How to Build a Strong Customer Referral Program in 2024 [Ideas & Examples]

Madeleine LaPlante-Dube

Published: February 09, 2023

One of the basic tenets of customer success is using your service to create advocates for your business — and a customer referral program can help.

friends discussing a customer referral program

Based on a recent study , 94% of customers will recommend a company whose service they rate as "very good." This means an army of satisfied customers can do a lot of legwork for you.

Free Download: 45 Customer Referral Templates

Not sure how to create the conditions for these consumer connections? Here's what you need to know about building, expanding, and managing a referral program that works.

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How valuable is a referral?

What is a referral program, how to create a customer referral program, customer referral program ideas, customer referral program examples.

Customer referrals are highly valuable because they don't cost much — if anything — to acquire. The exact value of a referral varies across different businesses, but it's roughly the lifetime value (LTV) of a customer, plus the cost of customer acquisition (CAC), which you can then use to acquire additional customers.

Data tells the tale: Companies found that referred customers have a 30% higher conversion rate, a 16% higher lifetime value rate, and a 37% higher retention rate than leads generated from other marketing channels.

The reality is, however, that you're effectively asking your customers to stand in place of your marketing and sales departments.

And when referrals are the heart of generating new business, operating with tact, consistency, and patience is extremely important.

A referral program is a word-of-mouth marketing tactic that encourages customers to advocate on behalf of your brand. Rather than writing reviews online, or submitting customer feedback surveys, referral programs let customers share their brand experience with partners, colleagues, and friends.

The purpose of a referral program is to attract new leads to your business. But, you're not just bringing in anyone.

By asking customers to think about people who would benefit from your product or service, they'll refer leads that are a good fit for your brand.

referral program presentation

Free Customer Referral Templates

45 email & social media templates to ask for referrals and spread the word about referral programs

  • Email Templates to Ask for a Referral
  • Email Templates for Following Up with a Referral
  • Social Copy Templates About a Referral Program

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This only makes it easier for your marketing and sales teams to nurture and engage customers because not only are these leads a good match for your business, but they're also familiar with your company and its reputation.

Since they've been referred by someone they know, they have a reliable resource telling them that your company is trustworthy and produces a positive customer experience .

If you're ready to start leveraging word-of-mouth at your business, read on to the next section for tips on how to create a customer referral program.

  • Start with customer referral templates.
  • Set your goals.
  • Research how referrals are coming to your business.
  • Determine what a 'good fit' is for your company.
  • List possible customer referral sources.
  • Identify channels to host your referral program.
  • Make a plan to reach out.
  • Identify your referral incentives.
  • Create resources to alert your customers.
  • Set up tracking.
  • Say Thank You.
  • Follow up on your referrals quickly.
  • Improve your referral program.

1. Start with customer referral templates.

HubSpot customer referral templates

Whether you're a one-person customer referral machine or part of a multi-person referral team, templates are a huge help in the process.

They can be adjusted to fit the voice and tone of your brand and utilized by anyone in the company that needs them.

These free customer referral templates can be used for creating a bank of:

  • Referral request emails.
  • Referral follow-up emails.
  • Social copy about the business's referral program.

Alternatively, take a look at Referral Factory's step-by-step guide 

2. Set your goals.

Ask yourself: what do you hope to get out of this referral program?

Are your goals tied more to growth and revenue? Do you want to add retention to that mix? Are you in an industry that requires an exceptional amount of trust-building?

Once you decide what your goals are — and explicitly define them — the next steps should lay themselves out for you.

3. Research how referrals are coming to your business.

A good place to start is by assessing where and how referrals are coming to your business — or if they're coming to your business at all.

This is where you should involve marketing, sales management, support — anyone who would be responsible for building customer relationships — and assess how they've been traditionally dealing with referrals.

This will give you an idea of where you already are.

You should also know what an existing customer is worth. Compared to time spent monitoring and managing onboarding programs, how many referrals do you need to break even?

It's worth doing the math to see how much referrals could generate and adjusting your marketing spend accordingly.

4. Determine what a 'Good Fit' customer is for your company.

Before you tell customers to seek out referrals, you should first identify what an ideal customer looks like.

That way, your existing customers will refer leads that actually buy from your business, rather than just listing names to collect the program's incentive.

These descriptions should be placed right at the forefront of your customer referral program.

For example, if you have a form that customers fill out, you should describe what a "good fit" customer is right at the top of the form.

This will remind participants that you're looking for specific individuals who need your product — not just a friend who might be interested in your business.

5. List your possible referral sources.

We'll call these advocates, and they can be anyone whom you're already connected to currently, or who you have been connected to in the past.

Begin listing them out. This list could include current customers, past customers, leads that may not have closed, industry leaders, your vendors, etc.

This will give you a solid footing to start with.

6. Identify channels to host your referral program.

For your referral program to work, you'll need a communication platform that alerts both your business and the referred customer when a referral is submitted.

Here's an example from Uber Eats, where the customer can share a referral code to a friend or family member using WhatsApp, Messages, or another available option.

customer referral program example, Uber Eats

When invite is sent, not only does the referred customer get the message, but Uber Eats knows the original customer submitted the referral.

Uber can now turn to its marketing and sales teams to further engage the referred customer as soon as they sign up using the ride credit.

While you don't have to offer a $20 discount, your business should provide customers with a way to share their referrals. That way, the introduction to your company is through a trusted peer rather than a cold contact.

7. Make a plan to reach out.

Now, refine. Narrow down the list of advocates and sources to a list of "inner circle" contacts.

These are people who know what value your business has and would refer you without any incentive. Finding your inner circle isn't a process that can be automated — you'll get more benefit from this if you pull and segment these contacts manually.

Once you have your inner circle segmented out, you now have two things to take into consideration.

First, timing is everything. Identify appropriate times to ask these inner circle advocates to take part in your referral program. Because they are people you've worked with before, this is a less strenuous process.

When you start working with people who will need an incentive (which we talk about below), it's important to consider the relationship.

For some companies, depending on the service or product, asking for a referral needs to happen late in the relationship. For others, it could be upon the first sale (think apps, digital interface services).

Then, once you've asked, wait some more. That might require a waiting period of months, or even a year, to remind them about the referral program again.

Additionally, you should also be picky with your advocates (even your inner circle ones).

Identify people whom you think could market your brand the way that it should be marketed.

Within that inner circle, who do you have a stellar, standout relationship with? Or do you have an existing customer that came from a referral and worked out?

And remember: Watch out for referral fatigue, and make sure you're not overburdening your contacts.

8. Identify your incentives.

There are two options for a referral program: an incentive and a non-incentive program.

During this step, you should break your contacts out by levels and decide which ones can receive which offer.

And don't forget the referrer — make sure they get something out of the deal, too.

Like our Uber Eats example above: When a customer refers a friend, they get $15 credit — and when a customer first signs up, they get a $20 credit towards their first order.

9. Create resources to alert your customers.

Once you have a referral program, create resources you think would work well, and alert your customers. Then, promote, promote, promote.

And consider multiple avenues of promotion beyond the time-limited email campaign to remind your customers of the program's existence.

Those might look like:

  • Newsletters
  • CTAs & email signatures
  • Product updates

Once you have the referral programs outlined, you'll have an idea of what resources you need for each one.

I've listed out a few resources you might need below:

  • Emails for each type of contact telling them about your referral program
  • A message explaining what types of customers fit well with your business. You need to paint a picture in their minds of your ideal customer
  • A workflow that leads your contacts through the program and alerts your sales team when to call
  • A landing page that provides a place for your contacts to give you their friend's information
  • Scripts for your sales and customer support teams to follow when explaining your referral programs
  • A referral kit filled with resources for your contacts to share with their friends: this can include case studies, testimonials, eBooks, videos, anything that gives insight into working with your business

Whatever your medium, make sure it's consistent, persistent (though not over-the-top), and in line with your program's revenue, growth, and retention goals.

10. Set up tracking.

Regardless of the size of your company (though this is especially relevant if your company has a larger customer base) you need to have tracking set in place.

This will ensure that you don't miss one detail — for referred accounts especially.

You should be tracking:

  • Who was referred and who referred them
  • When they were referred
  • Whether or not they converted or were sold
  • How you're going to nurture and follow up with them, etc.

If you don't already invest in a CRM (customer relationship management) system , then now is a great time to become familiar.

Keeping track of customer relationships is a huge component of customer success — the ability to individualize each account or relationship makes each customer feel like they're a unique part of your base.

11. Say "Thank You."

Thank the referrer for helping you out (this is where incentives might work, but also consider messaging that thanks them specifically as well) and thank the referred for joining.

Then, get to work — you've got happy customers to prove right.

12. Follow up on your referrals quickly.

When you do land a solid lead, be sure to take advantage of it right away.

Don't let your referrals sit around for too long or you might miss the opportunity to secure these new customers.

Remember, while your customer may have referred this person to your business, they may have referred them to other companies as well.

What's more, you don't know what research the referred customer has done on their own, and you may have to swing them away from going with a competitor that they've been considering for some time.

At the end of the day, the sooner you can make your impression, the more likely you'll be to close the deal.

13. Improve your referral program.

As we mentioned earlier, there's no universal blueprint for creating a perfect customer referral program.

The best program for your business will be unique and potentially quite different from your competitors depending on how you assess customer needs and preferences.

The important takeaway here is that it may take some time to figure out what works and what doesn't — and that's perfectly normal. You should be testing your program regularly to see what you're doing well and where you can stand to improve.

Try sending your customers feedback surveys to see what they think about your program and be sure to apply that feedback moving forward.

After all, the better your referral program is, the more leads it will generate for your marketing and sales teams.

Now that we've explained how to create a referral program, let's explore some ways you can put this plan into action.

1. Contests or Giveaways

Contests or giveaways can incentivize customers to refer new leads.

For example, you can host a contest where customers are only entered if they refer a certain number of leads to your business. This can mean providing a list of emails or getting signups for a free trial or membership.

The one risk that you run with contests is the quality of leads. If customers are randomly selecting their peers, you might not obtain leads who are interested in your business.

This will cost your marketing and sales team time as they sort contacts who aren't a good fit for your company.

Be sure to create contests that encourage customers to refer high-quality leads. You can do this by basing your entry fees on conversions rather than referrals.

If a customer wants to be entered into the contest, they need to get people to sign up for or purchase your product, rather than simply providing an email. This will ensure that you're rewarding customers for providing high-quality leads to your business.

For example, this Gold's Gym giveaway included a host of physical prizes such as dumbbells and workout benches in exchange for referrals.

customer referral program ideas: giveaway from gold's gym

Why It's Effective

This strategy is effective because it appeals to our inherent desire to win something. It might be a free product or subscription to a service, or it could even be a cash prize.

By giving away something customers want for their help in finding quality referrals, businesses can zero in on their target market.

Who It's Best For

This approach works for any business, so long as you have something worth giving away. Retail brands could give away a high-quality, high-value item, while service companies could offer to cover the cost of services for a month, six months, or a year.

How to Measure the Program's Success

Measuring success means making sure that customer referrals are driving quality referrals and conversions. As a result, it's worth tracking the amount spent on contest prizes versus the volume of spending driven by referred customers.

When to Implement It

It's worth implementing this strategy when referral numbers start to dip. The caveat? Only run it for a fixed period of time — such as two weeks or 30 days — to keep interest high.

2. Social Gifting

It's easier to motivate customers if they don't feel like you're trying to manipulate them.

When you send out a coupon that says, "refer five people and get 25% off," customers know that you're trying to get something from them and are more dubious of your offer.

Instead, you can leverage social gifting as a way to encourage referrals without directly asking for them.

Take the example below.

customer referral program ideas: social gifting from briogeo

Instead of rewarding customers for providing a certain number of referrals, this offer rewards them for sharing a coupon with their peers.

This way, the customer not only gets to give a gift to a friend but is also rewarded each time their referrals redeem the coupon.

That provides them with extra incentive to reach out to as many people as possible.

Social sharing provides a way for existing customers to give and get something — and something they'll actually use. Since you're relying on customers to do the leg work, however, make sure that your social gift is worth their while.

The example above shows a $15 off coupon for both referrer and referee; numbers lower than that, such as $5 off a purchase, probably won't motivate action.

Social sharing is often best for brands with a product that benefits from a specific or percentage discount. This is especially true for brands that don't typically run sales events, since it gives customers the rare chance to get items at a lower cost.

Use unique coupon codes or other methods to track the use of your discounts — one for current customers and one for new referrals — to make sure the program is paying off.

This approach can be used any time of year for retail or eCommerce brands. One piece of advice? Make sure your giving is two-sided; both referrer and referee should get something out of the deal.

3. Fundraisers

Fundraisers are a great way to connect with your customers' values in a way that doesn't involve your product or service.

By getting involved with a cause that your customers care about, you're demonstrating that you understand more than just their buying habits. You recognize their personal values as well as what they are looking for from your business.

Additionally, fundraisers present a referral opportunity as well. It's easy for customers to share fundraisers with their peers, and as more people donate and participate, your team will build a database of leads who share the same values as your company.

This makes it more natural for your business to follow up with these new leads and shift the conversation towards your products and services.

customer referral program ideas: fund raiser from papa ginos

Fundraisers take the focus off your brand and put it onto a worthy cause. While your brand is associated with the effort — and can gain some goodwill as a result — the best fundraising efforts make sure that the cause takes top billing.

Any company can use fundraising as a referral program. The concept is simple: Create a fundraiser for a cause your customers are passionate about and then ask them to share the details with friends and family.

Done well, fundraisers can bring in new customers via direct referrals. But this isn't the primary purpose: Instead, you're looking to build goodwill and community reputation.

As a result, you may see downstream effects when customers recognize your company name and choose to engage with your social media channels or make a purchase. Ask them where they heard about your company to get a sense of the fundraising campaign's effectiveness.

Fundraisers can happen at any time, but it may be worth aligning them with local holidays or festivals that have customers feeling more generous with their time and money.

4. Customer Loyalty Tiers

So far, we've discussed referral program ideas that encourage one-time referrals. While these are certainly effective, it's tough to host a daily contest or start a fundraiser every other week.

Instead, it's more efficient to have a referral program that motivates customers to refer multiple people over a long period of time.

To accomplish this, you can create customer loyalty tiers that reward people as they continue to refer leads. Each tier has unique benefits and when customers refer a specific number of leads, they're promoted into the next loyalty tier.

With this setup, customers are constantly motivated to refer new leads even if you're not hosting a contest or promotion.

customer referral program example, pinto

Access to greater discounts or rewards can be a significant driver for some customers, especially if they regularly spend large amounts of money on your site or in your store.

Since these customers are already loyal, they're more likely to sing your praises to friends and family regardless of any rewards offered.

Adding a tiered referral option simply adds motivation.

Companies that sell a large variety of products at different price points can benefit from this approach. Lower tiers may offer discounts on lower-priced items, while higher tiers could provide both money off and early access to new products.

Measure success by tying the number of new referrals and conversions to current, high-tier customers. If you reach a saturation point where the number of high-tier members outstrips the number of conversions, consider adding a new tier or phasing out the program altogether.

Implement this program just prior to a new product launch or social media campaign to help drive interest and engagement with your brand.

5. Seasonal Campaigns

Seasonal campaigns are always a timely way to draw in new customers.

You can promote holiday discounts, annual sales, and long-term deals that can be used every year. And, if you execute these campaigns consistently, your customers will look forward to them year-round.

customer referral program ideas: seasonal campaign from rift

Spending ramps up around many major holidays, making them the perfect time to capture customer attention with a great deal or discount. Do it right, and customers will look forward to your seasonal campaigns all year long — and they'll also tell their friends.

Seasonal campaigns can work for any product or service brand, so long as your messaging is clear and you make sure to advertise the upcoming event prior to the season or holiday itself.

Since these campaigns happen over a fixed period of time, measuring success means comparing the number of referrals and conversions generated over the seasonal period compared to previous campaigns.

Start your implementation around a month before the seasonal event itself to give customers time to think about what they want to purchase and who they want to refer.

6. Exclusive Events

Customers like to feel like they're a part of a community, especially if it's exclusive.

By hosting events that are reserved for members of your customer loyalty program , you can capitalize on customer advocacy and attract new leads.

For example, you can provide extra tickets to an event so customers can invite their peers and introduce them to your brand through a casual setting.

Rather than bringing them into one of your stores, leads can attend a company outing or event where there's no pressure to close a deal.

customer referral program ideas: event from linkedin

Messaging from companies will never equal the impact of recommendations from friends and family.

If you can provide customers with unique experiences that introduce your brand without making it the focus of the entire event, loyal customers won't feel strange about sharing invites with their social circle.

This is often a great approach for B2B companies to help expand their current corporate network connections. If you can carve out a reputation as a company that hosts great events, it's even easier for current customers to convince friends and family to tag along.

Compare your spending on the event to the number of referrals received and the number of conversions related to these referrals.

Expect to take a loss the first few times as potential customers become familiar with your events, but if low numbers persist, consider changing your approach.

Implement this strategy when calendars are fairly clear. For example, just after the holiday season is a good time — prospective referrals are often feeling a bit down and looking for an excuse to have a good time.

7. Referral Discounts

If your customers are looking for a more direct return on their referrals, you can also offer them discounts based on how many leads they bring to your business.

Remember, acquiring a new customer is much more expensive than retaining an existing one, so the money you lose on the discount will be made up for with the leads that you convert.

customer referral program ideas: referral discount

Large enough discounts on products people want can convince them it's worth their time to refer their social connections and help promote your brand. The caveat? Do your research to make sure the discount you're offering is substantial enough to drive action.

This method works well for brands with high-value items such as electronics, jewelry, or clothing. If you can offer a significant discount for the number of referrals brought in, you're more likely to see success.

Remember that when it comes to referral programs, what you lose on discounts you make up for with new customers. Track sales from customer referrals over a specified period — for example, six months — to see if discounts are paying dividends.

Consider running this type of campaign during the launch of a newer and more expensive version of your product, or the debut of an entirely new product line.

8. Product or Service Upgrades

Product or service upgrades are excellent incentives for customer referral programs because they both attract new leads and they encourage existing customers to continue using your products.

If you don't have an upgraded product or service to offer, you can instead introduce customers to beta features, products, and services that the rest of your customer base doesn't have.

Not only will this "wow" customers with what your product development team has been working on, but it will also make them feel like part of an exclusive group that has VIP access to these special features.

With this approach, you're not just offering an incentive in return for new leads.

You're encouraging customers to share positive feedback while simultaneously adding value to their customer experience over time.

customer referral program ideas: product upgrade from evernote

It's always nice to be part of the "in" group, especially if it gives you access to new services or features. Craft a stand-out experience here and customers will be happy to talk up your company.

Service-based companies and software developers are good examples of where this approach may excel. By giving repeat customers early access to new features and functions, they feel appreciated and are excited to tell everyone else about it.

Access to features and functions still in testing is extremely cost-effective since you're not currently marketing these to customers. As a result, any sales that come from referrals can be considered a success.

Implement this type of program whenever you're rolling out a new product or service. You get the benefit of free beta testing and customers are happy to be included.

9. Charity Connections

Here, you're helping yourself by helping your community.

Instead of rewarding customers with discounts or exclusive events, you partner with a local charity organization and make a donation every time an existing customer provides a new lead referral.

This is particularly useful to help build brand reputation and trustworthiness over time — both of which are now a priority for consumers.

customer referral program ideas: charity connections from vena

Reputation matters for customer retention. While buyers are happy to get a discount or a free gift, if you're willing to make a donation for every new referral, it improves their perception of your brand and in turn their willingness to share your campaign.

This approach has widespread appeal. The caveat? Do your research and make sure the charity you're donating to is one that your current customers care about.

Since your goal here is reputation rather than direct revenue, focus on social media shares and positive online interactions with your brand. This indicates that your campaign worked, and conversions should naturally follow.

While charity is a worthwhile goal any time of year, charitable giving may have more impact during or just after a crisis or high-profile event that has people looking for ways they can help.

10. Mystery Gifts

Who doesn't love a gift?

And while picking your own from a lineup of potential presents is great, sometimes it's even better to get a surprise.

This is the idea behind mystery gift referrals — when current customers refer potential prospects, you send them a mystery gift. It doesn't need to be anything extravagant, just something that shows your appreciation.

customer referral program ideas: mystery gift

Mystery gifts are just that — mysterious. They offer a surprise for potential referrals that may help them take action and sign up for your emails, follow your page, or start making purchases. Useful, not expensive, is the goal here.

While any company can implement the mystery gift idea, this approach typically sees more success with retail and eCommerce brands that already sell physical products.

For example, although a software design company could send out a free gift to potential clients, it's harder to connect this type of referral to the service being offered.

When it comes to measuring success from mystery gifts, take a look at spending versus revenue.

If giving gifts to current customers and their referral prospects leads to enough business that you offset the cost of your gift program, keep at it. If costs consistently outpace revenue, consider another approach.

Everyone loves a free gift — use this approach wherever, whenever to drive new business.

If you're still not sure how to use these strategies, let's look at a few companies that have successfully executed these customer referral ideas.

  • Healthy Paws
  • Google Workspace

Dropbox offers free products or services in exchange for users referring new customers: You can earn more cloud storage space in exchange for referring a friend.

customer referral program example, Dropbox

Image source

How to Make It Work For You

  • Offer something that makes existing customer accounts or services more valuable.
  • Not sure? Ask customers what they'd like before spending on a referral program.

When you refer a friend to Acorns , an online micro-investing service, you get $5 deposited in your account when they start investing.

It's called Acorns because it's all about investing small amounts of money to accumulate wealth, so $5 goes a long way.

Sometimes, people just want money — but especially if they're already using a money management app.

customer referral program example, Acorns

  • If you're opting for money as your referral award, make sure the process from referral to deposit is clear and easy to follow.
  • Make sure to highlight any restrictions, such as the number of friends that customers can refer.

3. Stitch Fix

When you refer a friend to Stitch Fix , an online styling and shopping service, you get a credit on your next order.

The amount of the credit varies, so be sure to check your account's Referrals page to see how much you can earn.

It's an easy step to go from telling someone where you got your outfit to sending them a link to try it themselves, so pairing that with a compelling credit or discount makes this program successful.

customer referral program example, Acorns

  • If any of your services are fee-based, waiving them is a great starting point. The caveat? Make sure it's enough to cover something for customers so they feel like they're coming out ahead.
  • Keep it simple, especially if your program has several components. Consider creating a referral program website that explains the process in detail.

4. T-Mobile

Customers who refer cellular carrier T-Mobile to their friends can earn up to $50 per friend who purchases a T-Mobile plan and up to $500 per year.

Friends, meanwhile, enjoy discounts on their new plans to help encourage the referral process.

Referral program examples: T-mobile

  • T-Mobile's referral program depends on the quality of service. If you have a service-based business, make sure you make current customer satisfaction a priority before branching out into referrals.
  • Opting for a multi-referral process lets current customers earn substantive rewards — this often drives better results than a single, large-payout referral.

5. Healthy Paws

Healthy Paws pet insurance has a referral program that donates $25 to homeless pets on behalf of referrers when referrals are completed.

It's a smart choice to offer this type of referral for an animal-focused insurance business — the compassionate nature of the reward is likely to attract both current clients and new customers alike.

Referral program examples: Healthy Paws

  • This type of program is great to help encourage referrals and gain social capital for compassionate giving. The caveat? Carefully select charities or nonprofits to ensure they're legitimate.
  • Be upfront about what charities do and the amounts they've raised - feature them on your website and regularly review them to make sure money is spent responsibly.

6. MeUndies

Online underwear company MeUndies offers a win-win situation for customers who like their product: New buyers get 20% off their first order, and existing customers get $20 off their next order.

Here's how it works: Customers with an active account and at least one purchase can generate a referral link and send it to friends.

When friends use the link to make a purchase the 20% discount is automatically applied and existing customers get a $20 credit on their account.

Simple? You bet. Effective? Absolutely.

Referral program examples: MeUndies

  • In the case of more niche products like underwear, your referral program depends on the quality of your product, so it's worth cultivating a loyal customer base before rolling out a widespread referral campaign.
  • Companies like MeUndies also charge a premium price for their product — for similar brands, it's critical to offer a substantive discount, such as 20% or more on the first order, to capture new customer attention.

7. Google Workspace

Search giant Google also has a referral program that offers cold, hard cash for bringing new users into the fold.

Existing Google Workspace customers simply sign up and get their referral link which they send to friends or colleagues.

Unlike many other programs, however, Google doesn't bother with discounts or free gifts — if new customers use referral links, referring customers get a monetary reward deposited directly into their bank account.

customer referral program, Google Workspace

  • This program targets workers and their colleagues, which makes function the key connector: Since employees are less likely to rave about productivity software or business apps to their co-workers, your product needs to stand out from the crowd.
  • Consider a tiered reward model; Google offers differing cash amounts depending on the type of product referred.

8. DoorDash

Food delivery company Doordash is always looking for new drivers, and their referral program is designed to target areas where demand is highest.

Current drivers can check their app to see if drivers are needed in their area — if so, they'll see a "Refer Friends" banner at the top of their screen.

They can then send referral links to friends looking to become DoorDash drivers — when these new drivers complete the required number of deliveries, both referrer and referee can earn cash bonuses.

Worth noting? The amount earned scales with current demand. In high-demand areas, new "Dashers" and those who refer them could earn up to $1,000.

Current drivers can also refer up to 15 new drivers.

Referral program examples: Door Dash

  • The DoorDash program is based on demand. If you're a service-driven business, this is a great way to generate interest. The key to success? Aligning your rewards with local needs to drive growth where you need it.
  • DoorDash also encourages referees to work quickly — if targets aren't met before bonuses change, they don't receive the full amount. This can be a great way to drive interest, but make sure you're up-front about how the program works.

Overall, a customer referral program is a great way to retain customers and drive word-of-mouth marketing. Creating advocates for your company will keep the flywheel spinning.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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referral program presentation


How to Create a Referral Program for Your Business

By   Hanson Cheng

July 21, 2023

  • minute read

Last Updated on July 21, 2023 by Hanson Cheng

In this comprehensive guide to referral programs, readers will gain an understanding of what referral programs are and their benefits, as well as learn from successful examples. The guide will then walk readers through setting goals for their own referral program, aligning them with business objectives, and determining incentives. Next, readers will learn how to design their referral program, including choosing the right platform, creating a clear process, and developing effective collateral and calls to action.

After launching the program, the article delves into promoting it through various marketing channels like email, social media, and events. Furthermore, the guide provides insight into monitoring and optimizing referral programs through data analysis, identifying areas for improvement, and continuous engagement.

The Benefits of Referral Programs

There are numerous benefits associated with implementing a referral program for your business. Some of these include:

Cost-effective marketing: One of the main advantages of referral programs is that they can be more cost-effective compared to other marketing tools. With a referral program, your happy customers become your promoters, reducing the need for investing in traditional advertising.

Boosts customer loyalty: By offering rewards and incentives to your existing customers for referrals, you not only motivate them to bring new customers but also strengthen their loyalty towards your brand.

Generates higher quality leads: People tend to trust recommendations from their friends and family more than any other form of advertising. As a result, leads generated through referral programs tend to be more qualified and likely to convert into long-term customers.

Builds trust and credibility: When customers refer your products or services to others, they vouch for your brand. This personal endorsement helps build trust and credibility, which is crucial for a successful business.

Increased customer retention: Studies have shown that businesses with effective referral programs can enjoy a higher rate of customer retention. The reason is that happy customers are more likely to stick around and continue to promote your brand through word-of-mouth marketing.

Examples of Successful Referral Programs

Several companies have successfully implemented referral programs to drive customer acquisition and growth. Here are a few examples:

Dropbox: Dropbox, a file hosting and cloud storage service, offers its users free storage space for each successful referral. This referral program helped Dropbox tremendously in its early days, allowing the company to grow rapidly and acquire millions of new users.

Airbnb: The popular home-sharing platform offers travel credits for both the referrer and the referred, encouraging users to invite their friends and family to use the service. This referral program has played a significant role in Airbnb’s growth, with the majority of their users joining the platform through word-of-mouth referrals.

Uber: Uber, the ride-sharing company, offers free ride credits to both the referrer and the referred when a new user signs up and consumes the service through a referral link. This program has helped Uber expand its reach in various markets globally.

Amazon Prime: Amazon Prime’s referral program offers cash incentives for every new user using a referral link to sign up for Prime membership. This has helped Amazon increase Prime membership numbers, ensuring recurring revenue and customer loyalty.

Setting Goals for Your Referral Program

Setting clear and measurable goals for your referral program to ensure it delivers the desired results is essential. The success of your referral program is largely determined by your ability to strategically align program goals with your overall business objectives, establish proper metrics to measure success and decide on incentives for referrers and referrals.

Aligning Program Goals with Business Objectives

A vital first step in setting referral program goals is to align them with your broader business objectives. By doing so, you ensure that your referral program not only meets the needs of your target audience but also contributes to the overall success of your business.

Identify your business objectives: Start by listing out the broad objectives that drive your business. These might include increasing revenue, boosting customer loyalty, expanding your customer base, or enhancing your brand image.

Understand your target audience: To create a program that attracts the right kind of referrals, examine your ideal customer persona. Consider their demographics, preferences, and the communication channels they prefer to use.

Align your referral program goals: Once you clearly understand your business objectives and target audience, align your referral program goals with these insights. For example, if one of your business objectives is to increase revenue, a goal for your referral program could be to generate a specific number of qualified leads in a given time frame.

Prioritize your goals: While it’s essential to set ambitious goals for your referral program, it’s also crucial to ensure that they remain achievable. Prioritize your goals based on their importance and impact on your overall business objectives and decide upon the resources needed to accomplish them.

Establishing Metrics to Measure Success

Measurable goals are necessary for monitoring the success of your referral program. They help you understand whether the program is on track and help to identify areas requiring adjustment.

Define key performance indicators (KPIs): Determine the KPIs that will help you understand the success of your referral program. Examples include the number of referrals, conversion rate, average referral value, or cost per acquisition (CPA).

Understand the customer referral journey: To measure the effectiveness of your referral program, examine the steps taken by referred customers. This includes the referral process itself, conversion, and post-conversion behavior.

Adjust and optimize: Use the data from your KPIs to identify areas of improvement and optimize your strategy. Iterate on your referral program over time to ensure it remains effective, engaging, and relevant.

Compare against industry benchmarks: Research industry benchmarks for referral programs similar to yours. Compare your performance to understand your strengths and weaknesses and to adjust your goals accordingly.

Deciding on Incentives for Referrers and Referrals

Incentives play a crucial role in the success of any referral program. The right incentives encourage existing customers to refer their friends and family and motivate the referred prospects to engage with your business.

Choose the right incentive structure: Opt for incentives that are simple, transparent, and easily understood by your customers. Options include cash, discounts, gift cards, or exclusive access to products or services.

Ensure value for referrers and referrals: The incentives you offer should appeal to both parties. They should be enticing enough to motivate your customers to refer others and provide a meaningful benefit for the referred individuals.

Test and iterate: Test different types of incentives to see which ones resonate the most with your target audience. This may involve simple A/B testing, offering multiple incentives, or surveying customers to gather feedback on their preferences.

Track the success of your incentives: Use your established KPIs to assess the effectiveness of your incentives. Track their impact on referral rates and other metrics to refine your strategy based on the insights you gather continuously.

Choosing the Right Referral Platform

Numerous referral marketing platforms are available to help you create and manage your referral program. These platforms offer various features, from tracking referrals to automating communications with your customers. When selecting a referral platform, consider the following aspects:

Integration: Make sure the platform can integrate seamlessly with your existing software, such as your CRM, email service provider, or e-commerce platform.

Customization: The platform should allow you to customize the design and user experience of your referral program to match your brand’s look and feel.

Reporting and Analytics: A good referral platform should offer robust reporting and analytics features, enabling you to track the success of your referral program and make any necessary adjustments.

Scalability: As your business grows, the platform should be able to scale with you, accommodating more customers, products, or promotions.

Price: Compare the pricing of different platforms to understand what fits your budget and offers the features you need.

Examples of popular referral platforms include ReferralCandy, Referral SaaSquatch, and Ambassador, among others. Do thorough research and evaluate each platform based on your requirements before making a decision.

Creating a Simple and Clear Referral Process

A confusing or complicated referral process will deter customers from participating in your referral program. Aim to create a straightforward and user-friendly referral process, following these guidelines:

Easily Accessible: Ensure that customers can quickly access and understand the referral program from your website or e-commerce platform.

Simplicity: The referral process should be simple, with minimal steps for customers to sign up, share, and track their referrals.

Clear Incentives: Provide clear and enticing incentives to both the referrer and the referred customer. Incentives could include discounts, cash rewards, or points redeemable for products or services.

Transparent Rules: Clearly communicate the rules of your referral program, including reward eligibility, referral limits, and any other relevant information.

Effortless Sharing: Make sure customers can easily share their referral links with friends and family through various channels such as email, social media, or messaging apps.

Designing Effective Referral Collateral

Your referral program’s success depends on how well you promote it. Create eye-catching and well-designed collateral that encourages customers to participate in the referral program.

Email Templates: Design engaging and persuasive email templates that promote your referral program in various emails like welcome emails, newsletters, and transactional emails. Make sure they include a clear call-to-action to join the referral program.

Web Banners and Images: Showcase your referral program prominently on your website with eye-catching banners, images, or pop-ups. Make sure they stand out and clearly communicate the referral program’s benefits.

Social Media Content: Utilize social media platforms to advertise your referral program by creating shareable graphics or ads. Encourage your followers and customers to share them, increasing your online reach and gaining more referrals.

Developing a Compelling Call-to-Action

A strong call-to-action (CTA) motivates customers to participate in your referral program. Develop a compelling CTA by following these tips:

Use Clear and Specific Language: Be direct with your messaging, stating clearly what the customer should do and what they can expect to receive as a reward for participating.

Create Urgency: Encourage action by creating a sense of urgency, such as a limited-time offer or a countdown to the reward’s expiration.

Choose the Right Design: Design your CTA so it stands out on your website, email, or social media post, making it more likely for customers to take action.

Test and Optimize: Continuously test different CTAs by changing language, design, or offer to understand what resonates best with your customers and drives the desired action.

By following these guidelines when designing your referral program, you can create a successful and scalable program that increases customer acquisition, loyalty, and overall revenue for your business.

Launching Your Referral Program

Creating a launch plan.

A well-structured launch plan is vital to the success of your referral program. This plan should outline the key objectives, steps, and resources required to get the program up and running. It should also establish specific target metrics and milestones that will help you measure the success of the launch.

Define your goals: Start by identifying what you hope to achieve with your referral program. This could include increasing sales, attracting new customers, improving customer satisfaction, or building brand awareness.

Outline your referral program: Clearly state the specifics of your referral program, such as the rewards you will offer to both the referrer and the referred, the referral process, and any terms and conditions that apply.

Identify your target audience: Determine who you want to target with your referral program, and consider what motivates them to make referrals. This understanding will help you tailor your messaging and incentives to appeal to your target demographic.

Craft your messaging: Develop clear and compelling marketing messaging that highlights the benefits of participating in your referral program.

Plan your marketing campaign: Decide on the marketing tactics you will use to promote your referral programs, such as email marketing, social media, content marketing, or paid advertising campaigns.

Establish a timeline: Set a timeline for each stage of the launch, from initial planning to execution, including milestones to measure progress.

Allocate resources: Identify the human and financial resources required to successfully launch your referral program, and make sure they are available when needed.

Integrating the Referral Program with Your Website and Online Channels

The key to a successful referral program is making it easy for your customers to share and engage with. Integrating the program with your website and online channels ensures a seamless user experience and maximizes the program’s visibility.

Incorporate clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons: Add referral CTAs to your website, blog, emails, and social media posts to encourage participation.

Make the sign-up process simple: Ensure that users can join the referral program with minimal hassle – often, the easier it is to sign up, the more likely people are to participate.

Leverage social sharing: Incorporate social media sharing buttons or integrations to make it convenient for users to share their referral links with their networks.

Automate email notifications: Send automated email updates to referral program participants, notifying them of successful referrals, rewards earned, and other program updates.

Track and report referral data: Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your referral program, including the number of successful referrals, the conversion rate, and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Implementing and Testing the Referral Program

Before launching your referral program, ensuring that it’s fully functional and meets your objectives is critical. Thorough testing can help prevent any issues down the line, increasing the likelihood of a successful launch.

Test the referral process: Simulate the entire referral process from start to finish, ensuring that all aspects of the program are working as intended, including customer registration, link sharing, referral tracking, and reward distribution.

Check for compatibility issues: Test the referral program across different browsers, devices, and platforms to ensure it works seamlessly for all users.

Fine-tune the user experience: Make any necessary adjustments to the user interface or user flow to ensure the process is as seamless, engaging, and user-friendly as possible.

Monitor and optimize performance: After launching the referral program, keep an eye on your metrics, and make any necessary adjustments to improve the program’s performance.

Promoting Your Referral Program

Developing a marketing plan for your referral program.

Before launching your referral program, developing a strategic marketing plan that outlines the objectives, target audience, promotional channels, and metrics for success is essential. Start by defining the goals of your referral program, such as increasing brand awareness, boosting customer retention, and driving sales. Next, identify your target audience. This could include existing customers, potential customers, industry influencers, and employees.

Your marketing plan should also include a clear timetable and budget for executing your referral program. Outline the timeline of activities, required resources, estimated costs, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.

Utilizing Email Marketing to Promote the Program

Email marketing is an excellent way to directly inform your customers and subscribers about your referral program. To start, craft a well-designed, engaging email that succinctly explains the benefits of participating in the program. Be sure to include a strong call-to-action, such as a “Refer a Friend” button that directs recipients to a landing page where they can learn more about the program and sign up.

Don’t forget to promote your referral program in transactional emails, including order confirmations, welcome emails, and newsletters. Including a mention of your referral program with attractive visuals increases the overall reach and exposure of the program.

Leveraging Social Media Channels

Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to engage with your audience and promote your referral program. You can create eye-catching, shareable images or videos that showcase the benefits of participating in the program. Encourage your followers to share these posts or create their user-generated content related to the referral program, increasing the visibility among their connections.

Consider running a paid social media advertising campaign. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow you to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, making it easier to reach your desired audience.

Using In-person and Event Marketing

In-person events, conferences, and industry trade show provide excellent opportunities to promote your referral program. Prepare a well-crafted sales pitch and train your representatives to communicate the benefits and intricacies of the referral program effectively.

Use branded materials such as banners, brochures, flyers, and business cards to increase visibility and generate interest in your referral program. Additionally, you can offer exclusive incentives or deals to event attendees who sign up for the program on the spot.

Monitoring and Optimizing Your Referral Program

A thriving referral program requires continuous monitoring and optimization to ensure its success. By staying up to date with program data, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting program elements accordingly, you can maintain strong performance while steadily growing your customer base.

Additionally, engaging and motivating program participants is essential, ensuring their consistent support and loyalty. In this article, you’ll learn how to effectively analyze referral program data, identify areas for improvement, make adjustments based on feedback and results, and continuously engage with participants.

Analyzing Referral Program Data and Metrics

Referral program data and metrics are crucial for measuring your referral initiative’s success and identifying areas needing improvement. Here are the key metrics to track:

Referral Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of referred prospects who become customers. A low referral conversion rate may suggest a disconnect between your value proposition and your target audience.

Time-to-Conversion: This metric tracks the average amount of time it takes a referral to convert into a customer. A shorter time to conversion indicates a highly effective referral program.

Cost per Acquisition (CPA): The CPA metric assesses the cost-effectiveness of your referral program by calculating the average cost of acquiring a new customer through the program. Keeping this number as low as possible is essential to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Lifetime Value (LTV) of Referred Customers: This metric gauges the projected revenue generated by each referred customer throughout their relationship with your business.

Referral Source Breakdown: Identifying which sources generate the most referrals will allow you to allocate more resources to those channels and optimize your program.

Active Participants and Referral Rate: It’s crucial to monitor the number of active participants in your referral program and their referral rate. This can help you identify top referrers and reward them accordingly, identify inactive participants, and devise strategies to re-engage them.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Using the data and metrics gathered from your referral program, identify areas where improvements can be made. This may include refining your value proposition, improving referral incentives, or expanding your target audience. Common areas for improvement include low conversion rates, high CPA, inadequate participant engagement, or low referral rates.

Adjusting Program Elements Based on Feedback and Results

Once you have identified areas for improvement, you should adjust your referral program to address these challenges. For example, consider enhancing your marketing message, increasing referral rewards, or simplifying the referral process. Be sure to gather feedback from participants and customers alike to ensure your changes are well-received.

To determine the effectiveness of changes made to your referral program, continue monitoring the relevant data and metrics. Utilize A/B testing to compare different variations of your program, and use the results to guide your optimization efforts. This iterative approach will help propel your referral program towards ongoing success.

Continuously Engaging and Motivating Participants

Referral program participants play a critical role in your initiative’s success, as they actively refer new customers. To ensure their ongoing support, it is important to maintain a high level of engagement and motivation.

Some effective strategies for engaging and motivating referral program participants include:

Frequent communication: Regular updates and reminders can help keep participants engaged and informed about program changes, reward structures, goals, and achievements.

Personalization: Address participants by name and provide personalized rewards, offers, or messages to make them feel valued.

Gamification: Implement game elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards to create a fun and competitive environment, enticing participants to increase their referrals and stay involved in the program.

Reward and recognition: Acknowledge top performers and valuable contributions to keep participants motivated and satisfied with the referral program. This could include offering higher rewards, exclusive offers, or public recognition in newsletters or on social media.

By closely monitoring and optimizing your referral program, actively engaging with participants, and adapting based on feedback, you can achieve continuous improvement and ongoing success for your business.

Referral Program Best Practices and Case Studies

Best practices for referral programs.

Referral programs can be a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes, but only if they are implemented effectively. Below are some best practices to consider when developing your referral program.

Set clear goals: Before launching a referral program, it is important to define your objectives. Are you looking to acquire new customers or retain existing ones? What kind of return on investment (ROI) do you expect from the program? Having a clear understanding of your goals will make it easier to measure the success of your referral program.

Offer attractive incentives: Your referral program will be more successful if it provides value to both the referrer and the referred. Be creative with your incentives, but make sure they are fair and appealing. Examples of common incentives include discounts, free products, or cash rewards.

Make it easy to refer: The easier it is for customers to share your referral program, the more likely they are to refer others. Use clear calls-to-action and shareable links to promote your program, and integrate it with social media platforms to maximize its reach.

Track and analyze your results: Keep a close eye on the performance of your referral program. Use analytics tools to understand where your referrals are coming from and which incentives are driving the most conversions. This will help you learn from the data and make any necessary adjustments to optimize the program.

Communicate with participants: Make sure customers are aware of your referral program and keep them engaged with regular updates. Share success stories, acknowledge top referrers, and remind customers of the program’s benefits.

Test and iterate: Continuously test and iterate your referral program to ensure it stays fresh and relevant. Regularly update incentives, explore different communication channels, and experiment with new approaches to discover what works best for your target audience.

Real-life Case Studies and Lessons Learned

The following case studies highlight real-life examples of successful referral programs and the lessons that can be learned from them:

Dropbox: Dropbox’s referral program is often cited as one of the best examples of a successful referral strategy. The cloud-storage company offered users extra storage space for referring friends, and the program helped the company grow from 100,000 to 4 million users in just 15 months. Lesson: Give your customers something valuable in exchange for their referrals, and make sure the incentive aligns with the core value of your product.

Airbnb: Airbnb’s referral program is another prime example of success. The home-sharing platform offered travel credits to both referrers and those who were referred, leading to an impressive 300% increase in user signups. Lesson: Offer incentives that are appealing but also align with your customer’s  interests and your brand’s values.

Uber: Uber’s referral program rewards both the rider and the driver when a new user is referred. By continuously iterating its referral program, Uber has mastered the art of acquiring new customers at a low cost. Lesson: Test, iterate, and optimize your referral program based on data to ensure its success.

Resources for Further Learning and Improvement

If you are interested in diving deeper into referral programs, no shortage of resources is available. Here are a few recommendations for further learning and improvement:

Books: “Referral Engine” by John Jantsch and “Contagious: Why Things Catch On” by Jonah Berger provide valuable insights and practical advice on developing word-of-mouth marketing and effective referral strategies.

Blogs and websites: Websites such as ReferralCandy, Influitive, and SaaSquatch provide a wealth of information on referral marketing best practices, tips, and trends.

Online courses: Many marketing courses offered on platforms such as Udemy and HubSpot Academy cover referral marketing and customer acquisition strategies in depth.

Networking: Attend industry conferences, workshops, and webinars to learn directly from experts in the field, uncover success stories, and connect with other professionals interested in referral marketing.

In conclusion, creating a successful referral program requires a combination of knowing your goals, providing attractive incentives, making the referral process easy, tracking and analyzing results, communicating with participants, and continuously testing and refining the program based on data. Learn from successful case studies and make use of the abundance of resources available to create a referral program that drives growth for your business.

Referral Program as a Marketing Strategy – FAQs

1. what is a referral program, and why is it important for a business.

A referral program is a marketing strategy that encourages existing customers to promote a company’s products or services to new potential customers. It is important because it helps businesses gain new clients, increase customer loyalty, and generate revenue organically through word-of-mouth (Pire, 2015).

2. How do businesses incentivize their customers to participate in referral programs?

Businesses offer various incentives for customers who refer new clients, such as discounts, cash rewards, or gifts. These incentives create a win-win-win situation: the referring customer receives the reward, the new customer gets a deal, and the business gains a new client (Pire, 2015).

3. What are the key components to include when designing an effective referral program?

An effective referral program includes a simple and clear referral process, attractive incentives, easy sharing options, and ongoing communication with participants to track referrals and provide rewards promptly. These components ensure that customers understand the program and feel motivated to participate (Gallo, 2017).

4. How can a business promote its referral program to reach more customers?

Businesses can promote referral programs through a variety of channels, including email marketing, social media, in-store signage, and customer service interactions. Creating engaging marketing materials and providing clear instructions on how to participate increases the likelihood that customers will join and refer others (Gallo, 2017).

5. How can a company measure the success of its referral program?

Success can be measured by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of participants, new customers acquired through referrals, referral conversion rates, and revenue generated from the program. Analyzing these KPIs helps businesses identify areas for improvement and ensure that the referral program is cost-effective (Pire, 2015).

6. How can businesses ensure that their referral programs remain engaging and effective over time?

Regularly evaluating program performance, updating incentives and promotional materials, and incorporating customer feedback helps businesses keep their referral programs fresh, engaging, and effective. This continuous improvement promotes customer loyalty and drives long-term success (Gallo, 2017).

Gallo, A. (2017). The most successful techniques for rising from failure. Harvard Business Review.

Pire, L. (2015). Getting real about customer referrals. The Financial Brand.

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Hanson Cheng

About the author

Living in Portugal with my wife and puppies. Scaling online businesses and sharing lessons learned on this website and in our email newsletter. Always happy to hear from you, so find me on Instagram if you want to say hi!

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In this article

What is referral marketing.

Referral marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies: using your current customers to spread the word about your brand to new customers.

We compiled a truly epic list of the best referral program ideas currently on the market, along with recommendations on what kinds of referral program software to use, incentives to offer, and current customers to target for your very own referral program.

If that sounds interesting to you, keep on reading.

Referral Program infographic - how referral marketing works

But hang on—there's a catch.

It's not always easy for your customers to do. Between their hectic work schedules and a never-ending list of social and family obligations, your marketing strategy is the last thing on their minds.

To turn your loyal customers into your biggest brand advocates, you have to make the referral process as easy as possible for them, and you have to stay top-of-mind with killer referral incentives, like free products and major discounts.

Instead of reinventing the wheel to come up with your own referral marketing ideas, you may want to take inspiration from top brands who are absolutely killing it with referral programs.

By the end of our list, you will have enough referral program ideas to launch your very own program and open the floodgates of another customer acquisition channel for your business.

Before we begin, let's break down some basic referral marketing definitions so that we know that we're all on the same page.

What is a referral program?

A referral program or a “refer-a-friend” program is a marketing strategy used by many top ecommerce brands to incentivize existing customers to recommend the brand and its products to their family and friends.

A referral program is a deliberate, systematic way of getting people to make referrals to your business. Referral programs are often called word-of-mouth marketing, because they reward existing customers for sharing and incentivize new customers to try out your brand.

Customers are rewarded with referral incentives , such as free cash, major discounts, or a free month of subscription. While there is an upfront cost to the business, referral programs significantly increase long-term revenue by making loyal customers out of your existing customer base.

If you are wondering why you should have a referral program and how to run one, let’s take a look at how the top ecommerce brands are running their referral programs and the results they have achieved.

Before we begin, let's quickly go through the basics of referral programs.

Why do I need a referral program?

One of the biggest stresses of any business is finding a solid customer acquisition channel, or basically, bringing in new customers. When you have a solid referral marketing program, however, you let your existing customers bring new buyers to your brand. 

This not only significantly reduces spending on bringing new customers to your shop, but also increases customer retention, which is a very good thing.

Because loyal customers have a higher conversion rate than new customers and spend more per transaction, making customer referral programs the most cost-effective and lucrative marketing strategy that your business can possibly employ.

How does a referral program work?

People don't make as many referrals as they intend to for a variety of reasons. A referral program helps make their mind up with a tangible reward for referrals.

Modern referral programs, or refer-a-friend programs, use software to track referrals made by happy customers through either a referral code, a rewards card, or a referral link .

Depending on the referral campaign, customers will usually receive some kind of referral bonus or benefit when they refer a friend. Referral marketing software automates the payout of these referral rewards.

This referral process creates a natural word-of-mouth marketing experience for your brand, which ultimately increases both your customer retention rate and your revenue.

To find out more, check out how ReferralCandy works.

How do I create a referral program?

The best way to bring in potential customers is to first focus on your existing satisfied customers. Rather than just offering cash rewards or free gifts in hopes that your customers will refer a friend to your shop, it takes a little bit of planning to set up a referral program that works.

1. Get clear about your goals

Before creating a complex ambassador program or launching tons of marketing campaigns (of any kind), it's important to be clear about what your goals are for the program. 

This will help guide you as you brainstorm referral marketing ideas. Some questions to consider are:

  • What are you hoping to get out of your rewards program?
  • Do you want more customers? Or just bigger purchases by your existing customers?
  • Are you trying to get a higher conversion rate and increase sales?

You can certainly achieve each of these goals, but it might require a different referral campaign for each goal. So it's important to be clear about your goals before beginning.

referral program presentation

Canopy makes the world's cleanest and easiest humidifier for optimal skin health and wellness.

It’s not unusual for brands to choose product incentives rather than cash or credit incentives, but they definitely belong to the minority. Canopy does a great job in closing the loop for existing customers and keeping them loyal. If I’m an advocate, it makes absolute sense for me to be incentivized by free filters since I already own the device. 

They’ve also made it enticing to click on the “Free Filter” button rather than to put “Refer-a-Friend Program” on their homepage. 

2. Make a list of your existing customer referral sources

Your referral sources are your happy customers, friends, and family. They are your biggest advocates and will be the lifeblood of your referral marketing program. Make a list of all of these groups and how you can easily contact them.

3. Make an outreach plan

Now that you have a list of referral sources, carefully make an outreach plan. It's not quite as simple as sending a blast email with a generic referral incentive.

The types of referral programs that you use will largely depend on your list, so plan accordingly.

For example, close friends and family will trust recommendations when they're coming from someone in their inner circle, so adding an offer to the referral program will increase conversion rates!

4. Determine the referral incentives you'll offer

While cash incentives likely seem like they’ll get the biggest draw out of your existing customer base, that’s not necessarily the case. One study found that non-cash incentives were 24% more effective with referral marketing than cash incentives. It’s best to offer something of tremendous value to your customers that will keep them coming back to your shop in the future.

referral program presentation

Braxley Bands ’ referral program reward structure:

  • Advocate reward: 20% off and a chance for a $100 gift card
  • Friend offer: 20% off

Beyond the conventional 20% for you, and 20% for me, Braxley Bands also introduced an additional perk of standing a chance to win a $100 gift card (that’s essentially 3 more bands for the advocate). 

That alone is an extra incentive at zero cost to the advocate, all he or she needs to do is to share via word of mouth. 

5. Tell your customers about it

Once you’ve settled on your referral lists and your incentives, it’s time to get people to spread the word both about your brand and your rewards! There are many different ways to do this, each of which brings in a different segment of potential customers.

Some of the most effective strategies are:

  • Adding details about your referral program to your newsletter
  • Having opt-ins on your website
  • Capturing customer emails through  a pop-up widget on your home page
  • Sending out specific referral emails to your most loyal audience
  • Adding referral program reminders to your social media company profile
  • Including physical cards in order packages that mention your referral program

Or a combination of all of these. Multiple channels tend to work better rather than only focusing on one, so you should take advantage of more than one.

Do a little research about the most effective way to grow your lists, and then test it out for yourself.

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Like most ecommerce brands, Chāmpo puts a link to their referral program in their site footer. It’s accessible and easy to spot. 

6. Track the referrals and rewards

In order to run a successful rewards program, you need to keep track of all of the referrals being made. You need to be able to keep track of who referred whom, the date they were referred, whether or not a conversion was made, and the best way to follow up with both the referrer and the referee.

One of the easiest ways to do this is with referral program software, like ReferralCandy .

A system that not only facilitates the reward within your shop but also provides accurate data on the referrals is going to help you know exactly how successful (or unsuccessful) your program is. 

Some referral systems go one step further in making sure that your referrals are legit and not fraudulent . Here’s an example of what your referral report might look like on ReferralCandy!

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Now that you have a clearer idea of referral programs, let's take a look at the referral programs of top brands and what we can learn from them.

How top brands are running their referral programs

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Casper is a direct-to-consumer mattress company that was founded by five guys in 2014 with the goal of revolutionizing the mattress industry. Since then, Casper has grown into a global giant with over one million customers and a value of 750 million dollars .

A major contributor to their growth has been their referral program . The way it works is simple. When a new customer buys from Casper, they get a confirmation email. 

At the footer of the email, there is a referral link to refer friends.

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When a customer clicks on the ‘ Refer & earn up to $75’ link , Casper explains to them how they’re able to earn an Amazon gift card in exchange for new referrals they make.

Plus, they make sharing the referral link extremely easy, which makes the program even more effective.

Casper’s referral program is something anyone can implement in any ecommerce niche . You don’t have to make the amount of money, as high as Casper has (earn up to $75), but you can use the same referral program style! 

Based on your own preferences, referral program software like ReferralCandy enables you to create your own rules for your referral program.

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Harry's is an ecommerce store selling men's personal care products at a lower price point than many competitors, making it an attractive option for many.

Their Harry's Shave Club pre-launch program gained massive popularity and is still one of the most talked about referral programs in the industry.

Their idea was simple. Harry’s wanted to build a credible referral program that focused on helping people spread the word to their friends, instead of not just spending money on paid ads.

That’s what they did, and they did it quite successfully. With this simple, yet effective home page design, they were able to collect 100,000 email addresses for the campaign in just one week.

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To get people to this home page, Harry's used a "Milestone Referral Program," which involved instant prizes for people who reached a certain number of referrals. For example, if you refer 5 friends, you get a free shave cream.

Initially, this campaign helped Harry's get over 100 million dollars in funding , and they even bought their own razor blade factory to compete with the industry giants.

Also, they now have over 500 employees and are one of the fastest-growing companies in the industry.

3. Dia & Co

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Dia & Co is a plus-size fashion brand that encourages women of all sizes to feel comfortable in their own skin. During their first referral program, they offered their customers a subscription box of five stylist-selected items for $20 a month. If an existing customer refers a friend, they receive a $20 credit. Customers who were referred received free personal styling or a free box.

Dia & Co relied on email marketing to encourage existing customers to join their referral program. In response, over 40,000 customers shared the referral links , and in the first month of the program, the company saw an average of 22 conversions per day from the referral program .

This is what their CEO mentioned about the referral program:

  • “Creating a space where plus-size women can share their style and create friendships has been the most rewarding aspect of the business, so instating a referral program was a seamless fit. We’ve found that community begets community, and when customers feel welcomed, the experience is so much more special.”

This sums up why their referral program was such a success. A big part of their brand mission is to make all women feel comfortable in their own skin, so by combining this mission with a good referral program, they saw great results.

Since their first referral program, Dia & Co has updated its referral program with a new simple 'Give $25, Get $25' program that gets a $25 off coupon for your friend and for you once they order.

This new referral program is even more simple, so we’re sure it’s bringing them even greater results. It’s something anyone can implement with referral program tools, such as ReferralCandy .

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When talking about the best referral programs, you can’t ignore Airbnb. While Airbnb’s referral program is not open for new referrals as of now, there is a lot to learn from what they did.

Their idea was simple. Airbnb’s referral program encouraged its users to invite friends onto the platform, which rewarded both the sender and recipient with $25 travel credits.

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Jason Bosinoff, Airbnb's director of engineering, wrote on that their success metrics were:

  • Monthly Active Users sending Invites
  • Invitees per Inviter
  • Conversion Rate to New User
  • Conversion Rate to New Guest
  • Conversion Rate to New Host

Since the launch of the program, the referrals increased bookings by up to 25% in some markets. After the first launch, the 2.0 version was launched, and the results were even more impressive. The 2.0 referral program produced 300% more signups and bookings than the previous version.

Their idea was simple, which is one of the main reasons it worked so well. With the help of referral marketing software, like ReferralCandy , anyone can implement a similar strategy.

5. Google Workspace

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Google is one of the most familiar and used tech companies in the world, from its search engine to its suite of apps and video streaming services. They don’t need much of an introduction, but what most people may not be familiar with is their referral program.

Google's B2B referral program offers referrals a chance to earn $8 to $23 for every new business account signup. Their referral program idea is simple, which is one of the factors it is so successful.

In October 2020, Google shared that Workspace now has 2.6 billion monthly active users, up from 2 billion monthly active users in March. For a company as big as Google, this is a huge increase, and one of the main reasons for this growth was their referral program.

One big takeaway you can take from Google’s referral program is its structure. For example, a user may net a $23 reward from one referral. However, due to the way the referral program is structured, users can refer a whole domain (such as a business with 8 employees) and then the $23 will multiply by 8 and the referral will receive $184 in rewards.

If you’re building your own referral program, you might want to use a similar structure to encourage your users to refer more to a company or larger group as a whole.

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Revolut, founded in 2015, was one of the first "challenger banks" to use technology to disrupt the financial industry, so they had to stand out in terms of marketing and product. 

From the beginning, Revolut's goal was to build something so good that customers would do the marketing for them.

After just two years in the business, Revolut reached one million customers for their product . When asked about how they did this so fast in an interview , this is what their CEO Nikolai mentioned:

  • On top of nice interface, we give great value to customers. No one in the world can offer the same bank rates than we do, so that's why people talk about us to their friends and families. We grow organically without any paid marketing

The key for them was to make it as easy as possible for someone to recommend Revolut to their friends and families. To do this, they launched a referral program, where if you invited your friend, you earned 60 euros .

While there were different steps involved to earn the 60 euros, they were all made very clear, which made the referral program more clear. Referrals also saw the potential earnings from the same page.

While the entire growth of Revolut cannot be attributed to the referral program, it has been a huge contributor. 

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Canopy is a cloud-based practice management suite for accounting firms. We wanted to include them in this article due to their unique referral program. As a part of their referral program, every friend you refer who completes Canopy's demo call receives a $50 gift card to Amazon . If they sign up for Canopy's software, the referral gets 10% commission on their subscription fee .

This is the landing page you can send for the people you want to refer to.

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Quite unique, right? Even though Canopy hasn't publicly mentioned the results they have gotten from the referral program, we’re sure it has been successful for them.

The referral program has been running for years, and if there weren't any return on investment, Canopy wouldn't still give out $50 Amazon cards.

While Canopy is a SaaS company, even ecommerce brands can take inspiration from them. By combining a popular element (Amazon) with a valuable product (Canopy), they have been able to create a referral program that works incredibly well for them.

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Dropbox's referral program is probably one of the most well-known examples of referral marketing. Dropbox grew by 3900% with this very famous referral program . 

Even today, almost ten years later, it is often used in case studies to demonstrate how referral programs may either assist or even act as the growth engine of a business.

Dropbox's referral program guiding principles are quite clear. Since the product provides cloud storage, it decided to give users more free space in addition to referral bonuses for both accepting invitations and referring friends. Dropbox users can get up to 16 GB for their referrals. So you basically get 500 MB for every friend who installs the Dropbox desktop app and the friend gets 500 MB too . They can sign up for any plan and you get your bonus storage the minute they download the app.

How Referrals Built The $10 Billion Dropbox Empire.

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Dukaan is an ecommerce software that lets anyone create their first online store. Just recently, they launched their referral program, and in a post , one of their product designers analyzed the process of building it and the results.

Their goal was to promote the referral program to their existing sellers and showcase it on their sellers' admin home page. The seller can copy a referral link to share with their friends, and if their friend signs up through the link, both get a reduced monthly rate.

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As part of building the referral program, Dukaan tested three different design versions until they landed on the final version.

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After launching, Dukaan saw the following results:

  • 10% more Dukaan sellers bought subscription plans
  • 20% increase in new Dukaan sellers from the sellers who referred to the platform¨

For already established platforms like Dukaan, these results are incredible.

The learning here is that no matter your niche, don’t forget the importance of A/B testing in your referral programs. Dukaan tested multiple versions before landing on the final version, and for you as well, it can make or break your success.

A/B testing may be hard to do manually, but most top referral program software includes it as part of the software.

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When discussing referral-based viral growth, almost every blog post mentions PayPal’s referral program. PayPal was one of the first companies to use a referral campaign to achieve viral growth at such a massive scale, from “a 10% daily growth rate ” to “A $1.5 billion buyout”.

All users need to do is send an invitation to a friend who doesn’t have PayPal and have them sign up and link their bank account or card. When they spend or send at least $5, PayPal sends both the advocate and the referred, $10. Users can invite up to ten friends and earn up to $100, and just need to make sure they spend/send at least $5.

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Uber's referral program was the basis of its success. It was offered ever since the business began, and its quick expansion was largely due to it. The program has changed, but it still offers rewards to its users. 

To earn referral rewards, users have to follow their conditions. The program is eligible only for a customer who received a program email. Users need to share a referral code in your email with their friend. To earn referral rewards, a referee must complete the first trip with the referral code.

We've written more about Uber's many referral programs here:

How Uber Covered More Than 50 Countries In 3 Years

12. Airtable

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Airtable is an online tool that combines elements from databases and spreadsheets. It's very adaptable and has a wonderful user interface. For each person users refer to Airtable, they'll receive $10 in credit. 

Only when the person invited registers and confirms their email will the users be given credit. Users can invite people to use Airtable, and access an Airtable-referral link, from the Referrals and credits section of the Account page.

13. DocSend

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DocSend is a wonderful solution for safely sending important files while getting immediate feedback on how your recipients are interacting with your content. Their referral program is a way to show their customers’ appreciation for the tool to others while getting a $15 credit for each new user they invite.

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A famous global internet marketplace for independent contractors, Fiverr also offers a referral program to its customers. The Fiverr platform links freelancers with individuals or companies looking to hire. 

They allow their users to earn up to $100 for every friend who signs up and makes their first order. You can share it by email or with a link via social sharing. When your friends sign up to Fiverr, they get 10% off their first purchase, and you get 10% off their first order amount, up to $100.

15. Duolingo

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Every marketer’s favorite social media example Duolingo offers its referral program too. With their program, for every person you refer who signs up for a Duolingo account, you receive a free week of Super Duolingo! This is a simple and easy way to attract your friends to learn a new language and get rewarded.

How do different industries make use of referral programs

Ecommerce referral program examples, fashion & apparel referral program examples, 1. the clymb.

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The Clymb is an adventure gear brand that has many customers from around the world. 

They offer a referral reward structure to their loyal customers where you invite a friend to join The Clymb and you each get $10 in Clymb credit when they make their first order of $50 or more. They send your credit to your account when the first order ships.

They now even allow you to mass invite your friends and send them personalized messages.

2. Erin Condren's

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Erin Condren is known for creating fun organization essentials for your home, office, and everything in between. They have an awesome referral program, where you can earn EC credits to spend in their online store. 

All you need to do is to send your friends a referral link. After your friend sign's up they get a 10$ coupon, and after their first purchase, you will get rewarded with 1000 EC points (a $10 equivalent). You can stack up these points and shop later.

Fashion Referral Programs – Erin Condren

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GREATS is the first sneaker company to be founded in Brooklyn. They claim to produce high-quality, long-lasting sneakers with an excellent fit and feel using quality material. Their referral program GIVE $30, GET $30 is a win-win for existing and new customers , offering a great discount and rewards.

Footwear Referral Program Examples – GREATS

4. Rothy's

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Rothy’s creates essentials from classic shoes to carry-everywhere bags. They get their inspiration from the strides that the community is making. Their Refer-a-Friend promises to give $20, get a $20 reward, as your friends get their first order.

5. Girlfriend Collective

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Here’s a great example from the ethical brand Girlfriend Collective. They believe in sustainable manufacturing and recycled materials. They use old water bottles and fishing nets to produce their clothing, so they won’t be clogging landfills and polluting oceans. With their referral program, you can earn free leggings. Give your friends 30% off their first purchase of $150 or more and earn a Free Pair of Compressive Leggings when they buy. 

6. J. Crew Factory

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J.Crew believes that shopping should be fun and provides high-quality clothing that helps you look and feel your best, whether you enjoy specific details, unique fabrics, or traditional colors. 

They offer their customers a classic GIVE $20, GET $20 referral program. Refer a friend and they’ll get $20 off their order, plus you’ll get $20 when they sign up for J.Crew Passport. What we like about their referral program is that it provides all of the information that potential advocates want to know, including the terms and conditions. Better to be safe than sorry! 

7. Outdoor Voices

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Outdoor Voices brand designs its products through the lens of longevity and circularity to reduce our environmental impact. If you refer a friend to join the brand’s community, you’ll both get $20 off your next purchase of $100 or more.

It's also interesting how they've tied in a campaign specific hashtag #DoingThings with their referral program to maintain the consistency of their branding across the board.

8. Hanna Anderson

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Hanna Andersson was established by a Swedish woman living in America. By embracing essentially Scandinavian ideas, such as iconic design that successfully combines form and function, a sincere commitment to sustainability, and a way of life that promotes contented happy lives, she aimed to furnish childhood adventures. 

If you refer a friend, then you'll both get a 20% off reward with Hanna’s generous referral program. See how the brand has also provided a cute hero image on the side to tap on the "share with friends" concept. And also added a bunch of links just in case potential advocates need them.

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Boden is all about sustainability. Also, they offer a great referral program to their customers. All they need to do is to fill in the details on their form, next their friend receives 20% off their first purchase, and after they've ordered, customers get a $15 voucher .

10. Fabletics

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Fabletics is a popular activewear, fitness, and workout clothing brand. Their goal is to design the finest stylish, high-performing, active-lifestyle goods in the world for every person and everybody at an affordable price. 

With their referral program, you can get $40 in store credit if you refer a friend and they sign up and become VIPs . What's great about their referral landing page is that they've provided a way for advocates to customize the content of their invite emails, which could be a great point for personalization!

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Thinx is a unique women's underwear brand. They make comfortable, absorbent products, and women around the world love their brand. Thinx offers a give $10, get $10 referral program . When you refer a friend and they make a purchase, you get $10 and they get $10 off their first order of Thinx.

12. Birdies

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Birdies brand was created by a woman who believes there should be a comfortable pair of shoes in all of your life’s journey. Designed to take you everywhere, Birdies shoes combine elevated style, ultimate comfort, and everyday versatility. 

Their Give $30, Get $30 referral program pays to refer friends and family and enjoy shopping even more. Your friends will get $30 off their first order, and you’ll get $30 off your next order when they make a purchase. Again, Birdies strategically placed an image showing friends wearing Birdies shoes and it does help to paint the picture of referring the product to friends!

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Hunter is a forward-thinking British heritage company established in 1856 and known for its famous Original boot. The company has a long history of invention and continues to create products that are weatherproof and functional in a variety of environments. 

With Hunter’s referral program you can give your friends 20% off, and if they go on to purchase, they will also send you a 20% discount.

14. American Giant

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American Giant was born when the founders were dissatisfied with the way clothes were created. So new technologies emerged that allowed for reduced supply chains and direct online sales to customers like you. 

The brand already has a lot of loyal customers and can use their Give $25, Get $25 refer a friend program to get rewarded.

Beauty & Grooming Referral Program examples

15. dmd skin sciences.

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DMD Skin Sciences is a skincare brand with a mission to solve patients’ skincare complaints in the comfort of their own homes. What began as a skincare clinic that was shut down during the Covid pandemic in 2020, has since evolved into a larger ecommerce brand.

Early on, the founder Ena Quitan noticed that new customers would contact her brand to arrange a skincare consultation because a friend referred them. This became one of the main customer acquisition channels for DMD Skin Sciences, so they decided to fully capitalize on it with a referral program.

They set up a simple referral program, where customers could give 10% off their first purchase to their friends, and receive a 10% off coupon code in return. They used ReferralCandy to send automated post-purchase emails to remind customers about their referral program.

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After 6 months, DMD Skin Sciences saw the following results :

  • $18,000 added in referral program sales in just 6 months
  • Out of the all sales, 3% we’re referral sales
  • 3,600+ social media posts shared about the referral program

The company's founder Ena explained that referrals are the only source of new customers they have at the moment, and it's working incredibly well for them.

16. Dermstore

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Dermstore is an online skincare and beauty shop in the United States. Their customers get rewarded $15 for each friend they refer, also providing friends and family with discounts on their first order . 

Rather than allowing anyone to join their referral program, they've made it exclusive for people who have an existing account with them (pretty smart since now they have the data to reach out to them), but it could also deter non-customers from signing up as well.

17. Adore Beauty

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Adore Beauty is the top pure-play online beauty retailer in Australia and an authorized supplier of more than 260 top-tier beauty brands. They have created a referral program, where you give $20, and receive $20 when your friend joins.

18. Thrive Causemetics

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Karissa Bodnar founded Thrive Causemetics, a beauty company, and philosophy that goes beyond skin deep by uplifting various communities. 

Their beautiful online store offers a Give $10, Get $10 referral program, where you can give your friend $10 off their first purchase of $50 and more, plus free shipping, and get $10 in points for each successful referral.

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Quip is an oral hygiene subscription-based service that provides customers with toothbrushes and other dental essentials. They have a $5 for you, $5 for a friend referral program for their users, and also offer free brush heads, floss, & paste in addition to that.

20. Madison Reed

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Haircare brand Madison Reed allows their customers to earn up to $45 from their referral program. It’s a give $15 get $15 deal, and you get beautiful hair as a bonus . The referral program page has a simple form, advocates can easily sign up just by entering their email.

21. Boxycharm

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BoxyCharm is a monthly subscription beauty box that comes with 5 full-sized skincare and cosmetics items. Existing customers can use the company's referral program to send a special link to friends. 

You will receive 500 charms (also known as points) for each new member who signs up. You can exchange the charms for cosmetics. It's also nice that they've explained the whole referral process from start to end so that advocates have a better idea of what's going to happen once they sign up.

22. Kari Gran

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Kari Gran Skincare has been successful in the clean skincare market for ten years. The business is founded on a small number of essential, oil-based products. The referral program on their website allows you to give your friends $10 off. When your friends buy from your invite link, you get $10 off!

23. Murad Skincare

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Murad is the first brand of clinical skincare products, setting a new standard for high-performance skincare. Give a friend $10 off their first $50 purchase to get $10 off when they redeem. What's great about their referral program is that it's extremely easy to sign up, all they need to do is just fill in a very simple form.

24. Ohana Skincare & Beauty

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Ohana provides beauty and skincare products and on their website they allow all of their clients to use the referral program. For every completed purchase you will receive 20% off.

Electronic & Gadget Referral Program examples

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Pavlok sells a waking-up device that helps its customers become more productive, relaxed, and mindful. They have a referral program that allows you to earn $20 from each friend. 

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MSI is a computer hardware manufacturer. If you refer a friend, you can get 300 points and a chance to win a big prize. This is slightly different from a default referral program because they've provided the added benefit of winning a prize on top of the purchase bonus.

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Bose is an American manufacturer that specializes in selling audio equipment. They have a classic give $50, get $50 referral program on their website that inspires you to become everyone’s best friend. Bose made it clear and easy to understand the entire referral process by breaking it down into bullet points on their referral landing page.

28. Lulu & Georgia

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Lightning and home decor brand Lulu & Georgia gives you and your friend 25$ for each successful referral. Again it's easy to sign up for it since it's a simple form which greatly reduces the friction for potential advocates!

F&B and Supplements Referral Program examples

29. craft coffee.

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Craft Coffee is a coffee subscription box that makes it easy to find good coffee at fair prices. With their referral program, your friends get 15% off, and you get a free bag of coffee. 

With a punchy headline using power words, Craft Coffee is able to capture the attention of coffee lovers—who doesn't want free coffee?

30. Soylent

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Soylent is a meal-replacement product that has a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other necessary components. You can receive 25,000 points through their referral program for each referral that joins. 

31. Stop & Shop

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Stop & Shop is an online food store. Customers can use email, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Pinterest, and Pinterest Messenger to share referral links with friends. Customers who successfully refer friends will receive $10 to put towards their next purchase , while referrals who sign up receive $10.

32. Hydrant

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Hydrant is an online beverage store that sells refreshment drinks and its generous referral program gives you and your friends a 50% off coupon .

33. Muscle Food

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Muscle food offers meal plans and prepped food with protein. They offer a referral program where your friend gets £10 off and you get £10 off.

34. Farm Fresh To You

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Farm Fresh To You offers delivery service of organic fruits and veggies fresh from their farm and other local growers/artisans. You get to save $25 and your friend saves $15 with their referral program.

35. Flaviar

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Flaviar gives you and your referred friend the possibility to choose an extra Tasting Box or bottle in case of a successful referral. Flaviar takes their branding so seriously, that even their referral program process is illustrated with branded images. And that works extremely well for them in helping advocates understand the referral process better.

36. Love With Food

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Love with Food offers a huge variety of snacks to its customers. They have a referral program for all of their customers, where you can invite friends, and after they sign up, you get a free box of snacks and 1000 points to redeem at their store.

37. Happy Way

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Happy Way is an Australian brand of organic and natural health snacks with a top-notch rewards system. Happy Way stands out in a crowded market that regularly takes itself too seriously by using vibrant color pops and upbeat visuals. With their Happy Way referral program, you and your friend get $10 if the referral was complete .

38. We Are Feel

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We Are Feel offers safe and natural supplements—multivitamins, collagen, and more. Their referral program is a simple one but it taps on the altruistic mind of "keeping friends healthy" by introducing these supplements to them . It's an angle that is widely used in referral campaigns and they tend to do well too.

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Seated is an app for restaurant and cafe reservations. The referral program on their website allows their users and referred friends to get credits that can be used toward future reservations . 

As seen above, Seated has a whole FAQ segment that fully answers all of the commonly asked questions from potential advocates.

40. fatty15

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fatty15's referral program taps into the altruistic behavior of humans. Products like supplements tend to be on the personal side and recommendations from loved ones tend to do better than general advertising. 

Their referral messaging and slogan targets the main selling point which is to improve long-term health and wellness for loved ones. Their referral landing page details the process of signing up and provides clear benefits and even a referral FAQ segment to clarify doubts .

E-cigarettes and Vaporizers Referral Program examples

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GPen's referral program gives your friends 15% off and a 20% discount to you .

42. Vampire Vape

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Vampire Vape sells a variety of e-liquids, disposables, vapes, and pods. You can use their refer a friend feature so that you and your friend will get £5 off your next order.

43. Vape Loft

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Vape Loft gives you and your friends a $10 coupon for each successful referral.

44. Vape Merchant

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Vape Merchant offers a classic give $15, get $15 referral program to their existing customers and new friends.

45. Ripple+

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Ripple+ has a well-designed referral sign-up page for their referral program. They offer a basic give 20% + get $10 off referral program . It's simple and straight to the point. It's also interesting how they've decided to provide different referral incentives for their advocates compared to their "friends". There's also a simple illustration of how the referral program works.

Pets Referral Program examples

46. petflow.

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PetFlow offers a classic give $10 get, $10 referral program to their customers and their furry friends.

47. Animal Friends

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An animal pet insurance brand Animal Friends gives you and your referred friend a £25 voucher to boost their sales and attract more customers.

48. PetDirect

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A pet food online store PetDirect gives you $10 and your friends $10 when you tell them about the store with your personalized referral link. Their referral landing page has a cute approach by using a pet pun to get the attention of people on the page—plus it does wonders for their branding!

49. Budget Pet Supplies

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At Budget Pet Supplies, you and your friends get the chance to collect rewards together. All you have to do to earn thousands of reward points is recommend a friend or family member to Budget Pet Supplies. You will receive 500 reward points for one referral link , and your friend will receive 200 reward points in addition to a 15% sign-up and purchase discount.

50. Pet Releaf

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Pet Releaf sells plant-based products for pet health. In their referral program , they give you and your friends $20 to shop on their website .

51. PetKind

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Superfoods for pets brand PetKind gives your friends $10 off their first order and you get $20 (in points) for each successful referral.

Home and Care Goods Referral Program examples

52. a box of stories.

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A Box of Stories is a subscription box service in the United Kingdom that delivers four hand-picked novels for the price of a paperback (about £15).

As a relatively new brand (founded in 2018), A Box of Stories relied on Facebook advertising to acquire new customers. The cost of acquiring new customers was high, so they started looking for alternative ways to get their product out to new potential customers.

They got a recommendation that ReferralCandy could help them reach new audiences and decided to give it a chance in 2020.

A Box of Stories used ReferralCandy's coupon code feature to offer discounts on their products. Customers could offer their friends a £4 discount (about 25%) and receive an additional £4 discount once they make their next purchase.

Customers received this incredibly well. This is what Aasha, the founder of A Box of Stories mentioned on the results :

  • "ReferralCandy did incredibly well on launch - in the first month, we had a referral rate of 7-8%."

In just a little over four months, close to 5,000 customers joined the referral program and the company saw a 3000% return on investment with ReferralCandy .

This is an ideal scenario when the right messaging and the right referral program tool are combined.

53. Five Good Friends

referral program presentation

With the Five Good Friends program, you can refer a friend, and you and your friend will receive a $50 gift card when they join Five Good Friends and complete their first service visit. Sometimes, referral incentives don't just have to be strictly cash or products, they could come in the form of gift vouchers and gift cards!

54. QE Home

referral program presentation

QE Home sells luxury bedding like duvet covers, kids' bedding, down duvets, quilt sets, weighted blankets, and more. You need to share $10 off that your friends can use towards their first order and get $10 off for each successful referral.

55. The Conran Shop

referral program presentation

The Conran Shop is a home accessories and textile eCommerce store. They offer their users “give 15%, get 15% off” for referring a friend .

referral program presentation

Baloo makes weighted blankets and their referral program is easily accessible in the footer of their ecommerce site. It brings users to a referral sign-up page where there's a simple form for them to sign up for the referral program easily.

Since Baloo uses ReferralCandy for its referral program, it’s a great example of what you can do with our software.

Games, Software and Digital Goods Referral Program examples

57. world of warcraft.

referral program presentation

In the WoW referral program, the player and their friends receive not only free game time but also exclusive in-game items. The conditions are also provided for new users who have not played World of Warcraft for a long time (more than 2 years). This increases the number of active players who show loyalty to earlier users.

58. Binance

referral program presentation

Share your referral link with your friends to earn rewards. When an invited friend registers for a Binance account and makes his first deposit worth more than $50, you’ll both receive 100 USDT ($100) in trading platforms fee credit. 

59. Lunatic Capital

referral program presentation

Lunatic Capital offers their members get discount for a monthly subscription by inviting 2 friends. For example, John invited 2 of his friends. And in case of a successful referral, John will get a $160 discount for the monthly subscription.

60. Cash App

referral program presentation

Cash app lets customers and their friends get bonuses following these simple steps. They just have to download the application, enter their referral code in the profile, link a debit card, and spend within the given time frame to receive the referral bonus.

61. TransferGo

referral program presentation

TransferGo is an app that can help you easily send money to over 160 countries. You can earn 22€ on your bank account every time your referral friends make their first transfer.  

62. Western Union

referral program presentation

Instead of the usual cash or discount rewards, Western Union’s referral program introduced another incentive where customers and their referred friends can earn a $20 e-gift code. 

Travel Referral Program examples

63. turkish airlines miles&smiles referral program.

referral program presentation

Turkish Airlines gives you 500 Miles for every invited friend. You can refer up to 5 friends and earn 2500 Miles .

64. Friendly Planet

referral program presentation

Friendly Planet offers travel services. They offer their customers a generous referral program, where you and your friends can earn $100 each.

65. Travelink

referral program presentation

Travelink gives you a $25 Gift Card for a first-time booking or when you refer friends and family.

66. Rooh Travel

referral program presentation

All travel enthusiasts can refer a friend and they’ll both save £100 on your next trip with Rooh Travel.​

67. Holiday Vacations

referral program presentation

With the Holiday Vacations referral program you can earn $200 in Refer a Friend credit for each new friend you refer.

68. Kensington Tours

referral program presentation

Kensington Tours offers you and your referred friends or family members $250 each to spend on your next trip. Their referral landing page provides just the right amount of information for any customer-turned-advocate to understand what your referral program process is like and how they'll benefit from joining it.

Finance Referral Program examples

69. capitalone.

referral program presentation

CapitalOne also has a great referral program for its users. You need to sign in to your account to get your personal referral link, then share that link with family members or friends. If they’re a new Capital One cardholder and get approved using your link, you’ll earn a bonus for each friend approved.

70. American Express

referral program presentation

American Express rewards their loyal customers if they refer a friend and get approved for the card.

71. Payoneer

referral program presentation

With Payoneer’s referral program you can get a $25 reward when referring a friend or family member.

72. Chase Bank

referral program presentation

Chase Bank offers up to 75,000 bonus points or up to $500 cashback per year in their referral program for each friend that gets referred.

73. Discover

referral program presentation

Refer-a-Friend eligible users get Discover’s credit referral reward of $50 to $100 if their friend applies for the specific offer sent via the link provided. 

Phone Service Referral Program Examples

74. t-mobile.

referral program presentation

By introducing friends and family to T-Mobile to open new postpaid accounts, current customers are eligible to win a $50 Virtual Express Prepaid MasterCard card.

75. Mint Mobile

referral program presentation

Mint Mobile offers you 3 months of free usage for referring a friend. You can also earn up to $90 for each referral. The amount of credit you get will depend on which plan your friend picks.

referral program presentation

If you refer your friends to Metro, you can earn up to $125 a year. For every friend who joins any Metro plan, you’ll receive a $25 virtual prepaid Mastercard.

77. FoneHouse

referral program presentation

Earn £25 with the FoneHouse referral program. There are some steps you need to follow in order to refer friends and earn rewards.

Over to you

Building a referral program from scratch can be daunting at the start.

What referral incentives should I offer? How often should I promote my referral program? What if people are taking advantage of our referral campaigns? 

These are all legitimate questions that any business would have. What matters most is to really understand who your customers are, and what makes them happy? Not to forget make sure that your product itself is of good quality and easily referable.

What are your favorite ecommerce referral programs? If this list is missing your favorites, let us know !

P.S. If you enjoyed reading this article and want to grow your ecommerce store, subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest articles and roundups.

Further reading

  • Why Referral Marketing Is Awesome
  • How to Set Up a Referral Program for Your Ecommerce Store
  • How to Design Your Referral Emails
  • How to Get More Ecommerce Referrals
  • How to Promote Your Referral Program
  • How to Measure the ROI of Your Referral Program

The previous versions of this article were written by Visakan Veerasamy , Si Quan Ong , Darren Foong , and Marquis Matson , Alfred Lua , marketers at ReferralCandy. We update this article regularly to keep it relevant and useful to ecommerce merchants.

Frequently Asked Questions

A referral program or a “refer-a-friend” program is a marketing strategy used by many top ecommerce brands to incentivize existing customers to recommend the brand and its products to their family and friends. Referral programs are often called word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing, because existing customers are rewarded for sharing and incentivize new customers to try out your brand. Said referral incentives, include free cash, major discounts, or a free month of subscription or even products and custom gifts. While there is an upfront cost to the marketing channel, referral programs significantly increase long-term revenue by nurturing loyal customers out of your existing customer base.

One of the biggest stresses of any business is finding a solid customer acquisition channel, or basically, bringing in new customers. When you have a solid referral marketing program, however, you let your existing customers bring new buyers to your brand. This not only significantly reduces spending on bringing new customers to your shop, but also increases customer retention, which is a very good thing.

People don't make as many referrals as they intend to for a variety of reasons. A referral program helps make their mind up with a tangible reward for referrals. Modern referral programs, or refer-a-friend programs, use software to track referrals made by happy customers through either a referral code, a rewards card, or a referral link. Depending on the referral campaign, customers will usually receive some kind of referral bonus or benefit when they refer a friend. Referral marketing software automates the payouts of these referral rewards, identifies possible referral fraud cases and ensures that your referral program runs smoothly with minimal effort. This referral process creates a natural word-of-mouth marketing experience for your brand, which ultimately increases both your customer retention rate and your revenue.

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Cheryl is a full-time Content Manager at ReferralCandy by day and a "Learnaholic" (aka always learning something new) by night. She loves learning new languages, storytelling, and creating experiences that are functional and visually compelling. She's also always lurking on Twitter so drop by and say hi!

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referral program presentation

  • Referral Marketing

Swipe These Employee Referral Program Templates to Win New Customers and Hire Top Talent

  • 18 min read
  • Last updated June 26, 2024
  • By Irene Lopez

employee referral program template


  • An employee referral program template helps you set goals for your program, plan out how it should run, and strategize how you'll reward employees and promote your program.
  • Decide whether you need a template for new hiring referrals, or new customer referrals from employees; each requires a different framework.
  • When the program is live, check back on the template you’ve prepared so you know if it’s working the way you wanted. You can always go back to the drawing board and review your action steps to identify problems if you didn’t get the results you were expecting.

Employee referral programs are the perfect way to grow your business by leveraging your greatest assets. But setting up your first employee referral program can be overwhelming if you don’t know how to start and what you should be including. Fortunately, using an employee referral program template can help! 

In this article, we’ll answer these questions:

What is an employee referral program?

What is an employee referral program template, what does an employee referral program template help you accomplish, which employee referral program template is right for your needs.

  • What to include in an employee referral program template when employees refer employees?
  • What to include in an employee referral program template when employees refer customers?
  • How to choose the right software for your employee referral program template? 

We will also share downloadable employee referral program sample templates, which you can use as is or customize for your individual needs.

Want to download an employee referral program template right away and start building?

  • Download this template if you want employees to refer job candidates. 
  • Download this template if you want employees to refer new customers. 

An employee referral program is a formal program where you incentivize employees to help you grow your business, either by bringing in new business or by sourcing high-quality talent. Employees will refer new customers or new employees. In exchange, they get rewarded with employee referral rewards for successful sales or hires.

There are two types of employee referral programs:

Employee-to-employee referral program : Your current employees are encouraged to refer potential candidates for open positions at your company.

Employee-to-customer referral program : Your employees are encouraged to refer potential customers to your business.

In both cases, the programs involve 3 critical aspects:

  • You motivate your employees to tap into their network, whether that’s for new customers or potential employees.
  • Employees receive incentives in exchange for successful referrals.
  • The value of the rewards depends on the value that’s brought in. So, employees know that they can expect bigger rewards for bringing in higher value to the business.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the moving parts of creating an employee referral program. An employee referral program template simplifies and streamlines the process, and helps you stay on top of all the activities involved in creating a program.

  • An employee referral program template is a framework where you plan out all aspects of your employee referral program prior to your launch. 
  • You’ll use it to outline your goals, the rewards you want to give out, how you want the program to operate, and more.
  • A template provides the basis for your program and a place to define your goals, so you can better gauge success when the program is live and know if it’s working how you expected.

An employee referral program template is a framework that you can use to:

Plan out all aspects of your employee referral program before you launch 

The template should cover aspects such as goals, systems, processes, people, and metrics. 

Goals help you decide the steps you need to take to achieve specific results. Before you go about building a program, you want to have clear goals on hand to focus on. 

Systems is about the software or programs you’ll need to create and run your program. If you’re a small business, you may be tempted to go down the manual route, but things can get complicated and complex in the absence of automation. 

Processes are the different tasks involved in creating an employee referral program. You can have one process for recruiting employee referrers, another process for training, one process for tracking commissions, and another for initiating payments. 

With the people component, you’re thinking about who needs to be in the loop and accountable for specific parts of the program. If you’re doing an employee-to-employee program, you’ll want to include your talent acquisition or HR teams. If you’re using a program to find new customers, you’ll likely need to talk to your sales and marketing teams. Either way, you may need to include your accounts team for the payments made to employees.

Last but not least, metrics is about how you will measure your goals and manage your performance. 

In a sense, the planning process is about creating a bird’s eye view of everything you need to launch a successful employee referral program. 

Create an action plan

Once you’ve established a baseline with your planning, you can go further with your framework by delving into the specific details of each aspect. At this stage, you’re developing the concrete steps to make your program a reality. Ask yourself these questions to help kickstart the process:

  • What specific goals do you want to achieve with the program? Do you want “x” number of new customers, or “x” value in new sales? Or, do you want to fill “y” number of positions by a fixed timeframe?
  • What types of employee referral bonuses or rewards do you want to give out, and how will these be paid to the referring employees? 
  • What parts of the program should run automatically in the background? 
  • Is there any process that needs to be routed to approvers before they can pass on to the next stages?
  • What engagement strategies can you use to ensure your program is consistently on peoples’ minds? 

When the program is live, check back on the template you’ve prepared so you know if it’s working the way you wanted. You can always go back to the drawing board and review your action steps to identify problems if you didn’t get the results you were expecting. 

Employee-to-employee or employee-to-customer: what type of employee referral program template will work best for your business? Or, are you ready to use both? Here’s how to figure out which template you’ll need. 

An employee-to-employee referral program template will work for you if:

You’re actively looking for employees to fill job openings. If you’re frequently sharing your job postings through online channels (the career pages of your website, social media like Facebook, professional networking sites like LinkedIn, etc.), and offline channels (job boards and posters), an employee-to-employee program is a great tool. 

Your company is fairly large. While a program like this can work just as well for a small-sized company, you may not need to have a program of this magnitude when you’re just starting out. It’s more ideal for the growth stage when you have the resources to handle the larger influx of responses and applicants you’ll be receiving. 

Your employees are engaged, satisfied, and familiar with your brand and company culture. Your employees will only encourage other potential candidates to sign up if they’re genuinely vested in your business. If you take the time to develop rapport with your employees and make sure they’re happy working for your brand, you’re more than likely to succeed with an employee-to-employee referral program.

Employees know what you’re looking for in an ideal employee. To some extent, your employees will have some familiarity with how your company works on the inside and what candidates can expect in terms of company culture. 

At the same time, you still need to spell out your expectations so your referring employees know what specific traits, experience, and capabilities they should be looking out for. 

An employee-to-customer referral program template will work for you if:

You want your employees to be brand advocates and share your products and services. Your employees know your brand like no one else. And potential customers are more likely to trust employee sentiments over any form of direct brand advertising. 

Your employees are engaged, satisfied, and familiar with your brand, products, and services. Similar to employee-to-employee referral programs, it’s absolutely essential that your employees are vested in your brand. 

Spend time developing internal programs and policies that engage your employees and ensure they’re having the best possible experience as an employee. Another core business benefit (besides referrals) is that your retention rates are more consistent. 

Employees know what you’re looking for in an ideal customer. While they know how your brand works from the inside, they may not necessarily have the knowledge or skills to identify the right-fit customers for your business. Provide training and resources so employees know what they’re looking for.

You are ready to handle a big influx of new customers. Once you start any form of referral marketing program, things can go viral very quickly. You want to ensure that every single customer has the best possible experience. Make sure you have enough staffing, resources, and tech support.

You provide stellar customer service. All your best-laid plans can go to waste if your customer service is sub-par. Having adequate resources can help mitigate much of the risks, but you still want to ensure your staff have the training and support they need to do a great job when they’re serving customers. 

Next, we’ll be covering all the specific details of what you should cover in each type of program template. We’ll also share employee referral program sample templates that you can build on to craft your own templates.

Employee referral program template: What to include when employees refer employees

Planning on mobilizing employees to bring in job candidates? Use our guide to create your program framework. Your employee referral program policy template should include elements such as an overview, goals, tracking and software, rewards, eligibility, marketing, and training and development. 

You can download a free copy of our employee-to-employee referral program template here. 

employee referral program template (employee to employee)

Now, let’s look at the details of the specific sections you should include, one by one. 

1. Overview

The overview is your snapshot of what’s to come in the employee referral program template. 

Cover the “why” for your program and when you want it to start (the launch date). You’ll also want to list and briefly describe all the individual elements you want to have ready before the launch.

2. Goals for your program

The first critical element of your employee referral program template is defining your goals. Goals can differ from business to business. But, in general, you may want to fill “x” number of roles in “y” department by a given date, or you may have several specific roles to hire for. If you have a larger organization, you may want to expand the scope to how many positions you want to fill by a specific date. 

Within the context of the big-picture goals, you can get as specific and as detailed as you want. So you can list the types of qualifications candidates need to become eligible for applying. You can list the recruitment process stage-by-stage. You can even list the people who need to be part of the hiring process for different departments, for example, the hiring managers of the department and the human resources (HR) teams. 

3. Tracking and software

The next element involves software and how you will leverage it to track the referrals your employees make. Granted, you can use spreadsheets, but this can get complicated very quickly when you start to scale. Ideally, you want a “set up and run automatically” type of solution – automation software. This type of software can execute all the tasks seamlessly, and a lot faster, in the background for you. 

The best automation software you can use for this purpose is employee referral software. The software generates unique trackable referral links for each employee to share, and enables referral tracking in real time.

Look for the following features in a robust employee referral software program:

  • The software should be able to completely automate referral tracking, the sending of rewards, and even program promotion.
  • The software should make it easy for you to customize the program to your needs. You should also be able easily integrate it with your existing processes. Otherwise, you may find that you need to go back and forth between multiple systems.
  • It’s worth considering a software that’s flexible enough to run both programs (where employees refer employees and where employees refer customers). You may want to have this option if you plan to grow and scale further down the line, so there’s minimal disruption.

Rewards are the most critical aspect of your employee-to-employee referral program. Your rewards scheme can make or break the process for your employees. An effective rewards scheme will also be highly motivating for your employees, so they’ll consistently be scouting for quality candidates for you. 

Some questions you want to consider:

When do employees become eligible for rewards?

Will you pay the incentive right after a referred job candidate is accepted? Or after a set period of time following the hire? 

Paying out an incentive as soon as a candidate gets hired may not always be your best option. What if you decide that a referred candidate is not the best fit? Or what if a candidate gets hired, but then resigns within a week?

Instead, you might decide to pay the referral bonus 60 or 90 days after the candidate’s start date, if the candidate is still deemed a successful hire. This method also serves to motivate your referring employees to ensure they’re bringing on qualified candidates that will potentially stay for the long haul. 

Another way to offer rewards is to use a tiered reward structure. This means offering a small reward when a candidate completes a job application, another reward if the candidate gets through to the interview stage, and then finally, a much bigger reward if the candidate gets selected. 

Or, you might decide to reward your referring employee when a new employee is hired, and then hand out additional bonuses further down the line once you’ve determined that there’s a long-term future with the new hire. 

What rewards will you give out? 

Whatever the type of reward you use, it’s important to make sure they’re rewards that your employees will find motivating and be happy to receive. Cash is a universal favorite and can often be the first preference for most of your employees. 

But there are lots more options than just cash. You can also give rewards like gift cards, event tickets, or travel benefits, or offer training/skill development opportunities. You can even award more tangible gifts like gadgets, bags, or watches. 

If you’re unsure what to pick, simply ask your employees what types of rewards they would find the most motivating and enjoyable to receive. 

Will you gamify your program, with extra rewards for the top referrers of the year?

One idea worth looking into is gamification. That’s when you apply the same design used in games to motivate your own employees. Consider creating leader-boards, and providing higher-value rewards for the top referrers of the year. 

5. Terms and eligibility

In this template section, you’ll make it clear who’s eligible to participate in the employee referral program and gain rewards, and who’s not.  

  • Typically, all employees can submit referrals, with the exception of HR teams and senior executives. 
  • As a standard, hiring managers also can’t submit referrals for the positions who would report to them, but can submit referrals for other positions.
  • Think about whether you want to include part-time employees and contractors in the referral program.

Once you’ve determined employee eligibility, it’s time to look at candidate eligibility. 

Ask yourself whether you want to open up all the roles indiscriminately to the referral program – will any successful employee referral earn rewards?

Alternatively, you can only give out rewards for hard-to-fill roles. Also, think about the category of potential employees that’s relevant to the program. Should candidates be referred to full-time positions, non-temporary positions, or non-contract employee positions for the existing employee to qualify for rewards?

You can also go into more detail to tighten the eligibility criteria and make the rules more clear.

For example, must candidates be new applicants who haven’t applied in a year? What happens when a candidate is referred by multiple employees – do you want to reward the first referrer? 

You can also provide information on how employees can identify the ideal candidates in terms of qualities, skills, and experience for the position. 

6. How the referral process works

This element delves deeply into the finer details of how the referral process actually works from a practical perspective. 

Discuss how employees can submit referrals. Is there a specific portal or referral form they should use?

List the specific information you want employees to provide when they’re referring candidates. For example, this could include the candidate name, position name, job ID number and contact information, referrer name/staff ID, referrer email address, and contact information. 

Also, list the many ways employees can promote their referral links . Will they be given a shareable link that they can share directly to their social media channels? Will they send a direct email? An excellent solution that’s made possible through the use of referral software is creating unique trackable links for each referring employee, which they can share anywhere. 

Last but not least, do you want to provide a message template that employees can personalize? Or, do you want to leave the messaging to the employees themselves? If you would rather have employees share the way they see fit, provide guidelines on specific do’s and don’ts. 

7. Program promotion

Once you’ve established the foundational elements of your program, you next want to think about how you’ll promote it to your employees. Here are a few different channels you could consider: 

  • Slack or other internal messaging forums 
  • Inside employee portals
  • At company meetings
  • During one-on-one conversations 

8. How to brief employees about the program

The importance of training cannot be over-emphasized. Training helps employees understand how they can go about achieving the objectives. It also serves as a support system so employees have concrete guidelines and instructions to fall back on. Discuss the following as part of your training and briefing programs:

  • How to identify the ideal candidate: What specific traits, skills, and experience should they have?
  •  What types of candidates should NOT be referred?
  • People from different departments may not be as clear on the essentials needed for a given job.
  • Clear up ambiguities and explain complex or technical terms. 
  •  People have a propensity to work with people who are most like them. Training can help them become more logical and focused on choosing the right candidate for the job. 
  • It’s basic tech but training can be highly appreciated. 
  • Training will also reduce the amount of questions about how the program works at the back-end, which you would otherwise end up having to field later. 

9. How you’ll communicate with employees

The final element has to do with communication and engagement. With referral program software, you’ll be able to carry out many of these key tasks without missing a beat:

  • Keep employees updated on the status of their referrals via the referral platform.
  • Send out updates periodically, so employees know all the latest promotions and any changes they need to be aware of with respect to the program.
  •  Solicit feedback on how employees are finding the program and what you can do to make things better or more effective. Software also makes it easy for employees to reach out to you via an online form, for example, with any questions they may have about the program. 
  • You can also provide feedback to individual employees about the strengths and weaknesses of their referrals, so they know what they can do better for their next referrals. 

Employee referral program template: What to include when employees refer customers

Planning on mobilizing employees as advocates who promote your products? This is the employee referral program template for you. You’ll need an overview, your specific goals, tracking and software notes, the rewards structure, eligibility criteria, how the referral process will work, promotion plans, training ideas, and a communication framework on your program template.

You can download a free copy of our employee-to-customer referral program template here. 

employee referral program template (employee to customer)

Now, let’s look at the details of the specific sections you should include, one by one.

The overview is a brief synopsis that talks about your big “why” for the program and the individual elements and accountabilities that are required to build your program from scratch. We’ll be discussing these elements next. Also, add a launch date, and ensure you’re listing every single element you need in place prior to your launch date. 

The first and most important element is program goal-setting. Goals help define your action steps and help you achieve focus in your planning.

Make sure that your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Following SMART guidelines will help you create realistic goals that can be achieved within the set time period and measured against your success parameters.

Use revenue as the basis for determining whether your ROI is really measuring up. For instance, you can set goals such as:

  • Conversion rate (percentage of referred leads who become customers).
  • Percentages of employees making referrals.
  • Revenue generated via referrals within specific time intervals.
  • Average purchase value of referred customers vs. all customers.
  • Lifetime value of referred customers vs. all customers.

Next, think about how you will track referrals and your ROI of the program. For small businesses, you may be tempted to go manual through the use of spreadsheets. But manual methods can become cumbersome. You’ll also be spending a lot of time with manual error-checking and tracking for payments. 

Using an automated method is much easier and faster, especially when you’re considering growing your business further down the line. Employee referral software can help you create unique trackable referral links for each employee to share, and enables referral tracking in real time.

How do you go about determining the best employee referral software for your business? Follow these guidelines:

The best employee referral software:

  • Automates referral tracking, the sending of rewards, and even program promotion, so you’re not constantly scrambling back and forth between multiple systems. 
  • Lets you customize the program to your needs, and integrates with your existing processes. 
  • Is flexible enough to run both types of employee referral programs (where employees refer employees and where employees refer customers). 

The subject of rewards requires some thought and strategic planning. You want to provide rewards that your employees will genuinely want to work toward. If your rewards are not motivating enough, employees will simply not want to make the effort. Consider these questions for your program template:

Ideally, you want to reward the referring employee when the customer makes the first purchase. But this may not always be feasible for B2B businesses, which involve a fairly long sales cycle. In this case, you can always reward employees with a smaller reward for a qualified lead, and then a larger reward for an actual purchase. 

Will you reward the new customer as well, once they make their first purchase?

Rewarding the new customer in addition to the employee is a practice worth implementing. That’s because a reward structure like this functions like a twin motivator for your employee on the one hand, and your referred lead on the other. Your employee will want to keep referring, and your potential customer will feel like purchasing from you is the right choice.

What rewards will you give out to referring employees? 

Your rewards should be attractive, appealing, and engaging enough for your employees to want to take action.

Most employees typically prefer cash as it gives them the freedom to use the reward the way they want. They can save it, gift it, spend it, or invest it, according to their preference. Other attractive incentives include gift cards, gym memberships, event tickets, travel rewards, gadgets, corporate swag, and further training or skill development opportunities. 

What rewards will you give new customers?

While it’s tempting to give customers a one-off appreciation gift, what you really want to do is connect the gifts to a long-term relationship.Choose gifts that motivate new customers to keep coming back to your brand. Some examples include credits towards a future purchase with your brand, discounts, or product-related freebies. 

Gamification can help generate a huge amount of traction within a short period of time. As part of gamification, think about a tiered reward structure (where higher amounts of referrals earn larger rewards), as well as additional bonuses or big-ticket prizes for the top referrers of the year. 

The next element is about nailing down the eligibility and other terms and conditions. Do you want to throw the floor open to all employees so that they’re immediately eligible to refer new customers and earn rewards? 

Alternatively, you could allow employees to participate only after they’ve been fully trained on all aspects of the referral process. So, in practice, your referral bonus program would become a fully-fledged, and formal, employee ambassador program.

Also, describe how the referral process will work. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Will they have their own portal or do they need to submit referrals through a referral form?
  •  Ideally, limit the number of fields. Employees can lose interest when the form is long, complex, and unnecessarily time-consuming. 
  • Can they share links on email or social media? 
  • Will they have their own unique referral link?
  • Will you offer suggestions for what they should include? 

Your employees won’t know about the program unless you tell them. Use available offline and online channels to launch a teaser to build anticipation. And then, once you’ve roused sufficient curiosity, launch the official program because that’s when your employees are going to be the most excited. 

Promote your program:

  • Via Slack or other internal messaging forums

The next element is about imparting knowledge and skills. Place yourself in the shoes of your employees and think about what type of training they would need to become effective referral ambassadors.

To start with, provide a detailed brief about the ideal customer for your business, including their demographic, lifestyle preferences, pain points, and the social media channels they frequent the most. 

Also, talk about what makes your brand unique and why it’s the ideal solution for potential customers. Discuss your product features in depth, its advantages, and why it’s better than other similar products in the market. 

Provide a referral message template which covers the essentials but allows room for the employee to express their personality. At the same time, provide guidelines on brand voice and tone, plus what’s acceptable and what’s not in brand communication. Most importantly, determine how you will help employees know how to get their message across authentically, without sounding salesy.

Last but not least, provide training on the referral program. Talk about the why, how it works, how employees can check the status of referrals, how they can earn, and how they can expect the benefits to be dispersed into their accounts. 

The very last element of your referral program template involves timely communication with your employees. Referral program software is a great option to do just that, as it’s a lot more efficient, faster, and significantly less error-prone compared to using manual methods like spreadsheets and emails.

Think about how you will update employees of the status of their referrals. Referral software often integrates with your existing systems, so employees can check up on how their referrals are doing on their own employee portals or dashboards. 

Use promotional marketing tools embedded within your referral software, or a combination of email and online meetings, to share updates and changes to your programs. You can also use the same methods to announce and implement upcoming training programs. 

Provide ways for employees to connect with you in case they have any questions or are facing challenges with any aspect of the program. Ensure you respond in a timely fashion so employees know you genuinely care about how they’re getting on. 

Choose the right software for your employee referral program template 

The most important part of creating a successful employee referral program template is selecting the right employee referral software for your needs. 

Referral Rock referral software works well for all types of businesses and referral programs, and lets you set up employee referral tracking in days, not weeks!

  • Our software is flexible enough to run programs where employees refer new customers or refer new employment candidates
  • The software can help you fully automate your referral tracking, reward distribution, and even your program promotion
  • Plus, a dedicated onboarding specialist is included with every plan. So, you’ll have someone to walk with you every step of the way dedicated to your success!

Having ready-made scripts in the form of employee referral program templates can be a complete game-changer for your business. They help you structure your referral program, identify your deliverables, fix accountabilities, and develop concrete action plans to achieve your goals. Use our guide to help create your employee referral program template or simply use the sample templates we’ve provided and customize them for your unique needs. 

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12 Top Referral Program Examples You Can Use Today

By Meagan Kral

12 Top Referral Program Examples You Can Use Today

Why is Word of Mouth More Important Than Ever?

What is referral marketing, how can kickofflabs help with referral marketing, what are some referral marketing best practices, referral marketing examples & inspiration.

No matter how much the world of commerce and marketing changes, one thing remains constant. Person-to-person word-of-mouth referrals remain one of the most effective means of spreading the word about a great company, product, or service and building brand recognition.

Privacy laws and tech company wars have hobbled Facebook and Google advertising. You’re paying more now than you ever have for results that just don’t stand out anymore. This will become more true once AI starts to replace search for people. It’s going to get even harder and more competitive to inject your product into the answers.

That means that as a start-up founder, or entrepreneur, finding a reliable way to generate viral buzz for your brand is going to make all the difference in your ultimate success. Referral marketing, when done correctly, is the easy solution to creating hype and grabbing attention for your business launch, or your next big product drop.

In this post, we will explore the world of referral marketing and show you how KickoffLabs can make it easy to build a successful referral campaign for your business.

So, what is referral marketing exactly? Referral marketing is a broad umbrella term that can be used to describe a variety of clever marketing strategies designed to encourage referrals or generate word-of-mouth-style buzz to drive traffic to a business or event.

There are a number of tools used to pull off successful referral marketing campaigns, from affiliate marketing programs to collaborating with influencers. While these popular methods are certainly effective, they are often costly and overly complicated.

KickoffLabs offers a much easier solution. Our referral-based launch contests, sweepstakes, and leaderboard giveaways offer a fun way to incentivize the referral process and boost your brand recognition fast.

Think of KickoffLabs as top of the funnel referrals. While commission based affiliate programs are great… you may want to keep it simple and start by just creating incentive to get people on your email list. Referral Marketing Best Practices

Refer a friend launch

Referral marketing is a nuanced practice. You can’t be too heavy-handed with it. People recognize paid or sponsored advertising disguised as word-of-mouth referrals from a mile away. The trick to successful referral marketing is a solid infrastructure that encourages and incentivizes sharing and referrals in a natural, non-coerced format.

Let’s take a look at some of the best practices that will help you pull off a top-notch referral marketing campaign.

Create an Attention Grabbing Landing Page With a Catchy Headline for Your Referral Campaign

This first practice isn’t unique to referral marketing. A great landing page with an attention-grabbing headline is a critical tool for any business endeavor. Put yourself in your viewers’ shoes in order to create the kind of landing page that generates a lot of excitement around your referral program. Visitors to your page are going to want to know what’s in it for them first and foremost. Don’t bury your offer in blocks of detailed text. Ideally, you should make your offer clear in a short and punchy headline that lets visitors know that exploring further will be worth their time.

Keep the Referral Program Simple

Of course, you are going to need to provide all of the details so that your visitors know what is expected of them and what they can expect from you in return. The trick to getting your message across without boring your visitors to tears is simplifying the presentation.

Break up the critical info into bite-sized chunks and provide plenty of large graphics and images to allow people to easily navigate to the details that they need to know. Consider building your more granular information into a FAQs section so visitors can easily locate the specific answers to their questions at a glance without having to slog through complex page menus and redirects.

Create Unique Links for Easy Sharing

Create unique links for each referrer. These personalized links allow referral partners to send potential customers your direction in return for a reward. This allows the affiliate partner to craft their own personalized, natural method of sharing information about your business while earning trackable rewards.

KickoffLabs referral share page

Provide Simple & Accurate Earnings Rracking Tools

That leads us to the next tip. Make sure that your referring customers and affiliates can clearly see the progress they are making or the reward that they have earned at a glance. This transparency helps keep people motivated to continue participating and sparks that competitive nature to encourage participants to find new platforms and people to share your messaging with.

Offer Multiple Rewards

Everyone is unique and not everyone is going to be excited by the same things. To encourage as much participation as possible, consider offering a wide variety of rewards to incentivize the broadest swath of participants in your referral program.

Multiple Rewards tracking

You can also try a tiered rewards system with small rewards for simple sharing tasks that allows everyone to be a winner and progressively larger rewards for your most prolific sharers to get the competitive juices flowing.

Provide Non-Referral Based Participation Opportunities

Some customers are going to be uncomfortable with the idea of sharing links or providing referrals. You can still offer valuable ways for these customers to participate by offering small rewards for following, liking, or joining your brand’s social media accounts, or liking a specific post or video promoting your launch or promotion. These small tasks help to ensure that the algorithms see your content as valuable and increase visibility without the need for your customers to do any direct referral or promotion posting.

Need some inspiration? Here are several companies and brands that have truly mastered the art of referral marketing.

Harry’s Razors

Harrys launch

Harry’s Razors used the KickoffLabs Unlock Rewards campaign to hype their launch and start building out their email list of potential customers. The campaign was beyond successful with the company expanding its email list by more than 100,000 emails prior to its launch.

The strength of Harry’s campaign lies in its simplicity. Harry’s Razors created a simple sign-up landing page with a gorgeous product image and a clear request free of any excess clutter or fluff. After signing up, the visitor is taken directly to the Harry’s Razors referral campaign rewards page designed to incentivize and encourage sharing and referrals.

Start building your own refer-a-friend campaign just like Harry’s Razors with KickoffLabs’ step-by-step guide to launching a referral campaign .

Robinhood launch

The KickoffLabs referral campaign went through several iterations before landing on the final viral launch strategy. The brand started with the simple background landing page shown above, but eventually wound up with a dynamic video background that was the perfect fit for its dynamic low-cost trading platform.

All of these options were easy to create using the landing page background and marketing templates in the KickoffLabs resource marketplace. Throughout the background changes, one element of Robinhood’s referral campaign remained constant: A strong content strategy.

Robinhood created a solid offer-based headline that told visitors exactly what was in it for them. This clear messaging helped turn Robinhood’s initial launch campaign into a viral success.

Use KickoffLabs step-by-step guide to create a viral referral campaign like Robinhood .

Tesla Referral Program

Tesla launch

Tesla has one of the strongest referral marketing games in the business. The cutting-edge electric vehicle and solar power company offer a tiered referral program that incentivizes word-of-mouth sharing by providing Tesla owners with referral rewards and loyalty rewards for every friend who becomes a Tesla customer. New customers also earn buyer rewards for each purchase. All rewards can be redeemed for a variety of goods and services including free charging at Tesla charging stations.

Airbnb host referral program

Airbnb is another example of a tiered referral campaign that allows travelers to build up the value of their rewards by inviting fellow travelers in their inner circle to book a vacation property through Airbnb. For every referral that books a stay at an Airbnb property, the original customer earns rewards points. Here is the great part, when your referrals make referrals you get even more points. This ingenious system encourages exponential sharing and helps build up a strong network of loyal and enthusiastic customers spreading the word about your company.

Dropbox launch

Dropbox is in the business of providing digital storage and sharing solutions for its clients. Because Dropbox is essentially selling space, and we all know that there never seems to be enough space for all of your important files, Dropbox allows its users to earn up to 16GB of extra space by referring friends and family to sign up for the Dropbox platform.

Simplisafe launch

SimpliSafe security company provides a double bonus of big rewards for both the referrer and the referred. Existing customers get a $100 gift card reward for every new referral that signs up for service and orders a new SimpliSafe security system.

The great part about SimpliSafe’s generous rewards program is that the rewards don’t stop with the referrer. The new customer gets a big discount on their sign-up package and a free security camera. This double reward system lets referrers feel even better about recommending SimpliSafe to their friends and family, knowing that they will be getting an awesome deal as well.

Typeform launch

SaaS company, Typeform, offers a one-stop-shop solution for creating mobile surveys and forms. Typeform makes use of an exclusive referral rewards program that is available to its best customers only. Pro customers are able to earn a 10% reward for all referrals who sign-up for Typeform services. This exclusive program serves to incentivize new customer referrals while also providing a reason for existing customers to bump up their subscriptions to become Pro customers so they can take advantage of the rewards.

Duolingo launch

Duolingo has one of the most popular referral programs offering users a free week of Super Duolingo access for every referral that signs up for a Duolingo account. This serves two purposes for the company. First, it incentivizes new customer sign-ups, and second, it exposes existing customers to Super Duolingo encouraging them to continue the premier service after their free reward has been exhausted.

Clickup referral program

ClickUp’s referral program offered a straightforward way to earn rewards by referring others. Users gained discounts on their subscriptions through referral codes, while referrers received rewards like discounts, cash, or prizes for each successful referral. The program benefited both the referrer and the referree, with the potential to earn increasing credits based on accumulated points, making it an attractive option for saving and maximizing the ClickUp experience.

Coinbase refer a friend program

Coinbase’s referral program rewarded users for introducing new members to its cryptocurrency services. By sharing a unique referral code, both the referrer and the new signee received bonuses, which varied by the newcomer’s location and could be in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or USD. This program encouraged more sign-ups through a tiered reward structure, and offered increased bonuses for multiple referrals, benefiting both parties involved in the referral process.

Bux referral program

Bux Zero’s referral program offered users their first share for free when they signed up and downloaded the Bux Zero app.

Walkers referral rewards

Walker’s referral program allowed customers to save money on their purchases. By referring a friend to the store, customers received a unique referral code that gave them a 10% discount on their next purchase. In addition, the referred friend also received a 10% discount when they used the referral code. This program is an excellent way for customers to save money and for friends to get a discount on their purchases.

Launch Your Next Referral Campaign At KickoffLabs

Feeling inspired to start your own referral campaign? You can grab ideas from the examples above and head on over to KickoffLabs to start planning your very own campaign. KickoffLabs makes it super simple to build, and launch a viral referral campaign in less than a day. No, really…in a matter of hours, you can have a referral system like those discussed up and running for your brand. Check it out today!

6. Build a Refer a Friend Campaign

The ultimate step by step guide to launching a simple refer a friend campaign.

referral program presentation

Create a powerful referral program today!

Word of mouth marketing made easy with viral giveaways, referral programs, or product launches that can be setup in minutes!

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12 Creative Employee Referral Program Ideas

Post Author - Juste Semetaite

Good help is hard to find. Unless you’re talking about an employee referral program . Your employees can help your team save time and decrease hiring costs in the recruitment process, if they’re rewarded with things they love.

Let’s explore how to keep them engaged and flooding the referral funnel with qualified candidates.

TL;DR — Key Takeaways

  • What are employee referral programs ? They’re a creative component in your recruiting strategy that gets your employees doing the recruiting for you by referring good-fit candidates they know.
  • What makes a good employee referral program ? Structure and fun are core components. Read on to learn more.
  • What are the benefits of referral programs ? Along with saving the recruitment team time and reducing hiring costs, referral programs can also create a more close-knit company culture and boost productivity.
  • In it for the employee referral program ideas ? No problem! Along with offering experiential rewards and supporting a cause employees are passionate about, we share 1o extra ideas to kick-start your employee referral program.
  • Last but not least… while you’re streamlining the interview process for a referred candidate, don’t make the mistake of skipping the competency test step. Although referred candidates tend to be of higher quality, your notion of a best-fit person for the job might differ dramatically from that of the referring employee. Use gamified skills assessments to keep the balance between fast and reliable!

recruitment funnel

In simple words, what’s an employee referral program?

An employee referral program is a method of recruiting new employees by getting qualified candidates referred by current employees . Basically, you’re roping current employees into your hiring process by rewarding them for referring quality candidates they know.

Referral rewards can include anything from an employee referral bonus to vacation days or a snowboarding lesson.

3 Types of referral programs

Employers considering implementing an employee referral program have to decide whether they want to incentivize their staff based on the quantity or quality of the referred candidates. Or a bit of both!

Employee referrals are the single most important thing we do in recruiting. It is the number one single source of what a good hire looks like. Steve Klingensmith Recruiting Manager at | Source

Here’s a quick overview of the three different types of tiered employee referral programs and their pros and cons.

Type of Referral ProgramHow it WorksBenefitsPotential Drawbacks
Volume-Based Referral ProgramEmployees are rewarded based on the number of people they refer to the company, regardless of whether those referrals get hired.Encourages a high quantity of referrals, potentially increasing the pool of candidates.May lead to a large number of unqualified candidates if employees are incentivized to refer as many people as possible, regardless of fit.
Quality-Based Referral ProgramEmployees are rewarded when their referrals are hired and stay with the company for a certain period of time.Encourages employees to refer high-quality candidates who are likely to be a good fit for the company.May lead to fewer total referrals, as employees are incentivized to refer people they believe will be hired and stay at the company.
Hybrid Referral ProgramEmployees receive a smaller reward for each referral and a larger reward when a referral is hired and stays with the company for a certain period.Due to the complexity of the rewards structure may require more resources to administer.May require more resources to administer due to the complexity of the rewards structure.

What makes a good employee referral program?

A good employee referral program brings in lots of quality referral candidates. And it achieves the best results by:

  • Rewarding employees with things they actually want, like a spa voucher or a mountain biking holiday.
  • Using a structured or tiered approach to referrals that recognizes and rewards top participants .
  • Gamifying the employee referral program through referral software.
  • Making employee referrals part of the company culture .

How does a regular employee referral program work?

Ok, so your team wants to get employees to both refer qualified candidates to good candidates they know. But what’s the best approach to make this all happen smoothly? Consider these tips to help your team create a successful referral program:

  • Decide when you need referrals . You may not need referrals for every type of open role.
  • Promote your program to your employees. If you don’t remind them it’s there, and what’s in it for them (most importantly 😉), they’re not gonna do the work.
  • Offer a tiered rewards approach that generously rewards those who find gems for hard-to-fill roles or bring in many qualified candidates.
  • Think beyond the good old cash bonus . More and more employees value fun experiences like a fencing class!
  • Use technology to automate and expand the reach of your program to save your team time and make it easier for employees to help you out.

What are the benefits of creating a referral program?

Employee referral programs can help hiring managers fill open positions faster and at a reduced cost.

Employee referral programs feed into and amplify the HR team’s talent acquisition efforts. In other words, it’s a program that helps employers bring in qualified candidates without the same costs you’d expect through advertising open roles. Plus, you may also reap benefits like:

  • A faster time to hire as no recruitment marketing phase is needed. (Referrals can be up to 4 x more likely to land a role than website applicants.)
  • Reduced hiring costs as no role advertising necessary. (Can be up to $1,000 less than other hiring methods.)
  • Acquiring rare top talent that could otherwise have been snapped up by another company. ( 88% of employers feel that referrals are stellar candidates.)
  • A sense of team camaraderie , and improved retention rates , especially if the new hire works on the same team as the referring employee. (Referral hires can stay up to 70% longer than other hires.)
  • Enhancing the company culture as employees will more likely recommend candidates they know would be a good fit. (Up to 70% of organizations believe referrals make the best culture fit.)
  • Potentially reducing onboarding efforts if the new hires know a bit about the company already.
  • Powering up your employer brand by growing your community.

Now let’s get into the juicy stuff.

12 reliable employee referral program ideas

If you’ve been thinking about creating your own employee referral program but don’t know how to get started, we’ve prepared a few ideas to help you get in motion.

1. External referrals

Your employees aren’t the only ones who will recommend great candidates for a position. External people may also refer candidates they know to your company.

HR leaders should partner with their marketing and communications teams to brand the employee referrals program both internally and externally. Adam Fitzer, Talent Acquisition Leader at West Monroe. Source

Why does it work?

For successful hires, you can award referrers who don’t work with your company with cash prizes or a product/service you are selling.

In the real world

Sometimes, your employer brand ambassadors might not even work at your company! Former employees, partners, or social media followers might hold your company in high regard and use the opportunity to send great candidates your way – if you let them. Calendly uses an external referral program to source candidates for hard-to-fill jobs.

Calendly offers a one-time referral bonus of $1,000 for external referrals for hard-to-fill jobs

2. Get a good tagline

A good tagline for employee referral programs, like ‘refer and earn’ can motivate your employees to get cracking with referrals.

You can inspire employees to take action by using finance-driven taglines like ‘Earn up to $1000 for referring an employee’. Or by appealing to their caring side, such as ‘Friends make the best co-workers’.

Here’s a great example of a tagline that supports diversity in the tech space:

Your employee referral program can support your diversity and inclusion goals!

Need more tagline inspo? Here are some great ones .

3. Create a tiered employee referral program

Just having an employee referral bonus program is great, but why not take it a step further and reward those that refer more qualified candidates or more significant rewards for candidates further along the referral process?

Depending on whether you incentivize based on the number of qualified referrals or new employees hired through internal referrals, you could reward each tier with better incentives , such as:

  • Tier 1 (on qualified application): $100 plus company swag like a mug or t-shirt
  • Tier 2 (on interview): $150 or an extra day off
  • Tier 3 (on hire): A chance to win a trip to Hawaii
  • Tier 4 (on retained hire in 1 year): experiential gift voucher

4. Experiential rewards

While cash incentives for successful hires are the most common rewards in employee referral programs, many employees prefer an experience like an Italian pasta-making class or a glass-blowing workshop.

You can give your top-referring employees  experiential gifts  they’ll never forget, such as wine tasting, cooking lessons, concert tickets, skydiving, or a kayaking trip.

Monetary rewards are not the only thing employees value. How about a skydiving experience for getting employees buzzed about referrals!

One US software company, Guidewire, that rewarded employees with an unforgettable experience month saw a 360% increase in their total referrals and a 41% increase in the number of new hires by referral. Nice!

5. Reward each stage of the referral program

If you’re going to give financial rewards for your top referrals, don’t wait to give them one big payment after the person’s stuck it out for three months. Rather spread out the rewards to cover each step of the referral program.

While one big reward is a great way to inspire people to act, a collection of incentives for each stage will keep them fired up and keep them referring. For instance, a lunch voucher or €20 gift card immediately after the referral could encourage people to continue scouting for talent!

6. Fund a cause the employee supports

Another way to reward employees is to support a charity or cause of their choice, such as the World Wide Fund for Nature, Doctors Without Borders, or the Red Cross.

One way is for employees to choose to donate a portion of their reward to a charity, and the company matches that donation.

For example,  Toggl Plan was recently hiring for a Growth position and used Toggl Hire to test applicants’ on-the-job skills. They pledged to plant a tree for each applicant that passed the test, turning a standard hiring campaign into an environmentally friendly one.

Image with no description

7. Tailor the reward according to the employee’s needs

It’s possible that not everyone will want a kayaking trip as a reward. So the best way to encourage your employees to refer a great hire is to try to give them what they really want , such as a VR headset or the latest trendy gadgets.

While this is the most attractive option for employees, it can be the hardest one to get right. Your team may need to survey and identify those that are keen to help out to determine what they’d value as a reward.

Rewarding employees for referrals can help to develop a strong company culture.

Distillery , a software company, rewards their employees for good referrals with cool tech gadgets like Apple watches and iPhones.

8. Sponsor a lunch

What better welcome for the new hire into your company than sharing a meal with a friend of the person who referred them?

You can sponsor the meal and use it as a unique opportunity for the referrer to introduce the new hire to the company culture and atmosphere.

What can you do to make your employee referral program unique? took advantage of the fact that everybody loves food!

In a similar light, needed more Portuguese-speaking representatives. So they bought a Portuguese lunch for the office, leaving behind referral cards to get input from their employees.

9. Give days off as a referral bonus

If there’s one thing that your employees will appreciate besides money and gifts, it’s time off from the daily grind.

Reward them with time off to show you value their help in bringing in new talent. And allow them time to rest and recoup their energy levels.

A recent SHRM survey revealed that 89% of workers have experienced occupational burnout. Companies should focus on rewards like these that positively affect their workforce’s mental and physical wellness.

10. Use technology to do more

Try out referral software to automate and support your strategy.

Why it works

If you keep reminding employees about referrals and make the process super easy for them to participate, it’ll be a win-win all around. For instance, use referral links to get the info you need from them easily.

Ensure your process is quick and easy for your employees to ensure successful referrals. Twilio even created their own app to easily track employee referrals and distribute referral bonuses.

Innovative companies, like Nord Security, are even leveraging technology to create targeted LinkedIn ads and extend the network reach of their employee referral program to all brand supporters.

Creative employee referral program ideas can help your recruiting strategy have a broader impact.

11. Happy Hours

Why not organize recruitment happy hours for your organization? This kind of informal gathering presents a great opportunity for potential candidates to engage with current employees in a fun, relaxed way.

This is an excellent idea because candidates learn more about the company and the people working there in a non-stressful environment. And at the same time, HR can get a better idea of what makes these candidates tick.

Successful companies use employee referral programs to encourage employees to take ownership of their work environment.

Salesforce are known for these type of happy hour events that help them attract and retain top talent.

12. Passion project support

Many of your current employees have interests and hobbies outside of work (yes, this is a real thing 😆), like playing guitar, origami, writing a novel, or exploring their family genealogy. So why not reward those that support your referral program by supporting their passion project ?

You could reward them by providing financial support for their hobby or time off to specifically pursue those goals. Not only will they come back invigorated, but they will also be more motivated to do their best at work.

Flexibility with support — both social and financial — to allow people to carve out a place for out-of-work passions in their lives can make your workplace more appealing to attract employees, and healthier to retain them. HBR

Support your own employees' passions, and reap the rewards of their elevated support for your business.

Adobe, for example, offers their employees paid time off to “finally write that novel” or whatever their personal goals entail.

That’s a wrap

Employee referral programs may sound like a lot of work, but you can adapt them to a model that works for your company. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, make sure you reward the employees — that help you rope in high-quality candidates — with cool stuff that makes them happy and eager to carry on referring .

What can your organization offer your employees beyond traditional employee referral bonuses and recognition?

16 Remote Employee Benefits Ideas to Boost Your Perks Package

Juste loves investigating through writing. A copywriter by trade, she spent the last ten years in startups, telling stories and building marketing teams. She works at Toggl Hire and writes about how businesses can recruit really great people.

Subscribe to On The Clock.

Insights into building businesses better, from hiring to profitability (and everything in between). New editions drop every two weeks.

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Creating Referral Program For Increasing Customer Base Deploying Viral Marketing Strategies Download PDF

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Creating An Effective Induction Programme For New Staff Employee Referral Bonus Program Policy Structure PDF

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Increasing Customer Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Topics PDF

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Six Steps To Create Effective Business Referral Marketing Program Mockup PDF

Six Steps To Create Effective Business Referral Marketing Program Mockup PDF

This slide represents the process to acquire more customers by encouraging existing consumers to refer organizations products and services to their families and friends. It includes six steps to create business referral program such as start with great product or service, understand customers, determine incentives, choose referral marketing tool, invite previous customers and make it easy to refer. Presenting Six Steps To Create Effective Business Referral Marketing Program Mockup PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises six stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Choose Referral, Marketing Tool, Invite Previous, Customers Join Program. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Steps To Create Successful Customer Referral Program Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Diagram Templates PDF

Steps To Create Successful Customer Referral Program Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Diagram Templates PDF

This slide covers process to build a referral program for customers. It includes steps such as offering great products, create a positive customer experience, setting clear referral program objectives, deciding referral rewards, choose referral structure, collect reviews. From laying roadmaps to briefing everything in detail, our templates are perfect for you. You can set the stage with your presentation slides. All you have to do is download these easy to edit and customizable templates. Steps To Create Successful Customer Referral Program Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Diagram Templates PDF will help you deliver an outstanding performance that everyone would remember and praise you for. Do download this presentation today.

Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Demonstration PDF

Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Demonstration PDF

This slide covers a checklist for building a compelling user referral program. It includes steps such as beginning with templates, setting objectives, investigating how referrals are coming, making a list of potential customer referral sources, etc. Want to ace your presentation in front of a live audience Our Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Demonstration PDF can help you do that by engaging all the users towards you.. Slidegeeks experts have put their efforts and expertise into creating these impeccable powerpoint presentations so that you can communicate your ideas clearly. Moreover, all the templates are customizable, and easy-to-edit and downloadable. Use these for both personal and commercial use.

Steps To Create Customer Referral Program Background PDF

Steps To Create Customer Referral Program Background PDF

This slide provides an overview of the process created by managers for the effective customer referral program. The steps covered are setting goals, determining referral sources, identifying channels, creating a plan, deciding incentives, developing content, tracking results, thanking clients and improving the program. Get a simple yet stunning designed Steps To Create Customer Referral Program Background PDF. It is the best one to establish the tone in your meetings. It is an excellent way to make your presentations highly effective. So, download this PPT today from Slidegeeks and see the positive impacts. Our easy-to-edit Steps To Create Customer Referral Program Background PDF can be your go-to option for all upcoming conferences and meetings. So, what are you waiting for Grab this template today.

Steps To Create Referral Promotional Program Campaign Professional PDF

Steps To Create Referral Promotional Program Campaign Professional PDF

This slide provides an overview of the steps followed to develop a word-of-mouth advertising campaign. The steps covered are planning incentive structure, customizing the campaign, tracking referrals, inviting stakeholders and improving the program. From laying roadmaps to briefing everything in detail, our templates are perfect for you. You can set the stage with your presentation slides. All you have to do is download these easy-to-edit and customizable templates. Steps To Create Referral Promotional Program Campaign Professional PDF will help you deliver an outstanding performance that everyone would remember and praise you for. Do download this presentation today.

Strategic Guide To Attract Creating Referral Program For Increasing Customer Base Microsoft Pdf

Strategic Guide To Attract Creating Referral Program For Increasing Customer Base Microsoft Pdf

The following slide showcases a comprehensive referral program which can used for improving brand awareness. Information covered in this slide is related to referral level, number of referrals, reward percentage and total reward points. Slidegeeks is here to make your presentations a breeze with Strategic Guide To Attract Creating Referral Program For Increasing Customer Base Microsoft Pdf With our easy-to-use and customizable templates, you can focus on delivering your ideas rather than worrying about formatting. With a variety of designs to choose from, you are sure to find one that suits your needs. And with animations and unique photos, illustrations, and fonts, you can make your presentation pop. So whether you are giving a sales pitch or presenting to the board, make sure to check out Slidegeeks first.

Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Themes PDF

Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Themes PDF

This slide covers a checklist for building a compelling user referral program. It includes steps such as beginning with templates, setting objectives, investigating how referrals are coming, making a list of potential customer referral sources, etc. There are so many reasons you need a Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Themes PDF. The first reason is you can not spend time making everything from scratch, Thus, Slidegeeks has made presentation templates for you too. You can easily download these templates from our website easily.

Creating Referral Program For Increasing Viral Video Outreach Plan Graphics Pdf

Creating Referral Program For Increasing Viral Video Outreach Plan Graphics Pdf

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Steps To Create Successful Customer Referral Program Word Of Mouth Marketing Topics Pdf

Steps To Create Successful Customer Referral Program Word Of Mouth Marketing Topics Pdf

This slide covers process to build a referral program for customers. It includes steps such as offering great products, create a positive customer experience, setting clear referral program objectives, deciding referral rewards, choose referral structure, collect reviews.From laying roadmaps to briefing everything in detail, our templates are perfect for you. You can set the stage with your presentation slides. All you have to do is download these easy-to-edit and customizable templates. Steps To Create Successful Customer Referral Program Word Of Mouth Marketing Topics Pdf will help you deliver an outstanding performance that everyone would remember and praise you for. Do download this presentation today.

Go Viral Campaign Strategies To Increase Engagement Creating Referral Program For Increasing Ideas PDF

Go Viral Campaign Strategies To Increase Engagement Creating Referral Program For Increasing Ideas PDF

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Buzz Marketing Strategies To Expand Campaign Reach Creating Referral Program For Increasing Customer Base Elements PDF

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This slide covers a checklist for building a compelling user referral program. It includes steps such as beginning with templates, setting objectives, investigating how referrals are coming, making a list of potential customer referral sources, etc. There are so many reasons you need a Checklist For Creating Successful Customer Referral Program Graphics PDF. The first reason is you can not spend time making everything from scratch, Thus, Slidegeeks has made presentation templates for you too. You can easily download these templates from our website easily.

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The following slide showcases a comprehensive referral program which can used for improving brand awareness. Information covered in this slide is related to referral level, number of referrals, reward percentage and total reward points. Present like a pro with Creating Referral Program For Increasing Customer Base Designing Approaches Rules Pdf Create beautiful presentations together with your team, using our easy-to-use presentation slides. Share your ideas in real-time and make changes on the fly by downloading our templates. So whether you are in the office, on the go, or in a remote location, you can stay in sync with your team and present your ideas with confidence. With Slidegeeks presentation got a whole lot easier. Grab these presentations today.

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How to Design an Employee Referral Program (with Examples)

Posted by Grant Robertson-Adams | Last updated Aug 10, 2023

When most people think about referral programs they think that they’re aimed at current customers as a way of using their network to bring in new customers. Well, they’d be right to think that, that is exactly what they are, but they can also be used internally in a company and set up as an employee referral program. In this article, we explore how you can design an employee referral program that is effective and gets results. We’ll also throw in some examples that companies have used in the past to get great results.

What is an employee referral program?

Using a similar setup to a typical referral program, an employee referral program offers employees an incentive in exchange for referred candidates for available positions within the company. The concept is that your own employees know the type of person that they want to work with, they know the skills required, and are unlikely to select poor candidates that could negatively impact their work environment.

Each employee referral program is different and needs to be designed with the business, roles, and employees in mind. There needs to be a degree of research and planning conducted before launching into a campaign, but once created they can be a superb source of qualified candidates.

So the long and short of it, rather than referring you new business, they’re referring you, new employees.

Benefits of an Employee Referral Program

Bringing your employees onboard to your recruitment process can bring a number of benefits to your business, such as:

  • Higher conversion rate for new hires: When candidates are referred they are usually hired a third of the time.
  • Quicker hiring rate: As candidates are already known by the company (through the employee), chances are that they know some of the hiring processes already, this makes for a quicker time-to-hire process.
  • Higher employee retention rate: It’s a known fact that when customers are referred to a business they’re more likely to become retained customers, the same is true for employees that are referred, they are far more likely to stay with the company for a longer period of time. In fact, referred employees are 13% more likely to stay after their first year of employment compared to regularly hired employees.
  • Better employees all round: Referred employees are far more likely to hold the same company values, have the required skills, and fit into the company ethos vs normally sourced employees. Furthermore, it has been found that referred employees bring 25% more profit than other employees.
  • Increased employee engagement : When participating in employee referral programs, those employees are significantly more likely to be more engaged with the company .
  • Reach candidates not actively looking for a new role: Otherwise known as passive candidates, these are the excellent candidates who are within your employees’ networks. They might not be actively looking for a new position or role, but when referred to one by a friend, they’re more likely to consider it.

Essentially, having an employee referral program means that you’re able to find a better quality candidate, who is more likely to stay as your employee, who’ll be a better employee for you, whilst keeping your current workforce engaged and acting with initiative within your business. It certainly makes sense to consider launching one.

How to Start an Employee Referral Program

Starting an employee referral program is a bit different from starting a standard customer referral program . You’ll need to take into account a number of factors and understand the ethos of your business, as well as any hiring policies before getting started. The most important part is to keep the whole process as simple as you can. The simpler it is for employees to participate the more likely they are to do so.

referral program presentation

1. Confirm that management is happy with the idea

This might seem obvious, but chances are that marketing departments have a far greater sense of autonomy versus departments that are in charge of bringing staff into the company. Therefore, before even beginning the setup process, check that your management is happy to run an employee referral program.

Once it has been confirmed that the program can go ahead, it’s important that high level employees are willing to support the program. They are the ones in the company who are most likely to get the wider workforce engaged and participating in the program.

Furthermore, referral programs can be expensive to set up in the first place. So be wary that this might be something of a tough pitch if your budgets don’t yet meet the costs.

2. Build the referral process

At this point, remembering the keep it simple advice from above is at it’s most important. Remember that you’re going to be asking your employees to be going beyond their typical remit, you’re asking them to talk about work outside of work, and you’re asking them to spend some of their social currency by staking their reputation on the line by recommending friends come to join the same company as them.

When building the referral process, make sure it is as straightforward as possible for employees to participate. The best way to do this is to invest in referral program software. This not only makes setting up the referral process easy but also makes managing it in the future far easier too.

Making the process digital is a far better solution than physical drop boxes etc, especially when considering that a great number of employees are working from home in the current climate. To that end, you might want to consider creating a number of templates and materials for employees to use. These could be emails, pamphlets, letters, and more. Again, if you take the decision to invest in referral software then many of the tools have these built-in.

You should also take a look at the outward-facing side of your business, remember that when employees make a referral or talk about it to their network, one of the first things that their friends and family will do is to look at resources online. They’ll judge whether the company is a good fit for them using places like your website, and online reviews. Make sure that these are in good order, and have information that prospective employees might be interested in.

3. Get your metrics in order

It’s easy to get excited about launching your campaign and then realizing you have no way of measuring how successful it has been as you have no stats to measure it by. At the start of the campaign, come up with some goals. Ensure that these are easily measurable, quantifiable, achievable, and work towards a greater good for the company. These metrics could be:

  • Increase qualified applications by 30%
  • Reduce annual employee churn by 25%
  • Increase candidates accepting position by 10%

4. Incentivize your employees

Referral programs work at their best when there is an incentive to take part. If you want your employees to trade their valuable time to participate in your company’s referral program then you should offer them some sort of incentive. It’s easy to immediately think of monetary remuneration, but you could also offer vouchers, free products, paid vacation days, prizes, or even charitable donations.

Although employee referral programs work quite a bit differently than customer referral programs, choosing referral incentives works about the same.

If you’re unsure what incentives to offer, then just ask them! Talk to your employees, let them know that this program is coming, and ask what type of reward would best encourage them to participate? If you’re a larger, national, or multinational company with many different smaller company ecosystems, these incentives might work best on a more micro-level with specific incentives that work for that particular workforce.

referral program presentation

Once you’ve decided on the incentive type, another way to increase engagement is to offer gamification and/or tiered incentives. With gamification, you could create a leader board with an additional reward for the best, top 3, top 10 participants. A tiered incentive system allows you to reward those best participants by increasing their rewards after they’ve made a certain number of referrals.

However, you do the incentives, be clear on two things. How the employees can earn the incentive and how they’ll receive them. Be clear on these from the start. The last thing you want is for your engaged employees to become disgruntled when their rewards don’t appear when you said they would. With automated fulfilment, referral marketing software makes this far easier.

5. Make a big announcement

When the program is ready to launch, make a song and dance of it. Let everyone know that it has launched, you’re excited for them to participate and build some hype. Create dedicated materials that explain the process, detail the rewards, and share the methods of participation.

Once the program is well and truly established, you might even include information about it during the onboarding process for new applicants, hopefully, they’ll already know about it as they will have been referred themselves!

It’s also important to schedule reminder emails from time to time, to jog your employees’ minds that the referral program exists. Ideally, your program would be so incredible that there’s no way that they’d forget about it, but let’s be realistic.

6. Champion those participating best

At some point, referrals will start flooding in, you’ll be fulfilling incentives and rewards, and everyone is happy. Now is the time to recognize those participating the most and bring the best candidates to the company. You could keep it simple by sending out an email, you could host a whole party, or you could offer them a special reward . Make sure to fit the celebration to the company and those involved.

7. Make the referral program normal

Once the initial launch is completed, take the time to integrate the program into the normal routine of the company. Some businesses have had success with referral events, where employees can bring potential candidates to the workplace to get a feel for the company, others have hosted quarterly updates or celebrations for participants.

8. Reflect and adapt

Once you’ve completed your first stage of the program (whatever you deem that to be, usually a quarter or a year) take the time to reflect on the program, the results and understand what could be done to improve the system. Talk to the participants, gauge feedback, consider if the rewards were sufficient and appropriate then build on the foundations that you’ve built.

Employee Referral Program Examples

referral program presentation

The employee referral program is hugely successful, with something between 40-60% of employees joining through the referral program. They deem the success of the program down to its rapid nature. New employees are onboarded quickly and then, within weeks, are asked if they want to participate and if they know anyone who would be a good fit. Most of the time, they do.

referral program presentation

InMobi found themselves in serious need of engineering managers, and so turned to their global workforce for referrals. Their incentives were some of the more ingenious that we’ve seen. Employees were offered a motorbike or a holiday to Bali for each successful referral. The motorbikes were made to be country-specific too. When they made the country-specific referral rewards participation rate soared from 20% of global employees to 50%.

referral program presentation

Intel found that they were understaffed when it came to women and minorities, their simple solution was to leverage their already successful employee referral program but double the incentive reward if employees referred women or minorities who went on to become employees. This shows that you can use your employee referral program to solve more than just recruitment.

Key Takeaways

Building an employee referral program can be hugely beneficial for not only your business as a whole but also the individual workplaces that make up the larger company. Take time to understand what your employees want to receive and you’ll quickly be gaining a higher quality of qualified candidates.

  • Take time building out the referral process to ensure it is clear and straightforward
  • Ensure you incentives are appropriate and consider varying them per part of the business
  • Remind and champion those participating to ensure the best engagement

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Employee Referral Program PowerPoint Template

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Employee referral program presentation template.

Use this Employee Referral Program PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds.

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A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

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Trans-Siberian heritage

Residents of Novosibirsk love trains and are proud of the fact that their city played a significant role in the history of the grand Trans-Siberian railway, which spans the breadth of Russia. The railway is such a part of Novosibirsk identity that it is even depicted on the city’s emblem, along with the bridge that crosses the Ob river and two Siberian sables standing on their hind legs.  

In the city, there are as many as five monuments to trains, and an open-air locomotive museum is located in the vicinity of the train station Seyatel’. The museum has more than 100 steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and carriages, reflecting the history of rail transportation in Russia from pre-revolutionary times to the present day. Wondering around the stationary trains and comparing your height with the diameter of the gigantic iron wheels of the first steam locomotives is all very well, but why not climb inside the carriages and see how the nobility once traveled across Russia in pre-revolutionary times? These tours will however need to be booked in advance. The museum opens from 11:00 until 17:00 every day except Mondays. 

Novosibirsk spans both sides of the river Ob. In the early twentieth century, the border of two different timezones passed right through the city which led to a strange situation- morning on the east bank started one hour earlier than on the west bank! The two-kilometer covered metro bridge that crosses the river is considered the longest in the world. Due to the fluctuations in temperature across the year (on average +30 °C to -30 °C), during the summer the metro bridge expands, and in the winter it contracts by half a meter. To counter these effects, the bridge’s supports are equipped with special rollers that allow it to move.   

The cultural center of Siberia

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The repertoire of the theatre can be viewed on its official website . The theatre season runs from September to July, and comprises mainly classical performances, like the ballet “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky, Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” and Verdi’s “La Traviata”.  

The large Siberian sea and ligers

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Weekends are best spent at the Novosibirsk zoo . The zoo is known for breeding big cats, although surrounded by controversy, hosts a successful crossing of a tiger and lion, which of course would not otherwise breed in wildlife. Ligers, or exotic cubs of an African lion and Bengal tigress, feel quite comfortable in the Siberian climate and even produce offspring. The zoo is open to visitors year-round, seven days a week, and even has its own free mobile app, Zoo Nsk .

Every year at the beginning of January, the festival of snow culture takes place bringing together artists from across Russia and around the world to participate in a snow sculpting competition. The tradition started in 2000 inspired by the snow festival in Sapporo, Novosibirsk’s twin-city.

Siberian Silicon Valley

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Despite the fact that Akademgorodok was built half a century ago in the middle of the uninhabited Siberian taiga, architecturally it was ahead of its time. No trees were destroyed for its construction, and houses were built right in the middle of the forest. A man walking through the woods would seemingly stumble upon these structures. At that time, no one had built anything similar in the world and ecovillages only became fashionable much later.

For residents of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a different world. When you step out the bus or car, you are immediately on one of the hiking paths through the forest, between the scientific buildings and clubs. On a walk through Akademgorodok, it is possible to unexpectedly encounter art-like objects handmade by residents of the city which have been erected as monuments and some monuments fixed up by city authorities. For example, the monument to the laboratory mice, which knits a strand of DNA on to some needles, can be found in the square alongside the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. In Akademgorodok there are many cafes and restaurants, in which it is possible to rest after a long walk. Grab a coffee and go to eat at Traveler’s Coffee , or eat lunch at the grille and bar People’s or Clover .

Winters in the Akademgorodok are slightly colder than in the city, so wrap up. Spring and summer are usually wetter, so waterproof boots are recommended. In the summer the Ob sea provides respite from the heat, so do not forget your swimsuit to go for a dip.

Memento Mori

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Among the exhibits of the museum is one dedicated to world funeral culture — hearses, memorial jewellery from the hair of the deceased, samples from a specific photo-genre of  "post mortem", a collection of funeral wear from the Victorian era, deathmasks, statues and monuments. There’s also an impressive collection of coffins. One of them, resembling a fish, was manufactured on a special visit to Novosibirsk by a designer coffin-maker from Africa, Eric Adjetey Anang, who specializes in the production of unusual coffins.

Surprisingly, the crematorium itself does not look at all gloomy in appearance and definitely does not look like infernal scenes from movies, or like crematoriums of other cities that gravitate towards gloomy temple aesthetics. The Novosibirsk crematorium is decorated in “cheerful” orange tones and is surrounded by a park with a children’s playground nearby. A visit to the museum then leaves you with mixed feelings. 

Novosibirsk underground

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Tourists from all over the world go down into the Moscow metro to take a ride and a few selfies in the most famous underground museum. The Novosibirsk metro is also quite a museum in itself — it has 13 stations, the most beautiful of which is Gagarinskaya, Sibirskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal.

The ultramodern Gagarinskaya station is like a real cosmos underground. Its technologically themed design includes marble walls with metallic elements, dark blue backlighting and portraits of Yuri Gagarin. The Sibirskaya station looks like an underground treasure trove, decorated by Altai masters craftsmen with mosaics of precious Siberian stones. The Rechnoy Vokzal station is framed with ten glowing stained glass windows depicting the largest cities of Siberia, including Novosibirsk itself, Omsk, Barnaul and others. The platform resembles a big ship sailing on the Ob, from which ancient Siberian cities are visible through its windows.  

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Novosibirsk is by plane with Aeroflot or Novosibirsk airline S7 with one-way tickets from Moscow costing from 200-250 USD. If you decide to take from the train from Moscow, you’ll have to travel approximately a third of the Trans-Siberian Railway. That’s 3,300 kilometers over almost a three-day journey. 

Where to stay

There are many great hotels in Novosibirsk. Amongst the best include a four-star Doubletree hotel by Hilton , which is located near Lenin Square (per room from $200). After renovations and repairs, the congress-hotel Novosibirsk has improved (per room from $100) and is located across from the train station. Less expensive but of a similar standard is the four-star River Park hotel near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, which costs $80 per night.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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  1. Referral Program PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Referral Program Employees. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG.

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    With Slidegeeks presentation got a whole lot easier. Grab these presentations today. This slide highlights customer referral program campaigns to attract new leads, including elements such as goals, target audience, timeline, referral program type, incentives, communication channels, etc. Slide 1 of 6.

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    IDEA TEMPLATE 7: REAL IMPACT- BETTER HIRING, QUICKER. Research has shown that well-designed employee referral programs reduce the time for hiring by almost 50% from 56 days to 30 days. The process itself becomes more productive with hiring cost reducing, on average, by 12%.

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    5. Make a big announcement. When the program is ready to launch, make a song and dance of it. Let everyone know that it has launched, you're excited for them to participate and build some hype. Create dedicated materials that explain the process, detail the rewards, and share the methods of participation.

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    The Employee Referral Program PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience's attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with Employee ...

  20. A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

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  22. File : Post Office, Berdsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia .jpg

    You are free: to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix - to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

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