Architecture and Hospitality

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Architecture and hospitality go hand in hand. This thesis is a study of an architecture of hospitality that is informed by both site, culture, and climate conditions as well as cultural changes in the hospitality industry under the new conditions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.


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architecture thesis hospitality

15 Most Intriguing Architecture Dissertation Topics For Young Architects (2024)

architecture thesis hospitality

18 min read

October 31, 2022


Table of Contents

What is an Architecture Dissertation?

An architecture dissertation is a research paper that explores a specific topic in this field, completed by students as a part of their graduation requirements. It is written by students pursuing an architecture degree and is a graduation requirement. It allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter and their ability to conduct independent research. The topics for architecture dissertations vary widely, but they generally focus on a particular architectural aspect, such as design, history, theory, or technology.

If you're seeking inspiration for your architecture dissertation, we’re there to help you. In this blog, we have curated a list of 15 interesting dissertation topics spanning urban architecture, public spaces, hospitality structures, religious edifices, and more.

How to Choose a Dissertation Topic for Architecture?

Before going through the list of our architecture dissertation topics, let us understand the key measures to keep in mind while choosing your topic:

1. Identify Your Interests

Choose a topic that interests you the most. This will help you stay motivated throughout the research process.

2. Explore Current Trends

Look for the latest trends and developments in the architecture field. This can help you identify gaps in the industry and come up with a unique topic.

3. Consult with Your Advisor

Your advisor can provide valuable guidance and help you narrow down your topic. They can also suggest relevant literature and research methods.

4. Consider Your Resources

Ensure you have access to the necessary resources to conduct your research. This includes access to libraries, archives, and other sources of information.

5. Brainstorm Ideas

Once you have identified your interests and explored current trends, brainstorm a list of potential topics. This can help you identify the most promising ideas and narrow down your focus.

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Most Intriguing Architecture Dissertation Topics

We have compiled a list of 15 architecture dissertation topics that are intriguing and relevant to the architecture field. These topics cover various categories, from public to religious architecture and more. Take a look below:

1. Temple Complex of the Future |Religious Architecture

Lotus Temple Architectural Diagram

Temples have always held central importance around the world and can be active sites of cultural confluence. Possible areas to explore in your architecture dissertation topics are the uses of sustainability in creating religious structures, materials used, analysing the cultural significance of the architectural elements in structures, and classifying their types and historical context.

Inter-faith traditions are spreading across the world, and this can and has given rise to new ideas. The Lotus Temple in Delhi is an excellent case study on the same - with a marvellous, nine-sided circular shape embodying the central the central tenets of the Baha’i’ faith. It receives 20 percent of its electricity from solar panels. While the structure may look delicate, it can withstand an earthquake of up to 8 on the Richter scale. Wondering how? Because each of its nine petals has been individually constructed and fortified. It is also one of the foremost examples of biomimetic architecture in the modern world.

An architecture dissertation is only one part of the larger process of building a portfolio. Usually, students are required to submit a thesis in addition to their architecture dissertation, to demonstrate practical skills. You can also call it a rite of passage! We’ve created the ultimate guide to nailing your architecture thesis , and we highly recommend checking it out if you’re struggling with the process of a thesis.

2. Community Centre |Public Architecture

Largo Community Centre in Florida

Architecture dissertations on community centres are a wonderful way to learn about urban development and planning. Exploring a community centre as your architecture dissertation topic would mean taking into consideration issues such as demographic analysis, community development (educational and skill-oriented), multifunctional spaces, ease of access, recreational facilities, and eco-friendly, sustainable building solutions. You can also look to design spaces that foster social relations and harmony within a local community while incorporating their culture and preferences, alongside performing case studies.

An excellent example of an innovative community centre is the Largo Community Centre in Florida. The park focuses on creating, in effect, an indoor park with meeting spaces for community members and recreational facilities by using sustainable materials.

A community centre is also an excellent project to showcase in your architecture   portfolio , essential to developing your skills and practical knowledge. Read more tips to create an incredible architecture portfolio.

Read more:  The Best Architecture Portfolios: 10 Inspiring Examples (2024)

3. Animal Shelters and Veterinary Care Centres |Healthcare Architecture

Veterinary Clinic Masan in Chur, Switzerland

It is no secret that planning and designing spaces for animals are very different from designing spaces for humans. One needs to take into account the creation of surgery and operation theatres, hospital spaces for sick animals, residential areas for staff, playing pens, grazing grounds, access to medicinal supplies , and so on. Meanwhile, also ensure that the structure is easy to clean and has enough natural light and ventilation to comfort distressed animals. Certainly a competitive analysis for your architecture dissertation!

The Veterinary Clinic Masans in Chur, Switzerland is an excellent case study for this. With 1145 m 2 of space, cutting-edge medical technology, and designed to house 17 staff members, this veterinary centre is Southeastern Switzerland’s go-to medical facility. Its partially underground structure features a green roof, serving as both a garden and playground for neighbouring residents. The interior boasts a predominantly white palette and the rooms are strategically arranged for optimal natural light, creating a calming environment. Diagnostic equipment is showcased along corridor ceilings, maintaining the clinic’s technical vibe, while the key rooms are constructed with soundproof glass fibre. Now that’s what we call a unique structure, providing tremendous design and research scope.

This structure is certainly a competitive analysis for your architecture dissertation!

4. Mass Rapid Transit Systems Design |Transportation Architecture

Mass Rapid Transit Systems Design

MRTS includes the design structure of trams, buses, metros, monorails, and commuter rails. The challenges in this unique field include mapping strategic routes, conducting population demand and density analysis, interchange zones, and so on. All the while, ensuring that the MRTS design is in line with civic and environmental goals, goals, property development, population growth, and appropriate land use. This makes it a very stimulating architecture dissertation topic.

A fabulous example is the Shinkansen (tr. in Japanese: ‘new railway line’) in Japan or the bullet train system. It connects major Japanese cities, and in the 50+ years of its operation, there has not been a single fatality, collision, or derailment. Now, that’s something!

5. Multi-Functional Urban Spaces |Urban Architecture

Potsdamer Platz in Berlin

By 2030, it is estimated that the world’s population will stand at a staggering 8.6 billion, with the 10 most populated cities seeing over 400 urban million dwellers! This makes multifunctional spaces in urban cities an increasingly important concern for developing countries. Moreover, factors like preventing urban sprawl and overcrowding, taking care of waste management, and finding more sustainable ways to build structures are taken into account while planning multifunctional cities . This must be done without a decline in the city’s living standards and with attention to issues such as mobility and equity . It is exciting and highly futuristic for your architecture dissertation topic.

An interesting example of this is the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, which turned from one of the foremost cultural and economic hubs of the city to a barren land between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. Its revival after the fall of the Berlin Wall occurred when the government announced a design competition for the plaza, which turned it into one of the largest building sites in Europe, with clearly demarcated territories of commercial centres, cultural centres, and leisure zones.

Increasingly, urban designers and architects have realised that to construct the most efficient structures for urban living, they need to use technologies such as BIM. BIM helps all stakeholders in a project stay up-to-date with the latest developments and collaborate effectively. You can read more about the best architecture firms in India that have capitalised on BIM here.

You can read more about the best architecture firms in Bangalore for internships here .

6. Co-Living Housing |Residential Architecture

Urban migration for work is an extremely common phenomenon in the current day and age. Co-living housing, statistically, is popular among young professionals who want to save funds and not take up the hassle of hunting for houses, flatmates, and furniture. A co-living unit usually comes pre-furnished and costs less than an apartment. An architecture dissertation that focuses on co-living spaces would need to take into account successful case studies, shared spaces between residents, affordability and energy efficiency, suitable privacy, and the changing trends within co-living structures.

An excellent case study on this topic is Roam Co-Living in Bali, which comes fully equipped with modern amenities a young professional would need and offers enough privacy. This unique centre has often been described as “a model of a micro-society”.

7. Sustainable Architecture

 A view of Kohinoor Hospital, Mumbai

Sustainable architecture is an increasing concern all around the globe for acquiring long-term environmental, economic, and social viability. An architecture thesis on sustainability needs to include research on various sustainable practices and their materi als, for instance — sol ar power, wind power, biomass, materials such as bamboo, and recycled plastic, among others. Sustainable architecture is a large field and, therefore, requires a narrowed-down focus on the kind of structure you are analysing, be it a hospital, a factory, or a school. It would also need to be lined up with case studies on local environmental factors and population analysis.

An excellent example of the same is Kohinoor Hospital in Mumbai. More than 40% of the resources used to construct this hospital are made of recyclable materials. In addition, the hospital focuses on water conservation. Thi s is just one of many examples. The number of structures one can explore for architecture dissertation topics on sustainabil ity is endless .

8. Urban Campus |Educational Architecture

Campus of University of Washington

Designing and researching a university campus is similar to building a small town. It accommodates student housing, dining halls, libraries, classrooms, laboratories, recreational facilities, university administration offices , and more. In addition, it also needs to be representative of the university’s ethos and cultural identity. For students, it needs to promote a sense of well-being. Energy efficiency and pedestrian safety are also essential considerations, making it a very stimulating architecture dissertation topic.

Case studies on this topic need to be extensively researched and curated. An excellent case study example is the University of Washington’s campus, with its clear demarcations, easy-to-navigate routes, libraries, and recreational facilities. On the campus, several buildings have been constructed and renovated with sustainability in mind. The university has also implemented green building standards such as LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), in many of its construction projects.

The University is recognised as a national leader for its deep commitment to sustainability on our campuses and in the community.

Read more: Passive Design Architecture Examples Around the World

9. Reinventing Villages |Residential Architecture

Picturesque of a village

Reviving villages often means rebuilding lost traditions and folklore that have been displaced or disappeared. This may occur due to economic changes , migration patterns, technological changes, and environmental degradation. Factors that need to be accounted for in an architecture dissertation on this topic are a regional historical analysis of the mentioned factors, in addition to demographic analysis for your case studies. Analysing building structures for technological progress, education, and employment generation, studying the architecture of existing structures, and focusing on the preservation of local historical monuments are some ways you can approach this topic for your architecture dissertation.

An excellent case study for the improvement of village structures is the revival of Kumbalangi fishing village by the government of Kerala . Focusing on eco-tourism, developing transportation routes, and improving the building structure for water access were some ways in which the government aided the Kumbalangi Integrated Tourism Village project.

10. Redefining Hotels and Resorts (Hospitality Architecture)

Landscape image of a hotel

An architecture dissertation on hotels and resorts has several interesting offshoots to explore. Hotels and resorts, apart from being hubs for tourists and vacation venues, can also provide historical relevance and embody local traditions. An architecture dissertation on this topic can focus on the adaptive reuse of buildings, technical and cultural redevelopment, the relationship between the psychology of space and hospitality, eco-tourism, and sustainable development of hotels.

An incredible example of a re-conceptualized hotel is the Harding Boutique Hotel , designed by the firm, Anarchitect. It combines the modernist style of acclaimed architect Geoffrey Bawa with traditional Sri Lankan architectural elements. It is located 30 minutes from the UNESCO heritage site Galle Fort , which makes it part of Sri Lanka’s prime cultural avenue.

11. Waste Management Centre (Industrial Architecture)

Waste management system

Waste management is an urgent concern in the modern world. An architecture dissertation topic of this nature would need to explore aspects such as recycling waste as construction material. This would involve analysing different kinds of waste, such as — electronic waste, industrial waste, sludge waste, and organic waste) and how they can be repurposed. It would also include studying public policy and by-laws for waste management , among other factors.

A great case study on waste management is the Holmene islets of Copenhagen . These are nine man-made islets, and their unique design combines fossil-free energy production. And the most unique part? The biowaste and waste water from Copenhagen’s 1.5 million residents are turned into clean water and bioga s!

12. Eco Museum |Cultural Architecture

Flodden 1513 Eco-Museum

An eco-museum is a structure that uses a location's historical and cultural identity for tourism and heritage appreciation. Local communities usually run eco museums which are a way for them to participate in and preserve their heritage. Sustainable development is a major factor in eco-museum construction and development. An architecture dissertation on the same would have to delve into the concept of heritage, restoring old buildings and sites, and ideating eco-friendly methods for conservation and future preservation.

A case study of a successful eco museum is the Flodden 1513 Eco Museum , which is situated on the northeastern border between Scotland and England. It was the site of a battle between English and Scottish forces in 1513 and caused the death of many noblemen and King James IV.

13. Disaster Relief Housing |Residential Architecture

Disaster relief housing

Asia and the Pacific islands are the most disaster-prone areas in the world. Over 45% of natural disasters occur in this region. This makes disaster relief architecture a very urgent concern in the area. An architecture dissertation on disaster relief housing would need to consider aspects such as the design of emergency shelter centres, sanitation access, and indexes of low-cost, weather-resistant, and easily recycled materials that ca n survive diffic ult circumstances.

An excellent case study on disaster relief housing is architecture firm Designnobis’s all-inclusive emergency shelter, Tentative. It is a disaster response tent that can adapt to almost any climate.

14. Retracing the Identity of a Crematorium (Public Architecture)

Identity of a Crematorium

Understanding funerary architecture is a unique topic for an architecture dissertation. One must understand the spatial needs of a funeral with respect to the culture and religion of the deceased person. There are many kinds of spaces to consider - cemeteries, crematoriums, tom bs, towers of silence, and so on. The significance of the materials used concerning their cultural symbolism and functional qualities is also important. Another interesting factor to explore is the environmental consequences of funerals.

An interesting case study of funerary architecture is the Parsi Tower of Silence. It is a circular, raised structure made of three concentric circles with an almost flat top. According to Zoroastrian rituals, the bodies of men are left in the outermost circle, those of women in the middle circle, and those of children in the innermost circle for scavenger birds as an act of charity to nature.

Read more: The Connection Between Art And Architecture: The Beauty of Synergy

15. Revitalising Local Markets |Commercial Architecture

Denpasar City's traditional markets

Markets have historically been a central location for shopping, trading, social gatherings, and more. In addition, they also often contain locally significant structures such as mosques and temples. When you consider revitalising local markets as part of your architecture dissertation, you have to take into account factors such as the different kinds of markets (street, enclosed, open) , their layout , spatial features , and whether they are permanent, or weekly.  In addition, you must think about their function, history, local demographics and future possibilities to understand the context of revitalisation to have a fruitful architecture dissertation on this topic.

An interesting example of a revitalised market is the Denpasar City traditional markets , where problems such as neglect in spatial planning and an increasing number of traders caused a decline in the market’s trade.

Final Notes

That concludes our list of the most interesting architecture dissertation topics you can pursue! A dissertation is an important stepping stone to the professional world of architecture. The field is rapidly changing, and the emergence of processes and digital tools has allowed students to push the technological boundaries of the kind of projects they wish to go after. Definitely, being in touch with the latest developments in the AEC industry will give you an edge while crafting your architecture dissertation and thesis.

Novatr offers courses on the most in-demand skills in the AEC industry– BIM Professional Course for Architects V2.0 . This is your opportunity to learn under the guidance of industry experts with years of real-world industry experience. Learn 15+ BIM software and workflows and also get the chance to work on challenging capstone projects, which will undoubtedly be good additions to your portfolio. If you want to know more about BIM and parametric modelling, our Resources page has plenty of informative reads!

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Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri

Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Exterior Photography, Brick, Facade, Windows

  • Curated by Hana Abdel
  • Architects: Design Kacheri
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Photographs Photographs: Shamanth Patil
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:   Exide , Kohler , Pasolite , Studer , Trimble Sketchup , ZWsoft
  • Lead Architects: Chaitra Saraf, Nidhish Kurup
  • Contractor : Real Earth Engineers
  • Structural Engineers : Mrinmayee consultants
  • MEP Consultants : Capstone Building Services & Consultants
  • Design Team:  Alex Paul, Niyati Thakur, Kishor KS
  • Sewage Treatment System:  ECO STP
  • City:  Chikmagalur
  • Country:  India
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Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Exterior Photography, Windows, Facade

Text description provided by the architects. Sunyata eco hotel is designed and built to demonstrate how a building in an urban scenario on an optimal site size can be a sustainable and eco-friendly structure. This approach extends beyond just the materials chosen or construction techniques but also to the entire construction process and the day to day operations once the hotel started functioning. The requirements and functioning of a boutique hotel where aesthetics, experience, comfort and luxury go hand in hand were given utmost importance. The project brief was to achieve these in a completely eco friendly manner with the least amount of carbon footprint possible.

Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Exterior Photography, Brick, Windows

The hotel is primarily built with locally available earth which is used in various forms - mud blocks, poured earth, rammed earth and mud concrete. Natural light, ventilation and heat is regulated by incorporating brick jaalis and mutual shading techniques. This hotel is largely designed as a load bearing structure and thus avoiding concrete columns. Age old alternative construction techniques like brick vaults, jack arch roofs, precast hourdi clay roofs and filler slabs have all been used to help reduce concrete.

Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Wood

The layout of the project is inspired by the 'thotti mane' or courtyard houses which is the vernacular style of construction in the malnad region. The structure is designed considering bioclimatic principles. There are a series of receding terraces looking out to the park adjacent to the site and the hills in a distance. These terraces also help in collecting maximum rain water during the seasonal monsoons while letting in the pleasant north light into the rooms. The rain water from the terraces is further routed to the central courtyard and stored in large rain water storage tanks created between the foundation. These tanks can store up to 45,000 litres of water and the remaining is directed to recharge the open well.

Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Exterior Photography, Brick, Facade

The water collected at the courtyard passes through natural filters and excess water is collected in a water body. A 30 feet deep well is excavated for the purpose of water collection. Breaking away from the common practice of excavating borewells, the open well does not have any negative impacts on the aquifers and also allows for the ground water to percolate from the sides. An eco STP takes care of sullage water which is also recycled for reuse. The unique ECOSTP technology does not use chemicals or energy to treat the water. Instead, it mimics the processes of the natural world using a combination of microorganisms, plants and gravel to clean sewage water and return clean water back to mother earth, completing the ‘cradle to cradle’ sustainable lifecycle.

Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Exterior Photography, Brick, Windows

Passive cooling is achieved by incorporating a combination of solar chimneys(along the south & west walls) and earth air tunnels connected to cool air shafts that open into each room inducing passive ventilation, thus avoiding air conditioning in all spaces. Three loops of HDPE pipes of approximately 75m length each are placed at -3.5m from natural ground level. These pipes start and end at the air handling units in the basement. Solar panels are used for producing electricity and the panels were installed in a phased manner. All the equipment involved in construction including brick making was powered by solar energy to avoid drawing electricity from the grid.

Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Image 26 of 27

The interiors are very minimal. Every material and element of the structure is highlighted in its true self. Exposed bricks, earthen walls and exposed concrete with contrasting black stone floor becomes the feature in each space. Beds, sofas, chairs and wardrobes are custom made in cane. Some of the old cane and wooden furniture were sourced and re-purposed too. Local stone artisans, cane craftsmen, potters and plantation workers who were unemployed during non-harvest months were trained and employed. Sunyata eco hotel is an operating boutique hotel today which is self sufficient in generating the resources it needs to function while also being an experience centre for living in an eco friendly space.

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Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri - Exterior Photography, Brick, Facade, Windows

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Address: chikmagalur, karnataka, india.

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© Shamanth Patil

本土材料与传统工艺,Sunyata 生态酒店 / Design Kacheri

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20 Thesis topics related to Healthcare Architecture

architecture thesis hospitality

Healthcare Architecture is one of the most important, complex, and demanding fields as it requires precision, needs, and respect for privacy. As architects, we design these structures so that the public is able to walk through the health care system in a proper way. There are many students who work with the topic during their thesis project as it is not only challenging but also opens new doors into tackling pandemics such as Covid-19.

Here are 20 thesis topics related to healthcare architecture:

20 Thesis topics related to Healthcare in Architecture

1. Children friendly healthcare design

Children’s hospitals have been one of the most challenging designs. As the hospital is the last place a child might want to go. So making hospitals less scary and motivating the children to accept the care is one of the biggest psychological challenges that the designer has to encounter. But when dealing with children it can help unleash the child inside the designer. So if you can design for those little ones; this one’s for you.

2. Multispecialty hospital design

A hospital design that deals with different types of multispeciality facilities available under one single roof. This design is in high demand in the urban context and is one of the biggest rising designs. As they’re able to adhere and cater to a large number of people with different ailments.

3. Drug rehabilitation center

Addiction has been and is going to be one of the biggest ailments that our generations have encountered. As there is a subsequent increase in the death rates that have been caused by an overdose of drugs. And somewhere there is a share of rehabilitation spaces too. As they need to feel less of a prison and more of a recovery center which can guarantee the addicted people that this is the road to recovery. Hence the role of architecture is highly important in this context. So if you would like to bring a change to this biggest problem of generation this one’s for you.

4. Redesigning intensive care units

One of the most unique and detailed topics of healthcare architecture which peek into the technicalities of the medical world. With a dominating services part. As including the technical part, there is a lot to design on this topic as it is one of the key elements of the hospitals.

5. Mental health hospital design

Still today mental health problems are always seen with a judgemental eye. And mental hospitals are still aren’t reached by the suffering people just out of the pressure and disgrace created around mental problems. This is why there is an immense need to break the imageability of the mental hospitals and redefine them in a new thought. A new image that can make it a lot less scary and way more approachable. So if you want to risk and break the mold; this is the best one.

6. Autistic healthcare redesign

Autistic care is one of the most creative and challenging ones. As they need for us to dwell into the life of autistic children and understand how their world works. And how can we make it better? Even though the percentage of their population might be small their needs are often ignored as most of the time they’re pushed into our normal worlds that don’t cater to their needs or care at all. So if you would like to step into their shoes and empathize. This one is a good option for you to choose from.

7. Advanced trauma recovery and care center

Trauma is a lot of complex phenomena that don’t just affect momentarily but can change a person’s life forever. Which makes these trauma recovery centers all the more important. They’re supposed to provide the care and refuge for them that can make them feel better and start their journey to recovery. It is a challenging phenomenon to give a solution to through architecture. But the built environment can do wonders that are beyond the comprehension of the human mind.

8. Cancer hospital and research center

Cancer hospitals are one of the most important elements of society and are always needed. With a large amount of infrastructure, technology, and care involved in making them. It undoubtedly makes it one of the most promising thesis topics.

9. Counseling Clinic: Rethinking mental healthcare

Counseling clinics are on a subsequent rise as they are easily approached and overall more preferred by the people who feel they need help. So this design doesn’t just need to step out from the big scary hospital vibe to a friendly place where one might feel like going to have some help. This thesis explores a lot of urban human psychology and the needs of today’s generations of healthcare. Indeed a topic for the promising future.

10. Juvenile trauma recovery center

With the considerable increase in juvenile crimes . Juvenile health and development have been the top priority of many countries worldwide. So out of the many efforts being done for their betterment, this one is one of the most crucial ones. This design needs to cater to the raging young minds while healing them of their trauma and help them walk the road of recovery without falling into the traps of crime. Children’s psychology will play a very important role in their recovery. Thus this project in a real sense is going to shape the future of tomorrow.

11. Pediatric hospital and care center

This one demands a good understanding of infant to toddler development and physiology. Their reactions in certain environments and how to make a peaceful place that can cater to these tender beings with care. It is a very creative and positive topic that prolifically deals with the news.

12. Lodging and care center for cancer patients

Peeking deeper into the journey of a cancer warrior. It gives us the chance to create a better environment for them when they’re battling and are feeling at their lowest. This calls for healing that is done through spaces that make them feel less pained and can provide hope. Something design is very much capable of.

13. Prison recovery and rehabilitation center

The time post-prison is as important as the time inside is. As the prisoners are often left in open with a shock of a new reality right ahead of them. Which at times is a lot to handle, especially in a positive mindset. Thus this rehab center won’t just make them prepared, but also will help them step into this new world as a better human.

14. Adaptive reuse of hospital buildings

The reuse of hospital spaces is challenging. But provides ample opportunities on the way depending on the context and background the design is going to set up in.

15. Cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survival unit

Covering the whole process of development and recovery this center is supposed to be the most important center in the life of the patients who are to be motivated and kept hopeful throughout. Which requires a conscious approach as a designer to make a space that can help them feel better and give them a will to survive.

16. Eldercare: Redefining healthcare for the elderly

Care for the elderly can be one of the needed topics in today’s world. As the care they need is much beyond a hospital. As they need a hospital that feels like hope. A place where they will be willing to stay rather than run away from. And the design can be the one that can create such an effect successfully.

17. Rural hospice center redesign

Hospice centers in rural areas serve as many other things rather than just healthcare architecture. They act as a refuge space for the general public and even an educational area. Considering its multidimensional use it can be used for many things. Thus providing it as an opportunity to work on a singular space that can serve as a multipurpose space .

18. Dementia: Care center redesign

The dementia care center is a healthcare architecture design that deals with the lives of dementia suffering patients. Which requires them to step into the shoes of the patients. As it can help us create a good environment for them.

19. Behavioral Healthcare facility

The behavioral health facility is the new healthcare facility that has been created. Which has been created to tackle the behavioral and other problems that are dealt with every day in the urban and rural contexts? Thus making it more approachable for the people suffering it. And thus it can become one of the futuristic architecture designs

20. Post-trauma recovery center

From the admission phase to the complete recovery. Different phases are involved and are needed to be catered carefully. Thus it makes the healthcare architecture of the space equally important in the healing of the trauma and the road towards recovery.

20 Thesis topics related to Healthcare in Architecture

Renuka is an artist, architect, and writer. With a keen interest in psychology; she is passionate about 'User-centric and need-based designs'. As an empath herself she finds writing as a way to empower and voice people. While aiming to make this world a better place as a designer.

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1. Juna Life Country Club Hotel

Krasnaya gorka hotels information.

  • Juna Life Country Club Hotel


  1. Hospitality

    architecture thesis hospitality

  2. Hospitality

    architecture thesis hospitality

  3. Hospitality

    architecture thesis hospitality

  4. Resort and Hotel

    architecture thesis hospitality

  5. Resort and Hotel

    architecture thesis hospitality

  6. Thesis: Hospitality/Wellness Resort's Sanctuary

    architecture thesis hospitality


  1. How to start with your Architecture Thesis

  2. Communication in hospitality management

  3. How to do case study for architecture thesis?

  4. Architecture Thesis-2023

  5. Final Defense Master Thesis in Tourism and Hospitality



  1. Redefining Hotels and Resorts

    Redefining Hotels and Resorts - Architecture dissertation topics In the realm of architecture, the evolution of design philosophies and concepts is an ever-revolving door. Within this dynamic field, the sector of hospitality architecture stands out as a canvas where innovation and creativity merge to redefine the guest experience. This article delves into the intricate world of

  2. Architecture Thesis Projects: A Comprehensive List of 30 ...

    Choosing an architecture thesis topic can be quite challenging. Make it easy by checking out this list of 30 architecture thesis projects with examples. ... there is a lot of potential to do impressive research for your architecture thesis project! Hospitality and Tourism Projects. Eco-Tourist Hub of KHONOMA Village, By Shanjo A. Kithan (Source

  3. Architecture and Hospitality

    Architecture and hospitality go hand in hand. This thesis is a study of an architecture of hospitality that is informed by both site, culture, and climate conditions as well as cultural changes in the hospitality industry under the new conditions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.

  4. Dissertations / Theses: 'Hospitality architecture'

    Architecture and hospitality go hand in hand. This thesis is a study of an architecture of hospitality that is informed by both site, culture, and climate conditions as well as cultural changes in the hospitality industry under the new conditions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Master of Architecture

  5. Sustainable strategies for green hotel design

    sustainable hotel operations: energy and water conservation, solid and hazardous waste. management, indoor air quality, community outreach, building infrastructure, environmental. management, and land use. Green Globe International is the standard for green hotels worldwide, certified hotels.

  6. PDF Thesis Hospitality Final

    is an American. multinational hospitality corporation that manages and franchises a broad portfolio of hotels and resorts. The brand was originally founded by Conrad Hilton in May 1919, in Cisco, Texas. Hilton is headquartered in Tyson's Corner, Virginia. As of March 31, 2019, its portfolio includes 5,757 properties with 923,110 rooms in 113 ...

  7. Hotel Architecture for the Creative Class

    With the design of Luxor's high-speed inclined elevators, codes had to be updated and it was deter mined that the 0.5g limit was outdated. Thus, the code was changed to pres ent day's maximum horizontal force of 0.1g for 125 milliseconds with gradual acceleration and deceleration or 0.25g for emergency stops.32.

  8. Architecture of contemporary spa hospitality

    CURRENT TENDENCIES IN DESIGNING SP A HOTELS. UDC 725.751. Milan Brzaković, Marko Nikolić, Aleksandar Milojković. University of Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Niš, Serbia ...

  9. 15 Most Intriguing Architecture Dissertation Topics in 2024

    10. Redefining Hotels and Resorts (Hospitality Architecture) An architecture dissertation on hotels and resorts has several interesting offshoots to explore. Hotels and resorts, apart from being hubs for tourists and vacation venues, can also provide historical relevance and embody local traditions. ... Architecture Thesis Projects: A ...

  10. Hospitality and the Housing Crisis: Reclaiming Abandoned Architecture

    The adaptive reuse of hospitality architecture, especially abandoned buildings, is a step towards alleviating the housing crisis in cities around the world.

  11. Hospitality Architecture

    The most inspiring residential architecture, interior design, landscaping, urbanism, and more from the world's best architects. Find all the newest projects in the category Hospitality ...

  12. Hotel Thesis Architecture

    Writing a thesis on hotel architecture can be challenging due to the complexity of the topic and breadth of research required. It involves understanding architectural principles, design elements, functionality needs, and industry trends. Conducting thorough research from academic sources and case studies to support the thesis is time-consuming. The thesis must then articulate the ideas and ...

  13. Architecture of Contemporary Spa Hospitality

    Set across 5,000 m2, with over 100 treatment rooms and offices, the spa and medical department is organized by department: aesthetic, hydrotherapy, and medical. The reception areas and doctors' offices are set around courtyards, bringing in natural light and maintaining a constant consonance with nature.

  14. 20 Types of Architecture thesis topics

    While choosing an architectural thesis topic, it is best to pick something that aligns with your passion and interest as well as one that is feasible. Out of the large range of options, here are 20 architectural thesis topics. 1. Slum Redevelopment (Urban architecture) Slums are one of the rising problems in cities where overcrowding is pertinent.

  15. List of architecture dissertation topics

    Hospitality has always been a diverse concept, from greeting to offering meals, and architecture has magnificently contributed to constantly adapting this diversity. This kind of architecture dissertation topic confronts one to be pitch-perfect in the functional planning and circulation of spaces and at the same time create a statement design.

  16. Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri

    Wood Brick Projects Built Projects Selected Projects Hospitality Architecture Hotels Chikmagalur On Facebook India. Published on May 21, 2022. Cite: "Sunyata Eco Hotel / Design Kacheri" 21 May 2022.

  17. Krasnaya Gorka Map

    Krasnaya Gorka is a hamlet in Moscow Oblast, Central Russia. Krasnaya Gorka is situated nearby to Дубровка and Podlesnaya (Shatursky District).

  18. Luxury Hotels in Krasnaya Gorka, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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  19. 20 Thesis topics related to Healthcare Architecture

    Here are 20 thesis topics related to healthcare architecture: ©Pinterest. 1. Children friendly healthcare design. Children's hospitals have been one of the most challenging designs. As the hospital is the last place a child might want to go. So making hospitals less scary and motivating the children to accept the care is one of the biggest ...

  20. Krasnaya Gorka Map

    Krasnaya Gorka is a locality in Moscow Oblast. Krasnaya Gorka is situated nearby to Dubrovka and Podlesnaya (Shatursky District). Mapcarta, the open map.

  21. THE BEST Krasnaya Gorka Resorts 2024 (with Prices)

    Best Krasnaya Gorka Resorts on Tripadvisor: Find 64 traveler reviews, 64 candid photos, and prices for resorts in Krasnaya Gorka, Moscow Oblast, Russia.