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This article was published on 2024-08-21

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How to apply for a PhD

PhD Student Applications

PhD Applications

The postgraduate research degree offered at the School of Mathematics is the PhD.  The PhD programme is three years in length with an additional year to write up and submit your thesis should it be needed. However, please note if you are offered a fully funded place, you will receive four years of funding (stipend and all fees). The students admitted typically have an MSc degree, or 1 st  class honours degree (or its international equivalent). From the start of their studies, they are assigned a main supervisor with whom they work closely throughout their degree programme and a second supervisor who provides additional help and pastoral support. Applications are invited for PhD studies for September each year. Occasionally students are admitted at other times of the year by special arrangement.  To request the possibility of admission at another time of the year, please  email  the Graduate School with further details of your request. 

All applications received by  22 January 2024 will receive full consideration for funding.  Later applications will be considered until all positions are filled.

If you are applying for EDCS or the China Scholarship, please ensure you check the relevant application deadline. These scholarships do require a separate application.  The deadline for EDCS applications is 19 February 2024.

We accept applications from students who have secured external funding at all times of the year - Please make this clear on your application, and if you are in contact with a potential supervisor.

How to Apply

Step 1: meet our entry requirements.

Our minimum entry requirements are a 1 st  class Honours degree (or its international equivalent) OR a 2:1 Honours degree (or its international equivalent) plus a Masters degree (or its international equivalent) in a relevant subject. Typically, candidates have a good understanding of the field they propose to study, and some research experience.

Students applying for a research degree should identify their research interests and determine in which  research group  they wish to carry out their work. They are encouraged to contact staff members prior to their application in order to identify possible research projects and supervisors. However, it is not essential for you to have secured a supervisor before submitting your application. You can note proposed supervisor(s) on your appliction form.

Non-UK candidates may be required to provide a evidence of proficiency in the English language. For full details on English language requirements, please see this page . Applicants must have one of the following qualifications as evidence of their English language ability:

an undergraduate or masters degree, that was taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country as defined by UK Visas and Immigration ( UKVI list of majority English speaking countries ) 

  • IELTS Academic: total 6.5 with at least 6.0 in each component
  • TOEFL-iBT : total 92 with at least 20 in each section
  • PTE(A) : total 61 with at least 56 in each of the Communicative Skills scores
  • CAE and CPE : total 176 with at least 169 in each paper
  • Trinity ISE : ISE II with distinctions in all four components

Degrees taught and assessed in English must be no more than 3.5 years old at the date of the beginning of your degree programme. English language test certificates must be no more than 2 years old at the beginning of your degree programme, or 3.5 years for CAE & CPE.

Step 2: Apply online

Make an online application to the appropriate PhD programme(s) (see below) . You will be asked to upload documents at the start of the application process. 

The documentation that we require you to upload to your application is:

  • Interim or final transcript(s)  - (depending on what stage you are at in your studies) of your Undergraduate Degree, and Masters Degree, if applicable.
  • Final degree certificate(s) - for your Undergraduate Degree, and Masters Degree, if applicable.
  • Two academic references to be provided directly by referees. Enter their names and email addresses in the required areas, and an automated email will be forwarded to them requesting a reference upload. We will not accept references uploaded by applicants.
  • A CV - You can upload this in the place of a research proposal, which is not required for your application.
  • English Language Test Certificate (where applicable) - please see here . 

Where you are asked for your project proposal, you may ignore that request, the School of Mathematics does not require a research proposal . Although the EUCLID application system will request that you upload one, you can just ignore this request. The reason that you will be asked for one is that the system applies to all Schools throughout the University and some Schools do require a research proposal. In the place of a research proposal, please upload an up to date CV. There is no need to upload any certificates for the degree you are currently studying (if you have not been issued one) - instead, official interim transcripts will be required.

Official translations of any documents not in written English are required. 

On the application form, where it asks for funding information - please enter 'School of Mathematics'. Each application will automatically be considered for one of our scholarships. Please indicate any other potential source of funding you have, have applied for or are intending to apply for (see Step 3).  If you have secured external funding, please provide evidence of the funding along with your application.

Step 3: Funding

Please review and apply for all applicable sources of funding noted on the What funding is available for your PhD  page.

Please apply via the research pages below:

  • Algebra PhD
  • Analysis PhD
  • Applied and Computational Mathematics PhD
  • Geometry and Topology PhD
  • Mathematical Physics PhD
  • Optimization and Operational Research PhD
  • Probability & Stochastic Analysis PhD
  • Statistics PhD
  • Mathematics Education

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PhD by Distance

The PhD by Distance programme allows students who are unable to commit to basing themselves in Edinburgh to study for a PhD in a field of History, Classics or Archaeology from their home country or city.

Woman sitting working at a laptop

What's involved?

The PhD by Distance mode is available to all applicants for eligible HCA PhD programmes, who will apply via the Postgraduate Degree Finder . Applicants will select between on-campus and distance options, as well as between part-time and full-time options.

PhD by Distance students will receive the same level of support and supervision as on-campus students. The frequency with which students will meet with their supervisors, and method of communication for supervision sessions, will be provisionally agreed at the point of application and confirmed during induction. 

Please be aware that some funding bodies do not permit students to study by distance, for example both  ESRC  and  AHRC  regulations currently state that students must be residents at the Institution where they are studying.

Entry requirements

The entry requirements for the PhD by Distance are the same as for the School’s on-campus PhD programmes.  

In addition, applicants to the PhD by Distance will also be required to complete a PhD by Distance Applicant Admission Form. This form must be emailed to the Postgraduate Research Office ( [email protected] ) who will upload this to your application on your behalf.

Applicants should provide information about previous experience of distance study together with a statement detailing the potential risks and characteristics of distance learning. It is important that student’s applying for this mode of study recognise its particular challenges. While experience of studying at a distance is desirable in applying for the programme, this is not a specific requirement for admission. All of this should be discussed with the potential supervisor(s) prior to application and can be reflected on further during the admissions interview.

Applicants should also use this additional application form to provide details of the access they will have to research facilities at the normal site of study and where the core datasets that they will rely on are located.

Working whilst studying

The School understands that many students will take on paid work alongside their studies. The University’s guidance for full-time PhD students is that they should work no more than an average of 9 hours per week for across the academic year, to ensure they have time for their studies. While there are no specific rules about how many hours part-time students can work, the School recommends that part-time students allocate at least two to three days a week, on average across the year, to their PhD research. You should discuss any working patterns that you have with your proposed supervisor and reflect on the time you are devoting to your studies throughout your programme, particularly if you are struggling to make sufficient progress; this might well be a topic for discussion at annual reviews. Please note that if you need to apply for an extension at the end of your programme, you cannot use the fact that you had a job alongside your studies as a justification for this – an extension request can only be based on unforeseen circumstances. If you need to take on more work for a temporary period of time and this will impact on your studies, you should consider an Authorised Interruption of Studies.

This article was published on 2024-08-01

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FAQs - How to apply?

Some commonly asked questions regarding applying.

If I send my CV (resume) directly to you, will you admit me?

No, we are not able to consider an applicant's suitability or eligibility without a complete application, including all the supporting documents. If you want to be considered for admission, you must submit an application using our online applications system (which is referred to with the University as EUCLID).

How to apply

Is there an application fee?

We do not charge a fee for you to apply for admission. However, applicants receiving an offer of admission for a taught MSc programme, either unconditional or conditional, will be asked to pay a non-refundable tuition fee deposit to secure their place on the programme. For research degrees, there is no deposit or entry fee. For further information, contact admissions.

Paying the deposit for taught MSc programmes in Informatics

Is there an application deadline?

You can apply at any time. However, to be considered for funding, you need to apply within the appropriate funding round. An early application is particularly important for overseas (non-EU) applicants.

Does submitting an application mean I am automatically considered for funding/scholarships?

No, you may have to submit a short application form for some scholarships. Please check our scholarship pages:

R esearch scholarships

CDT programmes, however, are exempt from the above as when applying for any of the CDT programmes in the School of Informatics, applicants will automatically be considered for fully funded CDT studentships for which they are eligible.

Which programme should I pick?

If you are considering a PhD programme linked to a research institute, consult the following web page to learn about their work.

Research institutes

If you have chosen a research topic from the following web page, then pick the institute corresponding to the person listed under ‘Contact’.

Research grant funding

Information about other topics of interest to potential supervisors may be found in our research directory:

Research directory

If you are considering a PhD programme linked to one of the School’s CDTs, please visit the following webpage to learn more about their work:

Centres for Doctoral Training

I am interested in two PGR programmes / two topics. Which one should I pick?

You are welcome to submit an application to more than one institute or CDT PGR programme but please tailor each application to each individual programme through your research proposal and other elements.

If you’re interested in more than one topic, you are welcome to mention both in your application - you could discuss both in your research proposal.

What documents do you need in support of my application?

When you make an application online, via EUCLID, you would normally also upload:

  • A Curriculum Vitae (CV) (which includes your educational history, work experience and any relevant research publications)
  • A degree certificate and academic transcript for each degree you currently hold, or an interim transcript for degrees you are currently studying.
  • If your first language is not English, a language certificate showing evidence of your proficiency in English (see section 12).
  • Two academic references
  • For research degrees only: a research proposal (see section 13).You may also upload additional supporting documents that you think will help us to assess your application.

If you do not have all these documents to hand when you complete the online application form, you can submit your online application without them and you will be expected to provide them later in the application process. However, you should note that we cannot consider your application for admission until all the documents noted above (apart from an English language certificate) have been received. All documents should be official, i.e. signed and/or stamped by the issuing Institution. If your documents are not in English, certified translations will also be required.

You can find additional, detailed guidance on submitting an application for an Informatics PGR programme under the links below.

Planning submission PGR application

What if I don't have my degree certificate yet?

Our online applications system (which is referred to as EUCLID) may ask you to provide your degree certificate. If your studies are not yet complete, you will not be able to provide this. We can still consider your application without the degree certificate. However, you will still be required to provide an official interim transcript (which will be signed and/or stamped by your University) for your degrees that are in progress.

Please note that if your application is successful, your offer of admission will be conditional on you providing the degree certificate and final transcript as soon as they become available, i.e. once your degree is completed.

What is an academic transcript, and how do I obtain it? What is an interim transcript?

An academic transcript is a list of all courses taken, all grades received, all honours awarded and degrees conferred. An interim transcript provides similar information for degrees you are yet to complete (it may also show the expected grade or level of award if you are near the end of the programme of study).

The transcript is usually issued by Student Administration/Registry of the relevant institution. If the transcript is not in English you will also need to submit a certified translation (see below).

What if my documents are not in English?

Where your original degree certificate, academic transcript, or other relevant documents are not in English you must provide an officially certified translation. This means:

  • a translation certified as accurate by the institution that issued the certificate or transcript OR
  • a translation certified as accurate by the British Council, a British Embassy or Consulate OR
  • a translation certified as accurate by a professional translation service

Do I need a Master’s degree to apply for a PhD?

No. We may, however, suggest to some applicants that they study for a Master’s degree before coming to do a PhD if we consider that additional preparation is necessary. Also, some funding sources provide four years of funding covering an MSc followed by a PhD.

What evidence of proficiency in English do you require?

If English is not your first language then you must submit a copy of a recent English language test certificate.

Any offer of a place will be conditional on you obtaining a required score on this test.

The English language qualifications we accept are listed below.

All applicants must have one of the following qualifications as evidence of their English language ability:

  • an undergraduate or Masters degree, that was taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country as defined by UK Visas and Immigration or taught and assessed in English at a university on our List of Approved Universities.
  • IELTS Academic: total 6.5 with at least 6.0 in each component
  • TOEFL-iBT: total 92 with at least 20 in each section
  • CAE and CPE: total 176 with at least 169 in each paper
  • Trinity ISE: ISE II with distinctions in all four components

Degrees taught and assessed in English must be no more than three and a half years old at the beginning of your degree programme. Language tests must be no more than two years old at the beginning of your degree programme.

What is a Research Proposal?

When you apply for a research degree (PhD, MPhil or MSc by Research) you will be asked to indicate a proposed topic of study, and to submit a research proposal describing your proposed research topic in more detail. What you write here is not binding on what you will finally study, but will give us a useful impression of your background, interests and ideas.

It is very important in assessing your application, and potential supervisors will be looking at your proposal for evidence that you have an appropriate background knowledge for the topic area, and your own ideas about how research on that topic should best be taken forward. If you have not yet decided on a precise area of study, please tell us about areas of Informatics that you find most interesting and why, in as much detail as possible.

If you have contacted a potential supervisor before you make your application, they may be willing to advise you in the preparation of your research proposal.

Research Proposal

What do you mean by ‘first or upper second class honours degree or its equivalent’?

The University of Edinburgh requires postgraduate research students to hold at least a first or upper second class bachelor’s degree or its international equivalent before they can be admitted to a higher degree.  For more information on international degree equivalencies, please see below.

International degree equivalencies

In the absence of highly relevant work or other experience, we will normally reject applications from candidates whose degrees are not of this standard. Note that this is a minimum standard, and a higher standard may be needed for your application to be competitive for admission or funding.

We take the ranking of the university at which you studied into account in determining whether or not your degree is equivalent to a first or upper second class honours degree in the UK.

What if I don’t have the necessary academic qualifications for entry but can evidence significant and exceptional work experience in a research environment?  

The University of Edinburgh is committed to increasing the diversity of its student population by presenting no unnecessary barriers in its admissions selection processes to prospective students currently underrepresented in higher education. 

We recognise that some prospective students may not be able to evidence that they meet the University’s entry requirements through the accepted qualifications detailed in University publications, but they are able to provide substantial and relevant alternative evidence that they have the potential to succeed on their chosen programme. 

As such, we may consider applications from candidates who do not possess the necessary academic qualifications but can successfully evidence significant and exceptional work experience/capability within a research environment and can evidence a strong research publication record.  Entry on this basis is assessed under the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and is assessed on a case by case basis. 

More information on RPL is available here:

How is my Research degree application accessed?

Applications are first checked for completeness: you may be asked to provide missing information. They are then assessed by at least two academic staff members within the Institute to which you have applied.

You may be invited for interview or interviewed by phone or video call at this stage.

A first decision is made about admission: students can potentially be admitted if they meet our high academic standards and a staff member is willing to act as their supervisor. Students eligible for admission are then further considered for funding; in general, we cannot offer funding to all admissible students but try to fund as many admissible students as possible.

Admission decisions will be communicated to you through the EUCLID system; most funding decisions will be communicated to you informally by email and formally by an ‘offer’ letter. For a September start, we try to make most offers around March, but there can be many factors that delay a decision, in which case we will try to keep you informed about the status of your application. If you are funded by external sources, we may be able to issue a decision more quickly.

I have received an offer from another university before hearing your decision, and I need to respond. What should I do?

Sometimes we can make early offers to exceptional candidates who have received an offer from elsewhere and need to respond before our offer is due. Please contact us if you are in that position. (General contact details may be found at the end of this factsheet). Expect us to take a few days to come to a decision.

I am applying for external funding, and I need an offer from you to apply, but have not yet heard your decision. What should I do?

We are sometimes able to make early admission decisions for applicants who need this information to apply for funding. Please contact us if you are in that position. Expect us to take a few days to come to a decision.

You have accepted me as a PhD student, but the letter says that you cannot yet offer funding. What does that mean?

We may let you know about your admission status before we have made the funding decision. If a funding decision has been made, the offer letter should clearly state either the source of funding, OR that you are expected to fund yourself. If it does not state either, then the decision has not been made, and a further letter concerning funding will follow. In the meantime, you might well be able to use the offer of admission to apply for alternative sources of funding yourself. If you are unsure about your offer, please contact us.

You have accepted me as a PhD student, but the letter says that you expect me to be self-funding. Can I assume I will find funding once I arrive?

No. When you accept a self-funded place, you are agreeing to fully cover the costs of study, which is clearly set out in advance, from your own resources. For research degrees, please speak to your potential supervisor if you are expecting a funded offer, as allocations may be ongoing.

May I transfer to the University of Edinburgh from another university?

It may be possible to arrange for you to transfer from another institution and for you to complete your PhD at the University of Edinburgh. You should apply to us in the normal way and contact us to explain your circumstances. We will then be able to provide specific guidance on the application process. When an application for transfer is accepted, the amount of “credit” allowed for study elsewhere will be determined at the admissions stage only and on a case-by-case basis.

What start date should I choose from my research degree (excluding CDT programmes)?

We usually recommend that students start in September or February when a formal induction takes place. We have had feedback that it is hard to start at other times of the year as it might be slightly more difficult to integrate with the rest of the cohort. There might be other issues, from finding accommodation to get going on studies, due to the structure of the academic year, e.g. holidays, exams and courses overseen by supervisors. Alternative start dates might be possible if you do not wish to start in September or February.

Please choose a realistic start date for your degree, which is at least 3 months from the time you submit your application (especially if you are an international student). This would be sufficient time for the application and visa process to be completed. Receiving your visa can take several weeks, depending on your location and nationality. This should also allow you time to book your flights, consider accommodation options, and make other arrangements for your study at the University of Edinburgh.

If you are applying for scholarships, you may need to choose a particular start date. Please check the particular requirements of the scholarship, and choose your start date accordingly.

I have another question, who do I ask?

Taught msc enquiries:.

Tel: +44 (0) 131 650 5737

Email us  

PhD, MPhil and MSc by Research enquiries

Tel: +44 (0) 131 650 3091

This article was published on 2024-03-18


, if you are not , please , if this is not your email, please £0.00  >   >   > 

If you are a currently registered student and not yet graduated, then you can request copies of your transcript free of charge from your School Office.

An academic transcript confirms your programme of study, the total number of credits and a breakdown of modules studied with us and results for these individual modules.

The transcript will be produced on official Edinburgh Napier Transcript paper. If you have any queries, please contact .

.  .

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Required Documents Guidelines

On submission you must provide as a minimum your official transcript and grading scheme, CV, research proposal or cover letter, name of preferred supervisor, and contact details of two referees. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

When submitting your application please make sure you submit all the required documents described below, as only complete applications will be considered.

The one exception to this is that you may submit your English language certificate after you have submitted your online application for the PhD programme. Any offer made will be conditional on provision of your English certificate at the minimum letter.

Required Supporting Documents

1. Research Proposal or Cover Letter

Normally students will submit a proposal of approximately 3,000 to 5,000 words.

However, if you are joining a specific project, as with the PhD in Financial Technology programme, you will instead need to submit a cover letter detailing why you are the perfect candidate for that particular project.

Research Proposal Guidelines

2. Degree Certificates

Please provide a certified English translation if applicable.

Certified Translations

3. Degree Transcripts

Your official transcript and grading scheme must be provided on submission. Please provide a certified English translation if applicable.

Grading Scheme Example Certified Translations

4. Reports from Two Referees

Please ensure that you provide at least one academic reference in support of your application. This should be from your most recent course of studies , commenting on your suitability for the programme.

You may either:

  • Upload two references on letter-headed paper, signed and dated by the referees
  • Choose for the system to send an automated email request to your chosen referees with guidelines for uploading statements to the system

Uploading References

If uploading references to the system, please ensure that your references:

  • Are on letter-headed paper (not a web download)
  • Are each signed and dated by the referee
  • Are no older than one year prior to the proposed start date
  • Contain contact details for the referee including an email address belonging to an institution or organisation

Sending Reference Requests

If sending an automated email request to your chosen referees, please ensure you:

  • Contact your referees prior to submitting your application to obtain their agreement to act as a referee for your application
  • Check your inbox on the University's online application system, EUCLID, to ensure your referees have uploaded their reports. We are unable to contact referees on your behalf, so it is your responsibility to issue any reminders should the need arise

Reference Template

5. English Language Qualification

Required if English is not your first language. See the Entry Requirements for your programme for accepted certificates.

Please provide a summary of your education, employment experience, and achievements.

  • Certified translations

Grading Scheme Example

  • Degree certificates and academic transcripts
  • Are no older than two years prior to the proposed start date

Further Information

  • Reference requirements

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Welcome to the E4 Doctoral Training Partnership

UKRI NERC research council logo

Find out more about the E4 DTP's offer and setting. 

How to Apply

How to Apply

Applications for September 2024 are now closed.


The E4 DTP brings together 33 partners, forming one of the largest UK's academic clusters in envionmental research.


Look up our current DTP students and read our alumni profiles.

Further NERC-Funded Opportunities

NERC sometimes awards additional streams of money through the E4 DTP such as placement schemes or studentships.


Information for supervisors, partners and current students.

This article was published on 2024-02-12

  • United Kingdom
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • Posted on: 9 September 2024

Fully funded PhD project under Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks "FOCAL": QKD satellite network optimisation based on realistic atmospheric channel models

Job information, offer description.

This fully funded PhD position is available under the recently launched Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) project " FOCAL " (Free-space Optical Communications for Aerial-sateLlite networks).

  • PhD position title : QKD satellite network optimisation based on realistic atmospheric channel models


The objectives of this PhD project include:

  • Optimal transceiver front-end design and QKD protocol optimisation for maximum performance taking into account real world transceiver imperfections and link impairments;
  •  AI-based QKD network optimisation for different traffic matrices and user geographical distribution; 
  • Investigating potential of adaptive optics to enhance the QKD link quality in presence of atmospheric turbulence.
  • University of Edinburgh, UK 
  • TESAT, Germany
  • Think Quantum, Italy

General escription of the "FOCAL" MSCA DN Project :

With currently 3 billion people lacking access to broadband internet worldwide, European operators are struggling to fill the white areas with insufficient or nonexistent connectivity. In light of the early promises of 6G wireless networks, it is tempting to consider non-terrestrial networks as complementary to the ground-based radio and fiber infrastructure. However, radio frequency-based satellite systems are nearing their capacity limits and cannot be scaled further. Free-space optical technology is a natural alternative to deliver greater capacity and to better address data security needs by leveraging quantum key distribution. The first optical intersatellite links are being deployed in commercial networks at relatively low data rate (10 Gbps). However, once the most important remaining research challenges are resolved, they could rapidly expand and serve as a catalyst for the development of a new communication backbone in the sky, consisting of aerial and space optical nodes at different altitudes. The overarching aim of the FOCAL project is to train a new generation of highly qualified doctoral candidates in developing innovative aerial and space optical wireless technologies that will provide future telecommunication networks with ubiquitous connectivity, resilience, and quantum-proof security. In addition to contributing to the fundamental understanding and technical know-how of such networks through co-supervised individual research projects, FOCAL will train talented and innovative researchers with multidisciplinary expertise and skills that are desirable in this European industrial sector. This will be achieved through a combination of theoretical and hands-on research training provided by a unique consortium of 16 academic and 10 industrial partners from 8 countries, resulting in collaborative research including co-supervision and secondments, as well as transferable training skills, which is necessary for prosperous careers in this prominent R&I area.

More information on the project can be found on the following URL:

Where to apply


The candidates must have a MSc (or an equivalent) degree in physics, electrical, electronics, telecommunications or photonics engineering. A solid background in communications or signal processing is an important asset.

The candidate must have a very good English language proficiency (oral and written expression) and be keen for short-term stays ("secondments") in partner institutions.

In addition, the following qualifications will be highly appreciated:

  • Experience in wireless and/or optical communication systems (e.g. from participating in R&D projects)
  • Knowledge of simulation tools for wireless communication systems.
  • Publications in scientific journals or conferences in areas related to the title of the position.
  • Experience/knowlwdge in quantum communication systems

Additional Information

The enrollments of the Doctoral Candidates (DCs) are under very attractive employment conditions and competitive salaries offered in Marie-Curie Doctoral Networks.

Candidates must also meet the following criteria:

1) be of any nationality, but must not have resided or carried out main activity in France, for more than 12 months in the last 36 months;

2) have not yet been awarded a PhD degree.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, nationality, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

The applications must be received from 1-30 September 2024 (the deadline may be extended if the position is not filled by then) by email to the supervisor with CC to [email protected] including the following documents ( all strictly in PDF format ):

  • Curriculum vitae,
  • Master [alternatively, the expected graduation date of Master degree] and Bachelor diplomas (in a single PDF file),
  • Master and Bachelor grades’ transcripts (in a single PDF file),
  • Motivation letter (limited to 500 words),
  • The name and contact information of two references or two recommendation letters (in a single PDF file).

Also, the applicants must fill the application form following the URL below,…

Work Location(s)

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Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships

The University will offer PhD scholarships for students starting their PhD research at the University in the 2024-2025 academic session.

In order to attract the best and brightest PhD students, the University seeks to offer not only unparalleled research facilities and superb supervision, but also to provide development opportunities which will support our research students as they progress beyond their PhD, through an exciting scholarship scheme.

The University of Edinburgh has been working for some time to embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in its activities and to widen participation (WP) for students from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds . The Doctoral College is committed to embedding EDI in all of its policies and processes, and by widening access to postgraduate study to traditionally underrepresented groups, including BAME students and those from the most deprived communities in Scotland and the rest of the world. The Doctoral College wishes to attract the greatest diversity of applications to this scheme and will ensure that recruitment processes are robust and unbiased.

Each scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as a stipend of £ 18,622p.a.  Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships are awarded for between three and four years as agreed by the School/Deanery (or pro-rata for part time).

** For the Business School only : Four year EDCS funding is only available for applicants to the 4 year integrated PhD programmes. Applicants on 3 year PhD programmes are eligible for 3.5 years of EDCS funding but the award holder would be funded by the Business School for an additional 6 months.***


The awards are open to UK and overseas students applying to start their first year of study for an on-campus research degree in 2024-2025.

Applicants must have already applied for admission to a full-time or part-time on campus PhD research programme of study at the University. We encourage applicants who wish to apply for this scholarship to make contact with their academic school regarding any admission deadlines.

Please check the Entry Requirements for your proposed programme of study for details of other acceptable English language qualifications. 

You may apply for the scholarship prior to obtaining the necessary English language test results but the results should be uploaded as soon as possible.

These awards cannot be held concurrently with fully-funded scholarships but can be held with partially-funded scholarships and will be reduced pro-rata.

Applicants must be of outstanding academic merit and research potential. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 honours degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent.

Other factors such as financial status, nationality and the proposed field of study are not taken into account.

The University will not generally consider candidates who have already obtained a PhD, or formal equivalent, as a result of direct research training.

Undertake a package of training and development which will help them to develop the necessary skills required to meet their career choices and offer them a breadth of development opportunities in areas such as teaching, public engagement, entrepreneurship, data science, and research.

Terms and Conditions

Applications are no closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Applications deadlines will vary by School/Deanery and will be linked to the application deadline for programmes.

Further information about each school can be found by clicking on the specific school link below table.

School Number of Scholarships Available 3 1/2  Year Tenure 4 Year Tenure Closing Date
1 No Yes
1 No Yes
  1 Yes Yes
   3 No Yes

1 Yes No
  1 Yes No
  1 No Yes
   1 Yes No
1 No Yes
  3 Yes No
1 Yes No
  1 Yes No
  1 No Yes
1 Yes No
  1 Yes No
1 No Yes
1 No Yes
  1 Yes No
1 Yes No
3 No Yes
1 No Yes
1 Yes No

Selection Procedure

The University will use the information you provide on your scholarship application form together with the information contained in the supporting documentation (reference and academic transcript) which you submitted as part of your application for admission to administer and assess your scholarship application and to select successful applicants.

Shortlisted candidates should expect to be invited to attend an interview which will take place either in person or by telephone.


All applicants will be notified of the outcome by the relevant school.   For further information, please contact the school directly.

This article was published on 2024-07-29


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  1. Academic Transcripts

    Graduates from 2012 onwards: University of Edinburgh graduates from 2012 onwards can view and send their Academic Transcript/HEAR electronically via the Alumni Portal. Graduates prior to 2012: For those who graduated from the University before 2012, place an order via the Academic Transcript Order Form.The content of the transcript varies depending on the degree held and the date of graduation.

  2. Academic Transcript Order Form

    Current students: You can send a link to a PDF from MyEd. Use this form if you require a hard copy of your transcript, or if for any reason the MyEd option is not available. Graduates prior to 2012: Use this form to request a PDF or hard copy of your transcript. Graduates from 2012 onwards: Please use the Alumni Portal for electronic copies.

  3. Degree certificates and academic transcripts

    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a "Recognised body" which has been granted degree awarding powers.

  4. Official Documents

    Graduates and former students of the University of Edinburgh. Academic Transcript. Academic Statement. Third Party Degree Verification (employers etc) Certified copy of Degree Certificate. Replacement Degree Certificate. Souvenir Latin Parchment. Legalisation of documents. This article was published on 2024-07-29.

  5. PhDs

    PhD projects and studentships are defined pieces of research that an organisation wishes to explore. A research council may have provided funding for the project to ensure its successful outcome, although not all defined PhD projects have funding associated with them. ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland ...

  6. Certified Copies of Degree Certificates

    Placing an order for a certified copy of your degree. Send an email to [email protected] with subject heading Certified Degree Certificate. Attach a clear, legible image or scan of your original degree certificate -- .pdf, .jpeg , .png are accepted -- to which we will apply the necessary stamps/signatures. Include a postal address to which we ...

  7. Theses

    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a "Recognised body" which has been granted degree awarding powers.

  8. PhD Frequently Asked Questions

    When you submit your Master's transcript you must include a grading scheme. The grading scheme explains the coding your previous University used when marking. This is often found on the reverse of your transcript or as an additional page at the end of your transcript. For example, the grading scheme may translate a score of 75% as a Distinction.

  9. PhD Required Documents

    You must provide at least your official transcript and grading scheme, CV, research proposal, ... Your research proposal is an essential part of your application that will be used to assess your suitability for the PhD programme. It should be approximately 3,000 to 5,000 words in length and clearly explain the research hypothesis, objectives ...

  10. How to apply for a PhD

    Step 2: Apply online. Make an online application to the appropriate PhD programme (s) (see below) . You will be asked to upload documents at the start of the application process. The documentation that we require you to upload to your application is: Interim or final transcript (s) - (depending on what stage you are at in your studies) of your ...

  11. Academic Transcripts

    Your final grade for each course will be uploaded to MyEd around six weeks after the assessment period has ended - some marks may appear sooner but they must be formally ratified by exam boards before a final grade can be confirmed. Official UoE transcripts are then automatically sent to your home institution, in February (Semester 1 students ...

  12. PhD by Distance

    The PhD by Distance mode is available to all applicants for eligible HCA PhD programmes, who will apply via the Postgraduate Degree Finder. Applicants will select between on-campus and distance options, as well as between part-time and full-time options. PhD by Distance students will receive the same level of support and supervision as on ...

  13. FAQs

    The transcript is usually issued by Student Administration/Registry of the relevant institution. If the transcript is not in English you will also need to submit a certified translation (see below). ... It may be possible to arrange for you to transfer from another institution and for you to complete your PhD at the University of Edinburgh. You ...

  14. Transcripts

    The transcript will be produced on official Edinburgh Napier Transcript paper. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]. Search Filter. Apply. Transcripts. Transcript - Paper copy. £5.00. Add to Basket ... Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh, EH14 1DJ Telephone: 08452 60 60 40.

  15. Doctoral thesis submission

    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a "Recognised body" which has been granted degree awarding powers.

  16. Required Documents Guidelines

    The one exception to this is that you may submit your English language certificate after you have submitted your online application for the PhD programme. Any offer made will be conditional on provision of your English certificate at the minimum letter. Required Supporting Documents. 1. Research Proposal or Cover Letter. 2. Degree Certificates. 3.

  17. Electronic Document Service

    Electronic Document Service. The University of Edinburgh Electronic Document Service delivers current students documents to their intended recipients in a secure electronic format from the student MyEd portal under My Student Record. A link to an electronic copy of the selected document is automatically delivered to one or more specified email ...

  18. Applying for a PhD

    Applications for postgraduate study are made online using the University's online application system. You should apply as early as possible. In addition to completing the online application form you will be required to upload supporting documentation. For full details on how to apply please click on the link below. Application guidance.

  19. The University of Edinburgh

    The Edinburgh Earth, Ecology and Environment Doctoral Training Partnership (E4 DTP), led by the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, is funded by NERC to recruit and train 5 cohorts of PhD students annually between 2019 and 2023. Video: A day in my PhD life. PhD students in Environmental Sciences talk about their day-to-day life.

  20. Fully funded PhD project under Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks

    PhD supervision: University of Edinburgh, UK ; TESAT, Germany; ... Master and Bachelor grades' transcripts (in a single PDF file), Motivation letter (limited to 500 words), ... University of Edinburgh Country United Kingdom City Edinburgh Postal Code EH9 3FD Geofield. Contact City. Edinburgh.

  21. Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

    Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Our MPhil (Master of Philosophy) award is an advanced research qualification that is often awarded to students who have completed the first two years of a PhD programme, but ultimately decide not to finish the full doctorate. The MPhil is a qualification in its own right. It resembles a PhD but generally takes two ...

  22. PhD fee structure

    If you submit for a PhD by publication, you will need to pay an examination fee on submission. Year Exam fee ; 2023-2024: £2,625: PhD programme fees. PhD programme fees for each year of study can be found on our postgraduate research fees page. ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration ...

  23. Applying

    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a "Recognised body" which has been granted degree awarding powers.

  24. Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships

    Award. Each scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as a stipend of £18,622p.a. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships are awarded for between three and four years as agreed by the School/Deanery (or pro-rata for part time). **For the Business School only: Four year EDCS funding is only available for applicants to the ...