REX-ISOLDE (Andreas Ekström, 09/2004 - 02/2005)
  • In Quest of Excited States in 61Ga  (0.8 MB) (Lise-Lotte Andersson, 08/2003 - 01/2004)  
  • The Quest for Excited States in 62Ge  (0.7 MB) (Emma Johansson, 08/2003 - 01/2004)  
  • Polarization Measurements of Gamma Rays in Mass A~60 Nuclei  (1.5 MB) (Olga Izotova, 10/2002 - 04/2003)  
  • Excited States in 103Sn  (0.3 MB) (Lars Berglund, 8/1999 - 2/2000)   
  • Excited States in the 39K and 39Ca Mirror Pair  (0.8 MB) (Thomas Andersson, 9/1998 - 2/1999)   
  • Two Phonon Gamma-Gamma Vibrational States in 166Er (Pär Sargren, 1/1998 - 6/1998)

Bachelor theses:

  • Digitised charged-particle discrimination in CsI detector signals (Linus Persson, VT2022)
  • Characterization of a Bismuth germanate Anti-Compton Scattering Shield for use with a Germanium COMPEX detector module (Samuel Dawes, VT2022)
  • Dead layer determination for the new implantation detector of the LUNDIUM decay station (EleftheriaKosta, HT2021)
  • Assessment of the Capability for Vetoing Beta-Decay Events in the Lundium Decay Station (Tanvir Sayed, HT2021)
  • Characterization of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors from LYCCA modules for FAIR (Dalia Farghaly, VT2019)
  • Simulation of Anti-Compton Shield Augmentation to the Lundium Decay Station Using Geant4 (Daesung Cho, VT2019)
  • Commissioning of the ΔE-E LYCCA detector array (Alexander Huusko, VT2017)
  • Compton Imaging with Scintillators in a Virtual Geant4 Space (Tim Almqvist, 09/2014 - 01/2015)   
  • Characterisation of LYCCA ΔE-E-Telescopes (Ann Sophie Barann, 01/2013 - 04/2013) 

Department for Astronomy and Theoretical Physics Box 43, 221 00 LUND Visitingaddress: Sölvegatan 27, (Astronomy)/ Sölvegatan 14A (Theoretical Physics)

  • Physics Department´s Intranet

Radiation Physics Box 118, 221 00 LUND Visting address: Barngatan 2:1, 221 85 Lund.

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  1. Thesis-Final_Version

    thesis research lund university

  2. Master Thesis Defense in Lund

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  3. Fillable Online LUND University LUMES Master Thesis Fax Email Print

    thesis research lund university

  4. Smaple Thesis Lund University

    thesis research lund university

  5. Summary Study environments at Lund University ...

    thesis research lund university

  6. Master Thesis Defense in Lund

    thesis research lund university


  1. University of Dundee


  3. Selecting A Research Topic (Urdu Language)

  4. Thesis Research Presentations

  5. Subtyping and staging neurodegenerative diseases

  6. Lund University Scholarship Ceremony 2013


  1. New professor of Swedish language strengthens the research environment

    Henrik Rahms is a linguist and holds a teaching degree in German, Swedish and Swedish as a second language. His most recent position was at Lund University, and his research focuses on the importance of language in social contexts. He received his doctorate in Scandinavian languages with a thesis on strike news coverage in the Swedish daily press from 1879 to 1995, with the aim to clarify the ...

  2. Information Systems IE&IS

    In order to do that, the IS group helps organizations to: (i) understand the business needs and value propositions and accordingly design the required business and information system architecture; (ii) design, implement, and improve the operational processes and supporting (information) systems that address the business need, and (iii) use advanced data analytics methods and techniques to ...

  3. Sowing Seeds of Change: Cultivating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in

    During her university search, a phone call with Professor Scott Douglas in the College of Natural and Health Sciences' Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition and Dietetics convinced Altomare her research would find support at UNC. Now, Douglas is her dissertation adviser.

  4. DurhamARCTIC announces winners of 2024 dissertation ...

    The DurhamARCTIC Arctic Dissertation Award is an annual competition to promote and celebrate the rich diversity of Arctic-orientated research and teaching at Durham University. It is open to all Durham graduates who receive a 1:1 on an Arctic-themed dissertation and provides cash prizes of up to £600. The annual submission deadline is 1 July.

  5. LUP Student Papers

    Lund University Publications Student Papers (LUP-SP) is the institutional repository for master theses and student papers from Lund University. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 87,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible. Register your publications.

  6. Find research and researchers

    In the Lund University Research Portal you can search for: Active researchers and doctoral students within our research areas; Research outputs, for example publications ... Lund University Research Portal. Upcoming doctoral thesis defences. Around 400 doctoral theses are presented every year. Disputations. Contact information Press and media ...

  7. Research publications and student papers

    You will find degree and student papers from other Swedish universities in Uppsök. The majority of higher education institutions are included in the national search service. Search Uppsök (in Swedish) Page manager: [email protected] | 20 Jun 2024. You will find doctoral theses submitted at Lund University in the library catalogue and the Research ...

  8. Lund University Publications

    Lund University Publications (LUP) is the institutional repository for scholarly publications from Lund University. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 231,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible. The LUP search interface was updated on September 29th 2021, with ...

  9. Doctoral theses

    Lund University. Doctoral theses from Lund University Doctoral theses, and other research output by people associated with Lund University can be accessed through the Lund University research portal. In addition to theses, you will also find articles in journals, conference papers, reports, and more. In many cases, the material is freely available to download in full text. Search and find in ...

  10. LUCRIS and LU Research Portal

    Lund University's research output, for example articles, doctoral theses, conference papers, and reports, are collected in the LUCRIS research information system. In many cases, researchers can make their work freely accessible in full text. Reviewed and validated research output is public and visible in Lund University research portal.

  11. Doctoral theses

    Lund University. Theses written at Lund University require ISBN number. Depending on which faculty and institution you belong to, you may order ISBN either from your faculty or from the University Library. The University Library can provide you with ISBN for your printed and electronic doctoral thesis. The thesis must also be registered in LUCRIS to be visible both in the Research Portal and ...

  12. Lund University

    Welcome to the Lund University Research Portal! Lund University conducts world-leading research to influence society and improve our world. In this Research Portal you can browse the entire width of our research across disciplines. You can search and find information about all active researchers, units, outputs (publications), projects ...

  13. Search for specific materials and data

    Lund University Publications - Student Papers. Every year, hundreds of student theses are written at LUSEM. LUP Student Papers allows you to search for theses, dissertations and degree projects published by students at Lund University, including LUSEM. In most cases, the documents are available for download.

  14. LUBsearch

    Lund University. LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries' joint resources. Through a single search field, you can find articles, journals, doctoral theses and books. If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or Lucat account to access the full texts.You will find our subject-specific databases via Databases A-Z. Through ePublications you get a ...

  15. Research Portal

    The Research Portal. Libraries at Lund University A-L. Libraries at Lund University L-Ö. Other links. Libraries at Lund University. Box 3, 221 00 LUND, Sweden. 046-222 00 00. [email protected].

  16. Doctoral theses

    Lund University. We recommend that you make your doctoral thesis freely available online when you register it. If you or the University owns the rights to your doctoral thesis, you decide whether or not you want your doctoral thesis to be made available electronically. Naturally, if your doctoral thesis, or parts of it, is published by external publishers, this must be taken into consideration ...

  17. Register and publish in full text

    Registration in LUCRIS and adding a full text. På svenska. As a doctoral student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your degree project and the thesis. The registration makes the thesis visible in LU's Research Portal and on the university's calendar for upcoming defenses. Also, make the theses freely available whenever possible.

  18. Publishing a doctoral thesis in full text

    Lund University. Visibility of the doctoral thesis If you publish your doctoral thesis electronically, it will not only be indexed and made searchable in Google. It will also be listed in the European doctoral theses database DART-Europe and in the international database for freely available academic material - BASE. It will also be linked to your full text from the Swedish research database ...

  19. Using the library

    Register and publish thesis in full text Distributing a doctoral thesis LUCRIS and LU Research Portal Open access Submenu for Open access. Support for publication fees Publishing agreements ... Lund University Libraries Libraries website All libraries Find the library Opening hours ...

  20. Find research at Lund University

    Welcome to the Lund University Research Portal! Lund University conducts world-leading research to influence society and improve our world. In this Research Portal you can browse the entire width of our research across disciplines. You can search and find information about all active researchers, units, outputs (publications), projects ...

  21. Numerical Analysis: Master's Thesis

    Entry requirements. A Bachelor's degree in mathematics or equivalent and English B / 6. Furthermore, second-cycle courses in the mathematical disciplines comprising 45 credits, of which at least 22.5 credits in numerical analysis including the course NUMN20 Numerical methods for differential equations, 7.5 credits, or equivalent, are required.

  22. Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020

    Abstract. This edited volume, Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020, is the fifth in the series that collects postgraduate dissertations written by students who undertook the MSc degree in Media and communication studies at Lund University in Sweden, and graduated in June 2020. The five chapters in this volume represent work originally presented and ...

  23. Thesis Proposal

    In preparation for your master's thesis you will start working on your thesis proposal for your research project. You will be expected to submit your thesis proposal in the third term of your studies. ... To Lund University Accessibilty Current Students Newly admitted students Canvas login ... 221 00 Lund, Sweden Phone: +46 46-222 0000 Email: ...

  24. Student theses

    Box 118, 221 00 LUND Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1; Physics Department´s Intranet; Radiation Physics Box 118, 221 00 LUND Visting address: Barngatan 2:1, 221 85 Lund. Lund University Switchboard växel: +46 46 222 00 00 About the web

  25. PDF Mechanisms of therapy resistance in acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Translational Cancer Research Lund University, Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series 2021:102 ISBN 978-91-8021-109-3 ISSN 1652-8220 9 789180 211093 NORDIC SW ... LUND UNIVERSITY Document name DOCTORAL THESIS Faculty of Medicine Date of issue: 28th of October, 2021 Author: Kinjal Shah Sponsoring organization ...

  26. Search for thesis and degree projects

    Lund University. The majority of dissertations and theses from the Faculty of Law are in Swedish, but there are also publications and papers in English.Dissertations in LUPIn LUP (Lund University Publications) you will find dissertations published at Lund University, including dissertations from the Faculty of Law. You can also search for dissertations in the library catalogue LUBcat to find ...

  27. Master's Thesis

    Lund University. OverviewThe thesis course consists of a degree project for which the student independently designs and executes a scientific inquiry. The student should identify a relevant research problem in their field from a social sciences perspective, select appropriate methods, apply comprehensive theoretical and empirical material, and report the findings in the form of a written text ...