1. National Education Policy 2020: Key Highlights

    higher education policy recommendations

  2. Key highlights of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020| Blog| Linways

    higher education policy recommendations

  3. Policy Recommendations for the Future of Higher Education

    higher education policy recommendations

  4. Major recommendations of the National Education Policy -2020 to enhance

    higher education policy recommendations

  5. Policy Workshop • NEP 2020 and the Agenda of Higher Education Expansion

    higher education policy recommendations

  6. (Part 2) National Education Policy 2020 for Reforming Higher Education Institutions and Universities

    higher education policy recommendations


  1. College Student: Loans 'A Little Terrifying'

  2. “A Millennial’s Take on Emerging Higher Education Policy Issues in the 21st Century”

  3. How can higher education stakeholders support Edtech?

  4. Shaping Higher Education Fifty Years After Robbins: what views to the future?

  5. American Council on Education: Who We Are